NSW Parliament looks to stack Sydney City Council - again! (original) (raw)
One of the traditional rights that all newly elected NSW governments think accrues to them is the right to determine who should be Lord Mayor of Sydney.
For eight decades both sides of NSW politics have viewed Sydney's Lord Mayoralty as a bauble to be delivered as soon as possible to someone that the new government thinks is right and proper to hold the position.
For decades the council's boundaries have been expanded, divided, further sub-divided and expanded yet again. Voting has been switched back and forth between compulsory and voluntary. Wards have been single member, multi-member or done away with altogether. The electoral system has switched back and forth between single member, multi-member winner-takes-all and proportional representation. The non-resident roll has been expanded and contracted and the position of Lord Mayor has sometimes been by popular election and at other times elected by the Council.
As I will outline below, all of these changes have been tied to an attempt by the government of the day to engineer the electoral system so that their man (only the last two have been female) becomes Lord Mayor.
Given this history, I think it is entirely right to take a jaundiced view on the latest wheezing cry to change the City of Sydney's electoral system. No one has actually cried to be rid of this meddlesome Lord Mayor, but the current proposals appear designed with malice towards Independent Clover Moore's continuance in office.
The legislation is proposed by the Shooters and Fishers Party but given support by the Baird government. Against Australia's egalitarian traditions, it creates a situation where people putting votes in the same ballot box will not be treated equally in determining the result of an election.
It may be, given the importance of the Sydney CBD to the state's economy, that state government's should have more say over the governance of the CBD. The large number of non-residents who move in and out of the CBD each day is another argument as to why city councils should be treated like citadels where different rules apply.
However, these are arguments for state governments having greater say over city councils, not for state governments to change the voting rules to get the council they want.
Having resisted the urge to meddle for three years under Barry O'Farrell, new Premier Mike Baird appears to have buckled to pressure to do the right thing and fiddle the City of Sydney's voting laws to get someone business friendly into the job of Lord Mayor. It's time to deliver ermine for your supporters Premier!
It is hard not to see malice towards Independent Lord Mayor Clover Moore in the proposed bill. Put forward by Robert Borsak of the Shooters and Fishers Party, it expands the business roll by making business enrolment compulsory, making voting by businesses compulsory, and by giving businesses as defined in the bill two votes.
As Mr Borsak justifies multiple votes in his speech-
Others will ask: Why should business get two votes and why should it be compulsory? Eligible voters are required to vote-pure and simple; that is the law. The way to ensure accountability for any government is through the protection that the ballot box brings. This is called democracy. Everyone pays rates. A household pays only one set of rates, which is substantially less than a business pays. Yet most households have two or more eligible voters living there; they get to have a say for the payment of only one set of rates. If businesses are forced to pay rates those same businesses should have a say as to how those rates are used. Uninformed comment by those opposing this bill would have one believe that overseas investors will be able to vote in the City of Sydney council elections. They will not be able to vote. Only those entitled to vote at a State or Federal election will have that privilege. This bill is being introduced to try to give an honest reflection of what a majority of eligible voters want to see happen in the city of Sydney.
The paragraph is a wonderful bit of sophistry because the bill redefines what an eligible voter is, gives some of the newly eligible voters multiple votes, and then justifies the result because it delivers the will of the majority of eligible voters.
The logic here is trying to tap into the argument of the American revolution about no taxation without representation. Yet it is distorting this argument into one that says those who pay more taxes should get more votes.
Property franchises disappeared in Australia in lower houses of parliament more than a century ago. They disappeared from upper houses by the 1960s. The last household franchise disappeared from the South Australian Legislative Council in the 1970s.
The non-resident property franchise has continued to exist in NSW local government as well as in some other states. However, it has always been a non-resident property franchise, and in NSW a resident property owner did not get a second vote in the same council area by also owning a business or property.
The two votes idea is completely at odds with Australia history, and with democracy as understood in most western countries. It can only be viewed as a stalking horse for the real intent of the legislation, which is an expansion on the non-resident roll and the introduction of some form of compulsion in business enrolment and voting.
The bill is based on a report by the state's Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters that took a huge interest in Melbourne City Council's voting system that has provisions in favour of the business vote and tends to fill Melbourne City Council with non-resident councillors.
The proposed bill may be the first time in NSW history that a piece of legislation has been proposed entirely on the principle 'they do it in Melbourne'. By comparison, there is no business or non-resident voting of any kind in Queensland, but that is the only state that takes local government seriously.
Mr Borsak may have been far too honest in moving this bill, as the list of names he thanked has made a lot of people smell a rat in the bill's proposal.
I also thank 2GB broadcaster Alan Jones, who has been a driving force for this change for a long time. Without his assistance, I doubt whether the Government would have been persuaded to support this sensible and long-overdue bill. I also thank the Daily Telegraph, and in particular Andrew Clennell and Alicia Wood. They have also been supportive of the proposal to allow those who financially support the City of Sydney through rates to have a say in how the council is run. It would be remiss of me not to thank also Premier Mike Baird for his support for this bill. The previous Premier did not have the same vision or foresight, and worked behind the scenes to torpedo these sensible changes. I also thank the current Minister for Local Government and member for Bathurst, Paul Toole, for his strong support.
Thanking a couple of Clover Moore's biggest critics in proposing the bill may not have been a wise move, nor having a swipe at Barry O'Farrell in justifying the bill. At least Mr Borsak stopped short of calling for Clover Moore to be put in a chaff bag and dumped off Sydney heads.
The current bill looks like a stalking horse for changes to the non-resident roll. That is a separate argument that should be had on the basis of principle, which makes the two votes proposal look like a bizarre distraction that the government can ditch as a 'compromise' in trying to achieve the reform it is really after.
A Little Bit of History
Below I've prepared a map of the shifting boundaries of Sydney City Council since 1908. As I will explain below, these changes had a strange habit of occurring around the same time as a change in state government. Click on the boxes to see the boundaries in different years. You can use your mouse to zoom and shift the map. If you are on a tablet it is a little more difficult to move the map.
Some of the years shown on the map are approximate. The year depends on whether you are referring to the passage of an act, the holding of an election or the taking of office for a council.
Sydney City Council existed as a council running from Cleveland Street to the Harbour from the 1850s, and also included the common lands around Moore Park that developed into sports grounds and showground. It included the old industrial suburbs from Pyrmont round to Surry Hills, the large populations that then lived in the city near the docks, as well as more mixed areas running east to Elizabeth Bay and Darlinghurst. The council also inherited Sydney University and Camperdown after the former Camperdown Council went bankrupt in 1908.
In 1948 the McKell Labor government engaged in a major re-arrangement of local government in Sydney, merging a large number of the city's council, and also trying to set up a metropolitan planning framework.
Sydney City was merged with a string of surrounding Labor voting councils in Glebe, Paddington, Alexandria, Darlington, Newtown, Erskinville, Redfern and Waterloo. Unsurprisingly this helped deliver Labor control of Sydney City Council.
In 1965 the Askin Coalition government came to office and set about re-arranging Sydney City. Paddington was hived off to Woollahra, Glebe to Leichhardt and half of Newtown to Marrickville. The rest of the council was split in two, Sydney City returning to the area north of Cleveland Street plus Sydney University and Moore Park, while South Sydney was carved out as a Labor bastion. The Askin government also expanded the non-resident vote and abolished compulsory voting for local government, causing a huge drop in turnout. The Liberal aligned Civic Reform Association won control of the Council.
The Wran Labor government elected in 1976 returned to compulsory voting and introduced popular election for the Lord Mayor and proportional representation. In 1980 Labor weakened the rights of business voters, and in 1981 went further by re-amalgamating Sydney and South Sydney Councils. This not only put Labor in control of the Council again, it ensured the Right had control of the Left within the Labor caucus.
The 1984 local government election delivered the balance of power to local Independents including Clover Moore and Frank Sartor. Labor was eventually forced to govern council in alliance with the Liberal/Civic Reform alderman. In March 1987 the council was sacked and new elections not held out of fear Frank Sartor or Clover Moore would be elected Lord Mayor in the run up to the Unsworth Labor government's date with electoral destiny.
So the newly elected Greiner government did not have to sack Sydney City Council on coming to office, but inherited the findings of an inquiry by Judge Goran into the proper structure of a city government. He recommended a central core of the city to be election free and run by a commission of 'entrepreneurs who are specially skilled in their duties'. The rest of Sydney City Council outside of this core would become an elected municipal body and retain the name City of Sydney and the Lord Mayoralty.
The Greiner government found it impossible to be quite so dismissive of local democracy, and created this core area as a residual Sydney City Council with the Lord Mayoralty, while the rest of the council became a new City of South Sydney. At the first election Civic Reform's Jeremy Bingham was elected Lord Mayor, but in 1991 local democracy bit back as Independent Frank Sartor was elected Lord Mayor. He remained in the post until resigning in 2003 to enter state Parliament for the Labor Party. Lucy Turnbull became the new Lord Mayor pending elections.
But the Carr Labor government now decided to engage in a new fiddle. Ahead of the 2004 local government elections, Sydney and South Sydney councils were re-amalgamated, with Glebe also returned to the City Council. Labor's candidate for Lord Mayor in the new expanded council was former Keating government minister Michael Lee.
However, in expanding the Council, Sydney City now included much of the territory represented for two decades in state Parliament by Independent Clover Moore. She was easily elected Lord Mayor in 2004, 2008 and again in 2012, her team also controlling the council.
Moore's victory in 2012 came at a price for her, as a change to the local government act required Moore to resign from state parliament before she could be sworn in for a third time as Lord Mayor. While that change had been dubbed the 'get Clover Moore' bill, it was a change at least backed by principle. NSW was the only state that permitted people to serve simultaneously in both local government and state or federal parliament.
Now we have a new major change proposal for local government elections. Given the history I've outlined above, it is a little difficult to view the proposed changes as anything other than being a state government trying again to get its way on who should be Lord Mayor of Sydney.
(Much of the above history is based on the following article. "A Short Electoral History of the Sydney City Council 1842-1992" by Dr Hilary Golder.)
I appreciate your detailed piece on the city of Sydney history and voting system, however I am concerned at some of it's contents. I am both a resident and business owner in the City of Sydney and at the last election, I voted as a resident and proxied out my vote as a non-residential owner, to an lector who lived outside the LGA, so I had two votes. Sadly you failed to note the current right of two votes. I am incredibly disappointed that you have made you personal views so obvious when you have previously always maintained a professional analytic approach.
COMMENT: You make a very valid point about the problem of trying to police business votes. The spirit of the current law is that no person is entitled to two votes, so if the structure of business voting is allowing it, then you raise an important concern.
This is a blog, it is full of my opinions. I've provided a history of the electoral system and the manipulation of Sydney city's electoral system. I could have been a total wimp and said nothing having laid out the evidence, but I think my opinion is justified.
- Katherine Goldman September 05, 2014 at 07:18 PM
It seems odd that Sydney City Council boundaries are always adjusted by the government in power. Something like this would be rare in the U.S especially in California, as it would require a referendum to change boundaries.
Are other city boundaries in NSW other than Sydney changed frequently?
Wouldn't it be better if the NSW constitution was amended to stop this practice, and require a majority in the NSW parliament, an election in between, and another majority in the NSW parliament to ratify the changes of LGA, or at least a majority in the NSW parliament, and a referendum in the areas concerned with an absolute majority approval, and a 40% quorum of registered voters?
COMMENT: Local government has a different constitutional basis in the United States. Whether it would be better or not for referendums to change NSW local council boundaries is a matter of opinion. As it stands local government boundaries are determined entirely by the state government, though it usually appoints some form of commission first to examine options. There has never been a requirement for local approval of boundary changes.
- Rob September 06, 2014 at 11:54 AM
As you say "For eight decades both sides of NSW politics have viewed Sydney's Lord Mayoralty as a bauble to be delivered as soon as possible to someone that the new government thinks is right and proper to hold the position".
If both Labor and Liberal agree that Moore is an issue, why doesn't the Premier of the day just boot her the way they got rid of Wollongong and Warringah Councils?
Whilst it would be an unjustified move, Local Governments have no constitutional power and can be dismissed (despite being democratically elected) by NSW Parliament. Especially in the Liberals case where they have nothing to lose as they don't look to ever win the Sydney area at Local, State or Federal levels.
Wouldn't this save a lot of the BS re: tinkering around the edges with reform.
I would also think that once Moore is removed, the issue of an Independent reclaiming that post would be significantly more difficult.
COMMENT: Local government may not have a constitutional basis but it has a legal basis. The Local Government Act states the grounds under which a Council. can be sacked. The government can't act against the limits on its powers set out in in statute law passed by the parliament. It could use parliament to repeal the law but it can't just ignore the law or it could find itself humiliated in the courts.
- Lachlan September 08, 2014 at 04:33 PM
Antony, a good summary of the situation.
It's extremely unclear, philosophically, why non-natural persons should be enrolled in a council election. People would be astonished if it was suggested for State and Federal elections. It appears to be an echo of the former property franchise.
The only plausible explanation is that 'stakeholders' should have a say in how the City of Sydney runs. But you don't need a vote to have a say (although it can help). But there are many stakeholders - e.g. people who work in the city area. Choosing only some of them to have a vote (or two votes) - is arbitrary.
It would be better for only natural persons living in the area to have a vote. Apparently Qld has never had a non-natural person franchise for council elections - and the Brisbane City Council is one that some people have pointed to in which 'development is happening' and hence a model for the City of Sydney (as if development has not been happening in the City of Sydney area).
COMMENT: The government is currently running two local government agendas which are in conflict. One is the this stack based on the business vote. The second is council amalgamations.
Council amalgamation will not work if voters think their local area is going to get merged with a council area dominated by the business vote, which means their own vote is devalued.
There is a serious problem that Sydney City Council is rich and other councils are not. The response is not to stack the council with those paying the rates, but rather to find a better way to deal with redistributing the CBD rates wealth across a larger part of Sydney. It is significant in Brisbane the number of services provided by local government that in Sydney are provided by state government because councils are too small.
- Sacha Blumen September 09, 2014 at 08:30 AM
Would it 'fix' the problem (and possibly make local government better?) if the City of Sydney was amalgamated with other councils? Something like one council covering much more of the Sydney metropolitan area, similar to the size of Brisbane City Council.
P.S. As a Queenslander, I like the point about local government in Queensland.
- Brendan September 09, 2014 at 10:47 AM
I hate the new law that says Lord Mayors can not sit in State Parliament.
To be frank, Id rather the State Parliament be comprised entirely of the members of the local councils.
COMMENT: Given Mayors are now permitted to be paid full-time salaries as full-time Mayors, there is a good argument that Mayors should not also be in a second paid job in state parliament. NSW only brought its laws into line with every other state.
- Marty September 09, 2014 at 01:58 PM
Antony, on that last comment, some Mayors (certainly in Qld, and possibly in NSW) have suggested that the state upper house (recreated in the case of Qld) should be comprised on Mayors.
Apart from being self-serving, this is an odd suggestion as Mayors would not primarily be elected to be members of the state parliament - and in the case of NSW many are simply elected for a year at a time, sometimes being drawn from a hat. In addition, you would have a very large number of mayors from rural and regional areas and comparatively few from large urban areas. Upper houses might end up being conservative assemblies.
Hopefully this suggestion is never adopted.
(I've always supported reintroducing a Qld upper house, in order to disperse political authority. Politically it could be done by reducing the number of Qld lower house members by about 30 and introducing, say, a 29 member upper house. But Qld state governments are loathe to introduce something that diminishes their power.)
COMMENT: The re-creation of the Queensland Legislative Council would first require a referendum to be passed.
- Sacha Blumen September 10, 2014 at 12:40 PM
I always love reading your blogs as I often learn something new about the electoral/political systems in Australia.
As a Queenslander I was proud to read your comment "...Queensland, but that is the only state that takes local government seriously..."
I am amazed that in this day and age that both New South Wales and Victoria have/propose an electoral system that, in my opinion, isn't democratic.
- Martin September 10, 2014 at 01:17 PM