Antweb (original) (raw)

Current Statistics
16788 valid species + ssp.
867352 specimen records
18948 species + ssp. imaged
60819 specimens imaged
258891 total specimen images
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AntWeb is the world's largest online database of images, specimen records, and natural history information on ants. It is community driven and open to contribution from anyone with specimen records, natural history comments, or images.

Our mission is to publish for the scientific community high quality images of all the world's ant species. AntWeb provides tools for submitting images, specimen records, annotating species pages, and managing regional species lists. More...

Background image: Specimen: Species:

Meet the rest of the team!

Many curators already contribute to AntWeb - would you like to join us? Curators can edit the home page of the geographic section they curate, upload specimen data and authority files, and control a number of other aspects of their project. Learn how to submit data to Antweb.

If you would like to join us, contact us at -