Animals Australia's Lyn White honoured as a Member of the Order of Australia | Animals Australia (original) (raw)

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A former police officer, Lyn is respected and recognised as one of Australia’s foremost animal advocates and animal cruelty investigators.

Lyn’s investigations since 2003 into Australia’s live export trade have provided the Australian public, livestock producers and politicians an insight into the treatment of Australian animals sent overseas for slaughter. Evidence gathered over 20 years across 16 countries has resulted in significant industry reform. Under Lyn’s guidance, Animals Australia investigators continue to provide the only independent oversight of the live trade in importing countries.

As the Director of campaigns, Lyn has spearheaded strategic public awareness initiatives to shine a spotlight on the treatment of animals raised for food in factory farms in Australia, with increased consumer awareness driving major changes in the retail sector.

“Lyn is a driven and passionate champion for animal and human welfare with a unique strategic mind that recognises what’s needed to inspire social change,” said Animals Australia Executive Director, Glenys Oogjes.

“But the bestowing of this honour is not just an endorsement of Lyn’s work and leadership in this field, it is also recognition of societal awareness of our fundamental responsibility towards animals.”

Lyn is also the Director of Animals International, the global arm of Animals Australia, collaborating with international colleague groups on universal animal cruelty issues from factory farming to live export. Her work has led to unprecedented animal welfare advancements in a number of countries including in Jordan where she serves as Chief Adviser to the Princess Alia Foundation.

“Lyn’s ethos embodies the line from The Impossible Dream, ‘To be willing to march into hell for a Heavenly cause.’ She has done this time and again, and thank God has been rewarded with truly beneficial and far-reaching results for humanity,” – HRH Princess Alia al Hussein of Jordan.

In accepting the honour bestowed by the Council for the Order of Australia, Lyn said her work has never been about the fight for animal ‘rights’ but instead has focused on the need to address human ‘wrongs’.

“I truly believe that the greatest ethical test that we will ever face is how we treat those who are at human mercy. Despite all of the suffering I have witnessed during my policing and animal advocacy career, I still believe in the capacity of my own kind to become kinder and more ethical. For me, this work is about encouraging us to become the best that we can be.”

“Whilst the AM may sit behind my name, it is actually the cause of animal protection that is being honoured and validated by this award, and for this I am thrilled. It is tremendous acknowledgement that as a society we now understand that we have an ethical duty of care towards our fellow species, and a responsibility to not just be human beings, but humane beings.”

“I hope that it becomes a step towards a very achievable and needed goal. We do live in the most fortunate country in the world, and we have a unique opportunity to lead the world by example in a number of fields of ethics, including animal welfare.”