Archangel Gabriel - Angelic and Planetary Symbols (original) (raw)

Archangel Gabriel Artist Unknown Public Domain Image. Gabriel, Archangel, the Divine herald. Christian tradition makes Gabriel the Archangel trumpeter of the Last Judgment (1 Thes. 4.16). In Islam, Gabriel revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, becoming the Angel of truth. In art and literature Gabriel is mainly treated as the Angel of the Annunciation. In the Annunciation he often carries a lily, properly the symbol of the Virgin. He is often represented on churches with trumpet raised and facing east, ready to proclaim the second coming of Christ. The Archangel Gabriel appears as a mature male with long silver hair. Muscular in form and clothed in white/silver robe which shines in the light. Some say he also has a silver crescent ornament on his brow. (The Pillars of Tubal-Cain p256. - Nigel Jackson & Michael Howard, Capall Bann Publishing. UK. 2003). Remember Angels are personal to you and tend to correspond to your mental image of them. Morning Star The High Priestess The Chariot The Tarot Card related to the Archangel Gabriel and the Moon is The High Priestess (II) or Female Pope and the Chariot (VII) The High Priestess symbolises the New Moon and the feminine creatibe forces, ISIS, the Mother of Wisdom; the influences behind impending changes and the ebb and flow of mundane and occult tides. (The Prediction Book of The Tarot. - page 71- Madeline Montalban. Javelin Books UK. 1986.) Anael Archangel Gabriel's symbol consists seal consists of a crescent Archangel Gabriel's symbol consists seal consists of a crescent moon with a small star above it. The Kabbalistic sign for the Archangel Gabriel and the Moon. The Kabbalistic sign for the Archangel Gabriel and the Moon. asariel The Kabbalistic sign for the Moon, indicated above right, has had a number of variations. To the left are some of the alternative symbiols used for the planet in the past. . Geomantic Symbol (Cancer) Geomantic Symbol (Cancer) asariel Phul Olympic Spirit of the Moon Intelligence of the Intellegences Intelligence of the Intellegences Sign of the Spirit (Demon) of the Moon Sign of the Spirit (Demon) of the Moon Character or Seal Character or Seal of the Moon asariel Gimel Hebrew Letter "Gimel" Astrological Sign of the Moon Astrological Sign of the Moon Astrological Sign for cancer Astrological Sign Cancer Alchemical symbol for Silver, metal of the Moon.