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Prophecy promoted by IHOPKC founder Mike Bickle is based on incorrect information, document shows

Hermeneutics: The 8 Rules of Biblical Interpretation - One of our most popular articles right now

The Bible teaches that all Christians should grow in spiritual discernment. Here's how to do that.

CultDefinition.com — one of our companion websites — explains the definition of a cult

World Mission Society Church of God – WMSCOG

World Mission Society Church Of God WMSCOG

Among other things, the World Mission Society Church of God teaches that strict observance of the Saturday Sabbath and the rites of the Old Testament, such as Passover, is considered necessary to achieve redemption and salvation.

Followers believe the movement's current leader, Gil-Jah Zahng, is "God the Mother."

Theologically the WMSCG is a cult of Christianity.

International House of Prayer (IHOP, or IHOP-KC)

The International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City. Inset: founder and leader Mike Bickle

The International House of Prayer (IHOP) is a "charismatic Christian" organization based in Kansas City, Missouri. Founded and led by Mike Bickle, erstwhile pastor of the controversial, discredited "Kansas City Prophets." IHOPKC has "formally and permanently" separated from founder Mike Bickle due to the "level of inappropriate behavior." Later IHOPKC reorganized in a doomed-to-fail effort to protect itself from victims' lawsuits. Meanwhile, the organization ignores the victims, and continuous to promote the discredited so-called "prophetic history" cobbled together by its disgraced former leader.

Divine Healing According to the Bible and Experience

Divine healing according to the Bible and Experience

Even today, God can and does still heal. While we are not guaranteed healing in this life (though we are sometimes blessed with it), we are guaranteed healing throughout eternity.

Jung Myung-seok / Providence

Jung Myung-seok, cult leader

Cult leader Jung Myung Seok, founder of the Christian Gospel Mission, also known as Providence or Jesus Morning Star (JMS), was sentenced to 23 years in prison for sex crimes.

Carlton Pearson’s Gospel of Inclusion

Carlton Pearson has died November 20, 2023, after a battle with cancer. Pearson was a controversial figure because he taught a heresy known as inclusivism. He also denied the existence of hell.

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification / Unification Church

Apologetics Index

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is one of many names for the religious movement known as the Unification Church (Moonies).

John de Ruiter – College of Integrated Philosophy

John de Ruiter

John de Ruiter is a Canadian author and philosopher considered by many to be a cult leader

The Church of Almighty God (Eastern Lightning)

Church of Almighty God

Theologically the Chinese sect Eastern Lightning -- also known as Church of Almighty God, or Lightning from the East -- is a cult of Christianity. The group, which uses countless names in its evangelism efforts, claims that Jesus has returned as a Chinese woman.

Twelve Tribes

Twelve Tribes

Twelve Tribes is a communal religious movement that believes it emulates the early Christian church. Theologically this group is a cult of Christianity. Sociologically it has many cult-like elements as well.

Amy Carlson – Love Has Won

Amy Carlson, leader Love Has Won cult

Amy Carlson, who claimed to be "Mother God," was the leader of a cult called Love Has Won.