KAA Gent - team history, statistics performances, records, titles and achievements, top scorers and all players (original) (raw)

Club KAA Gent
Country Belgium
City Ghent
Date of birth 01.11.1900
Webpage http://www.kaagent.be/
Season Level Player name Country Matches Goals
2021/22 D1 Bezus, Roman 26 3
2020/21 D1 Plastun, Ihor 14 2
D1 Bezus, Roman 28 6
D1 Yaremchuk, Roman 34 20
2019/20 D1 Plastun, Ihor 28 1
D1 Yaremchuk, Roman 18 10
D1 Bezus, Roman 21 7
2018/19 D1 Yaremchuk, Roman 37 8
D1 Plastun, Ihor 19 0
D1 Bezus, Roman 15 0
2017/18 D1 Yaremchuk, Roman 32 9
2012/13 D1 Wallace 11 1
2011/12 D1 Wallace 9 0
2010/11 D1 Wallace 22 0
2007/08 D1 Grncarov, Boban 20 3

Players who are called to the National team of Ukraine: Plastun, Ihor (4, 2018-2019), Yaremchuk, Roman (29, 2018-2021), Bezus, Roman (5, 2019-2021), Aluisio Moraes (1, 2020)

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