Same-sex marriage and the defining image that almost wasn't (original) (raw)
Minutes before the same-sex marriage bill passed in Australia, a lone voice was heard in the House of Representatives yelling "no!".
Key points:
- David Littleproud, Keith Pitt were the only two MPs to call for final vote
- If they hadn't called for a division, bill would've passed on voices alone
- They're now being flooded with thanks from SSM supporters and opponents
It was met with laughter from those in the public gallery, who had been sitting patiently all day to watch this moment of history.
When the Speaker suggested the "Ayes" (those in favour of passing the bill on same-sex marriage) were in the majority, a voice cried out again.
"The Noes have it!"
The laughter turned to groans of derision from many of those watching on, who couldn't believe, even at the finish line, someone was trying to delay the inevitable by forcing a division.
It turns out there were two people.
The procedure of "dividing" into the left and right of the chamber to count those for and against isn't automatic.
Often, when it's clear which side has the numbers, the voices alone are enough to settle the matter.
For the House to divide, two No voices are required.
The Speaker asked if there were two voices and eventually, a second "Noe" was discovered.
The first voice located was that of Nationals MP Keith Pitt, who had taken a seat on the frontbench, near the Speaker, to ensure he was heard.
The second was his Queensland colleague, David Littleproud, who was sitting on the backbench.
Since then, both MPs have been flooded with thanks from both supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage, across the political spectrum.
Nationals MPs David Littleproud and Keith Pitt (left) were among just four MPs to vote no on the same-sex marriage bill. (ABC News: Marco Catalano)
A promise to vote no, no matter what the postal survey said
Queensland backbencher David Littleproud represents the seat of Maranoa, the only Nationals seat in the country to have voted no.
He had promised to vote with his electorate no matter what the result.
In the end, 56.1 per cent of his constituents voted against legalising same-sex marriage.
So, in the final week of Parliament, Mr Littleproud informed his colleagues in the Nationals party room he was going to vote no on the floor of Parliament.
"By hell or highwater I was going to stick to my promise," he told the ABC.
Mr Pitt also told his party room he would be voting no. Both MPs alerted the Speaker, on the day, to listen out for their voices when the final question was put forward.
But when the moment came, Mr Littleproud says it wasn't easy.
The chamber had just erupted with an emphatic "Aye!". It was clear any resistance now was utterly futile.
"The adrenaline was running high, but I'm glad I did it," Mr Littleproud said.
"It was quite an intimidating moment, but I owed it to the people of my electorate to cast my vote."
David Littleproud promised to vote with his electorate no matter what the result of the national survey. (Supplied: David Littleproud)
Without the cry of no, the picture never would've happened
Backing down on his word would have not only broken a clear promise to his electorate, it would have denied Australia the defining image of the same-sex marriage parliamentary victory.
According to one prominent Yes supporter in Parliament, seeing Liberal, National, Labor, Greens and crossbench MPs crammed together on the Government benches, voting in favour of same-sex marriage, was an important display of unity and support for the LGBTI community, after a difficult and at times divisive debate.
Had Mr Pitt and Mr Littleproud not piped up and called for a division, the motion would have passed on the "Aye" voices alone and that defining image would never have happened.
We also wouldn't have known about the other Coalition members who intended to abstain from the final vote, even though, for some, that meant breaking a promise.
"My personal view is there should have been 17 No votes recorded," Mr Littleproud said.
Mr Pitt agreed.
"If you're going to be in the Parliament you should vote. You should have the courage of your convictions" he said.
Just four MPs voted against same-sex marriage in the chamber: Mr Littleproud and Mr Pitt, along with Liberal MP Russell Broadbent and crossbencher Bob Katter.
Messages of thanks
After the vote, as MPs hugged each other and waved a rainbow flag, Mr Littleproud says a lot of Yes supporters, including some from Labor, came up and thanked him for insisting on the division.
In the days since, he says he's received more than 100 emails of thanks from voters all over the country.
"A backbencher from outback Queensland normally doesn't get that many emails" he said.
As well as support from the Yes camp, Mr Littleproud says he's received a significant number of emails from No supporters in western Sydney, praising him for representing the wishes of his electorate.
Note: The first version of this story had it the other way around, but on closer inspection of the tape you can see the PM and Christopher Pyne turn around to their left, where Mr Pitt was sitting, to locate the voice. Then you see Mr Littleproud's hand at the bottom of the screen just before the second voice is located. Mr Littleproud insists he also cried "No" the first time.