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Elias Tzoc

Emera Bridger Wilson

Meet Member: Emera Bridger Wilson

Nicole LaMoreaux Black and White Headshot

Meet Member: Nicole LaMoreaux

Jill Cofield

Meet Member: Jill Cofield

Photo of Anneliese Taylor

Meet Member: Anneliese Taylor

Lorna Dawes Profile Photo

Amy Scheelke

Meet Member: Amy Scheelke

Kelly McCusker

Meet Member: Kelly McCusker

Jenny Horton Headshot

Meet Member: Jenny Horton

Jennifer Church-Duran

Meet Member: Jennifer Church-Duran

Ryan Otto

Image of Michael Courtney

Meet Member: Michael Courtney

Leslie Ross

Holt Zaugg

Fabio Montella, Suffolk County Community College

Meet Member: Fabio Montella

ACRL conference attendees

About ACRL

Representing nearly 8,500 individuals and libraries, the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), the largest division of the American Library Association, develops programs, products, and services to help those working in academic and research libraries learn, innovate, and lead within the academic community. Founded in 1940, ACRL is committed to advancing learning, transforming scholarship, and creating diverse and inclusive communities.

Get Involved

ACRL conference attendees in discussion

ACRL provides members with meaningful opportunities to become active in the profession. Our members give back to the association and gain essential experience in return.

members at rock hall web.jpg

As a member of the academic and research library community, you are motivated by the extraordinary possibilities that higher education offers, dedicating your career to improving our educational systems.