Doctor Who - Complete Specials (The Next Doctor/ Planet of the Dead/ Waters of Mars & Winter Specials) [DVD]: David Tennant, John Simm, Bernard Cribbins, Timothy Dalton, David Morrissey, Michelle Ryan, Lindsay Duncan, David Tennant, John Simm: DVD & Blu-ray (original) (raw)

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Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 8 January 2010

David Tennants era as the doctor is possibly the best era of Who since Tom baker was at the helm, from Rose right on through to The End Of Time Part one and two we have had fantastic stories from the get go! with great monsters, fantastic companions and two fantastic spin off shows (Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures)nothing can possibly beat this sci-fi show, but it's a show that has been so much more than that, it is also that nice combination of high taut drama with some fantastically realised comical sequences with high adrenaline comedy at its height, not to mention state of the art technology making the impossible creations a realism.
of course we all have our favourite episodes with mine being- Stolen Earth/Journey's End,The Empty Child/Doctor Dances, Turn Left, Silence In the Library/Forest of The Dead, Midnight, Partners In Crime and Utopia to mention a few NuWho classics!
as for these specials themselves they are a reflection of the strengths and the weaknesses of what the era has been through, some better than others, but also it shows that Russel is the perfect boss of the series who has hired the best directors (Euros Lynn and Graeme Harper being two of the best) and writers (arguably Steven Moffat can do next to no wrong so is making a perfect successor to Russel this spring)and by having Tennant primarily alone through each of these specials reflects his strengths as a skilled actor (specifically in Waters Of Mars this is shown) which was realised in the fourth series of the show in 2008.
not to mention the visuals and the stunts have been amazing too in each of these five specials which highlights the best of the past few years.

The Next Doctor-while i feel that their introduction to the show was a shocker to say the least (albeit a needed one for series 2) the cybermen finally have their own episode and a close to perfect one at that. while there are a few flaws to be had with it (it didn't touch the quality of the fourth series and i also was missing the chemistry between Catherine Tate and David) but after watching it again it is actually really exciting and a really great christmas special, not to mention the transformer style CyberKing emerging from the Thames at the episodes final showdown, amazing! 4/5

The Planet of the Dead- this episode was written as though this would be Tennants final time to have actual fun in an episode so is therefore mainly an episode that is a full on written sugar rush with a wafer thin plot but a witty script and stunning visuals to redeem it (i wasn't too fond of lady Cassandra for a companion either)and a villain that is probably the most threatening since the air piranha Veshta Nerada from the libary two parter in the 4th series, and to top it all off a flying double decker bus! THE MIGHTY 200!! silly fun but thouroughly enjoyable.3/5

Waters Of Mars- this is the storyline that i felt can really hold itself against any of the other specials here, not too epic but simplistic in plot and terrifically terrifying in plot (one of the shows scariest and most daring in my opinion) with a threat and tension very reminiscent of Alien and a foe that reminded me of the black oil from The X-Files. truly horrific stuff and definitely a favourite of mine.also Tennant really pushed fans emotional buttons as he got much darker in nature and i just loved the edge he had with it. also Adelaide was a strong minded companion heroine that had a background and a purpose that while no Capt.Jack,Sarah Jane or Donna Noble was a perfect companion in her own right. 5/5

The End Of Time Part One & Two- this episode has officially divided fans through the middle, some love the episode and some dislike it and find it way to dragged out. i felt that Part One and two are both striking and different from each other in the fact that Timothy Dalton's narration made pt 1 feel epic in story and more like a film although the plot was slightly misguided that didn't matter. The Master returned with more edge from Simm. Donna cam beck for ten scenes which was far better than having her as a background character and was a rather pleasant surprise to provide some finality to her character. and the dear Wilf as the companion gave me a little lift in every sequence he was in. Simm and Tennant acted off of each other to a mesmerising effect and the visuals were nothing short of exciting to watch. while the best finale Doctor Who has had is Journey's End (hands down was a brilliantly written episode and i watch again and again for the epic and dramatic scenes)the End Of Time is a definate runner up indeed whith a tearful farewell to previous characters and a final regeneration it was a solid conclusion despite some misgivings. 5/5

i want to thank Russel for being a great writer for resurrecting the show and Tennant for being the best doctor ever, and for all the companions for being the greatest i have seen.
it's been a goodun'! now time for series 5 in Spring, let's see what Matt Smith, Steven Moffatt and crew have in store!

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Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 3 July 2012

The product arrived promptly and well packed. I received an excellent service from the seller, it was a pleasure to do business with them. Of course the Doctor Who specials are brilliant and very much loved and watched.

This box set includes the Waters of Mars, The End of Time part one and two and The next Doctor.

Starting with The Next Doctor, The doctor arrives in Victorian England only to hear someone shouting for the Doctor, he arrives only to find that the woman who shouted did not mean him and another "Doctor" appears. My first reaction to this was regrettably to shout NO!! very loudly at the television. Of course my instincts proved right, but it was a worrying time for a whovian who loved Tennants version of the Doctor. Yes, the large Cyberking was a bit under par but the woman in the story was beautifully wicked and excellently played, a pitty that the writers had to follow form and kill her off like all the rest of the strong women charecters they have had in this series. That is the only down side to an other wise lovely TV story. There are some good psychological twists and turns in this story, after all it is a chirstmas special, so ther is a nice ending to it.

I actually liked the Planet of the Dead story and I especially liked Lee Evans as the mad scientist in it. There were some good lines woven through the story, including the Doctors (almost forgotten) relationsip with UNIT. I felt sorry that Christine did not come with the doctor and was quite surprised to find that they did not kill her off as they seem to do for other female charecters. It is well worth a viewing.

Lastly, the End of Time, I did feel this went on a bit, especially about the drumming in the master's head and it was also a bit of a streach for the doctor to regenerate back to his original form when the Master prematurely aged him. His monologue with Bernard at the end had me in tears as did his farewell speach in the Tardis. I enjoyed the fact that he had time to go and see his companions one last time and who can blame him or the writers for doing that. After all, he could afford to delay his regeneration. It made sense therefore that after his delay, the regeneration was more powerful and took out the TARDIS consul as well.

The story lines are well thought out and the acting is very good from Mr David Tennant. As a long time fan of Doctor who and considered Tom Baker to be the best of them all, with Chirstopher being the darkest. I find it a difficult choice now to choose my favourate. Tom only comes out better because he had to act against poor scenery and a limited budget and dealt with it all with humour and skill. David had it better overall but even so, his proformance shone. He should be very proud.

All in all a very enjoyable and exciting purchase. I have waited 20 years for this programme to return and this was my second purchase of Doctor who. I now want to buy all the rest!

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Top reviews from other countries

5.0 out of 5 stars Ottimo

Reviewed in Italy on 6 October 2019

Questa edizione inglese ovviamente è molto più curata rispetto a quella più c’è una breve storia scritta da David Tennant nel libretto, che i veri Whovian non possono lasciarsi sfuggire

Guillermo Daniel Villamil Torres

5.0 out of 5 stars Imperdible para cualquier fan de Doctor Who

Reviewed in Mexico on 23 December 2016

Los episodios finales de David Tennant en HD y con mucho material extra, no puede faltar en la colección de cualquier fan de Doctor Who. Ojo no tiene subtítulos en español.

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5.0 out of 5 stars I finally have it! Thank you!

Reviewed in Australia on 28 April 2021

I have waited years to own this on Blu-Ray, so was extremely happy to find a copy available at such a good price. Arrived ahead of schedule, and works perfectly in my PS5 (Region B/PAL).
Arrived still in the wrapping, in perfect condition.
An absolute steal!

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5.0 out of 5 stars I finally have it! Thank you!
Reviewed in Australia on 28 April 2021

I have waited years to own this on Blu-Ray, so was extremely happy to find a copy available at such a good price. Arrived ahead of schedule, and works perfectly in my PS5 (Region B/PAL).
Arrived still in the wrapping, in perfect condition.
An absolute steal!

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5.0 out of 5 stars Das Ende einer Ära

Reviewed in Germany on 24 November 2013

In dieser Rezension zu den Doctor Who Specials werde ich folgende Themen besprechen.
- Was bisher geschah
- Was passiert in den Specials | Episodenliste
- Bonusmaterial
- Das Ende der Ära Tennent
- Meine Meinung zu den „Doctor Who Specials“
Alle meine weiteren Rezensionen zu den Doctor Who Staffeln könnt Ihr über mein Profil ansehen. Einfach auf meinen Namen klicken ^^

- Was bisher geschah
In Staffel 4 (

Doctor Who - Die komplette Staffel 4 [6 DVDs ) haben wir uns (in meinem Fall seeehr tränenreich) von Donna verabschiedet. Nachdem der Doktor seine Begleiterin bei deren Mutter und Großvater abgegeben hat zieht er nun allein durch die Gegend. In den 5 Specials ist er manchmal allein, manchmal mit Begleitern für eine Episode unterwegs.

- Was passiert in den Specials | Episodenliste
Weihnachtsspecial | Der andere Doktor
London, Weihnachten 1851 – Der Doktor landet mitten im Londoner Schneegestöber und ist ganz selig, bis plötzlich jemand ganz laut seinen Namen ruft. Doch zur Abwechslung ist mit dem Namen „Doktor“ nicht der uns bekannte Time Lord gemeint, sondern ein Mann, der sich ebenfalls Doktor nennt, sich jedoch nicht an seinen vermeidlichen Vorgänger erinnert. Kein Wunder, dass der 10. Doktor stutzig wird. Wie am Ende von Staffel 4 angekündigt wurde, spielen auch die Cybermen eine große Rolle.

Osterspecial | Planet der Toten
Im Osterspecial trifft der Doktor auf die Diebin Christina, die sich gerade auf der Flucht vor der Polizei in einem Bus versteckt. Doch die Reise nimmt eine unerwartete Wendung, als der Bus in einen Tunnel fährt und plötzlich auf dem Planet der Toten rauskommt. Wie meine Vorredner schon meinten, dies ist wirklich die letzte Spaß-Episode. Auch wenn sie in ihrer Thematik an die Episode „Die Stimmen“ erinnert, in der ebenfalls eine Gruppe von Leuten an einem fremden Ort strandet. Wir treffen noch einmal auf UNIT, besonders diese Abschnitte sind dann wirklich sehr spaßig.

Herbstspecial | Der rote Garten
Der Doktor landet auf dem Mars und begegnet den ersten menschlichen Marskolonisten und das ausgerechnet an dem Tag, an dem diese nach Geschichtsschreibung alle sterben. Ein fester Punkt in der Zeit, der nicht geändert werden kann. Der Doktor weiß das und will sich gerade wieder aus dem Staub machen als zwei der Crewmitglieder sich nicht mehr melden und kurz darauf vollkommen verändern. Der Doktor steht vor einer schweren Entscheidung: Bleibt er und verändert die Geschichte maßgeblich oder flieht er und lässt seine neuen Freunde im Stich.

Weihnachtsspecial & Neujahrsspecial | Das Ende der Zeit Teil 1 & 2
Zuerst treffen wir einen alten Bekannten wieder: Wilfrid Mott, Donnas Großvater, der von Alpträumen und Visionen geplagt wird. Er begegnet gleich zu Anfang einer mysteriösen Dame in einer Kirche, die ihm im Verlauf der Doppelfolge immer wieder begegnet. Der Doktor stattet den Ood einen Besuch ab und erfährt, dass der Master zurückgekehrt ist, doch mit ihm kommt noch eine ganz andere Bedrohung aus den Tiefen der Galaxie zurück.

- Bonusmaterial
Auch das Bonusmaterila ist wie immer üppig.
The next doctor – Confidential
Doctor Who Proms 2008
Planet of the dead – Confidential
The Water of Mars – Confidential
The End of Time, Part One – Confidential
David Tennant – Video Diary
Doctor Who BBC Christmas idents
Audiokommentar mit David Tennant, Catherine Tate und Evros Lynn (zu The End of Time, Part One)
The End of Time, Part Two – Confidential
Doctor Who auf der Comic Con
Rausgschnittene Szenen mit einer Einleitung von Russell T Davies
Audiokommenar mit David Tennant, John Simm & Euros Lyn (zu The End of Time, Part Two)

- Das Ende der Tennent-Ära
Nun verlässt uns David Tennant um Platz zu machen für einen neuen Doktor. Durch 3 Staffeln und die Specials durften wir ihn begleiten und am Ende von „Das Ende der Zeit“ wird der Trennungsschmerz besonders groß, denn da verabschiedet sich der Doktor von all seinen liebgewonnenen Freunden. Zurecht gilt Tennant für viele Fans als einer der besten Doktoren. Sein Schauspiel war großartig, er hat sich selbst als Doktor gefunden und die Rolle mit all ihren Facetten gespielt. Für mich wird er immer DER Doktor bleiben und von ihm Abschied zu nehmen viel mir enorm schwer.
Das Lied des 10. Doktors geht nun zu Ende aber seine Geschichte endet nie.
Und für alle, die Tennent ebenso lieb gewonnen haben wie ich gibt es die Aussicht auf das Special zum 50. Jubiläum, denn dort wird er wieder mit dabei sein!

Doctor Who - Der Tag des Doktors - Das Special zum 50. Jubiläum

- Meine Meinung zu den „Doctor Who“ Specials
Vieles ist schon gesagt. Schade fand ich, dass Donna in „Das Ende der Zeit“ nicht den Mann heiratet, der in der Doppelfolge in der Bibliothek (Staffel 4) für sie vorgesehen war, aber sie ist am Ende glücklich. Auch sonst warten die Specials mit vielen Emotionen auf! Sei es als der Doktor in „Der rote Garten“ eine sehr dunkle Seite seiner Persönlichkeit zeigt, als er in „Das Ende der Zeit“ erneut auf seinen langjährigen Wiedersacher den Master trifft oder als er sich von all seinen Freunden verabschiedet und am Ende allein in seiner Tardis zum 11. Doktor regeneriert.
Auch Showrunner Russell T. Davis verabschiedet sich mit diesen letzten Folgen von der Show, die er wieder auf die Fernsehbildschirme zurückgebracht hat. Diese letzen 5 Folgen sind der Höhepunkt seiner Arbeit an „Doctor Who“.
Doch das alles ist kein Grund zum traurig sein, denn die Serie geht weiter und in Staffel 5 begrüßen wir den neuen, 11. Doktor Matt Smith.

Doctor Who - Die komplette 5. Staffel [6 DVDs ]

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5.0 out of 5 stars Should be titled Season 4.5

Reviewed in Canada on 7 June 2011

The confusing bit about this is if you are following the Doctor Who series from the new start in the 2000s, it goes up to series 4 and then there was a year in which there wasn't a full season but rather a mini-series, which is what this collection of disks is about. I wish I had known that earlier because I purchased series 1-4 & then purchased series 5. Fortunately caught on that there were some missing episodes before I started watching series 5, but it isn't made clear enough that you need to watch these episodes before starting series 5.

That being said, it was a brilliant collection. Doctor Who is just fantastic for anyone regardless of whether you are into sci-fi or not (I personally am not but love it). It's a great end to the David Tennant years and well worth watching.

The only thing about the bluray is that in some respects it makes the special effects look not as great but in another sense it makes the people and actual physical stuff look brilliant.

The one annoying thing about this collection was each episode was on a separate disk, which is unusual especially as bluray disks can hold more information generally.

Anyways, well worth watching. :D

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