Alexander Technique Bookstore USA, Canada and Great Britain (original) (raw)

Amazon LogoWelcome to the Alexander Technique Bookstore. Here you will find a comprehensive array of Alexander Technique books and DVDs.

Below you can order the best-known and most widely-read books, and most popular DVDs, about the Alexander Technique from,, and They are organized in the following categories:

Introductory AT Books and Videos

Books about the Alexander Technique and Posture Improvement

Books about the Alexander Technique and Pain Reduction

Books about the Alexander Technique and Enhanced Sports and Fitness Results

Books and a Video about the Alexander Technique and Efficient Breathing

Books about the Alexander Technique for Musicians

Books by and about F. Mathias Alexander, the developer of the Alexander Technique

More Books on additional applications, related fields, Alexander Technique and Education and the History of the Technique.

Introductory Books and a Video about the Alexander Technique

Order How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live from:

Order Body Learning from

Order Body, Breath & Being from:

Order How to Learn the Alexander Technique from:

Order The Alexander Technique Workbook from

Order Guided Lessons from:

Order From Stress to Freedom DVD from:

For more introductory Alexander Technique books and videos click here.

How the Alexander Technique can help you improve your Posture

Order The Posture Workbook from:

Order Change Your Posture, Change Your Life from:

For more books about the Alexander Technique and posture click here.

Books about the Alexander Technique and Pain Reduction

Order Back Trouble from:

For more books and videos about Alexander Technique and pain reduction click here.

Books about the Alexander Technique and Enhanced Sports and Fitness Results

Order Zone Mind, Zone Body from:

Order Master the Art of Running from:

Order Master the Art of Swimming from:

Order Golf Sense: Practical Tips On How To Play Golf In The Zone from:

For more Books about the Alexander Technique and sports and fitness click here.

Books about the Alexander Technique and Efficient Breathing

Order Body, Breath & Being from:

Order Art of Breathing: Rib Animation DVD from:

For more books about the Alexander Technique and breathing click here.

Books about the Alexander Technique for Musicians

Order Indirect Procedures from:

Order Voice and the Alexander Technique from:

For more books about the Alexander Technique for musicians click here.

Books by and about F. Mathias Alexander, the developer of the Alexander Technique

Order Use of the Self from:

Order Frederick Matthias Alexander from:

For more books by F. Matthias Alexander click here.

For more books about F. Matthias Alexander click here.

More Books!

You can find additional books on various additional Alexander Technique Applications, including:

and in various Related Fields you will find books influenced by the principles of the Alexander Technique and related to:

You can also find books about:

The American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT) publishes an extensive on line mail-order book catalog. Anyone with a serious interest in reading about the Alexander Technique would do well to get this catalog as it includes specialized titles (including audio and video material) not readily available elsewhere.

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