Cardinality - (original) (raw)

CARDINALITY - without Axiom ZF9

Definition S.CR.1 Let X,Y be sets. We define that |X|=|Y| if and only if there exist a function f:X->Y and f is 1-1 and "onto".

Remark: Notice that we don't define the operator |.|. We define the predicate P(X,Y)="|X|=|Y|".

Definition S.CR.2 Let X,Y be sets. We define that |X|<=|Y| if and only if there exist a function f:X->Y and f is 1-1.

Lemma S.CR.3 If X,Y are sets, X c Y and |Y|<=|X| then |X|=|Y|.

Proof By assumption we have f:Y-1-1->X.

Let F[A] = X\f(Y\A) for all A c X. Notice that By Theorem S.IS.4 if A c B then F[A] c F[B].

Let W = {A:-P(X)|A c F(A)}. Let E = u(W).

We will show that E:-W. We have to show that E c X\f(Y\E).

Take any e:-E. We have an A:-W such that e:-A. Since A:-W, A c F[A]. And since A:-W, A c E. Then F[A] c F[E]. Thus e:-F[E]. We have showed that E:-W.

We will show that F[E] = E. Since E c F[E], F[E] c F[F[E]]. Hence F[E]:-W. So F[E] c E. Thus E = F[E].

We have E = X\f(Y\E). So X\E = f(Y\E).

Let g:Y->X such that

    / x    for x:-E, 

g(x) = { \ f(x) for x:-Y\E.

We will show that g:Y-1-1-onto->X.

(1-1) Take any x1,x2:-Y such that x1 != x2. If x1:-E and x2:-Y\E then g(x1) = x1 and g(x2):-f(Y\E)=X\E. And then g(x1) != g(x2). If x1,x2:-E then x1=g(x1)!=g(x2)=x2. If x1,x2:-Y\E then f(x1)=g(x1)!=g(x2)=f(x2) because f is 1-1. Thus g:Y-1-1->X. We have shown (1-1).

(onto) g(Y) = g((Y\E) u E) = g(Y\E) u g(E) = f(Y\E) u E = X\E u E = X. We have shown (onto).

We have shown that g:X-1-1-onto->Y. Thus |X|=|Y|.

Theorem S.CR.4 If X,Y are sets then the statements below hold.

(1) |X|=|X|, (2) |X|=|Y| <=> |Y|=|X|, (3) |X|=|Y| and |Y|=|Z| => |X|=|Z|,

(4) X c Y => |X|<=|Y|, (5) |X|=|Y| and |Y|<=|Z| => |X|<=|Z|, (6) |X|=|Y| and |Z|<=|Y| => |Z|<=|X|,

(7) |X|<=|X|, (8) |X|<=|Y| and |Y|<=|Z| => |X|<=|Z|, (9) |X|<=|Y| and |Y|<=|X| => |X|=|Y|.

Proof (1) Let f:X->X such that /(x:-X) f(x)=x. Thus f:X-1-1-onto->Y.

(2) If f:X-1-1-onto->Y then f^(-1):Y-1-1-onto->X.

(3) If f:X-1-1-onto->Y and g:Y-1-1-onto->Z then gof:X-1-1-onto->Z.

(4) Let f:X->Y such that /(x:-X) f(x)=x. Thus f:X-1-1->Y.

(5) If f:X-1-1-onto->Y and g:Y-1-1->Z then gof:X-1-1->Z.

(6) If f:X-1-1-onto->Y and g:Z-1-1->Y. Then (f^(-1))o(g):Z-1-1->X.

(7) Let f:X->X such that /(x:-X) f(x)=x. Thus f:X-1-1->Y.

(8) If f:X-1-1->Y and g:Y-1-1->Z then gof:X-1-1->Z.

(9) We have f:X-1-1->Y and g:Y-1-1-X. Notice that f:X-1-1-onto->f(X). So |f(X)|=|X|. Since |Y|<=|X|, |Y|<=|f(X)| by (5). Since f(X) c Y, |Y|=|f(X)| by Lemma S.CR.3. By (3) |Y|=|X|.

AC.Theorem S.CR.5 If X,Y are sets then |X|<=|Y| or |Y|<=|X|.

Proof Assume that the Axiom of Choice holds. We will use Zorn's Lemma.

(*)Assume that !(|Y|<=|X|). Let P = {f:-P(XxY)|f is 1-1}. Notice that (P,c) is a partially ordered set.

Take any chain L c P. By Theorem S.C.14 u(L) is a function. We will show that u(L):-P.

Let g = u(L). Take any x1,x2:-X such that g(x1) = g(x2). So there exists y:-Y such that (x1,y):-g and (x2,y):-g. We have h1,h2:-L such that (x1,y):-h1 and (x2,y):-h2. Since L is a chain, (h1 u h2) = h1 or (h1 u h2) = h2. Hence (h1 u h2):-L and (h1 u h2)(x1) = (h1 u h2)(x2). Since (h1 u h2):-P, x1 = x2. Thus u(L) is 1-1. We have shown that u(L):-P.

It is obvious that /(g:-L) g c u(L). Recall that L was arbitralily chosen. Then for every chain in P there exists an upper bound in P. Now by Zorn's Lemma we have an f:-P such that /(g:-P) f c g => f=g. By assumption (*) f is not "onto". If it was it would be f^(-1):Y-1-1->X and then |Y|<=|X|.

We will show that f:X-1-1->Y. It is enough to show that /(x:-X)/(y:-Y) (x,y):-f. Assume to the contrary that we have x0:-X such that for every y:-Y !( (x,y):-f ). Since f is not "onto", we have y0:-Y such that /(x:-X) !( (x,y0):-f ). Let g = f u {(x0,y0)}. Notice that g is a function and g is 1-1. Then g:-P and f c g. So g = f. Contradiction. So /(x:-X)/(y:-Y) (x,y):-f. Thus f:X-1-1->Y.

We assumed that !( |Y|<=|X| ) and and we have shown that |X|<=|Y|. The proof is complete.

Definition S.CR.6 Let X,Y be sets. We define that |X|<|Y| if and only if |X|<=|Y| and !(|X|=|Y|).

Theorem S.CR.7 If X is a set then |X|<|P(X)|.

Proof Assume to the contrary that we have f:X-onto->P(X). Let A = {x:-X | !(x:-f(x))}. Since f is onto, we have a:-X such that f(a)=A.

If a:-A then a:-f(a) and then !(a:-A). If !(a:-A) then !(a:-f(a)) and then a:-A. Contradiction. Thus !(|X|=|P(X)|).

Let g:X->P(X) such that /(x:-X) g(x)={x}. So g:X-1-1->P(X). Thus |X|<=|P(X)|.

We have proved that |X|<|P(X)|.