������� CAFE WALL (����� ����). ������ ������. Cafe Wall illusion (original) (raw)

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������� CAFE WALL (����� ����)

������� "����� ����" Cafe Wall illusion

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[Fraser, J. (1908) A new illusion of visual direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320.]

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Digital Harbour Port 1010 � ���������, ���������.
���� Chris Lusby Taylor

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| | ���������� �� ����: � Fraser, J. (1908) A new illusion of visual direction. British Journal of Psychology, 2, 307-320. � Gregory RL & Heard P (1979) Border locking and the Cafe Wall illusion. Perception 8:365�380 � Lulich DP & Stevens KA (1989) Differential contributions of circular and elongated spatial filters to the Cafe Wall illusion. Biol Cybernetics 61:427�435 � Woodhouse, J. M. and Taylor, S. P. (1987) Further studies of the Cafe Wall and Hollow Squares illusions. Perception, 16, 467-471. � Anstis, S. and C. Tyler, (1980) "Induced tilt from checkerboards: Edges vs. Fourier components," Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 19, 165 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

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