Fundamento de Esperanto (original) (raw)
Aa,a as in"last" | Bb,b as in"be" | Cc,ts as in"wits" | Ĉĉ,ch as in"church" | Dd,d as in"do" | Ee,a as in"make" | Ff,f as in"fly" |
Gg,g as in"gun" | Ĝĝ,j as in"join" | Hh,h as in"half" | Ĥĥ,stronglyaspiratedh, "ch"in "loch"(scotch) | Ii,i as in"marine" | Jj,y as in"yoke" | Ĵĵ,z as in"azure" |
Kk,k as in"key" | Ll,l as in"line" | Mm,m as in"make" | Nn,n as in"now" | Oo,o as in"not" | Pp,p as in"pair" | Rr,r as in"rare" |
Ss,s as in"see" | Ŝŝ,sh as in"show" | Tt,t as in"tea" | Uu,u as in"bull" | Ŭŭ,u as in"mount"(used indiphtongs) | Vv,v as in"very" | Zz,z as in"zeal" |
Remark. ― If it be found impraticable to print works with the diacritical signs (^,˘), the letter h may be substituted for the sign (^), and the sign (˘), may be altogether omitted.