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Latest News at the Archdiocese of Baltimore


Archbishop William Lori’s Message on Migration Week 2024

For a century, the Church has asked the faithful to consider the human experience of migrants and refugees through the light of Christ’s teachings. In this National Migration Week, I offer my personal invitation to you to reflect on the strong contributions of immigrants to our shared communities. Let us see their efforts in the context of our universal faith and let us understand that they have the same hopes and dreams for their sons and daughters as do we all.
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Mensaje del Arzobispo William Lori sobre la Semana Nacional de la Migración 2024

Durante un siglo, la Iglesia ha pedido a los fieles que consideren la experiencia humana de los migrantes y refugiados a la luz de las enseñanzas de Cristo. En esta Semana Nacional de la Migración, los invito personalmente a reflexionar sobre las importantes contribuciones de los inmigrantes a nuestras comunidades compartidas.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Hispanic Heritage School Mass

The reason we have this school – Archbishop Borders – is to help you preserve your Hispanic heritage, grow in your faith, and develop your potential. We are counting on you to be leaders in the Church and in society and in that way to honor the heritage that is yours.
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Archbishop Lori’s Message on Faithful Citizenship

The countdown to the election in the United States is on, and with it comes important decisions for us as believers and citizens. To assist in reaching those decisions, I wish to share a teaching document from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on political responsibility, “Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility.”
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Cherish Life – Vote “no” to Maryland’s Question 1

When we vote against Question 1, we do so not to limit anyone’s rights but to foster a society of solidarity and respect for life, one where women are honored, the gift of life is cherished and the needs of mother and child are met.
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The Pope Video - September

“_Let us pray for the cry of the Earth. If we took the planet’s temperature, it will tell us that the Earth has a fever. And it is sick, just like anyone who’s sick. But are we listening to this pain?_”

Archdiocese of Baltimore on the air link

Child Protection, Accountability and Transparency

Child Protection & Accountability link

Financial Transparency link

Promise to Protect and promote healing, a response to the netflix series "the keepers"

Ideas and insights from our community

Archdiocese of Baltimore Blogs & Commentary

We are called to be a light brightly visible, not to proclaim ourselves but to proclaim Christ Jesus as Lord.” – Archbishop William E. Lori

Archbishop William E. Lori offers his homily during the opening Mass of the 136th Supreme Convention of the Knight of Columbus at the Baltimore Convention Center August 7. (Kevin J. Parks/CR Staff)

Welcome to the Archdiocese of Baltimore

God calls the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Baltimore to be a welcoming, worshipping community of faith, hope, and love. Through his Spirit, the Lord Jesus lives in those who believe, and reaches into our world with his saving message and healing love.

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Find a School

Every Catholic school in the Archdiocese provides academic excellence and quality programs in a faith-based environment.

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Your Church at Work

To view “Your Church at Work,” click here


Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archdiocese of BaltimoreSunday, September 15th, 2024 at 11:27am

Good morning!
We’re at St. Joseph’s Monastery for the annual #BlueMass in honor of our first responders across the Archdiocese.

Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archdiocese of Baltimore

