African Art, All You Want To Know About It. (original) (raw)

African art pieces are works of great beauty.

If you are passionate about art and love it, especially African art then you are going to enjoy this site. We are going to learn about the various regions of the continent, get to know about the local people and artisans who craft these beautiful works of art and also learn about the various kinds of African art.

As a little boy growing up in Africa, I remember going to the market on weekends with my grandmother and we would see various artisans in their little shops making different types of wood carvings, sculptures, paintings etc . I always admired the skill involved in taking a solid piece of wood and creating wooden sculptures, masks, walking canes, animals, dolls etc.

As I got older I came to realize that their skills were passed on from generation to generation and for them creating these pieces of art was a way to provide for their families and not for recognition or for show.

When I relocated to the United States I saw that there was a lot of art available but not enough information for people who want to know more and learn about art from Africa. As a result I decided to build this site to provide that information for all who need it.

So whether you are a seasoned veteran with collections of your own or this is a brand new experience for you, everyone is welcome on this journey.

This experience will be a fun filled one that we will all enjoy and learn from.

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