Awards (original) (raw)
REVISED: 1/13/15
Aviation Awards & Honoraria
Conceived by Dr Raymond L Puffer
(John R) Alison Award = Administered by Air Force Association (AFA).
19--- - info needed
2001 - George David, United Technologies
Arnold Trophy = Presented to aerospace's "Man of the Year" for most outstanding contributions to aerospace activity. Memorializes Gen Henry H "Hap" Arnold. Established 1948.
1948 - W Stuart Symington
1949 - MajGenl William H Tunner & Berlin Airlift crews
1950 - UN Airmen of the Far East
1951 - LtGenl Curtis E LeMay and SAC personnel
1952 - Senators Lyndon B Johnson & Joseph C O'Mahoney
1953 - Genl Hoyt S Vandenberg, USAF
1954 - John Foster Dulles
1955 - Genl Nathan F Twining, USAF
1956 - W Stuart Symington
1957 - Edward P. Curtis
1958 - MajGenl Bernard A Schriever, USAF
1959 - Genl Thomas S Power, USAF
1960 - Genl Thomas D White, USAF
1961 - Lyle S Garlock
1962 - Dr. A C Dickieson & John R Pierce, Bell Labs
1963 - 363 Tactical Recon Wing TAC & 4080 Strategic Wing SAC
1964 - Genl Curtis E LeMay, USAF
1965 - Second Air Division, Pacific Air Forces
1966 - 8, 12, 355, 366, 388 Fighter Wings & 432, 460 Recon Wings
1967 - Genl William W Momyer, USAF
1968 - Apollo 8 crew
1969 - none awarded
1970 - Apollo 11 team
1971 - Dr John S Foster Jr
1972 - Air Units of the Allied Forces in SE Asia
1973 - Genl John D Ryan, USAF
1974 - Genl George S Brown, USAF
1975 - James R Schlesinger
1976 - Senator Barry M Goldwater
1977 - Senator Howard W Cannon
1978 - Genl Alexander M Haig Jr, USA
1979 - Senator John C Stennis
1980 - Genl Richard H Ellis, USAF
1981 - Genl David C Jones, USA
1982 - Genl Lew Allen, Jr
1983 - President Ronald W Reagan
1984 - The Scowcroft Commission
1985 - Genl Bernard W. Rogers, USA
1986 - Genl Charles A. Gabriel, USAF
1987 - Adm William J Crowe Jr, USN
1988 - GLCM Team
1989 - Genl Larry D Welch, USAF
1990 - Genl John T Chain Jr, USAF
1991 - LtGenl Charles A Horner, USAF
1992 - Genl Colin L Powell, USA
1993 - Genl Merrill A McPeak, USAF
1994 - Genl John M Loh, USAF
1995 - World War II Veterans
1996 - Genl Ronald R Fogleman, USAF
1997 - Men and Women of the USAF
1998 - General Richard E Hawley
1999 - LtGenl Michael C Short, USAF
2000 - Genl Michael E Ryan, USAF
2001 - Genl Joseph W Ralston, USA
2002 - Genl Richard B Myers, USAF
2003 - LtGenl T Michael Moseley, USAF
2004 - no data
2005 -
Aviator's Valor Award = Presented annually by American Legion Post #473, New York, to recognize a conspicuous act of valor or courage performed during aerial flight, in or out of combat, by a rated officer of the USAF.
Bane Award = Administered by Institute of Aeronautical Sciences to memorialize Thurman H Bane, given to an officer or civilian of the Air Research & Development Command of the USAF for an outstanding achievement in aeronautical development during the year. 1943-1956.
1943 - LtCol Hollingsworth F Gregory
1944 - Col Donald J Keirn
1945 - Capt Myron Tribus
1946 - Col Leighton I Davis
1947 - Adolph L Berger
1948 - Col James M Gillespie
1949 - Capt Harold W Robbins
1950 - Col George W Goddard
1951 - J B Johnson
1952 - Maj Patrick L Kelly, Henry Seeler
1953 - Benjamin F Greene Jr
1954 - Helmut G Heinrich
1955 - Gottfried Guderley
Barnes Award = USAF Test Pilot School award presented to the most outstanding flight instructor of each graduating class. In memory of David B Barnes, a contractor test pilot for Northrop.
(Grover E) Bell Award = Established in the will of Lawrence D Bell in memory of his aviation pioneer brother, administered jointly by Institute of Aerospace Sciences, American Helicopter Society, and Helicopter Council of the Aircraft Industries Association. Awarded for the purpose of fostering and encouraging helicopter research and development in the US and given to the person(s) making an outstanding contribution in that field during the year.
1957 - Kurt J Hohenhauser
1958 - Engineers of Vertol Aircraft Corp
1959 - Igor I Sikorsky
1960 - Combat Development Office, US Army Aviation School
19--- - info needed
Bendix Trophy = Award for the winner of the Bendix Air Race held annually 1931-62 (except for World War II and 1951-52). Transcontinental race—usually Los Angeles (or Edwards AFB) to New York. Sponsored by Vincent Bendix of the Bendix Corp. 1946-1949: races divided into propeller-driven airplane division and an all-jet division. Last propeller Bendix race was in 1949; jet races ended in 1962 (B-58 was the winner). Trophy donated to Smithsonian in 1985.
Bendix Trophy for Aviation Safety = Award issued by the Allied Corporation (now AlliedSignal), which bought Bendix Corp in 1983. Recognizes contributions to aerospace safety.
Bond Memorial Aviator Award = Presented annually by the USAF Materiel Command to the test pilot who "exemplifies himself or herself as the best test pilot in the command." Memorializes LtGen Robert "Bobby" Bond.
Brewer Trophy = Administered by NAA honoring Frank G Brewer, awarded for geratest achievement in the field of Air Youth Education and Training by individuals or an organization.
1943 - Civil Aeronautics Administration
1944 - Edgar Fuller
1945 - H W Hurt
1946 - Frank E Sorenson, Univ of Nebraska
1947 - Nickolaus L Englehardt Jr
1948 - Philip S Hopkins, Link Aviation Co
1949 - Elsie W Adams
1950 - Lt John H Burton, USN
1951 - Harold E Mehrens, CAA
1952 - Civil Air Patrol
1953 - Leslie A Bryan, Univ of Illinois
1954 - John H Furbay, TWA
1955 - Willis C Brown
1956 - Ray C Mertes
1957 - Edwin A Link, Link Aviation Co
1958 - Evan Evans, NAEC
1959 - Paul E Garber, NASM
1960 - George N Gardner, PAA
1961 - James V Bernardo
1962 - Dr Merlyn McLaughlin
1963 - Marilyn Link
1964 - Gill Robb Wilson
1965 - Jane N Marshall
1966 - Dr Mervin K Strickler Jr
1967 - Dr Roland H Spaulding
1968 - Joseph T Geuting Jr
1969 - James H Straubel
1970 - Dr Walter Zaharevitz
1971 - Harold S Wood, Parks College
1972 - Dr Wayne O Reed
1973 - Dr Frederick B Tuttle
1974 - Dr Wayne R Matson
1975 - Dr Leslie Thomason
1976 - Dr J Wesley Crum
1977 - Don H Clausen
1978 - Michael Collins, NASM
1979 - Paul Poberezny, EAA
1980 - Dr Jerome P Keuper, Florida Tech
1981 - Edward B Stimpson
1982 - John V Sorenson
1983 - Senator Barry M Goldwater
1984 - Mary Jo Knouff
1985 - Charles A Anderson
1986 - Dr Paul A Whelan
1987 - Dr John D Odegard
1988 - Dr Curtis M Graves
1989 - no award
1990 - Lockhart J Smith Jr
1991 - Kenneth L Tallman
1992 - Dr Wallace R Maples
1993 - Gary W Kiteley
1994 - Raymond J Johnson
1995 - Dr Thomas J Connolly
1996 - Jack K Barker
1997 - Dr Frank G Mitchell
1998 - Gordon B Hoff
1999 - Russell W Watson
2000 - NASA Spacelink Team
2001 - The Ninety-Nines
2002 - Civil Air Patrol
2003 - Phillip S Woodruff
2004 - Deborah V Gallaway
2005 -
Caniff Spirit of Flight Award = National Aviation Hall of Fame annual award to individuals and organizations for their outstanding achievements or contributions to aviation. Memorializes renown artist and cartoonist Milton Caniff, creator of the popular Terry and the Pirates and Steve Canyon strips.
1981 - USAF Thunderbirds
1982 - AOPA
1983 - Double Eagle II
1984 - Ninety-Nines
1985 - Canadian Snowbirds
1986 - NASA Mercury Astronauts
1987 - Order of Daedalians, Dick Rutan & Jeanna Yeager
1988 - CAP
1989 - CAF
1990 - Tuskegee Airmen & Voyager Mission Team
1991 - USAF Logistics Command / Systems Command
1992 - Agricultural Aviation Industry
1993 - Doolittle Tokyo Raiders
1994 - National Guard Bureau
1995 - Air crews of WW2
1996 - WASPs
1997 - AFA
1998 - EAA
1999 - AVG / Flying Tigers
2000 - Natl Assn of State Aviation Officials
(James B) Cannell Award = Presented annually by the Air Force Historical Foundation to author of the best research study produced by a command-sponsored research fellow. The report selected is published as a book.
Chanute Flight Test Award = Presented annually by the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics for "notable contribution by a pilot to the aerospace sciences." Memorializes aviation pioneer Octave Chanute. Established in 1939.
1939 - Edmund T Allen, Boeing Co
1940 - Howard Hughes
1941 - Melvin N Gough, NACA
1942 - Albert L MacClain, Pratt & Whitney Corp
1943 - William H MacAvoy, NACA
1944 - Col Benjamin S Kelsey, USAAF
1945 - A Elliott Merrill & Robert T Lamson, Boeing Co
1946 - Ernest A Cutrell, ATC
1947 - Lawrence A Clousing, NACA
1948 - Herbert H Hoover, NACA
1949 - Capt Frederick M Trapnell, USN
1950 - Cmdr Donald B MacDiarmid, USCG
1951 - LtCol Marion E Carl, USMC
1952 - John C Seal, Cornell Aero Lab
1953 - William T Bridgeman, Douglas Co
1954 - George E Cooper. NACA
1955 - MGenl Albert Boyd
1956 - A M Johnson, Boeing Co
1957 - LtCol Frank K Everest Jr, USAF
1958 - A Scott Crossfield, North American Corp
1959 - John P Reeder, NASA
1960 - Joseph J Tymczyszyn
1961 - Joseph A Walker, NASA
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Cheney Medal = Bronze medal awarded annually to honor acts of valor, extreme fortitude or self-sacrifice in a humanitarian interest performed in connection with aircraft (not necessarily military). Memorializes USAS Lt Bill Cheney, killed in action on 1/20/18; award initiated by his family. Regarded as the "Peacetime Medal of Honor."
Daedalian Trophy = USAF award to the major command having the most effective aircraft accident prevention program for the previous calendar year.
De La Vauix Medal = Presented by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale to pilots who establish an official world speed record. Memorializes the pioneer balloonist for his 1900 France-Russia flight.
Doolittle Award = Presented by the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP) for outstanding technical management or engineering achievement in aerospace technology. Memorializes aviation pioneer James H Doolittle.
Dryden Semper Viper Award = Lockheed-Martin annual award to the civilian test pilot performing the most meritorious flight in an F-16. Named for General Dynamics production test pilot Dryden.
Ekeren Award = USAF Test Pilot School award presented to an outstanding pilot in each class. Memorializes USAF Capt H M Ekeren, who died in the crash of an F-108A on 4/8/59. Initiated in 1959, discontinued after Class 62C.
Elder Statesman of Aviation Award = Presented annually by the National Aeronautic Association to honor "outstanding Americans who, by their efforts over a period of years, have made contributions of significant value to aeronautics and have reflected credit upon America and themselves." Selectees must be at least 60 years old. Estabished 1954. Multiple recipients are too numerous to list, but most recent:
2005 - John D Anderson Jr, Eugene Deatrick, Elmer Gleske, Alan Gropman, Carl Vogt
Friend of the Society Award = The SETP award recognizing people outside of the field of flight test who provide exceptional support to the society outside. Two recipients per year.
General William E Mitchell Memorial Award = Annual award from Mitchell Air Force Assn (AFA) chapter to a person making the greatest contribution to aviation in any given year.
(Thomas P) Gerrity Award = Administered by the AFA.
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2001 - Maj Marcus F Novak, RAF
Harmon International Trophy = Initially presented annually by the Ligue Internationale des Aviateurs for the most outstanding contribution to flying during the preceeding year. Honored Clifford Burke Harmon, pioneer aviator and balloonist. Principal awards, gleaned from three to five categories, will be revised once an authoritative source is found:
1926 - LtCol George Pelletier-Dolsy
1927 - Charles A Lindbergh
1928 - Col Arturo Ferrarin
1929 - Maj Dieudonne Costes
1930 - Maj Dieudonne Costes
1931 - Air Marshall Italo Bilbo
1932 - Wolfgang von Gronau
1933 - Wiley Post
1934 - Charles W A Scott
1935 - Capt Edwin Musick, PAA
1936 - Howard Hughes
1937 - Henry T "Dick" Merrill
1938 - Howard Hughes
1939 - (Alexander de Seversky
1940-1948 - no awards made
1949 - LtGenl James H Doolittle, USAF
1950 - Col David C Schilling, USAF
1951 - Capt Charles F Blair, USAF
1952 - Col Bernt Balchen, USAF
1953 - Maj Charles E Yeager, USAF
1954 - J F Coleman
1955 - Grp Capt John Cunningham, RAF
1956 - LtCol Frank Everest, USAF
1957 - Genl Curtis E LeMay, USAF
1958 - Maj Andrè Turcat
1959 - Capt Joe B Jordan, USAF
1960 - Capt Joseph A Walker, Maj Robert M White, USAF
1961 - LtCol William R Payne,
1962 - Maj Fitzhugh L Fulton Jr
1963 - Maj L Gordon Cooper
1964 - Max Conrad
1965 - Cdr James Lovell Jr, LtCol Frank Borman, Capt Wally Shirra, Maj Thomas P Stafford 1966 - Cdr James Lovell Jr, Maj Edwin E Aldrin, Maj Edward H White II
1967 - Maj William J Knight
1968 - Maj Jerrauld R Gentry
1969 - SqnLdr Thomas Lecky-Thompson, SqnLdr Graham Williams
1970 - Brian Trubshaw, Maj Andr� Edouard Turcat
1971 - LtCol Thomas B Estes, LtCol Dewain C Vick
1972 - LtCol. Edgar L Allison
1973 - Col Edward Nash
1974 - no award presented
1975 - LtCol Herbert M Fix
1976-78 - no award presented
1979 - Byran Allen
1980 - Ltjg John Currier
1981 - Jerry Foster
1982 - Dormon Cannon
1983 - no award presented
1984 - Senator Barry Goldwater
1985 - no award presented
1986 - CWO Jon Iseminger
1987 - Allen E Paulson
1988 - Kanellos Kanellopoulos
1989 - Capt George A Hof Jr, Dr Max E Shauck
1990-92 - no award presented
1993 - Vance D Brand
1994 - no award presented
1995 - Eileen M Collins
1996 - no data
1997 - no data
1998 - J Stephen Fossett
1999 - Breitlinger Orbit Team
2000 - David Hempleman-Adams
2001 - Richard Abruzzo
2002 - J Stephen Fossett
2003 - Richard Abruzzo
2004 - David Hempleman-Adams
2005 - Richard Abruzzo, Carol Rymer Davis
2006 - no award presented
Henderson Award = Originally presented in the to outstanding pilots at the National Air Races in the 1930s. Clifford Henderson was one of the organizers of NAR and managed the races 1928-39. The National Aviation Club reactivated the award in 1986 and changed the criteria. Numerous multiple recipients each year to 1972.
1973-1980 - no data
1981 - Genl Alton D Slay, USAF
1982 - Anne M Lindbergh & LtGenl James H Doolittle
1983 - Ernest K Gann
1986 - A W "Tony" LeVier
1987 - Walter J Boyne
1988 - MajGenl Leigh Wade, USAF
1989 - ViceAdm Donald D Engen, USN
1990 - Major General Clifton F von Kann
1991 - John L Baker
1992 - Genl Russell E Dougherty
1994 - Ten US Aerospace Companies
1995 - J Kenneth Higgins
1997 - Tom Poberezny
1998 - Cliff Robertson
1999 - Eugene Deatrick
2000 - LtCol Spann Watson, USAF
2001 - USAF Academy
2002 - Lt.Gen Thomas H Miller, USMC
2003 - William F Chana & Jerome Lederer
2004 - Admiral Wesley L McDonald, USN
2005 - Martha King
Honts Award = USAF Test Pilot School trophy presented to outstanding member of class for academic achievement and flying excellence. Replaced in 1965 by the Liethen-Tittle Award. Memorialized USAF Capt Anderson B Hontz Jr, who died in the crash of a B-57B on 2/8/55. Initiated in 1956.
Hughes Achievement Trophy = Presented annually by corporate sponsor Hughes Aircraft Co to the top USAF squadron with an air defense mission.
Jabara Award for Airmanship = From the Air Force Academy, memorializing Korean War ace Maj James Jabara. Individuals are nominated by each USAF Major Command.
Jones Award = USAF Test Pilot School (TPS) award presented to an engineer or navigator with the best overall record in report writing, flight test management, and academic excellence. Jointly established in 1979 by TPS and the Society of Flight Test Engineers. Replaced the Outstanding Flight Test Engineer Award. Named for Col R L Jones, former TPS instructor and deputy commandant of the school, who was instrumental in formulating the flight test engineer program.
(Kelly) Johnson Award = Presented annually by the International Society of Flight Test Engineers, for outstanding achievement in the field of flight test engineering. Memorializes Lockheed engineer-designer Clarence L "Kelly" Johnson. Established 1973.
Kinchloe Award = Presented by the SETP recognizing outstanding professional accomplishment in the field of flight testing. Memorializes test pilot and world record holder Iven C Kincheloe.
Klemin Award = Honoring Dr Alexander Klemin, given for engineering, design, and invention in the field of rotary-wing aircraft. Administered by American Helicopter Society.
1951 - Igor I Sikorsky
1952 - Louis Bréguet
1953 - Raoul Hafner
1954 - Michael Gluhareff, Sikorsky Corp
1955 - Bartram Kelly, Bell Aircraft Corp
1956 - Charles H Zimmerman, NACA Langley
1957 - Capt Wayne Eggert, USAF (posthumous)
19-- - info needed
Langley Medal = Initiated by Alexander Graham Bell for the purpose of presenting an American award to the Wright brothers, established by the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, and presented specifically on notable occasions.
1909 - Orville & Wilbur Wright
1913 - Glenn H Curtiss, Gustave Eiffel
1927 - Charles A Lindbergh
1929 - Richard E Byrd, Charles M Manly (posthumous)
1935 - Joseph S Ames
1955 - Jerome C Hunsaker
1960 - Robert H Goddard (posthumous)
1962 - Hugh Latimer Dryden 1964 - Alan B Shepard Jr
1967 - Wernher von Braun
1971 - Samuel C Phillips
1976 - Grover Loening, James E Webb
1981 - Charles Stark Draper, Robert T Jones
1983 - Jay Coburn, H Ross Perot Jr
1987 - Barry Goldwater
1992 - Benjamin O Davis Jr
1999 - Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins
LeVier Flight Test Safety Award = Recognizes exceptional individuals or teams who have contributed most significantly to flight test safety during the previous year. Established by Kalman & Co, honoring Lockheed test-pilot Tony LeVier.
Liethen-Tittle Award = USAF Test Pilot School award presented to a pilot in each class who achieved the best overall record for outstanding flying performance and academic excellence. Initiated in 1966; replaced A B Honts Award. Named for Maj Frank Liethen Jr, Class 61C, who lost his life flying with the Thunderbirds in 1966, and Maj David Tittle, Class 55D, who lost his life testing the XC-5 VSTOL aircraft at Edwards AFB in 1966.
Mackay Trophy = Presented by the National Aeronautic Association (NAA) for the most meritorious flight of the year by a USAF member, members, or organization. Established by industrialist Clarence H Mackay in 1912.
1912 - Lt Henry H Arnold
1913 - 2Lts Joseph E Carberry & Fred Seydel
1914 - Capt T F Dodd & Lt S W Fitzgerald
1915 - Lt B Q Jones
1916-1917 - none presented
1918 - Capt Edward V Ricknbacker
1919 - Lt Belvin N Maynard et al
1920 - Capt St Clair Streett
1921 - Lt James A Macready
1922 - Lts James A Macready & C G Kelly
1923 - Lts James A Macready & C G Kelly
1924 - Capt Lowell H Smith
1925 - Lts James H Doolittle & Cyrus K Bettis
1926 - Maj Herbert A Dargue et al
1927 - Capts Lester J Maitland & A F Hegenberger
1928 - Lt Harry A Sutton
1929 - Capt Albert W Stevens
1930 - Maj Ralph Royce
1931 - BGenl Benjamin D Foulois
1932 - Lt Charles H Howard et al
1933 - Capt Westside T Larson
1934 - BGenl Henry H Arnold
1935 - Maj A W Stevens & Capt O A Anderson
1936 - Capt Richard E Nugent et al
1937 - Capt Carl J Crane & George V Holloman
1938 - LtCol Robert Olds & 2nd Bombardment Group
1939 - Personnel of mercy flight to Chile
1940-1946 - none presented
1947 - Capt Charles E Yeager
1948 - LtCol Emil Beaudry
1949 - Capt James G Gallagher
1950 - 27th Fighter Wing
1951 - Col Fred J Ascani
1952 - Majs L H Carrington & F W Shook, Capt W D Yancy
1953 - SAC 40th Air Division
1954 - SAC 38th Air Division
1955 - Col Horace A Hanes
1956 - Capt Iven C Kincheloe Jr
1957 - SAC 93rd Bombardment Wing
1958 - TAC Composite Air Strike Force
1959 - Thunderbirds demo team
1960 - 6593rd Test Sqdn, Hickam AFB
1961 - LtCol W R Payne, Majs W L Polthemus & R R Wagener
1962 - Maj R G Sowers, Capts R MacDonald & John T Walton
1963 - C-47 Extol Pink Crew
1964 - 464th Troop Carrier Wing (TAC)
1965 - YF-12A/SR-71 Test Force
1966 - LtCol Albert R Howarth
1967 - Maj John J Casteel et al
1968 - LtCol Daryl D Cole
1969 - 9th Tactical Fighter Wing
1970 - Capt Alan D Milacek et al
1971 - LtCol Thomas B Estes & Maj Dewain C Vick
1972 - Capts R S Ritchie, C B DeBellevue, J S Feinstein
1973 - MATS Operation Homecoming
1974 - Majs R J Smith, D W Peterson, W R MacFarlane
1975 - Maj Robert W Undorf
1976 - Capt James W Yule
1977 - C-5 Aircrew Mission AAM 1962-01
1978 - C-5 Aircrew Mission AM 770021
1979 - Maj James E McArdle Jr
1980 - S-21 & S-31 Crews, 644th Bombardment Sqn SAC
1981 - Capt John J Walters
1982 - Capt Richard L Cavendish et al
1983 - KC-135A Crew E-113 of SAC
1984 - LtCol James L Hobson Jr
1985 - LtCol David E Faught
1986 - Capt Marc D Felman et al
1987 - Detachment 15, AF Plant Rep Office et al
1988 - Military Airlift Wing C-5 Crew
1989 - 96th Bombardment Wing B-1B Crew
1990 - AC-130H Crew, Mission #1J1600GA354
1991 - MH-53J Pave Low Crew, 20th Special Operations Sqn
1992 - C-130 Aircrew, 310th Airlift Sqn
1993 - E-21 Crew, 668th Bomb Sqn, Griffiss AFB
1994 - USAF Rescue 206 Crew
1995 - BAT-01 Crew
1996 - Duke-01 Flight Crew
1997 - Whick-05 Crew
1998 - Air Force Rescue 470 Crew
1999 - Capt Jeffrey G J Hwang
2000 - E10E1 and E10E2 rescue mission crews
2001 - KNIFE 04, 20th Special Operations Sqn
2002 - GRIM 31, 16th Special Operations Sqn
2003 - VIJAY 10, 7th Airlift Sqn
2004 - Crews of HH-60G Jolly 11 and Jolly 12, Moody AFB
2005 - no data
National Air & Space Museum Trophy = Presented annually by the Smithsonian Institution to recognize "extraordinary service in air and space science and technology." Established 1985.
National Air Council Research Award = To one member each of USAF and USN for contributions in the field of aviation research and experiment. 1948-1951.
1948 - Col James M Gillispie, RAdm Theodore C Lonnquest
1949 - Capt Vincent Mazza, Capt William V Davis
1950 - Capt Jmes L Hight, RAdm Calvin M Bolster
1951 - Maj John P Stapp, Capt Walter S Diehl
(Jack) Northrop Award = For the best technical paper presentation to a SETP Western Symposium. Memorializes aviation pioneer and manufacturer John K Northrop.
Onizuka Propwash Award = The SETP award for student who contributed most to class spirit and morale. Award is voted upon by members of each class.
Outstanding Flight Test Engineer = USAF TPS award presented to best flight test engineering in each class with the best overall record in report writing, flight test management, and academic excellence. Initiated 1973. Replaced in 1979 by the R L Jones Award.
Pioneers of Vertical Flight Award = Presented annually by sponsoring Groen Brothers Aviation to "acknowledge and celebrate the dedication and contributions of those early aviators and designers whose adventuresome spirit led to the successful advancement of vertical flight."
Salmon Technical Publications Award = Best Paper published in the SETP quarterly publication, Cockpit. Memorializes Lockheed test pilot Herman R "Fish" Salmon.
(David C) Schilling Award = Presented by the AFA. Originally named the Flight Trophy for distinguished service in the field of flight, renamed in 1957.
1948 - Herbert H Hoover, NACA test pilot
1949 - William Odom, civil pilot
1950 - Capt James Jabara
1951 - BGenl Albert Boyd
1952 - Col David C Schilling
1953 - 3rd Air Rescue Group
1954 - Capt Charles Yeager
1955 - Maj Stuart Childs & George Welch (posthumous)
1956 - LtCol Frank K Everest
1957 - Col Patrick D Fleming (posthumous)
1958 - Capt Iven C Kincheloe Jr (posthumous)
1959 - Tactical Air Command
1960 - Elwood R Quesada
1961 - A S Crossfield, J A Walker, Maj Robert M White
1962 - Maj Robert M White
1963 - Maj L Gordon Cooper Jr
1964 - Maj Sidney J Kubesch
1965 - Col Frank Borman
1966 - Maj Hallett P Marston
1967 - Col Robin Olds
1968 - Capt Albert R Kaiser
1969 - Maj James M Rhodes Jr
1970 - Apollo 15 crew
1971 - 1st Strategic Recon Sqn, SAC
1972 - 17th Air Division, 8th AF
1973 - Military Airlift Command
1975 - Maj George B. Stokes
1976 - Capt Donald R Backlund & Capt Roland W Purser
1977 - 4440 Tactical Fighter Grp
1978 - J H Engle, C G Fullerton, Fred Haise Jr, Richard Truly
1979 - Maj Dennis R Mangum
1980 - Capt Rondal G Hahn
1981 - 347 Tactical Fighter Wing
1982 - 24 Strategic Recon Sqn
1983 - Maj Robert S Frank & Maj Frank B Gray
1984 - LtCol James D Latham
1983 - Capt Bruce McCandless II
1986 - "Eldorado Canyon" Task Force
1987 - The USAF, 40th Anniversary
1988 - SAC Alert Force
1989 - 4450 Tactical Group
1990 - USAF Air Operations "Just Cause"
1991 - Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm personel
1992 - Space Shuttle Endeavour Crew
1993 - Maj Murrell F Stinnette
1994 - USAF in Europe
1995 - C-17 USAF/Industrial Team
1996 - 9th Bomb Sqn
1997 - Air Mobility Cmd
1998 - Bat 10 Flight, 437th Airlift Wing
1999 - 509th Bomb Wing
2000 - 31 Air Expeditionary Wing
2001 - LtCol David M Nelson
2002 - Sydney Gillibrand & Jerry Morgensen
2003 - The Men and Women of the USAF
2004 - no data
2005 -
(Lawrence B) Sperry Award = Administered by Institute of Aerospace Sciences, presented for "a notable contribution made by a young man to the advancement of aeronautics."
1936 - William C Rockefeller, Cal Tech
1937 - Clarence L Johnson, Lockheed Co
1938 - Rossell C Newhouse, Bell Telephone
1939 - Charles M Kearns Jr, United Aircraft
1940 - William B Oswald, Douglas Co
1941 - Earnest G Stout, Consolidated Co
1942 - Edward C Wells, Boeing Co
1943 - William B Bergen, Martin Co
1944 - William H Phillips, NACA
1945 - Richard Hutton, Grumman Co
1946 - Peter R Murray, USAF
1947 - Cmdr Noel A M Gayler, USN
1948 - Allen E Puckett, JPL/Cal Tech
1949 - Alexander H Flax, Cornell Univ
1950 - Frank N Piasecki
1951 - Robert C Seamans, MIT
1952 - Dean R Chapman, NACA
1953 - Donald Coles, Cal Tech
1954 - A Scott Crossfield, NACA
1955 - Giles J Stickroth, Martin Co
1956 - George F Jude, Sperry Gyroscope Co
1957 - Clarence A Syvertson, NACA
1958 - Robert G Loewy, Vertol Co
1959 - James E McCune, Princeton Univ
1960 - Robert B Howell, Lockheed Co
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Spirit of St Louis Medal = Established by citizens of St Louis in honor of Charles Lindbergh and administered by American Society of Mechanical Engineers, given at various times for meretorious service in the advancement of aeronautics.
1929 - Daniel Guggenheim
1932 - P W Lichtfield
1935 - Will Rogers
1938 - Maj James H Doolittle
1940 - John E Younger
1944 - George W Lewis
1947 - John K Northrop
1950 - Reinout P Kroon, Westinghouse Co
1954 - Arthur E Raymond, Douglas Co
1955 - Ralph S Damon, TWA
19--- - info needed
(Katherine & Marjorie) Stinson Award = Administered by National Aviation Club. Recognizes a living woman for an outstanding and enduring contribution in the field of aviation, aeronautics, space, or related sciences.
1997 - Dr Shannon Lucide, Astronaut
1998 - Maj Susan Rose, USAF
1999 - Audrey Poberezny
2000 - Jeana Yeage
2001 - Capt Jodi A Neff, USAF
2002 - Capt Beverley Bass & Patty Wagstaff
2003 - Mary S Feik & Ann Wood-Kelly
2004 - Ann Baumgartner Carl
2005 - Carol Rymer Davis
Taylor Award = USAF TPS award presented to the outstanding graduate of TPS (Phase I). Memorializes LtCol James M Taylor, who died in the crash of a T-38 on 9/4/70. Initiated in 1970; discontinued after Class 71B when the curriculum was revised to eliminate Phase I and II designations.
Tenhoff Award = The SETP annual award for the presenter of the symposium's best all-around paper. Given in memory of Ray E Tenhoff, founder and first president of the SETP.
(Hoyt S) Vandenberg Award = Administered by the AFA.
19--- - info needed
2001 - Aerospace Basic Course, Maxwell AFB
von Karman Award = Presented by the AFA for distinguished service in the field of aerospace science. Memorializes physicist Theodore von Karman.
1948 - John Stack, NACA
1949 - R C Sebold, R H Widmer, Ray O Ryan
1950 - Dr Theodore von Karman
1951 - Dr George E Valley
1952 - Dr. Edward Teller
1953 - Dr Melvin J Kelly
1954 - LtCol John Paul Stapp
1955 - Dr John F von Neumann
1956 - Dr Chalmers W Sherwin
1957 - Dr Charles S Draper & Dr H. Julian Allen
1959 - Dr W R Lovelace & BrigGenl D D Flickinger
1960 - Dr Louis N Ridenour Jr (posthumous)
1961 - Allen F Donovan
1962 - Dr Charles H Townes
1963 - Clarence L Johnson
1964 - Lockheed Corp
1965 - Capt Robert M Silva
1966 - 6555 Aerospace Test Wing
1967 - Alterio Gallerani
1968 - LtCol Harry F Rizzo
1969 - none awarded
1970 - MajGenl Kenneth Schultz
1971 - Fred D Orazio
1972 - LtCol Donald G Carpenter
1973 - LtCol Roy Robinette Jr
1974 - USAF Space & Missile Systems
1975 - USAF/Industry Team
1976 - NASA/Industry Team
1977 - John B Walsh
1978 - BrigGenl Donald L Lamberson
1979 - Genl Alton D Slay
1980 - Capt Randal L Richey
1981 - Dr Hans Mark
1982 - Aeronautical Systems Div, Wright-Patterson AFB
1983 - Space Div, USAF Systems Cmd
1984 - MajGenl Aloysiys B Casey
1985 - Maj Henry L Pugh Jr
1986 - LtGenl Thomas H McMullen
1987 - F-16 Program Team
1988 - Bernard Louis Koff
1989 - Dr Robert W Selden
1990 - B-2 Test Team
1991 - JSTARS Air Force/Industry Team
1992 - USAF Ballistic Missile Organization
1993 - Genl Robert T Marsh
1994 - B-2 System Program Office
1995 - MajGenl Kenneth R Israel
1996 - Gene H McCall
1997 - LtGenl George K Muellner
1998 - Arthur L Money
1999 - USAF Research Laboratory
2000 - USAF Weather Agency
2001 - HAVE CSAR Team, Schriever AFB CO
2002 - USAFI Surveillance/Recon UAV
2003 - 823 Red Horse Sqn
Wenning Award = USAF TPS award presented to the outstanding academic instructor of each class. Memorializes Maj Robert L Wenning (USN Test Pilot School 1975), who died in the crash of a TG-7A on 4/11/84.
White USAF Space Trophy = Presented annually by sponsoring National Geographic Society to USAF individuals or organizations, civil or military, who made the year's outstanding progress in the field of aerospace. Memorializes 4th AF Chief of Staff General Thomas D White, space advocate. Began in 1961.
(Gill Robb) Wilson Award = Administered by the AFA.
19--- - info needed
2001 - Dr Benjamin S Lambeth, Rand Corp
Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy = Chosen under the auspices of the NAA, recognizes "significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States" The trophy itself resides in the National Air & Space Museum. Memorializes aviation pioneers Orville and Wilbur Wright.
1948 - Dr William F Durand
1949 - Charles Lindbergh
1950 - Grover Loening
1951 - Dr Jerome Hinsaker
1952 - LGenl James H Doolittle
1953 - Carl Hinshaw
1954 - Dr Theodore von Karman
1955 - Dr Hugh L Dryden
1956 - Dr Edward P Warner
1957 - Senator Stuart Symington
1958 - Dr John F Victory
1959 - William P MacCracken Jr
1960 - Frederick C Crawford
1961 - A. S. 'Mike' Monroney
1962 - John Stack
1963 - Donald W Douglas Sr
1964 - Harry F Guggenheim
1965 - Jerome Lederer
1966 - Juan Terry Trippe
1967 - Igor I Sikorsky
1968 - Senator Warren G Magnuson
1969 - William M Allen
1970 - C R Smith
1971 - Senator Howard W Cannon
1972 - John H Shaffer
1973 - Senator Barry M Goldwater
1974 - Dr. Richard T Whitcomb
1975 - Clarence L 'Kelly' Johnson
1976 - William Allan Patterson
1977 - Ira C Eaker
1978 - Senator Jennings Randolph
1979 - T A Wilson
1980 - Olive Ann Beech
1981 - Dwane L Wallace
1982 - Willis M Hawkins
1983 - John Leland Atwood
1984 - David S Lewis
1985 - Harry Combs
1986 - Joseph F Sutter
1987 - Allen E Paulson
1988 - Dr Sam B Williams
1989 - Thomas V Jones
1990 - Edwin I Colodny
1991 - Benjamin A Cosgrove
1992 - Senator Jake Garn
1993 - Gerhard Neumann
1994 - A L Ueltschi
1995 - Russell W Meyer Jr
1996 - Frederick W Smith
1997 - Charles H Kaman
1998 - Edward W Stimpson
1999 - Delford M Smith
2000 - Herbert D Kelleher
2001 - Neil A Armstrong
2002 - Paul H Poberezny
2003 - John Glenn
2004 - Robert L Crandall
2005 - Edward C "Pete" Aldridge
(Katharine) Wright Award = Established 1981 by Gates Learjet Corp for a woman who has�provided encouragement, support, and inspiration to her husband and thus was instrumental in his success, or made a personal contribution to the advancement of the art, sport, and science of aviation and space flight.
1981 - Moya Lear
1982 - Anne M Lindbergh
1983-89 - none presented
1990 - Achsa B Peacock Donnels
1991 - Olive Ann Beech
1992 - Elizabeth Pfister
1993 - June De Etta Maule
1994 - Nadine Jeppesen
1995 - Audrey Poberezny
1996 - Virginia M Schweizer
1997 - Doris Lockness
1998 - Romana Ann Ardaiz
1999 - Athley Gamber
2000 - Carroll W Suggs
2001 - Fay Gillis Wells
2002 - Evelyn Bryan Johnson
2003 - Eilene M Galloway
2004 - Gertrude Rogallo
2005 - Patty Wagstaff
(Eugene M) Zuckert Award = USAF's highest management award. For flag rank or equivalent; �outstanding management achievements by a top level USAF manager.