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Volume in: Lh-O

Regnum vegetable, a series of publications for the use of plant taxonomists published under the auspices of the International Association for Plant Taxono- my, edited by Frans A. Stafleu.

Volume 105

‘gl al 4


Taxonomic literature,

A selective guide to botanical publications and

collections with dates, commentaries and types

Volume mt: Lh-O

Second edition

Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht dr. W. Junk b.v., Publishers, The Hague 1981

: aN ae . i] i 7 cs ' ht ae a ony % i 2 >.) ‘ ; \ . 7,

©1981, Frans A. Stafleu, Utrecht, The Netherlands No part of this book may be reproduced by micro} permission from the publisher . hie

Complete work isBn go 313 0224 4; Volume 3 ISBN 90 313 044 41 :




‘Taxonomic literature and collections H-Le.

Index to titles

Index to names


This volume of Taxonomic literature —

is dedicated to the memory of

Liesbeth Kamp (1953-1980)


The publication of this volume follows in the wake of the tragic death of Liesbeth Kamp who took such an important share in the preparation of the text for this new edition of Taxonomic literature. Liesbeth helped us prepare the text for a great part of the first volume, the entire second volume and of the quasi-totality of the third volume by translating our handwritten texts into neatly typed manuscript and by taking care of the technical editing, the checking and the processing of bibliographic data in an excellent way, with grace and understanding for the intricacies of dealing with the authors and with unparalelled sense of duty. Our dedica- tion of this third volume to her memory is only a very modest tribute to her and should show that we will forget neither her dedicated input nor her charming personality.

In our introduction to the second volume we announced our intention to ask Jan A. Leussink to join us as co-author starting with the third volume. A serious deterioration of his health has prevented him, alas, from doing the work which he deemed necessary to consent to being listed as co- author. Originally he was to have written, for instance, the major entry on Linnaeus. At the time of going to press the health of our closest collaborator shows definite improvement and notwithstanding his illness we have had his constant help in processing the data. The eponymy paragraphs from L’Heritier through Murbeck have been written by him. We hope that Jan Leussink’s recovery will continue and that he will be able to continue giving us his much needed support.

The remaining eponymy paragraphs are from the hand of Laurence Skog, Smithsonian Institution, whom we herewith welcome as one of our new collaborators.

This third volume contains contributions of various new collaborators. Dr. P. Isoviita, assisted by several of his colleagues at the Botanical Museum of the University of Helsinki, has supplied us with numerous data concerning Finnish, Estonian and Russian authors in particular, and to bryological and lichenological literature in general which has resulted in a considerable strengthening of our coverage in these fields. Dr. O. Alm- born, at the Botanical Museum of Lund, did the same for Swedish literatu- re, Linnaeus and lichenology. A major new contribution is also that by Dr. C. Steinberg of the Istituto botanico, Firenze. Using the rich holdings of the Firenze libraries he supplied us with a wealth of detail in practically the entire field of our coverage, significantly increasing in particular our coverage of Italian, and in general mediterranean literature.

Further new support came from Dr. R. Kiger at the Hunt Institute of Botanical Documentation, especially with respect to the entry on Lin- naeus. We are very glad that he enabled us, for instance, to relate our Linnaean entries to the new catalogue of the Strandell Linnaean collection at the Hunt Institute. In this way our entry on Linnaeus, which is by necessity rather limited, links up with the forthcoming new authoritative catalogue of works by and on Linnaeus. Further important new support, especially on German language literature, came from C. D. K. Cook


(Ziirich), D. Ernet (Graz), G. Follmann (Kassel), W. Greuter (Berlin), P. Hiepko (Berlin), H. Kuhbier (Kiel), W. Lack (Berlin), K. Magdefrau (Miinchen), G. Wagenitz (Gottingen), S. Seybold and B. Zepernick (Berlin). Considerable assistance on our coverage of British literature and especially of rare items in general came from Dr. J. Edmondson at Edin- burgh.

Other colleagues who helped us with special questions were O. de Bolos (Barcelona), Mme. Monique Ducreux (Paris), P. M. Jorgensen (Bergen), Y. Laissus (Paris), O. Leistner (Pretoria), F. Motacchini (Torino), A. R. Pinto da Silva (Lisboa), E. A. Schelpe (Cape Town) and R. Schmidt (Berkeley, Calif.).

A new major library supporting our work is that of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia where we enjoyed the help of M. E. Garback, Janet Evans, Wm. Gagliardi, Sylva Baker, and especially J. Mears. The indexes to this volume were prepared and edited by Miss T. van Ingen, our new editorial assistant at Utrecht.

‘The mentioning of this new help and support comes into addition to the essential support given to us by our “standard libraries”’ mentioned in the introduction to volume 1 as well as-in our progress report on ‘TL-2 published in Taxon 28:.77-86. 1979. The support given by Ann Arbor, Berlin, Brussel, Geneve, Mitinchen, New York, St. Louis and USDA- Beltsville, as well as that of our home institutions Utrecht and Washington remains decisive for the success of our project. With this help we hope to reach the end of the alphabet by 1986. For the moment we are still on schedule and we thank all those who support us for making this possible. The odyssey has not yet ended, but the end comes in sight.

Utrecht, Washington July 1980

Additional Abbreviations ©

This list contains abbreviations not listed in volumes one, p. x1x-xl, and two, p. ix-xvili. The abbreviations of herbaria are those used in the Index herbariorum (see I: xxviii, under IH).


Almborn, O.


app. ANOLE


Biohist. Inst.

Blunt bryoph. BRNO BSbF B-S BRSL

CAG CAT Cesati cogn. coll. del. DOMO DOR DSB

Dr. phil. d

extraord. (or e.o.)


fl. F.M.LS. E.LS. ERS. FI-BN. sige GDOR

Greuter, W.


Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord.

Private library O. Almborn, Botanical Museum, Lund, Sweden.

Universiry: Mohr Herbarium, Alabama Museum of Natural Hi- story, University, Alabama 35486, U.S.A.

appointed, appointment.

Autun: Société d’ Histoire Naturelle et des Amis du Muséum d’Autun, 19 Rue Saint Antoine, 71400 Autun, France.

Bexrast: Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens, Belfast 9, Northern Ire- land.

Library of the Institute for the history of biology (formerly: Biohistori- cal Institute) of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Buunt: W., The art of botanical illustration. London 1950.

bryophyta, bryophytes.

see BRNU.

Bulletin de la Société botanique de France, vols. 1-x, 1854-x.

Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin.

Brestau: Botanisches Institut, herbarium and library; now WRSL, Wrocklaw, Instytut botaniczny, q.v.

CacuiaArr: Instituto Botanico della Universita, Viale Fra Ignazio da Laconi 13, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

Catania: Istituto di Botanica. Orto Botanico, Universita di Catania, Via Antonino Longo 19, Catania, Sicilia, Italy.

CersaTl, V. DE, Saggio di una bibliografia algologia italiana. Napoli 1882, TL-2/1076.

cognomen, an additional personal name.

collection(s), collector(s), collected.


Domoposso.a: Collegio Rosmini, Domodossola, Italy.

DorcuestTER: Dorset Natural History & Archeological Society, Dor- chester, Great Britain.

Dictionary of scientific biography, CG. C. Gillispie, editor in chief, vols. 1-14, 1970-1976 and supplement.

Doctor philosophiae.

died, death.

extraordinary (in extraord. prof.: assistant prof.)

FrrenZE: Istituto di Botanica della Facolta Agraria e Forestale della Universita di Firenze, Piazzale delle Cascine 28, 50144 Firenze, Italy.

floruit (flourished).

Foreign member of the Linnean Society of London.

Fellow of the Linnean Society of London.

Fellow of the Royal Society, London.

FrreNZE: Bibliotheca nazionale, Firenze, Italy.

FrreNzE: Herbarium tropicale, Istituto Botanico, see FI.

Genova: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale ““Giacomo Doria’, Via Brigata Liguria 9, Genova, Italy.

Private library W. Greuter, Botanisches Museum und Herbarium, Berlin-Dahlem.

HAUSMANN ZU STETTEN, F. von, Flora von Tirol, 3 parts, Innsbruck 1851- 1854, see TL-2/2483.



hue Hegi

hepat. Herder


IH 2 (in press) ING ISM Kelly Kew

Kremp. KU


Magdefrau, K.




Hamesurc: Institut fiir allgemeine Botanik, Jungiusstrasse 6, Ham- burg 36, Federal Republic of Germany, B.R.D.

honoris causa, honorary (doctor’s degree).

Heart, G., Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa, Miinchen, 1906-1931; for further details see TL-2/2571.

hepatics, hepaticae.

Herper, F. v., Catalogus systematicus bibliothecae horti imperialis botanici Petropolitani. Editio nova, Petropoli 1886.

Hetsink, Finland, University Library.

Lanjouw, J. and F. A. Srarveu, /ndex Herbariorum.

  1. The herbaria of the world, ed. 6, Utrecht 1974 (Regnum vegetabile vol. 92), (by P. K. Holmgren and W. Keuken).

  2. Collector's Index. Part 1, A-D, Utrecht 1954 (Regnum vegetabile vol. 2), (by F. A. Stafleu).

Part 2, E-H, Utrecht 1957 (Regnum vegetabile vol. 9), (by F. A. Stafleu).

Part 3, /-H, Utrecht 1972 (Regnum vegetabile vol. 86), (by M. N. Chaudri, I. H. Vegter and C. M. de Wal).

Part 4, M, Utrecht 1976 (by I. H. Vegter).

Part 5, -R, in press (by I. H. Vegter).

Index nominum genericorum (plantarum), edited by Ellen R. Farr, Jan A. Leussink, and Frans A. Stafleu, Utrecht-The Hague, 1979, 3 vols., (Regnum vegetabile vols. 100-102).

SPRINGFIELD: I]linois State Museum Herbarium, Spring and Edwards Street, Springfield, Illinois 62706, U.S.A.

KrieEG_ER, L. C. C., Catalogue of the mycological library of Howard A. Kelly, Baltimore, privately printed, 1924.

Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library, Kew, England. Vols. 1-5, 1974, Boston, Mass.

see Krempelh.

LawrENCcE, Kansas: Department of Special Collections, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas.

LanocmAN, I. K., A selected guide to the literature on the flowering plants of Mexico. Philadelphia 1964.

lichenes, lichens.

Legum baccalaureus, Bachelor of laws.

Legum doctor, doctor of laws.

The Library of Congress, Washington,,D.C., U.S.A.

Private library J. L. Lever, Department of Zoology, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Private library K. Magdefrau, Munchen, B.R.D.

Toxyo: Makino Herbarium, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Fukazawa, Setagaya, Tokyo 158, Japan.

CoLLeGE Park: Herbarium, Dept. of Botany, University of Mary- land, College Park, Maryland 20742, U.S.A.

Member of the Order of the British Empire.

Medicinae doctor.

Mixano: Istituto di Patologia Vegetale dell’ Universita, Via Celoria 2, 20133 Milano, Italy.

Morren, C. J. E., Correspondance botanique ed. 2, Oct 1874, ed. 10, Jul 1884, see TL-2/6345.

W. C. Steere bryological library at the Missouri botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. — Books in this library were referred to in volumes 1 and 2 as being in ‘Steere’. The Steere library was acquired by MO in 1979.

Messrna: Istituto ed Orto Botanico, Piazza XX Settembre, Messina Italy.

Napo tr: Istituto Botanico della Universita di Napoli, Via Foria 223, Napoli, Italy.

Order of Benedict.

obit. ord. ObW ObZ



P (Bibl. centr) PH






ordained, appointment to christian ministry, conferment holy orders.

Oestereichisches botanisches Wochenblatt, vols. 1-7, 1851-1857.

Oesterreichische botanische Zeitschrift, vols. 8-91, (1858-1942 (preceded by ObW, 1-7).

Officers Training Corps.

Papova: Istituto Orto Botanico dell’ Universita, Via Orto Botanico 15, Padova, Italy.

Paterno: Erbario dell’Istituto Botanico di Palermo, Italy.

Paris, Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Bibliotheque centrale.

Pures, Venta T., and Maurice Puriiurps, Guide to the manuscript collections in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Special publication no. 5, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1963, (in abbreviated bibliographical references); library of this Academy (in citation copies); herbarium of this Academy (in citation of herbaria).

Philosophiae doctor.

Pisa: Istituto Botanico dell’ Universita, Via Luca Ghini 5, 56100 Pisa, Italy.

plants (in texts on or references to herbaria).

Kincston: Fowler Herbarium, Queen’s University, Kingston, Onta- rio, Canada.

Recenssurc, B.R.D., University library, Library Regensburger Bo- tanische Gesellschaft and University herbarium.

Ricuter, H. F. E., Caroli Linnaei Systema, Genera, Species plantarum uno volumine (Codex botanicus Linnaeus). Leipzig 1835-1840 (source for dates of Linnean works).

Rica: Department of Botany, Latvian State University, Latvian SSR, Fr. Gaila Street 10, 226200 Riga, U.S.S.R.

Reapinc: Plant Science Laboratories, The University, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 2AS, Great Britain.

Roma: Stazione di Patologia Vegetale, Via Casal de’ pazzi, 250, 00156 Roma, Italy.

SANTIAGO DE ComposTELa: Jardin Botanico de Santiago, Plaza de Fonseca, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

CaRBONDALE: Southern Illinois Herbarium, Dept. of Botany, Car- bondale, Illinois 62901, U.S.A.

SraFLeu, F. A., F.A.W. Miquel, Netherlands botanist Amsterdam 1966, xvi, 96 p. (Wentia 16, 1966).

Sassari, Herbarium’‘of the Istituto Botanico della Facolta di Scienze Naturali, Sassari, Italy.

Strandell Collection of Linnaeana, Hunt Institute of Botanical Docu- mentation, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.

Torino: Istituto Botanico dell’Universita, Viale Mattioli 25, 10125 Torino, Italy.

Torrno: Istituto Missioni Consolata, Museo di Storia Naturale, Corso Ferruci, 14, 10138 Torino, Italy.

Trieste: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Piazza Hortis 4, Trieste, Italy.

Tartu (Dorpat, Jurjew); Herbarium of the Department of Taxono- my and Geobotany of State University, Michurina 40, Tartu, Estonian SSR, U.S.S.R.

Locan: Intermountain Herbarium., Botany Department, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 84322, U.S.A.

Urrecnt Netherlands, Institute of Systematic Botany; hepatics libra- ry of Frans Verdoorn on deposit.

Verona: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Sezione di Botanica, Corso

-Cavour 11, 37100 Verona, Italy.

Vicroria: Plant Research Institute, Department of Agriculture,

Swan St., Burnley, Victoria, Australia 3121.

W.W.-I W.W.-II

Wagenitz, G.




World War I, 1914-1918.

World War IJ, 1939-1945.

Private library G. Wagenitz, Systematisch-geobotanisches Institut, Universitat Gottingen, B.R.D.

ZANDER, Handwérterbuch der Pflanzennamen. Neubearbeitete und erwei- terte 10. Auflage von Dr. H. C. Fritz Encke und Dr. Giinther Buchheim unter Mitarbeit von Dr. S. Seybold. Stuttgart 1972. (refs. under authors A-B are to ed. g, 1964.).

~ Neubearbeitete und erweiterte 11. Auflage, id. Stuttgart 1979.

ZEPERNICK, B. & F. K. Timer, Grundlagen zur 300-jahrigen Geschichte des

Berliner Gartens, Englera 1, Berlin 1979.


L’Heéritier de Brutelle, Charles-Louis (1746-1800), French magistrate and amateur botanist, at Paris; from 1775-1789 counsellor at the Cour des Aides”’; after the revolution at the Department of Justice; died by murder in unclarified circumstances. (L’Hér.).

HERBARIUM and TyYPEs: On his death L’ Héritier’s herbarium contained 8000 species. It was acquired by the bookseller Garnery and sold to A. -P. de Candolle who made it the basis of his private herbarium (now at G). The herbarium contained plants collected by L’ Héritier himself in the Paris gardens and of plants collected by Patris (Fr.Guiana, 2000 species, via Turgot), O. Swartz (annoted by Sw. himself; extensive set), part of the Badier herbarium of Guadeloupe plants (other parts in P-LAM), a collection from Smeathmann from Sierra Leone, and plants from Dombey, Aiton, Banks et al. Other L’Héritier material is at CP, NEU (non-French material, via Coulon) and P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: AG 3: 4; Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 378; Blunt p. 159, 173, 174; BM 3: 1108; Bret. p. 126; CSP 4: 1; Dawson p. 534-540, 943; Dryander 5: 325 [index]; Frank 3 (Anh.): 43; GF p. 64-65; Herder p. 462; Hortus 3: 1198 (“L’Her.”’); HU 673, 692,

698 and 2(1): ccxl; IF p. 714; IH 2: 439; Jackson p. 572; Kew 3: 434; Langman p. 443;

Laségue p. 246, 345, 528, 538; MW p. 272; NI 1187-1190; Plesch p. 307-308; PR 5267-5279

(ed. 1: 5841-5853); Rehder 5: 508; TL-1: nos. 223, 677-686, see also p. 521; TL-2/1: 1059,

1060, and see index; Tucker 1: 426; Zander ed. 10, p. 685, ed. 11, p. 781.

Britten, J. and B. B. Woodward, J. Bot. 43: 267-273, 325-329. 1905.

Buchheim, G., Huntia 2: 29-58. 1965 [1966].

Burkhardt, R. W., The spirit of system 37. 1977.

Cameron, H. C., Sir Joseph Banks 122, 123, 124. 1952.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 427. 1880.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mémoires et souvenirs 60, 62, 78, 88, 94, 120-121. 1862.

Coulon, Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Neuchatel 8: 368-369. 1870 (herb. coll. NEU).

Curtis, W. H., William Curtis 65, 77-79, 111. 1941.

Cuvier, G., Mém. Inst. natl. Sci. Arts, Sci. math., phys. 4: 39-55. 1801; Notice historique sur Charles-Louis L’Héritier. Paris, Fructidor an X (1803), 21 p. Qu.

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 66-67. 1934 (letters to J. E. Smith); Banks letters 534-540. 19598.

Debure, G., Catalogue des livres de la bibliotheque de feu C. L. L’ Héritier de Brutelle, Paris (G. Debure) 1802 (lists e. g. all L’H’s own publications, including the“ dissertations’’), ed. 2, Paris (G. Debure, J. G. Merigot, Thierry) 1805.

Desherbiers, Notice historique sur Charles-Louis L’ Heritier. Paris [1801], 16p.

Hall, N., Bot. Eucalypts 84. 1978.

Hepper, F. N. & F. Neate, Plant coll. W. Afr. 50. 1971.

Leroy, J. F., ed., Bot. frang. Amér. nord 23, 59, 248, 249. 1957.

MacPhail, I., Cat. Redout. 3-11, 35-37, 64. 1963.

McVaugh, R., Huntia 1: 22-23. 1964. (sample treatment Bibliographia Huntiana).

Maiden, J. H., J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S. W. 44: 150. 1910.

O., Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 36-37. 1824.

Sachs, J., Hist. bot. 143. 1892.

Stafleu, F. A., Intr. L’Héritier, Sert. angl. facs. ed. 1963, p. vii-xlii (b. 15 jun 1746, d. 16 Aug 1800); Intr. Jussieu Gen. Pl. xxix, xxx. 1964; Redouté and his circle, in Buckman [ed.], Bibliography and natural history 48-65. 1967; Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 232, 237, 286-280, 323. 1971; zm Gillispie, DSB 8: 303-304. 1973 (bibl.).

Steele, A. R., Flowers for the king 168, 176-185, 190, 231, 298. 1964.

Thiselton-Dyer, W. T., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1891: 296.

Tyrell-Glynn, W. & M. L. Levyns, FI. afr. nos. 134-136. 1963.

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 181. 1927.

Woodward, B. B., zn G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 27, 40. 1904 (51 letters to Dryander).

HANDWRITING: Candollea 31: 335-336. 1976.

EPONYMY: Heriteria [sic] F. von Paula von Schrank (1789), Heritiera W. Aiton (1789), Hleritiera A. J. Retzius (1791), Herttiera J. F. Gmelin (1791). Note: Lheritiera Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth (1823) and Lheritierta Perrottet (1825) are orth. vars. of Heritiera W. Aiton (1789).


  1. Stirpes novae aut minus cognitae, quas descriptionibus et iconibus illustravit Carolus- Ludovicus L’Héritier, Dom. de Brutelle, in Aula Juvaminum Parisiensi, Regis consiliarius. Parisiis (Ex typographia Philippi-Dionysii Pierres, ... ) 1784 [1785-1805]. Broadsheet. (Starp. nov.).

Publ.: In six fascicles 1785-1791; plates for fasc. 7-9 issued after Aug 1805. ceth FI, G, Ey U, US; IDC 113; — Pagination [i*], [i] — xvi, 1-75, 76-81 (as 78-83), [82], 83 (as 84), [84], 85-110, rogbis- 1 robis, [11-112, 111bis-112bis, 113-118, 117bis-118bis, 119-120, 1 1gbis- 120bis, 121-181, [182], 183-184. Plates: (roman numbers): 1-7, 76, 8-30, 30b, 31-52, 52bi5, 533 53018, 54-50, 50b18, 57, 57b15, 58-59, 596, 60-84; pl. 85-107, 109-124 distr. post Aug 1805.

fase. pages plates dates I [i*], i-vi, 1-20 1-10, 7b Mar 1785 2 {i*], vil-vill, 21-40 11-20 Jan 1786 vel Dec 1785 sero 3 [i*], ix-x, 41-62 21-30, 30b Mar 1786 4 [i*], x1-x1i, 63-102 31-48 Mar-Apr 1788 5 [i*], xili-xiv, 103-134 49-64, 52bis, 53b1s, 56bis, Jan 1789 57bis, 59b 6 [i*], xv-xvi, 135-181 65-84 Sep 1791 Consp. 183-184. Sep 1791 7-9 — 85-107, 109-124 Aug 1805

The book remained unfinished. L’ Héritier had planned to issue 2 volumes with a total of at least 120 plates. Several libraries have copies that contain extra plates in addition to the 91 published during L’Heéritier’s life-time. The extra plates stem from the 1805 sale of his estate, or are (rarely) proofs or preprints sent by him to colleagues. The book is a broadsheet (not a folio) production. The main part contains gr line engravings of which 54 are of drawings by P. J. Redouté. Some copies have coloured plates (partly colour-printed, finished by hand); one or two copies are known to have a double set (plain and coloured) plates (one at Lawrence Kansas, KU). —See Buchheim (1965) for a very detailed study of the book (analytical bibl., collations, variants, history, updated nomenclature); see also BM 3: 1108, HU 673, and the Prospectus, below. Ref.: Bartlett, H. H., Fiftyfive rare books 1949, 20-52.

Buchheim, G. , Huntia 2: 29-58. 1965 [1966].

Cav anilles, A. ae Observations sur le cinquiéme fascicule de M. L’Héritier, J. Phys. 1789:


  1. Prospectus de ouvrage intitulé: Strpes novae, aut minus cognitae, descriptionibus et iconibus illustratae. In-fol. Par M. L’Héritier, ... [p.2: A Paris (de l’imprimerie de Ph.— D.Pierres, ... )1785]. (Prosp. Stirp. nov.).

Publ.: 1785 (permis d’imprimer: 18 Feb 1785), p. 1-2.

Copy: G.— It was planned to publish about 4 fascicles per year, each containing 10-12 plates. The paper for the regular issue was “papier grandeur de Chapelet demi-feuille.” Sixty copies were to be printed on “‘papier Vélin grand raisin,” some of these would contain coloured plates. The first cahier “est en vente.” It was possible to order copies with a double set of plates: coloured and uncoloured.

  1. Louwichea s.1.n.d. [Paris 1787 v. 1788]. Fol. (Louichea). Publ.: Dec 1787 or Jan 1788, p. [i, h.t.], plate, [iti-iv]. Copies: G, NY. — Later published in Stirpes novae (p. 135-136, pl. 65). Only five copies seem to have been printed.

  2. Virgilia s.l.n.d. [Paris 1788]. Fol. (Virgilia). ee Jan-Jun 1788 [1, h.t.], plate by P. J. Redoute, [iii-iv]. Copies: BM (1 pl.), G(r pl.), NY (2 pl.). — It is possible that there were two different “editions”. The Genéve copy has hard with this issue plate s of Oxybaphus and Tricatas (mentioned by PR, ed. 1, as 5851, 5852); Dryander mentions 2 pl.(copy B. M. Bloomsbury (n.v.)).

  3. Aakile, cum animadversionibus in Buniadem, Myagrum et Crambem, s.1. 1788. (Kakile). Publ.: Not published. Two sets of proof-sheets are known (P, G) [1, h.t.], (3)-(11), at G

bound with a plate showing Podocarpus.



  1. Michauxia s.l.n.d. [Paris 1788]. Fol. (Michauxia).

Publ.: “ed.” 1, Mar-Apr 1788; “ed.” 2, Jul 1788. It is hardly possible to speak of editions here although L’Heritier did so. Since we have not seen copies of the two editions at the same time, itis unknown to us whether there are differences. We have seen the copies at G (p. [i-iv], without plates, p/. 7 mentioned in the text) and at NY (p. [1] and 2f/. with text).

  1. Hymenopappus s.1.n.d. [Paris 1788]. Fol. (Hymenopappus). Publ.: Aug-Dec 1788, p. [i, h.t.], [iti-iv], 7 plate. Copies: G, NY.

  2. Buchozia s.l.n.d. [Paris 1788]. Fol. (Buchozia). Publ.: Aug-Dec 1788, p. [i, h.t.], [iii-iv], plate. Copies: G, NY.

  3. Car. Lud. L’Héritier, Dom. de Brutelle, in Aula Juvam. Par. Reg. Consil. Sertum

anglicum seu plantae rariores quae in hortis juxta Londinum, imprimis in horto regio

Kewensi excoluntur, ab anno 1786 ad annum 1787 observatae. Parisiis (typis Petri-

Francisci Didot). Prostat Parisiis (apud Lud. Nic. Prévost, Theophil. Barrois), Londini

(apud Rud. Graeffer), Argentorati [Strasbourg] (apud Armand. Koenig) 1788. Broad-

sheet. (Sert. angl.).

Publ.: as below, p. [i-iv], [1]-36, pl. 1-15, 15615, 16-34 for details see reprint 2 (article Blunt). Copies: Allan Hancock Found., BAS (Univ.), BH, BM, BR, DS, FI, G, HH(2), HU, JE, K, LINN, ND, OXF (Radcliffe), P, PH, S, Teyler, UC(2), USDA, W; IDC 5532.- For analytical bibl. formula see HU 692; a detailed description is given in Huntia 1: 21-24. 1964; see also Cat. Redout. no 3.

fasc. pages plates dates

I [i-iv], 1-36 I-2 early Jan 1789 2 no text 3-12 Mai 1790

3 no text 13-24, 1515 Apr 1792

4 no text 25-34 late 1792

Issue on velin paper: Paris (Bibl. natl.), broadsheet, as above but all plates unfolded, size 600 x 440mm, plates coloured.

Reprint 1 [post 1800]: Sertum anglicum, ... observatae. Parisiis (typis Petri-Francisci Didot) prostat Parisiis (apud Lud. Nic. Prévost./Theophil Barrois) Londini (apud Rud. Graeffer), Argentorati (apud Armand Koenig). 1788. [i.e. post 1800]. Fol.

Publ.: Even though dated 1788, this reissue, with the text on 20 p., and in folio, was probably published as a whole after L’Héritier’s death; see Stafleu, p. xxxvii of reprint 2. p.[1-iv], [1]-20, pl. 1-34, 1561s. Copies: AMD, HH, L, NY, P(Bibl. nat.) REN, MO, U,

Reprint 2: Pittsburg Pennsylvania (The Hunt Botanical Library) 1963. Facsimile of orig. ed. with critical studies and a translation; frontisp. (col.) [i]-xcviii, [i-h.t.], facsimile: [i-iv], [1]-36, pl. 1-15, 15bis, 16-34, [1-11, indexes, 12, colophon]. Copies: FAS, HU, U, US, USDA. Number of copies printed: 2000. Plates reduced (except for imprints; these were pasted up separately), imprints on fl. 16 reversed. — Introductory articles by J. S. L. Gilmour, C. J. King, L. H. J. Williams (botany), W. Blunt (artists), and F. A. Stafleu (biography, bibliography).

Ref. : MacPhail, I., Gat. Redout. 37. 1963.

MacVaugh, R., Huntia 1:22-23. 1964 (sample treatment Bibl. Hunt.). Townsend, A.C., J.Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 4: 200-201. 1963 (rev. facsimile ed.)

4493- Car. Lud. L’Heritier, Dom. de Brutelle, in Aula Juvam. Par. Reg. Consil. Cornus.Specimen botanicum sistens descriptiones et icones specierum Corni minus cognita- rum. Parisiis (Typis Petri-Francisci Didot) .. . Prostat Parisiis (apud Ludovicum Nicolaum Prévost, Theophilum Barrois), Londini (apud Petrum Elmsly) Viennae (apud Rudol- phum Graeffer) Argentorati [Strasbourg] (apud Amandum Koenig) 1788 [1789]. Broadsheet. (Cornus). Publ.: 1 Jan-21 Feb 178g, p. [i], [1]-15, pl. 1-6. The copy at G has two sets of plates, coloured and plain; copper engr. of drawings by L. Freret (3) and P. J. Redouté (3). Copies: FI, G, HU, MICH, MO, NY; IDC 6019. The copies with coloured and uncoloured sets of



plates (G, Sotheby) belong to a set of six printed on vellum, with all six plates coloured by the Redoutés. See HU 698 for anal. bibl. details.

Reprint text: Usteri, P., Del. Opusc. bot 2(16). 1793; 2 pl.

Ref.: GF p. 65; HU 698; Sotheby 452; ST p. 71. Britten, J. and B. B. Woodward, J. Bot. 43: 272.1905. Stafleu, F. A., in L’Héritier, Sertum anglicum, facsimile, Pittsburgh 1963, p. xxix, Xxx. MacPhail, I., Cat. Redout. 36. 1963. Lawalrée, A., Cat. Redout. 100-101. 1963.

  1. Car. Lud. L’Heéritier, Dom. de Brutelle, in Aula juvam. Paris Reg. Consil. Geraniolo-

gia, seu Erodii Pelargonii, Geranii, Monsoniae et Grieli historia iconibus illustrata. Parisiis

(Typis Petri-Francisci Didot.) Prostat Parisiis (apud Ludovicum Nicolaum Prévost, Theo-

philum Barrois), Londini (apud Petrum Elmsly), Viennae (apud Rudolphum Graeffer),

Argentorati [Strasbourg] (apud Amandum Koenig) 1787-1788 [1792]. Fol. (Gerantologia).

Publ.: Apr 1792, p. [i, t.p.], pl. 1-44. Copies: FI, G, HU (pl. 14 lacking), MICH (no t.p., 44 pl.), MO (no t.p., pl. 1-13, 15-24, 26-28, 30-44); IDC 6021. — For a discussion of the history of this book see Britten and Woodward (1905) and Stafleu (1963). The text was not published until 1802 (see below); the unfinished manuscript came in the hands of A.P. de Candolle. Proofsheets of a Compendium generalogium [sic] are at G, 64 p. These sheets were not effectively published by L’Heéritier himself although he sent the first three to Banks and perhaps also to other botanists. However, Guittonneau (1967) has shown that three copies of the text were sold on 10 Mai 1802 (public sale of L’Héritier’s brary). This constituted indeed effective publication as of that date. Other copies of this text are at the Bibliothéque nationale and at the Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, both at Paris.

Plates: 33 of the 44 uncoloured engravings are after drawings by P. J. Redouté (excellent quality; early work), the others are by C. Aubriet (1), L. Freret (pl. 14; in first state ascribed to“ P. J.Redouté’’) (1), Pernotin (3), H. J. Redouté (1), James Sowerby (6), S. Taylor (1). (J. P. Redouté stands for P. J. Redouté). The plates were re-issued, probably from the original stock, by Garnery, Paris 1813. Several of the drawings used in this work were made during L’Héritier’s stay in London. If regularly published, it would have been a fitting pendant to the Sertum anglicum.

Facsimile ed.: Boerhaave Press. Leiden, 1978 p. [i], pl. 1-44. ISBN 90-70153-08-4. Copy: FAS. (see Taxon 27: 423. 1978).

Ref.: GF p. 65; Sotheby 451; ST p. 71-72; TL-1/686.

Britten, J. and B. B. Woodward, J. Bot. 43: 271. 1905.

Guittoneau, Bull. Soc. bot. France 114: 42-45. 1967.

McPhail, I., Cat. Redout. 64. 1963.

Stafleu, F. A., in L’Héritier, Sertum anglicum, facsimile, Pittsburgh 1963; Taxon 27: 140. 1978 (announcement reprint).

L’Herminier, Ferdinand (1802-1866), Guadeloupe physician and botanist of French descent at Point a Pitre, son of the French pharmacist and plant collector Félix Louis L’Herminier. (L’ Herminier).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Main collections at P and PC; important sets also at BM, G, W and formerly at B (for the greater part destroyed). Both father Félix Louis (1779-1833) and son Ferdinand collected and the labels often do not indicate which of them was the collector. For further details see Urban (1902) and Sayre (1975).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 378 (father and son); CSP 4: 1; IH 2: 439 (entry on p. 271 incorrect); Laségue p. 315, 491, 505; ME 1: 206, 3: 616 (father); Urban-Berl. p. 306; Tucker 1: 426.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 16 (Bibl.): 47. 1869 (sale herb.)

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 149. 1888.

Bennett, J., Contr. Charleston Mus. 4: 13-15. 1923 (on Félix L’H.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 428. 1880 (coll.).

Ewan, J., in J. F. Leroy, ed., Bot. franc. Amér. nord 36. 1957 (on Félix L’H.).

Fée, A. L. A., Bull. Soc. bot. France 14: 57-58. 1867.

Geiser, S. W., Natural. Frontier 242. 1948 (on Félix L’H.).

Guibourt, N.J.B.G., Notice sur Félix Louis L’Herminier. Paris 1834 (n.v.).



Lacroix, A., Figures de savants 4: 157. 1938 (on Félix L’H.).

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 457. 1847 (on Félix L’H.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 360. 1975.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 12, 52. 1898, 3: 75. 1902 (b. 20 jun 1802, d. 11 Dec 1866; original information provided by A. Duss).

Willis, E., Bull. Charleston Mus. 2: 29-30. 1906 (in exile: superintendent Charleston Mus.).

note: Félix Louis L’Herminier (b. 18 Mai 1779, Paris; d. 25 Oct 1833, Paris), father of Ferdinand L’H. resided in Guadeloupe from 1795-1829 (except for brief visits to S. Carolina and to St. Bartholomew). The above references refer to father and/or son. The indication“ Félix-Léon” in A. Guillaumin, Fl. jard. xxxix, is an error. Further notes on F. L. L’H.: Barnhart, J.H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 241. 1917.

EPONYMY: Herminiera Guillemin & Perrottet (1832).

Lhotsky [Lhotzky], Johann [baptized Jan] (1800-1860’s), Austro-Hungarian naturalist and plant collector born in Poland of Czech parentage; Dr. Med. Wien 1830; in Brazil (1830), in Australia (New South Wales) (1832-1836); Tasmania 1836-1838; in London 1838-1840. (Lhotsky).

HERBARIUM and typEs: No original herbarium known; collections from Australia (1832- 1836) at B, CN, FI, G, HAL, KIEL, LE, LY, LZ, MEL, OXF, P, W; from Brazil (1830- 1832) at B, BR, G, HAL, K, LE, LZ, MO, NY, P, PR, W (distributed by Esslingen Reiseverein). Manuscript notes and a map of the excursion in the Australian Alps are at BM (Bloomsbury). Some letters at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Austral. enc. 5: 296-297; Austral. dict. biogr. 2: 114-115;

Barnhart 2: 378; BB p. 187; Clokie p. 199; CSP 4: 2, 6: 713, 12: 445; Desmond p. 385; IH 2:

439-440; Kew 3: 435; Laségue p. 73, 236, 281-282, 308, 482, 506, 574; Maiwald p. 90, 103,

118, 124, 178; PR 5280; Rehder 5: 500.

Anon., Flora 12(2): 634-637. 1829, 13(Beil. 1): 37-40. 1830, 14(2): 647-656. 1831, 15(Int. 2): 25-40. 1832, 17(1): 239. 1834.

Bailey, F. M., Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 8(2): 125. 1890/91.

Baines, J. E., Vict. Natural. go: 228. 1973 (“‘Jan” of Czech parentage).

Baur, K., Jahrb. Gesch. Oberdeut. Reichsst. 16: 234, 255, 256. 1970 (coll.).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 149. 1888 (coll. at W).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 428. 1880 (coll.).

Hooker, J. D., Flora Tasmaniae 1: 125. 1856.

Iredale, T., Austral. Zool. 3(6): 223-226. 1924 (“Lhotsky’s Lament,” on Lhotsky and the ornithologist Coxen).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 486. 1864.

MacPherson, Medic. J. Australia 1: 661-667. 1938 (“The turbulent Dr. Lhotzky’”’, many interésting details from original sources).

Maiden, J. H., J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 42: 72-74. 1908; Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1909: QI.

Miller, H.S., Taxon 19: 530-531. 1970.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant life 2: 69. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 42. 1906 (itin.).

Wakefield, N. A., Vict. Naturai. 92(11): 228-243. 1975 (on L’s excursions into the Australian Alps).

Whitley, J., Proc.R. Austral. Hist. Soc. 19(5): 318-321. 1933.

EPONYMY: Lhotskya J. C. Schauer (1836).

  1. A journey from Sydney to the Australian Alps, undertaken in the months of January,

February, March, 1834. Being an account of the Country traversed, its aborigines, etc.

together with some general information respecting the colony of New South Wales. Sydney

1835 (sold by J. Innes, Bookseller ... London) (n.v.). (Jour. Austral. Alps).

Publ.: 1835, 110 p. Seven and a half sheets printed of which seven were published, (issued fortnightly). We did not see this publication; a copy is at the Mitchell Library, Sydney.



For further information see e.g. Iredale (1924), MacPherson (1938) and Wakefield (1975). Lhotsky also presented a copy to LINN. Note: Lhotsky published the anonymous‘ ///ustrations of the present state and future prospects of the Colony of New South Wales by an impartial observer” Sydney, 1835 (fide Whitley 1933).

Li, Hui-Lin (191 1-x), Chinese botanist, MS Yenching University; Ph. D. Harvard 1942; at Univ. of Pennsylvania 1943-1946; professor of botany at Soochow Univ., China, 1946- 1947; id. at National Taiwan University 1947-1950; from 1952 in various functions at the University of Pennsylvania, from 1974 John Bartram professor of botany; naturalized U.S. citizen 1962. (Li).

HERBARIUM and TyPeEs: PH (still private in 1979, but to be transferred formally before 1981).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 378; Bossert p. 237; Hortus 3: 1198; Langman

p. 443; MW suppl. p. 198-200; Roon p. 69.

Eckardt, Th., Bot. Jahrb. 80: 33-34. 1961 (rev. of his Garden Flowers of China, New York 1959), 83: 3-4. 1964 (rev. of his Woody-flora of Taiwan, Philadelphia, Narberth. 1963; see also ‘Taxon 12: 302-303. 1963, 20: 632. 1971).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 117. 1969.

Libert, Marie-Anne (1782-1865), Belgian botanist, born in Malmédy. (Lib.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BR; other material at LG. — Exsiccatae: Plantae cryptogamicae quas in Arduenna collegit, fasc. 1-4, nos. 1-400, 1830-1837, sets at B (destroyed), BM, BR, DAO, FH, G, K, L, LG, PAV, PC, S, W. — L’s library was dispersed by sale in Nov 1861. The manuscript of the text accompanying the Plantae cryptogamicae is at BR. — Specimens from the Libert herbarium were distributed by BR in 1879-1881 as Reliquiae Libertianae, types originaux don du Jardin Royal de Bruxelles’. See Marchal (1872) and Thimen (1888); see also Bull. Soc. bot. France 27(bibl.): 47. 1880.

NoTE: Malmédy belonged to the principality of Liege in 1782 but became part of Prussia under the 1815 treaties. Mlle Libert then became Prussian by nationality but remained Belgian by birth, avocation and culture:“‘ je suis Belge, moi; je suis née Belge et je mourrai Belge” (Du Mortier 1865). At her death she left a‘‘ dictionnaire wallon-francais” of 599 mss. pages (see Haerens 1963).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 600; Backer p. 328; Barnhart 2:.378; Bossert p.

237; CSP 4: 5, 8: 220, 12: 446; Frank 3 (Anh.): 57; GR p. 690-691, cat. p. 67; Herder p. 237;

Hortus 3: 1198; IH | (ed. 6): 361, 2: 440; Kelly p. 128, 254; Kew 3: 436; LS 15366-15373; PR

5282 (ed. 1: 5855); SBC p. 125 (“Lib.”’); Stevenson p. 1249; TL-2/2: see A. L. S. Lejeune.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 23: 108. 1865; Bull. Soc. bot. France, 12(bibl.): 95-96. 1865 (epon.); Bull. Soc. mycol. France 23: frontisp. portr. 1907; Flora 48: 60. 1865. Osterr. bot. Z. 15: go. 1865 (d. 13 Jan 1865, Malmédy).

Baines, J. E., Vict. Natural. go: 228. 1973 (epon.).

Bouillenne, R., Acad. r. Belg. Bull. Cl. Sci. ser. 5. 51: 857-859. 1965.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 428. 1880.

Crépin, F., Guide bot. Belg. 233, 234, 457. 1878.

Du Mortier, B. C. J., Bull. Soc. bot. Belgique 4: 403-411. 1865 (obit., bibl.).

Evens, F. M. J. C., Gesch. algol. Belgie 179. 1944.

Haerens, G., Bull. trim. Cercle Libert Malmedy 1(3): 21-24, (4): 34-36. 1953 (portr.), 11(3): 34-43. 1963.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979.

Lawalrée, A., Lejeunia 21: 7-19. 1957 (extensive information; letters to her by Lejeune); Rev. de Bot. 21: 7-9, pl. 1-2. 1959.

Lawalrée, Lambinon and Demaret, Marie-Anne Libert, botaniste, extrait de Marie-Anne Libert 1782-1865, Malmédy 1965, p. 115-126.

Leroy, J., Hautes Fagnes 1965(1): 85-87 (commémoration).

Marchal, E., Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 11: 3-15. 7 Nov 1872 (coll., Reliquiae Libertianae), also issued separately, Reliquiae Libertianae, Gand (Imprimerie C. Annoot-Braeckman) 1872, p. [1]-14, copy: BR.



Morren, Ch., Les femmes et les fleurs, discours prononcé le 11 mars 1838. Liége 1838, p. 34 (fide Morren 1868, p. vi).

Morren, Ed., Marie-Anne Libert de Malmédy, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Gand, 1868, 13 p. (bibl., portr.), reprinted from Belg. hort. 5: v-xv. 1868).

Roumeguére, C., Rev. mycol. ser. 2. 8: 7-24. 1 Jan 1880 (letters on P/. crypt. and notes on the publication of the Reliquiae; on p. 15-24, Revisio Reliquiae Libertianae 1); 3(11): 39-59, pl. 79-20. t Jul 188r (series altera); [with R. A. Saccardo:] 5: 233-239, pl. 39-41. 1 Oct 1883 (series tertia); 6: 26-39. pl. 42-46. 1 Jan 1884 (series quarta).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 33. 1969 (exsicc.), Bryologist 80: 512. 1977.

Thimen, F. v., Reliquiae Libertianae [1883], 7 p. (identif.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 88. 1903.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Lejeune, Fl. environs Spa 2: 272-285. 1815 (vascular cryptograms). (2) See Roumeguére, C., for Reliquiae mycologicae libertianae.

MEMORIAL PUBLICATION: La Belgique horticole vol. 5, 1868 (portr., obit. by Ed. Morren, bibl.; “sa vie et ses oeuvres.’’).

HANDWRITING: Lawalrée, Lambinon and Demaret, Marie-Anne Libert, botaniste, 1965 (see above), plate facing p. 13.

EPONYMY: Asterolibertia Arnaud (1918); Libertella Desmaziéres (1830); Libertia Dumortier (1822, nom. rej.); Libertia K. P. J. Sprengel (1824, nom. cons.); Libertia Lejeune (1825); Libertiella Spegazzini & Roumeguére (1880); Libertina F. von Hohnel (1920); Myxolzbertella F. von Hohnel (1903).

  1. Mémoires sur des cryptogames observées aux environs de Malmédy ... Paris (au

secrétariat de la Société Linnéenne, ... ) 1826. Oct. (Mém. cryft.).

Publ.: Sep 1826 (in journal), p. [1]-7, pl..5 (uncol. copper engr.). Copies: BR, MICH. — Reprinted from Mém. Soc. Linn., Paris 5: 402-403, 404-406. 1827 (publ. Sep 1827, see MD p. 182).

4497- Plantae cryptogamicae quas in Arduenna collegit M. A. Libert, ... fasciculus primus [- quartus]. Leodii [Liége, Luik] (Typis Jacobi Desoer, bibliopolae, ... ) 1830-1837. Qu. (PI. crypt. Arduenna). Publ.: Text accompanying the above-mentioned series of exsiccatae. Copy: BR (with mss.). 1: 1830, p. [1]-8, [1, ind.]. 2: 1832, p. [i-ui], [1, ind.]. 4: 1837, p. [1-ui], [1, ind.]. Ref.: Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 33. 1969.

Liboschitz, Joseph (1783-1824) Russian (Austro-Hungarian) botanist and physician in St. Petersburg; later in Vienna. (Libosch.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 378; BM 3: 1109; Bret. p. 337;

CSP 4: 6; Frank 3(Anh.): 57; GB p. 65; Herder p. 462; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Libosch.”’);

Jackson p. 330; Kew 3: 436; LS 15373a-15374; NAF 7(15): 1075; NI 1191; PR 5283-5286

(ed. 1: 5856-5859); Rehder 5: 509; TL-1/1334; TR 781-784; Zander ed. 10, p. 685, ed. 11, p.


Herder, F.v., Bot. Centralbl. 55. 290. 1893, 58: 386. 1894 (Trinius et Liboschitz, Musci petrop. mosq. at LE).

Lipschitz, S., Florae URSS fontes nos. 618, 619. 1975.

Poggendorff, J.C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1450, 1582. 1863.

  1. Beschreibung eines neuentdeckten Pilzes in einer an den Herrn Joseph Freyherrn v. Jacquin ... gerichteten Zuschrift von Joseph Liboschitz ... mit einer illuminirten Kupfer- tafel. Wien (In der Camesina’schen Buchhandlung.) 1814. Fol. (Beschr. Pilz.).


Publ.: 1814, cover, p. [1-8], 7 pl. (hand-col. copper engr.). Copy: MO. — On Dendromyces Stevenit.

  1. Flore des environs de St. Petersbourg et de Moscou, pour servir aux amateurs de la botanique et des jardins, aux médecins, pharmaciens, manufacturiers, teinturiers, econo- mes &c. &c. par Joseph Liboschitz ... et Charles Trinius ... ornée de figures en taille- douce. St. Petersbourg (L’imprimerie de la marine) 1818. Qu. (FU. St. Petersbourg). Co-author: Carl Bernhard [von] Trinius (1778-1844).

Publ.: In four parts, 1811-1818 (p. ii: 15 Nov 1817), p. [i-xii], [1]-244, [1, ind.]. Copies: B-S, MO, NY, USDA. - 1: 1-63, pl. 1-10. 1811; 2: 65-121, pl. 11-20. 1811; 3: 123-125, pl. 21-930. 1812 (2); g: 187-244, pl. 31-40. 1818. — The plates are hand-coloured copper engr. Title also in Russian. The above t.p. is that for the complete work (USDA); the copies at B-S, MO and NY have a different t.p.:** Flore ... et de Moscou, par Joseph Liboschitz et Charles Trinius, Médecins. Tome premier.” A St. Petersbourg (De Pimprimerie de Pluchart et Cie.) 1811, p. [i-ix], [1]-121, [122, cont.], go pl. (p. 1: Nov 1811). From these copies it would appear that all plates had been published by 1811.

Lichtenstein, August Gerhard Gottfried (1780(?)-1851), German botanist at Helm- stadt. (A. Licht.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. H’s considerable herbarium (45.000 specimens) was sold after his death. It contained material collected and/or distributed by Hohenacker, Hoch- stetter, Drége, Hampe, etc.

pATEs: BM and PR give b. 1780, but Barnhart notes that this is a confusion with the zoologist and surgeon Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein (b. 10 Jan 1780, d.d 3 Sep 1857; see Bonplandia 5: 330, 6: 337) who collected also botanical material during his stay in South Africa (1802-1806) (see e.g. Lasegue and Zep-Tim, p. 75; “Hinrich”; Dr. med. Helmstedt 1802; from 1809 in Berlin; founder, 1844, of the Zoolog. Garten and its director until 1857).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 378; BM 3: 1109, 4: 1552; Herder p. 138;

Jackson p. 15; Kew 3: 437; PR 5287 (ed. 1: 5860); Rehder 5: 509.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 9: 856, 925-926. 1851 (herb. forsale); Flora 35: 79. 1852; Osterr. bot. W. 2: 7. 1852 (herb. for sale), 2: 44. 1852 (d. 3 Sep 1851).

EPONYMY: Lichtensteinia Willdenow (1808, nom. rej.). Lichtenstema Wendland (1808, nom. rej.), and Lichtensteinia Chamisso & Schlechtendal (1826, nom. cons.) are dedicated to Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein (1780-1857), German zoologist and botanist, who travelled and made botanical collections in Southern Africa (1802-1806).

  1. Index alphabeticus generum botanicarum quotquot a Willdenovio in speciebus plantarum et a Persoonio in synopsi plantarum recensentur concinnatus ab A. G. G. Lichtenstein, ... Helmstadii (impressus typis Leuckartiorum patris et filii.) 1814. Qu. (Index gen. bot.). Publ.: 1814, p. [i]-vili, [1 ]-88. Copies: B (photocopy), G, HH.

Lichtenstein, Georg Rudolph (1745-1807), German botanist; 1774-1804 professor of medicine at the Julius-Carl-Universitat at Helmstadt. (G. Licht.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 32, 344; PR 5288 (ed. 1: 5861); SO 685. Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1453. 1863 (d. 28 Mai 1807; bibl.).

  1. Anleitung zur medicinischen Krduterkunde fir Aerzte und Apotheker ... von D. Georg Rudolph Lichtenstein ... Helmstadt (druckts und verlegts, Johann Heinrich Kihnlin) 1782-1786, 2 vols. (in 4). Oct. (Anleit. med. Krduterk.). Publ.: in two volumes; vol. 2 in three parts. Copy: M. 1: Aug-Dec 1782 (NZgS 11 Sep 1783; p. xiv: 19 Jul 1782). p. [iii]-xiv, [1]-208, pl. 1-8 (uncol. copp.). 2(1): 1785, p. [i]-iv, [1]-268.


(2): 1786, p. [i], 269-530. (3): 1786, p. [1]-viii, [531 ]-946.

Lickleder, Max (1826-1893), German Benedictine clergyman; ordained Metten 1851; high school teacher and bryologist at the Studien-Anstalt Metten. (Lickl.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: In 1911 still in the Metten monastery but later destroyed by fire (Magdefrau 1978).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 379; CSP 16: 769.

Anon., Ber. bot. Ver. Landshut 13: 113-114. 1894 (note preceding L’s posthumous Die Lebermoose der Umgegend von Metten, ib. 115-124).

Familler, I., Denkschr. bay. bot. Ges. Regensburg 11: 10, 12, 15. 1911. (herb., b. 23 Dec 1826, d. 15 Dec 1893).

Magdefrau, K., Hoppea 37: 146. 1978.

  1. Die Moosflora der Umgegend von Metien. (1. [1i.] Abteilung). Beilage zum Jahresberich-

te der Studien-Anstalt Metten fiir 1889/90 [1890/91] von P. Max Lickleder, O.S.B.,

Studienlehrer. Druck der Jos. Thomann’schen Buchdruckerei in Landshut. [1890-1891].

(Moosfl. Metten).

1: Mar 1890 (Bot. Centralbl. Apr 1890; Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1890; Bot. Zeit. 27 Feb 1891), p. [1 ]-62, 7 pl..

2: prob. Jul-Aug 1891 (Bot. Zeit. 29 Jan 1892), p. [63]-128, [1, index].

Copres: MO-Steere (2). — Hepaticae: See Lickleder, Ber. bot. Ver. Landshut 13: 115-124. 1894.

Licopoli, Gaetano (1833-1897), Italian botanist at Napoli; high school teacher and assistant at the Napoli botanical garden; student of Gasparrini (Licopol).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 379; BL 2: 385, 682; BM 3: 1110, 7: 630; Bossert

Pp. 2375 Cesati p. 44; CSP 8: 221, 10: 591, 12: 446, 16: 769; De Toni 1: Lxxviii, 2: Ixxvi; GR p.

518 (d. 7 Aug 1897), cat. p. 67; IH 1 (ed. 6) 2: 440; Jackson p. 87, 320; Morren ed. 2, p. 26,

ed. 10, p. 85; PR 5289 ed. 1; Rehder 5: 509; Saccardo 1: 96 (b. 3 Aug 1833), 2: 63; Tucker 1:


Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 72: 287. 1897 (d. 7 Aug 1897), 74: 380. 1898; Nat. Nov. 19: 575. 1897 (d.); Bot. Not. 1898: 45.

Balsamo, F., Bull. Orto bot. Napoli 3: 54-55. 1913 (portr., b. 3 Aug 1833, d. 7 Aug 1897).

Delpino, F., Rendic. Accad. Sci. fis. mat. Napoli ser. 3. 4(1): 22-25. Jan 1898 (obit.) Napoli 1898. 3 p.

Geremicca, M., Della vita e delle opere di G. Licopoli, Napoli 1899 (n.v.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 3: 208. 1897 (d.).

  1. Storia naturale delle prante crittogame che nascono sulle lave vesuviane ... Napoli (stampe-

ria del Fibreno ... ) 1871. Qu. (Stor. nat. pl. critt. vesuv.).

Publ.: 5 Mai 1871 (p. 58; Bot. Zeit. 8 Sep 1871), p. [i, iii], [1]-58, pl. 7-3 (uncol. lith. auct.). Copy: G. — Publ. as Atti Accad. Sci. fis. mat. Napoli 5(1), sess. 13 Nov 1869, 1871.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 18 (bibl.): 205. 1872 (refers also to prel. publ.).

  1. Di un viaggio botanico al Gargano ... Napoli (Stamperia del Fibreno ... ) 1872. Qu.

(Viagg. bot. Gargano).

Co-author: Giuseppe Antonio Pasquale (1820-1893).

Publ.:1872 (read session 6-13 Apr 1872), p. [1]-31. Copy: FI— Atti Accad. Sci. fis. mat. Napoli 5(18), 1872.

  1. Le galle nella flora di alcune province napolitane ... Napoli (Stab. Tipografico di Vincenzo

Morano...) 1877. Qu. (Galle napol.).

Publ.:1877 (BSbF 7 Nov 1877) p. [1]-64, pl. 1-5. Copy: FI.— Rev.: Bull. Soc. bot. France 25 (bibl.): 151. 1879.


Lid, Johannes (1886-1971), Norwegian botanist; curator of the Botanical Museum of Oslo University from 1919-1956.(Lid).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: O. Duplicates: DBN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: BFM 1440, 1525; BL 2: 682 [index]; Bossert p. 237; Hirsch

p. 175; 1H 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 440-441; Kew 3: 437-439; Kleppa p. 327 [index]; Roon p. 69.

Holmboe, J., Norsk biogr. Leks. 8: 309-310. 1938 (bibl.).

Kunkel, G., Cuad. Bot., Gran Canaria 5: 3-4. 1969.

Love, A., Taxon 2(2/3): 279-280. 1973 (on Lid and his wife Dagne Tande Lid, especially the latter’s botanical art).

Mackechnie, R., Watsonia 9: 178. 1972.

Nilsson, N. G. et al., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 73: 555-562. 1979 (on Norsk og Svensk Flora).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 512. 1977.

Stormer, P., Blyttia 24(4): 138-140. 1966, J. Bryol. 7: 107. 1972.

Sunding, P., Blyttia 29(4): 175-181. 1971 (portr., bibl. based on Kleppa); Cuad. Bot., Gran Canaria 14/15: 1, 3. 1972 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Editor of ““Nyll magasin for naturvidenskapene”’, later ““Nytt Magasin for Botanik” 1942-1956. Published: Norsk Flora (1944; ed. 2. 1952; and Norsk og Svensk Flora 1963, ed. 3. 1974).

  1. Sphagna from Novaya Kemlya with an appendix by E. Jérgensen some mosses from

Novaya Zemlya... Kristiania [Oslo] (A. W. Br¢ggers Boktrykkeri a/s) 1924. (Sphagna Nov.


Publ.:i1924 (p. [8]: printed 8 Feb 1924), p. [1]-7, [8]. Copzes: FH, FI, H— Report of the Scientific results of the Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemlya 1921. no. 20.

Lidbeck, Eric Gustaf (1724-1803), Swedish botanist at Lund; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1749; adjunct nat. hist. Lund 1750, curator (“‘prefekt”’) of the botanical garden 1752; professor of natural history at Lund University 1756-1795. (Lidb.).


NoTE: L’s son Anders Lidbeck (b. 26 Jul 1772, Lund; d. 11 Mai 1829, Stockholm) published e.g. a Dissertatio de plantis, in suecorum memoriam nominatis. Diss. ... 22 Dec 1792, Lund. For further details see KR p. 388-3809.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 379; BM 7: 630; Dryander 5: 326; Herder

p.243; 1H 2: 441; Kew 3: 439; KR p. 389 (b. 21 Jun 1724, d. 9 Feb 1803); LS 15384; PR

5293-5295 (ed. 1: 5865-5871); Rehder 5: 509-510; SO 2535, 2773.

Almborn, O., Tre sekler botanik i Lund 1968, p. 2 [Lund, mimeogr.].

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige 360 [index]. 1960.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 37. 1950.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(1): 191. 1907, 1(2): 64, 74, 87, 195, 247- 1908, 1(4): 64. 1gIo.

Lindman, S., Sv. man och kvinnor 4: 555. 1948 (portr.).

Hulth, J. M. & A. H. Uggla, Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(2): 206, 208. 1943.

Lowegren, Y., Naturaliekabinett i Sverige 355, 404 [index]. 1952 (L. was secretary to Linnaeus on his Vastgota trip).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 22. 1905.

EPONYMY: Lidbeckia P. J. Bergius (1767).

  1. Jalom planteringar, hallet for Kongl. Vetensk. Academien, vid praesidii aflaggande den 8. Januarii 1766. Af Eric Gustaf Lidbeck. Stockholm (Tryckt hos Direct. Lars Salvius)
  2. Oct. ( Tal planter.).

Publ.: 1766 (read 8 Jan 1766) p.[1]-40. Copy: HU.

  1. D.D. dissertatio gradualis fungos regni vegelabilt vindicans. Quam venia amplissimi



philosophorum ordinis praeside viro amplissimo & celeberrimo Erico Gustavo Lidbeck...

publico examen subjicit Jonas Dryander, Gothoburgensis die xviii. Decembris mdcclxxvi

l.h.c. Londini gothorum (typis Berlingianis) s.d. Qu. (Duss. fung.).

Author of text: Jonas Carlsson Dryander (1748-1810).

Publ.. 18 Dec 1776, p. [1]-16. Copy: NY. — Dryander himself (1797) lists this under the authorship of Lidbeck with the annotation‘ Resp. Jonas Dryander.” Krok lists this as a Dryander publication because Dryander signed the dedication as “auctor”. Reprinted by J. J. Roemer, Arch. Bot. 2(2): 202-209. 1801.

Lidforss, Bengt (1868-1913), Swedish batologist; Dr. phil. Lund 1893; lecturer in botany at Lund university 1897-1905, 1906-1911; professor of botany at Uppsala 1910-1911, at Lund 1911-1913. (Ledf.).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: LD; other material at C and GB. — Rubus types presumably lost.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 379; BL 2: 541, 682; BM 3: 1110, 7: 630; Bossert p.237; CSP 16: 769; IH 2: 441; Kew 3: 439; KR p. 389-391 (b. 15 Sep 1868, d. 23 Sep 1913); Moebius p. 327, 337, 338; SO 2953.

Almborn, O., Tre sekler botanik 1 Lund, Lund 1968, p. 8.

Anon., Allg. bot. Z. 16: 80. 1910 (app. Uppsala), 19: 192. 191 (id. at Lund); Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 31: (182), 369. 1913; Bot. Centralbl. 77: 320. 1897 (habil. Lund), 113: 640. 1910 (app. Uppsala), 123: 640. 1913 (d.). Bot. Not. 1883: 46, 1897: 192, 1905: 56, 1908: 256, 1913: 240, 1933: 66, 76; Hedwigia 50(2): 89, 1910 (app. Uppsala), Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 58: 818. 1915 (Schiiller Pfeffers); Nat. Nov. 19: 548. 1897 (habil. Lund), 32: 288. rgro (app. Uppsala), 35: 514. 1913 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 60: 167. 1910, 63: 512. 1913 (d.); Sv. bot. Tidskr. 7: 320. 1913 (d.).

Beyer, N., Bengt Lidforss. Stockholm 1968, 451 p. (portr.).

Fries, R.E. et al., Short hist. bot. Sweden 91, 107, 122-123. 1950.

Gustafson, R., Sv. man och kvinnor 4: 559-561. 1948 (portr.).

Hjelmaqvist, H., Bot. Not. 1958: 16, 17, 18, 32 (portr.).

Larsson, R., Bot. Not. 1913: 240-246 (portr.).

Rosenberg, O., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 31: (118)-(126). 1914 (bibl.), Sv. bot. Tidskr. 8: 147- 152. 1914 (portr., bibl.).

Sjovall, E., ed., Bengt Lidforss. Malm6 1923, 166 p. (portr., bibl.).

Vendelfelt, E., Den unge Bengt Lidforss. Lund 1962, 303 p. (portr.).

Weis, Fr., Bot. Tidskr. 33: 277. 1913 (obit.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 48. 1903, 3(3): 22-23, pl. 114. 1905 (portr.).

  1. Studier dfver artbildningen inom sléktet Rubus [Uppsala (Almqvist & Wiksells boktrycker

1..) 1905-1907]. Oct. (Stud. Rubus).

1: 7 Jun 1905, p. [1]-41. Copy: U. — Ark. Bot. 4(6). 1905. Reprints prob. Apr 1905.

2: 7 Sep 1907, p. [1]-43. Copy: U. —id. 6(16). Reprints prob. Mar-Apr 1907.

Ref.: Johannsen, [ed.], Z. Abst. Vererb.-Lehre 12: 1-13. 1914 (publ. of summary, in manuscript by L., of his work on Rubus).

Liebe, Karl Leopold Theodor (1828-1894), German ornithologist, mineralogist, geolo- gist, and botanist; Dr. phil. Jena 1852; high school teacher at Hamburg (1852-1855); id. Gera (1855-1861 at the’ Gewerbeschule”’, 1861-1894 at the “Rutheneum”); student of Oken and Schleiden. (K.L.7. Liebe).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Originally at the Gera Rutheneum (Gymnasium); present location unknown to us.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: ADB 51: 702-703; Barnhart 2: 379 (6. 11 Feb 1828); BM 3:

1111; CSP 4: 9, 8: 222, 10: 592-593, 12: 446, 16: 772; Quenstedt p. 262-263.

Anon., 8. B. Abh. naturw. Ges. Isis, Dresden 1894: 18-19 (b. 11 Feb 1928, d. 5 Jun 1894).

Furbringer, Leopoldina 30: 171-173, 182-188, 199-202. 1894 (bibl.).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 4: 883. 1904. (bibl.).

Zimmermann, E., Jahrb. k. Preuss. geol. Landesanst., Berlin 15: Ixxix-cxliv. 1894 (detailed obit., bibl.; L’s publications were almost exclusively geological or ornithological).


Liebe, Theodor (//. 1862), German botanist, high school teacher at the Friedrichs- Werdersche Gewerbeschule in Berlin. (7. Liebe).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

note: Theodor Liebe is nol identical with the above K.L.T. Liebe. The latter was teacher at the Gera Rutheneum from 1861-1894; the present Theodor Liebe (the author of purely botanical publications) was teacher at the Friedrichs-Werdersche Gewerbeschule in Berlin from (at least) 1862 onward. We have not been able to find further details on Theodor Liebe, who is also the author of Grundriss der speciellen Botamk, Berlin 1866, ed. 3. 1891, and Die Elemente der Morphologie ed. 1, Berlin 1868, ed. 2. 1877, ed. 3, ib. 1881, ed. 4. 1888 (see BM. 3) 1012);

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Jackson p. 61, 73, 572; Kew 3: 439; Langman p. 443-444; LS 15386; Morren ed. 10, p. 7; PR 5296-5298; Rehder 5: 510; Tucker 1: 427. Ascherson, P., Fl. Provinz Brandenburg 1: 8. 1864.

  1. Jahresbericht tiber die stadtische Gewerbeschule, womit zu der Dienstag, den 8 April 1862 stattfindenden offentlichen Prufung der Schtler die héchsten und hohen Behérden, so wie alle Gonner und Freunde des Schulwesens ehrerbietigst einladet der Director der Gewerbeschule Wilhelm Gallenkamp. Inhalt: 1) Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Schmarotzerpflanzen. Vom Dr. Liebe. 2) Schulnachrichten. Vom Director. Berlin (Buchdruckerei von Gustav Lange, ... ) 1862. Qu. (Geogr. Verbr. Schmarotzerpfl.).

| Part 1:| shortly before 8 Apr 1862, p. [1 ]-36 (text Liebe on p. [1 ]-24). Copies: MO (compl.), NY (p. 1-24). Distributed with and without the ““Schulnachrichten”’.

[Part 2:| Jan 1869, p. [1]-49 (text Liebe on p. [1]-34). Copies: MO (compl.), NY (p. 1-34). “‘Jahresbericht tiber die Friedrichs-Werdersche Gewerbeschule in Berlin womit zu der Dienstag 23. Marz 1869...” Berlin (id.) 1869. Qu. Distributed id.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 9: 695. 1864; 16 (bibl.): 57. 1867.

Ascherson, P., Bot. Zeit. 21: 38-39. 30 Jan 1863.

Lieblein, Franz Kaspar (1744-1810), German botanist and high school teacher at Fulda, Hochfurstlich-Fuldischen Hofkammerrath und Hofapotheker’’. (Lied/.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 379 (6. 15 Sep 1744, d. 28 Apr 1810); BM 3: 1112; Dryander 3: 157, 5: 326; Herder p. 185; Hortus 3: 198 (“‘Liebl.’’); PR 5300 (ed. 1: 5877); Rehder 5: 510.

Drude, O., Hercyn. Florenbez. 6. 1902 (Veg. Erde vol. 6).

Poggendorff , J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1461. 1863 (b. 15 Sep 1744, d. 28 Apr 1810).

  1. Flora fuldensis oder Verzeichniss der in dem Firstenthume Fuld wildwachsenden

Baume, Strauche und Pflanzen zum Gebrauch der hiesigen academischen Vorlesungen

entworfen von Franz Kaspar Lieblein ... Frankfurt am Main (in der Andredischen

Buchhandlung) 1784. Oct. (Fl. fuld.).

Publ.: Feb-Mai 1784 (p. xvi: 1 Feb 1784; NZgS 27 Mai 1784 p. [i]-xvi, [1]-482, [1-14]. Copy: M.

Liebmann, Frederik Michael (1813-1856), Danish botanist; from 1837-1840 and 1845- 1853 lecturer at the Copenhagen veterinary college; travelled in Cuba and Mexico 1840- 1843; from 1845-1852 extraordinary professor of botany at Copenhagen University; in 1852 succeeding Schouw as ordinary professor and director of the Copenhagen botanical garden. (Liebm.)

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: C (over 95.000); duplicates in many herbaria; see Sayre (1975) for details. Manuscripts and correspondence also at C (acquired 1860).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 379; BL 2: 478, 683; BM 3: 1112; CSP 4: 21-22; De Toni 1: Ixxviii; Frank 3(Anh.): 58; GF p. 65; GR p. 684; Herder p. 463;



Hortus 3: 1198 (“Liebm.”’); IF p. 714; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 441; Jackson p. 572; Kew 3: 410;

KR p. 391 (b. 10 Oct 1813); Langman p. 444-445; Laségue p. 468-469, 505, 574; LS 15411-

15413; NI 1192; PR 5301-5304; Rehder 5: 510; RS p. 113; SBC p. 125 (“Liebm.”); TL-

1/933; PL-2/1: 2098, 2: 4182; Urban-Berl. p. 306, 369; Zander ed. 10, p. 685, ed. 11, p. 781.

Anon., Amer. J. Sci. ser. 2. 1(3): 455. 1846 (coll.); Bonplandia 1(4): 35. 1953, 5: 32. 1857 (d.); Bot. Not. 1840: 176, 1841: 158, 1842: 61, 144, 208, 1857: 19; Bot. Zeit. 14: 871. 1856, 15: 263. 1857, 39: 768. 1856; Flora 24: 47-48. 1841; Osterr. bot. W. 6: 375. 1856 (death).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 428. 1880 (coll.).

Christensen, C., Danske bot. Hist. 1: 363-377. 1926, 2: 218-233. 1924-1925 (bibl., portr.) (b. 10 Oct 1813, d. 29 Oct 1856, of tuberculosis).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317 [index]. 1936.

Fischer-Benzon, F. J. D. von, in Prahl, Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 33-34. 1890.

Hemsley, J. B., Biol. centr. amer. 4: 129-130. 1887.

Hooker, J. D., in W. J. Hooker, London J. Bot. 5: 525-527. 1846.

Hornschuch, C. F., Flora 26(1): 108-118. 1843 (account Mexic. journey).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 370, 406, 467. 1864.

uaerskou, H. F. C., Bot. Tidsskr. 23: 42. 1go0o0.

Koster, Th. J., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

Leon, N., Bibl. bot.-mexic. 168-169. 1895.

McVaugh, R., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. g: 259. 1972.

Millspaugh, C. F., Publ. Field Mus. 68, Bot. 1: 453. 1902 (Flora St. Croix).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 162. 1904 (Mex. Hepat. via Hampe).

O., Dict. sci. méd. 6: 45. 1924.

Orsted, A. S., im F. M. Liebmann, Chénes de l’Amérique tropicale vii-x. 1869; Vid. Medd. naturh. For. Kj6benhavn 1866: 15-16. 1887 (itin.).

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 2: 365. 1975.

Pedersen, M., Bot. Centralbl. 85: 342. 1901 (coll. C.).

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Libr. Publ. 5: 36-37. 1907.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 360. 1975. Bryologist 80: 512. 1978. (coll.).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 75-76. 1902.

Vainio, E. A., Dansk. bot. Ark. 4(11): 1-25. 1926 (on L’s lichens from Mexico).

Warming, E., Bricka’s Dansk biogr. Lexikon 10: 281-283. 1896 (n.v.); Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 150- 162. 1881 (bibl.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: see Oeder, Flora danica (fasc. 41-43). Licbmann published, with J. Lange, the Flora Danica supplementum [Icones plantarum ...supplementum operis, Florae Danicae nomine inscriptum|] fasc. 1-3, 1853-1874, see below 4517. Fasc. 1, 1853, p. [1]-16, pl. 1-60 was published by Liebmann; fasc. 2 and 3, 1865, 1874, by J. M. C. Lange (TL-2/7008).

HANDWRITING: Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 1: 373. 1926. EPONYMy: Liebmannia J. G. Agardh (1842); Liebmannia G. Meneghini (1843).

  1. Mexicos bregner, en systematisk, critisk, plantegeografisk Undersogelse af F. Lieb-

mann (Laest i det Kongl. danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Méde d. 3 Novbr. 1848).

(Saerskilt aftrykt af det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, 5te Raekke, natur-

videnskabelig og mathematisk Afdeling, 1ste Bind.) Kjébenhavn (trykt hos Kgl. Hofbog-

trykker Bianco Luno) 1849. Qu. (Mexic. bregn.).

Publ.: 1849, p. [i], [1]-174. Copies: H, MO, NY, US. — Reprinted from K. danske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1: 151-322, 353-362.

Other issue: as a reprint with original pagination from idem 1: 151-322. Copies: MICH, MO, U, US, USDA.

  1. Mexicos halugraes bearbeidede efter Forgaengernes of egne Materialier med Tillaeg af

de i Nicaragua og Costa Rica af Mag. A. S. Orsted samlede samt nogle faa ubeskrevne

vestindiske Former. Af F. Liebmann (Laest i det Kgl. danske Videnskabernes Selskabs

Méde d. 30 Novor. 1849). (Mexic. halugr.).

Publ.: 1850 (read 30 Noy 1849). — Reprint with original pagination from Kgl. danske Vid.

_ Selsk. Skr. 2: 189-277. 1850. Copies: H, MO, NY, US, USDA. — We have seen no copies with independent pagination.



  1. Mexicos Juncaceer ved F. Licbmann. [Kj¢benhavn page Oct (Mexic. Juncac.). Publ.: 8 Mar 1850 (date journal publ.), p. [1]-13. Copies: G, H. — Reprinted from Vid. Medd. Naturh. For. Kj@bnhavn 1850: 36-48.

  2. Mexikos og Central-Americas neldeaglige planter (ordo: Urticaceae) indbefattende fami-

lierne: Urticeae, Moreae, Artocarpeae og Ulmaceae ... Kjébenhavn (Trykt hos Kgl.

Hofbogtrykker Bianco Luno) 1851. Qu. (Mewxic. neldeagt. pl.).

Publ.: 1851 (read 24 Jan 1851), p. [1]-59, [1-2, index]. — Reprinted from K. danske Vid. Selsk. Skr. ser. 5, naturv. math. Afd. 2: 285-343. Copies: USDA, WU.

Other issue: reprint with original pagination from idem 2: 285-343. 1851. Copies: MO, NY, US.

  1. Mexicos og Central-Americas Begoner. Af F. Liebmann. [Kj@benhavn 1852]. Oct.

(Mexic. Begon.).

Publ.: 1852 (read 14 Apr 1852; Christensen dates this 1853), p. [1 ]-22. Copy: G.— Reprinted from Ved. Medd. naturh. For. Kj¢benhavn 1852: 1-22. See also Hooker, London J. Bot. 5: 84-86. 1853 (translation by Wallich).

  1. Icones plantarum sponte nascentium in regnis Sueciae et Norvegiae, supplementum operis, Florae danicae nomine inscripti, editum a F. M. Liebmann et Joh. Lange. Volumen primum (unicum) continens fasciculos 1, ii, ili. seu tabulas i-clxxx. Hauniae [Kj¢benhavn] (Typis Louis Klein) [1853-] 1874. Fol. (Icon. pl.).

Co-author: Johan Martin Christian Lange (1818-1898).

1: 1853 (p. 16: 20 Oct 1853) p. [1]-16, pl. 7-60 (uncol. copper engr.).

2: 1865 (p. 18: 31 Mar 1865), p. [1]-18, pl. 67-120 (id.).

3: 1874 (p. 16: 1 Mar 1874; J. Bot. Nov 1874), p. [1]-16, p/. 127-180 (id.), plus general t.p. [i]. Copies: G, NY.

Note: fascicles 2 and 3 were by J. M. C. Lange, see TL-2/7008.

  1. Novorum plantarum mexicanarum generum decas auctore F. Liebmann. [Kj¢benhavn

1854.]. Oct. (Nov. pl. mexic.).

Publ.: 1854 (or 1853 as preprint?), p. [1]-22. Copy: G. — Preprinted from Vid. Medd. Naturh. For. Kj¢benhavn 1853: go-107. 1854.

  1. Chénes de l Amérique tropicale. Iconographie des espéces nouvelles ou peu connues. Ouvrage posthume de F. M. Licbmann. Achevé et augmentée d’un apercu sur la classifica- tion des chénes en général par A. S. Mrsted ... Leipzig (Léopold Voss, ... ) 1869. Fol. (Chénes Amer. trop.).

Editor: Anders Sandge rsted (1816-1872).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1869 (p. [iv]: 4 Jun 1869; BSbF Feb 1870; Flora 22 Sep 1870), p. [i]-x, [1]-29, [1, err.], pl. A-K, 1-47. Copies: B, BR, H, MICH, MO, NY.-—10 nature ore (A-K) and 47 unsigned engraved plates by J. Tr: Bayer or C. iiecncna with analyses by Qrsted.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Roc. bot. France 17(bibl.): 26. Feb 1870.

Bary, H. A. de, Bot. Zeit. 28: 127-128. 1870 (with obituary).

Liégard, Auguste (1801?-1892) French physician and botanist. (Liég.). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 134-135, 682; BM 3: 1112; Jackson p. 281; Kew 3: 440; Rehder 5: 510.

  1. Bleuniou-Breiz Flore de Bretagne par Auguste Liégard ... Paris (Librairie F. Savy)

  2. 18-mo. (Fl. Bretagne).

Publ.: Jul-Sep 1879 (p. x: 15 Jun 1879; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1879; Bot. Zeit. 28 Mai 1880), p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xlvini, [1]-405. Copies: G, H, L, NY. — For additions and more recent publications on the subject see BL.

Lienau, W., (/i. 1863), German pharmacist and botanist at Eutin, later court chemist at Rendsburg. (Lienau).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 380; BM 3: 1112; Herder p. 185; PR 5307. Christiansen, W. et W., Bot. Schrifttum Schleswig-Holstein no. 257. 1936. Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. von zm P. Prahl, Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 34. 1890.

  1. Die phanerogamischen Pflanzen des Fiirstenthums Liibeck und seiner Umgebung. Zusam- mengestellt von W. Lienau, ... Eutin (Buchhandlung von P. Volckers.) 1863. Oct. (Phan. Pf. Liibeck).

Publ.: 1863 (p. vi: Jun 1863; Flora 24 Jan 1864), p. [i-ii], err. slip, [iii]-viii, [1]-88. Copy: NY.

Lightfoot, John (1735-1788), British clergyman and botanist; domestic chaplain to the Dowager Duchess of Portland at Bulstock, Bucks.; later at Uxbridge; one of the founders of the Linnean Society of London. (Lighif:)..

HERBARIUM and Types: Lightfoot’s herbarium was acquired by Robert Brown, but appa- rently disposed of by him between 1855-1858; it was acquired by K in 1921. A number of plants are at BM. A further part of Lightfoot’s herbarium, containing algae, was acquired by K in 1959. The lichens are lost. For details see Dixon (1959). — A manuscript journal ofa botanical excursion in Wales [1773, transcribed by D. Solander] is at BM (Banksian ms. 86, Dryander 3: 138).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocRAPHy: AG 2(1): 337; Backer p. 328; Barnhart 2: 381 (b. 9 Dec

1775, d. 20 Feb 1788); BB p. 187-188; BM 3: 1113, 7: 631; CSP 4: 23; Dawson p. 540-541,

943; Desmond p. 385; DNB 11: 1110-1111, 33: 231-232; Dryander 2: 149, 321, 3: 138, 5:

327; Frank 3(Anh.): 58; GR p. 376; Hawksworth p. 184; Henrey 2: 727, 3: 74-75; Herder p.

170; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lightf.”); HU 651; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 442; Jackson p. 246; Kent p-

65; Kew 3: 441; Laségue p. 330, 574; LS 15420; Moebius p. 92; NI 1193; Plesch p. 308; PR

5308; Rees Cycl. (Lightfootia); Rehder 5: 511; SBC p. 125 (“Lightf.”); SO add. 678b;

Sotheby 454; TL-1/687.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. rogg. 1870.

Bell, Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Field Club 36(2): 70-72. 1972 (n.v.).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 53: 269-271. 1915.

Davey, F. H., Fl. Cornwall xxxiv. 1909.

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 67. 1934 (letters to J. E. Smith), Banks corr. 540-541. 1958 (e.g. letter 11 Nov 1777 on a rev. of Fi. scot.).

Dixon, P., Brit. phycol. Bull. 7: 39-41. 1959.

Druce, G. C., Fl. Oxfordshire 386-387. 1886, ed. 2. xci-xcii. 1927; Fl. Berkshire cxxxix-cxl. 1897; Fl. Buckinghamshire xciv-xcv. 1926.

Fletcher, H. R., Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 61, 94. 1970.

Hawsksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 112-113, 198. 1977.

Jourdan, Dic. Sci. méd. 6: 47. 1824.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 65. 1957, Hist. Fl. Middlesex 18. 1975.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979.

Moore, S., Fl. Cheshire Ixxxv. 1890.

Riddelsdell, H. J., J. Bot. 43: 290-307. 1905 (L’s visit to Wales, diary);Fl. Gloucestershire Cxlli-cxiv. 1948.

Smith, E., Life Joseph Banks 9, 10, 37, 39, 314. 1911.

Smith, J. E., Memoir and Correspondence 1: 289. 1832.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 203, 317. 1971; also m C. L. Héritier, Sert. angl. facs. ed. 1963, p. xxvii.

Urness, C., A naturalist in Russia 97, 106, 131, 172. 1967.

EpONYMY: Lighifootia O. Swartz (1788); Lighifootia L’ Heritier de Brutelle (1789); Lightfootia Schreber (1789).

  1. Flora scotica: or, a systematic arrangement, in the Linnaean method, of the native plants of Scotland and the Hebrides ... London (printed for B. White, ... ) 1777. 2 vols. Oct (HE scot.)



Ed. 1: 20-23 Sep 1777, most probably 22 Sep (Price, 1968). Copies: G, MICH, NY, U, USDA; IDC 6020.

r: frontisp. (engr. t.p. vol. 1), [i]-xli, [1]-530, pl. 7-23 (uncol. copper engr.). 2: frontisp. (engr. t.p. vol. 2), p. [i], 531-1151, [1-24, ind.], pl. 24-35 (id.).

Motto taken from Abraham Cowley (1618-1667): “Where does the wisdom and the power

divine,/ In a more bright and sweet reflection shine?/ .../ If we could open and intend our

eye,/ We all like Moses should espy,/ Ev’n in a bush the radiant Deity.” see Collins in

Sotheby (454) on attribution of plates: most plates were drawn by Moses Griffiths (1743-

1819), others by P. Mazell, Gabl. Smith, Robertson and James Sowerby.

Ed. 2: London (printed for R. Faulder) 1789 (p. xii*: 13 Nov 1788) Oct. Copies: MO, NY, USDA; also: MICH (but with 1777 t.p.).

r: front. engr. t.p., [i], [iii], v*-xii* [life of the author by T. Pennant], v-xli, [1 ]-530, pl. 1- 23 | id.). 2: front. ener. t.p., [1], 531-1151, [1-24, ind.], pl. 24-35, uncol. copper engr.

“On sera charmé d’appendre que le livre intitulé Flora Scolica sera bient6t rendu aux

souhaits des amateurs de l’histoire naturelle de la Grande-Bretagne. I] fut publié en 1778

aux frais du célébre naturaliste anglois, M. Pennant, l’ami intime de l’auteur, le Révérend

Jean Lightfoot. Les matériaux pour cet ouvrage avoient été ramassés pendant un tour en

Ecosse & dans les Hébrides, dans laquelle M. Lightfoot avoit accompagné M. Pennant.

Quelques ennemis de l’auteur réussirent a décréditer Pouvrage au moment de sa naissance.

Mais M. Pennant, qui étoit plus en état que tout autre d’en apprécier le mérite, le fit retirer

des mains des libraires, & en fit suspendre la vente. Convaincu que la cabale ne pourroit

plus s’opposer au mérite reconnu de cette précieuse collection, on va la présenter de nouveau au public, précédée de la vie de auteur, qui mourut au mois de février de Pannée

derniére.” (L’esprit des journaux 6: 397. 1789).

Ed. 2, other issue of vol. 1: London (Printed for J. Dickson, G. Mudie, J. Elder, P. Hill, A. Guthrie, T. Brown, Lawrie & Symington, J. & J. Fairbairn, J. Guthrie, T. Duncan, J. Watson & Co.), Edinburgh (C. Elliot), Leith (W. Coke) 1792. Oct., engr. t.p., [i*]-x1i*, v-xhi, [1 ]-530, pl. 1-21. Copy: MO. [the accompanying vol. 2 is of the 1777 ed.]. - Henrey (971) cites a copy of vol. 2 of this reissue (BM) with minor differences. We saw a copy (London ... 1792) in the library of P. M. Jérgensen.

Ref: Curtis, W. H., William Curtis 1746-1799. 1941 (Letter Lightfoot 27 Mar 1777 on fi.). Price, J. H., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 5(1): 57-67. 1968 (q.v. for many further details on the

publication of ed. 1).

Lignier, Elie Antoine Octave (1855-1916), French palaeobotanist; Dr. Sci. Paris 1887; “preparateur” at Lille with C. E. Bertrand 1880-1887; lecturer (1887) and professor of botany (1889), as well as director of the botanical garden (1896) at the University of Caen. (Lign.). :

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 296; Barnhart 2: 381 (correct name and dates; b. 25 Feb 1855, d. 19 Mar 1916); BJI 2: 105; CSP 16: 781-782; DSB 8: 354; Kew 3: 441-442; Langman p. 445; LS 35000; Moebius p. 124, 144, 145; Morren ed. 10, p. 64; Quenstedt p. 263; Rehder 5: 511.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1916: 196; Nat. Nov. 38: 192. 1916 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 66: 140. 1916 (d.). Chevalier, A., Mem. Soc. Linn. Normandie 26: 1-19. 1924 (note biogr.).

Dollfus, C. R., Soc. géol. France ser. 4. 16(C.R.): 41. 1916.

Emberger, L., Les plantes fossiles 157-158, 382, 651. 1968.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 197. 1938.

Jeffrey, E. C., Bot. Gaz. 62: 507-508. 1916 (portr.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 22: 96. 1916 (death).

Lignier, O., Titres et travaux scientifiques ... Laval 1914 (n.v.).

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 71. 1966.

Scott, D. H., Stud. foss. bot. 1: 334, 337, 413. 1920, 2: (passim). 1923.

Seward, A. C., Fossil plants, eds. 2, 1910, 3, 1917, 4, 1919.

Taton, R., ed., Science in the 1gth century 330, 377, 384. 1965.

EPONYMY: Ligniera Maire & Tison (1911).



4523- Recherches sur V anatomie comparée des Calycanthées, des Mélastomacées, et des Myrtacées

... Paris (Octave Doin, ... ) 1887. Oct. (Rech. anat. Calycanth.).

Publ.: Jun 1887 (original cover of journal), p. [1]-459, pl. 1-76. Copy: FI. — Arch. bot. Nord France 4 (38-41), 1886, publ. Jun 1887.

  1. Végétaux fossiles de Normandie. Structure . affinités du Bennettites morierei Sap. &

Mar. (sp.) ... Caen (Imprimerie E. Lanier, ... ) 1894. Qu. (Vég. foss. Normandie).

Publ.: Jan- “Apr 1894 (Bot. Centralbl. 22 Mai 1894), p- [3]-78, pl. 1-6 (uncol. liths) with text. Copies: FI, MO. — Published as Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie 18(1). 1894; rev. by M. Mobius, Bot. Centralbl. 59: 209-211. 7 Aug 1844.

Continuation: no. 2: Contr. fl. liass. Ste.-Honorine-la-Guillaume, Mém. Soc. Linn. Norman- die 18(2): 124-151, pl. 7. 1895. no. 3. Etude anat. Cycadeoidea micromela, ib. 20: 329-371, pl. 12. 1901. no. 4: Bois divers, ib. 22: 237-332, pl. 17-23. 1907. no. 7: Contr. fl. jurass., ib., 24: 67-105, pl. 9. 1913.

Lilja, Nils (1808-1870), Swedish botanist, publicist and (from 1843) organist (klockare) at Billinge in Skane. (Lilja).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 381; BL 2: 511, 538, 540, 682; BM 2: 1113; Bossert p. 238; CSP 4: 23; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lilja”); Kew 3: 442; KR p. 392-393 (b. 18 Oct 1808, d. 19 Dec 1870); Langman p. 445; PR 5309-5310 (ed. 1: 5886-5890); Rehdern5: 511; Zander ed: 10, p: 685, ed. 11, p. 781.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1843: 96, 1871: 13, 1833: 35f.

Kurck, C., Bot. Not. 1933: 35-37 (portr.).

Lindman, S., Sv. man och kvinnor 4: 574-575. 1948 (portr.).

Torje, A., Nils Lilja. Klockare, botanist, litterator. Lund 1966, 96 p. (portr., bibl.).

  1. Skanes flora, innefattande Skanes fanerogamer och 1 ett bihang Skanes ormbunkar, de

pa akren odlade vext- och sadesslagen och de i 6friga Sverige forekommande fanerogamer

utom fjallvexterna, med karakterer, vextstallen och nytta, jemte ett vextgeografiskt namn-

register m.m., utarbetad och utgifven af N. Lilja. Lund (nos forlaggaren bokhandlaren C.

W. K. Gleerup) Kopenhamn (i Gyldendalska Bokhandeln), Christiania (hos bokhandla-

ren J. Dahl) 1838. Oct. (Skdnesfi.).

Ed. 1: 1838 (Flora 28 Sep 1838), p. [i*-vi*], [1]-xiv, [1]-523. Copies: MO, USDA.

Hie ta7 ON pro: 1 Apr 1870): Ones NY, USDA. r: [1]-8, [1]-528; 2: [1], 529-1018. — “Skanes flora, innefattande Skanes vilda och odlade vaxter; en handbok for folkskolor, landtman, tradgardsodlare, apotekare och for den studerande ungdomen, ... ny om- beanbetad upplaga, ... Stockholm (L. J. Hiertas forlag) 1870, Oct..

Ref.: Torje, Bot. Not. 116(2): 331-340. 1963.

  1. Flora dfver Sveriges odlade vexter, innefattande de flesta pa fritt land odlade vexter 1

Sverige, jemte de allmannare och vackrare fenstervexterna, med kannetecken och kort

anvisning om deras odlingssatt, af N. Lilja. Stockholm (Zacharias Haegegstrom) 1839. Oct.

(Fl. Sv. odl. vext.).

Orig.: 1839 (p. vii: Apr 1839), p. [1]-xix, [xx], [1]-175, [176, err.]. Copies: H, USDA. — See also note in Bot. Not. 1839: 38.

Forsta supplementet: 1840 (p. vi: Mai 1840), p. [1]-xxxv, [xxxvi], [1]-83, [84, err.]. Copzes: G NY, USDA. — Stockholm (id.) 1840. Oct. See KR p. 392, no. 2 for further ref., especially Lilja (1840).

Liljeblad, Samuel (1761-1815), Swedish botanist and rural economist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1788; Dr. med. ib. 1793; amanuensis at the Uppsala nat. hist. museum 1789; ““Borgstr6- miansk adjunkt” 1790; keeper of the brary and collections of the Uppsala Vetenskapsso- cietet (1793-1802); from 1802 professor Borgstromianus. (Liljebl.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: UPS; other material at S and UPS (Thunberg herb.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 381; BL 2: 511, 682; BM 3: 1113-1114; Dryander 3: 646, 5: 327; Frank 3(Anh.): 58; G Rp. 477, cat. p. 67; Herder p. 138; Hortus 3: 1198 (‘ ‘Liljeblad” ); IF p. 714; IH 2: 442; Kew 3: 442; KR p. 393 (b. 20 Dec 1761, d. 1 Apr res ete p- 392, 502, 574; LS 15423; PR 5311-5314 (ed. 1: 5891-5895); Rehder 5: 511; SBC p. 125 (“Lilj.”’); SO add. 746aa, 758; SY p. 52; Zander ed. 10, p. 685, ed. 11, p. 781.

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige 264, 302, 322, 329. 1969.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné wor 269. 1912.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979 (lichens at UPS).

Lindman, S., Svenska man och kvinnor 4: 575. 1948 (portr.).

Lowegren, Y., Naturaliekabinett i Sverige under 1700 — talet 249, 253, 254, 256, 355. 1952. Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 512. 1977 (bryoph. at UPS).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 23. 1905 (on portr.).

  1. Svenska Ort-slagen, eller kort afhandling, om sattet at efter botaniske grunder urskilja svenska vaxterna, til classer, ordningar och slagter, afS.L. Upsala (tryckt hos direct. Johan Edmans enka.) s.d. [1791]. (Sv. Ort. slag.).

Publ.: 1791, p. [i-iv], [1 ]-88, 7 pl. Copies: GB (inf. B. Peterson); HH.

  1. Utkast til en Svensk flora, eller afhandling om Svenska vaxternas vasendteliga kanne-

tekn och nytta, af Samuel Liljeblad. Upsala (tryckt hos direct. Joh. Edmans Enka) 1792.

Oct. (Utkast Sv. fl.).

Ed. 1: 1792, p. [i-viii], {1 ]-358, [1-10, index], 2 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: G, H, NY.

Ed. 2: 1798, p. [i]-xxxi, [xxxii], [1]-508, 2 pl. (id.). Copzes: G, H, NY, USDA. — “Andra uplagan, til6kd och fir battrad.”’ Upsala (Tryckt hos Joh. Fr. Edman, ... ) 1798. Oct.

Ed. 3: 1816, p. [i*-x*], [1]-lvin, [1]-761, [762, note], [1, err.], 2 pl. (id.). Copies: G, H, MO, NY, USDA. — “Tredje Uplagan, med Norrska vaxter tillokt, efter Forfattarens déd utgifven.”’ Upsala (tryckt hos Zeipel et Palmblad) 1816. Pa Sterbhusets Férlag. From p. 257 on edited by J. H. Wallman, with the assistance for the cryptograms of O. Swartz, E. Acharius and E. Fries.

  1. Ratio plantas in sedecim classes disponendi, quam, venia experient. ord. med. ups. publico examini subjiciunt Samuel. Liljeblad, ... et Ericus Gust. Lonberg, ... in audit. Gust. maj. d. xxii aprilis mdccxcvi. h.a.m.s. Upsaliae [Uppsala] (Literis Joh. Fr. Edman, ... ) [1796]. Ou. (Rat. pl. dispon.).

Publ.: 22 Apr 1796, p. [i, 11], [1]-8. Copies: H, L, LD, NY.

  1. Coloniae plantarum in Svecia. Pars prima quam venia ampliss. fac. philos. upsal. praeside Doct. Samuele Liljeblad ... pro gradu philosophico p.p. Arvidus Augustus Afzelius ... in audit. Gustaviano die vii junii mdcccix h.a.m.s. Upsaliae [Uppsala] (typis Edmannianis) [1809]. Qu. ¢ (Colon. pl. Svecia).

Author: Arvid August ford (1785-1871). We follow Krok in assigning this publication to Afzelius mainly in view of the undisputable authorship of part 2 but also because of the wording of the dedication to Adam Afzelius of part 2.

Pars prima: 7 Jun 1809, p. [i-ii], [1]-8. Copies: GB (inf. B. Peterson), HH.

Pars secunda: 15 Nov 1809, p. [i-iv], 9-16. Copies: GB (id.), HH. —‘“‘... quam venia ampliss. fac. philos. upsal. publico examini subjiciunt Arvid. August. Afzelius ... et Andreas Svanbeck ... in audit. Gust. d. xxv novemb. mdcccix. Upsaliae typis Edmannianis.” The publication remained unfinished.

Ref.: KR p. 7 (sub Afzelius); PR 5314 (ed. 1: 5895) (sub Liljeblad).

Lillo, Miguel (1862-1931), Argentine self-taught botanist; Dr. h.c. Univ. Plata 1914; from 1892 active at the Tucuman “Oficina Quimia.” (Lillo).

HERBARIUM and types: LIL; further material at SI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 382 (b. 31 Jul 1862, d. 4 Mai 1931); BL 1: 235, 306; CSP 16: 784; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lillo”); [H 2: 442; Kew 3: 442; Zander ed. 11, p. 781. hee A., Darwiniana 2: 138. 1938 (coll. SI).

Castellanos, A., Physis 10: 310, 427-431. 1931 (portr., bibl.).



Hauman, L. y A. Castellanos, Physis 5: 280. 1922 (bibl.).

Molfino, An. Soc. ci. Argent. 113: 217-227. 1932 (bibl., portr.).

Parodi, L. R., Bol. Soc. Arg. Bot. 9: 10, 20, 22, 33, 34, 45, 52) 57. 1961.

Torres, A., Lillo, vidavde un sabio. Universidad nacional de Tucuman 1958, 336 p. (printer’s date 26 Feb 1959 (portr.; main biogr.) Publ. Univ. Tucuman no. 771).

HANDWRITING: in A. Torres, Lillo, vida de un sabio, Tucuman 1958.

EPONYMY (genera): Lilloa Spegazzini (1897); Michelilloa S. Archangelsky & D. W. Brett (1963); (journal): Lilloa. Revista de Botanica. Tucuman, Argentina. Vol. 1-x. 1937-x.

POSTAGE STAMPs: Argentina 10 p. (1966) yv. 770.

  1. Contribucidn al conocimiento de los arboles de la Argentina segun colecciones y observaciones de Santiago Venturi, ...determinadas por Miguel Lillo... Buenos Aires (propriedad de los autores) 1910. Oct. (Contr. arb. Argent.).

Collaborator and collector: Santiago Venturi.

Publ.: Aug 1910 (t.p.), p. [i*], [i]-vi, [1]-127. Copies: G, MO. — Lillo was in fact the sole

author, see Segunda contribucion.

4532- Descripcion de plantas nuevas pertenecientes a la flora argentina... Tucuman (Imp. La

Argentina... ) 1912. Oct.

Publ.: 1912 (t.p. reprint so dated), p. [1]-8. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from An. Soc. ci. Argentina 72: 171-176. 1911 (1912).

4533- Flora de la provincia de Tucumdn Gramineas ... Tucuman (Edicion oficial) 1916. Oct. (Fl. Tucumén, Gram.). Publ.: 1916, p. [1], [1]-64. Copies: G, NY.

4534- Universidad de Tucuman. Segunda contribucion al conocimiento de los arboles de la

Argentina ... Tucuman (Prebisch y Violetto... ) 1917. (Seg. contr. arb. Argent.).

Publ.: 1917, p. [3]-69. Copy: MO.

Reprint: 1924, p. [1]-55. Copy: MO. — Buenos Aires (Imprenta y Casa editora “Coni”’ ... ) 1924.

Limminghe, Alfred Marie Antoine Comte de (1834-1861), Belgian cryptogamist at Namur and Gentinnes (nr. Marbais, Brabant); assassinated in the streets of Rome, April 1861. (Limm.).

HERBARIUM and types: BR; other parts in BM, CN, E (in herb. M. C. Cooke).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 439; BM 3: 1115; IH 2: 443; Kew 3: 444; LS

15425; PR 53109.

Anon., Bonplandia g: 202. 1861; Bot. Zeit. 19: 168. 1861; Bull. Soc. bot. France g: vu. 1861, 15: xiv. 1868; Osterr. bot. Z. 11: 264-265. 186r.

Barral, Rev. horticole 1861: 225.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 428. 1880 (coll. BR).

Crépin, F., Guide Bot. Belgique 253, 254, 442. 1878.

Duchartre, P. E. S., Bull. Soc. bot. France 8: 257. 1861.

Frison, Ed., Henri Ferdinand van Heurck 25, 42. 1959.

Lawalrée, A., Lejeunia ser. 2. 72: 1-4. 1974.

Lemaire, Ch., Ill. hortic. 8: 28. 1861.

Morren, Ed., Notice sur les collections botaniques de M. le Cte De Limminghe, a Gentinnes (Brabant), Gand 1858, 8 p.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 162. 1904 (large series of lichens, in part coll. by Commerson, at BM).

4535- Llore mycologique de Gentinnes. Catalogue des mycétes observes dans cette partie du

Brabant wallon pendant les années 1855, 1856 et 1857... Namur (typographie de F.-J. Doux fils) 1857. (FU. mycol. Gentinnes).



Publ.: 1857 (p. 7: 23 Mai 1857), p. [1]-89. Copies: BR, G, Stevenson; IDC 6287. Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 6: 248, 399. 1859.

Limpricht, Hans Wolfgang (1877-x), German botanist, Dr. phil. Breslau 1902; traveller in China and Japan; son of Karl Gustav L. (1. Limpr.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 382 (b. 31 Oct 1877); BJI 2: 105; Bossert p. 238; Hirsch p. 176; IH 2: 443; Kew 3: 444; Lenley p 268; TL-2/1: 1713.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Engler, Pflanzenreich, Taccaceae, 1V 42 (Heft 92), 32 p., publ. 28 Feb 1928. (2) Completed his father’s Die Laubmoose Deutschlands after the latter’s death.

EPONYMY: Sinolimprichtia H. Wolff (1922).

  1. Arbeit aus dem botanischen Garten der Universitat Breslau. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Taccaceen. Inaugural-Dissertation welche nebst den beigefiigten Thesen mit Genehmigung der hohen philosophischen Facultat der kgl. Universitat Breslau zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwiirde am Freitag, den 7. Marz 1902, Mittags 124 Uhr in der Aula Leopoldina 6ffentlich vertheidigen wird Wolfgang Limpricht aus Bresan ... Breslau (F. W. Jungfers Buchdruckerei, ... ) 1902. (Beztr. Taccac.).

Publ.: 7 Mar 1902, p. [i, i], [1]-59, [1, curr. vit.], [1, theses]. Copies: BR, NY.

Ref.: Anon., Bot. Zeit. 60(2): 384. 16 Dec 1902. Mez, C., Bot. Centralbl. go: 716-717. 1902.

4537- Botanische Reisen in den Hochgebirgen Chinas und Ost-Tibets ... mit 9 Karten und 30

Abbildungen auf Tafeln. Dahlem bei Berlin (Verlag des Repertoriums) 1922. Oct. (Bot.

Reis. Chin.).

Publ.:1 Jun 1922, p. [i]-viil, [1]-515, pl. 1-16, 9 maps. Copy: U. — Repert. spec. nov. regni veg., Beihefte Band xii.

Ref.:Krause, K., Bot. Jahrb. 58(Lit.): 40-41. 1923.

Limpricht, Karl Gustav (1834-1902), German (Silesian) bryologist; high school teacher at a girl’s College at Bunzlau (1858-1869); idem at the evangelical high school Breslau (1869-1902), from 1895 as principal (““Oberlehrer”). (Limpr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BP (via the Degen herbarium). Exsiccatae: Bryotheca silesiaca, fasc. 1- 7, nos. 1-350, Bunzlau and Breslau 1866-1871, sets at B, FH, JE, NY, PC, S. — Other bryophytes also at H. — Limpricht also issued exsiccatae with C. Baenitz, see Baenitz & Limpricht (1863).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 382; BM 3: 1115; CSP 8: 229-230, 10: 600, 12: 447, 16: 785; DTS 1: 171-172, 5: 1; Herder p. 264, 431; IH 2: 443; Jackson p. 310; Kew 3: 444; Lenley p. 267; Maiwald p. 234, 235, 256; Morren ed. p. 10; NAF ser. 2. 3: 38; SBC p. 125 | “Limpr.” ); TL-2/7: 1159) Urban-Berl. p. 306, 369.

Anon., Biogr. Jahrb. 7: 71*-72*(d.); Bot. Not. 1903: 34 (d.); Hedwigia 41(6): 255. 1902 (d.); Nat. Nov. 24: 639. 1g02 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 52: 507. 1902 (d.); Rev. bryol. 29: go. 1902; Torreya 2: 1g1. 1902; Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 44: lx. 1903(d.).

Baenitz, C. & G. Limpricht, Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 3/4: vi. 1862 (announcement of issue exsicc. “Juncaceen und Cyperaceen Nord- und Mittel-Deutschlands from Jun 1863).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 388, 428. 1880 (coll.).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 316. 1936.

Fedde, Verh. bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 45: xxxi-xxxv. 1903 (bibl.) (6.11 Jul 1834, d. 20 Oct 1902).

Holzinger, Bryologist 6(1): 14-15. 1902, 6(3): 33-36. 1902 (bibl.).

Junk, W., Rara 1:113. 1900-1913.

Kern & Geheeb, Rev. bryol. 29: 130-131. rgo2.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 9: 20. 1903 (death).



Limpricht, K. G., Hedwigia 42(Beibl.): 1-6. 1903 (coll.).

Loeske, L., Ann. bryol. 7: 95-97. 1934.

Milde, J., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 8: 180-181. 1866 (on Bryoth. siles.).

Pax, F., Schlesiens Pflanzenwelt 20. 1915.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(2): 225-226. 1971, Bryologist 80: 512. 1978 (coll.).

Schiffmer, Hedwigia 42, Beibl. 1: 1-6. 1903 (bibl., obit., portr.).

Szweykowski, J., Prodr. fl. hepat. Polon. 565-566. 1958 (lists all L’s publ. on Silesian hepatics).

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. fl. Polsk. 53-54. 1925.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1)Die Laubmoose Deutschlands, Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora, see


(2) Schlesien’s Laub- und Lebermoose, nebst Nachtragen, im F. Cohn, Aryptogamenflora von Schlesien. 1:27-352, 413-444. Breslau 1877.

EPONYMY: Limprichtia Loeske (1907).

  1. Einige neue Laubmoose [Breslau 1883]. Oct. Publ.:1883 (submitted 18 Jan 1883), p. [1]-10. Copies: H, NY. — Reprinted from Jahresber. Schles. Ges. of vaterl. Cultur 1882: 234-242. 1883. To be cited from journal.

4539- LEvxnige neue Arten und Formen bei den Laub- und Lebermoosen [Breslau 1884]. Oct. Publ.:1884, p. [1 ]-22. Copies: H, NY.— Reprinted from Jahresber. Schles. Ges. vaterl. Cultur 61: 204-225. 1884. To be cited from journal. Ref.:Warnstorf, C. F., Bot. Centralbl. 20: 97-100. 20-24 Oct 1894. (ext. rev. with add. notes).

  1. Die Laubmoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. Bearbeitet von K. Gustav Limpricht ... Leipzig (Verlag von Eduard Kummer) [1885-] 1890-1904, 3 Abtheilungen. Oct. (Laubm. Deutschl.).

Publ.:Alternative title: ‘““Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oe- sterreich und der Schweiz. Zweite Auflage vollstandig neu bearbeitet von ... Vierter Band: Die Laubmoose’’. Published in 41 parts. Abtheilung 3(p. 719-864) was completed after K. G. Limpricht’s death by his son Hans Wolfgang L. (see above).

Abth. 1 : 1885-1889, p. [1i1|-x, [xi, dates], [1]-836.

Abth. 2: 1890-1895, p. [ii-vii], [1 ]-853.

Abth. 3: 1895-1903, p. [ii-viii], [1 ]-864, index Abth. 1-3: [1]-79. Copies: BR, H, FI, MO (orig. covers), NY, U, USDA.

Abth./Part pages dates Abth./Part pages dates isi 1-64 Jul 1885 DDB. 513-576 Jun 1893 2 65-128 Aug 1885 23 577-640 Dec 1893 3 129-192 Dec 1885 24 641-704 Aug 1894 4 193-256 Jul 1886 2.25 705-768 Jan 1895 5 257-320 Nov 1886 26 769-853 Jun 1895 6 321-384 Dec 1886 BEF 1-64 Dec 1895 7 385-448 Jul 1887 28 65-128 Jul 1896 8 449-512 Oct 1887 29 129-192 Dec 18096 9 513-576 Mai 1888 30 193-256 Dec 1896 10 577-640 Oct 1888 Bi 257-320 Sep 1897 II 641-704 Dec 1888 32 321-384 Dec 1897 12 705-768 Oct 1889 33 385-448 Aug 1898 13 769-836 Nov 1889 24 449-512 Feb 1899 2.14 1-64 Jul 1890 35 513-576 Nov 1899 15 65-128 Oct 1890 36 577-640 Apr Igor 16 129-192 Jan 1891 By] 641-704 Dec rgor 17 192-256 Dec 1891 38 705-768 Dec 1902



Abth./Part pages dates Abth./Part pages dates 18 257-320 Jan 1892 39 769-832 Jun 1903 19 321-384 Nov 1892 40 833-864 Dec 1903 20 385-448 Dec 1892 41 865-879 Dec 1903 21 449-512 Jan 1893

These dates, given in the volumes, are confirmed by the notices in Naturae Novitates, Flora, Bot. Centralbl., Hedwigia, and Botanische Zeitung. Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 7(Lit.): ror. 1886, 9(Lit.): 8. 1888, 11(Lit.): 50. 18go. Geheeb, A., Bot. Centralbl. 24: 225-228. 1885 (rev. Lief. 1, 2), 26: 4-6. 1886 (3), 28: 354- 356. 1886 (4), 30: 196-200. 1887(5, 6), 34: 165-169. 1888(7), 35: 391-393. 1888(8), 38: 702-704. 1889(9), 42: 147-153. 18go0(11/12); 44: 145-149. 1890(10), 45: 23-26. 1891(13), 46: 193-196. 1891(14), 47: 59-61. 1891(15), Beth. 4(3/4): 200-208. 1894 (17/18), 4(6): 408-417. 1894(19/21), 4(7): 494-497. 1894(22), 5(1): 8-12. 1895(23), 5(5): 335-339. 1895(24), 6(2/3): 102-108. 1896(25/26), 68: 360-363. 1896(27), Beih. 6(6): 421-426. 1896(28), 73: 63-68. 1898(29), 73: 178-181. 1898(30), Beth. 7(5): 325- 330. 1898(31), 8(1): 13-18. 1898(32), 8(4/5): 264-268. 1899(33), 9(3): 168-173. 1900(34), 9(5): 344-348. 1900(35), 89: 569. 1902(36), 89: 651-652. 1902(37), 92: 427- 428. 1903(38), 95: 217-218. 1904(39), 95: 598. 1904(40). Husnot, P. T., Rev. bryol. 12: 79-80, 95. 1885, 13: 9-10, 32, 48, 109. 1886, 14: g1. 1887, 15: 46. 1888, 17: 47, 124. 1890. Niedenzu, F., Bot. Jahrb. 13(Lit.): 4. 1891.

Lincke, Johann Rudolf (//. 1840), German compiler of illustrated works. (Lincke). HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1116; Jackson p. 293; NI 1194; PR 5320 (ed. 1: 5903); Rehder 5: 512.

  1. Deutschlands Flora in colorirten naturgetreuen Abbildungen ... Leipzig (Verlag von

C. B. Polet) 1840-1854. (Deutschl. Fl.).

Publ.: In 101 fascicles (fide NT) in various issues which were called “‘Auflagen.” In addition to the above title, other issues carried different title-pages (list not exhaustive):

Issue (1): as above, with dated covers (NY copy parts 1-37).

Issue (2): Deutschland’s Flora in colorirten ...”’ Leipzig (Verlag von C. B. Polet), with undated covers (NY copy parts 40-83).

Issue (3): Deutschland’s Flora in colorirten ... Dritte Auflage.”’ Leipzig (Verlag von C. B. Polet), with undated covers. (B copy part 1, with parts 2-79 as in issue(2)).

Issue (4): Flora von Deutschland oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der in Deutschland wildwachsenden Pflanzen ... Vierte verbesserte Auflage.”’ Leipzig (Verlag von C. B. Polet), with undated covers. (NY copy parts 84-95).

Each part consisted of 4 plates with text (in NY copy) [1]-384. Each plate (col. lith.) presents various figures. Pritzel (ed. 2) applies the epithet “‘werthlos”’ to this chaotic work. “Inter tot viles libros botanicos facile hic vilissimus!” (PR, ed. 1). In view of the indeed modest quality of this work we have not further pursued its history of publication. Nissen (1194) mentions even an eighth “‘edition’’; the work was also issued as ‘‘Flora von Osterreich

” 1841-1847. An extract was “Adlas der officinellen Pflanzen simtlicher Pharmacopéen.” Leipzig (C. B. Polet) 1850-1853, 13 parts, 142 p., 68 pl. A further compilation was Deutschlands Pflanzengattungen und Arten.

Linczevski, Igorj Alexandrovicz (1908-x), Russian botanist and botanical explorer, collected in central Asia 1925-1950 and south-west China (1955-1956); co-author of the Flora URSS; specialist on botanical nomenclature. (Linczevsk?).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: mainly at LE; important sets of central Asian material also at AA, TAD, and TAK; first set of Chinese material at PE.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Roon p. 69; TL-2/3857.



Lededev, D. V., ed., Proc. xii. Int. bot. Congr. 204 [index]. 1979. Vasilcenko, |. ‘l’., Bot. Zhurn. 54(11): 1766-1772. 1969 (biogr., portr., bibl.).


Rosaceae, Amygdalus, 10: 522-547. 8 Jan 1942 (with A. A. Fedorov). Leguminosae, Cicer, 13: 386-406. 24 Jan 1948. Simarubaceae, 14: 241-244. 9 Mar 1940.

Meliaceae, 14: 244-246. 9 Mar 19409.

Anacardiaceae, 14: 518-539. 9 Mar 1949. Umbelliferae, Bupleurum, 16: 275-349. 25 Nov 1950. Plumbaginaceae, Plumbago, 18: 292-297. 16 Oct 1952. Solanaceae, Mandragora, 22: 75-77. 18 Jun 1955. Rubiaceae, p.p., 23: 164-168, 381-382. 12 Dec 1958. Rubiaceae, gen. 1385-1388. 23: 170-193. 12 Dec 1958. Valerianaceae, 23: 683-740. 12 Dec 1958. Compositae-Acantholepis, 27: 54-56. 10 Aug 1962. Compositae-Gen. 1569-1574, 27: 57-87. ro Aug 1962.

Lind, Jens Wilhelm August (1874-1939), Danish pharmacist and mycologist; assistant at the state phytopathological service 1913-1917; pharmacist at Mstbirk 1919-1926, from then on id. at Viborg. (Lind).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: C; other material at B, BPI, CP, CUP, H, KIEL, L, LD.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 344; Barnhart 2: 383; BJI 2: 105; BL 2: 47, 48, 682; BM 7: 632; Bossert p. 238; Bret. p. 152; GR p. 678; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 444; Kew 3: 445; KR p. 394-395 (b. 1 Mar 1874); LS 15426, 35003-36-36026a, suppl. 16043-16069; MW p. 273, suppl. p. 203; NAF 7(15): 1075; Stevenson p. 1249; Urban-Berl. p. 278. Christensen, C., Danske bot. litt. 1880-1911: 224-226, 1912-1939, p. 101-105. 1940. Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317 [index]. 1936.

Gram, E., Bot. Tidskr. 45: 225-226. 1940 (b. 1 Mar 1874, d. 4 Oct 1939; obit., portr.). Hansen, A., Dansk bot. Ark 21(1): 67. 1963 (d. 4 Oct 1939).

Lind, J., Danish fungi herb. E. Rostrup 33. 1913 (“Lind”).

  1. Danish fungi as represented in the herbarium of E. Rostrup revised by Jliimd™ 4

Copenhagen (Gyldendalske Boghandel — Nordisk Forlag) February 1913. Oct. (Dan.


Collector: Frederik Georg Emil Rostrup (1831-1907).

Publ.: Feb 1913 (MO copy rd. 11 Aug 1913), p. [i-vi], [1]-648, [1-2, err.], pl. 1-9. Copies: MICH, MO, NY, Stevenson, USDA.

Ref.: Winge, O., Mycol. Centralbl. 2(6): 313-314. 15 Mai 1913.

4543- Ascomycetes and fungi imperfecti ... Kristiania [Oslo] (A. W. Brdggers Boktrykkeri a/s)

  1. (Ascomyc. fung. imperf.).

Publ.: 1924 (p. 28: printed 19 Mar 1924), p. [1]-28, pl. 1-2. Copy: FH. — Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian expedition to Novaya Zemlya 1921. No. 19.

  1. The micromycetes of Svalbard ... Oslo (I Kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad) 1928. Oct.

(Micromyc. Svalbard).

Publ.: 1928 (p. [62]: printed 15 Feb 1928), p. [1]-61, [62], map, Pl. 1-3. Copy: FH. — Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet Nr. 13.

  1. Studies on the geographical distribution of arctic circumpolar micromycetes ... K@benhavn

(Levin & Munksgaard) 1934. Oct. (Stud. circumpol. micromyc.).

Publ.: 1934 (p. 152: printed 1 Feb 1934), p. [1]-152. Copies: FH, NY. — Det kgl. Danske vidensk. Selskab. Biol. Medd. 11(2). 1934.

Lindau, Gustav (1866-1923), German lichenologist; student of Schwendener; Dr. phil. Berlin 1888; 1888-1890 at Miinster with Brefeld; from 1892-1923 (after 1899 ““Kustos”’, 1902 professor) at Berlin-Dahlem. (Lindau).


HERBARIUM and types: B (partly destroyed); duplicates at C, H, L, and PAV; Colombian lichens in H-NYL (publ. by W. Nylander).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 9, 280, 308, 324; Backer p. 330; Barnhart 2:

383; BFM 3083, 3084, 3090; BJI 1: 37, 2: 105-106; BM 3: 1116, 7: 632-633; Bossert p. 238;

oy 16: 786-787; DTS 1: 172; GR p. 29, pl. [15], cat. p. 67; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lindau’’); IH 2: 444; Kelly p. 129; Kew 3: 445; KR p. 395 (b. 2 Mai 1866); Langman p. 446; LS 15428-

15475, 36027-36035, suppl. 16070-16099; MW p. 273; Rehder 5: 512; SBC p. 125

(“Lind.”); Stevenson p. 1249; TL-2/1: 1592, 1951; Urban-Berl. p. 278, 288, 306; Zander

ed. 10, p. 685, ed. 11, p. 781; Zep-Tim p. 76-77 (b.-2 Mai 1866, d. 10 Oct 1923).

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 327. 1971.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 50: 256. 1892 (ass. Berlin), 54: 96. 1893 (co-editor Hedwigia), 61: 448. 1895 (habil. Berlin), 78: 159. 1898 (Kustos Berlin); Bot. Jahrb. 15 (Beibl. 34): 18. 1892 (from Miinster to Berlin), 27 (Beibl. 64): 20: 1g00 (Kustos Berlin); Hedwigia 34 (Beibl. 1): (39). 1895 (habil. Berlin), 37 (Beibl. 1): (30). 1898 (leaves editorial board Eevee 38 (Beibl. 3): (178). 1899 (Kustos Berlin), 42 (Beibl. 1): (66). 1903 (professor’s title); Nat. Nov. 14: 200. 1892 (to Berlin), 21: 301. 1899 (Kustos Berlin); Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 8: 722. 1924 (obit.); Nuova Notarisia 35: 81. 1924 (d.); Ost. bot. Z. 42: 223. 1892 (to Berlin), 49: 238. 1899 (Kustos Berlin), 72: 448. 1923 (d.)

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317. 1936.

Hoehne, F., O. jardim botanico de Sao Paulo 83-84. 1941 (portr.).

Hoffmann et al., Wiss. Z. Humboldt-Univ. Berlin, math.-nat. R. 14: 811. 1965.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 8: 208. 1g02 (title professor); 28/29: 56. 1925 (d. 10 Oct 1923).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979.

Loesener, L. E. T., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 66: 48-65. 1924 (portr., bibl.); Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 41: (93)-(108). 1924 (bibl., portr.); Bot. Arch., Berlin 7: 4-8. 1924.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 69. 1946 [1948] (epon.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 512. 1977.

Weberbauer, A., Pflanzenw. Peruan. Anden 32. 1911 (Veg. Erde 12).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) EP, Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien ed. 1: 1. Phacidineae 1(1): 243-265. Jun 1896; Nachtr. 1(1**): 533-534. Sep 1900.

  1. Hystertineae, 1(1): 265-272. Jun 1896, 273-278. Feb 1879; Nachtr. 1(1**): 534-535. Sep

. Pyrenomycetineae, 1(1): 321-325. Apr 1897; Nachtr. 1(1**): 539-544. Sep 1900.

. Perisportales, 1(1): 325-343. Apr 1897; Nachtr. 1(1**): 539-540. Sep 1900.

. Hypocreales, (1 ): 343-372. Apr 1897; Nachtr. 1(1**): 540-541. Sep 1900.

. Dothideales, 1(1): 373-383. Apr 1879; Nachtr. 1(1**): 541-542. Sep 1900.

. Sphaeriales, 1(1): 384-416. Apr 1879, 417-464. Jun 1897, 465-491. Sep 1897; Nachtr. 1(1**): 542-544. Sep 1900.

  1. Laboulbeniineae, 1(1): 491-505. Sep 1897; Nachtr. 1(1**): 544. Sep 1goo.

g. Auriculariales, 1( ne 62-88. Dec 1897; 553. Sep 1900.

  1. Tremellineae, 1(1 eo: Seg. Dec 1897; 553. Sep 1g00.

  2. Fungi umperfecti, rc *): 347-349. Mar 1900; 558. Sep 1900.

    • Sphacropsidales, *): 349-384. Mar 1900, 384-398. Jul 1900; 558. Sep 1900.

. Melanconiales, 1 ( 398-415. Jul 1900; 558. Sep 1goo.

  1. Fossil fungi 1(1**): 518-523. Sep 1900.

  2. Acanthaceae, BABY. 274-336. 12 Mar 1895, 337-354. Dec 1895; Nachtr. 2-4: 304-409. Noy 1897; Erg. Heft 1: 71-72. 8 Oct 1900.

  1. Lichenes, in Engler, A., Pflanzenw. Ostafr. C: 36-48. 1895.

(3) Polygonaceae, in 1. Urban, Symb. ant. 1(2): 209-235. 10 Apr 1899; Acanthaceae, in id. 2: 170-

  1. 20 Oct 1g00.

(4) Aryplogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg. — Lindau took the initiative towards the compila-

tion of this Aryplogamenjlora in a meeting of the Botanischer Verein der Mark Brandenburg in 1896

(Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg [VbVB] 38: ix-x. 1896). The preparation was entrusted to a

committee of which Lindau acted as chairman. The other members chosen in 1896 (the

committee had the right to co-opt) were: P. Hennings (Berlin), G. Hieronymus (Berlin), F.

Ludwig (Greiz), A. Moller (Eberswalde), O. Miiller (Berlin) and K. Warnstorf (Neurup-

pin). Soon after R. Kolkwitz was added as secretary, and P. Sorauer as member (VbVB 38:



LINDAU (1901)

Ixx. 1896). Lindau reported at annual meetings on the progress of the undertaking, see VbVB 41: xlvui (1900) (the first volume, dealing with mosses, was to be compiled by Warnstorf), 42: xv. (1900), 43: Xx1-xxii (composition: Ixiv) (1902) (subvention received for travel and illustration), 45: xxiv (1904), 46: xx-xxi (1905), 47: xxiv-xxv. 1906, 49: lvi (composition). 1908 and 52: (34). 1911. For practical purposes we treat the Flora under Warnstorf, author of vol. 1. There is no indication that there was an editor-in-chief; the authors prepared their manuscripts and the publisher, Borntraeger, did the rest. Lindau himself contributed only some smaller families:

a. Ustilagineae, 5A(1): [1 ]-68. 27 Aug 1912.

b. Aurtcularuneae, Tremellineae, 5A(5): 904-924. 20 Jul 1914.

c. Hemiasci-Gymnascaceae, 7(1): 1-7, 33-35, 73-75. 15 Aug 1905.

For an exhaustive bibliography, including L’s many contributions to composite works, see Loesener (1924).

EPONYMY: Lindauea Rendle (1896); Lindauella Rehm (1900); Lindauomyces Koorders (1907); Lindauopsis Zahlbruckner (1907), Note: Lindavia Nieuwland (1916) might also commemora- te him. Lindavia (Schutt) De Toni & Forti is named after the German town of Lindau.

  1. Uber die Anlage und Entwicklung einiger Flechten-apothecien. Inaugural-Dissertation zur

Erlangung der Doctorwurde von der philosophischen Facultat der Friedrich-Wilhelms-

Universitat zu Berlin genehmigt und nebst den beigeftigten Thesen 6ffentlich zu verteidi-

gen am 17 November 1888 von Gustav Lindau aus Dessau... Regensburg (Druck der F. H.

Neubauerschen Buchdruckerei (F. Huber)). 1888. Oct. (Anlage Flechtenapothec.).

Publ.: 17 Nov 1888 (as thesis; Lindau sent a copy to Trelease “Jan 1889”) p. [1]-44, [1, theses; 2, vita], pl. ro (col. lith.). Copzes: FH, MO, NY. — Reprinted from Flora 71: 451- 489. 21 Oct., 1, 11. Nov 1888.

4547- Vorstudien zu einer Pilzflora Westfalens ... Munster 1.W. (Commissions-Verlag der

Coppenrathschen Buch-u. Kunsthandlung) 1892. Oct. (Vorstud. Pilzfl. Westfal.).

Publ.: Oct 1892 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1892), p. [1]-70. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Jahresber. Westfal. Prov. Ver. Wiss. 1891(2): 24-90. 1892.

  1. Lichenologische Untersuchungen ... Dresden (Verlag von C. Heinrich) 1895. tQu.

(Lichenol. Unters.).

Heft 1: Nov-Dec 1895 (p. v: Nov Boge Neu. Nov. Dec (1,2) 1895; Bot. Zeit. 1 Jan 1896; Flora 11 Jan 1896), p. [i]-v, [vi], [1]-66, pl. 7-3 liths. author). Copies: G, MICH, MO, NY, U.

Ref.: Zahlbricker, A., Bot. Ceanaalbl 65: 60-64. 1896 (rev.).

  1. Ueber insectenbewohnende Pilze {Berlin 1897]. Oct. Publ.: 1897, p. [1]-5. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Entomol. Nachr. 23(15): 225-229. 1897. To be cited from journal.

  2. Bemerkungen iiber die heutige Systematik der Pilze ... Berlin (Druck von Gebr. Gotthelft, ECO Oct

Publ.: 31 Mar 1897, p. [1]-11. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Bot. Centralbl. 70: 2-12. 1897. To be cited from journal.

  1. Hilfsbuch fiir das Sammeln parasitischer Pilze mit Berucksichtigung der Nahrpflanzen

Deutschlands, Osterreich-Ungarns, Belgiens, der Schweiz und der Niederlande nebst

einem Anhaung uber die ditveencnaciten @ . Berlin (Gebriider Borntraeger ...) 1901. Oct.

(Hilfsb. Sammeln paras. Pilze).

[Ed. 1]: Jan-Feb rgor (p. vi: Feb 1901; ObZ Jan-Feb 1901; Bot. Centralbl. 10 Feb 1903; Bot. Zeit. 1 Mai 1901; Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1901; NYBG Mai 1901), p. [i]-vi, [1 ]-90. Copies: B(3), BR, G, L, M, U(2), USDA.

Ed. 2: Sep-Oct 1922 (p. viii: Apr 1922; Nat. Nov. Nov 1922), p. [i]-viii, [1]-95. Copy: B. — “Hilfsbuch ... mit Berticksichtigung der einheimischen Nahrpflanzen nebst einem Anhang uber Tierparasiten ... Zweite Auflage” Berlin (id.) 1922. -

4552- HHilfsbuch fiir das Sammeln der Ascomyceten mit Beriicksichtigung der Nahrpflanzen


LINDAU (1903)

Deutschlands, Osterreich-Ungarns, Belgiens, der Schweiz und der Niederlande von Profes- sor Dr. Gustav Lindau ... Berlin (Gebriider Borntraeger ... ) 1903. Oct. (Hilfsb. Sammeln Ascomyc.).

Publ.: 1 Jun-14 Jul 1903 (p. [iv]: Mai 1903; Allg. bot. Z. 15 Jul 1903; Bot. Zeit. 20 Jul 1903; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1903), p. [i-vi], [1]-139. Copzes: L, MICH, NY, USDA. — For other “Hilfsbiicher”’ by Lindau see nos. 4551 and 4554.

Ref.: Fischer, Bot. Zeit. 61(2): 321-322. 1903.

4553- De Pilze Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. viii Abteilung: Fungi imperfecti: Hyphomycetes (erste Hdlfle), Mucedinaceae, Dematiaceae (Phaeosporae und Phaeodidy- mae), ... Leipzig (Verlag von Eduard Kummer) [1904-] 1907. Oct. (Pilze Deutschl., Fung. imperf.).

PHA Mai 1904-12 Jul 1907 (see below), p. [11]-vi, [viil, cont.; viii, dates], [1 ]-852. Copy: U. — Alternative t.p. [ii]: Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Avyptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Zweite Auflage. vollstandig neu bearbeitet von ... Erster Band: Pilze”’.

Lief. pages dates Lief. pages dates

Q2 1-64 16 Mai 1904 99 433-512 25 Jul 1906

93 65-128 30 Jun 1904 100 513-576 30 Aug 1906 O4 129-176 15 Jul 1904 101 577-640 20 Sep 1906 95 177-256 3 Apr 1905 102 641-704. 10 Oct 1906 96 257-320 10 Mai 1905 103 705-752 15 Nov 1906 97 321-384 20 Jun 1905 104 753-833 16 Mai 1907 98 384-432 15 Jul 1905 105 834-851 12 Jul 1907

  1. Hilfsbuch fiir das Sammeln und Prdparieren der niederen Kryptogamen mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der Verhaltnisse in den Tropen ... Berlin (Verlag von Borntraeger, . . .)
  2. Oct. (Hilfsb. Sammeln med. Krypt.).

Publ.:1 Oct-14 Nov 1904 (p. iv: Sep 1904; Allg. bot. Z. 15 Nov 1904; Bot. Zeit. 1 Dec 1904; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1904; NYBG Dec 1904), p. [i]-iv, [1, cont.], [1]-78. Copies: MICH, NY, U, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1938 (Nat. Nov. Mai 1939), vi, 93 p. (n.v.).-Bearbeitet von O. C. Schmidt, Berlin 1938 (see L. Diels, Bot. Jahrb. 70(Lit.): 17. 28 Apr 1939).

4555- Die Pilze Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. ix Abteilung. Fungi imperfecti: Hyphomycetes (zwezte Héalfte), Dematiaceaea (Phaeophragmiae bis Phaeostaurosporae), Stilbaceae, Tuberculaceae, sowie Nachtrage, Nahrpflanzenverzeichnis und Register ... Leipzig (Verlag von Eduard Kummer) [1907]-1g910. Oct. (Pilze Deutschl., Fung. imperf.). Publ.: 12 Jul 1907-10 Dec 1910 (see below), p. [ii]-viii, [1]-983, [984, dates]. Copy: U. —

Alternative t.p. [ii]: Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Aryptogamen-Flora yon Deutschland, Oester-

reich und der Schweiz. Zweite Auflage. Vollstandig neu bearbeitet von ... Erster Band: Pilzes:

Lief. pages dates Lief. pages dates

105 1-48 12 Jul 1907 reg} 497-560 20 Jun 1909 106 49-112 20 Dec 1907 114 561-624 25 Jul 1909 107 113-176 1 Apr 1908 115 625-688 1 Nov 1909 108 177-240 25 Mai 1908 116 689-752 31 Dec 1909 109 241-304 30 Jul 1908 Tay 753-816 10 Mar 1910 110 305-368 25 Nov 1908 118 817-880 20 Mai 1910 III 369-432 7 Apr 1909 119 881-944 20 Jul 1910 112 433-496 28 Apr 1909 120 945-984 10 Dec 1910

Ref.: (for Fung. imp. 1 and 2): Magnus, P., Bot. Centralbl. 96: 254-255. 1904 (rev. Lief. 92), 96: 387-388. (93, 94), 99: 107. 1905 (95, 96), 99: 424-425. 1905 (97-98), 104: 607-608. 1907 (99-103), 105: 624. 1907 (104-105), 110: 309. 1909 (106-110), 114: 511-513. Ig1O (111-118).


LINDAU (1911)

  1. Thesaurus litteraturae mycologicae et lichenologicae ratione habita praecipue omnium quae adhuc scripta sunt de mycologia applicata quem congesserunt G. Lindau et P. Sydow. Lipsiis [Leipzig] (Fratres Borntraeger) 1908-1917, 5 vols. Oct. (Thesaurus). ( LS in TL-2). Co-author: Paul Sydow (1851-1925). 1: Apr 1907-Jun 1908 (p. vii: Jun 1908), p. [i]-vu, [1]-903. 2: Jan 1909-Jun 1909 (see below), p. [i], 1-808. 3: 1912-Sep 1913, p. [i]-iv, [1]-766. 4: Dec 1914-Nov 1915, p. [i]-xiii, [1, err.], [1]-609. 5: Oct 1916-Nov 1917, p. [i]-viii, [1]-526, [1, err-.]. Supplementum 1911-1930, by Raffaele Ciferri (1897-1964), Corlina (Papia)

A-D: 1957, p. [i-iv], [1]-689.

E-K: 1958, p. [i], [689]-1476, [1, printing finished Apr 1958].

L-Q: 1957, p- [i], [1479]-2156, [1, 1d. Dec 1958).

R-Z: 1960, p. [i], [2159]-3100, [1, err.; 2 printing finished Jun 1960]. Copy: U. — The signatures of the original volumes are dated. However, the volumes were actually published in two or three parts each, vol. 1(1): Dec 1907, 1(2): Oct 1908, 2(1): I- 390. Jan 1909, 2(2): 321-808. Aug 1909, 3(1): 1-176. Jan 1913, 3(2): 197-766. Sep 1913; 4(1): 1-400. Aug 1915 4(2): 401-609. Jan 1916 5(1): 1-160. Dec 1916, 5(2): 161-720. Mar 1918, 5(3): 321-526. Apr 1921.

4557- Index nominum omnium receptorum atque synonymorum nec non iconum quae

Nylanderi Synopsis lichenum complectitur ... Verlag von W. Junk, Berlin W. 15... 1907. Oct.

(Index Nyl. syn. lich.).

Publ.: 1907 (Bot. Centralbl. 1 Oct 1907), p. [i], [1]-37. Copy: NY. — Title on cover: Nylanderi Synopsis lichenum index: see also Nylander. TL-2/6945.

4558- Aryptogamenflora fiir Anfdnger. Eine Einfthrung in das Studium der blutenlosen Gewachse fiir Studierende und Liebhaber. Berlin (Verlag von Julius Springer) 1911-1914. Oct. (Krypt.-Fl. Anf.).

Orig. ed.: 1911-1914.

  1. Die héheren Pilze. (Basidiomycetes.) Publ.: Jun 1911 (p. vi: Mai 1911; ObZ Mai-Jun 1911; Nat. Nov. Jul(1)1g11r), p. [i]-vi, [vi], [(1) ]-(18), [1 ]-232. Copies: G, Stevenson, USDA.

2: Die mikroskopischen Pilze. Publ.: Apr 1912 (p. vi: Feb 1912; Nat. Nov Mai(1) 1912; ObZ 1 Mai 1912; Bot. Centralbl. 18 Jun 1912), p. [ii-v], vi, [1], (1)-(24), [1]-276. Copies: G, L, Stevenson, U(2), USDA.

3: Die Flechten. Publ.: Sep-Oct 1913 (p. vi: Jul 1913; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1913 Bot. Centralbl. 25 Nov 1913), p. [1i]-vi, [1, cont.], [(1)]-(36), [1]-250. Copzes: G, Stevenson, U, USDA.

4(1): Die Algen. Erste Abteilung. Publ.: Mar-Apr 1914 (p. vi: Feb 1914; Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1914; ObZ Apr 1914), p. [1i]-vi, [1], [(1)]-(40), [1]-219. Copies: G, USDA. 4(2): Die Algen. Zweite Abteilung. Publ.: Oct 1914 (p. v: Aug 1914; ObZ Oct 1914; Nat.


4(3): Die Algen. Dritte Abteilung. Die Meeresalgen von ... Robert Pilger [Robert Knut Friedrich Pilger, 1876-1953] 1916 (p. [v]: “1916”: Nat. Nov. Mar rg17), [ii-vi], [(1) ]-(29). [1]-125, text figs. a-m pl. 1-x1. Copies: G, U, USDA.

5: Die Laubmoose von ... Wilhelm Lorch. Pudl.: Jan 1913 (p. vi: Nov 1912; Nat Nov. Feb(1) 1913), p. [ii]-vi, [1-2, cont., err.], [1]-250, pl. 1-12. Copies: G, U, WAG. — [Wilhelm Lorch 1867-1954].

6: Die Torf- und Lebermoose von ... Wilhelm Lorch. Die Farnpflanzen (Pteridophyta) von Guido Brause. Publ.: Jan 1914 (p. vi: Jan 1914; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1914, NYBG Jul 1914; ObZ Jan-Feb 1914, p. [ii]-viii, [1, h.t.], [1]-184, [Pterid.]: [1]-108, pl. 1-5. Copies: G, H, MICH, MO-Steere, U, U-V, WAG. — See also sub Lorch.

Edition 2: 1917-1926. 1: Die hoheren Pilze. Publ. : Jun-Aug 1917 (p. vil: Mai 1917; Nat. Nov. Sep 1917), p. [ii-v], vi, [vii-vili], (1)-(18),[1]-234. Copzes: Stevenson, U(2). — “Zweite, durchgesehene Auflage ...” Berlin (Verlag von Julius Springer). Oct.



2(1): Die mikroskopischen Pilze (Myxomyceten, Phycomyceten und Ascomyceten). Publ.: Apr 1922 (p. vi: Jan 1922; Nat. Nov. Apr 192; p. [i]-vi, [1, cont.], (1)-(22), [1]-222. Copies: Stevenson, USDA.

2(2): Die mikroskopischen Pilze (Ustilagineen, Uredineen, Fungi imperfecti). Publ.: Sep- Oct 1922 (p. [v]: Mai 1922; Nat. Nov. Nov 1922), p. [ii-vi], (1)-(11), [1]-301. Copies: Stevenson, USDA. — “‘Zweite durchgesehene Auflage ...” Berlin (id.). Oct.

3: Die Flechten. Publ.: Jan-Mar 1923 (p. vi: Dec 1922; Bot. Jahrb. 1 Apr 1923; Nat. Nov. Mai 1923), p. [ii|-vi, [1, cont.], [(1)]-(36), [1]-252. Copzes: G, Stevenson, USDA. — “Zweite durchgearbeitete Auflage ...”’ Berlin (id.). Oct.

4(1): Die Algen. Publ.: Aug-Nov 1926 (p. vii: Jul 1926; MO rd. 15 Mar 1927; J. Bot. Apr 1927; Nat. Nov. Dec 1926), p. [ii]-[viii], (1)-(40), [1]-314. Copies: MO, USDA. “Zweite, umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage von Dr. Hans Melchior ...” Berlin (id.). 1926. — [Hans Melchior 1894-x].

5: Die Laubmoose. Publ.: Jan-Mar 1923 (p. vi: Oct 1922; see sub Lorch), p. [11]-vi, [1-2], [(1)]-(38), [1]-236. Copies: FH, MO, U-V, USDA. — “Zweite, verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage ...” Berlin (id.) 1923. Author: Wilhelm Lorch.

6: Die Torf- und Lebermoose. Publ: Mai-Jul 1926 (ObZ Jun-Aug 1926; Nat. Nov. Aug 1923), p. [ii]-viii, Torf- u. Leberm.: [1]-232, [Pterid.]: [1]-123, [124]. Copzes: B, BR, MO-Steere, NY. — ‘Zweite, verbesserte und stark vermehrte Auflage . . .” Berlin (id.) 1926. Authors: Wilhelm Lorch (Sphagn., Hepat.), Guido Brause (Pter.), revision Pter. by Heinrich Andres et al. Facsimile repr.: 1971, Koenigstein-Taunus (Otto Koeltz), ISBN 3-87429-027-1, 1971. Copies: Biol. Inst. Univ. Nijmegen.

Edition 3

1: Die hoheren Pilze. Basidiomycetes mit Ausschluss der Brand- und Rostpilze. Publ.: Jun- Lindau, [v]-xii, [1]-497, pl. 7-14 with text. Copies: MICH, Stevenson, USDA. “In dritter Auflage vollig neu bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. Eberhard Ulbrich ...” Berlin (Verlag von Julius Springer). Oct. — [Eberhard Ulbrich 1879-1952].

Facsimile ed.: 1, ed. 3, Koenigstein (O. Koeltz) 1971, ISBN 3-87429-021-2. (n.v.). 2(1-2), ed. 2, id. 1971, ISBN 3-87429-022-0. 3, ed. 2, id. 1971, ISBN 3-87429-023-9. 4(1-2), ed. 2, id. 1971, ISBN 3-87429-024-7. 4(3), ed. 1, id. 1970, ISBN 3-87429-025-5. 5, ed. 2, id., 1971, ISBN 3-87429-026-3. 6, ed. 2, id., 1971, ISBN 3-87429-027-1.

Ref.: Engler, A. Bot. Jahrb. 48 (Lit.): 34. 1912 (1,2); 51 (Lit.): 59. 1914 (6); 52 (Lit.): 20. 1915 (4,1); 52 (Lit.): 61. 1915 (4,2); 55 (Lit.): 3. 1917 (4,3); 58 (Lit.): 72. 1923 (ed. 2); 61 (Lit.); 20. 1927 (ed. 2)). Diels, L., Bot. Jahrb. 49(Lit.): 57. 1913 (1,2,5). Bitter, G., Bot. Jahrb. 51(Lit.): 30. 1913 (4). Pieschel, E., Bot. Jahrb. 62(Lit.): 71. 1929 (ed. 3). Schmidt, A. C., Bot. Jahrb. 64(Lit.): 37. 1934 (ed. 2 of 4.2).

4559: Sammlung Goschen Die Pilze. Eine Einfiihrung in die Kenntniss ihrer Formenreihen ... mit 10 Figurengruppen im Text. Leipzig (G. J. Géschen’sche Verlagshandlung) 1912. Oct. (Pilze).

Publ.: Mar 1912 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1g12; Bot. Centralbl. 7 Mai 1912), p. [1]-123. Copy: B.

  1. Sammlung Goschen Spalt- und Schleimpilze. Eine Einfiihrung in ihre Kenntniss .. . Mit 11 Abbildungen. Berlin und Leipzig (G. J. Géschen’sche Verlagshandlung G.m.b.H.)
  2. Oct. (Spalt- Schleimpilze).

Publ.: Dec 1912 (Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1912), p. [1]-116. Copy: B.

  1. Sammlung Goschen. Die Flechten. Eine Ubersicht unserer Kenntnisse ... mit 54 Figuren. Berlin und Leipzig (G. J. Géschen’sche Verlagshandlung G.m.b.H.) 1913. Oct. (Flechten ). Publ.: Mai 1913 (Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1913; Mycol. Centralbl. 14 Jun 1913), p. [1]-123.

Co ip zes: FAS,U.



  1. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Flechten von Kolumbien ... [Neuchatel (Attinger Freres,

éditeurs) 1914]. Qu.

Publ.: 1914, p. [1]-8. Copy: NY. - Reprinted from Mem. Soc. neuchatel. Sci. nat. 5: 57-64. 1914, iO. Fuhrmann et E. Mayor, Voyage d’ exploration scientifique en Colombie. Yo be cited from journal.

Lindberg, Gustaf Anders (1832-1900), Swedish botanist and city treasurer at Stock- holm; travelled in Brazil with A. F. Regnell (1854-1855); brother of S. O. Lindberg; specialist on Rhipsalis. (G. Lindb.)

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: S. - Brazilian material in many herbaria.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 383; Bossert p. 238; GSP 16: 787; Hortus 3:

1198 (“‘Lindb., G. A.”); IH 2: 444; Kew 3: 445; KR p. 395-396 (b. 14 Aug 1832, d. 3 Feb

1900); Langman p. 446; LS 15476; Rehder 5: 512; TL-2/see Henschen, S. E.; Urban-Berl.

. 206, 369.

ea. are Not. 1900: 47 (d.); Hedwigia 39 (Beibl.) 2: (70). 1900; Osterr. bot. Z. 50: 188. 1900.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 428. 1880.

Dahlgren, R., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 56(3): 465-470. 1962 (on Lindberg, Regnell and Henschen in Brazil).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 6: 124. 1900 (death).

Lindman, C. A. M., Monatschr. Kakteenk. 10: 35-37. 1900 (portr., bibl.).

Malme, G. O. A., Bih. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 24(3), no. 6: 7. 1898.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 42-43. 1906 (itin.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 48. 1903.

Lindberg, Harald (1871-1963), Finnish botanist of Swedish origin; Dr. phil. Helsinki 1909; from rgro at the Helsinki Botanical Museum; son of S. O. Lindberg. (1. Lindb.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: H (especially Alchemilla and Hieracium), duplicates in many herba- ria. Exsiccatae: Plantae finlandiae exsiccatae fasc. 1-42, nos. 1-208, Helsingfors, 1906-1944, sets at B, H, LD. — Correspondence in the archives of Svenska Litteratursallskapet 1 Finland (Helsinki Univ. Library) and in H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 383; BL 1: 61, 306, 2: 61, 69, 78, 485, 682; BM 3: 1116, 7: 633; Bossert p. 238 (b. 2 Nov 1871, d. 13 Mar 1963); Collander p. 299-310(!), hist. p. 156; CSP 16: 787-788; Hirsch p. 176; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lindb., H.’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 444; Kew 3: 446; KR p. 396-397 (b. 2 Nov 1871); Lenley p. 268; LS 36036, suppl. 16102; MW p. 273, suppl. p. 203; Plesch p. 309; Rehder 5: 512; Saelan p. 268, 273; SBC p. 125 @ Eindb smi Zandered) ro, p. 685, ed: 11, p. 7er- Anon., Generalregister Bot. Not. 1839-1938: 105-106. 1939; Taxon 12: 169. 1963. Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 227. 1977. Jalas, J., Soc. Sci. Fenn. Arsbok-Vuosikirja 45¢(1): 1-12. 1969 (portr.). Lindberg, H., Plantae e septentrione cognitae in herbaria Linnaei, Acta bot. Fenn. 60: 1- 133. 1958. Marklund, Luonnon Vutkya 67: 108-110. 1963 (fide J. Jalas). Saelan, Th., Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 43: 268-273. 1916. Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 512. 1977 (bryoph.). Wittrock, V.B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 93, pl. 120. 1905 (portr.).

EPONYMy: Lindbergella N. L. Bor (1969); Lindbergia N. L. Bor (1968).

Note: We are grateful to P. Isoviita and his colleagues at Helsinki for extensive information on H. Lindberg incorporated in our text on this author.

  1. Om Pohlia pulchella (Hedw.), P. carnea (L.) och nagra med dem sammanblandade

former ... Helsingfors (Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn.) 1899. Oct. (Pohlia). Publ.: Jun-Dec 1899 (submitted 13 Mai 1899; Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1901), p. [1]-27, [28], z pl.



Copies: BR, H, MO-Steere, PH. — Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 16(2) [sic, see p. 2; on headlines: 16(5)] volume publ. shortly before 6 Oct 1g00. See also Bot. Centralbl. 82: 142-143. 1900.

  1. Bidrag till kéinnedomen om de till Sphagnum cuspidatum-Gruppen hérende arternas utbredning 1 Skandinavien och Finland ... Helsingfors [Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora fennica, t. xviii. n:o 3.] 1899. Oct. (Bidr. Sphagnum cusp.).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1899 (t.p. and p. 2; mss. submitted 7 Oct 1899; Allg. bot. Z. 15 Aug 1900), p. [1 ]-26. Copies: H, PH — Preprinted with special cover from Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 18(3): 1-26, journal volume publ. 3 Nov-1 Dec 1900). — See also H. Lindberg, in E. Bauer, Lotos 51: 124-127. 1903 (e.g. Aritische Bestimmungstabelle der europdischen Sphagna cuspidata ...).

  1. Polygonum foliosum n. sp. auctore Harald Lindberg. [Sartryck ur “Meddelanden af

Societas pro Fauna et Flora fennica h. 27. (1900-1901) ]. Oct. (Polygonum foliosum).

Publ.: 19 Jan 1go0o (see p. 5), p- [1]-5, 7 pl. Copies: FI, NY. — Reprinted from Medd. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 27: 3-7, 1 pl. 1901, (see also Collander no. 18).

  1. Enumeratio plantarum in Fennoscandia orientali sponte et subsponte nascentium. For- teckning 6fver ormbunkar och frovaxter vildtvaxande och forvildadei Finland och angran- sande delar af Ryssland. Luettelo saniai sista ja siemenkasveista jotka kasvavat villeina tai metsistyneina Suomessa ja shen rajoittuvissa osissa Venajaa. Helsinki. Helsingfors (Anta- gen af Helsingfors botaniska bytesforening. Helsingin botanisen vaihtoseuran hyvaksyma) s.d. [rgor]. Oct. (Enum. pl. Fennoscandia).

Publ.: Feb-Apr gor (p.iv: 1 Jan 1901; Bot. Centralbl. 2 Mai rgor; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1901),

p. [{i]-vii, [1]-79. Copies: G, H. — 1159 species; replaces Hiitonen, Suom. putkilokasvit.

  1. Die nordeuropdischen Formen von Scirpus (Heleocharis) paluster L. ... Helsingfors [Acta

Societatis pro Fauna et Flora fennica 23, n:o 7.] 1902. Oct. (Nordeurop. Scirpus pal.).

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1902 (mss. submitted 4 Oct 1902; printer’s mark 1902), p. [1]-16, pl. 1-2. Copies: FI, H.— Preprinted with special cover from Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 23(7): 1-16,

pl. 1-2, journal vol. publ. 6 Dec 1902 (Meddel. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 29: 62. 1904).

  1. Iter austro-hungaricum. Verzeichniss der auf einer Reise in Osterreich-Ungarn im Mai

und Juni 1905 gesammelten Gefasspflanzen ... Helsingfors 1906. Oct. (Jter austro-hung.).

Publ.: 1906, (p. [1]-2, 1-128, pl. 1-3. Copy: H. — Preprinted (or reprinted) with special cover from Ofvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Férh. 48 (‘‘xvliii””) n:o 13, 1906.

Ref.: Janchen, E., Osterr. bot. Z. 57: 36-37. 1907.

  1. Taraxacum-former frén Sédra och mellersta Finland ... Helsinki [Acta Societatis pro

Fauna et Flora fennica 29, n:o 9, ...] 1907 [i.e. 1908]. Oct. (Taraxacum Finland).

Publ.: 1908 (printer’s mark on p. [2]; t.p. 1907, mss. submitted 5 Oct 1907), p. [1]-48. Copy: H.— Preprinted from Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 29(9). 1907, volume publ. end 1908. See also next entry.

  1. Nylt bidrag till kénnedomen of Taraxacum-formerna i sodra och mellerste Finland ...

Helsingfors [Helsinki] [Sartryck ur “Meddelanden” ...] 1908. Oct. (Nytt bidr. Taraxacum


Publ.: 1908 (reprint dated), p. [13]-31. Copy: H. — Preprinted with dated headline from Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 35: 13-31. 1909.

  1. Die nordischen Alchemilla vulgaris-Formen und Ihre Verbreitung. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Einwanderung der Flora Fennoscandias mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die finlandische Flora ... Wird mit Genehmigung der Philosophischen Fakultat der Alexanders-Universitat in Helsingfors am 22 Dezember 1909 um 10 Uhr vormittags im Hist. -Philolog. Auditorium zur 6ffentlichen Verteidigung vorgelegt. Helsingfors [ Helsin- ki] (Druckerei der finnischen Literaturgesellschaft) 1909. Qu. (Nord. Alchemilla). Publ.: 22 Dec 1909 (date on t.p. defense thesis), p. [i-iii], [1]-172, pl. 1-20, charts 1-15. Copy: H.~— Reprinted (or preprinted) with special statement (‘“‘Wird mit ... vorgelegt’’) from Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. 37(10). 1909. Reprints exist also without the thesis statement (copy:



US). For earlier notes on the subject see H. Lindberg, Medd. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. go: 143-149. 1904, reprints 1904, p. [1]-7

  1. Itinera mediterranea ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der westmediterranen Flora auf Grund eines Materials von Gefasspflanzen, gesammelt in Tunesien und Sizilien im Jahre 1924 und in Spanien und Marokko im Jahre 1926 ... Helsingfors (Societatis Scientiarum fennica)
  2. Oct. (Ltn. medit.).

Publ.: 1932, p- [i], [1]-178,.fig. 1-50 (on 16 lvs.). Copies: FI, H, U.— Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. n.s. B.


4573- Die Friichte der Taraxacum-Arten Finnlands . .. Helsingforsiae [Helsinki], [Acta botani- ca fennica 17 ...] 1935. (Friichte Taraxacum Finl.). Publ.: 1935, p- [1 ]-22, pl. 1-38. Copy: H.— Reprinted with special cover from Acta bot. fenn.

17: 1-22, pl. 1-38. 1935.

Lindberg, Sextus Otto (1835-1889), Swedish bryologist (from 1865 Finnish); educated at Stockholm and Uppsala; teacher at the Pharmaceutical Institution of Stockholm (1862- 1865); professor of botany at Helsingfors University (successor to W. Nylander) 1865-1889. (Lindb.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: H-SOL (47.858 specimens) Duplicates in many herbaria, e.g. BM, H, S, UPS. — Exsiccatae: Hepaticae scandinavicae exsiccata, fasc. 1, nos. 1-25, 1-v, Helsingfors (typis T. Sederholm), [1-15, text]; sets at AK, BM, FH, Hy K, Lk, LD) LE: NICH, OXF, PC, OK, S, W. Issued in collaboration with Emil fa iniot Lackscoa (x-1883), het Schaal teacher at Nyslott, Finland. — Lindberg contributed also to Rabenhorst, L., Hepaticae europaeae (1855-1879), id. Bryotheca europaea (1858-1884), Hartman, R., Bryaceae Scandinaviae exsiccatae (1857-1874), and Brotherus, V.F., Muscc Fenniae exsiccati (1871-1888), q.v. (see also Bot. Not. 1889: 81). - Mss at H and H-UB; correspondence at H-UB; Library at H. Ref.: Anon., Bot. Zeit. 49: 724. 1891; Bot. Gaz. 17; 28-29. 1892 (herb. acquired by H); Bot. Not. 1891: 222. Isoviita, P., Acta bot. fenn. 89: 1-28. 1970 (on the collection of Dillenius’s specimens of hepaticae in the herbarium of S.O. Lindberg). Saelan, Th. et al., [Uppdrag att granska och vardera aflidne Professor $.O. Lindbergs efterlemnade mossherbarium.] 14 p. Helsingfors 1890. Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 512. 1978.

NOTE: The entry for Lindberg was submitted by Pekko Isoviuita, Helsinki. See also his publication providing supporting data (1978) and his ““S.O.Lindberg’s bryological reports in Finnish newspapers. Critically annotated facsimile collection”? Helsinki 1980 (not yet published when TL-2/3 went to press), Pamphl. Bot. Mus. Helsinki no. 8, 1980.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 384; BM 3: 1117; Bossert p. 238; Clokie p. 200; Collander hist. p. 156; CSP 4: 27, 8: 230-231, 10: 600-601, 12: 447, 16: 788; DTS 1: 172, 5: 15 Frank 3(Anh.): 58; Herder p. 463; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lindb., S.”’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 445; Jackson p. 572-573; Kew 3: 446; Kleppa p. 327; KR p. 397-404 (124 nos.; b. 29 Mar 1835); Lenley p. 268; Moebius p. 121, 122, 123; MW p. 273-274; Morren ed. 2, p. 29, ed. 10, p. 97; NAF ser. 2. 3: 39; PH g06; PR 5322; Rehder 5: 512; Saelan p. 273-294, 576; SBC p. 125 (“Lindb.”’); SO 867b; TL-2/3646; see H. W. Arnell; TR 785-796; Urban-Berl. p. 306. Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 26: 320. 1886 (mentor Acad. Stockh.), 37: 368. 1889 (d. 20 Feb 1889), 48: 253. 1891 (herb.), 50: 263.. 1892 (id.); Bot. aah: 15 (Beibl. 34): 18. 1892 (herb. to H); Bot. Not. 1872: 64, 188, 1873: 31, 1889: 79*, 79-93 (portr., bibl.); Beibl. Bot. Jahrb. 11 (24, 3). 1889; Bot. Gaz. 14: 114. 1889; Bot. Git. 47: 242. 1889; Grevillea 17: 98. 1889 (d.), Hedwigia 28: 226. 1889 (d.); Nat. Nov. 11: 122. 1889 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 39: 160. 1889 (d.), 41: 428. 1891 (herb.); Rev. bryol. 16: 48. 1889. Bondsdorf, C. v. et al., Bidr. Kanned. Finlands Natur Folk g1(a): 1-18. 1947. Braithwaite, R., J. Bot. 27: 147-148. 1889 (biogr.). Buch, Ann. bryol. 8: 25-30. 1935 (portr., general evaluation of his bryological work). Elfving, F. and R. Braithwaite, Ann. Bot., London, 3: 471-473. 1884 (bibl.). Elfving, F., Finska Tidskr. 26: 215-219. 1889; Ann. Bot. 3: 471-473. 1890; Ann. bryol. 8: 63- 73- 1935 (portr.; comm. cent. of birth); Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 50: 222. 1921.



Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 51-52. 1950.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 193. 1938.

Husnot, Th., Rev. bryol. 12(4): 64. 1885 (awarded the “Prix Desmaziéres” by Acad. Sci., Paris).

Isoviita, P., Lindbergia 4: 169-176. 1978 (dates publ.).

Lindberg, S. O., Bot. Not. 1871: 189, 190; 1872: 157; 1875; 152; 1877: 144; 1878: 128; 1882: 124; 1887: 187.

Lojander, H. E., Finska farm. Tidskr. 1: 18-20, 42-44. 1889.

Norrlin, J. P., Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 17: 503-538. 1891.

Reuter, O. M., Kalend. Sv. Folksk. vann. 1889: 169-176 (portr.),

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 274, 291-292, 296, 300. 1940.

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Libr. Publ. 5: 26. 1907.

Saelan, Th., Medd. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 18: 1-39. 1891 (portr., biogr., bibl.).

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 72. 1966.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 107-108. 1903, 3(3): 94, pl. 119. 1905 (portr.).

HANDWRITING: Bot. Not. 1889: 93; Ann. bryol. 8: 68, 69. 1935.

COMPOSITE WORKS: For a list of L’s contributions to works by others see Saelan (1891), p. 37- 28 ro Dest

EPONYMyY: (genera): Lindbergia Kindberg (1897); Neolindbergia Fleischer (1906); (journal): Lindbergia. A journal published by the Nordic Bryological Society and the Dutch Bryologi- cal Society. Arhus & Leiden. Vol. 1-x, 1971-x.

NOTE (1), (by P. Isoviita): S. O. Lindberg was one of the pioneers of nomenclatural research on bryophytes and was therefore much criticized by most contemporary bryologists. He accepted also pre-Hedwigian names for Musci and his nomenclature thus illustrates the scope of changes that would have been necessary if a pre-1801 starting-point had been adopted for this group.

A considerable part of Lindberg’s taxonomic revisions were presented in lectures held at the meetings of Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. in 1865-87 and summarized in the meeting reports first published in the local newspaper “‘Helsingfors Dagblad” and subsequently (with slight corrections and additions) in Bot. Not. and Not. Sallsk. Fauna Fl. Fenn. Forh. (later Meddel. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn.). Names published in such résumés often antedate their publication in Lindberg’s book and ordinary articles. For the items and main contents of these reports (from Not./Meddel.), see Saelan p. 281-293, nos. 138-224. (2): Lindberg’s cognomen in the Leopoldina was Bridel-Brideri.

4574- J orfmossornas byggnad, utbredning och systematiska uppstallning. Af S. O. Lindberg.

[Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Séner) 1862]. Oct.

Publ.: 12 Feb-25 Jun 1862 (submitted rr Dec 1861), Ofvers. k. [Sv.] Vet. — Akad. Férh. 19(2): 113-156. 1862. Cofies of reprint with original pagination: H (2), Isovita. —'To be cited from journal.

Ref.: KR p. 398, no. gd; Saelan p. 274, no. 13.

Milde, J., Bot. Zeit. 21(4): 31-32. 23 Jan 1863.

4575- Om elt nylt slagte, Epiplerygium, bland bladmossorna. Af S. O. Lindberg. [Stockholm

(P. A. Norstedt & Séner) 1863]. Oct. (Epzpterygeum).

Publ.: 1 Feb-28 Mai 1863 (p. 11; submitted 10 Dec 1862), p. 1-11. Copies: G, H. — Reprinted from Ofvers. k. [Sv.] Vet. — Akad. Férh. 19(10): 599-609. 1862 (1863).

Extract of p. 5-11 by author,‘* Nordische Moose ...,” Hedwigia 2(16): 141-144. Sep 1863.

Ref.: KR p. 398, no. 10; Saelan p. 274, no. 14.

  1. Bidrag till mossornas synonymi ... Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Séner, Kongl. Boktryc-

kare) 1863. Oct. (Bidr. moss. synon.).

Publ.: 9 Sep-31 Dec 1863 (Isoviita 1978), p. [1]-36. Copies: G, H, Isoviita, MO, NY, PH, MO-Steere (2). — Reprinted from Ofvers. k. [Sv.] Vet— Akad. Foérh. 20(7): 385-418. 1863; p. 36: “‘Fortsattes” but not continued under this title.

1S) NO

S. O. LINDBERG (1865)

Ref.: KR p. 398, no. 13; Saelan p. 274, no 19. J. M. [Milde], Bot. Zeit. 24(1): 7. 5 Jan 1866.

4577- Utredning af de skandinaviska Seligeriae. Af S. O. Lindberg. [Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt

& Soner) 1864]. Oct.

Publ.: 3 Mar-17 Jun 1864 (p. 192; submitted 9 Dec 1863), Ofvers. k. [Sv.] Vet. — Akad. Forh. 21(3): 185-192. 1864. Copies of reprint with orig. pagination: H, Isoviita. —'To be cited from journal.

Ref.: KR p. 398, no. 16; Saelan p. 275, no. 28.

Anon., Hedwigia 3(10): 145-148. Oct 1864 (extract of p. 186-192).

  1. Om de europeiska Trichostomeae. Akademisk afhandling, som med den vidtberomda

Filosofiska Fakulteten vid kejserliga Alexanders Universitetet i Finland tillstand till offent-

lig granskning framstilles af Sextus Otto Lindberg, ... uti historisk-filologiska larosalen

den 26 Oktober 1864 p.v.t.f.m. Helsingfors (J. C. Freckell & Son) 1864. Oct. (in fours).

(Eur. Trichostom.).

Thesis ed.: shortly before 26 Oct 1864 (as thesis) p. [1], [1]-48. Copies: BR, FI, G, H, Isoviita, L, NY, Steere. — Reprinted (596 copies) from Ofvers. k. [Sv.] Vet. — Akad. Forh. 21(4): 213-254. 1864 (1865) without listing the taxa (p. 213-214), and with the addition of a thesis t.p. and an introduction. Journal issue dated 21 Aug 1864.

Trade ed.: 23 Nov 1864, p. [i-vi], 213-254. Copies: G, H. — “Om... Trichostomeae af S. O. Lindberg.” Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Soner, Kongl. Boktryckare) 1864. Oct. Reprinted (150 copies) from idem, with the addition of t.p. and introduction. Title of journal article “De Tortulis et ceteris Trichostomeis europaeis.”” Copies: H, Isoviita.

Motto on p. [2], 213: “The investigation of dates in the [most (not in thesis) | disheartening work upon which the time of an author can be employed; it is never safe to take them second-hand and even reference to the original works is not always satisfactory” Woodward, Man. Mollusca, p. 11.

Ref.: BM 3: 1117; KR’p. 399, no. 17; PR 5322; Saelan p. 275, no. 30. J. M.; Hedwigia 4(3):

38-41. Mar 1865 (trade ed.); Bot. Zeit. 24(1): 7. 5 Jan 1866 (journal art.).

  1. De speciebus Timmuaae observationes. Auctore S. O. Lindberg. [Stockholm 1865]. Oct.

( Timmuiae observ.).

Publ.: Jan-22 Feb 1865 (submitted 8 Jun 1864), Ofvers. k. [Sv] Vet. — Akad. Forh. 21(6): 339-938. (1865). Copies of reprint with orig. pagination: G, H, L. — Preliminary publ.: Bot. Zeit. 22: 217-220. 15 Jul 1864 (De genere Timmia).

English translation by R. Braithwaite: Grevillea 2: 129-133. Mar 1874.

Novae de speciebus Timmiae observationes: Rev. bryol. 9(2): 24. Mar-Apr 1882.

Ref.: KR p. 399, no 18; Saelan, p. 275, Pp. 31-

Milde, J., Hedwigia 4(5): 78-79. Mai 1865.

  1. Adnotationes bryologicae, auctore S. O. Lindberg. [Uppsala (Kongl. Akad. Boktrycke- riet) 1865]. Oct. Publ.: spring or summer 1865 (p. 9), p- [1]-9, Copy: H. — Reprinted from Bot. Not. 1865(4): 73-81. 1865.— To be cited from journal. Ref.: KR p. 399, no. 24; Saelan p. 275, no. 38. Milde, J., Hedwigia 7(1): 14-16. Jan 1868.

  2. Om bladmossornas locklésa former. Af S. O. Lindberg. [Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt &

Soner) 1865]. Oct.

Publ.: before 30 Sep 1865 (submitted 9 Dec 1863), Ofvers. k. [Sv.] Vet. — Akad. Forh. 21(10): 575-588. 1864 (1865). Copies of reprint with orig. pagination: H, Isoviuita.— To be cited from journal.

Ref.: KR p. 399, no. 21; Saelan p. 275, no. 33.

Anon., Hedwigia 7(2): 24. Feb 1868.

  1. Uppstallning af familjen Funariaceae. Af S. O. Lindberg. [Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt &

Soner) 1865]. Oct.

Publ.: before 30 Sep 1865 (Krok, Bot. Not. 1865: 85; submitted g Dec 1863), Ofvers. k. [Sv.] Vet. — Akad. Férh. 21(10): 589-608. 1864 (1865). Copies of reprint with orig. pagination:


S. O. LINDBERG (1867)

H (2).— To be cited from journal. Appendix: p. 600-608. Ref.: KR p. 399, no. 22; Saelan p. 275, no 34. Anon., Hedwigia 7(2): 20-23. Feb 1868.

  1. Animadversiones de Hypno elegante Hook. et speciebus europaeis Plagiothecii ... Hel- singfors (Theodor Sederholms boktryckeri) 1867. Oct. (Animadv. Hypn. eleg.).

Publ.: after 26 Jun 1867 (t.p. reprint), p. [19]-38, preprinted without change of pagination from Not. Sallsk. Fauna FI. fenn. Forh. g: [19]-38. 1868 (5 Sep-3 Oct).Copies: H (3). Preliminary publ.: De Hypno elegante Hook., Bot. Not. 1865: 137-146, late 1865; cf. also

Hedwigia 2: 79. 1863 (Rhynchostegium elegans). Ref.: KR p. 399, no. 28; Saelan p. 276, no. 57. Lindberg, S. O., Bot. Not. 1865: 141-146, Dispositio [Hypni] subgeneris Plagiothecii. Milde, J., Hedwigia 7(5): 74-76. Mai 1868. 4584. Firleckning éfver mosser, insamlade under de svenska expeditionerna till Spitsbergen 1858 och 1861. Af S. O. Lindberg. [Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Séner) 1867]. Oct. Publ.: 15 Nov-31 Dec 1867 (t.p. journal vol.; submitted for publication 12 Dec 1866). Ofvers. k.[Sv.] Vet. — Akad. Férh. 23 (10): 535-561. 1866 (1867). Copies of reprint with orig. pagination: H, Isoviita. - To be cited from journal. Ref.: KR p. 398, no. 6b; Saelan p. 276, no. 45. Milde, J., Hedwigia 7(7): 108-110. Jul 1868.

  1. En liten profbit pa namnforbistring ... Helsingfors (Theodor Sederholms boktryckeri)

  2. Oct. Publ.: 1867 (t.p. reprint), p. [1]-18. Copies: G, H (4), Isoviita— Preprinted from Not. Sallsk. Fauna FI. fenn. Forh. 9: [1]-18. 1868 (5 Sep-3 Oct). Ref.: KR p. 399, no. 33; Saelan p. 275, no 56. Milde, J., Hedwigia 7(5): 73-74. Mai 1868.

  3. Observationes de Mniacets europaeis ... Helsingfors (Theodor Sederholms boktryckeri)

  4. Oct.

Publ.: 1 Jan-21 Mai 1868, p. [39]-88, preprinted without change of pagination from Not. Sallsk. Fauna Fl. fenn. Férh. 9: [39]-88 1868 (5 Sep-3 Oct), errata on p. [375] (separate slips). Copies: BR, H (3), Isoviita.

Appendix: p. 79-88.

Ref.: KR p. 399, no. 34; Saelan p. 276, no. 58.

Anon., Hedwigia 7(7): 105-106. Jul 1968.

  1. Observationes de formis praesertim europaeis Polytrichoidearum (Bryacearum nematodon-

tearum) ... Helsingfors (Theodor Sederholms boktryckeri) 1868. Oct.

Publ.: 1 Jan-21 Mai 1868, p. [89]-158. Copies: BR, G, H(3), MO. — Preprinted without change of pagination from Not. Sallsk. Fauna FI. fenn. Férh. 9: [89]-158. 1868 (5 Sep-3 Oct). Copies: BR, G, MO. — To be cited from journal.

Addendum: on p. [375] as a separate slip.

Ref.: KR p. 400, no. 35; Saelan p. 276, no. 59.

Anon., Hedwigia 7(7): 107-108. Jul 1868.

  1. Musci novi scandinavici ... Helsingfors (Theodor Sederholms boktryckeri) 1868. Oct.

Publ.: 30 Jun-10 Aug 1868, p. [253]-299. Copies: H (3), Isoviita. - Preprinted without change of pagination from Not. Sallsk. Fauna Fl. fenn. Férh. 9: [253]-299- 1868 (5 Sep-3 Oct).

Ref.: KR p. 400, no. 39; Saelan p. 276, no. 60. Milde, J., Hedwigia 7(9): 143-144, 7(10): 150-152. 1868.

  1. Ulredning af Skandinaviens Porella-former. Af S. O. Lindberg. [Helsingforsiae (Ex

officina typographica socictatis litterariae fennicae) 1869]. Qu. (Utredn. Skand. Porella).

Publ.: 15 Nov-31 Dec 186g (t.p. reprints dated 1869 by Lindberg), p. [327]-345- Copies: H, Isoviita. — Preprinted without change of pagination from Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 9(1): [327]-345. 1871 (before 7 Oct).


S. O. LINDBERG (1874)

Ref.: KR p. 400, no. 44; Saelan p. 277, no. 67. Anon., Hedwigia 9(6): 96. Jun 1870.

  1. Manipulus muscorum primus [secundus] . . . Helsingfors (Theodor Sederholms boktry- ckeri) 1870 [-1874]. Oct. f. 1: 6 Apr 1870, Copies: B, G, H, Isoviita— Preprinted without change of pagination from Not. Sallsk. Fauna Fi. fenn. Forh. 11: 39-72. 1871 (before 11 Feb). 2: 16 Mar-13 Mai 1874 (Rev. bryol. Jul-Sep 1874), id. 13: [351]-[418], p/. 7 (uncol. lith. Elfving). Copies: BR, H, Isoviita, MO, (reprint pag. [351]-[418], pl. 7). 3: not published; main contents summarized Bot. Not. 1882: 194-196. Dec 1882, 1883: 18-19. Feb 1883, Meddel. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 9: 151-152, 158-159 Nov-Dec 1883, and in part included in L’s Bidrag tll nordens mossflora 1, Meddel. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 14: [63]-

  2. 1887. Ref.: KR p. 400, no. 43; Saelan p. 277, no. 72. Anon., Hedwigia 14(9): 132-144. Sep 1875. J. M., Hedwigia 9(5): 77-80. Mai 1870.

  3. Va mossor. Beskrifna af S. O. Lindberg. [Helsingfors (tryck hos J. Simelii arfvingar, . ) 1870]. Oct.

Publ.: 1 Jan-30 Apr 1870, p. [70]-84, reprinted without change of pagination, but with new imprint [1870!] on p. 84 from Ofvers. Finska Vet. —Soc. Forh. 12(2): 70-84. 1870. Copies: H, Steere. — To be cited from journal.

Ref:: KR p. 400, no. 40; Saelan p. 277 (no. 65).

Milde, J., Hedwigia 9(5): 76-77. Mai 1870.

  1. Plantae nonnullae horti botanici Helsingforsiensis descriptae aS. O. Lindberg. Helsingfor- siae (Ex officina typographica Societatis Litterariae fennicae) 1871. Qu. (Pl. horte bot. Helsingf.)

Publ.: 1 Jan-30 Mar 1871 (t.p. reprint and cover; submitted 19 Sep 1870), p. [119]-133, pl. 1-6, Copies: H, Isoviita.— Preprinted without change of pagination from Acta Soc. sci. fenn. 10: [119]-133, pl. 1-6 (uncol. liths. by Hausen and C. Sjéstrand). 1875 (after 1 Nov).

Ref.: KR p. 404, no. 117; Saelan p. 278, no. 89.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1871(6): 189. 15 Dec 1871.

4593- Revisio critica wconum in opere Flora danica muscos illustrantium ... Helsingforsiae (Ex officina typographica societatis litterariae fennicae) 1871. Qu. (Revis. crit. icon.). Publ.: 4 Mar 1871 (t.p. reprint and cover; submitted 15 Nov 1870) P. [1]-118. Copies: B, G, H (2), Isoviita, MO, NY, U- Verdoorm, USDA. — Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. 10: [1 ]-118. 1875 (after 1-Nov). Ref.: KR p. 400, no. 45; Saelan p. 278, no. 88. Anon., Bot. Not. 1871: 190. 15 Dec 1871. J., Hedwigia 11(3): 41-42. Mar 1872.

  1. Spridda anteckningar rérande de skandinaviska mossorna, af S. O. Lindberg. [Lund (Ber- lingska Boktryckeriet) 1872]. Oct. Publ.: 1 Nov-16 Dec 1872 (journal issues dated), p. [1 ]-16 Copy: H. — Reprinted from Bot. Not. 1872(5): 133-141, 1872(6): 161-168. — To be cited from journal. Ref.: KR p. 401, no. 54; Saelan p. 277, no. 76. Jack, Hedwigia 14(8): 119-120. Aug 1875.

4595- Contributio ad floram cryptogamam Asiae boreali-orientalis ... Helsingforsiae (Ex officina

typographica societatis litterariae fennicae) 1872 [1873]. Qu. (Contr. fl. crypt. As.).

Publ.: mid-Jan 1878, p. [221]-280. Copzes: B, H, Isoviita, U-V. — Preprinted with special cover but without change of pagination from Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. ro: [221]-280. 1872. Final mss and drafts in H-UB.

Addendum: (p. 280) reprinted in Bot. Not. 1873: 45-46. 1 Apr 1873,

Ref.: KR p. 400, no. 46; Saelan p. 278, no. go.

  1. The mosses of Buddle’s “Hortus siccus’ examined and determined by S. O. Lindberg,

M.D. [London (Ranken and Co. eae ..)] 1874. Oct. Publ.: 1-27 Feb 1874, p. [i]-xil. Cypress (2).— Reprinted from J. Bot. 12: 36-47. 1874.— To


S. O. LINDBERG (1875)

be cited from journal.— Published and introduced by H. Trimen and therefore with many errors (corrected in Lindberg’s copy in H). Original specimens in BM- Sloane, 80- go small duplicates in H-SOL.

Ref.: KR p. 401, no. 62; Saelan p. 278, no. 86.

4597- /epaticae in Hibernia mense Julii 1873 lectae a S. O. Lindberg. (Societati exhibitum die 28 Septembris 1874). Helsingfors (Ex officina typographica societatis litterariae fenni- cae) 1875. Qu.

Publ... 1 Mai-23 Aug 1875, p. [465]-559. Copies: G, H(2), Isoviita. — Preprinted without change of pagination from Acta Soe. Sci. fenn. 10: [465]-559. Nov-Dec 1875.

Partial reprint: 538-541 “Genera europaea hepaticarum secundum novam dispositionem natura- lem” s.l.n.d., [4] p. Copies: H, Isoviita.— See also Rev. bryol. 2: 112-114. Oct-Dec 1875, Grevillea : 87-88. Dec 1875; Hedwigia 15(1): 7-9. Jan 1876.

Ref.: KR p. 401, no. 65; Saelan p. 278, no. 91.

  1. Till ahérande af de offentliga foredrag hvarmed professorn i geologi och mineralogi filosofie doktorn Fredrik Johan Wiik och Professorn i Matematik filosofie doktorn Magnus Gustaf Mittag-Lefller den 5 Maj 1877 komma att tilltrade sina ambeten inbjudas vetenska- pens gynnare, idkare och vanner vordsamt af fysisk-matematiska sektionens dekanus

Sextus Otto Lindberg. Helsingfors (J. C. Frenckell & Sons tryckeri) 1877. Qu [contains:

Hepaticologiens ulveckling fran dldsta tider till och med Linné. Af S. O. Lindberg] (Hepaticol.


Publ.: shortly before 5 Mai 1877; invitation to attend inaugural addresses p. [1], followed by S. O. Lindberg’s Hepaticol. utveckl. on p. [iii, h.t. Lindberg]. [1]-51. Copies: H (3), Isoviita, MO, MO-Steere.— On p. 52-54. biogr. & bibl. of F. J. Wuk and Mittag-Leffler.

Ref.: KR p. 402, no. 71; Saelan p. 279, no. 95.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1877: 145-146. 1 Nov 1877. Jack, Hedwigia 16: 166-168. Nov 1877.

4599- Monographia Metzgeriae. Auctore 8. O. Lindberg ... Helsingforsiae (Ex officina

typographica Societatis litterariae fennicae) 1877. Oct. (Monogr. Metzger.).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1877 (submitted to Society on 3 Oct. 1874 sic, but subsequently amended and written after 1 Jul 1877), p. [1]-47, [48], 2 pl. (uncol. liths. by Fr. Elfving). Copies: H (2), Isoviita, MO, NY, PH. — from Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 1: [1]-48, 2 pl. 1877 (completed journal vol. 6 Apr-4. Mai 1878). Final mss. in H-UB.

Ref.: KR p. 402, no. 72; Saelan p. 279, no. 96.

Jack, Hedwigia 17(11): 165-171. Nov 1878.

  1. Utkast till en naturlig gruppering af Europas bladmossor med toppsittande frukt (Bryineae acrocarpae). Program af S. O. Lindberg. Helsingfors (J. C. Frenckell & Sons tryckeri)
  2. Qu. (Utkast Eur. bladmoss.).

Publ.: 22 Mar-17 Apr 1878 (date of oration); (Hedwigia, Aug 1878; Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1879; J. Bot. Jun 1878), p. [i], [1]-39. Copies: L. E. Anderson, BR, G, H (2), Isoviita, NY, MO- Steere. —‘‘Program’”’ submitted by L. in his capacity as dean of the section of physics and mathematics of the University of Helsingfors. One H copy and the Steere copy have the present text as part of the complete program, p. [i, iii], [1]-43, of which the Utkast occupies p. [iii], [1 ]-39. The program t.p. runs: ‘“Till ahorande af det offentliga foredrag hvarmed professorni fysik filosofie doktorn Karl Selim Lemstrém Onsdagen den 17 April 1878 kommer att tilltrade sitt ambete ...’” Helsingfors (id.) 1878. — Bibl. and biogr. of Lemstrom on p. 40-43.

Ref.: BM 3: 1117; KR p. 402, no. 76; Saelan p. 279, no. 101.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1878 128-129. 15 Sep 1878. Geheeb, A., Rev. bryol. 5: 78-80. Sep-Oct 1878 (repr. syn. fam. gen.).

  1. Musci scandinavici in systemate novo naturali dispositi a S. O. Lindberg. Upsaliae (ex

officina Jesaiae Edquist) 1879. Qu. (Muse. scand.).

Publ.: 8 Nov-30 Dec 1879, p. [i-ii], [1]-50. Copies: B (2), G (2), M (2), Isoviuta, USDA. Originally issued with a Swedish cover-title: ‘‘Fdrleckning dfver Skandinaviens mossor jemte deras bytesvarden ...’’ Copy: H.— Final mss (incomplete) in H-UB.

Ref.: BM 3: 1117; KR p. 402, no. 79a, b; Saelan p. 279, no. 102.


S. O. LINDBERG (1887)

Hartmann & Forsell, Bot. Centralbl. 2: 614-615. Mai 1880. Venturi, Rev. bryol. 7(5): 94-95. Sep-Oct 1880.

  1. Musci nonnulli scandinavici descripti a S. O. Lindberg. [Helsingfors (J. Simelii arfvin-

gars tryckeri)] 1879. Oct. (Muscz nonnull scand.).

Publ.; 8 Nov-31 Dec 1879 (p. 14; submitted 8 Nov 1879, Rev. Bryol. Jul-Aug 1880 (p. 80); Bot. Zeit. 8 Oct 1880 (journ. issue), p. [1]-14. Copies: H (2), Isoviita, PH. — Preprinted from Meddel. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 5: [1]-14. 1880 (summer).

Ref.: KR p. 402, no. 78; Saelan p. 279, no. 103.

Jorgensen, Bot. Centralbl. 1: 1353. Nov 1880. J., Hedwigia 20(8): 126-127. Aug 1881.

  1. Monographia praecursoria Peltolepidis, Sauteriae et Cleveae. Auctore S. O. Lindberg. ... Helsingforsiae (ex officina typographica heredum J. Simelii) 1882. Oct. (in fours). (Monogr. Peltolep.).

Publ.: 4. Mar-30 Jun 1882 (submitted 4 Mar 1882; Rev. bryol. Mai-Jun 1882), p. [1]-15. Copies: H, MO, MO-Steere, NY, PH. — Reprinted from Acta Soc. Fauna F'l. fenn. 2(3): [r]-15. 1882 (distr. after 7 Nov 1882).

Preliminary publ.: Bot. Not. 1877: 73-78. 18 Mai 1877.

Ref.: KR p. 402, no 84; Saelan p. 280, no. 115.

Arnell, H. W., Bot. Centralbl. 12: 5. Oct. 1882.

  1. Europas och Nord Amerikas hvitmossor (Sphagna) jamte en inledning om utvecklingen och organbildningen inom mossornas alla tre hufvudgrupper. Promotionsprogram af S.O. Lindberg. Helsingfors (J. CG. Frenckel & Son) 1882. Qu. (Eur. hvttmoss.).

Publ.: 31 Mai 1882 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1882; Bot. Centralbl. 21-25 Aug 1882; Bot. Zeit. 29 Sep 1882, 25 Mai 1883; Rev. bryol. Jul-Aug 1882), p. [i]-xxxviii, [1]-88. Copies: G, H, Isoviita (2), MO, NY (2); IDC 7578. Preliminary publ.: Torfmossornas byggnad, utbreding och systematiska uppstallning, Ofv. k. [Sv.] Vet.-Akad. Forh. 19: 113-156. 1862 q.v.

Program: Inbjudningsskrift till de Magister- och Doktors-Promotioner, ...den 31 Mai 1882, p. [i*], [i]-xxxviii, [1]-136 (Lindberg’s paper ends on p. 88). Copy: H.

Ref.: KR p. 398, no. gd; Saelan p. 280, no. 114.

Arnell, H. W., Bot. Centralbl. 11: 373-375. 4-8 Sep 1882 (rev.). Husnot, T., Rev. bryol. 9(4): 64. Jul-Aug 1882.

  1. Kritisk granskning af mossorna uti Dillenit Historia muscorum. Program af S. O. Lindberg. Helsingfors (J. C. Frenckell & Son) 1883. Qu. (Moss. Dillen. hist. musc.). Publ.: 1-21 Dec 1883 (Bot. Zeit. 30 Mai 1884; Rev. bryol. Jan-Feb 1884, p. [1]-59. Copies: G, H(2), Isoviita, MO-Steere. — “‘Program”’ see under Utkast (1878) above. Ref.: KR p. 402, no. 85; Saelan p. 281, no. 129. ; Arnell, H.W., Bot. Centralbl. 20: 169. 1864 (rev).

4606/7. Sandea et Myriorrhynchus nova hepaticarum genera. Auctore 8. O. Lindberg ...

Helsingforsiae (ex officina typographica heredum J. Simelii) 1884. Oct.

Publ.: 1-25 Mar 1884 (submitted 4 Apr 1882; Rev. bryol. Sep-Oct 1884; Bot. Centralbl. Sep 1884; Bot. Zeit. 30 Mai 1884), p. [1]-9. Copies: H, MO. — Reprinted from Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 2(5): [1]-9. Nov-Dec 1884.

Ref.: KR p. 403, no. 89; Saelan p. 280, no. 116.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 19: 307-308. Sep 1884. Husnot, T., Rev. bryol. 11(5): 78-79. Sep-Oct 1884.

  1. Bidrag till nordens mossflora. 1. AfS. O. Lindberg. [Helsingfors (J. Simelii arfvingars

tryckeri) ] 1887. Oct.

Publ.: 5 Feb-15 Sep 1887 (p. 77 of reprint; submitted 5 Feb 1887), p. [63]-77. Copies: H, Isoviita. Preprinted without change of pagination from Meddel. Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 14:[63]-77. 1888 (4 Feb-3 Mar). Not continued. Pars II submitted (according to annual report of Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn., 13 May 1887 (see Meddel. 15: 202. 1889); Pars II reported for publication in Meddel. on 3 Dec 1887 (Meddel. 15: 218. 1889) — never published.


S. O. LINDBERG (1889)

Ref.: KR p. 403, no. 97; Saelan p. 281, no. 132. Anon., Rev. Bryol. 16(5): 79. Sep-Oct 1889. Arnell, H. W., Bot. Not. 1887: 187-191. 15 Sep 1887. Brotherus, A., Bot. Centralbl. 33: 72-74. Jan 1888.

  1. Musci asiae borealis. Beschreibung der von den schwedischen Expeditionen nach Sibirien in den Jahren 1875 und 1876 gesammelten Moose mit Beriicksichtigung aller friiheren bryologischen Angaben fir das russische Nord-Asien von 8. O. Lindberg und H. W. Arnell ... Stockholm (Kongl. boktryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt & Séner) 1889-1890, 2 parts. Qu. (Musc. as. bor.).

Co-author: Hampus Wilhelm Arnell (1848-1932).

1: Lebermoose: 1-30 Dec 1889 (submitted 10 Oct 1888; Nat Nov. Apr(2) 1890; Rev. bryol. Jan-Feb 1890), p. [1]-69. Copies: B, BR, MO, NY, U-V, US, USDA. — Lindberg is the author of the new taxa.

2: Laubmoose: after 12 Feb 1890 (submitted 11 Sep 1889), t.p. 1890; Rev. bryol. Jan-Feb 1891; CSP 1891; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1891; Underwood rd. his copy at NY in Dec 1891), p. [1]-163. Copies: BR, H(3), MO, NY, U-V, US, USDA. — Ib. 23(10). 1889.

3: Torfmoose, Spagnaceae, see C. Jensen.

Ref. BM 3: 1117; KR p. 403, no. 98; Saelan p. 281, no. 136.

Lindblad, Matts Adolf (1821-1899), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Ups. 1854; lecturer in botany at Uppsala 1855-1873. (Lindblad).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 384; BM 3: 1117; Frank 3(Anh.): 58; [IH 2: 445; Jackson p. 336; Kew 3: 446-447; KR p. 404-405 (b. 1 Mai 1821); LS 15477-15486; NAF 9: 441; PR 5323-5326; Saelan p. 273-294 (main bibl.); Stevenson p. 1249.

Anon., Bonplandia 4: 305. 1856 (habil. Uppsala); Bot. Centralbl. 80: 400. 1899 (d. 30 Jun 1899), 81: 415. 1900 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 29 (Beibl. 65): 30. 1900 (d.); Bot. Not. 1858: 134, 1899: 173; Hedwigia 39: (40). 1900; Nat. Nov. 21: 575. 1899 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 49: 415. 1899 (d.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 204. 1899 (death).

Scheutz, N. J. W., Bot. Not. 1863: 70.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 48. 1903.

EPONYMY: Lindbladia E. M. Fries (1849).

  1. Synopsis fungorum hydnaceorum in Suecia nascentium. Cujus partem primam Hydna

pileata sistentem venia ampliss. facult. philosph. Upsal. praeside mag. Elia Fries, ... pro

gradu philosophico p.p. auctor Matthias Adolphus Lindblad, ... in auditorio gustaviano

minori die xiv decembris mdcccliii h.p.m.s. Upsaliae [Uppsala] (Wahlstrom & Co.) 1853.

Oct. (Syn. fung hydnac.).

Promotor (but not author): Elias Magnus Fries (1794-1878).

Thesis ed. (title as above): 14 Dec 1853, p. [i-iv], [1]-18. Copies: FH, GB, NBV, NY(2).

Trade ed.: “‘Hydnorum pileatorum in Suecia nascentium synopsis ...” (fide KR), differs from the preceding solely in the title-page (BM).

  1. Monographia Lactariorum Sueciae quam venia ampliss. fac. philosoph. Ups. p.p. mag. Matt. Ad. Lindblad in audit. Gustav. die xxx maji mdccclv. h.a.m.s. Upsaliae [Uppsala] (typis descripsit reg. acad. typographus) 1855. Oct. (Monogr. Lactar. Suec.).

Publ.: 30 Mai 1855, p. [i*-iii*], [i]-xvi, [1]-31. Copies: G, L, NY, USDA.

  1. Dr. M. A. Lindblads svampbok bearbetad af Lars Romell jamte anvisningar om

svampars insamling, forvaring och anrattning af Herman Sandeberg. Boken atfoljes af 4

fargtryckta planscher. Stockholm (Iduns Kungl. Hofboktryckeri) 1go1. Oct. (Svampbok).

Editor: Lars Romell (1854-1927).

Co-author: Herman Sandeberg.

Ed. 1: Sep-Dec 1901 (t.p.; p. viii: 1 Sep 1901; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1902), p. [i-xi], [1]-166. Copy: MICH.— Accompanied by 4 loose plates.



Ed. 1, reissue(1): 1902 (t.p.; p. vili: 1 Sep 1901), p. [i-xi], [1]-166. Copies: MICH, NY.

Ed. 1, reissue (2): s.d., p. [i-xi], [1]-166. Copy: USDA. — Stockholm (C. F. Fritzes K. Hofbokhandel (i distribution) ).

Ed. 2: 1913, n.v., fide KR. (Stockholm, id., x, 158 p.).

Note: LS 15486 gives the title in English; however, we have seen no English translation. The

date (1901) and pagination (166 p.) suggest that this is only a title translation.

Lindblom, Alexis Edvard (1807-1853), Swedish botanist; founder and first editor of Botaniska Notiser; Dr. phil. Lund 1826, lecturer at Lund 1831-1851; travelled in Norway 1826, 1837, 1839. (Lindblom).

HERBARIUM and Types: Acquired by S. Hardin (1813-1867), for the greater part destroyed during the Karlstad fire of 1865. About 100 specimens of the original herb. are at the Karlstad grammar school. Occasional specimens are found in most Swedish herbaria, e,g.: at GB (inf. B. Peterson). — Sayre 1978 mentions bryophytes at LD. — Letters to E. Fries at Uppsala University Library.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 828; Barnhart 2: 384; BL 2: 518, 683; BM 3: 1117;

CSP 4: 27-28; Herder p. 21, 166; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lindbl.”’); IH 2: 445; Kew 3: 447;

Kleppa p. 327; KR p. 405-407; Langman p. 446; LS 15487; PR 5327-5330; Rehder 5: 512;

TL-2/1: 1862, see Aspegren, G. L., TL-2/2: see Lasch, W. G.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 32. 1855, 6: 337. 1858 (cognomen Leche); Bot. Not. 1844: 32, 1853: 78; Flora 22: 733-736. 1839.

Gertz, O. D., Bot. Not. 1939: 273-290 (detailed biogr.; used original sources).

Hard av Segerstad, K. F., C. A. Agardhs fanerogamherbarium 18. 1928.

Lowegren, I., Naturaliekabinett Sverige 305, 306, 309, 310. 1952.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 512. 1978.

COMPOSITE WoRKSs: (1). Published and edited Botaniska Notiser, 7 volumes, for the years 1839- 1846.

(2). Fries, E. M., Novztzae florae Sueciae, pars vil, 1823.

(3). The index to Fries, E. M., Syst. mycol. is by A. E. Lindblom (Index alphabeticus generum, specierum et synonymorum tn,... Fries systemate mycologico .. . enumeratorum, Greifswald 1832, 203 p., see TL-2/1867 and note under W. G. Lasch and p. [203] of this index in which Fries acknowledges Lindblom’s role.

EPONYMY: Lindblomia E. M. Fries (1843).

  1. Stirpes agri rotnoviensis, quarum enumerationem, venia ampliss. ord. phil. Lundens.

Praeside Carolo Ad. Agardh, ... pro laurea p.p. auctor Alexis Eduard Lindblom, Rotno-

viensis. In Lyceo Carolino d. maji mdccexxvi. P. I. Lundae (Literis Berlingianis) 1826.

Oct.t. (Stirp. agri rot nov.).

1: Mai 1826, p. [1]-24. Presided over by Carl Adolf Agardh (1785-1859), but with Lindblom as “auctor.” In parts 2-5 (see below) Lindblom himself was president as well as author; the respondents had no part in writing the text.

2: 11 Jun 1828, p. [1-11], 25-40. “Stirpes agri rotnoviensis, quaarum enumerationem venia ampliss. ord. phil. Lundens. proponunt Mag. Alexis Ed. Lindblom et August Kjellman ... 1m Lyceo Carolino d. xi junii mdccexxvui. P. II. Lundae (id.). 1828. Oct.

3:4 Nov 1839, p. [1-11], 41-56. ““Stirpes... [as part 2]... et Carl Johan Tigerstrom, Blekingi. In Lyceo Carolino d. iv Nov. mdcccxxix. P. III. Lundae (id.). 1829. Oct.

4: 4 Nov 1829, p. [1-11], 57-68. “Stirpes ... et Joab Petterson, Blekingi. In Lyceo Carolino d. iv Nov. mdccexxix. P. IV. Lundae (id.). 1829. Oct.

5: 9 Dec 1839, p. [i-iv], 69-84. “Stirpes ... et Johan P&laemon Brock, Blekingi. In Lyceo Carolino d. ix Dec. mdccexxix. P. V. Lundae (id.). 1829. Oct.

Copies: GB (information B. P. Peterson); NY (nos. 1-4).

  1. In geographicam plantarum intra Sveciam distributionem adnotata ... Lundae (apud C. W. K. Gleerup ... ) 1835. Oct. (Geogr. pl. Svec.).

Thesis issue (n.v.): 21 Dec 1835, see KR p. 406, no. 4.

Trade issue: Dec 1835, p. [1], [1]-101, pl. 1-5. Copy: FI (inf. C. eg een



4614a. Bidrag till kdinnedomen af de skandinaviska arterna af sldgtet Draba. [Stockholm, P. A.

Norstedt & Séner. 1840]. Oct. (Bidr. skand. Draba).

Publ.: 1840 (p. 94; Flora: eeicelace: 5 Jan-g Mar 1841), p. [1]-94. Copies: G, NY. — Reprinted from K. Sy. Vet.-Akad. Hand. 1839: [1]-94. 1840.

Addenda: Nagra ord om slégtet Draba, Bot. Not. 1841: 213-227.

Preliminary publ.: Ofversigt af Skandinaviens Draber, Bot. Not. 1839: 15-16, 17-24, 49-56; in Latin: Synopsis Drabarum Scandinaviae, Linnaea 13: 316-335. 1839.

Lindeberg, Carl Johan (1815-1900), Swedish botanist and high school teacher at Goteborg 1859-1889. (Lindeb.).

HERBARIUM and types: GB (acquired 1899). Exsiccatae: (1) Hieracia scandinavica exsiccata, fasc. 1-3, nos. 1-150, Gdteborg 1868-1878; sets at B, BM, C, GFW, K, L, MANCH, O, P, S, W RSL. for further details see KRp. 409, no. 24. (2 lori area Palin reandeainiae, fase. 1-2, nos. 1-52, Géteborg 1882-1885; sets at C, K, LD, MANCH; for further details see KR p.

4.09, no. 25.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGraPHy: AG 6(1): 475; Barnhart 2: 384; BL 2: 521, 525, 546, 682; BM 3: 1117, 7:633; Bossert p. 238; Clokie p. 200; CSP 4: 28, 8: 231, 10: 601, 16: 788; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lindeb.’’); IH 2: 445; Jackson p. 573; Kew 3: 447; Kleppa p. 194, 237, 241, 242; KR p. 408-409; Morren ed. 10, p. 104; PR 5331-5332; Rehder 5: 512; TL-2/1: 189; Urban- Berl. p. 369.

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 29(Beibl. 66): 31. 1900 (d. 4 Mai 1900); Bot. Not. 1849: 104, 1850: 23, 1857: 191, 1858: 134, 1871: 197, 1872: 188, 188g: 28, 1900: 142; Hedwigia 39 (Beibl.): 112. 1900 (d.); Nat. Nov. 22: 341. 1900 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 50: 307. 1900.

Babington, C. C., Mem. journ. bot. corr. x, 414. 1897.

Scheutz, N. J. W., Bot. Centralbl. 13: 390-391. 1883, 27: 129-130. 1886 (rev. exsicc.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 48, pl. 12. 1903, 3(3): 23. 1905 (b. 3 Aug 1815) (portr.).

  1. Plantarum vascularium in regione Maeleri orientali boreali sponte crescentium synopsis, quam venia ampliss. facult. philos. Upsal. praeside Elia Fries, ... pro gradu philosophico p-p. auctor Carolus Johannes Lindeberg, Smolandus. In audit. Gustav. die 13 Jun mdccexlviii h.a.m.s. I. Upsaliae [Uppsala] (P. Hanselii) 1848. Oct. (Pl. Maeler. syn.). Thesis ed.: in two parts. 1: (as above); 13 Jun 1848, p. [1]-16. Copies: L, NY. 2: 13 Jun oe p- [i], 17-33. Copy: NY.—”... p.p. Magnus Vilhelm Kalén, Ostogothus. In audit. Gustav. die xiii jun. mdcccxlviii h.p.m.a. II. Upsaliae (id.). Trade ed.: Synopsis plantarum vascularium ... crescentium. Auctore Carol. Joh. Lindeberg. Upsaliae (id.) 1848, p. [i, iti], [1]-33. Copzes: NY, USDA. Preliminary publ.: Ex exkursion i Malaren sommaren 1845. Bot. Not. 1845: 202-210.

  2. Novitiae florae scandinavicae. Afhandling, som under inseende af H. H. Ephorus och H. Domkapitlet i Gdteborg, kommer att till offentlig granskning framstallas i h.v. Hogre Elementar-Liaroverks Sollennitetssal fredagen d. 10 Dec 1858 kl.f.m. af Mag. C. J. Linde- berg, ... och Wilhelm Levan. Goteborg (tryckt hos D. F. Bonnier) 1858. Oct. (Novil. fl. scand.).

Publ.: 10 Dec 1858, p. [i], [1]-24, pl. 1-2 (uncol. liths.). Copy: NY. — Thesis to qualify as a university lecturer. The réle of Wilhelm Levan, about whom nothing 1s known to us, was probably purely formal. Other title (p. [1]): ‘““Novitiae florae scandinavicae af C. J: Lindeberg. I. Med 2 Tab.” Goteborg (id.) 1858. A second part was never published.

  1. Skandinaviens Meracier beskrifna af C. J. Lindeberg ... Stockholm (Ivar Haeggstroms

boktryckeri) 1877. Oct. (Skand. Hierac.).

Publ.: 1877, p. [1]-26. Copies: G(2).— Reprinted from Hartman, Handb. Skand. FI. ed. 11. 1: 34-57. 1879. Preceded by a similar treatment in ed. 10.1: 18-34.1870 (KR mentions a preprint 1869, 16 p.).

Lindemann, Eduard Emanuilovitch von (1825-1900), Russian botanist at Elisabeth- grad (Cherson), son of Emanuel von Lindemann, studied natural sciences and medicine at



St. Petersburg 1841-1847; milita. y surgeon in the Russian army from 1848; Dr. phil. h.c. Odessa 1877. (Lindem.).

HERBARIUM and Types: LE; further material in MW.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 384; BM 3: 1118; Bossert p. 238; CSP 4: 28, 8:

239-233, 10: 602; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lindem.”); IH 2: 445; Jackson p. 328; Kew 3: 447;

Langman p. 446; Lipschitz p. 218; LS 15494-15495; Morren ed. 10, p. 97; MW p. 274; PR

(alph.); Rehder 5: 512; TR 800-809.

Asmous, V. C., Chron. bot. 11(2): 102. 1947.

Bourdeille, Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou ser. 2. 6: 379-380, 493-495. 1894.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 428. 1880.

Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 55: 296. 1893 (“‘das ganze Herbar ...”’ at LE):

Lindemann, E. E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 36(1): 233-253. 1863, 46(2): 56-101. 1872, 60: 265-312. 1885, 61(1): 37-92. 1886 (herb.).

Miihlenbach, V., LatvieSu arstu un zobarstu apvienibas apkartraksts 114: 1-15. 1978.

  1. Florula Elisabethgradensis. Additamentum ad floram chersonensem, seu enumeratio plantarum circa urbem Elisabethgrad, pagum Elisabethgradkam et in vicinils sponte crescentium ... [Moscou 1867]. Oct. (Florul. Elisabethgr.).

Publ.: 1867 (reprint so dated) p. [1]-182. Copy: FI. Reprinted (and perhaps in part preprinted) from Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 40(2): 448-544. 1867, 40(4): 297-298. 1867.

First suppl.: ib. 41(1): 114-137. 1868.

Second suppl.: ib. 45(2): 265-334. 1872.

Third suppl.: ib. 49(3): 62-109. 1875.

  1. Prodromus florae chersonensis auctore Eduardo a Lindemann. [title also in Russian;

imprint on Russian t.p.:] Odessa (L. Nitsche) 1872. Oct. (Prodr. fl. cherson.)

Publ.: 1872 (J. Bot. Apr 1876 and Osterr. bot. Z. 1 Feb 1876 sic!), p. [i]-lxii, [1 ]-229, [1]- xxvi. Copies: B, G. — Zap. Novorossijsk. Obsc. Estestvoisp. (Mém. Soc. natural. nouv. Russie), first supplement to the first volume.

  1. Flora chersonensis. Auctore Eduardo a Lindemann ... Odessae (G. Ulrich (P. A.

Zelenavo)) 1881-1882, 2 vols. Oct. (FU. cherson.).

r: Jan-Sep 1881 (p. xxxv: 3 Jul 1880; Bot. Zeit. 30 Dec 1881, Nat. Nov. Oct(3) 1881), p. [1*- ii*], [i]-lviii, [1 ]-393, [i]-x.

2: Jan-Oct 1882 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1882; Bot. Zeit. 29 Dec 1882), p. [i-ii], [1 ]-329, [LJ-lxv, [i]-i11, err.

Copies: BR, G, M, MO, USDA.

Orig. publ.: Zap. Novorossijsk. Obsh. Estestvoisp. vol. 6 (supplements).

Lindemann, Emanuel von (1795-1845), Russian botanist and entomologist at Mitau; studied at Erfurt (1813) and Dorpat (1814-1816); high school teacher at Mitau 1820-1845. (Em. Lindem.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 384; BM 3; 1118; IH 2: 445; Kew 3: 447;

Lipschitz fontes 1138; PR (alph.); TL-1: 368; TL-2/1: 1802; TR 397.

Anon., Flora 29: 656. 1846; Bot. Zeit. 4: 720. 1846.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 428. 1880.

Lindemann, E. E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 36(1): 233-253, 46(2): 56-1or. 1872, 60(4): 265-312. 1884, 61(1): 37-92. 1885 (list of coll. in his herb.), (b. 24 Mai 1795, d. 22 Aug 1845).

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 457. 1847.

composiTE works: Edited Fleischer, J. G., Fl. Ostseeprov. ed. 1, 1839, see TL-2/1802.

Linden, Jean Jules (1817-1898), Luxemburg botanical explorer traveling in America



1835-1845; plant dealer at Luxemburg 1845-1852; director of the Jardin royal de Zoologie et d’Horticulture, Brussels, 1852-1861; continuing his activities as plant introducer and dealer both in Brussels and Gent ree ing the Ambroise Verschaffelt nursery in 1873) in his firms “Compagnie Continentale” and “Horticulture internationale.” (Linden).

HERBARIUM and Types: Main set at BR. Linden sold his collections to many institutions (see IH). It is difficult to say where the types of the Plantae columbianae are until specimens annotated by Planchon are found (BR or MPU?).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRaPHY: ADB 5(1): 370; AG 3: g10, 5(1): 370; Backer p. 330;

Barnhart 2: 385; BM 3: 1118; Clokie p. 200; CSP 4: 28, 8: 233; GF p. 85; Herder p. 146, 287;

Hortus 3: 1198 (““Linden’’); IF suppl. 4: 329; 1H 2: 445-446; Jackson p. 138, 418, 495; Kew 3: 447; Langman p. 446; Laségue p. 213-215, 574; Lenley p. 268; Morren ed. 2, p. 15; NI

Sree 1196; PR 5334-5335; Rehder 5: 512-513; RS p. 113; SK 4: cxevii; TL-1: 688: TL-2/2:

see Lemaire, A. C.; Urban-Berl. p. 271, 306, 369; Zander ed. 10, p. 685, ed. 11, p. 781.

André, Bull. Soc. bot. France 20: cii-cv. 1873 (on Linden and hn horticultural ‘éstablisht ments).

Anon., Bonplandia 1: 33, 188. 1853, 4: 172. 1861, 9: 202. 1861; Bot. Centralbl. 73: 288. 1898. Bot. Jahrb. 25 (Beibl. 60): 54. 1898 (death); Bot. Not. 1899: 48; Gard. Chron. ser. 3. vol. 15: 599-600. 1894 (itin., from III. hortic. 15 Apr 1894); Osterr. bot. W. 3: 182. 1853 (appointed director Brussels gard.), 11: 264. 1861 (buys Paris branch).

Barnhart, J. H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 32: 38. 1931.

Bean, W. J., R.H.S. Dict. gard. ed. 2. 3: 1184. 1956 (Lindenza).

Blum, Martin, Bibliographie luxembourgeoise 1: 746-747. 1902/08 (bibl.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 428. 1880.

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 346-349, 355, 374. 1969.

Crépin, F., Guide bot. Belgique 458. 1878.

Godefroy-Leboeuf, ed., L’orchidophile Mar 1889: 65-67. (portr.).

Hemsley, J. B., Biol. centr.-amer. 4: 125-126. 1887.

Hoehne, F., O jardim botanico de Sao Paulo 90-91. 1941 (portr.).

Kerchove de Denterghem, Cte. de, Rev. hort. belge étr. 24: 36-39. 1898 (obit.).

Killip, E. P., J. New York Bot. Gard. 28: 210. 1927 (Linden localities).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 4: 52. 1898 (d. 12 Jan 1898).

Linden, J. J., Ann. Soc. roy. Agric. Bot. Gard. 2: 205-272. 1846 (“Relation d’un voyage scientifique exécuté par M. J. Linden, ... au Venezuela, a la Nouvelle Grenade . . . 1841 a 1844”, Linden’s own report on the expedition); Belg. hortic. 17: 235-256. 1867 (exped. Colombia 1840-1844) (for translation into Spanish see Rohl, 1938).

Linden, J. J. et J. E. Planchon, Troisiéme voyage 1(1): xlviii-lv. 1863, see also Belg. hortic. 1867: 235-256.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 69. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Morton, C. V., Amer. Fern. J. 61: 59-75. 1971 (fern coll.).

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 1: 176-178. 1971.

Regel, E., Gartenflora 23: 196-201. 1874 (description of L’s ‘‘établissement” at Gent).

Reinikka, M. A., A history of the orchid 204-207.

Rohl, E., Bol. Soc. venez. Ci. nat. 34: 379-414. 1938.

Stearn, W. T., J. Arnold Arb. 46: 267. 1965.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 76-78. 1902; Fl. bras. 1(1): 43-44. 1906 (itin., b. 3 Feb 1817).

Wittmack, L., Gartenflora 47: 171-176. 1898.

nore: Linden’s elder son, Auguste Charles Joseph Linden (1852-1894) travelled in the Malesian area, Congo and Spain; he established a plant introduction center in Luxemburg. Charles Lucien Linden (1853-1940), the younger son, succeeded his father as director of the company in 1876. J. J. Linden himself made three trips (extensive details in Urban 1902):

  1. to Brazil, 1835-1837, with Nicolas Funck (artist and collector; 1816-1896) and the gee August B. Ghiesbrecht (1808-1888). . to Cuba, Mexico and Central America, 1837-1841, also with Funck.
  2. to tropical America, 1841-1844, with Louis Joseph Schlim. The latter continued this exploration with Funck 1845-1855. The living plants were at first brought to Luxemburg; later to Linden’s nurseries at Brussels


LINDEN (1854)

and Gent. For the orchids collected by Linden see e.g. J. Lindley, Orchideae lindenianae (London 1846).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1), Orchidaceae lindenianae, 1846 see J. Lindley. (2). L’ Illustration horticole, vols. 17-43, 1870-1896.

MEMORIAL PUBLICATION: Lucien Linden, editor, La Semaine horticole 2 (numéro special): [61]-88, 12 Feb 1808 (portr.).

EPONYMy: (genera): Lindenia Bentham (1841); Lindenia Martens & Galeotti (1843); Linde- niopiper Trelease (1929); Neolindenia Baillon (1890); (journal): Lindenia. Iconographie des Orchidées. Gent. Vol. 1-17, 1885-1906.

4620a. Etablissement de botanique et d’ horticulture de J. Linden, a Luxembourg. Prix-courant pour printemps 1847. Luxembourg, (Imprimerie et lithographie de M. Behrens fils) s.d. [1847]. Oct. (Etabl. Linden, prix-courant).

Note: Linden issued sales catalogues from 1846 onward. These catalogues (sometimes called prix-courant) often contained descriptions of new taxa as well as illustrations of new or rare plants. They are frequently cited in the literature and difficult to find. We cite here the issues seen by us stressing that our information is still incomplete. The numbering started with no. ro or possibly with an earlier number not seen by us. The numbers [1 ]-23 refer all to Linden’s firms at Luxembourg (in existence 1845-1852) and Brussels (1852-1881); from no. 24 onward the catalogues continued the numbering of the catalogues of the firm of Ambroise Verschaffelt at Gent. Nos. 24 and 25 are at the same time 85 and 86, from 87-102 the catalogues carry again single numbers. We have seen only two of the presumably seven catalogues from the Luxembourg series and the first number seen of the Brussels series (which probably started with no. 8) is no. 10. Most of our information comes from the series at BR and M with additional notes made by the late R. Tournay.

[7]: presumably for 1846 with a title as given above for 1847 (n.v.).

[2]: 1847 (Bot. Zeit. 28 Mai 1847), cover, p. [1]-7, [1-4]. Copy: BR. Tztle as above. (PR ed. 1:

5913). :

[3]: 1848 (n.v.) (Bot. Zeit. 6 Oct 1848).

[4]: 1849, cover, p. [1]-12, [1-2]. Copy: Br.

[7]: 1852 (n.v.). May also have been the first of the Brussels series.

Continuation: See below Cat. pl. exot.

  1. Preludia florae columbianae, ou matériaux pour servir a la partie botanique du voyage

de J. Linden, par MM. J.-E. Planchon et Linden [Paris 1853]. (Prelud. fl. columb.).

Co-author: Jules Emile Planchon (1823-1888).

Publ.: Feb 1853 (in journal), p. [1 ]-9. Copy: NY.— Reprinted from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 3. 19(2): 74-82. 1853. Same text published in Bull. Acad. Sci., Bruxelles 20: 186-196. 1853.

  1. Pescatorea. Iconographie des Orchideées, par J. Linden, ... avec la collaboration de

MM. J.-E. Planchon ... M.-G. Reichenbach fils, ... G. Luddemann, ... premier volume.

Bruxelles (M. Hayez, Imprimeur de l’Academie royale de Belgique) [1854-] 1860. Fol.+.


Eponymy: Jean Paul Pescatore (1793-1855), a wealthy Luxemburg-born orchid grower and horticulturist.

Co-editors: G. Liiddemann; Jules Emile Planchon (1823-1888); Heinrich Gustav Reichen- bach (1824-1889).

Publ.: In 12 ““monthly”’ fascicles, from 1 Jun 1854 onward, of 4 plates with text (fasc. 1-4 publ. 1854; p. [i]: 20 Jan 1860), p. [1-111], 46 pl. w. text [96 p.] (handcol. liths. by F. de Tollenaere and Maubert). Copies: MICH, MO, USDA.

Facsimile ed.: announced, but not yet published, by Asher (1974).

Ref.: Duveen, D.I., Amer. Orch. Soc. Bull. 42: 822-824. 1973.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 60-61. 1855.


LINDEN (1855) Seemann, W.E.G., Bonplandia 4: 158-160. 1856.

  1. Jardin royal de zoologie et d’horticulture, de Bruxelles. No. 10. Etablissement

d’ introduction pour les plantes nouvelles. Catalogue des plantes exotiques, nouvelles et rares,

cultivées dans les serres de J. Linden, ... 4 Bruxelles. Printemps, Eté et Automne 1855.

Bruxelles (Imprimerie de G. Stapleaux, ... ) 1855. Duod. (in sixes). (Cat. pl. exot.).

[8]: 1855 (n.v.) (Bot. Zeit. 7 Oct 1853).

[9]: 1854 (n.v.) (Bot. Zeit. 26 Mai 1854).

10: 1855, cover, p. [1]-51. Copy: BR. Title: as above.

11: 1856, cover (t.p.), p. [1 ]-35, index on cover p. [4], 5 pl. (handcol. lith.). Copies: BR, NY. Title: “Etablissement d’introduction pour les plantes nouvelles, (collections botaniques et zoologiques). No. 11. Supplément et extrait du Catalogue des plantes exotiques, nouvelles et rares cultivées dans les serres de J. Linden, ... au Jardin royal de zoologie et d’horticulture a Bruxelles. Prix-courant pour printemps, été et automne de 1856. Bruxelles (Imprimerie de E. Guyot et Stapleaux fils, ... ) 1856. Oct.

12: 1857, cover (t.p.), p. [1]-46, [1], 3 pl. (id.), contents on p. [4] cover. Copies: BR, G, M, NY. Title: as no. 11, except: “... No. 12. Catalogue des plantes exotiques ...” Bruxelles (M. Hayez, imprimeur ... ) 1857. Oct. (in fours).

13: 1858, cover (t.p.), p. [1]-27. Copy: M. — Title: as no. 11: “‘... No. 13. Supplément et extrait du catalogue des plantes exotiques, ...”’ Bruxelles (M. Hayez, imprimeur) 1858.

14: 1859 (n.v.).

15: 1860 (n.v.)

16: 1861, cover (t.p.), p. [1]-7. Copy: M. — Title: as in 11: “*... No. 16. Supplément et extrait du catalogue des plantes exotiques, ...”’ Bruxelles (M. Hayez, imprimeur) 1861.

17: 1862 (p. [1]: Mar 1862), cover (t.p.), [1]-58. Copy: M. — Title: as in 11: “*... No. 17. Catalogue des plantes exoliques, ... prix courant pour 1862.” Bruxelles (M. Hayez, impri- meur) 1862. Duod.

18: 1863/4 (n.v.).

19: 1865, cover (t.p.), p. [1]-56. Copy: M. — Title: as in 11: “‘... No. 19. Catalogue des plantes exotiques, — prix courant pour 1865.” Bruxelles (M. Hayez, imprimeur ...) 1865. Oct. (in fours).

20: 1866 (n.v.).

21: 1867, cover not seen, p. [1]-28, 2 pl. (chromoliths.). Copy: M. — Title (on cover): n.v.

22/23: 1869 (cover: no. “23”, p. [1] as no. “22” both for 1869), p. [1]-64. Copy: BR. Title (on cover): ““Etablissement d’introduction pour les plantes nouvelles.” Premier grand prix unique ... no. 22. Catalogue et prix courant pour 1869 de J. Linden ... au Jardin royal de zoologie et horticulture, quartier Léopold a Bruxelles. Bruxelles (Imprimerie et lithographie de Verhavert, ... ) 1869. Oct.

Continuation: see below, “Catalogues généraux ...”

  1. [lortus lindenianus. Recueil iconographique des plantes nouvelles introduites par l’établissement de J. Linden, ... au Jardin royal de zoologie et d’horticulture, 4 Bruxelles. Bruxelles (M. Hayez, imprimeur de l’Académie royale de Belgique, . . .) 1859-1860, 2 parts. Fol. +. (Hort. linden.).

[Part 1]: Apr 1859 (cover, p. iv: 30 Mar 1859; cover has “Apr 1860” on top, “1859” at bottom), p. [i-vi], [1]-12, pl. [1-6], numbered in text; pl. [7], mentioned in the text, but not issued. (col. liths.).

[Part 2]: Apr 1860 (cover), p. 13-25, pl. [8-12], id., pl. [73] mentioned, but not issued.

Copies: BR, G, MO, NY (orig. cover), USDA (id.).

  1. Troisiéme voyage de J. Linden, dans les parties intertropicales de Amérique, au Vénézuela, dans la Nouvelle-Grenade, a la Jamaique et dans Vile de Cuba, exécuté par ordre du gouvernement belge pendant les années 1841 a 1845 et publié sous ses auspices. Premicre partic. Botanique. Plantae columbianae, par J. Linden, ... et J. E. Planchon, ... Tome 1. Bruxelles (M. Hayez, Imprimeur ... ) 1863. Oct. ¢ (Pl. columb.).

Co-author: Jules Emile Planchon (1823-1888).

Publ.: Printed in 1863 but not published in that year. Five copies of the first fascicle were put together by C. A. Cogniaux from the clean sheets in 1874-1875. One of these copies is at BR, others at A, K and US. Since Linden gave permission to issue the five copies, the book must be considered as effectively published since 1874/75. Pagination: [i*, mi*], [i]-


LINDEN (1877)

Ixxxvil, [1]-64. Copies: BR, US; IDC 6022. — The types of the Plantae columbianae are not at BR. Facsimile ed.: 1977, Leiden (Boerhaave Press), ISBN 90-70153-07-6, 2 new prel. pages plus the original [i*, 11*J, [i]-Ixxxviui, [1]-64. Copy: FAS. — See Taxon 27: 112-113. 1978. Ref.: Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 78. 1902. Sprague, T., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1926: 32-44.

  1. Nos. 85 et 24.— Année 1869-1870. . Supplément et extrait des catalogues généraux no. 83 de

Petablissement horticole Ambroise Verschaffelt, Directeur: M. Prosper Gloner, ... a Gand

(Belgique), et du no. 23 de l’établissement d’introduction pour les plantes nouvelles de J.

Linden, ... au Jardin royal de zoologie et d’horticulture, Quartier Léopold, a Bruxelles.

Prix-courant pour automne 1869 et printemps 1870... Gand [Gent] (Impr. et lith. de E. et

S. Gyselinck) [1869].

85/24: 1869 (p. [1]: 1 Jul 1869), p. [1]-28. Copies: BR, G. — Title: as above.

86/25: 1870, p. [1 ]-26, 7 pl. Copies: BR, G. — Title: “Nos. 86 et 25.— Année 1870. Supplément et extrait des catalogues généraux no. 83... et duno. 23... de Linden, ... prix courant pour l’année 1870...” Gand [Gent]) (id.) [1870].

Continuation: see below, “Catalogue général ...”’.

  1. No. 87. — Année 1871. Catalogue général et prix-courant pour 1871 des plantes de

serres des établissements d’horticulture et d’introduction de J. Linden ... a Bruxelles,

Quartier Léopold (vis-a-vis du Musée Wiertz) et 4 Gand (Belgique) 52, rue du Chaume

(Ancien établissement Ambroise Verschaffelt). Gand [Gent] (Impr. et lith. de E. et S.

Gyselinck) [1871]. Oct. (in fours).

67: 1871 (p. [3] cover: 3 Apr 1871), cover, p. [i, t-p.], [1]-108, [109 =p. 3 cover]. Copy: BR. Title: as above. Note: cited as 87-88 on t.p. of no. 89.

[66]: Aug 1871, (n.v.), announced on cover p. [1] of no. 87, special catalogue ‘“‘Azalées, Camellias) 7

[88bis]: 1871 (p. 26: 15 Mar 1871), cover, p. [i, t.p.], [1]-26. Copies: BR, M. — Title: “1871. Etablissement .. . catalogue spécial et prix-courant des orchidées exotiques del établissement d’introduction de J. Linden a Bruxelles, Quartier Léopold.” Gand [Gent] (id.).

89: 1872, p. [1, cover]-x, [1]-22. Copy: M.— Title: “Catalogue des plantes nouvelles et supplement au catalogue général no. 87-88 des plantes de serres et de plein air des établissements horticulture et d’introduction de J. Linden. .. a Gand (Belgique).’’ Gand [Gent] (id.).

go: 1873, cover, p. [1*], [i]-xili, [3]-42. Copzes: BR(2). — Title: “Catalogue des plantes nouvelles... [as 89]... J. Linden Quartier Léopold a Bruxelles en face du Musée Wiertz ...et...a Gand (Belgique).” Gand [Gent] (id.). [this title appears on t.p. [i*], the cover title is simpler. ].

g1: 1874, cover, p. [i-vii], [3]-72, pl. Copy: BR. — Title on cover: “No. 91 — 1874. Catalogue des plantes de serres de Vétablissement d’introduction et d’horticulture de J. Linden. Gand (Belgique).”

92: 1874, cover, p. [1]-32. Copy: BR. — Title on cover: “No. 92. — 1874-1875. Catalogue spécial des Azalea, Camellia, Rhododendrum et supplément au catalogue no. g1 des plantes de serres de Pétablissement d’introduction & d’horticulture de J. Linden. Gand (Belgique).”

93: 1875, cover, p. [i*-1i1*], [1]-71, [72, cont.], several lith. pl. Copy: BR. — Title on cover: “1875. —no. 93. Etablissement ... de J. Linden a Gand. Catalogue des plantes de serres, plantes d’introduction nouvelle ou récente, ... etc.” Gand [Gent].

94: 1875, cover, [1]-38. Copy: BR. — Title on cover: “No. 94. — 1875-1876. Catalogue spécial des Azalea, Camellia, Rhododendrum, ... de J. Linden.” Gand [Gent].

95: 1876, cover, p. [1]-85, several pl. Copy: BR. — Title on cover: “No. 95. Catalogue illustré des plantes de serres de V établissement . .. de J. Linden (Directeur: M. Lucien Linden).’’ Gand [Gent] (Imprimerie de E. et S. Gyselinck) 1876.

96: 1876, cover, [1]-28, several pl. Copy: BR. — Title on cover: “No. 96. — 1876. Premiers grand prix ... Etablissement d’introduction et d’horticulture de J. Linden. Supplément ulustré au catalogue (no. 95) des plantes de serres et au catalogue spécial (no. 94) des Azaleas et Camellias.” Gand [Gent].

97: 1877, cover, p. [1]-35, [36, cont. ], several pl. Copies: BR, M. — Title (t.p.): Catalogue illustré des plantes de serres rares, nouvelles ou particuliérement recommandables de l’éta- blissement d’introduction et d’horticulture de J. Linden. Directeur: M. Lucien Linden. 1877 ... Gand (Belgique).”


LINDEN (1878)

98: 1878, cover, p. [1]-60. Copy: BR. — Title on cover: “No. 98. Catalogue des plantes de serres de l’établissement ... de J. Linden ... 1878 ... Gand (Belgique).”

gg: 1878, cover, p. [1]-43, [44, cont.]. Copies: BR, M. — Title: “No. gg. Catalogue spécial des Azalea, Camellia, Rhododendrum ... de J. Linden a Gand (Belgique), ... 1878-79.”

100: 1879, cover, p. [1]-60, several pl. Copy: BR. — Title: “Catalogue illustré des plantes de serres ... de J. Linden ... Gand (Belgique) ...”

ror: 1880, cover, p. [1 ]-116. Copy: BR. — Title: “No. 101. Catalogue général de Y établissement ... de J. Linden a Gand (Belgique) 1880...”

102: 1881, cover, [1]-48, several pl. Copy: BR. — Title: “No. 102. Catalogue illustré des plantes nouvelles ... de J. Linden a Gand (Belgique) ... 1881...”

noTE: We have seen no further issues of the regular Linden catalogues. We have not mentioned special catalogues such as trade lists, lists of public auctions of plants, because these do not contain information of taxonomic or nomenclatural importance.

  1. Lindenia Iconographie des Orchidées. Directeur: J. Linden. Rédacteur en chef:

Lucien Linden & Emile Rodigas. Gand [Gent] 1885-1906, 17 vols. (Lindenza).

Co-editors: Emile Rodigas (1831-1902), Charles Lucien Linden (1853-1940).

Publ.: 17 volumes, each in 12 parts of four plates with accompanying text. In later volumes fascicles often came out in sets of 2; the last instalment published, Dec 1906, contained parts 9-12 of vol. 17. In all 81g plates, numbered 1-794, 796-814 of which only pl. 525 was uncoloured. A portrait of Linden is included in vol. 13. Copies: NY, U.

English translation: 13 vols., Feb 1891 — Jul 1898, of 24 plates each, limited to the plates of the second half of vol. 6 of the original edition, and vols. 7-12, numbered 265-624. Copy: NY. ~— “Lindenia, iconography of Orchids conducted by J. Linden, Lucien Linden, Em. Rodigas and R. A. Rolfe...” Ghent (printed by Eug. Vanderhaeghen).

Linden, Lucien (1851-1940), Belgian horticulturist, son of J. J. Linden, (L. Linden). HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 656 (b. 1865); BM 3: 1118; IH 2: 446. Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgot: 40.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1), Editor of Lindenia, Iconographie des Orchidées (with E. Rodigas), vols. 1-17, 1855-1903 (NI 2348). (2). Editor, L’[llustration horticole 28-43, 1881-1896.

  1. Les orchidées exotiques et leur culture en Europe... Bruxelles (chez l’auteur ...), Paris (Octave Doin, ... ) 1894. Oct. (Orch. exot.)

Co-author: Célestin Alfred Cogniaux (1841-1916).

Publ.: 1894, p. [i]-xiv, [1]-1019. Copy: MO.

Lindenberg, Johann Bernhard Wilhelm (1781-1851) German bryologist, lawyer at Lubeck, later at Hamburg, ultimately Amtsverwalter (administrator) at Bergedorf. (Lin- denb.).

HERBARIUM and types: The Lindenberg herbarium, over 5000 specimens, is at W. The types of Gottsche and Lindenberg were at B (now destroyed), isotypes are in Lindenberg’s herbarium in W and also at G (information R. Grolle). Algae at HBG; musci also at STR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: ADB 18: 688-689; Backer p. 330; Barnhart 2: 385; BM 3: 1118; CSP 4: 30; Dryander 2: 237, 244; DTS 1: 172; Frank 3(Anh.): 58; Herder p. 261; IH 2: 446; Jackson p. 573; Kew 3: 448; Laségue p. 545, 574; Moebius p. 122; MW p. 274, suppl. p. 203; NI 1197-1198; PR 5336-5339; SBC p. 125 (“Lindenb.”); TL-1: 422, 689; TL-2/1: 1557, 2097; Urban-Berl. p. 306. Anon., Bonplandia 2(22): 267. 1854 (cognomen in Leopoldina ‘“‘Weber.’’); Bot. Zeit. 9: 589. 1851; Flora 34: 574, 788. 1851; Osterr. bot. W. 1: 315. 1851 (d. 6 Jun 1851). Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 33: 314. 1888, 34: 149. 1888 (herb. at W, go80 specim.). Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 70. 1978.



Candolle, Alph. de Phytographie 428. 1880.

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. von, im P. Prahl, Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 34. 1890.

Pearson, J. Bot. 29: 377-380. 1890 (The Lejeuneaceae of L’s herbarium, by Stephani, reviewed).

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 160, 164, 173. 1940.

Sayre, G., Bryologist S0: 512. 1978.

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 72. 1966.

Stephani, F., Hedwigia 29: 1-23, 68-99, 133-142. 1890 (Die Gattung Lejeunia im Herba- rium Lindenberg,” see also Pearson, J. Bot. 28: 377-380. 1890).

COMPOSITE WORKS: With C. M. Gottsche and C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck, Syn. hepat. 1844-1847, see [L-2/2097.

  1. Synopsis hepaticarum europaearum, adnexis observationibus et adnotationibus criticis

illustrata, auctore I. B. G. Lindenberg, Dr., ditionis bergedorfensis praefecto. Cum tabulis

duabus. Bonnae (Sumtibus Academiae Caes. L. C. Naturae curiosorum. Venditur apud

Eduardum Weberum, bibliopolam). 1829. Qu. (Syn. hepat. eur.)

Publ.: 1829 (Flora rd. 1 Oct-20 Dec 1839, rev. 13: 8-30. 1830), p. [1], [1]-133, pl. 1-2. Copies: B, G, MO, NY, IDC 2328. — Nov. Act. Acad. Leop. 14, supplementum [with in- dependent pagination]. Bonnae 1829.

Italian translation: Sinossi delle epatiche europee di I. B. Lindenberg compendiata e illustrata ad uso dei botanofili italiani dal... G. Savi... Pisa 1831. — Abbreviated.

  1. Monographie der Riccieen, von Dr. J. B. W. Lindenberg, [Bonn (Acad. Leop.-Car. Nat.

Cur.) 1837]. Qu. (Monogr. Ricc.).

Publ.: Jan-Oct 1837 (submitted 28 Feb 1836; Flora “‘vorgelegt”’ 6 Nov 1837), zm Nova Acta Acad. Leop. 18(1): 361-504, 504a-i, k-m, pl. 19-37 (col. liths., anon.). Copies: B, FI, G, M, MO, NY. — We have seen no copy with independent pagination and/or renumbered plates.

  1. Species hepathicarum. Recensuit, partim descripsit iconibusque illustravit Ioh. Bernh.

Guil. Lindenberg [fasc. 6-11: et C. M. Gottsche] ... Bonnae (Impensis Henry et Cohen)

1839-1851, 11 fasc. Qu. (Sp. hepat.).

Co-author fasc. 6-11: Carl Moritz Gottsche (1808-1892).

1: 12-18 Apr 1839 (Hinrichs), p. [i]-iv, 5-36, pl. 1-6.

2-4: 11-14 Mar 1840 (id.), p. 37-120, pl. 7-24.

5: 27 Dec 1843 (id.), p. i* (t.p. dated 1844), [i]-xx1x (synopsis), [i]-vi (index), 121-164, pl. 25-33» 39-

6-7: 21 Dec 1846 (id.), p. [1]-iv, [1]-78, pl. 7-72.

8-11: 10-11 Mar 1851 (id.), p. [i]-xii, [1]-118, [1, err.], p/. 1-22.

Copies: G, MICH, NY, USDA; IDC 5102. — The plates are (partly) coloured liths. - The

spelling Hepathicarum occurs on the t.p. of fasc. 1. The titles on the fascicles of the subsequent

fascicles have Hepaticarum. The dates of availability at Bonn may have been somewhat

earlier than the dates of receipt by Hinrichs at Leipzig. The dates in Flora and Gersdorff

support the above dates.

The second series of pages with roman numerals, ([i]-xxix) was issued with fasc. 5 on 27 Dec

1843 according to the list of the contents of this fascicle in Gersdorff, Leipziger Repertorium

2(1): 121, 164, 516. 1844. This separate “‘chapter’’ contains a treatment of Plagzochila (p. i-

xiv) and a Synopsis specierum (p. xv-xxix). The title-page [1*] reads: Monographia hepaticarum

generis Plagiochilae ... cum tabulis xxxiii. Bonnae (id.) 1844.

Ref.: Junk, W., Rara 1: 66. 1900-1913.

Linder, David Hunt (1899-1946), American mycologist; Ph. D. Harvard 1926; author on fungi imperfecti; at the Shaw School of Botany, Washington, Univ., and the Missouri botanical Garden, St. Louis 1926-1931; curator of the Farlow herbarium (1932-1946). (Linder).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: FH; duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 237, 331; Barnhart 2: 385; GR cat. p.67; 1H 1



(ed. 6): 361, 2: 446; Kew 3: 448; LS suppl. 16111-16118; MW p. 274, suppl. p. 204;

Stevenson p. 1249.

Ewan, J. et al., Leafl. W. Bot. 7:75. 1953.

Hepper, F. N. & F. Neate, Pl. coll. W. Africa 50. 1971.

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. Sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975, mss.

Humphrey, H. B., Makers of North American botany 144-146. 1961 (b. 24 Sep 1899, d. 10 Nov 1946).

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 21-22. 1977.

Rusden, P. L., Mycologia 39(2): 133-144. 1946 (portr., bibl.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 360-361. 1975.

Strong, R. P., The African republic of Liberia ... Harvard Expedition 1926-27, Harvard University Press 1930 (itinerary).

Weston, W. H., Farlowia 3(2): 141-154. 1947 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKs: editor of Farlowza, vols. 1-3(1), 1943-1946.

EPONYMY: Aqualinderella R. Emerson & W. H. Weston (1967); Linderca G. H. Cunningham (1931); Linderiella G. H. Cunningham (1942); Linderina K. B. Raper & D. I. Fennell (1952);Linderomyces R. Singer (1947): Lindra [sic] I. Wilson (1956). The derivation of Lindera Thunberg (1783, nom. cons.) and Lindera Adanson (1763, nom. rej.) is not given by the authors.

MEMORIAL PUBLICATION: Farlowia 3(2), July 1947.

Lindgren, Sven Johan (1810-1849), Swedish botanist; teacher at the Degeberg agricultu- ral college in Vastergotland. (Lindgr.).

HERBARIUM and types: C. — Published (with Knut Frederik Thedenius, 1814-1894, and Olof Leopold Sillén 1813-1894): (1). Musct sveciae exsiccatt, fasc. 1-2, nos. 1-50, Upsala 1835; (2). Musct sveciae exsiccali, fasc. 3-4, nos. 51-100, Gevaliae 1844; (3). Musct sveciae exstccatt, fasc. 5-6, nos. 101-150, Gevaliae 1838 (ed. by K. F. Thedenius); (4). Musci sveciae exsiccati, fasc. 7-8, nos. 151-200, Gevaliae 1838 (ed. by O. L. Sillén). Sets: BMC, FH, PG; OKs: Ref.: Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(2): 226-227.

1971; Bryologist 80: 512. 1978.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 385; CSP 4: 30; IH 2: 446; KR p. 412-413; Rehder 5: 513; SBC p. 126 (“Lindgr.”’); Stevenson p. 1249; Zander ed. 10, p. 685, ed. 11, p. 78k:

Anon., Flora 22:752. 1839.

Lindheimer, Ferdinand Jacob (1801-1879), German botanist; in 1834 as political refugee to the United States; settled in 1840 at New-Braunfels, Texas, in which state he collected extensively. (Lindh.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: His collections from Texas (1842-1851), partly distributed as Flora lexana exsiccata, (fasc. 1-4, nos. 1-754, fasc. 5, ca. 630 nos.) in many herbaria. An important set is at GH, the basis for Engelmann and Gray’s Plantae lindheimerianae (see no. 1690); important sets at BAYLU, GH, MO, NA, SMU, YU.

Ref.: Gillett J. M. and M. J. Shchepanek, Taxon 26(4): 429-434. 1977 (isotypes at CAN;

descr. of Fl. tex. exsicc.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 330; Barnhart 2: 386; BM 3: 1119, 7:634; Bossert p- 239 (b. 21 Mai 1801, d. 2 Dec 1879); Clokie p. 200; CSP 10: 603; DAB (by S. W. Geiser); Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lindh.”’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 446; Jackson p. 365; Laségue p. 467,503,905 574; ME 2: 482, 491, 3: 445; Pennell p. 612; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 513; TL-2/1: 1690, see Durand, E. M. Anon., Bot. Not. 1881: 39; Bot. Zeit. 38: 240. 2 Apr 1880; J. Bot. 18: 96. 1880; Nat. Nov. 2:

  1. 1880 (d.). Blankinship, J. W., 18th. Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard. 123, 127-141. 1907 (portr.).



Blum, Ber. Senckenb. naturf. Ges. Wiss. Abh. rgo1: 18-19.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie p. 428. 1880.

Elkinton, American-German Rev., Dec 1945: 17-19 (portr.), Dec 1946: 17-18, 30.

Geiser, G. W., Southwest Rev. 15(2): 245-266. 1930 (portr.); Bios 5: 141-152. 1934; Naturalists of the Frontier 132-147, 277, 293 [index]. 1948.

Gray, J. L., Letters A. Gray 291, 298, 340, 343, 391. 1893.

Hitchcock, A. S. & A. Chase, Man. grass. U.S. 987. 1951 (epon.).

King, I. M., John O. Meusebach, Univ. Texas Press, Austin, London, s.d., xii, 192 p.

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 189, 281. 1940; John Torrey 344 [index]. 1942.

Sargent, C. S., Silva 1: 74. 1891.

Winkler, C. H., Bull. Univ. Texas 18: 6-9. 1915 (Fi. tex. exs.).

NOTE: Lindheimer settled at the town of New Braunfels, ‘Texas, laid out in March 1845 by Prince Carl Solms Braunfels, thirty miles north of San Antonio, on the initiative of the German immigration company (Verein zum Schutze deutscher Auswanderer in Texas). A picture of Lindheimers “Cabin on the Comal’ at New Braunfels and much further information is given e.g. by Elkinton (1945). Lindheimer was editor of the New Braunsfelser Aeutung for nearly twenty years. See also Geiser (1948).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Aufsdtze und Abhandlungen von Ferdinand Lindheimer in Texas. Heraus- gegeben von einem seiner Schuler. Frankfurt (Theodor Wentz) 1879, iv, 176 p. Copy: MO.

EPONYMY: Lindheimera A. Gray & G. Engelmann (1847).

Lindinger, Karl Hermann Leonhard (1879-x), German botanist at Hamburg. (Lin- ding.).

“HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at B.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 386; BEM 1526, 3115; BL 1: 87, 306; BM 7: 634; Hirsch p. 176; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lindinger’’); IH 2: 447; Kew 3: 448; Langman p. 446; LS suppl. 16151; Moebius p. 146.

Anon., Nat. Nov. 35: 330. 1913 (asst. HBG).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 70. 1978. ;

Pohl, F., Generalreg. Bot. Centralbl. 1-17, 18-45(1): 10. 1931; id. 18-50: r1. 1942.

  1. Reisestudien auf Tenerife uber einige Pflanzen der Kanarischen Inseln und Bemerkun-

gen uber die etwaige Einburgerung dieser Pflanzen in Deutsch-Siidwestafrika ... Ham-

burg (L. Friedrichsen & Co. (Dr. L. & R. Friedrichsen)) 1911. Oct. (Reisestud. Tenerife).

Publ.: Nov 1911 (p. vi: Feb 1911; Nat. Nov. Dec (1)1911), p. [ii]-ix, [1]-99. Copy: NY. — Abh. Hamb. Kolonialinst. vol. 6 (Reihe D, vol. 1). rg1t.

  1. Beitrage zur Kenntniss von Vegetation und Flora der kanarischen Inseln ... Hamburg

(Kommissions-Verlag L. Friederichsen & Co.) 1926. Oct. (Beitr. Veg. kanar. Ins.)

Publ.: Jul 1926 (Nat. Nov. Aug 1926), p. [ii]-ix, [1]-133, [134, expl. pl.], pl. 7-5, [zweiter Teil]: [135, h.t.]-350, map. Copies: G, U, US. — Hamburgische Universitat. Abhandlun- gen aus dem Gebiet der Auslandskunde (Fortsetzung der Abhandlungen des Hamburgi- schen Kolonialinstituts) Band 21, Reihe C. Naturwissenschaften Band 8. Part 2 (p. 135- 350). Contains additions and errata to J. Pitard and L. Proust, Les Iles Canaries flore de l Archipel. Paris 1909.

Ref.: Enger, A., Bot. Jahrb. 61(Lit.): 2-3. 1927.

Lindley, John (1799-1865), British botanist; Dr. phil. Miinchen 1832; professor of botany at University College London 1829-1860. (Lindi.).

HERBARIUM and TyPeEs: General herbarium (58.000 sheets) at CGE; types mainly in his own herbarium, but some also at BM and K. The general herbarium (CGE) contains many types of other botanists (J. G. Agardh: Lupinus, C. G. Nees Cyperaceae). Orchid herbarium (incl. types and drawings) at K (reproduced on IDC microfiche 7395). Many letters at K; others at G and HU. Letters to Miquel at U.



Ref.: Anon., Flora 48: 493. 1865, 49: 240. 1866 (disposal of herbarium). Seemann, B., J. Bot. 3: 264 (orchid herb. acq. by K.), 4: 93. 1866 (library to Hort. Soc. of London, now R. H. S.), 128 (general herb. to CGE at £ 300). Britten, J., J. Bot. 35: 463. 1897 (original plates at BM).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 482; Ainsworth p. 156; Andrews p. 296; Backer p. 330; Barnhart 2: 386; BB p. 188; BM 3: 1119-1121, 7: 634; Bossert p. 239; Bret. p. 252, 281; Clokie p. 200; CSP 4: 31-33, 12: 448, 8: 233, 16: 793; Dawson p. 543, 943; Desmond p. 386; DNB 33: 277-279; DU 181-184; Frank 3(Anh.): 58; GF p. 65; GR p. 404; Henrey 2: 727, 3:

75; Herder p. 463; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lindl.”’); IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 447; Jackson p. 573; Kew

3: 448-450; KR p. 414; Krempelh. 2:6; Langman p. 446-447; Laségue p. 132, 133, 283, 527-

529, 531, 5745 LS 15503-15504, 36041; Lenley p. 463; ME 3: 399, 407, 433; Moebius p. 53,

453; MW p. 274-277, suppl. p. 204; NI 1199-1207; Plesch p. 309-310; PH 364, 567; PR

5343-5373 (ed. 1: 5922-5949); Quenstedt p. 264; Rehder 5: 513-514; SBC p. 126

(“Lindl.”’); SK 4: exevii-cxcviti; SO 837a; TL-1: see p. 521; TL-2/1: 365, 425, 1505, 1614,

1625, 1683, 2657, 2993, 3176, 4264, see index; Zander ed. 10, p. 685, ed. 11, p. 781.

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 266 [index]. 1967.

Allen, D. E., The Victorian fern craze 14, 16, 36. 1969.

Allford, J. M., [unpubl. bibliography listing 236 publications], 1953, fide Stearn 1973.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. rro1. 1870.

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 47. 1858; Bot. Zeit. 23: 350. 1865; Bull. Soc. bot. France 12: 352, (bibl.:) 238. 1865; Canad. Natural. ser. 2.2: 468-470. 1865 (reprinted from London Athenaeum); Proc. Roy. Soc. London 1867 (Obit. Not. vol. 15, p. xxx-xxxii); The Lindley Library catalogue 256-257. 1927 (bibl.).

Bentham, G., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1865/66: Ixxiii-lxxvii.

Blunt, W., Art. bot. ill. 300 [index]. 1950.

Bunyard, J. R. Hort. Soc. 52: 218-224. 1927 (on Lindley drawings at R.H.S.).

Burkill, I. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 241. 1965.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souvenirs 272, 453. 1862.

Carus, C. G. & C. F. P. v. Martius, Eine Altersfreundschaft 29, 131. 1939.

Davey, F. H., Fl. Cornwall xxxviii. 1909.

Duveen, H. I., Amer. Orchid. Soc. Bull. 41(12): 1090-1092. 1972.

Ewan, J. et al., Short history bot. U.S. 9, 41. 1969.

Fletcher, H. R., The story of the Royal Horticultural Society 1804-1968, London 196g (see index; many refs.).

Gardener, W., Gard. Chron. 158: 386, 406, 409, 430, 434, 451, 457, 476, 481, 502, 507, 526. 1965 (detailed biogr.).

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 255, 276, 280. 1967.

Gray, A., Sci. Papers 2: 333-336. 1889.

Gray, J. L., Letters A. Gray 834 [index]. 1893.

Green, J. R., Hist. bot. United Kingdom 336-353. 1914.

Hadfield, M., Pioneers in gardening 131-132. 195.

Hall, N., Botanists of the Eucalypts 85. 1978.

Harvey-Gibson, R. J., Outlines hist. bot. 95, 96, 163. 1914.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 553 [index]. 1912.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 356, 392, 394, 411, 430-431, 461. 1884.

Jones, H. G., Taxon 22: 230. 1973 (portr.).

Keeble, F., in F. W. Oliver, Makers Brit. bot. 164-177, 329, pl. 14. 1912 (portr.).

Lemmon, K., Golden age pl. hunt. 225 [index]. 1968.

Lindley, Alice, Gard. Chron. 158: 362. 1965 (introduction to Gardener’s biography by L’s great granddaughter).

Maiden, J. H., J. Proc. R. Soc. NSW 42: 74-75. 1908, J. West Austral. nat. Hist. Soc. 6: 31- 32. 1909.

Milner, J. D., Cat. Portr. Kew 76-77. 1906.

Morton, J. Roy. Hort. Soc. go: 457-462. 1965.

Nissen, C., Philobiblon 6(9): 339. 1933.

Reinikka, M. A., Amer. Orchid. Soc. Bull. 33: 564-568. 1964 (portr.); Hist. Orchid 153-159 (portr.).

Rodigas, Bull. Soc. Bot. Belgique 4: 411-423. 1865; Belgique hortic. 1866: 232-240.

Rodgers, A. D., John Torrey 344 [index]. 1942.


LINDLEY (1820)

Sachs, J., Hist. botanique 9, 115, 154- 1892.

Seemann, B., J. Bot. 3: 384-388. 1865.

Smith, F. T., An outline of the history of the Botanical Department [of University College, London] London 1927, see J. Bot. 65: 238-239. 1927.

Stafleu, F. A., Regn.veg. 71: 328, 339. 1970.

Stearn, W. T., Taxon 14: 293-298. 1965; in Gillispie, ed., DSB 8: 371-373. 1973 (bibl; the best modern assessment; b. 5 Feb 1799, d. 1 Nov 1865).

Thomas, J. H., Huntia 3: 10. 1969 (1979).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 96. 1989.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): !-h, 80-81, pl. 54. (portr.). 1905 (b. 5 Feb 1799; det Nov 1865).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1). J. Donn, Hortus cantabrigiensis, ed. 10 (1823), 11 (1826), 12 (1831), 13 (1845).

(2). Edited Edwards's Botanical Register, vol. 16-23, 1829-1847, but contributed most of the articles from vol. 11 (1825) on (W. T. Stearn).

(3). Illustrations of orchidaceous plants, see F. A. Bauer.

(4). Flora graeca, see J. Sibthorp.

(5). Gardeners Chronicle, co-editor 1841-1865.

(6). The ferns of Great Britain (editor), see J. Moore.

(7). Pomological Magazine, editor vols. 1-3, 1828-1839.

(8). see Ravenscroft, E. J. for L’s contribution to ‘“Lawson’s Pinetum” (parts 1-3). (g). Exotic flora, see W. J. Hooker, no. 2993.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 31: 337-338. 1976.

eponymy: Lindleya C. G. D. Nees (1821, nom. rej.); Lindleya Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth (1824, nom. cons.); Lindleyara Garay & Sweet (1966); Lindleycladus T. Harris (1979); Lindleyel- la Rydberg (1908); Lindleyella Schlechter (1914); Neolindleya Kraenzlin (1899); Neolindleyel- la Fedde (1940). — The library of The Royal Horticultural Society, in London, is named The Lindley library (Catalogue: London, R.H.S., 1927, viii, 458 p.). For a history of the Lindley library see Stageman, J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 93: 509-515- 1968.

  1. Observations on the structure of fruits and seeds; translated from the Analyse du fruit of M. Louis-Claude Richard, ... comprising the author’s latest corrections; and illustrated with plates and original notes by John Lindley. London (John Harding, ...), Norwich (Wilkin and Youngman). 1819. Oct. (Obs. struct. fruits.).

Original author: Louis Claude Marie Richard (1754-1821).

Publ.: 1819, p. [i]-xix, [xx], [1]-99, [100], pl. 1-6 (uncol., by Lindley). Copy: NY.

  1. Rosarum monographia; or, a botanical history of roses. To which is added, an appendix,

for the use of cultivators, in which the most remarkable garden varieties are systematically

arranged. With nineteen plates... London (printed for James Ridgway, . . . ) 1820. Oct. (in fours). (Ros. monogr.).

Publ.: 1820 (p. xi: 31 Mar 1820; Flora 28 Jan 1821 “soeben’’), p. [i]-xxxix, [1]-156, pl. 1-16 (hand-col. copp.), pl. 79 (uncol.) by J. Lindley and J. Curtis (pl. 9). Copies: BR, FI, G, L(pl. uncol.), MO, NY. — Dedicated to Charles Lyell (1767-1849) student of roses, father of the geologist.

Ed. 2: 830, p. [i]-xxxix, [1]-156, pl. 1-19 (id.). Copy: USDA. — “Rosarum...anew edition.” London (James Ridgway, ... ) 1830. Oct. (in fours). Further details DU 183. — New titlepage only.

French ed.: 1824, p. [i*-iti*], [i]-viii, [1]-182. Copy: NY. — “Monographie du genre Rosier, traduite de l’Anglais ... avec des notes de... L. Joffrin... suivie d’un appendice sur les roses cultivées dans les jardins de Paris et environs. Par M. de Pronville, ...”’ Paris (Audot, ... ) 1824. Oct.

Ref.: GF p. 65; Sotheby 456 (anal. collation).

Junk, W., Rara 1: 18. 1900-1913. Stearn,.W. T., Roy. Hort. Soc., Exhib. mss. books 40-41. 1954.

  1. Collectanea botanica; or, figures and botanical illustrations of rare and curious exotic


LINDLEY (1821)

plants ... London (printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, ... ) 1821. Fol. (Coll. bot.). Publ.: In eight parts, 1821, p. [i, ili, v], plates 1-41, A-B with text, [1-4, appendix]. Copies: G, HH, NY; IDC 816.

part plates dates part plates dates

I [1-5 1 Apr 1821 (dated) 6 26-31 31 Oct 1821 (dated) 2 6-10 1 Apr 1g2t (dated) (+ preface)

3 r1-15 1 Mai 1821 (dated) 7 32-36 1821?

4 16-20 21 Oct 1821 8 37-41, A-B Jan 1826

app. Orch. scel.

5 21-25 1821

The evidence for the publication of fasc. 8 is still incomplete. The plates are mentioned in Flora 7: 727 (14 Dec 1824), as to be published shortly, the watermark of pl. 47 is of 1825; D. Don’s Prodr. Fl. Nepal. (1 Feb 1825) is cited on pl. 174A. Fasc. 8 also contains the Appendix ‘“Orchidearum sceletos”’ (see below). The date of this fascicle is most likely Jan 1826 (fide L. E. Garay): Lindley cites it as “ined.” on 1 Dec 1825 in Bot. Reg. 11. sub pl. 395, but as published in Bot. Reg. 11: pl. 953. Feb 1826. In 1833 Lindley dated Sarcanthus (pl. 39B) as of 1826 (Gen. Sp. Orch. PI. p. 233). Further research is still necessary; it is also not absolutely certain that the plates were issued in numerical order as listed above. The 41 copper engravings (40 coloured) are of drawings by Ferdinand Bauer, J. Curtis, M. Hart, William Hooker, W. J. Hooker, Barbara Laurence and J. Lindley; 29 originals at BM. Ref.: DU 181; GF p. 65; RS p. 113; SK 4: cxcvii.

Kuntze, O., Rev. gen. 1: cxxxlii. 1891.

Merrill, E. D., Contr. Gray Herb. 165: 30, 1947.

  1. Digitalium monograph; sistens historiam botanicam generis, tabulis omnium specie-

rum hactenus cognitarum illustratam, ut plurimum confectis ad icones Ferdinandi Bauer

penes Gulielmum Cattley, Arm. ... Cura Johannis Lindley, ... Londini (typis Ricardi et

Arthuri Taylor: prostant venales apud J. H. Bohte, ... ) 1821. Fol. (Digital. monogr.).

Publ.: Mai-Dec 1821 (p. 11: calend. Apr 1821, Flora 14 Jan 1822), front. pl. 7, p. [i*, 11*], [i]- ii, [1 ]-27, [1, ind.], pl. 1-28. Copies: FI-BN, G, USDA. — Plates 7, 3, 8, 24, 27 are uncol., the others hand-col. copp. engr. by Ferdinand Bauer (22), Francis Bauer (1) and J. Lindley (5). — Several plates have watermarks which are later than the date of publ. Orig. drawings at RHS.

Ref.: Stearn, W. T., Roy. Hort. Soc. Exhib. mss. Books 41. 1954.

  1. Report upon the new or rare plants which have flowered in the garden of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick, from its first formation to March 1824... London (printed by William Nicol, ... ) 1825. Qu. (Rep. new pl.).

Publ.: 1825, p. [1]-41, 1 col. lith. Copies: FI, G. Reprinted from Trans. Hort. Soc.

  1. Orchidearum sceletos. Commisit Johannes Lindley. Londini (typos Ricardi Taylor)

  2. Oct. (Orchid. scelet.).

Publ.: Jan 1826 (see above under Collectanea botanica), p. [3]-27. Copies: G(2), NY, WU; IDC 5027. — Text identical with Appendix of Collect. Bot. (see above); p. 23, 25, 27 contain diagnostic details (p. 21, explicatio); — Lindley gave a copy to the British Museum on 19 Aug 1827. A verbatim reprint appeared in Linnaea 2: 527-532 (1827).

  1. A synopsis of the British flora; arranged according to the natural orders: containing vasculares, or flowering plants... London (printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, ... ) 1829. Duod. (Syn. Brit. fl.).

Ed. 1: Feb 1829 (TL-1), p. [i]-xii, [1]-360, [1, err.]. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA.

Ed. 2: Aug-Dec 1835 (p. viii: 30 Jul 1835), p. [i]-viii, [1]-376. Copies: G, MO, NY. — “The second edition, with numerous additions, corrections, and improvements.” London (id.) 1835. Duod.

Ed. 3: Mai-Dec 1841 (p. viii: Apr 1841), p. [i]-viii, [1]-382. Copies: MICH, NY, MO.—“The third edition, with numerous additions, corrections, and improvements.” London (Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, ... ) 1841. Duod.



LINDLEY (1830)

Ed. 3, reissue: 1859, n.v., see BSBF 6: 165. 1859 (rev.), xviii, 382 p., London (Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts) 1859.

  1. An outline of the first principles of botany ... London (published by Longman and Co., ..) 1830. 18-mo (Outl. princ. bot.).

Ed. 1: 1 Mar 1830 (date on which Lindley signed the copy (MO) for Mrs. Lindley; copy Geol. Soc. pres. 6 Jun 1830), p. [i]-vii, [1, cont.], [1]-106, pl. 7-4 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copies: G, MO. ;

Ed. 2: 1831, n.v., fide BM 2: 1129 “A second edition appeared in 1831.” — The text was subsequently combined with the Nixus plantarum and issued as “A key to structural ... Botany” (1835) and then as “Elements of botany ...”’ from 1841 onward.

  1. The genera and species of orchidaceous plants ... London (Ridgways, Piccadilly) April

1830 to October 1840. Oct. (in fours). (Gen. sp. orchid. pl.).

Publ.: in seven parts, as below. Copies: FI, G, MICH, MD, NY, USDA; IDC 5297. — The first four parts are entitled “The genera and species of orchideous plants.’’ Each signature (of 8 pages) was dated at the bottom of the first page, and possibly distributed separately in advance of the part. Since contemporary reviews do not contradict this assumption, these dates of the signatures may be taken as the actual dates of publication. The signatures are dated as follows:

pages dates pages dates pages dates I-40 Apr 1830 207-214 Apr 1833 381-388 Jan 1840 41-80 Mai 1830 215-256 Mai 1833 389-412 Feb 1840 81-94 Jun 1830 257-264 Aug 1835 413-428 Mar 1840 g5-110 = Jul 1831 265-296 Sep 1835 429-440 Apr 1840 111-133 Aug 1831 297-334 Oct 1835 441-528 Sep 1840 134-158 Dec 1832 335-350 Nov 1838 5290-553 Oct 1840 159-190 = Jan 1833 351-366 Dec 1838 [i]-xvii Oct 1840 191-206 Mar 1833 367-380 Jan 1839

r: [i, t-p. part 1], [mi], [v], [1]-94, [1, ind.], rd by Linnean Soc. 29 Feb 1831, t.p. 1830.

2: [i, id. part 2], [i, dated 22 Aug 1831], [95]-133, [1, ind.], rd by Linn. Soc. 10 Oct 1831; Ep. TOsT.

Be iy, i), [i]-ix, index, [135]-255, id. 10 Jul 1833; t.p. 1833.

4: [1], [257]-334, t-p. 1835.

5: [1], 335-379, t-p. 1839.

6: [1], [381 ]-440, t.p. 1840.

7: [1], [441]-553, t-p. 1840.

Preface material: [i|-xvii, publ. Oct 1840. Facsimile ed.: Amsterdam (A. Asher & Co.) 1963, p. [i]-xvii, [1]-553. Copies: FAS, MICH, MO, NY, US. This edition lacks the t.p’s etc. for the seven parts. Ref.: RS p. 114; SK 4: cxcevii. Barnhart, J. H., unpublished notes at the NYBG. Sherborn, C. D., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 1: 198. 19309. Duveen, H. I., Amer. Orchid. Soc. Bull. 41(12): 1090-1092. 1972.

  1. An introduction to the natural system of botany: or, a systematic view of the organisation,

natural affinities, and geographical distribution, of the whole vegetable kingdom; together

with the uses of the most important species in medicine, the arts, and rural or domestic economy ... London (Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green... ) 1830. Oct. (Jntr. nat.

Syst. bot.).

Ed. 1: Sep 1830 (see TL 1), p. [i]-xlviii, [1]-374, [1, err.]. Copies: FI, G, L, MICH, MO(2), NY, US, USDA. — Autograph draft at BM.

First American ed.: Dec 1831 (p. iv: 4 Nov 1831; Amer. J. Sci. Jan 1832), p. [i]-Ixxix, [1]-393, 2 pl. Copies: MO, NY, USDA. — “First American edition, with an appendix by John Torrey, M.D. ...” New York (G. & C. Carvill, ...) 1831. Oct. (in fours). Editor and author of appendix: John Torrey (1796-1873). Collaborators for the Appendix (a


LINDLEY (1831)

catalogue of North American genera of plants, replacing Correa’s Reduct. gen. cat. pl. Amer. 1815 (no. 1239)) were Abraham Halsey (1970-1857) and Lewis David von Schweinitz (1780-1834) for the fungi.

“Great as the merits of the work undoubtedly are, we must nevertheless be excused from adopting the terms of extravagant and somewhat equivocal eulogy employed by a popular author, who gravely informs his readers that no book, since printed bibles were first sold in Paris by Dr. Faustus, ever excited so much surprise and wonder as did Dr. Torrey’s edition of Lindley’s Introduction of the Natural System of Botany. Now we can hardly believe that either the author or American editor, of the work referred to, were ever in danger, as was honest Dr. Faustus, of being burned for witchcraft; . . .”’ (Asa Gray, 1837, in rev. of ed. 2).

“Ed. 2. 1835° PR mentions a second edition of An introduction to the natural system of botany under his 5348. This does not exist; the pagination formula and the number of plates cited by him agree fully with the second edition of Lindley’s ‘‘An introduction to botany .. .” 1835 (see below). The actual second edition of the present work, of 1836, and entitled ‘‘A natural system of botany .. .”” was treated by PR as a separate title under his no. 5357. The 1835 ghost edition is also mentioned in Cat. libr. R.G.B. Kew 364 (1899); see also the note in TL 1/693.

Ed. 2: probably Jul 1836 (TL 1), p. [i]-xxvi, [1]-526. Copies: BR, FI, G, L, MO, NY, U, US, USDA. Title: “A natural system of botany; or, a systematic view of the organisation, natural affinities, and geographical distribution, of the whole vegetable kingdom; together with the uses of the most important species in medicine, the arts and rural or domestic economy ... Second edition, with numerous additions and corrections, and a complete list of genera, with their synonyms.” London (Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman) 1836. Oct.

“Ed. 3. 1839” Pritzel (5348) also mentions a third edition of the present work, dated 1839, without providing pagination. This is almost certainly identical with ed. 3, 1839, of Lindley’s “‘An introduction to botany.”

German transl. by J. B. Wilbrand: 1833, p. [i]-viii, [1]-524. Copies: B, M, NY. — Title: “Einleitung in das natiirliche System der Botank oder systematische Uebersicht der Organisa- tion, naturlichen Verwandtschaften und geographischen Verbreitung des ganzen Pflan- zenreichs, nebst Angabe des Nutzens der wichtigsten Arten in der Heilkunde den Kunsten und der Haus- und Feldwirthschaft ... Weimar” (im Verlage des Landes- Industrie-Comptoirs) 1833. Oct.

German extract by C. T. Beilschmied: 1833, p. [i-ii]. [1]-64. Copy: MO. — Title: John Lindley’s ... Characteres distinctwi oder Hauptkennzeichen der natitrlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Aus Lindley’s Introduction to the natural system of botany, Lond. 1830.; geordnet nach der von Kunth in seinem Handb. der Botanik, Berl. 1831, gewahlten Folge, aus dem Englischen ubersetzt von C. T. Beilschmied.’’ Regensburg, 1833. Oct. Originally pub- lished in Lit. Ber. Flora 4: 33-48, 49-64, 65-80, 81-85. Mar-Mai 1834. A Clavis analytica ordinum, also translated by Beilschmied from the Jntr. 1830 appeared in Flora 1832(2), Beibl. [1]-32.

  1. The fossil flora of Great Britain: or, figures and descriptions of the vegetable remains found in a fossil state in this country ... London (James Ridgway, ...) 1831-1837, 3 vols. Oct. (Foss. fl. Gr. Brit.).

Co-author: William Hutton (1797-1860).

Publ.: In parts, the contents and precise dates are still unknown. The plates (uncol. liths.) are dated; these dates can be accepted as dates of publication. Copies: FI-BN, MO, NY, U, USGS.

r: [iJ-li, list subser. [i]-x, [1]-218, [1-5, index], pl. 1-19, 19bis, 20-79 (1: 1 Jul 1831; 79: Apr 1833) (p. 1-48, 1-14. 1831; 49-166, 15-49. 1832; 167-218, 50-79. 1833).

2: [i]-xxviii, [1]-208, pl. 80-156 (80: Jul 1833; 156: Apr 1835) (1-54, 60-99. 1833; 57-156, 100-137. 1834; 138-208. 1835).

3: LJ, [1]-[205], [1-2, index], pl. 157-230 (157: Jul 1835; 230: Jul 1837) (1-72, 157-176. 1835; 73-122, 177-199. 1836; 123-205, 195-230. 1837).

Reissue: London “1831-1837” actually 1872 (see BM 3: 1121 and J. Bot. 10: 63. 1872 (ann.), 287. Sep 1872 (vol. 1).

NI cites Arber who called the plates “‘exceedingly inaccurate” and mentions the issue of a

further 64 pl. by G. A. Lebour in 1877.


LINDLEY (1838)

Ref.: Anon., Lit. Ber. Flora 2: 97-112, 119-128, 137-144. Feb-Mai 1832 (fasc. 1-3), 3: 62-64. 28 Apr 1833, 3: 65-67. 21 Mai 1833 (fasc. 4-5). Ward, Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. 5: 408-410. 1885.

  1. An introduction to botany ... with six copper plates and numerous wood-engravings. London (printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, ...) 1832. Oct. (Intr. Bot.). Ed.1: Oct 1832 (P & W: p. vii: 10 Sep 1832), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-557, pl. 7-6 (uncol. liths.). Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. Ed. 2: Aug-Dec 1835 (p. x: 1 Aug 1835), p. [i]-xiv, [1]-580, pl. 7-6 (id.).Copies: BR, NY. — “Second edition, with corrections and numerous additions.” London (id.) 1835. Oct. Ed. 3: Jun-Dec 1839 (p. viii: Mai 1839), p. [i]-xi, [1 ]-594, pl. 1-6 (id). Copies: B, M, MO, NY, USDA. — “Third edition, with corrections and numerous additions.’ London (printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, ...) 1839. Oct. Ed. 4: Jul-Dec 1848 (p. x: Jun 1848). In 2 vols. Copies: BR, MO, NY, USDA. 1: p. [1]-xu, [1]-406. 2: p. [i]-vui, [1]-427, pl. 1-6. “Fourth edition, with corrections and numerous additions. In two volumes ...’’ London (Longman, Brown, Green, and Longman, ...) 1848. Oct. Editions 2 and 3 listed by PR sub no. 5348; see above under Jnir. Nat. Syst. (TL-2/4644, “Ed. 2.1635 and “Ed. 3. 18390’).

  2. Nixus plantarum... Londini (apud Ridgway et filios) 1833. Oct. (in fours.). (2x. pl.).

Publ.: 17 Sep 1833 (Lindley presented a copy to the Geological Society of London on that date; for further data see TL-z), p. [i]-v, [7]-28. Copies: FI, G, LINN (IDC 6026): MO, NY, USDA.

German translation: by C. T. Beilschmied with a ‘“‘Vorerinnerung” by C. G. Nees von Esenbeck, Nurnberg, publ. Mar 1834(Regensburg rd. 12 Mar 1834), p. [i]-x, [11]-44. Copy: IDC 7104. — “Nixus plantarum. Auctore Johanni Lindley, ... Die Stamme des Gewachsreiches. Von John Lindley, ... Verdeutscht durch C. T. Beilschmied. Mit einer Vorerinnerung von Dr. C. G. Nees von Esenbeck.” Niirnberg (bei Johann Leonhard Schrag). 1834. Oct.

  1. Note upon a handsome and hardy plant, called Clianthus puniceus ... London (Printed

by W. Nicol, ...) 1834. (Note Clianthus punic.).

Publ.: Dec 1834 (t-p. 1834; read 2 Dec 1834), p. [1 ]-7, 7 pl. Copy: FI. -Preprinted from Trans. Hort. Soc. London ser. 2. 1: 519-523. 1835.

  1. A key to structural, physiological and systematic botany, for the use of classes ... London

(printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, ...) 1835. Oct. (Key bot.)

Publ.: 15-30 Sep 1835 (P&W; p. 4: 15 Sep 1835), p. [1]-80. Copies: G, NY. — A new, third, edition of ‘‘An outline of the first principles of botany.” (see above). An “Appendix containing a catalogue of medicinal plants”’ with a separate t.p. but paged in continua- tion, publ. 1839, is mentioned by BM 3: 1120. PR mentions a Hungarian (1836) anda French (1838) translation.

  1. Victoria regia. London 1837. Fol. (Victorza regia).

Publ.: 16 Oct 1837 (dedication to the queen), 7 p., 7 pl. Copy: WU (inf. W. Gutermann);.- IDC 6027. — Privately printed by W. Nicol at the Shakspeare Press, Pall Mall, 25 copies (copy presented to Linnean Society on 7 Nov 1837). The lithographed plate is of a drawing by Schomburgk. Full title on the first page of the text itself: “A notice of Victoria regia, a new nymphaeaceaous plant discovered by Mr. R. H. Schomburgk in British Guayana.”

  1. Sertum orchidaceum a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers; ... London

(James Ridgway and Sons, ...) [1837-] 1838 [-1841]. Fol. (Sert. orchid.).

Publ.: In 10 parts, see below; col. lith. t.p., p. [1-111], [ 1-6, text for lith. t.p.], pl. 7-49 with 1-2 p. text each, [1, index] (hand-col. liths.). Copies: FI, G, MO, NY; IDC 6028. — According to Woodward (BM) publication took place as given below approximately on or about the date (or last date*) given on the plates. Plate 4 carries no date, the plates contained in


LINDLEY (1838)

parts 6 and g carry various dates. ‘The plates are lithographs of drawings mainly by Miss S. A. Drake. The original drawings at K.

part plates dates part plates dates

I 1-5 1 Sep 1837 6 26-30* Dec 1839 2 6-10 1 Apr 1838 7 31-34, frontisp. Feb 1840 3 11-15 1 Jul 1838 8 35-39 Jun 1840 4 16-20 1 Sep 1838 9 40-44* Mai 1841 5 21-25 1 Sep 1838 10 45-49 Dec 1841

Facsimile ed., with coloured plates: New York (Johnson reprint corporation), Amsterdam (Theatrum orbis terrarum) 1974, with add. [1*-11*] repr. t-p. and imprint. Copies: MICH US.

  1. Flora medica; a botanical account of all the more important plants used in medicine,

in different parts of the world . .. London (printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and

Longmans, ...) 1838. Oct. (FV. med.).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1838 (p. xii: 14 Jun 1838), p. [1]-xiii, [1, abbr.], [1 ]-656. Copies: MICH, MO, NY, USDA.

  1. Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes of Edwards’s Botanical Register: consis- ting of a complete alphabetical and systematical index of names, synonymes, and matter, adjusted to the present state of systematical botany; together with A sketch of the vegetation of the Swan rer colony. With nine coloured plates, containing eighteen coloured figures of plants, and with four woodcuts. By John Lindley, ... London (James Ridgway, . . .) 1839 [- 1840]. Qu. (Sketch veg. Swan R.).

Publ.: in three parts, as below; p. [i]-iv, Sketch: [i]-lviii, [1, expl. pl.], Index: [i]-lxiv, pl. 1-9


part sketch plates Index pages dates

I [i]-xvi I-4 [i]-xxxil 1 Nov 1839 2 XVI-XXX1l 5-7 XxXxl-xlvili 1 Dec 1839 3 xxxill-lviil, [1] 8-9 xlix-lxiv 1 Jan 1840

Copies: G, NY, Teyler; IDC 6029 — Collections: by James Drummond (1784-1863). Ref.: Diels, L., Pflanzenw. W.-Austral. 53, 71. 1906 (Veg. Erde vol. 7). Stearn, W. T., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 2: 381-382. 1952.

  1. Elements of botany, structural, physiological, systematical, and medical; being a fourth edition of the Outline of the first principles of botany ... London (printed for Taylor and Walton, ...) 1841. Oct. (Elem. bot.)

Orig. (Outline ed. 4): 1841 (p. iv: Apr 1841), p. [i]-iv, [1]-292. Copies: FAS, L, NY.

Ed. “5” (Outline ed. 5): 1847, p. [i]-xii, [1 ]-142, [i]-c. Copy: HH. —““The elements of botany, ...’ London (Bradbury & Evans, ...) 1847. Oct.

Ed. “6” (Outline ed. 6): 1849 (p. vii: Jan 1849), p. [i]-xii, [1]-142, [1, h.t.], [i]-c. Copzes: B. MICH. — ‘The elements ... being a sixth edition ... with a sketch of the artificial methods of classification, and a glossary of technical terms ... A new edition, with some corrections.” London (Bradbury & Evans, ...) 1849. Oct.

New edition: 1861 (p. vii: Feb 1861), p. [i]-xii, [1]-142, [i, h.t.], [i]-c. Copy: USDA. — “The elements of botany, structural and physiological; with a sketch. .. terms. A new edition.” London (Bradbury & Evans, ...) 1861. Oct.

Translations (n.v.): German (Weimar 1831), French (Paris 1832), Italian (Monza 1834), Portuguese (Rio de Janeiro 1840), Russian (Moskwa 1839) (fide PR); Swedish (Stock- holm 1832, 1842, see KR).

  1. The vegetable kingdom; or, the structure, classification, and uses of plants, illustrated upon the natural system ... with upwards of five hundred illustrations. London (published

for the author, by Bradbury & Evans, ...) 1846. Oct. (Veg. kingd.).


LINDLEY (1850)

Ed. 1: Jan-Mai 1846, p. [i], [frontisp. = p. 11], p. [11 ]-lxvini, [1 ]-908, text figs. 1-526. Copies: G. MICH, NY,U, USDA. ;

Ed. 2: London (id.), publ.: Jan-Feb 1847, p. [i], frontisp., [11i, t-p.], [vi]-lxviii, [1]-g11, Text Jigs. 1-526. Copies: FI, G, NY.

Ed. 3: London (id.), publ.: Aug 1853 (contemp. notes), frontisp. = p. [iv], [i]-lxviii, [1]-908 and extra pages I1a-b, 22a-b, 28a-b, 44a-d, 50a-d, 53a-d, 67a-b, 70a-b, 73a-b, 76a-d, 116a-b, 183a-d, 229a-b, 271a-b, 309a-b, 355a-b, 444a-b, 447a-b, 460a-b, 467a-b, 556a- b, 593a-b, 622a-b, 715a-b, 733a-b, 765a-b, 791a-d, g05a-1, go6*, text figs. 1-526. Copies: G, MO, NY, U(2), US(2), USDA.

  1. Orchidaceae lindenianae; or, notes upon a collection of orchids formed in Colombia and Cuba, by Mr. J. Linden. By John Lindley, ... London (Bradbury and Evans, ...) 1846. Oct. (in fours). (Orchid. linden.).

Collector: Jean Jules Linden (1817-1808).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1846 (p. vi: 1 Nov 1846), p. [1]-viii, [1 ]-28. Copies: BR, LC, NY; IDC 6159.

4657- Medical and oeconomical botany ... London (Bradbury & Evans, ... ) 1849. Oct. (Med. oecon. bot.). Publ.: 1849, p. [i]-1v, [1]-274, figs. 1-363. Copy: USDA. PR mentions a “new edition.”

  1. Folia orchidacea. An enumeration of the known species of orchids ... Vol. 1, London

(published for the author, by J. Matthews, ...) 1852-1855 [-1859] Oct. (Fol. orchid.).

Publ.: Issued in nine parts, separately paged per genus. The “contents” list the genera treated with the date on which each was “‘printed”’. These latter dates are probably not the dates of distribution: as dates of publication it is best to accept the dates printed on the original wrappers of the parts (reproduced in the 1964 facsimile edition). These dates are given below; the dates of receipt at the British Museum are cited in brackets.

I Stanhopea, Coryanthes, Ionopsis [48 p.] Oct 1952 [6 Nov] Quekettia, Zygostates eae y Odontoglossum, Didactyle

2 Sarcopodium, Sunipia [48 p.] Jan 1853 [26 Jan] Achrochaene, Ione Erycina, Epidendrum p. 1-32

3 Epidendrum, p. 33-80 [48 p.] Feb 1853 [26 Feb] 4 Epidendrum p. 81-97, Hemiscleria, Pinelia,

Acacallis, Abola, Oncodia, Cochlioda, Chei-

radenia, Acampe, Vanda, Luisa [52 p.] Apr 1853 [2 Mai] 5 Miltonia, Brassia, Ada, Polychilos, Corymbis,

Sobralia, Coelogyne, Panisea [46 p.] Feb 1854 [13 Feb] Ong Calanthe, Oncidium, Lunatodis, Geodorum Nov 1855 [6 Nov]

Title-page and contents of vol. 1 [iJ-iv, [80 p.] 8 Stelis, Oberonia, Alvisia [48 p.] Feb 1859 [14 Mar]

Restrepia, Brachionidium, Pleurothallis p. 1- 6; Prillieux, Observations.

9 Pleurothallis, concluded [40 p.] Mai 1859 [31 Mai]

Copies: FI, G, MICH, NY, USDA: IDC 6031.

Facsimile ed.: Amsterdam (A. Asher & Co.) 1964, ISBN 90-6123-088-8, facsimile, followed by reprints of the covers. Copies: FAS, MO, NY, US.

Ref.: [Seemann], Bonplandia 3: 253-257. 15 Sep 1855 (extensive review of parts 1-5). Anon.,Bull. Soc. bot. France 1: 405-406. 1855 (id.), 3: 71-72. 1856 (6, 7). Duveen, H. I., Amer. Orchid. Soc. Bull. 41(12): 1090-1092. 1972. Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. misc. 5: 30-31, 96, 128; 6: 31-32, 96; 7: 320, 382-384.

  1. Paxton’s flower garden. By Professor Lindley and Sir Joseph Paxton... London [1850-]

1853, 3 vols. Qu. f (Paxt. fl. gard.). Co-author: Joseph Paxton (1803-1865).

Publ.: Ten volumes were planned. Publication was in monthly fascicles, 12 of which made a


LINDLEY (1850)

volume. Each fascicle contains 3 coloured plates with text and ‘“‘Gleanings and original

memoranda” published in London, 1882-1884, 3 volumes. Qu.

(descriptions and drawings). A new edition, revised by T. Barrier was (see separate entry, below). The

original edition has 108 hand-coloured lithographed plates by L. Constans and 314 uncoloured engraved text figures. The dates of publication given below were established by Garay (1969). For the revised edition, 1882-1884, ed. Th. Baines, see under Paxton

(1853). r: [i]-iv, [i]- 2: [4], [1]-1

z [i], [1]-1

Copies: NY (t.p.’s all dated 1853), USDA (t.p.’s dated “1850-1,” “1851-2,”

194, pl. 1-36;

186, pl. 37-72;

87, bl. 73-108.

vol. fasc. pp. I I 1-16 2 17-32 3 33-48 4 49-64 5 65-80 6 81-96 7 g7-112 8 113-128 9 129-144 10 145-160 II 161-176 12 V 775194: 2 13 I-14 14 15-30 15 31-46 16 47-60 17 61-74 18 75-88 19 89-104 20 105-120 QI 121-136 22 137-152 23 153-168 24 169-186 3 2 1-16 26 17-30 27 31-46 28 47-62 29 63-78 30 79-92 31 93-106 2 107-120 33 121-134 34 135-150 35 151-164 36 165-178

Ref.: Garay, L., Taxon 18: 711-712. 1969.


I-35 4-6


103-105 106-108


Mar 1850 Apr 1850 Mai 1850 Jun 1850 Jul 1850

Aug 1850 Sep 1850 Oct 1850 Nov 1850 Dec 1850 Jan 1851

Feb 1851

Mar 1851 Apr 1851 Mai 1851 Jun 1851 Jul 1851

Aug 1851 Sep 1851 Oct 1851 Nov 1851 Dec 1851 Jan 1852 Feb 1852

Mar 1852 Apr 1852 Mai 1852 Jun 1852 Jul 1852

Aug 1852 Sep 1852 Oct 1852 Nov 1852 Dec 1852

Jan 1853 Feb 1853

and “1852-3.”

  1. The treasury of botany; a popular dictionary of the vegetable kingdom; to which is

incorporated a glossary of botanical terms. Edited by John Lindley, ... . assisted by numerous contributors. . 1866, 2 parts. Oct. ( Treas. bot.).


Co-author: Thomas Moore (1821-1887).


and Thomas

. London (Longmans, Green, and Co., . . .)

LINDLEY (1882)

Ed. 1: 1866 (p. vii): Dec 1865). Copies: NY, US. 1: [i-u], pl. 1, [wi]-xx, [1]-592, pl. 15. 3, 11, 4. 2, 17, 12, 6, 8, 9, 20. 2: [i-mi], 593-1254, pl. 18, 13, 14, 19, 10, 7, 16, 5- New ed.: 1870, London {id.) 1870. Oct. Copies: FI, MO, NY. 1: [i-i], pl. 7, [ii]-xx, [1]-592, pl. as in ed. 1. 2: [i-ii], 593-1254, pl. as in ed. 1. New and revised ed.: 1874 (p. vii: Nov 1873, repr. in 1876 ed.). Copy: NY. —“‘New and revised edition, with supplement’. London (id.) 1874. Oct. 1: [i-ii], pl. 1, [ii]-xx, [1]-652, pl. as in ed. 1. 2: [i-mi], [653]-1352, pl. as in ed. 1. New and revised ed.: 1876, in two parts, Copies: MO, NY, US. 1: [i-ii], pl. z, [i1]-xx, [1]-652, pl. 15, 3, 11, 4, 2, 17, 12, 6, 8, g, 20, 18. 2: [i-mi], [653]-1352, pl. 13, 14, 19, 18, 7, 16, 5 (order varies). New and revised ed., with supplement: 1884, 2 parts. Copy: L. 1 (A-K): [1-1], pl. 1. [ai]-xx, [1]-652, pl. as in 1876 ed. 2 (L-Z, suppl.): [1-11], [653]-1352, pl. ed. New impression: 1899, in two parts. Copy: NY. — “‘New impression ...”’ London, New York and Bombay (Longmans, Green, and Co., ...) Oct. Collation: identical with 1874 and 1876 editions.

  1. Paxton’s Flower Garden. By Professor Lindley and Sir Joseph Paxton. Revised by Thomas Baines, ... London, Paris and New York (Cassells Petter, Galpin & Co.) [1880-] 1882-1884 [-1885], 3 vols. Qu. (Paxton’s fl. gard., revis.).

Original co-author: Joseph Paxton (1802-1865).

Editor: Thomas Baines (1822-1875).

Publ.: The revised edition was published in monthly fascicles, each containing two chromo- lithographed plates as well as the Gleanings and original memoranda. The dates are those established by Garay (1969).

1: p. [i]-iv, [1]-195, text figs. 1-111, pl. 1-36. Copy: US. 2: p. [i], [1]-183, text figs. 112-195, pl. 37-72. Copy: US. 3: p- [i], [1]-179, text figs. 196-265, pl. 73-108. Copies: MO, NY, US.

vol. fasc. pp. _ plates date I I I-12 I-2 Sep 1880 2 13-24 3-4 Oct 1880 3 25-32 5-6 Nov 1880 4 33-44 7-8 Dec 1880 5 45-56 g-10 Jan 1881 6 57-64 II-I2 Feb 1881 il 65-76 13-14 Mar 1881 8 77-88 15-16 Apr 1881 9 89-96 17-18 Mai 1881 10 g7-108 19-20 Jun 1881 II 109-120 21-22 Jul 1881 12 121-128 23-24 Aug 1881 13 129-140 25-20 Sep 1881 14 141-144 27 Oct 1881 Iga 145-152 28 Nov 1881 15 153-160 29-30 Dec 1881 16 161-172 31-32 Jan 1882 17 173-184 33-34 Feb 1882 18 185-195 35-36 Mar 1882 2 19 1-8 37-38 Mai 1882 20 g-16 39-40 Jun 1882 2 17-24 41-42 Jul 1882 22 25-36 43-44 Aug 1882 23 37-48 45-40 Sep 1882 24 49-60 47-48 Oct 1882


LINDLEY (1882)

vol. fasc. pp. plates date 25 61-72 49-50 Nov 1882 26 73-80 5-52 Dec 1882 27 81-88 53-54 Jan 1883 28 89-100 55-50 Feb 1883 29 IOI-112 57-58 Mar 1883 30 113-120 59-60 Apr 1883 3I 121-132 61-62 Mai 1883 32 133-144 63-64 Jun 1883 33 145-152 65-66 Jul 1883 34 153-164 67-68 Aug 1883 35 165-172 69-70 Sep 1883 36 173-183 71-72 Oct 1883 3 37 1-8 73-74 Nov 1883 38 9-20 75-76 Dec 1883 39 21-28 77-78 Jan 1884 40 29-40 79-80 Feb 1884 41 41-48 | 61-62 Mar 1884 42 49-60 83-84 Apr 1884 43 61-72 85-86 May 1884 44 73-80 87-88 Jun 1884 45 81-92 69-90 Jul 1884 46 93-100 I-92 Aug 1884 47 IOI-I12 93-94 Sep 1884 48 113-120 95-90 Oct 1884 49 121-128 97-98 Nov 1884 50 129-140 9g-100 Dec 1884 51 141-152 101-102 Jan 1885 2 153-160 103-104 Feb 1885 53 161-168 105-106 Mar 1885 54 169-179 107-108 Apr 1885

Ref.: Garay, L., Taxon 18: 711-712. 1969.

Lindman, Carl Axel Magnus (1856-1928), Swedish botanist and traveller; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1886; teacher at Stockholm 1887-1904; from 1905 at the Natural History Museum at Stockholm; travelled widely in Europe and North Africa; in Brazil 1892-1894. (Lindm.).

HERBARIUM and Types: S; duplicates in many herbaria.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 386 (d. 21 Jun 1928); BFM 1441, 1442; BJI 1:

37, 2: 106; BL 2: 477, 512, 514, 524, 682; BM 3: 1121-1122, 7:634-635; Bossert p. 239; Clokie

p. 200; CSP 10: 603, 16: 794; Hirsch p. 176; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lindm.”’); IF p. 714; IH 2:

447; Kew 3: 451; Kleppa p. 327; KR p. 414-419; Lenley p. 268; LS suppl. 16153; Morren

ed. 10, p. 107; Rehder 5: 514; SO 888, 889, 2904, add. 29742, 2965, 3019, 3083, add. 3083a,

3503; TL-1: 947, 3954-3957; Zander ed. 10, p. 685, ed. 11, p. 781-782 (b. 6 Apr 1856, d. 21

Jun 1928).

Anon., Bot. Not. 1844: 169, 1887: 239, 1893: 215, 1905: 172; Generalreg. Bot. Not. 1839- 1938: 206-207. 1939 (reviews of his works).

Hoehne, F., O Jardim botanico de Sao Paulo 8g-go. 1941.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 41. 1950.

Malme, G. O. A., Bih. k. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 23(3), no. 13: 6-8. 1897.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 69. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Stephani, F., Bih. k. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 23(3), no. 2: 3-6. 1897.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 44-46. 1906 (itin.; b. 6 Apr 1856).

Wilmott, A. J., J. Bot. 66: 300-301. 1928.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 49, pl. 10. 1903 (portr.), 3(3): 23. 1905; (b. 6 Apr 1856, d. 21 Jun 1928).



COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) For L’s Bilder ur Nordens flora see under Palmstruch, Sv. Bot. (2) Published Th. Krok, Bibl. bot. swec. 1925, TL-2/3956.

EPONYMY: Lindmania Mez (1896).

  1. Bidrag till kannedomen om Skandinaviens fjell-véxternas blomning och befruktning.

Stockholm (Kongl. Boktryckeriet, P. A. Norstedt & Soner) 1887. Oct. (Skand. fjellvaxt.


Publ.: 1887 (read 10 Nov 1886; Nat. Nov. Mar(r) 1888), p. [1]-112, pl. 1-4. Copy: U. — Bihang K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 12(3) no. 6, 1887.

  1. Bromeliaceae herbarii regnelliani. 1. Bromelieae . .. Stockholm (Kongl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt & Soner, ...) 1891. Qu. (Bromel. herb. regnell.).

Publ.: 1891 (submitted 11 Feb 1891; Bot. Centralbl. 19 Aug 1891), p. [1]-50, pl. 2-6 (uncol.). Copies: L, US.—K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 24(8). Only part published. — See also Ofvers. Sv. Vet.-Akad. 47: 531-543. 1890.

  1. Leguminosae austro-americanae ex itinere Regnelliano primo. Stockholm (Kungl. Bok-

tryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt & S6ner) 1898. Oct. (Legum. austro-amer.).

Publ.: 1899 (t.p. 1898; read 11 Mai 1898; actually publ. 1899 fide BM; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1899), p. [1]-61. Copy: U. — Bihang K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Hand]. 24(3) no. 7. 1898.

  1. Vegetationen1 Rio Grande do Sul (Sydbrasilien) ... Stockholm (Nordin & Josephson [1

distribution]). Oct. (Veg. Rio Grande do Sul).

Orig. ed.: Mar-Apr 1900 (p. viii: Mar 1900; Bot. Centralbl. 2 Mai 1900; Bot. Zeit. 1 Jul 1900; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1go0), p. [i]-x, [1]-239, 2 maps. Copies: NY, PH, US. —See KR p. 416 (no. 23) for critical publ. by G. O. A. Malme.

Portuguese transl.: 1906, by Albert Lofgren-(1854-1918), A vegetagdo no Rio Grande do Sul... Porto Alegre (typogr. ... de E. Echenique Irmaos & Cia). 1906. Oct., portr., p. [1]-xinl, [1]-356, 2 maps. Copy: US.

Facs. ed. Port. ed.: Sao Paulo (Livraria Itatiaia Editora Ltd.) 1974, with a final chapter (p. 361-378) by M. G. Ferri. Copy: FAS.

Ref.: KR p. 416, no. 23 (q.v. for further refs.)

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 24: 169. 1975. A.L.S., J. Bot. 38: 498-499. Dec. 1900.

  1. Beitrége zur Gramineenflora Siidamerikas ... Stockholm (Kongl. Boktryckeriet. P. A.

Norstedt & S6éner) 1900. Qu. (Beztr. Gram.-Fl. Siidamer.).

Publ.: 1900 (submitted 6 Jun 1900), p. [1]-52, pl. 7-15 (uncol. liths. by A. Ekblom and author; with text). Copies: NY, U, US. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 34(6). 1goo.

  1. Beitrdge zur Palmenflora Siidamerikas. Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt

& Soner) 1900. Oct. (Beitr. Palmenfl. Siidamer.).

Publ.: 1900 (t.p. 1900; read 10 Feb 1900; BM cites “1g00(1g01);” Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1901), p- [1]-42, pl. 1-6. Copies: FI, U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 26(3) no. 5. 1900.

  1. Einige neue Brasilianische Cyclanthaceen. Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Nor- stedt & Soner) 1900. Oct. (Bras. Cyclanth.).

Publ.: late 1900 (read 11 Apr 1900; BM cites * ‘1g00(1901), ” but Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1901), p. [1]-11, pl. 1-4. Copy: U. — Bihang K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 26(3) no. 8. 1900.

  1. List of Regnellian Cyperaceae collected until 1894. Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P.

A. Norstedt & Soner) 1900. Oct. (Regnell. Cyper. )

Publ.: late 1900 (read 11 Apr 1900; BM cited ‘“‘tg00(1g01)”’, but Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1gor), p. [1]-56, pl. 1-8. Copy: U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 26(3) no. g. 1900.

  1. Regnellidium novum genus Marsiliacearum. [Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet)

1904]. Oct. (Regnellidium).

Publ.: 1 Jul 1904, p. [1]-14. Copy: U.— Ark. Bot. 3(6).—For Anders Fredrick Regnell (1807- 1884) see e.g. KR p. 583-584.


LINDMAN Ref.: Solms, H., Bot. Zeit. 62(2): 369-370. 16 Dec 1904.

  1. Svensk fanerogamflora ... Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Séners Forlag) s.d. [1918]. Oct.

(Sv. fanerogamfl.).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1918 (p. iv: 1 Aug 1918; Nat. Nov. Feb 1919; J. Bot. rd. Dec 1919), p. [i]-viii,

[1 ]-639, figs. 1-330. Copies: MO, USDA. — Emendanda in Bot. Not. 1922: 105-107.

Andra upplagan: 1926 (p. iv.: Aug 1926), p. [i]-x, [1]-644, figs. 1-329. Copies: MICH, NY, USDA.

Ref.: Bennett, A., J. Bot. 58: 153-157. 1920.

  1. Illustrerad skol- och exkurstonsflora Over sveriges karlvaxter ... Stockholm (P. A. Nor- stedt & Séners Forlag) s.d. [1928]. Oct. (Ill. skol- exkurs.-fl.). Publ.: Apr-Mai 1928 (p. [i]: Jan 1928), p. [i]-x, [1]-330, figs. 1-328. Copy: USDA.

Lindroth [later: Liro], Johan Ivar (1872-1943), Finnish botanist; 1921-1928 at Turku; later director of the phytopathological institute at Helsinki. (Lzndr.)

HERBARIUM and Types: H, further material at HPP. — Mycotheca fennica, fasc. 1-18, nos. 1- goo, sets at B (extant), BM, C, E, FH, H, HPP, IMI, 8S, W. — Contributed fasc. 13-15, nos. 301-375, 1900 to Vestergren, T., Micromycetes rariores.

NOTE: (1)Many data on Lindroth and his publications were placed at our disposal by P. Isoviita and his colleagues at H.

(2)The names of new species in the Mycotheca fennica, fasc. 1-6, were not validly published because they were published in 1935 with German descriptions (ICBN 36.1, see also 31.1). The accompanying ““Mycotheca fennica. Die Etiketten” of nos. 1-300 bears the dates of printing (1-100) 20 Dec 1934, and (101-300) 28 Dec 1934 but the back cover of this separate work carries the date 1935. The fascicles 1-3 themselves were presented to the Vanamo Society on 22 Mar 1935. [P. Isoviita].

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 390; BL 2: 69, 74, 76, 682, 683; BM 3: 1122, 7:

635; Bossert p. 239; Collander p. 313-314, hist. p. 156; CSP 16: 795; DTS 3: xlv; GR p. 620;

Hawksworth p. 184; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361; 2: 450 (Liro); Kelly p. 130; Kew 3: 453; KR p. 420;

LS 15572-15574, 36086-36087; MW p. 277; NAF 7: 1076; Rehder 5: 514; Saelan p. 298-

300; Stevenson p. 1249.

Ainsworth, G.C., Dict. fungi ed. 6, p. 328-329. 1971.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1899: 150; Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 56: 818. 1915 (student Pfeffer); Ann. entom. fenn. 8: 199-202. 1942.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. entom. 229. 1977.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970.

Saalas, U., Puoli vuosisataa suomalaista luonnontiedetta 235-240, 474. 1946 (Liro).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 94, pl, 127. 1905 (portr.).

EPONYMY: Lindrothia H. Sydow (1922); Liroa Ciferri (1933).

4672a. Uredineae novae ... [Stockholm (Segersvens Boktryckeri) 1901] Oct. (Ured. nov). Publ.: 8 Mar 1go1 (p. 8), p. [1]-8. Copy: H. — Also included in Medd. Stockholms Hégskolas botaniska Institut, Band iv, 1901, p. [1]-8.

  1. Mykologische Mitteilungen ... Helsingfors 1901-1904, 15 nos., Oct.

1-14: Dec 1901 (journal), p. [1]-29, 7 pl. Reprint with special cover from Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 20(9), 1901 (with special cover). To be cited from journal.

5-10: Dec 1902 (journal), p. [1]-20. Id. 22(3).

11-15: Dec 1902 (journal), p. [1]-18. Id. 26(5).

Copy: H.

  1. Die Umbelliferen-Uredineen ... Helsingfors (Soc. Fauna FI. fenn.) 1902. Oct. (Umbell.-


Publ.: 16 Mai 1902 (as thesis), p. [i, thesis t.p.], [1, journal t.p.]-223, [224, expl. pl.], 7 pl. (uncol.). Copy: B. — Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora fennica 22(1).— The thesis title-



page contains a text stating that the publication is to be submitted to the Philosophical Faculty at Helsingfors on 16 Mai 1902; the paper was submitted for publication on 2 Mar 1901; Nat. Nov. mentions it for Mai(r) 1903.

  1. Verzeichniss der aus Finland bekannten Ramularia-Arten ... Helsingfors 1902. Publ.: Dec 1902 (journal issue presented at meeting SFFF on 6 Dec 1902), p. [1]-42- Copy: H. — Reprinted with special cover and to be cited from Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 23(3).

  2. Kulturversuche mit finnischen Rostpilzen ... Helsingfors 1906-1908, 2 parts. 1; 1906 (submitted 2 Dec 1906), p. [1 ]-25. Copy: H.— Reprinted with special cover and to be cited from Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 29(6). 1906.

2: 1908 (see p. 2; tp. 1907), p- [1]-58. Copy: H. — Id. 20(7).

  1. Uredineae fennicae Finlands rostsvampar af J. Ivar Liro (har forut skrifvit under namnet J. I. Lindroth.) Helsingfors (Finska Litteratursallskapets Tryckeri) 1908. Oct. (Ured. fenn.).

Publ.: 1908, p. [i]-vii, [9]-640, [1-2, cont.]. Copy: Stevenson.

Ref.: Lind, 1I., Bot. Centralbl. 111: 228-229. 1909.

  1. Uber die Gattung Tuburcinia Fries ... Turku 1922. Oct. ( Tuburcina). Publ.: 1922, p- [1]-151. Copy: H. — Published as Ann. Univ. fenn. Aboens. ser. A. 1(1).

  2. Die Ustilagineen Finnlands von J. Ivar Liro. Helsinki (Suomalaisen tiedeaketemian

kustantama) 1924-1938, 2 parts. Oct. (Ustil. Finnl.).

1: shortly after 22 Jan and before 18 Mar 1924 (Luonnen Ustava 28: 118. 1924), p- [i]-xviil, [1, h.t.], [1]-636.

2: Jun 1938, p. [i]-xiui, [1]-720, map.

Copies: B, H, Stevenson. — Ann. Acad. sci. Fenn. ser. A, vol. 42 (vol. 2).

Supplementum: Jun 1938, p. 505-546, map. Copy: H. — Reprinted with special cover and to be cited from id. 42: 505-546. 1938.

  1. Uber neue, seltene und vermeinte Ustilagineen ... Helsinki 1935. Oct. Publ.: 1935 (printed 16 Apr 1933), p- [1-11], [1]-18. Copy: H. — Reprinted with special cover and to be cited from Ann. bot. Soc. zool.-bot. fenn. Vanamo 6(1).

Lindsay, William Lauder (1829-1880), Scottish lichenologist and physician; MD Edin- burgh 1852; at Murray’s Royal Asylum, Perth 1854-1879; collected in Iceland and New Zealand. (Linds.).

HERBARIUM and types: E; other material at BM, C, CGE, K, W. — Letters at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 387 (b. 19 Dec 1829, d. 24 Nov 1880); BB p. 198; BL 1: 83, 306, 2: 323, 682; BM 3: 1122; Bossert p. 239 (b. 19 Dec 1829, d. 24 Nov 1880); CSP 4: 34, 8: 234-236, 12: 448, 10: 604; Desmond p. 387; DNB 33: 316; GR p. 376-377, cat.

p. 67; De Toni 1: lxxvi, 2: Ixxvi; 1H 2: 447; Jackson p. 573; Kelly p. 130, 254; Kew 3: 453;

Kleppa p. 133, 139; Krempelhuber 1: 455, 2: 776, 3: 203; Lenley p. 463; LS 15586-15633,

36088-36088a; Moebius p. 112, 299; NI 1208; PR 5375-5376; Rehder 5: 514; SBC p. 126


Anon., Bot. Zeit. 39: 197. 1881; Bot. Gaz. 7: 52. 1882; Gard. Chron. ser. 2. 14: 734. 1880; Grevillea 5: 164. 1877 (coll.); J. Bot. 19: 64. 1881; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1880/81: 18-19; Rev. mycol. 3(11): 24-25. 1881; Trans. bot. Soc. Edinburgh 14: 163-164. 1883.

Cheeseman, T. F., Manual New Zealand Fl. xxvii. 1906.

Cockayne, L., Veget. New Zealand 5. 1921.

Deby, J., Bibl. microsc. microgr. stud. 3(Diat.): 38. 1882.

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 113-114, 198.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Ind. coll. Edinb. 103. 1970.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979 (herb.).

Lindsay, W. L., Memoirs on the spermogones and pycnides of lichens. s.l.n.d. [1870] (General index to and bibliography of L’s papers on these subjects, 49 p.)-

Mitchell, M. E., Bibl. Irish lichenol. 39-40. 1971.



Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 163. 1904 (coll.). Roumeguére, C., Rev. mycol. 3: 24-26. 1881. Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (herb.).

EPONYMY: Lindsaynium Fee (1852, orth. var. of Lindsaentum Fee 1850), Lindsayoides Nakai (1943), and Protolindsaya Copeland (1910) are related to Lindsaea [sic] Dryander ex Smith (1793), which commemorates John Lindsay (x-1803), Jamaican botanist, correspondent of Sir Joseph Banks. Lindsayella Ames & C. Schweinfurth (1937) is dedicated to Walter R. Lindsay (fl. 1935-1942), who collected in Panama.

  1. A popular history of british lichens, comprising an account of their structure, reproduc-

tion, uses, distribution, and classification ... London (Lovell Reeve, ...) 1856. Oct. (Pop.

hist. brit. lich.).

Publ.: 1856 (Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 8: 256. Aug 1856, Bot. Zeit. 27 Mar 1857), p. [i], pl. 2, [iii, t.p.]-xxxii, [1]-352, pl. 2-22 (handcol. liths. by author). Copies: G, MO, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA.

  1. Monograph of the genus Abrothallus (De Notaris and Tulasne emend.) [London 1857].

Oct. (Monogr. Abrothallus).

Publ.: 1857, p. [1]-37, [1-2, expl. pl.], pl. 4-5 (col. liths. auct.). Copy: NY. — Reprinted from Brit. J. microsc. Soc. 5: 27-63. 1857.

  1. The flora of Iceland... Edinburgh (printed by Neill and company) 1861. Oct. Publ.: Jul 1861 (in journal), p. [1 ]-40. Copzes: FI, G. — Reprinted from Edinb. New philos. J. 14: 64-101. Jul 1861. — For continuation see Trans. bot. Soc. Edinb. 7: 114-151. 1863.

  2. Contributions to New Zealand botany ... London and Edinburgh (Williams & Norgate)

  3. Qu. (Contr. New Kealand bot.).

Publ.: Jun 1868 (Flora 30 Aug 1868 and 21 Apr 1869; J. Bot. Feb (in the press), Jun 1868 (publ.)), p. [1]-102, pl. 1-4 (col. liths.). Copies: MICH, MO, NY.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 15: 152. 1868 (post 13 Dec).

  1. Enumeration of micro-lichens parasitic on other lichens. {London 1869]. Oct. (Enum. micro- lich.). Publ.: reprinted with independent pagination from The Quarterly Journal of microscopical science. Copy: G. 1: Jan 1869, cover, [1]-8; journal 9: 49-57. 1869. 2: Apr 1869, cover, 9-20; journal 9:135-146. 1869. 3: Oct 1869, cover, 21-36; journal g: 342-358. 1869.

Lindstedt, Karl (1846-?), German mycologist at Berlin, Dr. phil. Berlin 1872. (Lindst.). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 387; BM 3: 1122-1123; Frank 3 (Anh.): 58; Jackson p. 173; LS 15634-15634a; NAF 2: 72.

  1. Ueber einige Arten aus der Familie der Saprolegniaceae. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlan- gung der Doctorwiirde von der philosophischen Facultat der Friedrich-Wilhems- Universitat zu Berlin genehmigt und 6ffentlich zu vertheidigen am 5 Juli 1872 von Karl Lindstedt aus Lichtenberg ... Berlin (Buchdruckerei von Gustav Lange (Otto Lange)).
  2. Oct. (Art. Saprolegn.)

Publ.: 5 Jul 1872 (Hedwigia Jul 1872; Bot. Zeit. 1 Nov 1872), p. [1]-32. Copy: FH.

Ref.: Winter, Hedwigia 11: 112. Jul 1872, 151-153. Oct 1872.

  1. Synopsis der Saprolegniaceeen und Beobachtungen iiber einige Arten ... Berlin (R.

Friedlander & Sohn) 1872. Oct. (Syn. Saprolegn.).

Publ.: Aug-Oct 1872 (Hedwigia Nov 1872; BSbF Nov 1872; Flora 11 Dec 1872; Bot. Zeit. 15 Nov 1872; J. Bot. Dec 1872), p. [i], [1]-69, [70, expl. pl.], pl. 1-4 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copies: BR, G, L, MICH, USDA.



Lingelsheim, Alexander von (1874-1937), German botanist; Dr. phil. Rostock 1906; at the Botanical Museum and Garden, Breslau, 1904-1929; pharmacist 1929-1937; lecturer in pharmacognosy 1926, professor 1932-1937. (Lingelsh.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: WRSL. — Cecidia also at PAD.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 296; Barnhart 2: 388; BJI 2: 106; Bossert p. 239 (b. 27 Sep 1874, d. 5 Mar 1937); Hirsch p. 176; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lingelsh.”); IH 2: 448; Langman p. 448; LS 15638, 36089-36089, suppl. 16234-16243; MW p. 277; TL-2/1: 1159, 1713; Zander ed. 10, p. 685-686, ed. 11, p. 782.

Anon., Hedwigia 77: (109). 1938; Osterr. bot. Z. 86: 240. 1937 (d).

Christiansen, W. &. W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317. 1936.

Pax, F., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 55(4): (248)-(253). 1938 (portr., bibl.; b. 27 Sep 1874, d. 5 Mar

1937)- Poggendorf, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 6(3): 1539. 1938 (bibl.).

COMPOSITE WoRKSs: (1) Engler, Pflanzenreich, Oleaceae IV, 243 (I, I1), Heft 72, p. 1-125, publ. 29 Jun 1920. (2) Limpricht, W., Bot. Reisen Hochgebirgen Chinas, 1922, many families.

THESIS: Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Gattung Fraxinus, in Bot. Jahrb. 40(2): 185-223. 2 Aug 1907.

EPONYMY: Lingelsheimia Pax (1909). Linhart, Gy6érgy (Georg) (1844-1925), Hungarian mycologist. (Linh.)

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. Exsiccatae: Fungi hungarict, cent. 1-5, nos. 1-500, Magyar Ovar (Ung. Altenburg), 1882-1886, sets at B, BM, C, DAO, FH, FI, HPP, L, M, NY, PAV,


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 388; Bossert p. 239; GSP 16: 799; DTS 1: 172- 173; 1H 2: 448; LS 15641-15651, 36090; Morren ed. ro, p. 34, 39; NAF 9: 441; Stevenson p. 1249; Urban-Berl. p. 278.

Borbas, V., Bot. Centralbl. 14: 26-27. 2-6 Apr 1883 (Fungi hung. 1).

Dietz, Bot. Centralbl. 26: 119-121. 19-23 Apr 1886 (Fungi hung. V).

Fisch, Bot. Centralbl. 22: 251-252. 18-22 Mai 1885 (Fungi hung. IV).

Kuhn, J. G., Bot. Centralbl. 15: 252-253. 20-24 Aug 1883 (Fungi hung. I1).

Niessl, G., Osterr. bot. Z. 33: 342-343. 1883 (on Fungi hung.).

Paal, Folia cryptogamica 3(1): 101-110. 1926 (portr., bibl.).

Schulzer, S., Osterr. bot. Z. 33: 70-71. 1883 (on Fungi hung).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 157, pl. 22. 1903 (portr.; b. 16 Jun 1894, d. 27 Jan

1925). EPONYMY: Linhartia P. A. Saccardo & P. Sydow (1902).

Link, Johann Heinrich Friedrich (1767-1851), German nature philosopher and bota- nist; Dr. med. Gottingen 1789; at Rostock 1792; director botanical garden Breslau 1811- 1815; professor of botany at Berlin 1815-1851; successor to Willdenow. (Link).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Link’s personal herbarium was acquired by Berlin-Dahlem (B) after his death (now for the greater part destroyed, but e.g. Pteridophyta preserved). Link was the actual founder of this herbarium. Practically all Link’s types are (or were) at B. Link’s library was sold by auction. — Link material is found at BR, C, FI, H, LIV, P, PH, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: ADB 18: 715-720; AG 2(1): 366, 2(2): 150-151; Ainsworth p- 61, 70, 102, 300, 313; Backer p. 331; Barnhart 2: 388; BM 3: 1124-1125, 7: 635; Bossert p. 239 (b. 2 Feb 1767, d. 1 Jan 1851); Bret. p. 275; Golmeiro 1: clxxxv; CSP 4: 35-38, 12: 4493 Dawson p. 543, 9433; De Toni 1: Ixxviii, 2: Ixxvi; Dryander 5: 328; DSB 8: 373-374 (bibl., sec. refs.); DTS 1: 173; DU 185; Frank 3 (Anh.): 58; GR p. 29, pl. [75], cat. p. 67; Hegi 6(2): 911; Herder p. 463; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Link”); IF p. 714, suppl. 4: 329; IH 1 (ed. 6): 25, 361, 2:



448; Jackson p. 573; Kew 3: 454-455; KR p. 421; Krempelh. 2: 164-169; Langman p. 448-

449; Laségue p. 574; LS 15652-15668, 36097; Moebius p. 153, 453; MW p. 277; NI 1209-

1214; PR 5377-5401 (ed. 1: 5952-5977); Ratzeburg p. 314-317; Rehder 5: 514-515;

Saccardo 1: 96, 2: 63; SBC p. 126 (“Link”’); SK 4: cxevinl; SO 512, 529, 785b; Stevenson p.

1249; TL-1: 153, 520, 704-713, 731, 1422; TL-2/451, 812, 863, 1454, 1456, 2911- 2912,

3826, 4010, see index; Urban-Berl. p. 266, 271, 278, 306, 370; Zander ed. 10, p. 686, ed. 11,

p. 782; Zep-Tim p. 77 (b. 2 Feb 1767).

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 328. 1971.

Anon., Flora 34: 16, 63, 608, 640. 1851; Proc. Linn. Soc. 2: 139-143. 1851 (1855); Bonplandia 2: 267. 1854 (cognomen Cleophanes), 8: 221-222. 1860 (on L. as student at Gottingen); Bot. Zeit. 3: 440. 1845, 9: 56, 136, 589, 720. 1851; Gard. Chron. 161: 23. 1967; Osterr. bot. W. 1: 37-38. 1851 (d. 1 Jan 1851).

Becker, K. & E. Schumacher, S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin ser. 2. 13(2): 143. 1973 (bibl.).

Boll, E., Fl. Meklenburg 157-158. 1860.

Cuvier, F., Dict. sci. nat. portr. [67]. 1845.

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 67. 1934 (letter to J. E. Smith at LINN); Banks letters 543. 1958.

Dolezal, H., Friedrich Welwitsch 122-123, 125-126. 1974.

Eckardt, Th., Willdenowia 4(2): 161-162. 1966 (portr.).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Record 27: 218, 220. 1938.

Hall, N., Bot. Eucalypts 85. 1978.

Hausmann, F., Fl. Tirol. 1182. 1854.

Helm, J., Kulturpflanze 14: 352. 1966.

Hoffmann et al., Wiss. Z. Humboldt Univ. Berlin, math.-nat. R. 14: 600, 802-803, 815. 1965 (portr.).

Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 60-62. 1851.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 484 [index]. 1864.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979.

Link, H. F., Bemerkungen auf einer Reise durch Frankreich, Spanien und vorzuglich Portugal. Kiel, 1799-1804, 3 vols. Oct. (see PR ed. 1: 5956).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 140, 252, 276, fig. 74. 1973.

Martius, C. F. P. von, Gel. Anz. bay. Akad. Wiss. 59: 473-480, 60: 481-488, 61: 489-496, 62: 497-504, 63: 505-512, 64: 513-520, 65: 521-528, 66: 529-536, 67: 553-555. 1851 (bibl; main, but uncritical, eulogy; see also Ratzeburg 1874); Arch. d. Pharm. 119(1): 81-104. 1852 (essentially the same text as Martius 1851); Akad. Denkreden 271-316. 1866 (reprint 1851 text).

Milner, J. D., Cat. Portr. Kew 77. 1906.

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 192. 1947.

O., Dict. sci. méd. 6: 53-54. 1824 (bibl.).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1469-1470. 1863 (bibl., b. 2 Feb 1767, d. 1 Jan 1851).

Richter et al., Wiss. Z. Rostock 17: 264-265. 1968.

Sachs, J., Hist. botanique 169, 219, 277, 322, 521, 562. 1892.

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 92, 93. 170. 1942.

Schumann, K. M., Monatschrift fir Kakteenkunde 11(1): 1-5. Igor.

Stafleu, F. A., Regn. veg. 71: 339. 1970.

Voigt, A., Bot. Inst. Hamburg 14, 61. 1897.

Willkomm, M., Grundz. Pflanzenverbr. iber. Halbinsel 10. 1896 (Veg. Erde 1).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 135. 1903 (b. 2 Feb 1767).

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 264. 1gor.

Zuchold, E. A., Jahresber. naturf. Ver. Halle 5: 34-36. 1853 (add. bibl.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Jahrbiicher der Gewéichskunde herausgegeben von K. Sprengel, A. H. Schrader und H. F. Link. Vol. 1 (all published) Berlin und Leipzig (in G. C. Nauck’s Buchhandlung), [1818-]1820, in three independently paged parts. See under Sprengel. (2) Hoffmannsegg, J. C. v. und H. F. Link, Flore portugaise 1809-1840), TL-2/2911.

(3) Willdenow, C. L., Grundriss der Kréuterkunder, eds. 6 & 7 by Link, see Willdenow.

(4) Willdenow, C. L., Sp. pl., vol. 6(1, 2) by H. F. Link, see Willdenow.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 31: 339-340. 1976.


LINK (1820)

EpoNymy: Linkia Cavanilles (1798); Linkia Persoon (1805); Linkiella H. Sydow (1921). See ING 2: 989.

  1. Florae goettingensis specimen sistens vegetabilia saxo calcareo propria. Dissertatio inauguralis botanica quam consentiente illustri medicorum ordine in Academia Georgia augusta pro obtinendo gradu doctoris medicinae die Xxvi. augusti mdcclxxxix publico examini submittit Henricus Fridericus Link Hildesiensis. [Goettingen] (typis H. M. Grape, typogr. acad.) [1789]. Oct. (FI. goett. spec.).

Publ.: 26 Aug 1789 (t.p.), p- [i-iv], [1]-43. Copies: FI, G, NY; IDC 6022.

Reprint: in Usteri, Delect. opusc. bot. 1: 299-336; suppl. in Usteri, Ann. Bot. 14: 1-17. 1795;

see also Link, Ann. Naturgesch. 1: 27-38. 1791.

  1. Annalen der Naturgeschichte ... Estes Stuck. Gottingen (bey Johann Christian Diete- rich) 1791. Oct.t. (Ann. Naturgesch.). Publ.: 1791, p. [i*-ii*], [i]-iv, [1]-126. Copy: USDA. — Text entirely by Link.

  2. Beytrage zur Naturgeschichte. .. Rostock und Leipzig (in Karl Christoph Stillers Buch- handlung) 1794-1801, 2 vols. Oct. (Beytr. Naturgesch.). Erster Band: in three parts, 1794-1797, t-p. 1797- Copy: US. Erstes Stiick: Jan-Feb 1794 (GGA 10 Feb 1794), p- [ii-viti], [1]-122, [ro@er, ||, 20h, iyo) [iile “Ueber die Leiter der Natur, das natiirliche und kinstliche System.”

Drittes Stick: 1797, p- [i*-iii*], [iJ-viii, [1]-136. Alt. t.p.: “Beytrdge zur Philosophie der Naturgeschichte.”

English translation: see TL-2/3826 (Koenig).

  1. Dissertationes botanicae quibus accedunt primitiae horti botanici et florae rostochiensis _.. Suerin [Schwerin] (apud Guilielmum Baerensprung, ... ) 1795. Qu. (Diss. bot.)

Publ.: 1795 (t.p.; p. vi: 12 Jul 1794), p. [i]-vi, [1]-81. Copy: G.

  1. Philosophiae botanicae novae seu institutionum phytographicarum prodromus . . . Got- tingae [Géttingen] (typis Io. Christ. Dieterich.) 1798. Oct. (Philos. bot. nov.). Publ.: 1798 (p. 4: 1 Aug 1797), p. [1]-192. Copies: G, NY, USDA.

4693 Heinrich Friedrich Link’s..., K7itische Bemerkungen und Cusdtze Zu Kurt Sprengel’ s Werk

iiber den Bau und die Natur der Gewachse .. . Halle (bei Carl August Kimmel) 1812. Oct.

(Krit. Bemerk. Spreng.).

Publ.: 1812, p. [i], [1]-59, pl. 1-14 (partly handcol. engr. by W. Sprengel). Copies: M, NY: IDC 5479; — Refers to Kurt Sprengel, von dem Bau und der Natur der Gewachse, Halle (bey K. M. Kummel.) 1812. Oct., q.v.

  1. Icones plantarum selectarum horti regii botanici berolinensis cum descriptionibus et

colendi ratione auctoribus H. F. Link directore et F. Otto inspectore horti ... Berolini

[Berlin, author; on covers: Gedruckt in der Deckerschen Geh. Ober-Hofbuchdruckerei ]

1820-1828, 10 parts. Qu. (Icon. pl. select.).

Co-author: Christoph Friedrich Otto (1783-1856).

Publ.: In ten parts. Alternative title: “Abbildungen auserlesener Gewdchse des koniglichen botanischen Gartens zu Berlin nebst Beschreibungen und Anleitung sie zu ziehen.” This

references from the contemporary literature.


LINK (1820)

part pages plates dates I [2]-16 1-6 Apr-Mai 1820 2 17-29, [31] 7-12 Jan 1821 (“1820”) 3 33-44 13-18 Jan-Jul 1821 4 45-56 19-24 1821 sero, vel 1822 prim. (‘1821’’) 5 57-68 25-30 Mar 1822 6 69-80 31-36 Jul-Dec 1825 7 81-92 37-42 Jul-Dec 1825 8 93-104. 43-48 Jan-Jul 1826 9 105-116 49-54 1826 10 117-128, 55-60 Dec 1828 vel Jan 1829 (“1828’’)

[i, iii, v]

Copies: B (parts 1-5), BR, G (orig. covers), MO (parts 1-6, orig. covers), Regensburg (parts 1-5), US (2 compl. copies of which the first (special . coll.) with ideal composition), Stearn (1937 describes the copy in the Lindley library with orig. covers); IDC 6035. Plates: hand-coloured copper engravings of drawings by Friedrich Guimpel (1774-1839) (pl. 1-24: Guimpel fec.), and by Carl Wilhelm R6thig (1807-1844) (pl. 25-60: Rothig del., Guimpel or Haas sculps.). Ref.: Kuntze, O., Rev. gen. 1: cxxxiv. 1891.

Stearn, W. T., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 1: 105-107. 1937.

  1. Enumeratio plantarum hort regi berolinensis altera ... Berolini (apud G. Reimer) 1821-

1822, 2 parts. Oct. (Enum. hort. berol. alt.).

Pars 1: 16 Mar-30 Jun 1821, p. [i]-viii, [1 ]-458.

Pars 2: Jan-Jun 1822, p. [1i]-1v, [1]-478.

Copies: BR, FI, MICH, MO, NY, U, US, USDA; IDC 5508.

List of printing errors: see Hoffmannsegg, Verz. Pflanzenkulturen 242-273. 1824 (TL- 2/2912) see also GGA 1822: 1121-1125.

Title: the designation “‘altera”’ refers to Willdenow, Enum. pl. hort. berol. 1809.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 5: 487-491. 21 Aug 1822 (pars 1), 6: 369-371. 28 Jun 1823 (pars 2)


Stearn, Wi. Tye Bote 53235 sro ar

  1. Elementa philosophiae botanicae ... Berolini (sumptibus Haude & Spener) 1824. Oct.

(Elem. philos. bot.).

Ed. 1: 1824, p. [i-iv], [1]-486, pl. 7-4 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copies: FI, G.

Ed. 2: 1837, alternative title: ““Grundlehren der Krduterkunde .. . Berlin (Haude und Spenersche Buchhandlung (S. J. Josephy)). 1837, 2 vols. Copies: FI, HH, M, MO, NY, U, WU.

r: [11*], [i]-xui, [1, consp.], [1]-501, [502, err.], pl. 7-5 (uncol.) (Flora 14 Nov 1837).

2: [u1*], [i]-xv, [1]-377 (Flora 7 Jun 1841).

  1. Hortus regius botanicus berolinensis ... Berolini (apud G. Reimer) 1827-1833, 2 vols. Oct. (Hort. berol.). Tomus 1: 1 Oct-27 Nov 1827, p. [i]-viii, [1]-384. Tomus 2: Jul-Dec 1833, p. [i]-iv, [1]-376. Copies: MICH, MO, NY, U, US, USDA; IDC 5567. Ref.: Hoppe, D. H., Flora 11(1): 49-62. 28 Jan 1828 (rev. vol. 1). Stearn, W. T., J. Bot 75: 235. 1937. Brizicky; G., Taxon 18: 651. 1969.

  2. Ueber die Gattungen Melocactus und Echinocactus, nebst Beschreibung und Abbildung der

im Ko6nigl. botanischen Garten bei Berlin befindlichen Arten. Berlin 1827. Qu. (Melocactus

G Echinocactus).

Co-author: Christoph Friedrich Otto (1783-1856).

Publ.: 1827, p. [1]-23, pl. 11-27, uncol. liths. by Carl Wilhelm R6thig (1807-1844). Copy: G. — Reprinted from Verh. Ver. Beford. Gartenb. K6n. Preuss. Staaten, 7° Lieferung.

  1. Lcones plantarum rariorum horti regii botanici berolinensis cum descriptionibus et


LINK (1840)

colendi ratione ... Erster Band. Berolini (sumtibus Ludw. Oehmigke) 1828 [-1831]. Qu. f

(Icon. pl. rar.).

Co-author: Christoph Friedrich Otto (1783-1856).

Publ.: In eight parts. Alternative title (actually on main t.p. [ii]): “Abdildungen neuer und seltener Gewdchse des koniglichen botanischen Gartens zu Berlin nebst Beschreibungen und Anleitung sie zu ziehen ... Erster Band.” We have seen no copy in original covers.

part pages plates dates part pages plates dates

I [1]-12 1-6 ‘Jan-Jun 1828 5 49-60 25-29 ~=—- Dec 1829

2 13-24 7-12 Jul-Dec 1828 6 61-72 30-36 Jan-Mar 1830 2 25-36 =. 13-18 ~— Jul-Dec 1828 7-8 73-96 = 37-48 ~— Jul-Dec 1831 4 37-48 19-24 Mai 1829

Copies: G, NY; IDC 6036. — Plates: Hand-coloured copper engr. of drawings by Carl Wilhelm Rothig (1807-1844) and Friedrich Guimpel (1774-1839). Ref.: Stearn, W. T., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 1(4): 106. 1937.

  1. Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am haufigsten vorkommenden Ge- wachse . .. Berlin (In der Haude und Spenerschen Buchhandlung (S. J. Joseephy.)) 1829- 1833, 3 vols. Oct. (Handbuch).

  2. Erster Theil: Jan-Aug 1829, p. [1]-viui, [1 ]-864.

  3. Dritter Theil: 1833, p. [11]-xviii, [1 ]-536.

Copies: B, BR, FI, M, NY, Regensburg (vols. 1-2), US; IDC 5244.

Alternative title: The book was also issued as part of the sixth edition of C. L’ Willdenow, Grundriss der Rrduterkunde, zweiter-vierter (praktischer) Theil. The first ““Theil’’ of the Grundriss ed. 6, ““Erster (theoretischer) Theil” was still attributed to Willdenow and simply edited by Link. The “practical” part, however, was transformed by him into the Handbuch. Most copies have the alternative t.p.’s [ii]; the US copy was issued without them and belongs therefore to the independent issue of the Handbuch.

Ref.: Brizicky, G., Taxon 18: 651. 1969.

  1. Ueber eine neue Cactus-Art, Echinocactus oxygonus Link nebst Beschreibung, Cultur-

Methode und einigen andern Bemerkungen. Berlin 1830. Qu. (Echinocactus oxygonus).

Co-author: Christoph Friedrich Otto (1783-1856).

Publ.: 1830, p. [1]-19, pl. 1, handcol. liths. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Verh. Ver. Beford. Gartenb. Lieferung 13.

  1. Uber den Bau der Farrnkriuter. Erste Abhandlung ... [Akademie der Wissenschaften,

Berlin] 1834.

Publ.: 1834 (read at Akad. 16 Jan 1834), p. [1]-13, pl. 2. Copy: FI.— Reprinted and to be cited from Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1834: 375-388. pl. 2.— Zweite Abhandlung: ib. 1835: 83-92 (no independently paged reprint seen by us).

  1. Icones selectae anatomico-botanicae ... Ausgewahlte anatomisch-botanische Abbildun- gen... Berlin (fasc. 1: Haude und Spenersche Buchhandlung (S. J. Joseephy.), fasc. 2-4: Im Verlage von C. G. Liideritz) 1839-1842, 4 fasc. Fol. (Icon. select. anat.-bot.).

1: 1839, p. [i], 1-11, pl. 1-8.

2: 6-12 Jun 1841 (Hinrichs; t.p. 1840), p. [i]-iv, [1]-11, pl. 1-8.

3: 15-21 Aug 1841 (Hinrichs), p. [i, iii], [1]-12, pl. 1-8.

4: 28-30 Aug 1842 (Hinrichs), p. [i, iii], [1]-10, pl. 7-8.

Copies: MO, NY. — Plates: uncol. or partly col. liths. by Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Schmidt.

  1. Icones plantarum rariorum horti regii botanici berolinensis. Abbildungen seltener Pflanzen des Konig]. botanischen Gartens zu Berlin, herausgegeben von H. F. Link, ... Fr. Klotzsch, ... F. Otto, ... Erster [Zweiter] Jahrgang. Erster [Zweiter] Band. Berlin (r: Verlag von Veit und Comp., gedruckt bei Julius Sittenfeld; 2: Verlag der Nicolaischen Buchhandlung) [1840-] 1841-1844. Qu. (Icon. pl. rar.).


LINK (1840)

Co-authors: Johann Friedrich Klotzsch (1805-1860), Christoph Friedrich Otto (1783-1856). 1: 1840-1841, p. [i, iii], [1]-61, [62, err.], pl. 1-24. 2: 1842-1844, p. [i], 63-123, pl. 25-48.

Vol. pars pages plates dates

I I 1-16 1-6 30 Aug-5 Sep 1840 2 17-32 7-12 15-21 Nov 1840 3 33-48 13-18 7-14 Feb 1841 4 49-62 19-24 13-19 Jun 1841

2 I 63-78 25-30 30 Jan-2 Feb 1842 2 79-94 31-30 30 Aug-2 Sep 1842 3 95-110 37-42 Apr 1844 4 IIT 1-12: 43-48 ante Nov 1844

Copies: B, BR, FI, G (with extra pl. 1 in vol. 1), M, NY, US(2), PH, USDA; IDC 6037. Plates: hand-coloured liths. by Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Schmidt. (occasional plates left plain; we have seen no copy with all plates uncol.) (DU 185). Ref.: Stearn, W. T., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. hist. 1: 106-107. 1937.

Steenis-Kruseman, S. K. van, Fl. males. Bull. 15: 738. 1960.

  1. Filicum species in horto regio botanico berolinensi cultae ... Berolini (Veitii et socii sumptibus) 1841. Oct. (F7/. spec.). Publ.: 3-10 Sep 1841 (see TL-1), p. [i-iv], [1]-179. Copzes: MICH, MO, NY; IDC 6034. Ref.: Vriese, W. H. de, Tijdschr. nat. Gesch. Physiol. 9(2): 122-124. 1842.

Alston, A. H. G., J. Soc. bibl. nat. Hist. 3: 290. 1957.

  1. Abielinae horti regii botanici berolinensis cultae ... Halae [Halle a.S.] 1841. Oct.

( Abietinae).

Publ.: 1841 (t.p. preprint), p. [1]-65, [1]. Copy: FI (inf. C. Steinberg). — Preprinted from Linnaea 15: 481-545. Feb 1842. —See also Revisio abietinarum horti regi botanici berolinensis, Linnaea 20: 283-298. Jul 1847.

Linkola, Kaarlo (until 1906 Collan) (1888-1942), Finnish botanist; Dr. phil. Helsinki 1919; assistant at the Botanical Institute of the agricultural section of Helsinki Univ. 1913- 1922, from 1917 also working at the Tammisto experiment station; professor of botany at Turku Univ. 1923-1925, id. at Helsinki 1925-1942. (Linkola).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: H; other material at BP, C, GB, L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 388; BFM no. 2153, 2418, 2419; BJI 2: 106-107; BL 2: 58, 73-74, 80, 85, 93, 95, 96, 477, 683; BM7: 635; Collander p. 315-325 (q.v. for bibl. and for many biogr. refs.), hist. p. 156; GR p. 620, pl. [47]; Hawksworth p. 284; IH 2: 448; TL-2/2826.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 76(1): 88. 1927 (app. Helsinki).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 193. 1938.

Grontved, Johs., Bot. Tidsskr. 46: 88-go. 1942 (b. 6 Jun 1888, d. 26 Apr 1942, obit., portr.). Pesola, V. A., Kaarlo Linkola kirjeenvaihtokumppanin nakemana, Werner Séderstr6m

osakeyhtro, Porvoo, Helsinki 1966, 108 p. (biogr., portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKs: Edited part 6 of Hjelt, Consp. fl. fennic., see TL-2/2826.

  1. Studien tiber den Einfluss der Kultur auf die Flora in den Gegenden noérdlich vom Ladogasee ... I. Allgemeiner Teil ... Helsingfors [Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn] 1916. Oct. (Stud. Einfl. Kult. Fl.).

1: 1916, p. [i]-vil, [1]-429, 6 charts, 20 maps. Acta Soc. Fauna FI. Fenn. 45(1), 1916.

2: 1921, p. [1]-491, 4 charts, Ib. 45(2). Copy: FI.

  1. Kulturen mit Nostoc-Gonidien der Peltigera-Arten ... Helsinki 1920. Oct. (Kult. Nostoc- Gonid.).


LINNAEUS Publ.: 1920, p. [1]-24, 1 tab. Copy: FI. — Ann. Soc. zool.-bot. fenn. Vanamo 1(1), 1920.

Linnaeus, Carl (from 1761: Carl von Linné) (1707-1778), Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist; Dr. med. Harderwijk 1735; in the Netherlands 1735-1738, for the greater part of the time as physician to George Clifford at the Hartecamp near Haarlem; from 1738-1741 practicing physician at Stockholm; professor of medicine and botany at Uppsala 1741-1778; founder of modern plant systematics and nomenclature. (L.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: For a general and detailed review of the Linnaean herbaria and of the other herbaria used by Linnaeus see W. T. Stearn’s introduction to vol. 1 of the Ray Society facsimile of the Species plantarum. The main type herbarium is the Linnaean herbarium at the Linnean Society of London (LINN), available on IDC microfiches (Indexes: Jackson 1912, Savage 1945). It should be emphasized that for several reasons, amply explained by Stearn, the specimens now in the Linnaean herbarium may have no relation to the entry under the same name in the Species plantarum.

The Linnaean herbarium at Stockholm (S), also available on IDC microfiches (no. 5075), consists mainly of plants given by Linnaeus to his son or to colleagues, or of plants grown in the Uppsala botanic garden during Linnaeus’s life-time. The main sources of this herba- rium were the herbaria of Linnaeus fil., Alstromer, Montin and Solander. Although the specimens of this herbarium can rarely be considered types, they still have great importance for the interpretation of the Linnaean taxa. Small collections of Linnaean plants are also at H, SBT and UPS. Linnaeus’s Lapland herbarium, given by him to Johannes Burman, is now at the Institut de France, Paris. The main herbaria of other botanists used by Linnaeus are those of Burser at Uppsala (UPS) (available on IDC microfiches), Hermann (BM), Sloane (BM), Dillenius (OXF), for details of which see Stearn.

A very important Linnaean type herbarium is the Clifford herbarium at BM, which contains many of the types of the Hortus cliffortcanus. For the Linnaean specimens at UPS see Jrel\Gosr).

Ref.: (main items only, a fuller list is given by Stearn 1957, pp, 123-124).

Alston, A. H. G., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 168: 102-103. 1957 (Lapland herb.).

Blake, S. F., Rhodora 20: 21-28, 48-54, 65-73. 1918 (Notes on the Clayton herbarium).

Dandy, J. E., The Sloane herbarium. London 1957.

Fries, R. E., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 18: rog-123, 160. 1935 (Linné-vaxter in Bergii herbarium).

Fuchs, H. P., Taxon 4: 62-67. 1955 (interpretation types in herb. LINN).

Jackson, B. D., Index to the Linnaean herbarium with indication of the types of species marked by Carl von Linne. Proc. Linn. Soc. London sess. 124 Suppl. 1912, 38 p.; Linnaeus. London 19238, pp. 343-358.

Juel, H. O., Svenska Linné-Sallsk. ee. 14: 12-16. 1931 (Linnaean specimens at UPS); Joachim Burser’s Hortus siccus. Symbola Bot. 2(1). 1936.

Kukkonen, I. and K. Viljamaa, Ann. bot. fenn. 10: 309-336. 1973 (specimens at H).

Lindberg, Acta bot. fenn. 60: 1-133. 1958 (Fennoscandian sp. in LINN).

Lindman, C. A. M., Ark. Bot. 7(3) 1908, 9(6) 1910 (A Linnaean herbarium in the Natural History Museum in Stockholm).

Myrin, C. G., Tidskr. Skandia 2: 242-288. 1833 (on L’s coll. and their move to England; ref. fide PR).

Petersen, R. H., Taxon 22(1): 99-104. 1973 (Hydnum).

Savage, S., A catalogue of the Linnaean herbarium. London 1945.

Stearn, W. T., An introduction to the Species plantarum and cognate botanical works of Carl Linnaeus, in vol. 1 of Ray Society facsimile edition of Linnaeus’s Species plantarum, London 1957; Taxon 10: 16-19. 1961 (on IDC microfiches); zn W. Blunt, The compleat naturalist 249. 1971.

Wilde-Duyfjes, B. E. E. de, Taxon 22(1): 57-91. 1973 (Allium).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 344 [index]; Backer p. 331; Barnhart 2: 389; BM 3: 1125-1150; Bossert p. 240; Bret. p. 63; Clokie p. 200-201; Dawson p. 543-544; De Toni 1: Ixxviii; Dryander 5: 328-333 [index]; DSB 8: 374-381 by S. Lindroth); DTS 1: 173- 174, 6(4): 167; DU 186; Frank 3(Anh.): 59; GR, p. 477, cat. p.67; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Hegi 6(1): 245; Henrey 2: 727, 3: 75-77; Herder p. 463; Hortus 3: 1197; HU 2(1): ccxl; IH 1(ed. 6): 361; Jackson p. 573-574; JW 1: 445-446, 2: 196, 3: 360, 4: 395-396, 5: 245; KR p.



422-463 (important bibl.); Krempelh. 2: 3, 31, 36; Las¢gue p. 574 [index]; Lenley p. 269; ME 1: 207; Moebius p. 453 [index]; NI 1215; Plesch p. 310-312; PR 5402-5525 (ed. 1: 5978- 6162 and p. 358); Quenstedt p. 265; Ratzeburg p. 317-326; Rehder 5: 515-516; RS p. 114- 116; SO see e.g. p. 36; Stevenson p. 1249; TL-1/see index; Tucker 1: 430-434, 777; Zander €de20,.piO0n, (ed. 11,4777:

Secondary references: We list here a choice of publications on Linnaeus arranged by keywords. For an up-to-date extensive listing of this literature see the Strandell Catalogue of the Hunt Institute. For further lists of more recent publications on Linnaeus see Joseph, B. and C. W. Squires, eds., Biography index 1: 571. 1949, 2: 589. 1953, 3: 575- 1956, 4: 502. 1960, 5: 441. 1962, 6: 356. 1965, 7: 404. 1968, 8: 409. 1971, 9: 425. 1974, 10: 454. 1977, and vols. for Sep 1976-Aug 1977: 162. 1978, for Sep 1977-Aug 1978: 174; 33(2): 40. 1979, 33(3): 47- 1979,

33(4): 47. 1979 and subsequent issues.


Afzelius, A., ed., Egenhandiga anteckningar af Carl Linnaeus om sig self. Stockholm

1823; German: Linné’s eigenhandige Anzeichnungen Uber sich selbst, trans. Karl Lappe. Berlin 1826.

Malmestrom, E. & A. H. Uggla, Vita Caroli Linnaei, Stockholm 1957 (critical edition of

the five known Linnaean autobiographies). Banister, J.: Ewan, J. & N., John Banister 481 [index]. 1970. Bibliography:

Hulth, J. M., Bibliographia Linnaeana ... Ouvrages de Linné, part 1, 170 p. (unfinis- hed).

Junk, W., Bibhographia Linnaeana. Verzeichniss der Schriften Karl von Linné’s. Berlin 1902, 10 p.; Rara 1: 55-60, 90-105. 1900-1913.

Lawrence, G. H. M. & B. Strandell, Catalogue of the Strandell collection of Linnaeana at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Stockholm/Pittsburgh (in press):

Lindell, E., Bibliotheca Linnaeana ... Vaxjo, Sweden, 1932, 124 p. (2.150 entries). (Catalogue of what was to become the nucleus of the Strandell coll. at HU).

Sandbergs Bokhandel, A catalogue of the works of Linnaeus... Stockholm 1957, Sandbergs antikvariatsforteckning no, 12, 179 p., on 167-170 list of bibliographies of Linnaeus (Referred to as “Sandberg” in this treatment).

Savage, S., Gat. books Linn. Soc. 455-469. 1925.

Soulsby, B. H., A catalogue of the works of Linnaeus (and publications more immediate- ly relating thereto) preserved in the libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History) (South Kensington). London 1933, 314 p. (4756 entries (SO), w2th: An index to the authors (other than Linnaeus) ... London 1936, 59 Pp.

Tournay, R., Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 86: 123-133. 1953 (enumerates various editions of main works; useful and clear review).

See also: BM 3: 1125-1150, 7: 634-727; Dryander 5: 328-333 [index]; Henrey 3: 75-77; Jackson p. 573-574 [index]; KR p. 422-463 (important bibl.); PR ed. 1: 5978-6162 and p. 358, ed. 2: 5402-5525; TL-1/275-290 and index.


Ahnfelt, A., Carl von Linné’s lefnadsminnen tecknade af honom gjelf [autobiogr.], med tillage efter tryckta och otruckta kallor. Stockholm 1877, ii, 146 p.

Almborn, O., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 72: 241-260. 1978 (concise review of main events, botanical works, travels, libr., coll. and most important works on Linnaeus).

Beckmann, J. W., Minnen af lediga stunder. Stockholm 1824, 204 p.

Blunt, W., The compleat naturalist. A life of Linnaeus. London 1971, 256 p. (with the assistance of W. T. Stearn).

Bobrov, E. G., Carl Linnaeus, Leningrad 1970, 287 p. (in Russian).

Boerman, A. J., Carolus Linnaeus als middelaar tussen Nederland en Zweden. Utrecht 1953 (especially important for L’s psychology), 208, xxiii p.; Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 39/49: 33-47. 1957-

Bryk, F., ed., Linnaeus im Auslande. Linnés gesammelte Jugendschriften autobiographi- schen Inhaltes aus den Jahren 1732-1738. Stockholm 1919, 298, [3] p., 71 pl. (SO 6) (autobiogr. accounts of earlier years)



Caddy, F., Through the fields with Linnaeus, 2 vols. London 1887, v, 347 and v, 376 p. (romantic tradition).

Dickison, Alice, Carl Linnaeus, pioneer of modern botany. New York 1967, xii, 209 p. (popular).

Fée, A.L.A., Vie de Linné, rédigée sur les documens autographes. Paris 1832, 111, x1, 379, 1 p. (Mém. Soc. Sci. Agr. Arts Lille, 1832(1)) (romantic picture).

Fries, Th. M., Bidrag till en lefnadsteckning ofver Carl von Linné, Uppsala 1893-1898, 502 p. (in 8 parts, parts 1-7 1893-1898, as “inbjudningsskrift”’, part 8 as programm IT, Upsala Univ. Arsskr. 1898).

Fries, Th. M., Linné, Lefnadsteckning. Stockholm 1903, 2 vols., iv, 364, 48 and iv, 444, 40.01 p.

Fries, R. E., Bot. Jahrb. 41: 1-54. 1907.

Gistel, J. F. X., Carolus Linnaeus, ein Lebensbild, Frankfurt a.M. 1873, p. xxiv, 372 Pp.

Goerke, H., Carl von Linné, Arzt-Naturforscher-Systematiker. Stuttgart 1966, 232 p.

Gourie, N., The prince of botanists: Carl Linnaeus, London 1953.

Greene, E. L., Carolus Linnaeus, Philadelphia 1912, 91 p.

Hagberg, K., Carl Linnaeus, Stockholm 1939, new. ed. 1957; English transl., London 1952; Dutch, Amsterdam 1964; German, Hamburg 1940.

Jackson, B. B., Linnaeus, the story of his life. London 1923, xv, 416 p. (based on T. M. Fries, 1903).

Stover, D. H., Leben des Ritters Carl von Linné, 2 vols. Hamburg, 2 vols., 1792, xl, 392 and vi, 2, 342 p.

Strandell, B., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 1970/71: 36-43. 1973 (early biogr. in Acta med. svec. 1, 1783), A Linnaean keepsake. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1973. (biogr. sketch with facsimile and translation of Orbis eruditi judicium de Caroli Linnaei m.d. scriptis; list of publ. opinions on L’s early work).

Uggla, A. H., Linnaeus. Stockholm (Swedish Inst.) 1957, 17 p.

Valckenier Suringar, J., Linnaeus, ’s-Gravenhage 1908, 103 p.

See also: SO nos. 2568d-3120. — For publ. on the young Linnaeus see G. Broberg. Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 1972-74: 7-21. 1978.

Burman Family (Land the ... ) Uggla, A. H., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 20: 128-144. 1937. Collected works:

Ahrling, E., Carl von Linnés Ungdomsskrifer Stockholm 1888-1889 (early works; see SO 27 for contents). We did not include these reprints in this treatment except by reference to Soulsby.

Fries, Th. M., ed., Skrifter af Carl von Linné, 5 vols. Stockholm 1905-1913. (see SO 28 for contents). We did not include these reprints in this treatment except by reference to Soulsby.

Gilibert, J. E., Caroli Linnaei ... Systema plantarum Europae. Genéve 1785-1787, 7 vols. (Extensive list of contents in SO 20-21; see also TL-2/2014). We did not include these reprints in the present treatment except by references to Soulsby.

Richter, H. E., Caroli Linnaei Opera. Leipzig 1835, see under Richter.

Soulsby: SO 6-38.

Darwin, R.

Agnew, L.R.C., Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 42 (suppl.): 63-79. 1962 (“Linnaeus and

Darwin’’). Dissertations:

Lidén, J. H., Catalogus disputationum in Academus et Gymnasiis Sveciae. Uppsala 1718-1820; lists the 186 Linnaean dissertations.

Nordenstam, B., Bot. Not. 114(3): 276-280.

Rickett, H. W., Lloydia 18: 49-60. 1955.

Smit, P., Natura 75: 30-36. 1978.

Soulsby: SO 1272-2469. — See also references under Amoenitates academicae, 1749. A list of pupils of Linnaeus, with biographical details, is contained in the Strandell catalogue (oaRe)e

Exploration, botanical (at the time of Linnaeus)

Ewan, J., Regn. veg. 71: 18-54. 1970 (plant collectors in America, background for Linnaeus).

Norlindh, T., Fauna och flora 64: 220-232. 1969 (African coll. at S).



Skottsberg, C., in J. F. Leroy, Bot. Frang. Amér. nord. 1957, p. 179-187 (on Linnaeus and Kalm, N. Amer.).

Stearn, W. T., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 169: 173-196. 1958.

Gronovius, J. F. (relations) i Nordstr6ém, J., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 36: 7-88. 1953. Haller, A. von:

Goerke, H., Siidh. Arch. Gesch. Med. 38: 367-377. 1958.

Hjelt, O.E.A., Carl von Linné i hans forhallande till Albrecht von Haller. Helsingfors 1878, 24 p.

ater, Fl. Necbr Akad. Wiss. Gottingen II. 1958(10): 217-251. 1958.

Heister, L.: Krook, H., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 31: 57-72. 1948. Horticulture

Stearn, W. T., Taxon 25: 21-31. 1976 (L and the theory and practice of horticulture).

Svederus, B. M., C. v. Linné, Vorlesungen tber die Kultur der Pflanzen, Uppsala 1907, 115 p.

Ideas, history of: :

Lindroth, S., Lychnos 1965/66: 56-122. (Linné-legend och verklighet”’); in T. R. Buck- man, ed., Bibliography and natural history 27-45. 1966 (Two centuries of Linnaean studies).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans. Utrecht 1971, xvi, 386 p.


Ahrling, E., Carl von Linnés brefvexling. Stockholm 1885 (complete list of letters to L. at LINN), reprinted Zug, Switzerland 1967.

Alais, C. C., Lettres inédites de Linné a Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages. 1860, 51, xxvi, 206 p.

Amundsen, L., et al., Johan Ernst Gunnerus and Carl von Linné, correspondence 1761- 1772. Oslo, Trondheim, 1976, xiv, 208 p.

Bonnet, E., Lettres (de Linné) a David van Royen. Genéve, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 1895, 14 p.

Bryk, F., Taxon 4: 90-93. 1955 (2 botanical letters).

De Beer, G. R., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1961: 224-241. 1949 (corr. with J. Gesner).

Fries, Th. M., Brefoch Skrifv. Linné ser. 1, 1-8, 1907-1922, ctd. by J. M. Hulth, ser. 2. 1. 1916 and ser. 2. 2. 1943 (contains many references to L’s works in the letters, see indexes).

Gray, A., ed., Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. ser. 2. 5: 179-234. 1855 (corr. L. with B. de Jussieu).

Hall, H. C. van, Epistolae ineditae Caroli Linnaei, ... J. Burmanni, N. L. Burmanni, Dillenii, Halleri, Schmidelii, J. Gesneri, Oederi, Pallasii, Vandellii et Thunbergii, annis 1736-1793. Groningen, 1830, viii, 268, 9 p.

Landrin, A., Correspondance inédite de Linné avec Claude Richard et Antoine Richard (1764-1774), traduite et annotée par A. Landrin. Versailles 1863, 48 p.

Lueders, A. F., Caroli Linnaei. . . literas xi. nas ad Alex. Gardenium. Kiel 1829, vi, 16 p.

Schreibers, C. N. J., Caroli Linnaei epistolae ad Nicolaum Josephum Jacquin. Wien 1641, vill, 167 p.

Smith, J. E., A selection of the correspondence of Linnaeus and other naturalists, 2 vols. London 1821.

Stoever, D. H., Collectio epistolarum ... Carolus a Linné. Hamburg 1792, xiv, 194 p.

See also: SO 2461-2568c. — Microfiche edition of the letters on natural history and medicine adressed to Linnaeus 1728-1783, at LINN: IDC 6490.

Linnaeana collections: Ahrling, E., Nagra af dei Sverige befintliga Linnéanska handskrifterna. Lund 1878, i, 28


Barkley, T. M. & J. Kraus, Taxon 15: 285. 1966. (Mackenzie Linnaeana at KSU).

Buckman, T. R., Ad memoriam Caroli Linnaei. Lawrence, Kansas 1957, 50 p. (Kansas Linnaeana).

Coster, D. J., Linnaeana, in Nederland aanwezig. Amsterdam 1878, iv, 58 p.

Lawrence, G. H. M., Taxon 25: 69-74. 1976 (on Strandell coll. Linnaeana at HU).

Millerott, M., Denkschr. Regensb. bot. Ges. 39: 27-49. 1980 (coll. REG).

Naftalin, M. L., Linnaeana in the collection of the National Agricultural Library. Washington, D. C. 1968, 43 p. (coll. at USDA).



Rendle, A. B., Memorials of Linnaeana. London 1907, 16 p.

Rudolph, G. A. & E. W. Williams, Linnaeana. Manhattan, Kansas, 1970 (list of Mackenzie coll. at KSU).

Stearn, W. T. & G. Bridgson, Carolus Linnaeus: a bicentenary guide to the career ... and the collection of the Linnean Society. London 1978, 32 p.

Strandell, B., Taxon 25(1): 3-8. 1976 (coll. at HU); see also Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 49: 85-96. 1966 (Linné och Amerika).

Medikus (L. and ...) Schmid, G., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 20: 47-70. 1937. Methodology:

Cain, A. J., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 169: 144-163. 1958. 170(2): 185-217. 1959.

Daudin, H., De Linné a Jussieu, méthodes de la classification. Paris s.d., 264 p.

Larson, J. R., Reason and experience. The representations of natural order in the work of Carl von Linné, Berkeley 1971, vii, 171 p.

Lotsy, J. P., Garolus Linnaeus. Haarlem 1907, 32 p. (species concept).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans. Utrecht 1971, xvi, 386 p.

Stearn, W. T., The publications of W. T. Stearn, J. Biol. Linn. Soc. 8: 299-318. 1977 (contains references to all publications by Stearn on Linnaeus e.g. nos. 148, 167, 171, 173, 174, 179, 196, 204, 248, 252bis, 261, 304, 312).

Svenson, H. K., Rhodora 47: 273-302, 363-388. 1945; Taxon 2: 55-58. 1953.

See also: Taxonomy.

Murray, f. A.: Goerke, H., Taxon 25: 15-19. 1976 (L. and the Murray family). Miitis; FoC.: Rydén, S., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 35: 31-38. 1952. Mycology: Lutjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. xviii. Jahrb. 258 [index]. 1936. Raab, Schw. Z. Pilzk. 46: 105-110. 1968. Netherlands (L. and the ...)

Boerman, A. J., Carolus Linnaeus als middelaar tussen Nederland en Zweden. Utrecht 1953; Sv. Linné-Sallsk. ‘Arsskr. 39/40: 33-47. 1957 (L. becomes cand. med. at Harderwik).

Engel, H., Carolus Linnaeus in Holland, comm. 103 Natl. Mus. Hist. Sci., Leiden, 1957.

See also: JW 1: 445-446, 2: 196, 3: 360, 4: 395-396, 5: 245 (many references to Dutch connections with L., his collections and works.


Ahrling, E., Studier i den Linneanska nomenklaturen och synonimiken. Orebro 1872, XVI, 50 p.

Heller, J. L., Huntia 1: 33-70. 1964 (early hist. binom. nom.).

Sprague, T. A., Taxon 2: 40-46. 1953 (L. as a nomenclaturist).

Stearn, W. T., Systematic zoology 8(1): 4-22. 1959 (binom. nom., methods).

See also: Methodology.


Richter, H. E., Caroli Linnaei systema, genera, species plantarum uno volumine. Lipsiae 1835, XXXll, 1102 p. (SO 25), see under Richter; see Petermann for index; reissue with this index 1840.


Back, A., Aminnelse-Tal, ofver ... Carl von Linné. Stockholm 1779, 84 p. — Gedachtnis-

rede aufden Hrn. Arch. und Ritter Carl von Linné. Stockholm and Upsala, 1779, 158

p. Palaeontology: Nathorst, A. G., Ann. Rep. Smiths. Inst. 1908: 711-743. Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 551[index]. rgor. See also: Quenstedt p. 265. Phytography: Bremekamp, C. E. B., Taxon 2: 47-54. 1953. Portraits: Carruthers, W., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 118: 59-69. 1906. Dorfler, I., Botaniker-Portraits nos. 22-25. 1907. Milner, J. D., Cat. portr. Kew 77-79. 1906.



Tullberg, T., Linné portrat, Stockholm 1907, 187 p., 20 pl. (catalogue of all known portraits of L.). Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 49-60, 184-185, pl. 2-3b. 1903, 3(3): 24-42, 207, liv-Ixv. 1905. See also: SO 3121-3430. I x ychol ogy: Boerman, A. J., Taxon 2(7): 145-156. 1953 (a psychological study). Russian botanists (L. and ...) Rowell, M., Taxon 29: 15-26. 1980. Secondary literature: Lindroth, S., im Bibliography and natural history. Lawrence, Kansas 1966, p. 27-45. See also: DSB, Soulsby, Biography Index. Taxonomy (bot.): Bremekamp, C. E. B., Acta bot. neerl. 2: 242-253. 1953 (hierarchy taxa). Cain, A. J., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 169: 144-163. 1958 (logic & memory), see also 170(2): 185-217. 1959. Daudin, H., De Linné a Jussieu. Paris 1926. Jonsell, B., Bot. Not. 131: 523-530. 1978 (L’s views on classif. and evolution); Symb. bot. upsal, 22(4): 1-11. 1979. Larson, J. L., Reason and experience. The representation of natural order in the works of Carl von Linné. Berkeley 1971. Lindman, C. A. M., Carl. von Linné sasom botanist. Uppsala 1907., i, 116 p.; Carl von Linné als botanischer Forscher und Schriftsteller, Jena 1908, iv, 188 p. Ramsbottom, J., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 150: 192-219. 1938 (L. and the species concept). Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans. Utrecht 1971, xvi, 386 p. Stearn, W. T., Three prefaces on Linnaeus and Robert Brown. Weinheim 1962 (me- thods, nomencl., concepts). See also other Stearn publications, listed in J. Biol. Linn. Soc. 8: 299-318. 1977 (nos. 148, 167, 171, 173, 174, 179, 196, 204). Sterk, A. A., Natura 75: 8-14. 1978. Svenson, H. K., Rhodora 47: 273-302, 363-388. 1945 (descriptive method); Taxon 2: 55- 58. 1953 (L. and the species problem). See also under methodology, and SO 228-6202, app. 621-g1ge. Travelogues: Fries, S., Sv. Linné-Saillsk. Arsskr. 49: 28-64. 1966 (Linnés resedagbécker). Smith, J. E., Lachesis lapponica, or a tour in Lapland. London 1811. See also: SO 183-227b. and S. Fries, Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 49: 9-26. 1967.

HANDWRITING: Dorfler, I., Botaniker-Portrats 3: 22/25. 1907; Taxon 25: 324. 1976; Candol- lea 31: 341-342. 1976 (also in H. Burdet, Auxilium).

PSEUDONYM: C. N. Nelin, see SO 568, 1199.

EPONOmy (genera): Hammarbya O. Kuntze (1891, “sie sei dem berithmtesten Naturforscher aller Zeiten, dem Herrn von Hammarby gewidmet, ...’’ Linnaeus, in 1758, bought the small country estate of Hammarby near Uppsala, which “became his beloved retreat in the summer months and is today a place of pilgrimage for all who revere him.” Blunt (1971, p. 167); Linnaea Linnaeus (1753); Linnaeopsis Engler (1900); (journal): Linnaea. Ein Journal fiir die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfang. Berlin & Halle. Vol. 1-43. 1826-1882.

POSTAGE STAMPS: Bulgaria 40 c. (1958) yv. 917; D.D.R. 20 p. (1958) yv. 350; Roumania 10 b. (1958) yv. 1573; Soviet Union 40 k. (1958) yv. 2018; Sweden 15 ¢ . (1939) yv. 276; 20¢. (1963) yv. 510 (house at Hammarby), 1,30 kr. (1978), yv.

  1. Caroli Linnaci, sveci,..., Systema nalurae, sive regna tria naturae systematice proposi-

ta per classes, ordines, genera, species... Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (apud Theodorum

Haak; ex typographia Joannis Wilhelmi de Groot) 1735. (Broadsheet). (Syst. nat.), (SO 39,

STR 5919).

Ong. ed.: 9-13 Dec 1735, p. [1-13]. Copies: HU; IDC 182. —See SO 39 for further details, see also SO 41-43 for early facsimile editions. — See Sandberg 1 for proof sheets. — See Bryk,



Taxon 3: 225-227. 1954 for copies and prices, and sub HU 593 (p. 314) for an analytical

bibliographic collation (1830).

Editio prima reedita, curante Antonio-Laurentio-Appollinario Fée [1789-1874], ... Pari- siis (apud F. G. Levrault, ...) 1830. Oct., p. [1*-i1*], [i]-vi, [1]-81, [1, err.]. Copies: MO, US(2). —S@ 44, STR 5920.

Facsimile of the first edition (1): 1960, p. [1-13, 1 Methodus, 2 colo.]. Bokgillet, Uppsala/Sweden. Copy: U.-STR 5922.

Facsimile of the first edition (2): 1964, portr., p. [1]-30, followed by facsimile, p/., colophon [1]. Copy: MO. — SO 39, STR 5923. — With an introduction and a first English translation of the ‘““Observationes” by ... M.S. J. Engel-Ledeboer and ... H. Engel ... Nieuwkoop (B. de Graaf) 1964.

Appendix: Methodus, see below. (STR 5550).

Transcript (of Regnum veg. part): J. Bot. 38: 430-443. 1900. —STR 5854.

Ref.: Anon., Nova Acta Eruditorum 1737: 64-71.

Subsequent editions:

ed. 2, 1740, SO 46, see no. 4721, Stockholm. — STR 5926.

ed. [3], 1740, SO 47, see no. 4722, Halle, —-STR 5927.

ed. 4, 1744, SO 48, see no. 4730, Paris. -STR 5928.

ed. 5, 1747, SO 50, see no. 4742, Halle, -STR 5930.

ed. 6, 1748, SO 51, see no. 4745, Stockholm. — STR 5931.

ed. [7]: 1748, SO 52, see no. 4747, Leipzig, -STR 5932.

ed. [8]: 1753, SO 53, see no. 4768, Stockholm (Indeln. Ort-Riket). —STR 5420.

ed. [g]: 1756, SO 57, see no. 4790, Leiden. — STR 5934.

ed. 10, 1758-1759, SO 58, see no. 4794, Stockholm. — STR 5935.

ed. r1: “Leipzig 1762 Oct.”, mentioned by Linnaeus himselfin the ratio editions of ed. 12. STR, Hulth and Soulsby suspect that this edition is non-existent. KR, p. 425 and Tournay call the Halle 1760 reprint of ed. 10 the eleventh edition.

ed. 12: 1766-1768, SO 62, see no. 4829, Stockholm. — STR 5941.

ed. 13: 1767-1770, SO 116, see no. 4832, Wien. —STR 5942.

ed. 13| bis]: 1788-1793, by J. F. Gmelin, SO 117 see TL-2/2043, Leipzig. -STR 2655.

Further editions of Systema naturae, by different authors: see SO 118-142; for additional refs. see SO 143-182b.

Systema vegetabilium: The botanical part of later editions of the Systema naturae was issued several times as Systema vegetabilium (counting from ed. 12):

ed. 13: 1774 (see also under J. A. Murray), SO 573, see TL-2/4844 a and STR 6838. N.B. The botanical novelties in this edition still stem from Linnaeus and must be attributed to him. Murray acted here as editor.

ed. 14: 1784, see under J. A. Murray, SO 583, TL-2/6575, STR 6839. Revised by Murray. Novelties to be attributed to him.

ed. 15: 1789, see under J. Scannagatta, SO 598.

ed. 15: 1797, see under C. H. Persoon, SO 603, STR 7336.

ed. 15: 1798, see under J. A. Murray, SO 608, TL-2/6578, STR 6840.

ed. 16: 1817-1830, see under J. J. Roemer et J. A. Schultes SO 613, STR 7697.

ed. 16 {ed. 17]: 1825-1828, see under K. Sprengel, SO 616, STR 8499.

ed. 18: 1835, see under H. E. Richter (Caroli Linnaei Opera), SO 25-26, STR 5917.—A further edition, Coimbra 1838, is mentioned by Tournay.

General references: SO 39-182b, KR p. 424-430 (no.1) and Tournay (Bull. Soc. bot. Belg. 86: 125-127. 1953) provide reviews of all editions as well as secondary references. — See also Heller, J. L., Classical mythology in the Systema Naturae ..., Trans. Amer.

philol. Ass. 76: 333-357. 1945.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Fundamenta botanica quae majorum operum prodromi instar theoriam scientiae botanices per breves aphorismos tradunt... Amstelodami [Amsterdam] (apud Salomonem Schouten) 1736. Oct. (Fund. bot.) (SO 253, KR 135, STR 5350). Orig. ed: 13 Sep 1735 (t.p. 1736), p. [i-iv], [1]-35, [36]. Copies: G(2), MO, U; IDC 164. — Issued both as a separate work and as part of the Bibliotheca botanica. The aphorisms 210- 314 are the basis of the Critica botanica; the entire text became later the basis for the Philosophia botanica (1751). — Errata appear on the errata sheet of the Bibliotheca. Facsimile ed. [1]: 1961, p. [i-iv], [1]-35, [36], colophon loose leaflet. Copies; FAS, U. — 100



copies issued with colophon leaflet by J. Cramer (Weinheim, later Lehre) “‘greeting the year of 1961.”

Facsimile ed. [2]: 1968, p. [i-iv], [1]-35, [36] as part of 1968 ed. of the Bibliotheca botanica, Miinchen (Werner Fritsch). Copy: FAS.

Commentary by Linnaeus: Sponsalia plantarum 1746, q.v. Commentary on cap. 5, sect. 132- 150. -STR 5223.

Conterinnraey reprint: 1740, on p. [1]-22 of Charles Alston (1683-1760), Index plantarum praecipue officinalium, quae, in horto medico Edinburgensi, demonstrantur ... Edinburgi

Apud W. Sands, A. Brymer, A. Murray & J. Cochran) 1740. (Ind. pl. hort. Edinb.), p. [i]- xxv, [xxvi], [1]-66. -SO 255. —SO 256 and STR 5351 mention an editio altera, Aboe 1740, not seen by us.

Ed. 2: 1740, p. [i-iv], 1-23, [24, err.]. Copies: MO(2).-STR 5361, SO 257. — Caroli Linnaei ... Fundamenta botanica in quibus theoria botanices aphoristice traditur ... Editio secunda. Stockholmiae (apud Gottfr. Kiesewetter) 1740. Oct. — The text of this edition appears also in Syst. nat. ed. 2, 1740 (TL-2/4721) and in Syst. nat. ed. 4, 1744 (TL-2/4730), as well as in the Opera varia, 1758 (TL-2/4798).

Ed. 3: 1741, p. [1]-51. Copies: MO(2), U, US.—SO 261, STR 5355. Editio tertia, prioribus longe auctior & emendatior. Amstelaedami [Amsterdam] (Apud Salomonem Schou- ten) 1741. Qu.

Bierwirth ed. (of ed. 3): 1747, p. [1]-31. Copies: MO(2). — STR 5356, SO 262. — Caroli Linnaei... Fundamenta ... accedunt [on p. 32-78] Johannis Gesneri . . . dissertationes physicae ... Halae propter Salam [Halle a. S.] (Apud Jo. Gottl. Bierwirth) 1747. Oct. — Issued separately as well as combined with the Bierwirth ed. of the Bz6/. bot. Edited by M. G. Agnethler.

Alston ed.: 1753, on p. 83-116 of C. Alston, Tirocinium botanicum edinburgense ... Edinburgi (Typis W. Sands, ...) 1753, p. [i-iv], [1]-120. Copy: MO. — See SO 263, STR 202. ( Tirocin. bot. edinb.).

Spanish ed.: 1788, p. [1-iv], [1 ]-97. Copy: USDA. — Fundamentos botdnicos de Carlos Linneo, que en forma de aforismos exponen la teoria de la ciencia botanica. En Madrid (en la Imprenta Real) 1788. Oct. (Fund. bot., Madrid). SO 271, STR 5360. Edited and translated by Angel Gomez Ortega.

Mexican ed.: 1887, p. [ii]-vili, [1, h.t.], [9]-64. Copy: MO. — Fundamentos botdénicos de Carlos Linneo ... México (Oficina Tip. de la Secretaria de Fomento ...) 1887. Qu. (Fund. bol., Mexico). — Published by José Ramira, based on Ortega ed. (Fund. bot. Madrid).—SO 272, STR 5364.

Further editions, versions and commentaries: see SO 264-270, 273-274. See also Fredbarj, Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 47: 5-15. 1965.

Swedish translation: 1967, Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Uppsala, Sv. Linné-Sallsk. -STR 4784.

Manuscript versions: see Fredbarj, T., Sv. Linné Sallsk. Arsskr. 47: 5-15. 1964 (on incompl. mss. at Greifswald and at Kungl. Bibl., Stockholm) (STR 2252).

  1. Caroli Linnaei . .. Bibliotheca botanica recensens libros plus mille de plantis huc usque editos, secundum systema auctorum naturale in classes, ordines, genera & species disposi- tos, additis editionis loco, tempore, forma, lingua &c. cum explicatione Fundamentorum botanicorum pars I™* ... Amstelodami [Amsterdam], (apud Salomonem Schouten) 1736. Oct. (Bibl. bot.). (SO 250, KR 147, STR 4780).

Publ.: Oct 1735 (t.p. 1736), p. [i-xvi], 1-153, [154-166], [1, err., also for Fund. bot.]. Copies: F, G, HH, MO, U; IDC 159, 2270. — Important source for Linnaean references. Issued with Fund. bot. ed. 1, 1736, q.v.

Dedicated: to Johannes Burman (1707-1779).

Facsimile reprint of ed. 1: 1968, p. [i-xvi], 1-153, [154-166], [1, err.], followed by facs. of Fund. bot. ed. 1. Copies: FAS, US. — Miinchen (Werner Fritsch) 1968.

Editio nova: 1747, p. [i-xiv], [1 ]-124, [1-8, index]. Copies: MO, USDA. —SO 251, STR 4782. ~“Editio nova multo correctior.”” Halae salicae [Halle a.S.] (apud Jo. Gottl. Bierwirth) 1747. Oct. Reprint of ed. 1 with errata inserted in text. Issued with Fund. Bot Bierwirth edition.

Editio altera: 1751, p. [i-xvi], 1-220, [1-13, ind.]. Copies: HH, U; IDC 2270. —SO 252, STR 4781. — Editio altera, priori longe auctior & emendatior. Amstelodami [Amsterdam] (apud Viduam S. Schouten & Filium) 1751. Oct.

Further supplement: See Linnaeus, Auct. Bot. 1759, SO 2017, TL-2/4801, STR 4867.



Ref.: Nordstrom J., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 37-38: 7-22. 1955. Heller, J. L., Taxon 19: 363- 411. 1970 (detailed study).

  1. Caroli Linnaei med: doct: Musa cliffortiana florens Hartecampi 1736 prope Harle-

mum. Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden] 1736. Qu. (Musa cliff.) (SO 275; KR 46, STR 5557)-

Publ.: Mar-Apr 1736 (p. [vi]: 20 Feb 1736; Boekzaal 42: 435-438. Apr 1736; Ant. de Jussieu acknowledged receipt on 5 Jul 1736, Stoever p. 167), p. [1-viii], pl. [A], 1-46, [1-2, “Floreat mea Musa per annos!’’] and expl. pl. [B]], p/. [8]; the plates are uncol. or col. copp. engr. Copies: BR, G (large paper), MO, U (large paper; 2 copies of pl. B: col. and uncol.); IDC 171. Gontemporary reviews see SO 275. — See Stafleu (1971) for further details.

Dedicated to: George Clifford (1685-1760).

Facsimile ed.: 1967, cover p. [2]: colophon, facs. p. [i-viii], pl. [A], 1-46, [1-2], pl. [B] (uncol.). Copies: FAS, G. — 100 copies printed greeting the year 1968 ... for J. Cramer (Lehre). — STR 5558.

Ref.: Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 131-133, 159. 1971 (STR 8523). Stoever, D.H., Collectio epistolarum ... Carolus a Linné 1972 (STR 4809, under


Ugela, A. H., Sv. Linné-Sdllsk. Arsskr. 42: 79-88. 1960. (Linné och bananen), (STR 9479).

  1. Caroli Linnaei, sveci, Methodus juxta quam physiologus accurate & feliciter concin-

nare potest historiam cujuscumque naturalis subjecti, sequentibus hisce paragraphis com-

prehensa, ... Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (apud Angelum Sylvium) 1736. Broadsheet

(Methodus), (SO 40, STR 5550).

Publ.: 1736, issued as an appendix to Syst. nat. 1735 (reprinted in eds. 2-9, 1740-1756 as Methodus demonstrandi animali, vegetabilia aut lapides.”). Usually bound as a fly leaf with copies of the Syst. nat. Copy: HU.

Facsimile reprint: 1960, 1 p. Copy: U. — Bokgillet, Uppsala/Sweden.

Translation and notes: See K. P. Schmidt, J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 2(9): 369-374. 1952 (STR 8006).

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, & proportionem omnium fructificationis partium ... Lugduni batavorum (Apud Conradum Wishoff) 1737. Oct. (in fours). (Gen. pl.). (SO 284, KR 2, STR 5376).

Publ.: early 1737, p. [i-xvi], clavis classium (chart), 1-168, 167[bis]-168[bis], 169-366, 372 [text continuous]-380 (as “384’’), [1-20, index]. Copies: G, MO, US(2), USDA; IDC 556. — Somewhat later copies were issued together with:

(1) a plate by G. D. Ehret “Caroli Linnaeus classes sive litterae” bound either with the Genera or the Methodus. The orginal of this plate is at BM. —See Bryk, 1954, p. 176, and Ugela, A. H., Sv. Linné-Salsk. Arsskr. 22: 108-113. 1939.

(2) the Corollarium, see below TL-2/4716.

(3) the Methodus, see below TL-2/4715.

Secondary publications: see e.g. SO 286-296, KR 2, the introduction by W. T. Stearn to the facsimile ed. of ed. 5 (Weinheim 1960), Bryk (Taxon 3: 176-177. 1954), Tournay (Bull. Soc. bot. Belg. 86: 127. 1953), Franchet, J. de Bot 1: 171-173. 1887; and Stafleu, Linnaeus and the Linnaeans (1971) p. 373 [index].

Further editions: ed.2, Leiden 1742, SO 297, see TL-2/4723, STR 5377. ed. 3: Paris 1743, SO 299, see TL-2/4725, STR 5378. ed. 4: Halle 1752, by C. C. Strumpff, SO 300, see TL-2/4767, STR 5379. ed. 5: Stockholm 1754, SO 301, see TL-2/4778, STR 5380. ed. 6: Stockholm 1764, SO 305, see TL-2/4823, STR 5382. editio novissima : Wien 1767, SO 315, see TL-2/4833, STR 5383. ed. 7: Frankfurt a. Main 1778, SO 320, see J. J. Reichard, STR 7502. ed. 8(a): Frankfurt a. Main 1789-1791, SO 322, see under J. C. D. Schreber, STR 8034. ed. 8(b): Wien 1791, SO 324, Th. Haenke, TL-2/2238, STR 2852. ed. g: Gottingen 1830-1831, SO 327, see K. P. J. Sprengel, STR 8497.

  1. Caroli Linnaei medici Methodus sexualis sistens genera plantarum secundum mares et



feminas in classes et ordines redacta. Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (Apud Coenradum

Wishoff) 1737. Oct. (in fours). (Meth. sex.), (SO 285, KR 2, STR 5551).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1738 (then issued in combination with the earlier published Gen. pl. ed. 1), p. [1 ]-23 (sometimes with pl. and/or chart of Gen. pl.). Copies: G, U, US, USDA (with pl.

and chart). — For secondary literature see under Gen. pl. ed. 1, 1737.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Corollarium generum plantarum, exhibens genera plantarum

sexaginta, addenda prioribus characteribus, expositis in Generibus plantarum. Accedit

Methodus sexualis. Lugduni batavorum (Apud Conradum Wishoff) 1737. Oct. (in fours).

(Corollarium), (SO 285, KR 2, STR 4813).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1737 (then issued with the earlier publ. Gen. pl. ed. 1), p. [i-vi], 1-25. Copies: G, MO, US, USDA. — For secondary publications see Gen. pl. ed. 1, 1737.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Flora Lapponica exhibens plantas per Lapponiam crescentes,

secundum systema sexuale collectas in itinere impensis Soc. reg. litter. et scient. Sueciae a.

[mdcexxxii]. Instituto, Additis synonymis, & locis natalibus omnium, descriptionibus &

figuris rariorum, viribus medicatis & oeconomicis plurimarum. Amstelaedami [Amster-

dam] apud Salomonem Schouten) 1737. Oct. (#1. lapp.), (SO 279, KR 16, STR 5336).

Publ.: Apr 1737, frontisp., p. [i-xxxix], [1 ]-372, [1-12, index ], [1-26: emend., poem by Joh. Browallius, expl. pl.], p/. 7-12 (uncol. copp.). Copies: G, HU, MO(2), U, US, USDA; IDC 163. — The Flora lapponica herbarium is at the Institut de France, Paris (in library B. Delessert). For secondary publications see e.g. SO 27ga-280a, 282, Stafleu (1971, p. 372, index), and HU 502 (q.v. for precise collation).

Editio altera: 1792 (p. [ii]: Feb 1792), frontisp., p. [i*-i1i1*], i-l, [1]-390, [1-16] pl. 7-72 with text (uncol. copp.). Copies: G, MO, Stevenson, US, USDA. — Edited by J. E. Smith. See also BL 2: 516-517 and STR 5337.

Swedish translation: 1905, in T. M. Fries, Skrifter af Carl von Linné, vol. 1 (SO 283, STR 5338). 391 p.

Travelogues: For Linnaeus’s manuscript journal of the [ter lapponicum see J. KE. Smith, Lachesis lapponica, 2 vols., London 1811 (SO 192) and SO 196-197a, STR 5442. —See also C. O. v. Sydow, Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 1972-74: 22-74. 1978.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Critica bolanica in qua nomina plantarum generica, specifica, &

variantia examini subjiciuntur, selectiora confirmantur, indigna rejiciuntur; simulque

doctrina circa denominationem plantarum traditur. Seu Fundamentorum botanicorum pars iv. Accedit Johannis Browalli de necessitate historiae naturalis discursus. Lugduni

Batavorum [Leiden] (apud Conradum Wishoff) 1737. Oct. (Crit. bot.), (SO 276, KR 136,

STR 4815).

Author of Discursus: Johan Browallius, bishop of Abo (1707-1755).

Publ.: early Jul 1737 (p. iv: 22 Jun 1737; Neue Zeit. gel. Sach. 1739: 455-458), p. [1-xvi], I-

270, [1-36, index, err.]. Copies: G, MO(2), US, USDA. ~— An elaboration of the aphorisms 210-314 of the Fundamenta botanica; it contains for instance an outline of L’s ideas on generic nomenclature. See also Stafleu (1971, p. 370, index), and especially the English translation by Arthur Hort (see below). Discursus: issued with the Critica with independent t.p. and pagination: [i-vui], 1-24, [ 1-8, index |. Copies: as above. “ Discursus de introducenda in scholas et gymnasia praecipue vero in gymnasium arosiense historiae naturals lectione, ad ... auct. Johanne Browallis. Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (apud Conradum Wishoff) 1737. Oct.

English translation: 1938, p. [i]-xxvii, [1]-239. Copies: FAS, MO, Stevenson, U, US. —““The “Critica botanica”’ of Linnaeus translated by the late Sir Arthur Hort, ... revised by Miss M. L. Green, ... with an introduction by Sir Arthur Hill, ... London (printed for the Ray Society ... ) 1938. Oct. -STR 4816.

Reprint: in J. E. Gilibert, Syst. pl. Eur. 7: 363-594. 1787. See SO 20, 21, 277, TL-2/2014, STR 4795.

Commentary: See A. J. Retzius, Obs. crit. bot. Linné, 1811 (SO 278, STR 7540).

  1. Hortus cliffortianus plantas exhibens quas in hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia, coluit vir nobilissimus & generosissimus Georgius Clifford juris utriusque doctor, reductis varietatibus ad species, speciebus ad genera, generibus ad classes, adjectis locis plantarum natalibus differentiisque specierum. Cum tabulis aeneis. Auctore Carolo



Linnaeo, ... Amstelaedami [Amsterdam]. 1737. Fol. (Hort. cliff.), (SO 328, KR 121, STR


Collections owned by: George Clifford (1685-1760), see TL-2/1: 511-512.

Publ.: 1738 (distributed to friends; on the market only in 1739), p. [1**, iv**], frontisp., [v**, t.p.], [i*-xxii*], [i]-x, i-iv, 1-231, [232, blank], 301-501, [502, err.], [1-16, indexes], pl. 1-36 (uncol. copp. J. Wandelaar and G. D. Ehret). Copies: HU, MO(a), U(2), US; IDC 167. — See Stearn (1957) for a discussion of the way the book was made available to the botanical public. Copies were handed out sparingly to friends of Clifford, but the book did not come on the market before 1739. See Heller (1968) for an extensive study, and HU 504 for an analytical collation. The 36 uncoloured (copies at Bibl. natl., Paris, and Uppala Univ. have coloured plates) copper- engravings (some unsigned) are of drawings by G. D. Ehret and J. Wandelaar. The pagination shows a break: 1-231, 301- 501. “The text was partly printed in quarto, but, owing to the size of the plates had to be reprinted in folio, which accounts for the pagination” (SO). — An abridgement was published with the title Virediarum cliffortianum. Amsterdam 1737 (PR 5409, SO 331) which (Richter) was published Jun-Oct 1737. — George Clifford’s herbarium containing many of the plants described by Linnaeus is at BM.

Facsimile ed.: 1968, p. [1***-1v***], [1**-11*], frontisp., [11*, t.p.], [1*-xxu*] [i]-x, i-iv, 1- 231, [232, blank], 301-501, [502, err.], [1-16, indexes], p/. 7-36 (on 18 leaves). Copies: FAS(2), MO. —ISBN 3-7682-0543-6, Historiae naturalis classica 63, Lehre (J. Cramer). —STR 5406.

Ref.: Callmer, C. and O. Gertz, Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 26: 81-88. 1953 (on illustrations). Heller, J. L., Huntia 1: 56-60. 1964; Taxon 17: 663-719. 1968 (extensive study), 19: 357-

ie O70; Rendle, A. E., J. Bot. 61: 114-116. 1923 (on Clifford here). Springer, L. F., Sv. Linné-Siillsk. Arsskr. 19: 59-66. 1936 (on the Hartecamp). Stearn, W. T., An introduction ... Species plantarum p. 49, 172 [index]. 1957.

  1. Caroli Linnaei... Classes plantarum. Seusystemata plantarum omnia a fructificatione

desumta, quorum xvi universalia & xiii partialia; compendiose proposita secundum classes,

ordines et nomina generica cum clave cujusvis methodi et synonymis genericis. Fundamen- torum botanicorum pars 11. Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (Apud Conradum Wishoff)

  1. Oct. (Class. pl.), (SO 332, KR 137, STR 4803).

Orig. ed.: 1738 (p. [vil]: 20 Mar 1738), p. [i-vili], pages with column nos. (2/p.): [1]-606, p. 607-656, [657; on verso of 656]. Copies: G, MO, U, US, USDA; IDC 160. —See aphorisms 53-77 of Fundamenta botanica 1736 in which “this work is foreshadowed” (SO). For a discussion see Stafleu (1971), p. 369 [index]; see also SO 333-338.

Reprint( 1]: 1747, p. [i-vii], col. [1]-606, p. 607-656, [657]. Copres: MO, USDA. — SO 333,

R 4804.

Reprini[2]: 1907, in T. M. Fries, ed., Skrifter af Carl von Linné, 3, 1907. (SO 335, see also 334; STR 4807).

French transl.: see Mouton de Fontenille 1798, 1804 (TL-2/6381,6384, and STR 6794, 6795).

Ref.: Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 369 [index]. 1971.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Systema naturae in quo natura regna tria, secundum classes,

ordines, genera, species, systematice proponuntur ... Editio secunda, auctior. Stockhol-

miae (apud Gottfr. Kiesewetter) 1740. Oct. (Syst. nat. ed. 2), (SO 46, KR 1, STR 5926).

Publ.: Mai 1740, p. [i-iv], [1]-80. Copy: MO (issue 1). — See SO 46 for further details. Contains also the text of Fund. bot. ed. 2.-See also SO 143-182b, Sandberg 3, and STR 5926 (issues 1,2,3).

Reprint: in Opera varia, 1758 (see below and STR 5600), with slight changes.

  1. Caroli Linnaei, . .. Systema naturae, sive regna tria naturae systematice proposita per classes, ordines, genera et species. Caroli Linnaei, ... Natur-Systema, oder die in ordentli- chem Zusammenhange vorgetragene drey Reiche der Natur, nach ihren Classen, Ordnun- gen, Geschlechtern und Arten, in die deutsche Sprache tibersetzet, mit einer Vorrede herausgegeben von Johann Joachim Langen, ... Halle (gedruckt mit Gebauerischen Schriften) 1740. Fol. (Syst. nat. ed. 3), (SO 47, STR 5927).

Editor: Johann Joachim Lange (fl. 1740).


Publ.: 1740 (p. [viii]: 4 Mai 1740), p. [i-viii], [1]-70, [1, err.]. Copy: HH. —A reprint of ed. 1 1735), slightly re-arranged, with a German translation in parallel columns.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum

numerum, figuram, situm, & proportionem omnium fructificationis partium, Editio secun-

daaucta & emendata. Lugduni batavorum [Leiden], (Apud Conradum Wishoff, et Georg.

Jac. Wishoff, Fil. Conr.) 1742. (in fours). (Gen. pl. ed. 2). (SO 297, KR 2, STR 5377).

Publ.: early 1742, p. [i*-vii*, t.p., motto, ved , priv. ], [1]-x1x, 7 pl. (Ehret), 1 chart, 21-42, 1- 527, [1, err.], [1-21, index]. Copies: G, MO (2), US, USDA; IDC 557.

Additamenta: Caroli... Linnaei... Decem plantarum genera [nos. 1022-1031] additamenta [to nos. 22, 28, 87, 125, 142, 183, 267, 367, 414, 420, 464, 533, and 738], zn Acta Soc. R. Sci. Upsal. 1741: 77-84. 1746. See SO 298 and Bryk 1954 no. 6.

Ref.: Bryk, F., Taxon 3: 177. 1954.

Stearn, W. T., Notes on Linnaeus’s Genera plantarum, zm facs. ed. of ed. 5, Weinheim 1960.

  1. QO. F. F. Q.S. Dissertatio botanica de Betula nana, quam, consensu amplissime Fac.

Medicae in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... publico bonorum

examini modeste subjicit ... Laurentios Mag. Klase, Smolandus. In auditorio Gustav.

Maj. ad. d. [mss. 30] Junii an. mdccxlii. Horis, ante meridiem, solitis. Stockholmiae (Typis

Historiographi Regni) [1743]. Qu. (Betula) (SO 1370, KR 39, STR 4921).

Publ.: 30 Jun 1743, p. [i-iv], 1-20, 7 Fi eo copp.). Copies: MO(2), USDA. — Further editions and translations: SO 1371-1376, e.g. in Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1: 333-351. 1749, Amoen. acad. 1: 1-22. 1749 and Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1:1-22. 1787.

4725- Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales, secundum numerum figuram,

situm, & proportionem omnium fructificationis partium. Authore Carolo Linnaeo, ...

Editio secunda, nominibus plantarum gallicis locupletata ... Parisiis (sumptibus Michaelis

Antonii David, ... ) 1743. Oct. (Gen. pl. ed. 3), (SO 299, KR 2, STR 5378).

Publ.: 1743, p. [i]-xxxu, clavis, pl. 1-2 [1-2, expl. pl.], 1-413, [414-439, index], [440-470 meth. calyc. etc.], [1-2, privil.]. Copies: G(2), MO, US(2), USDA. — Contains the text of ed. 2, 1742, with French vernacular plant names and some fragments from the Class. pl.; it counts as ed. 3 notwithstanding the “‘editio secunda”’ on the title page. Linnaeus was not involved in the publication._See SA 2: 574, Bryk (1954) and Stearn (1960). Edited by a ‘“‘Mr Monnier”’ at Paris, see Bryk.

Ref.: Bryk, F., Taxon 3: 177-178, 1954.

Stearn, W. T., Notes on Linnaeus’s Genera plantarum, im facs. ed. of ed. 5, Weinheim 1960.

  1. Caroli Linnaei... Oratio de necessitate peregrinationum intra patriam. Ejusque elenchus animalium per sueciam observatorum. Accedunt Johannes Browalii Examen epicriseos Siegesbeckianae in systema plantarum sexuale et Johannis Gesneri ... dissertationes de partium vegetationis et fructificationis structura, differentia et usu, i quibus elementa botanica dilucide explicantur. Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (Apud Cornelium Haak) 1743- Oct. (Oratio peregrinat.), (SO 1355, KR 132, STR 5606). Orig. ed. (n.v.): 1741, see KR, SO and STR 5613. Leiden ed: 1743, p. [1]-28. Copies: HU(4), MO, M, US. — Issued with:

A. Boberg, Programma, p. 29-36.

Caroli Linnaei ... Elenchus animalium per sueciam observatorum, p. [37]-94-

Johannes Browallius (1707-1755), Examen epicriseos ... ,p. [1]-54-

Johannes Gessner (1709-1790), Dissertationes. ... , p. [55]-108. Further editions: See SO 1356-1368; e.g. in Amoen. acad. 2, app. 2: 408-429. 1751, Amoen. acad.,

Schreb. ed. 2, app. 2: 408-429. 1787.

  1. Caroli Linnaei... Oratio de telluris habitabilis incremento. Et Andreae Celsii ... Oratio

de mutationibus generalioribus ... Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden] (apud Cornelium Haak)

  1. Oct. (Oratio tell. habit.) ; (SO 1377, KR 94, STR 5607).

Publ.: 1744, p. [i], [1]- 104. ne MO(2), US. — For further editions and translations see SO 1378-1388, e.g. in Amoen. acad. 2 (app. 3): 430-476. 1751.

Swedish transl.: 1776, p. [1]-32. Copy: MO. — Tal, om jordenes tillodxt, hallit i Kongl.



Academien i Upsala vid tilfalle af en promotions act. da... Johan Westman yea ge Carl von Linné. .. Stockholm (Tryckt hos Lars Kumblins Enka) 1776. Oct. -—STR 5947.

  1. O.F.F.Q.S. Disputationem botanico-medicam inauguralem, qua Ficus, ejusque

historia naturalis & medica exhibetur, cum consensu ampliss. Facult. medicae, in Reg.

Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... publice ventilandam sistit Cornelius

Hegardt, Scanus. In auditorio Carol. majori, ad diem xv. Sept. Horis ante & post meridiem

solitis. Anni mdccxliv [1744]. Upsaliae. Qu. (Ficus), (SO 1389, KR, 50, STR 4991).

Publ.: 15 Sep 1744, p. [i-iv], 1-28, 1 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: MO, USDA. — Further editions and translations: SO 1390-1394, e.g. Amoen. acad., ed. Camper 1(8): 213-243. 1749, Amoen. acad. 1(2): 53-54. 1749, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(2), 23-54. 1787.

  1. M.A. Dissertatio botanica de Peloria, quam consensu ampl. Facult. medicae in

Regia Academia Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, curiosorum oculis modeste

subjicit Daniel Rudberg, vermelandus, in Audit. carol. maj. ad diem xix Decemb. anni

mdccxliv. Horis ante meridiem solitis. Upsaliae [1744]. Qu. (Peloria), (SO 1395, KR 40.

STR 4954).

Publ.: 19 Dec 1744, p. [i-vili], [1]-18, [1-4], 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: MO(2). — Other editions and translations: SO 1396-1400, e.g. Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(10): 280-298. 1749, Amoen. acad. 1(3): 55-73. 1749, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(3): 55-73. 1787.

Ref.: Linnell, T., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 35: 62-70. 1953.

4730- Caroli Linnaei ... Systema naturae in quo proponuntur natura regia tria secundum

classes, ordines, genera & species. Editio quarta ab auctore emendata & aucta. Accesserunt

nomina gallica ... Parisiis (Sumptibus Michaelis-Antonii David, ...) 1744. Oct. (Syst. nat.

ed. 4), (SO 48, STR 5928).

Editors: Abraham Back (1713-1795), Bernard de Jussieu (1699-1777).

Publ.: 1744, p. [1*], [1]-xxvi, [1]-108, [1, priv.], pl. clavis class. Copies: G, MO. — Essentially a French edition, with French vernacular names, of ed. 2. Usually accompanied by Fund. bot. ed. 2 (1740).

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Flora svecica [suecica] exhibens plantas per regnum Sveciae

crescentes, systematice cum differentiis specierum synonymis autorum nominibus incola-

rum solo locorum usu pharmacopaeorum. Stockholmiae (Sumtu & literis Laurentii Salvii)

  1. Oct. (Fl. suec.), (SO 407, KR 17, STR 53309).

Ong. ed.: Summer 1745, p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xii, [xiii-xvi], 1-419, [420, err.], 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: G, HU, MO, US; IDC 179. — The plate represents Linnaea borealis. —See also HU 523.

Leiden issue: 1745, p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xii, [xiti-xvi], 1-419, [420, err.], 7 pl. (id.). Copies: G, US, USDA. — Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (Apud Conradum Wishoff & Georg. Jac. Wishoff fil. Conr.) 1745. Oct. -SO 408, STR 5340.

Ed. 2: 1755, p. [1*-iv*], [i]-xxxii, [1 ]-464, [ 1-30, indexes], 7 pl. (id.). Copies: G, MO, US(2), USDA; IDC 180, — “Editio secunda aucta et emendata ...”’ Stockholmiae (Sumtu & literis Laurentii Salvii) 1755. Oct. -SO 409, BL 2: 512, STR 5341.

Ref.: Fries, S., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 45: 34-45. 1963.

  1. D. D. Dissertatio botanica, qua Plantae martino-burserianae explicantur, cum, conse-

nsu amplissimae Facultat. medicae in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, praeside, ... Carolo

Linnaeo, ... publicae curiosorum censurae submissa ab alumno regio Rolando Martin,

Petri fil. Uplando. In Audit. car. maj. ad diem xii. Decemb. mdccxlv. Horis ante meridiem

consuetio. [1745]. Qu. (Pl. mart. — burser.), (SO 1417, KR 52, STR 5181).

Collections: Joachim Burser (1583-1639); for details on his coll. see TL-2/1: 419; the dissertation describes 240 species from his Hortus siccus.

Publ.: 12 Dec 1745, p.[i-viii], [1]-31, [32]. Copzes MO(2), USDA. — Other editions and studies: SO 1418-1423, e.g. in Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(11): 299-332. 1749, Amoen. acad. 1(6): 141-171. 1749, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(6): 141-171. 1749.

4733- S.D.L.N. Hortus upsaliensis quem cum consensu ampliss. Facult. medicae, in regio ad

Salam Lyceo, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publicae disquisitioni subjicit Samuel Nauclér, ... Helsingus. In Audit. carol. maj. ad. d. xvi. Decemb. anni mdccxlv. Horis ante



meridiem solitis. Upsaliae [1745]. Qu. (Hort. upsal.), (SO 1424, KR 123(a), STR 5042).

Publ.: 16 Dec 1745, p. [i-iv], [1]-45, [46-48], pl. 1-4 (uncol. copp.). Copies: MO(2). — Different from the Hort. upsal. 1748, q.v. — See SO 1424 for several notes (e.g. on the Linnaean thermometer) and 1425-1429 for further editions and translations, e.g. Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(2): 20-60. 174.9, Amoen. acad. 1(7): 172-210. 1749, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(7): 172-210. 1787.

  1. D. D. Dissertatio botanica de Passiflora, quam cum consensu amplis. Facult. medi-

cae, in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside, ... Garolo Linnaco, ... publice ventilandam sistit

Johannus Gustavus Hallman, fil. Holmensis. In Audit. carol. majori ad diem xviii decemb.

Horis ante meridiem solitis. Anni mdccxlv. Holmiae [Stockholm] (‘Typis Laurentii Salvii)

[1745]. Qu. (Passiflora), (SO 1430, KR 53, STR 4953).

Publ.: 18 Dec 1745, p- [i-iv], [1]-37, 38, 1 pl. (uncol. copp. Joh. Géstaf Hallman delin.). Copies: MO(2) — Other eds.: Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(9): 244-279. 1749, Amoen. acad. 1(8): 211-242. 1749, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(8): 211-242. 1787.

  1. Dissertatio botanica de Anandria, quam amplissima Fac. med. consent. & adprob. in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaeli, ... curiosis modeste sistit .. . Erland. Zach Tursén, Wexionia smolandus. In Audit. carolino majori die xx. Decembris, ann. mdccxlv. Upsaliae [1745]. Qu. (Anandria), (SO 1434, KR 54, STR 4920).

Publ.: 20 Dec 1745, p- [i-iv], [1]-15, [16]. Copy: MO. — Further eds.: Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(6): 161-179. 1794, Amoen. acad. 1(9): 243-259. 1749, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(9): 243- 259. 1787. For German transl. see SO 1438. — Anandria was a taxon descr. by Siegesbeck as an example contradicting the sexuality of plants. Linnaeus (1753) putitin Tussilago; the name was taken up by Lessing 1830 (ING 1: 78).

  1. D. D. Dissertatio botanica in qua Acrostichum, consensu ampliss. Facult. medicae in

regia Academia upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... curiosorum oculis modeste

subjicit Johann Benjamin Heiligtag, Blekingus. In Audit. carol. maj. ad. d. xxiii. Decemb.

anni mdccexlv. Horis ante meridiem solititis. Upsaliae [1745]. Qu. (Acrostichum), (SO 1439,

KR 42, STR 4853).

Publ.: 23 Dec 1745, p. [i-iv], [1]-17, 7 pl. (uncol. copp. J. G. Hallman; often missing). Copy: MO. — Other eds.: Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(5): 144-160. 1749, Amoen. acad. 1(10): 260- 276. 1749, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(10): 260-276. 1787.

4737- Carl Linnaei ... Oldndska och Gothldndska Resa pa riksens hégloflige standers befall-

ning forrattad ahr 1741. Med anmarkningar uti oeconomien, naturalhistorien, antiquite-

ter &c. ... Stockholm och Upsala (hos Gottfried Kiesewetter) 1745. Oct. (Oldand. Gothl.

Resa). (SO 202, KR gt, STR 5574).

Publ.: 1745, p. [1-xiv], [1]-344, [1-28, index], [1-2, err.], 7 p/., 2 maps. Copies: MO, USDA. — For other editions and translations see SO 203-208.

English translation: Jun, Nov 1973, by M. Asberg and W. T. Stearn, Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 5: 1- 107. Jun 1973, 109-220, i-viii. Nov 1973. Introduction by W. T. Stearn on p. 1-17.-STR 5512.

  1. D.D. Sponsalia plantarum, quae cum consensu ampl. Facult. medicae in Regia Acad. Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaeci, ... speciminis academici loco, publico bo- norum examini submittit Johannes Gustavus Wahlbom, Calmariensis, in Audit. carol. majori die [mss.: xi] Junii anni mdccxlvi. Horis, ante meridiem, consuetis. Stockholmiae (typis Laurentii Salvii) [1746]. Qu. (Spons. pl.). (SO 1447, KR 156, STR 5223). Publ.: 11 Jun 1746, p. [i-viii], [1]-60, [1-2], 7 pl. (uncol. copp. A.C. sculpsit). Copies: MO(3). For studies and other eds. see SO 1448-1460, e.g. Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(3): 61-109. 1749, Amoen. acad. 1(12): 327-380. 1749, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(12): 327-380. 1787.

4739- B.c.D. Vires plantarum, dissertatione academica, cum cons. ampliss. Facult. medicae in Regia Academia Upsaliensi sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... examini publico subjectae a Friderico Hasselquist, O. — Gotho, ... in Auditor. gustaviano, die [mss.: xx] Junii anni mdcexlvii. Horis ante meridiem solitis. Upsaliae [1747]. Qu. (Vires pl.). (SO 1461, KR p. 273, no. 1; TL-2/2458, STR 5261).

Author of text (fide Krok): Fredric Hasselquist (1722-1752), see TL-2/2: 93-94.



Publ.: 20 Jun 1747, p. [1]-37, [38-40]. Copies: MICH, MO, NY. — Later publ.: SO 1462- 1468, e.g. Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(14): 389-428, Amoen. acad., 1(14): 418-453. 1749, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(14): 418-453. 1787.

Swedish translation: 1970, by T. Fredbarj and A. Boerman, Valda afh. C. v. Linné no. 57. — STR 5256.

  1. Caroli Linnaei, ... Flora zeylanica sistens plantas indicas Zeylonae; quae olim 1670-
  2. lectae fuere 4 Paulo Hermanno, ... demum post 70 annos ab Augusto Giinthero .. . orbi redditae; hoc vero opere revisae, examinatae, determinatae & illustratae generibus certis, differentiis specificis, synonymis propriis, descriptionibus compendiosis, iconibus paucis. Holmiae [Stockholm], (Sumtu & literis Laurentu Salvi) 1747. Oct. (FI. zeyl.). (SO

420, KR 14, STR 5342).

Collector: Paul Hermann (1646-1695), TL-2/2: 171-172.

Publ.: Jun 1747, p. [1]-19, [20-28], 1-240, [1-20, index], appendix: Nova genera: [1]-14, [1, index], pl. 1-4 (uncol. copp.). Copies: BR, G, US(2), USDA; IDC 2335. — The Hermann collections upon which this Fl. zeyl. is based are at BM (see sub Herman).

Appendix: Nova genera plantarum zeylanicarum, nuper edita in diss. acad. sub praesidio auctoris per C. M. Dassaw, heic compendiose proposita. — ‘This text reproduces the Ceylonese genera in the dissertation Vova plantarum genera of 15 Jun 1747. See below.

Amsterdam ed.: 1748, p. [1]-19, [20-28], 1-240, [1-20, index], appendix Nova genera: [1]-14, [r1, index], pl. 1-4 (id.). Copies: BR, MO, U. — Prostat Amstelaedami [Amsterdam], (Apud J. Wetstenium), 1748. Oct. — See SO 423.

Ref.: Dandy, J. E., The Sloane herbarium 137-138. 1958.

Lourteig, A., Taxon 15: 23-33. 1966. Trimen, H., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 24: 129-155. 1887.

  1. O.D.B.V. Nova plantarum genera, quae, cum consensu ampl. Facult. medicae in Regia

Acad. Upsaliensi. Praeside, ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... Speciminis academici loco, publico

bonorum examini submittit Carolus Magnus Dassow, Stockholmiensis. In Audit. gustavia-

no die [mss.: 15] Junii anni mdccxlvii. Horis, ante meridiem, consuetis. Holmiae [Stock-

holm] (Typis Laurent Salvii) [1747]. Qu. (Nova pl. gen. DT). (SO 1469, KR 4a, STR 5101).

Publ.: 15 Jun 1747, p. [i-vi], [1]-32, [1-2]. Copies: MO(2). — For further eds. see SO 1470- 1474, e.g. Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(4): 110-143. 1749, Amoen. acad. 1(13): 381-417. 1794, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 1(13): 381-417. 1974.—See also under Flora zeylanica (above, TL- 2/4740). — The two extra pages in the dissertation contain a Corollarium which is a commentary on chapter 12 of the Fund. bot.; see TL-2/4710 and SO.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Systema naturae in quo natura regna tria, secundum classes,

ordines, genera, species. Systematice proponuntur. Recusum et societatis, quae impensas

contulit, usui accomodatum curante Mich. Gottl. Agnethlero Saxone transilvano. Editio

altera auctior et emendatior. Halae magdeburgicae [Halle a.S.] 1747. Oct. (Syst. nat. ed. 5)

(SO 50, STR 5930).

Editor: Michael Gottlieb (von) Agnethler (1719-1752) from Hermannstadt, Transilvania. (see ADB 1: 140).

Publ.: 1747, p. [1]-87, [88]. Copy: MO.—A German edition with German vernacular names, of the second edition.

4743- Q.D.B.V. Flora oeconomica, quam, ex consensu ampliss. Facult. medicae . . . praeside, ... Carolo Linnaeo, .. . speciminis academici loco, placidae disquisitioni modeste submittit ... Elias Aspelin, smolandus. In Audit. carol. maj. die xxv Junii anni mdccliix. Horis, ante meridiem, consuetis. Upsaliae [1748]. Qu. (Fl. oecon.) (SO 1490, KR p. 62, no. 1, STR 5005).

Author of text: Elias Aspelin (fide KR) (1721-1795).

Publ.: 25 Jun 1748, p. [i-vili], [1 ]-30. Copies: MO, US, USDA. — For further editions and translations see SO 1491-1499: Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(13): 352-388. 1749, Amoen. acad. 1(17): 509-539, 1749. Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. (1:(17): 509-540. 1787.— See BL 2: 512 for some Jurther details.

Note: deals with the economic uses of Swedish plants.

Unlisted reprint: in P. J. Buchoz, Manuel économique des plantes, . .. Paris 1800, p. 319-339. (See M. Guédeés, J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 9(1): 42-52. 1978.



  1. D.F.G. Specimen academicum de Curtosttate naturali quod cons. ampl. Facult. med.

in Regia Acad. Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Carolo Linnaei ... publicae curiosorum

censurae modeste submittit. Olaus Sdderberg . .. Dalia-Vermelandus in Audit. carol. maj.

ad. d. [mss.: 30] Junii mdcexlviii. H.A. [changed to P] M. C. Holmiae [Stockholm] (typis

Laurentii Salvii) [1748] (Curios. nat). Qu.(SO 1500, STR 4926).

Publ.: 30 Jun 1748, p. [i-vi], [1]-25, [26]. Copy: MO. — For further editions etc. see SO 1501- 1506, Amoen. acad., Camper ed. 1(15): 429-453. 1749, Amoen. acad., 1(18): 450-563, Amoen. acad. Schreber ed. 1(18): 541-563. 1787.

4745- Caroli Linnaei ... Systema naturae sistens regna tria naturae, in classes et ordines genera et species redacta tabulisque aeneis illustrata ... editio sexta, emendata et aucta. Stockholmiae (Impensis Godofr. Kiesewetteri) 1748. Oct. (Syst. nat. ed. 6) (SO 51, KR 1, STR 5931).

Publ.: Aug 1748, p. [i-iv], [1]-224, index [1-19], pl. 7-8 with text: [1-8]. Copy: MO. — The

third edition revised by Linnaeus himself.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Hortus upsaliensis, exhibens plantas exoticas, horto upsaliensis academiae a sese illatas, ab anno 1742, in annum 1748, additi differentiis, synonymis, habitationibus, hospitiis, rariorumque descriptionibus, in gratiam studiosae juventutis,

vol. i. Stockholmiae (Sumtu & literis Laurenti Salvii) 1748. Oct. (Hort. upsal.) +. (SO 424,

KR 123, STR 5413.)

Publ.: 1748 (p. [vii]: 26 Apr 1748), p. [1-x], [1]-306, [ 1-40, index, err.], pl. 7-3 (uncol. copp.). Copies: MO(2), Teyler, US, USDA; IDC 568. — For the history of the-garden see the Linnaean dissertation Hortus upsaliensis, quem ... subjicit Samuel Naucleér ad. d. xvi. decemb. anni mdccxly; for further references see SO 426-429.

Amsterdam issue: 1748, p. [i-x], 1-306, [1-40], pl. 1-3. Copies: HU, MO. —” ... juventutis. Prostat Amstelaedami [Amsterdam], (apud J. Wetstenium) 1748. Oct. —SO 425, STR 5414, HU 533 (analytical collation). Actually a special issue of the Stockholm original with a substitute title.

Ref.: Juel, H. O., Hortus linneanus. An enumeration of plants cultivated in the botanical

garden of Uppsala during the Linnaean period, 1919, 127 p.

4747- Caroli Linnaei ... Systema nalurae sistens regna tria naturae, in classes et ordines genera et species redacta tabulisque aeneis illustrata ... secundum sextam Stockholmien- sem emendatam & auctam editionem. Lipsiae (Impensis Godofr. Kiesewetteri) 1748. (Syst. nat. ed. 7) (SO 52, STR 5932).

Publ.: 1748, frontisp. portr. Linnaeus [in some copies, engraved, uncol., “J. M. Bernigeroth sc. Lips. 1749”, sic], p. [1-iv], [1]-224, index [1-22], pl. 1-8 with text: [1-8]. Copies: G, MO(2).— Reprint of ed. 6 with German names. The portrait also occurs in some copies of the Philos. bot. (1751). — Sandberg (7) reports a copy with ro p. preliminary matter.

Italian ed. of Regnum vegetabile: see Manetti (1756) (TL-2/5340; SO 65, STR 5855).

  1. D. A. Lignum colubrinum leviter delineatum, ex consensu ampliss. Facult. med. in Reg.

Academia Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... pro gradu doctoris rite obtinendo,

publico examinisubmittit... Johan. Andr. Darelius, W.—Gothus. In Audit. carol. maj. ad

diem xi. Mart. anni mdcexlix. H.A. & P.M.S. Upsaliae [1749]. Qu (Lign. colub.). (SO 1531,

KR 59, STR 5067).

Publ.: 11 Mar 1749, p. [1]-22. Copies: MO(2), USDA. — Further eds.: SO 1532-1537; Amoen. acad. 2(21): 100-125. 1751, ed. 2. 2(21): 8g-111. 1762, ed. 3. 2(21): 100-125. 1787.

4749- D.A. Gemmae arborum, quas ... examinandas sistit ... Petrus L6fling, ... Upsaliae [1749]. Qu. (Gemmae arb.). (SO 1556; KR 115 and p. 482, no. 1, STR 5024). Author: Pehr Lofling (1729-1756), see TL-2/4920 for further details.

  1. D.D. Pan svecicus, quem, consensu ampliss. Facult. med. in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... publico examini modeste submittit Nicolaus L. Hessel- gren, Wermelandus. In Audit. Carol. major. ad diem ix. Decemb. anni mdccxlix. Horis, ante meridem [sic], consuetis. Upsaliae. [1749]. Qu. (Pan svec.), (SO 1565, KR 108, STR 5166).

Publ.: g Dec 1749, p. [i-iv], [1 ]-38. Copies: MO, USDA. - For further eds. and commentaries



see SO 1566-1584a; Amoen. acad. 2(25): 225-262. 1751, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 2(25): 225-262. 1787. See also J. Ramsbottom, Trans. bot. Soc. Edinburgh 38: 151-167. 1959 (STR 8631, sub Stillingfleet).

  1. Caroli Linnaei. . Materia medica, Liber I. de plantis. Secundum genera, differentias, synonyma, loca, durationes, culturas, nomina, simplicia, praeparata, qualitates, modos, potentias, vires, usus, composita, digestus ... Holmiae [Stockholm] (typis ac sumptibus Laurentii Salvii) 1749. Oct. (Mat. med.) (SO 968, KR 98, STR 5539).

Publ.: 1749, frontisp., p. [i-xxxii], 1-252, 1 pl: Copy: USDA; IDC 170. — See Sotheby 461. Amsterdam ed.: 1749, p. [i-xxx], 1-252, 1 pl., n.v. see SO 970.

Further editions: see under J. C. D. Schreber and SO 972-978.

4752- Caroli Linnaei ... Amoenitates academici, seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae,

botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis, accedit

hypothesis nova de febrium intermittentium causa. Volumen primum. Lugduni Bata-

vorum [Leiden] (apud Cornelium Haak) 1749. Oct.f (Amoen. acad., Camper ed.). (SO 1279,

KR 168, STR 4673).

Editor: Peter Camper (1722-1789), see TL-2/1: 430.

Publ: 1749, p- [i-vi], [1]-610, [1-9], 75 pl. Copies: MO(2), US, USDA. — page 176 misnumbe- red 164. This edition remained unfinished; see SO 1279 for further details.

Note: For a general note on the Amoenitates and the Linnaean dissertations see below, Amoen. acad., | Linnaeus edition] 1749-1769.

4753- Caroli Linnaei ... Amoenitates academicae seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis ... Holmiae [Stockholm] et Lipsiae [Leipzig] (apud Godofredum Kiesewetter) 1749[-1769], 7 vols. Oct. (Amoen. acad.) [Linnaeus edition] (SO 1200, KR 168, STR 4674).

Note: For the involved bibliography of the various series and editions see Soulsby. The Amoenitates are reprints of the Linnaean dissertations. For purposes of plant taxonomy and nomenclature it will usually be necessary to consult the original dissertations rather than the reprints in the Amoenztates since quite a few changes and additions occur. For a discussion of the authorship of the Linnaean dissertations see Stearn 1957 (pp. 51-64) who reprints also Lidén’s list of dissertations (1778) and who cites the main studies on the dissertations and amoenitates. Krok (Bibl. bot. suecana p. 460-461) gives a list of the Linnaean dissertations which were certainly or probably written by the respondents themselves. Rickett (1955) and Stearn (1957) come to the following important conclusion: “‘ascription of a name to an authority, is, after all, a convention, its object being to clarify the application of the name”’; and for convenience, as well as for historical reasons, the names first published in the Linnaean dissertations, in the original theses no less than in the amended Amoenitates academicae versions, should be attributed to Linnaeus and to him alone.” In our treatment we follow Krok’s attributions because in most cases he bases them on the appearance of the designation “‘auctor” on the t.p. or elsewhere in the publication, clearly pointing to the defendens. The great majority of the Linnaean dissertations must, as Stearn and Rickett state, be attributed to Linnaeus himself.

r: autumn 1749, p. [i-iv], [1]-563, pl. 7-77 (uncol. copp.). Copy: MO. — SO 1282. 2: Nov 1751, p. [i-iv], [1]-478, pl. 1-4 (id.). — Holmiae (apud Laurentium Salvium) 1751. Copies: MO(2), US; IDC 158. — SO 1285. — Other editions: Amsterdam ed.: 1752, p. [i-iv], [1]-478, pl. 1-4 (id.). Copy: MO. —SO 1286, STR 4685. — Prostat Amstelaedami [Amsterdam] (apud J. Wetstenium) 1752. Oct. Editio secunda revisa et aucta: 1762 (pref. 25 Aug 1762), [i-vi], [1]-444, pl. 1-4 (id.). Copy: USDA. — SO 1287, STR 4677. — Holmiae (Impensis direct. Laurentii Salvii) 1762. Oct. Editio secunda, Amsterdam ed.: 1764, p. [1-ii], [1 ]-4.44, [1-2], pl. 1-4 (id.). Copy: USDA. -SO 1288, STR 4686. — Lugduni batavorum (apud Wetstenium) 1764. Oct. Editio Tertia: see Amoen. acad., Schreb. ed. 3: Sep 1756, p. [i-iv], 1-464, pl. 1-4 (id.), chart. Copies: MO(2), US, USDA. — SO re91. — Holmiae (Sumtu &literis Laurentii Salvii) 1756. Oct. — Contains binary names for taxa in several pre-1753 diss. Other editions:



Amsterdam ed.: 1756, p. [i-iv], 1-464, pl. 1-4 (id.), chart. Copy: MO.—SO 1292, STR 4687. ~ Amstelaed. & Lugd. bat. (apud Wetstenium) 1756. Oct.

Stockholm reprint: 1764, p. [i-ii], 1-464, pl. 1-4. Copy: USDA. — SO 1293, STR 4679. — Holmiae (Sumtu & literis direct. Laurenti Salvii) 1764. Oct. See Rothmaler 1943.

Editio secunda: 1787, see Amoen. acad., Schreb. ed.

4: Nov 1759, p. [1-iv], 1-600, pl. 1-4 (id.). Copies: MO(2), US, USDA. —SO 1296, STR 4680. ~Holmiae (Sumtu & literis direct. Laurentii Salvii) 1759. Oct. See Rothmaler (1943) for various nomenclatural differences with original diss. Other editions:

Leiden ed.: 1760, p. [i-iv], [1]-600, pl. 1-4 (id.). Copies: MO(2).-—SO 1297, STR 4689. — Lugduni batavorum (apud Wetstenium) 1760. Oct. Editio secunda: 1788, see Amoen. acad., Schreb. ed. : Sep 1760, p. [i-iv], [1]-483, [484-486, index diss. 1-5], pl. 7-3 (id.). Copies: MO, US.-SO 1300, STR 4681. — Holmiae (as in 4) 1760. Oct. Other editions: Leiden ed.:1760, p. [i-iv], [1]-483, [484-486], pl. 1-3 (id.). Copies: MO(2), USDA. -SO 1301, STR 4688. — Lugduni batavorum (apud Wetstenium) 1760. Oct. Editio secunda: 1788, see Amoen. acad., Schreb. ed. 6: Oct 1763, p. [i-iv], [1]-486, 5 pl. (id.). Copies: MO, US. -SO 1304,STR 4682. — Holmiae (as in 4) 1763. Oct. Other editions: Leiden ed.: 1764, p. [i-iv], [1]-486, 5 pl. (id.). Copies: MO(2), USDA. — SO 1305, STR 4690. — Lugduni batavorum (apud Wetstenium) 1764. Oct. Editio secunda: 1789, see Amoen. acad., Schreb. ed. 7: Dec 1769, p. [i-iv], [1]-506, [1-2, err.], pl. 1-7, chart. Copies: MO(2). -SO 1308, STR 4683. — Holmiae (as vol. 4) 1769. Oct. Other editions: Leiden ed.: 1769, p. [i-iv], [1]-506, [1-2, err.], pl. 7-7, chart, n.v.—STR 4601. Editio secunda: 1789, see Amoen. acad., Schreb. ed.

oe ~~)

Reprint of collected botanical dissertations and orations, 1731-1776, in preparation for publication by Asher., Amsterdam.

Ref.: Jackson, B. D., J. Bot. 51: 101-103. 1913. Lidén, Catalogus disputationum in academiis et gymnasiis sueciae 1: 309-320. 1778. Nordenstam, B., Bot. Notiser 114: 276-280. 1961. Pulteney, R., General view writings Linnaeus ed. 2. 352-490. 1805 (abstracts contents

diss. ).

Rothmaler, W., Repert. Sp. nov 49: 272-281. 1940, 50: 68-78. 1941, 52: 176-178. 1943. Rickett, H. W., Lloydia 18: 49-60. 1955 (notes on the Linnaean dissertations). Stearn, W. T., An introduction ... pp. 51-64. {1957).

  1. Carolia Linné ... Amoenitates academicae seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis. Volumen primum [-decimum]. Editio tertia [c.q. secunda] curante D. Jo. Christiano Daniele Schrebero ... Erlangae (sumtu Jo. Jacobi Palm) [1785-]1787 [-1790]. Oct. (Amoen. acad., Schreb. ed.). (SO 1281, KR 168, STR 4692). Editor: Johann Christian Daniel [von] Schreber (1739-1810).

Schreber added to some of the texts and provided new plates (redrawn) in some cases.

Publ.: 10 vols. Copies: MO, U, USDA.

1: 1787 (p. [iv]: 1 Mai 1787), p. [i-vi], [1]-571, pl. 1-77.

2: 1787, p. [i-iv], [1]-472, [1-2], pl. 1-4.

3: 1787, p. [i-iv], [1]-464, [1-2], pl. 1-4. Editio secunda.

4: 1788, p. [i-1v], [1]-600, [1-2], pl. 1-4. Editio secunda.

5: 1788, p. [i-iv], [1]-483, [484-490], pl. 1-3, 6 (or B, in index; new], editio secunda.

6: 1789, p. [i-iv], [1]-486, [1-3], pl. 2-5 (plate 3 was issued with vol. 7: plate 6 of vol. 5 was actually issued with this volume), editio secunda.

: 1789, p. [i-iv], [1]- a [1-4], pl. 1-7. Editio secunda. 1785, p. [i-iv], [1 ]-332, [1], pl. 1-6. First edition.

10: 1790 (p. i i]: 26 Mar 1790), p. [i]-vi, [1]-172 (as “*148”’), [Linnaeus fil.:] [i, iii], [1]-131, pl. 1-6. “... accedunt Caroli a ame fil... Dissertationes botanicae ...’’ First edition.




4755+ Selectae ex amaenitatibus academicis Caroli Linnaet, dissertationes ad universam naturalem

historiam pertinentes, quas edidit, et additamentis auxit L. B. e S. I. ... Graecii [Graz]

(sumtibus Josephi Mauritii Lechner, ... Typis haeredum Widmanstadii.) 1764. Qu. (Sel.

amoen. acad.). (SO 1324, KR 168, STR 5873).

Editor: Leopold Gottlieb Biwald (1731-1805), “L. B. e. S. I.”: Leopold Biwald e Societate Jesu.

Publ.: 1764, p. [i-viti], 1-316, 3 pl. Copy: MO. — Other editions:

Other quarto issue: 1764, [xiv], 316 p., 3 pl. See Widder as 1324a.

Later state: 1767, [xii], 316 p., 3 pl. See Widder as 1324b.

Octavo issue: 1764, 285 p., 3 pl. See SO 1325 and Widder.

Octavo issue (2): 1764, [vii], 285, 3 pl. See Widder as 1325 a.

Octavo: 1786, only mentioned by SO (sub 1325), but no copies known.

Continuatio: 1766, p. [i-vi], [1]-297, pl. 1-3. Copy: MO. — SO1326, STR 4812.—Continuatio selectarum ex amoenitates academicis Caroli Linnaei dissertationum ad Universam naturalem historiam pertinentium, quas edidit, et additamentis auxit L. B. e. S. I. Graecii (sumti- bus Josephi Mauritii Lechner, ... Typis Haeredum Widmanstadii) 1766. Qu. (Sel. amoen. acad., cont.).—Other states: state 2: 1766, without “‘assertiones’’, see Widder, 1326A. Pirated ed.: 1766, see SO 1327 and Widder.

State 3: 1773, see Widder 1327 a.

Continuatio altera: 1769, p. [i-vii], [1]-277, 3 pl. Copy: MO. — SO 1328, STR 4811. — Continuatio altera selectarum ex amoenitatibus academicis Caroli Linnaei dissertationum. Quas edidit, et additamentis auxit L. B. e. S. I. Graecii (Sumtibus Josephi Mauritii Lechner, ... Typis Haeredum Widmanstadii) 1769. Qu.

State 2: 1769, without dedication and assertiones. See Widder 1328a.

States 3-5: 1769-1774, see Widder 1328b-f.

NOTE: For an exhaustive description of these editions with all variants and for further details see F. Widder, Bot. Jahrb. 86: 186-208. 1967.

  1. Caroli Linnaei Amoenitates academici seu dissertationes botanicae antehac seorsim editae, nunc primum methodice dispositae & auctae, cum tabulis aeneis. Curante Joan. Emman. Gilibert, ... Tomus I. [II.] Coloniae allobrogum [Genéve] (sumtibus Piestre & Delamolliére) 1786. Oct. (Amoen. acad., Gilibert ed.). (SO 1330, KR 168, STR 4703). Editor: Jean Emmanuel Gilibert (1741-1814), see TL-2/1: 942-944. Publ.: 1782, 2 vols. Copy: MO. — Also published in Gilibert, Syst. pl. Eur. tom. 5, 6; TL-


r: [a*, mi*], [i]-lxxvi, [1]-604, [1-4], pl. 1-4.

2: [i, ui], [1]-732, 1-52.

4757- D. A. Dissertatio botanica sistens Splachnum, quam suffragante ampliss. facult. med. in Regio Athenaeo upsaliensi, praeside ... Caroli Linnaeo, ... publicae censurae modeste subjicit Laur. Montin . .. in audit. Carol. maj. die [mss.: 28] Martii anni mdccl. h. a. m. s. Stockholmiae (Typis Laurentii Salvii) s. d. Qu. (Splachnum). (SO 1589, KR p. 504, no. 1, STR 4703).

Author (fide KR): Lars Jonasson Montin (1723-1785).

Publ.: 28 Mar 1759, p. [i-iv], [1]-15, [16, expl. pl.], 7 pl. (uncol. copp. Joh. Gane). Copies: H,

MO, NY, US, USDA. — See further SO 1590-1595 and TL-2/6162.

  1. D. D. Semina muscorum detecta, suffragio nobiliss. medicorum ord. in Reg. Acad.

Upsal. Praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo . .. publicae disputat. in Aud. Carol. maj. d. xxv Apr.

H. A. M.S. habendae comm. ... Petrus Jonas Bergius, smolandus. Upsaliae 1750. Qu.

(Semina musc.). (SO 1596, KR 44, STR 5213).

Defendens: Peter Jonas Bergius (1730-1790), (see TL-2/1: 190-191) who should not be regarded as the author.

Publ.: 25 Apr 1750, p. [i-vi], [1]-18 (with engraved frontisp. on t.p. of “semina mus- corum’’). Copy: MO. further eds.: SO-1597-1602, e.g. Amoen. acad. 2(27): 284-306. 1752, ed. 2. 2(27): 261-280, Amoen. acad., ed. Schreber 2(27): 284-306. 1787.

4759- D. D. Plantae rariores camschatcenses. Quas consensu ampliss. Facult. med. in Reg. Acad. Upsal. praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, .. . speciminis academici loco, publico examini



modeste submittit Jonas P. Halenius, Uplandus. In Audit. carol. major. ad. d. xxii Dec.

anni mdccl. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae [1750]. Qu. (Pl. camsch.). (SO 1612, KR 15, STR 5186).

Publ.: 22 Dec 1750, p. [i-iv], [1]-30, 7 pl. (uncol. copp. J. Gane). Copy: MO. — For further eds. see SO 4612-1617, e.g. Amoen. acad. 2(29): 332-364, ed. 2. 2(29): 306-334, Amoen. acad. Schreber ed. 2(29): 332-364. 1787.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum, adjectis figuris aeneis. Cum privilegio. Stockholmiae, (Apud Godofr. Kiesewetter) 1751. Oct. (Philos. bot.). (SO 437, KR 138, STR 5669).

. Orig. ed.: Dec 1750, p. [i-vi], [1 ]-362, pl. 1-9 (pl. 10 =p. 307, pl. 11 =p. 309) (uncol. copp. I. G. Hallman del.). Copies: FH, HH, HU, MO, NY, U-V, US(2), USDA. — SO 437 mentions a portrait in some copies; this is the portrait by J. M. Bernigeroth, Leipzig 1749 which was e.g. also included in Syst. nat. ed. 7. None of the copies seen by us had this portrait. — The Philosophia botanica is essentially an elaboration of the Fundamenta botanica of 1736 with some inclusions from the Oratzo de telluris habitabilis incremento (1744) and the Sponsalia plantarum. Soulsby (no. 441) states that its substance formed the subject of Linnaeus’s botanical lectures for 1746-1748.— An English translation “The Elements of botany” was published by Hugh Rose, London 1775 (SO 4707); an authoritative French translation was published by Fr. A. Quesné: “‘Philosophie botanique de Charles Linné”’, Rouen 1788, (see below).—For further editions and secondary references see Krok 138 and Soulsby 437a-4.78; an extensive commentary is given by Dahlgren. — For a recent detailed analysis of the Philosophia and its relation with Linnaeus’s other work see F. A. Stafleu, Linnaeus and the Linnaeans, p. 25-78; for a bibliographical analysis see DuRietz (1965), Guedes (1968, 1969) and HU 541.

. Stockholm| Amsterdam variant: 1751, differs only in the imprint: Stockholmiae (Godofr. Kiesewetter), Amstelodami (apud Z. Chatelain). Copy: n.v. — This variant, which seems to be much rarer than the Stockholm issue shows no essential differences. (See DuRietz, 1965, and Guédes 1968, 1969).—STR 5670.

  1. Reprint: 1755, p. [1-iv], [1 ]-364, pl. 1-9 (10 & 17 in text). Copies: M, MO, USDA. —SO 442,

STR 5673 — Viennae Austriae [Wien] (typis Joannis Thomae Trattner, ... ) 1755. Oct.

  1. Facsimile ed., first issue: Dec 1966, colophon on p. 2 of cover, p. [i-vi], [1 ]-362, pl. 1-9 (10 and 11 in text). Copy: FAS. — too numbered copies printed “‘greeting the New Year of 1967” by J. Cramer in Lehre. This reproduces the variant no-2.— STR 5671.

  2. Facsimile ed., second issue: 1966 (1. e. 1967), p. [i*-iv*], [i-vi], [1]-362, pl. 7-9 (ro and rz in text). Copies: FAS, U.—“C. Linnaeus. Philosophia botanica ... Reprint 1966 by J. Cramer, 3301 Lehre... ,” Historiae naturalis classica tomus xlviii. ISBN 3-7682-0350-6. —-STR

  3. Editio altera: 1763, p. [1 ]-368, pl. 1-9 (20 and 17 in text). Copies: M, MO, USDA. —SO 443, STR 5674 (Soulsby mentions a portrait; not present in the copies seen by us.—“‘. . . figuris aeneis. Editio altera. Viennae Austriae [Wien],”’ (typis Joannis Thomae Trattner, ... ) 1763, Oct. — Soulsby (no. 443) mentions a variant with 3 extra unnumbered plates and “Typis J. T. Trattner”’ not seen by us. — This editio altera is essentially another reprint of Cann

. Editio secunda: 1780, p. [ii*: portr. Linn., iii* t.p.], [i-iv], [1]-362, pl. 7-77 (uncol. copp.). Copies: FAS, M, MO, U, US, USDA. — SO 445, STR 5676— “Caroli Linnaei . Philosophia botanica. . . figuris aeneis. Editio secunda in gratiam botanophilorum revisa et emendata. Curante D. Johanne Gottlieb Gleditsch [ 1744-1786, see TL-2/1: 951-952]. Berolini [Berlin] (impensis Christiani Friderici Himburgi) 1780. Oct.

  1. Editio secunda [Wien]: 1783, p. [i-vi], [1]-360, pl. 1-10 (pl. 17 = p. 307). Copy: MO.—STR 5677.—“‘... aeneis. Editio secunda ... Viennae [Wien], typis Joannis Thomae nobil. de Meatiner.-.:%)). 1783)'Oct:

g. Editio quarta: 1787, in J. E. Gilibert, ed., Systema plantarum Europae, vol. 3, 1787, p. [i*-iv*], I-xxxii, [1]-304, 307, 308, 308*, 309*, 309-362, pl. 1-23, [1, iii, v], 363-552, 555-594, [1-4, err.]. Copy: MO. — SO 447/448, STR 5678.— ‘Caroli Linnaei ... Philosophia botanica, ... aeneis. Editio quarta 1787” (no imprint).

  1. Editio quarta, Genéve variant: 1787, in id., [i*-iv*], [1-4, err.], i-xxxii, [i-iv], [1]-307, 308, 308*, 309*, 309-362, pl. 1-13, [1], 363-552, 555-594. Copy: MO. — STR 5679. —“... aeneis. Cui accedit Critica botanica. Editio quarta. Coloniae-Allobrogum [Genéve], (sumptibus Piestre & Delamolliére) 1787. Oct. — Edited by J. E. Gilibert; see SO 448.






  1. Editio tertia [sic] aucta et emendata cura Caroli Ludovici Willdenow, .. . Berolini (impensis Ghristiani Friderici Himburgi) 1790. — See under C. L. Willdenow. Contains so many changes that it should be attributed to the editor. — SO 449, STR 5681.

  2. Madrid edition: 1792, ‘““... Philosophia botanica, annotationibus, explanationibus, supplementis aucta cura, et opera Casimiri Gomez Ortega, ... Matriti (... viduae, et filii Petri Marin.) 1792. — See under C. G. Ortega (TL-2/7113). SO 450, STR 5682.

  3. Editio quarta: 1809, ““... Philosophia botanica, ... aeneis. Editio quarta studio Curtii

Sprengel. Halae ad Salam [Halle a.S.] (sumtibus Car. Aug. Kimmel) 1809. —See under K. P. J. Sprengel. — SO 451, STR 5683.

  1. Editio aucta et emendata: 1824, “... Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur botanices fundamenta, studio Curtii Sprengel; editio aucta et emendata ... Tornaci nerviorum [Tournay, Doornik] (e typis Caroli Casterman-Dien) 1824. — See under K. P. J. Sprengel. — SO 452, STR 5684. — According to Tournay (1953) this edition was published by J. G. S. van Breda (1788- 1867).

  2. English translation: 1775, p. [1]-xii, [1]-472, pl. 1-17, app. 1-3. Copy: MO. -SO 470, STR

  3. — The elements of botany: . _ being a translation of the Philosophia botanica, ... to which is added an appendix, voherein - are described some plants lately found in Norfolk and Suffolk, ... by Hugh Rose [c. 1717-1792], ... London (Printed for T. Cadell, ... )

  4. Oct. See under H. Rose for further details. For another partial translation see James Lee, Jntr. bot. 1760, TL-2/4289, SO 453.

  5. Spanish translation: see A. Palau y Verdéra... parte theorica, 1778. SO 471, STR 7241.

  6. German translation: 1787, p. [1]-93. Copy: MO. —SO 472. — Pflanzenphilosophie im Auszuge, nach Linné’s Methode ... Augsburg (in der Joseph-Wolffischen Buchhandlung) 1787. Oct. — Anonymous.

  7. French translation: 1788, p. [i]-1v, [1]-456, [1-3, priv.; 4, err.], pl. 1-11. Copies: G, MO, Verdoorn, USDA. —SO 473, STR 5680. — Philosophie botanique de Charles Linné, ... dans laquelle sont expliqués les fondements de la botanique avec les définitions de ses parties, les exemples des termes, des observations sur les plus rares. Enrichie de figures. Traduite du Latin par Fr.-A. Quesné [ Francois Alexandre Quesné (1752-1820) ]...A Paris (chez Cailleau, ... chez Leboucher le jeune, ...) 1788. Oct. (in fours). — Privilege dated 16 Mai

  8. Russtan translation: 1800, Filosofija botaniki ... Sankt peterburge, n.v., see SO 475.

Ref.: Dahlgren, K.V.O., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Ages, 33-34: I-30. 1951.

DuRietz, R., Sv. Linné- Sallsk. Arsskr. 48: 60-87. 1965 (analytical bibliographical detail; follation).

Guédeés, M., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 4(7): 385-389. 1968, 5(2): 116. 1969.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans, Utrecht 1971.

  1. D. D. Dissertatio botanica qua Nova plantarum genera suffrag. amp. et experient. Fac.

med. in illustri Acad. Upsaliensi, sub praesidio, ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publice proponit

Leonhard Joh. Chenon, Vermelandus. In Aud. Carol. maj. ad. diem. xix Oct. anni mdccli

horis ante meridiem solitis. Upsaliae [1751]. Qu. (Nova pl. gen. ID). (SO 1627, KR 4b, STR


Publ.: 19 Oct 1751, p. [1], [1]-47, [48]. Copies: MO(2). — Further eds.: SO 1628-1631, e.g. Amoen. acad. 3(31): 1-27. 1756; Amoen. acad. Schreber ed. 3(31): 1-27. 1787. — For Nova pl. gen. I see above TL-2/4771, 1747.

  1. D. D. Plantae hybridae, quas annuent. exper. et nobiliss. Fac. med. in ilbustri Acad. Upsaliensi, sub praesidio, ... Carolo Linnaei, ... speciminis academici loco publicae bonorum disquisitione sistit .. . Johan. J:nis Haartman, Austro-finlandus. In Aud. car. maj. ad diem xxii. Nov. anni mdccli. Horis ante meridiem solitis. Upsaliae [1751]. Qu. (Pl hybr.). (SO 1632, STR 5180).

Publ.: 23 Nov 1751, p. [i-iv], [1]-30, 7 pl. (uncol. copp. C. Bergqvist). Copies: MO, US, USDA. - Other eds. SO 1633-1637, Amoen. acad. 3(32): 28-62. 1756, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 3(32): 28-62. 1787.

Ref.: Rothmaler, W., Chron. bot. 5(4/6): 440. 1939 (binary names in Amoen. acad. reprint).

  1. D.D. Plantae esculentae patriae, quas, ex consensu ampl. et exper. Fac. med. in illustri

Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... specimen academici loco publicae ventilationi submittit Johan Hiorth, Christinaehamnia wermelandus. In Aud. car. maj. d.



xxii Feb. mdcclii. Horis a.m. solitis. Upsaliae (Typis Laur. Magn. Hojer) [1752]. Qu. (Pl.

esc. patr.). SO 1648, KR 109, STR 5178).

Publ.: 22 Feb 1752, p. [i-iv], [1]-28, [1-2]. Copees: MO, US, USDA. — Further eds. SO 1649- 1657, e.g. Amoen. acad. 3(24): 74-99. 1756, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 3(34): 74-99. 1787 (with binomial species names). See also BL 2: 512.

  1. D.A.G. Specimen academicum, quo Euphorbia ejusque historia naturalis et medica

exhibetur, consent. nobiliss. et exper. Fac. med. in illustri Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside, ...

Carolo Linnaea,... publice ventilandum sistit Johannes Wiman, Fierhundrensis. In Audit.

car. maj. ad diem vi. Maji anni mdcclii. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae (excudit L. M. Hojer, R. A.

Typ.) [1752]. Qu. (Euphorbia). (SO 1658, KR 62, STR 4987).

Publ.: 6 Mai 1752, p. [i-ii], [1 ]-33, [34]. Copzes: US, USDA. — Other eds. SO 1639-1662, see also KR; e.g. Amoen. acad. 3(35): 100-131. 1756, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 3(35): 100-131. 1787.

  1. D.D. Dissertatio medico botanica, sistens Rhabarbarum, quam consensu experient.

Facult. med. in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publice

ventilandam sistit Samuel Ziervogel, Stockholmiensis in Aud. carol. maj. d. xvii. Julii,

mdcecli. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae (excudit Laur. Magn. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typ.). Qu. (Rhabar-

barum). (SO 1686, KR 63, STR 5206).

Publ.: 17 Jul 1752, p. [i-vi], [1]-24, 7 pl. (uncol. copp. Joh. Gane). Copy: MO. — Other eds. SO 1687-1690, e.g. Amoen. acad. 3(40): 211-230. 1756, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 3(40): 211- 230. 1787.

  1. A.D.D.O.M. Questio historico naturalis, Cuz bono? Quam breviter solutam, consensu

experientiss. Facult. medicae in illustri Academia Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo,

... ad diem xxi. Octobr. anni mdcclii, horis solitis antemeridianis, in Auditorio carolino

minori publicae ventilationi modeste offert Christophorus Gedner, ... Fierhundrensis.

Upsaliae (Excudit Laur. Magn. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typ.) [1752]. Qu. (Cui bono). (SO 1691,

STR 5200).

Publ.: 21 Oct 1752, p. [i-viii], [1]-29, [30]. Copy: MO. — Important general paper by Linnaeus: “To what purpose?” on the utility of natural history. Further lit.: SO 1692- 1706. Repr. e.g. Amoen. acad. 3(4): 231-255, 1756, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 3(4): 231-255. 1787.

Ref.: Kiesenwetter, E. A. H. von, S.B. Isis 1872: 43-55.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationes partium quac novis Ixx celeb. auctoris generibus sparsim editis locupletata, in usum auditorii recudenda curavit Christoph. Carolus Strumpff... Editio quarta. Halae magdeburgicae [Halle a.S.] (Apud Carol. Christ. Kimmel) 1752. Oct. (Gen. pl. ed. 4). (SO 300, KR 2, STR 5379). Editor: Christoph Karl Strumpff (x-1754). Publ.: 1752, frontisp. [Ehret pl. sex. syst.], p. [i]-xxxii, chart, 1-441, [442-464, index], [1-7, French index]. Copies: G, MO, US, USDA. — Unofficial; not prepared by Linnaeus. Ref.: Bryk, F., Taxon 3: 178. 1954.

  2. Herr Archiaterns och Riddarens D. Caroli Linnaei /ndelning i Ort-Riket, efter Syste- ma naturae, pa Swenska 6fwersatt af Johan J. Haartman, ... Stockholm (trykt hos Lars Salvius) 1753. Oct. (Indeln. Ort-Riket), (Syst. nat. ed. [8], regn. veg.), (SO 53, STR 5420). Translator: Johan Johansson Haartman (1725-1787), see KR p. 252 and TL-2/2:1.

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1753 (to be counted as pre-starting point in view of lack of precise information on month of publication in 1753), p. [i-iv], [1]-136, [1-8, and if glossary is present: 9-16], pl. 1-3 (uncol. copp.). Copy: USDA. — Counts as ed. 8 of the regn. veg. part of the Systema naturae. For the parts on regn. lapid. and regn. anim. see SO 54 and 55.

Ed. 2: 1777, p. [i-ii], [1 ]-158, [1-16], pl. 1-3 (id.). Copy: USDA. — SO 56, STR 5418.—“... och nu andra gangen uplagd, andred och tilokt efter 13: de uplagen af Systemet ... ” Westeras (tryckt pa Joh. Laur. Horrns bekostnad) 1777. Oct. — Based on Syst. nat. ed. 13. Sheets B-E. copied from 1753 ed.

Reprint ed. 2: 1976, p. [i*-iv*], facsimile: [i-ii], [1]-158, [1-16], pl. 1-3. Copy: MO.-STR 5419 —Suecica rediviva, no. 67, Bokférlaget Rediviva, Stockholm 1976, ISBN 91-7120-083-5.



  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Tomus I[II]. ... Holmiae [Stockholm] (Impensis Laurentii Salvii) 1753, 2 vols. Oct. (Sp. pl.). (SO 480, KR 6, STR 5898).

  2. Orig. ed.: 1 Mai 1753 (Conventional date established by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, art. 13.1). The two volumes of the Species plantarum are regard- ed as having been published simultaneously on this day). Copies: G, HU(5), MO, US(2); IDC 158.

1: [i-xu1], 1-560.

2: [i], 561-1200, [1-30, index], [1, err.].

Actual dates of publication were 24 May and 16 August 1753. The Species plantarum (ed.

  1. is the starting-point work for the nomenclature of Spermatophyta, Pteridophyta,

Sphagnaceae, Hepaticae, Lichenes, Algae (except Nostocaceae, Desmidiaceae, Oedo-

goniaceae), Myxomycetes and Bacteria, all of Recent plants only. It is agreed to

associate generic names which first appear in Linnaeus’s Species plantarum ed. 1 (1753)

and ed. 2 (1762-1763) with the first subsequent description given under those names in

Linnaeus’s Genera plantarum ed. 5 (1754) and ed. 6 (1764). This means that all generic

names accepted and published by Linnaeus in the Species plantarum, even if not accompa-

nied by a description, are treated as having been validly published on 1 May 1753. All these names date then from 1753 (arts. 13.4 and 41. note 1). For a detailed and elucidating study of the Species plantarum see Stearn’s introduction to the Ray Society

reprint (vol. 1, 1957). For indexes, lists of explanations of abbreviations etc., see volume 2

of that edition (1959) (especially Heller 1959). No taxonomist should nowadays use the

Species plantarum without having a thorough knowledge of Stearn’s Introduction. — See

also HU 548.

  1. Variant: 1753, vol. 1 only, with p. 75, 89-90, and 259-260 in their original state and not, as in the accepted original edition, the cancels. These pages contained several errors and were replaced by new text soon after publication. This took place before the publication of volume 2 and since both volumes have to be treated as having been published simultaneously on 1 May 1753, it is necessary (and desirable) to treat the cancelled pages as non-existent. They have no nomenclatural standing because Linnaeus did not ‘accept them (cf. ICBN Art. 33). For further details see Bryk (1953) and Stearn (1957, pp. 136- 142, with a reprint of the cancelled pages). The copies of the first state are so rare that they would have had little effect except for the circumstance that Junk used one of them for his facsimile. The Junk facsimile has now also become a rarity. (Bryk no. 3, SO 481). We have seen no orginal copy of this variant. First descriptions of this variant: Flatt, Bot. Centralbl. 66: 216-222. 1896, Jackson, J. Bot. 34: 359-362. 1896. Two copies with slightly different composition are at HU (see STR 5808).

  2. Facsimile ed. [A]: 1907, ed. W. Junk, Berlin. Copies: FH, U, USDA. —SO 481, STR 5901. — This facsimile was made of one of the extremely rare copies of the Species plantarum which still contained the original pages (and not the cancels) for pp. 75/76, 89/90 and 259/260. Cover: Facsimile-Edition. Ed. W. Junk. No. 11. CG. Linnaeus Species plantarum... W. Junk (Berlin W., ... ) 1907.

  3. Facsimile ed. [B]: 1907, ed. W. Junk, with the replaced pages 75/76, 89/90 and 259/260. This “corrected” facsimile by Junk is mentioned only by Bryk (no. 9). Soulsby does not mention it. We have seen no copy of it.

  4. Facsimile ed. |C']: 1934, ed. Shokobutsu-Bunken-Kankokwa, Tokyo, 2 vols., facsimile in 2 vols., only addition, vol. 2, end: [1]-20, [1, colo.], all in Japanese. — Copy: FAS. — Bryk no. 10, STR 5903. — Published under the guidance of T. Nakai. Facsimile of orig. ed. (1).

  5. Facsimile ed. [D]: 1957-1959, ed. Ray Society, London. Copies: FAS, U, US.

1: 1957, p. [1], col. frontisp., [i11]-xiv, 1-176, [1-2], new preface matter and introduction by W. T. Stearn; facsimile: [1-xi1], 1-560; new index to genera and classes [1-6].-STR 5904:

2: 1959, p. [i], portr. Linnaeus, [i1]-xv [xvi-xvi1], new preface matter and additional remarks by W. T. Stearn; facsimile: [1], 561-1200, [1-30], index, [1, err.]; new: “An appendix to the Species plantarum of Carl Linnaeus by John Lewis Heller and William Thomas Stearn, The Ray Society, London 1958: [1]-148, with e.g. a new index to volumes 1 and 2. This index (p. 103-148) contains references to choices of lectotypes and should always be consulted for such purposes.



Further editions of the Species plantarum are treated individually below under their 'TL-/2 numbers, or under the authors quoted which are to be treated in the remaining volumes. For a bibliography see Bryk 1953.

  1. Second edition. Species plantarum. .. Editiosecunda, aucta, Stockholm 1762-1763, 2 vols., published Sep 1762 and Aug 1763 (see TL-2/4817, STR 5905).

  2. Third edition. Species plantarum ... Editio tertia. Wien 1764, 2 vols. A reprint of the second edition with the errata incorporated in the text (see TL-2/4826, STR 5906).

  3. Fourth edition. Systema plantarum ... Editio novissima ... curante D. J. J. Reichard. Frankfurt a.M. 1779-1780, 4 parts. This consists of the Systema vegetabilium of 1774, the

Species plantarum (1753) and the Mantissa (1767-1771) combined, and can be counted as the fourth edition of the Species plantarum [SO 11] (see under J. J. Reichard, STR 7508).

. Kifth edition [c.q. fourth] Species plantarum ... Editio quarta, post Reichardianum quinta adjectis vegetabilibus hucusque cognitis curante Carolo Ludovico Willdenow. Berlin 1797-1830, 6 volumes. Oct. This is the Willdenow edition of the Species; an independent work which should be attributed to Willdenow (Bryk no. 18, SO 512, STR 10097; see below under C. L. Willdenow).

  1. Sixth edition. Species plantarum ... olim curante Carolo Ludovico Willdenow. Editio sexta... auctore Dr. Alberto Dietrich. Berlin 1831-1833, 2 vols. Oct. [half-title: editio sexta, aucta et continuata ab H. F. Link, A. Fr. Schwaegrichen et A. Dietrich]. This is the Dietrich edition; an independent work (Bryk 19, SO 529, STR 1666; see TL-2/1456).

ir ~~

Some Indexes and Special studies of the Species plantarum:

  1. Variants: Wilhelm Junk, Linne’s Species plantarum editio princeps, und ihre Varianten, mit Beschreibung einer neuen. Mit 12 Facsimile-Tafeln, Ein Jubilaeums- Epilog. Berlin W., 1907. Verlag von W. Junk, cover, p. [i], [1]-12, 12 p. fasc. of pages from orig. ed. (1) and variant (2). Extensive description of variant (2). — Copies: MO, NY.—SO 482, STR

  2. Index perfectus ad Caroli Linnaei Species plantarum, nempe earum primam editionem, (anno 1753). Collatore Ferdinando de Mueller [ Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von Mueller, 1825-1896]. Melbourne (M’Carron, Bird & Soci impresserunt) 1880. Oct., p. [i, iii], [1]-40. Copies: G, KNAW, MO(a2), TL-2/6418, SO 483, STR 6799.

  3. Index abecedarius: an alphabetical index to the first edition of the “Species plantarum” of Linnaeus. Compiled by William Philip Hiern [1839-1925, see TL-2/2: 191-192], ... Issued as asupplement to the “‘Journal of Botany’, [July] 1906. London (West, Newman & Co.,...) 1906. Oct., p. [i], [1]-44. Copy: MO. — SO 484, STR 3275.

  4. Indices nominum trivialium ad: Linnaei Species plantarum, ed. 1. Berlin (W. Junk...) 1907. Oct., p. [i-iii], 1-92. Copies: MO, NY. —SO 485, STR 3807.

  5. Special studies 1791-1929, see SO 485a-499¢.

  6. Bibliography: Th. O. B. N. Krok, Bibliotheca botanica suecana 432-433. 1925 (KR 6).

  7. Bibliography and general studies: F. Bryk: Bibliographia Linnaeana ad Species planta- rum pertinens, Taxon 2: 74-84. 1953 (STR 1067); see also other papers on the Species plantarum in Taxon 2: 37-73. 1953 (STR 6871).

  8. General study: Th. Sprague et al., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 165: 151-166. 1955.

  9. W. T. Stearn, An introduction to the Species plantarum and cognate botanical works of Carl Linnaeus. London 1957, wn facsimile edition of Species plantarum, published by the Ray Society, vol. 1, London 1957 (STR 8572).

  10. J. J. Heller, Index auctorum et librorum a Linnaeo (Species plantarum, 1753) citatorum, London 1959, in facsimile edition of Species plantarum published by the Ray Society, vol. 2. London 1959 (STR 3203).

  11. Du Riety, Tryckgingen av Species plantarum 1753, Svenska Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 48: 60-87. 1966 (Analytical bibliographical studies; collation), (STR 1745).

  12. Typrfication of genera in Sp. pl. ed. 1: see under eon pl., ed. 5, 1754 (STR 5380).

  13. Osbeck and Sp. pl.: Hansen, B. & A. F. Fox Maule, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 67(3): 189-212. 1973 (STR 3067).

  14. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Leningrad Code) 1978, entries on Species plantarum:

Art. 13.1, Starting point for Spermatophyta, Pteridophyta, Lichenes, Algae (in general), Myxomycetes. Art. 13.4, Generic names associated with Gen. Pl. eds. 5 and 6.



Art. 33.1, Examples of combinations definitely indicated.

Art. 41.1, See Art. 13.1

Art. 74.1, regulation correct spelling generic names if different in Gen. pl. ed. 5. —see also B. R. Baum, Taxon 17: 642-644. 1968.

Note: It is obviously impracticable to enumerate here even the main literature on the Species plantarum. The above-mentioned works and papers provide a guide to it. — See Taxon 2: 37- 84. 1953 and Proc. Linn. Soc. London 165. 1955 for series of studies; see STR for the most recent listing of this literature.

  1. D.D. Vernatio arborum, quam, consent. ampliss. Facult. medica, in Regia Academia

Upsaliensi, sub praésidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publico examini submittit, Haraldus

Barck, Smolandus. In Audit. carol. maj. d. v. Maji, ann. mdcclii. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae

(Exc. L. M. Héjer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.). Qu. (Vernatio arb.). (SO 1739, KR 116, STR


Publ.: 5 Mai 1753, p- [1]-20, chart. Copies: MO, US, USDA. — Other eds. SO 1740-1751 (incl. translations), e.g. Amoen. acad. 3(46): 363-376. 1756, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 3(46):

363-376. 1787.

  1. D. D. Incrementa botanices proxime praeterlapsi semiseculi, quae, cum consensus

experient. Facult. med. Upsal. Sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publicae censurae

submittit Jacobus Biuur, Westmannus, in Auditorio carol. majori, die 1. Juni anno

mdccliii. Horis ante merid. consuetis. Holmiae [Stockholm] (typis Laurent. Ludov. Gre-

fing.) [1753]. Qu. (Increm. bot.), (SO 1752, KR 149, STR 5051).

Publ.: 2 Jun 1753, p. [i-iv], [1]-20. Copies: MO, USDA. — Other eds. SO 1753-1757) €-8: Amoen. acad. 3(47): 377-393. 1756, Amoen. acad. Schreber ed. 3(47): 377-393- 1787.—On the use of woodcuts in botanical illustrations. For a detailed discussion see J. J. Heller, Taxon

25: 33-52. 1976.

  1. S. C. A. Demonstrationes plantarum in horto Upsaliensi mdccliii. Quas consentiente experient. Facult. medica praeside, ... Garolo Linnaeo, ... in Aud. carol. maj. d. 11 Octobr. mdccliii. Horis ante meridiem solitis proponit Johannes Christ. Héjer, Uplandus. Upsaliae (Excudit Laur. M. Héjer, Reg. Acad. Typ.) [1753]. Qu. (Demonstr. pl.). (SO 1758, KR 124, STR 4975).

Publ.: 3 Oct 1753, p- [i-viii], [1]-27, [28]. Copy: MO. — Further eds.: SO 1758-1762, e.g. Amoen. acad. 3 (48): 394-424. 1756, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 3(48): 394-424. 1787. — Lists 1450 species grown in the Uppsala bot. gard. all provided with binary names.

Ref.: Rickett, H. W., Lloydia 18(2): 50, 53-55- 1955-

Rothmaler, W., Repert. Sp. nov. 49: 279-280. 1940, 52: 177. 1943 (argues that author- ship should be attributed to Hojer).

4773- D. D. Herbationes upsalienses, quas consent. experient. Facult. medica in Regia

Academia Upsaliensi, sub Praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publico examini submittit ...

Andreas N. Fornander, Smolandus. In Auditorio carol. majori die xii. Octobr. anno

mdccliii. H. A. M. S. Upsaliae (Laur. M. Héjer, Reg. Acad. Typ.) [1753]. Qu. (Herbat.

Upsal.). (SO 1763, KR 12, STR 5036).

Publ.: 13 Oct 1753, p- [1]-20. Copies: MO, US, USDA. — Other eds. SO 1764-1769a; Amoen. acad. 3(49): 425-445. 1756, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 3(49): 425-445. 1787. — List of the plants around Uppsala on L’s field trips with students.

Swedish translation: 1921, Valda avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala, no. 1. (STR. 4882).

Ref.: Sernander, J. R., Sv. Linné-Saillsk. Arsskr. 9: 78-86. 1926.

  1. D. A. G. Dissertatio medico-botanica, exhibens Plantas officinales, quam, consens. experient. Facult. medicae in illustri Academia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Lin- naei, ... placidae bonorum censurae subjicit Nicolaus Gahn, ... Fahluna-Dalekarlus. In Audit. carol. maj. d. xv. Decemb. anni mdccliii. H. A. M. S. Upsaliae (Exc. Laur. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1753]- Qu. (Pl. of). (SO 1779, KR p. 236, no. 1, STR 5192). Author: (see KR; internal evidence on last page) Nils Gahn (1733-1820).

Publ.: 15 Dec 1753, p- [i-iv], [1]-31, [32]. Copy: MO. — Other eds.: SO 1780-1785; €.g.



Amoen. acad. 4(51): 1-25. 1759. Amoen. acad. Schreber ed. 4(51): 1-25. 1788.—List of medicinal plants.

Swedish translation: 1950, Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala, no. ro. (STR 5129).

Ref.: Drake, G., Sv. farmac. Tidskr. 18, 1921 (fide SO 1785).

  1. D. D. Dissertatio botanica, sistens Stationes plantarum, quam, consensu ampliss.

Facult. medicae in Almo Upsal. Lyceo, sub praesidio, ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publice

ventilandam sistit, Andres Hedenberg, Stockholmiensis. In Audit. carolin. major. d. iti

Aprilis, anni mdccliv. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae (Exc. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typ.) [1754].

Qu. (Stat. pl.). (SO 1799, KR 95, STR 5230).

Publ.: 3 Apr 1754, p- [i-1v], [1]-23, [24]. Copies: MO (2), US, USDA. — Other ed. SO 1800- 1804; e.g. Amoen. acad. 4(54): 64-87 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(54): 64-87. 1788.

  1. D.D. Flora anglica, quam cum consens. experient. Fac. medicae in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio . . . Caroli Linnaei, . . . specimini academici loco, publicae ventila- tioni offert Isaacus Olai Grufberg, Stockholmensis. In Auditorio carolino majori d. iii April anno mdccliv. H. A. [changed by hand to “P.”] M. C. Upsaliae (Exc. Laur. Magnus Héjer,

Rec. Acad. Typogr.) [1754]. Qu. (FU. angl.). (SO 1805, KR 26, STR 4997).

Publ.: 3 Apr 1754, p. [i-viii], [1 ]-29, [30-32]. Copzes: MO (2), US. — Other eds. SO 1806- 1812, e.g. Amoen. acad. 4(55): 88-111. 1759, Amoen. acad. Schreber ed. 4(55): 88-111. 1788. “The first Linnaean arrangement of English plants, about 1000 in number, of which about 300 were not found in Sweden.” (SO).

Combined reprint of Dissertation and Amoen. acad. version:

J. Bot. 47 Suppl. (1): 3:23. 1909 (transcription by W. R. Clarke; introd. by J. Britten on p. 1-2), (STR 1393). The Introduction outlines the differences between the original and the Amoenitates version. — Also published separately: ‘“‘Linnaeus’s Flora anglica ... ” London (West. Newman & Co., ... ) 1g09, p. [1]-23. SO 180ga, STR 1394. Copy: G.

Facsimile ed. (of 1754 orig.): 1973, in W. T. Stearn, ed., John Ray, Synopsis ... 1724, Carl Linnaeus, Flora anglica 1754 & 1759. Facsimiles with an introduction by William T. Stearn, London (The Ray Society) 1973. The introduction provides a detailed discus- sion of the Flora anglica and updated nomenclature. — STR 7490.

Facsimile ed. (of 1759 ed. in Amoen. acad. ed. 4): 1973, in W. T. Stearn, ... see above.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 47 (Suppl. (1): 1-2. 1909, 50: 312-314. I1g12.

Druce, G. C., Scottish bot. Rev. 1: 154-161. 1912, J. Bot. 51: 18-21. 1913. Rothmaler, W., Repert. Sp. nov. 49: 280-281. 1940, 52: 177. 1943 (attributes authorship to Grufberg).

4777- D. D. Herbarium amboinenese, quod consens. experient. Facult. medicae in Regia

Academia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publico examini submittit, . ..

Olavus Stickman, Smolandus. In Auditorio car. majori d. xi. Maji, anno mdccliv. H. A. M.

S. Upsaliae (Exc. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typ.) [1754]. Qu. (Herb. amb.) (SO 1813, KR

27, STR 5034).

Publ.: 11 Mai 1754, p. [i-iv], [1]-28. Copy: MO. — Other eds.: SO 1814-1816; Amoen acad. 4(56): 112-143. 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(56): 112-143. 1788. —A commentary on Rumphius, Herbarium amboinense, q.v. (no. 1126), giving Linnaean synonymy; see DA (1967, p. 15) and Rickett (1955) for further details; the version in the Amoenitates (Vol. 4) is revised and extended.

Ref.: Rickett, H. W., Lloydia 18: 55-57. 1955;

Rothmaler, W., Repert. Sp. nov. 50: 68-69. 1941, 52: 178. 1943 (attributes authorship to Stickman).

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationes partium ... Editio quinta ab auctore reformata et aucta ... Holmiae [Stockholm], (impensis Laurentii Salvii)
  2. Oct. (Gen. pl. ed. 5). (SO 301, KR 2, STR 5380).

Publ.: Aug 1754, p. [i*-ii1* ], [i]-xxxii, [1]-500, [1-21, index, 22 err.]. Copies: G, MO, US (3), USDA; IDC 167. ~The third US copy has the Ehret plate of the sex. syst. bound in. The errata on p. [22] are to the Species plantarum (1753).—Itis agreed (ICBN Art. 13 note1) to associate generic names which first appear in Linnaeus’s Species plantarum ed. 1 (1753)



and ed. 2 (1762-1763) with the first subsequent description given under those names in Linnaeus’s Genera plantarum ed. 5 (1754) and ed. 6 (1764) (cf. also Art. 41). For more detailed information on this edition of the Genera plantarum and for an explanation of the abbreviations see Stearn’s introduction to the 1960 facsimile.

Facsimile ed. (1): 1939, as above with a loose leaf containing a colophon text in Japanese. Copy: FAS. — Published by Shokonutsu-Bunken-Kankokwa, Tokyo 1939. Oct. — This edition was prepared by T. Nakai, whois also the author of an accompanying booklet in Japanese ‘“‘on the japanese facsimile reprint of Linnaeus’s Genera plantarum (ed. 5)” which contains a short biography of Linnaeus and explanatory notes. The edition of the facsimile and of Nakai’s text numbered 400 copies (Bryk no. 9).

Facsimile ed. (2): 1960, p. [i]-xxiv and repr. of Ehret plate, introduction by W. T. Stearn, followed by facsimile of ed. 5 as above. Copy: FAS. -STR 5381. “Carl Linnaeus Genera plantarum fifth edition 1754 with an introduction by William T. Stearn. 1960 facsimile by H. R. Engelmann (J. Cramer) and Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd., Weinheim/Bergstr. Codicote/Herts., Historiae naturalis classica, tomus i. — The introduction by W. T. Stearn is of importance for the understanding of all editions of the Genera plantarum; it has e.g. an explanation of L’s references; a list of secondary literature; and a chapter on the typification of Linnaean genera. — ISBN 3-7682-0014-0.

Further secondary refs.:1n addition to Stearn’s introduction see SO 302-304b; F. Bryk, Taxon 3: 165-183. 1954, Dandy (1967), Stafleu (1971, p. 101-103), and van EKeghen (1979).

T ypification: (1) Standard-species of Linnaean genera of phanerogamae (1753-54), by A. S.

Hitchcock and M. L. Green, in J. Ramsbottom et al., Proposals by British botanists, Int. Bot. Congr., Cambridge 1930, p. 110-199. 1929. — These choices were never accepted as an integral part of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. They were published choices of lectotype-species which have to be followed if they are the first and as long as they are not shown to be erroneous (ICBN Art. 8.1). (2) W. T. Stearn provides references to choices of lectotype-species of Linnaean genera in the index, p. 103-148 appended to part 2 of the Ray Society facsimile of the Speczes plantarum (1959) (see Linnaeus, Sp. pl., 1753, no. 5). This index is now the most important list to be consulted when establishing the types of Linnaean generic names. (3) E. R. Farr, J. A. Leussink and F. A. Stafleu, Index nominum genericorum, 3 vols., Utrecht/The Hague 1979, provides choices of lectotype-species based on the data provided by Stearn and others.

Ref.: Stearn, W. T., Notes on Linnaeus’s ““Genera Plantarum,” in Gen. pl., ed. 5, facs. ed.

  1. p. V-XXIV. Bryk, F., Taxon 3: 178-179. 1954 (collation). Eeghen, I. H. van, Holland 11(2): 112-117. 1979 (the Genera plantarum in Holland).

  2. B.C.D. Dissertatio de Horticultura academica, quam, dulgente experient. Fac. medic.

Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, in Audit. gustav. d. xvii. Decemb. mdccliv.

Publico offert examini Johan. Gust. Wollrath, Nericus. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M.

Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) 1754. Qu. (Hort. acad.). (SO 1838, KR 126, STR 4938).

Publ.: 18 Dec 1754, p. [i-viti], [1 ]-21, [22-24]. Copies: MO, USDA. — Further eds. SO 1838- 1843 and KR 127-128, q.v. also for commentaries. Amoen. acad. 4(60): 210-229. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(60): 210-229. 1841.

  1. S. N. A. Specimen academicum. Sisten [sistens] Chinensia Lagerstromiana. Quod,

annuente nob: a Facultate medica. In R. Academia Upsal. Praeside...Carolo Linnaeo...

Publicae disquisitioni submittit Johannes Laurentius Odhelius, W. G. In Audit. gustav. d.

[mss.: 23.] Decemb. mdccliv. H. A. M. C. Holmiae [Stockholm] (Impressit direct. &

typogr. Magn., Duc. Finland. Jacob Merckell) [1754]. Qu. (Chin. Lagerstr.). (SO 1844, KR

28, STR 4902).

Collector: Magnus Lagerstrom (1691-1759).

Publ.: 23 Dec 1754, p. [i-iv], [1]-36, 7 pl. Copy: MO. — For further details see SO 1844, other eds. 1845-1847; Amoen. acad. 4(61): 230-260. 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(61): 230- 260. 1788.

  1. A. D. J. Centuria I. plantarum, quam, ex consens. nobil. et exper. Fac. med. in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio, ... Caroli Linnaei, ... orbi botanico examinandam sistit, Abraham. D. Juslenius, V-Gothus. In Audit. Gustav. die xix. Februar. anni mdcclv.



H. A. M.S. Upsalia (Exc. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1755]. Qu. (Cent. pl. I). (SO

1848, KR 7, STR 4898).

. Publ.: 19 Feb 1755, p- [i-iv], [1]-35, [96]. Copies: MO(2).— Further eds. SO 1849-1851, see also 1852; Amoen. acad. 4(62): 261-296. 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(62): 261-296. 1788. See also DA 1967 for nomenclatural standing of generic names and Rickett (1955) and Nordenstam (1961) for various nomenclatural changes in the Amoen. acad. — For Centuria II, 1756, see below.

Ref.: Nordenstam, B., Bot. Not. 114: 276. 1961.

Rickett, H. W., Lloydia 18(2): 57-59. 1955. Rothmaler, W., Repert. Sp. nov. 50: 69-72. 1941, 52: 177-178. 1943 (attributes author-

ship to Juslenius).

  1. I. N. D. Dissertatio botanica Metamorphoses plantarum sistens, quam, consent. expe-

rientiss. Facultate medica in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ...

Naturae curiosorum censurae subjicit Nicolaus E. Dahlberg, Ostrogothus. In Audit. [mss.:

Carol. maj. die ii] Juni [mss. change to Julii], an 1755. H. [mss.: A.] M. S. Holmiae

[Stockholm] (e Typographia Regia.) [1755]. Qu. (Metam. pl.), (SO 1857, KR 158, STR


Publ.: 3 Jul 1755, p. [1]-26. Copies: MO(2).— Further eds. SO 1858-1863; Amoen. acad. 4(66): 368-386. 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(66): 368-386. 1788.

Swedish translation: 1921, Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala, no. 2; translated by C. A. Brolen, p. [1]-28. Copy: MO.

  1. Somnus plantarum in dissertatione academica propositus, consens. experient. Facult. med. in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside, ... Garolo Linnaeo, ... a Petro Bremer, Helsingo. In Audit. Gustav d. x. Decembr, anni mdcclv. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae [1755]. Qu. (Soman. pl.). (SO 1864, KR 159, STR 5217).

Publ.: 10 Dec 1755, p. [1]- 22, 1pl.(A. Akermann, uncol. copp.). Copies: MO(2). — Reprints and other refs.: SO 1865-1880; Amoen. acad. 4(64): 333-350. 1759, Amoen. Acad., Schreber ed. 4(64): 333-350. 1788.

Swedish translation: 1921, Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala, no. 3.-STR 5257:

  1. D. D. Dissertatio botanico-medica, in qua Fungus melitensis, cum consens. experient.

Facult. med. in Almo Upsal. Lycaeo, praeside ... Garolo Linnaeo, ... publicae ventilationi

proponitur a Johanne Pfeiffer, Holmens. ...in Aud. carol. maj. d. xx Dec. a. mdeclv. H. A.

M.S. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1755]. Qu. (Fung. melit.). (SO

1881, KR 67, STR 5022).

Publ.: 20 Dec 1755, p. [i-iv], [1]-16, 2 pl. (uncol. copp. A. Akerman). Copies: MO(2). — Further eds. SO 1882-1885; Aeon acad. 4(65): 351-367. 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(65): 351-367. 1788. — Deals with Cynomorium coccinium L. (Sp. pl.).

  1. D.F.G. Flora palaestina, quam, venia experientissimae Facult. med. in Reg. Acade- mia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publice examinandam sistis Benedic- tus Joh. Strand, Sudermannus. In Audit. carol. maj. d. [mss.: x] Marti, anni mdcelvi. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Héjer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1756]. Qu. (FU. palaest.), (SO 1886, KR 29, STR 5008).

Publ.: 10 Mar 1756, p. [1]-32. Copy: MO. — Other eds. SO 1887-1890; Amoen. acad. 4(69):

443-467. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(69): 443-467. 1788. Ref.: Rothmaler, W., Repert. Sp. nov. 50: 72. 1941 (attributes authorship to Strand).

  1. D. I. G. Flora alpina, quam, venia experientissimae Facult. med. in Almo Upsaliensi Lycaco, praeside, ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... speciminis ventilationi subjicit Nicolaus N. Amann, . .. Jemtlandus. In Audit. carol. maj. d. xxiv. Martii, anni mdcclvi. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1756]. Qu. (FV. alp.). (SO 1891, KR p. 787, no. 1, STR 4995).

Author (fide KR): Nils Nilsson Amann (1731-1783).

Publ.: 24 Mar 1756, p. [i- iv], [1]-27, [28[. Copies: MO(2). Further eds, SO 1892-1896;

Amoen. acad. 4(68): 415-422. 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(68): 415-422. 1788.

Ref.: Anon., Larda Tidn., ste kholm 1756: 142-144.



  1. 1.N.S.S.T. Calendarium florae, quod, venia experientissimae Facult. med. in Almo Upsaliensi Lycaeo, praeside, ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... publicae ventilationi subjicit ... Alexander. Mal. Berger, Vermelandus. In Audit. carol. maj. d. xxxi Martti, anni mdcclvi. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Héjer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1756]. Qu. (Calend. fl.). (SO 1897, KR 117, STR 4889). Publ.: 31 Mar 1756, p. fi-iv], sign. A-C 4. Copy: MO. — Further eds. and studies: SO 1898- 1909; Amoen. acad. 4(67): 387-414. 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(67): 387-414. 1788. Ref.: Beckman, Carl von Linné, Blomster-almanach. Stockholm 1763.

  2. D. D. Centuria I. plantarum, quam, consensu experientiss. Facult. med. in regia Academia upsaliensi, praeside, ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... speciminis academici loco, ad publicam ventilationem defert ... Ericus Torner, V. Gothus. In Auditorio carol. maj. d. 11.

Junii. Anni mdcclvi. H. A. M. S. Upsaliae (excud. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.)

[1756]. Qu. (Cent. pl. IT). (SO 1853, KR 7, STR 4899).

Publ.: 2 Jun 1756 (SO gives “1755’’), p. [i-iv], [1]-33, [34]. Copy: MO. — Other eds. SO 1854-1856; Amoen. acad. 4(63): 297-332. 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(63): 297-332. 1788. — For Centuria I. see above TL-2/4781. — See Rickett (1955) for the changes in the Amoenitates.

Ref.: Nordenstam, B., Bot. Not. 114: 278. 1961.

Rickett, H. W., Lloydia 18(2): 59-60. 1955. Rothmaler, W., Repert. Sp. nov. 50: 72-75. 1941, 52: 178. 1943 (attributes authorship to Torner; revision of nomenclature).

  1. D. D. Flora monspeliensis, quam, cum consens. experient. Fac. medicae in Regia

Academia Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... speciminis academici loco, ad

publicam ventilationem defert Theoph. Erdm. Nathhorst, Germano-Silesiensis. In Audi-

torio carol. maj. die xv Junii, anni mdcclvi. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Hojer, Reg.

Acad. Typogr.) [1756]. Qu. (F/. monsp.). (SO 1912, KR 30, STR 5003).

Publ.: 15 Jun 1756, p. [i-1i], [1]-30. Copies: MO(2); IDC 5344. — Further eds. SO 1913-1915; Amoen. acad. 4(70): 468-495. 1759, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 4(70): 468-495. 1788. See also DA 1967. See Stearn for the link with Magnol’s Bot. monsp. and the nomenclatural standing of the names in the Fl. monsp.

Ref.: Duval-Jouve, J., Bull. Soc. bot. France 10:10-20. 1863 (note... plantes critiques ... ). Rothmaler, W., Repert. Sp. nov. 50: 75-78. 1941, 52: 178. 1943 (attributes authorship to

Nathhorst; gives revised nomenclature). Stearn, W. T., in Festschrift fiir Claus Nissen, Wiesbaden 1973, p. 612-650 (on Magnol’s Bot. monsp. and L’s Fl. monsp.).

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Systema naturae sistens regna tria naturae in classes et ordines genera et species redacta, tabulisque aeneis illustrata. Accedunt vocabula gallica. Editio multo auctior & emendatior ... Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (apud Theodorum Haak)
  2. Oct. (Syst. nat. ed. 9). (SO 57, STR 5934).

Editor: Johan Frederik Gronovius (1686-1762).

Publ.: 1756, p. [i-vili], 1-227, [228], index [1-18], p/. 1-6 (uncol. copp.) with text: [1-8]. Copies: MO, U, US; SO 57. — Based on ed. 7 with the German names replaced by French. Krok counts this as ed. 8 and the reprint of Syst. nat. ed. 2 as it appears in Opera varia, Lucca (1758) as ed. 9. — Some additions of the botanical text come from Linnaeus himself.

  1. D.A. Prodromus florae danicae, quem, suffrag. experient. Facult. medic. in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, praeside, ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... pro summis in arte apollinea honoribus, more majorum legitime obtinendis, publicae censurae sistit Georgius Tycho Holm, Fyonia-Danus. In Auditorio carol. maj. d. 1. Jun. anni mdeclvi. H. A. & P. M. C. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1757]. Qu. (Prodr. fl. dan.). (SO 1952, KR p. 300, no. 1, STR 5197).

Author: Jorgen Tyche Holm (1726-1759), see TL-2/2: 259 and no. 2945.

Publ.: 2 Jun 1757, p. [1]-26, [1-2]. Copy: MO. — For further details see TL-2/2945. Contains

no new validly published names.

  1. D.D. Buxbaumia, quam consens. experient. Facult. medic. in illustri Academia



Upsaliensi. Sub p?aesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publicae ventilationi submittit ... Anto-

nius Rolandi Martin, ... aboensis. Audit. carol. maj. d. xxii. Jun. a. mdeclvu. H. A. M.S. . Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1757]. Qu. (Buxbaumia). (SO

1966, KR p. 496, no. 1, STR 4884).

Author: Anton Rolandsson Martin (1729-1786), (fide KR).

Publ.: 22 Jun 1757, p. [1]-16, 7 pl. (figure of Buxbaumia pasted on t.p.). Other eds. SO 1967- oe pp acad. 5(81): 78-91. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 5(81): 78-91. 1788.

4793- I. N. J. Specimen academicum, de 7ransmutatione frumentorum, quod, consens. expe-

rient. Facult. medic. in illustri Academia Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ...

publico examini subjicit, Bogislaus Hornborg, Petropolitanus. In a, car. maj. d. xxviii.

Sept. anno mdcclvii. H. A. M. S. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.)

[1757]. Qu. (Transmut. frument.). (SO 1974, KR 112, STR 4969).

Publ.: 28 Sep 1757, p- [i-vi], [1]-16, [1-2]. Copy: MO. ~ Other eds. and studies: SO 1975- 1982; Amoen. acad. 5(83): 106-119. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 5(83): 106-119. 1788. — On “change of wheat into rye, denied by L. (ergot).

4794- Caroli Linnaei... Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines,

genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I[II]. Editio

decima, reformata ... Holmiae [Stockholm] (Impensis direct. Laurentii Salvii) 1758 [-

1759]. Oct. (Syst. nat. ed. 10). (SO 58, STR 5935).

Orig. ed.: 1758-1759, 2 vols. Copies: G, MO, U, US, USDA; IDC 740.

1 (Animalia): 1 Jan 1758, p. [1-iv], [1]-823, [824, err.]. Starting point for zoological nomenclature. Binomial nomenclature used throughout. ( Vegetabilia): Mai-Jun 1759 (Larda Tidn. 7 Jun 1759), p. [i-iv], 825-1384.

3 ( (Mineralia): not published, mss. at LINN.

Reviews: See SO 58.

Reprint [actually ed. r11.] (““prrated”): 1760, 1: [i-viii], [1]-823, [824, err.], 2: [i-iv], [825]- 1380. Copies: G, MO. —SO 60. —“*Tomus I. Praefectus est Joannes Joachim Langius [see above, ed. 3] ... ad editionem decimam reformatam holmiensem. [Tomus II. Ad editionem... ] Halae magdeburgicae [Halle a.S.] (typis et sumtibus Jo,Jac. Curt.) 1760. Oct. Reprinted literally up to p. 1352, p. 1353-1380 with changed setting. This edition, however, has Tomus III, Regnum lapidem, 1770, apparently based on ed. 12. — Called ed. 11 by Krok (p. 425) and Tournay (1953). —STR 5940.

Facsimile ed. (of Tomus I): 1964, p. [i*-iv* new t.p.’s], [i-iv], 825-1384. Copy: FAS. -STR 5939.— “Carl Linnaeus Systema naturae editio decima 1759 tomus ii: Vegetabilia 1964 facsimile by J. Cramer. Weinheim ... Codicote, Herts. New York, N.Y.’’, Historiae naturalis classica ... tomus xxxiv. ISBN 3-7682-0219-4.

Secondary literature and indexes: See SO 66-81, of which botanical:

  1. Nomenclator extemporaneus, 1759. See below.

  2. Index plantarum ... 1761, by G. C. Oeder, q.v.

  3. Natuurliyke hastorie ... 1773-1783, by M. Houttuyn, see TL-2/3080, 3081; plants only partly based on ed. 12 (not 10).

  4. Vademecum botanico, by C. Bianchi, 1763, n.v.

75- Sistema der natuurlijke historie, Hagae-Comitum, 1765, n.v.

See also: Baum, B. R., Taxon 17: 507-513. 1968 (typification).

  1. D. F. G. Dissertatio medica, de Sprgelia anthelmia, quam consens. experient. Facult.

medic. in illustri Lycaeo Upsaliensi sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ad publicum examen

defert Joh. Georg. Colliander, ... Smolandus. In Audit. carol. maj. d. xxii [mss. changed to

xxx] Martti, anni mdcclviii. H. A. & P. M.S. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Héjer, Reg. Acad.

Typog.) [1758]. Qu. (Spigelia). (SO 1987, KR p. 130, no. 1, STR 4966).

Author (fide KR): Johan Georg Colliander (1728-1796).

Publ.: 30 Mar 1758, p. [1]-16, 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: MO(2), US, USDA. — Further eds. SO 1988-1990; Amoen. acad. 5(85): 133-147. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed.5 (85): 133- 147. 1788.

  1. D. F. Dissertatio de Cortice peruviano, cujus Pan priorem cons. experient. Facullt. medica in Regia Academia Upsaliensi praeside, ... Carolo Linnaeo, . -. publicae ventila-

tioni offert Joh. Christ. Pet. Petersen, Holmiensis. ig Audit. carolin. maj. die [in mss.:10]



Maji anni mdcclviii. H. A. M. S. Upsaliae. Excud. L. M. Héjer, Reg. Acad. ‘Typogr.)

[1758]. Qu. (Cort. peruv.). (SO 1991, KR p. 572, no. 1, STR 4924).

Author (fide KR): Johan Christian Petersen (1739-1774).

First issue: 10 Mai 1758, p. [i-ii], [1]-38. Copy: MO.

Second issue: 10 Mai 1758, or later, p. [i-ii], [1]-38. Copy: MO. — Difference with first issue: date printed in full: ‘*.. .die x. maji anni mdcclviil.”

Other issue: Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 9(176): 64-105. 1785 (STR 4692).

Pars II: published by Andreas Westphal, Greifswald 1763, n.v.

4797- Q.F.F.Q.S. Frutetum svecicum, quod consens. experient. Facult. medicae in illustri

Lycaeco Upsal. praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... publico erudit. exam. modeste subjicit

David Magn. Virgander, Smolandus. In Audit. carol. majori die xxii. maji anni mdcclviui.

H. A. M.S. Upsaliae (Excud. L. M. Hojer, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1758]. Qu. (Frut. svec.).

(SO 1994, KR 18, STR 5013).

Publ.: 23 Mai 1758, p. [i-1i], [1 ]-28. Copzes: MO(2), US, USDA. — Other editions: SO 1995- 2000; Amoen. acad. 5(88): 204-231. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 5(88): 204-231. 1788.

  1. Caroli Linnaei . .. Opera varia in quibus continentur Fundamenta botanica, sponsa- lia plantarum, et Systema naturae, in quo proponuntur naturae regna tria secundum classes, ordines, genera & species. Lucae [Lucca] (ex Typographia Juntiniana) 1758. Oct. (Opera var.). (SO 6, STR 5600).

Publ.: 1758, p- [i, 111], [1]-376, 7 pl. (uncol. copp. engr.). Copies: MO, USDA; IDC 7297. — The Fundamenta botanica is a reprint of the second edition (1740), the Sponsalia plantarum of the 1746 edition. The Systema naturae is a reprint with slight alterations of the fourth edition, Paris 1744 (see also p. 154); the new genera present in ed. 4 (and not in ed. 2) are contained in the Opera varia. — The part on Regnum vegetabile (p. 195-274) contains references by means of single letters (explained on p. 198) to previous authors such as Tournefort (T.). These references are easily traceable and several pre-linnaean names (see Dandy 1967) are first validated by this procedure in this publication. — Counted as the ninth edition of the Systema by Krok (p. 425).

Ref.: Barneby, R. C., Taxon 14: 163. 1965.

Dandy, J. E., Regn. veg. 51: 15. 1967. Skog, L. E., in litt. 13 Aug 1975 (comparison with Syst. nat. ed. 4).

  1. CG. Linnaei, Eqv. Delineatio plantae, in usum auditorum. [on p. 8: Upsaliae, Apud

Christ. Erh. Steinert, 1758]. Oct. (Dein. pl.). (SO 550, KR 141, STR 4834).

Publ.: 1758 (date on p. 1758; the HH copy has a note in ink above the colophon “‘die 19. aprilis 1759”), p. [1 ]-8. Copy: HH. — An elaboration of aphorisms 78-87 of the Fundamenta botanica, later incorporated in the regnum vegetabile sections of Syst. nat. ed. 10 and following. A further, much enlarged, version was published as Termini botanict 1781. SO mentions another copy of this at Leiden (University Library), not seen by us. For other editions see SO 551-556.

Latin and dutch version: in D. de Gorter, Leer der plantkunde 1: 33-76. 1782.

English version: ir. C. Darwin, A system of vegetables 1: 13-21. 1783. —STR 4837.

German version: X. J. Lippert, Des Ritters Carl von Linné Pflanzensystem 1: xvii, xli. 1786. STR 5976, TL-2/4864.

  1. D.F.G. Auctores botanici in dissertatione propositi, quam consens. experient. Facult. medic. in illustri Lycaeo Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei ... ad publicum examen defert ... Augustinus Loo, Ostrogothus. In Audit. carol. maj. die xiv. mart. anni mdcclix. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae [1759]. Qu. (Auct. bot.). (SO 2017, KR 150, STR 4867). Publ.: 14 Mar 1759, p. [i-ii], [1]-20. Copies: MO, US, USDA. — Further eds. SO 2018-2021; Amoen. acad. 5(91): 273-297. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 5(91): 273-297. 1788.

  2. D.A.N. Instructio peregrinatoris, quam, consent. nobiliss. Facultat. medica in Regia

Academia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publicae censurae submittit

Ericus And. Nordblad, Gevalia-gestricius. In’ Auditorio carol. major. d. ix Maji, ann.

mdeclix. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae [1759]. Qu. (Jnstructio peregr.). (SO 2022, STR 5054).

Publ.: g Mai 1759, p. [i-iv], [1]-15. Copy: MO. — Other eds. SO 2023-2029; Amoen. acad. 5(92): 298-313. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 5(92): 298-313. 1788.



  1. Plantae tinctoriae, de quibus specimen botanico-oeconomicum, consensu ampliss. Facult. med. in illustri Upsaliensi Athenaeo, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... Publico bonorum examini modeste submittit ... Engelbertus Jorlin, Bahusia-Gothoburgens. In Audit. carol. major. die xvi. Maji, anno mdcclix. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae [1759] Qu. (Pl. tinct.). (SO 2030, KR p. 334, TL-2/3357, STR 5190).

Author: Engelbert Jorlin (1733-1810).

Publ.: 16 Mai 1759, p. [1]-30. — See TL-2/3357.

  1. O.F.F.Q.S. Flora capensis, quam ex consensu experient. Facult. med. in illustri Lyceao Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publico examini submittit Carolus Henr. Wannman, Upsaliensis. In Audit. carol. major. die xxx. maji, anni mdcclix. H. A. M. S. Upsaliae [1759]. Qu. (Fl. cap.). (SO 2040, KR 31a, STR 5000).

Publ.: 30 Mai 1759, p. [1-1], [1 ]-19, [20]. Copies: MO(2), US, USDA. — Other eds. SO 2041- 2043; Amoen. acad. 5(95): 353-370, Amoen. ed., Schreber ed. 5(95): 353-370. 1788. Based on the collections of J. Burman, J. Hartog, P. Hermann, H. B. Oldenland.

Ref.: Reynolds, G. W., The Aloes of South Africa 87. 1950.

  1. Q.B.V. Arboretum svecicum, quod consens. experient. Facult. medicae. In illustri

Lyceo upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... publico examini submittit ... David

Davidis Pontin, Ostro-Gothus ... in Auditorio carol. maj. d. [mss.: 30] Junii anni mdcclix.

H. A. M.S. Upsaliae. [1759]. Qu. (Arboret. svec.). (SO 2046, KR p. 19, STR 4865).

Publ.: 30 Jun 1759, p- [1]-30. Copies: MO, USDA. — Other eds. SO 2047-2053; Amoen. acad. 5(87): 174-203. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 5(87): 174-203. 1788.

Ref.: Hoepfner, E. J. T., Auserles. Abh. 2: 217-250. 1759 (German transl.).

  1. D.D. Plantarum jamaicensium pugillus, quem consens. experient. Fac. medicae in Regia

Academia Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, . . . speciminis academici loco, publice

examinandum sistit ... Gabriel Elmgren, Smolandus. In Audit. Car. maj. die xxviii.

Novembr. ann. mdcclix. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae. [1759]. Qu. (Pl. jamaic. pug.). (SO 2058, KR

39, SDR 5191).

Publ.: 28 Nov 1759, p. [1]-31, [32]. Copies: MO(2), US. — Other eds. SO 2059-2061; Amoen. acad. 5(97): 389-413. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 5(97): 389-413. 1788. — A description of plants presented to Linnaeus by Patrick Browne.

  1. D.F.G. Flora jamaicensis, quam indultu nobil. nec non exper. ord. med. insupremo ad

Salam Athenaeo, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... publicae erudit censurae submittit

Carolus Gust. Sandmark, Vermelandus. In audit. car. maj. ad diem [mss.: xxii] Decembr.

Anni mdcclix. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae [1759]. Qu. (Fl. jamaic.). (SO 2087, KR 32, STR 5002).

Publ.: 22 Dec 1759, p. [1]-27, [28]. Copy: MO. — Other eds. 2088-2090; Amoen. acad. 5(96): 371-388. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 5(96): 371-388. 1788 (dated 13 Dec). — Mainly based on P. Browne, Civ. nat. hist. Jamaica, 1756 (TL-2/842) and H. Sloane, Voy. Madera Jamaica 1707-1725. Browne gave his material to Linnaeus; the Sloane material is at BM. The version in the Amoen. acad. is revised. See also DA 1967.

  1. D. D. Dissertatio academica, sistens Nomenclatorem botanicum, quam consent. expe- rient. Facult. medica in illustri ad Salam Lycaeo sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publico erudit. exam. subjicit Benedictus Berzelius, Ostro-Gothus in Auditorio gustaviano die [mss.: xxiv] Decemb. anni mdcclix: H. A. M.S. Holmiae [Stockholm] (Literis Direct. Laurenti Salvi) [1759]. Qu. (Nom. bot.). (SO 2095, STR 5100).

Publ.: 24 Dec 1759, p. [3]-19, [20]. Copy: MO. — Further eds. SO 2096-2099; Amoen. acad. 5(98): 414-441. 1760, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 5(98): 414-441. 1788. — Vernacular generic names in Dutch, English, French, German, and Italian, mainly of European and garden taxa.

  1. Nomenclator extemporaneus rerum naturalium: plantarum, insectorum, conchyliorum,

secundum. Systema naturae linnaeanum editus a Carol. Clerck ... Stockholmiae (typis

Laurentii Ludovici Grefingii) 1759. Oct. (Nomencl. extemp. rer. nat.). (SO 66, STR 1413).

Compiler: Carl Alexander Clerck (1710-1765), see KR p. 122.

Publ.: 1759, p. [i-iv], [1]-67, [1-12, index]. Copy: FAS. — On p. [ii] “Imprimatur C. Linnaeus’. The index to the plants (p. 1-67) is to Syst. nat. ed. 10.



  1. Q.F-.F.S. Flora belgica. Quam consens. nobil. nec non exper. ord. med. in illustr. ad

Salam Svion Athenaeo, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... ad publicum examen defert

Christian Fr. Rosenthal, Lincopia O-Gothus. In Audit. carol. maj. die xv. Octobr. Anno

mdcclx. H. A. M. S. Upsaliae [1760]. Qu. (Fl. belg.), (SO 2130, KR 33, STR 4999).

Publ.: 15 Oct 1760, p. [i-iv], [1]-23. Copies: MO, US. — Further eds. SO 2131-2133; Amoen. acad. 6(104): 44-62. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(104): 44-62. 1789. — Based on J. Commelijn, Cat. pl. indig. Holl. ed. 2, 1709, and D. de Gorter, Fl. gelro-zutph. 1745, app. 1757, [L-2/2089.

  1. D. D. Macellum olitorium, quod consens. experient. Facult. medicae in illustri Lyceo

upsaliensi praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... publicae erudit. censurae submittit ... Petrus

Jerlin, Sudermannus. In Auditorio carol. maj. ad diem [mss.: xx] Decemb. anni mdcclx. H.

A. M.S. Holmiae [Stockholm] (Literis Direct. Laurentii Salvii) 1760. Qu. (Macellum olit.).

(SO 2134, KR 113, STR 5071).

Publ.: 20 Dec 1760, p. [1]-23, [24]. Copies: MO(2), USDA. — Further eds. SO 2133-2140; Amoen: acad. 6(107): 116-131. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber, ed. 6(107): 116-131. 1789.— “The vegetable market”’.

Swedish translation: 1956, Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala, no. 25.-STR


  1. D.D. Plantae rariores africanae, quas consens. experient. Facult. med. in Reg. Academ. Upsaliensi. Praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo ... publico examini submittit Jacob Printz Dale- karlus. In Audit. carol. maj. die [fide Nordenstam: xx] Decemb. anni mdcclx. H. A. M.S.

Holmiae [Stockholm] (Literis Direct. Laurentii Salvii) [1760]. Qu. (Pl. rar. afr.). (SO

2147, KR 34, STR 5185).

Publ.: 20 Dec 1760 (none of our copies had the precise date filled in by hand), p. [1]-28, Copies: MO(2), USDA; IDG 5505. — Other eds. SO 2148-2150; Amoen. acad. 6(106): 77- 115. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 77-115. 1789. See also DA 1967. — States exist with date in filled by hand and with printed date, see STR.

Ref.: Nordenstam, B., Bot. Not. 114: 278-279. 1961. (nomenclatural details; differences in

Amoen. acad.).

  1. D.D. Prolepsis plantarum, quam, consens. nobil. nec non exper. ord. med. in illustr. ad

Salam Svion. Athenaeao, praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo, ... publico examini submittit

Hinricus Ullmark, Vermelandus. In Audit. car. maj. die xxii Decembris anni mdcclix. H.

A. M.S. Upsaliae [1760]. Qu. (Prolepsis pl.). (SO 2141, STR 5198).

Publ.: 22 Dec 1760, p. [i-iv], [1 ]-22. Copy: USDA. — Further eds. SO 2142-2146; Amoen. acad. 6(118): 324-341. 1764, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(118): 324-341. 1789 (prolepsis: rhe- toric).

  1. D.F.G. Termini botanici, quos consensu experient. Fac. medicae in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside... Carolo Linnaeo, . .. examinandos sistit Johannes Elmgren Smolan- dus. In Audit. carol. maj. die xxii. Junii, anni mdcclxii. H. A. M. C. Upsaliae [1762]. Qu. (Term. bot.). (SO 2174, KR 142, STR 5240).

Publ.: 22 Jun 1762, p. [1]-32. Copies: MO(2). — Other eds. and studies: SO 2175-2201; Amoen. acad. 6(113): 217-246. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(113): 217-246. 1789. For English translations in James Lee, Jnér. bot. see TL-2/4289, in J. Berkenhout see TL- 2/466. See also KR p. 453-454 (lists nine eds.).

German ed. 1: 1781, p. [i-xiv], [1]-219, [220-221, err.]. Copies: M, MO, U.— “Caroli a Linné ... Termini botanici classium methodi sexualis generumque plantarum characteres com- pendiosi. Recudi curavit primos cum suis definitionibus interpretatione germanica donatos Paulus Dietericus Giseke [ 1747-1796; see Tl-2/1: 949-950] ... Hamburgi (sum- tibus B. Chr. Heroldi viduae excudit Car. Wilh. Meyn) 1781. Oct. — Actually a new work, a compendium of the Linnaean system and method to be attributed to Giseke. — SO 2194, STR 5961.

German ed. 2: 1787, p. [i-xx], [1]-396, 2 charts. Copres: MO, US.—“... compendiosi. Recudi cum interpretatione germanica definitionum terminorum curavit Paulus Dietericus Giseke ... Editioni huic alteri accesserunt fragmenta ordinum naturalium Linnaei, nomina germanica Planeri generum, gallica et anglica terminorum, et indices. Hambur-

gi (id.) 1787. Oct. — To be attributed to Giseke. — STR 5962.



English ed. 1: 1770, 40 p., 5 pl. — Termini botanict: in usum juventis academicae edinensis. Accedunt index, rerumque series. Edinburgi (apud Balfour & Co.) 1770.

English ed. 2: 1778, p. [1]-39, pl. 1-5. Copy: HH. — id., Edinburgi (apud Balfour et Smellie, ...) 1778. Oct. (in fours). — STR 5960, SO 2187).

  1. D.A.G. Planta Alstrémeria, quam adprob. experient. senat. med. Upsal. praeside ... Carolo Linnaeo in Audit. carol. maj. die xxiii. Jun. anni mdcclxii. Horis ante merid. solitis proponet ... Johannes Petrus Falck, Vestrogothus. Upsaliae [1762]. Qu. (Pl. Alstrimeria). (SO 2202, KR 73, STR 5174).

Publ.: 23 Jun 1762, p. [1']-16, 7 pl. (uncol. copp. R. M. Hall). Copies: MO(2). — Other eds.: SO 2203-2205; Amoen. acad. 6(114): 247-262. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(114): 247- 262. 1789. — See also DA 167.

Ref.: Nordenstam, B., Fauna och Flora 73(3): 134-136. 1978.

  1. Q.F.F-.S. Dissertatio botanica, sistens de Wectaria florum, quam, consensu nob. atque

exper. Fac. med. in almo Upsal. lycaeo sub praesidio, ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publico

examini offert, Birgerus Martinus Hall, Vestrogothus. In Audit. carol. maj. die xxv Junii,

mdcclxii. Horis ante meridiem consuetis. Upsaliae [1762] Qu. (Nect. fl.). (SO 2206, KR

162, STR 5097).

Publ.: 25 Jun 1762, p. [i-i1], [1]-16. Copzes: MO(2), US, USDA. — Further eds. SO 2207- 2213; Amoen. acad. 6(115): 263-278. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(115): 263-278. 1789.

  1. O.F.F.Q.S. Fundamentum fructificationis, quod, consens. nobil. et exper. Facult. med.

in illustri ad Salam Svionum, Athenaeo sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei, ... publico

eruditorum examini submittit, ... Johannes Mart. Graberg, Gothoburgensis. In Audit.

carol. maj. die xvi. October. anni mdcclxii. Horis ante meridiem consuetis. Upsaliae

[1762]. Qu. (Fund. fruct.) (SO 2214, KR 167, STR 5021).

Publ.: 16 Oct 1762, p. [i-iv], [1]-24. Copies: MO(2), USDA. — Further eds. SO 2215-2218; Amoen. acad. 6(116): 279-304. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(116): 279-304. 1789.

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera

relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus,

secundum systema sexuale digestas. Tomus I.[II.] ... Editio secunda, aucta ... Holmiae

[Stockholm] (Impensis Direct. Laurentii Salvii) 1762. Oct. (Sp. pl. ed. 2) (SO 500, KR 6,

Bryk 13, STR 5905).

1: Sep 1762 (Larda Tidn. 20 Sep 1762), portr., p. [i-xvi], 1-784.

2: Jul-Aug 1763 (Larda Tidn. 1 Aug 1763), p. [i], 785-1684, [1-64, indexes].

Copies: G, MO, US(2); IDC 175. — The portrait is not always present.— ““Generic names which first appear in Linnaeus ’’Species plantarum ed. 1 (1753) and ed. 2 (1762-63) are associated with the first subsequent description given under those names in Linnaeus’ Genera plantarum ed. 5 (1754) and ed. 6(1764). (See Art. 41)”. (ICBN Art. 13.4). This means that new generic names published in the Species plantarum ed. 2, even if not provided with a generic description are validly published in the Species plantarum and date from 1762 or 1763.

Supplements by Linnaeus: see Mantissa plantarum, 1767-1770, TL-2/4831.

Supplement by Linnaeus fil.: see C. Linnaeus fil., Supplementum plantarum, 1781, TL-2/4854. Indexes: by A. J. Retzius, Nomenclator botanicus, Lipsiae [Leipzig] 1772, editio nova, 1782, editio tertia by E. A. Rauschel, 1797, see under Rauschel and Retzius (SO 504-506). Supplementary studies: see SO 507-509; and the Bryk, Heller and Stearn publications listed

under Sp. pl. ed. 1.

  1. D.F.G. Reformatio botanices, quam cons. nobil. et exper. Facult. med. in illustri Athen. upsaliensi, praeside...Carolo Linnaeo, .. . publico examini modeste submittit, .. . Joannes Mart. Reftelius, Uplandus. In Audit. Gustav. die xviii. Decembr. anni mdcclxii. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae [1762]. Qu. (Reform. bot.) (SO 2223, KR 146, STR 5204).

Publ.: 17 Dec 1762, p. [i-iv], [1]-21, [22-23]. Copies: MO, USDA. — Other eds. SO 2224- 2227; Amoen. acad. 6(117): 305-323. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(117): 305-323. 1789. ~SO: “Three epochs: 1. Under the founders of botany, after the Renaissance. 2. Under the Systematics. 3. Under Linnaeus. In (3) are given the pupils of Linnaeus, who travelled abroad, and the writers, who followed the Linnaean system.”



  1. De Raphania dissertatio medica, quam, consent. nobiliss. et exper. Facult. med. in

Regia Academia Upsaliensi, praeside, ...Carolo v. Linné, ... pro summis in medicina

honoribus publicae disquisitioni offert ... Georgius Rothman, ... Smolandus. In Audit.

carol. maj. ad. d. xxvii Maji anni mdcclxii hortis ante et post meridiem, solitis. Upsaliae

[1763]. Qu. (Raphama) (SO 2228, KR p. 603, no. 1, STR 4914).

Author (fide KR): Georg Rothman (1739-1778).

Publ.: 27 Mai 1763, p. [i-tii], [1 ]-21, 7 pl. (C.E.H. del.). Copies: MO, USDA. — Other eds. SO 2229-2231; Amoen. acad. 6(123): 430- 451. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(123): 430-451. 1789.

Pe acislatib: 1960, Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala, no. 36.—STR


non experientiss. Facult. medica ad Acad. Reg. Upsal. moderante...Carolo von Linné...

publico scrutinio subjicit Johannes Salberg Holmiensis. In Audit. Carol. Maj. D. xi. Junii.

anni mdcclxii. H.A.M.S., Upsaliae [1763]. Qu. (Fruct. escul.) (SO 2223, KR 110, STR


Publ. 11 Jun 1763, p. [1-11], [1 ]-22. Copies: MO(2), USDA. — Further eds. SO 2234-2238; Amoen. acad. 6(119): 342-364. 1763, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(119): 342-364. 17809.

Swedish translation: 1965, Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala, no. 48.—STR 4866.

  1. D.A.G. Dissertatio botanico-medica, sistens Lignum Quassiae, quam, consens. exper.

Facult. medicae, in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, praeside, ... Carolo v. Linné, ... pro

gradu doctoris, obtinendo, publico examini submittit ... Carolus M. Blom, Smolandus. In

Auditor. carol. maj. d. xxviii. Maji anni mdcclxiii horis, ante et post meridiem, solitis.

Upsaliae. [1763]. Qu. (Lign. Quassiae]. (SO 2239, KR p. 89, no. 1, STR 5068).

Author (fide KR): Carl Magnus Blom (1737-1815).

Publ.: 28 Mai 1763, p. [1-11], [1 ]-13, 7 p/. with 1 p. expl. Copies: MO, US, USDA. — Other eds. SO 2240-2244;Acad. amoen. 6(122): 416-429. 1763, Amoen. Acad., Schreber ed. 6(122): 4.16- 429. 1789.

Dutch: Het Quassie-hout uit Suriname, ... Uitgezogte Verh. 9: 394-414, pl. 67. 1764 (copy: Royal Library, the Hague). —STR 5201.

Ref.: Drake, G., Sv. Farmac. Tidskr. 7, 1921 (fide SO).

  1. Disquisitio de Proleps: plantarum, quam, suffrag. experient. Facult. med. in Regia

Academia Upsaliensi, praeside, ... publico examini submittit Johannes Jacobus Ferber,

Caroli-Coronensis. In Audit. carol. maj. d. xxii. Juni, anni mdcclxiii. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae

[1763]. Qu. (Proleps: pl.). (SO 2245, STR 4081).

Publ.: 22 Jun 1763, p. [i-ii], [1]-18. Copy: MO. — Other eds. and refs. see SO 2245-2250; Amoen. acad. 6(120): 356-383. 1783, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 6(120): 356-383. 1789.

  1. Caroli v. Linné ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium. Editio sexta ab auctore reformata et aucta... Holmiae [Stockholm], (impensis direct. Laurentii Salvii)
  2. Oct. (Gen. pl. ed. 6) (SO 305, KR 2, STR 5382).

Publ.: Jun 1764 (“autoreferat ’Larda Tidn. 14 Jun 1764), portr., p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xx, [1]- 580, [1-44, index, err.]. Copies: G, HU, MO(2), US(3), USDA; IDC 166. — Some copies have a portrait of L. by P. Tanjé (e.g. Sandberg 49, 50). - The generic names published here are associated with those in the Species plantarum ed. 2; new generic names occurring in these two works therefore date from their first appearance in the Species plantarum ed. 2.

Secondary references and reprints: See SO 306-310 and 315-319b., Bryk, Taxon 3: 179-180. 1954, and Stearn’s introd. to the 1960 facs. of ed. 5.

Additions: see Mant. pl. 2, 1764 and Linnaeus f., Suppl. pl. 1781 (TL-2/4854).

Further editions: The editio novissima, Wien 1767, treated below (TL-2/4833, STR 5383)is a straightforward reprint of ed. 6; for eds. 7-9 see under J. J. Reichard, J. C. D. Schreber, Th. Haenke, Mouton-Fontenille and K. J. P. Sprengel. Partial reprints will be found under C. Milne and J. J. Planer.

  1. O.B.V. Hortus culinarts, quem, consensu experient. Facult. med. in Regia Academia



Upsaliensi, moderante ... Carolo von Linné, . . . dissertatio academica publice examinan-

dum proponit... Jonas C. Tengborg, Vestro-Gothus. In Auditorio Carol. maj. d. xx. Junii

anno mdcclxiv. Horis ante meridiem solitis. Holmiae [Stockholm] (litteris Direct. Salvii)

[1764]. Qu. (Hort. culin.). (SO 2260, KR 114, STR 5040).

Publ.: 20 Jun 1764, p. [1]-26, [27-28]. Copies: MO, USDA. — Further eds. SO 2261-2265; Amoen. acad. 7(126): 18-41. 1769, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 7(126): 18-41. 1789. -The HU (STR) copy has a handwritten “i following the printed “xx in the date.

  1. Opobalsamum declaratum in dissertatione medita, cum consensu exper. Facultat.

medicae, sub praesidio ... Caroli von Linné, ... publico examini modeste submittit ...

Wilhelmus Le Moine, ... Stockholmensis. In Audit. carol. maj. die xxii. Decemb. anni

mdcclxiv. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae. [1764]. Qu. (Opobalsamum) (SO 2277, KR 74, STR 5160).

Publ.: 22 Dec 1764, p. [i-iv], [1]-19. Copzes: MO, USDA. — For further eds. SO 2278-2280; Amoen. acad. 7(128): 55-73. 1769, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 7(128) 55-73. 1789. — For further notes on this publication of Forskal’s discovery of the Balm of Gilead shrub see SO 2277. Linnaeus published the taxon in this dissertation as Forsskaolea | Forsskdlea| lenacisst- ma, on p. 17 (Urticaceae).

  1. Caroli Linnaei ... Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera

relatas, cum differenti specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus,

secundum systema sexuale digestas Tomus I [II]. Editio tertia. Vindobonae [Wien].

(Typis Joannis Thomae de Trattner, ... ) 1764, 2 vols. Oct. (Sp. pl. ed. 3) (SO 510, KR 6,

Bryk 16, STR 5906).

1: 1764, p. [i-xiv], 1-784.

_2: 1764, p. [i], 785-1682 [sic; the errata of ed. 2, p. 1683 and 1684 are incorporated in the text], [1-64, indexes], [1, err. ].

Copies: G, MO, US(2). — For references see under Sp. pl. eds. 1 and 2, above. This is a straightforward reprint of the second edition except for the insertion of the errata in the main text. This edition was published by J. T. von Trattner, but probably edited by N. J. Jacquin who brought about a few minor changes.

Ref.: Bryk, F., Taxon 2: 80. 1953.

  1. Dissertatio academica demonstrans Necessitatem promovendae historiae naturalis in Ros-

sla, Cujus partem primam cons. experient. Fac. med. ad. Acad. Upsal. praeside... Carolo v.

Linné ... publico examinandam submittit auctor et respondens Alexand. de Karamy-

schew, ... in Audit. carol. maj. d. [in mss.: xvi] Maji. Anni mdcclxiv [in mss. changed to

mdcclxvi]. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae [1766], Qu. + (Necess. prom. hist. nat. Rossia). (SO 2323,

2259; KR p. 339, STR 5095).

Author (see t.p.); Alexander von Karamyschew (1744-1791).

Publ.: 14, Mai 1766, p. [i-ii], [1]-34, [1-10], 7 pl. (Fumaria spectabilis). Copies: HU, MO, USDA. — This dissertation was printed in 1764 but not defended before 14 Mai 1766; see SO 2323 and 2259 for details. We have seen no copy with unchanged 1764 date. — Other eds. and info. SO 2324-2328; Amoen. acad. 7(148): 438-465. 1769, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 7(148): 438-465. 1789.

Second issue: with printed date “‘d. xvi. maji. mdcclxvi’’, otherwise as orig. issue. Copy: HU. — STR 5096.

  1. F'.D.G. Dissertatio academica, Usum muscorum, breviter delineatura, quam, cum

cons. nob. ex experient. Fac. med. in perillustri ad Salam lyceo. Moderante, ... Garolo von

Linné, ... curiosorum submittit censurae ... Andreas Henrici Berlin, Angermannus. In

Auditorio carolino majori die xvii. Decembr. anni mdcclxvi. Horis ante meridiem solitis.

Upsaliae [1766]. Qu. (Usum musc.). (SO 2343, KR p. 78, no. 1, STR 5254).

Author: Andreas Henricsson Berlin (1746-1773), see dedication, signed ‘“‘Auctor”’.

Publ.: 17 Dec 1766, p. [i-iv], [1]-14, [1-2]. Copies: MO(2), USDA. — Other eds. SO 2344- 2347; Amoen. acad. 7(145): 370-384. 1769, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 7(145): 370-384. 1789.

Unlisted reprint: in J. P. Buc’hoz, Manuel économique des plantes, ... Paris 1800, p. 340-350 (see M. Guédes, J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 9(1): 42-52. 1978).

  1. Carolia Linné, ... Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I[-III]. Editio



duodecima, reformata ... Holmiae [Stockholm] (Impensis direct. Laurentii Salvii) 1766 [- 1768]. Oct. (Syst. nat. ed. 12). (SO 62, STR 5941). Publ.: 1766-1768, three volumes. Copies: G, HU, MO, US(2); IDC 318. — For an analytical collation see HU 593. 1 (Regnum animale) pars 1: 1766 (p. [2]: 24 Mai 1766), p. [1]-532. pars u: 1767, p- [1], 533-1327, [1328], [1-36]. 2 (Regnum vegetabile)

Systema part: 15-31 Oct 1767 (Larda Tidn. 22 Oct 1767), p. [1]-736, [1-16]. See also Desfontaines, R., Ann. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 2: 124. 1803.

Maniissa plantarum. [prima] Generum editionis vi. et specierum editionis 11. 15-31 Oct 1767, p. [1]-142 [742 ’broken letter], [1-2]. For further details on the Mantissa see below under Mant. pl., no. 4831.

  1. (Regnum lapideum): Dec 1768, p. [1 ]-236, [1-18], pl. 1-3. The appendix has some botany, Secondary literature: See SO 82-115, of which botanical e.g.:

  2. Index regni vegetabilis, by N. J. Jacquin, see TL-2/3245. 83, 84, 85. Nomenclator botanicus, eds. 1-3, by A. J. Retzius, q-v. 89a. Carl Friedrich Dieterichs Pflanzenreich, 1770, see TL-2/1453. 91, 92. Genera plantarum, by John Hope, 1771, 1780, see below.

  3. Syst. nat. epitom., by J. Beckmann, 1772, see below no. 4843.

  4. Register, by J. C. M. Radermacher, in Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. Wet. 1: 87-

  5. 1779 (index genera ed. 12 & Rumphius). Extracts by John Hope; (1) Genera plantarum. Ex editione duodecima Systematis naturae ... Edinburgi, 1771, 88 p. (n.v.), (SO 91). (2) Genera plantarum ex editione decima tertia [i.e. duodecima ...] Systematis naturae illustrissimi Caroli a Linné. In usus academicos. Edinburgi (Typis academicis) 1780, p. [i-iii], chart, [1]-106. Copies: HH, NY. —STR 5385.

  6. Fundamenta agrostographiae, Cons. exper. Fac. med. Ups. praeside ... Carolo a Linné,

... auctore defendente Henrico Gahn, Fahlunensi... In Audit. carol. maj. die 27 Jun 1767.

Publice ventilanda. Upsaliae (Litteris Johan. Erdman. Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1767]. Qu.

(Fund. agrost.). (SO 2357, KR p. 78, TL-2/1927, STR 5014).

Author (t.p.; KR remarks that L’s share must have been considerable) Henric Gahn (1747- 1816).

Publ.: 27 Jun 1767, p. [1]-38, pl. 1-2. Copies: G, HU, MO, — Further eds. SO 2358-2361; Amoen. acad. 7(134): 160-196. 1769, Acad. amoen., Schreber ed. 7(134): 160-196. 1789. —See also TL-2/1927.

  1. Car. a Linné Mantissa plantarum. Generum editionis vi. et Specierum editionis 11. Holmiae [Stockholm] (Impensis direct. Laurent. Salvi) 1767[-1771]. Oct. (Mant. pl.). (SO 911, 312; KR 8, STR 5534).

Mantissa [1]: 15-31 Oct 1767, p. [1]-142, [1-2]. Copies: G, HU, MO, US; IDC 172. — Published separately and as an independent appendix to vol. 2 of Syst. nat. ed. 12. Manitissa [1], reprint: 1770, p. [1]-142, [1-2]. Copies: G, HH, MO, US(2). — Issued with Syst.

nat. ed. 13, see below (SO 311b, STR 5535, TL-2/4832).

Mantissa [2] altera: Oct 1771, p. [i-vi], [143]-587,:[588, err.]. Copzes: MO, US.—STR 5537.

Facsimile ed.: 1961, p. [i]-xxv, Introductory notes by W. T. Stearn; facsimile [1-1v, t.p.’s and lists cont. of Mant. 1 and 2], [3]-147 [“‘742”’, broken letter], [1-2, index], [1-vi], [143]- 587, [588, err.]. Copy: FAS. — Carl Linnaeus Mantissa plantarum 1767 & 1771 with an introduction by William T. Stearn, 1961 facsimile. Weinheim (J. Cramer) . . . Historiae naturalis classica tomus vii. ISBN 3-7682-0037-x; STR 5536.

Commentaries and secondary literature: For a detailed discussion of the Mantissa, its position with respect to contemporary publications and for lists of abbreviations and main literature see Stearn’s Introduction to the Weinheim facsimile of 1961. It should be noted that a certain number of copies of this facsimile have as title-page a facsimile of the title- page of the Mantissa altera of 1771. For further details see J. E. Dandy (1967), HU 596, SO 62, 116, 311-314; Th. A. Sprague (Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1929: 88), F. Bryk, Taxon 2: 83-84. 1953; and H. W. Rickett and F. A. Stafleu, Taxon 10: 115. 1961.

  1. Carolia Linné, ... Systema naturae, per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines,

Oy *


genera, species cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. ‘Tomus I[-II1]. Editio decima tertia ad editionem duodecimam reformatum Holmiensem. Vindobonae [Wien], (Typis Joannis Thomae nob. de Trattern, ... ) 1767-1770. Oct. (Syst. nat. ed. 13). (SO 116,

s rR 5942)

Publ.: 3.v ah in 4. A page-for-page reprint of ed. 12 except for the errata in vol. 3 (p. [18] after index) which are lacking here. For reviews see SO 116. Copies: G, HH, MO, US(2), USDA.

1 (Regnum animale): 1767, pars i: [1]-532; pars 2: [1]-1327, [1328], [1-36]. 2.(Regnum vegetabile):

Systema part: 1770, p. [1]-736, [1-16].

ulna’ 1770, p. [1]-142, [1-2].

.(Regnum lapideum): 1770, [1]-29 6, [1-17], pl. 1-3

  1. Caroli v. Linneé ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum

numerum, figuram, situm et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium. Editio novissi-

ma. Viennae (Typis Joan. Thomae nob. de Trattern, ... ) 1767. Oct. (Gen. pl. ed. noviss.).

(SO 315, KR 2, STR 5383).

Publ.: 1767, p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xix, [xx], [1]-580, [1-44]. Copres: G, MO. — Straightforward reprint of Gen. pl. ed. 6; p. 576 misnumbered 566. See F. Bryk, Taxon 3: 179-180. 1954 (no. 14).

Ref.: Bryk, F., Taxon 3: 180. 1954.

  1. D. A. Dissertatio botanico-medica sistens Rariora Norvegiae, quam cons. nobiliss. &

experientiss. Fac. med. Ups. praeside ... Garolo a Linné, ... pro gradu doctoris publice

ventilandam offert Henricus Tonning, Norvego-Nidrosiensis ... in Auditorio carolino

majori die 27 Februarii 1768. H. A. et P. M.S. Upsaliae (Litteris Johan Edman, Reg. Acad.

Typogr.) [1768]. Qu. (Rar. Norveg.). (SO 2381, KR p. 721, no. 1, STR 5203).

Author (fide KR): Heinrich Tonning (1732-1796).

Publ.: 27 Feb 1768, p. [i-vi], [1]-19, [20]. Copzes: HU, MO, US, USDA. — Other eds. SO 2382-2384; Amoen. acad. 7(149): 466-496. 1769, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 7(149): 466-496. 1789. — The Corollarcum de Gunnera on p. 18-19 must be attributed to Linnaeus himself.

  1. D. D. Dissertatio de Colonis plantarum, Quam, cons. nobiliss. & experientiss. Fac.

med. Ups. praeside ... Carolo a Linné, ... publico examini tradit ... Johannes Flyggare,

Dalekarlus, in Audit. Carolino majori die 15 Juni 1768. H. A. M. S. Upsaliae (Apud

Johann. Edman, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1768]. Qu. (Colon. pl.). (SO 2385, KR 96, STR


Publ.: 15 Jun 1768, p. [1]-13. Copies: HU, MO, USDA. — Other eds. SO 2386-2387; Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(151): 1-12. 1785.

  1. D. D. Dissertatio academica sistens [ter in Chinam, cons. Exper. Fac. Med. Ups.

moderante ... Car. v. Linné, publico examini submissa ab Andrea Sparrman Uplando. In

Auditorio carol. maj. d. xxx Nov. anni mdcclxviii. H. A. M.S. Upsaliae (apud Joh. Edman,

Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1768]. Qu. (Iter Chin.). (SO 2398, KR p. 662, no. 1, STR 5059).

Author (fide KR): Andreas (Anders) Sparrman (1748-1820), q.v.

Publ.: 30 Nov 1768, p. [1]-16. Copy: MO. — Other eds. SO 2394-2396; Amoen. acad. 7(150): 497-506. 1769, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 7(150): 497-506. 1789.

  1. D. F. G., Flora dkeréensis, quam, sub praesidio ... Caroli a Linné, ... publicae

censurae subjicit, ... Carolus Joh. Lunt, Sudermannus. In Audit. car. maj. die xxiii

Decemb. anni mdcclxix. Horis ante meridiem solitis. Upsaliae (Apud Joh. Edman, Reg.

Acad. ‘Typograph.) 1769. Qu. (Fl. dker.). (SO 2397, KR 478, STR 4994).

Author (see Th. Fries in KR): Carl Johan Luut (Luuth) (1746-1816).

Publ.: 23 Dec 1769, p. [1]-20. Copies: MO(2), USDA. — Other ed. SO 2398, Amoen. acad., Schreber. ed. 8(154): 29-45. 1785. List of 478 pl. on Akeré island, Sédermanland.

Swedish translation: 1950, Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala no. 9. —STR 5248.

  1. I. N. T. De Erica, venia experient. Fac. med. in Reg. Acad. Upsal. moderante, . Carolo Linne, ... publicae ventilationi offert, . _, Johan Adolph Dahlgren, Ebbeson.



Norrcopia. OstroGothus. In Audit. carol. maj. die xix. Decemb. anni mdcclxx. H. A. M.S.

Upsaliae (Typis Edmannianis). Qu. (Erica). (SO 2399, KR 78, STR 4930).

Publ.: 19 Dec 1770, p. [i-iv], [1]-15, [16], 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: HU, MO(2).-Other ed. (SO 2400) Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(155): 46-62. 1 785.—In 1774 the same Dahlgren defended another thesis, De maro, q.v., of which he himself was the author. Erica must be attributed to Linnaeus.

  1. D. D. Dissertationem medicam de Dulcamara. Venia experient. Fac. med., in Reg.

Acad. Ups. moderante ... Carolo 4 Linné, examinandam sistit, .. . Georgius Hallenberg

Gothlandus. In Auditor. carol. maj. d. xxix. Maji. anni mdcclxxi, horis ante meridiem

solitis, Upsaliae (ex Prelo Edmanniano) [1771]. Qu. (Dulcamara). (SO 2401, KR 100, STR 28).

a 29 Mai 1771, p. [1]-14. Copies: MO (2). — Other ed. (SO 2402): Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(157): 75-106. 1785.

  1. D. D. Pandora et flora rybyensis, quam, dissertatione academica, consens. nobiliss. & exper. Fac. med. Upsal. praeside, ... Carolo a Linné, ... publicae ventilationi offert Daniel Henr. Séderberg, Junecopia-Smolandus. In Auditor. carol. maj. die xxvi. Juni, mdcclxxi, horis ante meridiem solitis. Upsaliae (Apud Joh. Edman, Reg. Acad. Typograph.) [1771]. Qu. (Pandora fl. ryby.). (SO 2403, KR p. 693-694 no. 1, STR 5167).

Author (fide KR and see p. [24]): Daniel Henric Soderberg (1750-1781).

Publ.: 26 Jun 1771, p- [1]-23, [24]. Copies: HU, MO. — Further ed. (SO 2404): Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(157): 75-106. 1785. — Insects and plants at Ryby (nr. Stockholm), Abraham Back’s country seat.

Swedish tranlation: 1950, Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala, no. g. — STR


  1. D. D. Fraga vesca, dissertatione botanica, venia experient. Facult. med. in Regia

Academ. Upsal. praeside ... Carolo a Linné, ... in Auditorio gustaviano die xxvi Maji a

mdcclxxii. Horis ante meridiem solitis, publicae ventilationi proposita a... Svenone Andr.

Hedin Smolando. (Upsaliae (Typis Edmannianis) Qu. (Fraga vesca). (SO 2417, KR 81,

STR 5010).

Publ.: 26 Mai 1772, p. [i-iv], [1]-13, [14]. Copies: MO(2), USDA. — Other ed. (SO 2418): Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(160): 169-181. 1785.

Swedish (with commentary): Fredbarj, T., Valda Avh. C. v. Linné, Sv. Linné-Sallsk., Uppsala no. 37, Ekenas 1961. -STR 5144.

Ref.: Hylander, N., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 28: 17-40. 1945.

  1. D. D. Observationes in materiam medicam. Quas consens. nob. atque experient. Facult. med. Upsal. praeside ... Carolo a Linne, .. . pro honoribus doctoris medici adipiscendis in Audit. carol. maj. d. 5 Junii 1772. H. A. & P. M.S. Publice censurae submittit. Johannes Lindwall, ... Upsaliae (typis Edmannianis) [ 1772]-Qu. (Obs. mat. med.). (SO 2419; KR p. 421, no. 2, STR 5108).

Author (fide KR) : Johan Lindwall (after 1763: Bengtsson) (1743-1796).

Publ.: 5 Jun 1772, p. [i], [1]-8. Copies: MO, USDA. — Other ed. (SO 2420): Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(161): 182-192. 1785.

  1. Caroli a Linné Systema naturae ex editione duodecima in epitomen reductum et praelectionibus academicis accomodatum a Johanne Beckmanno ... Tomus I[-II]. Reg- num animale. [Regnum vegetabile]. Gottingae [Gottingen] (sumtu viduae Vandenhoeck)
  2. Oct. (Syst. nat. epitom.). (SO 93, STR 5943}.

Compiler: Johann Beckmann (1739-1811), see KR p. 68.

1: 1772 (p. [vi]: 28 Apr 1772), p. [i-vi], [1]-240, [1-10, index], z pl.

2: 1772, p. [i-iv], [1]-16, [3]-356, [1-32]. Copies: MO(2).

  1. Deliciae naturae. Tal, hallit uti Upsala Dom-Kyrka ar 1772 den 14 Decemb. vid rectoratets nedlaggande, af Carl v. Linné, ... Stockholm (Tryckt hos Joh. Georg Lange)
  2. Oct. (Delic. nat.), (SO 2426, KR 131, STR 4827).

Publ.: 1773, p- [1]-32. Copy: MO. — For other eds. and commentaries see SO 2427-2428. Latin version: Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 10(8): 66-99. 1790.



4844a. Carolia Linné... Systema vegetabilium secundum classes ordines genera species cum

characteribus et differentiis. Editio decima lertia accessionibus et emendationibus novissimis

manu perillustris auctoris scriptis adornata a Joanne Andrea Murray D. ... Gottingae

[ Géttingen] et Gothae [Gotha] (typis et impensis Jo. Christ. Dietrich) 1774. Oct. (Syst. veg.

ed. 13). (SO 573, STR 6838).

Authorship: Linnaeus is the author of the botanical novelties (“manu perillustris auctoris scriptis”’), Johann Andreas Murray (1740-1791) acted as editor.

Publ.: Apr-Jun 1774 (TL-1/902, p. [i-vii], [1]-844).Copies: FI, G, MO, USDA. — A new edition of the botanical part of the Systema nalurae, counting on from ed. 12 (TL-2/4829).

English translation: 1783, 2 vols, 1: [i*, 1i*], [i]-lvi, [1]-424, 2: [1i, 1], [425]-897, catalogue dated 1784: [1-16], pl. 1-11 (with text). Copies: FH, MO. — A system of vegetables, according to their classes... translated from the thirteenth edition (as published by Dr. Murray) of the vegetabilium of the late professor Linnaeus; and from the Supplementum plantarum of the present professor Linnaeus ... by a botanical society, [1.e. Erasmus Darwin et al. | at Lichfield. Lichfield (printed by John Jackson, ...) London, 2 vols. Oct. SO 580a (580 is a unique proof copy dated 1782).

  1. D. D. Planta cimicifuga. Quam consens. exper. Facult. medicae in Regia academia Upsaliensi, praeside, ... Garolo v. Linné, ... pro gradu doctoris. In Audit. Carol. maj. d. [ | Sept. 1774. Horis a. & p. m. solitis, proponet Johannes Hornborg, Petropolitanus. Upsaliae (apud Johan. Edman, Reg. Acad. Typogr.) [1774]. Qu. (Pl. cumicif.). (SO 2430, KR p. 307, no. 1. STR 5176).

Author (fide KR): Johan [Georg] Hornborg (1745-?).

Publ.: Sep 1774, p. [1-11], [1 ]-10. Copy: MO. — Other ed. (SO 2431): Amoen. acad., Schreber ed.

8(162): 193-204. 1785.

  1. I. N. T. Dissertationem inauguralem, de Maro, venia experient. Facult. medicae, in

Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside... Carolo v. Linné, . . . pro summis in medicina honoribus

publicae ventilationi offert auctor Joh. Adolph. Dahlgren Ebbeson, Norrcopia Ostro-

Gothus ... in Audit. carol. maj. d. 3 Dec 1774. Horis a. & p.m. solitis, Upsaliae (typis

Edmannianis) Qu. (de Maro). (SO 2434, KR p. 134, no. 1, STR 4940).

Author (see t.p.): Johan Adolph Ebbeson Dahlgren (1744-1797).

Publ.: 3 Dec 1774, p. [1]-18. Copies: MO, US, USDA. — Other ed. SO 2435; Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(164): 221-237. 1785. — In 1770 Dahlgren defended a first dissertation, written by Linnaeus: see Erica (1770).

  1. D. D. Dissertatio botanico-medica de Viola ipecacuanha, quam, venia experient. Facult. medicae, in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo v. Linné, ... publicae ventilationi offert auctor Daniel Wickman, Caroli-Coronensis. In Aud. carol. major. d. 16. Decembris, 1774. Horis a.m. solitis. Upsaliae (typis Edmannianis) [1774]. Qu. (Viola ipecacuanha). (SO 2436; KR 760, no. 1, STR 4973).

Author (t.p.): Daniel Wickman (1741-1800).

Publ.: 16 Sep 1774, p. [1]-12. Copies: HU, MO, US. — Other ed. SO 2437; Amoen. acad.,

Schreber ed. 8(165): 238-248. 1785. Ref.: Brotero, F. de A., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 6: 137-141, pl. 17. 1802 (on Callicocca


  1. D. D. Plantae surinamenses, quas, venia experient. Facult. medicae, in Reg. Acad.

Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo Linné, ... publice ventilandam offert ... Jacob Alm,

Uplandus. In Auditorio Carolino majori, die xxiii Junii, anno mdcclxxv. Horis, ante

meridiem, solitis. Upsaliae (Typis Edmannianis). Qu. (Pl. surin). (SO 2438, KR 35, STR


Collector: Garl Gustav Dahlberg (Dalberg), in Suriname 1754-1755, coll. at LINN.

Publ.: 23 Jun 1775, p. [1]-18, 7 pl. (uncol. copp., E. Nordwall), Copies: HU, MO, US. — Other eds. SO 2439-2440; Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(166): 249-267. 1785, and C. C. Gjowell, Thes. Sveo-Goth. 1(1): 77-91. 1781.

  1. D. D. Dissertatio medica de Ledo palustri. Quam cons. experient. Fac. medicae in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi. Praeside ... Carolo a Linné, ... publicae bonorum censurae submittit

auctor et respondens ... Johannes Petr. Westring. Lincopia-Ostrogothus. In Aud. carol.



maj. d. xxv Octobr. mdcclxxv. Horis ante meridiem solitis. Upsaliae (T'ypis Edmannianis).

[1775]. Qu. (de Ledo]. (SO 2441, KR p. 757, no. 1, 4939).

Author (t.p.): Johan Peter Westring (1753-1833) (Epon. Westringia J. E. Smith 1797).

Publ.: 25 Oct 1775, p. [i-ii], [1]-18. Copies: HU, MO(2).—Other ed. (So 2442); Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(167): 268-288. 1785.

Ref.: Drake, G., Linnés disputation Ledum palustre. 1922 (SO 2443, STR 1705).

  1. D. D. Planta Aphyteia, quam dissertatione botanica illustratam cons. illustr. Facult. med. Upsal. praeside Carolo a Linné ... publicae disquisitioni offert auctor Ericus Acha-

rius Gevalia Gestricius ... in Aud. carol. major. d. xxii. Jun. mdcclxxvi. H. A. M. S. Upsaliae (Typis Edmannianis) [1776]. Qu. (Pl. aphyteia). (SO 2457, KR p. 2, no. 1, TL-2/8, STR 5175).

Author: Erik Acharius (1757-1819).

Publ.: 22 Jun 1776, p. [1]-12, [1], 1 pl. Copies: G, HU, MO, NY, US, USDA. — Other ed. SO 2458; Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 8(170): 310-317. 1785. See further TL-2/8. Last thesis defended under Linnaeus.

  1. D. D. Hypericum, quod, dissertatione botanico-medica, consens. exper. Facult. med. Upsal. praeside Carolo a Linné, ... pro gradu doctoris in Audit. carol. maj. die 20 Nov. a.
  2. Horis a. et p.m. solitis. Exhibet Carolus Nicol. Hellenius, Tavastia-Fenno, ... Upsaliae (Typis Edmannianis) [1776]. Qu. (Hypericum). (SO 2459, KR p. 283, no. 1, TL- 2/2609, STR 5047).

Author (fide KR): Carl Niklas Hellenius (1745-1820).

Publ.: 20 Nov 1776, p. [i-iv], [1]-14, 7 pl. (uncol. copp. Joh. Afzelius). Copies: HU, MICH, MO(z2), NY, US, USDA. — The t.p. mentions Linnaeus as the promotor; actually Linnaeus fil. acted as praeses on behalf of his father. This was therefore the last dissertation written under Linnaeus; the last one actually defended was Acharius, PI. Aphyt.

Other ed. SO 2460; Amoen. acad., Schreber. ed 8(171): 318-332. 1785.

Linné, Carl von, filius (1741-1783), Swedish botanist; studied at Uppsala, Dr. med. 1765, professor of medicine and botany ib. 1777-1783. (L. fil.)

HERBARIUM and Types: The Linnaeus filius herbarium is partly at S, partly in the Smith herbarium at LINN. Some types are at S but most are at LINN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 389; BFM no. 2293, 2294; BJI 2:

107; BL 2: 512, 516, 683; Blunt p. 300 [index]; BM 3: 1150-1151; Bret. p. 63; Collander hist.

p. 156; Dawson p. 544-545; Dryander 5: 333 [index]; GR p. 478; Henrey 2: 727; Hortus 3:

1197; Jackson p. 574; KR p. 463-465; Laségue p. 45, 179, 330; NI 1216; PR 5526-55209 (ed.

1: 6163-6167); RS p. 116; SBC p. 126; SO 309, 502, 574, 2801, 3821-3874; TL-1/769, 770-

773; TL-2/2609; TR 810-812; Tucker 1: 434-435, 567; Zander ed. 10, p. 682, ed. 11, p. 777.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880 (coll.).

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige 360 [index]. Ae,

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 34-35. 1950.

Fries, T. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné ser. 1. 1:12, 73-75, 87. 1907, 2: 286. 1908, 3: 254-297. 1910, 5: 60, 326. 1911, 6: 2, 219, 258. 1912, 7: 75, 76, 88, 93, 94, 96, 185. 1917.

Hedin, Sv., Minne af von Linné fader och son, pars 2, | Linnaeus f.], Stockholm 1808, front. portr., 102, 10 p.

Hulth, J. M., BrefSkrifv. Linné ser. 2. 1: 32, 35. 1916; Hulth, J. M. & A. H. Uggla, id. ser. 2. 2: 296 [index, many refs.]. 1943.

Lowegren, I., Naturaliekabinett Sverige 404 [index]. 1952.

Merrill, E. D., Chron. bot. 14: 208, 347, 354, 355, 357- 1954 (Botany Cook’s Voy.).

Laundon, J. R., Lichgnologist 11: 13. 1979.

Reynolds, G., W. The Aloes of South Africa go. 1950 (L. f. descr. two Aloes).

Smith, J. E., Selection corr. Linnaeus 2: 535-537. 1821 (letters Mutis).

Stoever, D. H., Leben des Ritters C. von Linné, 2 vols. 1792 (contains also biogr. details on Nerf.)

White, A. & B. L. Sloane, The Stapelieae 67. 1933.

Wikstrom, J. E., Consp. litt. bot. 188-192. 1831.

LINNE FIL. Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg 3(2): 60. 1903, 3(3): 42. pl. 100. 1905 (portr.).

composiTE works: W. T. Aiton, Hort. kew. 1: 403-405, 413, 414, 415-421, 460, 3: 473, 477- 478. 1789; descriptions of new taxa by L. fil., listed by KR p. 464, based on a manuscript ‘“Descriptiones Liliorum et Palmarum” at LINN.

DISSERTATIONS defended under Linnaeus f. but not written by him:

  1. Naezén, D. E., Nova graminum genera, 1779, TL-2/6620, STR 6862.

  2. Lundmark, J. D., De Lavandula, 1780, TL-2/5107, STR 6049.

  3. Swartz, O., Methodus muscorum illustrata, 1781, STR 6052.

The Linnaean dissertation Hypericum (1776), by C. N. Hellenius was still written to be defended under Linnaeus himself, but was actually defended under Linnaeus f. (STR 5047, TL-2/4851).

  1. Carolo Linnaei fil. ... Decas prima [secunda] plantarum rariorum horti upsaliensis sistens

descriptiones & figuras plantarum minus cognitarum. Stockholmiae (sumtu & literis

Direct. Laurentii Salvii) 1762 [-1763]. Fol. (Dec. pl. horti upsal.) (SO 3822, STR 6064).

1: Apr-Jul 1762, p. [i-vi], [1]-20, pl. 2-10 (uncol. copp. A. Akerman).

2: Dec 1763, p. [1-ii], 21-40, pl. 11-20 (id.). Copies: M; IDC 5504. — See also Dandy (1967). — Decas 1 was ready on 4 Jul 1762. Linnaeus writes to Jacquin on that day “Filius meus edit decurias rariorum plantarum in folio, cujus prima decuria sudat [sic], et continet

Ref: Dandy, J. E., Regn. veg. 51: 16. 1967. Schreibers, C.N.J. et S. Endlicher, Caroli Linnaei epistolae ad Nicolaum Josephum Jacquin, ... Wien, p. 57 (1841).

  1. Caroli C. [sic] a Linné ... Plantarum rariorum horti upsaliensis fasciculus primus sistens descriptiones et figuras plantarum minus cognitarum. Lipsiae [Leipzig], (impensis Sieg- fried Lebrecht Crusii) 1767. Fol. (Pl. rar. hort. upsal.).(SO 3822, STR 6065).

Publ.: 1767, p. [1, 11], 1-20, pl. 1-0 (uncol. copp.). Copy G. — Different from Dec. pl. hort. upsal.

  1. Supplementum plantarum systematis vegetabilium editionis decimae tertiae, generum plantarum editionis sextae, et specierum plantarum editionis secundae. Editum a Carolo a Linné, ... Brunsvigae [Braunschweig] (Impensis orphanotrophei) 1781. Oct. (Suppl. pl.). (SO 547, 3835, STR 6066).

Publ.: Apr 1782, p. [i-xvi], [1]-467, [468, err.]. Copies: MO, NY, US(2), USDA; IDC 174. — Manitz (1976) has shown that the book was not published in 1781, So far the only indication with respect to a more precise date was Wikstrom’s statement that Ehrhart supervised the printing during the summer of 1781. This is confirmed by the letters from Fr. Ehrhart to Linnaeus fil. at LINN. Ehrhart sent the first copy of the Supplement to Linnaeus fil. only on 8 Apr 1782, adding that the rest was waiting to be despatched. It seems unlikely that any distribution took place before that date, and perhaps even for some time afterwards because in July Ehrhart reports that the copies are still with him. The first review known to us appeared in NZgS on 31 Oct 1782; a preliminary note, evidently written before the actual publication, not citing correct details, appeared in NZgS of 17 Mai 1781. Manitz provides also a detailed discussion of the authorship of the new taxa in the Suppl. pl. — For further editions containing parts of the text see SO 3836- 3838.

German transl.: see J. J. Planer, Nachtr. sechst. Ausg., Gotha 1785.

Facsimile ed.: Tokyo 1938, p. [i-xvi], [1]-467. [468, err.], Japanese text: [i], [1]-6, [7, colophon], 1 pl. Copy: U.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 61: 148-151. 1923 (on Ehrhart and the Suppl. pl.).

Bryk, F., Taxon 3: 181. 1954 (bibl.).

Ehrhart, F., Beitr. Naturk. 1: 174-192. 1787 (‘‘Meine Beitrage zum ... Supplemento plantarum’’).

Exell, A. W., J. Bot. 69: 227-230. 1931 (specimens attributed to Back in the Suppl. pl.).

Manitz, H., Taxon 25: 305-322. 1976 (on F. Ehrhart and the publication of the Suppl. pl; important study; secondary references and extensive quotation from the correspon- dence between the various botanists involved in the compilation and publication).

Retzius, A. J., Fasc. obs. bot. 5: 1-8. 1789 (add., corr.).



Stoever, D. H., Leben ... C. v. Linné, 2: 126-130. 1792, Life of Charles Linnaeus 295. B/94-

Linney, William Marcus (1835-1887), American botanist in Kentucky. (Lznney). HERBARIUM and types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 389; BL 1: 183; Rehder 5: 516; Tucker 1: 435.

  1. Geological Survey of Kentucky ... Report on the botany of Madison, Lincoln, Garrard,

Washington, and Marion Counties, Kentucky ... Frankfort, Ky. [1882]. Oct. (Rep. bot.


Publ.: Dec 1882 (p. 3), p. [1]-57- Copy: USDA. — Unannotated; names of 682 vascular plants. Geological Survey of Kentucky. Reports of Progress, 1882.

Linton, Edward Francis (1848-1928), English botanist of independent means; Univ. College Oxford D. A. 1871, M. A. 1874; 1871-1875 curate at St. Paul’s, Preston; 1875-1878 rector at St. George’s-in-the-Fields; 1878-1888 vicar at Sprowston, Norfolk; 1888-1901 retired at Bournemouth; 1901-1920 rector at Edmondsham, Dorset; ultimately at South- bourne, Hampshire. (£. Linton).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM (British pl., 14.000), CGE (foreign). Distributed Sets of British willows (6 fasc., 1892-1898, 1912-1913); British Rubi, in dried specimens, with W. R. Linton, R. P. Murray and W. Moyle Rogers (125 nos. in 5 fasc., 1892-1895), and Sets of British Meracia, with W. R. Linton, fasc. 1-4, 1896-1898, nos. 1-100. For further details see IH and Kent.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 4: 255; Barnhart 2: 389; BL 2: 683; BM 3: 1152; Clokie

p. 201; CSP 16: 803-804; Desmond p. 387; De Toni 4: xxxvui; Hortus 3: 1198 (“‘Linton’’);

IH 1 (ed.6): 361, 2: 449; Kent p. 65; Kew 3: 464; LS suppl. 16297-16299; Rehder 5: 516;

Tucker 1: 435; Urban-Berl. p. 370; Zander ed. 10, p. 686, ed. 11, p. 782.

Anon., J. Bot. 66: 56. 1928.

Druce, G. C., Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 8(5): 708-710. 1929.

Hanbury, F. J., J. Bot. 66: 81-86. 1928 (portr., bibl. by J. Ardagh) (b. 16 Mar 1848, d. 9 Jan 1928).

Hedge, I. GC. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 41 (coll.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 65. 1957.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM (NH)1: 163. 1904.

Pearsall, W. H., Fl. Surrey 56. 1931.

Praeger, R. L., Botanist in Ireland 73. 1934; Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 7: cxxviii. 1901.

EPONYMy: Lintonia O. Stapf (1911) commemorates A. Linton (fl. 1904-1906), collector in East Africa.

  1. British Hawkweeds [‘‘Journal of Botany” for May, June, and July, 1893]. Oct. Publ.: Jul 1893, p. [1]-17, as reprint. Copy: G. — Originally published in J. Bot. 31: 145-149. Mai 1893, 177-182. Jun 1893, 195-202. Jul 1893 and to be cited from journal.

  2. British species of Utricularia. (Illustrated by Dorset specimens) . .. Dorchester (‘Dorset

County Chronicle” Printing Works) 1894. Oct.

Publ.: 1894, cover, p. [i], [iii], [81]-89, 7 pl. (col. lith. M. J. S. Hanbury). Copy: G. — Reprinted with cover and new preface material from Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. Antiq. Field Cl. 15: 81-89. 1894. To be cited from journal.

  1. Flora of Bournemouth including the Isle of Purbeck being an account of the flowering

plants, ferns, &c. of the country within a twelve-mile radius of the centre of Bournemouth

... Bournemouth (H. G. Commin, ... Bright’s Stores, ... W. Mate & Sons, ... ) [1900],

Oct. (Fl. Bournemouth).

Ed. 1: Jul-Aug 1900 (“‘list of subscribers to June 12, 1900,” J. Bot. Sep 1900; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1900), map, p. [i]-viii, [ix] [as ‘‘vii’’], 1-290. Copies: BR, G, MO, NY, USDA.



with appendix 1919 Sold by J. G. Commin, ... and at Bright’s Stores, Bornemouth ...” A re-issue of the 1900 sheets with an appendix, a list of Rubus by Rev. William Moyle Rogers (1835-1920) and some minor additions.

Second Appendix, p. 304 [sic]-326, Edinburgh, Sep-Oct 1925 (n. v., see J. Bot. 63: 338. 1925), also issued with reissue of ed. 2.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 38: 152 (“before the summer’’), 361-362. Sep 1900 (“‘publ.’’).

Linton, William James (1812-1898), British engraver, botanist and political reformer; to United States, at Appledore nr. New Haven, Conn. from 1866 as private printer and publisher. (W. 7. Linton).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 389 (b. 7 Dec 1812, d. 1 Jan 1898); BB p. 189; . BM 3: 1152; Desmond p. 387; DNB suppl. 1(3): 100; Jackson p. 246. Linton, W. J., Memories, New Haven 1895 (n.v.).

  1. The ferns of the English Lake Country: with a list of varieties ... London (Hamilton,

Adams and Co.), Windermere (J. Garnett) 1865. Oct. (Ferns Engl. Lake Country).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1865 (p. i: Sep 1865), front., p. [1*], [1]-ii, [i]-1i [sic], [1]-124. Copy: MO.

Ed. 2: 1878 (p. [i]: 13 Apr 1878), front., p. [i*], [1]-ii, [111], [i]-11, [1]-179, 27 pl. Copy: NY. — Second edition. — Edited by J. M. Barnes. Windermere (J. Garnett), London (Simpkin, Marshall & Co.) s.d. Oct.

Linton, Rev. William Richardson (1850-1908), English botanist; ultimately vicar of Shirley (1886); brother of E. F. Linton. (W. R. Linton).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LIVU (rd. 1908). — Published sets of Meracia, Salices and Rubi, partly with E. F. Linton, R. P. Murray and W. M. Rogers; see under E. F. Linton. — Material at BEL, BM, DBN, GL, K,.LIV, STI, UCSW.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 389; BB p. 189; BJI 1: 37; BL 2: 234, 683; BM 3:

1152; Clokie p. 201; CSP 16: 804; Desmond p. 388; De Toni 4: xxxvii; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2:

449; Kent p. 65; Kew 3: 465; Rehder 5: 516; Tucker 1: 435; Urban-Berl. p. 380.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1908: 47; Irish Natural. 17: 87. 1908, J. Bot. 46: 59. 1908; Nat. Nov. 30: 149. 1908 (d.).

Bell, W., Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 1908: 344. 1909.

Cullen, J., Taxon 21: 729. 1972.

Dallman, A. A.and M. H. Wood, Trans. Liverpool bot. Soc. 1: 80. 1909 (b. 2 Apr 1850, d. 4 Jan 1908).

Dofler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 84. 1896.

E. F. L. [Linton], J. Bot. 46: 65-71. 1908 (portr.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1907 (material at E).

Heywood, V. H., Taxon 5: 10. 1956 (herb. to LIVU).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 65. 1957 (dupl. in herb. E. F. Linton, now at BM).

T. G., Naturalist 613: 51. 1908 (d.).

  1. llora of Derbyshire: flowering plants, higher cryptogams, mosses and hepatics, chara- ceae ... London (Bemrose & Sons, ...), Shirley Vicarage, Derbyshire (author). 1903. Oct. (Fl. Derbyshire). Publ.: Oct 1903 (see Britten 1903), p. [i]-vii, [1]-455, [456-457, err.], 2 maps. Copies: BR, G, NY, USDA. Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 34: 16. 1896 (announced), 41: 352. Oct 1903 (will be published immediately), 41: 384. Nov 1903 (publ.), 41: 409-411. Dec 1903 (rev.).

  2. An account of the British Hieracia ... London (West, Newman & Co., ... ) 1905. Oct.

(Acc. Brit. Hierac.).

Publ.: Jan 1905 (rev. J. Bot. Apr 1905 cites Jan as month of publ.; Bot. Centralbl. 21 Mar 1905; Nat. Nov. Apr (2), p. [i]-viii, [1]-96. Copies: MO, NY.



Ref.: Williams, F. N., J. Bot. 43: 130-132. Apr 1905. Fritsch, F. E., Bot. Centralbl. 98: 504-505. 16 Mai 1905 (rev.).

Liou, Tchen-ngo (//. 1930), Chinese botanist. (Liou). HERBARIUM and types: PE; further material at A, E, NAS, NY, 5S, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Hortus 3: 1198 (““Liou’’); IF suppl. 4: 329; IH 2: 450 Kew 3: 466; LS Suppl. 16300-16302; MW p. 278-279, suppl. p. 205.

Anon., Rev. bryol. ser. 2. 3: 93, 151. 1930, 10: 136. 1938.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970.

EPONYMyY: Liouamonas B.V. Skvortzov (1960).

  1. Flore illustrée du Nord de la Chine Hopei (Chihli) et ses provinces voisines ... Publiée sous la direction de M. Liou Tchen-ngo ... Académie nationale de Peiping, Peiping [Peking] Chine 1931-1935, 4 fasc. Qu. (FU. al. Nord Chine).

Fasc. 1: 1931, p. [i-iv], [1]-59, errata slip, pl. 1-22. by Liou, Tchen-ngo and Ling Yong. Fasc. 2: 1933, p- [i-iv], [1]-63, pl. 1-25 by Ling Yong.

Fasc. 3: 1934, p. [i-1v], [1]-94, pl. 7-37 by Hao, Kin-shen.

Fasc. 4: 1935, p. [1- va [1]-107, pl. 1-40 by une Hsien-wu.

Copies: L, US, USDA

Lipp, Franz Joseph (1731-1775), German botanist at Freiburg im Breisgau, ““Protomedi- kus von Vorderosterreich.”’ (Lipp.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 390 (b. 20 Mai 1734, d. 8 Feb 1775); BM 3: 1153; Dryander 3: 26, 5: 334; Herder p. 91; PR 5532 (ed. 1: 6175); Rehder 5: 517; SO 469, 469a, 551; Tucker 1: 435.

EPONYMY: Lippaya Endlicher (1834) commemorates Georg Lippay, Baron of Szombor and Archbishop of Esztergom in Hungary, who founded a botanical garden in Endlicher’s place of birth Pressburg (now Bratislava, Czechoslovakia); as well as his brother, the priest Johann (Janos) Lippay (1606-1660), a horticulturist who wrote a catalogue of the plants in that garden. Lippia Linnaeus (1753) commemorates Augustin Lippi (1678-1709), French traveller and botanist who collected in Egypt and was murdered in Abyssinia. The etymology of Lippius S. F. Gray (1821, nom. rej.) could not be established.

  1. Encheiridion botanikon specimen inaugurale, auctore Francisco Josepho Lipp, ...

Vindobonae [Wien] (typis Joannis Thomae de Trattern, ...) 1765. Oct. (Ench. bot.).

Ed. 1: 1765, p. [1]-74, [1-14, index], [89, err.], p/. 2-71 (uncol. copp.). Copies: M, MO; IDC 818.

Ed. 2: 1779, p. [1]-74, [1-14, index], pl. 1-17 (id.). Copy: NY.— “‘Encheiridion botanikon specimen inaugurale, ... Vindobonae [Wien] (typis Joan. Thomae nobilis de Trattern,

7 70. Oct. Lippert, Xaver Joseph (//. 1786), German botanist and physician. (Lippert). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1153; Dryander 4: 168, 5: 334; SO 556, 589a, 1581, add. 1581.

  1. Des Ritters Carl von Linné Pflanzensystem nach seinen Klassen, Ordnungen, Gattun- gen und Arten mit den Erkennungs und Unterscheidungszeichen. Vierzehnte nach der vorhergehenden viel vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage von Johann Andreas Murray ... Aus dem Lateinischen mit einigen Zusatzen von Xaver Joseph Lippert ... Wien (in der Johann Paul Krausischen Buchhandlung) 1786. Oct. (Pflanzensystem).



Original authors: Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778), Johan Andreas Murray (1740-1791). Transla- tion dedicated to Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817).

Erste Abtheilung: 1786 (p. xvi*: 18 Apr 1786), p. [i*-xvi*], [i]-xlu, [1-30, index], 1-950.

Zweite Abtheilung: 1786 (h.t. only), p. [951]-1969 [as “9689"], [1970-2048, index, sign. 6I'(verso)- 6N3, err. 6N*-6N8].

Copies: M, MO, NY. — German version of Murray’s Systema vegetabilium ed. 14. G6ttingen


Lippmaa, Teodor (until 1924: Lipman) (1892-1943), Estonian botanist; Dr. phil. Tartu 1926; at Tartu University as assistant lecturer (1923), lecturer (1927) and professor of botany (1930-1943); worker on vegetable pigments, geobotany and Estonian floristics. (Lippmaa).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: TU; further material at C, GB, H, KRAM.


Laasimer, L., Luonnon Tutkija 67 (4): 127-131. 1963 (biogr., bibl., portr.), see also Vaga et al.

Vaga, A. et al., Botaanilised uurimused (Scripta botanica, Tartu) 1: 5-223. 1961 (series of papers on Lippmaa, biogr., bibl. by Vaga; scientific ideas by K. Eichwald, J. Eilart, L. Laasimer, V. Maasing, S. Talts, H. Trass).

HANDWRITING: Botaanilised uurimused (Scripta bot., Tartu) 1: 22. 1961.

Lipschitz, Sergej Julievitsch (1905-x), Sovict botanist, bibliographer and biohistorian at Leningrad. (Lipsch.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: GR p. 563; IH 2: 450; Kew 3: 466-468; MW p. 279, suppl.

p. 205-206; Roon p. 69-70; TL-2/3857.

Lavrenko, E. M., Bjull. Mosk. Ob8¢. Isp. Prirody 70(6): 143-145. 1965 (portr.) (n.v.).

Lebedev, D. V. & M. E. Kirpicznikov, Bot. Zhurn. 50(10): 1469-1480 (portr., bibl.) (n.v.).

Lipschitz, S. & J. Vassilezenko, Herbarium centrale URSS, Leningrad 1968, 142 p. (handwriting samples of Russian botanists on p. 87-136, major source of information on LE) (see e.g. Eckardt, Th., Bot. Jahrb. 89(Lit.): 31. 1969).

Shetler, S. G., komarov bot. Inst. go, 110, 128, 205, 208. 1967.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Komaroy, Flora URSS, Compositae-Saussurea, 27: 361-535. 10 Aug 1962, Scorzonera, Epilasia, 29: 27-115. 24 Feb 1964, addenda 29: 718-760. Mar 1964.

NOTE: Lipschitz, S. J., Genus Saussurea D. C. (Asteraceae), Leningrad (Nauka, Sectio Leninopolitana), 284 p., was published on 24 Jan 1979 (see Taxon 28: 657. 1979).

  1. lragmenta monographiae generis Scorzonera ... Mosqua [Societas naturae curiosorum mosquensis] 1935-1939, 2 parts. Oct. (Fragm. monogr. Scorzonera).

Pars I: 10 Feb 1935, p. [1]-163, [164], pl. 7-56.

Pars IT: 2 Dec 1939, p. [1]-167, [168, cont.], pl. 1-28.

Copies: FI, USDA.

  1. Bolanicorum rossicorum lexicon biographo-bibliographicum. Editio Societatis naturae curio- sorum mosquensi. Mosquae 1947-1951, 4 vols. Oct. + (Bot. ross. lex.).

1: A-B, 6 Aug 1947, p. [i]-[xi], [1]-[336].

2: Bykov-Gorlenko, 20 Nov 1947, p. [1]-[336].

3: Goznizky-Ischerekow, 24 Apr 1950, p. [i]-[vii], 1-[488], err. slip.

4: Kabanov-Kiuz, 18 Oct 1951, p. [1]-[644].

Copy: FAS. — A major bio-bibliography of Russian botany. Titles also in Russian.

Ref.: Eckardt, Th., Bot. Jahrb. 76 (Lit.): 45-46. 1955.

Lipsky, Vladimir Ippolitovitch (Wladimir Hippolitowitsch) (1863-1937), Russian



botanist; explorer of Central Asia; until 1917 at Leningrad, later at Kiew and Odessa.

(Lipsky). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LE; other material e.g. at E.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 390; BJI 2: 107; BM 3: 1153; Bret. p. 1077; De

Toni 4: xxxvii; Hortus 3: 1198 (“‘Lipskii’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 450; Kew 3: 468; MW p.

279-280, suppl. p. 206; Nordstedt p. 21; Rehder 5: 517; Tucker 1: 435-436; Zander ed. 10, p.

686, ed. 11, p. 782.

Anon., Hedwigia 40 (Beibl. 6): 204. 1901, 41 (Beibl. 3): 143. 1902, 41 (Beibl. 5): 207. 1902 (appointment first bot. LE).

Asmous, V. C., Chron. bot. 11(2): 102. 1947 (bibl.).

Borodin, J., Trav. Mus. bot. Acad. Sci. St.-Petersb. 4: 67. 1908.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 129. 1895.

Fedtschenko, B. A., Bot. Zhurn. 30: 37. 1945.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 348. 1938.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970 (pl. E).

Lipschitz, S. J., Fl. URSS fontes 218-219. 1975 (bibl.).

Radde, G. F. R., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Kaukasusland. 9, 10, 15. 1899 (Veg. Erde 3); Samm. kauk. Mus. 2: portr. 1901.

Shetler, S. G., Komarov Bot. Inst. 26, 34, 39, 87, g1. 1967.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 174. 1903.

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 4: 437. 1938.

HANDWRITING: Lipschitz, S. J. & I. T. Vasilezenko, Herb. centr. URSS 111. 1968. EPONYMY: Lipskya Nevski (1937); Lipskyella Juzepcezuk (1937).

  1. Flora Caucasi...S. Petersburgh 1899. Oct. (Fl. Caucast).

Ong.: Nov-Dec 1899 (p. xv: Nov 1899; t.p. 1899), p. [i]-xv, [1]-584, [585]. Copzes: FI, H, NY. -— Tr. Tifl. Bot. Sada 4.

Supplementum I: 1902 (Bot. Jahrb. 24 Apr 1903; ObZ Jul 1902), p. [i-ii], [1 ]-100. Copy: NY.

  1. Flora Asiae mediae seu Turkestaniae rossicae inclusis chanatis Buchara et Chiwa. W. H. [= V.1.] Lipsky, ... Petropoli [St. Petersburg] (Typo-lithographica “‘Herold” ... ) 1902-1905, 3 parts. Oct. (Fl. As. med.).

T: 1902, [i*-v*], [i], [1]-245.

2: 1903 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1903), [i-v], [247]-337.

3: 1905, [1-11], [339]-841. (Bot. Zeit. 15 Sep 1905).

Historia florae exploratae in 2: 247-338. 1903.

Copy: MO.

4868a. Herbarium horti botanici imperialis petropolitani (1823-1908) Editio 2. Jurjew (Typis K.

Mattiesen). 1908. Oct. (Herb. hort. bot. petrop.).

[Ed. 1: 1898, p. 1-128, i-vi. 1898, n.v- Gerbarii imperatorskago S.-Petersburgskago botani- cheskago sada ...’’]

Ed. 2: 1908, p. [1]-238. Copy: FI — contains e.g. an alphabetical list of all collections.

Lisa, Domenico (1801-1867) Italian botanist in Piemonte, head gardner at the Torino botanical garden. (Lisa).

HERBARIUM and types: TO (2.000); further material (e.g. musci) at PI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 5(2): 456; Barnhart 2: 390 (d. 9 Mai 1867); BM 2: 1153; IH 2: 450; Morren ed. 2, p. 27; PR 5533 (ed. 1: 6178); Saccardo 1: 97, 2: 63; SBC p. 126 (ealasa’’).

Burnat, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 30: cxxii. 1883.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880.

Cavillier, F., Boissiera 5: 60. 1941.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (herb.).



epoNyMy: Lisaea E. Boissier (1844); Lisea [sic] P. A. Saccardo (1877); Listella (M. C. Cooke & Massee) P. A. Saccardo (1891).

  1. Elenco dei muschi raccolti nei contorni di Torino ... Torino (dalla Stamperia reale)
  2. Oct. (Elenc. musch.). Publ.: 1837 (imprimatur g Feb 1837), p. [i]-vii, [1]-61, [62, impr.]. Copies: G, NY.

Lisboa, José Camillo (1822-1897), Indian botanist and physician at Bombay; died at Poona. (Lisboa).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at BLAT, DD and K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 390; BB p. 189; BM 3: 1153; CSP 10: 610, 16:

810; Desmond p. 388; IH 2: 450; Kew 3: 469; Rehder 5: 517; Tucker 1: 436.

Anon., J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 11(2): 339. 1897 (obit., d. 1 Mai 1897); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 110: 41. 1898.

  1. Useful plants of the Bombay presidency. [Bombay (at the Government central Press) }

  2. (Usef. pl. Bombay).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1886 (p. i1*: Aug 1886), p. [i]-xiv, [1]-307. Copy: HH. — Published in Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency 25, Bot.: [1*-i11*], [1]-xiv, [1]-307. Copy of journal publ.: USDA.

  1. List of Bombay grasses and their uses ... Bombay (printed at the Government Central

Press) 1896. Qu. (List Bombay grasses).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1897 (see preface p. [7] mentioning the author’s death on 1 Mai 1897 and an obituary notice of Nov 1897), p. [i*-11*], [i]-vii, preface [1]-5, [7, obit.], intr. [1]-6, pl. 1, [1]-142, pl. 1-10, 11 (“10”), 12 (“x”), 13-14, 16-51, 53-72, 73 (““54’’), 74-75 (uncol.). Copies: MO, USDA. — Originally published in Bombay Nat. Hist. J. 5: 116-131, 226-232,

337-349. 1890, 6: 189-219. 1891, 7: 357-390. 1892, 8: 107-119. 1 Jul 1893.

List, Friedrich Ludwig (fl. 1837), German botanist and high school teacher at Tilsit, Western Prussia. (List).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: KBG (destroyed).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1154; PR 5542-5543 (ed. 1: 6189-6190); Rehder 5: 517. Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880.

EPONYMY: Listia E. H. F. Meyer (1836).

  1. I. Plantae lithuanae, quae chloridi borussici cl: Hagenii inserendae sunt. II. Salicum, quae prope Tilsam sponte crescunt, adumbrationes ... Jahresbericht tber das K6nigliche Gymnasium zu Tilsit fiir das Schuljahr Michaeli 1835/36 ....Tilsit (Gedruckt bei Johann Heinrich Post) 1837. Qu. (Pl. lithuan.).

Publ.: 1837, p. [1]-12, botanical text accompanying the Jahresb. kon. Gymn. Tilsit 1835/6 (1837). Copy: B-S.

Lister, Arthur (1830-1908), English wine merchant and mycologist living in Bedfordshi- re, then at Bradford, since 1857 at Leytonstone nr. London; retired from business 1888 and often residing also at Lyme Regis; leading authority on myxomycetes. (List.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Main collection, including slides, at BM; other material at B, DBN, Dyula Ti.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHy: Ainsworth p. 234, 321; Barnhart 2: 391; BB p. 189; BM 3: 1154, 7:732; CSP 16: 812; Desmond p. 388; DNB suppl. 2(2): 469; GR p. 377, cat. p. 67; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; IH 2: 450; Kelly p. 130-131; Kew 3: 470; LS 15709-15738, 36156- 36162; Moebius p. 75; MW p. 280; NAF 1(1): 163; Ni 1217; Stevenson p. 1249.



Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6, p. 329. 1971.

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 431 (Beibl. 98): 57. 1909 (d.); Bot. Centralbl. 108: 480. 1908 (d.); Bot. Not. 1908: 212 (d.); Stratford Express, 25 Jul 1908, repr. at K, 7 p. (portr., b. 17 Apr 1830).

Britten, J. Bot. 46: 303. 1908.

Hawker, L. E., Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 35(3): frontisp. portr. 1952 (accompanying text of 1952 Lister memorial lecture).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 14: 196. 1901 (d. 19 Jul 1908).

Lister, J. J., Obituary notice of Arthur Lister 1830-1908, xi p., 1915 (Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 88); Proc. Roy. Soc. ser. B. 88: [i]-xi. 1915 (obit.).

Lloyd, C. G., Mycol. Notes 58: Mar 1919 (portr.).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM (NH) 163. 1904.

Scott, D. H., J. Bot. 46: 331-334. 1908 (obit.).

Stapf, O., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 121: 46-47. 1909.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Cat. Afr. pl. Welwitsch, vol. 2(2): 479-480. 1901 (Mycetozoa).

note: The collections made by Joseph (1827-1912) and William Henry Lister are at SRD. Arthur’s son Joseph Jackson Lister (1857-1927) also published on Mycetozoa e.g. in the Eneyel. brit. ed. 11. 19: 105-110. 1911 (see J. Bot. 65: 83. 1927, SK 1: 324-325, Proc. Linn. Soc., London 1926-27: 90-92; Barnhart 2: 391).

EpoNYMY: Listerella E. Jahn (1906); Listeromyces Penzig & P. A. Saccardo (1901).

  1. A monograph of the mycetozoa being a descriptive catalogue of the species in the

herbarium of the British Museum. Illustrated with seventy-eight plates and fifty-one

woodcuts. London (Printed by order of the Trustees ...) 1894. Oct. (Monogr. mycetozoa).

Ed. r: Dec 1894 (p. [v]: Nov 1894; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1894: published; Hedwigia rev. 15 Feb), front., p. [i-vii], [1]-224, pl. 7-77 (uncol.). Copies: BR, G, MICH, MO, NY, Stevenson, U, US, USDA

id. 2: Dec 1git (p. [v]: Nov 1git; Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1912), front., p. [i-vii], [1 ]-302, [1], th nos. 1-200 (2 nos./pl; partly col.). Copies: BR, MICH, MO, NY, Seen US, USDA Second edition revised by Guilielma Lister [ 1860- 1949] - _ London (id.) 1g11.

Ed. 3: 27 Mar 1925 (date fide R. Ross in letter to M. L. Farr 18 Sep 19745 p. v: Jan 1925; J. Bot. Jun 1925), front., p. [i]-xxxii, [1]-296, pl. nos. 1-222 (2 nos./pl.; partly col.). Copies: BR, G, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA. — “Third edition, revised by Guilielma Lister, ... London (id.) 1925”.

serene 3: 1965, by Johnson Reprint Corporation, New York, N.Y. 10003. Copies: MICH,

a A. P. M., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22: 331-334. 1895. McBride, J. “Boe 33: 118-120. 1895; Bot. Gaz. 20: 183-185. 1895.

Ey, J. Bot. 50: 133-135. Apr 1912.

  1. Guide to the British mycetozoa exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History) ... [London] (Printed by order of the Trustees ...) 1895. Oct. (Guzde Brit. mycetozoa).

Ed. 1: late 1895 (Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1895; rev. J. Bot. Mar 1896; Flora rd. 13 Apr 1896), p. [1 ]-42. Copies: BR, L, NY, USDA.

Ed. 2: Mai-Jun 1905 (p. 6: Apr 1905; J. Bot. Jul 1905), p. [1]-48. Copies: L, MO, NY. — “Second edition, revised”’. [London] (id.).

Ed. 3: Mar-Apr 1909 (p. 6: Jan 1909; J. Bot. Apr 1909; Bot. Centralbl. 112: 88. rg09), p. [3]-49. Copies: MO, USDA. — “Third edition, revised”. London (id.). Revised by Gulielma Lister (1860-1949).

Ed. 4: Jun-Sep 1919 (p. [4]: Mai 1919; J. Bot. Oct 1919), p. [1]-62. Copies: L, USDA. — ‘Fourth edition” London (id.). Revised by Gulielma Lister.

  1. Notes on Mycetozoa ... Reprinted from the Journal of Botany for May, 1898. 1698: May 1898, p. [1]-6. Copy: NY. — Reprinted from J. Bot. 36: 160-161, pl. 386. Mai 1898. 1699: Apr 1899, p. [1]-8. Copy: NY. — Idem 37: 145-152, pl. 398. Apr 1899.


LISTER 1902: Jun 1902, J. Bot. 40: 209-213, pl. 438. Jun 1902.

  1. Synopsis of the orders, genera, and species of Mycetozoa. ... Reprinted from the “Journal of Botany”, May 1907, Vol. 45.

Co-author: Gulielma Lister (1860-1949).

Publ.: Mai 1907, p. [1]-22. Copy: NY.— Reprinted from J. Bot. 45: 176-197. Mai 1907.

Lister, Guilielma (1860-1949), British botanist; daughter of Arthur Lister; educated at home; constant companion of her father in his studies on Mycetozoa. (G. List.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BCW (3000 British plants), SRD (340, conif.), myxomycetes at BM and L. Letters and mss. at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 60, 234, 325; Barnhart 2: 391; BL 2: 240, 683;

BM 3: 1154, 7: 732; CSP 16: 812; Desmond p. 388; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 451; Kelly p.

131; Kew 3: 470; LS 36163-36165, suppl. 16329-16368; MW p. 280; NAF 1(1): 164; SO

3510; Stevenson p. 1249; TL-2/2357.

Ainsworth, G. C. & F. L. Balfour-Browne, Nature 188: 362-363. 1g60.

Anon., The Times 6 Jun 1949.

Bisby, G. R., Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., Fifty-Year index 16. 1952 (bibl.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 65. 1957.

Praeger, R. L., Some Irish naturalists 120-121. 1949.

Ri amsbottom, J., Nature 164: 94. 1949.

Wakefield, E. M., Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 33: 165-166. 1950 (portr.; b. 28 Oct 1860, d. 18 Mai 1949).

COMPOSITE WORKs: (1) Miss Lister published eds. 2-3 of her father’s Monogr. Mycetozoa as well as eds. 3-4 of his Guide Brit. mycetozoa (see above). ’

(2) Made drawings for F. J. Hanbury, J//. monogr. Brit. Hierac. (1889-98) and for A. Dallimore & A. B. Jackson, A handbook of Coniferae (1923).

  1. The mycetozoa: a short history of their study in Britain; an account of their habitats

generally; and a list of species recorded from Essex ... Stratford, Essex (The Essex Field

Club, ...) London (Simpkins, Marshall & Co., Ltd. ...) 1918. Oct. (Mycetozoa).

Publ: Sep-Dec 1918 (p. [v]: Sep 1918), front., p. [i-vi], [1]-54. Copzes: NY, Stevenson, USDA. — Essex Field Club special Memoirs vol. 6. Reprinted from The Essex Naturalist 18: 207-237, 301-321. 1918.

Litardiére, René de (1888-1957), French botanist; Lic. Sci. Univ. Poitiers 1908, Dr. Sci. nat. Paris 1921; 1920-1931 at the University of Lille, from 1931-1954 at the Faculté des Sciences, Grenoble; retired at Maziéres-en-Gatine; botanical explorer of Corsica. (Litard.).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: Material at G, LAU, MPU, RAB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 12(1): 444; Barnhart 2: 391; BFM 1407; BL 1: 46, 306,

2: 683 [ind.]; Hortus 3: 1198 (“‘Litard.’’); IF suppl. 1: 83, 2: 37; IH 2: 451; Kew 3: 470-471;

Langman p. 450; PFC 1: xlvi, 2(2): xxili-xxv, 3(1): xii, 3(2): xiv-xv; Roon p. 70; TL-2/1:


Becherer, A., Ber. schweiz. bot. Ges. 68: 399-402. 1958 (obit.).

Bolos, A. de, Collect. bot. 5: 601-602. 1958.

E. M. W., Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 33: 165-166. 1950 (portr.).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 199. 1938.

Guinochet, M., Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afr. Nord. 49: 164-179. 1958 (obit., portr., bibl., b. 24 Jun 1888).

Malcuit, G., Bull. Soc. bot. France 1957 (Mém.): 77-89. 1958 (obit., portr., bibl., d. 24 Oct 1957); Rev. bryol. lichenol. 27: 227-230. 1958 (1959).

Ret, 5. de, Soc: franc. éch. pl. vasc., fasc. 9: 6. 1960 (obit.).

Verdoorn, F., ed., Man. pteridology 637 [index]. 1938.

COMPOSITE WORKS: See Briquet, J. (TL-2/767), Prodrome de la flore corse.



  1. Contributions a [étude phytosociologique de la Corse. Esquisse de la végétation de la Punta di Fornello ... [Paris] 1931. Oct.

Co-author. Gustave Malcuit (1882-1960).

Publ.: Dec. 1935, p- [i], [1]-19, [20], pl. 1-5. Copy: G. — Also issued as Arch. de Bot. 4(5), 1931.

Litschauer, Viktor (1879-1939), Austrian mycologist; studied at Vienna under v. Hoh- nel 1899-1903; lecturer at the Vienna ““Gewerbemuseum” 1903-1908; from 1908-1936 professor of natural history at the ‘“Handelsakademie’’, Innsbruck. (Litsch.).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: W. — Fungi selecti exsiccati europaei (with H. Lohwag) (nos. 1-200, 1931-1935), B, IB, W; Fungi tarolenses exsiccalt (250 nos.) IB, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocRapny: Barnhart 2: 391; GR p. 436, cat. p. 67; Hawksworth p. 164;

Hirsch p. 177; 1H 2: 451; Kew 3: 471; LS 12389, suppl. 16369-16372; TL-2/2862.

Anon., Hedwigia 48 (Beibl. 3): 141. 1909; J. Bot. 80: 40. 1942; Osterr. bot. Z. 58: 375. 1908 (app. Innsbruck), 8g: 168. 1940.

Janchen, E., Cat. fl. austr. 1: 14. 1956.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 14: 180. 1908 (app. Innsbruck).

Lohwag, H., Ann. mycol. 38: 89-91. 1940 (portr., bibl., d. 27 Dec 1939).

COMPOSITE WORKS: See Franz von Hoéhnel, publications on Corticiaceae (TL-2/2862). Eponyoy: Litschauerella F. Oberwinkler (1966); Litschaueria ¥. Petrak (1923).

Little, Elbert Luther, Jr. (1907-x) American botanist, dendrologist at Washington, D. C. (Little).

HERBARIUM and Types: US. Duplicates see IH (important set at MAD).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 391 (b. 15 Oct 1907); BL 1: 208, 209; Bossert p. 240; Dawson p. 545; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Little”); 1H 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 451; Kew 3: 471-472; Langman p. 450-451; MW suppl. p. 207; NAF 2(7): 42; Roon p. 70, SBC p. 126. Schuster, R. M., Rep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 72. 1966.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 13: 276. 1964 (“‘fifteen thousand foresters’’).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Prel. list. ferns see pl. Oklahoma, with R. E. Jeffs, 28 Jun 1930; see T'L- 2/3323.

Litvinov [Litwinow], Dimitri Ivanovich (1854-1929), Russian botanist and explorer of central Asia. (Litv.).

HERBARIUM and typEs: LE; for duplicates see IH. See below for Schedae ad herbarium florae rossicae.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and piocrapuy: AG 7: 10; Barnhart 2: 391 (b. 17/29 Dec 1854; d. 5 Jul 1929); Bossert p. 240; GR p. 573; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Litv.”’); IH 2: 452; Stevenson p. 1249; Tucker 1; 436, 777; Urban-Berl. p. 370; Zander ed. 10, p. 689, Ol, Wik, O. WO Borodin J., Trav. Mus. bot. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 4: 68. 1908. Fedtschenko, B. A., Bot. Zhurn. 30: 37. 1945. Hedge, I. E. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970. Lipschitz, S., Fl. URSS fontes 219 [Index]. 1975. Litvinoy, D. I., [A bibliography of the flora of Siberia], Trav. Mus. bot. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 5: i-ix, 1-458. (ca. 1100 entries). -Shetler, S. G., Komarov. Bot. Inst. 229 [Index]. 1967.

HANDWRITING: S. V. Lipschitz & I. T. Vasilczenko, Centr. herb. USSR 111. 1968. 4879. Schedae ad herbarium florae rossicae, a Museo botanico Academiae imperialis scientia-

rum Petropolitanae editum ... I [-VII], Sanktpeterburg [St. Petersburg] 1898-1911 (Sched. herb. fl. ross.).


Original editor (parts i-ii): Sergei lwanowitsch Korshinsky (1861-1900), parts iii-vii edited — by Litvinov. Copy: USDA.

3: 1go1 (p. [iii]: 11 Mai 1gor), p. [i-ii], [1]-88, pl. - Nos. 601-goo (fasc. 13-18). 4: 1902 (p. [iii]: 2 Dec 1902), p. [i-ii], [1]-92, — Nos. go1-1200 (fasc. 19-24).

5: 1905 (p. ii: Dec 1905), p. [i-iii], [1]-170, 7 pl. — Nos. 1301-1600 (fasc. 25-32).

6: 1908 (p. [ii]: Feb 1908), p. [i]-iv, [1]-180, pl 1-3. — Nos. 1601-2000 (fasc. 33-40). 7: 1911 (p. [ii]: Nov 1911), p. [i-iti], [1]-164, — Nos. 2001-2400 (fasc. 33-48).

Ref.: Kusnezow, N.1., Bot. Centralbl. 76: 335-337. 1898 (rev.).

Liu, Ju-ch’iang (1895-x), Chinese botanist (Liu).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Mainly at PE; other material at A, BH, FM, K, NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 391; IH 2: 452; MW p. 280-281.

EPONYMY: Liuiana B. Skvortzov (1969) is dedicated to Tan Shui Liu, Taiwan.

  1. Systematic botany of the flowering families in North China ... 124 illustrations of

common Hopei plants. Peiping [Peking] (Henri Vetch, the French bookstore) 1931. (Syst.

bot. N. China).

Publ.: 1931 (p. xii: 1 Mai 1931; Nat. Nov. Mai 1932), p. [i*-11*], i-xxxiul, [xxxiv], [1]-213. Copy: USDA.

Ljungstrém, Ernst Leopold (1854-1943), Swedish botanist, at Lund 1883-1909; later at Stockholm. (Ljungstr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Fungi at B, C, E, GB, LD (‘‘Fungi suecici’’).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 392; BL 2: 538, 603; BM 3: 1158, 7: 735; CSP 10; 615, 16; 818; IH 2: 453; Kew 3: 474; KR p. 467; LS 15747; Morren ed. 10, p. 105; Rehder 5: 518; Tucker 1: 437; TL-2/2426; Urban- Berl. p. 278.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1883: 30, 1933: 37, 46, 47*, 59, 62, Generalregister, Bot. Not. 50. 1939. Gertz, O., Bot. Not. 1944: 467-487. 1944 (portr., sources, b. 26 Dec 1854, d. 27 Dec 1913). Hasslow, O. J., Bot. Not. 1933: 37, 47. 1933.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970.

Nilsson-Leissner, G., Bot. Not. 1933: 59.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 60. 1903 (b. 26 Dec 1854).

Llano, George Albert (1911-x), Cuban-born American lichenologist; student of C. W. Dodge. (Llano).

HERBARIUM and types: FH; further material at MIN and US.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Bossert p. 241; GR p. 192 (many details), pl. [43], cat. p. 67; IH 2: 451; Kew 3: 474; MW suppl. p. 209; Roon p. 70; SBC p. 126.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U. S. 96. 1969.

Prescott, G. W., Contr. bibl. antarct. subantarct. alg. 233. 1979.

EPONYMY: Lianoa C. W. Dodge (1968); Lianolichen Tomaselli & Ciferri (1952); Llanomyces Ciferri & Tomaselli (1953).

Llanos, Antonio (1806-1881), Philippine botanist; calceate Augustinian friar at Manila. (Llanos).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at G, L and MA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 333; Barnhart 2: 392; BM 3: 1158-1159, 7: 7353 CSP 4: 62, 10: 615; TH 2: 453; Jackson p. 397, 574; Kew 3: 475; PR 5544; Rehder 5: 518; SK



p. 325; SO add. 845¢e; SK 1: 325, 5: ecxcvi, 8: Ixi; TL-2/1: 553, see Blanco, F. M.; Tucker 1: 437:

Blanco, F. M., Fl. Filip. ed. 3. 4(1): vii-xviil.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880.

Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. pl. 4: 202. 1926 (bibl.).

eponymy: Llanosia Blanco (1845).

  1. Fragmentos de algunas plantas de Filipinas, no incluidas en la Flora de las islas, dela t.a ni

9.a edicion. Dispuestas segun el sistema Linneano . .. Manila (Establecimiento tipografico

de Santo Tomas...) 1851. Oct. (Fragm. pl. Filip.).

Publ.: 1851, p. [i*], [1]-125. Copies: FI, G, NY. — Later also included in Blanco, Flora de Filipinas, Gran edicion, vol. 4, 1880. (TL-2/553).

Llenas y Fernandez, Manuel (fl. 1900) Spanish lichenologist; originally at Madrid; later at Barcelona. (Llenas).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BC (350 Lich.)

BIBLIOGRAPHY and procrapuy: Barnhart 2: 393; BL 2: 499, 683; BM 7: 735; GR p. 762; IH 2: 453; LS 15749, 36168.

  1. Ensaig @una flora liquénica de Catalunya per Manuel Llenas y Fernandez [Barcelona 1908]. Oct. (in fours). (Hnsazg fl. lg. Catal.). Publ.: 1908, p. [1]-39. Copy: Cornell Univ. Library.

  2. Contribucién al estudio de la flora del Pirineo central (Valle de Aran) ... Barcelona 1912. Oct. (Contr. fi. Pirin. centr.) Publ.: 1912, p. [1]-152. Copy: G. — Mem. Inst. Catal. Hist. nat. 1(1a).

Lloyd, Curtis Gates (1859-1926), American pharmaceutical industrialist, wholesale druggist and mycologist at Cincinnati. (C. G. Lloyd).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LLO (32.000), BPI (60.000). Duplicates see IH. Phanerogam coll. on permanent loan at CINC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 393; BM 3: 1159, 7: 735-7363 Bossert p. 241 (b.

17 Jul 1859, d. 11 Nov 1926); Clokie p. 202; TH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 453; Kelly p. 131, 254; Kew

3: 475-476; Langman p. 451; LS 15753-15780, 36169-36190b, suppl. 16377-16432; Morren

ed. 10, p. 128; MW p. 281-282; NAF 9 (6): 441; NW p. 51; Pennell p. 612; PH p. 248, 450;

Rehder 5: 518; Stevenson p. 1249; Tucker 1: 437.

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 334. 1971.

Anon., J. Mycol. 13: portr. opp. p. 137. 1907; Mycologia 9(3): 174. 1917 (Geasters to NY); 19(1): 38. 1927; Hedwigia 68: (48). 1928 (d.).

Burk, W. R., Bibl. N. Amer. Gasteromyc. 1: 85-108. 1980.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 203. 1896 (bot. libr. 5000 vols.).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 10. 1969.

Fitzpatrick, H. M., Mycologia 19(4): 153-159. 1927 (portr.).

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975, mss.

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 152-153. 1961 (b. 17 Jul 1859, d. 11 Nov 1926).

Kellermann, W. A., in Geol. Ohio pl. 57. 1895.

Knobloch, I. W., Pl. coll. N. Mexico 38. 1979.

Lloyd, C. G., Mycol. notes 64: 1025-1026. 1920.

Mayo, C. A., Bull. Lloyd Libr. 28: 16-24. 1928 (portr.) (“The Lloyd library and its makers’’).

Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. Pl. 4: 202. 1926, Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 123. 1937 (bibl.).

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 30-31. 1945.

Needham, J. G., Science n.s. 64: 569-570: 1926.

Palmer, J. T., Nova Hedw. 15: 149. 1968 (bibl. Gasteromyc.).

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 10, 36-37. 1977.



Shear, G. L., Mycologia 20(5): 303-305. 1928 (herbarium, manuscripts, illustrations rd. at

Washington, D. C.). ie f Simons, C. M., Natl. eclectic med. Quart. 43(1): 13-16, (2): 11-14. 1951. Stevenson, J. A., General Index to the mycological writings of C, G. Lloyd 1898-1925. Bull.

Lloyd Libr. 32, 1933, mycol. ser. 7, 64 p.; Mycologia 24(2): 247-248. 1932 (herb. to BPI);

Taxon 4: 184. 1955. Stevenson, J. A. and E. K. Cash, The new fungus names proposed by C. G. Lloyd. Bull.

Lloyd Libr. 35, 1936, mycol. ser. 8, 209 p.

name: C. G. Lloyd assumed the pseudonym Professor N. J. McGinty for his discovery of the name Anthropomorphus Seger (1688) as an earlier synonym of Geaster. McGinty belonged to the Poseyville Fungus Forage Club. The publication was a satire on Otto Kuntze (Mycol. writings 2: 260). See also Donk, Reinwardtia 1: 205. 1951.

NOMENCLATOR: The new fungus names proposed by C. G. Lloyd, see John A. Stevenson and Edith K. Cash, Bull. Lloyd Libr. 35, 1936, mycol. ser. 8, 209 p.

coMposiTE works: With J. W. Lloyd editor of the Bulletin of the Lloyd library of botany 1-6,


EPONYMY: (genera): Lloydella G. Bresadola (1901); Lloydellopsis Z. Pouzar (1959); Lloydia C. H. Chow (1935); Stnolloydia C. H. Chow (1936); (journal): Lloydia. A quarterly journal of biological Science. Cincinnati, Ohio. Vol. 1-x. 1938-x. (also commemorating his brothers John Uri (1849-1936), American pharmacist and plant chemist, and Nelson Ashley Lloyd, the first of whom founded the Lloyd Library and Museum in Cincinnati). Nolte: Lloydiella A. Ahmad & M. Goldstein (1971), Lloydina A. Ahmad & M. Goldstein (1972), and Weolloydia N. L. Britton & J. N. Rose (1922) are dedicated to Francis Ernest Lloyd (1868-1947),

American botanist.

  1. Drugs and medicines of North America a publication devoted to the historical and

scientific discussion of the botany, pharmacy, chemistry and therapeutics of the medicinal

plants of North America their constituents, products and sophistications ... Cincinnati (J.

U. & C.G. Lloyd) 1884-1886. Press of Robert Clarke & Co. 2 vols.+ (Drugs med. N. Amer.).

Co-author: John Uri Lloyd (1849-1936).

Preface; {i-vii], p. i dated Jan 1886.

1 (1): [1]-32, pl. 2-4 (pl. 1=p. 34). April 1884.

(2): 33-64, pl. 5-7. Jul 1884.

(3):65-96, pl. 6-11. Oct 1884; addenda p. [13]-20. Mar 1885.

(4): 97-144. Dec 1884,

(5): 145-176. Mar 1885.

(6): 177-208, pl. 12-15. Jun 1885.

(7): 209-236, pl. 16-20. Sep 1885.

(8): 241-272, pl. 21-24. Dec 1885. (9): 273-304, pl. 25. Mar 1886.

2(1-5): [1]-162, pl. 26-40. Jun 1886-Jun 1887.

Copies: B, MO, USDA.

Reprint: 1930-1931. Copy: B. In Bull. Lloyd Libr., nos.: 29, reprod. ser. 9(1). 1930 (p. [i-vili], [1]-184, [1-5]), 30, reprod. ser. 9(2). 1931 (p. [185]-299, [300-304]), 31, reprod. ser. 9 (vol. 2). 1931 (p. [i-ii], [1]-162).

  1. A compilation of the Volvae of the United States. C. G. Lloyd. Cincinnati, 1898. Oct. (Compil. Volvae U. S.).

Publ.: 1898, p. [i-ii], [1]-21, [22]. Copies: NY, US.

4885a. Mycological noles. By C. G. Lloyd. Cincinnati, O. 1898-1926. 6 vols. (Mycol. not.).

Vol. no. pages dates Vol. no. pages dates I I 1-8 Nov 1898 2 19 205-220 Mai 1905 2 g-16 Feb 1899 20 221-244 Jun 1905


eS eee eee

}Vol. no.


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

17-24 25-32 33-48 49-64 65-71 73-78 81-96 G4) 105-112 113-120 121-132 133-148 149-156 157-172 173-188 189-204




Apr 1899 Nov 1899 Dec 1900 Mai 1901 Sep 1901

Novy 1901 Apr 1902 Sep 1902

Dec 1902 Dec 1902 Feb 1903 Mar 1903 Mai 1903 Mar 1904 Jun 1904 Jul 1904

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ey

Index of the mycological writings of C. G. Lloyd. Vol. 1



pages dates 245-260 Apr 1906 261-276 Jul 1906 277-292 Aug 1906 293-308 Dec 1906 309-324 Apr 1907 325-340 Mai 1907 341-348 Jul 1907 349-364 Oct 1907 365-380 Jan 1908 381-396 Feb 1908 397-412 Aug 1908

1898-1905. Cincinnati, Ohio,

U.S.A., p. [1]-20.

Index ... Vol. 2, 1905-1908, ib., p. [1]-26. Copy: USDA.

vol, no. pages dates vol. no. pages dates

3 32 [413]-424 Feb 1909 4 38 = [509-524 Nov 1912 33 [425]-444 Aug 1909 39 ~—s- [525 ]-540 Dec 1915 34 [445]-460 Feb 1910 40 [541 ]-556 Feb 1916 35 [461]-476 Mar 1910 AI [5571-572 Mar 1916 36 447 -492 Aug 1g10 37 [493]-508 Apr i911

Old Species series 1: 1-12. Jun 1908: Polyporoid issue 1: 1-16. Feb 1908, 2: 17-32, Aug 1909, 3: 33-48. Aug IQ10. Index of the mycological writings of C. G. Lloyd. Vol. 3, 1909-1912. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA p- [1]-16; idem vol. 4, 1913-1916, ib., p. [1]-16.

Vol. no.

5 42


[573]-588 [589]-604 [605 ]-620 [621 |-636 [637]-652 [653 ]-668 [669 |-684 [685 |-700 [7or |-716 [717]-732 [733]-748 [749]-764 [765]-780 [781 |-796 [797]-812 [829]-844 [813 ]-828 [845 |-860 [861 |-876

dates vol. no. Jun 1916 6 61 Sep 1916 62 Dec 1916 63 Jan 1917 64 1BE|d) WONE7 65 Apr 1917 7 66 Jun 1917 67 Jul 1917 638 Oct 1917 69 Nov 1917 70 Dec 1918 7a Feb 1918 2 Jun 1918 aE) Aug 1918 74 Oct 1918 75 Apr 1919 [sic]

Mar 1919

Jun 1919

Aug 1919


[877]-903 [904]-944 [945]-984


[1029]-1101 [1105]-1136 [1137]-1168

1169 -1184 1185-1218 1219-1236 1237-1268 1269-1300 1301-1332 1333-1348 1349-1364


Oct 1919 Jan 1920 Mai 1920 Sep 1920 Mai 1921 Feb 1922 Jul 1922

Jan 1923 Jul 1923

Sep 1923 Jan 1924 Jun 1924 Oct 1924 Mar 1925 Jul 1925



Index of the mycological writings of C. G. Lloyd. Vol. 5, 1916-1919. Cincinnati, Ohio, US.A., p. [1]-24. Copy: USDA.

Index ... Vol. 6, 1920-1921, ib., p. [1]-16.

Index ... Vol. 7, 1922-1925, ib., p. [1]-14.

Copies: FI, NY, US, USDA.

Plates (separately issued for nos. 62-65. separately but with text in vol. 7) (copy: US).

Vol. no. plates dates Vol. no. plates dates 6 62 140-154 Feb 1920 7 66 187-201 Feb 1922 64 1560-170 Sep 1920 67 203-217 Jul 1922 65 171-185 Nov 1920 68 219-233 Jan 1923 69 235-249 Jul 1923 70 250-264 Sep 1923 71 266-280 Jan 1924 72 262-296 Jun 1924 73 298-312 Oct 1924 74 314-328 Mar 1925 75 330-344 Jul 1925

  1. The genera of Gasteromycetes ... Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. January 1902. Oct. (Gen.


Publ.: Jan 1902 (t.p., TBC 24 Mar 1909; J. Bot. Mai 1902), p. [1]-24, fig. 1-49. Copies: B, G, L, NY, US, USDA.

  1. The Geastrae ... Cincinnati, Ohio. 1902. Oct. (Geastrae). Publ.: Jun 1902 (t.p., Fern Bull. Jul 1902; TBC 3 Oct 1902; J. Bot. Sep 1902), p. [1 ]-43, [44, index], fig. 1-60. Copies: MICH, NY, US, USDA. — Bull. Lloyd Libr. no. 5, mycol. ser. no.


  1. The Lycoperdaceae of Australia, New Zealand and neighboring islands . .. Cincinnati,

Ohio. 1905. Oct. (Lycoperd. Australia).

Publ.: Apr 1905, p, [1]-42, [43-44], fig. 1-49. Copies: US, USDA. — Bull. Lloyd Libr. no. 8. Mycol. ser. no. 3.

Ref.: Burk, W. R., Bibl. N. Amer. Gasteromyc. 1: 85-108. 1a80.

  1. The Tylostomeae illustrated with twelve plates and six figures ... Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. February 1906. Oct. ( Tylostomeae). Publ.: Feb 1906 (t.p.), p. [1]-28, [1], fig. 1-6. Copies: FI, NY, US, USDA.

  2. The Nidulariaceae or “bird’s nest fungi” illustrated with ten plates and twenty figures ... Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A. December 1906. Oct. (Nidulariaceae). Publ.: Dec 1906 (t.p.), p. [1]-32, fig. 1-20. Copies: NY, US, USDA.

  3. The phalloids of Australasia an account of what is known, or rather what little is known, of the subject, and illustrations (more or less accurate) of the species that have been figured by C. G. Lloyd. Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. July 1907. Oct. (Phallotds Australas.).

Publ.: Jul 1907 (t.p.), p. [1]-24. Copies: NY, US.

  1. Synopsis of the known phalloids ... with an illustration of each species. Cincinnati, Ohio. September 1909. Oct. (Syn. phalloids). Publ.: Sep 1909, p. [1]-96, fig. 1-104. Copies: NY, US, USDA.

  2. Synopsis of the genus Hexagona ... Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. June rgr1o. Oct. (Syn.


Publ.: Jun 1910, p. [i-ii], 1-46, fig. 276-330.

Polystictus: Aug 1910, p. [47]-70, fig. 336-356. — Synopsis of the sections Microporus, Tabaci- nus and Funales of the genus Polystictus (Syn. Polystictus).

Ovinus: Oct 1911, p. [71]-94, fig. 496-509. — Synopsis of the section Ovinus of Polyporus (Syn. Ovinus).



Polyporoids: Mar 1912, p. [i-ti], 95-208, fig. 397-500. — Synopsis of the stipitate Polyporoids (Syn. stip. Polyporoids).

Fomes: Jan 1915, p. [209]-288, fig. 570-610. — Synopsis of the genus Fomes (Syn. Fomes).

Apus: Jun 1915, p- [289]-392, fig. 631-706. — Synopsis of the section Apus of the genus Polyporus. (Syn. Apus). :

Copies: NY, US, USDA.

  1. Synopsis of the genus Cladoderris ... Cincinnati, Ohio. U.S.A. July 1913. Oct. (Syn. Cladoderris).

Publ.: Jul 1913 (t.p.), p. [1]-12, fig. 520-530.

Stereums: Dec 1913, p. [13]-44, fig. 531-504. — Synopsis of the stipitate Stereums. (Stip. Stereums). Copies: NY, US, USDA.

  1. Synopsis of the Cordyceps of Australasia ... Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Mar 1915. Oct. (Syn. Cordyceps Australas.). Publ.: Mar 1915, p. [1]-12, fig. 611-626. Copies: NY, US, USDA.

  2. The Geoglossaceae (Viz., The genus Geoglossum and related genera) ... Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A? Mai 1916. Oct. (Geoglossaceae). Publ.: Mai 1916 (t.p.), p. [1]-24, fig. 782-807. Copies: US, USDA.

  3. Synopsis of some genera of the large Pyrenomycetes Camillea Thamnomyces Engleromyces ... Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. January 1917. Oct. (Syn. large Pyrenomyc.) °

Publ.: Jan 1917 (t-p.), p. [1]-15. fig. 626-857.

Large Pyrenomyc.: Jul. 1919 (t.p.), p. [16]-32, fig. 1444-1460.

Copies: US, USDA.

  1. The genus Radulum ... Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Mai 1917. Oct. (Radulum). Publ.: Mai 1917, p. [1]-12, fig. 961-984. Copy: US.

  2. The myths of mycology as noted by C. G. Lloyd. Cincinnati, O. Part 1. December 1917. Oct. ¢ (Myths mycol.). 1: Dec 1917, p. 1-16, 5 figs. Copies: US, USDA.

  3. Xylaria notes by C. G. Lloyd. Cincinnati, O. Number 1. September 1918. Oct. (Xylaria).

1: Sep 1918, p. 1-16, fig. 1200-1236.

2: Dec 1918, p. 17-32, fig. 1324-1357.

Copies: US, USDA.

Lloyd, George N. (1804-1889), British botanist at Edinburgh. (G. N. Lloyd). HERBARIUM and TYPES: 1250 sheets at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 393; BB p. 190; BM 3: 1159; Desmond p. 390; IH 2: 453; Jackson p. 9; Kew 3: 477; PR 5545 (ed. 1: 6192); Rehder 5: 518; SO 831. Anon., Gard. Chron. 1923(1): 329.

C. V. B. M., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1923: 189-190 (herb. at K).

EPONYMY: Lloydia Salisbury ex H. G. L. Reichenbach (1830, nom. cons.) is dedicated to Edward Lloyd (or Lluyd, or Llhwyd) (1660-1709), Welsh antiquary and student of the flora of his country.

  1. Botanical terminology, or dictionary explaining the terms most generally employed in systematic botany ... Edinburgh (printed for Bell & Bradfute), London (Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green; and James Duncan) 1826. Duod. (Bot. termin.).

Publ.: 1826, p. [i]-vui, [1]-228. Copy: MICH.

Lloyd, James (1810-1896), British-born botanist educated and living at Thouaré and Nantes in France. (7. Lloyd).



HERBARIUM and TyPEs: NTM. Exsiccatae: Algues de ? Ouest de la France, fasc. 1-xix, nos. 1-380, 1847-1868, sets at AUT, MPU, NCY, OXF, PC (Sayre did notsee fascicle 19, nos. 361-380; the IH data do not show conclusively that this fascicle was indeed published). Algae at BR (fide Newton 1952). 30 Letters to Malinvaud at P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 624; Barnhart 2: 393; BB p. 190-191; BL 2: 112,

172, 683; BM 3: 1159; Bossert p. 241; CSP 4: 65, 8: 246; 16: 819; Desmond p. 390; Herder p.

314; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lloyd, J.”’); IH 2: 453; Jackson p. 277, 286; Kew 3: 477; LS 15782;

Morren ed. 2, p. 20, ed. 10, p. 67; PR 5546-5547 (ed. 1:6193); Rehder 5: 518; Tucker 1: 437.

Anon., Bot. Gaz. 23: 228. 1897; Bot. Jahrb. 22 (Beibl. 55): 11. 1896 (d.); Bot. Not. 1897: 47 (d.); Bull. Soc. bot. Deux-Seévres 1905: pl. 2. 1896 (portr.), 17: pl. 2. 1906; Bull. Soc. bot. France 43: 266. 1896; J. Bot., Morot, Bull. bibl. 11(1): x11. 1897 (disposition estate); Nat. Nov. 18: 357. 1896 (d. 10 Mai 1897); Osterr. bot. Z. 47: 107. 1897 (herb. to Angers).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 34: 328. 1896.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880 (herb. at Nantes).

Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 8: 767-768. 1863 (herb., then still private).

Cadeceau, E., Anal. Soc. acad. Nantes ser. 7. 7: 181-203. 1896 (portr.); Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Ouest France 6(1): 137-156. 1896 (portr., bibl.), 6(3): 137-156. 1896 (portr., bibl., biogr., b. 17 Mar 1610, d. 10 Mai 1896, epon.), also reprinted as: “‘Notice sur la vie et les travaux de James Lloyd”’.

Hooker, W. J., Comp. bot. Mag. 2: 265-266. 1836.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 2: 156. 1896 (d. 1@ Mai 1896), 3: 71. 1897 (herb. left to the town of Angers, later ANG; this herbarium is now at NTM.

Malinvaud, E., Bull. Soc. bot France 43: 670-671. 1896 (herb., libr. and endowment to city of Nantes).

Newton, L. M., Phycol. Bull. 1: 17. 1945.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 87. 1968 (exsicc.).

Souché, B., Fl. Haut Poitou xiv. 1901 (herb. still at ANG).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg, 3(2): 115. 1903 (b. 17 Mar 1810).

HANDWRITING: Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Quest [Nantes] 6(3): pl. foll. p. 156. [1896]; Ann. Soc. Acad. Nantes ser. 7. 7: foll. p. 203, 1896.

  1. Flore de la Lowre-Inférieure, ... Nantes (Prosper Sebire, Libraire) 1844, 18-mo. (sign.

12/24 p. alternate). (F/. Lozre-Inf.)

Publ.: 1844 (p. 38: 1 Mai 1844), p. [i-v], [1]-38, [1-2], [i]-xxxii, [1]-335. Copies: FI, G, MO, USDA.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 28: 104-107. 21 Feb 1845.

  1. Noles pour servir la flore de [ ouest de la France... Nantes (J. Forest, ainé, ... ) 1851. (Notes ji. ouest France).

Publ.: 1851, p. [1]-30. Copy: FI (inf. C. Steinberg).

  1. lore de | Ouest de la France, ou description des plantes qui croissent spontanément

dans les départements de: Charente-inférieure, Deux-Sévres, Vendée, Loire-inférieure,

Morbihan, Finistére, Cotes-du-Nord, Ile-et-Villaine ... Nantes (J. Forest ainé, Libraire,

... ) 1854. 18-mo. (Fl. Ouest France).

Ed. 1: Jun 1854 (p. 121: 15 Mai 1854; rd. Soc. bot. Fr. 26 Jul 1854, see BSbF 1: 135-137, 158. 1854), p. [1, m1, v], [1]-576. Copies: G, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1868 (Flora 30 Sep 1868), p. [i, iii, v, vii]-ccxv, [ccxvi], [1]-644. Copy: G. — Nantes (Mme, Th. Veloppé, Libraire) 18-mo.

Ed. 3: Summer 1876 (Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1886; Bot. Zeit. 20 Oct 1876; J. Bot. Oct 1876), p. [i, ill, v|-cxxill, [cxxiv] , [1]-407, [408]. Copy: G. — Nantes (Mme. Th. Veloppé, Paris, J.-B. Bailliére & Fils) Duod.

Ed. 4: Apr-Mai 1886 (Soc. bot. France rd. 28 Mai 1886; Bot. Zeit. 27 Aug 1886), p. [i*, i, ii}-Ixxi, [1]-455, [456, cont.]. Copy: G. — Nantes (Mme. Th. Veloppé, Paris, J.-B. Bailliére & Fils), Rochefort. Oct. Editor: Julien Foucaud (1847-1904).

Ed. 4 (second issue): Jan-Feb 1889 (Nat. Nov. Mar 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 19 Mar 1889; Bot. Zeit. 31 Mai 1889 (n.v.).

Ed. 5: Jan-Feb 1898 (wrapper 1898; p. 458 dated 1 Jan 1898; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) “1898 as of



“7898”; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jun 1898), portr., p. [i*, i*], [i]-cxxiv, [cxxv], [1]-458, [2]. Copies: G, US. — Published by Emile Jules Arthur Gadeceau, (1845-1928). Nantes (R. Guist’hau) 1897. Oct. Wrapper dated 1898. Appendix also by E. J. A. Gadeceau.

Ed. 5, reissue: 1908 (n.v., see Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1908).

Ref.: Malinvaud, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 33 (bibl.): 92-94. 1886 (rev. ed. 4).

  1. Flore del’ Ouest de la France. Herborisations de 1876, 1877 ... [Nantes Jan 1878]. Oct.

(Fl. Ouest France, Herbor.).

1876/77: Jan 1878 (p. 16: 30 Dec 1877; presented to Soc. bot. France 8 Feb 1879), 16 p. (see BSbF 25 (Bibl.): 147-148. 1879.

1878/79: Jan 1880 (p. 16: 30 Dec 1879; presented id. 13 Feb 1880). p. [1]-16. Copy: G.

Lobarzewski, Hyacinth Strzema von (1816-1862), Galician bryologist, professor of botany at Lemberg. (Lobarz.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B (musci); destroyed except for material in the genera which were saved such as Dicranella and Campylopus (inf. P. Hiepko).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: AG 12(1): 426; Barnhart 2: 393; BM 3: 1159; Bossert p. 241;

Cesati p. 44; CSP 4: 65; De Toni 1: Ixxix; IH 2: 454; Jackson p. 266; Kew 3: 478; Nordstedt

p. 22; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 518; Saccardo 1: 97; SBC p. 126 (“Lobar.”’); Urban-Berl. p.


Anon.,Bonplandia 10(3): 47. 1862 (d. 4 Jan 1862); Bot. Zeit. 20: 112. 1862; Osterr. bot. Z. 12/52. To02) (d.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880.

Pax, F., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Karpathen 14, 53. 1898 (Veb. Erde 2(1)).

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. fl. Polsk. 54. 1925.

Van Landingham, S. L., Cat. diat. 6: 3563. 1978, 7: 4199. 1978.

Lobb, Thomas (1820-1894), British plant collector and explorer for Veitch and Son (1843-1860) who collected in India and the Malesian area. (7. Lobb).

HERBARIUM and Types: The original Veitch herbarium is at K; duplicates are widely distributed; see 1H and SK (itin.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 333; Barnhart 2: 393; BB p. 191; Clokie p. 202;

Desmond p. 3903;-IH 2: 454; SK 1: xxvi-xxvil, 325-326, 5: ccxcvi (q.v. for many details);

Zander ed. 10, p. 686, ed. 11, p. 782.

Anon., Bonplandia 1(15): 144. 1853; Bot. Not. 1895: 38 (d. 30 Apr 1894); Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 15: 636. 1894.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 32: 191. 1894.

Burkill, I. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 55, 85, 102, 112, 113, 198. 1965.

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 167-168, 205-206. 1969.

Fletcher, H. R., Story R. Hort. Soc. 140, 180, 184, 225, 300. 1969.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970.

Hunkin, J. W., J. R. Hort. Soc. 67(2): 33-35, 48-51. 1942.

James, The trees of Bicton 110-111. 1969.

Kuntze, O., Rev. hortic. Belge étr. 20: 280-281. 1894.

Merrill, E. D., Philip. J. Sci., C. Bot. 10: 171-194. 1915 (erroneous labels); Enum. Philip. fl. pl. 4: 76. 1926 (on falsification of localities).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 163. 1904.

Planchon, J. E., zn W. J. Hooker, London J. Bot. 5: 198, 246-250. 1846 (pl. from Java, distr.).

Reinikka, M. A., in A history of the Orchid 208-210. 1972, (further refs.).

Ridley, H. N., Fl. Malay Pen. 1: xvi. 1922.

Veitch, J. H., Hortus Veitchii 41-44. 1906.

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 2: 69, 70. 1927.

Lobb, William, (1809-1863), British plant collector and explorer for Veitch & Son who collected mainly in the Americas; brother of Thomas Lobb. (W. Lobb).


HERBARIUM and TyPEs: The original Veitch herbarium is at K; duplicates in many herbaria, see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 7: 158; Backer p. 333; Barnhart 2: 393; BB p. 191;

Clokie p. 202; Desmond p. 391; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 454; ME 1: 38, 207, 3: 617; Zander ed.

10, p. 686, ed. 11, p. 782.

Anon., Bonplandia 2: 8, 160. 1854.

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 316, 321-322, 373-374. 1969.

Davey, F. H., Fl. Cornwall xlviii-xhx. 1909.

Eastwood, A., Muhlenbergia 7(g): 100-103. 1911, Quart. Calif. Hist. Soc. 18(4): 343. 1939; Leafl. West. Bot. 5: 155-156. 1949 (also sub Kennedy).

Ewan, J., William Lobb, plant hunter for Veitch and messenger of the big tree. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 67: 1-36, 2 pl. 1973 (main recent biogr.).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 9. 1969; im Cent. progr. nat. sci. 54. 1955.

Fletcher, H. H., Story R. Hort. Soc. 105, 140, 180, 184, 300. 1969.

Fletcher, H. H. and Brown, W. H., Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 105, 180, 184. 1970.

Hadfield, M., Pioneers in gardening 193. 1951.

Hunkin, J. W., J. R. Hort. Soc. 67(2): 33-35, 48-51. 1942.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 41.

James, The trees of Bicton 110. 1969.

Kennedy, P. B., Muhlenbergia 7(g): 100-103. 1911.

Killip, E. P., Smithsonian misc. Coll. 87(1): 1-13. 1932 (itinerary and collections Colom- bia).

McKelvey, S. D., Expl. Trans.-Miss. West 1092-1094. 1955.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM (NH) 1: 164. 1904.

Sargent, C.S., Sylva N. Amer. 10: 60. 1896.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 361-362. 1975.

Thomas, J. H. Huntia 3: 12. 1969.

Turrill, W. B., Bull. misc. inf. Kew 1920: 61-62.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 46. 1906 (itin. Brazil).

Veitch, J., Manual Coniferae 257-259. 1881.

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 2: 40, 89. 1927.

HANDWRITING: Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 67: pl. 7. 1973.

EPONYMY: Lobbia J. E. Planchon (1847; also dedicated to his younger brother Thomas Lobb (1820-1894), q.v.).

L’Obel, Mathias de [Lobel, Lobelius] (1538-1616), Flemish botanist; worked with Rondelet at Montpellier 1565-1566; from 1566-1572 in England; from 1572-1584 in the Netherlands, from 1584 again in England; botanist to James I; curator of Lord Edward Zouche’s garden at Hackney. (Lobel).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: No herbarium material known to be extant. Legré states that after Rondelet’s death in 1566, Pena and l’Obel went to London, taking their herbaria with them. At the time of l’Obel’s stay with Rondelet at Montpellier herbaria were being made by Rondelet and his disciples.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 1: 249; Backer p. 333; Barnhart 2: 394; BB p. 191; Blunt p. 300; BM 3: 1160, 4: 1541; Bossert p. 241; Desmond p. 391; Dryander 5: 335; DSB 8: 435- 436; Frank 3(Anh.): 60; GR p. 97; Hegi 4 (1): 160, 6 (1): 392; Henrey 1: 284, 2: 374; Herder p. 82, 83, 408; HU 126, 127, 183; Jackson p. 27, 28, 574; JW 1: 446, 2: 196, 3: 360, 4: 396, 5: 245 (q.v. for several unusual sources); Kew 3: 478; Langman p. 452; Laségue p. 15, 574; LS 15785; Moebius 24, 32, 37, 120, 142; NI 1218-1220; Oudemans 2: 221; Plesch p. 313-314; PR 5548-5550; Rehder 5: 518; Saccardo cron. p. xxv; TL-2/4308; Tucker 1: 437.

Arber, A., Herbals 318 [index]. 1953.

Cavillier, F. G., Boissiera 5: 60-61. 1941.

Druce, G. C., Fl. Buckinghamshire Ixviii-lxix. 1926; Fl. Oxfordshire ed. 2. Ixiii. 1927. Gunther, R. T., Early English botanists 245-253, ind. 1922 (portr.).

Irmisch, T., Bot. Zeit. 23: 299-300. 1865.



Jeffers, R. H., Friends of John Gerard 1967.

Jermyn, S. T., Fl. Essex 14. 1974.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorzeit. 484 [index]. 1884.

Jourdan, A. J. L., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 86-87. 1824.

Kent, D. H., Hist. fl. Middlesex 12. 1975.

Legré, L., P. Pena & M. de Lobel, Marseille 1899, viii, 263 p. (La botanique en Provence au xvie siécle).

Louis, A., Biol. Jaarb. Dodonaea 24: 182-206. 1957.

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 30, 37, 40, 259. 1973.

Martens, Jard. Plantes Montpellier 5, 11, 12. 1854.

Meyer, E. H. F., Gesch. Bot. 4: 358-366. 1857.

Milner, J. D., Cat. Portr. Kew 80. 1906.

Morren, Ch., Belgique hortic. 2: v-xix. 1852 (portr.).

Morren, E., Mathias de l’Obel, sa vie & ses oeuvres, 1530-1616. Liége 1875, 25 p. (Bull. Féd. Soc. Hort. Belg. 1875).

Pulteney, R., Sketches 1: 96-109. 1790.

Raven, C. E., Engl. naturalists 235-240. 1947.

Riddelsdell, Fl. Gloucestershire cix. 1948.

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 5, 22, 32, 67. 1892.

Trimen and Dyer, Flora of Middlesex 369. 1869.

White, J. W., Fl. Bristol 48-50. 1872 (1912?)

COMPOSITE woRKs: Edited Dodoens, Stirpium historiae pemptades sex, 1583; (TL-2/1489).

EPONYMy (genera): Bolelza Rafinesque (1832, nom. rej.; anagram); Lobelia Linnaeus (1753); Lobelia P. Miller (1754); Lobeliaepollenites E. Nagy (1969); (journal): Lobelia see under C. E. Morren.

  1. Stirpium adversaria nova, perfactis vestigatio luculemtaque accessio ad priscorum,

presertim Dioscoridis & recentiorum, materiam medicam. Quibus propediem accedet

altera pars... authoribus. Petro Pena & Mathia de Lobel, medicis. [Londini 1571]. Fol. (in

tern.) (Stirp. advers.).

Co-author: Pierre Pena (ca. 1535-ca. 1600).

Publ.: Jan 1571 [p. [458]), p. [i-xxi], 1-455, [456-458]. Copy: USDA. Printer: Purfoot.

Ed. 2: 1576, see below, PI. stirp. hist.

Other ed.: 1605 (front., priv. (1), ded. (2), poem (1), corr. (3), Clariss. et honorabilis . . . [1]- 156, Diluc. simpl. (2), in stirp. adv. index. (11), Stirp. adv. nova 1-549). Copy: FI (inf. C. Steinberg, see also BM 3: 1160; Junk. Cat. 214: no. 200. 1979).

  1. Plantarum seu stirpium historia, Matthiae de Lobel Insularii. Cui annexum est adversa- riuorum volumen. Reliqua sequens pagina indicabit. Antverpiae [Antwerpen], (ex officina Christophori Plantini Architypographi regii) 1576. Qu. (Pl. stirp. hist.).

Publ.: 1576, p. [1]-671 (i. e. 676: many pages wrongly numbered).

Adversaria 1576 (coloph. 7 calend. Aug 1576), p. [i-iv], 1-471, Form. remed. 1-15, indices 1- 14, [15-26], [1-3 ills. ]. “WVova stirpium adversaria perfacilis vestigatio luculentaque accessio ad priscorum, praesertim Dioscoridis & recentiorum, materiam medicam: auctoribus Petro Pena et Matthia de Lobel ... quibus accessit appendix cum indice variarum linguarum locupletissimo eodem M. de Lobel auctore. Additis Guillielmi Rondelletii aliquot remediorum formulis, nunquam antehac in lucem editis.” Antverpiae (apud Christophorum Plantinum ...) 1576. Qu. (Nov. stirp. advers.)

Co-author of adversaria: Pierre Pena (ca. 1535-ca. 1600). For a first version of these Adversaria see above, no. 4906. Author of Form. remed.: Guillaume Rondelet (1507-1566).

Copies: BR, MO, NY. Copies vary. For further details and a precise collation see e.g. HU 126 and 127; Sotheby 468 for a different issue of the preface; NI 1218 on illustrations.

  1. Kruydiboeck oft beschrijvinghe van allerleye ghewassen, kruyderen, hesteren, ende

gheboomten: deur Matthias De L’Obel.. . t Antwerpen (by Christoffel Plantyn) 1581. Fol.

(in tern.) (A7uydtb.).

Publ.: 1581 (p. [x]:1 Mai 1581), p. [i-xii], 1-994, 1-312, 1-15, [1-64, indexes], 2 pl. — Over 2100 woodcuts (250 bought from Purfoot). Copies: BR, MO, U(2); IDC 7669. — See



Sotheby 469 for a collation of the former Plesch copy, and Voet (1972) for a note on coloured copies. — Dutch version of the Pl. sterp. hist. Ref.: Voet, L., The golden compases 2: 243, 288. 1972 (1974).

  1. Plantarum seu stirpium icones. Antverpiae [Antwerpen] (ex officina Christophori Plan-

tini, architypographi regii) 1581. Qu. oblong (PI. icon.).

Publ.: 1581 (p. [iv]: Jun 1581), p. [i-viii], 1-816; 1-280, [1-33, indexes, sign. Tt-Xx*Yy°]. Copies: BR, G, L, M, NY; IDC 7676. Anonymous, traditionally, but erroneously attributed to Lobel. The initiative to republish these 2173 woodcut illustrations without text (except for an introductory letter by Plantyn, indexes and names) was taken by Gobelius, physician to the Duke of Prussia; the execution was by Plantyn (see Louis 1957, p. 188). For collation see e.g. HU 138; for ills. see NI 1220.

Reissue (1): 1591, p. [i-viii], 1-816, 1-280, [1-54 indexes, sign. + — 7+ *]. Copies: BR, FI, G, MO, NY.— ‘“‘Jcones sterpium” seu plantarum tam exoticarum, quam indigenarum, in gratiam rei herbariae studiosorum in duas partes digestae. Cum septem linguarum indicibus, ad diversarum nationum usum. Antverpiae [Antwerpen] 1591. (Jcon. stirp.)

Reissue(2): 1655, p. [i-xxxvili], 1-170. Copies: FI, NY. — Matthiae de L’Obel M. D. Botanographi regii eximii Stirpium illustrationes. Plurimas elaborantes inauditas plantas, subreptitiis Joh: Parkinsoni rapsodiis (ex codice MS in salutato) sparsim gravatae. Ejusdem adjecta sunt ad calcem Theatri botanici ... Accurante Guil: How, Anglo. Londini (typis Tho: Warren, ... ) 1655. Qu. (Starp. ill.).

Ref.: Arber, A., Herbals 91, 176, 280. 1953.

Locke, John (1792-1856), American geologist, botanist, physician, inventor; M. D. Yale 1819; from 1823 living at Cincinnati (Ohio), leading a preparatory school from 1823; professor of chemistry in the Medical College of Ohio from 1835; collaborator in the geological survey of Ohio. (Locke).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Appl. Cycl. 3: 751; Barnhart 2: 394 (b. 19 Feb 1792, d. 10

Jul 1856); CSP 4: 67-68, 8: 248; DAB 11: 337-338 (by C. W. Mitman); Jackson p. 37; Kelly,

Cycl. 2: 105, 106; Lenley p. 463; ME 1: 207, 3: 617; Merrill p. 704, 726; Nickles p. 669-670;

PR 5557 (ed. 1: 6204); Quenstedt p. 266; SO 81ga.

Clarke, J. M., James Hall of Albany 87, 218. 1923.

Glass, B. et al., Forerunners of Darwin 465 [index]. 1968.

Kelly, H. A., Cycl. Amer. med. Biogr. 2: 105-106. 1912, also Kelly and Burrage 710-711. 1920.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1485. 1863 (b. 29 Feb 1792, d. 10 Jul 1856; bibl.). ;

Waller, A. E., Dr. John Locke, early Ohio Scientist (1792-1856), 28 p., reprinted from Ohio St. arch. hist. Soc. Quart. Oct-Dec 1946 (biogr.).

Winchell, N. H., Amer. Geol. 14(6): 341-356, pl. 10. 1894 (portr., bibl.).

  1. Outlines of botany, taken chiefly from Smith’s Introduction; containing an explana-

tion of botanical terms and an illustration of the system of Linnaeus. Also some account of

natural orders, and the anatomy and physiology of vegetables. Illustrated by engravings.

For the use of schools and students... Boston (published by Cummings and Hilliard, for the

author) 1819. Duod. (in sixes). (Oudl. bol.)

Publ.: 1819 (p. xiii: 23 Jul 1819), p. [i]-xiii, [xv], [1]-161, pl. 1-14, 15a, 15, 16. Copy: MO. — Other ed. Boston 1824 (Rehder 1: 85).

Lodder, Jacomina (1905-x), Dutch mycologist at Delft; specialist on yeasts. (Lodder). HERBARIUM and Types: Original material in CBS collections. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 213, 332.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: With Nellie J. W. Kreger-van Rij (1920-x) The yeasts, a taxonomic study, Amsterdam 1952, 713 p.; ed. 2. 1970. (Taxon 2: 34 Mar 1953).



EPONYMY: Lodderomyces J. P. van der Walt (1966).

  1. Die Hefesammlung des ““Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures” Beitrage zu einer

Monographie der Hefearten. II. Teil die anaskoporogenen Hefen erste Halfte ... Amster-

dam (N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers-Maatschappij, Amsterdam) 1934. Oct. (Hefe-


Erste Halfte: 1934 (Nat. Nov. Apr 1935), p. [i]-ix, [xi], [1]-256. Copy: Stevenson.

Kweite Halfte: 1942, p. [i]-xii, [1[-511. Copy: USDA. — Co-author: H. A. Diddens. — N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers-Maatschappij, Amsterdam 1942. Oct.

Loddiges, Conrad [L.] (1738-1826), Dutch-born British horticulturist who settled in England about 1761 as nurseryman at Hackney and who introduced many plants into the British Isles, especially from the United States. (Lodd.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: some material at CGE and K. — The original drawings from the Botanical Cabinet are at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 707; Barnhart 2: 395; BB p. 192; Blunt p. 209, 212;

BM 1: 207, 3:1162; Bret. p. 281; Desmond p. 392; Dryander 3: 100, 5: 335; DU 187;Frank

B( Anh?) 60; GF p.85; Henrey 2: 727, 3: 78; Herder p. 146, 287, 360; Hortus 3: 1198

(“Lodd.”’); IH 2: 455; Jackson p. 574; Kew 3: 480; Langman p. 452; Laségue p. 530, 5743

MW p. 282-284, suppl. p. 210; NI 2228 (sub Botanical Cabinet); Plesch p. 314-315; PR

5558-5561 (ed. 1: 6205-6208); Rehder 5: 519; SK 1: 326; Tucker 1: 437; Zander ed. 10, p.

686, ed. 11, p. 782.

Fletcher, H. H., Story R. Hort. Soc. 11, 92, 136. 1969.

Fort, J. W., The Athenaeum 1899: 311 (theft of copper pl. Bot Cabin.).

Hepper, F.N. and F. Neate, Pl. coll. W. Afr. 51. 1971 (plants from W. Afr. cultiv. by Lodd. collected by G. Don in Sierra Leone).

Hooker, W. J., Bot. misc. 1: 30, 74-77. 1830.

James, The trees of Bicton 111. 1969.

Lemmon, K. Golden age plant hunters 74, 184, 186, 187, 217, 218. 1968.

Rendle, W., The Athenaeum 1899: 214.

Silvester Davies, J., The Athenaeum 1899: 245.

White, A. & B. L. Sloane, The Stapelieae 20. 1933, ed. 2, 87, 776, 949

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 2: 71. 1927.

EPONYMY: Loddigesia Sims (1806).

  1. A catalogue of plants and seeds which are sold by Conrad Loddiges, nursery and seedsman, at Hackney, near London. Verzeichnis von Pflanzen und Saamen welche um billige Preisse zu haben sind bey Conrad Loddiges, ... London (Gedruckt, und zu haben bey C. Heydinger, Buchhandler, ...) 1777. Oct. (in fours). (Cat. pl. seeds).

Publ.: 1777, p. [i]-1v, [1]-54, [1, err.]. Copy; M.

  1. Catalogue of planis, which are sold by Conrad Loddiges and sons, nursery and seedsman at Hackney near London. London (printed by Plummer and Brewis, ...) [headline:] 1814. Oct. (in fours). (Cat. pl.)

Ed. [9]: 1814. Copy: G. — For ed. 1 see above, Cat. pl. seeds. editions 2-8 were not seen by us; they are also not reported by Harvey (1973).

Ed. rr: 1818, p. [1]-51, [52, dated 1 Mar 1818]. Copy: BR, USDA. — “Catalogue of plants’, which are sold by Conrad Loddiges & sons, nursery and seedsman, at Hackney, near London. The eleventh edition. London (Printed by W. Wilson, .. .) 1818. Oct (in fours).

Ed. 12: 1820, p. [1]-55, [56, dated 1 Mar 1820]. Copies: G, NY, US. —“‘Catalogue... London. The twelfth edition.” London (printed by W. Wilson, ... ) 1820. Oct (in fours).

Ed. 13: 1823, p. [1]-48. Copies: G, US. — “Catalogue ... London. The thirteenth edition.” London (printed by W. Wilson, ... ) 1823. Oct. (in fours).

Ed. 14: 1826, p. [1]-78. Copies: G, US. — “Catalogue ... London. The Fourteenth edition.” London (printed by W. Wilson, ... ) 1826. Oct. (in fours).

Ed. 15: 1830, p. [1]-79. Copy: G. — “Catalogue ... London. The fifteenth edition.’’ London (printed by W. Wilson, ... ) 1830. Oct. (in fours).



Ed. 16: 1836, p. [1]-85. Copy: M. — ‘Catalogue — London. The sixteenth edition”. London (printed by Wilson & son, ... ) 1836. Oct. (in fours).

Harvey (1973) mentions further issues from 1839, 1841, 1842, 1844 and 1849.

Ref.: Harvey, J., Early hortic. cat., Bath 1973, p. 13-14.

  1. The botanical cabinet consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries,

with a short account of each, directions for mangement &c. &c. London (John and Arthur

Arch, John Hatchard, C. Loddiges & Sons, G. Cooke) 1817-1833, 20 vols. Qu. and Duod.

[simultaneous editions]. (Bot. Cab.).

Publ.: Published by ‘‘Conrad Loddiges and sons’’; however, the editorial work was done by the son, George (1784-1846) only. The drawings are by G. Loddiges, W. Loddiges, Miss J. Loddiges, George Cooke, W. I. Cooke, E. W. Cooke, Miss Rebello, T. Boys, W. Miller, P. Heath and J. P. Heath; the engravings are by George Cooke. — Published in monthly fascicles of ro plates each. The fascicles make up a volume. 2000 hand-coloured plates (and no 684* uncoloured). The quarto edition has fully coloured plates; those of the duodecimo edition are partially coloured. E. W. Cooke, in a letter to Berkeley inserted in the MICH copy relates, on 22 Oct 1879, that the original drawings were at that time in the hands of his mother but that the copper plates were no longer available for making further prints: ‘‘... the whole of the 2000 copper plates were stolen by one of Loddiges’ men from his library in the Garden ...” Copies: US(qu.), USDA (Oct.); IDC 5312.

vol. 1: 1817 (t.p.) p. [i, t.p.], [4, intr.], pl. 1-100 each with 1-2 p. text, [3, index] 2: 1818 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 101-200, id., [3, ind.] eR 1818 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 2071-300, id., [3, ind.] 2 pl. + [9] p. text on hothouses. 4: 1819 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 307-400, id., [3, ind.]. 5: 1820 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. gor-500, id., [3, ind.], Catalogue ed. 12 [1]-55, [56]. 6: 1821 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 501-600, id. [3, ind.] Gf 1822 (t.p.), p. [1], pl. 601-664, 684*, 685-700, [3, ind.]. - é: 1823 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 701-800, id., [3, ind.]. Catalogue ed. 13. [1]-48. 9: 1824 (t.p.), p. [1], pl. 8or-goo, id., [3, ind.]. 10: 1824 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. gor-ro00, id., [3, ind.]. Dil: 1825 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. roor-1100, id., [3, ind.]. 2: 1826 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. rror-1200, id., [3, ind.], Catalogue ed. 14, 1-78. ge 1827 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. r201-1300, id., [3, ind.]. 14: 1828 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 1307-1400, id., [3, ind.]. 15: 1828 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. rgor-1500, id., [3, ind.]. 16: 1829 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 2507-1600, id., [3, ind.]. 17: 1830 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 1601-1700, id., [3, ind.]. 18: 1831 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 1701-1600, id., [3, ind.]. 19: 1832 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 1801-1900, id., [3, ind. ]. 20: 1833 (t.p.), p. [i], pl. 19071-2000, id., [3, ind.], [USDA copy: 19 p. indexes]. vol. fasc. plates dates vol. fasc. plates dates I I I-10 May 1817 5 141-150 Jul 1818 2 11-20 Jun 1817 6 151-160 Aug 1818 3 21-30 Jul 1817 5 101-170 Sep 1818 4 31-40 Aug 1817 8 171-180 Oct 1818 5 41-50 Sep 1817 9 181-1g0 Nov 1818 6 51-60 Oct 1817 10 191-200 Dec 1818 yi 61-70 Nov 1817 8 71-80 Decrsuy 3 I 201-210 Jan 1819 9 81-90 Jan 1818 2 211-220 Feb 1819 10 Q1-100 Feb 1818 3 221-230 Mar 1819 4 231-240 Apr 1819 2 I 101-110 Mar 1818 5 241-250 Mai 1819 2 III-120 Apr 1818 6 251-260 Jun 1819 3 121-130 May 1818 7 261-270 Jul 1819 4 131-140 Jun 1818 8 271-260 Aug 1819



vol. fasc. plates dates vol. fasc. plates dates 9 281-290 Sep 1819 9 I 801-810 Jan 1824 10 291-300 Oct 1819 2 811-820 Feb 1824 3 621-830 Mar 1824 I 301-310 Nov 1819 4 831-840 Apr 1824 2 311-320 Dec 1819 5 841-850 Mai 1824 3 321-330 Jan 1820 6 851-860 Jun 1824 4 331-340 Feb 1820 5 861-870 Jul 1824 5 341-350 Mar 1820 8 871-860 Aug 1824 6 351-360 Apr 1820 9 881-890 Sep 1824 7 361-370 Mai 1820 IO 891-900 Oct 1824 8 371-380 Jun 1820 9 381-390 Jul 1820 I gor-g10 Nov 1924 10 391-400 Aug 1820 2 QII-920 Dec 1824 3 21-930 Jan 1825 L 401-410 Sep 1820 4 931-940 Feb 1825 2 411-420 Oct 1820 5 941-950 Mar 1825 3 421-430 Nov 1820 6 951-900 Apr 1825 4 431-440 Dec 1820 7 g61-970 Mai 1825 5 441-450 Jan 1821 8 971-960 Jun 1825 6 451-400 Feb 1821 9 81-990 Jul 1825 7 461-470 Mar 1821 10 991-1000 Aug 1825 8 471-480 Apr 1821 9 481-490 Mai 1821 I IOOI-I010 Sep 1825 10 491-500 Jun 1821 2 IOII-1020 Oct 1825 3 1021-1030 Nov 1825 I 5OI-510 Jul 1821 4 1031-1040 Dec 1825 2 51-520 Aug 1821 5 TO41-1050 Jan 1826 3 521-530 Sep 1821 6 1051-1060 Feb 1826 4 531-540 Oct 1821 7 1061-1070 Mar 1826 5 541-550 Nov 1821 8 1071-1080 Apr 1826 6 551-500 Dec 1821 9 1081-1090 Mai 1826 7 501-570 Jan 1822 10 I0QI-1100 Jun 1826 8 571-500 Feb 1822 9 581-590 Mar 1822 I IIOI-II10 Jul 1826 10 591-600 Apr 1822 2 IIII-I120 Aug 1826 3 1121-1130 Sep 1826 I 601-610 Mai 1822 4 I131-1140 Oct 1826 2 611-620 Jun 1822 5 IT4I-I150 Nov 1826 3 621-630 Jul 1822 6 1151-1160 Dec 1826 4 631-640 Aug 1822 i 1161-1170 Jan 1827 5 641-650 Sep 1822 8 1171-1180 Feb 1827 6 651-660 Oct 1822 9 1181-1 1GO Mar 1827 fi 661-670 Nov 1822 10 1191-1200 Apr 1827 8 671-680 Dec 1822 9 681-690 Jan 1823 I I20I-1210 Mai 1827 IO 691-700 Feb 1823 2 I211-1220 Jun 1827 3 1221-1230 Jul 1827 I 701-710 Mar 1823 4 1231-1240 Aug 1827 ® 711-720 Apr 1823 5 1241-1250 Sep 1827 2 721-730 Mai 1823 6 1251-1260 Oct 1827 4 731-740 Jun 1823 7 1261-1270 Nov 1827 5 741-750 Jul 1823 8 1271-1280 Dec 1827 6 751-760 Aug 1823 9 1281-120 Jan 1828 Gl 761-770 Sep 1823 10 1291-1300 Feb 1828 8 771-780 Oct 1823 9 781-790 Nov 1823 I 1301-1310 Mar 1828 10 791-600 Dec 1823 2 1311-1320 Apr 1828 3 1321-1330 Mai 1828



vol. fasc. plates dates vol. fasc. plates dates 4 1331-1340 Jun 1828 8 1671-1680 Apr 1831 5 1341-1350 Jul 1828 9 1681-16g0 Mai 1831 6 1351-1300 Aug 1828 10 1691-1700 Jun 1831 7 1361-1370 Sep 1828 8 1371-1380 Oct 1828 18 I 1701-1710 Jul 1831 9 1381-1390 Nov 1828 2 1711-1720 Aug 1831 10 1391-1400 Dec 1828 3 1721-1730 Sep 1831 4 1731-1740 Oct 1831 15 I 1401-1410 Jan 1829 5 1741-1750 Nov 1831 2 1411-1420 Feb 1829 6 1751-1760 Dec 1831 3 1421-1430 Mar 1829 7. 1761-1770 Jan 1832 4 1431-1440 Apr 1829 8 1771-1780 Feb 1832 5 1441-1450 Mai 1829 9 1781-1790 Mar 1832 6 1451-1460 Jun 1829 10 1791-18 0 Apr 1832 7 1461-1470 Jul 1829 8 1471-1480 Aug 1829 1g I 1801-1810 Mai 1832 9 1481-1490 Sep 1829 2 1811-1820 » Jun 1832 10 1491-1500 Oct 1829 3 1821-1830 Jul 1832 4 1831-1840 Aug 1832 16 I 1501-1510 Nov 1829 5 1841-1850 Sep 1832 2 1511-1520 Dec 1829 6 1851-1860 Oct 1832 3 1521-1530 Jan 1830 7 1861-1870 Nov 1832 4 1531-1540 Feb 1830 8 1871-1880 Dec 1832 5 1541-1550 Mar 1830 9 1881-1890 Jan 1833 6 1551-1500 Apr 1830 10 1891-1900 Feb 1833 7 1501-1570 Mai 1830 8 1571-1580 Jun 1830 20 I 1QOI-1G10 Mar 1933 9 1581-15GO Jul 1830 2 IQII-1920 Apr 1833 10 1591-1600 Aug 1830 3) 1921-1930 Mai 1933 4 1931-1940 Jun 1933 17 I 1601-1610 Sep 1830 5 IQ41-1950 Jul 1833 2 1611-1620 Oct 1830 6 1951-1900 Aug 1833 a 1621-1630 Nov 1830 7 1961-1970 Sep 1833 4 1631-1640 Dec 1830 8 ———-1g71-1960 Oct 1833 5 1641-1050 Jan 1831 9 1981-1990 Nov 1833 6 1651-1660 Feb 1831 10 1991-2000 Dec 1833 7 1661-1670 Mar 1831 Ref.: GF p. 85; NI 2228; Plesch p. 314-315; PR 5558; Sotheby 471 (sold at £1500), 472

(sold at £1400). Garay, L., Taxon 18: 709-711. 1969. Junk, W., Cat. 206: 56. 1977 (quarto ed.; offered at Hfl. 17.500; Plesch copy!).

Wheldon and Wesley, Cat. 139: 7. 1977 (quarto ed.; offered at £1500).

  1. Orchideae, in the collection of Conrad Loddiges and Sons, Hackney, near London, arranged according to Dr. Lindley’s Genera and species; with their native countries, years of introduction, and references to figures. London (printed by Wilson and Ogilvy, ... [1842]. Oct. (in fours). (Orchideae). Publ.: 1842, p. [1]-44, [1, index]. Copy: USDA— Other issues: BM 3: 1162 mentions a first edition, also of 1842 of 25 p. The copies at Land NY

with a differently printed t.p. (same text), have p. [1]-40; see also PR 5560.

Loddiges, George (1784-1846), British horticulturist, nurseryman at Hackney; son of

Conrad Loddiges. (G. Lodd.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material of cultivated plants at BR, CGE, FI and K. Letters at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 334; Barnhart 2: 395; BB p. 192; Bossert p. 241;



Bret. p. 281-282; CSP 4: 69; Desmond p. 392 (b. 12 Mar 1784, d. 5 Jun 1846); Henrey 2: 375, 376; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lodd.”); IH 2: 455; Jackson p. 412; NAF 28B(2): 443; PR (alph.); SK 1: 326; Zander ed. 10, p. 686, ed. 11, p. 782.

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 149. 1967.

Allen, D. E., The Victorian fern craze 7, 12. 1969.

Anon., J. Hort. Soc. London 1: 224-225. 1846; Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1: 334-335. 1849. Coats, A. M., Huntia 2: 203, fig. 58. 1965 (portr.).

Hall, N., Bot. Eucalypts 85-86. 1978.

COMPOSITE WORKS: George Loddiges was the main author of the text of The Botanical Cabinet; he conducted it from 1817-1834.

Léfgren, Albert [Loefgren, Alberto] (1854-1918), Swedish-born botanist who settled (1874) in Brazil; director of the Sao Paulo botanical garden 1898-1906; ultimately at the botanical garden of Rio de Janeiro (Loefgr.).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: SP; duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 395; BL 1: 238, 241, 243, 306; BM 3: 1165, 7: 738; CSP 16: 835; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lofgr.”); IH 2: 455; Kew 3: 481; KR p. 481-482; LS — 36215; Nordstedt p. 11; Rehder 5: 519; Tucker 1: 438, Zander ed. 11, p. 782.

Anon., Arch. Jard. bot. Rio de Janeiro 3: i-iv. 1922 (portr.); Bot. Jahrb. 25(Beibl. 60): 56. 1898 (app. dir. bot. gard. Sao Paulo); Bot. Not. 1918: 308 (d. 30 Aug 1918); Nat. Nov. 20: 338. 1898, 42: 130. 1920; Nuov. Notarisia 30: 103. 1919; Osterr. Bot. Z. 48 (Lit.): 279. 1898; Sv. bot. Tidskr. 13: 122-124. 1919 (obit., portr., b. 11 Sep 1854, d. 30 Aug 1918).

E. Bn., Physis 4: 380-381. 1918. -

Hoehne, F. C., Jard. bot. Sao Paulo 126. 1941 (portr.).

J. G. W., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 131: 57-58. 1919.

Kneucker , A., Allg. bot. Z. 4: 104. 1898 (app. Sao Paulo).

Urban, I., Fl. Bras. 1(1): 47. 1906 (itin.).

Willis, J. C., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 131: 57-58. 1919.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 182, pl. 36. 1903 (portr.) 3(3): 203. 1905 (b. 11 Sep


COMPOSITE WoRKS: (1) Contributed to: V. B. Wittrock & O. Nordstedt, Algae aquae dulcis exsiccatae. (2) Translated into Portuguese: E. Warming, Lagoa Santa, 1908. See under Warming (orig. Danish ed. 1892).

EPONyMy: Loefgrenia Gomont (1896); Loef/grenianthus Hoehne (1927).

  1. Commissao geographica e geologica de Sao Paulo Boletim no. 12. Flora paulista. 1.

Familia Compositae. S. Paulo (Typographia a vapor de Vanorden Sa Giae.)1eg7a Oct.

(FI. Paul.).

Author of parts 2 and 4: Gustaf Edwall (1862- ? ).

r: 1897, p. [1]-496. - Compositae; addition, issued with part 3: [1-4].

2: 1897, p- [i]-x, [1]-221. — Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae. Boletim no. 13.

3: 1897, p. [i]-x, [1]-128, [1, ind.].-Campanulac., Gucurbit., Calycerac., Aggregatae fam. Valerianaceae. Boletim no. 14.

Copies: BR, G, M, MO, USDA. — Part 4, 1905, was also published by Gustaf Edwall;

Myrsinaceae, Boletim no. 15, 1905, p. [iJ-iv, [1]-45, [1], also publ. independently by Sao

Paulo Typogr. e Papelaria de Vanorden & Cia., see KR p. 152, no. 6.

  1. Secretaria da agricultura, ... do Estado de Sao Paulo. Boletim do Horto

botanico/Contribugdes para a algologia paulista familia Oedogomiaceae ... Sao Paulo (Editora:

Red. da “Revista agricola’’) 1906. Oct. (Contr. algol. paul., Oedogon.).

Publ.: Mai-Jul 1906 (p. 4: Mai 1906; ObZ Aug-Sep 1906), p. [1]-31, pl. 7-6 with text. Copies: US, USDA.

  1. Jardim botanico do Rio de Janeiro (dos “Archivos do Jardim botanico’’) O genero Rhupsalis .. . Rio de Janeiro (Typ. da Directoria Geral de Estatistica) 1915. Qu. (Rhipsalts).



Publ.: 1915 (pref. Apr 1915), p. [1]-48, pl. 1-25. Copy: USDA. — Reprinted from Arch. Jard. bot. Rio de Janeiro 1(1): 59-104, pl. 1-25. 1915.

  1. Manual das familias naturaes phanerogamas com chaves dichotomicas das familias e dos generos brasileiros . .. Rio de Janeiro (Imprensa nacional) 1917. Oct. (Man. fam. nat. phan.). Publ.: 1917, p. [i]-xviul, [1]-611. Copy: USDA.

Lofling, Pehr (Loefling) (1729-1756), Swedish botanist and explorer; to Spain 1751; from 1754-1756 in northern 8. America; “Linnaei basta discipel.”’ (Loe/f.)

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LINN. — Occasional specimens in H, MA, S, SBT.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 271, 5(1): 688; Barnhart 2: 396; BM 3: 1165, 7:

738-739; Colmeiro 1: clxxxv; Dryander 1: 239, 2: 291, 339, 3: 19, 145, 187, 382, 5: 536;

Frank 3(Anh.): 60; Hegi 7: 559; Herder p. 53; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Loefl.’’); IH 2: 455; Jackson

Pp. 339; Kew 3: 481; KR p. 482-483; Langman p. 452; Laségue p. 574; PR 5564 (ed. 1:

6213); Rehder 5: 519; RS p. 116; SO 1290, 1556, 2551, add. 2908a, 3588, 3593; TL-1: 774;

Tucker 1: 438; Zander ed. 10, p. 686, ed. 11, p. 782.

Almkvist, J., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 8: 25-42. 1925 (diary Madrid-Cadiz 1753), 10: 131- 136. 1927 (mss Spain).

Bernardi, L., Mus. Genéve 198: 9.1979 (epon.)

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 38, 339. 1969.

Christ, H., Osterr. bot. Z. 62: 271-275. 1912 (on L’s Spanish pl.).

Dandy, J. E., Regn. veg. 51: 16. 1967.

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige 244, 249, 266, 300, 319. 1969.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 30-31. 1950.

Fries, Th. M., BrefSkrifv. Linné 1(2): 371. 1908, 1(3): 340. 1909, 1(4): 363. 1910, 1(5): 363. DO DAs ati(O) 344 oMno mann (7) an Om LOM ye

Gunckel, H., Rev. Univ. 43(Anal. Acad. Chil. Ci. nat. 22): 23-31. 1959.

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(8): 199. 1922, 2(1): 426. 1916, 2(2): 296. 1943.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.): 18. 1922 (on L’s material in LINN).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 300, 467. 1864.

Jourdan, Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd., 6: 93-94. 1824.

Lowegren, Y., Naturaliekabinett i Sverige 202, 357. 1952.

Lubrecht, H., Early Amer. bot. works 1867, no. 87.

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 1: 4-7, 36. 1971.

Rothmaler, W., Repert. sp. nov., Fedde, 49: 274-277. 1940, 53: 31. 1944 (on L’s Spanish ~ plants).

Rydén, S., Sv. Linné-Siillsk. Arsskr. 41: 36-50. 1959 (on L’s mss at Madrid); Pehr Lofling. En linnélarjunge i Spanien och Venezuela 1751-1756. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1965, 242 p.; Pedro Loefling en Venezuela (1754-1756). Madrid, Insula, 1957, 266 p. — See also T. Fredbarj, Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 49: 98-99. 1967.

Scheutz, N. J. W., Bot. Not. 1863: 70.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 144, 149-151. 1971.

Steele, A. R., Flowers for the king 369 [index]. 1964.

Willkomm, M., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Iber. Halbins. 5, 26. 1896 (Veg. Erde 1).

NOTE ON NAME: Krok (KR p. 482) notes that L6fling signed himself L6fling in at least one letter now at the library of the Swedish Academy of Sciences; he was registered at Uppsala as “Petrus Erici Léfling”. The orthography “‘Loefling’”’ was used as a latinization. This latter orthography is very generally accepted, hence our proposed abbreviation “Loefl.”.

EPONYMY: Loeflingia Linnaeus (1753).

  1. D. A. Gemmae arborum, quas ex cons. experientiss. et nobiliss. facult. med. in reg. acad. upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Dn. Doct. Caroli Linnaei, ... speciminis academici loco naturae curiosis examinandas sistit alumnus regius, Petrus L6fling, medelpadus. In Audit. Carol. Major. ad diem 18 Novemb. anni 1749. h.a.m.c. Upsaliae [1749]. Qu. (Gemmae arb.).

Publ.: 18 Nov 1749, p. [i-iv], [1]-32. Copies: B, G, MO, NY.



Ed. 2: Amoen. Acad. 2(24): [182]-[224]. 1751; for further issues in Amoenitates see SO 1557-1561. Also reprinted in Gilibert, J. E., Syst. pl. Europ. 5(1, 14): 363-398. 1786. Linnaeus acknowledged Loefling’s authorship of this dissertation in his biography of

Loefling in Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 1758, p. 16 (see also KR p. 482, no. 1).

  1. Petri Loefling ... Iter hispanicum, eller resa til spanska landerna uti Europa och

America, forrattad iffran ar 1751 til Ar 1756, med beskrifningar och ron 6fver de markvar-

digaste vaxter, utgifven efter dess franfalle af Carl Linnaeus. Stockholm (Tryckt pa direct.

Lars Salvii Kostnad) Ar 1758. Oct. (Iter hispan.).

Publ.: Dec 1758, p. [i-xx], [1]-316, pl. 1-2. Copies: FI, MICH, MO, NY; IDC 886. — See Dandy (1967) for details on inadmissible names (vernacular names or token words). Facsimile ed. of botanical part (p. 176-283): in Loefling, P., Plantae americanae. Insula, Madrid, 1957, p. [1]-127, edited by S. Rydén. Copies: BR, MICH, NY. —p. 11-119 have

facsimile of text p. [175]-283; p. 121-127 contain notes and index.

Reprint: 1907, Mem. R. Soc. Espan. Hist. nat. 5: 11-134.

German transl.: 1766 (p. [viii]: 22 Feb 1766), p. [i-xxxii], [1]-4.06, [1-2, err.], pl. 1-2. Copies: G, HU, M, MO(2), NY.— “Peter Loeflings ... Reise, nach den spanischen Landern in Europa und America in den Jahren 1751 bis 1756. Nebst Beobachtungen und Anmerkungen uber die merkwiirdigen Gewachse herausgegeben von Herrn Carl von Linné . . . aus dem Schwe- dischen tbersetzt durch D. Alexander Bernhard Kolpin [1739-1801] ... Berlin und Stralsund (bey Gottlieb August Lange) 1766. Oct.

English transl.: 1771, J. R. Forster in Bossu, Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana, 2: 69-432. 1771. fot

Spanish transl.: 1. de Asso, Anal. Ci. nat. 3: 278-315, 4: 158-191, 5: 82-104. 1801/02.

Loehr, Egid von (//. 1848), German botanist. (/. Loehr). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1163; Herder p. 185, 344; PR 5565.

  1. Beitrdge zur genaueren Kenntniss der Hiilsenfriichte und insbesondere der Bohne. Inaugural-Dissertation der medicinischen Facultat zu Giessen bei Erlangung der medicini- schen Doctorwirde vorgelegt von Egid v. Lohr aus Giessen ... Giessen (Gedruckt in der Universitats-Buchdruckerei von G. D. Brith] I) 1848. Qu. (Beztr. Hiilsenfr.).

Publ.: 1848 (p. 3: Mai 1848), p. [1]-19, 7 pl., uncol. ith. Copy: WU.

Ref.: K. M., Bot. Zeit. 7: 84-86. 1849.

Loehr [Lohr], Matthias Joseph (1800-1882), German pharmacist and botanist at Koblenz; later at Koln. (M. Loehr).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at KIEL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 572; Barnhart 2: 396; BL 2: 419, 683; BM 3: 1163; CSP 4: 75, 8: 225, 10: 624, 12: 453; DTS 1: 174, 6(4): 167; Hausmann p. 1182; Hegi 4(2): 795; Herder p. 185; IH 2: 456; Jackson p. 293, 311; Kew 3: 481; PR 5566-5569 (ed. 1: 6215- 6216); Rehder 5: 519; Tucker 1: 438.

Simonkai, L., Enum. fl. transsilv. xxiv. 1886.

4923- Flora von Coblenz, oder systematische Zusammenstellung und Beschreibung der in

jener Gegend des Mittelrheines wildwachsenden und gebauten phanerogamischen Pflan-

zen, nach dem natiirlichen Systeme geordnet ... Céln [K6ln] (Verlag von M. Du Mont-

Schauberg) 1838. Oct. (in fours). (#7. Coblenz).

Publ.: Mar-Jun 1838 (p. x1: Feb 1838; Flora 28 Aug 1838, rd. between 5 Feb and 2 Jul 1838), p. [i]-xxvi, [1]-319, [320]. Copzes: BR, Regensburg.

  1. Taschenbuch der Flora von Trier und Luxemburg mit Berucksichtigung der Nahe- und

Glan-Gegenden, ... Trier (Verlag von C. Troschel) 1844. Oct. (Taschenb. Fl. Trier).

Publ.: 1844 (p. xvi: Jun 1844; Flora rd. Nov 1844; Bot. Zeit. 27 Dec 1844), p. [i]-lxvi, [1]- 318, [1, err.]. Copies: BR, G, NY, Regensburg.



Ref.: Anon., Bot. Zeit. 3: 588. 29 Aug 1845. J., Bot. Zeit. 11: 67-68. 28 Jan 1853. A., Bot. Zeit. 11: 563-565. 5 Aug 1853.

  1. Enumeratio der Flora von Deutschland und der angrenzenden Lander im ganzen Umfan- ge von Reichenbach’s Flora Germanica excursoria, vom Mittellandischen Meere bis zur Nord- und Ost-See. Geordnet nach dem natitirlichen Systeme von De Candolle und der Reihenfolge von Koch’s Synopsis, mit allen Synonymen, Varietaten und Fundorten, under besonderer Berticksichtigung der Gegenden am Rheine ... Braunschweig (Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn) 1852. Oct. (Enum. Fl: Deutschland). Publ.: 1-14 Jan 1852 (p. x: Jul 1850; Flora rd. 14 Sep-Oct 1852; Bot. Zeit. rev. 9 Jan 1852; ‘ist erschienen” O.b.W. 15 Jan 1852, Bot. Zeit. 10: 136. 13 Feb 1852), p. [i]-xxi, [1]-820. Copies: B, L, M, NY, Regensburg.

  2. Botanischer Fithrer zur Flora von Koln, oder Beschreibung der in den weiteren Umge- bungen von Koln wildwachsenden und am haufigsten cultivirten Pflanzen, mit Angabe ihrer Fundorte, Bliithezeit und Dauer. Ein Taschenbuch fiir Freunde der Botanik und ftir die Zoglinge der Lehranstalten ... K6ln (Verlag der M. DuMont-Schauberg) 1860. Duod. (in sixes). (Bot. Fiihr, Koln). Publ.: Jan-Mai 1860 (p. xi: Oct 1859; Flora 7 Jun 1860; Osterr. bot. Z. 1 Aug 1860), p. [i]- xv, [1]-323. Copies: BR, G, Regensburg. Ref.: Anon., Flora 43: 336, 634-637. 1860. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 18: 146-147. 20 Apr 1860.

Loénnegren, August Valfrid (1842-1904), Swedish mycologist and linguist; teacher at Lule high school (Lénnegren).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 396; Kelly p. 133; KR p. 484 (b. 7 Jan 1842, d. 31 Oct 1904); LS 15815-15817, suppl. 16476; NAF 9(6): 442; Saelan p. 558-559; Stevenson p. 1249.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 43-44. 1905 (b. 7 Jan 1842, d. 31 Oct 1904).

Lénnrot, Elias (1802-1884), Finnish botanist. (Lénnrot). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 396 (b. 2 Apr 1802, d. 11 Mar 1884); BL 2: 61, 684; BM 3: 1176; CSP 4: 81; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lonnr.”’); Jackson p. 328; PR 5570; Rehder 5: 519; Saelan p. 311-312; TR 816; Tucker 1: 438.

Anon., Rev. bot. Bull. mens. Soc. Trans. Bot. 3: 288. 1885.

  1. llora fennica. Suomen kasvisto ... Helsingissaé (Suomalaisen Kirjallisunden Seuran

kirjapainossa) 1860. Oct. (Fl. fenn.).

Ed. 1: 1860, p. [i]-l, [1]-376, pl. 7-3 (uncol.). Copy: G.

Ed. 2: 1866, p. [i]-xx, [1]-426, [1, err.], pl. 1-3. Copy: NY. — Flora fennica. Suomen Kasvio. Uusi parannettu laitos, jonka toimittivat E. L. ja Th. Saelan. Helsingissa (ib.). Suoma- laisen kirjallisunden Seuran Toimituksia. 24. Osa. Co-author: Anders Thiodorf Saelan

(1834-1921). Lonnroth, Knut Johan (1826-1885), Swedish botanist; from 1859 ecclesiastical admini- strator at Kalmar. (A. Lénnroth).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: UPS, but Hieracium at S. Further material at C, GB, PC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 396; BM 3: 1176; Bossert p. 242; CSP 4: 81, 8: 258, 10: 629, 16: 837; Frank 3(Anh.): 60; GR p. 478, pl. [38], cat. p. 67; Hawksworth p. 184; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lonnr.”’); IH 2: 459; Kew 3: 482; KR p. 485; Krempelh. 1: 517, 562; LS 15818-15820; PR 5571; Rehder 5: 519; Saccardo 2: 63; SBC p. 126; Tucker 1: 438.



Anon., Bot. Not. 1885: 63; Generalregister Bot. Not. 52, 108, 181. 1939. Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979 (lichen herb.). Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 44, pl. ror. 1905 (b. 8 Mai 1826, d. 4 Mar 1885),


  1. Observationes criticae plantas suecicas illustrantes, quarum decadam primam venia ampl. facult. philos. Upsal. praeside E. Fries ... pro gradu philosophico publico examini modeste subjicit auctor Canutus Johannes Lonnroth. . . in audit. botan. d. iiijun. mdcccliv. h.p.m.s. Upsaliae (Wahlstrom & C.) [1854]. Oct. (Obs. crit. pl. suec.).

Publ.: 3 Jun 1854, p. [1]-24. Copy: NY.

Lorch, Ph, J. (/. 1890), German botanist, high school teacher at Heckingen (Lérch). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

  1. Die Flora des Hohenzollers und seiner nachsten Umgebung . .. Hechingen (Ribler’sche

Hofbuchdruckerei, Robert Kleinmaier) 1890. Progr. nr. 487. Oct. (Fl. Hohenzoll.).

rT: 1890 (p. 2: Jun 1890; Bot. Zeit. 27 Mar 1891), p. [1]-68.

2: 1891 (Bot. Centralbl. 26 Apr 1892; Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1892), p. [i], 69-118. Progr. nr. AON.

3: 1892, p. [i], [119]-166. Progr. nr. 494.

Copies: B, M. — Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum Programm [487, 491, 494] der konigl. hoheren Burgerschule zu Hechingen.

Loescher, Eduard (f/. 1852), German horticulturist. (Loescher). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1163; Herder p. 326; PR 5574.

Loescher, E., Bonplandia 2: 102. 1854 (reply to Schulz-Bip. 1854; on Hochstetter’s plagiarism).

Schulz-Bipontinus, C. H., Bonplandia 2: 80-81. 1854 (on plagiarism Hochstetter).

  1. Die kinigliche Wasserlilie Victoria regia, ihre Geschichte, ihr Wesen und ihre Kultur,

nebst einem Anhange tiber Wasserpflanzen der warmeren Zonen. ... Hamburg (Perthes-

Besser & Mauke) 1852. Oct. (Aénigl. Wasserlilie).

Publ.: shortly after Mar 18532, p. [1]-viui, [1 ]-97, [1, cont. ], pl. 7-2 (col.) and 3(uncol.). Copies: FI, KNAW. — Has priority over W. Hochstetter, Victoria regia.

Ref.: Seemann, B., Bonplandia 1(24): 250-251. 1 Dec 1853.

Lésecke, August Georg von (1837-1912), German mycologist and pharmacist. (Lés- ecke).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Backer p. 334; CSP 10: 635, 12: 453, 16: 838; GR p. 106 (b. 10 Sep 1837, d. 6 Dec 1912); Kelly p. 133; Jackson p. 297; LS 15823-15827, 36217.

  1. Deutschlands verbreitetste Pilze oder Anleitung zur Bestimmung der wichtigsten Pilze Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Lander, zugleich als Commentar der fortgesetzten Prof. Buchner’schen Pilznachbildungen ... I. Bandchen. Die Hautpilze. Berlin (Theobald Grieben) 1872. Duod. + (Deutschl. Pilze).

Co-author: F. A. Bosemann.

Publ.: 1872, p. [i]-xlv, [1, h. t.], [1]-185, [186, err.]. Copy: FH.

Loesel, Johannes [Loeselius] (1607-1655), German botanist and physician; Dr. phil. Konigsberg 1632; Dr. med. Leiden 1639, professor of medicine at Kénigsberg University 1639-1655. (Loesel).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. Manuscripts lost.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 1: 314, Ainsworth p. 225, 310; Backer p. 334; Barnhart 2: 397; BM 3: 463; De Toni 1: Ixxix; Dryander 3: 171; Frank 3(Anh.): 60; GR p. 106; Hegi 2: 393, 4(1): 174, 6(1): 25; Herder p. 185; Jackson p. 309; NI 122; Pleschp. 315; PR 5575-5576 (ed. 1: 6220-6222); Rehder 1: 372; Sotheby 473; Tucker 1: 438.

Caspary, R., Lebensbeschr. ost.-westpreuss. Bot. 237-241. 1912 (bibl.).

Krollmann, Chr., ENC Biogr. 1: 404. 1941 (n.v., fide NI).

Lorek, C. G., Preuss. bot. 2-3. 1849.

O.,Dict. sci. med, Biogr. méd. 6: 94-95. 1824.

EPONYMY: Loeselia Linnaeus (1753).

4932- Plantas in Borussia sponte nascentes e manuscriptis parentis mei divulgo Johannes

Loeselius, Johannis filius. (n.v.). (Pl. Borussia).

Publ.: 1654. — Published for his father by Joh. Loesel fil., born 21 Sep 1641. The text was later used for Gottsched’s edition of the Flora prussica (see below).

4933- Flora prussica, sive plantae in regno Prussiae sponte nascentes. Quarum catalogum &

nomina Johannes Loeselius ... olim disseruit, nunc additis nitidissimis iconibus rariorum,

partim ab aliis nondum delineatarum plerarumque Prussiae propriarum & inquilinarum

plantarum, earumdemque accurata descriptione, nec non adjectis synonymiis veterum

botanicorum, interspersisque observationibus historico-philogico-criticis & medico-

practicis noviter efHlorescentes, curante Johanne Gottsched, ... Regiomonti [Konigsberg ]

anno mdcciii. Sumptibus typographiae Georgianae. Qu. (FI. pruss.)

Editor: Johann Gottsched (1668-1704) who received the manuscript and plates from Loesel’s estate through Dietrich Hessen, son-in-law of Loesel.

Publ.: 1703 (p. vi: 1 Oct 1703), front., p. [i-xvi], [1]-294, [1-80, index], 83 pl. numbered 1- 65, but nos. 46/47 and 48/49 combined; uncol. Copies: MO, NY, U.

Supplement: 1726, see Andreas Helwing.

Loesener, Ludwig Eduard Theodor (1865-1941), German botanist of the Engler school; Dr. phil. Berlin 1890; from 1896-1920 at the Botanical Museum, Berlin-Dahlem. (Loes.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B (partly destroyed).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Backer p. 334; Barnhart 2: 397; BJI 1: 37; BL 1: 151, 306; BM 3: 463, 7: 738; Bossert p. 241; CSP 16: 838-839; Hirsch p. 178; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Loes.”); . TH 2: 455; Langman p. 452-453; LS 15830, suppl. 16477; MW suppl. p. 210; NAF ser. 2. 5: 247; Rehder 5: 520; TL-2/1: 1711, see E. M. Kronfeld; Tucker 1: 438; Urban-Berl. p. 370; Zander ed. 10, p. 686, ed. 11: 782; Zep-Tim p. 79.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 66: 335. 1896 (app. Berlin), 96: 256. 1904 (‘“Custos”’ Berlin); Hedwigia 44 (Beibl.) 1: (51). 1904 (“Custos’’); Nat. Nov. 18: 288. 1896 (app. Berlin), 26: 523. 1904 (“‘Custos’’); Osterr. bot. Z. 46: 199. 1806.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 24. 1896.

Harms, H., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 59: (23)-(37). 1941 (portr., bibl.), Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin 15: 639-640. 1941 (b. 23 Nov 1865, d. 2 Jun 1941).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 2: 92. 1896 (assistant Berlin), 10: 164. 1904 (“‘Custos” Berlin).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) EP, Dve natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 1:

a. Celastraceae, 3(5): 189-222. Dec 1892, 459. 1896, Nachtr. 2-4: 221-225. 1897, Erganzungs- heft 1: 39-40. 1900, 2: 198-202. 1908.

b. Hippocrateaceae, 3(5): 220-224. Dec 1892, 225-230. Mai 1893, Nachtr. 2-4: 225. 1897, Erganzungsheft 1: 40. 1900.

(2) EP, Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 2:

c. Celastraceae, 20 b: [87]-197. Jan-Feb 1942.

d. Hippocrateaceae, 20 b: [198]-231. Jan-Feb 1942.

e.Aquifoliaceae, 20 b: [36]-86. Jan-Feb 1942.

f. Lingiberaceae, 15 a: 541-640. Apr 1930.

g. Maranthaceae, 15 a: 654-693. Apr 1930.

(3) Urban, I., Symb. ant., Aquifoliaceae, 9(1): 69-75. 1 Jan 1923.


LOESKE EPONYMyY: Loesenera Harms (1897); Loeseneriella A. GC. Smith (1941).

  1. Vorstudien zu einer Monographie der Aquifoliaceen. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlan-

gung der philosophischen Doctorwtrde der philosophischen Facultat der Friedrich-

Wilhelms- Universitat zu Berlin vorgelegt am 4. August 1890 Offentlich zu verteidigen von

Theodor Loesener aus Berlin ... Berlin (Druck von Mesch & Lichtenfeld, Berlin S., ... )

  1. Oct. (Vorstud. Monogr. Aquifol.).

Publ. 4 Aug 1890 (Alph. Candolle rd. his copy in August 1890; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1890; Flora rd. 23 Oct 1890), p. [i, im], [1]-45, [46, vita; 47 theses], pl. 1. Copies: MO, NY. — Preprinted from Abh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 33(1): 1-45. 1890 (publ. 12 Mai 1891).

Ref.: Taubert, P.H.W., Bot. Centralbl., Beith. 1(1): 48-54. 1891.

4935- Plantae selerianae die von Dr. Eduard Seler und Frau Caecilie Seler in Mexico

gesammelten Pflanzen unter Mitwirkung von Fachmannern veroffentlicht ... [1894-

7923]. (PI. seler.).

Collectors: Georg Eduard Seler (1894-1922), Caecilie Seler (née Sachs, 1855-?).

Publ.: A series of reprints, with independent as well as original pagination, from Bull. Herb. Boissier (BHB) and Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg (VBV), as follows:

part journal separate pp. orig. pag. dates I BHB 2(8) [1 ]-34 [533]-566, pl. 20 . Aug 1894 2 BHB 3(12) [35], 36-55 [609 ]-620, pl. 17 Dec 1895 3 BHB 7(7) [56]-94 [534]-553, 561-579 Jul 1899 Mien): BiiBiser. 2.2 [95|-111 [81 ]-97 31 Jan 1903 (2) ser. 2.3 [112]-127 [208 ]-223 28 Feb 1903 (3) ser. 2.4 [128]-137 [278]-287 Mar 1903 5 BHB ser. 2.6(10) [138]-178 [831 ]-871 30 Sep 1906 6 VBV 51 [179]-214 [1 ]-36 29 Mai 1919* 7 VBV 53 [215]-251 [50]-86 30 Dec 1911 8 VBV 55 [252]-295 [151 ]-194 20 Dec 1913 9 VBV 58 296 -324 [129]-157 1 Mai 1917 10 VBV 65 325-363, [364] [84]-123 1923

Copies: MO, US. —* p. 33-36 publ. 19 Feb rgro.

  1. Monographia Aquifoliacearum ... Halle (Druck von Ehrhardt Karras, Halle a.S. ... )

  2. Qu. (Monogr. Aquifol.).

Pars 1: 1 Mar 1901, p. [1*-vii* ], [i]-viil, [1 ]-598, p/. 7-15 (uncol. liths. by L’s sister Elisabeth Loesener, later Mrs. Alexander Villaret). Nova Acta Leop. vol. 78.

Pars 2: 31 Jan 1908 (p. [2]), p- [1]-313, [314, note], 3 maps. Nova Acta Leop. vol. 89(1).

Copies: FI, MO, NY, U, USDA.

Preliminary publ.: Loesener, L.E.T., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 33: 1-45, pl.3. 12 Mai 1891 (“Vorstudien’’), see also ib. 50: xvili-xix. 1909. The 1891 article was preprinted Aug 1890 as thesis (see above).

4937- Prodromus florae tsingtauensis. Die Pflanzenwelt des Kiautschou-Gebietes. Mit Unter-

stuitzung des deutschchinesischen Verbandes veroffentlicht von Th. Loesener ... [Beih.

Bot. Centralbl. 37(1) Verlag von C. Heinrich, Dresden-N. 1919]. Oct.

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1919 (Nat. Nov. Mai(1,2) 1919), p. [1]-206. To be cited from Beth. bot. Centralbl. 37(1): 1-206. Jan-Apr 1919 (complete volume publ. 1920).

Ref.: Krause, K., Bot. Jahrb. 55(Lit.): 91-92. 30 Sep 1919.

Loeske, Leopold (1865-1935), German amateur bryologist, journalist, later administra- tor. (Loeske).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B; other material at BP, DBN, FH, H and W. — 66 Letters in Brotherus corr. at H-UB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 397; BJI 2: 108; BL 2: 578, 684; BM 3: 1163;



Bossert p. 241; CSP 16: 839; IH 2: 455; Kew 3: 482; Lenley p. 270; SBC p. 126 (““Loeske’’);

Urban-Berl. p. 306.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 84: 240. 1935 (d. 29 Mar 1935).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw. — Holst. 317. 1936.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 24. 1896.

Familler, I., Denkschr. Regensb. bot. Ges. 11: 19. 1g11 (bibl.).

Jageli, M., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 8(3-4): 137-142. 1935 (bibl., portr.) Boll. Soc. Tinic. Sci. nat. 1934: 27-29; 29:61-89. 1935 (portr.).(b. 24 Oct 1865, d. 2g Mar 1935).

Loeske, L., Ann. bryol. 8: 131-149. 1935 (““Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Laubmoose’’, his bryological testament); (publ. listed or reviewed:) Rev. bryol. 20: 77. 1893, 25: 54. 1898, 28: 22, 42. 1901, 29: 14, 90, 102. 1902, 30: 58, 106. 1903, 31: 104. 1904, 32: 15, 56. 1905, 33: 14. 1906, 34: 40. 1907, 37: 48. 1910, 39: 66. 1912, 41: 16. 1914, n.s. 1: 207-208, 215. 1928, 2: 50, 237. 1929, 3: 204. 1930, 4: 44, 218. 1931, 5: 50, 54, 236. 1932 (1933) 8: 127, 231. 1935, 9: 151, 156. 1936, 11: 119. 1938.

Liibenau, K., Mitt. naturw. Arbeitskr. Kempten 15(1): 35-49 (1971), 16(2): 50-58 (1972), 17(2): 2. 1973. (Continuation of the publication of the remaining part of L’s Bryologische Beobachtungen aus den Allgauer Alpen, started in Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 49: [30]-65. 1907. (Co-collector: Karl Osterwald, 1853-1923).

Mildbraed, J., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 76: 113. 1936.

Paul, H., Kryptog. Forsch. 2: 330-332. 1935 (portr.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

Verdoorn, F., Ann. bryol. 8: 130. 1935 (portr.); Bryologist 38(2): 48. 1935.

COMPOSITE WORKS: with Max Fleischer, Iconographia bryologica universalis. Abbildungen von Moosen aus allen Erdteilen nach Originalzeichnungen sowie aus bryologischen Werken. Serie i, 40 pl. Berlin-Schoneberg (Max Lande) Mar 1918 (copy: NY; see M. Fleischer, Hedwigia 60(2): (127). 16 Nov 1918).

For L. Loeske, ed. Bryologische Zeitschrift 1916-1918 see under H. Paul in vol. 4.

EPONYMY: Loeskeobryum M.F leischer ex V. F. Brotherus (1925); Loeskypnum Paul (1916).

  1. Moosflora des Harzes. Hilfsbuch fiir die bryologische Forschung im Harze und dessen Umgebung mit Verbreitungsangaben und Bestimmungstabellen ... Leipzig (Verlag von Gebriider Borntraeger) 1903. Oct. (Moosfl. Harz.).

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1903 (p. x: 2 Nov 1902; ObZ Feb-Mar-1903; rev. Naturw. Wochenschr. 22 Mar 1903; Bot. Zeit. 1 Apr 1903; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1903), p. [1]-xx, [1]-350. Copies: B(2), FH, HBG, L, MO-Steere, NY, U-V; IDC 947. ;

Preliminary publ.: Beitrage zur Moosflora des Harzes, Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 43: 80- 100. 1902 (with W. Monkemeyer, E. Quelle, Joh. Warnstorf and E. Wockowitz).

Nachtrage: 1: in Festschrift zu P. Ascherson’s 70. Geburtstag, Berlin, 1904, p. 280-295; 2: Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 46: 157-201. 1904.

Ref.: Matouschek, F., Hedwigia 42 (Beibl. 6): 323-325. 1903.

4939: <ur Moosflora der Killertaler Alpen. Floristisches, Biologisches und Kritisches (Sonder-

abdruck aus ““Hedwigia” Band xlix) [Dresden (Druck von C. Heinrich) 1909]. Oct.

Publ.: 4 Aug (p. 1-48) and 6 Oct (p. 49-53) 1909 (in journal), reprint p. [1]-53. Copy: H..- To be cited from Hedwigia 49: [1]-53. 1909.

  1. Studien zur vergleichenden Morphologie und phylogenetischen Systematik der Laubmoose. Berlin (Verlag: Max Lande) 1910. Oct. (Stud. Morph. Laubm.) Publ.: Apr-Mai 1910 (p. 10: Nov 1909; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1910; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jul 1910 rev.), p- [1]-224. Copies: FH, FI, G, MO-Steere, U. Ref.: Holzinger, J. M., Bryologist 15(3): 48-50. 13 Mai 1912. Herzog, Th., Allg. bot. Z. 16: g1-92. 15 Jun 1gro (rev.).

  2. Die Laubmoose Europas ... Berlin-Schoneberg (Druck und Verlag Max Lande (Hoff-

mann & Campe’s Verlag)) 1913-1914. Oct. (Laubm. Eur.).

Part 1, Grimmiaceae: 15 Nov 1913 (but copyrighted 1914), p. [ii]-xvi, [1]-207, figs. 1-66.

Part 2, Funariaceae: printed 7 Oct 1914 - 15 Sep 1929, distributed Sep-Dec 1929, p. [ii]-viti, [1 ]-120, [1*, t.p. Fedde Sonderheft B], [iii* Vorwort Apr 1929].



Contributors: Istvan Gyorffy (1880-1959), Wilhelm Monkemeyer (1862-?), Josef Podpera (1878-1954), R. Timm (fl. 1913), Drawings by Peter Janzen (1851-1922).

Copies: B, FH, FI, G, MO-Steere, U. — A selection of the illustrations from the Laubmoose Europas was published as series 1 of Max Fleischer and Leopold Loeske, Iconographia bryologica universalis, Berlin-Schéneberg (Verlag Max Lande, ... ) Mar 1918, cover with pl. 1-40, onesided, with text (Copies: MO-Steere, NY).

  1. Monographie der europdischen Grimmiaceen ... Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart’sche Ver-

lagsbuchhandlung (Erwin Nagele ... ) 1930. Qu. (Monogr. eur. Grimmiac.).

Publ.: 1930 (p. vi: Mar 1929; J. Bot. Sep 1930), p. [ii]-ix, [1 ]-236. Copies: B, BR, G, L, MO- Steere, U. — Bibl. bot. Heft ror.

Ref.: Reimers, H., Hedwigia 70(2): (106)-(108). Jan 1931 (rev.).

Loew, Ernst (1843-1908), German botanist and flower-biologist; Dr. phil. Berlin 1865; from 1867-1906 teacher at the (later) Kaiser-Wilhelm-Realgymnasium. (£. Loew).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocRapPHy: AG 2(2): 508; Barnhart 2: 397; BFM 2607, 2640, 2653; BJI

1: 37-38, 2: 108; BL 2: 563, 684; BM 3: 1163, 7: 738; CSP 8: 250, Io: 621, 12: 453, 16: 839;

DTS 1: 174, 6(4): 90; 1H 2: 455; Jackson p. 58, 60; LS 15831-15836; 362 18-36220; Moebius

p- 286, 360, 364; Morren ed. 10, p. 7; Nordstedt p. 22; PR 5578; Rehder 5: 520; TL 2/3983,

see Kircher, E.O.O., see Schroter, C.; 250, 10: 621, 12: 453, Tucker 1: 439; Urban-Berl. p.


Anon., Biogr. Jahrb. 13: 58*-59*, 183-184. 1910 (b. 23 Jul 1843, biogr.); Bot. Centralbl. 108: 400. 1908 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 43(Beibl. 98): 57. 1909 (d.); Bot. Not. 1908: 212 (d. 12 Aug 1908); Hedwigia 48 (Beibl.): (52). 1908 (d.), ib. (143). 1908 (library left to Bot. Ver. Brandenburg); Nat. Nov. 30: 482. 1908 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 58: 455. 1908 (d.).

Appel, O., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 26a: (94)-(105). 1908 (portr., bibl.).

Ascherson, P., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 50: Ixxi-xci. 1909 (bibl., portr.).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317. 1936.

Loew, E., De Casuarin. caul. 53-54. 1865 (“‘vita’’, b. “x. calend. sext.

Magnus, P., Naturw. Rundschau 23(44): [1-2]. 1908.


1843, 23 Jul).

CoMPosITE works: Loew was one of the principal collaborators to the early parts of O. Kirchner et al., Lebensgeschichte der Blitenpflanzen Mittel-Europas (sce under C. Schroter).

EPONYMY: Loewia Urban (1897).

4943- De Casuarinearum caulis foliique evolutione et structura. Dissertatio inauguralis botanica quam consensu et auctoritate amplissimi philosophorum ordinis in alma litterarum Uni- versitate Friderica Guilelma ad summos in philosophia honores rite capessendos die xix m. julii a. mdccclxv. h.1.q.s. publice defendet auctor Ernestus Loew . . . Berolimi [Berlin] (typis expressit Gustavus Lange | s.d. [1865]. Oct. (De Casuarin. caul.).

Publ.: 19 Jul 1865 (t-p.), p. [i], [1]-54- Copzes: B, G, NY; IDC 5137.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 23: 293-294. 1865.

  1. Ueber zwei kritische Hyphomyceten (Acrostalagmos Corda und Arthrobotrys oligospora

Fres.) Berlin (Druck von A. W. Hahn’s Erben ... ) 1874. Qu. (wei Hyphomyc.).

Publ.: Mar 1874, p. [1 ]-27, in Jahres-Bericht iiber die konigliche Realschule, Vorschule und Elisabethschule zu Berlin ... 1874. Copy: NY.

Léw, Immanuel (1854-1944), Hungarian rabbi and scholar; rabbi of Szeged 1878-1944; specialist in talmudic and rabbinic lexicography. (J. Low).

HERBARIUM and TyPeEs: Low is not know to have made a herbarium. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 397; BFM 3203; BM 3: 1164; Plesch p. 468;

Rehder 1: 76. Al. Sch./M. Z. Ka., Encyclopaedia judaica 11: 442-443. 1971 (biogr., portr.).



Frenkel, E., Bibliographie der Schriften Immanuel Low’s, zm Festschrift Immanuel Low zum 80 Geburtstage. Breslau, 1934, p. 236-255.

Scheiber, A., Semitic studies in memory of Immanuel Low, Budapest 1947, with additions to the bibliography by E. Frenkel on p. 6-11 and 357-360.

NOTE: We are grateful to David Heller, Dept. of Botany, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for information on Léw.

  1. Aramaeische Pflanzennamen ... Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann) 1881. Oct.

(Aram. Pfl.-Namen).

Publ.: Feb-Mar 1881 (p. [viii]: 4 Feb 1881; J. Bot. Mai 1891; Nat. Nov. Mar (2) 1881), p. [i- vill], [1 ]-490. Copies: MO; IDC 32-60. — The first 23 pages served as thesis, Leipzig 187g (Bull. Soc. bot. France 26 (Bibl.): 202-204. 1880).

  1. Die Flora der Juden... Wien, Leipzig (R. Lowit Verlag) 1926-1934, 4 vols. Oct. (FI.


1(1): 1926 (p. [ix]: 26 Dec 1926), p. [i]-xii, [1]-448.

(ayem 928 (p. ui: Apr 1928), p. [1*-i11*], [xiii]-xiv, [449]-807.

2: 1924 (p. x: Dec 1923; Nat. Nov. Feb 1924), p. [iii]-xii, [1 ]-532.

3: 1924 (Nat. Nov. Mai 1925), p. [i]-xi, [1]-522.

4: Feb-Mai 1934 (p. x: 20 Jan 1934; Nat. Nov. Jun 1934), p. [i]-xv, [1]-740.

Copies: F1, MO. — Veroffentlichungen der Alexander Kohnt Memorial Foundation Band 2, 3, 4, 6; Imprint vol. 4: ““Verlag der Kohnt Foundation, Wien.”

Facsimile ed.: Hildesheim (Georg Olms) 1967, fide Plesch p. 468.

Loher, August (x-1930), German botanist; wholesale dealer in pharmaceuticals; from 1889 resident in the Philippines. (Loher).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: M (5000) and PNH; other large sets at B, K, L, P, NY, US.—See IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 334; Barnhart 2: 398; Hortus 3: 1198 (Loher); IH 2: 456; Lenley p. 270; SK 1: 328 (itin., coll.), 8: 1x1; Stevenson p. 1249; TL-2/595; Urban- Berl. p. 370.

Bergdolt, E., Karl von Goebel ed. 2. 1g1-192. 1940.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 160. 1896.

Merrill, E.D., Enum. Philipp. Pl. 4: 203. 1926.

Robinson, C. B., J. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 104-112. 1906.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 362. 1975 (coll.).

4947- Aufzahlung der um Simbach am Inn wildwachsenden Phanerogamen und Gefiisskryptoga- men... Landshut (Druck der Jos. Thomann’schen Buchdruckerei) 1887. Oct. Publ.: 1887, p. [1]-41. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Ber. bot. Ver. Landshut ro: 1-41. 1887.

Lohwag, Heinrich (1884-1945), Austrian cryptogamist: student of R. Wettstein; Dr. phil. Wien 1907; professor at the Staatsgymnasium in Brux (Bohemia) 1908-1914; from 1914- 1918 at Reichenberg; from 1918 at the first Academic Gymnasium in Wien; from 1928 lecturer, from 1940 professor at the Universitat Wien. (H. Lohwag).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at MICH, TRTC, W and WU. — For exsiccatae see under Victor Litschauer.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 398; Bossert p. 242 (b. 10 Mai 1884, d. 22 Sep 1945); IH 2: 456; TL-2/2364; Stevenson p. 1249.

Janchen, E. Richard Wettstein 186. 1933.

Knoll, Fr., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68a: 132-134. 1956.

Moree IK) Sydowia ser. 2. vol. 3(1-6): 1-16. 1949; id. 3: 1-27. 1949 (bibl.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Anatomie der Asco- und Basidiomyceten, in Linsbauer, Handbuch der Pflanzenanatome, Band 6, Abt. 2, Teilband 3c, 1941. (2) Collaborator, Hand.-Mazz., Symb. sin. 2, 1937.



Note: The son of H. Lohwag, Kurt Lohwag (b. 8 Aug 1913; d. 5 Mai 1970) was also a prolific mycological author; see e.g. F. Petrak, Sydowia 24: 1-16. 1970 (portr., bibl.).

EPoNYMyY: Lohwagia F. Petrak (1942).

Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, Jean Louis Auguste (1774-1849), French physician and botanist; in the French armée des Alpes 1793-1797; Dr. med. Paris 1806; physician at the “bureau de charité du neuviéme arrondissement” later working mainly on botany. (Lovsel.)

HERBARIUM and typEs: AV; duplicates at FI, MW, P. — Correspondence with J. B. Mougeot, 84 letters, 1806-1835, at P (Bibl. centr.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: AG 6(2): 581, 907; Backer p. 334; Barnhart 2: 398; BM 3:

1166; CSP 4: 76, 12: 455; Frank 3(Anh.): 60; GF p. 66; Hortus 3: 1198 (“‘Loisel.”); IF p.

715; 1H 2: 456; Hegi 5(3): 559; Herder p. 463; Jackson p. 274, 406; Kew 3: 487-488;

Langman p. 453; MW p. 284-285, suppl. p. 210; NI 1224-1225; PFC 1: xlvi-xlvii; Plesch p.

316-317; PR 5584-5592 (ed. 1: 6235-6253); Rehder 5: 521; RS p. 116; Saccardo cron. p.

xxv; SO 809, add. 785-1, m; TL-1: 315, 775-781; TL-2/1: 1293, 1409, 1410, 1547, 43743

Tucker 1: 439, 777; Zander ed. 10, p. 686, ed. 11, p. 783.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 7: 592, 664. 1849.

Bouchardat, M., Mem. agric. Soc. natl. Centr. Agric. 1850(2): 414-435; in Biogr. membr. Soc. Agric. France 141-182. 1865 (bibl. by L. B.-H.).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mémoires et souvenirs 161. 1862.

Jourdan, A. J. L., Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 95-96. 1824 (bibl.).

Lapeyrouse, P., Hist. abr. pl. Pyren. xxxv. 1813.

MacPhail, I., Cat. Redout. 52. 1963.

Merat, M., Bull. Acad. Méd., Paris 14: 798-802. 1849.

Milner, J. D., Gat. portr. Kew 80. 1906.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 31. 1977 (material at FI).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 115. 1903 (b. 24 Mar 1774, d. 13 Mai 1849).

COMPOSITE works: (1) Author of vols. 5-7 of Duhamel, Trazté arbr. arbust. ed. 2, 1812-1819 (“Nouveau Duhamel’’), see TL-2/1547. For a list of L’s contributions to Duhamel’s Traité des arbres fruitiers (ed. 2) see Bouchardat (1865), p. 164-166.

(2) L. contributed many articles to the Dict. scv. nat. and the Dict. sez. méd. (vols. 20-60).

HANDWRITING: Candollea 31: 343-344. 1976. EPONYMyY: Lozseleuria Desvaux (1813, nom. cons.); Longchampia Willdenow (1811).

  1. Flora gallica, seu enumeratio plantarum in Gallia sponté nascentium; ... Lutetiae [Paris] (apud Auctorem, ... Migneret, ... Gabon, ... ex typis Matthaei Migneret) 1806- 1807, 2 parts. Duod. (in sixes). (FJ. gall.) Ed. 1: 1806-1807. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, USDA. — Plates uncol. copp. by A. L. Marquis. For additions see below 1810 (Notice) and 1827 (Nouv. notice). Pars prima: 1806 (p. vii: 15 Mai 1806; JGLF Apr 1806 ann.), p. [1]-viii, [1 ]-336. Pars secunda: 1807 (pref. 12 Apr 1807; JGLF Apr 1807 ann.), p. [i]-vi, [337]-742, pl. 1-27. Ed. 2: 5-14 Jul 1828 (see TL-1). Flora gallica ... nascentium, secundum Linnaeanum systema digestarum, addita familiarum naturalium synopsi; ... Parisiis (apud J. B. Bailliére, ... ), Londini (id.), Bruxellis (a la lbrairie médicale frangaise). Oct. (in fours). Copies: BR, FI, G, MICH, NY, U, UC, USDA. Pars prima: p. [i]-xxxiv, [1]-407. Pars secunda: p. [1-111], [1 ]-394, [1-2, err.], pl. 7-31, uncolored copper engravings, the first 21 asin ed. 1, nos. 22-30 engraved by Ambrosius Tardieu, no. 31 by Logerot. Note: for a list of reviews, notices by others, and replies by Loiseleur see Bouchardat 1865, p.

  2. Notice sur les plantes a ajouter ala flore de France (Flora gallica); avec quelques corrections

et observations; ... Paris (chez l’Auteur, ... Migneret, ... Gabon, ... Imprimerie de J. B. Sajou, ... ) 1810. Oct. (Not. fl. France).



Publ.: 1810, p. [i-ii], 1-172, pl. t-vi, uncol. copper engr. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 6039. — In part published in Desvaux, J. Bot., 2: 193-225. Jul 1809, 257-289. Aug 1809, 321-370. Sep 1810. (see TL-2/1409).

  1. Recherches historiques, botaniques et médicales sur les Narcisses indigenes, pour servir a

histoire des plantes de France;... Paris (Baudouin... chez PAuteur... Gabon) 1810. Qu.

(Rech. Narcisses).

Publ.: 1810, p. [i], [1]-42- Copies: FI, G(2). — Reprinted from Mém. Acad. Sci. divers. savants 2: 592-633. 1811; see also J. Méd. 20: 491-495. 1810 and Bull. Pharm. 3: 179-185. 1811.

  1. Herbier géneral de lamateur, contenant la description, l’histoire, les propriétés et la culture des végétaux utiles et agréables; dédié au roi, par Mordant de Launay; continué par M. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, ... avec figures peintes d’aprés nature par M. P. Bessa, ... Paris (Audot, libraire, ... ) [1814]1816-1827, 8 vols. (Herb. gén. amat.).

Original author (of parts 1-11 of vol. 1 only): Jean Claude Mien Mordant de Launay (x- 1816).

Publ : published 1814-1827 in 96 parts of 6 plates and 12 pages text each; 12 parts constituting a volume. In all (ideally) 574 plates: 1-572; 171, 172 and 199 double; 364 lacking. The precise dates of the parts can be ascertained from the Bibliographie de la France. There were two issues: octavo and quarto. The coloured copper engravings are of drawings by Pancrace Bessa (1772-1835), (one by P. J. Redouté, one by Poiteau). The original drawings were made for Charles Xth, who gave them to Marie-Caroline, Duchesse de Berry. The latter gave them to her sister, Teresa Christina of Brazil. They are now in private hands (P. Campos Porto, Rio de Janeiro). — Copzes: USDA; IDC 6040. 1: Nov 1814-1816, p. [i*-vili*], [1]-vili, 73 pl. w.t. — p. [iv*]: dedication dated 22 Nov


2: 1817 (t.p.), p. [i-viii], 70 pl. w.t.

3: 1819 (t.p.), p- [i-m1], 72 pl. w.t.

4: 1820 (t.p.), p. [i-xu], 72 pl. w.t.

45: 1821 (t.p.), p. [i-i], 72 pl. w.t.

6: 1822 (t.p.), p. [i-ii], 72 pl. w.t.

7: 1824 (t.p. ‘ p. [1-11], 72 pl. w.t.

8: 1827 (t.p.), p. [i-ili], 77 pl. w.t., [i-xvi, ind.], [1]-8 subscribers.

ire amelie | is ia on the USDA copy (574 plates!). Ref.: NI 23293 (details on originals, artists, engravers).

4953- Nouveau voyage dans ’ empire de flore, ou principes élémentaires de botanique; ... A Paris (chez Méquignon l’ainé pére, ... ) 1817, 2 parts. Oct. (Nouv. voy. emp. fl.). ; Publ.: 1817. Copies: B, G, NY.

r: [ij-xu, [1 ]-214.

Pel iepare ly (aay 7, [eiyie1, ae. ||,

4954- Manuel des plantes usuelles indigenes, ou histoire abrégée des plantes de France, distri-

buées d’aprés une nouvelle méthode; contenant leurs proprietés et leurs usages en médicine,

dans la pharmacie et dans l’économie domestique; suivi de recherches et d’observations sur

Y’emploi de plusieurs espéces, qui, dans la pratique de la médecine, peuvent remplacer un

certain nombre de substances exotiques ... Paris (Chez Méquignon ainé, ...) 1819, 2 vols.

Oct. (Man. pl. usuell.).

[7]: 1819 (p. [v*]: 18 Jan 1819), p. [i*-vili*], [i]-xxvi, [1]-468 (number of unnumbered preface pages varies).

[2]: 1819, p. [1-1], [469]-672, [1, err.].

Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, USDA.

4955- Recherches et observations sur l emploi de plusieurs plantes de France, qui, dans la pratique de

la médecine, peuvent remplacer un certain nombre de substances exotiques; pour servir ala

matiére médicale indigéne; ... A Paris (Chez Méquignon ainé, ... ) 1819. Oct. (Rech. empl.

pl. France). .

Publ.: 1819, p. [i*-iii* ], [i]-iv, [1 ]-170. Copies: MO, USDA. — Second part of the preceding Man. pl. usuell.



  1. Flore de la botanique des dames. Collection renfermant quatre planches de principes de botanique, et quatre cents figures de plantes, dont une grande partie est extraite de V Herbier de l’ Amateur. Paris (Audot, Libraire-éditeur, ... ) 1821. (FI. bot. dames).

Publ.: 1821, p. [i-iii], [1]-8, pl. r-ro4 (col.). Copy: BR.

4957- Nouvelle notice sur les plantes a ajouter a la flore de France (Flora gallica); ... Paris (au

secrétariat de la Société linnéenne, ... ) 1827. Oct. (Nouv. not. fl. France).

Publ.: 1-19 Sep 1827 (BF), p. [1]-40. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 6: 396-432. 1827 (on wrappers and on p. 2: Ann. Soc. Linn. Paris).

  1. Herbier del Amateur de fleurs, contenant, gravés et coloriés, d’aprés nature, les végétaux

qui peuvent orner les jardins et les serres; |’on y a joint leur synonymie, leur description, leur

histoire, leurs modes de culture et de propagation, avec un précis d’organographie et de

physique végétales, servant d’introduction a louvrage; par M. Drapiez... Bruxelles (Ve P.

J. de Mat, libraire-éditeur, ... ) 1828-1835, 8 vols. Qu. (Herb. amat. fi.).

Publ.: A reissue of the plates of the Herb. gén. amat. with a number of extra plates (in all 600, see Sotheby no. 477) provided with a new introduction by Pierre Auguste Joseph Drapiez (1778-1856) (see NI 2:51 and no. 2324). Drapiez was a compiler, not an original author. His other main production was his Encyclographie du régne végétal, a work of such mediocrity and imitation that we decided to leave it out of account in TL-2. — Copy: BR.

: 1828, p. [i-ii], [1]-44, pl. 7-75 w.t.

: 1820, p. [1-11], pl. 76-150 w.t., p. [1-4].

: 1829, p. [i, ui], pl. 151-225 w.t., p. [1-6].

: 1830, p. [i-ii], pl. 226-300 w.t., [1-7].

: 1831, p. [i, ui], pl. 301-375 w.t., [1-8].

: 1833, p. [i, ui], pl. 376-450 w.t., [1-11].

: 1834, p. [1i, m1], pl. 457-525, w.t., [1-12].

: 1835, p. [i, ui], pl. 526-600 w.t., [1-36].


4959- Flore générale de la France, ou iconographie, description et histoire de toutes les plantes

phanérogames, cryptogames et agames qui croissent dans ce royaume, disposées suivant les

familles naturelles ... Phanérogamie, par M. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps . .. tome premier

Paris (Ferra Jeune, libraire, ... ) 1828 [1829]. Qu. + (FV. gén. France).

Publ.: in eight parts, the contents of which are still uncertain (12 plates per part), p. [1*-11*], [1 ]-136, [i]-cxxxvi, pl. 7-84 (col.), pl. 1-12 (uncol.) (all pl. by Poiteau). Copy: B-S. —'The dates (BF) of the parts are as follows:

Part dates © part dates part dates

I Oct 1920 | 4 21 Feb 1829 7 19 Sep 1829 2 22 Nov 1828 5 21 Mar 1829 68 19 Sep 182g 3 ny IDiee Wises | 6 9g Mai 1829

The plates, numbered i-xii (uncoloured) and 1-84 (coloured) are of drawings by A. Poiteau. The text ends on p. 136 in the middle of a sentence. See GF p. 66, NI 1225, Plesch 316, PR 5580.

  1. Nouvel herbier de amateur, contenant la description, la culture, histoire et les propriétés des plantes rares et nouvelles cultivées dans les jardins de Paris, par M. Loiseleur- Deslongchamps, ... avec figures peintes d’aprés nature par Mme. Deville, éléve de M. Bessa. Paris (Chez F. G. Levrault, ... ), Strasbourg (id.), Bruxelles (a la Librairie parisienne), 1830 [-1831]. Qu. and Oct. (Nouv. herb. amat.). Publ.: 1830-1831 in 9 parts (all dated 1830, but number written on standard covers); 52 col.

stipple engr. by Lucie Deville. Copies: BR, NY, USDA; IDC 6041; see also Sotheby 475.

1: 20 Mar 1830, cover, pl. 1-6 w.t.

2: 29 Jun 1830, cover, pl. 7-12 w.t.

3: 29 Jun 1830, cover, pl. 13-18 w.t.

4: 4-6 Aug 1830, cover, pl. 19-24 w.t.

5/6: Mai 1831, cover pl. 25-37 w.t.

7: 9 Jun 1831, cover, pl. 38-42 w.t.



8: 29 sep 1831, cover, pl. 43-49 w.t. g: publ. 1831 or 1838, cover, pl. 50-52 w.t. [vo]: Half title [i] and t.p. [iii], dated 1838 (BR and USDA copies).

  1. Histoire du Cedre du Liban, ... Paris (Madame Huzard (née Vallat La Chapelle), .. . )

  2. Oct. (Hist. Cédre Liban).

Publ.: 1837, p. [1]-66, 2 pl. Copy: FI (inf. C. Steinberg). — Reprinted from Ann. Agric. frang. (journal publ. n.v.). Preliminary publication J. Bot. Agric. 3: 97-112. 1814.

  1. Herbier général de ?amateur, deuxtéme série, contenant les figures coloriées des plantes nouvelles, rares et intéressantes des jardins de l'Europe, avec leurs description, histoire, propriétés et culture. Par M. le Dr. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, ... tome premier. Paris (Audot, éditeur du Bon Jardinier, ... ) 1839[-1841]. Oct. and Qu. (Herb. gén. amat. ser. 2).

Publ.: 1839-1841 in 47 fascicles (for dates see BF) of 2 plates each (p. 3: 1 Mai 1841), p. [1], [1 ]-3, pl. 1-5, 7-94, [1-2, index] w.t. Copies: NY, USDA; IDC 6042. — Plates (col.) by Lucie Deville.

Continuation (1): vols. 2-4, by Charles Antoine Lemaire (1801-1871), Paris (Librairie [3-4: horticole] de H. Cousin, ... ) 1841-1844. Oct. and Qu. For dates of fasc. (2 pl. each) see BF. Copies: NY, USDA (incompl.); IDC 6042.

2: 1841, p. [i], pl. 1-71, [1-2, index], col. liths. by Lucie Deville and other artists.

3: 1843, p. [i-iti], [1]-44, pl. 7-72, [1-3, index]. “... et culture; et des miscellanées botaniques, ouvrage publié sous les auspices et avec la collaboration de MM. Ad. eG ... J. Decaisne, ... Ad. de Jussieu, ... Ed. Spach, “2 etrediseapam te Memaine-.

4: 1844 (t-p., b: [i-i1], [1-4, index], pl. 7-72.

Authors of notices: Adolphe Théodore Brongniart (1801-1876); Joseph Decaisne (1807- 1882); Adrien Henri Laurent de Jussieu (1797-1853); Edouard Spach (1801-1879). Continuation (2): 5 vols., edited by Lemaire (see above), Paris (Librairie agricole de la

Maison rustique ... ) 1841-1850. Qu. The first three volumes (“1841-1842,” “1843-

1844,” and 1845-1846”) are reissues of vols. 2, 3 and 4 mentioned above under

continuation (1.)

This re-issue therefore excludes vol. 1 (by Loiseleur-Deslongchamps) and the book must

therefore be attributed to Lemaire. ““Herbier général de l amateur contenant les figures

coloriées des plantes nouvelles, rares et intéressantes des jardins de Europe leurs description, histoire, propriétés et culture ouvrage publié sous les auspices et avec la collaboration de MM. Ad. Brongniart, Ad. de Jussieu, ... J. Decaisne, ... Ach. Richard

[Achille Richard 1794-1852], ... Ed. Spach,...”’ Copy: BR.

1841-1842: [1, ii], pl. 7-77 w.t., [1-2, index].

1843-1844: p. |i, ui], pl. 1-72 w.t., [1-3, index].

1845-1846: p {i, i], pl. 1-72, [1-4, index].

1847-1848: p. |i, ui], [1]-177, 80 pl. + 8 pl. with separate text, [ 1-4, index].

1849-1850: p. [i, ui] [1]-155, pl. 1-67+ nos. V-7-V-14 with separate text.

Loitlesberger, Karl (1857-1943), Austrian cryptogamist, high school teacher e.g. at the Stella matutina at Feldkirch. (Lovtl.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at BP, BR, H, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 398; BFM go8: CSP 16: 853; De Toni r: Ixxix;

DTS 1: 175; IH 2: 456; Nordstedt p. 22; SBC p. 126.

Anon, Bot. Centralbl. 39: 203. 13 Aug 1889 (Beitr. Krypt. Fl. Oberésterr.); Bot. Zeit 59(2): 171. 1901; Rev. bryol. 16: 79. 1889, 22: 47, 63. 1895, 26: 72. 1899, 28: 22, 24. 1901, 32: 113. 1905 (bibl. refs.).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 115. 1896.

Murr, J., Neue Ubers. Farn-Bl.-Pfl. Vorarlberg xix. 1923.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

Schiedemayr, C. B., Nachtr. syst. Aufz. samenlose Pfl. ro. Ben

Schuster, R. M. Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 73. 1966.

Lojacono-Pojero, Michele (1853-1919), Italian botanist at Palermo. (Lojac.)



HERBARIUM and Types: PAL; further material at B, BM, DS, E, FI, G, GE, K, L, MANCH, PI, W. — Exsiccatae: Plantae siculae rariores exsiccatae, c. 1880-1883; Plantae italicae selectae


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BJI 1: 38; BL 2: 391; BM 3: 1163; Bossert p. 242; CSP ro: 625-626, 12: 455-456, 16: 853; GR p. 532; Herder p. 344; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lojac.”’); IF suppl. 1: 83; IH 2: 456; Jackson p. 145, 146, 318, 322, 491, 575; Kew 3: 488; Langman p. 453; LS 15856; Morren ed. 10, p. 85; NI 1223; Rehder 5: 521; Saccardo 1: 97, 2: 64, cron. p. xxv; SBC p. 126 (“Lojac.”’); Tucker 1: 440.

Anon., Rev. bryol. 11: 76. 1884, 18: 15. 1891.

Bobrov, E. G., Bot. Zhurn, 52(11): 1598. 1967 (Lojaconoa, eponym).

Dérfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 98. 1896 (err. ““C.”” Lojacono).

HANDWRITING: Candollea 31: 345-346. 1976. EPONYMy: Lojaconoa E. G. Bobrov (1967).

  1. Le isole eolie e loro vegetazione con enumerazione delle piante spontanee vascolari . . .

Palermo (Stamperia di Giovanni Lorsnaider ... ) 1878. Qu. (Isole eolie).

Publ.: 1878, p. [1], 5-140. Copies: FI, G. — Originally published Atti. Soc. Acclim. Agr. Sicilia 17: 177-328. 1828. See BL 2: 393-394 for further literature.

  1. Contributi alla flora di Sicilia ... Palermo (Stabilimento tipografico Virzi) 1878. Qu. (Contr. fl. Sicilia). Publ.: 1878, p. [1]-25. Copies: FI, G.

  2. Tentamen monographiae trifoliorum sive generis Trifolii species ... Panormi [Palermo] (Ex typis Bernardi Virzi) 1878. Oct. (Tent. monogr. trifol.). Publ.: 1878, p. [1]-22. Copy: FI.

  3. Monografia dei trifogl di Sicilia prodromi di una revisione del genere ... Palermo (Stab. tipografico Virzi) 1878. Qu. (Monogr. trifogli Sicilia).

Publ.: 1878, p. [i], [1]-172. Copies: FI, USDA.

Ref.: Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 29: 128-130. 1 Apr 1879.

  1. Sulla sistematica delle ombrellifere dei jughi e della natura del frutto in questo gruppo dissertazione critica ... Palermo (stabilimento tipografico Virzi) 1882. Qu. (Sst. ombrell.). Publ.: 1882, p. [1]-57. Copy: FI (inf. C. Steinberg).

  2. Flora sicula o descrizione delle piante vascolari spontanee o indigenate in Sicilia ... Palermo (Libraria internazionale L. Pedone-Lauriel di Carlo Clausen) 1889-1908[ 1909], 3 vols. (im 5). Qu. (FI. sicul.)

1(r): [1886-]1889 (p. 225: 30 Jun 1889; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1888 ann., Sep(1) 1889 publ., J. Bot. Sep 1889), p. [i], [1]-234, [i]-xiv, pl. 1-20. (parts published previously (from Mar 1886) in Giornale del Comizio Agrario di Palermo, n.v.)

1(2): 1891 (p. 305: 28 Jul 1891; Nat. Nov. Oct (1) 1891; published in parts?), p. [1]-311, [312], [i]-xvi, pl. 1-20 (1. e. 1-18, [18bis], 19).

Imprint: Palermo Tipografia dello “Statuto”’.

2(1): 1903 (t.p. 1902; p. 240: 20 Sep 1903; Bot. Centralbl. & Bot. Zeit. 16 Feb 1904; Nat. Nov. Oct (1, 2) 1903, in parts?), p. [1]-240, p. [i]-xiv, pl. 1-27. Imprint: Palermo Tipo- Litografia Salvatore Bizzarrilli...

2(2): 1904-1907 (t.p.; p. 408: 15 Feb 1907; apparently publ. in parts because the NY copy has also a t.p. dated 1904; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1907), p. [1]-428, pl. 1-20.

3: 1908-1909 (apparently in parts; t.p. 1908, cover dated 1909; p. xvi of index dated 4 Nov 1909), p. [1]-447, [448], [i]-xvi, pl. 2-20. Imprint: Palermo Scuola Tip. ““Boccone del Povero.”’

Copies: MO, NY: IDC 5568. — Addenda: Malpighia 20: 37-48, 95-119, 180-218, 290-300. 1906.

Ref.: J. F. Freyn, Bot. Centralbl. 40: 184-185. 5 Nov 1889 (1(1)).

Roth, E., Bot. Jahrb. 11: 93-94, 25 Apr 1890.



  1. Sulla morfologia dei legumi del genere ““Medicago” ... Palermo (Tipografia Filippo

Barravecchia e figlio) 1891. Qu. (Morf. sen Medicago).

Publ.: 1891, p. [1 1 27, 3 pl. with text. Copy: FI. — Also published as Atti Accad. Sci. Palermo 11(1), 1891.

Lojka, Hugo (1845-1887), Hungarian lichenologist; born in Galicia; studied in Vienna; later high school teacher at Budapest. (Laka).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: W; other material B, BM, BP, BOL, BPU, GZU, H, H-NYL, K, LD, NTM, PRC,SAM,SLO,STU, WU, Z, ZT. L’s lichenological library was acquired by A. Zahlbruckner; the Hazslinsky lichen herbarium, owned by Lojka, was acquired by BP; Lojka’s own lichens are at WU (fide Laundon, 1979); however, according to Osterr. bot. Z. (40: 428. 1890) the entire Lojka lichen herbarium went to W (see also Gyelnik 1938). Before his death W had already acquired many other Lojka collections as is clear from the numerous notices on these acquisitions in the ObZ. The notice in ObZ (38: 183. 1888) announcing the acquisition of the lichen herbarium by BP must refer to the Hazslinsky collection. Exsiccatae:

  1. Iter tirolense, 1884; set at FH.
  2. Lichenotheca (Lichenes) regni hungarici exsiccati, fasc. 1-4, nos. 1-200, 1882-1884, sets see IH (50 sets issued).
  3. Lichenotheca unwwersalis continens lichenes exsiccatos totius orbis. Budapestini (ex Officina Aeenaes budapestinensis), fasc. 1-5, nos. 1-248, 1885-1886, sets see IH. Ref.: Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 10, Beibl. 23: 2. 1889 (herb. for sale).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 33, 141. 1969.

CORRESPONDENCE: 41 Letters to W. Nylander at H-UB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(2): 551, 12(2): 303; Barnhart 2: 399; Bossert p. 242;

CSP 8: 256, 12: 456, 16: 854; DTS 1: 176; Gr p. 652, pl. [24]; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 456-

457; Kew 3: 488; Kremp. 3: 10, 53, 66; LS 15858-15866; Morren ed. 10, p. 39; NW p. 51;

SBC p. 126 (“Lojka”’); Urban-Berl. p. 288.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 32: 63. 1887 (d.); Bot. Gaz. 12: 282. 1887; Bot. Jahrb. 9: Beibl. 21, Heft 3: 1: 1887; Bot. Not. 1888: 46 (d.); Flora 70: 450. 1887; Nat. Nov. 9: 268. 1887 (d.): Osterr. bot. Z. 37: 370. 1887 (d.).

Beck, G., in K. Fritsch et al., Bot. Anst. Wiens 78. 1938 (lichens at W).

Degen, A Magy.bot. Lap. 3: 61-66. 1932 (portr.).

Gyelnik, V. K., Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. natl. Hung., Bot. 31: ra 1938 (lichens at W).

Kanitz, A. , Maey. novén. Lap. 11: 159. 1887.

iLawinclom, J) R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1978 (his lichens at WU).

Potsch, J. S. und K. B. Schiedermayr, Syst. Aufz. samenlosen Pfl. Oesterr. ob. d. Enns xvi. 1872 (see also AG 12(2): 303).

Staub, Ann. bot. 1: 408. 1888 (bibl.).

Szatala, O., Magy. bot. Lap. 31: 67-70. 1932 (general evaluation).

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. fl. Polsk. 47. 1925.

Verseghy, K., Feddes Repert. 68(1): 118-120. 1963 (coll., taxa, bibl., b. 6 Jan 1844, d. 7 Sep 1887).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 171, pl. 123. 1905 (portr.).

EPONYMY: Lojkania Rehm (1905).

Londes, Friedrich Wilhelm (1780-1807), German botanist at Goettingen. (Londes). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHy: AG 7: 24, 5(1): 165; Barnhart 2: 399; BM 3: 1167; CSP 4: 78 Herder p. 94, 185; IH 2: 457: Kew 3: 489; PR 5594-5597 (ed. 1: 6255-6258); Rehder 1: 84, 5:

521; SO add. 784a; TR 829. Lipschitz, S., Fl. URSS fontes no. 641. 1975.


LONGO EpONYMy: Londesia F. E. L. Fischer & C. A. Meyer (1836).

  1. Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Chaerophyllo bulboso ejusque usu cum medico tum botanico. Quam illustris medicorum ordinis consensu et auctoritate in Academia Georgia Augusta pro gradu doctoris summisque in medicina et chirurgia honoribus et privilegiis die xxvili. febr mdccci. Publice defendet Fridericus Guilelmus Londes gottingensis. Cum tabula aenea. Gottingae [Gottingen] (typis Grapianis) s.d. [1801]. Qu. (Chaeroph. bulb.). Publ.: 28 Feb 1801, p. [1]-24, [1, note], [1-2, theses]. Copy: G

  2. Verzeichnis der um Gottingen wildwachsenden Pflanzen nebst Bestimmung des Standorts. Als Einleitung zu der Flora von Gottingen ... Gottingen (Bey Heinrich Dieterich). Oct. (Verz. Gott. Pfl.).

Publ.: 1805 (p. vii: Mar 1805), p. [i]-viil, [1 ]-88. Copies: NY, USDA.

Long, William Henry (1867-1947), American mycologist; studied at Baylor University, Waco, Texas; A. B. 1888; professor of natural history at Waco 1888-1892, from 1892-1899 at Greenville, Texas; A. M. Univ. Texas 1900; Ph. D. id. 1917; 1900-1910 at Denton, Texas; from 1910-1911 at USDA, Washington, with USDA at eau enta New ieee 1911-1937. (W. H. Long).

HERBARIUM and types: BPI (US); other material at B, CUP, NTSC, NY, PUR, TEX. — Original herbarium, collected up to 1907, burned.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 400 (b. 7 Mar 1867, d. 10 Dec 1947); CSP 16:

860; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 458; Kelly p. 132-133; Kew 3: 495; Laségue p.

465, 505, 574; LS 15876-15877, 362209, suppl. 16525-16551; Moebius p. 362; MW p. 285;

NAF 7(15): 1076; Stevenson p. 1249; Tucker 1: 440.

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975 (mss).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 64. 1955.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 46-47. 1955.

Stevenson, J. A., Mycologia 41 (3): 223-228. 1949 (portr., bibl. of 78 nos.); Taxon 4(8): 184. 1955 (on herb.).

EPONYMy: Longia H. Sydow (1921); LongiaS. M. Zeller (1943). Note: Longoa Curzi (1927) is dedicated to Biagio Longo (1872-1950), Italian botanist (see below).

Longo, Biagio (1872-1950), Italian botanist; assistant at the botanical institute in Rome 1896, professor of botany at Siena 1907-1915; director of the botanical garden of Pisa 1915- 1929; professor of botany at Napoli 1929-1942. (Longo).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 400; BL 2: 343, 344, 345, 684.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 69: 160, 335. 1897 (asst. bot. inst. Roma), 92: 608. 1903 (Carpi price), 104: 352. 1907 (app. Siena); Hedwigia 42 (Beibl.) 5: 295. 1903 (Carpi price), 46 (Beibl.) 3: 144. 1907 (app. Siena); Nat Nov. 19: 129. 1897 (app. Roma); Osterr. bot. Z. 47: 70. 1897 (app. Roma, 57: 175. 1907 (app. Siena).

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 283 (Pisa 1915-1929), 288 (Siena 1906 [i.e. 1 Jan 1907]|-1916), 276 (Napoli, from 1929). 1938.

Giacomini, V., Ann. Bot. Roma 31: 223-228. 1972 (commemoration, biogr., portr., b. 4 Feb 1872, d. 29 Nov. 1950).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 36. 1897 (app. Rome), 13: 72. 1907 (app. Siena).

Lusina, G. Ace. Bot., Roma 25: 155-156. 1958 (bibl. Roma).

EPONYMy: Longoa Curzi (1927). 4972. Le piante pri notevoli del r. orto botanico di Pisa. Pisa (appresso Francesco Mariotti, ... )

1922 . Oct. (Prante orto bot. Pisa).

Publ.: 1922 (rd. at BR 11 Aug 1922), p. [3]-28, [1, list pl.], [1, colo.], pl. 1 (map), 2-10. Copies: BR, FI.



Longyear, Burton Orange (1868-1969), American forester and botanist in Colorado. (Longyear).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 400: Bossert p. 242 (b. 16 Jul 1868, d. 10 Apr 1969); CSP 16: 861; TH 2: 458; Kelly p. 133; LS 15881-15890, suppl. 16557; NAF 9(6): 442; Stevenson p. 1249; Tucker 1: 440.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natur. 253-254. 1950.

Shope, P. F., Mycologia 21: 295, 296. 1929.

4973- Jrees and shrubs of the Rocky Mountain region with keys and descriptions for their identification ... New York and London (G. P. Putnam’s Sons, The Knickerbocker Press) 1927. (Trees Rocky Mt.).

Publ.: 1927 (p. vii: Oct 1926; Nat. Nov. Sep 1927), frontisp., p. [i]-xvil, 1-244. Copy: G.

Lonitzer [Lonicerus], Adam (1528-1586), German physician and botanist at Frankfurt and Mainz (1545-1553), Marburg (1553-1554) and Frankfurt a. M. (1555-1586). (Loni-

zer) (Lonic.). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 19: 157; Ainsworth 186, 187, 217, 309; Backer, p. 337; Barnhart 2: 400; BM 3: 1174; Bossert p. 242; Dryander 1: 279, 5: 337; DSB 8: 483-484; GR p. 106-107; HA 1: 309, 2: 451; Hegi 6(1): 249; Jackson p. 25; Kew 3: 496; Langman p. 454; Laségue p. 15, 574; LS 15891-15892; Moebius p. 30, 138; NI 1227-1230; Plesch p. 317; PR 5598-5599 (ed. 1: 6260-6261); Rehder 5: 522; Tucker 1: 440.

Anon., Cat. gén. livres imp. Bibl. natl., Paris. Auteurs 99: 925-926. 1930. (bibl.).

Arber, A., Herbals ed. 2 1953, p. 52, 134, 221.

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige 64, 139. 1969.

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 259. 1969.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1495. 1863 (b. 10 Oct 1528, d. 29 Mai 1586). Richter, G., Arch. Gesch. Buchwesens 7(3/4): 480-507. 1966.

Schmitz, R., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 91: 424-425. 1978 (at Marburg).

Van de Velde, A. J. J.. Med. Kon. Vlaamse Acad. Wet. 17(7): 10-14. 1955.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 135. 1903 (b. 11 Oct 1528, d. 29 Mai 1586).

EPONYMY: Lonicera Linnaeus (1753); Lonicera Boehmer (1760); Lonicera J. Gaertner (1788); Lonicerapollis W. Krutzsch (1962).

NoTE: We refrain from treating this author because his herbals, though used widely and reprinted many times, had little or no influence on Linnaean and post-Linnaean taxonomy.

Looser, Gualterio (1898-x), Chilean botanist at Santiago de Chile. (Looser). HERBARIUM and Types: PAE; duplicates in many herbaria.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 401; BL 1: 245, 246, 247, 306; Bossert p. 242;

Hortus 3: 1198; IF (suppl. 4) p. 329; LH 2: 459; Roon p. 70; RS p. 116; TL-1/84; TL-2/482;

Zander ed. 10, p. 686, ed. 11, p. 783 (b. 4 Sep 1898).

Burkart, A., Darwiniana 2: 138. 1928 (pl. SI.)

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 124. 1937 (bibl., Polynes); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 194-195. 1947 (bibl., Pacific).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 70. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

COMPOSITE WORKs: (1) Lista de plantas que han sido observadas en Chile en 1828 por el Dr. Carlos Bertero; Santiago de Chile 1933-1936, p. [1]-71. Copies: U, US. — See TL-2/482.

(2) Karl Reiche, Geografia botdnica de Chile, traduccion del aleman de Gualterio Looser, Santiago, 2 vols., 1934-1937, see under Reiche.



Loosjes, Adriaan (1761-1818), Dutch botanist, poet, novelist and bookseller; studied at Amsterdam, at Haarlem from 1782. (Loosjes).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Aatt: 631; BL 2: 435; BM 3: 1176; Dryander 3: 140, 5: 337; JW 2: 196, 3: 361, 5: 245-246; NNBW 4: 929; Oudemans 2: 237; PR 5601 (ed. 1: 6263); Rehder 5: 522.

Forbes, R. J., ed., Martinus van Marum 3: 72, 77, 169-170, 251, 365. 1971.

Winkler Prins, A., Geill. encycl. ed. 2. 10: 351-352. 1886.

  1. Flora harlemica, of lyst der planten, rondom Haarlem. In het wild groeijende, volgens het Zaamenstel van Linnaeus, ... te Haarlem (by Jacob Tydgaat, boekverkoper) 1779. Oct. (FU. harlem.).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1779 (p. vi: 9 Sep 1779), p. [i]-viii, [1]-53, [1, note], Copies: L(2). — Later judgement of his own work by the author: “Ach arme Flora, die niets deugt, Ach misgeboorte van mijn jeugd” (“Oh poor worthless Flora, oh abortion of my youth”). The book was written to please David de Gorter after a vege s lessons in botany at Haarlem (1777) (JW 5).

Ref.: Anon., Roozenkrans voor Loosjes Flora, Amsterdam 1779.

Lopriore (Lo Priore), Giuseppe (1865-1928), Italian botanist; Dr. agr. Portici 1887; assistant at Portici but often working in Berlin 1887-1895; professor of botany at the enological institute of Catania 1895-1909; director of the agricultural experiment station at Modena 1909-1925; professor of botany at the agricultural university of Portici 1925-1928. (Lopriore).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 401; BJI 1: 38; BL 2: 394, 684; BM 4: 1177, 7:

747; Bossert p. 242; Langman p. 458; Rehder 5: 522; Saccardo 1: 97-98.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 111: 336. 1909 (app. Modena); Hedwigia 49 (3): (133). 1910 (app. Modena); 68(2): (135). 1929 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 59: 455. 1909 (app. Modena).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. Bot. 71. 1978.

Draghetti, A., Atti Soc. Nat. Mat. Modena 8: 107-113. 1929 (d.) (n.v.).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 286. 1938 (at Portici 1925-1928).

Pantanelli, G., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 46: 185-190. 1928 (obit., bibl., b. 15 Sep 1865, d. 26 Dec 1928).

  1. Studi comparativi sulla flora lacustre della Sicilia. Catania (‘Tip. Sicula di Monaco & Mollica) 1900. Qu. (Fl. lacustre Sicilia). Publ.: 1900, p. [1]-116. Copy: FI. — Inf. CG. Steinberg.

  2. Genetica sperimentale. Saggio di applicazione al miglioramento delle piante agrarie.

Torino (Unione tipografico-editrice Torinese ... ) 1920. Qu. (Genet. sperim.).

Publ.: 1920, p. [1]-200, 7 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted from Nuova Encicl. agr. ital., vol. 4. Inf. C. Stemberg.

Lorch, Wilhelm (1867-1954), German botanist; studied at Munchen; high school teacher at Berlin. (Lorch).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at B, BHU, BONN, H, MB and WAG.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 402; BFM 366; CSP 16: 865; GR p. 107; Hirsch p. 180; IH. 2: 460; Kew 3: 500; LS 15901; Moebius p. 117; Urban-Berl. p. 306.

Anon., Rev. bryol. 20: 75. 1893, 22: 94. 1895; 26: 102. 1899; 29: 14. 1902, ser. 2. 4: 212. 1932. Bergdolt, E., Karl von Goebel ed.2. 121, 140, 142, 149, 186. . 1941.

Lorch, W. Bot. Centralbl. 38: 608. 1889 (offers a “‘Moosherbar”’ of 700 specimens for sale). Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (location bryoph.).



COMPOSITE WoRKs: Anatomie der Laubmoose, in K. Linsbauer Handb. Pfl.-Anat. 2, Bryophyten 7(1), 1931, vili, 358 p. (H. Reimers, Hedwigia 71: (33)-(34). Aug 1931). — See also F. Verdoorn, ed., Manual of bryology 483 [index]. 1932.

  1. Excursions-Flora der in der Umgebung von Marburg wildwachsenden Pflanzen (Pha-

nerogamen und Pteridophyten) ... Marburg (Verlag von Chr. Lorch) 1891. (Excurs. Fl.


Publ.: Sep 1891 (“neuerdings” Flora 3 Oct 1891), p. [i*-v*], [i]-xlviii, [1 ]-275. Copres: B, G. M.

  1. Beitrdge zur Anatomie und Biologie der Laubmoose. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlan-

gung der Doctorwiurde bei der hohen philosophischen Facultat der kgl. bayer. Ludwig-

Maximilians-Universitat zu Munchen vorgelegt von Wilhelm Lorch aus Marburg ...

Miinchen (Druck von Val. H6fling, ...) 1894. Oct.

Publ.: 4 Jun 1894 (in journal; Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1896 sic), p. [1]-44. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 78: 424-465. 1894.

4979- Die hryptogamen des Belgischen Landes. Ein Beitrag zur naturhistorischen Durchfor-

schung dieses Gebiets ... Band 1: Pteridophyten und Bryophyten. Elberfeld

(Baedeker’sche Buch- und Kunsthandlung und Buchdruckerei, ...) 1897. Oct. + (A7ypt.

Berg. Land.).

Co-author: Karl E. Laubenburg (p. 13-104).

1 (all publ.): Feb-Nov 1897 (p. 11: Jul 1897; Bot. Centralbl. 8 Dec 1897; ObZ Dec 1897; ‘‘soeben”’ Flora 16 Dec 1897; Bot. Zeit. 1 Dec 1897; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1897), p. [1]-191. Copies: BR, FH. — From Jahresb. naturw. Ver. Elberfeld 9 (1897).

  1. Die Polytrichaceen. Eine biologische Monographie ...Minchen (Verlag der K. B.

Akademie der Wissenschaften ... ) 1908. Qu. (Polytrichaceen).

Publ.: 1908 (Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1909), p. [i], 447-546. Copy: B. — Reprinted with new t.p. and original pagination from Abh. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., II. Kl. 23(3): [447]-546. 1908.

  1. Die Laubmoose ... Berlin (Verlag von Julius Springer) 1913. Oct. (Laubmoose).

Ed. 1: Jan 1913 (p. vi: Nov 1912; Nat. Nov. Feb (1) 1913; ObZ Feb 1919), p. [ii]-vi, [1-2, cont., err.], [1]-250. Copies: G, MO, U, WAG. — Kryptogamenflora fiir Anfanger, ed. Gustav Lindau, vol. 5.

Ed. 2: Jan-Mar 1923 (p. vi: Oct 1922; ObZ Jan-Jun 1923; Bot. Jahrb. 1 Apr 1923), p. [ii]-vi, [1-2], [(1)]-(38), [1]-236. Copzes: FH, MO, U-V, USDA— “‘Zweite, verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage”’ Berlin (id.). Oct.

  1. Die Torf- und Lebermoose. Von Dr. Wilhelm Lorch... Die Farnpflanzen (Pteridophy- ta). Von Guide Brause ... Berlin (Verlag von Julius Springer) 1914. Oct. ( Torf-Leberm.). Author of Pteridophyta: Guido Georg Wilhelm Brause (1847-1921).

Ed. 1: Jan 1914 (p. vi: Jan 1914; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1914; NYBG Jul 1914), p. [11]-viui, [1], [1]-184, [Pterid.:] [1]-108. — Copies: G, H, MICH, MO, U, U-V, WAG. —G. Lindau, Kryptogamenflora fir Anfanger, vol. 6. See also Lindau (1911).

Ed. 2: 1926, p. [ii]-viii, [1 ]-232, [Pterid.:] [1]-123, 124. Copies: B, MO.

Facsimile ed. [of ed. 2]: 1971, p. [1i]-viil, [1 ]-232, [Pterid.:] [1]-123, [124]. Copy: Biol. Inst. Univ. Nymegen; — Nachdruck im Verlag von Otto Koeltz, Koenigstein-Taunus, 1971, ISBN 3-787429-027-1.

Lorek, Christian Gottlieb (1788-1871), German botanist and high school teacher at Konigsberg; Dr. phil. Konigsberg 1812; taught at the Burgschule 1811-1850, retired because of increasing loss of eye-sight. (Lorek).

HERBARIUM and TyYPEs: Originally at KBG; now destroyed. Caspary mentions a manuscript with go figures of fungi at the university library, Konigsberg (now Kaliningrad, USSR) (see also E. Meyer, Preuss. Provincial-Blatter 10, 1833), identified by E. Fries.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 402; Herder p. 185; Jackson p. 309; Kew 3: 500; NI 1231; PR 5602; Rehder 5: 522; Tucker 1:440.



Caspary, R., Lebensbeschr. ost.-westpreuss. Bot., Festschr. Preuss. bot. Ver. 241-246. 1912. (bibl.; many details). Trunz, H., Das Ostpreussenblatt 15(35): 11. 29 Aug 1964.

  1. Flora prussica, Abbildungen samtlicher, bis jetzt aufgefundener Pflanzen Preussens ... Konigsberg (zu haben bei dem Verfasser und in der Unzerschen Buchhandlung) 1826 [- 1830]. (FY. pruss.).

Ed. 1: 1826-1830, in 12 Hefte with pl. 1-270. With text: Zur Flora prussica von Dr. C. G. Lorek- Konigsberg, Konigsberg (Gedruckt in der Schultzschen Buchdruckerei) 1830, 51 p. Copy: B-S.

Nachtrag: 1837 (Heft 13), pl. 211-230.

Ed. 2: 1837-1838, 2 vols. (in one), 229 partly col. plates and 7 uncol. pl. Text: Zur Flora prussica ... 2. Ausgabe. Konigsberg (Gedruckt bei C. J. Dalkowski) 1838, 54 p.

Ed. 3: 1846-1848, Text p. [i], [1]-57. Cur Flora prussica... Konigsberg 1846. Oct., Plates 1-241 published in various Hefte, 1846-1848 (all newly engraved on stone). ““Dritte verbesserte und vermehrte Ausgabe. ” Konigsberg (Verlag der Universitats-Buchhandlung) 1848. Qu. Copies: B, G, L, MO, NY.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 4: 861-862. 1846, 16: 216. 1858 (re-issue).

Lorente y Asensi, Vicente Alfonso (1758-1813), Spanish botanist; professor of botany and director of the botanical garden at Valencia (1804-1813). (Lorente).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Colmeiro 1: clxxxvi; PR 5603-5605 (ed. 1: 6265-6267); Rehder 5: 522; SO 768.

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Rec. 27: 329. 1938.

Ripoll, V., Anal. Inst. bot. Gavanilles 15: 523-538. 1957 (bibl.).

EPONYMyY: Lorentea Ortega (1797); Lorentea Lagasca (1816); Lorentea Lessing (1830).

  1. Nova generum Polygamiae classificato ... Valentiae (ex praelo Josephi Estevan et Cervera, ... [1796]. Qu. (Nova gen. Polygam.). Publ.: 1796 (p. [vi]: Idus Apr. 1796), p. [i-vi], 1-29, [1, err.]. Copy: B-S.

  2. Carta 1. Dirigida a don Agustin Juan y Poveda, ... por Don Vicente Alfonso Lorente

sobre las observaciones botdnicas que ha publicado D. Antonio José Cavanilles. En Valencia

(por Josef Estevan y Cervera) 1797. Qu. (Carta obs. bot.).

Publ.: 1797, p. [1]-27. Copy: B-S. — For A. J. Gavanilles, Obs. hist. nat., 1795-1797, see TL- 2/1062.

Lorentz, Paul (Pablo) Giinther (1835-1881), German botanist: in Germany until 1869; professor of botany at Cordoba, Argentina until 1874; later high school teacher at Concep- cion, Uruguay. (Lorentz).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: Lichenes at M; phanerogams at GOET; the main part of the original mosses was destroyed in B (herb. K. Miller Hal.), however the pre-1870 European moss collections are at M and several of L’s moss collections (e.g. from Norway) were distributed by the Unio itineraria; other mosses are at GFW, GOET, H, NY and W. For further details see IH. Ref.: Anon., Flora 53: 208. 1870 (sale of his moss herbarium), Bot. Zeit. 28: 359-360. 3 Jun 1870; Bot Jahrb. 3, Beibl. 1, 29 Dec 1882 (herb. bought by B). Lanjouw, J., 7 F. Verdoorn, ed., Pl. pl. sci. Latin Amer. 234. 1945. Magdefrau, K., in litt. d.d. 6 Jan 1980.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 402; BL 1: 235-236, 306; BM 3: 1178, 7: 747; Bossert p. 243; Clokie p. 203; CSP 8: 259, 10: 631, 12: 457-458; DTS 1: 176-177, 6(4): 50; Frank 3(Anh.): 60; GR p. 107; Herder p. 112, 265; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lorentz’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 460; Jackson p. 575; Kew 3: 500-501; KR p. 468; LS 15902; Moebius p. 117; Morren ed. 2, p. 37; NAF ser. 2. 3: 39; PR 5606-5611; Rehder 5: 522; Saccardo 1: 98, 2: 64,



125 (b. 30 Aug 1835); SBC p. 126 (“Lor.”’); Stevenson p. 1249; TL-1/452; TL-2/198, 2186,

2187, 3607, 3941, indexes; Tucker 1: 441; Urban-Berl. p. 271, 307, 370.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 8: 256. 1881 (d.); Bot. Not. 1882: 30 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 39: 797. 1881, 40: 86. 1882; Flora 64: 576. 1881; Nat. Nov. 3: 192. 1881 (d. 7 Oct 1881); Osterr. bot. Z. 21: 62. 1871 (to Cordoba); Zur Erinnerung an Dr. Paul Giinther Lorentz. Kassel und Berlin, 1882 , 19 p., reprinted from Bot. Centralbl. 9(13), 1882.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 20:159. 1882.

Burkart, A., Darwiniana 2: 138. 1928 (coll. GORD, SI).

Candolle, Alph. de Phytographie 429. 1880 (Europ. mosses at GFN and LZ).

Familler, I., Denkschr. Regensb. bot. Ges. 11: 9, 13, 19. IQI1.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970. (mosses Argent. at E).

Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 55: 291, 292, 296. 1893 (Argent. pl. LE).

Husnot, T., Rev. bryol. 9(1): 16. 1882.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 42 (Argent. pl. at K).

Kalkman, C., & P. Smit, eds., Blumea 25(1): 94. 1979.

Magdefrau, K., Acta hist. Leop. 9: 95-111. 1975; Hoppea 37: 144, 145, 156. 1978 (portr.); Neue deut. Biogr. (in press; bibl.).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 70. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Miller, K., Hal., Die Natur 24: 46-47, 54-55. 18753; 31: 51-53. 1882 (obit., b. 30 Aug 1835, d. Oct 1881).

Parodi, L. R., Bol. Soc. Arg. Bot. 9: 4, 15-16. 1961 (d. 6 Oct 1881).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 362. 1975, Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (coll.).

Schofield, E. K., Brittonia 30: 404. 1978 (Arg. coll. at NY).

Stelzner, A., Bot. Centralbl. 9: 450-469. 1882 (important biogr. account; many first-hand details) ;

Urban, I., Bot. Jahrb. 14 (Beibl. 32): 29. 1891 (B acquired the phanerogamic herbarium from the estate as well as part of the mosses).

Vervoorst, F., Bot. Acad. nac. Ci. 49: 63-70. 1972 (on Lorentz and Hieronymous).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 64, pl. 150. 1905 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) For Plantae Lorentzianae 1874, see Grisebach, TL-2/2186. (2) Muscz, in O. Kersten, Decken, Rezsen in Ost Afrika 3(3): [3]-7. 1879 (TL-2/3607).

TREATMENTS OF LORENTZ’S ARGENTINE COLL.: Lichenes, Krempelhuber, A., Flora 61, 1879, see TL-2/3941. Musci: Miller, K., Prodromus bryologiae Arg., Linnaea 42: 217-460. 1879, 43: 341-486. 1882, Hedwigia 36: 84-144. 1892 (Linnaea papers reprinted 1971). Phanero- gams: Grisebach, A. H.R., Pl. lorentz. 1874, TL-2/2186, Symb. fl. argent. 1879, TL-2/2187.

NoTE: We are grateful to Karl Magdefrau for detailed information on Lorentz.

EPONYMY: Lorentzia Hampe (1867); Lorentzia Grisebach (1874); Lorentzia Hieronymus (1881); Lorentziella Mueller Hal. (1879).

  1. Beitrdge zur Biologie und Geographie der Laubmoose. Kine Abhandlung zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwirde ... Miinchen (Druck von Dr. C. Wolf & Sohn) 1860. Qu. (Beitr. Biol. Laubm.).

Publ.: 1860, p. [1]-38. Copies: G(2), H, M, Magdefrau, MO, NY.

Kweile Folge: See Moosstudien (below) no. 2.

Ref.: J. M., Bot. Zeit. 18: 375. 23 Nov 1860.

  1. Moosstudien herausgegeben von Dr. P. G. Lorentz ... mit fiinf lithographirten

Tafeln. Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann) 1864. Qu. (Moosstudien).

Publ.: 1864 (p. [v]: 20 Oct 1863, Neu, Flora 4 Jul 1864), p. [i]-viii, [1 ]-171, [172, err.], pl. 1-5 (uncol. liths.). Copzes: G, H, M, Magdefrau, MO, NY, U, USDA; IDC 7387. — The second chapter, p. 37-154, by Lorentz and Ludwig Molendo (1833-1902) constitutes the Kweile olge of the Beitrige (see above).

Ref.: J. M., Bot. Zeit. 22: 296. 16 Sep 1864; Hedwigia 3: 178-179: 1864.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 23: 243-244. 28 Jul 1865.

  1. Bryologisches Notizbuch. Zum praktischen Gebrauche zusammengestellt ... Stuttgart



(E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagshandlung und Druckerei). 1865. Oct. (in fours). (Bryol.


Publ.: Jan-Jun 1865 (p. iv: 18 Oct 1864; Flora rev. 15 Jul 1865; Hedwigia rev. Jun 1865; Bot. Zeit. rev. 9 Jun 1865), p. [i]-iv, 1-90. Copies, B, H, MO, NY (one-sided).

  1. Verzeichniss der Europdischen Laubmoose. Zam praktischen Gebrauche zusammenge- stellt... Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagshandlung und Druckerei) 1865. Oct. (in fours). (Verz. Eur. Laubm.). Publ.: Apr-Mai 1865, p. [1]-29. Copies: B, G, H, M. Ref.: Milde, J., Hedwigia 4: 96. Jun 1865; Bot. Zeit. 23: 188. Jun 1865.

Molendo, L., Flora 48: 330-331. 15 Jul 1865.

  1. Studien zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Laubmoose (Separat-Abdruck aus der Flora 1867

ee). Oct.

Publ.: 14 Jun-14 Dec 1867 (in journal), p. [1]-28, pl. 8-12. Copy: H. Reprint of the first four papers of a series of seven in Flora 50, 1867 (to be cited from journal):

vol. pages dates vol. pages dates

50 241-248 14 Jun 1867 50 526-528 3 Dec 1867 257-264 19 Jun 1867 529-540 11 Dec 1867 289-297 6 Jul 1867 545-558 14 Dec 1867

305-313 10 Jul 1867.

  1. Studien zur Naturgeschichte eomger Laubmoose [Wien, 1867]. Oct.

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1867 (text pres. 5 Jun 1867; Hedwigia Jul 1868, p. [1]-30, pl. 17-22. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Verh. k.k. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 17: 657-686. 1867 (publ. before 31 Mar 1868).

  1. Uber die Moose, die Hr. Ehrenberg in den Jahren 1820-1826 in Aegypten, der Sinai-

Halbinsel und Syrien gesammelt ... Berlin (Gedruckt in der Buchdruckerei der konig].

Akademie der Wissenschaften ...) 1867. Qu. (Moose Ehrenberg).

Collector: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795-1876).

Publ.: 1867 (read 20 Jun 1867), p. [1-11], [1 ]-57, pl. 7-75 (partly col. liths. auct.). Copzes: B, H, M, NY. — Abh. k. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. 1867: 1-57.

4993- Studien iiber dret Moosarten: Orthotrichum Schubartianum Ltz. Campylopus Miilleri

Ltz. und Weissia zonata Brid. ... Wien (Im Selbstverlag der Gesellschaft) 1868. Qu.

Publ.: 1867 (date on cover reprint), p. [1 ]-30. Copies: H, G.— Preprinted from the Verh. k. k. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 17(2, 3): 657-686. 1867.

  1. Grundlinien zu einer vergleichenden Anatomie der Laubmoose (Abdr. a.d. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot.

  2. 1868). Oct.

Publ.: 1868 (in journal), p. [1]-104, pl. 27-28. Copies: H, M, Magdefrau. — Reprinted and to be cited from Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 6(3): 363-466. 1868 (see e.g. BbSF 15 (bibl.) 89. post 15 Aug 1868). Fundamental treatise.

4995- Vegetlations-Verhdltnisse der Argentinischen Republik . .. Buenos Aires (Buchdruckerei der

Sociedad Anonimas, Belgrano, 178) 1878. Oct. (Veg.-Verh. Argent.).

Publ.: 1876, p. [1]-67, [1-2, err.], 2 col. maps. Copies: M, Magdefrau.— ‘‘Aus dem von [sic] Argentinischen Central-Comité fiir die Philadelphia Ausstellung herausgegebenen Werke.”, i.e. from R. Napp, Die Argentinische Republik, Buenos Aires 1876, p. 86-149.

  1. La vegetacidn del Nordeste de la Provincia de Entre-Rios informe cientifico ... Buenos

Aires (Imprenta de “‘El Economista,” ... ) 1878. Oct. (Veg. Nordeste).

Publ.: Jun-Dec 1878 (p. [1]: 1 Mai 1878; J. Bot. Feb 1879; Bot. Zeit. 8 Aug 1879; Nat. Nov. Jan (2) 1879), p. [i], [1]-178, 2 maps. Copies: Magdefrau, MO.

Ed. 2: 1947, p. [i*, ui*], [i]-xi, p. [1]-180, 2 maps, [i]-xii, [xiti-xiv], 2 pl. Copy: US. — Introduccion y appendice por Juan R. Baez ... Parana (Tulleres ...) 1947 (1948).


4997- Informe oficial de la comision cientifica agregada al estado mayor general de la Expedicion al Rio Negro (Patagonia) Realizada en los meses de Abril, Mayo y Junio de 1879, bajo las érdenes del General D. Julio A. Roca. Entrega II. Boldnica (con 12 Laminas) ... Buenos Aires (Imprenta de Ostwald y Martinez, ... ) 1881. Qu. (Exped. Rio Negro, Bot.). Authors: P. G. Lorentz and Gustavo Niederlein (1858-1924).

Publ.: 1881, p. [i], [173]-294, pl. 1-12 w.t. Copies: BR, Magdefrau, US. — See BM 1: 60.

Lorenz, Annie (1879-1927), American hepaticologist; high school teacher at Hartford, Conn. (A. Lorenz).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: NEBC, NY; duplicates DBN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 402; IH 2: 460.

Anon., Amer. Fern J. 17: 141-142. 1928, 18: 67. 1928; Rev. bryol. 34: 125, 126. 1907; 36: 103, 104. 1909; 37: Haynes, 116, 135. 1910; 38: 24, 96. 1911; 47: 76, 77, 78, 1920.

Haynes, C. C., Bryologist 31: 1-6. 1928 (portr., bibl.); 36: 1-7, 1928 (obit., bibl., portr.).

Howe, M. A., Torreya 28: 11-13. 1928 (obit.).

Jennings, O. E., Bryologist 30: 56. 1927 (d.).

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 73. 1966 (bibl.).

Weatherby, C. A., Vermont bot. bird clubs joint Bull. 12: 45-46. 1927 (obit., b. 5 Feb 1879,

d. 13 Jun 1927).

EPONYMY: Lorenzanea Liebmann (1850) is dedicated to archbishop Lorenzana, who wrote a “Historia de Nueva Espana” (Mexico 1770); Lorenzochloa J. R. Reeder & C. G. Reeder (1969) commemorates Lorenzo Raimundo Parodi (1895-1966), Argentine botanist, spe- cialist in South American agrostology, q.v.

Lorenz, B. (//. 1894), German botanist; high school teacher at Zittau. (B. Lorenz). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Futak-Domin p. 368.

  1. Die Holzpflanzen der Siidlausitz und des nordlichsten Bohmens mit Berticksichtigung der Ziergehdlze in den Anlagen der Stadt Zittau. Zittau (Druck von Moritz Bohme ...)
  2. Qu. (Holzpfl. Stidlausitz) .

Publ.. Apr-Mai 1894 (Bot. Zeit. 1 Apr 1895; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1894), on p. [1]-30 of Jahresber. k. Realgymn. hoh. Handelsschule zu Zittau 1893-1894, Progr. Nr. 558. Copy of program: MO, p. [i], [1 ]-63. —A similarly entitled publication (31 p.) appeared in the program for 1891 (n.v.) (Bot. Zeit. 27 Mai 1892).

Loret, Henri (1811-1888), French botanist; originally from Charente-Inferieure; at Montpellier from 1860 in charge of the botanic garden and herbaria of the Université de Montpellier. (7. Loret).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: P (15.000); a special Montpellier herbarium at MPU (2161). 30 Letters to Malinvaud at P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 549; Barnhart 2: 403 (b. 11 Oct 1811); BL 2: 684

[ind.]; BM3: 1179; CSP4: 85, 10: 633, 12: 458, 16: 870; Hegi 5(2): 1027; Herder p. 174; IH

2: 461; Jackson p. 575; Kew 3: 501; Morren ed. 10, p. 66; PR 5615; Rehder 5: 523; Tucker 1:

441; Urban-Berl. p. 271.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 35: 418-419. 1888 (obit.).

Burnat, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 30: cxxii-cxxiii. 1893 (b. 11 Oct 1811).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880 (flore de Herault, 2161 sp., at MPU).

Cavillier, F., Bull. Soc. bot. France 30: cxxii. 1883; Boissiera 5: 61. 1941.

Flahault, C.H.M., Bull. Soc. bot. France 35: 418-419. 1888, Univ. Montpellier, Inst. Bot. 54. 1890 (brief note).

Granel de Solignac, L. & L. Bertrand, Naturalia monsp. 18: 274, 281, 282-283. 1967 (b. 1810).



Malinvaud and Flahault, Ann. Bot. 2: 418-419. 1889 (bibl.) Morot, L., J. de Bot. 3(2): 29-30. 1889 (obit., b. 12 Oct 1811, d. 4 Dec 1888, bibl.). Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 107, pl. 140. 1905 (portr., d. 4 Dec 1888).

EPoNYMY: Loretia Duval-Jouve (1880).

4999- L’Herbier de la Lozére et M. Prost ... Mende (Imprimerie de E. Ignon). 1862. Oct.

(Herb. Lozere).

Publ.: Jan-Mai 1862 (p. 54: 26 Dec 1861; BSbF rd. 27 Jun 1862). Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Agr. Industr. Sci. Arts Lozére 13: 81-134. 1862.

  1. Observations critiques sommaires sur plusieurs plantes montpelliéraines par M. H. Loret [Rev.

Sci. nat., Montpellier, vols. 3-4, 1875-1876]. Oct.

Publ.: Dec 1874-Jan 1876 (in journal; reprint J. Bot. Jan 1876, Mar 1876), p. [1]-70. Copres: FI, G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Rey. Sci. nat., Montpellier, 3: 352-385. 15 Dec 1874, 558-577. 15 Mar 1875, 4: 40-58. Jan 1876 (for 15 Jun 1875).

  1. Hlore de Montpellier comprenant l’analyse descriptive des plantes vasculaires de

P?Heérault Pindication des propriétés médicinales, des noms vulgaires et des noms patois, et

un vocabulaire explicatif des termes de botanique ... Montpellier (C. Coulet, ...), Paris

(Adrien Delahaye, ... ) 1876, 2 vols. Oct. (Fl. Montpellier).

Co-author: Auguste Barrandon (1814-1897).

Ed. 1: Jan-Feb 1876 (p. xxix: 2 Jan 1876; BSbF Feb 1876; J. Bot. Apr 1876). Copies: BR, G, USDA.

Vol. 1: p. [1*-i11*], [i]-xliv, [1-4, abbr., tabl.], map, [1]-418, [1-5, index]. Vol. 2: p. [1-111], [419]-918, [1-2, err., cont.].

Ed. 2: Jan-Mar 1886 (Bot. Centralbl. 19-23 Apr 1886; Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1886; J. Bot. Mai 1886; Bot. Zeit. 30 Apr 1886), p. [1*-11*], [1]-lxxv, [Ixxvi, tabl.], 2 maps, [1 ]-663, [664, cont. ]. Copies: B, BR, G, U, USDA.— “‘Seconde edition revue et corrigée par Henri Loret ... Montpellier (Librairie Joseph Calas), Paris (G. Masson, ...) 1888. Oct. — Additions and review by E. Malinvaud, Bull. Soc. bot. France 33 (bibl.): 36-37. 1886.

  1. Plantes nouvelles pour le Gard avec des observations préliminaires sur la flore de Pouzolz et sur son herbier départemental par H. Loret (Montpellier, Nimes, imprimerie Jouve, 1880). Oct. (Pl. nouv. Gard.)

Publ.: 19 Jan 1880 (in brochure; Soc. bot. France rd. 23 Apr 1880), p. [1]-10. Copy: FI. Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 27 (bibl.): 16-17. 1880.

Loret, Victor (1859-), French archeologist and botanist. (V. Loret). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1179; CSP 16: 870; Rehder 5: 523; Tucker 1: 441.

  1. La flore pharaonique d’apreés les documents hiéroglyphiques et les spécimens découverts

dans les tombes ... Paris (Bailliére, ...) 1887. Oct.

Ed. r: 1887 (preface 20 Mai 1887; J. Bot. Dec 1887; Bot. Zeit. 27 Jan 1888; Bot. Centralbl. 30 Jan-3 Feb 1888; Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1888), p. [1[-64. Preprinted from Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 15: 1-64. 1888.

Ed. 2: Mar-Jul 1892 (p. 12: 29 Jan 1892; Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1892; ObZ Aug 1892; Bot. Centralbl. 7 Sep 1892; Bot. Zeit. 2 Dec 1892), p. [1]-145. Copies: B-S, G, NY, USDA.— “Deuxieme édition, revue et augmentée, suivie de six index.” Paris (Ernest Ledoux, ... )

  1. Oct. Lorey, A. (//. 1851), German botanist and high school teacher at Apolda. (A. Lorey). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

  2. Floravon Weimar und seiner Umgebung, nach dem Linné’schen und dem natiirlichen Systeme, besonders mit genauer Angabe der Standorte zusammengestellt von A. Lorey, ...



und Dr. le Goullon, ... Apolda (Druck und Verlag von C. M. Teubner.) 1851. Oct. (Fl. Weimar).

Co-author: le Goullon.

Publ.: 1851 (p. vi: 14 Nov 1850), p. [i]-xlvii, [1]-243, [244, Nachtr.]. Copy: B.

Lorey, Felix-Nicolas (x-1541), French botanist at Dijon, later at Marseille. (F. Lorey). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Musée d’Histoire naturelle, Dijon. Further material at FI and H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 403; BL 2: 141, 684; BM 3: 1179; DTS 6(4): gt;

IH 2: 461; Kew 3: 501; MD p. 177; PR 5616-5617 (ed. 1: 6270-6271); Rehder 5: 523;

Saccardo 1: 98, 2: 125; TL-1/782-783; Tucker 1: 441.

Anon., Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon 1847-1849: xiv. 1850.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880 (herb. Dijon).

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Chr. Steven 69. 1971.

Marchant, L., A. P. de Candolle en Bourgogne et sa correspondence botanique avec le Dr. Lorey. Dijon 1877, 46 p. (Mém. Acad. Sci. Dijon, ser. 3, vol. 4).

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 31. 1977.

EPONYMY: Loreya A. P. de Candolle (1828).

  1. Catalogue des plantes qui croissent naturellement dans le département de la Céte-d’ Or, et des espéces le plus généralement cultivées, observées jusqu’aujourd’hui. [Dijon (Frantin) 1825]. Oct. (Cat. pl. Céte-d’ Or).

Co-author: L. Duret (x-1874).

Publ.: ante 6 Aug 1825 (BF), p. [1]-47, [1, err.]. Copies: G, (2), NY.

  1. Flore de la Céte-d Or, ou description des plantes indigénes et des espéces le plus

généralement cultivées et acclimatées, observées jusqu’a ce jour dans ce département,

disposées selon la méthode naturelle de Jussieu; suivie d’une table analytique. Avec figures.

... Dyon (Imprimerie, fonderie, lithographie et librairie de Douillier, . . .) 1831, 2 vols. Oct.

(Fl. Céte-d Or).

Co-author: L. Duret (x-1874).

Vol. 1: Jan-Mar 1831 (BF 11 Jun 1831; Bull. Ferussac Mar 1831), p. [1*-m1*], [i]-cli, [clii, abbr.], [1]-572, pl. 1-3, uncol. liths. by Heyland (1) and Pauline Dumont (2).

Vol. 2: Jan-Mar 1831 (id.), p. [i-11], [573]-1129, pl. 4-7, id. (2,2).

Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA— “‘Précis des principes élémentaires de étude de la botanique, spécialement destiné a l’usage de la flore de la Cote-d’ or de MM. Lorey et Duret, D.—M. ... par M.Cl. Limonet ... A Dijon (Chez Douillier, ...) 1844. Duod., p. [i]-xxxv, [xxxvi], [1]-212. Copy: NY. — Nothing is known to us about Cl. Limonet.

Lorinser, Friedrich Wilhelm (1817-1895), Austrian (Bohemian-born) botanist and physician; “‘Landes-Sanitatsrath”’ and surgeon at the Wiedner hospital in Wien; brother of Gustav Lorinser (F. Lorinser).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 403; BM 3: 1179; CSP 8: 261, 12: 458, 16: 874; DTS 1: 177, 6(4): 91; Jackson p. 164, 216, 575; Kelly p. 133; Kew 3: 501; LS 15903-15906; Maiwald p. 142, 148, 164; NAF 9(6): 442; Stevenson p. 1249.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 1(5): 112. 1895 (d.)

Lorinser, G., Taschenb. Fl. Deutschl. 1847, TL-2/5008.

Watzel, C., Mitt. nordbéhm. Exc.-Clubs Leipa 2: 53(note) 1879.

  1. Die wichligsten essbaren, verdachtigen und giftigen Schwdmme mit naturgetreuen Abbildungen derselben auf 12 Tafeln in Farbendruck zusammengestellt im Auftrage des k.k. niederosterreichischen Landessanitatsrathes ... Wien (Verlag von Eduard Hélzel)
  2. Oct. (Wicht. Schwdémme).

Ed. 1: Apr-Dec 1876 (p. vi: Mar 1876; ObZ 1 Jan 1877); p. [i]-vi, [1, cont.], [1]-84, pl. 1-72

(col. liths.). Copzes: FH, NY(2), Stevenson. — Plates in special atlas volume.



Ed. 2: Apr-Oct 1881 (p. viii: 30 Mar 1881; Nat. Nov. Oct(3) 1881; Bot. Zeit. 30 Dec 1881; Bot. Centralbl. 17-21 Oct 1881), p. [i]-viii, [1]-89, pl. 1-72 (id.).Copy: FI.

Ed. 3: Jan-Jul 1883 (Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1883; Bot. Zeit. 27 Jul 1883; Bot. Centralbl. 30 Jul-3 Aug 1883).

Ed. 4{1]: Jan-Mar 1889 (Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 24 Apr 1889; Bot. Zeit. 26 Apr 1889), p. [1]-viil, [1 ]-88, [1, cont.]. Copies: B, FH, Regensburg. — ‘‘Vierte Auflage” Wien (Ed. Holzel) 1889. Oct. — Plates 7-72 in atlas.

Ed. 4[2|: Jan-Apr 1896 (Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1896: “‘unveranderter Abdruck.’’).

Lorinser, Gustav (1811-1863), Bohemian physician and botanist; Dr. med. Praha 1838; practicing physician at Mimon (Niemes) 1838-1850; high school teacher at Eg(g)er 1850- 1852, at Bratislava 1852-1863. (G. Lorinser).

HERBARIUM and types: IBF; other material at E, L, MW, PR, PRM, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 403; BM 3: 1179; CSP 4: 87; DTS 1: xxi, 177, IH 2: 461; Jackson p. 263, 293; Kew 3: 501; Klastersky p. 121; LS 15907; Maiwald p. 142, 146, 148, 163, 209, 257; PR 5618-5620; Rehder 5: 523; TL-2/1: 1905.

Anon., Flora 46: 304. 1863, Bot. Zeit. 21: 268. 1863; Osterr. bot. W. 2: 352. 1852 (leaves Eger for Pressburg (Bratislava)).

Hedge, I. GC. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970.

Janchen, E., Cat. fl. Austr. 1: 5. 1956.

Skofitz, A., Osterr. bot. Z. 1:4. 1851 (to Egger), 1863 (obit., b. 28 Aug 1811, d. 20 Mai 1863); 15: 239. 1865 (herbarium acquired by the director of the Mariahilfe Gymnasium Wien).

Watzel, C., Mitt. nordbohm. Exc.-Clubs Leipa 2: 49-54. 1879 (biogr.).

EPONYMY: Lorinseria K. B. Presl (1851). Note: Lorinsera Opiz (1839) is probably also dedicated to him.

  1. Taschenbuch der Flora Deutschlands und der Schweiz. Zur sicheren und leichteren Bestim-

mung der wildwachsenden und allgemein cultivirten phanerogamischen und kryptogami-

schen Gefass-Pflanzen. Nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet ... Wien (Verlag von

Tendler & Comp.) 1847. 18-mo. ( Taschenb. Fl. Deutschl.)

Co-author: Friedrich Wilhelm Lorinser (1817-1895).

Publ.: Jan-Mai 1847 (rd. Regensburg Jun 1847; Bot. Zeit. 24 Sep 1847), p. [1]-xxxv, [1]- 488. Copies: M. NY.

Kweite wohlfele Ausgabe: Mai-Jun 1851 (Flora 14 Jun 1851), p. [1]-xxxv, [1]-488. Copies: G, NY. — Wien (id.) 1851. Oct. (sign. of 8 and 16 p. alternate).

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 5: 689-690. 24 Sep 1847, 9: 573. 1851.

  1. Botanisches Excursionsbuch fur die deutsch-6sterreichischen Kronlander und das an-

grenzende Gebiet. Nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet von Gustav Lorinser, ...

Wien (Verlag von Tendler & Comp.) 1854. Oct. (Bot. Excurs.-Buch).

Ed. 1: Mai 1854 (p. vi: Apr 1854; ObZ 8 Jun 1854), p. [i]-lv, [1]-384. Copies: B, NY.

Ed. 2: Mai 1860 (p. vi: 6-Jan 1850; ObZ 1 Jun 1860), p. [i]-lv, [1]-372. Copies: B, Regensburg. — “Zweite Auflage’’. Wien (Verlag von ‘Tendler & Comp. Potzelberger & Fromme). 1880. Oct.

Ed. 3: Apr-Jan 1871 (p. vi: 6 Apr 1871; ObZ 1 Aug 1871; Flora 23 Jun 1871; Bot. Zeit. 15 Sep 1871), p. [i]-c, [1]-540. Copies: B, G, NY.— “3. Auflage durchgesehen und erganzt von Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Lorinser [1817-1895]... Wien (Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold’s Sohn) 1871. Oct.

Ed. 4: Feb-Apr 1877 (p. xvi: 13 Feb 1877; “Neu,” Bot. Zeit. 6 Apr 1877), p. [1]-cxvi, [1[-565, [566, err.]. Copies: B, G, NY.—‘“*4. Auflage, Durchgesehen und erganzt von Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Lorinser, ...’’ Wien (id.) 1877. Oct.

Ed. 5: Apr-Jun 1883 (p. [i]: 20 Mar 1883; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1883; Bot. Centralbl. 16-20 Jul 1883; Bot. Zeit. 31 Aug 1883), p. [1*], [1]-cxvi, [1]-565. Copy: NY —“‘5. Auflage...id., id. 1883. Oct.

Succeeded by: Fritsch, Excursionsfl. Oesterreich, see TL-2/2: 1905.

Ref.: Skofitz, A., Osterr. bot. W. 4: 207. 1854; J. B., Osterr. bot. Z. 10: 238-239. 1860; Anon.



ib. 21: 215. 1871; H. W. R., ib. 27: 213-214. 1877; Beck, G., ib. 33: 335-336. 1883; Freyn, Bot. Centralbl. 16: 173-174. 1883 (reviews).

Lortet, Mme. Clémence, née Richard (1772-1835), French botanist at Lyon; pupil and botanical companion of Gilibert, one of the founders of the Société linnéenne de Lyon. (C. Lortet).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LY, in the herbarium of the Société linnéenne.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 12(2): 539; Barnhart 2: 403; Bossert p. 243.

Anon., Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 19: 14. 1893/4; Bull. Soc. bot. France 23: clxxxv. 1876 (herb.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880 (herb.).

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 2-4, 125. 1907, 35: 33. 1910; Les Lortet, Lyon 1913, 109 p. (portr. bibl.)

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 457. 1946 (b. 17 Sep 1772, d. 15 Apr 1835).

Roffavier, Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 1856: 1-11. (portr., biogr.).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 1: 12. 1935 (d. 16 Apr 1835).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 115. 1903.

NOTE ON THE LORTET FAMILY: Clemence Richard (1772-1835; no known connection with the botanical Richard family) married Jean Pierre Lortet (x-1823) in 1791. Her son Pierre Lortet (1792-1868) physician and naturalist, also active as amateur botanist, married (1826) Nettchen Miller (1802-1837). Louis-Charles Lortet (1836-1909), physician and botanist was the third child born out of this marriage; see below for treatment. Clémence Lortet contributed to publications by Balbis and Gilibert; published—through Gilibert — a Calendrier de Flore (1809), and left a mss. Promenades botaniques (1804-1805).

Lortet, Louis-Charles (1836-1909), French physician, parasitologist and botanist at Lyon; grandson of Clémence Lortet; Dr. med. Paris 1861; Dr. sci. nat. Lyon 1867; lecturer medical school, 1867, professor ib. 1868; lecturer in zoology at the Factulté des Sciences 1669; director of the Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Lyon 1869; professor of zoology Faculté des Sciences 1874-1877; professor of natural history at the Faculté mixte de Medecine et de Pharmacie 1877-1906. (L. Lortet).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LY (via herb. A. Jordan); other material at FI. L’s library was also acquired by Jordan; it was based on Roffavier’s library.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 199; Barnhart 2: 403; BM 3: 1181, 7: 748; CSP 4: 87,

8: 262, 10: 634, 16: 874-875; IH 2: 461; Morren ed. 10, p. 64; PR 5621; Quenstedt p. 269;

Rehder 5: 523.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 24(bibl.): 46. 1877 (transfer to new faculty).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880 (herb. LY).

Gaillard, C., Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Lyon 11:1-31. 1912 (b. 22 Aug 1836, d. 26 Dec 1909, bibl., list of biogr. refs.; the main biography with extensive details).

Magnin,A., Bull. Soc. bot. France 23: clxxxvii. 1876; Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 35: 33, 48-49. 1910; 37: 56, 57, 58-65. 1912; Les Lortet, Lyon 1913, 109 p. (portr., bibl.).

  1. Recherches sur la fécondation et la germination du Preissia commutata N. a. E. pour servir a

Phistoire des Marchantia ... Thése présentée a la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon pour

obtenir le grade de docteur és-sciences. Lyon (imprimerie Louis Perrin. . .) 1867. Qu. (Rech.

Preissia). api

Publ.: Mai-Jun 1867 (permis d@’imprimer 15 Mar 1867; BSbF Mai-Jun 1867; Flora 8 Oct 1867), p. [1]-59, [1-4], pl. 1-4. Copies: FI, MO, MO-Steere, U-V.

Loscos y Bernal, Francisco (1823-1886), Spanish pharmacist and botanist at Chiprana in Castelseras. (Loscos).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at B, BP, C, FI, G, LY, MAF, MANCH, MW, P, W. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(2): 192, 5(1): 782; Barnhart 2: 404; BL 2: 487, 488,



684; BM 3: 1181; Bossert p. 243; Colmeiro 1: clxxxvi; GR p. 762; IH 2: 461; Jackson p. 118, 340; Kew 3: 502; LS 15911; Morren ed. 10, p. 51; PR 5624; Rehder 5: 523; Tucker 1: 441- 442; Urban-Berl. p. 371.

Anon., Bot. Gaz. 12:44. 1887; Bot. Jahrb. 8, Beibl. 18, p.l. 1887; Bull. Soc. bot. France 22 (bibl.): 240. 1876 (on series exsicc.); Hedwigia 26(1): 40. 1887; Osterr. bot. Z. 37: 72- 1887 (d.).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 149. 1888; Bot. Anst. Wiens 74. 1894 (pl. W).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429. 1880 (pl. herb. Cosson (now P) and W.).

Lindemann, E. von, Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61: 43. 1886 (pl. MW).

Munoz Medina, D. J., Hist. bot. Espana 30-31. 1969.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32: 31. 1977 (mat. at FI).

Willkomm, H. M., Bot. Centralbl. 29: 95-96. 1887 (obit., d. 23 Nov 1886); Grundz. Pfl- Verbr. Iber. Halbinsel 17, 26. 1892 (Veg. Erde 1).

  1. Series inconfecta plantarum indigeneraum Aragoniae praecipue meridionalis auctoribus

Francisco Loscos y Bernal . . . et Josepho Pardo y Sastron . . . E lingua castellana in latinam

vertit, recensuit, emendavit, observationibus suis auxit atque edendam curavit Mauritius

Willkomm. Dresdae [Dresden] (ex typographia E. Blochmann et fil.) 1863. Oct. (Ser.

inconf. pl. Aragon.).

Co-author: Josepho Pardo y Sastron (1822-1909).

Editor: Heinrich Moritz Willkomm (1621-1895).

Orig. ed.. Mar-Apr 1863 (p. x: 5 Mar 1863; BSbF 22 Mai 1863; Hedwigia post Mai 1863 “nur in 100 Exemplaren ... nicht im Buchhandel . ..”’), p. [i]-x, [1]-135- Copies: GNY, USDA.

Ed. 2: see below Ser. imperf. pl. aragon.; ed 3: see Trat. pl. Aragon.

Spanish ed.: Serie imperfecta 1866/7 (Bot. Zeit. 12 Jul 1867) n.v.

Ref.: Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 10: 169-170. Oct. 1863.

Willkomm, H. M., Bot. Zeit. 21: 244. 7 Aug 1863, 368. 20 Nov 1863.

  1. Serie imperfecta de las plantas aragonesas espontaneas, particularmente de las que

habitan en la parte meridional. Segunda edicion aumentada con numerosas noticias que

pueden servir al formar el Catalogo de las plantas de Aragon... Alcaniz, Madrid (Carlos

Bailly-Bailliére ...) 1866, 1867. Oct. (Ser. imperf. pl. aragon.).

Co-author: Josepho Pardo y Sastron (1822-1909).

Publ.: Aug-Dec 1867 (p. x: Jul 1867), p. [i]-x, [1]-543- Copies: G, NY, USDA. — Imprint on cover: Alcafiiz (imprenta de Ulpiano Huerta, ...) 1867. For extensive details see BL 2: 487. For continuation see below, Trat. pl. Aragon.

  1. Tratado de plantas de Aragon por Don Francisco Loscos. Tercera edicion. Edicion del Semanario farmacéutico. Madrid (Establecimiento tipografico del hospicio) 1876-1877. Qu. (Trat. pl. Aragon).

Parte [1]: 1877 (p. 71: 20 Nov 1876), p. [1]-90, [1, h.t.] [1]-11, 5-12, [1]-71, [1-6]. Copy: G. — The “‘tercera edicion”’ refers to the above mentioned Ser. inconf. pl. aragon.

Parte segunda: Aug-Dec 1880 (p. 248: 18 Jul 1880; Bot. Centralbl.-21-25 Feb 1881; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1881; Bot. Zeit. 39: 279. 29 Apr 1881), p. [i]-x, [1]-249, [1, add.], [1, err.], [1, cont.]. Copy: G. — Includes suppl. 1-4.

A further part 3 (55p., 1881?) and supplements 5-8 (107 p., 1883-1886) are mentioned by

BL 2: 487, but were seen neither by him nor by us.

Lotsy, Johannes Paulus (1867-1931), Dutch botanist at Leiden, moving spirit behind the “Association internationale des botanistes;” Dr. phil. Gottingen 1890; lecturer at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1895; in Java 1895-1900; from 1904-1909 lecturer, from 1906-1909 director of the Rijksherbarium at Leiden; from 1909 working privately at Haarlem and Velp. (Lotsy). -

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at BO, GOET, GRD, L, MO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 297; Backer p. 338; Barnhart 2: 404; BJI 2: 108; BM 3: 1182, 7: 749; Bossert p. 243; CSP 16: 878; DSB 8: 512-513; GR p. 707; Hortus 3:1 198 (“Lotsy’’); IH 2: 462; JW 1: 446, 452, 2: 196, 3: 361 (q.v. for refs. to various biogr. notices);



Kelly p. 133; Kew 3: 503-504; LS 15913, 36233; Moebius p. 61, 453; Nordstedt suppl. p.

10911; Plesch p. 317; Rehder 5: 523; SK 1: 330-331, 5: ccxevii, 8: lx; SO 2911; Tucker 1:


Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 63: 22. 1895 (to Java), 101:80. 1906 (app. Leiden); Bot. Jahrb. 21

(Beibl. 53): 61. 1896 (to Java); Bot. Zeit. 59(2): 288. 1901; J. Bot. 69: 315. 1931; Nat. Nov.

17: 358. 1895 (to Java), 28: 132. 1906 (director L), 31: 192. 1909 (to Holl. My Wet.);

Osterr. bot. Z. 45: 407. 1895 (to Java), 54: 311. 1904 (Lecturer Leiden), 56: 79. 1906 (dir.

L), 59: 127. 1909 (Secretary Holl. My. Wetensch., resigned directorship L), 81: 80. 1932


Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. Bot. 71. 1978.

Druce, G. C., Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 9(5): 628. 1932 (obit.).

Ewan, J., in A Century progr. nat. sci. 55. 1955.

Goddijn, W. A., Genetica 13: i-xx. 1931 (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 11 Apr. 1867, d. 17 Nov 1931).

Harvey-Gibson, R. J., Outlines hist. bot. 156, 157, 166, 258, 259. 1914.

Iltis, H., Life of Mendel ed.2. 117. 1966.

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit ed., Blumea 25(1): 15, 64, 83, 107, 116. 1979.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 1: 200. 1895 (to Java), 10: 144. 1904 (lecturer L), 12: 36. 1906 (director L).

Lotsy, J. P., De mens en oorlog, ’s Gravenhage 1916, vii, 48 p. (a critique of Chalmers Mitchell, Evolution and the war); Van den Atlantischen Oceaan naar de Stille Zuidzee in 1922. Dagboek van een botanicus, den Haag 1924 (p. 288-294).

Rodgers, A. D., Erwin Frink Smith 220-221. 1952.

Sirks, M. J., Ind. natuuronderz. 38, 215, 272. 1915.

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Blumea 25: 46. 1979.

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 1: 29, 38. 1935 (portr.).

Verdoorn, F., ed., Man. bryol. 483 [index]. 1932; Man. Pter. 637. 1938.

COMPOSITE WORKS: The Association internationale des botanistes; under the guidance of Lotsy, was founded in 1901. The Botanisches Centralblatt was accepted as the ““Referirendes Organ der Association”? (vols. 89-142, 1902-1919). Lotsy also published Progressus ret botanicae (1-5, 1907-1917, IDC 7342) for the Association as well as a volume Résultats scientifiques du Congres international de Botanique, Vienne, 1905. The “Association” and the “‘International Commit- tee for Botanical Nomenclature” (which functioned well from 1905 onward) were foreru- nners of the Botany Section of the later (1923) International Union of Biological Sciences, and more specifically of the present Jnternational Association of Plant Taxonomy. Lotsy founded and edited Genetica (vol. 1-3, 1919-1921, co-editor 4-12) as well as Bibliographia genetica (1924) and Resumptio genetica.

EPONYMy (serial): Lolsya. A biological miscellany (Ed. F. Verdoorn). Waltham Mass. Vol. 1-3. 1948-1950.

  1. Beitrdge zur Biologie der Flechtenflora des Hainbergs bei Gottingen. Inaugural-

Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwurde an der Georg-Augusts-

Universitat zu Gottingen ... G6ttingen (Druck von Louis Hofer) 1890. Oct. (Beir.

Flechtenfl. Hainbergs).

Publ.: Sep 1890 (ObZ Oct 1890; Bot. Centralbl. 23 Oct 1890; Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1890; Bot. Zeit. 27 Mar 1891), p. [1]-46, [47, lit.]. Copy: FH.

  1. Vorlesungen tiber Deszendenztheorten mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der botanischen Seite der Frage gehalten an der Reichsuniversitat zu Leiden ... Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1906-1908, 2 vols. (Vorles. Desz.- Theor.)

1: Dec 1905 (p. [v]: 11 Sep 1905; Bot. Zeit. 1 Mar 1906; ObZ 1 Feb 1906 for ‘““Nov-Dec

1905” sic; Allg. bot. Z. rev. 15 Jan 1906), p. [i]-xii, [1]-384, pl. 1-2.

2: Jan-Feb 1908 (ObZ Feb 1908; Allg. bot. Z. 15 Mar 1908) p. [i]-vi, [381]-799, pl. 3-15. Copies: FI, U.

  1. Vortrage iiber botanische Stammesgeschichle gehalten an der Reichsuniversitat zu Leiden. Ein Lehrbuch der Pflanzensystematik ... Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1907-1911, 3

vols. Oct. ¢ (Vortr. bot. Stammesgesch.).



Vol. 1: Jan-Mar 1907 (p. iv: Jun 1906; ObZ Mar/Apr 1907; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1907; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jun 1907; J. Bot. Jun 1908), p. [i]-iv, [1]-828.

Vol. 2: Jul-Sep 1909 (ObZ Aug/Sep 1909; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1909; Bot. Zeit. 16 Nov 1910), p. [i-ui], [1]-902.

Vol. 3: Sep-Oct 1911 (Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1911), p. [1-11], [1]-1055.

Copies: FI, MO, NY, Stevenson, U, USDA.

Ref.: R.M.M, J. Bot. 46: 203-205. 1908. Diels, K., Bot. Jahrb. 40(Lit.): 56-57. 1908; Engler, A., ib. 44(Lit.): 75-76. 1910, 46(Lit.):

50-51. 1912.

Lang, J. Bot. 48: 82-84. 1910. Rendle, A.B., J. Bot. 50: 68-69. 1912. Tischler, G.F.L., Bot. Centralbl. 105: 481-485. 1907, 113: 241-246. 1910.

  1. De Kruisingstheorie eene nieuwe theorie over het ontstaan der soorten. Rede den o6sten Maart 1914, op uitnodiging van de “Société Botanique de France’’, te Parijs gehouden. Leiden (A. W. Sijthoffs Uitgevers-Maatschappij) s.d. [1914]. Oct. (Arusings- theorie).

Publ.: 1914, p- [i, iii], [1]-40. Copy: FAS.

  1. Het tegenwoordige standpunt der evolutie-leer. °s Gravenhage [The Hague] (Martinus Nijhoff) 1915. Oct. (Evolutze-leer). Publ.: 1915 (p.viti: 2 Jul 1915), p.[i]-viii, [1]-121. Copy: J. L. Lever.

  2. Evolution by means of hybridization ... The Hague (Martinus Nijhoff) 1916. Oct. (Evolution). Publ.: 1916, p. [i]-viii, [1]-166. Copy: FI. — Inf. C. Steinberg.

  3. Over Oenothera Lamarckiana als type van een nieuwe groep van organismen, die der kernchimeren, benevens beschouwingen over de waarde der gene-hypothese in de erfelijkheids- en evolutieleer. ’s Gravenhage [The Hague] (Martinus Nijhoff) 1917. Oct. (Ocnothera Lamarckiana).

Publ.: Oct - Dec 1917 (p. 52: 2 Oct 1917), p. [1 10, v], [1]-52- Copy: J. L. Lever.

  1. Het evolutie-vraagstuk. ’s Gravenhage (The Hague) (Martinus Nijhoff) 1921. Oct. (Evolutie-vraagstuk) Publ.: 1921 (p.[iii]: 22 Mar 1921), p.[i, iii, v], [1]-58. Copy: J. L. Lever.

  2. Evolution im Lichte der Bastardierung betrachtet. Haag [The Hague] (Martinus Nij-

hoff) 1926. Oct. (Evol. Bastard.).

Publ.: 1926. German translation by H. N. Kooiman of Lotsy’s Evolution by means of hybridization, a series of lectures given in 1925 in New Zealand. Reprinted from Genetica 7:[i, iii, v] [365]-470. Copy: J. L. Lever.

Loudon, Jane Wells (née Webb) (1807-1858), British botanist and horticulturist; mar- ried (1830) John Claudius Loudon. (7. W. Loud.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 404; BB p. 193; Blunt p. 236, 238; BM 3: 1192, 7: 749; Desmond p. 394; DNB 34: 148; GF p. 66; Jackson p. 575; Kew 3: 504; Langman p. 458; Laségue p. 541, 574; NI 1233-1237; Plesch p. 317; PR 5632-5636 (ed. 1: 6293-6301); Rehder 5: 524; SO add. 1241b-c; Sotheby no. 480; Tucker 1: 442. Allen, D. E., The Victorian fern craze 20, 22. 1969. Anon., Bonplandia 6: 297, 324-325. 1858 (d.); House and Garden 1977: 145, 147. (portr.); Flora 41: 520 (“230”) 28 Aug 1888; Bot. Zeit. 16: 256. 1898.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 61: 96. 1823; Gard. Chron. 73: 77. 1923. Brotherston, R. P., Gard. Chron. 72: 368. 1922, 73: 110-111. 1923.



Howe, Bea, Lady with green fingers. The life of Jane Loudon, London 184 p. 1961 (portr., biogr.). Taylor, G., Some nineteenth century gardeners 17-67. 1951.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 31: 348. 1976.

NOTE: Published anonymously Young Lady’s book of botany (1838). See NI and PR for futher ‘Ladies’ flower books.” Jane Loudon also edited a later edition of her husband’s Hortus britannicus (1850).

  1. The ladies’ flower-garden of ornamental annuals... London (William Smith, ...) 1840. Qu. (Ladies‘flower-gard.)

Ed 1,1: 1840 (p. viii: 21 Feb 1840), p. [i]-xvi, [1*]-vi*, 1-272, pl. 1-48 (col.); 2: 1844, p. [1]-x [1]-170, pl. 47-85, 87-96. Copy: US. Vol. 1 was reissued in 1843 and 1849 (our data are


  1. Botany for ladies; or a popular introduction to the natural system of plants, according to the classification of de Candolle ... London (John Murray, ...) 1842. Oct. (Bot. Ladies). Publ.: 1842, p. [i]-1xvi, [1 ]-493. Copies: G, NY.

Loudon, John Claudius (1783-1843), British gardener, horticultural writer and botanist at Bayswater nr. London. (Loud.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 5(4): 17; Barnhart 2: 404; BB p. 193, BM 3: 1182-1183,

7:747; Bossert p. 243; CSP 4: 90; Desmond p. 394-395; DNB 34: 149; Frank 3(Anh): 61;

Henrey 2: 727-728; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Loud.’’); Jackson p. 575; Kew 3: 504-505; Langman

p. 458; Laségue p. 272, 537, 574; Lenley p. 463; MW p. 285; NI 1238-1242; PH p. 364;

Plesch p. 317; PR 5625-5631 (ed. 1: 6278-6292); Rehder 5: 524; SO 8372, 838a-d, 2688;

Stevenson p. 1249; TL-1: 784-785, see also under G. Don; TL-2/141, 2742; see G. Don Jr.;

Tucker 1: 442-443; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 783 (b. 8 Apr 1783, d. 14 Dec 1843).

Allen, D. E., The Vicotorian fern craze 12, 14, 15. 1969.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1133-1134. 1870 (bibl.).

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 2: 197-200. 1844; Flora 27: 175. 1844; J. Bot. 74: 247. 1936 (production costs Arb. frut. brit. £10.000); Gard. Chron. 1845: 754-755; House and Garden 1977: 145, 147. (portr.); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1889: 37. 1891 (on portr.).

Baines, J. E., Vict. Natural. go: 229. 1973 (epon.).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U. S. 41. 1969.

Fletcher, H. H., Story R. Hort. Soc. 547 [index]. 1969.

Fricker, L., in Willis, P., ed., Furor hortensis, Edinburgh 1974, p. 76-88 (‘‘... the plane truth?”’, on Gloag 1970).

Fussell, G. E., Gard. Chron. 1949: 132-133.

Gloag, J., Mr. Loudon’s England, the life and work of John Claudius Loudon, and his influence on architecture and furniture design. London 1970, 224 p. (main biogr. and evaluation; bibl.), for an evaluation of Gloag’s work and ideas on Loudon see Fricker (1974).

Hadfield, M., Pioneers in gardening 157-168, 175-176. 1951.

Harvey, N., Ploughshare 36: 3. Sep 1949.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 1: 133. 1918.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 248, 392-393, 461. 1884.

Lemmon, K., Golden age plant hunters 4, 10, 15, 16, 72, 217, 218. 1968.

Loudon, J. W., Memoir, prefixed to J. C. Loudon, Self instruction for young gardeners, 1845 (fide BB; n.v.).

Martin, M., Ind. corr. Torrey p. 463. 1973.

Milner, J. D., Cat. portr. Kew 80-81. 1906.

Roberts, W., J. R. Hort. Soc. 61(7): 277-284. 1936 (Centenary of L’s Arboretum, 1835.

Rose, H. J., New general biogr. dict. 9: 317-318. 1850 (n.v.).

Taylor, G., Some nineteenth century gardeners 17-67. 1951.

Wallace, R. H., Gard. chron. 1902:208.


LOUDON, J. G. (1829)

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Edited The Gardener's Magazine, vols. 1-19, 1826-1843. (IDC 7357) (see Brothersson, R.P., Gard Chron. 1921: 246).(2) Edited The magazine of natural history, vols. 1-9, 1828-1836.

EPONYMY: Loudonia J. Lindley (1840).

  1. An encyclopaedia of gardening, comprising the theory and practice of horticulture,

floriculture, arboriculture, and landscape-gardening, including all the latest improve-

ments; a general history of gardening in all countries; and a statistical view of its present state, with suggestions for its future progress, in the British Isles .. . London (printed for

Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, .. .) 1822. Oct. (Encyel. gard.)

Ed. 1: Apr-Oct 1822 (p. iv: 12 Mar 1822; Flora 7 Nov 1822), p. [i]-xviii, [1 ]-1469. Copies: MO, NY. — 595 wood engravings by Branston.

Ed. 2: Mai-Dec 1824 (p. iv: 8 Apr 1824), p. [i]-xii, [1]-1233. Copy: G. — 757 figs. (id.).

Ed. 3: 1825, p. [iJ-xii, [1]-1233. Copy: NY. — 757 figs. (id.)

Ed. 4: 1826, p. [i]-xii, [1]-1233. Copies: BR, NY. — 757 fags. (id.).

Ed. 5: 1827, p. [i]-xii, [1]-1233. Copy: USDA. — 756 figs. Cad.)

Ed. 6: 1830 (tp. undated p. iv: 18 Jan), p. [i]-xai, [1]-1233. Copy: NY .— 757 figs. (id.)

Ed. [7]: 1834 (t.p. undated; p. vi: 28 Oct 1834), p. [1]-xl, [1]-1270, [1, err.]. Copy: “A new edition, considerately improved and enlarged.” London (id.) s.d.— 981 figs. (id.)

Ed. [8]: 1850 (p. vii: 12 Mar 1850), p. [i]-xl, [1]-1278. Copies: NY, USDA. — A new edition, corrected and improved, by Mrs. Loudon [Jane Wells Loudon, 1807 -1858], 1020 figs.

New edition: 1878, p. [i]-xl, [1]-1278. Copy: USDA. — 1020 figs. London (Longmans, Green and Co.) 1878. Oct.

German: 1823-1826. Copy: NY— “Eine Encyclopadie des Gartenwesens; enthaltend die Theorie und Praxis des Gemiisebaues, der Blumenzucht, Baumzucht und der Land- schaftsgartnerei; mit Inbegriff der neuesten Entdeckungen und Verbesserungen ... aus dem Englischen ... Weimar (im Verlage des Gr. Herzogl. Sachs. privil. Landes- Industrie-Comptoirs) 1823-1826, 2 vols.

1: 1823 u. 1824” (but p. iv: Jan 1826), p. [i]-xvii, [i]-1048. 2: “1825 u. 1826”, p. [i]-vili, [1049]-1688. Atlas: “1823”, pl. 1-57, uncol. liths.

  1. An encyclopaedia of plants: comprising the description, specific character, culture,

history, application in the arts, and every other desirable particular respecting all the plants

indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain: combining all the advantages of a

Linnean and Jussieuean species plantarum, an historia plantarum, a grammar of botany,

and a dictionary of botany and vegetable culture. The whole in English; with the synony-

mes of the commoner plants in the different European and other languages; the scientific names accentuated, their etymologies explained; the classes, orders, and botanical terms illustrated by engravings; and with figures of nearly ten thousand species, exemplifying several individuals belonging to every genus included in the work. Edited by J. C. Loudon,

_.. the specific characters by an eminent botanist; the drawings by J. G. D. Sowerby, .. .and

the engravings by R. Bromston. London (printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and

Green, ...) 1829. Oct. (Encycl. pl.)

Ed. 1: 1829 (p. iv: Mai 1829), p. [i]-xx, [1]-2, 1-1159. Copies: BR, G, L, MO(2), NY, U, US, USDA.

Ed. 1, reissue: 1836 (p. iv: Mai 1836), p. [i]-xx, [1]-2, 1-1159. Copies: MICH, US.

First additional supplement: 1840 p. [1*], fiJ-iv, [1143]-1329. Copies: MICH, NY. — “First additional supplement to Loudon’s Encyclopaedia of plants; ... between the first publication of the work in 1829, and January 1840; with a new general index to the whole work ...” London (id.) 1841. Oct.

Ed. [2]: 1841 (p. iv: Jan 1841), p. [i]-xxu, [1]-2, 1-1329. Copies: BR, G, MO. — “... with figures of nearly ten thousand species; and supplements bringing down the work to the year 1840... the engravings by R. and R. E. Branston.” London (id.) 1841. Oct.

New edition: Jul 1855 (p. iv: Apr 1855; Hooker J. Bot. Jul 1855), p. [i]-xxii, [1]-2, 1-1574. Copies: B, NY, USDA. — “Loudon’s Encyclopaedia of plants; . . . new edition, corrected to the present time. Edited by Mrs. Loudon; assisted by George Don, ... ; and David Wooster...’ London (Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans) 1855. Oct. — Additio- nal material also as “‘second additional supplement” 1855.


LOUDON, J. G. (1829)

New impression: 1866 (p. iv: Apr 1855), p. [i]-xxu, [1]-2, 1-1574. Copies: MICH, NY, U, USDA. — London (Longmans, Green, and Co.) 1866. Oct.

Idem: 1872, p. [i]-xxii, [1]-1574. Copy: MICH.

German: 1836-1855, 2 vols., published in parts. Copy: NY. (vol. 2 only), ‘‘J. C. Loudon’s Encyclopédie der Pflanzen. Enthaltend die Beschreibung aller bis jetzt bekannten Pflanzen, welche durch mehr als 20.000 Abbildungen erlautert werden. Frei nach dem Englischen bearbeitet von Dr. David Dietrich [1799-1888]. Jena (August Schmid) 1836-1839 [- 1855]. Fol.

1: n.v., 1836-1839.

2: 1839-1855, in 22 parts, p. [1], [1]-756, [1]-8, p/. r21-207 and extra plates are cited below (analysis NY copy: incomplete).

Lief. Pages plates dates on cover I [i], [1]-21, 211-21°, [22] 121-125 1839 2 65-128 126-128 1840 3 129-160 29, 130-135 1841 4 161-192 30, 136-142 1841 5 193-224 33, 102, 108b, 118, 143-146 1841 6 225-248 34, 147-153 1841 7 249-280 B15 35s 154-157 1844 8 281-312 36, 101, 158-161 1845 9 313-344 37[°36 ], 162-165 1845

10 345-372 37, 106-170 1845

I 373-404 $25 171-175 1847

12 405-436 176-160 1847

13 437-468 38, 181-186 1847

14 469-500 39, 187-1G1 1852

15 501-532 40, 192-196 1852

16 533-556 41, 197-201 1854

inj 557-612 2, 64b, 64, 48b 1853(?)

18 613-644 43 5305 546, 596, 596, 63b 1854

19 645-676 44, 540, 54d, 674, 68b, 74b 1854

20 677-696 696, 70b, 70c, 70d, 71b, 72¢ 1855

21 697-728 44, 72b, 72¢, 73b, 89b, Sg¢ 1855

22 729-756, [1]-8 4b, 1b, 8gd, 108b, 111b, 1136 1855

  1. Loudon’s Hortus britannicus. A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I. The Linnean arrangement, in which nearly 30.000 species are enumerated: with the systematic name and authority, accentuation, derivation of generic names, literal english of specific names, synonymes systematic and english of both genera and species, habit, habitation in the garden, indigenous habitation, popular character, height, time of flowering, colour of the flower, mode of propagation, soil, native country, year of introduction, and reference to figures: preceded by an introduction to the Linnean system. Part II. The Jussieuean arrangement, of nearly 4.000 genera, with an introduction to the natural system, and a general description and history of each order ... London

(Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, ...) 1830. Oct. (Hort. brit.)

Ed. 1: 1830 (p. iv: Mai 1830), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-576. Copies: MO, NY, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1832 (p. iv: Aug 1832), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-602. Copies: G, NY. — ‘Second edition, with additional supplement.” Edited by J. C. Loudon. ...”? London (printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, ...) s.d. Oct.

The “first additional supplement” occupies p. 579-602.

New Edition [3]: 1839 (see suppl.), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-545, 575-742 (Pp. 545/575 om same p.).

Copies: MO, NY (2); 1DC 5563. — “A new edition, with supplements including all the new plants down to March, 1839, and with a new general index to the whole work... London (printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans) s.d. Oct. Contains the first additional supplement (of 1832) on p. [579]-602, and the second supplement, prepared by William Hart Baxter (1816-1890) and revised by George Don (1798-1856).

Supplement: 1850, see below Suppl. Hort. brit.


LOUDON, J. G. (1838)

  1. Arboretum et frulicetum britannicum; or, the trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world ... London (printed for the author and sold by Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and

Longmans; the partially coloured and coloured copies, by James Ridgway and sons.)

[1835-]1838, 8 vols. Oct. (Arbor. frutic. brit.).

Publ.: According to a statement in the Allgemeine Gartenzeitung (7: 39. 1839), probably inspired by Loudon himself, the eight volumes were published together on 1 Jul 1838. Actually the book came out in 68 parts from Jan 1835-Jul 1838. The drawings are by R. Branston. Copies: MO, NY, U, US, USDA.

[ij-xvi, “[xvu]”?-“[xxxu]”’,* xiii-*xiv, xvii-ccxxx, [1]-494, figs. 1-163.

[i]-x, [495 ]-1256, figs. 164-1086.

[i]-vi, [1257]-2030, figs. 1087-1950.

[i]-viii, [2031 ]-2694, figs. 1951-2546.

p. [i]-vin, pl. 1-8, a[“‘15a’’|, 9, 9a, 10-12, 124, 13, 15, 18-20, 20[ a], 21-27, 27a, 28, 30-31, 314,

32 320s 335 334|" 330° |, 34-38; 38A, 395 394; 40, 400, 41-44, 46, 48, 48| 4], 49-52, 520, 53-55» 94> 50-59; 594, 590, 60, 60b, 61-62, 62a, 62b, 62c, 63, 63a, 64-68, 70, 70a, 71*, 71, 72-73, 730, 74-75; 75a, 76, 76a, 77b, 78, 78[ a], 78b, 79-80, 82, 82a, 82b, 83-84, uncol. liths.

6: p. [1|-viii, pl. 85-68, 90-91, 93-95,954,.90-97,974, 98-99, 101-102, 1024, 103-106, 106a, 108, r0éa, 108b, 109, tog|a], 110-113, 115, 1156, 116, 116a, 117, 117a, 1176, 117¢, 117d, 117d, 117e, 118, 118*, 118a-118f, 119-120, 121d, 122a, 122a(!), 1226, 122¢, 123-127, 129. 130[ 129°], 130| 4], 131-132, 1320, 133, 134, 137, 1374, 138-139, 1394], 1394, 142-143, 143[ 4], 145-146, 146[a] 147|“148|, 148, 149A, 150-152, 1520, 153-155, 1554, 1550, 156a, 156a[a], 156b, 157-159, 161, 162, 162a, 163, 165[°*65"], 166-167, 167a, uncol. liths.

7: p. [il-vili, pl. 169-172, 172a, 173, 1744, 175, 178, 180-181, 181a, 182, 182a, 183, 184, 1844, 184a*], 185, 185*, 185a, 186-187, 187a, 186, 88a, 189, 189a, 190-191, 1914, 191b, 192A, 193- 195, 195, 196-197, 1974, 198-200, 205-209, 209A, 214-215, 217-219, 219| a], 220-221, 221[a], 222, 222| A], 2220, 224, 224|a], 225-227, 229, 231-235, 237, 239| 230°], 241, 243-244, 2440, 245- 246, 2400, 247-250, 252-253, uncol. liths.

8: p. [ij-viti, pl. 254-255, 255[a], 256-260, 262, 262[a], 263, 265-273, 273, 274, 274A, 275-276, 278b, 278, 279-280, 280a, 280** , 281, 281%, 281a, 282, 262A, 282b, 283, 283a, 284-287, 287| a], 288, 288| a], 289, 289a, 28ga[* |, 290-292, 2924, 293, 2934, 293, 294-295, 2954, 297, 2974, 298, 300-303, 306-308, 312, 3120; 313, 3130, 314-316, 3160, 319, 321, 3255 320, 3200, 327, 329, 331, Se 5320» 588-335: 3354s 3350, 336-338, 3380, 339-340, 34453444, 346-352, [1]-6 =index, uncol. liths.

p- p- p- Pp.

Aw oO NS

The analysis of the contents of vols. 5-8, given above, is that of the USDA copy. Other copies

may show deviations in presence and absence of plates

Second edition: 1844 (pref. p. ii of vol. 1: Mar 1844), 8 vols.; almost identical with original issue. Copies: US, USDA.

Abridged ed.: see below Encycl. trees shrubs (1842).

Reissued: 1853? (see Bot. Zeit. 16 Dec 1853), n.v.

  1. Hortus lignosus londinensis; or, a catalogue of all the ligneous plants, indigenous and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, cultivated in the gardens and grounds in the neighbourhood of London; with all their synonymes, scientific and popular, including their french, german, and italian names; and with their native country, habit, habitation in the garden, etc. To which are added the prices of hardy trees and shrubs in the principal nurseries of London and Edinburgh, and at Bollwyller in France, and in Hamburg ... London (printed for the author; and sold by Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, ...) 1838. Qu. (Hort. lign. londin.).

Publ.: 1 Sep 1838 (TL-1), p. [i-it], [1]-174. Copies: MO, NY.

  1. The suburban gardener, and villa companion: comprising the choice of a suburban or villa residence, or of a situation on which to form one; the arrangement and furnishing of the house; and the laying out, planting, and general management of the garden and grounds; the whole adapted for grounds from one perch to fifty acres and upwards in extent; and


LOUDON, J. G. (1838)

intended for the instruction of those who know little of gardening and rural affairs, and more particularly for the use of ladies ... London (printed for the author; and sold by Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, ...) Edinburgh (W. Black) 1838. Oct. (Suburb. gard.).

Ed. [1]: 1838 (p. it: 15 Jul 1838), p. [1]-xvi, [1]-752. Copy: U.

Ed. 2: 1850, xii, 516 p. Copy: MO. — “The villa gardener ...”

  1. Lhe Derby arboretum; containing a catalogue of the trees and shrubs included in it; a description of the grounds, and directions for their management; a copy of the address delivered when it was presented to the town council of Derby by its founder Joseph Stratt, Esq. and an account of ceremonies which took place when it was opened to the public, on September 16. 1840. By J. GC. Loudon, ... London (Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, ...) 1840. Oct. (Derby arbor.)

Publ.: 1840, frontisp., p. [1]-97. Copies: MO, NY, USDA.

  1. An encyclopaedia of trees and shrubs; being the Arboretum and fruticetum britannicum abridged: containing the hardy trees and shrubs of Britain native and foreign, scientifically and popularly described; with their propagation, culture, and uses in the arts; and with engravings of nearly all the species. Abridged from the large edition in eight volumes, and adapted for the use of nurserymen, gardeners, and foresters ... London (printed for the author; and sold by Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans) 1842. Oct. (Encycl. trees shrubs). Publ.: 1842 (p. [ii]: Apr 1842), p. [1]-lxxi, [Ixxii], [1]-1162. Copies: BR, G, L, M, NY. Re-issue: s.d., p. [i]-]xxi, [Ixxi], [1 ]-1162. Copy: Teyler. - London (Frederick Warne and Co., ...) New York (Scribner, Welford, and Co.). Oct. Reissue: 1883, p. [i]-Ixxi, [1]-1162. Copy: US. — “Trees and shrubs; an abridgment of the Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum; containing ... London (Frederick Warne & Co.,

..) 1883.Oct.

  1. Supplement to Loudon’s Hortus britannicus: including all the plants introduced into Britain, all the newly discovered British species, and all the kinds originated in British gardens. Up to March, 1850; with a new general index to the whole work, including the supplement. Prepared by W. H. Baxter, assisted by D. Wooster, under the direction of Mrs. Loudon. London (Longmann, Brown, Green, and Longmans) 1850. Oct. (Suppl. Hort. brit.).

Authors: William Hart Baxter (1816-1890), David Wooster (1824?-1888).

Publ.: 1850 (p. v: 18 Jun 1850), p. [1-vu], 473-735. Copies: BR, G, NY, USDA.

Louis-Marie, Pére (Louis Lalonde) (1896-1978), French-Canadian botanist; entered Trappist order at Oka 1917; Ph. D. Harvard 1928; at the Institut agricole, Oka from 1923- 1962. (Louis-Marie).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: QFA (‘‘Herbier Louis-Marie” formerly LT at Oka), OK.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 337; BL 1: 143, 306; Bossert p. 243; IH 1 (ed. 6):

224, 2: 406; NAF ser. 2. 6: 60.

Boivin, B., Louis Marie, O.C.S.O. 1896-1978, mss. notes submitted 1978 (b. 17 Oct 1896, d. 3 Nov 1978), Provancheria 10: 170. 1980 (herb.).

Rumilly, R., Le frere Marie-Victorin et son temps 143, 169, 176, 192, 196, 374. 1949.

COMPOSITE woRKs: Editor: Revue d@ Oka, agronomie, médecine, vétérinaire de |’ Institut agricole, 1926-1957, and Contributions de I’ Institut d Oka (14 nos.).

EPONYMY (journal): Ludoviciana. Contribution de lHerbier Louis-Marie, Faculté d’Agriculture de l’ Université Laval. Quebec. No. 1-x. 1966-x.

  1. Sciences naturelles II. Flore-manuel de la province de Québec par le pére Louis-Marie, o.c.,... illustrée de plus de 2100 dessins par Marcel Makhes ... Contribution no. 23 Institut agricole d’Oka 1931. (Hl.-man. Québec).

Ed. 1: Jul-Dec 1931 (p. 3: 19 Jun 1931; MO copy rd. 10 Feb 1932), p. [2]-319, [320], pl. 1-90



(in text). Copies: BR, MO, NY, QFA, US. — Total number of copies printed: 20.000 (editions “‘scolaire,”’ “de prix’”’, “de luxe’’).

Ed. 2: 1953, p- 5-323, Pl. 1-go (in text.). Copies: HU, OFA, USDA. — Flore-manuel de la province de Québec Canada — deuxiéme édition 40”° mille Institut agricole d’Oka 1953. — Inf. B. Boivin.

Ed. 3: 1959 (Taxon 14 Jan 1960; Revue d’Oka 33: 116. 1959), p. [1]-321, [322], pl. r-go (in text). Copies: BR, G, MO.

Lounsberry, Alice (1872-1949), American dendrologist at New York. (Lounsb.). HERBARIUM and types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 404; NAF 28B(2): 443; Rehder 5: 524; Tucker

I: 443. Anon., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 77: 143. 1950. Ewan, J., Southw. Louisiana J. 7: 36. 1967.

  1. A guide to the wild flowers ... with sixty-four coloured and one hundred black-and- white plates and fifty-four diagrams by Mrs. Ellis Rowan with an introduction by Dr. N. L. Britton... New York (Frederick A. Stokes Company publishers) s.d. [1899]. (Guide wild fl.) . Artist: Marian Ellis Rowan (née Ryan) (1858-?); /ntr.: Nathaniel Lord Britton (1859-1934). Ed. |r|: Mar-Apr 1899 (p. xvii: 20 Feb 1899); Bot. Centralbl. 31 Mai 1899), p. [i]-xvul, [1 ]- 347, pl. 1-164 (64 col.). Copies: MICH, MO, NY. id. 2: n.v. Ed. 3: s.d., p. [i*], [i]-xvui, [1]-347, pl. 1-164 (id.). Copy: NY.

  2. A guide to the trees by Alice Lounsberry . .. with sixty-four coloured and one hundred

and sixty-four black-and-white plates and fifty-five diagrams by Mrs. Ellis Rowan... with

an introduction by Dr. N. L. Britton ... New York (Frederick A. Stokes Company

publishers) s.d. [1900]. (Guade trees).

Artist: Marian Ellis Rowan (née Ryan) (1858-?); /ntr: Nathaniel Lord Britton’ (1859-1934).

Publ.: Apr-Jun 1900 (p. xx: 5 Mar 1900; Bot. Centralbl. 11 Jul 1g00; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1900), p. [i]-xx, [1]-313, pl. 1-164 (partly col.). Copy: USDA. — Bot. Zeit. 16 Sep 1900

mentions a London issue.

  1. Southern wild flowers and trees together with shrubs, vines and various forms of growth found through the mountains, the middle district and the low country of the South by Alice Lounsberry ... with sixteen coloured and one hundred and sixty-one black-and-white plates and eighty-eight vignettes and diagrams by Mrs. Ellis Rowan ... with an introduc- tion by Chauncey D. Beadle ... New York (Frederick A. Stokes Company publishers) s.d. [1901]. (South. wild fl.).

Introductions: Chauncey Delos Beadle (1866-?). Artist: Marian Ellis Rowan (née Ryan)

(1858-?). Publ.: Sep 1901 (p. [iv]), p- [i]-xxxi, [1]-570, pl. 1-777, in part h.t. (16 col.). Copies: NY, US.

Loureiro, Joao de (1717-1791), Portuguese missionary and naturalist in Mogambique, Goa, and Cochinchina. (Lour.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Only partly preserved. The main collection which is still in good order is at BM; asmall set is also at P (IDC 6212). The plants that remained at Lisbon seem to have been destroyed (fide de Candolle). Some of Loureiro’s plants are also at LINN. A mss. Nova genera plantarum is at BM (Dryander 3: 35; BM 3: 1183).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 4: 11; Backer p. 338; Barnhart 2: 405; BM 3: 1183; Bret. p. 116; CSP 4: 91; Dawson p. 556, 944, suppl. 2: 84-85; Dryander 3: 182, 635, 5: 93, 95, 3385 Frank 3(Anh.): 61; GR p. 766-767, cat. p. 67; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Lour.”); IF p. 715; 1H 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 463; Jackson p. 383; Kew 3: 506; Laségue p. 574; LS 15920; MW p. 285; PR 5637 (ed. 1: 6302); Rehder 5: 524; RS p. 116; SBC p. 126 (“Lour.”’); SO add. 737a; ST p. 72; TL- 1/786; TL-2/1: 350; Tucker 1: 443; Zander ed. 10, p. 687 (1710-1796!), ed. 11, p. 783. Amaral Franco, Anuar. Soc. Broter. 34: 11-17. 1968.



Anon., Flora 43: 207-208. 1860 (loss herb.); Goett. gel. Anz. 1792: 1249, 1502, 1757. 1792 (rev. Fl. cochinch.); Grande Enciclop. Portug. Brasil. 15: 492-493. s.d.; Med.-Chir. Zeit., Salzburg 1793(2): 115-121 (rev. Fl. cochinch.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 429-430. 1880 (herb.).

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 203. 1969.

Exell, A. W. & G. A. Hayes, Kirkia 6: 96. 1967 (mentioned as collector in the Flora zambesiaca region (Mozambique 1781-1782) with coll. at LISU and P).

Gagnepain, F., in Lecomte, H., Fl. gén. Indochine, tome prél. 44. 1944.

Gomes, B. A., Memorias Acad. r. Sci. Lisboa, 2a Cl. ser.2. 4(1): 1-31. 1872.

Gomes e Sousa, A. de F., Explor. Natural. fl. Mogambique, Document. trim. nos. 57, 58. 1949.

J., Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 120-121. 1824.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.): 18. 1922 (mat. at LINN).

Jussieu, A. L., Ann. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 11: 74-76, 231-236, 327-328. 1808 (on some of L’s genera).

Keefe, Biologist 48: 53. 1966.

Lacroix, A., Figures des savants 4: 146. 1938.

Merrill, E. D., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 72: 229-239. 1933; Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. ser. 2. 24: 1-445. 1935 (bibl., also extensive commentary on Fl. cochinch.); Loureiro e a sua obra botanica tradugao de Paulo-Emilio Cavique Santos. Lisboa 1935, 15 p. (reprinted from Agros, ser. 2. no. 4; translated from Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 72: 229-239. 1933); Chron. bot. 14: 210, 343. 1954.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 70. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Moore, S., J. Bot. 63: 245-256, 281-291. 1925 (identif. L. specimens at BM).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 27 (autogr. mss.), 41 (new genera, Banksian mss. 93B), 165 (plants through Riddel and Banks).1904.

Poiret, J. L. N., Encycl. méth., Bot. 8: 736-737. 1808.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (mosses at BM-Banks?).

Schott, H. W., Bonplandia 5: 122-129. 1857 (on Lasia Lour.).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 233. 1971.

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 2: 104. 1927.

MAIN COMMENTARY: Merrill, E. D., Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. ser. 2. 24(2): 1-445. Jun 1935: A commentary on Loureiro’s “Flora Cochinchinensis” (see TL-2/Merrill and e.g. L. Diels, Bot. Jahrb. 68(Lit.): 24-25. 1936).

NOTE: Amaral Franco (1968) showed conclusively that Loureiro was baptized on 8 Sep 1717 and hence born in that same year, and that he died in Lisbon on 18 Oct 1791.

EPONYMY: Loureira Raeuschel (1797); Louwreira Meisner (1837).

  1. Flora cochinchinensis: sistens plantas in regno Cochinchina nascentes. Quibus acce-

dunt aliae observatae in Sinensi Imperio, Africa orientali, Indiaeque locis variis. Omnes

dispositae secundum systema sexuale linnaeanum. Labore, ac studio Joannis de Loureiro

... Ulyssipone [Lisboa] (Typis, et expensis academicis) 1790, 2vols. Qu. (H. cochinch.).

Ed. 1: Sep 1790 (fide Loureiro in letter to Banks dated 22 Apr 1791; BM-Bloomsbury, Add. Mss. 8097-412 ““H’a mezes q’elle [Acad. Lisb.] publicou a minha Flora Cochinchinense contra a minha vontade expressa’’).

r: [1*], [i]-xx, [1]-353. 2: [1, 355], 357-744, [745, err.]. Copies: MO, NY, U, USDA; IDC 6525.

Ed. 2: 1793. Copies: FI, MO, NY, US, USDA; IDC 566 —“... denuo in Germania edita cum notis Caroli Ludovici Willdenow ... Berolini” (Impensis Haude et Spener) 1793. 2 vols. Oct.

Edited by Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765-1812). r: [i]-xxiv, [1]-432. 2: [i], 433-882, [1-2, err.].

Lousley, Job Edward (1907-1976), British botanist; employee of Barclays Bank. (Lous- ley).


LOVEN HERBARIUM and TyPEs: RNG; for duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 405; BL 2: 684; Clokie p. 203; Desmond p. 395;

IH 2: 462.

Anon., Taxon 21: 523. 1972 (on his Flora of the Isles of Scilly; 25: 224. 1976; D. McClintock, The Times 9 Jan 1976 (obit., b. 18 Sep 1907, d. 6 Jan 1976); B.S. B. I. News 24: 13. 1980.

Briggs, M., Bot. Soc. Brit. Isl. News 12: 3. 1976.

Dony, J. G., Watsonia 11: 282-286. 1977 (obit., portr.).

Gillison, M., B. S. B. I. News 16: 12. 1977.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970 (pl.E).

Hillaby, J., New Scientist 69: 246. 29 Jan 1976 (obit.).

Jury, S. L. , Taxon 25: 580. 1976 (herb. to RNG), Watsonia 11: 312. 1977 (id.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 66. 1957 (coll.); Hist. fl. Middlesex 27. 1975; Watsonia: 315-325. 1977 (bibl.).

Lousley, J., Berks. archaeol. J. 63: 57-65. 1967/68 (on his ancestor Job Lousley (1790-1855).

McClintock, D., Watsonia 11: 287-290. 1977 (L. and plants alient to the Brit. Isl.).

Smith, J. E., London Natural. 55: 63-64. 1976.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 21: 523. 1972 (rev. Flora of the Isles of Scilly, publ. 27 Apr. 1972).

Young, E. J., Wild Fl. Mag. 376: 28. 1976.

MEMORIAL PUBLICATION: Watsonia 11(4). 1977.

Lovén, Fredrik August (1847-1929), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Lund 1874; with the Skogsinstitut (wood and forestry) 1875-1802, at Uddeholmsverken 1884-1908. (Lovén).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 406; Jackson p. 166; KR p. 468; Rehder 4: 458, 481. Bn., F. A., Svensk Uppslagsbok 18: 667. 1951.

  1. Om parasitsvamparna och deras inflytande pa skogskulturen. Akademisk afhandling,

som for erhallande af filosofisk doktorsgrad vid Universitetet 1 Lund med vederborligt

tillstand till offentlig granskning framstalles ... a botaniska auditoriet torsdagen den 28 maj

  1. kl. g.f.m. Lund (Fr. Berlings Boktryckeri och stilgjuteri) 1874. Oct. (Parasttsvamparna).

Publ.: 28 Mai 1874, p. [i], [1]-57, pl. 1-3 (uncol.). Copy: FH.

Trade issue: 1874, p. [i], [1]-57, pl. 1-3 (id.). Copy: FH — “Om parasitsvamparna och deras inflytande pa skogskulturen.”’ Lund (id.) 1874. — Both issues preprinted (fide KR) from Skogsvaktaren 4: 102-107, 3 pl. 1894, 5: 79-94, 129-160, 193-209. 1895.

Lowe, Charles William (1885-1969), British-born botanist; M. Sc. Birmingham 1915; settled in Canada; lecturer at the University of Manitoba until 1931, professor until 1950, from then on in Victoria, Canada (C. Lowe).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: WIN; duplicates at DAO, NY; Victorian material at V.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 406; BL 1: 130, 306; BM 7: 751; 1H 2: 464; NAF ser. 2. 6: 69; Pennell p. 612.

Anon., Amer. men. sci. ed. 4. 600. 1927, ed. 5. 691. 1933, ed. 6. 874. 1938. (b. 2 Jan 1885). Boivin, B., in lit. 12 Sep 1979.

Carl, G. Clifford, The Victoria Naturalist, Canada 26(1): 4. 1969 (obit., b. 2 Jan 1885). Love, A., in lit. 15 Nov 1979.

NOTE: C. W. Lowe, List of the flowering plants, ferns, club mosses, mosses and liverworts of Manitoba,

published by the Natural History Society of Manitoba, November, 1943 (copy: B. Boivin)

was provided with two supplements:

(1) Additions and corrections to the check-list of Manitoba plants, [1943], s.l.n.d., mimeographed, 3p. Copy: A. Love.

(2) Doris Love, An incomplete list of additions to Lowe's List of Manitoba plants, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Dec 1953 mimeographed, 6 p. Copy: A. Love.



Lowe, Edward Joseph (1825-1900), British botanist and meteorologist of independent means at Shirenewton Hall, near Chepstow; “passionately devoted to raising varieties of ferns from spores”’, prolific author during the Victorian fern craze. (i. J. Lowe).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. Some material at E.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 406; BB p. 193-194; BM 3: 1184-1185; CSP 4: 95-96, 8: 266, 10: 64.0, 12: 460, 16: 886-887; Desmond p. 396; IF p. 715, suppl. 4: 329; 1H 2: 464; Jackson p. 575; Kew 3: 510; LS 15923; MW p 285-286; NI 1243-1248; Plesch p. 318-

319; PH 567; PR 5640- neh: Rehder 5: 524; Sotheby no. 483; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11,

D. Joa

nee D. E., The Victorian fern craze 81 [index]. 1969.

Anon., Bot. Not. rgor: 114. (b. 11 Nov 1825); Gard. Chron. 1871: 803. (portr.); 61: 498-499. 1900 (obit., d. 10 Mar 1900); Nat. Nov. 22: 224. 1900 (d.); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 112: 74-75: 1900.

Braunstorff, O. v., Some account of the family of Lowe. Dresden. 1896 (n.v.)

Britten, J., J. Bot. 38: 152. 1900.

Desmond, R., Festschrift Claus Nissen 93, 118-122. 1973 (on the printer and engraver of several of Lowe’s books: Benjamin Fawcett, 1808-1893).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970 (coll. E).

Kneucker, A., Allg. Bot. Z. 6: 124. 1900 (d.).

Lawrence, G. H. M., Huntia 1: 164. 1964 (letters at HU).

Lovis, J. D., Brit. Fern Gaz. 9(8): 301-308. 1967 (on L’s work as a fern hybridiser).

Lowe, E. J., Fern growing/fifty years experience in crossing and cultivation/with a list of the most important varieties and a history of the discovery of multiple parentage. 1895 (on L’s own work as a fern hybridizer; autobiogr., portr.).

M.T.M. & W.N.S., Proc. Roy. Soc. London 75: 101-103. 1905.

Phillips, C. R. (née Lowe), Brit. Pterid. Soc. Bull. 1(6): 258-261. 1978 (b. 11 Nov 1825; portr.).

Phillips, E. J., Brit. Pteridol. Soc. Bull. 1(6): 258-261. 1978 (portr.).

  1. ferns: British and exotic ... London (Groombridge and Sons) 1856-1860. Qu. (Ferns). 1: 1855-1856 (p. x: 15 Mai 1855, p. [1*], [i]-x, [1]-160, [1, err.], pl. 7-50. 2: 1858, p. [i-v], [1]-162, err. slip, pl. 1-66.

: 1857, p. [i-vui], [1]-142, err. slip, pl. 1-50, (other NY copy has p. [1, 11], [1]-134, pl. 1-5). : 1859 (Lit. Gaz. 8 Jan 1859), p. [i-v], [1]-174, err. slip, pl. 1-64. : 1858, p. [i-v], [1]-168, pl. 1-56.


: 1857, P 2 (fe v]; [1]-136, [1-2], pl. I-50. : 1859, p. [1, m1], [1]-183, pl. 7-66. : 1860, p. [1, 11], [1 ]-260, [1-2 err.], pl. 1-77.

Copies: MO, NY (in part later issues), US; IDC 7214 (re-issue).

Plates: ae drawn by Alexander Francis Lydon (1836-1917), printed by B. Fawcett.

Note: publ. in 120 parts, BM copy stamped 1 Jun 1855-22 Oct 1860. See Desmond (1973).

Re-issues: Groombridge & Sons (except for minor details same collation as above) (see also Desmond 1973):

1: 1861 (NY), 1864 5: 1864

2: 1862 (NY), 1864 6: 1862 (NY), 1864

3: 1863, 1864 7: 1864

4: 1863 | (NY), 1864 8: 1864

Re-issue: George Bell and Sons, London, vols. 1-8. 1872 (except for minor details collation as

above). Copies: NY, U, USDA.

  1. A natural history of british grasses ... with coloured illustrations. London (Groombridge

and Sons, ...) 1857-1858. Qu. (Nat. hist. brit. grass.)

Publ.: Apr 1857-1858 (in 19 parts of which the contents are not known to us; BM copy stamped 2 Apr 1875-13 Sep 1858, Desmond 1973), p. [i-vi], [1]-245, pl. 1-74 (col.; by A. F. Lydon, printed by B. Fawcet). Copies: MO, NY.

Reissue: 1862, front., p. [i]-vi], [1]-245, pl. 1-74 (col.). Copy: US.

Reissue: 1868, p. [i]-vi, [1]-245, pl. 1-74 (col.). Copy: USDA.


LOWE, E. J. Other reissues: 1865, 1871 (at HH), 1864, 1891 (Desmond).

  1. Beautiful leaved plants; being a desciption of the most beautiful leaved plants in

cultivation in this country; to which: is added an extended catalogue ... London (Groom-

bridge and Sons, ...) 1861. Qu. (Beaut. leaved pl.).

Co-author: W. en

Publ.: [1859]-1861 (in 20 parts; BM copy stamped 2 Mar 1859-16 Mai 1861, Desmond 1973), p- [-vi], [1]-1i, [1]-144, pl. 1-60 (col.; drawn by A. F. Lydon). Copies: MO, NY. US.

Re-issues: [1861-]1864, mentioned by PR 5642 and Desmond (1973); other re-issues 1865, 1868, 1872 (copies: G, MO), 1891 see Desmond.

French transl.: by J. Rothschild, Paris 1865, Les plantes a feuillage coloré, 2 vols., Copy: FI, ed. 2. With introduction by C. Naudin, 1867-1869, 2 vols. See under Rothschild.

  1. A natural history of new and rare ferns: containing species and varieties, none of which are

in any of the eight volumes of ‘‘Ferns, british and exotic”, amongst which are the new

Hymenophyllums and Trichomanes ... London (Groombridge and Sons, ...) 1862. Qu.

(Nat. hist. ferns).

Ed. [1]: 1860-1862 (p. viii: 27 Mai 1862; in 18 parts, BM copy stamped 8 Aug 1860-4 Aug 1862, see Desmond, 1973), p. [i]-vili, [1]-192, err. slip, pl. 1-72 (cal.; drawn by A. F. Lydon) Copies: NY, U, US; IDC 7215.

Re-issue: 1864, p. [i]-vili, [1 ]-192, pl. 1-72 (col.). Copy: NY.

Re-issue: 1865, p. [i]-viil, [1 ]-192, pl. 1-72 (col.). Copies: MO, NY.

Re-issue: 1868, p. ea [1]-199, pl. 1-72 (col.). Copies: NY; IDC 7215.

Re-issue: 1871, p. [i]-vitl, [1]-192, pl. rg 2 (col.). Copies: NY, USDA.

  1. Our native ferns; or a history of the british species and their varieties ... London (Groombridge & Sons, ...) 1867-1869. Qu. (Nal. ferns.)

1: [1865-]1867, p. [i]-vii, [1]-348, pl. 7*, 1-33, 33%, 33**, 34 (col.).

2: 1869, p. [1i]-vii, [1 ]-492, pl. 35-76 (col.).

Copies: NY, USDA; IDC 7216. — NI mentions re-issues of 1874-1876 and 1880, Desmond 1883, 1884. —See Desmond (1973) for further details: we apparently failed to locate a copy with 1865 (vol. 1) and 1867 (vol. 2) imprints. A copy of the 1874-1880 re-issue is at FI.

Lowe, Ephraim Noble (1864-1933), American geologist and botanist; director of the State Geological Survey of Mississippi (£. WV. Lowe).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: MISS; further material UN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 406 (b. 5 Mai 1864, d. 12 Sep 1933); BL 1: 193, 306; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 464; Pennell p. 612.

  1. Mississippi State Geological Survey E. N. Lowe, director. Bulletin no. 17. Plants of

Mississippi a list of flowering plants and ferns ... by E. N. Lowe February, 1921. Oct. (Pl.


Publ.: Feb 1921, p. [1]-292, [1, err.], [1, geogr. ind.], loose err. slip. Copies: PH, US.

Preliminary publ.: Nov 1913, p. [1]-32. Copy: PH. — A brief notice of the floral regions of Mississippi, ESS from Bulletin no. 11, Mississippi Geological Survey.

Lowe, Josiah Lincoln (1905-x), American lichenologist and mycologist at Syracuse; Ph. D. Mich. Univ. 1938; assistant botanist Syracuse 1933-1938; Instructor ib. 1938-1944; assistant professor ib. 1944-1947; associate professor 1947-1951; professor of forest botany 1952-1959; research prof. 1959. (7. Lowe).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at BPI, C, CFMR, CUP, H, MICH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 406; Bossert p. 244; GR p. 229; IH 2: 464; Kew -3: 511; SBC p. 126; Stevenson p. 1240.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U. S. 95. 1969.

Stevenson, J..A. & J. G. Palmer, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 28(1): i-iv. 1976 (portr.).


LOWE, J. L. EPONYMY: Loweporus J. E. Wright (1976).

  1. The Polyporaceae of New York State (pileate species) ... Syracuse, New York (New York State College of Forestry) 1934. (Polypor. N. Y.). Publ.: Aug. 1934, p- [1 ]-142. Copy: Stevenson. — Bull. N. Y. State Coll. For. Syracuse 6(1b).

Lowe, Richard Thomas (1802-1874), British clergyman and botanist; chaplain in Madeira 1832-1854; rector of Lea, Lincolnshire, ca. 1854; botanised in Orkney Isl., Canary Isl., Gape Verde Isl., Madeira, Marocco. (R. Lowe).

HERBARIUM and TyPES: BM, CGE and K the latter having the “uniques” (Trimen); for duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 406; BB p. 194; BFM 1527; BL 1: 46, go, 91,

306; BM 3: 1185; CSP 4: 98-99, 8: 266, 16: 887; DNB 34: 196-197; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lowe’”’);

IF p. 715; 1H 2: 464; Jackson p. 353; Kew 3: 511; Laségue p. 574; PR 5645-5648 (ed. 1:

6306-6307); Rehder 5: 525; Tucker 1: 444.

Anon., Bonplandia 7: 201-202. 1859; 10: 56. 1862 (on Man. fl. Madeira); 10: 351. 1862 (on trip to Mogador).

Barbosa, L. A. G., C. R. AETFAT 4: 79, 92, 94. 1961 (coll.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880 (herb. BM, K).

Cosson, E., Comp. fl. atlant. 1: 65. 1881.

Cosson & Durieu, Exp. Sci. Alg. bot. 2: xxxvi. 1868.

Hansen, A., Bocagiana 36: 33-34, 36. 1974 (to the memory of L.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 104. 1970 (ferns).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew. rgor: 42 (coll. K).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 66. 1957.

Lindley, J., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. t. 7267. 1 Aug 1829 (Lowea).

Lowe, R. T., J. Bot. 4: 157-158. 1866 (corr.).

Menezes, C. A. de, Fl. Archipelago da Madeira 226-227. 1914.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 164. 1904.

Steinberg, C. H., Monogr. Biol. Canar. 4: 34, 35, ill. 1973.

Sunding, P., Bol. Mus. municip. Funchal 31: 105. 1977 (bibl.).

Trimen, H., J. Bot. 12: 192, 287-288. 1874; 13: 192. 1875.

EPONYMY: Lowea J. Lindley (1829). Note: Lowi B. Scortechini (1886) is dedicated to Hugh Low (1824-1905), English colonial officer who collected plants in the Malaysian area.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 31: 349-350. 1976; Monogr. biol. Canar. 4: 35, fig. 34. 1977.

  1. Primitiae faunae et florae Maderae et Portus Sancti; sive species quaedam novae vel

hactenus minus rite cognitae animalium et plantarum in his insulis degentium breviter

descriptae ... Cambridge (printed by John Smith, ...) 1831. Qu. (Prim. faun. fl. Mader.).

Publ.: 1831, p. [i], [1]-70, pl. 1-4 (plants, uncol. liths. by M. J. Berkeley), 5-6 (snails, col. liths. by G. B. Sowerby Jr.). Copies: FI, G, NY. — Reprinted from Trans. Cambr. philos. Soc. 4(1): [1]-70, pl. 1-6 (id.). 1833.

Ed. 2: 1851 (p. ili: 10 Aug 1850), p. [i]-xvi, [1 ]-66, 523-551, [i]-xxvii, pl. 5-6. Copies: G, MO, NY.— *“T'wo memoirs on the ferns flowering plants, and land shells of Madeira and Porto Santo. Reprinted (by permission) from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. With an appendix.” [4(1) & 6(3)]. London (John van Voorst, ...) 1851. Duod.

  1. Noviliae florae maderensis: or, notes and gleanings of Maderan botany, ... Cambridge

(printed at the Pitt Press, by John William Parker, ...) 1838. Qu. -

Publ.: 1838, p. [1]-29. Copy: FI.— Reprinted and to be cited from Trans. Cambridge philos. Soc. 6(3): [523-551]. 1838 (p. 551 dated Mai 1838).

  1. A manual flora of Madeira and the adjacent islands of Porto Santo and the Desertas...

London (John van Voorst, ...) 1857-1872. Duod. + (Man. fl. Madeira).

Publ.: 1: [i*-111*], [i]-xui, [1 ]-628; 2(1): [1]-113. Copies: B, BR, FI, L, M, NY, U, USDA. — Hansen (1974) states that the remaining, unpublished, part of the manuscript is extant.



vol. part pages dates I I [1]-106 1857 (BSbF post 16 Mar 1858; p. xil: 27 Jul 1857) 2 [107]-262 1862 (Jan-Feb: Bonplandia 1 Mar 1862) 3 [263 ]-378 1864 (J. Bot. Mar 1864) 4 [379]-522 1868 5 523-618 1868 2 I [1]-113 1872 (J. Bot. Apr. 1872)

  1. Florae salvagicae tentamen; or a list of plants collected in the Salvages or Salvage Islands by Sr. Constantino Cabral de Noronha and communicated by the Bardo do Castello de Paiva ... London (John van Voorst) 1869. Duod. (FI. salvag. tent.).

Publ.: 1869 (Bot. Zeit. 14 Mai 1869; Flora 20 Jul 1869), p. [1]-24. Copies: G, NY.

Lubbers, Louis (1832-1905), Belgian horticulturist; chef des cultures de Jardin botanique de l’Etat, Bruxelles 1870-1903; longtime secretary of the Société de Flore. (Lubbers).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at BR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Backer p. 339 (as C. Lubbers); Barnhart 3: 407 (b. 3 Dec

1932, d. 4 Jan 1905); 1H 2: 465; Jackson p. 4345 Morren ed. 2, p. 15, ed. 10, p. 43; Rehder 1:

64, 5: 525; Tucker 1: 444.

Anon., Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 42(2): 171-172. 1904 (b. 3 Dec 1832, d. 4 Jan 1905), Revue hort. 77: 62. 1905 (obit.).

  1. Palais de San Donato. Catalogue de plantes rares garnissant les serres rédigé par M.

Lubbers .. dont la vente aux enchéres publiques aura lieu ... [Paris 1880]. Qu. (Cat. pl.


Publ.: Jan-Mar 1880 (p. 3: Nov 1879; sale to start 23 Apr 1880), p. [i-iii], [1]-31. Copves: BR, ig

Lucae, August Friedrich Theodor (1800-1848), German pharmacist and botanist. (Lucae).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: KIEL (40.000; destroyed), dupl. at BR, MW, P, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrioGrapHy: Backer p. 339; Barnhart 3: 407 (b. 25 Mar 1800, d. 9 Apr

1848); IH 2: 465; PR (alph.) (b. 25 Mar 1800, d. 9 Apr 1848).

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 8: 568. 1850 (herb. for sale), 9: 311-312. 1851 (id.), 26: 431. 1868 (herbarium presented to Kiel University by the King of Prussia); Flora 31: 432. 1848 (d. 20 Apr 1848); 51: 432. 1868 (herb. to Kiel); Osterr. bot. W. 1: 180. 1851 (herb. for sale); Osterr. bot. Z. 18: 271. 1868 (herb. presented to KIEL).

Ascherson, P., Fl. Provinz Brandenburg 1: 8. 1864.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880 (herb., often cited by C. S. Kunth, at KIEL).

Dilg, P. & W. Ilg, Deut. Apoth. Zeit. 118: 251. 1978 (member Regensb. bot. Ges.).

Hein, W. H., Veroff. Int. Ges. Pharmacie ser.2. 40: 86-87. 1973.

Lindemann, E., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61: 43. 1886 (pl. MW).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 70. 1946 (1948), (epon.).

Schellenberg, G., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 38(2): 390. 1921 (herb. KIEL).

Stafleu, F. A., Miquel-Schlechtendal corr. (Regn. Veg. 71) 339. 1970 (a complete set of Zollinger’s plants in herb. Lucae).

HANDWRITING: Veroff. Int. Ges. Pharmacie ser. 2. 40: 87. 1973. EPoNyMy: Lucaea Kunth (1831).

Lucand, Jean Louis (1821-1896), French soldier and botanist; army officer in the 29th infantry regiment 1842-1873; from 1874 retired at Autun. (Lucand).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: AUT (including 1206 original drawings).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 408; BM 3: 1187, 7: 753; CSP 12: 461, 16: 891;

IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 465; Kelly p. 133; Kew 3: 513; LS 15938-15947, 36248; Morren ed. ro,

p. 59; NAF 9(6): 442; NI 1250; Stevenson p. 1249; TL-2/1: 2022.

Anon., Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 21: 58. 1896 (d.); Nat. Nov. 19: 217. 1897 (d.).

Gillot, F. X., Bull. Soc. hist. nat. Autun 10(2): 12-13, 193-234. 1897 (portr., bibl.); Bull. Soc. mycol. France 13: 190-194. 1897.

Junk, W., Rara 2: 177. 1926-1936.

  1. ligures peintes de champignons. Suites a Viconographie du Bulliard. Par L. Lucand. 1% fascicule, s.l.n.d. [1881-1895], 17 fasc. + (Fug. champ.).

Fasc. plates Nat.Nov. dates fasc. plates Nat.Nov. dates I 1-25 Apr(2) 1881 10 226-250 Nov(t1) 1888 2 26-50 Mar(1) 1882 II 251-275 Mai(tr) 1889 3 51-75 Dec(2) 1882 12 276-300 Apr(2) 1890 4 76-100 = Sep(1) 1883 Te 301-325 Nov(1) 1890 5 101-125. Jun(2) 1884 14 326-350 Feb(r) 1892 6 126-150 Apr(2) 1885 15 351-375 Mai(2) 1893 7 151-175 Mar(1) 1886 16 376-400 =©Orct (1) 1894 8 176-200 ~Feb(2) 1887 17 401-425 Jan(1) 1896 1895 9 201-225 Jan(2) 1888 1887

Copies: BR; IDC 5101. — Total number of copies issued: 30. — Fasc. 2-15 each accompanied by an “Analyse.” For 2-7, by C. Roumegueére, these are reprinted from the Revue mycologique, for 8-15, by M. Feuilleaubois, from Revue de botanique. For a list of the figures 1-350 see Gillot and Lucand, Catalogue raisonné (TL-2/2022); for a detailed study and complete listing of plates and secondary literature see Gillot (1897); see also Grevillea 17: 83-85. 1889. The dates in Grevillea confirm those in Nat. Nov.

Lucas, Arthur Henry Shakespeare (1853-1936), British-born Australian botanist and science master; at Wesley College, Melbourne 1883, at Stanmore, N.S.W. r8q2, at Sydney 1899-1923. (A. Lucas).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: CANB, on loan to NSW;; further material at ADU, AK, MEL, UC. _

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 408: BM 3: 1187; Desmond p. 397; 1H 1(ed. 6):

361, 2: 465; SO 2Q06a.

Anon., Austral. encycl. 5: 382-383. 1965; Hedwigia 76(2): (141). 1936 (d.).

Carter, H. J., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 62: 243-252, pl. 12. 1937 (obit., bibl., portr., b. 7 Mai 1853, d. 10 Jun 1936); Nature 138: 234. 1936.

Koster, J., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

Lucas, A. H.S., Scientist, his own story 1937 (autobiogr.) , (n.v.).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 124. 1937.

Serle, P., Dict. Austral. biogr. 2: 49-51. 1949.

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 3: 57, 58. 1937 (d.; portr.)

Wetmore, C. M., Rev. bryol. 32: 228. 1963 (location lichen coll.).

White, C. T., J. Bot. 74: 296-297. 1936.

Willis, J. H., Vict. Natural. 66, 109. 1949.

Womersley, Austr. J. Mar. freshwater Res. 7(3). 1956.

5053- Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-1914 ... Scientific reports. Series C. — Zoology and Botany. Vol. vii. part 2. The algae of Commonwealth Bay ... Sydney (printed by William Applegate Gullick, ...) 1919. Qu. (Alg. Commonwealth Bay).

Publ.: 1919, p. [1]-18, pl. 1-9 (uncol. liths. by author; no. 5 col.). Copy: NY.

  1. Handbooks of the flora and fauna of South Australia, issued by the British Science Guild (South Australian Branch), ... The Seaweeds of South Australia... Adelaide (... Frank Trigg, ...) 1936. Oct. (Seaweeds S. Australia).

1: Jun 1936 (Nat. Nov. Feb 1937), p. [1]-106.



2: 1947, p. [107]-458, Adelaide (K. M. Stevenson, ...). Copies: FH, US.

Lucé, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig von (x-1862), Estonian (Baltic German) botanist (Lucé).

HERBARIUM and TvpeEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: De Toni 1: Ixxix; Dryander 3: 442, 5: 12, 57, 103, 3385 Herder p. 199, 408; Hortus 3: 1198 (““Lucé”); LS 15953b; PR 5650 (ed. 1:6313); Rehder 5: 526; TR 834-836; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 783.

Lipschitz, S., Fl. URSS fontes 219. 1975.

Sander, R., Eesti Loodus 18(9): 502-505. 1975 (portr., biogr., bibl.).

Zuchold, E., Jahresb. naturw. Ver. Halle 5: 36. 1853.

HANDWRITING: Eesti Loodus 18(9): 503. 1975.

5054a. Topographische Nachrichten von der Insel Oesel, in medicinischer und 6konomischer

Hinsicht, ... Riga (gedruckt bey Wilh. Ferd. Hacker) 1823. Oct. ( Topogr. Nachr. Oesel).

Orig.: 1823 (p. [ii]: impr. 21 Apr 1822), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-462. Copy: B-S. — On p. [iii] half-title: “Prodromus florae osiliensis. Topographische Nachrichten von den auf der Insel Oesel wachsenden Pflanzen, nebst Bemerkung ihres Nutzens in der Medizin, Ockonomie und Technik, ...”

Nachtrag: Reval (typ. Lindfors) 1829, p. 385-462. (included in B-S copy).

Ludlow, Frank (1886-1972), British explorer of Bhutan, Tibet and the inner Himalaya. (Ludlow).

HERBARIUM and types: BM. — For further extensive details see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: IH 1 (ed.6): 361, 2: 466.

Anon., The Times 27 Mar 1972 (obit.).

Fletcher, H.R., A quest of flowers: the plant explorations of Frank Ludlow and George Sheriff... Edinburgh 1975, xxix, 387 p. (portr.); Story R. Hort. Soc. 177, 299, 345-346, 365. 1969.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970 (large set of dupl. at E).

Jacobs, M., Fl. males. Bull. 30: 2740. 1977.

Ludlow, F., Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 5(5): 241-289, pl. 30-36. 1976 (Reliquiae botanicae Himalaiceae; edited by W. T. Stearn).

Stearn, W. T., Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 5: 243-268. 1976 (Ludlow and the exp. to Bhutan & S.-E. Tibet of 1933-1950; short biogr., itin., bibl.; b. ro Aug 1885, d. 27 Mar 1872; major source of information).

Stewart, R. R., Pakistan J. For. 17: 351. 1967.

Taylor, J. R. Hort. Soc. 97: 416-417. 1912 (obit.).

Ludwig, Christian Friedrich (1757-1823), physician and botanist; professor of natural history and pathology at the University of Leipzig 1782-1823. (C. F. Ludw.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiocrapuHy: Barnhart 2: 409 (d. 8 Jul 1823); BM 3: 1189; Dryander 5: 338-939; Frank 3(Anh.): 61; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Ludw., C. F.”); Jackson p. 112; Kew 3: 516; PR 2244-4325, 5654-5069 (ed. 1: 6320-6326); Rehder 5: 526; SBC p. 126 (“Ludw.”); SO 650g; TL-2/1: 1453, 2530, 3138.

Murray G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 164. 1904 (crypt. Riesengebirge ca. 1795 acq. 1877). Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1513. 1863 (d. 8 Jul 1823).

Z., (Dict. Sci. Méd., Biogr. Méd. 6: 129-130. 1824. (bibl., b. 19 Mai 1751).

  1. Viro clarissimo Joanni Godofredo Flemmingio ... gratulatur viri magnifici Ernesti Gottlob Bose ... collegium disputatorium interprete Christiano Friderico Ludwig ... g B P g



Disseritur de plantarum munimentis. Lipsiae [Leipzig] d. 1 Aug. mdcclxxvi. Ex officina Langenhemia. [1776]. Qu. (Pl. munim.). Publ: 2 Aug 1776 (t.p.; NZeS | 26 Aug 1776), p. [1]-20. Copy: B-S.

  1. LEpistola de sexu muscorum detecto. Leipzig [1777]. Oct. Publ.: 1777 (NZgS 22 Dec 1777) (n.v.), alsoin Ludwig, C. F., Delectus opusculorum 1: 382-

5057- Die neuere wilde Baumzucht in einem alphabetischen und systematischen Verzeichnisse

aufgestellt. Leipzig (in der Johann Gottfried SESS sea Buchhandlung) 1783. Oct.

(Neuere wilde Baumz.).

Publ.: Sep-Nov 1783 (p. [vi]: Sep 1783, NZgS 13 Nov 1783), p. [i-vi], [1]-70. Copies: M, MO, NY, USDA. (author’s name not on t.p.; preface signed).

  1. Delectus opusculorum ad scientium naturalem spectantium. Edidit Christianus Frider. Ludwig D.... Volumen primum. Lipsiae (apud Siegfridum Lebrecht Crusium) 1790. Oct. (Delect. opusc.).

Publ.: 1790, p. [i]-vi, [vii-vii], [1]-560, pl. 7-7. Copies: B-S, FI, G, NY.

Ludwig, Christian Gottlieb (1709-1773), German physician and botanist at Leipzig. (Ludw.).

HERBARIUM and types: DR, Dresden, according to Laségue (p. 335). However, it is doubtful whether these collections are still extant. The collections made on J. E. Heben- streit and Ludwig’s expedition to North Africa (1731-1733, Algeria, Tunisia, Tripolitania) were all destroyed during the great fire of the Dresden Zwinger on 6 May 1849. The other collections of Rivinus, Hebenstreit and Ludwig were probably also destroyed on that occasion. Some material is at LINN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 19: 600; Backer p. 340; Barnhart 2: 409; BM 3: 1189;

Bossert p. 245; DA 1967; Dryander 5: 339; Hortus 3: 1198 (“Ludw.’’); HU 2(1): clxxvi,

clxxvill, no. 569; IF p. 715; IH 2: 467; Kew 3: 516; Laségue p. 335; Moebius p. 162, 164; NI

1252; Plesch p. 319-320; PR 5660-5676, 10727 (ed. 1: 6327-6345); Quenstedt p. 271;

Rehder 5: 526; RS p. 116; SBC p. 513; SO add. 6214, 627, add. 2560a; TL-1: 96, 787-787a,

1089; TL-2/1: 546, 583, 1966, 3763; Tucker 1: 445; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 783. -

Anon., Comm. reb. sci. nat. mat. 20(1): 153-188; Nat. Geneesk. Bibl. Sandifort 10(2): 687. Ws

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880 (herb.).

Dandy, J. E., Regn. veg. 51: 16, passim. 1967 (gen. names listed).

Fries, T. M., Bref och Skrifv. Linné 1(4): 38, 196. 1910.

Grosse, M., Mitt. Ver. Erdkunde Leipzig 1901: 1-87. 1902; Mitt. Landesver. Sachs. Heimatschutz 12: 119-125. 1923.

Hulth, J. M., Bref och Skrifv. Linné 2(1): 68, 69, 138, 139. 1916; 2(2): 25, 26, 27, 71. 1943.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.): 18. 1922 (pl. LINN).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 324, 327, 471. 1864.

Jourdan, A. J. L., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 130-134. 1824 (bibl., b. 30 Apr 1709, d. 7 Mai 1773).

Lutjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 47, 77, 80, 126, 218. 1936.

Meusel, J. G., Lex. teut. Schriftst. 8: 393-399. 1808 (bibl.).

Poiret, J..L. M., Encycl. méth., Bot. 8: 737. 1808.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 40, 51, 242-245, 1971;in G.S. Daniels and F. A. Stafleu, Taxon 21(5/6): 620. 1972 (portr.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 135. 1903.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 31: 351-352. 1976. EPONYMY: Ludwigia Linnaeus (1753); Ludwigiantha (J. Torrey & A. a J. K. Small

(1897). Note: Ludwigiella Petrak (1922) and Ludwigomyces Kirschstein (1939) are dedicated to Alfred Ludwig (1819-x), German botanist, specialist in parasitic fungi.



  1. De vegetatione plantarum marinarum indultu amplissimi philosophorum ordinis disse- rent praeses M. Christianus Gottlieb Ludwig, . .. et respondens Michael Morgenbesser, . . . Lipsiae, d. iii. martii a.o.r. mdccxxxvi. Literis Breitkopfianis. Qu. (Veg. pl. mar.).

Publ.: 3 Mar 1736, p. [i-vi], [1]-32. 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copy: USDA.

  1. Definitiones plantarum in usum auditorum collegit M. Christianus Gottlieb Ludwig, ... Lipsiae [Leipzig] (apud Joh. Frid. Gleditschii, B. filium) 1737. Oct. (Defin. pl.). Publ.: 1737 (p. [viii]: Apr 1737), p. [i-xvi], [1]-144, [1-8, index]. Copies: NY; IDC 6043.

  2. De minuendis plantarum generibus disserit et collegium disputatorium publicum indicit ... Lipsiae [Leipzig] (Litteris Langenhemianis) [1737]. Qu. (Mznuend. pl. gen.). Publ.: 1737 (p. xvi), p. [i]-xvi. Copy: B-S.

  3. Christiani Gottlieb Ludwig ... Aphorismi botanici in usum auditorum conscripti. Lipsiae [Leipzig] (ex officina Langenhemiana) 1738. Oct. (Aphor. bot.). Publ.: 1738, p. [1] -80. Copies: B-S, MICH.

  4. Observationes in methodum plantarum sexualem cel. Linnaei praemittit et collegium disputatorium publicum indicit Christianus Gottlieb Ludwig ... [Lipsiae [Leipzig] (ex officina Langenhemiana) 1739]. Qu. (Obs. meth. pl. sex.).

Orig. ed.: 1739, p. [i]-xvi. Copy: B-S.

Reprint: in J. J. Reichard, Syll. opusc. bot. 31-39. 1782. Copy: B-S.

  1. De minuendis plantarum speciebus disserit et collegium disputatorium publicum indicit ... Lipsiae [Leipzig] (ex officina Langenhemiana) 1740. Qu. (Mznuend. pl. sp.) Publ.: 1740, p. [i]-xvi. Copies: B-S, L, NY.

  2. Institutiones historico-physicae regni vegetabilis in usum auditorum adornatae a D. Chris- tiano Gottlieb Ludwig ... Lipsiae [Leipzig] (apud Joh. Frid. Gleditschium) 1742. Oct. (Inst. regn. veg.).

Ed. 1: 1742 (p. [xiv]: 8 Oct 1742), p. [i-xvi], [1]-224, [1-8, ind.]. Copzes: MO, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1 Mar-5 Mai 1757 (pref. 1 Mar 1757; NZgS rev. 5 Mar 1757), p. [i-xiv], [1]-264, [1- 10, ind.]. Copies: L, NY, U, USDA. — “... Institutiones ... vegetabilis praelectionibus academicis accomodatae. Editio altera aucta et emendata. Lipsiae” [Leipzig] (Apud Joh. Fridericum Gleditsch) 1757. Oct.

Dutch ed.: 1757, p- [1]-309, [310-326, index]. Copy: U. — “Historisch-natuurkundige onder- wisingen over het rijk der groeijende lichamen of planten. Waar in de deelen der planten, haare konst-woordelijke neder-duitsche, benevens de latijnsche benamingen, ... ver- klaart zijn... vertaalt door J. H. Knoop.” Te Leeuwaarden, by R. J. Noordbeek, 1757. Oct. (Onderwzjs. pl.). Translation by Johann Hermann Knoop ( + 1700-1769).

  1. D. Christiani Gottlieb Ludwig ... Definitiones generum plantarum olim in usum audi-

torum collectae nunc auctae et emendatae. Lipsiae [Leipzig] (Apud Johann. Frideric.

Gleditschium) 1747. Oct. (Def. gen. pl. ed. 2).

Publ.: 1747 (p. [xii]: Apr 1747), p- [i], [1]-12, [1]-316, [1-28, ind.]. Copzes: BR, NY(a), USDA; IDC 6044.

  1. D. Christiani Gottlieb Ludwig ... Definitiones generum plantarum olim in usum audi-

torum collectas nunc auctas et emendatas edidit D. Georgius Rudolphus Boehmer ...

Lipsiae [Leipzig] (Ex officina Joh. Frideric. Gleditschi) 1760. Oct. (Def. gen. pl. ed. 3).

Editor and p. p. author: Georg Rudolph Boehmer (1723-1803).

Publ.: 1760 (NZgS 15 Jan 1761, Ned. Letter-Courant 27 Feb 1761, GGA. 7 Aug 1762), p. [i]-xlviti, [1]-516, [1-43, index; 1, err.]. Copres: FI, L, NY, USDA; IDC 6045.

  1. Lctypa vegetabilium usibus medicis praecipue destinatorum et in pharmacopoliis obviorum variisque modis praeparatorum ad naturae similitudinem expressa accedit eorundem culturae proprietatum viriumque brevis descriptio moderante D. Christiano Gottlieb Ludwig ordinis medici in academia Lipsiensi decano. Halae Magdeburgicae [Halle im Magdeburgischen] (Impressit Joannes Godofredus Trampius prostat Lipsiae in officina Breitkopfiana) 1760 [-1764]. Fol.}. (Ectypa veg.).



Publ.: 1760-1764 (see below), p. [i-iv], [1 ]-96, pl.z-cc. Copies: HU, MO, USDA (199 pl.). — Complete copies have 200 nature-printed colored plates which were scheduled to appear half-yearly with parts of 25 plates. P/. 1-25, 1760 Jan —Jun, 26-50 Jul-Nov 1760 (NZgS 13 Nov 1760), 51-75 Jan-Jun 1761 (NZgS 14 Jun 1761) 76-100 Jul-Dec 1761, 101-125 Jan- Jun 1762, 126-150 Jul-Dec 1762, 1517-175 Jan-Jun 1763 (NZgS 8 Aug 1763), 176-200 1764 (fide Fischer) For a list of copies see Fischer. ‘The title page has the above text followed by a German version: “‘Nach der Naturverfertigte Abdrtick der Gewachse ...”

Ref.: DU 188; HU 569 (q.v. for many details); NI 1252; Plesch p. 319-320,; PR 10727;

Sotheby 488 (sold at £1300) Fischer, E., Gutenberg Jahrbuch 1933: 199 (no. 8).

  1. Ordinis medicorum in Universitate Lipsiensi h.t. procancellarius D. Christianus Gottlieb Ludwig... panegyrin medicam ad diem iv. septembr. mdcclxxui indicit et de viribus plantarum cultura mutatis disserit [Lipsiae, ex officina Langenhemia, 1772]. Qu. (Vir. pl. cult.). Publ.: 4. Sep 1772, p. [i]-xvi. Copy: MO.

Ludwig, Clinton Albert (1886-1941), American mycologist and phytopathologist; stu- died at Purdue University (M. Sc. 1914); Dr. phil. Univ. Mich. 1917; plant pathologist at the South Carolina Experiment Station, Clemson College until 1928; from then on plant pathologist with USDA, Washington, D. C. (C. A. Ludw.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 409; (b. 20 Oct 1886, d. 7 Jan 1941); CSP 4:

124-125; Hirsch p. 181; IH 2: 466; LS suppl. 16588-16595; NAF 7(15): 1076.

Anon., Science-ser. 2. 93: 78. 1841 (d.).

Cattell, K. M. et al:; Amer. men. sci. ed. 3. 425. 1921, ed. 4. 604. 1927, ed. 5. 694. 1933, ed. 6. 878. 1938 (b. 20 Oct 1886).

Deam, C. C., Fl. Indiana 1117. 1gto.

Edwards, P. D., ed., Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 51: 6-7. 1942 (obit.).

Ludwig, Friedrich (1851-1918), German botanist; from 1875 teacher at the gymnasium of Greiz (F. Ludw.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 409; BM 3: 1189; CSP 10: 654, 12: 462-463, 16:

898-899; DTS 1: 177, 3: xlv; Frank 3 (Anh.): 61; GR p. 108: Jackson p. 106, 164; Kelly p.

134; Kew 3: 516; LS 15959-16053, 36254-36270a, suppl. 16598-16599; Moebius p. 363,

364; Morren ed. 10, p. 27; NAF 7(15): 1076; Rehder 5: 526; Stevenson p. 1249.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 41: 191. 1890 (corr. memb. Naturf. Ges. Danzig); Nat. Nov. 41: 134. 191g (d. 22 Jul 1918).

Meder, A., Korr.-Bl. Naturf. Ver. Rigas, Register 25. 1932.

Ritter, G., Beith. bot. Centralbl. 36(1): 133-134. 1919.

  1. Lehrbuch der niedern Kryptogamen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung derjenigen Arten, die fur den Menschen von Bedeutung sind oder im Haushalte der Natur eine hervorragen- de Rolle Spielen... Stuttgart (Verlag von Ferdinand Enke) 1892. Oct. (Lehrb. med. Krypt.). Publ.: Jul 1892 (p. vi: Ostermesse 1892; Bot. Centralbl. 4 Aug 1892; Bot. Zeit. 5 Aug 1892 “soeben”; ObZ Sep 1892; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1892; Hedwigia Sep-Oct 1892; Flora rd. 7 Dec 1892), p. [i]-xv, [xvi], [1]-672. Copies: B, H, L, M, MO, NY, USDA. Ref.: Fischer, Bot. Zeit. 51(2): 52-53. 16 Feb 1893. Lindau, G., Bot. Centralbl. 53: 104-105. 1893.

Ludwig, Rudolph August Birminhold Sebastian (1812-1880) German palaeontolo- gist, technologist and administrator at Schwarzenfels and Darmstadt. (R. Ludw.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 19: 612-615, 55: 896. 1910; Andrews p. 297; Barnhart



2: 409; BM 3: 1190; CSP 4: 126-127, 8: 278-279, 10: 655, 12: 464-465; GR p. 29; PR 5678-

5679; Quenstedt p. 271; TL-2/1: 1988.

Geinitz, H. B., Dyas, 1861-1862, TL-2/1988 (L. coauthor).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1513. 1863, 3: 840. 1898 (b. 20 Dec [not 24]. 1812, rr Dec 1880; bibl.).

Liben, August Heinrich Philipp (1804-1874), German botanist and high school tea- cher at Weissenfels (1822-1825), Dorf-Alsleben (1825-1829), Aschersleben (1829-1850), Merseburg (1850-1858), and Bremen (1858-1874). (Liiben).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 19: 328; BM 3: 1190; CSP 4: 107; Jackson p. 51, 58, 60; NI 1253; PR 5680-5681 (ed. 1: 6347-6348); Rehder 5: 526.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 32: 351-352. 1874; Flora 57: 176. 1874 (herb. for sale).

Luben, A. H. P., Autobiography in: Volksschule 19 Jahrh. 371-375. 1873 (fide NI). Miller, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traug. Kutzing 57, 260. 1960.

  1. Anweisung zum Unterricht in der Pflanzenkunde. Nach naturgemassen Grundsatzen

fiir gehobene Volksschulen, Burgerschulen, Berufsschulen, Schullehrerseminarien und

Gymnasien ... Halle (Eduard Anton) 1832. Oct. (Pflanzenkunde).

Preface: W. Harnisch.

Publ.: 1832 (p. viii: 1 Oct 1832), p. [i]-xxxiv, [1]-556. Copy: MO. — Alt. t.p.: “Anweisung zum Unterricht in der Naturgeschichte ... Erster Theil Pflanzenkunde ...” Further editions (2-6), 1837-1879 (n.v.).

Lueder, Franz Hermann Heinrich (x-1791), German horticulturist, “superintendent” at Dannenberg (Luneburg). (Lueder).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1190; PR 5682 (ed. 1: 6349-6352); Rehder 5: 526.

EPONYMY: Luederitzia K. M. Schumann (1888) is dedicated to August Luderitz, a German merchant who collected in South Africa, whereas Bisluederttzia Kuntze (1903) and Neoluede- ritzia Schinz (1894) commemorate his brother Adolf, who was active in German colonial politics and who perished in Namibia.

  1. Botanischpraktische Lustgdrtnerey, nach Anleitung der besten neuesten brittischen Gartenschriftsteller, mit nothigen Anmerkungen fiir das Clima in Deutschland, . .. Leipzig (bey M. G. Weidmanns Erben und Reich.) 1783-1786. 4 vols. Qu. (Bot.-prakt. Lustgarin.) 1: 1783, p. [i]-l, [1]-430, [1-2, err.], pl. 1-14.

2: 1784, p. [i]-vi, [vii-viul, err.], [1]-628.

3: 1785, p- [i]-vi, [1]-456, [457-458].

4: 1786 (p. xii: 18 Feb 1786), p. [1]-xiv, [1]-494, [1-50], indexes.

Copy: NY.

Liders, Friedrich Wilhelm Anton (1751-1810), German botanist and physician at Havelberg. (Liiders).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 409; BM 3: 1191; Dryander 3: 162; GR p. 108; PR 5683 (ed. 1: 6353); Rehder 1: 374. Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 298. 1864.

  1. Frid. Wilh. Ant. Luders, ... Nomenclator botanicus stirpium marchiae brandenburgicae secundum systema Gleditschianum a staminum situ digestus. Berolini (Apud Sigismund. Frid. Hesse) 1786. Oct. (Nomencl. bot. brandenb.).

Publ.: 1786 (p. iii: 18 Aug 1784, p. [i*], [i]-1v, [1]-107. Copres: B, G, USDA.



Luedersdorff, Friedrich Wilhelm (1801-?), German industrial and agricultural econo- mist and botanist at Berlin. (Lwedersd.)

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1191; CSP 4: 123; LS 16065-16066; PR 5684 (ed. 1:

6354); Rehder 5: 526; Tucker 1: 445.

Anon., Osterr. bot. W. 4: 174. 1854 (app. “Generalsekretar des Landes-Oeconomiecollegi- ums” Berlin).

Becker, K. & E. Schumacher, S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin ser. 2 13(2): 143. 1973.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1516. 1863 (b. 29 Apr 1801; bibl., ““Landes- Oekonomie-Rath, General-Secretar d. Landes-Oekonomie-Collegiums in Berlin).

  1. Das Auftrocknen der Pflanzen fir’s Herbarium, und die Aufbewahrung der Pilze, nach

emer Methode wodurch jenen ihre Farbe, diesen ausserdem auch ihre Gestalt erhalten

wird .. . Berlin (in der Haude und Spenerschen Buchhandlung (S. J. Joseephy)) 1827. Oct.

(Auftrockn. Pf.)

Publ.: 1827 (Flora 14 Apr 1827; p. xvi: Dec 1826), front., p. [i*], [i]-xvi, [1]-150, [1, err.]. Copies: MO, Stevenson.

Liidi, Werner (1888-1968), Swiss ecologist, phytosociologist and quaternary botanist; Dr. phil. Bern 1923; high school teacher at Bern 1915-1931; lecturer at Bern University 1927- 1933; from 1931-1958 director of the Geobot. Institut Rubel in Ziirich. (Lid).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at BERN; main collections at RUEB (now incor- porated in ZT), (inf. E. Landolt).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 12(3): 426; Barnhart 2: 410; BFM 974, 1171, 1976, 2063, 2064, 2065, 2124, 2179, 2229, 2229a; BJI 2: 108; BL 2: 685 [index]; Bossert p. 244; GR p. 643; Hirsch p. 181; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Liidi’’); IH 2: 466; Kew 3: 517-518; LS suppl. 16614-16618; PFC 2(2): xxvi; Stevenson p. 1249; TL-2/ 1793, 2571; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, edrie yp. 7O9:

Fabiyanowski, J., Chron. Przyr. Ojcz. 25: 44-45. 1969 (obit., n.v.).

Furrer, E., Ber. geobot. Inst. E. T. H. 39: 29. 1969.

Landolt, E., Ber. geobot. Inst. Rubel 38: 11-19. 1968 (portr., additional bibl.). Markgraf, F., Vierteljahrsschr. naturf. Ges. Ztirich 113(4): 418-421. 1968 (portr.). Welten, M. & H. Zoller, Veroff. geobot. Inst. Rubel 33, Bern 1958 (bibl.). (Festschrift). Welten, Max, Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 148 (Wiss.): 193-195. 1968 (portr.).

Zoller, H., Veroff. geobot. Inst. Rubel 33: 287-292. 1958 (bibl.).

FESTSCHRIFT: M. Welten & H. Zoller, Festschrift Werner Ludi, Veroff. geobot. Inst. Rubel Zurich 33, 1958 (portr., bibl.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Contributed to vol. 5(1) of Hegi, lll. Fl. Mitt.-Eur., see TL-2/2571.

5075- Die Pflanzengesellschaften des Lauterbrunnentales und ihre Sukzession Versuch zur Gliede- rung der Vegetation eines Alpentales nach genetisch-dynamischen Gesichtspunkten ... Zurich (Verlag von Rascher & Cie.) 1921. Oct. (Pf. Ges. Lauterbrunnental.).

Publ.: 15 Jul 1921, p. [1]-364. Copy: BR. — Pflanzengeogr. Komm. Schweiz. naturf. Ges. Beitr. geobot. Landesaufn. 9. See also his Der Assoziationsbegriff in der Pflanzensoziologie erlautert am Beispiel der Pflanzengesellschaften des Tanzbodengebietes im Lauterbrun- nental, Bibl. bot. 96, Stuttgart 1928.

Luerssen, Christian (1843-1916), German botanist; Dr. phil. Jena 1866; lecturer at Leipzig 1869-1884; at the forestry school of Eberswalde 1884-1888; professor of botany at Konigsberg 1888-1910. (Luerss.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. Presumably at the former (now destroyed) Konigsberg herbarium (now Kaliningrad). The collections referred to in IH were presumably those by

Amalia Dietrich on which Luerssen published his Zur Flora von Queensland (1874-1875).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrioGRAPHY: AG 1: 41; Backer p. 340; Barnhart 2: 410; BJ 2: 383; BM 3: 1191; CSP 8: 279, 16: 903-904; DTS 1: 178, 6(4): 167-168; Futak-Domin p. 369-370; GR p. 170; Hegi 5(2): 1138; Herder p. 464; IF p. 715-716; IH 2: 467 (incorrect, see SK); Jackson

p. 575; Kew 3: 518; LS 16072-16075; Moebius p. 125; Morren ed. 2, p. 10, ed. 10, p. 22;

MW p. 286; NAF ser. 2. 7: 42; PR 5686, 10599; Rehder 5: 527; SK 8: Ixii; Tucker 1: 445;

Zander ed. 10, p..687, ed. 11, p. 783.

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 34: 1, 157. 1917; Bot. Centralbl. 7: 128. 1881 (so far Privatdo- zent, now curator, Leipzig); 20: 64. 1884 (to Eberswalde), 33: 224. 1888 (to Konigsberg) 111: 256. 1909 (replaced by Mez;ill), 114: 176. 1910 (retires); Bot. Jahrb. 9, Beibl. 22. 1888; Bot. Not. 1916: 282 (d.); Nat Nov. 10: g1. 1888 (succeeds R. Caspary at K6nigsberg); 32: 372. 1910 (retirement because of ill health); 38: 193. 1916 (d. 3 Jul 1916); Magy. bot. Lap. 15: 311. 1916; Osterr. bot. Z. 19: 130. 1869 (assistant LZ), 31: 305. 1881 (curator LZ), 34: 415. 1884 (to Eberswalde), 66: 140. 1916 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 58: 277. 1916 (d. 1 Jul 1916).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schriftum Schlesw.-Holst. 317. 1936.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go1: 42 (pl. Australia, Polynesia coll. by Amalia Dietrich).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 22: 136. 1917 (d. 3 Jul 1916).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 124-125. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. natl. Herb. U. S. 30(1): 195-196. 1947.

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. Fl. Polsk. 103. 1925.

Toepffer, Ber. bay. bot. Ges. 16: 13. 1917 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1)Edited: Bibliotheca botanica 1889-1910. (2) Edited: Mzttherlungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Botanik Band 1-2 (Hft. 1), f, 1871-1875.

eponyMy: Luerssenia Kuhn ex Luerssen (1882); Luerssenia Kuntze (1891); Luerssenidendron Domin (1927).

  1. Filices graeffeanae. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Farnflora der Viti-, Samoa-, Tonga-und

Ellice’s Inseln ... Leipzig 1871. Oct. (Ful. graeff.).

Collector: Eduard O. Graeffe (1833-1916), see IH 2: 234.

Publ.: 1871, p. [i], [57]-312, pl. 11-19. Copy: USDA. — Reprinted with new t.p. from Mitt. gesammtgeb. Bot. 1: 57-312. pl. 11-19. 1871.

  1. Die Pflanzengruppe der Farne ... Berlin (C. B. Liideritz’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Carl Habel). 1874. Oct. (Pfl.-Gr. Farne).

Publ.: 1874, p. [1]-28. Copy: FH. — Samm. gemeinverst. wiss. Vortrage (ed. R. Virchow & F. v. Holtzendorff) 9(197): 177-202. 1874.

  1. Zur Flora von Queensland. Verzeichniss der von Frau Amalie Dietrich in den Jahren

1863 bis 1873 an der Nordostkiiste von Neuholland gesammelten Pflanzen, nebst allgemei-

nen Notizen dazu [Hamburg (L. Friederichsen & Co., ...)] 1874-1875, 2 parts. Qu. (F7.


Collector: Amalie Dietrich, née Nelle (1821-1891).

1: Aug-Sep 1874 (Hedwigia Nov 1874; Bot. Zeit. 6 Nov 1874), p- [1]-22. J. Mus. Godeffroy, Heft 6, 1874.

2: Jul-Aug 1875 (Hedwigia Sep 1875; Bot. Zeit. 3 Sep 1875), p- [101 ]-122 and (alternative pagination) 233-254, pl. 12-18 (uncol. liths. by author). Ib., Heft 8, 1875.

Copies: BR, L, US.

  1. Grundziige der Botanik. Repetitorium fur Studirende der Naturwissenschaften und Medicin und Lehrbuch fiir polytechnische, land- und forstwirthschaftliche Lehranstalten ... Leipzig (Verlag von H. Haessel) 1877. Oct. (Grundz. Bot.). Ed. 1: Jan 1877 (p. [iii]: Dec 1876; Bot. Zeit. 19 Jan 1877; Flora 11 Feb 1877; J. Bot. Apr 1877), p. [i]-xi, [xii, err.], [1]-405. Copies: BR, M, NY, UC.

Ed. 2: Feb-Mar 1879 (Bot. Zeit. 21 Feb 1879; Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1879), p. [i-iv], [1]-483. Copy: M.

Ed. 3: Mar 1881 (p. iv: Feb 1881; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1881; Bot. Centralbl. 4-8 Apr 1881; Bot. Zeit. 27 Mai 188r), p. [i]-xi, [xii], [1]-490. Copies: B, NY.



Ed. 4: Dec 1884 (p. iv: Nov 1884; Bot. Centralbl. 29 Dec 1884- 2 Jan 1885; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1884; Bot. Zeit. 30 Jan 1885), p. [i]-viil, [1]-578. Copy: B.

Ed. 5: Jun 1893 (p. [v]: Jun 1893; ObZ Jun 1893; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jul 1893; Nat. Nov. Jul (1) 1893), p- [i]-xui, [1]-586. Copy: USDA.

  1. Handbuch der systematischen Botamk mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der Arzneipflan- zen... Leipzig (Verlag von H. Haessel) 1879-1882, 2 vols. Oct. (Handb. syst. Bot.). Publ.: In two volumes; alternative t.p. ‘‘Medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botank zugleich als Handbuch der systematischen Botanik fiir Botaniker, Arzte und Apotheker .. .’ Copies: B, FI, L, M, NY, Stevenson, USDA. 1: 1877-1879 (p. vii: Dec 1878), p. [ii]-xii, [1 ]-657. 2: 1879-1882 (p. vi: Nov 1882), p. [11]-vi, [1]-1229, vil-x, [xi-xu1].

part pages dates part pages dates

alee 1-80 Dec 1877 II 161-240 Nov 1879 2 81-160 Jan 1878 7 241-320 Dec 1879 3 161-240 Apr 1878 13/14 321-480 Jan 1880 4 241-320 Jun 1878 15/16 481-640 Nov 1880 5 321-400 Oct 1878 7 641-720 Jun 1881 6 401-480 Nov 1879 18 721-800 Aug 1881 7 481-560 Dec 1879 19 801-880 Oct 1881 8 561-657 Jun 1879 20 881-960 Jul 1882

[2],9 1-80 Jul 1879 Ba g61-1040 Sep 1882 10 81-160 Aug 1879 22/23 1041-1229 Nov 1882

  1. Die Pflanzen der Pharmacopoea germanica botanisch erlautert ... Leipzig (Verlag von H.

Haessel) 1883. Oct. (Pfl. Pharmac. germ.).

Publ.: Feb-Oct 1883, in ro parts, p. [i-iv], [1 ]-664. Copies: B, M, NY.— Dates (Nat. Nov. and Bot. Zeit.).

part pages dates part pages dates

I 1-64 Feb 1883 6 321-384 Jun 1883 2 65-128 Mar 1883 7/8 385-512 Aug 1883 B 129-192 Apr 1883 g/10 513-664 Oct 1883 4 193-256 Mai 1883

5 257-320 Jun 1883

  1. Die Karnpflanzen oder Gefassbindelkryptogamen (Pteridophyta) ... Leipzig (Verlag

von Eduard Kummer) [1884-]1889. Oct. (Farnpflanzen).

Publ.: 1884-1889, in 14 parts (see below), p. [1i]-xi1, [1]-go06. Copy: U. — Alternative title: “Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Aryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Zweite Auflage ... Dritter Band: Die Farnpflanzen Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz...”

Lief. pages dates Nat. Nov. Hedwigia(H)/Bot. Cen- tralbl. (BC)

I 1-64 1-g Mar 1884 Mar(1) 1884 10-14 Mar 1884 (B.C.)

2 65-128 Apr 1884 Apr(2) 1884 5-9 Mai 1884 (B.C.)

3 129-192 Sep 1884 Sep(1) 1884

4 193-256 Mai 1885 Mai(r) 1885 Mai-Jun 1885 (H)

5 257-320 Oct 1885 Oct(1) 1885 Jan-Feb 1886 (H)

6 321-384 Jan 1886 Jan(1) 1886 Mai-Jun 1886 (H)

yi 385-448 Jul 1886 Jul(1) 1886 Sep-Oct 1886 (H)

8 449-512 Sep 1886 Sep(1) 1886

9 513-576 Jun 1886 Jun(1) 1887 4-8 Jul 1887 (B.C.)

10 577-640 Aug 1887 Aug(1) 1887

II 641-704 Apr 1888 Apr(3) 1888 Mar-Apr 1888 (H)



Lief. pages dates Nat. Nov. Hedwigia(H)/Bot. Cen- tralbl. (BC) 12 705-768 Jan 1889 Jan-Feb 1889 (H) 13 769-832 Apr 1889 Apr(2) 1889 Mar-Apr 1889 (H) 14 833-906 Jun 1889 Jun(1) 1889 Mai-Jun 1889 (H) [i ]-xil Jun 1889 Jun(1) 1889

Reviews in Bot. Centralbl.: (all by Bachmann) 21: 292-296. 1885 (1-3), 28: 130-135. 1886(4- 7), 32: 38-40. 1887(8), 34: 46-48. 1888(9-10), 39: 20-22. 1889(11-12), 224-226. 1889 (13- I4).

Facsimile ed.: 1971, New York (Johnson Reprint) n.v.

  1. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Flora West- und Ostpreussens ... Stuttgart (Verlag von Edwin

Nagele) 1894. Qu. (Beitr. Fl. West-Ostpreuss.).

Publ.:in 2 Hefte, 1894-1895. Copy: NY .— Bibliotheca botanica vol. 6, Heft 28 (dates Nat. Nov., Bot. Zeit., Bot. Centralbl.):

rT: 1-15 Apr 1894, p. [i-v], [1]-32, pl. 1-9.

2: 1-15 Jan 1895, p. 33-58, pl. 10-23.

Luscher, Hermann (1859-1920), Swiss botanist. (Liischer). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 12(3): 565; BFM ggo; BL 2: 567, 582, 685; BM 3: 1191; CSP 16: 904; Hegi 6(2): 1343.

  1. Verzeichmss der Gefasspflanzen von Kofingen und Umgebung und den angrenzenden

Theilen der Kantone Bern, Luzern, Solothurn und Baselland. [Aarau (Druck und Verlag

von H. R. Sauerlander) 1886]. Oct. (Verz. Gefasspfl. Zofingen).

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1886 (Nat. Nov. Mar(r) 1886; J. Bot. Jun 1886; Bot. Zeit. 30 Apr 1886), p. [34]-135. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Mitt. Aargau. naturf. Ges. 4: 34-135. 1886.

  1. Mora des Kantons Solothurn. Bearbeitet von Hermann Luscher und herausgegeben

unter Mitwirkung der Solothurnischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Solothurn (Druck

von Gassmann, Sohn. Verlag von Petri, Buchhandlung) 1898. Oct. (Fl. Solothurn).

Publ.: Mai 1899 (p. vii: 23 Sep 1898; Bot. Centralbl. 31 Mai 1899; Bot. Zeit. 1 Jul 1899; ded. copy to Burnat Mai 1899), p. [i]-xiii, [1], [1]-238. Copies: W. Greuter, G, Z.

  1. Nachtrag zur Flora des Kantons Solothurn... Grenchen (Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers)

  2. (Nachir. Fl. Solothurn). Publ.: 1904, p. [1]-23. Copy: Z (Inf. C. Cook).

  3. Flora des Kantons Aargau. Mit Beriicksichtigung der Standortsverhaltnisse und der horizontalen Verbreitung. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pflanzengeographie der Schwei- zer Molasse und des Jura... Aarau (Verlag von H. R. Sauerlander & Co.) 1918. Oct. (#1. Aargau).

Publ.: 1918 (p. iv: 23 Sep 1918; Nat. Nov. Sep 1919), p. [i]-xm, [1]-217. Copy: G.

Ref.: Becherer, A., Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges. 106(2): 151-152. 1925 (additions to L’s


Liitjeharms, Wilhelm Jan (1907-x); Dutch mycologist and historian of botany in South Africa. (Liitjeh.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Main collections at BLFU and L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 17, 24, 25, 308, 329; Barnhart 2: 410 (b. 24 Jan 1907); BL 2: 425; IH 2: 470; Kew 3: 518; MW suppl. p. 211; SK 1: 332-333; TL-1/608; TL- 2/3874.

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit, eds., Blumea 25(1): 18, 84. 1979.



COMPOSITE WORKs: Edited vol. 28 of Kops, Fi. bat., 1934, together with Cornelius August de

Wever (1874-1947), see TL-2/3874.

  1. <ur Geschichte der Mykologie |Das xviii. Jahrhundert/Proefschrift ter verkrijging van

den graad van doctor in de wis- en natuurkunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, op

gezag van den rector-magnificus Mr. A. S. de Blécourt, hoogleeraar in de faculteit der

rechtsgeleerdheid, voor de faculteit der wis- en natuurkunde te verdedigen op Vrijdag 10

Januari 1936, des namiddags te 4 uur door Wilhelm Jan Liitjeharms geboren te Alkmaar.

Gouda (N. V. Drukkerij v/h Koch & Knuttel) 1936. Oct. (Gesch. Mykol.).

Publ.: 10 Jan 1936, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-262, pl. 1-2. Copies: FAS, U. — Also published as Mededeelingen van de Nederlandsche Mycologische Vereeniging, deel 23. — The major treatise on the beginning of scientific mycology.

Litkemiller, Johannes (1850-1913), German-born Austrian physician and algologist; Dr. med. Wien 1875; practiced medicine in various functions, ultimately (1882-1904) in the Wiedner hospital (Liitkem.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at LE and W. — L’s library is at WU.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 410; CSP 16: g04; De Toni 4: xxxvii; DTS 6(4):

gt; IH 2: 471; Moebius p. 79, 81; MW p. 286; NAF ser. 2. 6: 69; Nordstedt p. 22, suppl. p.


Anon., Bot. Not. 1913: 246 (d.); Nuova Notarisia 25: 139. 1914. Osterr. bot. Z.,63: 440. 1913 (d. 5 Sep 1913; library to WU).

Degen, A. von, Magy. bot. Lap. 12: 362. 1913.

Heimerl, A., Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 64: 122-139. 1914 (portr., bibl.).

Kneucker, A, Allg. bot. Z. 19: 192. 1913 (d.).

Poetsch, J. S. & C. B. Schiedermayr, Nachtr. syst. Aufz. Krypt. 12. 1894.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 68. pl. 124. 1905 (Regierungsrath 1904; portr.).

Luetzelburg, Philipp von (1880-1948), German botanist and explorer; Dr. phil. Miin- chen 1909; collected extensively in northeastern Brazil 1910-1922, 1935-1937 and, with Rondon (1928-1929) in Amazonia; back in Germany 1922-1924, and 1937-1948. (Luet- zelb.).

HERBARIUM and ryPes: M; important sets of duplicates at R and B (incl. Pilger types; mostly destroyed). Further material at C, F, NY and WRSL. — L’s manuscript history of botanical exploration of Brazil was destroyed during World War II. For publications on L’s plants see Suessenguth (1955).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 410 (b. 16 Jul 1880); BJI 2: 108; BL 1: 242, 306;

Hortus 3: 1199 (“Lutzelb.””); IH 2: 467; Moebius p. 284.

Bergdolt, E., Karl von Goebel ed. 2. 226, 227. 1941.

Herter, W. G. F., Rev. sudamer. Bot. 10(2): 56. 1952 (d.).

Lloyd, F. E., Carniv. pl. 351 [index]. 1942.

Luetzelburg, J. von, Flora 100: 145-212. 8 Jan 1910 (thesis; Beitr. Kennin. Utricul.).

Prance, G., Acta amaz. 1(1): 45. 1971 (itin. Amaz.; colls.).

Suessenguth, K., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68a: 65-69. 1955 (biogr., bibl., b. 16 Jul 1880, d. 1 Jul 1948).

THESIS: Beilrdge zur Kenntniss der Utricularien, Miinchen 1909, 68 p.; preprinted from Flora 100: 145-212. 8 Jan 1910. We saw no copy of the thesis issue.

EPONYMY: Luetzelburgia H. Harms (1922).

  1. Mappas botanicos do Nordéste do Brasil organisados por Philipp von Luetzelburg... Rio

de Janeiro (Ministerio da viagao e obras contra as seccas, Annexo 4 Publicagao n. 57 [see

below Est. bot. Nordéste]) 1925. Portfolio (Mappas bot. Nordéste).

Publ.: Jun 1925 (dated stamped by author on copy G), portfolio with 3 p. text, 6 uncolored and 5 col. maps. Copies: B, G.



  1. Lstudo botanico do Nordeéste . . . Rio de Janeiro (Ministerio da viagao e obras publicas inspectoria federal de obras contra as seccas .. . Publicacdo n. 57 Série I, A.) 1925-1926, 3 vols. (Estud. bot. Nordéste).

1, Mar 1925, p. [1]-108, pl. 1-91 (photos).

2: Apr 1925, p. [1] -126, pl. 1-84 (id.).

3: Aug 1926, p. [i-iv], [1]-283, [1]-xvi, pl. 1-49.

Copies: MICH, MO, US (vols. dated by author). — For atlas see above: Mappas . . .— Maxon received his copy of vol. 2 on 15 Mai 1925; Luetzelburg signed the copy Apr 1925.

Liitzow, G. (fl. 1895), German bryologist. (G. Liitzow). HERBARIUM and tyPEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiocRAPHY: BM 3: 1191; CSP 16: 905; Kew 3: 518.

note Not to be confused with the Prussian botanist Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Lutzow (1846- 1899), see R. Caspary, Lebensbeschr. ost.-westpreuss. Bot. 246-247. 1912, and J. Dorfler, Botaniker-Adressbuch 24, 236. 1896.

  1. Die Laubmoose Nord-Deutschlands. Leichtfassliche Anleitung zum Erkennen und Be- stimmen der in Norddeutschland wachsenden Laubmoose ... Gera-Untermhaus (Fr. Eugen Kohler’s Verlag) 1895. Oct. (Laubm. N.-Deutschl.).

Publ.: Jul-Aug 1895 (p.vili: Jan 1894; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1895; Bot. Zeit. 1 Oct 1895; Bot. Centralbl. 16 Oct 1895; Hedwigia rev. 20 Dec 1895), p. [i]-vill, [1]-220, pl. 1-16 (col.). Copies: B, G, H, MO.

Ref.: Correns, C. F. J. E., Bot. Centralbl. 68: 149-150. 1896 (rev.).

Luisier, Alphonse (1872-1957), Swiss-born priest (entered S. J. in Portugal 1891) and bryologist; from 1932 at the Instituto Nun d’Alvres Caldas da Saude, Portugal. (Luzs.).

HERBARIUM and Types: INA, COI and LISE; further material at B, BM, H, LISI, PO. Exsiccatae: Bryotheca lusitanica, series 1, nos. 1-25, 1910 (B, BM, FH, K, US).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 411; BL 2: 471, 685; IH 2: 467; Roon p. 71; SBC

peuzo0( luis’).

Anon., Rev. bryol. 34: 124. 1907, 40: 30, 90, 93- 1913, 41: 107. 1917; Rev. bryol. lichén. 9: 157. 1936, 10: 101. 1937, 11: 125, 191. 1939; Taxon 7: 57. 1958.

Archer, L., Bol. Soc. port. Ci. nat. 14: 13-15. 1972 (portr.).

Carvalhaes, J., Broteria (Ci. nat.) 27: 1-16. 1958 (portr.); Bol. cult. Concelho de Santo Tirso 5(2): 233-249. 1957 (bibl.).

Casas, C. et al., Treb. Inst. bot. Barcelona 5: 30-31. 1979 (bibl.).

Pires de Lima, A., Bol. Soc. Brot. 32: Xxi-xxx. 1958 (portr., bibl.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(2): 228. 1971; Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (bryol. coll.).

Tavares, J. S. et al., eds., Brotéria, Ci. nat. 27(3): 124-131. 1958 (bibl.).

Tavares, C. N., Rev. bryol. lichén. ser.2 27 (1-2): 107-111. 1958 (bibl.); Naturalia 7: 265- 269. 1958 (obit., bibl., b. 7 Feb 1872; d. 4 Nov 1957).

Teixeira, C., Naturalia 6: 208-211. 1957 (portr.).

Vives, J., Collect. bot. 5(2): 603. 1957.

COMPOSITE WoRKS: Editor of Brotéria 1932-1957-

EponyMy: Luisierella Thériot & Potier de la Varde (1936).

  1. Musci salmanticenses. Descriptio et distributio specierum hactenus in provincia geo- graphica salmanticensi cognitarum. Brevi addito conspectu muscorum totius peninsulae ibericae ... Madrid (Imprenta de Estanislao Maestre ...) 1924. Oct. (Musc. salmant.).

Publ.: 1924 (Obz Jul-Sep 1924; Nat. Nov. Mai 1925), p- [i-iv], [1]-280. Copres: FH, H. — Mem. r. Acad. Ci. exact. Madrid ser. 2. 3. 1924.



  1. Les mousses de Madere et en général des Iles Atlantiques. Extrait de Brotéria... Lisboa

[1927-1945]. Oct. (Mouss. Madere).

Publ.: 1945, as a consolidated reprint of a series of papers published in Brotéria (ser. Bot.) and Brotéria (Ci. nat.), p. [3]-308. Copies: MO, NY. — Original publ. as follows:

Reprint journal pages dates

5-70 Brotéria (ser. Bot.) 23 5-48, 49-53, 129-145 1927 70-152 Brotéria (ser. Bot.) 24 18-47, 66-96, 119-140 1930 153-184 Brotéria (ser. Bot.) 25 5-20, 123-139 1931 185-203 Brotéria (Ci. nat.) 1 164-182 1932 204-243 Brotéria (Ci. nat.) 7 78-95, 110-131 1938 244-256 Broteéria (Ci. nat.) 11 29-41 1942 257-306 Brotéria (Ci. nat.) 14 78-94, 112-127, 156-176 1945

Lukmanoff, Athanase de (/]. 1889), French botanist. (Lukmanoff). HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1192; Jackson p. 198; Kew 3: 519; MW p. 286; Rehder 5: 527; Tucker 1: 445.

  1. .Vomenclature et iconographie des Canneliers et Camphriers ... Paris (Typographie F.

Debons et Cie.) s.d. [1889]. Fol. (Nomencel. icon. Cannel.).

Publ.: Aug 1889 (Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1889, p. [1, ui], [1]-28, pl. 2-76, uncol. liths. Copies: USDA.

Lumnitzer, Istvan (Stephan) (1747-1806), Hungarian botanist and physician at Press- burg (Bratislava, now Czechoslovakia). (Lumn.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 411; BM 3: 1192; Bossert p. 245; Dryander 1: 193, 3: 172, 5: 340; GR p. 659; IH 2: 468; Kanitz nos. 61, 130; LS 16093; PR 5688 (ed. 1: 6360); Rehder 1: 374; SO add. 746ba; Tucker 1: 445.

Anon., Preslia 48: 224. 1976 (b. 4 Apr 1747, d. 11 Jan 1806).

Kanitz, A., Bonplandia 10: 312, 363. 1862.

Pax, F., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Karpathen 6-7, 46. 1898 (Veg. Erd 2(1)).

Verseghy, K., Feddes Repert. 68(1): 125. 1963.

EPONYMyY: Lumnitzera Willdenow (1803); Lumnitzera J. F. von Jacquin ex K. P. J. Sprengel (1825); Lumnitzeroxylon K. Kramer (1964).

  1. Stephani Lumnitzer ... Flora posoniensis exhibens plantas circa Posonium sponte

crescentes secundum systema sexuale Linneanum digestas. Lipsiae [Leipzig] (impensis

Siegfried Lebrecht Crusii) 1791. Oct. (Fl. poson.).

Publ.: 1791 (p. viii: Mar 1791), p. [i]-viii, [1]-557, 7 uncol. copper engr. Copies: BR, MO, NY, USDA. — A flora of Pressburg (Bratislava, Posonium, Pozsony, PreSporok).

Lunan, John (//. 1814), British plant collector at Jamaica. (Lunan).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some Pteridophytes at E. Location of further material unknown (not at K.). ;

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 411; BB p. 192; BM 3: 1192; Desmond p. 399; IH 2: 468; Jackson p. 449; Kew 3: 519; PR 5689 (ed. 1: 6361); Rehder 5: 527; SO add. 809); Tucker 1: 445; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 783.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880 (pl. at K; erroneous).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970 (ferns in herb. Greville). Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 97-98. 1898 (on Hort. jamaic.), 3: 79. 1902.



EPONYMY: Lunanea A. P. de Candolle (1825, nom. rej.); Lunania Rafinesque (1830, nom. rej.); Lunania W. J. Hooker (1844, nom. cons.).

  1. Hortus jamaicensis, or a botanical description, (according to the Linnean system) and an account on the virtues, &c. of its indigenous plants hitherto known, as also of the most useful exotics. Compiled from the best authorities, and alphabetically arranged, in two volumes... Jamaica (printed at the office of the St. Jago de la Vega Gazette) 1814, 2 vols. Qu. (Hort. jamaic.).

1: 1814, p. [1*-1i*], [1]-viii, [1 ]-538, [1, note subscr.].

Emieman pe (tl, (1 |-402, (1-2, err. |.

Copies: G, MO, NY, US, USDA; IDC 5256. — Published in parts; see Urban 1898.

Lund, Anders Axel Wilhelm (1839-1925), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1863, high school teacher at Vasterviks (1863-1905). (A. Lund).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at A, C, GB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 1: 330; Barnhart 2: 441; BL 2: 543, 658; BM 3: 1193; Bossert p. 245; 1H 2: 488; Kew 3: 519; KR p. 469; Morren ed. 10, p. 108; PR 5690; Rehder 5: 527-

Birger, S., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 21: 118-119. 1927 (portr. with signature).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 60. 1903 (b. 8 Aug 1839), 3(3): 43. 1905 (on portr.).

5097- Wimmerbey-florans phanerogamer och ormbunkar. Academisk afhandling, som med tillstand af vidtberOmda philosophiska faculteten for philsophiska gradens erhallande kommer att offentligen forsvaras ... 4a Skytteanska larosalen den 23 [changed with ink to 22| Maji 1863. p.v.t.f£m. Upsala (trykt hos P. Hanselli) 1863. Oct. (Wimmerbey-fl. phan.). Publ.: 22 Mai 1863, p. [1]-34. Copy: NY.

Lund, Nils (1814-1847), Norwegian botanist; pupil of E. M. Fries (1843-1845); went to Venezuela in 1846. (V. Lund).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. Scandinavian material at BM, CGE, TRH; Venezuelan collections at B, BM, BR, C, G, NY, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 411; BL 2: 445, 447, 685; BM 3: 1193; IH 2: 468; Kleppa p. 8, 121, 269, 288; KR p. 469; LS 16095; PR 5691-5692 (ed. 1: 6364-6365); Rehder 5: 527; Lucker 1: 445.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1841: 158, 1842: 127 (trip to N. Norway), 1846: 111 (will soon leave for Venezuela).

Dahl, O. C., (rev. by J. G. Bay), Bot. Centralbl. 92: 327. 1892 (190 sp. N. Norway at Trh); K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1888-go0: 53-76. 1892.

Holmboe, J., Norsk biogr. Leks. 8: 550-551. 1938 (biogr., bibl.).

Lund, N., Bot. Not. 1846: 33-47, 65-95 (account of trip to E. Finnmark in 1842); Speculation og Erfarenhed. Utvalg of innledning ved ‘Tore Stubberud, med efterord av Asbjérn Veland. Oslo 1975 (portr., bibl.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 170. 1903 (b. 23 Mai 1814; d. 21 Feb 1847).

  1. Conspectus hymenomycetum circa Holmiam crescentium, quem supplementum Epicri-

seos Eliae Fries scripsit Nicolaus Lund ... Christianiae [Oslo] (Typis excudebat P. T.

Malling) 1845. Oct. (Consp. hymenomyc.).

Publ.: Jul-Sep 1845 (p. [iv*]: Jun 1845; rev. Bot. Zeit. 25 Sep 1846), p. [i*-v*], [i]-v, [1]- 118. Copies: BR, FH, USDA.

Re-issue: 1846, p. [i*-v*], [i]-v, [1]-118. Copes: MO, Stevenson. — “‘Christianiae (Sumpti- bus Joannis Dahl) 1846.

Ref.: BM 3: 1193; KR p. 469 (no. 2). A., Bot. Zeit. 4: 674-675. 25 Sep 1846.

  1. Haandbog i Christianias phanerogame flora ... Cristiania [Oslo] (tryckt paa J. W. Cappelens Forlag) 1846. Oct. (Haandb. Christian. phan. fi.).



Publ.: 1846 (p. [vu*]: 15 Mai 1846; rev. Bot. Zeit. 6: 485-486. 30 Jun 1848), p. [i*-vii*], [i]- xvii, [1 ]-334, [1, err.]. Copy: NY.

Lund, Peter Wilhelm (1801-1880), Danish botanist, zoologist and paleontologist; travel- led in Brazil 1825-1829 and 1833-1835; lived at Lagoa Santa from 1835-1880. (P. W. Lund).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: C(12.000); duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 412; BM 3: 1193, 7: 759; Bossert p. 245; CSP 4:

128-129, 6: 717; IH 2: 468; Laségue p. 346, 482; PR ed. 1: 6366; Rehder 5: 528; Quenstedt p.

272; TL-2/ 3613.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 3/4: 1088. 1880 (d.); Ibis 4(4): 483-484. 1880; Leopoldina 16: 143. 1880; Osterr. bot. Z. 30: 378. 1880 (d.).

Calogeras, J. P., Revista Inst. hist. geogr. brasil., vol. especial 1933, p. 83-93 (mainly a letter by Lund written from Lagoa Santa 21 Apr 1844).

Candolle, A. P. de, Phytographie 430. 1880 (coll. with Warming at C; dupl. R and G-DC).

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 62. 1945 (biogr. refs.).

Chase, A., Ann. Rep. Smiths. Inst. 1926: 398-399. 1927.

Christensen, C., Danske Bot. Hist. 1: 246-250. 1925 (biogr., portr.), 2: 209. 1924 (bibl.).

Collin, J., i Bricka, Dansk biogr. Lexik. 10: 441-445. 1896.

Jenkins, A. E., J. Washington Acad. Sci. 41(2): 66-74. 1951 (on L at Lagoa Santa).

Lanjouw, J., i F. Verdoorn, Pl. pl. sci. Latin Amer. 232. 1945 (coll.).

Lund, H., Naturforskeren Peter Wilhelm Lund, Kjoebenhavn 1885, 123 p. {fide Urban 1906).

Mattos, A., O Sabio Dr. Lund ea prehistoria americana, Bello Horizonte, s.d. 92 p. (biogr., photograph of bust at Lagoa Santa; evaluation prehist. work).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 70. 1946 (epon.).

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. Dipterol. 1: 89-91, 95, 112. 1971.

Poulson, V. A., Bot. Not. 1880: 134-135 (brief biogr.).

Reinhardt, J. T., Overs. K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Forhdl. 1880: 147-210. 1881 (biogr., b. 14 Jun 1801, d. 25 Mai 1880; Brazilian itineraries).

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 47, 49. 1906. (biogr. details on info. Warming, refs. itin.).

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 125. 1880 (bibl.); Lagoa Santa 266-277, 449-450. 1892.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 181. 1903 (on portr.).

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. paleontol. 423. rgot.

EPONYMY: Lundia A. P. de Candolle (1838, nom. cons.). Note: Lundia H. C. F. Schumacher (1827, nom. rej.) is dedicated to Niels T¢nder Lund (1749-1809), Norwegian customs officer and entomologist. Lundiella Y.S.R. K. Sarma & R. Shyam (1974) is dedicated to J. W. G. Lund, present-day British phycologist.

  1. Bemaerkninger over Vegetationen paa de indre hoisletter af Brasilien, isaer i plante-

historisk henseende ... Kjobenhavn (trykt i det Poppske Officin) 1835. Qu. (Bemaerkn.

Veget. Brasilien).

Publ.: 1835 (t.p.), p. [1 ]-44. Copy: G. — Preprinted from Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 6: 1xxx-lxxxiiii, 145-188. 1837; summary in Overs. Vidensk. Selsk. Forhdl. 1834-35: 11-16.

Lundell, Cyrus Longworth (1907-x), American botanist; BA Southern Methodist Univ. 1932; assistant botanical garden Ann Arbor 1932-1936; Dr. phil. Univ. Mich. 1936 assistant curator at MICH 1936-1939; curator of phanerogams ib. 1939-1944; at Southern Methodist University 1944-1948; at the Texas Research Foundation Renner 1946-1972; subsequently at Dallas, Texas. (C. Lundell).

HERBARIUM and Types: LL (from 1972 at TEX) but several first sets also at MICH and SMU; for details see IH and Knobloch (1979).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 413; BFM 1592; BL 1: 148, 306; Bossert p. 245; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Lundell”); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 469; Kew 3: 520; Langman p. 460-462; Lenley p. 272; NAF 28B(2): 443, ser. 2. 4: 44; PH p. 209; Plesch p. 320; Roon p. 72. Anon., Who’s who in America ed. 40. 2: 2022. 1978/79 (extensive details).



Donelly, W. A. et al., The University of Michigan, an encyclopaedic survey 1450, 1451, 1452 (Michigan period; preceded R. McVaugh as curator MICH).

Knobloch, I. W., Plant coll. N. Mexico 40. 1979 (b. 5 Nov 1907; location Mex. coll.).

Lundell, C. L., Wrightia 6: 1-3. 1978 (on his expl. of Yucatan, with bibl.).

McVaugh, R., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 9(3-7): 259. 1972.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 70. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 64. 1955.

Steere, W. C., Rev. bryol. lichén. 7: 28. 1934.

Turner, B. L., Taxon 22: 172. 1973 (transfer herb. LL to TEX).

EPONYMY: Lundellia E. C. Leonard (1959); Lundellianthus H. Robinson (1978).

  1. The vegetation of Petén. With an appendix studies of Mexican and Central American

plants i... Washington, D. C. (Published by Carnegie Institution of Washington) 1937.

(Veg. Petén.).

Publ.: 16 Jun 1937, p- [i]-1x, 1-244, pl. 1-39, 2 maps. Copy: US. — Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no. 478.

  1. Revision of the American Celastraceae I. Wimmeria, Microtropis, and Zinowiewia ... Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Press) 1939. (Rev. Amer. Celastr. I.). Publ.: Jul 1939, p. [1]-46. [1, h.t.], pl. 1-10. Copy: MICH. — Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 3.

Lundell, Peter Magnus [Manne] (1841-1930), Swedish botanist (algologist); Fil. kand. Uppsala 1872; teacher at Jakobs 1. laroverket (1882) 1883-1908, Stockholm. (P. Lundell.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: S (Desmidiaceae).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 412; BM 3: 1194; Bossert p. 245; CSP 8: 279; De

Toni 1: Ixxix; IH 2: 469; Jackson p. 336; KR p. 472; Nordstedt p. 22; PR 10598.

Almborn, O., In litt. 3 Dec 1979 (d. 1930).

Anon., Bot. Not. 1871: 133 (3 Jun 1871: awarded prize for his Desmidiac. ); 1872: 22 (rev. id.); Litterar. Centralbl. 1873: 395-396. (rev.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 61. 1903 (b. 29 Dec 1841) 3(3): 43, pl. 109. 1905 (portr.).

  1. De Desmidiaceis, quae in Suecia inventae sunt, observationes criticae ... Upsaliae

(Excudit Ed. Berling, ...). 1871. Qu. (Desmidiac.).

Publ.: 1871 (mss. pres. 19 Nov 1870), p. [i], [1]-100, pl. 7-5 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copies: FH, G, M. — Nova Acta Soc. Sc. Upsal. ser. 3, vol. 8(1).

  1. Calceolarium ein neues Geschlecht und neue Pleurotaentum-Arten der Familie Des- midiaceae kritisch bestimmt und photographisch reproduziert. .. Berlin (R. Friedlander & Sohn) 1928. (Calceolarium).

Publ.: 1928 (Nat. Nov. Apr 1928), p. [1]-18, pl. 7-5 with text, uncol. Copy: NY.

Lundell, Seth (1892-1966), Swedish mycologist. (S. Lundell).

HERBARIUM and types: UPS. — Exsiccatae (with J. A. Nannfeldt): Fungz exsiccatt sueciet praesertim upsalienses, fasc. 1-30, NOS. 1-1500; 1934-1947. For Schedae see below.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 469. Eriksson, J., Friesia 9: 289-298. 1970 (obit., bibl., b. 18 Apr 1892, d. 23 Sep 1966). Jahn, H. & M., Westfal. Pilzbr. 3: 73. 1962.

  1. Fungi exsiccali suecici, praesertim upsalienses mandatu collegii ex Elia Friesio nomina-

ti edendos curaverunt Seth Lundell et J. A. Nannfeldt. Svenska svampar, sarskilt fran

Upsala-trakten pa uppdrag av Elias Fries-kommittén utgivna av Seth Lundell och J. A.

Nannfeldt ... Uppsala (Almquist & Wiksells boktryckeri-A.B.) 1934-1947, 30 fasc. (Fung. " €XS. SUEC.).

Co-author: John Axel Nannfeldt (1904-x).



Pudl.: Text distributed independently of the exsiccata (see ICBN Art. 31, 1, examples). Copy: NY.

fase. nos. pages dates 1-2 1-100 [i-iv], 1-34 1934 (p. [iv]: Nov 1934). 3-4 101-200 [1-111], 1-40 1935 (p. [ii]: 4 Apr 1935). 5-6 201-300 [i-ii], 1-44 1936 (printed 20 Mar 1936). 7-8 301-400 [i-ii], 1-40 1936 (printed 3 Dec 1936). g-10 401-500 [i-iv], 1-49 1937 (printed 21 Apr 1937). 11-12 501-600 [i-ii], 1-38 1938 (printed 31 Mar 1938). 13-14 601-700 [i-ii], 1-37 1938 (printed 22 Jun 1938). 15-16 701-800 [i-ii], 1-40 1939 (printed 29 Jun 1939). 17-18 801-900 [i-ii], 1-41 1939 (printed 1 Aug 1939). 19-20 goO1I-1000 [i-iv], 1-57 1940 (printed 18 Jan 1941). 21-22 1001-1100 [i-ii], 1-51 1941 (printed 20 Jun 1941). 23-2 1101-1200 [i-ii], 1-44 1942 (printed 23 Mar 1942). 25-26 1201-1300 [i-ii], 1-42 1943 (printed 5 Feb 1943). 27-28 1301-1400 [1-11], 1-49 1946 (printed 17 Jun 1946). 29-30 1401-1500 [i-iv], 1-61 1947 (printed 19 Mai 1947).

Lundequist, Nils Wilhelm (1804-1863), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1827; bookseller in Stockholm until 1834; from then on in various functions at Uppsala. (Lundeq.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 412; BL 2: 546, 685; BM 3: 1194; KR p. 473; PR 5693; Rehder 5: 528.

Wikstrém, J. E., Stockholms flora 168-169. 1840 (states authorship of F/. paroec. Brénkyrka). Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Bergiani 3(3): 43. 1905 (b. 17 Jan 1804, d. 4 Apr 1863).

  1. Mlora paroeciae Brankyrka. Cujus partem primam, venia ampliss. Facult. Philos. Upsal., praeside Nicol. Jac. Sillén, ... pro gradu philosophico p.p. Nicol. Guilielmus Lundequist, Sudermannus. In audit. Gust. die xxxi Maji mdccexxvii. h.a.m.s. Upsaliae (Excudebant Regiae Academiae Typographi) [1827]. Oct. (1. paroec. Brankyrka). Publ.: 1827, in three parts. Copies: LD, NY.

1: 31 Mai 1827, p. [i-ii], [1]-16.

2: 6 Jun 1827, p. [1-11], 17-32. Defended by J. F. Kjellborg.

3: 14 Jun 1827, p. [1-11], 33-48. Defended by J. D. Gellerstedt. Wikstrom (1840) and KR accept Lundequist as the author of all three theses. O. Almborn, who gave us his advice on this publication agrees and adds that N. J. Sillen (professor of “practical economy’) cannot be considered as author.

Lundmark, Johan Daniel (1755-1792). Swedish physician and botanist; studied at Uppsala 1774-1780; Dr. med. Uppsala 1788; regional physician of Filipstads district (1783) 1784. (Lundmark).

HERBARIUM and Types: Herbarium at the Karsbad Gymnasium; further material at SBT and UPS (Thunberg herb.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: IH 2: 469; KR p. 474; PR 5694 ed. 1: 6368; Rehder 5: 528; SO 1317, 3829-3831; TL-1/772; Tucker 1: 415.

THEsIS (for med. doctor’s degree): Dissertatio de usu Linnaeae medico. Praeside J. G. Acrel, Upsaliae 1788, Qu. 10 p.

  1. D.D. Dissertatio academica de Lavandula, quam, consens. exper. Fac. med. Ups. praeside viro nobilissimo Carolo a Linné [fil.] ... publico examini subjicit ... Johannes Daniel Lundmark, Nericius. In Audit. gustav. maj. d. 20 Dec 1780. Upsaliae (Typis Direct. Johan. Edman, ...) [1780]. Qu. (Lavandula).



Publ.: 20 Dec 1780, p. [i], [1]-22, 2 pl. chart. Copy: HU.

Other ed.: in C. Linnaeus, Amoen. acad., Schreber ed., 10 (app. 2): 41-68. 1790. — Also, fide SO 3830, in Acta medicorum suecicorum 1 (1, 3): 105-139. 1783. For further references see SO 3829-3830.

Lundqvist, [Adolf] Gésta (1894-1967), Swedish palaeobotanist; Fil. lic. Stockh. hogskola 1919; with the Swedish Geological Survey (for 40 years) in various capacities. (Lundquist).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: S-PA (fossil ferns).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 413; BL 2: 551, 685; BM 7: 760; GR p. 494; KR

p. 474 (b. 24 Mar 1894).

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 68, 76. 1950.

Lundqvist, J., Geol. For. Stockholm Forh. go: 153-174. 1968 (obit., portr. bibl., b. 24 Mai 1894, d. 30 Jun 1967).

  1. Fossile Pflanzen der Glossopteris-Flora aus Brasilien ... Stockholm (Almqvist & Wiksells

Boktryckeri-A.-B.) Berlin, London, Paris [1920]. Qu. (Foss. Pfl. Glossopt.-Fl.).

Publ.: Jan 1920 (mss. submitted 12 Feb 1919; p. 36: 31 Dec 1919, printed), p. [1 ]-36, pl. 1-2, with text. Copy: US. — K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 60(3).

Lundstrém, Axel Nicolaus (1847-1905), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1875; lecturer ib. 1875, curator botanical museum 1887-1892; at Ultuna agricultural college 1892-1897; professor of plant biology at Uppsala 1897-1905. (Lundstr.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 413; BJI 1: 38; BM 3: 1195, 7: 760; Bossert p. 245; CSP 10: 658, 16: 912-913; GR p. 494; IH 2: 469; Jackson p. 62; Kew 3: 521; Kleppa p. 221; KR p. 474-476; LS 16100-16102; Moebius p. 191, 365, 366; Morren (ed. 10) p. 107; Rehder 5: 528; SO 194, 2774a, 2780a; TR 836; TL-2/2426; Tucker 1: 445-446.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 52: 112. 1892 (lecturer), 72: 432. 1897 (new chair plant biol. Uppsala); Bot. Jahrb. 16 (Beibl. 37): 20. 1892 (lecturer), 38 (Beibl. 87): 1906 (d.); Bot. Not. 1875: 124 (lecturer Uppsala), 1892 (lecturer Ultuna) 1898: 44 (prof. plant biology), 1906: 44 (obit., b. 23 Mar 1847, d. 30 Dec 1905); Generalregister Bot. Not. 51. 1939; Nat. Nov. 19: 600. 1897 (first professor of plant biology at Uppsala, by endowment); 28: 185. 1906 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 56: 79. 1906 (d. 30 Dec 1905).

Borodin, J., Trav. Mus. bot. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 70. 1908.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 47, 73. 1950.

Nordstedt, C. F. O., Bot. Not. 1906: 44 (“hans humoristiska och vansalla vasen uppskatta- des hogt af vannerna’’).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 61. pl. 5. 1903, 3(3): 43, 208, pl. 105. 1905.

COMPOSITE wWoRKSs: (1) Collaborator, C. J. Hartman, Handb. Skand. fl. ed. 12, 1889, see TL- 2/2426.

(2): with F. R. Kjellman, Fanerogamer fran Novaja Semlja, Wajgatsch och Chabarova, ... in Vega-Expeditionens Vetenskapliga Arbeten, Stockholm 1882, p. 299-317, pl. 6-7, and Phanerogamen von Nowaja-Semlja, . . .in Wiss. Erg. Vega-Exp. Leipzig, 1882-1883, p. 140-156, pl. 2-3. See also KR p. 352, nos. 40 (a) and (b).

510g. Studier dfver Slégtet Salix. Akademisk afhandling, som med tillstand af vidtber6mda

filosofiska Fakulteten i Upsala for filosofiska gradens erhallande till offentlig granskning

framstalles af Axel Nicolaus Lundstr6m, ... a Botaniska Larosalen Lordagen den 15 Maj

1875, kl. 10 fm. Stockholm (Bergstrom & Lindroth) 1875. Oct. (Stud. Salix).

Thesis issue: 15 May 1875 or up to three weeks earlier, p. [i], [1]-59, pl. 1-2 (uncol.). Copy: BR.

Trade issue: 1875, p. [i], [1]-59, pl. 1-2 (ad.). Copies: B, G, MO. “Studier ... afhandling af Axel Nicolaus Lundstrém’’. Stockholm (id.) 1875. Oct.

  1. Kritische Bemerkungen ueber die Werden Nowaja Semljas und ihren genetischen



Zusammenhang ... Upsala (Druck der Akademischen Buchdruckerei Ed. Berling) 1877.

Qu. (Wetden Nov. Keml.).

Publ.: 1877 (mss. submitted 7 Apr 1877), p. [1], [1]-44, 1 chart. Copy: FI. — Issued as Nova Acta Soc. Sci., Uppsala ser. 3, vol. extraord. 14.

  1. Pflanzenbiologische Studien ... 1. Die Anpassungen der Pflanzen an Regen und Thau ... Upsala (Druck der Akademischen Buchdruckerei Edv. Berling) 1884. Qu. (Pfl.-biol. Stud.).

1: 1884, p. [i-iv], [1 ]-67, gpl. Copy: FI.— Issued as Nova Acta Soc. Sci., Uppsala ser. 3. 12(5). — For references to the lively discussion around this paper see KR p. 475-476 and Lundstrém, Om regnuppfangande vaxter. En antikritik, Lund 1889, Bot. Not. 1889: 33- 48, 97-117, 147-155, 1890: 142-150, and Bot. Centralbl. 44: 391-395, 424-428. 1890, 45: 7-13, 41-45, 76-80. 1891.

2: 1887, p. [i-iv], [1]-188, ib. ser. 13. 2(6). ““Die Anpassungen der Pflanzen an Thiere’’.

Lunell, Joél (1851-1920), Swedish-born American physician and botanist; studied at Uppsala; physician at Willow City and Leeds, North Dakota, 1889-1920. (Lunell).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: MIN (purchased 1927); further material e.g. at DBN and RM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 413; BL 1: 205, 306; Bossert p. 245; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Lunell’’); TH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 470; NAF 28B(2): 344, ser. 2. 5: 247; Pennell p. 612. Anon., Amer. midl. Natural. 6: 243-245. 1920; Bot. Not. 1920: 150; Osterr. bot. Z. 70: 64. EQ2Qm (Gs) Harris, J. A., Science 66: 110. 1929; Minnesota chats 9(104): 8-9, 16. 1928. Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Lib. Publ. 5: 45-46. 1907.

EPONYMY: Lunellia J. A. Nieuwland (1914).

Luther, Alexander Ferdinand (1877-1955), Finnish botanist and zoologist at Helsing- fors (A. Luther).

HERBARIUM and Types: H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 413; BM 3: 1195-1196, 7: 761-762; Bossert p. .

245; Collander p. 338-3309, hist. 50-52; CSP 16: 920; Hirsch p. 182; KR p. 478; Moebius p.

83; Nordstedt suppl. p. 11; Saelan p. 308-309.

Carpelan, T. & L.O. T. Tudeer, Helsingin Yliopisto 2: 587-588. 1923. (n.v., fide Collander et al. (1973), q.v. for further biogr. refs.).

Palmgren, P., Soc. sci. Fenn. Arsb.-Vuosik 49C(1): 1-15. 1971.

  1. Ueber Chlorosaccus eine neue Gattung der Stsswasseralgen, nebst einigen Bemerkun-

gen zur Systematik verwandter Algen. Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet P. A. Norstedt &

Soner) 1899. Oct. (Chlorosaccus).

Publ.: Jan-Jul 1899 (mss pres. 14 Dec 1898; Nat. Nov. Aug (1) 1899 p. [1 ]-22, pl. 1. Copies: H, U. — Bih. Sv. Vet. — Akad. Handl. 24(3) no. 13.

Lutze, Ginther (1840-1930) German botanist and high school teacher at Sondershausen (Lutze).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 79; Barnhart 2: 414; BFM 409; BJI 1: 38; Hegi 4(2): 10-13; Rehder 5: 528; Tucker 1: 446.

Muller, H., Mitt. thiir. bot. Ver. ser. 2. 40: ili-iv. 1931 (bibl.).

EPONYMY: Lutzia Gandoger (1923) is dedicated to Louis Charles Lutz (1871-1952), French botanist.

  1. Flora von Nord-Thiiringen. Mit Bestimmungstabellen zum Gebrauche auf Exkursio-



nen, in Schulen und beim Selbstunterrichte . .. Sondershausen (Druck und Verlag von Fr.

Aug. Eupel) 1892. Oct. (FU. N.-Thiiringen).

Publ.: Apr-Jun 1892 (p. vi: Aug 1891; Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1892, also Jul(2) 1892; ObZ Jun 1892; Bot. Jahrb. 27Jun 1893; Bot. Zeit. 24 Jun 1892), p. [i]-xii, [1]-398. Copies: B(2), G.

  1. Die Vegetation Nordthiiringens in ihrer Beziehung zu Boden und Klima, als Einleitung zu seinem Buche: Flora von Nord-Thiringen ... Beilage zum Programme der Furstlichen Realschule zu Sondershausen, Ostern 1893. Progr. no. 720. Sondershausen (Hofbuchdruc- kerei von Fr. Aug. Eupel) 1893. Oct. (Veg. Nordthiir.). Publ.. Mar 1893 (Bot. Centralbl. 5 Apr. 1893), p. [1]-26. Copies: B, US. Ref.: Moebius, M., Bot. Centralbl. 60: 182. 1894 (rev.).

Roth, E., Bot. Jahrb. 18(Lit.): 35-36. 1894 (rev.).

Luxford, George (1807-1854), British botanist, printer, editor and journalist in London; lecturer on botany at St. Thomas Hospital, 1846-1851. (Lux/.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 414; BB p. 195; BM 3: 1197; CSP 4: 136;

Desmond p. 399; DNB 34: 302; Jackson p. 575; Kew 3: 522; PR 5695-5696 (ed. 1: 6374);

Rehder 5: 529; Tucker p. 446.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1145. 1870.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1855: 159 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 12: 922-923. 1854, 38: 80. 1855; Osterr. bot. W. 5: 39. 1855 (d. 12 Jun 1854); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 2: 426-427. 1855.

Pearsall, W. H., (C. E. Salmon) FI. Surrey 51. 1931.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Edited: The Phytologist, vols. 1-2, 1844-1845 (vols. 3-5 edited by Edward Newman 1845-1854; new series by A. Froine, vols. 1-6, 1855-1863).

  1. A flora of the neighbourhood of Revgale, Surrey, containing the flowering plants and ferns; ... London (John van Voorst, ...) 1838. Duod. (in sixes). (FV. Reigate). Publ.: 1838 (p. xviii: 17 Apr 1838), map, p. i]-xviii, [1, h.t.], [1]-118, [1, note]. Copy: NY.

Luyken, Johann (Joannes) Albert (1785-1867), German-Dutch physician and licheno- logist, born at Wessel, ultimately at Landfort nr. Gendringen (Arnhem region) (Luyk.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: BM 3: 1197; GR p. 108-109; Kew 3: 522; Krempelh. 2: 77- 79; LS 16126; PR 5697 (ed. 1: 6375); SBC p. 126 (“Luyk.”’); TL-2/1: 11.

EpoNYMy: Luykenia Trevisan (1860).

  1. Tentamen historiae lichenum in genere cui accedunt primae lineae distributiones novae. Quod speciminis loco inauguralis consensu et auctoritate gratiosi medicorum ordinis in Academia Georgia Augusta pro summis in medicina, chirurgia et arte obstetricia honori- bus rite obtinendis die xxi decembris a [mdcccix]. Publico eruditorum examini submittit Ioannis Albertus Luyken Vesaliensis. Gottingue [Gottingen] (Typis Henrici Dieterich) Sel: [1809].-Oct. (Tent. hist. lich.).

Publ.: 21 Dec 1809, p. [1]-102. Copies: G(2), L, NY, Stevenson.

Lyall, David (1817-1895), British surgeon, naturalist and explorer; on Ross’s Antarctic Voyage (1839-1842); in New Zealand 1847; in the Arctic with Belcher 1852; on Oregon Boundary Commission 1858-1861. (Lyall).

HERBARIUM and Types: In general at K; the plants of the Oregon Boundary Commission (in part collected by John Buttle) both at GH and K with duplicates in various other herbaria.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 341; Barnhart 2: 415; BB p. 195; Clokie p. 204;



CSP 4: 137, 16: 927; Desmond p. 399; IH 2: 471; Laségue p. 391, 557, 574; PH 164; Rehder

5: 529; TL-2/2440; Urban-Berl. p. 288, 307, 371.

Anon., Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 16: 263. 1895; Bot. Jahrb. 20 (Beibl.) 50: 45. 1895 (d.); Bot. Not. 1896: 44 (d.).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 149. 1888 (Oregon pl. W.).

Blankinship, Trans. Liverpool bot. Soc. 1: 7, 21. 1905.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 33: 127. 1895.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880 (pl. DBN, LE, W).

Cheeseman, T. F., Man. New Zealand FI. xxvii. 1906.

Cockayne, L., Veg. New Zealand 5. 1921.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 255. 1950.

Glenn, R., The botanical explorers of New Zealand. 175. 1950.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970 (coll. E.).

Hooker, J. D., Fl. Tasm. 1: exvul, 548-549. 1859; J. Bot. 33: 209-211. 1895; Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1894/5: 33-35. 1896 (d. 2 Mar 1895; obit.).

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 554 [index]. 1918.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 42 (Oregon pl. K.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 1: 112. 1895 (d.).

Mitten, W., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 8: 12-55. 1865 (Bryology survey 4oth parallel).

Penhallow, D. P., Trans. R. Soc. Can. ser. 2 3(4): 14, 46. 1897.

Piper, C., Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 11: 16-17. 1g06.

Polunin, N., Bull. Natl. Mus. Canada Biol. Ser. 26: 19. 1940.

Rigg, G. B., Washington hist. Quart. 20: 163. 1929.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 362-363. 1975.

Thomas, J. H., Huntia 3: 12. 1969 [and 1979].

Veitch, J., Man. Conif. 400. 1900.

EPONYMY: Lyallia J. D. Hooker (1847).

Lyell, Katherine Murray (née Horner) (1817-1915), British pteridologist; sister-in-law of Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875). (K. Lyell).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Ferns at K; other cryptogams at BM, FI, RNG (pterid.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 415; BB p. 196; BM 3: 1200; Desmond p. 400; . GR p. 196; IH 2: 471; Jackson p. 151; Kew 3: 523; LS 36336; MW p. 286; PR 5699; Tucker 1: 446.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 555. 1918 [index].

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 42 (ferns K).

Winkler, H., im F. Verdoorn, Man. Pteridol. 451, 452. 1938.

  1. A geographical handbook of all the known ferns with tables to show their distribution ...

London (John Murray, ...) 1870.Oct. (Geogr. handb. ferns).

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1870 (J. Bot. Mar 1870; Amer. J. Sci. Mai 1870), front., p. [i], lith. t.p., [11 ]- x, [1, err.], [1]-225. Copzes: BR, G, L, NY, US; IDC 7219. — Cover: “‘ The geographical handbook...”

Lyman, George Richard (1871-1926), American phytopathologist and mycologist; Ph. D. Harvard 1906, instructor in botany at Radcliffe College 1g00-1901; id. at Dartmouth College 1rgo1-1915; with USDA 1915-1923; with the Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia 1923-1926. (Lyman).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: HNH (5193).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 415; IH 2: 472; Kelly p. 135; LS 36337-36338,

suppl. 16742-16744.

Clinton, G. P., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 62(9): 267-273. 1928 (portr.).

Colley, R. H. & W. H. Weston Jr., Phytopathology 17: 354-361. 1927 (b. 1 Dec 1871; obit., portr., bibl.).

Knight, H. G., Bull. W. Virginia Univ. Sci. Ass. 2(2): 38-39. 1927.



_ Lyngbye, Hansen [Hans] Christian (1782-1837), Danish phycologist, clergyman at Gjesing and Né¢rager (nr. Aarhus) 1819-1827; id. at S@berg and Gilleleje 1827-1837. (Lyngb.).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: C; some further material at HBG, KIEL and L.— Original drawings at FH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 416; BM 3: 1201; CSP 4: 141-142, 10: 666; De

Toni 1: xxix; Frank 3(Anh.): 61; GR p. 678, cat. p. 67; IH 2: 472; Jackson p. 333; Kew 3:

524; Laségue p. 544, 574; LS 16141; Moebius p. 66, 94; NAF ser. 2. 6: 69; NI 1254;

Nordstedt p. 22; PR 5700 (ed. 1: 6377).

Anon., Bot. Not. 1880: 56.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880 (types: C).

Christensen, C., Danske Bot. Hist. 1: 228-232. 1925 (biogr.), 2: 182-183. 1924. (b. 29 Jun 1782, d. 18 Mai 1837; bibl.).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317 [index]. 1936.

Fischer-Benzon, R.J. D. im Prahl, Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 35. 1890.

Fryxell, G., Beh. Nova Hedwigia 35: 362. 1975 (herb.).

Hornschuch, C. F., Flora 3: 438-440. 1820 (on genesis Tent. hydrophyt. dan., was published by Sep 1819), 655-660. 1820.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 375. 1884.

Koster, J. T., Taxon 18: 555. 1969 (herb.).

Muller, R. H. W. & Zaunick, R., Friedr. Traugott Kutzing 287. 1960.

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Libr. Publ. 5: 22-23. 1907.

Sauvageau, C., Remarques Sphacélariacées viil-1x.

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12(2/3): 118-119. 1880 (bibl.).

EPONYMY: Lyngbya Gaillon (1828, nom. rej. ); Lyngbya Agardh ex Gomont (1892, nom. cons.); Lyngbyea Sommerfelt (1826, nom. rej.); Lyngbyella Bory de St.-Vincent (1823); Lyngbyutes Makhaev (1937); Lyngbyopsis Gardner (1927); Palaeolyngbya Schopf (1968).

  1. Tentamen hydrophytologiae danicae continens omnia hydrophyta cryptogama Daniae,

Holsatiae, Faeroae, Islandiae, Groenlandiae hucusque cognita, systematice disposita,

descripta et iconibus illustrata, adjectis simul speciebus norvegicis. Opus, praemio ab

Universitate regia Hafniensi ornatum, et sumta regio editum. Hafniae [Kj¢ébenhavn]

(Typis Schultzianis) 1819. Qu. (Tent. hydrophytol. dan.).

Publ.: Apr-Aug 1819 (p. [viii]: 18 Mar 1819; see Hornschuch 1820), engraved t.p., [1]-xxxu1, [1 ]-248, pl. r-70, col. or uncol. copper engr. by author. Copies: B (pl. uncol.), G (pl. col.), H, M (pl. uncol.), NY (2, pl. uncol.); IDC 5251.

Facsimile ed.: 1973, ISBN go-6123-231-7 (A. Asher & Co., Amsterdam), n.v.

Lynge, Bernt Arne (1884-1942), Norwegian lichenologist; Dr. phil. Oslo 1917; lecturer (1918) and professor (1935) of botany at Oslo University. (Lynge).

HERBARIUM and TyPes: O; for duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 416; BL 2: 446, 685; BM 7: 765; Collander p.

341; GR p. 714, pl. [36], cat. p. 67; Hawksworth p. 184; Hirsch p. 182; IH 2: 472; Kelly p.

135; Kew 3: 524; Kleppa p. 327 [index]; KR p. 479; LS 36341, suppl. 16747-16764; SBC p.

126 (““Lynge’’); Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/see Havaas, J. J., Keissler, K. von; Urban-Berl. p.


Anon., J. Bot. 80: 40. 1942; Rev. bryol. lichénol. 16(1/2): 131. 1947, 34(1/2): 376. 1966.

Christophersen, E., Nytt. Mag. Naturv. 83: 5-8. 1943 (bibl.).

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isles 115. 1977.

Holmboe, J., Norsk biogr. Leks. 8: 550-551. 1928, Norske Vid.-Akad. Oslo Arb. 1942: 53- 58. 1943 (portr.); Nytt mag. Naturvid. 83: 1-8. 1943 (portr., bibl. by E. Christophersen).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979 (Lichens at O, dupl. BG, CG, S.).

Lynge, B., Rhodora 36: 133-196. 2 pl. 1934 (recent Norw. work on arctic lichens).

Mattick, F., Herzogia 1: 173-176. 1969.

Nordal, A., Medd. Norsk farm. Selsk. 4(2): 33-34. 1943 (obit., b. 9 Jul 1884).


LYNGE Sernander, R., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 37(4): 425-428. 1943 (portr.). COMPOSITE WORKS: Rabenhorst, Aryplogamenjflora ed. 2, Physciaceae, 9(6): [37]-188. 1935.

  1. De norske busk- og bladlaver (Lichenes Thamno- et Phyllo-blasti Kbr.). Med angivelse

av deres utbredelse saerlig i det @stenfjeldske Norge ... [Bergen 1910]. Oct. (Norske busk-


Publ.: 1910 (Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1910), p. [1]-122, [123-124], pl. 1-7. Copy: US. — Bergens Museums Aarbog 1910. Nr. 9.

  1. Index specierum et varietatum lichenum quae collectionibus “‘lichenes exsiccati’ distribu- tae sunt... Kristiania [Oslo] (A. W. Br¢ggers Boktrykkeri a/s) 1915-1922, 2 vols. Oct. (Index sp. var. lich.).

I: 1915-1920, in five fascicles, p. [1 ]-559.

2: 1921-1922, in three fascicles, p. [1]-316.

Copies: BR, NY, U, USDA. — Originally published in Nytt Magazin for Naturvidenskaber- na vols. 53-60 as follows in independently paged supplements.

vol. pars pages dated published after 53 prima [1]-112 IQI5 14 Jan 1916 54 113-304 1916 18 Nov 1916 55 305-384 1917 6 Feb 1918

56 385-464 1919 30 Sep 1919 57 465-559 1920 9 Jun 1920

58 secunda [1 ]-96 1920 7 Jan 1921

59 97-192 1921 28 Feb 1922 60 193-316 1922 13 Sep 1922

Part 1 was published 14 Jan-30 Apr 1916. Supplement: 1939, Nytt Mag. Naturvid. 79: 233-323. 1939. Ref.: Holmboe, J., Naturen 45: 281-282. 1921.

  1. A monograph of the Norwegian Physciaceae ... Christiania [Oslo] (In Commission at

Jacob Dybwad) 1916. Oct. (Monogr. Norw. Physciac.).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1916 (p. 110: 30 Oct 1916; Nat. Nov. Feb 1917), p. [i-ii], [1]-110, pl. 7-3. Copy: FH. — Videnskapsselskapets skrifter. I. Mat.-Naturv. Klasse. 1916. No. 8.

  1. Studies on the lichen flora of Norway... with 13 maps and 5 figures in the text/Appendix

Kristian Nissen Lapponian lichen names. Kristiania [Oslo] (I kommission hos Jacob

Dybwad) 1921. Oct. (Stud. lich. fl. Norway).

Publ.: 1921 (p. 252: printed 6 Dec 1921), p. [1]-252, maps i-xili. Copies: FH(2), L, Stevenson. — Videnskapsselskapets Skrifter I. Mat.-Naturv. Klasse 1921. No. 7. With appendix: Kristian Nissen, Lapponzan lichen names.

  1. Vascular plants from Novaya Xemlya with xlviii plates ... Kristiania [Oslo] (A. W.

Bréggers boktrykkeri a/s) 1923. Oct. (Vasc. pl. Nov. Kemlya).

Publ.: Feb 1924 (t.p.: 1923: “printed 23 Jan 1924’’), p. [1]-151, [152, impr. ], pl. 1-47. Copy: FH. — Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian expedition to Novaya Zemlya 1921. No. 13.

Ref.: Wilmott, A. J., J. Bot. 63: 163-165. 1926, 65: 84-87. 1927.

  1. Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Kemlya 1921 . Botany ... Oslo (Kristiania) (A. W. Bréggers Boktrykkeri a/s 1928. Oct. (Rep. Exped. Nov. Keml., Bot.).

Publ.: 1928, p. [1]-151, 47 pl. Copy: FI.

  1. Lichens from Novaya Zemlya (excl. of Acarospora and Lecanora) with xi plates ... Oslo (Kristiania) (A. W. Brdggers Boktrykkeri a/s) 1928. Oct. (Lich. Nov. Zemlya).

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1928 (p. 300: printed 3 Oct 1928; J. Bot. Jan 1929), p. [1 ]-299, [300, impr. ],



pl. 1-13 with text. Copies: FH, FI, Stevenson. — Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian expedition to Novaya Zemlya 1921. No. 43.

  1. Lichens collected on the Norwegian scientific expedition to Franz Josef Land 1930...

Oslo (i kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad) 1931. Oct. (Lichens Fr. Jos. Land).

Publ.: 1931, p. [1]-31, 2 pl., map. — Copy: FI. — Norges Svalbard — og Ishavs- Unders¢kelser ee ero Oo:

  1. Lichens from South East Greenland collected in 1931 on Norwegian expeditions. Oslo (i kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad) 1932. Oct. (Lichens 8. E. Greenland coll. 1931). Publ.: 1931, p. [1]-15, 1 map. Copy: FI. — Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet nr. 45.

  2. A revision of the genus Rhizocarpon (Ram.) Th. Fr. in Greenland. Oslo (i kommisjon hos

Jacob Dybwad) 1932. Oct. (Rev. Rhizocarpon).

Publ.: 1932, p. [1]-31, 2 pl., map. Copy: FI.— Norges Svalbard- og Ishavs-Unders@¢kelser . . . no. 47.

  1. Lichens from North East Greenland collected on the Norwegian scientific expeditions in 1929 and 1930. I. With 7 plates and 1 map. Oslo (Jacob Dybwads Bokhandel) 1932. Oct. (Lich. N. E. Greenland).

Co-author: Per Fredrik Scholander (1905-x).

Publ.: 1932 (p. 116 dated 13 Jan 1932), p. [1]-116, pl. 7-7, [1, expl. pl.]. Copies: FH, FI, Stevenson. — Norges Svalbard- og Ishavs-Unders¢kelser. Leder: Adolf Hoel. Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet nr. 41.

Part 2: Microlichens, 1941 (t.p. 1940, p. [116]: printed 20 Jan 1941), p. [1]-143, [145-146], pl. 1-9. Copy: FH. — Idem nr. 81.

  1. On Dufourea and Dactylina three arctic lichens ... Oslo (i kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad) 1933. Oct. (Dufourea G Dactylina). Publ.: 1933, p- [1 ]-62, 2 pl. Copy: FI.— Norges Svalbard- og Ishavs- Unders@kelser . . . no. 59.

  2. Lichens from Southeast Greenland collected chiefly by Dr. P. F. Scholander in 1932 during the Norwegian expedition in the S/S ‘‘Polaris” ... Oslo (1 kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad)

  3. Oct. (Lich. S. E. Greenland, Scholander).

Co-authors: Eilif Dahl (1916-x), Per Fredrik Scholander (1905-x).

Publ.: 1937, p. [1]-76, 2 maps. Copy: FI.— Norges Svalbard- og Ishavs-Unders@kelser . . . nr.


  1. Lichens from West Greenland, collected chiefly by Th. M. Fries... with 1 map in the text

and ro plates. K¢benhavn (C. A. Reitzels Forlag ...) 1937. Oct. (Lich. W. Greenland).

Publ.: Aug-Dec 1937 (p. 225: printed 29 Jul 1937), p. [1[-225, pl. 1-10. Copies: FH, Stevenson. — Meddelelser om Grgnland 118(8).

  1. Lichens from the West and North Coasts of Spitsbergen and the North-East Land collected

by numerous expeditions. I. The macrolichens. .. with 2 figures in the text and 14 plates...

Oslo (I kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad) 1938. Oct. (Lich. Spitsbergen).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1938 (p. 136: printed 5 Sep 1938), p. [1]-136, pl. t-xiv. Copres: FH, Stevenson. —Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademii Oslo I. Mat.-Naturv. Klasse 1938. No. 6.

  1. Lichens from Jan Mayen collected on Norwegian expeditions in 1929 and 1930... with

1 map and 2 plates. Oslo (I kommission hos Jacob Dybwad) 1939. Oct. (Lich. Jan Mayen).

Publ.: 1939 (p. 55: 30 Jan 1939), p- [1]-55, pl. 1-2. Copy: Stevenson. — Norges Svalbard- og Ishavs- Unders¢kelser. Leder: Adolf Hoel. Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet nr. 76.

Lyon, Harold Lloyd (1879-1957), American botanist and phytopathologist originally at the University of Minnesota, later at the Experiment Station, Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association; botanist and director of the Foster Botanical Gardens, Honolulu (Lyon).




BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 416 (b. 14 Oct 1879, d. 15 Mai 1957); BJI 2: 109; BM 3: 1201; IF p. 716; IH 2: 472; LS suppl. 16766-16769; Pennell p. 612; Stevenson p. 1250.

Anon., Nat. Nov. 21: 574. 1899 (ass. Univ. Minnesota); Science 125: 1139. 1957; Sugar 52: 49. 1957 (n.v.). t

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 125-126. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. natl. Herb. U.S. 30(1): 196-198. 1947.

EPONYMy (genus): Lyonella H. Sydow (1925); (journal): Lyonta. Occasional papers of the Harold L. Lyon Arboretum. Honolulu. Vol. 1-x, 1974-x.

5135- Lhe Pteridophytes of Minnesota. Harold L. Lyon. Reprinted July 3, 1903 from Minne- sota Botanical Studies. 1903. Oct. (Pleridoph. Minnesota). Publ.: 3 Jul 1903 (cover reprint; Fern Bulletin Jul 1903), cover (with above text), p. 245-

255. Lyons, Albert Brown (1841-1926), American botanist. (A. Lyons). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BISH, DUKE, MICH, NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 416 (b. 1 Apr 1841, d. 13 Apr 1926); BL 1: 3,

189, 306; BM 3: 1202; CSP 16: 932; IH 2: 473; Rehder 5: 529; Tucker 1: 446.

Donelly, W. A. et al., The University of Michigan, an encyclopaedic survey 1445. 1956.

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 126. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. natl. Herb. U. S. 30(1): 198. 1947.

Voss, E. G., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 13: 24, 58, 62, 64-67, 84-85, 87. 1978 (coll. in Michigan).

HANDWRITING: Voss, E. G., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 13: 66. 1978.

  1. Plant names scientific and popular including in the case of each plant the correct botanical name in accordance with the reformed nomenclature, together with botanical and popular synonyms and vernacular German, French and Spanish names. The list comprises all important medicinal plants with their pharmacopoeial names, the principal food plants of the world and all others of any economic importance, giving especial prominence to those which are indigenous in the United States. Compiled from the most authentic sources ... Detroit (Nelson, Baker & Co., Publishers) 1go00. (Pl. nam.).

Publ.: 1900 (p. [3]: Jan 1900), p. [1]-469. Copies: MO, USDA. — Bot. Zeit. 16 Dec 1903 and Nat. Nov. Nov 1903 mention a re-issue (?) dated 1903; Nat. Nov. Jul 1908 mentions a re- issue dated 1908.

Ed. 2: 1907‘(p. 5: Apr 1906), p. [1 ]-630. Copy: USDA. — Second edition. Thoroughly revised with much added matter. Detroit (id.). 1907.

Lyons, Israel (1739-1775), British astronomer and botanist at Oxford; later with the Board of Longitude, London. (J. Lyons).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 342; Barnhart 2: 416; BB p. 196; Dawson p. 669, 944; Desmond p. 401; DNB 34: 357; Dryander 3: 136, 5: 340; Henrey 2: 54, 55, 256, 3: 795 Jackson p. 249; Kew 3: 525; PR 5703 (ed. 1: 6379); Rehder 5: 529; Tucker 1: 446. Allibone, 8. A., Crit. dict. Engl. Litt. 1149. 1870.

Baines, J. E., Vict. Natural. 90: 229. 1973 (epon.).

Gorham, G. C., Mem. John and Thomas Martyn 122. 1830 (fide Desmond). Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 1: 1524. 1863 (d. 1 Mai 1775).

EPONYMY: Lyonsia R. Brown (1810); Lyonstaephyllum H. Deane (1907). 5137- Israelis Lyons, Jun. Fasciculus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium, quae post



Rajum observatum fuere. Londini (prostant venales apud A. Millar ... B. Dod, ... Gul. Thurlbourn et J. Noodyer et T. et J. Merril...) 1763. Oct. (Fasc. pl. Cantabr.). Publ.: Jul-Dec 1763(p. xvi: Jul 1763), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-56. Copies: G, NY, USDA; IDC 5138.

Lyons, John Charles (1792-1874), British botanist and orchid grower at Ladiston. (7. Lyons).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. Letters at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 416; BB p. 196-197; BM 3: 1203; Desmond p.

401; DNB 34: 358; Herder p 287, 361; Jackson p. 138, 413, 576; Kew 3: 525; PR 5702; TL-


Wilson, G., J. R. Hortic. Soc. 68(6): 175-178. 1943 (on his Rem. manag. Orchid. pl.); Orchid. Rev. 1943: 102-106 (id.; d. 3 Sep 1874).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Horticultural text for J. D. Hooker, Cent. orchid. pl. 1851, TL-2/3015.

  1. Remarks on the management of Orchidaceous plants, with a catalogue of those in the collection of J. C. Lyons, Ladiston. Alphabetically arranged, with their native countries, and a short account of the mode of cultivation adopted [Ladiston] 1843. Oct. (in fours) (Rem. manag. Orchid. pl.).

Ed. 1: 1843 (p. [vii]: 1 Feb 1843), Front., p. [i-vii], [1]-196. Copy: NY.

Ed. 2: 1845 (p. 1x: Mai 1845), p. [i]-xv, [17]-234. Copies: G, NY. —“‘A practical treatise on the management of orchidaceous plants, with a monthly calendar of work to be done, and an alphabetical descriptive catalogue of upwards of one thousand species; with directions for their growth and flowering. (second edition greatly enlarged.) ... London (J. Ridgway, ...), Dublin (Hodges and Smith ...) 1845.

Lyttkens, August (1845-1925), Swedish botanist and agriculturist; at Nydala near Halmstad 1876-1913. (Lyttkens) .

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 417; BL 2: 512-513, 686; Bossert p. 246 (b. 14 Jan 1845, d. 20 Sep 1925); CSP 16: 933; KR p. 479-480.

Osvald, H., 7 R. E. Fries, Short hist. bot. Sweden 138-139. 1950.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 61. 1903 (b. 14 Jan 1845), 3(3): 43. 1905.

  1. Om Svenska ogris, deras forekomst och utbredning intagande af uppgifter om ogras

fron i froanalysbevis ... Norrk6ping (Norrképings Tidningars Aktiebolag) 1885. Oct. (Sz.


Publ.: 1885, p. [1]-113. Copy: NY.— Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1888 mentions a reissue dated 1888 (Lund).

  1. Svenska véxtnamn ... Stockholm [vol. 2: C. E. Fritze’s Kgl. Hofbokhandel i distribu-

tion] 1904-1915. 3 vols. Oct. (Sv. vdxtnamn).

Publ.: in 10 parts, 1904-1915. In 3 vols.: 1: [1]-xix, [1]-519, 2: [521]-1168, 3: [1, m1], 1169- 1891. Copy: U. — See BL for additional details.

vol. part pages date Bot. Not. vol. part pages date Bot. Not.

cha ra 1-168 1904. 15 Feb 1905 2 6 865-1024 1911 1 Nov IgiI 2 . 169-320 1905 15 Dec 1905 7 1025-1168 1911 10 Feb 1912 3 321-519 1905 15 Dec 1905 3 8 1169-1328 r1g12 16 Dec 1912

2 4 523-688 1907 1 Apr 1908 9 1329-1605 1913 1 Nov 1913 5 689-864 1910 15 Sep 1910 10 1606-1891 1915

  1. Namlista dver Svenska vdxtnam pa Gagn- och ograsvaxter 1 6verensstammelse med den av kungl. lantbruksstryrelsen faststallda normalforteckningen utgiven med tllagg ...



Stockholm (A. B. Sandbergs bokhandel . . .) [1907]. Oct. (in fours). (Vamnilista Sv. vdéxtnam). Publ.: Jun 1907 (p. [2]: Jan 1907; Nat. Nov. Jul (2) 1907), p. [1]-43. Copy: NY. —See also above, TL-2/5140, Sv. vdxtnamn.

Maack, | Maak], Richard (Karlovic) (1825-1886), Estonian-born Russian botanist of Baltic-German origin at St. Petersburg; collected in Siberia. (MJaack).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LE; duplicates GH, K, LY, MW, OXF, PR, U.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(2): 193-194; Backer p. 343; Barnhart 2: 417; BJI 2:

109; BM 3: 1203-1204; Bret. p. 612; Clokie p. 204; CSP 4: 143-144; Hortus 3: 1199

(‘“Maack’’); IH 2: 475; Maiwald p. 122; MW p. 287; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 530; TR 837-

838; Tucker 1: 447; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 783.

Anon., Bonplandia 10: 272. 1862 (on his Reise am Ussuri); Bull. Soc. bot. France 7: 143. 1860; Flora 48: 172-173. 1865.

Borodin, I., Trav. Mus. bot. St. -Pétersb. 4: 70-71. 1908.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880.

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317. 1936.

Herder, F., von, Bot. Jahrb. 9: 430, 440. 1888; Bot. Centralbl. 55: 266. 1893, 58: 391. 1894 (coll. LE).

Lindemann, E. von, Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61(1): 44. 1886 (material at MW).

Lipschitz, S., Florae URSS fontes 1975, nos. 1754, 1857, 1858.

Varep, E., Eesti Loodus 18: 527-529. 1975 (biogr., portr., b. 23 Aug/4 Sep 1825, d. 13/25 Nov 1886; biogr. rep.).

NOTE: E. Regel (q.v.), Tentamen florae Ussuriensis (1861) is based on Maack’s collections. See e.g. BM 3: 1204 for Maack’s travelogues (in Russian).

EPONYMY: Maackia Ruprecht (1856).

Maas Geesteranus, Rudolf Arnold (1911-x), Dutch mycologist and lichenologist; Ph. D. Leiden 1947; at the Leiden Riyksherbarium until 1976. (Maas G.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Bossert p. 247; (b. 20 Jan 1911) GR p. 70, pl. [32], cat. p. 67;

IH 2: 475; Kew 3: 526; Roon p. 72; SBC p. 126 (“Maas G.”’).

Brummelen, J. van & C. Bas, Persoonia 8: 335-343. 1976 (biogr., bibl., portr.).

Hawksworth, D. L. & Seaward, M. R. D., Lichenol. Brit. Isles 115. 1977.

Jacobs, M., Fl. males Bull. 30: 2740. 1977.

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit, eds., Blumea 25(1): 19, 84. 1979.

Maas Geesteranus, R. A. M., Revision of the lichens of the Netherlands, I. Parmeliaceae. Leiden (Eduard Ijdo N.V.) 1947 (publ. 16 Nov 1947; viii, 149 p., 3 p. theses).

Petersen, R. H., Taxon 24: 519-520. 1975.

Maatsch, Richard Franz Theodor (1904-x), German horticulturist; studied at the Berlin-Dahlem Horticultural College 1928-1931; manager of the floricultural experiment station of this college 1931-1946; at the Humboldt University 1946-1949; from 1949-1973 professor of floriculture and director of the Floricultural Institute of the Technical Univer- sity at Hannover (Maatsch).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BFM 3008; Bossert p. 247; Kew 3: 527; MW p. 287; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 783-784.

Renard, Gartenwelt 69: 504-505. 1969.

Zimmer, K., Chron. hort. 14(3): 47. 1974 (portr., brief biogr., b. 4 Dec 1904).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Editor of Pareys ilustr. Gartenbaulexikon, ed. 5, 1956 and of R. Schlechter, Die Orchideen, ed. 3, 1971-x.



Mabille, [Jules] Paul (1835-1923), French botanist and entomologist; high school teacher at Bastia, Corsica (Mabille).

HERBARIUM and Types; Unknown; material in several herbaria, especially his Herbarium corsicum, cent. 1-4, 1865-1868, nos. 1-400. The indication that Debeaux and Reveliére participated in the publication of this series of exsiccatae (printed and numbered labels) is erroneous and stems from a misinterpretation by de Candolle, corrected in PFC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 417; BL 2: 140, 166, 686; BM 3: 1204 (the “botanist” and “entomologist’’ were the same man!), 7: 767; Clokie p. 204; CSP 4: 144, 8: 286, 10: 667-668, 12: 468-469, 16: 937; IH 2: 475-476; Jackson p. 142, 282; Kew 3: 527; PFC 1: ly, xlvii, 3(1): ix; PR 5704-5705; Rehder 5: 531; Saccardo 1: 98, 2: 64, cron. xxv; Tucker 1: 447; Urban-Berl. p. 371.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 12(bibl.): 192. 1865, 13(bibl.): 144. 1866 (on Herbarium corsicum), 25(bibl.): 132. 1878; Bull. Soc. entom. France 1923(7): 102. (d. 6 Apr 1923); Entom. News 34: 256. 1923 (d. 6 Apr 1923); Osterr. bot. Z. 15: 335. 1865 (Herb. corsic.); Rev. bryol. 22(5): 65-66. 1895 (on bryol. coll. Corsica).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 149. 1888 (415 nos. at W).

Bischler, H. & Jovet-Ast, S., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 39: 45. 1973 (on bryol. coll. Corsica).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880.

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Mid]. Natural. 33(1): 63. 1935 (biogr. refs.).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. entom. 237. 1977 (biogr. refs.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970 (coll. et E).

Musgrave, A., Bibl. Austral. entom. 206-207. 1932 (bibl.).

Tourlet, E. H., Doc. hist. bot. Touraine 100. 1905 (high school teacher at Tours 1873/74).

  1. Catalogue des plantes qui croissent autour de Dinan et de Saint-Malo avec notes et descriptions pour les espéces critiques ou nouvelles ... Bordeaux (Chez Coderc, Degréteau et Poujol, ...) 1866. Oct. (Cat. pl. Dinan).

Publ.: 1866, p. [i], [1]-160. Copy: G. — Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 25(6): 489-644. 1866.

  1. Recherches sur les plantes de la Corse... Paris (F. Savy, ...) 1867. Oct. (Rech. pl. Corse). Fasc. 1: 1867 (Flora 8 Oct 1867, ‘““Neuigkeit’’), p. [1]-34.

Fasc. 2: 1869 (BSBF rd. after 1 Nov 1869), p. [1], 35-47.

Copies: G(2), NY.

McAlpine, Daniel (1849-1932), Scottish-born Australian mycologist; lecturer in botany, Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh 1877; at Ormond College, Melbourne University 1884; at the College of Pharmacy, Melbourne; plant pathologist to the Victorian Government 1890-1915. (McAlpine).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: VPRI; Some material also at B and PAV. — At Burnley (Hawks- worth).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 230-231, 324; Barnhart 2: 117 (b. 21 Jan 1848, d. 12 Oct 1932); BM 3: 1205, 7: 768; Bossert p. 259; CSP 16: 940; Desmond p. 402 (6. 1848); Hawksworth p. 184; HR; IH 2: 476; Jackson p. 64, 489; Kelly p. 147, 255; Kew 3: 527-528; LS 17509-17606, 36808-36838, suppl. 17822-17832; NAF 7(15): 1076; Rehder 5: 531; Stevenson p. 1250; Tucker 1: 447; Urban-Berl. p. 278.

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6, p. 339. 1971.

Anon., Australas. J. Pharm. ser. 2. 13: 933, 1037. 1932.

Anderson, C., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 58(1/2): iv. 1933.

Arthur, J. C., Result. sci. Congr. int. bot. Vienne 1905: 340. 1906 (epon.).

Butler, E. J., Trans. brit. mycol. Soc. 14(1/2): 2-4. 1929.

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 266. 1969.

Whetzel, H. H., Hist. phytopathology 91. 1918 (portr.).

Willis, J. H., Vict. Natural. 66(6): 107-108. 1949.

“EPONYMY: Macalpinia J. CG. Arthur (1906); Macalpinomyces R. F. N. Langdon & R. A. Fullerton (1977).



  1. Department of Agriculture, Victoria. Systematic arrangement of Australian fungi, to-

gether with host-index and list of works on the subject ... Melbourne (Robt. S. Brain,

Government Printer) 1895. Oct. (Syst. arr. Austral. fungi).

Publ.: 1895 (Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1895; p. vi: 1 Jan 1895), p. [1]-vi, [1, cont.], [1 ]-236, [1, err.], Copies: BR, MO, NY, PH, Stevenson, US, USDA.

5145- Department of Agriculture, Victoria, Additions to the fungi on the vine in Australia (with 80 figures) ... Melbourne (by authority: Robt. S. Brain, ...) [1898]. Oct. (Add. fungi vine Australia).

Co-author: Gerald H. Robinson.

Publ.: 1898 (Hedwigia 25 Jun 1898), p. [1]-54, pl. 1-70 (uncol., auct.). Copy: Stevenson.

  1. Department of Agriculture, Victoria, The rusts of Australia their structure, nature, and classification ... with 55 plates (including 366 figures). Melbourne (Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer) 1906, 16-mo. (Rusts Australia).

Publ.: Mar-Jun 1906 (p. vi: Mar 1906; J. Bot. Aug 1906; Bot. Centralbl. 7 Aug 1906), frontisp., p. [i]-vi, [1, cont.], [1, h.t.], [1]-349, pl. A-7, 1-44. Copies: G, L, Stevenson, USDA.

Ref.: A. L. S., J. bot. 44: 282-283. Aug 1906.

Cotton, A. D., Bot. Centralbl. 102: 385-386. 1906 (rev.).

  1. Department of Agriculture, Victoria. The smuts of Australia their structure, life

history, treatment and classification ... with 312 illustrations. Melbourne (J. Kemp,

Government printer) [1910], 16-mo. (Smuts Australia).

Publ.: 1910 (p. vi: Apr 1910; Bot. Centralbl. 30 Apr 1912; Mycol. Centralbl. 15 Mai 1912), p. [i], frontisp., [i]-vi, [1], [1]-285, pl. 1-56. Copies: B, NY, Stevenson, USDA.

M’Andrew [McAndrew], James (1836-1917), British school-teacher and botanist. (MP Andrew).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: E (mosses, lichens); further material at DFS, MANCH, OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 417; BB p. 197; BL 2: 305, 313, 687; Clokie p. 204; CSP 12: 469, 16: 940-941; Desmond p. 402; GR p. 404; IH 2: 476; LS 16746-16748; 36839, suppl. 17833; Rehder 1: 534; Tucker 1: 447.

Anon., Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. 5(5): 619. 1920 (obit.; b. 29 Jan 1836, d. 4 Jul 1917); Dumfriesshire Galloway nat. Hist. antiq. Soc., Trans. ser. 3. 5: 264-265. 1918 (obit.; d. 7 Jul 1917).

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 23, 115-116, 198. 1977.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970 (orig. herb.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 67. 1957 (Brit. herb. at DFS).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Contributed to G. F. Scott-Elhot, The flora of Dumfriesshire 1896, q.v.

  1. A list of the flowering plants of Dumfriesshire & Kirkcudbrightshire, compiled for the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. By James M’ Andrew, ... Dumfries (printed at the Herald Office) 1882. Qu. (List. /l. pl. Dumfriesshire). Publ.: Sep-Nov 1882 (p. 6: 1 Mai 1882; J. Bot. Dec 1882), p. [1]-51, [52]. Copy: NY.

McArdle, David (1849-1934), Irish plant collector and clerk at the Botanic Gardens Glasnevin 1869-1923 (McArdle).

HERBARIUM and TyPeEs: BM; further material at DBN ( 3000 bryoph., mostly hepat. from Ireland), and E.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 417 (b. 28 Nov 1849); BM 7: 768; CSP 10: 670, 16: 941; GR p. 754 (d. 2 Jun 1934); IH 2: 476; SBC p. 126 (““McArd.”’).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970 (coll. at E).

Knowles, M. C., Lichens Ireland 188. 1929.



Lett, H. W., Proc. R. Irish Acad. 32: 78. 1916 (census mosses Ireland).

Mitchell, M. E., Bibl. Irish lichenol. 41. 1971.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 165. 1904.

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 55. 1980 (coll. DBN).

Praeger, R. L., Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 7: cxxix. 1901 (bibl.); Irish Natural. J. 5: 182. 1935; Some Irish naturalists 123. 1949.

Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 72: 292. 1934.

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 1: 195. 1935 (d. 2 Jun 1934).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Lichens (p. 110-114) in Praeger, R. L., Contr. nat. hist. Lambay County, Irish Natural. 16, 1907. (2) Lichens (p. 100-102) inG. A. J. Cole and R. L. Praeger, Handb. City Dublin, Sep 1908.

Macarthur, (Sir) William (1800-1882), Australian horticulturist and botanist; commis- sioner to the Paris Exhibition of 1855; active as a farmer at Camden Park, New South Wales. (W. Macarthur).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: MEL; further material at BM, CGE, FI and K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 343; Barnhart 2: 417 (b. 16 Dec 1800, d. 29 Oct

1882); BB p. 197; BM 3: 1205, 7: 768; Desmond p. 402; DNB 34: 402; HR; IH 2: 476; PR

5706; Rehder 5: 531; SK 1: 334-335; Tucker 1: 447.

Anon., Austral. Enc. 5: 406. 1965.

Hall, N., Bot. Eucalypts 87. 1978.

Hooker, }. D., Fl. Tasmania 1: cxxvi. 1859.

Maiden, J. H., J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. W. 42: 111-112. 1908; Rep. A.A.A.S. Sydney 13(D): 231, pl. 21. 1911.

Mennell, P., Dict. Austral. biogr. 287. 1892.

Norton, J., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 25: 773. 1908 (pl. in Backhouse herb. [MEL]).

Onslow, S. M., Some early records of Macarthurs of Gamden 1914 passim (fide Desmond).

EPONYMY: Macarthuria Higel ex Endlicher (1837).

  1. New South Wales (Nouvelle Galle du Sud) Australie. Catalogue des collections de bois indigénes des différents districts de cette colonie. .. Paris (Imprimerie horticole de J.-B. Gros, ..-) [1855] (Cat. coll. bois. wndig.).

Co-author (actually: other collector): Charles Moore (1820-1905).

Publ.: 1855, p. [1]-23. Copies: BR, WU; Mitchell Library, Sydney. — Lists collections made by Macarthur and (separately) by Moore. Macarthur was the N.S.W. representative at the 1855 Paris “Exposition”; Ch. Moore was at the time director of the Sydney botanical garden. The brochure (single gathering) lists the species with brief descriptions of the wood; (listed by BM under Paris, 4: 1512).

McAtee, Waldo Lee (1883-x), American entomologist, botanist and ornithologist, A. M. Indiana Univ. 1906; with USDA in various functions 1904-1947. (McAtee).

HERBARIUM and types: US; further material at NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 118 (b. 21 Jan 1883); BL 1: 132, 172, 173, 185, 188, 205, 306; GR p. 230-231; IH 2: 476; Pennell p. 613; Tucker 1: 447. Osborn, H., Fragm. entom. hist. 107, 120, 213, 340. 1937 (portr.).

NoTE: M. published A review of the nearctic Viburnum, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1956, iv, 125 p., 9 pl.

  1. A sketch of the natural history of the District of Columbia together with an indexed edition of

the U.S. Geological Survey’s 1917 map of Washington and vicinity ... Washington, D. C,

May, 1918. Oct. (Sketch hist. Distr. Columbia).

“Publ.: Mai 1918, p. [1]-142, map. Copy: USDA. — Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington no. 1.



Macbride, James (1784-1817), American botanist and physician; practicing in Pineville and Charleston, South Carolina. (7. Macbr.).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 418 (b. 17 Apr 1784, d 21 Sep 1817); CSP 4:

148; Lenley (Torrey) p. 463; LS 16152-16153; ME 1: 208, 3: 619.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. Dict. Engl. lit. Brit. Amer. auth. 1161. 1870.

Anon., Appleton’s Cycl. Amer. biogr. 4: 74. 1888.

Darlington, W., Reliq. Baldw. 146, 193, 341. 1843.

Elliott, S., Sketch bot. S. Carolina 2: vi-vill. 1824.

Gee, W., Bull. Univ. S. Carolina 72: 33-34. 1918.

Gray, A., in Hooker, W. J., London J. Bot. 1: 13. 1842.

Kelly, H. A., Cycl. Amer. med. biogr. 2: 119. 1912; Some Amer. med. bot. 118-120. 1914, 1929.

Kelly, H. A. and W. L. Burrage, Amer. med. biogr. 725. 1920.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. America 8. 1977.

EPONYMY: Macbridea Elliott ex Nuttall (1818); Macbridea Rafinesque (1818).

Macbride, James Francis (1892-1976), American botanist; A. B. Univ. Wyoming 1914; later at the Gray Herbarium and the Field Museum; worker on the flora of Peru. (Macbr.).

HERBARIUM and Types: F. For duplicates see IH. The types of Nelson and Macbride. Western plant studies (in Bot. Gaz.) are mainly at GH with duplicates at POM and WYO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 418, (b. 1g Mai 1892); BJI 2: 109; BL 1: 256, 306; BM 7: 769; Bossert p. 24.7; CSP 4: 148; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Macbr.’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 476-477; Kew 3: 529; Langman p. 463; LS 16152-16153; MW p. 287; NAF 28B(2): 344; NW p. 52; PH 209, 494; TL-2/2693; Tucker 1: 447; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 784. Anon., Madrofio 23: 456. 1976; Taxon 25(5/6): 588. 1976 (d. 15 Jun 1976).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural. 255-256. 1950.

Hedge, I. GC. & J. M. Lamond, Ind. coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970.

Reifschneider, O., Biogr. Nevada Bot. 1844-1963, p. 86-87. 1964.

Reveal, J., zn A. Cronquist et al., Intermountain flora 1: 61-62. 1972 (portr.).

EPONYMY: Macbrideina Standley (1929).

5151- Common wild flowers ... Chicago (Field Museum of Natural History) 1924. (Common

wild fi.).

Publ.: Oct 1924, p. 1-123, with second pagination for each part: Spring wild flowers, cover, front., 1-32, 29 photos (leaflet number 7), Spring and early summer wild flowers, cover, front., [1 ]-30, 29 photos (leaflet number 8), Summer wild flowers, cover, front., [1]-30, 30 photos (leaflet number 9), Autumn flowers and fruits, cover, front., [1]-29, 30 photos (leaflet number 10). Copy: US.

  1. Flora of Peru ... Botanical series Field Museum of Natural History volume xiii ... Chicago, U.S.A. [Field Museum of Natural History] 1936-x. Oct. (FI. Peru).

Partr (1): 27 Jan 1936, frontisp., p. [1]-320, [1-2, index]. (2): 17 Aug 1960, p. [1-11], 321-418. (3): 26 Aug 1936, p. [419]-768, [1-2, index]. Part 2 (1): 10 Jun 1936, p. [i], [1]-253. (2): 15 Mar 1937, p. [255]-661, 1-11. (3): 31 Oct 1938, p. [663]-1162. Part 3 (1): 11 Oct 1943, p. [1]-507, 1-11. (2): 18 Mar 1949, p. [509]-777, 1. (3): 17 Nov 1959, p. [779]-999. Part 3a (1): 17 Oct 1951, p. [1]-288, i-i1. (2): 21 Dec 1956, p. [289]-744, i-ii.



Part 4 (1): 30 Jun 1941, p. [1]-566, [i]-11. (2): 28 Nov 1958, p. [567]-818, i, by Rogers McVaugh (1909-x). Part 5 (1): 23 Dec 1959, p. [1]-536, [i]-11. (2): 9 Dec 1960, p. [537]-854, [i]-1. Part 5a (1): 31 Jul 1962, p. [1]-96, by Mildred E. Mathias (1906-x) and Lincoln Con- stance (1909-x). (2): 10 Nov 1967, p. [97]-131, by Dorothy N. Gibson. (3): 27 Feb 1970, p. [133]-177, by Charles Baehni (1906-1964) and Luciano Bernardi. Part 5b (1): 11 Mai 1962, p. [1]-267, by J. Francis Macbride. (2): 18 Jan 1967, p. [269]-458, by Donovan S. Correll (1908-x). (3): 21 Mai 1971, p. [459]-717, by Gabriel Edwin (1926-x). Part 5¢ (1): 18 Oct 1961, p. [1]-104, by J. Francis Macbride. Part 6 (1): 18 Sep 1936, p. [1]-261, 1, by J. Francis Macbride. (2): 29 Oct 1937, p. [263]-491, [i]-11, by id.

Copies: G, L, NY, U.

Macbride, Thomas Huston (1848-1934), American mycologist, M. A. Monmouth College 1873; Ph. D. h. c. Bonn 1891; at Lennox College 1870-1878; from 1878 at the University of lowa. (7. Macbr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: IA; duplicates at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 234, 322; Barnhart 2: 418; BL 1: 178, 306; BM

3: 1205, 7: 769; Bossert p. 247 (b. 31 Jul 1848, d. 27 Mar 1934); CSP 16: 942-943; GR cat. p.

67; Hawksworth p. 184; Hirsch p. 183; IH 2: 477; Kelly p. 135, 255; Kew 3: 529; Lenley p.

273: LS 16154-16168, 36346-36346a, suppl. 16773-16781; MW p. 287; NAF 1(1): 164; NW

p. 52; Pennell p. 612; PH 26, 98, 567; Rehder 5: 531; SO 874a, Stevenson p. 1250

(‘“Macbr.”’); Tucker 1: 447.

Anon., Pop. Sci. Monthly 64(4): 380. 1904 (portr.).

Clarke, J. M., James Hall of Albany 281, 282. 1923.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970.

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975, mss.

Lloyd, C. G., Mycol. notes 54! 765-766. 1918 (portr.).

Martin, G. W., in Macbride T. H. and G. W. Martin, Myxomycetes p. [1, pref.]. 1934.

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 33. 1945.

Pammel, L. H., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 19: 33-35. 1912, 31: 51-52, 53, 59, 1924.

Rigg, G. B., Science 61: 219-220. 1935.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. America 41-42. 1977.

Scherz, M. F. W. & W. L. Myers, Thomas Huston Macbride, Lowa Univ. Cent. Mem. 1947, 77 P- (portr.), (n.v.).

Shimek, B., Univ. lowa News Bull. 3(4): 5-6. Apr 1928 (portr.); Proc. lowa Acad. Sci. 41: 33-37. 1934 (portr., bibl.); Mycologia 26: 379-383. 1935. (portr., bibl.).

Verdoorn, F., Chron, bot. 1: 296. 1935 (portr.).

EPonyMy: Macbridella F. J. Seaver (1909); Macbrideola H. C. Gilbert (1934).

5153- The myxomycetes of Eastern Iowa, Bull. Labor. nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 2(2): [99]-

162, pl. 1-10. 1892.

Publ.: Jun 1892 (Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1892; journal cover: Jun 1892; Bot. Zeit. 30 Dec 1892), p. [i-iii], [99]-162, pl. 1-10 (by Mary P. Macbride, uncol.). Copy(reprint): USDA. Copies(journal publ.): NY, Stevenson. — To be cited from journal; no reprint with independent pagination is known to us.

  1. The North American Slime-moulds being a list of all species of Myxomycetes hitherto

described from North America, including Central America ... New York (The Macmillan

Company), London (Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) 1899. Oct. (NV. Amer. Slime-moulds).

Ed. 1: Sep 1899 (BG. Nov. 1899, announced for “this Fall’; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1899; Bot. Zeit. 16 Dec 1899), frontisp., p. [i]-xvii, 1-269, pl. 1-18 (with text; see p. 233 for artists).



Copies: G, MO, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA; IDC 7579.

Ed. 2: 1922 (p. xiv: 28 Feb 1g2t). “The... Slime-moulds a descriptive list of all species of myxomycetes hitherto reported from the continent of North America with some notes on extra-limital species ... new and revised edition’”’. New York (The Macmillan Compa- ny), London (Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) 1922. Oct; p. [1], frontisp., [ii1]-xvii, [1 ]-347, pl. 1-23 (with text). Copies: MO, NY, Stevenson, US. USDA

Ref.: GC hamberlain, C. J., Bot. Gaz. 29: 74-75. 31 Jan 1900 (eden )t Murray, G., J. Bot. 38: 55-57. Feb 1900.

Seaver, F. J., Torreya 22(3): 50-52. 29 Jul 1922 (ed. 2).

5155- Lhe myxomycetes a descriptive list of the known species with special reference to those

occurring in North America. New York (The Macmillan Company) 1934. Oct. (Apxomyce-


Co-author: George Willard Martin (1886-1971).

Publ.: 21 Mai 1934 (p. iv), p. [i]-viu, [1, pref.], [1, cont.], [1]-339, pl. 7-27 (uncol.; with text). Copies: NY, US, USDA.

McCalla [M Calla], William (1814-1849), Irish schoolmaster and algologist at Round- stone, Connemara. (W. McCalla).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at K and TCD; types of algae at DBN (Koster). Exsicca- tae: Algae hibernicae, vol. 1, nos. 1-50, vol. 2, nos.1-50, Dublin 1848, sets at CGE, DBN, E, PEK NY OXF Pe. eb:

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 418; BB p. 197; Clokie p. 204; Desmond p. 403; THe: 477:

Babington, C. C., Mem. journ. bot. corr. xxiv, 45, 46, 55, 274. 1897. Balfour, J. H., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 8: 155. 1902 (d. of cholera). Dickinson, C. I., Phycol. Bull. 1: 13. 1952.

Farran, C., Phytologist 2: 742-746. 1847 (“panegyric on Mr. M?Alla...”). lamer W. H., Phycologia britannica 1: 84, 293. 1846.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970.

Hooker, W. J., Gomp. Bot. Mag. 1: 158. 1836.

Koster, J. T., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

ett, BH. W.,)Proc JR Imsh Acad: 39((iotr) Anno:

Praeger, R. L., Some Irish natural. 122. 1949.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 87. 1969.

McCalla, William Copeland (1872-1962), Canadian teacher, botanist and farmer; from 1922-1925 librarian at Edmonton Normal School; from 1925-1938 teaching natural history at the Normal School of Calgary; LL. D. h.c. Univ. Alberta 1956. (W. C. McCalla).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: fungus herbarium at ALTA; other collections also in ALTA and OLDS (duplicates see IH). For Rocky Mountain collections see Ewan (1950).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 418; IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 477; Pennell p. 613.

Boivin, B., Provancheria 10: 170. 1980 (coll.).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural 262. 1950.

Porsild, A. E., Canad. Field-Natural. 78(3): 131-138. 1964 (portr.; b. 8 Nov 1872, d, 22 Aug 1962).

  1. Wild flowers of Western Canada ... Toronto (The Musson Book Company, Limited).
  2. (Wild fl. W. Canada).

Publ.: 1920 (p. 5: Mai 1920), p. [1]-132, 60 figs. Copy: US.

McCarthy, Michael Gerald (1858-1915), American botanist; at North Carolina Agri- cultural Experiment Station 1888-1897; on North Carolina Board of Agriculture 1897- 1907; D.Sc.h.c. Gallaudet Coll. 1904 (McCarthy).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: in many herbaria (see IH), e.g. KSC and US.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 419 (orig. info.; b. 1 Dec 1858, d. 8 Sep 1915); BL 1: 205, 306; Clokie p. 204; IH 2: 477-478; LS 36844-36849; Pennell p. 613; Tucker 1:

44]. Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 203. 1896. Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970.

5157+ Wilmington flora a list of plants growing about Wilmington, North Carolina, with

date of flowering. With a map of New Hanover county. By Thomas F. Wood and Gerald

McCarthy. Raleigh (Edwards, Broughton & Co., ...) 1886. Qu. (Wilmington fi.).

Co-author: Thomas Fanning Wood (1841-1892).

Publ.: 1886, p. [1]-69, 1 map. Copies: NY, US. — Reprinted from the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 3: 77-141. 1886.

MacCaughey, Vaughan (1887-1954), American botanist; B. A. Cornell Univ. 1908; active in various functions in Hawaii. (MacCaughey).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 419 (b. 7 Jul 1887); BL 1: 205, 306; GR p. 230.

Ewan, J., et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 16. 1969.

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 127-129. 1937 (bibl. Polynesian bot.), Contr. U. S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 199-201: 1947 (brbl.).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 65. 1955.

Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 824. 1965.

Macchiati, Luigi (1852-1921), Italian cryptogamist; until 1905 at Savona; later scientific director and president of the R. Instituto Tecnico, Venezia. (Macch.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 419 (b. 22 Jun 1852, d. 16 Feb 1921); BL 2: 343,

360, 686; CSP 10: 670-671, 12: 469, 16: 944-945 (bibl.); De Toni 1: Ixxx, 2: Ixxvii, Cxxxi, 4:

XXXVil-xxxvill; [IH 2: 478; LS 16171-16177; Morren ed. 10, p. 83 (at Cuneo); Rehder 5: 531;

Saccardo 1: 99; SBC p. 126 (““Macch.”’); Stevenson p. 1250.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 99: 560. 1905; Hedwigia 45 (Beibl.): (77). 1906; Nuova Notarisia 23: 86-87. 1922.

Cavillier, F., Boissiera 5: 61. 1941.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 12: 20. 1906.

Lusina, G., Annali Bot. 25: 158. 1958.

  1. Fauna e flora degli afidi di Calabria [Bull. Soc. entomol. Ital. 1883]. Oct. Publ.: 1883, p. [1 ]-54. Copy: FI.— Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. entomol. ital. 15: 221-240, 254-287. 1883.

McClatchie, Alfred James (1861-1906), American agriculturist and horticulturist; B. A. Univ. Nebraska, M. A. Olivet Coll. 1889; professor of agriculture Univ. Arizona 1898; later at the Throop Polytechnic Institute, Pasadena (McClat.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: NY (fungus herb.); other material at DS, NYS and UC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 419; BL 1: 168, 307; BM 3: 1206; Bossert p. 259

(d. 11 Feb 1906); CSP 16: 945; GR p. 231; Hortus 3: 1199 (“McClat.”’); IH 2: 478; LS

17608-17610; Rehder 5: 511; TL-2/2456; Tucker 1: 447.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 74: 191. 1898 (app. Arizona); Hedwigia 37 (Beibl.): (145). 1898 (id.).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 203. 1896.

Hall, N., Bot. Eucalypts 88. 1978. (d. 11 Feb 1906).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 4: 104. 1898 (app. Ariz.).

Murrill, W. A., J. New York Bot. Gard. 13: 147-148. 1912 (herb.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.



  1. Flora of Pasadena and vicinity ... Los Angeles, Cal. (Kingsley-Barnes & Neumer Co.

Print) 1895. Qu.

Publ.: Oct 1895 (p. 608: 26 Sep 1895; TBC 31 Oct 1895; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1896), p. [605 ]- 649. Copy: USDA. — Reprinted with special cover from H. A. Reid, History of Pasadena 605-649. 1895.

  1. Seedless plants of Southern California Protophytes-Pteridophytes. List of the plants

below seed-plants known to occur in the coast region of Southern California, with a synopsis

of the vegetable kingdom and artificial keys to genera... [Los Angeles].(B. R. Baumgardt

& Co. Printers) [1897]. Oct.

Publ.: 5 Jun 1897 (orig. cover), p. [i], [327]-395, [396-398, index]. Copies: LC, USDA. — Reprinted with special cover and title page from Proc. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 337-398. 1897.

  1. Eucalypts cultwated in the United States ... Washington (Government Printing Office)

  2. Oct. (Eucal. U.S.).

Publ.: Jun-Dec 1902 (p. 2: 4 Jun 1902; TBC 4 Feb 1903; Nat. Nov. Nov(1,2) 1903), frontisp., p. [1]-106, pl. 1-97 (photos). Copies: FI, USDA. — U.S. Dept. Agr., Bureau of Forestry, Bull. 35.

Spanish translation: Sevilla 1906, 193 p., Cultivo del Eucalyptus en los Estados Unidos (Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1908).

M’Clelland [McClelland], John (1805-1883), British physician and zoologist in the Bengal Medical Service (1846-1865), also superintendent of the Calcutta gardens. (M?Clell.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: K; other material CAL, E, L, U.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Backer p. 343; Barnhart 2: 420 (d. 11 Jul 1883); BB p. 197; BM 3: 1206; CSP 4: 149-150; Desmond p. 403; Herder p. 21; Hortus 3: 1199 (““McClell.”’); IH 2: 478; Jackson p. 384; Kew 3: 530; Lasegue p. 432; NI 1255; NW p. 52; PR 5707-5709 (ed. 1: 6382-6383); Rehder 5: 531; TL-2/1: 445, 2166-2170; Tucker 1: 447; Zander ed. 10, Pyoge eden. pi78a,

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 47. 1858 (cogn. Leopoldina Koenig).

Archer, M., Nat. hist. draw. India Office libr. 41-46, 87. 1962.

Boase, F., Modern English biogr. 2: 371-372. 1897 (fide Desmond).

Burkill, 1. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 242 [index]. 1965.

Coats, I. M., The plant hunters 153-154. 1969.

Crawford, D. G., Hist. Ind. med. Serv. 2: 148. 1914 (fide Desmond).

Hooker, W. J., London J. Bot. 7: 446-449. 1848 (on his editing W. Griffith’s works).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Edited several of the works by William Griffith (1810-1845), q.v. (2) Edited: The Calcutta Journal of Natural History, vols. 1-8, 1840-1847.

EPONYMY: Macclellandia R. Wight (1853).

McClintock, Elizabeth May (1912-x), Californian botanist at the Californian Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. (McClint.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Bossert p. 259; Hortus 3: 1199 (““McClint.””); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 478; Kew 3: 532; Langman p. 490; Roon p. 75; TL-2/3559; Zander ed. 10, p. 690, ed. Toh hers

Anon., Taxon 22: 707. 1973.

Ewan, J., et al., Leafl. W. Bot. 7: 69, 76, 81-83, 96, 97. 1953; Short hist. bot. U.S. 141. 1969. Fosberg, F. R., Taxon 19: 432. 1970.

Howell, J. T., Leafl. W. Bot. 7: 97. 1953.

Kearney, T. H., Leafl. W. Bot. 8: fig. 2. 1958 (portr.).

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 55. 1980 (coll. DBN).



FESTSCHRIFT: Madrono, vol. 24, 1978 is dedicated to E. McClintock; plewee es between p. 88 & 89.

McClure, Floyd Alonzo (1897-1970), American economic botanist and taxonomist who resided in China, at Lingnan University Canton 1919-1940; from 1941 at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., specialist on bamboo. (McClure).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Main set at US; status of set in JBSC unclear. See IH for duplicates; types at US fide statement McClure (3.2.62) in IH archives.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 420; Bossert p. 259; Hirsch p. 183; Hortus 3: 1199 (““McClure’”’); IH 2: 478; Kew 3: 532; Langman p. 491; MW p. 314, suppl. p. 224; SK 1: 335, 8: Ixu, Zander ed. 11, p. 787.

Anon., Flora males. Bull. 25: 1877. 1971; New York Times 17 Apr 1970, p. 37.

Galderon, C. E. & T. R. Soderstrom, Smiths. Contr. Bot. 11: 3. 1973 (epon., tribute).

Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 105. 1970.

McClure, F. A., Taxon 6(7): 199-1211. 1957, 8(6): 208-209. 1959, 9: 194. 1960 (typifica- tion of genera of the Bambusoideae); The bamboos — a fresh perspective, Cambridge 1966 (... and a summing up), see also Taxon 15: 220-235. 1966 (a glossary of the bamboos); Genera of Bamboos native to the New World. Washington 1973. (posthu- mous; ed. by T. R. Soderstrom; Smithson. Contr. Bot. 9).

Meyer, F. G., Economic botany 26(1): 1-12. 1972 (portr., bibl.).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 71. 1946 [1948] (epon.).

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 16: 139-140. 1967 (review of M’s, The Bamboos, 1966); 22: 500. 1973.

Walker, E. H. and Archer, W. A., Taxon 20: 777-784. 1971 (bibl., portr., b. 14 Aug 1897, d. 15 Apr 1970).

Waller, A. E., Ohio J. Sci. 71(4): 256. 1971.

5161a. Plants of Lantau Island, Kwantung. I. ... Lingnan University Science Bulletin no. 3. May 1, 1931. Oct. Publ.: 1 Mai 1931, p. [1]-44, map. Copy: PH. — To be cited from journal.

McCormick, Robert (1800-1890), British navy surgeon and explorer who collected on the arctic expedition of W. E. Parry and the antarctic expedition of J. C. Ross. (McCormick).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 421; BB p. 198; BM 3: 1206-1207; CSP 4: 150,

16: 948; Desmond p. 403; DNB 35: 11; Hist. coll. BMNH 1: 308, 2: 421; IH 2: 479;

Quenstedt p. 286; SK 1: 335.

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 100, 115-116. 1967.

Anon. , Leopoldina 27: 52-53. 1891 (b. 22 Jul 1800, d. 2 Oct 1890).

Greffrath, von, Geogr. Jahrb. 14: 205-206. 1891 (obit.).

Huxley, ree “ak letters J. D. Hooker 2: 555 (Index). 1918.

M’C., J. W., Scott. geogr. Mag. 7: 91. 1891 (obit.).

McCormick, R., Voyages of discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic Seas, and round the world. London 1884, 2 vols. (includes autobiography as part 4).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 165. 1904 (coll. BM).

McCoy, (Sir) Frederick (1817-1899), Irish-born palacontologist; from 1854 at Melbour- ne as professor of natural sciences; D. Sc. Cantabr. 1886. (McCoy).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: Andrews p. 298; Barnhart 2: 421; BB p. 198; BM 3: 1207; CSP 4: 151-152, 8: 289-290, 10: 672, 16: 948; Desmond p. 404; DNB suppl. 1(3): 119; HR; Kew 3: 533; Quenstedt p. 286. Anon., Austral. Encycl. 5: 414. 1965; Irish Natural. 8: 197. 1899 (id. 16 Mai 1899); Quart. “J. Geol. Soc. 56: lix-lx. 1900; Science g: 789. 1899 (obit.); Victor. Natural. 16(2): 19. 1899, 16(5): 92. 1899; Zoologist 3: 280. 1899 (d.).


Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. dec. entomol. 238. 1977.

H. B. W., Nature 60: 83. 1899.

H. W., Proc. Roy. Soc., London Yearb. Roy. Soc. London 1goo: 196-198, 75: 43-45. 1904 (obit., b. 1823, d. 16 Mai 1899).

Mennell, P., Dict. Australas. biogr. 289-290. 1892.

Musgrave, A., Bibl. Austral. entom. 208. 1932.

Pescott, Vict. Natural. 57: 5-6. 1940.

Serle, P., Dict. Austral. biogr. 2: 68-69. 1949 (prob. b. 1817).

Woodward, H., Geol. Magaz. 420: 283-287. 1899 (bibl.).

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 389, 398, 401, 407. 1901.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Esquisse sur l’histoire naturelle, ancienne et moderne, de la colonie de Victoria, in W. H. Archer et al., Essazs divers servant @ introduction au catalogue de l exposition des produits de la colonie de Victoria ... Melbourne, 1861, p. 149-165. (Copy: FI).

EPONYMY: Maccoya F. von Mueller (1859).

5161b. Geological Survey of Victoria. Prodromus of the Palaeontology of Victoria; or, figures

and descriptions of Victorian organic remains. Decade i[-vii] ... Melbourne (by authority:

John Ferres, ...) 1874 [-1882]. Qu. (Prodr. palaeontol. Victoria).

1: 1874 (p. 4: 25 Mai 1874), p. [1]-43, pl. 7-10 (uncol. liths, A. Bartholomews).

2: 1875 (p. 6: 26 Apr 1875), p. [1]-37 pl. 11-20. Imprint decs. 2-3: Melbourne (printed and published by George Skinner, ...) London (Triibner and Co., ...).

g21876(p45 eno! Heb 1876), p. [1]-40, pl. 27-30.

4: 1876 (p. 5: 6 Oct 1876), p. [1]-32, pl. 31/32, 33-40. Imprint decas 4: Melbourne (John Ferres, Government Printer ...), London (George Robertson, ...).

5: 1897 (p. G27 Sepmag 7) Path =4ies e 41-50. Imprint decas 5-7: Melbourne (John Ferres,

.), London (Tribner aa Co.,

6: 1879 (p. 4: 2 Dec 1878), p. [1]-4 alae -44, cont.], pl. 51-60.

7ALGol (ps5: 1 sep LGor),.p. 1 |= ae [31-32, cont.], p, pl. 67-70.

Copies: LC, PH, UG, Natl. Library of Australia. — “Originals of all the figures are in the National Dine, Melbourne’”’. (cover dec. 7).

McDermott, Laura Frances (1882-1923), American botanist; M. Sc. Univ. Calif. 1907; later high school teacher at San Diego. (McDermott).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 422.

  1. An illustrated key to the North American species of Trifolium... San Francisco (Cunning- ham, Curtiss & Welch) rgro. (ll. key Amer. Trifolium). Publ.: 25 Apr 1910 (t.p.), p. [1]-325 pl. 1-236. Copy: US.

MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (1865-1958), American botanist, Ph. D. Purdue Univ.; lecturer Univ. Minnesota 1893, ass. prof. bot. id. 1895; director laboratory of the New York Botanical Garden 1899-1905; director of the Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona 1905- 1928. (MacDougal).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Mainly at US; duplicates in BM, E, F, MIN, NY, PH, TEX, U.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 422; BM 3: 1208; Bossert p. 247; CSP 16: 951; IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 480; Kleppa p. 46; Langman p. 463-464; Lenley p. 274-275; LS 16178- 16180, 36348-36350; Moebius p. 225, 333; Pennell p. 612; TL-2/2959; Tucker 1: 448; Urban- Berl. p. 371; Zander ed. 10, p. 6go.

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 17(Beibl. 42): 55. 1893 (so far at Purdue, now Minnesota), 18 (Beibl. 4a): 47. 1893 (lecturer plant physiol. Univ. Minnesota), 21 (Beibl. 53): 61. 1896 (ass. prof. bot. Univ. Minnesota), 27 (Beibl. 64): 21. 1900 (app. NYBG); Nat. Nov. 21: 376. 1899 (app. NYBG), 28: 83. 1906 (dir. Desert Lab.); Osterr. bot. Z. 49: 159. 1899 (app. NYBG); Science 127: 963. 1958.



Deam, C. C., Fl. Indiana 1117. 1910 (coll.).

Dérfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 203. 1896.

Elwell, R., Comp. Indiana auth. books 1816-1916. Wabash 1949, p. 203 (bibl., n.v.).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 256. 1950 (1892 Colo. coll. at NY).

Ewan, J., et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 14, 47, 68, 121. 1969.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 106. 1970.

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 155-159. 1961 (b. 16 Mar 1865), see also Ewan, J., Rhodora 64: 189. 1962.

Jaeger, E. C., Source-book biol. names terms ed. 3. 316-317. 1966.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 2: 16. 1896 (ass. prof. U. Minnesota).

Knobloch, I. W., Pl. coll. N. Mexico 40. 1979.

Long, E. R., Amer. philos. Soc. Yearb. 1958: 131-135. 1959 (obit., b. 16 Mar 1865, d. 22 Feb 1958)

Moldenke, H. N., Plant life 2: 71. 1946 [1948] (epon.).

Murneek, A. E., Plant Physiology 33: 383-384. 1958 (obit.).

Murrill, W. A., Hist. Found. bot. Florida 40. 1945.

Piper, C. V., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 11: 19. 1906.

Rodgers, H. D., Liberty Hyde Bailey 272-273, 322. 1949.

Sandberg, J. H., Science n.s. 20: 311-313. 1892.

Shreve, F., Plant Physiology 14: 191-202. 1939.

Wiggins, I. L., Fl. Baja Calif. 43. 1980.

COMPOSITE WoRKS: MacDougal, D. T. and collaborators, The Salton Sea, 30 Jun 1914, 182 p., 32 pl.

FESTSCHRIET: Plant Physiology 14, 1939, p. 191f. EPONYMY: Macdougalia Heller (1898).

  1. Mutants and hybrids of the Oenotheras ... Washington, D. C. (Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington) 1905. (Mutants hybrids Oenoth.). Co-authors (“assisted by”): Anna Murray Vail (1863-1955); George Harrison Shull (1874- 1954); John Kunkel Small (1869-1938). : Publ.: 1905 (TBC 1g Apr 1905; Nat. Dec(1) 1905), p. [1]-57, pl. 1-22. Copy: US. Ref.: Harshberger, J. W., Torreya 5: 147-149. 1905 (rev.). Richards, H. M., Bot. centralbl. gg: 185. 1905.

  2. Mutations, variations, and relationships of the Oenotheras ... Washington, D.C. (Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington) 1907. (Mutations variations Oenoth.). Co-authors: Anna Murray Vail (1863-1955); George Harrison Shull (1874-1954).

Publ.: 1907, p. [i], [1]-92, pl. 1-22. Copy: US.

  1. Botanical features of North American deserts ... Washington, D. C. (Published by the

Carnegie Institution of Washington) 1908. Oct. (Bot. N. Amer. deserts).

Publ.:1908 (TBC 29 Jan 1909; Bot. Centralbl. 23 Feb 1go9), p. [i-iv], 1-111, pl. 1-62. Copy: USDA. — Carnegie Institution of Washington publication no. 99.

Ref.: Peter, Bot. Zeit. 67(2): 191-195. 1909.

MacDougall, Thomas Baillie (1895-1973), Scottish-born American plant collector, explorer and anthropologist (7. MacDougall).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: E, NY, US. Manuscripts at American Museum of Natural History.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 423; IH 2: 480; Langman p. 464-465; Zander ed. 11, p. 784 (b. g Dec 1895, d. 17 Jan 1973).

Anon., Cactus Succ. J. (U.S.) 45: 55. 1973 (obit.); Taxon 22: 524. 1973.

Bravo Hollis, H., Macpalxochitl 47: 6-8. 1973 (obit.), Orquidea, Mex. 3(6): 169-172. 1973. Greenwood, E., Orquidea, Mex. 3(6): 173-174. 1973 (tribute).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 106. 1970.

Richardson, D., Amer. orch. Soc. Bull. 42: 626. 1973 (tribute).



Stix, J. S., Gact. Succ. J., U.S. 46: 117-119. 1974 (obit., portr., b. g Dec 1896, d. 17 Jan

1973);3 Curator 18(4): 270-275. 1975 (portr.); Garden J. 25: 47-53. 1975. Ziesenhenne, R., Begonian 40: 126-127. 1973 (obit.).

McDougall, Walter Byron (1883-x), American ecologist and botanist; Ph. D. Univ. Mich. 1913; professor of botany at the University of Illinois; later botanist with the National Park Service until 1953. (W. McDougall).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at ILL, TEX, US, USFS.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 423; BL 1: 223, 307; Bossert p. 260 (b. 10 Dec 1883); IH 2: 480; Kelly p. 147; LS suppl. 17916; Pennell p. 613; Stevenson p. 1251. Ewan, J., Rocky Mountain Naturalists 263. 1950.

Hammann, Skee, Arizona Highways October 1974, p. 2, 4 (portr.; still active).

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 32, 43. 1945.

  1. Mushrooms a handbook of edible and inedible species ... Boston and New York (Houghton Miffin Company ...) 1925. (Mushrooms). Publ.: 1925, p. [1-11], front., [ii]-vii, [1 ]-151, 89 pl. Copies: FH, Stevenson, USDA.

  2. State of Illinois ... Freldbook of Illinois wild flowers six hundred fifty of the more common flowering plants in the state. Illinois Natural History Survey manual 1. Urbana, Illinois (... Natural History Survey Division ...) 1936. Oct. (Ieldb. Illinois fi.).

Publ.: Mar 1936 (p. viii: 1 Jun 1935), p. [i]-x, 1-406, [1]. Copy: USDA.

  1. Plants of Yellowstone National Park ... Washington, D. C. (United States Government Printing Office) 1936. Oct. (Pl. Yellowstone Natl. Park).

Co-author: Herma Geneva Baggley (née Albertson) (1896-x).

Publ.: 1936, p. [i]-iv, [1 ]-160, pl. 7-6. Copies: PH, US(3), USDA.

Macedo, [| Manuel?] Antonio de (//. 1867), French (?) botanist. HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1208; CSP 8: 291; Jacksomm 208; Kew p. 536; PR . 10600; Rehder 3: 324; Tucker 1: 448.

  1. Notice sur le palmier Carnauba par M. A. de Macedo. Paris (Typographie de Henri Plon, ...) 1867. Oct. (Notice palm. Carnauba). Publ.: 1867 (Flora 11 Sep 1867), p. [1]-46. Copres: FI, KNAW, NY.

MacElwee, Alexander (1869-1923), Scottish-born gardener and botanist; in the United States from 1883; curator of botanical collections, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy 1894- 1901; gardener on private estates 1901-1916; landscape gardener of the city of Philadelphia 1917-1923. (MacElwee).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: PH; further material at DAO, KSC, MIN, MO, NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 423 (b. 28 Jan 1923); CSP 16: 954; Desmond p.

405; Pennell p. 613; Rehder 1: 317; Tucker 1: 448.

Anon., Bartonia 8: 35. 1924 (d. 23 Jan 1923; president of the Philadelphia Botanical Club), 22: 24. 1943.

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philadelphia 399-401. 1899.

Trudell, H. W. & F. W. Pennell, Bartonia g: 1-6. 1926 (obit., portr., d. 23 Jan 1923).

Macfadyen, James (1798-1850), Scottish botanist and physician in Jamaica from 1826 (Macfady.).

HERBARIUM and Types: K (partly); other material at B, BM, CGE, E, GOET, L, MO, OXF, P, U.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Backer p. 343; Barnhart 2: 423; BB p. 198; BM 3: 1209, 7:

772; Clokie p. 204; Desmond p. 405; Herder p. 223; Hortus 3: 1199 (“‘Macfady.’’); IH 2:

481; Jackson p. 136, 370, 576; Kew 3: 537; Laségue p. 327, 492, 503; LS 17612; PR-5712-

5713 (ed. 1: 6386); Rehder 5: 532; RS p. 117; SO add. 8451; TL-1: 788; Tucker 1: 448-449;

Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 784.

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 104. 1967.

Anon., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1908: 228-2209; J. Inst. Jamaica 1: 141. 1892 (on portr.); Proc. Linn. Soc. 2: 135-136. 1855.

Fawcett, W. & A. B. Rendle, Fl. Jamaica 5: xiv. 1926 (cites copies of Fl. Jamaica vol. 2).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 106. 1970 (possibly material at E).

Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew. Misc. 2: 288. 1850 (announcement vol. 2).

Macfadyen, J., zx W. J. Hooker, Bot. Misc. 2: 110-121. 1831 (bot. excurs. Jamaica), 3: 76- 84. 1833 (fence plants).

Sargent, C.S., Silva 2: 73. 1891.

Stearn, W. T., J. Arnold Arb. 46: 267. 1965.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 98-100. 1898, 3: 79-80. 1902, 5: 8. 1904.

EPONYMy: Fadyenia W. J. Hooker (1840); Fadyenia Endlicher (1842); Macfadyena Alph. de Candolle (1845); Neomacfadya [sic] Baillon (1888).

  1. The flora of Jamaica; a description of the plants of that island, arranged according to the natural orders. With an appendix, containing an enumeration of the genera according to the Linnaean system, and an essay on the geographical distribution of the species ... London (Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans), Edinburgh (Adam & Charles Block), Glasgow (Sohn Smith & son) 1837, 1 vol. Oct. ¢ (Fl. Jamaica).

1: 10 Oct 1837-8 Nov 1837, p. [i*], [i]-ix, [x-xi, tables], [1, note], [1]-351. Copies: G, L, NY, US(2), USDA; IDC 6048.

2: 1850?, p. [1]-216. Copies: BM (1-216), HH, K(1-192), MICH (p. 1-8), NY(1-144), HH and MO (xerox copies of BM). —The BM copy has a note by W. Carruthers: ““The sheets of this second volume were printed in Jamaica. — The printing was stopped because of the sudden death of Dr. Macfadyen. — Only a few copies exist. — Dr. Macfadyen’s son informed me that the sheets were used as waste paper by the executor of his father’s will.” Other copies of p. 1-216 are reported to be in Jamaica and in the possession of the Macfadyen family, and at least two of the known copies lack pages: the NY copy lacks pp. 49-56 and 65-72; the HH copy lacks pp. 91-92 and 95-96; HH also has a photocopy of the BM copy. We have seen no direct evidence that the copies cited by Fawcett & Rendle do indeed exist but it is not critical; for effective publication a minimum of two extant copies is needed: with this criterion p. 1-192 of vol. 2 could be accepted as effectively published.

In TL-1 the conclusion of W. T. Stearn, that the second volume was not effectively published, was adopted, an opinion shared by G. R. Proctor and C. D. Adams currently studying the flora of Jamaica. At least half the binomials which would affect presently accepted ones are Melastomaceae; workers with this and other families would have to take names into consideration which are now treated as synonyms or ignored. Grisebach, Eichler, Urban and Britton cited names from the second volume, often as synonyms, but their treatment of them is equivocal and inconsistent.

Ifone can consider the “‘intent”’ of the author posthumously, it seems clear that neither he nor his heirs were prepared to distribute vol. 2 at the time of his death nor afterward. This, added to the conclusion of present-day students of the flora, as well as the nomenclatural stability to be gained by rejecting it, argues for considering the second volume ineffectively published. We leave the final decision to those whose research is affected by the existence of this incomplete work.

Macfarlane, John Muirhead (1855-1943), Scottish-born American botanist; BSc. Edin- burgh 1880, D.Sc. id. 1883; at Edinburgh, e.g. at the Royal Veterinary College, until 1891; from 1893-1920 professor of botany at the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia (Macfarl.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Backer p. 343; Barnhart 2: 424; BJI 1: 38; BM 7: 772;



Bossert p. 247; CSP 10: 674, 16: 956-957; Desmond p. 405; Hirsch p. 184; Hortus 3: 1199

(‘““Macfarl.”); IH 2: 481; Kew 3: 537-538; Morren ed. 10, p. 77; MW p. 287; NW p. 52;

Pennell p. 613; PH p. 495 [index]; Rehder 5: 532; TL-2/1: 1713; Tucker 1: 449; Zander ed.

10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 784.

Anon., The New York Times, Saturday, September 18. 1943; The Times 20 Sep 1943 (fide Desmond).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 15. 1969.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 396. 1938.

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philadelphia 367-372, 448. 1899. (bibl.).

Lloyd, F. E., Carnivorous plants 351 [index, many refs.]. 1942.

Macfarlane, J. M., The late Sir Joseph Hooker 1912 (contains in appendix a list of 128 publications by Macfarlane).

Mellichamp, L., Carniv. Pl. Newsl. 8(4): 121-122. 1979.

Roberts, H. F., Plant hybrid. before Mendel 262, 274. 1965.

Steckbeck, W., Science 98: 487-488. 1943.

Wright Smith, W., Yearb. R. Soc. Edinburgh 1945: 19-20 (b. 28 Sep 1855, d. 16 Sep 1943; obit.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Engler, Pflanzenreich:

(1) Nepenthaceae, IV. 111 (Heft 36): 1-92. fig. 1-19. 20 Oct 1908 (rev. W. Wangerin, Bot. Centralbl. 113: 501-503. 1910.

(2) Sarraceniaceae, lV. 110 (Heft 34): 1-39. fig. 1-11. 8 Mai 1908.

(3) Cephalotaceae, 1V. 116 (Heft 47): 1-15. fig. 1-4. 14 Feb rgrt.

McGibbon [ MacGibbon], James (fl. 1848-1864), Scottish gardener; at the Cape of Good Hope for Kew from 1850. (McGibb.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BB p. 198; Desmond p. 405; 1H 2: 481; Jackson p. 448; Kew 3: 538; Morren ed. 2, p. 32; PR 5714; Rehder 5: 532.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 72. 1978.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 43 (coll. K.).

  1. Catalogue of plants in the botanic garden, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope... Cape Town — (Saul Solomon and Co., ...) 1858. Qu. (in fours). (Cat. pl. bot. gard. Cape). Publ.: 1858, p. [i-vii], [1]-36. Copy: B-S.

MacGillivray, John (1822-1867), Scottish naturalist and explorer on various voyages to the Pacific and Malesian regions (Fly and Bramble 1842-1846, Herald 1852-1861, Rattle- snake 1846-1850); son of William MacGillivray (1796- 1852); a “man of intemperate habits” (Seemann). (J. MacGillivray).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Mainly at BM and K; duplicates in B, BO, E, G, L, LA, MEL, MO, NY, P, W.— Mss. at Mitchell library, Sydney; mss. journal Herald at Admiralty Library, London.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 424; BB p. 198-199; BM 3: 1209; Bossert p. 247;

CSP 4: 158; Desmond p. 406; DNB 35: 91; Hist. coll. BMNH: 1: 165; HR; IH 2: 481; Kew 3:

539; Rehder 5: 532; SK 1: 336-337, 8: Ixii-lxiii; Tucker 1: 449; Urban-Berl. p. 321, 371.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. Dict. Engl. lit. Brit. Amer. Auth. 1169. 1870.

Anon., Gard. Chron. 1867: 1027 (d. 6 Jun 1867; from Atheneum); Osterr. bot. W. 2: 246. 1852 (on Herald); Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 25: 773. 1900.

Calaby, J. H., Austral. Dict. Biogr. 2: 167-168. 1967 (b. 18 Dec 1821, most other sources say 18 Dec 1822).

Cleland, Med. J. Australia 1: 555. 1950 (MacGillivray and the Kennedy expedition) (n.v., fide HR).

Gilbert, L. A., Vict. Naturalist 67(4): 79. 1950.

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenology Brit. Isles 116. 1977.

Hooker, J. D., Fl. Tasm. 1: cxvii. 1859.



Iredale, ‘T., Austral. Zool. 9(1): 40-63. 1937 (letters, portr., bibl.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgot: 43 (pl. K).

MacGillivray, J., Narrative of the Voyage of H. M.S. Rattlesnake ... 1846-1850, London 1852, 2 vols. (generalitin.; no bot.), in W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 279-282. 1853 (letter from’Herald. 23 Feb 1853; 6: 353-363. 1854 (letter from Herald, 3 Mar 1854). 7: 303-306. 1855 (letter from Herald).

MacGillivray, W., Life of Wiliam MacGillivray 111. 1910 (on son John).

Maiden, J. H., Rep. A. A. A. S. 12(D): 379-381. 1909 (portr.).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 165. 1904 (coll. BM).

Sayre, G., Mem. Soc. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 363-364. 1975.

Seeman, B. C., J. Bot. 316. 1867; FI. vitiens. vii-viii. 1873.

Smith, A. C., FI. vitiens. nova 1: 43. 1979.

HANDWRITING: Austral. Zoologist 9: pl. 5. 1937.

MacGillivray, Paul Howard (1834-1895), Scottish botanist and zoologist; MA Aber- deen 1854; in Australia 1855, from 1857 practicing medicine at Bendigo, Victoria; son of William MacGillivray (1796-1852). (P. MacGillivray).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 424; BB p. 199; BL 2: 293-204, 686; BM 3: 1209; CSP 4: 158, 8: 292, 10: 675, 16: 958; Desmond p. 406; HR; Jackson p. 248; Kew 3: 539; PR 5715; Rehder 5: 532.

Anon., Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 4: 262. 1895; Bot. Centralbl. 64: 432, 1895 (d. 9 Jul 1895); J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W. 30: 7. 1896; Nature 52: 522. 1895; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1895/6: 42- 43. 1896; Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. ser. 2. 10: 624. 1895; Vict. Natural 12: 48. 1895 (d. 9 Jul 1895; b. 1834).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 33: 383. 1895.

Ferguson, A., Bibl. Australia 6: 331. 1965 (n.v.).

  1. A catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns growing in the neighbourhood of Aberdeen. . . Aberdeen (J. A. Wilson, ...), Edinburgh (A. & C. Black, and Maclachlan & Stewart), Glasgow (R. Griffin & Co.), London (Whittaker & Co.) 1853. Oct. (in fours).

(Cat. pl. Aberdeen).

Publ.: 1853 (p. viti: Jan 1853), p. . [i]-viii, [1]-44. Copies: NY; IDC 7220.

MacGillivray, William (1796-1852), Scottish botanist and zoologist, MA Aberdeen 1815; at the Surgeons Museum Edinburgh 1831-1841; professor of natural history Aber- deen 1841-1852. (W. MacGillivray).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 424; BB p. 199; BL 2: 294, 686; BM 3: 12009-

1210, 7: 772; CSP 4: 159, 8: 292, 12: 470, 16: 958; Desmond p. 406; DNB 35 : go; Henrey 3:

79; Herder p. 464; Jackson p. 39, 486, 576; Kew 3: 539; ME 1: 209, 3: 406; PR 5716 (ed. 1:

6387); Rehder 5: 532; SO 169, 2593c, 2684b; Tucker 1: 449.

Aberdeen University, The MacGillivray Memorial. Tablet unveiled at Marischal College. [pamphlet, 16 p., Aberdeen 1900 or 1go1].

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 10: 830. 1852, 11: 128. 1853; Flora 36: 32. 1853; Gard. Chron. 1g00(2): 399-400; House Gard. 34: 206-209. 1979; Osterr. bot. W. 2: 406. 1852 (d.).

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenology Brit. Isles 116. 1977.

MacGillivray, W., The travels and researches of Alexander von Humboldt. London 1851; Life of William MacGillivray. London 1910 (xv, 222 p., 12 pl. portr.; scientific apprecia- tion by J. Arthur Thomson; for review see Auk 27: 474-476. 1910).

Woodward, B. B: in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 41. 1904 (orig. zool. drawings).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) translated A. Richard, Eléments de botanique (1831). (2) An introduction to physiological and systematical botany. By Sir James Edward Smith... anew edition, with additions, by William MacGillivray, ... London 1836, see under J. E. Smith.



5173- A systematic arrangement of British plants; by Withering, M. D. Corrected and con-

densed; preceded by an introduction to the study of botany, accompanied with figures: by

W. MacGillivray, ... London (J. F. Dove, ...), Edinburgh (D. Lizars), Dublin (Martin

Keene & Son) 1830. Duod. (Syst. arr. Brit. pl.).

Author of original work: William Withering (1741-1799); the Syst. arr. Brit. pl. is an updated

abridgement of Withering, Bot. arr. veg. Gr. Britain.

Ed. 1: 1830 (p. iv: 9 Jun 1830), p. [i]-iv, 5-391, pl. 1-20 (uncol.). Copies: NY, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1833 (n.v).

Ed. 3: 1835 (p. 1: 1 Aug 1835), p. [i]-vill, [5 ]-407, pl. 1-9 (uncol.), zo (col.). Copies: BR, NY. ~ Third edition. London (printed for Scott, Webster and Geary, ...) 1835. Duod. (in sixes).

Ed. 4: 1837 (p. vii: Jun 1837), p. [i]-viii, 5-407, pl. 1-9, ro (id.). Copy: NY. — London (id.) 1837. Duod. (in sixes).

Ed. 5: 1841 (p. 6: 15 Oct 1840), p. [1]-43, [43 bis], 43*-44*, [45]-414, pl. 1-9, 10 (id.). Copies: G, MO, NY. = London (id.) 1841 Duod. (in sixes).

Ed. 6: 1845 (p. 4: 31 Dec 1844, p. [ii]: Jan 1845), p. [1-11], [1]-437, pl. 1-9, 10 (id.). Copies: NY, US. — London (printed for Adam Scott ...) 1845. Duod. (in sixes).

Ed. 7: 1848 (p. [iii]: Mai 1848), p. [1-11], [1]-437, pl. 1-9, ro (id.). Copies: MO, NY.— London (id.) 1848. Duod. (in sixes).

Ed. 8: 1852 (p. iv: 1 Jun 1852), p. [1]-1v, 5-476, pl. 1-76 (uncol.) Copy: NY. — London (id.) Duod. (in sixes).

Ed. g: 1856, p. [i]-iv, 5-476, pl. 1-76 (uncol.). Copy: NY.— London (id.). Duod. (in sixes).

Ed. 10: n.v.

Ed. 11: 1863, p. [i]-1v, 5-476, pl. 1-16 (uncol.). Copies: FI, NY.— Withering’s British plants . . . compiled for popular use, by William MacGillivray, ... eleventh edition, revised throughout, ... London (Edward Law, ...) 1863. Duod. (in sixes).

Ed. 12: nv.

Bd 13 i-v.

Hide te 87 7 (lVe)e

  1. A manual of botany: comprising vegetable anatomy and physiology, or the structure

and functions of plants ... London (Printed for Scott, Webster, and Geary, ...) 1840. Oct.

(Man. bot.).

Ed. 1: 1840, p. [ili]-xii, [1 ]-272, pl. 1-76 (uncol.). Copy: NY.

Ed. 2: 1843 (“im Jahr 1843 erschienen,” Bot. Zeit. 29 Dec 1843, see also Bot. Zeit. 27 Dec - 1844 and Bonplandia 1 Aug 1853) n.v.

5175- Lhe natural history of Dee side and Braemar ... London (Printed for private circulation) 1855. Qu. (Nat. Hist. Dee Side).

Editor: Edwin Lankester (1814-1874).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1855 (p. vii: 10 Aug 1855), p. [1]-xx, 2 maps, frontisp., [1]-507. Copy: NY.

Machado Guimaraes, Antonio Luis (1883-1969), Portuguese bryologist; Lic. fil. nat. Coimbra 1907; high school teacher in Lisboa 1907-1914; from 1914-1953 in various functions at the Biology Dept. of the Faculdade de Ciéncias do Porto, from 1921 as professor of zoology, from 1935 as director of the Marine zoological institute. (Mach.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BJI 2: 109; SBC p. 126 (““Mach.”’).

Anon., Rev. bryol. 41: 105. 1914, 52: 62. 1925; ser. 2. 2: 51. 1929, 3: 145; Rev. bryol. lichénol. 7: 310. 1935; Univ. Porto, Anais Faculd. Ciencias 52(1-4): 317-321. 1969 (portr., bibl.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

  1. Catdlogo descritivo de briologia portuguésa ... Edigao e propriedade do Gabinéte de Botanica da Facultade de Sciéncias da Universidade do Porto. Lisboa (Composto e impresso na Imprensa de Manuel Lucas Torres ...) [1918]. Oct. (Cat. descr. briol. port.). Publ.: 1918 (p. 4: Nov 1918), p. [1]-143. Copy: H.

Ref.: Chamberlain, E. B., Bryologist 24(3): 44-46. 1921.



5177- Sinopse das bridfitas de Portugal. Segunda parte Musgos ... Coimbra (Imprensa da

Universidade) 1928. Oct.

Publ.: Musgos in three parts, of which the first (1928) was reprinted with independent pagination (as above); p. [1 ]-125. Copy: MO. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 2. 5: 104-226. 1928.

Continuation: Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 2. 6: 180-265. 1929/30, ser. 2. 7: 169-328. 1931.

Mcllvaine, Charles (1840-1909), American mycologist, soldier (1861-1863), “‘scriptor jocosus” and famous mycophagist. (Mcllv.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 425; BM 3: 1210; Bossert p. 260; Kelly p. 147;

Kew 3: 540; LS 17615-17618, 36860, suppl. 17928; NAF 9(6): 442; PH 567; Stevenson p.


Burk, W. R., Bibl. N. Amer. Gasteromyc. 1: 121-123. 1980.

Bowser, W. P., Mcllvainea 1: 1-8. 1972 (“The man who ate mushrooms’; b. 31 Mai 1840, d. 4 Aug 1909).

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches North Amer. mycol. 1975, mss.

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philadelphia 32, 313-315. 1899 (portr.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 199. 1905.

NoTE: Used the pseudonym Tobe Hodge for some of his nature love stories. — McIlvaine tried out his mycophagous experiments not only on himself, but also on some hospital patients: “The writer saved the life ofa lovely woman by feeding her uponit | Marasmius oreades| when nothing else could be retained.” (see Bowser 1972).

EPONYMy: (genus): Macilvainea Nieuwland (1916); (journal): McIlvainea. Official Organ of the North American Mycological Association. Portsmouth, Ohio. Vol. 1-x. 1972-x.

  1. Toadstools, mushrooms, fungi edible and poisonous One thousand American fungi how to select and cook the edible; how to distinguish and avoid the poisonous giving full botanic descriptions made easy for reader and student. By Charles McIlvaine. . . assisted by Robert K. Macadam toadstool poisons and their treatment, instructions to students, recipes for cooking, etc. etc. Indianapolis, U. S. A. (The Bowen-Merrill Company) s.d. [1900] Oct. ( Thousand Amer. fungi).

Co-author: Robert K.Macadam.

Ed. 1: Jan-Mai 1900 (Nat. Nov. Jun-Jul 1g00; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jul 1900), p. [i*-i1*], front., [1]- XXXVI, I-704, pl. 1-15, 15d, 16-27, 270, 28-29, 290, 29b, 30-35, 354, 36-40, 40d, 41-45, 45, 450, 40-55, 550, 50-58, 580, 58b, 59, 594, 60-71, 71a, 72-76, 76a, 76b, 77-78, 78a, 79-50, 60a, 81-86, 86a, 86b, 87-96, 964, 975974, 98-112, 1124, 113-115, 1154, 116-144, 1444, 145-148, 1460, 149-170, 1704, 170b, 171-176, 176a, 177-182, some (68) in col.

Copies: L, NY, Stevenson, USDA (listing of plates based on this copy). Gopies numbered 1-750. Plate sequences show variations.

Ed. 2 (reissue with suppl.): 1902 (copyright), p. [1*], [i]-xxxvu, [1]-729 (p. 705-729: Supplement), plates: as in ed. 1. Copies: NY, Stevenson. “Revised edition”, Indianapolis (The Bowen-Merrill Company ...) s.d.

Ed. 3: 1912 (Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1912), front., p. [i]-xxix, 1-749, pl. 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6; 7; 74, 8-15, 150, 16, 18-29, 290, 30-31, 314, 32-30, 350, 37-415 414, 42-45 4545 450, 46-55, 554s 50-58, 584, 59, 59a, 60-71, 71a, 72-76, 76a, 760, 77-78, 78a, 79-80, 60a, 81-86, 56a, 6b, 87-88, 90-93, 934; 94-96; g6a, g6a[ bis], 97-112, 1124, 113-114, 129A, 115-122, 124-128, 131-134, 134, 135-144, 1444, 145- 148, 1480, 149-156, 158-167, 1674, 168-175, 175a, 1750, 176, 176a, 177-182. Missing plates: 89, 123, 130, 157. Copy: US.

“New edition revised throughout by Charles Frederick Millspaugh [1854-1933]... with supplementary chapter and many new illustrations” Indianapolis (The Bobbs- Merrill Company ...) s.d. Oct.

Reissue of ed. 2: 1973, p- [i*], [i]-lxu, [1, h.t.] [1]-729. with plates (182 of which 31 col.) as in orig. Copy: NY. — “With a new essay on nomenclatural changes by Robert L. Shaffer [1929-x] ...’’ Dover Publications, Inc. New York.



McInteer, Berthus Boston (1887-1978), American algologist and ecologist in Kentukky; M. S. Univ. Kentucky 1926; Ph. D. Ohio State 1932; at the University of Kentucky as instructor in botany (1924-1925), asst. professor (1925-1933), assoc. prof. 1933-1957. (Mclnteer).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 426 (b. 25 Mar 1887); Bossert p. 260; Hirsch p. 184; IH 1(ed. 6): 361; Kew 3: 540; NAF ser. 2. 6: 69-70. Browne, E. T., Trans. Kentucky Acad. Sci. 25: 82. 1964 (b. 25 Mar 1887).

McIntosh [M’Intosh, MacIntosh], Charles (1794-1864), Scottish gardener at Clare- mont and Dalkeith. (Mclntosh).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 426; BB p. 199; BM 3: rart, 7: 774; Bossert p. 260; Desmond p. 407; DU 189-191; GF p. 66; Herder p. 361, 375; Kew 3: 541; LS 36861; NI 1256; Plesch p. 321; Rehder 5: 533; Sotheby no. 490; Tucker 1: 449.

NOTE: Not to be confused with Charles MacIntosh (1839-1922), from Perthshire, postman and naturalist, see BB p. 199 (coll. at E) and J. Bot. 60: 188-189. 1972.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. Dict. Engl. lit. Brit. Amer. auth. 1171-1172. 1870. Anon., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 8: xlii-xliii. 1864 (b. Aug 1794, d. 9 Jun 1864).

  1. flora and Pomona; or, the British fruit and flower garden; containing descriptions of

the most valuable and interesting flowers and fruits, cultivated in the gardens of Great

Britain, with figures drawn and coloured from nature. Accompanied by a concise analysis

of their botanical and pomonological character, their nature and mode of culture, inclu-

ding a definition of the technical terms used in the science of botany, with familiar

instructions for the drawing and colouring of the fruits and flowers ... London (Printed for

Thomas Kelly, ...) 1829. (Fl. Pomona).

Part 1: 1829 [-1831?], p. [i-iv], [1]-10, [1-2, index], pl. 1-35 (col. liths.) with text.

Part 2: [1829?-]1831, p. 1-10, [1]-2, pl. 1-36 (id.) with text, [1]-32.

Copies: NY, USDA. — Published in a number of fascicles. The contents and precise dates are unknown to us.

Mclvor, William Graham (x-1876), British gardener sent to India by Kew, remained at Ootacamund (1848); became involved in the introduction of Cinchona into India. (Mclvor).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: K.— Exsiccatae: Hepaticae britannicae, or pocket herbarium of british hepaticae. New Brentford (C. J. Murphy) 1847, 136 nos. (see below).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 426; BB p. 199; BM 3: 1211; CSP 4: 161, 12:

470; Desmond p. 407; IH 2: 482; Jackson p. 576; Kew 3: 541; Morren ed. 2, p. 38; PR 5717-

5720; Rehder 5: 533; Tucker 1: 4409.

Anon., Gard. Chron. 1876(2): 150; Trans. bot. Soc. Edinburgh 13: 11. 1879 (d. 8 Jun 1876).

Burkill, Il. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 242 [index]. 1965.

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenology Brit. Isles 198. 1977 (lichens at DBN).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 106. 1970.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 43 (pl. K.).

Kent, D. H.., Brit. herb. 66. 1957.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(2): 228. 1971.

Sowerby, J. and J. E. Smith, English Bot. 2948.

Synnott, D. M. Glasra 4: 25. 1980 (bryoph. from Yorkshire 1844/5 at DBN).

Trimen, H., J. Bot. 14: 224. 1876.



  1. Hepaticae britannicae; or pocket herbarium of British hepaticae; named and arranged

according to the most improved system ... New Brentford (printed by Charles James

Murphy) 1847. (Hepat. brit.).

Publ.: 1847, t.p. [1*], leaves i-xviii preprinted with names, leaving space for specimens to be stuck on; contents p. [i-11]. Copy: U-V; other copies reported from BM, E and FH.

Mackay, Alexander Howard (1848-1929), Canadian botanist; B.Sc. Univ. Halifax 1880; teacher at the Pictou Academy, Halifax, 1873-1889, principal of Halifax County Academy 1889-1891; head of the department of education of Nova Scotia 1891-1926; LL.D. h. c. Dalhousie Univ. 1892, id. Univ. Antigonish, N.S. 1905. (A. Mackay).

HERBARIUM and types: DAL (destroyed?); NSPM (lichens), NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 426; BL 1: 133, 138, 307; CSP 16: 967-968; De Toni 2: Ixxviii; IH 2: 483; Kelly p. 136; LS 16201-16202, 36363; NAF 9(6): 442; Stevenson p. 1250; Tucker 1: 440.

Boivin, B., Provancheria 10: 170. 1980 (coll.).

Colinvaux, L. H., Taxon 15: 166. 1966 (coll. algae).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 174. 1896 (err. A. K. Mackay).

Osborn, H., Fragm. entom. hist. 130. 1937.

Penhallow, D. P., Trans. R. Soc. Can. ser. 2. 3(4): 19, 46. 1897.


  1. Fungi of Nova Scotia: a provisional list. — By A. H. Mackay, ... (Fung. Nova Scotia).

Publ.: Aug 1904, cover, p. [122]-143. Copy: DAO. — ‘“‘Author’s separates published August, 1904” on cover of preprint from Proc. Nova Scot. Inst. 11: 122-143. 27 Mar 1905.

First supplementary list: 8 May 1908, cover, p. [119]-138. Copy: DAO. — “‘Author’s separates published 8th May 1908.” on cover of preprint from Proc. Nova Scot. Inst. 12(1): 119- 138. 1908.

Mackay, James Townsend (1775-1862), Scottish-born gardener and botanist; went to Dublin 1804; founded the botanical garden of Trinity College, curator id. 1806-1856; LL. D. Univ. Dublin 1850. (7. Mackay).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: TCD; only a few specimens actually located; other material BR, CGE, K and OXF. Letters at K and in Winch, corr. at LINN. — Bryological types at FH- Taylor.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 1: 144; Backer p. 344; Barnhart 2: 426; BB p. 199-200;

BL 2: 280-686; BM 3: 1211; Bossert p. 247; Clokie p. 205; CSP 4: 161-162; Desmond p. 408;

De Vom m: bexx: DNB 35: 127; GR p. 377, cat. p. 67; Herder p 170, 297; Hortus 9: 1199

(“Mackay’’); IH 2: 483; Jackson p. 576; Kelly p. 136; Kew 3: 542; Lenley p. 463; LS 16203;

PH 364; PR 5721-5722 (ed. 1: 6390-6391); Rehder 5: 533; SBC p. 126 (““Mack.”’); SO add.

844e; TL-1: 789; TL-2/4340; Tucker 1: 440.

Anon., Ann. Rep. Proc. Belfast Natural. Club ser. 2. 6: 627. 1913; Bonplandia 4: 62. 1856 (retired from curatorship Dublin bot. gard.), 10: 82. 1862 (d.); Bull. Soc. bot. France 9: 190. 1862; J. Hortic. 27: 457-458. 1862; Osterr. bot. Z. 12: 129. 1862. (d.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880.

Colgan, N., Fl. County Dublin xxvi. 1904.

Colgan, N. & R. W. Scully, Cybele hibernica ed. 2, xxix. 1898 (herb. at TCD).

Dickinson, C. I., Phycol. Bull. 1:13. 1952.

Fletcher, H. R., Roy. bot. Gard. Edinburgh 71, 73. 1970.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 267. 1938.

Hooker, W. J., Comp. bot. Mag. 1: 158. 1835; J. Bot. Kew Gard. Mise. 1: 91. 1849 (LL. D).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 66. 1957.

Knowles, M. C., Proc. R. Irish Acad. 38B(10): 182-183. 1929.

Lett, H. W., Irish Naturalist 22: 28, 32. 1913; Ann. Rep. Proc. Belfast Natural. Field. Cl.

Weser, 2562629, 627. 1913. Mackay, J. T., Mag. nat. Hist. 4: 167. 1831; Gard. Mag. 7: 229-230. 1831.



Nelmes and Cuthbertson, Bot. Mag. Dedic. 119-120. 1931 (portr.; b. 29 Jan 1775, d. 25 Feb 1862).

Praeger, R. L., Proc. R. Irish Acad. 7: cxxix. 1901; Botanist in Ireland 78. 1934; Some Irish naturalists 125. 1949 (portr. p. 120a).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (bryol. types FH).

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 20: 152. 1862.

Scully, R. W., Fl. County Kerry xil-xiii. 1916.

EPONYMY: MackaiaS. F. Gray (1821, nom. rej.); Mackaya Arnott (1838, nom. rej.); Mackaya W. H. Harvey (1859, nom. cons.).

  1. A catalogue of the plants found in Ireland, with descriptions of some of the rarer sorts ... Dublin (R. Graisberry, ...) 1825. Qu. (Cat. pl. Ireland). Publ.: 1825, p. [1]-98. Copies: FI, NY.

  2. Flora hibernica comprising the flowering plants ferns Characeae Musci Hepaticae

Lichenes and Algae of Ireland arranged according to the natural system with a synopsis of

the genera according to the Linnaean system... Dublin (William Curry Jun. and Compa-

ny), London (Simpkin Marshall and Co.), Edinburgh (Fraser and Co.). 1836. Oct. (in

fours). (FV. hibern.).

Publ.: Jun 1836 (P & W; p. x: 10 Mai 1836), p. [i]-xxxiv, [1-3], [1]-354, [1]-279. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 907. — Part 2 (musci, hepaticae and lichenes) by Thomas Taylor [x-1848], see preface and Knowles (1929).

McKelvey, Susan Adams (née Delano [Mrs. Charles Wylie McKelvey, 1907] (1883- 1964), American botanist, horticulturist, and botanical historian. (McKelv.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: A; duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 427; BJI 2: 109; Hortus 3: 1199 (““McKelv.”’);

IH 2: 483; Langman p. 492; Lenley p. 275; MW p. 315; Pennell p. 613; Zander ed. 10,p.

690, ed. 11, p. 787.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural. 267. 1950; Rhodora 59: 181-184. 1957 (rev., with addenda, of her Bot.Expl.Trans-Mississippi West, 1955).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 20. 1969.

Howard, R. A., J. Arnold Arb. 46: 45-47. 1965 (obit., bibl., b. 13 Mar 1883, d. 11 Jul 1964).

Sutton, $.B., Charles Spraque Sargent 188-189, 340. 1970.

note: Mrs McKelvey’s most important contribution to the history of botany and explora- tion is her Botanical exploratium of the trans-mississippi West 1790-1850, x, 1144 p. Jamaica Plain

1955 (see e.g. Ewan 1957).

  1. The lilac a monograph ... New York (The Macmillan Company) 1928. (Lilac).

Publ.: 1928 p. ix: Jul 1928)), front., p. [i]-xvi, [1]-581, pl. 1-177 (incl. front 172 pl.), 4 color charts. Copies: G, NY, USDA. — Other imprint (copy: G): “Macmillan and Co., Limited, St. Martin’s Street, London.”

Ref.: Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 68: 59-60. 1930. Boynton, K. R., J. New York Bot. Gard. 30: 284-285. 1929.

  1. Vuccas of the Southwestern United States... Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (The Arnold Arboretum ...) 1938-1947, 2 vols. (Yuccas Southw. U.S).

Part 1: 1938 (Nat. Nov Feb 1939; BR rd. 12 Aug 1938), p. [1]-150, pl. 1-60 (photos). Part 2: 1947, p. [1]-192, pl. 1-65 (photos). Copies: BR, G, MICH, NY, US.

M’Ken [McKen, Mac Kerc], Mark John (1823-1872), Scottish gardener and plant collector; in Jamaica 184.7; curator Natal botanical garden 1851-1853, 1860-1872; with the Tongut (Tongaart) Sugar Estate 1853-1860 as pioneer of the S. Afr. sugar industry. (M Ken).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: K; further material E, NH.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and Brocrapny: AG 3: 366; Backer p. 344; BB p. 200; Desmond p. 408; IF p.

70; TE-2: 483;

Jackson p. 350-351; Kew 3: 542; PR 5723-5724 (sub Mac Kerc); Rehder 5: 533.

Anon., Bot.Not. 1873: 28 (d. 20 Apr 1872); Gard. Chron. 1872: 806 (from Natal Colonist, 23 Apr 1872; obit., “... his family, a widow and six children, all under 10 years of age, are ... we fear, wholly unprovided for, ...’’).

Bayer, A. W., S. Afr. J. Sci. 67: 403-404. 1971 (mentions journal recording build-up Natal bot. Gard.).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 325. 1938.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 106. 1970.

Jackson, B. D., Bull misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 43 (pl. K.).

Reichenbach, H. G., Bot. Zeit. 30: 526. 1872.

Trimen, H., J. Bot. 10: 223-224. 1872.

White, A. & B. L. Sloane, The Stapelieae 149. 1933, ed. 2. 102, 103. 897. 1937.

COMPOSITE WORKS: list of ferns (p. 187-188) in chapter on indigenous plants (p. 166-190) in Henry Brooks (ed. R. J. Mann), Watal; a history and description of the colony ... London (L. Reeve & Co., ...) 1876, p. [i]-vili, [1-3], [1]-336. Copy: G.

NoTE: Notwithstanding the help of our South-African colleagues at Pretoria and Cape Town we were unable to locate a copy of (PR 5724), Synopsis filicum capensium (1870).

EPONYMY: Mackenia W. H. Harvey (1868).

  1. The ferns of Natal. 1869. Pietermaritzburg (printed by P. Davis & Sons, ...) 1869.

(Ferns Natal).

Publ.: 1869 (p. 1: 1 Jan 1869; J. Bot. Mar 1870), p. [i]-iv, [1]-28. Copy: PRE (inf. O. A. Leistner, E. A. Schelpe).

Revised list of the Ferns of Natal, by Rev. John Buchanan, A. M. Reprinted from the “Natal Colonist.”’ Natal (P. Davis and Sons, Durban and Maritzburg) 1875, p. [1]-30. Copy: PRE (p. iv: Aug 1875). (Rev. list ferns Natal).

Ref.: Kuhn, M., Bot. Zeit. 29: 503-504. 1871.

Mackenzie, Kenneth Kent (1877-1934), American attorney, bibliophile, and botanist; LL.B. Kansas City Law School 1889, id. Columbia Univ. 1906; from 1906 practicing in New York City; specialist on Carex. (Mackenz.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: NY (43.000); duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 427 (b. 13 Oct 1877); BL 1: 194, 307; BM 7:

775; CSP 16: 971; Dawson p. 383; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Mackenz.”’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 483-

484; Kew 3: 543; Langman p. 465; Lenley p. 276; NAF 28B(2): 344, ser. 2. 5: 247; NW p. 52;

Pennell p. 613; PH 209, 450; SO 499a, 499b; TL-2/1: 781; Tucker 1: 450; Urban-Berl. p.

371; Zander ed. 10, p. 879, ed. 11, p.784.

Anon., J. New York Bot. Gard. 32: 296. 1931 (herb. presented to NY); Torreya 34: 155-156. 1935: :

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural. 256-257. 1950; in R. W. Long & O. Lakela, Fl. trop. Florida 8. 1971.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 106. 1970.

Merrill, E. D., Torreya 35: 51. 1933; Proc. Linn. Soc. 147: 184-185. 1935.

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 18-19. 1945.

Rickett, H: W., Index Bull., Torrey bot. Club 66. 1955.

Robbins, W. J., J. New York Bot. Gard. 42: 30. 1941 (d. 22 Oct 1934).

COMPOSITE works: Contributed the Cyperacaeae to NAF, vol. 18, as follows: 1: 1-60. 5 Dec 1931, 2: 61-112. 21 Dec 1931; 3: 113-168. 31 Dec 1931; 4: 169-240. 15 Apr 19353 5:241-312. I Jun 1935; 6: 313-392. 21 Oct 1935; 7: 393-478. 7 Nov 1935.

  1. Manual of the flora of Jackson County Missouri by Kenneth K. Mackenzie assisted by B.F. Bush and others. Kansas City, MO. 1902. Oct. (Man. fl. Jackson County).



Co-author: Bush, Benjamin Franklin (1858-1937), see preface for statement on authorship. Publ.: 1902 (pref. 10 Jun 1902; Bot. Centralbl. 15 Oct 1902; TBC 31 Oct 1902), p. [i]-xix, [1 ]-242. Copies: MO, NY(2), US, USDA.

  1. North American Cariceae ...'The New York Botanical Garden 1940, 2 vols (V. Amer.


1: 3 Jul 1940 (sticker opposite p. 111), p. [i]-v, [vi, text for p/. 7], pl. 1-269 with text on verso, implied page nos. [1-537].

2: 3 Jul 1940, p. [i-11], pl. 270-539 with texts on verso, index on p. 541-547.

Copies: BR, G, L, MO. — The author left nearly 1000 drawings of Carex to NY upon his

death together with a sum of US $ 10.000 to provide for their publication (see Torreya 34:

155-156. 1935). The illustrations are by Harry Charles Creutzberg; the editing was done by

Harold William Rickett (1896-x).

Mac Leod, Julius (1857-1919), Belgian botanist; Dr. phil. Gent 1878; in various functions at the University of Gent. (Mac Leod).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 429; BL 2: 33, 686; BM 7: 776; Bret. p. 225; CSP

10: 683, 12: 471, 16: 978; Kew 3: 546; Morren ed. 10, p. 45; Rehder 5: 534.

Anon., Bot. Not. 191g: 152 (d.); Nat. Nov 41: 195. 1919 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 68: 196. 1919 (d.).

Bracke, A., Bull. Natural. Mons-Borinage 1: 55-58.1918 (b. 19 Feb 1857; brief biogr.).

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 307-308. 1969.

Crépin, F., Manuel fl. Belg. lxvii. 1860.

Evens, I’. M. J. C., Gesch. algologie Belgie 179. 1944.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 24/25: 32. 1920 (d.).

Oye, P. van, Mac Leod Gedenkboek, Antwerpen 1930, p. 16-24. (bibl., portr.) (b. 19 Feb 1857, d. 3 Mar 1919); Bot. Jaarb. Dodonaea 25 (index vol.): 115-117. 1934 (bibl., portr.); Kon. Vlaamse Acad. Taal- en Letterk. reeks 10.7: 21-35. 1957 (portr.). Liber memorialis 4: 16-24. 1960; Meded. Kon. Vlaamse Akad. Wet., KI. Wet. 23(1): 3-13 1961 (portr.; on Ms’ reaction to Darwin); 22(6): 1-29. 1960;23(9): 3-23. 1961 (relations with Hugo de Vries and Edward Verschaffelt); Scientiarum Historia 7(2): 105-108. 1965 (M. and the history of sciences).

Teirlinck, I., Dr. Julius Mac Leod en de Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie, Mac Leod ~

Gedenkboek, 1: 93-95. 1930. Vandevelde, A. J. J., In memoriam Dr. Julius Mac Leod. Gent 1921, reprint from Jaarb. Kon. Vlaamsche Akademie 1921:145-228 (portr., bibl.).

MEMORIAL VOLUME: Mac Leod Gedenkboek, Antwerpen 1930, 120 p., P. Van Oye et al. — Biol. Jaarb. Dodonaea, vol. 24, 1934, was also dedicated to the memory of Mac Leod.

  1. Geillustreerde flora voor Belgie ... Gent (Boekdrukkerij I. Vanderpoorten, ...) 1892.

Oct. (Geil. fl. Belgie).

Co-author: Gustaaf Staes (1863-1918).

Ed. 1.: Jan- Jun 1892 (Nat. Nov. Jul (2) 1892; Bot.Zeit. 2 Sep 1892), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-180. Copies: B, BR. — Illustrations drawn by L. Lefevre and author.

Ed. 2: 1906 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1907), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-180. Copy: BR. — Tweede Uitgave... Gent (Uitgeversfirma I. Vanderpoorten) 1906.

] OG an aN

Ed. 4: Sep 1924 (BR rd. 11 Sep 1924), p. [i]-xxii, [1]-167, [168, map]. Copies: BR, FAS. — “Geillustreerde flora door ... met talrijke, meerendeels naar de natuur geteekende figuren door L. Lefevre en J. Mac Leod. Vierde Uitgave” Antwerpen (De Sikkel, . . .), Santpoort (C. A. Mees). 1924. Oct. (BR copy has different imprint: “Antwerpen (De Sikkel,

=) only).

Ed. 5: 1930, p. [i]-xxx, [1 ]-231, [232]. Copy: BR. — Vijfde uitgave herzien en bijgewerkt door Paul van Oye [1886-1969] Antwerpen (id.) 1930.

Ed: 6: 1937, p. [i]-xxxii, [1]-241, [1, err.]. Copy: BR. — Zesde uitgave ... Antwerpen (id.) 1937-



Ed. 7: 1942 (BR rd. 13 Aug 1943), p. [i]-xxviii, [1 ]-249, [250]. Copy: BR. — Zevende uitgave ... Antwerpen (id.) 1942. Oct.

Ed. 8: 1947, p. [i]-xxvii, [1]-257. Copy: USDA. — Achtste uitgave opnieuw herzien en bigewerkt door Paul van Oye [1886-1969]. Antwerpen (De Sikkel, ...) 1947.

Ed. 9: 1950, p. [1]-xxviii, [1 ]-258, [1-2]. Copies: BR, USDA — Negende uitgave ... Antwer- pen (id.) 1950.

Macloskie, Rev. George (1834-1919), Irish-born botanist and clergyman; LL.D. Lon- don 1871, D.Sc. Belfast 1874, minister at Ballygoney 1861-1874; professor of natural history, Princeton, New Jersey 1874-1906. (Macloskie).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 430; b. 14 Sep 1834, d. 4 Dec 1919); BB p. 201;

BL 1: 253, 307; BM 3: 1212, 7: 776; Bossert p. 248; CSP 8: 300, 10: 683, 12: 471, 16: 979;

Desmond p. 411; IH 2: 485; Kew 3: 546; Lenley p. 276; PH 567; Rehder 5: 534.

Anon., Entom. News 31(3): 89-90. 1920 (p.p. erron.); Nature 104: 540-541. 1920; Science Seino. 502 02. 1920.

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 64. 1945.

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philadelphia 293-294. 1899.

Osborn, H., Fragm. entom. hist. 227. 1937.

Rankin, W. M., Science ser. 2. 51. 180-181. 1920.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 66. 1955.

  1. J. Pierpont Morgan Publication Fund. Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia 1896-1899 volume vii, 1[2] Botany... Princeton, N. J. (the University), Stuttgart (Schweizerbart’sche Verlagshandlung (E. Nagele)) 1903-1914, 3 vols. Qu. (Rep. Princeton Uniw. Exp. Patagonia, Botany).

1(1-5[a]): p. [1*-11*], [1]-xxii, [1]-466, pl. 1-78.

1): 8 Jul 1903, The vegetation of Western Patagonia by Per Karl Hjalmar Dusén (1855-1926),

Pe Wee

2): 8 Jul 1903, Hepaticae collected in Southern Patagonia by Alexander William Evans (1868- 1959), P- 35-62.

(3): 8 Jul 1903, Patagonian and Fuegian mosses by P. Dusén, p. 63-125.

4): 8 Jul 1903, p. 127-138, Ferns and fern-like plants of Patagonia, by George Macloskie.

(5[@]): 30 Jun 1904, p. 139-338, pl. 12-14. Flora patagoma, by id.

(5[a, ctd]): 10 Jan 1905, p. 339-466, pl. 15-18, id.

56-9): [i-iii], 467-9882, pl. 19-31.

(5[4]): 10 Jan 1905, id., pl. 19-20, p. 467-594.

5[0]): 25 Nov 1905, p. 595-810, pl. 21-27, id.

5[0]-9): 28 Feb 1906, p. 811-982, pl. 28-31. Flora patagoma and general chapters by id.



Supplement: 1914, p. [i, iii}, [1]-307, pl. 1-3. Revision of Flora Patagonica by George Macloskie and Per Dusén with further notes by ... Carl [Johan Fredrik] Skottsberg (1880-1963). Copies: B, BR, G, L, MO, NY.

M’ Mahon [ McMahon], Bernard (c. 1775-1816), Irish-born American horticulturist and ‘seedsman at Philadelphia; author of the first American gardener’s guide. (M° Mahon).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 348; Barnhart 2: 430 (d. 16 Sep 1816); BB p. 201;

DAB (by R. H. Sudds); Desmond p. 411 (d. 16 Sep 1816); Frank 3(Anh.): 61; ME 1: 209, 3:

620; PR 5725 (ed. 1: 6393); Tucker 1: 450.

Bailey, L. H., Standard Cycl. Hort. 3: 1586. 1915; 2: 1586. 1939.

’ Barnhart, J. H., Bartonia 9: 40. 1926.

Darlington, W., Reliq. Baldw. 34, 47, 80, 82, 83, 91, 97, 114. 1843.

Ewan, J., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 3: 363-380, pl. 3. 1960 (biogr., bibl., main study); z F. Pursh, Fl. Amer. sept. facs. repr. 1979, intr. p. 20.



Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U. S. 5, 136. 1969. Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 471 [index]. 1967. Harshberger, J., Bot. Philadelphia 117-119. 1899.

Hedrick, U. P., Hist. hort. America 197-203, 540. 1950. Mears, J. A., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 122: 165. 1978 (pl. PH). Nuttall, Th., Gen. N. Amer. pl. 1: 211-212. 1818.

Sargent, C.S., Silva 7: 86-87. 1895.

Wilks, W., ed., Journal David Douglas 8. 1914 (1959).

HANDWRITING: J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 3: pl. 3. 1960.

NOTE: See Ewan, J. (1960) for an extensive study of M as a nurseryman and his American gardeners Calendar (ed. 1, 1802/3; ed. 11, 1857).

EPONYMY: Mahonia Nuttall (1818, nom. cons.).

MacMillan, Conway (1867-1929), American botanist; M. A. Univ. Nebraska 1885, at Univ. of Nebraska 1885-1887; instructor of botany Univ. Minnesota 1887-1891; professor id. 1891-1893; state botanist of the Minnesota Geological Survey and Natural History Survey from 1893-1901; director of the Minnesota Seaside Station at Port Renfrew from 1901-1906; in the advertising business at Philadelphia 1906-1929. (MacMill.).

HERBARIUM and Types: MIN; further material at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 430; BL 1: 192, 307; BM 3: 1213, 7: 777; GSP 16: 981-982; De Toni 4: xxxvili; GR p. 230; Hortus 3: 1199 (““MacMill.’’); TH 2: 486; Kelly p- 136; Kew 3: 547; Lenley p. 277; LS 16210-16216; NAF 28B(2): 344; NW p. 52; Pennell p. 613; Rehder 5: 534; Stevenson p. 1250; Tucker 1: 450; Zander ed. 10, p. 687, ed. 11, p. 784. Anon., Science ser. 2. 69: 643. 1929.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 204. 1896.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U. S. 14. 1969.

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 159-160. 1961 (b. 26 Aug 1867, d. 5 Jun 1929). Osborn, H., Fragm. entom. hist. 77, 301. 1937.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 66. 1955.

Rodgers, A. D., Bernard Eduard Fernow 84, 367. 1951.

Voss, E. G., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 13: 37. 1978.

EPONYMY: Macmillanina O. Kuntze (1898).

  1. The Metaspermae of the Minnesota valley. List of the higher seed-producing plants indigenous to the drainage-basin of the Minnesota-River ... Minneapolis, December 29,
  2. Oct. (Metasp. Minnesota valley).

Publ.: 29 Dec 1892, p. [i]-xili, 2 maps, [1]-826. Copies: G, L, MO, NY, US(2), USDA;IDC 7581. — Geological and natural history survey of Minnesota, Reports of the Survey botanical ean i. — For a critical analysis of MacMillan’s nomenclatural reforms see Britten (1893). The “‘Introduction”’, p. [1]-30, was preprinted 4 Aug 1892, Minneapolis (Harrison and Smith) 1892 (see TBC 19: 320. 10 Oct 1892). Copies: MO, NY.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 31: 339-344. Nov 1893.

Anon., Bot. Gaz. 18: 146-147. Apr 1893. Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 18 (Lit.): 45. 1894.

  1. Minnesota plant life... Report of the Survey Botanical Series iii Saint Paul, Minneso- ta. October 30, 1899. Oct. (Minnesota pl. life). Publ.: 30 Oct 1899 (t.p.; Underwood rd. his copy at NY 11 Nov 1899; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1900; Bot. Gaz. 30 Apr 1900), p. [i]-xxv, [1 ]-568, pl. 1-4. Copies: G, L, NY(2), US, USDA. — Number of copies printed: 10.000. Ref.: Anon., Bot. Gaz. 29: 283-284. 1go0. Britten, J., J. Bot. 38: 148. 1goo. Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 27(Lit.): 38. 1900. Schimper, Bot. Zeit. 58(2): 97-99. 1 Apr 1900.



McMinn, Howard Earnest (1891-1963), American botanist, dendrologist and horticul- turist; professor of botany in Mills College, Oakland, Calif. (AcMuinn).

HERBARIUM and types: UC; for further coll. see Kasapligil (1965).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 430 (b. 19 Aug 1891, d. 25 Aug 1963); BL 1: 162, 166, 307; Bossert p. 261; Hortus 3: 1199 (““McMinn’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 486; Kew 3: 547; Langman p. 492-493; NAF 28B(2): 344; PH 209; Roon p. 76.

Ewan, J., Leafl. W. Bot. 7: 76. 1953.

Kasapligil, B., Madronio 18: 128. 1965 (herb.); Fremontia 1(4): 9-12. 1974 (portr., tribute). Thomas, J. H., Madrono 17: 115. 1963 (d.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: with Maunsell Van Rensselaer: Ceanothus, Santa Barbara 1942 (see e.g. C. H. Connors, J. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 23-24. 1943).

5193- An illustrated manual of Pacific Coast trees ... Berkeley, California (University of

California Press) 1935. Oct. (Man. Pacif. Coast trees).

Co-author: Evelyn Maino (1911-1958); contributor of text on recommended trees: H. W. Shepherd.

Ed. 1: 1935 (Nat. Nov. Apr 1936), p. [i]-xii, [1]-409. Copy: USDA.

Second printing (facsimile): 1946, p. [i]-xii, [1]-409. Copies: US, USDA. —

Ref.: H. L. M. [Mason], Madrono 3(5): 221-222. 1936.

  1. An illustrated manual of California shrubs ... San Francisco (published by J. W. Stacey ..) 1939. Oct. (Man. Calif. shrubs). Co-author (chapter garden design): Fred H. Schumacher. Ed. 1: 6 Oct 1939 (Madrofio 5: 136. 1939), p. [i]-x1, 1-689. Copies: G, NY, US, USDA. Ed. 2: 1951, front., p. [i]-x1, 1-663. Copies: FI, MO, USDA. Fourth printing: 1964, front., p. [i]-xi, 1-663. Copy: US. Ref.: Anon., Torreya 40: 46-47. 1 Apr 1940. Mason, H. L., Madrono 5(5): 173-174. 13 Jan 1940. Van Rensselaer, M., J. New York Bot. Gard. 41: 122-123. 1940.

McNab, William Ramsay (1844-1889), Scottish botanist; M. D. Edin. 1866, professor of botany, Royal College of Science Dublin 1872-1889; scientific superintendent of Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, 1880-1889. (W. R. McNab).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: DBN; further material at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 298; BB p. 202; BJI 1: 38; BM 3: 1213; CSP 8:

301-302, 10: 685; 12: 471, 16: 983; Desmond p. 412; De Toni 1: Ixxx; DNB 35: 238; Herder

p. 464; IH 2: 486; Jackson p. 60, 80, 86, 489; LS 17623-17624; Morren ed. 2, p. 23, ed. 10, p.

79; Rehder 5: 534-535; 1 L-2/see R. Brown; Tucker 1: 451; Zander ed. 10, p. 687.

Anon., Ann. Bot. 3: 477-479. 1890 (bibl.); Beibl. Bot. Jahrb. vol. 11, no. 26. 1890; Bot. Centralbl. 41: 126. 1890 (d.); Bot. Gaz. 15: 49. 1890 (d.); Bot. Not. 1890: 45 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 48: 64. 1890; Entom. Mon. Mag. 26: 26.1890; Gard. Chron. 1889(2): 670 (obit.); House Gard. 34: 206-209. 1979; J. Bot. Morot 3: 408. 1889, 4: 316. 1890 (d.); Leopoldina 26: 53. 1890; Nature 41: 159-160. 1889 (obit.); Osterr. bot. Z. 40: 72. 1890 (d. 2 Dec 1889); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1888/90: 97-98. 1891 (obit., b. g Nov 1844, d. 3 Dec 1889); Scott. Natural. 10: 283-284. 1890; Zool. Anz. 13: 48. 1890.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 28: 32, 51-53. 1890.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 240. 1977.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 43.

Kent, D. H., Brit.herb. 67. 1957.

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 55. 1980 (collectors in M’s herb. marked by asterisks in list).

Powell, M. and Morley, B., Irish Natural. J. 18: 161-162. 1975 (on M’s collection of Robert Brown specimens at DBN).

Praeger, R. L., Some Irish naturalists 126-127. 1948.

note: W. R. McNab was the son of James McNab (1810-1878) and grandson of William



McNab (1780-1848), Scottish gardeners at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. See Desmond p. 412 for details.

Macoun, James Melville [“Jim’’] (1862-1920), Canadian botanist and geologist with the Geological Survey of Canada (1883-1898 assistant botanist; 1898-1917 assistant natu- ralist; 1917-1920 botanist); son of John Macoun. (7. M. Macoun).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: CAN; duplicates see IH. For his exsiccatae “‘ex. herb. Geological Survey of Canada”’ see Sayre (1971).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 432; BB p. 202; BJI 2: 109; BL 1: 307 [index];

BM 3: 1213, 7: 777-778; CSP 12: 470, 16: 984-985; Desmond p. 413; Hortus 3: 1199

(“Macoun, J. M.”’); IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 487; Kelly p. 136; Kew 3: 549; Lenley p. 277; LS

36368; NAF 9(6): 442; NW p. 52; Pennell p. 613; Rehder 5: 535; SBC p. 126 (““Mac.’’);

Stevenson p. 1250; Tucker 1: 451; Urban-Berl. p. 371, 372.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1g21: 14 (d. 8 Jan 1920); Hedwigia 63: (97). 1921 (d.); Nat. Nov. 22: 130. 1920; The Ottawa Evening Journal Thursday, January 8, 1920. (vol. 35, no. 24).

Boivin, B., Provancheria 10: 27, 40, 88. 1980.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 59: 149. 1921.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 174. 1896.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural. 257. 1950.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Hertel, H., Mitt. Bot. Mtinchen 402. 1980 (lich.).

Hitchcock, A. S. and A. Chase, Man. grass. U.S. 987. 1951.

Holm, T., Bot. Gaz. 70: 240-242. 1920 (portr.).

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 292, 308 (Alaskan coll.).

Malte, M. O., Canad. Field Natural 34(2): 38-40. 1920 (obit., portr.).

Penhallow, D. P., Trans. R. Soc. Can. ser. 2. 3(4): 48. 1897.

Polunin, N., Bot. Canad. Eastern Arctic 1: 19. 1940.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 67. 1955.

Rodgers, A. D., Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 79, 212, 300-303; Liberty Hyde Bailey 106, 245. 1949.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(2): 231. 1971.

Smith, H. I., Science ser. 2. 51: 478-480. 1920.

5195- Contributions to Canadian botany . . . [a series of 18 papers originally published in various: serial publicatons] 1894-1906. Oct. (Contr. Canad. bot.). Publ.: Reprinted with new or with original pagination with some new t.p.’s:

: Canadian Record of Science 6, Jan 1894, p. [i], [23]-27. : Id. Apr 1894, p. [1], [76]-88.

: Id. Nov 1894, p. [i], [141]-153.

: Id. Jan 1895, p. [i], [198]-210.

: Id. Jan 1895 [sic], p. [1]-13; journal p. 264-276.

: Id. Apr 1895, p. [1], [1]-11; journal p. 318-329.

: Id. Jul 1895, p. [i], [1]-11; journal p. 405-415.

: Id. Oct 1895, p. [1], [1]-11; journal p. [459]-469.

: Id., 7, Jan, Apr 1896, p. [i], [39]-50.

: Id. Jan 1897, p. [1], [267]-286.

: Id. Oct 1897, p. [i], [463]-477.

: The Ottawa Naturalist, 12(9): [i], [161]-172, err. slip. Dec 1808. : Id. 13(7): [a], [158]-169. Oct. 1899.

: Id. 15(3): [1], [71 ]-79. Jun rgor.

: Id. 15: [1], [267]-282. Mar rgo2.

: Id. 16: [i], [211]-223. 2 Feb 1903.

: Id. 20: [1], [135]-143. 15 Oct 1906.

: Id. 20: [i], [162]-171. 6 Nov 1906.


Ss oN LS} Lest AS)


“[ [ [ :[ The pages listed as [i] are either reprint covers or reprint t.p.’s. Copies: BR, G, MO, NY, US, USDA.



  1. List of the plants known to occur on the coast and in the interior of the Labrador Peninsula

... (Reprinted from Annual Report, Geological Survey of Canada) vol. viii, part L,

appendix vi. [1896]. Oct. (List pl. Labrador Penins.).

Publ.: 1896, p. [1]-14, reprinted from Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Canada 8(L): 353-366. 1896 (reprint rd. by USDA 31 Mar 1897). Copies: PH, USDA.

  1. Canada Geological Survey Museum Bulletin no. 26. Biological Series, no. 6. Flora of

Canada by J. M. Macoun and M. O. Malte. [Canada Year Book 1915 (1917) ]. Oct.

Publ.: 28 Feb 1917, p. [1]-14. Copzes: FI, PH. — Reprinted from Canada Yearbook 1915: 43- 55- 1917, also Canada Dept. Mines, Geol. Surv. Mus. Bull. 26, Biol. Ser. 6.

  1. Report of the Canadian arctic expedition 1913-18. Volume v: Botany part A: Vascular planis ... Ottawa (F.A.Acland ...) 1921. (Rep. Canad. arct. exped., vasc. pl.).

Co-author: Herman Theodor Holm (1854-1932).

Publ.: 14 Oct 1921 (cover), p. [1]-3, 4a-50a, pl. 1-13. Copy: PH.

Macoun, John (1831-1920), Irish-born naturalist who went to Canada in 1850; professor of botany in Albert College, Belleville (Ont.) 1874-1881; from 1881-1912 botanist to the Dominion government and naturalist at the Geological Survey of Canada; ultimately in British Columbia. (Macoun).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: CAN; duplicates see IH. Exsiccatae: Canadian lichens, nos. 1-200 (- x?), for details on this and other series see Sayre (1969, 1971). Type specimens of mosses described by N. C. Kindberg at S. For details see Crum and Steere 1977.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 432; BB p. 202; BJI 1: 38; BL 2: 307 [index];

BM 3: 1214, 7: 778; Bossert p. 248; Clokie p. 205; CSP 8: 302, 10: 685, 12: 471-472, 16: 985;

Desmond p. 413; GR p. 405, 775; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 223, 431; Hortus 3: 1199

(“Macoun’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 487; Jackson p. 366; Kelly p. 136; Kew 3: 549; KR p. 486-

487; Lenley p. 277-278; LS 16226-16233, 36368; Morren ed. 10, p. 123; Pennell p. 613; PH

450; Rehder 5: 535; SBC p. 126 (““Mac.”’); Tucker 1: 451; Urban-Berl. p. 307, 372.

Anon., J. Bot. 59: 149. 1921; Torreya 11(2): 50. 1911.

Bird, C. D., The blue Jay 28(3): 127-128. 1970 (portr., itin. Cypress Hills).

Boivin, B., Provancheria 10: 170-171. 1980 (coll.).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 59: 149. 1921.

Brunton, D. F., Syllogeus 21, Natl. Mus. nat. Sci., Natl. Mus. Ganada 1979 (Vasc. pl. coll. Macoun in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario).

Cantelow et Cantelow, Leafl. W. Bot. 8: 95, 198. 1957 (epon.).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural. 257-258. 1950.

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philadelphia 266, 272, 327. 1899.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Hitchcock, A. S. & A. Chase, Man. grass. U.S. 987. 1951 (epon.).

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 291, 319-320 (itin. Alaska); Fl. Kamtchatka 1: 11. 1927.

Humphrey, H.B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 160-162. 1961 (b. 17 Apr 1832).

LeRoy Andrews, A., Bryologist 24: 39-41. 1921.

Macoun, John, Autobiography, with introduction by E.T. Seton.Ottawa Field Natura- lists’ Club 1922, x, 305 p. (portr., complete eponymy).

W.T.M., [Macoun], Can. Field Naturai. 34: 110-114. 1920.

Murrill, W. A., Mycologia 13: 264. 1921.

Penhallow, D. P., Trans. R. Soc. Can. ser. 2. 3 (4): 10, 19-20, 25, 46-48. 1897 (bibl.).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 67. 1955.

Rodgers, A. D., Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 332 [index]. 1944. Liberty Hyde Bailey 28, 106, 245. 1949; Bernhard Eduard Fernow 382, 391, 393. 1951.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 20. 1977.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 142. 1969, 19(2): 230-231. 1971; Bryologist 80: 513.1977.

Steere, W. C. & H. A. Crum, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 28(2): 1-220. 1977 (notes on Macouns’ mosses as described by N. C. Kindberg); Bot. Rev. 43: 287, 292, 299-302. 1977 (on Macoun and Nils Conrad Kindberg, a collaboration which “brought about a true muscological disaster for this continent’).



Voss, E. G., Contr. Mich. Herb. 13: 42, 44-45, 61. 1978. Walker, V., zn Chambers, R., Net of naturalists 23. 1968.

EPONYMY: Neomacounia R.R. Ireland (1974). Note: The derivation of Macounastrum J. K. Small (1896) could not be established. — The town of Macoun, Sask., and Mount Macoun (Selkirk Peaks) Canada, were named after John Macoun. — W.T.M. (1920) lists 20 species of plants and animals named after M. — A further list of eponyms is given by E. T. Seton in John Macoun, Autobiography, 1922, see above.

MEMORIAL VOLUME: Seton, E.T., ed., Autobiography of John Macoun, M.A., Canadian explorer and naturalist, ... Ottawa (Ottawa Field Naturalist’s Club) 1922.

  1. Catalogue of the phaenogamous and eS plants (including lichens.) of the domi- nion of Canada south of the arctic circle .. . Belleville, Ont. (John Macoun) [1878] Oct. (Cat. pl. Canada).

Publ.: 1878 (p. [3]: 10 Mai 1878), p. [1]-52. Copies: PH, US, USDA.

  1. Geological Survey of Canada ... Catalogue of Canadian plants ... Montreal ([1-4:] Dawson Brothers, [5-6:] William Foster Brown & Co.), Ottawa [7:] Government Printing Bureau) 1883-1902. Oct., 7 parts. (Cat. Canad. pl.).

1 (Polypetalae): 1883 (p. ix: Apr 1883, p. [ii]: Mai 1883; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) and Sep(r) 1884; J. Bot. Mar 1884; Bot. Gaz. Dec 1883), p. [1i]-ix, [11]-192.

2 (Gamopetalae): 1884 (Nat. Nov. Apr (1) 1885; Bot. Zeit. 24 Apr 1885; Bot. Gaz. Feb 1885),

p- [:J-1v, [193]-394.

3 (Apetalae): 1886 (p. [i]: Apr 1886; Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1887; Bot. Zeit. 30 Sep 1887; TBC Jan 1887 (“recently”); Bot. Gaz. Jan 1887), p. [i-iv], [395]-623.

4(Endogens): 1888 (p. ii: Jun 1888; TBC 2 Nov 1888; Bot. Gaz. Oct 1888), p. [i*], [1]-u1, [1]- 248,

5(Acrogens): 1890 (p. iv: Mai 1880, sic; Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1891; TBC ro Mar 1891), p. [1-iv, [249]-428.

6(Muscz): With N. C. Kindberg, see entry below (1892).

7(Lichenes and Hepaticae): 1902 (p. v: 12 Jun 1902; TBC 28 Nov 1902), p. [i]-v, [1]-318, [1]- x1x (index). — Part on hepaticae also reprinted separately: 1902, p. [i]-v, [1]-48, [1]-iv (index). Copzes: H, NY, part on lichens id., p. [49]-180, ii-x (index). Copies: H, NY. — Pages 181-318 contain a supplement to part 6, musci.

Copies: BR, G, H, L, MO, NY, US (2), USDA; IDC 7582. Addition: See J. M. Macoun, Contr. Canad. bot., 1-18, 1894-1906. Note: for bryological papers by Macoun himself see e.g. Rickett (1955).

  1. Check list of Canadian plants ... Ottawa (printed by Cunningham & Lindsay) 1889. (Check list Canad. pl.). Publ.: 1889 (TBC 8 Apr 1889), p. [3]-68, [1, err., note, loose]. Copies: G, MO, USDA.

  2. Geological and natural history survey of Canada... Catalogue of Canadian plants. Part IV. Musci. Montreal (William Foster Brown & Co.) 1892. Oct. (Cat. Canad. pl., Musct). Co-author: Nils Conrad Kindberg 1832-1910. On some copies the name of N. C. Kindberg appears only on a pasted label. The original t.p. had only the name of Macoun, later covers and t.p.’s have both names. Publ.: Jul 1892 (p. v: 16 Jun 1892; ObZ Aug 1892; USDA rd. 26 Oct 1892; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1892; TBC 10 Sep 1892; Bot. Gaz. Nov 1882), p. [1*], [i]-v, [1, err.], [1]-295. Copies: G, H, L, MO, NY, US(2), USDA. — Kindberg described 237 new species out of a total of 953 species listed for Canada. For a critical review see Steere (1977) and Crum and Steere

  3. For asupplement see Cat. pl. Canada 7: 181-318. 1902, issued separately, p. [i]-v, [181 ]- 318, x-xix (index). Copies: BR, NY. Preliminary publication: Contribution to the Bryology of Canada, Bull. Torrey bot. Club 16: g1-98. Apr 1889, 17: 83-90. 10 Apr 1890, 271-280. Nov 1890. Ref.: Anon., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 19: 275. 10 Sep 1892. Britten} )-) jot. oie Or heb Tage)



  1. The cryptogamic flora of Ottawa ... [Ottawa Naturalist 1897-1898]. Qu.

Publ.: Consolidated reprint Sep 1808, p. [1]-60. Copies: BR, PH. — Reprinted an to ae cited from Ottawa Natural. 11(7): [129]-140. Oct 1897; (9) : [161]- 172. Dec 1897; (11): [193]- 204. Feb 1898; 12(2); [25[-32. Apr/Mai 1898; (3): Nar 56. Jun 1898: (5): ie 100. Aug (issued Sep) 1898.

MacOwan, Peter (1830-1909), British botanist; B. A. Univ. London 1857; from 1861 in South-Africa; teacher at Grahamstown (1861-1869); at Gill College, Somerset East (1861- 1881); director botanical garden Capetown (1881-1892); Government Botanist (1892- 1905). (MacOwan).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: GRA. Duplicates see IH. Exsiccatae: Herbarium austro-africanum (with Harry Bolus, 1834-1911), cent. 1-20, 1855-1899, sets see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 3: 366, 570; Barnhart 2: 432; BB p. 202; BJI 1: 38; BL 1:

54, 307; BM 3: 1214, 7: 778; Bossert p. 248; Clokie p. 205; CSP 10: 685, 12: 472, 16: 985;

Desmond p.-413; Hortus 3: 1199 (““MacOwan’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 487-488; Jackson p.

1144; Kew 3: 550; Lenley p. 278; LS 16235, 36378-36381; Morren ed. 2, p. 33, ed. 10, p.

114; PH 239; Rehder 5: 535; Tucker 1: 452; Urban-Berl. p. 278, 307, 372; Zander ed. 10, p.

687, ed. 11, p. 784.

Anderson, F. and D. Geary-Cooke, Veld & Flora 62(1): 12-14. 1976 (portr.).

Anon., Bot. Not. 1910: 16 (d. 1 Dec 1909); Bot. Zeit. 68(2): 120. 1g10; Gard. Chron. 1910(1):57; J. Bot. 10: 159. 1872, 48:64. 1910; Nat. Nov. 3: 23. 1881 (app. dir. bot. gard. Cape Town), 14: 200. 1892 (retired from directorship Capetown Botanic Garden), Nat. Nov. 27: 222. 1905 (retired as Government Botanist), 32: 148. tg10 (d. 1 Dec 1909); Osterr. bot. Z. 60: 167. 1910.

Beck, G., Bot. Gentralbl. 19: 253. 1884, 34: 149. 1888 (exs. W).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 48: 64. 1910.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. Bot. 72. 1978.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 430. 1880.

Doidge, E. M., Bothalia 5: 36-37. 1950 (on M’s lichens).

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(2): 324. 1938.

Hedge, I. C. &J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Hutchinson, J., Botanist in S. Africa 643-644. 1946.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 122: 92-93. 1910.

Juritz, C. F., 8S. Afr. J. Sci. 6(3): 71-79. 1910 (obit., portr., bibl.).

Karsten, M. C., The Old Company’s garden 180 [index]. 1951.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 16: 64. 1910 (d.).

Lindemann, E. von, Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61: 44. 1886.

Marloth, R., FI. S. Afr. 1: ix-x. 1913 (portr.).

Nelson, E. C. , Glasra 4: 54. 1980 (coll. DBN).

Phillips, E. P., S. Afr. J. Sci. 27: 41, 43, 47, 48, 49-50, 57, 61. 1930.

Sayre, G., View New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 364. 1975.

Schonland, S., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1910: 84-90 (obit., b. 14 Nov 1830, d. 1 Dec 1909).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 84, pl. 146. 1905 (portr.).

White, A. &B. L. Sloane, The Stapelieae 205 [index]. 1933, ed. 2, 19. 112. 1937 (portr.).

EPONYMY: Macowania D. Oliver (1870); Macowania C. Kalchbrenner ex M. J. Berkeley (1876); Macowaniella E. M. Doidge (1921); Macowanites C. Kalchbrenner (1882).

Macquart, Justin [Jean] [Pierre Marie] (1778-1855), French botanist and entomologist at Lille; long-time director of the Lille Musée d’Histoire naturelle; eventually mayor of Lestrem and member of the Conseil général du Pas de Calais. (Macquart).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1215; Herder p. 169; PR 5727; Rehder 3: 189; Tucker 1: 452

Anon., Mem. Soc. Sci. Agric. Lille ser. 2. 3: 469. 1857; Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 22: 585. 1858.



Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 64. 1935.

Crosskey, R. W., Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Entomol. 25(6): 256-292. 1971 (d. 25 Nov 1855).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. entom. 241. 1977.

Macquart, J., Fac. int. anim. invert. i-Ixxxii. 1850 (autobiogr.; work also publ. in Mém. Soc. Sci. Agric. Arts 1848 (1850), further bibl. Mém. 1853 (suppl.): 67-68. 1856).

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 1: 190-193, 214. 1971.

  1. Les arbres et arbrisseaux d Europe et leurs insectes, ... Lille (Imprimerie de L. Danel, .. .)
  2. Oct. (Arbr. Europe insect.).

Publ.: 1852 (t.p. of reprint as well as of journal fascicle), p. [1]-366. Copy: BR. — Reprinted from Mem. Soc. natl. Sci. Agr. Arts Lille 1851: 174-530. 1852.

Supplément: Mem. Soc. nat. Sci. Agr. Arts Lille 1853: 120-156. 1853.

  1. Les plantes herbacées d Europe et leurs insectes, pour faire suite aux Arbres et arbrisseaux d’Europe et leurs insectes ... Lille (Imprimerie de L. Danel) 1854-1855, 2 vols. Oct. (PI. herb. Europe insect.).

1: 1854 (BSbF after 10 Mar 1854), p. [1]-231. Reprinted from Mém. Soc. natl. Sci. Agr. Arts Lille 1853: 157-343. 1854.

2: 1855 (submitted 29 Dec 1854), p. [1]-178. Reprinted from id. 1854: 157-330. 1855.

3: 1856 (submitted 2 Nov 1855), p. [1]-159. Reprinted from id. 1855: 253-407. 1856. Copy: BR. — Copy of journal publication: BM.

Macreight, Daniel Chambers (1799-1868), Irish physician and botanist; BA Dublin 1820, MD 1827; lecturer at Middlesex Hospital, 1837 (Macreight).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 432; BB p. 203; BM 3: 1215; Desmond p. 414 (d.

10 Dec 1857); Herder p. 170; IH 2: 488; Jackson p. 234; Kew 3: 551; PR 5728 (ed. 1: 6395);

Rehder 5: 535.

Briquet, J., Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 303. 1940 (stayed for some time in Geneva in 1830, botanising with Alph. de Candolle and G. F. Reuter).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv . 412. 1862.

Kent, D. H., Hist. fl. Middlesex 21. 1975.

EPONYMY: Macreightia A. P. de Candolle (1844).

  1. Manual of British botany; in which the orders and genera are arranged and described according to the natural system of de Candolle; with a series of analytical tables for the assistance of the student in the examination of the plants indigenous to, or commonly cultivated in, Great Britain ... London (John Churchill ...) 1837. Oct. (Man. Brit. bot.). Publ.: 1837, p. [i*], [i]-xvii, [1]-296. Copies: G, NY, USDA.

McVaugh, Rogers (1909-x), American botanist and botanical historian; at the Bureau of Plant Industry 1938-1946; from 1938 at the University of Michigan, ultimately as H. H. Bartlett professor of botany; president of I. A. P. T. 1970-1975. (McVaugh).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Mainly at MICH; earlier collections e.g. at NYS and NA (now US); see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 433 (b. 17 Aug 1909); BFM 2344; Bossert p.

261; GR p. 231; Hortus 3: 1119 (“McVaugh’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 488; Kew 3: 551-5523

Langman p. 493-494; Lenley p. 278; Pennell p. 613; PH 209, 558; Roon p. 76; TL-2/424,


Anderson, W. R. et al., Taxon 28: 1-3. 1979 (portr.; appreciation).

Anon., Madrono 8: 208. 1946 (app. Ann Arbor); Macpalxochitl 76: 2. 1978 (merit award Mex. bot. Soc.).

Cowan, R.S., Taxon 24: 162. 1975 (on his Flora Novo-Galiciana).

Donelly, W. A., et al., Univ. Mich. Encycl. Survey 1450-1452. 1956.



Halpern, J. W., Research News, Ann Arbor, 21(10-11): 13-16. 1971 (on M’s interest in Sessé and Mogino).

Knobloch, I. W., Pl. coll. N. Mexico 43. 1979.

McVaugh, R., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 9 (3-7): 260-281. 1972 (extensive description of Mexican itineraries);Curriculum vitae and bibliography submitted to Univ. of Michi- gan, 20 Feb 1978, 13 p.

Reifschneider, O., Biogr. Nevada Botanists 24. 1964.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 67. 1955.

Rodgers, A. D., Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 64, 96, 119, 322. 1944

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 22: 522. 1973.

composite works: (1) NAF, Campanulaceae, 32 A(1): 1-134. 5 Jan 1943. (2) Flora of Peru, Myrtaceae, 4(2): 567-818. 1958.

FESTSCHRIFT: Taxon 28(1-3): 1-294. Apr 1979 (with brief tribute and biogr. sketch by W. R. Anderson et al.; portr.).

eponymy: Macvaughia W. R. Anderson (1979); MacvaughiellaR. M. King & H. E. Robinson (1968).

  1. Studies in the taxonomy and distribution of the Eastern North American species of Lobelia. A

dissertation in botany presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of

Pennsylvania in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philoso-

phy ... Philadelphia 1936. Oct.

Publ.: Jul-Oct 1936 (in journal), p. [i, thesis t-p.], followed by a reprint from Rhodora 38: 241-263. pl 435. Jul, 276-298. Aug, 305-329. Sep, 346-362. pl. 436. Oct 1936. Copies of thesis issue: FI, US.

Macvicar, John Gibson (1801-1884), Scottish clergyman and botanist; M. A. St. Andrews, pastor Scottish Church in Ceylon 1839-1852; minister at Moffat 1853-1884. (Ge Macvicar).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocrapHy: Barnhart 2: 433 (b. Mar 1gor, d. 12 Feb 1884); BB p. 203; CSP 4: 172-173, 8: 302, 16: 988; Desmond p. 414; DNB 35: 285-286; Jackson p. 70, 91, 151; PR 5729 (ed. 1: 6396); Rehder 5: 535-

  1. Observations on the germination of the Filices . . . Edinburgh (printed by P. Neill) 1824.

Qu. (Obs. germin. Fil.).

Publ.: 1824,~p. [i-ii], [1]-8, 2 pl. (col. lith.). Copy: G. — Reprinted from Trans. roy. Soc. Edinburgh W: 263-270. 1824.

Macvicar, Symers Macdonald (1857-1932), Scottish hepaticologist at Invermoidart, Shona; trained as a physician but dedicating himself fully to hepaticology. (Macvicar).

HERBARIUM and Types: BM; further material DBN, E, MANCH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 433; BJI 2: 109; BL 2: 302, 304, 686; BM 3: 1215, 7: 778; Clokie p. 205; CSP 16: 988; Desmond p. 414; De Toni 4: xxxvill; IH 2: 488- 489; Kew 3: 552; SBC p. 126 (“Macv.”’); Tucker 1: 452.

Grolle, R., Feddes Repert. 87: 171-279. 1976 (Verzeichniss der Lebermoose Europas ... q.v. for updated nomenclature of MacVicar 1926. See also Gradstein et al., 1977)-

Hedge, I.C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 67. 1957.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM (NH) 1: 166. 1904.

Nicholson, W.E., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 5(2/3): 165-168. 1932 (bibl.); J. Bot. 70: 258-261. 1932 (portr., bibl.); Brit. Bryol. Soc. Rep. 3(1): 82-83. 1933 (obit., b. 27 Dec 1857, d. 27 Feb 1932).

Pearsall, W. H., Bot Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 10(1): 83. 1933 (obit.).



Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (coll.). Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 75. 1966.

EPONYMY: Macvicaria Nicholson (1930).

  1. Hepaticae of Mordart, West Inverness ... [London 1899]. Oct. (Hepat. Moidart). Publ.: 1 Aug 1899, p. [1]-9. Copies: NY. — Reprinted from J. Bot. 37: 348-356. 1899.

  2. A key to British hepaticae ... London (West, Newman & Co.,...) 1go1. Oct. (Key Brit.


Publ.: 1 Mai 1901 (in journal; repr. Mai 1go1; Nat. Nov. Sep 1901), p. [1]-16. Copy: NY.— Reprinted from J. Bot. 39: 154-167. 1gor. i

Revised key: Apr 1906 (J. Bot. Mai 1906; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1906), p. [1]-19. Copies: H; IDC 1275. — Eastbourne (V.T. Sumfield, ...) 1906.

  1. Moss Exchange Club. Census catalogue of British hepatics, ... York (Coultas and Volans, ...) 1905. Oct. (Census cat. Brit. hepat.). Publ.: Nov-Dec 1905 (p. 4: Oct 1905; J. Bot. Jan 1906), p. [1]-24. Copy: NY.

  2. The distribution of hepaticae in Scotland, Trans. Proc. bot. Soc. Edinburgh 25, 1910. (Distr. hepat. Scotland). Publ.: Sep-Dec 1910 (p. vi: Aug 1910; J. Bot. Jan 1911), Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 25: [i]- vi, [1]-336. Copies: G, H, MO, NY, USDA. Ref.: Lett, J. Bot. 49: 37-38. 1911. Irmscher, E., Bot. Jahrb. 49 (Lit.): 2-5. 1913.

  3. The student's handbook of British hepatics ... Kastbourne (printed and published by V.

T. Sumfield, ...), London (sold by William Wesley & Son, ...) 1912. Oct. (Stud. handb. Brit.


Illustrations: Hampden Gurney Jameson (1852-1939).

Ed. 1: Aug 1912 (p. v: Jul 1912; ObZ 1 Sep 1912; Bot. Centralbl. 17 Sep 1912; J. Bot. Oct 1912; Bryologist 12 Nov 1912; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1912), p. [i]-xxiil, [1 ]-463. Copies: MO, US

Ed. 2: 1926 (t.p.) but 1927? (Nat. Nov. Oct 1927; J. Bot. Mai 1927; NYBG Nov 1927), p. [i]- xxix, pl. A (on p. [xxx]), [1, expl. pl.], [1]-464, [i]-viti. Copzes: G, H, MO, NY, US, USDA. — “Second edition, revised and enlarged” Eastbourne (... V. T. Sumfield), - London (... Wheldon & Wesley) 1926. Oct.

Facsimile repr. ed. 2: 1960, as orig. With new imprint. Copies: B, U-V.— ‘‘Authorised reprint of the second edition (1926) ...”’ Codicote, Herts (Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd.), Weinheim (H. R. Engelmann), New York (Stechert — Hafner).

Facsimile repr. ed. 2: 1971, id.

List of revised names: 1977, S. R. Gradstein & G. B. A. van Reenen, list of revised names of MacVicar, S. M., The student’s... Utrecht (Instituut voor Systematische Plantkunde) 1977. p. 1-12. Copies: FAS, U.

Ref.: A. G., J. Bot. 50: 317-318. 1912.

Gradstein, S. R., in J. Landwehr, S$. R. Gradstein & H. van Melick, Atlas Nederlandse Levermossen, 1980, p. 281 (list of modern literature; provides also illustrations). Nicholson, W. E., J. Bot. 65: 87-88. Mai 1927.

Madden, Edward (1805-1856) Irish-born British botanist; officer in the Bengal Army 1830-1849 (Madden).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: K; other material at CAL, E, OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 433; BB p. 203; Clokie p. 205; Desmond p. 414; IH 2: 489; Jackson p. 388; Rehder 5: 535; Tucker 1: 452.

Blatter, E., Fl. Aden 7. 1914; Rec. bot. Surv. India 8(5): 472. 1933.

Burkill, I. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 81, 83, 232, 1965.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 33, 44. (coll. K.).

Morley, B., J. R. Hort. Soc. 97(5): 203-206. 1972.



  1. Observations on Himalayan Coniferae, being a supplement to the brief observations on

some of the pines and other coniferous trees of the Northern Himalaya... Calcutta (W. H.

Haycock, ...) 1850. Oct.

Publ.: 1850, p. [1]-91. Copy: FI.— Reprinted and to be cited from J.Agri-Hort. Soc. India 7: 75-128, 129-163. 1849/50; see also J. Hort. Soc. 5: 228-269. 1850.

  1. Elucidation of some plants mentioned in Dr. Francis Hamilton’s account of the kingdom of Nepal

[Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 1856]. Oct.

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1856 (in journal), p. [1 ]-25. Copy: FI.— Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 18: 404-413. Nov, 442-457. Dec 1956. See also Trans. Edinb. bot. Soc. 5: 116-140. 1858.

Madenis, Claude Benoit (1798-1863), French clergyman and botanist at Lyon. (Made- nis).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 433 (d. 17 Sep 1903). Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 21, 128. 1907, 35: 37. 1910. Gervais, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon ser. 2. 10: xiv. 1863, 11: 444-447. 1864.

NoTE: Madenis was the anonymous author of Analyse des plantes qui croissent spontanément aux envirous de Lyon et sur le Pilat, Lyon 1836, 72 p. (PR p. 485 as of 1838); later editions published as Manuel des jeunes botanistes.. . Lyon 1838, x, 90, 108 p. and Manuel du botaniste herborisant. . . Lyon, Paris 1842 (?), v, vi, 86, 148 p. (No copies seen); also: Analyse des plantes vasculaires du Lyonnais et du Mont Pilat ... Lyon 1838, iv, 113 p.; For further details see Magnin (1907,


Magdefrau, Karl (1907-x), German botanist, palaeobiologist and historian of botany; Dr. phil. Munchen 1932; at Halle 1930-1934; at Erlangen 1932-1948, at Munchen 1948- 1951 (forestry botany), 1951-1960 (professor of botany at University); at Tubingen (as prof. of systematic bot.) 1960-1972. (Magd.).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: M and TUB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Andrews p. 299; Barnhart 2: 434; BFM 2194, 3287; BJI 2:

109; Bossert p. 248; GR p. 30, cat. p. 67; IH 2: 490; Kew 3: 555; Moebius p. 128; Roon p. 72;

SBC p. 126 (“Maed.”’); TL-2/2: no. 3961.

Eckardt, Th., Bot. Jahrb. 89(Lit.): 37-38. 1969 (on M’s Palaobiologie der Pflanzen ed. 4), 95(Lit.): 19-28. 1976 (on M’s Geschichte der Botanik).

Follman, C., Philippia 2: 50-51. 1973 (on his Gesch. Bot.).

Frey, W. et all , Beitr. Biol. nied. Pfl. 219-226. 1977 (curr. vitae, LL Ve

Gothan, W., Bot. Jahrb. 73(Lit.): 20-21. 1943 (on his Palaobiologie der Pflanzen, ed. 1, 1942).

Hertel, H., Mitt. Bot. Miinchen 16: 402. 1980 (lichen herb. at M. rd. 1976).

Magdefrau, K., Palaobiologie der Pflanzen, ed. 1, 1942 (vil, 396 p.), ed. 2, 1953 (438 p.), ed. 3, 1956 (443 p.), ed. 4, 1968 (549 p.); in E. Bohm, Forscher und Gelehrte 209-210. 1966 (autobiogr.).

Melchior, H., Bot. Jahrb. 76(Lit.): 30-31. 1954 (on M’s Palaobiologie der Pflanzen ed. 2, 1953), 79(Lit.): 25-32. 1960 (on id. ed. 3. 1956).

Oberwinkler, F., Schwabisches Tageblatt 10 Feb 1977.

Poggendorf, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 7a: 178-179. 1958 (biogr. data; bibl.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 70: 513. 1977.

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 75. 1966.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 22: 500. 1973, 23: 404-405. 1974 (on his Geschichte der Botantk).

FESTSCHRIFT: Frey, W., H. Hurka & F. Oberwinkler, eds., Bewtrdge zur Biologie der niederen Pflanzen, Systematik, Stammesgeschichte, Okologie, Stuttgart, New York, 1977, viii, 283 p. (contains, on p. 219-226, a curriculum vitae of M. as well as a bibliography and a list of dissertations).



  1. Paldobiologie der Pflanzen... Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1942. Oct. (Paldobiol. Pfl.). Publ.: 1942, p. [i]-v, [1]-396. Copy: FI.

Maerklin, Georg Friedrich (1761-1823), German pharmacist and botanist at Wiesloch. (Maerkl.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 434; BM 3: 1218; CSP 4: 246; Dryander 3: 89, 443; GR p. 109; Herder p. 112; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Markl.”’); LS 16261; PR 5732 (ed. 1: 6400). |

Anon., Flora 6: 752. 1823.

Dilg, P. & W. Ilg, Deut. Apoth. Zeit. 118(7): 251. 1978 (member Regensb. bot. Ges.). Litjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 86, 120, 171, 219. 1936.

  1. Betrachtungen iiber die Urformen der niedern Organismen ... Heidelberg (bei C. F. Winter)
  2. (Betracht. Urform. ned. Organ.). Publ.: 1823, p. [i]-xu, [1]-83. Copy: REG.

Maerter, Franz Joseph (1753-1827), Austrian botanist, in tropical America 1783-1788. (Maerter).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: W; further material at BR and M. — Living plants at Schonbrunn described by N. J. v. Jacquin.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 435; BM 3: 1218; Dawson p. 799, 850;

Dryander 1: 162, 2: 116, 3: 207, 558; Herder p. 313, 380, 399; IH 2: 489; Kew 3: 556;

Laségue p. 459-460; PR 5733-5736 (ed. 1: 6401-6407); Rehder 5: 536; SO 273; Tucker 1:

  1. :

Ewan, J., i F. Pursh, Fl. Amer. sept. facs. repr. 1979, intr. p. 21.

Jacquin, N. J., Pl. Hort. schoenbr. 1: ili-v. 1797.

Neilreich, A., Verh. zool. bot. Ver. Wien 5: 34, 46. 1855.

Umlauft, A., im Fritsch, K. et al., Bot. Anst. Wiens 38. 1894 (material from Brazilian exp. rd. W. 12 Sep 1788).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 80-81. 1900 (second. refs.).

  1. D. Franz Joseph Marters Verzeichniss der dstreichischen Gewéchse mit kurzgefassten Anmerkungen aus der Natur- und 6konomischen Geschichte derselben ... Wien (bei Sebastian Hartl [zweytes Sttick:] bei Joseph Gerold) 1780-1781. 2 parts. Oct. (Verz. dstreich. Gew.).

1: 1780, p. [i-iv], [1]-115 (sic).

2: 1781, p. [i], [115]-212. Copies: M, WU (inf. I. Haesler, W. Gutermann).— The two pages 115 are not identical.

  1. Verzeichniss der dstreichischen Béume, Stauden und Buschgewachse mit kurzgefassten Anmerkungen aus der Natur- und 6konomischen Geschichte derselben ... Wien (Verlegt bey Joseph Gerold) 1781. Oct. (Verz. dstreich. Baume).

Ed. 1: 178 (p. [xii]: 10 Jan 1781), p. [i-xvi], [1]-212. Copies: MO, USDA.

Ed. 2: n.v.

Ed. 3: 1796 (p. [xii]: 19 Mar 1796), p. [i-xii], [1]-466, [1-42, index]. Copies: G, NY, WU. — “Dritte Auflage. Vom Verfasser selbsten verbessert, und mit einem Zusatze von frem- den, im Freien ausdauerenden baum- und strauchartigen Gewachsen vermehrt’’. Wien (Bei Joseph Stahel und Compagnie) 1796. — The preface mentions a pirated edition published in 1795, “‘... in der fehlerhaftesten Sprache .. .”” We have seen no copy of this edition.

  1. Hundamenta el termini botanici, congesta secundum methodum, et ad ductum celeberr. Eq. Car. a Linné. In usum praelectionum theoreticarum a F. J. Marter, ... Bruxellis (typis

Matthaei Lemaire) 1789. Oct. (Fund. term. bot.).



Publ.: 1789 (p. [4]: 19 Mar 1789), p. [1]-130, chart opp. p. 44, adv. [1]-2, 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: B-S, FI-BN, HU.

Magalon, Marius (//. 1929), French botanist, high school teacher at Hanoi. (Magalon). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: P. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: IH 2: 490.

  1. Eléments de botanique indochinoise . .. Hanoi (Imprimerie d’Extréme-Orient) 1929. Oct (Elem. bot. indoch.).

Co-author: P. A. Petelot.

Publ.: 1929, p. [1]-205, [1i]-xii, pl. 1-47. Copy: USDA.

  1. Contribution al étude des Palmers del’ Indochine francaise ... Paris (Les Presses modernes ...) 1930. Oct. (Contr. étud. Palmiers Indoch.) Publ.: 1930, p. [1]-247, pl. 1-5. Copy: USDA.

Magne, Jean Herni (1804-1885), French veterinarian and botanist; high school teacher at Lyon 1824-1842, from 1843 teacher at the Veterinary College of Alfort (Seine). (Magne).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 435; BL 2: 102, 686; BM 3: 1220, 7: 782; CSP 4:

181, 16: 1000; GR p. 335; Jackson p. 274; Kew 3: 557; Morren ed. 2, p. 16, ed. 10. p. 58;

Rehder 5: 536; Tucker 1: 453.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 43: 750. 20 Nov 1885; Leopoldina 21: 163. 1885 (d. 27 Aug 1885); Nat. Nov. 7: 229. 1885 (d.).

Bouley, Bull. Acad. méd. Paris 14: 1222-1226. 1885 (obit., b. 26 messidor xii= 15 Jul 1804).

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 16. 1907, 35: 36. 1900.

Lucante, A., Rev. bot. 4: 334. 1886.

  1. Nouvelle flore francaise descriptions succinctes et rangées par tableaux dichotomiques des plantes qui croissent spontanément en France et de celles qu’on y cultive en grand avec Vindication de leurs propriétés et de leurs usages en médecine, en hygiene vétérinaire, dans les arts et dans l'économie domestique ... Paris (Garnier fréres, ...) 1862, 18-mo. (Nouv. fl. Srang.).

Co-author: Gillet, Claude Casimir (1806-1896) (see TL-2/1: nos. 2018-2021).

Ed. 1: 1862 (t.p.), p. [i*-iii*], [i]-xxvi, [1, err.], [1]-618, [1-2, index]. Copzes: B, G, UC.

Ed. 1, reissue: 1863 (t.p.), p. [i*-i1i* ], [i]-xxvi, [1, err.], [1]-618, [1-2, index]. Copzes: BR, G, MO, NY, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1868 (t.p.), p. [1*-iii1* ], [1]-xxiv, [1 ]-704, [1]. Copzes: MO, NY. —“‘Deuxiéme édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée d’une table générale des espéces et de leurs synonymes’”’. Paris (id.). 1868. 18-mo.

Ed. 3: 1873 (t.p.), p. [i*-tii*], [i]-xxiv, [1]-739, [1, err.; cont.]. Copies: B, BR, G, MO, NY, UC. — “‘Troisiéme édition, revue et corrigée.” Paris (id.). 1873. 18-mo.

Ed. 4: 1879 (t.p.), p. [1*-iii*], [i]-xxiv, [1 ]-763, [1, cont.]. Copzes: NY, USDA. — “‘Quatriéme édition, revue et corrigée.” Paris (id.). 1879. 18-mo.

Ed. 5: 1883 (t.p.), p. [i*-tii*], [i]-xxiv, [1]-775, [776]. Copees: G, MO, NY, UC. — “Cinquiéme édition, revue et corrigée.”’ Paris (id.). 1883. 18-mo.

Ed. 6: 1887 (t.p.), p. [i*-ii*], [i]-xxiv, [1]-781, [782]. Copzes: BR, G, MO, NY. — “‘Sixiéme édition, revue et corrigée.”’ Paris (id.). 1887. 18-mo.

Ed. 7: 1898 (t.p.), p. [i*-iii*], [i]-xxiv, [1 ]-781, [782]. Copy: BR. — “Septiéme édition, revue et corrigée.”’ Paris (id.). 1898. 18-mo.

Ed. 8: 1903 (t-p.), p. [i*-iii*], [i]-xxiv, [1 ]-781, [782]. Copy: BR. — ““Huitiéme edition, revue et corrigée.”’ Paris (id.). 1903. 18-mo.

Magnier, Charles (//. 1882), French librarian, botanist and plant collector at St. Quentin (Aisne). (Magnier).



HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. Main series of exsiccatae: (1) Plantae galliae septentrionalis et belgu, fasc. 1-7, St. Quentin (1879-?). Sets see IH and Sayre. (2) Flora selecta exsiccata, fasc. 1-16, nos. 1-41.37, St. Quentin, Paris, (1882-1897), id. For text see Scrinia fl. select. (no. 5223). Letters (30) to Malinvaud at P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 436; BL 2: 115, 116, 686; CSP 12: 473, 16: 1000;

TH 2: 490; Kew 3: 557; Morren ed. 10, p. 69; Rehder 5: 536-537; Saccardo 2: 65; Tucker 1:

453; Urban-Berl. p. 372.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 26 (bibl.): 240. 1880 (exsicc.).

Freyn, Bot. Centralbl. 9: 436. 1882, 10: 36-37, 198-199. 1882 (on Scrinia fasc. 1), 25: 82-83. 1886, 32: 299-300. 1887.

Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970 (“Specimens in his herbarium often made by other collectors” sic).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 34-35. 1969.

  1. Scrinia florae selectae ... Saint-Quentin (author) 1882-1897, 16 fasc. Oct. (Scrin. fl.


Publ.: Contains the schedae for the series of exsiccatae Flora selecta. Fascicle 1 is a lithogra- phic reproduction of a handwritten text; the other fascicles are printed. Copies: G(2), MO, USDA.

Fasc. date on cover pages date of publ. I 1882 [1 ]-48 Jan-Mar 1882 2 1883 [49]-56, [1]-18 Jan-Mai 1883 3 1884 [57]-72 1884 4 1885 [73]-88 Jun 1885 5 1886 [89 ]-104 Jun-Aug 1886 6 1887 [105 ]-120 1887 7 1888 [121]-136 1888 8 1889 [137]-155 1889 9 1890 [157]-176 1890

10 1891 [177]-196 Apr 1891

liste des espéces [197]-228 1891?

II 1892 [229]-262 1892

12 1893 [263]-297 1893

13 1894 [299]-335 1894

14 1895 [337]-363 1895

15 1896 [365 ]-383 1896

16 1897 [385 ]-400 1897

Magnin, Antoine (1848-1926), French physician and botanist at Lyon, later at Besancon; Dr. med. Paris 1876. (Magnin).

HERBARIUM and Types: LY; other material at P and PC. — 30 Letters to Malinvaud at P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 436; BB p. 335-336; BL 2: 686 [index]; BM 3:

1220-1221, 7: 782; CSP 8: 305, 10: 692, 12: 473-474, 16: 1001-1002; De Toni p. xxxviii; GR

P- 335, pl. [32]; Jackson p. 576; Kelly p. 136; Kew 3: 557-558; LS 16278-16336, 36413-

36431, suppl. 16903-16907; Morren ed. 10, p. 64; Plesch p. 322; Rehder 5: 537; Tucker 1:


Anon., Ber. Schweiz. bot. Ges. 36: v-x. 1927; Bull. Soc. bot. France 24(bibl.): 85-86. 1877 (rev. of his doctor’s thesis); Monde des Pl. 7: 74. 1898.

Beauverie, J., Rev. gén. Bot. 39: 129-171. 1927 (portr., bibl.).

Fournier, E., Bull. Ass. amic. anciens Eléves Sect. Sci. appl. Fac. Besancon 1926: 23-26. (n.v.).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 195 (1890-1919 at Besancon), 203 (1881- 1884 at Lyon). 1938.

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. France 23: cxciii. 1876 (on herb.); Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 62. 1907.



Meyran, O., Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon ser. 2. 73: 52-59. 1928 (portr.). Morot, J., J. de Bot. 8, suppl. 3: xili-xv. 1894 (rev. Vég. Monts Jura, 1893). Rudio, Bull. Soc. bot. Geneve ser. 2. 18: 319-320. 1926.

COMPOSITE WORKS: published Archives de la flore jurassienne Année 1-6, Jan 1900-Novy 1905. EPONYMY: Magninia M. Choisy (1929).

  1. Recherches sur la géographie botanique du Lyonnais ... Bas-Plateaux lyonnais cotiére

méridionale de la Dombes. Avec deux cartes coloriées. Paris (Librairie J.-B. Bailliére, et Fils

...), Londres (Bailli¢re, Tindall and Cox), Madrid (Carlos Bailly-Bailliére) 1879. Oct.

(Rech. géogr. bot. Lyonnais).

Publ.: 1879 (t.p.; Bot. Centralbl. 26 Jan-1 Feb 1880; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1880), p. [ii*, err.], [i]-vi, [1]-159, pl. 1-2 with text. Copy: MO.

  1. Les botanistes Lyonnais I Claret de La Tourrette sa vie, ses travaux, ses recherches sur

les lichens du Lyonnais d’aprés ses ouvrages et les notes inédites de son herbier . . . Paris (J. -

B. Bailliére & fils, ...), Lyon (H. Georg, ...) 1885. Oct. (La Tourrette).

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1885 (Nat. Nov. Mai(3) 1885; J. Bot. Jun 1885; Bot. Centralbl. 8-12 Jun 1885; Bot. Zeit. 26 Jun 1885), p. [1, ii], [1]-236, autographs. Copies: G, NY, Stevenson.

  1. La végétation de la région lyonnaise et de la partie Moyenne du Bassin du Rhone ou

description topographique, géologique et botanique des régions du Lyonnais, du Beaujo-

lais, de la Dombes et du Bas-Dauphiné; caractéres de leurs flores étudiées dans leurs

rapports avec le climat et la nature du sol et comparées avec celles des régions voisines du

Forez, du la Bresse, de Jura méridional et des terres-froides, ... Bale, Lyon, Genéve (H.

Georg, ...) 1886. Oct (Vég. rég. lyonn.).

Publ.: Mai-Jul 1886 (p. iv: Apr 1886; BSbF 23 Jul 1886; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1886; Bot. Centralbl. 23-27 Aug 1886; J. Bot. Oct 1886; Bot. Zeit. 27 Aug 1886), p. [1]-xvi. [1]-513, 7 maps. Copies: FI, G, NY.

Ref.: Freyn, J. F., Bot. Gentralbl. 29: 7-10. 3-7 Jan 1887.

  1. Observations sur la flore du Jura et du Lyonnais ... Besancon (imprimerie et lithogra-

phie Dodivers ...) 1894-1897, 2 parts. (Odbserv. fl. Jura).

Co-author: Francois Heétier (1866-?).

1: 1894 (as reprint, fide t.p.), p. [i]-ix, [1 ]-173. Reprinted from Mém. Soc. Emul. Doubs sér. 6. 9: 329-412. 1895 and sér. 6. 10: 227-317. 1896. Author: Magnin.

2: 1897 (id.), p. [175]-282, pl. 1. Reprinted from id. sér. 7. 1: 85-173. 1897 (journal issue

n.v.). — Contains F. Hétier, Contribution a [étude botanique des bassins lacustres.

  1. Les lacs du Jura: no. iv. Monographies botaniques de 74 lacs jurassiens suivies de considérations générales sur la végétation lacustre ... Paris (Paul Klincksieck ...) 1904. Oct. (Monogr. bot. lacs jurass.).

Publ.: 1904, p. [i]-xvii [xviii-xx], [1]-426, 1 err.slip, 17, 6 and 2 plates. Copies: BR, FI. — Previous issues in this series: (1) Généralités sur la limnologie jurassienne (1895), (2) Végétation des lacs du Jura suisse (1896), (3) Révision des Potamots de France (1897), ali Lyon/Paris (Georg et J. B. Bailliére) and by A. Magnin.

  1. Prodrome dune histoire des botanistes Lyonnais .. . Lyon (Association typographique . . .)

  2. (Prodr. hist. bot. Lyonn.).

Main volume: 1906-1907 (t.p. 1906), p. [i-11], [1]-140, [1, err.], [1 ]-4. Originally published Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 31: 1-72. 1906, 32: 1-68. 1907.

Additions et corrections, r° serie: 1907, p. [1]-39, [1]-4. From id. 32: 103-141. 1907.

Additions et corrections, 2° serie: 1911, p. [i-iv], [1 ]-68. From id. 35: 13-80. 1910. Copies: G, NY.

Magnol, Pierre (1638-1715), French physician and botanist at Montpellier. (Magno).

HERBARIUM and typgs: LINN; further material BM-SL, OXF. See also Loret (1866).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG2(1): 346, 6(1): 748; Ainsworth p. 244, 310; Backer p.



348; Barnhart 2: 436; BM 3: 1221; Bossert p. 249; Clokie p. 206; Dryander 3: 28, 109, 143;

DSB 9: 17-18; GR p. 336; Herder p. 140, 153, 174; HU 374, 397, 451; IH 2: 490; Jackson p.

31, 287, 420; Kew 3: 558; Laségue p. 321, 356; LS 16339-16341; Moebius p. 48, 261; NI

1256n, 1257; Plesch p. 320-323; PR 5738-5742 (ed. 1: 6413-6416); Rehder 5: 537; Sotheby

no. 493; TL-2/1: see Bouchet, D.; Tucker 1: 453.

Berkeley, E. and D. S., John Clayton 45, 217. 1963.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 431. 1880.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 213. 1862.

Desgenettes, R. , Dic. Sci. méd. , Biogr. méd. 6: 154-155. 1824 (Desgenettes published also an “éloge” of M. in his Eloge des. Académiciens de Montpellier, p. 8, n.v.).

Ewan, J. & N., John Banister 18, 101, 208. 1970.

Granel de Solienac, L. & L. Bertrand, Naturalia monsp. 18: 280-281. 1967 (herb. Chirac, not Magnol).

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.): 18. 1922 (herb. LINN).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 268, 322, 460. 1884.

Lacroix, A., Figures de savants 4: 109, 129. 1938.

Lapeyrouse, P., Hist. abr.pl. Pyren, xxiv. 1813.

Loret, H., Bull. ‘Soc. bot. France 13: ro1-106. 1866 (on the so-called “herbier Magnol” at MPU ics was not P. Magnol’s herbarium but possibly a collection owned by his son Antoine Magnol).

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 31: 24. 1906.

Martins, Ch., Le jardin des Plantes de Montpellier 27-34, 39-40, 51, 61, 76. 1854.

Nicolas, J. P., in G. H. M. Lawrence, ed., Adanson 1: 153, 164, 179. 1963.

Planchon, J. E., La botanique a Montpellier, notes et documents réunis et publiés par J. E. Planchon. Une vie inédite de Pierre Magnol, par son fils Antoine Magnol. Montpellier 1884, 34 p. (extrait du Montpellier médical, février et avril 1884).

Sachs, J. v., Hist. de bot. 7, 485. 1892.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 377 [index]. 1971.

Stearn, W. T., zn Cat. Books Hunt 2(1): xli-cxl. 1961 (= HU vol. 2(1)); Magnol’s Botani- cum monspeliense and Linnaeus’s Flora monspeliensis, 7m Festschrift fur Claus Nissen 612-650. 1973. (important modern study of Magnol and his nomenclature, portr.; Magnol b. 8 Jun 1638).

EPONYMY: Magnolia Linnaeus (1753). Note: There are at least ten different generic names with the stem Magnoli-, all of them based on fossil material.

  1. Bolanicum monspeliense, sive plantarum circa Monspelium nascentium protognomon. In quo plantarum nomina meliora seliguntur: loca, in quibus plantae sponté adolescent, tum a prioribus botanicis, tum ab authore observata indicantur: & praecipuae facultates edocentur. Adduntur variarum plantarum nondum descriptarum descriptiones, & icones, tum & figurae quarundam quas solum descripsit Casp. Bauhinus in Prodromo... Lugduni

[Lyon] (ex officina Francisci Carteron. Impensis Francisci Bourly , bibliopolae monspelie-

nsis) 1676. Oct. (Bot. monsp.).

Publ.: 1676, p. [i-xvi], 1-287, 3 pl. outside text, many in text. Copies: G, NY(2) (has orig. t.p. but bound in p. 289-309 and app. alt. [1-2]).

Reissue: 1676, p. [i-xvi], 1-287, [1, err.], pl. as in ed. princ. Copies: MO, USDA. — “Botanicum ... nascentium index. In quo...”

Ed. 2: 1686, p. [i-xvi], 1-309, zg plates in text, 4 on separate lvs.; appendix on p. 289-309, appendix altera [1-2] in copy MO. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 194. — Botanicum ... hascentium index. In quo... cum appendice quae plantas de novo repertas continet, & errata emandat ... Monspeli (Ex officina Danielis Pech. Impensis Pauli Marret bibliopolae monspeliensis) 1686. Oct.; p. [i-xvi] and 1-287 are a reissue of the 1676 ed. princeps.

Re-issue: 1688. Copy: LINN, see Stearn (1973, p. 617) and Dryander 3: 143.

General commentary: (and link with Linnaeus’s F/. monsp.) see Stearn (1973); see also Guédeés, M., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 9(1): 42,43. 1978 (on Appendix altera).

  1. Petri Magnol... Prodromus historiae generalis plantarum in quo familiae plantarum per tabulas disponuntur ... Monspelii [Montpellier] (Ex Typographia Gabrielis & Honorati Pech Fratrum, ...) 1689. Oct. (in fours). (Prodr. hist. pl.).


Publ.: 1689 (privilege g Aug 1689), p. [i-xxx], 1-79, [1-14, index], [1, priv.]. Copzes: G, NY(2), USDA. —The second NY copy has an Appendix altera [1-2] which belongs to ed. 2

of Botanicum monsp.

  1. Hortus regius monspeliensis, sive catalogus plantarum quae in Horto regio monspeliensi

demonstrantur ... Accesserunt novae plurimarum plantarum cum suis iconibus, descrip-

tiones. Virtutes etiam juxta Neotericorum principia breviter explicantur. Monspelii

[Montpellier] (Apud Honoratum Pech, ...) 1697. Oct. (in fours). (Hort. reg. monsp.).

Publ.: 1697, p. [i-xv], 1-209, 27 uncol. unnumbered copper engr. Copies: FI, G, L, MO, NY; IDC 5586.

  1. Petri Magnol ... Novus caracter plantarum, in duos tractatus divisus, primus, de herbis

& subfruticibus, in tres libros divisus . .. Opus posthumum summi laboris ab authoris filio in

eadem Medicorum Academia professore regio in lucem editum ... Monspelii [Montpel-

lier] (apud Viduam Honorati Pech, ...) 1720.Qu.(Nov. caract. pl.).

Editor: Antoine Magnol, son of P. Magnol.

Publ.: 1720, p. [i-vi], 1-340, [1, err.]. Copies: FI, G, HU, MO, U.—See HU 451 for collation and details.

Magnus, Paul Wilhelm (1844-1914), German botanist; Dr. phil. Berlin 1870; habil. Berlin 1875; lecturer and (1880) professor of botany at the University of Berlin, 1875-1914; Geh.-Regierungsrat 1911. (Magnus).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: HBG; duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 656; Ainsworth p. 102-103, 283, 323; Andrews p. 299; Backer p. 348; Barnhart 2: 436; BJI 1: 38; BM 3: 1221, 7: 782; Bossert p. 249; CSP 8: 307, 10: 692-693, 12: 474-475, 16: 1002-1005; De Toni 1: Ixxx-Ixxxi, 4: xxxvil; DTS 1: 179- 180, 3(Nachtr.): [11]; Frank 3(Anh.): 61; GR p. 109; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 464 [ind.]; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Magnus’’); IH1r(ed. 6): 361, 2: 490; Jackson p. 576; Kelly p. 137- 139, 225; Kew 3: 558; KR p. 487; Lenley p. 279; LS 16342-16597, 36432-36467, suppl. 16910-16926; Morren ed. 10, p. 61; MW p. 289; NAF 7(15): 1077-1078; NW p. 52; PR

5743; Rehder 5: 537; Saccardo 1: 99; SK 1: 344, 5: cexcix; Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/1: no.

1209; Tucker 1: 453; Urban-Berl. p. 266, 278.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 1/2: 686-687. 1880 (app. prof. bot. Berlin), 11G: 592. 1909 (app. prof.), 125: 480. 1914 (d.); Bot. Not. 1914: 95 (d. 13 Mar 1914); Deut. biogr. Jahrb. 1 (1914-1916): 300. 1925; Mycol. Centralbl. 4: 110. 1914; Nat. Nov. 36: 175. 1914 (d. 12 Mar 1914); Osterr. bot. Z. 30: 270. 1880 (app. lect. bot. Berlin), 59: 127. 1909 (app. prof.), 61: 47. 1911 (Geheimrat); 64: 72. 1914 (d.).

Becker, K. & E. Schumacher, S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin ser. 2. 13(2): 143. 1973 (index to publ. in the Schriften of the Society).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317. 1936.

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. von, zm P. Prahl, Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 35. 1890.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Heinricher, Ber. naturw. med. Ver. Innsbruck 36: ili-vii. 1917 (portr.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 20: 48. 1914 (d. “an der Nacht am 12. Marz’’); Allg. bot. Z. 24/25: 47. 1922 (“Herbarium Paul Magnus” acquired by HBG).

Lindau, G., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 32: (32)-(63). 1915 (portr., bibl.).

Lloyd, C. G., Index mycol. writings 1 (no. 272): 176. 1904, 4, 1913-1916, frontisp. ortr.

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 29. 1945.

Reiche, K., Grundz. Pflanzenverbr. Chile 35. 1907 (Veg. Erde 8).

Wehmer, C., Mycol. Centralbl. 4(2): 110. 1914, 4(3): 173. 1914 (b. 29 Feb 1844; d. in the night of 12/13 Mar 1914).

Wittmack, L., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 32(2): 98-99. 1914; Mycol. Centralbl. 4(3): 173. 1914 (obit.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 135, pl. 26. 1903; 3(3): 144. pl. 130. 1905 (portr.).

Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 825. 1965.

COMPOSITE worRKs: (1) EP, Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Najadaceae, in 2(1): 214-218. 22 Feb 1889; suppl. Nachtr. 2-4: 37. Jul 1897.


NOTE: Magnus was a prolific author who published in many journals. He often received reprints with new pagination. We do not list all of them, especially those ofa few pages only, because it is anyhow preferable to cite them from the journals. In a few cases confusion is possible and the reprints are then listed here.

EPpONYMY: Magnusia P. A. Saccardo (1878); Magnusiella R. Sadebeck (1893); Magnusina O. Kuntze (1891); Magnustomyces J. Zender (1925); Paulomagnusia O. Kuntze (1891).

  1. Beitrdge zur Kenniniss der Gatlung Naas L. Botanische Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwirde in der Philosophie vorgelegt der philosophischen Facultat der Friedrich-Wilhelms Universitat zu Berlin zu verteidigen am 19. Mai 1870 von P. Magnus aus Berlin ... Berlin (Druck von Georg Reimer) 1870. Qu. (Beitr. Kennin. Najas).

Publ.: 19 Mai 1870 (J. Bot. Aug 1870), p. [i-ili], [1]-19, [20, theses], pl. 1. Copy: KNAW. — This is the first part of the paper which was published commercially Jul-Oct 1870, see below.

Trade-issue: Jul-Oct 1870 (Bot. Zeit. 21 Oct 1870), p. [i]-viii, [1]-63, [64, cent.], pl. 1-8 uncol. liths. (some details sometimes col.). Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. — Beitrage ... Naas L. von P. Magnus. Mit 8 lithographirten Tafeln. Berlin (Druck und Verlag von Georg Reimer) 1870. Qu.

5235- Lrstes Verzeichniss der ihm aus dem Kanton Graubunden bekannt gewordenen Pilze

... Chur (Druck von Gebrtider Casanova) 1890. Oct. (Erst. Verz. Pilze).

Publ.:18g0 (t.p. reprint; ObZ Lit. Dec 1890, publ. 1891), p. [1]-73, [i]-ii. Copies: BR, G, NY. — Preprinted from Jahresb. naturf. Ges. Graubiinden ser. 2. 34: 1-73, i-ii. 1891.

  1. Wie ist die Pilzgattung Laestadia jetzt zu bezeichnen? [Wien 1894]. Oct. Publ.: Jun 1894, p. [1]-3. Copy: NY.— Reprinted and to be cited from Osterr. bot. Z. 44: 201-

5237- Beitrag zur Pilz-Flora von Franken insbesondere der Umgegend von Nurnberg ... [Nurnberg (H. E. Sebold) 1895-1906], 4 parts. Oct.

Erster Beitrag: 1895, p. [1 ]-20. Reprinted from Abh. naturh. Ges. Nurnberg 10(4): 121-140. 1895. :

Aweiter Beitrag: 1898, p. [21]-57, pl. 14. Reprinted from id. 1: 53-87. 1898.

Drnitter Beitrag: 1900, p. [1]-44. Reprinted from id. 13: 1-44. 1g00.

Vierter Beitrag: 1906, p. [1]-105. Reprinted from id. 16(1): 189-293. 1906. Copies: BR, MO, USDA. — To be cited from journal.

  1. J. Bornmiller, [ter persico-turcicum 1892/93. Fungi, pars i. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss

der Pilze der Orients ... [Wien 1896]. Oct.

Publ.: 16 Dec 1896, p. [1]-10, pl. 7. Copy: NY. — Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 46: 426-434. 16 Dec 1896. To be cited from journal. Continued ib. 49: 87-103, pl. 2-3. 27 Feb 1899 and 50:

432-449, pl. 2-3. 9 Nov 1900.

  1. Personliche und sachliche Bemerkungen zu Dr. G. Lagerheim’s Abhandlung Uredineae

herbarit Eliae Fries... Cassel (Druck von Gebr. Gotthelft, ...) 1896. Oct.

Publ.: 4 Jun 1896, p. [1]-7. Copy: NY. — Reprinted from Bot. Centralbl. 66: 284-290. 1896. To be cited from journal.

  1. Die Erysipheen Tirols [Innsbruck 1899]. Oct. Publ.: 1899 (Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1899), p. [1]-25. Copy: BR. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ber. naturw.-med. Ver. Innsbruck 24: 97-121. 1899.

  2. Vorschldge zur Nomenklatur der parasilischen Pilze zu Handen des Internationalen

Kongressen von 1910. [s.l.n.d., 1gro].

Co-author: Eduard Fischer (1861-1939).

Publ.: 1910, leaflet of 1 p. containing proposals dealing with the nomenclature of parasitic fungi. Copy: FAS. — Submitted to the Bruxelles Congress of 1910. — Species of parasitic fungi to be established on morphological or developmental characters only.



  1. Nachtrag zu: Die Pilze, bearbeitet von P. Magnus in der Flora der gefiirst. Grafschaft

Tirol, des Landes Vorarlberg und des Furstentums Liechtenstein von Prof. Dr. K. W. v.

Dalla Torre und Ludw. Grafen v. Sarnthein: III. Band, Innsbruck, Wagner 1905. Von

Prof. Dr. Paul Magnus (Tf). Innsbruck (Selbstverlag des Naturwiss. — Mediz. Vereines in

Innsbruck) 1926. Oct. (Wachir. Pilze).

Publ.: 1926 (ObZ Feb-Mai 1926), p. [1i-iv], [1]-315. Copies: BR, Stevenson, U.- Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereines in Innsbruck, vol. 40, 1926. — For the original treatment, also by Magnus, see under Dalla Torre (TL-2/1: no. 1299) vol. 3,


Magnusson, Adolf Hugo (1885-1964), Swedish lichenologist; studied at Uppsala; pupil of R. Sernander; teacher at Goteborg from 1909-1948. (Magnusson).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: UPS (70.000); important sets of lichens at GB and S. — Lichenes selecti scandinavict exsiccatt, facs. 1-17, NOS. 1-425, 1927-1952, sets see IH (only 25 sets were distributed). Hawaiian lichens at S.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRraApPHy: Barnhart 2: 436; BJI 2: 110; Collander hist. p. 29; GR p.

478-479 (many orig. details), pl. [38], cat. p. 67; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2:

490-491; Kew 3: 558; Kleppa p. 327 [index]; KR p. 488; LS suppl. 16932-16956; MW p.

289, suppl. p. 215; Roon p. 73; SBC p. 126 (‘““Magn.”’); Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/see J. J


Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 341. 1971.

Almborn, O., Bot. Not. 117(4): 428-438. 1964. (portr., bibl.).

Anon., Generalregister Bot. Not. 1839-1938, p. 52. 1939.

Degelius, G., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 59(3): 393-410. 1965 (portr., bibl.; b. 1 Mar 1885, d. 14 Jul 1964).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 96, 1g69.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 54. 1950.

Gyelnik, V. K., Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. natl. Hung., Bot. 31: 56. 1938 (herb. still private).

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 118. 1977.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979 (Hawaiian lichens at S).

Merrill, E.D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 202. 1947.

Mitchell, M. E., Bibl. Irish lichenol. 42-43. 1971 (bibl.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 142. 1969.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Rabenhorst, Aryptogamenfl. ed. 2, vol. 9 (5/1), foreword p.[v|-vu. Jun 1936; Acarosporaceae [1]-285. 1935; Thelocarpaceae |286]-318. 1935.

EPONYMyY: Magnussoniolichen Vomaselli & Ciferri (1952); Magnussoniomyces Ciferri & Toma- selli (1953).

  1. A monograph of the Scandinavian species of the genus Acarospora . .. Goteborg (Wettergren

& Kerber), [1924]. Oct. (Monogr. Scand. Acarospora).

Publ.: 1924 (submitted 10 Sep 1923), p. [1]-149, pl. 1-2. Copies: FH, MICH. — Goteborgs kungl. Vetenskaps och Vitterhets-Samhalles Handlangar ser. 4. 28(2). 1924.

Supplement: Ann. Crypt. exot. 6(1): 13-48. Jul 1933.

Supplement 2: p. [1]-34. Copy: FI.—Issued as Goteb. Vet. Vitt.-Samh. Hand. ser. 6. B-6(17).


  1. Studies in the Rivulosa-group of the genus Lecidea ... GOteborg (Elanders Boktryckeri

Aktiebolag) 1925. Oct. (Stud. Rwulosa-gr. Lecidea).

Publ.: shortly after 15 Apr 1925 (p. 50: date of printing), p. [1]-50. Copzes: FI, H, MICH. — Issued as Goteb. k. Vet. Vitterh.-Samh. Handl. ser. 4. 29(4).

  1. Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian expedition to Novaya Kemlya 1921. No. 34. A. H. Magnusson Acarospora ... Oslo (Kristiania) (A. W. Bréggers Boktrykkeri a/s). 1926. Oct. (Rep. exped. Novaya Kemlya, Acarospora).

Publ.: Early 1926 (p. [8]: printed 6 Jan 1926), p. [1]-7, [8]. Copzes: FH, FI.


  1. Studies on boreal Stereocaula ... G6teborg (Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag) 1926. Oct

(Stud. bor. Stereocaula).

Publ.: shortly er 9 Jun 1926 (date of printing on p. 89), p. [1]-89. Copies: FI, H, MICH. — Issued as Goteb. k. Vet. Vitterh. - Samh. Hand. ser. 4. 30(7).

5247- Flora dver Skandinaviens busk- och bladlavar utarbetad huvudsakligen for nyb6rjare ... Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Séners Forlag) s.d. [1929]. Oct. (Fl. Skand. busk- bladlaver). Publ.: 1929 (p. 4: Jan 1928; Nat. Nov. Aug 1929), p. [1]-127. Copies: B, FH.

  1. A monograph on the genus Acarospora... with 18 maps. Communicated May 8th 1929 by R. Sernander and H. Hesselman. Stockholm (Almquist & Wiksells Boktryckeri ...) 1929 [1930]. Oct. (Monogr. Acarospora).

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1930 (p. 400: printed 30 Dec 1929; US rd. 26 Mar 1930), p. [1 ]-400, maps 1- 18. Copies: FH, L, MO, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA. — K. Sv. Vet.--Akad. Handl. ser. 3. 7(4), Stockholm 1929 (t.p. volume).

Reprint: in preparation (Koeltz 1974/5).

  1. New or otherwise interesting Lecanora-species | Medd. Goteb. bot. Tradg. 1930]. Oct. Publ.: Dec 1930 (p. 20: printed 15 Dec 1930; journal issue dated 1930), p. [1]-20. Copy: MICH. — Reprinted and to be cited from Medd. Goteb. bot. Tradg. 6, 1930.

  2. On saxicolous species of the genus Lecidea proper to North America. Goteborg (Elanders

Boktryckeri Aktiebolag) 1936. Oct.

Publ.: early 1936 (printed 14 Dec 1935, reprint dated 1936), p. [1]-52, [1-2]. Copzes: FI, MICH. — Reprinted and to be cited from Medd. Géteb. bot. Tradg. 10, 1936.

  1. FPérteckning dver Skandinaviens vdxter utgiven av Lunds Botaniska forening. 4. Lavar utarbetad av A. H. Magnusson. Lund (C. W. K. Gleerups Forlag) [1936]. (Férteckn. Skand. vdxt., Lavar).

Publ.: 1936, p. [1]-91, [93-94 err.]. Copies: FI (inf. C. Stemberg), MICH.

  1. Studies in species of Lecanora mainly the Aspicilia gibbosa group ... with 44 figures in

the text. Communicated April 13th 1938 by R. Sernander and N. E. Svedelius Stockholm

(Almgqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri ...) 1939. Oct. (Stud. Lecanora).

Publ.: Mai-Aug 1939 (p. 182: printed 9 Mai 1939; Nat. Nov. Sep 1939), p. [1]-182, figs. 1-44 in text. Copies: FH, Stevenson. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Hand. ser. 3. 17(5). 1939.

Magocsy-Dietz, Sandor [Alexander] (1855-1945), Hungarian botanist; high school teacher at the Budapest girls college (1888); extraord. prof. bot. Budapest 1897; full professor of botany Univ. Budapest 1901-1928. (Mdgocsy).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BP; other material at E, LE.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ‘AG I: 272, 12(3): 649; Barnhart 2: 436 (b. 7 Dec 1855); BM 1: 461 (sub Dietz); Bossert p. 249; Futak-Domin p. 374; GR p. 659 (b. 7 Dec 1855, d. 27 Feb 1945); IH 2: 491; Rehder 5: 537; Tucker 1: 453.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 35: 119. 1888 (app. girls college Budapest) ,43:128:18g0(habil. ib.); Bot. Jahrb. 25 (Beibl. 60): 55. 1898 (extraord. prof. bot. Univ. Cluj/Klausenburg; err. for Budapest), 31(Bleibl. 70): 29. tg02 (ord. prof. bot. Budapest); Nat. Nov. 19: 600. 1897 (extraord. prof. bot. Budapest), 23: 619. 1901 (full prof. bot. Univ. Budapest); Osterr. bot. Z. 38: 326. 1888 (prof. nat. hist. girls college Budapest); 52: 38. 1902 (full prof.).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 115. 1896.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 257. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. 1897-1928).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 4: 16. 1898 (extraord. prof. bot. Budapest), 7: 220. 1901 (ord. prof. bot. Budapest).

Verseghy, K., Feddes Repert. 68(1): 125. 1963 (on lichenol. publ.).

Maguire, Bassett (1904-x), American botanist and explorer of the neotropical flora; B. S. Univ. Georgia 1926; Ph. D. Cornell 1938; from 1931-1943 at Utah State Agricultural



College; from 1943 at the New York Botanical Garden; from 1971 semi-retired at New York and the Dominican Republic. (Maguire).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: NY; earlier coll. at UTC. — Duplicates in many herbaria; see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2 36 (b. 4 Aug 1904); BL 1: 195, 196, 307; Bossert p. 249; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Maguire”): 1 1 (ed. 6): “361, 2: 491; Langman p. 467; Lenley p. 279; Pennell p. 613; Roon p. 73.

Cowan, R. S., Taxon 24: 614. 1975.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 22. 1969.

Prance, G. Acta amaz. I(1): 45. 1971 (itin.).

Reiféchneider, O., Biogr. Nevada Botanists 1844-1963, p. 125-126. 1964 (portr.).

Reveal, J., in A. Chonan: et al., Intermountain flora 1: 66, 68, 69, 72. 1972 (portr.). Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 67. 1955.

Steyermark, J. A.. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 230. 1972 (Maguireocharis).

EPonyMy: Maguirea A. D. Hawkes (1948); Maguireanthus J. J. Wurdack (1964); Maguareocha- ris J. A. Steyermark (1972); Maguireothamnus J. A. Steyermark (1964).

Maheu, Jacques Marie Albert (1873-1937), French pharmacist and lichenologist at Paris. (Maheu).

HERBARIUM and TyYPEs: PC (lich.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 436; BM 3: 1222, 7: 783; CSP 16: 1007; GR p.

287, cat. p. 67; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 492; Kelly p. 139; Kew 3: 562; LS 16608-16985;

MW p. 289; PFC 2(2): xxvi, 3(2): x; SBC p. 126 (““Mah.”’).

Anon., Rev. bryol. 30: 106. 1903, 52: 48. 1925; Rev. bryol. lichénol. 5: 154. 1933, 9: 168- 169. 1936, 9: 233. 1936; Revue mycol. ser. 2. 2: suppl. 46. 1937.

Gyelnik, V. K., Ann. hist. - nat. Mus. natl. Hung., Bot. 32: 204. 1939 (herb. M still private).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 13. 1979 (herb. at PC).

Maire, R., Progr. connaiss. bot. Algérie 177, 178. 1931.

Sayre, G., Broyologist 70: 513. 1977.

Verdoorn, F., Ann. bryol. 10: 153. 1937 (portr.); Chron. bot. 4(2): 172. 1938.

EPONYMY: Mahevia J. Lagarde (1917).

5253- Contribution a l’étude de la flore souterraine de France ... Paris (Masson et Cie.,

éditeurs ...) 1906. Oct. (FU. souterr. France).

Publ.: Mar 1906 (cover journal; Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1906), p. [i-v], [1]-189, [1, cont.], 6 pl. Copy: FH. — Also issued in Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 9. 3(1): 1-189.-Mar 1906.

  1. Lichens del ouest de la Corse. Autun (Imprimerie Dejussieu et Xavier) 1914. Oct. (Lich.

ouest Corse).

Co-author: Abel Gillet (1857-1927).

Publ.: 1914, p. [i-ii], [1]-63. Copies: FH, Stevenson. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun 27: 49-111. 1914.

  1. Contribution a la connaissance de la lichénologie espagnole ... Madrid, 1922. Oct. (Contr.

lichénol. espagn.).

Co-author: Abel Gillet (1857-1927).

Publ.: 1922, p. [1]-9. Copy: NY. — Reprinted from Bol. r. Soc. espa. Hist. nat. 22: 349-357. 1922.

  1. Lichens de lest de la Corse ... Dijon (Imprimerie Vve P: Berthier ...) 1926. (Lich. est


Co-author: Abel Gillet (1857-1927).

Publ.: 1926, p. [i-iti], [1]-114, pl. 1-3. Copies: MO, NY, USDA.

Maiden, Joseph Henri (1859-1925), British-born Australian botanist; to Australia 1880;



curator Technological Museum of NSW 1881-1896; director of the Sydney botanical garden and goverment botanist 1896-1924; founder of the NSW herbarium. (Maiden).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: NSW; duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 348-349; Barnhart 2: 437; BB p. 203-204; BJI 2:

110, BL 1: 307 [index]; BM 3: 1222, 7: 783; Bossert p. 249; Clokie p. 206; CSP 16: 1009-

1010; Desmond p. 415; GR p. 485; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Maiden’’); HR; IF suppl. 2: 37; IH 2:

492; Kelly p. 139; Kew 3: 562-565; Langman p. 467; LS 16612-16617; Rehder 5: 537-538;

TL-2/1: 1732; Tucker 1: 453-455, 777; Zander ed. 10, p. 688, ed. 11 p. 784.

Anon., Australas. pharm. Notes News 1924 (10 Mai): 147-148. (portr., obit.); Bot. Jahrb. 22 (Beibl. 55): 12. 1896 (app. govt. bot.); Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1926: 48, 107-110. (obit., b. 25 Apr 1859, d. 16 Nov 1926); Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 76: 400. 1924 (portr.); J. Bot. 63: 64. 1926; Nat. Nov. 18: 357. 1896 (govt. bot., cur. bot. gard.); Science ser. 2. 63: 163. 1926; The Evening News, Sydney, 12 Mai 1896 (portr., app. curator bot. gard.; copy:K); Victorian Naturalist 42(8): 192-194. 1925.

Blake, S. T., Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 66: 15-16. 1955.

Cambage, R. H., Nature 117: 57-58. 1926; J. Bot. 63: 138-140. 1926.

Ferguson, J. A., Bibl. Australia 4: 578-580. 1965.

Froggatt, W. W., Roy. Austral. hist. Soc. J. Proc. 18: 128-129. 1932.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 158. 1938.

Goulding, J. H., Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 13: 104-108. 1976 (on M. and Cheeseman).

Hall, N., Botanists of the Eucalypts 90-91. 1978 (portr.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 2: 172. 1896 (app. govt. bot. and curator bot. gard.).

Lucas, A. H.S., Linn. Soc. N.S. W. memorial series, no. 3, J. H. Maiden, 18 p., repr. from Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 55: 355-370. 1930 (bibl., portr.).

Maiden, J. H., Proc. R. Geogr. Soc. Australia, S. Australia 1908: 200-203 (report trip “Governor Musgrave” Jan 1907).

Merrill, E. D., Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 129-130. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 202-203. 1947; Chron. bot. 14: pl. go. 1954.

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 54. 1980 (coll. DBN).

Reid, G., Proc. Linn. Soc. 127: 22-23. 1915.

Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 64: 138-141. 1926.

R. H. C. & T. W. E.-D., Proc. R. Soc. B, 100: viii-xi. 1926 (portr., bibl.).

Serle, P., Dict. Austral. Biogr. 2: 109-110.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 219. 1971.

Wetmore, C. M., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 32: 228. 1963 (location Tasm. lichens).

White, C. T., Proc. Linn. Soc. 138: 84-90. 1926 (obit.).

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 116, 192. 1927.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Contributed the appendices iii and iv on Eucalyptus and Acacia to Ewart, A.J. & O.B. Davies, Fl. N. Territory, TL-2/1732 (1917).

HANDWRITING: Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 13: 107, 108. 1976.

PAPERS ON HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN BOTANY: (1) Records of Victorian botanists, Victorian Naturalist 25(7): ror-117. 1908.

(2) Records of Australian botanists (a) General, (b) New South Wales, J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 42: 60-132. 1908.

(3) Records of Queensland botanists, Proc. Sect. D., Australas. Ass. Adv. Sci., Adelaide 1907: 373-383. 1909.

(4) Records of Tasmanian botanists, Hobart 1909, Royal Society of. Tasmania, p. 1-21.

(5) Records of Western Australian botanists and Australian botanists, who have dealt with the flora of Western Australia. Perth 1909, p. 1-33, also J. W. Austral. nat. Hist. Soc. 1909. 5-27.

(6) Records of the earlier French botanists as regards Australian plants, J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 44: 123-155, pl. 3-13. 1910.

(7) Records of Australian botanists, first supplement, Proc. Australas. Ass. Adv. Sci. 13(section D): 224-243, pl. 20-21. 1912.


MAIDEN (1903)

(8) Records of Australian botanists, second supplement, J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 55: 150-169, pl. 6- g. 1922.

(9) A century of botanical endeavor in South Australia, Rep. 11. Meeting Australas. Ass. Adv. Sci. Adelaide 1907, p. 158-180.

EpoNYMY: Maidenia Rendle (1916); Maidenia Domin (1922).

  1. The useful native plants of Australia. (Including Tasmania) ... London (Trubner and

C., ...), Sydney (Turner and Henderson) 1889. Oct. (Usef. nat. pl. Australia).

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1889(p. xii: Jan 1889; Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1889; J. Bot. Jun 1889), p. [i]-xii, [1], [1]-696. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 5139.

Ref.: J.R.J., J. Bot. 27: 377-379. 1889.

  1. The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales, with especial reference to their economic value, ... Sydney (Charles Potter, Government Printer, . . .) 1895-1898, 7 parts. Qu. ¢ (FI. pl. ferns N.S.W.).

Co-author: W.S. Campbell

1: 1895, p- [i-iti], [1]-15, pl. 1-4.

2: Jul 1895, p. [i], 17-24, pl. 5-8, but issued later. 3: Oct 1895, p. [i], 25-36, pl. 9-72.

4: Jan 1896, p. [i], 37-46, pl. 13-16.

5: Oct 1896, p. [i], 47-56, pl. 17-20.

6: Apr 1897, p. [i]. 57-69, pl. 21-24.

7: Nov 1898, p. [i], 71-80, pl. 25-28.

Copies: G, L, MO, US, USDA; IDC 7221. — The G copy has a notice bound with part 2

stating that publication took place later than July 1895.

Ref.: Swann, C. K., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 3(3): 125. 1956 (Maiden in lit.: “I desired to continue the work but it was represented to me that I was ruining the country by such extravagance.’’).

  1. A manual of the grasses of New South Wales. Sydney (William Applegate Gullick,

Government Printer) 1898. Oct. (Man. grasses N.S.W.).

Co-author: (not on t.p.): W. S. Campbell.

Publ.: 1898 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1900 as of “1899”)), p- [i*] [i]-iv, [1]-199, 2¢ unnumbered uncol. plates. Copies: L, NY, Us, USDA.

Ref.: Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 37: 186-187. Apr 1899.

  1. The forest flora of New South Wales... Sydney (William Applegate Gullick, Govern-

ment Printer) [1903-] 1904-1925, 8 vols. Qu. (Forest fl. NS.W.). -

Publ.: In 77 parts, dates and contents of which are given ina 3 p. Index of trees described, issued with part 70. Dr. D. McGillivray sent us the following list. We checked this against other contemporary data and against our own analysis of various copies. The contents of the parts as found in copies with original covers does not always agree with the date of the index.

Vol, Parts Pages Plates Dates I I fi]-iv, [1]-32 I-4 Feb 1903 [*1902’] 2 [i], 33-53 5-8 Mar 1903 3 Li], 55-74 G12 Mai 1903 4 [i], 75-106 13-16 Jul 1903 5 [i], 107-126 17-20 Nov 1903 6 [i], 127-144 21-24 Feb 1904 7 fi], 145-168 25-28 Mar 1904 8 [i], 169-184 29-32 Mai 1904 9 [i], 185-200 33-30 Mai 1904 10 [i], 201-218 37-40 Jul 1904 Index [i]-xu 1904


MAIDEN (1903) Vol. Parts

2 II I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Index



60 Index

nN on NO

47 160 te un], [161 |-180 xl

[i- ii), [157) 175 {i]-xi

Si mJ, [179]-191

. ga

1 ~ eave

[235 ]-268 i-ii1], [269]-308


Ga mS


41-44 45-48 49-52 53-50 57-60 61-64 65-68 69-72 73-76

77-80 61-84 85-88 89-92 93-96 97-100 101-104 105-108 10G-112 TI3-114

115-118 119-122 123-126 127-130 131-134 135-136 139-142 143-140 147-150

LG SH} 155-158 159-162 103-166 167-170 LTE 175-178 179-182 183-186 187-189

190-193 LOAN. 198-201 202-205 206-209 210-213 214-217



Sep 1904 Nov 1904 Nov 1904 Feb 1905 [‘1904’ | Mar 1905 Jun 1905 Oct 1905 Nov 1905 Jan 1906 [‘1905’]

' Jul 1906


Aug 1906

Feb 1907 [‘19067] Mar 1907

Mai 1907

Jun 1907

Sep 1907

Oct 1907

Dec 1907

Jan 1908 [‘1907’] Mar 1908


Sep 1908

Nov 1908

Feb 1909 [*1908’] Mai 1909

Jul 1909

Oct 1909

Jan 1910 [‘1909’] Feb 1910

Jun 1910

Oct 1gro


Nov 1910

Feb rgti [‘19107] Mai 1911

Aug I1gII

Oct 1911

Feb 1912 [*1911’] Mai 1912

Jul 1912

Aug 1912.

Jul 1913 [‘1912”] 1913

Dec 1913 Decions

Mai 1914

Sep rgi4

Apr 1915 [‘1914’] Nov 1915

Apr 1916 [‘1915’] Apr 1916

Aug 1916

Feb 1917 [‘1916'] 1917

MAIDEN (1903)

Vol. Parts Pages Plates Dates ] 61 Li], [1]-37 228-231 Sep 1917 62 [i], [39]-75 232-235 Apr 1918 63 [fh].177]-121 236-239 Mar 1920 64. [i], [123]-191 240-243 Sep 1920 65 [1], [193]-237 244-247 Jan 1921 ['1920'] 66 Li], [239]-293 248-251 Apr 1921 67 li], [295]-351 252-255 Aug 1921 68 [i], [353]-395 250-259 Sep 1921 69 [1], [397]-425 260-263 Nov 1921 70 [1], [427]-458 264-267 Jan 1923 [‘1921'] Index [iJ-xvu 1923 [’192’] 8 71 [1], [1]-21 268-271 Jul 1923 2 Li], [23]-33 272-275 Aug 1923 B= Li], [35]-48 276-279 Sep 1923 74 [1], [49]-60 280-263 Oct 1923 75 [i], [61]-70 284-287 Mar 1924 [‘1923’] 76 [1], [71]-80 268-291 Mai 1924 77 [i], [81 ]-99 292795 1924 (Title page) Index [ij-vi 1925

Copies: MO, NSW, NY, US, USDA; IDC 6524. — The “Index of trees described”’, 3 p., issued with part 70, Jan 1923 (copy: NSW).

  1. A critical revision of the genus Eucalyptus ... Sydney (William Applegate Gullick, .. .)

[1903-] 1909-1933, 8 vols. Qu. (Crit. revis. Eucalyptus).

Publ.: Dr. D. McGillivray sent us the following list with notes. This list agrees with the data obtained by us from the copies mentioned below.

Vol. Parts Pages Plates Dates I I [1]-47 I-4 Mar 1903 2 [49]-73 5-8 Mai 1903 3 [75]-90 G12 Jul 1903 4 [gr ]-124 13-24 Jun 1904 5 [125]-146 25-28 Nov 1904 6 [147]-180 29-32 Apr 1905 7 [181 ]-205 33-36 Oct 1905 8 [207 ]-254 37-40 Mar 1907 9 [255]-294 41-44 Nov 1907 10 [295]-349 45-48 Dec 1908 Index fi]-xu1 1909 2 1(11) [i-v], [1]-59 49-52 Feb 1910 2(12) [i], [61 ]-100 53-50 Nov 1910 3(13) = [i-iv], [101 ]-134 57-60 Jul 1911 4(14) [i-iij, [135]-164 61-64 Mar 1912 5(15) [i-uij, [165]-184 65-68 Jul 1912 6(16) — [i-iv], [185]-216 69-72 Sep 1912 717) — [iciv], [217]}-238 73-76 Feb 1913 [19127] 8(18) _ [i-iv], [239]-[266] 77-80 Jul 1913 g(19) [i-ii], [267]-290 61-84 Dec 1913 10(20) [i-im], [291 ]-[312] 85-68 Mar 1914 Index [i]-xi 1QI4 3 1(21) — [i-ai], [1]-22 89-92 Mar 1914 (22) [i-ui], [23]-44 93-96 Apr 1915 [‘1914"] 3(23) — [a-ini], [45]-61 97-100 Jul 1915

MAIDEN (1903)

Vol. Parts Pages Plates Dates 4(24) [1-11], [63]-79 101-103 Nov 1915 5(25) —_[i-iuiJ, [81 ]-101 104-107 Feb 1916 [‘1915’] 6(26) [i-i1], [103 ]-124 108-111 Apr 1916 7(27) ~— [i-tui], [125]-155 112-115 Jul 1916 8(28) [i-ii], [157]-182 116-119 Dec 1916 7 9(29) [i-111], [183 ]-206 120-123 Feb 1917 10(30) [1-11], [207]-223 124-127 Apr 1917 Index [i]-viii 1917 4 1(31 [1-111], [1 ]-27 128-131 Jul 1917 2(32 [i-iii], [29]-63 132-135 Sep 1917 3(33) — [a-mi], [65]-91 136-139 Dec 1917 4(34) — [i-ni], [93]-110 140-143 Apr 1918 5(35) — [aeut], [111]-135 144-147 Aug 1918 6(36) —[i-iv], [137]-177 148-151 Jan 1919 7(37) [4-im1], [179]-200 152-155 Mar 1919 8(38) _ [i-iv], [gor ]-237 150-159 Jul 1919 9(39) — [Li-v], [239]-304 160-163 Feb 1920 [‘1919'] 10(40) —[i- iv], [305 ]-343 164-107 Mar 1920 Index [i]-x1 1920 5 1(41 [i-iv], [1 ]-2 168-171 Jun 1920 2(42 [i-iv], [27]-70 172-175 Aug 1920 3(43 [i-iv], [71]-ror 176-179 Nov 1920 4(44) [i-iv], [103]-131 180-183 Feb 1921 [1920’] 5(45 [i-iv], [133]-160 184-187 Apr 1921 6(46 [i-iv], [161 ]-185 188-191 Mai 1921 7(47) — [i-iv], [187]-223 192-195 Jul 1921 8(48 [i-iv], [225]-260 190-199 Aug 1921 9(49 [i-iv], [261 ]-290 200-203 Sep 1921 10(50 [i-iv], [291 ]-332 204-207 Dec 1921 Index [i]-x1 1922 6 1(51) _ [i-iv], [1]-60 208-211 Heb 1922 2(52) — [i-iv], [61]-106 212-215 Apr 1922 3(53) — [i-i], [107]-164 210-219 Mai 1922 4(54) — [i-v], [165]-218 220-223 Jul 1922 5(55) — [iv], [219]-254 224-227 Aug 1922 6(56) — [i-v], [255]-340 228-231 Sep 1922 7(57) — [i-v], [341]-418 eo) Jan 1923 [‘1922’] 8(58) — [i-v], [419]-494 236-239 Feb 1923 9(59) — [i-v], [495]-570 240-243 Apr 1923 10(60) — [i- -iii], [571]-610 244-247 Jun 1923 Index [i ]-xiv 1924 7 1(6n)) ») fie); [ir ]=52 248-251 Sep 1923 2(62 [i-iv], [53]-80 252-255 Mar 1924 3(63 [i-i11], [81 ]-132 250-259 Feb 1925 [“1924’] 4(64 [i-iv], [133]-202 260-263 Dec 1925 5(65) — [i-i], [203]-238 264-2607 Mar 1926 [‘19257] 6(66) = [i-ii*], [i]-111, [239]-314 268-277 Jun 1926 7(67 [1-11], [315 ]-362 272-275 Dec 1926 8(68) — [i-v], [363]-402 276-279 Jul 1927 9(69) —_ [i-v], [403]-450 260-283 Aug 1928 10(70 [i- -iv], [451]-492 284-287 Dec 1928 Index [i]-xi 1929



Vol. Parts Pages Plates Dates 8 1(71) [i-1x], [1 ]-68 268-291 Feb 1929 2(72) — [i-vi], [69]-114 292-205 Nov 1929 3(73) [a-tv], [115]-180 t.col. 1-4 Nov 1929 4(74) [i-iv], [181]-246 t.col. 5-8 Aug 1930 5(75) [Leiv], [247]-354 t.col. 9-12 1931 (from title page) Index [i]-x 1933 -

(__) — part numbers of the whole work.

[ ]|-—dates shown on title page differing from date of issue.

The dates of issue are those given with the summaries of contents on the original covers. tNote: Vol. 7, part 6 contains a plate of “the late J. H. Maiden, I.S.O., F.R.S., F.L.S.; and an obituary by R. H. Cambage on pp. i-ili. Maiden died on 16 November 1925, at Turramurra, a suburb of Sidney. In the obituary Cambage remarked that Part 65 is just about to issue, and about half a dozen others are going through the press, the material having been prepared by Mr. Maiden prior to his death. On the title pages of Vol. 7, part 7 and all subsequent parts the following statement appears: “The author of this standard work, Mr. J. H. Maiden, I.S.O., F.R.S., F.L.S., died on 16th November, 1925, at the age of 66 years. It is most regrettable that he did not live to see the completion of his great work, of which 65 parts have already appeared, and the final parts were prepared by him for publication prior to his death. With the kind permission of Dr. Darnell-Smith, Director, Botanic Gardens, Sydney, this and the subsequent parts will be edited by Messrs. R. H. Cambage, C.B.E., F.L.S., and W. F. Blakely, Assistant Botanist, Botanic Gardens, both of whom have been in constant touch with the late Mr. Maiden during the progress of the work.”

The acknowledgments are on pp. 347-348. — Copies: FI, G, L, NY, US, USDA. Later editors: Richard Hind Cambage (1859-1928); William Faris Blakely (1875- ?).

Ref.: Diels, L., Bot. Jahrb. 33 (Lit.): 12-13. 1903 (rev.).

  1. Illustrations of New South Wales plants ... Sydney (William Applegate Gullick, Go- vernment Printer) 1907-1911, 3 parts (Ill. N.S.W. pl.).

Part 1: Nov 1907, p. [i]-iv, [1]-31, pl. 7-10, uncol.

Part 2: 1908, p. [i- ini], [33]-58, pl. 17-20, 1d.

Part 3: oe p. [i-iv, [1 1 [59]|-84, pl. 27-30, id.

Copies: G, MO, USDA

  1. Sir Joseph Banks: the ‘‘Father of Australia’. Sydney (William Applegate Gullick), London (Kegan Paul, French, Triibner & Co. Ltd.) 1909. Oct. (Joseph Banks). Publ.: 1909, p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-244, map. Copy: Biohist. Inst., Utrecht (U).

  2. Department of public instruction. New South Wales. Native flora of New South Wales photographed from selected specimens. Brief botanical description of each specimen by J. H. Maiden, F. L. S. Sydney (William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer) 1911. (Native fl. N.S.W.).

Publ.: 1911, cover with 78 pl. with text. Copy: USDA.

  1. A census of New South Wales plants ... (with supplements to follow on vascular

cryptogams by various specialists.) Sydney (W. A. Gullick, Government Printer) 1916.

Oct. (Census N.S.W. pl.).

Co-author: Ernst Betche (1851-1913).

Publ.: 1916, p. [i]-xx, [1]-216. Copzes: L, MO, NY, USDA.

Supplement I. — Fresh-Water algae, 1917, p. [217]-263.

Copies: L, MO, USDA. - Alternative t.p.: “Census of New South Wales Fresh-water algae”’ Sydney (id.) 1917. Oct.

Maillard, Pierre Nehémie (1813-1883), French botanist; clergyman at la Mothe-St.- Héray (Deux-Sévres) 1842-1883. (Maillard).

HERBARIUM and Types: CGE (via Genevier herb.); other mat. DBN.


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 437 (b. 27 Jul 1813, d. 22 Apr 1883); BL 2: 145, 687; BM 3: 1223; Jackson p. 283; Kew 3: 565; Plesch p. 208; Rehder 5: 539; Tucker 1: 455. Andrieu, J., Bibl. gén. de L’Agenais 2: 102. 1887, 3: 125. 1891 (bibl.).

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. Deux-Sévres 17: pl. 3. 1906 (portr.).

Nelson, E.C., Glasra 4:54. 1980 (coll. DBN).

Souché, B., Flore du Haut Poitou xiv. 1gor.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: With Sauzé, J.C.: Catalogue des plantes phanérogames ... des Deux-Seévres, 1864, and Flore du département des Deux-Sevres 1878-1884, see under Sauzé.

EPONYMY: Maillardia Frappei & Duchartre (1862) is dedicated to L. Maillard, author of Notes sur [Ile de la Réunion, about whom we have no further information (Barnhart 2: 437; BM 3: 1223; PR 5745).

Maille, Alphonse (1813-1865), French botanist. (Maille).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: The Maille herbarium, which contained material from various collectors, was split up and sold as Reliquiae Mailleanae, with important sets at E, FI, G, K, LE, P, PI, and W. See TL-2/3907 for a catalogue. Maille himself had planned to issue the material as exsiccatae together with T. Puel. After his death distribution took place by L. Kralik. Many identifications are by E. St.-Ch. Cosson.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 155; Barnhart 2: 437 (d. 30 Sep 1865); Clokie p.

206; IH 2: 455, 493; Kew 3: 565; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 539; TL-1, see Mérat, F.V.; TL-

2/3907; Tucker 1: 12.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 24: 96, 150-152. 1866, 25: 31, 39. 1862, 26: 320. 1868 (herb.); Flora 49: 14, 172, 192, 496. 1866.

Beck, G., in Fritsch, K. et al., Bot. Anst. Wiens 74. 1894 (coll.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 431. 1880 (coll.).

Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. 12(C.R.): 332. 1866, 12(bibl.): 237, 239, 288. 1866, 13:6. 1866, 15: xv. 1868; im L. Kralik & J. Billon, Cat. Relig. Maill. 55-56. 1869.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Kralik, A., Osterr. bot. Z. 17: 132. 1867 (offer Reliq. Maill.).

Steinberg, C.H., Webbia 32(1): 31. 1977.

EPONYMY: Maillea Parlatore (1842).

Maingay, Alexander Carroll (1836-1869), British physician and botanist in the Indian medical service; died at Rangoon, 14 Nov 1869, in an attempt to stop a prison mutiny. (Maingay).

HERBARIUM and Types: K; lichens at E; for other material see IH. NAME: Barnhart has “‘Alexander” rather than Albert.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 349; Barnhart 2: 438; BB p. 204; Bret. p. 679; CSP

8: 309, 12: 476; Desmond p. 416; GR p. 405; IH 2: 493; Kelly p. 139; Kew 3: 565; LS 16622;

Rehder 5: 539; SK 1: xxvii, 345, 5: ccxcix; Urban-Berl. p. 372.

Anon., J. Bot. 68: 63. 1870 (murdered).

Beck, G., in Fritsch, K. et al., Bot. Anst. Wiens 74. 1894 (coll.).

Burkill, 1.H., Gard. Bull. Straits Settl. 4: 128. 1927.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 431. 1880.

Elhot, W., Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 11: 36-40. 1873 (b. 25 Oct 1836).

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 118, 198. 1977.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 44 (herb. K).

Maingay, A. C., Trans. bot. Soc. Edinburgh 11(2): 345-351. 1873 (letters from China; ““Alexander’’).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 71. 1946 [1948] (epon.).

Ridley, H., Fl. Malay Penins. 1: xvi. 1922.



COMPOSITE WORKS: part author, William Mudd, A manual of british lichens 1861, see Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 11: 36-40. 1873.

EPONYMY: Maingaya D. Oliver (1873).

Mains, Edwin Butterworth (1890-1968), American mycologist; Ph. D. Univ. Mich. 1916; at Purdue University 1916-1930; from 1930 professor of botany and from 1931 director of the herbarium of the University of Michigan; retired 1960. (Mains).

HERBARIUM and Types: Main collections of fungi at MICH; further material e.g. at PUR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 438; Hawksworth p. 184; Hirsch p. 186-187; IH r(ed. 6): 361, 2: 493; Kew 3: 566; LS suppl. 17001-17033; Kelly p. 139; MW suppl. p. 215; NAF 7(15): 1078; PH 209, 437; Roon p. 73; Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/1: 781. Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975, mss.

Mains, E- B., in W. A. Donelly et al., Univ. Mich. encycl. surv. 1450, 1451. 1956. Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 67. 1955.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. America 36. 1977.

Rogerson, C. T., Mycologia index 960. 1968.

Smith, A. H., Mycologia 61: 449-451. 1969 (portr.), (b. 31 Mar 180; d. 23 Sep 1968).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Co-author with F. D. Kern et al. of J. C. Arthur (ed. and part author), The plant rusts, New York 1929.

EPONYMY: Maisia H. S. Jackson (1931).

Maire, Louis (1885-x), French mycologist and pharmacist at Nancy and Strasbourg. (L. Maire).

HERBARIUM and Types: STR( ?).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Kelly p. 139; LS 36479; Stevenson p. 1250. Snell, W. H., Mycologia 25(3): 234. 1933.

COMPOSITE WORKs: See under A. Sartory for various mycological monographs of which L. Maire was junior author.

EPONYMY: Maireina W. B. Cooke (1961). Note: Marrella A. A. H. Leéveillé (1916) is dedicated to Edouard Ernest Maire (1848- ?), French missionary and botanical collector in China.

  1. No. 41 Université de Nancy année 1916-1917. Etude synthétique sur le genre Tricholoma. Iconographie descriptive critique. These présentée a l’Ecole supérieure de Pharmacie pour obtenir le grade de docteur de l’université (mention pharmacie) par Louis Maire pharma- cien de 1** classe... soutenue le 30 novembre 1916 devant le jury d’examen . . . Saint-Dizier (Imprimerie J. Thevenot) 1916. Oct. (Etud. Tricholoma).

Publ.: 30 Nov 1916, p. [1]-163. Copy: FH.

Maire, René Charles Joseph Ernest (1878-1949), French botanist; Dr. Sci. Paris 1909; originally at Dijon; “préparateur” at Nancy (1898-1908); “maitre de conférences” at Caen (1908-1911); from 1911 professor of botany at the University of Algefia; Dr. med. Alger 1930, Dr. h.c. Athens 1936 (Maire).

HERBARIUM and TtypPEs: MPU; important sets of duplicates at AL, GAIM, P, PC. Exsicca- tae: (1) Mycotheca boreali-africana, set 1-10, nos. 1-400. Set at FH; (2) with Félix Marquery: Hypodermearum Galliae orientalis, sets 1-5, nos. 1-50, le Mans, 1896-1898, with text, sets at B, PAD, S.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 12(3): 103; Ainsworth p. 123, 323; Andrews p. 299; Barnhart 2: 438; BFM 1537, 1535; BJI 2: 110; BL 1: 307 [index], 2: 678 [index]; BM 3: 1223, 7: 784; Bossert p. 249; CSP 16: 1013; DSB 9: 34-35; GR p. 336; Hawksworth p. 184; Hirsch



p. 187; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Maire’’); IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 493; Kelly p. 139-141; Kew 3: 566-

568; Lenley p. 299; ,LS 16627-16665, 36480-36496, suppl. 17034-17096; Moebius p. 105,

106; NAF 7(15): 1078, ser. 2(3): 39; PFC i: xlvii-xlviu, 2(2): xvi, 3(2): x; Plesch p. 323;

Rehder 5: 539; Saccardo 2: 65; Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/1: 353, see Battandier, J. A.: TL-

2/3271, 3858-3859, 3968; Tucker 1: 456; Urban-Berl. p. 279; Zander ed. 10, p. 688, ed. 11,

p. 784

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 341. 1971.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 95: 320. 1904 (prize), 110: 80. 1909 (app. Caen), 117: 368. 1911 (app. Algeria); Hedwigia 43 (Beibl.): 83. 1904 (prize), 4 (Beibl.): 197. 1g09 (“maitre de conférences” at Caen); Osterr. bot. Z. 59: 79. 1909 (app. Caen), 61: 455. 1911 (app. Algeria).

Braun Blanquet, J., Vegetatio 3(3): 145. 1952.

Courrier, R., Notice sur la vie et les travaux de René Maire... Paris, Acad. Sci., 50 p. 1950 (bibl., portr.) (n.v.).

Faurel, L., Soc. franc. Echang. Pl. vasc. 1(3): 5-6. 1949.

Favre, L., Schweiz. Z. Pilzk. 28(4): 63-65. 1950 (portr.).

Feldmann, J., ed., René Maire 1878-1949 in memoriam, Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afr. Nord 41(7/8): 65, 113. 1950 (portr., bibl., biogr. by P. Guinier); Rev. gén. Bot. 58: 65-88. 1951 (portr.).

Font Quer, P., Collect. bot., Barcelona 2(3); i-1. 1950.

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 312. 1938.

Granel de Solignac, L. & L. Bertrand, Naturalia monsp. 18: 254, 255. 1967 (coll.).

Guinochet, M., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68A(3): 259-262. 1956 (portr.).

Heim, R., C. R. mens. Seances Acad. Sci. colon. Paris 10: 10-21. 1950.

Hepper, F. N. and F. Neate, Plant collectors in West Africa 57. 1971 (coll.).

Hochreutiner, B. P. G., Rev. hort. Algérie 54(2): 40-42. 1950 (from Journal de Geneve); Mém. Soc. bot. France 1950/51: 132-136. 1951.

Imler, L., Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 69(1): 50-56. 1953 (“‘souvenirs’’).

Jacob, Ch., Rev. Bot. appl. Agric. trop. 30: 119-120. 1950 (obit.; b. 29 Mai 1878).

Jelenc, F., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 19(1/2): 5-6. 1950 (portr.).

Josserand, M., Bull. mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 19(1): 4-6. 1950 (d. 4 Feb 1948, portr.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 15: 32. 1909 (app. maitre de conf., Caen), 17: 170. 1g11 (app. Alger).

Maire, R., Progr. connaiss. bot. Algérie 160-162, 174, 178, 183-184, pl. 6. 1931.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 364-365. 1975; Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

Werner, K. G., Bull. Acad. Soc. Lorr. Sci. 6: 113. 1966 (b. 29 Mai 1878, d. 24 Nov 1949; curric. vitae).

White, A. & B. L. Sloane, The Stapelieae ed. 2. 19, 139. 1937 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) with E. Jahandiez, Cat. pl. Maroc. 1931-1941, co-author, see TL- 2 NOVO Th

FESTSCHRIFT: Travaux botaniques dédiés a René Maire, Alger, [28] Mai 1949, xvi, 315 p., (portr.). (Mém. hors série Soc. Hist. nat. Afr. Nord).

EPONYMY: Maireella Sydow ex Maire (1908); Mazreola 1. Theriot & Trabut (1927); Mazreo- myces J. Feldmann (1941); Mazretis 1. M. Johnston (1953).

  1. Recherches cytologiques et taxonomiques sur les Basiodiomycéetes [Nancy 1902]. Oct. (Rech.

cytol. tax. Basidiomyc.).

Publ.: 31 Dec 1902 (Bot. Gaz. 28 Feb 1903; Bot. Zeit. 16 Febr1g03; p. [i], [1]-209, [210, cont. ], pl. z-8 with text. Copies: BR, MO, USDA; IDC 5099. — Thesis; also issued as Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 18: Suppl. 31 Dec rgo2.

Ref.: Vuillemin, P., Bot. Centralbl. 92: 113-119. 5 Feb 1903 (extensive review).

  1. Elude des plantes vasculaires récoltées en Gréce ... Nancy (Imprimerie Berger-Levrault et

Cie., ...) 1908. Oct. (Etud. pl. vasc. Gréce).

Co-author: Marcel Georges Charles Petitmengin (1881-1908).

Publ.: 1908, p. [1]-239. Copy: MO — Matériaux pour servir a l’étude de la flore et de la géographie botanique de |’Orient, quatrieme fascicule.



  1. Les bases de la classification dans le genre Russula ... Paris (au siége de la Société

[mycologique de France] ...) 1910. Oct.

Publ.: 1910, p. [1]-77, err. slip. Copy: MICH. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. mycol. France 26(1): 49-125. 1910. See also English version in Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc.

1909: 189-219. IgI0.

  1. Contributions a [étude de la flore de [Afrique du Nord, 35 fasc., published in various

journals 1918-1949.

Publ. Fasc. 1-10, 16-20, 22-35 published in Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique Nord; nos. 11-15 in Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat Maroc; no. 21 in Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc. — For a general index see J. P. Lebrun & A. L. Stork (1978, cited below).

Contr. fascic. dates (1) Contr. fascic. dates [1-9] [1] 15 Nov 1919 1355-1509 20 15 Jul 1933 [10-27] - 2 15 Mar 1921 1510-1570 21 25 Aug 1934 [28-40] 3 15 Nov 1921 1571-1747 22 12 Nov 1934 [41-45] eH: 15 Feb 1922 1748-1931 23 15 Nov 1935 [46-71] 5 15 Jun 1922 72-132 6 15 Mar 1923 1932-2184 24 4 Nov 1936 133-161 7 15 Feb 1924 162-172 8 15 Mar 1924 16 Nov 1936 173-189 9 15 Dec 1924 2185-2377 2 13 Oct 1937 190-220 10 15 Mar 1926 2378-2617 26 23 Nov 1938 221-350 rit 25 Oct 1926 2618-2899 oF 23 Aug 1939 351-427 12 15 Jan 1928 2900-3101 28 10 Jan 1940 428-451 13 30 Jun 1928 3102-3254 29 3 Jul 1940 452-573 14 15 Jan 1939 3255-3304 30 13 Mar 1941 574-650 15 31 Dec 1929 3305-3394(2) 31 31 Oct 1941 651-754 16 15 Nov 1929 3395-3444 32 25 Aug 1942 755-944 17 15 Jan 1931 3445-3488 33 12 Apr 1945 945-1173 18 15 Nov 1931 3489-3533 34 3 Apr 1946 1174-1354 19 15 Jul 1932 3534-3506 = 35 28 Jun 1949

(1) The dates are those of the journal publications. The table stems from Lebrun et Stork (1978), who stress that in case of questions of priority further confirmation might be desirable. For a list of precise references to the journal pagination see BL 1: 18.

(2) “Contributions” 3332-3351 remained unpublished.

Ref.: Lebrun, J. P. & A. L. Stork, Index général des “Contributions a l’etude de la flore de l Afrique du Nord” du Dr. René Maire, Institut d’ élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, Etude bot. 5, Apr 1978, Maisons-Alfort (full details).

  1. Etudes sur la végétation et la flore du Grand Atlas et du Moyen Atlas marocains ... Rabat

(Institut Scientifique Chérifien), Paris (... chez Emile Larose, wee), Mondress(e3 schez

Janson et Sons) 1924. Oct. (Etud. fl. Grand Alas).

Publ.: t Dec 1924 (cover journal), p. [i-iii], [1]-220, pl. 1-76. Copies: B, BR, G, MICH, NY. — Mem. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc. 7, 1 Dec 1924.

  1. Etudes sur la flore et la végétation du Sahara central... [Alger] 1933-1940. Oct. (Etud. fl. vég. Sahara).

Parts 1 and 2: 1933, frontisp., p. [1]-272, pl. 1-36, 2 maps.

Part 3: 1940, p. [273]-433-

Copies: MO, USDA.

  1. Fungi catalaunici contributions a !’étude de la flore mycologique de la Catalogne ...

Barcelona (Museo de ciéncies naturals) 1933. Oct. (Fung. catal.).

Publ.: 10 Jul 1933 (cover), p. [1]-120, pl. 1 (col.), figs. 1-7. Copies: FH, MICH, Stevenson. — Treballs del Museo de Ciéncies Naturals de Barcelona vol. 15, série botanica, no. 2.

Series altera: 10 Mar 1937 (cover), p. [1]-128. Copies: FH, Stevenson. — Contribution a



Pétude ... Catalogne. Barcelona (Institut botanic de Barcelona), publ. 10; Publicacions de linstitut botanic vol. 3, no. 4. ’

  1. Mission au Tibesti (1930-1931) ... Contribution a U étude de la flore du Tibesti ... Paris — (Gauthier-Villars, ...) 1935. Publ.: 1935, p- [1]-39. Copies: FI, MICH. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mém. Acad. Sci. Inst. France 62(1), 1935. — See also R. Maire & Th. Monod, Etudes sur la flore et la — vegetation du Tibesti. Paris (Librairie Larose ...) 1950, 141 p., 6 charts, 6 pl. (copy: FI).

  2. fungi maroccant. Catalogue raisonné des champignons connus jusqu’ici au Maroc.

Rabat (Intstitut scientifique Chérifien), Paris (Emile Larose), Londres (Janson et Sons)

1937 (1.e. 1938). Oct. (Fung. marocc.).

Publ.: shortly after 25 Oct 1938 (date of printing last sheet, see p.[148]), p.[1, ui], [1 ]-147, [148, date]. Copies: MICH, Stevenson. -Mémoires de la Société des Sciences naturelles — du Maroc 45, 31 Dec 1937 (sic, date on cover, but see p.[148]).

Maiwald, Vincenz Fridolin (1862-?), Czech historian of botany; high school teacher at Braunau, Bohemia (Mawwald).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 438; BJI 2: 110; BM 3: 1224; DTS 1: 1900, 6(4): 168; Futak-Domin p. 376; LS 16676-16677.

Dolezal, H., Friedrich Welwitsch 47, 114. 1974.

Kuhnel, Thad. Haenke 274 [index]. 1960.

  1. Jahres-Bericht des offentlichen Stift-Obergymnasiums der Benedictiner zu Braunau in Bohmen ... 1901 ... 1. Die opizesche Pertode in der floristischen Erforschung Bohmens ... Braunau (Selbstverlag des Benedictinerstiftes ...) 1901. Qu.

Publ.: 1gor (‘am Schlusse des Schuljahres 1901”’), p. [1 ]-120, followed by Schulnachrichten, p. [i]-xxxiv. Copy: WU. — To be cited from Jahres-Bericht ... 1901. ObZ 63: 221 (1913) mentions a continuation, 1902, 83 p., not seen by us. Important historical publication, dealing with Philipp Maximilian Opiz (1787-1859) and his collaborators.

  1. Geschichte der Botanik in Bohmen... Wien und Leipzig (Kaiserl. und kénigl. Hofbuch- druckerei und Hof-Verlags-Buchhandlung Carl Fromme) 1904. Oct. (Gesch. Bot. Bihmen). — Publ.: a 1904 (Bot. Zeit. 16 Feb 1904; ObZ Aug-Sep 1904; Bot. Centralbl. 28 Dec 1904), p. [1]-vill, [1 ]-297. Copy: FAS. | Ref:: Engler, PN Bot. Jahrb. 34 (Lit.): 67. 1905. Matouschek, is Bot. Centralbl. 98: 270-272. 1905, Hedwigia 44 (Beibl.): 54-56. 1905.

Major, Charles Immanuel Forsyth [Forsyth Major] (1843-1923), British-Swiss bota- nist and palaeontologist; practicing physician 1868-1886; working on the mediterranean and madagascan floras; MD Basel 1868. (Major).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BAS (Stehlin 1925, p. 15), BM (Madagascar), K (Corsica); further material et B, E, FI, G, LY; P and TO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 438; BB p. 204; BM 3: 1224, 7: 784; CSP 8: 310, 10: 699, 12: 477-478, 16: 1015-1016; Desmond p. 232, 416 (d. 25 Mar 1923); IH 2: 204; Kew 3: 568; PFC 1: xlviii; PH p. 450; Rehder 5: 539; Saccardo 1: 75; Tucker 1: 456. Anon., J. Bot. 61: 158. 1923 (d.).

A.S.W., Nature 111: 505. 1923 (d. 25 Mar 1923).

Christensen, C., Dansk bot. Ark. 7: xi. 1932 (Madagascan fern coll.)

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 81, 107. 1970.

Major, C.I.F., Bot. Centralbl. 21: 188. 1885 (adv. Plantae italicae selectae, cent. 1). Stehlin, H.G., Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel 36: 1-23. 1925 (portr., bibl.; b. 15 Aug 1843).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Carlo de Stefani, C. J. Forsyth Major et William Barbey, Samos, 1891, and Karpathos, Lausanne 1895; see Stefani.



  1. Die Tyrrhenis. Studien uber geographische Verbreitung von Thieren und Pflanzen

im westlichen Mittelmeergebiet ... [Separat-Abdruck aus “Kosmos” .. 1883]. Oct.

Publ.: 1883, p. [1]-17, [81 ]-106. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited Sor Kosmos 7: 1-17, 81-106. 1883.

  1. Halki. Etude botanique ... Lausanne ( (Imprimerie Georges Bridel & Cie 1894. (Halk).

Co-author: William Barbey (1842-1914).

Publ.: Apr 1894 (t.p.), p. [1]-7, 7 pl. (by Charles Cuisin). Copy: FI.

Makino, Tomitaro (1862-1957), Japanese botanist and botanical artist. (Makino).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: MAK and TT; other material at BAS, DAO, E, LE, PH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 349, 656; Barnhart 2: 439; BJI 2: 110; BM 3: 1225,

7: 785; Bossert p. 250; CSP 16: 1017-1018; GF p. 66; Hirsch p. 187; Hortus 3: 1199

(“Mak.”’); IF p. 716-717, suppl. 1: 83, 2: 37, 3: 213, 4: 329; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 494; Kew 3:

569; MW p. 289-297, suppl. p. 215-216; NI 1261-1263; Rehder 5: 539-540; Tucker 1: 456;

Urban-Berl. p. 372; Zander ed. 10, p. 688, ed. 11, p. 784.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.

Hisauchi, K. & H. Hara, Taxon 6: 125-127. 1957 (portr.; obit., b. 24 Apr 1862, d. 18 Jan 1857).

Ito, J., J. Jap. Bot. 49(9): 285-288. 1974 (list of botanical trips).

Miyake, K., Science ser. 2. 13: 737-738. 1901.

COMPOSITE works: Editor of The Journal of Japanese Botany, vols. 1-8, 1916-1935.

NoTE: Makino’s new illustrated flora of Japan, Tokyo, 1961, vi, 1057 p., 5 pl. was published posthumously.

EPONYMY: Makinoa Miyake (1899); the derivation of Makinoella Okada (1949) could not be established.

  1. Plantae japonenses novae vel minus cognitae ... Tokyo [1897-] 1899-1901, 3 fasc.

1: 1897-1898 (in journal), 1899 (reprint), p. [1], [1]-51-

2: 1899 (in journal), 1900 (reprint), p. [1], [1 ]-39.

3: 1900 (in journal), 1901 (reprint), p. [1], [1]-9. Copy: G.— Reprinted and to be cited from Bot. Mag. Tokyo, [fasc. 1] 11: 4, 71-73, 82-84, 1897, 12: 9-12, 18-20, 26-28, 36-38, 42-52, 55-60, 64- 66, 69-74, 77-82, 103-106, 117-120. 18098; [fasc. 2] 13: 12-16, 25-32, 44-48, 56-58, 61-65, 79-82, Q1-92, I1I-112, 117-120, 128- 130, 138-140. 1899; [fasc. 3] 14: 12, 33-34, 56, 144, 184-186. 1go0.

  1. Phanerogamae et pteridophytae japonicae iconibus ilustratae; or figures with brief descrip-

tions and remarks of the flowering plants and ferns of Japan ... Tokyo (Keigyosha & Co., ..) 1899-1903, 2 vols. (Phan. pler. jap. icon.).

1: 1899-1901, p. [iv], [i-vili], p/. 7-60, uncol., with text.

2: 1900-1908, pl. 61-100, id.

Vol. part plates dates vol. part plates dates I I 1-5 20 Jan 1899 2 I 61-65 20 Feb 1900 sic 2 6-10 25 Mar 1899 2 66-70 30 Jun 1901 sic 3 11-15 8 Jun 1899 3 71-75 10 Mar 1902 4 10-20 30 Jul 1899 4 76-80 18 Mar 1902 5 21-25 20 Nov 1899 5 61-85 25 Mai 1902 6 26-30 10 Dec 1899 6 86-g0 Gh 31-35 29 Dec 1899 7 92-95 10 Nov 1902 8 36-40 I Sep 1900 8 g6-100 28 Jul 1902 Q 41-45 3 Nov 1900 10 40-50 25 Feb 1901


Vol. Part Pages Dates II 51-55 20 Apr 1go! 12 56-60 28 Sep 1901

Copies: NY (vols. 1, 2), USDA (vol. 1).

  1. Icones florae japonicae compiled by the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo ... Tokyo (published by the University) 1900-1914, 4 parts.+ (Icon. fl. jap.). Vol. 1, part 1: 25 Feb 1900, p. 1-6, pl. 1-3. part 2: 15 Aug 1902, p. 7-14, pl. 4-8. part 3: 30 Sep 1906, p. 15-24, pl. g-r1. part 4: (n.v.) 1911, p. 25-40, pl. 12-16. Copies: G, NY (both parts 1-3 only).

  2. On Sasa, a new genus of Bambuseae, and its affinities ... Tokyo 1gor. Oct. (Sasa).

Co-author: Keita Shibata (1877-1949).

Publ.: 1901 (Bot. Zeit. 1 Jun 1gor), p. [1]-14, pl. 1. Copies: G, MO. — Reprinted from Bot. Mag. Tokyo 15: 18-31, pl. 7, (26)-(27). Igor.

  1. Catalogue of Japanese plants, including those cultivated in, and introduced to this country, in the herbarium of the Natural history department, Tokyo Imperial Museum... Tokyo (Published by the Tokyo Imperial Museum) 1914. (Cat. Jap. pl.).

Co-Author: Nemoto, Kwanji (1860-1936).

Publ.: Dec 1914 (p. iv), p. [i-vi], [1 ]-490, [1], [1]-83, [1]-60. Copy: US.

  1. Nippon-Shokubutsu-Soran (Flora of Japan) with description of every plant phanero- gams and higher cryptogams indigenous to, introduced into and cultivated in the empire of Japan Kabafuto, Hokkaido, Honshiu, Shikoku, Kiushiu, Riukiu and Taiwan ... Tokyo (Nipponshokubutsusoran Publishing Association) 1925. (Fl. Japan). Co-author: Nemoto, Kwanji (1860-1936). Ed. 1: 1925, p. [i*-xil oi Li]- -xil, [1]-xxv, [xxvi], 1-1942, [1]-4. Copy: USDA. Ed. 2: 1931, P: [1*-x*], 1-x, 1-x1x, I- 1936. Copies: US, USDA. — “Second edition revised and enlarged.” Tokyo (Shunyode Shoten ...) 1931. Ref.: Ito, H., J. Jap. Bot. 11: 859-862. 1935.

  2. A manual of the flora of Nippon; comprising the analytical keys to families and genera, and brief descriptions of the species (some illustrated) of flowering plants and ferns, indigenous to, naturalized and cultivated in Nippon: Hokkaid6, Honsha, Shikoku, Kyasya and Ryikyu ... Tokyo (Dainippon-Tosho-Kabush Ki-Kwaisha ...) 1927. (Man. fl. Nip- pon).

Co-author: Koichi Tanaka,

Publ.: 1927, p. [i-ii], portr., 1-13, pl. 1-53, 1-15, 1-862. Copy: USDA.

Makowsky, Alexander (1833-1908), Czech botanist, mineralogist and geologist; high school teacher at Olmiitz (1858-1864) and Brinn (Brno) 1864-1868; professor of natural history at the Technische Hochschule, Briinn, 1872-1905; Hofrat 1906. (Makowsky).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: W (see Ostermeyer 1913); further material at BRNO, BRNM, E.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 439; BL 311-312; BM 3: 1225, 7: 785; CSP 4:

197, 10: 696, 16: 1018-1019; DTS 1: 181; IH 2: 495; Futak-Domin p. 377-378; Kanitz 240;

Klastersky p. 122; Kleppa p. 242; Morren ed. 10, p. 36; PR 5756; Quenstedt p. 276; Rehder

5: 540.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1909: 100 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 10: 413, 1860 (fl. Olmiitz), 18: 234. 1868 (M., so far “‘Supplent am k.k. technischen Institute’ Briinn, now app. professor of botany at this institution); 36: 130. 1886 (publ. in Jahresb. O. R. Olmiitz); Biogr. Jahrb. 13: 60* (b. 17 Dec 1833, d. 3 Dec 1908); ObZ 59: 39. 1909 (d. 30 Nov 1908).

Burgerstein, A., Osterr. bot. Z. 36: 130. 1886.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970.



Itis, H., Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 50: 296, 301. 1912 (portr. in group); Life of Mendel ed. 2, 11, 87, 101, 176, 178, 247. 1966 (biogr. details; relation with Mendel).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 15: 48. 1909 (d. 30 Nov 1908).

Oborny, A., Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 21(2): 15, 17, 18, 24. 1882.

Ostermeyer, F., Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 63: 136-140. 1913 (on herb.; given to Soc. [later W], list of collectors; b. 17 Dec 1833).

Pluskal, F. S., Verh. zool. bot. Ver. Wien 6: 367. 1856.

Poggendorf, J. C., Biogr. -lit. Handw.-Buch 4(2): 947. 1904 (biogr. data; bibl.).

Tietze, E., Verh. geol. Reichsanst. Wien 1908: 359-361.

  1. Die Flora des Briinner Kreises. Nach pflanzen-geographischen Principien ... Brinn

(Druck van Georg Gastl) 1863. Oct. (FV. Brinn. Kr.).

Publ.: Apr-Jun 1863 (p. 4: Dec 1862; Bot. Zeit. 3 Jul 1863), p. [1]-171, 1 table. Copies: G, NY. ~ Reprinted from Verh. [Jahresh.] naturf. Ver. Brunn 1: 45-210. 1863. — “Mit einer meteorologischen Tabelle von Prof. G. Mendel.”’ — Contains a history of botany in the Briinn region (“Kreis”). See also Bot. Zeit. 26: 457. 1868.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 21: 215. 3 Jul 1863.

Malacarne, Claro Giuseppe (fl. 1810), Italian physician and botanist; professor of natural history, botany, chemistry and agriculture at the “Lyceum” in Brescia (Malacarne).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Jackson p. 434; PR 5757 (err. sub V. Malacarne), (ed. 1: 6437); Rehder 5: 540; Saccardo 1: 100. .

5287a. Catalogo delle specie vegetabili che si coltivarono nel giardino della scuola botanica appartenente al r. liceo del dipartimento Mella nell’ anno mdcccx- mdcccxi e che sussistono in ottimo stato all’epoca primo luglio mdcccxi suddetto. Brescia (per Nicolo Bettoni) 1811. Qu. (Cat. sp. veg.).

Publ.: 1811, p. [1]-19. Copy: FI.

Malbranche, Alexandre Frangois (1818-1888), French lichenologist and pharmacist at Rouen (Malbr.).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown (probably dispersed by sale); material at AUT, DUKE, LD and PC. Exsiccatae: Lichens de la Normandie, préparés et classés @ apres la méthode du Dr. Nylander, fasc. 1-8, nos. 1-400, Rouen (Boissel) 1863-1876; sets see IH and Sayre (1969).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIocRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 439; BL 2: 203, 687; BM 3: 1226, 7: 785; GSP 4: 202, 8: 313, 10: 698, 12: 478, 16: 1025; GR p. 287, cat: p. 67; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 172; IH 2: 495; Jackson p. 100, 288; Kelly p. 141; Kew 3: 571; LS 16686-16699, 36500- 36511; Morren ed. 10, p. 68; PR 10610; Rehder 5: 540; SBC p. 126 (“Malbr.”’); Stevenson p- 1250; Tucker 1: 456.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 38: 574. 1889 (Malbranche material in Roumeguére, C., Fungi selecti exsiccati cent. 49); Bull. Soc. bot. France 10: 357. 1863 (exsicc.); 36 (bibl.): 96. 1889 (herb.); Osterr. bot. Z. 39: 316. 1889 (Mme Malbranche offers herb. for sale).

Bornet, E., Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. 35: 112. 1888.

Husnot, T., Rev. bryol. 15(4): 64. 1888.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lichen herb. at AUT; further material at DUKE).

Malbranche, A. F., Osterr. bot. Z. 14: 235. 1864 (offers exsiccatae).

Morot, J., J. de Bot. 2(13): 228. 1888 (d.), 3(11): 200. 1889 (sale herb.).

Neil, E., Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat. Rouen 24: 57-75. 1888. (bibl. ) Ann. of Bot. 2: 419-421. 1889; Rev. mycol. 11: 108. 1889 (b. 6 Apr 1818, d. 16 Mai 1888).

Nylander, W., Bull. Soc. bot. France 13: 240-241. 1866 (on exsicc.).

Roumeguére, C., Rev. mycol. 10: 170. 1888.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 143. 1969.

EPoNyMy: Malbranchea P. A. Saccardo (1882).


  1. Revue des plantes critiques ou nouvelles de la Seine-inférteure . .. [Rouen (Impr. H. Boissel) ].

1862.+ (Rev. pl. Serne-inf.).

Publ.: 1862 (BSbF rd. 26 Dec 1862), p. [1]-30, [31]. Copies: G, NY. — Reprinted from Précis Acad. Sci. Rouen 1861/2: 178-207. 1862. — Subtitle: rer mémoire; no continuation known to us.

  1. Catalogue des plantes cellulaires et vascularres de la Seine-inférieure ... Rouen (Imprimerie de H. Boissel, ...) 1864. Oct. (Cat. pl. Seine-inf.).

Co-author: Emmanuel Louis Blanche (1824-1908).

Publ.: 1864, p. [i], [1]-166. Copy: G. — Issued in Précis Trav. Acad. Sci. Rouen 1863/4

(journal n.v.).

  1. Catalogue descriptif des lichens de la Normandie classés d’aprés la méthode du Dr.

Nylander ... Rouen (Imprimerie de Lecointe fréres, ...) 1870.

Oct. (Cat. lich. Normandie).

Publ.: 1870, p. [1-11], [1]-283, 2 pl. Copy: FH.

Supplément: Oct-Nov 1881 (BSbF 11 Nov 1881; Bot. Zeit. 31 Mar 1882; Bot. Centralbl. 13- 17 Feb 1882; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1882), p. [i], [1 ]-64. Copy: FH. — Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat. Rouen 1881 (issue for Jan-Jun 1881).

Seconde édition: 1882, p. [1 ]-283, 2 pl. (uncol. liths.). Copy: Stevenson. — Rouen (Imprimerie de E. Cagniard ...) 1882. Oct.

Ref.: Anon., Nat. Nov. 4: 36. Feb 1882.

Malengon, Georges Jean Louis (1898-x), French mycologist; long-time associate of the Institut scientifique Chérifien at Rabat. (Malengon).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: private and PC, RAB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 439; IH 2: 495; Kelly p. 141, 255; LS suppl. 17112-17119; Roon p. 73; Stevenson p. 1250.

EPONYMY: Malenconia A. C. Batista & H. S. Maia (1960).

  1. Les truffes européennes historique morphogénie — organographie — classification —

culture ... Paris (Laboratoire de Cryptogamie du Muséum d’ Histoire naturelle ...) 1938.

Oct. ( Truffes eur.).

Publ.: 1 Apr 1938 (cover), p. [1]-92. Copies: B, BR. — Revue de Mycologie, tome 3 (n.s.), Mémoire hors-série no. 1.

Malherbe, Alfred (1804-1866), French naturalist; studied law at Paris; “‘juge auditeur” at Sedan 1827; substitute judge at Briey 1830; from 1832 judge at Metz. (Malherbe).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1226; CSP 4: 203-204, 12: 478; PH 567; PR 5758-

5759, ed. 1: 6440-6441; Rehder 5: 540; Tucker 1: 456.

Anon., Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 25: 652. 1864; Mém. Acad. imp. Metz 4.7: 139-162. 1866 (b. 14 Jul 1804; biogr., bibl.).

5291a. Notice sur quelques especes de chénes, et spécialement sur le chéne li¢ge (Quercus suber), . a Metz (chez Verronnais, ...) 1839. Oct. (Not. chénes). Publ.: 1839, 40 p. Copy: P (Bibl. centr.).

Malinvaud, Louis jules Ernest (1836-1913), French botanist; secretary-general of the Société botanique de France 1884-1904; vice-président 1904-1906; président 1906-1908, archivist 1908-1913. (Malinv.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: P, PC, Inst. agron. de Paris. Exsiccatae: Menthae exsiccalae praesertim Gallicae, 1877-1881 (4 fasc. of 25 nos. each, 60 sets); sets at AUT, BM, BORD, G, L, LE, MANCH, P. — See Aymonin (1977). — Correspondence at P.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHy: AG 7: 411; Barnhart 2: 440 (b. 26 Sep 1836); BJT 1: 38; BL

2: 687 [index]; Bossert p. 250; CSP 4: 204, 8: 313, 10: 700, 12: 478-479, 16: 1026-1027;

Hortus 3: 1199 (‘‘Malinv.”’); IH 2: 496; Jackson p. 286; Kelly p. 141; Kew 3: 572-573; LS

16709; Morren ed. 10, p. 56; Rehder 5: 540; TL-2/see P. M. E.. Lamy de Chapelle; Tucker 1: oh.

Bho. Bot. Not. 1914: 31 (d. 22 Sep 1913); Bull. Soc. bot. Deux-Sévres rg: pl. 6. 1908; Bull. Soc. bot. France 23(bibl.): 40. 1876; Bull. Soc. bot. France 24(bibl.): 42-45. 1877 (on Menthae exsiccatae, 60 sets; sets 1-2, 1-50 publ.), 25(bibl.): 47-48. 1878 (set 3, 51-75 publ.), Table art. orig. 1854-1893, p. 153-160; Rev. bryol. 29: 36. 1go2.

Aymonin, G. G., CG. R. Congr. Soc. sav. 102(3)(Limoges): 47-57. 1977 (herb., corr.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 431. 1880 (coll.).

Cavillier, F., Boissiera 5: 62. 1941.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 20: 32. 1914 (d.).

Dangeard, P., Bull. Soc. bot. France 60: 473. (see also cover part 6). 1914.

LeGendre, Ch. et L. de Nussac, Rev. sci. Limousin 22: 89-109, pl. 2. 1914(bibl., portr.).

Lutz, L.,-Bull. Soc. bot. France 62: 257-274. 1915 (biogr., b. 26 Sep 1836).

Malinvaud, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 28: 366-381. 1881, 30: 465-488. 1883 (on fasc. 4 of Menthae exsiccatae): Une lettre d’Alphonse de Candolle, 1896, 2 p. (copy: G), reprinted from J. de Bot. 1 Mai 1896 [on controversy O. Kuntze/Alph. de Candolle; letter expressing general nomenclatural philosophy of Alph. de C.]: Classification des especes et hybrides du genre Mentha, reprint from C. R. Congr. Soc. sav. 1898, publ. Oct 1898 (rev.: T. Loesener, Bot. Jahrb. 27(Lit.): 40-41. 1900.

Rouy, G., Les contes fantastiques de M. Malinvaud, s.l., 1905, 12 p.

Viret, L., Bull. Soc. bot. Genéve ser. 2. 5: 261. 1914.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 31: 353-354. 1976. EPONYMY: Malinvaudia E. P. N. Fournier (1885).

  1. Matériaux pour histoire des Menthes ... 1. Révision des Menthes de Vherbier Lejeune

[Caen 1879]. Oct. (Nat. hist. Menth.).

Publ.: 1879 or early 1880 (Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1880; Bot. Zeit. 9 Jul 1880; J. Bot. Sep 1880), p. [1]-50. Copies: G. L, NY. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie 3: 3-52. 1879.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 26(bibl.): 232-234. 1880 (rev.).

  1. Prodrome dune réponse ... [Journal de Botanique 1898]. Oct.

Publ.: 1898, p. [1]-3. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from J. de Bot. 12: 23-24. 1898. The article deals with O. Kuntze’s attacks on Levier (see TL-2/4473), Ascherson, Lejolis and Malinvaud, mentioning Trifolium charlatanicum var.? Malinvaudianum. See also E. Malinvaud, Simple question adressée 4 M. O. Kuntze (J. de Bot. 10: 195. 1896). Malinvaud took an active part in the nomenclature battle of the 18go-s; for a list of his many notes see e.g. CSP 16: 1026-1027.

  1. Motion présentée au Congres international de Botanique de Vienne par Mr. Ernest Malin-

vaud. Paris 25 juin 1904. No. 6357.

Publ.: 25 Jun 1904, 1 p. Copy: FAS. — Motion to defer action on nomenclature proposals submitted to the Vienna Congress of 1905 until the next Congress.

Malme [until 1891: Andersson], Gustaf Oskar Andersson (1864-1937), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1892; curator of botany at the Stockholm Riksmuseum 1895- 1901, 1903-1905; travelled in S. America 1892-1894, 1901-1903; lecturer in biology and chemistry at Norrmalm, Stockholm 1905-1911; id. at a Stockholm teachers college from tgt1. (Malme).

HERBARIUM and types: S. — Exsiccatae: (1) Lichenes austroamericani ex herbario Regnelliano fasc. I-13, nos. 1-325 (fasc. 1, 1924) [continued by RolfSantesson (1916-x), fasc. 14-19, nos. 326- 475.| Sets see IH; (2) Lichenes suecici exsiccatt, fasc. 1-40, nos. 1-1000, 1897-1926. Sets see IH. (total number of sets: 22).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 12(2): 472; Barnhart 2: 440 (d. 5 Mar 1937); BJI 2: 110;



BL 1/242, 307, 2: 687 [index]; BM 3: 1228-1229, 7: 787; Bossert p. 250; CSP 16: 1031; GR p.

479, pl. [38], cat. p. 67; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 496; Kew 3: 573-5743

Kleppa p. 137; KR p. 489-494; Langman p. 468; LS 16714-16725, 36531-36537, suppl. |

17139-17176; MW p. 298; Rehder 5: 540; SBC p. 126 (“Malme’’); SO 2927; TL-2/781,

1711, 4275; Tucker 1: 457; Urban-Berl. p. 279, 289, 372. |

Anon., Bot. Not. 1893: 215 (trip to S. Amer.); Generalreg. Bot. Not. 52-53, 133. 1939; Hedwigia 77: (109). 1937 (d. 5 Mar 1937).

Arwidsson, T., Revista sudamer. Bot. 5(1,2): 44-45. 1937 (portr.).

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 41, 54. 1950. ;

Gagnepain, F., in H. Lecomte, Fl. gén. Indochine, tome prél. 44. 1944.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 54, 107. 1970.

Hoehne, C., Jard. bot. Sao Paulo 128. 1941 (portr.).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lichens at S).

Lindberg, H., Memor. Soc. Faun. Fl. fenn. 13: 140, 146-147. 1938 (portr.).

Prance, G., Acta amaz. 1(1): 45. 1971.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 143-145. 1969.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 51-53. 1906 (itin., coll., biogr.; b. 24 Oct 1864).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 4: 72. 1938.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta hort. Berg. 3(2): 61-62, pl. 14. 1903 (portr.), 3(3): 44. 1905.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) EP, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, Xyridaceae, 15a: 35-38. Apr 1930.

(2) NAF, Xyridaceae, 19(1): 3-15. 27 Nov 1937.

(3) Lecomte, Fl. gén. Indochine, Xyridaceae 6(6): 832-840. Nov 1934; Xyridaceae 6(7): 841. Jun LO3i/-

FESTSCHRIFT: Svensk botanisk ‘Tidskrift 18(3).

EPONYMY: Malmea R. E. Fries (1905); Malmella C. Dodge (1933); Malmeomyces Starback (1899); Malmia E. M. Choisy (1931).

  1. Die Xyridaceen der ersten Regnell’schen Expedition. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Sdner)

  2. Oct. (Xyridaceen Regnell. Exped.).

Collector: Anders Fredrik Regnell (1807-1884).

Publ.: Mar-Jul 1896 (Bot. Centralbl. 29 Jul 1896; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1896; presented to Akad. 12 Feb 1896), p. [1]-27, pl. 1-2. Copy: U.— Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 22. Afd. Ben D

  1. Die Burmannien der ersten Regnell’ schen Expedition ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der ameri-

kanischen Arten dieser Gattung. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Sdner) 1896. Oct (Burmann.

Regnell. Exped.).

Publ.: Oct-Nov 1896 (submitted 9 Sep 1896; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1896), p. [1]-32, [1], pl. 2. Copy: U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 22, Afd. 3, no. 8.

  1. Die Flechten der ersten Regnell’ schen Expedition. 1. Einleitung. Die Gattung Pyxine (Fr.)

Nyl. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Sdner) 1897. Oct. (Flecht. Regnell. Exped.).

Pars I: 1897 (Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1899), presented to Akad. 10 Nov 1897), p. [1]-52. Copy: U.— Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 23, Afd. 3, no. 13.

Pars IT: Die Gattung Rinoclina (Ach.) Stiz. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Séner) 1902. Oct. Publ.: 1902 (presented to Akad. 8 Jan 1902; tryckt 31 Mai 1902), p. [1]-53. Copy: U.—Bih. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand. 28, Afd. 3, no. 1.

  1. Lx herbario Regnelliano. Adjumenta ad floram phanerogamicam Brasiliae terrarum-

que adjacentium cognoscendam. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Sree) 1898-1901, 5 parts.

Oct. (Herb. Regnell.).

Particula 1: 1898 (presented to Akad. 13 Apr 1898), p. [1]-30. Copy: U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.- Akad. Handl. 24, Afd. 3, no. 6.

Partucula 2: 1899 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1899; Feb(2) 1900; presented to Akad. 12 Oct 1898), p. [1]-37. Copy: U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 24, Afd. 3, no. 10.

Particula 3: 1900 (Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1901; presented to Akad. 13 Dec 1899), p. [1 ]-60, pl. 1-2. Copy: U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 25, Afd. 3, no. 11.


MALME (1905)

Particula 4: 1901 (presented to Akad. 13 Mar 1901), p. [1]-25. Copy: U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.- Akad. Handl. 27, Afd. 3, no. 5.

Particula 5: 1901 (presented to Akad. 11 Sep 1901), p. [1]-38, pl. 1. Copy: U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 27, Afd. 3, no. 11.

  1. Ayridaceae brasilienses, praecipue Goyazenses a Glaziou lectae. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Soner) 1898. Oct. (Xyrid. bras.). Collector: Auguste Francois Marie Glaziou (1828-1906). Publ.: 1898 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1898; presented to Akad. on g Mar 1898), p. [1]-20, pl. 1. Copy: U.— Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 24, Afd. 3, no. 3.

  2. Die Compositen der ersten Regnell’ schen Expedition ... Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet

P. A. Norstedt & Sdner) 1899. Qu. (Compos. Regnell. Exped.).

Publ.: 1899 (submitted 12 Apr 1899; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1900; Bot. Centralbl. 21 Mar 1900), p. [1]-90, pl. 1-7, uncol. Copies: M, U, US. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 32(5).

  1. Beitrdge zur Stictaceen-Flora Feuerlands und Patagoniens. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt &

Séner) 1899. Oct. (Beitr. Stictac.-Fl. Feuerlands).

Publ.: 1899 (presented to Akad. 7 Jun 1899), p. [1], [1, err. ]-39, [40], pl. 1-2. Copies: FH, U.— Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 25, Afd. 3, no. 6.

  1. Die Asclepradaceen des Regnell’ schen Herbars ... Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet P. A.

Norstedt & Soner) 1900. Qu. (Asclep. Regnell. Herb.).

Publ.: 1900, p. [1]-101, [102, err.], pl. 7-8, uncol., with text. Copies: G, M, U, US. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 34(7). Note: Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1902 expressly states “1900(1902).”

  1. Bertrdge zur Xyridaceen-Flora Stidamerikas. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Soner) 1901.

Oct. (Beitr. Xyrid.-Fl. Siidamer.).

Publ.: 1900 (Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1901; presented to Akad. 12 Dec 1900), p. [1]-18, pl. 1. Copy: U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 26, Afd. 3, no. 19.

  1. Asclepiadaceae paraguayenses a d: re E. Hassler collectae. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt &

Soner) 190], Oct. (Asclep. paraguay.).

Collector: Emile Hassler (1861-1937).

Publ.: 1901 (presented to Akad. 8 Mai 1901, p. [1]-40, pl. 1. Copy: U.— Bih. K. Sv. Vet.- Akad. Handl. 27(3). no. 8.

  1. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der siidamertkanischen Arten der Gattung Pterocaulon Ell. Stockholm

(P. A. Norstedt & Séner) 1901. Oct. (Beztr. siidamer. Pterocaulon).

Publ.: 1901 (presented to Akad. 11 Sep 1901), p. [1]-25, [26-27], pl. 1-4. Copy: U. — Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. 27, Afd. 3, no. 12.

  1. Oxypetali species novae vel ab auctoribus saepe confusae ... [Stockholm 1904]. Oct.

(Oxypet. sp. nov.).

Publ.: Shortly after 21 Jul 1904 (printed; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1904), p. [1]-19, 7 pl. Copy: U.— Arkiv for Botanik 3(8).

  1. Die Umbelliferen der zweiten Regnell’schen Reise ... [Stockholm 1904]. Oct. (Umbell.

Regnell. Reise).

Publ.: shortly after 19 Oct 1904 (printed; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1904), p. [1]-22. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik 3(13).

  1. Die Gentianaceen der zweiten Regnell’schen Reise. ... [Stockholm 1904]. Oct. (Gentzan.

Regnell. Reise).

Publ.: shortly after 21 Jul 1904 (printed), p. [1]-23, pl. 1-2. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik Bare):

  1. Asclepiadaceae paranenses a d: re P. Dusén collectae ... [Stockholm 1905]. Oct. (Asclep. paran.). Collector: Per Karl Hjalmar Dusén (1855-1961).


MALME (1905) Publ.: 7 Jun 1905 (Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1905), p. [1]-14. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik 4(3).

  1. Om papilionacéer med resupinerade blommor ... [Stockholm 1905]. Oct. (Papil. resup. blomm.).

Publ.: 7 Jun 1905 (Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1905), p. [1]-22. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik 4(7).

  1. Dahistedtia, cine neue Leguminosen-Gattung ... [Stockholm 1905]. Oct. (Dahlsted-


Publ.: 7 Jun 1905 (Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1905), p. [1]-6. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik 4(9). See also Repert. spec. nov I: 122-123. 1905.

  1. Adnolationes de nonnullis Asclepradaceis austroamericans ... [Stockholm 1905]. Oct.

(Adnol. Asclep. austroamer.).

Publ.: 13 Sep 1905, p. [1 ]-19. Copy: U.— Arkiv for Botanik 4(14.). New species also in Repert. Spec. nov. 2: 102-106. 1906.

5313- Die Bauhinien von Matto Grosso ... [Stockholm 1905]. Oct. (Bauhin. Matto Grosso). Publ.: 30 Dec 1905 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1906), p. [1]-16. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik 5(5). See also Repert. spec. nov 2: 185-187. 1906.

  1. Die Vochysiaceen Matto Grossos ... [Stockholm 1905]. Oct. (Vochystac. Matto Grossos). Publ.: 30 Dec tg05 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1906), p. [1 ]-12. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik 5(6). See also Repert. spec. nov 2: 187-189. 1906.

  2. Die amerikanischen Spezies der Gattung Xyris L. Untergattung Euxyris (Endlicher) ...

Uppsala & Stockholm (Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri A. B.) 1913. Oct. (Amer. Xyris).

Publ.: shortly after 16 Sep 1913 (printed; Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1914), p. [1]-32. Copy: NY. — Arkiv for Botanik 13(8).

5315a Ayris L. Untergattung Nematopus (Seubert). Entwurf einer Gliederung... Uppsala &

Stockholm (Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-A.-B.) 1913. Oct. (Xpris/ Nematopus).

Publ.: shortly after 19 Aug 1gr3 (printed; Nat. Nov. Mar(r) 1914), p. [1 ]-103. Copy: NY. — Arkiv for Botanik 13(3).

  1. Compositae paranaenses dusemanae ... Stockholm, (Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-

A.-B.), Berlin (R. Friedlander ...), Paris (Librairie C. Klincksieck ...) [1933]. Qu. _

(Compos. paran. dusen.).

Publ.: shortly after 24 Mar 1933 (p. 122; Nat. Nov. Sep 1933), p. [1 ]-122, pl. 1-6. Copy: US. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 12(2).

5317- Asclepiadaceae argentinae ... [Stockholm 1934]. Oct. (Asclep. argent.). Publ.: 11 Apr 1934, p. [1]-45. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik 26A(4).

  1. Die Stictazeen der ersten Regnell’schen Expedition ... [Stockholm 1935]. Oct. (Stactaz. Regnell. Exped.). Publ.: 31 Jan 1935, p. [1]-18. Copy:U. — Arkiv for Botanik 26A(14).

  2. Die Ramalinen der ersten Regnell’schen Expedition ... [Stockholm 1935]. Oct. (Ramal. Regnell. Exped.). Publ.: 31 Jan 1935, p. [1]-9. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik 26A(12).

  3. Die Gyalectazeen der ersten Regnell’ schen Expedition ... [Stockholm 1935]. Oct. (Gyalect. Regnell. Exped.).

Publ.: 31 Jan 1935, p. [1]-10. Copy: U. — Arkiv for Botanik 26A(13).

Malmgren, Anders Johan (1834-1897), Finnish zoologist and botanist; Dr. phil. Helsin- ki 1864; professor of zoology Helsinki 1869; inspector of fisheries 1874; governor of Uleaborg (Ostrobotnia) 1889. (Malmgren).

HERBARIUM and types: H; for duplicates see IH.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 440; BL 2: 92, 687; BM 4: 1229; Herder p. 54,

195, 199, 259; IH 2: 496; Kleppa p. 290; KR p. 494 (b. 21 Nov 1834, d. 14 Apr 1897); PR

5760-5761; Rehder 5: 540; Saelan p. 317 (bibl.); TR 842; Urban-Berl. p. 307, 372.

Anon., Bonplandia g: 184. 1861 (on Swedish Spitzbergen-Exp. ); see also Bot. Zeit. 21: 154. 1863 (Flora von Spitzbergen; Saelan no. 3).

Elfving, F., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 50: 223. 1921 (main biogr. data).

Palmén, J. A., Medd. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 23: 60-63. 1898 (obit., b. 21 Nov 1834, d. 12 Apr 1897).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 94, pl. 127. 1905 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Botanik, p. 254-262, in Svenska expeditioner tll Spetsbergen och Jan Mayen... 1867. See also Sv. Vet.-Akad. Ofv. 19: 229-268. 1862 (ofversigt af Spetsbergens Fanero- gam-Flora; English: J. Bot. 1864: 130-172).

eponymy: Malmgrenia Vainio (1939).

  1. Botaniska resa till Satakunta och s6dra Osterbotten, med understéd af Sallskapet pro

Fauna & Flora fennica, verkstalld sommaren 1859 af Th. Simming, P. A. Karsten och A. J.

Malmeren. [Helsingfors (Finska Litteratur-Sallskapets Tryckeri) 1861]. Oct. (Bot. resa


Authorship: Malmgren wrote the preface, the treatment of the phanerogams and the lichens (the latter with identifications by W. Nylander) as well as two zoological chapters. The reprint described here contains only the parts written by Malmeren. Saelan lists this publication under Malmgren, notwithstanding the order of the authors’ names in the title. Other authors: Petter Adolf Karsten (1834-1917) (Agaricinei, on p. 188-192), and Theodor Simming (1834-1870) (Filic., Bryoph., Char. on p. 43-61; see also Not. 6: 192- 193. 1861, adds.).

Pubi.: 1861, between 13 Mai and 3 Aug (inf. P. Isoviita), p. [1 ]-42, [63]-85, and zool.: [87 ]- 94, [95 |-108. Copy: H.— Reprinted from Not. Sallsk. Fauna Fl. fenn. Férh. 6, 1861 and to be cited from this journal. The exact date of the reprint itself is not known, the above dates are those of publication of the journal vol.

Malta, Nicolajs (1890-1944), Latvian botanist; Dr. phil. Riga 1927; from 1927 lecturer at the University of Riga; died in Germany. (Malta).

HERBARIUM and Types: RIG; further material at H and S.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocRapuy: Barnhart 2: 444; BJI 2: 111; Bossert p. 251; Collander p.

347; GR p. 581; IH 2: 497; LS suppl. 17183; SBC p. 126 (Malta).

Anon., Rev. bryol. 47: 31. 1920, 48: 64. 1921, ser. 2.1(1): 62, 70, 104, 208, 214, 4: 100. 1931, Rev. bryol. lichénol. 1: 310. 1934.

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317. 1936.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 299. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. Riga from 1922).

Meder, A., Korr.-Bl. Naturf. Ver. Rigas, Register 25. 1932.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 70: 513. 1977 (herb.).

  1. Beitrige zur Moosflora des Gouvernements Pleskau mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Kalksteingebietes der Welikajamindung ... Riga (Gedruckt in der Millerschen Buch- druckerei, Riga...) 1919. Oct. (Beztr. Moos/l. Pleskau).

Publ.: 1919, p- [1]-78. Copies: B, H, MO, NY(4), Steere, U, US.

Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 57(Lit.): 37. 1922.

  1. Die Gattung Zygodon Hook. et Tayl. Eine monografische Studie ... Riga 1926. Oct.

(Gatt. Zygodon).

Publ.; 12 Oct 1926 (Nat. Nov. Apr 1927), p- [1]-184, [1, cont., date]. Copies: B, FH, FI, MO, U. — Latvijas Universitates Botaniska Darza Darbi no. 1. — Illustrations by H. Skuja. Preliminary studies: Acta Univ. Latv. 2: 97-102. 1922, 5: 187-192. 1923, 6: 273-285. 1923, 9: I1I-153. 1924, 10: 303-335. 1924 (“Studien ... Zygodon’’).

Ref.: Reimers, H., Bot. Jahrb. 62(Lit.): 1-2. 1928 (material from B, Brotherus and H.

Moller used).



  1. A survey of the Australasian species of Ulota [Acta Horti botanici Univ. Latv. ... 1933]. _

Oct. (Surv. Australas. Ulota).

Publ.: 3 Jun 1933 (date on wrapper reprint), p. [1 ]-24. Copy: H (inf. P. Isoviita). Preprinted from Acta Horti bot. Univ. Latv. 7, 1933 (journal issue n.v.). Malta also published on the Ulota species of S. America in ib. 2, 1927.

Malte, Malte Oskar (1880-1933), Swedish-born botanist who settled in Canada; Dr. phil. Lund 1910; Dominion agrostologist at Ottawa (1912-1921); chief botanist, National Herbarium of Canada 1921-1933. (Malte).

HERBARIUM and types: CAN. — Duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 441; BM 3: 1229; Bossert p. 251; 1H 1 (ed. 6):

361, 2: 497; KR p. 495; Zander ed. 10, p. 688, ed. 11, p. 784.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1922: 175 (appointed chief botanist); Science ser. 2. 78: 208. 1933 (d.; err. Malta); The New York Times 13 Aug 1933.

Boivin, B., Provancheria 10: 171. 1980 (coll.).

Clark, G. H. & M. O. Malte, Fodder and pasture plants. Ottawa 1913, 143 p.

Dahlgren, K. V. O., i R. E. Fries, Short hist. bot. Sweden g1. 1950.

Gussow, H. T., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 146: 163-164. 1934.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. Herb. 107. 1970 (some Swedish pl. at E ex LD).

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 194.0: 293, 331 (coll. Alaska).

Nilsson-Leissner, G., Bot. Not. 1933: 64 (trip Rigen 1906).

Polunin, N., Bot. Canad. E. Arctic 1: 19. 1940.

Witte, H., Bot. Not. 1934: 500-505 (obit., portr., bibl.; b. 8 Mar 1880. d. 12 Aug 1933), Sv. bot. Tidskr. 28(4): 485-490. 1934 (obit., portr. bibl.).

W.R.W. & H. F. and M. L. Fernald, Canad. Field Natural. 48(6): 89-93, 145. 1934 (portr.,

bibl.; d. 12 Aug “1934”, err.).

Malthé, Gottlieb Friedrich (//. 1787), German physician and botanist; Dr. med. Goett. 1787. (Malthé).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1229; PR 5766 (ed. 1: 6450).

  1. De generatione muscorum. Commentatio botanica-medica quam illustris medicorum ordinis auctoritate ad consequendos summos in arte medica honores d. ix. novembris a. mdcclxxxvil. Publice defendet Gottlieb Friedrich Malthé. Goettingae (Typis H. M. Grape, ...) Oct. (Generat. musc.).

Publ.: 9 Nov 1787, p. [i]-viii, [1]-32, [1-2, theses]. Copy: FH.

Maly, Joseph Karl [Carl] (1797-1866), Prague-born Austrian physician and botanist; Dr. med. Prague 1823; practicing at Graz from 1824. (Maly).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: GJO.— Maly contributed specimens to P. M. Opiz, Flora cryptogami- ca Boémiae, Heft 1-8, Prag 1818; set e.g. at BRNM. Other material at E, LD, NAP, PR, WAG.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 305, 6(2): 327; Barnhart 2: 441; BJI 2: 111; BM 3: 1230; Bossert p. 251; CSP 4: 211, 8: 316; DTS 1: 181, 6(4): 148, 168-169; Herder p. 186, 192; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Maly’’); IH 2: 497; Jackson p. 577; Klastersky p. 123; Kew 3: 575; Maiwald p. 190, 280; Morren ed. 10, p. 31; PR 5767-5775 (ed: 1: 6451-6454); Rehder 5: 541; Saccardo 1: 100, 2: 66, cron. p. xxv; TL-1/790, TL-2/1: 386; Tucker 1: 457; Urban- Berl. p. 372; Zander ed. 10, p. 688, ed. 11, p. 784 (b. 2 Mar 1797, d. 25 Jan 1866).

Anon., Bonplandia 4: 59. 1856 (subscription to help M who had fallen to poverty because of illness), 4: 306. 1856 (herb. to Steiermark); Flora 49: 171. 1866; Bot. Zeit. 24: 120. 1866; J. Bot. 4: 93. 1866; Osterr. bot. Z. 16: 87, 91. 1866 (d.); Osterr. bot. W. 6: 129 (herb.



offered for sale), 304. 1856 (herbarium bought “von den Landstanden Steiermarks”’, now GJO; 3700 species, 20.000 specimens).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 431. 1880 (4000 specimens at GJO).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 107. 1970 (material at E).

Heufler, R. v., Bonplandia 5: 108-109. 1857 (autobiographical notes; request for financial help), Lotos 7: 82. 1857 (id.).

Maiwald, V. F., Jahresber. Stifs-Obergymn. Braunau 1901: 12-13. (b. 3 Mar 1797; d. 25 Jan 1866; bibl.).

Matouschek, F., Verh. k.k. bot. Ges. Wien 1900, p. 276-286, see also Bot. Centralbl. 85(2): 54. 1901 (Maly contr. musci to Opiz, Fl. crypt. Boémiae).

Neilreich, A., Verh. zool.-bot. Ver., Wien 5: 59. 1855.

Seemann, B., J. Bot. 4: 93. 1866.

Simonkai, L., Enum. fl. transsilv. xxv. 1886.

Skofitz, A., Osterr. bot. Z. 11: 1-6. 1861 (portr.; b. 2 Mar 1797; the Heufler subscription yielded a sum twice as high as that received for the herbarium).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 83. 1903.

note: Not to be confused with the Bohemian gardener Franz de Paula Maly (1823-1891) who collected in Brazil 1859-1860 (see e.g. I. Urban, Fl. bras. 1(1): 53. 1906) and his son Karl (1874-1951) who lived in Bosnia, collected in Bosnia and other countries now constituting Yugoslavia, as well as in Tirol, and founded the Sarajevo herbarium.

gponyMy: Malya F. M. Opiz (1852) is almost certainly dedicated to J. K. Maly in view of the association between the two botanists.

  1. Systematische Beschreibung der gebrduchlichsten in Deutschland wildwachsenden oder kultavirten

Arzneigewdchse, zam Gebrauche fiir studierende Aerzte, Wundarzte and Apotheker, ...

Graz (Verlag von Eduard Ludewig). Oct. (Syst. Beschr. Arzneigew.).

Publ.: Jan-Jun 1837 (p. vi: Sep 1836; Flora 28 Jun 1837), p. [i]-x, [1]-134, [ 1-8, index]. Copy: G.

  1. Flora styriaca, oder nach natirlichen Familien geordnete Uebersicht der im Herzog-

thume Steyermark wildwachsenden und allgemein gebauten, sichtbar bluhende Gewachse

und Farrn, mit Angabe der Standorte, der Bliithezeit und der Dauer ... Gratz (Eduard

Ludewig’s Verlag), Leipzig (Magazin fiir Industrie und Literatur) 1838. Duod. (F/. styr.).

Publ.: Aug 1838 (p. xiv: Jan 1838; Flora 21 Jul 1838 ready for printing, “neu” 28 Aug 1838, rev. 28 Nov 1838), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-159, [160, impr. ]. Copzes: B, BR, FT, G, HBG, NY.—For errata see Flora 25: 250-256. 1842.

Nachtriige: Jan-Feb 1848 (p. iv: Aug 1847; Regensburg Mar 1848; Bot. Zeit. 28 Jul 1848; Flora 7 Apr 1848), p. [iJ-iv, [1]-20. Copies: FI, G. — “Nachtrage zu seiner im Jahre 1838 erschienenen Flora styriaca von Dr. J. K. Maly.”’ Gratz (Verlag von Jac. Fr. Dirnboéck) 1848.

Ref.. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 6: 549. 28 Jul 1848.

  1. Anleitung zur Bestimmung der Gattungen der in Deutschland wildwachsenden und allgemein

kultivirten Pflanzen, nach der sehr leichten und sicheren analytischen Methode. Zum

Gebrauche fiir die Besitzer von Koch’s und Kittel’s Taschenbiichern der deutschen Flora

... Wien (Braumiiller & Seidel) 1846. Oct. (Anl. Best. Gait. Pfl.).

Ed. [1]: Jan 1846 (Flora rd. Jan 1846), p. [1]-xi, [1]-164. Copies: GJO, M.

Ed. 2: Jan-Mai 1848 (Flora rd. Mai 1848; Bot. Zeit. 17 Nov 1848), p. [iJ-xi, [1 ]-164. Copy: M. — Only difference: title page. Wien (Wilhelm Braumiller) 1848. Oct.

Ed. 2, enlarged: Jan 1858 (p. xii: Oct 1857; ObZ 1 Feb 1858), p. [i*], [i]-xii, [1 ]-170. Copies: B, FI, GJO, L, NY. — Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Wien (Wilhelm Braumiiller) 1858. Oct.

  1. Enumeratio plantarum phanerogamicarum imperut austriact univers? ... Vindobonae [Wien]

(Braumiiller et Seidel ...) 1848. Oct. (Enum. pl. phan. austriac.).

Publ.; Mai 1848 (p. xii: Jun 1847; Flora rd. May 1848; Hinrichs 5-6 Jun 1848), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-423. Copies: B, FI, G, Regensburg.

Nachiriige: 1861, p. [i], [1]-348. Copy: MO. — By August Neilreich, ‘““Nachtrage zu Maly’s Enumeration...” Wien (Im Inlande besorgt durch W. Braumiiller . ..), Leipzig (... BF: A. Brockhaus) 1861. (Nachtr. Maly Enum.).



Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 6: 791-792. 10 Nov 1848. Pokorny, A., Osterr. bot. W. 1: 238-240. 1851.

  1. flora von Deutschland. Nach der analytischen Methode ... Wien (Wilhelm Braumil-

ler...) 1860. Oct. (Fl. Deutschl.).

Publ.: Jun 1860 (p. iii [ = viii]: Mar 1860; ObZ 1 Jul 1860; Bot. Zeit. 28 Dec 1860; Flora 14 Dec 1860), p. [i]-xev, [1]-585, [1, err.]. Copzes: B, FI, G, M, MO.

Ref.: Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 10: 239, 268-269. 1860; Bonplandia 9: 43. 1861.

  1. Bolank fiir Damen. Enthaltend die Anfangsgrtinde und Systemkunde nebst der systematischen Beschreibung der in der Hauswirtschaft gebrauchlichen Gewachse und der in Garten allgemein cultivirten Zierpflanzen ... Wien (Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold’s Sohn) 1862. (Bot. Damen).

Publ.: 1862 (ObZ 1 Mai 1862; Bot. Zeit. 27 Jun 1862), p. [i]-x, [1]-322. Copy: NY.

  1. Systematische Beschreibung der in Osterreich wildwachsenden und kultivirten Medicinal- Pflanzen. Fiir Arzte und Apotheker ... Wien (Wilhelm Braumiiller ...) 1863. Oct. (Syst. Beschr. Osterr. Med.-Pfi.).

Publ.: Mar-Jun 1863 (p. vi: Feb 1863; Bot. Zeit. 3 Jul 1863), p. [i]-xiui, [1]-190. Copy: NY.

5333- lora von Stecermark. Systematische Ubersicht der in Steiermark wildwachsenden und

allgemein gebauten bliihenden Gewachse und Farne mit Angabe der Standorte, der

Bliitezeit und Dauer aus dem Nachlasse von Dr. Joseph Karl Maly ... Wien (Wilhelm

Braumiller ...) Oct. (Fl. Stevermark).

Editor: Richard Leo Maly (1939-1891), son of J. K. Maly.

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1868 (p. v: Oct 1867; ObZ 1 Jul 1868; Bot. Zeit. 22 Jan 1869; Flora 12 Mai 1868), p. [1]-xil, [1 ]-303. Copzes: B, FI, G, L, NY, Niklfeld. ““Nachtrage’’: see Maly, J. K., Mitt. naturw. Ver. Steiermark 2: 128-153. 1864.

Malzine, Omer de Pierre Antoine Hyacinthe Recq de (1820-1881), Belgian traveller in Mexico. (Malzine).

HERBARIUM and Types: LG (through Morren).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 441; Langman p. 468; Rehder 1: 331.

Malzinne [sic], O. de , Belgique hort. 21: 15-22, [65-71], 72-81, 129-139. 1871 (“une propriété au Mexique’’).

Morren, E., Belgique hort. 32: 240. 1882 (d. 27 Dec 1881).

5334- La flore mexicaine aux environs de Corsova. Impressions de voyage (1869-1870) ...

Gand (Imprimerie C. Annoot-Braeckman, ...) 1873. Oct. (FU. mexic.).

Publ.: 1873, p. [1]-102. Copy: MO. — Reprinted from Bull. Fed. Soc. Hort. Belgique 1872: 101-198. — New taxa described by Edouard Morren in Belgique hort.

Spanish translation: n.v., by M. Soto, see Langman p. 469.

Mancini, Vincenzo (1853-?), Italian mycologist and ethnologist at Conegliano and Arellino. (Mancini).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1232; Bossert p. 251; CSP 16: 1036; IH 2: 498; Kew 3: 577; LS 16738-16745; Saccardo 1: 101.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Contributed to Sylloge hymenomycetum by J. Cuboni for P. A. Saccardo, Sylloge fungorum, vols 5-6, 1887-1888 q.v.

5335+ Synopsis mycologiae Venetae secundum matrices ... Patavii [Padua] (Typis Seminarii)

  1. Oct. (Syn. mycol. Venet.).

Co-author: Giuseppe Cuboni (1852-1920), see IH 2: 146, material at LE, PAD and ROPV. Publ.: 1886 (Hedwigia Jan-Feb 1887; J. Bot. Feb 1887) p. [i]-vin, [1]-361. Copy: NY. —



For a note on the erroneous way of citing authors in this work see Hedwigia 26: 64-65.


Mandon, Gilbert (“Gustav”) (1799-1866), French administrator and traveller; plant collector in Bolivia, Madeira and the Canary Islands. (Mandon).

HERBARIUM and Types: B (destroyed); duplicates in many herbaria (see IH). E. Bescherelle distributed plants collected by Mandon as Algae maderenses, Lichens de Madére, nos 1-98, Heépatiques de Madére and Mousses de Madére. See Sayre (1969-1975).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: AG 3: 407; Barnhart 2: 442 (b. 15 Mai 1799); GR p. 337; IH

2: 498; IH 1(ed. 6): 361 (material at GH), 2: 498; PR (alph.); Tucker 1: 457; Urban-Berl. p.

271, 307, 321, 372.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 13(bibl.): 287. 1867; Flora 50: go. 1867, Bot. Zeit. 25: 56. 1867: Osterr. bot. Z. 17: 129. 1867 (“Gustav’’, d. 30 Dec 1866).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 19: 253. 1884, 33: 314. 1888, 34: 149. 1888 (coll. at W), Bot. Anst. Wiens 1894.

Britton, E. G, Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 23: 472. 1896.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 431. 1880 (coll.).

Cosson, E., Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. 12(C.R.): 79-83. 1865, 15(C.R.): 94-105, 181-189. 1868 (lists coll.). :

Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 9: 190-191. 1862, 11(bibi.): 234-235. 1864, 14: 287. 1868 (coll.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (material in E).

Herzog, Th., Pflanzenwelt Boliv. Anden 2. 1923 (Veg. Erde 15).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. inf. Kew 1gor: 44 (3512 specimens at K).

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. Imp. Natural. Moscou 61(1): 45. 1886 (d. 30 Dec 1866; material at MW).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 71. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 87-88, 145. 1969, 19(2): 231. 1971, 19(3): 365-366. 1975.

Steinberg, C. H., Mon. biol. Ganar. 4: 34. ills. 35, 36. 1973 (coll. at FI; ills. 35, 36 do not illustrate M’s handwriting).

Weddell, H. A., Bull. Soc. bot. France 24: 10-12. 1867.

EPONYMy: Mandonia Weddell (1864); Mandonia Schultz-Bip. (1865); Mandonia Hasskarl (1871); Mandoniella Herzog (1916); Neomandonia Hutchinson (1934).

Manetti, Giuseppe (//. 1831-1858), Italian botanist; head gardener of the royal garden at Monza nr. Milano (ca. 1844-1858). (G. Manettz).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 45: Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 442; BM 3: 1232; Frank 3 (Anh.): 61; Herder p. 154; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Manetti, G.”’); Jackson p. 435; Kew 3: 577; Langman p. 269; PR 5778 (ed. 1: 6461); Rehder 5: 541; Saccardo 1: 101, 2: 66. Chiovenda, E., Nuov. Giorn. bot. Ital. 31: 301-302. 1924.

Leon, N., Bibl. bot.-mexic. 182. 1895.

  1. Dell’ Agave americana. [Giornale Agrario Lombardo-Veneto 1837]. Oct. Publ.: Jan-Feb 1837 (in journal), p. [1]-15. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Giorn. agr. Lomb.-Ven. 7: 10-24. 1837. (journal issue n.v.).

5337- Delle specie di Aloe usate in medicina, nell’ economia domestica, nell’arte tintoria, ecc.

[Giornale Agrario Lombardo-Veneto 1838]. Oct.

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1838 (in journal), p. [1]-8. Copy: FI. — Reprinted from Giorn. agr. Lomb.- Ven. 8, 1838 (journal issue n.v.).

  1. Catalogus plantarum caesaret regu horti prope Modiciam ad annum mdccexli ... Mediola-

ni [Milano] (Imp. Regiis typis) (1842]. Oct. (Cat. pl. hort. Modic.).



Orig. ed.: Nov-Dec 1842 (p. iv: 11 kal. novembris 1842), p. [i]-x, [1]-107: Copes: G, NY.

Supplementum primum ad annum mdcexliv: Aug-Dec 1844 (p. [3]: pridie kal. Jul 1844), p. [1 ]-36. Copy: G

Supplementum secundum ad annum mdccexlv: Sep-Dec 1845 (p. [4]: Sep 1845), p. [1]-22, [1, err.|. Copy: G

Supplementum teruum ad annum 1846: n.v.

Manetti, Xaverio [Saverio] (1723-1785), Italian botanist; physician in Florence and director of the local botanic garden. (X. Manetti).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown. Some material at H and S.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 442; BM 3: 1232; Bossert p. 257; Dryander 3:

30, 112; Frank 3(Anh.): 61; Herder p. 154; 1H 2: 498; Jackson p. 435; Kew 3: 577; PR 5779-

5780 (cal 1: 6462-6464); Rehder 5: 541; Saccardo 1: 101, 2: 66; SO 65; Tucker 1: 457-458;

Zander ed. 10, p. 608, ed. 11, p. 784-785 (d. 10 Nov 1785).

Fries, Th. M., Bref och Sear Linné 1(3): 62, 340, 1(6): 211. 1912.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 272. 1938 (dir. Florence bot. gard. 1749- 1782).

Hulth, J. M. & A. H. Uggla, Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(1): 125, 127, 128, 131. 1916, 2(2): a1. 1943

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 71. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

EPONYMY: Manettia Boehmer (1760, nom. rej.); Manettia Adanson (1763, nom. rej.); Manettia Mutis ex Linnaeus (1771, nom. cons.).

5339: Veridarium florentinum sive conspectus plantarum quae floruerunt, & semina dederunt hoc anno 1750. In horto caesareo florentino societatis botanicae custodiae commisso una cum adnotationibus nonnullis, & animadversionibus circa genericas plantarum nomencla- turas, simulque cum constitutione trium novorum generum WNiccolinia, Seguiertia, G Guettarda

.. Florentiae [Firenze] (Ex Typographia Bernardi Paperini) 1751. Oct. (Vurid. florent.). Publ.: 1751, p. [i]-xvi, 1-109, [1, err.], Spzcilegium [1 ]-32. Copies: FI, USDA.

  1. Caroli Linnaei naturae curiosorum Dioscoridis secundi equitis; ... Regnum vegetabile juxta systema naturae in classes, ordines, et genera ab eodem constitutum postremis auctis & emendatis eiusdem clariss. viri operibus summatim redactum, nec non e Philosophia. botanica eiusdem auctoris, vel ex aliorum botanicorum nuperrimis operibus circa vegetabi- lium partes desumptis definitionibus & potiorum vocabulorum praemissis explicationibus locupletatum, atq. Societatis caesareae physico-botanicae florentinae academicorum usui accomodatum ac recusum. Curante Xaverio Manetti. .. Florentiae [ Firenze] (Ex typogra- phio Petri Caietani Viviani, ...) 1756. Oct. (Regn. veg.). Publ.: Nov-Dec 1756 (p. 6: Calend. Octob. Ann. mdcclvi), p. [1]-123, pl. 1-2, uncol. copp. Cofies: FI, G, NY, USDA. — Mainly compiled from Linnaeus, Phil. bot. (1751), Gen. pl. (1737) and Syst. nat. (1748), see SO 65.

Maneval, Willis Edgar (1877-1956), American mycologist; Ph. D. Johns Hopkins 1912; at the University of Missouri, Columbia, 1915-1947. (Maneval).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 442 (b. 5 Feb 1877, d. 22 Jan 1956); . IH 1(ed.

6): 361, 2: 498; Lenley p. 280; LS suppl. 17216-17221.

Palmquist, E. M., in W. E. Maneval, Suppl. list Missouri fungi 3-4. 1948 (portr., bibl.) (Univ. Missouri Stud. 22(3), 1948).

Seaver, F. J., Mycologia 30(1): 108-109. 1938.

  1. A list of Missouri Jung with special reference to plant pathogens and wood-destroying species ... Columbia, Missouri 1937. Oct. (List Missouri fung.).

Publ.: 1 Jul 1937, p. [1]-150. Copy: FH. — Univ. Missouri Stud. 12(3). 1937.

Supplement: 1948, p. [1]-65. Copies: BR, FH. — Ib. 22(3), “A supplementary list of ... species”



Columbia (University of Missouri) 1948. Oct. (Suppl. list Missouri fung.), Univ. Missouri Stud. 22(3). 1948.

Manganotti, Antonio (1810-1892), Italian botanist; professor of natural history, chemis- try and pharmacology at the Lyceum in Verona (Manganotti).

HERBARIUM and types: VER; other material BASSA, FI, PI, OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 442; BM 3: 1233; Bossert p. 251; Clokie p. 206; DTS 1: 383 (b. 6 Mar 1810, d. 17 Jan 1892); IH 2: 498; Morren ed. 10, p. 85, 88; PR 5781- 5782; Rehder 5: 541; Saccardo 1: 101, 2: 67.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 12: 399. 1862.

Hausmann, F. von, Fl. Tirol 1183. 1854.

Massalongo, C., Elogio, Verona 1893 (Atti Accad. agr. Feron. 69), n.v.

Micheletti, L., Bull. Soc. bot. ital. 1892(3): 194-196.

  1. Cenni di geografia e paleontologia botanica in relazione specialmente all’ Italia settentrio- nale e Dalmazia ... Verona (Tipografia di G. Antonelli) 1854. Oct. (Cenni geogr. paleont. bot.).

Publ.: 1854, p. [1]-34. Copy: FI.

5343- Sopra la distribuzione geografia delle fauna e delle flore osservazioni ... Mantova (Stab. Tip.

Eredi Segna) 1878. Oct. (Distr. geogr. fl. osserv.).

Publ.: 1878, p. [1]-31. Copy: FI. —Reprinted from Annuar. Ist. teen. Mantova 1877 (journal issue N.V.).

Mangenot, C.(//. 1883), French physician and algologist. (C. Mangenot). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1233; De Toni 1: Ixxxi.

EPONYMY: Mangenotia Pichon (1954) is dedicated to Georges-Marie Mangenot (1899-x), who collected at the Ivory Coast around 1950.

5344- Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Des algues utiles. These présentée au concours pour

Pagrégation (section d’anatomie, de physiologie et d’histoire naturelle) et soutenue a la

Faculté de Médecine de Paris le 31 juillet 1883 ... Paris (Octave Doin, éditeur ...) 1883.

Oct. (Alg. util.).

Thesis issue: 31 Jul 1883, p. [1]-88. Copy: FH.

Trade issue: Aug 1883 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1883; Bot. Centralbl. 3-7 Sep 1883; Bot. Zeit. 28 Sep 1883; J. Bot. Nov 1883), p. [1]-86. [1, cont.]. Copy: NY.

Mangin, Arthur (1824-1887), French botanist and historian of science. (A. Mangin). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1233, 7: 790; Jackson p. 193; Langman p. 470; Rehder 5: 541; SO 2734; Tucker 1: 458.

  1. Le désert et le monde sauvage... Tours (Alfred Mame et fils, éditeurs) 1866. Oct. (Désert

monde sauov.).

Publ.: 1866 (p. 4: Jul 1865), front., p. [1], [1]-512, 28 pl. Copy: MO.

English translation: The desert world, edited and enlarged ... London, New York 1869, xi, 624 p. Copy: MO (n.v.). Translator: William Henry Davenport Adams.

Mangin, Louis Alexandre (1852-1937), French cryptogamist; Dr. Sc. Paris 1882; high school teacher at Nancy and Paris 1873-1904; from 1904-1931 at the Muséum d’Histoire naturelle; first director of the Laboratoire de Cryptogamie (PC); Director of the Muséum 1920-1932. (L. Mangin).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 284; Barnhart 2: 442; BJI 1: 39, 2: 111; BM 3: 1233, 7: 790; Bossert p. 251; CSP 10: 707, 12: 481, 16: 1039-1040; DSB 9: 78-79; GR p. 337; IH 2: 498; Kelly p. 142; Kew 3: 578; Langman p. 470; LS 16749-16786, 36551-36571,

suppl. 17226-17240; Moebius p. 173, 258; MW p. 298; PH 12; Rehder 5: 541; Stevenson p.

1250; TL-2/4246; Tucker 1: 458.

Anon., J. Bot., Morot 18: Ixxx, 1904 (app. Museum); Nat. Nov. 31: 148. 1909 (elected to Acad. Sci., replacing Ph. van Tieghem); Hedwigia 70: (74). 1930 (pres. Acad. Sci., Paris); Rev. bryol. ser. 2. 4: 55. 1931, 55. 1932.

Colin, H., Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Louis Mangin (1852-1937). Paris 1938, 26 p. (Institut de France, Académie des Sciences 1938-22). (b. 8 Sep 1852, d. 27 Jun 1937; portr., biogr.).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 64. 1896.

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 210. 1938.

Heim, R., Revue mycol. ser. 2. 2: 41-44, pl. 2. 1937 (portr.), Bull. Soc. mycol. France 54(1): 11-22. 1938 (portr.); Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris ser. 2. 18: 226-252. 1946.

Prescott, G. W., Contr. bibl. antarct. subantarct. algae 287. 1979.

Ramsbottom, J., Nature 139: 828-829. 1937; Proc. Linn. Soc. London 149: 202-203. 1937.

Taton, R., ed., Science in the 19th cent. 352. 1965.

VanLandingham,, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3564. 1978, 7: 4200-4201. 1978.

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 4: 177. 1938 (portr. on p. 175).

FESTSCHRIFT: Travaux cryptogamiques dédiés a Lous Mangin. Paris Sep 1931, portr., p. i1*, xii, 480, 34 pl.

EPONYMY: Bryomanginia Theriot (1931); Colletomanginia Hariot & Patouillard (1906); Man- ginella Batista & Maia (1961); Manginia Viala & Pacottet (1904); Manginula Arnaud (1918); Manginulopsis Batista & Peres (1963).

  1. Deuxieme expédition antarctique francaise (1908-1910) commandee par le Dr. Jean Charcot sciences naturelles: documents scientifiques Phytoplancton de [ Antarctique ... Paris (Masson et Cie., éditeurs ...) 1915. Qu. (Phytoplanct. Antarct.).

Publ.: 915, p. [1-iv], [1]-95, [96], pl. 7-3. Copies: B, US.

Manguin, Emile Etienne (1893-1966), French algologist at the Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (Manguin).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: ‘iypes of algae at PC; bryophyte and lichen herbarium at CLF.


Bourelly, P., Bull. Soc. bot. France 114: 107-108. 1967 (obit., b. 28 Feb 1893, d. g Jul 1866). Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedw. 35: 362. 1975 (diat. at PC and PH).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555. 1969 (algae at PC).

Loiseau, J. R., Monde Pl. 1971(369): 7 (herb. lich., bryo. at CLF).

Prescott, G. W., Contr. bibl. antarct. subantarct. algae 287. 1979.

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3564-3565. 1978, 7: 4201. 1978 (bibl.).

Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 825, 1965.

5347- Catalogue des algues d eau douce du Canton de Fresnay-sur-Sarthe . .. Le Mans (Impri-

merie Charles Monnoyer) 1933. Oct. (Cat. alg. eau douce).

Publ.: 1933 (p. 53: 21 Mai 1933), p. [1]-53. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Agric. Sci. Arts Sarthe.

Mann, Albert (1853-1935), American diatomologist; A. B. and A. M. Wesleyan Univ. 1879; Episcopalian minister, 1880-1892; Dr. phil. Miinchen 1894; professor of biology Wesleyan Univ. 1895-1899/1900; from 1905-1935 custodian of diatoms at USDA and the Smithsonian Institution (A. Mann).




BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocraPuy: Barnhart 2: 443; BM 7: 791; CSP 16: 1041; De Toni 2:

Ixxviii; Kew 3: 579; Lenley p. 280; LS 36573, suppl. 17242; MW p. 298; NW p. 52; PH 186,

939, see also p. 497.

Anon., Natl. cycl. Amer. biogr. 25: 360-361; Osterr. bot. Z. 57: 87. 1907 (app. prof. bot. George Washington Univ., D.C.).

Cupp, E. E., Mar. plankton diat. W. Coast N. Amer. 217. 1943.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 204. 1896.

Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedw. 35: 362. 1972.

Ewan, J. ct al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 15, 18, 79. 1969.

Hagelstein, R., Science ser. 2. 81: 308-309. 1935 (obit., b. 30 Jun 1853, d. 1 Feb 1935).

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 162-163. 1961 (b. 30 Jun 1853, d. 1 Feb 1935).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 13: 72. 1907 (appointed prof. bot. George Washington Univ.).

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. nat. Herb. 30(1): 203. 1947.

Prescott, G. W., Contr. bibl. antarct. subantarct. algae 207. 1979.

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3565. 1978, 7: 4201-4202. 1978 (bibl.).

  1. Report on the diatoms of the Albatross Voyages in the Pacific Ocean, 1888-1904 ...

Washington (Government Printing Office) 1907. Oct. (Rep. diatoms Albatross).

Publ.: 11 Jul 1907 (Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1907), p. [i-v], 221-442, [vii]-vili, pl. 44-54 with text. Copies: U, US. — Contr. U.S. nat. Herb. 10(5). 1907.

Facsimile reprint: Jan 1978. Koenigstein/W. - Germany (Otto Koeltz Science publishers). ISBN 3-87429-132-4. Copy: FAS. — See Taxon 27: 277. 1978.

5349- Marine diatoms of the Philippine Islands. Washington (Government Printing Office)

  1. Oct. (Mar. diatoms Philipp.).

Publ.: 27 Jun 1925 (date stamped in some copies by publisher), p. [i], [1, errata], [1]-182, pl. 1-39. Copy: US.— Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Bulletin 100, volume 6, part I.

5350- Australasian antarctic expedition 1911-1914... Scientific reports. Series C. Zoology and botany ... vol. 1, part 1. Diatoms ... Sydney (David Harold Paisley, Government Printer) 1937. Oct. (Australas. antarct. exped., Diatoms).

Publ.: 1937 (US rd. 10 Nov 1937), p. [1]-82, pl. 1-6. Copy: US.

Mann, Benjamin Pickmann (1848-1926), American scientific bibliographer and ento- mologist; A. B. Harvard 1870; instructor bot. Bowdoin Coll. 1877-1881; asst. entomologist USDA 1881-1886; asst. examiner U.S. Patent Office 1887. (B. Mann).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. — See also Horace Mann, below.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 443 (b. 30 Apr 1848); BM 3: 1233, 7: 791; GSP

8: 318, 12: 481; Lenley p. 280; Rehder 3: 735.

Anon., Amer. men. sc. ed. 2. 307. 1921, ed. 3, p. 450; Entom. news 37: 192. 1926; Psyche 33: 172. 1926 (portr.), Science 63: 353. 1926; Washington Post 24 Mar 1926 (fide Wade); Who is who in America I: 470. 1900, 13: 2090. 1925.

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 64. 1935.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. entom. 243. 1977.

Osborn, H., Fragm. entom. hist. 171. 1937.

Wade, J. S., Proc. entom. Soc. Washington 38(6): 124-125. 1936 (further biogr. refs.).

COMPOSITE works: Founder of Psyche; editor 1874-1885.

Mann, Gustav (1836-1916), German botanist; Kew gardener and collector; on Baikie’s Niger Expedition (1859-1862); Indian Forest Service (1863-1891); later living in Mun- chen. (G. Mann).

HERBARIUM and Types: K; for further details see IH and Hepper and Neate (1971).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 352; Barnhart 2: 443; BB p. 205; Clokie p. 206; CSP 4: 215, 16: 1042; Desmond p. 418; Herder p. 291; Hortus 3: 1199 (‘““Mann’’); IH r(ed.



6): 361, 2: 499; Jackson p. 380; Kew 3: 579; Morren ed. 2, p. 58, ed. 10, p. 14.5; PR (no. 5785

is by R. J. Mann); Rehder 5: 542; Tucker 1: 458; Urban-Berl. p. 321, 372.

Anon., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1916: 237 (d. 22 Jun 1916); Nature 98: 74. 1916 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 14: 122. 1864 (superintendent Cinchona plantations Darjeeling); 48(Lit.): 74. 1897 (living at Munchen; issues sets of Asian ferns).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 149. 1888 (pl. at W).

Burkart, A., Darwiniana 2: 138. 1928 (set of ferns at SI).

Embacher, F., Lexik. Reisen 199. 1882.

Exell, A. W., Cat. vasc. pl. S. Tomé 11. 1944.

Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (coll. E).

Hemsley, W. B., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1907: 247-248 (medallion portrait presented to K); Gard. Chron. 60: 176. 1916 (portr.); J. Kew Guild 3: 373-374. 1916 (portr.).

Hepper, F. N. and F. Neate, Pl. coll. W. Africa 53. 1971.

Hooker, J. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. bot. 7: 171-240. 1864 (plants Cameroun Mts. collected by M; Lichens named by Nylander).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 44 (coll.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 4: 51. 1898 (fern exs.).

Letouzey, R., Fl. Cameroun 7: 48. 1968.

Mann, G., J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 6: 27-30. 1862 (letter to W. J. Hooker on Ascent of Clarence Peak, Fernando Po, on Baikie’s exp.), 7: 1-13. 1863 (id., exp. Cameroun Mts.), french translation Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 4. 18: 239-254. 1863.

Mitten, W., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 7: 147-169. 1864 (on bryoph. Cameroun Mountain; types in Mitten herb. at NY).

Nelmes & Cuthbertson, Curtis Bot. Mag. dedic. 274-276. 1932. (portr.; b. 20 Jan 1836).

Vallot, J., Bull. Soc. bot. France 29: 184. 1882 (on Gulf of Guinea coll. 1859-1863).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 1: 21. 1935 (b. 20 Jan 1836).

NOTE: On the palms of Western Tropical Africa by G. Mann and Hermann Wendland (1825- 1903), Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: 421-439, pl. 38-43 was published on 8 Nov 1864. Other publications on Mann’s collections were: J. D. Hooker, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., London, 6: 1-23, 1 Nov 1861, 7: 171-241. 5 Apr 1864 (see also Bull Soc. bot. France g: 58. 1862), M. Oliver, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., London 158-162. 12 Dec 1864 (four new genera); and W. Mitten, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., London 7: 147-169. 29 Oct 1864.

EpONYMyY: Mannia J.D. Hooker (1862); Manniella HH. G. Reichenbach (1881); ManniopytonJ. Mueller Arg. (1864).

Mann, Horace Jr. (1844-1868), German-American botanist; assistant at the Gray Herba- rium; B. Sc. Harvard 1867; curator of botany at the Boston Society of natural history. (H. Mann).

HERBARIUM and types: CU (American), M (German).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 443; BM 3: 1233; Bossert p. 252; CSP 8: 318;

Herder p. 337; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mann, H.”’); IF p. 717; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 499: Jackson p.

357; Kew 3: 580; Lenley p. 280, 463; ME 2: 515, 517; PH p. 497; PR 5786; Rehder 5: 542;

Tucker 1: 458.

Anon., Bull. Essex Inst. 1: 25-31, 41-50. 1870; Bull. Soc. bot. France 15 (bibl.): 237. 1869; Flora 52: 144. 1869; Osterr. bot. Z. 19: 161. 1869 (d. 11 Nov 1868); Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 8, 8 Jan 1896, 3 p. (b. 25 Feb 1844, d. 11 Nov 1868).

Brewer, S. H., in S. Watson, Bot. Calif. 2: 558. 1880.

Brigham, W. 'T., Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 12: 152-155. 1869 (reprint p. 1-8; including text on results of Mann’s study of the Hawaiian flora, p. 5-8), repr. J. Bot. 7: 168-171. 1869.

Day, M., Rhodora 3: 256-257. 1901.

Dupree, H., Asa Gray 326, 341, 545, 567. 1959.

Eaton, D. C., Amer. J. Sci. 97: 143. 1869.

Ewan, J., i Cent. progr. nat. Sci. 55. 1955.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 10. 1969.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 44 (pl. K).



Loring Gray, J. (Mrs. A. Gray), Letters A. Gray 2: 545, 566, 570. 1893.

McCaughey, V., Haw. For. Agr. 16: 27, 53. 1919.

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 130. 1937 (bibl.); Contr. natl. Herb. U.S. 30(1): 203-204. 1947.

Prentiss, A. N., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 8(9): 104-105. 1881, Bot. Centralbl. 8: 60. 1881 (basis of herb. CU formed by H. Mann’s herbarium acquired by president White in 1868).

Rogers, A. D., John Torrey 283, 287, 289-299. 1942.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 366. 1975.

Voss, E. G., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 13: 81. 1978.

note: Mann was the son of the American educator and politician Horace Mann (1796- 1859), reformer of the Massachusetts common school system and active opponent of slavery while a member of Congress. The botanist-son visited the Hawaiian islands in 1864/65 with W. T. Brigham; became assistant to Asa Gray and instructor in botany at Harvard College; he died of “‘hasty consumption” (McCaughey 1919). His herbarium was purchased 1870 by Andrew D. White to become the basis of the present Wiegand Herbarium (CU). The Mann Library at Cornell University is named after Elbert R. Mann, former Dean of the School of Agriculture of Cornell.

EPONYMY: Hesperomannia A. Gray (1865).

5351- Mora of the Hawaiian islands | Proc. Essex Inst. 5-6, 1866-1871]. f.

Publ.: series of papers in Proc. Essex Inst. (remained incomplete: Ranunculac. — Araliac. p.p.): 5: 113-144. 30 Nov 1866; 5: 161-192. Sep 186755: 233-248. Jun 1868; 6: 105-112. Feb 1871. — Merrill (1937) mentions a reprint, p. 1-88, not seen by us; it carries no date but is presumably from 1871. The papers are to be cited from the journal.

5352- Enumeration of Hawatian plants by Horace Mann. [From the Proceedings ... | Issued,

July, 1867. Cambridge (Welch, Bigelow, and Company (printers to the University) ) 1867.

Qu. (Enum. Haw. pl.).

Publ.: Jul 1867 (so dated; rd. by Society 1 Mai 1867 — 30 Apr 1868), p. [1], [143 ]-235. Copies: G, NY, USDA. — Preprinted with special t.p. and to be cited from Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 7: 143-184. Jul 1867, 185-235. Jan-Mai 1868.

5353+ Catalogue of the phaenogamous plants of the United States, east of the Mississipi, and of the vascular cryptogamous plants of North America, north of Mexico... Cambridge, Mass. (Horace Mann) [1868] Oct. (in fours). (Cat. phaen. pl. U.S.).

Ed. 1: Jul-Aug 1868 (p. [3]: 1 Jul 1868), p. [1]-56. Copies: G, MO, NY, US(2), USDA; IDC


Ed. 2: Jan-Apr 1872 (p. [4]: Feb 1872; TBC Mai 1872), p. [1]-54- Copies: G, MICH, MO(2) NY, US(3), USDA. — “Second edition, revised and corrected . . .” Gambridge, Mass. (B. P. Pickmann). Published by Benjamin Pickmann Mann (1848-1926).

Reissue ed. 2: 1882 (Nat. Nov. Jul(3) 1882; Bot. Zeit. 27 Oct 1882).

5354- Four new genera of Hawazian plants. Notes on Hesperomannia. By William T. Brigham,

and on Alsinidendron, Platydesma, and Brighamia, with an analysis of the Hawaiian flora.

By Horace Mann ... Boston (Printed at the Riverside Press, Cambridge) 1869. Qu.

Author first part: William Tuffts Brigham (1841-1926).

Publ.: Mar 1869 (p. 541), p- [i], 529-541, pl. 20-23. uncol. liths. Copy: G. — Reprinted with special t.p. from Mem. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. 1(4): 529-541. Mar 1869. To be cited from journal; Mann’s contribution occupies p. 529-541.

Mann, Johann Gottlieb (//. 1829) German botanist. (7. G. Mann).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 443; BM 3: 1233; Langman p. 470; NI 1271- 1273: Plesch p. 324-325; PR 5787-5788 (ed. 1: 6471-6472); Rehder 5: 542; Sotheby 498- 499.



5355- Deutschlands wildwachsende Arzney-Pflanzen und deren gewohnlichste Verwechslungen. Nach der Natur gezeichnet und herausgegeben von Johann Gottlieb Mann. Mit Linnés Bild. Stuttgart (Zu haben bei dem Herausgeber) 1828. Fol. (Deutschl. Arzney-Pfl.).

Publ.: 1823-1828, in 31 parts, p. [i-vi], 786 pl. with text (USDA copy 788 pl.; Plesch copy 186; MO copy 184), hand-col. liths. by author, frontisp. portr. Linné with text. Copies: MO, USDA ~— A copy with 786 pl. (plus portr. Linné) was offered by Junk (Cat. 214, 1979, no. 343) at Hfl. 8.500).

  1. Deutschlands gefahrlichste Giftpflanzen, mit erlauterndem Texte, worin ihre Wirkungs-

art und die wirksamsten Hiulfsmittel bei Vergiftigungen angegeben sind, nebst einer

leichtfasslichen Einleitung in die Pflanzenkunde ... Stuttgart (Fr. Brodhag’sche Buch-

handlung) 1829. Fol. (Deutschl. Giftpf.). ;

Publ.: 1829 (p. ii: Mai 1829), p. [i-iv], [1 ]-30, pl. 1-24, liths. by author, all (but 7-2) handcol. Copies: NY, USDA.— The NY copy has the above imprint; the USDA copy has Stuttgart (bei M. A. Kornicker) 1829.

5357- Die ausldndischen Arzney-Pflanzen. Gezeichnet und herausgegeben von Johann Gott-

heb Mann. Stuttgart (Fr. Brodhag’sche Buchhandlung) 1830. Fol. (Ausland. Arzgney-Pfl.).

Publ.: 1830-1833, 22 Lief., 132 lvs., 132 liths. — See Plesch for a list of contents of the 22 Lieferungen, each of 6 lvs. and 6 coloured plates. This copy (sold at Sotheby for £ 1000.) is the only known one with so many plates. The USDA copy has 98 pl.

Mann, Robert James (1817-1886), British physician (MD St. Andrews 1854) and botanist at Norwich and Buxton; in Natal 1857-1864. (R. Mann).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BB p. 205; BL 2: 259, 687; BM 3: 1234; CSP 4: 216, 8: 319, 10: 707, 708, 16: 1043; Desmond p. 684; DNB 36: 43-44; GR cat. p. 67; Jackson p. 44; Kew 3: 580; MW p. 208.

Anon., Leopoldina 22: 170. 1886 (d. 4 Aug 1886); Nature 34: 346. 1886 (obit.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 67. 1957.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: edited Henry Brooks, Natal; a ... description of the colony, London 1876, vill, 336 p., 6 pl., 8 photos, 2 maps, see BM 1: 257.

5358- A descriptive catalogue of the Natal contribution to the international exhibition of 1862. By

Dr. Mann, ... London (Jarrold & Sons, ...) [1862]. (Descr. cat. Natal contr.).

Publ.: 1862, p. [1]-29. Copy: Advocates Library, National Library of Scotland (Inf. J. Edmondson).

Mann, Wenzeslaus [Wenzel] Blasius (1799-1839), Bohemian botanist and physician at Reichstadt (Leipa). (W. Mann).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: PRC; further material PR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 443; (b. 9 Mar 1799, d. 7 Jun 1839) BM 3: 1234; GR p. 665; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 499; Klastersky p. 124; LS 16788; Maiwald p. 280 [index]; PR 5789 (ed. 1: 6473); SBC p. 126 (““Mann’’).

Krempelhuber, A. v., Gesch. Lichenol. 1: 484. 1867.

Maiwald, V. F., Jahresber. Gymn. Braunau 1901: 18, 1902: 108-109.

EPONYMY: Mannia Opiz (1829). Note: The derivation of Mannia Trevisan (1857) could not

be established.

5359- Lichenum in Bohemia observatorum dispositio succinctaque descriptio... Pragae [Praha]

(Typis Sommerianis) 1825. Oct. (Lich. Bohemia).

Publ.: Aug 1825 (p. ii), p. [1-11], [1 ]-1 10. Copzes: FH, G, L (thesis issue). — Pages [i-1] have the “dedication title” for the book used as dissertation. The above title is the one appearing on the regular title-page p. [1].


MANSFELD Manoury, Charles Ambroise (//. 1869), French algologist. (Manoury).

HERBARIUM and TyPeEs: Unknown. Issued Algues de France (nos. 1-1500) with Jean Antoine Mougeot, q.v.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 444; BM 3: 1234; De Toni 1: Ixxxi, 2: lxxviii; IH

2: 564 (sub Mougeot); Nordstedt p. 22.

Uhlworm, O., Bot. Centralbl. 15: 159. 1883 (announcement Mougeot, Manoury, Roume- guére, “Les algues fluviatiles et terrestres de France.”’).

COMPOSITE WorRKs: Contributed to H. E. Baillon, Dict. bot., vols. 2, 3, 4, see TL-2/253.

  1. Etude sur les diatomacées ... Paris (Chez Savy, libraire, ...) 1870. Qu. (Etud. diatom.). Publ.: 1870 (p. [111]: 5 Mar 1870; BSbF rd. before 22 Jul 1870), p. [i-iii], [1 ]-66, pl. 7-2. Copy: B. — Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie 15(3). 18609.

Mansel-Pleydell, John Clavell [né Mansel] (1817-1902), British soldier, ‘country gentleman,” and naturalist in Dorsetshire; B.A. Cantabr. 1839. (Mansel).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: DOR; other material at BM, K and MANCH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: : Barnhart 2: 444 (b. 2 Mai 1902) BL 2: 237, 238, 687; BM 3:

1234; Bossert p. 252; CSP 8: 320-321, 12: 481, 16: 1046; Desmond p. 418; DNB suppl. 2(2):

562-563; IH 2: 500, Jackson p. 251; Kew 3: 581; Morren ed. 10, p. 74; Quenstedt p. 277;

Rehder 5: 542; Tucker 1: 458.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1903: 34 (b. 4 Dec 1817, d. 3 Mai 1902); Geol. Magaz. 457: 335. 1902; Hist. coll. BM(NH)t: 309; J. Bot. 40: 240. 1902; Proc. Linn. Soc. 114: 39-40. 1902.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 84. 1896.

H. B. W., Quart. J. Geol. Soc. 59: lx. 1903.

Holden, W., Bibl. Contr. Lloyd Libr. 2: 43. 1911.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 44 (pl. K).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 67. 1957 (herb.).

Linton, E. F., J. Bot. 40: 260-263. 1902.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 167. 1904 (coll.).

Stuart-Gray, M. G., Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. arch. Soc. 23: |xii-lxxil. 1902 (obit.; founder of the Dorset natural History and antiquarian Field Club; personal recollections).

Watson, H. C., Topogr. bot. ed. 2. 553. 1883.

  1. Flora of Dorsetshire, or a catalogue of plants found in the County of Dorset. With sketches ofits geology and physical geography... London (Whittaker& Co.,...) Blandford (W. Shipp) 1874. Oct. (Fl. Dorsetshire). é

Ed. 1: Apr-Mai 1874 (p. ii: 28 Feb 1874; J. Bot. Jun 1874), p. [i*-111*], map, [1-11], [1 ]-320. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA.

Ed. 2: Jan-Feb 1895 (J. Bot. Feb 1895), map, p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xxxvi, map, [1 ]-345, [1]-xxv. Copies: NY, USDA “‘Second edition... ’ Dorchester (““Dorset County Chronicle” Printing Works ...) 1895.

Ref.: Trimen, H., J. Bot. 12: 219-222. 1874. A.B., J. Bot. 33: 121-123. 1895.

Mansfeld, Rudolf (1901-1960), German botanist; student of A. Engler; Dr. phil. Berlin 1924; from 1926-1943 at Berlin-Dahlem; in war service 1943-1946; from 1946-1960 at the Institut fur Kulturpflanzenforschung Gatersleben, DDR. (Mansf.).

HERBARIUM and types: B, and probably GAT.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: : Backer p. 353; Barnhart 2: 444 (b. 17 Jan rgo1, d. 30 Nov 1960); BFM 11, 2295, 2340-2343; BJI 2: 111; Hirsch p. 188; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mansf.’’); Kew 3: 581; Langman p. 471; LS suppl. 17265-17266; MW p. 298, suppl. p. 217; Plesch p. 325; Roon p. 73; RS p. 116; Zander ed. 10, p. 688, ed. 11, p. 785; Zep-Tim p. 80. Alexander, K., Die Orchidee 12: 22. 1961.

Anon., Leopoldina ser. 3. 6/7: 57. 1963.


Danert, S., Die Kulturpflanze, Beih. 3: 13-25. 1962 (bibl.; on scientific work); Feddes Rep. 65: 133-138. 1962 (portr.).

Eckhardt, T., Willdenowia 4(2): 173. 1966.

Janchen, E., Cat. fl. austr. 1: 2, 3, 883, 967. 1960.

Mansfeld, R., Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. 82: 3-82. 1942 (ideas on nomenclature: “Werden und Wesen der wissenschaftlichen Pflanzenbenennung ...); Kulturpflanze Beih. 3: 26- 46. 1962 (iiber “alte” und “neue” Systematik der Pflanzen).

Pilger, R., Mitt. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 1(1): 15. 1953.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 10: 29. 1961, 12: 240. 1963.

Stubbe, H., Die Kulturpflanze, Beih. 3: 7-11. 1962 (portr.; d. 30 Nov 1960).

COMPOSITE WORKS: : See under R. Schlechter for several joint publications on orchids.

NOTE: : (1) Mansfeld’s probably most significant publication was published after our closing date: Vorldufiges Verzeichniss landwirtschaftlich oder gdrtnertsch kultivierter Pflanzenarten (mit Ausschluss von Zierpflanzen), die Kulturpflanze, Beiheft 2, Berlin (Akademie-Verlag) 1959, v, 659 p.; facsimile reproduction (printing errors corrected) Berlin (id.) 1962. For an extensive review see e.g. Buchheim, G., Bot. Jahrb. 80(3)(Lit.) 27-29. 1961.

(2)Mansfeld prepared a new edition of Garcke, Fl. N. Miutt.-Deutschland (VL-2/1949) of which the manuscript was destroyed in the night of 1/2 March 1943 by war action on Berlin-Dahlem.

(3) Thesis: Vorarb. Monogr. Ligustrum, Bot. Jahrb. 69 (Beibl. 132): 19-75. 1924.

  1. Verzeichnis der Farn- und Bliitenpflanzen des Deutschen Reiches ... Jena (Verlag von

Gustav Fischer) 1g40. Oct. (Verz. Pfl. Deut. Reich.).

Publ.; Mai 1941 (although dated 1940; p. 5: Dec 1940; see Osterr. bot. Z. go: 226-228; date confirmed by Tiegs, then treasurer of the Deut. bot. Ges. toG. Wagenitz, in litt. to FAS 2 Oct 1974), p- [2]-323. Copies: G, MO. — Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 58a.

Facsimile repr.: announced by Koeltz (1978).

Mansion, Arthur (1863-1905), Belgian bryologist; Dr. sci. Liege; high school teacher at Huy and, from 1902, at Namur. (Mansvon).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 444 (b. 11 Oct 1863); BM 3: 1234; CSP 16:

1047; GR p. 697; IH 2: 500; Nordstedt p. 11; SBC p. 126 (““Mans.’’).

Anon., Bot. Not. 1906: 45 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 56(Lit.): 79. 1906 (d. 10 Dec 1905); Rev. bryol. 21: 79, 95. 1894, 24: 16, 1897, 26: 53. 1899, 27: 64. 1900, 31: 18. 1902, 32: 1905, 33: 47. 1906.

Chalon, J., Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 43: 97-98. 1906.

Evens, F. M. J. C., Gesch.algol. Belgie 179. 1944.

Marchal, E., Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 43: 376-379. 1906 (obit., b. ““1863”’).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

  1. Les muscinées de Huy & des environs ... Extrait du Bulletin no. 1 du Cercle des

Naturalistes hutois, année 1894[-1896]. (Adusc. Huy).

Co-author: Paul Clerbois.

Premiere partie: Mousses: 1894 (p. 27: 1 Dec 1893; Rev. bryol. Oct 1894), p. [1]-104, ex Bull. no. I 1894.

Deuxiéme partie: Hépatiques: 1896 (on cover) p. [105]-119. Huy (Imprimerie et lithographie A. Colin-Houbeau, ...) 1896. Oct. Apparently not published in the Bulletin.

Trowsiéme partie: Sphaignes: 1895 (Rev. Bryol. Jan 1897), p. [121]-132, ex Bull. no. 4, 1895.

Copies: BR, G.

  1. Flore des hépatiques de Belgique... Gand [Gent] (Librairie générale de Ad. Hoste... .)

1905-1908, 2 parts. Oct.

Fasc. 1: 1905 (t.p. reprint; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1905; NY rd. Nov 1905), p. [1]-71 (half page print). Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 42(1): [44]-112. 1904, publ. 1905.



Fasc. 2: 1908 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1908), p. 71-125 (p. 71 with remaining type of fasc. 1), Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 45(1): [29]-83. 1908. Copies reprints: BR, H, NY, U-V.

Manso, Antonio Luiz Patricio da Silva, (1788-1848), Brazilian botanist, politician and physician; from 1823 practicing medicine in Cuiabé, Matto Grosso; representative of Matto Grosso in the Brazilian parliament 1834-1837; later living in his native town Campinas.

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at BR, R and W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Backer p. 656; Barnhart 3: 278; BM 3: 1234; Hortus 3: 1199

(“Manso’’); IH 2: 500; Kew 3: 582; Laségue p. 338; PR 5791, 9659 (ed. 1: 8687); Rehder 5:

542; RS p. 142; Urban-Berlin p. 398.

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 149. 1888; 7 K. Fritsch et al., Bot. Anst. Wiens 74. 1894 (pl. W).

Magelhaes, B. de, Arch. Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro 22: 77-96. 1919 (biogr., orig. documenta- tion, secondary refs., d. 17 Jan 1848).

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 112. 1906 (itin.).

EPONYMY: Mansoa A. P.de Candolle (1838); Paramansoa Baillon (1888).

  1. Enumeragdo das substancias brazileiras, que podem promover a catarze, memoria coroada pela Imperial Academia de Medecina do Rio de Janeiro em o anno de 1836... Rio de Janeiro (na Typographia nacional) 1836. Oct. (in fours). (Enum. subst. braz.).

Publ.: 1836, p. [1]-51, [52]. Copy: BR.

Mantell, Gideon Algernon (1790-1852), British palacontologist and surgeon at Lewes and London. (Mantell).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Fossil material at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Andrews p. 299; Barnhart 2: 445 (b. 3 Feb 1790, d. 11 Nov

1852); BB p. 341; BM 3: 1235, 7: 792-793; CSP 4: 219-220; DNB 36: 99; Desmond p. 418;

Jackson p. 577; ME 2: 332, 335; Nordstedt p. 22; PR ed. 1: 6477-6479; Quenstedt p. 277-


Anon., Bot. Zeit. 11: 600. 1853; Proc. Linn. Soc. 2: 235-237. 1853; Quart. J. geol. Soc. London 9: xxii-xxv. 1853.

Breure, A. S. H. & J. G. de Bruyn, eds., Leven werken J. G. S. van Breda 416. 1979.

Morriss, A. D., Proc. R. Soc. Medicine 65(2): 215-221. 1972 (portr., “Surgeon and Geologist: Wizard of the Weald!”’).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.- Buch 2: 36-37. 1863 (d. 10 Nov 1852, overdose of opium).

Woodward, B. B. in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 42. 1904 (drawings of fossils).

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 552 [index].1go1.

EPONYMY: Mantellia A. T. Brongniart ex Bronn (1837).

  1. Illustrations of the geology of Sussex: containing a general view of the geological relations of the South-eastern part of England; with figures and descriptions of the fossils of Tilgate forest ... London (Lupton Relfe, ...) 1827. Qu. (Ill. geol. Sussex).

Publ.: 1827 (ded. Dec 1826), frontisp., [1]-xi1, [1 ]-92, 20 pl. (uncol.). Copy: Teyler.

  1. The medals of creation; or first lesson in geology, and in the study of organic remains. . . London (Henry G. Bohn) 1844, 2 vols. (Medals creat.).

1: 1844, p. [i*], [i]-xxvii, [1]-207, [part 2:] [209]-456.

2: 1844, front., [iti]-vu, [457]-1016.

Copy: Delft, library Techn. Hogeschool.

  1. A pictorial atlas of fossil remains, consisting of coloured illustrations selected from



Parkinson’s ‘“Organic remains of a former world”, and Artis’s ‘‘Antediluvian Phytology.”’ With descriptions by Gideon Algernon Mantell, ... London (H. G. Bohn, ...) 1850. Qu. (Pict. atlas foss. remains).

Publ.: 1850 (p. v: Aug 1850), frontisp., p. [i]-xii, [13]-207, pl. 1-74 (col.). Copy: NY.

Mappus, Marcus, fil. (1666-1736), Alsatian botanist at Strasbourg; Dr. med. Strasbourg 1694; son of the botanist Marc (Marcus) Mappus (1632-1701). (Mappus).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIlOGRAPHY: AG 3: 314; Barnhart 2: 445 (err. d. 2 Mar 1738); BM 3:

1236 (p.p.); Dryander 3: 144; Herder p. 156, 174; Jackson p. 303, NI 1724; PR 5794 (err.

listed under his father’s name) (ed. 1: 6489); Rehder 1: 43, 5: 540 (p.p.); Tucker 1: 459


Heine, H. H., J. Soc. Bibl. Nat. Hist. 4(2): 147-150. 1963 (main study).

Kirschleger, F., Fl. Alsace 2: xxxill-xxxv. 1857 (err. d. 2 Mai 1738), for Marc Mappus father, see p. XxxXil.

Villars, D., Cat. méth. pl. Ecole méd. Strasbourg xiii. 1807 (d. 1636).

EPONYMY: Mappia N. J. Jacquin (1797), nom. cons. The eponymy of Mappa Heister ex Adanson (1763) and Mappia Schreber (1791) may commemorate either Marc Mappus (1632-1701), or his son (our author) (1666-1736) or both. Mappa A. H. L. Jussieu (1824) is based on the epithet of Ricinus Mappa L. — See Heine (1963) for further details.

  1. Marci Mappi, Med. D. Historia plantarum alsaticarum posthuma opera et studio Johannis Christiani Ehrmanni, ... Argentorati [Strasbourg] (sumtibus Johannis Danielis Dulseckeri), Amstelodami [Amsterdam] (apud Petrum Mortier ...) 1742. Qu. (Hist. pl. alsat.).

Editor: Johann Christian Ehrmann (1710-1797).

Publ.: 1742, p. [i-vi], 1-335, 7 pl., [1-28, 1-4]. Copy: FI.

Maratti, Giovanni Francesco (1723-1777), Italian clergyman and botanist at Rome university. (Maratti).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 353 (“Gaetano’’); Barnhart 2: 445; BL 2: 358,

687; BM 2: 895 (sub Huperz), 3: 1236; De Toni 1: Ixxxi; Dryander 2: 340, 3: 235, 440 5: 89;

Frank 3(Anh.): 62; GR p. 533; Herder p. 464; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Maratti’’); HU 627; IH 2:

501; Jackson p. 321; Kew 3: 584; LS 16797; PR 5797-5799 (ed. 1: 6494-6496); Rehder 5:

543; RS p. 117; Saccardo 1: 102, 2:67; Tucker 1: 459; Zander ed. 10, p. 688, ed. 11, p. 785.

Dandy, J. E., Regn. veg. 51: 16, passim. 1967 (generic names).

Donk, M. A., Persoonia 8(3): 277-282. 1975 (generic names of fungi in Fl. romana validly published).

Fries, Th.M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(3): 55, 244.

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 287. 1938.

Saccardo, P.A., Di un operetta sulla flora della Corsica di autore pseudonimo e plagiario. Venezia 1908 (Atti r. Ist. Veneta Sci. 57(2): 717-721. 1908).

Swartz, O., Prodr. 8, 127. Jul 1788 (epon.).

NOTE: Saccardo (1908) provides evidence that the publication Svorza naturale dell’ Mola di Corsica... Firenze (Appresso Allegrini, Pisoni, e Compagni...) 1774, vill, 84 p. (n.v.) was a plagiarism. The pseudonymous author Strateano Gresalvi (anagram of Salvatore Gine- stra) later stated that the book was written by Maratti; actually the text was taken from prelinnaean publications on Corsica by Paolo Boccone and Luigi Amando Jaussin.

EPONYMY: Marattia O. Swartz (1788) and Protomarattia Hayata (1919) probably comme- morate him. The following genera of fossil plants are related to Marattia: Marattiopsis W.P.Schimper (1870); Marattiotheca W.P.Schimper (1879); Marattisporites R. A. Couper (1958); Marattites Marion & Laurent (1898).



  1. Descriptio de vera florum existentia vegetatione et forma in plantis dorsiferis, sive epiphyllorspermis, vulgo capillaribus ... Romae (Apud Fratres Salvioni Typographos Vaticanos, & Archilicei Romani) 1760. Oct. (Descr. fl. exist.).

Publ.: 1760, p. [i]-xxi, 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: MO, NY.

Other editions: See BM 3:.1236.

  1. Dilucidazione fitologica di quelle piante specialmente italiche, delle quali é necessaria la

cognizione agli studenti di farmacia: colle spiegazioni etimologiche intorno ai nomi delle

piante, e di molti termini botanici. Distesa dal P. F. Giuseppe di Massa ducale de’ min. oss.

di S. Francesco prefetto della spezieria d’ Araceli e dal medesimo dedicata al Rmo P. Abb.

D. Gio. Francesco Maratti ...in Roma (per Generoso Salomoni ...) 1763. Oct. (Diluc.


Author: ““Giuseppe di Massa Ducale”’ about whom nothing is known to us. The book was dedicated to Maratti under whose name we treat it in the absence of information on the author himself. Massa Ducale is the name of an Italian village.

Publ.: 1763, p. [1]-112. Copy: FI.

5372- Plantarum Romuleae, et Saturniae in agro romano existentium specificas notas describit

inventor D. Jo. Franciscus Maratti ... Romae (typis Archangeli Casaletti ...) 1772. Oct.

(in twelves). (Pl. Romul. Saturn.).

Publ.: 1772, p. [1]-22, [1, imp.], 2 pl. (uncol. copp. Ghigi). Copies: FI, HU, WU. —See HU 627 for bibl. details.

5373- Joannis Francisci Maratti... De plants zoophytis et lithophytis i Mari mediterraneo

viventibus. Romae (typos Archangeli Casaletti ...) 1776. Oct. (Pl. zooph. lithophyt.).

Publ.: 1776, p. [i]-xv, 1-62. Copy: FI.—See A. Neviani, Boll. Soc. zool ital. ser. 2. 8: 102-118. 1908. Neviani saw a copy in RO and gives an analysis of the taxa described.

5374- Flora romana ... Romae (Typis Joseph Salviucci 1822, 2 vols. Oct. (FI. rom.).

1: 1822, p. [i]-xxxil, 1-415.

2: 1822 p. [1]-543, [5441-

Copies: FI, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 914. — See Donk (1975) for the status (validly published) of the generic names of fungi in this work. See also Lusina (1958) and Pirotta & Chiovenda, Fl. romana 1900-1901.

Facsimile repr.: announced by Koeltz (1973).

Ref.: Lusina, G., Annali Bot. 25: 158. 1958.

Marc, Franccois [I'rére Marc des Clercs du Saint Viateur] (1862-1912), French clergy- man, lichenologist and bryologist. (Marc).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown; some lichens at L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 446; CSP 17: 1; GR p. 337; IH 2: 501; Rehder 5:

943-544: y Flahault, C., Bull. Soc. Et. Sci. nat. Nimes 40: 115. 1917.

EPONYMyY: Marcania Imlay (1939) commemorates A. Marcan (fl. 1920-1933), who collected in Indochina and Thailand.

Marcailhou d’Ayméric, Alexandre Lucien Marie (1839-1897), French clergyman (ordin. 1865) and botanist; vicar at Foix, 1865-1869, and Miglos, 1869-1872; from 1871 “aumonier du couvent des Dominicaines”’ at Ax-les-Thermes. (Marcailhou).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown. Some material at A.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 446; (b. 16 Aug 1839, d. 7 Aug 1897) BL 2: 29, 122, 687; Bossert p. 252; CSP 17: 1-2; GR p. 338; IH 2: 501; Kew 3: 584; Rehder 5: 544; Tucker 1: 459.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 111: 656. 1909 (d.); Monde des Pl. 7: 46-48. 1897 (bibl.).

Gillot, F. X., in Marcailhou et Marcailhou, Catalogue raisonné des plantes .. . du bassin de



la Haute Ariége, [i]-vil, 144-146. 1898 (bibl.); Bull. Soc. hist. nat. Autun 11: 241-247. 1898.

5375+ Catalogue raisonné des plantes phanérogames et cryptogames indigénes du bassin de la Haute Ariége — canton d’Ax-les-Thermes (Ariége), etc. Autun (vol. 1: fasc. 1-4), Le Mans (vol. 2: fasc. 1-2; Imprimerie de l'Institut de Bibliographie de Paris) 1898-1905, 2 vols. Oct. (Cat. pl. Haute Ariége). Co-author: Hippolyte Marcailhou-d’Ayméric (1855-1909), pharmacist and botanist at Ax- les-Thermes, brother of Alexandre M. d’A. (GR p. 338). Vol. 1: fasc. 1-4, 1898-1900, reprinted from the Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun. Copy reprint: G. Fasc. 1:1898 (p. 130: 28 Jul 1897), p. [i*], [i]-vii, [1]-130, [1, err.], map. Bull. rr: 241- 376. 1898. Fasc. 2: 1899, p. [i], [131]-257. Bull. 13: 1-126. 1899. Fase. 3: 1900, p. [i], [259]-380. Bull. 14: 1-122. 1goo. Fasc. 4: 1901 (sent by author to Burnat Jun 1903), p. [i], [381]-550. Bull. 15: 249-414. 1QOl. Vol. 2: Le Mans (as above), 1904-1905, 2 fasc. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Bull. Acad. Int. Geogr. Bot. Fasc. 1: 1904, p. [1, ii], [1 ]-144, reprinted from Bull. 12: 522-536. 1903, 13: 89-104, 12I- 136, 185- ae 289-230, 385-400. 1904, 15: 137-156. 1905. Fasc. 2: 1906 (t.p. 1905; rd. G 22 Mar 1906), p. [i, iii], [1],-164, reprinted from Bull. 15: suppl. p. 1-80. 1905, 16: suppl. pl. 87-164. 1906. Continuation, not in reprint volumes, Bull. Acad. Int. Geogr. Bot. 18: 1-192. 1908. Vol. 3: (not seen as reprint but see BL 2: 122): Mém. Acad. int. Géogr. Bot. 1[151, 82 p.], 1911-1912 (second part also in vol. 22 of Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot.).

Marcgrave, Georg {Marggraf, Marcgraf, Marcgravius] (1610-1644), German engineer and geographer with Maurits van Nassau in Brazil. (Marcgr.).

HERBARIUM and Types: C; ten specimens at OXF. For the fate of M’s drawings see D. J. P. Whitehead (1976, 1979); see Andrade-Lima et al. (1977) for the identification of M’s herbarium specimens and for the status of the Sloane mss. add. 1554 by Laet. .

NAME: Hantzsch (see below, p. 201) “Im Kirchenbuche von Liebstadt findet sich in dem Abschnitt “Teufflinge Anno 1610” folgender Eintrag: ““Georgius, Georgii Margeravij tum temporis Schulmeisters alhier, SOhnlein, ward auf diese Welt geboren 20 septemb ...” From this entry the correct family name should be Marggraf.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: ADB 20: 295-296; Barnhart 2: 447; BM 3: 1237; Dryander

1: 257, 2:34; DSBo: 122-123; Frank 3 (Anh.): 62; Hegi 7: 559; Herder p. 464; IH 2: 501; JW

5: 246; Kew 3: 585; Langman p. 471; Laségue p. 474, 505; Lenley p. 280; Moebius p. 367;

NBG 33: 548; NI (alph.); PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 544; Tucker 1: 459.

Andrade-Lima, D. de et al., Bot. Tidsskr. 71: 121-160. 1977 (identification of M’s herb. specimens at C and OXF).

Anon., Bonplandia 1: 134. 1853 (one volume of herb. specimens at C).

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 353. 1969.

Darmstaedter, L., Velhagen & Klasings Monatshefte 42: 649-654. 1928.

Ewan, J. & N., John Banister 13, 31, 101, 105, 183, 227, 363. 1970.

Fries, T. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(5): 67. 1911.

Gudger, E. W., Pop. Sci. Monthly 81: 250-274. 1912, Zool. Ann., Wurzburg 6(1): 1-31. 1914, Science ser. 2. 40: 507-509. 1914.

Hantzsch, V., Verh. kon. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. Leipzig, phil.-hist. Kl. 48: 199-227. 1896 (extensieve: study); Ber. Verh. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. Leipzig 2- 5 199-227. 1897. ~

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(1): 34. 1916.

Jessen; IK2 i. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 239. 1884.

Jourdan, A. J. li, Dic. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 193-194. 1824.

Lichtenstein, Abh. kon. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. physik. Kl. 1814/5: 201-222. 1818, 1817: 155- 178. 1819, 1820/2: 237-254, 267-288. 1822, 1826: 49-65. 1829 (interpr. orig. drawings).

Macbryde, B., Taxon 19: 349-350. 1970.

Martius, C. F. P. v., Versuch eines Commentars tiber die Pflanzen in den Werken von



Marcegrave und Piso tiber Brasilien. Miinchen 1853 (see no. 5546); Abh. math.-phys. Cl. k. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 7(1): 179-238. 1853 (commentary on cryptogams); Engl. transl. by Wallich, in W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 161-168, 200-207, 271-276. 1853.

Merrill, E. D., Chron. bot. 14(5/6): 228, 322, 334. 1954.

Moreira, J., Revista Museo Paulista 14: 649-673. 1926.

Pickel, B. J., Revista Fl. med. 16(6): 211-280. 1949 (see also under Piso).

Poiret, J. L. M., in Lamarck, J. B., Encycl. méth., Bot. 748. 1808.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 53-56. 1906 (biogr. itin., bibl.).

Wallich, N., Bonplandia 1(14): 134. 1853 (herb. at C), apud C. F. P. v. Martius, in Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 167-168. 1853.

Whitehead, D. J. P., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 7: 409-422. 1976 (drawings), Newsletter Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 1: 6-7. 1979, 4: 4-5. 1979. (Marcerave drawings from former Royal Library are at the Jagiellon Library, Krakow), also Taxon 28: 552. 1979; J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 9(3): 301-314. 1979 (biogr., further refs.).

Zaunick, R., Zool. Ann., Wurzburg 7(2): 193-195. 1919 (repr. p. 1-3).

COMPOSITE WORKS: See under G. Piso.

EPONYMY: Marcgravia Linnaeus (1753).

Marchal, Elie (1839-1923), Belgian botanist; middle school teacher at Virton, Ath and Visé, and Maeseyck, 1861-1871; at the Jardin botanique de Bruxelles 1871-1879; from 1872-1899 in addition lecturer at various horticultural and teacher’s colleges; retired at Gembloux from 1899 to co-operate with his son Emile. (E/. Marchal).

HERBARIUM and ryPEs: BR. Issued: Cryptogames de Belgique (1882).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 446; BL 2: 41, 688; BM 3: 1237, 7: 793; Bossert

p. 253; CSP 10: 715, 12: 483, 17: 3; GR p. 338, 697; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 224, 319,

431; Hortus 3: 1199 (‘““Marchal”’); IH 2: 505; Jackson p. 358, 372; Kelly p. 142; Kew 3: 585;

Langman p. 471; LS 16811-16856, 36582-36591, suppl. 17282-17295; Moebius p. 120;

MW p. 299; Morren ed. 2, p. 43, ed. 10, p. 15; NAF 28B(2): 344; Rehder 5: 544; Saccardo 1:

102; SBC p. 126 (‘“March.”’); Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/1: 1592; Tucker 1: 459; Urban-Berl.

p. 279; Zander ed. 10, p. 688, ed. 11, p. 785.

Anon., Hedwigia 65(Beibl.): 95. 1925 (d.); Rev. bryol. 2: 13, 14. 1875, 33: 86. 1906, 34: 125. 1907, 40: 31, 32. 1913, 41: 15. 1914.

De Wildeman, E., Bull. Jard. bot. Bruxelles 9: 1-20. 1923 (portr., biogr., bibl., b. 1 Mar 1839, d. 19 Feb 1923); Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 56(1): 1-24. 1923 (portr., bibl.) (reprints repaginated 1-24).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 2. 1896 (err. Marechal).

Evens, F. M. J. C., Gesch. algol. Belgie 179-180. 1944.

Georlette, R., Quelques botanistes belges 19-26. 1949 (portr.).

Marchal, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 20: xli-xlv. 1873 (on Belgian bryology).

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 54. 1980 (coll. DBN).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 184. 1906.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Martius, Flora brasiliensis: Hederaceae in 11(1): 229-258, pl. 66-71. (fasc. 75). 1 Feb 1878.

(2) Durand et Pittier, Primitiae florae costaricensis. Araliaceae in 1(1), 1891.

(3) Warming, E., Symbd. fl. bras., Araliaceae, 32: 32-33. 8 Mai 1890.

EPoNyMy: Marchalia P. A. Saccardo (1889); Marchaliella Winter ex E. Bommer & M. Rousseau (1891).

  1. Révision des Hédéracées américaines. Description de dix-huit espéces nouvelles et d'un

genre inédit, ... Bruxelles (F. Hayez, ...) 1879. Oct. (Rév. Hédérac. amér.).

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1879 (Soc. bot. Fr. rd 18 Apr 1879; J. Bot. Mai 1879; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1879; Flora rd. 1-11 Mai 1879), p. [1]-29. Copies: FI, G; IDC 7586. — Reprinted from Bull. Acad. r. Belgique ser. 2. 47(1): 70-96, 514. 1879.



5377- Notice sur les Hédéracées récoltés par Ed. André, dans la Nouvelle Grenade, l’Equateur

et le Pérou, ... Bruxelles (F. Hayez, ...) 1880. Oct. (Not. Hédérac.).

Publ.: 1880, p. [1]-10. Copies: FILL NAW. — Reprinted from C. R. Congr. bot. hort. 1880(2): 65-72; also in Bull. Soc. bot. Belg. 19: 85-93. 1880.

Marchal, Emile Jules Joseph (1871-1954), Belgian botanist, working in various capaci- ties at the Institut agronomique de la Station de Phytopathologie de l’Etat at Gembloux; son of El. Marchal. (Em. Marchal).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 444; BM 7: 793; IH 2: 501; Moebius p. 120; Rehder 5: 544; SBC p. 126 (March. f.): Stevenson p. 1250.

Anon., Bull. Inst. agron. Gembloux 22: 291. 1954.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

Marchand, Nestor Léon (1833-1911), French pharmacist and botanist; Dr. med. Paris 1861; at the Faculté de Médecine 1861-1869; Dr. Sci. Caen 1867; at the Ecole supérieure de Pharmacie, Paris, 1869-1897; staunch and late defender of the theory of spontaneous generation. (Marchand).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 266, 322; Barnhart 2: 446; BM 3: 1237; CSP 4:

229, 17:6; De Toni 1: Ixxxi; GR p. 338, cat. p. 67; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Marchand’’); Jackson

Pp. 577; Kelly p. 142-143; Kew 3: 585; Langman p. 471; LS 16861-16867; Morren ed. 2, p.

21, ed. 10, p. 56; MW p. 299; PR 5805-5810; Rehder 5: 544; SO add. 863 ae; Tucker 1: 459.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 1/2: 32. 1880 (prof. pharm. Ecole sup. Paris); Bot. Not. 1g11: 190 (d.).

Guéguen, F., Bull. Soc. mycol. France 28: front., 73-76. 1912 (bibl., portr., d. 16 Apr 1911)

L. L., Bull. Soc. bot. France 59: 444. 1912.

Tourlet, E. H., Bull. Soc. pharm. Indre-et-Loire 1905: 100-101.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 107. 1905 (b. 13 Apr 1833).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Warming, E., Symb. fl. bras., Anacardiaceae, 15: 57-64. 10 Apr 1874, Burseraceae 15: 54-57. 10 Apr 1874.

  1. Recherches organographiques et organogéniques sur le Coffea arabica L. ... Paris (J. B. Bailliére et fils...) 1864. Oct. (Rech. Coffea arabica). Publ.: 1864, p. [1]-48, 4 pl. Copy: FI.

5379- Des classifications et des méthodes en botanique ... Angers (Imprimerie P. Lachéese,

Belleuvre et Dolbeau ...) 1867. Oct. (Classif. méth. bot.).

Publ.: 1867, p. [i-ii], [1]-107. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY. — Reprinted from Ann. Soc. Linn. Dépt. Maine-et-Loire 9-10. 1867-1868.

  1. Theses pour le doctorat és sciences présentées et soutenues devant la faculté des

sciences de Caen le décembre 1867 par N. Leon Marchand. 1“ these. — De [organisation des

Burséracées. 2° these. — Propositions ... Paris (Imprimerie de E. Martinet ...) 1867. No. 2.

Qu. (Organis. Bursérac.).

Publ.: Dec 1867, p. [1]-60, pl. 1-6 (liths. by A. Faguet, nos. 1-3 col.). Copies: L, NY.

Trade Issue: Early 1868 (t.p. 1868), p. [i], [1]-56, pl. 2-6 (id.). Copies: FI, USDA. — “Recherches sur Porganisation des Burséracées ... Paris (J. -B. Bailliére et fils ...) 1868. Oct.

  1. Révision du groupe des Anacardiacées ... Paris (J.-B. Bailliere et fils ...), Londres

(Baillicre brothers ...), Madrid (C. Bailly-Bailliére ...), New York (Hippolyte Bailliere

..-), Leipzig (E. Jung-Meuttel, ...) 1869. Oct. (Rév. Anacardiac.).

Orig. ed.: Jan-Jun 1869 (Bot. Zeit. g Jul 1869; Flora to Sep 1869; BSbF 16 Aug 1869), p. [1]- 198, pl. 1-3 (by A. Faguet, no. 3 partly col.). Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA.

Other ed.: see below Térébinthacées.



  1. Histoire de Pancien groupe des T érébinthacées ... Paris (Imprimerie de E. Martinet .. .)

  2. Oct. (Hist. Térébinth.).

Publ.: 1869 (BSbF 16 Aug 1869; Flora “neu” 10 Sep 1869), p. [1]-51, charts 1-5. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA.

  1. Ecole supérieure de Pharmacie concours de l’aggrégation de 1869. Des Térébinthacées et de ceux de leurs produits qui sont utilisés en pharmacie . . . Paris (Imprimerie générale de Ch. Lahure ...) 1869. Qu. (7 érébinthacées).

Publ.: 1869, p. [1]-200, pl. 1-3 (by A. Faguet, no. 3 partly col.). Copies: G, MO.

  1. Enumération des substances fournies a la médecine et ala pharmacie par Pancien groupe des T érébinthacées ... Paris (Imprimerie générale de Ch. Lahure...) 1869. Oct. (Enum. subst. Térébinth.).

Publ.: 1869 (Flora “neu” 10 Sep 1869), p. [1]-104. Copy: USDA.

  1. Des herborisations cryptogamiques ... Bruxelles (Imprimerie Ve Parent et Cie...) 1879.


Publ.: 1879 (Bot. Zeit. 27 Jun 1979; Nat. Nov. Aug (2). 1880), p. [1]-15. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from J. de Microgr. 3, 1879 (journal! issue n.v.).

  1. Botanique cryptogamique pharmaco-médicale. Programme raisonné d’un cours professé a Pécole supérieure de pharmacie de Paris... Paris (Octave Doin...) 1880. Oct.t (Bot. crypt. pharm.-méd.). Publ.: Vol. 1 (only), in two fasc., p. [1]-x, [1]-481, 7 pl. (by Faguet). Copies: NY, Stevenson. Fasc. 1: Apr-Mai 1880 (p. x: 13 Apr 1880; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1880; Bot. Centralbl. 5-9 Jul 1880; Bot. Zeit. 10 Sep 1880; J. Bot. Aug 1880), p. [i]-x, [1]-138. Fasc. 2: Aug-Oct 1882 (p. [483]: 14 Jul 1882; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1882; Bot. Zeit. 29 Dec 1882), p. 139-481, [483]. Complete volume reissued: 1883 (t.p.), p. [i*-viii*], [i]-x, [1]-481, 7 pl. Copies: G, FH, MO, USDA.

  2. Synopsis et tableau synoptique des familles qui composent la classe des Mycophytes

(Champignons et Lichens) . .. Lons-le-Saunier (Imprimerie et lithographie Lucien Declu-

me...) 1894. Oct. (Syn. Mycophyt.).

Publ.: 1894 (t.p.; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1895), p. [1]-16, chart, [1, expl.]. Copies: G, MICH. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. mycol. France 10(3): 143-158. 1894 (late 1894 or 1 Jan - 15 Feb 1895).

  1. Sous-réene des cryptogames. 2e embranchement Cryptochlorophyllés. Synopsis et

tableau synoptique des familles qui composent la classe des Phycophytes (algues, diatomées,

et bactériens) ... Paris (Société d’Editions scientifiques) 1895. (Syn. Phycophyt.).

Publ.: 1895 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1895), p. [1]-20, 1 table. Copy: NY (orig. imprint covered by sticker: ““Theodor Oswald Weigel, Leipzig’).

  1. Enumération méthodique et raisonnée des familles et des genres de la classe des mycophytes

(champignons et lichens) ... Paris (société d’éditions scientifiques ...) 1896. Oct. (Enum.

méth. mycophyt.).

Publ.: Mar 1896 (cover; p. xvi: 10 Jun 1895; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1896: Bot. Zeit. 1 Mai 1896), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-334, Copies: BR, G, MICH, Stevenson, USDA.

Re-issue: Mar 1896, idem, only difference imprint: Leipzig (Theodor Oswald Weigel), sticker. Copy: NY.

Marchesetti, Carl(o) de [Carl von] (1850-1926), Austro-Italian botanist at Trieste; Dr. med. Wien 1874; travelled in the East 1875-1876 and 1880-1881; director of the Trieste

museum 1876; also director of the Trieste botanical garden, 1904. (Marches.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: FI; other material in many herbaria, see IH (not listed: PI, SS). — Contributed to the Flora exsiccata austro-hungarica.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 12(3): 618; Barnhart 2: 446; BFM 1062, 1063, 1066; BL



2: 356, 357, 688; BM 3: 1237; Bossert p. 253; CSP 8: 324, 10: 716, 12: 483, 17: 7; De Toni 1:

1xxxl; DTS 1: 181-182; Hegi 6(1): 354, 6(2): 1347; IH 2: 501; Kew 3: 586; LS 16870;

Morren ed. 10, p. 35; Rehder 5: 54.4; Saccardo 1: 102-103, 2:67; Tucker 1: 460; Urban-Berl.

P- 373:

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 73: 479. 23 Mar 1898 (to Egypt and Palestina); Bot. Jahrb. 34 (Beibl. 76): 41. 1904 (appointed dir. bot. gard. Trieste); Hedwigia 67: (163). 1927 (d. 2 Apr 1926); Nat. Nov. 26: 311. 1904 (dir. bot. gard.); Nature 117: 596. 1926; Osterr. bot. Z. 26: 247. 1846. (returned from E. Asia), 75: 196. 1926 (d.); Science 63: 473. 1926.

Beck, G., Veg.-Verh. Illyr. Land. 11, 12, 15, 20, 38. rgo1 (Veg. Erde 4).

Béguinot, A., Archivio bot. 2(1): 79-81. 1926.

Blatter, E., Fl. Aden 15. 1916 (Rec. bot. Surv. India 7: 15. 1916); Rec. bot. Surv. India 8: 481. 1933 (err. d. 1883). :

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 290. 1938.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 10: 96. 1904 (dir. bot. gard.), 32: 56 (224). 1927 (d. 2 Apr 1926).

Lusina, G., Annali Bot. 25: 158. 1958.

Marchesetti, C., Osterr. bot. Z. 26: 36, 311. 1876 (on trip to India), Ricordi d’un viaggio alle Indie orientali, Triest 1876, 11, 21 p. (id.).

Prihoda, M., Bot. Centralbl. 3/4: 1088. 1880 (on 1 Oct 1880 to Eastern Asia); Osterr. bot. Z. 33: 1-8. 1883 (portr., bibl., biogr.; trip 1880-1881 ended abruptly at Pulu Penang because of a sun stroke).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 83. 1903 (b. 17 Jan 1850). EPONYMY: Marchesettia Hauck (1882).

  1. Una gita al Gran Sasso d Italia [Bolletino delle scienze naturali 1875]. Oct. Publ.: 1875, p. [1 ]-11. Copy: FI.— Reprinted and to be cited from Boll. Sci. nat. 1(6) 233-243.

5391- Particolarita della Flora d Isola ... [Bollettino delle Scienze naturali 1879] . Oct. Publ.: 1879, p. [1 ]-6. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Boll. Sci. nat. 4: 162-167.


  1. Una passeggiata alle Alpi Carniche ... [Bollettino delle Scienze naturali 1879]. Oct. Publ.: 1879, p. [1 ]-23. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Boll. Sci. nat. 4: 168-190.

  2. :

5393- Gita ad un banco di coralli a Gedda ... {Bollettino della Societa adriatica di Scienze

naturali in Trieste, 1880]. Oct.

Publ.: 1880, p. [1 ]-7. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Boll. Soc. adriat. Sci. nat., Trieste 6(1): 115-121. 1880.

  1. Florula del Campo Marzio .. . | Bollettino della Societa adriatica di Scienze naturali in

Trieste, 1882]. Oct.

Publ.: 1882 (BSbF rd. Sep-Oct 1882); p. [1]-14. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Boll. Soc. adriat. Sci. nat., Trieste 7 (1): 154-167. 1882.

5395- Due nuove specie di Muscari .. . [Bollettino della Societa adriatica di Scienze naturali in

Dneste, 1882), Oct.

Publ.: 1882 (BSbF rd. Sep-Oct 1882), p. [1]-2 Copy: FI. —- Reprinted and to be cited from Boll. Soc. adriat. Sci. nat., Trieste 7(1): 266-267. 1882. Use of the generic name Botryanthus.

  1. La flora di Parenzo del Dr. Carlo Marchesetti Trieste (Tipografia del Lloyd austro-

ungarico) 1890. Qu.

Publ.: 1890 (Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1891), p. [1], [1]-98. Copes: BR, FI — Reprinted and to be cited from Atti Mus. Civ. Stor. nat. Trieste 8: [25]-122. 18g0 (copies at B, NY).

5397- Flora dell’isola di Lussino di Muzio di Tommasini con aggiunte e correzioni di Carlo Marchesetti. Trieste (Tipografica del Lloyd austriaco) 1895. Qu. (Fl. Lussino).



Author of basic manuscript: Muzio Giuseppe Spirito de Tommasini (1794-1879).

Publ.: 1895, p- [1 ]-96. Copies: G, FI. — Reprinted or preprinted from Atti Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Trieste 9, 1895.

Ref.: Solla, Bot. Centralbl. 67: 20-21. 30 Jun 1896.

  1. Bibliografia botanica ossia catalogo delle publicazioni intorno alla flora del litorale

qustriaco ... Trieste (Tipografia del Lloyd austriaco) 1895. Oct. (Bzbl. bot. litor. austriac.).

Publ.: 1895, p. [1]-82. Copy: FI. — Reprinted or preprinted from Atti Mus. civ. Storia nat. Trieste 9: 129-210. 1895. Bibl. of 762 nos.; preliminary publ. for a flora of the Austrian coastal regions: see below Fl. Trieste.

5399- Flora di Trieste e de’suoi dintorni ... Trieste (Tipografia del Lloyd austriaco) 1896-

  1. Oct. (Fl. Trieste).

Publ.: Mai-Jun 1897 (Bot. Zeit. 16 Oct, 1 Nov 1897, 16 Jun 1898; Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1897 asa whole; id. Bot. Centralbl. 7 Jul 1897; id. Osterr. bot. Z. 1 Aug 1897), p. [i]-civ, [1, h.t.], [1, note], [1]-727, chart. Copies: G, KNAW, MO, NY, US.

Ref.: Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 3: 200. 15 Dec 1897 (Flora based on herb. of Muzio

Giuseppe Spirito de Tommasini (1794-1879)). Solla, R.F. Bot. Centralbl. 71: 371-372. 2 Sep 1897 (reviewed as a whole).

Marcialis, Efisio (fl. 1889), Italian botanist at Cagliari (Marcralis). HERBARIUM and types: FI, TAL. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 389, 688; Saccardo 1: 103.

  1. Piccola flora spontanea dintorm di Cagliari. Cagliari (Tipografia del carriere) 1889. Oct.

(Piccola fl. Cagliart).

Publ.: 1889 (Nat. Nov. Sep (2) 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 9 Oct 1889; Bot. Zeit. 25 Oct 1889), p. [1]-65. Copy: CAG. — Carlo Steinberg has (at FI) an incomplete photocopy of the CAG original. See Just, Bot. Jahresber. 17(2): 291-292. 1892, Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1892, and Bot. Zeit. 51(2): 143. 1893 for a 1892 issue (not seen by us).

Marck, Wilhelm von der (1814-1900), German pharmacist and naturalist at Hamm; from 1866 living as “‘Privatgelehrter”. (Marck).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 299; Barnhart 2: 44.7; BM 3: 1238; CSP 4: 233- 234, 8: 324-325, 10: 717, 12: 483-484, 17: 9-10; GR p. 150 (orig. info.); Jackson p. 187; LS 36594; Quenstedt p. 278; Rehder 5: 545; TL-2/2: 3062; Tucker 1: 460.

Anon., Nat. Nov. 22: 909. 1900.

Brenre, A. S. H. & J. G. de Bruyn, eds., Leven werken J. G. S. van Breda 416. 1979. Zittel, 1A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 411. 1901.

  1. FMossile Fische, Krebse und Pflanzen aus dem Plattenkalke der jungsten Kreide in Westphalen. Cassel (Verlag von Theodor Fischer) 1863. Qu. (Foss. Fische, Krebse Pfl.). Publ.: 1863, p. [i], [1]-83, pl. 1-14 (uncol. liths.). Copy: USGS. — Palaontographica vol. 11.

Marcy, Randolph Barnes (1812-1887), American explorer, soldier, naturalist, and author. (Marcy).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 447; BM 3: 1239; CSP 4: 235; Herder p. 54; Kew 3: 587; Lenley p. 463; ME 3: 622 [index]; NAF 28B(2): 344; Rehder 5: 545; Tucker r: 460.

Coville, F. V., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 25(3): 155-157. 1898.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 258-259. 1950; Southw. Louisiana J. 7: 28. 1967.

Geiser, S. W., Natural. Frontier 278. 1948.


Phillips, V. T. and M. E., Guide mss. coll. Acad. Philadelphia p. 364. 1963. Reveal, J. & Hafen, in Hafen et al., W. America ed. 3. 383. 1970.

Rodgers, A. D., John Torrey 141, 231-234, 247, 265. 1942.

Winkler, C. H., Bull. Univ. Texas 18: 11-12. 1915.

  1. 32d Congress, 2nd Session. Senate. Executive, no. 54. Exploration of the Red River of —

Louisiana, in the year 1852: by Randolph B. Marcy, ... assisted by George B. McClellan, ...

With reports on the natural history of the country, and numerous illustrations. Washington

(Robert Armstrong, ...) 1853. Oct. (Explor. Red River Louisiana).

Assistant: George Brinton McClellan (1826-1885).

First issue: Nov 1853 (t.p.; submitted 8 Nov 1853), p. [1]-xv, [1]-320, pl. 7-12, 1, 3-11, 1-6, I- 18, [plants:] 7-17, 19-20, 2 maps. Copies: MICH, USDA. — Botanical appendix by John Torrey (1796-1873), p. [266]-293.

Second issue: 1854, p. [i]-xv, [1 ]-320, pl. 1-72, 1, 3-11, 1-6, 1-18, [plants:] 1-17, 19-20. Copies: G, MO, NY. — “33d Congress, Ist session, Senate. Executive Doc. ... Exploration ... ” Washington (Beverley Tucker, senate printer) 1854. Oct.

Third issue: 1854, p. [i]-xv, [1]-286, pl. 1-12, 1, 3-11, 1-6, 1-18 (in USDA copy: 3 lacking, 1 double), [plants:] 7-77, 79-20, map. Copies: MICH, USDA. — “33d Congress, 1st Session. Ho. of Reps. Executive Doc. Exploration ... “Washington (A. O. P. Nicholson, public printer) 1854. Oct. — Coville (1898) suggests that this issue may have been the second chronologically. Appendix Torrey p. [247]-272.

Marés, Paul (1826-1900), French botanist, explorer of Algeria and the Balearic Islands. (Mares).

HERBARIUM and tTypPEs: MPU; other material at AL, FI, LY, P, W.—50 letters to Malinvaud aie IE

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 447; BJI 1: 38; BL 2: 491, 688; BM 3: 1239;

Colmeiro 1: clxxxvii; CSP 4: 236, 8: 327, 10: 719, 17: 15; IH 2: 502; Jackson p. 508; Kew 3:

586; Morren ed. 2, p. 32, ed. 10, p. 56; Quenstedt p. 279; Rehder 5: 545; Tucker 1: 460.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 83: 368. 1900 (d.); Bot. Not. 1901: 114. (d.); Nat. Nov. 22: 458. 1900 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 50: 307. 1900 (d.).

Battandier et Malinvaud, Bull. Soc. bot. France 47: 177-179. 1900 (d. 24 Mai 1900).

Cosson, E., Comp. fl. atl. 1: 68-69. 1881 (itin., bibl.).

Cosson et Durieu, Exp. sci. Algérie bot. 2: xxxvi-xxxvil. 1868 (itin., bibl.).

Ficheur, E., Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 3. 28: 525-526. 1900.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 6: 196. 1900 (d. 25 Mai 1900).

Maire, R., Progr. connaiss. bot. Algérie 93, 110. 1931.

EPONYMY: Maresia Pomel (1874) is in all likelihood dedicated to P. Marés.

  1. Catalogue raisonné des plantes vasculaires des tles Baléares ... Paris (G. Masson, éditeur ..). 1880. Oct. (Cat. pl. vasc. Baléares).

Co-author: Guillaume Vigineix (x-1877).

Publ.: Oct 1880 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1880; Bot. Centralbl. 15-19 Nov 1880; Bot. Zeit. 3 Dec 1880; J. Bot. Nov 1880), p. [i*-1i*], [i]-xlvii, [1, note], [1]-370, [1, cont.], pl. 1-9 (uncol.). Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. — The presentation of a set of proofs of p. 1-160 to the Société botanique de France on 8 Nov 1878 does not constitute effective publication (BSbF 26: 197. 1897). The same holds for the deposit of a larger set of proofs on 23 Mai 1879 (ib.). Ong Jul 1880 (ib. 27: 242. 1880) Mares presented “‘le volume complet” to the Société; however it is not clear whether this was a full set of proofs or the effectively published book. It is reviewed by the Bull. Soc. bot. France 27(bibl.): 148-150. Nov-Dec. 1880.

Ref.: Willkom, M., Bot. Centralbl. 6: 373-375. 1881.

Maresquelle, Henri J. (//. 1929), French mycologist, high school teacher at Poitiers. (Maresq.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.


  1. Série A. no. 1201. No d’ordre 2069. Theses présentees a la faculté des sciences de Paris pour obtenir le grade de docteur és sciences naturelles par H.-J. Maresquelle ... 1° thése. — Etudes sur le parasitisme des Urédinées. 2° these. — Propositions . .. soutenues le [29 juin stamped] 1929 devant la commission d’examen: ... Paris (Masson et cie., éditeurs .. .)
  2. Oct. (Ktud. paras. Uredin.).

Thesis: 29 Jun 1929, p. [i-ii], [1]-122, [1-2], pl. 1-4. Copy: FH.

Journal issue: Mai 1930, Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 10. 12: 1-122, pl. 1-4.

Margot, Henri (1807-1894), Swiss teacher and botanist, pupil of A. P. de Candolle; B.Sc. Genéve 1829; teacher with count Messala at Zante (Ionian isles) 1834-1837; from 1837- 1839 at Valleyres; from 1839-1855 high school teacher at Vevey; from 1855-1873 id. at the Collége cantonal of Lausanne. (Margot).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LAU; further material, especially from Zante, at G.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 448; BM 3: 1240; CSP 4: 238; IH 2: 503; Kew 3: 587; Laségue p. 346; PR 5812 (ed. 1: 6506); Rehder 5: 545; Tucker 1: 460.

Boissier, E., Fl. orient. 1: xiii. 1867 (see also Voy. bot. Espagne 2: 263. 1840). Briquet, J., Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 307. 1940 (biogr., bibl.). :

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 431. 1880.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. Souvenirs 332, 469. 1862.

EPONYMyY: Margotia Boissier (1838).

  1. Essai @une flore de Vile de Zante ... [Geneve 1839-1840]. Qu. (Essai fl. Zante).

Co-author: Georges Francois Reuter (1805-1872).

Publ.: 1839-1840 (journal publ.; reprint not dated), p. [1]-104, 81-96, pl. 1-6 (uncol. liths, by Heyland). Copies: FI, G, NY, REG. — Reprinted or preprinted from Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genéve 8(2): 249-314 [reprint p. 1-64, pl. 1-4,6] Sep-Oct 1839, 9(1): 1-56 [reprint p. 65-104 & 81-96, pl. 5]. 1840 [volume published Mar-Apr 1841]. — Briquet (1940) gives 1838 as the date of publication of the reprint but we do not know the arguments for this statement. Vol. 8(2) of the Mémoires is for 1838 but was published 1839. The paper was “read” to the Society Mar 1838; the reprint has no title-page. The abnormal pagination suggests preprinting of at least part 2. Copies of reprints with journal pagination: E, WU.

Marie-Victorin, Frére [Joseph Louis Conrad Kirouac] (1885-1944), Canadian clergy- man and botanist; Dr. sci. Montréal 1922; high school teacher until 1920; at the Faculty of Sciences of the Université de Montréal 1920-1944. (Marie-Vict.).

HERBARIUM and Types: MT; duplicates see IH.

NAME: Secular name Kirouac derived from the original family name in Brittany “de Keroack’’. Listed sometimes alphabetically under secular name.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 295; BFM 1593; BJI 2: 111; BL 1: 144, 307; GR p. 739; Hirsch p. 189; IF suppl. 3: 218; IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 503; Kew 3: 587-588; NAF 28B(2): 344; NW p. 52; PH 209; Plesch p. 325; Zander ed. 10, p. 688; ed. 11, p. 785 (b. 3 Apr

Anon., J. New York Bot. Gard. 45: 184-185. 1944 (d. 15 Jul 1944).

Audet, L. P., Le frére Marie-Victorin . .. ses idées pedagogiques. Québec 1942, xv, 283 p. (bibl. 298 nos. by M. Gauvreau).

Beaudet, G., ed., Confidence et combat, lettres (1924-1944) frére Marie-Victorin, €.c. Montréal, Qué. 1969, 253 p., 4 pl.

Boivin, B., Provancheria 10: 185 [index sub Victorin]. 1980 (coll.).

Brunel, J., Rev. canad. Biol. 3(4): 379-387. Nov 1944 (obit., portr.)

Dansereau, P., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33: ili-viii. 1945 (portr. drawing by Francoise M. Dansereau).



Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3):-178. 1838.

Gagnon, A., Natural. Canad. 71: 172-175. 1944 (obit., portr.).

Gauvreau, M., Ann. ACFAS 4: 144-189. 1938 (portr., bibl.); 11: 98. 1945 (unpubl. bibl. at MT).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).

Humprey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 164-166. 1961.

Keefe, Biologist 48(3/4): 60. 1966.

Kucyniak, J., Rhodora 48: 265-272. 1946.

Le Gallo, C., Natural. Canad. 80: 143-158. 1953.

Maheux, G., Agriculture, Montréal 1(3): 167-170. 1944.

Marie-Victorin, Itinéraires botaniques dans |’Ile de Cuba, 3 series 1942-1956 (496, 410, 227 p.).

Munz, P. A. & D. D. Keck, A California flora 1574. 1959 (FV. laurent. has chromosome nos.!).

Raymond, M., La derniére herborisation du frére Marie-Victorin [15 juillet 1944]. Montréal 1944, 15 p., portr., Extrait du Devoir 12 aout 1944. (death in an automobile accident).

Rousseau, J., Jardin botanique Montréal, undated, 24 p. (photograph of statue).

Rumilly, R., Le frére Marie-Victorin et son temps, Montréal 1949, 459 p., 35 photogr.

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 75. 1916.

Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev: 43: 292. 1077.

Stehlé, H., Bull. Soc. bot. France 93: 3-6. 1946 (bibl.).

Verdoorn, F., Pl. pl. Sci. Latin America xxv. 1945.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Founded and edited the Contributions du Laboratoire de Botanique de P Université de Montréal, 1922-1944 (reprints from other journals as well as orig. publ.; many of M.-V.’s own publications are included in the series).

NOTE: Marie-Victorin was the first author to provide chromosome numbers in a flora: Fi. laurent. 1935.

EPONYMY: Victorinia Léon (1941). 5406. La flore du Temiscouata. Mémoire sur une nouvelle exploration botanique de ce comté

de la province de Québec ... Québec (Imprimerie Laflamme) 1916. Oct. Publ.: 1916 (US rd. 26 Sep 1916), p. [1]-127.Copres: MO, US. — Reprinted and to be cited

from Natural. Canad. 41: 99-108, 115-119, 132-138, 148-155, 165-170, 181-188. 1915, —

42: 6-12, 18-29, 34-44, 51-59, 68-79, 106-111, 121-126, 136-143, 153-158, 168-175, 181- 187. 1915/16.

  1. Les filicinées du Québec. Thése présentée a la Faculté des sciences de Université de

Montréal, pour l’obtention du grade de docteur és sciences, le 22 mai, 1922. Montréal 1923.

Fil. Québec).

Publ.: Mar 1923 (p. 7: 12 Feb 1923, US rd. 12 Jun 1923), p. [1]-98. Copies: PH, US. — Rev. trim. canad. 9, Mars 1923, suppl. -

  1. Etudes floristiques sur la région du lac Saint-Jean ... Montréal 1925. Oct. (Etud. fl. lac


Publ.: 23-31 Dec 1925 (t.p. 1925; p. [7]: 23 Dec 1925), p. [1]-174. Copies: MO, PH, E, G, Voss. — Contr. Lab. bot. Univ. Montréal 4, 1925.

  1. Les Equisétinées du Québec... New York (Henry G. Fiedler .. .), Montréal (Laboratoi-

re de botanique ...), Leipzig (T. Oswald Weigel) ...) 1927. (Equis. Québec).

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1927 (p. [vii]: 27 Sep 1927), p. [i-xiti], [1]-134, [135-137]. Copy: PH. — Contr. Lab. bot. Univ. Montréal 9, 1927.

  1. Les gymnospermes du Québec ... New York (Henry G. Fiedier ...), Montréal (Labora-

toire de botanique ...), Leipzig (T. Oswald Weigel ...) 1927. (Gymnosp. Québec).

Publ.: 14 Nov-31 Dec 1927 (p. [v]: 14 Nov 1927; USDA rd. Feb 1928), p. [i-xi], [1], [1]-147- Copies: PH, USDA. — Contr. Lab. bot. Univ. Montréal; 10, 1927.



  1. Les Liltiflores du Québec (Liliacees, Pontédériacées, Iridacées, Joncacées.) ... New

York (Henry G. Fiedler. . .), Montréal (Laboratoire de botanique.. . .), Leipzig (T. Oswald

Weigel ...) 1929. (Lliafl. Québec).

Publ.: Dec 1929 (t.p. 1929; p- [vii], 24 Dec 1929), p. [1]-202. Copy: PH. — Contr. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montréal 14, 1929.

  1. Le genre Rorippa dans le Québec ... New York (Henry G. Fiedler ...), Montréal (Laboratoire de botanique ...), Leipzig (T. Oswald Weigel . . .) 1930. (Rorippa Québec). Publ.: 1930, p- [i], [1]-17- Copy: PH. — Contr. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montréal 17, 1930.

  2. L’ Anacharis canadensis histoire et solution d’un imbroglio taxonomique ... New York (Henry G. Fiedler), Montréal (Laboratoire de botanique . . .), Leipzig (T. Oswald Weigel ...) 1931. (Anacharts canad.).

Publ.: 1931, p. [1]-43- Copy: PH. — Contr. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montréal 18, 1931.

  1. Les Spadiciflores du Québec (Aracées, Lemnacées.) ... New York (Henry G. Fiedler

_..), Montréal (Institut botanique ...), Leipzig (T. Oswald Weigel ...) 1931. (Spadicifl.


Publ.: Dec 1931 (p. [7]: 25 Nov 1931), p. [1]-60. Copy: PH. — Contr. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montréal 19, 1931.

  1. Flore laurentienne illustrée de 22 cartes et de 2800 dessins. . . Montréal (Imprimerie de

la Salle ...) 1935. 16-mo. (FI. laurent.).

Artist: Frere Alexandre L. Sc. (1892-x) (Alexandre Blouin).

Publ.: 3-25 Apr 1935 (p. 11: 3 Apr 1935, see letter Merrill to author of 26 Apr 1935 acknowl. receipt; MO rd. 6 Jun 1935; Nat. Nov. Jul 1935), p- [i-vi], map, 1-917, [918, err. ]. Copies: L, MO, NY, US, USDA.

Supplément a la Flore laurentienne: 1947 (p. 3*: 15 Jul 1946), p. [1*]-63*. Copy: USDA. — _..“comprenant des additions et des corrections ainsi que la mise a jour de la nomencla- ture” par Ernest Rouleau (1916-x) ... Montréal (Fréres des écoles chrétiennes ...) 1947. (Suppl. Fl. laurent.).

Reprint with suppl.: 1947, p- [i-v], 1-916, [1, err.], [1*]-63*. Copy: US. — “Réimpression

augmentée d’un supplément comprenant ... par Ernest Rouleau ...”’ Montréal (Les fréres des Ecoles Chrétiennes ...) 1947. Ed. 2: “entiérement revue et mise a jour par Ernest Rouleau ...”” Sep 1964, Montréal (Les

presses del’ Université de Montréal), p. [i, iii-v], map, 1-925, [1, cont. ]. Copies: FAS, US. — (see Taxon 15: 154. 1966). — Revised by Ernest Rouleau (1916-x). — Six hundred additional species; in all 1568 sp. Ref.: Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 73: 235-237. Aug 1935. Moldenke, H. N., Torreya 35: 128-129. 14 Oct 1935.

Marion, Antoine-Fortuné (1846-1900), French zoologist and palaeobotanist at Marseil- le. (Marion).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown; some plants collected by “Marion” in North Africa were received by K in 1878.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHy: Andrews p. 299-300; Barnhart 2: 448; BJI 1: 38; BM 3:

1241, 7: 795; CSP 8: 331-332, 10: 723, 12: 484-485, 17: 25-26; Jackson p. 51, 100, 183, 185;

Kew 3: 588; Moebius p. 144; Morren ed. 10, p. 65; Quenstedt p. 280; Rehder 5: 546; Tucker

1: 460.

Anon., C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 131(25): 1037. 1901 (d. 10 Oct 1846); Bull. Soc. géol. France ser. 4. 1: 281. 1901 (obit.).

Evens, F. M. J. C., Gesch. algol. Belgie 180. 1944.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 44 (‘““Marion” pl. at K).

Jourdan, E., C. R. hebd. Sci. Mém. Soc. Biol., Paris 1900: 1-3. 1g00(obit.).

Jourdan, Vayssiére et Gastine, Ann. Fac. Sci. Marseille rr: 1-36. rgo1 (portr., bibl.) (b. 10 Oct 1846, d. 24 Jan 1900).

Saporta, G. de, Mém. Sci. Agric., Acad. Arts Aix 13: 241-284. 1888 (rev. and bibl. of M’s scientific publ.).



COMPOSITE WoRKs: With L. C. J. G. de Saporta, L’évolution du régne végétal, 2 vols. 1885 (and many other publications; see Saporta). With L. Laurent, Exam. coll. vég. foss. Roumanie, 1898.

EPONYMY: Marionella F. S. Wagner (1954) 1s dedicated to Marion Elizabeth Stilwell Cave (1904-x), American plant cytologist and embryologist.

  1. Description des plantes fossiles des calcaires marneux de Ronzon (Haute-Loire). Paris (G. Masson) 1872. Oct. (Descr. pl. foss. Ronzon). Publ.: Jun 1872, p. [1]-40, pl. 22-23 (uncol. liths.). Copies: USGS. — Repr. from Ann. Sci. nat.

ser. 5. 14(6): 325-364. Jun 1872.

5416a. Observations sur le Dracaena goldieana et sur certains caractéres morphologiques des

Asparagées ... Marseille (Typographie et lithographie Cayer et C. ...) 1882. (Observ.

Dracaena gold.).

Publ.: Mai 1882 (t.p. reprint), p. [1]-12, 2 col. pl. Copy: PH. — Reprinted from Revue hortic. Bouches-du-Rh6éne, Mai 1882 (journal publ. n.v.).

  1. Note sur [’ Allibertia intermedia (Nouveau genre d’Amaryllidées) ... [Marseille] (Typ. et lith. Cayer et Cie., ...) [1882] (Not. Allibertia). Publ.: Nov 1882, p. [1]-4, 1 pl. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Revue hortic. Bouches-du-Rhone.

Marissal, Félix Victor (1824-1881), Belgian botanist. (Marissal). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at BR.

NAME: Barnhart has “‘Victor Joseph Marissal’’, based on Bibl. nat. Belg. (b. 5 Jan 1884, 16 Sep 1881).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: BL 2: 38, 688; BM 3: 1241; De Toni r: 1xxxi, 2: Ixxix; IH 2: 503; Jackson p. 273; Nordstedt p. 22; PR 5815; Rehder 5: 546; Tucker 1: 460.

Crépin, F., Manuel fl. belg. Ixx. 1860; Guide bot. Belgique 459. 1878.

Evens, F. M. J. C., Gesch. algol. Belgie 180. 1944.

  1. Catalogue des phanérogames observées es 1842 dans les environs de Tournay, dispose

suivant le systéme de M. B.-C. Dumortier, ... Tournay (Imprimerie de Ch. Robert, . eS)

  1. Oct. (Cat. phan. Tournay).

Publ.: 1846, p. [i-ti], [1]-91. Copy: NY. — Reprinted from Ann. Soc. Litt. Sci. Beaux-Arts Tournay.

  1. Catalogue des especes omises dans la Flore du Hainaut et observées dans les environs de

Tournai, par F. -D. Marissal ... (Premiére centurie). Algues. Tournai [Doornik] (Typo-

graphie de J. Casterman et fils, ...) 1850. Oct. (Cat. esp. omises Fl. Hainaut).

Publ.: 1850, p. [i-ii], [1]-59, pl. 1-2 with text. Copy: BR. - Mem. Soc. hist. litt. Tournai, no. 1. — The author’s name is given, erroneously, as F. D. Marissal. (so quoted by PR).

Mariti, Giovanne (abate) (1736-1806), Italian clergyman and botanist. (Marit). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: PR (ed. 1: 6510-6512); Rehder 1: 451, 536; Saccardo 1: 103-104 (b. 4 Nov 1736, d. 13 Sep 1806); SO 18g0.

  1. Odeporico o sia itinerario per le colline pisane. Tomo i [11]. Firenze 1797 [-1799] (a spese di Giovacchino Pagani...) 1797. Oct. (Odeporico).

1: 1797, p- [i]-xul, [1]-3545 botany on p. 161-224.

2: 1799, p. [i]-iv, 1 map, [1]-344, 4 pl. Copy: FI.

  1. Della Robbia sua coltivazione e suoi usi. [Firenze] 1776. Oct. (Robbia). Publ.: 1776, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-294, 5 pl. Copy: FI. — On Rubia tinctorum. Inf. C. Steinberg.



Mariz, Joaquim de (1847-1916), Portuguese botanist; naturalist at the Botanical Depart- ment of the University of Coimbra from 1882. (Mariz).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: COI (Inf. A. Fernandes).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 448 (b. 28 Jan 1847); BL 2: 474, 688; BM 3:

1241; Bossert p. 253; Colmeiro 1: clxxxvii; CSP 17: 26 (q.v. for Subsidios 1885- 1900);

Morren ed. 10, p. 93; Rehder 5: 546; TMndken 1: 460.

Fernandes, A., Anal. Soc. Brot. 44: 68-69. 1978.

Henriques, J. A., Broteria 14(2): 117-118, pl. 3. 1916 (portr., d. 1 Apr 1916), Bol. Soc. Brot. 27: 214-215. 1917 (portr.).

Willkomm, M., Grundz. Pfl. -Verbr. Iber. Halbins. 26. 1896 (Veg. Erde 1).

  1. Subsidios para o estudo da flora portugueza. 1. Papilionaceae L. ... Coimbra (Imprensa da

Universidade) 1884. Oct. (Subsidios I. Papilion.).

Publ.: Mar-Jun 1884 (p. 5: 15 Feb 1884; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1884; Bot. Centralbl. 21-25 Jul 1884), p. [1]-70, 1 pl. Copy: G. — Preprinted or — less likely — reprinted from Bol. ann. Soc. Brot. 2: 58-123. 1884.

Ref.: Willkomm, M., Bot. Centralbl. 19: 107-108. 1884.

  1. Subsidios para o estudo da flora portugueza. 11. Cruciferae L. ... Coimbra (Imprensa da

Universidade) 1885. Oct. (Subsidios LI, Cruciferae).

Publ.: es -Jun 1885 (Bot. Zeit. 31 Jul 1885; Bot. Centralbl. 31 Aug- 4 an 1885), p. [1]-40.

Copy: G. — Preprinted (fide M. Willkomm 1885) from Bol. Soc. Brot. 3(2): 72-105, 106-109.


Subsidios 111, Ranunculaceae was published Bol. Soc. Brot. 4(2): 81-112. 1886 (no reprint seen), 1V, Ordo Caryophyllinarum, ib. 5(1/2): 85-112, 113-123. 1887 (id.), V, Ordo Succulen- tarum, ib. 6(1): 16-44. 1888 (id.), VI, Ordo Gruinalium, ib. 8(2): 159-160. 1890, 8(3/4): 161- 172. 1890 (id.). The next issue dealt with Compositae, see below.

Ref.: Willkomm, M., Bot. Centralbl. 23: 276. 1885.

  1. As Compostas de Portugal. Subsidios para o estudo da flora portugueza ... Coimbra (Imprensa da Universidade) [s.d.] Oct. Publ.: 1893 or 1894, (Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1894, Nov(2) 1896), p. [i]-xv, [1]-238, pl. 1-2. Copres: , MO. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bol. Soc. Brot. 9(2/3): 144-208. 1891, 9(3/4): 209-243. 1892, 10(3/4): 196-253. 1892. 11(2/3): 132-192. 1892, 11(4): 193-198. 1893. This series of papers (Subszdios) was continued in the Bol. Soc. Brot. through volume 20, 1893: Umbelliferas: 12: 171-176. Dec 1895, 177-256 Mar 1896. Polygoneae: 13: 176-201. Mar 1897. Chenop., Amarant.: 14: 175-214. Apr 1808. Valer., Dips., Ambros.: 15: 175-205. Dec 1898. Primul., Gent.: 16: 156-195. Mar 1900. Convolv., Cuscut., Solan. 17: 159-195. Mai 1901. Caprif., Vacc., Eric. 18: 80-125. Jul 1g02 (p. 80: Mar 1902). Suppl. Crassul. 20: 184-199. 1905.

Markgraf, Friedrich (1897-x), German botanist; Dr. phil. Berlin 1922 (student of Engler and Diels); from 1921-1943 at the Botanical Museum, Berlin— Dahlem; Habil. Berlin 1927; prof. of botany Berlin 1934-1943; 1943-1945 at Muncheberg; 1945-1957 at the Botanical Garden Munchen; 1957-1958 at Ankara; from 1958-1967 at Zurich as professor of botany and director of the botanical garden. (Markgr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B (destroyed), E, M, Z.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 12(3): 76; Backer p. 355; Barnhart 2: 448; BFM 9: 1500 Bossert p. 253; BJI 2: 111; GR p. 110; Hirsch p. 189; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Markgr.’’); IF suppl. 4: 329; IH 2: 503; Kew 3: 589-590; Langman p. 473; LS suppl. 17354; Moebius p. 142, 143; MW p. 299; Roon p. 74; SK 4: cxii; TL-2/1711, 2504, 2571; Zander ed. 10, p. 688, ed. 11, p. 785 (b. 1 Feb 1897); Zep-Tim p. 80-81 (b. 1 Feb 1897).

Anon., Fl. Males. Bull. 14: 624. 1959 (app. Zurich), 30: 27-49. 1977; Osterr. bot. Z. 81: 320.



1932 (““Oberassistent” at B), 83: 79. 1934 (““Kustos” at B); 83: 318. 1934 (extraord. prof. bot. Berlin): 85: 80: 1936 (agricultural botany course).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 73. 1978.

Eckardt, Th., Willdenowia 4(2): 176. 1966; Bot. Jahrb. 86: ix-xiv. 1967 (tribute, portr.).

Hgdge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 130-131. 1937. Contr. U.S. natl. Herb 30(1): 204. 1947.

Pilger, R., Mitt. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berl.-Dahl. 1(1): 15, 19. 1953.

Rohweder, O. et al., Bot. Jahrb. 86; xv-xxiv. 1967 (bibl.).

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 22: 1526. 1968 (on Festschrift).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) EP, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, Gnetales, 13: 407-441. 1926. (2) A. A. Pulle, Fl. Suriname, Gnetaceae, 1(1): 1-3. Mai 1932, Apocynaceae 4(1): 1-65. Mai 1932, corr. 4(1): 443-447. Sep 1937.

FESTSCHRIFT: Botanische Jahrbticher, vol. 86. 1967, edited by Th. Eckardt & O. Rohweder (portr., bibl., biogr. on p. vil- xxiv).

5425- Pflanzen aus Albanien 1928 ... Wien (Holder-Pichler Tempsky, A. G. ...) 1931. Qu.

Publ.: 1931 (Nat. Nov. Nov 1931), cover (of reprint with special text), [317]-360, pl. 7 (uncol.), 1931. Copies: B, US. — Reprinted from Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.- naturw. KI]. 102: 317-360, pl. 1. 1931.

  1. Pflanzengeographie von Albanien ihre Bedeutung fiir Vegetation und Flora der Mittel- meerlander ... Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Erwin Nagele G.M.B.H.) 1932. Qu. (Pfl.-Geogr. Albanien). Publ.: 1932 (p. [1]: 31 Oct 1931), p. [ii]-vi, [1]-132, pl. 7-7 with text, [1, expl.], map. Copies: B, BR, G, MICH. — Bibliotheca botanica Heft 105, 1932. Precursor: An den Grenzen des Mittelmeergebietes. Pflanzengeographie von Mittelalbanien, Repert. Sp. nov., Beih. 45, 1927, 217 p., 73 pl., map. For review see A. Hayek (1928). Ref.: Hayek, A., Osterr. bot. Z. 77: 233-234. 1928. Janchen, E., Osterr. bot. Z. 81: 313-314. 1932. Turrill, W. B., J. Bot. 71: 78-79. 1933.

Markham, [Sir] Clements Robert (1830-1916), British geographer and botanist; tra- veller in Peru (1852-1854); involved in the introduction of Cinchona into India (visiting S. America agian 1860); employed by the India Office 1858-1862 (Cinchona), 1867-1877 (Geogr. dept.). (Markham).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM (Indian cultivated Cinchona), E (Canad.), K (Peru).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 355; Barnhart 2: 449; BB p. 206; BM 3: 1242, 7:

795-796; Bossert p. 253; CSP 4: 245, 8: 332, 10: 724, 17, 17:27; Desmond p. 419-420; DSB 9:

123-124; IH 2: 503; Jackson p. 577; Kew 3: 590-591; Langman p. 473; Plesch p. 325; PR

5816-5817; Rehder 5: 546; SK 1: cxxv; Tucker 1: 461.

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 205. 1967.

Anon., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1916: 50-51.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 54: 96. 1916.

Burkill, I. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 5, 31, 113, 134, 135. 1965.

Drewitt, F. D., Apothec. Garden 38. 1922.

Embacher, F., Lexik. Reisen 200-201. 1882.

Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. Brit. Columbia at E).

Herrera, F. L., Pl. cuzcor. herrer. 24. 1930.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 44 (Andes material “1859-1873” at K).

Markham, A. H., The life of Sir Clements R. Markham, K.C.B.; F.R.S., London 1917, xi, 384 Pp.

Markham, C. R., A memoir of the Lady Ana de Osorio ... with a plea for the correct spelling of the Chinchona genus. London 1874, 99 p. (BSbF 22 (Bibl.): xcii. 1875).

Murray, G., Hist: coll. BM(NH) 1: 166. 1904; Geogr. J. 25(2): 121-123. Feb 1905 (descr. of

Clementsia markhamiana with notes).



Scott Keltie, J., Geogr. J. 47(3): 161-176. Mar 1916 (obit., b. 20 Jul 1830, d. 30 Jun 1916; p. 172-176 by A. H. Markham).

Taton, R., ed., Science in the 19th. cent. 386. 1965.

Weberbauer, A., Pfl.-Welt Peruan. Anden 14, 32. 1911 (Veg. Erde 12).

Williams, D., Geogr. J. 143(3): 343-352. 1968 (an “intimate view” of M’s reconstruction of the Geographical Department of the India Office based on numerous original sources).

NOTE: For contemporary notices on Markham’s efforts to secure Cinchona for the British empire see e.g. the amusing, but most likely not always equally fair, notices in the Gard. Chron. 1859, p. 464, 1860, p. 693, 712-713, 731-732, 751-752, 776. (“...i1t appears that in the hands of the British Government it has been impossible for Englishmen to do what has long since been effected by Dutch and French.” Even the British empire could not command good luck, however).

EPONYMY: Markhamia Seemann ex Baillon (1888).

  1. Travels in Peru and India while superintending the collection of Chinchona plants and seeds in South America, and their introduction into India... London (John Murray, .. .)
  2. Oct. (Travels).

Publ.: 1862 (p. xvii: 16 Oct 1862), front., p. [i]-xvili, [1]-572, 2 maps. Copies: NY, Wurdack.

German transl.: 1865, Zwei Reisen in Peru, Leipzig (n.v.).

  1. The Chinchona species of New Granada, containing the botanical descriptions of the

species examined by Drs. Mutis and Karsten; with some account of those botanists, and of

the results of their labours ... London (printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottis- woode, ...) 1867. Oct. (Chinchona New Granada).

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1867 (p. 4: Oct 1867), p. [1 ]-139, 5 pl. (uncol. liths.). Copzes: G; IDC 5140. — Notes in text by John Eliot Howard (1807-1883), British quinologist (see BB p. 156); notes on Gustav Karl Wilhelm Hermann Karsten (1817-1908) and José Celestino (1732- 1808).

For notes on Markham’s “obstinate contention for Chinchona versus Cinchona’”’ (the latter

is-correct) see Markham (1874), Hanbury (The Athenaeum 1875: 162-163), and Jackson

(J. Bot. 19: 220-229. 1881.). The name Cinchona commemorates Ana de Osorio, countess

of Chinchon, the wife of an early Spanish vice-roy for Peru who used the bark of Cinchona

in 1638 against malaria and introduced it to Europe. Linnaeus’s spelling Cinchona L is obviously to be retained. (see also Backer).

Ref.: Seemann, B., J. Bot. 6: 128, 155-159. 1868.

  1. A memoir of the Lady Ana de Osorio Countess of Chinchon and Vice-queen of Peru (a.d. 1829-1839) with a plea for the correct spelling of the Chinchona genus ... London (Trubner & Co., ...) 1874. Qu. (Mem. Ana de Osorio).

Publ.: 1874, p. [i]-xi, [xii], frontisp., [1]-99. Copzes: MICH, MO, NY.

  1. Peruvian bark. A popular account of the introduction of Chinchona cultivation into

British India ... London (John Murray, ...) 1880. Oct. (Peruv. bark).

Publ.: Aug 1880 (Bot. Centralbl. 16-17 Sep 1880; Nat. Nov. Dec (1) 1880), p. [i]-xxiii, map, [1]-550. Copies: MO, NY.

Ref.: Jackson, B. D., J. Bot. 19: 218-220. 1881.

Marklund, Gunnar Georg (1892-1964), Finnish botanist; curator at the Helsinki Botan- ical Museum; specialized in Taraxacum and Ranunculus auricomus. (Markl.).

HERBARIUM and types: H (18.000); further material at DAO and GB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 449; BM 7: 796; Collander p. 348-350, hist. p.

67, 68; GR p. 621; IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 503; Kew 3: 591.

Collander, R., Soc. Sci. fenn. Arsb. 93C(3): 1-13. 1965 (portr., bibl.); Luonnon Tutkija 69: 33-35- 1965.

Jalas, J. and H. Luther, Fl. fenn. 4: 3-4. 1965 (portr.).

Hiitonen, J., Luonnon Tutkia 66: 131-132. 1962 (portr.).


  1. Bidrag tall kinnedomen om Taraxacum-Floran i Karelia ladogensis ... Helsingfors 1911.

Oct. (Bidrag Tarax. Karel.).

Publ.: 1911 (as separate issue; so dated), 3 Feb-2 Mar 1912 (in completed journal; inf. P. Isoviita), p. [1]-22, pl. 1-3. Copy: H. — Issued as Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 34(7).

  1. Nya Taraxaca ... Helsingforsiae 1925 [1926]. Oct. (Nya Tarax.).

Publ.: early 1926 (p. [2], and, fide P. Isoviita: printed before 13 Mai 1926; completed journal volume publ. ca. 7 Dec 1929), p. [1]-[25], pl. 1-4. Copy: H. — Issued as Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 55(5). 1926.

5433- Die Taraxacum-Flora Estlands ... Helsingforsiae 1938. Oct. (Tarax.- Fl. Estl.). Publ.: 1938, p. [1]-150. Copy: H. — Issued as Acta bot. fenn. 23, 1938.

Marloth, Hermann Wilhelm Rudolf (1855-1931), German-born South-African analy- tical chemist, pharmacist and botanist; studied at Berlin, 1880-1883; Dr. phil. Rostock 1883; from 1883 on in South Africa practicing pharmacy and chemistry for a living while actively engaged in the exploration of the South African flora. (Marloth).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: PRE. Duplicates see IH. Published Exsiccata austro-africana (1885- 1886), sets at B and L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 355; Barnhart 2: 449; BJI 1: 39, 2: 112; BL 1: 54,

307; BM 3: 1243, 7: 797; Bossert p. 254; Clokie p. 206; CSP 17: 32-33; Hortus 3: 1199

(“Marloth”); IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 504; Kew 3: 592-593; LS suppl. 17360; Moebius p. 252;

NI 1276; Rehder 5: 546; Tucker 1: 461; Urban-Berl. p. 289, 373; Zander ed. 10, p. 688-689,

ed. 11, p: 795.

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 43(9): 457-458. 1925; Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 9(5): 628. 1932 (d.); Bull. Afr. succ. pl. Soc. 6(3): 95-96. 1971; Flow. PI. S. Afr. 22, 1942 (portr.); J. Bot. 63: 88. 1926; The Times 15 Mai 1931 (d.).

A.W.H., Nature 127: 945. 1931 (obit.).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 73-74, 1978 (bibl.).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 166. 1896.

Druce, G. C., Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 1931: 628-629.

Exell, A. W. & G. A. Hayes, Kirkia 6(1): 97. 1967 (coll. fl. Zambes).

Harms, H., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 51: (220)-(230). 1933 (bibl., portr., b. 28 Dec 1855, d. 15 Mai 1931).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).

Herre, H., The genera of the Mesembryanthemaceae 49-50. 1971 (portr.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go1: 44 (material at K).

Jordaan, P. G., Die Burger 28. 12. 1955 (fide Jordaan 1963); Lantern 13(1): 86-93. 1963 (portr.); S. Afr. biogr. woordeb. 1: 541-544. 1968 (extensive details and references). Karsten, M. C., Succulenta 14(6): 137-140, 14(8): 189-192, 14(11): 265-268, 14(12): 303-

  1. 1932 (portr., biogr., bibl.).

Kimberley, M. J., Excelsa 7: 31-36. 1977 (1978).

Marloth, R., Fl. S. Afr. 3(1): 1 (portr.).

Merxmiuller, H., C. R. AETFAT 4: 125. 1962.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 71. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Phillips, E. P., S. Afr. J. Sci. 27: 39-80. 1930.

Pole-Evans, I. B., in R. Marloth, Fl. S. Afr. 3: vii-xi. 1932.

Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 69: 172-173. 1931.

Squire, L., Bull. Afr. Succ. Pl. Soc. 6(3): 95. 1971.

Traub, H. P., Herbertia 6: 23. 1939.

White, A, & B. L. Sloane, The Stapelieae ed. 1. 205 [index]. 1933, ed. 2. 19 [index]. 1937.

Woods, D., Veld & Flora 62(3): 10-11. 1976.

NOTE: Several of Marloth’s collections from South and South West Africa were described by A. Engler and his associates as “Plantae Marlothianae”’ in Bot. Jahrb. ro: 1-50. 6 Jul, 242- 285. 9 Oct 1889. The original types were at Berlin (B) but, since Marloth kept duplicates in his private herbarium, which went to PRE, the isotypes are still available (see Merxmuller 1962).



EPONyMY: Marlothia A. Engler (1888); Marlothiella H. Wolff (1912); Marlothistella G. Schwantes (1928).

5434- Das Kapland insonderheit das Reich der Kapflora, das Waldgebiet und die Karroo

pflanzengeographisch dargestellt von Dr. Rudolf Marloth. Mit Einfugung hinterlassener

Schriften A. F. W. Schimpers ... [Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1908]. Qu. (Kapland).

Publ.: 1908 (Bot. Centralbl. 12 Jan 1909; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1909), p. [i-iii], [1]-436, 8 maps, pl. 1-20 (28 if A & B’s counted) with text. Copies: MO, NY. — Main t.p.: “Wissenschaftli- che Ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer ‘“‘Valdivia” 1898- 1899 ... herausgegeben von Carl Chun ... Zweiter Band. Dritter Teil...”

Ref.: Engler, A. and K. Gehrmann, Bot. Jahrb. 43(lit.): 30-54. 1909.

5435- The flora of South Africa with synoptical tables of the genera of the higher plants ... Capetown (Darter Bros. & Co.), London (William Wesley & Son) 1913-1932, 4 vols. Qu. (Fi. S. Afr.).

1: Aug-Dec 1913 (p. vii: Jul 1913; ObZ Oct-Dec 1913; Nat. Nov Apr(2) 1914; J. Bot. Mai 1914; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jun 1909), portr. (pl. 1) of author, p. [i]-xvii, [1]-264, pl. 2-534, 53B, 54-65 (36 nos. col.), err. slip.

2(1): 1925 (p. vi: Oct 1923; J. Bot. Aug 1926), p. [i]-xii, [1]-120, 120a-d, pl. 1-42. Imprint: Capetown (id.). London (Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd.) 1925.

2(2): 1925, p. [i]-iv, 121-272, pl. 43-60. Imprint as 2(7).

3(z): 1932 (Nat. Nov. Dec 19332), p. [i]-xix, [1]-148, 148a-b, pl. 1-38 (imprint as 2(7)).

3(2): 1932 (Nat. Nov. Dec 19332), p. [i]-iti, 149-349, pl. 39-70. Imprint as 2(z).

4: 1915, p- [i]-x, 3 err. slips, [1]-208, pl. 1-60. Imprint as 7. Copies: L, MO, NY, US, USDA. — The separate text figure 59 is usually from vol 4; several copies exist without the coloured plates in vols. 1 and 2; the stock of these plates was destroyed by fire before insertion and distribution were completed. In all there are 180 coloured and 96 uncoloured plates.

Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 51(Lit.): 57-58. 1914. (vol. 1), 56(Lit.): 42. rgat (vol. 4).

  1. “The flora of South Africa” Dictzonary of the common names of plants with list of foreign plants cultivated in the open ... Cape Town (The Specialty Press of South Africa, Ltd.)
  2. Oct. (Dict. common names fl.).

Publ.: 1917, p. [i-vii], [1]-175. Copy: NY.

Marnac, Emile (1853-1929), French botanist (Marnac). HERBARIUM and TYPES: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 449; BL 2: 688 [index]; Kew 3: 593. Anon., Bull. Acad. Géogr. Bot. 15: vi. 1906, 18: 13. 1909.

5437- Flore phanérogamique des Bouches-du-Rhéne par le Dr Marnac et Alfred Reynier ... premiére partie préliminaires: plantes subspontanées, adventices, naturalisées. La Mans (Imprimerie Monnoyer ...) 1910. Oct. (Fl. phan. Bouches-du-Rhéne).

Co-author: Alfred Reynier (1845-1932).

Publ.: Sep-Oct 1910 (reprint; printing finished Sep 1910, see p. 131; Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1gI1), p. [i*, i*], [i]-iv, [1 ]-131. Copies: G, USDA. — Reprinted (100 copies) from Bull. Acad. int. Géogr. bot. 19: 173-188. Aug, 229-260. Aug, 1909, 20: 57-88 Feb, 149-200. Aug-Oct 1910.

Maron, Charles (1851-1926), French horticulturist; from + 1900 conducting a nursery at Brunoy, Seine-et-Oise. (Maron).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 449 (d. 25 Feb 1926); Rehder 3: 514, 707; TL- 2/3024.

A.E.P.G., J. Kew Guild 4: 526-527. 1927 (portr., obit.).

Anon., Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 79: 163. 1926 (d.).

Guillaumin, A., Les fleurs des jardins Ixix. 1929.


EPONYMY: Maronella M.Steiner (1959) and Maroneomyces Ciferri & Tomaselli (1953) are

related to Maronea A.Massalongo (1856), which is dedicated to Nicolo Marogna (latin: —

Maronea) (fl. 1608), Italian botanist.

  1. Les fougeres organographie et classification par MM. Hooker, Baker et Smith traduit de l'anglais par Ch. Maron... avec annotations par MM. L. Fournier (de Marseille) et Ch. Maron et 320 figures dans le texte. Paris (Octave Doin, éditeur...) 1896. 18-mo. (Fougéres). Pudl.: Jan 1896 (Bot. Zeit. 16 Feb 1896; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1896), p. [i, iti], [1 ]-122. Copy: G. Noles by: Louis Fournier (1843-1903); original authors: William Jackson Hooker (1785- 1865), John Gilbert Baker (1834-1920), John Smith (1798-1888); see especially TL-2/2: no. 3024).

Marquand, Ernest David (1848-1918), British botanist of independent means; born on Guernsey; educated in New York; until 1888 in England; 1888-1910 mainly on Guernsey; ultimately in South Devon. (Marquand).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: STP; other material at BM, E, K, OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 450; BB p. 206; Bl 2: 226, 227, 232, 688; BM 3: 1243, 7: 797; Clokie p. 206-207; CSP 10: 725, 12: 476, 17: 35; Desmond p. 420; De Toni 1: Ixxxi, 2: Ixxviil, 4: xxvill; IH 2: 206; Kew 3: 593; LS 16925-16926; Nordstedt p. 22, suppl. p. 11; Rehder 5: 547; Tucker 1: 461.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1918: 214 (b. 8 Feb 1848, d. 16 Feb 1918).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 30: 192. 1892, 38: 31. 1900, 39: 216. 1901, 56: 187-189. 1918. Britten, J. and J. Groves, J. Bot. 56: 187-189. 1918.

Davey, F. H., Fl. Cornwall lix. 1909.

Dickinson, Phycol. Bull. 1: 13. 1952 (algae at K).

Druce, G.C., Bot. Soc. Brit. Isl. Rep. 5: 357-360. 1918.

Groves, J., Proc. Linn. Soc. 130: 39-40. 1918.

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 25, 119, 198. 1977.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).

Kent (DO: Hi: Brtesherb: 672 1957)(merbs):

Marquand, E. D., Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Hist. 2: 80-85. (on flora of Jethou). Rowswell, B. T., Trans. Guernsey Soc. Nat. Sci. 8: 83-90. 1918 (bibl.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

5439- Flora of Guernsey and the Lesser Channel Islands: namely, Alderney, Sark, Herm,

Jethou, and the adjacent islets ... London (Dulau & Co., ...) tgo01. Oct. (Fl. Guernsey).

Publ.: Oct-Nov rgor (p. vi: 7 Jun 1901; see Britten, 1901), p. [i]-vil, map, [1]-501. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. — For subsequent publications on the flora of the Channel Islands see Bijj27 226;

Supplement: 1923, p. [1]-22. Copy: US.

Ref.: Marquand, E. D., The flora of Guernsey, Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sci. 2: 129-151.

1894 (repr. 23 p.).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 39: 216. Jun rgor (to be publ.), 396. Nov 1901 (just publ.). Bennett, J. Bot. 40: 84. Feb 1902.

Marquart, Clamor Ludwig (1804-1881), German pharmacist and botanist; Dr. phil. Heidelberg 1835; from 1837 director of the Keller Pharmacy at Bonn; from 1839 in addition in charge of a pharmaceutical college; one of the founders of the Naturh. Verein der pr. Rheinlande und Westfalen in 1843; in charge ofa chemical factory from 1846. (C. Marquart)

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BHU (Wirtgen 1908); further material at BONN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: CSP 4: 247-248, 8: 334, 10: 725, 12: 486; Herder p. 464

[index]; IH 2: 504; PR 5821-5823 (ed. 1: 6516-6518); Rehder 5: 547; Tucker 1: 461-462.

Andra, C.J., Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westf. 38: 41-58. 1881 (obit., bibl. of lectures); Leopoldina 19: 114-117, 131-135. 1883 (obit., bibl.).

Dilg, P. & W. Ig, Deut. Apoth.-Zeit. 118(7): 251. 1978 (member Regensb. bot. Ges.).

Overbeck, F., Decheniana 105/106: 17-18. 1952 (b. 29 Mar 1804; d. 9 Mai 1881.



Wirtgen, F., S. B. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. 1907(1): E 49. 1908 (herbarium, 40 fasc., in bot. coll. of the society; this herbarium is now at BHU).

EPoNYMY: Marquartia Hasskarl (1842) and Marquartia Vogel (1843).

  1. Beitriige zur Geschichte der Herba Origani cretict von Dr. Clamor Marquart und Dr. Th.

Vogel. Besonderer Abdruck aus dem Repertorium f. d. Pharmacie [Nurnberg 1840]. Oct.

Co-author: julius Rudolph Theodor Vogel (1812-1841).

Publ.: 1840, p. [1]-24. Copy: FI..- Reprinted and to be cited from Repert. Pharm. 22(3): 289-310. 1840. See also J. R. Th. Vogel, Linnaea 15: 74-82. Apr 1841. (Thymus coriaceus Vogel).

Marquart, Friedrich (//. 1842), Moravian surgeon, veterinarian and mycologist, profes-

sor of pathology and veterinary control at the University of Olmiitz. (F. Marquart). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 450; BM 3: 1243; CSP 4: 247, 8: 334; LS 16927- 16943; PR 5819-5820, (ed. 1: 6515).

  1. Beschreibung der in Mahren und Schlesien am haufigsten vorkommenden essbaren und schadlichen Schwdamme. Zusammengestellt zum Gebrauche fiir Polizeibeamte, Wundarzte und Marktbeschauer .. . Briinn [Brno] (Gedruckt bei Rud. Rohrer’s sel. Witwe) 1842. Oct. (Beschr. Mahr. Schles. Schwdémme).

Publ.: 1842, p. [i-vi], [1]-72. Copy: WU. — Inf. W. Gutermann.

  1. Die essbaren und schddlichen Schwdmme gezeichnet, lithographirt und gemalt von Anton

Miiller. Vier grosse nach der Natur colorirte Tafeln mit beschreibendem Texte von

Friedrich Marquart ... Wien und Olmiiz (Eduard Holzel’s Verlags-Expedition) 1856.

Broadsheet (Essb. schddl. Schwdmme).

Artist: Anton Miller (1798-1864).

Publ.: Dec 1855 (1) p. 1856 but ObW of 13 Dec 1855 reports receipt), p. [i], pl. 7-4 with text. Copy: WU. — Inf. W. Gutermann.

Marquis, Alexandre Louis (1777-1828), French professor of botany; Dr. med. 1810; professor of botany at Rouen 1811-1828. (Marquis).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1243; CSP 4: 248; Herder p. 464; NBG 33: 944-945; Plesch p. 326; PR 5825-5829 (ed. 1: 6520-6528); Rehder 5: 547; SO 2652; Sotheby 500 (Recueil d’opuscules); TL-2/1: 775 Tucker 1: 462.

PEO Dictsoch aed. ser. 2. 5: 133. 1877.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 212. 1938 (dir. Rouen bot. gard. 1811-1828). Jourdan, A. J. L., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. Méd. 6: 198-199. 1824.

Thiébaut de Berneaud, Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 22-23. 1822.

COMPOSITE works: Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, Nouveau voyage dans l empire de flore, part 1 (physiologie végétale by Marquis. Marquis also contributed many botanical articles to the Dictionnaire des Sciences médicales.

EPONYMY: Marquisia A. Richard ex A. P. de Candolle (1830).

  1. Essai sur U histoire naturelle et médicale des Gentianes. [Paris (Didot) 1810]. Qu. (Essaz hist.


Publ.: 1810, p. 5-22. Copy: F1.— Preprinted from Précis anal. Trav. Acad. Sci. Rouen 1811: 30. (journal issue not seen). The 1810 preprint served as thesis. (Our information is


  1. Esquisse du régne végétal, ou tableau charactéristique des familles des plantes, avec



Vindication des propriétés générales de chaque famille, et des principaux médicamens qu'elle fournit; suivant la classification adoptée pour le cours de botanique spéciale et médicale du jardin des plantes de la ville de Rouen; précédé d’un apercu de physiologie végétale suivi de la classification des médicamens exposée dans le méme cours ... Rouen (Chez F. Baudry, ... Renault...) 1820. Oct. (Esq. régne vég.).

Publ.: 1820, p. [i]-vii, [viii], [1]-128, 7 pl. (portr.). Copies: G, NY.

  1. Lragmens de philosophie botanique, ou de la manicre la plus convenable de voir et de travailler en histoire naturelle, et particulicrement en botanique; et des moyens de rendre cette science plus simple et plus facile; ... Paris (Chez Méquignon-Marvis, ... Béchet le jeune, ...) 1821. Oct. (Fragm. philos. bot.).

Publ.: 1821, front. portr., p. [i]-vi, [vii-viii], [1]-207. Copres: G, NY.

Marrat, Frederick Price (1820-1904), British bryologist, palaeontologist and concholo- gist at the Liverpool Free Public Museum. (Marrat).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LIV (muscz).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 450; BB p. 206; BM 3: 1244; CSP 4: 248, 8: 335,

10: 726, 12: 486, 17: 36; Desmond p. 421; GR p. 405; IH 2: 504; Jackson p. 182, 255.

Anon., Liverpool Museums Handb. Guide herbarium coll. 24-25. 1935; Proc. Liverpool Natural. Field Cl. 1904: 8. 1905 (d.).

Dallman, A. A. and M. H. Wood, Trans. Liverpool bot. Soc. 1: 81. 1909.

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 19-20, 119. 1977.

Lee, A., Lancashire Cheshire Natural. 13: 47-56, 76-82, 127-129. 1921 (b. 16 Mar 1820, d.5 Nov 1904).

Warren, J. B. L., in Moore, S., Fl. Cheshire Ixxxvi. 1899.

Wheldon, J. A., J. Bot. 48: 102-105. 1910 (on his coll. of mosses at LIV).

Wilson, W., Bryol. Brit. 11: 326. 1855 (Bryum marratti).

  1. On the musci and hepaticae found within twelve miles of Liverpool and Southport... Liverpool

(Printed by Henry Greenwood, ...) 1855. Oct. (Musc. Hepat. Liverpool).

Publ.: 1855 (read before society 30 Apr 1855), p. [1]-27, [28]. Copy: E. — Issued separately and as Appendix I to the Proc. Liverpool lit. philos. Soc. 9, 1855, p. [1]-28. Copy: LC. Title of appendix issue: “Appendix I. On the musci and hypaticae [sic] found ... Southport”.

5447- Appendix. On the hepatics and lichens of Liverpool and its vicinity ... [Liverpool ...

Thomas Brakell, ... 1860]. Oct. (Hepat. lich. Liverpool).

Publ.: 1860, p. [1]-14. Copy: LC. — Issued as appendix to Proc. lit. philos. Soc. Liverpool 14, 1860. We have seen no separate issue.

  1. On some fossil ferns in the Ravenhead collection, Free public Museum, Liverpool.

By Rev. Henry H. Higgins, M. A. On the fossil ferns in the Ravenhead collection by ¥.P. Marrat . Liverpool (Courier Stearn Printing Works, ...) 1872. Oct. (Foss. ferns Ravenhead).

Publ.: Feb 1872, p. [1]-40, pl. 1-13. ; FH. — First paper, p. [1]-3, by Henry Hugh Higgins (1814-1893). Papers reprinted from Proc. Liverpool Geol. Soc. 13: 97-109. Feb 1872.

Marret, Léon (/!. 1900-1929), Swiss botanist. (Marret).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. Exsiccata de la flore du Valais et des Alpes lemanniennes, cent. 1-5 at C, COI, E, LAU, OXF, 8, ZT. — 511 nos.; published: 1: nos. 1-102. 30 Mar 1908, 2: nos. 103-205. 16 Dec 1908, 3: nos. 206-308. Aion 1908, 4: nos. 309-411. 27 Feb 1911, 5: nos. 411-511. 7 Mai 1912. See Chiovenda (1924).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 450; BL 2: 563, 689; BM 7: 798; Clokie p. 207; IH 2: 504; NI 1277-1278.

Anon., Bull. Acad. Géogr. bot. 14: xxv. 1905, 16: 202 18: 13. 1909, 19: 90. 1910. Chiovenda, E., Nuovo Giorn. bot. Ital. 31: 302-304. Oct 1924 (analysis of exsiccatae). Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).



Marret, L., Bull. Acad. Géogr. Bot. 17: iv, 65-122. 1907 (description of ““Exsiccata de la Flore du Valais ...”’).

  1. Icones florae alpinae plantarum ... Paris (Société d’Edition des Sciences naturelles, L. Marret ... ser. 3: Paul Lechevalier ...) [1911]-1924, 3 series. (Icon. fl. alp.).

Ser. 1, fasc. 1: Apr 1911, p!. 1, 1a-10, 2, 20, 3, 3a-d, 4-5, 5a, 6, 6a-b, 7, 7a-b, with text. fasc. 2: Jul 1911 (Nat. Nov Oct(2) 1911), pl. 8-10, 14, 14bis, 15, 15a, 16-19, 1gbis, 20-21, 21bis, 22, 220-226, 23. fasc. 3: 1911, pl. 11-12, 17bis, 24, 24bis, 25-27, 29-30, 30bis, 40, 4obis, 41, 44, 44biS, 51. fasc. 4: 1911 (Nat. Nov Jan(2) 1912), pl. 42, 42a, 42b, 47, 47bis, 48a, 48a( bis), 48b, 50, 504, 52, 54, 50-61, 65. fase. 5: 1912 (Obz Apr 1912; Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1912), pl. 66, 68, 70, 72, 73, 7301S, 75, 75a, 70, 76bis, 77, 78, 79, 7901S, 60-81, 83, 84, 85, suppl. 1. Ser. 2, fasc. 6: 1914 (ObZ Jan-Feb 1914; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1914), p. [i-x], pl. 74, 125, 126, 143, 152, 163, 170, 176, 216, 259, 2594, 2590, 318, 318A, 321, 3214, 323, 394. fasc. 7: 1914 (Nat. Nov Apr(2) 1914), p. [i-iv], pl. 155, 161, 162, 185, 249, 328, 328a-e, 375; 377» 393> 393008, 395» 497» 422: fasc. 8: 8.d., pl. 127, 157, 159, 1594, 166, 170, 175, 253, 257, 3245 3244-C, 391, 401, 416, 418, 424. fasc. 9: Apr 1919, p. [i], pl. 172, 172bt5, 306, 207, 308, 308a-b, bis, 320, 3200-C, 392, 392b1S, 401, 408, 417. fasc. 10: 8.d., p. [i], pl. 286, 286a-b, 319, 3190, 330, 3304; 334, 330, 376, 400, 4000, 403, 405, 400. Ser. 3: 1924 (Nat. Nov Jun 1924), p. [1-11], pl. 172, 1724, 115-116, 136, 142, 156, 177, 178, 179, 184, 188, 247, 248, 250, 325, 338, 419, 419D1S, 421, 429, 4290-2, 513, 5130, 5145 512, 5120, 515-516, 540, 541-542, 5420, 543-544, 540, 5460-C, 562, 610-611, 613, 6134, 613b, 614-616, 616a, 616b, 617, 618, 618a, 619-622, 624, 625-627, 630 [photos with text].

Copies: BR, G, MICH, NY, USDA. — See BL 2: 563 (‘255 pl., 55 maps’’). Collaborators ser. 1 (3-5) and ser. 2: Arpad von Degen (1866-1934); August von Hayek (1871-1928); Carl Emil Hansen Ostenfeld (1873-1931). Ser. 3: Gustave Beauverd (1867-1942); Henry Correvon (1854-1939).

  1. Les fleurs de la Cote d Azur (de Toulon a Menton) ... Paris (Paul Lechevalier éditeur

2.) 1926. Oct. (Fl. Cote 2 Azur).

Publ.: 1926 (printing finished 10 Nov 1925), front., [1]-428, pl. 1-117. Copy: USDA. — Encyclopédie. pratique du naturaliste 21.

Marschall von Bieberstein, Friedrich August, Freiherr (1768-1826), German ex- plorer and author on the Russian flora. (M.-Bizeb.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: The main part of the original collections (8.000- 10.000 specimens) is at LE; duplicates e.g. at B (herb. Willdenow), BM, BR, H, HAL, JE, M, OXF, REG.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: ADB 20: 432; AG 2(1): 192, 7: 249; Backer p. 355; Barnhart 2: 450; BM 3: 1244; Clokie p. 207; Collander hist. p. 21; CSP 4: 249; Dawson p. 624; Frank 3(Anh.): 62; Hortus 3: 1188 (“Bieb.”’); IH 2: 73, 505; Jackson p. 578; Hegi 4(3): 1544, 5(2): 1258, 5(4): 2312; Herder p. 464; Kew 3: 594; Las€gue p. 575 [index]; Lipschitz 1: 188-190; MW p. 299; NI 1279; Plesch p. 326; PR 5830-5832 (ed. 1: 6530-6533); Rehder 5: 547; RS p. 117; Sotheby 501; TL-2/1: 791-792; TR p. 32-34; Tucker 1: 462; Urban-Berl. p. 330, 414; Zander ed. 10, p. 690, ed. 11, p. 787 (b. 10 Aug 1768, d. 28 Jun 1826).

Baur, K., Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg 123: 399-400. 1968.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 431. 1880 (herb.).

Gersdorf, E. G., Leipziger Rep. deut. ausl. Lit. 3(1): 351-353. 1845.

Hooker, W. J., ed., Lond. J. Bot. 5: 532. 1846 (herb).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 470. 1884.

Junk, W., Rara 2: 217. 1926-1936.

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Christian Steven 70. 1971 (250 specimens).

Lindemann, E., Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscou 59(1): 277. 1884.

Miller, G. S., Taxon 19: 531. 1970.

Poggendorff, J. B., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 57-58. 1863 (b. 11 Aug 1766, d. 5 Oct 1826).



Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 457. 1846.

Shetler, S. G., Komarov bot. inst. 230. 1967. Smol’yaninova, Bot. Zhurn. 50(4): 564-565. 1965. Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 22: 126-128. 1973.

Steven, C., Flora 9: 688. 1826, 10: 536-543. 1847.

HANDWRITING: S. V. Lipschitz & I. T. Vasilezenko, Central herbarium USSR 91. 1968 (no. 13).

EPONYMY: Bieberstemia Stephan (1811).

  1. Tableau des provinces situées sur la cote occidentale de la Mer caspienne entre les fleuves Terek

et Kour. A St. Petersbourg 1798. Qu. (Tabl. prov. Mer casp.).

Publ.: 1798, botanical appendix on p. 111-120. Copy: GOET (inf. G. Wagenitz).

German: Beschreibung der Lander zwischen der Fliissen Terek und Kur, 1800, n.v., also with botanical appendix. (IDC 793).

  1. Flora taurico-caucasica exhibens stirpes phaenogamas, in Chersoneso taurica et regio- nibus caucasicis sponte crescentes ... Charkouiae [Charkow] (Typis academicis) 1808- 1819, 3 vols. Oct. (Fl. taur.-caucas.).

1: 1808 (p. vi: Jan 1808), p. [i*-11*] [1]-vi, [1 ]-428, [1, err.].

2: 1808, p. [1-11], [1]-477, [478, err].

3: Dec 1819 (t.p) or early 1820 (p. iv: Dec 1819; JGLE Apr 1820), p. [i*-11*], [i]-iv, [1 ]-654, [1, err.]. “Supplementum continens plantas phanerogamas, per Tauriam atque Cauca- sum, post edita priora volumina detectas, et in pristinas animadversiones.”

Copies: BR, FI, G, MO, NY(2), USDA; IDC 197.

Facsimile ed.: Lehre (J. Cramer) 1972. ISBN 3-7682-0762-5, Historiae naturalis classica 67. Copies: FAS, U, US.

5453+ Centuria plantarum rariorum Rossiae meridionalis praesertim Tauriae et Caucasi iconibus descriptionibusque illustrata ... Charkoviae (Typis academicis) 1810, [parts 2, 3: | St. Petersburg 1832-1843. Fol. (Cent. pl. Ross. merid.).

Part 1: 1810, p. [i], pl. 1-60, col. copper engr. with text. Seventy copies published.

Part 2: 1832, pl. 61-70, id.

Part 3: 1843 (Bot. Zeit. 27 Dec 1844, 8 Mar and 25 Mar 1845), pl. 71-80, id.

Cofnres: G; IDC 196.

Marsden, William (1754-1836), Irish-born British orientalist, numismatist and plant collector; in S. E. Asia 1771-1779; chief-secretary to the British Board of Admiralty 1779- 1807. (Marsden).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Backer p. 355; Barnhart 2: 450 (b. 16 Nov 1754, d. 6 Oct

1836); BB p. 207; BM 3: 1244; Dawson p. 578-582, 907, 945 [index]; Desmond p. 421; DNB

36: 206; Dryander 2: 545; IH 2: 505; Kew 3: 595; Laségue p. 493, 506; PR (alph.); Rehder 5:

547; SK 1: exxii, 348; Tucker 1: 462.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. Brit. Amer. authors 1223-1224. 1870 (q.v. for extensive inf. and for further secondary references).

Anon., Proc. Roy. Soc. 3: 346. 1836.

Baines, J. E., Vict. Natural. 90: 229. 1973 (epon.).

Brown, R.; Mem. Werner. Soc. 1: 29. 1811 (epon.: Marsdenia R. Brown).

Murray, G., zn Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 166. 1904 (pl. in herb. Banks).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 58. 1863. :

Smith, E., Life Joseph Banks 152, 239, 241, 287, 290, 292, 326. IgII.

EPONYMY: Marsdenia R. Brown (1810); Pseudomarsdenia H. E. Baillon (1890).

5454- The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the government, laws, customs, and manners of the native inhabitants, with a description of the natural productions, a relation



of the ancient political state of that island ... London (printed for the author, and sold by

Thomas Payne and Son, ...) 1783. Qu. (Hist. Sumatra).

Ed. 1: 1783, (Gent. Mag. Jan 1784), map, p. [i]-viti, [1 ]-375, [ 1-6, index, err.], chart. Copies: MO, Teyler.

Ed. 2: 1784, map, [1i]-vili, [1 ]-373, [1-4, index], [ix]-xii, [1-2, index, err.]. Copy: MICH. — The second edition. London (printed for the author, and sold by Thomas Payne and Sou...) 1764. Ou.

Ed. 3: 1811, map, p. [i]-vili, chart, [1]-479, [1-8, index], 28 pl. Copies: B-S, MICH, Teyler, UC — The third edition, with corrections, additions, and [27+ 1 unnumb.] plates. London (printed for the author, ... and sold by Longman ... Brown) 1811. Qu. — The Teyler copy has in addition a cancellans p. 463-464.

Ed. 3, facsimile reprint: 1966. Copy: MICH. — A reprint of the third edition introduced by John Bastin (p. [1i]-[xi]). Kuala Lumpur (Oxford University Press) New York, London, Melbourne. 1966. Qu.

Marsden-Jones, Eric Marsden (1887-1960), British experimental taxonomist; esta- blished the Potterne Biological Station, near Devizes, Wiltshire 1923 (-1940); collaborated with W. B. Turrill at Kew. (Marsden-Jones).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 450; BL 2: 261, 688; Desmond p. 421; IH 2: 505.

Anon., Proc. R. Entom. Soc. London C 25: 50. 1961.

Ewan, J., Short hist. bot. U.S. 112. 1969.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 245. 1977.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 67. 1957.

Turrill, W. B., J. Kew Guild 1960: 812 (b. 8 Mai 1887, d. 26 Aug 1960), Proc. Linn. Soc. London 172: 132-133, 1961.

Marsh, Charles Dwight (1855-1932), American biologist, M. A. Amherst 1880; Dr. phil. Chicago 1904; from 1883-1904 professor of biology in Ripon College; from 1904-1930 plant physiologist at USDA. (Marsh).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 450 (b. 20 Dec 1855, d. 23 Apr 1932); BM 3:

1245, 7: 798-799; CSP 10: 727, 1. 17369-17371; NAF 28B(2): 344, ser. 2. 6: 69; PH 567. non., Science 75: 506. 1932.

Marsh, F. W., privately published biography of C. D. Marsh, 25 Dec 1935, 18 p. [Charles Dwight Marsh, 1936]. Copy: MO.

Oehser, P. H., Science 86: 114-115. 1937.]. Copy: MO.

Oehser, P. H., Science 86: 114-115. 1937.

5455- Lhe plankton of the Lake Winnebago and Green Lake ... Madison, Wis. (Published by the

State) 1903. Oct. (Plankt. Lake Winnebago).

Publ.: Oct 1903 (t.p.), p. [i]-vi, [1]-94, pl. 1-22. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. — Wisc. geol. nat. Hist. Survey, Bull. 12, Sci. ser. no. 3.

Marshall, [Rev.] Edward Shearburn (1858-1919), British clergyman and botanist; M. A. Oxford 1884, ord. 1885; vicar of Milford, Surrey 1890-1900; rector of West Monkton, Som. 1904-1918. (E. Marsh.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: CGE (23.000), duplicates at e.g. BM (5000), DBN, E, K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 602; Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 451; BB p. 207; BL -2: 688 [index]; BM 3: 1245, 7: 800 (q.v. for Composite works); Bossert p. 254; Clokie p. 207; CSP 17: 41-43; Desmond p. 422; IH 2: 505; Kew 3: 596-598; Rehder 5: 547; SO 897, 3506; TL-2/2359; Tucker 1: 462.

Anon., Nature 104: 77. 1919; Nat. Nov. 1920: 31 (d.).

Babington, C. C., Mem., journal, bot. corr. 424, 425, 428, 429, 1897.



Britten, J., J. Bot. 58: 1-11. 1920 (portr.).

Davey, F. H., Fl. Cornwall lx. 1909.

Hanbury, F. J., Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 5(5): 619-622. 1920 (b. 7 Mar 1858, d. 25 Nov 1919).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go1: 44 (95 specimens at K); Proc. Linn. Soc. 132: 45- 46. 1920.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 68. 1957 (extensive info. on coll.).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 167. 1904.

Pearsall, W. H., Fl. Surrey 56. 1931.

Praeger, R. L., Proc. Irish Acad. 7: xccc. 1901; Botanist in Ireland 78. 1934.

Riddelsdell, H. J. et al., Fl. Gloucestershire cxh. 1948.

Wade, A. E., Fl. Monmouthshire 15. 1970.

Wolley-Dod, A. H., Fl. Sussex xlvili. 1970.

COMPOSITE WORKS: With F. J. Hanbury, Hora of Kent, 1899, TL-2/2: 2359 (rev. Hedwigia 38 (Beibl.): (145)-(146). 26 Jun 1899).

  1. A supplement to the flora of Somerset ... ‘Taunton (published by the Somersetshire archeological and natural history Society) 1914. Oct. (Suppl. fl. Somerset).

Publ.: Apr-Jul 1914 (p. iv: Mar 1914; J. Bot. Aug 1914), p. [i]-iv, [1]-242. Copy: G.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 52: 220-223. 1914.

Marshall, Humphry (1722-1801), American Quaker, botanist, dendrologist, farmer, operator of a grist mill; county treasurer; owner of a commercial botanic garden near present Marshallton, Pa.; correspondent of John Fothergill; cousin of John Bartram. (Marsh.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: DWC; some further material at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 451; BB p. 207; BM 3: 1246, 7: 800; DAB (by M.

P. Smith); Dawson p. 582-583; Desmond p. 422; Dryander 3: 209-210; Frank 3(Anh.): 62;

Henrey 2: 293; Herder p. 464; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Marsh.”’); HU 674, 694; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361,

2: 505; Jackson p. 359; Kew 3: 598; ME 2: 445, 446, 3: 354, 4543 Plesch p. 326; PR 5834 (ed.

1: 6534-6535); Rehder 5: 547; SO add. 724*; Sotheby 502; TL-2/1: 1312; Tucker 1: 462;

Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. 11, p. 785 (b. 10 Oct 1722, d. 5 Nov 1811).

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. Brit. Amer. authors 1226. 1870.

Anon., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1915: 309; Sixth annual hist. commemor. Chester County hist. Soc. Marshallton, 27. Sep 1913, program (in memory of H. Marshall).

Barnhart, J. H., Torreya 9: 246. 1909.

Belden, Winterthur Portfolio 2: 107-126. 1965.

Darlington, W., Reliq. Balwin. 8, 99, 278, 279, 281. 1843; Memorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall 1849 (biogr. p. 485-493) (TL-2/1312); Bull. Torrey bot. Club 6: 49- 50. 1875; see also W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 62-64. 1850.

Dawson, W. R., Banks letters 582-583. 1958.

Ewan, J., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 3(5): 263-272. 1957 (analytical index to Darlington’s Memorials); zz F. Pursh, Fl. Amer. sept. facs. repr. 1979, introd. p. 20.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 4, 34, 132, 148. 1969.

Fussell, G. E., More old English farming books 119. 1948.

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 26, 29, 88, 374. 1967.

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philacelphia 77-85, 449. 1899.

Harshberger, J. W. et al., Bull. Chester County Hist. Soc., Excercises in memory of Humphry Marshall and William Darlington at Marshallton, Pa. September 27, 1913, publ. 1914, 33 p.

Hedrick, P., Hist. hortic. America 92, 422. 1950.

Hindle, Brook, Pursuit sci. revol. America 402 [index]. 1956.

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 166-168. 1961.

Kelly, H. A., Some Amer. med. botanists 14, 19. 1929.

Lubrecht, H., Early American bot. Works, Stechert Hafner catal. 353: 38, 41. 1967.

Mears, J. A., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 122: 169. 1978 (material in Muhlenberg herb., PH).



Parker, L., Morton Arbor. Quart. 12(1): 10-11. 1976.

Pennell, F. W., Bull. Friends hist. Ass. 24: 77-82. 1935; Bartonia 21. 40. 1942. Pursh, F., Fl. Amer. sept 1: vi-vii. 1814.

Sargent, C.S., Garden & Forest 6: 461-462. 1893; Silva 8: 39. 1895.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 17: 76-78. 1968 (on “‘Memorials’’).

EPONYMyY: According to several sources Marshallia Schreber (1791, nom. cons.) was dedicated to H. Marshall, but Schreber himself does not give a derivation of the name. According to correspondence between G. H. E. Muhlenberg (q.v.) and Moses Marshall, cited for instance by J. W. Harshberger, Botanists Philadelphia (1899, p. 103-104), the dedicatee was Moses Marshall (1758-1813), American botanist, nephew of and assistant to Humphry Marshall. The derivation of Marshallia J. ¥. Gmelin (1791, nom. rej.) could not be establis- hed.

Marshallocereus C. Backeberg (1950) commemorates William Taylor Marshall (1886- 1957), American botanist, specialist in the Cactaceae. Marshallfieldia Macbride (1929) commemorates Captain Marshall Field (fl. 1920) who sponsored several botanical expedi- tions to Peru.

  1. Arbustrum americanum: the American grove, or, an alphabetical catalogue of forest trees and shrubs, natives of the American United States, arranged according to the Linnaean system. Containing, the particular distinguishing characters of each genus, with plain, simple and familiar descriptions of the manner of growth, appearance, &c. of their several species and varieties. Also, some hints of their uses in medicine, dyes, and domestic oeconomy. Compiled from actual knowledge and observation, and the assistance of botanical authors, by Humphry Marshall. Philadelphia (printed by Joseph Crukshank. . .)

  2. Oct. (in fours). (Arbust. amer.)

Publ.: Dec 1785 (Ewan 1967), p. [1|-xx, [1]-174. Copies: BM (Bloomsbury), HU (2), NY, US, USDA; IDC 7587.

Facsimile ed.: New York and London (Hafner Publishing Company) 1967, Classica botani- ca americana vol. 1, with introduction (p. v- xu) by J. Ewan, and followed by a facsimile of the French translation (see below). Copies: FAS. — Title corrected to **NFOUISRUBGA Sa!

French ed.: “Catalogue alphabétique des arbres et arbrissaux, qui croissent naturellement dans les Etats-Units de l’ Amérique septentrionale, arrangés selon le systéme de Linné; conte- nant les caractéres particuliers qui distinguent les genres auxquels ils sont rapportés, avec des descriptions claires & familicres de leur maniére de croitre, de leur forme extérieure, &c., leurs différentes espéces & variétés: on y fait aussi mention de leurs usages en médecine, & de leur emploi dans les teintures & l’e¢conomie domestique. Traduit de anglais, de M. Humphry Marshall, avec des notes & observations sur la culture; par M. Lézermes, adjoint a la direction des pépiniéres du roi. Paris (Chez Cuchet...) 1788. Oct. (Cat. alph. arbr.). Translator: Lézermes, assistant arborist to the King of France; no other details known.

Publ.: 1788 (priv. 16 Apr 1788), p. [i]-vu, [vii], [1]-xxvi [“‘xxil?], [1]-278, [1-2, priv.; 1, emu. |. Copies: G, HU, MO, NY, USDA.

German ed.: 1788, n.v. — ‘Beschreibung der wildwachsenden Baume und Staudengewachse in den Vereimgten Staaten von Nordamerika ... Aus dem Englischen mit Anmerkungen und Zusatzen durch C. F. Hoffmann, Leipzig 1788. (Beschr. Baume Ver. Stat.) — Translator: Carl Friedrich Hoffmann.

Ref.: Anon., Mon. Rev. 79: 74. 1786[?] (rev.).

Marshall, Joseph Jewison (1860-1934), British bryologist and pharmaceutical chemist (J. Marsh.).

HERBARIUM and types: HUL (destroyed); bryophytes with Lincolnshire Naturalist’s Union (fide Desmond).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1246; Desmond p. 422.

Anon., Trans. Lincolnshire Natural. Union 1933: 190 (d. 12 Apr 1934). 1934. Scott, L. E., Naturalist 879: 158. 1961.



Seaward, M. R. D., Naturalist 883: 133-136. 1962; 88g: 67-68. 1964 (descr. coll. Yorks. Nat. Union.).

Shaw, G. A., Natinalict 924: 3-4. 1970.

Sheppard, T., Naturalist 932: 209. 1934 (coll. HULL).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Contributed A list of the mosses of the Riding to J. F. Robinson, The flora of the East Riding of Yorkshire, London 1902, q.v.

Marshall, [Caroline] Nina Lovering (1861-1921), American mycologist. (V. Marsh.). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 451; (b. 28 Mai.1861); Kelly p. 143; Lenley p. 281; LS 36621; NAF 9(6): 442; Stevenson p. 1250. Burk, W. R., Bibl. N. Amer. Gasteromyc. 1: 115-117. 1980.

  1. The mushroom book. A popular guide to the identification and study of our commoner fungi, with special emphasis on the edible varieties. By Nina L. Marshall. With many illustrations in color and black and white photographed from nature by J. A. & H. C. Anderson. New York (Doubleday, Page & Co.) 1901. Oct. (Mushroom book).

Ed. 1: Mar 1gor (Torreya 25 Mar 1901; TBC 27 Mar 1901; Bot. Centralbl. 27 Mar 1901; Bot. Gaz. 18 Mai 1901; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1901),2 photos, p. [i]-xxvi, 1-167, pl. 1-48 (not numbered but numbers assigned to them on p. xvii-xx). Copies: L, Stevenson, US(2), USDA.

Re-issue: 1902, as ed. 1. Copies: BR, NY.

Re-issue: 1904, 2 photos, p. [i]-xxvili, 1-170, pl. 1-64. Copies: NY, Stevenson.

Re-issue: 1910, 2 photos, p. [1]-xxxviii, 1-170, pl. 1-58. Copy: USDA.

Ed. [3? |: Garden City, New York (Doubleday, Page & Company 1923, p. [i]-xxx, 1-173, plates as in ed. 1. Copy: Stevenson.

Ref.: Davis, Bot. Gaz. 31: 358-359. 1901.

5459- Mosses and lichens. A popular guide to the identification and study of our commoner

mosses and lichens, their uses, and methods of preserving ... New York (Doubleday, Page

& Company) 1907. (Moss. lich.).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1907 (TBC 17 Dec 1907; Bryologist 2 Jan 1908), p. [i]-xvin, [1 ]-327, col. pl. 1-16, pl. 1-32. Copies: MO, NY, USDA.

Marshall, Reginald Charles (1893- ?), British forester; conservator of forests, Trinidad and Tobago (R. Marsh.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 452; BL 1: 261, 307; IH 2: 505.

  1. Trees of Trinidad and Tobago... Trinidad, Port of Spain (Printed for the Government

Printer, Government Printing Office) 1934. (Trees Trinidad Tobago).

Publ.: 1934, p. [1*], [iJ-1, [1]-2, [3], [1]-101, [i]-vii (index), 20 pl. (uncol., by I. M. M., Mre. R. C. Marshall). Copies: US, USDA.

Marshall, William (1815-1890), British solicitor and botanist. (W. Marsh.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 909; Barnhart 2: 452; BB p. 207; BM 3: 1246; Dawson

p. 495; Desmond p. 423; Hortus 3: 1 io (‘““Marsh., E. W.”’); Jackson p. 123, 211; Kew 3: 5995

LS 16950-16952; PR 5835; Rehder 5: 547.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch oe 1896 (solicitor at Ely).

  1. The new water-weed; Anacharis Alsinastrum. Some acccount of it: ... London (Wil- liam Pamplin, ...) 1852. Oct. (Anacharis Alsinastrum).



Publ.: 1852 (p. 16: 30 Aug 1852; Bonplandia 15 Jan 1853), p. [1]-16. — Reprinted from the “Cambridge independent Press.”’ Copies: G, MO.

Ref.: Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Garden Misc. 4: 320. Oct 1852. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 12: 203-204. 24 Mar 1854.

Marsili, Giovanni (1727-1794), Italian botanist; professor of botany and curator of the Padua botanic garden. (Marsilt).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 656; BM 3: 1247; CSP 4: 251; Dryander 3: 281,

326, 356; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Marsili’’); Jackson p. 435; LS 16956; PR 5837-58309 (ed. 1:6541-

6543); Rehder 5: 547; Saccardo 1: 104, 2: 68, 125; Tucker 1: 463; Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed.

iw. 705.

Fries, T. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(3): 68. rgoo.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 277. 1938 (dir. Padova bot. gard. 1760- 1764).

Stafleu, F. A., in G. H. M. Lawrence, ed., Adanson 1: 298. 1963.

EpoNnyMyY: Marsilaea Necker (1775), Marsilea Linnaeus (1753) and Marsilidium Schenk (1871) commemorate Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli (1656-1730), Italian botanist, author of Dissertatio de generatione fungorum, Roma, 1714.

  1. Fungi carrariensis historia [p. xl: Patavii (Padua) Apud Jo. Baptistam Penada... 1766] Qu. (Fung. carrar. hist.). Publ.: Sep-Dec 1766 (p. xviii: kal. Sep 1766), p. [i]-xl, 1 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: B-S, FT.

  2. Notizie inedite scritte da Giovanni Marsili... Padova (Tip. Cartallier e Sicca) 1840. Oct. (Not. ined.). Publ.: 1840 (p. 5: 22 Mar 1840), p. [1]-23. Copy: G.

  3. Notizie del publico giardino de’ semplici di Padova compilato intorno l’anno 1771 da Giovanni Marsili .. . Padova (Coi tipi del seminario) 1840. Oct. (Not. giard. sempl. Padova). Publ.: 1840, p. [3]-30. Copy: G.

Marsilly, Louis Joseph Auguste de Commines de (1811-1890), French army officer, mathematician and botanist. (Marsilly).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 452; BL 2: 140, 689; BM 3: 1247; CSP 7: 422, 10: 731, 12: 165, 14: 323; IH 2: 506; Jackson p. 282; PFC 1: xlviii; Saccardo 1: 10, cron. p. xxvi; Tucker 1: 463.

Cosson, E., Comp. fl. atl. 1: 69. 1881.

Cosson & Durieu, Exp. Sci. Alg., Bot. 2: xxxvii. 1868.

Maire, R., Progr. connaiss. bot. Algérie 65-86. 1931.

  1. Catalogue des plantes vasculaires indigenes ou généralement cultivées en Corse suivant Pordre adopté dans la Flore de France de MM. Grenier et Godron avec Pindication des Stations et des époques de floraison par L. J. A. de C. de Marsilly avec le concours de MM. E. Reveliére et P. Mabille. Paris (G. Masson, ...) et en Corse chez tous les principaux libraires 1872. Qu. (Cat. pl. vasc. Corse).

Collaborators: Eugene Reveliére (1822-1892), Paul Mabille (1835-1923), for the Flore de

France of Grenier et Godron see TL-2/1: 2154. Publ.: 1872 (J. Bot. Oct 1872; BSbF Nov 1872), p. [i-1i], [1]-203, map. Copy: USDA.

Marsson, [Karl] Maximilian (1845-1909), German algologist; son of Theodor Friedrich M.; from 1874-1893 pharmacist at Kreuznach, Diisseldorfand Leipzig; from 1893 devoting himself entirely to cryptogamy; from 1898-1909 in Berlin acting as expert on water pollution. (MM. Marsson).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 452; LS 36622; Nordstedt suppl. p. 10, 11.

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 27: 144. 1910; Bot. Not. 1g10: 16. (d. 13 Dec 1909), Hedwigia 49(Beibl.): (133). 1910 (d.).

Kolkwitz, R., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 27: (g1)-(96). 1909 (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 26 Jun 1845, d. 13 Dee 1909), Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 51: (160)-(166). 1910 (id.).

EPONYMY: Marssoniella E. Lemmermann (1900).

Marsson, Theodor Friedrich (1816-1892), German pharmacist, botanist and palaeon- tologist; pharmacist at Wolgast 1842-1867; Dr. phil. h.c. Greifswald 1856; from 1867 at Greifswald working as a private scientist. (7. Marsson).

HERBARIUM and Types: GFW; fossil collections (Cretaceous) at the former Geologische Landesanstalt, Berlin. Some further material at DBN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: ADB 52: 218-219; AG 2(1): 140; Barnhart 2: 452; BFM 100;

BM 3: 1247; GSP 4: 251-252, 8: 339, 10: 731, 12: 487, 17: 45; Herder p. 464; IH 2: 506;

Jackson p. 308; Kew 3: 599; Morren ed. ro, p. 13; PR 5840; Quenstedt p. 281; Rehder 5:

547; Lucker 1: 463; Urban-Berl. p. 373.

Anon., Bonplandia 5: 30. 1857 (dr. h.c. Greifswald); Bot. Centralbl. 49: 286. 1892 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 15, Beibl. 34: 17; Bot. Not. 1893: 93 (d.); Greifswalder Tageblatt 6 Feb 1892 (fide L.L.); Kreis-Anzeiger f.d. Kreis Greifswald 7 Feb 1892 (fide L.L.); Leopoldina 28: 57. 1892 (d.); Nat. Nov. 14: 80. 1892 (d.); Naturw. Wochenschr. 7(8): 79. 1892 (d. 5 Feb 1892); Osterr. bot. Z. 42: 151. 1892 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 33: Ixxvi. 1892 (d. 5 Feb 1892).

Ascherson, P. F. A., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 10(1): (30)-(32). 1882.

Holtz, L., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 33: liv-lv. 1892 (obit.).

L. L., Mitt. naturw. Ver. Neu-Vorpommern und Rugen 24: 1-14. 1892 (bibl.; b. 8 Nov 1816, d. 5 Feb 1892).

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 55. 1980 (pl. DBN).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 59. 1863 (b. 8 Nov 1816)

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3566. 1978, 7: 4202. 1978.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 144, pl. 126. 1905 (portr.; b. 8 Nov 1816).

EPONYMY: Cyclomarsonina [sic] F. Petrak (1965); Marssonia H. Karsten (1860); Marssonia J. C. Fischer (1874); Marssoniella F. von H6hnel (1916); Marssonina P. Magnus (1906).

  1. Flora von Neu-Vorpommern und den Inseln Rigen und Usedom ... Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann) 1869. Oct. (Fl. Neu-Vorpommern). Publ.: Jan 186g (p. vi: Oct 1868; ObZ 1 Jan 1869; Flora 24 Feb 1869 ““Neuigkeit”; Bot. Zeit. 26 Feb 1869 ‘“‘neu’’), p. [i]-vi, [1]-26, [1]-650. Copies: B, G, NY. Ref.: Miinter, Osterr. bot. Z. 19: 18-20. Jan 1869. Winter, Flora 53: 442-448, 449-458. 1870.

Martel, Eduardo (1846-1929), Italian botanist and high school teacher at Torino; ultimately at Finalmarina. (Martel).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Bossert p. 254; CSP 17: 47; De Toni 1: Ixxxi; DTS 1: 182, xxi; GR p. 518 (b. 21 Sep 1846, d. 6 Feb 1929), cat. p. 67; Jackson p. 496; Morren ed. 10, 81; Nordstedt p. 22; Saccardo 1: 104.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 99. 1896.

  1. Contribuzione alla conoscenza dell’ algologia romana ... Roma (Tipografia della R.

Accademia dei Lincei ...) 1885. Qu.

Publ.: 1885 (BSbF Sep-Dec 1885), p. [1]-21. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Annu. Ist. bot. Roma 1(2): 182-200. 1885.



  1. Contribuzion all’ algologia italiana ... Venezia (Stab. Tipo-litogr. di M. Fontana)

Publ.: 1887, p. [1]-7- Copy: F1.— Reprinted and to be cited from Notarisia 2: 237 bis-342 bis. 1887. Further contribution: Annu. Ist. bot. Roma 3: 1-11. 1888.

Martelli, Niccolo [Martellius Nicolaus] (x-1829), Italian professor of botany at Rome. (N. Martell).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrlocRAPHY: HU 629; Jackson p. 320; Kew 3: 599; Plesch p. 326; PR 5841 (ed. 1: 6545); Saccardo 1: 104; TL 1: 122; TL-2/1: 634; Tucker 1: 463.

Anon., Flora 12: 240. 1829.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 287. 1938 (dir. of bot. gard. Roma 1777-1805). Geremicca, M., Bull. Orto bot. Napoli 3: 65. 1913.

COMPOSITE WoRKS: Co-author (with L. and C. Sabbati) of volumes 2-7 of Bonelli, Hortus romanus (TL-2/1: 634). Further copies: FI, FI-BN.

EPONYMY: The derivation of Martella Endlicher (1836) and Martella Adanson ex Kuntze (1898) could not be established.

  1. Braschiae planiae novi generis descriptio nomini majestatique Pu Sexti p.m. dicata.

Romae (ex Typographia Joannis Zempel ...) [1791]. (Braschiae pl.).

Publ.: 1791, p. [i]-xx, 1 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: FI, G. (“Libellus rarissimus” PR. — Pritzel saw also only the Candolle copy, now at G).

Martelli, Ugolino (1860-1934), Italian botanist, “gentiluomo di nobilissimo casato”, hence independent, at Pisa and Florence; founder of Webbia. (1905). (Martellz).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: FI (90.000, incl. O. Beccari’s palm herbarium); further material at

DBN, GE, PI, POR, PAD (fungi), SASSA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiocraPHy: AG 3: 197, 12(3): 5; Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 452; BJI 2: 112-113; BL 1: 34, 35, 307; 2: 360, 387, 688; BM 3: 1247-1248, 7: 802; Bossert p. 254; GSP 10: 731, 17: 48; De Toni 1: Ixxxi-Ixxxii, 2: Ixxviii-lxxix; GR p. 534; Hirsch p. 190; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Martelli”); TH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 506; Kew 3: 599-600; Lenley p. 281; LS 16957- 16976; Morren ed. 10, p. 84; MW p. 300, suppl. p. 217; NI (alph.); Rehder 5: 548; Saccardo 1: 104; SBC p. 126 (“Martelli”); SK 4: cxii; TL-2/381, 382, 4275; Tucker 1: 463.

Anon., Nat. Nov. 20: 146. 1898 (habil. Pisa).

Chiarugi, A., Atti. Soc. toscan. Sci. nat. Proc. Verb. 44(4): 79-87. 1935 (bibl.).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 99. 1896.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 283. 1938 (acting dir. Pisa bot. gard. 1920- 1930).

Gagnepain, F., in H. Lecomte, Fl. gén. Indochine tome prél. 44-45. 1944.

Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. Herb. 108. 1970.

Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. pl. 4: 203. 1926; B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 131-132. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30: 204-206. 1947; Chron. bot. 14: 328, 355. ae:

Negri, G., Nuovo Giorn. bot. Ital. ser. 2. 42(1): 1-16. 1935 (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 11 Sep 1860, d. 25 Nov 1934).

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 55. 1980 (pl. DBN).

Pampanini, R., Fl. rep. San Marino 22. 1930.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 502-521. 1977.

Stearn, W. T., J. Bot. 73: 137-138. 1935.

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 1: 197, 200. 1935.

COMPOSITE WorRKs: (1) Lecomte, H., Fl. gén. Indochine, Pandanaceae 6(8): 1056-1069. Dec 1937. (2) editor of Webbia, 1-5, 1905-1923.


MARTELLI EPONYMY: Martellia Mattirolo (1900).

  1. Florula bogosensis. Enumerazione delle piante dei Bogos [Ethiopia] raccolte dal dott. O. Beccari nel’anno 1870 con descrizione delle specie nuove 0 poco note per cura di Ugolino Martelli. Firenze (Tipografia di Mariano Ricci...) 1886. Oct. (Fl. bogos.).

Collector. Odoardo Beccari (1843-1920).

Publ.: Jun 1886 (p. vii: 22 Mai 1886; BSbF 23 Jul 1886; Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1886; J. Bot. Dec 1886; Bot. Zeit. 31 Dec 1886), p. [i]-vii, [1]-169, [170, err.], pl. 1. Copies: FI, G, MICH, MO, USDA.

Ref.: Penzig, O., Bot. Centralbl. 32: 112-113. 1887 (rev.).

  1. Rivista critica delle specie e variela italiane del genere Statice ... Firenze (Tipografia di Mariano Ricci...) 1887. Oct. (Riv. sp. ital. Statice). Publ.: 1887 (BSbF 11 Nov 1887; Nat. Nov. Feb (2) 1888), p. [i]-v, [1]-22. Copy: FI.

  2. Rivista monografica del genere Androsace in rapporto alle specie italiane ... Firenze (Tipografia di Mariano Ricci...) 1890. Oct. (Riv. Androsace). Publ.: Dec 1889 or Jan 1890 (Nat. Nov. Jan (2) 1890), p. [1]-40. Copy: FI.

5473- Astragali italiani. Osservazioni critiche ... Firenze (Stabilimento di Giuseppe Pellas ...) 1892. Oct. (Astrag. ital.). Publ.: 1892, p. [1]-15, [1, list photos], photos 1-8. Copies: FI, G.

  1. Monocotyledones Sardoae sive ad floram Sardoam Josephi Hyacinthi Moris per Ugolino

Martelli continuatio. Firenze (Tipografia Luigi Niccolai) 1896. Qu. (Monocot. Sardoae).

Fasc. 1: Jul-Aug 1896 (p. viii: Jul 1896; Nat. Nov Sep(1) 1896; Bot. Zeit. 16 Sep 1896), p. [1]- viii, 1-76, pl. 1-3 (uncol. liths. A. Petri).

Fasc. 2: 1901 (G rd. Jul 1902; Bot. Zeit. Feb 1902), p. 77-115, pl. 4-7 (id.).

Fasc. 3: 1904 (G rd. Dec 1904; Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1905), p. [i], 117-152, pl. 8-ro (id.). Imprint: Rocca G. Caseiano (Stab. tipografico Licinio Cappelli).

Copies: FI, G, MO, NY. — Continuation of Guiseppe Giacinto Moris (1796-1869), Flora sardoa, 3 vols. 1837-1859, see no. 6329.

5475+ Le collezioni di Giorgio Everardo Rumpf acquistate dal Granduca Cossimo iii de’ Medici

una volta esistenti nel Museo di fisica e storia naturale di Firenze. Estratto da un Catalogo

manoscritto dal prof. Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti per cura di Ugolino Martelli... Firenze

(Tipografia Luigi Niccolai) 1903. Qu. (Coll. Rump/).

Original author: Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti (1712-1783); collector: Georg Everhard Rumph (Rumphius) (1627-1702).

Publ.: 1903, p. [i], [1]-213. Copies: FI, NY, USDA.

  1. Pandanus. Nuove specie descritte da Ugolino Martelli... [Firenze] (Stab. Pellas, .. .)

1905-1907. Oct.

Manip. 1: 1905, p. [1]-11. Copies: FI, G. — Webbia 1: 361-371. 1905. To be cited from journal.

Manip. 2: Webbia 2: 423-439. 1907 (Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1908). To be cited from journal; no reprint known to us.

5477- Enumerazione delle “Pandanaceae’”’ ... Firenze (Tipografia di M. Ricci...) 1913. Oct.

(Enum. Pandan.).

Publ.: Jun 1913, p. [3]-105, pl. 1-17 (uncol.). Copies: FI, L. - Reprinted from Webbia 4(1): 5-105, pl. 27-43. Jun 1913. — See also Webbia 4(2): 399-435, pl. 18-43. (Mai 1914) fora

list of the new taxa.

Martens, Eduard (Kar!) von (1831-1904), German zoologist and botanist, son of Georg Matthias Martens; Dr. med. Tiibingen 1855; assistant at the Zoological Museum of the University of Berlin 1856, from 1859 custos; zoologist and botanist on the Prussian expedition on the Thétis (1860-1862); from 1862-1864 travelling in Indonesia; professor of zoology at the University of Berlin 1874, interim and later second director of the Zoological Museum from 1883; Geheimrath 1898. (£. Martens).




BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 690; Barnhart 2: 452; BM 3: 1248-1249; Bossert p.

254; Bret. p. 941; CSP 4: 252, 8: 339-342, 10: 731-733, 12: 487-488; 17: 48-51; 1H 2: 506; PR

5842; SK 1: 348-349;Urban-Berl. p. 266, 271, 279, 289, 307, 321, 373-

Anon., Hedwigia 44(Beibl. 1): (51). 1904 (d.); Leopoldina 40: 77. 1907 (d. 14 Aug 1904; obit.); Nat. Nov. 9: 134. 1887 (second dir. Zool. Mus., Berlin).

Becker, K. & E. Schumacher, S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin ser. 2. 13(2): 143. 1973 (bibl. publ. M in publ. of the society).

Klunzinger, C. B., Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg 61: xlvi-l. 1905 (obit.).

Kobelt, W., J. Conchol. 11: 171-173. 1905 (obit.), Nachrichtsbl. deut. Malakozool. Ges. [Arch. Molluskenk., Frankfurt] 1: 6-10. 1905.

Lawrence, G. H. M., Huntia 1: 164. 1964 (letters at HU).

Meissner, M., Beih. Arch. Naturgesch. 67: i-viii. 1901 (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 18 Apr 1831).

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 273. 1969 (bibl.).

Sirks, M. J., Ind. natuurond. 299 [index]. 1915.

Smith, E. A., Proc. malac. Soc. London 6: 251-252. 1905 (obit.).

FESTSCHRIET: Beiheft zum Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte vol. 67, Berlin 18 Apr igor (p. [1*-111*], portr., [i]-viii, [1]-346, pl. 1-11, copy: USDA), with biographical sketch of M by M. Meissner, p. i-viii (bibl., portr.).

Note: (1) M’s sister Louise von Martens (1828-1894) illustrated many of his zoological publications and provided also the plates for “Die preussische Expedition nach Ostasien” (Thétis). Louise von M. provided the plates mentioned by us under our no. 1636.

(2) Not to be confused with Edouard Martens, botanist at the University of Louvain [Leuven], (1831-1904), son of Martin Martens (1797-1863).

  1. Ueberblick der flora arctica von Eduard v. Martens Med. Dr. [Regensburg 1859]. Qu. (Ueberbl. fl. arct.). Publ.: 1859, p. [1]-44. Copies: FI, NY. — Reprinted from Denkschr. Regensb. bot. Ges. 4: 1-

Martens, Georg Matthias von (1788-1872), German botanist; government official; studied law at Tiibingen 1807-1810; from 1811-1855 secretary of the “Oberjustizkolle- gium”’, from 1836 with the title ‘““Kanzleirat’’, at Stuttgart; Dr. phil. h.c. Tubingen 1863. (G. Martens).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B (almost entirely destroyed). Duplicates: C, FI, FR, HBG, L, OXF, STU. Exsiccatae: see Rabenhorst (Algae marinae siccatae). Koster cites LE as location for types of algae.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 20: 467; AG 2(1): 690; Barnhart 2: 452; BM 3: 1249;

Bossert p. 254; Clokie p. 207; CSP 4: 252-253, 8: 342, 10: 733; De Toni 1: Ixxxui; DTS 1: 182,

6(4): 13, 169; GR p. 110; Herder p. 54, 179, 188; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Martens, G.”’); IH 2:

506; Jackson p. 312, 378; Kew 3: 601; KR p. 496; LS 16978-16979; PR 5844-5849 (ed. 1:

6547); Rehder 5: 548; Saccardo 1: 105, 2: 68; TL-2/4270; Urban-Berl. p. 48, 266, 271, 279,

289, 307, 373; Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. 11, p. 786.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 32. 1855, 6: 48. 1858 (cognomen in Leopoldina: Scopoli IT); Bot. Not. 1873: 28 (d. 24 Feb 1872); Flora 55: 256. 1872; Bot. Zeit. 30: 302-304. 1872; Hedwigia 11: 80. 1872; J. Bot. 10: 224. 1872; Leopoldina 7: 91. 1872; Osterr. bot. Z. 22: 238. 1872 (d.); Zool. Gart. 13: 96. 1892 (d.).

Beck, G. V., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 149. 1888, zn Bot. Anst. Wiens 66. 1894 (exs. W).

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 65. 1945.

Conert, H. J., Senckenbergiana, Biol. 48(C): 16, 22. 1967 (coll. at FR).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 245-246. 1977.

Hausmann, F., Fl. Tirol 1: 1183. 1854.

Hohenacker, R. F., Bonplandia 10: 32. 1862 (offers Alg. mar. sicc. 1-9).

Hoppe, D. H., Flora 1(16): 283-284. 1818.

Koster, J. T., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.



Kinkele, S. & S. Seybold, Jahresh. Ges. Naturk. Wirttemberg 125: 156. 1970 (herb. to B 1880; now destroyed except for incidental specimens; duplicata stillin STU and in herb. Landw. Ver., Stuttgart).

Lehmann, E., Schwab. Apotheker 27, 30, 38-40, 48, 59, 96, 97, 98, 198. 1951.

Martens, E. V., Wiirttemb. naturw. Jahresh. 29(1): 66-88. 1873 (biogr., b. in the night of 12/13 Jun 1788; d. 24 Feb 1872).

Martens, G. M. & C. A. Kemmler, Fl. Wirttemberg ed. 2. 780. 1865.

Metzger, E., Jahresber. Wurtt. Ver. Handelsgeogr. 7-8: 141-142. 1890 (bibl.)

Miller, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedrich Traugott Kiitzing 67, 100, 146, 152, 164, 224, 227, 228. rg6o.

Steinberg, C. H. Webbia 32: 31. 1977.

Urban, I., Bot. Jahrb. 14. Beibl. 32: 28. 1891.

Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 825. 1965.

EPONYMY: Martensia Hering (1841, nom. cons.). Note: Martensia Giseke (1792, nom. rej.) is dedicated to Friedrich Martens, German physician and explorer, who visited Spitzbergen and Greenland in 1671.

5479- Reise nach Venedig ... Ulm (in der Stettin’schen Buchhandlung) 1824, 2 vols. Oct. (Reise Venedig).

1: 1824, frontisp., p. [i]-xiv, [1]-472.

2: 1824, frontisp., p. [i]-vi, [1 ]-664, Flora veneta on p. 539-648; (2 copper engr., 7 liths.). Copy: NY. — Contains a review of the writings on the flora of Venetia from 1561.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 9: 289-304. 1826, 11: 510 (footnote). 1828.

  1. Flora von Wiirtemberg von Gustav Schubler ... und Georg von Martens ... Mit einer Charte der Umgebungen von Tiibingen. Tubingen (bei C. F. Osiander) 1834. Duod. (in sixes). (Hl. Wiirtemberg).

Authorship: senior author of ed. 1: Gustav Schiibler (1787-1834), of ed. 2: G. M. von Martens, ed. 3: Carl Albert Kemmler (1813-1888); Kemmler was junior author of ed. 2.

Ed. 1: Oct-Dec 1834 (p. 6: 10 Sep 1834; Flora rd. 28 Dec 1834), p. [1], [1 ]-6, [1]-xxxu, [1 ]- 695, [695], map. Copy: NY.

Ed. 2: Jan 1865 (“neu”’ Flora 4 Feb 1865, rev. 12 Mai 1866), p. [1*-11*], [i]-cxiv, [1]-844, map. Copies: BR, G, NY, —“‘Flora von Wiirltemberg und Hohenzollern von Georg von Martens

. und Carl Albert Kemmler ... Zweite ganz umbearbeitete Auflage der Flora von Wurttemberg [sic] von Schibler und von Martens.” Tubingen (Verlag der Osiander’schen Buchhandlung) 1865. Duod.

Ed. 2, neue Ausgabe: 1872 (Bot. Zeit. 5 Jul 1872), p. [1*], [i]-cxiv, [1]-844, map. Copies: G, STU. — “Neue Ausgabe” Heilbronn (Albert Scheurlen’s Verlag) 1872. Duod. This edition is identical (except for t.p.) with the 1865 ed. (S. Seybold).

Ed. 3: Jun-Nov 1882, in 12 parts. “Dritte Auflage, aufs neue durchgesehen und erganzt von Carl Albert Kemmler ...’’ Heilbronn (Verlag von Gebr. Henniger) 1882. Oct. 2 vols. Copies: B, G, M, NY.

Erster Theil: 1882 (p. vi: 25 Jul 1882; J. Bot. Jan 1883), p. [i]-cxxiii, [1, expl. pl.], [1]-296. Aweiter Theil: 1882, p. [i], [1 ]-412, [1, abbr. ]. Ref.: Freyn, J. F., Bot. Gentralbl. 13(7): 237-238. 1883 (rev. ed. 3).

  1. Amansia jungermannoides; aufgestellt von Herrn v. Martens und Apotheker Hering in

Stuttgart ... [Besonderer Abdruck aus der allgem. botan. Zeit. 1836. B. 11]. Oct.

Publ.: 21 Aug 1836, p. [1]-7, 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 19: 481-487. 21 Aug 1836. Followed by: Amphiroa pustulata: ... (id), p. 8-12, 1 pl. (id.),. reprinted and to be cited from Flora 19: 487-491. 21 Aug 1936.

  1. Die Gartenbohnen. lhre Verbreitung, Cultur und Benutzung... Stuttgart (Verlag von

Ebner & Seubert) 1860. Qu. (Gartenbohnen).

Ed. 1: Dec 1859 (t.p. “1860”; Flora received a copy in Dec 1859), [i]-viii, [1]-92, pl. 1-72 (col. liths.). Copies: G, NY, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1869, front., p. [i]-vili, [1]-105, [106, cont.], pl. 1-12 (col.). Copies: L, USDA. — “Zweite vermehrte Ausgabe” Ravensburg (Druck und Verlag von Eugen Ulmer) 1869.




Ref.: Anon., Flora 42: 768. 28 Dec 1859, 43: 281-287. 14. Mai 1860; Bull. Soc. bot. France 6: 827-830. 1860. Klotzsch, F., Bonplandia 8: 72. 1 Mar 1860 (rev.). Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 18: 39. 27 Jan 1860.

  1. Die Preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien. Nach amtlichen Quellen. Botanischer Theil.

Die Tange. Mit viii Illustrationen ... Berlin (Verlag der koniglichen geheimen Ober-

Hofbuchdruckerei, R. v. Decker) 1866 [i.e. 1868]. Oct. (Preuss. Exped. Ost-As., Tange).

Publ.: Jan 1868 (t.p. 1866; see below), p. [1, ii], [1]-152, pl. 7-8 (uncol. liths. by Schmidt). Copies: B, FH, G, NY, US, USDA. Note on date: De Bary (Bot. Zeit. 26: 332-334. 15 Mai 1868) “Unseres Wissens aber erst 1868 ausgegeben.” Further indications: Anon. (adver- tisement!) Bot. Zeit. 26: 152. 28 Feb 1868 “‘ist soeben erschienen’’; Flora rd. Jan-Mar 1868, “neu” 11 Apr 1868; BSbF rev. after 7 Feb 1868; “‘In unserem Verlage ist soeben Erschienen ...”’ Ady. dated Berlin 8 Feb 1868 in ObZ 18: 106. 1868, see also 18: 406-407. 1868.

  1. Conspectus algarum brasiliae hactenus detectarum .. . [Kj6benhayn 1870]. Oct. (Consp.

alg. bras.).

Publ.: 1870 (submitted 1 Jun 1870), p. [1]-18. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Vid. Medd. nat. For. Kjobenhavn 1870: 297-314.

  1. Algae brasilienses circa Rio de Janeiro a clar. A. Glaziou, horti publici directore,

botanico indefesso, annis 1869 et 1870 collectae ... [Kjobenhavn 1871] Oct.

Collector: Auguste Francois Marie (1828-1906).

Publ.: 1871 (submitted 3 Feb 1871), p. [1]-5. Copzes: G, H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Vid. Med. nat. For. Kjobenhavn 1871 (8-10): 144-148. 1871.

Martens, Martin (1797-1863), Belgian botanist at Leuven and Brussels; born in Maas- tricht, Netherlands; studied medicine at Liége; from 1823-1835 practicing physician at Maastricht; professor of chemistry and botany at Louvain (Leuven) 1835-1863. (M. Martens).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at BR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 453; BM 3: 1249; CSP 4: 253-255; Herder p.

166, 270; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Martens, M.”’); IF p. 717; IH 2: 506; Jackson p. 368; Kew 3: 601;

Langman p. 476; PR 5850-5851 (ed. 1: 6548-6549); Rehder 5: 548; RS p. 117; Tucker 1:

463; Zander ed. 11, p. 786.

Anon., Flora 46: 285. 1863; Bot. Zeit. 21. 159. 1863; Osterr. bot. Z. 13: 166. 1863 (d. 8 Feb 1863).

Candolle, A. P. de, Phytographie 432. 1880 (herb. with E. Martens at Louvain).

Crépin, F., Guide bot. Belg. 243, 460. 1878.

Piré, L., Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 2(1): 67-71. 1863 (repr. p. 1-6).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 4(2): 62. 1904 (b. 8 Dec 1797, bibl.).

Seemann, B., J. Bot. 1: 224. 1863.

EPONYMY: Martensella E. Coemans (1863). Note: Martensiomyces J. Meyer (1957) is dedicated to” ... Monsieur Martens, professeur de mycologie a l'Université de Louvain’’ (Pierre Edouard Martens, b. 1895).

5485a. Nolice sur quelques nouvelles especes de plantes indigenes de ? Amerique septentrionale { Acade-

mie Royale de Bruxelles (extrait du tom. viii, no. 4, des Bulletins, 1841]. Oct.

Publ.: 1841, p. [1]-4. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Acad. r. Bruxelles 8: 65-68. 1841.

  1. Mémoire sur les fougeres du Mexique, et considérations sur la géographie botanique de

cette contrée. [Bruxelles 1842]. Qu. (Mém. foug. Mexique).

Co-author: Henri Guillaume Galeotti (1814-1858).

Publ.: 1842, p. [1]-99, pl. 1-23 (uncol. liths. by Galeotti). Copies: BR, FH, FI, MO, NY, US, USDA; IDC 7224. — Nouv. Mém. Acad. r. Sci. Bruxelles 15: 1-99. 1842.



Spanish version: see Ramirez, La vegetacién de México 1899. Ref.: Langman p. 608 (for José Ramirez, Veg. Mexico, 1899).

  1. Volice sur les plantes des familles des Vaceiniées et des Ericacées, recueillis au Mexique par

M. Henri Galeotti ... [Bruxelles 1842]. Oct.

Co-author: Henri Guillaume Galeotti (1814-1858).

Publ.: 1842, p. [1]-19. Copies: FI, G, McVaugh, US. — Reprinted from Bull. Acad. roy. Bruxelles 9(6): 526-544. 1842. This paper is actually the first of the series continued (from no. [2] onward) as Enum. pl. Galeottz. (In the journal publication this paper is also entitled Enum. pl. Galeotti.). See TL-2/5488.

  1. Enumeration synoplica plantarum phanerogamicarum ab Henrico Galeotti in regionibus mexi-

canis collectarum [Bruxelles 1842-1845]. Oct. (Enum. pl. Galeottz).

Co-author: Henri Guillaume Galeotti (1814-1858).

Publ.: A series of papers published in the Bull. Acad. roy. Bruxelles and reprinted with independent pagination. The instalments are not numbered in the text; the numbers in the first column have been assigned by us. Copies: G(2), McVaugh, MO, NY, US, USDA.

Part Bull. reprint date Séance I 9(6): 526-544 [1 ]-19 1842 4 Jun 2 9(7): 32-47 [1 ]-46 1842 2 Jul 3 9(8): 227-249 [1]-23 1842 4 9(10): 372-393 [1 ]-22 Dec 1842 5 Nov 5 10(2): 110-134 [1 ]-24 1843 4 Feb 6 10(3): 208-224 [1 ]-16 1843 4 Mar 7) 10(4): 341-360 [1 ]-20 1843 1 Apr 8 10(7): 31-52 [1]-22 1843 8 Jul 9 10(8): 178-200 [1]-23 1843 5 Aug

10 10(Q): 302-321 [1 ]-20 1843 7 Oct

Tat 11(3): 121-137 [1]-16 1844 2 Mar

12 11(4): 227-243 [17]-33 1844 6 Apr

ne 11(6): 355-376 [1 ]-24 1844 1 Jun

14 11(8): 61-79 [1]-19 1844 3 Aug

15 11(g): 185-196 [1]-12 Oct-Dec 1844 5 Oct

16 11(10): 319-340 [1 ]-24 Nov-Dec 1844 2 Nov

17 12(2): 129-149 [1]-20 1845 i Heb

18 12(7): 15-36 [1]-22 1845 5 Jul

19 12(g): 257-278 [1 ]-24 Nov-Dec 1845 11-Oet

Martersteck, Johann Clemens (//. 1792), German botanist and church administrator at Bonn. (Martersteck).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 453; BM 3: 1249; PR 5852 (ed. 1: 6550); Rehder 5: 548. Oligschlager, F. W., Flora 16: 341. 1833.

  1. Bénnischer Flora erster Theil. Oder Verzeichniss aller hier wild und frei-wachsenden Arznei-Pflanzen, nebst einer vollstandigen Beschreibung ihrer Eigens¢haften, ihres Nut- zens und Gebrauches, ... Bonn (gedruckt bei Joh. Frid. Abshoven, Universitats- Buchdruckerei) 1792. Oct. (Bénn. Fl.).

Publ.: 1792, p. [i-xvi], [1]-475, [476, err.]. Copies: G, NY.

Marthe, Francois (/. 1801), French botanist and gardener at the Jardin médical, Paris. (Marthe).

HERBARIUM and TYPEs: Unknown.




BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1249; CSP 10: 734; IF p. 717; Jackson p. 421; Kew 3: 601; MW p. 300; PR 5853 (ed. 1: 6551); Rehder 5: 548; SO add. 7732.

EPonYMy: Marthella Urban (1903) commemorates Urban’s wife, Martha Urban née Kurtz, herself a sister of the botanist Fritz Kurtz (1854-1920, q.v.). The derivation of Marthea Pascher (1918) could not be established.

  1. Catalogue des plantes du jardin médical de Paris, disposées selon le systeme de Linné, avec Yexplication de quelques changements faits a ce systeme. Publié par Francois Marthe, cultivateur du dit Jardin. Paris (Chez Gabon, ... an IX [1801]. Duod. (Cat. pl. jard. méd. Paris.).

Publ.: 1801, p. [1]-144. Copy: USDA.

Martin, Adolf (//. 1851), German botanist; practicing physician at Pechelbronn (Nieder- rhein). (A. Martin).

HERBARIUM_and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1249; Jackson p. 10; PR 5855; Rehder 5: 548. Anon., Bonplandia 2: 174. 1854, 6: 48. 1858 (cogn. Leopoldina: Weigel).

5491- Die Pflanzennamen der deutschen Flora mit wichtigern Synonymen in alphabetischer Ordnung etymologisch erklart ... Halle (Druck und Verlag von H. W. Schmidt) 1851. Oct. (Pfl. Namen deut. Fl.).

Publ.: 1851 (p. iv: Aug 1851), p. [iJ-iv, [1]-121, [122, index]. Copies: G, NY.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 9: 870-871. 5 Dec 1851.

Martin, Charles-Edouard (1847-1937), Swiss amateur mycologist; studied at the Ecole libre de théologie de la Société €vangélique, Geneve; professor of classical languages at the Ecole until 1921; from 1885 corrector for the Tribune de Genéve; first president of the Société mycologique de Genéve; Dr. h. c. Genéve 1933. (C. Martin).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown; for his “iconotheca”’, now at G, see Wiki (1940).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 453; BJI 2: 113; BM 7: 802; Kelly p. 143; LS

16986-16998, 36625-36633, suppl. 17389-17411.

Lendner, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Genéve ser. 2. 28: 184-190. 1937 (biogr., bibl., b. 10 Mai 1847, dene Feb 1937).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 4(4/5): 438. 1938.

Wiki, B., Bull. Soc. bot. Genéve 30: 240-256. 1940 (iconotheca of 5268 sheets at G.)

  1. Contribution a la flore mycologique Suisse et plus spécialement genevoise ... [Genéve


Publ.: 1899 (Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1899), p. [1]-66 Copy: NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Trav. Soc. bot. Genéve g: 52-117. 1899. — Other papers by this author under the same title: ib. 7: 171-198. 1894 and Bull. Soc. bot. Genéve 11: 110-130. 1905.

5493- Le ‘Boletus subtomentosus de la région genevoise essai de monographie ... [Berne (K. J.

Wyss, libraire éditeur) 1903]. Oct. (Boletus subtomentosus).

Publ.: 1903 (Bot. Zeit. and ObZ 1 Nov 1903; J. Bot. Nov 1903; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1903), p. [n1]-1x, [1]-39, pl. 2-78 (col. liths.). Copy: USDA. — Matériaux pour la flore cryptogamique Suisse 2(1).

  1. Cataloque systématique des Basidiomycetes charnus, des Discomycétes, des Tubérinées et des Hypocréacées de la Suisse romande ... Geneve (publié par la Société mycologique de Geneve) 1919. Qu. (Cat. Basidiomyc. Suisse rom.).

Publ.: 1919 (p. 5: 9 Feb 1919), p. [1]-47. Copies: BR, G, NY.

Martin, Emile (1810-1895), French botanist and judge at Romorantin (Loir-et-Cher). (E. Martin). :


MARTIN, C. E. HERBARIUM and TYPES: P (12.000).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(2): 844 [real first name stated to be Pierre]; Barnhart 2: 454 (b. 18 Nov 1810, d. 15 Feb 1895); BL 2: 171, 689; BM 3: 1249; IH 2: 507; Jackson p. 290; Kew 3: 602; Morren ed. 10, p. 68; Rehder 5: 548; Tucker 1: 463.

Franchet, A., Bull. Soc. bot. France 42: 725-726. 1895.

5495- Catalogue des plantes vasculaires et spontanées des environs de Romorantin . .. Romoran-

tin (Imprimerie de Joubert et fils) 1875. Oct. (Cat. pl. Romorantin).

Ed. 1: Oct-Nov 1875 (BSbF 12 Nov 1875; Flora 21 Dec 1875; Bot. Zeit. 10 Dec 1875), p. [i*, iii*], [i]-xiv, [1]-357, [1-2, add.]. Copzes: G, NY. — Only 100 copies printed, privately distributed.

Ed. 2: Feb 1894 (fide letter by author in NY copy; p. xi: Jan 1894; Bot. Centralbl. 15 Mair894; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1894), p. [1*], [i]-xi,[1]-533. Copzes G, MO, NY, USDA. — Only 100 copies printed, privately distributed. Romorantin (A. Standachar et Cie., .. .) 1894. Oct.

Martin, George Willard (1886-1971), American mycologist; M. Sc. Rutgers Univ. 1915; in U.S. Army in France 1915-1919; at Rutgers Univ. 1919-1921; at Univ. Chicago 1921- 1923; Ph. D. Chicago 1922; from 1923-1955 at the State University of lowa, lowa City. (G. W. Martin).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHy: Ainsworth p. 345; Barnhart 2: 454; Bossert p. 255; GR p.

230; Hawksworth p. 184; Hirsch p. 190; IH 2: 507; Kelly p. 143; Kew 3: 602-603; Lenley p.

281; LS suppl. 17422-17430; ME 2: 731; MW p. 300; NAF 1(1): 264; Roon p. 74; Stevenson

p. 1250; TL-2/1: 781.

Burk, W. R., Bibl. N. Amer. Gasteromye. 1: 117-120. 1980.

Couch, J. N., Amer. midl. Natural. 87: 257. 1972.

Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975, mss.

Hulbary, R. L., Plant Sci. Bull. 18(4): 44. 1972; Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 100: 142. 1973.

Lentz, P. L. & C. R. Benjamin, Mycopath. Mycol. appl. 45(3-4): vii-xv. 1971 (portr., bibl.).

Lowy, B., Bol. Soc. mexic. Micol. 5: 114. 1971.

Martin, G. W., The Tremellales of the North Central United States and adjacent Canada, Iowa City, Mai 1944, 88 p. (Univ. Iowa Stud. nat. Hist. 18(3)).

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 42-43. 1977.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 20: 179. 1971 (on his Myxomycetes of 1969).

Wells, K., Mycologia 65(5): 985-998. 1973 (portr., bibl.).

COMPOSITE works: (1) With T. H. Macbride: The myxomycetes, New York 1934; with C. J. Alexopoulous; The myxomycetes 1969. (2) NAF, Myxomycetes, 1(1): 1-151. 29 Apr 1949.

EPONYMY: Martininia K. P. Dumont & R. P. Korf (1970). Note: Martinella Baillon (1888) commemorates Joseph Martin (fl. 1788-1826), French botanist in French Guiana, who also collected on Martinique and Mauritius. Martinella (M. C. Cooke & Massee ex M. C. Cooke) P. A. Saccardo (1892) is dedicated to Flora Martin née Campbell (x-1923), Australian botanist who is also commemorated by Campbellia M. C. Cooke & Massee (1890). Martinia E. Vaniot (1903), Martinella A. A. H. Léveillé (1904) and Neomartinella Pilger (1906) are dedicated to Léon Francois Martin (1866-1919), French missionary and botanical collector in China, Japan, Korea and Siberia. ‘The same: probably holds for Martinia L. Crié (1889) which, however, could not be checked. Martiniaster Loeblich & Tappan (1963) commemorates E. Martini (fl. 1961), German micropalacontologist about whom we have no further particulars.

Martin, William (1886-1975), New Zealand botanist and high school teacher, B. Sc. Otago Univ. 1911. (W. Martin).



HERBARIUM and Types: Phanerogams at WELT (17.000); bryophytes at CHR (12.000), lichens at CANTY and CHR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: GR p. 774; Hortus 3: 1199 (““W. Martin’’); TH 2: 508; SBC

p. 126; TL-2/1615.

Anon., Taxon 26: 160. 1977.

Galloway, D. J., New Zealand J. Bot. 14: 367-374. 1976 (portr., bibl.); Bryologist 79: 473- 476. 1976 (portr.).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lichens at CHR).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

Martin, William Keble (1877-1969), British clergyman, botanist and botanical artist; MA Oxon 1899; curate 1902-1909; vicar, Wath-upon-Dearne, Rotherham 1909-1921; rector Haccombe, Devon, 1921-1934; Great Torrington 1934-1943; Combe-in-Teignhead 1943-1949. (W. A. Martin).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: EXR; further material at TOR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 235, 689; Desmond p. 4.24; IH 2: 508.

Anon., Rep. Trans. Devonsh. Ass. 1970: 284-286. (d. ““1970). The Times 27 Nov 1969, Daily Telegraph 27 Nov 1969.

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 120. 1977.

Martin, W. K., Over the Hills, 1968 (autobiogr.; fide Desmond).

Massingham, B., Country Life 162 (4197): 1851, 1852, 1854. 1977 (n.v.).

Pugsley, H. W., J. Bot. 77: 294-297. 1939 (FI. Devon publ. July).

  1. Flora of Devon phanerogams, vascular cryptogams, charophyta promoted by the Devonshire Association ... Arbroath (printed and published by T. Buncle & Co. Ltd.)
  2. Oct. (Fl. Devon).

Publ.: Jul 1939, p. [i]-xv, 1-787, pl. 1. Copy: USDA.

Martin de Argenta, Vicente (//. 1862), Spanish botanist. (V. Martin). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and Brocrapuy: CSP 10: 736; Langman p. 476; NI 1281; Rehder 5: 549; Tucker 1: 464.

5497- Album de la flora médico-farmaceutica € industrial, indigena y exdtica, 6 sea coleccion de

laminas iluminadas de las plantas de applicacion en la medicina, farmacia, industria y

artes, copiadas ‘en sa mayor parte del natural 6 de los mejores dibujos que de ellas existen:

descripcion de las mismas con expresion de sa duracion, localidad donde crecen y época en

que florecen las de Espana; su sinonimia cientifica y vulgar, usos médicos, farmacéuticos é

industriales, virtudes medicinales, etc. etc. ordenadas segun el método natural de Mr. De-

Candolle ... Madrid (Imprenta de la Galeria Literaria, ...) 1862-1864, 3 vols. (Album fl.


1: 1862 (p. [iv]: 10 Sep 1862), engr. t.p., portr., p. [i]-vili, [1]-110, [1-4, ind., 2, err.], 105 pl. (col.).

2: 1863, engr. t.p., portr., p. [i, ili], 5-161, [1-3, ind. & err.], 207 pl. (NY copy: 106).

3: 1864, engr. t.p., portr., p. [i-iii], 5-227, [228, err.], 88 pl. Copy: NY. — Copies occur with plates in different states. See also Wheldon and Wesley, Catal. 137, no 53, 1976 and NI 1281.

Martindale, Isaac Comly (1842-1893), American quaker, botanist, entomologist, and bank-clerk of Camden, New Jersey. (J. C. Martindale).

HERBARIUM and Types: NA (80.000; acquired 1964), further material e.g. in AK, PHIL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 454; BL 1: 212, 307; Bossert p. 255; Clokie p. 207; CSP 10: 737, 12: 489, 17: 60; De Toni 4: xxxix; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 508; Jackson p. 142,



495; Kew 3: 605; Morren ed. 10, p. 125; NAF ser. 2. 6: 69; NW p. 52; Pennell p. 613; PH p.

498 [index]; Rehder 5: 549; Stevenson p. 1250; Tucker 1: 464; Urban-Berl. p. 373.

Anon., Amer. J. Pharm. 66(5): 251-253. 1894 (herb. presented to Philadelphia College of Pharmacy); Bartonia 2: 34. 1909 (co-founder of journal); Bot. Gaz. 9: 163. 1884, 10: 311. 1885 (herbarium and library for sale), 18: 39. 1893; Bot. Not. 1894: 47 (b. 15 Jul 1842); Bull. Torrey bot. Club 20(2): 72. 1893; Entom. News 4: 37-38, pl. 2 1893 (portr., b. 15 Jul 1842, d. 3 Jan 1893); Leopoldina 29: 107. 1893; Meehan’s Mo. 3: 31. 1893; Nat. Nov. 15: 107. 1893 (d. 3 Jan 1893).

Britten, J., J. Bot 31: 159. 1893.

Britton, N. L., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 21: 176. 1894 (herb. to Philadelphia College of — Pharmacy). |

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural. 259-260. 1950.

Goulding, J. H., Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 11: 105-108. 1974.

Haas, T. P., Amer. J. Pharm. 116: 420-432. 1944 (portr., descr. herb. then still at Philadelphia College of Pharmacy).

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philadelphia 322-328, 449. 1899.

Koster, J. T., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

McVaugh, R., Edward Palmer 67, 74, 78. 1956.

Meyer, F. G. and S. Elsasser, Taxon 22: 375-404. 1973 (biogr., bibl., portr.).

Redfield, J. H., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 20: 98-100. 1893 (see also p. 72).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 68. 1955.

Sargent, C. S., Garden & Forest 1893: 36.

Voss, E. G., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 13: 14, 68. 1978.

HANDWRITING: Taxon 22: 380. 1973; Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 11:106. 1974. EPONYMY: Martindalia P. A. Saccardo & J. B. Ellis (1885).

  1. Notes on the Bartram oak, Quercus heterophylla, Michx ... Camden, N. J. (S. Chew, printer, ...) 1880. (Not. Bartram oak).

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1880 (Bot. Centralbl. 5-9 Apr 1880), p. [1]-24. Copies: G, PH, US.

Ref.: Koehne, E., Bot. Centralbl. 1/2: 528. 1880 (rev.).

  1. I. C. Martindale’s desiderata [Camden, N. J. 1881]. (Martindale's desid.). Publ.: Feb 1881, cover, p. [1]-21, [22]. Copzes: MO, US.

Martindale, Joseph Anthony (1837-1914), British headmaster at Staveley 1859-1902; lichenologist, naturalist, archeologist and linguist. (J. A. Martindale).

HERBARIUM and Types: KDL; other material at E and BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 455; BB p. 208; CSP 8; 345, 17: 60; Desmond p. 424; GR p. 405; IH 2: 508; LS 17015-17016d, 36639.

Anon., J. Bot. 52: 160. 1914.

Druce, G. C., Rep. Bot: Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. 4: 51. 1915.

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 24, 120, 198. 1977. Holmes, E. M., J. Bot. 52: 241-245. 1914 (portr. b. 19 Jul 1837, d. 3 Apr 1912).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Ind. coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (lichens at E).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 68. 1957 (herb. (2000) at KDL).

R., Naturalist 688: 157-159. 1914.

Martinet, Jean Baptiste Henri (1840-?), French botanist and clergyman who worked in Peru; professor of botany at the medical school of Lima; later again in Paris. (Martinet).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 455; BM 3: 1251; Herder p. 163; IH 2: 509; Jackson p. 450; Morren ed. 2. p. 37, ed. 10, p. 141; Tucker 1: 464.

  1. Lnumeracion de los generos y especies de plantas que deben ser cultivadas 6 conservadas en



el jardin botanico de la facultad de medecina de Lima con la indicacion sumaria de su

utilidad en la medicina, la industria y la economia, ... Lima (Imprenta del Estado, . . .)

  1. Qu. (Enum. gen. sp. pl.).

Publ.: Jun 1873 (date dedication of copy sent by author to Ad. Brongniart, now in USDA), p. [i}-xliii, [xliv], [1]-458, [1, err.]. Copy: USDA.

Ref.:Martinet, J. B. H., Bull. Soc. bot. France 21: 373-380. 1874.

Martinez, Maximino (1888-1964), Mexican botanist, founder of the Sociedad Botanica de México and the Boletin of that society. (Martinez).

HERBARIUM and types: MEXU; further material at F, IFGP, MEX, MICH, MO, NY, SBC, US.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 455; BL 1: 149, 308; Bossert p. 255; Hortus 3:

1199 (‘Martinez’); IH 2: 509; Kew 3: 605-606; Langman p. 477-480; Lenley p. 281; Roon


Clark, P., Garden J. 14: 207. 1964 (obit.).

Langman, I., Bol. Soc. bot. Mex. 30: 27-29. 1969.

McVaugh, R., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 9(3-7): 282. 1972 (itin.; coll.).

Rzedowski, J., Ciencia, México 24(5/6). Feb 1966, issue dedicated to the memory of Faustino Miranda (1905-1964) and M. Martinez; biogr. details on p. 181-184, portr. on pl. 2; Taxon 14: 173-178. 1965 (portr., biogr., bibl., b. 30 Mai 1888, d. 2 Jun 1964).

Rzedowski, J. and F. Miranda, Bol. Soc. bot. Mex 30: 23-26. 1969 (portr.).

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 13: 293. 1964.

  1. Catalogo alfabetico de nombres vulgares y cientificos de plantas que existen en Mexico... Mexico

(Imprenta de la Direccion de Estudios biologicas) 1923. (Cat. nombr. pl. Mexico).

Ed. r: in 19 parts, 1923 (p. [3]: Apr 1923), p. [1]-670. Copies: G (part 1, p. [1]-32 only), USDA (in original undated covers).

Ed. 2[?]: 1937 (US rd. 30 Nov 1937), p. [1]-551. Copies: US, USDA. — Catalogo de nombres vulgares y cientificos de plantas mexicanas. Mexico (Ediciones Botas) 1937. Oct.

  1. Las plantas mas utiles que existen en la Republica Mexicana ... Mexico 1928. (Pl. util.


Ed. 1: 1928 (US rd. 15 Mar 1929), p. [1]-381, [1-8, index]. Copres: MO, NY, US, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1936, p. [1]-400, [1-15, index, 1, err.]. Copies: NY, US, USDA. — “‘Plantas utiles de Mexico segunda edicion”’ Mexico (Ediciones Botas). 1936.

Ed. [3 or 4]: 1959, p. [1]-621, [1, err.]. Copzes: G, US. — Plantas utiles de la flora mexicana. (Ediciones Botas) 1959.

  1. Las plantas medicinales de México. Mexico, D. F. (Ediciones Botas) 1933. 16-mo. (Pl.

med. México).

Ed. 1: 1933, p- [1]-644, [645-646, err.], 3 col. pl. Copies: NY, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1939, p. [1]-628, 6 col. pl. Copies: NY, USDA. — “Segunda edicion.”” Mexico (Ediciones Botas) 1939. Oct.

Ed. 3: 1944, p. [1]-630, 5 col. pl. Copies: MO, USDA. —“‘Tercera edicion.”’ (Ediciones Botas). 1944. Oct.

Ed. 4: 1959, p- [1 ]-656, [1, index]. Copzes: MO. — ‘‘Cuarta edicion.” (Ediciones Botas) 1959.

Ed. 5: 1969, p. [1]-656, 7 lus. pl. Copy: MO.

  1. Catalogo de nombres vulgares y cientificos de plantas mexicanas. Mexico (Ediciones Botas)
  2. (Cat. nombr. vulg. pl. mexic.).

Publ.: 1937, p. [1]-551. Copy: US.

Martinov, Ivan Ivanovic (//. 1826), Russian botanist. (Martinov).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 455; BM 3: 1258; Jackson p. 9; MD p. 177-178; PR 5863; TR 848.


  1. Slovar rodovich imen rasténi ... St. Petersburg 1826. Oct.

Publ.: 1826.—The citation of the date 1825 in Bull. Sci. nat. Moscou 17(4): 81. 1829 is either an error or refers to a hitherto untraced variant title-page: Pritzel lists the book as Lexicon botanicum. (n.v.).

Martins, Charles Frédéric (1806-1889), French botanist and geologist; botanical ex- 5, 5-1889) geologist | plorer of Spitsbergen and the Mediterranean; from 1851-1879 director of the botanical garden and professor of botany at Montpellier. (Martins).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. Important set at G; see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 455; BL 2: 689 [index]; BM 3: 1253-1254, 7: 805; Bossert p. 255; CSP 4: 262-266, 8: 346-347, 10: 737-738, 12: 490, 17: 63; Frank 3(Anh.): 62; GR p. 339; Herder p. 465; IH 2: 509; Jackson p. 578; Kew 3: 606-607; Kleppa p. 236,

241, 267, 290; KR p. 497; Langman p. 482; Laségue p. 575 [index]; LS 17023-17024a,

suppl. 17518; Morren ed. 2. p. 19; MW p. 300; PR 5864-5875 (ed. 1: 6573-6579), 10602;

Quenstedt p. 282; Rehder 5: 549-550; Tucker 1: 464-465.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 32. 1855 (cogn. Leopoldina: Arion), 6: 48. 1858; Bot. Jahrb. r1, Beibl. 24: 1. 1889; Bot. Not. 1890: 45 (d); Bot. Zeit. 47: 322. 1889; Bull. Soc. bot. France 36: 47, 181-182. 1889; Mém. Soc. Phys. Genéve 31 (1): xx-xxi. 1891 (obit.); Nat. Nov. 11: 122. 1889 (d.); Osterr. bot. W. 1: 229. 1851 (app. Montpellier), Osterr. bot. Z. 39: 200. 1889 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 30: lx 1889 (d.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 432. 1880 (pl. G).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 231, 443, 553, 589, 590. 1862.

Chiovenda, E., Nuovo Giorn. bot. Ital. 31: 304-305. 1924.

Cosson, E., Comp. fl. atl. 1: 70. 1881.

Cosson et Durieu, Exp. sci. Algérie Bot. 2: xxxvil-xxxvill. 1868.

Flahault, C., Univ. Montpellier, Inst. Bot. 50-51. 1890.

Flahault, C. et J. E. Planchon, Ann. of Bot. 3: 480-482. 1890 (bibl.; b. 6 Feb 1806, d. 7 Mar 1889; provide further biogr. refs.).

Hedge, I. GC. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 44 (pl. K).

Magnus, P., Leopoldina 26(3-4): [1-3]. 1890.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 65-66. 1858, 3: 878. 1898 (b. 6 Feb 1806, d. 8 Mar 1889).

Seemann, B., Bonplandia 1(4): 34, 1(g): 86. 1853.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 107-108, pl. r4z. 1905 (portr.).

EPONYMY: Martinsia Godron (1853).

  1. Voyage botanique le long des coles septentrionales de la Norvéege, depuis Drontheim jusqu’au Cap Nord, ... [Paris, Voyages ... en Scandinavie ... 1828-1840... la Recherche; 1846]. Oct. (Voy. bot. cotes Norvége).

Publ.: 1846: p. [1]-138. Copy: FI. — Separately issued as well as part of Voy. Scandinavie Recherche 2(1). 1846. See BM 2: 607. —See also his Essat sur la végétation de Parchipel des Feérée, compareé a celle des Shetland et de l Islande méridionale, in ibid. 2(2): 353-450. I map. 1850 (?).

  1. Le jardin des plantes de Montpellier. Essai historique et descriptif accompagné de neuf

planches ... Montpellier (Chez Boehm, ...), Paris (Victor Masson, ...), Strasbourg

(Treuttel et Wurtz, ...) 1854. Qu. (Jard. pl. Montpellier).

Publ.: 1854 (BSbF after 23 Jul 1854), p. [1]-90, [1-2], pl. 7-9 and portr. Magnol. Copies: G, MO.

Ref.:Anon., Bull. Sci., Bibl. univ. Genéve 1854 (Sep): 77-80, Bot. Zeit. 13: 85-88. 1855.

  1. Du Spitzberg au Sahara étapes d'un naturaliste au Spitzberg, en Laponie en Ecosse, en

Suisse, en France, en Italie, en Orient, en Egypte et en Algérie ... Paris (Librairie J. -B.

Bailiére et fils, ...) s.d. [1865]. Oct. (Spitzberg au Sahara).

Orig. ed.: 1865 (p. xi: 25 Sep 1865; J. Bot. Jan 1866), p. [i]-xvi, [1 ]-619, pl. 1-16. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY.


German ed.: 1868, 2 vols., “Von Spitzbergen zur Sahara,” translated by A. Bartels (‘‘er- schien” Bot. Zeit. 29 Nov 1867).

  1. La végélation du Spitzberg comparée a celle des Alpes et des Pyrenées ... Montpellier

(Boehm & fils imprimeurs de PAcadémie ...) 1865. Qu. (Vég. Spitzberg).

Publ 1865, p. [1 ]-26. Copy: NY.— Reprinted from Mém. Acad. Sci. Montpellier 6: 145-168. 1865.

Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von (1794-1868), German botanical traveller, ethno- logist and botanist; M. D. Erlangen 1814, from then on at Munchen; in Brazil 1817-1820; founder of the Flora brasiliensis. (Mart.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Martius’ own collections from Brazil (1817-1820), including the types of most of his Brazilian species, are at Mtinchen (M), often with very scanty annotations. In addition, M has collections made by Martius in the Mediterranean area and Madeira. Martius’ herbarium, including the types of his species based on other collections, but also including the types of species of many other authors, is at BR (63.000 specimens, acquired in 1870. For sets of duplicates see IH (not mentioned: set at TO, see Fryxell 1976).

An important source for details on Martius’ Brazilian collections is a six volume manuscript at M, entitled Plantae in itinere brasilienst annis 1817-1820 a Car. Frid. Phil. Martio descriptae; Martius often refers to this manuscript in his publications by citing the numbers (1-3320) of the entries. These numbers often occur also on the herbarium labels of Martius’ plants at M and these specimens should therefore be consulted in connection with this manuscript. Another manuscript at M, with abundant descriptive detail is Martit Schedulae de Leguminosis im Brasilia observatis. An important collection of Martius’ manuscripts, personalia, official documents, diaries, illustrations, etc. is preserved at the Department of Manuscripts of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munchen.

The correspondence received by Martius is still in private hands in Germany. Some sets of letters have been published, e.g. those with Goethe and Carus (see Anon. 1932 and G. Schmid 1939). A large set of letters by M to Miquel is at U.

M’s library was sold by auction by Weigel (Leipzig) 7 Mar 1870.

NAME: Martius used the pseudonym “‘Suitram” in some of his writings (see Carus et Martius


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: ADB 20: 517-527; AG 2(2): 354, 3: 431, 7: 147; Backer p. 356; Barnhart 2: 455; BL 1: 238, 239, 308; Blunt p. 248; BM 3: 1254-1257, 7: 805; Bossert p. 255; GSP 4: 266-269, 8: 348, 12: 490, 17: 64; DSB g: 148-149; DTS 1: 182-183; DU 199; Frank 3(Anh.): 62-63; GF p. 66; GR p. 30-31; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Herder p. 59; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mart.”); IF p. 717; Jackson p. 578; Kew 3: 607-609; Klinge p. 27; Krempelh. 2: 7-8; Langman p. 483; Laségue p. 230-233, 575 [index]; Lenley p. 281, 464; LS 17025-17042, suppl. 17519-17520; Maiwald p. 89, 106, 118, 144; Moebius p. 278, 375; MW p- 300; NI 1284-1288; PH 364, 438, 567; Plesch p. 327; PR 5882-5913 (ed. 1: 6581-6615); Quenstedt p. 282-283; Rehder 5: 550-551; RS p. 117-118; SBC p. 126 (‘‘Mart.’’); SK 1: excix; Sotheby 503-504; SO add. 80g, 2057a, 2694, add. 2699a; Stevenson p. 1250; TL- 2/191, 389, 1156, 1649, 3035, 3972, see indexes; Tucker 1: 465-466; Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. 11, p. 785-786.

KEY WORDS SECONDARY REFERENCES: bibliography: BM, CSP, DTS, Jackson, Kew, MW, NI, Plesch, PR, Rehder, SK, Sotheby, Tucker: Biography: Anon., 1869 (Landshut); Candolle 1856, 1857, 1862; Magdefrau 1971, 1973, 1978; Merxmiiller 1969, 1971, 1977; Poggendorff 1863, 1898; Renner 1959; Sommer 1953; ADB, Barnhart, DSB; Brazilian journey (see also Reise): Papavero 1971; Prance 1971; Rau 1871; Ross 1917; Schramm 1869; Schrank 1818; Urban 1906; Bust: Goebel 1905; Correspondence: Anon. 1932 (with Goethe); Bay 1892; Carus 1939 (Schmid 1939); Gray 1893; Kiihnel 1960; Lawrence 1964; Mettenius 1882; Miller 1970; Lenley; FI. bras: Loesener 1907 (end of work); Seeman 1867; Urban 1908; Herbarium collections: Anon. 1869 (ObZ); Candolle 1880; Eichler 1869; Fryxell 1976; Hedge 1970; Huxley 1912; Jackson. 1901; Kukkonen 1971; Laundon 1979; Seemann 1869, 1870; Laségue; IJlustrated works: NI, Plesch, Sotheby; Rese Brasilien: Magdefrau 1966; Medal: Fenzl 1864, Haidinger 1864; Obituaries: Bentham 1869; Meissner 1869; Postel 1871; Palms:



Dugand 1942; Egge 1979; Portraits: Milner 1906; Spring 1970; Wittrock 1905.

Andrews, H. N., The fossil hunters 60-61. 1980.

Anon., Almanach Akad. Wien 2: 174-179. 1852 (bibl.); Bonplandia 2: 258. 1854 (retires as prof. bot. and dir. gard.), 6: 322. 1858 (Geh. Hofrath Bayern), 7: 54. 1859 (member Leop. 12 Mai 1816, cogn. Callisthenes, adjunct [council member | 10 Dec 1840, titles); Ber. bot. Ver. Landshut 2: 156-159. 1869 (obit., b. 17 Apr 1793, d. 13 Dec 1868); Exposicao comemorativa do centenario de morte de Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius 1868-1968. Bibliotheca nacional, Rio de Janeiro 1968, 46 p. (portr., catalogue of exhibit of works and letters by and on Martius); Flora 51: 529. 1868; Bot. Zeit. 26: 912. 1868; Goethe und Martius, Arthur Nemayer Verlag, Mittenwald (Bayern), 1932, 111 p. (portr., correspondence); J. Bot. 8: 63. 1870 (on sale of Martius’ library); Osterr. bot. Z. 19: 24 (death; b. 17 Apr 1794. d. 15 Dec 1868), 63. 1869 (Govt. Bayern will buy M’s remaining collections), 16: 298. 1866 (50 years member Leopoldina).

Barnhart, J. H., Mem. Torrey bot. Club 16: 296. 1921.

Bay, J. C. in Leimbach Deutsche botanische Monatschrift. 10 (9-12): 144-148. 1892, [4 p.]. reprint at MO (two letters).

Bentham, G., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1868/69: cxxili-lxv. 1869.

Campos, P. M., Rev. Hist. 43: 241-248. 1971, fide Excerpta bot. A 22: 130. 1973.

Candolle, Alph. de, Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. de Martius. Geneve 1856, 29 p. (reprinted from Bibl. univ. Genéve, Jan 1856), see also Ill. hort. 5: 52-54. 1858; Phytographie 432. 1880 (coll.).

Candolle, Alph. de, zn W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 8: 362-369. 1856, 9: 6-10, 41- 47. 1857.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 4, 374, 377, 388, 453, 588. 1862.

Carus, C. G., Leopoldina 12: 103-111. 1869 (““Erinnerungen’’); with C. F. P. von Martius, Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen, 1939.

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 354. 1969.

Dugand, A., Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 5: 212-216. 1942 (type localities of palms).

Egge, R. G., Principes 23(4): 158-170. 1979 (‘‘father of Palms’’).

Eichler, A. W., Das Herbarium Marti. Miinchen 1869, 24 p. (descr. of herb. at BR); Flora 52: 3-13, 17-24. 1869, also separately: C. F. Ph. von Martius, Eine biographische Skizze, Regensburg 1869 (contemporary evaluation; obit.).

Embacher, F., Lexikon Reisen 202. 1882.

Fenzl, E. et al., Widmung der Martius-Medaille zur Feier am 30. Marz 1864. [Munchen, 1864], 24 p.

Fryxell, P. A., Taxon 25: 589-593. 1976 (some of M’s Brazilian coll. came to Colla [herb. at TO] and became Colla types. Some of these types are unicates).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 234. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. M 1832-1854).

Goebel, K. von, [invitation to attend the inauguration of a bust of Martius in the Munchen botanical garden on 9 Jun 1905; in German 1 p.]. Miinchen 1905; Zur Erinnerung an K. F. Ph. v. Martius, Gedachtnisrede. Miinchen 1905, 20 p. [address inauguration bust].

Gray, J. L., Letters A. Gray 25, 232, 240, 375, 514, 589. 1893.

Haidinger, W., Die Martius-Medaille, Wien, 1864, 23 p. (picture medal; bibl.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 108. 1970 (pl. E).

Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 108-109. 1851.

Hoehne, C., Jard. bot. Sao Paulo 133. 1941.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 1: 435, 450, 2: 84. 1912.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 44 (some material at K).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 485 [index]. 1884.

Kobell, F. von, S. B. k. bay. Akad. Wiss. 1869(1): 383-387.

Kithnel, Thad. Haenke 178. 1960.

Lawrence, G. H. M., Huntia 1: 164. 1964 (some letters at HU).

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Chr. Steven 71. 1971 (pl. at H).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lichens at BR, but also at AWH and M).

Loesener, Th., Bot. Jahrb. 38(Lit.): 56-57. 1907 (HV. bras. “Das grosse Werk ist abgeschlos- sen!’’).

Magdefrau, K., Introduction to facsimile ed. of Reise in Brasilien, Stuttgart 1966, 17 p.; Oberbayer. Arch. vaterl. Gesch., Miinchen 93: 7-15. 1971 (general evaluation; list of biogr. refs., portr.); Gesch. Bot. 100, 104, 130, 143, 215, 220, 248, 267. 1973; Hoppea 37: 143, 156. 1978 (portr.; bryol. work).



Martius, C. F. P. von, Flora 10(1) Breil. 3: 94-96. 1827 (on death Spix and on publications).

Meissner [Meisner], C. F., Denkschrift auf Carl Friedrich Phil. von Martius. Munchen 1869, 28 p.

Menerllet, H., S. B. bayer. Akad. Wiss., Mat. Naturw. Kl. 1968: 79-96. 1969 (comme- morative address); Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, Sao Paulo 1971, 28 p. (portr.); Gesch. Bot. Gart. Bot. Staatssamml. Miinchen 1977, p. 19-34 (repr. from Jahresber. 1976. Generaldir. Staatl. naturw. Samml. Bayerns) (Martius p. 20, 27).

Mettenius, C., Alexander Brauns Leben 38, 40, 107, 112, 113. 1882.

Miller, H. S., Taxon 19: 532. 1970 (relation with A. B. Lambert).

Milner, J. D., Gat. portr. Kew 82-83. 1906.

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 1: 65-69, 214. 1971 (Braz. trip).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 67. 1863, 3: 879. 1808.

Ponegratz, L., Naturforscher im Regensburger und ostbayerischen Raum 74-75. 1963 (Acta Alb. ratisb. 25) (portr.).

Postel, E., Notice sur le professeur Martius, par le professeur Meissner. Caen 1871, 37 p. (repr. from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, ser. 2. 5).

Prance, G., Acta amaz. 1(1): 46. 1971 (itin.).

Rau, C., Ann. Rep. Smiths. Inst. 1869: 169-178. 1871.

Renner, O., Botanik, Geist und Gestalt. Biogr. Beitr. Gesch. Bayer. Acad. Wiss. 2: 256-269. 1959; Ber. bayer. bot. Ges. 35: 105. 1962.

Ross, H., Dem Andenken der Forschungsreise von Spix und Martius in Brasilien 1817- 1820, Berlin 1917, repr. from Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 35: 119-128. 1917, see also Urban, I., Abh. bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 49: 1. 1907.

Schmid, G., Carl Gustav Carus und Carl F. Ph. von Martius. Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen. Halle (Saale) 1939, 175 p. (correspondence); Chamisso als Naturforscher nos. 298, 389, p. 170. 1942.

Schramm, H., C. F. Ph. v. Martius. Sein Lebens- und Characterbild insbesondere seine Reiseerlebnisse in Brasilien, 2 vols., Leipzig 1869, x, 278 and 111, 164 p. (portr., correspon- dence).

Schrank, Ritter von, Flora 1(5):65-84. 1818 (report on Brazilian journey).

Schultes, R. E., Regn. veg. 71: 269-270. 1970 (portr.; on Hevea studies).

Schwagrichen, C. F., Linnaea 14: 517-528. 1840 (critical notes on bryology in fasc. 1).

Seemann, B., Bonplandia 5: 321-323. 1857 (Fl. bras. report on first 20 fasc., plans future); J. Bot. 7: 17-21. 1869, 8: 13. 1870 (herb. offered to, and refused by the Bavarian govern- ment), 8: 165. 1870 (bought by BR for £ 1200).

Sommer, F., A vida do botanico Martius. Sao Paulo [1953], 184 p. (portr., biogr.).

Spring, A., Annu. Acad. r. Sci. Belgique 1869: 257-294; in E. Morren, Belgique hortic. 1870: v-xxiv (portr.).

Stafleu, F. A., Regn. veg. 71: 305. 1970; Wentia 16: 25-27. 1966.

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. v., Fl. males. Bull. 14: 643. 1959, 15: 738-739. 1960.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 56-61, 184-185. 1906 (details on itin., and-own contr. to F/. bras.); Abh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 49: 1-6. 1908 (review genesis FI. bras.; originally publ. Kéln. Zeit. 29 Apr 1906).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 136. 1903, 3(3): xxi, 145, pl. 51. 1905 (portr.).

Woodward, B. B., J. Bot. 46: 197-198. 1908 (bibl. notes on Hist. nat. Palm., Nov. gen. sp. and Icon. sel. crypt.).

Wurdack, J. J., Garden J. 7(4): 129-131. 1957 (on crucifix given by M. to the church at Santarém, Brazil, 1846).

MEDAL: see W. Haidinger (1864), ill. on p. 1, struck 1864, designed and engraved by Karl Radnitzky.

HANDWRITING: Taxon 19: g08. 1970; Hoppea 34(2): 419. 1976; Burdet, H. M., Auxil. bot. graph. 1979.

EPONyMy: Martia Leandro de Sacramento (1821); Martia Valeton (1886); Martiella Van Tieghem (1895); Martiodendron Gleason (1935); Martiusella Pierre (1891); Martiusia a eA: Schultes & J. H. Schultes (1822); Martiusia Bentham (1840). The derivation of Martia K. P. J. Sprengel (1818) is not given by Sprengel, but it seems most probable that it commemora- tes one of the older Martius’s (q.v.).

MARTIUS (1814)

  1. Plantarum horti academici erlangensis enumeratio adjectis specicrum novarum vel minus

cognitarum descriptionibus ... Erlangae (Typis Hilpertianis) 1814. Oct. (Pl. hort. erlang.).

Publ.: 1814, p. [i-vi], [1 ]-209, [210]. Copies: G, M; IDC 887. — We have seen no copy with a thesis t.p. ““Dissertatio inauguralis sistens plantarum horti academici erlangensis.”

  1. Flora cryptogamica erlangensis sistens vegetabilia e classe ultima Linn. in agro erlan- gensi hucusque detecta ... Norimbergae [Niirnberg] (sumptibus J. L. Schrag) 1817. Oct. (Fl. crypt. erlang.).

Publ.: shortly after 1 Jun 1817 (p. xvi: xvi cal. apr 1817; p. 512 printer’s note dated 1 Jun 1817 (p. 509-512 absent from some copies)), p. [i]-lxxviii, [1-2, h. t. and motto], 1-512, pl. 1-6, nos. 1-2 col. copper engr., nos. 3-6 uncol. liths.; of drawings by J. Sturm. Copies: BR, G, H, MO, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA; IDC 6050. :

Ref.: Anon., Flora 1: 485-492. 1818.

  1. Uber den Bau und die Natur der Charen ... [Erlangen 1818]. Qu. (Bau Nat. Charen). Publ.: 1818, p. [1]-34, pl. 1-2 (col. copp. auct.). Copies: G, M. — Reprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 9: [181]-214, pl. 2-3 (id.). 1818.

  2. Caroli Frid. Phil. Martii, med. doct. De Fuci vesiculos: Lin. ortu et incrementis

epistola ... [Erlangen] 1818. Qu. (De Fuct vesic.).

Publ.: 1818, p. [1]-12, 2 pl. (col. copp. auct.). Copies: G, M. — Reprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 9: [215]-226, pl. 4 (id.). 1818.

  1. Lychnophora. Novum plantarum genus. Primus invenit, explorabit, constituit et

descripsit D. Car. F. P. de Martius, ... Ratisbonae [Regensburg] (Types viduae Christ. E.

Brenck) [1822]. Qu. (Lynchophora).

Publ.: 1822, p. [1]-12, 4-10 (uncol. liths). Copies: G. — Preprinted or reprinted from Denkschr. bot. Ges. Regensburg 2: [146]-158. 1622.

  1. De plantis nonnullis antediluvianis ope specierum inter tropicos nunc vivientium illu-

strandos... Ratisbonae [Regensburg] (typis viduae Christ. E. Brenck). Qu. (Pl. antediluv.).

Publ.: 1822, p. [1]-28, pl. 1-2 (uncol. lith.). Copy: G. — Reprinted from Denkschr. Regensb. bot. Ges. 2: 121-147. 1822. See also Edinb. phil. J. 12: 47-56, 270-281. 1825.

  1. Reise in Brasilien auf Befehl Sr. Majestat Maximilian Joseph I. Koings von Baiern in

den Jahren 1817 bis 1820 gemacht und beschrieben von Dr. Joh. Bapt. von Spix, ... und

Dr. Carl Friedr. Phil. von Martius, ... Miinchen (vol. 1: Gedruckt bei M. Lindauer; vol. 2:

gedruckt bei I. J. Lentner, vol. 3: bei dem Verfasser, in Comm. bei Friedr. Fleischer) 1823-

1831, 3 vols. text Qu., 1 atlas Fol. (Rezse Bras.).

Co-author: Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826); vols. 2 and 3 were published after Spix’ death by Martius.

Orig. ed.: Copies: FI, G, MO, U, USDA.

Vol. 1: Nov 1823. p. [i*-viii], [i]-vii, [viii, ill.], [vii, sic]-xiv, [1]-412.

Vol. 2: 1828 (Flora rev. 7 Jul 1828; p. iv: 29 Feb 1828), p. [i]-viii, [1, err.], [413]-884, [1, e0re|:

Vol. 3: Mai-Jun 1831 (rd. Regensb. Jun 1831), p. [i]-lvi, [1, h.t.], [1]-40, [885 ]-1388.

Allas: 50 pl.

Naturhistorischer Anhang: separately published as ‘‘Die Pflanzen und Thiere des tropischen Amerika’’. See below.

Facsimile ed.: 1966, 3 vols. and atlas. Copies: G, K, Magdefrau, NY. — “Reise in Brasilien in den Jahren 1817-1820 von Joh. Bapt. von Spix und Carl Friedr. Phil. von Martius. Unveranderter Neudruck des 1823-1831 in Miinchen in 3 Textbanden und 1 Tafelband erschienenen Werkes. Herausgegeben und mit einem Lebensbild des Botanikers C. F. P. von Martius sowie mit einem Register versehen von Karl Magdefrau ... Stuttgart (F. A. Brockhaus ...) 1966. Vol. 1: p. [i]-xvii (introd:) followed by facsimile. Wol. 4: “TafeFband” (“Atlas”) mit Martius’ Erlauterungen, vom Herausgéber neueren For- schungsergebnissen angepasst, und mit kurzen Ausziigen aus entsprechenden Ausfth- rungen in den Textbanden, with 49 plates and maps and 8 charts with Brazilian and Indian music.

Brazilian extract: Através da Bahia. Excerptos da obra Reise in Brasilien. Trasladados a


MARTIUS (1823)

portugués pelos Drs. Piraja da Silva e Paulo Wolf... terceira edigao. Sao Paulo-Rio- Recife-Porto Alegre (Companhia Editora Nacional) 1938, p. [1]-342. Copy: UC (inf. R. Schmid). First ed. (1916), and second ed. (1928) n.v. Ref.: Martius, C. F. P. v. & J. B. von Spix, Flora 1: 65-84, 133-138. 1818, 2: 683-692. 1819, 3: 161-172. 1820, 4% 43-45, 264-270, 273-288, 289-294. 1821, 5(2) Beil. 3: 33-37. 1822; Linnaea 5 (Lit.): 36-45. 1830.

5517- Praxinellae, plantarum familia naturalis, definita et secundum genera disposita,

adiectis specierum brasiliensium descriptionibus, ... [Erlangen 1823]. Qu. (Fraxinellae).

Co-author: Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776-1858).

Publ.: 1823, p. [1]-50, pl. 18-30 (uncol. liths.). Copies: FI, M. — Reprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 11: 147-190. 1823.

  1. Beitrag zur Flora brasiliensis von Maximilian, Prinzen von Wied-Neuwied, ... mit

Beschreibungen von Dr. Nees von Esenbeck, ... u. Dr. von Martius, ... (Erlangen 1823-

1825). Qu. (Beitr. fl. bras.).

Part 1: 1823, p. [1]-88, pl. 7-6 (uncol.; by F. Wild). — Reprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 11: [1]-88. 1823.

Part 2: 1825, Nova Acta Leop. 12: 1-54. 1925.

Co-authors: Maximilian Alexander Philipp, Prinz zu Wied-Neuwied (1782-1867); Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776-1858). For further details see no. 5722.

  1. Nova genera et species plantarum quas in itinere per Brasiliam annis mdccexvii-mdcccxx jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I. Bavariae regis augustissimi suscepto collegit et descripsit Dr. C. F. P. de Martius... Monachii [Miinchen] (1: Typis Lindaueri; 2: Typis C. Wolf; 3: Impensis auctoris) 1823-1832, 3 vols. Fol. (Nov. Gen. sp. pl.).

Collaborator for vol.1 (ont.p. “... volumen primum. Pingendas curavit et secundum auctoris schedulas digessit Dr. J. G. Zuccarini...”’): Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini (1797-1848), not to be cited as co-author for new taxa.

Vol.r: 1823-1826 (t.p. 1824; see below), p. [i*], engr. t.p., [i1i*, v*-vi*], [i]-ii, [3]-158, pl.1- zoo (col, liths.).

Vol.2: 1826-1827 (t.p. 1826; see below), p.[i], engr. t.p., [iii], [1]-148, pl.ror-200.

Vol.3: 1829-1832 (p.[x]: 25 Feb 1829, p.198: finitum idibus Sept 1832), p.[i, h.t.], engr. t.p., [mi, t.p. 1823-1832], [v, t.p. vol.3], [vii-x], [1]-198, pl.201-300.

Copies: FI, M, MO, NY, US, USDA, IDC 5257.

Vol. part pages plates dates

1(1) 1-20 I-12 late 1823 or Jan-Feb 1824 (2) 21-36 13-24 late 1823 or Jan-Feb 1824 (3) 37-80 25) 1 Oct 1824, (1) (4) 81-158 56-100 Jan-Mar 1826, (2)

2(1) 1-68 101-160 Apr-Jun 1826 (2) 69-148 101-200 Jan-Jun 1827

3(1) 1-80 201-231 Jun-Jun 1829 (2) 81-124 232-2792 Jan-Mar(?) 1831 (3) 125-198 273-300 Sep 1832, (3)

(1) diagnoses published earlier in Flora 7(1) Beil. (4): 129-142, between 25 Apr and 30 Jun 1824. (2) idem /. 56-74 in Flora 8(1): 27-32. 14 Jan 1825; the fascicle cover of this part was dated “1824” fide GGA 26 Jan 1820.

(3) date on p. 108.

The above information is based on reviews in GGA, Flora, Linnaea, and Isis (see also Woodward 1908). On 29 Jun 1829 Martius informed W. J. Hooker (letter at K) that the book was ready as far as pl. 231; from a letter dated 24 Mar 1833 it appears that 3(2) was published around Mar 1831. In the preparation of this book, especially of the plates, Martius was assisted by J. G. Zuccarini. — Sprengel (Syst. 1: 224. late 1824) cites a Martius taxon published on 1: 156, pl. 95. This might indicate that 2(4) was possibly published earlier than the Jan-Mar 1826 here accepted.

For information on the artists who prepared the 300 lithographs see NI 1288.

MARTIUS (1623)

  1. Historia naturalis palmarum. Opus tripartitum cujus volumen primum Palmas genera-

tim tractat, volumen secundum Brasiliae Palmas singulatim descriptione et icone illustrat

volumen tertium ordinis familiarum generum characteres recenset species selectas describit

et figuris adumbrat adjecta omnium synopsi. Accedunt tabulae cexlv. Leipzig (T. O.

Weigel) [1823-1853], 10 parts, 3 vols. Fol. (Hist. nat. palm.).

Co-authors vol. 1 (de palmarum structura): Hugo von Mohl (1805-1872), (de palmis fossilibus): Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (1800-1870).

1: 1831-1853 (see below), p. [i*-11*], portr., [i1i*-vii*], [i]-vi, [1]-cxevinl, pl. A-I, K-Z, Z, -


Geol. 1-3, Geogr. 1-4. [1-4 expl. pl..].

2: 1823-1837, p. [i-ill], [1 ]-152, pl. 1-6, 6a, 7-11, 11a, 12-18, 18a, 1950, 50a, 51-59, 59a, 60-73,

73a-d, 74-77, 774, 78-101.


Part pages

I 1-28 (vol. 2)

2 29-58 (vol. 2)

3 59-90 (vol. 2)

4 91-144 (vol. 2)

5 i-lii (vol. 1)

6 145-152 (vol. 2)

7 153-180 (vol. 3) 181-260 (vol. 3)

7,ed.2 181-230 (vol. 3) 231-260 (vol. 3)

8 liii-xcvi (vol. 1) 261-304 (vol. 3)

9 xcvil-clxiv (vol. 1) 305-314 (vol. 3)

10 315-350 (vol. 3)

clxyv-cxevill (vol. 1) t.p.’s of vols.




50-67, 594

68-101, 6a, 18a, 73a-¢ 102-104, 107-109, 112, 114

73d, 77a, morph. R.S.T., geol. 1, bot. 105, 100, 110, III, 113, MUN LO. TAO a2 T, 122, 123, geogr. 2, bot. 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134, 137, 138, 141, 150.

50a, morph. V, W, X, VAL; bot. 116, 725, 131, 133, 135, 130, 139; 140, 142-149, 151-164, geogr. 1-3.

R-K(1-vit) A (vui-xxut) 171-160 portr. auct.

Facsimile ed.: announced by Cramer (1974).

: 1837-1853, p. [i-ili], 153-350, err. slip, pl. 102-180. Copies: BR, FI, G, MICH, MO (original covers), NY; IDC 5443.


Nov 1823

1824, prob. before 13 Apr 1824, prob. after 13 Apr Jan-Mar 1826


Jan 1837

23 Sep 1838 1 Sep 1845 15 Mar 1849

19 Sep 1845

15 Mar 1849

Jan-Jul 1853

New ed. parts 1-4: Genera et species Palmarum ... editio nova. Leipzig 1856-1857 (n.v.).

Part Pages number of plates dates

I 1-28 [25] Jan-Aug 1856 29-58 [24] Jan-Nov 1856 3-4 59-144 [59] Jan-Feb 1857

Ref.: Stenzel, K. G., Bot. Zeit. 10: 193-198, 212-215, 229-233, 251-255, 264-268, 283-285, 300-301, 314-318, 331-333, 351-354, 369-372, 382-385, 404-407, 1852 (rev.); see also Flora 35: 42-48, 57-62, 73-78, 328-336, 339-346, 354-368, 500-511. 1852 (rev.).


MARTIUS (1828)

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 15: 643. 1959; 738-739. 1960. Woodward, B. B., J. Bot. 46: 197. 1908 (dates).

5521- Palmarum familia eyusque genera denuo illustrata. Programma, quo praelectiones

academicas de re herbaria per semestre aestivum habendas indicit Dr. C. F. P. de Martius,

..- Monachii [Munchen] (Typis M. Lindaueri) 1824. Qu. (Palm. fam.).

Publ.: 13 Apr 1824 (t.p.; according to Barnhart (mss) published between fasc. 2 and 3 of Hist. nat. Palm.), p. [1]-24. Copzes: FI, G, L, M, MO; IDC 6051.

Ref:: Schrader, H. A., GGA 1824: 1041-1046. 1 Jul 1824.

  1. Die Physiognome des Pflanzenreiches in Brasilien eine Rede, gelesen in der zur Feier der finfundzwanzigjahrigen glorreichen Regierung seiner Majesat des K6nigs am 14. Februar 1824 gehaltenen ausserordentlichen festlichen Sitzung der kénigl. baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften von Dr. C. F. P. von Martius, ... Munchen (Gedruckt bei M. Lindauer) [1824]. Qu. (Phystogn. Pflanzenr. Bras.).

Publ.: 14 Feb 1824, p. [i] , [1]-36. Copies: G(2), H, NY. — See also Flora 7: 143, 192. 1824.

  1. Specimen materiae medicae brasiliensis, exhibens plantas medicinales, quas in itinere per

Brasiliam annis 1817-1820 jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I... suscepto observavit

Dr. C. F. P. de Martius, ... [Mtinchen] (typis J. E. de Seidel, . . .) 1824. Qu.t (Spec. mat. med.


“oe 1824, p. [1]-20, pl. 2-6 (uncol.), [g, col.]. Copies: G, M, MO, NY. — Reprinted from Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen 9g: 77-96. 1824.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 8: 747-752. 21 Dec 1825.

5524- Hortus botanicus R. Academiae monacensis, seu horti botanici, qui Monachii floret, historia breviter enarrata, et praesens conditio descripta. Programma quo praelectiones de re herbaria per semestre aestivum habendas indicit Dr. C. F. Ph. de Martius, ... Monachii [Munchen] 1825. Qu. (Hort. bot. monac.). Publ.: 1 Mai 1825 (t.p.), p. [i-iv], [1]-28, 2 pl. (uncol.). Copies: G, H, M, MO, NY, U; IDC 6144. Ref.: Anon., Flora 9: 145-160. 14 Mar 1826. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Linnaea 1(1): 129. Jan 1826.

  1. Beitrag zur Kenninis der natiirlichen Familie der Amarantaceen, ... [Bonn] (fiir die Akade-

mie in der Eduard Weber’s Buchhandlung 1825). Qu. (Beitr. Amarantac.).

Publ.: 1825, p. [1]-144, map (pl. 14a, b). Copies: FI, G, M, MO, U. - Preprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 13(1): 207-322, pl. rga, b. 1826 (rev. Linnaea 2(1): 97-100. 1827).

  1. Icones plantarum cryptogamicarum quas in itinere annis mdcccxvii-mdcccxx per Brasi-

liam jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I. Bavariae regis augustissimi instituto collegit et

descripsit Carol. Frideric. Philip. de Martius, ... Monachii (impensis auctoris) 1828-1834.

Fol. (Icon. pl. crypt.).

Publ.: 1828-1834, in four fasc., p. [i*-iv*], [i, 111], [1]-138, pl. 1-76 (hand coloured liths., for details see NI). Copies: BR, G, KNAW, MO, NY, Teyler, US, USDA; IDC 5400. — Number of preface pages changes.

Fasc. 1: 1-30, pl. 1-14. Apr 1828 (see p. 4). — several copies have a title page, dated 182 Gp which must have been issued with fasc. 1: ““Icones selectae plantarum cryptogamicarum quas in itinere per Brasiliam annis mdcexvii-mdcexx ...”” Monachii (Typis C. Wolf) 1827 (see Flora 12: 257-259. 1829).

Fasc. 2: 1834, p. 31-..., pl. 15-38 of which 27 and 26 in duplo (col. and plain), pl. 24, 37, 38 double; pl. 31-36, anatomical, by Hugo von Mohl, printed in brown.

Fasc. 3: 1834, p....-..., pl. 39-64 of which 39, 41, 44, 45, 47, 50 and 51 double.

Fasc. 4: Dec 1834 (Hinrichs 8-14 Feb 1835; p. 138 id. Dec 1834; letter M to Lambert at K of 6 Dec 1874), p. ... -138, pl. 55-76 of which 59, 60, 65, 66 and 69 double.

  1. Soemmeringia, novum plantarum genus. Constituit Dr. C. F. P. de Martius [Monachii (Sumptibus Josephi Lindauer) 1828]. Qu. (Soemmeringia). Publ.: 1828, p. [25]-31, 1 pl. Copies: E, M, NY. — Published in Samueli Thomae equiti a

Soemmering de quinquaginta annis post summos in medicina honores rite captos non


MARTIUs (1828)

minore sui gloria quam doctrinae medicae in primis vero anatonficae emolumento exactis gratulatur Regiae accademiae scientiarum monacensis . . . sodalis .. . Monachii [Miinchen]| (sumptibus Josephi Lindauer) 1828. Qu., p. [1]-31, 2 pl.

  1. flora brasiliensis seu enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia tam sua sponte quam accedente

cultura provenientium, quas in itinere auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi L. Bavariae regis

annis 1817-1820 peracto collegit, partim descripsit; alias a Maximiliano seren. principe

Widensi, Sellovio aliisque advectas addidit, communibus amicorum propriisque studiis

secundum methodum naturalem dispositas et illustratas edidit C. F. Ph. de Martius ...

Stuttgartiae et Tubingae (Sumptibus J. G. Cottae) 1829-1833, 2 vols. Oct.+ (FU. bras. enum.


Co-authors: Franz Gerhard Eschweiler (1796-1831) (see TL-1, nos. 1719-1720); Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776-1858).

Publ.: ool parts published: 2(1), 1829 and 1(1) 1833. Copies: FH (1(1)), G, NY, U (2(1)), US (2(1)); IDC 1207.

Vol. 1(1): Mai-Dec 1833 (pref. 28 Apr), p. [i]-iv, [1]-390. — ‘‘Algae, lichenes, hepaticae. Exposuerunt Martius, Eschweiler, Nees ab Esenbeck.”

Vol. 2(1): Mar-Jun 1829 (see TL-1), p. [11*-i11*], [i]-ii, [111], [1 ]-608. — ‘‘Gramineae, a Neesio ab Esenbeck expositae,” alternative title: ““Agrostologia brasiliensis seu descriptio grami- num in imperio brasiliensi hucusque detectorum.”

Ref.: Link, H. F., Jahrb. wiss. Kritik 1833(1): 307-311. Feb 1833 [rev. of 2(1)].

  1. Amoenitates botanicae monacenses. Auswahl merkwiirdiger Pflanzen des K. botani-

schen Gartens zu Munchen in Abbildungen und Beschreibungen, nebst Anleitung riick-

sichtlich ihrer Cultur, ... Frankfurt a. M. (Verlag der Brénner’schen Buchhandlung)

[1829-1831]. Qu. (Ausw. merkw. Pfl.).

Part 1: Jun 1829, p. [1-iii], [1]-8, pl. 7-5 (col. liths.).

Part 2: Apr-Mai ee p. 9-16, pl. 6-70 (id.).

Part 3/4: Jan-Apr 1831, p. 17-26, [1, err.], pl. rr-76 (ad.).

Copies: FI, G, M, MO, NY, US, USDA. — Titles: cover: as above; main German t.p.: “Auswahl

”, Frankfurt a. M. (... Buchhandlung (S. Schmerber)). French: ““Choix des plantes

remarquables du jardin botanique royal de Munic, ...”” A Paris, Strasbourg & Londres (Treuttel et Wurtz), Frankfurt a.M. (S. Schmerber). The title Amoenitates ... appears only on the covers.

5530- Hortus regius monacensis. Verzeichniss der im k6éniglichen botanischen Garten zu

Munchen wachsenden Pflanzen, nach der natiirlichen Methode geordnet, mit Hinweisung

auf das Linneische System und summarischer Angabe des Vaterlands, der Cultur und

Beniitzungsweise. Auch als Schliissel und Ubersicht in deutschen Garten und fiir Herba-

rien zu gebrauchen. Minchen (im koniglichen Central-Schulbticher-Verlage), Leipzig (In

Commission bei Friedrich Fleischer) 1829. Oct. (Hort. reg. monac.).

Co-author: Franz von Paula Schrank (1747- 1835).

Publ.: 1829 (p. vi: 25 Jun 1829), p. [i]-xii, [1], [1]-210. Copies: NY, USDA. — For authorship

see p. V1.

  1. Die Pflanzen und Thiere des tropischen America, ein Naturgemalde ... Miinchen (bei dem

Verfasser), Leipzig (in comm. bei Friedr. Fleischer). Qu. (Pfl. Thiere trop. Amer.).

Publ.: 1831, p. [i], [1]-48, 4 pl. Copies: M, MO, NY. — Identical with the natural history Appendix to Theil ii of Spix and Martius, Reise in Brasilien, see no. 5516.

5532- Beschreibung einiger neuen Nopaleen ... [Vratislaviae et Bonnae_1832]. Qu. (Beschr.


Publ.: 1832, p. [1]-42, pl. 17-26 (col. liths.). Copies: M, NY. — Reprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 16(1): [321]-362, pl. 17-26. Copies of reprints with journal pagination: G, MO.

5533- Die Enocauleae, als selbstandige Pflanzen-Familie aufgestellt und erlautert ...

[Bonnae 1835]. Qu. (£riocauleae).

Publ.: 5-11 Jul 1835 (in journal, fide Hinrichs; see, however, below for an 1834 publication), p. [1]-72, 72b, pl. 1-5 (uncol. liths.). Copies: FI, aa J) UML, IN, WV Glee Reprinted from Nova Acta Leopoldina 17(1): 1-72, 72[b], pl. 1-5. The reprints have double pagination.


MARTIUS (1839)

See also Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 2. 2(Bot.): 25-43. 1834, a publication which would be earlier.

5534- Conspectus regni vegetabilis secundum characteres morphologicos praesertim carpicos in classes ordines et familias digesti, adjectis exemplis nominibusque plantarum usui medico technico et oeconomico inservientium. Uebersicht der Classen, Ordnungen und Familien des Gewachsreiches nach morphologischen Grundsatzen, under besonderer Ricksicht auf den Fruchtbau, mit Angabe von Beispielen und von den in der Medicin, Technik und Ockonomie besonders wichtigen Pflanzen, zunachst als Leitfaden bei seinen akademischen Vorlesungen entworfen ... Nurnberg (bei Joh. Leonhard Schrag ...) 1835. Oct. (Consp. regn. veg.).

Publ. Sep-Oct 1835 (Hinrichs 25-31 Oct), p. [i]-xviil, [1]-72. Copies: FI, G, H, L, M, MO,

NY, U, USDA. Ref.: Anon., Lit.-Ber. Flora 6: 155-158. 7 Dec 1836.

5535: Herbarium florae brasiliensis. Plantae brasilienses exsiccatae, quas denominatas, partim

diagnosi aut observationibus instructas botanophilis offert Dr. C. Fr. Ph. de Martius.

Monachu [Munchen] 1837 [-1841]. Oct. (Herb. fl. bras.).

Publ.: 1837-1841, p. [i], [1]-352. Copies: FI, G (has 2 extra lithographed lvs., 4 p., with nos. 723-1310), M, NY, USDA; IDC 6052. Reprinted and to be cited from Flora (Beiblat- en).

Pages repr. Flora vol. Beibl. pages dates 1-16 20(2) I [1]-16 7 Jul 1837 17-32 2 17-32 14 Jul 1837 33-48 3 33-48 14 Aug 1837 49-64 4 49-64 7 Sep 1837 65-80 5 65-80 21 Sep 1837 81-96 6 81-96 7 Oct 1837 Q7-112 7 Q7-112 21 Oct 1837 113-128 8 113-128 21 Nov 1837 129-160 21(2) 4-5 49-80 Dec 1838 161-176 6 81-96 28 Dec 1838, or later 177-192 7220) I [1]-16 21 Feb 1839 193-208 2 [17]-32 14 Apr 1839 209-224 3 [33]-48 14 Mai 1839 225-240 4 [49]-64 7 Jun 1839 241-256 24(2) I [1]-16 7 Aug 1841 257-272 2 [17]-32 28 Aug 1841 273-288 3 [33]-48 7 Sep 1841 289-304 4 [49]-64 21 Sep 1841 305-320 5 [65 ]-80 28 Sep 1841 321-336 6 [81 ]-96 7 Oct 1841 337-352 7 [97]-112 14 Nov 1841

Ref.: Anon., Flora 18(1) Int. Bl. 49-51. 1835 (ann.), 20: 702-704. 28 Nov 1837.

  1. Reden und Vortrage tiber Gegensttinde aus dem Gebiete der Naturforschung ... Stuttgart und Tubingen (Verlag der J. G. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung) 1838. Oct. (Reden Naturf.). Publ.: 1838 (p. iv: 1 Sep 1837), p. [i*], [i]-vi, [1]-308. Copy: M.

5537- Die Verbreitung der Palmen in der alten Welt, mit besonderer Ricksicht auf die Floren-

Reiche ... Erste Abhandlung. Aus den Miinchner Gelehrten Anzeigen, Nr. 105-118, May

und Juni 1839, besonders abgedruckt. Oct. (Verbr. Palm.).

Publ.: Mai-Jun 1839, p. [i], [1]-94 (columns). Copies: G, NY, USDA. — Reprinted from Minch. gel. Anz. 105-119. 1839 (see above).

  1. Flora brasiliensis. Enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum quas suis aloirumque botanicis studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustra-

MARTIUS (Fl. bras.)

tas editit C. F. P. de Martius [later: A. W. Eichler, I. Urban]. Opus cura Musei C. R. Pal.

Vv mcisbouenss auctore S. Endlicher successore E. Fenzl, conditum. Munchen, Wien,

Leipzig 1840-1906. 15 Volumes (in 40), published in 10 fascicles. Fol. (FU. bras.).

Publ.: In 130 dated parts. For extensive details see Urban’s treatise in vol. 1(1), (1906) “Vitae, itineraque collectorum botanicorum, notae collaboratorum biographicae, Florae brasiliensis ratio edendi chronologica, systema, index familiarum”’. A review of the contents is given by Woodward (BM), a list of the artists by Nissen. — 20.733 pages, 3811 lithographs and nature-prints. Copies: M, MO, NY, U, US. — The “‘page-numbers” actually refer to colums.

Martius founded the work with Endlicher; he edited fasc. 1-46 (1840-1868). For his own

contributions see 1(1): 184-185. 1906. For the plan of the work see Martius, Fl. bras. 23(1)

Int. Bl. 17-23. 1840.

Facsimile ed.: Cramer (Weinheim) 1965; the complete work; vol. 3(4): 317-672, pl. 76-133 was already reprinted full size in 1920.

Listing by contents and by fascicles: see vol. 1(1). 1906.

, col. [1 ]-624, pl. 1-114. 654, pl. 1-128.

350, pl. 1-45, 46(1), 46(2), 47-127; pl. 23, 50, go double. 528, pl. 1-138.

nD) yp. la*=vi* | cols |, |=206, [ir b3 2, [1*], 2 maps [1]-cx, pl. 1-59. (2): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-712, pl. 1-82 (52, 54, 65 double), many plates are nature prints. 2(1): p. [i*-vi*], [1], col. [1]-226, pl. 1-30. (2): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1 ]-358, pl. 1-49. (3): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-342, pl. 1-73, 14/15, 16-74. 3(1): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-566, pl. 7-77. (2): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-610, pl. 1-79, 20/21, 22-25, 26/27, 28/29, 30-34, 35/30; 37-45, 46/47, 48-134. (3): p. [i*-vi*], [1], col. [1]-816, pl. 2-128. (4): p. [i*-vi*], [1], col. [1]-672, pl. 1-139. (5): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1 ]-664, pl. 1-119. . (6): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-604, pl. 1-720. 4(1): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-472, pl. 2-115, pl. 35 and rro double. (2): p. [vik], [i], col. [1]-334, pl. 1-63. 5(1): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-264, pl. 1-40, gobis, 41-75. (2) pe [ava cols fu|-so Or pis—1a7. 6(1): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-340, pl. 1-34, 354, B, 36-85. (2): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-398, pl. 1-202. (3): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-442, pl. 1-708. (4): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-378, pl. 1-104. (5): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-486, pl. 1-67. (6): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1 ]-466, pl. 68-157. 7 > p. [aF=viF], [ul cole [fr |-4245 pl r-rgr. 8(1): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-428, pl. 1-68. (2): p. [i*-vi*], [1], col. [1]-452, pl. 69-121. g: p. {i*-vi*], [a], col. [1 ]-322, pl. 7-97, 92(1), 32(2), 33-50- 10: p. {i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-338, pl. 1-59. r1(1): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-370, pl. 1-91. (2): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-752, pl. 1-z04. 12(1): p. {i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-522, pl. 2-172. (2): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-548, pl. 1-178. (Seep. [insavir eal i*], [i], col. [1]- (2): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-396, pl. 1-69. (3): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-680, pl. 1-123. 14(1): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-656, pl. 1-317, 314, 32-41, 414, 42-47, 474, 48-82. (2): p. [i*-vi*], [1], col. [1]-418, pl. r-g7 . ; (3): p. [i*-vi*], [i], col. [1]-510, pl. 1-208. i*], [i], col. [1]-656, pl. 1-730. i* |, [i], col. [1]- 1*], [1] [1]-

Argumentum fasciculorum i-xl, 1865, col. [1]-32 (also cited above with vol. 1(1)). ;




columns plates 1-CX 1-59 1-268 1-136 1-8 [137], 141-304 9-19 305-624 20-70 629-644 TIT 645-662 78-82 663-712 1-226 1-30 tp. I-32 fei 33-358 12-49 1-160 I-43 161-242 44-56 245-342 59-74 1-48 1-6 49-164 7-19 165-270 20-37 273-508 38-63 509-566 64-71 1-224 1-52 225-460 53-106 461-610 107-134 I-172 1-50 173-286 51-62 281-430 63-60 425-634 81-114 635-816 I15-126 1-160 I-34 157-322 BIDS 317-494 76-99 493-672 100-133 1-188 1-49 I-202 I-42 197-390 43-79 381-604 80-120 1-76 I-24 77-222 25-70 225-276 71-76 277-328 77-86 329-396 87-101 397-472 102-115 tp. I-74 1-16 77-114 17-20 117-184 27-38 185-334 39-63 I-100 1-36 101-136 37-44 137-160 45-49 161-264 50-75 1-136 I-44 137-308 45-107 309-336 t.p. 1-180 I-53 181-248 54-66 249-328 67-85


see Urban, 130

MARTIUS (JL. bras.)


1906 p. 22

1 Apr 1906 1840

15 Jul 1859 1 Mai 1870 1 Jul 1872

1 Apr 1884 1 Apr 1884 1 Apr 1842 1 Jul 1871

if Jeeloy titel yN 1 Mar 1877 1 Sep 1878 1 Dec 1880 1 Jul 1883

1 Apr 1842 1 Jun 1847 15 Sep 1855 10-Jul 1863 1 Jul 1871

1 Feb 1878 1 Nov 1881 1 Mai 1882 1 Jan 1890 1 Nov 1891 15 Mai 1892 1 Feb 1894 15 Apr 1894 15 Jul 1893

15 Jan 1895 15 Jun 1896

1 Nov 1896 1 Jun 1898 15 Feb 1904 1 Mar 1905 1 Apr 1906 15 Aug 1852 1 Dec 1853

-I Jan 1855

28 Feb 1857 15 Feb 1861 10 Jul 1863 1 Jul 1871

1 Mai 1869 1 Feb 1875 1 Jun 1878 1 Sep 1890 1 Jan 1855 30 Jul 1860 1 Dec 1864 1 Mar 1875 15 Jul 1868 15 Mai 1866 15 Jul 1868 1 Jul 1871 30 Jul 1860 1 Dec 1865 1 Aug 1868


MARTIUuS (£1. bras.)

vol. pars. columns plates fase. dates 6 I 329-340 54 1 Jul 1871 2 1-180 1-50 62 1 Jun 1873 181-398 51-102 69 1 Feb 1876 3 1-134 I-44 87 1 Jul 1882 137-442 45-108 93 1 Mai 1884 4 1-126 1-38 78 1 Aug 1878 129-176 39-47 80 1 Dec 1878 177-378 48-104 95 1 Jun 1885 5 1-470 1-67 84. 1 Jul 1881 471-486 IOI 15 Feb 1888 6 1-124 68-93 IOI 15 Feb 1888 125-466 G4-151 104 15 Jun 1889 7 1-36 I-I4 17 15 Mar 1856 37-118 15-47 32 15 Jan 1863 119-182 48-66 35 10 Jul 1863 183-198 67-71 46 1 Aug 1868 199-362 72-124 48 1 Aug 1869 363-424 125-131 52 1 Mar 1871 8 I 1-64 I-13 19 28 Feb 1857 65-226 14-38 29 24 Jul 1858 229-340 39-57 30 15 Jan 1862 341-428 50-08 36 1 Dec 1864 429-448 118 15 Mai 1896 2 1-230 69-90 118 15 Mai 1896 229-452 QG7-121 121 15 Feb 1897 9 1-164 I-31 al 1 Jun 1847 169-308 32-50 10 1 Oct 1851 309-322 54 1 Jul 1871 10 1-228 I-19 6 1 Jul 1846 233-956 20-22 9 1 Ju ea ee 257-324 23-59 16 15 Mar 1856 325-338 yl iol rapa II I 1-124 I-41 28 15 Feb 1861 125-2598 42-71 75 1 Feb 1878 261-370 72-G1 82 1 Dec 1879 2, 1-292 I-42 61 1 Feb 1873 293-752 43-104 64 1 Mai 1874 12 I 1-124 1-22 21 1 Jun 1858 125-250 23-51 81 1 Dec 1878 261-380 52-78 97 1 Apr 1886 381-486 79-110 102 1 Apr 1888 487-522 I1I-112 105 15 Aug 1889 2 1-74 I-13 60 1. Dec 1672 77-294 14-61 65 1 Sep 1874 297-432 62-91 Fi 1 Sep 1876 433-540 92-118 74 1 Dec 1877 3 1-114 1-24 96 1 Mar 1886 117-250 25-50 98 1 Nov 1886 251-456 51-80 109 15 Jul 1891 457-624 81-114 Tote 15 Apr 1892 13 I 1-64 I-14 2 1 Jan 1841 65-120 15-2 31 ' 15 Jan 1863 121-236 28-53 38 1 Dec 1864 237-344 54-68 39 1 Dec 1865 345-526 69-105 55 1 Octas71 529-654 100-128 57 1 Mar 1872 2 1-162 1-38 67 1 Mar 1875 185-370 39-67 73 1 Oct 1877


MARTIUS (1843)

vol. pars. columns plates fasc. dates 13 2 373-396 68-69 88 1 Mai 1882 ¢ 1-82 1-30 63 1 Apr 1874 85-170 31-48 gl 1 Aug 1883 193-224 49-57 106 15 Aug 1889 225-346 58-80 ii) 1 Jul 1892 345-466 81-99 122 I Sep 1897 465-680 100-123 124 1 Apr 1900 14 I 1-468 1-35 18(1) 15 Mai 1857 469-528 36-62 18(2) 1 Feb 1858 529-656 18(3) 15 Jan 1859 t.p. 54 1 Jul 1871 2 1-76 1-22 2 17 Apr 1867 77-128 23-35 43 17 Apr 1867 129-218 30-52 54 1 Jul 1871 221-324 53-72 56 i Reb ma : 325-418 73-91 58 1 Mai 1872 3 1-204 1-48 89 1 Mar 1883 205-510 49-108 O4 1 Mai 1885 4 1-212 1-45 99 1 Dec 1886 205-398 46-79 sexo) 1 Nov 1887 397-656 80-130 103 15 Aug 1888 15 I 1-216 1-56 2 30 Jul 1859 217-350 57-12 2 15 Jan 1862 t.p. 54 ie jfall weir 2 1-254 1-66 50 1 Dec 1870 257-528 67-136 70 1 Jul 1876

Supplementum: 1915 (Nat. Nov. Jun 1915), p. [ii-vii], pl. 3, 4,5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, tab. pharm. 1, all col. and uncol. Published by Karl W. Hierseman, as ““C. Fr. Ph. de Martius specimina xii generum Cinchonae et Palicureae (e familia Rubiacearum) tabulis aeneis coloratis illustrata ...’ Leipzig (apud Karl W. Hierseman) s.d.— A number of plates which had remained unpublished and for which coloured as well as uncoloured copies had been made. Copy: M.

5539- Bertrage uur Kenntniss der Gattung Erythroxylon ... [Miinchen] 1840. Qu. (Bevtr. Erythro-


Publ.: 1840 (t.p. reprint), p. [1]-130, [131-132], pl. 1-r0 (uncol. liths.). Copy: G.— Reprinted from Abh. k. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 2. Cl., 3(2): [281]-410, [411-412], pl. 1-70. 1840. —IDC 6458.

5540- Voyage dans ’ Amérique méridionale (le Brésil, la République orientale de ? Uruguay, la

République Argentine, la Patagonie, la République de Pérou), executé pendant les années

1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832 et 1833 par Alcide d’Orbigny, . .. tome septieme.

3° partie: Palmiers. Paris (Chez P. Bertrand, ...), Strasbourg (Chez V.° Levrault, ...)

[1842-]1847. Qu. (in Orbigny, Voy. Amérique mér. 7(3). Palmiers).

Publ.: 1842-1847, see below, p. [i-iti], [1]-140, pl. 1-32. — Copies: MO, NY; IDC 5401. — Alternative title (h.t.): ‘‘“Palmetum orbignianum. Descriptio palmarum in Paraguaria et Bolivia crescentium, secundum Alc. de Orbigny exempla, schedulas et icones digessit

Car. Fr. Ph. de Martius.”

text pages livraison dates plates livraison dates 1-16 TOS 1842 11320 70 1843

Be 7-40..- 69 1843 Ps 1) Bik 71 1843 41-64 72 1844 22 m2 1844 65-104 To 1844 23 73 1844 105-128 77 1844 14 77 1844 129-140 go 1847 13 80 1845 16,17 BI 1845


MARTIUs (1843)

text pages livraison dates plates livraison dates plates (in vol. 8, Atlas, botanique) 18 82 1846

2 I 1834 24 83 1845 1, 3-5 64. 1842 28, 29 85 1846 6,7 65 1842 15, 31 86 1846 9, 10 66 1842 27, 30 87 1846 8 67 1842 25, 26, 32 go 1847

The 32 plates of the Palmetum Orbignianum form part of the botanical section of the Atlas volume (vol. 8). The botanical plates are copper-engravings and lithographs of drawings by A. Chazal, J. Delarue and P. Oudart. 39 Originals by Delarue are at the Paris Muséum (Ms. 329). Ref.: Sherborn and Woodward, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 7. 7: 388, 1gor.

Sherborn and Griffin, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 10. 13: 133. 1934.

  1. Systema materiae medicae vegetabilis brasiliensis ... Lipsiae (apud Frid. Fleischer),

Vindobonae [Wien] (apud Frid. Beck in comm.) 1843. Oct. (Syst. mat. med. bras.).

Publ.: 23 Mai-30 Jun 1843 (dedic. 23 Mai; Flora rd. 1-7 Jul 1843; PAW 20 Jul 1843), p. [1*- ii*], [i]-xxvi, [1]-155, [156, err.]. Copzes: FI, G, H, M, MO, USDA.

5542- Das kénigliche Herbarium zu Miinchen ... Miinchen 1850. Qu. (Herb. Miinchen).

Publ.: Dec 1850, p. [1]-30 (3-30 columns). Copies: H, M, US. — Reprinted Gel. Anz. bayer. Akad. Wiss. 31: 717-719, 721-728, 729-736, 737-744, 745-747 [columns]. 1850.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 34: 3-15. 1851 (see also 33: 768. 28 Dec 1850).

5543- Ueber die botanische Exforschung des Rénigreichs Bayern ... 1850. Oct. (Bot. Erforsch. Bayern). Publ.: 1850, p. [1]-18. Copies: M, NY.

5544- Weegweiser fiir die Besucher desk. botanischen Gartens in Miinchen, nebst einem V erzeichnis- se der in demselben vorhandenen Pflanzengattungen, ... Miinchen (Christian Krause) 1852. Duod. (Wegwets. bot. Gart. Miinchen). Publ.: Jan-Mai 1852 (Flora rd. Jun-Aug 1852), p. [i]-vi, [1]-169, 2 maps. Copzes: FI, G, H, M. : Ref.: Anon., Flora 35: 544, 700-701. 1852. Schlechtendahl, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 11: 655-656. 16 Sep 1853.

5545- Bemerkungen iiber die wissenschaftliche Bestimmung und die Leistungen unserer Gewdchshduser,

... in Briefen an den Herausgeber der Flora Professor Dr. August Emanuel Furnrohr ...

Regensburg (Druck der Neubauer’schen Buchdruckerei) [1853]. Oct. (Bemerk. Bestimm.


Publ.: 1853 (Kew J. Bot. Sep 1853), p. [i], [1]-126. Copy: M.— Reprinted from Flora 36: 161- 166, 193-199, 209-220, 241-251, 267-271, 273-286, 289-298, 305-315, 321-335, 337-348, 353-360, 369-391. 1853.

  1. Versuch eines Commentars tiber die Pflanzen in den Werken von Marcgrav und Piso iiber

Brasilien, nebst weiteren Erorterungen tber die Flora dieses Reiches. Von Dr. C. Fr. Ph. v.

Martius. I. Aryptogamen ... Miinchen (Verlag der k. Akademie, in Commission bei G.

Franz) 1853. Qu. (Vers. Comm. Pfl. Marcgr.).

Publ.: Jun 1853 (Flora rd. 28 Mai-14 Jun), p. [1]-60. Copies: G, M, MO, Stevenson. — Reprinted from Abh. k. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Mtinchen, II Cl. 7(1): 179-238. 1853.

5547- Beitrag zur Natur und Litertr-Geschichte der Agaveen ... Miinchen, 1855. Qu. (Bertr.


Publ.: 1855 (BSbF after 25 Aug 1855), p. [1]-52 (3-52 colums). Copies: FI, M, WU. — Reprinted from Miinchen. gel. Anz. 40: nos. 44-51. 1855.

  1. Ueber die Pflanzen-Namen in der Tupi-Sprache, ... Miinchen (Druck von J. G. Weiss, .. .)
  2. Qu.



Publ.: 2-13 Jan 1858, p. [1], [1 ]-24. Copies: H, M.—Incomplete reprint from a series of papers published in Gel. Anz. bayer. Akad. Wiss. for 1858 (numbers refer to colums) 1: 9-16. 2 Jan, 2: 17-24, 4 Jan, 3: 25-32. 6 Jan, 4: 33-40. 9 Jan, 5: 41-48. 11 Jan, 6: 49-51. 13 Jan 1858.

5549- Vortrage tiber die Florenreiche oder Imperia florae ... Miinchen (Druck von J. G. Weiss,

...) 1865. Oct. (Vortr. Florenreiche).

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1865 (Flora rd. Apr 1865; BSbF rd. 7 Apr 1865), p. [i], [1]-56. Copies: G, MO, NY. Reprinted from Jahresber. bayer. Gartenbau-Ges.

  1. Akademische Denkreden ... Leipzig (Friedrich Fleischer) 1866. Oct. (Akad. Denkred.). Publ.: 1866 (p. [vi]: 10 Feb 1866, p. [i-xu1], [1]-619. Copies: G, M, NY, Teyler. — Reprinted

from publications in various journals, see /nhalt.

Martius, Carl [Karl] Friedrich Phil. Sigm. (1829-1899), German physician and botanist; Dr. med. Erlangen 1853; habil. ib. 1857; from 1858-1868 practicing physician at Nurnberg; from 1868 regional physician ib.; from 1873-1899 regional physician at Ans- ‘bach; son of T. W. C. Martius (C. Mart.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Rehder 3: 470. Hab., in Biogr. Lex. hervorr. Arzte ed. 3. 4: 104. 1962.

5551- Versuch ener Monographie der Sennesblatter. Der hochloblichen medicinischen Facultat

der konigl. bayer. Friedrich-Alexanders-Universitat zur Erlangung der venia docendi

vorgelegt von Dr. Carl Martius. Erlangen (Druck von Junge & Sohn) 1857. Oct. (Vers.

Monogr. Sennesbl.).

Publ.: Apr-Aug 1857 (p. vi: g Mar 1857; Bonplandia 15 Sep 1857), p. [i]-viti, [1 ]-158, [1, err. |. Copy: G.

Martius, Ernst Wilhelm (1756-1849), German pharmacist and botanist at Erlangen; father of C. F. P. von Martius; founder, with Hoppe, of the Regensburgische botanische Gesellschaft. (EZ. Mart.).

HERBARIUM and Types: BR (incorporated in the herbarium of C. F. P. von Martius).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 456; BM 3: 1257; CSP 4: 269, 8: 348, 12: 490;

Dryander 3: 5, 154, 5: 61; Herder p. 78, 409; IH 2: 510; Kew 3: 609; Moebius p. 426;

Laségue p. 337; Moebius p. 426; NI 1282-1283; PR 5877-5878 (ed. 1: 6577-6579);

Quenstedt p. 282; Rehder 5: 550; Tucker 1: 465.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 8: 96. 1850; Flora 32: 737. 1849 (d. 12 Dec 1849);-Zur Erinnerung an die goldene Hochzeit des Herrn Dr. Ernst Wilhelm Martius und der Frau Regina, gebore- nen Weinl. in Erlangen am 13. Februar 1842. Manuscript fiir Freunde. (Copy: REG).

B., Arch. d. Pharm. 115(1): 90-97. 1851.

Dilg, P. & W. Ig, Deut. Apoth. Zeit. 118: 251. 1978.

Fischer, E., Gutenberg jahrb. 1933: 200-201.

»Gittner, H., Stiddeut. Apoth.-Zeit. 89(49): 905-907. 1949 (biogr., b. 10 Sep 1756, d. 12 Dec 1849).

Habich, in W. H. Hein & H. D. Schwarz, Deut. Apoth.-Biogr. 2: 409-410. 1978.

Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 119. 1850.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.- Buch 2: 67. 1858 (also 7a, suppl., p. 415).

Pongratz, L., Naturforscher im Regensburger und ostbayerischen Raum 65-67. 1963 (Acta Albert. ratisb. 25) (portr., biogr., b. 10 Sep 1756, d. 12 Dec 1849).

Z., Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 206. 1824.

5552- Neueste Anweisung, Pflanzen nach dem Leben abzudrucken. Nebst einigen abgedruckten

Pflanzen. Wezlar (gedruckt mit Winklerschen Schriften) 1784. Oct. (Anw. Pfl. abzudrucken).

Orig.: Aug 1784 (p. viii) (n.v.), p. [i-xiv], [1]-80, 7 pl. (nature print). — Copies: Karlsruhe, ‘Technische Hochschule, Bonn H. B. (fide Fischer).



Re-issue: 1785, p. [1-xvi], [1 ]-80, 7 pl. (id.). Copies: NY, [see also Fischer no. 14].

Facsimile ed.: 1977. Copy: MO. — Marburg (Basilisken-Presse) 1977, introduction (p. v-xxv1) by Armin Geus.

Note. We have seen no copies of Abdriicke lebendiger Arduter (1779) (see NI 1282) and of Icones

plantarum originales, Regensburg 1780 (six copies with 200 pl.; two with 100 pl.) see Fischer

no. 15 and NI 1283.

Ref.: Martius, E., in Hoppe, Bot. Taschenbuch 1791: 50.

5553- Cesammelle Nachrichten tiber den Macassarischen Giftbaum ... Erlangen (in der Walther- schen Buchhandlung) 1792. Oct. (Ges. Nachr. Macass. Giftbaum).

Publ.: 1792, p. [i-iii], [1]-43, 7 pl. (col. copper). Copies: G, M, NY, USDA.

Ref.: Anon., Allg. Repert. Lit. 1791-1795, 2(2,1) 1800, no. 1489.

  1. Lrinnerungen aus meinem neunzigjahrigen Leben ... Leipzig (Verlag von Leopold Voss)

  2. Oct. (Erinnerungen).

Publ.: 1847 (p. vill: 12 Jun 1847), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-327, [328, err.]. Copy: WU.

English translation (of part concerning J. C. D. Schreber): by N. Wallich, zn W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew. Gard. Misc. 2: 118-125. 1850.

Ref: G.P., Bot. Zeit. 5: 833-835. 19 Nov 1847.

Martius, Heinrich von (1781-1831), German botanist. (H. Mart.). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 456 (b. 28 Dec 1781, d. 4 Aug 1831); BM 3: 1257; CSP 4: 269; Herder p. 199; Jackson p. 329; Kew 3: 609; LS 17043; NAF 7: 1078; PR 5880 (ed. 1: 6580); Rehder 5: 550; Stevenson p. 1250; TR 849.

5555- Prodromus florae mosquensis ... editio altera. Lipsiae (in commercio industriae) 1817.

Oct. (Prodr. fl. mosq).

Ed. 1: 1812 (n.v.), 202 p. PR states that the main stock was destroyed in the great Moscow fire and that hence the book is very rare.

Ed. 2: 1817 (p. x: 28 Dec 1816), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-288. Copies: FH, FI, G, MO, NY. — Editio altera. Lipsiae (id.) 1817. Oct.

Martius, Theodor Wilhelm Christian (1796-1863), German pharmacist and botanist at Erlangen; brother of C. F. P. von Martius. (7. Mart.).

HERBARIUM and types: BR (in the C. F. P. von Martius herbarium).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 456 (b. 1Jul 1796, d. 15 Sep 1863); BM 3: 1257;

CSP 4: 269-270, 8: 348, 12: 490; Herder p. 409; IH 2: 510; Moebius p. 417; MW p. 300; PR

5914-5915 (ed. 1: 6617); Rehder 5: 551; Tucker 1: 466.

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 48. 1855 (cogn. Leopoldina: Pomel).

Dilg, P., Deut. Apoth.-Zeit. 118: 251. 1978.

Hirsch, A., ed., Biogr. Lex hervorr. Arzte ed. 3.4: 103. 1962.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 67. 1863, 3: 879. 1898 (b. 1 Jul 1796, d. 15 Sep 1863) (also 7a, suppl. p. 417).

Schneider, W., Deut. Apoth.-Zeit. 97: 533. 1957; Pharm. Zeit. 104: 865-871. 1959 (n.v.).

Schwarz, H. D., in W. H. Hein & H. D. Schwarz, Deut. Apoth.-Biogr. 2: 410-411. 1978.

  1. Grundriss der Pharmakognosie des Pflanzenreiches zum Gebrauche bei akademischen Vorlesungen, so wie fiir Aerzte, Apotheker und Droguisten entworfen ... Erlangen (bei Johann Jakob Palm und Ernst Enke). Oct. (Grundr. Pharmakogn.).

Publ.: 1832, p. [i]-xx, [1]-459. Copies: NY, PH.

5557+ Die ostindische Rohwaarensammlung der Friedrich-Alexanders- Universitat zu Erlangen ... Erlangen (Verlag von J. J. Palm und Ernst Enke (Adolph Enke)). 1853. Oct. (Ostend. Rohwaarensammi.).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1853 (err. dated 20 Aug 1853), p. [i, iii], [1]-54, [55, err-]. Copy: B-S.



Martrin-Donos, Julien Victor, Comte de (1802-1870), French botanist. (MJartrin- Donos).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown; some material at CGE and DBN.

note: Barnhart has b. 1800 (d. 29 Apr. 1860), but Astre (1966) is probably correct with 1802.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 3: 671; Barnhart 2: 456; BL 2: 205, 689; BM 3: 1258; CSP 4: 270, 8: 348; GR p. 287, cat. p. 67; Herder p. 296; IH 2: 510 Jackson p. 291; Kew 3: 609; PR 5916-5918; Rehder 5: 551; TL-2/1: see Gautier, M. C. G. , Jeanbernat, E. M. J. ; Tucker 1: 466.

Astre, Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse 101: 180. 1966.

Clos, D., Bull. Soc. bot. France 17: 263. 1870.

Nelson, E.C., Glasra 4: 55. 1980 (pl. DBN).

55508- Herborisations dans le midi de la France en 1854, ... 4a Montauban (Chez Lapie- Fontanel, ...) 1855. (Herbor. midi France).

Publ.: Mar-Apr 1855 (p. 28: 30 Jan 1855; BSbF rd. 13 Apr 1855), p. [1]-28. Copy: NY. Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 121-122. 1856 (post 6 Apr).

5559- Plantes critiques du département du Tarn ou extrait de la Flore du Tarn (inédite) par M. Victor de Martrin-Donos ... Fragment 1. Toulouse (imprimerie de A. Chauvin, ...) 1862. (Pl. crit. Tarn).

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1862 (BSbF rd. 25 Apr 1862), p. [1]-32. Copies: G, NY, USDA.

Ref.: Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 9: 130-132. 1862.

  1. Florule du Tarn ou Enumération des plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le

département du Tarn. Paris (J. -B.Bailliére et fils, ...) 1864. Oct. (Fl. Tarn).

[Premiere partie]: 1864 (p. xii: 15 Nov 1863; Flora 23 Nov 1864), p. [i]-xxiii, [xxiv], [1 ]-872, 7 pl. Part 1 was published in two instalments: [1 ]-470 earlier and p. 471-872 later in 1864, see BSbF 11(bibl.): 145-147. Nov 1864 (for 1-470) and 11(C. R.: 248), (bibl.): 249-251. Dec 1864.

Deuxiéme partie: 1867, p. [i]-xxix, [xxx], [1]-278. — “Végétaux cellulaires.”’ Toulouse (Delboy, ...), Paris (J. -B. Bailliére [Baillére] et fils ...) 1867. Oct. — Co-author: Ernest Marie Jules Jeanbernat (1835-1888).

Copies: G, NY, USDA(2).

Marty, Pierre (1868-?) Belgian palaeobotanist. (Marty). HERBARIUM and Types: Unkown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 456; BM 3: 1258, 7: 805; CSP 17: 65; Rehder 5: 551; TL-2/42306.

EPONYMY: Martyia E. M. Reid (1924).

  1. Etudes sur les végétaux fossiles du Trieu de Leval (Hainaut) par Pierre Marty...avec une

note préliminaire sur la résine fossile de ce gisement par le docteur Maurice Langeron ...

Bruxelles (Imprimerie Polleunis & Ceuterick, Dreesen & de Smet, successeurs . . .) [1907].

Qu. (Htud. vég. foss. Trieu de Leval).

Collaborator: Maurice Langeron (1874-1950), herbarium and types at P, and PC (IH 2: 410).

Publ.: 1907, p. [1]-51, [52, chart], pl. r-9, uncol. Copy: USGS. — Extrait des Mémoires du Musée royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, vol. 5, 1907.

Martyn, John (1699-1768), British physician and botanist at London and Cambridge. (7. Martyn).

HERBARIUM and Types: CGE; some further material at OXF. Correspondence at BM.



Manuscripts and 58 original plates by van Huysum at Royal Society, London; correspon- dence at BM(NH).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 234, 311, 345; Backer p. 357; Barnhart 2: 456;

BB p. 208; Blunt p. 132, 151, 203; BM 3: 1258, 7: 805-806; Clokie p. 207-208; Dawson p.

244, 649; Desmond p. 424; DNB 36: 317; Dryander 5: 347; DU 193-194; GF p. 67; Henrey

I: 150, 2: 728-729 [index], 3: 81-82; Herder p. 82; HU 476, 517 and 2(1): p. cxcvi, cxevii,

ceciv, ccv; IH 2: 510; Jackson p. 578; Kew 3: 609; Langman p. 483; Laségue p. 325, 519; LS

17044; Plesch p. 327-328; PR 5919-5922 (ed. 1: 6617-6622); Rehder 5: 551; SO 621, add.

621; Sotheby 505; TL-1/806-807; TL-2/see W. Houston; Tucker 1: 466.

Allen, D. E., Proc. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles 6: 305-324. 1967 (membership of M’s botanical society), The naturalist in Britain 288 [index]. 1976.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1234. 1870.

Anon., House Gard. 34(8): 206-209. 1979 (portr.).

Baines, J. E., Vict. Natural. go: 229. 1973 (epon.).

Cameron, H. C., Sir Joseph Banks 3, 1952.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 432. 1880 (herb. at CGE, “2.600 esp.”’).

Fée, A. L. A., Vie de Linné 249. 1832.

Fries, T. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(5): 260. 1911.

Glass, B. et al., Forerunners of Darwin 233. 1968.

Gorham, G.C., Memoirs of John Martyn ... and of Thomas Martyn. London 1830.

Green, J. R., Hist. bot. 176-184. 1914.

Hemsley, W. B., Gard. Chron. 1887(1): 381.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 278. 1884.

Jourdan, A. J. L., Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 207-208. 1824.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 68. 1957 (herb. CGE); Hist. fl. Middlesex 16. 1975.

Nichols, J., Lit. anecdotes eighteenth cent. ed. 2. 3: 638. 1815.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 67-68. 1863 (b. 12 Sep 1699, d. 29 Jan 1768).

Pulteney, R., Sketches 2: 205-218. 1790.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 217. 1971.

Stearn, W. T., R. Hort. Soc., Exhib. manuscr. books 27-28. 1954.

Trimen, H. and W. T. Dyer, Fl. Middlesex 389. 1869.

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 26, 42. 1904 (correspondence).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) The compleat herbal: or, the botanical institutions of Mr. Tourne- fort ... 1719-1730.

EPONYMY: Martynia Linnaeus (1753).

  1. Methodus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium. Londinii (Ex officina Richardi

Reily) 1727. Oct. (Meth. pl.).

Publ.: 1727, p. [i]-vil, 1-132. Copy: USDA. — Based in part on J. Ray Meth. pl. See Henrey nos. 1018, 1019 for an abortive new edition started in 1729.

  1. Joannis Martyn AMistoria plantarum rariorum ... Londini (ex typographia Richardi

Reily) 1728. Fol.+. (Hist. pl. rar.).

Publ.: 1728[-1737], p. [ii*-11*], [1]-iv, [1]-52, 50 plates (color-printed copp. van Huysum). Copies: HU (50 pl.), MO (49 pl.), NY (40 pl.); IDC 6056. — One of the earliest works with color-printed plates. See e.g. Sotheby 505.

Re-issue: after 1768, with reset preface and Linnaean index on p. iv of the preface using plant names from Sp. pl. ed. 2: Copies: BM, Morton Arboretum (inf. I. MacPhail). ,

German ed.: 1752-1754, in five parts; decades 1-2 prelinnaean, 5 post-linnaean, p. [i-vi], 1- 24, pl. 1-50 (col. pl. by J. D. Meyer). Copies: G, NY, USDA — “‘Joannis Martyn Historia plantarum rariorum ob praestantium denuo editia studio atque opera Joannis Danielis Meyeri pictoris. Johann Martyns Beschreibung seltener Pflanzen ihrer Furtrefflichkeit wegen von Neuem herausgegeben durch Johann Daniel Meyer [1713-1757] Miniatur Mahler...” Nurnberg (gedruckt bey Andreas Bieling) 1752. Fol. The plates are mezzo- tints, partly color-printed.

Second German ed.: 1797, p. [iJ-viii, [1]-72, pl. 1-50 (partly col. printed). Copies: G, NY, — “Johann Martyns Abbildung und Beschreibung seltener Gewaechse neu tibersetzt, systematisch



bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von D. Georg Wolffgang Franz Panzer [1755-1829] ...’ Nurnberg (in der Frauenholzischen Kunsthandlung) 1797. Fol.

Note on post 1768 re-issue: See MacPhail, I. and W. J. Hess, Huntia 3: (in press) on the date of the Linnaean index. Internal evidence makes it clear that this index was prepared after 1768 and added to original sheets thus producing anomalous copies which may still, with some liberty, be called re-issues. For a full analysis of a copy of the original issue, (with complete preface material) and for many additional details, e.g. a list with modern names of the depicted plants, see HU 476.

MacPhail, I. and W. J. Hess, Huntia 3(2): 73-81. 1980.

  1. Tournefort’s history of plants growing about Paris, with their uses in physick; and a mechanical account of the operation of medicines. Translated into English, with many additions. And accomodated to the plants growing in Great-Britain. By John Martyn, F.R. S. in two volumes ... London (printed for C. Rivington, ...) 1732. Oct. ( Tourn. hist. pl.). 1: 1732, p. [i*-xii*], [i]-lxvii, [Ixvii], [1]-311.

Martyn, Thomas (1735-1825), British botanist; at Cambridge from 1762; son of John Martyn. (Martyn).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. The Martyn herbarium at CGE was made by ‘Thomas Martyn’s father John Martyn (1699-1768) (see above) and consists mostly of plants cultivated at Cambridge. Correspondence at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 456; BB p. 208; BM 3: 1259, 7:

806; Bossert p. 255; CSP 4: 270; Dawson p. 584-585, 793; Desmond p. 424; DNB 36: 321;

Dryander 5: 347; DU 196; GF p. 67; Henrey 2: 729 [index], 3: 82-83; Herder p. 146; Hortus

3: 1199 (“Martyn”); HU 621; 721, 732; Jackson p. 578; Kew 3: 609; Langman p. 483; NI

1291-1292; Plesch p. 328; PR 5923-5931 (ed. 1: 6623-6631); Rehder 5: 551; SO 34a-c, 99a,

6371, 701-708, 751-753, 746, add. 1230b-c, 2200; Sotheby 506; TL-1/808-811, 848; Tucker

1: 466; Zander ed. 10, p. 680, ed. 11, p. 786.

Allen, D. E., The naturalist in Britain 288 [index]. 1976.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1234. 1870.

Anon., J. Hort. Cottage Gard. 56: 76-78. 1876.

Babineton, C. C., Mem. journal bot. corr. xxi. 1697.

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 65. 1935.

Davey, F. H., Fl. Cornwall xxxiv: 1909.

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 68. 1934 (corr. with J. E. Smith).

Deuce GC. Fly Oxfordshire ed. 2. xc. 1927.

Forbes, R. J., ed., Mart. v. Marum 3: 27. 1971.

Fussell, G. E., More old Engl. farming books 137. 1948.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entomol. 247. 1977.

Gorham, G. C., Memoirs of John Martyn... and of Thomas Martyn. London 1830, p. 267- O..

Green, J. R., Hist. bot. 229-240. 1914.

Henrey, B., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 3: 17. 1953 (erroneous attribution of pamphlet on Cambridge bot. gard.).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 278. 1884.

Kent, D. H., Hist. Fl. Middlesex 17-18. 1975.

Milner, J. D., Gat. Portr. Kew 83. 1906.

Pearsall, W. H., Fl. Surrey 47-48. 1931.

Salmon, C. E., Fl. Surrey 47. 1931.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 110, 201, 203. 1971; i Daniels, G. & F. A. Stafleu, Taxon 21: 630. 1972 (portr.).

Trimen, H. and W. T. Dyer, FI. Middlesex 392-393. 1869.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 95. 1903 (d. 3 Jun 1825).

Wolley-Dod, A. H., Fl. Sussex xxxviii. 1937.

NOTE: The anonymous pamphlet “A short account of the late donation of a botanic garden to the University of Cambridge ... Cambridge, printed by J. Bentham printer to the



University” 1763 was written by Richard Walker (1679-1764), vice-master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and not by Th. Martyn. (See Henrey 1953).

  1. Plantae cantabrigienses; or, a catalogue of the plants which grow wild in the county of Cambridge, disposed according to the system of Linnaeus. Herbationes cantabrigienses; or, directions to the places, where they may be found, comprehended in thirteen botanical excursions. To which are added, lists of the more rare plants growing in many parts of England and Wales... London (printed for the author, and sold by Mess. ‘Thurlbourn and Woodyer in Cambridge, and J. Beecroft ...) 1763. Oct. (in fours). (Pl. cantabrig.).

Publ.: Apr-Jun 1763 (pref. 10 Apr 1763), p. [i]-xiil, [1]-114. Copies: FI, USDA; IDC 6057.

  1. Thomae Martyn, S. T. B. ... Catalogus horti botamci Cantabrigiensis. Gantabrigiae [ Cambridge] (excudebat J. Archdeacon Academiae typographus. Prostant venales apud J. Woodyer, et T. & J. Merril, Cantabrigiae; J. Beecroft ... et B. White ... Londini) 1771. Oct. (in fours). (Cat. hort. bot. Cantabrig.).

Publ.: 1771 (Monthly Rev., London Dec 1771), frontisp., p. [i]-xi, [xii, err.], [1]-193, [1-22, index]. Copies: HU, NY, USDA. — The frontispiece is a portrait of Richard Walker (1679- 1764) who donated the property for the garden. For bibl. details see HU 621.

Ref.: Stearn, W. T., Intr. Ray Soc. fasc. Linnaeus, Sp. pl. 78. 1957.

  1. Thomae Martyn prof. botan. Mantissa plantarum horti botanict cantabrigiensis. Canta- brigiae [Cambridge] (Excudebat J. Archdeacon Academiae Typographus. Prostant ver- nales apud J. Woodyer, et T. & J. Merrill, Cantabrigiae; J. Beecroft ... et B. White ... Londini) 1772. Oct. (in fours). (Mant. pl. hort. cantabrig.).

Publ.: 1772, p. [i], [1]-31, [32-37, ind., 38 err.]. Copy: USDA.

  1. Letters on the elements of botany. Adressed to a lady. By the celebrated J. J. Rousseau.

Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the

system of Linnaeus ... London (printed for B. White and Son, ...) 1785. Oct. (Lett. elem.


Publ.: Translation by Th. Martyn of J. J. Rousseau, Lettres élémentaires, with additional material of his own. Plates issued separately as Thirty-eight plates, see below.

Ed. 1: 1785, p. [i]-xxili, [xxiv, err.], [1]-503, [1-28, index]. Copzes: G, MO.

Ed. 2: 1787, p. [i*], [i]-xxv, [1]-500, [1-28, index]. Copies: G, NY, USDA — “The second edition, with corrections and improvements. London (id.) 1787. Oct.

Hd: 3: 1 7Ouaeve

Ed. 4: 1794, p- [i]-xxiv, [1]-503, [ 1-28, index]. Copies: B, NY, USDA. —“The fourth edition, ~ with corrections and improvements.” London (printed for B. and J. White, ...) 1794. Oct.

Ed. 5: 1796, p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-503, [1-28, index]. Copies: NY, US. — “The fifth edidition, ...” London (id.) 1796. Oct.

Ed. 6: 1802, p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-503, [1-28, index]. Copy: NY, — London (id.) 1802. Oct.

Ed. 7: 1807, p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-503, [1-28, index]. Copies: BR, MICH, MO, — London (id.) 1807. Oct.

Ed. 8: 1815 (n.v.), fide Henrey 1028.

  1. Thirty-eight plates, with explanations; intended to illustrate Linnaeus’s system of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of botany ... London (printed for B. White and Son, ...) 1788. Oct. ( Thirty-eight plates).

[Ed. 1]: 1 May 1788 (date on plates; Gent. Mag. Sep 1788), p. [i]-vi, 1-72, pl. 1-38, hand coloured copper engravings of drawings by F. P. Nodder. Copies: MO (plates uncolored), US.

[Ed. 2]: 1794, p. [i]-vi, 1-72, [1-2, adv.], pl. 1-38 (id.). Copies: FAS, HU, MO, NY(2). — London (printed for B. and J. White, ...) 1794. Oct.

[Ed. 3]: 1799, p. [i]-vi, 1-72, pl. 1-38 (id.). Copies: BR, G, MICH, MO(2), NY, UC.

[Ed. 4]: 1817, p. [i]-vi, 1-72, pl. 1-38 (id.). Copies: NY, US. — ‘“‘a new edition”. London

(printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Browne; ...) 1817. Oct.

  1. Flora rustica: exhibiting accurate figures of such plants as are either useful or injurious in husbandry. Drawn and engraved by Frederick P. Nodder, botanic painter to her



majesty, and coloured under his inspection. With scientific characters, popular descrip-

tions, and useful observations ... London (published by F. P. Nodder, ...) 1792-1794|-

1795], 4. vols. Oct. (Fl. rust.).

Artist; Frederick Polydore Nodder (fl. 1777-1800).

Publ.: In parts of which the contents and dates are still unknown: “... for here is a work lacking signatures, page numbers, press figures, and chainlines”’ (Stevenson, in HU Er. The 144 plates are hand-coloured engravings which carry dates: three-monthly from Nov 1791 to [142] Oct 1794. At this period the dates on the plates were often indeed dates of publication, and hence they have to be accepted as such until evidence to the contrary is produced. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. — Copies vary in the way in which the plates are bound. See also Henrey 1023.

Vol. 1: 1792 (t.p.), p. [i-xx], pl. 7-39, with text, [1-2, index].

Vol. 2: 1792 (t-p.), p. [i], pl. 40-72, with text, [1-4, index].

Vol. 3: 1793 (t-p.), p- [i], pl. 73-274, with text, [1-2, index] (printer B. M’ Millan).

Vol. 4: 1794[-1795], p- [1], pl. 175-144, with text, [1-2, index].

Re-issue: 1802-1804, n.v.


  1. The language of botany: being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science,

principally by Linneus [sic]: with familiar explanations, and an attempt to establish

significant English terms. The whole interspersed with critical remarks . .. London (printed for B. and J. White, ...) 1793. Oct. (Lang. bot.).

Ed. r: Jun-Jul 1793 (p. viii: 8 Feb 1793; Gent. Mag. Jul 1793), p. [i]-xxvii, dictionary sign. B-Y2 Copies: G, NY.

Ed. 2: 1796, p. [i]-xxiii, dictionary C,-Ee, [304 p.].Copies: G, NY. — “The second edition, corrected and enlarged ...”” London (printed by J. Davis, for B. and J. White, .. .) 1796. Oct:

Ed. 3: 1807, p. [i]-xxiii, dictionary sign. C,-Ff,. Copy: NY. — ‘“The third edition, corrected and enlarged ... ’’ London (printed by T. Bensley, ... for John White, ...) 1807. Oct.

  1. Introduction a la botanique, ouvrage destiné a Pusage de ceux, qui veulent s’intruire [sic] dans cette science; et pour servir d’explication a trenthuit gravures enluminées d’apres nature, publiées en anglois par Thomas Martyn, ... en frangois et hollandois par J. van Noorden MD. vol. 1. A Londres (chez Vernor & Hood, ...), Rotterdam (chez L. Bennet, ..) 1798. Oct. (Intr. bot.). Author of revised text: J. van Noorden. Publ.: 1798, p. [i}-xix, [1]-252, 1-32 expl. pl., pl. 1-12 (col. copper engr. by G. Kitsen). Copies: G, L. — Alternative t.p. in dutch: “‘Jnlezding tot de kruidkunde, ...”’.

Marum, Martin [Martinus] van (1750-1837), Dutch physician and naturalist; Ph. D. Groningen 1773; main founder of the collections and library of Teyler’s Stichting at Haarlem. (Marum).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHy: Backer p. 356; Barnhart 2: 456; CSP 4: 270-272, 17: 65;

Dawson p. 585-587, 945 [index]; Dryander 2: 458, 3: 374; DSB 9: 151-152; Herder p. 1133

JW 1: 446, 2: 196, 3: 361, 4: 398, 5: 246; NNBW tro: 588; Plesch p. 283; PR 5932-5934 (ed. 1:

6632-6634); Quenstedt p. 283; Rehder 5: 551.

A.Q., Annuaire Acad. roy. Belg. 6: 140-149. 1840 (bibl.).

Bosscha, J., Album der Natuur 1888: 1-20, Arch. Mus. Teyler ser. 2. 6: 353-374. 1900.

Bruyn, J. G. de, in R. J. Forbes, Martinus van Marum, life and work, 1: 287-320. 1969.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 384. 1862.

Cohen, E., Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. 41: 246-252. 1938 (portr.).

Daniéls, C. E., in Biogr. Lex. hervorr. Arzte ed. 3. 4: 104. 1962.

Gorter, D. de, Flora vii Prov. iv. 1814.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 321. 1864.

Karsten, M. C., J. S. Afr. Bot. 5: 19. 1939.

Muntendam, A. M., Arch. Mus. Teyler ser. 3. 8: 464-493. 1938 (b. 20 Mar 1750, d. 26 Dec 1837).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 68-69. 1863.


Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, iv R. J. Forbes, Martinus van Marum, life and work, 3: 127- 174. 1974 (reprint with additional notes and index distr. by author; study of van Marum’s botanical and horticultural activities).

Uitewaal, A. J. A., Succulenta 19: 49-55, 65-70. 1937.

Veen, H., Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk. 82(1): 42-66. 1938 (portr.).

MAIN TREATMENT: R. J. Forbes et al., eds., Martinus van Marum, life and work, vols 1-6, Haarlem 1969-1976. Contains e.g. J. G. de Bruyn, Van Marum bibliography (1: 287-360. 1969),a biography by A. M. Muntendam (1: 1-72), a biographical index of M’s friends and correspondents by R. J. Forbes (1: 376-400), the text of his travel diaries (2, 1970), botany and gardening by M. J. van Steenis-Kruseman (3: 127-174. 1971), a facsimile reprint of his Cat. pl. jard. Marum (5: 377-445); correspondence (6, 1976).

EPONYMY: Marumia Reinwardt (1825), Marumia Blume (1831).

5573+ Calalogue des plantes cultivées au printems 1810 dans le jardin de M. van Marum a Harlem.

Imprimé aux frais de auteur, pour servir a ses correspondans botanistes, et faciliter les

échanges réciproques. [1810]. Oct. (in fours). (Cat. pl. jard. Marum).

Publ.: 1810 (p. viii: Feb 1810), p. [1]-vini, [1]-64. Copy: G.

Facsimile repr.: 1974 in E. Lefebvre and J. G. de Bruyn (R. J. Forbes et al.), Martinus van Marum, Life and work 5: 377-445. 1971, (preface material and index in new type).

Marzari-Pencati, Giuseppe, Conte (1779-1836), Italian botanist. (Marzari-Pencati).

HERBARIUM AND TYPES: Museo Civico de Vicenza, now destroyed. (see Saccardo 2: 69 for further details on collections).

BIBLOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 414, 689; BM 3: 1260; CSP 4: 274; GR p. 534; 1H 2: 1260; Kew 3: 610; LS 17049; PR 5935-5936 (ed. 1: 6635-6636); Quenstedt p. 283; Rehder 5: 551; Saccardo 1: 105, 2: 69; Tucker 1: 466.

Anon., Flora 20: 288. 1837 (d. 30 Jun 1836).

Burckhart, R. W., The spirit of system 195, 199-200. 1977.

Pichi-Sermolli, R. E. G., Taxon 3: 91. 1954.

EPONYMY: Marzaria A. de Zigno (1867). Note: The derivation of Marzaria Rafinesque (1840) could not be established.

5574- Elenco delle piarte spontanee fino ad ora osservate nel territorio di Vicenza. Milano (Dalla Tipografia Milanese di Tosi e Nobiley 1802. Oct. (Elenc. pl. Vicenza). Publ.: 1802, p. [1]-58. Copies: FI, G(2). — Author’s name on p. 15.

Marzell, Heinrich (1885-1970), German botanist, classicist and linguist; Dr. phil. Miin- chen 1911; from 1918-1950 high school teacher at the Realschule Gunzenhausen; Leibnitz Medaille 1954. (Marzell).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 456 (b. 23 Jan 1885); BEM 3241; BJI 2: 113; TL-2/2571.

Bresinsky, A., Ber. bayer. bot. Ges. 43: 155. 1972 (d. 28 Nov 1970).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317. 1936.

Diels, L., Bot. Jahrb. 60(Lit.): 75-76. 1938 (rev. Lief. 1 Worterb. deut. Pfl.-Namen). Ficker, H., Acta phytotherap. 18: 144-145. 1971 (d. 20 Nov 1970).

Janchen, E., Osterr. bot. Z. 86: 308-309. 1937 (rev. Lief. 1, Wérterb. deut. Pfl.-Namen). Paul, H., Worterb. deut. Pflanzennamen part 23: [2 p.]. 1976.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 7a(3): 214. 1958. (b. 23 Jan 1885; bibl.).

NOTE: M’s main work is his Wérterbuch der deutschen Pflanzennamen of which the first instalment (Abelia-Agrimonia) appeared in 1937, the first volume (Abelia-Cytisus) was completed in 1943

and of which Lieferung 35 (Band 4, Lief. 6, Tr¢gonella- Vaccinium) was published in 1978 by



S. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart (originally: Leipzig). The book is now edited, on the basis of M’s manuscript left on his death, by Heinz Paul.

5575: Neues illustriertes Krduterbuch. Eine Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntniss unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der in der Heilkunde, im Haushalt und in der Industrie verwendeten Pflanzen, sowie ihrer Volksnamen ... Reutlingen (Enklin & Laiblins Verlagsbuchhand- lung) 1921. Oct. (Neu. ill. Krduterb.).

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1921 (ObZ), p. [1]-711, pl. 1-32 (col.). Copy: USDA.

Masamune, Genkei (1899-x), Japanese botanist working on Asiatic Orchidaceae and the flora of the Ryukyu Archipelago. (Masam.).

HERBARIUM and Types: TI (early work; up to ca. 1935); further material in KANA (post war) and TAI (Taiwan mat.) (inf. H. Hara).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and sBiocRAPHy: Barnhart 2: 456 (b. 22 Apr 1899); Hortus 3: 1199 (‘““Masam.”); IF suppl. 3: 213, 4: 330; IH 2: 510: MW p. 300-302, suppl. p. 217-220 (bibl.); Roon p. 74.~

  1. Short flora of Formosa or an enumeration of higher cryptogamic and phanerogamic plants hitherto known from the Island of Formosa and its adjacent islands. Edited by Masamune Genkei cooperated with Fukuyama Noriaki, Kamikoti Shizuka, Sasaki Syum’iti, Suzuki Shigeyoshi, Hosokawa Takahide, Mori Kunihiko, Shimada Hidetaro, Suzuki Tokio. Taihoku, Taiwan. (The editorial department of Kudoa) 1936. (Short fl. Formosa).

Publ.: 1936, p. [i-x], [1]-410. Copy: USDA. — Frontisp. portr. of Y. Kudo.

Masclef, Amédée (1858-?), French clergyman and botanist, teacher at the Petit- Séminaire of Arras (Mascle/).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: BL 2: 105, 190, 689; BM 3: 1260; CSP 17: 70; Kew 3: 611; LS 17052; NAF ser. 2. 4: 44; Plesch p. 328-329; Rehder 5: 551; Tucker 1: 467.

5577- Contributions a la flore du département du Pas-de-Calais. Notice sur Vherbier du Musée de la ville d’ Arras ... Arras (Imprimerie Ve Schoutheer-Dubois .. .) 1885. (Not. herb. Musée Arras).

Publ.: 1885, p. [1 ]-20. Copy: USDA. — Reprinted from Annales du Musée de la Ville d’Arras.

  1. Catalogue raisonné des plantes vasculaires du département du Pas-de-Calais ... Arras

(Sueur-Charruey), Paris (F. Savy, ...) 1886. Oct. (Cat. pl. Pas-de-Calais).

Publ.: Jan 1886 (Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1887; Bot. Centralbl. 24-28 Jan 1887; Bot. Zeit. 28 Jan 1887, Apr(1,2) 1887; J. Bot. Feb 1887), p. [i]-lii, [1]-214, table. Copy: G.

Ref.: Bonnier,G., Bull. Soc. bot. France 34 (bibl.): 33-35. 1887 (rev.).

5579- Alas des plantes de France utiles, nuisibles et ornementales, 400 planches colorices

représentant 450 plantes communes avec de nombreuses figures de détail et un texte

explicatif des propriétés des plantes, de leurs usages et applications en médecine, agricultu-

re, horticulture, dans l’industrie, l'économie domestique, etc. par A. Masclef. Complement

de la Nouvelle flore de MM. Gaston Bonnier et de Layens. Paris (Librairie des sciences

naturelles, Paul Klincksieck, ...) [1890-] 1893, text and atlas. Qu. (Adlas pl. France).

Vol. 1, texte: 1890-1893 (p. 8: 15 Jul 1891), p. [1]-8, [1]-367, [368, index].

Vol. 2, plates(1): 1890 (t.p. 1891)-1893, p. [i-1ii], pl. 7-200 (col. liths.).

Vol. 3, plates(2): [1892-] 1893 (t-p.), p. [i-ii], pl. 207-400 (id.).

Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. — Published in 40 parts of 10 plates each, with 8 p. text, 1891- 1893. Parts 1-12 were already announced by Bot. Zeit. on 26 Sep 1890. The NY copy has title-pages for vols. 2 and 3 dated 1893. Part 1 came out Jan 1890 (ObZ 1 Feb 1890).

  1. Ailas des plantes médicinales et vénéneuses de France 137 planches coloriées extraites de I’



“Atlas des plantes de France” avec un texte nouveau indiquant les propriétés médicinales

de plus de 150 plantes ... Paris (Librairie des sciences naturelles Paul Klincksieck .. .) s.d.

(Adlas pl. méd.).

Co-author: H. Rousseau.

Publ.: after 1893 (no date in volume), p. [1,11], [1]-128, pl. 1-137 (new numbers; the old numbers of the Atlas pl. France are also present). Copy: MO.

Masferrer y Arquimbau, Ramon (1850-1884), Spanish military physician and bota- nist on the Canary Islands and the Philippines; died of cholera. (Mas/.).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at BC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 457 (d. 5 Apr 1884); BL 1: 88, 309, 2: 499, 609; BM 3: 1260-1261; Colmeiro 1: clxxxvil; CSP 10: 740, 17: 70; GR p. 763; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Masf.’’); IH 2: 511; Kew 3: 611; Langman p. 483; Rehder 5: 551; Tucker 1: 467; Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. 11, p. 786.

Anon., Grande Encicl. port. bras. 16: 518.

Vayreda y Vila, E., An. Soc. Hist. nat., Madrid 13: 73-75. 1884.

  1. Recuerdos botdnicos de Tenerife; 6 sea, datos para el estudio de la flora Canaria ... [Madrid (Real Sociedad espanola de historia natural) 1880-1882], 3 parts. Oct. (Recuerd. bot. Tenerife). Publ.: 1880-1882 (preprinted or reprinted from Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. nat. vols. 9-11, 1880- 1682). 1: Sep-Dec 1880, p. [1]-62, Anal. 9: 309-369. 1880. 2: Mai-Dec 1881, p. [63]-154, Anal. 10: 139-230. 1881. 3: Apr-Dec 1882, p. [155]-240, Anal. 11: 307-398. 1882. Copies (reprints): MO, NY.

Mason, Francis (1799-1874), British missionary and botanist; in the United States 1818- 1830; in Burma from 1830. (f°. Mason).

HERBARIUM and Types: NY (via Mitten).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 457 (b. 2 Apr 1799, d. 3 Apr 1874); BB p. 209; BM 3: 1261; CSP 4: 276, 8: 351, 17: 72; Desmond p. 425; IH 2: 511; Jackson p. 379; Kew 3: 612; ME 2: 171, 481; PR 5939-5940; Rehder 5: 551; Tucker 1: 467.

Burkill, I. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 102, 160, 196. 1965.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

  1. The natural productions of Burmah, or notes on the fauna, flora, and minerals of the

Tenasserim provinces, and the Burman empire... Maulmain (American Mission Press. . .)

  1. Oct. (Nat. prod. Burmah).

Publ.: 1850, p. [1*-xii*], [i]-viti, [1 ]-322. Copies: BM (n.v.), E, LC. — Botany on p. [59]-216. Inf. J. Edmonston.

Ed. 2: see below, Tenasserim (55834).

Ed. 3, 4: see below, Burmah (5584).

  1. flora burmanica, or a catalogue of plants, indigenous and cultivated, in the valleys of

the Irrawaddy, Salwen, and Tenasserim, ... Tavoy (Karen Mission Press ...) 1851. Oct.

Publ.:1851, p. [i], [545]-676. Copies: B-S, LC, PH. — Preprinted from Tenasserim 545-676. 1852 (5583a).

5583a. J enasserim: or notes on the fauna, flora, minerals, and nations of British Burmah

and Pegu: with systematic catalogues of the known minerals, plants, mammals, fishes,

mollusks, sea-nettles, corals, sea-urchins, worms, insects, crabs, reptiles, and birds; with

vernacular names... Maulmain (American Mission Press. Thos. S. Ranney) 1852. ( Tenas-


Publ.: 1852, p. [1*-xiv*], [i]-vin, [1 ]-712. Copy: UC (inf. R. Schmid). Section on botany on p. 59-216, on “plants” p. 545-676 (= Flora burmanica, see above). This is a second edition of Nat. prod. Burmah, 1850, see above.



  1. Burmah, its people and natural productions, or notes on the nations, fauna, flora, and

minerals of Tenasserim, Pegu and Burmah, with systematic catalogues of the known

mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects, mollusks, crustaceans, annalids [sic], radiates, plants and minerals, with vernacular names: ... Rangoon (Thos. Stowe Ranney), London

(Trubner & Co. ...), New York (Phinney, Blakeman & Mason, ...) 1860. Qu. (Burmah).

Publ. Third edition of “The natural productions of Burmah ... 1850,” publ. 1860, p. [1]- xvii, [1]-913. Copies: MICH, NY, PH.

Ed. [4]: 1882-1883, 2 vols. Copies: NY, UC. — “Burma, ... Rewritten and enlarged by W. Theobald ... ” Published by order of the chief commissioner of British Burma, by Stephen Austin & Sons, Hertford. 1882/1883. — William Theobald (1829-1908).

1: 1882, p. [i]-xxiv, [1, err.], [1]-560. Geology, mineralogy and zoology. 2: 1883, p. [i]-xv, errata sheet, [1]-787. Botany. Ref.. Drude, O., Bot. Jahrb. 6: 74-75. 1885.

Mason, Francis Archibald (1878-1936), British professional chemist and naturalist, director of the biological laboratories of Murphy and Co., Headingley, Leeds. (F. Mason).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.


Blackwell, E. M., Naturalist 877: 64. 1961 (brief biogr.).

Dallman, A. A., ed., N. W. Natural. 11: 58. 1936 (obit., d. 4 Mar 1936). Palmer, H. T., Nova Hedw. 15: 149-150. 1968 (bibl. Gasteromyc.). Pearsall, W. H., Naturalist 953: 133-134. 1936 (obit., portr.).

  1. Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union [.] 4 catalogue of Yorkshire fungi by the late F. A. Mason,

... completed from the records of the late Alfred Clarke by John Grainger, ... London (A.

Brown & Sons, ...) [1937]. Oct. (Cat. Yorkshire fung.).

Author of records: Alfred Clarke (1848-1925), editor: John Grainger (1904-x).

Publ.: Sep 1937, p- [i]-xii, [1]-110. Copy: Stevenson. — Lists of names for each vice-county. See also his Yorkshire Basidiomycetes, Naturalist 1928: 305-310.

Mason, Herbert Louis (1896-x), American botanist; B.A. Stanford 1922; Ph.D. Berkeley 1932; Mills. coll. 1923-1925; Univ. of Calif. Berkeley, in various functions from 1925. (H. Mason).

HERBARIUM and Types: UC; early collections at DS.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 457 (b. 3 Jan 1896); Bossert p. 256; Hortus 3: 1199 (‘““H. L. Mason’’); IH 2: 511; Langman p. 483-484; Roon p. 74; Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. 11, ps 786.

Reifschneider, O., Biogr. Nevada bot. 115-116. 1964 (portr.).

note: Mason published A flora of the marshes of Caluforma, Berkeley and Los Angeles (University of California Press) 1957, vill, 878 p.

pponymMy: Masonophycus W. A. Setchell & N. L. Gardner (1930). Note: Masonhalea I. Karnefelt (1977) is dedicated to Mason Ellsworth Hale Jr. (1928-x), American lichenolo- gist. Masonia G. Smith (1952), Masoniella G. Smith (1952) and Masoniomyces J. L. Crane & K. P. Dumont (1975), commemorate Edmund William Mason (1890-1975), English mycologist, to whom also Edmundmasonia C. V. Subramanian (1958) is dedicated. The derivation of Masonia C. P. Hansford (1944) is not given by Hansford.

Massalongo, Abramo Bartolommeo (1824-1 860), Italian lichenologist and palaeobo- tanist; high school teacher at Verona; with G. W. Koerber founder of the “‘Italian-Silesian” school of lichenology. (A.Massal.).

HERBARIUM and Types: A major part of the original herbarium (mainly lichens and his

collection of fossils) is at VER.Massalongo’s collections were offered for sale after his death and some parts went elsewhere, e.g. to TO (see Anon., Oest. bot. Z. 11: 134-135. 1861), M,



NAP (lich.), and PAD. Exsiccatae: Lichenes italic exsiccati, fasc. 1-10, nos. 1-360, 1855-1856. Sets in several herbaria (see IH, Sayre, and Micheletti 1889). Schedulae with descriptions. Massalongo specimens, from his herbarium, were included by Anzi in his Lichenes rariores venett. - Manuscripts and archival material at Museo civico di Verona.

NOTE: Massalongo’s name appears on several of his publications with the initials D.A.B.P., standing for ““Dottore A. B. Professore Massalongo”’.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 301; Barnhart 2: 458; BM 3: 1262-1263; Bossert

p. 256; Cesati, Saggio p. 46; CSP 4: 277-278, 8: 351; De Toni 1: Ixxxiii; DTS 1: 183; Frank

3(Anh.): 63; GR p. 518-519, pl. [28], cat. p.67; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Herder p. 259; IH

2: 511-512; Jackson p. 578; Kelly p. 143; Kew 3: 613-614; Krempelh. 1: front., 2: 221-309;

LS 17067-17106; Merrill p. 379-380; erates 109; NI 1296- 1299; PR 5941-5969, 10493;

Quenstedt p. 283; Saccardo 1: 106, 2: 70; SBC p. 126 (“‘Mass.’’); Stevenson p. 1250; TL- 2/393 2; Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. 11, p. 786.

Anon., Bonplandia 4: 48. 1856 (Leopoldina member; cognomen Pollini), 8: 249-250, 363. 1860 (d. 25 Mai 1860); Bot. Zeit. 21: 308. 1863; Flora 46: 511. 1863; Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 138. 1855 (ann. Lich. ital. exs.), 7: 415-416. 1860; Flora 43: 367. 1860, 48: 332- 334. 1865; Osterr. bot. Z. 10: 233. 1860 (d. 17 Mar 1860), 11: 134-135, 176, 1861 (collections for sale; possibly to be bought by Torino), 13: 175. 1863 (collections bought for VER).

Arnold, F., Ber. bayer. bot. Ges. 7: 1-3. 1900 (portr.; eee , comparison with Nylander).

Brios1, C, Atti Ist. bot. Univ. Pavia Lab. critt. ital. ser. 2. 15: ii-xvil. 1918 (biogr., portr., bibl. Ne

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 392, 432. 1880.

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 65. 1945.

Cornalia, E. ,Atti. Soc. ital. Sci. nat. 2: 186-206. 1860.

De Toni, G.B., ?Opera lichenologica [di Abramo Massalongo.] Verona 1926, viii, 63p., 9 pl. (portr.).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. entomol. 247. 1977 (refs. to biogr.).

Gola, G., Abramo Massalongo fitopaleontologo. Verona 1941, vill, 54 p., reprinted Padova 1952 in Lavori Bot., Inst. bot. Univ. Padova 15bis: 1-54. (contains an annotated list of M’s palaeobotanical papers).

Hawksworth, D.L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 15. 1977.

Krempelhuber, A. von, Flora 37: 305-320. 1854.

Laundon, J. R. Lighesolorist 11: 14. 1979 (coll. lichens).

Massalongo, he B., Bonplandia 3: 64. 1855 (adv. Lich. ztal. exs.), 5: 112. 1857 (id.; only 20 sets prepared but has constituted another 10 sets), 5: 104-105. 1857 (instr. to collectors Navara exp.).

Micheletti, L., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 21: 245-257. 1889 (index to Lichenes italici exsiccatt).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 145. 1969.

Schmid, R. & M. J., Amer. Orch. Soc. Bull. 43(3): 213-216. 1974 (on M’s fossil orchids).

Seemann, B., Bonplandia 1: 103, 216. 1853.

Senoner, Osterr. bot. Z. 11: 257-262. 1861 (biogr., bibl.).

Visiani, R. de, Della vita scientifica del dottore Abramo Bartolommeo Massalongo, Venezia 1861, 65 p., reprinted from Atti Ist. ven. ser. 3. 6: 241-305. 1861; translated by A. v. Krempelhuber, Das wissenschaftliche Leben des Dr. A. B. Massalongo, Wien, 1867, 60 p., repr. from Verh. zool.-bot. Ver. Wien 18: 35-94. 1868 (main biogr., bibl., see also Atti Ist. ven., ser. 3. 6: 303-305. 1861).

Ward, H. A., Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Survey 5: 379-380. 1885.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 179. 1905 (b. 13 Mai 1824, d. 25 Mai 1860).

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. paleontol. 372, 397. 1901.

COMMEMORATIVE VOLUME: G. B. de Toniet al., Abramo Massalongo 1824-1924, Verona (La Tipografica Veronese) 1926. Contains e.g. G. B. de Toni, L’opera lichenologica on p. [1]- 60, and a reproduction of so far unpublished lichenological plates (pl. 1-9, with text) of Massalongo (ed. by A. Zahlbruckner).

NOTE: A complete set of Massalongo’s lichenological publications exists in private library of

O. Almborn (Lund).


MASSALONGO (1853) EPoNyMy: Massalongia Korber (1855); Massalongomyces Ciferri & Tomaselli (1953).

  1. Nota sulla Lecidea bolcana di Ciro Pollini ... Verona (Tipographia Antonelli) 1851. Oct.

(Lecidea bolcana).

Publ.: 4 Jan 1851 (see p. [1]-7, [8]. Copy: G. Reprinted from Collettore dell’ Adige 1 (5): 37. 1851 (journal n.v.), also Nuovi Ann. Sc. nat. Verona 5: 283-287. 1851 and (in Latin) Flora 34: 97-100. 1851.

  1. Sopra le prante fossili dei terreni terziari del Vicentino osservazioni . .. Padova (Coi tipi di A. Bianchi) 1851. Oct. (Piante foss. tert. Vicent.). Publ.: 1851 (Florard. Mar-Apr 1853), p. [3]-263, [264, err.]. Copzes BR, G, NY, PH, USGS.

  2. Conspectus florae tertiariae orbis primaevi ... Patavii [Padua] (typis A. Bianchi) 1852.

Oct. (Consp. fl. tert.).

Publ.: Feb-Mar 1852 (p. 6: 12 Feb 1852; rd. Regensburg Mar-Apr 1852), p. [1]-37. Copy: USGS. — The last tertiary species mentioned carries the no. 1282. This number is erroneous.

  1. Sui genert Dirina e Dirinopsis osservazioni del D.r A. Massalongo. Wien 1852. Qu.


Publ.: 1852 (submitted 4 Feb 1852), p. [1], [1]-17, ¢f/. (uncol. liths.). Copy: G.— Reprinted from Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 1: 207-224. 1851 (1852).

  1. Sporodictyon novum lichenum genus auctore A. Prof. Massalongo R. Soc. botanicae

ratisbonensis aliarumque sodali. Ratisbonae [Regensburg] 1852. Oct. (Sporodictyon).

Publ.: 7 Jun 1852, p.[1, t.p. printed in Italy], [321 ]-328 (original pages from Flora 35, 7 Jun 1852). Copy: G. — This copy of the hybrid reprint lacks pl. 4 of the journal publ., it is accompanied by the original manuscript.

Reprint: Mai-Jun 1852, p. [i], [1]-9. Copees: FH, G. — Reprinted from Nuov. Ann. Sci. nat. Bologna 5: 393-401. Mai-Jun 1852.

  1. Ricerche sull’ autonomia dei licheni crostos: e materiali pella lora naturale ordinazione . ..

Verona (Dalla Tipografia di A. Frizierio) 1852. Qu. (Ric. auton. lich. crost.).

Publ.: Jun-Dec 1852 (p. xiv: Mai 1853; Bot. Zeit. 24 Jun 1853), p. [1]-xiv, 1-207, fig. 1-398 on 64 pl. (various nos. per plate, uncol. liths. of drawings by the author). Copies: BR, FH, G, H, PH, USDA; IDC 584.

  1. Amphoridium, novum lichenum genus [Regensburg 1852]. Oct.

Publ.: 14 Oct 1852, p. [1]-6 Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 35: 593-598. 14 Oct 1852.

Ed. 2: Oct-Dec 1852 (p. 12: “kal. Junii’’), p. [1]-12, 7 pl. Copy: G.— Reprinted from Atti Ist. Veneto Sci. ser. 2. 3: 172-181, 1 pl. 1852. — In view of the uncertainty of the date of publication the Flora publication should be given priority.

5593- Sapindacearum fossilium monographia ... Veronae (typis Ramanzinianis) 1852. Oct.

(Sapind. foss. monogr.).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1852 (rd. p. 9: iv kal. Aug 1852; Florard. Jan-Feb 1853), p. [1 ]-28, [1, err. ], pl. 1-6, uncol. liths. Copies: MO, USGS; IDC 5072.

  1. Enumerazione delle prante fossili miocene fino ad ora conosciute in Italia... Verona (Tip.

di Giuseppe Antonelli) 1853. Oct. (Enum. piante foss. mioc.).

Publ.: 1853 (p. 9: 1 Feb 1853; Flora rd. before 28 Mai 1853), p. [1]-31. Copies: BR, G, NY, USGS.

Ref.: Anon., Bonplandia 1(11): 103-104. 1853 (15 Mai).

  1. Summa animadversionum quas fecit Doct. A. Prof. Massalongo in duos postremos fasciculos lichenum helveticorum editos a L. E. Schaerer a. 1852. (Lich. hel. exsicc. fasc. xxv-xxvi). Veronae (typis Antonellianis) 1853; Oct. (Summa animadvers.).

Publ.: 1853 (p. 13: kal. Mar 1853; Flora rd 14 Jun-20 Jul 1853;), p. [1]-13. Copies: G(2). Other issue: Mar-Apr 1853, p. [1]-26, [1]. Copies: G(2). — Reprinted from Nuov. Ann. Sci.



nat. Bologna 7: 203-228. Mar-Apr 1853. ‘‘Osservaztont sopra i due ultimi fasciculi di licheni (Lichenes helvetici exsiccati fasc. xxv-xxvi) publicati dallo Schaerer nel 1852.

  1. Alcuni generi di licheni nuovamente limitati e descritti ... Verona (Tip. di Giuseppe Antonelli) 1853. (Alc. gen. lich.).

Publ.: 1853 (p. 6: 10 Mai 1853; Flora rd Aug 1853), p. [1]-14. Copies: FH, G, M.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 37: 319. 1854.

5597- Plantae fossiles novae in formationibus tertiariis regni Veneti nuper inventae. Auctore A. D. P. Massalongo. Veronae (typis Ramanzinianis) 1853. (Pl. foss. nov).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1853 (p. 6 Kalendis Quintilibus 1853 [1 Jul 1853]Florard Aug 1853;), p. [1]- 24, [1, err.]. Copies: G, NY, USGS.

  1. Memore lichenografiche con un’ appendice alle ricerche sull’ autonomia dei licheni crostosi del Dr. A. Prof. Massalongo. Verona (A spese di H. F. Minster) 1853. Qu. (Mem. lichenogr.).

Publ.: Jul-Sep 1853 (p. 15: Mai 1853; ‘‘wird erscheinen binnen Monatsfrist”’, adv. Bot. Zeit. 24 Jun 1853; De Notaris had a copy by 6 Oct 1853 (De Toni 1926)). p. [1]-183, [1, err.], pl. 1-29 (uncol. liths.). Copies: B, BR, FH, G(2), H, L, M, PH, USDA; IDC 1075. — The second copy has a cover which has a slightly different title: “‘Memorie lichenografiche. Commentaria lichenographica quibus describuntur lichenes foliosi et fruticulosi Colle- maceae, Graphideae, Caliciae. Accedit appendix de lichenibus crustaceis cum 200 figuris lith. auctore A. D.r Massalongo. Verona 1853” (Sumptibus Arminii Munster). Massalongo’s manuscript is at the Biblioteca civica di Verona).

  1. Sulla Lecidea Hookeri di Schaerer nota del D.r A. P. Massalongo con una tavola

litografica. Verona (Colla Tipografia Ramanzini) 1853. Oct. (Lectdea Hookert).

Publ.: Sep-Oct 1853 (p. 9: Aug 1853; Flora rd. Nov 1853), p. [1]-8, [1, expl. pl.], 7 pl. (uncol. lith. by author). Cofres: FH, G, H, NY.— The copy at G is accompanied by the author’s manuscript.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 36: 696. 1853, 37: 319. 1854.

  1. Monografia det lichent blastemosport ... |W enezia (Premiata tipografia Cecchini) 1853].

Qu. (Monogr. lich. blasteniosp.).

Publ.: 1853, p. [3]-131, 6 pl. (uncol. liths.). Copies: FH, H, L, M. — Atti r. Ist. [Veneto] Sci. ser. 2. 3, appunt. 4. 1852 (1853).

Ref.: Anon., Flora 37: 317-318. 1854.

  1. Monografia delle Dombeyacee fossili fino ad ora conosciute del Dott. A. Prof. Massalon-

go. Verona (Tipografia di G. Antonelli) 1854. Qu. (Monogr. Dombeyac. foss.).

Publ.: Mar 1854 (p. 10: 20 Feb 1854; Flora rd. Apr 1854), p. [3]-23, 7 pl. (uncol. liths.). Copies: NY, USGS.

  1. Geneacaena lichenum ab A. Prof. Massalongo noviter proposita ac descripta. Verona

(typis Ramanzinianis) 1854. Oct. (Geneac. lich.).

Publ.: 1-22 Sept 1854 (FH copy rd. by owner on 22 Sep; p. 4: Aug 1854), p. [1]-24, [1, err.]. Copies: FH, G, H, M, MO, NY.

Ref:: Anon., Flora 38: 370-373. 28 Jun 1855.

  1. Neagenea lichenum del D.r A. B. Prof. Massalongo. Verona (Dalla tipografia Raman- zini) 1854. Oct. (Neagen. lich.).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1854 (p. 10: Oct 1854), p. [1]-10. Copzes: FH, G(2), M, NY.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 38: 370-373. 28 Jun 1855 (rev.).

  1. Symmicta lichenum novorum vel minus cognitorum auctore D. A. B. Prof. Massalongo e

quadraginta viris societatis scientiarum Italiae ... Veronae (typis Antonellianis) 1855. Qu.

(Symm. lich. nov.).

Publ.: Feb-Apr 1855 (p. 12: Jan 1855; Flora rd. Mai 1855), p. [1]-156. Copies: FH, G(2), H, M, PH; IDC 586.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 38: 373-376. 28 Jun 1855 (rev.).



  1. Schedulae criticae in lichenes exsiccatos Italiae ... Verona (typis Antonellianis) 1855-

  2. Qu. (Sched. crit.).

Publ.. Mai 1855-Jun 1856, t.p. dated (see also Sayre, 1969, for dates of issue of the exsiccatae), p. [1]-188. Copies: BR, FH (incompl.), G (orig. covers), NY, L (incompl.).

fasc. pages text numbers exsicc. dates covers I [1]-40 1-30 Mai 1855 2 [1, 11], 41-54 31-64 Jan 1856 3 [i], 55-69 65-104 Jan 1856 4 [i], 71-87 105-137 Feb 1856 5 [i], [87]-106 138-172 Mar 1856 6 [i, ii], 107- 123 173-212 Mar 1856 5 fit, tial], We 10) 213-251 Mai 1856 8 [i, 1], 141- 156 252-285 Mai 1856 9 [i, iii], 157- 172 286-323 Jun 1856 10 [i], 173-188 324-360 Jun 1856

Index: see Micheletti, L., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 21(2): 245-257. Apr 1889.

  1. Frammenti lichenografici del D. x A. B. P. Massalongo. Verona (tipografia Ramanzini)

  2. Oct. (Framm. lichenogr.).

Publ.: 1855 (p. 27: 5 Jan 1855), p- [1]-27. Copies: FH, G, H, M, NY. —See De Toni (1926), p. 30, for further details.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 38: 370-373. 28 Jun 1855 (rev.).

  1. Loophycos, novum genus plantarum fossilium monographia ... Veronae (typis Anto-

nellianis) 1855. (<oophycos).

Publ.: 1855, front. portr. Menegazzi, p. [1]-52, [1, err. |, pl. 1-3 (uncol. liths.). Copy: NY. —p. 5-42 contain a biography of Luigi Menegazzi.

5608: De nonnullis Collemaceis ex tribu Omphalariearum brevis commentatio ... [ Regens-

burg 1856]. Oct.

Publ.: 14 Apr 1856, p. [1]-7. Copy: G.— Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 39: 209-215. 14 Apr 1856.

  1. De Thamniola genere lichenum nondum rite definito breve commentarium ... [Re- gensburg 1856]. Oct.

Publ.: 21 Apr 1856, p. [1]-5. Copy: G.—Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 39: 231-235. 21

Apr 1856.

  1. Genera lichenum aliquot nova .. . [Regensburg 1856]. Oct. Publ.: 14-21 Mai 1856, p. [1]-8. Copy: G.— Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 39: 281-286.

  2. Mai, 289-292. 21 Mai 1856.

  3. Miscellanea lichenologica .. . Verona-Milano (Dallo stabilimento di Giuseppe Civelli e

Comp.) 1856. (Misc. lichenol.).

Publ.: Dec 1856 (t.p.; Flora Feb 1857), p. [1]-46, [1] (p. 6-12 actually numbered 36-42). Copies: FH, G. — Reprinted from the “Volume publicato in occasione delle Nozze Bizio- Pazienti.

Ref.: F., Flora 40: 485-491. 21 Aug 1857.

  1. Descrizione di alcuni Fuchi fossili della Calcaria del monte Spilecco nella Provincia Veronese ... con sei tavole. Estratta dalla Rivista periodica dei lavori dell’I. R. Academia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Padova, Trim. ii-iv. dell’anno 1855-1856. [Padova 1856]. (Descr. Fuchi foss.).

Publ.: 1856, p. [1]-29, pl. 1-6. Copy: FH. — lc. p. 207-233, pl. 1-6.



  1. Flora de’ terreni terziaru di Novale nel Vicentino ... Torino (dalla Stamperia reale)
  2. Qu. (FI. terr. Novale).

Co-author: Roberto de Visiani (1800-1878).

Publ.:1856, p. [1]-47, pl. 1-13. Copy: FI. — Issued as Mem. r. Accad. Sci. ser. 2, 17, 1856.

  1. Mora fossile del monte Colle nella provincia Veronese ... Venezia (presso la segreteria

dell’ I.R. Istituto...) 1857. Qu. (FU. foss. monte Colle).

Publ.: 1857 (mss. subm. 16 Feb 1857), p. [i], [1]-19, pl. 1-8 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copy: BR. — Reprinted from Mem. Ist. Venet. 6.

  1. Descrizione di alcunt lichent nuovi ... Venezia (Privil. stabilim. di G. Antonelli) 1857.

Oct. (Deser. lich. nuovt).

Publ.: 1857 (Flora rd. Jul-Aug 1857), p. [i], [1]-35, [1, err. ], pl. 1-5 (partly col. liths.). Copzes: G(2), H, NY. — Reprinted from Atti r. Ist. Veneto ser. 3. 2, disp. 6: 351-364(?). 1857.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 40: 485, 491-492. 21 Aug 1857.

  1. Synopsis florae fossilis senogalliensis ... Veronae (apud A. Merlo). 1858. (Syn. fl. foss. senogall.).

Publ.: Jul 1858 (t.p.), p. [1]-136, [1-2, index; 1, err.]. Copzes: NY, USGS.

  1. Monografia del genere Silphidium del socio attuale D. A. B. P. Massalongo con vii tavole

colorate (in foglo) inserita nel tome I. della seconda serie delle memorie della Societa

italiana delle Scienze residente in Modena. Modena (Pei tipi della Regio-Ducal Camera)

  1. Ou. (Monogr. Stlphidium).

Publ.: 1858, p. [1]-23, pl. 1-7 (copper engr.). Copies: NY, USGS. — Reprinted from Mem. Soc. ital. Sci. ser. 2. 1: 105-125, pl. 1-7. 1858.

  1. Sulle piante fossili di Zovencedo e dei Vegroni lettera del D.r A. B. Prof. Massalongo al Prof. Roberto de Visiani. Verona (Tipografia di Antonio Merlo) 1858. Oct. (Piant. foss. Aovencedo).

Publ.: Dec 1858 (t.p.), p. [1]-20. Copy: FI.— Reprinted from Attii.r. Veneto Ist. Ser. 3, vol. 3.

  1. Studi sulla flora fossile e geologia stratigrafica del Senigalliese di A. Massalongo e G.

Scarabelli Gommi Flamini ... Parte ia Scarabelli — geologia stratigrafica/parte iia

Massalongo-Flora fossile. Imola (Tipografia d’ Ignazio Galeatie figlio...) 1859. Qu. (Stud.

fi. foss. Senigall.).

Co-author (for geology): Giuseppe Scarabelli Gommi Flamini.

Publ.: 1859 (date on main t.p.; engr. t.p. dated 1858), p. [i]-vui, [1 ]-504, [ 1-2, err.], map, pl. 1-45 with text, uncol. liths. Copzes: BR, NY, PH, USGS. — Number of copies printed: 200 (see p. 1v). Flora fossile by Massalongo. The engraved t.p. is [1].

  1. Saggio folografico di alcunt animali e prante fossili dell’ agro Veronese illustrati dal Prof.

A. B. D. r Massalongo . .. fotografati da Maurizio Lotze pittore della Corte D. de Sassonia

con 40 tavole. Specimen photographicum animalium quorundam plantarumque fossilium

agri veronensis ... Veronae (ex typographia Vicentini-Franchini) 1859. Qu. (Sagg. fotogr.

prante foss.).

Publ.: 18 . vill: I Oct 1858; ObZ 1 Dec 1859), cover [Latin title], [1]-ci, pl. 1-40, photoer.

De) V2 5 ) 59), : gon g}

[each page has 2 columns print, one numbered with roman, the other with arabic

numerals]. Copies: NY, PH, USGS.

  1. Syllabus plantarum fossilium hucusque in formationibus tertiariis agri veneti detecta-

rum... Veronae (typis A. Merlo) 1859. Oct. (in fours). (Spll. pl. foss.).

Publ.: 1859 (p. x: 20 Dec 1858; ObZ 1 Dec 1859; KNAW rec. Dec 1859), p. [i]-xi, [1]-179, [x, err.]. Copies: BR, NY, USGS.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 43: 208. 7 Apr 1860.

  1. same comparativo di alcuni generi di lichent.. . [Venezia (coi typi di G. Antonelli) 1860].

Qu. (Esame compar. gen. lich.).

Publ.: 1860 (submitted 12 Feb 1860), p. [1]-56. Copies: G(2). — Reprinted from Atti Ist. Veneto Sci. ser. 3. 5: 247-276, 313-337. 1860.



  1. Prospetto delle collezioni di storia naturale del Prof. D. r Albramo Massalongo di Verona

compilato sopra le indicazioni lasciate da lui medisimo. Verona (Dalla Tipografia di

Antonio Merlo) 1860. (Prosp. coll. A. Massal.).

Publ.: Sep 1860, p. [1]-24. Copy: G. — “Compiled in accordance with indications left by himself.”

Ref. S-r [Senoner], Osterr. bot. Z. 11: 134-135.1861.

  1. Lichenes capenses quos collegit in itinere 1857-1 858 D.r Wawra medicus navis (corvet-

ta) caes. r. Carolinae a Doct. A. B. Massalongo delineati ac descripti (cum tab. viii color.)

(estr. dal volume X delle Memorie dell’ Istituto ven. di Scienze, lett. ed arti.) Venezia

(presso la segreteria dell’ Lr. Istituto nel Palazzo ducale nel priv. stab. Naz. di G. Antonelli)

  1. Qu. (Lich. capens.).

Publ.: 1861, p. [iJ], [1]-60, pl. 1-8 (col. liths.). Copies: G, NY. — Reprinted from Mem. Ist. venet. Sci. Lett. Arti 10: 33-90. 1861.

  1. Sopra tre licheni della Nuova Zelanda. Oservazioni del Dr. A. B. Massalongo. Mosquae

(typis Universitatis caesareae) 1863. Oct. (Tre lich. Nuov. Kelanda).

Publ.: 1863, p. [i-ii], [1]-15, pl. 1-3 (col. liths.). Copies: G(2), H.— Reprinted from Bull. Soc. imp. Moscou 36: 254-268. 1863.

Massalongo, Caro Benigno (1852-1928), Italian botanist at Ferrara; son of A. B. Massalongo. (C. Massal.).

HERBARIUM and types: Cecidia and hepatics: VER. Important material also at BM, FI, H. L, PAD and VEN. - Exsiccatae: Hepaticae italiae venetae exsiccatae dec. 1-12, nos. 1-120, 1878- 1881; sets in many herbaria.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 458; BL 2: 347, 368, 689; BM 3: 1263; Bossert p. 256; CSP 10: 742, 12: 491, 17: 74-76; DTS 1: 184; GR p. 534; Hawksworth p. 184; 1H 2: 512; Kew 3: 614-615; LS 17107-17150, 36643-36644, suppl. 17548-17552; Morren ed. 2, p. 26. ed. ro. p. 83; MW p. 302; Rehder 5: 552; Saccardo 1: 106, 2: 70; Stevenson p. 1250; TL- 2/2390; Tucker.1: 467; Urban-Berl. p. 307.

Allorge, P., Rev. bryol. ser. 2. 1: 172-175. 1928 (bibl.).

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 70: 399. 1897 (corr. memb. Ist. Veneto); Osterr. bot. Z. 77: 240. 1928 (d. 18 Mar 1928).

Chiovenda, E., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. ser. 2. 31: 305-306. 1924 (bibl.).

Forti, A., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. ser. 2. 35: 259-291. 1928 (portr., bibl.); Ann. Crypt. exot. 1(2): 105-108 1928 (portr., obit., herb. at VER; library in municipal library Verona); Atti Mem. Accad. Agric. Sci. Lett. Verona ser. 5. 5: 13-35. 1928 (bibl.).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 271. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. Ferrara 1878- 1918).

Gepp, A., J. Bot. 66: 150. 1928.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 10g. 1970.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go1: 1-80.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lichens at VER; also PAD).

Mattirolo, O. et al., L’opera botanica del prof. Caro Massalongo. Verona 1929. Fol., v, 72 p., 24 pl. (portr., bibl.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(2): 232. 1971; Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

Trotter, A., Marcellia 24: 144-155, pl. 1. 1928 (portr., bibl.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 163. 1903 (b. 25 Mar 1852).

COMPOSITE works: Mission scientifique du Cap Horn 1882-1883, vol. 5: 201-252, pl. 1-5. 1889, Hepaticae, with E. Bescherelle (see TL-2/2: no. 2390), publ. Jan-Feb 1889 (Nat. Nov. Mar 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 17 Apr 1889).

EPonyMy: Massalongiella Spegazzini (1880); Massalongina Bubak (1916); Massalongoa Ste- phani (1905).

  1. Epatiche rare e critiche delle provincie Venete con alcuni considerazioni sopra varl generi delle stesse, ... Padova (stabilimento di P. — Prosperini) 1877. (Epal. rar. cril.).


MASSALONGO, C. B. (1877)

Publ.: 1877, p. [1]-16, [1, err.]. Copies: H, NY. — Atti Soc. Ven.-Trent. Sci. nat., Padova F(a O77

  1. Hepaticologia veneta ossia monografia delle epatiche conosciute nelle provincie venete

... Padova (stabilimento P. Prosperini) 1879. Oct. (Hepaticol. ven.).

Fasc. 1: Aug 1879 (t.p.; Nat Nov. Oct(2) 1879; Bot. Zeit. 5 Dec 1879), p. [1], [1]-68, pl. 1-7, err. slip. Copies: H, NY. — Atti Soc. Ven.-Trent. Sci. nat., Padova 6(2): 1-68. 1879.

Ref:: N.L., Bot. Zeit. 37: 799. 5 Dec 1879.

  1. Uredineae veronenses ossia censimento delle ruggini conosciute nell’agro veronese ...

Verona (stab. tip. di G. Franchini) 1883. Oct. (Ured. veron.).

Publ.: Mai-Dec 1883 (p. 5: 26 Apr 1883; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1884; Hedwigia Jan 1884; Bot. Zeit. 28 Mar 1884), p. [1]-75, [1, err.], pl. 1-3 (col.). Copies: G, H, USDA. — Mem. Accad. Agr. Verona ser. 3. 40. 1883.

  1. Epatiche della Terra del Fuoco raccolte nell’anno 1882 dal Dott. C. Spegazzini illustrate

dal dott. C. Massalongo ... Verona (stabilimento tip. di G. Franchini) 1885. Oct. (pat.

Lerra del fuoco).

Publ.: Jul 1885 (Bot. Zeit. 27 Nov 1885; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1885), p. [i], [go1]-277, pl. 12-28 (uncol.). Copies: B, H, NY. — Reprinted from Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 17(3): 201-277, pl. 12-28, 1885.

  1. Repertorio della Epaticologia italica del Dott. C. Massalongo (Estratto dal vol. i, fasc. 2°

dell’ Ann. dell’ Ist. bot. di Roma 1886.) Roma (tip. della r. Accademica dei Lincei, .. .)

  1. Qu. (Repert. Epaticol. ital.).

Publ.: Jan-Jul 1886 (Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1886; Bot. Zeit. 29 Oct 1886), p. [11*, err., conjugate with sign. 1], [1]-71, pl. 7-9. Copies: B, BR, G, H, NY, U-V.— Repr. from Annuario Ist. bot. Roma 2(2): 1-71, pl. 7-9. 1886.

  1. Appunti statistic sull’ epaticologia italica con relative indicazioni fitografiche [Parma

1887]. Oct. (Appunti statist. epaticol. ital.).

Publ.: 1887 (Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1887), p. [1]-15, [16]. Copies: G, H. — Atti Congr. naz. Bot. critt. Parma 1887, p. 13-27.

  1. Osservazioni critiche sulle specie e varieta di epatiche italiane create dal De Notaris del dott. C.

Massalongo. Estratto dall’ Annuario del R. Istituto Botanico di Roma vol. 3. fasc. 2: Roma

(tipografia della R. Accademia dei Lincei) 1888. Qu. (Osserv. crit. epat. De Notaris).

Publ.: 1888 (Bot. Centralbl. 29 Oct-2 Nov 1882; Rev. bryol. Nov-Dec 1888), p. [1]-15, pl. 29. Copies: G, H, NY. — Repr. from Annuario Ist. bot. Roma 3(2), 1888.

  1. Contribuzione alla micologia veronese del dott. C. B. Massalongo. Con cinque tavole

colorate. Verona (stabilimento tipo. lit. G. Franchini) 1889. Oct. (Contr. micol. veronese).

Publ.: Jan-Aug 1889 (p. 5: 31 Dec 1888; Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1889), p. [1]-153, [1, err.], pl. 1-5 (partly col. liths.). Copzes: FH, Stevenson. — Published as Mem. Accad. Agr. Verona ser. 3. 45. 1889. — Some species published earlier, briefly, in Nuov. Giorn. bot. Ital. 21(2): 161-188.

Ref.: Magnus, P., Bot. Centralbl. 40: 42. 9g Oct 1889 (rev.).

  1. Le specie italiane del genere Jungermannia monografia del dott. C. Massalongo. Padova

(stabilimento Prosperini) 1893. Oct. (Sp. ital. Jungermannia).

Publ.: 1893, p. [1]-43, [1-2, index coll.]. Copies: G, MO-Steere. — Repr. from Atti Soc. Ven.- Trent. Sci. nat., Padova ser. 2. 2(2). 1893.

  1. Nuova contribuzione alla micologia veronese ... Genova (tipografia di Angelo Ciminago

g.o)) CLOVIS

Publ.: 1894, p. [t]-69, 2 pl. Copy: NT.— Reprinted and to be cited from Malpighia 8: 97-130, 193-226. 1894.

  1. Le specie italiane del genere Jungermannia ... Padova (Stabilimento Prosperini) 1895. Oct. (Sp. ital. Fungermannia).


MASSALONGO, G. B. (1923)

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1895, p- [1]-43, [45-46]. Copy: NY. — Reprinted (or preprinted) from Atti Soc. Ven.-Trent. Sci. nat. ser. 2. 2(1): 375-432. 1895 (p. 431: 20 Jun 1895).

  1. Hepaticae in provincia Schen-si, Chinae interioris, a rev. patre Josepho Giraldi collectae

additis speciebus nonullis in Archipelago Andaman a cl. E. H. Man inventis ... Veronae

(typolithographia G. Franchini) 1897. (Hepat. Schen-st).

Collectors: Giuseppe Giraldi (x-1go1); E. H. Man.

Publ.: Oct-Nov 1897 (approved 15 Sep 1897; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1897), p. [3]-63, pl. 1-14 (uncol.). Copies: G, MO-Steere. - Mem. Accad. Verona ser. 3. 73(2).

  1. I funghi della provincia di Ferrara (prima serie) ... Ferrara (Stab. tip. Bresciani) 1899.

Oct. (Fungh. Ferrara).

Publ.: Apr-Jun 1899 (presented 10 Mar 1899; Hedw. 10 Aug 1899; Bot. Zeit. 1 Oct 1899; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1899), p. [1]-36, 7 pl. (col.). Copy: NY.

  1. Le specie italiane del genere Scapania. Monografica. [1902]. Oct. Publ.: 1902, p. [1]-46. Copies: G, NY, U-V.— Reprinted and to be cited from Malpighia 16:

393-438. 1902.

  1. Novitates florae mycologicae veronensis (fungi potissimum in valle tremniacensi detecti).

Cum 10 tabulis coloratis. Verona (stabilimento tipo-litografico G. Franchini) 1902. Oct.

(Novit. fl. mycol. veron.).

Publ.: 1902 (p. 6: Feb 1902), p. [1]-87, pl. 1-10, col. liths. (p. [4], err.). Copy: Stevenson. — Reprinted from Atti Accad. Agr. Verona ser. 4. 3: 81-164. 1902. — Diagnoses published earlier in Atti Ist. Venet. Sci. Lett. Arti 59(2): 683-690. 1900, and Bol. Soc. bot. ital.

1Q00: 254-259.

  1. Le epatiche dell’ erbario crittogamico italiano revisione critica ... Ferrara (stab. tip. ditta G. Brescian1) 1903. (pat. erb. crit. ital.). Publ.: 1903 (submitted 11 Apr 1903). Copzes: G, NY.

5641a. Le spezie italiane del genere ‘““Cephalozia’ Dmrt. emend. Monografia ... Genova

(tipografia A. Ciminago) 1907. Oct.

Publ.: +907, p. [i], [1]-51. Copies: G, H, MO-Steere. Reprinted and to be cited from Malpighia 21: 289-339. 1907.

  1. Le specie italiane del genere Calypogeia Raddi. Monografia ... Genova (Tipografia di Angelo Ciminago ...) 1908. Oct. Publ.: 1908, p. [1]-18, [1]. Copy: H. — Reprinted from Malphighia 22: 79-94. 1908.

  2. Le specie italiane dei generi Acolea Dmrt. e Marsupella Dmrt. Monografia. Venezia

(premiate officine grafiche di C. Ferrari) 1909.

Publ.: 1-25 Dec 1909 (printed 27 Nov 1909; Steere copy rd. by K. Muller 27 Dec 1909), p. [1- it], [1]-42. Copies: G, H, MO-Steere, NY.— Reprinted from Atti r. Ist. Veneto Sci. 69(2):

109-150. 1909.

  1. Le Ricciaceae della flora italica. Venezia (premiate officine grafiche C. Ferrari) 1912. Publ.: Mar-Apr 1912 (printed 7 Mar 191; Rev. bryol. Jul-Aug 1912; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1912), p. [i-ti], [1 ]-70. Copies: G, NY. — Reprinted from Atti r. Ist. Veneto Sci. 71(2): 823-

  2. 1912.

  3. Le ‘““Marchantiaceae’” della flora europea monografia ... Venezia (premiate officine

grafische di Carlo Ferrari) 1916. Oct. (Marchant. fl. europ.).

Publ.: 1916 (submitted 30 Jan 1916), p. [1]-148, [1], err. shp. Copy: G.— Reprinted from Atti r. Ist. Veneto Sci. ser. 8. 18: 669-816, [1]. 1916. — 27 pl. in text.

  1. Prospetto analitico della epaticologia italica. Venezia (premiate officine grafiche Carlo

Ferrari) 1923. (Prosp. epaticol. ital.).

Publ.: Dec 1923 (printed 24 Dec 1923), p. [i-i1], [1]-36. Copzes: NY, U-V.— Reprinted from Atti r. Ist. Veneto Sci. 83(2): 135-170. 1923.


MASSALONGO, C. B. (1928)

  1. Revisio critica hepaticarum quas in Republica Argentina prof. C. Spegazzinias legebat,

additis speciebus novis ... Venezia (premiate officine grafiche Carlo Ferrari 1928. Oct.

(Revis. crit. hepat. Argentina).

Publ.: 1928 (printed 20 Jan 1928; Rev. bryol. 31 Dec 1928), p. [i-ii], 1-37, pl. 1-5. Copy: NY. — Atti r. Ist. Veneto Sci. 87(2): 215-251, pl. 1-5.

Massara, Giuseppe Filippo (1792-1839), Italian physician and botanist at Sondrio (Valtellina). (Massara).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 368, 689; BM 3: 1263; GR p. 534; Kew 3: 615; PR 5970 (ed. 1: 6643); Rehder 5: 552; Saccardo 1: 106; Tucker 1: 468.

Cavara, F., Bull. Soc. bot. ital. 1904: 234-238.

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 457. 1847.

EPONYMY: Massaria De Notaris (1844); Massarella Spegazzini (1880); Massariellops Curzi (1927); Massarina P. A. Saccardo (1883); Massarinula Géneau de Lamarliére (1894); Massariola W. Fuisting (1868); Massartopsis Niessl (1876); Massariothea H. Sydow (1939); Massariovalsa P. A. Saccardo (1882). Note: Generic names which consist of a combination of one of the preceding generic names with a prefix, like Astero-, Pleo-, Pseudo-, etc., are not cited here.

  1. Prodromo della Flora Valtellinese ossia catalogo delle piante rinvenute in varie escursio- ni botaniche nella provincia di Sondrio in cui si distinguono con brevi ragionamenti le specie piu’ rare, inomi volgari di molte pianti, i principali prodotti del suolo e le proprieta’ che a varie specie si attribuiscono ... Sondrio (per G. B. della Cagnoletta tipografo provinciale) 1834. Oct. (Prodr. fl. Valtellinese).

Publ.: 1834, front., p. [i]-xx, [1]-219. Copies: FI, G. See BL 2: 368 for additional literature. Facsimile ed.: 1974, Arnaldo Forni, editore, p. [11*-111*] plus facsimile. Copy: NY.

Massart, Jean (1865-1925), Belgian botanist; curator at the Jardin botanique de I’Etat, Bruxelles (1902-1905); director of the botanical institute Léo Errera (1906-1925). (Mas- sart).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 357; Barnhart 2: 458; BJI 2: 113; BL 2: 33, 589.

689; BM 3: 1263, 7: 808; CSP 17: 76; GR p. 697-698; Hortus 3: 1199 (“‘Massart’’); IH 2:

512; Kew 3: 615; LS 17152, 36645-36647, suppl. 17553-17554; Moebius p. 336, 338; NI

(alph.); Nordstedt suppl. p. 11; Plesch p. 329; Rehder 5: 582; SK 1: 350; Tucker 1: 468.

Anon., Bull. Acad. roy. Sci., Belgique ser. 5. 11: 858. 1925; Notic. biogr. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles 1907/1909: 209-215. 1909; Tribune Hortic. 10(463): 531-532. 1925 (portr.).

Buyssens, J., Nouv. Jard. pitt. 1925 (automne): 53-56. 1925 (portr., n.v.).

De Wildeman, E., Bull. Natural. Mons et Borinage 22: 54-58. 1944/45; Rev. gén. sci. 39: 529-530. 1925.

Evens, F. M. J. G., Gesch. algol. Belgie 180-182. 1944.

Georlette, R., Quelques botanistes belges 67-79. 1949 (on travels).

Marchal, E., Bull. Soc. Bot. Belgique 59(1): 7-10. 1926; Annuaire Acad. r. Belgique 93: 69-

  1. 1927 (portr., biogr., bibl.), also repr. Bruxelles 1927, 72 p..

Massart, J., R. Bouillenne et al., Une mission biologique belge en Brésil aout 1922 — Mai

1923, 2 vols. (1:67 p., 549 figs., based on a Massart manuscript with portr.; 2: 11, 263 p., 34

and 6 pl., dedicated to the memory of Massart).

Massart, J., L’évolution est-elle irréversible? Bruxelles 1924, 12 p., 4 pl. (Mém. Acad. r.

Belg., Sci. 7(10). 1924); Les naturalistes belges 47(7): 318-321. 1966 (portr.).

Mattirolo, O., Commemorazione del Socio ... Jean Massart. Roma 1926, xiii p., from Rendic. Accad. naz. Linceiser. 6. 4(2): 1i1-xili. Dec 1926 (obit., bibl., b. 7 Mar 1865, d. 15 Aug 1925).

Oliver, F. W., Proc. Linn. Soc. 138: go-g1. 1926.

Renauld et Cardot, Rev. bryol. 23(6): 97. 1896 (moss. Java).



Sirks, M. J., Ind. natuurond. 204. 1915. Zunz, E., Ann. Bull. Soc. r. Sci., Bruxelles 1925: 161-163.

Eponyy: Massartia E. A. De Wildeman (1897); Massartia W. Conrad (1926); Massartina R. Maire (1925).

  1. Un botaniste en Malaisie ... Gand (Imprimerie C. Annoot-Braeckman, Ad. Hoste,

Succr.) 1895. Oct.

Publ.: 1895 (p. 4: Sep 1895; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1896), p. [1]-195, pl. 1, 4-10. Copy: MO. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Bot. Belgique 34(1): 151-343, pl. 1-4, 10. 1895.

  1. Un voyage botanique au Sahara ... Gand [Gent] (Imprimerie C. Annoot-Braeckman, Ad. Hoste, Succr.) 1898. Oct. (Voy. bot. Sahara). Publ.: 1898, p. [1]-140. Copies: FI, G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. bot. Belg.

27(1): 200-339. 1898.

  1. Essai de géographie botanique des districts littoraux et alluviaux de la Belgique ... Bruxelles (au siége de la Société [Royal de Botanique de Belgique] Jardin botanique de VEtat) 1908. Qu. (Ess. géogr. bot.).

Publ.: 1 Sep 1908 (t.p.), p- [i], 1-358, 36a-83a, 83e-121e, [1], 82 photos, 4 charts, 4 maps. Copy: BR, MO. — Annexe to original publication: Bull. Soc. Bot. Belgique 44: 59-129, 192-269, annexe 1-121. 1907; 45: 205-320. 1908, 46: 39-83. 1909.

Ref.: L. Diels, Bot. Jahrb. 43(Lit.): 27-28. 1909 (rev.).

  1. Esquisse de la géographie botanique de la Belgique .. . Bruxelles (Henri Lamertin, éditeur

libraire ...) rg10. Oct. (Esq. géogr. bot. Belgique).

Publ.: 1910 (Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1910), p. [i]-xi, [1]-332. Copies: MO, US. — Recueil Inst. bot. Errera tome suppl. 7bis, 1910, with “‘annexe” with 216 and 246 photos, 9 maps, 2 charts, with text [1]-xi1.

Ref.: L. Diels, Bot. Jahrb. 45(Lit.): 19-20. rg11.

Massee, George Edward (1850-1917), British mycologist at Kew (1893-1915); travelled in South America with Richard Spruce. (Massee).

HERBARIUM and tTyprs: NY; further material at BM, K, MANCH. Drawings in BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 321, 323, 324, 345; Barnhart 2: 458; BB p. 209; BJI 2: 39; BM 3: 1263, 7: 808-809; Bossert p. 256; CSP 8: 351, 10: 742, 12: 491, 17: 77-783 Desmond p. 426; De Toni 1: Ixxxii; GR p. 377, cat. p. 67; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 1(ed. 6):

361, 2: 512; Kelly p. 143-145; Kew 3: 615-616; Kleppa p. 112; Lenley p. 282; LS 17154-

17297, 36649-36715; Moebius p. 114; MW p. 302; NAF 1(1): Oss MD, Soe, 2. ie ee INI

1300-1300n; Rehder 5: 552; Stevenson p. 1250; Tucker 1: 468, 777.

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 345. 1971.

Anon., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1922: 335-348 (bibl.); Gard. Chron. 61: 91. 1917 (portr.); J. Bot. 55: 120. 1917; J. Kew Guild 2: 399. 1908 (portr.), 3: 4.26. 1917; J. Mycol. 12: opp. p. 185. 1906 (portr.); J. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 92-93. 1917 (d. 17 Feb 1917); Magy. bot. Lap. 15: 312. 1916; Mycologia 9(3): 176. 1917; Nuova Notarisia -29: 55. 1918; Orchid.Rev. 25: 58. 1917; Osterr. bot. Z. 67: 48. 1918 (prince. asst. Kew).

Blackwell, E. M., Naturalist 877: 59-62. 1961 (portr.).

Cotton, A. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1915: 118-120, 1917: 84-85; Proc. Linn. Soc. 129: 49-51. 1917; Nature 99: 9-10. 1917.

Druce, G. C., Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Br. Isl. 5: go-gt. 1918.

Hanlin, R. T., Index Grevillea 159. 1978.

Hawksworth, D. L., & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 121. 1977.

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975 (mss).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 44 (pl. BK).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 23: 32. 1917 (d. 17 Feb 1917).

Lloyd, C. G., Mycol. notes 34: 445-446. 1910.

Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. pl. 4: 204. 1926 (bibl.).

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 29. 1945.



Oliver, F. W., Makers Brit. bot. 225-232. 1913 (on Berkeley).

Palmer, J. T., Nova Hedwigia 15: 150. 1968 (bibl. Brit. Gastromyc.).

Ramsbottom, J., J. Bot. 55: 223-227. 1917 (portr.); Trans. brit. mycol. Soc. 5: 182. 1915 (portr.), 5: 469-473. 1917.

Small, J. K., J. New York Bot. Gard. 9: 178. 1908, 11: 104. 1910 (on herb. at NY).

Urban I., Symb. ant. 1: 100-101. 1898, 3: 5. 1902.

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BMNH 1: 42. 1904 (drawings of fungi; see also p. 167).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Edited Grevillea vols 20 (96)-22, 1892-1894.

EPONYMY: Masseea P. A. Saccardo (1899); Masseeella P. Dietel (1895); MasseeolaO. Kuntze (1891).

  1. A monograph of the British Gastromycetes ... [Oxford 1889]. Oct. (Monogr. Brit. Gastro-


Publ.: Nov 1899 (Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1890), p. [1]-103, pl. 7-4. Copies: L, MO. — Ann. of Bot. 4(13), 1889.

  1. A monograph of the Thelephoreae. London (sold at Society’s apartments . . .) 1889-1900,

2 parts. Oct. (Monogr. Theleph.).

Part 1: 8 Jun 1889 (cover), J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 25: 107-156, pl. 45-47. 1889.

Part 2: 5 Apr — Mai 1890 (cover; Nat. Nov. Jun (1) 1890), J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 27: 95-112. 5 Apr 1980, 113-205, pl. 5-7. 3 Mai 1980.

Copies: L, Stevenson, USDA. — To be cited from journal.

  1. British fungi. Phycomycetes and Ustilagineae. London (L. Reeve & Co., ...) 1891.

Oct. (Brit. fung.).

Ed. 1: Sep-Oct 1891 (Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1891; ObZ Oct 1891; J. Bot. Dec 1891), p. [i]-xv, [xvi, err.], [1]-232, pl. 7-8, uncol. liths. by author. Copies: B, BR, NY, Natl. Libr. Scotland, Stevenson, USDA.

Ed. 2: 1900 (Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1900), n.v.

Ed. [3]: 1911, see below.

Ref.: Cooke, M. C., Grevillea 20(94): 45-48. 1891.

Murray, G., J. Bot. 29: 378-380. 1891.

  1. A monograph of the Myxogastres ... London (Methuen & Co., ...) 1892. Oct. (Monogr.


Publ.: Mar 1892 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1892; Bot. Centralbl. 29 Mar 1892; J. Bot. Jun 1892; J. de Bot. Jun 1892; Bot. Zeit. 29 Jul 1892; Cooke rd. his copy Jul 1892; Grevillea Jun 1892; p. [iii], [1]-367, pl. 1-12. Copies: L, MO, NY, Stevenson, USDA.

Ref.: Anon., Grevillea 20: 110-113. Jun 1892; Hedwigia 31: 224-225. Sep-Oct 1892. Lindau, G., Bot. Centralbl. 51: 331-333. 1892. Murray, G., J. Bot. 30: 184-186. 1892.

  1. British fungus-flora. A classified text-book of mycology ... London (George Bell &

Sons, ...), New York 1892-1895, 4 vols. Oct. (Brit. fung.-fl.).

Vol.1: Oct 1892 (Bot. Centralbl. 16 Nov 1892; Grevillea Dec 1892; Hedwigia Mar-Apr 1893; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1893; J. Bot. Dec 1892; Bot. Gaz. Jan 1893), p. [1]-xui, [1]-432.

Vol. 2: Apr 1893 (Bot. Centralbl. 9 Mai 1893; Grevillea Jun 1893; Hedwigia Mai-Jun 1893; Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1893; Bot. Gaz. Jun 1893), p. [i]-vii, [1]-460.

Vol. 3: Dec 1893 (Bot. Centralbl. 28 Dec 1893; Hedwigia 15 Apr 1894; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1893), p. [1]-viil, [1 ]-512.

Vol. 4: Aug 1895 (Bot. Centralbl. 4 Sep 1895; Grevillea Sep-Oct 1895; Hedwigia 19 Oct 1895; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1894; Bot. Gaz. Sep 1895), p. [i]-viu, [1]-522.

Copies: B, BR, NY, Stevenson, USDA.

Ref.: Anon., Bot. Gaz. 18: 31-32. Jan 1893, 18: 240-241. Jun 1893, 20: 431-432, 508. 1895;

Hedwigia 32: 87, 165. 1893.

Bucknall, J. Bot. 34: 43-45. 1896. Cooke, M. C., Grevillea 21: 42-44. Dec 1802.



  1. European fungus flora: Agaricaceae. London (Duckworth & Co., ...) 1902. Oct. (Eur.

Sung. fl.). :

Publ.: Jul-Aug 1902 (ObZ Aug 1902; Nat. Nov. Sep (1,2) 1902; J. Bot. Oct 1902; Bot. Centralbl. 22 Oct 1902; p.vi: Jun 1902), p. [i*], [i]-vi, [1]-274. Copies: B, L, NY Stevenson, USDA.

Ref:: A. L. S., J. Bot®40: 365-366. 1902.

  1. The fungus flora of Yorkshire. A complete account of the known fungi of the county ... London (A. Brown & Sons, Limited, ...) and at Hull and York. [1902-]1905. Oct. (Fung. fl. Yorkshire). Co-author: Charles Crossland (1844-1916). Publ.: in two parts, Nov 1902 and 1905, in Bot. Trans. Yorkshire Natural. Union vol. 4. Copies: MO, NY, Stevenson. 1: Nov 1902, l.c. part 28, p. 5-52. 2: Jul 1905, l.c. part 32, p. [i,m], [1]-8, 53-396. The above title was issued Jul 1905. The ‘Fransactions t.p. of 1902 have an imprint Leeds (printed for the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union by Taylor brothers), November 1902.

  2. Text-book of fungi including morphology, physiology, pathology, classification, etc.

... London (Duckworth and Co. ...) 1906. Oct. ( Text-book fung.).

Publ.: 1906 (J. Bot. Dec 1906; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1906), p. [i]-xi, [1]-427. Copzes: B, Stevenson, USDA.

Re-issue: 1910, p. [i]-x1, [1]-427. Copy: USDA.

Ref.: A. L. S., J. Bot. 44: 431-432. 1906.

  1. British fungi with a chapter on lichens by George Massee ... with forty coloured

plates by Ivy Massee. London (George Routledge and sons, ...), New York (E. P. Dutton

and Co., ...) [1911]. Oct. (Brit. fung.).

Artist: Ivy Massee (fl. 1910), daughter of G. E. Massee.

Publ.: Dec 1911 (J. Bot. Dec 1911; Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1912, Bot. Centralbl. 5 Mar 1912), p. [i-x], [1 ]-551, pl. r-go (col.), A-B (uncol.). Copies: G, NY, Stevenson, USDA.

Zep eee 5, BOt. 409:370-972, DeG Tort:

  1. Mildews, rusts and smuts a synopsis of the families, Perenosporaceae Erysiphaceae,

Uredinaceae and Ustilaginaceae by George Massee ... assisted by Ivy Massee with

illustrations. London (Dulau and Company, Limited, ...) 1913. Oct. (Mildews, rusts @


Co-author: Ivy Massee (see above).

Publ.: Dec 1913 or early 1914 (ObZ Oct-Dec 1913 (ann.); J. Bot. Mai 1914; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1914; Bot. Centralbl. 31 Mar 1914), p. [i-vil], [1]-229, p/. 1-4, uncol. liths. and frontisp. Copies: NY, Stevenson, USDA.

Ref.: Ramsbottom, J., J. Bot. 52: 81-82. 1914, Mycol. Centralbl. 4: 207. 1914.

Masson, Francis (1741-1805), British plant collector and gardener, from Kew, at the Cape (1772-1774), Canaries and Azores (1776-1782), Spain and Portugal (1781-1785), Cape (1786-1795), N. America (1798). (Masson).

HERBARIUM and Types: Plant collector for Kew working for Joseph Banks. Masson’s living plants went to Kew and his herbarium specimens (mainly) to Banks (now BM) (some to Lambert). Masson described no new taxa himself. The Stapelzae novae are 41 plates engraved after drawings made by him in South Africa. These drawings are now also at BM. Masson collected at the Cape (1772-1774, 1786-1795), Azores (1776), Canaries (1777), Madeira (1778), West Indies (1779-1780), Spain and Portugal (1783), North Africa (1783), North America and E. Canada (1798-1805). Duplicates of Masson’s collections are in several herbaria, e.g. BR, CGE, DBN, HAL, LD, LINN, MO, PH, UPS (Thunberg herb.).

NOTE: “Now every garret and cottage-window is filled with numerous species of that beautiful tribe [Pelargonium], and every greenhouse glows with the innumerable bulbous plants and heaths of the Cape. For all these we are principally indebted to Mr. Masson...” (J. E. Smith, in Rees, Cycl. vol. 22, 1812).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIioGRAPHY: AG 3: 257; Backer p. 357; Barnhart 2: 458; BB p. 209; BM 3:

1264; Bossert p. 256; Clokie p. 208; CSP 4: 272 [by error], 17: 80; Dawson p. 590-591, 908,

945 [index]; Desmond p. 427; DNB 37: 17; Dryander 3: 253, 5: 76; DU 197; Frank 3(Anh.):

63; Henrey 2: 729 [index]; Herder p. 310; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Masson’’); IH 2: 512; Jackson p.

144; Kew 3: 617; Laségue p. 575 [index]; NI 1301; Plesch p. 329; PR 5971 oid 1: 6644);

Rehder 5: 552; SK 1: 351; Sotheby 509-510; TL-1/54, 812; TL-2/1: 363.

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 64. 1967.

Allibone, S A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1242. 1870.

Anderson, A. W., The coming of flowers. London 130-133. 1932.

Anon., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1888/90: 38. 1891 (on portr.).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 22: 114-123, 144-148. 1884 (itin.), 23: 227. 1885, 55: 70. 1917; J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 45: 41-43, 50, pl. 4. 1920 (portr.).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 74. 1978.

Coats, A. M., Huntia 2: 205. 1965 (portr.); The plant hunters 252-259, 389. 1969.

Embacher, F., Lexikon Reisen 203. 1882.

Ewan, J., 7 F. Pursh, Fl. Amer. sept., facs. repr. 1979, intro. p. 21.

Forbes, V. S., Pioneer travellers of S. Africa 37-45. 1965.

Fries, T. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(2): 353. 1908, 1(5): 238. 1911.

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 92, 264, 291. 1967.

Howard, R. A., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 79: 76. 1979 (W. Ind. mat.)

Hutchinson, J., Botanist in S. Afr. 613, 617. 1947.

Huxley, L., Life J. D. Hooker 1: 383. 1917.

I. G., Bunte Pflanzenwelt 7: 3-4. 1967.

J., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 222-223. 1824.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.): 18. 1922 (pl. LINN).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 4.72. 1864.

Karsten, M. C., J. S. Afr. Bot., 24: 203-218. 1958 (biogr.), 25: 167-188, 283-310. 1959 (itin.), 26: 9-15. 1960 (M’s plants), 27: 15-45, 167-168. 1961 (artists) (main study).

Leighton, C., Cape floral kingdom 17-27. 1960.

Lemmon, K., Golden age plant hunters 63, 72, 226. 1968.

MacOwan, Trans. S. Afr. philos. Soc. 4: xxix-liii. 1887.

Miller, H. S., Taxon 19: 532. 1970.

Murray, G., Hist. Coll. BMNH 1: 167. 1904.

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 55. 1980 (pl. DBN).

eloullltjerss Br Thos toy vaNie MSY ge Mate alse) WOO),

Schirach, M. C. F., Suid. Afr. biogr. woordeb. 1: 545-547. 1967.

Smith, E., Life Joseph Banks 96-98, 297. 1911.

Smith, J., Gard. Chron. 1881(2): 335.

Smith, J. E., Memoir and correspondence 2: 117, 183, 559-565. 1821.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 232. 1971.

Stafleu, F. A. et al., am C. L. L’Héritier, Sertum anegl. facs. ed. Pittsburgh 1963, see general index.

Stearn, W. T., J. Arnold Arb. 46: 268. 1965.

Thiselton-Dyer, W. T., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1891: 295-296.

Tyrrell-Glynn, W. & W. L. Levyns, FI. afric. 48-49. 1963.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 82-83. 1goo.

White, A. & B. L. Sloane, The Stapeliae ed. 1. 82-85, 205 [index], 1933, ed. 2. 19 [index]. ICS

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 38, 57. 1927.

Woodward, B. B., zn G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 27, 43. 1904 (water-colour

drawings). EPONYMY: Massona Thunberg ex Linnaeus fil. (1782).

  1. Stapeliae novae: or, a collection of several new species of that genus; discovered in the

interior parts of Africa by Francis Masson. London (printed by W. Bulmer and Co. for

George Nicol, ...) 1796. [-1797]. Fol. (Stapel. nov.).

Publ.: in four decades, 1796-1797, plates dated as below, p. [i]-viii, [9]-24, pl. 1-41. Copies: G, MO, NY (has in addition four original sketches), USDA; IDC 6059.

Decas 1: pl. 1-10. Apr 1776.



Decas 2: pl. 11-20. Mar 1797.

Decas 3: pl. 21-30. 20 Mai 1797, but publ. Nov-Dec 1797.

Decas 4: pl. 31-40. 20 Jun 1797, pl. 41: 1 Jun 1797, almost certainly publ. 1798.

H. S. Miller (1970) mentions a statement by Lambert, dated 4 Nov 1776 that the first number would appear “in a few days’; this agrees with a statement by Banks on 28 Sep 1797 to publish the fase. “at once” (see Sotheby 509). Apart from this there is no indication that the dates on dec. 1 and 2 are not those of publication (see also TL-1). The plates are handcoloured engravings (line and stipple or roulette) of drawings by Masson (made in Africa). — The text was in part reprinted by Usteri, P., Ann. Bot. 22: 14-19. — A facsimile reprint was announced by Asher (1974).

Masters, Maxwell Tylden (1833-1907), British physician and botanist; MD. St. An- drews 1869; lecturer, St. George’s Hospital, 1855-1868; editor of Gardnener’s Chronicle 1865-1907. (Mast.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: K; British material at Canterbury Museum; for duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 357; BB p. 210; BFM 2421; BJI 1: 39, 2: 113; BM

3: 1264-1265; Bossert p. 256; Clokie p. 208; CSP 4: 280-281, 8: 352, 10: 743-744, 12: 491-

492, 17: 81-82; Desmond p. 427; DNB suppl. 2. 2: 586: Herder p. 465; Hortus 3: 1199

(“Mast., M. T.’’); IH 2: 513; Jackson p. 579 [index]; Kew 3: 617-618; Langman p. 484; LS

17303, 36718-36733; Moebius p. 305; Morren ed. 2., p. 24, ed. 10, p. 72, 73; MW p. 302-

303, suppl. p. 220; NAF 28B: 345, ser. 2: 165; NI 1302; Plesch p. 329; PH 567; PR 5972-

5973; Rehder 5: 553-554; [L-1/1039; TL-2/1: 978, 1814, 2448, 2981; Tucker 1: 468-469;

Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. 11, p, 786 (b. 15 Apr 1833, d. 30 Mai 1907).

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 105: 16. 1907 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 40(Beibl. 92): 46. 1908 (d.); Gard. Magaz. 50: 419. 1907 (portr.); J. R. Hortic. Soc. London 35: fig. 35. 1910 (portr.; on Masters memorial lectures); Nat. Nov. 29: 321. 1907 (d. 29 Mai [err.!] 1907); ObZ 57: 367. 1907(d.); Orchid Review 15: 201-202. 1907; The Garden 8 Jun 1907, p. vi; Torreya 7: 156. 1907.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 45: 257-258. 1907 (portr.).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 75. 1978.

Druce, G. C., Fl. Oxfordshire 397. 1886.

Fletcher, H. R., Story R. Hort. Soc. 548. 1969.

Grignan, G. T., Rev. hortic., Paris 79: 302-304. 1907 (portr.).

Hemsley, W. B., Gard. Chron. 1907(1): 368-369 (portr.), 377, 398, 418-419; Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1907: 325-334 (bibl.).

Henslow, G., Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 41: 368-369. 1907.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 1: 383. 1912.

Iltis, H., Life of Mendel ed. 2. 126. 1966.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 44 (Conif. at K); Proc. Linn. Soc. 1908: 54-56 (obit.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 68. 1957 (herb. K).

IKneucker A, Alloy bot. Z. 13: 140, 176: 1907 (d.).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 167. 1904 (pl., drawings).

Nelmes & Cuthbertson, Curtis’s Bot. Mag. dedic. 191-192. 1932 (portr.).

hls sab OnAtr. J Sci. 27: 43, 47, 55. 1930.

Sutton, S. B., Charles Sprague Sargent 226. 1970.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 185-186. 1906 (authentic biogr. notes); Symb. ant. 2: 4. 1900.

Watson, W., La Tribune horticole 50: 305, 319, pl. 44. 1907 (portr.).

Wittmack, L., Gartenflora 56: 377-380. 1907 (obit., portr., b. 15 Apr 1833, d. 30 Mai 1907).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 95, pl. 34. 1903 (portr.).

COMPOSITE woRKs: (1) Martius, FV. bras.:

a. Aristolochiaceae, 13(1): 529-628, pl. 106-128 (fase. 57): 1 Mar 1872.

b. Passifloraceae, 4(2): 77-114, pl. 17-26 (fasc. 66): 1 Feb 1875.

(2) Gardeners Chronicle, editor 1865-1907.

(3) Oliver, FI. trop. afr., Malvaceae, 1: 175-214. 1868; Sterculiaceae 1: 214-239. 1868; Tzlzaceae 1: 240-268. 1868; Samydaceae 2: 492-500. 1871; Loaseae 2: 500-501. 1871; Turneraceae 2: 501- 503. 18715; Passtfloreae 2: 503-520. 1871.



(4) Hooker, J. D., Hl. Brit. India, Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae, Tiliaceae, 1: 317-409. Jan 1874; Olacineae 1(3): 572-598. Feb 1895; Passifloreae 2(6): 598-603. Mai 1879.

(5) Harvey and Sonder, Fl. cap., Restiaceae 7(1): 59-149. Dec 1897.

(6) Alph. de Candolle, Monogr., Restiaceae in 1: 218-398. Jun 1878.

(7) Ravenscroft, E. J., Lawson’s Pinetum, text parts 38-52.

(8) Warming, E., Sym. fl. bras., part 28, Aristolochiaceae, p. 279-280. 10 Mai 1880.

HANDWRITING: Clokie p. 280.

EPONYMY: Mastersia Bentham (1865), also dedicated to John White Masters, (ca. 1792- 1873), English botanist in British India, head gardener of the Calcutta Botanic Garden to 1838); Mastersiella Gilg-Benedict (1930); Maxzellia Baillon (1871). — The Masters memorial lectures of the Royal Horticultural Society, London; from 22 Jun 1909 onward (first lecture delivered by Hugo de Vries).

  1. Vegetable teratology, an account of the principal deviations from the usual construction

of plants ... London (Published for the Ray Society by Robert Hardivicke, .. .) 1869. Oct.

(Veg. teratol.).

Publ.: Sep-Oct 1869 (J. Bot. Oct 1869; BSbF Sep-Nov 1869), p. [i]-xxxviii, [1]-534. Copies: FL GAL MO PNY, USDA DG: 7370:

German: Pflanzen- T eratologie, translated by U. Dammer, Leipzig 1886, xvi, 610 p. (Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1886; J. Bot. Jan 1887; Bot. Zeit. 30 Apr 1886).

Ref.: Anon., Flora 53: 43. 22 Feb 1870.

Mathews, Ferdinand Schuyler (1845-1938), American botanist. (fF. S. Mathews). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 460; (b. 30 Mai 1854, d. 20 Aug 1938); Bossert p. 257; Kew 3: 619-620; NAF 28B: 345; NI 1302n-ne; Rehder 5: 554; Tucker 1:470.

  1. field book of American wild flowers. Being a short description of their character and

habits, a concise definition of their colors, and incidental references to the insects which

assist in their fertilization ... New York, London (G. P. Putnam’s Sons...) 1902. Oct. (Field

book Amer. wild fi.).

Ed. 1: Apr 1902, p. [i]-xx, 1-552, 24 pl. (col.). Copies: NY (reprints May 1903, August 1902, Jul 1905, Jul 1909, Mar 1gro), US.

Reprints: Aug 1902, Jan 1903, Mai 1903, Jan 1904, Jun 1904, Oct 1904, Jul 1905, Jan 1906, Jun 1906, Feb 1907, Sep 1907, Apr 1908, Dec 1908, Jul 1909, Mar 1910.

Ed. 2: 1912, p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-587, 24 pl. Copies: MO, NY, USDA. — “‘New edition revised and enlarged ...*’ New York, London (id.).

Ed. 3: 1927, p. [1-111], [1-2, author’s note], v-xxxii, [1 ]-138. Copzes: G (30th impr. Aug 1831), USDA (33rd impr. Oct 1935).

Ed. 4: 1955 (USDA rd. 26 Jul 1955), p. [1]-xxix, [1]-601. Copy: USDA. — “Completely revised and enlarged by Norman Taylor (1883-?).

  1. [eld book of American trees and shrubs a concise description of the character and color of

species common throughout the United States, together with maps showing their general

distribution ... New York and London (G. P. Putman’s Sons ...) [1915]. (veld book Amer.


Publ.: 1915 (p. xi: 1 Oct 1914; Nat. Nov. Sep 1915; Torreya 12 Jun 1915), front., [i]-xvu, [1]-465. Copies: G, MO, NY, US, USDA (twelfth impr.).

Mathews, William (1828-1901), British land surveyor and botanist at Birmingham; MA Cantab. 1856. (W. Mathews).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: parts at BIRM, GL, K and WOS (see Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1906: 172-173).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 460; BB p. 210; BL 2: 272, 275, 689; BM 3: 1266;



CSP 10: 744, 17:85; Desmond p. 428; IH 2: 513; Jackson p. 347; Kew 3: 620; Rehder 5: 554;

Tucker 1: 470.

Amphlett, J. and C. Rea, Bot. Worcestershire xxv-xxvl. 1909.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 88: 360. 1g01 (d. 5 Sep 1901); Bot. Not. 1902: 94 (b. ro Sep 1828, d.5 Sep 1901); Hedwigia 41 (Beibl.): (50). 1902 (d.).

Bonney, T. G., Alpine J. 20: 521-526. 1go1 (repr. 6 p.).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 39: 352, 429. 1901; Towndrow, J. Bot. 39: 428-429. 1901.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 45. 1901 (pl. K).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 68. 1957 (coll.).

  1. The flora of Algeria, considered in relation to the physical history of the mediterranean

region, and supposed submergence of the Sahara . . . London (Edward Stanford, ...) 1880.

Oct. (FI. Algeria).

Publ.; Oct 1880 (p. [2]: Oct 1880; J. Bot. Jan 1881; Bot. Zeit. 28 Jan 1881; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1880), p. [1]-55, map. Copies: G, MO. — Proc. Birmingham philos. Soc. 2: 98-150. 1881.

Ref.: N.L., Bot. Zeit. 39: 70. 28 Jan 1881.

Mathias, Mildred Esther [ Mrs. Gerald L. Hasler, 1930], (1906-x), American botanist and conservationist at Los Angeles; specialist on Umbelliferae; Ph. D. Washington Univ. 1929; Jessie R. Barr Fellow, Henry Shaw School of botany 1927-1929; Missouri Botanical Garden 1929-1930; at New York Botanical Garden 1932-1936; University of California Berkeley 1937-1942; idem Los Angeles 1947-1974, from 1962 as professor of botany; Tyler Ecology award 1974. (Mathias).

HERBARIUM and types: Early material at MO and US, from 1946 at LA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 460 (b. 19 Sep 1906); Bossert p. 257; Hortus 3:

1199 (‘“Mathias’’); [H 2: 513; Kew 3: 620-621; Langman p. 485; NAF 28B: 345; Pennell p.

613; Roon p. 75; TL-2/1: 781; Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. 11, p. 786.

Anon., Los Angeles Times 16 Dec 1964.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural. 260. 1950.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 141. 1969.

Mathias, M. E., Bull. Missouri Bot. Gard. 65(2): 8. 1977 (portr.); Bibliography, 9 p. Los Angeles 1976 (privately circulated).

Parshalle, E., Kashmir bridge-women 95-97. 1965 (portr.; n.v.).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 68. 1955.

COMPOSITE WORKS: With L. Constance, NAF, Umbelliferae, 28 B(1): 43-160. 30 Dec 1944; 28 B(2): 161-295. 28 Dec 1945; with idem, Umbelliferae, in Fl. Peru 5A(1): 1-97. 31 Jul 1962.

FESTSCHRIFT: Madrono vol. 26, 1979 (portr. on p. ii; tribute by J. C. Kickman, ed., on p. 111). EPoNyMY: Mathiasella Constance & Hitchcock (1954).

Mathieu, Antoine Auguste (1814-1890), French forestry botanist; from 1838 at the Ecole forestiére, Nancy. (A. Mathieu).

HERBARIUM and Types: Ecole forestiére, Nancy; further material at DBN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 460 (d. 13 Nov 1890); BL 2: 105, 689; BM 3: 1266; Herder p. 175; Jackson p. 277; Kew 3: 621; Morren ed. 2, p. 19, ed. 10, p. 66; PR 5974; Tucker 1: 470.

Fliche, P. H. M. T. A., Notice sur Auguste Mathieu, sa vie et ses travaux, Nancy 1892, 48 p., from Mém. Acad. Stanislas 1891; see Malinvaud, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 40(2): 62. 1893.

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 55. 1980 (pl. DBN).

Ratzeburg, J. T. C., Forstwiss. Schriftst. Lex. 349-350. 1872 (autobiogr., bibl., b. 12 Mar 1814).

  1. Flore forestiére. Description et histoire des végétaux ligneux qui croissent spontane-



ment en France... Nancy (Grimblot, Veuve Raybois et Comp., imprimeurs-libraires, . . .)

  1. Oct. (Fl. forest.).

Ed. 1: 1858 (BSdF rd. 26 Nov 1858), p. [i]-xv, [1]-384. Copy: USDA.

Ed. 2: 20 Nov-31 Dec 1860 (p. xii: 20 Nov 1860), p. [i]-xxviii], [1]-455. Copies: G, L, NY, USDA. — “Flore forestiére . .. France et des essences importantes del’ Algérie. Suivies d’une méthode analytique pour en déterminer les principales espéces pendant Vhiver et précédées d’un dictionnaire des mots techniques ...’’ Nancy (... Nicolas Grosjean, . . .) Paris (Mme Ve Bouchard-Huzard, ...) 1860. Oct.

Ed. 3: Jan 1877 (p. ix: 21 Apr 1876; BSbF 9 Feb 1877), p. (i]-xxvi, [1 ]-618. Copy: US. — ‘‘Flore Sorestiére par ... Description et histoire des végétaux ... France et des essences importan- tes de Algérie. 3° édition ...”” Paris (Berger-Levrault ... Vve Bouchard-Huzard, ...), Nancy (Nicolas Grosjean, ...) 1877. Oct.

Ed. 4: 1897 (Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1897), p. [i]-xxxii, [1]-705. Copies: G, USDA. — “Flore Foreshére ... Quatriéme édition revue par P. Fliche ... Paris (J. B. Bailli¢re), Nancy (Jacques) 1897. Oct. [Paul Henri Maria Thérése André Fliche (1836-1908) ].

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 5: 574-576. 1858.

Rehder 1: 404.

Mathieu, Charles Marie Joseph (1791-1873), Belgian pharmacist and botanist at Namur, later at Bruxelles (1857), and at Leur, Netherlands (1863). (Mathieu).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Mathieu gave his herbarium to A. M. A. de Limminghe (1834- 1861); it is now mainly at BR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 460; BL 2: 33, 689; BM 3: 1266; Biogr. nat., Bruxelles 14: 46; GR p. 691, cat. p. 67; IH 2: 443, 514; Jackson p. 271; Kew 3: 621; PR 5975; Rehder 5: 555; SBC p. 126 (“Math.”’); Tucker 1: 470.

Brandt, R., Gartenflora 53: 251-253. 1904 (portr.).

Crépin, F., Manuel fl. Belg. Ixvii, xix. 1860.

Evens, F. M. J. C., Gesch. algol. Belgie 182. 1944.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

EPONYMY: Mathieua Klotzsch (1853) is dedicated to Louis Mathieu (1793-1867), German gardener who introduced several foreign plants to Europe.

  1. Flore générale de Belgique, contenant la description de toutes les plantes qui croissent

dans ce pays... Bruxelles, Leipzig, Gand (C. Muquardt) 1853-1855, 2 vols. and suppl. Oct.

(Fl. gén. Belgique).

Vol. 1 (Phanérogamie): 1853 or 1854 (t.p.: 1853, cover: 1854; BSbF post 23 Jul 1854), p. [1 ]- 655, [656, err. ].

Vol. 2 (Cryptogamie sic): 1853 or 1854 (id.), p. [1 ]-561, [1-2, err. ].

Supplément: 1855 (BSbF post 6 Mar 1856), p. [i*, 1i*], [i]-11, 7-43.

Copies: G, MO, NY, US, USDA.

Maton, William George (1774-1835), British botanist. (Maton). HERBARIUM and Types: LINN. Some material at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 357; Barnhart 2: 461; BB p. 211; BL 2: 273, 689; BM 3: 1266, 7: 810; CSP 4: 284-285; Dawson p. 766; Desmond p. 428; DNB 37: 60; Dryander 1: 94, 5: 42; Henrey 2: 120, 121, 3: 85; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Maton’’); IH 2: 514; Jackson p. 259; Kew 3: 622; Langman p. 485; Laségue p. 138; Rehder 5: 555; SO 135 a, 2075, 2608; Tucker 1: 470; Zander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. 11 p. 786 (b. 31 Jan 1774 d. 30 Mar 1835).

Anon., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1888/90: 38. 1891 (on portr.).

Davey, F. H., Fl. Cornwall xxxvi. 1909.

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 68-69. 1934 (corr. with J. E. Smith).

Grose, D., Fl. Wiltshire 34-35. 1957.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 68. 1957 (Brit. material at ‘“‘(?) LINN’’).

Smith, P., Mem. Corr. J. E. Smith 2: 121-122. 1832.


MATRUCHOT COMPOSITE works: Edited R. Pulteney, A general view of the writings of Linnaeus, ed. 2, 1805.

EPONYMY: Matonia R. Brown ex Wallich (1829); Matonia Stephenson & Churchill (1831); Matonidium A. Schenk (1871); Matoniella Hirmer & Hoerhammer (1936); Matonisporites R. A. Couper (1958).

  1. Observations relative chiefly to the natural history, picturesque scenery, and antiquities, of

the Western Counties of England, made in the years 1794 and 1796... Salisbury (printed and

sold by J. Easton; ...) 1797. Oct. 2 vols. (Odserv. nat. hist. W. Counties. ).

1: 1797 (p. vi: 22 Apr 1797), p. [iii]-xi, [1]-336, @ pl. (uncol. aquatints by Alken).

2: 1797, p. [i], [1]-216, [ 1-16, index], [1, err.], [1, 6 index], 8 pl. (id.), mineralogical map. Copies: E (inf. J. Edmonston), PH.

Matouschek, Franz (1871-?), Bohemian bryologist; at the German University Praha 1893-1894; at the Geological Institute, Praha 1895-1897; high school teacher in Moravia, Bohemia and Austria; later lecturer at the University of Vienna and the Hochschule fur Bodenkultur. (Matousch.).

HERBARIUM and types: WU; further material at BP, LE, MANCH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 461; CSP 17: 88; DTS 5:1, 6(4): 169; IH 2: 514;

LS 17315, suppl. 17629; Maiwald p. 280 [index].

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 88: 95. 1901 (app. Reichenberg, Bohemia); Osterr. bot. Z. 47: 1897 (app. Sinz), 48: 367. 1898 (app. Mahrisch-Weisskirchen), 49: 415. 1899 (app. Hradisch, Moravia), 52: 39. 1902 (app. Reichenberg, Bohemia), 82: 177. 1933 (b. 21 Nov 1871), 105: 592. 1907 (app. Maximilians-Gymnasium, Wien); Hedwigia 40 (Beibl. 6): (204). 1g01 (app. Reichenberg), 47 (Beibl. 2): (100). 1908 (app. Wien); Osterr. bot. Z. 57: 407. 1907 (app. Wien).

Familler, I., Denkschr. Regensb. bot. Ges. 11: 19. 1911.

Janchen, E., Richard Wettstein 177. 1933.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 3: 208. 1897 (app. at Linz), 4: 168. 1898 (teacher Mahrisch- Weisskirchen), 13: 196. 1907 (app. Maximilian Gymn. Wien).

Maiwald, P. V., J. B. Stifts-Obergymn. Braunau 1901: 19, 21.

Pax, F., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Karpathen 2: 275, 277. 1908 (Veg. Erde 10).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

  1. Das bryologische Nachlassherbar des Friedrich Stolz ... Kin Beitrag zur bryologischen

Floristik von Tirol und dem angrenzenden Italien, von Bayern, Krain und dem Kustenlan-

de. Bearbeitet von Franz Matouschek, ... Innsbruck (Im Selbstverlage. — Druck der

Wagner’schen Univ.-Buchdruckerei) 1903. Oct. (Bryol. Nachlassherb. Stolz).

Collector: Friedrich Stolz (1878-1899).

Publ.: Jan 1903 (Allg. bot. Z. 15 Feb 1903; Bot. Centralbl. 10 Mar 1903; Nat. Nov. Mai(r) 1903; Rev. bryol. Nov-Dec 1903), p. [1]-184. Copies: B, MO-Steere. — Reprinted from Ber. nat.-med. Ver. Innsbruck 28, 1903.

Matruchot, | Alphonse] Louis [Paul] (1863-1921), French mycologist; at Ecole norma- le supérieure 1885-1888; librarian Ecole norm. sup. 1888-1895; lecturer Faculté des Sciences, Paris 1895-1900; lecturer Ecole norm. sup. from 1901; from 1905 in addition professor adj., from 1912 professor of cryptogamic botany at the Sorbonne (Maitr.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHy: Ainsworth p. 94, 209, 321; Barnhart 2: 461; BM 3: 1266;

CSP 17: 88-89; DSB 9: 175-176 (bibl.); Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Kelly p. 145; LS 17316-

17352, 36739-36742, suppl. 17630-17637; Stevenson p. 1250.

Anon., Mycol. Centralbl. 1: 128. 1912 (app. Sorbonne).

Constantin, J., Bull. Soc. mycol. France 38: 127-139. 1922 (biogr., portr., bibl., b. 14 Jan 1863, d. 5 Jul 1921).

Guérin, P., Bull. Soc. bot. France 68: 437. 1921, 69: I. 1922.

Molliard, M., Bull. Soc. Path. vég. France g: 12-14. 1922 (n.v.).


MATRUCHOT Taton, R., ed., Science in the 19th cent. 400, 470. 1965.

EPONYMY: Matruchotia Boulanger (1893); Matruchotia Skupienski (1924); Matruchotiella Skupienski ex A. Lister (1925).

  1. Série A, no. 180... Théses présentées a la Faculté des Sciences de Paris pour obtenir

le grade de docteur és sciences naturelles par M. Louis Matruchot... 1° thése. — Recherches

sur le dév eloppement de quelques Mucédinées. 2° thése . . . soutenues le [mss: 21] juin 1892... Paris

(Armand Colin et Cie, ...) 1892. Oct. (Rech. iléa el. Mucéd.).

Thesis issue: 21 Jun 1892, p- [1]-ri1, [112, thése], pl. 7-8 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copy: FH.

Trade issue: Jun-Oct 1892 (Bot. Zeit. 4 Nov 1892; Nat. Nov. Jul(3) 1892), p. [1]-111, pl. 1-8 id.). Copy: BR. — Recherches ... Mucédinées par ... Quvrage accompagne de 8 planches. Paris (id.) 1892. Oct.

Ref.: Mobius, M., Bot. Centralbl. 54: 294-297. 1893 (rev.).

Matsumura, Jinz6 (1856-1928), Japanese botanist; D. Sc. Tokyo 1891; from 1877 assistant, later director, of the Koishikawa Botanical Garden; from 1883 also professor of botany at the University of Tokyo. (Matsum.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: T1.-Duplicates e.g. at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 358; Barnhart 2: 462; BJI 2: 113; BM 3: 1267, 7: 811; Bossert p. 257; CSP 17: go-91; GR cat. p. 67; Herder p.210; Hortus 3: 1199 a + = Sag Ke 835 t(ed. 6): aa 2: 514; Kelly p. 145; ara 622- Bie LS

sha: pe Rackes’ I: 470, 7773 ander ed. 10, p. 689, ed. II, p. 786.

Anon., J. Jap. bot. 2(1): front. portr. 1918: Nature 122: 213. 1928.

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 295. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. Tokyo 1890-1922).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go01: 45 (1350 specim. at K).

Hayata, B., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 48: (201)-204. 1930 (biogr., bibl., portr., b. g Jan 1856, d. 4 Mai 1928).

Miyake, K., Science ser. 2. 13: 737-738. 1901.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

Uchida, T. & C. Watanabe, Ins. Matsumurana 24: 1-3. 1961 (portr.; fide Fl. males. Bull. 17: 874. 1962).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: With T. Ito, Tent. fl. lutchu., TL-2/2: 3199; see also below, TL-2/5675, Crypt. jap., published with Manabu Miyoshi (1861-1939).

EPONYMY: Matsumuraea Okamura (1914); Matsumurella Makino (1915); Matsumuria Hems- ley (1909).

5673- ee shokubutsumeit; or nomenclature of japanese plants in Latin, Japanese and Chinese .. . Tokio, Japan (Z. P. Maruya & Company) 2544. (1884). Oct. (Nippon shokubut- sumeit) .

Ed. 1: 1884 (Bot. Zeit. 29 Aug 1884; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1884, Aug(3) 1886), p. [i-viii], [1]- 209, [i]-xciii, [i]-ili, [v]. Copies: NY, USDA. — “Supervised by R. vee [Ryokichi Yatabe, 1899-x].

Ed. 2: Nov-Dec 1895 (p. 2: Nov 1895; Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1896), p. [1], [1]-[9], [1]-321, [1]- 62, [1, err.]. Copy: USDA. — ““Shokubutsu Mei-7. Enumeration of selected scientific names of both native and foreign plants, with romanized Japanese names, and in many cases Chinese characters ...”” Tokyo (Z. P. Maruya & Co. ...) 1895.

Ea. 5, 1900 (Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 19a); fil, [11-[o]. [1-8 [less [x vp err.]. Copy: USDA. — Tokyo (id.) 1900.

Eds. 4-7: Unknown (fide MW), ed. 8: n.v.

Ed g: 1915-1916, in 2 vols. See notes in MW p. 309. Copy: MO (part 1).

: 1915, p. [ii*-v*], [iJ-Lxii], [1]-405, [1]+78, [1 }-19.

2: 1916, n.v. (667 p.).

Shokubutsu-Mei-i ... revised and enlarged ... Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto & Fukuoka (Maru- zen Company, Ltd. ...) s.d.



  1. List of plants found in Nikko and its vicinity ... Tokyo (Keigyosha) 1894. (List pl. Nikko). Publ.: 1894, p- [i], [1]-93, [1]-1 1. [1]-18, [1-2]. Copy: USDA.

  2. Cryptogamae japonicae iconibus illustratae or figures with brief descriptions and re-

marks of the musci, hepaticae, lichenes, fungi and algae of Japan edited by J. Matsumura

_.. and M. Miyoshi ... Tokyo (Keigyosha & Co.) [1899]1g00[-1g01]. 7 Crypt. jap.).

Co-editor: Manabu Miyoshi (1861-1939).-

Publ.: 1899-1901, 13 fasc. seen by us. Copy: USDA. — The (uncol.) plates are accompanied by text. (vol. 1: [i-ix], pl. 1-60; 2: pl. 61-65.)-

Vol. part plates dates vol. part plates dates

I I 1-5 5 Feb 1899 I 8 36-40 3 Mar 1900 2 6-10 25 Mar 1899 9 41-45 1 Sep 1900 3 11-15 10 Jun 1899 10 46-50 10 Nov 1900 4 16-20 4 Aug 1899 II 51-55 25 Dec 1900 5 21-25 28 Oct 1899 12 56-60 25 Feb 1go1 6 26-30 25 Nov 1899 2 I 61-65 20 Feb 1900 7 31-35 29 Dec 1899 2 .66-70 nv.

  1. Revisio Alni specierum japonicarum [J. coll. Sci. Tokyo 1902]. Publ.: 1902, p. [1]-15, pl. 1-4. Copy: PH. — Reprinted and to be cited from J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 16(2): 1-15, pl. 1-4. 1902.

5677- Index plantarum japonicarum sive enumeratio plantarum omnium ex insulis Kurile,

Yezo, Nippon, Sikoku, Kiusiu, Liukiu et Formosa hucusque cognitarum systematice et

alphabetice disposita adjectis synonymis selectis, nominibus japonicis, locis natalibus ...

Tokioni (apud Maruzen ...) 1904-1912, 2 vols. (in 3). (Index pl. jap.).

1 (Cryptogamae): 1904, p. [i*-v*], [1]-xxiv, 1-439, [440-441].

2(1) (Gymn., Monoc.): 1905, p. [i*], [i]-vii, 1-315, [316-317].

2(2) (Dicot.): 1912 (ObZ Apr 1912; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1912), p- [i*], [iJ-v, 1-767, err. slip [769-772].

Copies: L, MO, NY, USDA.

Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 51(Lit.): 50. 1924.

  1. Enumeratio plantarum in insula Formosa sponte crescentium hucusque rite cognitarum adjectis descriptionibus et figuris specierum pro regione novarum. With 18 plates. [Tokyo (published by The University) ] 1906. (Enum. pl. Formosa).

Co-author: Bunzo Hayata (1874-1934).

Publ.: 25 Sep 1906 (statement of publication at end of vol.; Merrill rd. his copy on 20 Sep 1906), p. [i-iv], [1]-702, [1-2], pl. 7-27 with text, loose err. sheet, map. Copies: L, NY, US, USDA. — J. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22, 1906.

European commercial issue: 1906, p. [1-11], err. slip, [1 ]-702, [1-2], pl. 1-77 (id.), map. Copy: Ge. “In Kommission bei Theodor Oswald Weigel, Leipzig” (sticker).

  1. Icones plantarum koisikavenses or figures with brief descriptive characters of new and rare plants, selected from the University herbarium edited by Jinzo Matsumura, ... Tokio (The Maruzen-Kabushiki-Kaisha ...) Igt1-1921, 4 vols. (Icon. pl. kowstk.).

1(z): Dec 1911, p. [i-iv], 1-32, pl. 1-16; reissued Sep 1920.

: Mar 1912, p. [i-ii], 33-62, pl. 17-31.

: Aug 1912, p. [i-ii], 63-92, pl. 32-46.

: Dec 1912, p. [1-ii], 93-126, pl. 47-63.

: Jun 1913, p. [i-ti], 127-146, pl. 64-73.

: Sep 1913, p. [i-ti], 147-168, pl. 74-84, [i]-1v, [1]-3.

: Jan 1914, p. [i-ii], 1-22, pl. 85-95; reissued Sep 1920.

: Apr 1914, p- [i-ti], 23-44, pl. 96-106; reissued Sep 1920.

: Jul rg14, p. [i-ii], 45-64, pl. 107-116; reissued Sep 1920.

: Dec 1914, p- [i-il], 65-84, pl. 117-126; reissued Sep 1920.

SS Qo Mi Go No Pa el Ra pio a)

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(6): Jul 1915, p. [1-1], 105-122, [i]-mi, [1]-2, pl. 137-145; reissued Sep 1920. 3(1): Dec 1915, p. [1-il], 1-18, pl. 146-155; reissued Sep 1920. 2): Mar 1916, p. [1-11], 21-44, pl. 156-167; reissued Sep 1920. (3): Jul 1916, p. [1-11], 45-64, pl. 168-177; reissued Sep 1920. (4): Dec 1916, p. [i-1], 65-84, pl. 178-187. 5): Mar 1917, p. [1-11], 85-110, pl. 188-200. 6): Dec 1917, p. [i-ii], 111-134, [1]-2, [i]-ili, pl. 207-272. 4(1): Aug 1918, p. [1-ii], 1-20, pl. 213-222. 2): Feb 1919, p. [1-11], 21-46, pl. 223-235. 3): Jun 1919, p. [i-ii], 47-72, pl. 236-248. 4): Mai 1920, p. [1-11], 73-84, pl. 249-254. 5): Jan 1921, p. [1-1], 85-100, pl. 255-262. 6): Jun 1921, p. [i-ii], to1-120, [1, ind.], pl. 263-272, p. [i]-iii.

Copies: L, MO, USDA (incl. re-issue); IDC 7380.

Mattei, Giovanni Ettore (1865-1943), Italian botanist, from 1884-1901 at the Bologna Istituto botanica; from 1901-1905 at Napoli; from 1905-1914 at Palermo; 1914-1925 at Firenze; 1925-1935 at Messina (Matter).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 462; BL 1: 33, 39, 308, 2: 351, 391, 689-690; BM 3: 1267; CSP 17: g1-92; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Mattei”); IH 2: 514; Langman p. 486; LS 17358- 17359 36743-36745; Rehder 5: 555; Saccardo r: 107, 2: 125; Tucker 1: 470; Urban-Berl. p. Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 37: 191. 1889 (first assistant Bologna); 93: 80. 1903 (habil. Napoli). Mezzetti-Bambacioni, V., Ann. Bot., Roma 23(1): 1-11. 1947 (portr., bibl., b. 10 Mar

1865, d. 19 Dec 1943). EPONYMY: Matteia Borzi (1907).

  1. Noterelle botaniche ... Bologna (Societa tipografica Azzoguidi) 1886. Oct. (Noterelle bot.). Publ.: Sep 1886 (t.p.), p. [1]-32. Copy: G.

  2. Aggiunte alla flora bolognese ... Bologna (Societa tipografica Azzoguidi) 1886. Oct.

(Agg. fl. bologn.). Publ.: Jun 1886 (t.p.; Nat. Nov. Sep 1886), p. [1]-29. Copy: FI.

  1. Convolvulacee. Studi ... Bologna (Societa tipografica Azzoguidi) 1887. Oct. (Convol- vulacee) .

Publ.: 1887 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1887), p. [1]-35, pl. 7-9. Copy: FI.

  1. Monografia della Vicia faba ... Bologna (Stabilimento tipografico Zamorani- Albertazzi...) 1889. Oct. (Monogr. Victa faba). Publ.: 1889, p. [1]-80. Copy: FI.

  2. Plantae erythraeae a L. Senni annis 1905-1907 lectae ... Palermo (Tipografia Priulla

  1. Ono. Oct: Calsenvitirs|:

Co-author: Domenico Lanza (1868- ?); Collector L. Senni (1879-1954).

Publ.: 1910, p. [i]-vil, 1-135, pl. 1-13. Copy: FI. — Reprinted from Boll. r. Orto bot. Giard.

colon. Palermo 8/9, 1910 (journal publ. n.v.).

Mattfeld, Johannes (1895-1951), German botanist at Berlin-Dahlem, pupil of Engler; Dr. phil. Berlin 1920; from 1919-1951 at the Botanical Museum, Berlin-Dahlem. (Matt/.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B (various types extant).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 12(3): 80; Backer p. 656; Barnhart 2: 462; BFM 2429; BJI 2: 113; Bossert p. 257; GR p. 534; Hirsch p. 192; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mattf.”’); IH 2: 514;



Kew 3: 623-624; Langman p. 486; MW p. 310, suppl. p. 223; TL-2/1: 1711; Zander ed. 10,

p- 690, ed. 11, p. 786; Zep-Tim p. 81-82.

Anon., Fl. males. Bull. 8: 257. 1951 (d.), Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 58: 215. 1916 (in army).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 75. 1978.

Eckhardt, Th., Willdenowia 4(2): 175. 1966.

Herter, W., Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 10(2): 56-57. 1952. (obit.).

Lanjouw, J. et F. A. Stafleu, Taxon 1: 2. 1951.

Lowden, R. M., Taxon, Index vols. 1-20, part 2, p. 14. 1973.

Markeraf, F., Bot. Jahrb. 75: 425-442. 1952 (portr., biogr., bibl.; b. 18 Jan 1895, d. 19 Jan 1951); Taxon 1: 33-34. 1952; Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 65a(4): 307-310. 1955 (portr.).

Pilger, R., Mitt. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 1(1): 1, 15, 20. 1953.

COMPOSITE WorRKs: EP, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2: Pentaphylacaceae 20b: [13]-21. Jan-Feb 1942; Stackhoustaceae 20b: [240]-254. Jan-Feb 1842.

EPONYMY: Mattfeldia Urban (1931); Mattfeldanthus H. Robinson & R. King (1979).

  1. Geographisch-genetische Untersuchungen iiber die Gattung Minuartia (L.) Hiern. Dahlem bei

Berlin (Verlag des Repertoriums) 1922. Oct. (Geogr.-genet. Unters. Minuartia).

Publ.: 15 Dec 1922, p. [i-iv], [1]-228, 12 maps. Copy: U. — Beih. Repert. Spec. nov. Regni veg. 15, 1922.

Matthews, Velma Dare (1904-1958), American mycologist and horticulturist; Ph. D. Univ. N. Carol. 1930; at Monticello, Ark. 1930-1931; Chapel Hill, N.C. 1931-1934; at Coker College, N.C. 1934-1958. (Matthews).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 236, 328; Barnhart 2: 463 (b. 3 Aug 1904); IH 2: 515; Kew 3: 626; LS suppl. 17662; NAF 2(1): 72, ser. 2. 6: 69; Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/1: 781. |

Deviney, E. M. & J. N. Couch, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 74: 78-79. 1958.

Deviney, E. M., ASB Bull. 5: 24. 1958.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Saprolegniales, with W. C. Coker, in NAF 2(1): 15-76. 26 Nov 1937.

  1. Studies on the genus Pythium ... Chapel Hill (The University of North Carolina Press)
  2. (Stud. Pythwum). Publ.: 1931, p. [i]-v, 1-136, err. slip, pl. 1-29. Copies: BR, MO, NY, Stevenson, USDA.

Matthiesen, Franz (1878-1914), German botanist; Dr. phil. Munchen 1907. (Matthie- Sen).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 463 (b. 5 Jun 1878, d. 5 Nov 1914).

  1. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Podostemaceen ... Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbartsche Verlags-

buchhandlung (E. Nageli)) 1908. Qu. (Beztr. Podostem.).

Publ.: Feb 1908 (ObZ Feb 1908; Bot. Centralbl. 2 Jun 1908), p. [ii-ix], [1]-55, pl. 7-9 (uncol.). Copies: MO, U. — Bibl. bot. Heft 68.

Ref.: Leeke, P., Bot. Gentralbl. 114: 153-154. 1910.

Mattick, Wilhelm Fritz (1901-x), German lichenologist; student of O. Drude and F. Tobler; Dr. rer. techn. Dresden 1927; assistant ‘Technische Hochschule Dresden 1927- 1932; assistant at Berlin-Dahlem 1932-1945; at Staatsstelle f. Vegetationskartierung, Stolzenau/Weser 1946-1947; from 1947 again at Berlin-Dahlem, 1947-1953 assistant, 1953-1964 “‘Kustos,” 1964-1966 “Wiss. Oberrath”’; professor of plant geography Freie Univ. 1958; in retirement still working at Berlin-Dahlem (1980). (Mattick).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 463; BFM 1614; BJI 2: 113; Bossert p. 258; Futak-Domin p. 388; GR p. 30, pi. [15], cat. p. 67; IH 2: 516; Kew 3: 626; Kleppa p. 66, 138; LS suppl. 17669; MW p. 310, suppl. p. 223; Roon p. 75; SBC p. 126 (““Matt.””); Zep-Tim p. 82-83 (b. 17 Mai 1901; journeys).

Anon., Int. lichenol. Newsletter 6(2): 7. 1972 (journey New Zealand).

Pilger, R., Mitt. bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 1(1): 15. 1953.

EPONYMY: Mattickiolichen Tomaselli & Ciferri (1952); Matticktomyces Ciferri & Tomaselli (1953).

  1. Flechtenvegetation und Flechtenflora des Gebietes der Freien Stadt Danzig [Sonderab- druck aus dem 59. Bericht des Westpreussischen Botanisch-Zoologischen Vereins 1937]. Publ.: 1937, p- [1 ]-54. Copy: FI.— Reprinted and to be cited from Ber. Westpreuss. bot. zool.

Ver. 59: I-54. 1937.

  1. Systembildung und Phylogenie der Gattung Cladonia [Sonderabdruck aus ““Beihefte zum

Bot. Centralbl.” Bd. lviii. 1938 Abt. B. ... Dresden].

Publ.: Mai 1928 (in journal), p. [125]-234. Copies: Almborn, H; IDC 6176. — Reprint with special heading but original pagination from Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 58(B): 215-234. 1938.

Mattioli, Pietro [Picr] Andrea Gregorio [{Matthiolus, Petrus Andreas] (1500-?1577), Italian physician and botanist. (Mattzolz).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

NOTE: Mattioli, being pre-linnaean, is mentioned here summarily with only a few references to special treatments.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 358; Barnhart 2: 463; Blunt p. 57-60, 71, 75; BM

3: 1268-1269, 7: 813; Bossert p. 258; Dryander 3: 55-56; DSB 9: 178-180 (many refs.); DTS

1: 184-185, 6(4): 169; GR p. 534; Henrey 1: 8, 10, 22; HU 59, 78, 86, 90, 91, 94, 145, 160,

210, 332, 153; Jackson p. 579 [index]; Kew 3: 626-627; Klastersky p. 125-126; Langman p.

486; Laségue p. 341, 517; LS 17364-17366; Maiwald p. 280 [index]; Moebius p. 24, 33, 84,

423; NI 1304-1315 (extensive sec. refs.); Plesch p. 329-330; PR 5977-5995 (ed. 1: 6655-

6663); Quenstedt p. 285; Rehder 5: 555; Saccardo 1: 107, 2: 71; TL-1/313, 407; TL-2/1:

1544, 2016, see index; Tucker 1: 471, 777.

Ambrosi, F., Archivio Trentino 1: 49-61. 1882 (on Mattioli’s stay in Trentino; fide ObZ 34: 224-226. 1884).

De Toni, G. B., Commemor. P. A. Matthioli. Siena. 1901, 22 p.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 485 [index]. 1884.

Jourdan, A. J. L., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 225-227. 1824.

Lutjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 39, 64, 221. 1936.

Maedefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 30, 32, 258. Abb. 14. 1973; Jahrb. Ver. Schutze Alpenpfl. 40: 5- 6. 1975.

Meyer, E., Gesch. Bot. 4: 366-378.

Milner, J. D., Cat. Portr. Kew 83-84. 1906.

Petkovsek, Biol. vest., Ljubljana 15: 51-62. 1967 (early research on flora of Slovenia).

Roth, D. F. W. E., Arch. Gesch. Naturw. Technik 2: 317-321. 1909.

Sachs, J., Hist. botanique 1, 18, 30. 1892.

Schmid, G., Siidh. Arch. 30: 133-151. 1965 (portr.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 83-84. 1903.

EPONYMY: Maitthiola Linnaeus (1753, nom. rej.); Matthiola R. Brown (1812); corr. K. P. J. Sprengel (1818, nom. et orth. cons.).

Mattirolo, Oreste (1856-1947), Italian botanist; at Bologna 1894-1808, extra-ord. prof. 1894, ord. prof. bot. 1895; at Firenze as prof. bot. and director of the botanical garden 1698- 1900; idem at Torino 1900-1937. (Mattir.).

oO7% 372

MATTIROLO (1887) HERBARIUM and TypEs: TO; some types also at PAD; other material at FI, HBG, and SS.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 12(2): 250; Barnhart 2: 463 (d. 3 Dec 1947); BJI 2: 113-

114; BL 2: 690 [index]; BM 3: 1269, 7: 813; Bossert p. 258; CSP 10: 748, 17: 98; De Toni 1:

Ixxxii, 2: xxix; DTS 1: xxi, 187; Frank 3(Anh.): 63; GR p. 519, cat. p. 67; Hawksworth p.

184; Hirsch p. 192; [H2: 516; Kelly p. 145-146, 255; Kew 3: 627-628; Langman p. 486; LS

17367-17395, 36748-36757, suppl. 17670-17684; Moebius p. 114; Morren ed. 10, p. 87;

NAF ser. 2. 1: 32; Rehder 5: 555-556; Saccardo 1: 107; Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/1: 1075;

Tucker 1: 471; Urban-Berl. p. 2709.

Anon., Boll. (Contrib.) Ist. bot. Univ. Catania 1: 190-191. 1955; Bot. Centralbl. 58: 80, 144. 1894 (app. prof. bot. and dir. bot. gard. Bologna), 61: 32. 1894 (ord. prof.), 82: 399. 1900 (app. Torino); Bot. Jahrb. 18 (Beibl. 45): 40, 20(Beibl. 50): 45, 25(Beibl. 60): 55. 1898; Nat. Nov. 20: 145. 1898 (app. prof. bot. Firenze), 22: 224. 1900 (id. Torino); Osterr. bot. Z. 44: 200. 1894 (app. Bologna), 48: 119. 1898 (id. Firenze), 50: 307. 1900 (id. Torino).

Cavillier, F., Boissiera 5: 63-64. 1941.

Chiovenda, E., Nuov. Giorn. bot. ital. ser. 2. 31:-306. 1924 (b. 5 Dec 1856).

Dorfler, I., Botaniker Portrats 1: 8. 1906 (portr.).

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 269, 272, 290. 1938 (directorships bot. gdns).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 1: 56. 1895 (ord. professor), 4: 52. 1898 (app. Firenze), 6: 52. 1900 (app. Torino).

Lloyd, C. G., Mycol. Notes 65: [1], portr. 1921, 70: 1219. 1923.

Negri, G., Ann. di Bot. 23(1): [1-11]. 1947.

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 76. 1966.

FESTSCHRIET: Raineri, R. et al., Onoranze a Oreste Mattirolo, Torino, 1929, 82 p., 2 pl. (many brief tributes; portr.).

EPONYMY: Maittirolia Berlese & Bresadola (1889); Mattirolomyces Fischer (1938). Note: The nomenclatural status and derivation of Mattirolella Colla (1929) could not be ascertained.

  1. Contribution al étude du genre Cora Fr. [Archives italiennes de Biologie— Tome 1, fasc. ii.


Publ.: 1882, p. [1]-21, 2 pl. Copy: FI. — Arch. ital. Biol. 1(2), 1882. — Was preceded by Contribuzioni allo studio del genere Cora Fr., Nuovo Giorn. bot. Ital. 13(4): 245-267. pl. Oct 1881; see also K. Goebel, Bot. Zeit. 39: 865. 30 Dec 1881.

  1. Flora alpina la richezza dell Alpi considerata sotto laspetto della flora ornamentale

ed officinale ... Torino (Stabilimento Artistico-letterario. ...) 1883. (Fl. alp.).

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1883 (p. 11: Sep 1882; Bot. Centralbl. 9-13 Jul 1883; Bot. Zeit. 28 Sep 1883), p- [1]-11. Copies: FI, G. — Reprinted from Atti del 11 Congresso orticolo Italiano.

  1. Flora alpina (vivente) presentata dalla sezione di Torino del Club alpino italiano alPesposizione nazionale italiana ... Torino (G. Candeletti ...) 1884. Oct. (FU. alp. viv.). Publ.: 1884, p. [1]-10. Copy: FI.

  2. Sullo sviluppo di due nuovi Hypocreacei e sulle spore-bulbilli degli ascomiceti ... Torino

(Ermanno Loescher ...) 1886. Oct. (Svil. Hypocreac.).

Publ.: Apr 1886 (Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1886; in Apr issue of journal), p. [1]-12. Copy: FI. — Issued as Atti r. Accad. Sci. Torino 21(4/5). 1886. See also Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 18: 121-154. pl. Apr 1886.

Ref.: Busgen, M., Bot. Zeit. 44: 632. 10 Sep 1886.

  1. Lllustrazione delle Cyphella endophila Cesati ... Vorino (Ermanno Loescher ...) 1887. Oct. (lll. Cyphella endoph.). Publ.: 1887 (Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1887), p. [1]-9, pl. Copy: FI. — Issued as Atti r. Accad. Sci. Torino 22, 1887 (n.v.).

  2. Lllustrazione di tre nuove specie di Tuberacee italiane ... Torina (Ermanno Loescher .. .)

  3. Ou. (Ill. Sp. Tuberac.).



Publ.: 1887 (Nat. Nov. Jan(2). 1888), p. [1]-19, 2 pl. Copy: FI. — Issued as Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Torino ser. 2, 37, 1887 (journal issue n.v.).

    1. genere Cerebella di Vincenzo Cesati. Ricerche intorno al suo sviluppo e alla sua

sistemazione ... Bologna (Tipografia Gamberini e Parmeggiani) 1897. Qu.

Publ.: 1897 (Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1898), p. [1]-24, 7 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna ser. 5. 6: 663-684. 1897.

  1. Gli ipoger di Sardegna e di Sicilia. Materiali per servire alla monografia degli ipogei

italiani. Genova (Tipografia di Angelo Ciminago ...) rgo00. Oct.

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1g00 (in journal; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1902), p. [1]-70, 1 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Malpighia 14: 39-106. 1goo.

  1. 1 funghi ipogei italiani raccolti da O. Beccari, L. Caldesi, A. Carestia, V. Cesati, P. A.

Saccardo ... Torino (Carlo Clausen ...) 1903. Qu.

Publ.: 1903, p. [1], 331-366, 7 pl. Copy: FI.— Reprinted with special title-page and to be cited from Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Torino ser. 2. 53: 331-336, 7 pl. 1903.

  1. Prima contribuzione allo studio della flora ipogea del Portogallo [Extr. do Bol. da Soc. Brot.

vol. xxi, 1904-1905, 1906]. Oct.

Publ.: Apr-Jul 1906 (in journal), p. [1]-20. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bol. Soc. Broter. 21: 86-105. 1906.

  1. Seconda contribuzione allo studio della flora ipogea del Portogallo [E:xtr. do Bol. da Soc. Brot.

vol. xxi1, 1906 (1907) ]. Oct.

Publ.: 1907 (journal vol. for 1906 publ. 1907; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1907), p. [1]-19. Copy: FI. — Reprinted from Bol. Soc. Brot. 22: 227-245, pl. 2. 1907.

  1. La flora segusina dopo gli studi di G.F. Re (Flora segusiensis, 1805 — Flora segusina,

Re-Caso, 1881-82). Saggio storico-bibliografico-botanico ... Torino (Carlo Clausen ...)

  1. Qu.

Publ.: 1907 (submitted 28 Apr 1907), p. [i-i1], [1]-84. Copres: MO, NY. — Reprinted from Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Torino ser. 2. 58: 217-300. 1907.

  1. “ faczewskia’”’ illustrazione di un nuovo genere di ““Hysterangiaceae” ... Torino

(Vincenzo Bona ...) 1912. Qu. (Jaczewskia).

Publ.: 1912 (approved for publ. 28 Apr 1912), p. [i-ii], [213]-218, 7 pl. (col. lith. auct.). Copies: BR, FI. — Reprinted from Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Torino ser. 2. 63: 213-218. 1912.

  1. Phytoalimurgia pedemontana ossia censimento delle specie vegetali alimentari della flora

spontanea del Piemonte ... Torino (Vincenzo Bona...) 1918. Oct. (Phytoalimurgia pedem.).

Publ.: 1918 (submitted 21 Apr 1918), p. [i], [1]-180. Copy: MO. — Reprinted from Ann. r. Accad. Agr. Torino, vol. 61, 1918.

Trade issue: 1919 (Nat. Nov. Jul 1919), p. [i-iv], [1]-180. Copy: USDA. — “I vegetali alimentari spontanei del Piemonte (Phytoalimurgia pedemontana)”’ Torino (S. Lattes & C., Editori ...) Firenze (R. Bemporad e figlio) 1919. Oct.

  1. Contributo alla micologia ipogea della Venezia subalpina ... Roma (Tipografia della r. Accademia nazionale dei Lincei ...) 1922. Qu. (Contr. micol. tpog. Venezia). Publ.: 1922, p. [1]-22, 1 pl. Copy: FI.— Issued as [Mem.] R. Accad. naz. Linceiser. 5, 13(12).

  2. Osservazioni sopra due ipogei della Cirenaica e considerazioni intorno ai generi ‘““Tirma-

nia” e ““Terfezia”’,... Roma (Tipografia della r. Accademia nazionale dei Lincei.. .) 1922.

Qu. (Osserv. ipog. Cirenaica).

Publ.: 1922, p. [1]-26, 1 pl. Copy: FI.— Issued as [Mem.] R. Accad. naz. Linceiser. 5. 13(13), 1929)

  1. Catalogo ragionato dei funghi ipogei raccolti nel canton Ticino e nelle provincie italiane confinanti ... Zurigo [Zurich] (F: lli Fretz $.A., ...) 1935. Oct. (Cat. fungh. tpoget).


MAUBLANG Publ.: 20 Jul 1935 (t.p.; Nat. Nov. Aug 1936), p- [ii-iti], [1]-53, [1], Af 7-2 (col.). Copies: BR, USDA. — Contributi per lo studio della Flora crittogama Svizzera vol. 8, fasc. 2.

Mattuschka, Heinrich Gottfried, Graf von (1734-1779), Silesian landowner and naturalist near Breslau. (Mattuschka).

HERBARIUM and Types: In the herbarium of the Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterl. Kultur, deposited at WRSL. Breslau (Schube 1929).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocrapHy: ADB 20: 681; Barnhart 2:463; BM 3: 1269; Dryander 3:

164; Futak-Domin p. 388; GR p. 110; Hortus 3: 1199 (‘“Mattuschka”’); TH 2: 516; Herder

p. 186; Kew 3: 628; Klastersky p. 126; LS 17396; Maiwald p. 98, 151; PR 5996-5997 (ed. 1:

6664-6665); Rehder 5 : 556; Stevenson p. 1250; Zander ed. 10, p. 690, ed. 11, 786.

Candolle, A. P., Phytographie 432. 1880.

-O., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 227-228. 1824 (b. 22 Feb 1734, d. 19 Nov 1779).

Pax, F:, Schlesiens Pflanzenw. 5-6, 16. 1915 (portr.).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 82-83. 1863 (b. 22 Feb 1734, d. 19 Nov 1779; Freiherr von Spottgen und Toppeltschau auf Pietschen; 1756 Ober-Amtsrath Breslau, later privately employed, 1772 General-Landschafts-Prasident Mittelschlesien).

Schube, T., Jahrb. Schles. Ges. vaterl. Kultur 102: 66-72. 1929.

Wimmer, C. F. H., Fl. Schlesien ed. 2. 2: 140-142. 1844/45.

nponymy: Mattuschkaea Schreber (1791); Mattuschkia J. F. Gmelin (1791).

  1. Heinrich Gottfried Grafens von Mattuschka ... Flora silesiaca, oder Verzeichniss der in Schlesien wildwachsenden Pflanzen, nebst einer umstandlichen Beschreibung derselben, shres Nutzens und Gebrauches, so wohl in Absicht auf die Arznei- als Haushaltungs- Wissenschaft ... Leipzig (Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn, ...) [and vol. 2 only:] Bresslau (id.) 1776-1777, 2 vols. Oct. (Fl. siles.).

Vol. 1: 1776 (NZgS 2 Dec 1776), p- [i-xx], [1]-538.

Vol. 2: 1777, p- [1]-8, [1]-468.

Botanisches Geslechts- und Nahmensregister: 1789, p- [1]-102. — Breslau (id.) 1789. Oce Copies: G, H, M, MO, NY, U, USDA.

  1. Henrici Godefridi de Mattuschka . .. Enumeratio stirpium in Silesia sponte crescentium in usum herborisantium ... Vratislaviae [Breslau] (sumptibus Guilielmi Theophili Kornii)
  2. Oct. (Enum. stirp. Silesia).

Publ.: 779, p. [i-viti], [1]-348, [1-10, index]. Copies: G, MO, NY, U.

Matuda, Eizi (1894-1978), Japanese-born Mexican botanist; specialist on Araceae and Meliaceae; at Taihoku University 1911-1921; emigrated to Mexico 1922 (naturalized 1928); in Chiapas from 1922; teaching at University of Mexico 1950-1978; Dr. phil. h.c. Tokyo 1962. (Matuda).

HERBARIUM and types: MEXU; other large sets at F and MICH; for duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 463+ Bossert p. 258+ Hortus 3: 1199

(‘“Matuda’’); IF suppl. 4: 330; IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 516; Langman p. 486-488 (!); MW

suppl. p. 221, 223; Roon p. 75; Zander ed. 10, p. 6go, ed. 11, p. 786-787 (b. 20 Apr 1894).

Croat, T. B., Aroideana 1(1): 27. 1978.

Knobloch, I. W., Pl. coll. N. Mexico 42. 1979.

Mains, E. B., in W. A. Donelly et al., The University of Michigan, an encyclopaedic survey 1454. 1956 (coll. at MICH).

Moldenke, N. H., Plant Life 2: 71. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Smith, L. B., I. Bromel. Soc. 24(2): 59-62. 1974 (portr., tribute).

EponyMy: Matudacalamus Maekawa (1961); Matudaea Lundell (1940); Matudanthus Hunt (1978); Matudina R. King & H. Robinson (1973).

Maublanc, André (1880-1958), French mycologist; from 1902-1912 at the Station de



Pathologie végétale; in Brazil 1912-1913; in World-war I 1914-1919; from 1919-1948 at the Institut national agronomique, nr. Paris. (Maubl.).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at PC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 464; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 516; Kelly p.

146; Kew 3: 629; LS 17409-17417, 36758-36766, suppl. 17707-17733; NAF 7: 1078; Plesch

p- 330; Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/3858-3859; Tucker 1: 471.

Andre, Y. et al., Bull. Soc. mycol. France 74: xx-xxvi. 1958 (b. 1880, d. 30 Apr 1958).

Anon., Bull. trim. Soc. mycol. France 74(1): 67. 1958; Bull. Soc. entom. France 63: 158. 1958.

Dupuis, C., Gahiers des Naturalistes 14(4): 89-91. 1958.

Heim, R., C. R. Séanc. Acad. Agr. France 44: 425-426. 1958 (obit.), Revue de Mycol. 23: 368-369. 1958 (obit.; no dates at all).

Piane, V., Bull. Soc. Natural. Oyonnax 12/13: 149. 1958/59.

Viennot-Bourgin, G., Mém. Soc. bot. France 1958: 86-89 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: With P. Konrad: Rév. hyménomyc. France (1924-1937), TL-2/2: 3859; and Icon. select. fung. (1924-1936), TL-2/2: 3858.

EPONYMY: Maublancia Arnaud (1918); Maublancomyces Herter (1950).

  1. Les champignons comestibles et venéneux ... Paris (Paul Lechevalier ...) tg21. Oct. (Champignons). Ed. 1: 192% (p. vi: Jun 1921), p. [i]-ciii, [1]-110, [1], pl. 1-96. Copy: USDA. Ed. 2: 1926-1927, 2 vols. Copy: USDA. 1: 1926 (colo.: 16 Oct 1926; Nat. Nov. Feb 1927), p. [i]-cxxv, 1-120, pl. 1-96, [1, coloph.]. 2: 1928 (t.p. 1927; colo.: 20 Jan 1928; Nat. Nov. Feb 1928), p. [cxxviil]-ccxxv, 97-238, [1, coloph. |, pl. 97-192. Ed. 3: 1946, 2 vols. Copy: USDA. 7: 1946 (t.p. 1946, p. 145: 30 Sep 1946), p. [i]-cxlv, 1-144, [1, coloph.], pl. A-N, r-172. 2: 1946 (coloph.: 30 Sep 1946), p. [cxlvii]-cclxxix, 113-283, [284, colo.], pl. 113-224. Ed. 4: 1952, 2 vols. Copy: USDA. 1: 1952 (coloph.: 6 Jun 1952), p. [i]-clviu, 1-144, [1, colo.] pl. A-L, 1-172. 2: 1952 (coloph.: 2 Sep 1952), p. [i*-iv*], [clix]-ccxcill, 113-278, [1, colo.], pl. 113-223. Ed. 5: 1959, 2 vols. Copy: USDA. 1: 1959 (p. iv: 17 Apr 1959), p. [1*-1v*], [i]-iv, [1]-305, pl. A-P. 2: 1959, p. [1-v], 1-283, pl. 1-223.

Mauksch, Johann Daniel Thomas (1748-1831), Hungarian clergyman and botanist, living in Schlagendorf und Kesmark (Kezmarok), botanical explorer of the Tatra; colla- borator of Kitaibel, Dr. med. Tyrnau 1776. (Mauksch).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BP (major part).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 464; IH 2: 517; Kanitz 98; PR (alph.) ed. r:

6671; Rehder 1: 97.

Pax, F., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Karpathen 1: 9-10. 1898.

Rumy, G.C., Isis, Zurich 1834 (6/7): 656-664 (fungi in Zipser Comitat, Hungary, listed by Mauksch).

  1. Joannis Danielis Mauksch, ... Dissertatio inauguralis medica de partibus plantarum, quam authoritate et consensu .. . universitatis rectoris, ...1n celeberrima ac regia Universi- tate tyrnaviensi pro summis honoribus publicae disquisitioni submittit die [] mensis Sept anno mdcclxxvi. Typis Tyrnaviensibus, anno ut supra [at Tyrnau, Nagy Szombat, Trnava nr Bratislava, 1776] Oct. (De part. pl.).

Publ.: Sep 1776, p. [1]-34. Copy: FI.

Maulny, L. J. C. (ca. 1760-ca. 1830), French botanist and naturalist; author of a flora of Mans. (Maulny).



HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 465; BJI 2: 198, 691; Bossert p. 258; CSP 4: 299; PR 6003 (ed. 1: 6672); Rehder 1: 406.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souvenirs 171. 1862.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 108. 1905.

  1. Plantes observées aux environs de la ville du Mans ... Avignon 1786. Oct. (Pl. Mans). Publ.: 1786, p. [1]-242. Copy: G (lacks t.p.): other copy at P (n.v.). See PR ed. 1.

Maund, Benjamin (1790-1864), British pharmacist, botanist and bookseller; at Broms- grove, Worcs. (Maund).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. The original drawings for the Botanic Garden are at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 465; BB p. 211; Blunt p. 300; BM 3: 1270, 7: 814; Desmond p. 429; DNB 37: 91; DU 199-201; GF p. 85; Herder p. 146, 361; Hortus 3: 1199 (‘““Maund”’); IH 2: 517 (refers to plates); Jackson p. 579 [index]; Kew 3: 630; Langman p. 489; MW p. 310-311; NAF ser. 2. 2: 165; NI (alph.), 1315n; Plesch p. 331; PR 6004-6005 (ed. 1: 6673-6674); Rehder 5: 556; TL-1/813-814; TL-2/see Henslow, J. S.; Tucker 1: 472; Zander ed. 10, p. 690, ed. 11, p. 787.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. Brit. Amer. auth. 1247-1248. 1870.

Anon., Proc. Linn. Soc. 8: xxx-xxxi. 1864 (d. 21 Apr 1863).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 56: 235-243. 1918 (Botanist).

Cardew, F., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 3: 322-324. 1958 (Bot. Gard.).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 394. 1884.

Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 66: 184. 1928.

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 42. 1904 (orig. drawings Bot. Gard.).

EPONYMY: Maundia F. von Mueller (1858) commemorates John Maund, a medical doctor about whom we have no further information, except that he died in or before 1858.

  1. The Botanic Garden; consisting of highly finished representations of hardy ornamental

flowering plants, cultivated in Great Britain; with their names, classes, orders, history,

qualities, culture and physiological observations ... London (published by Baldwin and

Chadock) 1825-1831, 13 vols. Qu. (Bot. Gard.).

Publ.: [Cardew, q.v. for further details] In monthly numbers consisting of one coloured plate representing four flowers (also numbered serially) and four leaves of text, one dealing with each. The 12 (dated) monthly numbers of a year constituted a part, the parts of two years formed a volume, so that the publication was running on four series of numeration: 13 volumes, 26 parts, 312 monthly numbers, 312 plates, 1248 figures. There were two issues: ‘‘Large’”’ (e.g. US copy, with engraved t.p.’s) and “Small” (e.g. NY copy; not always with engr. t.p.’s). The analysis given below is based on the copy at NY. Copies: G, L,NY (orig. covers), US (vols. 1-9), USDA; IDC 7358.

Vol. r: Jan 1825-Dec 1826, p. [1-x], pl. 1-24 (4 plants per plate, see above; 1-2 p. text/plant). Vol. 2: Jan 1827-Dec 1828, p. [1i-viii], pl. 25-46 (id.).

Vol. 3: Jan 1829-Dec 1830, p. [i-vi], pl. 49-72 (id.).

Vol. 4: Jan 1831-Dec 1832, p. [i-x], pl. 73-96 (id.).

Vol. 5: Jan 1833-Dec 1834, p. [i-vill], pl. 97-120 (id.) (t.p.: 1834-5).

Vol. 6: Jan 1835-Dec 1836, [1, engr. t.p.], [1i-vin], pl. 127-144 (id.).

Vol. 7: s.d. [Jan 1837-Dec 1838], [1, engr. t-p.], [1i-vili], p/. 145-768 (id.).

Vol. 8: s.d. [Jan 1839-Dec 1840], [1i, engr. t.p.], [1-vi], pl. 169-192 (id.).

Vol. 9: s.d. [Jan 1841-Dec 1842], [1i, engr. t.p.], [1-1x], pl. 193-276 (id.).

Vol. ro: s.d. [Jan 1843-Dec 1844], [i-vi], pl. 217-240 (id.).

Vol. r1: s.d. [Jan 1845-Nov 1846], [i-vi], pl. 241-265 (id.).

Vol. 12: s.d. [Feb 1847-Dec 1848], [1-vii], pl. 265-268 (id.).

Vol. 13: s.d. [Jan 1849-Dec 1850], [1-xxu], pl. 269-372 (id.).

Later editions: 1878, 12 vols., ed. by James C. Niven; 3 vols. of orig. ed. re-issued 1851-1854.



  1. The botanist; containing accurately coloured figures, of tender and hardy ornamental

plants; with descriptions, scientific and popular; intended to convey both moral and

intellectual gratification ... London (published by R. Groombridge, ...), Edinburgh (W.

White and Co., ...), Dublin (Robertson and Co.,...), Paris (M. Galignian, ...), Brussels

(Hauman and Co., ...), New York (Jackson, ...) [1836-1842], 5 vols. Qu. and Oct.

Co-author: John Stevens Henslow (1796-1861).

Publ.: Twelve monthly parts of 4 plates each with a supplement of 2 plates each year. Vol. nos. I-4, dated Jan-Apr 1837 appeared on Sep 1836, Nov 1836, Jan 1837 and Mar 1837 respectively, parts 5-12 (Mar-Dec 1837) were on schedule. Volumes 2-4 and vol. 5 (nos. 1-8) appeared on schedule, except p/. 201-203 which came out in 1841. Parts 9-12 of vol. 5 were delayed, the December issue being issued in 1842. Each volume had an engraved t.p. as well as a printed one. There were two issues: large paper and small paper (copies cited). See Britten (1918) and Cardew (1958) for further details and NI (1224) for details on artists. Copies: G, MO, NY (orig. covers), USDA. — The analysis given below is that of the copy at G.

1: 1836-1837 (see above), engr. t.p., p. [1*-1i* [i]-iv, [v-vi], pl. 7-50. 2: 1838, engr. t.p., p. [1-vi], pl. 50-z00 (col. liths. with text).

3: 1839, engr. t.p., p.[i-vi], pl. ror-r50 (1id.).

4: 1840, engr. t.p., p. [i-vi], pl. 151-176 (as 175), 178-200 (id.).

5: 1841-early 1842 (see above), engr. t.p., p. [i-vi], pl. 201-250 (id.). Ref.: Sotheby 516.

  1. The Auctuarium of the Botanic Garden; containing miscellaneous information, con- nected with the cultivation ofa garden, and natural history... London (Simpkin, Marshall and Co., ...), Dublin (J. Robertson, ...), Edinburgh (W. Whyte and Co., ...), New York (Jackson, ...), 2 parts 1834-1850. Qu. and Oct. (Auctuarium). Publ.: Jan 1834-Dec 1850, issued with the monthly issues of the Botanic Garden; t.p.’s not dated. Copies: L, NY, US, USDA. r: [i]-[viii], [1 ]-280, [1]-96. 2: [i], [1]-144, [145-147].

5715- The floral register; containing figures and descriptions of nearly all tender and hardy plants, which have been lately introduced to, and cultivated in Great Britain ... London (Simpkin, Marshall and Co., ...), Dublin (J. Robertson, ...), Edinburgh (W. Whyte and Co., ...), New York (Jackson, ...) [1835-1850]. Qu. and Oct. (FI. reg.). Publ.: With the parts of the Botanic Garden from Jan 1835-Dec 1850. See Cardew (1958) for further details. Copies: L, NY, USDA. r: Jan 1835-Dec 1844, p. [1i]-xvi, [1]-240. 2: Jan 1845-Dec 1850, p. [1]-13, [1]-144.

Maurer, Heinrich [Ludwig] (1818-1885), German horticulturist at Jena; Grossh. Sach- sischer Hofgartner. (H. Maurer).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 5(1): 636, 6(2): 165; Barnhart 2: 465 (b. 15 Dec 1818, d. 7 Sep 1885, err.); BM 3: 1270, 4: 1509; Herder p. 361; Morren ed. 2, p. 11, ed. 10, p. 24; Rehder 5: 556.

Maurer, L. et K. [Funeral card, Jena 6 Sep 1885] (d. 6 Sep 1885; as Heinrich Maurer).

  1. Versuch einer Monographie der Stachelbeeren des sel. Dr. Lorenz v. Pansner .. . bearbeitet und geordnet von Heinrich Maurer ... Jena (bei Carl Doebereiner) 1852. Oct. (Vers. Monogr. Stachelbeer.).

Original author: Lorenz von Pansner (x-1851).

Publ.: 1852 (p. iv: Dec 1851), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-96, [i]-iv, 5-146. Copy: NY.

Mauri, Ernesto (1791-1836), Italian botanist at Rome; professor of botany and director of the University Botanical Garden 1820-1831. (Mauri).


MAURY HERBARIUM and TyPEs: RO; further material at FI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 358; Barnhart 2: 465; BL 2: 340, 690; BM 3: 1270; Bossert p. 258; CSP 4: 300; Frank 3(Anh.): 63; Hegi 7: 559; Herder p. 179, 243; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mauri’’); Jackson p. 321; Kew 3: 630; Laségue p. 342; LS 174.25; PR 6006-6007 (ed. 1: 6677-6678); Rehder 5: 556; Saccardo 1: 107-108, 2: 71; SO add. 812b; Tucker 1: 472; Zander ed. 11, p. 787 (b. 12 Jan 1791, d. 13 Apr 1836).

Candolle, A. P. de, Phytographie 449. 1880 (types RO).

De Toni, G. B., Ann. Bot., Roma 7(3): 503-510. 1909 (2 letters).

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 287. 1938 (dir. Rome bot. gard. 1820-1831). Leon, N., Bibl. bot.-mexic. 186. 1895.

Lusina, G., Annali di Bot. 25(1, 2): 158-159, 171. 1958 (bibl. bot. Lazio (Roma)). Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 457. 1847.

EPONYMY: Mauria Kunth (1824). Note: The derivation of Maurima Niessl (1876) is not explained by Niessl.

  1. Romanarum plantarum centuria decimatertia auctore Ernesto Mauri. Romae (‘Typis de

Romanis) 1820. Oct. (Roman. pl. cent. xiit).

Publ.: 1820, p. [1]-58, [1], pl. 1-2. Copies: FI, G, M. — The first twelve centuries were published by A. Sebastiani and E. Mauri, Florae Romanae prodromus exhibens centurias xii plantarum circa Romam ... sponte nascentium. Roma 1818; see under A. Sebastiani.

  1. Di due funghi mangerecci det contorn di Roma cenno del prof. Ernesto Mauri. [Giornale

arcadico 1832].

Publ.: 1832, p. [1]-3, 1 pl. Copy: FI— Reprinted and to be cited from Giorn. arcad. 54: 63-65. 1832 (LS).

Maurizio, Adam (1862-1941), Rhaetian (Bindner, Swiss) botanist, born in Cracow; Dr. phil. Bern 1894; assistant at the Schule fir Wein- Obst- und Gartenbau Wadensweil 1896; at the Versuchsstation fur Millerei der Landwirthschaftlichen Hochschule, Berlin 1899 (with L. Wittmack); at the Landwirthschaftliche Versuchsstation Zurich 1900; habil. Zurich E.T.H. 1903; professor of botany at the Technische Hochschule, Lemberg [Lwow] 1907; ordinary professor ib. 1911-1923; at Bromberg (Bydgoszcz) 1923-1927; at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Warsaw 1927-1935; from 1935-1941 backin Switzerland (Maurizio).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 265 (b. 26 Sep 1862); BL 2: 7; Kelly p. 146.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 66: 400. 1896 (app. Wadensweil), 76: 352. 1898 (to Berlin), 77: 175. 1899 (id.), 82: 399. 1900 (to Zurich); Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 56: 819. 1915 (Schuler Pfeffers); Nat. Nov. 18: 575. 1896 (app. Wadensweil), 20: 653. 1898 (to Berlin), 25: 520. 1903 (habil.), 29: 525. 1907 (to Lemberg); Osterr. bot. Z. 46: 343. 1896 (app. Wadensweil), 53: 311. 1903 (habil.), 57: 487. 1907 (to Lemberg), 61: 247. 1911 (ord. prof. ib.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 2: 140. 1896 (app. Wadensweil), 5: 16. 1899 (to Berlin), 6: 172. 1900 (to Zurich), 13: 216. 1907 (to Lemberg), 17: 128. 1911 (ord. prof. Lemberg).

Volkart, A., Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges. 121: 389-394. 1941 (obit., portr., b. 26 Sep 1892, d. 4 Mar 1941; bibl. by Anna Maurizio).

  1. <ur Entwickelungsgeschichte und Systematik der Saprolegmeen [Flora 79 (Erg.) 1894]. Oct.

Publ.: 29 Oct 1894 (in journal; Nat. Nov. Nov (2) 1894); issued as thesis (n.v.), reprinted and to be cited from Flora 79 (Erg.): 109-158, pl. 3-5. 1894.

Ref.: Busgen, M., Bot. Zeit. 53(2): 163-164. 16 Mai 1895 (rev.).

Maury, Paul Jean Baptiste (1858-1893), French botanist, in Mexico 1884-1893. (Mau- y).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 465 (b. 21 Dec 1858, d. 25 Dec 1893); BJI 1: 39;



BL 1: 19, 309; BM 3: 1271; CSP 17: 107; IH 2: 517; Langman p. 489; Morren ed. 10, p. 54;

MW p. 311; Tucker 1: 472.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 60: 224. 1894 (d.); Bot. Not. 1895: 38 (d.); J. de Bot. 4: 60. 1890, 8: 288. 1894 (d.).

Bescherelle, E., J. de Bot. 15: 380. 1901 (bryol. coll. from Mexico).

Leon, N., Bibl. bot.-mexic. 186. 1895.

EPONYMY: Maurya Patouillard (1898).

  1. Serie A, no. 85. No. d’ordre 566. Théses présentées a la faculté des sciences de Paris

pour obtenir le grade de docteur és sciences naturelles par Paul Maury ... 1° thése. — Etudes

sur Porgansation et la distribution geographique des Plombaginacées ... soutenues le [in ink: 20]

juillet ... Paris (G. Masson, éditeur ...) 1886. Oct. (Etud. organis. Plombagin.).

Publ.: 20 Jul 1886, p. [1-11], [1 ]-134, [1, theses], p/. 7-6. Copy: NY.—Also in Ann. Sci. nat. ser. 7. 4: 1-128. pl. 1-6.

Maw, George (1832-1912), British manufacturer of encaustic pottery at Brosely, Staf- fordshire; amateur naturalist, artist, geologist, and botanist; collected in the Near East and North Africa. (Maw).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM (Crocus types); further material at B, E, FI, K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 359; Barnhart 2: 465; BB p. 211-212; BJI 1: 39;

Blunt p. 238; BM 3: 1271; CSP 4: 303, 8: 360-361, 10: 751-752, 12: 494, 17: 108; Desmond p.

430; GF p. 67; Herder p. 54, 285; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Maw’’); IH 2: 527; Kew 3: 632; Morren

ed. 10, p. 74; MW p. 311; NI 1316; Plesch p. 997; Quenstedt p. 285; Rehdems-s55 76

Saccardo 1: 108; Sotheby 519; TL-2/2982; Tucker 1: 472; Urban-Berl. p. 373; Zander ed.

NG) PuOQoO ede wt tween

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 219, 238. 1967. :

Anon., Nature 88: 561. 1912; Nat. Nov. 34: 191. 1912 (d. 7 Feb 1912); Quart. J. Geol. Soe. 68: Ixi-lxi. 1912; The Times 8 Feb 1912.

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 28, 33-35, 38. 1969.

Cosson, E., Comp. fl. atl. 1: 70-71. 1881 (itin. Algeria).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. rog. 1970 (pl. E.).

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 556. 1912.

J. G. B., Bull. misc. inf. Kew 1912: 155-156.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 45 (pl. K).

Martin, G. K. and G. T. Fraser, Fl. Devon 773. 1939.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NM) 1: 167. 1904 (Crocus coll.)

Nelmes & Cuthbertson, Curtis’s Bot. Mag. Dedic. 187-188. 1932 (portr., dedic., b. to Dec TOSQd.i7) eb) 1902):

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 388. 1898 (bibl.).

Roth, G., Bot. Jahrb. 9: 17-18. 1887.

Stapf, O., Proc. Linn. Soc. 124: 62-63. 1912 (b. 10 Dec 1832, d. 7 Feb 1912).

Stearn, W. T., R. Hort. Soc., Exhib. manuscr. book 1954, p. 48-49.

HANDWRITING Candollea 31: 357-358. 1976.

  1. A monograph of the genus Crocus by George Maw .. . with an appendix on the etymology of the words crocus and saffron by C. C. Lacaita ... London (Dulau and Co.) 1886. Qu. (Monogr. Crocus).

Publ.: Jul-Sep 1886 (p. vi: 30 Jun 1886; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1886; Bot. Zeit. 29 Oct 1886), p. [i]-viui, [1 ]-326, [i]-xx, [1-10, index], pl. A-D, 1-14, 14b, 15-16, 18-26, 26b, 27-29, 29b, 29¢, 29d; 30; 31, 31D, 32-35, 350, 36-475 470, 48-55, 556, 56, 56b, 57-59, 596, 60-67, text figs. 1-12 map, 2 tabl. Copies: G, L, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 1005. — The plates are coloured lithographs of drawings by the author; the originals are at K. Plate 77 was never published.

Facsimile ed.: announced but not yet published by Asher (1974).

Ref.: Schonland, Bot. Centralbl. 29: 136-139. 1887.

Sotheby no. 519.



Maximilian Alexander Philipp, Prinz zu Wied-Neuwied (1782-1867), German botanist and traveller in Brazil (1815-1817); in North America 1832-1 834). (Maxim. Wied).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BR (in herb. Martius), other sets at B, LD, LE and W. NoTE: Properly alphabetized under Wied-Neuwied.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: ADB 23: 559-504; Backer p. 359; Barnhart 3: 491, 547; BM

3: 1272, 5: 2315-2316; Bossert p. 258; CSP 4: 596, 6: 357-358, 8: 1235, 17: 109, shoes i772

Laségue p. 476, 577 [index, Neuwied]; ME 3: 678 [index]; PR 10223; Tucker 1: 473.

Amaral, A. do, Bol. Museo Nac., Rio de Janeiro 7(3): 187-210. 1931 (portr., map of travels).

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 48. 1858 (cogn. Leopoldina Hernandez); Proc. Linn. Soc. 1866/7: XXXV-XXXVI1.

Bailey, V., Nat. Hist. 23: 337-343. 1923 (portr.).

Carus, C. G. & C. F. P. von Martius, Kine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen 123. s.d.

Embacher, F., Lexik. Reisen 204-205. 1882.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural. 261. 1950.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 466-467. 1884.

Liebig, S. B. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Munchen 1867(1): 377-378.

Martius, C. J. P. von, Flora 20(2) Beibl.: 35-37. 1837.

Papavero, N., Ess. neotrop. dipterol. 1: 59, 79, 85. 1971.

Rodgers, A. D., John Torrey 151. 1942.

Sargent, C. S., Silva 9: 138. 1896.

Short, CG. W., in W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. 3: 118. 1841.

Spaulding, P., Pop. Sci. Mon. 74: 50-52. 1909 (portr.).

Urban, I., FI. bras. 1(1): 143-144. 1906 (biogr., itin. Brazil; b. 23 Sep 1782, d. 3 Feb 1867).

Verdoorn, F., Pl. pl. sci. Latin America xxv. 1945.

note: For M’s travelogues see e.g. BM 5: 2315-2316.

EpONYMY: Neowedia Schrader (1821); Neuwiedia Blume (1833). Note: Maximiliana C.F. P. Martius (1824, nom. cons.) and Maximilranea C. F. P. Martius in Schrank (1819, nom. rej.) are dedicated to Maximilian Joseph I, King of Bavaria, at whose command Martius undertook his famous journey to Brazil (1817-1820).

  1. Beitrag zur Flora Brasiliens von Maximilian, Prinzen von Wied-Neuwied, M.d.A.d.N.

Mit Beschreibungen von Dr. Nees von Esenbeck, ... Dr. von Martius, ... (mit 6 [8]

Kupfertafeln) [Bonn 1823-1824], 2 parts. Qu.

Authors of descr.: Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776-1858); Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794-1868).

Pars 1: 1823, in Nova Acta Acad. Leop. 11(1): [1]-88. pl. 1-6. 1823. Copy: U. — To be cited from journal.

Pars 2: (Beschluss): 1824, ib. 12(1): [1]-54, pl. 1-8. 1824. Copy: M. — Id.

Maximowicz-Ambodik, Nestor (1740-1812), Russian physician, botanist and lexico- grapher. (Maxim.-Ambodik).


Nore: Frequently alphabetized under Ambodik, M.N. — Weare grateful to S. Lipschitz for information on this author.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 1: 49; BM 1: 36; PR ed. 1: 11727; TR 176. Kaufman, J. M., Terminological dictionaries (in Russian), p. 75, no. 238. 1961. Shcherbakova, A. A., Proc. Inst. Hist. nat. Sci. USSR Acad. Sci. 32: 225. 1960.

5723- Boltanisches Worterbuch, veranstaltet und herausgegeben von der freyen 6konomischen Gesellschaft im Jahr 1795. St. Petersburg (gedruckt beym kayserlichen adelichen Landka- dettenkorps) [1795]. Qu. (Bol. Worterb.).



Publ.: 1795, p. [1-iv], [1]-157, Copy: MO. — For date and authorship see Kaufman (1961) and Shcherbakova (1960). Later ed.: 1804 (n.v.), Novum dictionarium latino-germano-rossicum.

Maximowicz, Carl Johann (Ivanovic) (1827-1891), Russian botanist and explorer, at St. Petersburg from 1852; travelled in Eastern Asia 1853-1857 and in China and Japan 1859-1864; curator of the St. Petersburg herbaria (Bot. Gard. and Academy). (Maxim.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LE, duplicates see IH. — 32 letters to S. O. Lindberg are at H-UB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 772; Backer p. 359; Barnhart 2: 466; BJI 1: 39; BM 3: 1225; Bossert p. 258; Bret. p. 581, 1066; CSP 4: 304, 8: 361, 10: 752, 16: 1019; Herder p. 465; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Maxim.”’); IF p. 717; IH 1(ed.6): 361, 2: 517-518; Jackson p. 579

[index]; Kew 3: 632-633; Langman p. 489; Lenley p. 464; Morren ed. 2, p. 30, ed. 10, p. 95;

MW p. 311-313, suppl. p. 223-224; NAF ser. 2.7: 42; NI 1317; PR 6011-6015; Rehder 5:

557; SBC p. 126 (“Maxim.”); TL-1/376, 815-816; TL-2/1: 1814, 1844; TR 851-863;

Urban-Berl. p. 307, 373; Zander ed. 10, p. 690, ed. 11, p. 787, 810.

Anon., Bonplandia 8: 87. 1860 (travels), 9: 92, 164. 1862 (id.); Bot. Centralbl. 1/2: 448. 1880 (foreign member Linn. Soc.); Bot. Gaz. 16(5): 155. 1891; Bot. Jahrb. 14, Beibl. 30: 7. 1891; Bot. Not. 1892: 47 (b. 23 Nov 1827, d. 16 Feb 1891, both n.s.); J. Bot. 29: 96. 1891; Nat. Nov. 13: 116. 1891 (d. 16 Feb 1891); Osterr. bot. Z. 9: 369. 1859 (to be appointed at St. Petersburg), 10: 128. 1860 (expl. Sungari, Ussuri), 11: 197. 1861 (travel report), 15: 25. 1865 (returned St. Petersburg), 21: 62. 1871 (appointed dir. bot. mus. St. Petersburg), 41: 152. 1891 (d.); Torreya 12: 90. 1912.

Ascherson, P. F. A., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 9: (11)-(15). 1891 (obit.).

Asmous, V. C., Chron. bot. 11(2): 103. 1947 (Fontes hist. bot. ross.).

Bourdeille de Montresor, Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou ser. 2. 7: 423. 1894.

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 33: 378. 1888, 34: 149. 1888 (pl. W).

Candolle, A. P. de, Phytographie 432. 1880 (coll.).

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 58-59, 69, 75-76, 79. 1969.

Hadfield, M., Pioneers in gardening 184-185. 1951.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 109. 1970 (pl. E).

Herder, F. von, Bot. Jahrb. 9: 430, 440-441. 1888 (itin.); Bot. Centralbl. 30: 138-147. 1887 (extensive review and partial republ. of M’s “Sur les collections botaniques de la Mongolie... par des voyageurs Russes et conservées a St. Pétersbourg, Bull. Congr. bot. St. Pétersbourg 1884, p. 135-196), 45: 322-323. 1891 (obit., bibl.; died of pneumonia), 55: 261, 262, 266, 292, 293. 1893 (coll. at LE), 58: 391. 1894 (id.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 45 (pl. K).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 470. 1864.

Kusnezow, N. J., Bot. Centralbl. 68: 257, 258. 1896 (material also at Dorpat/Jurjew).

Lipsky, Imperatorskiy St.-Petersburgskiy botanichesk1y sad za 200 let 3: 353-359. 1915.

Lipschitz, $., Florae URSS fontes 219 [index]. 1975.

McVaugh, R., Edward Palmer 61, 67. 1956.

Miyabe, K., Trans. Sapporo nat. Hist. Soc. 1: 6-9. 1906 (portr.).

Palibin, I., Acta Horti Univ. Jurjev. 2: 119-126 1901 (portr., bibl.).

Regel, E., Gartenflora 40: 147-151. 1891.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

Schofield, E. K., Brittonia 30: 404. 1978 (pl. NY).

Shchebenkoy, Bot. Zh. 54(5): 790-791. 1969 (Japanese period).

Shetler, S. G., The Komarov bot. Inst. 230 [index]. 1967.

Stafleu, F. A., Wentia 16: 45. 1966; Regn. veg. 71: 337. 1970.

Stapf, O., Nature 43(no. 145). 1891; J. Bot. 29: 118-119. 1891.

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 2: 253. 1927.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 174-175. 1903, 3(3): Ixxxi, 188, pl. 82. 1905 (portr. and list of other portr. at SBT).

Wulff, E. V., Intr. hist. plant geogr. 21, 23. 1943.

HANDWRITING: K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Hand. ser. 3. 5(1): 7. 1927; Hultén, E., Fl. Kamtchatka 1: 7. 1927; Lipschitz, S. & I. T. Vasilezenko, Herb. centr. USSR 112. 1968; Candollea 31:

359-360. 1976.



Eponymy: Maximowasia O. Kuntze (1891); Maximowiczia Ruprecht (1856); Maximowiczia Cogniaux (1881). :

  1. Primitiae florae amurensis. Versuch einer Flora des Amur-Landes von Carl Joh.

Maximowicz, Reisenden des kaiserlichen botanischen Gartens zu St. Petersburg. Mit 10

Tafeln und einer Karte... St. Petersburg (Buchdruckerei der kaiserlichen Akademie der

Wissenschaften) 1859. Qu. (Prim. fl. amur.).

Publ.: 1859 (p- 504 printer’s date Feb 1859; KNAW rd. Jul-Dec 1860), p. [1]-504, pl. 1-10 (uncol. liths.), 1 map. Copies: G, L, MO, NY, US, USDA. — Mém. Acad. imp. DG Ot Petersburg divers sav., vol. 9. 1859.

Facsimile ed.. announced but not yet published by Koeltz/Asher (1974).

Ref.; Ruprecht, F. J., Beitr. Pflanzenk. russ. Reich. 11: [ii-iv], [45]-89. Nov 1859 (“Be-

miclite). Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 6: 309-312, post Jul 1859.

  1. Diagnoses plantarum novarum japoniae et mandshuriae scripsit C. J. Maximowicz. Decas 1-

x [xi-xx]. Seorsim ex Mélanges biologiques vol. vi-viii [vili-xi], quae reimpressae ex

Bulletin de l’ Académie impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg, vol. x, xii, xv-xvil. [xvii-

xx.xxii]. Petropoli [St. Pétersburg] (Typis imperialis Academiae scientiarum . . .) 1866-

1871 [1872-1876]. Qu. (Diagn. pl. nov. jap.).

Publ.. Two volumes (with separate title-pages) of reprints of papers published in the two series mentioned in the title. Most copies do not have the 2 special volume t.p.’s and consist of the reprints. The title of the decades as published in the journals is “Diagnoses breves plantarum...” Copies: G(with t.p.’s [i-11]), H, M, MO(t.p.’s), NY, US, USDA; IDG 6198. — See MW p. 312, J. japan. bot. 13: 310-502. 1937 and Fl. males. Bull. 17: 908. 1962.

decas publ. in Bulletin idem in Mélanges dates I 10: 485-490 6: 19-26 8 Sep 1866 2 II: 429-432 6: 200-205 28 Apr 1867 g II: 433-439 6: 206-214 31 Mai 1867 4-5 12: 60-73 6: 258-276 26 Jun 1867 6 12: 225-231 6: 367-376 13 Nov 1867 7 15: 225-232 7: 332-342 2 Jun 1870 8 15: 373-381 72 553-564. 11 Nov 1870 9 16: 212-226 Soe la 2 15 Mai 1871 10 17: 142-180 8: 367-421 6 Feb 1872 Ta 17: 417-456 8: 506-562 22 Jul 1872 12 18: 35-72 8: 597-650 11 Sep 1872 13 (1 tab) 18: 275-296 Qe I-90 10 Feb 1873 14 18: 371-402 g: 31-76 12 Mai 1873 15 19: 158-186 g: 148-188 30 Nov 1873 16 19: 247-287 Q: 213-270 10 Jan 1874 17-18 19: 475-540 Q: 281-374 20 Jun 1874 19 20: 430-472 9: 393-452 4. Mar 1875 20(1tab) 22: 209-264 9: 581-660 1 Sep 1876

Facsimile ed.: 1928, Tokyo (Herbarium Hayakawa), repaginated but also with orig. pagina- tion: r: [i-vii], 1-154. (dec. 1-10). Copy: US. — 2: not issued (?).

  1. Rhamneae orientali-asiaticae . .. St. Petersburg (Commissionaires de I’ Académie impe-

riale des sciences ...) 1866. Qu. (Rhamn. orient.-asial.).

Publ.: 1866 (p. [ii], imprimatur Jun 1866; Bot. Zeit. 27 Dec 1867), p. [i-ti], [1]-20, 7 pl. (uncol.). Copies: G, H, L, MO, NY, US, USDA.— Mem. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg ser. 7, 10(11), 1866.

Ref.: Ktz., Bot. Zeit. 25: 424. 27 Dec 1867.

  1. Revisio Hydrangeearum Asiae orientalis ... St. Petersbourg. (Commissionnaires de Académie impériale des sciences a St. Pétersbourg, M. M. Eggers et Comp. et M.



Schmitzdorff, a Riga, M. N. Kymmel, a Leipzig, M. Léopold Voss) 1867. (Revis. Hydrang.

Asiae orient.).

Publ.: 1867 (read 15 Nov 1866; p. 11 censor Feb 1867, p. 48: 9 Feb 1867 printing finished), p. [1-1], [1 ]-48, pl. 1-3 (uncol. liths.). Copies: G, H, MO, NY(2), US, USDA. — Mém. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersburg ser. 7. 10(16). 1867.

  1. Rhododendreae Asiae ortentalis ... St. Pétersbourg (Commissionnaires de ’ Académie

impériale des sciences ...) 1870. Qu. (Rhododendr. As. orient.).

Publ.: Dec 1870 (t.p.; p. 1: Dec 1870; rd. Jun 1870; Bot. Zeit. ro Mar 1871), p. [1-11], [1]-53, pl. 1-4 (uncol. liths. E. Berens). Copies: G, H, L, MO, NY, USDA. — Mém. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersburg ser. 7. 16(g). 1870. .

Nachtrag: 16 Mai 1871, p. [149]-167. — Bull. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg 16: 401-413. 1871. Copies repr.: G,H, L. — The pagination is that of the publication in the Mélanges brologiques 8, 1871, dated 4/16 Mai 1871 (inf. H. Sleumer).

Ref.: R., Bot. Zeit. 29: 158-160. 10 Mar 1871.

  1. Synopsis generis Lespedezae, Michaux Auctore C. I. Maximowicz. Festo semisaeculari

horti imperialis botanici petropolitanae, die 22 Martii 1873 celebrato, praesentata [St.

Petersbourg 1873]. Oct. (Syn. Lespedez.).

Publ.: 22 Mar 1873, p. [1 ]-62. Copres: G, NY.— Also in Trudy St.-Petersb. Obsc. Estestvoisp. [Acta horti Petrop.] 2: 329-388. 1873.

  1. Diagnoses plantarum novarum astaticarum scripsit C. J. Maximowiz. Petropoli 1877-

  2. 2 vols. Qu. (Diagn. pl. nov. asiat.).

Publ.: A series of 8 papers of which nos. 1-7 were originally published in Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersbourg 23-32. 1877-1888 (reprinted in Mélanges biol. Acad. Sci. St. Péetersbourg 9- 12, 1877-1888). Part 8 was published separately. Copies: G (with general t.p. and t.p.’s for 2 vols. containing 1-5 and 6-8), H, M, MO, NY, US.

Number Publ. in Bulletin idem in Mélanges dates

I 23: 305-391 Q: 707-831 8 Mar 1877 2 24: 26-89 10: [43]-134 27 Sep 1877 3 26: 420-542 10: [567]-741 28 Oct 1880 4(1 tab.) 27: 425-560 11: [155]-350 21 Jan 1882 5(3 tab.) 29: 51-228 11: [623]-876 10 Dec 1883 6 Bie WOU 12: [415]-572 15 Apr 1886 7(4 tab

Tp EL 5) 3224 7-029 12: 713-934 22 Aug 1888 suppl.(3 tab.: 12: 935-938

4, 6 et 7) (Dec 1890)

8 separately published 1-41 Mai 1893

Ref.: Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 57: 116-119. 1894 (on part 8).

  1. Ad florae Asiae ortentalis cognitionem meliorem fragmenta contulit C. J. Maximowicz.

[Mosquae 1879]. Oct. (FI. As. orient. fragm.).

Publ.: Jan-Jun 1879 (Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1879), p. [1]-73, [74]. Copies: G, H, MO. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Natural Moscou 54: 1-73. 1879. :

  1. C.J. Maximowicz Adnotationes de Spiracaceis ... Petropoli 1879. Oct. (Adnot. Spiraeac.).

Publ.: Jul-Aug 1879 (p. xi: Mitte Juli 1879; Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1878; Bot. Zeit. ro Oct 1879; Flora 11 Nov 1879; inf. John W. Landon), p. [1]-x1, [xii], [1]-157. Copies: BR, G, H, MO. — Acta Horti bot. Petrop. 6: 1-xii, 105-261. 1879. Translated extract: Masters, M. T., Gard. Chron. ser. 2. 12: 359-360, 425-426, 491. 1879.

  1. C. J. Maximowicz de Cortaria, Ilice et Monochasmate, hujusque generibus proxime affinibus Bungea et Cymbaria ... St. Pétersbourg (Commissionnaires de Académie impériale des sciences ...) 1881. Qu. (Corzaria).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1881 (p. ii: Nov 1881; Bot. Zeit 31 Mar 1882; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1882), p. [i-



ii], [1]-70, pl. 1-4 (uncol. liths.). Copies: BR, G, L, MO, NY, US(2).— Mém. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg ser. 7. 29(3). 1881.

Ref.: Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 11: 87-90. 1882 (extensive rev.). N.L., Bot. Zeit. 40: 221. 31 Mar 1882.

5734- Plantae chinenses Potanimanae nec non Piasezkianae ... [St. Petersburg 1889]. Oct.

Publ.; Dec 1889 (printing finished Nov 1889; ObZ Apr 1890), p. [i], [1]-112- Copy: Go = Reprinted and to be cited from Acta Horti Petrop. 11: 1-112. 1889. — See Bot. Jahrb. 12(Lit.): 35. 1890 for a review and a reprint of the key.

5735: Llora tangutica sive enumeratio plantarum regionis Tangut (Amdo) provinciae

Kansu, nec non Tibetiae praesertim orientaliborealis atque Tsaidam. Ex collectionibus N.

M. Przewalski atque G. N. Potanin ... Fasciculus 1. Thalamiflorae et Disciflorae ...

Petropoli [St. Petersburg] (Typis Academiae imperialis scientiarum petropolitanae .. .)

  1. Qu. + (FI. tangut.).

Publ.: 1889 (Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1890; ObZ Oct 1890; Bot. Centralbl. 20 Feb 1890; Library of Congress rd. 22 Dec 1890), p. [i*-iv*], [1]-xvin, [1]-110, [1-4], pl. 1-31. Copies: US, USDA. — Volume 1 of “Historia naturalis itinerum N. M. Przewalski per Asiam centralem, ... pars botanica’’. (second t.p.). Extensive reviews in Bot. Jahrb. 12(Lit.): 6-8. 1890, Bot. Centralbl. 48: 351-358. 1891. For vol. 2(1) see next entry. For further details see MW p. 313.

  1. Enumeratio plantarum hucusque in Mongolia nec non adjacente parte Turkestaniae sinensis lectarum ... Fasciculus 1. Thalamiflorae et disciflorae . . . Petropoli [St. Petersburg] (Typis Academiae imperialis scientiarum petropolitanae ...) 1889. Oct. f (Enum. pl. Mongolia).

Maxon, William Ralph (1877-1948), American pteridologist; Ph. B. Syracuse Univ. 1898; D. Sc. h.c. id. 1922; from 1899 at the Smithsonian Institution. (Maxon).

HERBARIUM and Types: US. Duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocrRaPHy: Barnhart 2: 466; BJI 2: 114; BL 1: 230, 308; BM 7: 815;

Bossert p. 258; CSP 17: 109; Hirsch p. 193; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Maxon’’); IF p. 717-718,

suppl. 1: 83, 2: 37, 3: 213-215, 4: 330-331; IH. 2: 518; Kew 3: 633; Langman p. 489; Lenley p.

283-284; LS 21076; MW p. 313, suppl. p. 224; NW p. 53; Pennell p. 613; PH p. 499 [index];

TL-2/ 781, 788, 2693; Tucker 1: 473; Urban-Berl. p. 321; Zander ed. 10, p. 690, ed. 11, p.


Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 81: 192. 24 Jan 1890 (app. Smithsonian), 93: 80. 1903; Fern Bull. 11(4): 121. 1903 (portr.).

Barnhart, J. H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 12: 137. 1911.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 100. 1969.

Gilbert, B. D., Fern Bull. 11: 121. 1903 (portr.).

Kearney, T., Leafl. Western Bot. 8: 277-278. 1958.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 6: 32. 1900 (app. Smithsonian).

Moldenke, H.N., Plant life 2: 71. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Morton, CG. V., Rev. sudamer. Bot. 10: 27-28. 1956; J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 39: 247-248. 1949 (b. 27 Feb 1877, d. 25 Feb 1948).

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 22. 1945.

Rickett, H. W., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 68-69. 1955.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 367. 1975.

Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev. 43: 292. 1977.

Waters, C. E., Amer. Fern J. 38: 117-122. 1948 (early years in Washington).

Weatherby, C. A. etal., Amer. Fern J. 38: 98-122. 1948 (bibl. by C. V. Morton; portr.; b. 27 Feb 1877, d. 26 Feb 1948).



COMPOSITE WORKS: NAP, Schizaeaceae, 16: 31-52. 6 Nov 1909; Gleichentaceae, 16: 53-63. 6 Nov 1909; Cyatheaceae, 16: 65-88. 6 Nov 1909; Filicales, 16:25. 6 Nov 1909 (with L. M. Under- wood).

FESTSCHRIFT: American Fern Journal 38(4). 1948. Maxon died while this “‘testimonial number” was in preparation; the editors therefore changed it to a memorial number.

EPONYMY: Maxonia Christensen (1916).

5737- -Vew Selaginellas from the Western United States . .. City of Washington (published by the Snob Institution) 1920. Oct. (New Selaginellas).

Publ.: 22 Dec 1920, p. [1]-10, pl. 1-6. Copy: MICH. — Smithson. misc. Coll. 72(5).

  1. Pteridophyta of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Extracted from Scientific Survey of

Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands, volume vi, part 3. [New York] 1926. Oct. (Pteridophyt.

Porto Rico).

Publ.: 15 Jun 1926 (t.p. reprint; US copy reprint signed by author 14.Jun 1926), p. 373-521. Copies: MICH, US.

Maycock, James Dottin (x-1837), West Indian physician and naturalist. (Maycock). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Maycock probably made no herbarium.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 466; BB p. 212; BL 1: 229, 308; BM 3: 1272; CSP 4: 305; Desmond p. 431; Herder p. 224; Jackson p. 369; Kew 3: 634; Langman p. 489; Plesch p. 332; PR 6016 (ed. 1: 6690); Sotheby 520; TL-1/817; Tucker 1: 474:

Anon., Proc. Linn. Soc., London 1: 72. 1849.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 101. 1898, 3: 83. 1902.

EPONYMY: Maycockia Alph. de Candolle (1844).

5739- Flora barbadensis: a catalogue of plants, indigenous, naturalized, and cultivated, in

Barbados. To whichis prefixed, a geological description of the island .. . London (published

by James Ridgway, ...) 1830. Qu. (Fl. barbad.).

Publ.: Jun 1830 (P & W), p. [i *], [i]-xx, [1]-446, [1-3, index], 2 maps. Copies: G, NY, USDA. — See also A. Haliday, The West Indies, London 1837, Catalogue of plants on p. 389-408, by Maycock.

Mayebara, { Machara], Kanjiro (ff. 1931-1955), Japanese botanist. (Mayebara). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: private; further material at DAO, MAK, NICH, TI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: IH 2: 518; MW p. 288 (Machara) SBC p. 126.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

  1. Florula austro-higoensis sive enumeratio plantarum in provincia Higo australe sponte nascentium ... Hiboyoshi, Kumato-ken, Kyusia Japan Nov 1931. (Fl. austro-higo.). Publ.: Nov 1931 (t.p.), p. [i-xxi], 1-86, zo pl. Copies: US, USDA. — See MW p. 288.

Mayer, Adolf Theodor (1871-1952), German pharmacist and botanist at Tubingen. (Ad. T. Mayer).


BIOGRAPHY and BIBLIOGRAPHY: Kiinkele, S. & S. Seybold, Jahresh. Ges. Naturk. Wiirttem- berg 125: 149. 1970 (herb. at STU).

helenae) A., Schwabische Apotheker 64, 86-89, 93, 104, 202. 1951.

  1. flora von Tubingen und Umgebung Schwabische Alp vom Plettenberg bis zum Teck; Balingen, Hechingen, Reutlingen, Urach, Rottenburg, Hessenberg, Boblingen. Zum Ge-



brauch auf Exkursionen fiir Studierende und Naturfreunde, sowie fiir Schulen . .. Tubin- gen (Verslag von Franz Pietzeker) 1go1. Oct. (Fl. Tiibingen). Publ.: Jan 1904 (p. v: Oct 1903; Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1904; Bot. Zeit. 1 Feb 1904), p. [i]-xxxi, [1]-313, [1, err.]. Copies: G, M. Note: book number 5741 fae not been used.

5743- Exkursionsflora der Universitét Tiibingen. Mittlere und sidliche Alp, Wirttembergi-

scher Schwarzwald, Oberes und Mittleres Neckargebiet, Schonbuch, Gau, Schwarzwald-

vorland ... Tiibingen (Druck und Verlag Tiibingen Chronik (A. Weil)) s.d. [1930]. Oct.

(Exkurs.-Fl. Tiibingen).

Publ.: Aug-Oct 1929 (cover; p. ix: Jul 1929; Nat. Nov. Nov 1929), p. [i]-xl, [1]-519, fig. 1-96 (4 pl.). Copies: B, G. — Later version: “‘Exkursionsflora von Siidwiirttemberg und Hohenzollern .. . “Stuttgart 1950 (xxii, 527 p., copy: B; has a cover dated 1930).

Mayer, Anton (1867-1951), German algologist and specialist on Rubus and Salix at Regensburg; studied at the teachers college of Altdorf; teacher at Eschenfeld 1887-1888, from 1888-1932 at various schools in Regensburg, from 1900 at the Millersche Tochter- schule (girls Gymnasium). (An. Mayer).

HERBARIUM and Types: At the Regensburgische botanische Gesellschaft, Regensburg. Contributed to the Flora exsiccata Bavarica.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 467 (b. 26 Mai 1867); BM 3: 1272; CSP 17: 113;

Hegi 6(2): 1240; IH 2: 518; Rehder 5: 558.

Killermann, S., Denkschr. Regensb. bot. Ges. 21: vill. 1940, 23: 3-8. 1953 (portr.).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555- 1969.

Pongratz, L. UNatueforscher i im cece te . Raum [1]-118. 1963 (b. 26 Mai 1867, d. 29 Aug 1951, biogr., bibl., portr.

VanLandinghan,, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3566-3567. 1958 (bibl.), 7: 4202-4203. 1958 (id.).

Wornardt, W. W., Int. direct. diatomol. 34. 1968.

  1. Die Bacillariaceen der Regensburger Gewdsser. Beschreibung der im Gebiete vorkommen-

den Arten und Formen mit Bestimmungs-Tabellen, 835 Figuren auf xxx Tafeln und 29

Textfiguren. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der bayerischen Diatomeen. .. Regensburg (Druck

von Fritz Huber). [1914] Oct. (Bacill. Regensh. Gewdss.).

Publ. Jan-Feb 1914 (p. iv: Mar 1913; Mrd. 13 Apr 1914), p. [i*], [iJ-l, [1]-364 [1, err-], pl. 1-30 with text. Copy: M. — Ber. naturw. Ver. Regensburg 14, 1913 (Heft for 1912).

5745- Beitrdge zur Diatomeenflora Bayerns. Denkschriften der Kgl. bayr. botanischen Gesell- schaft in Regensburg xiii. Band. Neue Folge. vii. Band. Regensburg (Verlag der Gesell- schaft) 1917.

Part 1: 1917, [1]-99. pl.1-é.

Part 2: 1917, [101]-126, pl. 1-2

Part 3: 1917, [127]-151, pl. 1-2.

Copies: NY, Regensburg, US (reprints).

Mayer, Johann Christoph Andreas (1747-1501), Prussian physician and botanist; Dr. med. Greifswald 1772; at the Collegium medico- chirurgicum, Berlin, 1772-1775; professor of medicine ib. sear 78; at Frankfurt a.d. Oder 1778+ 1786; professor of baiaay and director of the Berlin eiieal garden 1786-1801 (succeeding Gleditsch); Geheimrat 1786.

(7. C. Mayer). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 467; BM 3: 1273; Dryander 3: 4, 372, 37

52 5: 92; 97; Herder p. 465; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mayer, J.””); HU 753; : Jackson p. 298; Kew 3: 635; LS 17473; NI 1317n; Plesch p. 332; PR 6018-6021 (ed 1: 6694-6697); Rehder 5: 558; Sotheby

521; TL-1/818; Tucker 1: 474; Zep.-Tim. p. 83. Lehmann, H., Coll. med.-chir. Berlin, Diss. Berlin 1936, p. 37-40 (fide Zep.-Tim). Rautenberg, L. E., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 3: 325-327. 1958.


Romer, J. J. & P. Usteri, Mag. Bot. 2: 159-160. 1787. Z., Dic. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 235-236. 1824.

  1. Einheimische Giftgewdchse welche fur Menschen am schadlichsten sind ... Berlin (Gedruckt bey Georg Decker) 1798-1800. Fol. (Einheim. Gifigew.).

Heft 1: 1798, p. [i-iv], [1]-18, pl. 1-5 (col. copp. B. Laurent).

Heft 2: 1800, (p. [vi]: 26 Mar 1800), [i-viii], [1]-22, pl. 1-6 (id.).

Copies: HU, MO, NY. —See Rautenberg (1958) and HU 753 for bibl. details and for a note on the date of Heft 2 (? 1806). :

5747- Vorziigliche einheimische essbare Schwaémme. Anhang der Beschreibung der schadlichen

einheimischen Giftgewachse ... Berlin (Gedruckt bey Georg Decker) 1801. Fol. (Vorz. essb.


Publ.: 1801, p. [i], [1]-20, pl. 1-3 (col. copp. B. Laurent). Copies: MO, NY, USDA. — Appendix to Eznheim. Gifigew.

Mayer, Johann Prokop (1737-1804), Bohemian horticulturist and botanist; later at Wurzburg. (J. P. Mayer).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. The original watercolours (212) of the Pomona franconica and further unpublished drawings in the collection of the Historische Verein vor Unter- franken und Aschaffenburg, at Wiirzburg (fide NI).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 467 (b. 2 Jul 1737, d. 25 Jun 1804); BM 3: 1273; DU 220; Kew 3: 635; Maiwald p. 217; NI 1318; Plesch p. 332; PR 6057 (ed. 1: 6692); Sotheby 522.

  1. Pomona franconica. Description des arbres fruitiers, les plus connus et les plus estimés en Europe, qui se cultivent maintenant au jardin de la cour de Wurzbourg; avec la représentation éxacte [sic] de leurs fruits, en figures en taille-douce, dessinées, gravées et enluminées d’aprés nature. On y a joint les détails les plus interessants sur leur culture, ereffe, plantation &c. ... A Nuremberg [Ntrnberg] (chez Adam Wolfgang Winter- schmidt, ...) 1776-1801, 3 vols. Qu. (Pom. francon.).

1: 1776 (p. xxxvi: 4 Jan 1776), p. [i]-civ, [1]-152, map of garden, pl. 1-6, 1-6, 1-17.

2: 1779, p. [ii-iii], [1 ]-364, pl. 1-37, 1-9, 1-11, 1-26.

3: 1801 (preface Jul 1801), p. [ii-vi], [1]-350, pl. 1-47, 1-113.

Copies: G (vols. 1,2), NY.— German t.p.: “Pomona franconica oder natirliche Abbildung und Beschreibung der besten und vorziiglichsten europaischen Gattungen der Obstbaume und Friichte...’’ The 265 plates are copper engr. (etchings), printed in green, finished by hand (see preface).

Mayer, Johann (1754-1807), Bohemian physician and naturalist of Praha. (7. Mayer prag.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: see Klastersky (p. 126) and Laségue.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 467; BM 3: 1273; Dryander 3: 164, 174, 238,

346, 538, 539; Futak-Domin p. 390; Klastersky p. 126; Las¢gue p. 333; Maiwald p. 280

[index] (b. 6 Feb 1754, d. 5 Jun 1807); PR ed. 1: 6693; WU 18: 127-130.

Eisnerova, V., Comm. Czech. Soc. Hist. Sci. Technol. 1: 20-24. 1971 (Excerpta Bot. A, 22: 131. 1973).

Kiuhnel, J., Thaddaeus Haenke 275 [index]. 1960.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw. - Buch 2: 94. 1863 (bibl.).

Usteri, P., Del. opusc. bot. 2(17), 1793 (reprint of his diss. inaug. of 1775).

Mayor, Eugéne (1877-1976), Swiss physician and botanist at Neuchatel, travelled in Colombia (1gro-1911). (Mayor).

HERBARIUM and types: NEU. — Swiss material at BERN, CUP and NEU, Colombian material at B, BIRM, CUP, H, L, MEDEL, NEU, .NYgaP) PUR, S, 2:



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 468; BFM 3086; BM 7: 817-818; IH 1(ed. 6):

361, 2: 519; Kelly p. 146-147; Kew 3: 635; LS 17482-17483, 36775-36797, suppl. 17772-

17808; MW p. 313; NAF 7: 1078; PFC 3: xvi; Stevenson p. 1250; TL-2/see E. Irmscher;

Urban-Berl. p. 279, 289, 373.

Chiovenda, E., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 31: 290. 1924.

Cruchet, P., Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 62: 239-243. 1952 (portr.).

Terrier, C., Bull. Soc. neuchat. Sci. nat. 100: 171-181. 1977 (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 7 Jun 1877, d. 14 Sep 1976).

Viennot-Bourgin, G., Bull. Soc. mycol. France 93: 89-91. 1977 (portr.).

5749- Contribution a [étude des champignons du Canton de Neuchatel ... Neuchatel (Imprimerie

Wolfrath & Sperlé) 1910. Oct.

Publ.: 1910, p. [1 ]-131. Copies: BR, FH. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. neuchat. Sel. nat. 37: 3-131. 1910.

  1. Voyage d exploration scientifique en Colombie ... Neuchatel (Attinger Freres, éditeurs)

  2. Ou. (Voy. explor. Colombie).

Co-author: O. Fuhrmann.

Publ.: 1914 (Bot. Centralbl. 15 Dec 1914), p. [1]-116, [1]-10g0, pl. 1-34. Copy: USGS. — Mém. Soc. neuchatel. Sci. nat. 5, 1913 [1914]. — On p. 11-116 “Quelques mois en Colombie by Fuhrmann and Mayor.” The second part (1-1090) consist of contributions by a great many authors on special groups.

Mayr, Heinrich (1856-1911), German forester, dendrologist and botanist; Dr. phil. Munchen 1884; from 1887-1891 professor at the University of Tokyo; from 1891-1893 Forstamtsassistent at Wunsiedel; from 1893 professor of forestry at the University of Munchen. (Mayr).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at A and P (PC).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 468 (b. 29 Oct 1856, d. 24 Jan 1911); BM 3:

1274-1275; CSP 1o: 758, 17: 118; Herder p. 432; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mayr’’); IH 2: 519; Kew

3: 636; Langman p. 490; LS 17484-17490, 36798-36799, suppl. 17810; Moebius p. 396;

Morren ed. 10, p. 18; MW p. 313-314; NAF 7: 1078; Rehder 5: 558-559; SK 1: 352-353;

Stevenson p. 1250; Tucker 1: 474; Zander ed. 10, p. 690, ed. 11, p. 787 (d. 24 Jan 1911).

Anon., Biogr. Jahrb. 16: 51*; Bot. Centralbl. 23: 171. 1885 (trip to U.S.A.), 31: 392. 1887 (to Tokio), 47: 352. 1891 (Forstamtsass.), 54: 96. 1893 (prof. forestry Munchen); Bot. Not. 1911: 190. (d. 25 Jan 1911); Bot. Jahrb. 9, Beibl. 21: 1. 1887, 17, Beibl. 41: 52; Osterr. bot. Z. 41: 396. 1891 (to Wunsiedel), 43: 192. 1893 (prof. forestry Munchen).

Baker, H. P., Forestry Quart. 9: 268-270. 1911 (obit., portr.).

Dammerman, Ann. Jard. bot. Buitenzorg 45: 13. 1935.

Fabricius, L.,Forstwiss. Centralbl. 33 [55]: 241-247. 1911 (obit., portr., d. 24 Jan 1911).

Rueucker ae, Allo bot.Z. 17: 96. rorr (d: 11 Jan Torn):

Plasschaert, Tectona 4: 887-889. 1911 (obit.; d. 25 Jan rgit).

Schwerin, F. von, Mitt. deut. dendrol. Ges. 20: 451-452. 1911 (portr.).

5751- Die Waldungen von Nordamerika ihre Holzarten, deren Anbaufahigkeit und forstlicher Werth fur Europa im Allgemeinen und Deutschland insbesonders ... Mtinchen (M. Rieger’sche Universitatsbuchhandlung ...) 1890. Oct. (Wald. Nordamer.).

Publ.: Sep-Nov 1889 (t.p. 1890; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1889; Bot. Zeit. 29 Dec 1889; J. Bot. Dec 1889; ObZ for Nov 1889), front., p. [iii]-xii, [1]-448, pl. 1-72. Copies: MO, NY, US, USDA. .

Ref.: Anon., Hedwigia 29: 302. Nov-Dec 18go.

Tubeuf, C. v., Bot. Centralbl. 41: 392-395, 413-415. 1890.

5752- Monographie der Abretineen des fapanischen Reiches, (Yannen, Fichten, Tsugen, Larchen und Kiefern) In systematischer, geographischer und forstlicher Beziehung bearbeitet ... Munchen (M. Rieger’sche Universitats-Buchhandlung ...) 1890. Qu. (Monogr. Abietin. Japan. Reich.).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1890 (p. 104: Oct 1890; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1890; J. Bot. Jun 1890; Bot. Zeit.



30 Jan 1891), p. [i*-111*], i-vii, [1]-104, pl. 1-7 (col. liths.). Copies: BR, E, G, NY, U, USDA; IDC 7371. Re-issue: 1895, n.v. fide Bot. Zeit. 16 Apr 1895 (“billige Ausgabe’’). Note: According to the Prospectus of Rieger at Miinchen (Mai 1891), the book had just been received from Japan and was now available. The copy at E has a loose sheet dated 6 Mai 1891 in which the Munchen publisher sends it out for review. This would point at distribution from the European center in 1891. However, the notes in Nat. Nov. and Bot. Zeit. might be based on copies received directly from Japan; we therefore accept for the moment publication in 1890 in agreement with the t.p. date. Ref.: Jannicke, Bot. Centralbl. 46: 129-136. 1891 (rev.) (ann. 2 Jan 1891).

5753- Aus den Waldungen Japan’s, Beitrage zur Beurtheilung der Anbaufahigkeit und des Wertes der japanischen Holzarten im deutschem Walde und Vorschlage zur Aufzucht derselben im forstlichen Kulturbetriebe ... Mtinchen (M. Rieger’sche Universitatsbuch- handlung) 1891. Oct. (Waldung. Jap.).

Publ.: 1891 (p. [ii]: Jun 1891), p. [1, ii], [1]-59. Copy: BR.

  1. Hremdlandische Wald- und Parkbdume fiir Europa... Berlin (Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul

Parey ...) 1906. Oct. (Fremdldénd. Wald- Parkbdume).

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1906 (p. viii: Jan 1906; ObZ, 1 Mar 1906; Bot. Centralbl. 27 Mar 1906; Nat. Nov. Mar (1) 1906; Bot. Zeit. 1 Jun 1906), [1]-viti, [ 1 ]-622, pl. 1-20. Copies: L, NY, USDA.

Mayr, Johann (//. 1797), German engraver and printer at Regensburg. (7. Mayr). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: NI 1319-1320; Rehder 5: 559; PR 6700; TL-2/3032. Fischer, E., Gutenberg Jahrb. 1933: 201. (bibl.).

  1. Schwarze Abdriicke der um Regensburg wildwachsenden officinellen Pflanzen. Erstes Heft. Regensburg 1794. (Schwarz. Abdr. Regensb. Pfl.). Publ.: 1794, p. [i], pl. 1-25. Copy: REG. — Fischer no. 17, NI 1320.

  2. Deutschlands Florain schwarzen Abdricken von den Pflanzen selbst. Beforderern und Sammlern deutscher Kunstwerke gewidmet ... Erstes Heft von hundert Abbildungen. Regensburg im September 1797 (Deutschl. Fl.).

Publ.: 1797-1799, t.p. [1], 937 pl. Copy: REG. — Fischer 18, NI 131g. Fischer mentions that Hoppe stated that 500 plates had been supplied by Mar 1798; there were plans to make this 1000 by Easter 1799. Heft 1 had 94 pl. with 100 figures.

ej. Hischer ia, NL noo:

Mayrhofer, P. [Father?] Joseph (1831-1880), German botanist, ““Conventual des Bene- dictinerstifter Weltenburg.” (7. Mayrhofer). :

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 468 (b. 21 Aug 1831, d. 9 Jan 1880); CSP 17: 118; Rehder 1: 386.

5757- Hlora weltenburgensis, ein Weihegeschenk zum tausendvierhundertjahrigem Geburts-

feste unsers heil. Ordens-Stifters Benedictus ... Regensburg (Druck von Friedrich Pustet)

[1879] Oct. (Fl. weltendb.).

Publ.: 1879 (p. vii: Feste des heil. Aloysius 1879 = 21 Jun), p. [1]-xlviii, [49]-118, map. Copy: M. — See also Ber. bot. Ver. Landshut 9, 1886 (45 p.) and 12: 211-217. 1892 for revision and addenda.

Mayrhofer, Karl (x-1853), Austrian botanist (Maprhofer).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 468 (d. 4 Nov 1853); BM 3: 1275; CSP 4: 314; PR 6023 (ed. 1: 6701). Neilreich, A., Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 5(Abh.): 39. 1855.

  1. Dissertatio inauguralis medico-botanica de orchideis in territorio vindobonenst crescentibus quam concensu et auetoritate excellentissimi ac illustrissimi domini praesidis et directoris, perillustris ac spectabilis domini decani nec non clarissimorum d.d. professorum pro doctoris medicinae laurea rite obtinenda in antiquissima ac celeberrima Universitate vindobonensi publicae disquisitioni submittit Carolus Mayrhofer ... in theses adnexas disputabitur in universitatis aedibus die 2. mensis Junii anni mdcccxxxil. Vindobonae (typis J. P. Sollinger Oct. (Orchid. vindob.).

Publ.: 2 Jun 1832 (Regensburg rd. 16 Oct 1833), p. [i]-viii, [1]-56. Copy: NY.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 16: 666-668. 14 Nov 1833.

Mayrhoffer, Johann Nepomuk [Mayrhofer, I.N.] (1764-1832), Austrian botanical artist, later at Miinchen. (Mayrh.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 468; BM 3: 1275; NI 1321-1330.

Anon., Flora 3(6): 96. 14 Feb 1820 (publ. A. Sterler & J. N. Mayrhoffer, Europ. med. FI., Heft 1).

Ferchl, F. M., Geschichte der Errichtung der ersten lithographischen Kunstanstalt bei der Feiersschule in Miinchen. Miinchen 1862 (fide NI).

Sterler, A. & Mayerhofer, I. N. (J. N. Mayrhoffer), Flora 2(5): 75-77- 1819 (ann. Europ. med. Fl.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: See Schrank, F. von P. von, Flora monacensis, plates by Mayrhoffer.

Mazé, Hippolyte Pierre (1818-1892), French naval author who collected in the West Indies. (Mazé).

HERBARIUM and Types: The original herbarium, made jointly with Alphons Schramm (1823-1875), was destroyed at Guadeloupe in 1871. Important sets of Mazé material, especially algae, are at BM, K, L and PC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 468; (b. 22 Nov 1818, d. 29 Jan 1892) BL 1: 229,

308; BM 3: 1275; CSP 10: 758; De Toni 1: Ixxxiii, 4: xxxlx; IH 2: 519; Jackson p. 370; Kew 3:

636; Moebius p. 242; Tucker 1: 475; Urban-Berl. p. 266-267, 321.

Anon., Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 47: 10. 1894; Hedwigia 41 (beibl. 2): (100). 1902 (Prix Montange).

Davy de Virville, Hist. bot. France 204. 1954.

Dixon, P., Brit. phycol. Bull. 3: 214. 1967.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 109. 1970 (pl. E).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 45 (1982 specimens at K).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 167. 1904 (1509 alg. at BM).

Questel, A., Fl. Guadeloupe 57. 195!-

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19: 367. 1975;

Urban, I.,Symb. ant. 1: 105-107. 1898 (copy Essai 1865 in library of E. Bornet), 3: 84. 1902.

EpoNyMy: Mazaea Krug & Urban (1897) and Neomazaea Krug & Urban (1898) are dedicated to Manuel Goméz de la Maza y Jimenez (1867-1916), Cuban botanist, Director of the botanical garden in Havana.

5759- Essai de classification des algues de la Guadeloupe par A, Schramm et H. Maze. Basse-

Terre (Guadeloupe) (Imprimerie du Gouvernement) 1885. (Essai alg. Guadeloupe).

Co-author: Alphons Schramm (1823-1875). Senior author for eds. 1 and ta.

Ed. 1: 24 Feb 1865 (date of dépot légal stamped on copy MICH), p. [i-iii], 1-52. Copy: MICH (photocopy).



Ed. ra: 1866, p. [i-v], 1-144. Copy: NY. — Essaz ... Mazé.

Cayenne (Guyane frang¢aise) (Imprimerie du Gouvernement) 1866. Fol.— Lithographed manuscript, p. [v] dated 20 Feb 1866.

Ed. 2: 1878, (t.p. “1870-1877”; p.xix: 29 Dec 1877; Bot. Zeit. 1 Nov 1878; Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1879; BSbF Nov-Dec 1878), p. [1]-xix, [1]-283, [1]-11 err. Copzes: BR, FH, G, USDA. “2 édition”’. Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe) Imprimerie du Gouvernement 1870-1877. Qu.

Facsimile ed.: 1905, Berlin (W. Junk). Copies: G, MICH, NY.

See Urban (1898) for all editions. For a revision of the Diatoms see P. Petit, Nuova

Notarisia, 1898, 13 p.

Ref.: Junk, W., Rara 1: 88. 1900-1913.

  1. Contribution a la flore de la Guadeloupe ... Basse-Terre (Imprimerie du Gouvernement)
  2. Oct. (Contr. fl. Guadeloupe). Publ.: 1892, p. [i], [1]-190. Copies: US, USDA.

Mazza, Angelo (1844-1929), Italian algologist. (Mazza). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: PI; some further material at BR and L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 468; IH 2: 520; MW p. 314; Saccardo 2: 71. Chiovenda, E., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 31: 279. 1924.

Forti, A., Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano 68 (3/4): 240-244. 1929 (n.v.).

De Toni, G. B., Malpighia 20: 272-283. 1906.

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 133. 1937; Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30: 208. 1947. Papenfuss, G. F., Israel J. Bot. 17: 107. 1968.

EPONYMY: Mazzaella G. De Toni (1936).

  1. Saggio di algologia oceanica. Padova (Tipografia del Seminario) 1905-1911. Oct. (Saggio algol. ocean.).

Vol. 1: 1905-1911 (p. 3: 1 Jan 1905, “ore 15’’), p. [1]-528.

Vol. 2: 1911-1916, p. [i], 529-1056.

Vol. 3: 1916-1922, p. [1], 1057-1584.

Vol. 4: 1922-1926 (p. 2082: 29 Sep 1924), p. [i], 1585-2096.

Copies: G, NY, — Reprinted from Nuova Notar. 16: 85-89, 129-141. 1905; 17: 1-13, 41-56, 81-101, 129-150. 1906; 18: 1-36, 67-98, 126-152, 177-195. 1907; 19: I-24, 49-66, 109-120, 153-170. 1908; 20: 6-18, 65-86, 113-135. 1909; 21: 1-27, 65-99, 125-152, 169-199. 1910; 22: 7-25, 53-80, 109-139, 157-171. IQI1; 23: 1-24, 57-78, 109-122, 165-182. 1912; 24: 1-22, 57- 85, 113-131, 157-174. 1913; 25: 1-34, 57-77, 141-162, 193-210. 1914; 26: 1-42, 49-75, 133- 154, 181-206. 1915; 27: 1-53, 104-155, 169-215. 1916; 28: 70-109, 176-239. 1917; 29: 1-34, 57-112. 1918; 30: 1-62. 1919; 31: 1-64, 93-160. 1920; 32: 1-48, 73-132. 1921; 33: I-31, 97- 125. 1922; 34: 1-24. 1923; 35: 7-18. 1925. Reprint 1: 1, 1-528. 1905-11; 2: 529-1056. IgII- 16; 3: 1057-1584. 1916-22; 4: 1585-2096. 1922-26. Includes descriptions of and critical notes on 812 species of algae, some from Polynesia. The last few parts bear the title: ““Aggiunte al Saggio Algologia.” (Merrill 1937).

Mazzucato, Giovanni (1787-1814), Italian botanist (Mazzuc.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 657; CSP 4: 315; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mazz.”); PR 6024-6026 (ed. 1: 6702-6705); Rehder 5: 559; RS p. 118; Saccardo 1: 108, 2: 72; Zander ed. 1G) psOQo,ed. 105'p. 787,

  1. Viaggio botanico all Alpi Giulte lettera del professor Mazzucato al professor Arduino. Udine (dalla tipografia Vendrame) 1811. Oct. (Viaggio bot. Alp. Giulie).

Publ.: 1811, p. [1]-28. Copy: G.

  1. Triticorum definitiones atque synonyma ... Utini (ex typographia Peciliana) 1812. Oct a (Miiicadg


MEDICUS, W. Publ.: 1812, p. [1]-30. Copies: FI, G, L, WU.

Mead, Samuel Barnum (1798-1880), American botanist and physician; B. A. Yale 1820; from 1824-1835 practicing at Greenwich, Conn.; from 1833 at Augusta, Ill. (Mead).

HERBARIUM and TtypEs: KNOX (12-15.000).— Borrowed by G. N. Jones for his Flora of Illinois and returned about 1958. (Information James C. Solomon).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 469 (b. 18 Oct 1799); BL 1: 202, 309; IH 1 (ed.

6): 361, 2: 520 (herb. not at ILL but at KNOX; Lenley p. 284, 464 (11 letters to Torrey);

ME 3: 623; Pennell p. 613; Urban-Berl. p. 271.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 5: 64. 1881 (d. 11 Nov 1880); Bot. Gaz. 5: 150. 1880, 7: 52. 1882; Bull. Torrey bot. Club 8: 12. 1881; J. Bot. 29: 64. 1881.

Kibbe, Alice L., A botanical study and survey of a typical mid-western County, Carthage Illinois 1952, p. 20-24, 415-425 (expl., biogr.).

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 31. 1977.

Medelius, Sigfrid Olof (1878-1930), Swedish clergyman and botanist; studied at Lund; rector at Jamshég, Blekinge; from 1924 minister at ““Halmstadts i Sirekopings pastorat,”’ Skane (Medelius).

HERBARIUM and Types: LD; further material at C, E, GB, H, LD.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 469 (b. 24 Nov 1878, d. 23 Aug 1930); IH 2:

520-521; KR p. 498; SBC p. 127.

llonsewr. wey. bryols ser: 2..9(4:): 217) 1930) (obits):

Anon., Generalreg. Bot. Not. 1839-1938, p. 53-54, 182. 1939; Bot. Not. 1930: 510*, 1933: 72, 85.

Moller, H., Bot. Not. 1930: 510-512 (portr., bibl.), see also 1933: 72, 85.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

  1. Bidrag till kéinnedomen om Blekinges mossflora |Sartryck ur Botaniska Notiser 1926, Lund 1926). Oct: Publ.: 15 Feb 1926, p. [1 ]-33. Copy: H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Bot. Not. 1926: 1-33.

  2. Mossvegetationen i Storlien med omnejd [Arkiv for Botanik. Band 20A. N:o 10, 1926].


Publ.: shortly after 2 Jun 1926 (date of printing, p. 77), p. [1]-77. Copy: H. — Issued as and to be cited from Ark. Bot. 20A(10): 1-77. 1926.

Medicus, W. (+ 1892), German naturalist at Kaiserslautern. (W. Medicus).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: Unknown. — Issued “‘Etiketten fiir Pflanzen-Sammlungen, Kaisers- lautern 1889 (Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1889).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: CSP 4: 319, 17: 127; Kelly p. 147; LS 17635-17638; Rehder 5: 560; Tucker 1: 475.

  1. Flora von Deutschland. Ulustriertes Pflanzen-Buch. Anleitung zur Kenntniss der

Pflanzen nebst Anweisung zur praktischen Auflage von Herbarien... Kaiserslautern (Aug.

Gotthold’s Verlagsbuchhandlung) [1891-1893]. Oct. (#7. Deutschl.)

Publ.: in 10 parts, 1891-1893, lithogr. t.p., portr., p. [i]-xxxix,[xl, err.], [1]-229, pl. 1-72 (col.), [1-10, adv.]. Copies: B, G(orig. covers), NY., — 6000 copies printed according to prospectus. — Dates based on Nat. Nov., Bot. Zeit. and Bot. Centralbl.

Part pages plates dates

I [1]-32 portr., 1-8 Mai 1891

2 33-64 g-16 Dec 1891 65-96, err. sl. 17-24 Jan 1892



Part pages plates dates 4 97-128 25-32 Feb 1892 5 129-160 33-40 Sep 1892 6 161-192 41-48 Oct 1892 7 193-208 49-50 Dec 1892 8 209-224 57-64 Jan 1893 g/10 225-229 65-72 Dec 1893 [i]-xxxix, [xl] Dec 1893

Medikus, Friedrich Kasimir (1736-1808) [ Medicus, Friedrich Casimir], German bota- nist; in charge of the Mannheim botanic garden from 1766; at Schwetzingen and Mann- heim. (Medtk.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

NAME: Friedrich Kasimir Medikus on title pages of publications until 1786; in 1771 and from 1786 onward Friedrich Kasimir Medicus; Brosi (1958) found Friedrich Casimir Medikus to be correct.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 18, 298; Barnhart 2: 470; BM 3: 1277; CSP 4:

319, 17: 127; Dryander 3: 48, 83, 203, 207, 217, 276, 291, 313, 370, 394, 399, 442, 444, 611,

616, 623, 636, 647; 5: 350; DSB 9: 253-254; Frank 3(Anh.): 63; Herder p. 465 [index];

Hortus 3: 1199 (““Medic.”’); Jackson p. 3, 429; Kew 3: 637-638; LS 17632-17634; Moebius

P- 323, 328, 395; PR 6028-6043 (ed. 1: 6712-6728); Rehder 5: 559-560; RS p. 118; SO 721,

753a; TL-1/819-821; Tucker 1: 475-476; Zander ed. 10, p. 690, ed. 11, p. 787 (d. 15 Jul


Brosi, M., Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 68: 397-398. 1958 (on the use of “L.W. Medikus” in Fiori, A., Nuova fl. anal. Italia. Ludwig Wallrad Medikus, 8 Aug 1771-18 Sep 1850, prof. of agric. Munchen, did not describe new taxa; the father’s name is correctly Friedrich Casimir Medikus).

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(3): 261. 1909.

Fuchs, H. P., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 4: 63-65. 1962.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 319, 331, 388. 1884.

Jourdan, A. J. L., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 245-246. 1824.

Lutjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 52, 86, 118, 123, 171, 177. 1936.

Medikus, F. C., Beitrage zur Kultur exotischer Gewachse. Mannheim 1806, autobiogra- phy, 3 p. following p. 264 (bibl.).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 99. 1863 (d. 15 Jul 1809).

Reynolds, G. W., Aloes South Africa 91. 1950 (on Theodora).

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 277. 1892.

Schmid, G., Sv. Linné Sallsk. Arsskr. 20: 47-70. 1937.

Stafleu, F. A., a Lawrence, G. H. M., ed., Adanson 1: 299. 1963; Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 252, 256, 260-265. 1971.

Stearn, W. T., 7m Cat. Bot. Books Hunt 2: xli-cxl. 1961; in C. Moench, Methodus, facs. ed., 1966, p. xi-xv; see also DSB.

Zuchold, E. A., Jahresber. naturf. Ver. Halle 5: 38. 1853.

EPONYMY: Medicusia Moench (1794) might commemorate F’. K. Medikus (“In memoriam Cl. Medici, observatioris acutissimi’’).

  1. Index plantarum horti electoralis Manhemiensis. Autore Frid. Casim. Medicus... Manhe-

mii [Mannheim] (Typis Academicis) 1771. 18-mo. (Index pl. hort. Manhem.).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1771 (p. 6: cal. Nov 1771; t.p. 1771), frontisp., p. [i], [1]-70. Copies: NY, IDC 1319. — List of names; references to L., Syst. nat. ed. 12. |

  1. Breitrdge zur schénen Gartenkunst. Mannheim (in der neuen Hof- und akademischen

Buchhandlung). 1782. Oct. (Beitr. Gartenk.).

Publ.: Apr-Jun 1782 (p. [x]: 26 Mar 1782, NZGS 18 Jul 1782), p. [i-xxii], [1]-378, [1-12, ind.]. Copies: USDA; IDC 8132. — “‘Erste Auflage auf Schreibpapier.”’


MEDIKUS (1790) Second printing: 1783 (n.v.) “auf Druckpapier”’.

  1. Botanische Beobachtungen des Jahres 1782. Von Friedrich Kasimir Medikus. Nebst einer Kupfertafel, einem sexuellen und alphabetischen Register. Mannheim (in der neuen Hof- und akademischen Buchhandlung) 1783. Oct. (Bot. Beob. 1762).

Publ.: 1783 in four Hefte (rev. of 1-3 by NZgS on 3 Apr 1783; 4 on 23 Feb 1784; p. 5: 6 Aug 1782), p. fi], [1]-419, 7 pl. (uncol. copp. Verhelst). Copies: G, L, M, NY, USDA; IDG 8133.

r: Sep-Dec 1782, p. [1]-88.

2: Dec 1782-Mar 1783, p. [89]-197, [198, note]. 3: 1d., p. [199]-294.

4: Apr-Dec 1784, p. 295-419.

  1. Botanische Beobachtungen des Jahres 1783. Nach dem sexuellen Pflanzenregister neu

geordnet von Friedrich Kasimir Medikus ... Mannheim (in der neuen Hof-und akademi-

schen Buchhandlung) 1784. Oct. (Bot. Beob. 1763).

Publ.: 1784 (p. xiv: 9 Dec 1783), p. [i-xxxv], [1]-312, [1-8, index. ]. Copzes: FI, L, M, NY, U, USDA; IDC 8134.

  1. Theodora speciosa ein neues Pflanzen Geschlecht. Seiner churfirstlichen Durchlaucht

von Pfalz-Baiern geheiliget. Nebst einem Entwurfe, die kinstliche und nattirliche Methode

in Ordnung des Pflanzenreiches zugleich anzuwenden, als der sichersten, ein Pflanzenken-

ner zu werden. Von Friedrich Kasimir Medikus, ... mit vier Kupfertafeln. Mannheim (in

der neuen Hof- und akademischen Buchhandlung) 1786. Oct. (Theodora).

Publ.: 1786, p. [1]-116, pl. 1-4 (uncol. copper engr. A. Karcher). Copies: FI, G, L, M, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 8135. — The copy at M has a coloured original drawing by Medicus himself of Theodora speciosa.

  1. Ueber einige kiinstliche Geschlechter aus der Malven- Familie, denn der Klasse der Monadel- phien. Mit beigefligtem Urtheile tber Linneische Geschlechter, und deren Klassifikation; iiber Herbarien und Terminologie; dann Empfehlung einer Sammlung von Fruchtgehau- sen, und deren Saamen; vorzuglich einer genauen Zergliederung samtlicher Fruktifikations-Theile jeder Pflanze. Von Friedrich Kasimir Medicus ... Mannheim (in der neuen Hof- und akademischen Buchhandlung) 1787. Oct. (Malvenfam.).

Publ.: before g Mai 1787 (Manitz 1975), p. [i], [1]-158. Copies: FI, G, M, MO, NY, USDA;

IDC 840. Ref.: Manitz, H., Wiss. Z. Fr. Schiller Univ. Jena, Mat. Nat. 24(4): 499. 1975.

5773- Philosophische Botantk, mit kritischen Bemerkungen. .. Mannheim (in der neuen Hof-

und Akademischen Buchhandlung) 1789-1791, 2 Hefte. Oct. (Philos. Bot.).

Publ.: 2 Hefte 1789-1791. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, U, USDA; IDC 8138.

Erstes Heft: Apr 1789 (TL-1; see p. [ii] stating that part of the material was previously published in Vorl. Churpf. phys.-okon. Ges. 4(1): 167-282. 1788), p. [1-11], [1 ]-266, [1-2].

Aweites Heft: Mai 1791, p. [1]-112, [1-6, cont.; 1-5, ind.].

  1. Uber den gynandrischen Situs der Staubfaden und Pistille einiger Pflanzen. Miinchen s.d. Qu.

(Gynandr. Situs).

Publ.: Apr-Jun 1790 in Hist. Comment. [Acta] Acad. Theod.-Palat. pars phys. 6 (1790); no reprints are known to have been made at the time of publication. The publisher Franz at Munich offered copies of the articles from the Acta for sale separately in 1830, announ- cing them erroneously as of the year 1787.

Ref.: Fuchs, H.P., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 4: 63-65. 1962.

5775- Lettrede M. Medicus...a M. dela Méthérie,... , dans laquelle on répond a la réfutation

que M. le Baron de Beauvois a fait insérer dans le Journal de Physique, du mois de février

1790, sur l’origine des champignons. A Mannheim (de l’imprimerie de la Cour & de

Académie) 1790. Oct. (Lettre a Méthérie).

Publ.: 1790 (p. 3: 22 Mai 1790), p. [1]-16. Copy: NY. — Refers to Ambroise Marie Frangois Joseph Palisot de Beauvois (1752-1820), Lettre au sujet du Traité sur l’origine et la formation des champignons, J. Phys. 36: 81-93. Feb 1790.


MEDIKUS (1792) German version: in Roemer et Usteri, P., Mag. Bot. 11: 159-163.

  1. Pflanzen-Gattungen nach dem Inbegriffe samtlicher Fruktifikations-Theile gebildet,

und nach dem Sexual-Pflanzen-Register geordnet; mit kritischen Bemerkungen. Erstes

Heft; mit zwei Kupfertafeln. Von Friedrich Casimir Medicus... Mannheim (bei Swan und

G6tz) 1792. Oct. ¢ (Pfl.-Gait.).

Publ.: 22 Apr 1792, p. [1]-127, [128, index], pl. 7-2 (uncol. copp. Verhelst). Copies: G, L, M, NY; IDC 6061.

5776a. Ueber nordamertkanische Baume und Strducher, als Gegenstande der deutschen Forstwis- senschaft und der sch6nen Gartenkunst ... Mannheim (bei Schwan und Gotz) 1792. Oct. (Nordamer. Baume).

Publ.: 1792 (p. [x]: 22 Dec 1791), p. [i-xii], [1]-96. Copies: NY; IDC 8140.

5777- Geschichte der Botamk unserer Zeiten. Von Friedrich Casimir Medicus ... Mannheim

(bei Schwan und Gotz) 1793. Oct. (Gesch. Bot.).

Publ.: Aug 1793 (ALZ 28 Aug 1793, “‘erschienen’’, inf. J.W. Landon), p. [1]-96. Copzes: FI, G, NY, USDA; IDC 8141.

  1. Critische Bermerkungen ber Gegenstande aus dem Pflanzenreiche ... 1793. Oct. + (Crt. Bemerk.). Publ.: 1793, 2 Stucke. Copies: MO; IDC 1324.

1(1):; 1793, p. [uj=1211, (112, cont. |.

(2): 1793, p. [113]-303, [304, cont.].

  1. Undchter Acacien-Baum. Zur Ermunterung des allgemeinen Anbaues dieser in ihrer Art einzigen Holzart ... Leipzig (1(1-2): In der Graffschen Buchhandlung, from 1(3) on: bey Heinrich Graff) 1794-1799. 5 vols. Oct. (Undcht. Acacten-Baum).

1(z): 1794, [1]-110. 2): 1794, [111]-180, [1-4, cont.]. B)E 705; (Lou) =o74%) [i122 eae 1 pl. (uncol. copp.). 4): 1795 (p. 384: Jun 1795), [275]-392, [1-2, cont.]. 5): 1795, [393]-504. 6): 1795, [505]-608. I AR) Jan 1796, pl. [1]-94, [1-2]. 2(1): 1796 (p. 6: Feb 1796), p. [1]-945 [95-98], [1-6, div.}. 2): 1796, [99]-222; also with t.p. vol. vol. 1. (3): 1796, [223]-348, [349-350]. 4): 1796 (p. 446: Sep 1796), [351]-446. 5): 1797; [447]-516. 6): 1797, [517]-606, [607-608, with adv. Oct 1796]. (¢dex): 1798, [609 ]-656. 3(1): 1797, [1]-70. (2): 1797, [71]-150. (3/4): 1798, [4], [151]-288, [1-4]. 5): 1798, [i-1v], [285, sic]-367, [368, err. ]. 6): 1798, [i-1v], [369]-432, table.

1/2): 1798, [1]-158, [1-2, adv. ]. 3/4): n.v., p. [159]-312. 5) 279970: 12v131373)-598: 5(1): ee p- [1]-120. Copy: M. — Extract: ““Auszug aus des Herrn ... Medicus Abhandlung: uber :..” by ierageomnranissarins Rieben, Dresden 1795, p. [1]-18. Copies: M; IDC 8142.


  1. Beytrage zur Pflanzen-Anatomie, Pflanzen-Physiologie und einer neuen Charakteristik der Baume und Straucher ... Leipzig (bey Heinrich Graff) 1799-1801. 7 Hefte. Oct. (Beyir. Pfl.-Anat.).

1: 1799, p. [1]-63, [64, cont. ].

2: 1799, p. [66, sic]-140, [1].

3: 1799, Pp. [141]-228.

1799, p- [1], [229]-299.




5: 1800, p. [301 ]-404.

6/7: 1801, p. [405]-521, [522-524], Mannheim und Leipzig (auf Kosten des Verfassers, und bey Herrn Heinrich Graff) 1801. Oct.

Copies: G, USDA; IDC 8139.

  1. Beitrage zur Kultur exotischer Gewéichse ... Mannheim (in Tobias Léfflers Buchhand-

lung) 1806. Duod. (Beitr. Kult. exot. Gew.).

Publ.: 1806, p. [1]-264, [265-267]. Copies: L; IDC 8144. — Contains a list of M’s publications on p. [265-267].

Medlicott, Henry Benedict (1829-1905), British geologist; from 1854 until 1887 with the Geological Survey of India; 1854-1862 also professor of geology at Rurki; Mutiny Medal 1857; from 1876-1885 director of the Survey. (Medlicott).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: : Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Andrews p. 302; BM 3: 1277-1278; CSP 4: 319, 8: 368, 10:

760-761, 17: 128; Quenstedt p. 287.

Anon., Rec. Geol. Survey India 20: 121-122. 1887 (bibl.).

Blandford, W. T., Rec. Geol. Survey India 32: 233-241. 1905.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 893. 1898, 4(2): 981. 1904 (b. 8 Aug 1829), 5(2): 826 (d. 6 Apr 1905).

R. L., Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 62: Ix-lxi. 1906.

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 210, 211, 310, 457. 1901.

EpoNYMy: : Medlicottipites B. Biswas (1962).

  1. A manual of the geology of India. Chiefly compiled from the observations of the Geological Survey. Calcutta (sold at the office of the Superintendent of Government Printing; Geological Survey office; ...) London (Tritbner & Co.) 1879. Oct. (Man. geol. India).

Co-author: William Thomas Blandford (1832-1905).

Publ.: 1879, p. [i]-xviii, [i]-Ixxx, [1]-444. Copy: Teyler.

Meehan, Thomas (1826-1901), British-born nurseryman; Kew gardener 1846-1848; from 1853 at Germantown (Philadelphia). (Meehan).

HERBARIUM and typEs: Material at GH, NY and PH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: : Barnhart 2: 470; BB p. 212; BJI 1: 39; BM 3: 1278; Bossert p. 262; CSP 4: 319, 8: 368-370, 10: 761-762, 12: 496, 17: 128-130; DAB (by Harshberger); Desmond p. 432; Herder p. 224; Hortus 3: 1199 (‘““Meehan’’); IH 2: 521; Jackson p. 358,

509; Kew 3: 638; Langman p. 496; Lenley p. 284; LS 17640-17651, 36872-36881; ME 1:

211, 2: 208, 582, 3: 467, 484; Morren ed. 2, p. 36, ed. 10, p. 129; MW suppl. p. 224; NI 1331;

PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 560-562; SO 880a; Tucker 1: 476-477.

Anon., Bot. Gaz. 32: 443-444. 1901; Bot. Not. 1902: 94 (b. 26 Mar 1826, d. 19 Oct 1901); Fern Bull. 9: 87-88. 1901 (portr.), 10: 29. 1902; Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 29: 285-286, 382- 384. 1901; Nat. Nov. 24: 187. 1902 (d.); Torreya 1: 147-148. 190r.

Blankinship, J. W., Montana Coll. Agr. Sci. Stud. 1: 21. 1905.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 40: 38-41. 1902 (portr.).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 266. 1950.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 45, 136, 1969.

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 19, 207. 1967.

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philadelphia 249-256. 1899 (portr.).

Hedrick, U. P., Hist. hortic. America 540 [index]. 1950.

Howard, L. O., Smithson. misc. Coll. 84: 15. 1930.

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 305.

Lubrecht, H., Early Amer. bot. works no. 94. 1967.

Meehan, S. M., Meehan’s Monthly 12: 13-19, pl. 7. 1902.

Meehan, W. E., in Bailey, L.H., Standard Cycl. Hort. 2: 1587-1588. 1939 (portr.).



Phillips, V. T. and M.E., Guide mss. coll. Acad. Phila. p. 499 [ind.]. 1963.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 69. 1955.

Pennell, F. W., Bartonia 22: 13. 1943.

Rodgers, A. D., Amer. bot. 332 [index]. 1944; Liberty Hyde Bailey 75, 93, 205, 298, 302- 305 O29:

Sargent, C.S., Silva g: 82. 1896.

Skan, S. A., Nature 65: 132. Igor.

Thomas, J. H., Huntia 3: 18. 1960.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 199. 1905.

Wycott, E., Bibl. Contr. Lloyd Libr. 9: 390. 1913.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Editor Gardener's Monthly 1859-1888, and Meehan’s Monthly, 1-12, 1891- 1902.

EPONYMy (genera): Meehania N. L.Britton (1894); Meehaniopsis Kudo (1929); (journal): Meehans’ Monthly, a Magazine of Horticulture, Botany and kindred subjects. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., vol. 1-12. 1891-1902.

  1. The native flowers and ferns of the United States in their botanical, horticultural and

popular aspects ... [1-2, ser. 2(1):] Boston (L. Prang and Company), [ser. 2(2):] Philadel-

phia (Chas. Robson & Co.) 1878-1880, 4 vols. (Native fl. ferns U.S.).

1: 1878, in 12 parts (Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1879; p. v: Mai 1878), p. [i]-ix, [1]-192, pl. 1-48 (chromoliths. by Alois Lunzer).

2: 1879, in 12 parts, p. [i]-v, [1]-200, pl. 1-48 (id.).

Ser. 2, 1: 1880, in 12 parts (p. 4: Mai 1879; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1880; Bot. Zeit. 3 Dec 1880), p. [1 ]-4, [vil]-ix, 5-196, pl. 1-46.

Ser. 2. 2: 1880, in 12 parts, p. [i]-v, 5-204, pl. 1-48.

Copies: G, NY, US, USDA; IDC 7226.

Meerburgh, Nicolaas (1734-1814), Dutch gardener; curator of the Leiden botanical garden 1774-1814. (Meerb.).

HERBARIUM and Types: : A small number of plants from the Leiden garden is at E and at L. The original herbarium of 5000 “‘species” was offered for sale by his son in 1816, but the present location is unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: : Aa 12(1): 484, Barnhart 2: 470; BM 3: 1278; Dawson p.

536, 866; Dryander 5: 350-351; DU 203-204; GF p. 67; Herder p. 146; Hortus 3: 1199

(“Meerb.”’); HU 705; IH 2: 521; Jackson p. 33, 113; JW 1: 446, 3: 362, 5: 246; Kew 3: 639;

Lenley p. 284; MW p. 315; NAF 28B(2): 345; NI 1333-1334; Plesch p. 333; PR 6044-6047

(ed. 1: 6732-6734); Rehder 5: 562; RS p. 74; Sotheby 527; TL-1/822-824; TL-2/1:.see

Gorter, D. de; Tucker 1: 477; Zander ed. 10, p. 690-691, ed. 11, p. 787.

Anon., Alg. Konst. Letterb. 1816(2): 240 (herb. for sale).

Forbes, R. J., ed., Mart. v. Marum 3: 256. 1971.

Fuchs, H. P., Acta bot. neerl. 11: 69-89. 1962, 12: 12-16. 1963 (updates nomenclature of the three illustrated works by M.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 109. 1970 (pl. E).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 173, 183. 1971.

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. v., Blumea 25: 34. 1979 (coll. L).

Thunberg, C. P., Voyages au Japon 1: 23. 1796.

Veendorp, H. & L. G. M. Baas-Becking, Hortus acad. lugd.-bat. 130-131, 137, 142. 1938.

EPONYMY: Meerburgia [sic] Moench (1802).

  1. A/fbeeldingen van zeldzame gewassen ... te Leyden (by Johannes le Mair) 1775[-1780].

Fol. (Afb. zeldz. gew.).

Publ.: 1775-1780, in five parts, p. [i-xxiv], pl. 1-50 Copies: MO; IDC 441. —See Sotheby 527 for a copy with 55 plates. We have seen no such copy. — The contents and the dates were established by H. P. Fuchs (1962), who added (1963) further nomenclatural details, e.g. on the legitimate name Jmpatiens capensis Meerburgh.



fasc. pages plates dates fasc. pages plates dates

I [8] 1-10 10 Novi1775 4 [4] 31-40 31 Dec 1777 2 [4] 11-20 14 Jun 1776 5 [4] 41-50 25 Dec 1780 3 [4] 21-30 26 Mai 1777

The coloured plates were drawn and engraved by Meerburgh himself. The Plesch copy has 55 pl. (see Sotheby), see below: PI. rar. depict.

  1. Plantae rariores vivis coloribus depictae... Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden] (apud Jacobum

Meerburg) 1789. Fol. (Pl. rar. depict.).

Publ.: 1789, probably late. A reprint of the Afd. zeldz. gew. with 55 pl. and 4 extra pages of text, p. [1-27], pl. 1-45. Copies: BR, G, HU, MO, NY, U, USDA: IDC 6062. The plates are etchings, coloured by hand. “Clumsy unconvincing etching; colouring thin and poor”


  1. Plantae selectarum icones pictae ... Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden] (apud J. Meerburg)

  2. Fol. (Pl. select. icon. pict.).

Publ.: 1798 — 12 unnumbered pages and 28 coloured plates (7-28, no. 19 as 29”), drawn and engraved by Meerburgh himself. — The book was reviewed in J. Bot. Schrader 2(1): 152. 1799 (sem. 2). Copies: BR, G, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 6063. — The plates are crude etchings, coloured by hand.

Ref.: Schrader, H. J., Bot. 2(1): 152. 1799 (sem. 2).

Meese, David (1723-1770), Dutch gardener at Franeker. (Meese). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: In the former Franeker herbarium which is now at GRO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Aa 12(1): 521; Barnhart 2: 470 (b. 25 Dec 1723); BM 3:

1279; De Toni 1: Ixxxiii; Dryander 5: 351; . Herder p. 253, 304; IH 2: 521; JW 1: 446, 2: 197

(d. 23 Aug 1770), 3: 362; LS 17653; Moebius p. 119, 293; NNBM tro: 601; Oudemans p.

236; PR 6048-6050 (ed. 1: 6737-6739); Rehder 5: 562; SO 303, 638b; TL-1/825-826;

dtucker 14.77:

Andreas, C. H., In en om een botanische tuin, Hortus Groningianus 1626-1966, p. 102, 1976.

Forbes, R. J., ed., Martinus van Marum 32: 259. 1971.

Hornschuch, C. F., Flora 8: 215, 229-230. 1825 (on his moss experiments).

Hulth, J. M. & A. H. Uggla, Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(2): 210, 211, 213. 1943.

Mulder, N., Oratio de meritis Davidis Meese, cum botanicis, tum aliis; publice habita ad diem 1 Octobris mdccexxii, Groningen 1822, 30 p.

EPONYMY: Meesia J. Gaertner (1788, nom. rej.); Meesia J. Hedwig (1801, nom. cons.).

  1. Flora frisica of lyst der planten welke in de provintie Friesland in het wilde gevonden worden. Waarby gevoegt is een korte beschrijvinge van booven-genoemde landschap. Door David Meese, hovenier in de kruid-tuin aan Frieslands Hooge-Schole te Franeker. Franeker (gedrukt by Jacob Brouwer ...) 1760. Oct. (FV. fris).

Publ.: Aug-Oct 1760 (p. viil: 9 Feb 1758; Ned. Letter-Courant 24 Oct 1760; Linnaeus had a copy by late Feb 1761 fide letter to J. Burman), p. [i-xii], [1 ]-87, [88, err.], pl. 1-2. Copies: G, KNAW, L, NY. — Plates uncol. copp. engr.

Facsimile ed.: 1978, Leiden (Boerhaave Press), ISBN g0-70153-09-2. Copies: FAS(2).

Ref.: Jansen en Wachter, Ned. kruidk. Arch. 49: 254-257. 1939 (on Meese’s bryophytes).

  1. Het xix classe van de Genera Plantarum van de Heer Carolus Linnaeus, Syngenesia

genaamt. Opgeheldert en vermeerdert. Mitsgaders een bericht van een nieuw-botanisch

stuk, aangaande het leeren kennen der planten kort na hunne geboorte of uitspruiting uyt

hun zaad. Als meede de beschrijving en afbeelding van een zeldzame en zonderlinge zee-

plant ... te Leeuwarden (by H. A. de Chalmot) 1761. Oct. (XIX el. Gen. Pl.).

Publ.: 1761 (p. [vi*]: 16 Jan 1761), p. & -vi*], [i]-iv, [1]-152. [1-6, index, err.], pl. 7-7, [8] (uncol. copp.). Copzes: G, L, USDA



  1. Plantarum rudimenta, sive illarum methodus. Ducta ex differentia earum seminum,

cotyledonum, aliarumque partium, quae brevi tempore post earum propullulationem, ac

ulterius incrementum, in iis conspiciuntur; quorum omnium utilatem praefatio satis

superque lectorem docebit. Investigata, effecta ac composita a Davide Meese ... Leovar-

diae [Leeuwarden] (Excudit Guilielmus Coulon, ...) 1763. Qu. +. (Pl. rudim.).

Pars I: 1763 (preface 1 Mar 1762), p. [i-lv], [1]-23, [24, index], pl. 1-2 (coll. copp.), [i-vii, err., ind. ].

Pars IT: 1763, p. 25-81, pl. 3-7, 82 [1-10, index, err. ].

Copies: B-S, USDA. — Dutch title: Kerste beginselen der planten, of leerwijze der zelve...”’—The remaining manuscript is in the Leiden University Library.

Mehu, Marie Antoine Adolphe (1840-1881), French botanist; Dr. pharm. Montpellier 1867, from 1867-1881 pharmacist at Villefranche-sur-Sadne, Rhone, from 1871 also professor of botany at the Ecole normale. (MWéhu).

HERBARIUM and Types: For a description of M’s herbarium and library, then still at his home, see Chaboisseau (1876).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 471; BL 2: 115; CSP 8: 372; Jackson p. 284; PR

6054; Rehder 5: 562; Tucker 1: 477.

Anon., Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 9(2): xvii. 1882 (d.); Bull. Soc. bot. France 28: 246, (Bibl.) 140. 1881; Feuille jeunes Natural. 12: 24. 1882 (d.).

Audin, M. & T. Chaboisseau, Adolphe Méhus.. 1904, 23 p. (reprinted from Bull. Soc. Sci. Arts Beaujolais Avril-Juin 1904) (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 27 Sep 1840, d. 9 Oct 1881).

Chaboisseau, abbé, Bull. Soc. bot. France 23: cxevi-cxcix. 1876 (herb., libr.); 29: 73-76. 1882.

Flahault, C., Univ. Montpellier, Inst. Bot. 36. 1890 (brief note).

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 59. 1907 (b. 27 Sep 1840, d. 9 Oct 1881), 35: 50. 1910.

  1. Herborisations dans les montagnes d’ Hauteville, du Colombier du Bugey et du Pilat ...

Lyon (Association typographique ...) 1876. Oct.

Co-authors: (p. 31-36) Louis Antoine Cusin (1824-1901) (p. 17-30) Jean-Baptiste Saint- Lager (1825-1912).

Publ.: Jun 1876 (BSbF 14 Jul 1876), p. [1]-16, [17]-39. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 3(2): 116-127. 1876.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc.bot. France 23(C.R.): 239, (Bibl.): 68-69 (sess. extr. juin-juillet): civ

(distribué d’avance). 1873.

Meigen, Johann Wilhelm (1764-1845), German dipterologist and botanist; private teacher at Aachen 1784-1786, organist and teacher at Solingen 1786-1792, again at Aachen 1792-1796; teacher (French, geography, history, music) at a private school at Stolberg nr Aachen 1796-1810; secretary of the Stolberg chamber of commerce during the French occupation; variously employed, e.g. drawing geographical maps 1812-1825, finally orga- nist of the Stolberg protestant church. (Meigen).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 471 (b. 3 Mai 1764, d. 11 Jul 1845); BM 3:

1280; CSP 4: 322; Herder p. 186; PR 6057-6059 (ed. 1: 6745-6747); Rehder 5: 562; SO add.


Anon., Bot. Not. 1845: 220; Bot. Zeit. 3: 624. 1845; Flora 28: 544. 1845 (d. 11 Jul 1845).

Boventer, K., Sudhofts Arch. Gesch. Med. 44: 45-53. 1960 (biogr., b. 3 Mai 1764, d. 11 Jul 1845, portr., bibl. [1798 item erroneous]).

Forster, J. A., Entom. Zeit., Stettin 7(3): 66-74, 7(5):130-141. 1846 (obit. ““Unstreitig der alteste Veteran in der Entomologie’’), English translation (p.p.) in Mosquito systematics 6: 79-87. 1974.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 251. 1977.

Howard, L. O., Smithson. misc. Coll. 84: 202, 203-204. 1930.

Marquardt, M., Ann. Soc. entom. ser. 2. 5: 323-334, Ixxvi-lxxvul. 1847 (obit.); English translation (p.p.) 72 Mosquito systematics 6: 87-88. 1974.



Moree, G., Beitr. Entom. 24 (Sonderheft): 93-160. 1974 (autobiography, commentary, portr., publ. of entom. plates).

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 457. 1846.

Speiser, P., Entom. Rundschau 31: 52-53- 1914.

Weidner, H., Gesch. Entom. Hamburg 102-107. 1967 (Abh. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg 9,

suppl.). HANDWRITING: Beitr. Entom. 24 (Sonderheft): 157-161. 1974.

  1. Spstematisches Verzeichniss der an den Ufern des Rheins, der Roer, der Maas, der Ourte,

und in den angranzenden Gegenden wild wachsenden und gebaut werdenden phanerogami-

schen Pflanzen. In Beziehung auf die von den Herausgebern gelieferten und noch zu

liefernden Herbarien ... Kéln (gedruckt und verlegt von H. Rommerskirchen) 1819. Qu.

(Syst. Verz. Ufern Rheims Pfl.).

Co-author: H. L. Weniger (fl. 1819).

Publ.: Nov 1819 (p. viii: Jul 1819; Flora 28 Nov 1819 ‘““nunmehr erschienen.’’), p. [i]-vil, [1 ]-108. Copies: B-S, BR.— We have found no record of the five centuries of phanerogams issued by the authors as mentioned in the text.

  1. Versuch einer Flora der Ufer des Niederrheins, der Roér, der Maas, der Ourte, und den angranzenden Gegenden. Enthaltend die Charakteristik der Klassen, Ordnungen und Arten der Pflanzen, nach Linné’s Systeme, so wie den medizinischen, chemischen, techno- logischen und 6konomischen Nutzen derselben. Fiir Naturfreunde, Apotheker und Gart- ner. Nach Anleitung von J. W. Meigen’s und H. L. Weniger’s systematischem Verzeichnis- se. Nebst alphabetisch geordneten Registern, einem Lateinischen und Deutschen. Coln [K6ln] (Verlag von Rommerskirchen’s Buchhandlung) 1823. 18-mo. (Vers. Fl. Ufer Nie- derrhews).

Co-author: H. L. Weniger.

Publ.: 1823 (p. xxxii: 1 Mar 1823), p. [1]-xxxu, [1]-518. Copies: B-S, BR.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 7: 92-93. 14 Feb 1824 (rev.).

5793- Deuischlands Flora, oder systematische Beschreibung der in Deutschland wildwach-

senden und im Freien angebaut werdenden Pflanzen ... Essen (bei G. D. Badeker) 1836-

  1. Oct. (Deutschl. Fl.).

Publ.: In three volumes, each of which came out in three Hefte. Copies: B, G(orig. covers),

NY, USDA. — Plate 4g often bound with vol. 1.

1(z): 1836 (t.p. cover; p. vil: Aug 1836; Flora 14 Jul 1836), p. [1]-xx, [1]-140, pl. 1-16 (uncol.). ©

(2): 1836 (Flora 14 Jul 1836), p. 141-300, pl. 17-32.

(3): 1836 (Flora rd 14 Dec 1836), p. 301-478, pl. 33-48, [1-2, err.].

(1): 1837 (t.p.; p. vi: 25 Dec 1836), p. [1]-156, [ili]-vi, pl. 49-64.

2): 1837, p. 157-316, pl. 65-84. ): 1838 (t.p. 1837; Flora 28 Sep 1838), p. 317-500, pl. 85-97.

3(1-3): 1842 (p. 620: 25 Jun 1842), p. [1]-620, [1, err.], pl. 98-144 (no orig. covers seen).

Meigen, Wilhelm (1826/7-x), German high school teacher and botanist at Wesel. (W. Meigen).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

“BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1280; BJI 1: 40, 2: 114; Kew 3: 642; Rehder 5: 562; suckers 477:

  1. Die deutschen Pflanzennamen ... Berlin (Verlag des Allgemeinen Deutschen Sprachver-

eins (S. Berggold) 1898. Oct. (Deut. Pfl.-Nam.).

Publ.: Nov. 1808 (p. vi: Apr 1898; ObZ Nov 1898; Bot. Centralbl. Nov 1898; Nat. Nov. Nov 1898, Flora 20 Mai 1899, Bot. Zeit. 16 Dec 1898), p. [i]-viil, [1[-120. Copzes: B, MICH, UC.

Preliminary publ.: 1882, in Festschrift zur Feier der Einweihung des neuen Gymnasialgebau- des zu Wesel, Wesel 1882 (n.v.; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1883; Bot. Zeit. 23 Feb 1883).



Ref: Hock, F., Bot. Jahrb. 26(Lit.): 65-66. 18 Apr 1899 (rev.). Kneucker, A., Allg. Bot. Zeit. 7: 15. 1901 (rev.). Roth, E., Bot. Centralbl., Beth. 9(1): 1-4. 1899.

5795- Flora von Wesel. Zusammenstellung der in der naéchsten Umgebung von Wesel

vorkommenden Pflanzen (Phanerogamen und Gefasskryptogamen) ... Beilage zum Jah-

resbericht des Gymnasiums zu Wesel Ostern 1886, Nro. 425. Wesel (Buchdruckerei von

Karl Kuhler). Oct (Fl. Wesel).

Publ.: Aug 1886 (Bot. Centralbl. 6-10 Sep 1886; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1886; Bot. Zeit. 25 Feb 1886; J. Bot. Aug 1886, p. [i]-vili, 1-44. Copy: E. — Cover of original program (at MO): “Gymnasium und Realprogymnasium zu Wesel. Jahresbericht tiber das Schuljahr 1885-1686. Hierzu als wissenschaftliche Beilage: Die Flora von Wesel vom Professor Dr. Meigen”’.

Meijer, Frans Nicholaas (after 1908 Frank Nicholas Meyer) (1875-1918), Dutch bota- nist, gardener and botanical explorer; with Hugo de Vries before 1900; travelled through the United States and Mexico 1901-1904; at the Missouri Botanical Garden 1904-1905; with USDA as plant collector at the initiative of David Fairchild in 1905-1908, 1909-1912, 1913-1915 and 1916-1918; naturalised U.S. citizen 1908; drowned (murdered?) in the Yang-tsze-kiang. (F. NV. Meyer).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: A; for duplicates see JH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 483; IH 2: 533; JW 3: 363, 4: 398, 5: 246-247,

MW p. 320.

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 129, 137-139. 1969.

Eeden, F. van, De Levende Natuur 5: 231. 1901.

Harkness, B., Plants & Gardens ser. 2. 23(3): 64-67. 1967(portr.).

Laren, A. J. van, Onze Tuinen 3(45): 706-707. 1909, 3(46): 721-723. 1909.

Uildriks, F. J. van, De aarde en haar volken 1929: 1-24, 41-96, 145-171 (general biography, descr. of travels, portr., b. 29 Nov 1875, d. 2 Jun 1918).

Smith, E. F., Science ser. 2. 48: 335-336. 1918.

Veendorp, Weekbl. Maatsch. Tuinb. Plantk. 12(12): gt. 1938.

HANDWRITING: Cornelis, H. W., Handschrift en karakter ed. 2, 1925, p. 40-41.

  1. Chinese plant names ... New York, N. Y. (Chinese & Japanese Publishing Company) [rg11]. (Chin. pl. names). Publ.: 1911, p. [i-vii], 1-40. Copies: MO, US.

Meinecke, Emilio Pepe Michael (1869-1957), California-born American botanist and phytopathologist of German descent; Ph. D. Heidelberg 1893; until 1907 at Heidelberg, Copenhagen and Miinchen; from 1907-1909 at La Plata, Argentina; U.S. Forest Service pathologist in California 1910-1928; id. in National Park Service 1928-1939. (E. Meinecke).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at NY and CAS.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 471; BM 7: 821; Bossert p. 263; CSP 17: 138; Herder p. 148; Hirsch p. 194; IH 2: 522; LS suppl. 18048-18059; NAF 7: 1078; Stevenson p. DAs nM eker Te 777.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 68: 292. 1919 (reported to have died), 69: 88. 1920 (still alive). Ewan, J. et al., Leafl. W. Bot. 7(3): 94. 1953.

Rodgers, A. D., Bernard Eduard Fernow 123, 349, 534, 1951.

Wagener, W. W. et al., Phytopathology 47: 633-634. 1957 (portr., b. 26 Jul 1869, d. 10 Feb


5797- lorest tree diseases common in California and Nevada. A manual for field use ... Washington (Government Printing Office) 1914. Oct. (Forest tree diseases). Publ.: 14 Feb 1914, p. [1]-67, pl. 1-24. Copies: NY, USDA.

eee ea


Meinecke, Johann Ludwig Georg (1721-1823), German physicist and biologist; high school teacher at Halle 1805-1811; idem at Kassel 1811-1814; professor of technology at Halle 1814-1823 (Meinecke).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1280-1281; CSP 4: 324-325, 8: 373; Kew 3: 644; PR

6061-6062, (ed. 1: 6750-6751); Rehder 5: 562; SO 439f; TL-2/1: 2000.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 103-104. 1858 (b. 3 Jan 1781, d. 27 Aug 1823 by suicide).

COMPOSITE WORKS: See TL-2/1: 2000, E. F. Germar, for Meinecke’s Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. Meinecke’s Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, Halle 1808, counted for Germar as the first edition of his Lehrbuch. (see also BM 3:1260).

EpoNyMy: The derivation of Meineckia Baillon (1858) is not given by Baillon.

5797a- Uber das Zahlenverhiltniss in den Fructifications-Organen der Pflanzen, und Beytrage zur -Pflanzen-Physiologie ... Halle (J. C. Hendels Verlag) 1809, 2 Hefte. Oct. (<ahlenverh. Fruct.-Org. Pfl.).

1: 1809, p. [i-v], [1]-18.

2: 1809, p. [19]-50.

Copy: PH. — Published in Neue Schr. naturf. Ges. Halle 1(1,2). 1809.

Meins, Claus (1806-1873), German theologist and botanist; high school teacher at the Gliickstadt gymnasium 1848-1865; from 1865 clergyman at St. Margarethen. (Mes).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiocRAPuHy: Barnhart 2: 471 (b. 29 Sep 1806, d. 25 Dec 1873); PR 6063;

Rehder 1: 385; Tucker 1: 477.

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317. 1939.

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. v., im Prahl, P., Krit. Fl. Schlesw.-Holst. 2: 36. 1890 (b. 29 Sep 1806, d. 25 Dec 1873).

  1. Zu der offentlichen Classenpriifung den April, so wie zu der Entlassungsfeier _ 11 April Nachmittags 3 Uhr, ladet ... ein Prof. Dr. P. H. Jessen, Rector. Voran: Die Flora der Umgegend von Gliickstadt in Bezichung auf den Unterricht in der Botanik, vom Collaborator Meins, Gliickstadt (Gedruckt bei W. Augustin) 1862. Qu. (F7. Gliickstadt) . Publ.: Mar or early Apr 1862, p. [i], [1]-18 [Flora], 19-25 [Rector]. Copies: B-S, MO, NY.

Meinshausen, Karl [Friedrich] (1819-1899), Riga (Livonia)-born — Baltic- German/Russian botanist at St. Petersburg; travelling for the botanical garden 1839-1844, curator of the garden herbarium until 1851; from 1851-1896 curator at the botanical museum of the Academy of Sciences (Mernsh.).

HERBARIUM and Types: LE. His exsiccatae, Herbarium florae Ingricae, at CGE, H, LE, MANCH, MW, OXF, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrlocRAPHY: AG 4: 250; Barnhart 2: 471; BJI 2: 114; BM 3: 1281, 7: 821;

Clokie p. 209; CSP 4: 325, 8: 374, 17: 139; DTS 1: xxi, 188, 6(4): 170; Herder p. 465 [index];

TH 2: 522; Jackson p. 579 [index]; Kew 3: 644; Langman p. 496; Morren ed. 10, p. 95; MW

p. 315; PR 6064; Rehder 5: 562-563; TR 869-874; Tucker 1: 477; Zander ed. 10, p. 691, ed.

It p. 788. ;

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 81: 288. 1900 (d.); Bot. Not. 1900: 47 (d); Nat. 22: 176. 1900.

Beck, G. v., Bot. Gentralbl. 34: 150. 1888 (876 specim. fl. ingr. at W).

Borodin, J., Trav. Mus. bot. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 4: 75-76. 1908.

Candolle, A. P. de, Phytographie 432. 1880 (““Meinhausen”’, pl. at LE).

Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 55: 258 (Herb. fl. ingr. at LE), 259, 261, 266 (All-Russian herb. also at LE), 296. 1893, 58: 386, 390. 1894; Bot. Jahrb. 9: 441. 1888.



Hooker, J. D., zn W. J. Hooker, Lond. J. Bot. 5: 533. 1846.

Klinge, J., Acta Horti Petrop. 18(2,2): 199-208. 1900 (bibl., b. 2/14 Mai 1819 at Riga; d. 20 Nov/2 Dec 1899).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 204. 1899 (d. 2 Dec 1899).

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61: 46. 1886. 1975-

Lipschitz, S., Florae URRS fontes nos. 693-696, 1754, 1769. 1975.

Shetler, S$. G., Komarov Bot. Inst. 46, 49. 1967.

HANDWRITING: S. Lipschitz & I. T. Vasilezenko, Herb. centr. USSR 114. 1968.

5799- Synopsis plantarum diaphoricarum florae ingricae, oder Notizen-Sammlung tber die

mannigfaltige Verwendung der Gewachse Ingriens (Gouvern. St. Petersburg) ... St.

Petersburg (Buchdruckerei von Rottger & Schneider, ...) 1869. Qu. (Syn. pl. diaph. ingr.).

Publ.: 1869 (t.p.; p. 4: Dec. 1868; Flora 20 Mai 1870; Bot. Zeit. 14 Oct 1870), p. [1]-94, [1]- vill. Copy: NY.

  1. Flora ingrica oder Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der Blithenpflanzen und Gefass- Cryptogamen des Gouvernements St. Petersburg ... St. Petersburg (zu haben bei Deub- ner, bei N. Fenoult & Co. und beim Verfasser) 1878. Oct. (FI. ingr.).

Publ.: 16 Oct-14 Nov 1878 (p. vi: 16 Oct 1878; Bot. Centralbl. 15-19 Nov 1880; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1879; J. Bot. Apr 1879), p. [i]-xxxviii, [1, err.], [1]-512. Copies: G, NY, US, USDA. — The Flora ingrica deals with the flora of Ingermanland, the former province of St. Petersburg (Leningrad).

  1. Die Cyperaceen der Flora Russlands insbesondere nach den Herbarien der Akademie der

Wissenschaften ... [St. Petersburg (Tipo-Lithographia ...) 1901]. Oct.

Editors: Johannes Christoph Klinge (1851-1902); Vladimir Leontjevic Komarov (1869- 1945)-

Publ.: Jan-Jul 1901 (p. 228: Sep rgoo; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1gor), p. [i-iv], [1]-195. Copies: B, BR, MO, NY.— Reprinted and to be cited from Acta Horti Petrop. 18: 221-415. 1901 (for 1900). — The reprint at B is the only one seen with a St. Petersburg ... rgor imprint.

Ref.: Diels, L., Bot. Jahrb. 32(Lit.): 29. 1903.

Meisel, Max (1892-1969), American bibliographer and historian of natural history; B.Sc. New York rgr4, librarian at New York public library 1916-1917; at Battle Creek, Mich. 1917-1918, at Brooklyn 1918-? (Meisel).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 472; BL 1: 159, 308; BM 7: 821.

Allen, E. G., Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. ser. 2. 41(3): 387-591. 1951 (Hist. Amer. ornithol. before Audubon; Max Meisel’s copy (libr. FAS) has annotations made for a suppl. of his Bibl. Amer. nat. hist.).

Anon., Miami Herald 22 Jun 1969 (d. 21[?] Jun 1969) (inf. J. Ewan).

  1. A bibliography of American natural history the pioneer century, 1769-1865 the role played

by scientific societies, scientific journals, natural history museums and botanic gardens;

State Geological and natural history surveys, federal exploring expeditions in the rise and

progress of American botany, geology, mineralogy, paleontology and zoology ... New

York (The Premier Publishing Co. ...) 1924-1929, 3 vols. (Bzbl. Amer. nat. hist.).

1: Nov 1924 (Copy sent to Barnhart by author on 18 Nov 1924; Torreya 19 Aug 1925), p. [1 ]-224.

2: 1926, p. [i]-xui, [1]-741.

3: 1929, p. [i]-x11, [1 ]-749.

Copy: FAS (Barnhart’s copy).

Facsimile ed.: New York and London (Hafner Publishing Company) 1967, 3 vols. Copy: FAS. — See Taxon 16: 548. 1967.

The most important bibliographical treatment of American natural history 1769—1865.

Essential source for biographies, bibliographies, societies, expeditions, sources and dates.


MEISNER Ref.: Barnhart, J. H., Torreya 25: 83-85. 1925.

Meisner, Carl Friedrich (1800-1874), Swiss botanist; Dr. med. Goettingen 1824; at Geneve with A. P. de Candolle 1825-1828; professor of physiology Basel 1828-1836, professor of botany 1836-1867. (Mezsn.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Meisner’s herbarium was bought by John J. Crooke and presented to Columbia University; it is now at NY. It contains part of his types, but since he worked extensively with other material, Meisner types may be encountered also at e.g. B., BM, DBN, G, K, LINN. Letters at G and U. Ref. Trimen, H., J. Bot. 11: 32. 1873 (herb. purchased for Columbia College, New York). Anon., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 6: 128. 1876 (J. J. Grooke purchased the herbarium for Columbia); see also Torreya 27: 75-76. 1927. Barneby, R. C., Garden J. 13: 129-140, 142. 1963.

NOTE ON NAME. — Meisner signed his earlier letters, at least until 13 Apr 1845 (letters to Miquel at ULU), Meisner. In later years (at any rate after 1861) he signed Meissner, (see TL ed. 1, sub no. 827; see also Nevling, Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 46: 269-270. 1959 fora different conclusion).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: ADB 21: 246-248; Barnhart 2: 472; BM 3: 1281; Bossert p.

263; CSP 4: 325-326; 6: 725, 8: 375, 10: 767-768, 12: 497; Frank 3(Anh.): 63; GR cat. p. 68;

Herder p. 465 [index]; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Meisn.””); IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 522-523; Jackson p.

116, 495; Kew 3: 644-645; Langman p. 496; Lasegue 526; Lenley p. 464; Maiwald p. 58,

113; MW p. 315; NAF ser. 2. 7: 42; PR 6065-6067 (ed. 1: 6753-6754); Rehder 5: 563; RS p.

18; SBC p. 127 (“Meisn.”’); TL-1/827; TL-2/1:999, 1004, 1676, 2025, 4332; Tucker 1: 477;

Zander ed. 10, p. 691, ed. 11. p. 788.

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 213. 1967.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 32. 1855 (Leopoldina, cogn. J. J. Romer), 5: 48. 1857 (elected Foreign Member Linn. Soc. London), 6: 48. 1858; Bot. Not. 1875 (15 Feb): 30. (d.); Bot. Zeit. 32: 672. 1874 (catalogue of his library); Bull. Soc. bot. France 21(bibl.): 44. 1874; J. Bot. 12: 191-192. 1874; J. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 12, 36. 1900 (herb. to NY); Osterr. bot. Z. 17: 162. 1867 (retired because of ill-health).

Barneby R. C., Garden J. 13(5): 182-183. 1963 (on herb.).

Briquet, J., Ber. schweiz. bot. Ges. 50a: 311-315. 1940 (bibl., biogr., epon., b. 1 Nov 1800, d. 2 Mai 1874; son of Carl Friedrich August Meisner, 1765-1825, ornithologist).

Candolle, Alph. de, Bull. Soc. bot. France 21: 279-283. 1874 (bibl.); Phytographie 432. 1880 (coll.).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 332, 392, 476, 586. 1862.

Carus, GC. G. & C. F. P. von Martius, Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen 39, 41, 61, 121, 137, 147. s.d.

Gray, A., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 6: 25-26. 1874.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 109. 1970 (pl. E).

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 278, 415. 1912.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 422, 429, 1864.

Stafleu, F. A., Wentia 16: 27. 1966; The great Prodromus 28. 1966; Regn. \V CEE Fie BIC), BEC): 1970.

Stearn, W. T., Taxon 6: 158; J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 4: 291-297. 1967 (dates Pl. vasc. gen.).

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 14: 643. 1959, 15: 739. 1960.

Trimen, H., J. Bot. 12: 191-192. 1874.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 186-187. 1906 (biogr., bibl.).

Voigt, A., Bot. Inst. Hamburg 25. 1897.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 164, pl. 133. 1905 (portr.; err. d. 2 Mai 1875).

Woolson, G. G., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 5: 25-26. 1874.

COMPOSITE works: (1) Martius, Fl. bras.

(a) Polygonaceae, 5(1): 1-60, pl. 1-27 (fasc. 14): 1 Jan 1855.

(b) Thymelaeaceae, 5(1): 61-72, pl. 26-30 (fasc. 14): 1 Jam 1855. (c) Proteaceae, 5(1): 73-100, pl. 31-36 (fasc. 14): 1 Jan 1855. (d) Ericaeae, 7: 119-174, pl. 48-66 (fasc. 35): 10 Jul 1863.



(e) Lauraceae et Hernandtaceae, 5(2): 137-302, 309-310, pl. 45-107 (fasc. 41): 15 Mai 1866. (f) Convolvulaceae, 7: 199-362, pl. 72-124 (fasc. 48): 1 Aug 1869 and 7: 363-370 (fasc. 52): 1 Mar 1871.

(2) DC., Prodr.:

a) Hernandvaceae, 15(1): 261-265. early Mai 1864.

‘b) Lauraceae, 15(1): 1-260, 503-516, early Mai 1864.

(c) Polygonaceae, 14: 1-185 [see also 693-695], med. Oct 1856.

d) Proteaceae, 14: 209-482 [see also 698-700], med. Oct 1856.

e) Thymelaeaceae, 14: 493-605, 700. late Nov 1857.

Warming, E., Symb. i. bras.

Polygonaceae, 6: 125-129. Aug 1870.

) Lauraceae, 6: 129-146. Aug 1870.

Ericaceae, 11: 85-87. 24 Apr 1873.

Convolvulaceae (co-author), 9: 316-318. 10 Apr 1871, 28: 271-276. 10 Mai 1883.

A. P. de Candolle. Organographie der Gewéichse, 1828, translated by M.

J.G.C@. Lehmann, Plantae Preissianae, several treatments, see TL-2/2: 4332 (Legum 1: 3- 95, Proteac. 1: 491-601, Thymel. 1: 601-607, Polygon. 1: 623-624).

o § Go

aor ae

HANDWRITING and TyPEs: Candollea 32: 167-168. 1977.

EPONYMY: Meisneria A. P. de Candolle (1828). Note: Meissneria Fée (1837) is dedicated to W. Meissner (x- + 1855), from Halle (Germany) about whom we have no further particulars (see IH 2: 529),

  1. Observations sur le genre des Renouées (Polygonum Linné), par C. F. Meisner ...

[Geneve 1826]. Oct. (Observ. Renouées).

Publ.: Oct 1826, p. [1]-12. Copy: G.— Reprinted from Bibl. Univ. Genéve 23: 139-150. Oct. 1826.

  1. Monographiae generis Polygoni prodromus. Auctore Carolo Friderico Meisner ... Gene-

vae (Sumtibus auctoris. Typis A. Lador) 1826. Qu. (Monogr. Polyg.).

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1826 (p. iv: 1 Oct 1826), p. [i*-iii*], [i]-iv, [1]-117, pl. 1-8. Copies: FI, G(2), L, M, NY, U(2), US, USDA; IDC 5569.

Ref.: Anon., Linnaea 2(3): 453-475. Aug-Oct 1827 (rev.).

  1. Plantarum vascularium genera secundum ordines naturales digesta eorumque differen-

tiae et affinitates tabulis diagnosticis expositae auctore Carolo Friderico Meisner ...

Lipsiae [Leipzig] (Libraria Weidmannia) 1836-1843, 2 parts. Fol. (Pl. vasc. gen.).

Pars prior: 1837-1848, p. [1*-iii*], [i]-iii, [iv], [1]-442.

Pars altera: 1837-1844, p. [i], [1]-401, [402, err.].

Copies: G, MO, NY, U, USDA; IDC 5015. — Published in 14 parts as follows (for details on sources dates see TL-1).

poy 2

fasc. _ tab. diagn. comm. dates (Hinrichs)

I I-v1, I-32 1-24 26 Mar-1 Apr 1837 2 33-68 25-48 21-27 Mai 1837

3 69-104 49-72 27 Aug-3 Sep 1837 4 105-136 73-100 8-14 Apr 1838

5 137-176 101-120 16-22 Sep 1838

6 177-220 121-136 3-9 Mar 1839

7 221-256 137-160 18-24 Aug 1839

8 257-284 161-192 5-11 Apr 1840

9 285-312 193-224 25-31 Oct 1840 10 313-344 225-252 18-24 Jul 1841 II 345-376 253-280 13-15 Feb 1842 12 377-408 281-308 17-20 Aug 1842 13 409-436 309-340 22-25 Feb 1843 ut 437-442 341-402 2-4 Nov 1843

2 Volumes, the first often referred to as ‘, Tab. Diagn.’’, the second as ‘,Commentarius’’.


MEISTER Facsimile ed.. announced, but not yet published, by Asher (1974).

  1. Ueber die Ostindischen Thymeléen von Prof. Dr. C. F. Meisner in Basel [Regensburg

1841]. Qu. (Ostend. Thymel.).

Publ.: 1841 (p. 24: Jan 1841), p. [1]-24, pl. 6-7 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copies: FI, G.— Denkschr. Regensb. bot. Ges. 3: 270-294. 1840 (1841).

  1. Enumeratio plantarum quas in Australasia annis 1838-1841 collegit L. Preiss.

Leguminosae auctore C. F. Meisner. [Hamburgi (sumptibus Meissneri) 1844]. Oct.

Publ.: 19-21 Sep 1844, p- [1]-95. Copy: G. — Reprinted (with special cover) and to be cited from J. G. C. Lehmann. Plantae Preissianae 1: 3-95. 1844.

  1. Ueber die geografischen Verhdltnisse der Lorbeergewdchse von C. ¥. Meissner ... Munchen

(Verlag der K. Akademie, ... Druck von F. Straub...) 1866. Qu. (Geogr. Verh. Lorbeergew.).

Publ.: 1866, p. [1]-34. Copy: G. — Preprinted from Abh. k. bayer. Akad. Wiss. IIcl. 10(1): 169-200. 1870.

Meister, Friedrich (fl. 1893-1919), Swiss diatomologist; high school teacher at Horgen ur. Zurich. (F. Mester).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: ZT; other material at BRM, PH and S-PA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 472; BJI 2: 114; BM 7: 821; DTS 6(4): 170; 1H i(ed. 6): 361, 2: 523; Kew 3: 645; MW p. 315, suppl. 225.

Anon., Hedwigia 75(Beibl. 2): (168). 1936 (Dr. h.c. lial)

Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nov. Hedw. 35: 362. 1975.

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3567. 1978, 7: 4203. 1978 (bibl.).

Wornardt, W. W., Int. direct. diat. 35. 1968.

  1. Die Kieselalgen der Schweiz ... Bern (Druck und Verlag von K. J. Wyss) 1912. Oct.

(Kieselalg. Schweiz).

Publ.: Mai 1912 (p. 8: 15 Apr 1911; ObZ 1 Jul 1912: publ. Mai; Nat. Nov. Aug(t) 1912), p. fii]-vi, [1]-254 [1, err.], pl. 1-48 (uncol. liths. with text). Copies: BR, FH, WIG WS. = Beitrage zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz, Band 4, Heft 1.

Ref.: West, J. Bot. 50: 291-293. 1912.

Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 48: 59. 1913 (rev.).

  1. Kieselalgen aus Asien ... Berlin (Verlag von Gebriider Borntraeger ...) 1932. Oct. (Kieselalg. Asten).

Publ.: 1932 (Nat. Nov. Mar 1933), p- [1-11], [1]-56, pl. 1-19. Copy: FH.

Ref.: Schmidt, O. C., Hedwigia 73 (Beibl. 1): (8). 30 Mar 1933 (rev.).

Meister, Jakob (1850-1927), Swiss botanist and geologist; high school teacher at Zurich 1871-1880, at Schaffhausen 1880-1926. (JF. Meister).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at E and GB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 472; BL 2: 580, 690; BM 3: 1282; CSP 17: 141; IH 2: 523; Rehder 5: 563. Kummer, G., Ber. Schweiz. bot. Ges. 37: v-1x. 1928 (bibl., b. 2 Mar 1850, d. 7 Oct 1927).

  1. Flora von Schaffhausen ... Schaffhausen (Verlag von Carl Schoch’s Buchhandlung)

  2. Oct. (FI. Schaffhausen).

Publ.: Apr-Mai 1887 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1887; Bot. Zeit. 26 Aug 1887; Bot. Centralbl. 29 Aug-2 Sep 1887; J. Bot. Nov 1887), p. [*], [i]-vii, [1]-202, [i]-viii, index. Copy: G.

Other issue: Apr-Mai 1887, p. [1*], [1]-vii, [1]-202, [i]-viii, index. Copy: NY. —““Beilage zum Osterprogramm des Gymnasiums Schaffhausen 1887. Schaffhausen. — Buchdruckerei von H. Meier. — 1887.”

Ref.: Jaggi, J., Bot. Centralbl. 35: 89-91. 1888.


MEJER Mejer, Ludwig (1825-1895), German botanist at Hannover. (Mejer). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: HAN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1282; CSP 4: 328, 8: 375, 12: 497, 17: 141; IH 2: 523; Jackson p. 305; Morren ed. 10, p. 13; Rehder 5: 563; Tucker 1: 478.

EPONYMY: Mejerella Kordé (1950) is dedicated to Konstantin Ignatovic Meyer (or Mejer) (1881-?), Russian botanist, who is probably also commemorated by Meyeriella Skvortzov (1968).

  1. Flora von Hannover. Beschreibung und Standorterangabe der im Fuirstenthum Calen-

berg im Freien wachsenden Gefasspflanzen ... Hannover (Hahn’sche Hofbuchhandlung)

  1. Oct. (Fl. Hannover).

Ed. 1: Oct 1875 (see Bot. Zeit. 33: 726, 728, 29 Oct 1875; J. Bot. Dec 1875 in list of October publ.), p. [i]-xlviu, [1 ]-219. Copy: B (has also the 20 p. 1893 Nachtrag).

Ed. 2: 1893, p. [i]-xlviu, [1]-219 [1]-20 (Nachtrag). Copies: B, G. — “Zweite durch einen Nachtrag bis 1892 fortgeftihrte Ausgabe.”

Mejer published a Schulbotantk fiir Hannover, Hannover (Hahn’sche Buchh.), lv, 187 p., Oct.,

in June 1886.

Mela, Aukusti Juhana (until 1876 August Johan Malmberg) (1846-1904), Finnish zoologist and botanist; high school teacher in Helsinki; active promoter of Finnish culture and language. (Mela).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: KUO, H. NOTE: Information provided by P. Isoviita.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 472 (b. 8 Mar 1846, d. 3 Feb 1904); BL 2: 61,

69-70 (Malmberg, 687 (id.)); BM 3: 1282, 7: 821; Collander p. 351-352 (also biogr. refs.),

hist. p. 66, 97, 100, 110; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361; Morren ed. 10, p. 97; Rehder 5: 563; Saelan p. 316

(Malmberg), 322-324; TL-2/2875; TR 841 (Malmberg).

Anon., Bot. Not. 1871: 104 (Malmberg).

Elfving, F., Acta Fauna FI. fenn. 50: 223. 1921).

Lappalainen, P., Aukusti Juhana Mela, uranaukaisijan elama. Helsinki 1959, 464 p. (main biogr., portr.).

Palmén, J. A., Medd. Soc. Faun. Fl. fenn. 30: 158-161. 1904.

Saalaas, U., Puoli vuosisataa suomalaista luonnontiedetta 48-135. 1946 (on Mela and the Mela period in Finnish natural history; portr.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 94, pl. 121. 1905 (sub Malmberg; portr.).

HANDWRITING: Lappalainen, P. (1959), p. 109.

coMPOsITE works: Translated C. Hoffmann, P/l.-Allas Linn. Syst. (1881) into Swedish: “Bilder ur vaxtverlden ... ”’ Stockholm (C. C. Fritze) 1883 (Bot. Centralbl. 11-15 Feb 1884; Bot. Zeit. 29 Feb 1884), n.v.

  1. Lyhkdinen kasvioppi ja kasvio ... Helsingissaé (Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden Seuran

Kirjapainossa) 1877. Oct.

Ed. 1: 1877 (p. x1: Dec 1876), p. [i]-x1, [xii], [1 ]-88, [1]-xxxviii, [1 ]-197, 6pl. Copy: H. —“Brief botany and flora ...’’ Suomalaisen kirjalli suuden Seuran toimituksia 53 osa.

Ed. 2: 1884 (p. xii: Aug 1884), p. [i]-xii, [1-]-[212], [1]-xxx1x, [1]-240, [ 1-4, err.]. Copy: H. — Second, corrected and augmented edition.

Ed. 3: 1895 (p. [vii]: Mai 1895), p. [i-xii], map, [1]-572, [1]-lxvi1. Copzes: H, NY, — Third, fully revised edition. Suomen koulukasvio.

Ed. 4: 1899 (p. [vu]: Jun 1899), p. [i-xii], map, [1]-[590], [1]-lxxi. Copy: H.

Ed. 5: 1906 (p. x: 10 Sep 1906), p. [i]-x, map, [1]-[764]. Copy: H. — “A. J. Melan Suomen kasvio viides painos ... ’’ by Alexander Karl Cajander (1848-1911). The cover has ‘““Mela-Cajander Suomenkasvio,” however, the text must be attributed to Cajander.




Melchior, Hans (1894-x), German botanist; student of Engler; 1917 assistant with G. Haberlandt, Berlin; Dr. phil. Berlin 1920; at the Botanical Museum as Assistant 1920; Oberassistent 1929; Kustos 1932-1955; from 1940 professor; Wissenschaftlicher Oberrat 1955; kommissarischer Leiter 1958-1959. (Melch.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 363; Barnhart 2: 4.72 (b. 5 Aug 1894); BFM 2274, 2919; BJI 2: 114-115; Bossert p. 263; Hirsch p. 195; Hortus 3: 1199 (“ Melchior’); IH 2: 523; Kew 3: 646; Langman p. 497; MW p. 316, suppl. p. 225; Roon p. 76; TL-2/1: 1707, 1711; Zander ed. 10, p. 691, ed. 11, p. 788; Zep.-Tim. p. 83-84.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 81: 320. 1932 (app. Kustos).

Becker, K. & E. Schumacher, S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin ser. 2. 13(2): 144. 1973. Eckardt, Th., Willdenowia 4(2): 176. 1966.

Pilger, R., Mitt. bot. Gart. Mus. Berl.-Dahl. 1(1): 2, 15. 1953.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) EP, Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 2:

a) Medusagynaceae (with A. Engler), 21: 50-52, fig. 31, Dec 1925.

b) Theaceae, 21: 109-154, fig. 59-67. Dec 1925.

c) Violaceae, 21: 109-154, fig. 146-162. Dec 1925.

d) Canellaceae, Nachtrag (with W. Schultze-Motel) 17a I: 221-224. Jan-Jul 1959.

  1. Engler, Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 12, 2 vols. 1954-1964 (with E. Werdermann), see TL=2/1: 1707.

(3) Melchior, H. & H. Kastner, Gewiirze, Berlin und Hamburg 1974, 290 p., ‘Grundlagen und Fortschritte der Lebensmitteluntersuchung’ vol. 2 (Taxon 24: 162. 1974).

( ( ( ( (

EpONYMY: Melchiora Kobuski (1956). Note: Melchioria Penzig & Saccardo (1897) is dedica- ted to Melchior Treub (1851-1910), Dutch botanist (q.v.) Considering Kobuski’s name a later homonym, Verdcourt replaced it by the name Balthasaria Verdcourt (1969), stating: ‘““Since a new name is inevitable I have chosen one based on one of the other wise men.”’ The third companion of the party of the Magi was not forgotten by botanists, see Casparea and Caspareopsis under Caspar Bauhin.

Melén, Eric Gustaf (1801-1828), Swedish physician and botanist; student of C. P. Thunberg; Dr. med. Upsal. 1826; hospital physician at Kalmar 1826-1828 (Melén).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Types, if any, in UPS (Thunberg herb.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 172; BM 3: 1283; KR p. 499 (b. 6 Oct 1850, d. 12 Feb 1919); PR 6073 (ed. 1, 6762).

  1. De Erythraets svecanis dissertatio botanico medica. Quam venia exp. Facult. med. upsal. praeside C. P. Thunberg . .. pro gradu medico conscripsit et publicae censurae offert Ericus Gustavus Melén Calmariensis. In audit. botanico die 6 junii mdcccxxvi h.a. et p-m.s. Upsaliae (excudebant Palmblad & C.) Qu. (E7ythr. svec.).

Publ.: 6 Jun 1826, p. [1]-8. Copy: FI.

Melhus, Irving E. (1881-1969), American phytopathologist and pteridologist; B. Sc. Iowa State 1906, Ph. D. Madison 1912; plant pathologist in the Agricultural Experiment Station and Botany Dept. of Iowa State University 1912-1946; director of the Iowa State University Guatemala Tropical Research Center 1946-1953. (Melhus).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at F.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 472; Bossert p. 263; IH 2: 523; LS 18105-18134; Stevenson p. 1251.

Anon., Phytopathology 56: 385. 1966.

Pammel, L. H., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 31: 58. 1924.

Wallin, J. R., Phytopathology 62(4): 391. 1972 (obit., portr., b. 2 Apr 1881, d. 10 Nov




Melliss, John Charles (fl. 1863-1872), British botanist and commissioner of Crown property, surveyor on St. Helena ca. 1860-1891. (Melliss).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at B, E, FI, GRA, K, LY, OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 473; BL 1: g1, 308; BM 3: 1284; Clokie p. 209; Herder p. 54; IH 2: 524; Jackson p. 353; Rehder 1: 498; SBC p. 127 (““Mell.””); TL-2/see W. A. Leighton; Tucker 1: 478; Urban-Berl. p. 307, 374.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880 (pl. K).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 109. 1970.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 45 (273 pl. K).

Sayre, G.; Bryologist 80: 513. 1977.

  1. St. Helena: a physical, historical, and topographical description of the island, includ-

ing its geology, fauna, flora, and meteorology by John Charles Melliss, ... the botanical

plates from original drawings by Mrs. J. C. Melliss. London (L. Reeve & Co., ...) 1875.

Oct. (St. Helena).

Publ.: Mar-Apr 1875 (J. Bot. Apr 1875), p. [i]-xiv, map, [1]-426, 56 pl. Copy: FI. Botany on p. 221-383, col. pl. 25-56. For a slightly more recent account see W. B. Hemsley, Rep. Challenger, Bot. 1(2): 49-122, pl. 18-22, 48-51. Mai-Dec 1884.

Melsheimer, Marcellus (1827-1920), German botanist and forester; studied at the Eisenach forestry college 1852-1854; from 1856-1896 Oberforster at Linz a. Rhein; in retirement ibid. until 1920. (Melsheimer).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at BHU.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BFM 302; BM 3: 1284; CSP 8: 378, 10: 771, 17: 149;

Morren ed. 10, p. 14; Rehder 5: 564.

Andres, H., S. B. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westf. 1922: 22-23. 1923 (obit., b. 14 Feb 1827, d. 24 Mai 1920).

Roth, E., Bot. Centralbl. 21: 235. 1885 (rev. Mittelrhein. F1.).

Wirtgen, F., S. B. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westf. 1g07(1): E-50. 1908 (material collected by M in Society’s herb. [now BHU}).

  1. Mittelrheinische Flora das Rheintal und die angrenzenden Gebirge von Coblenz bis

Bonn umfassend ... Neuwied und Leipzig (Henser’s Verlag (Louis Henser)). 1884. Oct.

(Mittelrhein. Fl.).

Publ.: 18 Sep 1884 (copy M signed and dated by author; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1884; Bot. Centralbl. 29 Sep-3 Oct 1884; Bot. Zeit. 31 Oct 1884; J. Bot. Nov 1884), p. [i]-vui, [vii], [1]-164, err. slip, [1, Nachtr.]. Copzes: B, G, M.

Melvill, James Cosmo (1845-1929), British businessman and naturalist at Manchester; B. A. Cantab. 1868; D. Sc. Manchester 1908. (Melvill).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: HWB (basis of his Flora of Harrow, 1864), MANCH (later material). Dupl.: BM, CGE, HWB, K, MANCH, NY, OXF. Melvill presented the major part of his herbarium, 42.000 species, to the Museum of Owens College, Manchester in 1904; this is now at MANCH. The British plants, cryptogams and grasses were retained by him; they are now at HWB (often in poor condition).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 474; BL 1: 173, 309, 2: 252, 257, 690; BM 3: 1284, 7: 828; Clokie p. 209; CSP 8: 378, 10: 771, 12: 498, 17: 151; De Toni 1: Ixxxii; IH 1(ed. 6): 3615; 2: 525; Jackson p.253; Kew 3: 649; KR p. 500; LS suppl. 18164; PH 98; PR 6076; Rehder 5: 564; SO 2956, 3534; TL-2: see Hind, W. M.; Tucker 1: 478.

Anon., Manchester Museum Rep. 1929-30: 6-7. 1930.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 41: 415. 1903, 42: 391. 1904, 46: 272. 1908.

Druce, C. G., Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Br. Isl. Rep. 9: 94-96. 1930; FI. Berkshire clxxvii. 1897. Ewan, J., im R. W. Long & O. Lakela, Fl. trop. Florida 5-6. 1971.

Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. rog. 1970 (pl. E).



Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 45 (pl. BK).

Jackson, J. W., Nature 124: 921. 1929.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 69. 1957 (herb.); Hist. Fl. Middlesex 23. 1975.

Melvill, J. C., zx Museum handbooks, Manchester Museum Oneis College publ. 54. 1904, 20 p. (herb.).

Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 67: 344. 1929.

Riley, N. D., Entomologist 63: 96. 1930 (obit., b. 1 Jul 1845, d. 4 Nov 1929).

Smith, A. C., Fl. vit. nova 1: 80. 1979 (Fiji coll. 1962).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 5, 84. 1902 (on this list of phan. of Key West), 5: 8. 1908.

Watson, H. C., Topogr. Bot. ed. 2. 550. 1883 (mss. pl. Montgomeryshire).

Weiss, F. E., J. Bot. 68: 20-22. 1930; Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Philos. Soc. 74: 11-iv. 1930; Northwestern Naturalist 5: 150-156. 1930 (portr., bibl., d. 4 Nov 1929); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 142: 211-213. 1931 (obit.).

Western, W. H., Lancashire Natural. 4: 323-329. 1912 (b. 1 Jul 1845; appreciation, portr., descr. herb.).

  1. The flora of Harrow by J. GC. Melvill. With notes on the birds of the neighbourhood, ... London (Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green), Harrow (Crossley and Clar- ke) 1864. Duod. (in sixes). (FV. Harrow).

Ed. 1: Jul-Oct 1864 (p. vi: Jun 1864; BSbF Nov 1864; J. Bot. Nov 1864), map, p. [1]-vi, [1]- 127. Copies: G, MO, NY. — Drawn up by Harrow boys “‘from a very strong desire to promote at Harrow an interest in natural history” (pref.). Melvill was at the time a pupil at Harrow. In compiling the flora he had the assistance of W. M. Hind.

Ed. 2: 1876 (J. Bot. Jan 1877), map, p. [i]-viii, [1]-176. Copy: NY. — “A new and enlarged edition revised and edited by the Rev. W. M. Hind [William Marsden Hind (1815- 1894) |], London (Longmans, Green & Co.), Harrow (Samuel Clarke ...) 1876. 12-mo. (in sixes).

Ref.: Seemann, J. Bot. 2: 350-352. 1864 (rev.).

Melville, Ronald (1903-x), British botanist; Cheshunt Exp. Sta. 1930-1933; at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, from 1934; specialist on the Australasian flora and British Rosa. (Melville).

HERBARIUM and types: K; dupl.: E, KEP, MEL, OXF, PERTH, SUVA, SYD.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 474 (b. 12 Mar 1903); BL 2: 256, 690; Bossert p.

263; Clokie p. 209; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Melv.”’); [IH 2: 525; Kew 3: 649-651; Langman p. 408;

Laségue p. 276, 318, 324, 329, 373; MW p. 316, suppl. p. 225; Roon p. 76; SK 5: ccci;

ZAMGeIcdlOn py OOn, edenit,"p. 788.

Melville, R., Nature 188: 14-18. 1960 (new theory Angiosp. flower); Taxon 25: 549-561. 1976 (terminology leaf architecture).

Memminger, Edward Read (1856-?), American botanist in North Carolina (Memmin- ger).

HERBARIUM and Types: NCU; further material at NY (fungi).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 474; BL 1: 205, 308; GSP 17: 152; IH 2: 525; Kelly p. 148; LS 17684; NAF ser. 2. 2: 165.

Mendel, Gregor Johann (1822-1884), Czech geneticist, clergyman and teacher at Brno. (Mendel).

HERBARIUM and Types: A. Peter’s Hieracia Naegeliana (3 centuries and 1 supplementary century) contain Mendel material. This series is found in many herbaria (e.g. BP, H, K.


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 12(1): 94; Barnhart 2: 474; BM 7: 824; Bossert p. 263; CSP 4: 338, 8: 378, 17: 153; DSB 9: 277-283; Hegi 6(2): 1206; Jackson p. 100; Kew 3: 651- 652; KR p. 500; Lenley p. 285; Moebius p. 343, 351, 352; Rehder 5:565.



Bennett, J. H., Experiments in plant hybridisation, Edinburgh, London 1965, 95 p. (translation of the ““Versuche’’, see also Smit, Hist. Life Sci. 982-983. 1974).

Boyes, J. W. & B. C., AIBS Bull. 12(3): 31-34. 1962 (visit to monastery).

Carlson, E. A., Folia mendeliana 8: 255-258. 1973 (on repr. Vers. Pfl.-Hybr.).

Correns, C., Gregor Mendels Briefe an Carl Naegeli 1866-1873, Abh. math.-phys. KI. k. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. 29(3), Leipzig 1905, 79 p.

Dumon, A. G. et al., Gregor Mendel herdacht ... 9 Oktober 1965, Brussel, 75 p.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 63, 64, 66, 111. 1969.

Glass, B. et al., Forerunners of Mendel 466 [index]. 1968.

Gustafsson, A., Acta Agric. Scand., suppl. 16: 27-32. 1966, Hereditas 62: 239-258. 1969 (M’s life: tragic or not?).

Hadfield, M., Pioneers in Gardening 149-155. 1951.

Heimans, M. and Heimans, J., Regn. Veg. 71: 107-110. 1970 (character and personality).

Iltis, H. et al., Festschrift zum Andenken an Gregor Mendel, Verh. naturf. Ver. Brinn 49, I9I1, 363 p. (contains e.g. reprints of three Mendel papers).

Iltis, H., Gregor Johann Mendel, Leben, Werk und Wirkung. Berlin 1924, ix 426 p., 12 pl. (portr.) (Engl. translation 1932, 1966), ed. 2.1966.

Jakubicek, M. & J. Kubicek, Bibhographia mendeliana, Brno, 1965, 74 p. (Bibliography with 361 items). Kiefer, J. Heredity 40: 71-74. 1949 (On Erich von Tschermak, one of the rediscoverers of


Knoll, F., Anzeig. math.-naturw. KI. Osterr. Akad. Wiss. 104(g): 226-229. 1967.

Krizenecky, J., Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884). Texte und Quellen zu seinem Leben und Wirken. Briinn 1965, 198 p. (much biogr. inf., sources, portraits).

Krizenecky, J. and B. Némec, eds., Fundamenta genetica, Praha 1965, 400 p. (reprints of early papers by the pioneers of Mendelism).

Krizenecky, J. et al., The Mendel Memorial Hall, Brno 1965.

Krumbiegel, I., Gregor Mendel und das Schicksal seiner Vererbungsgesetze. Stuttgart 1957, V, 144 p. (ed. 2, 1967, vii, 160 p., biography).

Kruytzer, E. M., Natuurhist. Maandbl. (Limburg) 54(2): 19-29. 1965 (portr.).

Lawrence, J. Heredity 40(9): 241-242. 1949 (on L. H. Bailey’s role in the rediscovery of Mendel by H. de Vries).

Lever, J. et al., Honderd jaar Mendel, Wageningen 1965, 211 p.

Lotsy, J. P. and M. O. Sirk, Herdenkingsnummer, Genetica 4, 1922, vill, 192 p.

Melcher, R., Z. Pflanzenztichtung 53(1): 88-96. 1965.

Maedefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 195-199, 312. 1973.

Malek, I., 7m Mechanism of mutation and inducing factors, Academia, Praha 1965, p. 13-17 (on M’s experimental method).

Matalova, A., Folia mendeliana 9: 225-230. 1974 (bibl. note on Hieracium paper).

Meyer, Willdenowia 1(1): 776-777. 1953 (on Mendel and Asplenium adulterinum).

Nardone, R. M., ed., Mendel centenary: genetics, development and evolution. Washing- ton, D. C 1968, vi, 174 p.

Orel, V., Dej. Ved. Techn. 2: 9-17. 1969 (Mendel and Darwinism); Indian J. genet. 33: 88- 91. 1973; Sborn. Vys. Skoly Zemed. Brne ser. A. 1965(4): 533-538. 1965, ser. C. 1965(3): 157-160. 1965 (M. and agriculture).

Panin, Ukr. bot. Zhurn. 22(5): 97-100. 1965.

Roberts, H. F., Plant hybridisation before Mendel 370 [index]. 1965.

Rogers, A. D. Liberty Hyde Bailey 498 [index]. 1949.

Stern, C. and E. R. Sherwood, eds., The origin of genetics, San Francisco 1966, 179 p. (orig. papers and letters).

Tschermak, E. v., ed., Mendel, G., Versuch uber Pflanzenhybriden, ed. 5, Ostwald’s Klassiker 1933.

Tschermak-Seysenegg, E., J. Heredity 42: 163-171. 1951 (rediscovery).

Vavra and Orel, Euphytica 20: 60-67. 1971 (hybr. pear varieties).

Weiling, F., Taxon 18: 431-432. 1969; Z. Pflanzenz. 62: 63-99. 1969 (on M’s Hieracium hybrids); Decheniana 126: 1-68. 1974 (Mendels influence on Bonn scientists).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 69, pl. 124. 1905 (portr.).

HANDWRITING: Veer, P. H. W. A. P. de, Leven en werk van Hugo de Vries, 1969, p. 178; see also Correns, C., Abh. math.-phys. KI. k. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. 29(3): 193 (alt.: 7). 1905.



POSTAGE STAMPS: Danzig 10 p. (1939) yv. 255; Czechoslovakia 60 h. (1965) yv. 1424.

EPONYMy: (journals): Mendel Bulletin of the School of Science of Villanova College, Villano- va, Pennsylvania, vols. 1-15 (1929-43) vols. 16-33 (1951-69), no vol. issued 1952; Mendel Journal, London, vol. 1 (1909) to vol. 3 (1912).

NOTE: We have not tried to compile a major list of the publications on Mendel. We cite here a number of recent publications as well as certain publications of importance for the bibliography of Mendel on and the taxonomically relevant aspects of his work. For an exhaustive bibliography see Jakubiéek, M. & J. Kubicek (1965); for sources and supporting texts Kiizenecky (1965).

  1. Versuche iiber Pflanzenhybriden, Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereines in

Brunn 4(1865): 3-47. 1866.

Reprint from journal: 1866 (n.v.), see Knoll, F. (1967). Only very few copies known, all with similar manuscript corrections of typographical errors. Journal publ. e.g. at NY. — Other editions see Jakubi¢ek & Kubiéek (1965).

Facsimile ed.: Weinheim (J. Cramer) 1960, Historiae naturalis classica 4, ISBN 3-7682- 0013-2, p. [1]-47. Copy: FAS. — Other fasc. ed.: Junk, Berlin, 1917.

Ref.:krumbiegel, Gregor Mendel und das Schicksal seiner Entdeckung. Stuttgart 1957. Geerts et al., Honderd jaar Mendel, Wageningen 1965 (q.v. for further literature). Zirkle, Mendel and his era, zx Nardone, Mendel centenary. Washington D. C. 1968. Knoll, Anzeig. math. naturw. KI. osterr. Akad. Wiss. 104(g): 226-229. 1968.

  1. Ueber einige aus kinstlicher Befruchtung gewonnenen Hieracium-Bastarde, Ver-

handlungen des naturforschenden Vereines in Briinn 8: [26]-31. 1870.

Publ.: 1870. — For extensive details and further literature see Weiling 1969. Reprints with original pagination at MO, NY.

Mendongea, Francisco de Ascensao (1889-?), Portuguese botanist; specialist on Cappa- ridaceae and Malvaceae; travelled in Angola 1927, 1937, 1955, in Mogambique 1942- 1948. (Mendonca).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 475; BL 1: 22, 308, 2: 474, 690; Bossert p. 264; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mendonga’’); IF suppl. 4: 331; IH 2: 526; Roon p. 77; TL-2/1734.

Dolezal, H., Friedrich Welwitsch p. 242 [index]. 1974.

Exell, A. W., Cat. vasc. pl. S. Tomé, Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 2. 26: 13. 1952.

Exell, A. W., A. Fernandes & F. A. Mendonga, Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 2. 26: 215, 216, 27 1952.

Exell, A. W. & G. A. Hayes, Kirkia 6(1): 97. 1967 (coll., portr.).

White ho @ RO AE TEAT 4: 193. 1962.

COMPOSITE WORKS: See A. W. Exell, Consp. fl. angol., TL-2/1734.

Meneghini, Giuseppe Giovanni Antonio (1811-1889), Italian algologist and palaeobo- tanist; educated at University of Padua (M. D. 1834); assistant (1834-1839) and professor of botany 1834-1838 at Padua; id. of Science faculty 1838-1849; professor of physical geography and geology at Pisa 1849-1889. (Menegh.).

HERBARIUM and Types: PI (main herb.), FI (crypt.); some material also in the Kiitzing herbarium at L and some other herbaria (see IH).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHyY: AG 5(4): 83, 6(2): 491; Andrews p. 302; Barnhart 2: 475; BM 3: 1285-1286, 7: 825; Bossert p. 264; Cesati p. 236; CSP 4: 340-341, 8: 380, 10: 774, 12: 499, 17: 157 (biogr. refs.!); De Toni 1: Ixxxiii-Ixxxiv, 2: Ixxix; DTS 1: 188; Frank 3 (Anh.): 63; GR p. 519, cat. p. 68; Hegi 4(3): 1280; Herder p. 113, 253; IH 2: 526; Jackson p. 159, 316; Kanitz no. 157; Kew 3: 653; KR p. 500; Laségue p. 320, 342, 524; LS 17690; Moebius



p- 67, 78, 219; Morren ed. 10, p. 87; NI 1337; Norstedt p. 23; PH 567; PR 6077-6083 (ed. 1: 6766-6777); Quenstedt p. 288-289 (many biogr. ref.); Rehder 5: 565; Saccardo 1: 109, 2: 72; Urban-Berl. p. 267.

Anon., Boll. Com. Geol. Ital. 20: 56-65. 1889; Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 8: 17-37. 1889 (bibl.); Bonplandia 3: 32. 1855 (Leopoldina cognomen Desfontaines); Bot. Not. 18go: 45 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 47: 322. 1889; Hedwigia 29(3): 226. 1889.

Arcangeli, G., Ann. Bot. 3(12): 482-484. 1890 (bibl.).

Canavari, M., Commemorazione di Giuseppe Meneghini. Pisa 1889, 54 p. (portr., bibl., extensive biogr.) (Atti Soc. Tose. Sci. nat.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880 (coll.).

De Toni, G. B., Notarisia 4: 725-732. 1889 (portr., bibl.); Una lettera inedita del botanico padovano Giuseppe Meneghini. Padova, 1909, 6 p. [Boll. Mus. Civ. Padova 1909].

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 375, 417. 1884.

Kanitz, A., Magy névén. Lap. 13: 88-90. 1890 (bibl.).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

M. C., Verh. k.k. geol. Reichsanst. 1889(3): 62-64. (b. 30 Jul 1811, d. 29 Jan 18809).

Miller, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traug. Kiitzing 288 [index]. 1960.

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 281. 1969.

Pirona, G. A., Atti r. Ist. Veneto ser. 7. 1: (53)-(89). 1889-1890 (bibl.).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: goo. 1898 (gives slightly different dates, b. 1

Aug 1811; at Pisa from 1848).

Seemann, W. E. G., Bonplandia 1: 42, 67. 1853.

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Blumea 25: 89. 1979 (algae at L).

Taramelli, T., Rendic. r. Ist. Lombardo Sci. ser. 2. 22: 206-216. 1888.

VanLandinghan,, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3567-3568. 1978, 7: 4203-4204. 1978.

HANDWRITING: Notarisia 4: pl. opp. p. 727. 18809.

EPONYMY: Meneghinia Endlicher (1839); Meneghinia R. de Visiani (1847); Meneghiniella W. A. Setchell & N. L. Gardner (1924).

  1. Conspectus algologiae Euganeae germanicis naturalium rerum scrutatoribus Pragae

anno 1837 convenientibus oblatus a J. Meneghini. Patavii [Padova] (Types Minervae

edit.) 1837. Oct. (Consp. algol. Eugan.).

Publ.: Sep 1837, p. [1]-37, [38, colo.]. Copy: B-S. — Reprinted from ‘‘Comentarii [sic] di Medicina del dott. G. F. Spongia fasc. Septembr 1837 ...” (p. [38]).

  1. Cenni sulla organografia e fisiologia delle alghe ... Padova (Coi Tipi della Minerva) 1838.

Qu. (Cenni organogr. alg.).

Publ.: 1838 (Flora 21 Oct 1838, “‘neu’’), p. [i-iii], [1]-64. Copies: B, FI, NY; IDC 6381. — Reprinted from Nuovi Saggi imp. reg. Accad. Sci. Padova 4: 325-388. 1838 (journal at LC).

  1. Alghe mediterranee italiane enumerate ed illustrate ... Pisa (Tipographia Nistri) 1841.

Oct. (Alg. medit. ital.).

Publ.: 1841 (p. 6:15 Jan 1861), p. [1]-16, [1, err.]. Copies: FH, NY. — Reprinted from Amici, Giorn. Toscano 1: 260-272. 1840 (1841). The cover has “fascicolo primo”’; this is the only one published.

Preliminary publication: Flora 23: 510-512. 1840 (diagnoses taken from Giorn. lett. ital. 23 Mai 1840.

  1. Alghe italiane e dalmatiche ... Padova (‘Tipografia di Angelo Sicca) 1842[-1846]. Oct. (Alg. ital. dalmat.). Publ.: in 5 parts, 1842-1846. Copies: G (orig. covers with dates), FI, MO, (id.), NY (id.), Regensburg (parts 1-4), USDA; IDC 6383. 1: Mar 1842, p. [1]-80, pl. 1 (partly col. lith. auct.). 2: Apr 1842, p. 81-160, pl. 2-3 (id.). 3: Jul 1842, p. 161-255, pl. 4 (id.), err. on cover p. 2. 4: Mar 1848, p. [257]-352, pl. 5 (id.), err. on cover p. 4. 5: Sep 1846, p. 353-384.



Facsimile ed.: Vaals (A. Asher & Co. N.V.) 1970, ISBN go-6123-094-2, as orig. with additional t.p., plates uncoloured. Copies: FAS, NY.

Ref.: Kiitzing, H. T., Bot. Zeit. 1: 464-465. 1843, 5: 170-172. 1847. Stafleu, F. “A. Siaxon 20: 372. 1971 (sic, part 5: 1846).

  1. Monographia nostochinearum ttalicarum addito specimine de Rivularis. . . [Torino (dalla

Stamperia reale) ]1842. Qu. (Monogr. nostoch. ital.).

Publ.: 1842 (submitted 8 Aug 1841: Flora 7 Jul 1843), p. [i], [1]-143, pl. 1-17 (col. liths. auct.). Copies: NY, LC; IDC 6382. — Reprinted from eee r. Accad. Sci. Torino ser. 2. 5: 1-143. 1842. (this part publ. 1842; t.p. of completed volume dated 1843).

Facsimile ed.: announced, but not yet published, by Asher (1974).

Ref.: Kutzing, F. T., Bot. Zeit. 1: 463-464. 7 Jul 1843.

  1. Sulla animalita delle diatomee e revisione organografica dei generi di diatomee stabiliti

dal Kiitzing memoria del Prof. G. Meneghini ... Venezia (Dalla Tipografia di Pietro

Naratovich) 1846. Oct. (Ammalita diatom.).

Publ.: 1846 (date reprint; read 28 Dec 1845), p. [1]-194, [1, err.]. Copies: NY — Reprinted from Atti r. Ist. Veneto 5: 43-231. 1846.

English transl.: in A. Henfrey, Botanical and physiological memoirs, London 1853 [publ. Apr 1854], ‘‘On the animal nature of the Diatomeae ...” transl. by C. Johnson, publ. in Mem. Ray Soc. 1853.

  1. Paléontologie de Vile de Sardaigne ... ou description des fossiles recueillis dans cette

contrée par le général Albert de la Marmora ... [Turin 1857]. Qu.

Publ.: 1857, p. 83-650, 759-772, 8 pl. Copy: FI (Inf. C. Steinberg).— Large paper extract from A. F. dela Marmora | 1789-1863], Voyage en Sardaigne vol. 2, 1857, see Andrews p. 302, BM 3: 1243, 1286.

Menezes (Meneses), Carlos Azevedo de (1863-1928), Portuguese botanist; municipal librarian at Funchal, Madeira. (Menezes).

HERBARIUM and Types: COJ; further material at P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 475; BFM 1528; BJI 1: 90, 91, 308; IF suppl. 2,

p- 38; IH 2: 526; LS 2: 17689; Rehder 5: 565; Tucker 1: 479.

Anon., Broteria 3: 310. 1903; Bull. Acad. int. Géogr. bot. 9: 12. 1900, 11: 9. 1902, 13: 8. 1904, 18: 8. 1909.

EPONYMY: Menezesia C. Torrend (1913).

  1. Flora do Archipelago da Madeira (phanerogamicas e cryptogamicas vasculares) ... Funchal (Typ. Bazar del Povo) 1914. Oct. (Fl. Madeira). Publ.: 1914, p. [1]-282. Copies: FI, L.

Menge, Franz Anton (1808-1880), German high school teacher, palacontologist, arach- nologist and botanist; studied at Bonn 1828- 1899; high school teacher at Graudenz 1833- 1836, and at the Petrischule, Danzig 1836-1877; specialist on amber fossils. (Menge).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Original collection at the Danziger Provinzialmuseum, now des- troyed. Bryophytes at WRSL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 5(1): 271; Andrews p. 302; Barnhart 2: 475 (b. 15 Feb

1808, d. 27 Jan 1880); BM 3: 1286-1287; CSP 4: 342, 8: 380, 10: 774; Herder p. 186; Kew 3:

654; PR 6084 (ed. 1: 6779); Quenstedt p. 289; Rehder 1: 380; SBC p. 127 (““Menge’’); TL-

2/1: 2080.

Anon., Zool. Anz. 3: 120. 1880 (b. 10 Feb 1808, d. 27 Jan 1880).

Bonnet, P. N. L., Bibl. Araneorum 1: 35-36. 1945 (d. 18 Jan 1880, portr. on fl. 5).

Ohlert, B., Schrift. naturf. Ges. Danzig ser. 2. 5: xl-xlvi. 1881 (obit., b. 15 Feb 1808, d. 26 Jan 1880).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (musci WRSL).



Schumann, E., Gesch. naturf. Ges. Danzig 1743-1892, Danzig 1893, p. 62-63, 97-98. (Schr. naturf. Ges. Danzig ser. 2. 8(2): 62-63, 97-98).

COMPOSITE WORKs: See TL-2/1: 2080, Goeppert et al., F/. Bernsteins (extensive rev.: Behrens, Bot. Centralbl. 15: 17-21. 1883, Sterzel, ib. 29: 140-145. 1887).

EPONYMY: Mengea J. C. Schauer (1843); Mengea H. Conwentz (1886).

  1. Calalogus plantarum phanerogamicarum regionis grudentinensis et gedanensis ... Grudentiae

[Graudenz] (typis C. G. Rothe) 1839. Duod. (Cat. pl. grudent. gedan.).

Publ.: 1839 (p. 4: Whitsun 1838), p. [1]-442. Copy: B. - Gedanum: Danzig, Gdansk; Grudentum: Graudentium, Graudenz, Bromberg, Grudziadz; both cities now in Po- land.

Mennega, Alberta Maria Wilhelmina (1912-x), Dutch wood anatomist and plant systematist at the University of Utrecht; Dr. phil. Utrecht 1938. (Mennega).

HERBARIUM and Types: U.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 476 (b. 14 Aug 1912): Bossert p. 264; IH 2: 527;

Roon p. 77.

Anon., [AWA Bull. 1979/4: 100 (portr.); Taxon 5: 2. 1956 (portr. in group), 25: 506. 1977.

Mennega, A. M. W., Suriname Timbers, 1, The Hague 1948, 59 p. Natuurw. Studiekring Suriname. Curagao no. 3.

Jonker, F. P., Med. Bot. Mus. Utrecht 436, 1977 (Giogr., bibl., portr.).

NOTE: A. M. W. Mennega’s nephew, Erik Albert Mennega is the author of the entries in TL- 2 on postage stamps carrying likenesses of botanical authors (b. 6 Jan 1923).

Mentz, August (1867-1944), Danish botanist; Dr. phil. 1912; professor of botany at an agricultural college at Copenhagen from 1923-1931. (Mentz).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 476; BL 2: 6, 54, 477, 691; CSP 17: 163; GR cat.

p. 68; Hirsch p. 195; IH 2: 527; Kew 3: 655; Kleppa p. 238, 239; KR p. 501 (b. 5 Dec 1867).

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 72: 448. 1923 (app. Copenhagen).

Christensen, C., Dansk. bot. hist. 1: 881. 1926; Danske bot. Litt. 1880-1913, p. 157-159. 1913. 1912-1939, p. 36-39. 1940 (portr., bibl.).

Hansen, A., Dansk. bot. Ark. 2(1): 68. 1963 (many refs. to obituaries; d. 6 Nov 1944).

Jessen, K., Bot. Tidsskr. 46(4): 430-433. 1946 (portr., b. 5 Dec 1867, d. 6 Nov 1944).

Mentz, A., Vid. Medd. Dansk. naturh. For. 108 xii-xiv. 1945 (nature conservation activities).

COMPOSITE WORKs: For Mentz, A. & C. H. Ostenfeld, Billeder af Nordens Flora see under Palmstruch, Sv. flora (see also BL 2: 477).

  1. Danske Graesser og andre graesagtige planter populaer vejledning ... K¢benhavn

(Det Nordiske Forlag ...) tg02. Oct. (Danske Graess.).

Publ.: 1902 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1903), p. [i-iv], [1]-168, [169-170, index], [1-2, contents and literature], [1, err.]. Copies: C, H, LD, UC.

  1. Studer over danske mosers recente vegetation... K@benhavn og Kristiania [Oslo] (Gylden-

dalske Boghandel. Nordisk Forlag ...) 1912. Oct. (Stud. danske mosers veg.).

Publ.: Jun 1912 (slip dated 28 Jun 1919; p. ii: 21 Mai 1912), p. [i]-v, [-viii], [1]-287, [289, theses] Copy: US. — Also published Bot. Tidskr. 31: 177-464.1912.

Menyharth, Laszlo (Ladislav), S. J. (1849-1897), Austro-Hungarian missionary and botanist; originally at Innsbruck; later at Kalocsa; travelled in the Zambesi region. (Menyh.).



HERBARIUM and Types: African material mainly at WU; further specimens at B, C, E, K, L, NY, WU and Z.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 476; BM 3: 1287; CSP 12: 500 DTS 1: 189;

Futak-Domin p. 393; Herder p. 344; IH 2: 527; Jackson p. 265; Morren ed. 10, p. 403

Urban-Berl. p. 307, 374.

Anon., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 104. 1899; Bot. Not. rgoo: 48 (d.); Nat. Nov. 21: 327. 1899 (d.).

Exell, A. W., Cat. vasc. pl. S. Tomé 14. 1944.

Exell, A. W. & G. A. Hayes, Kirkia 6(1): 97. 1967 (coll. Fl. zambesiac.).

Exell, A. W., A. Fernandes & F. A. Mendonga, Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 2. 26: 217. 1952.

Gomes e Sousa, A. de F., Mogambique, Document. trim. 57/58: 68. 1949.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 104. 1899 (d.).

Leeuwenberg, A. J. M., Webbia 19: 862. 1965 (dupl. coll.; orig. coll. at B mainly destroyed).

Schinz, H., Denkschr. k. Akad. Wiss., Wien, Math.-naturw. 78: 367-445. Sep 1905 (Plantae Menyharthianae).

  1. Kalocsa vidékének névénytenyészete [Die Vegetation der Umgebung von Kalocsa]. Budapest (Nyomatott a “Hunyadi Matyas” intézetben) 1877. Oct. (Kal. vid. ndvén.). Publ.: Nov-Dec 1877 (p. 9: 15 Oct 1877), p. [1]-198, [1]-25, [26]. Copy: NY.

Ref.: Knapp, J. A., Osterr. bot. Z. 28: 103. 1 Mar 1878 (rev.).

Menzel, Paul Julius (1864-1927), German palaecontologist; Dr. med. Greifswald 1889; practicing physician at Heinitz-Grosspostritz, 1889-1898; id. at Dresden 1898-1914; id. in the German army 1914-1918; again at Dresden 1918-1927. (Menzel).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Andrews p. 302; Barnhart 2: 476; BM 7: 826; Bossert p. 264;

CSP 12: 500, 17: 164; Hirsch p. 195.

Krausel, R., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 45: (72)-(78). 1928 (bibl., biogr., b. 27 Apr 1864, d. 2 Apr 1927).

Lohrmann, E., 8S. B. Abh. Isis, Dresden 1927/28: v-ix. 1929 (n.v.).

  1. Uber die Flora der Senftenberger Braunkohlen-Ablagerungen ... Berlin (Im Vertrieb bei der

Konigl. Preuss. Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie ...) 1906. Oct. (FU. Senf-

tenb. Braunk.-Ablag.).

Publ.: 1906, p. [i], [1]-176, [1, list], fig. 7-6, pl. 7-2x (uncol. liths. with text). Copy: USGS. — Abhandlungen der Koniglich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakade- mie, Neue Folge, Heft 46.

Menzies, Archibald (1754-1842), British physician, gardener, botanist, zoologist and plant collector; assistant-surgeon in the Royal Navy 1782; in N.W. America 1786-1789; with Capt. Vancouver on the Voyage of the Discovery and Chatham 1791-1795. (Menzies).

HERBARIUM and Types: E (main herbarium); some original collections, however, also at BM, CGE, FH, K, LINN, NY, OXF and S. For details see IH. Various materials were acquired by F.R.S. Balfour who passed on diplomas, charters and relics to the Provincial Archives at Victoria, B. C., and certain papers to the Library of the State of Washington. Correspondence with W. J. Hooker at K.

NAME: The ‘“‘Z” in Scots is the equivalent of ““Y” and should be so pronounced. See e.g. Balfour (1944/5).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 1: 202; Backer p. 366; Barnhart 2: 476; BB p. 213; BM 3: 1288, 7: 826; Bossert p. 264; Clokie p. 209-210; CSP 4: 345; Dawson p. 46, 309, 425, 604- 607, 633; Desmond p. 434; DNB 37: 258; Dryander 2: 20, 466, 5: 82; Frank 3(Anh.): 63; GR P- 377, Cat. p. 68; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Menz.”’); HR; [H2: 527; Kew 3: 656; Laségue p. 366- 368, 502, 324, 328, 337, 391; Lenley p. 285; PR (alph.); SBC p. 127 (““Menz.”); SK 5: ccci- cecil, 8: xv; Urban-Berl. p. 307; Zander ed. 11, p. 788.



Alden and Ifft, Occ. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci. 20: 15-18. 1943.

Anon., Gard. Chron. 1842: 123; Gentleman’s Mag. 1842(1): 139-141 (fide HR); J. Bot. 60: 63. 1922 (note on letters at BM); Proc. Linn. Soc. 1: 139-141. 1842; Trans. bot. Soc. Edinburgh 13: 10-11. 1879.

Balfour, F. R. S., Proc. Linn. Soc. 156:170-183. 1944/45 (many biogr. details based on original sources).

Brewer, W. H., in Sereno Watson, Botany of California 2: 553-559. 1880.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880.

Cheeseman, T. F., Man. New Zeeland FI. xxi. 1906.

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 327, 335. 1969.

Cockayne, L., Veget. New Zealand 2. 1921.

Cowan, J. M., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 21(4): 219-227. 1954 (on the Menzies colls. at E).

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 69. 1934; Banks letters 604-607. 1958 (letters to Banks containing authentic info. on voyages).

Eastwood, A., Leafl. Western Bot. 2: 92-94 1938 (on tobacco); Quart. Calif. Hist. Soc. 18(4): 336-337. 1939.

Ewan, J., 7 Cent. Progress natl. Sci. 55. 1955; 7 Pursh, F., Fl. Amer. sept. facs. repr. 1979, intr. p. 21.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U. S. 76. 1969.

Fletcher, H. R., Story R. Hort. Soc. 9, 89, 102-103, 105. 1969.

Glenn, R., The botanical explorers of New Zealand 1950, p. 175 (index).

Godley, E. J., Trans. R. Soc. New Zealand 88: 63-64. 1960 (on coll. on Staten Island 1787).

Godwin, G., Vancouver, a life, 1757-1798, 134-143 et passim. 1930.

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 88, 116. 1967.

Grinnell, J., Condor 34: 243-252. 1932 (birds).

Hadfield, M., Pioneers in gardening 120. 1951.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 110. 1970 (descr. of herb. at E).

Hedrick, U. P., Hist. hortic. America 402, 413-414. 1950.

Hooker, W. J., Amer. J. Sci. Arts 9: 274, 281. 1825.

Hooker, J. D., Fl. Tasm. cxiv. 1860.

Hughes, K. W., Contr. bibl. Oregon bot., Oregon State Coll. 1940, p. 7 (grasses, sedges and cryptogams at E).

Hulten, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 297 (itin. Alaska).

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 1: 64, 2: 429. 1918.

James, N. D. G., The trees of Bicton 111. 1969.

Jepson, W. L., Madrono 1: 262-266. 1928 (portr.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 69. 1957 (British coll. E, BM, K).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lichens E; also BM, LINN (herb. J. E. Smith)).

Maiden, J. H., J. West Austral. nat. Hist. Soc. 6: 20-21. 1909; Sir Joseph Banks 1909, p. 53, 125.

McCaughey, V., Haw. For. Agr. 15: 418, 420, 422. 1918.

Meany, E. A., Vancouver’s discovery of Puget Sound 295-297 et passim. 1915 (portr.).

Menzies, A., Calif. Hist. Soc. Quart. 2: 265-340. 1924 (California journal).

Menzies, D., Gard. Chron. 1921(2): 324.

Miller, H. S., Taxon 19: 532. 1970.

Milner, J. D., Gat. Portr. Kew 84. 1906.

Newcombe, C. F., Menzies Journal of Vancouver’s Voyage, April to October 1972, with biographical note by J. Forsyth. Victoria B. C. 1923 (Arch. Brit. Columbia, Mem. 5, 1923, Xx, 171 p., 20 pl.) (see also Britten, J. Bot. 62: 119-123. 1924, extensive review, e.g. with notes on Menzies’ meeting with Mocino and Sessé).

Penhallow, D. P., Trans. R. Soc. Gan. 5(4): 11, 24, 45, 46, 47, 56, 57, 60. 1888.

Piper, CG Vi. Contr Us S: nat derby 1. 1906.

Porter, D. M., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 81: 81. 1980.

Rigg, G. B., Washington hist. Quart. 20: 163. 1929.

St. John., H., Phytologia 38: 1-6. 1977 (list of Sandw. Isl. pl.).

Sargent, C.S., Silva 2: go. 1891.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 368. 1975 (itin., coll.); Bryologist 80: 513. 1917 (mosses at E, BP, NY-Mitten, FH-Taylor, S). =

Schmid, G., Chamisso, als Naturforscher 11, 170. 1942.

Small, A. C., J. Scott. Rock Gard. Club 13(2): 91-97. 1972.



Stansfield, H., Handb. Guide Herb. Coll. Liverpool 61. 1935.

Souster, J. E. S., West.Austral. Natr. 1(6): 113-114. 1948.

Stearn, W. T., Introduction to R. Brown, Prodromus, facsimile ed. 1960, p. 12.

Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev. 43: 292. 1977.

St. John, H., Phytologia 38(1): 1-6. 1977 (plants Sandwich Is. coll. by M.).

Stone, Condor 18: 4. 1916.

Thiselton-Dyer, W. T., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1891: 299-300.

Thomas, J. H., Contr. Dudley Herb. 5(6): 159. 1961 (California visits); Huntia 3: 17. 1969.

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 103, 180. 1927.

Wilson, W. F., in Menzies, A., Hawaii Nei 1920, p. 1-9 (portr., biogr., b. 15 Mar 1754, d. 15 Feb 1842).

Wood, R. F. & J. D. Matthews, in J. F. Leroy, Bot. frang. Amér. nord 306, 307, 309. 1957 (see also p. 347)-

eponyMyY: Menziesia J. E. Smith (1791).

5833- Hawaii Nei 128 years ago ... Honolulu, T. H. 1920. Oct. (Hawai Net).

Editor: W. ¥. Wilson.

Publ.: 1920 (see also J. Bot. 58: 159. 1920), p. [A*], [i]-vil, portr. Menzies, [1]-199, 34 pl. Copy: NY. — Parts of M’s journal kept during Vancouver’s Voyage dealing with visits to the Sandwich Islands, 1792-1794.

Mérat de Vaumartoise, Francois Victor (1780-1851), French botanist and physician at Paris; Dr. méd. Paris 1803; at the Charité hospital 1803-1813; editor of the Dictionnaire des sciences médicales. (Mérat).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: Mérat’s herbarium was sold to Alphonse Maille (1813-1865), whose herbarium was split up and sold as Reliquae Mailleanae to various botanists and institutes. Parts of the herbarium are now at BR, G, P and PC. P acquired also ca. 1500 Maille specimens in 1866 and 1867. The Mérat herbarium of 8000 specimens acquired by P in 1850 was by Jean Meérat.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocrapHy: AG 5(1): 600; Backer p. 366; Barnhart 2: 476 (b. 16 Jul

1780); BM 3: 1288; Colmeiro 1: clxxxliii; CSP 4: 345-346, 12: 501; Frank 3(Anh.): 63; GR

p. 288, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Herder p. 88, 175, 409; Hortus 3: 1199

(““Mérat”); IF p. 718; IH 2: 527-528; Jackson p. 14; Kelly p. 148, 255; Langman p. 501;

Laségue p. 219, 540; LS 17714-17715; PR 6095-6099 (ed. 1: 6793-6801); Rehder 5: 566;

SBC p. 127 (““Mér.”); SO add. 802b-d; Stevenson p. 1251; TL-1/258, 437, 628-629; TL-

2/1239; Tucker 1: 479.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. sess. extr. 1876, p. 196.

Bouchardat, L., Biogr. membr. Soc. Agric. France 1848-1853, 1865, p. 195-244 (bibl.).

Candolle, A. de, Phytographie 433. 1880 (herb. sold to Maille).

~ Jourdan, Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 252. 1824 (b. 16 Jul 1780).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11(1): 14. 1979 (lichens at BR, G, PC).

Petersen, R. H., Mycotaxon 1: 156. 1975.

Rogers, D. P., Mycologia 43: 376-378. 1952.

Saint-Hilaire, Aug., Observations ... sur la nouvelle flore des environs de Paris, 27 p. (copy: G).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (bryoph. at PC).

note: Mérat’s grandfather, Laurent Germain Mérat (1712-1 790), a pharmacist at Auxerre (from 1740), was also a diligent botanist, even though he left no published papers. His grandson Francois Victor, owned four manuscripts of his grandfather of which one, an Histoire des plantes qui croissent dans le comté d Auxerre (1778) is now at NY.

eponymy: Meratia Loiseleur-Deslongchamps (1818, nom. rej.); Meratia Cassini (1824); Meratia Alph. de Candolle (1846).

  1. Nouvelle flore des environs de Paris, suivant le systeme sexuel de Linnée, avec l’indication des vertus des plantes usitées en médecine, des details sur leur emploi pharmaceutique, etc.



. Paris (Ches Méquignon-Marvis ... De l’imprimerie de Crapelet) 1812. Oct. (Nouv. fl. env. Paris).

Ed. 1: 7-12 Jun 1812 (BF), 1500 copies issued, p. [1*-ii1*], [i]-xxxvii, [xxxviii, abbr. ], [1]- 420. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, P, Stevenson, USDA.

Ed. 2: 9-15 Jun 1821 (BF), Paris (Chez Méquignon-Marvis) 1821, duod. (in sixes), “Nouvelle flore des environs de Paris, suivant la méthode naturelle, avec l’indication des vertus des plantes usitées en médecine.” duod. (in sixes). Copies: FI, G, MO, P, Steven- son, USDA.

Vol. 1 (cryptogamie, p. [i*-11*], [1]-111, [iv, err.], [1]-292. Vol. 2 (phanérogamie), p. [i*-1i*], [1]-xiii, [xiv], [1]-468.

Ed. 3: 1831-1834, Paris (Chez Méquignon-Marvis) duod. (in sixes). Title as in ed. 2. Copies: G(vol. 2), Stevenson, USDA.

Vol. 1 (cryptogamie): 26-31 Mai 1834 (BF, Acad.), p. [i*-iii*], [i]-iv, [1]-390, supple- ment [1 ]-10. Vol. 2 (phanérogamie): 14 Mai 1831 (BF), p. [i*, i11*], [i]-xiii, [xiv, tabl.], [1]-521.

Ed. 4: 1836, Paris (Méquignon-Marvis pere et fils) duod. (in sixes), title as in ed. 2. Publ.: 25 Jul 6 Aug 1836 (BF, Acad). Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA.

Vol. 1 (cryptogamie), p. [i]-vin, [1]-489, [1, err.]. Vol. 2 (phanérogamie), p. [1]-xix, [xx, tabl.], [1]-662, [1, err.]. Ref.: Lebrun, J. P., Rev. gén. sci. 69: 257-259. 1962 (on J. S. Strobelberger).

Ed. 5: 1837-1838, Bruxelles (Société belge de librairie, etc. . . .). Duod. (in sixes), “5° edition, corrigée et augmentée.” Copies: FI, NY.

Vol. 1 (cryptogamie): 1837, p. [i]-viil, [1]-388. Vol. 2 (phanérogamie): 1838 (p. xiii: 15 Jul 1836), p. [1*-111*], [1]-xiii, [1], [1]-496.

Ed. 6: 1841, Bruxelles (Société belge de librairie . . .) Duod. (in sixes). “‘Vouvelle flore médicale suivant le systeme sexuel de Linnée, avec l’indication des vertus des plantes usitées en médecine ... 6° édition, corrigée et augmentcée.” Copy: NY. — Reissue of ed. 5.

Vol. 1 (cryptogamie): p. [i]-viii, [1 ]-388. Vol. 2 (phanérogamie): p. [i*-111*], [1]-xiu, [1], [1]-496.

  1. Synopsis de la nouvelle flore des environs de Paris suivant la méthode naturelle, ... Paris

(Méquignon-Marvis pére et fils, ...) 1837. 18-mo. (Syn. nouv. fl. Parts).

Publ.: late Mai 1837 (Acad. 29 Mai 1837, BF: 10 Jun 1837), p. [i-vii], [1 ]-315, [316, err.]. Copies: G, NY.

  1. Notice sur une hépatique, regardée comme l’ indwwidu male du Marchantva conica, L... . Paris (L.

Bouchard-Huzard, ...) 1840. (Not. Hépat.).

Publ.: Jul 1840, p. [1]-12, 7 pl. (uncol. by Félix Rassat). Copies: FI, G.— Reprinted from Ann. Agric. frang. sér. 4. 2(7): 5-13. 1840.

  1. Revue de la flore parisienne, suivie du texte du Botanicon parisiense de Vaillant, avec les

noms linnéens en regard. Ouvrage servant de complément aux quatre éditions (et au

Synopsis) de la Nouvelle flore des environs de Paris (du méme auteur), et a toutes celles

pubhiées jusquici ... Paris (Chez J. -B. Bailliére ... et Méquignon-Marvis fils...) 1843.

Oct. (Rev. fl. paris.).

Orig. ed.: Jul 1843 (t.p.: Bot. Zeit. 29 Dec 1843). p. [i*, 11*], [1]-iv, [1]-490. Copzes: B, BR, G2), INS

Additions: 1844, p. 491-492. 15 Jan 1845; 1845, p. 493-496. Jan 1846; 1846, p. 497-500. 15 Jan 1847; further additions p. 501-508. Copies: BR (491-508), FI (493-500), G (491-508).

Criticism: see Cosson, E., TL-2/1239.

Ref.: Anon., Bot. Zeit. 1: 898. 29 Dec 1843.

Mercier de Coppet, Elysée (1802-1863), Swiss botanist. (Mercier).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: G (donated by his son in 1913).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 192; Barnhart 2: 477; BL 2: 571, 691; BM 3: 1289; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Merc.”’); Rehder 2: 304; Tucker 1: 180.

Briquet, J., Annu. Cons. Jard. bot. Genéve 20: 482-483. 1919 (on herb. at G).

Miége, J. & Wuest, Saussurea 6: 132. 1975.



  1. Rubi genevenses ... Genéve (Librairie allemande de J. Kessmann) [1861]. Oct. (Rubi


Publ.: 1861, p. [1]-39. Copies: FI, G (with corrections by author). Reprinted from Georges Francois Reuter (1805-1872), Catalogue [détaillé] des plantes vasculaires qui croissent naturel- lement aux environs de Genéve, ed. 2, Genéve 1861, p. 259-295.

Mercier, Marie Philippe (1781-1831), French botanist, born on Martinique; soldier, police officer, salesman, refugee in Genéve 1822-1831 working with A. P. de Candolle. (P. Mercier).

HERBARIUM and types: FI; duplicates at E, G, P, S.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 477; IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 528; Laségue p. 317;

Lenley p. 464; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 566.

Briquet, J., Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 316-317. 1940 (biogr., bibl., epon., d. 30 Oct 1831), q.v. for botanical manuscripts by M.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880 (herb. bought by Webb).

Candolle, A. P. de, Hist. bot. Genev. 60. 1830, Mém. souv. 331, 333. 1862.

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 457. 1846 (d. 30 Oct 1831).

Steinberg, C., Webbia 32(1): 6, 8, 31. 1977 (herb. at FI).

HANDWRITING: Webbia 32(1): 6. 1977.

note: Mercier prepared a quarto publication Choix de plantes exotiques rares ou nouvelles for publication. According to Seringe the manuscript was nearly ready by Mai 1830. The book, however, remained unpublished and Mercier died on 30 Oct 1831. The only part of the text published was a short article with the same title in the Bulletin botanique (Seringe) 1(6); 167-170. Jun 1830. Seringe, in a footnote on p. 167, announces the quarto volume which was still awaiting the plates by Heyland.

EPONYMY: Merciera Alph. de Candolle (1830) is dedicated to Marie Philippe Mercier (1781- 1831), French traveller and collector born in Martinique who lived in Geneva from 1822 until his death, friend of Seringe and the de Candolles.

Mercklin, Carl Eugen [Eugeniewitsch] von (1821-1904), Livonian (Baltic-German) botanist and paleontologist; studied at Dorpat and Jena, Dr. phil. Jena 1846; from 1848- 1855 plant physiologist at St. Petersburg; professor of forestry botany at St. Petersburg 1847-1865; professor of botany at the medical academy of St. Petersburg 1867. (Merckl.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LE; some further material at MW.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Andrews p. 302-303; Barnhart 2: 477; BM 3: 1289; CSP 4: 347, 8: 382, 10: 780, 17: 169; Herder p. 465 [index]; IH 2: 528; Jackson p. 70, 188, 494; Kew 3: 656-657; LS 17718-17721; Morren ed. 10, p. 95; PR 6100-6102 (ed. 1: 6802); Quenstedt p- 290; Ratzeburg p. 351-352; Rehder 5: 566; TR 875-881; Tucker 1: 480.

Anon., Acta Horti bot. Univ. Jurjev. 5: 272. 1904, 6: 54-59. 1906 (b. 7/19 Apr 1828, d. 26 Nov/9 Dec 1904): Annuaire géol. mineral. Russie 7: 248. 1904 (bibl.); Bot. Jahrb. 37(Beibl. 84): 3. 1906 (d.); Hedwigia 44 (Beibl. 3): 137. 1905 (d.); Verh. russ. mineralog. Ges. 42, Protokolle 67-69. 1905 (for 1904).

Asmous, V. C., Chron. bot. 11(2): 103. 1947 (fontes hist. bot. ross.).

Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 55: 258. 1893 (herb. at LE).

Kneucker, A. v., Allg. bot. Z. 11: 40. 1905 (d.).

Lipschitz, S., Florae URSS fontes 23 (no. 74). 1975.

Meder, A. v., Korr. Bl. naturf. Ver. Rigas, Register 25. 1932 (bibl.).

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 456. 1892.

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. Fl. Polsk. 29. 1925 (bibl.).

EPONYMY: Mercklinea E. Regel (1856).

  1. Beobachtungen an dem Prothallium der Farrnkrauter. Eine Prifung und Berichtigung der



neuesten Entdeckungen in der Entwicklungsgeschichte derselben ... St. Petersburg 1850.

Fol. (Beob. Prothall. Farrnkr.).

Publ.: 1850 (censor: 21 Mar 1850; Bot. Zeit. 4 Apr 1851), p. [i-iv], [1]-84, pl. 1-7 (uncol. liths.). Copies: NY, US, USDA.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 33: 696-701. 28 Nov 1850 (rev.).

  1. Anatomisch-physiologische Notizen ber einige seltner bliihende Pflanzen der Kaiserl.

Gewachshauser zu St. Petersburg ... Riga (gedruckt bei W. F. Hacker) 1851. Oct.

Publ.: 1851, p. [1]-18, 7 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Corr.- Bl. naturf. Ver. Riga 4: 61-75. 1851 (journal n.v.).

  1. Palaeodendrologikon rossicum. Vergleichende anatomisch-mikroskopische Untersu- chungen fossiler Holzer aus Russland. Ein Beitrag zur vorweltlichen Flora ... St. Peters- burg (Buchdruckerei der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1856. Qu. (Palaeo- dendr. ross.).

Publ.: late 1855 (or 1856?) (t.p. 1855; censor 23 Oct 1854; p. vi: Nov 1855 “‘erschienen”’ adv. Bot. Zeit. 26 Sep 1856; rev. BSbF Nov-Dec 1856), p. [i]-vi, [1]-99, [1, err.], pl. 1-20 (col. printed liths. auth.). Copzes: Teyler, USGS. — Plates in special cover.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 3: 439. Nov-Dec 1856.

Meredith, Louisa Anne, née Twamley (1812-1895), British botanical artist, bush naturalist, writer and poetess; settled in Australia 1839 (mainly N.S.W. and Tasmania) (Meredith).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: There is no material at MEL (inf. B. M. Churchill); the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, holds 42 paintings of Tamanian plants by L.A.M. (inf. W. M. Curtis); some algae are at HO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 477; Blunt p. 220; BM 3: 1289, 5: 2156;

Desmond p. 434; HR; IH 2: 528; Jackson p. 38, 39, 235, 402: Kew 3: 657; NI 1338-1339;

Plesch p. 334 (q.v. for her ‘“The Romance of nature”); PR 6104; Rehder 1: 505; Tucker 1:


Allibone, S.A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. Brit. Amer. auth. 1267. 1870.

Anon., Austral. Encycl. 6: 57. 1956.

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33: 68. 1935 (biogr. refs.).

Craig, C., Old Tasmanian prints, 170-181. 1964 (full details on L.A.M’s flower books and prints).

Curtis, W. M., zn Tasmanian Wildflowers, botanical drawings by Louisa Meredith (1812- 1895) Margaret Stones, Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery 23 Oct — 11 Nov 1973 (cat. exhibit.).

Dixson, W., J. Proc. Austral. hist. Soc. 7: 215. 1921.

Ferguson, J. A., Bibliography of Australia 6: 654-656. 1965.

Froggatt, W. W., Austral. Natural. 5(12): 182-184. 1924.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 254. 1977.

Maiden, J. H., Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1909: 21-22; Roy. Soc. Tasmania, Proc. 1909: 13-14.

Mennell, P., Dict. Australas. Biogr. 320. 1892 (fide BB).

Meredith, L. A., My home in Tasmania during a residence of nine years, London, John Murray, 1852, 2 vols. Duod.; Over the straights. London 1861; Notes and sketches of New South Wales. London 1861; Travels and stories in our gold colonies. London [c. 1865]; Our island home. A. Tasmanian sketch book. London 1879; Tasmanian friends and foes, feathered, furred, fumed. Hobart Town 1880.

O’Neill, S., Austral. Dict. biogr. 5: 239-240. 1974.

Phillip, M., Dict. Austral. Biogr. 1855-1892, 320. 1892.

Swann, M., J. Proc. Austral. hist. Soc. 15: 3-14. 1929 (b. 20 Jul 1820, d. 21 Oct 1895;

biogr.). EPONYMY: Meredithea J. G. Agardh (1892). 5842. Some of my bush friends in Tasmania native flowers, berries and insects drawn from life



illustrated in verse and brightly described by Louisa Anne Meredith . .. London (by Day &

Son, ...) 1860. Qu. (Bush friends Tasmania).

Orig.: 1860 (preface 6 Aug 1859), lith. t.p., p. [i*, in*], [i]-11, [1]-100, pl. 2-27 (col.), 1 (uncol.).

Ref. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 18: 156. 27 Apr 1860 (from Athenaeum).

Mereschkowski, Konstantin Sergejewicz [Mérejkovski, Constantin Sergeevic; pseu- donym in Switzerland: Kuno Mower] (1854 [1855?]-1921), Russian algologist and liche- nologist from Kasan; later (from 1925) in exile in Switzerland. (Mereschk.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: G. Issued exsiccatae:

  1. Lichenes ticinenses exsiccati rariores vel novi, pro parte ex aliis pagis provenientes, fasc. 1-4, nos. 1-120 (1919), suppl. nos. 1-7 (1919), sets at BERN, C, FH, G, LAU, M, NY, UPS. Schedulae: see below.

  2. Lichenes rossiae exsiccati, fasc. 1-3, nos. 1-75, Kazan (1913), sets at DUKE, FH, UPS, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRaPHy: Barnhart 2: 477; BM 3: 1289, 7: 827; Cesati p. 62, 267; De

Toni 1: Ixxxiv, 2: Ixxix-Ixxx; GR p. 549-550, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 253;

Hirsch p. 196; IH 2: 528; Kew 3: 657; LS 36921-36921a, suppl. 18243-18257; Morren ed.

10, p. 96; MW p. 316; SBC p. 127 (“Meresch.”); TR 882.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1921: 14 (d.); Nuov. Notar. 33: 87. 1922; La Suisse, 11 Jan 1921 (suicide); Osterr. bot. Z. 63: 399. 1913 (announcement Lich. ross. exsicc. and on Tabulae generum lichenum a series on which we have no information that it was ever published), 64: 152. 1914 (Lich. ross. exsic. 1-3, nos. I-75): 70: 64. 1921 (d.).

Cavillier, F., Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 318-320. 1940 (d. 10 Jan 1921; brief biogr., bibl.).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lich. G).

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30: 209. 1947.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York bot. Gard. 19(1): 146-147. 1969.

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3568-3569. 1978, 7: 4204. 1978 (diat. bibl.).

EPONYMY: Mereschkowskiella B. Skvortzov (1958) is probably dedicated to Mereschkowski but Skvortzov does not explain its etymology.

  1. Schedulae ad lichenes ticinenses exsiccatos ... [|Genéve 1919] Oct. (Sched. lich. twcin.). Publ.: Oct 1919, p. [1]-72. Copy: NY. — Reprinted from Annu. Cons. Jard. bot. Geneve 21:

145-216. 1919.

Merino y Roman, [Pére] Baltasar (1845-1917), Spanish jesuit and botanist in Galicia. (Merino).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: SANT (see Lainz 1951).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 5(1): 782; Barnhart 2: 477; BFM 1519; BL 2: 502 (many

add. refs.!), 503, 691; BM 3: 1299, 7: 827; Bossert p. 264; CSP 17: 170; IF suppl. 2: 38; 1H 2:

528; Kew 3: 657; LS 36922; Rehder 1: 423; Tucker 1: 480.

Anon., Bull. Géogr. bot. 26 année (ser. 4) 331/333: 101. 1917.

Lainz, M., Taxon 3: 3-4. 1951 (on herbarium); Brotéria, Ci. nat. 35(3/4): 149-156. 1966 (scientific environment).

Luisier, A., Brotéria 15: 99-106. 1917 (portr., bibl.).

  1. Contribucién a la flora de Galicia. La vegetacion espontanea y la temperatura en la

Cuenco del Mifio ... Tuy (Tipografia regional ...) 1897. Qu. (Contr. fl. Galicia).

Orig. ed.: 1897 (Bot. Centralbl. 4 Aug 1897; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1897), p. [i]-xxvui, [1]-320, 2 pl. Copy: G.

Suppl. 1: 1898 (Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1899; Bot. Centralbl. 21 Jun 1899), p. [1]-51, [1, err], pl. 1- 5. Copy: G.

Suppl. 2: 1899, p. [1 ]-26, pl. 1. Copy: MO.— Reprinted from Anal. r. Soc. Esp. Hist. nat. 28: 5- 30. 1899. (Nat. Nov. Mar (2) 1900).

Suppl. 3: Ib. 30: 167-199. IgOt.

Suppl. 4: Memor. r. Soc. Esp. Hist. nat. 2(9): 455-616. 1904.


MERINO Adiciones inéditas: Brotéria 22(4): 155-168. 1955 (by M. Lainz).

  1. Flora descriptiva éilustrada de Galicia... Santiago (‘Tipografia Galaica ...) 1905-1909,

3 vols. Oct. (Fl. Galicia).

7: 1905 (Bot. Centralbl. 5 Dec 1905; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1905), p. [i]-Ixxii, [1 ]-620, [1, err.], err. slip.

Qo) put im | ait -694 allem):

3: Oct-Nov 1909 (printing finished 18 Sep 1909; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1909), p. [i-iv], [1]-692,

[1, ery. ], (1, ampr.)Wpl 7-2: Copies: G, US, USDA; IDC 905. Ref.: Hiern, W. P., J. Bot. 48: 59-61. Feb 1910 (rev. 3 vols.).



  1. Adiciones a la flora de Galicia ... Braga 1917. Qu. (Adic. fl. Galicia).

Publ.: 1912-1917, p. [i-ui], [1 ]-171, [1 72-176, index], zo pl. Copy: USDA. — Reprinted from Brotéria 10: 125-140, 173-191. 1912; II: 33-50, 105-120. 19133 12: 32-52, 96-114, 163- 176. 1914; 13: 17-32, 1915; 14: 25-28, 158-171. 1916.

Merker, Gustav (1874-x), Bohemian botanist; teacher at the forestry college of Mahrisch-Weisskirchen (Hranice, E. Bohemia) (Merker).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 478 (b. 28 Apr 1874); LS suppl. 18265; Tucker 1: 480.

  1. Exkursionsflora fiir Mahren u. Osterreichisch-Schlesien. Tabellen zur leichten und sicheren

Bestimmung der wildwachsenden und der haufiger verwilderten Bluten- und Farnpflanzen

... Mahrisch-Weisskirchen [Hranice] (Selbstverlag des Verfassers) 1910. Oct. (Exkurs.-Fl.


Publ.: Apr 1910 (p. vii: 30 Oct 1909; ObZ. Lit.-Ber for Apr 1910; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) rgro), p. [i]-xxxu, [1]-532, pl. 2-78 (uncol.). Copy: B.

Merklein, Friedrich (//. 1861), Swiss botanist at Schaffhausen. (Merklezn). HERBARIUM and typEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: CSP 4: 351; Rehder 1: 435.

  1. Verzeichniss der Gefasspflanzen, welche in der Umgebung von Schaffhausen vorkommen. Schaffhausen (Druck von Murbach und Gelzer) 1861. Oct. (Verz. Gefdsspfl. Schaffhausen). Publ.: 1861, p. [i]-x, [1]-70. Copy: G.

Merlet de la Boulaye, Gabriel-Eléonor (1736-1807), French botanist at Angers; director of the Angers botanical garden. (Merlet).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 478 (b. 3 Apr 1736, d. 17 Feb 1807); BM 3: 1291; GR p. 340; PR 6106 (ed. 1: 6807); Rehder 1: 407; Tucker 1: 480.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 172. 1862.

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 69. 1934.

EPONYMY: The etymology of Merleta Refinesque (1840) is not given by Rafinesque.

  1. Herborisations, dans le département de Maine et Loire, et aux environs de Thouars, départ.

des Deux-Sévres, par feu M. Merlet de la Boulaye, .. . publiées par plusieurs de ses éléves, et

augmentées de notices sur le site, la nature du terrain, les minéraux et les antiquités. Angers

(Chez Fourier-Mame, ...) 1809. Duod. (in sixes). (Herboris. Maine et Loire).

Publ.: 1889, p. [i]-vi, [(7)]-(12), [1]-226, [1-2, err.]. Copies: G, NY. — Contains on p. 7-12 a biographical notice of M by Em. D. d.l. R. (Davy de la Roche).



Merrem, Blasius (1761-1824), German botanist, mathematician and physicist; lecturer at Géttingen 1781-1784; professor of physics and political economy at Duisburg 1784-1 804; from 1804-1821, professor of political economy and botany at Marburg. (Merrem).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRApuHy: Backer p. 367; Barnhart 2: 478 (b. 4 Feb T7OUsd. 29) bep 1824); BM 3: 1291; CSP 4: 351; Jackson p. 429; LS 17725; PR 6107-6109 (ed. 1: 6809- 6811); Rehder 5: 567; SO 609, 610, 612.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 125. 1863 (b. 4 Feb 1761, d. 23 Feb 1824).

eponyMy: Merremia Dennstedt ex Endlicher (1941, nom. cons.).

  1. Handbuch der Pflanzenkunde nach dem Linneischen System ... Marburg (in der neuen academischen Buchhandlung) 1809. Oct. 2 vols (Handb. Pflanzenk.).

1: 1809, p. [i]-xu, [1]-140.

2: 1809, p. [i-u1], [1]-618.

Copy: University library Edinburgh. Information J. Edmondson.

  1. Des Ritters Carl von Linné’s vollstdndiges Pflanzensystem neu bearbeitet und mit den neueren Fortschritten dieser Wissenschaft bereichert. Zum zweckmassigen Gebrauch fur Apotheker, kinftige Landwirthe, Thierarzte, Gartner, gebildete Frauenzimmer und alle Liebhaber der Pflanzenkunde die keine Gelehrte sind ... Marburg (In der neuen academi- schen Buchhandlung) 1811, 2 vols. Oct. (Vollst. Pfl.-Syst.). Ed. 1: 2 vols. 1811. Copy: MO.

T: [i], [t]-140, [1]-214-

2: [i], 215-618. Ed. 2: 2 vols. 1823, n.v.

Merriam, Clinton Hart (1855-1942), American botanist, zoologist and ethnologist; M. D. Columbia 1879; practicing physician in Locust Grove 1879-1885; ornithologist in the office of the “Commissioner of agriculture” (now USDA) and leader of the Bureau of Biological Survey 1885-1910; working with the support of the Harriman Trust (Smithso- nian Institution) from 1910; outstanding mammalogist and zoogeographer (Merram).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 478 (b. 5 Dec 1855, d. 1942); BL 1: 132, 168,

309; BM 3: 1291; Hortus 3: 1199 (Merriam); IH 2: 529; Lenley p. 285; Zander ed. 10, p.

Gow ed) 11, p. 781.

Anon., Entom. News 53: 150. 1942 (d.); Science 95: 318. 1942.

Cantelow, E. D. & H. C., Leafl. W. Bot. 8: 95. 1957 (d. 19 Mar 1942).

Daubenmire, R. F., Quart. Rev. Biol. 13: 327-332. 1938. (Merriam’s life zones of North America).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 266. 1950.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 117. 1969.

Grinnell, H. W., J. Mammalogy 24(4): 436-437. 1943 (bibl.).

Howell, J. T., Leafl. W. Bot. 7(3): 94. 1953-

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 308. (Alaskan coll. US).

Jaeger, E. C., Source book biol. names terms ed. 3. 317. 1966.

Osgood, W. H., J. Mammalogy 24: 42 1-436. 1943, Natl. Acad. Sci., Biogr. Mem. 24: 1-57. 1947 (main biogr., bibl., portr., b. 5 Dec 1855, d. 19 Mar 1942).

  1. Results of a biological survey of the San Francisco mountain region and desert of the Little

Colorado in Arizona ... Washington (Government Printing Office) 1890. Oct.

Publ.: Aug 1890 (Bot. Centralbl. 10 Dec 1890), p. [i]-vii, frontisp., 1-136, pl. 1-73, map 1-5 with text. Published and to be cited as North American fauna 3, 1890.

Ref: Anon., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 17: 298. 9 Novy 1890.

Merrill, Elmer Drew (1876-1956), American botanist; in the Philippines 1902-1924; at



Berkeley 1924-1930; director of the New York Botanical Garden 1930-1935 succeeding N. L. Britton; at Harvard 1935-1948 (retirement as Arnold Professor); active until 1954; outstanding plant systematist (‘‘get-the-job-done’’). (Merr.).

HERBARIUM and Types: A, FH, NY, PNH, UC. For further details see IH and SK. Merrill’s library, medals, diplomas, and many ofhis manuscripts are at NY. Correspondence at HH and NY; 52 letters to Brotherus at H-UB; other correspondence in many herbaria (e.g. G, K, PH) and in IAPT nomenclature files.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 194, 367; Barnhart 2: 479; BJI 1: 115; BL 1: 103, 104, 117, 118, 122, 123, 124, 129, 131, 308; BM 3: 1291-1292, 7: 828; Bossert p. 264; CSP 17: 177; DSB 15: 421-422 (J. Ewan); Hirsch p. 196; Hortus 3: 1199 (“‘Merrill’””); Hawksworth p. 184; IF p. 718, suppl. 3: 215, 4: 331; IH 1 (ed. 6): 361, 2: 529; Kelly p. 148; Kew 3: 658-661;

Langman p. 501; Lenley p. 286-289; LS suppl. 18267-18268; MW p. 316-318, suppl. p. 225-

226; NW p. 53; Pennell p. 614; PH p. 500 [index]; Plesch p. 334; RS p. 118; SBC p. 127; SK

I: Cxx1v, Ixv, 355-356, 4: cxil, 5: cecil, 6(6): 6-16; SO 3527; TL-2/329, 2500, 3500-3501,

4166-4167; Tucker 1: 480-481; Urban-Berl. p. 279, 374; Zander ed. 10, p. 691, ed. 11, p.


Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 80: 240. 1899 (assistant Division of Agrostology [with Lamson- Scribner] Washington); Notices in N. Y. Times and N. Y. Herald Tribune of 26 Feb 1956; Taxon 1: 36. 1952 (portr.); The Times 1 Mar 1956.

Bremekamp, C. E. B., Jaarb. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. 1955-56: 1-7.

Burkill, 1. H., Nature 177: 687-688. 1956 (obit.); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 168: 51-56. 1957.

Chevalier, A., CG. R. Séances Acad. Sci., Paris 242(17): 2073-2075. 1956 (obit.).

Cormack, M., Taxon 1: 123. 1952 (poem to Merrill).

Dawson, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 6(2): 116-118. 1956.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. nat. 266-267. 1950; J. Washington Acad. Sci. 46(8): 267-268. 1956 (obit., “*... for his time probably the most widely known botanist in the world”).

Ewan, J. et al., 18, 19, 22, 100, 123. 1969.

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Record 27(3): 353, 370. 1938 (Merrill was director of the California Botanic Garden 1927-1929; owing to the depression this garden was abando- ned in 1930. The herbarium of the garden went to UCLA; Merrill was Director of the Arnold Arboretum from 1937; ““supervisor’’ in 1936).

Howard, R. A., J. Arn. Arb. 37: 197-216. 1956 (portr., bibl.).

Howe, M. A., J. New York Bot. Gard. 31: 6-10. 1930 (“‘the new director in-chief NYBG, portr.).

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 169-174. 1961.

Johnston, I. M., A correspondence between a professor at Harvard and the University. Jamaica Plains, Mass. 1957, privately printed (fide Ewan, DSB).

Kalkman, C., & Smit, P., eds., Blumea 25: 11, 21, 97, 104. 1979 (coll. L).

Lam, H. J., Natuurw. Tijdschr. Ned. Indie 102: 143-154. 1946 (‘‘a dutch tribute to Merrill’s work’’).

Lanjouw, J., Taxon 5: 21. 1956.

Lawrence, G. H. M., Baileya 4(1): 46-47. 1956 (obit.).

McClure, F. A., Lingnan Sci. J. 7: 127-128, 159, 267-268, 278. 1929.

Merrill, E. D., Brittonia 1(1): 1-5. 1931 (one-name periodicals); Enum. Philipp. Pl. 4: 205- 208. 1926 (bibl. Philipp.); Torreya 26: 50-54. 1926 (invention of the “‘Merrill case’’); Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 134. 1937 (bibl. Polynes.); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 209-211. 1947; Asa Gray Bull. ser. 2. 2: 335-370. 1953 (autobiogr.); Chron. bot. 14(5/6): 375. 1954.

Parodi, L., Rev. argent. Agron. 23(2): 99-100. 1956.

Quisumbing. Philipp. J. Sci. 85(2): 181-188. 1956 (portr.).

Rechinger, K. H., Ann. naturhist. Mus. Wien 62: 1-2. 1958 (obit.).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 70. 1955; Garden J. New York Bot. Gard. 6(3): 84, 90. 1956 (portr.).

Robbins, W. J., Yearb. Amer. philos. Soc. 1956: 117-119 (obit.);Biogr. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci. 32: 273-333. 1958 (portr., bibl.; main biography!, b. 15 Oct 1876, d. 25 Feb 1956).

Rollins, R. C., Science 123: 831-832. 1956 (obit.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 369. 1975.

Schultes, R. E., Taxon 6(4): 89-101. 1957 (portr., caricature).


MERRILL, E. D. (1904)

Schwarten, L., Chron. bot. 10: 144-157. 1946 (main bibliography).

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, et al., Fl. males. Bull. 1: 30. 1947 (hon. memb. Buitenzorg/Bogor Bot. Gard.), 4: 84. 1948 (Dutch decoration), 7: 191. 1950 (at L), 9: 285. 1952 (Dr. h.c. Yale), 11: 404. 1955 (foreign member KNAW), 13: 548. 1957 (biogr. refs.), 14: 618. 1959 (id.), 16: 795. 1961 (id.), 27: 2144. 1974 (id.); Fl. males. 1, 6: (6)-(16). 1972 (dedication).

Sutton, S. B., Arnoldia 32(1): 2-20. 1972 (portr.).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 10: 138-143. 1946 (auctions vita; portr.); editor, Merrilleana, a selection from the general writings of Elmer Drew Merrill. Waltham, Mass., Chron. Bot., 1946, 393 p. (portr.).

Walker, E. H., Pacific Sci. 11: 135-136. 1957.

Wulff, E. V., Intr. hist. pl. geogr. 135, 180. 1943.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) See Frank Lamson-Scribner, Chaetochloa and Stud. Amer. grasses (TL- 2/4166-4167); for further publications with this author see Schwarten (1946).

(2) Co-editor The Philippine Journal of Science 1906-1923.

(3) With L. Diels and T. F. Chipp, International address book of botanists, 1931, XV, 605 p. (4) Founder of Brittonia (vol. 1(1) Feb 1931), in honor of Nathaniel Lord Britton.

EpoNyMy: Elmerrillia Dandy (1927); Merrillanthus Chun & Tsiang (1941); Merrillia Swingle (1919); Merrilliobryum Brotherus (1908); Merrilliodendron Kanehira (1934); Merrilliopanax Li (1942); Merrilliopeltis Hennings (1908); Merrillosphaera Shaw (1922); Stnomerrillia Hu (1937).

FESTSCHRIFT: Verdoorn, F. et al., Merrilliana, Chron. bot. 10: 127-394. 1946 (23 essays) — Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males ser.1. 6 (1972) was dedicated to the memory of E, D:M. (with frontisp. portr. and 2 p. tribute by the editor).

HANDWRITING: Flora malesiana 1: cli. 1950.

5853- Lhe North American species of Spartina... W ashington (Government Printing Office)

  1. (N. Amer. Spartina).

Publ.: 4 Feb 1902, p. [1]-16. Copy: US. — U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bulletin no. 9.

  1. A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine Islands ... Manila (Bureau of Public

printing) 1903. Oct. (Dict. Pl. names Philipp.).

Publ.: 1903 (p. [3]: 28 Sep 1903), p- [1]-193- Copies: MO, NY(2), US. — Bureau of Government laboratories, 1903, no. 8.

  1. New or noteworthy Philippine Plants .. . Manila (Bureau of Public Printing) 1904-1922. Oct. (New Philipp. pl.).

1: 20 Jan 1904, p. [1]-18. Bureau of Government Laboratories 1903, no. 6. 2: 1 Oct 1904, p. [1]-47, pl. 1-3. Idem 1904, no. 17.

3: Sep 1905, p. [1]-47. Idem 1905, no. 29.

4: 17 Jan 1906, p. [1]-68. Idem 1905, no. 35.

5: 15 Aug 1906, Philipp. J. Sci. 1, suppl. 3, part 5: 169-246. 1906. 6: Aug 1908, idem 3(4C): 219-267. 1908.

7: Aug 1909, idem 4(3C): 247-330. 1909.

8 Aug 1910, idem 5(3C): 167-257. 1910.

g: Nov 1912, idem 7(5C): 259-361. 1912.

ro: Aug 1914, idem 9(3/4C): 261-337. 1914.

11: Jan 1915, idem 10(1C): 1-84. 1915.

12: Sep 1915, idem 10(5C): 287-349. 1915.

13: Jan 1918, idem 13(1C): 1-66. 1918.

14: Sep 1918, idem 13(5C): 263-333. 1918.

15: Apr 1919, idem 14(4): 365-457. 1919.

16: Sep 1920, idem 17(3): 239-323. 1920.

17: Apr 1922, idem 20(4): 367-476. 1922.

Copies: MO (11-17), US (1-10).


MERRILL, E. D. (1905)

  1. A review of the identifications of the species described in Blancos Flora de Filipinas ... Manila

(Bureau of Public printing) 1905. Oct. (Rev. Blancos Fl. Filip.).

Publ.: Apr 1905, p. [1]-132. Copies: FI, MO, NY, US. — Bureau of Government Laboratories 1905, no. 27. — See Blanco, Francisco Manuel (1778-1845, Fl. Filip., TL-2/551). Additional identifications: Philip. J. Sci. 2(6): 429-436. 1907.

  1. Lhe flora of the Lamao forest service ... [Manila] (Bureau of printing) 1g06. Oct. (FU. Lamao).

Publ.: 15 Apr 1906, p. 1-141, Philipp. J. Sci. 1, suppl. 1, 1906.

  1. An enumeration of Philippine Leguminosae with keys to the genera and species... Manila

(Bureau of printing) 1910.

Publ.: Jul 1910, p. [1]-136. Copy: USDA. — Reprinted and to be cited from Philipp. J. Sci. 5(1/2): 1-136. 1910.

  1. A flora of Manila... Manila (Bureau of printing) 1912. Oct. (Fl. Manila).

Publ.: 31 Dec 1912 (see p. 2), p. [1]-490. Copies: G, MO, NY, US, USDA. — Department of the Interior, Bureau of Science, Manila, Publication no. 5.

Facsimile ed.: Lehre (J. Cramer) 1968, ISBN 3-7682-0548-7, Historiae naturalis classica, tomus Ixvi, [i-iv, new preface material], facsimile. Copies: FAS, L.

Ref.: Diels L., Bot. Jahrb. 49 (Lit.): 51-52. 1913.

  1. An interpretation of Rumphius’s Herbarium amboinense ... Manila (Bureau of printing)

  2. Oct. (Interpr. Herb. amboin.).

Publ.: 1 Nov 1917, p. [1]-595, 2 maps. Copies: FI, G, L, MO, NY, USDA. — See Georg Eberhard Rumphius (1627(?)-1702).

Ref.: Britten, J. J. Bot. 56: 362-365. 1918 (rev.).

  1. Species blancoanae a critical revision of the Philippine species of plants described by Blanco and Llanos ... Manila (Bureau of printing) 1918. Oct. (Sp. blancoan.).

Publ.: 15 Jun 1918, p. [1]-423, map. Copies: FI, MO, NY, US, USDA. — See TL-2/553. Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 56: 365-366. Dec 1918.

  1. A bibliographic enumeration of Bornean plants ... [Singapore] (printed by Fraser &

Neave, Ltd.) 1921. (Bibl. enum. Born. pl.).

Publ.: Sep 1921, p. [i], [1]-637. Copies: L, MO, NY(@2). J. Straits Branch R. Asiat. Soc., Special number, Sep 1921.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 60: 59-60. Feb 1922.

Diels, L., Bot. Jahrb. 57 (Lit.): 56-57. 1922.

  1. An enumeration of Philippine flowering plants ... Manila (Bureau of printing) [1923-]

1925-1926, 4 vols. Oct. (Enum. Philipp. fi. pl.).

Orig.: Publication no. 18, vols. 1-4, Government of the Philippine Islands, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bureau of Science, Manila; 1: [1]-vui, [1 ]-4.63; 2: [i], [1 ]-510; 3: [1-11], [1 ]-628; 4: [1 ]-515, 5 maps and with an extensive bibliography, published as follows:

vol. fasc. pages date vol. fasc. pages date . I I [1]-128 39 Jan 1923 «3 I [1]-128 20 Sep 1923 2 129-240 3 Jan 1923 2 129-256 13 Sep 1923 3 241-368 29 Dec 1924 3 257-384 5 Oct 1923 4 [i]-vii, 369-463 7 Apr 1925 4 385-512 29 Oct 1923 2 I [1]-112 8 Feb 1923 5 [1-11], 513-628 19 Nov 1923 B 113-208 10 Feb 1923 4 [1]-515 20 Jul 1926 3 209-336 2 Jun 1923 4 337-432 28 Jun 1923 433-530 26 Jul 1923


MERRILL, E. D. (1949)

Copies: G, L, MO, NY, US, USDA; IDC 794. Facsimile ed.. Amsterdam (A. Asher & Co.) 1968, ISBN go-6123-095-0, 4 vols., as orig. with addition of 1968 t.p.’s Copy: FAS.-(see Taxon 17: 307. 1968).

  1. Bibliography of Polynesian botany ... Honolulu, Hawaii (published by the Museum)

  2. Oct. (Brbl. Polynes. bot.). Publ.: 1924, p. [1]-68. Copy: USDA. — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 13.

  3. A discussion and bibliography of Philippine flowering plants ... Manila (Bureau of printing)

  4. Oct. (Disc. brbl. Philipp. fi. pl.). Publ.: 31 Jul 1926, p. [1]-239, pl. 1-6. Copy: US. — Reprinted from Enum. Philipp. fi. pl., vol. 4.

  5. An enumeration of Hainan plants ... [Hongkong (The Commercial Press, Ltd.) 1927]. Oct. (Enum. Hainan pl.). Publ.: Nov 1927, Lingman Sci. J. 5(1/2): [1]-186. 1927. Copy: USDA.

  6. Plantae elmerianae borneenses ... Berkeley, California (University of California Press)

  7. Oct. (Pl. elmer. born.).

Collector: Adolph Daniel Edward Elmer (1870-1942), see e.g. IH 2: 182.

Publ.: 10 Apr 1929, p. [i-iv], [1]-316. Copies: FI, US.

  1. An enumeration of plants collected in Sumatra by W. N. and C. M. Bangham... Jamaica Plain, Mass., U.S.A. (published by The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University). 1934. (Enum. pl. Sumatra).

Collectors: Walter Nicholas and Catherine M. Bangham (1903-x).

Publ.: 25 Aug 1934, [i], [1]-178, pl. 1-14.Copy: NY.— Contr. Arnold Arb. 8.

  1. A commentary on Loureiro’ s “Flora cochinchinensis’ Philadelphia (The American Philoso-

phical Society) 1935. Qu. (Comm. FI. cochinch.).

Publ.: Jan 1935, p- [i], [1 Tea. Copy: FAS. — Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. ser. 2. 24(2), Jun 1935. — See Loureiro, TL-2/5038.

  1. Polynesian botanical bibliography 1773-1935 ... Honolulu, Hawaii (published by the

Museum) 1937. Oct. (Polynes. bot. bibl.).

Publ.: 1937, p. [1]-194. Copies: MO, NY, USDA. — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bull. 144, 1937. — New, enlarged, edition of Bibl. Polynes. Bot., J. Bishop Mus. 13: 1-68. 1924.

  1. A bibliography of Eastern Asiatic botany by Elmer D. Merrill and Egbert H. Walker

sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution/Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University/New

York Botanical Garden/Harvard-Yenching Institute. Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts,

U.S.A. (The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University) 1938, Qu. (size). (Bzbl. East Aszat.


Co-author: Egbert Hamilton Walker (1899-x).

Publ.: 1938 (p. iii: to Apr 1938), p. [1]-xlii, 1-719. Copies: FAS, U.

Supplement 1, by Egbert H. Walker, Washington D. C. (American Institute of Biological Sciences) 1960 (p. iv: 30 Oct 1960), p. [i*], [1]-xl, 1-552, errata sheet (loose). Copies: FAS. U

Ref: Barnhart , J. H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 39: 139. 1938. Handel- Mazzetti, H., Osterr. bot. Z. 88: 69. 1939. Walker, E. H. Taser 10: 45-49. 1961 (refs. to dates of publ.).

  1. Index rafinesquianus|/ The plant names published by C. S. Rafinesque with reductions, and a consideration of his methods, objectiv es, and attainments. Jamaica Plain, Mass. (The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University) 1949. Qu. (Ind. rajin.).

Publ.: Aug 1949 (copy at US presented by Merrill to A. Chase on 24 Aug 1949), p. [1]-ix, [1]-296. Copies: G, L, MO, NY, U, US, USDA. — Basic work on Constantin Samuel Rafinesque-Schmalz (1783-1840), his methods, nomenclature and bibliography. Mer- rill also reprinted several of Rafinesque’s rarest and most important publications in facsimile.

Ref.: Stuckey, R. L. & M. L. Roberts, Taxon 23: 365-372. 1974 (add. bibl.).



Merrill, George Knox (1864-1927), American lichenologist, journalist and photogra- pher; active at Rockland, Maine were he kept an art studio. (G. Merr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: FH (50.000). Exsiccatae: Lichenes exsiccatt, fasc. 1-11, nos. 1-275 (1909-1913), ser. 2, fasc. 1-6, nos. 1-150, (1925-1927); for sets see IH, for dates etc. see Sayre and Stevenson.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 479; Bossert p. 264; GR p. 193, cat. p. 68; IH 2:

529; Kelly p. 148, 255; LS 17728-17731, 36924-36937, suppl. 18269-18289; NW p. 53; SBC

ptey( Merr::).

Anon., Bryologist 30: 96. 1927; Flora 14(2) Int. Bl. 3: 8. 1831 (sale herb., libr.).

Burnham, S. H., Bryologist 31(4): 74. 1928.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 95. 1969.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lichen herb. at FH).

Norton, A. H., Maine Natural. 7(4): 161-163. 1927.

Phitt, C. C., Bryologist 31(4): 20, 24, 65-71. 1928 (portr., bibl., b. 16 Oct 1864, d. 21 Oct 1927).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 147-148. 1969.

Stevenson, J., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 36: 253. 1971 (exsicc.).

Urban, I., Gesch. Bot. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 289. 1916.

Merriman, Paul Rossiter (1882-x), American botanist. (Merriman). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 479 (b. 17 Jul 1882); BJI 1: 219, 308; NAF ser. Dees

  1. Flora of Richmond and vicinity (exclusive of grasses, sedges and trees) ... Richmond, Va. (Published by the Virginia Academy of Science under the editorial supervision of the Committee on Virginia Flora) 1930. (Fl. Richmond).

Publ.: 1930, frontisp., p. [1]-353, pl. 1-53. Copies: NY, USDA.

Mertens, Franz Karl (Carl) (1764-1831), German botanist, director ofa business school in Bremen. (Mert.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LE (Herder 1893, p. 262); further material in several herbaria, e.g. K (2000), PC (types of algae), OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 478; BFM 443, 444; BM 7: 1717, 3: 1292;

Bossert p. 265; Clokie p. 210; CSP 4: 352, 10: 784; Dawson p. 609; De Toni 1: lxxxiv; Hegi

5(3): 2128; Herder p. 187, 253; DTS 1: 189; Frank 3(Anh.): 63-64; Hortus 3: 1199

(“Mert.”); IH 2: 530; Kew 3: 662; KR p. 501; Langman p. 326, 331, 339, 379, 505; Laségue

p- 326, 339; Lenley p. 464; PR (alph.); RS p. 118; Urban-Berl. p. 267; Zander ed. 10, p. 691,

lb it |O, Fister

Anon., Flora 14: 544. 1831 (d.), 14(2) Int. Bl. 3: 8. 1831 (sale libr., herb.).

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. von, im P. Prahl, Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 37. 1890.

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 118, 173. 1967.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 371. 1864.

Kirschleger, F., Fl. Alsace 2: Ixxvi-Ixxvii. 1857.

Mertens, C., 7m Biogr. Skizzen Brem. Aerzte Naturf. 239-392. 1844.

RotheCat. botat(h):o4e 7 or.

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 1942, nos. 71, 77.

T., Bot. Zeit. 5: 115. 1847 (review of Buogr. Skizzen verstorbener Bremischer Aerzte und Naturfor- scher, Bremen 1844).

VanLandingham,, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3569. 1978, 7: 4204. 1978.

COMPOSITE WORKS: See under J. C. Rohling, Deutschlands Flora, of which ed.3 was published by F. K. Mertens and W. D. J. Koch (1771-1849). Mertens and Koch were the actual auhors of vols. 1-3, Koch of vols. 4-5 of that edition.


MESCHINELLI HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 169-170. 1977.

EPONYMY: Mertensia Roth (1797, nom. cons.): Mertensia Willdenow (1804): Mertensia Thun- berg ex Roth (806); Mertensia Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth (1817); Mertensides Fontaine (1883).

Mertens, Karl (Carl) Heinrich (1796-1830), German botanist at St. Petersburg; son of F. K. Mertens. (K. Mert.).

HERBARIUM and types: LE, incl. material collected on the voyage around the world on the Corvette Seniavin under Capt. Friedrich Liitke (1826-1829). See Clokie and SK for details. A large collection of letters received by M. is at HU.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 1: 188; Backer p. 367; BM 3: 1292; Bret. p. 322; Clokie

p. 210-211; CSP 4: 352; Herder p. 229; IH 2: 530; Laségue p. 331, 379, 505; MW suppl. p.

296; PR (alph.) (ed. 1: 6815); Rehder 1: 510; SK 1: 356-357, 8: Ixv; TR 884-885; Urban-

Berl. p. 267.

Anon., Flora 12: 94. 1829, 13: 694-696. 1830 (obit.).

Borodin, J., Trav. Mus. bot. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 4: 77-78. 1908.

Candolle, Alph. de Phytographie 433. 1880.

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 70. 1934.

Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 55: 261, 262, 263, 266, 292, 294. 1893 (coll. including those of his father at LE).

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 299-300; Fl. Kamtchatka 1: g. 1927.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 465. 1864.

Lawrence, G. H. M., Huntia 1: 164. 1964 (coll. of letters at HU).

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61: 46-47. 1886 (coll. MW) (b. 17/30 Mai 1796, d. 17/30 Sep 1830).

Liitke, F., Voyage autour du monde 3: 132-144 (botanical notes by Mertens), 337-352 (obituary). 1836 (see BM 3: 1156, sub Litke, F.P.).

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 211. 1947.

Mertens, K. H., Linnaea 4: 43-61. 1829 (two communications from the Seniavin, with notes by A. v. Chamisso), Engl. transl. in W. J. Hooker, Bot. Misc. 3: 1-23. 1833; Linnaea 5: 60-71. 1830 (further report from Seniavin).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 72. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Lit.-Ber. Linnaea 1830: 211 (d. 30 Sep 1830).

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 1942, nos. 71, 77, 246, 247, 303.

Shetler, S. G., Komarov bot. Inst. 32, 46, 57, 58. 1967.

Meschinelli, Aloysius (Luigi) (1865-?), Italian palaeomycologist; assistant in geology and palaeontology Univ. Napoli 1889-1890, president of the Comizio agrario di Vicenza 1904. (Mesch.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 281-322; Andrews p. 303; Barnhart 2: 480; BM 2: 1292, 7: 830; Bossert p. 265; CSP 17: 182; Kelly p. 149; Kew 3: 663; Lenley p. 289- 290; LS 17736-17739; NI.1344; Saccardo 1: 109.

Holm, L., Taxon 8(2): 66-67. 1959 (on M’s fungus names).

Rumor S., Scrittori vicentini 2: 335-338, 3: 496. 1908 (b. 18 Mar 1865; bibl.).

COMPOSITE WoRKSs: Sylloge fungorum fossilium, in P. A. Saccardo, Sylloge fungorum 10: 741-809. 1892 (for the status of these names see Holm, Taxon 8(2): 66-67. 1969.

  1. Flora tertiaria italica ... Patavii [Padua] (Sumptibus auctorum, typis Seminari1)

  2. Oct. (Fl. tert. ital.).

Co-author: Xenofonte Squinabol (1861-?).

Publ.: Nov 1892-Apr 1893 (t.p. 1892, p. 6: 13 Oct 1892; Bot. Centralbl. 24 Mai 1893; ObZ Mai 1893; Bot. Zeit. 1 Jan 1894), p. [i*], [i]-lxui, [1]-575, [1-2]. Copres: BR, MO, NY, Teyler, USGS.



  1. Fungorum fossilium omnium hucusque cognitorum iconographia xxxi tabulis exornata.

Volumen unicum. Vicetiae [Vicenza] (Sumptibus auctoris typis Aloysii Fabris & C.) 1898.

Qu. (Fung. foss. iconogr.).

Orig. ed.: Mai-Jul 1898 (p. viii: kal. Apr 1898; ObZ Aug 1808; Bot. Not. 1898), p. [i*-v*], [i]-xx, [1]-144, pl. 7-37 (uncol. liths.) Copies: MO, NY, Stevenson, USDA, USGS.

Editio ultima: 1902, p. [i*-vi* ], [1]-xx, [1]-144, pl. 1-37 (id.). Copy: PH. “‘... editio ultima...” Vicetiae (in aedibus J. Galla 1go2).

Metcalfe, Charles Russell (1904-x), British botanist, especially plant anatomist. (Med-

calfe). HERBARIUM and TyYPEs: K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 480; BFM 3486, 2487; Bossert p. 265; [H2: 531;

Kew 3: 665-667; Langman p. 502; MW p. 318, suppl. p. 227; Plesch p. 334; Roon p. 77.

Anon., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1930: 328; Gard. Chron. 166(13): 31. 1969; Plant Sci. Bull. 14(4): 3. 1968.

Baas, P. and Mennega, A. M. W., Taxon 19(1): 85-87. 1970 (portr.).

Burley, J., IAWA Bull. 1979/4: 67 (portr.).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 52. 1969.

Hepper, F. N. an F. Neate, Pl. coll. W. Afr. 55. 1971.

Merrill,E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 211. 1947.

Metcalfe, C. R., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 63, Suppl. 1: 239-242. “1970” (1971) (bibl.), Notes from the Jodrell Laboratory 7: 20-29. 1972 (on the revision of Metcalfe and Chalk’s Anatomy of the Dicotyledons), Taxon 22: 659-668. 1973 (ed.); Leiden bot. Ser. 3: 1-19. 1976 (history Jodrell Lab., Kew);

Paliwal and Mohapatra, Botanica (Delhi) 21(1): 18-21. 1970 (portr.).

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, FI. males. Bull. 23: 1678. 1969 (retirement as keeper, Jodrell Lab.).

NOTE: For C. R. Metcalfe and L. Chalk, Anatomy of the dicotyledons, London, New York (Oxford University Press) 1950, 2 vols. see e.g. Metcalfe (1972, 1973), for C. R. Metcalfe, Anatomy of the Monocotyledons, 1. The Gramineae (id.) 1960, e.g. O. Rohweder, Bot. Jahrb. 81(Lit.): 19-20. 1962, 5 Cyperaceae 1971, id. 94(Lit.): 38-39. 1974. 6. Dioscoreales, id., 40-41. 1974.

EPONYMY: Metcalfia Conert (1960).

Metsch, Johann Christian (1796-1856), German botanist; Dr. med. Berlin 1821; from 1822 public health officer at Suhl. (Metsch).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: JE; a collection of Rubus was acquired by B in 1895.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 608; Barnhart 2: 481; BM 3: 1293; CSP 4: 354; Frank 3(Anh.): 64; Herder p. 342; IH 2: 531; PR 6114 (ed. 1: 6821); Tucker 1: 481; Urban- Berl yps 374:

Anon., Flora 39: 767. 1856; Osterr. bot. W. 6: 375. 1856 (d. 28 Jul 1856).

Muller, R. H. W. & F. Zaunick, Friedrich Traugott Kiitzing 66, 288. 1960.

Rothmaler, W., Mitt. Thur. bot. Ver. ser. 2. 41: 56-58. 1933 (b. 25 Feb 1796). Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 14: 711-712. 1856.

  1. Flora hennebergica enthaltend die wildwachsenden und angebauten Gefasspflanzen, so wie der Armleuchtergewachse (Characeen) der Graffschaft Henneberg K6nigl. Preuss. Antheils. Ein Beitrag zur Flora des Thtiringer Waldes ... Schleusingen (Verlag von Conrad Glaser) 1845. Oct. (Fl. henneberg.). Publ.: Jan-Apr 1845 (Bot. Zeit. 1 Aug 1845, note; Flora rd. Apr 1845), p. [i]-xii, [1]-390. Copies: B, Regensburg. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 4: 437-438. 19 Jun 1846. Anon., Flora 28: 272, 540-543. 1845.

Mettenius, Georg Heinrich (1823-1866), German pteridologist; professor of botany and



director of the Leipzig botanical garden from 1851-1866; succeeding Gustav Kunze; married Cecilie Braun, daughter of Alexander Braun; died of cholera. (Melt.).

HERBARIUM and Types: The Mettenius herbarium, exclusive of the ferns, was at LZ and 1S now destroyed. The fern herbarium, acquired by Berlin (B) between 1870 and 1875, was incorporated in the general herbarium (extant). An important set of ferns (448) is at W; further material at E and FR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiocrAPHy: ADB 21: 523-524; AG 2(2): 9; Backer p. 368; Barnhart 2:

481; BM 3: 1293; Bossert p. 265; CSP 4: 355, 8: 388; De Toni 1: Ixxxiv; DSB 9: 340; DTS

6(4): 170; Frank 3(Anh.): 64; Hegi p. 466; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Mett.”); IF p. 718-719; IH 1

(ed. 6): 361, 2: 531; Jackson p. 149, 150, 152, 224, 428; Kew 3: 668; Moebius p. 135, 136,

204; NI 1346; PR 6115-6123 (ed. 1: 6822-6823); Rehder 5: 568; Tl-1/830-832; TL-2/1:

1764, 3507, 3984; Tucker 1: 481; Urban-Berl. p. 36-37, 321; Zander ed. 10, p. Goijedsri, p:


Anon., Bot. Zeit. 25: 80, 88. 1867 (library and herbarium for sale); Bull. Soc. bot. France 13(c.r.): 400. 1866, 13(bibl.): 236-327. 1866, 14(bibl.): 47. 1867 (sale herb., libr.); Hedwigia 5: 144. 1866; Flora 50: 13. 1867; J. Bot. 4: 336. 1866; Osterr. bot. W. 1:85, 1851 (prof. bot. Freiburg, succeeding A. Braun), 2: 172. 1852 (called to Leipzig), 6: 406. 1856 (Filic. Hort. bot. Lips.), 14: 26. 1864 (in charge of LZ herbarium), 16: 232. 1866 (d. 19 Aug 1866, of cholera).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 150. 1888 (448 ferns at W).

Blum, J., Ber. Senckenb. naturf. Ges. Wiss. Abh. 1901: 19-20.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880.

Carus, C. G. & C. F. P. von Martius, Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen 39, 136. s.d.

Caspary, R., Gard. Chron. 1866: 1018; J. Bot. 4: 388-391. 1866 (Caspary was M’s brother- in-law); in Seemann, B., J. Bot. 4: 388-390. 1866 (from Gard. Chron. 1866: 1018).

Conert, H. J., Senckenbergiana Biol. 48c: 18, 22. 1967.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 233. 1938 (dir. Leipzig 1852 (not 1851) 1866).

Gray, A., Amer. J. Sci. ser. 2. 45: 123. 1868 (d.).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 377, 447. 1864.

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit, eds., Blumea 25: 103. 1979.

Kuhn, M., Filic. Afr. 1868 (TL-2/3984) ( “... ex reliquiis Mettenius adaucta.”’).

Merrill, E. D., Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 134-135. 1937 (Polyn. bibl.); Contr. natl. Ieuon Who. 30: 211. 194'7.

Mettenius, C. (née Braun), Alexander Braun’s Leben 1882 (several references to her husband).

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 211, 453. 1892.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 24: 276. 1866.

Seemann, B., Bonplandia 1: 241. 1853.

Sirks, M. J., Ind. natuurond. 164. 1915.

Stearn, W. T., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 4(6): 287-290. 1967 (pteridol. publ.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 145, pl. 125. 1905 (portr.).

COMPOSITE works: (1) Cryptogamae vasculares, in Fenzl, Reise Novara, see TL-2/1: 1764.

(2) Filices and Lycopodiaceae-Equisetaceae, in Triana et Planchon, Prodr, Fl. novogranat. 2: 275- 353. 1864, 2: 391-396. 1865 (Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 5. 2(4): 193-271. 1864, 3: 306-311. 1865).

(3) Filicinae, in A. Kanitz, Pl. Tinn. 59-60. 1868 (TL-2/3507).

NOTE: Cecilie Mettenius (née Braun, b. 17 Feb 1836) published a biography of her father Alexander Braun (Berlin 1882, viii, 706 p.) which is an important source for the history of German botany in the middle of the nineteenth century.

EPONYMY: Metteniusa H. Karsten (1860). 5877. De Salvinia. Dissertatio inauguralis quam consensu et auctoritate gratiosi medi- corum ordinis heidelbegensis [sic] eruditorum examini submittit auctor ... Francofurti ad

Moenum (typis expressit J. F. Bayrhoffer) 1845. Qu. (Sadvinia). Publ.: 1845, p. [1]-20. Copy: NY.


METTENIUS Ref.: Anon., Flora 29: 601-608. 14 Oct 1846. ~

  1. Beilrdge zur Renniniss der Rhizocarpeen ... mit drei lithographirten Tafeln. Frankfurt

am Main (In Commission in der $8. Schmerber’schen Buchhandlung ...) 1846. Qu. (Bezér.


Publ.: Jan 1846 (p. [v]: 1 Oct 1845; rd. Flora Jan 1846), p. [i-vi], [1 ]-65, pd. 7-3 (uncol. liths. auct. ). Copies: FI, FR, G, MO, PH, USDA

Ref.: K. M., Bot. Zeit 4: 692- 695. 1850. oe Flora 29: 601-608. 14 Oct 1846.

  1. Beitrdge zur Botank ... Heft 1 ... Heidelberg (Akademische Buchhandlung von E.

Mohr) 1850. Oct. t (Bevtr. Bot.).

Publ.: Jan 1850 (Flora 14 Jan 1850; also rd. at Regensburg in Jan 1850), p. [1]-61, [1, cont. ], pl. 1-6 (uncol. liths.). Copzes: BR, G, KNAW, NY, USDA.

  1. Filices lechlerianae chilenses ac peruanae, cura R. F. Hohenackeri editae, auctore G. Mettenius. Lipsiae [Leipzig] (Leopold Voss) 1856-1859. Oct. (Fil. lechl.). Collector: Willibald Lechler (1814-1856); editor of the collections of Rudolf Friedrich Hohenacker (1798-1874). Fasc. 1: Feb 1856 (TL- ; (BSbF Apr(?) 1856), p. [1]-30, pl. 7-3 (uncol. liths.). Fasc. 2: Jan 1859 (TL-1), p. [1]-38. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. IDC 7227. Ref:: Sgiledurendlal. D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 14: 580-581. 1856. Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Misc. 9: 32, 282-287. 1857. Stearn, W. T., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 4(6): 268. 1967.

  2. Uber einige Farngattungen ... Frankfurt a.M. (Druck und Verlag von Heinrich

Ludwig Bronner) 1857-1859, 6 parts. Qu. (Farngatt.).

Publ.: Reprinted from the Abhandlungen herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Frankfurt a.M. The publication in the Abhandlungen

antedates that of the separately paged reprints.

number genus treated vol. and page Abh. i. dates Abh. datesrepr. pages reprint I Polypodium = 2(1): [1]-138 1-3 Oct 1856 Feb-Mar 1857 [i], [1]-138

II Plagiogyria 2(2): [265]-275 15 | 41] Aug 1858 Sep 1859 [i], [1 ]-11 III Pteris 2(2): 276-284 16| =5] Aug 1858 ~— Sep 1859 [i]-x1 IV Phegopteris,

Aspidium 2(2): [285]-420 17-18 Aug 1858 ~~ Sep 1859 [i], [1]-136 V Cheilanthes 3(1): [47]-99 A=) Sep 1859 Sep 1859 [1]-55 VI Asplenium 3(1): [100]-254 4-6[ =2-4| Sep 1859 Sep 1859 56-210

Copies: (reprint): G. MO; (journal): US; IDC 1251.

  1. Filices hort botanict lipsiensis. Die Farne des botanischen Gartens zu Leipzig ... Leipzig (Verlag von Leopold Voss) 1856. Fol. (Fil. hort. bot. Lips.). Publ.: Mai-Jun 1856 (TL-1) (BSbF post Jul 1856), p. [1-111], [1 ]-135, pl. 7-30 (uncol. liths.). Copies: G, MO, NY, U, US; IDC 1252. Ref.: Anon., Flora 39: 464, 579-586. 1856. Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 9: 283-287. 1857. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 14: 696, 804-807. 1856.

  2. Filices Novae Caledoniae a cl. Vieillard collectae [Ann. Sci. nat.; Paris 1861] Oct.

Collector: Eugene Vieillard (1819-1896), French naval physician and plant collector.

Publ.: Jan 1861, p. [1]-37, 7 pl. (uncol. lith.). Copy: NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 4. 15(1): 55-91. 1861.

  1. Uber den Bau von Angiopteris ... Leipzig (bei S. Hirzel) 1863. Oct. (Angiopteris).

Publ.: 1863, p. [i-ii], [501 ]-570, pl. r-ro (uncol. liths.). Copy: MO.— Reprinted, with special t.p., from Abh. Sachs. Ges. Wiss., mat.-phys. Cl. 6: 501-570, pl. 1-70.



  1. Uber die Hymenophyllaceae ... Leipzig (bei S. Hirzel) 1864. Oct. (Hymenophyllaceae) .

Publ.: preprinted Sep-Nov 1864 (p. ii; printing completed 3 Sep 1864; Flora 14 Dec 1864; Hedwigia Nov 1864), p. [i-ii], 1-104, also: [403]-504, pl. 1-5 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copies: G, MO, NY, US. — Preprinted with special t.p. from Abh. kon. sachs. Ges. Wiss., math.-

phys. Cl. 7: 403-505, pl. 1-5. 1864.

Metz, Sister Mary Clare (1907-x), American botanist and nun at the Congregation of the Sisters of Divine Providence San Antonio, Texas; Ph. D. Cathol. Univ. Amer. 1934; later at Our Lady of the Lake College. (Metz).

HERBARIUM and types: LCU and LLC; duplicates at DAO, DPU, GH, L, LD, LE, NY, TEX, WS, WTU.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 481 (b. 27 Jan 1907); BL 1: 216, 308; Bossert p. 265; IH 2: 532.

  1. A flora of Bexar county, Texas a dissertation submitted to the faculty of the graduate

school of arts and sciences of the Catholic University of America in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy. — Washington, D.C. (The Catholic

University of America) 1934. Oct. (Fl. Bexar).

Publ.: Jul 1934 (US copy rd. 20 Jul 1934), p. [i*], [iJ-xili, 1-214, [215, vita], map. Copies: US, USDA.

Metzger, Johann (1789-1852), German botanist and gardener at Heidelberg; from 1851 director of the agricultural garden and college at Karlsruhe. (Meizg.).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some Cerealia at W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY ans BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 682; Barnhart 2: 481; BM 3: 1294; Frank 3(Anh.):

64; Herder p. 466; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Metzg.”); Jackson p. 297; Kew 3: 668; NI 1348; PR

6125-6129 (ed. 1: 6825-6831); Rehder 5: 568;'Tucker 1: 481; Zander ed. 10, p. 691, ed. 11,

p- 788.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 10: 830. 1852; Flora 36: 32. 1853 (d. 15 Sep 1852); Gartenfl. 7: 360. 1858; Osterr. bot. W. 1: 349. 1851 (app. Karlsruhe), 2: 406. 1852 (d. 15 Sep 1859; err. “Fr.” Metzer).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 55: 294. 1893 (Cercalia at W).

Bergdolt, E., Karl von Goebel, ed. 2, 261 [index]. 1941.

Weech, Badische Biogr. 2: 76-77. (n.v.).

EPoNyMy: : Metzgeria Raddi (1818) is dedicated to Giovanni Metzger, a copper engraver and restorer of old paintings, of Stauffen im Breisgau, a pupil of Raffaello Morghen. The same etymology holds for: Metzgeriites Steere (1947); Metsgeriopsis Goebel (1888); Austro- metzgeria Kuwahara (1966); Apometzgeria Kuwahara (1966).

  1. Europaische Cerealien. In botanischer und landwirthschaftlicher Hinsicht bearbeitet

_.. mit zwanzig lithographirten Tafeln. Heidelberg (In der Universitaets-Buchhandlung

von C. F. Winter) 1824. Fol. (Eur. Cereal.).

Publ.: 1824 (Flora 21 Dec 1824; p. iv: Friihling 1824), p. [i]-vii, [1]-74, pl. 1-20. Copy: G.— 20 liths. of drawings by W. von Jenison.

Neue wohlfeile Ausgabe: s.d., p. [i]-viii, [1]-74, pl. 1-20 (id.). Copy: MO. — Mannheim (Verlag von Heinrich Hoff).

Ref.: Anon., Flora 7: 752. 1824, 8: 550-553. 1825.

  1. Systematische Beschreibung der kultivirten Kohlarten mit ihren zahlreichen Spielarten, ihrer Kultur und 6konomischen Benutzung nach mehrjahrigen Anbauungs-Versuchen ... Mit Abbildungen. Heidelberg (Druck und Verlag von August Osswald) 1833. Oct. (Syst. Beschr. Kohlart.).

Publ.: 1833, p. [i, iii], [1 ]-68, 7 pl. Copres: FI, G.

  1. Die Getreidearten und Wiesengrdser in botanischer und 6konomischer Hinsicht bearbei-



tet ... Heidelberg (Akademische Verlagsbuchhandlung von C. J. Winter) 1841. Oct.

(Getreideart. Wiesengras.).

Publ.: 1841 (p. iv: Jan 1841), p. [i-iv], [1]-254, [255-256]. Copies: LD (inf. O. Almborn), Wirtt. Landesbibl. Stuttgart (inf. S. Seybold).

  1. Landwirthschaftliche Pflanzenkunde, oder praktische Anleitung zur Kenntniss und zum Anbau der fiir Oekonomie und Handel wichtigen Gewache ... Heidelberg (Akademische Verlagsbuchhandlung von C. F. Winter) 1841, 2 parts. Oct. (Landw. Pfl.-k.).

Abth. 1: Jan-Feb 1841 (p. xiv: Sep 1840; Flora 5 Jan-g Mar 1841).

Abth. 2: 1841, p. [1-ii], [583 ]-1153, [1154-1156].

Copies: GOET, NY.

Metzler, Jakob Adolf (“‘H”’) (1812-1883), German banker, landowner and cryptogamist at Frankfurt a. M. (Meizi.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: FR; other material at B, GZU and L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 481; BM 3: 1294; CSP 8: 388; DTS 1: 384; GR p. 31, pl. [78], cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; 1H 2: 532; LS 1455; SBC 80: 127; Urban-Berl. 4.907:

Bogge, H. & J. A. Metzler, Ber. oberrhein. Ges. Naturk. Giessen, Aug 1865, p. 82-95 (Flechtenflora von Frankfurt a.M.).

Conert, H. J., Senckenbergiana, Biologica 48(C): 25-26, 31. 1967.

Knoblauch, A., Ber. Senckenb. naturf. Ges. Frankfurt 48: 50-51. 1919 (b. 1812; ““Secktio- nar’’ for cryptogamic botany at FR 1870-1883; lichen coll. 200 fasc.).

EPONYMY: Metzlerella 1. Hagen (1915); Metzlerca W. P. Schimper ex Milde (1869).

Meulenhoff, J. S. (1867-1936), Dutch mycologist; president of the Nederlandse mycologi- sche Vereniging 1919-1933 (Meulenhoff).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some fungi (coll. 1912-1920) in L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: IH 2: 532; JW 1: 446, 2: 197. Meulemeester, Fungus 5: 2-5. 1934 (portr.), 7: 65-66. 1936 (portr.).

  1. List van in Nederland gevonden hoogere zwammen (Basidiomycetae) uitgegeven door de Nederlandsche mycologische Vereeniging ... Zwolle (by de Erven J. J. Til) 1918. Oct. (List hoogere zwammen).

Co-Author: Catharina Cool (1874-1928).

Publ.: 1918 (preface: complete up to 1 Jan 1918), p. [1]-55. Copy: USDA.

Meunier, Alphonse F. (1857-1918), Belgian algologist. (Meunier).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 7: 831, 3: 1294; 17: 190-191; Kew 3: 668; Tucker 1: 481. Cupp, E. E., Mar. plankton diat. W. Coast N. Amer. 1943, p. 218.

Evens, F. M. J. C., Gesch. algol. Belgie 182. 1944.

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. diat. 6: 3569. 1978, 7: 4205. 1978.

Meurer, Franz Ferdinand (1809-1882), German lawyer, administrator, Regierungsrat, entomologist and botanist at Rudolstadt. (fF. Meurer).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material in herb. Roll. (bryol.), at B.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 482. Koeppen, F., Irmischia 2: 41-43. 1882 (b. 1809) (mentions mss. Flora von Schwarzburg

Pe Roll, J., Irmischia 2: 28. 1882 (d. 25 Jan 1882).



Meurer, Pfarrer (fi. 1848), German clergyman and botanist; high school teacher at Rinteln. (Meurer).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

Note: Nothing is known to us about Pfarrer (clergyman) Meurer beyond the details given here. He should not be confused with the Thtringian F. F. Meurer (1809-1882), treated above.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: BM 3g: 1295; PR 6130; Rehder 1: 382.

  1. Jahresbericht tber das kurfurstl. Gymnasium zu Rinteln womit der am 10., 11. und
  2. April Statt findenden Priifungen und Schulfeierlichkeiten ergebenst einladet Dr. Heinrich August Schiek, ... 1. Abhandlung des ordentl. Gymnasiallehrers Pf. Meurer: Beitréige zur Ubersicht der Kurhessischen Flora. a. Die Gefasspflanzen der Umgegend von Hofgeismar; b. Nachtrage zu Hoyer’s Flora der Graffschaft Schaumburg. 2. Schulnach- richten ... Rinteln (Druck von C. Bosendahl) 1848. Qu. (Beztr. Kurhess. Fl.).

Publ.: 1 Mar-g Apr 1848 (p. iv: Feb 1848, publ. before ro Apr), p. [1]-1v, 5-24. (Schulnach-

richten p. 25-40). Copies: B-S, MO.

Meurling, Petrus (//. 1820), Swedish physician. (Meurling). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: BM 3: 1295.

  1. De Vegetatione Scaniae dissertatio. Quam venia ampl. fac. phil. Lund. publice exami-

nandam proponunt Mag. Joh. Forsander & Petrus Meurling. Smolandi. In Academia

Carolina d. xix Dec mdcccxx. Lundae [Lund] (ex Officina Berlingiana) 1820 Qu. (Veg.


Co-author: Johann Forsander (1795-1866), Swedish high school teacher; senior author. The publication is attributed to Forsander by Krok; Meurling was probably merely a codefendent. See KR p. 191-192.

Publ.: 19 Dec 1820, p. [1]-16. Copies: G(2).

Meusel, Hermann (1909-x), German botanist at Halle; Dr. phil. Halle 1935 (student of W. Troll); assistant Bot. Inst. Halle 1935-1947; professor of botany ib. 1947 (ord. 1952); Nationalpreis DDR _ 1966; specially interested in the chorology of the eurasiatic flora. (Meusel).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BFM p. 303; GR p. 121; Kew 3: 668-669; Roon p. 77; TL- 2/2571.

Bauer, L., Arch. Naturgesch. Landschaftsforsch. 15: 3-4. 1975.

Schubert, R., Flora 168: 429-430. 1979 (portr., b. 2 Nov 1909).

NOTE: For Meusel, H., Jager, E. und Weinert, E., Verglecchende Chorologie der zentraleuropai- schen Flora, erster Teil, Jena 1965, see e.g. Markgraf, F., Bot. Jahrb. 87(Lit.): 4-5. 1967. Volume 2 was published 1978, see G. Wagenitz, Taxon 28: 657. 1979. The book continues his Vergleichende Arealkunde, 2 vols., Berlin 1943 (see e.g. L. Diels, Bot. Jahrb. 74(Lit.): 9-10.


Mexia, Ynes Enriquetta Julietta (1870-1938), American botanical explorer (of Mexi- can descent) of Alaska and Latin America. (Mexia).

HERBARIUM and Types: UC. — Duplicates of collections widely distributed; see IH (total number of specimens collected about 150.000; ca. 9300 species). Records of the collections, letters and information about the Mexia family are in the Bancroft Library, Univ. Calif., Berkeley.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 482 (b. 24 Mai 1870, d. 12 Jul 1938); BJI 2: 116;

Clokie p. 211; IH 1(ed. 6): 361, 2: 532; PH 209.

Anon., Madrono 4(2): 71-72. 1937 (trip Andes), 4(7): 238. 1938 (id. Mexico).

Bracelin, H. P., Madrono 3(4): 174-176. 1935 (itin.), 4(8): 273-275. 1938 (biogr., portr., list exped.).

Cantelow, E. D. & H. C., Leafl. W. Bot. 8: 95-96. 1957 (b. 24 Mai 1870, d. 12 Jul 1938, granddaughter of José Antonio Mexia; Mrs. Augustin A. de Reygadas).

Carter, A., Madrono 23(3): 163-164. 1975 (note on Nina Floy Perry (Mrs. H. P. Bracelin) and her role in distributing M’s plants).

Ewan, J., zn Cent. Progr. nat. Sci. 56. 1955.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 20. 1969.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 110. 1970.

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 293, 335-336. 1940 (Alaskan itin.).

Knobloch, I. W., Plant coll. N. Mexico 43-44. 1979.

McVaugh, R., Contr. Univ. Mich. herb. 9: 283. 1972 (Mexican itin.).

Mexia, Y., Madrono 1: 227-238. 1929 (trip Mexico).

Prance, G., Acta amaz. 1(1): 46. 1971 (itin., Brazil).

Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev. 43: 292, 336. 1977 (bryol.).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 4(4/5): 438. 1938.

EPONYMY: Mexzanthus B. L. Robinson (1928).

Meyen, Franz Julius Ferdinand (1804-1840), Prussian physician and botanist; Dr. med. Berlin 1826; travelled around the world with W. Wendt on the Prinzess Luise (1830- 1832); Dr. phil. h.c. Bonn 1834; professor of botany at the University of Berlin. (Meyen).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Meyen’s herbarium, mainly consisting of the authentic material of his trip around the world, was acquired by B in 1842. The herbarium consisted of 2188 specimens, said by Urban to represent 1353 species. This herbarium now being lost, the most important extant sets of Meyen specimens seem to be at BR, CAS, CGE, K and L; the important set at KIEL is also lost. Some bryophytes are at BM.

NOTE: “‘Zijn arbeid is, ook onder ons, op hoogen prys gesteld. Zijne werkzaamheid en echt Duitsche vlijt grensden schier aan het onmogelijke en ongeloofelijke. Zijn aanzijn was een merkwaardig verschijnsel, een voorbeeld ter navolging en ter waarschuwing” (De Vriese).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: ADB 21: 549-553; AG 2(2): 309; Ainsworth p. 314, 345; Backer p. 368; Barnhart 2: 482; BM 3: 1297, 7: 833; Bossert p. 265; Bret. p. 302; Cesati p. 266; CSP 4: 357-359, 8: 391; De Toni 1: Ixxxiv; DSB 9: 344-345 (by H. Querner); Frank 3(Anh.): 64; GR p. 31-32, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 466; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Meyen’’); IF p. 719; IH 2: 532; Jackson p. 68, 69, 102, 193, 222, 224, 503; Kew 3: 669- 670; KR p. 502; Langman p. 502; Laségue p. 384, 502, 521; LS 17758-17765; Moebius p. 453 [index]; MW p. 319; NI 1352-1353; Nordstedt p. 23; PR 6132-6143 (ed. 1: 6834-6849); Ratzeburg p. 352-356; Rehder p. 568-569; RS p. 118; SBC p. 127 (““Meyen”’); SK 1: 358; Stevenson p. 1250; TL-1/833; Tl-2/1: see Grisebach, A. H. R.; Tucker 1: 482; Urban-Berl. p. 267, 271, 279, 289, 308, 374; Zander ed. 10, p. 692, ed. 11, p. 789 (b. 28 Jun 1804, d. 2 Sep 1840).

Anon., Bot. Not. 1840: 211. (d. 1 Sep 1836); Flora 23: 544. 1840 (d. 1/2 Sep 1840). Embacher, F., Lexik. Reisen 206. 1882.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 116. 1969.

Forbes, R. J., ed., Martinus van Marum 1: 330. 1969, 3: 32. 1971.

Herrera, F. L., Estud. Fl. Cuzco g. 1930.

Hoffman, P. et al., Wiss. Z. Humb. Univ. Berlin, Math.-Nat. 14: 804. 1965.

Howell, J. T., Leafl. W. Bot. 7(3): 96-97. 1953 (pl. CAS).

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit. eds., Blumea 25: 66. 1979.

Lloyd, F. E., Carniv. pl. 351 [index]. 1942.

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 312 [index]. 1973 (portr.).

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30: 211. 1947.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 168. 1904 (Bryoph. BM).

Nees von Esenbeck, C. G., Letters to Miquel, Utrecht, of 24 Apr 1843 (announces



‘““Meyen’s Nachlass’’), 8 Mai 1943 (vol. 19 suppl. 1 of Nova Acta not yet out), 23 Mar 1844 (sends 1g suppl. 1 “‘verspatet” ... “uberhauft’’) (letters at U).

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 282. 1969.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 133. 1858, 3: 907. 1898 (b. 28 Jun 1804, d. 2 Sep 1840).

Ratzeburg, J. T. C., Nowa Acta Acad. Leop. 19: xil- xxxii. 1843 (bibl.), alsoin Meyen, J. F. J., Reise um die Erde 4: Xill-xxxul. 1843 (biogr., d. 1/2 Sep 1840; bibi.).

Reiche, K., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Chile 11-12. 1907.

Sachs, J., Gesch. Bot. 308-315. 1875; Hist. botanique 583 [index]. 1892.

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 1942, p. 170, nos. 248, 264.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 61-63. 1906 (biogr., itin., biogr. refs.; b. 28 Jun 1804, d. 2 Sep 1840).

Vriese, W. H. de, Herinneringen aan Franz Julius Ferdinand Meyen. Amsterdam 1840, 38 p., also Tydschr. Geneesk. Physiol. 8(2): 3-38. 1841.

Weberbauer, A., Pfl.-Welt peruan. Anden 9-10. 1911 (Veg. Erde 12).

Whetzel, H. H., Hist. phytopath. 38. 1918 (portr.).

Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 826. 1965.

NoTE: Meyen was a Baltic German; he was born in Tilsit, Eastern Prussia (now Sovetsk, USSR) and educated in Tilsit, Memel and Berlin. After practicing as physician in the Charité hospital of Berlin 1826/27, he served as military physician in Koln, Bonn, Potsdam and Berlin before going on the voyage around the world on the Prinzessin Luise as ship’s physician. A good contemporary account is given by Ratzeburg (1843).

EPONYMY: Meyenia C. G. D. Nees (1832); Meyenia Backeberg (1931). Note: Meyenites Unger (1842) and Meyenia Schlechtendal (1833), probably also commemorate Meyen but the authors give no derivation.

  1. Grundriss der Pflanzengeographie mit ausfihrlichen Untersuchungen tiber das Vater-

land, den Anbau und den Nutzen der vorziiglichsten Culturpflanzen, welche den Wohl-

stand der Volker begriinden ... Berlin (Maude und Spenersche Buchhandlung (S. J.

Joseephy)). 1836. Oct. (Grundr. Pfl.-Geogr.).

Publ.: 1836, p. [i]-x, [1]-478. Copy: MO.

English: 1846, p. [i]-x, [1]-422. Copies: MO, US. — “Outlines of the geography of plants: with particular enquiries concerning the native country, the culture, and the uses of the principal cultivated plants on which the prosperity of nations is based . . .” translated by Margaret Johnston. London (printed for the Ray Society) 1846. Oct.

Swedish: 1841, vili, 308 and 127 p., n.v., see KR (p. 702) “Utkast tall vaxt-geografien ...”’, translation by Gustaf Torssell (1811-1849).

  1. F. J. F. Meyenii Observationes botanicas in itinere circum terram institutas. Opus posthumum, sociorum Academiae curis suppletum. Cum tabulis xii. Vratislaviae et Bonnae [Breslau and Bonn] 1843. Qu. (Obdserv. bot.).

Publ.: Nov Acta Leopoldina 17, suppl. 2 (is at the same time vol. 19, suppl. 1); counts as Theil 4 of Reise um die Erde (see e.g. BM 3: 1297). Date: Dec 1843 (forwarded from Breslau to Nees on 13 Dec 1843 (PAW); Nees sent a copy to Miquel on 23 Mar 1844 with excuses for the delay), p. [xiii]-xxxii (Meyen’s Lebenslauf, by J. T. C. Ratzeburg), p. [ix]-xxxii, [1]-512, pl. 1-13 Baio! and uncol. liths.). Copies: FI, NY, U, USDA; TbC 6064/5227. — German title: Beitrdge zur Botanik gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde .

Collaborators: Julius Christian Gottlieb Ulrich Flotow (1788-1856), lichenes (with Meyen); Ignaz Goldmann (1810-1848), filices; Carl Moritz Gottsche (1808-1892), Carl Johann Lindeberg (1815-1900) and Nees von Esenbeck, Hepaticae; August Heinrich Rudolph Grisebach (1814-1879), Gentianaceae; Johann Friedrich Klotzsch (1805-1860) fungi; Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von, Esenbeck (1776-1858); Johann Conrad Schauer (1813-1848), Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae; Wilhelm Gerhard Walpers (1816-1853), Compositae, e.a.; Julius Rudolph Theodor Vogel (1812-1841), Leguminosae.

Additional botanical information was contained in footnotes of parts 1 and 2 of Meyen’s Rezse

um die Erde, Berlin 1834, 1835 (Theil 1: 25-31 Mai 1834, Theil 2: 18-23 Aug 1834). Theil 3

contained zoology. Theil 4 is the above botanical treatment.

Ref.: Anon., Bot. Zeit. 2: 793. 1844.



Meyer, Adolf (1868-?), German botanist and pharmacist; Dr. phil. Heidelberg 1897. (Ad. Mey.).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 482; Herder p. 409. Meyer, Ad., Beitr. Anat. Artocarp. p. [42, vita], (b. 5 Jul 1868).

  1. Bertrage zur Anatomie der Artocarpeen. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Dok- torwurde vorgelegt einer hohen naturwissenschaftlichen-mathematischen Facultat der Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat zu Heidelberg ... Darmstadt (Druck der L. C. Wittich’schen Hofbuchdruckerei) 1897. Oct. (Beitr. Anat. Artocarp.).

Publ.: 1897 (LC rd. 14 Feb 1898), p. [i], [1]-41, [42, vita], 7 pl. Copy: US.

Meyer, Albert (//. 1884), German botanist from Miillrose; Dr. phil. Marburg 1884. (AJb. Mey.).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 32: 1298; Herder p. 323.

  1. Beitrdge zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Ranunculaceen. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Er- langung der Doctorwurde bei hoher philosophischen Fakultat zu Marburg ... Marburg (Universitats-Buchdruckerei (R. Friedrich) ). 1884. Oct. (Beitr. Anat. Ranunc.).

Publ.: 1884 (LC rd. Feb 1885), p. [1*], [i]-vi, [3]-50, 7 pl. Copy: US.

Meyer, August (//. 1872), German botanist at Oldenburg. (Aug. Mey.). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Jackson p. 308; Rehder 1: 386; Tucker 1: 482.

  1. Excursionsflora des Grossherzogthums Oldenburg. Ein Taschenbuch zu botanischen Ex-

cursionen fiir Schulen und zum Selbstbestimmen nach der analytischen Methode ...

Oldenburg (Druck und Verlag der Schulze’schen Buchhandlung (C. Berndt & A.

Schwartz.)) 1872. Oct. (Excurs.-Fl. Oldenburg).

Publ.: Jun-Nov 1872 (p. vii: Mai 1872; J. Bot. Jan 1873; Bot. Zeit. 6 Dec 1872), p. [i]-xlv, [1 ]-565, [566, err.]. Copy: B.

Meyer, Bernhard (1767-1836), German botanist and ornithologist in the Wetterau; 1791-1796 practicing physician at Hanau; from 1796 pharmacist and dentist at Offenbach. (B. Mey.).

HERBARIUM and Types: FR (donated 1826); further material at JE.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 482 (b. 24 Aug 1767, d. 1 Jan 1836); BM 3:

1298-1299; CSP 4: 360; Dawson p. 608; DTS 1: 189; Frank 3(Anh.): 64; GR, cat. p. 68;

Herder p. 183; Hortus 3: 1199 (““B. Mey.’’); IH 2: 533; PR (alph.) (ed. 1: 6856 (see note) );

TL-2/1: 1926; Tucker 1: 482.

Anon., Ber. Senckenb. naturf. Ges. 48: 51. 1919 (b. 24 Aug 1767, d. 1 Jan 1836); Flora 19: 111-112. 1836 (obit.), 19(2) Int. Bl. 32: 14. 1836 (sale herb.).

Conert, H. J., Senckenbergiana Biol. 48(C): 12. 1967.

Knoblauch, A., Ber. Senckenb. naturf. Ges. 48: 51. 1919 (b. 24 Aug 1767, d. 1 Jan 1836).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (Bryoph. FR).

COMPOSITE works: see TL-2/1: 1926 for Gaertner, Meyer and Scherbius, Oekon. FI. Wetterau (1799-1802).

Meyer, Carl Anton von [Karl Anton; Carl Andreevi¢] (1795-1855), Russian botanist and explorer; studied at Dorpat, 1813-1814; in the Crimea 1818, in the Baltic area 1821-



1824; in the Altai with Ledebour and Bunge 1826-1827; in the Caucasus 1829-1830; assistant (1832-1850) and director (1850-1855) of the botanical garden of St. Petersburg. (C. A. Mey.).

HERBARIUM and TyPeEs: LE; duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 482; BM 3: 1299; Bret. p. 622; Clokie p. 211; CSP 4: 360-361, 8: 392, 17: 201; Frank 3(Anh.): 64; Herder p. 466 [index]; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mey., C. A.”); IF p. 719; TH 2: 533; Jackson p. 122, 140, 192, 326, 327, 443; Kew 3: 670; Langman p. 502-503; Laségue p. 332, 338-341, 419, 422; Lenley p. 290; LS 17771-17772; ME 3: 422-423; MW p. 319-320, suppl. p. 227; NI 629 (Fischer, F. E. L. von); PR 6176-

6185 (ed. 1: 6884-6891); Rehder 5: 570; TL-1/366, 654; TL-2/1: 635, 1652, 1785-1788,

4283; TR 888-917; Tucker 1: 482-483; Urban-Berl. p. 375; Zander ed. 10, p. 691, ed. 11, p.

750, 788.

Anon., Bonplandia 2: 137. 1855 (foreign. memb. Linn. Soc.), 3: 94. 1855 (d.), 6: 337. 1858 (cogn. Leopoldina: Trinius); Bot. Not. 1858: 13 (d. 24 Feb 1855); Bot. Zeit. 13: 374-375- 1855; Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 140. 1855; Flora 38: 160. 1855; Osterr. bot. W. 5: 119. 1855 (d.).

Bell, Proc. Linn. Soc. 2: 302-304. 1855.

Borodin, J., Trav. Mus. bot. Acad. St. Pétersb. 4: 76-77. 1908.

Bourdeille de Montrésor, Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou ser. 2. 7: 425, 495-496. 1894, 14: 496. 1900.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880 (herb. LE).

Fischer, F. E. L. v., zn W. J. Hooker, London J. Bot. 3: 271-273. 1844.

Herder, F. v., Bot. Jahrb. 9: 432, 442. 1888; Bot. Centralbl. 55: 261. 1893 (herb. at LE).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 45 (pl. K).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 470, 1884.

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Christian Steven 1971 (material at H).

Lack, H. W., Willdenowia 8: 435-436. 1978 (material at B in herb. C. Koch).

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natur. Moscou 61: 47. 1886 (b. 20 Mar/1 Apr 1796, d. 13/24 Feb 1855).

Lipschitz, S., Fl. URSS fontes 220 [index]. 1975.

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30: 212. 1947.

Radde, G., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Kaukasusland. 4, 15-16. 1899 (Veg. Erde 3).

Ricker, P. L., Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 21: 16-17. 1908 (dates St. Petersburg memoirs).

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 1942, p. 10, 170; mos. 155-156.

Seemann, W. E. G., Bonplandia 6: 337. 1858.

Shetler, S. G., Komarov bot. Inst. 230 [index]. 1967.

COMPOSITE WoRKS: (1) see Ledebour, C. F. von, Rese durch das Altai-Gebirge.

(2) Co-author, C. F. von Ledebour, Flora altaica (1829-1833), see TL-2/2: 4283.

(3) with A. G. H. Bongard, Verz. Saisang-nor Pfl., see TL-2/1: 635; was published Jun 1841, fide Ricker (1908).

(4) with E. R. v. Trautvetter, Florula ochotensis phaenogama, in A. Th. v. Middendorff, Reise in den dussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens 1(2), 1856. See under Trautvetter.

(5) Editor, Beitrdége zur Pflanzenkunde des Russischen Reiches, 1-11, 1844-1859; Beitrage by various authors.

(6) Co-author, with F. E. L. von Fischer and E. A. von Regel, Sert. petrop., see TL-2/1788. Correction: Decas 1, 1846 is by F. E. L. Fischer and C. A. Meyer. Copy: BR.

Copy of decas 1 and 2 at NY, decas 1: 1846, p. [i-x], 1 plan, pl. 7-70 (with text), decas 2: 1852, p. [i-v], 7 pl. architect. drawings, zo pl. (col.; with text).

HANDwRITING: Lipschitz, S. & I. T. Vasilczenko, Contr. Herb. USSR 113, 114. 1968.

EpoNyMyY: Meyeria A. P. de Candolle (1836) was dedicated to him and to four of his namesakes, see below under Ernst Heinrich Friedrich Meyer (1791-1858).

  1. Novae plantarum species, descriptae et iconibus illustratae auctore D. CG. A. Meyer

[Moskwa 1829]. Oct. (Nov. pl. sp.). Publ.: 1829 (reprint not dated; 1829 is year of publication in journal), p. [1], [1]-7, pl. 3-4.


MEYER, CG. A. (1829)

Copies: FI, G(2), MO. — Reprinted from Nouv. Mém. Soc. Natural. Moscou 1(7): 135- 143. 1829.

  1. Cperaceae novae descriptionibus et iconibus illustratae [St. Pétersbourg (Académie

impériale des sciences) 1831]. Qu. (Cyperac. nov.).

Publ.: 1831, p. [1]-36, pl. 1-14. Copy: G (no plates). Reprinted from Mém. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersbourg divers Savants 1: 195-230, pl. 1-14. 1831. Review: D. F. L. von Schlechten- dal (or Chamisso), Linnaea, Litt.-Ber. 1832: 57-62.

  1. Verzerchniss der Pflanzen, welche wahrend der, auf Allerhoéchsten Befehl, in den Jahren 1829 und 1830 unternommenen Reise im Caucasus und in den Provinzen am westlichen Ufer des Caspischen Meeres gefunden und eingesammelt worden sind. Bericht, abgestattet an die kaiserliche Academie der Wissenschaften in St. Petersburg, in ihrer Sitzung vom 30 Marz (11 April) 1831 vom Dr, Carl Anton Meyer. St.-Petersburg (Gedruckt in der Buchdruckerei der kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1831. Qu. (Verz. Pfl. Casp. Meer.).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1831 (printed Nov 1831; t.p. 1831), p. [1]-241. Copies: FI, G(2), H, MO,

NY; IDC 723.

  1. Bemerkungen tiber emige Hymenobrychis-Arten ... St. Petersburg (gedruckt bei der kais.

Academie der Wissenschaften) 1837. Qu. (Bemerk. Hymenobrychis).

Publ.: 1837 (t.p.), p. [i], [1]-11. Copies: FI, G. — Reprinted from Mém. Acad. imp. St. Pétersbourg, divers Savants 3: 637-648. 1837, see also Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Péetersbourg 2:

88-37 Lowe

  1. Einige Bemerkungen ueber die natiirliche Familie der Polygonaceae. Erster Artikel Versuch

elmer naturgetreuen Anordnung der Gattungen dieser Familie ... St. Petersbourg (In der

Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1840. Qu. (Bem. Polygon.).

Publ.: Nov 1840 (fide Ricker 1908), p. [i], [1]-17, 7 pl. (uncol. lith. auth.). Copzes: FI, G. WU. — Reprinted from Mém. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, Sci. math. 6(2): 135-151. 1840.

  1. Das Alyssum minutum und die zunaechst verwandten Arten, monographisch bearbei-

tet und durch Abbildungen erlaeutert; nebst emer Uebersicht der Arten der Gattung

Psilonema ... St. Pétersbourg (in der Buchdruckerei der kaiserlichen Akademie der

Wissenschaften) 1840. Qu. (Alyssum minutum).

Publ.: Nov 1840 (fide Ricker 1908), p. [i], [1 ]-22, pl. z-2 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copies: FI, G. — Reprinted from Mém. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, Sci. nat. 6(2): 1-22. 1840.

  1. Linige Bemerkungen tiber den Bau der Cruciferen ... [St. Petersburg 1842]. Oct. Publ.: 1842 (in journal; submitted 27 Aug 1841), p. [1]-6. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Sci. Acad. St. Pétersbourg 9: 209-212. 1842.

  2. Bemerkungen iiber die Gattungen der Daphnaceen ohne perigynische Schuppen, nebst einer

Charakteristik derselben ... [St. Petersburg 1843]. Oct.

Publ.: 1843 (submitted 17 Feb 1843), p. [1]-9. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. phys. math. Acad. St. Pétersbourg 1: 353-359. 1843.

5907- Die Gattungen Monolepis Schrad., Olugandra Less. und Nanophytum Less. naher charac-

terisirt, ... [St. Pétersbourg 1844]. Oct.

Publ.: 1844 (in journal unless the part of the volume was published 1843), p. [1 ]-7. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. phys.-mat. Acad. St. Pétersbourg 2: 129-134. 1844.

  1. Florula provinciae Tambov, oder Verzeichniss der, im Gouvernement Tambow beob-

achteten Pflanzen ... [St. Petersburg (Druck und Verlag der kaiserlichen Akademie der

Wissenschaften) 1844]. Oct. (Fl. Tambov).

Orig.: 1844 (p. xvii: 23 Aug 1844; Bot. Zeit. 14 Mar 1845), p. [i]-vii, [1]-30. — Beitr. Pfl.-K. Russ. Reiches 1, 1844.

Continuation [1, 2]: 1854 (imprimatur Sep 1854), Beitr. Pfl.-K. Russ. Reiches 9: [1 ]-39, 117- 190, [192 ind: |p eer en |S 1a54.



ee ee ee me

MEYER, C. A. (1847)

Copies: F1, H, MO, NY, USDA. Continuation [3]: by A. Petunnikow, Bull. Soc. Natural. Moscou 1865(3): 121-146.

  1. Beitrdge zur Pflanzenkunde des Russischen Reiches ... St. Pétersbourg (Druck und Verlag der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1844-1859, fasc. 1-11. (Beitr. Pfl.-k. Russ. Reiches).

Publ.. collective work; treatments to be cited under respective authors. Copy: U.

1: Sep-Dec 1844 (p. xvil: 23 Aug 1844 0.s.), p. [ii]-xvii, [1]-30. — C. A. Meyer, Florul. Tambov 1844, q.v.

9: 1845, p- [ii-vii], [1]-67, pl. 7-6 (uncol. liths. J. Satory). — F. J. Ruprecht, Fl. Samoyed. Cisural. 1845, q.v-

g: Sep-Dec 1854 (imprimatur Sep 1854), p. fii-iti], [1]-39. [C. A. Meyer, Florul. Tambov, Nachtr. q.v-] p- [41]-116 h [Gustav Veesenmeyer, Veg.-Verh. mitil. Wolga], p. [117]-131, [132, ind.], [133, err.], C. A. Meyer, Florul. Tambov, Zweiter Nachtr. q.v.

10:Mai-Jul 1857 (p. [iv]: printed Mai 1857), p. fii-iv], [1]-50, [51, err., 52, ind.] [G. Borszczow, Enum. musc. Ingriae}, p. [53]-64, pl. 1-8 (handcol. liths. Ovsiannikov), [id. Fungi ingr.].

11: Nov-Dec 1859 (p. [iv]: printed Nov 1859), p. [i-iv], [1]-30 (F. J. Ruprecht, Rev. Umbell. Kamtschatka), p. [31]-43 [id., Bemerk. Botrychium], [45]-89, 7 pl. (uncol. lith.), [id., Bericht ii. d. Werk ... C. J. Maximowicz, Prim. Fl. Amur.].

  1. Uber einige Cornus-Arten, aus der Abtheilung Thelycrania ... St. Petersburg (Ge-

druckt bei der kaiserlichen Academie der Wissenschaften) 1845. Qu. (Cornus-Arten).

Publ.: 1845 (preprinted; Mar 1846 in journal, fide Ricker), p. [i], [1]-33. Copzes: G, NY, WU. - Reprinted from Mém. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, Sci. nat. 7(2): 191-223. Mar 1846. —See also Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersbourg 3: 371-373- 1845 and Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 3. 4: 58-64. Jul, 65-74 Aug 1845, corresponds with p. 12-33 of German version.

  1. Versuch einer Monographie der Gattung Ephedra, durch Abbildungen erlautert ... St. Petersburg (Druckerei der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1846. Qu. (Vers. Monogr. Ephedra).

Publ.: Mar 1846 (fide Ricker 1908; t.p. reprint 1846; Bot. Zeit. 6 Nov 1846), p. [i], [35]-108, pl. 1-8 (uncol. liths.). Copies: FI, G, H, M, MO, NY, USDA. — Pagination continued from reprint Cornus-Arten; reprinted from Mem. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, Sci. nat. 7(2): 225-298. Mar 1846. See also Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersbourg 5: 33-36. 1847 (see below).

Ref: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 4: 775-776. 6 Nov 1846.

  1. Versuch einer Monographie der Gattung Ephedra [abstract] durch Abbildungen erlautert _.. [St. Petersburg] 1847. Oct. Publ.: 1846 (read 10 Oct 1845; published in part 3 of journal for, possibly, 1846), p. [1]-4-

Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. phys. mat. Akad. St. Petersburg 5(3): 33- 36. 1847(1846).

  1. Uber die Zimmtrosen, insbesondere iiber die in Russland wildwachsenden Arten derselben. Ein Beitrag zu der Flora Russland’s ... St. Petersburg 1847. Qu. (immtrosen). Publ.: 1847 (preprint; in journal: Mar 1849), p. [i], [1]-39. Copies: BR, G, MO, WU. —

Preprinted from Mem. Acad. imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, Sci. nat. 8(2): 1-39. Mar 1849. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 7: 14. 5 Jan 1849.

  1. Florula provinciae Wiatka, oder Verzeichniss der, im Gouvernement Wiatka gesam-


MEYER, C. A. (1848)

melten Pflanzen... [St. Petersburg (Buchdruckerei der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- schaft) 1848] Oct. (Fl. Wiatka).

USDA. -— Beitr. Pfl.-K. russ. Reich. 5, 1848. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 6: 725-727. 13 Oct 1848.

  1. De Cirsis ruthenicis nonnullis commentatio botanica ... Petropoli [St. Petersburg]

(Typis Academiae scientiarum) 1848. Qu. (Cirs. ruthen.).

Publ.: 1848, (t.p. preprint; Bot. Zeit. 29 Dec 1848; in journal: Mar 1849 fide Ricker 1908), p. [i], [1 ]-18. Copzes: FI, MO. —Preprinted from Mém. Acad. imp. St. Pétersbourg, Sci. nat. 7(2): 41-58. Mar 1849.

  1. Verzeichniss der von dem Herrn Dr. Kolenati in dem mittlern Theile des Caucasus, auf dem Kreuzberge dem Kasbek und in den zunachst gelegenen Gegenden gesammelten Pflanzen .. . [St. Petersburg (Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1849]. Oct. (Verz. Caucasus Pfl.).

USDA. - Beitr. Pfl.-K. russ. Reich. 6, 1849. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 7: 830. 23 Nov 1849.

  1. Aleine Bertrige zur néhern Kenntniss der Flora Russlands ... St. Petersburg (Buchdrucke-

rei der Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1850. Qu. (Bevtr. Fl. Russl.).

Publ.: 1850 (preprint t.p.; in journal: Nov 1855, fide Ricker 1908), p. [1]-24. Copzes: G, H, MO. — Preprinted from Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, Sci. nat. 9(2): 1-24. Nov 1855.

Meyer, Ernst Heinrich Friedrich (1791-1858), Prussian botanist; Dr. med. Gottingen 1819; lecturer Gottingen 1819-1826; from 1826 professor of botany and director of the botanical garden in K6nigsberg; Dr. phil.h.c. Konigsberg 1829. (E. Mey.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Meyer was for the greater part of his career a professor at Konigs- berg (now Kaliningrad). The herbarium (19.000 species plus the Ehrhart exsiccata) was offered for sale in 1859. It was bought by the Gesellschaft zur Beforderung gemeinnutziger Tatigkeit at Lubeck in 1875. In 1915 the herbarium (24000 specimens) was transferred to Berlin (B); most of it is now destroyed. For the disposal of Meyer’s library see Verdoorn (1965), p. 13-15.— The “Sammlung deutscher Flechten’’, announced by Flora (5: 253-256) was never issued.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 21: 565-569; AG 4: 224; Backer p. 369; Barnhart 2:

483; BFM 1624; BL 1: 137, 308; BM 3: 1300-1301; CSP 4: 361-362, 8: 392, 10: 791, 17: 202;

Frank 3(Anh.): 64; GR p. 111; Herder p. 466 [index], Hortus 3: 1199 (‘“Mey., E. H.”’); IH

2: 533; Jackson p. 3, 21, 134, 346, 428; Kew 3: 671; Langman p. 503; Laségue p. 183; LS

17777-17779; Moebius p. 3, 9, 13, 35, 153, 213, 304; MW p. 320; PH 59, 939; PR 6146-6165

(ed. 1: 6857-6873); Rehder 5: 569; RS p. 118-119; TL-1/834-835, 956, 1012; TL-2/1082,

1518, 4285, 4332; Tucker 1: 482; Urban-Berl. p. 375; Zander ed. 10, p. 691, ed. 11, p. 788.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 32. 1855 (Leopoldina cogn. Hill), 6: 18. 1858 (ann. Alb. Magni de Veget. ...), 241-242. 1858 (rev. Gesch. Bot.), 362. 1858 (b. 1 Jan 1791, d. 7 Aug 1858), 9: 38. 1861 (Jessen will continue Gesch. Bot.); Bot. Zeit. 16: 256. 1858, 17: 224, 296, 303. 1859 (sale herb. & libr.), 33: 583. 1875 (herb. bought); Bull. Soc. bot. France 5: 311, 672. 1859, 6: 384. 1859 (sale herb., libr.), 7: 542-543. 1861; Flora 9: 319. 1826 (to Konigsberg) 41: 593. 1858; Osterr. bot. Z. 8: 342. 1858 (d. 7 Aug 1858; heart disease).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot 76. 1978.

Bratanek, F. T., Goethe’s naturwissenschaftliche Correspondenz (1812-1832) 1: 373-388. 1874 (Goethe-Meyer correspondence; see also Verdoorn 1965, p. 58, 60; see also Goethe Jahrb. 5: 134-176. 1884.

Candolle, A. P. de, Phytographie 439. 1880 (types Fl. Prov. Preussen in Konigsberg).

Fritsch, C., ed.,in R. Caspary, Lebensbeschreibungen ost- und westpreussischer Botaniker. 1912, p. 248-249 (portr., bibl.).

Glass, B. et al., Forerunners of Darwin 327. 1968.

Helm, J., Kulturpflanze 14: 352. 1966.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 45 (pl. K).



Jessen, K. F. W, Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 485 [many refs.!] 1884 (for Jessen & Meyer see Verdoorn, 1965, p. 56-57).

Lehnerdt, 7x Krollmann, Altpreussische Biographie 1: 434. 1942 (n.v.).

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natur. Moscou 61: 47-48. 1886 (247 sp. MW).

Liitjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 56, 62, 66. 1936.

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 2, 30. 1973.

Marshall, H. S., J. Soc: Bibl. nat. Hist. 1(4): 102-103. 1937 (dates Comm. pl. Afr. austr.).

Meyer, E., Dr. Rupp und der Gustav-Adolfs-Verein. Keine Streitschrift. Konigsberg 1847.

Oct. (n.v.; cited by Meyer (1857), p. 214; important for Meyer’s religious activities and


Meyer, E. H. F., Preuss. Prov.-Bl. 1857(1): 201-214 (autobiogr., bibl.); Osterr. bot. W.7:

426-427. 1857 (announces his edition of Alberti Magni de veget.).

Mohl und Meyer, Linnaea 11: 106-108, 487-508. 1837 (on Meyer’s “Lehre vom Pflanzen-


Neumann, R., Bot. Zeit. 17: 112-116. 1859 (on Meyer and Goethe).

Poggendorf, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 136. 1863.

Regel, E., Gartenflora 7: 359. 1881.

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 168, 415, 576. 1892.

Schmid, G., Goethe u.d. Naturw. 613 [index]. 1940 (on relation Meyer-Goethe); Chamisso als Naturforscher 1942, nos. 66, 157, p. 10, 170.

Seemann, W. E. G., Bonplandia 6: 337, 362. 1858.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 16: 135-137. 1967 (rev. Gesch. Bot.).

Tyrrell-Glynn, W. & M. L. Levyns, FI. afric. 50. 1963 (on Comm. pl. Afr. austr.).

Verdoorn, F., Ernst Meyer and his Geschichte der Botanik. Amsterdam 1965, 63 p., Communicationes Biohistoricae Ultrajectinae iv. Reprinted from Meyer, Gesch. Bot., facsimile ed. Amsterdam 1965, vol. 1 (Contains e.g. on p. 43-63 a Chronologia Meyeria- na, an important list of original sources, notes on publications etc., portr., bibl.).

Wunschmann, E., Allg. deut. Biogr. 21: 565-569. 1885.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) see Lehmann, J. G. C., Plantae Preisstanae, TL-2/4332. (funceae). (2) see Drége, J. F., Zwei Pflanzengeogr. Dokum., TL-2/1518; p. 17-230 issued 14 Aug- 28 Dec 1843.

(3) see Ledebour, C. F. v., Fl. ross., vol. 4, 1853, Juncaceae, TL-2/4285.

  1. see Patze, C. et al., Fl. Prov. Preussen [1848-]1850 (family and genera descriptions by Meyer).

  2. see Brown, R., Vermischte botanische Schriften TL-2/ 833); Jessen took part in the translation and added anotations. See Verdoorn (1965), p. 45 for background.

  3. see Pritzel, Thesaurus, ed. 2. — Jessen published fasc. 5-7 in 1877 from Pritzel’s manus- cript.

  4. see Pritzel and Jessen, Die deutschen Volksnamen der Pflanzen. Hannover. 1882-1884.

  5. Goethe, W., Versuch tiber die Metamorphose der Pflanzen, ed. 1831, edited by Fréd. Soret; several contributions by Meyer, see G. Schmid 1940 (no. 146).

g) Pritzel, G. A., Thesaurus, ed. 1, 1851, is dedicated to seven colleagues who assisted Pritzel; among them was E. H. F. Meyer.

  1. see Presl, C. B., Reliquiae haenkeanae, vol. 1, 1825 (funceae).

(11) Numerous reviews signed E. M. in GGA 1819-1827, in Flora and in Bot. Zeit.

EPOoNYMy: Eynestia A. P. de Candolle (1828); Ernestimeyera O. Kuntze (1903); Meyeria A. P. de Candolle (1836, collectively dedicated to Ernst Meyer and four of his namesakes: 1. Johann Meyer, whose identity we could not establish; Meyera Schreber (1791) the etymolo- gy of which is not given by Schreber, might commemorate him as well; 2. Friedrich Albrecht Anton Meyer (1769-1795, German botanist and entomologist; 3. Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Meyer (1782-1856), q.v.; 4. Carl Anton von Meyer (1795-1855), q.v.; Pseudoernes- tia (Cogniaux) Krasser (1893). Note: Meyerafra O. Kuntze (1891) is dedicated to Hans Heinrich Joseph Meyer (1858-2), German explorer and plant collector in Europe, Africa, Asia and North and South America, who was the first European to ascend the Kilimanjaro. Meyerophytum G. Schwantes (1927) is dedicated to G. Meyer, German missionary and botanical explorer in Namibia, about whom we have no further details. The etymology of Meyera Adanson (1763) is not explained by Adanson.


MEYER, E. H. F. (1819)

  1. Junci generis monographiae specimen. Dissertatio inauguralis quam gratiosi ordinis medicorum consensu pro summis in medicina honoribus rite obtinendis scripsit et defendet die [ ] mensis [ ] mdcccxix Ernestus Meyer hanoveranus. Gottingae [Gottingen] (typis J. C. Baier, typogr. academ.) [1819]. Oct. (Junc. monogr. spec.). Publ.: 1819 (Flora 21 Feb 1820), p. [i], [1]-50. Copies: G, MO, NY, WU. - Page 1 isa regular t.p. without the academic specification, and dated “1819”. Ref.: Meyer, E. H. F., Flora 2: 145-156, 161-176. 1819 (““Grundziige zur Diagnostik der AEtene ey)"

591g. Synopsis juncorum rite cognitorum. Ad inaugurandam ejusdem plantarum generis

monographiam edidit Ernestus Henr. Fridr. Meyer ... Gottingae [Géttingen] (Apud

Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht) 1822. Oct. (Syn. junc.).

Publ.: probably Jul 1822 (fide rev. GGA 1 Aug 1822 [GGA almost always immediately reviewed books published in Gottingen], preface 19 Mai 182; the projected monograph remained unpublished for reasons given by Meyer (1857, p. 210) and by Wunschmann (ADB 21: 565-569)), p. [1]-66. Copzes: FI, G, H. MO, NY, USDA; IDC 209.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 7: 172-176. 1824.

  1. Synopsis Luzularum rite cognitorum. Cum additamentis quibusdam ad juncorum synopsis prius editam. Edidit Ernestus Henr. Fridr. Meyer ... Gottingae [Gottingen] (Apud Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht) 1823. Oct. (Syn. Luzul.).

Publ.: 1823 (Flora 21 Mar 1824; p. viii: 19 Mar 1823), p. [i]-viii, [1]-40. Copies: FI, G, H, MO, NY; IDC 199. — See Verdoorn (1965) for notes, e.g. “Erwiederung”’, published by Meyer in Goethe, Zur Morphologie (2, 1823); see also Meyer (1857), p. 213.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 7: 172-176. 21 Mar 1824 (rev.).

Schmid, G., Goethe u.d. Naturwiss. 36, 220. 1940.

  1. Plantarum surinamensium corollarium primum. Edidit Ernestus Meyer, M. D. ... [Bonn (fur die Akademie in Eduard Weber’s Buchhandlung) 1825]. Qu. (Pl. surinam. coroll.). Publ.: Jul-Nov 1825 (t.p. journal, Flora 28 Dec 1825), Nova Acta Leopold. 12(2): [759]-

  2. 1825.— We have seen no reprint. Meyer himself (1857, p. 211) dates this publ. 1824. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Linnaea (1(2): 268-271. Apr 1826 (rev.).

  3. De Houttuynia atque Saurureis disseruit Ernestus H. F. Meyer ... Regiomonti [K6nigs-

berg] (prostat apud Aug. Guil. Unzer) 1827. Oct. (Houttuynia).

Publ.: 5 Dec 1827 (date thesis t.p.; Flora rd. Feb-Mar 1828), p. [i-vi], [1]-62, 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, — Thesis t.p. in copy G: ““De Houttuynia atque Saurureis disseruit amplissimique philosophorum ordinis ... hanc suam dissertationem d. v de- cembri mdcccxxvii h.l.q.c. publice defendet Ernestus H. F. Meyer...”

Ref.: Anon., Flora 11: 192. 28 Mar 1828, 11(2) Erg. Bl. 39-58. 1828, see also Wunschmann,

E., ASB 21: 566. 1885. —

5923- Ernesti Meyer De plantis labradorwis libri tres. Lipsiae [Leipzig] (sumtibus Leopoldi

Vossii) 1830. Oct. (PI. labrador.).

Publ.: 1830 (announced for Easter fair 1830 but probably publ. only second half 1830; p. vil; Dec 1829), p. [i]-xxii, [1]-218. Copzes: FI, G, L, NY, US, USDA; IDC 7589. — The first 30 p. were also issued as dissertation (PR).

Ref.: Anon., Flora 13(2) Beil. 43. 1831 (rd. Aug-Dec 1830), Flora Lit. Ber. 1: 32. Jan-Feb

NGS, 22 17-5. TOD:

  1. Elenchus plantarum Borussiae indigenarum [Konigsberg 1833]. Oct. (Elench. pl. Boruss.).

Pudl.: 3 Jul 1833 (in journal; reprints also 1833 fide Meyer 1857, p. 213; PR dates this 1835, see also note Pritzel on copy B-S), p. [1]-32. Copy: B-S. — Reprinted from Preuss. Provinzialbl. 10: 60-91. 3 Jul 1833 (introd. on p. 50-60).

  1. Ernesti H. F. Meyer Commentariorum de plantis Africae australioris quas per octo annos collegit observationibusque manuscriptis illustravit Joannes Franciscus Drége. Lipsiae [Leipzig] (Apud Leopoldum Voss), Regiomonti [Konigsberg] (apud auctores) 1835 [i.e. 1836, 1838]. Oct. (Comm. pl. Afr. austr.).

Co-author: Jean Francois Drége (1794-1881), see TL-2/ 1518-1519.



Fasc. t: 14 Feb (Marshall) —5 Jun 1836 (Hinrichs) (cover p. 4: 10 Feb 1836), p. [i]-lvi, [1]- 172. — Later than Ecklon & Zeyher, Enum. pl. afric. austral. fasc. 2.

Fasc. 2: 1-8 Jan 1838 (cover 1837; Flora 21 Jan 1838), p. lvii-Ixx, 173-326. Copies: FI, L, MO, NY; IDC 207. — See Laségue p. 183.

English translation: 1875, p. [1-11], [1]-61, map. Copy: n.v.— On the geographical distribution of plants in South Africa, translated, with notes, by M. Bolus. Cape Town (Juta) 1875. Reprinted from the Cape monthly Magazine: 7: 193-199. Oct 281-290. Nov 339-347. Dec 1873, 8: 50-59. Jan, 108-119. Feb, 186-192. Mar, 234-242. Apr 1894. Copies: BOL and PRE; see also S. Mendelssohn, S. Afr. bibl. 2: 723. 1910 (inf. O. Leistner, E. A. Schelpe).

  1. Preussens Pflanzengattungen nach Familien geordnet ... Konigsberg (Bei Grafe und

Unzer) 1839. Duod. (Preuss. Pfl.-Gatt.).

Publ.: 1839 (Flora “vorgelegt” 5 Nov 1839) p. [1]-x, [1]-278. Copies: MO, NY, Regensburg, USDA. — Meyer introduced here the terms “Staubblatt’’ (for Stamen) and “Frucht- blatt” (for pistillum), see Verdoorn 1965, p. 52.

5927- Nicolai Damasceni de plantis libri duo Aristoteli vulgo adscripti. Ex Isaaci ben Honain

versione arabica latine vertit Alfredus. Ad codd. mss. fidem addito apparatu critico

recensuit E. H. F. Meyer, ... Lipsiae [Leipzig] (sumtibus Leopoldi Voss) 1841. Oct.

(Damase. de plantis).

Publ.: 1841, p. [i*-ii*], [i]-xxviii, [1]-138, [139-140, err.]. Copies: FI, USDA. — See E. Meyer, Gesch. bot. 1: 324-333 and P. M. Bouyéges, Mél. Univ. St. Joseph, Beyrouth 9: 70-89. 1924 (Verdoorn 1965, p. 52).

  1. Botanische Erlduterungen zu Strabons Geographie und einem Fragment des Dikaarchos.

Ein Versuch ... Kénigsberg (Verlag der Gebriider Borntrager) 1852. Oct. (Bot. Erldut.


Publ.: Mai-Jun 1852 (Lotos: Aug 1852; Bot. Zeit. 23 Jul 1852; Flora Jun-Aug 1852), p. [i*], [i]-viii, [1]-213, [214, ind.]. Copies: FI, NY.—See E. Meyer, Gesch. Bot. 1: 193-195, 313- QT.

  1. Geschichte der Botanik, Studien von Ernst H. F. Meyer. Konigsberg (Verlag der

Gebriider Borntrager) 1854-1857. Oct. 4 vols. (Gesch. Bot.).

Vol. 1: Jul-Aug 1854 (p. vi: 5 Jul 1854; rev. Bot. Zeit. 25 Aug 1854; Flora rd. 28 Jul-28 Aug 1854; rev. Leipz. Rep. Oct 1852), p. [i]-x, [1]-406.

Vol. 2: Jan-Jun 1855 (p. vi: 31 Dec 1854; rev. Bot. Zeit. 12 Oct 1845; Flora rd. 28 Jan-28 Jul 1855), p-[i]-x, [1]-430, [1, err-].

Vol. 3: Sep-Oct 1856 (p. xii: 7 Aug 1856; rev. Bot. Zeit. 24 Oct 1856; Flora rd. 14 Oct-7 Nov 1856), p. [a]-xvi, [1]-554-

Vol. 4: Dec 1857 (p. v: 29 Oct 1859; Bonplandia rd 15 Dec 1857; rev. Bot. Zeit. 19 Feb 1858; Flora rd. 14 Jan/Feb 1858), p. [i]-vin, [1]-451-

Copies: FI, H, USDA.

Facsimile ed.: Amsterdam (A. Asher en Co.) 1965, idem, ISBN 90-6123-120-5, with changed imprint. Copy: FAS. — Introduction (p. [(1) ]-(63) by Frans Verdoorn (full documenta- tion on history).

Ref.: Junk, W., Rara 2: 148, 152. 1926-1936.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 12: 606-607. 25 Aug 1854 (vol. 1), 13: 726-727. 12 Oct 1855 (vol. 2), 14: 758-759. 24 Oct 1856 (vol. 3), 16: 66. 19 Feb 1858 (vol. 4).

Anon., Flora 37: 512, 740-743. 1854 (vol. 1), 38: 448, 598-602. 1855 (vol. 2), 39: 656. 1856, 40: 514-523. 1857 (vol. 3), 41: 80, 449(“349")-456, 461-470. 1858.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 1: 203. 1854; 7: 342-543. 1861.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 16(2): 135-137. 1967.

Meyer, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm (1782-1856), German botanist in Gottingen; from 1820 physiographer of the Kingdom of Hanover. (G. Mey.).

HERBARIUM and Types: GOET; contained part of F. Ehrhart’s herbarium.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocraPHy: AG 5(2): 771; Barnhart 2: 483; BM 3: 1301; Bossert p. 265; Frank 3(Anh.): 65; GR p. 32, pl. [15], cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Herder p. 259;



Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mey., G. F.”); IH 1 (ed.6):361, 2: 533; Jackson p. 305; Kelly p. 149; Krempelh. 1: 456, 467, 524, 571, 573, 611, 2: 121, 491; Langman p. 503; LS 17780-17781; Moebius p. 109; NI 1354-1355; PR 6167-6172 (ed. 1: 6875-6878); Rehder 5: 569; RS p.

119; SBC p. 127 (““Meyer’’); Stevenson p. 1251; TL-1/836-838; Tucker 1: 482; Zander ed.

10, p. 691, ed. 11, p.°789.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 32. 1855 (Leopoldina cogn. Brown), 4: 122. 1856 (d. 19 Mar 1856), 6: 337. 1858 (b. 18 Apr 1782), 8: 295. 1860 (birds at Hannover); Bot. Not. 1858: 14 (d. 19 Mar 1856); Flora 3: 637. 1820, 39: 288. 1856; Bot. Zeit. 14: 312. 1856.

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 317 [index]. 1936.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 132, 134. 1969.

Fischer-Benzon, F. J. D. von, im P. Prahl, Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 37. 1890.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 374. 1884.

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Christian Steven 71. 1971.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lich. at GOET).

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natur. Moscou 61: 48. 1886 (pl. MW).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 136. 1863.

Selle, G. v., zn Die Georg-August-Universitat zu Gottingen als Forschungs- und Lehrstelle fur Forstwissenschaft, Gottingen, p. 20-22. (fide NI).

Stafleu, F. A., Regn. Veg. 71: 339. 1970.

Stearn, W. T., Taxon ro: 238. 1961.

Stearn, W. T. and L. H. J. Williams, Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 27: 247. 1957.

Sutton, S. B., Charles Sprague Sargent 377 [index]. 1970.

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 2: 87. 1927.

EPONYMY: Meyeria A. P. de Candolle (1836) was collectively dedicated to him and four of his namesakes, see above under Ernst Heinrich Friedrich Meyer (1791-1858).

  1. Primitiae florae essequeboensis adjectis descriptionibus centum circiter stirpium nova- rum, observationibusque criticis auctore Georgio Friderico Wilhelmi Meyer ... cum tabulis aeneis duabus. Gottingae [Gottingen] (sumptibus Henrici Dieterich) 1818. Qu. (Prim. fl. esseq.).

Publ.: Nov 1818 (p. x: Sep 1818; rev. Isis 1818(2): 1839-1845. Nov 1818; GGA 30 Jan 1819. The BM copy has an autograph letter dated 10 Nov 1818 in which Meyer states that his Primitzae are just published), p. [i]-x, [1, h.t.], [1]-316, [1-2, err.], pl. 1-2 (uncol. copp. auth.). Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, Stevenson, US (3) USDA; IDC 5480.

Facsimile reprint: announced, but not yet publ., by Asher and Koeltz (1974).

Ref.: X., Flora 2(1): 337-344. 14 Jun 1819 (rev.).

5931- Beitrdge zur chorographischen RKenntniss des Flussgebietes der Innerste in den Furstenthu-

mern Grubenhagen und Hildesheim mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Veranderungen, die

durch diesen Strom in der Beschaffenheit des Bodens und in der Vegetation bewirkt worden sind. Eine Anlage zur Flora des Konigreichs Hannover ... Gottingen 1822, 2 vols. Oct.

(Beitr. chorogr. Kenntn. Innerste).

1: Mai-Jun 1822, p, [i]-xxix, [1]-368, [1, err.], 2 charts.

2: Mai-Jun 182g, p. [i]-x, [1]-368, [1, err.], pl. 1-2. Copies: B, NY, US. — Alternative t.p. “Die Verheerungen der Innerste im Fiirstenthume Hildesheim nach ihren Wirkungen und ihren Ursachen betrachtet, nebst Vorschlagen zu ihrer Verminderung und zur Wiederherstel- lung des versandeten Terrains.” One of the earliest phytosociological and ecological treatises. Cover title: “Erste Anlage zur Flora ... Hannover” Gottingen (Gedruckt bei C. Herbst).

Ref.: Anon., FLora 5(1), Beil. 3: 107. 28 Jun 1822 (Neue Schriften; just rd by Flora).

  1. Nebenstunden meiner Beschaeftigungen in Gebiete der Pflanzenkunde von Geo. Friedr. Wilh.

Meyer. Erster Theil. Goettingen 1825. Oct. (Nebenst. Beschaeft. Pflanzenk.)

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1825 (p. viii: Apr 1825; Flora 21 Sep 1825 “‘nachstens’’), double frontisp. plate (col. lith. Wachsmann), engr. t.p., [1*, printed t.p.], [i]-xi, [1, h.t.], [1]-372. Copzes: G, L, NY, PH, Stevenson. — Only one volume publ.; the engr. t.p. was meant to cover the multivolume work. This first volume has a separate printed t.p.: “Die Entwickelung, Metamorphose und Fortpflanzung der Flechten in Anwendung auf ihre systematische Anord- nung und zur Nachweisung des allgemeinen Ganges der Formbildung in den untern


MEYER, G. F. w. (1849)

Ordnungen cryptogamischer Gewachse ...” Goettingen (bey Vandenhoeck und Ru- precht). Ref.: Anon., Flora 8(1) Beil. 5: 146-147. Jul 1825 (printed but not yet distributed; awaiting the colouring of the plate). Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Linnaea 1(1): 104-107. Jan 1826 (rev.). Meyer, E., Flora 8(g): 558-560. 21 Sep 1825 (letter written summer 1825; book not yet out).

5933- Chloris hanoverana oder nach den natiirlichen Familien geordnete Ubersicht der im Kénigreiche Hannover wildwachsenden sichtbar blithenden Gewachse und Farn nebst einer Zusammenstellung derselben nach ihrer Benutzung im Haushalte, in den landwirth- schafilichen Gewerben und in den Kiinsten ... G6ttingen (Bei Vandenhoeck und Ru- precht) 1836. Qu. (Chloris han.).

Publ.: prob. Jul-Aug 1836 (Hinrichs 7-13 Aug; p. viii “Anfang des Jahres 1836; )sepe| ls fi]iti, [1-3, table], [i]-vi (comsp.), [1]-744. Copies: BR, G, H, MO, NY. — Infraspecific categories used: Unterarten (subspecies), Scheinarten, Abarten, Spielarten (varieties), Abanderungen und Umbildungen (forms). Flora (19: 728. 1836) mentions an “Erste Lieferung” present at the assembly of the Naturforscher of 25 Sep 1836.

Ref.: Anon., Lit. Ber. Flora 6: 143. 28 Nov 1836, 8: 52-64, 65-74. 1838.

5934- Flora des Kénigreichs Hannover, angewandter Theil. Untersuchung der einzelnen Vegeta-

bilien und der Vegetationsverhaltnisse des Kénigreichs, in Anwendung auf die Erhohung

seiner Naturalproduction und die Beforderung seines Gewerbwesens, ... Erster Theil.

Gottingen (Gedruckt in der Dieterichschen Universitats Buchdruckerei) 1837. Oct.t (FI.

Hannover, angew. Theil).

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1837 (p. xxviii: 17 Sep 1837), p. [v, sic]-xlii, [1], [1]-306, [1, err.}. Copies: NY, US. — Remained incomplete; intended to be the “applied part” of the sumptuous Flora der Kénigreichs Hannover. This first volume has a second t.p.: “Uber die Natur der Schachtelhalme, insbesondere des Sumpf-Schachtelhalms oder Duwocks, . . . unter Hinzu- fiigung einer Monographie der deutschen Schachtelhalmarten ...”

5935- Hlora des Kénigreichs Hannover, oder Schilderung seiner Vegetation, nach ihrem

Gehalte an Gewachsen, deren Verbreitungs- und Vertheilungszustande und deren Ge-

schichtlichem Verhalten, in Anwendung auf die Beforderung des Volkswohlstandes. Be-

eriindet durch Seine Majestat den Konig Wilhelm IV. Und fortgefuhrt auf Befehl und dem huldreichen Schultze Ernst August ... Gottingen (bei dem Verfasser. Gedruckt bei Hein- rich Gottfried Voigt in Hamburg) 1842-1854. Fol. (FV. Hannover).

Erster Theil: 1842, p. [i*-x*], [i]-xu1, [1]-249.

Zweiter Theil, Erste Abtheilung: 1842, p. [1-v], [1]-82.

Dritter Theil [Heft 1/2]: 1842, p. [i-vili], 26 sign.

Dritter Theil, Drittes Heft: 1846, p. [i-viii], 15*/, sign.

Dritter Theil, Viertes Heft: 1850, p. [i-v], 151/, sign. (nos. 16*/,-31)

Dritter Theil, Fiinftes Heft: 1854, p. [i-vii], 14”/, sign.

Dritter Theil, Sechstes Heft: 1854, p. [i-vii], 111/, sign. (nos. 15-26/5).

Dritter Theil, plates: p. [i, ui}, pl. 1-8, 9/10, 11-30.

Copies: B, NY. — The 30 plates are partly colour-printed, partly hand-coloured engravings of drawings by Eberlein, F. W. Meyer, Saxesen, Schumann, Sontag and M. Tettelbach. In the NY copy the plates are bound in vol. 3 with Heft 1/2: nos. 1-10, 3: 11-15, 4: 16-20, 5: 21-25, 6: 26-30.

  1. Flora hanoverana excursoria enthaltend die Beschreibungen der phanerogamischen Gewachse Norddeutschlands in den Flussgebieten der Ems, Weser und Unterelbe geordnet nach natiirlichen Familien unter Angabe der Wohn- und Standorte, der Bodenbeschaffen- heit, der Begrenzung der Gesammtverbreitung und des Vorkommens im Gebiete, der Haufigkeit, des Geselligkeitsverhaltnisses und des geschichtlichen Verhaltens der einzeln Pflanzenarten. Nebst einer speciellen Nachweisung ihrer gewerblichen Benutzung in pharmaceutisch-medicinischer, technischer, dkonomischer und forstlicher Beziehung _. Gottingen (bei Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht) 1849. Oct. (FU. hanov. excurs.).

Publ.. Nov-Dec 1849 (Hinrichs 5-8 Dec 1849; Flora 14 Jan 1850), p. [i]-xlviu, [1]-686.

Copies: B, H, NY, USDA.


MEYER, G. F. w. (1849)

kef.: A. G., Bot. Zeit. 8: 381-384, 399-401, 417-419, 433-435. 1850. Meyer, J. C. (fi. 1854), German botanist and pharmacist at Bayreuth. (7. Mey.). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1302; Jackson p. 301; PR 6175; Rehder 5: 569; TL-

2/1: 1758. Dilg, P., Deut. Apoth. Zeit. 118: 251. 1978 (pharmacist at Bayreuth 1811).

5937- Hlora des Fichtelgebirges. Herausgegeben fur Botaniker, Forst- und Landwirthe ... Augsburg (Verslag der Matth. Rieger’schen Buchhandlung) 1854. Oct. (Fl. Fichtelgeb.). Co-author: Fr. Schmidt (pharmacist at Wunsiedel; no further details known to us). Publ.: Apr-Jun 1854 (p. vi: Fruhling 1854; Flora rd. 28 Jun-28 Jul 1854; Bot. Zeit. rev. 8 Sep 1854), p- [i]-vi, [1]-160, [1-2]. Copres: B, G, NY. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D.F.L. von, Bot. Zeit. 12: 637-638. 8 Sep 1854. Anon., Flora 37: 448, 575-576. 28 Sep 1854.

Meyer-Abich, Adolf (1893-x), German biologist, philosopher and historian of biology; Dr. phil Jena 1916; assistant librarian Univ. Gottingen 1917-1919, id. Kiel 1919-1921; librarian Univ. Hamburg 1921-1937 (““Bibliothekrat’’), professor’s title 1930; professor of philosophy Santiago, Chili 1929-1932; dir. Domin.-German Inst. Rep. Dominicana 1937- 1939; from 1956 professor Univ. Hamburg. (Mey.-Abzch).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

NoTE: Though not a systematic botanist Meyer-Abich should be mentioned here if only because of the coining of the term éaxon in his Logik der Morphologie 127, 133, 138. 1926 (Berlin, Julius Springer, vii, 290 p.) The present more precise use of the term was proposed by H.J. Lam and accepted by the International Botanical Congress, Stockholm (1950). The use of the word Taxon for the journal of [APT came forward in a discussion, summer 1951, among C.E.B. Bremekamp, J. Lanjouw and F.A. Stafleu.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Bossert p. 265: GR p. 11; TL-2/3139. Poggendorf, J.C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 7a(3): 291-292. 1958 (bibl.).

Meylan, Charles 1868-1941), Swiss cryptogamist at Lausanne, high school teacher at La Chaux nr. Ste.-Croix (Lausanne) 1888-1923; Dr. sci.h.c. Lausanne 1922. (Mey/.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LAU and G (in herb. Walter Meyland 1873-1946). Further material at G.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 484; BJI 2: 116; BM 7: 834; CSP 17: 214; GR p.

643; IH 1(ed.6):361, 2: 534; Kew 3: 673; LS 17785-17786, 36960-36961, suppl. 18361-

18376; MW suppl. p. 227; NAF 1(1): 165; SBC p. 127 (“Meyl.”’).

Guinet, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Genéve ser. 2. 11: 8-11. 1919 (in C.R. session 10 Feb 1919 Guinet explains the delay in publication from 1912-1918).

Jaeggli, M., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 15: 16-20 pl. 2. 1945 (portr., bibl.).

Lendner, A., Soc. bot. Genéve ser. 2. 33: 196-201. 1942 (bibl.).

Mieége, J. Wuest, Saussurea 6: 134. 1975.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (Bryoph. at LAU, G, Z).

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 77. 1966.

  1. Catalogue des Hépatiques du Jura [Geneve 1901] Oct.

Publ.: 31 Mai 1got, p. [1]-18. Copy: G.— Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2. 1(6): 615-632. Igor.

5939- Catalogue des mousses du Jura. Lausanne (Imprimerie Corbaz & Cie.) 1905. Oct. (Cat. mouss. fura).

Publ.: in Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. nat. ser. 5. 41(252): 41-172. Mars-Juin 1905. Copies: G, MO.



  1. Flore des mousses de la Suisse ... Lausanne (Imprimeries Réunies S.A.) 1912 [i.e. 1918]. Qu. (FI. mouss. Suisse).

Authorship: part 1: Jules Amann (1859-1939) and C. Meylan; part 2: J. Amann, in co- operation with C. Meylan and Paul Frédéric Culman (1860-1906).

Publ.: (parts 1, 2:) Dec 1918, see A. Guinet (1919), even though dated 1912; the cover is also dated 1918 (copy: U). — Information M. Crosby.

Part 1: Tableaux synoptiques, Dec 1918 (p. iv: Feb 1912), p. [i-iv], [1]-215.

Part 2: Bryogeographie, Dec 1918 (p. 7: Mar 1912), p. [1]-414, pl. 1-12 (with text), [1]-4. Copies: MO, U.

Part 3: Révision et additions, Oct-Dec 1933, by J. Amann.

Ref.: Chamberlain, E. B., Bryologist 22: 41-43. 1919. Fleischer, M., Hedwigia 61 (Beibl. 1): (34)-(35). 30 Aug 1919 (rev.).

Ue 24. (Hépat. Suisse). Publ.: Jul-Sep 1924 (ObZ), p. [ii-iii], [1]-318. Copies: BR, H, MICH, MO, U, USDA.-Beitr. Krypt.-Fl. Schweiz 6(1), 1924.

Meyran, Octave (1858-1944), French botanist at Lyon (Meyran). HERBARIUM and TYPES: LY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 484; BJI 2: 115, 168, 199, 691; CSP 17: 215; IH 2: 534; Morren ed. 10, p. 65; Rehder 5: 570; Tucker 1: 483.

Anon., Rev. bryol. 38: 119. 1911, 40: 92. 1913, 47: 2. 1920.

Beauverie, J., 68. Congrés Soc. sav. 209. 1935 (herb. at LY).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 65. 1896.

  1. Observations sur la flore du Plateau central ... Lyon (Association typographique .. .)

  2. Oct.

Publ.: Oct-Nov 1894 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1894; Herb. Boissier copy rd. from author 21 Dec 1894), p- [1]-32. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 19 (Mém.): 61-90, (C.R.): 56-57. 1894.

5943- Les noms de genre [Lyon (Association typographique, . . .) 1896]. Oct. Publ.: 1896 (in journal), p. [1]-27. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 21 (Mém.): 29-55. 1896.

  1. Herborisation aux environs de Chamonix les 14, 15, et 16 juillet 1899. [Lyon (Association

typographique, ...) 1899]. Oct.

Publ.: Late 1899 (journal dated 1899; however, Herb. Boissier copy received from author only on 15 Oct 1900), p. [1]-16. Copy: G.— Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 24(Mém.): 93-108. 1899.

Mez, Carl Christian (1866-1944), German botanist; Dr. phil. Berlin 1888; habil. Breslau 1890; in Miinchen with Radlkofer 1888-1890; at the University of Breslau 1890-1899; 1899- 1910 professor of botany at Halle; director of the Konigsberg botanical garden 1910-1935, ultimately at Freiburg i.Br.; main promotor of serodiagnostics (““Konigsberger Stamm- baum’’) in systematic botany. (Mez).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at B and WRSL. The Konigsberg University herbarium, which contained much of Mez’ material, was destroyed during an air-attack in Sep 1944, shortly after M’s death. Many of M’s types designated in his “‘composite works” may be found at B, M and G.

Note: Ziegenspeck (1944): “Wir beide waren Nationalsozialisten inmitten einer verjudeten und mit Freimaurern gepflasterten Fakultat.” [Better left untranslated]. It is possible that this citation gives more information on the biographer than on the biographee.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrioGRAPHY: AG 4: 749; Ainsworth p. 94, 324; Backer p. 369; Barnhart 2: 484; BJI 1: 40, 2: 116-117; BM 3: 1303, 7: 835; Bossert p. 266; CSP 17: 216; Hortus 3: 1199 (‘“Mez’’); IH 2: 535; Kew 3: 674; Langman p. 504; Lenley p. 291, LS 17789-17791, 36962-



36966, suppl. 18377-18379; Moebius p. 63; MW p. 321; Nordstedt suppl. p. 11; Rehder 5:

570; TL-2/1: 978, 1713; Tucker 1: 483; Zander ed. 10, p. 692, ed. 11, p. 789.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 44: 416. 1890 (habil. Breslau), 80: xv, 368. 1899 (ordinary prof. bot. Halle), 111: 256. 1909 (to Konigsberg), 114: 176. 1910 (app. ib.); Hedwigia 75 (Beibl. 1): 72. 1935 (retired 1 Apr 1934); Nat. Nov. 18: 531. 1896 (titular prof. Breslau), 21: 687. 1899 (professor at Halle), 31: 415. 1909 (replaces Luerssen at Konigsberg), 32: 372. 1910 (definitive appointment Kénigsberg); Osterr. bot. Z. 50: 30. 1 Jan 1900 (app. Halle).

Bergdolt, E., Karl von Goebel ed. 2. 133, 142. 1941.

Butzin, F., Willdenowia 4: 401-417. 1968 (bibl., 115 nos., main biogr., b. 24 Mar 1866, d. 15 Jan 1944).

Diels, L., Bot. Jahrb. 51(Lit.): 37-40. 1914 (fundamental criticism of the Serum-Diagnostik ina review of Mez, C. & K. Gohlke, Physiol.-syst. Unters. Verwandtsch. Angiosp., Beitr. Biol. Pfl. 12(1): 155-180. 1913. “In sonderbarem Gemisch verrat Sie bald vorsichtige Bescheidung, bald ein ungehemmtes Bestreben, rein hypothetische Vorstellungen wie

nachgewiesene Tatsachen vorzutragen” ... Flr eine scharenweise Vermehrung der Spekulationen ... scheint ... kein Bedtirfnis vorzuliegen; wir haben mehr als genug davon’’.)

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 3: 36. 1897 (extraord. prof. bot. Breslau), 5: 204. 1899 (app. Halle), 15: 148. 1909 (temporarily replacing Luerssen at KOnigsberg).

Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. pl. 4: 208. 1926 (bibl.); Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 135. 1937 (bibl.); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30: 212. 1947.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 187. 1906 (orig. inf.).

Weberbauer, A., Pfl.-W. peruan. Anden 33. 1911 (Veg. Erde 12).

Ziegenspeck, H., Mitt. Bad. Landesver. Naturk. ser. 2. 4: 436-440. 1944; Revista Sudamer. Bot. 10(2): 48-50. 1952.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Martius, FV. bras., Bromeliaceae 3(3): 173-285, pl. 51-62. 1 Nov 1891, 281-430, pl. 63-80. 15 Mai 1892, 425-634, pl. 81-114. 1 Feb 1894. Also issued separately. 2) Candolle, Monogr. phan., Bromeltaceae, 9: 1-lxxxvii, 1-990. Jan 1896.

  1. Engler, Pflanzenreich, (a) Myrsinaceae iv. 236: 1-437. 6 Mai 1902. (b) Theophrastaceae, iv. 236a: 1-48. 19 Mai 1903; also issued independently Jun 1903. (c) Bromeliaceae, iv. 32: 1-160, 17 Nov 1934, 161-320. 12 Feb 1935; 321-480. 28 Mai 1935, 481-667. 10 Oct 1935.

  2. Botanisches Archiv, editor, vols. 1-39, 1922-1939; Botanisches Echo, 1 vol., 1925/27.

  3. Perkins, J., Fragmenta florae Philippinae, fasc. 2, 1904, Gramineae.

  4. Urban, I., Symbolae antillanae, (a) Theophrastaceae in 2: 389-433. 1 Oct 1901; (b) Myrsinaceae, in 2: 389-433. 1 Oct 1901; (c) Lauraceae et Bromeliaceae, in 2: 251-256. 20 Oct


  1. Warming, E., Symbd. fl. bras., Lauraceae, 6: 129-140. Aug 1870 (with C. F. Meisner).

  2. Founder and editor of Botanisches Archiv, Konigsberg (vol. 1, 1922 — 39, 1938).

HANDWRITING: Willdenowia 4: 405. 1968.

EPONYMyY: Mezia Schwacke ex Niedenzu (1890); Mezia O. Kuntze (1891); Meziella A. K. Schindler (1905); Mezilaurus O. Kuntze ex Taubert (1892); Meziothamnus H. Harms (1929); Mezobromelia L. B. Smith (1935); Mezochloa Butzin (1966); Neomezia W. Votsch


5945- Morphologische Studien iiber die Familie der Lauraceen. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlan-

gung: der philosophischen Doctorwtrde der Philosophischen Facultat der Friedrich-

Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin vorgelegt und am ro. Marz 1888, vormittags 10 1/, Uhr

offentlich zu verteidigen von Carl Mez am Freiburg (Baden) .. . Berlin 1888. Oct. (Morph.

Stud. Laurac.).

Publ.: 10 Mar 1888, p. [i], [1]-31. Copy: FI.— Preprinted from Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 30: 1-31. 1889.

  1. Lauraceae americanae. Monographice descripsit Carolus Mez ... Berlin (Gebruder

Borntraeger (Ed. Eggers)). 1889. Oct. (Laurac. amer.).

Publ.: 15 Aug 1889 (date in volume; Nat. Nov. Sep (1) 1889; rd. by Flora before 1 Nov 1889, by Trelease 2 Sep 1889), p. [i]-vi, [1 ]-559, pl. 1-3. Copies: M, MICH, MO, NY.—Reprinted from Jahrb. Bot. Gart. Berlin 5, 1889.



Facsimile ed.: Lehre (J. Cramer) 1963, ISBN 3-7682-0171-6, p. [i*], [i]-vi, [1]-556, pl. 1-3. Cofnes: FAS, US.

Ref.: Loesener, T., Flora 72: 434, 512-515. 1889. Koehne, E., Bot. Zeit. 48: 172-175. 14 Mar 1890. Baillon, H., J. Bot. 29: 54-59. Feb 1891.

5947- Morphologische und anatomische Studien tiber die Gruppe der Cordieae. Habilitationsschrift

der philosophischen Facultat der Universitat Breslau zur Erlangung der venia legendi ...

Leipzig (Wilhelm Engelmann) 1890. Oct. (Morph. Stud.-Cordieae).

Publ.: 23 Dec 1890 (in journal; Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1891), p. [1]-65, pl. 4-5. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Bot. Jahrb. 12: 526-588, pl. 4-5. 1890.

  1. Der Hausschwamm und die ubrigen holzzerstorenden Pilze der menschlichen Woh- nungen. Ihre Erkennung, Bedeutung und Bekampfung ... mit einer Farbentafel und go in den Text gedruckten Figuren. Dresden (Richard Lincke) 1908. Oct. (Hausschwamm). Publ.: Mar-Apr 1908 (p. iv: Mar 1908; Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1908; ObZ Jul 1908), front., [i]- vii, [1 ]-260, fig. 1-90. Copies: B, Stevenson. Ref.: Krause, K., Bot. Jahrb. 41 (Lit.): 55. 4 Aug 1908 (rev.). Lindau, G., Hedwigia 47 (Beibl. 4): (176)-(177). 16 Mai 1908.

  2. Versuch eer Stammesgeschichte des Pilzreiches ... Halle (Saale) (Max Niemeyer Verlag)

  3. Oct. (Vers. Stammesgesch. Pilzr.).

Publ.: 1929 (Nat. Nov. Feb 1930), p. [i-iv], [1]-58. Copies: B, FH, Stevenson. — Schr. Konigsb. Gelehrt. Ges. 6(1), 1929.

Ref.: Lohwag, H., Osterr. bot. Z. 79: 373-374. 1930 (rev.).

Miall, Louis Compton (1842-1921), British botanist, entomologist, and palaeontologist; professor of biology at Yorkshire College of Science (Leeds University) 1876-1907. (Mzall).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

_ BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 484; BB p. 214; BL 2: 275, 691: BM 3: 1303, 7: 836; CSP 8: 396-398, 10: 799-800, 12: 506, 17: 216-217; Desmond p. 436; Jackson p. 71, 262; Kew 3: 674; Langman p. 504; PR 6188; Quenstedt p. 294; Rehder 1:401; SO 2980;TL-2/see B. Carrington.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1921: 147 (d. 22 Feb 1921); Nat. Nov. 29: 154. 1907 (retirement Leeds). A. S. W., Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 78: xlvi-xlvil. 1922.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 59: 117-118. 1921 (from The Times, London, 22 Feb 1921).

Calvert, P. P., Entom. News 32: 191-192. 1921 (d. 21 Feb 1921).

Druce, G. C., Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 6: 363-364. 1922.

Rothschild, L. W., Proc. Entom. Soc. London 1921: cxxix.

Skinner, H., Entom. mon. Mag. 57: 93-94. 1921.

Thorpe, T. E. et al., Nature 107: 16-18. 1921.

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeont. 414. 1901.

  1. The flora of the West Riding: a list of plants observed in the West Riding of Yorkshire, (exclusive of the Ainsty) with the localities in which they have been observed. Accompanied by two maps, notes and an appendix ... London (W. Pamplin, ...), Bradford (H. B. Byles,...) 1862. Oct. (in fours). (FU. West Riding).

Authorship: Phanerogams by Miall; cryptograms by Benjamin Carrington (1827-1893). Publ.: 1862 (p. vill: 19 Sep 1862), [i]-xu, [1]-97, 2 maps. Copy: MO.

5951- Lhe early naturalists their lives and work (1530-1789). London (Macmillan and

Company Ltd., ...) 1912. Oct. (Early Natural.).

Publ.: 1912 (J. Bot. Feb 1913), p. [i]-xi, [1, h.t.], [1]-396. Copies: MO, NY.

Facsimile ed.: New York and London (Hafner Publishing Company) New York and London 1969, p. [i]-xi, [1, h.t.], [1]-396. Copies: FAS (Taxon 20: 185. 1971).

Ref.: Boulger, G. S., J. Bot. 51: 62-63. 1913.

Michael, Edmund (1849-1920), German mycologist. (Michael).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 485; Kew 3: 674; LS 17798-17803, suppl. 18384-18387.

EPpONYMY: Michaelsarsia Gran (1912) is dedicated to Michael Sars (1805-1869), Norwegian marine biologist.

  1. Liihrer fir Pilzfreunde. Die am haufigsten vorkommenden essbaren, verdachtigen und giftigen Pilze ... Zwickaui.S. (Druck und Verlag von Forster & Borries) 1895. Oct. (Fiihr. Pilzfr.).

Publ.: In many editions and reprints. Our inventory is incomplete.

Main edition: in three volumes which went through several editions independent of each other. Volume r, ed. 1: Jul 1895 (pref. Jul 1895; Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1895; Hedwigia 19 Oct 1895), p. [i]-x, [1]-26, 47 figs. (““Pilzgruppen”’) on 4o fl. (col.; with text). Copy: B. ed. 2: Jun 1896 (p. vi: Jun 1896, Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1896), p. [iJ-xi, [1]-31, 68 figs. by A. Schmalfuss (col., with text). Copy: MICH. ed. 2, reissue: 1897 (t.p.), p. [i]-xi, [1]-31, 68 figs. (id.). Copies: UC, USDA. ed. 3: 1898, p. [i]-xu, [1]-31, 68 figs. (id.). Copy: NY. ed. 3, reissue: 1901, p. [i]-xul, [1]-31, 68 figs. (id.). Copy: NY. ed. 4 (Achtes Tausend): 1903 (p. vi: Mai 1903), p. [i]-xul, [1]-31, 69 figs. (id.). Copies: G, MICH. — Figs. on 57 pl. ed. 4 (Neuntes Tausend): 1903 (id.), p. [i]-xul, [1]-31, 69 figs. (id.). Copy: B. ed. 5 (Kwolftes Tausend): 1909 (p. vu: Jul 1909), p. [i]-xii, [1]-29, 69 figs. (id.). Copy: MICH. — (We saw no copy of the 13.-15. Tausend). Volume 2 {1-2. Tausend]: tgor (pref. Jun rgor, Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1gor), p. [i]-xil, 107 figs. (1-4/pl.; with text). No copy seen. — Figs. on 72 plates. Drittes Tausend): 1902, p. [i]-xul, 107 figs. (id.). Copies: G, NY. Viertes Tausend): 1905, p. [i]-xul, 107 figs. (id.). Copies: B, MICH. (5.-7. Tausend): 1907 (p. iv: Jul 1907), n.v. 8.-10, Tausend): 1912 (p. iv: Jul 1912), p. [i]-xii, 707 figs. (id.). Copy: MICH. Volume 3 (Erstes Tausend): Jul 1905 (p. iv: Jun 1905; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1905), p. [i]-x, 137 Jigs. (id.; on 80 pl.). Copies: G, NY. Kweites Tausend): 1905, p. [i]-x, [1], 137 figs. (id.). Copy: MICH. 3.-5. Tausend, called ed. 2 in preface): 1908 (p. v: Feb 1908), n.v. 6.-8. Tausend, called ed. 3 in preface): 1912 (p. v: Jun 1912), p. [i]-xi, [xii], 737 figs. (id.). Copies: B, MICH.

Note: the linen-bound volumes were sold as Ausgabe B but not so designated on the t.p. until 1917. The paperback edition (for schools) was sometimes referred to as Ausgabe “A’’. This term was also used for the issues of large size ‘“Wandtafeln” on which the illustrations were reproduced (e.g. 5 pl. 1895 with 47 figs., 8 pl. with 76 figs. ca. 1917; n.v.).

Ausgabe B: 1917-1919, 3 vols. with 346 figs. (t.p. says 345). Copies: B, G, MICH — Zwickau Sa. (Druck und Verlag von Forster & Borries). 1(16.-20. Tausend): 1917, n.v. (p. 6 Mai 1917). 1(21.-28. Tausend): 1918 (p. 6: Jun 1918; all copies seen), p. [1 ]-81, figs. 1-82 (1/4 per pl.; on 66 pl.; col.). 2(15.-22. Tausend): 1918, p. [1]-10, [1], figs. 83-206 (id. on 8&4 pl.). 3(13.-19. Tausend): 1919, p. [1]-10, [1], figs. 207-346 (id. on 86 pl.).

Volksausgabe (Ausgabe C’): one volume, various editions. ed. 1: 1896 (Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1896), 29 pl., n.v. ed. 2: 1906 (n.v.) (Bot. Centralbl. g Oct 1906). ed. {?] (61.-80. Tausend: 1917, p. [1]-25, figs. 1-40 on 32 pl. (col., w.t.). Copy: G. ed. [?] (81.-100. Tausend): 1918, p. [1]-25, figs. 1-40 on 1g pl. w.t. [p. 26-58]. Copy: NY.

Ausgabe D: 3 plates, 54 x 74 cm, “Unsere besten Speise und Wirtschaftspilze, ...”, 40 figs. nv.



New edition: 1922-1924, of vol. 1, in four parts, ‘*... systematisch geordnet und ganzlich neu bearbeitet von Roman Schulz, Berlin. Ausgabe E. Lieferungsausgabe der dreibandigen Gesammtwerkes...” Zwickau, Sa. (Druck und Verlag von Forster & Borries). - We saw only a single copy of the first volume published in 4 parts (MICH):

1: text for nos. 1-32, figs. 1-33. Jun 1922.

2: text for nos. 33-70, figs. 34-71. Mar 1923.

3: text for nos. 71-111, figs. 72-113. Jul 1923.

4: text for nos. 112-113,+ [1]-120. Jul 1924.

The combined issue, in a single volume, was called ““Ausgabe B”’, fifth edition, 29.-36. Tausend of vol. 1.

New edition: 1927, 3 vols., “begriindet von Edmund Michael systematisch geordnet und ganzlich neu bearbeitet von Roman Schulz...” Leipzig (Verlag von Quelle & Meyer) s.d. Copies: B, MO.

1: [1]-120, species 1-113, on plates with text (7-2/pl.). 2: [1]-12, species 114-265 (id.) 3: [1]-12, species 266-386 (id.), [1-15, index].

New edition: Handbuch fiir Pilzfreunde in vier [sechs] Banden mit Abbildungen von etwa 1000 Pilzarten. Begrindet von Edmund Michael herausgegeben und neu bearbeitet von Bruno Hennig, Jena (VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag). Copies: B, BR, UC.

: 1958, p. [11]-vili, 1-260, species 1-200 (on col. pi.).

: 1960, p. [11]-vi, [1]-328, species 1-300 (1d.).

: 1964, p. [11-vi], [1]-286, species 1-295 (1d.).

: 1967, p. [11-vi], [1 ]-326, species 1-311 (id.).

: 1970, p. [2]-391, species 1-161 (id.), Heidelberg (Quelle & Meyer).

: 1975, P- [2]-291, pl. 1-32, id.

This bon acmally started in 1939, vol. 1, 214 p., 123 figs. See E. Ulbrich, Hedwigia 80: (Beibl. 1): (40). 1942.

~ DoH Go Ny

Michael, Paul Oskar (1861-?), German botanist from Oelsnitz 1.V., Dr. phil. Leipzig 1885 (P. Michael).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 485; BJI 1: 40; Rehder 2: 808; Tucker 1: 483.

5953- Vergleichende Untersuchungen tiber den Bau des Holzes der Compositen, Caprifolraceen und

Rubiaceen. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwurde der

Hohen Philosophischen Facultat der Universitat Leipzig ... Leipzig (Druck von Metzger

& Wittig) 1885. Oct. (Vergl. Unters. Holz. Compos.).

Publ.: 1 Jan-15 Mar 1885 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1885, Bot. Zeit. 27 Mar 1885), p. [1]-60, [1, vita]. Copy: US.

Ref.: Pax, F., Bot. Jahrb. 7: 50. 1885.

Michalet, [Louis] Eugéne (1826-1862), French botanist and magistrate at Besancon. (Michalet).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: AUT, BR, CGE, E, G, P.— Issued Herbier des plantes critiques du Jura, nos. I-150.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiloGRAPHY: AG 1: 382; Barnhart 2: 485; BL 2: 169, 691; BM 3: 1304;

CSP 4: 375, 12: 506; IH 2: 535; PR 6191; Rehder 1: 411; Tucker 1: 483.

Aderhold, R., Gen.-Reg. Bot. Zeit. 275. 1895.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 9: 145. 1862, 10: vil. 1863, 13(bibl.): 192. 1866, 15: xiv. 1868.

Blanche, H., Bull. Soc. bot. France 13: cxlvii-cxlix. 1866 (acquired Michalet’s herbarium; Michalet died 12 Feb 1862).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880 (specimens in herb. Burnat [now: G], and Cosson [now: P]}).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 110. 1970 (pl. E).



5954- Volice sur quelques plantes recemment observées dans le Departement du Jura et le Pays

de Gex, ... Besancon (Imprimerie d’Outhenin-Chalandre fils, ...) 1854. Oct.

Publ.: 1854, p. [1]-16. Copies: G, NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mém. Soc. Emul. Doubs 1: 25-36. 1854.

5955- Herbier de la flore du Jura... Premier fascicule ... [Besangon 1856]. Oct. (Herb. fl. Jura). Publ.: 1856 (séance 12 Jan 1856), p. [1]-8. Copy: G. — Preprinted from Mém. Soc. Emul. Doubs 8: 1-8. 1857.

  1. Histoire naturelle du Jura et des départements voisins, ... tome ii. Botanique par M. E. Michalet, magistrat, ... revue et achevée par M. Grenier, ... Paris (Victor Masson et fils, ...), Lons-le-Saunier (Librairie de A. Robert. Librairie de Gauthier fréres), Besangon (Imprimerie de J. Jacquin) 1864. Oct. (Hist. nat. Fura, Bot.).

Editor: Jean Charles Marie Grenier (1808-1875).

Publ.: 1864, p. [1-11], [1 ]-400. Copy: USDA.

Michaux, André (1746-1803), French botanist and explorer of Iran (1782-1785), North America (1785-1796); later on a French exploring expedition (1800-1805) under Capt. Baudin as far as Madagascar, where he died. (Michx.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: The North American herbarium, mainly collected by Michaux himself, is at P, kept separate as an herbier historique (2.192 species). The North American bryophytes are kept separately at PC. This herbarium contains the types of the Flora boreali- americana. On his return from N. America in 1769 Michaux was shipwrecked on the Dutch coast and lost part of his collections. Duplicates are e.g. at B, BR, G and LIV, and also in the general herbarium of P through the Richard herbarium. For Michaux’ fern herbarium see Morton (1967). The herbarium of the Flora boreali-americana is available on IDC microfiche (no. 6211). Michaux’ mss. itinerary is at PH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 6: 591-592; AG 2(1): 450, 4: 532; Backer p. 369;

Barnhart 2: 485; BM 3; 1305, 7: 838; CSP 17: 226; DAB 12: 591-592; Dawson p. 610, 711;

DSB 9: 365-366; Dryander 3: 185; Frank 3(Anh.): 65; GF p. 67; GR p. 288; Herder p. 225,

296; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Michx.”’); IF p. 719; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 535; Jackson p. 141, 360,

508; Kew 3: 675; Langman p. 505; Laségue p. 461, 505; LS 17084a; ME 1: 212, 3: 358, 359,

362, 364, 735-736; MW p. 321; NI 1357-1359; Pennell p. 614; Plesch p. 334-335; PR 6194

(ed. 1: 6904-6905); Rehder 5: 571; RS p. 119, SBC p. 127 (““Michx.”’); Stevenson p. 1251;

SY p. 15; TL-1/839-840; TL-2/see index; Tucker 1: 483; Urban-Berl. p. 375; Zander ed. 10,

p. 692, ed. 11, p. 789.

Anon., Bot. Gaz. 8(3): 181-183. 1883.

Barnhart, J. H., Torreya 9: 246-248. 1909; Mem. Torrey bot. Club 16: 296. 1921; J. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 163. 1922 (b. 7 Mar 1746, d. 13 Nov 1802), 27: 197. 1926, 29: 150- 515. 1928; Bartonia 9: 40. 1926.

Blakelock, R. A. & E. R. Guest, Fl. Iraq 1: 109, 114. 1966.

Boissier, E., Fl. orient. 1: xxii, xxvi. 1867.

Boivin, B., Provancheria 10: 3, 33, 69, 147. 1980.

Boone, W., Hist. bot. Virginia 4. 1965.

Brunet, O., Notice sur les plantes de Michaux et sur son voyage au Canada, Quebec 1861,

  1. (2k

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880 (herb.).

Chinard, Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 101(4): 344-361. 1957 (also in J. L. Leroy et al. “Les botanistes francais en Amérique du Nord”, Paris 1957, p. 263-284).

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 389 [index]. 1969.

Coker, W. C., J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 27(2): 65-72. 1911 (on M’s garden at Charleston; with portr. of F. A. Michaux).

Darlington, W., Reliq. Baldw. 19, 20, 21, 24, 41, 49, 54, 72, 83, 99, 107, 136, 14.1, 280, 288, 301, 328, 330, 344, 346. 1843.

Deleuze, Ann. Mus. Hist. nat. 3: 191-227. 1804 (general biogr.; Deleuze must have had access to Michaux’ American Journal of 1785-1796; see below, Sargent, 1889): 7m Konig et Sims, Ann. Bot. 1: 321-355. 1805 (translation from Ann. Mus. Hist. nat.; second



translation, n.v., fide Ewan, in Western Gleaner, Pittsburgh 2(2): 83-95, 3: 141-153, 4 212-220. 1814).

Duprat, G., in J. F. Leroy, Bot. frang. Amer. nord 241-252. 1957- (corr.).

Dutilly and Lepage, Rev. Université Ottawa 15: 88-102. 1954 (retracing the route of Michaux’s Hudson’s Bay Journey of 1792).

Earnest, E., John and William Bartram 166. 1940.

Eaton, D. C., Canad. Natural. ser. 2. 5: 24-31. 1870 (ferns).

Eifert, V. S., Tall trees and far horizons 77-100. 1965.

Ewan, J., Introduction to facs. ed. Flora boreali-americana, p. v-xlvi. 1974; Southwestern Louisiana J. 7: 1-83. 1967 [1968]; i J. F. Leroy, Bot. franc. Amér. nord 37. 1957; i F. Pursh, Fl. Amer. sept facs. repr. 1979, intr. p. 22.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 5, 11, 38, 89, 97, 138.

Fedtschenko, B. A., Bot. Zhurn. 30: 38. 1945.

Fernald, M. L., Rhodora 6: 134-137. 1904, 10: 147-148. 1908, 14: 69-70. 1912, 17: 105-107. 1915, 27: 37-40. 1925, 45: 298-303. 1943, 48: 383-388. 1946, 52: 25-27. 1950 (notes on various taxa described by M.).

Fuchs, H. P., Beih. Nova Hedw. 3: 94. 1962.

Geiser, S. W., Natural. Frontier 16, 241. 1948.

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 472 [index]. 1967.

Gray, A., Amer. J. Sci. 42: 2-9. 1841, 124: 322-323. 1882; London J. Bot. 1: 2-10. 1842.

Guillaumin, A., Les fleurs des Jardins xxxvii, 1929.

Hickel, R., Bull. Soc. dendrol. France 67: 57-79. 1928 (general biogr.).

Hindle, Brook, Pursuit Sci. revol. Amer. 306-307. 1956.

Hitchcock, A. S., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 12: 113-158, i-v. 1908 (types of Michaux grasses).

Hooker, W. J., Amer. J. Sci. Arts 9: 266-269. 1825; J. Bot. 3: 368-369. 1841 (unsubstantia- ted statement that L. C. Richard was author of Fl. bor.-am.).

Humphrey, H. B., Makers North Amer. Bot. 174-177. 1961.

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Christian Steven 72. 1971.

Kuntze, O., Rev. gen. pl. 1: cxxxvi. 1891.

Lacroix, A., Figures de Savants 4: 71, 73-80, 157, 216, 232, pl. 22. 1938.

Lamaute, M. F., Private comm. Oct 1980 (birth certificate of M shows b. 8 Mar 1746; M died on 11 Oct 1803).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lichens at PC-Thuret).

Leroy, J. F. et al., Bot. frang. Amér. nord 354 [index]. 1957 (various important studies).

McClure, F., Taxon 6: 200. 1957.

MacPhail, I., Cat. Redout. 18, 46. 1963.

Miller, H. S., Taxon 19: 533. 1970 (Lambert herb.).

Morton, C. V., Amer. Fern Journ. 57: 166-182. 1967.

Motte, J., in J. F. Leroy, ed., Bot. frang. Amer. nord 57-65. 1957 (copy Flora annotated by Delile).

O’Gorman, Garden, New York, 2(2): 6-10, 28. 1978 (on Shortia).

Poiret, J. L. M., Enc. méth., bot. 8: 737-741. 1808.

Penhallow, D. P., Trans. R. Soc. Ganada 5(4): 60. 1887, ser. 2. 3(4): 3-56. 1897.

Rehder, A., J. Arnold Arb. 4(1): 1-8. 1923 (on M’s 1792 publ. on N. Amer. pl.).

Rembert, D. H., Castanea 44: 65-80. 1979 (M’s Carolina pl.).

Ricker, P. L., Rhodora 36: 130-132. 1934 (on Lespedeza).

Robbins, W. J. & M. C. Howson, Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 102(4): 351-370. 1958 (on M’s New Jersey garden).

Rodgers, A. D., John Torrey 345. 1942.

Rousseau, J., Mem. Jard. bot. Montréal 3: 1-34. 1948 (trip to Mistassini in 1792).

Rumilly, R., Le frére Marie-Victorin 102, 103, 195. 1949.

Rusby, H. H., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 11(8): 88-90. 1884 (M’s New Jersey garden).

Sargent, C. S., Amer. J. Sci. 132: 466-473. 1886 (journey in Carolina); Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 26(129): 1-145. 1889 (portions of the Journal of A. M. 1785-1796; intr. and notes by Sargent). Also separately as “Journal of André Michaux 1787-1796"; Rhodora 17: 49- 50. 1915 (on Washington and M.).

Sayre, G., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 42(2): 677-681. 1976 (L. C. Richard author of at least bryoph. portion F/. bor.-amer.); Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (bryoph. types PC-Richard).

Schubert, B. G., Rhodora 44: 147-149. 1942 (dates Fl. bor.-amer.).

Short, C. W., (Transylv. J. Med. 35, x) Hooker J. Bot. 3: 100-104. 1841.



Smith, E., Bartonia 28: 3-4, 28. 1957.

Spaulding, P., Pop. Sci. Monthly 73: 488-492. 1908 (hist. bot. St. Louis).

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977 (material at FI).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 280. 1971.

Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev. 43: 292. 1977 (bryol.).

Thwaites, R. G., Early western travels 1748-1846, 3: 10-20. 1904.

True, Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 78(2): 313-327. 1937 (biogr. F. A. Michaux with notes on A. M.).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 85-86. 1902.

Verdoorn, F. et al., Pl. pl. sci. Latin America 226. 1945.

HANDWRITING: Bartonia 28: pl. 6. 1957; see also in J. F. Leroy, Bot. franc. Amér. nord fl. xxxi. 1957.

EPONYMY: : Michauxia L’Heritier (1788); Michauxia Salisbury (1796).

5957- Histoire des chénes de Amérique, ou descriptions et figures de toutes les espéces et

vatiétés de Chénes de l’Amérique septentrionale, considérées sous les rapports de la

botanique, de leur culture et de leur usage... A Paris (De ’imprimerie de Crapelet) An ix-

  1. Fol. (fist. chénes Amér.).

Publ.: Mai 1801 (TL-r), p. [1, 11], [1 ]-[56] (sign. 1-14, only a few pages actually numbered), pl. 1-36, uncol. copp. by H. J. Redouté (nos. 1, 20, 33, 34) and P. J. Redouté (all others). Copies: BR, FI, G, HU, L, MO, NY, U; IDC 6065. — In his preface Michaux states that he has left the work of publishing his books to his son: “‘J’ai laissé 4 mon fils le soin de surveiller l’impression de ces deux ouvrages [i.e. Hist. chénes and Fl. Am. sept.].”” There are copies on laid paper and, a smaller number, on wove paper. A copy with manuscript annotations by F. A. Michaux, as well as with many proofs and originals is at K.

Abbreviated edition: 1801, p. [1], [1]-2, [1]-iv, [i-1v, conspectus, not found in orig. ed.], pl. 1-36 (id.). Copy: G. — “Histoire des chénes de ? Amérique, ou ... septentrionale. Par André Michaux, ...” A Paris (Chez Levrault Fréres, Quai Malaquais) An ix-1801. Fol. - We do not know whether this abbreviated variant edition with a new conspectus was indeed published later than the Crapelet edition.

German translation: 1802-1804. Copy: MO. — “Geschichte der amerikanischen Exchen, oder Be- schreibungen und Abbildungen aller Arten und Abarten der Eichen des nérdlichen Amerika; nach ihren Kennzeichen, ihrem Anbau und Nutzen ... Ubersetzt und mit illuminirten Abbildungen begleitet von Hofr. und Prof. J. S. Kerner [Johann Simon von Kerner 1755-1830] ...” Stuttgart (auf Kosten des Herausgebers. Gedruckt in Stras- bourg, bey Gebr. Levrault) 1802-1804. Qu. (Gesch. amer. Exchen). Erstes Heft: 1802, p. [1], [1]-16, pl. 1-5 (col.). Cweyltes Heft: 1804, p. [i], 17-28, pl. 6-14 (id.). We have seen no copy of Hefte 3 and 4; they probably remained unpublished. The publisher announced also the availability of copies with uncolored plates. The book seems to be very rare (see e.g. Junk, Catal. 206, no. 211. 1977).

English version: 1808, by W. Wade, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. 6, 1808.

  1. Mlora boreali-americana, sistens caracteres plantarum quas in America septentrionali collegit et detexit Andreas Michaux, ... tabulis aeneis 51 ornata ... Paristis et Argentorati [Paris et Strasbourg] (typis Caroli Crapelet; apud Fratres Levrault) anno xi-1803, 2 vols. Qu. and Oct. (FV. bor.-amer.). Ed. 1: 19 Mar 1803 (see also ICGBN 30.1). Vol. 1: p. [i]-x, [1, err.], [1]-330, pl. 1-29. Vol. 2: p. [i, m1], [1]-340, pl. 30-57. Copies: FAS (Oct.), G (Qu.), HU (Qu.), L (Oct.), MO (Oct.), NY (Oct.), US (Qu., Oct.), USDA (Oct.); IDC 6130. Ed. 2 (actually a reissue): Parisiis (Bibliopola Jouanaux Junior ...) 1820. Oct. — Replace- ment of title pages only. Rarer than the first edition. Copies: G, NY, USDA; IDC 1061. Vol. x. {i]-x, [1, err.], [1]-330, pl. 1-29. Vol. 2: [1-11], [1 ]-340, pl. 30-51. Facsimile ed.: New York (Hafner Press), New York (Collier Macmillan Publishers) 1974, Classica botanica americana vol. 3. Introduction [important!] by J. Ewan. ISBN 0-02-



849230-7. Copy: FAS. —See Taxon 23: 643. 1974. —1: introduction [i]-xlvi, facsimile; 2: [i- iv, new t.p.’s], facsimile.

NoTEs: Kunth (Rev. gram. 137. 1829; Biogr. univ. 27:560-570) and Pritzel attribute this work to L. C. M. Richard. Martius (Fl. bras. 1:88. 1840) states of Richard ‘“‘autor quoque est, saltem pro maxima parte, Florae boreali-americanae ab Michaux 1803 editae”’ (cf. McClure). Asa Gray (1841) states ““Michaux himself, though an excellent and industrious collector and observer, was by no means qualified for authorship: and it is to L. C. Richard that the sagacious observations, and the elegant terse and highly characteristic specific phrases of this work are entirely due’’. Gray states in 1882 that the tradition that the descriptions were drawn up by L. C. Richard ‘“‘is confirmed by the fact that Richard’s herbarium ... contains an almost complete set of the plants described, and I found that the specimens of Michaux supplied to Willdenow’s herbarium at Berlin were ticketed and sent by Richard.” See also Sayre 1976. — Itis likely that Richard gave advice in the preparation of the manuscript and even prepared part of the descriptions, but Michaux regarded this work certainly as his own. His son saw the book through the press (Hist. Chénes, preface). Michaux must be cited as the author of the new taxa. The author citation is anyhow simply a bibliographical reference and not an award of merit. The book was published in two issues, quarto and octavo, with identical type setting and pagination. The octavo issue is on “papier grand raisin”’, ‘he quarto issue is on “‘papier vélin’’, the quarto edition came out somewhat later: on 28 Mai 1803 it was not yet available (JT) ... Since the two volumes were published at the same time and as a whole, it is necessary to take the addenda et corrigenda on p. [xii] of volume 1 into account for the orthography of new names published in the Flora. The 51 uncoloured copper engravings are all from drawings by P. J. Redouté.

Ref.: Anon., J. typogr. 6: 217. 1803 (30 germ. 11). Mitchell, Med. Repos. 8: 394-395. 1805 (rev. of Flora; fide Swan). Hooker, W. J., Edinburgh J. Sci. 2: 108-129. 1825 (attributes the Flora to Richard). Gray, A., in W. J. Hooker J. Bot. 3: 368. 1841. Gray, A., Amer. J. Sci. ser. 3. 24: 322-323. 1882, see also Bot. Gaz. 7: 139-141. 1882 (attributes the Flora to Richard). Kuntze, O., Rev. gen. 1: cxxxvi. 1891. Schubert, B. G., Rhodora 44: 147-149. 1942. Rousseau, J., Mém. Jard. bot. Montréal 3: 1-34. 1948. McClure, F., Taxon 6: 200. 1957. Stearn, W. T., Cat. Books Hunt bot. Lib. 2: xcix. 1961. MacPhail, I., Cat. Redouteana 46. 1963. Eifert, Tall trees and far horizons 77-100. 1965. Sayre, G., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 42(2): 677-681. 1976 (type herbarium).

Michaux, Frangois-André (1770-1855), French botanist; son of André M., whom he accompanied to the United States 1785-1790; travelled again in the U.S. 1801-1803 and 1806-1807. (F. Michx).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: No separate collections made by Michaux fils are known to exist. He may have based himself mainly on his father’s herbarium. According to Deleuze (Hist. Muséum p. 319) F. A. Michaux’ types are at P.— The original drawings for the Histoire des arbres forestiers are at the Bibliotheque Centrale of the Paris Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 4: 532, 2(1): 450; Backer p. 369; Barnhart 2: 485; BM 3: 1305; Bossert p. 266. CSP 4: 376, 12: 506; DAB (by H. B. Baker); Dawson p. 502, 515, 610; Frank 3(Anh.): 65; GF p. 68; GR p. 340; Hegi 7: 559; Herder p. 466; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Michx. f.”); TH 2: 535; Jackson p. 360, 508; Kew 3: 675; Langman p. 505; Laségue p. 576 [index]; Lenley p. 464; ME 1: 312, 3: 363, 365, 366, 371, 379-381, 736; NI 1360-1361; Plesch p. 335; PH 129; PR 6195-6197 (ed. 1: 6906-6910); Rehder 5: 571; TL-1/839-842, 929; Tucker 1: 483; Urban-Berl. p. 308, 375; Zander ed. ro, p. 692, ed. 11, p. 789.

Anon., Biographies membres Soc. agric. France 1854-58: 338. 1874 (n.v.; fide NI).

Barnhart, J. H., Torreya 9: 247.1909 (portr.); J. New York Bot. Gard. 24: 153. 1923 (b. 16

Aug 1770, d. 23 Oct 1855); Mem. Torrey bot. Club 16: 296. rg2t.



Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880 (herb.).

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 282, 285-286, 292. 1969.

Chinard, Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 101(4): 344-361. 1957 (see also ‘“‘Les botanistes frangais en Amérique du Nord”’, Paris 1957).

Coker, W. C., J. Elisha Mitchell Sc. Soc. 27:-65-72. 1911 (portr.).

Darlington, W., Memorials 477. 1849.

Duprat, G., in J. F. Leroy, Bot. frang. Amér. nord. 241-252. 1957.

Durand, E., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 6: 223-227. 1856; Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. 11: xvii- xxvill. 1856; Amer. J. Sci. ser. 2. 24: 161-177. 1857.

Ewan, J., in J. F. Leroy, Bot. frang. Amér. nord. 37. 1957.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 38. 1969.

Geiser, S. W., Natural. Frontier 16, 241. 1948.

Gray, A., Amer. J. Sci. ser. 2. 22(64): 137-138. 1856; London J. Bot. 1: 11-12. 1842.

Gray, J. L., Letters A. Gray 382, 500, 540, 692, 813. 1893.

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 472 [index]. 1967.

Hedrick, U. P., Hist. hortic. America 192-194, 400, 409, 501. 1950.

Humphrey, H. B., Makers of North American Botany 177-179. 1961.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 485 [index, refs. to A. and F.A.M.].

Lacroix, A., Figures de Savants 5: 80, 157. 1938.

Leroy, J. F. et al., Bot. frang. Amér. nord 354 [index]. 1957.

MacPhail, I., Cat. Redout. 54-56. 1963.

Milner, J. D., Cat. Portr. Kew 84-85. 1906.

Motte, J., zn J. F. Leroy, Bot. frang. Amér. nord 57-72, pl. viii. 1957 (corr.).

Penhallow, D. P., Trans. R. Soc. Ganada 5(sect.4): 9, 45, 1888, ser. 2. 3(4): 48-49. 1897.

Poiret, J. L. M., Enc. méth., bot. 8: 740-741. 1808.

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 352 [index]. 1940; John Torrey 21, 40, 106, 133. 1942; Liberty Hyde Bailey 37, 123. 1949; Bernard Eduard Fernow 18, 45, 48, 145. 1951.

Schramm, J. R., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 100: 145-149. 1956 (memorial), ror: 336-343. 1957 (influence on forestry); in J. F. Leroy, Bot. frang. Amér. nord 287-300. 1957 (id.).

Stafleu, F. A., in Daniels, G. and F. A. Stafleu, Taxon 21(5-6): 638. 1972 (portr.).

Sutton, S. B., Charles Sprague Sargent 85, 144, 152, 281, 377. 1970.

Thwaites, R. G., Early Western travels 1748-1846, 3: 10-20. 1904.

True, R. H., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 78(2): 313-327. 1937 (biogr., notes on explorations).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 107. 1898, 3: 86. 1902.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 115. 1903.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 171-172. 1977; see also in J. F. Leroy, Bot. frang. Amér. nord pl. xxx. 1957.

5959- Voyage a Vouest des monts Alléghanys, dans les états de ?Ohio, du Kentucky et du

Tennessée, et retour a Charleston par les Hautes-Carolines; contenant des détails sur l'état

actuel de l’agriculture et les productions naturelles de ces contrées, ainsi que des renseigne-

ments sur les rapports commerciaux qui existent entre ces états et ceux situés a lest des montagnes et la Basse Louisiane; entrepris pendant l’an x-1802, sous les auspices de son excellence M. Chaptal, ministre de intérieur. Avec une carte trés-soignée des états du centre, de l’ouest et du sud des Etats-Unis. Par André Michaux, M.D. membre... A Paris

(de Pimprimerie de Crapalet. chez Levrault, Schoell et Compagnie, ...) an x11-1804. Oct.

(Voy. ouest Alléghanys).

Issue (a): 1804, p. [i*-i1* ], [1]-vi, [1]-312, map. Copy: US (map absent). — Author’s name as “André Michaux”.

Issue (b): 1804, p. [i*, 11*], [i]-vi, [1]-312, map. Copy: NY. — Only difference with issue (a): author’s name on t.p. “F. A. Michaux.”

English translation, issue (p): 1805, p. [i]-xvi, [1 ]-350, map. Copies: NY, USDA. — “Travels to the westward of the Allegany mountains, in the states of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, ... undertaken in the year x, 1802, ... by F. A. Michaux, ... faithfully translated from the original french by B. Lambert. London (printed by W. Flint, . . . for J. Mawman, ...) 1805. Oct. [translator: Aymler Bourke Lambert 1761-1842].

English translation, issue (q): 1805, p. [i]-xil, [1 ]-294. Copies: FI, NY.—‘‘ Travels .. undertaken in the year 1802,...” London (printed by D. N. Shury, .. . for B. Crosby and Co. ... and J. F. Hughes, ...) 1805. Oct. (in fours).


MICHAUX, F. A. (1810)

  1. Mémoire sur la naturalisation des arbres forestiers de ’ Amérique septentrionale, dans

lequel on indique ce que Pancien gouvernement avoit fait pour arriver a ce but, et les

moyens, qu'il conviendroit d’ employer pour y parvenir; suivi d’un tableau raisonné des

arbres de ce pays, comparés avec ceux que produit la France ... A Paris (Chez Levrault,

Schoel et Compagnie, ...) an xiii-1805. Oct. (Mém. naturalis. arbr. forest.).

Publ.: 1805 (p. 36: 22 Ventose an xiii, 13 Mar 1805), p. [1]-36, chart. Copy: MO. — Mém. Soc. Dep. Seine, tome 7.

  1. Histoire des arbres foresters de [ Amérique septentrionale, considérés principalement sous les rapports de leur emploi [vol. 1; usage, vols. 2,3] dans les arts et de leur introduction dans le commerce, ainsi que d’aprés les avantages qu’ils peuvent offrir aux gouvernemens en Europe et aux personnes qui veulent former de grandes plantations. Paris (1: chez auteur ... de Pimprimerie de L. Haussmann et d’Hautel; 2, 3: de ’imprimerie de L. Haussman) 1810-1813, 3 vols. Qu. (Hist. arbr. forest.). Issue (1): on “‘papier vélin grand in Quarto” (actually Oct. in fours), with double sets of plates, in black and in colour. Copy: USDA. 1: 1810 (t.p., for actual dates see below), p. [i], portr., [iii-viii], [1]-222, pl. 1-14, 1-10. 2: 1811 (t.p., id.), p. [1, ii], 1-128, pl. 1-26, p. 129-278, pl. 1-24. 3: 1813 (t.p., id.), p. [i-ili], 1-114, pl. 1-11, pl. 1-9 (6 as ““7"’), 115-408, [ 1-2, err.], pl. 10-13 (UORISe ke 2has| TO), 7-n0, 7-17 (4 aS 15), 7—0eaen: Issue (2): on “‘ordinary” paper, witha single set of plates, in colour. Copies: BR (2,3), G, MO, NY. — Imprint: as in issue (1). Precise dates: see below. Number of copies printed: 400. 1: 1810, p. [i|-xii, [1 ]-222, pl. 1-14, 1-10. 2: 1812, p. [i-vu], [1 ]-280, pl. 1-26, 1-24. 3: 1813, p. [i-1i], [1]-[126], 129-408, [1-2, err.], pl. 1-11, 1-13 (6 as “7”, 10 as “117”, 12 as “10’’), I-11, I-II (4. as “‘5’), I-13, 1-5. Issue (3), of vol. 1 only, as issue (2) but with imprint Paris (de ’imprimerie de L. Haussmann et d’Hautel). Copies: BR, HU, NY. — p. [i-i1; double in NY], [iii-v], [1]-41, [i-ili, t.p. Paris], [43]-119, [1, table], pl. 1-74, [i-v, Noyers], [149]-222, pl. 1-10.

Vol. part fasc. text plates dates

I I 1,2 1-150 I-14 g Jul 1810 o 3,4 151-222 I-10 Aug 1818

2 I 5,6 I- I-x, 5b1s 15 Apr 1811 2 7,8 -128 x-26 Aug 1811 3 9,10 129-206 1-12, 4bis 22 Nov 1811 4 Tee 207-280 13-24 7 Mar 1812

3 I nA. I-70 I-II 14 Mai 1812 g 15,16 71-130 I-13 24 Jul 1812 3 ita tice) 131-172 I-III 2 Oct 1812 4 19,20 173-244 I-III 4 Dec 1812 5 2 OND) 245-310 I-13 22 Jan 1813 6 23,24 311-410 1-5 19 Mar 1813

In vol. 3, part 2, plate 6 is erroneously numbered 7, zo has no. 17, 12 has no. 10. In vol. 3, part 4, plate 4 is erroneously numbered 5. The figures of plates 6 and 7 mentioned in the text of 3(6), are on plates 4 and 5.

Vol. 1, parts 1-2 (Pins, p. [1-11], [43]-149, [1, table], pl. 7-74, 1810) issued separately as Fitstoire des Pins et Sapins ...

parts 3-4 (Noyers, p. [i-v], [151]-222, pl. 1-10. 1811) issued separately as Histoire des Noyers ... , Copy: PH.

Vol. 2, parts 5-8 (Chénes, p. [i-ii], [1]-128, [1, table], p/. 2-26. 1811) issued separately as Histoire des Chénes . . . (not to be confused with A. Michaux’ Histoire des Chénes de? Amérique, Paris 1801) (BF 21 Mai 1811, erroneously as A. Michaux’ work).

The 140 (138 plus 2 bis plates which were intended to replace the proper numbers) stipple

engravings are colour-printed and retouched by hand. They are from drawings by P. Bessa

(75), P.J. Redouté (32), H.J. Redouté (27), A. Riché (3) and A. Redouté [sic] (1).— Ms 328

of the Paris Muséum contains 147 [sic] of the original drawings. This is possible because

some figures are combined on one plate.


MICHAUX, F. A. (1810)

Austrian edition; of Chénes 1842, loose leaves |1| and [2] text, plates 1-26 (uncoloured; loose), portfolios with cover text: “Die Kichen der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika und Canada nach Andreas Michaux. 26 Tafeln, mit der néthigen Erklarung und den botanischen, englischen und deutschen Namen.” Wien (Ludwig Forster’s artistische Anstalt) 1842. — The two leaves of text have brief descriptions of the 26 species illustrated. Copy: MO.

Ref.: Junk, W., Rara 1: 64. 1900-1913 (collection).

  1. The North American sylva, or a description of the forest trees, of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Considered particularly with respect to their use in the arts and their introduction into commerce; to which is added a description of the most useful of the , European forest trees. Illustrated by 150 coloured engravings. By F. Andrew Michaux, ...

Philadelphia (sold by Thomas Dobson. — Solomon Conrad), Paris (printed by C. d’ Hautel)

1817-1819, 3 vols. Oct. (in fours). (NV. Amer. sylv.).

Publ.: in three volumes 1817-1819, vols. 1 and 2 each in 2 half volumes, vol. 3. in 3 “half” volumes. Copies: FH (complete), L (3(5)missing), NY (complete), US (some half volume t.p.’s missing). See Sotheby no. 530 for an analytical collation. Plates printed in colour, finished by hand; for artists see French ed.

1(z): 1817, (BF 18 Jan 1817), p. [1*-ii*], [1]-xii, [1 ]-135, [136, cont.], pl. 1-3, 4 (“6”), 5,6 (“4”), 7-28.

(2): 1817 (BF 9 Aug 1817), p. [1], [137]-268, [269], pl. 29-50. Text on p. [269]: “N. For the translation of the present half volume, I am indebted to my friend August L. Hillhouse, of Connecticut F.A.M.].

3): 1818 (BF 13 Jun 1818), p. [1-11], [1 ]-116, [117, cont.], pl. 51-75.

(4): 1818 (BF 19 Dec 1818), p. [i], [117]-250, pl. 76-100.

5): 1819 (BF ro Apr 1819), p. [i-ii1], [1 ]-82, [83, cont.], pl. 101-105, 106 (“107”), 107 “106"), 108-125.

6): 1819 (BF ro Jul 1819), p. [i], [83]-195, pl. 126-133, 134 (1°), 135, 136 (“2”), 137 *3)°)s 138; 139 ("4 ae 140 ( 3) tr ("6"), 142 ("7"), 143 ("8"), 144 ("9"), 145 ("10"), 146, 147 (“11”), 148 (“12”), 149 (“13”), 150 (“14”), [1, cont.].

: 1819, p. [i], 195-285, [286, err.], ol 151-156. The title-page of this “half volume calls for 156 plates.


Paris reissue in three volumes: 1819. Copy: MO. —‘* The North American sylva, or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Ganada and Nova Scotia, considered particularly with respect to their use in the arts, and their introduction into commerce; to which is added a description of the most useful of the European forest trees. Illustrated by 156 coloured engravings. Translated from the French of F. Andrew Michaux,...” Paris (printed by C. d’Hautel) 1819, 3 vols, Oct. (in fours).

1: [i*-v*], [i]-v (dated 20 Mai 1819), [1]-268, pl. 1-50. 2: [i-ui], [1]-247, pl. 51-100. 3: [i-11], p. [1 ]-285, [286, err. ], pl. ror-105, 106 (““107"’), 107 (““106"’), ro8-r4r, 143 (144), 144 ("143"), 145-150. Preface: by ““A. L. H.” Augustus Lucas Hillhouse (1791-1859), translator.

Paris reissue in two volumes: 1819. Copies: HU, NY, US, USDA. — “The North American sylva,

[... as above ...] Nova Scotia, considered ... arts, and ... illustrated by 156 coloured

engravings. Translated from the French of F. Andrew Michaux, ... Paris (printed by C.

d’Hautel) 1819. 2 vols. Qu.

1: p. [i*, 11*, v*], [i]-v [dated 20 Mai 1819], [1]-112 (“112-136”), 137-385 ( 383”), [1, cont.], pl. 1-75, col. copp.

2: p. [1, iv], pl. 76, [1]-417, [418, err.], pl. 77-105, 106 (“‘107’’), 107 (“106”), 108-142, 143 ("144"), 144 (143), 145-156.

Preface: by “A. L. H.”? Augustus Lucas Hillhouse (1791-1859), translator.

Note: This two volume edition may have been published in seven parts between 1817 and 1819. Our information is still in complete.

  1. Mémoire sur le Zelkoua, Planera crenata. Arbre forestier originaire des bords de la Mer Caspienne et de la Mer Noire, particuliérement propre aux plantations des grandes routes,

des avenues et des places publiques, dans les communes rurales . .. par André-Michaux [i.e.


MICHAUX, F. A. (1850)

Ff, A. Michaux]; ... A Paris (Chez Mme. Huzard, ... Arthus-Bertrand, ... Audot, ...)

  1. Oct. (Mém. Zelkoua).

Publ.: 1831 (submitted 13 Dec 1830, p. [24]: 12 Mar 1831), p. [i-iii], 7 pl. (uncol.), [1]-20, [22, 24]. Copy: MO.

Note: for Kelkova Spach (1841, nom. cons.) see e.g. I.N.G. 3: 1888. 1979.

  1. The North American sylva; or, a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, considered particularly with respect to their use in the arts, and their introduction into commerce; to which is added a description of the most useful of the European forest trees. Illustrated by 156 coloured engravings. Translated from the French of F. Andrew Michaux, ... with three additional volumes, containing all the forest trees discovered in the Rocky Mountains, the territory of Oregon, down to the shores of the

Pacific and into the confines of California, as well as in various parts of the United States.

Illustrated by 122 finely coloured plates. By Thomas Nuttall, F.L.S.,... the whole forming

six volumes, and comprising 278 plates... Philadelphia (J. Dobson, ... Printed by William

Amphlett, New Harmony, Indiana) 1841-1842. Qu. (NV. Amer. sylv.).

Publ.: The first three volumes of this New Harmony edition are a reprint of the 1819 Paris reissue (3 vols.) of the Hillhouse translation (no. 5962). Volumes 4-6, by Nuttall, are treated under that author. The plates are as in the 1819 reissue. Copies: MO (bound in 2 vols.), NY (complete).

1; 1841, p. [i]-xviil, [1 ]-122, pl. 7-50 (as in 18109 reissue).

2:s.d. [1841], p. [i]-iv, 123-184, pl. 57-76, [1]-74, pl. 77-100.

3: 1842, p. [i]-iv, [75]-216, pl. 101-105, 106 (as ““107’’), 107 (as “106"’), 108-142, 143 (as 144"), 144 ("143"), 145-156.

  1. North American sylva, or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Ganada

and Nova Scotia; considered particularly with respect to their use in the arts, and their

introduction into commerce. To which is added a description of the most useful of the

European forest trees. Illustrated by 156 colored engravings. Translated from the French of

F. Andrew Michaux, ... in two volumes ... Cincinnati (published by W. Amphlett and

Doolittle & Munson) 1842. Qu. (NV. Amer. sylv.).

Publ.: A reissue in two volumes of the material contained in the first three volumes of the 1841 New Harmony edition treated above. The coloring of the plates is poor; they are still the same as those in the Paris 1819 Hillhouse translation. Copy: MO.

1: 1842, p. [1], [1]-184, pl. 1-75. 2: 1842, p. [i], 1-216, pl. 76-105, 106 (as “‘107"), 107 (as ““106”’), 108-142, 143 (as ““144”°), 144 (as 143"), 145-150.

  1. The North American sylva; or a description of the forest trees of the United States,

Canada, and Nova Scotia, considered particularly with respect to their use in the arts, and

their introduction into commerce; to which is added a description of the most useful of the

European forest trees. Illustrated by 156 coloured copperplate engravings, by Redoute,

Bessa, etc. Translated from the French of F. Andrew Michaux, ... with notes by J. Jay

Smith, ...in three volumes... Philadelphia (Robert P. Smith) New York (G. P. Putnam)

1850-1851. Qu. (N. Amer. sylv.).

Notes: John Jay Smith (1798-1881), see Barnhart 3: 2094.

rT: 1850 (p. vill, Feb 1850), p. [i]-viii, [1]-123, pl. 1-50.

2: 1850, p. [1]-128, pl. 51-700.

3: 1851, p. [1-1], pl. ror, [1]-144, pl. 102-105, 106 (as ““107°’), 107 (as “106”), 108-142, 143 (as “144"), 144 (as “143”), 145-150.

Copy NY (t.p. vol. 1 lacking). — Plates as in 1819. For continuation see Nuttall.

Re-issue: 1853. Copies: MO, US. — Philadelphia (Robert P. Smith) 1853. Qu., 3 volumes as in


Re-issue: 1856. Copy: NY. — Philadelphia (A. N. Hart, ...) 1856. Qu., 3 volumes, as in 1850.

Re-issue: 1857. Copies: MO, NY.— Philadelphia (published by D. Rice & A. N. Hart, ...) 1857. Oct., 3 volumes, as in 1850.

Re-issue: 1859. Copies: G, NY(2), USDA. — Philadelphia (published by D. Rich & A. N. Hart, ...) 1859. Oct., 3 volumes, as in 1850.

Re-issue: 1865. Copies: MO, US (2 copies, on with portr. author), USDA. — Philadelphia (published by Rice, Rutter & Co., ...) 1865. Oct., 3 volumes as in 1850.


MICHAUX, F. A. (1850)

Re-issue s.d. (1865 or later). Copies: NY(2).— Philadelphia (Wm. Rutter & Co., ...) s.d., 3 volumes as in 1850, with portr. author. All American editions used the French copper plates.

Michel, Etienne (fl. 1816), French publisher and (in part) editor of the ““Nouveau Duhamel” (Michel).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1305; NI 1362; PR 6198 ed. 1: 6911; TL-1/315 TL- 1/1547; Tucker 1: 484. Note: for the ““Nouveau Duhamel” see TL-2/1547.

  1. Trarté du Crtromer, rédigé par M. Etienne Michel, éditeur du Nouveau Duhamel, ...a

Paris (chez Auteur-Editeur, ... Arthus Bertrand, ... Deterville, ...) 1816. Fol. ( Traité


Publ.: 1816, p. [i-ii], [1]-82, pl. 1-21 (colour printed), P. Bessa). Copies: FI, USDA. — Preprinted from Duhamel, Traité arbr. arbust. 7: 67-148, pl. 22-42. 1819. See footnote by Loiseleur-Deslongchamps in Traité 7: 67, for authorship.

Michel, Mathieu Joseph (1825-1890), Belgian self-taught botanist and workman at Fraipont; founder, 1876, of the “Société de Botanique de Fraipont et de Nessonvaux” consisting of workmen only. (MZ. Michel).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 485; BL 2: 41, 691; Jackson p. 272; Morren ed.

10, p. 46; Rehder 1: 393.

Anon., Rev. Verviét. Hist. nat. 9(5/6): 53. 1952 (b. 25 Oct 1825, d. 5 Jul 1890).

Grondal, G., Biogr. Verviét., nos anciens botanistes 28-29. 1952 (b. 25 Oct 1825, d 5. Jul 1890); Rev. Verviét. Hist. nat. g: 53. 1952.

EPONYMY: Michelsona L. Hauman (1952) is dedicated to A. Michelson (fl. 1912), Russian traveller and explorer.

  1. Société de botanique de Fraipont et Nessonvaux. Flore de Fraipont, Nessonvaux et leurs environs, y compris toute la Vallée de la Vesdre, depuis Limbourg jusqu’a Chénée, le cours de ’Ourthe, depuis Hamoire jusqu’a la Meuse, les cours de la Hoégne et le ruisseau dit le Waag, depuis Sart jusqu’a Pepinster, les bords de l’Ambléve, depuis Nanceveux jusqu’a Douflamme et depuis Stavelot ala Cascade de Coo, les bords de la Meuse, d’Ougrée a Herstal, Ile Moncin et Jupille. Exploration par la Société, sous la direction de Mr. M. Michel, botaniste amateur. Etude de plantes récoltées depuis 1869 jusqu’en 1876. Verviers (imp. E. Piette et Cie.) 1877. 16-mo. (Fl. Frazpont).

Publ.: 1877 (Bot. Zeit. 7 Dec 1877), p. [1]-389. Copies: B, BR, G.

Additions: Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 18: 98-103. 1879.

Note: The title-page of this flora is a manifestation of an early emancipatory movement among the working class of the eastern part of the province of Liege, Belgium. Michel, as “botaniste amateur” simply “‘directed”’ the work of his society which consisted exclusively of workmen.

Micheletti, Luigi (1844-1912), Italian army officer, lichenologist and general floristic botanist. (Michelettz).

HERBARIUM and Types: TO; further material PAD (types), FI (Erytrea)..

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 486; BL 2: 343, 691; Bossert p. 266; CSP 17: 229-230; GR p. 535; IH 2: 535; Langman p. 505; LS 17809-17814; Rehder 1: 215; Saccardo Ty 110; Lucker 1464.

Baccarini, P., Bull. Soc. bot. Ital. 1913(2/3): 13 (b. 20 Aug. 1844, d. 18 Dec 1912). Chiovenda, E., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 31: 307. 1924 (herb. at TO; d. 28 Dec 1912).



Cufodontis, G., C. R. AETFAT 4: 244. 1962 (coll. Erythr.). Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (bryoph. TO).

Micheli, Marc (1844-1902), Swiss botanist and landowner at Geneva; pupil of Hofmeister and Sachs; later collaborator of Alphonse de Candolle; burgomaster of Jussy; owner of the Jardin du Crest (Jussy), maintained as a private botanical garden for plant introduction and agricultural experiments. (M. Mzch.).

HERBARIUM and tTypEs: G (rd. 1904); includes the herbarium of F. S. Alioth (Basel). Micheli’s library was dispersed after his death; his botanical correspondence was given toG in 1938.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 486; BM 3: 1305-1306; Bossert p. 266; CSP 8:

400, 10: 804, 17: 230; Dawson p. 760?; Herder p. 466 [index]; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Micheli,

M.”); IH 2: 535; Jackson p. 3, 372, 373; Kew 3: 676; Langman p. 505; Lasegue p. 21, 341;

LS 17815; Morren ed. 10, p. 110; MW p. 321, suppl. p. 228; Rehder 5: 571; TL-2/1: 978,

1592; Lucker 1: 484; Zander ed. 10, p. 692, ed. 11, p. 789.

André, E., Rev. Hort. 74: 342-344. 1902 (portr.).

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 32 (Beibl. 72): 4. 1903 (d.); Bot. Not. 1903: 34 (d. 10 Jul 1902, err.); J. de Genéve 1 Jul 1902 (fide Alph. de Candolle 1902); J. Bot., Morot, Bull. bibl. 16: Ixxxvil, 1902 (d. 29 Jun 1902).

Briquet, J., Bull. Soc. bot. France 49: 177-178. 1902. Annu. Cons. Jard. bot. Genéve 11/12: 194-197. 1908 (List of collections in herb.); Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 324-333. 1940 (biogr.; most complete bibl.).

Candolle, C. de, Marc Micheli, Geneve 1902, 16 p. (repr. from Arch. Sci. phys. mat. ser. 4. 142 5-13. 1902) (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 5 Oct 1844, d. 29 Jun 1902).

Candolle, Alph. de, Actes Soc. helv. Sci. nat. 85: xli-liv. 1902 (portr., bibl.), repr. xiii p.

Candolle, L. de, C.R. Soc. Arts Genéve 16: 242-246. 1902.

Guye, P. A., Mém. Soc. phys. hist. nat. Geneve 34: 220-225. 1902.

Kerkchove de Denterghem, Cte. de, Rev. hort. belg. étrang. 28: 176-179. 1902 (portr.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 8: 172. 1902 (d. 10 Jul 1902, err.).

Micheli, Horace, Journal de Genéve 1 Jul 1902, cutting at G.

Miége, J. & Wuest, Saussurea 6: 131. 1975.

Urban, L., Fl. bras. 1(1): 187-188. 1906 (many biogr. FOS.)

Vilmorin, Ph. de, Bull. Soc. bot. France 41: cxvill-cxcix. 1894.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Onagraceae, in Martius, Fl. bras. 13(2): 144-183, pl. 28-38. 1 Mar 1875. (2) Papilionaceae, in Warming, Symb. fl. bras. 20: 59-107. 3 Mai 1876; Ocnotheraceae, in id 38: 45-46. 3 Mai 1892.

(3) Alismaceae, Butomaceae, funcagineae, in de Candolle, Monogr. Phan. 2: 7-112, 952-953. Jun 1881.

(4) Leguminosae, in J. Donnell Smith, Enum. pl. Guatem. 4: 23-25. 1895.

(5) Leguminosae, in T. Durand and H. Pittier, Prim. fl. costaric. 1(1). 1891.

eponyMy: Micheliella Briquet (1897) very probably commemorates M. Micheli (Briquet gives no derivation).

  1. Vole sur les Onagrariées du Brésil et en particulier sur le genre Jussiaca par M. Marc

Micheli. Tiré des Archives des sciences de la Bibliothéque universelle juin 1874. Avec

autorisation de la direction. Genéve (imprimerie Ramboz et Schuchardt ...) 1874. Oct.

(Not. Onagr. Brésil).

Publ.: Jun 1874 (t.p. reprint; Flora rd. early Aug 1874; Bot. Zeit. 7 Aug 1874), p. [1]-30. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Arch. Sci. phys. nat. Genéve ser. 2. 42: 105-143. 1874.

Ref.: G. K., Bot. Zeit. 32: 512, 559-560. 1871.

  1. Contributions a la flore du Paraguay ... Genéve (Librairie H. Georg, ...) 1883-1897,

seven papers published in Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genéve. Qu. (to be cited from


Co-authors: John Isaac Briquet (1870-1931), Robert Hippolyte Chodat (1865-1934), Anne Casimir Pyramus de Candolle (1836-1918), Paul Jean Baptiste Maury (1858-1893).



author p. pl. vol. date 1 Légumineuses M. Micheli 1-73 1-23 28( 7) 1883 2 Id., suppl. M. Micheli 75-98 24-27 30(7) 1889 3 Polygalac. R. Chodat QQ-1 14 28-33 30(8) 1889 4 Cypéracées P. Maury 115-157 34-45 a0 (1) 1890 5 Malphighiacées R. Chodat 1-27 46-51 31(2, no.3) 1892 6 Pipéracées C. de Cand. I-10 52-54 32(2) 1893 7 Labiées J. Briquet I-45 55-04 32(10) 1897


: Sep-Oct 1883 (p. 7: Aug 1883; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1883; BSbF Sep-Oct 1883, Bot. Zeit. 28 Dec 1883; Flora rd. 11 Dec 1883; J. Bot. Dec 1883; summary in Arch. Sci. phys. nat. Geneve sér. 3. 9: 492-493. 1883), p. [1]-73, pl. 1-23 (by B. Bergeron).

: Aug-Oct 1889 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 3 Dec 1889; Bot. Zeit. 27 Dec 1889; Summary, ibid. sér. 3. 20: 307-308. 1888), p. [75]-98, pl. 24-27.

: late 1889 (t.p.; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1890; Bot. Zeit. 29 Aug 1890), p. [99]-114, [1, index], pl. 28-33.

4: Jan-Feb 1890 (BSbF 14 Mar 1890; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1890; Bot. Zeit. 30 Mai 1890), p.

[115]-157, pl.34-45. - Genéve (Imprimerie Charles Schuchardt). 5: Jan-Aug 1892 (Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1892; Bot. Zeit. 7 Oct 1892), p. [1]-24, [25, 27], pl. 46- 51. — Geneve (Imprimerie Aubert Schuchardt).

6: 1893 (Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1893; Bot. Zeit. 1 Dec 1893), p. [1]-10, pl. 52-54. —Genéve (as 5).

7: 1897 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1897), p. [1]-45, pl. 55-64. — Genéve (Imprimerie Rey &

Malavallon), cover: Genéve et Bale (Georg et Cie, ...).



  1. Le jardin du Crest. Notes sur les végétaux cultivés en plein air au chateau du Crest prés

Genéve ... Genéve (Imprimerie Rey & Malavallon ...) 1896. Qu. (Jard. Crest).

Publ.: Jun-Aug 1896 (p. ix: Mai 1896; Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1897; Bot. Zeit. rev. 16 Sep 1896), p. [iJ-ix, [x-xi], [1]-2209, chart, pl. 1-8. Copies: FI, MO, NY, US, USDA.

Ref.: Schroter, Bot. Centralblatt 69: 350-351. 1897 (rev.).

  1. Leguminosae langlasseanae. Légumineuses récoltées dans les états mexicains de Mi-

choacan et de Guerrero pendant les années 1898 et 1899 par Eugéne Langlassé ... Genéve

(Imprimerie W. Kundig & fils) 1903. Qu. (Légum. langlass.).

Collector: Eugene Langlassé (x- eer

Publ.: 1903 (Nat. Nov. Jun(3) 1903), p. [1]-52, pl. 1-28 (B. Hérincq; uncol.). Copies: FI, L, MO, PH, US. — Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist nat. Genéve 34(3): 243-294. 1903.

Micheli, Pier’ Antonio (Pietro Antonio) (1679-1737), Italian botanist, ‘‘oculatissimus Michelius” (L.), curator of the botanical garden of Firenze, “father of cryptogamy”, founder of the Societa botanica fiorentina; botanist to the grand duke of Tuscany. (P. Mich.).

HERBARIUM, MANUSCRIPTS and TyPEs: FI; the herbarium (30.000 specimens) contains plants collected by Micheli himself as well as by Petiver, Scheuchzer and Sherard. See Parlatore (1874). Further material at BM-SL, CR, OXF. — Micheli’s manuscripts are also at FI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 150; Ainsworth p. 345 [index]; Backer p. 369; Barnhart 2: 486; BM 3: 1306; Bossert p. 266; Clokie p. 24; Dryander 1: 197, 241, 3: 35, III, 644; DSB 9: 368-369; DTS 1: 189-190; Frank 3(Anh.): 65; GR p. 535; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Hegi 7: 559; Herder p. 83, 154; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Micheli, P.’’); HU 480; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 535; Jackson p. 13, 31, 433; Kelly p. 149; Kew 3: 676; Krempelh. 2: 20-27; Laségue 21, 341; LS 17816-17817; Maiwald p. 151, 196; Moebius p. 96, 97, 108, 112, 115, 118, 136, 277; MW p. 321; NI 1363; Plesch p. 335-336; PR 6201-6203, 7950, 9104, 10440 (ed. I: 6914-6916); Rehder 5: 571; Saccardo 1: 110. 2: 73, cron. xxvi-xxvii; SO add. 2521a*; Stevenson p. 1251; TL-1/843; TL-2/4455; Tucker 1: 484.

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 364-365. 1971 (Micheli is author of Mucor, Tuber,

Polyporus, Clathrus, ae aie Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 50: 346. 1900 (gift of herbarium specimens of Micheli to FI).



Baroni, E., Nuov. Giorn. ital. bot. ser. 2. 5(4): 341-352. 1898 (on mss. Flora fiorentina).

Buller, A. H. R., Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada sect. 4. ser. 3. 9: 1-25. 1915 (M. and the discovery of reproduction in fungi).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880 (coll. at FI; Musci, in herb. Caruel at PI).

Cavara, F., Bot. Centralbl. 98: 464. 1905 (on Saccardo 1905, herb. specimens Nov. gen. pl.).

Cocchi, A., Elogio di Pietro Antonio Micheli, Firenze 1737, 93 p.

Dandy, J. E., The Sloane herbarium 163-164. 1958 (herb.).

De Toni, G. B., Contributo alla conoscenza delle relazione del patrizio Veneziano Pietro Antonio Michelicon Ulisse Aldrovandi. Modena, 1908 (publ. 18 Jan 1909), 52 p. (Mém. Accad. Sci. Lett. Art. Modena); Ann. di Bot. 8: 617-685. rgro. (Luigi Anguillara & P. A. Micheli).

Fries, T. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(3): 53. 1909, 1(5): 252. Ig1I.

Hulth, J. M. & A. H. Uggla, Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(2): 45, 46, 49. 1943.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 282. 1864.

Kobayasi, Y., Japan. J. Bot. 54: 53-59. 1979.

Lacroix, A., Figures de savants 4: 218. 1938.

Laundon, J. R., 11: 14. 1979 (lichens at FI and BM).

Le Turquier de Longchamp, J. A., Concord. fig. crypt. Dillen 1820 (contains also concor- dance with Micheli plates), see TL-2/4455.

Lutjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 259 [index]. 1936.

Martelli, U., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 16(3): 193-261. Jul 1884 (on M’s ““Agaricini’’).

Negri, G., Pier Antonio Micheli, botanico, in Colombaria “‘l’Avido”’, suppl. to Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 45(1): Ixxxi-cvil. 1938, reprinted from Atti Soc. Colombaria Fiorentina (portr., biogr.).

O., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 272. 1824.

Parlatore, F., Coll. bot. mus. Florence 57-60. 1874 (herb. and mss.).

Pons, G., Nuov. Giorn. bot. ital. ser. 2. 5: 322-335. 1898 (on Ranunculus in his Cat. pl. agri florent.).

Ramsbottom, J., Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 27: 773-777. 1957 (on his Nov. pl. gen.).

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 219, 451. 1892.)

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (bryoph. at FI).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 123, 250. 1974.

Steinberg, C., Webbia 34: 60. 1979.

Targioni-Tozzetti, G., Catalogus vegetabilium marinorum musei usul, ad secundam partem novorum generum plantarum P. A. Micheli inserviens. Florence 1826. Notizie della vita e delle opere di Pier’ Antonio Micheli. Firenze, 1858, i, vi, 446 p. (bibl.) (See also Bull. Soc. bot. France 6: 376-380. 1859).

Tassi, F., Bull. Lab. Orto bot. 7: 6, 17, 18. 1905 (M’s activities in Siena).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 163-164. 1903.

EPONYMY: Michelia Linnaeus (1753); Michelia Adanson (1763); Michelia O. Kuntze (1891); Micheliopsis Hsuan Keng (1955); Paramichelia Hu (1940). Note: Neomichelia O. Penzig & P. A. Saccardo (1901) is dedicated to Pietro Antonio Michiel [sic] (1510-1576), Venetian patrician, connoisseur and collector of plants, one of the founders of the Hortus in Padova. Whether Saccardo’s “journal” Michelia, Commentarium Mycologicum. Padua. Vol. 1-2. 1877-1882 is also dedicated to our author is not known with certainty.

5973- Relazione dell’ erba detta da’ botanici Orobanche e volgarmente succiamele, fiamma, e

mal d’occhio. Che da molti anni in qua si € soprammodo propagata quasi per tutta la

Toscana. Nella quale si dimostra con brevita, qual sia la vera origine di detta erba; perché

danneggi 1 legumi; e il modo di estirparla ... in Firenze (Nella Stamp. di S.A.R. per li

Tartini, e Franchi...) 1723. Oct. (Relaz. Orobanche).

Orig. ed.: 1723, p. [1]-47. Copy: FI.

Post-linnaean extract: 1754, p. [1]-34. Copy: FI. — Compendto della relazione del celebre botanico Pierantonio Micheli zntorno all’ erba Orobanche detta volgarmente Succiamele contenento Punico e vero modo di estiparla ... in Firenze (appresso Andrea Bonducci ...) 1754.

5974- Nova plantarum genera juxta Tournefortii methodum disposita/Quibus plantae

mdccce recensentur, scilicet fere meccc nondum observatae, reliquae suis sedibus restitutae; quarum vero figuram exhibere visum fuit, eae ad dl aeneis tabulis cviii. graphice expressae



sunt; adnotationibus, atque observationibus, praecipue fungorum, mucorum, afliniumque

plantarum sationem, ortum, & incrementum spectantibus, interdum adjectis ... Floren-

tiae (Typis Bernardi Paperinii, ...) 179. Folio (in sets of two). (Nov. pl. gen.).

Publ.: 1729, p. [1-xxiv], 1-234, pl. 1-108 (uncol. copp.). Copies: FI, G, HU, NY, Stevenson, Teyler, US, USDA; IDC 6068. — Sixty plates for this volume are at BM. — Micheli’s own copy containing some of the original drawings is at BM.

Additional volume: see J. Targioni Tozzetti, Cat. veg. marin. edited by O. Targioni Tozzetti, Florentiae 1826, iv, 91 p., 3 pl.

Facsimile ed.: 1976, The Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd. 1976, with new introduction by D. L. Hawksworth, p. [i-vi, introd.], [i-xxiv], 1-232, pl. 1-108. Copy: U.

5975- Cl. Petri Antoni Michelii Catalogus plantarum horti caesarei florentini opus posthumum jussu societatis botanicae editum, continuatum; et ipsius horti historia locupletatum ab Jo. Targioni Tozzettio flor. med. d. rei herbariae prof. pub. ... Florentiae (ex Typographia Bernhardi Paperinii) 1748. Qu. (in twos). (Cat. hort. florent.).

Editor and part author: Giovanni Targioni Tozzetti (1712-1783).

Publ.: 1748, p. [i]-Ixxxvin, [1]-185, pl. 1-7, uncol. copp., 1 map. Copies: FI, USDA.

Michelin, Jean-Louis Hardouin (1786-1867), French administrator; magistrate, pa- laeontologist and algologist; one of the founders of the Société géologique de France. (Michelin).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Andrews p. 303; BM 3: 1306; CSP 4: 377-378, 8: 400; Quenstedt p. 294.

Hébert, E., Bull. Soc. géol. France ser. 2. 24: 780-786. 1867 (bibl.).

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 386, 397. 1901.

  1. Iconographe zoophytologique, description par localités et terrains des polypiers fossiles

de France et pays environnants par Hardouin Michelin, ... accompagnée de figures

lithographiées, par Ludovic Michelin et Delarue fils. Paris (Chez P. Bertrand) 18404 1847.

Qu. (Iconogr. zoophyt.).

Texte: In parts between 1840 and 1847 (p. viii: 8 Dec 1847), p. [i]-xii, [1 ]-348. Planches: id., p. [i-ii], p/. 2-49, uncol. liths. by Ludovic Michelin and Delarue fils. Copy: Teyler. ~

Michelis, Friedrich Bernard Ferdinand (1818-1886), German clergyman and bota- nist; priest at Albachten 1855-1864; subsequently professor of philosophy at the Braunsberg Lyceum. (Michelis).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 52: 376; BM 3: 1306; CSP 17: 230; GR p. 112; Herder p. 140; Jackson p. 83; Kew 3: 676; LS 17818; PR 6204; Rehder 1: 261. Anon., Bot. Zeit. 44: 431-432. 1886.

5977- Das Formentwicklungsgesetz im Pflanzenreiche oder das natirliche Pflanzensystem nach

idealem Principe ausgefihrt ... Bonn (Verlag von A. Henry) 1869. Oct. (Formentw.


Publ.: Apr 1869 (p. xxiii: 23 Jan 1869; ““soeben”’, Flora and Bot. Zeit. 7 Mai 1869; ObZ 1 Jul 1869; Bot. Zeit. 20 Aug 1869), p. [i]-xxiil, [xxiv], [1]-435. Copies: MO, NY.

Ref.: Barry, H. A. de, Bot. Zeit. 28: 432-434. 1870.

Michener, Ezra (1794-1887), American physician, conchologist and botanist in Chester County, Pennsylvania; M. D. Univ. Penn. 1817. (E. Michener).

HERBARIUM and Types: BPI (38 vols., including material from Schweinitz and M. A. Curtis). Further material at DWC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 486; BM 3: 1306; Bossert p. 266; CSP 4: 379, 8:



400, 12: 507, 17: 231; GR p. 232; IH 2: 536; ME 1: 212, 3: 625 [index]; PH 1-13, 98, 567;

Rehder 3: 355; TL-2/1: 1310.

Anon., Amer. J. Sci. ser. 3. 35: 263. 1888; Ann. Bot. 1: 408. 1888; Bot. Centralbl. 32: 63. 1887 (d.); Bot. Not. 1888: 46 (d. 25 Jun 1887); Leopoldina 24: 54. 1888 (d.).

Darlington, Bull. Torrey bot. Club 6(8): 50. 1875.

E., J. Mycology 3(8): 95. 1887 (d.).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 92. 1969.

Gordon, Bartonia 22: 8. 1943 (mat. DWC).

Haines, B. M., in Kelly, H. A., Cycl. Amer. med. biogr. 2: 167-168. 1912.7 Kelly, H. A. and W. L. Burrage, Amer. med. biogr. 789. 1920.

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. mem. North. Amer. mycol. 1975, mss.

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philadelphia 178-180. 1899.

Lloyd, C. G., Mycol. notes 6: 946-947. 1921.

Michener, E., Autobiographical notes from the life and letters of Ezra Michener. Philadel- phia 1893.

Pennell, F. W., Bartonia 21: 55. 1942.

Shear, C. L. and N. E. Stevens, Bull. Torrey bot. Club 44: 547-558. 1917.

Smith, E., Bartonia 28: 10. 1957 (on M’s “raid” on Schweinitz specimens).

Stevenson, J., Taxon 4: 183-184. 1955 (on coll. at BPI).

EPONYMyY: Michenera Berkeley & Curtis (1868).

Michot, Norbert Louis (1803-1887), Belgian botanist; educated at Thuin and Tournay; abbé at Mons from 1840; almoner of the Carmelites (Muzchot).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at BR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 486; BL 2: 38, 691; BM 3: 1307; CSP 4: 379, 17:

239; IH 2: 536; Kew 3: 677; Morren ed. 10 p. 46; PR 6207-6208 (ed. 1: 6918); Rehder 5:

572; Tucker 1: 484.

Anon., Ann. Bot. 1: 409. 1888 (bibl.); Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 26(2): 57. 1887.

Crépin, F., Man. fl. Belg. xvii, xx. 1860.

Evens, F. M. J. C., Gesch. algol. Belgie 183. 1944.

Laduron, P., Mém. Soc. Sci. Arts Lettres Hainaut 9: 1-4. 1887 (b. 4 Feb 1803, d. 9 Apr 1887; obit., bibl. notes), also zx Notice sur Monsieur ? Abbé Norbert-Louis Michot ... Mons, 1887, 12 p. (contains also an anonymous account of L’s ecclesiastical career).

Middendorff, Alexander Theodor von (Aleksandr Fedorovic Middendorf) (1815- 1894), Russian biologist and explorer; Dr. med. Dorpat 1837; professor of zoology at Kiew 1839; to Siberia 1843-1844; at St. Petersburg 1845-1865; imperial counsel 1873. (Middend.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LE; further material at C, H, L, LY, MW, PR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 52: 387-395; Backer p. 372; Barnhart 2: 486; BM 3:

1307-1308; CSP 4: 380-381, 8: 401, 10: 806, 17: 233; DSB 9: 374-375 (q. v. for recent biogr.

refs.); Herder p. 12, 210, 235, 432; Jackson p. 191, 393; Kew 3: 677; Laségue p. 418, 502; LS

17825-17825a; MW p. 321; PR 6209; Quenstedt p. 295; Ratzeburg p. 360-370 (detailed

biogr.; bibl.) Rehder 5: 572; SBC p. 127 (“Midd.”); TL-1/1127; TL-2/1: see Goeppert, H.

R., TR 919-927; Tucker 1: 485.

Allen, J. A., ed., Auk ser. 2. 11: 264. 1894 (obit.).

Anon., Leopoldina 30: 57. 1894 (b. Aug 1815, d. 28 Jan 1914 n.s.).

Borodin, J., Trav. Mus. bot. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 4: 79-80. 1908.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 433. 1880.

Embacher, F., Lexik. Reisen 206-207. 1882.

Fischer, F. E. L. v., in W. J. Hooker, London J. Bot. 3: 272-273. 1844.

Herder, F. v., Bot. Jahrb. 9: 431, 442-443. 1888; Bot. Centralbl. 55: 261, 266. 1893 (coll. LE), 58: 193-197, 391. 1894 (obit.; b. 1815, d. 16 Jan 1894, o.s.).

Hinckeldeyn, R. M., Gartenflora 43: 532-533. 1894.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 46. 1901 (pl. K).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 470. 1884.



Jurgenson, P. B., Bjull. Mosk. Obs¢. Isp. Prir., Biol. 71: 142-148. 1966.

Lindemann, E. von, Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61(1): 48. 1886 (pl. MW).

Lipschitz, S., Florae URSS fontes 220 [index]. 1975.

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 283. 1969.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 148. 1863 (b. 6 Aug 1815 0.s.), 3: 913. 1898 (d. 16 Jan 1894 o.s.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 513. 1977 (bryoph. LE).

Sclater, P. L., ed., Ibis ser. 6. 6: 458. 1894 (obit.).

Voit, C. v., Sitzungsber. k. bayer. Akad. Wiss. 24: 148-150. 1895.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 175, pl. 37. 1903 (portr.), 3(3): 189. 1905.

Wolkenhauer, W., Geogr. Jahrb. 19: 379-380. 1897 (b. 18 Aug 1815, d. 28 Jan 1894, new style).

EPONYMY: : Middendorfia [sic] Trautvetter (1842).

  1. Reise in den dussersten Norden und Osten Siberiens wahrend der Jahre 1843 und 1844...

St. Petersburg (Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften ...) 1847-

1867, 4 vols. Qu. (Rezse Sibir.).

Publ.:in four volumes; of which 1(1), 1(2) and 4(1) with botany. Copies: BR, FI, NY, Teyler.

Band 1, Theil 1: 1848 (imprimatur 16 Sep 1848), p. [1*-vii*], [i, h.t.], [i]-lvi, [1]-274, pl. 1-15. — Fossil woods on p. [223]-237, pl. 7-70.

Band 1, Theil 2, Botanik: 1847-1856.

Lieferung 1: 1847, p. [i-vii], [1]-190, pl. 1-8. — E. R. von Trautvetter, Die phanogame Pflanzen aus dem Hochnorden.

Lieferung 2: 1851, p. [191 ]-435, pl. 9-18 col.—F. J. Ruprecht, Tange des Ochotskischen Meeres; facsimile ed. 1978, Bibliotheca phycologica 39, Vaduz (J. Cramer).

Lieferung 3: 1856 (imprimatur 14 Jan 1856), E. R. von Trautvetter und C. A. Meyer, Florula Ochotensis phaenogama, p. [i-iv], [1]-133, pl. 19-24, 25a, 256, 26-31. E. G. et G. G. Borszczov, Muscz tarmyrenses nec non fungi boganidenses et ochotenses, p. 135-148.

Band 4, Theil 1: 1864, Uebersicht der Natur Nord-und Ost-Siberiens. Lieferung 4: 1864, p. i-1v, 525-783, i-liv, 7 pl. A. von Middendorff, Die Gewéichse Sibiriens (Anhang 1-5). W. Nylander, Lichenes middendorfiani, p. lv-lviii, Anhang 6, publ. 1867. Russian ed.: 1860-1878, St. Petersburg, 2 vols., n.v.. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 6: 199-202. 10 Mar 1848 (1(2) Lief. 1); 14: 552-

558, 573-577 593-596, 615-618. 1856. Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 3: 630-632. Dec 1856-1857 (prim.).

Miége, Emile (fl. 1910), French botanist; Dr. Sci. Paris 1910; agricultural botanist at the Ecole nationale d’agriculture de Rennes. (E. Miége).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 487; Bossert p. 266; LS 3: 36984-36985, suppl. 16404-18411.

  1. Théses présentées a la Faculté des Sciences de Paris pour obtenir le titre de docteur de Puniversité par Em. Miége ... 1° thése Recherches sur les principales espéces de Fagopyrum. (Sarrasin) ... soutenues le [mss.: 17] Décembre 1g10. — Rennes (Imprimerie des arts et manufactures, ...) 1910. Oct. (Rech. Fagopyrum).

Publ.: 17 Dec 1910, p. [3]-426, [1-2, cont.; 1, theses], 7 pl. (col.). Copies: L, MO.

Miégeville, Joseph (1819-1901), French clergyman, botanist and explorer of the Pyre- nees. (Miégeville).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 485; Barnhart 2: 487; BL 2: 112, 691; CSP 4: 381, 8: 401, 10: 806, 12: 507, 17: 234; GR p. 340; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Miégev.”’; b. 1814); Kelly p. 149; LS 17830; PR (alph.); Rehder 2: 601; Zander ed. 10, p. 692, ed. 11, p. 789.



Anon., Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 41(2): 39. 1903; Bull. Soc. bot. France 48: 403-404. 1901, see also ib. Table art. orig. 1854-1863, p. 172-174 (bibl.).

Miers, John (1789-1879), British botanist and metallurgist; travelled in South America 1819-1838; later in London as private scientist. (Miers).

HERBARIUM and Types: BM, with all his notes and drawings; large sets of duplicates are at CGE, G and K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 487; BB p. 214; BM 3: 1309; Bossert p. 266; CSP 4: 382-383, 8: 402, 10: 807-808, 12: 507, 17; 235; Desmond p. 436; DNB 37: 369; Frank 3(Anh.): 65; Herder p. 466; Hortus 3: 1199 (“Miers”); 1H 1 (ed. 7): 362, 2: 537; Jackson p. 11g, 371, 580; Kew 3: 679; Langman p. 506; Laségue p. 257-258, 306, 327, 505; Lenley p. 464; Morren ed. 2, p. 24; MW p. 321-322; NI 1364-1366, 1366n; PR 6212-6213 (GL. Te 6922-6923); Rehder 5: 573; RS p. 119; TL-2/3012; Tucker 1: 485-486; Urban-Berl. p. 321; Zander ed. 10, p. 692, ed. 11, p. 789.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1277. 1870.

Anon., Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 5. 4: 469-471. 1879 (obit.); Bonplandia 1: 143, 217. 1853, 3: 32. 1855 (cogn. Leopoldina: Kunth), 6: 48. 1858, 7: 66. 1859; Bot. Centralbl. 42: 96. 1880 (d.); Bot. Not. 1880: 28 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 38: 30. 1880; Bull. Soc. bot. France 26 (Bibl.): 190-191. 1879 (obit.); Flora 62: 512. 1879; Gard. Chron. 1879: 522 (obit.); J. Bot. 17: 352. 1879; Leopoldina 16: 143. 1880; Nature 20: 614. 1879 (obit.); Nat. Nov. 1: 207, 223. 1879 (herb. and notes left to BM); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1888/90: 38-39. 1891 (on portr.); Proc. Roy. Soc. 29: xxii-xxil. 1879.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 434. 1880.

Carruthers, W., J. Bot. 18: 33-36. 1880 (biogr. portr., b. 25 Aug 1789, d. 17 Oct 1879).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 110. 1970 (pl. E).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 46.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 431, 467. 1884.

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30: 212-213. 1947.

Miers, J., Bonplandia 4: 201-205. 1856 (“Volksnamen chilesischer [sic] Pflanzen’).

Miller, H. S., Taxon 19: 533. 1970.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM (NH) 1: 168. 1904 (herb.).

Reiche, K., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Chile 9, 36. 1907 (Veg. Erde 8).

Turrill, W. B., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1920: 59.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 107-108. 1898; Fl. bras. 1(1): 63-64. 1906 (biogr., itin.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 95. 1903.

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM (NH) 1: 42. 1904 (mss).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Apocynaceae, Solanaceae, Atropaceae, in Seemann, Bot. Voy. Herald, q.v. (2) see W. J. Hooker, Niger Fl. 1849, TL-2/3014.

HANDWRITING: J. Bot. 18: plate facing p. 33. 1880. eponymy: Miersia J. Lindley (1826); Mierstella Urban (1903);) Muerstophyton Engler (1899).

  1. Travels in Chile and la Plata, including accounts respecting the geography, geology, statistics, government, finances, agriculture, manners and customs, and the mining opera- tions in Chile. Collected during a residence of several years in these countries ... London (printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy) 1826, 2 vols. Oct. (Trav. Chile).

1: 1826, p. [i]-xv, [1]-494, pl. 7-17, map.

2: 1826, p. [i]-vii, [1]-536, pl. 12-79, map, list of plants on p. 529-532.

Copy: NY.

  1. Illustrations of South American plants... London (H. Bailliere, .. .), Paris (J. B. Bailliére, ..) 1850-1857, 2 vols. Qu. (Zl. S. Amer. pl.). 1: 1850 (p. iv: Jul 1846), p. [i-iv], [1]-183, [i]-[xx], descr. pl., pl. 1-34, [i]-iv. 2: 1857 (t.p. 1849-1857, p. iv; Nov 1857; Bonplandia 1 Jul 1858), p. [i]-1v, [1]-150, appendix [1]-79, [1-22, descr. pl.], pl. 35-87. Copies: G, MO, NY, US, USDA; IDC 5143.


MIERS (1845)

The first volume contains the text, slightly changed, and set up in new type, of a series of articles in W. J. Hooker, Lond. J. Bot. vols. 4-7.

The second volume is in part set up of (shifted) type ofa series of papers in Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 2. 3-14.

Illustrations of South American Plants Source Vol. 1: [1]2-52 Hooker, J. Bot. 4: 321-371. 1845 52-68 4: 498-515. 1845 68-114 5: 144-190. 1846 115-124 7: 17-26. 1848 124-132 7: 57-64. 1848 132-158 7: 333-369. 1848 [161]162-183 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, 3[15]: [161] 162-183, Mar 1849 Vol. 2: [1]2-6 Ann.Mag. Nat. Hist. ser.2, 3[14]: 141-146. Feb. 1849 6-14 3[ 16]: 261-269. Apr 1849 14-22 3[18]: 443-451. Jun 1849 22-30 4[19]: 31-39. Jul 1849 30-36 4[20]: 136-142. Aug 1849 36-44 4[21]: 185-193. Sep 1849 44-52 4[22]: 248-256. Oct 1849 Seay) 4[23]: 357-363. Nov 1849 58-64 5125]: 29-35. Jan 1850 65-70 5[27]: 204-210. Mar 1850 70-79 528]: 247-255. Apr 1850 79-81 6[33]: 180-182. Sep 1850 81-85 7[39]: 196-200. Mar 1851 85-88 11[63]: 185-189. Mar 1853 88-107 14[79]: [1]2-20. Jul 1854 108-117 14[80]: 131-141. Aug 1854 117-130 14[81]: 182-194. Sep 1854 130-140 14[83]: 336-346. Nov 1854 140-150 - 15[87]: 196-206. Mar 1855 (Appendix) 1-8 (If published earlier, place unknown to us) Q-15 ser. 2, 5[30]: 467-473. Jun 1850 15-21 6[ 31]: 35-41. Jul 1850 21-34 11[65]: 368-381. Mai 1853 34-41 11 [66]: 435-442. Jun 1853 41-54 11[61]: [1]2-14. Jan 1853 54-69 11[62]: go-105. Feb 1853

  1. Contributions to botany, iconographic and descriptive, detailing the characters of plants

that are either new or imperfectly described; to which are added remarks on their affinities

... London (vols. 2-3: and Edinburgh) (Williams and Norgate, ...) 3 vols. 1851-1871. Qu.

(Contr. bot.).

Publ.: reprints of articles published in Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., collected, revised and provided with plates. Copies: MO, NY, U, US, USDA; IDC 5142.

Vol. 1: Jan-Jun 1862, “1851 to 1861” (p. v: Nov 1861; BSbF Sep 1862), p. [i]-v, [r]-311, [1- 23, expl. pl.], pl. 1-42, uncol. liths. Vol. 2: Jan-Mar 1870, ‘1860 to 1869” (Flora 10 Dec 1870; p. v: Oct 1869; J. Bot. Apr 1870),

p. [1]-v, [1]-267, [1-15, expl. pl.], pl. 43-87, id. Vol. 3: Nov-Dec 1871, “1864 to 1871” (p. v: Mar 1871; J. Bot. Dec 1871), p. [iJ-v, [vi], [1]- 402, [1-30, expl. pl.], pl. 88-154, id.

Facsimile ed.: announced, but not yet published, by Asher & Koeltz 1974. Original publication and concordance with reprints:


Contr. Bot.

Vol. 1:

Vol. 1: Vol. 2:

Vol. 3:

[:]2-9 9-16 16-21 21-44 44-48 48-56 56-69 69-80 80-95 95-106 106-111 112-123 123-138 138-148 145-154 154-155 a 177-187 187-196 196-213 213-221 221-230 230-249 249-266 266-272 273-284 285-295 295-304 [1]2-17 17-26 27-33 33-42 42-57 Dia 71-81 81-90 Gees) gg-III III-117 117-131 131-137 at Be) 153-160 161-175 175-190 190-202 202-215 215-224 224-230 230-242 242-256 256-261 [1]2-15 16-29 29-37 37-49" 49-59" 59-73"

Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.

ee eee ee SS

Ser. 2, vol.

Ser. 3, vol.

Ser. 3. vol.

Ser. 4, vol.

Ser. 3, vol.

7[39]: 200-207 7(42]: 452-459 8[44]: 103-107 8/45]: [161] 162-184 g[50]: 128-132 9[51]:218-226 9[53]: 387-399 9[54]: 481-492 10[55]: 30-44 10[56]: 108-119 10[57]: 176-181 15: 342-353 2[7]: 33-48 2[8]: 109-115 2[9]: 183-192 ANH ||2 ABI 3[14]: 125-146 3[ 16]: 274-284 3[17]: 394-404 4[19]: 12-28 4[20]: 129-136 4[23]: 358-367 5[26]: 76-95 5[27]: 200-216 ]: 267-273 5[29]: 370-381 ]: 482-492 ]: 5-14 6[33]: 174-190 6[34]: 279-288 6[35]: 350-356 6[36]: 396-404 7[39]: [153]154-168 7[40]: 255-268 7[41]: 386-396 8[44]: 111-120 8[45]: 219-228 8[47]: 389-401 9[50]: 107-117 9[51]: 214-223 9[52]: 289-294 9154]: [421]422-437 10[56]: 133-140 11[65]: 248-263 217]: 39-54 2[8]: 121-133 2[g]: 191-204 2[12]: 427-436 3[14]: 106-112 3[ 15]: 199-210 3[ 16]: 300-313 3[17]: 383-388 13[73]: [1]2-15 13[74]: 122-135 13[76]: 315-323 13[78]: 486-491 14[79]: 49-53 14[80]: 97-103


Mar 1851 Jun 1851

Aug 1851 Sep 1851

Feb 1852 Mar 1852 Mai 1852 Jun 1852 Jul 1852

Aug 1852 Sep 1852 Mai 1858 Jul 1858

Aug 1858 Sep 1858 Dec 1858 Feb 1859 Apr 1859 Mai 1859 Jul 1859

Aug 1859 Nov 1859 Feb 1860 Mar 1860 Apr 1860 Mai 1860 Jun 1860 Jul 1860

Sep 1860 Oct 1860 Nov 1850 Dec 1850 Mar 1861 Apr 1861 Mai 1861 Aug 1861 Sep 1861

Nov 1861 Feb 1862 Mar 1862 Apr 1862 Jun 1862 Aug 1862 Apr 1863 Jul 1868

Aug 1868 Sep 1868 Dec 1868 Feb 1869 Mar 1869 Apr 1869 Mai 1869 Jan 1864 Feb 1864 Apr 1864 Jun 1864 Jul 1864

Aug 1864

MIERS (1864)


MIERS (1864)

Contr. Bot. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Date

Vol. 3: 74-100* Ser. 3, vol. 14[82]: 252-261 Oct 1864 100-127* 14[83]: 363-374 Nov 1864 127-197* 17[98]: 128-138 Feb 1866 198-210* 17[100]: 265-270 Apr 1866 210-249* 18[ 103]: 12-22 Jul 1866 249-278* 1g9[ 109]: 19-29 Jan 1867 278-307* 19[110]: 84-95 Feb 1867 307-328* 1g[111]: 187-197 Mar 1867 328-351* 19[113]: 319-330 Mai 1867 351-367* 20[115]: 11-20 Jul 1867 367-377* 20[117]: 167-175 Sep 1867 377-385* 20[118]: 260-265 Oct 1867

*Genera described in journal with spp. listed; but latter described only in Contributions. Thus, species date from the Contributions, not from the journal.

  1. On the Apocynaceae of South America with some preliminary remarks on the whole family

... London, Edinburgh (Williams and Norgate, ...) 1878. Qu. (Apocyn. S. Amer.).

Publ.: Mai-Jun 1878 (Bot. Zeit. 2 Aug 1878; J. Bot. Jul 1878), p. [i-1i], [1]-291, pl. 7-35 (uncol.; author). Copies: MO(2), NY, PH, U, US.

Ref.: Trimen, H., J. Bot. 16: 284-285. 1878.

Migout, Abel (1830-?), French botanist; high school teacher at Moulins (Allier). (Migout). HERBARIUM and TypPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 488; BL 2: 116, 691; BM 3: 1309, 7: 84.0; Kew 3: 680; PR 6214; Rehder 5: 573; Tucker 1: 486. Magenin, A., Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 35: 148. 1gro.

  1. Flore du département de [ Allier description des plantes qui y croissent spontanément, classées suivant la méthode naturelle ... Moulins (Imprimerie A. Ducroux et Gourjon Dulac, ...) 1866. Oct. (Fl. Aller).

Ed. 1: 1866 (p. v: Jul 1866), p. [1*-i*], [i]-xxiv, [1]-415, pl. 1-24 (uncol.). Copy: NY.

Ed. 2: Mai-Jun 1890 (p. viii: Mai 1890; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1890; J. Bot. Sep 1890; Bot. Zeit. 26 Dec 1890), p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xvi, [1[-509. Copy: USDA. — “Flore ... Aller et des cantons voisins description ... deuxiéme édition complétement refondue et considérablement augmentée ... ’’ Moulins (Imprimerie Fudez fréres, .. .) Oct.

  1. Excursion botanique dans les montagnes du Bourbonnais par A. Pérard ... A. Migout, ...

Moulins (Imprimerie de C. Desrosiers) 1881. Oct.

Senior author: Alexandre Jules César Pérard (1834-1887).

Publ.: Aug-Dec 1881 (p. 19: 15 Jul 1881), p. [1]-19. Copy: BR. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Emul. Allier 16: 572-588. 1881.

Migula, Emil Friedrich August Walther (1863-1938), German botanist; Dr. phil. Breslau 1888; lecturer, from 1893 professor of botany at the Technical University of Karlsruhe (1888-1904) and at the Forestry School of Eisenach (1904-1915). (Adzg.).

HERBARIUM and Types: JE (Algae, lichenes). Exsiccatae: (1) Aryptogamae (Cryptogamae) Germaniae, Austriae et Helvetiae exsiccatae fasc. 1-62, 1500 nos., 1902-1933, details see GR, IH and Sayre (1969).

(2) Characeae exsiccatae fasc. 1-6, nos. 1-150, 1892-1901. Co-authors, P. Sydow (1851-1925), L. J. Wahlstedt (1836-1917), details see IH and Sayre (1969).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 488; BJI 1: 40, 2: 117; BM 3: 1309-1310, 7: 840; CSP 17: 237; De Tonia: Ixxxv, 4: xxxng DTS 1: 191; GR p: 39: pealmaglpedew poe: Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Hirsch p. 199; IH 1 (ed. 6); 362, 2: 537; Kelly p. 149; Kew 3: 680;


MIGULA (1808)

KR p. 502; LS 36989-36993, suppl. 18429-18446; Moebius p. 70, 85, 86, 364; MW p. 322;

Nordstedt p. 23, suppl. p. 11, 18; SBC p. 127 (“Mig.”’); Stevenson p. 1251.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 57: 159. 1894 (prof. bot. Karlsruhe); Bot. Jahrb. 18 (Beibl. 44): 41. 1894 (ord. prof. Karlsruhe), 37 (Beibl. 84): 3. 1906 (ord. prof. bot. Eisenach); Mycol. Centralbl. 3: 351. 1914 (Hofrat); Nat. Nov. 16: 54. 1894 (app. Karlsruhe), 27: 123. 1905 (app. Eisenach); Osterr. bot. Z. 44: 80. 1894 (ord. prof. Karlsruhe).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 318 [index]. 1936.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 110. 1970 (exsicc.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 11: 20. 1905 (to Eisenach as prof. of botany).

Laundon, J. R. Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979.

Meyer, F. K. & H. Manitz, in Reichth. Rarit. Jenaer Reden u. Schriften 92. 1974.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 35-36, 88. 1969.

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 5(2/3): 285, 293. 1939 (portr.).

Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 827. 1965.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Die Algen. — Die Flagellaten, in O. Zacharias, Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Siisswassers, vol. 1, nos. 2, 5. 1891.

(2) Schizomycetes, in EP, Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien 1(1a): 2-41. Feb 1896.

(3) Pascher, Siisswasserflora Deutschl., Osterr. Schweiz, Charophyta, 11: [207]-243, fig. i-xiv, 1925.

  1. Die Characeen Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. Unter Berucksichtigung aller Arten Europas... Leipzig (Verlag von Eduard Kummer) [1889-]1897. Oct. (Charac. Deutschl.).

Publ.: In 12 parts, see below, p. [ii-vii], [1]-765, [ix]-xiii, [1]. Copies: B-S, BR, G, NY. — Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, ed. 2, vol. 5, Die Characeen. The dates of publication may taken to be those of citation in Nat. Nov. (1 = first half, 2=second half month).

Part pages Nat. Nov.

I 1-64 Oct(2) 1889, date on cover 1890. 2 65-128 Dec(2) 1889, idem.

B 129-192 Jan(2) 1890

4 193-256 Jan(2) 1890

5 257-320 Jan(1) 1891

6 321-384 Aug(1) 1891

Fi 385-448 Mar(2) 1892

8 449-512 Jan(1) 1893

9 513-576 Jul(2) 1894

10 577-640 Sep(1) 1895

II 641-688 [not in Nat. Nov.], date on cover: 1896. 12 689-765 Jan(2) 1897

[ui-vii],[ix-xiii],[1 | Jan(2) 1897

Re-issue: 1900, identical with main edition except for the date on the t.p. Copies: B, G (ex bibl. Boissier), MICH, UC. — Leipzig (Verlag von Eduard Kummer) 1900. Oct. Facsimile ed.: Johnson Repr. Corp., available, n.v.

  1. Synopsis Characearum europaearum. Mlustrirte Beschreibung der Characeen Europas mit Beriicksichtigung der ibrigen Welttheile ... Als Auszug aus dessen Beschreibung der Characeen in Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-flora, II. Aufl., V. Bd., gedruckt. Mit 133

Abbildungen und einer Einfiihrung in das Studium dieser Gewachse ... Leipzig (Verlag

von Eduard Kummer) 1898 [i.e. 1897]. Oct. (Syn. Charac. eur.).

Publ.: Oct-Nov 1897 (p. vi: 1887; t.p. 1898; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1897; Bot. Zeit. and Bot. Centralbl. 1 Dec 1897), p. [iJ-vi, [1, h.t.], [1]-175, [176]. Copies: M, MO, NY(2). — Extract from Migula’s treatment of the Characeae in Rabenhorst, Aryptogamenflora. (Rev.: B.P.G. Hochreutiner, Bot. Centralbl. 74: 271-272. 1898).

  1. Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Deutsch-Osterreich und der Schweiz im Anschluss



an Thome’s Flora von Deutschland bearbeitet von Dr. W. Migula... Band I. Moose. Gera,

R. (Friedrich von Zezschwitz ...) [1g01-]1904. Oct. (Arypt.- Fl. Deutschl., Moose).

Publ.:in 16 parts, 1901-1904, p. [1]-vi, [1]-512, pl. 1-68 (partly col.). Copies: FI, H, MO, NY, U, USDA. Alternative t.p.: “Director Prof. Dr. Thomé’s Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild. Band V Aryptogamen-Flora Moose, Algen, Flechten und Pilze (die Farne befinden sich in Band I) ca. 15000 Arten und Varietaten bearbeitet von Dr. W. Migula ... Band I. Moose.”

Lief. pages pl. dates Lief. pages dates

I 1-32 1-4 Aug 1901 8-10 193-272 Mai 1903 2 . 33-64 5- Oct 1901 II-12 273-336 Aug 1903 3 65-96 - Jan 1902 13 337-368 Dec 1903 4 97-128 -27 Apr 1902 14 369-384 Dec 1903 5 129-160 Aug 1902 15 385-400 Feb 1904 6 161-192 Nov 1902 16 401-448 Apr 1904 7 193-224 Jan 1903 07 i-Vi, 449-512 Jul 1904

Plates: Lief. 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 32; 40, 58, 140. — We have not been able to ascertain the precise division of the plates over the Lieferungen.

  1. Die Pflanzenwelt der Gewdsser ... Leipzig (G. J. Gdschen’sche Verlagshandlung) 1903. Oct. (Pfl.-Welt Gewass.). Publ.: 1903 (ObZ Apr-Mai 1903), p. [1]-116. Copy: NY. — Sammlung Géschen no. 158.

  2. Exkursionsflora von Deutschland zum Bestimmen der haufigeren in Deutschland wild- wachsenden Pflanzen ... Leipzig (G. J. Gdschen’sche Verlagshandlung) 1902, vols. Oct. (Exkurs.-Fl. Deutschland)

Ed. 1: 2 vols., in Sammlung Goschen nos. 268-269. Copies: B, NY.

1: Apr 1906 (Bot. Zeit. 1 Mai 1906; Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1906; ObZ Mar-Mai 1906), p. [1]- 163. 2: Apr 1906 (idem), p. [1]-185,.

Ed. 2: 1921 (Nat. Nov. Jul 1921), p. [1]-343. Copies: B, BR. — Exkursionsflora von Deutschland zum Bestimmen der haufigeren in Deutschland wildwachsenden Pflanzen ...” Berlin und Leipzig (Vereinigung wissenschaftlicher Verleger Walter de Gruyter & Co. ...) 1921. Oct.

  1. Aryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Deutsch-Osterreich und der Schweiz im Anschluss

an Thome’s Flora von Deutschland bearbeitet von Dr. W. Migula... Band ui. Algen. 1. Teil.

Cyanophyceae, Diatomaceae, Chlorophyceae. Gera, R. (Verlag fur die Botanik “‘Flora

von Deutschland”) [1905]-1907. Oct. (A7rypt.-Fl. Deutschland., Alg.).

Publ.: 1. Teil: 1905-1907, in 8 parts; p. [i-iv], [1 ]-918, pl. 1-6, 66, 7, 7b-7d, 7k-71, 8, 8b, 8c, 9-10, 10b-10g, 11-15, 15b-15e, 16-18, 18b-18c, 19-20, 20b, 21-22, 22b-d, 23, 23b-23d, 23k-23p, 24, 24b- 24d, 25, 25b, 26, 26b, 27, 27b-27¢, 27d, 28, 28b-28k, 29, 29b-29d, 30, 31-33, 33-34, 349, 35, 350- 35d, 35k-352, 30, 30b-36d, 36k-365, 37-39, 39b-39h, 40-41, 41b, 42, 42b, 43, 43b-43e, liths., some in col.

  1. Teil: 1908-1909, in 3 parts, p. [ii-iv], [1]-383, pl. 44, 44b-444, 45, 45), 46, 46b, 47, 47b-47h, 48, 49, 49b-49l, 50551 51b-516, 52b-52d, 52k-52N, 535 530-535 5 3h-5 30> 545 540-544, 54h-5 42,55, 550-55F, 56, 56b-56f, 57; 57B-57f; 58, 59, 596-59; 60-69, 696, 70-78, uncol. liths.

Copies: G, USDA. — The G copy has a new imprint on a sticker: Berlin-Lichterfelde (Hugo Bermuhler Verlag). Alternative t.p.: Direktor Prof. Dr. Thomeé’s Flora von Deutsch- land, Osterreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild. Band VI Kryptogamen-Flora ... Band II. Algen 1.[2.] Teil. — Vol. 6/7 of Thomé, Fl. Deutschland. Lief. 18-65.

Summary Algen (approximate dates).

Vol. Thomé Lief. Vol. Krypt. pages dates

6(1) 18/19 2(1) 1-48 Jan 1905 20/21 49-112 Apr 1905 22 113-144 Jul 1905

MIGULA (1908)

Vol. Thome liek: Vol. Krypt. pages dates 23 145-176 Sep 1905 24. 177-208 Nov 1905 25 209-224 Mar 1906 26 225-256 Apr 1906 27 257-288 Jul 1906 28/30 289-384 Aug 1906 31/32 385-448 Dec 1906 33 449-480 Jan 1907 34/35 481-544 Apr 1907 36/40 545-688 Mai 1907 41/46 689-864 Oct 1907 47/48 865-918 Dec 1907

6(2) 49/53 2(2) 1-144 Jun 1908 54/58 145-276 Oct 1908 59/65 277-383 Jan 1909

Plates: We have not been able to ascertain the precise division of the plates over the Lieferungen; the plates did not appear in the same order as the text.

  1. Allgemeine Pilzkunde Einfuhrung in die Kenntniss der wichtigsten Pilzgruppen ...

Stuttgart (Verlag von Strecker und Schroder) s.d. [1g09]. Oct. (Allg. Pilzk.).

Publ.: 1909 (Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1909) p. [i]-vii, [1 ]-104, pl. 1-5. Copies: B (9g. Tausend), USDA (1.-6. Tausend).

5993- Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Deutsch-Osterreich und der Schweiz im Anschluss an Thomé’s Flora von Deutschland bearbeitet von Dr. W. Migula. Band iii. Pilze. Gera (Verlag von Friedrich von Zezschwitz), Teil 4(1) Berlin (Hugo Bermuhler Verlag), 4(2) Leipzig (Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H.). 1g10-1934, 4 Teile. Oct. (Arypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Pilze).

Publ.: in parts, 1908-1935, see summary, below. Copies: BR, G, Stevenson. — Alternative title: “Direktor Prof. Dr. Thomé’s Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild. Band viii. Kryptogamen-Flora Moose, Algen, Flechten und Pilze (die Farne befinden sich in Band 1) ca. 30.000 Arten und Varietaten bearbeitet von Dr. W. Migula ... Band iii. Pilze.’’ Also: vols 8-11 of Thome, Fl. Deutschland.

Teil 1: 1908-1910, in parts. p. [ii-iv], [1]-510, pl. 1, rb-l, 2, 2b-v, 3, 3b-k, 4, 4b-1,5,6,66-f,7,76-n, 8, 8b-k, 9, 9b-k, 10, 1ob-e, 11, 11b, 12 (some in colour). 24b-¢, 25, 26, 26b-c, 27, 27b-c, 28-30, 30b-C, 31, 32, 32b-6, 33, 330-f, 34; 340, 35-393 390, 40-42, 42b-420, 43, 43b-d, 44, 44b-C, 45, 456-454, 46, 46b, 47, 47b-C, 48, 48b, 49, 49b, 50b-h, 51, 51b-C, 52, 53, 530-k, 545 540-9, 555.50, 500-€,57,570-€, 58b-e, 59,59-d, 60, 60b, 61, 61b-h, 62, 62b-c, 63, 63¢, 64, 64b-c, 65, 65b-c, 66, 66b-f, 67, 68, 68b, 69, 69b-h, 70, 70b, 71, 72; (col.). 101, 1orb-f, 102-105, 1056, 106, 106, 107-110, 110b, 111-123, 123b-123k, 124-125, 125b-c, 126, 126b-f, 127-128, 128b, 129, 130, 130b-C, 131, 132, 132b, 133, 1345 135b-e, 136, 136b-e, 137, 137b-e, 138-139, 1396, 140, 141, 141b, 142-146. (col.).

Teil 3, Abt. r: 1912 p. [ii-iv], [1]-683, pl. 1-100 (mostly uncol.).

Teil 3, Abt. 2: 1913 p. [ii-iv], [685 ]-1404, pl. ror-200 (1d.).

Teil 4, Abt. 1: 1914-1921 p. [ii-iv], [1]-614, pl. 1-90 (id.).

Teil 4, Abt. 2: 1934-1935 (p.v: Sep 1934), p- [ii]-vil, [1 ]-629, pl. 92-171 (id.). All parts publ. 1934; 1: [1]-16, pl. 105,95, 98; 2: 17-32, pl. 91-92, 96; 3: 33-64, pl. 93-94; 4: 65-160, pl. 97,99- 104, 106-119; 5: 161-320, pl. 120-140; 6: 321-432, pl. 141-154; 7: [11]-viil, 433-620, pl. 155-171.

Summary of dates of publications, Pilze (division of plates over Lieferungen not ascertained):


MIGULA (1908)

Thomé Thome Theil pages dates vol Lief. Krypt. 8 66-69 I 1-80 Aug 1908 70-72 81-128 Jun 1909 73°15 129-176 Sep 1909 76-79 177-240 Nov 1909 80-81 241-272 Dec 1909 82-90 273-416 Mar 1910 g1-96 417-510 Jul 1910 9 Q7-101 2(1) 1-64 Dec 1910 102 65-80 Jan 1911 103-108 81-176 Mar IgII 109-112 177-240 Jun rgri 113-114 241-273 Jul r9ir 115-123 2(1,2) 273-416 Nov 191! 124-135 2(2) 417-608 Jan 1912 136-146 609-814 Apr 1912 10 149-162 3(1) 1-336 Sep 1912 163-176 337-624 Novy 1912 177-178 625-684 Dec 1912 179-194 3(2) 684-1068 Mar 1913 195-206 1069-1324 Aug 1913 207-211 1325-1404 Dec 1913 II 212-223 4(1) 1-288 Apr 1914 224-233 289-512 Mai-Dec 1914 234-235 513-544 Feb 1920 236-237 545-576 Jun 1921 238-243 577-614 Sep 1921 308-310 4(2) 1-64 Jan-Jun 1934 Bil 65-160 Jul 1934 CHI 161-320 Oct 1934 313 321-432 Oct 1934 314 I-Vill, 433-629 Feb 1935

  1. Praktisches Pilz-Taschenbuch. Anleitung zum Sammeln und Bestimmen unserer wich-

tigsten essbaren und giftigen Pilze ... Stuttgart (Verlag von Strecker und Schréder) s.d.

[1910] Oct. (Prakt. Pilz-Taschenb.).

Publ.: Jul-Sep 1910 (preface Jun 1910; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1g10; Bot. Centralbl. 8 Nov rgro), p. [i-vini], [1]-145, pl. 1-75 (col.). Copy: NY. — Naturwissenschaftliche Weegweiser, ed. Kurt Lampert, Serie A, Band 20/21. — 19th thousand Stuttgart 1919 (Nat. Nov. Jul


5995- Die Desmidiazeen ein Hilfsbuch fir Anfanger bei der Bestimmung der am haufigsten vorkommenden Formen von Prof. Dr. W. Migula Eisenach. Mit 7 Tafeln. Stuttgart (Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung) 1911. Oct. (Desmidiazeen).

Ed. 1: Aug-Sep 1911 (p. 3: Apr 1911; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1911; US rd. 25 Oct 1911), p. [1]- 65, pl. 1-7 (uncol. liths. on p. [66-72], no. 1 on verso p. 65; nos. 2-7 two/leaf). Copies: B(2), BR, G, US. — Handbicher fiir die praktische naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit vi.

Ed. 2: Jan-Jul 1924 (p. 2; on p. 3: Aug 1923; Nat. Nov. Jul 1924), p. [1]-47, [48-49, cont.; 50- 56 with pl. 1-7]. Copy: B.

Ref.: J., Osterr. bot. Z. 61: 45. rg11 (rd. Sep 1911).

  1. Die Griinalgen ein Hilfsbuch fiir Anfanger bei der Bestimmung der am haufigsten vorkommenden Arten von Prof. Dr. W. Migula Eisenach mit einer kurzgefassten, illustrier- ten Anleitung zum Sammeln und Praparieren von Dr. Georg Stehli. Mit 8 Tafeln. Stuttgart (Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung) s.d. [1912]. Oct. (Griinalgen).

Co-author: Georg Stehli.

Publ.: Nov 1912 (Bot. Centralbl. 3 Dec 1912; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1912), p. [1]-74, pl. 1-6


MIGULA (1925)

(uncol., on 4 lvs.). Copies: B, BR, G. Handbiicher fur die praktische naturwissenschaftli- che Arbeit x. Ed. 2: 1926 (p. 2), p. [1]-54, pl. 1-8 (id.). Copy: B. — Noted as of 1928 by Nat. Nov. Jun 1928.

5997 Die Spaltalgen ein Hilfsbuch fir Anfanger bei der Bestimmung der am haufigsten vorkommenden Arten nebst einer kurzgefassten Anleitung zum Sammeln und Praparieren ... Stuttgart (Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung) s.d. [1915]. Oct. (Spaltalgen).

Ed. 1: 1915 (cover; Nat. Nov. Feb(1,2) 1916), p. [1]-73, pl. 7-5 (uncol.; on 3 leaves). Copies: B, BR, US, USDA. — Handbiicher fiir die praktische naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit, Band xii.

Ed. 2: 1925 (Nat. Nov. Mai 1925), p. [1]-57, pl. 1-5 (on p. [58-62]). Copzes: B(2).

  1. Die Brand- u. Rostpilze ein Hilfsbuch zu ihrem Erkennen, Bestimmen, Sammeln,

Untersuchen und Praparieren von Prof. Dr. W. Migula Eisenach. Mit 10 Tafeln. Stuttgart

(Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung) 1917. Oct. (Brand- u. Rostpilze).

Ed. 1: 1917 (Nat. Nov. Sep(1,2) 1917), p. [1]-132, pl. 1-10 (on 5 leaves). Copies: B(2), BR, G, Stevenson. — Handbucher fir die praktische naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit. Band xiii.

Ed. 2: 1922 (Nat. Nov. Dec 1922) p. [1]-111, pl. 1-8 (on 4 lvs.). Copy: B.—“... 2. Auflage. Geschaftstelle des Mikrokosmos: Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart.” Ed. 3: 1925 (ObZ Oct-Nov 1925), p. [1]-111, pl. 1-8. Copy: USDA. — “... 3. Auflage.

Geschaftstelle des Mikrokosmos: Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung. Stuttgart.”

  1. Meeresalgen und Armleuchter-Gewdchse ein Hilfsbuch zum Erkennen, Bestimmen, Sam-

meln, Untersuchen und Praparieren der am haufigsten vorkommenden Formen von Prof.

Dr. W. Migula Eisenach. Mit 10 Tafeln. Stuttgart (Geschaftsstelle des Mikrokosmos:

Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung) 1922. Oct. (Meeresalgen).

Publ.: 1922 (Nat. Nov. Nov 1922), p. [1]-91, [92-101 = fl. 1-20]. Copies: B(2), G. — Handbiicher fur die praktische naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit, Band xv.

  1. Die essharen und giftigen Pilze aus Professor Dr. W. Migulas Kryptogamenflora von

Deutschland mit 80 farbigen Tafeln in Originalgrésse Bestimmungsbuch der wichtigsten

Pilzarten zum Gebrauche fiir Jedermann. Berlin-Lichterfelde (Hugo Bermuhler Verlag).

s.d. [1925]. Oct .(Hssb. gift. Pilze).

Publ.: 1925 (p. [ii]; Nat. Nov. Sep 1925), p. [i]-iv, [1]-102, pl.r1-198, 196, 197, 192, 194; 195; 189, 39, 16, 1-21, 24, 24d, 23, 24, 25, 276, 28, 33f, 38; 39, 41, 426, 42, 42b, 42d, 42€, 456, 44, 45d, 46b, 43, 430, 45, 434, 436, 42, 446, 470, 476, 50s 516, 51 53s 54fs 500, 564, 575 59s 50; O1f, 61, Orh, 65, 61d, 61, 63, 69e, 69h, 80b, 84b, 87, 108, 109, 114, 126, 126b, 126f, 126d, 125, 126e, 127, 138, 136, 1360, 136c, 137d, 140, 1356, 135¢ (coloured). Copies: BR, Stevenson, USDA.

Goo. Die Flechten ein Hilfsbuch zum Erkennen, Bestimmen, Sammeln, Untersuchen und

Praparieren der am haufigsten vorkommenden Formen von Prof. Dr. W. Migula Eisenach.

Mit 10 Tafeln. Stuttgart (Geschaftsstelle des Mikrokosmos: Franckh’sche Verlagshand-

lung) s.d. [1926]. Oct. (Flechten).

Publ.: Feb-Mai 1926 (p. 1i; ObZ Feb-Mai 1926), p. [i-ii], [1]-80, pl. 2-10 (on 5 lvs.). Copies: B, PH, Stevenson. — Handbiicher fir die praktische naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit, Band XIX.

  1. Die Laubmoose ein Hilfsbuch zum Erkennen, Bestimmen, Sammeln, Untersuchen

und Praparieren der am haufigsten vorkommenden Formen ... Stuttgart (Geschaftsstelle

des Mikrokosmos: Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung) s.d. [1928]. Oct. (Laubmoose).

Publ.: 1928 (Nat. Nov. Dec 1928), p. [i-t1], [1]-70, pl. 1-10. Copy: B. - Handbicher fur die praktische naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit, Band xx.

  1. Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Deutsch-Osterreich und der Schweiz im Anschluss

an Thomé’s Flora von Deutschland bearbeitet von Prof. W. Migula. Band iv. Flechten.

Berlin-Lichterfelde (Hugo Bermuthler Verlag). 2 Teile, [1925-] 1929-1931. Oct. (Krypt.-Fl.

Deutschl., Flecht.).

Publ.: in 64 parts (covers give contents but no dates). Copies: Stevenson, USDA (orig. covers). The plates are listed below in accordance with the USDA copy; they are uncoloured except when indicated. — Vol. 12, Thomé, Fl. Deutschl.


MIGULA (1925)

Teil 1: 1925-1929 (p. [vi]: Nov 1928), p. [ii-vii], [1 ]-527, pl.: see below.

Teil Lieferung pages plates dates I I [1]-48 42-44, 65-66, 71 Sep 1925 2 49-96 63-64, 69-70 Jan 1925 3 97-128 3, 21, 45 (col.) Jan 1925 4 129-160 62, 67, 68; 17 (col.) Nov 1925 5 161-192 73,7475; 22 (col.) Nov 1925 6 193-224 7,10,27 (col.) Feb 1926 7 225-256 35,40 (col.) Feb 1926 8 257-288 41,80 (col.) Feb 1926 9 289-320 Bep(cOl) 10 321-352 26,27 (col.) (27 to be sub- stituted by 67g) 11/12 353-384 14-16 (col.) Sep 1926 13/14 385-416 18-19,34,61g (col.) 15 417-432 29b, 36b,36¢,36d,550,55¢ Dec 1926 16 433-448 55d,01k,61m,76b,81b 816 Jan 1927 17 449-464 1,13,10 (col.) Jan 1927 18 465-480 23.34.39 (col.) 19 481-496 12,25,59d (col.) Apr 1927 20 497-512 32,59¢,00b (col.) Apr 1927 QI 513-527 4,0,8 Aug 1927 Teil Lieferung pages plates dates 2 22 [1]-16 928,29 Aug 1927 23 Wia32 30-3133 24 33-48 36,61¢,61k 25 49-64 11,3746 26 65-80 47 48.55¢ 27 81-96 38-39,50 28 Q7-112 51-53 29 113-128 54-50 Jul 1928 30 129-144 50b 58,586 Jul 1928 31 145-160 5759596 32 161-176 60-61, 61f 33 177-192 61b,61d,61e 34 193-208 61h,611,611 35/36 209-240 606,72,72b,726,77,78 Aug 1929 [ii-vul, of vol.r] 37/38 241-272 79,81 83,85 06 ,87b 39/40 - 76,61-0,62b,62c,62d,62e,05b, 65¢,65d,98-99,100,106,10G, 110,128b,130b 41/42 273-304 76¢,776,78b ,80b 81 ,82c (col.) 43/44 305-336 83d,84,88,89,90.91 (col.) 45/46 337-368 92,93:94:95 96.97 (col.) Jul 1930 47/48 369-400 102-108 (col.) 49/50 401-432 111-116 (col.) Dec 1930 51/52 433-464 125-128, 128¢, 143 (col.) Dec 1930 53/54 465-496 117-122 (col.) Jan-Mar 1931 55/56 497-528 123-124,129-132 (col.) Jan-Mar 1931 57/58 529-560 130-136,138-139 (col.) Jan-Mar 1931 59/60 561-640 140-142 (col.) 61/62 641-768 63/64 769-868, [11-111] 82b,83b,83¢,87,101 ,121b,



Apr 1931


Ref.: Bachmann, E., Hedwigia 68(Beibl. 1): (16)-(18). 1928 (rev. vol. 1). Grummann, V. J., Hedwigia 72(Beibl. 1): (42)-(43). 1932 (rev. vols. 1 and 2).

  1. Lebermoose und Torfmoose ein Hilfsbuch zum Erkennen, Bestimmen, Sammeln, Unter-

suchen und Praparieren der am haufigsten vorkommenden Formen ... Stuttgart (Ge-

schaftsstelle des Mikrokosmos: Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung) 1932. Oct. (Leberm.


Publ.: 1932 (Hedwigia 20 Dec 1933; Nat. Nov. Jan 1933), p- [1]-48, pl. 1-6 (uncol.). Copies: B, MO.

Mik, Josef (1839-1900), Moravian botanist and dipterologist; studied at the Olmutz gymnasium 1850-1857; at the University of Vienna 1857-1861; high school teacher at Gorz 1861-1865, at Linz 1865-1867, at Freistadt 1867-1871; from 1871-1899 professor at the academic gymnasium in Wien and school inspector; Schulrath 1894; Franz Joseph Order 1899. (Mzk).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocRapHy: AG 5(2): 454; Barnhart 2: 488; BM 3: 1310; Bossert p. 266; CSP 4: 384, 8: 402, 10: 808, 12: 508, 17: 238-239; DTS 1: xxi, 191; Futak-Domin p. 395; Klastersky p. 127; PR 6216; Rehder 1:441; Saccardo 2: 73.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 84: 208. 1900 (d. 15 (err.) Oct 1900); Bot. Not. 1go1: 114 (d.); Entomol. Nachr. 26: 363. 1900 (obit., d. 13 Oct 1900); Leopoldina 36: 180. 1900 (d. 13 Oct 1900); Osterr. bot. Z. 50: 419. 1900 (d. 13 Oct 1900); Verh.zool. bot. Ges. Wien 50: 462. 1900 (d. 13 Oct 1900); Mitt. naturw. Ver. Troppau 6: 245-246. 1goo0 (obit., portr.; from “Insectenborse” nr. 45); Zool. Anz. 23: 680. 1900 (d.).

Brauer, F., Wiener entom. Zeit. 20: 1-7. 1901 (obit., portr., bibl. additional to Mik 189r).

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 69. 1945 (biogr. refs.).

Gilbert, J., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 257-258. 1977 (biogr. refs).

Mik, J., Wiener entom. Zeit. 1891: 65-96 (bibl.).

Osten Sacken, C. R., Record of my life work in entomology 164-180. 1903 (on Mik’s opposition to O. S.’ system of Diptera).

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 2: 326-327. 1975.

Verrall, G. H., Trans. entom. Soc. London, Proc. 1: xliv-xlv. 1900.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 69. 1905.

note: Mik published a Herbarium fiir Schiiler, sowie Pflanzen-Etiquetten zur Anlegung von Schiiler-Herbarien. Wien (A. Pichler’s Witwe und Sohn) 1886 (reissued 1889, 1890); ed. 2 1892 (see e.g..J., Osterr. bot. Z. 37: 109. 1887). We failed to locate a copy of Mik, Beztrag zu einer Phanerogamenflora von Freistadt, 1871, facsimile ed. 1942 (with notes by J. Rohrhofer; see E. Janchen, Cat. fl. austr. 1: 20. 1956).

  1. Flora der Umgebung von Olmiitz. Eine systematische Aufzahlung der um Olmitz wildwachsenden, und im Freien kultivirten phanerogamischen Pflanzen, nebst einem Schliissel zur Bestimmung der Gattungen in analytischer Anordnung. Von Joseph Mik, Candidat fiir das Gymnasial-Lehramt zu Wien, mit einem Vorworte von Karl B. Heller [/. 1860]. Professor ... Theresianischen Akademie zu Wien. Olmiitz (Verlag von Eduard Hélzel) 1860. Oct. (FI. Olmiitz).

Publ.: Jan-Dec 1860 (p. [vi]: Mai 1860), p. [i*-ix*], [i]-lxiv, [1]-148, [1-8, index]. Copy: B. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 19: 91-92. 5 Apr 1891 (rev.)..

Mikan, Johann Christian (1769-1844), Bohemian (Czech) botanist and entomologist; Dr. med. Praha 1793; professor of natural history Praha 1800-1 831; travelled in Brazil with Pohl 1817-1819. (F. C. Mikan).

HERBARIUM and Types: W; dupl. BR, PR, PRC. — The collections of the Austrian explorers of Brazil, Mikan, Pohl, Natterer and Schott were originally deposited at the Brazilian natural history museum “‘in der Johannisgasse im Graf Harrachischen Hause’, under the responsibility of the ‘“Hofnaturalienkabinett”’. The collections were later moved to the “Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum,” now W. (see e.g. Flora 5(2): 465-468. 1822).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHyY: AG 6(1): 601; Backer p. 372; Barnhart 2: 488; BM 3: 1310; Bossert p. 266; CSP 4: 384; Dryander 5: 38; Frank 3 (Anh.): 65; Futak-Domin p. 395; GF p. 68; Herder p. 225; Hortus 3: 1199 (““Mikan, f.”); IH 2: 538; Jackson p. 371; Kew 3: 680; KlaStersky p. 128; Laségue p. 332, 477, 505; Maiwald p. 60, 62, 63, 281; NI 1367; PR 6217

(ed. 1: 6924-6927); RS p. 119; SO 11a, 576; TL-1/844; Tacker ik; 486; WU 18: 263-265;

Zander ed. 10, p. 692, ed. 11, p. 789.

Anon., Bonplandia 8: 218. 1860 (coll. im sogennanten Brasilischen Kabinet, .. . Johannes- gasse, ...); Bot. Not. 1845: 32; Bot. Zeit., Regensb. 4: 157-158. 1805; Bot. Zeit. 3: 120. 1845; Flora 28: 112. 1845 (d. 28 Dec 1844); Portraiten-Gallerie berihmter Aerzte und Naturforscher des ésterreichischen Kaiserthumes (verstorbener und lebender). Wien 1838, portrait no. 24; Preslia 51(1): 46. 1979 (b. 5 Dec 1769, d. 24 Dec 1844).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 33: 281. 1888 (Braz. coll. at W), 34 150. 1888.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 258. 1977.

Kopetz, H. R. u. L. Kleinwachter, Mitt. nordbéhm. Excurs.-Club Leipa 24: 396-297. 1901.

Kuhnel, Thad. Haenke 20, 149. 1960.

Maiwald, PVE | Jahresber. offent. Stifts-Obergymn. Braunau rgor: 13. (Die opizische \ Periode in de: floristischen Erforschung Bohmens); see also Osterr. National- Enzyklopadie 3: 66. 1835.

Mikan, J. C., in Martius, C. F. P., FLora 20, Beibl. 37: 95-170. (Reise-Notizen aus Brasilien).

Neilreich, A., Verh. zool. bot. Ver. Wien 5: 47. 1855 (coll. W).

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 283-284. 1969 (b. 5 Dec 176g, d. 24/28 Dec 1844).

Papavero, N., Essays neotrop. dipterol. 1: 61, 118, 1971.

Paudler, A., Mitt. nordbohm. Exc.-Club Leipa 24: 139-143. 1901.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 149. 1863.

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 457-458. 1846 (b. 5 Dec 1769, d. 28 Dec 1844).

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 398. 1892.

Sherborn, C. D., Ind. Anim. ser. 2. 1: xccevili. 1925.

Skalicky, V., Nov. bot. Inst. bot. Univ. Carol. Prag 1967: 37-44 (iconography).

Stearn, W. T., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 3: 135-136. 1956 (on Delectus).

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 64. 1906 (itin.).

Weitenweber, W. L., Lotos 2: 63-65. 1852.

Wetmore, A., Auk 42: 283. 1925.

Wettstein, R. v., Lehrkanz. syst. Bot. Prag 4, 7, 8, 9. 1899, Osterr. bot. Z. 49(2): 42, 96. 1899 (coll. PRC).

Zuchold, E. A., Jahresber. naturf. Ver. Halle 5: 40. 1853.

ICONOGRAPHY: J. C. Mikan’s unpublished iconography of the Bohemian flora is at the Library of Charles University, Prague. The drawings are by F. Cepelka (g) and by F. Seidel (1). See Skalicky, V. (1967).

  1. Delectus florae et faunae brasiliensis jussu et auspiciis Francisci I Austriae imperatoris

investigatae. Auctore J. C. Mikan ... Vindobonae [Wien] (sumtibus auctoris, typis

Antoni Strauss) 1820[-1825]. Broadsheet (Del. fl. faun. bras.).

Publ.: In four parts, p. [1-52], 24 col. pl. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY; IDC 6069. — Twelve of the 24 unnumbered plates are botanical; the numbers are those assigned by Stearn (1956); nos. 1 and 7 as well as the analysis of no. 2 are by Ferd. Bauer; nos. 2, 9, 14 are by Buchberger (from living plants in Brazil), nos. 79, 20, 27 are by Satory. Each part contained 6 plates accompanied by 6 lvs. of text. The cover of the NY copy gives the contents of the 4 parts; this cover is dated 1823 (not 1825). Even so itis likely that fasc. 1, appeared only in 1825. (see e.g. Stearn 1956).

part plates dates part plates dates

I 1-6 1820, sero 3 12-17 Jul-Oct 1823

2 7-11a 1822, medio 4 18-23 1825

i: Stifftza chrysantha (1) 3: Metternichia principis (13) Conchocarpus macrophyllus (2) Echitis tenuifolia (14)


part plates dates part plates dates Dichorisandra thysiflora (3) Griffinia tenuifolia (15)

Be Vellosia candida (7) 4: Helicteres brasiliensis (19) Esterhazya splendida (8) Passiflora amethystina (20) Oxalis rusciformis (Q) Gloxinia schotti (21)

Mikan, Joseph Gottfried (1743-1814), Bohemian (Czech) botanist at Praha; founder and director of the botanical garden in Smichow (Praha) 1775-1811; father of J. C. Mikan. (Ff. G. Mtkan).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 372; Barnhart 2: 488; BM 3: 1310; Dryander 3:

40; Futak-Domin p. 395; Jackson p. 416; Maiwald p. 60, 281; IIR foe es Rehder, 1: 66; SO


Barneby, R. C., Garden J. 13(4): 142. 1963.

Kiuhnel, J., Thad. Haenke 20, 28, 149, 187. 1960.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 149. 1863.

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 458. 1846.

Wettstein, R. v., Die Lehrkanzel ftir systematische Botanik an der k.k. deutschen Universi- tat in Prag. Prag 3-4, 7, 9. 1899, Osterr. bot. Z. 49(2): 42. 1899.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 84, 186. 1903 (b. 3 Sep 1743, d. 7 Aug 1814).

EPONYMY: Aanimia G. Gardner (1847, anagram); Mikania Willdenow (1803, nom. cons.); Mikanopsis Milne-Redhead (1956). — We could not establish with certainty the derivation of Mikania F. W. Schmidt (1795, nom. rej.).

  1. Catalogus plantarum omnium juxta systematis vegetabilium Caroli a Linné editionem novissimam decimam tertiam in usum horti botanici pragensis. Pragae (in officina Wolf- gangi Gerle) 1776. Oct. (Cat. pl. omn.).

Publ.: 1776, p. [i]-vi, [1]-403, [index, err. 404-424]. Copies: FI, MO, NY, USDA.

Miki, Shigeru (1901-1974), Japanese palaeobotanist and botanist at Kagawa and Osaka; described Metasequoia. (Mik:).

HERBARIUM and Types: OSA. — Palaeobotanical collections and preparations at Dept. Biology, Osaka City University.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 303; Barnhart 2: 488; Bossert p. 266; Hirsch p. 199; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘Miki’); Kew 3: 680; MW p. 322, suppl. p. 229-230; Roon p. 78; SK 8: Ixvi; Zander ed. 10, p. 692, ed 11, p. 789.

Anon., Faxon 23: 890. 1974.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 123. 1969.

Mikutowicz, Johann Mattias (1872-1951), Baltic German botanist in Livonia. (A/- kut.).

HERBARIUM and Types: RIGA, H.~— Exsiccatae: Bryotheca baltica, fasc. 1-14, nos. 1-700, Riga, 1908-1914, sets at B, BM, C, E, FH, H, RIG (Number of copies: 30).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGrAPnHy: Barnhart 2: 488; Hirsch p. 199; IH 2: 538; SBC p. 127 (“Mik.”’); Urban-Berl. p. 308.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 130. 1896 (““Handschuhmacher’’).

Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 110. 1970 (coll. E).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(2): 232-233. 1971; Bryologist 80: 514. 1977. Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. Fl. Polsk. 54, 106. 1925.

Milani, Giovanni Battista (1858-?), Italian botanist; high school teacher at the lyceum of Salerno, later id. at Avellino. (Milani).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 346, 402, 691; Bossert p. 267; Rehder 5: 574; Saccardo 1: 110; Tucker 1: 486.

6oo07a. Supplemento alla flora delle Alpi versiliesi ... Salerno (Tipografia nazionale) 1885.

(Suppl. Alpi versil.).

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1885 (Nat. Nov. Aug (1) 1885; Bot. Zeit. 28 Aug 1885), p. [1]-36. Copy: FI. — Inf. C. Steinberg.

6007b. Elenco di piante del Principato Ultra ... Avellino (premiato stab. Tipo-litografico V. Maggi) Febbraio 1890. (Elenc. prante Ultra). Publ.: Feb 1890 (t.p.; Bot. Jahrb. 7 Jul 1891), p. [1]-20. Copy: FI. — Inf. C. Steinberg.

Mildbraed, Gottfried Wilhelm Johannes (1879-1954), German botanist of the Engler school (Dr. phil. Berlin 1904) at Berlin-Dahlem (1903-1953); explorer of tropical Africa (1907-1908, 1910-1912, 1913-1914, 1928); prisoner of war in France 1914-1919. (Mzldbr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B; original collections of the German expeditions to tropical Africa, 1907-1908, IQIO-IQII, 1913-1914, 1928, 25.000 nos., almost entirely destroyed; for nos. below 3500, duplicates may be at HBG, PRE, UPS; between 3500-7200 at BM, HBG, K; above 7200, at A, BM, HBG, K (see Leeuwenberg (1965)). Further sets of duplicates at B, BR and P. — Algae (some) at B.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 657; Barnhart 2: 489; BJI 2: 117-118; BL 1: 28, 56,

58, 309; BM 7: 841-842; Bossert p. 267; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Mildbr.”); Hirsch p. 199; IF

suppl. 4: 332; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 538; Kew 4: 1; Langman p. 507; MW p. 322; TL-2/1711,

1713; Urban-Berl. p. 267, 279, 289, 308, 375; Zander ed. 10, p. 692, ed. 11, p. 789; Zep.-

Tim. p. 86.

Anon., Torreya 15(3): 60. 1915; Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 58: 215. 1916 (made prisoner of war in Kamerun, now in camp S. France); Hedwigia 53 (Beibl. 2): (169)-(170). 1913 (“Custos” at P).

Bamps, P., Bull. Jard. bot. natl. Belgique 45: 159-179. 1975 (map, intin., collecting localities 1907-1908; b. 19 Dec 1879, d. 24 Dec 1954).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 76. 1978.

Eckardt, Th., Willdenowia 4(2): 172. 1966.

Exell, A. W., Cat. vasc. pl. S. Tomé 14. 1944.

Hepper, F. N. and F. Neate, Pl. coll. W. Afr. 56. 1971 (information on duplicate coll.).

Leeuwenberg, A. J. M., Webbia 19(2): 862. 1965 (coll.).

Letouzey, R., Fl. Cameroun 22-24, 49. 1968 (itin.; dupl. coll.).

Mattick, F., Bot. Jahrb. 74(2): 173-198. 1948 (portr.); Willdenowia 2: 123-139. 1959 (portr., bibl.); Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 74: (103)-(104). 1962 (portr.). Mildbraed, G. W. J., Bot. Jahrb. 34 (Lit.): 13-14. 17 Jun 1904 (““Autoreferat”’ of his thesis); Grundziige der Vegetation des tropischen Kontinental-Afrika, herausgegeben und

revidiert von Walter Domke, Willdenowia Beiheft 2, 1966.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 72. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Pilger, R., Mitt. bot. Gart. Mus. Berl.-Dahl. 1(1): 2, 15, 17. 1953.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 370. 1975; Bryologist 80; 514. 1977.

Timler, F. K. & B. Zepernick, Berl. Bot. Gart. 65. 1978.

Walther, K., Webbia 19: 859-860. 1965 (on M’s coll. at HBG).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Engler, Pflanzenreich, Stylidiaceae, iv. 278: 1-98, fig. 1-26. 26 Mai 1908. (2) EP, Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 2. Octoknemaceae, 16b: 42-45, figs. 24-25. Jan-Apr 1935. Pandanaceae, 19a: 1-3. Jan-Aug 1931.

EPONYMY: Mildbraedia Pax (1909); Mildbraediodendron Harms (1911): Muldbraediochloa But- zin (1971).

  1. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1907-1908 unter Fihrung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs zu Mecklenburg. Band u. Botamik herausgegeben von



Dr. J. Mildbraed, Berlin mit 78 Tafeln. Leipzig (Klinkhardt & Diermann) 1914. Oct.

(Wiss. Erg. deut. Kentr.-Afr. Exped., Bot.).

Authorship: Mildbraed was editor and part author; the names of the numerous co-authors are given in the headings of the family treatments.

Publ.: In parts 1910-1914, p. [1]-718, map, pl. 7-78 (uncol.). Copies: FI, L, NY.

Lieferung pages plates dates

1-2 1-176 1-16 Dec 1910 3 177-270 17-30 IQII 4 271-420 31-46 Dec 1911 5 421-507 47-67 6 Oct 1912 6 509-601 68-78 Aug 1913 7 603-718 79-90 Jan 1914

Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 49 (Lit.): 33. 1913 (date Lief. 5).

  1. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der zweiten deutschen Kentral-Afrika-Expedition 1910-1911 unter Fuhrung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs zu Mecklenberg Band ii: Botanik von Prof. Dr. J. Mildbraed ... Leipzig (Verlag von Klinkhardt & Biermann) 1922. Oct. (Wiss. Erg. zweit. deut. Xentr.-Afr. Exped., Bot.).

Publ.: Feb-Jun 1922 (p. ii: Jan 1922; Nat. Nov. Jul 1922), p. [i-iv], [1]-202, pl. 1-90. Copies: FI, MO. - For a report on the expedition itselfsee Adolf Friedrich, Herzog zu Mecklen- burg, Vom Kongo zum Niger und Nill, Leipzig (Brockhaus) 1912. Preliminary report on the botanical results: Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 54: 38-57. 1912.

Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 58(Lit.): 35-36. 1 Feb 1923, 60/(lit.): 29-31. 1925.

  1. Die Banane ihre Kultur und Verbreitung. Nach photographischen Aufnahmen von

Franz Otto Koch. Text von J. Mildbraed und F. O. Koch. Dahlem bei Berlin (Verlag des

Repertoriums) 1926. Oct. (Banane).

Co-author: Franz Otto Koch.

Publ.: 15 Jun 1926 (t.p.), p. [1], [1 ]-16, [1-2], 16 photogr. Copy: U.— Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis (ed. F. Fedde). Beihefte Band 38.

Milde, Carl August Julius (1824-1971), German high school teacher and botanist at Breslau; Dr. phil. Breslau (with Goeppert) 1850; from 1851 at the Realschule zum Grauen Kloster “‘zum heiligen Geist’’; royal professor 1870; curator of the botanical Museum of the Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Cultur. (Milde).

HERBARIUM and Types: FR (Pterid.), U (1000 Bryoph.), S (Bryoph.), B (Equisetum, 300, extant); further material at BP, BRNU, CG, G, H, IBF, JE, K, MANCH, L, LE, MW, PC, PR, S, U, W. Exsiccatae: Bryotheca silestaca, cent. 1-5, nos. 1-500 (after 1869) set e.g. at NY. Milde also offered Gefasskryptogamen Schlesiens for sale (1855). — Letters to D. F. L. von Schlechtendal at HAL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 21: 729-733; Barnhart 2: 489; BM 3: 1312; Bossert p. 267; CSP 4: 385-387, 6: 727, 8: 403-405, 12: 509; DTS 1: 191-1096, 5: li; Frank 3(Anh.): 65; Futak-Domin p. 400-401; GR p. 33. 112, cat. p. 68; Herder p. 466; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Milde”); IF p. 719-720; IH 1 (ed. 6); 362, 2: 538; Jackson p. 150, 151, 152, 224, 227, 310, 372; Kew 4: 2; Klasterksy p. 129; Lenley p. 291; LS 17849-17857; Maiwald p. 152, 155, 2353 Moebius p. 130, 131, 282; MW p. 322-323; NAF ser. 2. 3: 39; NI 1368; PR 6219-6227; Saccardo 1: 110-111, 2: 73; SBC p. 127 (““Milde”’); TL-1/845; TL-2/1: 1764, 4328; TR 929; Urban-Berl. p. 308, 321; Zander ed. 10 p. 692-693, ed. 11, p. 790.

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 48. 1858 (Leopoldina cognomen Vaucher IT), 7:51. 1859. (on Europ. Notothylas), 9: 182. 1861 (to Meran for health reasons); Bot. Not. 1872: 26 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 29: 492, 504. 1871 (herb.);Hedwigia 11: 192. 1872 (herb. for sale); J. Bot. 9: 288. 1871; Osterr. bot. Z. 20: 61. 1870 (professorship) 21: 220. 1871 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 12; xlvii. 1871 (d. 3 Jul 1871, in Meran).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 434. 1880 (coll.).

Carus, C. G. und C. F. P. von Martius, Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen 27, 129. s.d.



Fuchs, H. P., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 3: 95. 1962.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 110. 1970 (pl. E).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 46. (pl. K).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 447. 1864.

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit, eds., Blumea 25: 96. 1979.

Kieser, D. G., Bonplandia 7: 23. 1859 (official statement dated 14 Jan 1859 that vol. 26(2) of Nova Acta Leop. ‘“‘nun erschienen ist.”’).

Limpricht, G., Hedwigia 10: 112, 145-148. 1871.

Lindemann, E., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61: 48. 1886 (pl. MW).

Milde, ‘C. A. J., Bot. Zeit. 13: 904. 1855, 14: 16. 1856.

Oborny, A., Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 21(2): 21. 1882.

P. A., Bot. Zeit. 30: 915. 1872 (ferns bought by A. Metzler; mosses by Swedish acad. sci.).

Pax, F., Schlesiens Pflanzenwelt 17, 19, 20. 1915.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(2): 233. 1971.

Bryologist 80: 514 1977 (coll. musci at U, S, BP).

Schubert, G., Leben Werk D. F. L. v. Schlechtendal 147. 1964.

Simonkai, L., Enum. fl. transsilv. xxv. 1886.

Stenzel, G., Hedwigia 11: 128. 1872; Lebensbild von Dr. Julius Milde. Breslau 1872, 12 p. (Sonderabdruck aus Riibezahl (Schlesisiche Provinzialblatter) Band 11, Heft 5); Jahres- ber. Schles. Ges. vaterl. Cultur 49: 100-129. 1872 (bibl.), also reprinted, p. [1]-30, s.d. (Dr. Julius Milde, ein Lebensbild’’).

Szweykowski, J., Prodr. fl. hepat. Polon. 1958 (see bibl.).

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 188-189. 1906 (biogr., refs., b. 2 Nov 1824, d. 3 Jul 1871).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 145, pl. 132. 1905 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Ophioglossaceae und Equisetaceae, in Fenzl, Reise Novara, Heft 4, 1870, see TL-2/1764. (2) Equtsetaceae, in Martius, Fl. bras. 1(2): 629-644, pl. 71-77. 1 Jul 1872.

EPONYMY: Mildea Grisebach (1866); Mildea Miquel (1867); Mzldea Warnstorf (1904); Mildeella Limpricht (1885); Mildella Trevisan (1877).

6Go11. De sporarum Equisetorum germinatione. Dissertatio inauguralis botanica quam consensu et auctoritate amplissimi philosophorum ordinis in Academia vratislaviensi ad summos in philosophia honores rite capessendos die vi. m. novembr. a. mdcccl. Publice defendet Julius Milde vratislaviensis ... Vratislaviae [Breslau] (typis Grassi, Barthii et soc.) s. d. [1850]. Oct. (Spor. Equaset. germin.).

Publ. 6 Nov 1850 (t.p.; rd. Flora Dec 1850), p. [i-vii], [1 ]-20, pl. 7-2 (col. liths.). Copzes: MO,

NY (t.p. lacking); IDC 7228. Ref.: Anon., Flora 33: 768. 1850, 34: 60-62. 1851.

  1. Bertrige zur Kenntniss der Equiseten, ... Breslau und Bonn (fir die kaiserl. Leopold.- Carol. Akademie der Naturforscher bei Eduard Weber in Bonn) 1852. Qu. (Bevir. Kennin. Equiset.).

Publ.: 1852 (t.p. reprint; journal volume dated 1851), p. [i], [557]-612, pl. 54-56 (partly col. liths.). Copies: FI, MO (reprint with special t.p.). Reprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 23: - [557]-612, pl. 54-56. Reprints without special t.p.: Copies: NY, US.—We have no reason to suppose that this part of the Nova Acta appeared before 1852.

Nachtrége: 1854 (Flora 21 Dec 1854), Nova Acta Leop. 24: 63-78. 1854.

  1. Zu der am 6. und 7. Marz 1856 abzuhaltenden offentlichen Priifung aller Classen der Real- oder héhern Biirgerschule zum heiligen Geiste . . . ladet alle hohen und verehrten Beschutzer, Gonner, und Freunde des Schulwesens und insbesondere die Eltern unserer Schiller ehrerbietigst em F. A. Kamp, Rector, ... Inhalt: 1. Monographie der deutschen Ophioglossaceen. Von Dr. J. Milde. 2. Schulnachrichten vom Rector. Breslau (Druck von Grass, Barth und Comp. (W. Friedrich)). 1856. Oct. (Monogr. deut. Ophiogloss.).

Publ.: Feb-early Mar 1856, p. [1], [1]-44 of which Milde’s treatment p. [1]-24. Copies: MO,

NY. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 14: 253. 4 Apr 1856.

  1. Chamaeceros fertilis Milde. Novum genus e familia Anthocerotearum ... [1857]. Qu.


MILDE (1867)

Publ.: 1857 (submitted 15 Oct 1856), Nova Acta Leop. 26: [167]-174, pl. 12 (uncol.). 1857. reprint with original pagination: NY. — See also Bot. Zeit. 14: 767. 31 Oct 1865 (valid pre-publication). - ObZ mentions the reprint only on 1 Apr 1858.

  1. Die Gefiiss-Cryplogamen in Schlesien preussischen und Osterreichischen Antheils ...

[1859]. Qu.

Publ.: 14 Jan 1859 (submitted 2 Jan 1857; see Kieser 1859), p. [1-11], [371]-767, pl. 31-55 (uncol.). Copy: USDA. — Reprinted without change of pagination and to be cited from Nova Acta Leop. 26(2): 371-767, pl. 31-55. 1859 (“1858”) (ObZ 1 Oct 1859).

  1. Die Verbreitung der Schlesische Laubmoose nach den Héhen und ihre Bedeutung fur die

Beurtheilung der Schlesischen Flora ... Jena (Friedrich Trommann) 1861. Qu. (Verbr.

Schles. Laubm.).

Publ.: 1861 (submitted 8 Apr 1861), p. [1]-48, map. Copies: B, BR, H, US. —Preprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 29, 1862 (journal vol. publ. Mai-Jun 1862).

  1. Uebersicht itber die schlesische Laubmoos-Flora von Dr. J. Milde. [Beilage z. Bot. Z. 1861]. Oct. (Uebers. schles. Laubm.- Fl.).

Publ.: 1861, p. [1]-48. Copy: H. — Issued as “‘Beilage” with vol. 19 of the Botanische Zeitung, 1861.

  1. Index Equisetorum omnium ... [Wien (... W. Braumiiller ...) 1863. Qu.

Publ.: Jun-Dec 1863 (submitted 4 Feb 1863, rev. Bot. Zeit. 26 Feb 1864), Verh. k.k. zool.- bot. Ges. Wien 13(1,2): [233]-244, Jun-Dec 1863. — We have seen no independent reprints; to be cited from journal.

Editio altera et emendata: ib. 14: 525-550. 1864.

Ref.: Anon., Bot. Zeit. 22: 67. 1864.

Gorg. Die hiheren Sporenpflanzen Deutschland’s und der Schweiz ... Leipzig (Verlag von Arthur Felix) 1865. Oct. (Hh. Sporenpfl. Deutschl.). Publ.: Mar 1865 (p. vi: 20 Sep 1864; Bot. Zeit. and Flora, adv. 15 Mar 1865 “soeben”; ObZ rev. 1 Mai 1865), p. [iJ-vi, [vii-viii], [1]-152. Copies: G, MO, NY, US, USDA. Ref.: J. M., Hedwigia 4: 79. Mar 1865. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 23: 204, 268. 1865. Stizenberger, E., Flora 48: 166-169. 8 Apr 1865 (rev.).

  1. Monographia Equisetorum... Dresden (Druck von E. B. Lochmann & Sohn) 1865. Qu.

(Monogr. Equiset.).

Publ.: Jan-Mai 1867 (t.p. of preprint dated 1865; submitted to Acad. Leop. 20 Aug 1865. It is unlikely, however, that this major publication appeared actually within a few months; see e.g. J. Bot. Jul 1867: “thas at last appeared”’; Flora received it shortly before 14 Jun 1867; Bot. Zeit. “im Oct 1867”; BSbF reviews it as of 1867 in 15: 57-58. after Aug 1868; probable date: Jan-Jun 1867; 1867 is also t.p. of journal issue), p. [i-xii], [1]-605, [605- 607, err. |, pl. 1-35 (with text). Copies: MO, NY, US; IDC 7230. —Reprint or preprint from Nova Acta Leop. 32(2), 1867, pagination unchanged.

Ref.: Reichardt, H. W., Flora 50: 249-255. 14 Jun 1867.

Roper, J. A. C., Bot. Zeit. 25: 395-402, 407-412. 1867. Juratzka, J., Osterr. bot. Z. 17: rgo-192. 1 Jun 1867.

Go2r. Filices Europae et Atlantidis, Asiae minoris et Sibiriae ... Leipzig (sumptibus A. Felix) 1867. Oct. (fil. Eur.).

Publ.: 1 Oct-5 Nov 1867 (p. iv: 28 Jul 1867; see Fuchs (1962); “‘soeben”’, Bot. Zeit. 15 Nov 1867; rev. Reichardt rd. by Flora by 22 Nov 1867; J. Bot. Nov 1867), p. [i]-1v, [1]-311. Copies: FI, G, NY, USDA; IDC 7231.

Ref.: Ascherson, P. F. A., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 9g: xix-xx. 1967.

Fuchs, H. P., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 3: 95. 1962.

Kuhn, M., Bot. Zeit. 26: 231-235. 1868.

Milde, J., Hedwigia 6: 140. Sep 1867 (summary by the author, preceding publ.); precursor: Bot. Zeit. 24: 137-141. 1866.

Reichardt, H. W., Flora 50: 512. 22 Nov 1867, 51: 6-10. 18 Jan 1868.


MILDE (1868)

  1. Monographia generis Osmundae ... Vindobonae [Wien] (Typis Caroli Ueberreuter (M. Salzer)) 1868. Qu. (Monogr. Osmund.). Publ.: 1868 (p. iv: 2 Feb 1868; Bot. Zeit. & Flora Nov 1868), p. [1]-iv, [1]-139, [140, cont. ], pl. 1-6 (uncol.). Copies: FI, MO, U, USDA; IDC 5489. Ref.: R., Bot. Zeit. 26: 800-801. 20 Nov 1868. Anon., Hedwigia 7: 153. Oct 1868. ‘Reichardt, H. W., Flora 51: 512. 23 Nov 1868 (rev. rd.), 52: 54-57. 1869 (rev.).

  2. Index Botrychiorum ... [Wien 1868]. Qu. Publ.: Jun-Dec 1868 (submitted 3 Jun 1868), p. [1]-10. Copy: G.— Reprinted and to be cited from Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 18: [507]-516. 1868.

  3. Bolrychiorum monographa | Wien 1869]. Qu.

Publ.: Jun 1869 (submitted 13 Jan 1869; Hedwigia ann. Jun.; Flora rev. 17 Jun 1869), p. [55 ]-190. Copies: MO, NY. — Reprinted (preprinted?) with original pagination and to be cited from Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 19: [55]-190, pl. 7-9. 1869. We found no reprint with separate pagination.

Nachtraége: Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 20: [999]-1002. 1870 (t.p. volume; probably publis- hed 1871; submitted 7 Dec 1870). Copies reprint with original pagination: MO, NY.

  1. bryologia silestaca. Laubmoos-Flora von Nord- und Mittel-Deutschland, unter be-

sonderer Berucksichtigung Schlesiens und mit Hinzunahme der Floren von Jiitland,

Holland, der Rheinpfalz, von Baden, Franken, Bohmen, Mahren und der Umgegend von

Munchen ... Leipzig (Verlag von Arthur Felix) 1869. Oct. (Bryol. siles.).

Publ.: Aug-Sep 1869 (p. ix: 1 Aug 1869; Bot. Zeit. 1 Oct 1869), p. [i]-1x, [1]-410. Copies: G, H, MO, NY, U, USDA; IDC 5452.

Ref.: Anon., Bot Zeit. 27: 825-829, 843-845. 1869, Flora 52: 523. 1869, 53: 115-121. 1870. Milde, J., Hedwigia 8: 147-148. Oct 1860.

Miliarakis, Spyridon (x-1919), Greek botanist; curator, from 1893 professor of botany, at the Botanical Museum of the University of Athens; director of the Botanical Garden of the University 1893-1917. (Mzlzarakis).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 489; De Toni 1: Ixxxv, 4: xxxix; LS 17860-


Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 37: 471. 1920 (d.); Bot. Centralbl. 55: 64. 1893 (app. Athens); Bot. Jahrb. 17 (Beibl. 41): 52. 1893 (app. prof. bot. Athens); Bot. Not. 1920: 50 (d. 6 Nov 1919); Nuova Notarisia 32: 70. 1921 (d. 6 Nov 1919); Osterr. bot. Z. 43: 300. 1893 (app. Athens), 69: 88. 1920 (d. 6 Nov 1919).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 24/25: 48. 1922 (d.).

Mobius, M., Bot. Centralbl. 32: 65-66. 1887 (rev. Beitr.).

  1. Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Algenvegetation von Griechenland. Die Meeres-Algen der Insel

Sciathos...1. Lieferung. Athen (Druck von Nicolas Inglessis) 1887. Oct. t. (Beitr. Algenveg.


Publ.: 1887 (Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1887; Bot. Centralbl. 4-8 Jul and 17-21 Oct 1887; Bot. Zeit. 27 Apr 1888), p. [1]-16, z pl. (uncol.). Copy: NY.

Militzer, Max (1894-1971), German botanist, trained to be Volksschullehrer; in French captivity in Marocco after the Marne battle; exchange prisoner of war in Switzerland 1916- 1917; teacher at Langebrtick 1917-1919, Marienberg 1919-1921, Bautzen (Lutherschule) 1921-1945; from 1951-1959 with the nature conservancy at Dresden. (Mzulztzer).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: Material at B, GLM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BFM p. 304 [index]; IH 2: 5309.

Hilbig, W., Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Golitz 47: 10-12. 1974 (M’s contr. to knowledge of weed vegetation).

Militzer, M., Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Gorlitz 47: 1-3. 1974 (autobiogr.).



Schttze, T. et al., Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Gorlitz 43: 31-33. 1968, 4.7: 1x/2-1x/41. 1972 (bibl., portr., b. 23 Jan 1894, d. 2 Feb 1971). Ulbricht, H., Ber. Arb.-Gemeinsch. sachs. Botaniker ser. 2. 5/6: 285-287. 1965.

HANDWRITING: Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Gorlitz 47: ix/9. 1974.

Millais, John Guille (1865-1931), English naturalist, gardener, sportsman and popular writer on birds, hunting and cultivated plants; Victoria medal of honor, R. H. S. 1928. (Millais).

HERBARIUM and typPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 489; BM 3: 1312, 7: 842; CSP 17: 243; Desmond

p- 437; Hirsch p. 199; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Millais”); Kew 4: 2; Langman p. 507; MW p. 323,

suppl. p. 230; NI 1369; Tucker 1: 486.

Anon., Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 89: 269. 1931; Nature 127: 513. 1931; The Times 27 Mar 1931 (fide Desmond).

Palmer, T. S., Auk 48: 472-473. 1931.

Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 69: 144. 1931.

Ritchie, J., Trans. Proc. Perthshire Soc. nat. Sci. g: xlii-xlii. 1933 (obit., portr.).

  1. Magnolias ... London (Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd. ...), New York, Toronto,

Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras. 1927. Oct. (Magnolias).

Collaborators: James Edgar Dandy (1903-1976), Ernest Henry Wilson (1876-1930).

Orig.: Jun 1927 (p. v1: Oct 1926; J. Bot. Dec 1927; MO rd. 18 Jul 1927; Nat. Nov. Jul 1927), frontisp., p. [i-vill], 1-250, [251], 34 pl. Copies: MO, NY.

Facsimile ed.: 1972 (500 copies), n.v.

  1. Rhododendrons in which is set forth an account of all species of the genus Rhododen-

dron (including Azaleas) and the various hybrids ... London (Longmans, Green and Co.

..-) New York, Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras 1917. Qu. (Rhododendrons).

Orig.: 1917 (J. Bot. Jan 1918; Nat. Nov. Feb 1918), p. [i-xi], [1]-267, [268], 77 and r¢ pl. Copy: MO.

Second series: Jun-Sep 1924 (pref. Mai 1924; Nat. Nov. Mar 1924, ann., J. Bot. Oct 1924), p. [i]-xu, 1-263, [1, cont.], 77, 14 and 22 pl. Copies: NY, USDA (550 copies printed).

Ref.: Anon., J. Bot. 56: 26-28. 1918, 62: 314-316. Oct 1924.

Millardet, Pierre Marie Alexis (1838-1902), French cryptogamist; pupil of Montagne, Hofmeister, Sachs and de Bary; Dr. Sci. nat. Strasbourg 1869; professor of botany at Strasbourg (1869), Nancy (1872), Bordeaux (1876-1902); inventor of the Bordeaux mixtu- re “‘bouillie bordelaise” and hybridiser of Vitis; resuscitated the French wine industry. (Millard.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BORD; further material at PC and STU.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 320, 345; Barnhart 2: 489; BM 3: 1312-1313,

7: 842; Bossert p. 267; CSP 8: 406, 10: 810-811, 12: 509, 17: 244; De Toni 1: Ixxxv, 2: lxxiii;

DTS 1: 385; Frank 3 (Anh.): 65; GR p. 288, cat. p. 68; Herder p. 320, 375, 432; IH 2: 539;

Jackson p. 52, 79, 161, 172; Kelly p. 149; Kew 4: 3; LS 17862-17884, 36994-36997; Moebius

p. 220; Morren ed. 2, p. 19, ed. 10, p. 60; NI 1370; Nordstedt p. 23; PR 6231-6232; Rehder

5: 574; Lucker 1: 486.

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 32(Beibl. 72): 4. 1903 (d.); Bot. Not. 1903: 34 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 53: 135. 1903 (d. 22 Dec 1902).

Bornet, J. B. E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 49: 318. 1902; C. R. Acad. Sci. Fr. 135:1298-1299. 1903.

Feret, E., Vente de la bibliothéque du dr Pierre-Marie-Alexis Millardet . .. Bordeaux 1906, 29 p. (with. biogr. introd., portr.).

Foéx, Et., Rev. hort., Paris 108: 89-93. 1936 (portr.; 50th anniversary bouillie bordelaise).

Galloway, B. T., Phytopathology 4: 1-4. 1914.

Gayon, U. & C. Sauvageau, in Recueil de travaux dédiés a la mémoire de Alexis Millardet.



Bordeaux 1903, Mém. Soc. Sci. phys. nat. Bordeaux ser. 6. 3: [ix]-xlvil. 1903 (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 13 Dec 1838, d. 15 Dec 1902), reprinted, 43 p. Bordeaux 1903.

Gayon, U. etal., Discours prononcés le 17 décembre 1902 aux obseques de M. Millardet... Bordeaux, 1903, 20 p.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 9: 60. 1903 (d.).

Maedefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 216. 1973.

Magnus, P., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 22: (10)-14. 1904 (obit.).

Rodgers, A. D., Liberty Hyde Bailey 60, 71, 134-135, 338. 1949.

Sachs, J. von, Hist. botanique 362. 1892.

Whetzel, Hist. phytopathology 64. 1918 (portr.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 108, 210. 1905.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Bolanique, Cryptogamie, Algues, with J. F. C. Montagne, in Maillard, Noles sur Ile de la Réunion (part 2, annexe o, 1862; ed. 2, 1863).

  1. Des genres Atichia, F. W., Myriangium, Mnt. et Berk., Naetrocymbe, Kbr. Mémozre

pour servir a UVhistoire des Collémacées par M. A. Millardet. [Strasbourg, typographie de G.

Silbermann, s.d. [1868]]. Qu. (Mém. Collémac.).

Publ.: 1868 (fide Rabenhorst, Hedwigia 8: 122-124. Aug 1869), p. [1]-22, pl. 1-3 (liths., auct.). Copy: B-S. — Preprinted from Meém. Soc. Sci. nat. Strasbourg 6(2): [1]-22, pl. 1-3. 1870. Copies taken from journal publ. B-S, MICH, NY.

  1. Le prothallium male des cryptogames vasculaires. These de botanique présentée a la Faculté des Sciences de Strasbourg, et soutenue publiquement le [] aout 1869 pour obtenir le grade de docteur és sciences naturelles ... Strasbourg (typographie de G. Silbermann, ...) 1869. Qu. (Prothall. mdle).

Publ.: Aug 1869 (t.p., p. 91: imprim. 31 Jul 1869), p. [i-iv], [1]-91. Copy: G.

6o30a. Histoire des principales variétés et espéces de vignes d origine américaine qui résistent au

Phylloxera ... Paris (chez G. Masson ...), Bordeaux (chez Feret et fils ...), Montpellier

(chez Coulet...), Lyon, Bale, Genéve (chez Henri Georg, .. .) 1878-1885, 4 fasc. Qu. (Hist.

vignes amér.).

Publ.: in four parts, 1878-1885. Copies: BR, MO (fasc. 1-3), UC, USDA.

Fasc. 1: 1878 (p. ui: 20 Nov 1877), p. [i]-iii, [1]-11, [12, expl. pl.] pl. r-4 (uncol.).

Fasc. 2: 1882 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1882), p. [13]— 73, pl. 5-9.

Fasc. 3: 1883 (Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1883; Bot. Zeit. 26 Oct 1883), p. [75]-124, pl. 10-76.

Fasc. 4: 1885 (Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1885; Bot. Zeit. 31 Jul 1885; J. Bot. Sep 1885), p. [i*-v*],

[i]-xxxvi, [125]-240, pl. 17-24.

The final t.p. has an imprint Paris (G. Masson, ...), Bordeaux (Feret et Fils, ...), Milan

(Ulrico Hoephi) 1885.

Ref.: Millardet, P. M. A., Mém. div. Savants, Acad. Sci., Paris 22(16). 1876 (preliminary publ.).

Miller, Elihu Sanford (1848-1940), American botanist and horticulturist; at Wading River, N.Y. 1848-1888, 1902-1904, at Floral Park 1883-1902. (£.S. Mill.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BK; other material at BKL, CGE, E, F, MASS, MO, MSC, NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 490; BL 1; 171, 202, 309; CSP 12: 509; IH 2: 539; Lenley p. 291; Morren ed. 10 p. 128; Pennell p. 614; Rehder 5: 574.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 110. 1970 (pl. E).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 70-71. 1955.

EPONYMY: Milleria C. H. Peck (1879).

  1. Catalogue of the phaenogamous and acrogenous plants of Suffolk County, Long Island...

Wm. A. Overton Jr., & Co., Printers, Port Jefferson, L. I. 1874. (Cat. pl. Suffolk Co.).

Co-author: Henry Wilson Young (1847-1927).

Publ.: 1874 (p. [3]: 1 Jan 1874), p. [1]-15. Copies: NY, US, USDA. —See also Bull. N.Y. bot. Club 2: 40. 1870, 3: 56. 1872, 4: 41-42. 1873, 6: 155-156. 1875/79, 7: 17-18. 1880.



Miller, John Frederick (1715-c. 1790), British botanical artist; son of Johann Sebastian Miller (Miller). (7. F. Mill.).

DRAWINGS: at BM. Miller accompanied Banks to Iceland in 1772; he is not known to have made collections himself. A list of his Iceland drawings is given in J. Bot. 45: 314. 1907. Other drawings made for Banks are at BM. Miller also illustrated R. Weston’s Universal botanist 1770-1777.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 491; BB p. 215; Blunt p. 150, 151; BM 3: 1313- 1314; Dawson p. 391, 434, 534, 612, 663, 724; DNB 37: 414; Dryander 1: 198, 5; 63; DU 208; Henrey 2: 730 [index]; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘“Mill., J. F.”); Jackson p. 112; NI 1377; PR 6233 (ed. 1: 6933); Rehder 1: 261, 262; RS p. 119; SO 1224a-1224b; TL-1/846; TL-2/1: 72, 295, 375; Lucker 1: 487; Zander ed. 11, p. 790.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 51: 255-257. 1913, 57: 353. 1918.

Sherborn, C. D. and T. Iredale, Ibis ser. 11. 3: 302-309. 1921.

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM (NH) 1: 43. 1904 (drawings at BM).

  1. [cones animalium et plantarum] [1776-1784]. 60 plates (coll. copp.), 1776-1785. The copy consulted by Rickett & Stafleu at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) had no title page. See Dryander for a description of Bank’s copy.

part plates dates part plates dates

I 1-6 1776(1) BBO) 1782(2)

2 7-12 1776 7 37-42 1782

3 13-18 1777 8 = 43-48 1783 ; 4 19-24 1777 vel 1778 9 49-54 1784

5 25-30 1779 vel 1780 10 455-60 1785(3)

(1) Plate 7 dated 10 Mar 1776; (2) plate 36 dated 16 Mai 1789; (3) known as yet only from the Cimelia Physica. (see below). For details see Britten (1913, 1918) and Sherborn and Iredale (1921). The original title may have been “Various subjects of natural history, wherein are delineated birds, animals and many curious plants ...” fide BM (3: 1313).

  1. Cimelia physica. Figures of rare and curious Quadrupeds, birds, &c. together with

several of the most elegant plants. Engraved and coloured from the subjects themselves by

John Frederick Miller. Withe descriptions by George Shaw, ... London (printed by T.

Bensley, for Benjamin and John White ... and John Sewell, .. .) 1976. Fol. (Cimelza phys.).

Publ.: 1796, p. [i], [1]-106, [leaves 1-10, expl. pl.], pl. 7-60 (as in Icones, see above). Copy: deyler:

Miller, John (1849-1918), American botanist active in Erie County, Pennsylvania, (7. Mill.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 491; BL 1: 212, 309; ME 2: 549.

note: for John Miller (1715-1780), see Mueller, Johann Sebastian.

  1. Hlora of Erie County Pennsylvania by John Miller, copyrighted 1923 by Anna E.

Miller. (Fl. Erie).

Publ.: 1923 (p. [3]: 27 Jun 1923; US copy rd. 1 Mar 1924), portr., p. [1]-47. Copies: US, USDA. — Portrait of Miller facing p. [2].

Miller, Philip (1691-1771), British gardener; superintendent of the Society of Apotheca- ries at Chelsea (“Chelsea Physick Garden”’) 1722-1770; “hortulanorum princeps.”’ (Mzll.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Miller’s herbarium was purchased by Banks in 1774 and is now part of the general herbarium of BM. It contains plants cultivated in the Chelsea garden as well



as collections from Houstoun and other travellers. Many Miller specimens are also in the Sloane collections; others at LINN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(2): 461; Ainsworth p. 83; Barnhart 2: 492; BB p. 215-

216; BM 3: 1314, 7: 844; Blunt p. 133-134; Bossert p. 268; Bret. p. 107; Dawson p. 574;

Desmond p. 439 (many biogr. refs.); DNB 37: 420-422; Dryander 3: 10, 21, 80, 97, 173, 584,

612, 613, 626, 641, 646; DSB 9: 390-391; DU 209-210; Frank 3(Anh.): 65-66; GF p. 57; HA

2: 148, 220-221; Henrey 1:87, 151, 152, 210, 2: 730 [index], 3: 89-93; Herder p. 88, 146, 361;

Hortus 3: 1200 (‘““Mill.””); HU 503-563, 566, 601, see also 2(1): ccxli [index]; IH 2: 540;

Jackson p. 11, 35, 110, 113, 116, 410, 413; Kew 4: 5-6; KR p. 502; Langman p. 507; Laségue

P- 323, 356, 358; Moebius p. 404, 408, 411; MW p. 323; NI 1378-1379; Plesch p. 337; PR

6236-6241 (ed. 1: 6935-6944); Rehder 5: 574; RS p. 119; SO 463-464, 637h, 6371; Sotheby

2: 187; TL-1/847-849a; Tl-2/1498, 1647, 4233, see Gronovius, J. F.; Tucker 1: 487-488;

Zander ed. 10, p. 692-693, ed. 11, p. 790.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1286-1287. 1870.

Anon., J. Bot. 77: 96. 1939, 79: 87. 1941 (on Miller monument in Chelsea old church yard); North. Gard. 29(1): 20-22. 1975 (letters from P. M. to Richard Richardson).

Ardagh, J. Bot. 72: 110-111. 1934.

Baer, M. E. and E. Anderson, Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 54(3): 20-23. 1966 (on Chelsea garden).

Bartlett, H. H., 55 rare books 1949, no. 48 (Figures).

Berkeley, E. and D.S., John Clayton 234 [index]. 1963; Dr. Alexander Garden 29-30, 158- 159. 1969; Dr. John Mitchell 280 [index]. 1974.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 51: 132-135. 1913 (on M’s herb.).

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 52, 90, 273, 332-333. 1969.

Dandy, J. E., Index of generic names of vascular plants 1753-1774, Regnum vegetabile vol. 51. Utrecht (nomenclature); The Sloane herb. 165-168. 1958.

Darlington, W., Memorials 1849 (many entries, see facs. ed. p. xxxvi1).

Drewitt, F. Dawtrey, The romance of the Apothecaries’ Garden at Chelsea, London, Sydney, ed. 1, 1922, p. 56, 57, 60, 66, 67, ed. 2, 1924, p. 65, 67, 69-71.

Earnest, E., John and William Bartram 185 [index]. 1940.

Ehrhart, F., Beitr. Naturk. 6: 158-178. 1791.

Ewan, J., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 103: 816. 1959.

Fagin, N. B., William Bartram 6. 1933.

Faulkner, T., Hist. topogr. descr. Chelsea 1: 250. 1829, 2: 184-186. 1829.

Fletcher, H. H., Story R. Hort. Soc. 549. 1969, R. bot. Gard. Edinburgh 36, 43, 47. 1970.

Fries, Th. M. & J. M. Hulth, Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(2): 331. 1908, 1(3): 340. 1909, 1(4); 6, 252. 1910, 1(5): 58, 138, 203. 1911, 1(6): 52, 53. 1912, 1(7): 185-187. 1917.

Fussell, G. E., More old Engl. farming books 49, 65, 110, 144, 145, 150. 1948.

Hadfield, M., Pioneers in gardening 47-48, 52-53. 1951.

Haworth, A. H., Gentleman’s Mag. 94(1): 488. 1829 (fide Stearn 1969).

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(8): 199. 1922, 2(1): 426. 1916.

J., Dict. sci. méd. Biogr. méd. 6: 274-275. 1824.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134(suppl.) 18. 1922 (specimens LINN).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 272, 285, 293, 329, 393. 1864.

Lemmon, K., Golden age of plant hunters 72, 118. 1968.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 69. 1957 (herb. BM).

Le Rougetel, H., J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 96(g): 412-418. 1971 (Gilbert White consults P. Miller), 96(12): 556-563. 1971 (biogr.); Country Life 163: (4200): 14-15. 1978; Trees 40(2): 10-15. 1978.

Leroy, J. F. et al., Bot. frang. Amér. nord 125, 271, 305. 1957.

Martyn, Th., [preface to] Gardeners dictionary ed. 9, p. 1-x, Xxxv.

Merrill, E. D., Bartonia 23: 35. 1945; J. Arnold Arb. 29: 242-244. 1948 (on M’s binomials in Gard. Dict. ed. 8).

Miall, L. C., The early naturalists 340, 345. 1912 (pollination).

Milner, J. D., Gat. portr. Kew 85. 1go6.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 168. 1904 (herb.).

Paterson, A., Garden (London) 100(6): 234-237. 1975.

Phillips, V. T. and M. E., Guide mss. coll. Acad. Phila. p. 414. 1963.

Pulteney, R., Sketches 2: 241-250. 1791.


MILLER, P. (1730)

Rogers, J., Memoirs of Philip Miller, F. R. S., in Mill., Gard. dict. abr. ed. 4, facs. repr. a introduction by W. T. Stearn.

Roberts, H. F., Plant hybrid. before Mendel 66-68. 1965.

Rothmaler, W., Rep. Spec. nov. 53: 30. 1944.

Smith, E., Life Joseph Banks 93, 199.1911.

Smith, J. E., Sel. corm. Linnaeus 1: 84, 255. 1821.

Squire, A. W. L., Cactus 4(6): 121-122. 1972 (popular).

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 19: 713-715. 1969; zm Daniels and Stafleu, Taxon 21: 646. 1972; Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 205-207, 378. 1971.

Stearn, W. T., J. Bot. 78: 67. 1940; Rhodora 45: 511. 1943; Gat. bot. Books Hunt 2(1): Ixxiii-lxxx. 1961; Taxon 16: 494-498. 1967; i facsimile reprint Gard. dict. abridg. ed. 1969, p. v-xvi; Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 41: 293-307. 1972 (on the plants presented annually to the Royal Society by the Society of Apothecaries, 1723-1796); J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 7(1): 125-141. 1974 (Gard. Dict.).

Underwood, E. A., Hist. worshipf. Soc. apoth. 1: 433 [index]. 1963.

Williams, F. N., J. Bot. 48: 183. 1910, 52: 217. 1914 (on Gard. dict. abr. ed. 4).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 81. 1905.

HANDWRITING: Dandy, J. E., Sloane herbarium facs. no. 30. 1938.

EPOoNYMY: Millenia Linnaeus (1753). Note: Millerburtonia Ciferri (1953) is dedicated to Julian Howell Miller (1890-?), American mycologist and to Mary Gwendolyn Burton (1917-x), American ... Milleria W. H. Lang (1926) and Rellimia S. Leclercq & P. M. Bonamo (1973, anagram) are dedicated to Hugh Miller (1802-1856), Scottish ““Stone-mason, man of letters, and self-educated geologist, also paleontologist, including paleobotanist” (Barn- hart 2: 491).

  1. The gardeners and florists dictionary, or a complete system of horticulture: containing, ...

to which is added, a catalogue of curious trees, plants and fruits, from which any gentleman

may collect at pleasure, what may be useful or ornamental to his gardens. In two volumes

... London (printed for Charles Rivington,...) 1724. 2 vols. Oct. (Gard. fl. dict.).

1: 1724, p. [1]-xvi, alphabet sign.: B-Z, Aa-K,.

2: 1724, p. [i-ii], alphabet sign.: B-Z, Aa-li,. Copies: BM, NY. — “‘Largely a compilation. Historically important as perhaps the earliest dictionary of horticulture.” (G. D. Row- ley, in lit.).

  1. Catalogus plantarum, tum exoticarum domesticarum, quae in hortis haud procul a

Londino sitis in venditionem propaguntur. A catalogue of trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers,

both exotic and domestic, which are propagated for sale, in the gardens near London.

Divided, according to their different degrees of hardiness, into particular books, or parts; in

each of which the plants are ranged in an alphabetical order ... by a Society of Gardeners

... London: printed in the year mdccxxx. [1730]. Fol. (Cat. pl.).

Publ.: 1730, p. [i*], [i]-xii, 1-90, pl. 1-27 (handcol. copp.). Copies: BM, G; IDC 6071. — Although anonymously published, the text of this book may be assumed to have been written by Philip Miller, the secretary of the Society of Gardeners. - The 21 coloured engraved plates are by Jacob van Huysum (1687-1749), 7 of them are colour-prints. The originals are at BM (Bloomsbury). See Ardagh (1934) for details. Linnaeus refers to this publication occasionally as “Hort. angl.”

  1. Catalogus plantarum officinalium quae in horto botanico chelseyano aluntur ... Londi- ni: anno m.dcc.xxx [1730]. Oct. (in fours). (Cat. pl. off.). Publ.: 1730, frontisp., p. [i]-viii, [1 ]-152.

  2. The gardeners dictionary: containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit and flower garden. As also, the physick garden, wilderness, conservatory, and vineyard, according to the practice of the most experienc’d gardeners of the present age. Interspers’d with the history of the plants, the characters of each genus, and the name of all the particular species, in Latin and English; and an explanation of all the terms used in botany and gardening. Together with accounts of the nature and use of barometers, thermometers, and hygrometers proper for gardeners; and of the origin, causes, and nature



of meteors, and the particular influences of air, earth, fire and water upon vegetation,

according to the best natural philosophers. Adorn’d with copper plates. By Philip Miller,

gardener to the botanick garden at Chelsea, and F. R. S. Digna manet divini gloria ruris .

Virg. Geo. London (printed for the author; and sold by C. Rivington, ...) 1731. Fol. (Gard.


Orig. issue: as above, London 1731, front., p. [1]-xvi, [1-4, subscribers], dictionary [833 pages, not numbered] sign. B,-8D,, a-zz,, pl. 1-4. Copies: MO, NY, USDA.

Dublin issue(t): 1731, n.v. (extant?).

Dublin issue(2): 1732, n.v., p. [i]-xvi, [1-939], pl. 1-4. See Henrey no. 1103.

  1. The gardeners dictionary: containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit and flower garden, as also the physick garden, wilderness, conservatory, and vineyard; according to the practice of the most experienc’d gardeners of the present age. Interspers’d with the history of the plants, the characters of each genus, and all the names of all the particular species, in Latin and English; and an explanation of all the terms used in botany and gardening. Together with accounts ... according to the best natural philoso- phers ... The second edition, corrected. London (printed for the author; and sold by C. Rivington, ...) 1733. Fol. (Gard. dict. ed. 2).

Publ.: 1733, p- [u*], frontisp., [i]-xvi, alphabet: B,-10C,, 3 pl. Copies: MO, NY.

603ga. An Appendix to the gardeners dictionary. Containing several articles which were omitted in the folio editions of that work ... London (printed for the author; and sold by C. Rivington, ...) 1735. Fol. (App. gard. dict.).

Publ.: 1735, p. [i-iv], alphabet sign. A-E,. Copy: NY.

6039b. The gardeners dictionary: containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit and flower garden, as also the physick garden, wilderness, conservatory and vineyard: according to the practice of the most experienced gardeners of the present age. Interspersed with the history of the plants, the characters of each genus, and the names ofall the particular species, in Latin and English; and an explanation of all the terms used in botany and gardening. Together with accounts ... according to the best natural philoso- phers ... The third edition, corrected. London (printed for the author; and sold by C. Rivington, ...) 1737. Fol. (Gard. dict. ed. 3).

Publ.: 1737, p. [ii], frontisp., [1ii]-xii, sign. B,-10N,, 3 pl. Copies: MO, NY.

  1. The second volume of the gardeners dictionary: which completes the work ... London

(printed for the author; and sold by Charles Rivington, ...) 1739. Fol. (Gard. dict. ed. 3, vol.

2). ;

First edition of this second volume: 1739, p. [i-xii], alphabet: sign. B-5N,. Copy: NY.

Second edition of this second volume: 1740, p. [i-xii], alphabet: sign. Aa-5N,, addenda [86] p., fl. 1-3, plan, index [1-18]. Copy: USDA.

  1. The gardeners dictionary: in two volumes. Containing the methods of cultivating and

improving the kitchen, fruit and flower garden, and also, the physick garden, ... [as ed. 3] ...

philosophers. Adorn’d with copper plates ... the fourth edition, corrected. London (printed

for the author; and sold by J. Rivington, ...) 1743, 2 vols. Fol. (Gard. dict. ed. 4).

1: 1743, [a]-[b],, c,, B-Zzz,, 4A-1ol,, frontisp., 4 pl.

2: consists of Gard. dict. ed. 3, vol. 2, see above, either the first (1739) or the second (1740) edition. Copy: HU (p. [i-1i1], [1-868], frontisp, 4 p/.).

  1. The gardener’s dictionary: containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, and flower garden, as also, the physick garden, wilderness, consgpvatory, and vineyard; according to the practice of the most experienced gardeners of the present age. Interspersed with the history of the plants, the characters of each genus, and the names of all the particular species, in Latin and English; and an explanation of all the terms used in botany and gardening. Together with accounts ... according to the best philosophers ... The Jifthedition, corrected ... Dublin (printed by S. Powell for R. Gunn, ...) 1741. Fol. (Gard. dict. ed. 5).

Publ.: 1741, p. [i]-xii, alphabet: sign. B-gI,, 1 pl. Copy: NY. — See also Henrey no. 1108

(complete coll.). There seems to be no London issue of ed.5.



  1. The gardeners dictionary. Containing, the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, flower, fruit and pleasure garden; wherein all the articles contained in the former editions of this work, in two yolumes, are disposed in one alphabet: with the addition of a great number of plants. The sixth edition; carefully revised; and adapted to the present practice. By Philip Miller, R.S.C. Gardener to the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries at their botanic garden’in Chelsea; and member of the botanic society at Florence. Digna manet divini gloria ruris. Virg. Georg. London (printed for the author; and sold by John and James Rivington) 1752. Fol. (Gard. dict. ed. 6). Publ.: 1752, frontisp., p. [i-xii], alphabet: sign. B-11P,, pl. 1-3 and 5 unnumbered. — Starting-point work for the nomenclature of cultivars, see International Code for the Nomenclature of Cultivated plants 1969, art. 44c. Copies: MO, USDA.

  2. The gardeners dictionary: containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery; as also for performing the practical parts of agriculture: including the managment of vineyards, with the methods of making and preserving the wine, according to the present practice of the most skilful vignerons in the several wine countries in Europe. Together with directions for propagating and improving from real practice and experience, all sorts of timber trees. The seventh edition, revised and altered according to the latest system of botany; and embellished with several copper plates, which were not in the former editions. By Philip Miller, ... London (printed for the author; and sold by John Rivington, ... A. Millar ... R. and J. Dodsley) 1759. Fol.

(Gard. dict. ed. 7).

Publ.: 1756-1759, published in weekly parts, in one or two volumes. Classification in accordance with the Linnaean system (no binomials). Front., p. [i-xi], [1-3, authors’ names], alphabetical treatment [1-1357], addenda [1-8], index [1-29], pl. 1-20, uncol. copper engr. by J. S. Mueller. (Sign. A-15R,). Copies: MO, NY, USDA (4 pl., one vol.); IDC 250.

Dublin ed.: 1764. — Dublin (printed for George and Alexander Ewing —) 1764. Qu. 2 vols. Copy: BR. — For details see Henrey no. 1112.

  1. The gardeners dictionary: containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery; as also for performing the practical parts of agriculture: including the management of vineyards, with the methods of making and preserving wine, according to the present practice of the most skilful vignerons in the several wine countries in Europe. Together with directions for propagating and improving, from real practice and experience, all sorts of timber trees. The ezghth edition, revised and altered according to the latest system of botany; and embellished with several copper-plates, which were not in some former editions. By Philip Miller, ... London

(printed for the author; and sold by John and Francis Rivington, ... A. Millar, ...'T. Payne)

  1. Fol. (Gard. dict. ed. 8).

Publ.: 16 Apr 1768, as a single volume (TL-1), front., p. [i-xiv], alphabetical treatment [1- 1300], index [1-29], 20 pl. (sign. A-15M,). Copies: BR, G, HU, MO, MICH, NY, US, USDA; IDC 251. — Binomial nomenclature for species used; see ICBN Art. 33.1. Important for the typification of generic names in abr. ed. 4. ~See HU 601 for extensive bibl. details.

  1. The gardener’s and botanist’s dictionary; containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, and flower garden, and nursery; of performing the practical parts of agriculture; of managing vineyards; and of propagating all sorts of timber trees. By the late Philip Miller, ... to which are now first added a complete enumeration and description of all plants hitherto known, with their generic and specific characters, places of growth, times of flowering and uses both medicinal and economical. The whole corrected and newly arranged. With the addition of all the modern improve- ments in landscape gardening, and in the culture of trees, plants, and fruits, particularly in the various kinds of hot houses and forcing frames; with plates explanatory both of them, and the principles of botany. By Thomas Martyn ... In two volumes ... London (printed for F. and C. Rivington, ...) 1797. 2 vols. Fol. (Gard. dict. ed. 9).

Editor. Thomas Martyn (1735-1825). 7: 1797, p. [i*-v*], [i]-clxviti, [i*-x*], [1, err-],

alphabet sign. B,-[17D,]. Vol. 2 not seen. Copies: MO, NY.



Other issue: 30 Mai 1795-21 Dec 1807, 2 vols. in 2 parts each. Copres: MO, NY, USDA(2). — See also Henrey nos. 1114, 1115 and 1116 for this and further issues. Vol. 1(1): A-CIV, p. [i*, m1* dated Dec 1807], [1]-clxvin, [i* aie pl. 1-8, [1-2], pli 7-7, (1, eum alphabetical treatment Aa-Civy, sign. B, [eG]: Vol. 1(2 ‘ C,,-I, p. [1], alphabetical Heese cone: sign. 8C,-17D,. Vol. ae : K-P, p. [i], id. Ka-Pz, sign B,-10S,. a Vol. 2( ): O-Z, p. [i], id. Q-Z, sign. roT, -208,.

  1. Groot en algemeen kruidkundig, hoveniers, en bloemisten woordenboek, behelzende de manier om moes-, bloem-, vrugt-, kruid-tuinen, wildbossen, wijngaarden, oranje-huizen, stook- kassen, enz. aanteleggen, enz. en allerlei gewassen te kweeken. Alles volgens de ondervin- ding van de ervarenste hoveniers der tegenwoordige eeuw, doormengd met de historien der planten, de kentekens van elk geslagt en de naamen van alle de bijzondere soorten in het Latijn en Duits; en eene Verklaaring van alle de Kunst-woorden in de kruidkunde en het tuinieren gebruikelijk, waarbij ook komt een berigt ... volgens de beste natuurkundigen. Met koperen platen versierd door Philip Miller, ... Voorzien met eene voorrede van den hooggeleerden heere Adrianus van Royen, ... volgens den laatsten druk, uit het Engels vertaald door Jakob van Eems, ... te Leiden (by Pieter vander Eyk, en de weduwe Jakob vander Kluis, P. Z.) 1745, 2 vols. Fol. (Groot kruidk. woordenb.).

Preface: Adriaan van Royen (1704-1779). Translator: Jakob van Eems.

Publ.: 1: 1745, p. [i-xvill], 1-593, 2: 1745, p. [i], 595-1203, pl. 7-4, [1205-1238, 1, err., 2

colo.]. Copy: NY.

  1. Das englische Gartenbuch, oder Philipp Millers . .. Gartner-Lexicon, in sich haltend die Art und Weise, wie sowohl der Ktichen-Frucht-Blumen- und Krautergarten, als auch Lustwalder, Glashauser und Winterungen, nebst dem Weingarten, nach den Regeln der erfahrensten Gartner jetziger Zeit, zu bauen und zu verbessern seyn: dazu kommt noch die Historie der Pflanzen, der Character und englische Name jedes Geschlechtes, die deutschen und lateinischen Namen aller besondern Sorten, wie auch eine Erklarung der in der Botanik und Gartenkunst gebrauchlichen Kunstworter,... Nach der fiinften, vermehrten und verbesserten Ausgabe, aus dem Englischen, auf das sorgfaltigste in das Deutsche ubersetzet, von D. Georg Leonhart Huth, ... Nurnberg (auf Kosten Johann Georg Lochners) 1750-1758. 3 vols. Fol. (Engl. Gartenb.).

Translator: Georg Leonhart Huth; based on orig. ed. 5.

1750, p. [1-11], frontisp., [11-xvili], 1-548, 3 pl.

1751, p. [1-11], 1-620, pl. 7-3, and 2 unnumbered pl., [1-xxui, index].

1758, p. [1-1v], 1-336, [i-iv, index], 1-63.

Go ly Nw

  1. Philipp Millers ... Allgemeines Gdrtner-Lexicon das ist ausfthrliche Beschreibung der

Geschlechter und Gattungen aller und jeder Pflanzen nach dem neuesten Lehrgebaude des

Ritter Linne eingerichtet worinnen zugleich eine Erklarung aller botanischen Kunstworter

und eine auf vieljahrige Erfahrung gegriindete practische Anweisung zum Garten Acker

Wein und Holzbau enthalten ist. Mit verschiedenen Kupfern nach der allerneuesten, sehr

vermehrten und veranderten achten Ausgabe aus dem englischen tbersetzt. ... Nurnberg

(verlegts Johann Adam Lochner) 1769. 4 parts. Qu. (Allg. Garin. Lexic.).

Theil 1: 1769 (pref. 26 Mar 1769), p. [i-viii], [1 ]-966.

Theil 2: 1772, p. [i-iv, dated 20 Dec 1771], [1]-890, pl. 7-4, uncol. copper engr.

Theil 3: 1776, p. [i], [1]-919, pl. 1-8, id.

Theil 4: 1776, p. [i-iv, dated 30 Sep 1776], [1 ]-966, [1-5, glossary], (1-61, index], pl. z-4, and 2 unnumbered plates.

Copies: FI-BN, H, MO, USDA. — A translation of the ezghth edition (see no. 6045).

  1. Le grand dictionnaire des jardiniers et des cultivateurs, ou encyclopédie rurale, avec beaucoup de planches gravées; traduit de l’anglais de Philippe Miller ... Paris (Librairie encyclopédique, ...) 8 vols., s.d. Oct. (Grand dict. jard.).

Publ.: Undated; publ. shortly after 1775; based on ed. 8 (1768). Copy: NY.

1: frontisp., p. [il -xlix, [x-li], pl. 7-8, [1]-543.

2: [i, iii], [(1)]-(3), [1]-697.

3: [i, ni], [1]-597, pl. 1-2.

4: (i, iii], [1)-574.



5: fi, ii], [1]-592, 1 pl.

6: [i, iii], [1 ]-533, pl. 7-6.

7: i, ui], [1]-544-

8: [i, iii], [1]-244, cat. 1-86, calendr. [1]-184.

  1. Dictionnaire des jardiniers, contenant les méthodes les plus sires et les plus modernes

pour cultiver et améliorer les jardins potagers, a fruits, a fleurs et les pépinieres, ainsi que

pour réformer les anciennes pratiques d’agriculture; avec des moyens nouveaux de faire et

conserver le vin, suivant les procédés actuellement en usage parmi les vignerons les plus

instruits de plusieurs pays de l’Europe; et dans lequel on donne des préceptes pour

multiplier et faire prospérer tous les objets soumis a lagriculture, et la maniere d’employer

toutes sortes de bois de charpente. Ouvrage traduit de l’anglois, sur la huitieme édition de

Philippe Miller. Par une Société de gens de lettres. Dédié 4 Monsieur ... A Paris (Chez

Guillot, Libraire de Monsieur, . ..) 1785, 8 vols. Qu. (Dict. jard.).

Translator: Laurent Marie de Chazelles.

Publ.: 1785 (p. 58: 24 Sep 1784). Copies: MO. NY.

: [it-v*], [i]-xlviii, [1]-586, [587-588], pl. 2-8.

: [i-iti], [1 ]-760.

: fi-ili], [1 ]-638, pl. 7-2.

: [i*-11*], [i]-1, [1]-644.

: fi-iii], [1 ]-642, 7 pl.

: [isi], [1]-592, 7 pl.

7: [i-iti], [1 ]-608.

8: frontisp. portr. Miller, id. Dict., p. [1-111], [1]-279, cat. 1-43, cat. fr. [1]-52, ind. lat. [1]-43, Engl. names [1]-55, calendrier [1]-221, [222, err.].

ho oN


  1. Dictionnaire des jardiniers et des cultivateurs, par Philippe Miller: traduit de PAnglois

sur la VIII®. édition; avec un grand nombre d’additions de differens genres, par MM le

président de Chazelles, le conseiller Holandre, &c. Nouvelle édition, dans laquelle on a rectifié

un trés-grand nombre d’endroits de l’édition de Paris, afin de rendre la traduction francoise

conforme a l’original Anglois; & de plus, on y a ajouté les noms Anglois des plantes, &

plusieurs nouvelles notes... 4 Bruxelles (Chez Benoit le Francq, . ..) 1786-1789, 8 vols. Oct.

(Dict. Fard., nouv. éd.).

Original translation: Laurent Marie de Chazelles.

Publ.: 1786-1789. Copy: BR. — A copy was offered by Junk in 1975 (Cat. 193, no. 245, Hfl. 425.-).

: 1786, frontisp., p. [i]-xlix, [1]-543, Ol. 1-8.

: 1786, p. [i-v], [1 ]-697.

: 1787, p. [i-ini], [1]-597-

: 1788, p. [1-11], [1]-574.-

: 1788, p. [1, mi], [1]-592.-

: 1788, p. [1]-533-

: 1788, p. [i, iii], [1]-544, 2 pl.

: 1789, p. [i, iii], [1]-244, cat. [1]-86, calendrier [1]-184.

ON DoW & Wb

  1. The gardeners dictionary: containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit and flower garden, as also the physick garden, wilderness, conservatory, and vineyard. Abridg’d from the folio edition, by the author, Philip Miller, ...in two volumes. London (printed for the author, and sold by C. Rivington, ...) 1735, 2 vols. Oct (Gard. dict. abr.).

Vol. r: 1735, front., p. [i]-viii, alphabetical treatment A-J; sign. B-Hh,, 1 fi.

Vol. 2: 1735, p. [i], id. K-Z: [1-20, index], sign. B-Mmg, 1 pl. Copy: USDA.

  1. The gardeners dictionary: containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit and flower-garden, as also the physic-garden, wilderness, conservatory, and vineyard. In which likewise are included the practical parts of husbandry; and the method of making and preserving wines, according to the practice of foreign vignerons. Abridg'd from the two volumes lately published in folio, by the author, Philip Miller, ... in three volumes ... The second edition, corrected. London (printed for the author, and sold by C. Rivington) 1740-1741, 3 vols. Oct. (Gard. dict. abr. ed. 2).


MILLER, P. (1740)

1: 1741, front., [i]-vii, alphabetical treatment A-I: (sign. B,-Hh,), x pl.

2: 1741, p. [1], id. Ka-Zi, plus Faba: (sign. B,-Mm,), [1-20, index], 7 pil.

3: 1740 (sic), not designated second edition, p. [i-iv], Aa-Za: [1-5, index] (sign. B-Pp,). Copies: MO, USDA.

  1. The gardeners dictionary. Containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, and flower-garden, and also the physic-garden, wilderness, conservatory, and vineyard. In which likewise are included the practical parts of husbandry; and the method of making and preserving wines, according to the practice of foreign vignerons. Abridged from the two volumes in folio, by the author, Philip Miller... In three volumes... The third edition, corrected; and the whole digested into one alphabet. London (printed for the author; and sold by John and James Rivington) 1748. Oct. (Gard. dict. abr. ed. 3).

1: 1748, front., p. [i]-viii, alphabetical treatment Aa-Fu: (sign. B,-Hh,g).

2: 1748, p. [i], id. Ga-Ph: (sign. [*], li,-Rrr,), 7 pl.

3: 1748, p. [i], id. Ph-Zi: [1-22, index], (sign. Sss, -5G,), 1 pl.

Copies: MO, USDA.

  1. The gardeners dictionary. Containing the methods of cultivating and improving all sorts of trees, plants, and flowers, for the kitchen, fruit, and pleasure gardens; as also those which are used in medicine. With directions for the culture of vineyards, and making wine in England. In which likewise are included the practical parts of husbandry. Abridged from the last folio edition, by the author, Philip Miller, ... in three volumes ... The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged. London (printed for the author; and sold by John and James Rivington, ...) 1754. Oct. (Gard. Dict. abr. ed. 4). Publ.: 28 Jan 1754. Copies: G, MO, NY, PH, USDA(2); IDC 465. 1: front., p. [i-vi], alphabetical treatment A-F: [in facs. ed.: 11-524] (sign. B,-LlI,). 2: p. [i], id. Ga-Ox; [527-996], (sign. LI,-Rrr,), z pl. 3: [i], Pa-Z, [1-33, index]; [999-1582], (sign. Rrr,-[5G,], 2 p/. Important because of the overflow of pre-Linnaean generic names. Many Tournefortian names are validly published here because taken up for the first time after 1753. See Dandy (1967) for details. Facsimile ed.: 1969, Lehre (J. Cramer), ISBN 3-7682-0613-0, Historiae naturalis classica 72, p. [i]-xvi, mtrod. by W. T. Stearn, facsimile [1]-1582. Copies: FAS, L, NY. — The facsimile edition has continuous pagination; these page numbers should be cited in brackets []. Ref.: Stearn, W. T., The abridgement of Miller’s Gardeners Dictionary, Lehre 1969, p. v-xi, reprinted from facsimile ed.; see also J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 7: 125-141. 1974. Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 19: 713-715. 1969. Druce, G. C., Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. 3: 426-436. 1914.

  2. Abridgement of the gardeners dictionary: containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery; as also for performing the practical parts of husbandry: together with the management of vineyards, and the methods of making wine in England. In which likewise are included directions for propagating and improving, from real practice and experience, pasture lands and all sorts of timber trees. By Philip Miller, .. The fifth edition, corrected and enlarged. London (printed for the author; and sold by John Rivington, ... A. Millar, ... J. Hinxman) 1763. Qu. (Gard. dict. abr. ed. 5). Publ.: 1763 (briefly mentioned in Miller’s letter to Linnaeus of 14 Mar 1764), front., p. [i- viii], alphabetical treatment A-Z: [1-17, index], (sign. A-5Z,), 72 pl. (uncol.). Copies: NY, USDA.

  3. The abridgement of the gardeners dictionary: containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery; as also for performing the practical parts of husbandry: together with the management of vineyards, and the methods of making wine in England. In which likewise are included, directions for propagating and improving, from a real practice and experience, pasture lands and all sorts of timber trees. By Philip Miller, .. . The s¢xth edition, corrected and much enlarged. London (printed for the author; and sold by John and Francis Rivington, ... and T. Davies.) 1771. Oct. (Gard. Dict. abr. ed. 6).

Publ.: 1771, frontisp., p. [i-vili], sign. A-5Z,, 12 pl. Cofres: Ewan, G, MO, NY.



  1. Figures of the most beautiful, useful, and uncommon Plants described in the Gardeners dictionary, exhibited on three hundred copper plates, accurately engraven after drawings taken from nature. With the characters of their flowers and seed-vessels, drawn when they were in their greatest perfection. To which are added, their descriptions, and an account of the classes to which they belong, according to Ray’s, Tournefort’s and Linnaeus’s method of classing them. By Philip Miller, ... In two volumes. London (printed for the author; and sold by John Rivington, ... A. Millar, ...J. Dodsley) [1755-] 1760 Fol. (Fig. pl. Gard. Dict.).

Publ.: The 300 plates are all dated: 7, 25 Mar 1755: 300, 30 Jun 1760. An advertisement printed in Gard. Dict. ed. 7, dated 31 Mar 1759, states that the book was published in monthly numbers containing six plates each, beginning 25 Mar 1755. The dates on the plates are not necessarily those of publication, but it may be assumed that the difference was not considerable. The British copyright acts required this dating of the plates and they were really intended to be the dates of actual issue to the public (see Stearn). Publication took place in 50 parts. The plates are engravings of drawings by G. D. Ehret, J. Bartram, R. Lancake, W. Houstoun, and J. S. Mueller. The book was issued with coloured as well as with plain plates. Some of the plates are partly colour-printed and finished by hand. Copies: G, HU, MO, NY, Teyler, US, USDA (col. pl.); IDC 243.

1: 1760 (t.p.), p. [i]-vi, 1-100, pl. 1-150, various plates misnumbered.

2: 1760 (t.p.), p. [1], 101-201, [1-4, ind. ], pl. 251-300. For a detailed bibliographical analysis see HU 566. The copies show variation in the numbers of plates present and in the misnumberings. The copy at G lacks only pl. 177 (which is present in other copies).

Ed. 2: 1771, practically identical with 1760 ed., London (printed for the Author; and sold by John and Francis Rivington ...) 1771. Copy: MICH. — See Henrey no. 1008.

Ed. 3: 1809 (copy at CAS), with new text by an anonymous editor (? Thomas Martyn) with Linnaean binomials. (Inf. P. A. Fryxell), see also Wheldon & Wesley, Cat. 131, 1974, no. 86. See also Henrey no. 1099, and McClintock, E. M. & P. A. Fryxell, Huntia 3(2): 127-

  1. 1979 (1980).

  2. Philipp Millers ... Abbildungen der nitzlichsten, schOnsten und seltensten Pflanzen welche in seinem Gartner-Lexicon vorkommen, auf das genaueste, nach den von der Natur genommenen Zeichnungen, in Kupfer gestochen und illuminiert, auch mit einer ausfthrli- chen Beschreibung und Anzeige der Classen, worunter sie nach Rati, Tourneforts und Linnai Classification gehoren, erlautert. Aus dem Englischen tbersezt [sic]. Nurnberg (bey Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt, ...) 1768-1782, 2 vols. Fol. (Abbild. Pfl.).

1: 1768-1772 (t.p. 1768; preface 2 Dec 1772), p. [i-iv], [1]-158, [1-2], pl. 7-150 (col.).

2: 1773?-1782 (t.p. 1782), p. [i], [1]-155, [156-158], pl. 751-300 (id.).

Copies: NY, MO (first part only, p. [1]-24, pl. 7-79).

  1. Supplément au dictionnaire des jardiniers, qui comprend tous les genres et les espéces de

plantes non détaillées dans le dictionnaire de Miller, avec leurs descriptions puisées dans les

meilleurs auteurs, ou prises sur les plantes mémes, et indication de la maniere de traiter au

grand nombre de ces plantes. Par M. de Chazelles, ... a Metz (de ’imprimerie de Claude

Lamort) 1789, 2 vols. Qu. (Suppl. dict. jard.).

Author: Laurent Marie de Chazelles.

1: 1789 (p. vu: Censor, 15 Oct 1789), frontisp., p. [1]-vin, [1 ]-731, [732, err., 733, ind. ], pl. 7- 4 (uncol. copp.).

2: 1789, p. [i-mi], [1]-758, [759, err.], pl. 1-5 (id.). Copzes: MO, NY.

Miller, Robert Barclay (1875-?), American botanist and forester, MA Wabash 1906, MS Yale 1908, chief forester, Department of Conservation, Illinois. (R. B. Mill.).

HERBARIUM and Types Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY Barnhart 2: 492; BL 1: 174, 309.

  1. The native and naturalized trees of Illinois... Urbana, Ilinois (printed by authority of the State of Illinois) 1929. Oct. ( Trees Illinois).

Publ.: 1929, p. [1]-339, pl. 1-98. Copy: USDA. — Bull. Illinois Dept. Registr., Div. Nat. Hist.

Survey 18(1). 1929. Ref.: Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 69: 82-83. 1931.



Miller, Samuel A. (1837-1897), American politician and lawyer at Cincinnati; amateur geolist and palaeontologist. (S$. A/ill.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 303; Quenstedt p. 296. W. R. B., The Ottawa Naturalist 11: 208. 1898 (obit., d. 18 Dec 1897). F. A. B., Geol. Mag. 406: 192. 1898 (obit., b. 28 Aug 1837).

6062a. Contributions to Paleontology. No. 2. By S. A. Miller and C. B. Dyer. July 22, 1878. Cincinnati, Ohio (printed by James Barclay, ...) 1878. Oct.

1: 1878, J. Cincinnati Soc. nat. Hist. 1: 24-39, pl. 1-2. 1878.

2: 22 Jul 1878, ib. 1: 1-11. pl. 3-4. Copy: USGS.

6062b. North American geology and palaeontology for the use of amateurs, students, and scientists ... Cincinnati, Ohio 1889. Oct. (NV. Amer. geol. palaeont.).

Main volume: Nov-Dec 1889, (p. 4: Nov 1889), p. [1]-664. Copies: U, US.

First appendix: 1892, p. [665]-718. Copy: US.

Second appendix: 1897, p. [719]-793. Copy: USGS.

Miller, William (c. 1831-1898), British botanist and school-master. (W. Muill.). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 222, 691; BM 3: 1315; Desmond p. 439-440; Rehder 5: 575; Lucker 1: 488.

  1. A dictionary of English names of plants applied in England and among English-speaking

people to cultivated and wild plants, trees, and shrubs... London (John Murray, . . .) 1884.

Oct. (Dict. Engl. pl. names).

Publ.: Sep-Nov 1884 (p. vii: Sep 1884; Bot. Centralbl. 1-5 Dec 1884; J. Bot. Feb 1855; Bot. Zeit. 26 Dec 1884; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1884), p. [1]-viti, [1 ]-264. Copy: MO.

Mills, Frederick William (1868-1949), British solicitor (until 1922) and diatomologist. (Mills).


HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM (30.000 slides; “*... he claimed that he never mounted a

specimen himself” (N. I. H.)).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 7: 845; De Toni 4: xxxlx; Kew 4: 7; MW p. 323; TL-


Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedw. 35: 362. 1975.

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

N.I.H., J. R. microse. Soc. ser. 3. 70: 292-293. 1950 (obit., b. 26 Mar 1868, d. 5 Oct 1949), J. Quekett microsc. Club ser. 4. 3: 205. 1950.

Ross, R., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 162: 117-118. 1950 (obit.; the Zndex Diatom. contains some 500.000 references).

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. diatom. 6: 3569-3570, 7: 4205. 1978.

Wornardt, W. W., Int. direct. diatom. 34. 1968.

  1. An introduction to the study of the Diatomaceae, by Frederick Wm. Mills, ... with a bibliography by Julien Deby, ... London (Iliffe & Son, ...), Washington, D. C. (The microscopical publishing Company) 1893. Oct. (Introd. Diatom.).

Bibliography by: Julien Marc Deby (1826-1895).

Ed. 1: Mai-Jun 1893 (p. vii: Apr 1893; Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1893; ObZ Jul 1893; Bot. Zeit. 1 Oct 1893; Hedwigia Nov-Dec 1893; J. Bot. Sep 1893; Bot. Gaz. Nov 1893), p. [iit]-xi, [1]- 243, fig. 1-6. Copies: B, BR, FI, MO, NY, PCS, US.

Ed. 2: Jan-Feb 1901 (Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1901; Bot. Zeit. 1 Apr 1gor).

Ref.: Mann, Alb., Flora 77: 487, 491. 1893.

Murray, G., J. Bot. 31: 284-285. 1893 (rev.).



  1. The diatomaceae of the Hull district. With illustrations of 600 species. [London] (Sold by

Wm. Wesley & Sons) 1901. Oct.

Co-author: Robert Harris Philip (1852-1912).

Publ.: late 1901 (Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1902, also Feb(1) 1903; Bot. Zeit. 1 Apr 1902), p. 157- 191, pl. 12-28 with text, uncol. liths. Copy: US. — Reprinted, with special cover, and to be cited from Trans.Hull Sci. Field Natural. Club 1(4): 157-191, pl. 12-28. 1901.

  1. An index to the genera and species of the Diatomaceae and their synonyms compiled by Frederick Wm. Mills... 1816-1932 ... London (Wheldon & Wesley Ltd., ...) 1933-1935,

part pages dates I GJ, [1]-74 Mai 1933 2 75-148 Jul 1933 3 744, 149-222 Aug 1933 4 223-206 Sep 1933 5 297-372 Oct 1933 6 373-448 Nov 1933 7 449-525 Dec 1933 8 527-606 Jan 1934 9 607-684. Feb 1934 10 685-762 Mar 1934 II 763-840 Apr 1934. 12 841-920 Mai 1934 i 921-1000 Jun 1934 14 1001-1080 Jul 1934 15 1081-1161 Aug 1934 16 1162-1240 Sep 1934 17 1241-1320 Oct 1934 18 1321-1400 Nov 1934 19 1401-1480 Dec 1934 20 1481-1570 Jan 1935 21 1571-1726 Feb 1935

Copies: B, US — Mimeographed.

Millspaugh, Charles Frederick (1854-1923), American physician and botanist; M. D. New York Med. coll. 1881; practicing physician at Binghamton, N.Y. 1881-1890, and Waverly, N.Y. 1890-1891; professor of botany Univ. W. Virginia 1891-1894; from 1894 at Chicago (Field Museum, Chicago University Medical College). (M/illsp.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: F; important collection also at WVA; for further duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 493; BJI 2: 118; BL 1: 151, 159, 168, 173, 221,

224, 229, 309; BM 7: 845-846; Bossert p. 268; CSP 17: 258-259; DAB 13: 17-18; GR p. 232;

Hortus 3: 1200 (““Millsp.’’); IF p. 720; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 541-542; Kelly p. 149; Kew 4: 8,

Langman p. 507-508; Lenley p. 291-292; LS 17898-17902, suppl. 18500-18502; Morren ed.

10, p. 126; NI 1381; NW p. 53; Pennell p. 614; Plesch p. 338; PH 209, 450; Rehder 5: 575;

SK 1: 363; Stevenson p. 1251; TL-2/1: 787; Tucker 1: 488; Urban-Berl. p. 375; Zander ed.

HOw. OG35,.ed., 11, p. 790.

Anon., Bot. Soc. Amer. Publ. 86: 93-95. 1924 (tribute); J. New York Bot. Gard. 24: 286. 1923 (obit.); Mycologia 16(3): 131. 1924; The Nassau Guardian 10 Dec 1923; Torreya 23(4): 94. 1923.

Barnhart, J. H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 9: 72-73. 1908, 12: 137. 1911.

Boone, W., Hist. bot. W. Virginia 193. 1965.

Britton, N. L., Fl. Bermuda 548. 1918.

Core, E. L., Proc. W. Virginia Acad. Sci. 8: 82-93. 1934 (1935) (on M’s contr. to botany of W. Va.), reprint p. 1-12.

Deam, C. C., Fl. Indiana 1117. 1910.



Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 205. 1896.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 148. 1969.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 210. 1970 (coll. E).

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 181-183. 1961 (b. 20 Jun 1854, d. 15 Sep 1923).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 46 (pl. K).

Millspaugh, C. F., Field Mus. Bot. 2(3): 141-142. 1906 (Bahama colls., itin.), 2(7): 290. 1909 (id.).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 71. 1955.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977 (mosses F, WVA).

Sherff, E. E., Bot. Gaz. 77: 228-230. 1924 (portr.).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 2: 4. 1900, 3: 6-7, 87. 1902, 5: 8-g. 1908.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: See N. L. Britton, Bahama /l., ‘TL-2/787. EPONYMY: Millspaughia B. L. Robinson (1905); Neomillspaugha S. F. Blake (1921).

  1. American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants

used as homoeopathic remedies: their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological

effects ... New York, Philadelphia (Boericke & Tafel) [1884-1887], 2 vols. (Amer. med. pl.).

Publ.: in six parts (30 plates each) between Dec 1884 and Sep 1887. Plates by author. Copies: B-S (compl.), MICH (incompl.), MO (incompl.), NY (incompl.), UC, USDA. ~ z: [i]- xv, pl. 1-go with text, 2: [1], pl. 97-180, [1]-65, [1, err.]. — Plates partly coloured.

Re-issued: 1892, 2 vols. Copies: MICH, MO, NY. — “Medicinal plants an illustrated and descriptive guide...”’ Philadelphia (John C. Yorston & Co.,...) 1892.—r: [i]-xv, pl. 1-99 (id.), 2: [1], pl. roo-780, appendix [1]-75, [1, err.].

Dover ed.: 1974, p. [i]-xii, [1]-806, pl. 7-180. Copy: MO — “American medicinal planis. An illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to and naturalized in the United States which are used in medicine ... with a new table of revised classification and nomenclature by E. 8. Harrar ...’”” New York (Dover Publications, Inc.) s.d [1974]. — Edited by Ellwood Scott Harrar (1905-x); ISBN 0-486-23034-1.

  1. Preliminary catalogue of the flora of West Virginia. C. F. Millspaugh, M. D. 1892.

[Charleston, West Va. (Moses W. Donnally ...) 1892]. (Prelam. cat. fl. W. Virgima).

Publ.: Dec 1892 (though cover dated Jun 1892; see Rickett, NAF 28B(2): 346; TBC 15 Dec 1892; BG Jan 1893), cover, p. [311 ]-537, [538, err.], 7 pl. Copies: MO, USDA. — Bull. W. Va. Exp. Sta. 24(2): 311-537. 1892, title on cover: Flora of West Virginia. — The list of mosses was issued separately as Contr. 32 Herb. Columbia Coll.

Ref.: Anon., Bot. Gaz. 16: 273. Sep 1891 (will be issued the coming winter).

Greene, E. L., Erythea 1: 25-26. 1893.

  1. Contribution to the flora of Yucatan ... Chicago, U.S.A. [Field Colombian Museum]

August 1895. Oct.

Publ.: Aug 1895, p. [1]-56, i-vii, pl. 1-4. Copies: BR, FI, G, MO, NY. — Field Colombian Museum Publ. 4 (Bot. Series 1(1)). To be cited from journal.

Contribution IT to the coastal and plain flora of Yucatan: Field Mus. Bot. Ser. 1(3): 277-339, pl. 6-21. Dec 1896.

Contribution ITT: ib. 1 (4): 341-410. 7 Mar 1898 (but cover: Jan 1898).

  1. Flora of West Virginia... Chicago, U.S.A. [Field Columbian Museum publication 9]

  2. Qu.

Co-author: Lawrence William Nuttall (1857-1933).

Publ.: Jan 1896, p. [65]-276, pl. 5-7. Copies: BR, MO, NY, US. —To be cited from Field Mus. Bot. 1(2): [65]-276, pl. 5-7 (with text).

  1. Flora of the Island of St. Croix ... Chicago, U.S.A. [Field Columbian Museum

Publication 68]. 1902. Oct.

Publ.: Nov. 1902 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1903), p. [i], 441-546, map. Copies: MO, NY. — To be cited from Field Mus. Bot. 1(7): 439-546, map. 1902. — Mainly based on the collections made by Mrs. L. A. Ricksecker (1896-1897) and her son A. E. Ricksecker (1895-1896) on St. Croix.



  1. Plantae Yucatanae. (Regionis antillanae) plants of the insular, coastal and plain

regions of the peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico ... Chicago, U.S.A. [Field Colombian

Museum, Publication 69, 92] 1903-1904. Oct.

Co-author: Mary Agnes Chase (née Merrill) (1869-1963).

Fasc. 1: Feb 1903, map, p. [i], [1]-84, [1-2, index]. — Field Mus. Bot 3(1). To be cited from journal.

Fasc. 2: Apr 1904, p- [i], [85]-151, [1-2, index], 9 pl. Field Mus. Bot. B(2) ald:

Copies: MO, NY.

6072a. Prenunciae bahamienses —1. [11.] Contributions to a flora of the Bahamian archipela- go ... Chicago, U.S.A. [Field Colombian Museum. Publication 106, 136] 1906-1909, 2 parts. Oct.

1: 17 Feb 1906 (stamp on some copies), Field Mus. Bot. 2(3): [135]-184.

2: 6 Aug 1909 (id.), Field Mus. Bot. 2(7): [287]-321, map.

Copy: MO.

  1. West Virginia Geological Survey. Part i. The living flora of West Virginia by C. F. Millspaugh. Part ii. The fossil flora of West Virginia by David White. I. C. White, State Geologist [Morgantown, W. Virginia 1913]. Oct.

Author part 2: Charles David White (1862-1935).

Publ.: Oct 1913 (inscription author on US copy; p. vii: 1 Jun 1913), front., p. [1]-xiii, [1 ]- 491. Copies: NY, Stevenson, US, USDA. — Part 1: [1]-389, part 2: 390-453. — West Virginia Geological Survey, report 5A, 1913. — Replaces Millspaugh and Nuttall, Fl. W. Virginia (1896).

  1. Flora of Santa Catalina Island (California) ... Chicago, U.S.A. [Field Museum of

Natural History, Publication 212]. 1923. Oct (FI. Santa Catalina).

Co-author: Lawrence William Nuttall (1857-1933).

Publ.: Jan 1923 (t.p.), p. [1]-413, pl. 1-14, 1 map. Copies: Stevenson, US(2), USDA. — Field Mus. Bot. 5.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 62: 86-89. 1924.

Milne, Colin (17432-1815), British clergyman and botanist; rector of North Chapel, Petworth, Sussex; LL. D. h. c. Aberdeen (Milne).

HERBARIUM and Types: : Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: : Barnhart 2: 493; BB p. 216; BM 3: 1316, 7: 846; Bossert p. 268; Dawson p. 613; Desmond p. 441; DNB 38: 6, Dryander 3: 11, 32, 47, 134, 178; Henrey 2: 70, 71, 72, 3: 48-49, 94; Jackson p. 8, 33, 256, 581; Kew 4: 8; PR 6242-6245 (ed. 6946- 6949); Rehder 5: 575; SO 32, 33, 316, 654, 655, 660; TL-2/ g10, 1615; Tucker 1: 488. Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1292. 1870.

Druce, G. C., Fl. Berkshire clxiii-cxliv. 1897.

Johnson, G. W., History of English gardening 232. 1829.

Kent, D. H., Hist. fl. Middlesex 18-19. 1975.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 95. 1903 (d. 2 Oct 1815).

EPoNyMyY: Milnea Roxburgh (1824). Note: The derivation of Milnea Rafinesque (1838) is not explained.

  1. A botanical dictionary: or elements of systematic and philosophical botany. Containing descriptions of the parts of plants; an explanation of the scientific terms used by Morrison, Ray, Tournefort, Linnaeus and other eminent botanists; a brief analysis of the principal systems in botany; ... the whole forming a complete system of botanical knowledge, calculated for the use of students in that science ... London (printed for William Griffin, Bess Oct. (Bot. dici.). Ed. 1: 1770, p. [i-iv], 2 charts, dictionary: sign. A-Z, Aa-Ff,. Copies: MO, NY. — See also Henrey no. 1148. Ed. 2: 778, p. [i-iii], alphabet: sign. B-E,, expl. pl. [1-9], 2 charts, pl. 1-9. Copies: NY, UC —



See also Henrey no. 1149. A reissue of ed. 1 with a new t.p. and asupplement. London (T. Lowndes, ...) 1778. Oct.

Supplement: A supplement to the botanical dictionary: containing ample descriptions of several curious plants, chiefly asiatic: with their uses in medicine, in domestic oeconomy, and in the arts. ... London (printed for T. Lowndes, ...) 1778. Oct.

Ed. 3: 1805, p. [1-715], 2 charts, pl. 1-25 (col.). Copies: FI (inf. C. Steinberg), UC (inf. R. Schmid).—“*... the third edition, revised, corrected, and very considerably enlarged . ..” London (printed for H. D. Symonds, .. .). Oct.

  1. Institutes of botany; containing accurate, compleat and easy descriptions of all the known genera of plants: translated from the Latin of the celebrated Charles von Linné, . . . to which are prefixed I. a view of the ancient and present state of botany. II. A synopsis, exhibiting the essential or striking characters which serve to discriminate genera of the same class and order; as likewise the secondary characters of each genus, or those derived from the port, habit or general appearance of the plants which compose it ... London (sold by W. Griffin, ...) 1771, Qu. + (Inst. Bot.).

Porta: 17 712 poe, 1-134:

Part 2: Jul 1772 (Gent. Mag.), p. [i], 135-302.

Copy: NY. —See Henrey no. 1151 for further details.

  1. A descriptive catalogue of rare and curious plants, the seeds of which were lately received from the East-Indies. To which is subjoined, a scientific index, exhibiting their arrange- ment according to the celebrated sexual system of Linnaeus. London m.dcc.|xxiii [1773]. Qu. (Descr. cat. rar. pl.).

Publ.: 1773, p. [i, ui], [1 ]-66, [1-4, index], [1, err.].

Copy: NY.

  1. Indigenous botany; or habitations of English plants: containing the result of several botanical excursions chiefly in Kent, Middlesex and the adjacent countries in 1790, 1791! and 1792, ... London (W. Lowndes) [1792-]1793. Oct. (in fours). +. (Indig. bot.). Co-author: Alexander Gordon (1813-c. 1773). Publ.: 1792-1793 (p. vill: 1 Mai 1793; in parts; first part publ. 1 Mai 1792, fide Henrey and see also Banks letters, letter 22 Mai 1792), p. [1]-viii, [1]-476, [ 1-10, index]. Copy: NY. — For further details see Henrey no. 1152.

Milne-Edwards, Alphonse (1835-1900), French-born (English parents) palaeontolo- gist, especially palaeo-ornithologist; Dr. med. Paris 1860; Dr. sci. id. 1861; aide-naturaliste Muséum 1862-1865; professor at the Paris School of Pharmacy 1865-1895; from 1876 in various functions again at the Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, director 1891-1900. (Milne-Edw.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: : None known.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: : Barnhart 2: 494; BM 2: 507-509; CSP 2: 447, 7: 596-599, 10: 816-818, 12: 510, 17: 260-262; Jackson p. 58, 144, 184; Kew 4: 8; Langman p. 508; PH 1, 567; PR 6246; Quenstedt p. 296; Tucker 1: 488.

Anon., Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 39: 1. 1885 (death of father), 50: Ixxxi. 1900; The Auk ser. 2. 17: 321. 1900 (obit.); Ibis 6: 563-564. 1900; Leopoldina 21: 162. 1885; Nat. Nov. 22: 269. 1900 (d.); Science 11: 757. 1900 (obit.).

Grandidier, A., La Géographie 1: 341-354. 1900 (portr.).

Gaudry, A. et al., Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. 6(4): 145-163. 1900 (obit., various éloges, portr., b. 13 Oct 1835, d. 21 Apr 1900).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 259. 1977.

Lacroix, A., Figures de savants 2: 55-113, pl. 4-5.

Lacroix, A., Mém. Acad. Sci., Paris 58: i-Ixxiv. 1926 (biogr., bibl.).

Lévy, M., C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 130: 1085-1088. 1g00 (obit.), see also 131; 1034-1035. 1QgOl.

Loewy, M. [= Lévy, M.] et al., Rev. sci. [Rev. rose] 13: 545-548. 1900 (obit.).

Moissan et al., J. Pharm., bare 11: 513-520. 1900.

Nissen, C., Zool: Buchill. “284. 1969.



Perrier, E., Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 2: xli-lxiii. 1900 (main biogr. of Henri (father) and Alphonse M.-E., portr., bibl.).

R. L., Nature 62: 15. 1900 (obit.).

Renault, B., Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun. 13: 371-404. 1900 (biogr., bibl., portr.), reprint Autun, 35 p.

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 171. 1942.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 108. 1905.

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 418. 1gor.

  1. Ecole supérieure de pharmacie de Paris. Thése présentée au Concours d’aggregation (section des sciences naturelles). De la famille des Solanacées ... Paris (Imprimerie de E. Martinet ...) 1864. Oct. (Fam. Solan.).

Publ.: 1864, p. [1]-137, [1, expl. pl.], pl. 1-2 (col.). Copy: US.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 23: 225. 14 Jul 1865.

  1. L’ Expédition du Talisman faite dans Océan atlantique ... Paris (Gauthier-Villars,

ued. Oct.

Publ.: Jan 1884 (t.p.: 1884; Bot. Centralbl. 3-7 Mar 1884), p. [1]-31. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. hebd. Ass. sci. France 16 & 23 Dec 1883 (1884).

Ref.: Vesque, Bot. Centralbl. 18: 108. 1884 (rev.).

Milne-Redhead, Edgar Wolston Bertram Handsley (1906-x), British botanist; B. A. Cantab. 1928; at Kew (1929-1971). (Mulne-Redh.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: K; further material at DBN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 494; Bossert p. 268; Clokie p. 212; Desmond p.

441; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Milne-Redh.”’); IH 2: 542; Kew 4: 8-9; LS 17903; MW p. 323, suppl.

p. 230; Roon p. 78; Zander ed. 10, p. 693, ed. 11, p. 790 (b. 24 Mai 1906).

Anon., J. Kew Guild 8(73): 862-863, 867-868. 1969 (portr.); Suffolk Trust Nat. Conserv. Newsl. Spring 2, 1974 (fide Kew Record).

Brenan, J. P. M., Kew Bull. 26(1): 1-3. 1971.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 76-77. 1978.

Exell, A. W. & S. A. Hayes, Kirkia 6(1): 6. 1967 (coll. fl. zambes.).

Exell, A. W. et al., Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 2. 26: 218. 1952 (coll. Port. Afr.).

Hepper, F. N. and F. Neate, Pl. coll. W. Africa 56. 1971.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 69. 1957 (herb. K).

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 26: 1999. 1972 (retirement).

Synnott, D. M., Glasra 4: 26. 1980 (coll. DBN).

White, F., C. R. AETFAT 4: 190. 1962 (in N. Rhodesia).

NOTE: For Humphrey Milne-Redhead (1906-1974) see e.g. P. Green, B.S.E. News 15: 9-11. 1975, E. Milne-Redhead, Watsonia 10(4): 449-450. 1975, and A. Slack, Bot. Soc. Edin- burgh News 15: 9-11. 1975.

COMPOSITE works: Editor of Flora of East Tropical Africa 1952-1971.

Miltitz, Friedrich Joseph Franz Xaver von (x-1840), German botanical bibliographer at Dresden. (Multitz).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1317; Barnhart 2: 494; Herder p. 75; Jackson p. 2; Kew 4: 10; LS 17903a; PR 6247 (ed. 1: 6950); Rehder 1: 2; SO 3647.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1840: 211 (d. 6 Mar 1840); Flora 23: 543. 1840 (d. 6 Mar 1840). EPoNYMY: Miltitzia Alph. de Candolle (1845).

6080a. Handbuch der botanischen Literatur far Botaniker, Bibliothekare, Buchhandler und Auctionatoren, mit Angabe der Preise und Recensionen von Friedrich von Miltitz ... Mit



einer Vorrede von Dr. Ludwig Reichenbach. Berlin (bei August Riicker) 1829. Oct.

(Handb. bot. Lit.).

Preface: Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (1793-1879).

Publ.: Jun-Aug 1829 (p. vu: Kal. Mai 1829; Flora rd. Aug-Sep 1829), p. [ii]-vii, [viii], [1 ]- 544 (columns). Copies: L, MO, NY, S.— alt. t.p.: Bibliotheca botanica secundum botanices partes, locos, chronologiam, formam, auctores, volumen, titulos, pretium et recensiones concinnata...”

Ref:: Anon., Flora 12: 575-576. 28 Sep 1829, Flora 13(2) Erg. Bl. 49-59. 1830 (add.). Genth, C. F. F., Flora 13: 94-95. 1830 (add.).

Johnson, D. E., Huntia 3(2): 103-114. 1979 (1980).

Mina-Palumbo, Francesco (1814-1899), Italian botanist and physician at Castelbuono. (Mina-Palumbo).

HERBARIUM and typEs: PAL. — Other material from Sicily at FI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 5(2): 161; Barnhart 2: 494; Saccardo 2: 73-74 (d. 12 Mar 1899); Tucker p. 488.

6080b. Lntroduzione alla storia naturale delle Madone . .. Palermo (Stamperia Clamis e Roberti ..) 1844. Oct. (Intr. storia nat. Madonie). Publ.: 1844, p. [1]-56. Copy: FI.

Minden, Max D. von (1871-?), German mycologist; assistant at the botanical institute Giessen 1898. (Minden).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 236, 325, 345; Barnhart 2: 494; BM 3: 1317, 7: 84.7; CSP 17: 264; Kew 4: 10; LS 17911-17912, suppl. 18511-18515; Moebius p. 252; NBF 2(1): 72; Rehder 1: 169; Stevenson p. 1251. Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 75: 32. 1898 (app. Giessen); Nat. Nov. 20: 338. 1898 (ee: Giessen); Osram. bot. Z. 48: 366. 1898 (app. Giessen).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Phycomycetes, Krypt.-Fl. Brandenburg 5(2): [209]-352. 20 Apr 1911. (2) Saprolegniineae, Krypt.-Fl. Brandenburg 5: an 496. 10 Sep 1911, 407-608. 30 Jan 1912, 609-612. 30 Jun 1915.

(3) Schizomycetes ... , Krypt.-Fl. Brandenburg, Pilze 1, 1915 (with R. Kolkwitz and E. Jahn). (4) Bertrdge... Phycomyceten, in Falck, Mykol. Unters. 146-254. 1916.

EPONYMY: Mindenella B. B. Kanouse (1927). Miner, Harriet Stewart (f/. 1885), American botanist. (Muzner).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1317; GF p. 68; NI 1382. Duveen, D. I., Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 43(12): xxvul-xviil. 1974 (on Orchids).

EPONYMY: Minerisporites R. Potonié (1956) is dedicated to Ernest Lavon Miner (1900-?), American paleobotanist.

  1. Orchids, the royal family of plants with illustrations from Nature... Boston (Lee and

Shepard publishers), New York (Charles T. Dillingham) 1885. (Orchids).

Publ.: Sep-Oct 1884 (Nat. Nov. Oct(3) 1884; Bot. Zeit. 28 Nov 1884), p. [1]-90, pl. 1-24 (col.). Copy: MO. Retssue: London 1885 (Bot. Zeit. 26 Jun 1885), n.v

Reissue: 1893 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1893; Bot. Zeit. 1 Jun 1893), n.v

Minio, Michelangelo (1872-1960), Italian cryptogamist and historian of botany (Mznio).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 495; BL 2: 692 [index]; Bossert p. 268; Saccardo

chron. p. xxvil.

Marcello, A., Arch. bot. biogeogr. ital. 36: 257-259. 1960; Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 67: 662- 674. 1960 (b. 11 Jul 1872, d. 30 Aug 1960; bibl.).

Go81a. Le briofile ¢ i licheni estratto dalla monografia “La Laguna di Venezia” volume iii,

parte v. tomo ix. Venezia (Officine grafiche Carlo Ferrari) 1938-xvi. Qu.

Publ.: 1938, p. [1]-45, [1], pl. 61-69. Copy: U. — Reprinted from G. Brunelli et al., La Laguna di Venezia 3 (part. 5, tomo 9, fasc. 1): 507-551, pl. 61-69. 1938 (copy of complete work at FI).

Minks, Arthur (1846-1908), German physician and lichenologist at Stettin. (A/inks). HERBARIUM and Types: B (destroyed); further material at C, GFW, IBF, LD, MW, UPS.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 495; BM 3: 1318-1319, 7: 848; CSP 8: 409, 10: 820, 12: 511, 17: 269; DTS 1: 196, 3: xlviii; GR p. 33, pl. [75], cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 543; Herder p. 114; Jackson p. 161; Kelly p. 149-150; Kew 4: 11; LS 17915-17933; Morren ed. 10, p. 17; MW p. 324; SBC p. 127 (“Minks”’).

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 27: (144). 1910.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 15: 184. 1909 (d. 5 Dec 1908).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (coll.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 145, pl. 127. 1905 (portr.) (b. 22 Jun 1846).

EPONYMY: Minksia J. Muller Arg. (1882).

  1. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Baues und Lebens der Flechten.. . Wien (Herausgegeben von der

k.k. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien .. .) 1876, 2 parts. Qu. (Bezir. Bau. Flecht.).

Part 1, Gonangium und Gonocystium: late 1876 (t.p. reprint 1876; submitted 5 Jul 1876; Bot. Zeit. 16 Mar 1877; Flora 21 Jan 1877), p. [i-iii], [3]-126, p/. 5-6. Preprinted from Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 26: 477-600. 1876 (1877).

Part 2, Die Syntrophie: Jan-Feb 1893 (t.p. reprint 1893; submitted 2 Nov. 1892; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1893), p. [i-iii], 1-132. Reprinted from id. 42: 377-508. 1892 (publ. 1893). — _ Abstract: Bot. Centralbl. 55: 81-89. 1893.

Copies FH, NY, Stevenson.

  1. Das Microgonidium. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des wahren Wesens der Flechten ...

mit 6 colorirten Tafeln. Basel, Genf, Lyon (H. Georg’s Verlag) 1879. Oct. (Microgonidium).

Publ.: Oct-Nov 1879 (p. v: 28 Oct 1878; Bot. Zeit. 5 Dec 1879 and 2 Jan 1880; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) and Dec(1) 1879; Flora 1 Jan 1880; J. Bot. Feb 1880), p. [i*], [i]-v, [1, cont.], [1]-249, pl. 1-6 (col. liths.). Copies: MO, NY, Stevenson. — An attempt to repudiate the Schwenderian doctrine of the nature of the lichen gonidia. Minks holds that “‘microgoni- dia, which are ultimately transformed into gonidea, exist spontaneously in the hyphae, rhizines, cortical cells, paraphyses, thecae and in the spores and spermatia(!) of lichens” (Murray).

Ref.: Murray, G., J. Bot. 18: 123-124. 1880 (rev.).

  1. Symbolae licheno-mycologicae. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Grenzen zwischen Flechten und Pilzen ... Kassel (Verlag von Theodor Fischer) 1881-1882, 2 parts. Oct. (Symb. lich.- mycol.).

Theil 1: Aug-Oct 1881 (p.ix: 10 Mar 1881; Bot. Centralbl. 24-28 Oct 1881; Bot. Zeit. 30 Dec 1881; Nat. Nov. Oct(3) 1881; Flora 11 Nov 1881; Hedwigia Dec 1881; TBC Jan 1882), p. [i]-lxx, [i]-vii, [1]-176.

Theil 2: Sep-Oct 1882 (Bot. Centralbl. 16-20 Oct 1882; Bot. Zeit. 29 Dec 1882; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1882; TBC Nov 1882; J. Bot. Dec 1882), p. [i]-x, [1]-273.

Copies: MO, NY, Stevenson.

Ref.: Tuckermann, E., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 9(11): 143. Nov 1882.

Minks, A., Bot. Centralbl. 9: 411-416. 1882. 12: 325-330. 1882 (abstracts). W. P., Grevillea 10: 74-75. Dec 1881 (rev., see also 9: 34, 48; 12: 89, 118, 143).



  1. Die Protrophie, eine neue Lebensgemeinschaft, in ihre auffalligsten Erscheinungen . ..

Berlin (Verlag von R. Friedlander & Sohn) 1896. Oct. (Protrophie).

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1896 (p. vi: Sep 1895; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1896; ObZ Mar 1896), p. [i]-vi, [1, cont. ], [1]-247. Copy: Stevenson.

Ref.: V. H. B., J. Bot. 34: 436-437. Oct 1896.

Minuart, Juan (1693-1768), Spanish botanist and pharmacist; born in Barcelona; later in Madrid. (Minuart).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material from Spain in LINN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 5(1): 698; Backer p. 374; Barnhart 2: 495; Colmeiro 1: clxxxvill; IH 2: 543; PR 6252-6253 (ed. 1: 6957-6958).

Colmeiro, M., Bot. Penins. Hisp.-Lusit. 161. 1858.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(3): 37. 1959, 1(6): 369, 393, 397, 401. 1912.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.): 18. 1922 (pl. LINN).

Munoz Medina, D. J., Hist. bot. Espana g. 1969.

Steele, A. R., Flowers for the king 31, 32, 36, 37. 1964.

EPONYMY: Minuartia Linnaeus (1753).

6085a. Cerviana sub auspiciis illustrissimi viri D. D. Josephi Cervi, ... feliciter edita [Madrid 1739]. (Cerviana). Publ.: 1739 (fide PR), p. [1-2]. Copy: P. (Bibl. centr.).

6085b. Illustrissimae regiae physico-medicae Matritensi Academiae . . . Cotyledon hispanica seditereti folii, ... [Madrid 1739]. (Cotyl. hespan.). Publ.: 1739 (fide PR), p. [1-2]. Copy: P (Bibl. centr.).

Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm ( 1881-1871), Dutch botanist; Dr. med. Groningen 1833; practicing physician and director of the Rotterdam botanical garden 1835-1846; professor of botany and director of the botanical garden Amsterdam 1846-1859; idem at Utrecht 1859-1871, from 1862 also director of the Leiden Rijksherbarium. (Mzq.).

HERBARIUM and Types: U. — Miquel’s private herbarium, containing many of his types, is the basis of the general herbarium of U. Other Miquel types are, however, in several herbaria because Miquel described many new taxa on the basis of material obtained on loan. Most of these types are at L; others at G, P and K. The plants in many herbaria labelled “ex herb. Miquel,” etc., were not collected by Miquel himself but by various other collectors. These plants are usually either from Japan or from the Malesian area. — Miquel’s correspondence (letters received) is at Utrecht; a rich collection of letters written by Miquel to Schlechtendal is at HAL. (see Stafleu 1970). Further Miquel documents are at the University Library, Leiden.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(2): 154; Andrews p. 303-304; Backer p. 374; Barnhart 2: 495; BL 1: 106, 129, 309, 2: 426, 692; BM 3: 1319-1320, 7: 848; Bossert p. 268; CSP 4: 4o1- 404, 8: 410, 10: 878, 12: 524; DSB 9: 417; Frank 3(Anh.): 66; GR p. 33, cat. p. 68; Herder p. 466; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Miq.’’); IF p. 720; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 543; Jackson p. 581 [index]; JW 1: 446, 451, 2: 197, 3: 363, 5: 247; Kew 4: 11-12; Langman p. 509; Laségue p. 293; LS 17937-17942; Moebius p. 3, 141, 152, 257; MW p. 324-325, suppl. p. 230; NI 1383-1391, 1384n, ma; NNBW 4: 986-987; Oudemans p. 250; Plesch p. 338; PR 6254-6285, 10605, 10842 (ed. 1: 6960-6973); Quenstedt p. 297; Rehder 5: 576-577; RS p. 119-120; SK 1: xxx, cxxil, xclvii, 4(2): cxii.1949 (portr.); Sotheby 541; Stevenson p. 1251; TL-1/p. 522; TL- 2/567, 1777, 2124, 2127, 2184, see index vol. 2; Tucker 1: 488-490; Urban-Berl. p. 375; Zander ed. 10, p. 693, ed. 11, p. 790.

Note: For a complete biography and bibliography of writings by and on Miquel see Stafleu 1966 (Here referred to as SM).

Andreas, C. H., In en om een botanische tuin 155, 156. 1966.



Anon., Album studiosorum Acad. rheno-trai. 1836-1886, col. xxxvii, 1886; Bonplandia 2: 137 (foreign memb. Linn. Soc.), 171 (FI. bras.). 1854, 3: 16 (starts Fl. Ned.-Ind.), 246 (ridd. Ned. Leeuw), 32 (cogn. Leopoldina: Fr. Nees v. E.) 329-330 (Cinchona). 1855, 8: 15 (app. Utrecht) 1860, 9: 268 (J. de Bot.), 369 (id.). 1861, 10: 215 (dir. Rijksherb.), 355 (suppl. Fl. Ned.-Ind.). 1862; Bot. Not. 1872: 26 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 29: 112, 396-398. 1871; Bull. Soc. bot. France 18 (Bibl.): 189. 1871; Flora 54: 32. 1871; J. Bot. 9: 96. 1871; Osterr. bot. Z. 9: 404. 1859 (app. Utrecht), 21: 62. 1871 (d.).

Beck, G. v., Bot. Centralbl. 33: 282, 378. 1888, 34: 150. 1888 (ex herb. at W).

Bell, Proc. Linn. Soc. 2: 302. 1855.

Beijers, J. L., Catalogue d’une belle collection de livres délaissée par MM. le Dr. F. A. W. Miquel ... Utrecht, 1871. (sales catalogue library).

Breure, A. S. H. & J. G. de Bruijn, eds., Leven en werken van J. G. S. van Breda 426 [index], (portr. on p. 282). 1979.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 434. 1880 (ex herb.).

Carus, C. G und C. F. P. von Martius, Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen 39, 137. s.d.

Gray, J: L., Letters Asa Gray 376. 1893.

Hall, N., Botanists of the Eucalypts 93. 1978.

Hogrell, B., Bot. Not. 1888: 206.

Huizinga, J., Verz. Werken 8: 444-445. 1951.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 1: 188bis, 444, 2: 247. 1912.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 11, 432, 469. 1884.

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit, eds., Blumea 25: 13, 14, 20, 62, 103. 1979 (hist. Rijksherb.).

Kobell, S. B. math.-phys. Cl. k. bay. Akad. Wiss. Munchen 1: 151-153. 1871.

Kukkonen, I., Herb. C. Steven 72. 1971 (specimens distr. by Miq.).

Maiden, J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S. W. 42: 75. 1908.

Matthes, C. J., Jaarb. Kon. Akad. Wet., Amsterdam 1872, p. 29-49, also reprinted, Levensbericht van F. A. W. Miquel, Amsterdam 1872, 21 p. (bibl.).

Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. pl. 4: 209-210. 1926 (bibl.); Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 136-137. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Chron. bot. 14(5/6): 324, 357. 1954-

Miguel, F. A. W., Alg. Konst-Letterbode 1834(1): 57-59. (criticism of C. A. Bergsma; see also ib. p. 23-26, 114-116, 196-197, 212-215).

Mulder, G. J., Utrechtsche Studenten-Almanak 1672: 159-213.

Regel, E., Gartenflora 20: 62-63. 1871.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 370. 1975; Bryologist 80: 514. 1977 (coll.).

Schubert, G., Leben Werk D. F. L. v. Schlechtendal 148. 1964.

Seemann, B., J. Bot. 9: 96. 1871.

Sirks, M. J., Ind. natuurond. 187-189, 299 [index], portr. opp. 187. 1915.

Stafleu, F. A., F. A. W. Miquel, Netherlands botanist. Amsterdam 1966, xvi, 96 p. (Wentia 16, 1966) (biogr., bibl., portr.; referred to as SM (see also v. Oye, Sci. Hist. 8(3): 170-180. 1966); The great Prodromus 28. 1966; Regn. veg. 71: 295-341. 1970 (calendar of Miquel-Schlechtendal correspondence); Fl. males. (7)-(16). 1978 (dedication; brief biogr., portr., bibl.; b. 24 Oct 1811, d. 23 Jan 1871).

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Blumea 25: 12, 37, 39-42. 1979 (coll. L).

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 189-190. 1906 (biogr.).

Veendorp, H. & L. G. M. Baas-Becking, Hortus acad. Lugd.-bat. 1587. 1937, p. 170, 175, 176. 1938.

Visser, R., Regn. veg. 71: 401-404. 1970 (“‘Miquel-huis” and its residents).

Wigand, A., Kritik und Geschichte der Lehre von der Metamorphose der Pflanzen, Marburg 1846, 132 p. (a discussion of Miquel’s ““Commentatio de organorum ... ” 1834).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 168, pl. 144. 1905 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (for a complete bibliography see Stafleu, Wentia 16: 1-95. 1966):

(1) Hall, H. C. v., Fl. belg. sept., vol. 2(1), Equasetaceae etc., p.i-xvi, 1-227, indexes. With Michael Dassen (1809-1852). See TL-2/2284.

Vol. 2(2), preface and Algae, p. i-xii, 353-477. See no. (2) Miquel, F. A. W., Mulder, G. J. and Wenckebach, editors, Bulletin des sciences physiques et naturelles en Neéerlande, Leiden, années 1838, 1839, 1841, see SM no. 24.

(3) Kops, J., Fv. batava, fasc. 118-125, Amsterdam 1838, edited and partly authored by Miquel, see SM 47 and TL-2/3874.



  1. Meyen, F. J. M., Obs. bot., Piperaceae, p. 483-495. 1843, see TL-2/5895.
  2. Lehmann, J. G. C., Pl. Preiss., various contr., see SM no. 95 and TL-2/4332.
  3. Flore des Serres et des jardins de Europe, co-editor vols. 2-10, 1846-1855. See under Van Houtte.
  4. Tydschrift voor de wis- en natuurkundige wetenschappen, Amsterdam 1848-1852, vols. 1-5, co- editor. (8) Hooker, W. J., Niger fl., Ficus, p. 520-552. 1849 (SM 130). g) Martius, C. F. P. von, Fl. bras.

a. Chlorantaceae et Piperaceae, 4(1): 1-76, pl. 1-24. 15 Aug 1852.

b. Urticinae, 4(1): 77-218, pl. 25-70. 1 Dec 1853.

c. Mantissa piperacearum, 4(1): 219-222. 1 Dec 1853.

d. Ebenaceae, 7: 1-10, pl. 1-3. 15 Mar 1856.

e. Symplocaceae, 7: 21-36, pl. 6-14. 15 Mar 1856.

f. Primulaceae et Myrsinaceae, 10: 257-324, pl. 23-59. 15 Mar 1856.

g. Sapotaceae, 7: 36-118, pl. 15-47. 15 Jan 1863 (with Martius and Eichler). (10) Seemann, B., Bot. Herald, Artocarpeae, p. 195-197. Feb 1854. Piperaceae, p. 198-200. Jul 1854, see SM 161) (11) Zollinger, H., Syst. Verz., most Monochlamydeae, p. 80-119. Nov 1854-Jan 1855 (seeSM 165). (12) Vriese, W. H. de, Plantae Indiae batavae orientalis, fasc. 2, p. 81-160. 3 Oct 1857 (various families). (13) CGandolle, Prodr., Casuarineae, 16(2): 332-344. med. Jul 1868. (14) Siebold et Zuccarini, Fl. jap., vol. 2, final editing of p. 45-89 by Miquel.

HANDWRITING: Regn. veg. 71: 322. 1970; Candollea 32: 173-174. 1977; SK 1: cli.

EPONYMY: Miquelia Blume (1838, nom. rej.); Miquelia C. F. Meisner (1838, nom. cons.); Miquelia W. Arnott & C. G. D. Nees (1843); Miquelina Van Tieghem (1895); Miquelites Goeppert (1854).

  1. Frederici Antoni Guilelmi Miquel, ... Commentatio de organorum in vegetabilibus ortu et metamorphost, in certamine literario civium academiarum belgicarum, die viii mensis Fe- bruarii a. mdcccxxxiil, ex sententia ordinis disciplinarum mathematicarum et physicarum in Academia lugduno-batava praemio ornata. Lugduni batavorum (apud S. et J. Lucht- mans, ...) 1833. Qu. (Comm. organ. veg.).

Publ.: 1833, p. [i], [1]-101, 2 pl. Copy: FI. —See SM 4 for further details.

  1. I. A. W. Miquel’s Homerische flora. Aus dem Hollandischen tbersetzt von J. C. M. Laurent, ph. Dr. Altona (bei Johann Friedrich Hammerich) 1836. Oct. (Homer. fl.). Translator: J. C. M. Laurent.

Publ.: Jul-Nov 1836 (see SM no. 13), p. [1]-vii, [viii], [1 ]-70. Copy: U.— Translation of (SM 7): Tentamen florae homericae, Tijdschr. nat. Gesch. Physiol. 2(2): 111-165. 1835 (reprints available on 1 Nov 1835, Copy: USDA).

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Linnaea 11(6) (Litt.): 216-217. 1837.

  1. De Noord-Nederlandsche vergiftige gewassen ... Amsterdam (Bij C. G. Sulpke) 1836.

Oct. (N. Nederl. vergift. gew.).

Publ.: 1836-1837 (SM 11), in four parts, p. [1]-198, p/. 1-30 (numbers in text), partly hand- coloured lithographs. Copies: G, FAS, KNAW, L, NY, U.— The publisher Sulpke bought some plates from Aimé Henry in Bonn, used for his book Die Giftpflanzen Deutschlands (PR 3971). A few other plates were made especially, by Henry, for Miquel’s publication.

part pages plates dates part pages plates dates I 1-80 1-8 Dec 1836 3 113-144 17-24 Apr-Dec 1836 2 81-112 g-16 Mar 1837 4 145-198 25-30 Apr-Dec 1836

These dates are based on letters by van Hall to Miquel; part 1 was announced as available by the Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhandel, 14 Dec 1836. — ‘The copy at G has cover dated



MIQUEL (1842)

Ed. 2: 15 Nov 1838 (SM 11; Florard. 5 Feb—2 Jul 1838), p. [1]-220, pl. 1-30. Copy: USDA. — “Tweede vermeerderde uitgave.”” Amsterdam (id.) 1838. Oct.

  1. Disquisitio geographico-botanica de plantarum regni-batavi distributione. Lugduni Bata-

vorum [Leiden] (apud P. H. van den Heuvell) 1837. Oct. (Dusq. pl. bat. distr.).

Publ.: 3-8 Apr 1837 (SM 15; Ned. Staatscour.), p. [i*-viii*], [1]-xxxii, [1]-88. Copies: G, KNAW, L, NY, U.

Ref.: Beilschmied, Jb. wiss. Kritik 1838 (1): 551-552, 553-560, 561-564.

Gogo. Leerboek tot de kennis der artsenygewassen, derzelver zamenstelling, krachten, gebruik en pharmaceutische bereidingen ... te Amsterdam (bij C. G. Sulpke) 1838. Oct. (Leerb. Artsenygew.).

Ed. 1: Dec 1838 (SM 44), p. [i]-xliii, [xliv, summary], [1]-405, [406, err.]. Copies: NY, USDA. — H.t.: “‘Beschrijving der artsenijgewassen volgens de natuurlijke rangschik- king.

Ed. 2: 11 Aug 1859 (SM 181), p. [i]-xvi, [i]-lx, [1]-405, [406]. Copzes: L. MO, USDA. — “Leerboek der artsenijgewassen, ... nieuwe uitgave, in verband met de Nederlandsche apotheek.” Utrecht (C. van der Post Jr.), Amsterdam (C. G. van der Post) 1859. Oct.

  1. Commentarii phytographici, quibus varia rei herbariae capita illustrantur. Scripsit Fred. Ant. Guil. Miquel. Accedunt tabulae xiv. Lungduni batavorum [Leiden] (apud S. et J. Luchtmans, ...) 1838 [i.e. 1839]-1840. Fol. (Comm. phytogr.).

Preface material: Dec 1840 or Jan 1841 (SM 49), p. [i]-vil, [vili, ix, xi].

Fasc. 1: 11-16 Feb 1839 (SM 40; Ned. Staatscour.), p. [1]-29, pl. 1-3. — “Commentatio de vero Pipere cubeba, deque speciebus cognatis ac cum eo commutatis, cul praemissa est disputa- tio taxonomica et geographica de Piperaceis.”” Lugduni Batavorum (id.) 1839.

Fasc. 2: 16-21 Mar 1840 (SM 49; Ned. Staatscour.), p. [i-1v], 31-92, pl. 4-11. —““ Observationes de Piperaceis et Melastomaceis.”’ Lugduni Batavorum (id.) 1840.

Fasc. 3: Dec 1840 or Jan 1841 (SM 49), p. [1, 1], [93 ]-146, pl. 12-14. —““Sylloge plantarum novarum vel minus cognitarum ex ordinibus Araliacearum, Cactacearum, Hypoxidea- rum, Cycadearum et Urticacearum.” Lugduni Batavorum (id.) 1840.

Copies: FI, G, KNAW, MO, NY, US, USDA. — The plates are un-coloured liths, after

drawings by Miquel (1, 2, 4, 8, ro) and Q, M. R. Ver Huell (3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14).

  1. Genera cactearum descripta et ordinata, quibus praemissi sunt characteres totius ordinis et adfinitatum adumbratio. Scripsit F. A. Guil. Miquel. Roterodami [Rotterdam] (apud Adolphum Baedeker) 1839. Oct. (Gen. cact.).

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1839 (SM 51), p. [i], [1]-32. Copies: G, MO, USDA, WU. — Preprinted with separate pagination, separate title-page, and different title from Bull. Sct. phys. nat. Néerl. 1839 (2): [87]-118. This fascicle was published after Mai 1839. The title of the article in the journal is “Genera cactearum exposuit F. A. W. Miquel.”

Reprint: 1840, p. [i], [87]-118. Copy: KNAW. — With original journal pagination. Roteroda- mi (id.) 1840. Oct.

  1. Monographia generis Melocacti. Auctore F. A. Guil. Miquel, A.C.N.C.S. Cum tabulis

lapidi incisis xi. (Academiae trad. d. x. Decembr. a. mdcccxxxviii.) (Acta Acad. Caes.

Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. vol. xvii. suppl.) Vratislaviae [Breslau] et Bonnae [Bonn] (Vendi-

tur Bonnae apud Eduardum Weber, bibliopolam.) 1840. Qu. (Monogr. Melocactt).

Publ.: Sep 1840 (SM 62; TL-1), p. [1]-119, “200” [= 120], 120b, r20¢, pl. 1-17 (1-2 partly col. liths., 3-5 uncol., 6-21 handcol., nos. 7-4 by Miquel; 5, 10-11 by Q,M.R. Ver Huell; 7 by Dorothea Lehmann, & by Goddard, 9 by Catharina Maria Schell; 6 unsigned). Copy: L. — Preprint from Nova Acta Leop. 18, suppl. 1: 81-200, 200b, 200¢, pl. 1-77. 1841.

Reprint: with original journal pagination and repagination but with journal title (no imprint), s.d. [1841], p. [1]-120, 120b, 120c, also [81]-200, 200b, 200c. Copy: KNAW.

Reprint: with original journal pagination only, with journal title page (no imprint, but marked ‘“‘vol. xvii. suppl.” and sign. 11), p. [81]-200, 200b, 200¢c, pl. 1-11. Copy: G. (journal t.p. dated 1841).

  1. Monographia Cycadearum scripsit F. A. G. Miquel. Accedunt octo tabulae. Trajecti ad Rhenum [Utrecht] (apud Robertum Natan, ...) 1842. Fol. (Monogr. Cycad.).


MIQUEL (1842)

Publ.: Jan 1842 (SM 66; TL-1), p. [i*, 1i*], [i]-1, [iii-iv], [1]-82, pl. 1-8 col. liths. after drawings by Ferdinand Bauer (1-5), Q,M.R. Ver Huell (2, 6-8), and Miquel (7). Copies: FI, G, MO, NY. — Dedicated to Ad. Brongniart and Q. M. R. Ver Huell. Brongniart’s copy of Dec 1841 must have been one of the first to be available. — For a contemporary

-comment see W. H. de Vriese, Tijdschr. nat. Gesch. Physiol. 10(1): 57-67. 1843.

  1. De Cycadeis loddigesianis. Epistola ad Vir. Cl. G. H. de Vriese, quam scripsit Fr. Ant.

Guil. Miquel [Tijdschr. nat. Gesch. Physiol. 10(1) 1843]. Oct.

Publ.: probably Mar-Mai 1843 (in journal, see SM 74), p. [1]-7. Copy: FI. — Preprinted or reprinted from Tijdschr. nat. Gesch. Physiol. 10(1): 68-74. 1843.

Abstract: Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 2. 19: 316-317. Mai 1843 “Description d’une nouvelle espece de Zamia.”

  1. Sertum exoticum contenant des figures et descriptions de plantes nouvelles ou peu connues; pubhié par F. A. W. Miquel. Tome 1. Rotterdam (H. A. Kramers) 1842 [i.e. 1843]. Qu. (Sert. exot.).

Publ.: Jan-Jul 1843 (see SM 79; Flora rd. 28 Jul— 12 Aug 1844; Bot. Zeit. rev. 8 Mar 1844; t.p. (=p.[1]) dated 1842, but cover 1843), p. [1]-8, pl. 1-5 (uncol. liths. by Q, M. R. Ver Huell). Copies: G, L, U; IDC 6072. — Cover title: Sertium exoticum ... Miquel. Premiére livraison.”’ Rotterdam (id.) 1843.

Ref.: Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 3: 644. 1959.

  1. Epistola de novo fungorum entophytorum genere, quam Academiae praesidi (die xx Julii a.

mdccxxxviil) scripsit Fr. A. Guil. Miquel... Nova Acta Leop. 19(2); 161-168, pl. 55. 1842 [i.e.

1843]. Qu.

Publ.: Apr. 1843 (Nees von Esenbeck sent reprints [dated 1842] on 8 Mai 1843; volume 19(2) of the Nova Acta, although dated 1841, came out only in Apr 1843 fide corr. Nees- Miquel at U). See also SM 71. — We have seen no copy of the reprints.

  1. Systema piperacearum Roterodami [Rotterdam] (apud H. A. Kramers) 1843-1844, 2

fasc. Oct. (Syst. piperac.).

Fasc. 1: 4-9 Dec 1843 (Ned. Staatscour.; (SM 78), p. [ii*-v*], p. [i]-iv, [1]-304.

Fasc. 2: 4 Apr 1844 (SM 78), p. [i], 305-575.

Copies: FI, G, L, MO, NY, U, USDA; IDC 6073. — The book is dedicated to Benjamin Delessert, who acknowlegded the receipt of six copies [of fasc. 1] on 11 Jan 1844 [ULU]. The Bot. Zeit. of g Feb 1844 (p. 111) carried an advertisement ‘‘so eben erschienen”’. Meisner acknowledged receipt of a copy on 20 Feb 1844 [letter ULU]. Part 2 was announced for Mar 1844 on the cover of part 1. The first mention of it is in the Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhandel (4 Apr). Preface dated 1 Aug 1843.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 2: 157-158. 1 Mar 1844 (fasc. 1), 2: 604. 23 Aug

1844 (fasc. 2). Anon., Flora 27: 96. 1843 (fasc. 1 rd. Jan 1844), 29: 410. 1844 (rd. Jun 1844).

  1. Symbolae ad floram surinamensem. [a series of articles in] Linnaea vols. 18, 19, 21 and 22 (see SM go).

pars Symb. Linnaea vol./Heft pages dates of publ.

I 18(T) [49]-82 24-26 Oct 1844 II 18(2) 225-240 Nov 1844-Feb 1845 Diy 18(2) [241]-256 Nov 1844-Feb 1845 III ctd. 18(3) 257-271 Nov 1844-Jul 1845 IV 18(3) [272]-301 Nov 1844-Jul 1845 vi 18(3) [353]-384 Nov 1844-Jul 1845 VI 18(5) [563 ]-624 Mai-Dec 1845 VII 18(6) [735]-756 Jul-Dec 1845 VIII 19(1) [125]-128 Jan 1846 VIII ctd. 19(2) 129-145 Feb 1846 IX 19(2) [221 ]-233 Feb 1846 x 21(4) [473]-479 Aug 1848


MIQUEL (1849)

pars Symb. Linnaea vol./Heft pages dates of publ. XI 22(2) [169]-176 Jun 1849 XII 22(4) [465 ]-476 Aug 1849

For the dates of the'warious issues of Linnaea see Schlechtendal. — Reprints were issued without cover and without additional imprint. The preface to the Symbolae [Linnaea 18(1): 50] is dated Mai 1844.

Sets of reprints: NY, US. — To be cited from journal.

  1. Frederici Antonii Guil. Miquel Oratio de regno vegetabili in telluris superficie mutanda efficaci. Quam publice habuit die 1. m. Martii mdcccxlvi quum in Athenaeo illustri Amstelaedamensi medicinae et botanices professionem ordinariam auspicaretur. Amstel- aedami (e Typographia civitatis publica) 1846. Qu. (Oratio regn. veg.).

Publ.: Mar-Jul 1843 (SM 103), p. [1]-43. Copy: US.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. G. von, Bot. Zeit. 4: 653. 1846.

6x01. Illustrationes piperacearum. Von F. A. W. Miquel, M.d.A.d.N. Mit xcii Tafeln gezeich-

net von Q. M. R. Ver Huell, ... (Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Catal. Nat. Cur. vol. xxi.

suppl.) [1847]. Qu. (JI. piperac.).

Artist: Quirijn Maurits Rudolf Ver Huell (1787-1860), (uncol. liths.).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1847 (SM 111; rd. by Flora Jan 1848; noted in Flora on 21 Dec 1847 as “neuerdings ’; Martius saw a copy shortly before 27 Dec 1847 (letter to Miquel at U)), p. [1]-87, pl. 1-92. Copies: KNAW, U.— This is the reprint, without journal t.p.’s and with parenthetical indication “‘(Acta ...)”’, undated, without other special imprint.

Journal publ.: Nova Acta Leop. 21, suppl. 1: [1]-87, pl. 7-92, t-p. of journal issue dated 1846 but all evidence points at Nov-Dec 1847 as the date of publication. The copies at G, NY and US are copies of the journal issue which contained only this paper. The title (p. [1]) has “Der Akademie tibergeben im Marz 1844. Vol. xxi. Suppl.” and lacks the parenthe- tical indication of the name of the journal. — Journal: “Vratislaviae [Breslau], typ. Grass. Barth & Co.”

  1. Revisio critica Casuarinarum. Nieuwe Verh. Eerste Klasse Kon. Ned. Inst. Wet. 13:

267-350. pl. t-xu. [Amstelodami (C. G. Sulpke)] 1848. Qu.

Publ.: Feb 1848 (SM 117). Copy: KNAW. — The article was also published separately. It is not known whether the reprints preceded the publication of the volume of the Verhande- lingen, or whether the volume of the Verhandelingen was published in parts. Miquel sent copies to Lindley and Kunze on ro Feb 1848 (Letter to Lindley at K, acknowledge- ment of receipt by Kunze in letter of 3 Apr 1848, ULU). The copy for W. J. Hooker was forwarded on 30 Mar (letter at K); Schlechtendal owned a copy on 15 Apr 1848. — The twelve plates are uncoloured liths. of drawings by Q, M. R. Ver Huell.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 6: 451-452. 16 Jun 1848.

  1. [Hortus Amstelodamensis of Afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen van merkwaardige gewas-

sen uit den Hortus botanicus te Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Fol. ].

Publ.: This publication, announced in a separately printed prospectus and in the Botani- sche Zeitung 6: 292 (7 Apr 1848), never appeared. It was planned to issue two parts of 6 plates plus accompanying text per year. See SM 124.

  1. Over de Afrikaansche Vijge-boomen door F. A. W. Miquel... Amsterdam (C. G. Sulpke)

  2. Qu. (Afr. Vijge-boom.).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1849 (t.p. 1846; Kunze acknowledged receipt on 6 Feb 1840; rev. Flora 21 Feb 1840), p. [i], [1]-40, pl. 1-5 (uncol. liths. by QO. M. R. Ver Huell). Copy: U. — Preprinted from Verh. Eerste Klasse Kon. Ned. Inst. Wet. ser. 3. 1: 111-150, pl. 1-4. 1849 or 1850. See also SM 132.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 8: 549-552. 19 Jul 1850.

Furnrohr, A. E., Flora 33: 103-112. 21 Feb 1850.

  1. Analecta botanica indica commentationes de variis stirpibus Asiae australioris, scripsit


MIQUEL (1850)

Klasse van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut, 3e reeks, 3e[4e, 5e] Deel. Amsterdam

(C. G. Sulpke) 1850-1852, 3 parts. Qu. (Anal. bot. ind.).

Pars I. Stirpes quaedam borneenses: Mai 1850 (SM 134), p. [i], [1]-30, pl. z-r0. — Reprinted from Verh. Eerste Klasse Kon. Ned. Inst. Wet. ser. 3. 3: [1]-30, pl. 1-10. 1850.

Part II. Thymelaearum, Palmarum, Pandanearum, Graminearum, Cycadearum et Filicum species selectae: 1 Jan-16 Feb 1851 (SM 134), p. [i], [1]-44, pl. 1-7 (id., nos. 3 and 4 col.). — Reprinted from id. ser. 3. 4: [13]-56, pl. 1-7. 1851. Copies exist also with reprint t.p. and journal sheets with orig. pagination.

Pars ITT vel posthuma. Novae vel rariores species dicotyledoneae nec non de Rafflesiae genere observationes: 13-19. Feb 1852 (SM 134; TL-r), p. [i], [1]-30, pl. 2-3. 1852. — Reprinted from id. ser. 3. 5: [1]-30, pl. 7-3.

Copies: El, G. Ly Ley MO. NY:

  1. Stirpes surinamenses selectae. Digessit F. A. Guil. Miquel, ... accedunt tabulaé Ixv.

Lugduni Batavorum (apud Arnz. & Soc.) 1850 [i.e. 1851]. Qu. (Sérp. surinam. select.).

Publ.: Mar 1851 (SM 143; TL-1), p. [i*-i11*, titles journal], [i]-vii, [viii], [1]-234, pl. 1-65 (uncol. liths. of drawings by Q, M. R. Ver Huell). Copies: FI, G, L, MO, NY, US(2), USDA. — Also issued as Natuurk. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wet. Haarlem ser. 2, vol. 7.

  1. Plantae junghuhmanae. Enumeratio plantarum, quas in insulis Java et Sumatra, detexit Fr. Junghuhn ... Lugduni-Batavorum [Leiden] (A. W. Sythoff), Parisiis (J. B. Bailliére [1851 ]- 1853-1855[-1857]. Oct. (Pl. jungh.).

part pages dates part pages dates 1-106 Mar 1851 4 395-522 1855 or 1857? 2 107-270 Aug 1852 5 523-570 1857

3 271-394 Aug 1854

Copies: G, KNAW, L, MO, Teyler, U, USDA; IDC 636, 867.—See SM 144. — The major part of the text is by Miquel, but a number of families are dealt with by other authors: G. Bentham, R. B. van den Bosch, A. J. de Bruyn, L. A. J. Burgersdijk, L. H. Buse, F. Dozy, J. K. Hasskarl, J. H. Molkenboer, CG. Montagne, C. M. van der Sande Lacoste, A. Spring and W. H. de Vriese. — Miquel, perhaps together with W. H. de Vriese, acted as general editor. The history of the publication of parts 4 and 5 is not yet quite clear. On 31 Jan 1857 [sic] Miquel and de Vriese presented parts 1-3 to the Royal Academy of Sciences. It is recorded in the Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuur- kunde (6: 53-58. 1857) that the “fourth and last part” had not yet appeared. Descriptive announcements, almost certainly by Miquel, in the Alg. Konst- en Letterbode fasc. 1-2 in 1852(2): 122-123. 20 Aug 1829; fasc. 2 (again) 1853(2): 267-268. 21 Oct 1853). A review by C. A. J. A. Oudemans of fasc. 3 was published in the volume for 1854: 273-274. 26 Aug 1854. — The fascicle covers of fasc. 3 and 4 have only an imprint ““Lugduni-Batavorum, A. W. Sythoff.” We have seen no cover of fasc. 5. Ref.: Dunn, J. Bot. 51: 358. 1913.

Wiltshear, F. G., J. Bot. 52: 44-45. 1914.

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 2: 50. 1947.

Marshall, H. S., Kew Bull. 1953: 279-280.

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Fl. males. 3: 823. 1961.

  1. Cycadaceae quaedam americanae, partim novae. Descripsit F. A. G. Miquel. Overge-

drukt uit Verh. der Eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut, 3e Reeks, 4e

Deel. Met vier platen. Amsterdam (J. C. A. Sulpke) 1851. Qu. (Cycad. amer.).

Publ.: 1851, p. [i], [1]-8, pl. 1-4 (partly col. liths.; artist O, M. R. Ver Huell). Copies: G, USDA. — Reprinted from Verh. Eerste Klasse Kon. Ned. Instituut Wet. ser. 3. 4: 181- 188, pl. 1-4. 1851 (cf. SM 148).

  1. De fossiele planten van het krijt in het hertogdom Limburg. V erhandelingen uitgegeven door de Commissie belast met het vervaardigen eener geologische beschrijving en kaart van Nederland 1(2): 33-56 [1-24]. tt. 1-7. 1853.

Publ.: 1853, probably Dec [“‘am Ende des... Jahres”, Bonplandia 2: 171. 1854, correspon-


MIQUEL (1855)

dence from Amsterdam; Ferd. Roemer acknowledged the receipt of a copy to Miquel on 17 Apr 1854 (letter ULU)] (SM 159).

  1. Beschouwingen over de delfstoffen en de geschiedenis der aarde ... behoorende tot de

nicuwe uitgave van het werk, ten titel voerende: J. A. Uilkens, De volmaaktheden van den

Schepper in zijn schepselen beschouwd. Leeuwarden (G. T. N. Suringar) 1855. Oct.

(Beschouw. delfst.).

Publ.: In seven parts in the course of 1855 (see SM 168), p. [i*-iii*], [i]-viii, [3]-479, pl. 1-18 (uncol. liths.), table. Copies: FAS, KNAW.

6x11. Flora van Nederlandsch Indi... Amsterdam (C. G. van der Post), Utrecht (C. van den Post Jr.), Leipzig (bij Fried. Fleischer) 1855-1859, 3 vols. Oct. (Fl. Ned. Ind.).

Alternative title: Flora Indiae batavae.

MG) =P [|-xxiv, | 1, h.t.), [v]-1116, pf. r-x4:

1(2): p. [i]-xii, [1]-704, pl. 15-30.

2: frontisp., p. [i]-ix, [1]-1103, pl. 37-36.

3: frontisp., p. [i]-x, [1]-773, chart, 2 maps, pl. 37-41.

Copies: FI, G, FAS, L, MO, NY, U, US, USDA; IDC 6074. — See SM 167.

vol. part pages plates dates wt I 1-160 1-2 2 Aug 1855 2 161-336 3-4 6 Sep 1855 3 337-512 5-7 20 Dec 1855[Oct 1855*] 4 513-688 8-9 Apr 1856 5 689-864 10-11 10 Jul 1856 6 865-1040 12-13 19 Aug 1858 1041-1116

chart, 2 maps, x pp.

The parts were issued with special covers, which have rarely been kept (e.g. 1(4): copy FAS). For contemporary comments see W. H. de Vriese, Voorstel omtrent de voortzetting van de uitgave der Flora Javae, Tuinbouw-flora 3: 357-364 (1856) and J. Palacky, Ubersicht der von Miquel in der Flora Indiae batavae bestimmten Cumingschen Philippinen-Pflanzen, Flora 43: 446-448 (28 Jul 1860). The plates are uncoloured litho- graphs of drawings by Q, M.R. Ver Huell. The frontispiece to vol. 1 (Rumphius) is by C. C. A. Last. Ref.: E. F., Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 797-798. 1856, 8: 55-56. 1861.

Kuntze, O., Rev. gen. 3(2): 159-160. 1898.

Nakai, J. Arnold Arb. 6: 211-213. 1925.

Furtado, C. X., Chron. bot. 5: 437-438. 1939.

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. 3. 13: 284-285, FI. males Bull. 2:


MIQUEL (1857) Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 15: 739-740. 1960.

  1. Catalogus horti botanici amstelodamensis Amstelodami [Amsterdam] (prostat apud M.

Westerman & filium) 1857. Oct. (Cat. hort. amstelod.).

Co-author: J. C. Groenewegen (1810/11-1884), curator, Amsterdam botanical garden.

Publ.: Jan 1857 (SM 176; acquired by Royal Academy of Sciences in Jan 1857, fide Versl. Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. afd. Natuurk. 6: 523 [report Miquel], 61 (accessions register); Miquel sent a copy to Schlechtendal on 18 Feb 1857 (letter HAL)), p. [i, iii], [1]-347. Copies: BR, FI, KNAW, L, NY.

Ref.: -t-, Bot. Zeit. 15: 341-342. 1857.

  1. Flora van Nederlandsch Indié, door F. A. W. Miquel. Eerste byvoegsel, Sumatra, zijne plantenwereld en hare voortbrengselen. Met platen. Amsterdam (C. G. van der Post), Utrecht (C. van der Post Jr.), Leipzig (bij Fried. Fleischer) 1860 [-1861]. Oct. (Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste byv.).

Publ.: in three parts, 1860-1861. Copies: FI, G, L, NY, U, US, USDA; IDC 6075. — See SM 185. — Plates uncol. liths., artist Q. M. R. Ver Huell. Alternative t.p.: “Flora Indiae batavae, ... supplementum primum. Prodromus florae sumatranae.”

1: Dec 1860, p. [1i]-xx, [1]-160, pl. 7-2. 2: Jun 1861, p. 161-336, pl. 3. 3: Dec 1861, p. [xxi]-xxiv, 337-656, pl. 4.

Reissue: 1862, p. [iii]-xxiv, [1]-656, pl. 1-4 (id.). Copy: NY. — With a single, new, t.p.: “Sumatra, zijne plantenwereld en hare voortbrengselen ...”” Amsterdam (C. G. van der Post), Utrecht (C. van der Post Jr.) 1862. Oct. (Sumatra).

German translation: 1862 (see SM 204), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-656, pl. 1-4 (id.). Copies: FI, G. — “Sumatra, Seine Pflanzenwelt und deren Erzeugnisse, ... Deutsche Ausgabe.’ Amster- dam (C. G. van der Post), Utrecht (C. van der Post Jr.), Leipzig (Fried. Fleischer) 1862. Oct. (Sumatra, ed. germ.).

Ref.: Steenis, C. G. van, Fl. males. Bull. 2: 363. 1953.

Stafleu, F. A., Dedication, Fl. males. 8: (7)-(16). 1978.

  1. Prodromus systematis Cycadearum. In honorem festi diei xv kal. m. Julii mdccclxi, quo

Academia rhenotrajectina exacta xlv lustra celebrat, edidit F. A. Guil. Miquel. Prostat

Ultrajecti [Utrecht] (apud. C. van der Post Jr.), Amstelodami (apud C. G. van der Post)

  1. Qu. (Prodr. syst. Cycad.).

Publ.: Jun 1861 (rd. by KNAW Jun 1861; Nieuwsbl. Boekh. 4 Jul 1861; SM 186), p. [i-vi], [1]-35, [36]. Copies: FI, G, KNAW, MO(2), NY, USDA. — Extract: J. Bot. néerl. 1(2): 192. Oct 1861, 193-198. Jan 1862.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 20: 30. 24 Jan 1862.

  1. Journal de botanique néerlandaise, rédigé par F.-A.-W. Miquel, ... Tome premier. Amsterdam (C. G. van der Post), Utrecht (C. van der Post Jr.), Leipzig (Carl Fr. Fleischer, ...), Paris (Leiber, ...), Londres (Williams & Norgate, ...) 1861. Oct. + (J. bot. néerl.). Publ.: A single volume was published, in four parts (SM 187):

fasc. pages plates dates fasc. pages plates dates

I EGG wey s7 1-8 Aug 1861 2 193-288 wz Jan 1862

2 Q7-Lo2 a Oct 1861 4 289-384 Jun 1862 [i, 11]

Copies: FI, MO (orig. covers), NY, US (orig. covers), USDA (id.); IDC 7148. — Fasc. 1 was published on (or shortly before) 1 Aug 1861 fide Bot. Zeitung 19: 248. 23 Aug 1861 and Bonplandia 9: 274. 15 Sep 1861. It was announced as available by the Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhandel of 8 Aug 1861 and received by the Royal Academy of Sciences in the period Jul-Sep. — Fasc. 2 was received by the Academy in Oct 1861, fasc. 3 in Jan 1862, fase. 4 in Jun 1862 (published accessions records). — The three plates are uncoloured unsigned lithographs.

  1. Over de geografische verspreiding der Ficeae, met een nader onderzoek omtrent de soorten,


MIQUEL (1868)

welke in Amerika noordelijk van de landengte van Panama, voorkomen; ... Amsterdam

(C. G. van der Post) 1862. Oct. (Geogr. verspr. Ficeae).

Publ.: after 29 Mar 1862 (see SM 203; date acceptance KNAW; Flora rev. 12 Dec 1863), p. [1 ]-34. Copies: G, U. — Reprinted from Versl. Med. Kon. Akad. Wet., afd. Natuurk. 13: 382-415. 1862.

  1. Annales musei botanici lugduno-batavi. Edidit F. A. Guil. Miquel, ... Amstelodami

[Amsterdam] (apud C. G. van der Post). Traiectiad Rhenum [Utrecht] (apud C. van der

Post Jun.), prostat Lipsiae (apud Friedr. Fleischer), Londini (apud Williams et Norgate,

Dulau et Socios), Parisiis (apud Fr. Klincksieck), Bruxellis (apud C. Muquardt) 1863-

1869, 4 vols. Fol. (Ann. mus. lugd.-bat.).

Publ.: See SM 207. The following analysis of the contents of the fascicles is based on a copy in the original wrappers at the Botanical Museum, Utrecht. The announcements of the parts in the Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhandel are alas not complete. The full dates [day, month, year] given below are those of the announcements. For the parts not mentioned in the Nieuwsblad some further indication of the dates of publication is found in the dates on which the complementary copies were mailed from Leiden. The government put a hundred copies at the disposal of the Rijksherbarium and Miquel for free distribution among collaborators and major taxonomic centres abroad. These copies, however, were not mailed in single fascicles, but in consignments of, mostly, 5 fascicles. The signed receipts of these consignments are in the archives of the Rijksherbarium. They provide a last date for the last fascicle included in the consignments. These dates are the ones given below with the sole indication of month and year [e.g. 2(5): Jan 1866]. All other dates, in brackets, are obvious inferences from the covers and from the dates of earlier and later parts. Copies: FI, KNAW, L, MO, NY, U(2), USDA; IDC 6076.

tome fasc. folii pages tab. dates further dates on covers I I 1-8 1-32 I 1863 2 Jul 1863 2 g-16 33-64 2 1863 6 Aug 1863 3 17-24 65-96 g 1863 24 Sep 1863 4 25-32 97-128 4 1863 5 Nov 1863 5 33-40 129-160 5 1863 17 Dec 1863 6 41-48 161-192 6 1864 11 Feb 1864 7 49-56 193-224 7 1864 19 Mai 1864 8 57-64 225-256 6 1864 23 Jun 1864 9 65-72 257-288 9 1864. 20 Oci 1864 10 73-80 289-320, i-vill 10) 1865 1 Dec 1864 Ind. 81-83 321-331 = 1865 23 Mar 1865 2 I I-5 1-20 I 1865 23 Mai 1865 2 6-13 21-52 2 1865 [Apr-Dec 1865] 3 14-21 53-84 ® 1865 [Apr-Dec 1865] 4 22-20 85-116 4 1865 [Apr-Dec 1865] 5 30-37 117-148 = 1865 Jan 1866 6 38-45 149-180 5,6 1866 Jan 1866 Fi 46-53 181-212 7 1866 [Feb-Nov 1866] 8 54-61 213-244 8 1866 [Feb-Nov 1866] 9 62-69 245-276 — ro[sic] 1866 [Feb-Nov 1866] u@) POoNe Sima i-vi 9 1866 Dec 1866 3 I 1-8 1-32 Te, 1867 [Jan-Jun 1867] 2 9-16 33-64 — 1867 [Jan-Jun 1867] 3 17-24 65-96 g 1867 [Jan-Jun 1867] 4 25-32 97-128 4 1867 [Jan-Jun 1867] 5 33-40 129-160 5 1867 Jul 1867 6 41-48 161-192 6 1867 [Aug-Oct 1867] 7 49-56 193-224 q 1867 21 Nov 1867 8 57-64 225-256 8 1867 [Dec *67-Jui ’68]


MIQUEL (1867)

tome fasc. folii pages tab. dates further dates on covers 9 65-72 257-288 9 1867 [Dec °67-Jul *68] 10 73-79 289-315 10 1867 Aug 1868 4 I 1-8 1-32 I 1868 [Sep-Dec 1868] 2 g-16 33-64 2 1868 [Sep-Dec 1868] 3 17-24 65-96 3 1868 [Sep-Dec 1868] 4 25-32 97-128 4 1869 21 Feb 1869 5 33-40 129-160 5 1869 28 Mar 1869 6 41-48 161-192 6 1869 23 Mai 1869 7 49-56 193-224 7. 1869 8 Jul 1869 8 57-64 225-256 89 1869 24 Oct 1869 9 65-72 257-288 = 1869 [Nov ’69-Feb ’70] 10 73-80 289-319, i-vi IO 1869 [Mar 1870]

The plates are coloured and uncoloured lithographs, often unsigned, but otherwise by

various artists.

Ref.: Nakai, T., J. Arnold Arb. 6: 211-213, 1925, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 40: 363-365. 1926. Beumée, Fl. males. Bull. 1: 137. 1949.

  1. Choix de plantes rares ou nouvelles, cultivées et dessinées dans le jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. Publié avec un texte explicatif par F. A. W. Miquel, Professeur de Botanique a |’ Université d’Utrecht. La Haye [’s Gravenhage] (chez C. W. Mieling) 1863. Fol. (Chozx pl. Buatenzorg). Publ.: 1863-1864 (SM 216), p. [i], pl. 1-26 with text, [1, cont.]. Copies: FI, KNAW, NY. — Published in 13 parts of 2 plates each in 1863 and 1864. The set was probably completed by 11 Mar 1864 on which day the Ministry of colonial affairs presented a copy to the Riksherbarium (Archives L, 1864, Aaz no. 25). It is not at all certain that all parts were issued separately. Part 1, with 2 plates only, was reviewed by Rauwenhoff, but the review of the complete work in Flora does not mention parts. 26 coloured lithographed plates of which nos. 5 and 9 are signed Th. Rocke, the numbers, 6, 8, 18, 20 J. E. L. Ljung. Ref.: Rauwenhoff, N. W. P., Jaarb. Kon. Ned. Maatsch. Tuinbouw 1864: rar. Anon., Flora 47: 397-398. 26 Jul 1864.

  2. Prolusio florae japonicae. Scripsit F. A. Guil. Miquel ... accedunt tabulae 1. Amstelo- dami [Amsterdam] (apud C. G. van der Post), Traiecti ad Rhenum [Utrecht] (apud C. van der Post Jm.) [1865-]1866-1867. Fol. (Prolus. fl. jap.).

Publ.: (see SM 236), mainly a reprint from Ann. Mus. bot. Lugd. bat., see below, p. [i]-viil, [1 ]- 189 (part 1), 189-392 (part 2), pl. 1-2. Copies: G, L, MO, NY, USDA, (orig. covers). i-viil published only in the book itself (title-page, dedication to Asa Gray and C. I. Maximowicz, introduction, conspectus), 21 Nov 1867.

pages book Annales Annales pp. tt. dates Annales vol. /pars 1-6 2(3) 69-84 - Apr-Dec 1865 17-49 2(4) 85-116 - Apr-Dec 1865 49-80 2(5 117-148 - Jan 1866 SI-112 2(6 149-180 - Feb-Nov 1866 113-144 XG 181-212 - Feb-Nov 1866 145-164 2(9 257-276 x[ =u] Feb-Nov 1866 165-188 2(10) 277-300 4 = Dec 1866 189-220 3(1 1-32 - Jan-Jun 1867 221-252 3(2 33-64 - Jan-Jun 1867 253-254 a) 65-66 - Jan-Jun 1867 255-260 3(3 91-96 - Jan-Jun 1867 261-292 3(4 97-128 - Jan-Jun 1867 203-324 3(5 129-160 . Jul 1867 325-356 3 (6) 161-192 - Aug-Oct 1867


MIQUEL (1869)

pages book Annales Annales pp. tt. dates Annales vol. /pars Boy=573 = 63) G3 200 en 21 Nov 1867

374-392 published only in the book itself (““Conspectus florae japoni- cae’), 21 Nov 1867.

i-vil published only in the book itself (title-page, dedication to Asa Gray and C.I. Maximowicz, introduction, conspec- tus), 21 Nov 1867.

According to the review of part 1 in Flora (48: 540-541) of Nov 1865 the book would be published in four parts. It is not known whether this was actually done. The book is reviewed as a whole by A. Kanitz in Bot. Zeit. (25: 412-413), 20 Dec 1867, and announced as a whole in the Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhandel of 21 Nov 1867. No further data on contents and dates are, however, available at this moment. It is unlikely that if the book was indeed published in parts, these parts would have preceded publication in the Annales. The dates of the latter can therefore be accepted for the Prolusvo.

The text is all by Miquel except that of the Musci frondost p. 180-188, 373, which is by Cornelius Marinus van der Sande Lacoste (1815-1887).

  1. Sur les érables du Japon. Arch. néerl. Sci. exactes nat. 2(5): 467-480. 1867.

Publ.: (see SM 259). The last fascicle (no. 5) of volume 2 of the Archives was published in Dec 1867 (p. 452 dated Décembre 1867), or, more likely Jan-Mar 1868. Miquel sent a reprint (dated 1867) to Meisner who received it on or before 8 Apr 1868. These reprints have the original journal pagination (Copies: G, MO, USDA). The species of Acer attributed to Maximowicz as “ined.” were actually published just before Miquel’s article, on 13 Nov 1867 in Mel. Biol. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb. 6: 367-376 (information kindly supplied by D. H. Nicolson).

Ref.: H.S., Bot. Zeit. 26: 351-352. 22 Mai 1868.

Eichler, A. W., Flora 51: 332-333. 15 Aug 1868.

  1. De palmis archipelagi indict observationes novae ... edidit Academia regia disciplina- rum Nederlandica. Accedit tabula picta. Amstelodami [Amsterdam] (apud C. G. van der Post) 1868. Qu. (Palm. archip. ind.). Publ.: Feb 1868 (SM 261), p. [i], [1]-33, 7 pl. (col.). Copies: FI, MICH, USDA. — Preprinted from Verh. kon. Akad. Wet. 11: 1-33, pl. 1. 1868. Ref.: A. W. E. [Eichler], Flora 51: 316-318, 30 Jul 1868. M. K., Bot. Zeit. 26: 846. 1868.

  2. Nieuwe biydragen tot de kennis der Cycadeen. Kerste-zesde gedeelte. Versl. Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. afd. Natuurk. ser. 2, vols. 3 and 4.

gedeelte vol. Verslagen pages probable date of publ. Eerste Seig2s 3(1) 1-44 20 Aug 1868

Tweede Sen 1253 (0) 45-49 20 Aug 1868

Derde Sema 3a) 50-57 20 Aug 1868

Vierde Sele, 2, (2) 152-165 18 Mar 1869

Vijfde Ser, 2. 3((2) 196-206 18 Mar 1869

Zesde Sem 2: a 23-37 1869 (probably Oct)

Reprints with separate cover and pagination for 1-3 (p. 1-57. 1868), 4 (p. 1-14. 1868), 5 (p. I-11. 1868), 6 (notseen, dated 1869). Copies G. The dates of the reprints point at publication of parts 1-5 in 1868, 6 in 1869). The reviews of part 6 also point at 1869 as the date of publication; it is probable that reprints were issued: in the summary given by L’ Illustration horticole, part 6 is dated Oct 1869. — The dates given above are those on which the relevant parts of the Verslagen were announced as available by the Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhan- del. The date for part 6, however, is that of the reprints; the Verslagen ser. 2. 4(1) were announced by the Nieuwsblad on 29 Jan 1870.

See SM 264 for French versions.


MIQUEL (1870)

  1. Catalogus muse? botanici lugduno-batavi. Digessit F. A. Guil. Miquel. Pars prima. Flora japonica. Prostat Hagae Comitis [’s Gravenhage] (apud Martinum Nijhoff) 1870. Oct. (Cat. mus. bot. lugd.-bat.).

Publ.: 19 Feb 1870 (TL-1; SM 290), p. [i]-vi, [vii], [1]-229. Copies: KNAW, L, MO, NY. Ref.: Anon., Flora 53: 266-267. 25 Jul 1870.

  1. Illustrations de la flore de l Archipel indien, par ¥. A. W. Miquel. Amsterdam (C. G. van der Post), Utrecht (C. van der Post Jr.), Leipzig (Friedr. Fleischer) 1871. Qu. (Ill. fl. Archip Ind.).

Preface (p. v-vi) by Willem Frederik Reinier Suringar (1832-1808).

Publ.: (see SM 292). The third part was published by W. F. R. Suringar after Miquel’s death: “‘une vie laborieuse et vouée a la science jusqu’au dernier soupir’’. According to the preface the plates 20-37 belonging to the second part were published with the third. However, plates 20-25 were in fact issued with fasc. 2.

part pages plates dates I [1]-48 I-13 1870 2 49-96 14-25 1870 3 [i]-x, 97-112, [1-2] 26-37 1871

Copies: FI, G, KNAW, L, MO, U, US, USDA. — The book was intended as a simplified continuation of the Annales. — The plates are uncoloured lithographs of drawings by Ver Huell and Kouwels. Ref.: Anon., Flora 54: 64. 1871, 55: 254-255. 1872.

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 1: 137. 1949.

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. v., Fl. males. Bull. 5: 137. 1949.

Miranda, Gonzalez, Faustino (1905-1964), Spanish-born Mexican botanist, D. Ci. Madrid 1929; from 1933-1935 at the marine biological laboratory at Pontevedra, Spain; to Mexico 1939; naturalized 1941; director Instituto botanico de Chiapas at Tuxtla Gutiérrez 1949-1954, from 1941-1949 and from 1954 at the Instituto de Biologia, Mexico. (Muzranda).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: MEXU; further material at NY, TEX, US.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 495; Bossert p. 268; Hortus 3: 1200

(‘“Miranda”’); IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 543; Langman p. 510-511 (!bibl.); NAF ser. 2.2.: 166, 5:


Gomez Pompa, A. and B. G. Schubert, Taxon 14: 75. 1965.

Langman, I., Ciencia, México 24(5-6): 177-180. 1966.

Martinez, M., Bol. Soc. bot. Mexico 23: 1-9. 1958 (portr., bibl., Festschrift).

Rzedowski, J., Ciencia, México 24(5-6): 171-175. 1966 (portr., bibl.); Brittonia 1g: 95-98. 1967 (portr., obit., b. 19 Feb 1905, d. 17 Dec 1964).

FESTSCHRIFT: Bol. Soc. Bot. Mexico 23, 1958.

EPONYMyY: Mirandaceltis A. J. Sharp (1958); Mirandea Rzedowski (1959); Neomirandea King & Robinson (1970). Note: The derivation of Mirandia Toro (1934) could not be established. Mirandina Arnaud ex Matsushima (1975) commemorates Marcel Louis Mirande (1864- 1930), French botanist.

  1. Sobre las algas y cianoficeas del cantdbrico especialmente de Gijon... Madrid [Junta para ampliacion de estudios e investigaciones cientificas] 1931. Oct. (Alg. cianofic. cantabr.). Publ.: 15 Mar 1931 (Nat. Nov. Sep 1932), p. [3]-106. Copy: BR. — Trabajos del Museu

nacional de Ciencias naturales, ser. bot. 25.

Mirbel, Charles Francois Brisseau de (1776-1854), French botanist; in Paris 1798- 1806 at the Muséum; from 1802-1806 head-gardener at Malmaison; in Holland with Louis Napoléon 1806-1810; from 1829 again attached to the Muséum (1829 professeur de culture); mainly plant anatomist and physiologist. (Muzr6.).



HERBARIUM and TypEs: Material from the Pyrenees in P-JU, other material in Pand PC.—A set of 53 plates, illustrating Californian plants, based on plants wholly or in large part collected by Paulo Emilio Botta (1802-1870) is at NY. Barnhart (in mss notes accompa- nying this volume) refers to A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 195. 1870 who states that the drawings were made “‘by Decaisne and engraved for Mirbel who was to have published Botta’s collections.” The plates were engraved between 1834 and 1854. Barnhart does not exclude the possibility that Edouard Spach played a réle in this unfinished project.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrioGrAPHY: AG 6(2): 205; Backer p. 374; Barnhart 2: 496; BM 3: 1321; Bossert p. 268; CSP 4: 405-407, 12: 511; Dawson p. 614; DSB g: 418-419; Frank 3(Anh.): 66; GR p. 340-341; Herder p. 466 [index]; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Mirb.’’); IF p. 720-721; IH 2: 543; Jackson p. 67, 75, 113, 115, 222, 485; Kew 4: 13; Langman p. 512; Laségue p. 524; Lenley p. 464; Moebius p. 165, 453 [index]; NI. 1392, 1392n, Plesch p. 338; PR 6286-6292; Ratzeburg p. 370-371; Rehder 5: 577-578; SO 439¢, 776, 777; TL-1/267, 315, 493, 940; TL-2/ 809,

1293, 1410, 1547, 1969, 2134, 2537. 41405 Tucker 1: 490-491; Zander ed. 10, p. 693, ed. 11,

p. 790 (b. 28 Mar 1776).

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 68. 1867.

Anon., Bonplandia 2: 266. 1854 (Leopoldina cogn. Dodartius); Osterr. bot. W. 4: 375. 1854 (d.); Proc. Linn. Soc. 2: 423-425. 1855; Bull. Soc. bot. France 1: 204. 1854; Proc. Linn. Soc. 2: 423-425. 1855; Bot. Zeit. 12: 744. 1854, 13: 342-344- 1855 (on funeral); Flora 37: 704. 1854.

Baines, J. E., Vict. Natural. go: 229. 1973.

Bonnet, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 60: xcvii. 1913.

Brongniart, Ad., Funérailles de M. de Mirbel, Institut imp. de France, Paris, 16 p..

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 91, 120, 198, 222. 1862.

Costantin, J., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser. 10. 16: xxili-xxiv. 1934 (portr.).

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 70. 1934.

Glotin, Jard. France 6: 10-11. 1971 (n.v.).

Guillaumin, A., Rev. sci. ill. 71(12), 1933 (portr.).

Harvey-Gibson, R. J., Outlines hist. bot. 77-79. 1914.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 1: 180, 181. 1918.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 376, 378, 404, 406-409, 438. 1884.

Lacroix, A., Fig. savants 4: 70. 1938.

MacPhail, I., Cat. Redout. 20, 52. 1963.

Martin, M., Ind. corr. Torrey p. 464. 1973.

Morton, C. V., J. Washington Acad. Sci. 36: 116-169. 1946 (M’s fern studies).

Payen, A., Eloge historique de M. de Mirbel. Paris 1858, 94 p., reprinted from Mém. Agr. Econ. rur. dom. 103: 146-234. 1859 (bibl., biogr., d. 12 Dec 1854).

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 206, 264, 271, 282, 311, 322, 332) 452. 1892.

Seemann, B., Bonplandia 1(19): 187. 1853.

Taton, R., ed., Science 1gth cent. 349, 375, 387- 1965.

Verdoorn, F., ed., Man. bryol. 41, 73, 82, 89, 131, 132, 207. 1932.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 115. 1903, 3(3): 108, pl. 43. 1905 (portr.).

Wulff, E. V., Intr. hist. pl. geogr. 23, 116. 1943.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Duhamel du Monceau, H. L. Trazté arbr. arbust., ed. 2, in part author of vols. 1-4. See TL-2/1547.

(2) Cuvier, F., Dict. Sci. nat., author of several botanical articles; see TL-2/1293.

(3) Lamarck, J. B. et B. Mirbel, Hist. nat. veg., Paris an xi-1803, 15 vols., see TL-2/4140. — Italian translation (not mentioned under no. 4140): Storia naturale dei vegetabilt classificata per famiglie, con la citazione delle classe e dello ordine di Linée, ... da G. B. Lamarck... e da B. Mirbel ... recata in lingua italiana e corredata di note e aggiunte da D. A. Farini ... Livorno (Fratelli Vignozzi e Nipote) 1841. Copy: FI (vols. 1(1-2), 2(1-3), 3(1-3), all 1841, with 84 col. pl.

EponyMy: Mirbelia J. E. Smith (1805); Mirbellites Unger (1845). 6127. Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliére, des plantes. Ouvrage faisant suite aux

oeuvres de Leclerc de Buffon, et partie du cours complet d’histoire naturelle rédige par C.S. Sonnini, membre de plusieurs sociétés savantes. Traité d’anatomie et de physiologie



végétales, servant d’introduction a histoire des plantes ... Paris (de limprimerie de F. Dufart) an x [1802]-1806, 18 vols. Oct. (Hist. nat. pl.). Publ.: Part of the Suites a Buffon, accompanying the octavo edition of Buffon, Aistozre naturelle . rédigé par C. S. Sonnini, Paris 1799-1806; 64 vols. (excl. Suites). Mirbel was the author of vols. 1, 2, and 4-15; Nicolas Jolyclerc (x-1817) of vols. 3 and 16-18. Copies: MO, NY, USDA. — The MO copy has double sets of plates, one coloured, one uncoloured. The plates are by De Séve.

1: 19 Jul 1802 (JT) [1 ]-378, pl. 1-2, chart.

2: 19 Jul rgo02 (JT) [1 ]-423, [424, err.], pl. 3-16.

3: 1806 (t.p.), p. [1]-357, pl. 143-150. — ““... et continué par N. Jolyclerc, ...” Paris (id.) 1806.



4: 28 Jan 1803, p. [1]-431. — title as in vol. 1, publ. “an xi.”. 5: 28 Jan 1803, p. [1]-429. — as vol. 4.

6: 1 Oct 1803; p. [1-2]; [1*, extra tzp:], [3)-384:—asivol: 4: 7: 1 Oct 1803, p. [1]-473, [474, err.]. pl. 16[bzs]-22. — as vol. 4.

8: 1804, p. [1]-419, [420, err.], pl. 22-33, 34 (as “‘24’’). — Paris (id.) an xii. g: 1804, p. [1]-432, pl. 35-40. — as vol. 8.

10: 1805, p. [1]-4.44, pl. 41-53. — Paris (id.) an xiii.

11: 1805, p. [1]-417, [148, err], pl. 54-67 (as “xxvii’’). — as vol. ro. 12: 1805, p. [1]-434, 1, err.], pl. 68-78. — as vol. 10.

13: 1805, p. [1]-418, [1, err.], pl. 79-87. — as vol. ro.

14: 1805, p. [1]-427, [428, err.], pl. 68-96. — as vol. to.

15: 1805, p. [1]-430, pl. 97-106. — as vol. 10.

16: 1806, p. [1-1v], [1]-407, pl. 107-120. — as vol. 3.

17: 1806, p. [1 ]-404, pl. 112-128. — as vol. 3.

18: 1806, p. [1]-384, pl. 129-142. — as vol. 3.

  1. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur le Marchantia polymorpha, pour servir a Phistoire du tissu cellulaire, de ?épiderme et des stomates. . . [Paris (Firmin Didot fréres . . .) 1835]. Qu. (Rech. anat. Marchantia).

Publ.: 1835, p. [1]-100, pl. 1-10 (col., by Mlle. Legendre). Copies: FI, MO, NY, U-V. — Reprinted frona Mém. Acad. Sci. Inst. France 13: 337-436, pl. 1-10. 1835. Preliminary publications: Nouv. Mem. Mus. hist. nat., Paris, 1: 93-130. 1834, Ann. Sci. nat. 25: 73- 87. 1832.

Missbach, Ernst Robert (1864-1938), German botanist and teacher at Dresden, after his retirement curator of the botanical garden of the Landesverein Sachsischer Heimatschutz in Schellerhau; early promotor of school gardens. (Missbach).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: collections at A, C, DAO, E, FI, HBG, IBF, JE, L, MANCH, MOD, WRSL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 496; BM 7: 850; IH 2: 544. Militzer, M., Ber. Arbeitsgemeinschaft sachs. Bot. ser. 2. 5/6: 273-276. 1965 (portr., b. 16 Mai 1864, d. 27 Aug 1938, bibl.).

COMPOSITE works: With E. H. L. Krause: Riedgréser, Cyperaceae, in J. Sturms Flora von Deutschland ed. 2, vol. 2, 1900, p. [2]-160, pl. 1-64. Copy: US.

Mitchell, John (1711-1768), Virginia-born British physician and botanist; physician at Urbanna, Virginia; 1735-1746, 1746-1768 in London. (Mzitch.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM (Banks herb.); further material at G, LINN, OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 496; BB p. 217; BM 3: 1323; Clokie p. 213; DAB 39: 129; Desmond p. 442-443; DNB 38: 70; Dryander 1: 192, 2: 54, 3: 31; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Mitch.”’); IH 2: 544; Kew 4: 16; Laségue p. 329, 346, 497, 506; ME 1: 212, 3: 343, 350, 736; Pennell p. 614; PR 6298 (ed. 1: 6975); Rehder 1: 305; RS p. 120; TL-1/879. Allibone, 5. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1326-1327. 1870.



Berkeley, E., Occas. Pap. E. Lee Trinkle Library 5: 1-27. 1972; Dr. John Mitchell: the first Virginia-born scientist, Fredericksburg, Va., May 1972, 27 p. (Occ. Pap. E. Lee Trinkle Library, Univ. Virg. no. 5); and D.S., Dr. John Mitchell: the man who made the map of North America. Chapel Hill 1974, xx, 283 p.; and D.S., John Clayton 234 [index]. 1963.

Carrier, L., Ann. Rep. Amer. hist. Ass. 1918(1): 199-219. 1921 (on scientific work as naturalist, cartographer and historian).

Crowley, W. R., Jr., Morton Arbor. Quart. 12(3): 40-41. 1976.

Dandy, J. E., Regn. veg. 51: 17. 1967 (generic names).

Darlington, W., Relig. Balw. 363. 1843; Memorials 135,149,156,171,173, 176, 183, 188, 189, 198, 330, 354, 356, 363. 1849.

Dorman, J. F. and J. F. Lewis, Virginia Mag. Hist. Biogr. 76(4): 437-440. 1968 (documen- tation on basic biogr. data).

Earnest, E., John and William Bartram 40, 46, 48, 69, 75. 1940.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 34, 60. 1969.

Fee, A. L. A., Vie de Linné 149-150. 1832.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(5): 241. 1911.

Hindle, B., Pursuit science revol. America 403 [index]. 1956.

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(8): 25, 28, 31, 32. 1922.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.) 18. 1922 (pl. LINN).

Jones, G. W., Virginia Mag. 70: 43-48. 1962 (yellow fever epidem.); Virginia Mag. Hist. Biogr. 76(4): 441-444. 1968 (on M’s library sale of 1746).

Kelly, H. A., Some American medical botanists 33-37. 1914; Amer. med. biogr. 801. 1920.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 168. 1904 (pl. BM).

Pulteney, R., Sketches 2: 278-281. 1790.

Smith, J. E., Sel. corr. Linnaeus 1: 34. 1821, 2: 399, 442-451. 1821.

Stearns, R. P., Osiris 8: 99-100. 1948 (membership Roy. Soc.).

Thatcher, H., Virginia hist. Mag. 39: 126-135, 206-220. 1931, 40: 48-62, 97-110, 268-279, 335-340. 1932, 41: 57-70, 144-156. 1933 (main biogr.).

HANDWRITING: Smith, J. E., Select. corr. Linnaeus 2: facs. no. 25. 1821. EPONYMY: Mitchella Linnaeus (1753).

  1. Dissertatio brevis de principiis botanicorum et zoologorum deque novo stabiliendo natu- rae rerum congruo, cum appendice aliquot generum plantarum recens conditorum. Nurnberg 1769. Qu.

Original publication: Acta Nat. Cur. Ephemerides 8(App.): 187-224. 1748. The appendix (p. 203-224) contains new genera numbered i-xxx. Linnaeus and Adanson mostly refer to the genus number. The 1769 work is admissible for the purpose of valid publication of generic names.

Ref.: Sprague, T. A., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1928: 359 (Penstemon).

Wilmott, A. J., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1935: 91 (proposal to reject M’s generic names).

Mitchell, John (of Stanstead, Sussex) (1762-?), British land steward and botanist at Stanstead, Sussex and Keighley, Yorks. (7. Mitch. Stanst.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BB p. 217; BM 3: 1323; Desmond p. 443; Jackson p. 206; PR 6294 (ed. 1: 6976-6977); Rehder 4: 120; Tucker 1: 491.

  1. Dendrologia; or, a treatise of forest trees, with Evelyn’s Silva revised, corrected and abridged; by a professional planter, and collector of practical notes forty years. This work will be found useful and entertaining to noblemen, gentlemen, law-stewards, land- stewards, planters in general, and landscape gardeners: as it comprises the seminary, nursery, transplanting, training, thinning, pruning, felling, measuring, valuing, selling, converting, and final decomposition by age, dry-rot, &c. By J. Mitchell, ... Keighley (printed for the author, by R. Aked, ...) 1827. Oct. (in fours). (Dendrologia).

Publ.: 1827, p. [1]-280, 5 pl., chart. Copies: B-S, NY. — For John Evelyn (1620-1706), Szlva, or

a discourse of forest trees, London 1664, and further eds. see Henrey 1: 245-246.



Mitchell, Sir Thomas Livingstone (1792-1855), Scottish-born soldier, explorer and botanist; deputy surveyor general New South Wales 1827, surveyor general 1828. (T. Mitch.).

cOLLEctTIon: According to J. D. Hooker (FI. Tasm. cxx. 1860) the collections made on the

four expeditions were divided as follows:

First expedition (1831-1832): John Lindley (now CGE) and Robert Brown (BM).

Second expedition (1835): John Lindley (now CGE). Many of the plants from this expedition were described by Lindley (see below).

Third expedition (1836): plants collected by Richardson, sent to Lindley (now CGE).

Fourth expedition (1847): plants given to Lindley (CGE) and Sir William Jackson Hooker (KS);

A set of 485 plants from perhaps several of these expeditions was presented to BM in 1847 by Mitchell. Other material at E, K and W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 497; BB p. 217; BM 3: 1323; Bossert p. 269; CSP

4: 409; Desmond p. 443 (q.v. for further refs.); DNB 38: 74; Herder p. 54-55; HR (q.v. for

many biogr. refs.); IH 2: 544; Kew 4: 16; Laségue p. 497; PR 6295-6296 (ed. 1: 6978);

Rehder 1: 500; TL-1/880; Tucker 1: 491.

Allibone, 8S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1329. 1870.

Anon., Austr. Encycl. 6: 110-112. 1965 (HR); Osterr. bot. W. 6: 87. 1856 (d.).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 150. 1888 (coll. W), Bot. Anstalten Wiens 74. 1894 (id.).

Couch, B. V., The administration of Thomas Mitchell 1826-1837. M. A. thesis, Univ. Sydney, 1963 (n.v., fide HR).

Cumpston, J. H. L., Thomas Mitchell: surveyor-general and explorer. Melbourne 1954 (n.v., fide HR).

Daley, G., Vict. Natural. 53: 113-119. 1936.

Dixson, W., J. Proc. R. Austral. Hist. Soc. 5(6): 292. 1919.

Embacher, F., Lexik. Reisen 208-209. 1882.

Hall, N., Botanists of the Eucalypts 93-94. 1978.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970 (coll. E).

Hooker, J. D., Fl. Tasm. cxx. 1860.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 46 (coll. K).

Lee, I., Early expl. Australia 632 [index]. 1925.

Maiden, J. H., J. Proc. R. Soc. N. 8. W. 42: 76-77. 1908.

Mennell, P., Dict. australas. biogr. 325. 1892.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 169. 1904 (pl. BM).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr. lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 158. 1863.

Willis, J. H., Vict. Natural. 66: 86-87. 1949.

Woolds, W., Progress bot. discovery Australia 23. 1869 (fide BB).

  1. Three expeditions into the interior of eastern Australia, with descriptions of the recently explored region of Australia felix, and of the present colony of New South Wales, ... London (T. & W. Boone, ...) 1838, 2 vols. Oct. (Three exped. Australia). 1: 1838 (p. iv: 18 Aug 1838), frontisp. (=/l. 4), engr. t.p., [i]-xxi, [xxu, adv.], [1, h.t.], [1]- 343, maps, app. [345]-351, pl. 1-27. 2: 1838, frontisp. (=/l. 46), engr. t.p., [i]-vill, [1, h.t.], [1]-405, pl. 22-50. Copies: Kon. Bibl. s Gravenhage, NY. — Lists of plants and animals collected are given in I: xvil-xxi. The botanical notes are by John Lindley (reprinted in Ann. Sci. nat. 15: 56-64. Jan 1841). Ed. 2: 1839, London (T. & W. Boone), 2 vols. “carefully revised.” 1: front., p. [i]-xxin, [1]-347, map, pl. 7-20, plus unnumbered plates and figs. 2: front., p. [1], [i]-xi, [1]-415, pl. 22-57, plus id. Facsimile ed. (ed. 2): 1965, Adelaide (Libraries Board of Australia. Australiana facsimile editions no. 18. Copy: US.

  2. Journal of an expedition into the interior of tropical Australia, in search of a route from

Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria ... London (Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, ..) 1848. Oct. (7. exped. trop. Australia).

Publ.: 16 Feb-31 Mar 1848 (p. 437: 15 Feb 1848; rd. by Geol. Soc. London before 31 Mar



1848), p. [i]-xv, [1, list], [1]-437, pl. 1-12, maps 1-7. Copies: HH, NY, Teyler. — “A systematical list ofthe principal plants..., by G. Bentham, W. J. Hooker ,J- Lindley, W. H. de Vriese, p. 431-437.

Mitscherlich, Gustav Alfred (1832-?), German botanist at Berlin University. (Mul- Scherl.) .

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 497; BM 3: 1324; Herder p. 400; Kew 4: 17; PR 6297-6298; Rehder 3: 594; Tucker 1: 491.

EPONYMY: Mutscherlichia Klotzsch (1854) is dedicated to the brothers Eilhard Alfred Mit- scherlich (1794-1863), German chemist, and Karl Gustav Mitscherlich (1805-1875), German pharmacologist. The former is also commemorated by Muitscherlichia Kunth (1832). Mitscherlichia Lorenz (1904) is dedicated to A. Mitscherlich, whose identity could not be established.

  1. De Cacao. Dissertatio inauguralis medico-pharmacologica quam consensu et auctori- tate gratiosi medicorum ordinis in alma litterarum Universitate Friderica Guilelma ut summi in medicina et chirurgia honores rite sibi concedantur die xxvi. m. augusti a. mdccclvii h.l.q.s. publice defendet autor Alfredus Mitscherlich berolinensis ... Berolini [Berlin] (typis expressit Gustavus Schade). [1857] Oct. (Cacao).

Publ.: 26 Aug 1857, p. [1]-35, [36, expl. pl.], 7 pl. Copy: NY.

Ref.: Anon., Bot. Zeit. 17: 404-406, 428. 1859; Flora 43: 208, 651-653. 1860, 44: 496. 1861,

Bull. Soc. bot. France 6: 506-510. 1859.

  1. Der Cacao und die Chocolade .. . Berlin (Verlag von August Hirschwald ...) 1859. Oct.

(Cacao Chocolade).

Publ.: 1859 (so eben Bot. Zeit. 16 Dec 1859; rev. ib. 2 Dec 1859), p. [i]-vi, [1]-129, pl. 1-3 (2, col.; 2-3 uncol.), map. Copy: NY.

Mitten, William (1819-1906), British pharmaceutical chemist and bryologist at Hurst- pierpont Sussex. (A/zit.).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: NY (50.000; acquired for £400.=); for duplicates see IH. Field notes also at NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 497; BB p. 217; BJI 1: 40; BL 2: 270, 692; BM 3: 1324, 7: 851; Bossert p. 269; Clokie p. 213; CSP 4: 416, 8: 412, 10: 823, 17: 280; Desmond p- 444; Frank 3(Anh.): 66; GR p. 377-378, cat. p. 68; Herder p. 231, 258, 261, 265; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 544-545; Jackson p. 249, 371, 385, 404, 581; Kew 4: 17; Lenley p. 294-295; LS 17962; Morren ed. 10, p. 75; MW p. 325; NAF ser. 2. 3: 39, 9: 124; PR 6299; Rehder 1: 401; SBC p. 127 (“Mitt.”); TL-2/1: 2056, 2628, see Crueger, H.; Urban-Berl. p. 308.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1907: 20 (d.); Gard. Chron. 1907(1): 89 (herb. to NY); J. New York Bot. Garden 8: 28-32. 1907 (extensive descr. of Mitten herb., bought and rd. at NY 6 Dec 1906; M’s will directed his daughter to offer the herb. in first instance to Mrs Britton), 19: 65. 1918 (M’s lichens also at NY); Nat. Nov. 28: 553. 1906 (d. 27 Jul 1906); Torreya 6(8): 179. 1906, 6(12): 259-260. 1906.

Fleming, M. & R. C. Barneby, Garden J. 14: 146-147. 1964 (on M’s herb.).

Hedge, I. GC. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970 (“Bryo. Britain enbarium ... ~))

Hemsley, W. B.. i Bot. 44: 329-332. 1906 (portr.); Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1906: 283-284.

Holmes, E. M. | Proc. Linn. Soc., London 119: 49-54. 1907 (obit., bibl., b. 30 Nov 1919, d- 27 Jul 1906); S. E. Natural. 600. 412-414. 1 pl. 1907.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 46 (coll. K).

Kalkman, C. & P. Smith, eds., Blumea 25: Q4. 1979.

enencleen, A., Allg. bot. Th, 1352 OF eNGOWN (Cs).

Maiden, J. HL Ti Proc. R. Soc. N. 8S. W. 42: 77. 1908.


Mains, E. B., Univ. Mich., Encycl. Survey 1454. 1956 (paratypes MICH).

Merrill, E. D., Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 137. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. natl. Herb. U.S. 30(1): 214-215. 1947.

Nelson, E. C. Glasra 4: 56. 1980 (phan. DBN).

Nicholson, W. E., Bryologist 10: 1-5. 1907 (portr., bibl.).

Prince, C. R., Int. lichenol. Newsletter 10(1): 11. 1977 (lichens also at NY).

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 222, 244, 262, 280, 283, 296. 1940.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80(3): 502-521. 1977.

Small, J. K., J. New York Bot. Gard. 9: 178. 1908 (herb.).

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 78-79. 1966 (bibl.).

Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev. 43: 340. 1977.

Stout, W., J. New York Bot. Gard. 13: 82. 1912 (bryolog. herb. at NY).

Synnott, D. M. Glasra 4: 26. 1980 (bryoph. DBN).

T, L.C,, Bot. Zeit. 20: 70-71. 1864:

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 108. 1898.

Wolley-Dod, A. H., Fl. Sussex xli. 1970.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Seemann, B., Bot. Herald, Hepaticae of Panama, p. 245-246. late 1854. 2) Godman, F. du C., Nat. hist. Azores, Bryophyta, p. 288-328, see TL-2/2056.

  1. Seemann, B., Fl. vit., Jungermanniae and Marchantiae, 378-4109, pl. 97-98. 1871.

(4) Nares, G.S., Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-1876, ed. 2, vol. 2, app. no. 14. 1878, p. 313-319. (Mosses and Jungermanniaceae of the arctic regions).

  1. Hooker, J. D., Fl. nov. zeland., Hepaticae 2: 125-160. 11 Jul 1854, 161-172, pl. 94-104. 9 Feb 1855, Fl. Tasm., Hepaticae 2: 221-240, pl. 178-180. 15 Feb 1859, 241-244. 16 Aug 1859.

  2. Hooker, J. D., Handb. New Zealand Fl., Hepaticae 497-549. 1867.

EPONYMY: Miltenia Lindberg (1863); Mzttenia Gottsche (1864); Mzttenothamnium Hennings 1902, nom. cons.); Mutthyridium H. E. Robinson (1975).

  1. Musci Indiae orientalis; enumeration of the mosses of the East Indies ... London Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts and Williams and Norgate) 1859. Oct. Musc. Ind. ortent.).

Publ.: 21 Feb 1859, as J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. Suppl. 1: [1-11], 1-171, [1, notice]. Feb 1859. Copies: H, MO, MO-Steere; IDC 999; for Hepat. Ind. ortent.seeJ. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 5:89- 128. 1861.

  1. Descriptions of some new species of musci from New Kealand, &c. by William Mitten, Esq.

A. L. S. [from the Journal of the Proc. of the Linnean Society for September 1859]. Oct.

Publ.: 1860 p. [1]-38. Copy: H.— Reprinted and to be cited from J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4: 64-100. 1860.

  1. Musci austro-americam. Enumeratio muscorum omnium austro-americanorum auc-

tori hucusque cognitorum ... [London (Williams and Norgate) 1869]. Oct. (usc. austr.-


Publ.: Jun 1869, p. [i-ui], [1]-659. Copies: FI, H, MO, MO-Steere; IDC 439. — Also published as J. Linn. Soc., London, 12: 1-659. 1869.

  1. Musci, in Transit of Venus Expeditions. Enumeration of plants hitherto collected in Kerguelen Island, ... Phil. Trans. 168 (extra vol.): 24-45. 1879. Qu. Publ.: as reprint: 1879, p. 1-22. Copies: U(2). — To be cited from journal.

  2. Australian mosses, enumerated by William Mitten, Esq. [| Melbourne (Mason, Firth &

M’Cutcheon, printers) 1882]. Oct. (Austral. moss.).

Publ.: 1882 (Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1882; Bot. Zeit. 24 Nov 1882), p. [1]-48. Copies: H, NY. — Preprinted from Trans. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 9: 49-96. 1883.

Ref.: N.L., Bot. Zeit. 40: 824. 24 Nov 1882.

Mix, Arthur Jackson (1888-1956), American mycologist, Ph. D. Cornell 1916; LL. D. h. c. Hamilton College 1953; at the University of Kansas from 1916; authority on Taphrina.




HERBARIUM and TyPEs: KSC (on indefinite loan from KANU, inf. C. Cramer); further material at CUP.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 497; Bossert p. 270; Hirsch p. 201; [H 2: 545; LS

suppl. 18544-18549; NW suppl. p. 230; Stevenson p. 1251.

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketch. N. Amer. mycol. 1975 (mss.).

McClung, N. M., Mycologia 50: 315-325. 1958 (biogr.; incl. his autobiogr. address “My life with Taphrina’”’; b. 30 Sep 1888, d. 8 Sep 1956).

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 46. 1977.

NOTE: Mix’ main publication A monograph of the genus Taphrina, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 33(1): 1-167. 20 Apr 1949 (Copy: NY) was reprinted as Bibliotheca mycologica, vol. 18, 1969 (J. Cramer, Lehre; ISBN 3-7682-0583-5) (Copies: B, BR, FAS). It was preceded by: The genus Taphrina 1. An annotated bibliography, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 24(9): 113-1409. 15 Jul 1936, II. A list of valid species, ib. 24(10): 151-176. 15 Jul 1936.

EPONYMY: Mixia C. L. Kramer (1959).

Miyabe, Kingo (1860-1951), Japanese botanist; D. Sc. Harvard 1889; at Hokkaido University, Sapporo and Tokyo, director of the Botanic garden of the Faculty of Agricultu- re 1884-1927. (Miyabe).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at A, B, K, LE, MO, PC, TI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 6(2): 107; Ainsworth p. 184; Barnhart 2: 498; BJI 1: 40,

2: 118; BM 3: 1324, 7: 851; Bossert p. 270; CSP 17: 281; Kelly p. 255; Hirsch p. 201; Hortus

3: 1200 (“Miyabe”’); IF suppl. 3: 215; IH 2: 545; Kew 4: 17-18; Lenley p. 295; LS 17964-

17966, 37016, suppl. 18550-18551; MW p. 325-326, suppl. p. 231; NI 1393; Rehder 5: 579;

Stevenson p. 1251; TL-2/see Y. Kud6; Tucker 1: 4o1.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 101: 80. 1906 (app. prof. bot. Doshisha College, Kyoto); Hedwigia 45 (Beibl. 3): (128). 1906 (id.).

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975, mss.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go1; 46 (coll. K).

Lloyd, C. G., Mycol. notes 67: 1137. Jul 1922 (portr.).

Miyabé, K., Mem. Boston Soc. nat. Hist 4(7): 203-275, pl. 22. Feb 1890 (thesis: The flora of the Karile Islands).

Miyake, K., Science ser. 2. 13: 739. 1901.

Sutton, S. B., Charles Sprague Sargent 203-204, 259. 1970.

FESTSCHRIFT: Miyabe-Festschrift, or a collection of botanical papers presented to Prof. Dr. Kingo Miyabe on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his academic service ... Tokyo, Rokumeikwan 1911, i, 67, ii, 387 p., 30 pl. (IDC 7446).

EPONYMY: Mzyabea Brotherus (1905); Miyabella Ito & Homma (1926).

  1. Icones of the essential forest trees of Hokkaido . .. published by the Hokkaido Government 1920-1931, 3 vols. Fol. (Icon. forest trees Hokkaido).

Co-author: Yushun Kudo (1887-1932); artist; Chusuke Suzaki.

Publ.: In 28 fascicles. Copies: MO, NY, U, USDA.

vol. fasc. pages plates dates

I I [1]-15 I-4 20 Mar 1920 2 [15 ]|-26 5-7 15 Sep 1920 3 [27]-37 8-10 20 Jan 1921 4 [39]-47 11-13 15 Mai 1921 5 49-56 14-16 13 Sep 1921 6 57-64 17-19 23 Sep 1921 5 65-73 20-22 15 Mai 1922 8 [75]-85 23-25 25 Aug 1922



vol. fasc. pages plates dates 9 [87]-97 26-28 8 Feb 1923 10 [i-x1], 99-124 29-31 10 Jun 1923 2 II [1]-6 32-34 8 Jul 1925 = [7]-14 35°37 23 Dec 1925 13 [15]-21 38-40 30 Jun 1926 14 23-26 41-43 5 Oct 1926 15 27-32 44-46 10 Feb 1927 16 33-38 47-49 10 Mai 1927 17 39-44 50-52 10 Aug 1927 18 45-52 53-59 30 Nov 1927 19 53-58 56-58 15 Mai 1928 20 [i-iii], 59-64 59-61 10 Sep 1928 3 21 1-8 62-64 10 Sep 1929 22 g-I4 65-67 12 Dec 1929 2 15-20 68-70 20 Jun 1930 24 21-26 71-73 10 Aug 1930 25 27-32 74-76 23 Sep 1930 26 33-38 77-79 15 Dec 1920 27 39-44 60-82 5 Feb 1931 28 45-75 83-86 25 Mar 1931

The issuance of the plates of vol. 2 was irregular, see Bot. Gaz. 87: 320. 1929. Reissue of vol. 1: 1932, three-colour printing impression.

  1. Flora of Hokkaido and Saghalien ... vol. 1 ... Sapporo (Journal of the Faculty of Agricuture, Hokkaido Imperial University, ...) 1930-1934, 4 parts. Oct. (Fl. Hokkaido). Co-author: Yushun Kud6 (1887-1932).

Publ.: In J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, as follows:

z: in 26(1): [i]-i, [1]-79, pl. 7-3. 30 Mar 1930.

2: in 26(2): 81-277, pl. 4. 15 Jul 1931.

3: in 26(3): 279-387, pl. 5. 15 Mar 1932.

4: in 26(4): 398-528. 20 Apr 1934.

5. separately: 1944, p. [i*-ii1*], [1]-i1, 529-645. Bamboos by T. Nakai. — Copies: MO, NY, US.

Preliminary publ.: Materials for a flora of Hokkaido i-ix, 1913-1924, Trans. Sapporo nat. Hist. Soc. 4: 97-104. 1913, 5: 37-44. 1913, 5: 64-80. 1914, 5: 145-152. 1915, 6: 1-9. 1915, 6: 119-127. 1916, 6: 165-185. 1917, 7: 23-35. 1918, 7: 128-135. 1919, 8: 1-8. 1921, g: 61-69. 1924.

Ref.: MW p. 326.

Miyoshi, Manabu (1861-1939), Japanese botanist; studied with Pfeffer 1891-1895; Dr. Sc. Tokyo 1895; professor of botany at Tokyo University from 1895; director of the Botanic gardens of Tokyo Univ. 1922-1924. (Mzyoshz).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 375; Barnhart 2: 499; BJI 2: 118; BM 3: 1324-

1325, 7: 852; Bossert p. 270; CSP 17: 282; GR p. 588, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Hirsch

p. 201; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘“Miyoshi’’); IH 2: 545; Kew 4: 18-19; Lenley p. 295; LS 17970-

17984, 37022; MW p. 327-329, suppl. p. 232; NI 1394; SBC p. 127 (“Miyoshi”); Tucker 1:

492; Urban-Berl. p. 279, 289.

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 21, Beibl. 53: 61. 1896; Die Schiller Pfeffers, Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 56: 820. 1915; Hedwigia 34 (Beibl. 5): 165. 1895 (app. Tokyo), 47 (Beibl. 2): (101). 1908 (to East Indies), 66 (Beibl. 2): (119). 1926 (retirement); J. Japan. bot. 2(2): front. portr. 1918.

Foley, A. L., Science ser. 2. 13: 737-738. 1901.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 1: 184. 1895 (app. Tokyo Univ.).

Miyoshi, M., Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50: 40-48. 1936 (autobiogr., portr.).

Nakano, H., Bot. Mag. Tokyo 53: 264-270. 1939 (Jap.).



COMPOSITE WorRKs: See under J. Matsumura for Cryptogamae japonicae iconibus illustratae. — See also MW p. 327-329.

EPONYMY: Miyoshia Makino (1903); Miyoshia Kawamura (1907); Miyoshiella Kawamura (1929).

  1. Atlas of Japanese vegetation. Phototype reproduction of photographs of wild and cultivated plants as well as the plant-landscapes of Japan. With explanatory text... Tokyo (The Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha ...) 1905-1909, 14 sets. (Aélas fap. veg.).

Set pages plates dated earliest Europ. reference

I 1-6, 1-7 1-8 1905 24 Jul 1905

2 1-7, 1-8 9-15 1905 21 Nov 1905

3 1-8, I-11 16-24 1905 16 Jan 1906

4 1-6, 1-6 25-31 1906 7 Aug 1906

5 I-7, 1-9 32-40 1906 g Oct 1906

6 I-4, I-5 41-46 1906 g Oct 1906

7 1-6, 1-7 47-53 1907 1 Oct 1907

8 1-8, I-10 54-62 1907 14 Jan 1908

9 1-5, I-7 63-68 1908 early Jan 1909 10 1-4, 1-6 69-74 1908 early Jan 1909 rig 1-8, 1-9 75-79 1908 early Jan 1909 12 I-5, 1-6 60-85 1908 16 Mar 1909 13 1-6, 1-7 86-92 1909 early Apr 1910 14 1-7, 1-8 93-101 1909 early Apr 1910

Copy: FI (1-12).

Mocino José Mariano [ Moziiio Suarez de Figueroa] (1757-1820), Mexican botanist, with Sessé on the Botanical Expedition to Nueva Espana 1795-1804. (Moc.).

HERBARIUM and Types: MA; other material at BM, FI, G, K, OXF.— Documents relative to the Botanical Expedition and the Royal Botanical Garden in Mexico are in the Archivo general de la Nacion, Mexico, and at MA. See Langman p. 513.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 499; Blunt p. 168, 170; BM 3: 1325-1326, 7: 853; Clokie p. 213; CSP 4: 419, 7: 284; DSB 9: 432-434; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Mog.”’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 545; Jackson p. 367; Kew 4: 20; Langman p. 513; Laségue p. 205- wees 304, 322, 348, 504; NAF 28B(2): 346; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 579; TL-1/1224-1225; ane -2/1: 977 Tucker 1: 492: Zander ed. 10 p. 690, ed. 11, p. 790.

Arias Divito, J. C., Las expediciones cientificas espanolas durante el siglo xviii; expedicion botanica de Nueva Espafia, Madrid, 1968, p. 35-39, passim.

Barkley, F. A., The Biologist 1946: 9-23 (the Anacardiaceae of S. and M.).

Brewer, W. H., iz S. Watson, Bot. Calif. 2: 553-554. 1880.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 434, 450. 1880 (coll.).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. Souvenirs 219-221, 288-291. 1862 (story copying paintings).

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 335-337, 340, 341. 1969.

Golmeiro, M. , Bot. penins. hisp.- lusit. 185-186. 1858.

Conde, J. A., Hist. bot. Cuba 52, 54. 1958.

Hemsley, w. B., J. Bot. 17: 275-276. 1879; Biol. centr.-amer. 4: 120-121. 1887.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 46 (coll. K).

Knobloch, I. W., The plant collectors of Northern Mexico 44. 1979 (b. 24 Sep 1757, buried 19 Mai 1820).

Léon, N., Bibl. bot.-mex. 189-191. 1895.

McVaugh, R., Musées de Gen€ve 42: 11-15. 1946 (on material from Nueva Espana exp. at G); Bol. Soc. bot. Mexico 30: 137-142. 196g (itin., coll); Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 11(3): 97-195. 1977 (summary of excursions and travels of the Sessé & Moginio exp.; see also for further references).

Mocifo, J. M., Collecion de documentos para la historia natural de Mexico, La Naturale-



za, 7, apénd. 1884, Noticias de Nutka, an account of Nootka Sound in 1792, transl. ed. Higbie Wilson, Seattle 1970, 142 p. (bibl.).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 73. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Rickett, H. W., Chron. bot. 11: 1-86. 1947 (““The Royal Botanical Expedition to New Spain’).

Sosa, F., Naturaleza 7: 113-116. 1887 (brief biogr.).

Standley, P. C., Contr. U. S. Mus. nat. Hist. 23: 14-17. 1920.

Steele, A. R., Flowers for the king 264, 295n, 325n. 1964.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977 (material at FI).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 87-88. 1g02, 5: 11. 1908 (bibl.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) see Candolle, A. P. de, Calques fl. Mexique . 1874, TL-2/2, no. 977; for further information see Colmeiro (1858), and McVaugh in DSB 9: 432-434. 1974. (2) Plantae novae (“‘nouae’’) hispaniae by M. Sessé and J. M. Mogino, Mexico 1887, ed. 2, 1893, see under Sessé. (3) Flora mexicana a Martino Sessé et Josepho Marianno Mogino exarata, Mexico 1887, ed. 2, 1894, see under Sessé.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 175-176. 1977.

EPONYMY: Mocinna Cervantes ex La Llave (1832); Mozinna Ortega (1798; Mocinna Lagasca (1816) probably also commemorates Mogcino.

Moe, Asche (1867-1937), Norwegian botanist at Stavanger. (A. Moe).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at BG (inf. P. M. Jérgensen). Moe is not known to have made sizeable collections but sent material to Holmboe at Bergen for identification.


  1. Dates of flowering for native and garden plants at Stavanger 1897-1926... Oslo (Kommisjon

hos Jacob Dybwad) 1928. Oct. (Dates fl. Stavanger).

Publ.: shortly after 28 Sep 1928 (p. [50]: printed 29 Sep 1928), p. [1]-49, [50]. Copy: USDA. — Skifter utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademii Oslo I. Mathem.-Naturvid. Klasse. 1O26. 10.19"

Moe, Nils Green (1812-1892), Norwegian botanist; gardener at the University of Kristia- nia (Oslo). (NV. Moe).

HERBARIUM and Types: C, H, O, UPS.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 4: 250; Barnhart 2: 499; BM 3: 1327; CSP 8: 415; GR p.

718, pl. [36]; 1H 2: 546; Jackson p. 511; Kew 4: 21; Kleppa p. 8, 328; KR p. 503; Morren ed.

10, p. 108; PR 6303-6304.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1892: 223; Nat. Nov. 14: 374. 1892 (d.; opponent of Darwin’s ideas).

Holmboe, J., Norsk biogr. leks. 9: 276-278. 1940 (Kleppa).

Natvig, L. R., Norsk entom. Tidsskr. 7(2): 15-16. 1944 (biogr., portr.).

Schoyen, W. M., Entom. Tidskr. 13: 275-279. 1892 (obit.,) portr., b. 26 Jan 1802, d. 16 Sep 1892).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 170. 1903, 3(3): 184, pl. 115. 1905 (portr.).

  1. Denorske Fodervaexter, med et Anhang, om Froblandinger, Skovtraeer, levende Hegn,

Maerkeplanter, Ugraesplanter, Giftplanter m.v. af N. Moe. Christiana [Oslo] (Trykt og

forlagt af Chr. A. Wulfsberg) 1852. Oct. (Norske Fodervaext.).

Publ.: 1852, 181 p. (no pagination). — Copy: BG. — P. M. Jg@rgensen informs us that the author offered ‘‘complete herbaria of the plants mentioned in this book” for sale at the end of the book. We have not seen any such series.

  1. Veiledning till Dyrkning af glaciale, alpinske og arctiske Planter saaledes som disse behand-

lesidet Kgl. Norske Universitets botaniska Have paa Toien ved Christiania, . . . Christiania [Oslo] (Trykt hos Br@gger & Christie) 1862. Oct. (Veiledn. Dyrkn. glac. Pl.).


MOHRING Publ.: Dec 1862 (p. 15: 15 Dec 186; Flora rd. Jan-Feb 1864), p. [1]-15, [1]-8. Copy: NY.

Moebius, Martin August Johannes (1859-1946), German botanist; Dr. phil. Heidel- berg 1883, habil. 1887; at Heidelberg 1887-1893, from 1893-1933 librarian and botanist at the Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, and director of the Senckenberg botanical garden (1893-1928), Frankfurt a.M.; professor of botany at Frankfurt 1914-1925; from 1939 at Homburg v.d. Hohe. (Moebius).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 500; BFM 2521, 2706; BJI 1: 40, 2: 118; BM 3: 1327, 7: 853-854; Bossert p. 270; CSP 17: 288; De Toni 1: Ixxxv, 2: Ixxx, 4: xxxix-xl; GR p. 112; Herder p. 319; Hirsch p. 202; Kew 4: 21; Langman p. 513-514; LS 17989-17991,

37025-37027, suppl. 18564-18569; Moebius p. 3, 65, 301, 308, 341, 434; Nordstedt p. 23,

suppl. p. 11; Plesch p. 339; PH 567; Rehder 5: 579; Saccardo 1: 111; TL-2/1: 202; Tucker 1:


Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 22: 186. 1885 (assistant Karlsruhe), 33: 32. 1888 (habil. Heidel- berg), 49: 64. 1892 (so far “‘Privatdocent”’, now extraord. prof. bot. Heidelberg), 54: XXIV, 352. 1893 (app. second librarian Senckenberg and dir. of its garden); Bot. Jahrb. 15, Beibl. 33: 10. 1892, 17, Beibl. 41: 52. 1893; Osterr. bot. Z. 35: 226. 1885 (app. assistant Karlsruhe), 42: 111. 1892 (app. extraord. prof. bot. Heidelberg), 43: 268. 1893 (app. Frankfurt).

Becker, K. & E. Schumacher, S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin ser. 2. 13(2): 144. 1973 (bibl. papers in publ. Ges.).

Conert, H. J., Senckenbergiana, Biol. 48(C): 36-42. 1967 (portr.; activity at FR).

Egle, K. & G. Rosenstock, Gesch. Bot. Frankfurt a. M. 23-35, 49, 50. 1966.

Kuster, E. und H. Drawert, Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68a: 1-8. 1955 (bibl.).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 2. 1973.

Moebius, M., Ber. Senckenb. naturf. Ges. 1903: 117-152 (history and descr. of bot. garden Frankfurt a. M.), ib. 51: 154-166. 1921 (Die Frankfurter Floristen).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 108. 1808.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 136, pl. 30. 1903 (portr., b. 7 Dec 1859).

  1. Untersuchungen iiber die Morphologie und Anatomie der Monokotylen-dhnlichen Eryngien.

Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwiirde der hohen philosophischen Facul-

tat der Ruprecht-Carolinischen Universitat zu Heidelberg ... Berlin (Druck von G.

Bernstein ...) Juli 1883. Oct. (Unters. Morph. Anat. Eryng.).

Publ.: Jul 1883, p. [1]-51, 3 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted from Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 14(3): 379-425. 1883, continued in 17 (4): 591-621. Dec 1886.

  1. Kryptogamen Algen, Pilze, Flechten, Moose und Farnpflanzen ... Leipzig (Verlag

von Quelle & Meyer) 1908. Oct. (A7ryptogamen).

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1908 (Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1908; Bot. Centralbl. 25 Aug 1908; Bot. Zeit. 1 Sep 1908), p. [i]-iv, [1 ]-164. Copies: BR, U-V. — Wissenschaft und Bildung no. 47.

  1. Mikroskopisches Praktikum fiir systematische Botanik ... Berlin (Verlag von Gebrider Borntraeger ...) 1912-1915, 2 vols. Oct. (Mikr. Prakt. syst. Bot.). 1: Mai 1912 (Nat. Nov.), p. [i]-vuii, [1]-216. - Angiospermae. 2: Nov 1915 (Nat. Nov.), p. [i]-viu, [1 ]-314. — Kryptog., Gymnosp. Copy: FI.

  2. Geschichte der Botanik von der ersten Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart... Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1937. Oct. (Gesch. Bot.). . Ed. 1: Aug-Sep 1937 (p. iv: Jul 1937; Nat. Nov. Sep-Oct 1937), p. [i]-vi, [1]-458. Copies: FI, USDA. Ed. 2: unchanged, Stuttgart (id.) 1968, p. [i]-vili, [1]-458. Copy: FAS. Ref.: Weiss, F. E., J. Bot. 76: 57-58. Feb 1938. Eckardt, Th., Bot. Jahrb. go: 9-24. 1970.

Mohring, Paul Heinrich Gerhard (1710-1792), East Frisian (German) botanist, orni-



thologist and physician; Dr. med. Wittemberg, practicing physician at Jever (Oldenburg). (Moéhring).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. Offered for sale in Bot. Zeit. 1: 175. 1843 (sic).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 5(1): 449; Barnhart 2: 500; BM 3: 1328; De Toni 1; Ixxxv; Dryander 3: 77, 234, 250, 252, 255, 262, 298, 302, 307, 309, 312, 334, 345, 360, 384; Hegi 3: 410, 7: 559; Herder p. 159; Jackson p. 430; PR 6308 (ed. 1: 6995); Rehder 1: 43. Anon., Bonplandia 6: 202. 1860 (G. H. B. Jiirgens 1771-1846 was grandson of M.). Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(4): 249. 1gto.

Hulth, J. M. & A. H. Uggla, Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(1): 115, 116. 1916, 2(2): 25, 26. 1943. Jourdan, Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 279-280. 1824 (b. 21 Jul 1710, d. 28 Oct 1792).

EPONYMY: Moehringella (Franchet) Neumayer (1923); Moehringia Linnaeus (1753).

  1. Primae linea hort privatiin proprium et amicorum usum per triennium exstructi, p.p. a Paulo Henrico Gerardo Moehring, Jevera frisone, ... Oldenburgi [Oldenburg] (Typis I. C. Gotjen, Reg. Dan. priv. Typogr.) 1737. Oct. (Prim. lin. hort. priv.).

Publ.: 1737, p. [1]-111, [112, err.]. Copies: MO, USDA.

Moller, Friedrich Alfred Gustav Jobst (“Alfred”) (1860-1922), German (Prussian) forester and mycologist; pupil of O. Brefeld; Dr. phil. Eberswalde 1887; visited Brazil as diplomatic courier and “naturalista viajante do museu nacional” (Blumenau, Santa Catarina 1890-1893); later teacher (1899) and director (1906) of the forestry college at Eberswalde (Brandenburg). (A. Méller).

HERBARIUM and Types: B (main collections; alcohol material extant), HBG (p.p. orig. types; now main set), [AC and W. See Friederichsen (1977) for a list of specimens still extant at


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 500; BJI 1: 40; BM 3: 1328, 7: 854; CSP 17: 291; GR p. 112-113; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 549; Kelly p. 150, 255; Kew 4: 21; LS 17993- 18017, 37028-37033; suppl. 18571-18574; Moebius p. 106, 111, 113, 114, 367, 399; Rehder 5: 580; Stevenson p. 1251; Tucker 1: 492; Urban-Berl. p. 279, 376.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 43: 247. 1890 (so far in Berlin, now to Blumenau to cultivate fungi in accordance with Brefeld’s method), 66: 206. 1896 (as Oberforster from Idstein to Eberswalde), 78: 288. 1899 (head mycol. dept. Eberswalde), 49: 352. 1892 (grant Blumenau), 56: 287. 1893 (returned to Berlin from Blumenau, Brazil); Bot. Jahrb. 15, Beibl. 35: 16. 1892, 27, Beibl. 64: 20. 1900; Bot. Not. 1923: 383; Nature 110: 781. 1922 (d. 4 Nov 1922); Nat. Nov. 18: 288. 1896 (habil. Eberswalde), 21: 326. 1899 (app. Eberswal- de), 28: 464. 1906 (director ib.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 64: 244. 1922 (d. 4 Nov 1922).

Falck, R., Mykol. Unters. Ber. 2: 1-10. 1923; Botanisches Archiv 6: 1-7. 1924, also in Hausschwamm-Forschungen 9: 1-11. 1927 (portr., n.v.); see Entom. News 38: 262. 1927.

Friederichsen, I., Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 15: 99-104. 1977 (on the fate of M’s fungi; list of specimens still at HBG).

Funfstuck, L. M., mm Engler and Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 8: 18, 48-50. 1926.

Jahn, A., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 41: (75)-(83). 1923 (bibl., biogr.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 2: 108. 1896 (from Idstein to Eberswalde as Oberforster), 5: 104. 1899 (now prof. bot. as head of the mycological department of the ““Hauptstation des forstlichen Versuchswesens’’), 12: 188. 1906 (app. director of this forestry college), 13: 20. 1907 (““Oberforstmeister’’), 28: 56(112). 1925 (d.).

Moller, A., Fritz Muller, Werke, Briefe und Leben, 5 vols. Jena 1915-1921 (on his uncle Johan Friedrich Theodor Miller, 1822-1892, who introduced him to Brazil), see also Nat. Nov. 20: 339. 1898 (request support).

Wolff, M., Z. angew. Entomol. 9: 430-434. 1923; Z. Forst-Jagdwesen 55: 24. 1923.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 64-65. 1906 (b. 12 Aug 1860 Berlin; professorship Eberswalde started 1900; head of mycol. dept. from [1 Jul] 1899).

Voigt, A., Die botanischen Institute der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Hamburg 1897, 1gOl.



composiITE works: Hausschwammforschungen in amtlichen Auftrage herausgegeben von Pro- fessor Dr. A. Moller, Hefte 1-7, 1907-1913, Jena (G. Fischer).

eponyMy: Moelleria Bresadola (1896); Moelleriella Bresadola (1897); Moelleroclavus Hen- nings (1902); Moellerodiscus Hennings (1902). Moellerina Ulrich (1886) is dedicated to Valerian Ivanovié von Moller (1840-1910), Russian paleontologist.

nore: A. Méller was a member of the original commission for the A7ryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg set up by the Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg in 1896.

  1. Die Pilzgérten einiger siidamerikamscher Ametsen. . . Mit 7 Tafeln und 4 Holzschnitten im

Text. Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1893. Oct. (Pilzgart. stidamer. Ameis.).

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1893 (p. vi: Sep 1892; Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1893; Bot. Zeit. 16 Mai 1893; Hedwigia rev. Mar-Apr 1893), p. [ii]-vi, [1, cont. ], [1]-127, fig. 1-4, pl. 1-4, 4a, 5-7. Copies: MO, NY, Stevenson, USDA. — Bot. Mitt. Tropen (ed. A. F. W. Schimper) Heft 6, 1893.

Ref.: Jost, Bot. Zeit. 51(2): 250-252. 16 Aug 1853.

Lindau, G., Bot. Jahrb. 17(Lit.): 39-40. 29 Sep 1893. Anon., Hedwigia 32: 87-88. 1893.

  1. Brasilische Pilzblumen... Mit 8 Tafeln. Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1895. Oct.

(Bras. Pilzbl.).

Publ.: 1 Jan-15 Feb 1895 (p. vil: Jan 1895; Hedwigia rev. 15 Feb 1895; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1895; ObZ Feb 1895; Bot. Zeit. 1 Apr 1895), p- [ii]-vii, [viii], [1]-152, pl. 1-8. Copies: MO, NY (2), Stevenson, USDA. ~ Bot. Mitt. Tropen (ed. F. A. W. Schimper) 7, 1895.

Ref.: Goebel, K. von, Flora 80: 454, 456. 11 Mai 1895.

Lindau, G., Bot. Jahrb. 20 (Lit.): 29-30. 28 Jun 1895; Bot. Centralbl. 62: 173-177.

1895. Anon., Hedwigia 34(Rep.): 17-19. 1895.

  1. Protobasidiomyceten. Untersuchungen aus Brasilien... Mit 6 Tafeln. Jena (Verlag von

Gustav Fischer) 1895. Oct.

Publ.: Jul-Aug 1895 (p. xi; Jul 1895; Bot. Zeit. 16 Sep 1893; Bot. Centralbl. 25 Sep 1895; Flora rev. 31 Oct 1895; Hedwigia id. 19 Oct 1895; Nat. Nov. Aug (2) 1895), p- [i1]-x1v, [1]-179, pl. 1-6. Copies, MO, NY(2), Stevenson, — Bot. Mitt. Tropen (ed. A. F. W. Schimper) Heft 8, 1895.

Ref.: Raciborski, Flora 81: 439 (“339’’)-440- 1895.

  1. 32 Original-Photographien siid-brasilischer Phalloideen aufgenommen zu Blumenau (Sa.

Catharina) Brasilien in den Jahren 1890-1893. [s.1.] 1895. (Photogr. Phalloid.).

Publ.: 1895; 32 unbound cards (1-32), with brief descr. Copy: Stevenson. — Additional to the Bras. Pilzbl. (1895).

  1. Phycomyceten und Ascomyceten. Untersuchungen aus Brasilien ... Mit 11 Tafeln und 2 Textabbildungen. Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1gor. Oct. (Phycomyc. G Ascomyc.). Publ.: Jan-Apr 1901 (p. x: Dec 1900; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1901; TBC 26 Oct 1901), p. [4]-xu, [1]-319, pl. 1-11. Copies: FI, MO, NY(2), Stevenson, USDA. — Bot. Mitt. Tropen (ed. A. F. W. Schimper) Heft 9, 1901. Ref.: Lindau, G., Bot. Jahrb. 30(Lit.): 39-40. 2 Jul 1g01, Bot. Centralbl. 87: 133-139. 17 Jul 1go1 (rev.) — See also Hedwigia 40 (Beibl. 3): (74)-(78). 1901.

Méller, Birgitte Christina (1857-1934), Danish botanist. (B. Mller).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 500; BL 2; 48, 692; IH 2: 549.

  1. Tracer og buskei Danmarks Skove en botanisk, forstlig og kulturhistorisk skildring afde1 vore Skove voksende traeer og buske ... K¢benhavn (H. Hagerups Forlag) [1916]. Oct. ( Traeer buske Danm. Skove).

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1916 (p. 6: Oct 1916; Nat. Nov. Mar 1917), p. [1]-315. Copy: USDA.



Moller, Hjalmar August (1866-1941), Swedish botanist; lecturer at a teachers college at Kalmar; from 1917 at the Riksmuseum, Stockholm. (H. Méller).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: S; important set of bryophytes at GB; further material e.g. at E, H, and LD. — 64 letters by Moller to V. F. Brotherus are at H-UB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: : Barnhart 2: 500; BM 3: 1335, 7: 857; Bossert p. 271; CSP

17: 292; [IH 2: 550; Kew 4: 22; KR p. 517-518; Langman p. 514; Lenley p. 296; MW p. 329;

SBC p. 127 (“Moll.””); SK 1: 365, 605, 5: ccev; SO 54, 1775; Zander ed. 10, p. 693, ed. 11, p.


Anon., Bot. Not. 1883: 46, 1896: 252, 1912: 113, 1933: 50, 51, 53*, 57, 58, 60, 64, 76, 83; J. Bot. 80: 40. 1942.

Arnell, H. W., Rev. bryol. 53: 5-8. 1926 (on Lévmoss. utbredn.).

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 52. 1950.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970 (bryoph. E).

Persson, H., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 35(4): 371-375. 1941 (obit., portr., b. 26 Sep 1866, d. 19 Mar 1941).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 46, pl. 174. 1905 (portr.).

  1. Bidrag tll Bornholms fossila flora. Pteridofyter Akademisk Afhandling, som med veder-

borligt tllstand for erhallande af filosofisk doktorsgrad vid Lunds Universitet till offentlig

granskning framstalles lordagen den 6 December 1902 kl. 10 f.m.a botaniska larosalen ...

Lund (E. Malmstréms Boktryckeri) 1902. Qu. (Bidr. Bornh. foss. fl., Pterid.).

Thesis issue: 18 Nov-1 Dec 1902 (thesis available circa 3 weeks before “promotion”, inf. O. Almborn; printed 18 Nov 1902, fide p. 63), p. [i], [1]-63, [64-68], pl. 1-6. Copies: BR, LD, M. .

Regular issue: 18 Nov-1 Dec 1902 (Ostenfeld received his copy at Copenhagen on 3 Dec 1902), p. [i], [1]-63, [64-68], pl. 1-6. Copies: C, LC, MICH, NY. — Issued as Lunds Universitats Arsskrift 38, afd. 2, no. 5, 1902.

  1. Bidrag till Bornholms fossila flora (Rhat och Lias) Gymnospermer ... Stockholm (Kunel.

Boktryckeriet. P.A. Norstedt & Soner) 1903. Qu. (Bidr. Bornh. foss. fl., Gymnosp.).

Publ.: shortly after g Feb 1903 (submitted 11 Dec 1902; p. 56: printed 9 Feb 1903), p. [1]-56, pl. 1-7. Copies: BR, NY, US. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 36(6).

  1. Forteckning ofver Skandinaviens vaxter utgifven af Lunds Botaniska Forening 2. Mossor

... Lund (C. W. K. Gleerup) 1907. Oct. (Férteckn Skand. vixt., Moss.).

Publ.: 1907, p. [1]-64. Copies: FAS, H, LD, MO-Steere. — Copies still available (summer 1980) from LD.

6159a. Léfmossornas utbredning i Sverige ... Uppsala & Stockholm (Almqvist & Wiksells

Boktryckeri-A.-B.) 1911-1936, 13 parts. Oct. (Léfmoss. utbr.).

Publ.: A series of publications in the Arkiv for Botanik. Copies: H, NY, US. —Itis likely that the separate numbers were distributed before the official date of distribution of the complete volumes.

No. Arkiv pages plates Nat. Nov. date printed vol. publ. I 10(12) = [1]-79 Sep IgII 11 Jul i911 | 4 Octhiom: 2 12(4) [1 ]-86 24 Juligi2 3 Dec 1912 3 12(13) ~[1]-80 Aug 1913 3 Jun 1913 11 Aug 1913 4 15(2) [1]-108 Jul 1920 17 Jul 1917, & 7WO@chtens 5 16(3) [1 ]-84 Mai 1921 31 Dec 191g 14 Feb 1921 6 17(4) [1]-125 1-3 30 Aug 1921 15 Mai 1922 7 17(14) [1]-9r 1-9 Feb 1923 17 Feb 1922 = 15 Mai 1922 8 18(9) [1]-76 Jun 1923 3 Jan 1923 13 Mar 1923 9 rg(1r) = [1]-147 Sep 1925 25 Feb 1925 27 Mai 1925 10 2tA(1) [1]-196 Apr 1927 24 Dec 1926 2 Feb 1927 II 24A(2) [1]-17 Jan-Feb 1932 =18Sep 1931 ~=13 Oct 1931



No. Arkiv pages _ plates Nat. Nov. date printed — vol. publ. 12 26A(2) [1]-138 1-7 Apr 1934 4 Oct 1933 11 Apr 1934 13 28A(4) [1]-106 Sep 1936 11 Feb 1936 ~—- 13, Oct 1936

Miller, Johann Diedrich (1844-1907), German (Holstein) botanical technician at Wedel, Holst., collaborator of P. T. Cleve. (J. D. Moller).

HERBARIUM and Types: : AWH, B, BM, BRM, FI, OS, 8, TALE, W. — Moller distributed 597 copies of a ‘“Typenplatte’”’ with 400 diatoms, and 1009 copies of a similar preparation with roo species. For further plates see O. Miller (1907). The largest single plate, the Universum diatomacearum Moellerianum, with 4026 taxa was prepared in 1890. For photogra- phic enlargements of one of M’s series see below (Diatom.-Prap.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 500; BM 3: 1328; De Toni 1: Ixxxy, 2: Ixxxi,

exxv; IH 2: 550 (as Joseph D. M.); Jackson p. 75, 90; KR p. 518; LS 18027; Morren ed. 10,

p. 17; NI 1395; TL-2/1: see Cleve, P. T., Hauck, F.; Urban-Berl. p. 267.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 22(Bibl.): 111. 1875; Bot. Not. 1908: 47.

Frison, Ed., Henri Ferdinand Van Heurck 28, 48, 50, 51, 52, 80, 94.1959-

Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedw. 35: 362. 1975.

Hoover, R. B., Ward’s Bull. 16(103): 1-4. 1977 (“Master mounter of diatoms’’; On his “Typenplatten’’).

Miller, O., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 25: (57)-(60). 1907 (biogr., b. 16 Mar 1844, d. 29 Oct 1907; details on his preparations).

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. diat. 6: 3570. 1978, 7: 4206. 1978.

COMPOSITE works: See P. T. Cleve (under Herbarium and Types) for the series of exsiccatae: Diatoms (i-vi, nos. 1-324).

EPONYMY: Moelleria Cleve (1873).

6x60. Lichtdrucktafeln hervorragend schoner und vollstandiger Moller’scher Diatomaceen-

Préparate ... Wedel in Holstein (Selbstverlag des Herausgebers) 1891. Broadsheet.


Publ.: 1891 (p. [iv]: Jul 1891; Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1892), p. [i ili-v], pl. 1-59. Copies: MICH, NY

Ref.: Pantocsek, J., Bot. Centralbl., Beih. 1(7): 481-482. 1891.

  1. Verzeichnis der in den Lichtdrucktafeln Mollerscher Diatomaceen— Préparate enthaltenen Arten

_.. Wedel [Holstein] (Selbstverlag des Herausgebers) 1892. Oct. (Verz. Lichtdrucktaf. Diat.-


Publ.: 1 Nov-15 Dec 1892 (Nat. Nov. Dec(3) 1892; p. x: Nov 1892), p. [i]-x, [1 ]-176. Copzes: B-S, MICH.

Méller, Ludwig Heinrich Ferdinand (1820-1877), German high school teacher and botanist at Muhlhausen in Thuringen. (L. Moller).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 500; BFM 410, 445; BM 3: 1328; CSP 8: 425; GR p. 113 (orig. info.); Hortus 3: 1200 (“Moller”); Jackson p. 300, 311; LS 37034; Rehder 5: 580; Tucker 1: 492-493; Zander ed. 11, p. 791.

Anon., Mitt. deut. dendrol. Ges. 1917: 248 (portr.).

Wittmack, L., Gartenflora 59: 214-215. 1g10 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WorKS: Founder and editor of Méller’s Deutsche Gartner-Zeitung 1886-1910 (25 vols.).

  1. Flora von Nordwest- Thiiringen. Ein Handbuch fiir Jedermann, welcher seine Heimath kennen lernen will, insbesondere fiir Botaniker, Lehrer der Naturgeschichte und Schuler



hoheren Unterrichtsanstalten ... Mihlhausen i/Th. (Verlag von Adolf Foerster) 1873.

Oct. (Fl. Nordw. Thiiringen).

Ed. 1: Nov 1872 (t.p. 1873; rev. Bot. Zeit. 3 Jan 1873; announced as new Bot. Zeit. 22 Nov 1872), p. [iJ-iv, 5-212, [1]-111. Copies: B, G.

Ed. 2: 1874 (Bot. Zeit. 24 Jul 1874), 2 parts, p. [i]-iv, 5, 212, [1]-111. Copies: B, NY. — Zweite Ausgabe Eisenach (Verlag von J. Bacmeister ...) s.d.

Ref.: Hausknecht, H. K., Bot. Zeit. 31: g-11. 3 Jan 1873.

  1. Die Holzgewdichse in Nord- u. Mittel-Deutschland. Ein analytischer Leitfaden zum

Bestimmen und Kennenlernen der wildwachsenden und allgemein eingefiihrten Straucher

und Baume ftir Lehrer, Schiller, Forster, Gartenbesitzer etc. Mit Anhang ... Eisenach

(Verlag von J. Bacmeister) [1873]. Oct. (Holzgew. N. M. Deutschl.).

Publ.: Jan-Jun 1873 (Bot. Zeit. 11 Jul 1873), p. [i]-vi, [1]-104. Copy: GOET (Bibl. Forstl. Fak.). Inf. G. Wagenitz.

  1. Flora von Thiiringen und den angrenzenden Gegenden. Ein analytischer Leitfaden zum Bestimmen der Pflanzen fiir hohere Lehranstalten. I. Theil: Phanerogamen ... Leipzig (Druck und Verlag von B. F. Teubner) 1874. Oct. (Fl. Thiiringen).

Co-author: B. Graf.

Publ.: 1874 (Bot. Zeit. 6 Nov 1874), p. [i]-v, [vi], [1]-230. Copy: B.

Ref.: Harms, H., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 59: 42. 1918.

Moench, Conrad (1744-1805), German botanist, chemist and pharmacist; Dr. med. Marburg 1781; pharmacist at Hannover (1764), Bern (1765-1768), Strassburg (1768- 1770), Kassel (1770-1785); assessor and from 1781 professor of botany at the medical college of Kassel 1780-1785; professor of botany and in other functions at Marburg University 1785-1805. (Moench).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: No longer extant. The herbarium came to the Marburg pharmacist Ruppersberg, but either he or later owners neglected it completely.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 22: 163-164; AG 2(2): 91, 5(1): 565; Barnhart 2: 500;

BM 3: 1328; Dryander 3: 157, 208, 417, 4: 52, 114, 224, 249,5: 67, 71; DSB 9: 434; Frank

3(Anh.): 66; GR p. 113; Hegi 3: 478; Herder p. 466; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Moench”); IF p. 721;

Jackson p. 429; Kew 4: 22; Langman p. 514; LS 18028-18029; MW p. 329; PR 6311-6314

(ed. 1: 7004-7007); Rehder 5: 580; RS p. 120; SO add. 678d; TL-1/881-882; Tucker 1: 493;

Zanden'ed. 10,p) 6935 ed) 11, p.1790:

Baines, J. E., Vict. Natural. 90: 229. 1973.

Gundlach, F., Gat. Prof. Akad. Marb. no. 392. 1927 (see also Stearn, 1966, p. viil).

Hein, W.-H., Veroff. Ges. Gesch. Pharm. ser. 2. 40: 80. 1973 (b. 15 Aug 1744, d. 6 Jan 1805; handwriting).

Ludwig, W., Hess. florist. Briefe 16: 13-16. 1967 (on the fate of M’s herbarium).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 167-168. 1863 (b. 15 Aug 1744, d. 6 Jan 1805).

Rommel, C., Memor. Conradi Moench ... nuper vita defuncti, Marburg 1805 (n.v.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Schmitz, R.,S. B. Ges. Beford. Naturw. Marburg 83/84: 1-33. 1963; Ber. deut. bot. Ges. gt: 430-432. 1978.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 16(1): 46-48. 1967 (“‘a rebel against Linnaeus’’); Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 252-253. 1971.

Stearn, W. T., Early Marburg Botany, Koenigstein/Ts 1966, xix p., added to Moench, Meth. fasc. ed. 1966 (extensive details; original sources.).

Wenderoth, G. W. F., Der Pflanzengarten der Universitat Marburg, Marburg 1850 (n.v.).

HANDWRITING: VerOff. int. Ges. Gesch. Pharm. ser. 2. 40: 81. 1973.

EPONYMY: Moenchia A. W. Roth (1788, nom. rej.); Moenchia J. F. Ehrhart (1788, nom. cons.); Moenchia ¥. K. Medikus (1790, nom. re7.).

  1. Enumeratio plantarum indigenarum Hassiae praesertim inferioris secundum methodum



sexualem dispositarum edito a Conrado Moench ... Pars prior. Cum tabulis aeri incisis.

Cassellis [Kassel] (sumptibus auctoris) 1777. Oct. (Enum. pl. Hass.).

Publ.: 1777 (p. [viii]: 3 Mar 1777), p- [i-xxiv], [1]-268, [1-2, err.], pl. 1-6 (uncol. copp.). Copies: G, NY.

  1. Verzeichniss auslandischer Baume und Stauden des Lustschlosses Weissenstein bey Cassel.

Von Conrad Ménch, Doctor und Professor am Karolinum. Mit 8 Kupfertafeln. Frankfurt

und Leipzig (in der J. G. Fleischerischen Buchhandlung) 1785. Oct. (Verz. auslénd. Baume).

Publ.: 1785, p. [i]-xiv, [1]-144, [1, err.], pl. 1-8 (on 4 lvs., uncol. copp.). Copies: G, M, MO, USDA.

  1. Methodus plantas horti botanici et agri marburgensis, a staminum situ describendi,

... Marburgi Cattorum [Marburg] (In officina nova libraria academiae) 1794. Oct.


Publ.: 4 Mai 1794 (inf. John W. Landon, available at Easter Fair; GGA 16 Mai 1795), p- [1]- viii, [1 ]-780, [1-18, index], [1, err.]. Copies: B, FI, G, MO, NY, US, USDA; IDC 698.

Facsimile ed.. Koeningstein-Taunus (Otto Koeltz Antiquariat) 1966, with an introduction

1966. Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 16(1): 46-48. 1967.

  1. Conradi Moench Supplementum ad methodum plantas a staminum situ describendi.

Marburgi Cattorum [Marburg] (In officina nova libraria academiae) 1802. Oct. (Suppl.


Publ.: 2 Mai 1802 (inf. John W. Landon; available at Easter Fair), p. [i]-iv, [1]-328. Copies: FI, G, NY(2), USDA; IDC 698.

Facsimile ed.: Koenigstein-Taunus (Otto Koeltz Antiquariat) 1966, p. [ii]-vi, [1]-328. Copies: FAS, MO, NY.

  1. Einleitung zur Pflanzenkunde entworfen von Conrad Monch, ... Marburg (in der Akademischen Buchhandlung) 1798. Oct. (Eznlezt. Pflanzenk.). Publ.: 1798, p- [1]-274, 2 charts. Copy: NY.

Ménkemeyer, Wilhelm (1862-1938), German bryologist; ““Garteninspektor” at Leip- zig. (Ménk.).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: HBG (10,000); other material at B, H, M, MANCH, and S.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 500; BM 7: 854; Bossert p. 271; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 551; Kew 4: 22; MW p. 329; NAF ser. 2. 3: 39-40; Rehder 5: 580; SBC p. 127 (““Monk.”’); Tucker 1: 493; Urban-Berl. p. 308.

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 318. 1936.

Familler, I., Denkschr. bay. bot. Ges. 11: 19. 1911.

Lorch (Schéneberg), Bot. Zeit. 68(2): 340-341. 1910.

Mueller Hal., K. A. F. W., Flora 69: 506. 1886 (epon.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 4: 261-262. 1938; Ann. Bryol. 12: vill. 1939.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Pascher, Siisswasserflora, Bryales in 14: [39]-168, fig. A-H, 1-62. 1914; ed. 2. 14; [47]-197,fig. A-G. 1931. (rev. ed. 1: L. Loeske, Bot. Centralbl. 126: 98-99. 28 Jul 1914, E. Irmscher, Hedwigia 55(Beibl. 1): (5)-(6). 12 Mai 1914; ed. 2. O. C. Schmidt, Hedwigia 71 (Beibl. 1): (13). Aug 1931.

(2) Kohl’s Taschenwérterbuch der botanischen Kunstausdriicke fiir Gartner. Ed. 2, by W. Monke- meyer, Berlin (Paul Parey) 1889, 98 p. (publ. 15 Sep-1 Oct 1889).

EPONYMY: Moenkemeyera K. A. F. W. Mueller Hal. (1886).



  1. Die Sumpf- und Wasserpflanzen. Ihre Beschreibung, Kultur und Verwendung ... Berlin (Verlag von Gustav Schmidt ...) 1897. Oct. (Sumpf- Wasserpfl.). Publ.: Oct-Nov 1897 (p. iv: Oct 1897; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1897; ObZ Nov 1897; Bot. Zeit. 1 Dec 1897; J. Bot. Feb 1898), p. [i]-iv, [1]-189. Copies: MO, NY. Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 26(Lit.): 13. 31 Mai 1808. Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 36: 68-69. 1898.

  2. Bryologisches aus der Umgebung Leipzigs nebst Beobachtungen uber einige Drepanocla-

den und ihre Formenkreise | Besonderer Abdruck aus den Sitzungsberichten der Naturfor-

schenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig 1906]. Oct...

Publ.: 15 Oct (Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1907) wrapper, p. [1]-42, pl. 1-2 (liths. auct.). Copy: H. — Reprinted and to be cited from S. B. naturf. Ges. Leipzig 32: 37-78. 15 Oct 1906.

  1. Die Laubmoose Europas iv. Band Erganzungsband Andreaeales-Bryales ... Leipzig

(Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.) 1927, 3 parts. Oct. (Laubm. Eur.).

Publ.: In three parts, p. [1]-x, [1]-960. Copies: H, S. R. Gradstein, USDA. — Alternative t.p. “Dr. Rabenhorsts Aryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz ...” — Supplementary to Limpricht, Laubm. Europ. (TL-2/4540) — 1: [1]-256. Apr 19273 2: 257- 576. Jul-Aug 1927; 3: 577-960. Dec 1927.

Ref.: Jennings, O. E., Bryologist 31: 37-40. 23 Apr 1928.

A. G., J. Bot. 65: 293-294. Oct 1927, 66: 27-30. Jan 1928. Loeske, L., Hedwigia 67(Beibl. 1): (113)-(114). 1927, 68(Beibl. 1): (20). 1928. Rickett, H. W., North. Amer. fl. ser. 2. 3: 40. 1963.

Moerch, Otto Josias Nicolai (1799-1842), Danish botanist, curator of the Copenhagen botanical garden (Moerch).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at C.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 500; IH 2: 556; Jackson p. 445; Kew 4: 23; PR 6315 (ed. 1: 7008); Rehder 5: 581; Tucker 1: 493. Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 126-127. 1880 (bibl.).

  1. Catalogus plantarum horti botanict Hafniensis. Conscripsit O. J. N. Morch, hortulanus.

Hauniae [Kj¢benhavn] (typis directoris Jani Hostrup Schultz, ...) 1839. Oct. (Cat. hort.


Publ.: 1839 (p. iii: 12 Apr 1839), p. [1-ni], [1]-102. Copzes: NY, USDA.

Supplementum: 1840, p. [1]-12. Copy: NY. “‘Supplementum Catalogi plantarum horti botanici Hafniensis ...”’ Hauniae (typis excudebat Director J. Hostrup Schultz ...) 1840. Oct. (Suppl. Cat. hort. bot. Hafn.).

Mérner, Count Carl Thore (1864-1940), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1892; professor of medicine and physiological chemistry Uppsala 1894, ord. professor 1909. (Morner).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at C and E.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 501; BJI 2: 119; BL 2: 516, 692; Bossert p. 274;

CSP 17: 296; Hirsch p. 202; IH 2: 559; KR p. 518; LS 18031-18034, suppl. 18578-18580;

MW p. 329; SO toric.

Anon., J. Bot. 80: 40. 1942; Generalregister Bot. Not. 1839-1938, p. 56. 1939.

Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970 (coll. E).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 4(2): 1020-1021. 1904, 6(3): 1759. 1938 (bibl.).

Svedelius, N., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 35(1): 88-92. 1941 (obit., portr., b. 4 Aug 1864, d. 7 Sep 1940).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 62. 1903.

Méossler, Johann Christoph (//. 1815), German teacher and botanist; in Hamburg 1804- 1806. (Mossler).


| :

MOESZ HERBARIUM and tyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 501; BM 3: 1329; DTS 1: 196-197, 6(4): 170; Jackson p. 293; Herder p. 94, 186; Kew 4: 23; PR 6316-6318 (ed. 1: 7009-7011); Rehder 5: 581; RS p. 120; TL-1/894; Tucker 1: 493.

Brizicky, G., Taxon 18: 652. 1969 (use infrageneric categories).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 318 [index]. 1936. Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. von, im Prahl, P., Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 38. 1890.

EPONYMY: Moesslera H. G. L. Reichenbach (1828).

  1. D.J.Ch. Mosslers 7 aschenbuch der Botanik zur Selbstbelehrung welches die botanische

Sprache, die Erlauterung des Linnéischen Systems der 23 ersten Klassen, und die dahin

gehorigen wilden Gewachse Deutschlands enthalt, mit 6 illum. Kupfern. Hamburg (bey

Benjamin Gottlob Hoffmann) 1805. Oct. ( Taschenb. Bot.).

Publ.: 1805 (announced for Ostermesse, 1805), p. [i]-vili, [1]-287, index [1-22], zweyter Abschnitt: [i], [1]-127, [128, err.], chart., pl. 1-6 (col. copp., L. Leo Wolf). Copy: NY.

  1. Gemeinnitziges Handbuch der Gewdchskunde, welches, mit Ausnahme der vier und

zwanzigsten Klasse des Linnéischen Systems, die wilden Gewachse Deutschlands enthalt,

und von den auslandischen diejenigen, welche dem Arzt und Apotheker, den Farber,

Gartner und Landwirth Nutzen bringen, nebst einer kurzen Einleitung in die Gewachs-

kunde und einem erklarenden Verzeichnisse der lateinischen Ausdriicke, von Dr. Johann

Christoph Mossler. In zwey Abtheilungen. Altona (bey Johann Friedrich Hammerich)

  1. Oct. (Handb. Gewiichsk.).

Publ.: 1815 (p. [xiv*]: 20 Sep 1814), p. [1*-xiv* ], [i]-lii, [1], [1]-644, 644a, 644b, [i-xii, list, err., index], [part 2:] [i], [645]-1415, [1416, err., 1-40, index]. Copy: NY.

Editions 2 and 3: see below.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 2: 619-631, 634-643. 1819 (rev.).

  1. Dr. Joh. Christ. Mossler’s Handbuch der Gewdchskunde, enthaltend eine Flora von

Deutschland mit Hinzufiigung der wichtigsten auslandischen Cultur-Pflanzen. <werte

Auflage, ganzlich umgearbeitet und durch die neuesten Entdeckungen vermehrt von H. G.

Ludwig Reichenbach, ... Altona (bei Johann Friedrich Hammerich) 1827-1829, 3 vols.

Oct. (Handb. Gewdichsk. ed. 2).

Editor and in part author: Hemrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (1793-1879).

Publ.: 3 vols. in 4. Copies: B, G, M, NY, (vol. 1 only). — For the use of infrageneric categories in this and in ed. 3 see Brizicky (1969).

1: Dec 1827 (p. xvi: 1 Aug 1827; Flora rd. Dec 1827 or early Jan 1828, see 11: 63, 192, 519-

2(r): Jul-Dec 1828 (p. [vi]: 1 Jul 1828), p. [i-vi], [785]-1187.

2(2): Mar-Jul 1829 (p. x: Mar 1829; rev. Flora 21 Aug 1829), p. [ui]-x, [1189]-1582, [1, err.

3: Mai 1830 (p. xiv: 15 Sep1829; Flora rd. 7 Jun 1830), p. [1*-11*], [i]-xxiv, [1583]-1963, [ 1964, err. ].

  1. Dr. Joh. Christ. Mossler’s Handbuch der Gewdachskunde, enthaltend eine Flora von

Deutschland mit Hinzuftigung der wichtigsten auslandischen Cultur-Pflanzen. Dritte Auf-

lage, ganzlich umgearbeitet und durch die neuesten Entdeckungen vermehrt von H. G.

Ludwig Reichenbach, ... Altona (bei Johann Friedrich Hammerich) 1833-1834, 3 vols. in

  1. Oct. (Handb. Gewdichsk. ed. 3).

Editor and in part author: Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (1793-1879).

Publ.: 3 vols. in 6. Copies: M, MO, NY, US. — For the use of infrageneric categories see Brizicky (1969). For dates see T'L-1. The issuance of the parts of the preface is uncertain.

1: 1833, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-798, published in two parts [1]-400 and [i], 401-798.

2(r): 1833, 2(2): Mar 1834, 2(3): Sep 1834 (precise contents not known), p. [xvii]-xxiv, [799]-1652.

3: Mai 1835, p. [xxv]-cxiv, [1653]-1994.

Moesz, Gusztav (Gustav von) (1873-1946), Hungarian botanist; high school teacher at



Brasso, from 1906 id. at Budapest and specializing mainly on mycology; from 1910 curator, later director of BP. (Moesz).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BP; contributed fungi to Petrak, Mycotheca generalis q.v.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 5(2): 529; Barnhart 2: 501; BJI 2: 119; Bossert p. 270;

CSP 17: 298; Futak-Domin p. 403; GR p. 659-660; Hawksworth p. 184; Hegi 5(4): 2314;

Hirsch p. 202; IH 2: 546; Kew 4: 23-24; LS 37035-37037, suppl. 18581-18630; Nordstedt

suppl. p. 11; Stevenson p. 1251.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 61: 247. 1911 (custos BP), 71: 71. 1922 (app. dept. dir. BP).

Boros, A., Bot. Kozlem. 47(3-4): 223-238. 1958 (portr., bibl.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970 (some fungi E).

Kneucker, A. v., Allg. bot. Z. 17: 96. 1911 (app. BP as ‘‘Kustosdirektor”’ of botany dept.), 21: 139. 1916 (habil. Univ. Budapest).

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. fl. Polsk. 29. 1925.

Verseghy, K., Feddes Repert. 68: 125, 127. 1963.

EPONYMY: Moeszia Bubak (1914); Moesziella Petrak (1927); Moesziomyces Vanky (1977); Moeszopeltis Petrak (1947).

  1. Nehany bevandorolt és behurczolt novénjiink. Eznige eingewanderte und eingeschleppte

Pflanzen Ungarns. Budapest (Hornyanszky Viktor cs. ...) 1909. Oct. (Eingew. Pfl. Ungarns).

Publ.: 1909, p. [1]-9. Copy: MO. — Reprinted and to be cited from Beibl. Bot. Kézlem. 8: 136-147, (38-43). 1909.

  1. Adatok Bars varmegye florajahoz. Beitrége zur Flora des Romitates Bars. Budapest

(Hornyanszky Victor cs. ...) 1911. Oct. (Beitr. Fl. Bars).

Publ.: 1911, reprint with new t.p. [1] from Bot. Kozlem. 1911(5-6): 134, 171-185, German summary (30)-(33), (35), 2 maps. Copy: MO.

  1. Fungi hungaricae 1. Myxomycetes Magyarorszag gombafloraja. I. Nyalkagombak.

Szeged 1926.

Publ.: 30 Mai 1926 (p. 197), p. [i], 112-200. Copy: Stevenson. — Reprinted from Folia crypt. 1(3): 112-200. 1925. It is not clear whether the journal publ. was indeed earlier.

Moffatt, Wili (Wiiliam) Sayer (1847-1941), American mycologist; MD Chicago 1868; practiced medicine at Wheaton, IIl., and Sycamore, III.; to Los Angeles 1926. (Moffatt).

HERBARIUM and types: ILL (11.000); a large collection is also at ISM; further material at F,


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 501 (orig. info.); BM 7: 854; Dawson p. 870; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 546; Kelly p. 150; Kew 4: 24; LS 37038, suppl. 18631; Pennell p. 614. Deam, C. C., Fl. Indiana 1117. 1910 (coll.).

Fuller, G. D., Trans. Illinois Acad. Sci. 37: 132. 1944 (obit., d. 12 Sep 1941).

McVaugh, R., Edward Palmer 103. 1956.

  1. The higher fungi of the Chicago region. ... Chicago (published by the Academy [The

Chicago Academy of Sciences]) 1909-1923. Oct. (High. fung. Chicago).

1, The hymenomycetes: Jun 1909, p. [1]-156, pl. 7-24.

2, The gastromycetes: Mai 1923, p. [1]-24, pl. 1-26. Bulletin no. 7, Natural History Survey [of the Chicago Academy of Sciences]. Copies: BR, FI, Stevenson.

Moggridge, John Traherne (1842-1874), British botanist at Mentone. (Moggr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: K; other material at E, FI, G, K, OXF, US, W. Original drawings for contributions to the flora of Mentone at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 189; Barnhart 2: 501; BB p. 218; BM 3: 1329-1330; Bossert p. 270; Clokie p. 213; CSP 4: 421, 8: 415-416, 12: 514; Desmond p. 441; GF p. 61;



GR p. 218; Herder p. 466; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Moggr.”’); TH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 546; Jackson p. 138, 287, 581; Kew 4: 24; Moebius p. 364; NI 1396; Plesch p. 339; PR 6319, 10606; Rehder 5: 581; Saccardo 1: 111, cron. p. xxvii; Sotheby 2: 190; Tucker 1: 493.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1875: 31 (d. 24 Nov 1874); Bull. Soc. bot. France 22(C.R.): 102. 1875, 23(bibl.): 96. 1876 (herb. to K.), 30: cxxiii-cxxiv. 1883; Gard. Chron. 1874(2): 723 (obit.); J. Bot. 13: 63-64. 1875; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1874-8:Ixi. 1874.

Burnat, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 30: cxxiii-cxxiv. 1893 (b. 8 Mar 1842, d. 24 Nov 1874; collections on which Contr. fl. Mentone was based mainly by his father Matthew Moggrid- ge (1803-1882)).

Cavillier, F., Boissiera 5: 64. 1941.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 261. 1977.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970 (pl. in herb. Dorfler).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 46. (herb. K).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 69. 1957 (herb. K).

Saunders, S. S., Proc. entom. Soc. London 1874: xxxvul.

Simon, E., Ann. Soc. entom. France ser. 5. 5: 5-8. 1875 (obit.; to Mentone for health reasons 1861).

  1. Contributions to the flora of Mentone and to a winter flora of the Riviera, including the coast from Marseilles to Genoa. London (L. Reeve & Co.) [1864-]1871. Oct. (Contr. fl. Mentone). Ed. 1, in four parts, p. [i]-vii, pl. 1-97, 51bis, 52bis, with text, [1-2, index]. Copies: NY, USDA. 1: 1864, p. [i]-vui, pl. 1-25. 2: 1865, pl. 26-50. 3: 1868, pl. 51-73, 51bis, 52bis (B.S.b.F. rd. Dec 1868). 4: 1871, pl. 74-97. Ed. 2, part 1: 1867, parts 2-4 of ed. 1. Ed. 3, part 1: 1874, p. [i-iv], pl. 1-25 with text. Copy: G. — Parts 1-4: 1874, Pp. [i-iv], pl. 1-97, 52bis, [i-ii, index]. Copy: MO. — ‘Third edition” London (id.) 1874. — A further “‘third edition” was published in 1913, London (Quaritch), n.v.

  2. Ueber Ophrys insectifera L. (part.) ... Dresden (Druck von E. Blockmann & Sohn)

  3. Qu. (Ophrys insectifera).

Publ.: 1869 (ObZ 1 Sep 1869), p. [1]-6, pl. 7-4 (col. liths., C. F. Schmidt). Copy: G. — Nova Acta Leop. 35(3), 1869.

Mohl, Hugo von (1805-1872), German botanist; Dr. phil. Tubingen 1827; 1828-1831 physician at Miinchen; 1832 professor of physiology at Bern; 1835 professor of history at the University of Tiibingen; outstanding plant anatomist and physiologist. (Mohl).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: TUB; some musci at B..

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 121, 274, 283; Backer p. 376; Barnhart 2: 501; BM 3: 1330-1331, 7: 855; Bossert p. 270; CSP 4: 421-423, 8: 416-417, 10: 829, 12: 514; De Toni 1: Ixxxv; DSB 9: 441-442; DTS 1: 197; Frank 3(Anh.): 66-67; GR p. 113; Herder p.

466 [index]; IH 2: 547; Jackson p. 74, 219, 478; Kew 4: 25; KR p. 503; Langman p. 514;

Laségue p. 524; LS 18035-18041; Moebius p. 163, 453 [index]; PR 6321-63592 (ed. 1: 7012-

7040); Rehder 5: 581-582; SBC p. 127 (““Mohl’””); SO 477; TL-1/794, 469; TL-2/2839; see

Henfrey, A.; Tucker 1: 493; Urban-Berl. p. 308.

Ahles, W. E. von, Wiirttemb. naturwiss. Jahresh. 29(1-3): 41-65. 1873 (bibl.).

Anon., Almanach Akad. Wiss. Wien 1873: 157-169. (obit., d. 1 Apr 1872); Bonplandia 2: [15 Aug] 1854 (polemics), 4: 79. 1856 (Handb. Anat.), 6: 48. 1858 (Leopoldina cogn. Christian Wolff), 8: 248. 1861 (possible call to Heidelberg), ro: 168. 1862 (called to Heidelb. [not accepted]); Bot. Not. 1873: 28 (d.); Bull. Soc. bot. France 18(bibl): 142. 1872; Flora 55: 176. 1872; Bot. Zeit. 30: 233-234, 350, 561-580. 1872, 31: 624. 1873 (catalogue of his library); J. Bot. 10: 160, 192. 1872, 12: 352. 1874; Obit. Not. Proc. R. Soc. 158, 1875, vip. (reprint); Osterr. bot. Z. 22: 170. 1872 (d.); Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci. 8: 459-461. 1873 (obit.).

Bary, A. de, Bot. Zeit. 30: 561-580. 1872 (bibl.); Proc. Linn. Soc. 1874/5: Ixi-lxiv. 1875.

Behn, W. F. G., Leopoldina 10: 34-39. 1874.



Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 70. 1935.

Carus, C. G. und C. F. P. von Martius, Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen 65, 148. 1939.

Fischer, E., Verh. Schweiz. naturf. Ges. 1914(2): 21, 28.

Gray, A., Amer. J. Sci. 46: 200. 1844; Sci. Pap. 2: 354-355. 1889.

Haberlandt, G., Wiesner Festschrift 48-55. 1908 (2 letters to Unger).

Harvey-Gibson, R. J., Outlines hist. bot. 273 [index]. 1914.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 485. 1864.

Kunkele, S. & S. Seybold, Jahresh. Ges. Naturk. Wiirttemberg 125: 151. 1970 (herb. at ‘RUIB):

Lehmann, E., Schwabische Apotheker 27, 98, 180, 202, 204, 209-210. 1951 (on his floristic work).

Maedefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 312 [index]. 1973.

Martens, G. von & C. A. Kemmler, Fl. Wurttemb. ed. 2. 780. 1865 (collected in Thurin- gen).

Moser, A., Catalog 33, see Bot. Zeit. 31: 624. 1873 (sale libr.).

Miiller, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traug. Kutzing 289. 1960.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 926. 1898 (b. 8 Apr 1805, d. 1 Apr 1872).

Sachs, J., Gesch. Bot. 315-335. 1875.

Seemann, B., Bonplandia 1(21): 205-206, 216. 1853, 12: 369. 1854 (see Mohl’s “Erkla- rung’, Bot. Zeit. 12: 369-371. 1854).

Statleu, HA Reone Veen 71> Sil eeo 1 O70:

Taton, R., ed., Science rgth cent. 350, 375-376, 399, 400, 403, 408, 1965.

Thomson, W., Trans. bot. Soc. Edinburgh 11: 416-426. 1873 (obit., b. 8 Apr 1805).

Trimen, H., J. Bot. 10: 160. 1872.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 136. 1903, 3(3): Xxi-xxil, 145 pl. 62. 1905 (portr.).

Zuchold, E. A., Jahresber. nat. Ver. Halle 5: 41. 1853.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Botanische Zeitung, co-editor vols. 1-29, 1843-1871. See W. Junk, Rara I: 19-20. 1900-1913 for collation.

(2) De Palmarum structura in Martius, C. F. P. von, Gen. Sp. Palm. li p., German transl. in Verm. Schr. 129-185, 1 pl. 1845.

(3) De structura caudicis filicum arborearum, in Mart., Icon. pl. crypt. 40-61, pl. 31-36. 1834. See TL-2/5526.

EPONYMY: Mohlana C. F. P. Martius (1832); MoAlites Unger (1839).

  1. De structura caudicis filicum arborearum scripsit Hugo Mohl, ... Monachu [Munchen]

  2. Qu. (in fours).

Publ.: 1833, p. [1]-23, pl. 31-36 (col. copp., auct.). Copy: MO. — Preprinted and to be cited from C. F. P. von Martius, Icon. pl. crypt. fase. 2: 31-53. pl. 31-36. 1834, see TL-2/5526. — See Verm. Schr. for German abstract.

  1. Ueber den Bau und die Formen der Pollenkorner ... Bern (bei Chr. Fischer und Comp.)

  2. Qu. (Bau Form. Pollenkérn.). ; Publ.: 1834 (Flora 14 Apr 1834), p. [i]-iv, [1]-130, 6 pl. Copy: FI.

  3. Morphologische Betrachtungen tiber das Sporangium der mit Geftissen versehenen Cryptogamen.

Eine Inaugural-Dissertation, welche zur Erlangung der Doctorwiirde in der Medicin und

Chirurgie unter dem Prasidium von Hugo Mohl, .. . im Juni 1837 der offentlichen Prifung

vorlegt Heinrich Landerer von Walddorf. Tubingen (gedruckt bei Gustav Bahr) 1837.

Oct. (Morph. Betracht. Sporang.).

Publ.: Jun 1837, p. [1]-40. Copies: L, MO. — Also published in Verm. Schr. 94-107. 1845, indicating that Mohl was indeed the author.

  1. Vermischte Schriften botanischen Inhalts . . .. Tubingen (bei Ludwig Friedrich Fries) 1845.

Qu. (Verm. Schr.).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1845 (p. vi: Jun 1845), p. [i]-viii, [1]-442, pl. 1-13. (uncol. liths. with some col. details). Copies: FI, MO, NY. — 31 Papers originally published elsewhere, sometimes revised or augmented.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 4: 463-465. 3 Jul 1846.



  1. Grundziige der Anatomie und Physiologie der vegetabilischen Kelle ... Braunschweig (Druck

und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn) 1851. Oct. (Grundz. Anat. Kelle).

Publ.: Apr-Mai (Ostermesse 1851; ObZ Sep 1851) 1851, p. [1]-152, 7 pl. — Reprinted from R. Wagner, Handworterbuch der Physiologie, vol. 4. 1851.

Ref.: Muller, K., Bot. Zeit. 9: 588-589. 15 Aug 1851.

Mohler, J. C. (fl. 1928), American botanist at Topeka, Kansas. (Mohler). HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

  1. Trees in Kansas ... Topeka (printed by Kansas State Printing Plant B. P. Walker,

state printer) 1928. Oct. (Trees Kansas).

Publ.: 1928, p. [1]-372. Copy: USDA. — Report Kansas State Board of Agriculture 47, no. 186A.

Mohr, Charles Theodore (baptized Karl Theodor) (1824-1901), German-born Ameri- can botanist who studied at Stuttgart; collected in Suriname 1845-1846; emigrated to the United States 1848, joined the “forty-niners”’ in the gold-rush of 1859; spent a year in gold- mining in the Sacramento valley (Calif,); two years farming in Indiana; then at Louisville, Ala., and in Mexico; from 1857-1899 druggist at Mobile, Ala., 1899-1901 at Asheville, N.C. (C. Mohr).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: ALU (15.000, Alabama), US (18.000 general herbarium, presented 1901). - The ALU herbarium is now called the “Charles Mohr herbarium.” (see e.g. Davenport 1979). Furher material e.g. at BUF, NA, QK, and PH. The correspondence between C. T. Mohr and Eugene Allen Smith (1841-1927) is at the A. G. Gorgas Library, Univ. Alabama.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 502; Backer p. 376; BL 1: 163, 309; BM 3: 1331;

Bossert p. 270; CSP 12: 514-515; DAB 13: 77-78; GR p. 233; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Mohr, C.”’);

TH 1(ed. 6): 362” 2: 547; Kelly p. 150; Kew 4: 26; Lenley p. 295-296; Morren ed. 10, p. 116;

NAF ser. 2. 2: 166; Pennell p. 514; Rehder 5: 581; Tucker 1: 493-494; Urban-Berl. p. 308,


Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 31 (Beibl. 70): 28. 1902; Bot. Not. 1902: 94 (d. 17 Jul 1g01r); Nat. Nov. 23: 472. 1901 (d.).

Barnhart, J. H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 166-167. 1922 (b. 28 Dec 1824 at Esslingen, Wiurtt.; d. 17 Jul rgor).

Coulter, Bot. Gaz. 32: 227-228. 1901.

Davenport, L. J., Taxon 28: 576-571- 1979 (Vascular plant type specimens in the Mohr herbarium); Sida 8: 1-13. 1979 (C. M. and plant life of Alabama, portr., bibl., biogr.).

Ewan, J., Southw. Louisiana J. 7: 31, 32. 1967.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 14, 92. 1969.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970 (Bryoph. Alabama at E).

Hitchock, A. S. & A. Chase Man. Grass. U.S. 987. 1951 (epon.).

Hoffmann, Fr., Karl Theodor Mohr, eine biographische Skizze. Mit Einleitung: Aphoris- men zur Geschichte der Pharmacie. New York 1887; reprinted from Pharm. Rundschau 5(2): 4-12. 1887.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 46 (coll. K).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 7: 176. 1901.

Koch L. F., Bryologist 59: 193-194. 1956 (Louisiana muscology).

Lamson-Scribner, F., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 20(8): 328-330. 1893 (descr. herb. and evaluation of publ.).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 71. 1955.

Rodgers, A. D., Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 333 [index]. 1944, Bernard Eduard Fernow 617 [index]. 1951.

Sargent, C. S., Silva suppl. 4: go. 1892, 13: 25. 1902.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 370-371. 1 Mai 1975, Bryologist 80: 514. 19/7-

Smith, E. A., zn C. T. Mohr, Pl. Life Alabama, Alabama ed. p. v-xil. 1901 (biogr.; portr. opp. p. 17), Bull. Torrey bot. Club 28: 599-604. 1901 (portr.).



Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev. 43: 292. 1977.

Sudworth, G. B., Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 5: 403-405. 4 Feb 1904. S. B. Sutton, Charles Sprague Sargent 378. 1970.

Tracy, 8S. M., Plant World (U.S.) 4: 167-170, pl. 73. 1901. Zucker, A. E., Forty-eighters 320. 1950 (n.v.).

EPONYMY: Carlomohria E. L. Greene (1893); Mohria N. L. Britton (1893); Mohrodendron N. L. Britton (1893).

  1. Preliminary list of the plants growing without cultwation in Alabama, from the collections

made by Eugene A. Smith, Tuscaloosa, & Chas. Mohr, Mobile, Ala. Compiled by Charles

Mohr. [Tuscaloosa 1880]. (Prelim. list pl. Alabama).

Collector: Eugene Allen Smith (1841-1927).

Publ.: 1880 (see p. [57] and Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 28: 602. 1901), p. [1]-56, [57]. Copies: MO, NY, US.

Ref.: Lubrecht, H., Early Amer. bot. works no. 99. 1967.

  1. The medicinal plants of Alabama. Systematic list of the medicinal plants occurring within the limits of the state, with notes on their distribution and proper time of collecting the parts used. Chas. Mohr, Mobile, Ala. Printed at the Register Job Office [ Mobile, Ala., 1893]. (Med. pl. Alabama).

Publ.: 1890 (TBC 12 Aug 1890), p. [1]-17. Copies: MO, US.

  1. The timber pines of the southern United States by Charles Mohr, Ph.D. together with a

discussion of the structure of their wood. By Filibert Roth ... Washington (Government

Printing Office) 1896. Oct. ( Timber pines south. U.S.).

Co-author: Filibert Roth (1858-1925).

Orig. ed.: Jun-Dec 1896 (p. 3: 26 Mai 1896; Bot. Gaz. 1897; Bot. Centralbl. 26 Mai 1897), p [1 ]-160, pl. 1-27. Copy: NY. — Bulletin 13, U.S. Dept. Agr., Div. Forestry.

Revised ed.: Nov-Dec 1897 (p. 3: 1 Nov 1897), p. [1]-176, pl. 1-27. Copies: BR, MO, US. — Bulletin 13 (Revised Edition), U.S. Dept. Agr., Div. Forestry.

  1. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Division of botany. Contributions from the U.S.

National Herbarium. Vol. vi. Issued July 31, 1901. Plant life of Alabama. An account of the

distribution, modes of association, and adaptations of the flora of Alabama, together with a

systematic catalogue of the plants growing in the state. Prepared in cooperation with the

Geological Sime of Alabama by Charles Mohr, Ph. = Washington (Government

Rating Office) rg01. Oct. (Pl. life Alabama).

Orig.: 31 Jul tg01 (Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1902; Torreya 28 Sep 1901; TBC 30 cen 1901), p. [1]- 921, pl. 1-13. Copies: BR, MO, NY, US, USDA(3). — Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium, vol. 6; issued 31 Jul tg01; Charles Mohr died 17 Jul 1901. — Fungi by F.S. Earle.

Alabama ed.: Oct 1901. “Geological survey of Alabama. Eugene Allen Smith, Ph. D., State Geologist. Plant life of Alabama, An account... State. By Charles Mohr, Ph. D. Reprint of vol. vi, contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium, published July 31, 1901, by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Prepared in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Alabama. Alabama edition, with portrait and biography of the author ... Montgomery, Ala. (printed at Goverment Printing Office, Washington, D.C.) Octo- ber 1901. Oct., p. [i]-xui, [1 ]-921, pl. 7-73, uncol. liths. Coptes: MICH, NY(2), Stevenson, US. — Frontispiece portrait of Mohr: p. v-xul biogr. Mohr by Eugene A. Smith; portr. T. M. Peters opp. p. 17.

Facsimile ed.: Lehre (Verlag von J. Cramer) 1969, ISBN 3-7692-0622-x, Reprints of US- floras, volume 2, p. [i-ii], followed by facsimile.

Copies: FAS. — See Taxon 18: 580. 1969.

Mohr, Daniel Matthias Heinrich (1780-1808), German botanist; from 1805 “Ad- junct,” from 1807 professor of philosophy at the University of Kiel. (D. Mohr).

HERBARIUM and Types: Mohr’s herbarium was incorporated in the herbarium of Karl Miller at B. Algae at HBG. Hepaticae in herb. Lindenberg at W. Exsiccatae: Schleswig-


Pe ee oe


Holsteinische algae aquaticae, fasc. 1, nos. 1-35. 1805. Laségue reports Mohr material in the herbarium of W. J. Hooker (at K and BM).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: ADB 22: 65-66; Barnhart 2: 502; BM 3: 1331; CSP 4: 426-

427; De Toni 1: Ixxxv; DTS 1: 197; Frank 3(Anh.): 67; GR p. 33, cat. p. 68; Herder p. 23,

140, 238; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘““Mohr, D.”’); IH 2: 547; Jackson p. 243, 428; Kew 4: 26; KR p.

503; Laségue p. 326, 328, 392, 502; . LS 18045-18045a; Moebius p. 66; NI 494 (Dillwyn, L.

W.); PR 6353 (ed. 1: 7041); SBC p. 127 (“Mohr”); SO 2683 a; SY p. 15-16, 28; TL-1/883,

1396-1397; TL-2/ 1473, see Hedwig, R. A.; Tucker 1: 494; Urban-Berl. p. 267, 308; Zander

EuaaO™ Dp» 693.,ed. 11, p. 791-

Anon., Bonplandia 4: 219. 1856; Osterr. bot. W. 6: 200. 1856 (herb. Mohr now in hands of K. Miiller; it was owned by Lindenberg and subseq. acquired by C. F. Westhoff who gave it to Miiller. Contains type material of Mohr, Turner, Swartz, Wahlenberg and Hedwig).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 318 [index]. 1936.

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. von, im Prahl, P., Krit. Fl. Schlesw.-Holst. 2: 38. 1890.

Hornemann, J., Nat. Tidskr. 1: 581. 1837.

Miller, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traug. Kiitzing 289. 1960.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York bot. Gard. 19(1): 88. 1969; Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 99. 1880.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: See under F. Weber for (1) Grossbritanniens Conferven (1803-1805) (see also no. (1473), (2) Naturhistorische Reise durch einen Theil Schwedens (1804); (3) Botanisches Taschenbuch auf das Jahr 1807; (4) Archiv fir die systematische Naturgeschichte (1804); and (5) Bettrége zur Naturkunde, 2 vols. 1805.

EPoNyMy: Mohria O. Swartz (1806); Mohrioidites F. Thiergart (1950); Mohriopsis O. Appert (1973).

  1. Observationes botanicae quibus consentiente ampliss. philosophor. ord. Kilon. pro

gradu doctoris philosophiae nec non LL.AA. magistri rite obtinendo plantarum cryptoga-

marum ordines, genera et species illustrare conatus est auctor Dan. Matth. Henr. Mohr,

Quickborna-Pinnebergensis, Soc. phys. Goetting. adser. Kiliae [Kiel] (typis C. F. Mohr)

  1. Oct. (Observ. bot.).

Publ.: 1803, after 19 Mar, probably late in the year (SY p. 15), p. [1]-45, [1-2, err.]. Copzes: H, MO-Steere; IDC 6077.

Mohr, Nicolai (i Pedersen) (1742-1790), Faeroes-born Danish botanist; visited Iceland 1780, Groenland 1787; employed by the Royal Danish China factory. (V. Mohr).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 502; BM 3: 1331; De Toni I: Ixxxvi; Herder p. 55; 1H 2: 547.

Warming, E., Bot. Tidskr. 12: 76. 1880.

  1. Forsdg til en Islandsk Naturhistorie, med adskillige ockonomiske samt andre Anmaer- kinger, ved. N. Mohr... Ki@benhavn (trykt hos Christian Friderik Holm) 1786. Oct. (Fors. Islandsk Naturhist.).

Publ.: 1786, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-413, [414, err.], pl. 1-7. (uncol. copp. S. M. Holm). Copy: MO.

Moisan, Charles Auguste (//. 1839), French botanist and pharmacist at Nantes. (M/o7- san).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 172, 692; BM 3: 1332; Herder p. 175; Morren ed. g, p. 20, ed. 10, p. 56; PR 6355 (ed. 1: 7043); Rehder 1: 409; SO add. 847d; Tucker 1: 494.

  1. Flore nantaise ou tableau analytique, d’aprés la méthode de M. Lamark [sic], des



plantes naturelles au département de la Loire-inférieure, et de célles qui sont cultivées le

plus généralement, classées selon Jussieu, avec une concordance Linnéenne, et l’indication

de leurs usages dans la médecine et dans les arts. Nantes (De l’imprimerie de Camille

Mellinet) 1839. Oct. (FU. nant.).

Publ.: 1839, p. [1*, 11*], [1]-[v], [1]-725, 1 pl. Copies: G, MO, NY. — Motto on t.p. “Qui fait aimer les champs fait aimer la vertu (Delille).”

Moldenhawer, Johann Jacob Paul (1766-1827), German botanist; born at Hamburg; professor of botany at Kiel University and director of the Diisternbrook forestry school (Moldenh.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: KIEL (rd. 6 Feb 1845 from his daughter Pauline Moldenhawer) (destroyed).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 22: 93-94; Barnhart 2: 502; BM 3: 1333; Dawson p. 615; Dryander 3: 52; DSB 9: 455-456; Herder p. 417; Kew 4: 27; LS suppl. 18641; Moebius p. 166, 167, 177, 206, 207; PR 6357-6358 (ed. 1: 7045-7046); Rehder 5: 583; Tucker 1: 494. Anon., Bot. Zeit. 3: 262-263. 1845.

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. von im Prahl, P., Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 38. 1890. Harvey-Gibson, R. J., Outlines hist. bot. 78, 79, 107, 112, 113, 1914.

Hornemann, J., Nat. Tidskr. 1: 580-581. 1837.

Junk, W., Rara 1: 15. 1900-1913.

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 140-142, 144, 276, Abb. 76. 1973 (portr.).

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 458. 1846 (b. 11 Feb 1766, d. 22 Aug 1827).

Schellenberg, G., Beth. Bot. Centralbl. 38(2): 390. 1921.

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 171. 1942.

Schrader, H. A., Gott. gel. Anz. 1: 718. 1802 (epon.).

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 83. 1880.

EPONYMY: Moldenhauera [sic] K. P. J. Sprengel (1824); Moldenhawera Schrader (1802).

  1. Jo. Jac. Pauli Moldenhawer Tentamen in historiam plantarum Theophrasti. Hamburgi (sumtibus Benjamin Gottl. Hoffmann) 1791. Oct. (Tent. hist. pl. Theophr.).

Publ.: 1791, p. [1]-151, [152, err.]. Copies: NY, USDA.

Ref.: Usteri, P., Neue Ann. Bot. 3: 95-103. 1794.

Moldenke, Charles Edward (1860-1935), German-born American clergyman, egypto- logist and botanist; emigrated to U.S. in early youth; B. A. Columbia college 1879, M.A. id. 1883; Dr. phil Strasbourg 1886; ordained 7 Oct 1885; pastor at Jersey City 1885-1890; in New York City 1890-1896, at Mt. Vernon 1897-1909; retired 1909 to Watchung, N.J. to engage in travelling and private study. (C. Moldenke).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: NY. — Duplicates distributed by H. N. Moldenke.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 502; IH 2: 547; Rehder 5: 583; Tucker 1: 494.

Anon., Plainfield Courrier News 19 Jan 1935, 23 Jan 1935; New York Herald Tribune 19 Jan 1935; Science 81: 191. 1935.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant life 2: 73. 1946 (epon.).

  1. Ueber die in altdgyptischen T exten erwahnten Baume und deren Verwerthung. Inaugural-

Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwiirde an der Kaiser-Wilhelms-

Universitat Strassburg ... Leipzig (Druck von Breitkopf & Hartel) 1886. Oct. (Altdgypt.


Publ.: 1886 (Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1887; Bot. Zeit. 25 Nov 1887), p. [1]-149. Copies: MICH, NY, US.

Moldenke, Harold Norman (1909-x), American botanist; Ph. D. Columbia 1934; curator at the New York Botanical Garden 1934-1951; son of CG. E. Moldenke. (Moldenke).

HERBARIUM and Types: Mainly at NY. For further details see IH.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 502; BEM 3209;BL 1: 198, 309; Bossert p. 271;

GR p. 233; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Moldenke’’); IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 548; Kew 4: 27-31; Langman

p- 514-517; Lenley p. 296; MW p. 329, suppl. p. 224-225; NAF 28B(2): 347; NI 1396a; NW

p- 53; Pennell p. 614; PH 209; Roon p. 79; TL-2/1: 781; Zander ed. 10, p. 693, ed. 11, p. 791.

Anon., J. New York Bot. Gard. 32: 295. 1931 (coll. NY), 41: 19. 1940, 42: 31. 1941, 44: 18- 19. 1943, 50: 258. 1949; Taxon 1: 16. 1951.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 77. 1978.

Knobloch, I. W., Plant coll. N. Mexico 45. 1979 (coll.),

Merrill, E. D., Contr. natl. herb. U.S. 30(1): 215. 1947.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant life 2: 8-10, 73. 1948 (autobiogr.; portr., b. 11 Mar 1909; epon.); & A. L. Moldenke, Plants of the Bible, Waltham, Mass. 1952, 364 p.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 71. 1955.

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. g: 285. 1952 (left NY).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) NAF, Eriocaulaceae 19(1): 17-50. 27 Nov 1937.

(2) Phytologza, vols. l-x, 1933-x; founder, editor, owner.

(3) Flora of Suriname (ed. A. A. Pulle), Avicenniaceae, 4(2): 322-325. Jul 1940.

(4) Flore de Madagascar (ed. H. Humbert), Verbénacées, fam. 174, p. [1]-273, Avzcenniacées, fam. 174bis, p. [1]-5. Oct 1956.

EPONYMY: Moldenkea Traub (1951).

  1. The observed flora of Watchung, N. J. and its immediate vicinity together with a

schematic classification of the plant kingdom to orders ... Watchung, N.J. (The Elsinore

Press) 1934 [ed. 3]. (Fl. Watchung).

Ed. 1: 27 Mai 1933, 10 hectographed sheets. Copy: NY.

Ed. 2: 17 Oct 1933.

Ed. 3: 23 Mar 1934, p. [1]-59. Copies: B, BR, G, NY, US, USDA. — Watchung, N.J. (The Elsinore Press) 1934.

First suppl.: 4 Mai 1934.

Second suppl.: 2 Jun 1934.

Third suppl.: 4. Dec 1934.

Fourth suppl.: 28 Apr 1935, p. [1]-5. Copy: US.

Fifth suppl.: 1 Jan 1937, p. [1]-7. Copy: BR.

Sixth suppl.: 28 Aug 1937.

Seventh suppl.: 13 Jun 1938, p. [1]-2. Copies: BR, G, MO, US.

Faghth suppl: 1 Jun 1939, p. [1 ]-3. Copies: MO, US.

Ninth suppl.: 7 Sep 1939, p. [1]-2. Copies: MO, US.

Tenth suppl.: 18 Sep 1939, p. [1]-3. Copres: MO, US.

Eleventh suppl.: 17 Feb 1940, p. [1]-2. Copies: MO, US.

A hist of the observed flora of Watchung, N.J., and its immediate vicinity, Union County Park Commission, Elizabeth, N.J. 5 Nov 1940, p. [1]-44. Copy: MO.

Supplement one: 2 Sep 1941. Copies: G, MO.

  1. Cultivated plants [New York 1938]. (Cult. pl.). Publ.: 18 Nov 1938, mimeographed document, p. [1]-41. Copy: NY.

  2. The geographic distribution of the Avicenniaceae and certain genera of Verbenaceae [New York 20 Sep 1939]. (Geogr. distr. Avicenn.). Publ.: 20 Sep 1939, p. [1]-41. Copy: US. — Mimeographed document.

Molendo, Ludwig (1833-1902), German bryologist and journalist, editor of the Bayreu- ther Zeitung (1866-1868), Passauer Zeitung (1868-1875), Oberpfalzer Kurier (Regens- burg) 1875-1877; from 1877 of various journals in Bayreuth (1877-1878) and Miinchen. (Molendo).

HERBARIUM and Types: By far the greater part is at M (through herb. Lorenz, and Holler); further material at B, BR, C, GFW, IBF, KIEL, MANCH, U.— The Molendo herbarium mentioned by Familler (1911) at the ‘“Polytechnikum” of Munchen was probably never transferred to that institution. It is possible that the Molendo herbarium left in 1902 was



acquired by August Holler (1835-1905) whose herbarium came to M in 1906 (inf. H. Merxmiiler); Magdefrau (1978) confirms that M’s moss herbarium is-at M.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 12(1): 417; Barnhart 2: 502; BM 3: 1333; CSP 4: 429, 8:

423, 12:515; DTS 1: 197-198, 5: xxxui, 6(4): 170; GR p. 114 (orig. info.); Hegi 6(2): 1235;

Herder p. 265; IH 2: 548; Jackson p. 301; Kew 4: 31; LS 18055-18055a; PR 6359; Saccardo

I: III, 224, 225 (v. “16 Dec 1834”); SBC p. 127 ( ““Mol.’’); Urban-Berl. p. 308.

Anon., Biogr. Jahrb. 7: 79*; Bot. Not. 1903: 34 (d.); Nat. Nov. 24: 560. (d. 25 Jul 1902); Osterr. bot. Z. 14: 59. 1864 (20.000 crypt. coll. in Ampezzo); Rev. bryol. 29: 108. 1902.

Candolle, A. de, Phytographie 434. 1880 (mosses at Augsburg and GFW).

Familler, I., Denkschr. bay. bot. Ges. Regensb. 11: 9, 13, 15, 19. 1911 (has err..d. 24 Jul 1903).

Holler, A., Ber. bay. bot. Ges. 26: 274-276. 1903; Mitt. bay. bot. Ges. 1: 274-276. 1903.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 9: 40. 1903 (d.).

Magdefrau, K., Hoppea 37: 145. 1978 (b. 16 Dec 1833, d. 24 Jul 1902; moss herbarium at M).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Willkomm, M., Bot. Centralbl. 44: 432. 1890 (Molendo specimens for sale).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) With P. G. Lorentz (q.v), Beitrége zur Biologie und Geographie der Laubmoose, Moosstudien 2, 1864. (2) With Alexander Walther, Die Laubmoose Oberfrankens, 1868; see under Walther.

EPONYMY: Molendoa S. O. Lindberg (1878).

  1. Moos-Studien aus den Allgdéuer Alpen. Beitrage zur Phytogeographie von Ludwig

Molendo ... Leipzig (In Commission bei Wilhelm Engelmann) 1865. Oct.

Publ.: Oct 1865 (“vor wenig Tagen ...” Flora 31 Oct 1865), p. [i], [1]-163, [164]. Copies: B(2), FH, G, NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ber. naturh. Ver. Augsburg 18: 77- 240. 1865 (reprint with original pagination MO-Steere).

Ref.: Sauter, A., Flora 49: 16, 53-60. 1866 (rev.).

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 24: 39-40. 2 Feb 1866 (rev.).

  1. Lryologische Reisebilder aus den Alpen, zunachst aus den Kitzbtichler und ‘Tauern- Gruppen ... Regensburg (Druck der F. Neubauer’schen Buchdruckerei (Krug’s Wittwe)
  2. Oct.

Publ.: 1867, p. [i], [1]-123, [1 24, err. ], lit. [1 ]-12. Copies: B, NY.— Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 49: 193-198, 216-220, 225-233, 257-268, 295-304, 305-315, 325-332, 345-348, 361-367, 378-383, 421-432, 443-447, 456-462, 465-475, 506-511, 533-536. 1866; 50: 17- 25, 33-41. 1867.

  1. Bayerns Laubmoose. Vorlaufige Uebersicht mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Nieder- bayern... Leipzig (In Commission bei Wilhelm Engelmann) 1875. Oct. (Bayern. Laubm.). Publ.: late 1875 or early 1876 (t.p. 1875; p. 14: 1 Jul 1875; ““Neu”’, Hedwigia, Mar 1876; Bot. Zeit. 10 Mar 1876; Rev. bryol. Mai-Jun 1876), p. [1]-278. Copies: FH, H, NY. — Reprinted from g. Ber. naturh. Ver. Passau, 1875, p. 1-276. Ref.: Anon., Hedwigia 15(3): 48, (4): 55-58. 1876. Sauter, A., Flora 59: 365-368. 11 Aug 1876. GLK; Bot. Zeitr347 160,293) 1876; Geheeb, A., Rev. bryol. 3(1): 12-13. Jan-Mar 1876 (ann.).

Molina, Giovanni Ignazio (orig. Juan Ignacio) (1737-1829), Chilean jesuit priest, missionary, botanist and plant collector; to Italy 1768; professor of natural sciences Bologna 1774. (Molina).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown; some material at BOLO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 335; Barnhart 2: 503; BM 3: 1334, 7: 856; Bossert p. 271; Colmeiro 1: clxxxix; CSP 4: 432; Dryander 1: 257; DSB 9: 458; Frank 3(Anh.): 67; Hegi 1: 277, 5: 775; Hortus 3: 1200 (,,Mol.”’); IH 2: 548; Jackson p. 374; Kew 4: 32; PR 6362



(ed. 1: 7074); Rehder 5: 583; RS p. 120; Saccardo 1: 111, 2: 74; SO add. 7g91¢; Tucker 1:

494; Zander ed. 10, p. 693, ed. 11, p. 791.

Anon., Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 70: 269-274. 1910 (bibl.).

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 70. 1935 (biogr., refs.).

Chacon del Campo, J., Rev. chil. Hist. nat. 33: 214-216, 1929 (birth).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 261-262. 1977.

Fontecilla, A., Rev. chil. Hist. nat. 33: 223-225. 1929 (M. & Parmentier).

Gunckel, H., Ciencias, Bol. Univ. Chile 71/72: 46-53. 1966 (sources for bot. part Saggio) Revista Univ., Univ. catol. Chile 50-51(1): 3-5. 1966 (An. Acad. Chil. Ci. nat. 28-29: 3- 5. 1966). See also Rev. chil. Hist. nat. 33: 428-453. 1929 (bibl.).

Hernandez, J., Rev. chil. Hist. nat. 44: 2-3. 1940 (dedic.).

Jaramillo Barriga, R., El abate Juan Ignacio Molina, Santiago de Chile 1963; Revista Univ., Univ. Cat. Chile 52: 85-99. 1967 (An. Acad. Chil. Ci. nat. 30: 85-99. 1967 (on M’s Memorie di storia naturale, 1821, 1822)).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 467. 1864.

Keefe, Biologist 48(3-4): 53. 1966.

Liebermann, J., Physis 10: 316-321. 1931 (centenary of his death).

Looser, G., Bibl. bot. Chil. 1927 (n.v., fide Verdoorn 1945); Chron. bot. 6(11): 250. 1941 (bicent.).

Mackenna, B. V. & F. S. Astaburuaga, Anal. Univ. Chile 17: 600-634. 1860 (biogr., b. 24 Jun 1737, d. 12 Sep 1829).

Medina, J. F., Rev. chil. Hist. nat. 33: 169-170. 1929 (parents).

Munoz Pizarro, C., El. Mercurio, Chile, 26 Apr 1970, p. 7.

O’Ryan, E., Revista chil. Hist nat. 6(1): 3-4. 1902 (portr., bibl.).

Philippi, R. A., Bot. Zeit. 22 [Beil.]: 1-24. 1864 (commentary on Saggio).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 177. 1863.

Poiret, J. L. M., Enc. méth., Bot. 8: 741. 1808.

Puga Borne, F., Rev. chil. Hist. nat. 33: 7-14. 1929 (dedication).

Reiche, K., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Chile 6-8, 36. 1907 (Veg. Erde 8).

Turrill, W. B., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1920: 58-59.

MEMORIAL VOLUME: Revista Chilena de Historia natural, vol. 44. 1940 (dedication by J. Hernandez on p. 2-3; portr. on p. 1).

EPONYMY: Molina Cavanilles (1790); Molina Ruiz & Pavon (1794); Molina Gay (1851- 1852); Molinia Schrank (1789); Moliniopsis Hayata (1925); Neomolinia Honda et Sakisaka ex Honda (1930). Notes: Molinadendron Endress (1969) is dedicated to Antonio Molina Rositto (1926-x), Honduran botanist. Molinaea Commerson ex A. L. Jussieu (1789) is dedicated to Jean Des Moulins (Johannes Molinaeus) (1530-1622), French physician and botanist, pupil of Dalechamps and Rondelet at Montpellier, who translated the former’s Historia generalis plantarum into French (cf. TL-2/1297). Molineria Colla (1826), Molineria Parlatore (1850) and Molineriella Rouy (1913) commemorate Ignazio Bernardo Molineri (1741- 1818), Italian botanist, director of the botanical garden in Torino.

POSTAGE STAMPS: Chile 2 e. (1968) yv. 326; 1 e. (1968) yv. av. 247.

  1. Compendio della storia geografica, naturale, e civile del Regno del Chile. Bologna (nella

Stamperia di S$. Tommaso d’Aquino ...) 1776. Oct. (Comp. storia Chile).

Publ.: 1776 (imprimatur 5 Feb 1776), p. [1]-viii, [1 ]-245, [246, impr. ], pl. 7-70, 2 maps. Copy: NY. — Precursor of Saggio.

  1. Saggio sulla storia naturale del Chili del signor Abate Giovanni Ignazio Molina. In

Bologna (Nella Stamperia di S. Tommaso d’Aquino ...) 1782. Oct. (Sag. stor. nat. Chilt).

Ed. 1: 12 Oct- 31 Oct 1782 (impr.: 12 Oct 1781), p. [1]-367, [368, err., impr.], map. Copy: NY.—See Philippi (1864) for a commentary.

Ed. 2: 1810, frontisp. portr. Molina, p. [i*-vi*], 1-v, 1-306, [1-2, err.], map. Copies: FI, NY.— see Philippi (1864) (id.).

German: 1786, p. [1-xiv], [1]-328, 1 map. Copy: MO. — Versuch emer Naturgeschichte von Chili . . . aus dem Italianischen tbersetzt, von J. D. Brandis, .. .” Leipzig (bey Friedrich Gotthold Jacobaer) 1786. Oct. (Vers. Naturgesch. Chilt). (Joachim Dietrich Brandis 1762-?).



French: 1789, p. [iJ-xvi, [1]-351, [352]. Copies: FI, MO, NY; IDC 5451. — Essar sur Phistorre naturelle du Chili... traduit de Italien, & enrichi de notes, par M. Gruvel, D. M. A Paris (Chez Neé de la Rochelle, ...) 1789. Oct. (Essaz hist. nat. Chili).

Spanish: 1788-1795, 2 vols. Copy: UC. —“‘Compendio de la historia geografica, natural y civil del reyno de Chile, escrito en italiano . . . traducida en espanol por Don Domingo Joseph [vol. 2: por Don Nicolas de la Cruz y Bahamonde] en Madrid” (en la imprenta de Sancha) 1788, 1795. Oct. (Comp. hist. nat. Chile). Inf. R. Schmid.

1: 1788, p. [i]-xx, 1-418.

2: 1795, frontisp., [i]-xvi, map, 1-382, [384], 3 charts.

English( 1): 1808, 2 vols. Copies: NY, UC. —“* The geographical, natural and cwwil history of Chili. By abbe don J. Ignatius Molina. Illustrated by a half-sheet map of the country. With notes from the Spanish and French versions, and an appendix, containing copious extracts from the Araucana of Don Alonzo de Ercilla. Translated from the original Italian, by an American gentleman ... Middletown (Conn.) (printed for I. Riley) 1808. Oct. (in fours). (Geogr. nat. hist. Chile).

1: 1808 (registered 11 Aug 1808), p. [1*-vii*], [i]-xii, map, [1]-271, [1].

2: 1808, p. [1*], [1]-viii, [1]-305, [306, err. ].

Appendix: 1808, [i]-iv, 5-68. “An appendix to the civil and political history of Chili, consisting of a sketch of the Araucana of Don Alonzo de Ercilla ... New York (published by Alsop, Brannan and Alsop, ...) 1808. Oct. (in fours).

Facsimile ed: s.d., AMS Press. Copy: MICH.

English(2): 1809, 2 vols. Copies: MICH, MO, NY. —“‘ The geographical, natural, and civil history of Chile. Translated from the original Italian ... to which are added, notes from the Spanish and French versions, and two appendices, by the English editor; the first, an account of the archipelago of Chiloe, ... P. F. Pedro Gonzalez de Agueros; the second, an account of the native tribes ... from Falkner’s description of Patagonia ... [London] (Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, ...) 1809. Oct.

1: 1809, p. [i]-xx, [1]-321, map.

2: 1809, p. [1i]-xu, [1]-385.

Molisch, Hans (1856-1937), Moravian (Austrian) botanist; Dr. phil. Wien 1879; habil. id. 1885; at the Pflanzenphysiol. Inst. Wien 1880-1889; at Graz and Praha 1889-1908; from 1909-1928 director of the Pflanzenphysiol. Inst. Wien. (Molzsch).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at PRC and W(?).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 503; BEM 2730, 2794, 2795; BJI 2: 119; BM 3: 1334, 7: 856; CSP 10: 833-834, 12: 515, 17: 308-309; De Toni 4: xl; GR p. 455; Hirsch p. 202; IH 2: 549; Jackson p. 108; Kelly p. 150; KR p. 504; Lenley p. 295; LS 18059-18066, 37053-

37055, suppl. 18656-18667; Maiwald p. 247, 281; Moebius p. 454 [index]; MW p. 329;

Rehder 5: 583; SK 1: 367; Tucker 1: 494.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 23: 171. 1885 (habil. Wien), 39: 367. 1889 (app. Graz), 52: 80. 1892 (member Leopoldina), 53: 271. 1893, 58: 191. 1894 (app. Praha), 71: 335. 1897 (will work at Buitenzorg 1897/1898), 74: 335. 1898 (back from Buitenzorg), 111: 496. 1909 (succeeds Wiesner); Bot. Jahrb. 11, Beibl. 25: 8. 1889, 19 (Beibl. 48): 24. 1894 (ord. prof. anat. physiol. pl. Praha); Hedwigia 50(Beibl. 2): (89). tg10 (app. Wien), 71 (Beibl. 1): (108) 1931 (Berlin Akad.), 73(Beibl. 1): (84). 1933 (Vice-Pras. Akad. Wien), 76(Beibl. 2): (142). 1936 (Darmstadt, Dr. h. c.), 78(Beibl. 1): (74). 1938 (d.); Mikrochemie 23: 127-128. 1937 (d.); Nature 141: 108-109. 1938 (d. 8 Dec 1937); Osterr. bot. Z. 59: 455. 1909 (succeeds Wiesner at Univ. Wien), 87: 80. 1938 (d.).

Benedetti-Pichler, A. A. et al., Mikrochemie, Molisch Festschrift 1936, see below.

Bode, H., Gartenflora 78: 66. 1929 (portr.).

Freitag, H., Radiologica 2: 1-3. 1938.

Gertz, O., Bot. Not. 1938: 318-325 (obit.; ill. of plaquette (medal) of 1928 by Joseph Taurenhayn.

Ho6fler, K., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 56: (161)-(199). 1938 (obit., portr., bibl.), Scientia pharm. Q: 4-5. 1938; Pharm. Monatsch. 18: 209-210. 1937; Phyton 7: 199-205. 1957.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 15: 16. tg09 (reg. member Austrian Acad. Sci.).

Krumbiegel, I., Gregor Mendel 139. 1967.

Kuster, E., Z. wiss. Mikrosk. 54: 377-378. 1938.



Molisch, H., Erinnerungen und Welteindrtcke eines Naturforschers, 1934, 232 p. (auto- biogr.).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 1765. 1938, 7a: 341. 1958 (further biogr. refs.).

Richter, O., Lotos 65: 33-42. 1917 (60. birthday; bibl.); Verh. naturf. Ver. Brinn 60: 115- 149. 1927 (70. birthday, portr., rev. publ.), Gartenbauwiss. 1: 297-327. 1929 (portr., rev. publ.).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 78-79. 1938 (portr., obit., b. 6 Dec 1856, d. 8 Dec 1937).

Weber, F., Protoplasma 1(3): 432-433. 1937-

Weevers, Th., Ann. Jard. bot. Buitenzorg 48: 121-122. 1938.

Wulff, E. V., Instr. hist. pl. geogr. 60, 92, 131, 136. 1943.

FESTSCHRIET: (1) Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 60: 115-149. 1926 (7oth birthday; bibl., tribute). (2) Mikrochemie, 1936, Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Hofrat. Prof. Dr. Hans Molisch, Wien und Leipzig 1936, viii, 454 p. (portr.), see also E. Janchen, Osterr. bot. Z. 86(1): 68. 1937.

  1. Vergleichende Anatomie des Holzes der Ebenaceen und ihrer Verwandten ... Wien [k.k.

Hof- und Staatsdruckerei], [1879]. Oct.

Publ.: 1879 (submitted 10 Jul 1879), p. [1]-30. Copy: G.— Reprinted and to be cited from S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien 80(1): 54-83. Jul 1879 [publ. Jul-Dec 1879].

  1. Als Naturforscher in Indien ... Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1930. Oct. (Naturf.


Publ.: 1930, p. [i]-xii, [1]-276. Copy: FI. — See also R. Wettstein, Osterr. bot. Z. 79: 374. 1930.

Molkenboer, Julianus Hendrik (1816-1854), Dutch botanist; Dr. med. Leiden 1640; practicing physician at Leiden 1840-1854. (Molk.).

HERBARIUM and Types: L; bryophyte duplicates e.g. at H; Javanese material also at U.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 377; Barnhart 2: 503; BL 2: 440, 692; BM 3: 1334;

Bossert p. 271; CSP 4: 433; Herder p. 466 [index]; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 549; Jackson p. 375,

385, 396; JW 1: 446, 451, 2: 197, 3: 363, 4: 398; Kew 4: 33; MW p. 329; NI 524-526 (Dozy,

Fr.); Oudemans 2: 250-251; PR 6363-6364 (ed. 1: 7049); Rehder 5: 583; SBC p. 127

(‘“Molk.”); Stevenson p. 1251; TL-1/308-310, 867; TL-2/ 679, 1509-1512, 1513, see Dozy,

He ucker 1: 4Q4:

Anon., Alg. Konst. Letterbode 1854: 301; Bonplandia 3: 343. 1855 (cont. Bryol. jav. by Dozy); Flora 38: 160. 1855.

Hogrell, B., Bot. Not. 1888: 206.

Molkenboer, J. H., Catalogue de la bibliothéque de feu Mr. J. H. Molkenboer, Leiden “1855, 31 p. (sale library 20 Mar 1855).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 13: 227-230. 1855.

Sirks, M. J. Ind. natuurond. 300 [index]. 1915.

Smit, P., Van floristiek tot moleculaire biologie [Nijmegen 1970], p. 3-5 (portr., catalogue of exhibition).

Stafleu, F. A., Regnum vegetabile 71: 329, 339. 1970.

Steenis-Kruseman, M. L., Blumea 25: 37, 38. 1979 (see also p. 93).

Suringar, W. F. R., Eigen Haard 21: 773-774. 1895 (on M., Oudemans and Suringar).

Vriese, W. H. de, Julianus Hendrik Molkenboer, overleden te Leiden den 17 September 1854, [Leiden s.d.], 6 p.

Wachter, W. H., Ned. kruidk. Arch. 55: 26, pl. opp. p. 26. 1945 (1947) (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Nederlands kruidkundig Archief, vols. 1-2, 3(1-2). 1846-1854, editor. (2) Miquel, F. A. W., Plantae Junghuhnianae, Umbelliferae-Loranthaceae.

(3) Bosch, R. B. v., Prodromus florae batavae, editor of vol. 2(1), see Tl-2/679.

(4) See F. Dozy, TL-2/1509-1512. Note: Dozy & Molkenboer, Musc. frond. archip. ind., no. 1509, was published 5-10 Aug 1844 fide Ned. Staatscourant 17 Aug 1844.


MOLKENBOER EPONYMY: Molkenboeria de Vriese (1854).

  1. Specimen medicum inaugurale, de Colocynthide, quod, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate rectoris magnifici ... nec non amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae Facultatis medicae decreto, pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus et privilegiis, in Academia lugduno-batava rite et legitime consequendis, publico et solemni examini submittit Julianus Henricus Molkenboer. Harlemensis. Ad diem xii Octobris mdcccxl, hora i-ii. In auditorio majori. Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (apud J. W. van Leeuwen) 1840. Oct. (De Colocynth.).

Publ.: 12 Oct 1840, p. [i-vill], [1]-67. Copy: U.

  1. Flora leidensis. Sive elenchus plantarum spontanearum phanerogamicarum, quae

hucusque prope Lugd. Batavorum repertae sunt, secundum ordines naturales digestus .. .

Accedit clavis generum, secundum systema sexuale Linneanum. Lugduni Batavorum

[Leiden] (sumptibus J. W. van Leeuwen) 1840. Oct. (FV. leid.).

Co-author: Goenraad Kerbert, Jac. fil. (1816-1857) (see NNBV ro: 129. 1862).

Publ.: Mar 1840 (fide testimonium by printer, La Lau, in copy FAS; Hinrichs, Leipzig 3-9 Mai 1840; preface Feb 1840), p. [i]-xxxii, [1]-380, [1, err.). Copies: FAS, KNAW, L(2), NY, USDA.

Note: no. 6211 has not been assigned.

  1. Biydrage tot de flora cryptogamica van Nederland, door F. Dozy en J. H. Molkenboer ... te

Leiden (bij S. en J. Luchtmans) 1844. Oct. (Badr. fl. crypt. Nederland).

Co-author: Francois Dozy (1807-1856).

Eerste stuk: Dec 1844, p. [1]-40. Copy: KNAW. — Reprinted from Tijdschr. nat. Gesch. Physiol. 11: 376-414. Dec 1844.

Tweede stuk: 1845, p. [1]-22, pl. Vil), VI(ID) (col. liths. P. M. Trap). Copy: KNAW. — Reprinted from id. 12: 257-288. Mar 1846.

Derde stuk: 1846, n Ned. kruidk. Arch. 1(1): 46-57. 1846.

  1. Prodromus florae bryologicae surinamensis auctoribus F. Dozy et J. H. Molkenboer, ... accedit: Pugillus specierum novarum florae bryologicae Venezuelanae. Haarlem (edide- runt de Erven Loosjes, in commissione apud Arnz & Co. Dusseldorpii) 1854. Qu. (Prodr. fl. bryol. Surinam.).

Co-author: Frangois Dozy (1807-1856) (Note: the Prodromus should be attributed to “Dozy and Molkenboer’’).

Publ.: 1854, p. [i], [1]-54, pl. 1-19 (A. J. Kouwels del.). Copies: NY, U. — Natuurk. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wet., tweede Verzameling, vol. 10(3), 1854. — Mainly based on the collections made in Suriname by H. C. Focke (1835-1850) and F. L. Splitgerber (1837- 1838); original collections all at L.

Moll, Jan Willem (1851-1933), Dutch phytographer; Dr. Phil. Leiden 1876; high school teacher at Utrecht 1876-1890; from then on professor of botany at Groningen and director of the botanical garden until 1917. (7. Moll).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: GRO; further material at B and K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Backer p. 377; Barnhart 2: 503; BM 3: 1334-1335, 7: 856;

CSP 4: 434, 8: 424, 10: 834, 12: 515, 17: 309; Hirsch p. 202; IH 2: 549; Jackson p. 73, 81; JW

1: 446, 2: 197; Kew 4: 33-34; LS 37056-37057; Morren ed. 10, p. 91; Rehder 5: 583; SO 895;

Tucker 1: 494; Urban-Berl. p. 376.

Andreas, Ch. H., In en om een botanische tuin, Hortus groningianus 1626-1966, p. 166, 168, 169-178, 179, 185. 1976.

Anon., Nat. Nov. 12: 424. 1890 (app. Groningen); Osterr. bot. Z. 40: 466. 1890 (app. Groningen).

Itallie-v. Embden, W. v., Nieuwe Rotterd. Courant 12 Jun 1926.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 46 (Papaverac. at K).

Moll, J. W., Herb. Hort. bot. Groningen 19, 33. 1918 (herb.).

Schoute, J. C., Nieuwe Rotterdammer Courant 2 Jun 1931; In memoriam Prof. Dr. J. W.



Moll 3 Junie 1851 — 24 Sept 1933, s.l.n.d., 5 p. (portr.); Ned. kruidk. Arch. 44: 105-109. 1934 (obit., d. 24 Sep 1933, portr.).

Sirks, M. J., Ind. natuurond. 208. 1915.

Wachter, W. H., Ned. kruidk. Arch. 55: 98. 1945 (1947) (portr.).

THESIS: De invloed van celdeeling en celstrekking op den groet, Utrecht (L. E. Bosch en Zoon) 1876, Oct. p. [i-iv], [1]-88, [89-90], 2 pl. Copy: FI. (defended at Leiden 13 Jun 1876).

  1. Handboek der Plantbeschryving ... Groningen (J. B. Wolters) 1g00. Oct. (Handb. Pl.-


Ed. 1: Nov 1900 (Bot. Centralbl. 5 Dec 1900; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1900; Bot. Zeit. 1 Mar 1901), p. [i]-vii, 1-143. Copres: BR, U.

Ed. 2: 1912 (preface 30 Dec 1911; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1913), p. [i-iii], 1-168. Copy: U.

Ed. 3: 1916 (p. 8: 27 Dec 1915), p. [1,11], [1]-196. Copies: FAS, U.

  1. Rapport sur quelques cultures de Papavéracées, faites dans le Jardin botanique de P Université de Groningue (Pays-Bas), pendant les années 1892 et 1893, ... Bois-le-Duc (s'-Hertogenbosch) (Robijns & Cie.) 1894. Oct. (Rapp. Papaver.).

Co-authors: A. Fiet (x-1g21), W. Pijp.

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1894 (Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1894), p. [1]-22. Copy: FI.

  1. Mikrographie des Holzes der auf Java vorkommenden Baumarten, im Auftrage des

Kolonial-Ministeriums, unter Leitung von Dr. J. W. Moll ... bearbeitet von H. H.

Janssonius, im Anschlusz[sic] an ““Additamenta ad cognitionem florae arboreae javanicae,

auctoribus S. H. Koorders et Th. Valeton”’, ... Leiden (Buchhandlung und Druckerei

vormals E. J. Brill) 1906-1936, 6 vols. (Mzkrogr. Holz.).

Authorship: J. M. Moll provided the general part (Einleitung), Hendrik Hayo Janssonius (1874-?) was the author of the main part of the text. For Koorders and Valeton, to whose Bydr. boomsoort. Fava the Mikrogr. Holz. is complementary, see TL-2/3862.

1(r): Dec 1906, p. [1]-368.

1(2): late 1908, p. [1-111], 369-568, [1, err.].

2(2): 1908 or 1909, p. [1]-160.

2(3): Jan-Apr 1911 (US rd. g Mai 1911), p. 161-540. 3(4): 1914, p. [1]-336.

3(5): 1918, p. 337-764.

4(6): early Jan 1920 (US rd. 18 Jan 1920), p. [1]-288. 4(7): Jan-Mar 1925 (US rd. 7 Apr 1925), p. [i, err.], 289-576. 4(8): Jan-Jun 1926 (US rd. 21 Jun 1928), p. 577-874. 5(g): 1928 (US rd. 31 Oct 1928), p. [i-iii], [1]-292. 5(10): 1930, p. 293-835, [836, err.].

6(11/12): 1934, p. [1 ]-288.

6(13): Feb-Mar 1936 (p. 611: Jan 1936, US rd. 16 Apr 1936), p. 289-611 (828?). Index: 1936 (US rd. 4 Dec 1936), p. [i-iv], [1]-94. Copy: US. — Our data are incomplete and require further checking.

  1. Het herbarium van den Hortus botanicus der Ryks-Universitert te Groningen. Korte beschrij- ving en aanwijzingen voor het gebruik ... Groningen (Boekdrukkerij M. de Waal) 1918. Oct. (Herb. Groningen).

Publ.: 1918, p. [i, ii], [1 ]-38, [1.] loose, on herb. Copies: FAS, GRO.

  1. Botanical pen-portraits ... The Hague [’s-Gravenhage] (Martinus Nijhoff) 1923. Oct. (Bot. pen-portr.).

Co-author: Hendrik Hayo Janssonius (1874-?).

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1923 (Nat. Nov. Mai 1923), p. [iii]-viii, [1]-4.72. Copy: U.

  1. Phytography as a fine art, comprising Linnean description, micrography and penpor- traits... Leiden (E. J. Brill...) 1934. Oct. (Phytography).

Editor: Johannes Cornelis Schoute (1877-1942).

Publ.: 1934 (p. xiv: Jul 1934; Nat. Nov. Feb 1935), [iii]-xix, [1]-534, pl. 1-7. Copies: MO, U.


MOLL Ref.: Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 73: 141-142. 1935.

Moll, Karl Maria Ehrenbert, Freiherr von (1760-1838), German scientist, director of the mathematical-physical class of the Kgl. bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften at Miinchen. (A. Moll).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BR; duplicates at AWH and IBF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 22: 111-115; Barnhart 2: 503; BM 3: 1334, 7: 856; CSP 4: 434-435, 8: 424; DTS 1: 198-199; Dawson p. 98, 99; GR p. 455; IH 2: 549; Laségue p. 336, 337, 460; SO 1736; WU 1g: 2-8.

Anon., Flora 21: 80. 1838.

Hausmann, F. von, Fl. Tirol 1169. 1854.

Martius, C. P. v., Akad. Denkreden 95-112. 1866.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. v., Linnaea 19(2): 175. 1843 (d. 31 Jan 1838).

Schrank, F. von, Prim. fl. Salisburgensis 1792 (dedicated to M, with frontisp. portr.). Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 88. 1902.

Voigt, A., Bot. Inst. Hamburg 12. 1897.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Franz von Paula Schrank & K. E. Moll, Naturhistorische Briefe tiber Oestreich, 2 vols., Salzburg 1785, see under Schrank.

(2) Editor of Annalen [subseq. Ephemeriden and Neue Jahrbticher] der Berg- und Huttenkunde 21 vols., 1797-1812.

EPONYMY: Mollia Schrank ex S. O. Lindberg (1878). Note: Mollera O. Hoffmann (1890) and Molleriella G. Winter (1886) are dedicated to Adolpho Frederico Moller (1842-1920), German-born Portuguese botanist, inspector of the botanical garden of Coimbra, student of the flora of the island of Sao Tomé. Mollia J. F. Gmelin (1791, nom. rej.), Mollia Willdenow (1803), and Molla C. F. P. Martius (1826, nom. cons.) , are dedicated to L. B. von Moll, Bavarian politician. Molliardia Maire & Tison (1911) is dedicated to Marin Molliard (1866-1944), French plant physiologist and pathologist. Mollinedia Ruiz & Pavon (1794) is dedicated to Francisco de Mollinedo, Spanish chemist, working in the botanical garden of Madrid. Molloya C. F. Meisner (1855) is dedicated to Georgiana Molloy née Kennedy (1805-1843), English-born wife of an Australian government-officer. She collected many plants in W. Australia.

Molon, Francesco (1820-1885), Italian palaeobotanist at Vicenza (Molon).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 504; BM 3: 1335; Bossert p. 271; CSP 4: 438, 8: 425, 10: 834, 12: 516, 17: 311; Kew 4: 34; PR 6365; Quenstedt p. 299; Saccardo 1: 112, 2: 74. Anon., Bull. di Paleontol. ital. 11: 64. 1885 (bibl.).

EPONYMY: The name Molongum M. Pichon (1948) is a latinised version of the Brazilian vernacular plant name Molongo.

  1. Sulla flora terziaria delle Prealpi Venete considerazioni in rapporto alla genesi della flora

viviente ed alle anteriori condizioni fisico-geografiche ... Milano (coi tipi di Giuseppe

Bernardoni) 1867 [1868]. Qu. (F/I. tert. Prealpi Ven.).

Publ.: Jan 1868 (p. 3: 15 Jan 1868; t.p.: 1867), p. [1 ]-140. Copies: FI, G, US. - Memorie Soc. ital. Sci. nat. 2(3), 1867 (1868).

Moloney, Sir Cornelius Alfred (1848-1913), British colonial administrator in W. Africa from 1867; governor of Lagos 1887-1891; in the West Indies 1891-1904. (Moloney).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 504; BB p. 218; BL 1: 62, 309; BM 3: 1335; CSP 17: 311; IH 2: 550; Rehder 5: 583; Tucker 1: 494; Urban-Berl. p. 376.



Anon., Geogr. J. 501-502. 1913 (d.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 47 (410 specimens at K).

Moloney, C. A. et al., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1888: 149-156. (documents on botanical station at Lagos).

  1. Sketch of the forestry of West Africa with particular reference to its present principal

commercial products... London (Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, . . .) 1887.

Oct. (Sketch for. W. Africa).

Publ.: Jan-Mai 1887 (J. Bot. Jun 1887; Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1887), p. [iJ-vi, [1]-533. Copies: B, BR, MICH, MO, NY. — List of economic plants by John Masters Hillier (c. 1861-1930) on p. 269-458.

Monckton, Horace Woollaston (1857-1931), British barrister, botanist and geologist in Berkshire; treasurer of the Linnean Society 1905-1930. (Monckton).

HERBARIUM and Types: RNG; other material OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRaAPHy: Barnhart 2: 504; BL 2: 229, 268, 692; BM 7: 858; Clokie p. 213; CSP 10: 835, 17: 316-317; Desmond p. 445; IH 2: 551; Kew 4: 36; Quenstedt p. 299- 300.

Anon., J. Bot. 69: 55-56. 1931; Nature 127: 206. 1931.

Bowen, H. J. M., The flora of Berkshire 62. 1968.

Druce, G. C., Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isl., Rep. 9(5): 629. 1932 (d.).

Herries, R. S., Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 87(4): Ixvi-lxviii. 1931 (obit., d. 14 Jan 1931). Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 69. 1957 (herb.).

Pearsall, W. H., Fl. Surrey 56. 1931.

Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 69: 55-56. 1931.

Woodward, A. S., Proc. Linn. Soc. 143: 186-188. 1931.

  1. The flora of the Bagshot district, the area of the main mass of the Bagshot sands ... London (printed for the author) 1916. Qu. (Fl. Bagshot distr.).

Publ.: Feb-Apr 1916 (p. 6: 1 Jan 1916; J. Bot. Mai 1916), p. [1]-32. Copies: MO, NY. Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 54: 94-95. 1916.

  1. The flora of the district of the Thames valley drift between Maidenhead and London... London (printed for the author/Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd. ...) 1919. Oct. (FU. Thames valley drift).

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1919 (J. Bot. Feb 1919), p. [1]-81. Copy: E.-Inf. J. Edmonston.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 57: 47-48. 1919.

Monguillon, Eugéne Louis Honoré (1865-1940), French teacher and cryptogamist; at various schools in the département Sarthe; after 1923 retired at Mans. (Mong.).

HERBARIUM and Types: COLO; other material BR, DBN, E, PC, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 505; BM 3: 1337, 5: 2093; CSP 17: 319; GR p. 288, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 551 (both entries); Kew 4: 36; LS 18094-18095, 37081, suppl. 18736; SBC p. 127 (““Mong.’’).

Anon., Le Monde des Plantes 7: 74. 1898.

Delaunay, Rev. bryol. lichénol. 15(1-2), 1945. (1946).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970 (bryoph.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977 (2000 at COLO).

Synnott, D. M., Glasra 4: 26. 1980 (bryoph. DBN).

COMPOSITE woRKs: With I. Thériot (q.v.), Muscinées du Département de la Sarthe, Le Mans 1899.

  1. Catalogue descriptif des lichens du département de la Sarthe. Le Mans (imprimerie de

l'Institut de bibliographie ancienne Maison Monnoyer ...) 1901. Qu. Publ.: Sep-Nov 1901 (Bot. Centralbl. 22 Nov rgo1; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1901; p. 180: Aug



1901), cover, p. [1 ]-180. Copies: FH, Stevenson. —To be cited from Bull. Acad. int. Géogr. bot. vols. 8-11, as follows:

8: 79-86, 1 Feb; 105-108, 1 Mar; 113-117, 1 Apr; 155-163, 1 Jun; 203-209, 1 Jul; 213-2109, 1 Sep; 251-258, 1 Oct; 282-285, 1 Nov; 310-318, 1 Dec 1899.

9: 53-56, 1 Feb; 79-84, 1 Mar; 118-128, 1 Mai; 149-152, 1 Jun; 168-176, 1 Jul; 199-208, 1 Sep; 240-248, 1 Nov; 275-280, 1 Dec 1go0.

ro: 16-24, 1 Jan; 41-48, 1 Feb; 56-57, 1 Apr; 110-120, 1 Mai; 236-240, 1 Oct; 260-263, 1 Nov; 287-296, 1 Dec 1901.

TI: 33-40, 1 Jan; 113-128, 1 Apr; 274-275, 1 Aug 1902.

Premier supplément: [le Mans 1906] (p. 1: Dec 1905), p. [1]-30. Copy: Stevenson. — To be cited from Bull. Acad. int. Géogr. bot. 15: 153-182. Aug-Sep 1906.

Deuxiéme supplément: [Le Mans, 1914], (p. [186]: Dec 1913, imprimatur 25 Mai 1914), Bull. Acad. int. Géogr. bot. 23: 186-204. 1914. Copy: Stevenson.

Troisiéme supplément: [Le Mans 1938], (p. 125: 20 Jun 1938), p. [113]-154. Copy: Stevenson. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Agric. Sarthe Ser. 3, 7: 113-154. 1938.

Monnard, Jean Pierre (1791-?), Swiss botanist and high school teacher at Nyon. (Monnard).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 505; CSP 4: 442; Hortus 3: 1200; PR (alph.) (ed. 1: 7064), TL-2/1971-1972.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Edited Gaudin, Syn. fl. Helv., 1836, see TL-2/1972.

  1. Observations sur quelques cruciféres décrites par M. Decandolle dans le second volume de

son Systema naturale regni vegetabilis; par J. P. Monnard, ... avec des notes de M. Gay...

a Paris (chez Crochard, ...) 1826.) Oct.

Collaborator: Claude Gay (1800-1873).

Publ.: Apr 1826, p. [1]-31, with special cover. Copies: FI, G(2).— Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat. 7: 389-419. 1826.

Monnet, Paul-Louis (x-1915), French botanist, consul-general of France in San Francis- co 1912; died on the battle fields of France in World War I. (Monnet).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at CAS and P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 505; BJI 2: 119; IH 2: 551; MW p. 330.

Monnet, P.L., La Géographie 30: 408-411, 493. 1915 (letter on American desert written 7 Jun 1915 at Epinal, in active service, followed by a note on his death on 26 Oct 1915 “blessé mortellement en réparant une ligne téléphonique sous un bombardement intense’; see also note reprinted from Dec 1915 issue reprinted on p. [10] of his La Californie).

  1. Explorations botaniques. La Californie et les grands déserts américains. Notes et

études. Avec une préface de M. Gaston Monnier. .. publié par les soins de Raphaél Monnet

... Paris (Librairie générale de l’enseignement, ...) [1915]. 16-mo. (La Calzfornie).

Preface (biogr. note) by: Gaston Eugéne Marie Bonnier (1851-1922) on p. 7-9; on p. [10] a note on M’s death reprinted from La Géographie 1915(6). Dec 1915.

Publ.: Dec 1915, p. [3]-244, [1, cont.], pl. 1-32, frontisp. portr. of author. Copies: MO, US.

Monnier, Auguste. (1800-?), French botanist at Nancy. (Monmnier).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 237; Barnhart 2: 505; BM 3: 1337; CSP 4: 443; Herder p. 304; IH 2: 551;Jackson p. 133; Kew 4: 37; Langman p. 518-519; PR 6369 (ed. 1:

7066). Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 434. 1880 (herb. NCY).



  1. Essai monographique sur les Hieractum et quelques genres voisins. Nancy (de

Vimprimerie de C.-J. Hissette) 1829. Oct. (in fours). (Ess. monogr. Hieracium).

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1829 (BF 19 Dec 1829; Flora Sep-Oct 1830), p. [1]-92, pl. 1-5. Copies: FI, G, IE M@SINY (2)> PH:

Ref.: Heinhold, G., Lit. Ber. Flora 1: 49-63. Jan-Feb 1831.

Monroe, Charles Edwin (1857-1931), American botanist, LL.B. Univ. Mich. 1880; lawyer at Elyria (1880-1881), Washington, D.C. 1881-1884 and Madison, Wisconsin 1884- 1930; at Oberlin 1930-1931. (Monroe).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 505; CSP 17: 322; IH 2: 552; Pennell, p. 614. Benke, H. C., Torreya 36: 117-123. 1936 (studies on the Monroe coll. of Aster at MIL; b. 28 Mar 1857, d. 12 Mai 1931; biogr. notice by A. F. Fuller on p. 117).

Montagne, Jean Pierre Francois Camille (1784-1866), French crytogamist; military physician 1815-1830; afterwards private scientist at Paris. (Mont.).

HARBARIUM and typEs: His cryptogamic herbarium numbering 15.000 specimens and containing many of his types was received by PC in 1866. Some of Montagne’s types are in collections by Hampe, Wilson and Bescherelle which were acquired by BM. Most of the phanerogams from Montagne’s herbarium were acquired by J. de Parseval-Grandmaison, whose herbarium is at LY. Types of lichens and bryophytes from the Canary Islands are in the Webb herbarium at FI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 61, 116, 155, 215, 237, 345; Barnhart 2: 506;

BL 1: 225; BM 3: 1338-1339; Bossert p. 272; Cesati p. 271; Clokie p. 213; Colmeiro 1:

clxxxix; CSP 4: 446-449, 8: 427, 12:517; De Toni 1: Ixxxvi, 2: Ixxxi, 4: xl; Frank 3(Anh.) 67;

GR p. 289, pl. [30], cat p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Herder p. 467; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2:

552; Jackson p. 148, 316, 340, 369, 370, 378; Kew 4: 37-38; KR p. 504; Kremp. 2: 188-192;

Laségue p. 102, 265, 289, 293, 296, 320, 545; LS 18106-18168, 37087-37090; Moebius p. 67,

94, 104; MW p. 330; NI 1471 (Orbigny), 1712-1714 (Sagra), 2116-2118 (Webb); Nord-

stedt p. 23; PR 6371-6385 (ed. 1: 7069-7100); Rehder 5: 584; RS p. 120; Saccardo 1: 180, 2:

74; SBC p. 127 (“Mont.’’); Stevenson p. 1251; TL-1/see p. 522; TL-2/412, 461, 1557, 1598,

1969, 1975, 2965; Tucker 1: 495; Urban-Berl. p. 289, 308.

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 374. 1971.

Anon., Bonplandia 2: 137. 1854 (foreign member Linn. Soc.), 3: 33. 1855 (cogn. Leopoldi- na: Vaillant), 6: 48. 1858 (id.), 8: 362. 1860 (illness), 9: 87. 1861 (id.); Bull. Soc. bot. France 12 (Rev. bibl.) 281-284. 1865, 13: 7. 1866, 13 (Bibl.): 47, 94. 1866, 14: vii. 1867, 15: xv. 1868, 23: cxcv. 1876 (phan. herb); Flora 49: 143-144. 1866; J. Bot. 4: 64. 1866; Osterr. bot. Z. 9: 303. 1859 (corr. memb. Akad. St. Petersb.), 10: 373-374. 1866 (illness), 16: 192. 1866 (d. g Jan 1866).

Bell, Proc. Linn. Soc. 2: 303. 1855.

Brongniart, Ad., Bull. Soc. bot. France 12: 278-284. 1865 (bibl.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 434. 1880.

Cap, P. A., Camille Montagne, Paris 1866, 98 p. (portr., bibl., extracts letters; mainly based on a mss. autobiogr.).

Costantin, J., Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 10. 16: xl-xli. 1934.

Dismier, G., Rev. bryol. 48: 28-29. 1921 (on herb. at PC).

Friren, A., Camille Montagne a Longwy. Histoire et analyse d’un manuscrit botanique. Metz 1905, 29 p. (ex Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz 24, 1905) (on mss. Florula longocastren- sis).

Gray, J. L., Letters A. Gray 835. 1893.

Gyelnik, V. K., Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. natl. Hung., Bot. 31: 56. 1938 (herb., lich.).

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 556 [index] 1918.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 47 (European pl. 1837-1844 at K).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 374-376. 1864.

Kalkman, C. & P. Smith, eds., Blumea 25: 94. 1979.

Koster, J., Taxon 18: 555. 1969 (alg. coll.).


Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (Canary Islands lichens at FI).

Leroy, J. F. et al., Bot. frang. Amér. nord 84, 225, 240, 241. 1957.

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 13-14, 127. 1907, 35: 35. 1910.

Merrill, E. D., Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 137. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. natl.

Herb. U.S. 30(1): 215-216. 1947.

Montagne, C., Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. Camille Montagne, Paris, 1852,

19 p. (bibl.).

Montagne, J. P. F. C., Syll. gen. sp. crypt. xv-xvul. 1856 (bibl.).

Muller, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traug. Ktitzing 289. 1960.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 169. 1904 (types BM).

Papenfuss, G. F., Isr. J. Bot. 17: 107. 1968 (bibl. Red sea alg.).

Prescott, G. W., Contr. bibl. antarct. subantarct. algae 289. 1979.

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 352 [index]. 1940.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 11. 1977.

Roumeguére, C., Nouveaux documents sur histoire des plantes cryptogames et phanéro- games. Paris 1876.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977 (bryoph. PC, FI).

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 24: 128. 1866.

Seemann, B., Bonplandia 1: 34, 52, 187. 1853; J. Bot 4: 64. 1866.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32: 32. 1977 (material at FI).

Tisseron, M., Arch. biogr. nécrol. 34: 197-208. 1859 (extract from Biogr. gén., Didot).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 109-110. 1898.

Vanlandingham, S. L., Gat. Diat. 6: 3571. 1978, 7: 4206-4207. 1978.

Wittrock, vi B. Age icra Berg. 3(2): 115. 1903, 3(3 . 108, pl. 141. 1905 (portr., b. 15 Feb 1784, d. 5 Jan 1866).

COMPOSITE woRKs: (1) Bélanger, C. P., Voy. Indes Or., see no. 412.

  1. Berkeley, M. J., Not. Brit. fung., collaborator, see no. 460.

  2. Dumont d’Urville, J. S. C., Voy. Péle Sud, Pl. cell., see no. 1557 (other copy: BR).

  3. Gaudichaud-Beaupré, C., Voy. Bonite Bot., sect 2, see no. 1969.

  4. Miquel, F. A. W. etal., Pl. Jungh., fasc. 4: 427-494. Lichenes (with R. B. van den Bosch).

  5. Webb, P. B. & S. Berthelot, Hist. nat. Iles Canaries, 3(2), sectio ultima, 1840, publ. 1841, p- [1*], [iJ-xv, [1]-208, pl. 7-9, is by Montagne, see under Webb & Berthelot. (7) Gay, Fl. Chil. vols. 7 and 8, see no. 1975. Montagne contributed treatments of cryptogams to numerous works. For a full review see his Syll. gen. Sp. crypt. (1856), p. xv-xvili and the indexes to TL-2.

EPONYMY: Montagnea E. M. Fries (1835); Montagnella Spegazzini (1881); Montagnellina F. von Hohnel (1912); Montagnina F. von Hohnel (1910); Montagnites E. M. Fries (1838); Montagnula Berlese (1896). Note: Montagnaea A. P. de Candolle (1836) is not dedicated to Montagne. It is an illegitimate correction of Montanoa La Llave et Lexarza (1825), which commerorates Luis Montafia (1755-?), Mexican physician and botanist. De Candolle corrected the spelling to reach a better correspondence with the pronunciation of the name Montana, and to avoid confusion with the name Montano.

  1. Notice sur les plantes cryptogames a ajouter a la flore frangaise [Paris 1833-1836]. Oct. Publ.: A series of papers in Arch. Bot., Guillemin and Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., in part reprinted with independent pagination. To be cited from journals. 1: Arch. Bot. Guillemin 1: 125-142. 11 Feb, 212-227. 11 Mar, 1833 (ferns, mosses, hepat.). 2: Arch. Bot., Guillemin 2: 6-21. 15 Jul, 289-309. 21 Oct, 1833, reprinted p. [1]-38, pl. 17,

  2. Copy: BR (lichens). 3: Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 2. 1: 295-307, Mai 1834 (Acad. d. 25 Aug 1834), 337-349. Jun 1834 (Akad. rd. 3 Nov 1834). 4: Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 2. 5: 280-291. Mai 1836, 337-348. Jun 1836, 6: 28-36. Jul 1836. Reprinted p. [1 ik 32, pl. 12, 13. Copy: FH (fungi). 5: Ann. Sci. nat. , Bot. ser. 2. 6: 321-339. Dec 1836. Reprinted p. [1]-19, pl. 18. Copy: FH (err. dated 1837). (algae and suppl.).

  3. Enumération des mousses et des hépatiques recueillies par M. Leprieur, dans la Guiane



centrale, et description de plusieurs nouvelles espéces de ces deux familles ... [Paris 1835].

Oct. (Enum. mousses Leprieur).

Collector: F. R. Leprieur (x-1869).

Publ.: Apr 1835, p. [1]-27. Copies: FH, H.— Reprinted from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser 2. 3: 193- 210, pl. 3, 4. 1835.

  1. Jungermanniearum herbari Montagneani species exposuerunt C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck et

C. Montagne. [Paris 1836]. Oct. (Fungermann. Montagn.).

Co-author: Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776-1858).

Publ.: Jan 1836, p. [1]-21. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Ann. Sci. nat. ser. 2. 5: 52-72, pl. 1-2. 1836. — Jan issue of journal rd. 6 Jun 1836 by Soc. géol. France (reprint = preprint?).

  1. Mémoire sur le genre Pilobole, et sur une nouvelle espéce découverte by C. Montagne,

D. M. [Lyon 1836]. Oct. (Mém. Pilobole).

Publ.: 1836, p. [1]-7, 1 hand col. lith. by author. Copies: FH, G, MICH, NY. — Reprinted from Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon 1: 135-141. 1836.

  1. Centurie 1-1x de plantes cellulaires nouvelles tant indigénes qui’exotiques. Reprint 1970.

Amsterdam (Linnaeus Press) 1970. Oct. (Cent. pl. cell.).

Publ.: 1970, ISBN g0-6105-021-9, p. [i-v], 1-670, pl. 1-20. Copy: FAS. — A consolidated reprint of a series of articles originally published in the Annales des Sciences naturelles, Botanque, 1837-1860 as follows.

Cent. nos/dec ser. vol. pages pages pl. pl. dates repr. repr. I 1-65 2 8 345-370 1-26 Dec 1837 66-100 9 38-57 27-46 5-6 1-2 Jan 1838 2 dec. 1-2 13 193-207 47-61 5-6 3-4 Apr 1840 » 3-5 13 339-359 62-82 Jun 1840 », 6-8 14 321-350 83-112 9-20 5-6 Dec 1840 nC) 16 108-128 113-133 Aug 1841 55. LO 16 266-282 134-150 16-17 7-8 Nov 1841 3 4. 07 119-128 151-160 Feb 1842 » 578 18 241-256 161-176 7 9 Oct 1842 » 5-3 18 257-282 177-202 Nov 1842 5» 9-10 19 53-85 203-235 2 10 Feb 1843 4 ptt 19 238-256 236-254 8&9 II-12 Apr 1843 As 257-266 255-264 Mai 1843 ose: 20 294-306 265-277 12 13 Nov 1843 », 8-10 20 352-379 278-305 15-16 14-15 Dec 1843 5 PO 3 4 86-123 306-343 5 16 Aug 1845 3» 7710 4 346-367 344-365 14 17 Dec 1845 6 ee 10 106-128 366-388 6 18 Aug 1848 129-138 389-396 Sep 1848 6 » 3-6 II 33-66 397-430 Jan 1849 2 7 II 235-246 431-442 Apr 1849 », 98-10 12 285-320 443-478 Nov 1849 i 5, I-10 5 333-374 479-520 Jun 1856 8 35) EB 4 6 179-199 521-541 Oct 1856 9» 455 7 ‘134-053 542-561 Mar 1857 Oey? | 4 8 285-310 562-587 1857 55 (O=7 9 53-68 588-603 Feb 1858 5 8 9 142-163 604-625 Mar 1858 55 9-10 1 167-192 626-650 Sep 1859 9 By =o 14 167-185 652-670 10-11 19-12 Sep 1860

Copies (facsimile reprint): FAS, U.—Sets of original reprints: FH, G.—Some of these original reprints of the separate articles also had independent pagination (no complete set seen):



Cent. 1, nos. 1-100: [1]-46, Dec 1837 and Jan 1938.

Cent. 2, dec. 1-2: [1]-15, id., Apr 1840.

Cent. 2, dec. 3-5: [17]-37, id., Jun 1840.

Cent. 2, dec. 1-5: [1]-68, plates with orig. nos., Apr and Jun 1840. Cent. 3, dec. 1-4: [1]-10, id., Feb 1842.

Cent. 3, dec. 5-8: Is 52, 1d., Oct 1842.

Cent. 3, dec. g-10: [1], 53- 85, [86, table], id., Jan 1843.

Cent. 4, dec. 1-6: [1]-29, id., Apr 1843.

Gent. 4, dec. (i, [31]-43- Nov 1843.

Cent. 5 dec. 1-6: 6: [i ii}, [1 ]-38, 7 pl. Aug 1845. Cent. 5, dec. 7-10: [39]-60, 7 pl. Dec 1845. Cent. 7, dec. 1-10: [1]-42. Jun 1856.

Cent. 8, dec 1-3: [1]-21. Oct 1856.

I- 7

Cent. 4, dec. ns o: [45]-76. tabl., id Dec 1843. 7 I

Ref.: Stafleu, F. A., Taxon, 19: 633. 1970.

  1. Monographie du genre Conomitrium, de la famille des mousses, ... [Extrait des Annales

des Sciences naturelles (Octobre 1837) ]. Oct.

Publ.: Oct 1837 (t.p. reprint), p. [1]-16, pl. 4. Copies; FI, H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., ser. 2. 8: 239-252. Oct 1837.

  1. Des organes males du genre Targionia découverts sur une espéce nouvelle du Chili, ...

[Extrait des Annales des Sciences naturelles. (Février 1838) ]. Oct.

Publ.: Feb 1838 (t-p. ony p. [1]-15, pl. 5. Copies: FI, H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Soc. nat., Bot. ser. 2. 9: 100-114. 1838. See also C: R. Acad. Sci., Paris 6: 197-198. 1838, Proc. Verb. Soc. philom., Paris 1838: 26-28.

  1. De l’organisation et du mode de reproduction des Caulerpées, et en particulier du Caulerpa

Webbiana, espéce nouvelle des iles Canaries, . . . [““Des Annales des sciences naturelle’, sic,

Mars 1838]. Oct.

Publ.: Mar 1838, p. [1]-22, 1 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 2. g: 129-150. Mar 1838. See also C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 5: 427-429. 1837 (reprint, p. [1]-3, at FI).

  1. Cryplogames algériennes, ou plantes cellulaires recueillies par M. Roussel aux environs

d’ Alger, ... [Extrait des Annales des Sciences naturelles Novembre-Décembre 1838]. Oct.

Publ.: Dec 1838, p, [1]-23, 2 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 2. 10: 268-278. Nov 1838, 334-345. Dec 1838. The journal fascicles are dated; however, they appeared sometimes later than in the month for which they were scheduled. We do not know whether the numerous Montagne reprints from this journal with independent pagination were in fact preprints.

  1. Voyage dans l Amérique méridionale par M. Alcide d’Orbigny Botanzque Sertum patago- nicum et Florula boliviensis. Cryptogamie par Camille Montagne, ... [Paris] 1839. Qu. (Voy. Amér. mérid., Bot.).

Publ.: 1834-1840, p. [i-iv], [Sertum:] [1]-19, pl. 1-7, [Florula: | [1]-129, pl. 1-16(?) (plates by Ed. Riocreux). Copies: FI, MICH, MO, NY, Stevenson. — Reprinted from Alcide d’Orbigny, Voyage dans |’ Amérique méridionale, vol. 7(1,2), Cryptogamie. The Voyage came out in various parts as follows: Sertum patagonicum, cryptogames de la Patagonie, text p. 1-16, 1839(?), 17-19 [= livr. 48] 1840; pl. 7-3 [= livr. 45] 1839.

Florula boliviensis. Cryptogames de La Bolivia:

text pages __livr. year plates livr. year 1-16 44 1839 I 16 1834 17-40 45 1839 2.456 19 1835 41-72 46 1839 3 21 1836 73-104 47 1839 7 22 1836 105-119 46 1840 r1-16[? | 24 1836



text pages __livr. year plates livr. year 8.9 39 1836 10,11 40 1839 13 43 1839

The above dates are taken from a copy in its original covers. It is possible, however, that some of the dates on the covers did not coincide with the actual dates of publication. Montagne wrote to W. J. Hooker on 3 Mar 1837, with respect to the Florula boliviensis, “... les algues dont il a paru 6 planches, le 7e parait ces jours-ci,” whereas in the above list plate 7 is given as having appeared in 1836. Further investigation of the actual dates of publication of the livraisons is necessary. — The copies vary with respect to the number of plates. The above list is based on the data provided by Sherborn and Griffin.

Ref.: Sherborn, C. D. and Griffin, F. J., Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 10.13: 133. 1934.

  1. Cryplogamae brasilienses seu plantae cellulares quas in itinere per Brasiliam 4 celeb. Auguste de Saint-Hilaire collectas recensuit observationibusque nonnullis illustravit, .. . [Paris] 1839. Oct. (Crypt. bras.).

Collector: Auguste Francois César Prouvengal de Saint-Hilaire (1779-1853); material at PC. Publ.: Jul 1839, p. [1]-14, pl. r. Copy: NY.— Reprinted from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 2. 12: 42-

55- 1839.

  1. Considérations succinctes sur la tribu des Laminariées, de la sous-famille des Fucacées, et caracteres sur lesquels est établi le nouveau genre Capea, appartenant a la méme tribu. — [Paris 1840]. Oct.

Publ.: Jul 1840 (reprints dated), p. [1]-7. Copies: FH, NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., ser. 2. 14: 48-54. Jul 1840. The paper was read 11 Jul 1840 and appeared in the July issue of the Annales. We have no indication that the date on the journal and the reprint is erroneous.

  1. Du genre Xiphophora, et, a son occasion, recherches sur cette question: trouve-t-on

dans les Fucacées les deux modes de propagation qu’on observe chez les Floridées? [Paris]

  1. Oct.

Publ.: Oct 1842, p. [1]-7. Copy: FH.— Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 2. 18: 200-206. 1842.

  1. Esquisse organographique et physiologique sur la classe des champignons ... Paris (Arthus Bertrand, ...) 1841. Oct. (Esq. org. phys. champ.). Publ.: 1841 (p. 56: 1 Feb 1841), p. [1]-56. Copy: WU. — Inf. W. Gutermann. — Apparently a preprint of the corresponding text in Hist. phys. Cuba, Bot., Pl. Cell. 239-291. 1842. German: 1844, p. [i]-x, [1]-67. Copies: NY, Stevenson. — Skizzen zur Organographie und Physiologie der Classe der Schwiéimme ... Ubersetzt und mit einigen Anmerkungen versehen von J. D. C. Pfund [x-1816], Prag (J. G. Calve’sche Buchhandlung) 1844. Oct.

Spanish: s.d. (1845[?], 30 p. (n.v.), Bosquejo organogrdfico y fisiologico de la classe de los hongos. Copy mentioned by J. A. Conde, Hist. bot. Cuba 88. 1958; text taken from Criptogamia, in Sagra, Hist. fis. Cuba, Hist. nat. 9, Botanica, p. 153-181.

  1. Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de Vile de Cuba par M. Ramon de la Sagra, ... Botanique. — Plantes cellulaires, par Camille Montagne. Paris (Arthus Bertrand, éditeur, . . .) 1838-1842 [1.e. 1842]. Oct. (Hist. phys. Cuba, Bot., Pl. Cell.). Publ.: late 1842, at any rate after 1841, p. [i*-v*], [i]-x, [1]-549. Copies: G, MO, NY, Teyler; IDC 5707. Allas: see Sagra: Cryptogamie pl. 1-20 belong to the Pl. cell. Note: The original, french, version was not published until 1842. Montagne (Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 2.17. 119. footnote, Feb 1842) made it clear himself that by Feb 1842 nothing had been published. [See also C. Montagne by Cap, p. 46.] The volume seems to have appeared before the end of 1842, however. 21 Sheets of the part on Musci had appeared by 22 Mai 1843 (letter A. Richard to Bentham at K). Ref.: Aguayo, J., Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. nat. 18: 177. 1946. Spanish version: 1845, Criptogamia 6 plantas celulares ... in: Sagra, Hist. fis. Cuba, Hist.



Nat. 9, Botanica, p. [i-vi], [1]-328. 1845 (for further details see Aguayo 1946) and our entry sub Sagra). Copy: MO.

Icones plantarum in Flora cubana descriptarum ... Paris, 1863, see our entry sub Sagra; contains also the 20 plates of the Atlas dealing with the Cryptogamia by Montagne.

  1. Prodromus generum, specierumque phycearum novarum, in itinere ad polum antarcticum...

ab illustri Dumont d’Urville peracto collectarum, notis diagnosticis tantum huc evulgata-

rum, descriptionibus vero fusioribus nec non iconibus analyticis jam jamque illustranda-

rum auctore C. Montagne, D. M. Parisiis (apud Gide, editorem) 1842. Oct. (Prodr. gen.


Publ.: 1 Aug— 10 Sep 1842 (p. 16: 15 Jul 1842; copy sent to Hooker on 10 Sep 1842), p. [1]- 16. Copies: BR, G, NY; IDC 212. — See also Dum. d’Urv., Voy. Péle Sud, vol. 1, 16 Aug 1845, TL-2/1557.

  1. Cryptogamae nilgherienses seu plantarum cellularium in montibus peninsulae indicae

Neel-Gherries dictis a Cl. Perrottet collectarum enumeratio, ... [Paris] 1842. Oct.

Collector: George Samuel Perrottet (1793-1870).

Publ.: p. [1]-14. Apr 1842, p. [15]-26. Jul 1842. Copies: FH, G, NY. — Reprinted from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 2. 17: 243-256. Apr 1842 and 18: 12-23. Jul 1842.

  1. Sur un nouveau genre de la famille des hépatiques; .. . [Institut de France Académie royale

des sciences ... seance du 22 Mai 1843]. Qu.

Co-author: Jean Baptiste Geneviéve Marcellin Bory de Saint-Vincent (1778-1846).

Publ.: 1843 (after 22 Mai, possibly Jun), p. [1]-5. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 16: 1115 (descr. Duriaea Bory et Montagne). 1843.

  1. Cryptogamie. Exposition sommaire de la morphologie des plantes cellulaires, Paris (Rue de Seine Saint-German, 47) 1843. Oct. (Cryptogamie). Publ.: 1843, p. [1]-16. Copy: FI. — Preprinted from Dict. univ. hist. nat. 4: 418-431. 1844.

  2. Quelques observations touchant la structure et la fructification des genres Ctenodus, Delisea

et Lenormandia de la famille des Floridées, ... [Paris] 1844. Oct.

Publ.: Mar 1844, p. [1]-11, pl. 10-17. Copies: FH, NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 3. 1: 151-161, pl. ro-rr. 1844.

  1. Essai Corganographie de la famille des hépatiques ... Paris (Rue de Bussy, 6) 1845. Oct. Publ.: Apr-Dec 1845, p. [1]-15. Copies: FH, H, MICH, NY.— Reprinted and to be cited from Orbigny, Dict. univ. hist. nat. 6: 537-549. 1845.

  2. Apercu morphologique de la famille des lichens ... Paris (Rue de Bussy, 6) 1846. Oct.

(Apercu lich.).

Publ.: 1846, p. [1]-12. Copies: BR, MICH. — Reprinted from Orbigny, Dict. univ. hist. nat. 7: 342-351. 1846, 10: 82-91. 1847 (copy MICH has t.p. 1846, p. [1]-20).

German translation: Apr-Mai 1851 (p. 4: Jan 1851; Bot. Zeit. 16 Mai 1851), p. [1]-32. Copies: BR, FI, NY. —**Morphologischer Grundriss der Familie der Flechten’” von Camille Montagne. Aus dem Franzoésischen mit Zusatzen von Karl Miiller (1818-1899). Halle (Verlag von Ch. Graeger) 1851. Oct. (Grundr. Flecht.).

  1. Considérations générales sur la famille des Mousses, comprenant leur morphologie et leur

classification ... Paris (Rue de Bussy, 6) 1846. Oct.

Publ.: late 1846, p. [1]-20. Copies: FH, FI, H. — Reprinted and to be cited from Orbigny, Dict. univ. Hist. nat. 8: 386-403. 1846.

  1. Phycologie, ou considérations générales sur l’organographie, la physiologie et la

classification des algues, ... Paris (Rue de Bussy, 6) 1847. Oct.

Publ.: 1847, p. [1]-46. Copies: MICH, NY.— Reprinted and to be cited from Orbigny, Dict. univ. Hist. nat. 10: 14-57. 1847.

German translation: Apr-Mai 1851 (p. iv: Jan 1851; Bot. Zeit. 16 Mai 1851), p. [i]-iv, [1]-126. Copies: B, NY. — Phykologie oder Einleitung ins Studium der Algen von Camille Montag-



ne. Aus dem Franzésischen mit Zusatzen von Dr. Karl Miiller [1818-1899]. Halle (Verlag von Ch. Graeger) 1851. Oct. (Phykologie).

  1. Pugillus algarum_yemensium quas collegerunt annis 1847-1849, clarr. Arnaud et Vay-

siére et descripsit C. Montagne, D. M. [Paris] 1850. Oct.

Publ.: Apr 1850, p. [1]-13. Copies: FH, NY(2). — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat. ser. 3. 13: 236-248. Apr 1850. — Note: types at PC, duplicates at G. We have no further details on the collectors.

  1. Diagnoses phycologicae, seu quibus caracteribus discriminandae sunt species lichenum

algarumque nonnullae novae, in tomo florae chilensis octavo nondum typis mandato

descriptae, ... [Paris] 1852.

Publ.: Nov 1852, p. [1]-18. Copies: FH, NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat. ser. 3. 18(5): 302-319. 1852. — Diagnoses of taxa described in Gay, Fl. chil. 8: 228-256. 1852 (apparently Nov-Dec 1852) and 257-393. 1854; see TL-2/2: 1975.

  1. Phyceae hispanicae novae aut minus notae, auctore C. Montagne, D. M. ex opere

celeberrimi et amicissimi Viri P. Barker Webb, otia hispanica dicto excerptae. Parisiis (ex

typis L. Martinet, ...) 1853.

Publ.: 1 Jan 1853, p. [1]-8, 7 pl. (no. “‘6-10”). Copy: NY. — Reprinted from P. B. Webb, Otia hisp., new and enlarged edition 1853, p. 12-17, pl. 6-10.

  1. Cryptogamia guyanensis seu plantarum cellularium in Guyana gallica annis 1835-1849 acl. Leprieur collectarum enumeratio universalis; ... Parisiis (sumptibus Victoris Masson, ..) 1855. Oct. (Crypt. guyan.). Collector: F. R. Leprieur (x-1869). Publ.: 1850-1855, p. [i, ili], [1]-202. Copies: G, NY, Stevenson. — Published as consolidated reprint: Mai-Dec 1855 (received by BSBF 11 Apr 1856) with double sets of paginations for article reprints plus t.p.’s and indexes. Originally issued in Ann. Sci. nat., Bot.:

ser. vol. p.journal pl. p- reprint date

3 14(5) 283-309 [1]-27 Nov 1850

g 16(5) 47-81 16 29-63 Nov 1851

4 1(2) QI-144 ser 65-118 Feb 1854

4 3(2) QI-145 5-6 119-173 Feb 1855

4 3(5) 311-329 175-193 Mai 1855 Only in reprint: [ii], 195-202 Mai-Dec 1855

  1. Note sur le nouveau genre Mazzantia de la famille des Pyrenomycétes, . . . [Paris 1855].


Publ.: Aug-Dec 1855, p. [1]-7. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 521-526. 1855.

  1. Note sur le Boschia nouveau genre de la famille des hépatiques decouvert au Bresil par

M. Weddell, ... [Paris 1856]. Oct. (Not. Boschia).

Collector: Hugh Algernon Weddell (1819-1877), types at PC.

Publ.: Feb 1857 (read 28 Nov 1856; Montagne presented a preprint or reprint to Soc. bot. France on 27 Feb 1857), p. [1]-5. Copies: FH, G. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. bot. France

3: 572-577. 1856 (1857).

  1. Sylloge generum specierumque cryptogamarum quas in variis operibus descriptas iconobus-

que illustratas, nunc ad diagnosim reductas, nonnullasque novas interjectas, ordine syste-

matico disposuit. Parisiis (Sumptibus J.-B. Bailliere, ...), Londini (H. Bailliére, ...) 1856.

Oct. (Spill. gen. sp. crypt.).

Publ.: Feb 1856 (p. xiii: Calend. nov. mdccclv; BSBF rd. 8 Feb 1856), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-498. Copies: G, L, MO, Stevenson, U, USDA; IDC 591. — Contains a bibliography of Montagne’s contributions and publications, with a review of the new taxa published by him. For later publications see e.g. Bull. Soc. bot. France 22: 283. 1865.



Facsimile ed.: Amsterdam (Linnaeus Press) 1971, with extra t.p. dated 1971. Copy: FAS. Ref.: Montagne, J. P. F. C., Bull. Soc. bot. France 3: 81, 82-84. 1856

Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 8: 191. Jun 1856.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 14: 526-527. Jul 1856.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 707-709. 1856 (after Feb).

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 21: 366. 1972.

  1. Lichenes javanict. Exposuerunt C. Montagne et R. B. van den Bosch. Seorsum impressi

e vol. 1 Plant. Junghuhn. [1857]. Oct. (Lich. jav.).

Co-author: Roelof Benjamin van den Bosch (1810-1862), types at L.

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1857 (p. 1: Feb 1856; Soc. bot. France rd. 8 Mai 1857; see Miquel, Pl. Jungh., no. 6107), p. [1], [1]-68. Copzes: FH, G, NY.— Reprinted from Miquel, Pl. Fungh. 427-494. 1857.

  1. Hlorula gorgonea seu Enumeratio plantarum cellularium quas in promontoria Viridi

(Cap Vert) insulisque adjacentibus a diversis botanicis et imprimis Cl. Bolle, berolinensi,

hucusque collectas, recognovit descripsitque C. Montagne D. M. [Paris 1860]. Oct.

Collector: Carl August Bolle (1821-1909); Montagne types in PC.

Publ.: Oct 1860, p. [1]-16. Copies: FH, NY.— Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 4. 14(4): 210-225. 1860.

Montandon, F. Jules (//. 1856), French botanist and physician in the Jura. (Montandon). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at FI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 560, 692; BM 3: 1339; Jackson p. 344; PR 6391; Rehder 5: 585; TL-2/1: 1860; Tucker 1: 496. Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 31(1): 32. 1977 (material at FI).

COMPOSITE WORKS: See Friche-Joset, F., TL-2/1860.

Monti, Gaetano Lorenzo (1712-1797), Italian botanist; professor of botany and director (1760-1792) of the botanical garden at Bologna. (Montz).


NOTE: Not to be confused with his father, Giuseppe Monti (1682-1760), also professor of botany and director of the Bologna botanical garden, whose publications are all pre- linnaean. Lozenzo Monti (//. 1817) pharmacist and botanist at Verona, author of a Dictionarvo botanico Veronese (1817) (Copy: FI), is not known to be a relation of the Bologna Monti’s.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 415; Dryander 3: 243, 258; DTS 1: 199; HU 520; Kew 4: 40; Laségue p. 341; PR 6397 (ed. 1: 7125); Rehder 5: 585; Saccardo 1: 112, 2: 74, cronol. p. xxvii; TL-1/887.

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(1): 87, 88, 90, 228. 1916.

Stafleu, F. A., Intr. A. L. Jussieu, Gen. pl. reprint 1964, p. xlui.

EPONYMY: Montia Linnaeus (1753), Montia P. Miller (1754), Montzastrum (A. Gray) Ryd- berg (1918) and Montiopsis O. Kuntze (1898) commemorate Guiseppe Monti (1682-1760), Italian botanist, director of the botanic garden in Bologna. Montira Aublet (1775) comme- morates a Monsieur de Monti, French planter and colonial officer in Guyana, who supported Aublet’s botanical exploration of the colony.

  1. Indices bolanici et matertae medicae quibus plantarum genera hactenus instituta: simpli- cium quoque tam vulgarium, quam exoticarum nomina, & facultates summatim recensitur ... Bononiae [Bologna] (Ex typographia Laelii a Vulpe) 1753. Qu. (Ind. bot. mat. med.). Publ.: 1753, before 1 Mai (p. 160: 29 Jan 1753), p. [i*-vili*], 1-xx, [xxi-xxvili], 1-160, 2 maps. Copies: FI, MO, USDA; IDC 6080. — Reviewed by GGA on 15 Nov 1753, which, in the absence of other data, does not constitute sufficient proof of publication after 1 Mai.



Imprimatur dated 29 Jan 1753. The indices are a new feature added [on p. 129-160] to the second edition (edited by G. L. Monti) of Giuseppe Monti, Exotecorum simplicium medicamentorum vari indices (ed. 1, Bologna 1724, Qu.).

Montin, Lars Jonasson (1723-1785), Swedish botanist; pupil of Linnaeus; physician at Lund 1751; regional physician in Halland 1782. (Montin).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: S; further material E, LINN, P-JU, SBT, UPS. Montin’s herbarium annotations are exceptionally complete. Given, as usual in the eighteenth century, on the back of each herbarium sheet are: name, diagnosis from species plantarum or systema naturae, area, notes on the nature of the locality, name of the collector, country and date of collecting. Montin had an extensive correspondence with many collectors and botanists: his herbarium was probably the most complete Swedish herbarium of his time. The herbarium was left to his nephew Jonas Dryander who presented it to the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Together with the herbarium of Alstrémer it thus became the foundation of the Stockholm herbarium (S). Several hundred plants from the Montin herbarium were acquired from Linnaeus’s hortulanus Nietzel (Curator at Uppsala from 1739-1756) and are now incorporated in the Linnaean herbarium at Stockholm. For a list of the contributors to the Montin herbarium see Lindman (1907).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 507; BM 3: 1341-1342, 7: 860-861; Dawson p.

735; Dryander 2: 144, 197, 3: 170, 248, 252, 272, 273, 297, 306, 341, 643; Hortus 3: 1200

(“Montin’”’); IH 2: 553; Kew 4: 40; KR p. 504-505; Laségue p. 359, 392, 502; PR (alph.);

Rehder 5: 585; SO 217, 1290, 1589, 3538-3542; TL-2/1: see index.

Blunt, W., The compleat naturalist 183. 1971.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 77. 1978.

Dandy, J. E., Regn. veg. 51: 17. 1967.

Eriksson, G., Bot hist. Sverige 298, 300, 303, 325. 1969.

Fries, Th. M. & Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(2): 267, 286, 299. 1908, 1(3): 8, 157. HOOON (4). G7. 1OLO, 1(7)= LOLs LOL z:

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970 (in herb. Giseke).

Hulth, J. M. & Uggla, A. H., Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(2): 283. 1943.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.). 18. 1922 (pl. LINN).

Lindman, C. A. M., Ark. for Bot. 7(3): 9-14. 1907.

Lowegren, I., Naturaliekabinett Sverige 323, 343, 358. 1952.

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 138. 1937.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Scheutz, W. J. W., Bot. Not. 1863: 70.

Stafleu, F. A., Intr. Jussieu Gen. Pl. xxxi. 1974 (material at P-JU).

Thunberg, C. P., Aminnelse-tal 6fver L. Montin. Stockholm 1791. Oct. (16 p., n.v., fide Krok p. 709, no. 48).

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 27, 43. 1904 (mss. at BM).

HANDWRITING: Medd. Goteb. bot. Tradg. 18: 16. 1949.

EPONYMy: Montinia Thunberg (1766). Note: Montina A. Massalongo (1855) is dedicated to Giovanni Montini (1802-1854), Italian pharmacist and botanist.

  1. D.A. Dissertatio botanica sistens Splachnum, quam suffragante ampliss. facult. med. in

regio athenaeo upsaliensi, praeside viro celeberrimo et experientissimo Carolo Linnaeo, .. .

publicae censurae modeste subjicit Laur. Montin Jonae fil. Gothoburgensis in audit Carol.

maj. die [mss.: 28] Martii anni mdccl. h.a.m.s. Stockholmiae (Typis Laurentii Salvii) s.d.

Qu. (Splachnum).

Publ.: 28 Mar 1750, p. [1-1v], [1 ]-15, [16, expl. pl.], 7 p/. (uncol. copp. Joh. Gane). Copies: H, MO, NY, US, USDA. — SO 1589.

Reprints: in Linnaeus, C., Amoen. Acad. 2(26): 263-283. 1751; ed. 2. 2(26): 242-260. 1762, 2(26): 212-260. 1764; ed. 3. 2(26): 263-283. 1787.

Ref.: Anon., Larda Tidn., Stockholm 1750: 103-104.

Montrouzier, Rev. Pére Xavier (1820-1897), French botanist and apostolical missiona-



ry of the Society of Mary; ‘“‘Christianae fidei inter paganus oceaniae (Nova Caledonia etc.) interpres” 1846-1897 (Wittrock). (/ontrouz.)

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LY (Faculté de Médecine); part of the New Caledonia collections at MPU.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 657; Barnhart 2: 507; BL 1: 119, 320; BM 3: 1343;

CSP 4: 454, 8: 428, 10: 840, 17: 332; IH 2: 553; Kew 4: 41; Rehder 5: 586.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1898: 45 (d.); Flora 45: 343, 348, 349, 351. 1862.

Beauvisage, G., Notice sur le R. P. Montrouzier. Paris 1898, 14 p. (Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 22: 47-60. 1897 (1898)) (bibl.,) portr.); Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 25: 38. 1900; Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 11: 39. 1893 (herb. LY).

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 71. 1945.

Fournier, P., Voy. déc. mission. natural. frang. 2: 213, 214-218, 226, 233. 1932.

Granel de Solignac, L. & L. Bertrand, Naturalia monsp. 18: 283. 1967 (herb. MPU).

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 36-37. 1907, 35: 42. 1910.

Merrill, E. D., Contr. natl. Herb. U.S. 30(1): 216. 1947.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 115. 1903 (b. 3 Dec 1820, d. 16 Mai 1897).

Moody, Sophy (//. 1864), British author. (Moody). HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1343; Jackson p. 139; PR 6399; Rehder 5: 586; Tucker 1: 496.

  1. The palm tree ... with illustrations by the author. London (T. Nelson and Sons, . ..),

Edinburgh and New York 1864. Oct. (Palm tree).

Publ.: Jan-Jul 1864 (p. xiii: Dec 1863; J. Bot. Aug 1864; Flora “Neu” 29 Feb 1864 (announcement?) ), p. [v]-xiui, [15]-448, 6 col. pl. (incl. frontisp.). Copy: NY.

Moon, Alexander (x-1825), Scottish botanist and gardener for Kew, collected at Gibral- tar and N. Africa (Barbary), superintendent of the royal botanic gardens in Ceylon (1817- 1825). (Moon).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM(Ceylon), BM, FI, K (Gibraltar, N. Africa); 37 water colour drawings of Ceylon plants at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 380; Barnhart 2: 508; BB p. 2189; BM 3: 1343; Dawson p. 477, 620; Desmond p. 446; Herder p. 211; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Moon’’); IH 2: 553; Jackson p. 395; Kew 4: 42; PR 6400 (ed. 1: 7129); Rehder 5: 586; SO 830; Tucker 1: 496; Zander ed: 10, p..693, ed. 11, p.791-

Boulger, G. S., in H. Trimen & J. D. Hooker, Handb. fl. Ceylon 5: 373-374. 1goo. Burkill, I. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 36, 49, 50, 94, 97, 105, 122. 1965.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 169. 1904 (Ceylon pl.).

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977.

Woodward, B. B., Hist. coll. BM(NH) r: 43. 1904 (drawings).

EPONYMY: Moonza Arnott (1836).

  1. A catalogue of the indigenous and exotic plants growing in Ceylon, distinguishing the several

esculent vegetables, fruits, roots and grains; together with a sketch of the divisions of genera

and species in use amongst the Singhalese. Also an outline of the Linnaean sexual system of

botany; in the English and Singhalese languages. For the use of the Singhalese . .. Colombo

(printed at the Wesleyan mission press) 1824. Fol. (Cat. pl. Ceylon).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1824 (p. 3*: 26 Jun 1824), p. [i, ii], [1*]-3*, [1]-9, [1]-77, [1]-41, [1-6, ind. lat.], [1]-4, [1]-22, [1]-6, [1-4, add.]. Copies: FI, MO, USDA; IDC 7316. — “‘a somewhat

unsatisfactory performance” (see Boulger 1900). Moore, Albert Hanford (1883-?), American botanist; AM Harvard 1906; worked at the



Arnold Arboretum, Smithsonian Institution, USDA and with the United Fruit Co. (A. H. Moore).

HERBARIUM and Types: Mainly at HH; further material at F, ISC, MICH, NY, PENN, POM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 508; BJI 2: 119; BM 3: 1343; Hortus 3: 1200 (<A. H. Moore”’); TH 2: 554; LS 37107; MW p. 330; NAF 28B(2): 347, ser. 2. 2: 166, 5: 2483 Pennell, p. 614; Tucker 1: 496; Zander ed. 10, p. bogy cds mip 79m, Britton, N. L., Fl. Bermuda 549. 1918. Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 78. 1978. ‘Wycoff, E., Bibl. Contr. Lloyd libr. 9: 392. 1913.

  1. A list of plants collected in Bermuda in 1905. . - including a description of two new species.

Cambridge, Massachusetts issued March 12, 1906. (List pl. Bermuda).

Publ.: 12 Mar 1906 (Bot. Zeit. 1 Mai 1906; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1907), p. [i], [1]-22, pl. 1-3. Copies: NY, US, USDA.

Moore, Charles (1820-1905), Scottish-born Australian botanist; director of the Botanical Garden at Sydney (1848-1896); younger brother of David Moore. (C. Moore).

HERBARIUM and Types: Mainly at K; further sets at BM, EB, FI, MEL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRrAPHy: Backer p. 380; Barnhart 2: 508; BB p. 219; BL 1: 65, 309;

BM 3: 1343; Bossert p. 272; CSP 8: 430, 10: 840, 17: 3345 Desmond p. 447; Hortus 3: 1200

(‘“Moore, C.”’); HR (q.v. for further biogr. refs.); TH 2: 554; Jackson p. 582, 400 , 401, 453;

Kew 4: 43; Morren ed. 2, p. 40, ed. 10, p. 149; PR 6401; Rehder 5: 586; SK 1: 369, 8: Ixvui;

Tucker 1: 496; Zander ed. 10, p. 693-694, ed. 11, p. 791.

Anon., Austral. Encycl. 6: 143. 1965 (fide HR); Bot. Not. 1906: 45 (d.); Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 12: 185. 1905 (portr.); Nat. Nov. 18: 357. 1896 (resigns directorate Sydney Bot. Gard.); Rep. Sydney Bot. Gard. 1905: 14 (on portr.); Vict. Natural. 9: 75. 1894.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 43: 280. 1905.

Ferguson, J. A., Bibl. Australia 6: 710-711. 1965 (fide HR).

Froggatt, W. W., J. Proc. R. Austral. Hist. Soc. 18(3): 126-128. 1932 (d. 30 Apr 1905).

F. W.B., J. Kew Guild 1905: 264-266. (portr.).

Hall, N., Bot. Eucalypts 94. 1978 (b. 10 Mai 1820, d. Apr 1905).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970.

Hooker, J. D., Fl. Tasm. 123-124. 1860.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 47 (975 specimens at K).

Maiden, J. H., J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S. W. 42: 114-115. 1908 (q.v. for further biogr. refs. and eponymy).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 138. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. U.S. natl- Herb. 30(1): 216. 1947.

Miskin, W. H., Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 8(2): xxxi. 1891.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 169. 1904 (pl. BM).

Wilson, E. H., Plant Hunting 191. 1927.

coMPosITE works: With William MacArthur (q.v.) Catalogue des collections de bors indigenes [New South Wales], Paris, Exposition universelle, 1855.

EPoNyMy: Mooria Montrouzier (1860).

  1. A census of the plants of New South Wales... Sydney (Thomas Richards, .. .) 1884. Oct.

(Census pl. N.S.W.).

Publ.; 1884, (t.p. 1884; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1886 as of 1885’), p. [i-iii], [1]-97. Copies: MO, BEG US.

  1. Handbook of the flora of New South Wales. A description of the flowering plants and ferns

indigenous to New South Wales ... By Authority: Sydney (Charles Potter, ...) 1893. Oct. (Handb. fl. N.S.W.).



Co-author: Ern(e)st Betche (1851-1913).

Publ.: 1893 (t.p. 1893; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1896), p. [i]-xxxix, [1]-582. Copzes; B, FI, MO, NY, USDA.

Ref.: Roth, E., Bot. Gentralbl. 65: 358-359. 1896 (rev.).

Moore, David (until 1828: Muir) (1808-1879), Scottish botanist; brother of Charles Moore; at Trinity College Garden Dublin 1829-1834; botanist to Ordnance survey of Ireland 1834-1838; curator of Glasnevin Garden 1838-1879; Dr. phil. h.c. Zurich 1863. (D. Moore).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: DBN, E and OXF, Bryoph. also at BM, H. See below for “‘indige- nous grasses of Ireland.’ Correspondence at BM (with Berkeley) and K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG I: 143, 3: 364; Backer p. 380; Barnhart 2: 508; BB p.

219; BL 2: 280, 291, 693; BM 3: 1344; Bossert p. 272; Clokie p. 214; CSP 4: 456, 8: 430-431,

10: 840-841, 12: 518; Desmond p. 447; DNB 38: 345; Hawksworth p. 198; Herder p. 326,

361; IH 1(ed. 6): 362; 2: 554; Jackson p. 230, 239, 247, 411, 582; Kew 4: 43-44; LS 18188;

Morren ed. 10, p. 23; PR 6402; Rehder 5: 586; SBC p. 127 (““Moore’’); Tucker 1: 496-497.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1880: 28 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 37: 597-598. 1879; Bull. Soc. bot. France 26 (bibl.): 93. 1979 (d.); Gard. Chron. 1871: 739 (portr.), 1897 (1): 757, The Garden 29 Jun 1878, p. xii (obit.); Osterr. bot. Z. 13: 262. 1863 (Dr. phil. h.c. Ziirich); Saunders Daily News Dublin 10 Jun 1879 (obit., d. 9 Jun 1879); Trans. bot. Soc. Edinb. 14: 36-39. 1883.

Colgan. N., Fl. County Dublin xxviii. 1904.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970 (alg., lich. Britain).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 47.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 69. 1957 (DBN herb.; other material DUB and BM).

Knowles, M. C., Proc. R. Irish Acad. 38(B), 10: 183-184. 1929.

Lett, H. W., Ann. Rep. Proc. Belfast Natural. Field Cl. ser. 2. 6: 622. 1913, Irish Natural. 29: 28. 1913, Proc. R. Irish Acad. 32: 73-74. 1916.

Mitchell, M. E., Bibl. Irish lichenol. 45-46. 1971.

Moffat, C. B., ed., Life and letters of Alexander Goodman More, Dublin 1898, p. 635 (index).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. MB(NH) 1: 169. 1904 (bryoph. BM).

Nelmes & Cuthbertson, Bot. Mag. Dedic. 183-184. 1934 (portr., b. 23 Apr 1807).

Praeger, R. L., Proc. R. Irish Acad. 7: cxxxi-cxxxill. 1901; Botanist in Ireland 78. 1934; Irish Nat. J. 5: 302-306. 1935 (portr.). Some Irish natural. 133-134. 1949.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977 (location bryoph.).

Scully, R. W., Fl. County Kerry xv. 1916.

Stabler, G., Rev. bryol. 6(4): 64. 1879.

Synnott, D. M., Glasra 4: 26. 1980 (bryoph. herb. 2.000 specim. at DBN).

Trimen, H., J. Bot. 17: 221. 1879.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 95-96. 1903, 3(3); 81. 1905.

EPONYMY: Moorea Lemaire (1855). Note: Moorea Rolfe (1890) and Neomoorea Rolfe (1904) are dedicated to his son Frederick William Moore (1857-1949), Irish botanist and, like his father, director of the Glasnevin Botanic Garden.

  1. Concise notices of the indigenous grasses of Ireland, best suited for agriculture with dried specimens of each kind ... Glasnevin 1843. (Indig. grass. Ireland).

Publ.: 1843, p. [i], [1]-8 and 47 herbarium specimens with schedae on 35 sheets. Copy: NY. Ed. 2: 1850 (n.v.).

  1. Hand-book for the botanic gardens of the Royal Dublin Society, Glasnevin . .. Dublin (James McGlashan, ...) 1850. (Handb. bot. gard. Dublin). Publ.: 1850, p. [1]-68, map. Copy: FI.

  2. Contributions towards a Cybele hibernica, being outlines of the geographical distribution of plants in Ireland ... Dublin (Hodges, Smith, & Co., ...), London (John Van Voorst)

  3. Oct. (Contr. Cybele hibern.).

Co-author: Alexander Goodman More (1830-1895).



Ed. 1: Jul-Aug 1866 (J. Bot. Sep 1866; “New”, Flora 28 Mai 1867), p. [i]-Ix, [lvi], map, [1]- 399 [1-2 subscr.]. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY.

Ed. 2: Oct-Nov 1808 (p. xii: Aug 1898; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1898; “in the press” J. Bot. Feb 1898; just received J. Bot. Nov 1898; Bot. Centrabl. 15 Nov 1898), p. [i]-xcvi, map, [1]- 538. Copies: G, NY, USDA. — “Second edition, founded on the papers of the late Alexander Goodman More, ... by Nathaniel Colgan [1851-1919] and Reginald Wil- liam Scully [1858-1935], Dublin (Edward Ponsonby, . . .), London (Gurney & Jackson,

..) 1898. Ref.: More, A. G., Recent additions to the flora of Ireland, being a first supplement to the Cybele hibernica, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. ser. 2. 1(Sci.): 1872, 40 p. Seemann, B., J. Bot. 4: 304, 333-335. 1866. G.D., J. Bot. 4: 361-366. 1866. Marshall, R. S., J. Bot. 37: 269-272. 1899 (critical remarks). Colgan, N. and Scully, R. W., J. Bot. 37: 315-317. 1899 (rejoinder).

  1. The mosses of Ireland. Synopsis of all the mosses known to inhabit Ireland up to the present time... Dublin (printed at the University Press by M. H. Gill) 1873. Oct. (in fours). (Moss. Ireland).

Publ.: 1873 (presented to Irish Acad. 24 Jun 1872; Grevillea Nov 1873; Bot. Zeit. 28 Nov 1873; Hedwigia Aug 1873; J. Bot. Jan 1874), p. [i], [1]-146, pl. 20. Copies: B, FH, FI, H, NY. Proc. Roy, Irish Acad. ser. 2. 1(Sci.): 1-146. 1873 (“A synopsis of the mosses of Ireland’’).

Ref.: R. B., J. Bot. 12: 24-25. 1874.

  1. Report on Irish Hepaticae ... Dublin (printed at the University Press, ...) 1876. (Rep.

Trish Hepat.).

Publ.: Mai-Dec 1876 (read 24 Apr, repr. dated 1876), p. [i, cover with special t.p.], 591-672, pl. 43-45. Copies: FI, H, MO-Steere — Preprinted (“‘fifty copies only reprinted by the Academy for the author”) from Proc. R. Irish Acad. ser. 2. 2: 591-672, pl. 43-45. 1877 (completed volume).

Limpricht, G., Hedwigia 16: 138-140. 1877.

  1. Catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns of Dublin and Wicklow ... [Dublin (printed by Alexander Thom ...) 1878]. Oct.

Publ.: Apr 1878 (p. [40]), p- [1]-38, [40, impr.]. Copzes: FI, G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. 1: 190-227. 1878.

Moore, George Thomas (1871-1956), American algologist; Ph. D. Harvard 1900; plant physiologist at Washington Univ. 1909-1912; director of the Missouri Botanical Garden 1912-1953 (G. Moore).

HERBARIUM and types: MO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 509; BM 3: 1344-1345; Bossert p. 272; CSP 17: 335-336; De Toni 4: xl; Hirsch p. 203; IH 2: 554; Lenley p. 298; LS 18189, 37111, suppl. 18786-18787; NAF ser. 2. 6: 70; Nordstedt p. 24, suppl. p. 12.

Anderson, E., Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 44: 141-142. 1956 (d. 27 Nov 1953).

Anon., Bot. Centrabl. 80: 144. 1899; Hedwigia 40(Beibl.5): (175). rgo01 (algol. USDA); Horticulture 15 Oct 1939 (portr., awarded George Robert White medal of honor); J. New York Bot. Gard. 13: 61. 1912 (app. 1 Mai 1912 director MO); Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 66(11): 5. 1978 (portr.); Nat. Nov. 21: 612. 1899 (intr. Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, N. H.), 27: 375. 1905 (memb. Amer. Philos. Soc.), 31: 342. 1909 (app. Wash. Univ., St. Louis), 34: 286. 1912 (dir. MO, succeeding W. Trelease); New York Times 29 Nov 1956, New York Herald Tribune 29 Nov 1956; Osterr. bot. Z. 62: 247. 1912 (app. MO); The book of St. Louisans ed. 2. 422. 1912 (b. 23 Feb 1871); Time 68: roo. 10 Dec 1956).

Kneucker, A., Allg. Bot. Z. 5: 184. 1899 (succeeds H. G. Jesup at Dartmouth Coll.), 7: 16. 1901 (appointed algologist USDA), 16: 64. 1910 (prof. plant physiol. Wash. Univ.).

Koster, J., Taxon 18: 555. 1969 (coll. alg.).

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 40. 1945.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 72. 1955.



Moore, John William (1901-x), American botanist; Ph. D. Univ. Minnesota 1933, on Raiatea Island 1926-1927. (7. W. Moore).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: MIN; further material at A, BISH, DAO, GH, IA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 509; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘J. W. Moore’); IH 1 (ed.

6): 362; Pennell p. 614; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p. 791.

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 138. 1837 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 216. 1947.

EPONYMY: Moorella P. R. Rao & D. Rao (1964) is dedicated to Royall T. Moore, contem- porary mycologist. Mooreisporites R. Neves (1958) commemorates Leslie Ravsell Moore (1912-x), English paleobotanist.

Moore, Lucy Beatrice (1906-x), New Zealand botanist; M. Sc. Auckland 1929; at the Botany Division, Dept. Scientific and Industrial Research, Wellington. (L. B. Moore).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: CHR; further material at C and MO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 510; BL 1: 80, 309; Bossert p. 273; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Moore, L. B.”’); IH 2: 555; Roon p. 79; Zander ed. 11, p. 791.

Anon., New Zealand, Dept. Sci. Ind. Res., Bot. Div., 1969-71 Rep. 1973 (?) (portr.). Given, D. R., Taxon 26: 160. 1977.

Markeraf, F., Bot. Jahrb. 91(Lit.): 31. 1972 (rev. vol. 2. Fl. New Zealand).

COMPOSITE worRKs: Allan, H. H., Moore, L. B. and Edgar, E., Flora of New Xealand, Wellington, 1961-1970, 2 vols.

Moore, Spencer Le Marchant (1850-1931), British botanist and explorer; B. Sc. London 1872; at Kew 1872-1879; to Matto Grosso 1891-1892; to Western Australia 1894-1896; from 1898 connected with BMNH. (8. Moore).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM. Duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 510; BIL, 2 25, 47, 50, 61, 68, 69, 76, 119, 121, 227, 242, 300, 2: 230, 693; BM 3: 1345, 7: 863; Bret. p. 819; CSP ro: 842, 12: 518, 17: 338- 339; Desmond p. 448; De Toni 1: Ixxxvi, 4: xi; Herder p. 206, 215, 315; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Moore, S. L.”’); IH 2: 555; Kew 4: 48; Langman p. 521; LS 18193a; Moebius p. 335; MW

p- 331; Morren ed. 2. p. 23; Rehder 5: 586; Tucker 1: 497; Urban-Berl. p. 376; Zander ed.

10, p. 694.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 1/2(1): 32. 1880 (resigned position Kew [1879]. 1/2: 320. 1880 (appointed assistant at BM); J. Bot. 30: 125-126. 1892; [J. Ramsbottom], The Times 18 Mar 1981 (obit.).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 78. 1978.

Diels, L., Pfl.-Welt West-Australien 62-63, 72. 1906 (Veg. Erde 7).

Druce, G. C., Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isl. Rep. 9(5): 629. 1932 (err. b. 1851).

Hall, N., Bot. Eucalypts 95. 1978.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901; 47 (coll. K).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 138. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. U. S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 216-220. 1947 (bibl.).

Moore, S., Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2. 4: 265-516, pl. 21-39, map. 1895 (Matto Grosso Exped. 1891-1892).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 169. 1904 (coll. BM).

Prance, G., Acta amaz. 1(1): 47. 1971 (itin. Brazil).

Ramsbottom, J., Proc. Linn. Soc. 143: 191-192. 1931 (b. 1 Nov 1850).

Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 69: 112, 134-135. 1931 (portr., obit., b. 1 Nov 1851 [sic,err.], d. 14 Mar 1931); Nature 127: 528. 1931.

Trimen, H., J. Bot. 17: 97. Apr 1879 (epon.).

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 65-66. 1906 (orig. biogr. inf., itin., b. 1 Nov 1850).



COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Fawcett and Rendle, F/. Jamaica, vol. 7, co-author, see no. 1745. (2) Journal of botany, assistant editor (to H. Trimen), vols. 17-17, 1877-1879.

(3) Warren, J. B. L., The flora of Cheshire... edited by S. Moore... 1899; see under Warren. (4) Rendle, A. B., Cat. pl. Talbot Oban distr. 1913, co-author.

(5) Rendle, A. B. et al., Cat. S. Niger. pl. 1913, co-author.

EPONYMY: Spenceria Trimen (1879).

Moore, Thomas (1821-1887), British botanist and gardener; curator of the Chelsea botanic garden (1848-1887); assistant, later co-editor of Gardeners Chronicle (1841-1881) and of several other gardening magazines. (7. Moore).

HERBARIUM and typEs: BM (London area); main fern herbarium at K (13.000); 3200 non- British specimens from the fern herbarium were given to B in 1888. Further material, mainly ferns, at AK, BRISTM, E, L, LE and OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Backer p. 380; Barnhart 2: 510; BB p. 220; BM 3: 1345, 7:

863; Bossert p. 273; Clokie p. 214; CSP 4: 458, 8: 432, 10: 842, 12: 518, 17: 339; Desmond p.

448; De Toni 2: Ixxvii; DNB 38: 385; Frank 3(Anh.): 67; Herder p. 467; Hortus 3: 1200

(“Moore, T.”); IF p. 721, suppl. 4: 332; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 555; Jackson p. 582-583

[index]; Kew 4: 48-49; Langman p. 521-522; Lenley p. 464; LS 36041; Morren ed. 2, p. 24,

ed. 10, p. 70; MW p. 331, suppl. p. 236; NI 1400-1405; PR 6403-6409; Rehder 5: 586-587;

SO 857; Tucker 1: 497; Urban-Berl. p. 54, 321; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p. 781.

Allen, D. E., The Victorian fern craze 81 [index]. 1969.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 10: 288. 1852; Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 1: 48, 49. 1887; Leopoldina 23: 55. 1887 (b. 29 Mai 1821, d. 4 Jan 1887); Nat. Nov. 9: 40. 1887 (d. 1 Jan 1887); Osterr. bot. Z. 22: 170. 1872 (app. second asst. Kew herb.); Proc. Linn. Soc. 1886/7: 41-42.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 25: 63-64. 1887.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 78. 1978.

Drewitt, F. Dawtrey, The romance of the Apothecaries’ Garden at Chelsea. London, SyemevynedsnQ24 p. TOT, 127.

Fischer, Gutenb. Jahrb. 212. 1933 (nature printed “The ferns of Great Britain’).

ish DSi; Gard: Chron. ser. 3. 1: 86. 1887.

Fletcher, H. H., Story R. Hort. Soc. 549[index]. 1969.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 111. 1970

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 69. 1957 (English coll.: BM, K (ferns), BRISTM); Hist. Fl. Middlesex 22. 1975.

Masters, Ann. Bot. 1: 409-410. 1888 (bibl.).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 169. 1904 (Brit. herb. BM).

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 15: 556-558. 1857, 16: 318-319, 344. 1858.

Seemann, B., Bonplandia 1: 234-235. 1853.

Urban, I., Bot. Jahrb. 14, Beibl. 32: 31-32. 1891.

Wade, A. E., Flora Monmouthshire 13.

COMPOSITE WoRKSs: (1) The Gardeners Magazine of Botany, editor, vols. 1-3, 1850-1851. (2) Garden Companion and Florists’ Guide, co-editor, Jan-Oct 1852, London 1852.

(3) The Floral Magazine, vol. 1, 1861, editor.

(4) The Florist and Pomologist, assistant editor, London 1862-1884.

  1. A popular history of the British ferns and the allied plants, comprising the club- mosses,

pepperworts, and horsetails . .. London (Reeve and Benham, ...) 1851. Oct. (Pop. hist. brit.

Serns). ,

Ed. 1: Nov-Dec 1851 (p. vili: Nov 1851), p. [i]-xii, [1]-354, pl. 1-20 (col. liths.). Copies: FI, NY, PH; IDC 7234.

Ed. 2: Oct-Dec 1855 (p. viii: Oct 1855), p. [i]-xii, [1 ]-379, pl. 1-22 (col. liths. Fitch). Copies: FI, NY. — London (Lovell Reeve, ...) 1855. Oct.

Ed. 3: Aug-Dec 1859, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-394, pl. 1-22 (id.). Copy: US.-London (Routledge, Warne & Routledge, ...) 1859. Oct.

Ed. [4]: 1862, p. [iti]-xvi, [1 ]-394, pl. 1-6. Copy: US. — London (id.) 1862. Oct.

Ref.: Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 63-64. Feb 1852.


MOORE, T. (1855)

  1. The ferns of Great Britain and Ireland by Thomas Moore, .. . edited by John Lindley, ... nature-printed by Henry Bradbury. London (published by Bradbury and Evans, .. .) 1855. Fol. (Ferns Gr. Brit.).

Editor: John Lindley (1799-1865).

Ed. 1: Jun 1855-Sep 1856, in 17 monthly parts of 3 pl. each, p. [i-x], pl. 1-51 (nature-prints in colour; with text). Copies: NY, US; IDC 7235. — plate 2 was reprinted. Reviews: see W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. vols. 7, 8. 1855-1856.

Ed. 2: 1857 (Bot. Zeit. 24 Jul 1857), p. [i-x], pl. 7-57 (idem; nos. 3 and 6 changed). Copies: MO, NY. — London (id.) 1857.

Ed. 3 of part 1: 1869, n.v.

Ref.: Anon., J. Bot. 7: 185, 286, 320, 350. 1855; 8: 28, 125-285. 1856.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. v., Bot. Zeit. 15: 517-519. 1857 (ed. 2).

  1. Index filicum: a synopsis, with characters, of the genera, and an enumeration of the

species of ferns, with synonymes, references, &c. &c. ... London (William Pamplin, ...)

1857[-1862], 20 parts. Duod. (in sixes). ¢. (Index fil.).

Publ.: 1857-1862, in 20 parts, p. [1]-4, [1x]-clxii, [1 ]-396, pl. 7-84 (uncol. liths.). Copies: MO, USDA; IDC 5490.

Ref.: Anon., J. Bot. 1: 95. 1863. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. v., Bot. Zeit. 15: 556-558. 7 Aug 1857; 16: 318-319, 344

(rectification) 1858.

  1. The octavo nature-printed British ferns: being figures and descriptions of the species

and varieties of ferns found in the United Kingdom by Thomas Moore, .. . nature-printed

by Henry Bradbury ... London (Bradbury and Evans, ...) 1859, 2 vols. Oct. (Brit. ferns).

1: 1859 (p. xu: 31 Aug 1859), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-254, pl. 7-51 (nature-printed in green with handcol. add.).

2: 1860 (p. vi: 29 Mai 1859), p. [1]-xi, [1]-368, pl. 52-53, 53615, 54-56, 56615, 57-60, 6obis, 61-73, 73b1s, 74-76, 76bis, 77-90, gobis, 91, g1bis, 92, 92bis, 93-114 (id.).

Copies: FI, G, MO, USDA.

Reissue: 1863, 2 vols. Copy: PH. — Identical with orig. except for dates on t.p.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. v., Bot. Zeit. 19: 391. 1861.

  1. British ferns and their allies: an abridgment of the ‘“‘Popular history of British ferns” and comprising the ferns, club-mosses, pepperworts, & horsetails ... London (Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, ...), New York (id.) 1861. (Brit. ferns).

Orig. ed.: 1861, p. [i]-iv, [1]-187, pl. 1-12 (col.). Copy: PH.

Other ed.: 1886, p. [i]-iv, 5-124, pl 1-12 (col.). Copies: FI, PH.

  1. The field botanist’ s companion; comprising a familiar account, in the four seasons, of the most common of the wild flowering plants of the British Isles ... London (Lovell Reeve & Co., ...) 1862. Oct. (Feld bot. comp.).

Ed. 1: 1862 (BSBF Feb 1863), p. [i]-xxvui, [1]-424, pl. 1-24 with text. Copy: NY.

Ed. 2: “British wild flowers’, see below (1867).

  1. British wild flowers. Familiarly described in the four seasons. For the use of beginners

and amateurs. A new edition of ‘“The field botanist’s Companion” ... London (Reeve &

Co., ...) 1867. Oct. (Brit. wild fi.). .

Publ.: 1867, p. [i]-xxvul, [1]-424, pl. 1-24 (col. liths. with text). Copies: FAS, MO, NY. — Second edition of no. 6279.

  1. The Clemalis as a garden flower: being descriptions of the hardy species and varieties of Clematis or Virgin’s Bower, with select and classified lists, directions for cultivation, and suggestions as to the purposes for which they are adapted in modern gardening... London (John Murray, ...) 1872. Oct. (Clematis).

Co-author: George Jackman (1837-1887).

Publ.: 1872, p. [i]-xi, [xu], [1]-160, pl. 1-77 (1, col.). Copy: PH.

  1. The orchid album, comprising coloured figures and descriptions of new, rare, and beautiful orchidaceous plants. Conducted by Robert Warner, ... and Benjamin Samuel



Williams, .. . the botanical descriptions by Thomas Moore, . . . the coloured figures by John

Nugent Fitch, ... London published by B. S. Williams, .. .) 1882-1897, 11 vols. Qu. (Orch.


Co-authors: Robert Warner (1814?-1896), Benjamin Samuel Williams (1824-1890). Artist: John Nugent Fitch (1840-1927).

Publ.: 1882-1897, in (originally monthly) parts of 4 plates (col. liths.) + text, 12 parts per volume. Copies: MO, NY.

: 1882, p. [i-x], pl. 1-8, g/10, 11-48. : 1883, p. [i-viii], pl. 49-96.

: 1884, p. [i-vi1], pl. 97-144.

: 1885, p. [i-vin], pl. 145-192.

: 1886, p. [i-vi1], pl. 193-240.

: 1887, p. [i-vui], pl. 241-268.

: 1888, p. [i-vui], pl. 289-336.

: 1889, p. [i-vii], pl. 337-364.

: 1891, p. [1-xiv], pl. 385-432.

: 1893, p. [i-vui], pl. 433-460, [1]-xvi. : 1897, p. [i-vi], pl. 461-526.



Moquin-Tandon, Christian Horace Bénédict Alfred (1804-1863), French naturalist and botanist; pupil of A. P. de Candolle; Dr. Sci. Montpellier 1826, high school teacher at Marseille 1829-1833; director of the botanic garden of Toulouse 1834-1853; subsequently professor of botany at the Faculté de Médecine, Paris; best known for his work on teratology; one of the founders of the Société botanique de France. (Moq.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Moquin-Tandon’s types of Chenopodiaceae are at P. Moquin- Tandon’s own herbarium was very rich; it contained e.g. the Poiret herbarium. It was acquired by Cosson and is now at P and PC. Another important set of plants from Moquin- Tandon is in the Webb herbarium at FT.

NAME: Moquin-Tandon was also an expert on the Provengal language (langue d’oc) and published studies as well as poetry and other literary essays on this subject, partly under the pseudonym Alfred Frédol. (See Clos 1864, p. 6-7).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 510; BM 3: 1346, 7: 863; Bossert p. 273; CSP 4:

459-461, 8: 432-433, 12: 518; Frank 3(Anh.): 67; GR p. 364; Herder p. 467; Hortus 3: 1200

(““Mogq.’’); TH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 555; Jackson p. 102, 103, 127, 204; Kew 4: 49-50; Langman

p. 522; Laségue p. 293, 321; LS 18201-18202; Moebius p. 152, 305; MW p. 331; Plesch p.

340; PR 6410-6414 (ed. 1: 7131-7133); Rehder 5: 587-588; TL-2/1: 999, see Cosson, E.St.-

G.; TL-1/888, see also p. 522; TR 936; Tucker 1: 497; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p. 791.

Anon., Amer. J. Sci. ser. 2. 36: 401. 1863; Bonplandia 1: 34, 75, 86, 102, 187, 216. 1853, 2: 105. 1854 (elected to Acad. Sci.); Flora 46: 192, 254. 1863; J. Bot. 1: 288. 1863; J. Conchyologie 12: 86-87. 1864 (n.v.).

Astre, Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse ror: 181. 1966.

Baillon, H., Eloge de M. le professeur Moquin-Tandon, zm Fac. Méd. Paris, Séance de rentrée 3 Nov 1844, p. 19-52 (bibl.); Adansonia 5: 149-175. 1865 (éloge,bibl.).

Bonnet, Ed., Bull. Soc. bot. France 60: Ixxxviii-ci. 1913 (letters Aug. St. Hil. to Mogq.).

Burdet, H., Gandollea 32: 177-178. 1977.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 434. 1880 (herb.).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 211, 468, 487, 520, 553. 1862. -

Clos, D., Mém. Acad. Sci. Inscr. Belles-Lettres Toulouse ser. 6. 2: 1-46. 1864 (bibl.) (also as reprint, Eloge de M. M.-T., Toulouse 1864).

Cosson, E., (Prés. SBF), Bull. Soc. bot. France 10: 199-214 1863 (bibl.).

Flahault, C., Univ. Montpellier, Inst. bot. 49-50. 1890.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 263. 1977.

Jessen, G. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 432. 1864.

Maiden, J. H., J. R. Soc. N.S. W. 44: 151-152, pl. x22. 1910, Rep. 13th Meeting Australas. Ass. Adv. Sci. 232. 1912.

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 220. 1947.



Michon, J., Bull. Soc. Acclim. ser. 2. 1: xliv-lviii. 1864, also as reprint, 23 p., see also BSbF 11(bibl.): 41-42. 1864.

Moquin-Tandon, C. H. B. A., Elémens de teratologie végétale, ou histoire abrégée des anomalies de organisation dans les végétaux. Paris, 1841, xii, 403 p. (German: Pflanzen- Teratologic, Berlin, 1842, xii, 399 p.); Le bibliophile du Bas-Languedoc 1878(r1): 1-8, (2): 49-54, (3): 97-103, 1879(2): 49-55, (3): 97-102, (5): 193-195, 1881(1): 1-5, 1886(2): 1-6. (Lettres inédites de M. a Auguste de Saint-Hilaire, copy at G).

Nissen, C., Zool Buchill. 289. 1969.

Roumeguére, C., Statist. bot. Dépt. Haute-Garonne 13. 1876.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 21. 176. 1863, 22: 164. 1864.

Seemann, B., J. Bot. 1: 288. 1863.

Sprengel, A., Tent. suppl. syst. veg. 9. 1828 (epon.).

Stafleu, F. A., The great Prodromus 28. 1966 (b. 7 Mai 1804, d. 15 Apr 1863).

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 8, 11, 32. 1977 (material via Webb: Chenop. types at FI).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 109, pl. 141. 1905 (portr.) (b. 7 Mai 1804, d. 15 Apr 1863).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1)Candolle, A. P. de, Prodromus: a) Phytolacceae 13(2): 1-40, 459-460. 5 Mai 1840.

) Salsolaceae 13(2): 41-219, 460-462. 5 Mai 1849.

) Basellaceae 13(2): 220-230, 462. 5 Mai 1849.

) Amaranthaceae 13(2): 231-424, 462-463. 5 Mai 1849.

  1. With Aug. de Saint-Hilaire (q.v.): Premier (deuxtéme) mémoztre sur la famille des Polygalacées, 828-1832, and m FI. bras. merid. 2: 5-75. 1829 (Polygaleae).

HANDWRITING: Monogr. biol. Canar. 4: 31. fig. 4. 1973; Candollea 32: 177-178. 1977.

EPONYMY: Moquinia A. Sprengel (1828); Moquinia A. P. de Candolle (1838, nom. cons.); Moquimella Balle (1954); Tandonia Baillon (1861); Tannodia Baillon (1861). Note: Tandonia Moquin-Tandon (1849) is dedicated to Barthélemy Tandon (1720-1775), Franch astrono- mer, a member of the family of Moquin-Tandon’s maternal grandmother. TandonellaS. S. Prasad & R. A. B. Verma (1970) is named after R. N. Tandon, contemporary Indian mycologist.

  1. Essai sur les dédoublemens ou multiplication d’organes dans les végétaux; ... Montpel-

lier (Imprimerie de Jean Martet le Jeune) 1826. Qu. (Essaz dédoubl.).

Publ.: 1826, p. [1]-24, pl. 1-2. Copies: G, U. — Preprinted from Bibl. Univ., Genéve 24: 214- 234. 1827.

  1. Mémoire sur le genre Halimocnemis [Mém. Acad. Toulouse 1839]. Oct. Publ.: 1839, p. [1]-5. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mém. Acad. Toulouse 5: 177-184. 1839. Important for lectotypification.

  2. Chenopodearum monographica enumeratio: ... Parisiis (apud P.-J. Loss, ...) 1840. Oct.

(Chenop. monogr. enum.).

Publ.: Mai 1840 (TL-1), p. [i]-xi, [1]-182. Copies: G, L, MO, NY, US, USDA; IDC 667. — Fora preliminary Conspectus generum Chenopodiacearum see Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 2. 4: 209- 218. 1835.

Ref.: Boreau, Rapport sur la monographie des Chenopodiacées de M. M.-T., Angers, 4 p.

(repr. from Bull. Soc. industr. Angers).

  1. Lléments de tératologie végétale, histoire abrégée des anomalies de l organisation dans les végétaux; ... Paris (P. J. Loss, ...) 1841. Oct. (Elém. térat. vég.). Publ.: Jan-Feb 1841 (Flora 28 Mar 1841), p. [i]-xiii, [1]-404. Copy: FI.

  2. Considérations sur la fleur des cruciferes; ... [extrait des Mémoires de Académie des

Sciences de Toulouse 1849]. Oct.

Co-author: Philip Barker Webb (1793-1854).

Publ.: 1849, p. [1 ]-24. Copy: FI. + Reprinted and to be cited from Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse 5: 364-387. 1849. — See also in W. J. Hooker, London J. Bot. 7: 1-16. 1848.



  1. Du nom que doit porter la famille naturelle des Anserines, des Arroches et des Soudes.

[Extrait des Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences de Toulouse]. 1850. Oct.

Publ.: 1850 (read 9 Aug 1850), p. [1]-5. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse 6: 344-348. 1850.

  1. Eléments de botanique médicale contenant la description des végétaux utiles a la médeci- ne et des espéces nuisibles a "homme, vénéneuses ou parasites précédée de considérations sur organisation et la classification des végétaux ... Paris (J.-B. Bailliére et fils ...) Londres, Madrid, Montpellier, Leipzig 1861. 18-mo. (Elém. bot. méd.).

Ed. 1: 1-14 Jun 1861 (p. [x]: 1 Jun 1861; BSbF rd. 14 Jun 1861), p. [i]-xx, [1]-543- Copy: B. Ed. 2 (reissue): 1866, p. [i]-xx, [1]-543. Copies: BR, USDA.

Ed. 3 (reissue): 1875, p. [i]-xx, [1]-543. Copies: B, NY.

Ref.:Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 8: 326-328. 1861.

Morandi, Giambattista (Giovanni Battista) (fl. 1744), Italian medical botanist and artist at Milano. (Morand.).

HERBARIUM and typrs: Unknown. An autograph manuscript and a number of original drawings are at BM. Further drawings are at TO and at the Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 511; BM 3: 1347; Dryander 3: 458; Herder p. 409; HU 522; Kew 4: 51; NI 1400; Plesch p. 340-341; PR 6415-6417 (ed. 1: 7135-7137); Rehder 5: 588; Saccardo 1: 113, 2: 75; Tucker 1: 497.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 56: 212-217. 1918 (on mss.).

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 43. 1904.

EpoNyMy: The derivation of Moranda Scopoli (1777) is not given by the author.

  1. Historia botanica practica, seu plantarum quae ad usam medicinae pertinent, nomen-

clatura, descriptio, et virtutes, cum ab antiquis, tum a recentibus celebrium auctorum

scriptis desumptae, aeneis tabulis delineatae, atque ad vivum ex prototypo expressae, mec non in classes xxxv. distributae, ut facilius cujusque simplicis genus, ac species dignoscan- tur. Opus equitis Joannis Baptistae Morandi... Mediolani (ex typographia Petri Francisci

Malatestae ...) 1744. Fol. (Hist. bot. pract.).

Ed. 1: 1744 (pref. 5 kal. Oct 1744), frontisp., p. [i-xii], 1-32, 1-11, pl. 1-6, 13-26, pl. 9-18, 27- 36, pl. 19-22 etc. up to p. 164 and fl. 68 (uncol. copp. auct.). Some plates are conjugate with text leaves; “the book would bear further investigation” (Collins, in Sotheby). Copies: FI, HU, NY.

Ed. 2: 1761 “nihil mutata” (HA), but differs even so “in a few unimportant particulars” (Britten). It was reset throughout with minor typographical changes; p. [i-x], 1-32 [241n NY copy], 1-162, [163-164], pl. 1-68. Copies: FI, NY, U.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 56: 212-217. 1918 (on mss.).

Sotheby, Cat. Stiftung Bot. 2: 194-195. 1975 (collation).

More, Alexander Goodman (1830-1895), British botanist, entomologist, and ornitholo- gist; assistant, later curator of the Natural History museum, Dublin (1867-1887). (More).

HERBARIUM and Tyres: DBN; other material at BM GL, and OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrioGRAPHY: AG 1: 167; Barnhart 2: 511; BB p. 220; BL 2: 243, 287, 290,

603; BM 3: 1348; Bossert p. 273; Clokie p. 217; CSP 4: 462, 8: 435, 10: 845, 17: 345;

Desmond p. 449; IH 2: 556; Jackson p. 230, 247, 254, 583; Kew 4: 51-52; Morren ed. 10, p.

79; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 588; Tucker 1: 497.

Allen, D. E., The naturalist in Britain 216-218, 220, 239. 1976.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 19: 253. 1884 (material at BM); Bot. Not. 1896: 44 (b. 5 Sep 1830, d. 22 Mar 1895); Gard. Chron. 1887(2): 195; J. Bot. 33: 128, 383. 1895; Nat. Nov. 17: 177. 1895; Nat. Sci. 6: 351, 1895; Nature 51: 538. 1895; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1894/5: 36. 1895.

Babington, C. C., Mem. journ. bot. corr. 473 [index]. 1897.

Barrington, R. M., Irish Natural. 4: 109-116. 1895 (bibl. portr.).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 33: 128, 225-227, 383. 1895 (portr.).



Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 434. 1880 (herb. DBN).

Colgan, N., Fl. county Dublin xxvill-xxix. 1904.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 263-264. 1977.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 69. 1957 (herb.: DBN 3000, BM 200, R. M. Barrington 1200, GL [Barrington herb. now also at DBN]).

Lett, H. W., Irish Natural. 22: 23. 1913; Ann. Rep. Belfast Natural. Field Cl. ser. 2. 6: 617. 1913.

Mitchell, M. E., Bibl. Irish lichenol. 46. 1971.

Moffat, C. B., Ed., Life and letters of Alexander Goodman More; preface by Frances M. More. Dublin 1808, vii, 642 p. (see rev. Stratton, J. Bot. 36: 201-204. 1898).

Praeger, R. L., Proc. R. Irish Acad. 7: cxxxili-cxxxiv. 1901 (bibl.); Botanist in Ireland 78. 1934; Some Irish natural. 134-135. 1949 (portr.).

Saunders, H., Ibis ser. 7. 1(4): 410-411. 1895.

Scully, R. W., Fl. county Kerry xv-xvi. 1916.

Watson, H. C., Topogr. bot. ed. 2. 550-551. 1883.

COMPOSITE woRKs: Moore, D. and A. G. More, Contributions to a Cybele hibernica, see D. Moore; ed. 2 mainly based on data by A. G. More. Rev. e.g. Garcke, A., Bot. Centralbl. 78:

85-87. 1899.

  1. A supplement to the ‘Flora vectensis.” London (printed by Taylor and Co., ...) 1871.

Oct. (Suppl. fl. vect.).

Publ.: 1871 (J. Bot. Feb 1872), p. [i], 1-30. Copies: BR, G. — Reprinted and revised from J. Bot. 9: 72-76. 1 Mar, 135-145. 1 Mai, 167-172. 1 Jun, 202-211. 1 Jul 1971. —See W. A. Bromfield, no. 792, for Flora vectensis.— Preceded by a “Catalogue of flowering plants and ferns, growing wild in the Isle of Wight’, publ. by Isle of Wight philosophical and scientific Society, 11 p. Ryde, 1868.

Reps imaimen Hes |p bot mos 5s ues.

  1. Recent additions to the Flora of Ireland: being a first supplement to the Cybele hibernica

... Dublin (printed at the University Press, ...) 1872. Qu. (Addit. fl. Ireland).

Publ.: 1872, p. [1]-40. Copies: MO, NY. — Preprinted or reprinted from Proc. R. Irish Acad. ser. 2. 1: 256-293. 1873/4.

Moreau, Fernand (1886-1980), French mycologist and lichenologist; Dr. Sci. Paris 1913; at Clermond Ferrand (Faculty of Sciences) and director of the biological station at Besse, Puy-de-Dome; from 1936 director of the Jardin botanique de la ville de Caen. (Moreau).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: P and PC (in part with Valentine Jeanneau, later Mme. F’. Moreau,


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 98, 328; Barnhart 2: 511; GR p. 289-290, pl. [gr], cat. p. 68; TH 2: 556; Kelly p. 152-153; Kew 4: 52; LS 18206, 37118-37120, suppl. 18811-18894; MW suppl. p. 236; Plesch p. 341; SBC p. 127 (““Moreau’’).

Letrouit, M. A., Int. lichenol. newsletter 13(2): 6. 1980.

Moreau, F., Bull. Soc. bot. France 105: 363-429. 1958.

  1. Série A. no. 736... Théses présentées a la faculté des sciences de l’ Université de Paris pour obtenir le grade de docteur és sciences naturelles par Fernand Moreau ... 1re these. — Recherches sur la reproduction des Mucorinées et de quelques autres thallophytes . . . soutenues le [pencil: 13] juin 1913... Poitiers (Société frangaise d’imprimerie et de librairie ...) 1913). Oct: (Rech. repr. mucor.).

Publ.: 13 Jun 1913, p. [i-1i], [1]-136, [1, thése; 1, cont.], p/. 7-14 with text. Copies: FH (2),

NY(2). Ref.: Vuillemin, P., Bot. Centralbl. 123: 381- 383. 1913 (rev.).

  1. Les lichens. Morphologie, biologie, systematique ... Paris (Paul Lechevalier, ...)

  2. Oct. (Lichens).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1927 (cover: 1927, t.p. 1928; Nat. Nov. Feb 1928; p. 147: 20 Oct 1927), p. [1]-144, pl. 1-2, [1-3, expl. pl., cont., date]. Copies: BR, FH, Stevenson (2), USDA.


MORETTI Morel, J. F. Nicolas (fl. 1805), French botanist at Besancon. (7. F. N. Morel). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Jackson p. 418; PR 6422 (ed. 1: 7144); Rehder 5: 588; Tucker 1: 497-498.

EPoNyMY: Morelia A. Richard ex A. P. de Candolle (1830) commemorates Morel, French collector who died during his explorations in Senegal (ca. 1824). Morelodendron Cavaco & Normand (1951) is dedicated to J. Morel (fl. 1950), French colonial forester in Gabon. Morelosia La Llave & Lexarza (1824) is dedicated to José Morelos, most probably a Mexican revolutionary. Morelotia Gaudichaud-Beaupré (1829) is dedicated to Simon Morelot (1751-1809), French pharmacist.

  1. Catalogue des plantes du jardin botanique établi a Besangon, département du Doubs, ... a Besancon l’imprimerie de la veuve Daclin) an xiii [1805]. Oct. (Cat. pl. jard. Besangon). Publ.: an xiii, 1805, p. [i]-viii, [1]-112. Copy: G.

Morel, Jean-Marie (1728-1810), French landscape architect and horticulturist at Lyon. (fF. M. Morel).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 512; Herder p. 153; Plesch p. 341; PR (ed. 1: 7145); Rehder 5: 588; Sotheby no. 552; Tucker 1: 408.

Anon., Jard. France 1971(6): 10. Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 31: 4, 59. 1906, 32: 119. 1907, 35: 28, 46. Ig10.

  1. Tableau dendrologique, contenant la liste des plantes ligneuses indigénes et exotiques acclimatées, la maniére dont elles se propagent, le terrain et exposition qui leur convien- nent, leur grandeur, les principaux caracteres de leurs feuilles, le mois dans lequel éclosent les fleurs des plantes en qui elles sont apparentes, leurs fruits cultivés ou sauvages, et ceux de celle derniére classe qui ornent les arbres qui les produisent, enfin la qualité de leur bois; .. . a Lyon (Aux depens de la Société libre d’ Agriculture, d’ Histoire naturelle et des Arts utiles, De limprimerie de Bruyset ainé C.e) an vii [1800]. Qu. ( Tabl. dendrol.).

Publ.: an viii= 1800, p. [i*-11*], [i]-vin, [1]-52, [1, abbr.]. Copy: USDA.

Morel, L. F. (fi. 1865), French clergyman, high school teacher and mycologist. (L. Morel). HERBARIUM and TYPES: Unknown.

NOTE: Morel was also the author of various religious treatises, such as Vie et doctrine de J.+ C., L’art de bien nourir, Catéchisme romain, and Montée de l’ame vers dieu.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1349; PR 6423. 6297. J raité des champignons au point de vue botanique, alimentaire et toxicologique orné de plus de roo figures. Paris (Germer-Bailliére, ...), Moulins (chez Ch. Desrosiers, ...) 1865. 18-mo. (sign. 12 and 24 p. alternate). ( Trazté champ.).

Publ.: 1865, p. [1iv], [1]-lxui, [67]-301, pl. 7-18 (uncol. liths.). Copies: FH, NY, Stevenson.

Moretti, Giuseppe (1782-1853), Italian botanist; professor of botany and director of the Botanical Garden at the University of Pavia 1826-1853. (Morettz).

HERBARIUM and Types: PAD (fide Saccardo); further material at BASSA, C, FI, G, H, PAV.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 4: 577; Backer p. 380; Barnhart 2: 512; BL 2: 414, 693; BM 3: 1349; Bossert p. 273; CSP 4: 465-466; DTS 1: 199-200; Frank 3(Anh.): 67; Hegi 6(1):



346; Herder p. 467; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Moretti’”’); IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 557; Jackson p. 315;

Kew 4: 53-54; Langman p. 525; Laségue p. 342; LS 18211-18213; MW p. 332; PR 6425-

6449 (ed. 1: 7150-7179); Rehder 5: 588; Saccardo 1: 113, 2: 75, cron. xxvii; TL-2/1: see

Boccone, P.; Tucker 1: 498; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p. 791.

Anon., Bonplandia 1(15): 142-143. 1853, 2:8. 1954 (d. 1 Dec 1853); Bot. Not. 1855: 159 (d. 1 Dec 1853); Bot. Zeit. 12: 328. 1854, 13: 199-200. 1855 (sale library); Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 66. 1855 (sale of his rich library); Flora 37: 208. 1854; Osterr. bot. W. 4: 30. 1854 (d.).

Bianchi, V. et al., Atti Ist. bot. Univ., Lab. critt. Pavia 16: 210-230. 1959 (portr., biogr., bibl.).

Briosi, G., Atti Ist. bot. Univ. Pavia ser. 2. 7: 111. 1902.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (herb. PAD).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 415, 482, 487. 1862.

Hausmann, F. v., Fl. Tirol 1183. 1851.

Helm, T., Kulturpflanze 14: 352. 1966.

Holden, W., Bibl. contr. Lloyd Libr. 6: 287. rgr2.

Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 6: 59. 1854.

Moretti, G., Difesa e illustrazione delle opere botaniche di P. A. Mattioli, a series of papers published in Giorn. I. R. Ist. Lombardo, Milano, (1-5) in ser. 1. 3: 204-227. 1842, 5: 54- go. 1844, 6: 211-241, 7: 222-250. 1846, 8: 605-624. 1847; (6-8) im ser. 2. 2: 207-221. 1850, 3: 268-286. 1851, 4: 396-416. 1852 (M’s main work on Mattioli).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 202. 1863 (b. 30 Nov 1782, d. 2 Dec 1853).

EPONYMY: Morettza A. P. de Candolle (1821).

  1. Notizia sopra diverse piante da aggiungersi alla flora vicentina ... Pavia (dalla Tipografia

Eredi Galeazzi) 1815.

Publ.: 1815, p. [1]-16, 1 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Giorn. fis. 8: 121-136. 1815. Continued ib. 3: 16-23, 252-258. 1820 (journal publ. n.v.).

  1. Osservazioni sopra diverse specie di piante indigene dell’ [talia lettera del professore Moretti al direttore della Bibliotheca Italiana. Milano (presso la direzione del giornale ...) s.d. [1818]. Oct.

Publ.: 1818, p. [1]-12. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Bibl. ital. 9: 367-376. 1818 (n.v.). To be

cited from journal.

  1. De quibusdam plantis Italiae. Ex primo volumine (Bimestre i.) Diarii Physices, Chemice

et Historiae naturalis, quod Ticini [Pavia] evulgatum anno 1822.

Decas prima: (n.v.) in Bibl. ital. 12: 369. passim.

Decas secunda: Jan-Feb 1822 (title as above), p. [1]-11. Reprinted from Giorn. fis. Dec. II. 5: 40-48. 1822 (journal n.v.).

Decas tertia: Mar-Apr 1822, p. [1]-8. Reprinted from id. 5: 108-113. 1822 (journal n.v.).

Decas quarta: Jul-Aug 1822, p. [t]-15. Reprinted from id. 5: 245-258. 1822 (journal n.v.).

Decas quinta: Sep-Oct 1822 (Flora Dec 1822), p. [1]-8. Reprinted from id. 5: 321-326. 1822 (journal n.v.).

Decas sexta: Mar-Apr 1823, p. [1t]-9. Reprinted from id. 6: 139-145. 1823.

Decas septima: Mar-Apr 1824, p. [1]-12. Reprinted from id. 7: 95-104. 1824 (journal n.v.).

Copies: E (4, 5: 6), G (eG): REG (227): WU (1, 5> 7):

  1. Jntorno alla flora veronensis del signor professore Pollini osservazioni del professore

Moretti. Milano (dall’ Imperial regia Stamperia 1822. Oct.

Publ.: 1822, p. [1]-36. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Bibl. ital. 1822. To be cited from journal. See C. Pollini for Fl. veron. 1822 [-1824].

  1. Tentativo diretto [sic] ad illustrare la sinonimia delle specie del genere Saxifraga indigene del suolo italiano ... Pavia (Nella Stamperia Fusie Comp.) 1823. Qu.

: 1823, p. [1]-12. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Giorn. fis. 6: 460-471. 1823. : 1824, ibid. 7: 104-108, 161-166. — No reprint with indep. pagination seen.

: 1825, ibid. 8: 282-291. — Id.

: 1826, ibid. 9: 94-104. — Id.

wi. Go ty oS



  1. II botanico italiano ossia discussioni sulla flora italica del professore Giuseppe Moretti

... Pavia (Nella Stamperia Fusi e Comp.) 1826. Qu.

Publ.: 1826, p. [1]-44, pl. 1-3 (uncol.). Copies: G, NY, U.— Originally published Giorn. Fis. Chim. Stor. nat. Pavia 9: 65-82, 154-166, 238-250. 1826. To be cited from journal.

Ref.: DTS 1: 199. 1900.

  1. De Primulis italicis tentamen inaugurale quod annuentibus magnifico domino rectore

_.. auspice Josepho Moretti... pro doctoris medicinae laurea rite capessenda in celebratiss.

ir. archigymn. ticinensi mense aprilis an. m.d. ccc.xxxi una cum thesibus adnexis publicae

disquisitioni submittebat Alexander Lattuada ... Ticini regii [Pavia] (ex Typographia

Fusi et Socii) [1831]. Oct. (Premul. ztal.)

Publ.: Apr. 1831, p. [1]-24. Copies: FI (p. [1]-22), HU, WU (p. [1 ]-24).— Nothing is known to us about the “‘defendens” Alexander Lattuada. We follow DTS and PR in ascribing the text to Moretti. See below Syn. Veronic. Saccardo (1: 95), however, attributes the publication to Lattuada.

  1. Scillae maritimae monographia quam annuentibus magnifico domine rectore . . . auspice D. re Josepho Moretti ... pro doctoris medicinae laurea rite capessenda in celebratis 1.r. archigymn. ticinensi mense aprilis an. mdcccxxxil. una cum thesibus adnexis publicae disquisitioni submittebat Franciscus Battaleni ... Ticini regil [Pavia] (ex Typographia Fusi et socii) [1832]. Oct. (Sczll. mar. monogr.).

Publ.: Apr 1832, p. [1]-30. Copy: WU. — For authorship see under Syn. Veronic. (1834).

  1. Synopsis Veronicarum quae in Italia sponte nascuntur, nonnullis additis ad virtutes medicas et usum therapeuticum ipsarum pertinentibus. Dissertatio inauguralis quam annuentibus magnifico domino rectore, per illustri facultatis medicinae p. directore, spectabili d. decano ac clarissimus d.d. professoribus auspice doct. Jos. Moretti botan. prof.

o. pro doct. medic. laurea obtinenda in i.r. archigymnas. ticinensi mense Januar. anno

  1. Una cum adnexis thesibus publicae disquisitioni submittebat Mottini Petrus ex

Grossoto in Valle Tellina chirurgiae doctor atque artis obstetricae magister. Ticini regu

[Pavia] (ex typis Fusi et Socii) [1834]. Oct. (in fours) (Syn. Veronic.).

Publ.: Jan 1834, p- [1 ]-35. Copies: G, U.— Traditionally attributed to Moretti, in accordance with the possibility to obtain a degree based on a thesis written by the “promotor”. Fora Moretti dissertation to be attributed to the defendant see Schlosser, J. C., De papilionacets, 1836.

  1. Prodromo di una monografia delle specie del genere Morus ... [Milano (dalla Tipografia

Benardoni) 1842]. Oct.

Publ.: Sep 1842 (see Flora 27: 504. 1844), p- [1]-18, [1, colo. ]. Copies: FI, G, MO; IDC 6461 — Reprinted from Giorn. r. Ist. Lombardo Sci., Bibl. ital. 1: 85-102. 1841 (i.e. 1842). To be cited from journal.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 26: 554-556. 1843, 27: 504. 1844.

  1. Sugli Anacardi orientale e occidentale (Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. fil. et Anacar-

dum occidentale, Linn.) Dissertazione del professore G. Moretti. Milano (Presso la Societa’

degli Editori degli Annali Universali delle Scienze e dell’ Industria .. Heudgi Oct


Publ.: Jan-Mar 1851 (in journal), p. [1]-43. Copies: FI, NY, WU. — Reprinted from Giorn. agrar. Lomb.-Ven. 1851 (n.v.).

Morgan, Andrew Price (1836-1907), American mycologist who introduced C. G. Lloyd to mycology; high school teacher at Dayton, Ohio. (Morg.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: IA; further material at B, CUP, NY, SIU.

note: GR, p. 233, notes ‘‘(1908) in Harrison/Ohio living,” but cites also the conventional date of death 19 Oct 1907 at Preston, Ohio.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 513; BL 1: 207, 309; CSP 12: 519, 17: 349-359; GR p. 233; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 2: 557; Kelly p. 153-154; Kew 4: 54; Lenley p. 299; LS



18214-18264, 36127-36134; NAF 1(1): 165, 9(6): 443; PH 26, 567, 906; SBC p. 127

(““Morg.”’); SO 2807; Stevenson p. 1251; Tucker 1: 498; Urban-Berl. p. 279.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1908: 47; J. New York Bot. Gard. g: 91. 1908 (herb. given to IA; some material also in Ellis coll. at NY); Torreya 8(2): 36, 92. 1908 (coll. to IA).

Armstrong, C. A., Ohio Natural. 1: 37. 1gor.

Barnhart, J. H., North Amer. fl. 9(6): 443. 1916.

Burk, W. R., Bibl. N. Amer. Phall. 130. 1980.

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975 (mss.).

Kellerman, W. A., in Geol. Ohio pl. 57, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 76, 77, 78. 1895; J. of Mycol. 13: 233-936. 1907 (portr., bibl., b. 27 Oct 1836, d. 19 Oct 1907.

Lloyd, C. G., Mycol. Notes 31: 397-398. 1908 (portr.).

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 29. 1945.

Palmer, J. R., Nova Hedwigia 15: 150. 1968 (bibl. Gasteromyc.).

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 17. 1977.

Wycoff, E., Bibl. Contr. Lloyd Libr. 9: 392. 1913.

EPONYMY: Morganella Zeller (1948).

  1. Flora of the Miami Valley, Ohio ... Dayton, Ohio (published by the Literary Union)
  2. (Fl. Miami Valley).

Publ.: 1878 (p. 4: 10 Apr 1878), p. [1]-68. Copy: NY.

Ref.: Anon., Hedwigia 22(11): 176. Nov 1883.

  1. The mycologic flora of the Miami Valley, Ohio ... [from the Journal of the Cincinnati

Society of Natural History vols. 6-11, 1883-1888.] Oct.

Publ.: A series of papers, reprinted with original pagination but changed initial pages from J. Cincinnati Soc. nat. Hist. as follows (set at NY): 54-81, pl. 2-5. Apr 1883, 97-117, pl. 8. 1883, 173-199, pl. 9. 1883, 7: 5-10, 1 pl. 1884, 8: 91-111, pl. 7. Jul 1885, 168-175. Oct 1885, g: 1-8. 1887, 10: 7-18. 1887, 188-202. Jan 1888, 11: 86-95, pl. 27. Oct 1888.

  1. Description of a new Phalloid. Advance sheet from Journal of the Cincinnati Society of

natural History. October 1892. (Descr. Phalloid).

Publ.: Oct 1892, p. [1-2], pl. 2. Copy: NY. — Final publ. in J. Cincinnati Soc. nat. Hist. 15: 171-172. 1892/93. (Phallogaster, gen. nov.).

  1. The myxomycetes of the Miami Valley, Ohio from the Journal of the Cincinnati Society of

natural History 1893-1900.

Publ.: A series of five papers published in the J. Cinc. Soc. nat. Hist., reprinted with changed pagination, p. [1]-130, 1893-1900.

No. journal reprint dates

I 15: 127-143, pl. 3 I-17 Jan 1893

2 16: 13-36, pl. 7 19-42 Apr 1893

3 16: 127-156, pl. 17-12 43-72 Feb 1894

4 19: 1-44, pl. 1-3 73-110, 23 Aug 1896 (Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1897 pl. 13-15

5 19: 147-166 III-130 1900

Copy of reprint: MO, NY. — To be cited from journal.

Morgan, Robert (1863-1900), British artist and lithographer; contributed plates to e.g. J. Bot. 1882-1900; illustrated Fryer’s Potamogeton. (R. Morgan).

HERBARIUM and types: None; the originals of his drawings for Fryer and J. Bot. are at BM. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 513; BB p. 221; Desmond p. 450; TL-2/1: 1908 (q.v. for The Potomagetons of the British Isles).

Anon., Proc. Linn. Soc. 113: 46-47. 1901.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 38: 489-492. 1900 (portr.).



Morgenroth, Eduard (1861-?), German palacobotanist; Dr. phil. Leipzig 1883; ultima- tely ““Oberstudienrat” in Berlin (Morgenroth).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Andrews p. 304; BM 3: 1350; Quenstedt p. 486 (b. 10 Nov 1861). Anon., Hedwigia 54(2): (125). 1913 (app. Berlin).

  1. Die fossilen Pflanzenreste im Diluvium der Umgebung von Kamenz in Sachsen. Inaugural-

Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwtirde der hohen philosophischen

Facultat der Universitat Leipzig... Halle a.S. (Gebauer-Schwetschke’schen Buchdrucke-

rei) 1883. Oct. (Foss. Pfl.-Reste Kamenz).

Publ.: Sep-Oct 1883 (Bot. Centralbl. 15-19 Oct 1883; Bot. Zeit. 30 Nov 1883), p. [1]-49. Copy: MO. — “‘vita”: b. 10 Nov 1861.

Ref.: Geyler, Bot. Centralbl. 18: 71-72. 1884.

Mori, Antonio (1847-1902), Italian botanist; acting director botanical garden of Pisa 1880-1881; director of the botanical garden of Modena (1883-1902), professor of botany from 1888. (A. Morz).

HERBARIUM and Types: MOD and PAD; other material at AK, DBN, DOMO, FI, GB and MANCH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 515; BL 2: 352, 693; Bossert p. 273 (b. 21 Dec

1847, d. 6 Apr 1902); GR p. 536 (b. 21(19) Dec 1847); Herder p. 259; 1H 2: 558; Morren ed.

2, p. 27, ed. 10, p. 85; Rehder 5: 589; Saccardo 1: 113 (b. 21 Dec 1847); Tucker 1: 408.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 16: 256. 1883 (to Modena), 34: 383. 1888 (prof. bot. Modena); Bot. Jahrb. 31 (Beibl. 70): 28. 1902 (d.); Bot. Not. 1903: 34 (d.); Nat. Nov. 24: 390. 1902 (d. 6 Apr 1902); Osterr. bot. Z. 38: 254. 1888 (app. Modena).

Ciferri, R., Taxon 1: 126. 1952 (herb. MOD & PAD).

‘De Toni, G. B., Bull. Soc. bot. France 49: 243. 1902 (obit., b. 21 Dec 1847, d. 6 Apr 1902), Malpighia 20: 279-282. 1906.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 99. 1896.

Fiori, A., Bull. Soc. bot. ital. 1902: 58-59.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 275, 283. 1938.

Goulding, J. H., Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 12: 119. 1975 (material at AK).

Pantanelli, E., Bull. Soc. bot. ital. 1902: 59-64 (bibl.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Parlatore, F., ctd. by T. Caruel, Fl. ital. 8(3), Plumbaginaceae 1889.

HANDWRITING: Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 12: 118. 1975.

  1. Contribuzione alla flora del Modenese e del Reggiano [Modena 1886]. Oct.

Publ.: 1886, p. [3]-16. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Atti Soc. nat. Modena 5: 113-116. 1886.

Mori, Tamezé6 (1884-1962), Japanese botanist; AB Tokyo 1909; teacher in Korea from 1909. (7. Mor).

HERBARIUM and Types: Tl.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 513; CSP 17: 353; IF suppl. 4: 332; IH 2: 558; MW p. 332, suppl. p. 238.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 264. 1977.

Hasegawa, H., Kontyt 35(suppl.): 85-86. 1967.

  1. An enumeration of plants hitherto known from Corea ... Seoul, Corea (Published by the Government of Chosen) 1922. (Enum. pl. Corea).

Publ.: Apr-Aug 1922 (p. 5: 12 Mar 1922; US rd. 12 Sep 1922; J. Bot. Sep 1922), p. [i-v], [1]-



10, [1]-3, [1]-2, [3], (iJ-vii, [1]-vii, [1 ]-372, [1]-174, [1, expl. pl.], 5 pl. (uncol.). Copies: H, MO, US, USDA.

Moriarty, Henrietta Maria, Mrs, (//. 1806, d. 1843?), British novelist. (Moriarty). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 514; BM 3: 1350, 7: 866; Desmond p. 450; DU 214 (1807); GF p. 69; Jackson p. 407; Kew 4: 55; NI 1407; Plesch p. 341; Rehder 5: 589; SO add. 785n; Sotheby 2: 196 (no. 554).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 55: 52-54. 1957.

  1. Viridarium: Coloured plates of greenhouse plants, with the Linnean names, and with concise rules for their culture ... London (printed by Bewick & Clarke, ... for the author, ..) 1806. (Viredarium).

Org.: 1806 (p. vi: Jan 1806), p. [i]-xi, pl. 7-50 with text, [1-6, ind.]. Copy: NY. — (adapted with slight alterations from Curtis’s Bot. Mag.; ugly plates, handcol. copp.). “Very rare” (Wheldon and Wesley cat. 1319 no. 87, 1974).

Reissue: 1807, p. [1]-xii, pl. 1-50 (id.), [1-4, index]. Copy: NY. — “Fifty plates of greenhouse plants, drawn and coloured from nature. With concise descriptions, and rules for their culture. Intended also for the improvement of young ladies in the art of drawing ... second edition.”’ London (printed for the author, by T. Bensley, ...) 1807.

Moricand, Moise Etienne, called Stefano (1779-1854); Swiss botanist; commercial traveller in Italy for the Swiss watch industry; later in Genéve working (in his spare time) with A. P. de Candolle. (Moric.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Moricand’s herbarium, particularly rich in early rgth century collections and consisting of about 50.000 specimens, is now part of the general herbarium of Genéve (G). The Plantes nouvelles d Amérique are mainly based on collections by Pavon, Berlandier and Blanchet. — Duplicates at CN, FI, G-DC, H, OXF, P, US, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 5(4): 68, 173; Barnhart 2: 514; BL 2: 415, 693; BM 3:

1350; Bossert p. 273; Clokie p. 214; CSP 4: 467-468; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Moric.”’); IH 2: 558;

Jackson p. 323, 355; Herder p. 179, 225; Kew 4: 55; Langman p. 525; ME 3: 412; NI 1408-

1409; PH 98, 567; PR 6450-6452 (ed. 1: 7180-7182); Rehder 5: 589; RS p. 120; Saccardo 1:

113-114, 2: 75, cron. xxvii; TL-1/88 9-890; TL-2/1: 1004, see Berlandier, J. L.; Tucker 1:

498, 3: 212; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p. 791.

Anon., Bot. Bot. 1855: 159 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 12: 536. 1854; Bull. Soc. bot. France 1: 106-107. 1854; Flora 37: 768. 1854; Osterr. bot. W. 4: 270. 1854 (d.).

Bord, B., Aesculape Mai 1938: 12-13.

Briquet, J., Annuaire Cons. Jard. bot. Genéve 13/14: 6. 1909-1911.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (herb. then still with Moricand fils).

Candolle, A. P., Hist. bot. genev. 55. 1830, Mém. souv. 337. 1862.

Cavillier, F., 7n J. Briquet, Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 487-490. 1940 (biogr., bibl., epon., b. 18 Dec 1779, d. 26 Jun 1854).

Gautier, J. A., Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genéve 14(1): v-vill. 1855 (obit.).

Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 55: 266, 292. 1893 (“‘plantae ex Helvetia” at LE, Bahia- Pflanzen id.; all obviously ex herb.).

Kukkonen, I., Herb. C. Steven 73. 1971 (material at H.).

Miége, J. & Wuest, Saussurea 6: 132. 1975.

Moretti, G., Intorno alla Flora venata del Sig. Moricand. Milano 1822, 18 p.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 5: 475-477. 2 Jul 1847.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 11, 32. 1977 (material at FI).

EPONYMY: Moricandia A. P. de Candolle (1821). 6317. Flora veneta, seu enumeratio plantarum circa Venetiam nascentium, secundum methodum Linnaeanam disposita, ... Vol. i. Genevae (ex Typ. J. J. Paschoud, .. .) Parisiis

(apud eumdem, ...) 1820. Oct. + (Fl. venet.).



Publ.: Jul 1820 (BF: 22 Jul 1820), p. [i]-x, [1]-439. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY, USDA. — Vol. 2, Cryptogams, remained unpublished. See Moretti (1822) for a critical evaluation.

  1. Plantes nouvelles d Amérique ... Genéve (Imprimerie de Jules-Gme Fick ...) 1833-

1846[-1847]. Qu. (Pl. nouv. Amér.).

Publ.: 1834-1847 (see below), p. [i]-iv, [1]-176, pl. 1-200. Copies: FI, H, US, USDA; IDC 6082. — The text of livr. 1 was also published in Mém. Soc. Genéve 6(2): 529-536 (1834); livr. 2 in 7(1): 249-264 (1836). The remaining parts were issued independently. Livr. 1 was dated 1833 [erreoneously, because the Mémoires 6(2) were published in 1834, see e.g. p. 545] and livr. 2, 1836 (possibly publ. 1835), but they were set up from fresh type and probably appeared together (in this form) in 1836. The first part was originally due for publication in 1830 by Barbezat at Genéve under the title Plantae americanae rariores descriptae et iconibus wllustratae (NI 14.08). Publication did not take place due to bankruptcy of the publisher. However, this first unpublished part (which was to contain plates 1-10) is reviewed in the Bulletin Botanique (Genéve) 6: 171-175. Jun 1830, and in the Bulletin des Sciences naturelles et de géologie of Férussac (23: 77-79. Sep 1830). The reviews contain the Latin description of the species, which establishes valid publication! Pritzel cites this unpublished part under number 6451 and adds “‘Fasciculus casu infelici ineditus’’. For a more detailed account see Schlechtendal (1847) and Briquet (1940). All parts are enumerated, with the plates and dates of each, in the preface to the completed work.

livr. pages plates dates

I [1]-8 1-6 1834 (,,1833”) 2 9-24 7-10 1836

3 25-40 17-26 1837

4 41-56 27-38 1837

5 57-76 39°50 1839

6 77-96 51-60 1840

7 97-116 61-70 1841

  1. 117-140 71-84 Jan-Aug 1844 9 141-176, 85-100 Jan-Jun 1847


Copies: G, MO, NY (orig. covers), US, USDA; IDC 6082. — The original paper cover of each livraison bears the title: “Plantes nouvelles ou rares de !Amérique.”’ The number of the livraisons, the numbers of the plates contained in it, and the year, were filled in by hand. Livr. 1 & 2 were reviewed as the first part in Linnaea 11(Lit.-Ber.): 186 (1837). Livr. 4 was reviewed in Linnaea 12(Lit.-Ber.): 186 (1838) as of “1837”. Livr. 8 was reviewed in Bot. Zeit. 2: 615. (30 Aug 1844), Livr. 9 ibid. 5: 475. (2 Jul 1847). The preface (p. iv) is dated 30 Dec 1846. If the ninth part was published at the same time, as suggested by Barnhart, its date is 1847. The plates are copper engravings (79) or lithographs (21) of drawings by Moricand. The engravings were made by Heyland.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 2: 615-616. 30 Aug 1844 (livr. 8), 5: 475-477. 2

Jul 1847 (livr. 9).

Moriere, Pierre Gilles, calles Jules (1817-1888), French botanist and palaeontologist; high school teacher at Condé-sur-Noireau 1837-1838, at Caen from 1838-1859; director Jardin botanique de la ville de Caen (1859-1871); professor of botany at the Faculté des Sciences de Caen from 1859; longtime secretary of the Société Linnéenne de Normandie (c. 1859-1888); Dr. sci. Lyon 1859. (Moriére).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: CN. — 15 letters to Malinvaud at P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 514; BL 2: 185, 693; BM 3: 1350-1351; Herder p. 467; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 558; Jackson p. 104, 184, 362; Morren ed. 2, p. 18, ed. 10, p. 61; Quenstedt p. 302; Rehder 5: 589; TL-2/724; Tucker 1: 408.

Candolle, A. P. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (pl. at CN).

Dangeard, P. A., J. de Bot. 2: 388. 1888, 3: 13-16. 1889 (bibl., obit.).



Duchartre, P. E. S., Bull. Soc. bot. France 35: 371, 372-373. 1888 (obit.).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 197. 1938 (dir. bot. Gard.).

Letacq, A. L., Invent. pl. crypt. vasc. Orne 256-257. 1906, Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat. Rouen ser. 5. 42: 116-117. 1907 (b. 8 Apr 1817).

Malinvaud, A. & A. de St. Germain, Ann. Bot. 2: 421-422. 1889.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Brébisson, Fl. Normandie ed. 5, 1879, ““‘publiée par J. Moriére’’, see TL- 2/724. — Brébisson mentioned in his fourth edition that he left the work in the hands of M: “elle ne pourrait étre en meilleures mains.”

EPONYMY: Morterina Vieillard (1865). Note: Moriera Boissier (1841) commemorates James Justinian Morier (+ 1780-1849), English traveller in Armenia, Iran and Asia Minor.

  1. Vole sur quelques herborisations faites en 1860... Caen (Typ. de A. Hardel, imprimeur-

libraire) 1861. Oct. (Not. herbor.).

1660: publ. 1861 (t.p. reprint), p. [1 ]-13. Copy: NY.—Preprinted from Mem. Acad. natl. Sci. Caen 1863: 127-139.

1661: publ. 1862 (t.p. reprint), p. [1]-7. Copy: NY. — Preprinted from id. 1863: 35-40.

  1. Vole sur une liliacée de la Californie, ... Caen (A. Hardel, imprimeur-libraire, ...) 1863.


Publ.: 1863, p. [1]-7, pl. 75 (lith. uncol., Faguet). Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie 8: 326-331. 1862/1863, publ. 1863. — Contains description Allium subg. Rupalleya. .

Morin, Francois Malat Marie 1856-1900(?)), French clergyman and botanist; Dr. Sci. Rennes 1893; high school teacher at Dinan; from 1895-1897 professor of botany at the free University of Lyon. (F. Morin).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 514; BM 3: 1951. Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 35: 49. 1910.

EPONYMY: Moriia J. Cardot (1gt0). Note: Morina Linnaeus (1753) commemorates Louis Morin (1636-1715), French physician and botanist, collaborator of Tournefort in the Paris botanical garden.

  1. Théses présentées a la faculté des sciences de Rennes pour obtenir le grade de docteur

és Sciences naturelles par ’abbé F. Morin... 1 re thése. — Anatomie comparée et expérimentale de

la feulle des muscinées anatomie de la nervure appliquée a la classification ... soutenues le [ ]

juillet 1893 ... Rennes-Paris (Typographie Oberthur) 1893. Qu. (Anat. feualle musc.).

Publ.: Jul 1893 (Nat. Nov. Dec 1893; Hedwigia rd. Aug-Nov 1893; Bot. Centralbl. 14 Sep 1893), p. [i-vi], [1]-139, [1, these], pl. 7-24 (uncol. liths. auct.). Copy: FH.

Morini, Fausto (1858-1927), Italian mycologist; originally at Bologna; director of the botanical garden and professor of botany at Sassari 1888-1892; idem at Messina 1892-1897; professor of botany and director of the R. Istituto ed Orto Botanico at Bologna, succeeding Mattirolo, 1897-1927. (Morinz).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 514; BM 3: 1351, 10: 850; CSP 17: 355; Hirsch p. 204; IH 2: 558; LS 18282-18304a, 37140-37142, suppl. 18935-18937; Rehder 5: 589; Stevenson p. 1251; Tucker 1: 498.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 37: 191. 1889 (app. Sassari [1888]); Bot. Jahrb. 10, Beibl. 23: 1. 1889, 25 (Beibl. 60): 55. 1898 (prof. bot. Bologna [1897], succeeding O. Mattirolo who went to FI); Nat. Nov. 20: 145. 1898 (app. Bologna); Osterr. bot. Z. 39: 160. 1889 (app. Sassar1), 48: 119. 1898 (app. Bologna).

Béguinot, A., Archivio bot. 4: 80. 1928 (d. 26 Dec 1927).



Ciferri, F., Taxon 1(8): 126. 1952. Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 269, 274, 288. 1938 (directorships bot. gardens). Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 4: 52. 1898 (succeeds Mattirolo at Bologna).

EpoNYMY: Morinia Berlese & Bresadola (1887-1888); Rinomia Nieuwland (1916, anagram). 6322. Lasistemazione delle Puccinie.. . Bologna (Tipografia Gamberinie Parmeggian1) 1882.

Qu. Publ.: 1882, p. [1]-17. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna ser. 4. 4: 107-121. 1682.

  1. Ancora sulla questione della sessualita nelle Ustilaginee ... Bologna (Tipografia Gam-

berini e Parmeggiani) 1885. Qu.

Publ.: 1885, p. [1]-10. Copy: FI.— Reprinted from Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna ser. 4. 6: 283-290. 1885.

  1. Biografia degli apoteci della Lachnea theleboloides (A. et S.) Sacc. ... Bologna (Tipografia

Gamberini e Parmeggiani) 1889. Qu.

Publ.: 1889, p. [t]-31, 1 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna ser. 4. 9: 611-639 (alt.: 189-217). 1889.

Preliminary Publ.: 1887, Rendic. Sess. r. Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna 1886/7: 59-63. 1887, reprinted Bologna (id.). 1887, p. [1]-7. Copy: FI.

  1. Vote micologiche ... Genova (tipografia di Angelo Ciminago ...) 1896. Publ.: 1896, p. 1-30, 1 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Malpighia 10: 72-99.

  2. Materiali per una monografia delle Pilobolee ... Bologna (Tipografia Gamberini e

Parmeggiani) 1906. Qu.

Publ.: 1906, p. [1]-21, 1 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mem. r. Accad. Sa. Ist. Bologna ser. 6. 3: 381-399. 1906.

Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto (Joseph Hyacinthe) (1796-1869), Italian botanist; from 1822-1829 at the University of Cagliari; from 1829 professor of botany at Torino; director botanical garden ib. 1831-1869. (Moris).

HERBARIUM and types: TO (incl. library); further material, especially from Sardinia at DBN, E, FI, G-DC, NAP, OXF, P, PI, SASSA, and W.; mycological types at PAD.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 264, 4: 421, 7: 368-369; Backer p. 381; Barnhart 2:

514; BL 2: 387, 400, 693; BM 3: 1351; Bossert p. 273; Cesati p. 272; Clokie p. 214; CSP 4:

473-474, 8: 439; De Toni 1: Ixxxvii; GR p. 519, cat. p. 68; Hegi 6(2): 1254; Herder p. 179;

Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Moris’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 558; Jackson p. 145, 317, 321, 438; Kew 4:

56; LS 18305-18306; NI 1410; PR 6457-6461 (ed. 1: 7189-7194); Rehder 5: 589; Saccardo

I: 114, 2: 75-76, cron. xxviii; SBC p. 127 (‘“Moris’’); TL-1/891-892; Tucker 1: 499; Urban-

Berl. p. 376; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p. 791-792.

Anon., Bonplandia 1(7): 67. 1853, 6: 48. 1858 (Leopoldina cogn.: Monti); Bot. Zeit. 28: , 760. 1870; Bull. Soc. bot. France 16(C.R.): 225, (bibl.): 96. 1869; Flora 52: 393-394. 1869; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1869-70: ciii-civ. 1870; Studi veget. Piemonte Ixi-lxiv. 1929 (portr.).

Barbey, W., Fl. Sardoae comp. 7. 1884 (portr., dedic.).

Candolle, A. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (dupl. G-DC).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 415, 472, 480, 481, 482, 484. 1862.

Cesati, V., Mem. Mat. Fis. Soc. Ital. Sci. ser. 3. 4: Ixii-lxiv. 1882 (bibl.); 8: 439.

Ciferri, R., Taxon 1(8): 126. 1952 (mycol. types at PAD).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 290. 1938.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970 (Sardinian pl. in herb. Dorfler).

Hooker, J. D., in W. J. Hooker, London J. Bot. 6: 482. 1847 (coll. TO).

Mattirolo, O., Reliquiae Morisianae 1892, 41 p. (Atti Congr. bot. int. 1892) 1893 (Sardi-



nian flora, notes based on Moris’ herbarium); Cronist. Orto bot. Torino Ixi-lxiv. 1929. Miller, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traug. Kitzing 289. 1960. Parlatore, F., Nuovo Giorn. bot. Ital. 1: 149, 153-156. 1869 (also repr. Cenni necr. Bertoloni e Morris, 8 p.) (b. 25 Apr 1796, d. 18 Apr 1869). Parlatore, G., Bot. Zeit. 27: 422-426. 1869. Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977. Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977 (material at FI).

HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 179-180. 1977, Webbia 32(1): 30. 1977.

EPONYMY: Morisea A. P. de Candolle (1838); Morista J. Gay (1832); Morisia C. G. D. Nees (1834); Morisina A. P. de Gandolle (1838).

  1. Stirpium sardoarum elenchus auctore Josepho Hyacintho Moris ... (1, 2) Carali [Ca- gliari] (ex typis regis), (2 app., 3) Taurini [Torino] (Typographis Chirio et Mina), 3 fasc. 1827-1829. Qu. (Strp. sard. elench.).

Fasc. 1: Apr or later 1827 (p. vi: kal. Apr 1827), p. [i]-vi, [1]-55-

Fasc. 2: early 1828 (p. 12: 18 Dec 1827), p. [1]-12, app. [1-4], publ. 1828 (p. 4).

Fasc. 3: Jan-early Mar 1829 (p. [3]: Jan 1829; Acad. 23 Mar 1839), p. [1]-26.

Copies: FI, G(2), NY, USDA; IDC 6083.

6327a. Illustrationes rariorum stirpium horti botanici r. univ. taur. auctore professore Josepho

Moris [Torino 1833]. Qu. (Ll. rar. stirp.).

Publ.: [?1830-] 1883, p. [1]-26, pl. 1-6 (uncol., by M. de Lisa et al.). Copies: FI, MO. — Preprinted or reprinted from Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino 36: 177-200. 1833.

Ref.: Guillemin, A., Arch. de Bot. 260. 16 Sep 1833.

  1. Plantae chilenses novae minusve cognitae auctore professore Josepho Moris. Taurini

[Torino] (ex Regio Typographia) s.d. (1831?, 1834]. Qu. (Pl. chil.).

Part 1: [18312-]1834, p. [1]-14, pl. 7-6 (by Angela Rossi-Bottione and Ab. Denina). Copies: G(2).—Preprinted or reprinted from Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino 37: 98-110. 1834. — Junk (Cat. 193, 1975, no. 251) offered a copy with & plates of which 2 “‘finely handcoloured.”

Part 2: 1835, ib. 38: 43-50, pl. 1-2.

  1. Flora sardoa seu historia plantarum in Sardinia et adjacentibus insulis vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatem latius excultarum auctore Josepho Hyacintho Moris. Taurini [Torino] (ex regio typographeo) 1837. Qu. f (FI. sardoa).

Vol. 1: late Apr 1837 (“vor Kurzem” Flora 7 Aug 1837; see also Flora 21 Mai 1837) printer’s date on p. 606: 21 Apr 1837), p. [1]-xu, [1]-606, pl. 7-72, 33 bis.

Vol. 2: 1840-1843 (t.p.; details lacking), p. [i, i], [1]-562, pl. 73-93, 77bis, 78-1, 78-2, map.

Vol. 3: 1858-1859 (t.p.; details lacking), p. [1, mi], [1]-564, pl. g4-riz7.

Copies: FI, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 6166. — Plates: Uncol. copp. engr., nos. 1-80 by Magdale-

na Lisa, 6-111 by Heyland. — See also Mattirolo, O., Relig. Morisianae, Atti Congr. bot.

int. Genova 1892: 374-413. 1893 and Martelli, U., Monocotyledones Sardoae, 3 fasc.

Firenze 1896-1904 (incomplete attempt to treat the monocots; Moris himself never came

around to treating them because of his work as a political administrator in later years).

Facsimile ed.: s.d. “available” fide Otto Koeltz Antiquariat, adv. 1978.

Additional publ.: J. Moris, Stirpes Sardoae novae aut minus notae, Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Torino 1839, reprinted, p. [1-4]. Torino [1839]. Copy: FI.

Reliquiae Morsianae (by O. Mattirolo,) Jan-Jun 1893, p. [1]-41. Copy: FI. ~ Reprinted from Atti Congr. bot. int. 1892: 374-414. 1893. — ‘““Reliquiae Morisianae ossia elenco di piante e localita nuove per la flora di Sardegna recentemente scoperte nell’erbaria di G. G. Moris.”’

Ref.: Anon., Lit. Ber. Flora 8: 92-96, 97-98 (vol. 1).

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 2: 714-715. 11 Oct 1844 (vol. 2), 20: 87-88. 14 Mar 1862 (vol. 3).

  1. Florula caprariae sive enumeratio plantarum in insula Capraria vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatem latius excultarum auctoribus Josepho Moris et Josepho de Notaris [Torino 1839]. Qu. (Fl. caprar.).



Co-author: Giuseppe de Notaris (1805-1877).

Publ.: Jan-Aug 1839 (cover 1839; Acad. rd. 16 Sep), p. [1]-244, pl. 1-6 (uncol., by Magd. Lisa). Copies: FH, FI, US. — Preprinted from Mem. Accad. Torino ser. 2. 2: 59-300. 1840 (copy: MO).

  1. Sovra [sic] una nuova o rara specie di pianta malpighiacea ... Modena (dai tipi della r.d.

Camera) 1848. Qu. (Pianta malpigh.).

Publ.: 1848, p. [1]-8, 1 pl. (Heyland). Copy: MO. — Preprinted from Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci., Modena 24(2): 212-217. 1815.

Morison, Robert (1620-1683), British botanist; in France at Angers and Blois 1640-1660; in London 1660; at Oxford (first professor of botany) 1669. ““Morisonus est Fructista cum Physiognomis & Corollistis conspirans”’ (Linnaeus, Phil. bot. 18. 1751). (Morison).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 748; Ainsworth p. 96, 310, 345; Backer p. 381; Barnhart 2: 514; BB p. 221; Blunt p. 110, 135, 263; BM 3: 1351, 7: 866; Bossert p. 274; Clokie p- 10-13, 215; Desmond p. 450; DNB 39: 61; Dryander 3: 36, 43, 60, 90, 108, 217; DSB 9: 528-529 (bibl.); Frank 3(Anh.): 67; GB p. 407; Hawksworth p. 124, 198; Hegi 3: 419, 5(2): Moo TgOo. henrey 12 G0, 11G-120, 1291, 124) 195 196, 131, 914. 22 107 llerder p, 03, L40, 153, 319; HU 359; IH 2: 558; Jackson p. 583 [index]; Kew 4: 56; Krempelh. 2: 20; Langman p- 525; LS 18307-18308; Moebius p. 40, 41, 132, 135; MW p. 332; NI 1411-1413; Plesch p. 342-343; PR 6462-6464 (ed. 1: 7195-7198); Rehder 5: 589; Sotheby 2: 198; Tucker 1: 499, 8


Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1369. 1870.

Anon., Dict. Sci. nat. 61: 192-196. 1845.

Berkeley, E. & D.S., Dr: John Mitchell 11, 12, 21, 117, 138: 1974:

Bobart, J., 7m Morison, R., Pl. hist. Univ. oxon. 3: a,-b,. 1699.

Carter, H., Hist. Oxford Univ. Press 1: 236-239. 1975 (fide Sotheby).

Druce, G. C., Fl. Berkshire cxiii. 1897; Fl. Oxfordshire ed. 1. 377-378. 1886, ed. 2. Ixxix. 1927.

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige 71, 143, 152, 164. 1969.

Ewan, J., 7 F’. Pursh, Fl. Amer. sept. facs. repr. 1979, introd. p. 22; Ewan and Ewan, John Banister 142-143, 148-149, 481-482. 1970.

Beer Ae EAS, Vie de Linné 245. 18392.

Franchet, A., Flora de Loir-et-Cher xii-xvul. 1885.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(2): 346. 1908.

Gunther, R. T., Early brit. bot. 355-357. 1922.

Hawksworth, D. L. et al., Prel. bibl. Brit. lichens 99. 1976.

Harvey-Gibson, R. J., Outlines hist. bot. 40, 41, 51, 55, 72- 1914.

Hawksworth, D. L. & Seaward, M. R. D., Lichenology Brit. Isles 1568-1975, p. 3-5. 1977.

Hedge, I. C., Notes R. bot. Gard. Edinburgh 32(2): 151-158. 1973 (on the Pl. Umbell.), 32: 151-158. 1973 (Umbelliferae in 1672 and 1972).

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(8): 151, 154. 1922, 2(1): 33, 34, 63. 1916.

Jourdan, A.-J.-L., Dict. Sci. Méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 298-299. 1824 (bibl.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 70. 1957 (herb.).

Koster, J., Taxon 18: 555. 1969 (algae also at OXF).

Lutjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 63, 97, 124. 1936.

Nicolas, J. P., zn Lawrence, G. H. M., ed., Adanson 1: 151, 161, 164. 1963.

Pulteney, R., Sketches 1: 298. 1790.

Oliver, F. W., Makers brit. bot. 16-43. 1913 (portr.).

Raven, C. E., John Ray 183-186. 1942.

Rees, Cyclopaedia (alph.) 1802-1820.

Reynolds Green, J., Hist. bot. United Kingdom 98-110. 1914.

Sachs, J. von, Hist. botanique 69, 105. 1892.

Schonland, S., Bot. Centralbl. 25: 191. 1886 (herb.).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 33, 42, 44, 69, 194. 1971.

Vines, S. H. and Druce, G. C., Account Morisonian herbarium, Oxford 1914 (extensive descr. herb. at OXF).


MORISON Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): xlvi, 81, pl. 14. 1905 (portr.; d. g Nov 1683). EPONYMY: Morisonia Linnaeus (1753).

  1. Hortus regius blesensis auctus, cum notulis durationis & charactismis [sic] plantarum tam additarum, quam non scriptarum; item plantarum in eodem horto regio Blesensi aucto contentarum, nemini hucusque scriptarum, brevis & succincta delineatio. Quibus accessé- re observationes generaliores (plantarum in eodem horto regio Blesensi aucto contenta- rum) rei herbariae studiosis valdé necessariae, & cognitu perutiles. Praeludiorum botani- corum pars prior. Authore Roberto Morison ... Doctis (in arte) scribo: in doctos docebo. Londoni (typis Tho. Roycroft, impensis Jacobi Allestry ...) 1669. Oct. (Hort. bles.). Publ.: 1669, p. [i-xxxui], 1-449, [500-504, err.]. Copres: BR, FI, MO, NY, USDA. — Half- title: ‘“Praeludia botanica Roberti Morison Scoti aberdonensis.”’ Ref.: Bartlett, H. H., 55 Rare books no. 33. 19409.

  2. Plantarum umbelliferarum distribulio nova, per tabulas cognationis et affinitatis ex libro naturae observata & detecta. Authore Roberto Morison ... Doctis (in Arte) scribo; indoctos docebo. Oxonii [Oxford] (e Theatro Sheldoniano) 1672. Fol. (Pl. umbell.). Publ.: 1672, p. [1-ix, dated 15 Feb 1672], [1]-91, pl. 7-8 with text, pl. 1-12, [1-3, expl. pl.]. Copies: MO, US, USDA. — Later extended to become sect. 9 of vol. 3, of Plant hist. univ.

  3. Plantarum historiae unwersalis oxoniensis pars secunda [tertia] seu herbarum distribu- tio nova, per tabulas cognationis & affinitatis ex libro naturae observata & detecta ... Oxonti [Oxford] (e Theathro Sheldoniano) 1680-1699, 2 vols. Fol. (Pl. hist. univ.).

Orig.: vol. 1 was never issued; was to have contained trees. The Plantarum umbelliferarum of 1672 was intended as a specimen of the whole work (superseded by Section g (vol. 3) of the present work). Some copies have the P/. umbell. bound as vol. 1, thus following the 1715 reissue (see below). — A number of copies were published on larger and thicker paper than the regular issue. For bibliographical details and analyses see HU 359; see also Sotheby 557 (collation). Copies: FI, HU, MO, NY, USDA.

2: 1680, p. [1-vi], 1-619 [numbered 1-344, 343-617], [i-ili], sect. 1: pl. 1-8, 2: 1-25, 3: 1-25, 4: I-31, 5: 1-36 (uncol. copp.).

3: 1699, p. [1-xxiv] (fortr. of Morison (vita of M. by J. Bobart on a,-b,), 1-657, [1-9, index], plates: section 6: 1-15, 7: 1-37, 8: 1-18, 9: 1-22, 10: 1-3, 11: 1-31, 12: 1-18, 13: 1-7, 14: 1-5, 15: 1-10. All but 12 plates (in all) are printed back to back.

See BM 2: 1351 for the unpublished, cancelled portion of the continuation of part 2 (128 p.).

Reissue: 1715, with a ““tomus primus” containing a reissue with new t.p. of the Pl. wmbell. — Copies: NY, U. — Oxonii (e Theatro Sheldoniano et prostant Londini, apud Paulum & Isaacum Vaillant). Fol.

1: [i-v], front. portr., tabula gen. [vil-1x], [1-3, expl. pl.], pl. 7-8, pl. 1-72, text Pl. Umbell. p. [1]-91 [p. 90 as “60”.

2: [i-iv], 1-617, pl. sect. 1: 1-8, 2: 1-23, 23[ bis], 3: 1-25, 4: 1-31, 5: 1-29, 29[ bis], 30-36.

3: [1* ], [i-xx], 1-657, [1-9], pl. sect. 6: 1-15, 7: 1-37, 8:7 ne Q: 1-22, 10! 1-3, 11: 1-31, 12: 1-16, 13: I-7, 14: 1-5, 15: I-10.

Reissue: 1738, 2 vols., vol. 1 containing the original second part, vol. 2 the third part. — (n.v.).

Moritz, Johann Wilhelm Karl (1797-1866), German botanical explorer of the West Indies (1831-1835); lived in Venezuela 1835-1837, 1840-1866. (Moritz).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: BM. — For duplicates see IH. Important early sets went to B.-Flora and Bot. Zeit. (1867) report that the private herbarium went to BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: AG 7: 161; Barnhart 2: 514; BM 3: 1351; CSP 4: 474; Hortus 3: 1200; IH 2: 558; Laségue p. 482, 505; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 589; Urban-Berl. p. 267, 289, 308, 324, 376.

Anon., Flora 50: 15. 1867; Bot. Zeit. 8: 582. 1850, 18: 228 1860 (herb.).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 150. 1888 (680 Venez. pl. at W.)

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (herb.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edind. herb. 112. 1970 (bryo. & vase. pl. at E).



Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 55: 292. 1893 (Colomb. pl. LE).

Jackson, B. D:, Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go1: 47. (dupl. K).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 73. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Moritz, J. W. K., Bot. Zeit. 1: 406-407, 647-648. 1843, 2: 173-175, 195-197; 430-431. 1844, 3: 688. 1845 (letters from Venezuela, sale collections); Bol. Acad. Ci. fis. mat. nat., Caracas (ano 9) 7: 883-896. 1942 (translation travel report 28 Mar 1843).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 169. 1904 (2850 pl.; mosses and hepat. in herb. Hampe).

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 2: 297-298. 1975.

Pittier, H., Man. pl. usual. Venezuela 3-4. 1926.

Rohl, E., Bol. Acad. Ci Fis., Venezuela 7(23): 873-896. 1943 (biogr. b. ro Dec 1810, d. 26 Jun 1866. bibl., transl. travel account).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York bot. Gard. 19(3): 370. 1975.

Seemann, B., J. Bot. 4: 304. 1866.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977 (material at FI).

Steyermark, J. A. & O. Huber, FI. Avila 16, 931. 1978.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 89. 1902.

EPoNyMyY: Morttzia Hampe (1847).

Moritzi, Alexander (1806-1850), Swiss botanist; worked for some time with A. P. de Candolle in Genéve, afterwards high school teacher at Solothurn. (Moritz2).

HERBARIUM and Types: The plants from Java, received from Zollinger, were acquired by de Franqueville and are now at P; part of them went also to Berlin (B, now destroyed). Moritzi’s own herbarium (mainly Swiss) isat CHUR, but in part also at Geneva (G, G-DG, G-Duby).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 838; Backer p. 381; Barnhart 2: 515; BL 2: 573, 693;

BM 3: 1351-1352; CSP 4: 474; DTS 1: 200; GR p. 643; Herder p. 181, 211; Hortus 3: 1200

(‘“Moritzi’”); IF p. 721; IH 2: 558; Jackson p. 342; Kew 4: 56; LS 18316; PR 6466-6470 (ed.

1: 7200-7205): Rehder 5: 589; SK 4: cxvi; TL-1/893 TL-2/see Léveillé, J. H.; Tucker 1: 499;

Zander ed. 10, 694, ed. 11, p. 792.

Bloch, J., Mitt. naturf. Ges. Solothurn 3: 241-356. 1906 (Biographische Notizen uber Alexander Moritzi; also as reprint with Lang 1906, p. 17-131; abbreviated repr. in Moritzi, Réflexions, reprint 1928) (important source, includes details polemics with O. Heer and K. Nageli).

Briquet, J., Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 337-340. 1940 (biogr., bibl., epon., b. 24 Feb 1806, d. 23 Mai 1850).

Candolle, Alph. de, Arch. Sci. phys. nat. Genéve 15: 5-11. 1850; Phytographie 435. 1880 (herb. with Franqueville; Graubiinden pl. in G-DC).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 415. 1862.

Heer, O., Neue Helvetia 2: 350-362, 422-453. 1844 (on FI. d. Schweiz).

Lang, A., Mitt. naturf. Ges. Solothurn 3: 227-239. 1906 (Alexander Moritzi, ein Schweize- rischer Vorlaufer Darwins, also as reprint, Solothurn 1906, p. 3-15; reprinted in Moritzi, Reflexions reprint 1928).

Moritzi, A., Flora 16(1), Int. Bl. 2: 18-19. 1833 (coll.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 181-182. 1977.

EPoNYMy: Moritzia A. P. de Candolle ex C. F. Meisner (1840).

  1. Die Pflanzen der Schweiz, inrem wesentlichen Charakter nach beschrieben und mit Angaben iiber ihren Standort, Nutzen etc. versehen von Alexander Moritzi. (Die Cotyle- donalpflanzen) Chur (bei Simeon Benedict) 1832. Oct. (Pf. Schweiz).

Publ.: 1832 (p. viii: Apr 1832), p. [i*], [i]-viti, [1]-460, [1-2, err.], 1 pl. Copies: G, NY. 6336. Die Pflanzen Graubiindens. Ein Verzeichniss der bisher in Graubiinden gefundenen

Pflanzen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihres Vorkommens. Von Alexander Moritzi. (Die Gefasspflanzen.) [Neuchatel, 1839]. Qu. (Pf. Graubiindens).



Publ.: 1839, p. [1]-158, [1, cont.], pl. 1-6. Copies: G, LC, NY(2). — Neue Denkschr. allg. schweiz. Ges. Naturw. 3, 18309. Ref.: Anon., Flora Lit.-Ber. 11: 162-181. 1840.

6337- Reéflexions sur Pespéce en histoire naturelle ... Soleure (Imprimerie de Fr. Vogelsang-

Graff) 1842. Oct. (Réflex. espéce).

Publ.: 1842, p. [1]-109, [1, err.]. Copies: G, NY.

Facsimile ed.: Berlin (W. Junk) 1910, with preface by H. Potonié, p. [i*-ii*], [i]-xi [introd.], 3-109, [110, err.]. Oct. Copies: BR, B-S, NY.

Reprint and commentary: 1928 (or later), as: A. Moritzi 1806-1850 Réflexions ... naturelle 1842. Mit einer biographischen Einleitung nach Prof. Dr. J. Bloch (Solothurn) und einer Wurdigung Moritzis als Vorlaufer Charles Darwins von Prof. Dr. Arnold Lang (Zurich) 1855-1914. Verlag von H. R. Sauerlaender & Cie., Auran, Leipzig, s.d. — Veroff. Schweiz. Ges. Gesch. Med. 9. Copy: MICH.

  1. Die Flora der Schweiz, mit besonderer Berwcksichtigung ihrer Vertheilung nach allgemein physischen und geologischen Momenten.... Zurich und Winterthur (Verlag des literarischen Comptoirs) 1844. Oct. (Fl. Schwezz).

Orig. ed.: Apr-Jul 1844 (p. iv: 6 Apr 1844; Bot. Zeit. 30 Aug 1844), p. [i]-xii, [1]-640, map. Copies: FI, G, NY, USDA.

Re-issue: 1847 (p. iv: 6 Apr 1844), p. [i]-xxi, [1]-640, map. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. — Leipzig (Verlagsbureau). Oct. “wird mit neugedrucktem Titel von dem Verlagsbureau in Leipzig mit der Jahreszahl 1847 als ein ganz neu erscheinendes Werk fallschlich angeboten”’ (Bot. Zeit. 5: 390. 28 Mai 1847).

Ref.: Heer, O., Neue Helvetia 2: 350-362, 422-453. 1844.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 2: 614-615. 30 Aug 1844.

  1. Systematisches Verzeichniss der von H. Zollinger in den Jahren 1842-1844 auf Java gesammelten Pflanzen, nebst einer kurzen Beschreibung der neuen Gattungen und Arten ... Solothurn (Im Verlag des Verfassers. Druck von Fr. X. Zepfel) 1845-1846. Qu. Syst. Verz.). Collector: Heinrich Zollinger (1818-1859). Co-authors: Joseph Henri Léveillé (1796-1870, fungi, p. 118-126); Ludwig Emanuel Schae- rer (1785-1853, lich., p. 126-129); Jean Etienne Duby (1798-1885, musci, p. 130-135). Publ.: Mai-Jun 1846 (p. xu: Jan 1846; Hinrichs 18-20 Jun 1846; “erschienen’’, Flora 29:
  2. 1846, adv. dated Jul 1846), p. [i]-xi, [1]-144. Copees: NY, US, USDA; IDC 6132. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 5: 489-491. 9 Jul 1847. Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 15: 740. 1960.

Morong, Thomas (1827-1894), American congregational clergyman and botanist; re- signed his pastoral charge in 1888; collected in Paraguay 1888-1890 and in Chile; specialist on Potamogeton; curator of the Columbia College herbarium in New York 1890-1894. (Morong).

HERBARIUM and Types: NY; dupl. see IH. — A large set of duplicates from Morong’s herbarium is at PH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 515; BJI 1: 40; BL 1: 253, 309; BM 3: 13532;

Bossert p. 274; CSP 12: 520, 17: 359; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Morong”’); IH 2: 559; Langman p.

525-526; Lenley p. 299; Morren ed. 10, p. 122; MW p. 332; NAF 28B(2): 347; NW p. 53:

Pennell p. 614; PH 164, 567, 602; Rehder 5: 590; Tucker 1: 499; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed.

Tins G2.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 45: 228. 1891 (back from S. Amer., curator herb. Columbia Coll.); 58: 384. 1894 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 14(Beibl. 30): 8. 1891, 18(Beibl. 46): 15. 1894 (d.); Bot. Not. 1895: 38 (b. 15 Apr 1827, d. 26 Apr 1894); Osterr. bot. Z. 41: 152. 1891 (curator herb. Columbia College).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 32: 319. 1894.

Britton, N. L., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 17(2): 319. 1890 (curator Columbia coll. herb.), 21: 230, 239-244, 271. 1894 (bibl.); J. New York Bot. Gard. 2: 35-37. 1g01 (descr. Morong herb.; was originally at Columbia Univ.; 18.000 specimens).



Day, M. A., Rhodora 3: 258. 1901 (herb. to NY).

Deane, W., Bot. Gaz. 19: 225-228. 1894 (also repr. with special cover). Goulding, J. H., Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 11: 10g-110. 1974.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970. House, H. D., New York State Mus. Bull. 328: 15, 119. 1942.

Jackson, B. D., Bull, misc. Inf. Kew 1go1: 47 (dupl. K).

McVaugh, R., Edward Palmer, plant explorer 67. 1956.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 73. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 169. 1904 (pl. Parag. BM). Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 72. 1955. ; Rodgers, A. D., Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 232, 292, 314. 1944.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 370. 1975.

Voss, E. G., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 13: 74, 82. 1978.

EPONYMyY: Morongia N. L. Britton (1894).

  1. An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. Thomas Morong in Paraguay, 1888-1890 [Ann.

New York Acad. Sci. vol. 7, 1892-1893]. Oct.

Pubi.: Dec 1892-Apr 1893 (Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1893), in Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 7: 45-96. Dec 1892, 97-144. Jan 1893, 145-192. Feb 1893, 193-256. Mar 1893, 257-280. Apr 1893. To be cited from journal. Reprint with special cover, as Contr. Herb. Columbia College no. 35 (copies: MO, NY, US.).

  1. The Naiadaceae of North America ... [Mem. Torrey bot. Club] 15 Mar 1893. Oct.

Publ.: 15 Mar 1893 (Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1893), p. [1]-65, pl. 20-74, Mem. Torrey bot. Club 3(2): 1-65, pl. 20-74. 1893. To be cited from journal.

Ref.: Bennet, J. Bot. 31: 184-186. 31 Jun 1893.

  1. List of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta growing without cultivation in Northeastern North

America. Prepared by a committee of the Botanical Club, American Association for the

advancement of science... New York 1893-1894. Oct. (List Pter. Sperm. N.E. North America).

Authorship: Thomas Morong and Henry Hurd Rusby (1855-1940) contributed by far the greater part of the text. Other authors were L. H. Bailey, N. L. Britton, J. M. Coulter, F. V. Coville, T. H. Kearney, Lamson Scribner, T. H. Porter, J. K. Small and W. E. Wheelock.

Publ.: Signatures dated 4 Dec 1893-31 Dec 1894 (p. 8: “it has been issued in signatures to members of the Committee and such other botanists as have expressed a desire for it, each signature being dated with the day of delivery to the editor [of the Memoirs of the Torrey bot. Club] and distributed immediately thereafter.” Thus the signatures carry the dates of effective publication!), p. [1]-377. Copies: MO, USDA. — Memoirs Torrey botanical Club vol. 5.

Morot, Louis René Marie Frangois (1854-1915), French botanist and editor; prépara- teur at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris 1883; Dr. sci. Paris 1885; assistant at the Muséum d’Histoire naturelle 1889. (Morot).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 515; BM 3: 1352; CSP 12: 520, 17: 360; Kelly p.

154; LS 18319-18323; Morren ed. 10, p. 54; Rehder 5: 590.

Anon., Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. 21: 77-84. 1915 (d. 11 Mar 1915; orations); Hedwigia 63, Beibl. 1: 97. 1921 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 40: 254. 1890 (app. “aide naturaliste”’ at Muséum).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Edited Journal de botanique, Paris 1887-1913 (vols. 1-20, 1887-1906, ser. 3. 1-3, 1907-1913).

Morren, Charles Francois Antoine (1807-1858), Belgian botanist and horticulturist; born at Gent; studied natural sciences at Gent University; Dr. phil. ib. 1829; teacher physics at a secondary school until 1835, from then on professor of botany at Liége; director of the Jardin botanique de l'Université de Liége 1855-1856. (C. Morr.).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 515; BM 3: 1353; Bossert p. 274; CSP 4: 478-

he De Toni 1: Ixxxvii, 2: Ixxxii; Frank 3(Anh.): 68; Herder p. 467; Hortus 3: 1200

““Morr., C.’’); IH 2: 559; Jackson p. 13, 95, 96, 98, 272, 461, 475; Kew 4: 57-58; Langman

PR 6471- 6486 (ed. 1: 7209-7229); Rehder 5: 590-591; Quenstedt p. 302; SO add. 850c;

Tucker 1: 499-500; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p. 792.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 33. 1855 (Leopoldina cogn. PHeritier), 5: 226. 1857 (erroneous death notice), 6: 113. 1858 (d.), 7: 7, 10. 1859 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 17: 8. 1859; Bull. Soc. bot. France 4: 432. 1857 (premature death notice), 543 (rectification), 5: 671-672. 1859; Flora 42: 16. 1859; Osterr. bot. Z. 7: 267. 1857 (premature death notice), 9: 63. 1859 (d. 17 Dec 1858), 10: 335. 1860.

Breure, A. S. H. & J. G. de Bruijn, eds., Leven werk J. G. S. van Breda 426 [index]. 1979.

Crépin, F’., Guide Bot. Belg. 241, 242, 461-470. 1878.

Evens, F. M. J. G., Gesch. Algol. Belgie 17. 1944 (portr.).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entomol. 264. 1977.

Lacordaire, J. T., Annu. Acad. r. Sci. Belg. 25: 207-212. 1859 (see also p. 213-214 by Spring).

Morren, C. F. A., Specimen academicum, exhibens tentamen biozoogeniae generalis . . . Bruxelles 1829 (thesis Gent, 14 Dec 1829).

Morren, E., Notice sur Ghenley Morren, Bruxelles et Gand, ed. 1, 1859, 89 p., ed. 2, 1860, 89 p. Gone. bibl.) (See also Bull. Soc. bot. France 7: Gee 63. 1860). Original pill Pele hortic. g: i-lxvii. 1859; Annu. Acad. Sci. Belgique 26: 167-251. 1860 (portr., bibl.); zm C. Morren, Clusia, p. 8-10. 1874 (“supplément a la bibliographie ...’’).

Oye, P. van, De plantkunde aan de Universiteit te Gent 8-9. 1960 (Dr. phil. Gent 1829; from 1829-1835 high school teacher; to Liége 1835, b. 3 Mar 1807, d. 17 Dec 1858).

Wittrock, V. B. Keta Horti Berg. 3(2): 88. 1903, 3(3 3): 74. 1905.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) La Belgique horticole, founder and editor, vols. 1-7, 1851-1857.

(2) Morren collected many of his opuscula in a series of composite volumes (see PR 6483- 6486):

(a) Prémices d’anatomie et de physiologie végétales, Bruxelles 1841; collection of 21 separa- tely paged reprints. — Also as Etudes d’anatomie et de physiologie végétales, Bruxelles cee (b) Dodonaea, ou Recueil d’ observations de botanique, Bruxelles, 2 vols. 1841-1844, Oct.; 1841, p. [i]-vu, [vii], [1 ]-150, pl. r-6, 2: 1843, p. [1-11], [1]-122, 4 pil.

(c) Fuchsia, ou Recueil d’observations de botanique ... Bruxelles 1850, p. [1]-xviil, [1]- xxvill, [1 ]-170, [1], r2 fl.

(d) Lobelia, ou Recueil d’observations de botanique ... Bruxelles 1851, portr. Lobel, p. [i]- vill, [1]-xxv, [1]-206, 74 pl.; 18 papers reprinted from Bull. Acad. r. Belgique.

(e) Clusza, ou Recueil d’observations de botanique ... Bruxelles, 221 p., published 1874 by E. Morren; portr., introduction by E. Morren, p. [1]-1o, [11], followed by independently paged papers.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 183-184. 1977.

THESIS: Specimen academicum exhibens tentamen Biozoogemae generalis ... Bruxellis (ex Typogra-

phia H. Remy) 1829 (defended 14 Dec 1829), p. [1]-30. Copy: FI. EPONYMY: Morrenia J. Lindley (1838).

  1. Discours sur les fleurs nationales de Belgique et sur Vutilité de créer des jardins historiques

destinés a enseignement de Vhistoire de la patrie; ... Bruxelles (Chez CG. Muquardt, . . .)

  1. Oct. (Disc. fl. natl. Belg.).

Publ.: Dec 1846 (oration held 17 Dec 1846; preprint (dated 1846), p. [1]-32. Copy: FI. — Preprinted from Bull. Acad. r. Belg. 13(12): 442-470. 1846(1847).

Morren, Charles Jacques Edouard (1833-1886), Belgian botanist; professor of botany

and director of the botanical garden at Liége 1857-1886; Dr. sci. Liége 1855; Dr. spéc. sci. bot. Gent 1858; son of C. F. A. Morren; specialist on Bromeliaceae. (E. Morr.).



HERBARIUM and types: LG. — Bromeliaceae at K (including drawings). The Morren herbarium at Liége contains, in addition to Morren’s general herbarium and that of his father, numerous sets of exsiccatae and other collections from all over the world.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocRapPHy: Ainsworth p. 155; Backer p. 381; Barnhart 2: 515; BL 2: 33,

693; BM 3: 1353-1354; Bossert p. 274; GSP 8: 441, 10: 859-855, 12: 520, 17: 362; Frank

3(Anh.): 68; Herder p. 467 [index]; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Morr., by) len (ed.i6)2 362. 221550;

Jackson p. 583 [index]; Kew 4: 58-59; Langman p. 526; LS 18325-18327; Morren ed. 2, p.

16, ed. 10, p. 44, 45; MW p. 332-334, suppl. p. 239; NI (alph.); PR 6487-6488; Rehder 5:

591-592; TL-2/1: 272, 3395; Tucker 1: 500; Zander ed. 10, p. 604 ed. 1, "p7792-

Anon., Bonplandia 5: 267. 1857 (elected member Leopoldina, cogn. Trew II); Bot. Centralbl. 25: 355. 1886 (d.); Bot. Gaz. 11: 103. 1886; Bot. Jahrb. 7(Beibl. 14): 1. 1886; Bot. Not. 1887: 47 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 44: 191. 1886, 46: 812. 1888 (catal. sale library); Bull. Torrey bot. Club 13: 68. 1886; Flora 69: 128. 1886; Hedwigia 27: 120. 1888 (library bought by Brockhaus); Leopoldina 22: 59, 111-112. 1886 (obit.); Nat. Nov. 8(5): 69. 1886; Natural. canad. 15: 226. 1886 (obit.; “est mort en bon chrétien, ...”); Nature 33: 447. 1886 (obit.); Osterr. bot. Z. 36: 178. 1886 (d.); Trans. bot. Soc., Edinburgh 17: 16- 17. 1889 (obit.).

Crépin, F., Guide bot. Belg. 470-474. 1878 (bibl.); Notice biographique sur Charles Jacques Edouard Morren. Bruxelles 1887 (bibl.), reprinted from Mém. Soc. Bot. Belgique 26(1): 7-40. 1887 (bibl.) and Annu. Acad. roy. Sci. Belgique 53: 419-452. 1887 (bibl., portr., biogr.).

Delhez, R., Lejeunia ser. 2. 48: 1-20. 1969 (on beginning of his career at Liége; revealing documents on M’s character; portr.).

Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 20: cxix-cxxi. 1873 (on M’s coll. and library).

’ Frison, Ed., Henri Ferdinand van Heurck 17, 45, 1959-

Giard, A., Bull. sci. Dép. Nord 17: 155-156. 1886 (obit., “aucune théorie nouvelle ne lui faisait peur... ”’).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 47 (Bromeliaceae, 14 cases).

Jorissenne, G., Belgique hort. 35: 327-384. 1885 (portr., biogr.; ‘‘... épris de nouveauté a

Pextréme...’’), also reprinted: Edouard Morren, sa vie et ses ocuvres, Gand, 1887, 61 p. Kerchove de Denterghem, O., Rev. hort. belg. étrang. 12: 79-80. 1886 (d. 28 Feb 1886, corr. ). Lawalrée, A., Lejeunia ser. 2. 72: 1-4. 1974 (links with A. de Limminghe aintel INE Irs Jae Bellynck).

Morren, E., Herbier des plantes vasculaires (c.q. cellulaires) 1885-1886 (mss. list of M’s herbarium at LG).

Padilla, V., J. Bromeliad. Soc. 22(4): 161-163. 1972 (portr.).

Reichenbach, H. G., Bot. Centralbl. 29: 28-32. 1887 (b. 2 Dec 1833, d. 23 [err.] Feb 1886; “<__ wegen der Gewandtheit seiner Formen und einer ganz ungewohnlichen Redefertig- keit bei sehr vielen hochbeliebter Mann” ... “Diese niagarahafte, tosende, brausende, sich iiberstiitzende Beredtsamkeit war fiir die Meisten, wenn nich fur Alle, unverstand- rch )':

Rodigas, E., Le professeur Edouard Morren. Notice biographique. Gand. 1880, 8 p.

Roumeguére, C., Revue mycol. 8: ro1-104. 1886.

Wasseige, et al., Belgique hort. 35: 261-284, 1885 (Documents pour servir a la biographie de Ed. Morren; bibl.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 74, pl. 144. 1905.

composrrE works: (1) La Belgique horticole, co-editor 5-7 with C. F. A. Morren; editor vols. 8- 34, 1855-1884.

(2) Annales d Horticulture belge et étrangére, editor, vols. 15-24, 1865-1874.

(3) Annales de Botanique et d Horticulture, editor, vols. 25-34, 1875-1884.

  1. Catalogue des Broméliacées cultivées au jardin botanique de Université de Liege. Janvier 1873. Gand (Imprimerie C. Annoot-Braeckman)) 1873. Oct. (Cat. Bromél.). Publ.: Jan 1873, p. [1]-17. Copy: FI.

  2. Correspondance botanique. Liste des jardins, des chaires et des musces botaniques du monde. Deuxiéme édition. Liége (Bovérie no. 1) 1874. Oct. (Corr. bol.).



Ed. 1: Mar 1874 (preface 15 Mar 1874) published in Belg. hort. 24: 60-88. 1874. Subtitle: Liste des jardins botaniques du monde, des chaires de botanique et de quelques établisse- ments de botanique. Also as reprint, Liége 1874, p. [1]-32. Copy: G.

Ed. 2: Oct 1874, p. [1]-40. Copies: G, US.

Ed. 3: Oct 1875, p. [1]-64, [1]. ee G Ed. 4: Jun 1876, p. [1]-80. Copy: G

Ed. 5: Sep 1877, p. [1]-92. Copy: G. Ed. 6: Sep 1878, p. [1]-149. Copy: G.

Ed. 7: Nov 1879, p. [1]-154, [1, err.]. Copies: G, US.

Ed. 8: Oct 1880, p. [1]-169. Copies: G, US.

Ed. 9: Dec. 1881, p. [1]-186, [1-2]. Copies: G, US.

Ed. 10: Jul 1884 (p. 3: Jul 1884; Bot. Zeit. 29 Aug 1884), p. [1]-196. Copies: G, US.

A precursor of the goth century address books, directories and indexes to botanical institutions, botanists, herbaria and botanical gardens.

  1. Index bibliographique del hortus belgicus. Catalogue méthodique des plantes ornementa-

les qui ont été décrites, figurées ou introduites en Belgique de 1830 a 1880... Publié par la

Fédération des Sociétés d’horticulture de Belgique 1887. Qu. (Ind. bibl. hort. belg.).

Co-author: André De Vos (1834-?).

Publ.: 1887, p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-617. Copies: BR, FI, G, MO, NY. ~— p. x-xxiv originally published in Belgique hort. 26: 235-253. 1876; p. 1-xxiv, 1-261, as suppl. to Bull. Féd. Soc. Hort. Belg. 1883/85, issued 1887; p. 265-617 with id. for 1886, issued 1888.

Morris, (Sir) Daniel (1844-1933), British botanist, administrator and tropical agricultu- rist; D. Sc. Dublin; at the Botanic Gardens, Peredeniya, Ceylon 1877-1879; dir. public gardens Jamaica 1879-1886; assistant director Kew 1886-1898; imperial commissioner of agriculture, West Indies 1898-1908. (D. Morris).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 516; BM 3: 1354, 7: 867; CSP 10: 855, 12: 520, 17: 363; Desmond p. 451; 1H 2: 559; LS 18328-18331, 37146-37147; Morren ed. 10, p. 135; Rehder 5: 592; Tucker 1: 500-501.

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 7(Beibl. 15): 2. 1886, 26(Beibl. 61): 4. 1899 (app. imp. comm. agr.); Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1898: 234 (on position commissioner), 1933: 110-111 (obit., d. 9 Feb 1933); Gard. Chron. 1933(1): 126 (obit.); J. Kew Guild 1896: 1 (portr., brief sketch of life), 1933: 277-278; Nature 131: 231, 266. 1933 (obit.); Osterr. bot. Z. 36: 71. 1886 (asst. dir. K); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1932-1933: 197-198 (obit.).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 85. 1896.

Fawcett, W., Bot. Gaz. 1897: 354-355 (activities as dir. publ. gard., Jamaica 1879-1886).

Fletcher, H. H., Story R. Hort. Soc. 234, 238, 243, 407. 1969.

Hill, A. W., J. Bot. 71: 101-102. 1933.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 406, 408, 409, 410. 1918.

Urban, I. Symb. ant. 1: 111-112. 1898, 3: 7-9, 89-90. 1902, 5: 9. 1908.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 96. 1903 (b. 26 Mai 1844).

  1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Ceylon. A catalogue of the most interesting forest trees, ornamen- tal trees & shrubs, fruit trees, palms, foliage plants, &c., &c., suitable for distribution ... Colombo (W. Henry Herbert, ...) 1879. Qu. (Cat. forest trees).

Publ.: 1879, p. [1]-89. Copy: USDA.

Morris, Edward Lyman (1870-1913), American botanist; M. A. Amherst 1895; instruc- tor in botany at Amherst, Mass. 1893-1895; at Western High School, Washington, D. C. 1895-1896; head of the dept. of biology in the Washington high schools from 1896-1907; curator of natural sciences Brooklyn Institute of Arts 1907-1913; expert on Plantaginaceae. (E. Morris).

HERBARIUM and Types: BKL; further material F, MIN, US.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 516; CSP 17: 364; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Morris,



E.”’); IH 2: 559; Langman p. 526; Lenley p. 299; NW p. 53; Pennell p. 614; PH 450, 937; SO


Anon., J. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 178. 1913 (b. 23 Oct 1870, d. 14 Sep 1913 from accidental asphyxiation by illuminating gas); Nat. Nov. 35: 514. 1913 (d. 14. Sep 1913), 20:91 1o14. Lormeya 1322460. 19ne-

Chamberlain, E. B., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 40: 599-603. 1913 (portr., bibl.).

Day, M. A., Rhodora 3: 258. 1go1 (herb.).

Howe, M. A., Torreya 13: 246. 1913.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 72. 1955.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Editor, Bull. Torrey bot. Club vol. 40, Jan-Dec 1913. (2) Plantaginaceae, in J. K. Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S., 22 Jul 1g03.

Morris, George Edward (1853-1916), British-born American mycologist; drawing- master in the public schools of Waltham, Mass. (G. Morris).


Lloyd, C. G., Mycol. notes 43: 589-590. 1916 (portr.; d. 5 Jul 1916).

Morse, A. P., List of the water-color drawings of fungi by G. E. Morris 3-6. 1928 (portr., brief biogr., b. 25 Feb 1853, d. 5 Jul 1916).

  1. List of the water-color drawings of fungi by George E. Morris in the Peabody Museum of Salem prepared by Albert P. Morse... Salem, Mass. (Peabody Museum) 1918. (List draw. JSung.).

“Compiler: Albert Pitts Morse (1863-?).

Publ.: 16 Mar 1918 (rd. by Farlow), p. [1]-70, portr. Copies: FH(2).

Morris, John (1810-1886), British geologist and palaeontologist; pharmaceutical chemist in Kensington until 1855; with Roderick Murchison on geological tours in Europe 1853- 1855; from 1855-1877 professor of geology at University College, London. (7. Morris).

HERBARIUM and TyPeEs: Some fossils in BM; library left to University College.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Andrews p. 304; Barnhart 2: 516; BB p. 221; BM 3: 1355, 7:

868; CSP 4: 485-486, 8: 442, 10: 856, 12: 520, 17: 364; Dawson p. 622; Desmond p. 451;

DNB go: 98; Jackson p. 175-181, 190, 583; Kew 4: 61; NW p. 53: PH 567; PR ed. 1: 7230;

Quenstedt p. 303.

Andrews, H. N., The fossil hunters 105-106, 174. 1980.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1887: 47; Nature 33: 248. 1886 (obit.); S. B. Isis, Dresden 1886: 31 (b. 19 Feb 1810, d. 7 Jan 1886).

Bonney, T. G., Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 42(Proc.): 44-47. 1886.

Boulger, G. S., Proc. Geol. Ass. 9: 386-410. 1886; J. Bot. 24: 64. 1886.

Holmes, F. V., J. Proc. Essex Field Club 4: clxxxiii-clxxxiv. 1892.

Sherborn, C. D., Where is the — collection gg. 1940.

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 43. 1904 (part of library at BM).

Woodward, H., Geol. Magaz. 1878: 481-487 (portr., bibl.), 1886 (no. 260): 95-96.

HANDWRITING: Geol. Magaz. 1878: under portr. facing p. 481.

EPONYMY: Morrisia M. N. Bose (1959). Note: Morrisiella P. Aellen (1938) commemorates Albert Morris (1886-1939), Australian botanist. Morrisographium M. Morelet (1968) is dedicated to the mycologist E. F. Morris.

  1. A catalogue of British fossils. Comprising all the genera and species hitherto described;

with references to their geological distribution and to the localities in which they have been

found ... London (John Van Voorst, ...) 1843. Oct. (Cat. Brit. foss.).

Ed. 1: 1843 (p. vi: Jul 1843), p. [i]-x, [1, cont.], [1]-222. Copy: USGS.

Ed. 2: Jul-Oct 1854 (p. iv: Jul 1854; Geol. Soc. rd. before 31 Oct), p. [i]-vii, [viii], [1]-372. Copy: USGS. — “Second edition, considerably enlarged” London (printed for and published by the author) 1854. Oct.



Morris, Patrick Francis (1896-1974), Australian botanist; from 1913-1961 at the National Herbarium of Victoria at Melbourne. (P. Morris).

HERBARIUM and Types: MEL; some further material at DAO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 516; BL 1: 73, 309; BM 7: 868; Hirsch p. 205; IH 2: 559; Kew 4: 61; Roon p. 80; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p. 792. Willis, J. H., Vict. Natural. 91(7): 205-206. 1974 (portr.).

  1. Supplement to Professor Ewart’s ‘Weeds, poison plants and naturalized aliens of Victoria”

... Melbourne (Melbourne University Press) 1925. (Suppl. Weeds Victoria).

Co-author: James Wale Audas (1872-?).

Publ.: 1925, p- [1]-19. Copy: NY. — Suppl. to A. J. Ewart & J. R. Tovey, The weeds, poison plants and naturalized aliens of Victorea, Melbourne 1909.

Morris, Richard (//. 1820-1830), British surveyor, landscape gardener and planter. (R. Morrts).

HERBARIUM and TypegEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 516; BB p. 221; BM 3: 1355; Desmond p. 451; Jackson p. 407; Kew 4: 61; NI 1414; Plesch p. 343; PR 6489-6490 (ed. 1: 7231-7232); Rehder 5: 593; Sotheby 2: 201; Tucker 1: 501.

  1. The botanists manual. A catalogue of hardy, exotic and indigenous plants, arranged according to their respective months of flowering; and more particularly adapted to the service of those who cultivate their own gardens and pleasure-grounds . .. London (printed for the author, and sold by J. Harding, ...) 1824. Duod. (in sixes). (Bot. man.).

Publ.: 1824, p. [i-iv], [1]-189, [190, adv.]. Copy: NY.

6351a. Flora conspicua;, a selection of the most ornamental flowering, hardy, exotic and

indigenous trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, for embellishing flower-gardens and

pleasure-grounds ... London (printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, .. .)

  1. Oct. (Fl. conspic.).

Artist: William Clark (fl. 1826).

Publ.: Jul 1825-Sep 1826, in 15 monthly parts of four plates from Jul 1825-Sep 1826 (dates on plates), p. [i-iii], p/. 7-60 with text (col.). Copy: NY. (imprints of parts: Smith Elder & Co. (pt. 1-4), G. B. Whittaker (pt. 5-8), Longman ... (pt. 9-15) (See Sotheby no. 558).

Morrison, Alexander (1849-1913), Scottish physician and botanist; to Australia 1877; practiced in Melbourne, travelled in the New Hebrides 1892; West Australian Government botanist in the Bureau of Agriculture 1897-1906. (A. Morrison).

HERBARIUM and Types: E; further important sets at B, GCANB, K and PERTH. The medical and botanical library went to Tasmanian University.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 516; BB p. 222; BL 1: 76, 309; GSP 17: 365;

Desmond p. 452; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Morrison, A.”’); HR; 1H 2: 559-560; LS 18339; Rehder

5: 593; Urban-Berl. p. 376.

Anon., Vict. Natural. 30(9): 145. 1914.

Diels, L., Pfl.-Welt West-Austral. 71. 1906 (Veg. Erde 7).

Ewart, J. A. and O. B. Davies, Fl. N. Territory vil. 1917.

Hall, N., Bot. Eucalypts 96. 1978 (brief biogr.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970 (large coll. at E but not a complete first set).

Maiden, J. H., J. nat. Hist. Sci. Soc. W. Australia 5: 108-109. 1914 (obit.); J. Proc. R. Soc. New South Wales 55: 164. 1921 (b. 15 Mar 1849, d. 7 Dec 1913).

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 220. 1947.

Morse, Elizabeth Eaton (1864-1955), American Wellesley trained (School of Art 1891)



art teacher (1891-1924), re-entered Wellesley 1924, B.A. 1926; subsequently with Lee Bonar at the University of California, Berkeley specializing in fleshy fungi of the Pacific Coast; sometimes temporarily working at the Farlow Herbarium; but in general living at Berkeley 1926-1955. (Morse).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: BPI and UC; other material at FH, MICH, NY and WELC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 517; Bossert p. 274; 1H 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 560; LS

suppl. 18971; Stevenson p. 1251.

Bonar, L., Mycologia 48: 439-442. 1956 (portr., obit., bibl., b. 31 Dec 1864, d. 13 Nov 1955)-

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. sketches N. Amer. mycol., mss. 1975.

Stevenson, J., Taxon 4: 184. 1955.

Walsh, E. B., Wellesley Mag. 1936: 196-197 (biogr. details).

Mortensen, Hans (1825-1908), Danish botanist; teacher at Naesgaard Agricultural College, 1849-1853; at Jonstrup training school from 1856-1896. (H. Mortensen).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: C; further material at CGE, DAO, DBN, T, GB, L, MW.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 628; Barnhart 2: 518; BJI 1: 40; Bl 2: 57, 693;

Bossert p. 274; BM 3: 1356; CSP 8: 443, 10: 858, 17: 367; IH 2: 560; Jackson p. 334; KR p.

506; LS 18342; Morren ed. 10, p. 49; Rehder 5: 593; Tucker 1: 501.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1909: 146 (d.).

Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 1: 447-449, 589-590, 2: 319-321. 1926 (bibl., b. 28 Apr 1825, d. 12 Nov 1908), see also Danske bot. litt. 1880-1g11: 14. 1913 (bibl.).

Lind, J., Danish fungi herbarium E. Rostrup 34. 1913.

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 197-199. 1881 (bibl.), 29: 200, 337-340. 1909 (portr., obit.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 103. 1903, 3(3): 89, pl. 177. 1905 (portr., b. 28 Apr 1828).

Mortensen, Morten Larsen (1881-1911), Danish botanist and phytopathologist. (M. Mortensen).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 518; BL 2: 48, 51, 693; IH 2: 561; LS 37166-

37175, suppl. 19005-19013.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1911: 262 (d.).

Christensen, D., Danske bot. Litt. 1880-1911: 227-230. 1913. 1932-1939; 105. 1940 (bibl.).

Lind, J., Danish fungi herbarium E. Rostrup 34. 1913 (portr.).

Ravn, F. K., Bot. Tidsskr. 33: 89-91. 1912 (portr., obit., b. 25 Feb 1881, d. 3 Dec 1911, of diabetes).

EPONYMY: Mortensenia A. A. Weber-van Bosse (1926) commemorates Ole Theodor Jensen Mortensen (1868-1952), Danish zoologist.

Morthier, Paul (1823-1886), Swiss botanist at Neuchatel (Corcelles), director of the Société helvétique pour l’échange des plantes. (Morthier). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: NEU; dupl. see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 12(3): 20; Barnhart 2: 518; BM 3: 1356; Bossert p. 274;

Clokie p. 215; CSP 8: 443, 10: 858, 17: 367; Frank 3(Anh.): 68; Hegi 6(2): 1300; Herder p.

432; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2:561; Jackson p. 342; Kew 4: 63; LS 18343; Morren ed. 2, p. 32, ed.

10, p. 109; Rehder 5: 593; Urban-Berl. p. 279.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 29: 128. 1887 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 8(Beibl. 18): 1. 1887; Bot. Not. 1888: 46; Bot. Zeit. 45: 79. 1887; Hedwigia 26: 40. 1887; Nat. Nov. 8: 269. 1886 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 37: 73. 1887 (d. “‘anfangs December”’ 1886).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (Champ. Neuch., 6 fasc. at LG).

Coulter, T., Bot. Gaz. 12: 22. 1887.



Hedge, I. C. &. J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970 (coll. E). Roumeguére, C., Rev. mycol. 9: 60. 1887.

EPONYMY: Morthiera Fuckel (1870).

  1. Flore analytique de la Suisse. Vademecum du botaniste ... Neuchatel (Suisse) (Librai-

rie générale de Jules Sandoz) [1870]. Oct. (FU. anal. Suisse).

Ed. 1: 1870 (p. vill: 15 Feb 1870; Bot. Zeit. 24 Mar 1871; Flora 10 Dec 1870), p. [i]-viii, [1]- 427. Copy: NY.

Ed. 2: Sep-Dec 1872 (p. vii: 22 Aug 1872), p. [i]-vii, [1]-451. Copies: BR, FH, G. — Paris (Sandoz & Fischbacher, ...), Neuchatel (Librairie générale de Jules Sandoz) [1872]. Oct.

Ed. 3: 1876 (p. vu: 20 Feb 1876), p. [i]-vii [1]-453. Copies: G, NY, US. — Paris (id.), Neuchatel (id.) [1876]. Oct.

Ed. 4: 1878 (p. vii: Mai 1878; Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1879), p. [ii]-vu, [1]-453. Copy: G. — Paris (id.), Neuchatel (id.) [1878].

Ed. 5: 1880 (?), p. [i]-vui, [1]-453. Copy: NY. — Paris (id.), Neuchatel & Genéve (id.). s.d. Oct.

Ed. 6: Jan-Mai 1886 (Bot. Centralbl. 7-11 Jun 1886; Bot. Zeit. 25 Jun 1866; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1886), p. [i]-vu, [1 ]-453. Copy: G. — Paris (Librairie générale), Genéve (Librairie Desrogis) s.d. Oct.

Hd572 1893 (n-v.)-

Mortier, Edouard Louis (1801-1852), fictitious French naturalist said to have been a botanical explorer of South America.

NOTE: Fictitious botanist figuring in a commercial American encyclopaedia (Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography 4: 429. 1888), see Barnhart, J. H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 20: 176. 1919. Among the titles ascribed to him were Historia plantarum circa Cayenne sponte crescentium (1843), and Prodromus florae brasilicae (2 vols. 1849).

EPONYMY: Aquamortierella R. W. Embree & H. Indoh (1967) and Mortierella E. Coemans (1863) commemorate Barthélemy Charles Joseph Dumortier (1797-1878), q.v. These eponyms were not mentioned in TL-2(1).

Morton, Conrad Vernon (1905-1972), American botanist; AB, Univ. Calif., 1928; at the Smithsonian Institution (1928-1972), specialist on pteridophytes, Gesneriaceae and Sola- naceae. (C. Morton).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 518; Bossert p. 274; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Mort.,

C.V.”’); IF suppl. 3: 215, 4: 332-333; 1H 2: 561; Kew 4: 63-65; Langman p. 526-527; Lenley

p. 300; MW suppl. p. 239; PH 209; Roon p. 80; TL-2/3344; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p.


Anon., Biota 9(73): 257. 1972 (fide Kew Record); Evening Star, Washington D. C., 1 Aug 1972 (portr.); Madrono 22(1): 31. 1973; Solanaceae Newsletter 1: 3-5. 1974.

Boggs, J., ed., Gesneriad J. 6(4): [1-2]. 1959.

Boivin, B., Provancheria 10: 3, 134-135. 1980 (coll.).

Burkart, A., Darwiniana 18(1-2): 281. 1973.

Ewan, J., Taxon 22: 271-274. 1973.

Hawkes, J. C., Taxon 26: 464-465. 1977 (review of M’s posthumously publ. Rev. Argent. sp. Solanum).

Hunziker, A. T. & L. B. Smith, zm C. V. Morton, A revision of the Argentine species of Solanum, Cordoba 1976, p. 7-8.

Lellinger, D. B., Taxon 21(5-6): 733. 1972; Amer. Fern J. 63(3): 49-60. 1973 (portr., bibl.), (b. 24 Oct 1905, d. 29 Jul 1972); Fl. males. Bull. 27: 2145. 1974.

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 73. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 72. 1955.

Rosenblum, Gloxinian 23(1): 3. 1973.



Skog, L. E., Gloxinian 24: 33-35. 1974. (bibl. of M’s publ. on Gesneriaceae). Smith, L. B., Solanaceae Newsletter 1: 3-5. 1974. Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 21: 733. 1972.

MEMORIAL PUBLICATION: Amer. Fern. J. 63(3), 1973.

EPpoNyMy: Mortoniella Woodson (1939); Mortoniodendron Standley & Steyermark (1938); Mortoniopteris Pichi-Sermolli (1977); Neomortonia Wheeler (1975).

Morton, Friedrich [von] (1890-1969), Austrian botanist; Dr. phil. Wien 1916; high school teacher at Wien; from 1925 curator at the Botanical Station of Hallstatt. (/’. Morton).

HERBARIUM and Types: LI (Austrian; rd. 1972), B (Guatemala, col. 1928-1929).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 518; BJI 2: 119-120; BM 7: 870; Bossert p. 274;

GR p. 455; IF suppl. 2: 38; IH 2: 561; Kew 4: 65; Langman p. 527; LS suppl. rgor4.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 61: 207. 1911 (assistant at botany dept. Klagenfurt).

jenchen, E., Osterr. bot. Z. 82: 189. 1933; Cat. Fl. Austr. 1: 14, 15, 22-23, 29, 39, 887, 888, 889, 967. 1956-1960.

Moruzi, Constance (1899-x), Roumanian mycologist and lichenologist; Dr. Sci. Paris 1932; active at the University, the Agronomical Institute and the Pedagogical Institute in Bucarest. (Moruzz).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BUC, BUCM; further material at W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHy: BJI 2: 120; IH 2: 561; LS suppl. 19015.

Toma, N. & Mohan, G., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 36: 715-719. 1970 (portr., bibl.; 7oth birthday).

Ulbrich, E., Bot. Jahrb. 66(Lit.): 61-62. 1934 (review of her thesis).

Moscoso Puello, Rafael M. (1874-1951), Dominican physician and amateur botanist; teacher at various high schools and teachers’ colleges, serving also in administrative functions; first director of the Instituto de Botanica of the Universidad de Santo Domingo 1941; Dr. h.c. 1944. (Moscoso).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: His small personal herbarium was destroyed by fire (inf. R. M. Lowden).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 519.

Jiménez, J. de J., Moscosoa 1(1): 1-15. 1976 (biogr., bibl., list of taxa described, portr., b. 17 Feb 1874, d. 12 Oct 1951).

Lowden, R. M., Taxon 25: 256. 1976.

Moscoso, R. M., Catalogus florae domingensis, part i, Spermatophyta, 30 Jan 1943; Suplemento (J. de J. Jimenez) 1961.

EPONYMY: (journal): Moscosoa. Contribuciones cientificas del Jardin Botanico Nacional “Dr. Rafael M. Moscoso.” Santo Domingo. Vol. 1-x. 1976-x; (institute): The Moscoso herbarium, Universidad Catélica Madre y Maestra (UGMM).

Moseley, Edwin Lincoln (1865-1948), American botanist and teacher at Sandusky high school, Ohio. (EL. Moseley).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BGSU; further material at CM, F, GH, MICH, MO,NMG, NY, US.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 519; BL 1: 207, 208, 310; BM 3: 1359; CSP 17: 371; Hirsch p. 205; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362; Pennell p. 614; PH 450; Rehder 5: 593; Tucker 1: 501. Otis, C. H., Ohio J. Sci. 49: 168. 1949.

Palmer, T. S., Auk 67: 549-550. 1950 (obit., b. 29 Mar 1865, d. 6 Jun 1948).



6353- Ohio State Academy of Science. Special papers no. 1 Sandusky flora. A catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns growing without cultivation, in Erie County, Ohio, and the Peninsula and Islands of Ottawa County . .. Wooster, Ohio (Press of Clapper Printing Co.) 1899. Oct. (Sandusky fl.). Publ.: May 1899 (cover; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1899; BG 24 Aug 1899), p. [i-ii], [1]-167, map. Copies: MO, NY. Ref.: J. C. A., Bot. Gaz. 28: 139-140. 1899.

Moseley, Henry Nottidge (1844-1890), British naturalist on the Challenger expedition 1873-1876; travelled in the American Northwest in 1877; ultimately Linacre professor of human and comparative anatomy at Oxford (1881-1887). (H. Moseley).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: K (main set), BM, DBN and E. — The manuscript notes made on the Challenger expedition are at BM. For further details see SK and Sayre.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 381; Barnhart 2: 519; BB p. 222; BL 1: 100, 310;

BM 3: 1359, 7: 872; Clokie p. 215; CSP 8: 445-446, 10: 859-861, 17: 371; Desmond p. 452-

453; De Toni 1: Ixxxvii; DNB 39: 176-177; Herder p. 230, 231; IH 2: 562; Kew 4: 68; LS

18348; Nordstedt p. 24; PH 567; Quenstedt p. 304; Rehder 5: 593; SK 1: 371-372; Tucker 1:

501; Urban-Berl. p. 376.

Anon., Hist. Coll. BM(NH) 43. 1904; Leopoldina 28: 49. 1892 (obit.); Nat. Nov. 13: 473. 1891 (d. 10 Nov 1890); Proc. Linn. Soc. 1890/92: 72-73. 1893; Proc. R. Geogr. Soc. ser. 2. 13: 730. 1891 (obit., b. 14 Nov 1844; d. 10 Nov 1890).

Bourne G. C., in Moseley, H. N., Notes of a Naturalist on the Challenger, ed. 2. 1892, p. v- Xvi. (portr.).

Britton, N. L., Fl. Bermuda 548. 1918.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (coll. at K and BM).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 47 (Challenger colls. at K).

Lankaster, E. Ray, Nature 45: 79-80. 1891 (obit.).

Prescott, G. W., Contr. bibl. antarct. subantarct. algae 234. 1979.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 372. 1973.

Sirks, M. J., Ind. natuurond. 167. 1915.

Smith, A. C., Flora vit. nova 1: 49. 1979 (collections from Fiji at K; a few dupl. at BM).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 112. 1898, 3: 90-91. 1902.

Woodward, B. B., zn G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM (NH) 1: 43. 1904 (journal Challenger at BM).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Quarterly Journal of microscopical Science, editor new series, vols. 24-29, 1884-1889.

EPONYMY: Moseleya Hemsley (1899).

  1. Notes by anaturalist on the ‘Challenger’ , being an account of various observations made

during the Voyage of H. M.S. “Challenger” round the world, in the years 1872-1876, ...

London (Macmillan and Co.) 1879. Oct. (Notes natural. Challenger).

Ed. 1: 1879 (p. ix: Dec 1878), frontisp., p. [1]-xvi, [1 ]-620, 2 pl., 1 map. Copies: G, MICH, UC.

Ed. 2: 1892, portr., p. [1]-xxiv, map [1]-540. Copzes: MICH, MO, NY, UC. — New York (G. P. Putnam’s Sons), London (John Murray) 1892. Oct. —- Memoir of Henry Nottidge Moseley by G. C. B[ourne] on p. v-xvi.

Mosen, Carl Wilhelm Hjalmar (1841-1887), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1875; collector on Regnell’s expedition (1873-1876), curator of the Brazilian collections of the Stockholm Riksmuseum 1872-1873, 1876-1883. (Mosén).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: S; duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 519; BM 3: 1359; CSP 8: 446, 17: 371; Herder p. 265; IH 2: 562; Kew 4: 68; KR p. 506; Rehder 5: 593; Urban-Berl. p. 308, 376.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 32: 255. 1887 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 9 (Beibl. 21): 1. 1887; Bot. Not. 1872;



188, 1873: 28 (trip to Brazil), 1873: 156-157, 1874: 99-111 (letters from Brazil), 1887: 239; Osterr. bot. Z. 37: 445. 1887 (d. 27 Sep 1887).

Lindman, C. A. M., K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. ser. 3. 24(8): 27. 1911.

Malme, G. O. A., Bih. k. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 24(3) (6): 8. 1898.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977 (bryo. S, GB, H, WRSL).

Urban, I., Fl. bras. r(1): 66-67. 1906 (itin.; orig., biogr. inf.).

Wittrock V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 62. 1903, 3(3): 45, pl. 171. 1905 (portr.; b. 14 Mai 1841, d. 27 Sep 1887).

EPONYMY: Mosenia Lindman (1891); Moseniella Brotherus (1918); Mosenodendron R. E.: Fries (1900). Note: Mosenthinia O. Kuntze (1891) is dedicated to ‘meine lieben Schwester Marie und ihrem Gemahl Franz Mosenthin” (O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 1: 16. 1891).

6355- Moss-studier pa Kolmoren. Akademisk afhandling, som med vidtber6émda filosofiska

fakultetens i Upsala tillstand for filosofiska gradens erhallande till offentlig granskning

framstalles af Hjalmar Mosén, ... a botaniska larosalen onsdagen den go April p.v.t.e.m.

Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Soner ...) 1873. Oct. (Moss-stud. Kolmoren).

Publ.: 30 Apr 1873, p. [i], [1]-36. Copy: MO. — Preprinted from Ofv. k. Vet.~Akad. Férh., Stockholm, 1873(3): 5-40.

Moser, Heinrich Christoph (//. 1794), German botanist (Moser). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1359; Herder p. 381, 392; Jackson p. 297, 298; PR ed. I: 7241-7243; Rehder 5: 593; Tucker 1: 501.

  1. Die wesentlichen Kennzeichen der deutschen und nordamerikanischen Holzarten und Forstkrau-

ter. Zum Gebrauch der Oeconomen und Forster ... Leipzig (in der Graffschen Buchhand-

lung) 1794. Oct. (Kennz. Holzart. Forstkr.).

Ed. 1: 1794, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-158, 7 col. & 2 uncol. pl. (copp.). Copy: MO.

Ed. 2: 1795, p. [1]-xvi, [1]-158. 2 col. pl. (copp.). Copy: MO. — “Zweite verbesserte Ausgabe” Leipzig (bei Heinrich Graff). Oct.

Moss, Charles Edward (1870-1930), British botanist; studied at Leeds 1895-1900 (B. Sc. 1898); high school teacher at Bruton and Manchester; from 1907-1914 curator of the Cambridge Herbarium (CGE); served in the O.T.C. 1914-1917; from 1917 professor of botany at Witwatersrand University. (Moss).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: J (S. Afr. coll.); PRE (Zambesi mat.); GGE (British).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 657; Barnhart 2: 519; BJI 2: 120; BL 2: 222, 276, 693; BM 3: 1360, 7: 873; Desmond p. 453; Hirsch p. 205; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Moss’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 563; Kew 4: 69; NI 1415; Tucker 1: 501, 778; Urban-Berl. p. 377.

A. G. T., Nature 127: 98-99. 1931; J. Ecology 19: 209-214. 1931 (portr.).

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 58: 223. 1908 (curator CGE), 62(Lit.): 98. 1912 (announcement Cambr. Brit. fl.); Proc. Linn. Soc. 143: 193-196. 1931; The Times 4 Dec 1930.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. Bot. 78. 1978.

Druce, G. C., Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. 9: 326-327. 1931.

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isles 1568-1975, p. 124. 1977.

Kent, D. H., Brit. Herb. 70, 1957 (Brit. herb. at CGE, incl. types).

Levyns, M. R. B., Insnar’d with flowers 31, 55. 1977.

Phillips. E. P., S. Afr. J. Sci. 27: 63, 64. 1930.

Ramsbottom, J., The Times 9 Dec 1930 supplementary to anon. note of 4 Dec 1930 which emanated apparently from Kew); J. Bot. 69: 20-23. 1931; Proc. Linn. Soc. London 143: 193-196. 1931 (obit.; b. 7 Feb 1870 fide family, Moss himself gave his year of birth as 1872; d. 11 Nov 1930).

Rendle, A. G., J. Bot. 68: 386. 1930.

COMPOSITE WoRKSs: editor Halifax Naturalist 4-5, 1899-1901.



EPONYMY: The Moss herbarium, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, S. Africa (J). — The derivation of Mossia N. E. Brown (1930) could not be established.

6357- Vegetation of the Peak district ... Cambridge (at the University Press) 1913. Oct. (Veg. Peak distr.). Publ.: Jan-Mar 1913 (p. vi: Dec 1912; ObZ Apr 1913 (also Dec 1913); Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1913), p- [i]-x, [1]-235, 36 pl. Copies: FI, MO. Ref.: Ramsbottom, J., J. Bot. 51: 226-228. 1913. Diels, L., Bot. Jahrb. 51 (Lit.): 6-7. 1913. Smith, W. G., Bot. Centralbl. 123: 632-634. 9 Dec 1913.

  1. The Cambridge British flora by C. E. Moss ... assisted by specialists in certain genera illustrated from drawings by E. W. Hunnybun ... Cambridge (at the University Press), 1914-1920, 2 vols. Qu. (Cambr. Brit. fl.).

Editor vol. 3: Alfred James Wilmott (1888-1950).

Artist: Edward Walter Hunnybun (1848-1918).

Vol. 1: never published.

Vol. 2, text: Mar 1914 (p. xx: 24 Dec 1913; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1914, Mai(2) 1914; ObZ Mar 1914), portr. Ray, p. [i]-xx, [1]-206, maps 1-48, — plates: Mar 1914, p. [i]-vu, pl. 1-206.

Vol. 3: Jun 1920 (p. xvi: 27 Jan 1917; p. [vu]: 16 Jun 1919; J. Bot. Jul 1920; Nat. Nov. Aug 1920), ¢ext: p. [iii]-xvi, [1 ]-200, maps 1-73, plates: 1920, p. [1]-vi, pl. 1-197.

Copies: MO, NY, USDA. Plates: uncol. offset. - An announcement in J. Bot. (49: 119-120. 1911) stated that ten volumes were to be published and that Hunnybun had completed 1750 ‘beautiful pen-and-ink drawings.” The first volume, which never appeared, was to have dealt with the families in the beginning of the Engler system.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 52:87, Mar, 131-136. Mai 1914 (“to the scientific botanist the book

hardly appeals ...”); 59: 24-27. 1921. Krause, K., Bot. Jahrb. 52 (Lit.): 45-46. 1915 (follows Engler and Prantl!; “in jeder Beziehung ein ‘standard work’ ...”’).

Moss, Ezra Henry (1892-1963), Canadian botanist; Dr. phil. Toronto 1925; at the Department of Botany of the University of Alberta, 1929 (from 1938 as full professor) - 1957; student of the vegetation of Alberta. (E. Moss).

HERBARIUM and types: ALTA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 520; BEM 1594; Bossert p. 275; GR p. 740; Hirsch p. 205; IH 2: 563; Kew 4: 69-70; LS suppl. 19018-19021; PH 209; Roon p. 80. Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. Natural. 269. 1950.

Bird, C. D., The Blue Jay 21(2): 46-47. 1963 (portr., bibl., d. 7 Feb 1963).

Moss, E. H., Flora of Alberta, Toronto, London 1959, vi, 546 p. (see Taxon 9: 31. 1960). Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev. 43: 292, 336. 1977.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977 (material at FI).

Mosseray, Raoul (1908-1940), Belgian botanist and high school teacher; studied at the teachers’ college of Carlsbourg; Ing. agron. Louvain 1930, Dr. sci. nat. ib. 1931; died on the battlefield in 1940. (Mosseray).



Donis, P., Revue de Carlsbourg 1947 (Jan): 3-7 (portr., b. 1 Jul 1908; account of events leading up to his death).

Hacquaert, A., Natural sciences in Belgium during the war 66. 1946 (portr.).

Robyns, W., Bull. Jard. bot. Etat 16(1): 1-8. 1940 (obit., bibl., portr., b. 1 Jul 1908, d. 27 Mai 1979; died in the battle of La Lys nr. Pittem-le-Thielt).

  1. Les Aspergillus de la section “Niger” Thom & Church ... Lierre, Louvain (C. Oystpruyst, ...) [1934]. Qu. Publ.: Jul-Dec (submitted 1 Jun 1934), p. [i], [203]-285, [286], pl. 1-2 (col., Hel. Durand).



Copies: FH, Stevenson. — Reprinted with special title page, cover and original pagination, and to be cited from La Cellule 43(2): 203-286, pl. 1-2. 1934.

Motelay, Léonce (1830-1917), French shopkeeper and botanist at Bordeaux; active in the Societe Linnéenne de Bordeaux. (Motelay).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BORD. — Correspondence also at BORD; 30 letters to Malinvaud at P. Motelay acquired a large part of J. E. Duby’s European mosses which included material from the Hedwig-Schwagrichen herb. (see J. Hedwig). The same holds for the herbarium of C. R. A. Des Moulins, which also reached BORD via Motelay. — Further material at AUT, B, BR, DBN, G, LIVU, MW, OXF, OK.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 520; BL 2: 152, 693; BM 3: 1360; Clokie p. 215;

CSP 8: 447, 10: 863, 17: 376; Herder p. 265. 272; IH 2: 563; Kew 4: 71; LS 18360-18362,

37180; Morren ed. 10, p. 60; MW p. 334; PFC 1: xlviii, 3(1): ix; TL-1 and TL-2/: see Duby,

J. E., Hedwig, J.; Urban-Berl. p. 272.

Anon., Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 35 (ser. 4, 5): ix. 1881, 42 (ser. 5, 2): xvi. 1888, 55 (ser. 6, 5): Ixxxi. 1900: Hedwiga 66: (119). 1926.

Beille, L., Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 70: 493-508. 1918 (portr.).

Cullen, J., Taxon 21: 729. 1972 (material at LIV).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 65. 1896.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 47 (dupl. K).

Kennedy, L. L., Taxon 12: 238. 1963.

Loynes, P. de, Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 61: 1-6. 1909 (50 yrs member Linn. Soc., descr. herbarium contains e.g. types Des Moulins, Cat. pl. Dordogne; portr.).

  1. Monographie des Isoeteae par L. Motelay et Vendryés ... Bordeaux (Imprimerie J.

Durand ...) 1884.

Co-author: Albert Vendryés (x-1916).

Publ.: Jan 1884 (date on cover reprint; Flora rev. 21 Jan 1884; BSbF 8 Feb 1884; Bot. Zeit. 28 Mar & 20 Jun 1884; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1884, Mar(2) 1884), p. [1 ]-99, [100, cont. ], [1- 2, err.], pl. 1-10 (partly col.). Copies: FH, NY; IDC 7237. — Reprinted from Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 36 (sér. 4, vol. 6): [309 ]-4.03, [404-406], pl. 8-17. Jun 1883 (date on cover of journal). To be cited from journal.

Ref.: Prantl, K. A. E., Bot. Zeit 42: 394. 20 Jun 1884. E. St., Flora 67: 47-48. 21 Jan 1884 (sic).

Motley, James (x-1859), British civil engineer and botanist; collected in Malaysia 1852- 1853; later at Borneo; murdered at Kampong Kalangan (Bandjermasin). (Motley).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: British herbarium at SWA (but not traced); Borneo and Singapore collections at K; bryophytes from Indonesia (? Malaysia) are at E and NY (through herb. Mitten).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Backer p. 382; Barnhart 2: 520; BB p. 222; BM 3: 1360 [err. “1814-1892” ]; CSP 4: 495-496; IH 2: 563; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 593; SK 1: 373 (itin., coll.); Tucker 1: 501.

Bennett, A., Naturalist 1903: 4 (herb. at SWA).

Burkill, I. H., Gard. Bull. Str. Settl. 4: 128. 1927 (coll.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytogeographie 435. 1880 (coll. K).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970 (bryo. via herb. Mitten). Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 47 (coll. K).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 70. 1957 (herb. at SWA).

Riddelsdell, H. J., Naturalist 1902: 343-351 (account Brit. coll.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 372. 1975.

Watson, H. C., Topogr. Bot. ed. 2. 551. 1883 (mss. flora Carmarthen).

LETTERS (from the East Indies) to W. J. Hooker and W. Mitten reproduced in W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc . 7: 39-47, 78-84, 161-172, 257-269, 289-296. 1855, 9: 148-153. 1857.



  1. Contributions to the natural history of Labuan, and the adjacent coasts of Borneo ...

London (John van Voorst, ...) 1855. Oct.t (Contr. nat. hist. Labuan).

Co-author; Lewis Llewellyn Dillwyn (fl. 1855).

Publ.: 2 Jul 1855 (part 1: all publ.), p. [i*], [1]-62, [63, prospectus], 72 col. pl. Copies: Natl. Libr. Scotland; PH.

Mott, Frederick Thompson (1825-1908), British botanist; wine merchant at Leicester. (Mott).

HERBARIUM and Types: MANCH; further material e.g. at SLBI, K and OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 520; BB p. 222-223; BL 2: 254; BM 3: 1360;

Bossert p. 275; Clokie p. 215; CSP 10: 863, 12: 522, 17: 376-377; Desmond p. 453; GR p.

407; IH 2: 563; Jackson p. 40, 407; Kew 4: 71; Langman p. 528; LS 18363; Rehder 5: 493;


Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 85. 1896.

Horwood, A. R. & C. W. Noel, Fl. Leicestershire ccxviii. 1933 (b. 24 Mar 1825; d. 14 Mar 1908).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 47 (material from ““Oregon, 1881”’); [N. B. Mott is not known to have visited Oregon].

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 70. 1957 (Brit. herb. MANCH; SLBI has Capsella bursa-pastoris


  1. Flora odorata; a characteristic arrangement of the sweet-scented flowers and shrubs, cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain ... London (Orr & Co.,...), Leicester (Brown & Hewitt, ...) 1843. (FV. odor.)

Publ.: 1843 (Bot. Zeit. 29 Dec 1843), p. [i]-vili, [3]-136, [1, err.]. Copy: NY.

  1. The fruits of all countries. A preliminary catalogue ... Leicester (Tompkin and Shardlow, ...) 1883 (Fruzts). Publ.: 1883, p. [i]-iv, 5-25. Copy: FI.

  2. The flora of Leicestershire, including the cryptogams, with maps of the county. Issued

by the Leicester Literary & Philosophical Society ... London, Edinburgh (Williams and

Norgate) 1886. Oct. (FU. Lezcestershire).

Manuscript: Rev. William Higgins Coleman (18162-1863).

Co-authors: E.'T. Cooper, Thomas Carter (c. 1840-1910), John Edward Montagne Finch (1843-1919), and C. W. Cooper.

Publ.: late 1886 or Jan 1887 (t.p. 1886; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1887; Bot. Centralbl. 21-25 Mar

. 1887, Mai(1,2) 1887; Bot. Zeit. 25 Mar 1887), p. [i]-xxvi, 2 maps, [1]-372, [1, err.],

errata slip. Copy: MO.

Motte, Jean (1897-x), French botanist at Montpellier. (Motte). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 520; Bossert p. 275. Verdoorn, F., ed., Manual of bryology 484 [index]. 1932.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Cylologie, in F. Verdoorn, Manual of Bryology p. 129-158. 1932.

  1. Serie A. No. 1150. No. d’ordre 2010. Théses présentées a la Faculté des sciences de

Paris pour obtenir le grade de docteur és sciences naturelles par M. Jean Motte... 1re thése.

— Contribution a la connaissance cytologique des Muscinées . .. Soutenues le [20 juin, stamped] 1928

... Paris (Masson et Cie, ...) 1928. Oct. (Contr. cytol. Musc.).

Publ.: 20 Jun 1928, p. [i-iv], [293 ]-543, pl. 1-17 (col.). Copy: FH.— Preprinted from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 10. 10: [293]-543, pl. I-11.

Mottet, Seraphin Joseph (1861-1930), French horticulturist; chef des cultures expéri- mentales de la Maison Vilmorin-Andrieux et Cie. (Mottet).



HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown; some material at P.— Some plants from France, collected 1886-89 are at E-GL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 520; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Mottet’’); IH 2: 564;

MW p. 335-337, suppl. p. 239-240; Rehder 5: 594; Zander ed. 10, p. 694, ed. 11, p. 792.

Anon., Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 87: 277. 1930 (“a charming man with an altogether winsome personality ...”, d. 15 Mar 1930; contributed to Gard. Chron. for 30 years; improved Bearded Irises).

Haegeman, J., Tuberous Begonias 206. 1979 (b. 17 Aug 1861, d. 15 Mar 1930).

Lesourd, F., Rev. hort. 103: 73-74. 1930 (obit., portr.).

Mottet, S., Monogr. Primevere [iv]. 1913 (bibl.).

COMPOSITE WoRKS: Editor: Dictionnaire pratique @horticulture et de jardinage (1892-1893) (French version of G. Nicholson, Jl. dict. gard. 1885-1889).

  1. Monographie botanico-horticole du genre Eremurus ... Paris (Imprimerie de la Cour

d’Appel ...) 1901.

Publ.: Mai 1901 (presented to congress of Soc. natl. Hort. France), p. [1]-18. Copy: MO. — Reprinted from J. Soc. natl. Hort. France ser. 4. 2: 804-819. Jan 1901. To be cited from journal.

  1. Monographie du genre Primevére renfermant: | étude générale du genre, la citation de toutes les espéces connues, la description de celles les plus généralement cultivées, leur utilisation décorative, leur traitement, multiplication, etc. ... Paris (Librairie agricole de la Maison rustique ...) [1913]. Oct. (Monogr. Primevere).

Publ.: 1913, p. [iti]-xi, [xii], [1]-106, [1, cont.], pl. 1-12. Copies: BR, MO.

Motyka, Jozef (1900-x), Polish botanist (lichenologist); Dr. phil. 1925; professor of botany at the University of Lublin. (Motyka).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: LBL; further material at WA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BJI 2: 120; GR p. 724, pl. [25] (orig. inf.; bibl.), cat. p. 68; IH 2: 564; Kew 4: 72; LS suppl. 19029-19031; Roon p. 80; SBC p. 127 (“Mot.’”’). Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isles 1568-1975, p. 124. 1977. Mitchell, M. E., Bibl. Irish lichenol. 46. 1971.

  1. Materjaty do flory porostéw slaska. Matériaux pour la connaissance des lichens de Silesie

... Katowice (Naktadem Muzenm Slaskiego w Katowicach) 1930. Oct. (Mat. fl. porost.


Publ.: 1930, p. [1]-28, pl. 1-3. Copy: US. — Published as Wydawn. Muz. slask. Katow. 3(2), 1930.

  1. Lichenum generis Usnea studium monographicum Leopoli [Lublin] (pars syst.: editio et proprietas auctoris; pars gen. see below) 1936-1947. Oct. (Usnea). Pars generalis, Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Lublin 1(9): [1], [227]-476. 10 Oct
  2. Pars systematica: 1936-1938, in three parts, p. [1]-iv, [1]-651. 1: 1-304. Nov 1936 (p. 304) (Nat. Nov. Feb 1937). 2(r1): 305-560. 1937 (cover) (Nat. Nov. Mai 1938). 2(2): 561-651, [i]-iv. Apr-Jun 1938 (Nat. Nov. Jul 1938). Copies: BR, FH, H, MO, NY, Stevenson.

Mougeot, (Joseph) Antoine (1815-1889), French physician and botanist at Bruyéres; son of Jean Baptiste Mougeot; studied medicine at Strasbourg (M. D. 1837); mayor of Bruyéres 1854-1855, 1861-1868, 1871-1876; member and president of the Conseil général des Vosges (1859-1879). (A. Moug.).

HERBARIUM and Types: MPU. — Exsiccatae: with CG. A. Manoury, C. Roumegueére and Lucien Dupray, Algues de France, cent. 1-13, 15, NOS. I-1300, 1401-1500, 1883-1893. Titles:



Algues de France (1-8), Algues des eaux douces de France (9-12), Algues des eaux douces (13), Algues Srangaises (15). See Sayre (1969) and IH. (set at B extant). See also under J. B. Mougeot. 193 Letters by A. Mougeot to W. Nylander are at H-UB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: “Andrews p. 304; Barnhart 2: 521; BM 3: 1361; CSP 4: 498-

499, 17: 380; De Toni 1: Ixxxviil, 2: Ixxxiii; GR p. 341; Herder p. 352; 1H 2: 564; Jackson p.

184; Kelly p. 154; Kew 4: 72; LS suppl. 19039; Morren ed. 2, p. 18, ed. 10, p. 61; NI (alph.);

Nordstedt p. 24; PR 6495; Quenstedt p. 304; TL-1/1161, see Nestler, C.G.; Tucker 1: 502;

Urban-Berl. p. 267.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 38: 542. 1889 (d. 20 Feb 1889); Bot. Jahrb. 11(Beibl. 24): 1. 1889; Bot. Not. 1890: 45 (d.); Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 24: 1. 1908 (portr.); Leopoldina 25: 111. 1889; Nat. Nov. 11: 122. 1889 (d.).

Claudot, C., Table. alph. ouvrages Soc. Emul. Vosges 64. 1891 (bibl.).

Quélet, L. et al., Ann. Bot. 3: 484-485. 1890 (b. 8 Mai [err.] 1815, d. 20 Feb 1889; bibl.). 1940.

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 135, 149, 198. 1940.

Roumeguere, C., Revue mycol. 11: 114-116. 1889 (personal recollections); Bull. Soc. mycol. France 5: 60-63. 1889 (1890).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 88-89. 1969.

Thiry, Ge Bos .mycol: Ex. 20: 2091913) (portr. |:

Werner, R. G., Bull. Acad. Soc. lorrain. Sci. 6(2): 114. 1966 (b. 18 Mai 1815, corr.; d. 20 Feb 1880).

COMPOSITE WORKS: With W. P. Schimper (q.v.) Monographie des plantes fossiles du gres bigarré de la chaine des Vosges. Leipzig 1844, i11, 83 p., 4o pl. (publ. Oct 1844).

  1. Essai dune flore du nouveau grés rouge des Vosges (Rothes todt liegendes), ou description

des végétaux silicifiés qui s’y rencontrent, Epinal (Typographie de Veuve Gley) 1852.

Oct. (Essai fl. grés rouge Vosges).

Publ.: 1852 (date on cover reprint), p. [1]-46, pl. 7-5, uncol. liths. Copzes: BR, USGS. — Extrait des Annales de la Société d’Emulation des Vosges, tome vii. — ii® cahier. — 1851


  1. Extrait de Pouvrage Le département des Vosges publié par Léon Louis. La flore des

Vosges, Champignons par le docteur Antoine Mougeot. Epinal (Imprimerie E. Busy, ...)

  1. Oct. (Fl. Vosges, Champ.).

Co-author: René Ferry (1845-1924); collaborators: Jean Baptiste Lucien Forquignon (1847- 1888), Lucien Quélet (1832-1899).

Publ.: 1887 (p. 2: 15 Apr 1887), p. [1]-196. Copies: FH, Stevenson. — Title as on cover.

Preliminary publ.: Quélet, Mougeot, Ferry, Forquignon, Raoult, Liste, générale des champignons exosporés (basidiomycétes) spécialement observes dans les Vosges, de 1879 a 1884, Société mycologique, Bulletin no. 1. Mai 1885, Epinal (Imprimerie Victor Collot), p. 5-89. Copy: G. — See also J. B. Mougeot 1845.

  1. Algues par le docteur Antoine Mougeot et C. Roumeguére [reprinted from Léon Louis, Le Departement des Vosges, ... Epinal (Imprimerie E. Busy, ...) 1887]. Oct. (Algues).

Co-author: Casimir Roumeguere (1828-1892).

Publ.: 1887, p. [1]-88. Copy: FH.

Mougeot, Jean Baptiste (1776-1858), Alsatian physician and botanist; 1798-1802 French army health officer in Germany; from 1803 physician at Bruyéres; 1833-1858 member of the Conseil général des Vosges. (Moug.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Mougeot’s original collections were acquired by Roumeguére from Mougeot fils and are now at MPU. Important material is also at PC. J. B. Mougeot, C. G. Nestler and W. P. Schimper published 14 fascicles of a series of exsiccata Stzrpes vageso- rhenanae (14.00 species) of which sets are at BERN, BM, BR, G, LE, NCY, NEU, P, TL, TO. A further series of exsiccata, containing cryptogams, was published by Mougeot, Nestler and Schimper together with Jean Antoine Mougeot (1815-1889) and Casimir Roumeguére



(1828-1892) as Stirpes cryptogamae vogeso-rhenanae; quas in Rhent superioris inferiorisque, nec non Vogesorum praefecturis collegerunt ... fasc. i-xvi, numbers 12-14 by Mougeot, Nestler and Schimper, fasc. 15 by J. B. et J. A. Mougeot, Nestler et Schimper, fasc. 16 by Roumeguére. For full details of this set see MO and Sayre (1969). Sets at (e.g.): BM, BR, DBN, E, FH, G, H, JE, K, LE, MPU, NCY, NY, PC, 8S, W. Each fascicle is accompanied by a title page and a list of contents. — The travel note books and correspondence (ca. 10.000 letters; 250 correspondents; often with Mougeot’s own letters as well) are at the Bibliotheque centrale, Muséum d’ Histoire naturelle, Paris (Laissus 1978).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 506; Ainsworth p. 284; Barnhart 2: 520; BL 2: 212, 693; BM 3: 1361; Bossert p. 275; CSP 12: 522, 17: 380; Frank 3(Anh.): 68; GR p. 290, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Hegi 4(2): 717, 6(2): 1267; IH 2: 564; Kelly p. 154-155; Kew 4: 72;

KR p. 506; Laségue p. 289; Lenley p. 464; LS 18373-18376d, 37185; MD p. 185-187;

Nordstedt p. 12, 35; Rehder 5: 594; PR 6494 (ed. 1: 7248-7249); SBC p. 127 (““Moug.”’);

Stevenson p. 1251.

Agardh, C. A., Syst. alg. xxvi, 83. 1824 (epon.).

Anon., Bonplandia 7: 22. 1859 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 11 Mar 1859; Bull. Soc. bot. France 5: 497, 707. 1858 (1859), 6: viii. 1859, 15: xiv. 1868; Flora 42: 79-80, 768. 1859; Osterr. bot. Z. 9: 134. 1859 (d. 5 Dec 1858).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (location sets Stirp. vog. rhen.).

Claudot, C., Tabl. alph. ouvr. Soc. Emul. Vosges 64-65. 1891 (bibl.).

Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 26(bibl.): 144. 1879 (Roumeguére received remaining colls. J.B. Mougeot for continuation “‘Stirpes’’).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970 (set Stirp. vog.-rhen.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 47 (crypt. coll. 1823-1858 at K).

Jacquel, Bull. Soc. bot. France 6: 6-8. 1859.

Jaubert, H. F., Bull. Soc. bot. France 5: 562-565. 1858 (1859).

Kirschleger, F, Fl. Alsace 2: Ixx-lxxi. 1857.

Laissus, Y. 103. Congr. Soc. Sav., Nancy 5: 233-240. 1978 (corr. at P, Bibl. centr.), see also Cat. gén. manuscr. bibl. emcee 55, suppl. 1: 138, 149. 1965.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lichens at PC).

Maud’heux et Lahache, Ann. Soc. Emul. Dép. Vosges 10(1): 398-417. 1859.

Mougeot, J. B., Bull. Soc. bot. France 5: 472-478. 1858 (letter M. to Nestler).

Muller, J., Mém. Herb. Boissier 6: 1-10. 1900.

Quélet, L., Ann. Bot., London, 3: 484-485. 1890.

Roumeguere, C., Revue mycol. 1(2): 49-58. 1879 (on reliquiae Moug.), 11: 17-34. 1889 (correspondence between M. and Nestler, Villars, Persoon and Fries).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 37-38. 1969; Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Werner, R. G., Bull. Acad. Soc. lorrain. Sci. 6(2): 113-114. 1966 (b. 25 Sep 1776, d. 5 Dec 1858).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 109. 1905.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 185-186. 1977.

EPONYMY: Mougeotella Gaillon (1833); Mougeotia Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth (1823, nom. re.); Mougeotia C. A. Agardh (1824, nom. cons.); Mougeotia A. de Bary (1858); Mougeo- tiella Yamagishi (1963); Mougeotiopsis Palla (1894).

  1. Index alphabetibus generum, specierum et synonymorum in J. B. Mougeot, C. Nestler et W. P. Schimper Stirpibus cryptogamis Vogeso-Rhenanis a fasciculo primo ad duodeci- mum usque enumeratorum. Bruyerii Vogesorum (Bruyéres, Vosges) 1843. Qu. (Ind. alph.). Publ.: 1843, p. [1]-25. Copies: G, USDA.

  2. Extrait de la Statistique du Département des Vosges, par MM. H. Lepage et Ch.

Charton. Histoire naturelle. —Régne végétale. Conszdérations générales sur la végétation spontanée

du Departement des Vosges, par le Docteur Mougeot, ... Epinal (de Pimprimerie de Gley)

  1. Qu. (Consid. vég. Vosges).

Publ.: 1846 (t.p. 1845, cover 1846; rd. Regensburg Nov 1846), p. [1]-356, corresponding with p. 161-516 of Statestique. Copies: G, NY, USDA.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Ze. 5: 615-618. 27 Aug 1847.



Histoire naturelle. — Botanique, par M. le docteur Mougeot. Champignons, p. [1]-127. Copy: MICH. — Possibly by Joseph Antoine Mougeot. _

Earlier editions of Consid. vég. Vosges: (1) in Ann. Soc. Emul. Vosges 2: 573-631. 1831, (2) in Lepage et Charton, Statistique, 1835 ed. (both n.v.).

  1. Notte sur les trerziéme et quatorziéme centuries des Stirpes cryptogamae vogeso-rhenanae, par M. le Dr. Mougeot pére, ... Nancy (Grimblot et Veuve Raybois, .. .) 1856. Oct. (Not. Sturp. crypt.).

Publ.: 1856, p. [1]-15. Copy: BR.

Mouillefert, Pierre (1846-1903), French dendrologist, “professeur de sylviculture a Ecole nationale d’Agriculture de Grignon.” (Mouill.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 521; BM 3: 1361; CSP 10: 864-865, 12: 522, 17: 380; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Mouill.””); Jackson p. 492; Kew 4: 72; Langman p. 528; LS 18368- 18387; Morren ed. 2. p. 19, ed. 10. p. 63; MW p. 337; NI 1416; PFC 3(1): x; Rehder 5: 594; TL-1/895; TL-2/1: 602; Tucker 1: 502, 3: 227-229; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. 11, p. 792. Anon., Revue hortic. 76: 34. 1904 (d. 26 Dec 1903).

  1. La truffe et sa production Histoire naturelle. Production-Récolte. Qualité et emplois.

Paris (Librairie agricole de la Maison rustique) 1888. 18-mo. (sign. of 12 and 24 p.

alternate). (T7ruffe).

Publ.: 1888, p. [1]-88, text figs. 1-18. Copy: Stevenson. — ‘Extrait du Journal d’agriculture pratique’.

  1. Les principaux arbres et arbustes de contrées chaudes cultivées dans le midi de la France

... Paris (Typographie Gaston Née ...) 1889. Oct.

Publ.: 1889, p. [1 ]-78. Copy: USDA. — Reprinted from J. Soc. natl. Hortic. France ser. 3. 11: 117-133, 193-204, 254-267, 333-352, 398-416. 1889. To be cited from journal.

  1. Traité des arbres S arbrissaux forestiers, industriels et d’ornement cultivés ou exploités en Europe et plus particuli¢rement en France donnant la description de l’utilisation de plus de 2400 espéces et 2000 variétés . . . Paris (Librairie des sciences naturelles Paul Klincksieck, ..) [18g1-] 1892-1898. Oct. ( Traité arbr. arbriss.). Publ.: in 38 parts, 2 vols. text, 1 vol. atlas, 1891-1898 (dates provided to Rehder by publisher). Copzes: FI, MO (orig. covers parts 1-19), NY. 1, texte, p. [i*-11*], [i]-xvi, [1]-688. 2, texte, p. [1-11], 689-1403. Atlas: p. [i*-111*], [1]-viti, pl. A-& (élém. bot.), 1-26, 26bis, 26ter, 27, 27 bis, 27ter, 28, 26 bis, 28ter, 29, 2gbis, 30-32, 32bis, (col.; characters), 7-144 (photogr.) (in all 795 pl.).

part signatures dates part signatures dates I 1-2 7 Jan 1891 16 31-32 16 Mai 1893 2 3-4 28 Jan 1891 7 33-34 18 Aug 1893 3 5-6 7 Mar 1801 18 35-36 7 Oct 1893 4 7-8 31 Mar 1891 19 37-38 13 Mar 1894 5 9-10 15 Jul 1891 20 39-40 13 Mar 1894 6 11-12 15 Jul 1891 or 41-42 11 Jun 1894 7 13-14 15 Jul 1891 22 43-44 2 Oct 1894 8 15-16 30 Jul 1891 23 45-46 7 Jan 1895 9 17-18 24 Nov 1891 24 47-48 23 Apr 1895 10 19-20 24 Nov 1891 25 49-50 12 Aug 1895 II 21-22 12 Jan 1892 26 51-52 12 Aug 1895 12 23-24 5 Mar 1892 Oy 53-54 28 Dec 1895 13 25-26 23 Apr 1892 28 55-56 20 Feb 1896 14 27-28 8 Jul 1892 29 57-58 7 Jul 1896 15 29-30 19 Nov 1892 30 59-60 18 Sep 1896



part signatures dates part signatures dates

I 61-62 3 Dec 1896 35 74-77 10 Jan 1898 32 63-65 20 Feb 1897 36 78-81 2 Mar 1898 33 66-69 4 Aug 1897 37 82-85 8 Jun 1898

34 70-73 6 Nov 1897 38 86-88 5 Oct 1898

title and indexes

Mounce, Irene (Stewart) (1894-x), Canadian mycologist and phytopathologist; M. S. Univ. Manitoba 1922, Ph. D. Toronto 1929; at Ottawa 1924-1938, at Saanichton, D. C. 1938-1945. (Mounce).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 128, 129, 326; Barnhart 2: 521; IH 2: 564; Kelly p. 155; LS suppl. 19041-19048; Stevenson p. 1251. Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 55. 1977.

Mouret, Marcellin (1881-1915), French soldier and botanist; in the 3rd colonial infantry in Martinique, Tonkin and Marocco; died at Argonne on the battle fields of World War I. (Mouret).



Gagnepain, F., Bull. Mus. natl. Hist. nat. 1908(3): 163-165, (Indochinese coll.).

Gagnepain, A., in Lecomte, H., Fl. gén. Indochine, vol. prél. p. 45. 1944.

Jahandiez, E., Ann. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulon 6: 48-52. 1921 (for 1915-1920) (portr., obit., bibl., b. 27 Aug 1881, d. 4 Mar 1915, Vauquois, Argonne).

Jeanpert, E., Bull. Mus. natl. Hist. nat. 1911(6): 467 (ferns Indochina).

Lecomte, H., Bull. Mus. natl. Hist. nat. 1915(7): 207 (d. 4 Mar 1915).

Maire, R., Progr. connaiss. bot. Algérie 174, 178. 1931 (Maroccan bryol. material publis- hed by L. Courbiére, Expl. Sci. Maroc, Botanique 1-2, 1912. 1918 and by Bouly de Lesdain in his Notes lichénologiques, 1-23, Bull. Soc. bot. France 1905-1928, and in Mém. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc 8: 290-299. 1925).

Mouret, M., Rev. bryol. 40: 7-13, 51-57. 1913, 41: 10-14. 1914 (Maroccan mosses, descr. by Corbiere).

Reynier, A., Monde pl. 17: 20. 1915 (d. 4 Mar 1915, brief rev. publ.).

NOTE: Corbiere, L. & E. Jahandiez, Muscin. Var 1921 (TL-2/3270) was based on the collections by Mouret; it was issued as a ““complément”’ to the Ann. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulon 6, 1915-1921.

EPONYMY: Mouretia Pitard (1922).

Mousnier, Jules (//. 1873), French pharmacist born at Saujon (Charente-Inférieure); Dr. pharm. Paris 1873. (Mousmer).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: CSP 17: 387; Jackson p. 282. Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 65. 1896.

  1. Ecole supérieure de Pharmacie de Paris Les champignons dans le département de la Charente-Inférieure. Thése présentée et soutenue a l’école supérieure de pharmacie de Paris le samedi 11 janvier 1873 ... Paris (imprimerie de A. Pillet fils ainé ...) 1873. Qu. (Champ. Charente-Inf.).

Thesis issue: 11 Jan 1873, p. [1]-74. Copies: G, Stevenson.

Trade issue: 1873, p. [1]-74. Copy: NY. — Paris (J.-B. Bailliére et fils) 1873. Qu.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 19(bibl.): 236. 1873.



Mouterde, Paul (1892-1972), French jesuit and botanist; from 1929 at the Université Saint-Joseph at Beyrouth; botanical explorer of Syria and Lebanon; specialist in the syrian, coptic, greek and hebrew languages. (Mouterde).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: G, rd. 1973 from the Peres Jésuites de l Université catholique de Beyrouth.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BFM 1550; IH 2: 565; Kew 4: 73-74.

Charpin, A. et Greuter, W., Musées de Geneve 145: 15-18. 1974 (portr.), Saussurea 5: 61- 65. 1974 (portr.; on his publ.).

Miége, J. et Wuest, Saussurea 6: 134. 1975.

Mouterde, P., Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie, vols. 1-2, 1966-1969. (vol. 3 remained unfinished), see also Taxon 17: 224. 1968 and 19: 644. 1970; volume 3, based on posthumous mss., edited by A. Charpin & W. Greuter, 3(1): (1)-(3), 1-112. Mai 1978; see also Taxon 28: 294. 1979. — See also his La flore du Djebel Druze, Paris 1953, 224 p., 24 pl., map.

  1. Petite flore des environs de Beyrouth ... Beyrouth (imprimerie Catholique) 1935. Oct.

(Petite fl. Beyrouth).

Publ.: 1935, p, [1 ]-149. Copy: USDA. — Also published in the Annales de la Faculté francaise de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Beyrouth. [manuscript for this entry written on 7 Oct 1978 when the U.S. A. and the United Nations stopped the Syrian attempt to annihilate the Christian section of Beyrouth].

Mouton, Victor (//. 1875-1901), Belgian mycologist at Liege. (V. Mouton).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BR (rd. 1922); dupl. PAD (Saccardo) and GENT. — Mouton contributed also to C. Roumegueére, Fungi selecti exsiccati cent. 49, 1889. — A mss Catalogue de mon herbier de Champignons, Janvier 1897, and a mss Liste des Ascomycétes observées aux environs de Liége, 1 Janvier 1901, are at BR. (see also Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 1886: 137-162. 7


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 521; CSP 17: 388; GR, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth

p. 184; IH 2: 565(?); LS 18391-18395; Stevenson p. 1252.

Penzig, O. & P. A. Saccardo, Malpighia 15: 221. 1901 (epon.).

Rammeloo, J., Bull. Jard. bot. natl. Belg. 48: 221-230. 1978 (descr. fungus coll. [incl. list types] Mouton at BR; no biogr. details; bibl.).

EPONYMY: Moutoniella Penzig & P. A. Saccardo (1901).

Mouton-Fontenille de la Clotte, Marie Jacques Philippe (1769-1837), French bota- nist and ornithologist; studied at Montpellier under Gouan; from 1808-1815 professor of natural history at the faculty of sciences at Lyon; from 1815-1830 at the Lyon Palais des Arts and director of the natural history cabinet at Lyon; pensioned off in 1830 because of his ultra-royalist attitude. (Mouton-Font.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 521; BM 3: 1362, 7:874; Herder p. 169; Jackson

p. 16, 226; PR 6496-6499 (ed. 1: 7253-7257); Rehder 5: 594; SO 14, 348, 325, 326, 336, 337,

338, 524, 765, 766, 782, add. 1233b; Tucker 1: 502.

Anon., Flora 5(1), Beil. 1: 37-38. 1822.

Magnin, A., Ann. Soc. bot. Lyon 22: 10-11. 1897; Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 31: 53-55. 1906, 32: 118. 1907, 35: 28. 1910.

Meyran, O., Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon 80: 7-15. 1937 (“Un botaniste lyonnais méconnu ”’, brief biogr., bibl.).

  1. Tableau des systémes de botanique, généraux et particuliers; contenant 1° le plan de chaque systéme; 2° les principes sur lesquels ils sont fondés; 3° leurs avantages et leurs

désavantages; 4° spécialement le développement du systéme sexuel de Linnaeus. Suivi de



deux mémoires, ... a Lyon (chez l’auteur, Reymann, et C.e. ...) An vi, de la République

francoise (1798) Oct. (in fours). (Tabl. syst. bot.).

Publ.: 1798, chart [x], p- [i, iii], [1]-212, charts 2-700, [1]-95, [96, lt. ] premier mém. [1]-18, second mém. [19]-55- Copies: FI, MO, NY. — SO 336; in part based on Linnaeus, Classes plantarum.

  1. Dictionnaire des termes techniques de botanique, a Vusage des éleves et des amateurs... a Lyon (Chez Bruyset ainé et comp.e) an xi. (1803). Oct. (Dict. term. bot.). Publ.: 1803, p. [i*-v*], i-xxvi, [1]-444. Copies: FI, NY.

  2. Systeme [sic] des plantes, contenant les classes, ordres, genres et especes, les caractéres naturels et essentiels des genres; les phrases caractéristiques de espéces; la citation des meilleures figures; le climat et le lieu natal des plantes, |’époque de leur floraison, leurs propriétés et leurs usages dans les arts, dans l’économie rurale et la médecine: extrait et traduit des ouvrages de Linné, par M.J.P. Mouton-Fontenille, ... a Lyon (Chez Bruyset ainé et Buynand) an xii-1804/ an xiii 1805. 5 vols. Oct. (Syst. pl.).

1: 1804, front. portr. Linnaeus, p. [i*], [i]-Ixxix, [bxxx, table], [1]-532. — This volume was also issued with a t.p. dated 1805 (second copy UC) (inf. R. Schmid).

2: 1805, p. [i, ui], [1 ]-467.

3: 1805, p. [1, ii], [1]-648.

4: 1805, p. [1i, mi], [1]-518.

5: 1805, p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xviii, [i]-xviii, [1]-xvi, [i]-xxxii, [i]-xxil, [i]-vin, [1]-xxxiv, [i]-cxiv, [i]-xvi, [i]-Lxiv, [i]-xliv [1]-vi, [1-2, err.].

Copies: BR, MO, UC(2). — This is SO 14; the treatment is heavily based on Linnaeus but contains so much material supplied by Mouton-Fontenille that the latter can be treated as the author.

Note: booknumber 6384 has not been used.

  1. Coup-@oeil sur la botanique, discours prononcé le mercredi g mai 1810, jour de Pouverture du cours d@’histoire naturelle al’ Académie de Lyon, . .. a Lyon (Chez Yvernault et Cabin, ...) 1810. Oct. (Coup-d oeil bot.).

Publ.: 1810 (post 9 Mai), p. [i]-xxxii, [1]-79. Copy: B-S.

  1. Tableaux de concordance des genres d'un Pinax des plantes européennes ... Paris (Chez

Déterville, ...), Lyon (Et.ne Cabin et Cie...) s.d. [1814-1815]. Oct. ( Tabl. concord. genres).

Publ.: 1814-1815, p. [i*], engr. t.p., [1i*-vi*], [i]-xx, [1]-95, [1-4, adv.]. Copzes: G, MO, INV?

Moxley, George Loucks (1871-?), American botanist, methodist missionary in Liberia 1896-1897; in Southern California from 1898. (Mozxl.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 521 (orig. inf.); BL 1: 167, 310; BM 7: 874; GR p- 234; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Moxl.”’); IF suppl. 2: 38; IH 2: 565; Kew 4: 74; Langman p. 528; LS suppl. 19057-19058; NAF ser. 2. 5: 249; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. 11, p. 739, 792- Thomas, J. H., Huntia 3: 41-42. 1969 (1979).

  1. Flora of Southern California ... Los Angeles (Times-Mirror Press) 1923. Oct. (Fl. S. Calif.).

Co-author: Anstruther Davidson (1860-1932).

Publ.: 1923 (NY rd 21 Aug-30 Nov 923), p. [1]-452, err. ship. Copies: MO, NY.

Moyen, J. (/. 1889), French clergyman and botanist; spent some time in Canada; later “Prétre de Saint-Sulpice, Professeur d’Histoire naturelle 4 la Maison d’Alix” (Lyon). (Moyen).

HERBARIUM and TyPES Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY BM 3: 1362; Jackson p. 366; LS 18397; Rehder 5: xvii; Tucker 1: 502. Anon., Natural. canad. 5: 229. 1873.


  1. Les Champignons traité élémentaire et pratique de mycologie suivi de la description

des espéces utiles dangereuses remarquables par J. Moyen ... avec une introduction par

Jules de Seynes ... 20 chromotypographies et 334 vignettes. Paris (J. Rothschild, ...) s.d.

[1889]. Oct. (Champignons).

Introduction: Jules de Seynes (1833-1912).

Ed. 1: Jan-Mar 1889 (p. xxiv: 5 Dec 1888; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1889; Bot. Zeit. 28 Jun 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 24 Apr 1889), p. [i]-xxxv, [1]-762, [1], p/. 7-20 chromoliths., with text. Copies: BR, FH, G, MICH, NY, Stevenson.

Ed. [2]: Jan-Mar 1894 (Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1894; Hedwigia 15 Apr 1894, 1-772, pl. 1-20 (n.v.).

Ed. [3]: 1902 (Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1902), 1-880, pl. 1-20 (n.v.).

Moyer, Isaac Shoemaker (1838-1898), American physician and botanist; studied at Pennsylvania Medical College, grad. 1859; practiced in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. (Moyer).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 522; 1H 2: 565; Lenley p. 300; Morren ed. 10, p. 130; Pennell p. 614; Tucker 1: 503.

Anon., Bartonia 2: 34. 1909 (d. 7 Sep 1898), 22: 15. 1913.

Kelly, H. A., 7 Kelly, H. A. and Burrage, W. L., Amer. med. biogr. 830. 1920.

Mudd, William (A.) (1830-1879), British gardener and lichenologist; at first at Great Ayton, Cumb.; later (1865) curator of the Cambridge botanic garden. (Mudd).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM. — Exsiccatae: (1) Lichenum britannicorum, . . . fasc. 1-3, nos. 1-301, Great Ayton 1861; sets at BM, BR, CGE, DBN, DUKE, E, FH, MANCH, MSC, NY, S, UPS, W. For index see Mudd, Man. Br. lich. (1861).

(2) A monograph of British Cladoniae, nos. 1-80, 1865, sets at BM, DBN, E, FH, G, NMW, NY, UPS. Se also below, no. 6390.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 522; BB p. 233; BM 3: 1364; CSP 4: 502, 12:

523; Desmond p. 454; GR p. 278, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Herder p. 259; IH 2:

566; Jackson p. 243; Kelly p. 155; Kew 4: 75; Krempelh. 2: 397-415; LS 18400-18403;

Morren ed. 2, p. 23; PR 6500; Rehder 5: 595; SBC p. 127 (“Mudd”’).

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 37: 304. 1879; Bull. Soc. bot. France 26 (bibl.): 93. 1879 (d.); Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 14: 40-41. 1883; Gard. Chron. 1864; 1010 (app. Gambr.).

Blackwell, E. M., Naturalist 877: 56. 1961.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (exsicc.).

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 1568-1975, p. 17, 125, 198, Oi. LOG

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970 (exsicc. E).

J. G. B., Gard. Chron. 1879: 558-559 (obit.).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lich. BM).

Lynge, B., Index Lich. exsicc. 391-398. 1915/19.

Mudd, W., J. Bot. 1: 152-156. 1863 (answer to Nylander, 1863).

Nylander, W., Flora 46: 77-79. 1863 (names changes for exsicc. Lich. brit.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard 19(1): 148-149. 1969.

Trimen, H., J. Bot. 17: 160. 1879.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 81. 1905.

  1. A manual of British lichens, containing descriptions of all the species and varieties, and

five plates, with figures of the spores of one hundred and thirty species, illustrative of the

genera ... Darlington (printed for the author by Harrison Penney, ...) 1861. Oct. (Man.

Brit. lich.).

Publ.: 1861 (p. vi: 8 Mai 1861), p. [i]-viii, [1]-309, [i]-xxii, p/. 7-5, partly handcol. liths. by author. Copies: L, MO, NY, Stevenson; IDC 587. — The series Lichenes britannict was issued to accompany the Manual (sold at £ 1.14.6; with the Manual £ 2.10.0).

Ref.: Anon., Flora 45: 475-480. 16 Oct 1862.



Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 20: 40. 31 Jan 1862 (refers to review in The Athenaeum).

  1. A monograph of British Cladoniae, illustrated with dried specimens of eighty species and varieties ... Cambridge (printed for the author by Harrison Penney, ...) 1865. Qu. (Monogr. Brit. Cladon.).

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1865 (J. Bot. Oct 1865 in preparation; BM copy rd. 1865; J. Bot. rev. Mar 1866; Sydow, FI. Deutschland xv, gives 1866), p. [1]-vi, [vii-viii], [1]-36. Copy: G. — Accompanied by the series of exsiccatae (80 nos.) with the same name. For further details see Sayre (1969); for an index see Lynge p. 391-393. We have seen no copy of the Berlin index mentioned by Lynge.

Ref.: Seemann, B., J. Bot. 3: 328. Oct 1865 (W. Mudd ... is preparing a monograph of the

British species of Cladonia); 4: 90-91. Mar 1866 (eva) Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19: 148-149. 1969.

Mudie, Robert (1777-1842), British journalist and popular writer on natural history; 1802-1808 teacher in Scotland; to London 1808 as reporter with the Morning Chronicle and editor of the Sunday Times. (Mudie).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and Brocrapny: Barnhart 2: 522; BB p. 223; CSP 4: 502; Desmond p. 454; DNB 39: 263; Herder p. 21; Jackson p. 471; PR 6501 (ed. 1: 7259); Rehder 5: 595; Tucker 1:


Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1384. 1870 (bibl.).

L. A. S. Johnson, Contr. N. S. W. Natl. Herb. 3(3): 105-107. 1962 (Eucalyptus mannifera Mudie; apparent copying from notes by A. Cunningham).

Hall, N., Botanists of the Eucalypts 97. 1978.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) The florist’s journal (n.v.),see Loudon, J. C., Gardener’s Mag. ser. 2. 6: 602-603. 1840, or nos. (monthly) 1-7, 168 p., 1840.

(2) The British naturalist, or sketches of the more interesting productions of Britain . . . vols. 1- 2 (all publ.), London 1830.

  1. The botanic annual; or familiar illustrations of the structure, habits, economy, geogra-

phy, classification, and principal uses of plants, with notices of the way in which they are

affected by climate and seasons; and a short sketch of Coniferae ... London (published by

James Cochrane and Co., ...) 1832. Oct. (Bot. ann.).

Publ.: 1832 (p. viii: 1 Dec 1631), frontisp., engr. t.p., p. [1]-xv, [1]-446, 2 pl. (uncol., auct.). Copy: NY.

  1. A popular guide to the observation of nature; or, hints of inducement to the study of natural

productions and appearances, in their connexions and relations ... London (Whittaker,

Treacher & Co. ...) Edinburgh (Waugh & Innes) 1832. Duod. (in sixes). (Pop. guide obs.


Orig.: 1832. p. [i-ii], engr. t-p., [iii]-xxii, [1], [1]-372. Copy: MICH.

Amer. ed.: 1833, p. [1]-343- Copy: MICH. — New York (printed and published byalence yi: Harper, ...) 1833. Duod. (in sixes).

Miuhlberg, Friedrich (“Fritz”) (1840-1915), Swiss botanist and geologist; studied at Zurich; high school teacher at Zug (Aargau) 1862-1865; from 1865-1911 id. in Aarau; Dr. phil. h.c. Basel 1888. (Miihlberg).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 522; BL 2: 567; BM 3: 1364, 7: 875; CSP 8: 452,

10: 871, 17: 392; Jackson p. 300; LS 18407; Quenstedt p. 307; Rehder 5: 595; Tucker 1: 503.

M.M., Verh. Schweiz. naturf. Ges. 97(1) (Nekr.): 112-156. 1915 (bibl., portr., b. 29 Apr 1840, d. 25 Mai 1915), also publ. as Mitt. Aarg. naturf. Ges. 14: 1-46. 1917.

Schmidt, C., Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel 27: 1-4. 1916.


MUHLBERG EPONYMY: Muehlbergella Feer (1890).

6393- Die Siandorte und Trivialnamen der Gefasspflanzen des Aargau’s. Mit Beniitzung eines

hinterlassenen Manuskripts der Aargauer-Flora des Herrn Joseph Fridolin Wieland sel.,

gewesenen Arztes in Schoftland, und mit Beitrage mehrerer Botaniker. Aargau (Druck und

Verlag von H. R. Sauerlander) 1880. Oct. (Standorte Gefasspfl. Aargau).

Publ.: Jul-Aug 1879 (t.p. 1880, but Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1879; Bot. Zeit. 5 Sep & 5 Dec 1879; see also annotation by Burnat on his copy of the book at G), p. [i]-xxiv, [1 ]-246. Copies: G, NY.—Nat. Nov. mentions a Leipzig 1879 imprint, but this refers probably to the Leipzig dealer; Bot. Zeit. 5 Sep 1879 has ““Aarau 1879.”

Mihlenbach, Viktor (1898-x), Latvian bacteriologist, physician and botanist; Dr. Med. Riga of Dorpat 1933; habil. Riga 1936; emigrated to the U.S.A 1951; from 1953 associated with the Missouri Botanical Garden and actively interested in the adventive flora of St. Louis. (Miihlenbach).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Hirsch p. 206 (“‘Ass. des Hygien. Inst., Univ. Riga (Latvii-

ja) Reels)

Anon., Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 64(4): 1, 3. 1974 (portr.; on adventive flora), 66(10): 2. 1978 (portr. 8oth birthday).

Meder, A., Korr.-Bl. Naturf.-Ver. Rigas, Register 26. 1932.

Muehlenbach, V., Acta horti bot. Univ. Latv. 7: 87-130. 1932 (“Die Adventivflora des Rigaer Eisenbahnknotens’’), Par udens chlorsaistamspejas noteiksanas metodem un tas pratisko nozimi udens higiana. Riga, 1933 (thesis for medical doctor’s degree; contains curriculum vitae); Apkartraksts 114:1-15. 1978 (Latvian, ““medicina et ars amabilis’’); Contributions to the synanthropic (adventive) flora of the railroads in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S., Ann. Missouri bot. Gard. 66(1): 1-108. 1979.

Schrober, M., Missouri Life May-June 1978, p. 25-28 (“He walks the line; on his botani- zing along the railroad tracks’’).

Muehlenbeck, Heinrich Gustav (1798-1845), Alsatian botanist and physician; Dr. med. Paris; practicing physician in Gebweiler 1822-1833; from then on at Mulhouse (Muhlhausen); friend of W. P. Schimper. (Muehlenbeck).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: STR; some further material at B, K, and MW. Many specimens at STR labelled Lichens des Pyrenées. — 159 letters to and from J. B. Mougeot at P (Bibl. centr.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 4: 880; Backer p. 382; Barnhart 2: 522; DTS 1: 386; IH

1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 567; Kew 4: 75; PR 6502 (ed. 1: 7260); Urban-Berl. p. 308.

Anon., Ber. naturf. Ges. Basel 10: 168-171. 1852; Bot. Zeit. 4: 15-16, 136. 1846, 18: 127-128. 1860 (sale herb.).

Baines, J. A., Vict. Natural. 90: 248-249. 1973.

Dilg, P. & W. Ilg, Deut. Apotheker-Zeit. 118: 251. 1978 (member Regensb. bot. Ges.).

Kirschleger, F., Fl. Alsace 2: Ixxi-lxxi.

Laissus, Y., 103. Congr. natl. Soc. Sav. Nancy 5: 237. 1978 (corr. with J. B. Mougeot).

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 458. 1843.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 373. 1975.

EPONYMY: Muehlenbeckia C. F. Meisner (1841, nom. cons.).

Mueller, Anton (1798-1864), Moravian naturalist; educated at the Gymnasium of Brinn (Brno); administrator in the ““Kreisamt” Brinn until 1858. (A. Muell.).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1364-1365, 7: 876; CSP 17: 394; Jackson p. 10; PR 6506; Rehder 5: 596.

Schram, W. C., Notizen-Blatt (Beilage, der Mittheilungen) der historisch-statistischen



Section der k.k. mahrisch-schlesischen Gesellschaft zur Beforderung des Ackerbaues, der Natur- und Landskunde. 50: 57. 1886 (copy of this rare journal at USDA).

coMposITE works: With F. Marquardt, q.v., Die essbaren und schddlichen Schwdmme in naturlicher Grosse abgebildet von A. Miller, 4 pl. s.1., 1855 (“1856’) (Osterr. bot. W. 5: 399. 13 Dec 1855 reports receipt). We failed to locate a copy of A. Mueller, Alphabetesches Warterbuch synonymer lateinischer, deutscher und béhmischer Namen der offizinellen Pflanzen, 1866.

Miller, E. G. Otto (1857-?), German botanist; Dr. phil. Breslau 1886; contributed to “Engler and Prantl.” (£. G. O. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 523; BFM 3062, 3087; BJT 1: 41; BM 3: 1365; Rehder 5: 596.

Miiller, E. G. O., Bot. Jahrb. 7: 92. 1886.

Note: for Eugen Miiller (1880-1955) see e.g. GR p. 115.

COMPOSITE WorKs: EP, Nat. Pflanzenfam., Cucurbitaceae, 4(5): 1-39. Jun 1889. Nachtrage p. 392-394; Supplement by Pax and Engler, Nachtr. 2-4: 317-318. 1817, Harms, Erganzungs- heft 1: 75. 1900.

  1. Die Ranken der Cucurbitaceen. Inaugural-Dissertation, welche zur Erlangung der

philosophischen Doktorwirde nebst den beigefiigten Thesen mit Genehmigung der philo-

sophischen Fakultat der Universitat Breslau Sonnabend, den 30. Januar Mittags 12 Uhr in der kleinen Aula gegen die Herren Dr. F. Staats und Referendar G. Neisser offentlich vertheidigen wird E. G. Otto Miller. Breslau (Druck von Robert Nischkowsky) 1886. Oct.

(Ranken Cucurb.).

Publ.: 30 Jan 1886 (t.p.; Bot. Zeit. 26 Mar 1886; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1886), p. [1]-53, [54 expl. pl.], [1-2, curr. vitae, theses], pl. 5-7. Copy: G. — Reprinted from: Cohn, F., Biol. Beitr. 4(2), 1886.

Ref.: Wieler, Bot. Zeit. 44: 578-583. 20 Aug 1886.

Moebius, M., Bot. Centralbl. 27: 187-189. 16-20 Aug 1886 (rev.).

Mueller, Sir Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich (‘“Baron’’) von (1825-1896), Australian bota- nist of German birth; studied pharmacy at Kiel; to Australia for health purposes 1847; assistant pharmacist at Adelaide 1847-1853; from 1857-1896 Government botanist of Victoria; 1857-1873 director of the Melbourne botanical garden; title of Freiherr (Baron) from the king of Wirttemberg; leading Australian botanist and botanical explorer. (F. v. Muell.).

HERBARIUM and typEs: MEL. For duplicates see 1H; important sets at BM, K, P and W. Many letters at K. Exsiccatae: Educational collections of Australian plants, 1873, 1875, 2 sets of 50 plants.

note: Baptised Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich Miller, M. changed his name to Mueller in 1852. “Baron” von Mueller’s conspicuously high number of orders and titles mentioned on the title pages of many of his books are attributed by Ascherson to the liberality with which Mueller sent Australian plants to Europe (AG 6(2): 723): “ihm ist ... die Einfiihrung zahlreicher Pflanzen in die Europaischen Garten zu verdanken, fur die er zahllose Ehrun- gen (Orden, Titel) eimheimste”. Mueller held 20 knighthoods, five doctorates, and mem- bership ofsome 150 scientific societies (Willis 1949). He himself would have thought it fully appropriate, and correctly so, that his entry in TL-2 is a major one.

ABBREVIATION OF NAME: We follow ICBN Rec. 46A.5 in recommending F. v. Muell. as the abbreviation of the ‘““Baron’s” name. Mueller himself used F. v. M. For a discussion of this point see e.g. Eardley (1953), Jessep 1953. The dispute seems to have been settled because no proposals have been made to change the text of the Code since F. v. Muell. was

introduced as the recommended abbreviation.



GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY: Churchill, D. M., F. B. Muir and D. M. Sinkora, The published works of Ferdinand J. H. Mueller (1825-1896), Muelleria 4(1): 1-120. 1978 (portr., biogr. notes, biogr. refs., collections and handwriting, index of subjects, bibliography (nearly 1000 papers and books; nearly 10.000 pages; many of the publications dated by month). The treatment below covers obviously only part of Mueller’s astonishing productivity. The bibliography by Churchill et al. contains many details not noted by us. It provides information on e.g. the many preprints from journals (“‘extra prints’).

INDEX TAXA: “An index to the new taxa, new combinations and new names published by Ferdinand J. H. Mueller, by T. B. Muir, Muelleria 4(2); 123-168. 1979.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 52: 498-500 (date death err.); AG 6(2): 723; Andrews P. 304-305; Backer p. 212, 383; Barnhart 2: 524; BB p. 223; BFM 323; BJI 1: 41; BL 1: 63, 64, 68, 73, 76, 77, 86, 102, 120, 310; BM 3: 1365-1367, 7: 876; Bossert p. 276; Clokie p. 215; CSP 4: 515-516, 8: 459-460, 10: 874, 12: 524, 17: 397-400; Desmond p. 455 (further biogr. ref.); Frank 3 (Anh.): 68: GF p. 69; GR p. 115; Herder p. 467 [index]; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Muell., F. J.”); HR (q.v. for extensive biogr. references); IF p. 721-722; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 566; Jackson p. 584 [index]; Kew 4: 77-79; Langman p. 528-529; Lenley p. 300-301, 464; LS

18422-18432, suppl. 19083-19084; Moebius 360; Morren ed. 2, p. 40, ed. 10, p. 149; PH

164, 567; Quenstedt p. 307; Rehder 5: 596-598; SBC p. 127 (““F. Mull.”); SK 1: 375, 4(2):

cxvi (portr.), SO 483, 487; Stevenson p. 1252; TL-1/76, 896; TL-2/393, 428, see indexes;

Tucker 1: 503-505; Urban-Berl. p. 267, 272, 279, 308, 377; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. 11, p.


Anon., Biogr. Jahrb. 3: 93*. 1900 (further biogr. refs.); Bonplandia 1: 144. 1853, 3: 344. 1855 (on Gregory’s N. Austral. exp.), 6: 48. 1858 (Leopoldina cogn.: Lechenault), 9: 362. 1861 (development Bot. Gard.); Bot. Centralbl. 68: 191. 1896 (unser langjahriger verdienstvoller Mitarbeiter; d. 9 Oct 1896); Bot. Gaz. 22(5): 432. 1896 (d.), 23(3): 227. 1897 (death mask for sale), 25: 299. 1889 (memorial sheet); Bot. Not. 1897: 47 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 54(2): 336. 1896; Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1896: 218-219; Bull. Soc. bot. France 6: 839- 840. 1860 (note on M’s activities as director of the Melbourne botanical garden), 20(bibl.): 103. 1873 (leaves bot. gard. Melbourne); Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 20: 464-466. 1896; Mitt. deut. dendr. Ges. 1917: 248 (portr.); Nat. Nov. 8: 241. 1886 (resigns dir. bot. Gard.); 18: 506. 1896 (d.), 19: 331. 1897 (Mueller Botanic Society founded); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1896/-7: 60-64. 1897; The South Australian Register, Monday, October 12, 1896 (portr.); The town and country journal [ Melbourne] 24 Oct 1896 [‘“The Baron was rather eccentric in his ways, and his vanity was tremendous. ..”’| (portr.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 38: Ixxx. 1896 (d. 9 Oct 1896); Wiener illustr. Gart.-Zeit. 15: 427-428. 1890 (portr.).

Baines, J. A., Vict. Natural. 90: 248. 1973 (eponymy).

Barnard, F. G. A., Vict. Natural. 21: 17-28. 1904.

Beck, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 33: 378. 1888, 34: 150. 1888 (over 3000 specimens at W).

Best, H., Vict. Natural. 65: 132-137. 1948 (address 13 Sep 1948 marking the appearance of the Mueller commemorative stamp) 68: 179-180. 1952.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 35: 272-273. 1897 (followed by an abbreviated reprint of Spencer’s biography, Victorian Natur. Oct 1896; Britten criticises the obituary which appeared in the Gard. Chron. (17 Oct 1896) because of ‘‘an undue insistence on the harmless egotism which characterized the deceased botanist ... [a] weakness ... to which many excellent folk are subject’’), 34: 487. 1896.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (coll.).

Chisholm, A., im Six great Australians, Oxford 1963, vol. 2, 30 p. (n.v.).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifftum Schlesw.-Holst. 318 [index]. 1936.

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 227-228, 229. 1969.

Daley, C., Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller, Melbourne 1924, 55 p. (reprinted from Vict. hist. Magaz. 10(1,2): 23-32, 34-75. May, Dec 1921 (portr.).

Diels, L., Pfl.-Welt W. Austral. 55-61, 71-72. 1906 (Veg. Erde 7).

Drude, O., Leopoldina 33: 15-17, 142-150. 1897 (bibl.).

Eardley, C. M., Australas. Herb. News 12: 3-4. 1953 (abbrev. “‘F. v..M).

Fischer-Benzon, in P. Prahl, Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 39. 1890.

Gemmell, N., South Austral. Nat. 49(4): 51-64. 1975 (M. and settlement of Bugle ranges).

Gleason, H. A., Phytologia 2(8): 291-294. 1947 (letter M. to B. D. Jackson).



Goulding, J. H., Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 13: 103-105. 1976.

Greene, E. G., Pittonia 1: 266-269. 1889.

Hall, N., Botanists of the Eucalypts 97-98. 1978 (portr.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. Herb. 112. 1970 (considerable set at E).

Henriques, J., Bol. Soc. Brot. 13: 204-206. 1896 (obit.).

Hooker, J. D., Obit. Not., Proc. Roy. Soc. 63: xxxii-xxxvi. 1897; Fl. Tasmaniae cxxii-cxxiil. 1859.

Junk, W., Rara 173-175. 1926.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 47 (8018 specimens at K).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 348, 468. 1864.

Jessep, A. W., Australasian Herbarium News 13: 1-3. 1953 (F. v. M. versus F. Muell.).

Junk, W., Rara 2: 173-175. 1926-1936 (bibl.).

Kerchove de Denterghem, O., Rev. hortic. 22: 245. 1896.

Knapp, J. A., Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, Wien 1877, 16 p., (Z. allg. oesterr. Apothe- kerver. 15(36): 597-617. 1977) (b. 30 Jun 1825), see also Osterr. bot. Z. 28: 74. 1878.

Lehmann, E., Schwab. Apotheker 116-118. 1951.

Maiden, J. H., J. Proc. R. Soc. N. S. W. 46: 8-11. 1912 (brief memories’); J. West Austral. Hist. Soc. 6: 32-33. 1909; J. Proc. Roy. Soc. NSW 42: 77-82. 1908; Australas. Ass. Adv. Sci. 381. 1909; Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 1909: 23.

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 139-140. 1937.

Milner, J. D., Cat. portr. Kew 85-86. 1906.

Miskin, F., Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 1890/91: xxvill-xxix. 189.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM (NH) 1: 170. 1904 (4.220 pl.).

Nelmes & Cuthbertson, Bot. Mag. Dedications 135-136. 1931 (portr.).

Palmer, V., Natl. Porte 104-113. 1948, 92-100. 1954 (n.v.).

Potter, W., In memoriam Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller, Melbourne s. d. [1886] (burial, monument).

Reinikka, M. A., Hist. Orchid. 231-233. s.d. (portr.).

Roach, B. S. South Austral. Natural 2(4): 76-82. 1921.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 373. 1975.

Serle, P., Dict. Austral. biogr. 2: 167-170. 1949.

Topp, G. A., Vict. Natural. 14(7): 94-97. 1897.

Vickery, J. W., Australas. Herb. News 13: 2-3. 1953 (F. v. M. versus F. Muell.).

Wakefield, N. A., Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria ser. 2. 82(1): 62-64. 1969 (on expl. East Gippsland).

Wannenmacher, Deut. Apoth.-Biogr. 2: 450-452. 1978.

Warburg, O., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 15: (56)-(70). 1897 (bibl.).

W.B.S., Vict. Natural. 13(7): 87-92. 1896 (portr.).

Willis, M., By their fruits, a life of Ferdinand von Mueller, botanist and explorer. Sydney, London 1949 (bibl., portr.).

Willis, J. H., Vict. Natural. 66(5): 87-88. 1949; 74(7): 110-114. 1957 (pilgrimage to v. M’s grave).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 100. 1903, 3(3): Ixxxvi-lxxxvii, 85, pl. 81. 1905 (portr.).

TRAVEL REPORTS (in letters to W. J. Hooker), zn W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 6: 123-126, 151-181. 1854, 7: 233-242, 306-314, 357-362. 1855 (all on Victoria); 7: 380-381. 1815, 8: 11-16, 46-51, 1856 (N. Austr. expl. exped.), 8: 243-247. 1856 (Australian alps); 9: 165-173, 185-187, 193-199, 201-209 [A. C. Gregory], 225-243. 1857 (N. Austr. exp. A. C. Gregory).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Bentham, G., Flora australiensis (see TL-2/428), “by G. Bentham ... assisted by Baron F. von Muller”.

HANDWRITING: Hoppea 34(2): 419 (no. 7). 1976; Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 13: 105. 1976; SK 1: cli; Candollea 32: 187-188. 1977; Muelleria 4(1): 15-17. 1978.

EPONYMY: (genera): Austromuellera C. T. White (1930); Muellerella F. Schmitz ex H. Kylin (1956); Muellerena F. Schmitz (1897); Muelleranthus J. Hutchinson (1964); Muelleriella Van Heurck (1896, nom. rej.); Muelleriopsis N. 1. Hendey (1972); Muellerina Van Tieghem (1895);



Muellerothamnus Engler (1897); Sirmuellera O. Kuntze (1891); (journal) Muellerta. An Australian Journal of Botany. Melbourne. Vol. 1-x. 1955-x. Notes: Muellerites L. Holm (1968) and Muelleromyces M. N. Kamal & K. H. Anahosur (1968) are dedicated to Emil Miller (1920-x), Swiss mycologist. Ahmuellerella F. Reinhardt (1964) is dedicated to A. H. Mueller (fl. 1964), German geologist.

POSTAGE STAMPS: Australia 2'/, p. (1948) yv. 162. (see Best 1948).

  1. Breviarum plantarum ducatas slesvicensis austro-occidentalis composuit Ferdinandus Jaco-

bus Henricus Miiller, Phil. Dr. [Abdruck aus Flora 1853 ...] Oct.

Publ.: 14-21 Aug 1853, p. [1]-22. Copy: MO. — Reprinted from Flora 36: 473-480, 14 Aug 1853, 489-503. 21 Aug 1853. — Mueller’s first botanical paper, completed 1845 but published later than his first Australian paper (Notes on South Australian botany, South Austral. Reg., Adelaide 14(1048): 3. 9 Feb 1850). To be cited from Flora.

Ref.: Churchill, D. M. et al. 1978. no. 53.08.02.

  1. Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants ... Melbourne (Goodhugh &

Trembath, ...) 1855. Oct. (Defin. Austral. pl.).

Publ.: 1855 (reprint), p. [i], [1]-53. Copzes: MO, IDC 8065. — Reprinted from Trans. Vict. Inst. 1854-1855: 28-48, 114-135. 1855. — Other papers with this same title were published in Trans. philos. Soc. Victoria 1: 5-24, 34-50. 1855 and im W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. misc. 8: 1-11, 33-46, 65-72, 144-150, 161-169, 201-210, 332-336. 1856. The two papers reprinted in the Trans. Vict. Inst. had slightly different titles in the journal issues.

  1. fragmenta phylographiae Australiae, ... Melbourne (auctoritate gubern. coloniae Vic-

toriae. Ex officina Joannis Ferres) 1858-1882, 12 vols. & suppl. Oct. (in fours). (Fragm.).

Publ.: Eleven volumes were published in 93 parts, dated on the last page of each part. Fascicle no. 94 was published Dec 1882 as the first part of vol. 12. After this, publication was stopped. A supplementum ad volumen undecimum, Melbourne (1880, Oct.) containing 6 papers by different authors was issued as a supplement (132 pages) to vol. I1, part 6 (reprinted 1883).

Vol. fase. pages plates dates I 1-10 [i-v],[1]-252 I-10 Mar 1858-Dec 1859 2 11-16 [i],[1]-[199] 1(=11),12-15 Feb 1860-Mai 1861 3 17-23 [i],[1]-177 10-20,22-25 Apr 1862-Apr 1863 4 24-30 fi],[1]-195 26-34 Sep 1863-Nov 1864 5 31-40 [i-iii],[ 1 ]-240 35-44 Apr 1865-Dec 1866 6 41-49 [i],[1]-276 45-60 Jul 1867-Dec 1868 7 50-57 [1], [1 ]-166 [61-62] Jun 1869-Dec 1871 8 58-70,[71] [i], [1]-304 [63-66] Mar 1872-Oct 1874 9 71-80 [i-ii],[ 1 ]-216 Feb 1875-Dec 1875

10 81-87 [i},[1]-[145] Jan 1876-Oct 1877

II 88-93 fi],[1]-151 Mar 1878-Aug 1881

12 94 [1]-26 Dec 1882

Suppl. ad. vol. undecinum [sic] [1]-132 1880

Co-authors Supplementum: p. [1]-42, Algae by Wilhelm Otto Sonder (1812-1881); [43]-44, Characeae by Alexander Carl Heinrich Braun (1805-1877); [45]-52, Musci frondost by Georg Ernst Ludwig Hampe (1795-1880); [53]-69, Musci-Hepaticae by Carl Moritz Gottsche (1808-1892); [70]-74, Lichenes by August von Krempelhuber (1813-1882), [75]-104, Fungi by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke (1825-1914), [105]-[132], add., ind. by F. Mueller.

Copies: FI, G, GRO, L, MO, NY, U, US, USDA; IDC 6085.

Plates: uncoloured liths. by Ludwig Becker and F. Schonfeld (also as Schonfeld). Plate 27 (or, alternatively 22) is usually lacking. The Leiden copy (which was used for the Asher facsimile edition) has this plate, inserted from another issue. It shows the illustration of pl. 22 but reversed and named Newcastlia spodotricha (pl. 22: spodistridra).


MUELLER, F. (1867)

Supplementum ad Fragmentorum phytographiae Australiae ... Fungi australian, M. C. Cooke, enumerati. (impr. “Grevillea,” t. x, x1.) 1883. Melbourne, p. [i], [1]-72, pl. 1-4. Copy: NY. Reprinted from Grevillea 9: 142-149. Jun 1881; 10: 60-64. Dec 1881, 93-104. Mar 1882, 131-136. Jun 1882; 11: 28-34. Sep 1882, 57-65. Dec 1882, 97-104. Mar 1883, 145-150. Jun 1883; 12: 8-21. Sep 1883.

Facsimile ed.. Amsterdam (A. Asher & Co.) 1974, ISBN go-6123-311-9, vols. 1-11 and suppl. taken from copy at L, vol. 12 from copy at GRO. Copy: FAS. — See Taxon 23: 817. 1974.

Ref.: Junk, W., Rara 173. 1926.

  1. Report on the plants collected during Mr. Babbage’s expedition into the North-Western interior of South Australia in 1858 ... by Authority: John Ferres, Government printer, Melbourne [headline: 1858. Victoria]. Qu. (Rep. pl. Babbage’s Exped.).

Publ.: 18 Oct 1859, p. [1 ]-21. Copies: MO; IDC 6465. — Published zn Victoria Parliamentary Papers, Votes Proc. Legisl. Assembly 1859-1860, 3(1): 1-21. tabled 18 Oct. Preliminary publ. in Trans. Pharm. Soc. Victoria 2(5): 44-46. 1 Apr 1859.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 18: 74-76. 24 Feb 1860.

Churchill, D. M. et al. 1978, no. 59.10.02.

  1. The plants indigenous to the colony of Victoria, . . . Melbourne (by authority: John Ferres, Government Printer, ... F. F. Bailliére), London (H. Bailliére), New York (Bailliére brothers), Paris (J.-B. Bailliére), Madrid (Bailley Baillicre) 1860-1865, 2 vols. Qu. (PI. Victoria).

Vol. 1, Thalamiflorae: Feb 1862 (see p. 242), p- [i]-vili, [1]-242, pl. 1-12 (by Ludwig Becker, suppl. pl. 1-11 (by F. Schonfeld). Copies: BR, FI, L, MICH, MO, NY, U, USDA. We have no indication that the volume was published in parts and hence accept the date on p. 242 as that of publication.

Vol. [2], Lithograms: 1865 (t.p. 1864-1865; J. Bot. Aug 1865), p. [i, iii, v], pl. (with text) 13-77, suppl. pl. 12-16 (all F. Schonfeld). Copies: B, BR, FI, MONE US USD Ae Melbourne (by authority: John Ferres, ...) 1864-1865.

Vol. 2(2): Melbourne (Kemp) 1910 (p. 2: 30 Jun 1910, J. Bot. Jan 1911), p. [i], [1]-37, p!- 5; 10, 15, 19, 72-98 by Alfred James Ewart (1872-1937) (see J. Bot. 49: 40 Jan 1911). Copies: G, MICH. — Edition of 484 copies.

Uncol. lithographs by F. Schonfeld, L. Becker and T. S. Ralph.

Ref.. Anon., Flora 46: 160, 349, 353-350- 1863 (vol. 1).

E. F., Bull. Soc. bot. France 10: 621. Jun 1864.

  1. The vegetation of the Chatham-Islands, ... Melbourne (by authority: John Ferres,

Government printer) 1864. Oct. (in fours). (Veg. Chatham-Isl.).

Publ.: 15 Sep-31 Dec 1864 (p. 8: 15 Sep 1864; J. Bot. rd. Jan 1865; Flora rd. Mar-Mai 1865; BSbF Mar 1865), p. [i-iti], [1]-86, pl. 7-7 (uncol. liths. by F. Schonfeld). Copies: L(2), MO, NY, US; IDC 8001.

Ref.: Seemann, B., J. Bot. 3: 95-96. 1865.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 24: 4-6. 5 Jan 1866. Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 10: 765. 1867 (post Apr), also BSbF (Rev. bibl.) 12: 88-87. Mai 1865.

  1. Analytical drawings of Australian mosses, ... 1. Fascicle. Melbourne (by authority: John Ferres, ...) 1864. Oct. ¢ (Anal. draw. Austral. moss.). Fasc. 1: 1864 (J. Bot. Mar 1865; Flora 20 Mai 1865; BSbF 10 Mar 1865), p. [1]-7, pl. 1-20 with text (uncol. liths. by Schonfeld). Copees: FH, H, MO, NY, USDA. Ref.: Seemann, B., J. Bot. 3: 101. Mar 1865. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 24: 15. 1866. Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 10: 765-766. 1867 (post Apr); also BSbF Rev. Bibl. 12: 121-

  2. Jun 1865. Anon., Flora 48: 239, 240. 1865.

  3. Intercolonial Exhibition, 1866-7. Australian vegetation, indigenous or introduced, considered especially in its bearings on the occupation of the territory, and with a view of unfolding its resources ... Melbourne (Blundell & Co., ...) 1867. (Austral. veg.).

Publ.: 1867, p. [1]-38. Copy: FI.


MUELLER, F. (1871)

  1. Succinct observations on a new genus of fossil Coniferae . . . (Extracted from “‘Reports of the

Mining Surveyors and Registrars for Quarter ending 31st March 1871).

Publ.; 18 Mai 1871 (in Reports), p. [1]-2, plan, section, pl. 7. Copy: FI. — Reprinted from above-mentioned Reports, Appendix B; 48-49, tabled in Legislative Assembly 18 Mai 1871 (Churchill et al. 71.05.02). — The new genus, Spondylostrobus F. v. Muell. was first published Jul-Dec 1870 in Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 26: 610. 1870 (ING 3: 1655). The type species (8. Smythiz) was dedicated to R. Brough Smyth, co-author of the 1870 publ., but not co-author of the new names.

  1. New vegetable fossils of Victoria ... continued. [Extracted from the “Reports of the

Mining Surveyors and Registrars for Quarter ending 30th September 1871] 1871.

Publ.: 21 Nov 1871 (in Reports), p. [1 ]-3, 2 pl. Copy: FI.— Reprinted and to be cited from Rep. Mining Surv. Registr. 1871 (3) Appendix B: 39-41, pl. 4-5. 21 Nov 1871 (see Churchill et al. 71.11.01). — Contains the original publication of Rhytzdotheca, cf. ING 3: 15109.

First part: 15 Aug 1871, in ib. 1871(2) (Appendix B): 47-49. pl. 2-3. 15 Aug 1871 (see Churchill et al. 71.08.01).

  1. The principal timber trees readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indica-

tions of their native countries and some of their technologic uses... [Ann. Rep. Acclim. Soc.

Victoria 1870-1871, 1871]. Oct.

Publ.: 1871, p. [1]-30. Copy: FI. —- Reprinted and to be cited from Ann. Rep. Acclim. Soc. Victoria 1870-71: 29-58. 1871 (Churchill et al. 71. 13.01).

  1. Select plants (exclusive of timber trees) readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indication of their native countries and some of their uses ... [Melbourne 1872]. Oct. (Select pl.).

Ed. [1]: 1872 (p. 3: Apr 1872; Bot. Zeit. 27 Jun 1873), p. [1]-180. Copies: FI, NY, USDA; IDC 8072. — Published in Proc. Zool. Acclim. Soc. Victoria 1: 249-428. 1872. See Churchill et al. for preliminary papers.

Additions: 1874, 40 p., Melbourne, Proc. Zool. Acclim. Soc. Victoria 3: 47-95. 1874. — Reprint with independent pag. Copies: B, FI.

Second supplement: 1875, 27 p., Melbourne, ib. 4: 45-71. 1875. — Idem. Copy: B.

Third supplement: s.d. [1876?], p. [1]-20. Copy: FI. — Provenance not stated.

Ed. [2]: Dec 1876 (p. xii: Dec 1876; Flora 18 Mai 1871), p. [i]-vii, [1 ]-293. Copzes: BR, FI, G, MO(2), NY, USDA. — Select plants readily eligible .. . uses... Melbourne (Printed for the Government of Victoria by M’Carron, Bird & Co., ...) Oct.

Ed. [3]: Indian ed.: Jan-Jul 1880 (Bot. Zeit. 27 Aug 1880; Bot. Zeit. Nov 1880; Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1880), p. [1]-ix, [1]-394. Copzes: BR, G. — “Select extra-tropical plants readily eligible for industrial culture or naturalisation ... Indian edition.” Calcutta (Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing) Oct.

Ed. [4]: New South Wales ed.: 1881 (p. ix: Jun 1880), p. [i]-1x, [1]-403. Copies: FI, MO, NY, USDA. — ‘“‘Select extra-tropical plants...’ Sydney (Thomas Richards, ...) 1881. Oct. Ed. 5: American ed.: 1884 (Bot. Gaz. Jun 1885), p. [i]-vil, [1 ]-449. Copzes: FI, MICH, MO,

NY, US. — ‘‘Select extra-tropical plants, ...”’ Detroit, Mich. (George S. Davis) 1884. Oct.

Ed. 6: New Victorian edition: 1885 (p. 1x: Aug 1885), [1]-ix, [1 ]-466. Copzes: BR, FI, NY. U.— “Select extra-tropical plants ...’” Melbourne (John Ferres, ...) 1885. Oct.

Ed. 7: Aug-Oct 1888 (p. ix: Aug 1888; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1889; Bot. Zeit. 29 Nov 1889), p. [i]-ix, [1]-517. Copres: MICH, MO, NY, USDA. — “‘Select extra-tropical plants ...”’ Mel- bourne (Robt. 8S. Brain, ...) 1888. Oct.

Ed. 8: Aug 1891 (p. vii: Apr 1891, p. 595: Aug 1891; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1891; Bot. Zeit. 29 Jan 1892), p. [i*], [i]-viii, [1]-594, [595]. Copies: FI, NY, USDA. — “Select extra-tropical plants ...”’ Melbourne (printed for the Government of Victoria by Chas. Troedel and Co:.:: 2) 1é9mOct

Ed. 9: Aug-Novy 1895 (p. x1: Jul 1895; p. 655: Aug 1895; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1896), p. [i]-x1, [1]-654, [655]. Copies: FI, MO, USDA(2). — “Select extra-tropical plants ...”’ Melbourne (by authority: Robt. S. Brain, ...) 1895. Oct.

French ed.: 1887, p. [i-ili], portr., [1]-565, [566, cont.]. Copy: USDA. — “Manuel de acclimateur ou choix de plantes recommandées pour l’agriculture, Pindustrie et la médecine et adaptée aux divers climats de l’Europe et des pays tropicaux par Charles [Victor] Naudin [1815-1899]... et le baron Ferd. von Miller... Se trouve a Paris (ala


MUELLER, F. (1877)

Société d’acclimatation, ... ala Librairie agricole, . . .) a Antibes (chez J. Marchand, .. .) 1887. Oct. (Man. acclim.).

German ed.: 1883, ix, 488 p. (n.v.) ‘Auswahl von aussertropischen Pflanzen, vorztiglich geeignet fiir industrielle Culturen und zur Naturalisation, ... aus dem Englischen von E. Goeze.” Cassel (Th. Fischer) 1883. — See Freyn, Bot. Centralbl. 15: 83-84. 1883 (16-20


  1. Contributions to the phytography of the New Hebrides and Loyalty islands, from Mr. F. A.

Campbell’s collections ... [Geelong (George Mercer) 1873]. Oct. (Contr. phytogr. New


Publ.: 1873, p. [1]-30. Copy: FI. — Reprinted from F. A. Campbell, A year in the New Hebrides, Appendix (fide Churchill et al. 73.13.01).

  1. Geological survey of Victoria. Observations on new vegetable fossils of the aurtferous drifts.

Melbourne (by authority: John Ferres, Government printer), London (Tribner and Co.,

..-) 1874. Oct. (Observ. veg. foss.).

Part [1]: Dec 1874, as above (p. 3: 1 Oct 1874), p. [1]-31, pl. 1-10 (col. liths. by R. Shepherd), 2 maps. Copies: NY, PH, Teyler; IDC 8055.

Part 2: 1883 (rd BSbF 11 Jan 1884), [1]-23, pl. 11-20 (col. liths. by R. Shepherd). Copres: G, PH, Teyler; IDC 8055.

Part [1] was originally issued in parts, which were appendices to the Quarterly Reports of

the Mining Surveyors and Registrars of the Colony of Victoria, published in Victoria

parliamentary papers, — notes and proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1871 (2, no. 26),

18 Mai 1871-1874 (3, no. 84). 3 Dec 1874, see Churchill: et al. nos. 71.05.02; 71.08.01;

71.11.01; 74.05.01; 74.12.01.— The contents of the second part (1883, published as a whole)

are partly reproduced in Just’s Bot. Jahresber. 10(2): 200.

  1. Descriptive notes on Papuan plants, ... Melbourne (By authority: George Skinner, .. .)

1875[-1890], 9 parts and appendix. Oct. (Descr. notes Papuan PI1.).

t: Nov 1875 (p. 4: Nov 1875; J. Bot. Apr 1876), p. [1]-16.

2: 7 Apr 1876 (see Churchill et al.; p. 19: 7 Apr 1876; J. Bot. Aug 1876; Flora Sep 1876), p. [17]-34.

3: 30 Jun 1876 (id.; p. [35]: 30 Jun 1876), p. [35]-50.

4: Dec 1876 (id.; p. 52: Dec 1876; J. Bot. Apr 1877; Flora I Mai 1877), p. [51]-82.

5: Feb 1877 (id.; p. 81: Feb 1877; J. Bot. Jul 1877; Bot. Zeit. 27 Jul 1877), p. [83]-94-

6: Jun 1885 (id.; p. 3: Jun 1885), p. [1]-24.

7: Feb 1886 (id.; p. [25]: Feb 1886; Bot. Jahrb. 2 Nov 1886), p. [25]-38.

8: Mar 1886 (id.; p. 40: Mar 1886; Bot. Jahrb. 2 Nov 1886), p. [39]-52.

g: Mai 1890 (id.; p. 54: Mai 1890; Bot. Zeit. 29 Aug 1890), p. [53]-70.

Appendix: 1877 (J. Bot. Nov 1877; pagination runs on from part 5!), p. [95]-102, addition p. 103-108, index p. 109-119.

Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 8049.

Facsimile ed.: 1979, ISBN 90-70153-11-4, [11] p. followed by facsimile as above and p. [1]-8, index to parts 6-9. Copy: FAS. — Leiden (Boerhaave Press [P.O. Box 1051, Leiden]) 1979.

  1. The natural capabilities of the colony of Victoria, considered in reference to indigenous or

introduced vegetation ... Melbourne (M’Carron, Bird & Co., ...) 1875. Oct. (Nat. capab.


Publ.: 1875, p. [1]-19. Copy: FI. — Also published (fide Churchill et al. 75.13.09) wn Official Record ... on the Social and economic resources of the Colony of Victoria, Melbourne


  1. Contributions to the phytography of Tasmania, ... Hobart Town (printed at the ““Mercu-

ry” Steam press office) 1876. Oct. (Contr. phytogr. Tasmama).

Publ.: 1876 (t.p. preprint so dated), p. [1 ]-15. Copy: FI.—Preprinted from Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1876: 29-42. 1877 (date of journal publ. fide Churchill et al. 77.13.09).

  1. Introduction to botany teachings at the schools of Victoria, through references to leading native plants; ... Melbourne (by authority: John Ferres, ...) 1877. Oct. (Inir. bot.). Publ.: 1877 (p. 6: Mar 1877), p. [1]-152. Copy: BR.

MUELLER, F. (1879)

  1. The native plants of Victoria, suecinctly defined ... Part I. Melbourne (John Ferres, Government Printer) 1879. Oct. + (Nat. pl. Victoria). Part 1: Jan-Jul 1879 (J. Bot. Sep 1879; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1879; Bot. Zeit. 5 Dec 1879; Flora rd. Sep-Nov 1879), p. [i]-xv, [1]-190. Copzes: BR, L, MO, USDA; IDC 6466. Ref.: Trimen, H., J. Bot. 17: 317-318. Oct 1879. Kurtz, F., Bot. Zeit. 38: 554-555. 6 Aug 1880.

  2. Eucalyplographia. A descriptive atlas of the Eucalypts of Australia and the adjoining islands; ... Melbourne (John Ferres, Government Printer. Published also by George Robertson). London (Triibner and Co., George Robertson) 1879-1884, 10 decades. Qu. (Eucalyptographia).

Decas pages plates date date of earliest receipt (with text) cover in Europe I [1]-6 II 1879 p. 6: Easter 1879; J. Bot. Nov 1879 2 [i] I 1879 J. Bot. Nov 1879 3 [i] II 1879 J. Bot. Feb 1880 4 [i] HD 1879 J. Bot. Feb 1880 5 [i] II 1880 Bot.-Centralbl. 5-9 Apr 1880 6 [i] I 1880 Bot. Centralbl. 16-20 Aug 1880 Ti [i] II 1880 J. Bot. Mar 1881 8 [i] II 1880 Bot. Centralbl. 29 Mai-2 Jun 1882 9 [i] ish 1883 Bot. Centralbl. 30 Jun-4 Jul 1884 10 [i],[1-23] II 1884. Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1885. [i-xxvii]

Copies: FI, L, NY, US, USDA. Ref.; Trimen H. J., J. Bot. 17: 379-380. Dec 1879 (1, 2).

  1. Report on the forest resources of Western Australia ... London (L. Reeve & Co., .. .) 1879.

Qu. (Rep. forest W. Australia).

Publ.: 1879 (Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1879; Bot. Zeit. 13 Aug 1880), p. [i-vi1], [1]-30, pl. 1-20 (by R. Austen; uncol. liths.). Copies: FI, USDA.

  1. Suggestions on the maintenance, creation and enrichment of forests as applicable to the

particular requirements of the colony of Victoria... Melbourne (Stillwell & Co., .. .) 1879.

(Sugg. mainten. forests).

Publ.: 1879, p. [1]-31. Copy: FI. — Reprinted from R. W. E. Maclvor, The Chemistry of agriculture, appendix, p. 245-275. 1879 (Churchill et al. 79.13.06. Prepublication of extracts: see no. 79.07.05; for Maclvor see 79.13.13).

  1. Census of the plants of Tasmania, instituted in 1879. [1880]. Oct.

Publ.: 1880, p. [1]-32. Copy: G. — Independent issue of the Appendix (p. [1]-32) to the Papers Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1879 (publ. 1880). Churchill et al. 79.13.07 (indepen- dent issue; no reason to suppose that it came out in 1879), 80.13.10.

  1. Index perfectus ad Caroli Linnaei Species plantarum, nempe earum primam editionem (anno 1753). Collatore Ferdinando de Mueller. Melbourne (M’Carron, Bird & Soch impresserunt) 1880. Qu. (Index Sp. pl.). Publ.: Jan-Mai 1880 (Bot. Centralbl. 3-7 Mai 1880; J. Bot. Jul 1880; Nat. Nov. Jul(2 ) 1880; Bot. Zeit. 9 Jul 1880), p. [i-iv], [1]-40. Copies: FI, PH, US. Ref.: Dr., Bot. Zeit. 38: 677-678. 1 Oct 1880. Churchill, D. M. et al., 1978, no. 80.13.04.

  2. Plants of North-Western Australia enumerated by Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, ... Perth (by authority: Richard Pether, government printer) 1881. Fol. (Pl. N.W. Australia). Publ.: 21 Mar 1881 (Churchill et al.; p. 5: Dec 1887; Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1881; Fora 11 Aug


MUELLER, F. (1882)

1881; Bot. Zeit. 30 Sep 1881), p. [1]-19. Copies: FI, G, MO, NY(2), USDA. — In: W. Australia, Votes Proc. Legisl. Council 1881(1). Ref.: Anon., Bot. Gaz. 6: 267. Sep 1881 (rev.).

  1. Definition of a new tree from East Australia [Chemist & Druggist Australas. Nov 188r].

Publ.: 15 Nov 1881, 1 p. Copy: G. — “Extra print” on a single sheet from Chem. Drugg. [Australas.] suppl. 4: 53. 15 Nov 1881. To be cited from journal. — Churchill et al. 81.11.02.

Republication: Z. Allg. Osterr. Apoth.-Ver. 20(7): 106-108. 1 Mar 1882. — Churchill et al. 82.03.03.

  1. Definitions of some new Australian plants [Chemist and Druggist] January, 1882. Publ.: 15 Jan 1882, 1 p. Copy: G. —““Extra-print” on a single sheet taken from Chem. Drugg. [Australas.] Suppl. 4: 68-69. 15 Jan 1882. To be cited from journal.

  2. A new palm from Queensland, ... (Extra print from Melbourne “Chemist and Drug-

gist”) February, 1882.

Publ.: 15 Feb 1882, 1 p. Copy: FI.— Reprinted from Chem. & Drugg. Australas. suppl. 4: 77. 15 Feb 1882 (Churchill et al. 82.02.01).

German transl.: Z. Allg. Osterr. Apoth.-Ver. 20(14): 189-190. 10 Mai 1882.

  1. Definitions of some new Australian plants, ... (from Wing’s Southern Science Record)

February 1882.

Publ.: Feb 1882, p. [1-2]. Copy: FI.— Reprinted from S. Sci. Rec. 2: 55-50. 1882 (Churchill et al., 82.03.02. date this as of March; the reprint has February). Contains the publication of Hicksbeachia F. v. Mueller, ING 2: 820, not seen by the compilers of ING, Proteaceae.

  1. Notes on some Leguminous plants (Extra print from the Melbourne “Chemist and

Druggist’’) June 1882.

Publ.: 15 Jun 1882, single sheet. Copy: G. — “Extra print” taken from Chem. Drugg. [Australas.] suppl. 5: 12-13. 15 Jun 1882.

  1. Ingenio effodere opes. The school of mines and industries. Ballaarat. A lecture on the flora of Australia: delivered in the lecture room of the school by ... on Wednesday, 13th September, 1882, ... Ballaarat (printed by F. W. Niven & Co., ...) 1882. Oct. (Lect. fl. Australia).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1882, p. [1]-31. Copy: USDA.

  1. Census of the genera of plants hitherto known as indigenous to Australia [J. Roy. Soc.

N.S.W. 1881] 1882. Oct.

Publ.: 1882 (Bot. Zeit. 28 Apr 1882; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1882; Bot. Zeit 27 Oct 1882, J. Bot. Mai 1882. Bot. Centralbl. 28 Aug-1 Sep 1882), published zn J. Roy. Soc. N.S.W. 15: 185- 300. 1881 publ. 1882; 17: 187-189. 1884. — A partial reprint with independent pagina- tion, [1]-86, is at FI. We saw no copy of the complete paper with independent pagina- tion. See Churchill et al. 82.13.08, 82.13.13, 83.13.08, 84.13.08, 84.13.14.

  1. Systematic census of Australian plants, with chronologic, literary and geographic annota- tions; ... part i. Vasculares ... Melbourne (printed for the Victorian Government by M’Carron, Bird & Co., ...) 1882. Qu. (Syst. census Austral. pl.).

Orig.: late 1882 or early 1883 (BSbF 27 Apr 1883; Bot. Centralbl. 30 Apr - 4 Mai 1883; J. Bot. Jun 1883; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1883; Flora Apr-Mai 1884; Bot. Zeit. 29 Jun 1883, 21 Sep 1883), p. [i]-viii, [1]-152. Copies: FI, L(2), MO, NY, US, USDA.

Additions to the census: ... see Churchill et al. 83.13.08, 84.13.08, 84.13.14.

Second annual supplement (for 1884): 1885 (Bot. Centralbl. 6-10 Apr 1885), p. [1]-4. Copy: MO. — Melbourne (by authority: John Ferres, ...) 1885. Churchill et al. no. 85.13.09.

Third annual supplement (for 1885): 1886 (Bot. Centralbl. 23-27 Aug 1886); Churchill et al. no. 86.13.09.

Fourth annual supplement (for 1886, 1887 and 1888): 1889, p. [1]-8; Churchill et al. no. 89.13.13.

Second systematic census ... part 1. Vasculares ... : 1889 (Osterr. bot. Z. Lit. Apr 1890; Flora 5


MUELLER, F. (1883)

Jul 1890; Bot. Gaz. Jul 1890; Bot. Zeit. 29 Aug 1890 “in Erscheinen begriffen’’; Flora 20 Dec 1889), p. [i, ii], [1 ]-244. Copzes: FI, L, U, US(2), USDA. — Melbourne (printed for the Victorian government by McCarron, Bird & Co.).

Ref.: Greene, E. L., Pittonia 2: 210-213. 28 Sep 1891.

  1. The plants indigenous around Sharks Bay and its vicinity, chiefly from collections of the honorable John Forrest, ... Perth (by authority: Richard Pether) 1883. Qu. (Pl. Sharks Bay).

Publ.: 6 Aug 1883 (Churchill et al. 83.08.01; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1884; Bot. Zeit. 28 Mar 1884; Flora 67: 48. 21 Jan 1884), p. [1]-24. Copies: FI, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 6467. — Western Australia, Votes Proc. Legis]. Council 1883(2), no. 26.

Ref.: Koehne, E., Bot. Zeit. 42: 202-204. 28 Mar 1884.

  1. Brief remarks on nomenclature in biomorphic science ... [Australas. Chem. & Drugg. 6]

Publ.: 15 Mar 1884, 1 p. Copy: FI. — Reprinted from Australas Chem. & Drugg. 6: 88. 15 Mar 1884.

  1. Key lo the system of Victorian plants ... Melbourne (vol. 1: Robt. S. Brain, Government

Printer; vol. 2: John Ferres, id.) 1885-1888, 2 vols. Oct. (Key Vict. pl.).

Vol. 1: Oct-Dec 1888 (p. xiii: Oct 1888; Bot. Centralbl. 8 Jan 1889; USDA rd. 16 Apr 1889; Flora 20 Jul 1889; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1889, Dec (1) 1889; Bot. Zeit. 29 Nov 1887); p. [i]- xu, [1]-559, map.

Vol. 2: 1885 (t.p.: 1885; Churchill et al. have “1886”; Bot. Centralbl. 10 Sep 1889, Flora 20 Dec 1889), p. [1]-60, pl. 1-2, 3A, 3B, 4-6, 7A, Bb, 8-17, 18A, 18B, 19-21, 22A, 22B, 23A, 23B, 24A, 24B, 25A, 25B, 26A, 26B, 27, 28A, 28B, 29, 30A, 30B, 31A, 31B, 32-36, 37A, 37B, 38, 39A, 39B, 40A, 4oB, 41A, 41B, 42-44, 454, 45B, 464, 46B, 474, 47B, 48-51, 52A, 52B, 53-54; 554, 55B, 56-58, 594A, 59B, 60-61, 62A, 62B, 63A, 63B, 64-66, 67A, 67B, 68A, 68B, 69-71, 72A, 72B, 73A, 73B 74-75, 706A, 76B, 77, 78A, 78B, 79, 80A, 80B, 81, 82A, 82B, 83A, 83B, 84, 5A, 85B, 866A, 86B, 87A, 87B, 88, 89, 90A, 90B, 91-94, 954A, 95B, 96A, 96B, 974, 97B, g8A, 98B, 994A, g9B, 100A, 100B, 101A, 101B, 102A, 102B, 103A, 103B, 104A, 104B, 105A, 105B, 106-107, 108A, 108B, 109A, 109B, 110-112, 113A, 113B, 114A, 114B, 115A, 115B, 116A, 116B, 117, 118A, 118B, 119-123, 124A, 124B, 125, 126A, 126B, 127A, 127B, 128A, 128B, 129-152, uncol. liths.

Copies: FI, L, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 8063.

  1. Description and illustration of the Myoporinous plants of Australia ... U1. Lithograms.

Melbourne (John Ferres, Government printer, ...) 1886. Qu. (Descr. Myopor. pl. Australia).

Publ.: Mai-Dec 1886 (p. [vi]: Mai 1886; Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1887; Bot. Zeit. 24 Jun 1887), frontisp., p. [1-x], pl. 7-72 with text, suppl. pl. 7-2 (by R. Graff). Copies: FI, L, MO, NY, US, USDA.

Text: F. Kranzlin, zn Fedde, Beih. Rep. Spec. nov. regn. Veg. 54. 1929.

  1. Iconography of Australian species of Acacia and cognate genera, ... Melbourne (dec. 1-4: John Ferres, government printer; dec. 5-13: Robt. S. Brain, id.) 1887-1888, 13 decades. Qu. (Iconogr. Austral. Acacia).

Decas pages plates with text t.p. date earliest receipt in

(1 p./pl.) Europa/US

I [i-iv 10 1887 Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1887 2 [i] 10 1887 Nat.Nov. Jun(2) 1887 3 [i] 10 1887 Nat.Nov. Jun(2) 1887 4 [i] 10 1887 Nat.Nov. Sep(2) 1887 5 [i] 10 1887 L.C. rd. 31 Jan 1888 6 [i] 10 1887 L.C. 31 Jan 1888

7 [i] 10 1887 L.C. 31 Jan 1888

8 [i] 10 1887 L.C. 31 Jan 1888

9 [i] 10 1888 Flora 21 Mar 1888 10 [i] 10 1888 L.C. 6 Oct 1888



Decas pages plates with text t.p. date earliest receipt in (1 p./pl.) Europa/US II [i] 10 1888 L.C. 6 Oct 1888 12 [3] 10 1888 Nat.Nov. Feb(2) 1889 13 [i],[1-10] 10 1888 L.C. 5 Mar 1889

Copies: FI, L, MO, NY, US, (LC copy), USDA; IDC 7402.

  1. Jconography of Australian salsolaceous plants. Melbourne (Robert S. Brain, government printer) 1889-1891, 9 decades. Qu. (Iconogr. Austral. salsolac. pl.).

Decas pages plates with text dates t.p.’s__ earliest receipt (1 p./pl.) Europe/US I - fi-v] I-10 1889 Nat.Nov. Mai(1) 1891 2 [i] 11-20 1889 J. Bot. Jun 1891 3 [i] 21-30 1890 J. Bot. Jun 1891 4 [i] 31-40 1890 J. Bot. Jun 1891 5 [i] 41-50 1890 J. Bot. Jun 1891 6 [i] 51-60 1890 J. Bot. Jun 1891 7 [i] 61-70 1891 L.C. 30 Oct(1) 1891 8 [i] 71-80 1891 L.C. 4 Mar 1892 9 [1] 81-90 1891 L.C. 23 Jun 1892

Copies: FI, L, MO, NY, US, USDA; IDC 8056. — Plates: uncolored lithographs by R. Graff. — Preface date |v]: Oct 1889.

  1. Iconography of candolleaceous plants ... First decade. Melbourne (Robt. S. Brain,

government printer) 1892. Qu. (Iconogr. candolleac. pl.).

Publ.: 1 decade, 1892 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1893), p. [i], p. [7-70] with text (uncol. liths. by R. Graff). Copies: L, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 8058.

Miller, Franz August [‘‘Friedrich”’ | (1798-1871), German pharmacist and plant collec- tor; travelled for the Wiurttembergische Reiseverein (Esslingen) in Algeria, Austro- Hungary and Sardinia (1826-1828); ultimately from 1831-1867 pharmacist at Schneeberg (Erzgebirge) in Sachsen. (F. A. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: DR; see IH for various sets of plants, especially from Sardinia (coll. 1827-1828). Exsiccatae (under “Friedrich Miiller’’): Aryptogamen Sachsens und der angrdnzenden Gegenden, cent. 1-11, 1830-1831; sets at DR, GLM.

NAME: Grummann cites archival research by F. A. Meyer (Jena) which shows that the official tenant of the Schneeberg apothecary was baptized Franz August Muller (b. 2 Dec 1798; not 29 Nov 1799) and not Friedrich. There having been no other official pharmacist Miller at Schneeberg, Grummann accepts the identity of “Friedrich Muller” with Franz August. The collector Friedrich or “Fréd.” Muller, in Mexico 1853-1854, was another person (see e.g. Sayre, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 373. 1975); Fritz Mueller, von Blumenau (1822-1897) was a zoologist and flower biologist (see below, J. F. T. Miller); Friedrich Muller (1852-1925) was a bryologist, collector, and high school teacher at Oberstein-Idar.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 194, 6(2): 749, 7: 171 (err. born 1799); Barnhart 2:

524 (b. 1799); BFM 3310; Clokie p. 216; CSP 4: 516; DTS 5: xix; GR p. 115-116; IH 2: 568;

Saccardo 1: 115, 2: 76; TL-2/1: 869; Urban-Berl. p. 267, 308 (Franz), 309 (Friedrich).

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 30: 280. 19 Apr 1872; Flora 55: 256. 1 Jun 1872; Osterr. bot. Z. 22: 238. 1872 (d. 28 Sep 1871).

Baur, K., Jahrb. Gesch. oberdeut. Reichsst. 16: 234, 248, 256. 1970.

Candolle, A. P. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (coll. LZ).

Dilg, P. & W. Ilg, Deut. Apoth.-Zeit. 118: 251. 1978 (member Regensb. bot. Ges. 1829).



Fleischer, F., zx W. Barbey, Fl. Sardoae comp. 250-251. 1884 (b. 29 Nov 1799, d. 28 Sep 1871; in Algeria and Istria in 1826 for Esslingen; Sardinia 1827; herb. at DR).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970.

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Chr. Steven 73. 1971 (material at H).

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61(1): 49. 1886.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 38. 196g (‘‘Friedrich’’).

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977 (mat. at FI).

Miiller, Fritz | Johann Friedrich Theodor | (1822-1897), German zoologist and flower biologist; studied at Berlin and Greifswald; Dr. phil. Berlin 1844; studied medicine at Greifswald 1845-1848; to Brazil 1852 as farmer and physician in the primeval forest of Santa Catharina (Rio Garcia); from 1856-1857 high school teacher at Desterro; from 1867- 1897 at Blumenau as private scientist and (1867-1891) “‘naturalista viajante” for the Brazilian government. (Fritz Miill.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at B, G, K, NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(2): 508; Barnhart 2: 525; BJI 1: 41; CSP 4: 516-517, 8:

461, 10: 879-880, 12: 524, 17: 401; Herder p. 235; Hortus 3: 1200 (Fritz Mull.); 1H 2: 569;

LS 2: 18434-18435; Moebius p. 333, 360, 366; Morren ed. 10, p. 140; Rehder 5: 596, 598.

Anon., Arch. Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro 10: xiii-xv. 1899 (obit.); Bot. Jahrb. 23(Beibl. 57): 60. 1897; Nat. Nov. 13: 371. 1891 (loses govt. position because of refusal to move to Rio de Janeiro), 19: 311. 1897 (d.), 20: 339. 1898 (request A. Moller for information); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 39: cxxii. 1897 (d.), 47: 143. 1906 (on memorial at Blumenau).

Blandford, W. F. H., Nature 56: 546-548. 1897; Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 45: 5-13. 1898 (translation).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (coll. K).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 171. 1896.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 267, 268. 1977.

Haeckel, E., Jena. Z. Naturw. 31: 156-173. 1898 (obit.).

Hoehne, F., Jard. bot. Sao Paulo 142. 1941.

Ihering, H. v., Rev. Mus. Paul. 3: 17-29. 1898 (obit., portr.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgo1: 48 (coll. K).

Loew, E., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 15: (12)-(29). 1897 (obit., bibl.).

Ludwig, F., Bot. Centralbl. 71: 291-302, 347-363, 401-408. 1897 (biogr., account of botanical work, portr.), also reprinted, Cassel 1897, 33 p., ““Ueber das Leben und botanische Tatigheit ...’’).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 116, 270. 1973.

Moller, A., Bot. Centralbl. 48: 94-95. 1891 (account of dismissal as naturalista viajante by the Brazilian govt.), 74: 335-336. 1898 (request information for biogr.); ed. Fritz Miller, Werke, Briefe und Leben, 3 vols. 1915-1920. (main biogr. source). See also Naturw. Wochenschr. 9: 445-449, 617-621. 1894, 10: 261-265. 1895.

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 2: 371-374. 1975.

Roquette-Pinto, E., Bol. Mus. nac., Rio de J. 5(2): 1-23. 1929 (portr., “Gloria sem Rumor’’).

Schumann, K., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 39: Ixvii-Ixix. 1897 (obit., b. 31 Mar 1822, d. 21 Mai 1897).

Urban, I., Fl. Bras. 1(1): 67-68. 1906 (b. 31 Mar 1822, d. 21 Mai 1897; extensive biogr. refs.).

Wetekamp, W., Insektenborse 10: 54-55. 1893 (obit.).

EPONYMY: Muelleramra O. Kuntze (1891).

Miller, Heinrich Ludwig Hermann [‘‘Hermann Miller von Lippstadt’’] (1829-1883), German bryologist, pollination biologist; studied at Erfurt and Berlin, examen pro fac. doc. Berlin 1852; from 1855-1883 high school teacher at Lippstadt; brother of Fritz Miller. (77. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: MSTR; further material at B, E, FH (1000), KIEL, L, MANCH, PC. Exsiccatae: Westfalens Laubmoose fasc. 1-7, nos. 1-420, 421-450, 1863-1867, sets at B,



FH, FR, K, L, M, NY, PC, WRSL. (See Sayre 1971). Issued also Muscz europaet exsiccati, geordnet nach Lorentz (probably an irregular set; see e.g. Bot. Zeit. 41: 136. 1883).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiloGRAPHY: AG 2(2): 507-508; Barnhart 2: 524; BJI 1: 41; BM 3: 1368

Bossert p. 277; CSP 4: 518, 8: 462, 12: 524, 17: 404; DTS 1: 201; Frank 3(Anh.): 69; IH 2:

569; Jackson p. 95, 99.154, 487, 492; Moebius p. 345, 358, 360, 361; NAF ser. 2. 3: 40; NI

1425na; PR 6517; Rehder 5: 598; SBC p. 127 (“H. Miull.””); Tucker 1: 505; Urban-Berl. p.

309, 377.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 15: 328. 1883 (d. 26 Aug 1883 at Pradin S. Tirol where he stayed for health reasons), 17: 291-296. 1884; on ““Miller-Stiftung” to support widow and chil- dren; signed by e.g. F. Darwin, E. Hackel, E. Krause, D’A. W. Thomson, P.E. Wright); Bot. Not. 1884: 39 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 41: 136, 614. 1883, 42: 110-112. 1884; Jahresber. Westfal. Provinz.-Ver. Wiss. Kunst 13: 84. 1885; Osterr. bot. Z. 33: 341. 1883 (d. 26 Aug 1883); Science 2: 484, 487-488. 1883 (portr.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 24: xlvi. 1883, 25: xxvill. 1884; Zool. Anz. 6:496. 1883.

Braun, A., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 5: 247-248. 1863 (review Hefte 1-2 of Westf. Laubmoose, each of 60 sp.), 6: 309-310. 1864 (id. Lief. 3-5).

Dunning, J. W., Proc. entom. Soc. London 1883: xlvii-xlviii.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 268. 1977.

J. J., Osterr. bot. Z. 18: 105. 1868 (Westf. Laubm., 2 Nachtrag, nos. 436-450).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970 (coll. E).

Kanitz, A., Magy. novén. Lap. 7: 158. 1883 (obit. Hung.).

Katter, F., ed., Entom. Nachr. 10: 74-76. 1884 (obit.).

Krause, E., Hermann Miller von Lippstadt, ein Gedenkblatt. Lippstadt 1884, 62 p. (biogr., bibl., portr.), Kosmos 13: 393-401. 1883, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. 40: 151- 162. 1883.

Ludwig, F., Bot. Centralbl. 17: 393-414. 1884 (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 23 Sep 1829, d. 25 Aug 1883; strongly influenced by C. C. Sprengel and C. Darwin).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 116, 270. 1973 (portr.).

Muller, H., Bot. Centralbl. 8: 352. 1881 (Europaische Laubmoose).

Muller, Mrs. H., [Death notice 29 Aug 1883] (d. 25 Aug “in Folge eines Lungenschlags’’).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(2): 234-235. 1971; Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Trelease, W., Psyche Jan 1881: 175; Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 8(2): 13-14. Feb 1881 (rev. Alpenblumen).

Volkens, G., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 51: (84). 1910.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 136, pl. 29. 1903 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: A. Schenk, Handbuch der Botanik, Bluthenbiologie by H. Miller in 1: 1- i, URC) 7 0

EPONYMY: Lippomuellera O. Kuntze (1891).

  1. Beitrag zur Flora von Lippstadt ... Lippstadt (Gedruckt von Blassman & Feige) 1858.

Qu. (Beitr. Fl. Lippstadt).

Publ.: 1858, p. [1]-32. Copy: B-S. — Beilage zum vierten Jahresberichte der Realschule zu Lippstadt.

  1. Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten und die gegenseitigen Anpassungen beider. Ein Beitrag zur Erkenntniss des ursachlichen Zusammenhanges in der organischen Natur ... Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann) 1873. Oct. (Befrucht. Bl.).

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1873 (p. vi: Nov 1872; Bot. Zeit. 25 Apr 1873; J. Bot. Mai 1873), p. [i]-viii, [1]-478, [1, err.]. Copies: FI, MO, NY.

English: The fertilisation of flowers. Yranslated by D’Arcy W. Thompson, preface by C. Darwin. London (Macmillan and Co.) 1883 (p. v: Apr 1883; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1883; J. Bot. Zeit. 31 Aug 1883; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1894 (new ed.)), p. [i]-x, [xi-xii], [1]-669. Copies: G, MICH, MO, NY.

Note: See also P. E.O. W. Knuth (1854-1899), Handbuch der Bliithenbiologie unter Zugrunde- legung von Hermann Miller’s Werk “Die Befruchtung ...” Leipzig, Wilhelm Engel- mann, 1 and 2(1), 1898; 2(2), 1899; 3(1), 1904; 3(2), 1905. Muller’s work formed the basis of Knuth’s major treatise.



Ref.: Bary, H. A. de, Bot. Zeit. 31: 423-425. 4 Jul 1873. A. W.B., J. Bot. 21: 248-249. 1883 (rev. Engl. transl.). Ramann, [E.], Bot. Centralbl. 16: 76-79. 1883.

  1. Alpenblumen, ihre Befruchtung durch Insekten und ihre Anpassungen an dieselben

... Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann) 1881. Oct. (Alpenblumen).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1880 (t.p. 1881; Bot. Zeit. 26 Nov 1880; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1880; Bot. Gaz. 1881; Psyche Jan 1881; J. Bot. Jan 1881), p. [i]-iv, [1]-611, [612, err.]. Copies: B, FI, G, MICH, MO, NY.

Ref.: Focke, Bot. Zeit. 39: 177-181. 18 Mar 1881.

Behrens, W. J., Bot. Gentralbl. 6: 152-159. 1881.

Miller, (Thurgau), Herman (1850-1927), Swiss botanist; director of the plant- physiological experiment station of the Kgl. Anstalt fiir Obst- und Weinbau, Geisenheim; involved in the improvement and phytopathology of grape cultivars; from 1891 director of the Versuchsstation und Schule fiir Obst-, Wein- und Gartenbau at Wadenswy]I nr Zurich. (H. Miill.- Thurg.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 526 (b. 21 Oct 1850, d. 18 Jan 1927); Herder p.

432; Lenley p. 301; Morren ed. 10, p. 12.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 35: 119. 1888 (professor’s title); Osterr. bot. Z. 41: 80. 1891 (app. Wadenswyll), 76: 88. 1927 (d.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 33: 64 (288). 1928 (d. 18 Jan 1927).

  1. Die Sporenvorkeime und Zweigvorkeime der Laubmoose. Inaugural-Dissertation der philo- sophischen Facultat der Julius-Maximilians-Universitat zu Wurzburg zur Erlangung der Doctorwirde vorgelegt am 19. Februar 1874 von Hermann Miller (Thurgau) aus ‘Tager- weilen (Schweiz). Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann) 1874. Oct. (Sporenvorkeime Laubm.).

Publ.: 19 Feb 1874, p. [i-ii], [1]-25. Copy: G. — Arb. bot. Inst. Wurzburg Heft 4.

Mueller [called] Argoviensis [of Aargau], Johannes [Jean] (1828-1896), Swiss bota- nist; studied at Zurich (Dr. phil., 1857); curator of the Candolle herbarium 1851-1869, of the Delessert herbarium (at Genéve) 1869-1896; director of the Genéve botanic garden 1870-1874; professor of botany 1871-1889. (Miill. Arg.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Mueller’s lichenological herbarium, library and manuscripts are at G. The Swiss phanerogam herbarium is at Z. For further sets of Mueller lichen specimens see IH; a particularly important set is at PC. — Exszccatae: (1) Graphideae cubenses a Cl C. Wright lectae et Cl. W. Nylander determinatae, distr. by J. M., 1884 (+ 350 nos.) [Charles Wright (1811-1885), collector in Cuba 1856-1858], set at FH; for details see Sayre (1969). (2) Hepp, Die Flechten Europas, vols. 13-16 (see Hepp).

NAME: Since Mueller worked at a time in which various other Miller’s were active, Martius proposed to him to adopt the epithet “argoviensis” referring to the canton of his birth, Aargau (Argovie).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 12(2): 203; Backer p. 382, 383; Barnhart 2: 524; BJI 1: 41-42; BM 2: 1368-1369, 7: 877; Bossert p. 277; GSP 4: 521, 8: 463-464, 10: 878-879, 12: 524, 17: 404-405; DTS 1: 202; Frank 3(Anh.): 68; GR p. 633, pl. [27], cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 467; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Miill. Arg.’’); IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 569; Jackson p. 142, 160, 372, 109; Kew 4: 80; Kelly p. 155-156; Krempelh. 2: 452-469; Langman p. 529; Lenley p. 464; LS 18440-18562; Morren ed. 10, p. 110; MW p. 338; PR 6518; Rehder 5: 599; SBC p. 127 (“Miull.Arg.”); SK 4: cxvi (portr.); Stevenson p. 1252; TL-2/ 999, 1592, 1705, 2390, 2867, see Balansa, B.; TR 938-939; Urban-Berl. p. 289, 307, 377; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. Il, p. 792-793-

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 378. 1971.

Anon., Biogr. Jahrb. 3: 93*-94*. 1900; Bonplandia 8: 35. 1860 (elected to Leopoldina;


MULL. ARG. (1857)

cogn. A. de Haller); Bot. Gaz. 21: 247. 1896; Bot. Jahrb. 21(Beibl. 54): 31. 1896; Bot. Not. 1897: 47; Bot. Zeit. 54(2): 61. 1896; Nat. Nov. 18: 126. 1896 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 46: 119. 1896 (d.); Rapp. Président Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genéve 1897: xlvii-lii (obit.); Rev. bryol. 24: 64. 1897 (Foundation Miuller-Argau).

Autran, E. J. B., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 24 (6): 314-315. 1897 (on the “Foundation Mueller-Argau’’).

Briquet, J., 72 Ch. Soret, Cat. publ. Univ. Genéve 146-153. 1896 (bibl.; updated by Briquet 1940); Bull. Herb. Boiss. 4: 111-133. 1896 (portr.); Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 340-353. 1940 (biogr., main bibl. [1g1 nos.], epon., b. g Mai 1828, d. 28 Jan 1896).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 34: 191. 1896.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (herb. still private; many types in G-DC).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souv. 586. 1862.

Chodat, R., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 14: (55)-(65). 1896; Bull. Trav. Soc. Murith. 23/24: 71-76. 1897.

Dolezal, H., Friedrich Welwitsch 76, 153, 187, 213. 1974.

Fritsch, K. v., Leopoldina 32: 22, 58. 1896 (d., note).

Goulding, J. H., Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 12: 104-106. 1975.

Gray, J. L., Letters A. Gray 593, 625, 644, 720. 1893.

Gyelnik, V. K., Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. natl. Hung. Bot. 32: 204. 1939.

Hoehne, F., Jard. bot. Sao Paulo 144-145. 1941.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 2: 52. 1896 (d. 28 Jan 1896), 3: 136. 1897 (lichenol. herb. and libr. to G-BOIS).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11(1): 14. 1979.

Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. pl. 4: 211. 1926 (bibl.), B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 140. 1937 (bibl. Polynes.); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 222. 1947.

Miuller-Arg., J., Bot. Zeit. 33: 223-240. 2 Apr 254-256. 9 Apr 1875 (reply to H. Baillon’s Nouvelles observations sur les Euphorbiacées in Adansonia vol. 11).

Rytz, W., Mitt. naturf. Ges. Bern 5: 24. 1922 (material BERN).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 149. 1969; Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Schultes, R. E., Regn. veg. 71: 274-275. 1970 (portr.) (on M. and Hevea).

Stafleu, F. A., The great Prodromus 29. 1966.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 113-114. 1898; Fl. bras. 1(1): 191. 1906 (biogr. refs., b. g Mai 1828, d. 28 Jan 1806).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 164, pl. 133. 1905 (portr.).

composite works: Miiller contributed to many composite works. For a full list see the bibliographies by Briquet (1940) and Chodat (1896).

(1) Martius, Fl. bras., Apocynaceae, 6 (1): 1-180, pl. 1-53 [fasc. 26] 30 Jul 1860; Rubzaceae, 6 (5): 1-470, pl. 1-67 |fasc. 84]. 1 Jul 1881; Euphorbiaceae, 11(2): 1-292, pl. 1-42 [fasc. 61]. 1 Feb 1873, and 11(2): 293-721, pl. 43-104 [fasc. 64]. 1 Mai 1874.

(2) Candolle, Prodr., Euphorbiaceae, 15(2): 189-1286. late Aug 1866; Daphniphyllaceae, 16(1): 1-6. med. Noy 1869; Buxaceae, 16(1): 7-23. med. Nov 1869; Resedaceae, 16(2): 548-589, 685. med. Jul 1868.

(3) Engler, Forschungsr. Gazelle, 1889, Flechten, see no. 1705.

(4) Engler, Ostafrika 5, Pflanzenwelt C, 1895, Ascolichenes p. 36-46.

(5) Bailey Balfour, Botany of Socotra, Ascomycetes, p. 343-392. 1887 (Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 31: 343-392. 1887).

(6) Warming, E., Symb. bras., (13) Apocynaceae, p. [1 ]-19 (98-116), publ. 1870.

(7) Compiled Graphideae cubenses a cl. C. Wright lectae et a cl. W. Nylander determinatae, 1884, 1 p., broadsheet, Copies G, NY; see W. Nylander, Flora 69: 103-104. 1886 and J. Miller arg., Bull. Herb. Borssier 2:725. 1894.


HANDWRITING: Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 12: 105. 1975.

EPONYMY: Argomuellera F. Pax (1894); Muellerargia Cogniaux (1881); Muellerella Hepp (1862); Muellerellomyces Ciferri & Tomaselli (1953); Neomuellera Briquet (1894).

  1. Monographie de la famille des Résédacées . .. accompagné de dix planches lithographiées. Ouvrage couronné par le prix quinquennal fondé par M. Pyr. de Candolle. Ziirich

(Imprimerie de Zurcher et Furrer) 1857. Qu. (Monogr. Résédac.).


MULL. ARG. (1857)

Publ.: Feb-Apr 1857 (p. 4: Jan 1857; t.p.; BSbF rd. by 12 Feb 1858; Flora rd. 7 Apr-28 Mai 1858; Bot. Zeit. rev. 30 Apr 1858), p. [1], [1]-239, pl. 7-20 (uncol. liths. by author). Copies: BR, M, MO, NY, U, US. — Preprinted from Neue Denkschr. allg. Schweiz. Ges. 16: 1- 239, pl. 1-10. 1858. Doctor’s dissertation; prix de Candolle.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 16: 124-126. 30 Apr 1858.

Anon., Flora 41: 328, 558-561. 1858; Bull. Soc. bot. France 5: 70-72. 1858.

  1. Principes de classification des lichens et enumération des lichens des environs de Genéve accompagnee de trois planches analytiques ... Genéve (Imprimerie de Jules-Guillaume Fick) 1862. Qu. (Princ. classif. lich.).

Publ.: 1862 (Flora rd. Nov 1862), p. [1]-95, pl. 7-3 (uncol. liths.). Copies: FH, G, MO, NY, Stevenson. — Reprinted from Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genéve 16(2): 343-435, pl. 1-3. 1862.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 45: 528, 577-582. 1862.

  1. Fiinf neue Flechten ... von Dr. J. Miller [Regensburg 1868]. Oct.

Publ.: 30 Sep 1868, p. [1]-3. Copzes: (none seen except in facs.). — Flora 51: 369-371. 30 Sep 1868, reprint with independent pagination; Ges. lich. Schr. 2: 1-3. 1967. To be cited from journal.

  1. Euphorbiacearum species novae s.1.n.d. [Regensburg 1872]. Oct. Publ.: Jan 1872, p. [1]-19. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Flora: 55: 2-11. 1 Jan 1872, 24-28. 11 Jan 1872, 41-45. 21 Jan 1872. To be cited from journal.

  2. Lichenologische Beitrdge. Regensburg and Bonn, 35 parts, 1874-1891. Publ.: In Flora, 35 parts. The entries are separately numbered 1-1669; the index by Hue (1899, also reprinted in facsimile edition) refers to these entry-numbers.

Part Flora pages reprints nos. dates vol./no. journal

I 57(12) 185-192 [1]-8 1-9 21 Apr 1874 2 57(21) 331-335 [1]-5 10-15 a1 Jul 1874 2[a] 57(22) 348-352 5-9 16-20 1 Aug 1874 3 57(34) [529]-539 = [1]-11 21-35 1 Dec 1874

4 58(4) 59-63 [ales 36-42 1 Feb 1875

5 60(5) 77-80 {1-4 43-47 11 Feb 1877 6 60(30) 471-479 = [1-8 48-67 21 Oct 1877 7 61(31) [481]-492 [1]-12 68-91 1 Nov 1878 8 62(11) + [161]-16g ~~ [1]-9 92-114 11 Apr 1879 9 62(19) [289]-298 [1]-10 115-130 1 Jul 1879 10 63(2) [17]-24 [1]-8 131-146 11 Jan 1880 10[a] 63(3) 40-45 8-13 147-165 21 Jan 1880 II 63(17) [259]-268 [1]-10 166-189 11 Jun 1880 11[a] 63(18) [275]-290 10-24 190-227 21 Jun 1880 12 64(6) [81 ]-88 [1]-8 228-247 21 Feb 1881 12[a] 64(7) 100-112 8-20 249-281 1 Mar 1881 ie 64(15) [225]-236 [1]-12 282-310 21 Mai 1881 14 64(32) 505-511 [1]-8 311-330 11 Nov 1881 14[a] 64(33) [513]-527 8-22 331-370 21 Nov 1881 15 65(19 [291]-306 [1]-16 371-409 1 Jul 1882,

15[a] 65(20 316-322 16-22 410-421[a] 11 Jul 1882 15[b] 65(21 326-337 22-33 421[b]-455 21 Jul 1882 15[c] 65(24 381-386 =. 33-38 456-473 21 Aug 1882 m5[d] — 65(25 397-402 38-43 474-492 1 Sep 1882 16 65(31 [483]-490 — [1]-8 493-517 1 Nov 1882 16[a] 65 (32) [499]-505 8-14 518-534 11 Nov 1882 16[b] 65(33 [515|-519 814-18 535-548 21 Nov 1882 17 66(2) in7l-252 » elulegi) (5497567 11 Jan 1883 17[a] 66(3) 45-48 g-12 568-576 21 Jan 1883

MULL. ARG. (1874)

Part Flora pages reprints nos. dates vol./no. journal 17[b] 66(5) 75-80 12-17 577-589 11 Feb 1883 18 66(16) [243]-249 ~ [1]-7 590-602 1 Jun 1883 18[a] 66(17) 271-274 7-10 603-611 11 Jun 1883 18[b] 66(18) 286-290 ~—- 10-14 612-625 21 Jun 1883 18[c] 66(19) 304-306 ~=—r4-16 626-631 1 Jul 1883 18[d] 66(20) 317-322 17-22 632-646 11 Jul 1883 18[e] 66(21 330-338 22-30 647-670 21 Jul 1883 18[f] 66(22) 344-354 30-40 671-704 1 Aug 1883 19 67(14 268-274 ~= [1 ]-7 705-718 11 Mai 1884 19[a] 67(15) 283-289 7-U9y LO 733 21 Mai 1884 1g9[b] 67 (16) 299-306 13-20 734-745 1 Jun 1884 19[c] 67(18 340-354 20-25 746-761 21 Jun 1884 19[d] 67(21 396-402 25-31 762-777 21 Jul 1884 ro[e] 67(24 460-468 31-39 778-802 21 Aug 1884 20 67(32 613-621 = [1]-9 803-818 11 Nov 1884 21 68(12 247-261 [1]-15 819-872 21 Apr 1885 2i[a] 68(16) 324-326 = 15-17 873-881 1 Jun 1885 21[b] 68(17 331-342 17-29 882-919 Ir Jun 1885 2t[c] 68(18 [343]-356 209-42 920-925 21 Jun 1885 22 68(27 499-502 ~=—s [1 ]-4 925[bis]-936 21 Sep 1885 22[a] 68(28 503-518 4-19 937-984 1 Oct 1885 22[b] 68(29 528-533 19-24 985-988 11 Oct 1885 23 69(8) 124-128 = [1]-4 989-1000 11 Mar 1886 24 69(16 252-258 [1]-7 1001-1020 —- rt Jun 1886 24[a] 69(18 286-290 7-10 ~=1021-1028 = 21 Jun 1886 24[b] 69(20 307-318 10-21 1029-1060 11 Jul 1886 25 70(4) 56-64 [1]-8 1061-1090 1 Feb 1887 [repr. of p. 64 is lacking] 25[a] 70(5) 74-80 9-14 1091-1109 11 Feb 1997 26 70(17) 268-273 = [1-6 1110-1126 ~=11 Jun 1887 26[a] 70(18) 283-288 6-11 1127-1141 21 Jun 1887 26[b] 70(20) 316-322 ILI-17 1142-1163 11 Jul 1887 26[c] 70(21) 336-338 17-20 1164-1172 21 Jul 1887 26[d] 70(25) 396-402 20-26 1173-1191 1 Sep 1887 26[e] 70(26,27) 423-429 26-32 1IQ2-1214 11+21 Sep 1887 By 71(2) [17]-25 [1]-9 1215-1252 11 Jan 1888 27[a] Fi(@) 44-48 9-13 1253-1268 21 Jan 1888 28 71(Q) [129]-142 = [1 ]-14 1269-1321 21 Mar 1888 29 71(13) [195]-208 = [1]-14 1322-1379 1 Mai 1888 30 71(34-36) 528-552 [1]-25 1380-1471 Dec 1888 31 72(2) 142-147 [142]-1471472-1493 15 Mai 1889 32 72(5) 505-508 = 505-508 1494-1507 20 Dec 1889 33 73(2) 187-202 = [187]-202 1508-1579 22 Apr 1890 34 74(1) 107-113 ~—[107]-113 1580-1606 ~—16 Jan 1891 35 74(3) 371-382 371-382 1607-1669 29 Jun 1891

Facsimile ed.: Lehre (Verlag von J. Cramer) 1967, Jean Miller (Argoviensis), Gesammelte lichenologische Schriften, Band 1, with A. M. Hue, Index alphabeticus (1899). Copy: FAS.

Alphabetical index: A. M. Hue, Bull. Herb. Boissier 7, app. 3: 1-52. Apr-Nov 1899.

  1. Euphorbiaceae novae a cl. Dr. Lorentz in Republica Argentinensi lectae et a cl. Prof. Dr.

Eichler communicatae, auctore J. Miller Arg., Cust. Hb.DC. [London 1874]. Oct.

Collector: Paul Gunther [Pablo] Lorentz (1835-1881).

Publ.: Juland Aug 1874, repr. Aug 1874, p. [i]-xi. Copy: G.— Reprinted [or preprinted] from J. Bot. 3: 200-204. Jul 1874, 227-233. Aug 1874. To be cited from journal.


MULL. ARG. (1875)

  1. Replik auf Dr. Baillon’s Nouvelles observations sur les Euphorbiacées [Bot. Zeitung].

  2. Oct.

Publ.: 9 Apr. 1875, p. [1]-19. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Bot. Zeit. 33: 223-240. 2 Apr 1875, 254-256. 9 Apr 1875. To be cited from journal.

  1. Lichenes Finschiani. Enumeratio lichenum acl. Dr. Finsch in regione Tundrae Sibiriae

septentr.-occidentalis lectorum, auctore Miiller Arg. [Moskwa 1878].

Collector: Friedrich Hermann Otto Finsch (1839-1917).

Publ.: 1878, p. [1]-5. Copy: seen only in facs. ed. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Natural. Moscou 53: 96-100. 1878; combined in reprint [p. 6-11] with Lichenes fischeriani [collected by Alexander Alexandrovitch Fischer von Waldheim (1839-1920) J, ib. 101- 106. 1868. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 51-61. 1967. To be cited from journal.

Ref.: N. L., Bot. Zeit. 36: 719. 8 Nov 1878.

  1. Volice sur la nature des lichens [Geneve 1879].

Publ.: 15 Jan 1879 (cover journal; submitted 5 Dec 1878), p. [1]-7. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Arch. Sci. phys. nat. 1: 49-55. 1879. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 63-69. 1967.

  1. Lichenes japonici [Regensburg 1879]. Oct. Publ.: 1 Nov 1879, p. [1]-7. Copy: in facsimile 1967. — Reprinted from Flora 62: 481-487. 1 Nov 1879; to be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 71-77. 1967.

  2. Les lichens neo-granadins et ecuadoriens, récoltés par M. Ed. André [Paris 1879]. Oct.

Collector: Edouard Francois André (1840-1911) (orig. herb. at K.).

Publ.: 1 Oct 1879, p. [1 ]-15.— Reprinted from Rev. mycol. 1: 160-171. 1879; — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 79-91. 1967.

  1. Enumération des lichens valaisans nouveaux trouvés par le professeur Miller, a Geneve,

et publiés par lui antérieurement dans la Flore de Ratisbonne. [Neuchatel (Imprimerie

James Attinger) 1880]. Oct. (Enum. lich. valais.).

Publ.: 1880, p. [1]-19, [20]. Copies: BR, NY. — Preprinted from Bull. Société Murithienne 1880(10): 48-66. 1881. The places of earlier publication in Flora are given in the text. To be cited from journal.

  1. Les characées genevoises ... Geneve 1881. Oct.

Publ.: Feb 1881 (reprint cover dated; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1883; Hedwigia Apr 1881; Bot. Zeit. 24 Jun 1881), Bull. Soc. bot. Genéve ser. 1. 2: 42-94. Feb 1881. Reprints (FH, NY) havea special cover but retain original pagination.

Ref.: Anon., Hedwigia 20: 94-96, 104-110. 1881.

Groves, H. et J., J. Bot. 19: 158. 1881.

  1. Diagnoses lichenum socotrensium novorum a particibus expeditionum Prof. Bayley Balfour

et Dr. Schweinfurth lectorum, quas elaboravit Dr. J. Miller ... Edinburgh (printed by

Neill and Company) 1882. Oct.

Collectors: Isaac Bailey Balfour (1833-1922); Georg August Schweinfurth (1836-1925).

Publ.: Jan-Jun 1882 (Bot. Zeit. 30 Jun 1882), p. [1]-16. Copies: G, MO; IDC 5387. — Reprinted from Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 11: 457-472. 1882. Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 153-170. 1967. To be cited from journal.

  1. Lichens de Palestine [Revue mycologique] 1884. Oct.

Collector: William Barbey-Boissier (1842-1914).

Publ.: Jan 1884 (injournal), p. [1]-9. Copies: FH, NY.— Reprinted from Revue mycologique 6: 12-20. 1889.

  1. Revisio lichenum Eschweilerianorum [Regensburg 1884-1888], 2 series. Oct.

Series 1: p. [1]-12. 11 Dec 1884, 13-17. 21 Dec 1884, p. [1]-17. — Reprinted from Flora 67(35): 661[bis]-664[bis], 665-672. 11 Dec 1884 and 67(36): 686-691. 21 Dec 1884. Series 2: p. [1]-7. 21 Nov 1888, 8-12. Dec 1888, p. [1]-13. — Reprinted from Flora 71(33):

507-513. 21 Nov 1888 and 71(34): 521-528. Dec 1888.


MULL. ARG. (1888)

Copy: seen only in facsimile (1967). To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 207- 223, 225-237. 1967.

6455- Enumération de quelques lichens de Nouméa recueillis par M. Theophile Savés communi-

qués par le chevalier Roumeguére étudiés par M. le Dr. Miiller. Toulouse (imprimerie C.

Marqueés & Cie., ...) 1887. Oct.

Publ.: Apr 1887 (cover with special title), p. [1]-6. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Revue mycol. 9: 77-82. 1887. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 287-292. 1967.

  1. Graphideae feeanae inclus. trib. affinibus nec non Graphideae exoticae Acharu, El.

Friesii et Zenkeri e novo studio speciminum originalum expositae et in novam dispositio-

nem ordinatae auctore Dr. J. Miller ... Genéve (Imprimerie Charles Schuchardt) 1887.

Qu. (Graphid. feean.).

Collector and previous author: Antoine Laurent Apollinaire Fée (1789-1874).

Publ.: Apr-Jul 1887 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2); Bot. Zeit. 30 Mar 1888), p. [1]-80. (Cuee BR, FH, G, NY; IDC 625. — Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genéve 29(8): [1]-80. 1887. — Ges. lehenol: Schr. 2: 312-390. 1967.

  1. Revisio lichenum féeanorum par le Docteur J. Miller. Toulouse (Imprimerie C. Mar-

qués & Cie, ...) 1887. Oct.

Publ.: Jul 1887 (as reprint), p. [1 ]-16. Copzes: BR, FH.— Reprinted from Revue mycol. 9: 82- 89, Apr 1887, 133-140. Jul 1887. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 293- 308. 1967. For Antoine Laurent Apollinaire Fée (1789-1874) and his lichenological works see TL-2/1: 818-821.

  1. Lichenes montevidenses quos legit et communicavit prof. Arechavaleta et quos determi-

navit Dr. J. Miller [Toulouse] 1888. Oct.

Collector: José Arechavaleta (1838-1912).

Publ.: t Jan 1888, p. [1]-6. Copies: FH, G.— Reprinted (type shifted) from Revue mycol. 10: [1]-5. 1888. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 469-474. 1967.

  1. Pyrenocarpeae feeanae in Féei essai (1824) et supplément (1837) editae e novo studio speciminum originalium expositae et in novam dispositionem ordinatae auctore Dr. J. Miller ... Genéve (Imprimerie Charles Schuchardt) 1888. Qu. (Pyrenocarp. feean.). Collector and previous author: Antonie Laurent Apollinaire Fée (1789-1674).

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1888 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1888), p. [1]-45. Copies: BR, FH, MO, NY; IDC 626. — Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genéve 30(3): [1]-45. 1888; Ges. lichenell Schr. 2: 391-435. 1967. The reference to ““Féei essai 1824 et supplément (1837)” is to Fée, Essaz crypt. écorc. 1824-1837, TL-2/1752.

  1. Lichenes paraguayenses a cl. Balansa lecti et a Prof. Dr. Miller elaborati [Toulouse

1888]. Oct. (Lich. parag.).

Collector: Benedict [Benjamin] Balansa (1825-1891).

Publ.: 1 Jul 1888 (copy rd. at Gin Jul 1888), p. [1]-32. Copies: G; IDC 481.—Reprinted and in part preprinted from Rev. mycol. OCOE 53-68. 1 Apr 1888: 10(39): 113-120. 1 Jul 1888; 10(4): 177-184. 1 Oct 1888; — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 475-506. 1967.

  1. Lichenes portoricenses ab egregio Sintenis lecti, in hujus collect. exs. sub citatis numeris

editi, et a cl. Dr. Urban communicati, adjunctis nonnullis a Barone Egger in St. Domingo

lectis, quos determinavit Dr. J. Miller [Flora 1888]. Oct.

Collectors: Paul Ernst Emil Sintenis (1847-1907); Heinz Franz Alexander, Baron von Eggers (1844-1903).

Publ.: 21 Oct-11 Nov 1888, p. [1 ]-7. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Flora 71: 490-496. 21 Oct- 11 Nov 1888. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 507-513. 1967.

  1. Ministéres de la marine et de l’instruction publique. Mission scientifique du Cap Horn.

1882-1883. Tome 5. Botanique. Lichens, par J. Muller d’Argovie. Paris (Gauthier- Villars et

fils) 1888. Qu. (Miss. Sct. Cap Horn, Lich.).

Publ.: Apr-Dec 1888 (t.p. reprint 1888; p. 144, [4], 24 Mar 1888, note by P. Hariot; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1889), p. [i], [1]-32. Copies: G, NY. — Preprinted from Miss. Sct. Cap Horn,


MULL. ARG. (1889)

[141]-172. Bot. 1889; see under P. Hariot, TL-2/2390; — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 436-468. 1967.

  1. Lichenes epiphylli novi auctore Dre J. Miiller (Mull. Arg.) Genevae [Genéve] (Apud H.

Georg, bibliopolam e typis M. Richter) 18go0. Oct.

Publ.: 12 Feb-15 Mar 1890 (p. 22: 12 Feb 1890; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1890; Bot. Centralbl. 2 Apr 1890), p. [1]-22. Copies: BR, FH(2), MO, NY. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 565-586. 1967.

  1. [Internationale Polarforschung 1882-1883. Die deutschen Expeditionen und ihre

Ergebnisse, vol. 2:] Lichenes, quos elaboravit Dr. J. Muller (Mull. Arg.) [Berlin 1890] Oct.

Publ.: 1890, p. [1]-7. Copy: reprint seen only in facs. (1967). — Int. Polarforsch. [G. Neumayer, ed.] 1882-1883, vol. 2, part 12, p. 322-327. 1890. Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 587- 593. 1967. To be cited from Int. Polarforsch., TL-2/6760.

  1. Th. Durand et H. Pittier Primitiae florae costaricensis ... Lichenes auctore Dr. J. Miller.

Gand [Gent] (Imprimerie C. Annoot-Braeckman, Ad. Hoste, Succr.) 1891-1894, 2 fasc.

Oct. (Prim. fl. costaric., Lich.).

Fasc. 1: 20 Sep 1891, p. [1]-51. Copies: FH, G. — Preprinted from Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 30(1): 47-95. 1892. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 707-757. 1967. — See also TL-2/1592.

Fasc. 2: 10 Jun 1894, p. [1], [1]-52. Copzes: FH, G. — Preprinted from Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 32(1): 122-173. 1894. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 759-810. 1893. — See also TL-2/1592.

  1. Lichenes knightiam, im Nova Zelandia lecti additis nonnullis aliis ejusdem regionis,

quos exponit Dr. J. Miller. [Bruxelles 1892]. Oct.

Publ.: 1892 (submitted 12 Mar 1892), p. [1]-21, orig. [22]-42. Copies: FH; IDC 5392. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 31(2): 22-42. 1892. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 811-831. 1967. To be cited from journal.

  1. Lichenes neo-caledonici a cl. B. Balansa in Nova Caledonia lecti nec non alii nonnulli ab

aliis ibidem observati quos enumerat Dr. J. Muller. [Paris (J. Mersch) 1892]. Oct.

Collector: Benedict [Benjamin] Balansa (1825-1892).

Publ.: 16-31 Mar 1893 (reprint, type shifted), p. [1]-12. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from J. de Bot. 7: 51-55. 1 Feb, 92-94, 1 Mar, 106-111. 16 Mar 1893. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 955- 966. 1967. To be cited from journal.

  1. Lichenes wilsoniani s. lichenes a cl. Rev. F. R. M. Wilson in Australiae prov. Victoria

lecti, quos exponit Dr. J. Miller ... Genéve (Imprimerie Romet, ...) 1893. Oct.

Collector: Francis Robert Muter Wilson (1832-1903).

Publ.: Feb 1893, p. [1]-33, orig. [33]-65. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Bull. Herb. Boissier 1(2): 33-65. 1893. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 967-999. 1893.

  1. Lichenes zambesici in Africae regione zambesica prope Boroma a cl. Menyharth lecti,

in herbario universitatis vindobonensis servati, quos exponit Dr. J. Miller. [Wien 1893].

Oct. (Lich. zambes.).

Collector: Rev. Ladislav (Laszl6) Menyhart. (1849-1897), see IH 2: 527.

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1893 (submitted 7 Jun 1893; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1893), p. 1-6, orig. 295-300. Copy: FH. — Preprinted from Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 1007-1012. 1967.

  1. Conspectus systematicus lichenum Novae Zelandiae quem elaboravit Dr. J. Miiller [Gene-

ve] 1894. Oct. (Consp. lich. Nov.-Zeland.).

Publ.: Jan 1894 (appendix dated; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1895), p. [1]-114. Copy: FH. —Issued as Bull. Herb. Boissier 2, app. 1: [1]-144. 1894. Not in Ges. lichenol. Schr.

  1. Lichenes eckfeldiani a cl. Dr. J.-W. Eckfeldt philadelphiensi, praesertim in Mexico

lecti, quos enumerat Dr. J. Miller [Genéve] 1894. Oct.

Collector: Johann Wiegand Eckfeldt (1851-1933).

Publ.: Feb 1894, p. [1]-5, orig. [89]-93. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Bull. Herb. Boissier. 2(2): 89-93. 1894. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 1031-1035. 1967.



  1. Arthoniae et Arthothelii species Wrightianae in insula Cuba lectae auctore Dr. J. Miller

... Genéve (Imprimerie Romet, ...) 1894. Oct.

Collector: Charles Wright (1811-1885).

Publ.: Dec 1894, p. [1]-12, chart, orig. [725]-736, chart. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Bull. Herb. Boissier 2(12): 725-736, chart. 1894. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 1097-1108, chart. 1967.

  1. Graphideae Eckfeldtianae in Louisiana et Florida lecte, additis observationibus in

Graphideas Calkinsianas ejusdem regionis auctore Dr. J. Miller ... Genéve (Imprimerie

Romet, ...) 1895. Oct.

Collectors: Johann Wiegand Eckfeldt (1851-1933); William Wirt Calkins (1842-1914).

Publ.: Feb 1895, p. [t]-10, orig. [41]-50. Copies: FH, NY. — Reprinted from Bull. Herb. Boissier 3 (2): 41-50. 1895. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 1109-1118.


  1. An enumeration of the plants collected by M. E. Penard in Colorado during the summer of

  2. [Genéve] 1895. Oct.

Collector: Eugene Penard (1855-1935).

Publ.: Mai 1895, p. [1]-3, orig. [199]-201. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Bull. Herb. Boissier 3(5): 199-201. 1895. To be cited from journal. Not in Ges. lichenol. Schr.

  1. Sertum australiense s. species novae australienses Thelotremearum, Graphidearum et

pyrenocarpearum quas proponit Dr. J. Muller [Geneve] 1895. Oct.

Publ.: Jul 1895, p. [1]-15, orig. [313]-327. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Bull. Herb. Boiss. 3(7): 313-327. 1895. To be cited from journal. — Ges. lichenol. Schr. 2: 1125-1139. 1967.

  1. Pyrenocarpeae Queenslandiae ... [Australasian Association for the advancement of

Science] 1895. Oct.

Publ.: 1895, p. [1]-18. Copy: FH.— Reprinted from Australas. Ass. Adv. Sci. Rep. 6: 449-466. 1895. To be cited from journal. Not in Ges. lichenol. Schr.

  1. Analecta australiensia quae exponit Dr. J. Miller [Genéve] 1896. Oct. Publ.: Feb 1896, p. [1]-10, orig. [87]-96. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Bull. Herb. Boiss. 4(2): 87-96. 1896. To be cited from journal. — Not in Ges. lichenol. Schr.

  2. Gesammelte lichenologische Schriften herausgegeben von J. Cramer. Lehre (Verlag von J. Cramer) 1967, 2 vols. Oct. (Ges. lichenol. Schr.). Publ.: 1967-1968, ISBN 3-7682-0440-5. See Taxon 17: 305-306. 1968. Vol. 1: Lichenologische Beitrage 1874-1881 (see above). Hue’s Index alphabeticus 1899. Vol. 2: Die sonstigen lichenologischen Arbeiten 1868-1895. Copies: G, FAS.

Mueller, Jean Baptiste [Baptista] (1806-1894), German pharmacist and botanist at Mesebach, Emmerich and Berlin (7. B. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 524; BM 3: 1369; CSP 12: 525, 17: 406; Jackson

p. 311; PR 6519-6520 (ed. 1: 7276-7277); Rehder 5: 599; Tucker 1: 505.

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 49. 1858 (‘‘fiirstl. waldeckscher Medicinalrath . .. Apothekebesitzer zu Berlin; cogn. Leopoldina: Dieffenbach; Leopoldina 30: 158. 1894 (b. 16 Apr 1806 [Mainz], d. 18 Jun 1894 [Berlin]).

  1. Botanisch-prosodisches Worterbuch nebst einer Charakteristik der wichtigsten natiirli-

chen Pflanzenfamilien fir angehende Aerzte, Apotheker, Forstmanner und Dilettanten der

Botanik ... Brilon (gedruckt bei J. P. Lechner), Paderborn (in Commission der Wesener-

schen Buchhandlung) 1840. Qu. (Bot.-prosod. Wérterb.).

Publ.: After Aug 1840 [1841?] (p. 1: Aug 1840; adv. Flora Mar 1840; Flora rd. 28 Nov 1841- 28 Dec 1842), p. [i*, 1i*],[1]-11, [v]-vi, [1]-504, [1-3, err.]. Copy: NY. — Possibly in two parts: 1: Sep-Dec 1840, 2: 1841.



  1. Flora waldeccensis et itterensis oder Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der in dem Firsten-

thum Waldeck und der Grossherzoglich-Hessischen Herrschaft Itter wildwachsenden und

allgemein angebauten Pflanzen ... Phanerogamen. Brilon (Druck und Verlag von F. P.

Lechner), Paderborn (in Commission bei Jos. Wesener) 1841. Duod. (FU. waldecc.).

Publ.: 1841 (rd. 9g Mar-28 Nov 1841 by Flora; p. iv: Jan 1841), p. [1*-vii*], [1]-xc, [1, h.t.], [1]-453. Copies: B, G, USDA.

Miller, Johannes (1861-1920), German botanist, born at Aurich, Ostfriesland; Dr. phil. Betlin 1893. (Joh. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 525.

  1. Beitriige zur Anatomie holziger und succulenter Compositen. Mit 4 Tafeln. Inaugural- Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der hohen philosophischen Fakultat der Georgia-Augusta in Gottingen ... Berlin (R. Friedlander & Sohn) 1892. Oct. (Beitr. Anat. Compos.). Publ. Jul 1893 (inscription copy US; Bot. Jahrb. 7 Nov 1893), p. [i-iii], [1]-42, pl. 1-4 (uncol.). Copy: US. Ref.: Gilg, E., Bot. Jahrb. 17(Litt.): 51. 1893. Roth, E., Bot. Centralbl. 57: 53-56. 1894.

Mueller, Johann Sebastian (1715-1780), German botanical artist who settled in Lon- don (1744) and afterwards called himself John Miller. (7. S$. Muell.).

COLLECTION: Mueller was a draughtsman and engraver and is not known to have made herbarium specimens. Some of his drawings are at BM; other at Windsor Castle.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 525; BB p. 215 (Miller, J.); Blunt p. 150, 160, 203; BM 3: 1370, 7: 877; Desmond p. 438; DNB 37: 412; Dryander 2: 212, 3: 22, 27, 5: 63; DU 206-207; GF p. 68; Henrey 1: 109, 111, 113, 2: 730 [index], 3: 94-95; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Mill., J.”?); Jackson p. 16, 32, 111, 112, 584; Kew 4: 81; NI 1371-1376; Plesch p. 336-337; PR 6523-6525 (ed. 1: 7283-7285); SO 667, 673, 1218c, 2507, add. 2508a, 3129; TL-1/188, 648, 849a, 897-898; TL-2/938, 4450; Zander ed. 10, p. 693, ed. 11, p. 790.

Anon., J. Bot. 19: 64. 1881.

Brauning-Oktavio, H., Philobiblon 5: 49-51. 1932 (on the publisher J. H. Merck). Britten, J., J. Bot. 54: 84-87. 1916, 57: 353. 1919 (on JIL. Syst. sex. gen. pl.).

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(3): 165, 262, 269. 1909.

Fussell, G. F., More old English farming books 121. 1948.

Hemsley, J. B., Gard. Chron. 1887(1): 451, 1890(1): 255.

Hulth, J. M. & A. H. Uggla, Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(2): 112, 138, 140. 1943.

Lisney, A. A., Bibl. Brit. Lepidopt. 176-179. 1960 (n.v.).

Meusel, J. G., Lex. teut. Schriftst. 9: 418. 1809.

Sprague, T. A., J. Bot. 74: 208-209. 1936 (on Icones novae).

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 42-43. 1904 (drawings).

Zittel, K. A. v., Hist. geol. palaeontol. 130, 392, 393, 405, 537- 1901.

  1. LIlustratio systematis sexualis Linnaei. London [1770-] 1777. Fol. (ll. syst. sex. Linnaei).

Publ. in 20 parts, 1770-1777. We saw only the copy at NY which has an engraved title-page with the title “Systema sexuale generum plantarum” with 108 plates (all but 50th pl. in handcol. & uncol. versions; the uncol. with details indicated). —The plates (engraved, all by Muller himself) bear dates ranging from 1770-1777. This folio, which bears as a subtitle An illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus must not be confused with the octavo described below. Seven additional plates were published in 1780. These plates are also referred to as [cones novae, or Icones plantarum (in W, fide PR). See Henrey no. 1153 (108 pl.) for many details. The entire work was reissued in London in 1794 (n.v.; Henrey 1154). A Latin/German edition was published in 1792, another in 1804 (see below).

  1. An illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus . .. London (published as the Act directs, &



sold at the authors house in Dorset Court...) 1779-1789, 2 vols. Oct. (in fours). (JU/. sex. syst.


1: 1779, frontisp., engr. t.p., p. 1-8, i-xvi, pl. 7, 1-106 with text p. 1-106 (roz and 104 wanting).

2: 1789, ener. t.p., p. [i-li], pl. 1-86 (no. 20 wanting) with p. 1-86, [1, err.]. “An alustration of the termini botanici of Linnaeus .. .”’ Published as the Act directs, & sold at the authors house no. 10, Vauxhall Walk, Lambeth. 1789.

Copies: BR, FI, MO, NY; IDC 6087. —The plates are coloured copper engr. by the author. A

1794 re-issue has not been seen by us. For a Latin edition of vol. 1 see below, Ill. syst. sex.

Linnaeani. — See Henrey 1155 and 1156.

  1. [Zcones novae] Londini 1780. (Icon. nov.).

Publ.: 1780, 1 lf.,7 pl. (copp.; handcol. auct.), n.v.—See above sub JII. syst. sex. Linn. to which these plates were an addition. — Copies: BM, K, Lindley Library (fide GF). See Henrey 1153

Ref.: “sree, T.A., J. Bot. 74: 208-209. 1936.

  1. Ioannis Milleri M/lustratio systematis sexualis Linnaeant. Quam e textu anglico editionis minoris translatam nunc emendatum additamentis variis propriis praecipue terminorum botanicorum notioni inservientibus atque indicibus necessariis locupletatam accuravit D. Fridericus Guilielmus Weiss ... Francofurti ad Moenum [Frankfurt a.M.] (apud Varren- trapp et Wenner) 178g. Oct. (Ill. syst. sex. Linnaeant).

Translator and annotator: Friedrich Wilhelm Weiss (1744-?).

Publ.: 1789 (p. xxiv: Jun 1789), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-495, chart, engr. t.p. [for vol. 2] pl. A, 1-104

(handcol. copper engr.). Copies: FI, L, M, MO, NY, USDA.

  1. Ioannes Miller, //lustratio systematis sexualis Linnaei ... denuo edita, revisa ac transla- tione germanica locupletata per Mauritium Balthasarem Borckhausen adiectis tabulis cviii. Ad originale Millerianum aeri incisis et coloratis. Francofurti ad Moenum [Frankfurt a.M.] (apud Varrentrapp et Wenner) 1804. Fol. (JU. syst. sex. Linnaet).

Editor and author of notes: Moriz Balthasar Borkhausen (1760-1806).

Orig.: 1792, u.v., copy at FI-Bibl. naz.

Reissue: 1804, p. [i-viii], pl. 7, [ix-x], pl. 2, [xi-xu1], pl. 3, 4, [xui-xvi], pl. 1-104. Copy: NY.

Mueller, Joseph M. (1802-1870), German botanist and high school teacher at Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle). (Jos. Muell.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 22: 637-638; BM 3: 1371; CSP 4: 530; Dryander 4: 69, 105, 194, 235; PR 6526-6527 (ed. 1: 7287-7288); Quenstedt p. 308; Rehder 5: 599.

  1. Monographie der Petrefacten der Aachener Kreideformation ... Bonn (in Kommission bei Henry & Cohen) 1847-1859. Qu. (Monogr. Petref. Aachen. Kreidef.).

1: 1847, p. [1]-48, pl. 1-2 (uncol. liths.).

2: 1851 (Flora rd. Sep-Oct 1851), p. [1], [1]-88, pl. 3-6 (ad.).

Supplement: 1859, p. [1], [1]-4, [3]-32, pl. 7-8 (id.).

Copies: E (Univ. libr., part 1), FI-BN, H-UB (parts 1-2), LC (1-2 suppl.).

Miller, J. P. (fl. 1878), German botanist; high school teacher at Remscheid; later at the German school in Antwerpen. (7. P. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Jackson p. 72, 292.

  1. Achter Jahresbericht wber die Stadtische Gewerbeschule (Realschule 11. Ordnung) zu Remscheid womit zu den am Montag den 15. und Dinstag den 16. April 1878 stattfindenden 6offentlichen Priifungen und Schlussfeierlichkeiten ergebenst einladet der

Direktor Dr. Otto Petry. Inhalt: 1) Flora der Bliithenpflanzen des bergischen Landes, angeordnet nach dem nattrlichen System vom Oberlehrer Dr. J. P. Muller. 2) Schulnachrichten vom



Direktor. Programm Nr. 397. 1898. Druck von Hermann Krumm in Remscheid. Qu. (Fl.

berg. Land.).

Co-author: E. Hintzmann (fl. 1886; at Remscheid).

Publ.: Mar-Apr 1878, p. [1]-10 (Flora), 11-25 (Schulnachr.).

Copy: MO. ;

Ed. 2: Jan-Feb 1886 (p. v: 1885; announced Nat. Nov. Mai 1885; rev. Bot. Centralbl. 8-12 Mar 1886), p. [i]-xv, [xvi, err.], [1]-149. Copy: B. — Independent book issue: “Flora der Bliithenpflanzen des bergischen Landes’. Zum Gebrauche in den Schulen unter Mitwirkung von Dr. E. Hintzmann.

Mueller, Karl (‘‘Carl’’?) (1817-1870), German botanist; continued the publication of Walpers Annales. (A. Muell. berol.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 523; BM 3: 1365, 7: 877; Jackson p. 52, 225;

Kew 4: 81; PR 6528; SO 2719; TL-2/1386-1387; TL-2/1: 570; Tucker 1: 505.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 300. 1855 (continues Walpers), 4: 305. 1856 (secr./libr. Ges. Gartenfr.); Bot. Not. 1871: 36; Bot. Zeit. 28: 600. 1870, 29: 240. 1871; Verh. bot. Ver. Brand. 12: xlvi. 1870 (d. 21 Jun 1870).

Stafleu, F. A., Regn. veg. 71: 339. 1970.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 146. 1905.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Continued Walpers’ Annales botanices systematicae with vols. 4-7. 1857- 1871; see under W. G. Walpers.

  1. Annotationes quaedam de familia Elaeocarpeacearum specierumque nonnullarum generum et elaeocarporum et monocerarum descriptiones, secundum specimina ex herbario walli- chiano sumpta. Dissertatio inauguralis botanica quam consenu [sic] et auctoritate amplis- simi philosophorum ordinis in alma litterarium universitate Friderica Guilelma ad summos in philosophia honores rite capessendos die xxii m. Julii a. mdcccxlix h.l.q.s. publice defendet auctor Carolus Mueller berolinensis ... Berlin (Typis G. Bernsteint) a.d. [1849]. Oct. (Annot. Elaeocarp.). Publ.: 23 Jul 1849, p. [1 ]-41, [42, theses], 7 p/. (uncol. lith. by auct.). Copies: FI, G, MO. — Schlechtendal reports a t.p. with the erroneous date mcccxlix (rather than mdcccxlix), the copies at FI, G and MO have the correct date.

Miller, Karl (1881-1955) of Freiburg, German hepaticologist; Dr. phil. Freiburg 1905; from 1905-1921 at the phytopathological station Augustenberg nr. Karlsruhe and as phytopathologist involved in the wine industry; from 1921-1937 director of the Badische Weinbauinstitut; from 1937-1955 working full time on hepaticology. (A. Miill. frib.).

HERBARIUM and types: KR; further material e.g. at GOET and S. — Contributed to Schiffher, Hepaticae europaeae exsicc. q.v.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 525; BFM 609, 610, 1914; BM 7: 877; Bossert p.

277; DTS 5: li-li; Hirsch p. 206; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 569; Lenley p. 301; LS 37203-37212,

suppl. 19119-19141; SBC p. 127 (“K. Mull. (Freib.)”); TL-2/3206, 3214, 3401, 3921;

Urban-Berl. p. 308.

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68: 145. 1955 (d. 13 Mar 1955); Rev. bryol. lichénol. 24: 156. 1955.

Gams, H., Rev. bryol. lichénol. ser. 2. 24: 376-377. 1955 (portr.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 112. 1970 (collections in Schiffner EXSICC. ).

Herzog, Th., Mitt. Badisch. Landesver. Naturk., Freiburg ser. 2. 5: 322-325. 1951 (7oth birthday; “‘manch einer wird sich gerne der feuchtfréhlichen Stunden erinnern, die ihm Miller mit seinen Rieslingen ... bereitet hat.’’) Rev. bryol lichénol. ser. 2. 24: 377-379. 1955 (on his hepaticol. publ.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 18: 168. 1912 (promoted to “‘2. Beamten”’), 24/25: 48. 1922 (dir. Weinbauinst. Freiburg).


MULLER, K. (Frib.)

Sauer, K., Mitt. Badischen Landesvereins Naturk. und Naturschiutz, Freiburg ser. 2. 6(4): 303-316. 1956 (portr., bibl.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Schuster, R. M., Bryologist 58(4): 311-316. 1955 (appreciation; portr., bibl.); Hepat. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 80-82. 1966 (bibl.).

NOTE: Not to be confused with the Wurttemberg floristic botanist Kar! Miller (Ulm), b. 11 Apr 1893, d. 4 Nov 1955, about whom see A. Faber, Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Nat. Wurttem- berg 112(2): 150-154. 1957 (obit., bibl., portr.).

  1. Moosflora des Feldberggebietes. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der badischen Kryptogamen-

flora. Herrn Dr. J. B. Jack aus Konstanz als Zeichen der Dankbarkeit gewidmet von Karl

Miller in Kirchzarten. Karlsruhe (Verlag von J. J. Reiff) [1898-]1899. Oct.

Dedicated to: Joseph Bernhard Jack (1818-1901).

Publ.: Oct 1898-Jan 1899, in 4 parts, p. [1]-24.

Copy: G. — Reprinted from Allg. bot. Z. 4(11): 177-180. Novy, (12): rgg-201. Dec 1898, 5(1): 6-7. Jan, (2): 25-26. Feb, (4): 63-65. Apr, (5): 80. Mai, (6): 97-98. 1899, (7/8): 124-127. Jul-Aug, (9): 143-147. Sep, (10): 160-161. Nov(sic), (11): 173-176. Nov 1899. To be

cited from journal.

  1. <usammenstellung der Lebermoose aus dem Reichslande Elsass-Lothringen |Bot. Centralbl.

1900]. Oct.

Publ.: 1900, p. [1]-45. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bot. Centralbl. 81: 259-269. 14 Feb, 289-297. 21 Feb, 321-329. 28 Feb, 353-361. 7 Mar, 385-391. 14 Mar, 414-424. 21 Mar 1900.

  1. Monographie der Lebermoosgattung Scapama Dum. ... Mit 52 Tafeln Nr. i-li... Halle

a.S. (Druck von Ehrhardt Karras, ...) 1905. Qu. (Monogr. Scapania).

Publ.: Jan-Jul 1905 (mss. presented to Leopoldina 9 Mar 1904; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1905), p. [1 ]-312, [1-3, expl. pl.], pl. 7-52 (uncol. liths. by author with text). Copzes: B, G, NY, U-V. —Nova Acta Leop. 83: 1-312, pl. 1-52. 1905. For a preliminary paper see Bot. Centralbl. 82: 401-411. 27 Jun 1goo and Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2. (6): 593-614. Jun 1901. See also DTS 5: li-ln.

  1. Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs u.d. Schweiz mit Berticksichtigung der

ubrigen Lander Europas ... Leipzig (1-2: Verlag von Eduard Kummer; Erg.: Akademi-

sche Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.) [1905]1906-1939[-1940], 3 vols. Oct. + (Lebermoose).

Publ.: As vol. 6 of “Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Zweite Auflage ...” (alt. title), in 28 parts (main vols.) and 2 parts Ergdnzungsband. (parts 3-5 remained unpublished).

Vol. Lief. pages dates Vol. ichee men paces dates I I 1-64 Dec 1905 2 15 1-80 1 Mar 1912 2 65-128 Mai 1906 16 81-144 20 Dec 1912 3 129-192 20 Mar 1907 17 145-208 20 Jan 1913 4 193-256 20 Jun 1907 18 209-272 20 Nov 1913 5 257-320 1 Oct 1907 19 273-336 21 Mar 1914 6 321-384 20 Mar 1908 20 337-384 19 Dec 1914 7 385-448 27 Feb 1909 21 385-464 22 Feb 1915 8 449-512 15 Apr 1909 22 465-528 1 Mar 1915 9 513-576 15 Sep 1909 23 529-592 26 Jul 1915 10 577-640 15 Apr 1910 24 593-656 7 Oct 1915 II 641-704 1 Jun 1910 25 657-720 18 Feb 1916 12 705-768 25 Aug 1910 26 721-784 28 Apr 1916 13 769-832 10 Mar rort 27 785-848 28 Mai 1916 14 833-871 10 Apr IgII 28 849-947 27 Aug 1916 [ij-vu

Erg. 1 1-160 1939 Erg.2 161-320 1940


MULLER, K. (Frib.)

1: [ii]-vii, [1]-870, [1, dates]; 2: [ii]-vii, [1 ]-947; rg.: [1]-320. — Copres: B, BR, MICH, MO, U. — The stock of the Ergdnzungsband was destroyed during World War II.

  1. Die Lebermoose Europas eine Gesammtdarstellung der europaischen Arten .. . Leipzig (Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig K.-G.) 1954-1957[-1958], 2 vols. Oct.

(Leberm. Eur.).

Publ.: In g parts, 1954-1958. Constitutes “Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Aryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz...” vi. Band, 1.(2.) Abtlg. 3. Auflage. (third edition of Rabenhorst, but second ed. of Miiller’s Lebermoose). 1: [1i]-xii, [1]-756, 2: [1i]- viii, [757]-1365. Copies: BR, H, MO. — Vol. 1 was by Miiller alone; vol. 2 was published from a Miller manuscript by Theodor Herzog (1880-1961); the addenda to the Antho- ceraceae (2: 1303-1319) are by Johannes Max Proskauer (1923-1970); the corrections, p. 1319-1320 are by Herzog and Hermann Reimers (1893-1961).

Facsimile ed.: 1971, Johnson Reprint Corporation, New York. Copy: S. R. Gradstein.

Band Abteilung Pagination

6 I [V]-VIl 1-160 161-291 291-202 292-305 B0Dsso7 308-310 310-314 314-318 318-320


321-325 325-329 329-360 360-364 364-368 368-382 382-397 397-403 403-406 406-409

409-410 410-412 413-471 472-474. 474-475




Sigs. 1-33 Sigs. 34-38 Sigs. 39-44 Sig. 45 figs. 46-47

jigs. 48-50

fig. 51

SBS. 52-53 Sigs. 54-70 figs. 71-72 Sig. 73

figs. 74-81 Jigs. 62-69 Sig. GO-GI

Sigs. 92-93

Sig. 94 Sigs. 95-128


Mar 1954

Mar 1951

Aug 1951

Feb 1952

Feb 1952

Author Taxon Miller, K. Hepaticae- Foreword Hepaticae- General Anthocerotales Anthocerota- ceae Notothylaceae Marchantiales Sphaerocarpa- ceae Riellaceae Sphaerocarpi- neae-Biblio- graphy Marchanti- neae Marchantii- neae Targioniaceae Grimaldiaceae Conocephala- ceae Lunulariaceae Cleveaceae Marchantia- ceae Exormotheca- ceae Corsiniaceae Marchanti- neae-Biblio- graphy Ricciineae Miller, K. Oxymitraceae Ricciaceae Ricciineae-Bi- bhography Jungermania- les Anakrogyni- neae

Band Abteilung Pagination

6 I 479-480 481-491 492-507 508-517 518-528 528-531 531-546 546-548

548-549 549-551 552-533 553-556 557-507 567-574 574-586 586-590 590-593 593-615 615-640

641-751 TESTS

754-756 6 2 Vi] 757-803 804-865

866-877 877-902


Q17-1013 1013-1062 1062-1072 1072 1077-1116


1131-1161 1161-1187

1188-1199 1200-1204 1204-1220

MULLER, K. (Frib.)

Figures Date Author Taxon fig. 130 Metzgeriaceae figs. 131-134. Mar 1954 Metzgeriaceae figs. 135-141 Mar 1954 Aneuraceae figs. 142-145 Mar 1954 Pelliaceae jigs. 146-150 Dilaenaceae figs. 151-152 Blasiaceae Sigs. 153-150 Codoniaceae Anakrogyni- neae-Biblio- graphy Calobryineae jig. 157 Haplomitria- ceae Akrogynineae Jungermanieae Jigs. 159-161 Herbertaceae figs. 162-165 Ptilidiaceae figs. 166-171 Hyerobiella- ceae Sigs. 172-174 Trichocolea- ceae fig. 175 Blepharosto- maceae jigs. 176-184 Lophocolea- ceae Sigs. 185-193 jigs. 194-247 Maiig54 Miller, K. Lophoziaceae Lophoziaceae- Bibhography Mai 1954 Anon. Index Aug 1957 Miller, K. Herzog, T. Foreword jigs. 248-272, Maitg56 Marsupella- ceae figs. 273-301 Jungermania- ceae figs. 302-307 Southbyaceae figs. 308-320 Plagiochila- ceae Sigs. 321-320 Scapaniaceae jigs. 327-374 Jul 1956 Scapaniaceae Sigs. 375-397 Cephaloziella- ceae figs. 398-401 Harpantha- ceae Sig. 402 Cephalozia- ceae Jigs. 403-422, Augig56 Cephalozia- ceae Sigs. 423-428 Odontoschis- maceae Sigs. 429-445 Lepidoziaceae figs. 440-4508 Calypogeia- ceae Sigs. 459-464 Radulaceae Jig. 465 Pleuroziaceae Sigs. 466-472 Madotheca- ceae


MULLER, K. (Frib.)

Band Abteilung Pagination Figures Date Author Taxon 6 2 1221-1227 figs. 473-475 Feb 1958 1228-1258 _ figs. 476-490 Frullaniaceae 1258-1300 _ figs. 491-506 Lejeuneaceae 1300-1302 _ fig. 507 Riellaceae-Ad- ditions 6 2 1303-1319 _ figs. 508-514 Feb 1958 Proskauer, J. Anthocero- taceae- Additions 6 1319-1320 Feb 1958 Herzog, T. & H. Reimers Corrections 6 1321-1326 Feb 1958 Anon. Index of Taxa Illustrated 1327-1365 Gen. Index

S ystematic arrangement

Taxon Author Band Abteilung Pagination Figures Date Akrogynineae Miller, K. 6 I 552-553 Mar 1954 Anakrogynineae Miller, K. 6 I 476-479 fig. 129 Feb 1952 Aneuraceae Miller, K. 6 I 492-507 figs. 135-141 Mar 1954 Anthocerotaceae Miller, K. 6 I 292-305 figs. 39-44 Aug 1951 Anthocerotales Miller, K. 6 I 291-292 Aug 1951 Blasiaceae Miller, K. 6 I 528-531 figs. 151-152 Mar 1954 Blepharostomaceae Miller, K. 6 I 590-593 (fig. 175 Mar 1954 Calobryineae Miller, K. 6 I 548-549 Mar 1954 Calypogeiaceae Muller, K. &

Elerzoc, ine 6 2 1161-1187 figs. 446-458 Aug 1956 Cephaloziaceae Miller, K. &

Herzog, T. 6 2 1072 Jig. 402 Jul 1956 Cephaloziaceae Miller, K. &

Herma 0 2 1077-1116 figs. 403-422 Aug 1956 Cephaloziellaceae Muller, K. &

isco, I. 2 1013-1062 figs. 375-397 Jul 1956 Cleveaceae Miller, K. 6 I 368-382 figs. 74-81 Feb 1952 Codoniaceae Muller, K. 6 I 531-546 figs. 153-156 Mar 1954 Conocephalaceae Miller, K. 6 I 360-364 figs. 71-72 Feb 1952 Corsiniaceae Miller, K. 6 I 403-406 figs. 92-93 Feb 1952 Dilaenaceae Miller, K. 6 I 518-528 figs. 146-150 Mar 1954 Exormothecaceae Muller, K. 6 I 397-403 figs. 90-91 Feb 1952 Frullaniaceae Miller, K. &

Herzog, £6 2 1228-1258 figs. 476-490 Feb 1958 Grimaldiaceae Miller, K. 6 I 329-360 figs. 54-70 Feb 1952 Haplomitriaceae Miller, K. 6 I 549-551 (fig. 157 Mar 1954 Harpanthaceae Miiller, K. &

Herzog. Ta 6 2 1062-1072 figs. 398-401 Jul 1956 Herbertaceae Miller, K. 6 I 557-507 figs. 159-161 Mar 1954 Hygrobiellaceae Miller, K. 6 I 574-586 figs. 166-171 Mar 1954 Jungermaniaceae Miller, K. &

Herzoca il. (6 2 804-865 _ figs. 273-301 Mai 1956 Jungermaniales Miller, K. 6 I 474-475 Feb 1952 Jungermanieae Miller, K. 6 I 553-556 Mar 1954 Lejeuneaceae Miller, K. &

Herzogea 76 2 1258-1300 figs. 491-506 Feb 1958 Lepidoziaceae Miller, K. &

Herzog, T. 6 2 1131-1161 figs. 429-445 Aug 1956 Lophocoleaceae Miller, K. 6 I 593-615 figs. 176-184 Mar 1954 Lophoziaceae Miller, K. 6 I 615-640 figs. 185-193 Mar 1954



Taxon Author Band Abteilung Pagination Figures Date Lophoziaceae Miller, K. 6 I 641-751 figs. 194-247 Mai 1954 Lunulariaceae Miller, K. 6 I 364-368 fig. 73 Feb 1952 Madothecaceae Miller, K. &

Herzog, T. 6 2 1204-1220 figs. 466-472 Aug 1956 Madothecaceae Miller, K. &

Herzog, Tf. 6 2 1221-1227 figs. 473-475 Feb 1958 Marchantiaceae Miller, K. 6 I 382-397 figs. 82-89 Feb 1952 Marchantiales Muller, K. 6 I 308-310 Aug 1951 Marchantiineae Miller, K. 6 I 320 Aug 1951 Marchantiineae Miller, K. 6 I 321-325 fig. 51 Feb 1952 Marsupellaceae Miller, K. &

Elerzogyalis 6 2 757-803 figs. 248-272, Mai 1956 Metzgeriaceae Miller, K. 6 I 479-480 fig. 130 Feb 1952 Metzgeriaceae Miller, K. 6 I 481-491 figs. 131-134. Mar 1954 Notothylaceae Miller, K. 6 I 305-307 fig. 45 Aug 1951 Odontoschismaceae Miller, K. &

Herzog, T. 6 2 1116-1131 figs. 423-428 Aug 1956 Oxymitraceae Miller, K. 6 I 410-412 fig. 94 Feb 1952 Pelliaceae Miller, K. 6 I 508-517 figs. 142-145 Mar 1954 Plagiochilaceae Miller, K. &

lalsenom., 1 2 877-902 figs. 308-320 Mai 1956 Pleuroziaceae Miller, K. &

Herzogs is 16 2 1200-1204 fig. 465 Aug 1956 Ptilidiaceae Muller, K. 6 I 567-574 figs. 162-165 Mar 1954 Radulaceae Miller, K. &

Herzog, T. 6 2 1188-1199 figs. 459-464 Aug 1956 Ricciaceae Miller, K. 6 I 413-471 figs.95-128 Feb 1952 Ricciineae Miller, K. 6 I 409-410 Feb 1952 Riellaceae Miller, K. 6 I 314-318 figs. 48-50 Aug 1951 Scapaniaceae Miller, K. &

Tlerzogs 1) 16 2 902-916 figs. 321-326 Mai 1956 Scapaniaceae Miller, K. &

Herzog, T. 6 2 917-1013 figs. 327-374 Jul 1956 Southbyaceae Miller, K. &

Herzog, T. 6 2 866-877 figs. 302-307. Mai 1956 Sphaerocarpaceae Miiller, K. 6 2 310-314 figs. 46-47 Aug 1951 Targioniaceae Miller, K. 6 I 325-329 figs. 52-53 Feb 1952 Trichocoleaceae Miller, K. 6 I 586-590 figs. 172-174. Mar 1954

Miiller, Karl (recte: ““Carl”’) Alfred Ernst (1855-1907), German botanist, mainly plant physiologist; Dr. phil. Berl. 1883; from 1886-1895 at Pringsheim’s plant-physiological institute; from 1895 at the Technische Hochschule Berlin (Charlottenburg); from 1896 as professor; from 1886 also part time and from 19039 fully paid by the Gartnerlehranstalt at Dahlem while remaining associated with the Fechnische Hochschule. (A. A. E. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 523; BJI 1: 40; BM 3: 1365; CSP 12: 525-526, 17: 395-396; GR p. 115; LS 18414-18416; Morren ed. 10, p. 7; Rehder 5: 599; SBC p. 127 (“K. Mull. (Berl.)”’); TL-2/4031.

Anon., Biogr. Jahrb. 12: 60*; Bot. Centralbl. 50: 191. 1892 (Habil. Landw. Hochschule, Berlin), 67: 32. 1896 (professor Techn. Hochschule), 68: 191. 1896 (part time at Gartnerlehranstalt); Bot. Jahrb. 40(Beibl. 92): 46. 1908; Bot. Not. 1907: 261; Nat. Nov. 17: 240. 1895 (Techn. Hochsch.), 29: 354. 1907; Osterr. bot. Z. 36: 434. 1886 (assistant Pringsheim); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 49: Ixvii. 1908 (d.).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 26. 1896.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 2: 156, 204. 1896 (professor’s title; nebenamtlich. an d. Gartnerlehranstalt), 13: 160. 1907 (d.).



Kny, L., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 25: (40)-(47). 1907. (repr. p. 1-8) (portr., bibl. by W. Wachter).

Moller, L., Deut. Gartn.-Zeit. 18: 538. 1903 (portr.).

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 190-191. 1906 (biogr. details, bibl.).

Wachter, W., Gartenflora 56: 393-398. 1907 (obit., bibl.; portr.; “Viele sterben zu spat, und einige sterben zu frith” Nietzsche).

Wittmack, L., Verh. bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 49: xlvii-liv. 1907 (obit., b. 20 Nov 1855, d. 13 Jun 1907; bibl. by W. Retzdorff).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 146. 1905.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Martius, Fl. bras., Caprifoliaceae, Valerianaceae, Calyceraceae, 6(4): 333- 360, pl. 99-104. 1 Jun 1885.

(2) EP, Nat. Pflanzenfam., Musci, Fortpflanzungsverhaltnisse, 1.3(1): 142-144. Feb 1895, 145-192. Feb 1898, 193-240. Jul 1900.

(3) with H. Potonié, Botanik (vol. 3. Naturw. Repert.), Berlin 1893, 323 p. (publ. Mar-Apr 1893). \

  1. Medicinalflora. Eine Einfiihrung in die allgemeine und angewandte Morphologie und

Systematik der Pflanzen mit besonderer Ricksicht auf das Selbststudium fur Pharmaceu-

ten, Mediciner und Studirende bearbeitet von Dr. Carl Miller, ... Berlin (Verlag von

Julius Springer) 1890. Oct. (Medicinalflora).

Publ.: Mai-Jun 1888 (p. iv: Apr 1890; Nat. Nov. Jun (2) 1890; Bot. Zeit. 27 Jun 1890; Flora 5 Jul 1890; Bot. Centralbl. 2 Jul 1890), p. [i]-viii, [1-2, err.], [1]-582. Copres: MO, USDA.

Ref.: Taubert, P. H. W., Bot. Jahrb. 12(Lit.): 47. 23 Dec 1890, Bot. Centralbl. 43: 247-248.

20 Aug 1890.

Miller, Johann Karl [Carl] August [Friedrich Wilhelm] (1818-1899), German bryolo- gist at Halle; practicing pharmacist in various parts of Germany until 1843; from then on at Halle, associated with D. F. L. von Schlechtendal, but essentially a self-made scientist. (A. Miill. hal.).

HERBARIUM and Types: The entire herbarium, numbering about 60.000 specimens and perhaps some 11.000 species was aquired by B on 2 Mai 1899. It contained material and types from many authors in addition to those of Miller himself. See Urban-Berl. (p. 129- 131) for a list of collectors represented in the herbarium. The collection was destroyed in 1943 along with the greater part of the Berlin herbarium. However, incidental material may have been salvaged. A number of Miller types (isotypes), in so far as based on the Levier collection, are at FI (inf. C. H. Steinberg). Mueller also sent much material to his friend Karl Schliephacke (1834-1913), whose collections are now at JE. Further Mueller material is at BM, S, H, and NY. Miillers bryological library was also acquired by B; however, a number of items reached the open market; many of them were acquired by W. C. Steere, whose bryological library is now at MO. —60 Letters by M to Brotherus are at H- UB.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 523; BJI 1: 40-41; BM 3: 1369-1370; CSP 4:

530-532, 8: 466, 10: 880, 12: 525, 17: 395; DTS 1: 202-203; Frank 3(Anh.): 69; GR p. 34,

cat. p. 68; Herder p. 467; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Miuill. Hal., K.”); IF p. 722; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2:

569; Jackson p. 153; Kew 4: 75; KR p. 514; Langman p. 529; LS 18568-18573; Moebius p.

117, 121; Morren ed. 10, p. 13; NAF ser. 2. 9: 124-125; Plesch p. 344; PR 6529-6531; Rehder

5: 599; SBC p. 127 (C. Mill.); TL-1/899; see also K. P. J. Sprengel; TL-2/1705, 2347, 2867,

4040; Tucker 1: 505-506; Urban-Berl. p. 129-131, 308, 377.

A. G. [Geheeb], J. Bot. 37: 192. 1899 (‘‘... indeed, it is doubtful whether at any period he surpassed the rate of production of new species with which he marked the closing years of his life’’).

Anon., Bot. Gaz. 27(2): 150. 1899; Bot. Jarhb. 27 (Beibl. 62): 9. 1899 (B acquires moss herbarium and library); Bot. Not. 1851: 191. Oct 1851 (rev. Syn. musc. frond.), 1900: 47 (d. 9 Feb 1899); Bot. Zeit. 57(2): 96. 1899; Osterr. bot. Z. 47: 70. 1896 (professor’s title), 49: 119. 1899 (d.); Rev. bryol. 3: 16. 1876 (work on Lorentz’ Bolivian mosses), 14(4): 56. 1887 (coll. Savés & Balansa named by M.), 26: 53. 1899.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 78. 1978.


MULLER, K. (Hal.)

Hein, W. H., Deutsche Apotheker-Biographie 2: 453-454. 1978 (b. 16 Dec 1818, d. g Feb 1899).

eee Th., Pfl.-Welt Boliv. Anden 2, 18. 1923 (Veg. Erde 15).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 72. 1899 (d.).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (herb. B).

Lengyel, I., Termt. K6zl6on. 32: 694. 1900 (d.).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 140-141. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. U. S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 220, 223-224. 1947.

Meyer, F. K. & H. Manitz, im Reichtiimer und Raritaten, Jenaer Reden und Schriften, Jena 1974, p. 92 (Mueller material at JE).

Mueller, K. A. F. W., Der Schtiler der Natur oder Johannes Ehrhart’s Kinderjahre, 1851 (autobiogr.; fide Otto Taschenberg 1899).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 170. 1904 (moss types acquired with herb. Hampe and Bescherelle).

Rickett, H. W., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 72. 1955.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977. =

Stafleu, F. A., Regn. veg. 71: 314, 317, 339. 1970 (M. and Miquel/Schlechtendal); Taxon 22: 680-682. 1973 (on Syn. muse. frond. 1848-1851).

Taschenberg, O., Die Natur 48: 121-124. 1899 (portr.) (important original biogr. source); Jahresber. naturf. Ges. Graubtind. 42: xvi-xxvi. 1899 (obit., b. 16 Dec 1818, d. g Feb 1899), reprinted from Die Natur ; Leopoldina 35: 42-49, 112. 1899 (obit., bibl.).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 112-113. 1898.

Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 829. 1965 (publ. on charac.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Montagne, C. Morphologischer Grundriss der Familie der Flechten. 1851, transl. by Mueller.

(2) Founder and editor, with Willi Ule (x-1836) of Dze Natur, Halle, from 1852-1896.

(3) Hohnel, L., Rudolph-Stephante-See 1892, Musci p. 868-870, see TL-2/2867.

(4) Bryologia Austro-Georgiae, in Die Internationale Polarforschung 1882-1883, Die Deutschen Expeditionen, ed. G. Neumayer, 2: 279-321. 1890. For reprint see below.

(5) Die Forschungsreise S. M. S., “Gazelle” ... iv. Theil Botanik, [e]Laubmoose (Musci frondosi) by K. Muller Hal., t.p. of vol. 4: [i], [1]-64. (photocopy H); preliminary publ. Bot. Jahrb. 1(5): 76-88. 1883.

NAME: Baptized Johann Karl August Muller (Allstedter Kirchenbuch, fide Taschenberg 1899). The additional names Friedrich Wilhelm were cited by Pritzel.

NoTEs: Information on Copzes seen at H was marked and submitted by P. Isoviita. — We have seen only part of the repaginated reprints of journal articles.

EPONYMY: Hallomuellera O. Kuntze (1891) ; Muellerobryum M. Fleischer (1905). The deriva- tion of Muelleriella P. Dusén (1905, nom. cons.) is not given by the author.

  1. Synopsis muscorum frondosorum omnium hucusque cognitorum ... Berolini [Berlin] (sumpti-

bus Alb. Foerstner), 2 parts [1848-]1849-1851. Oct. (Syn. musc. frond.).

Publ.: The publication of this book took place in ten fascicles and was accompanied by a series of articles by Karl Miller himself in the Botanische Zeitung constituting an “autoreferat” but also containing many additional notes and commentaries. The dates of publication are given on p. 772 of vol. 2. Copies: H, MO, NY, U, USDA; IDC 6086. — The book is not mentioned by PR.

1: Feb 1848-Dec 1849, p. [i]-viti, [1]-812.

2: Sep 1850-Sep 1851, p. [1]-772.

part fasc. pages dates Bot. Zeitung

I I 1-160 Feb 1848 6: 148-158 25 Feb 1848 2 161-320 Mai 1848 6: 383-389 19 Mai 1848 3 321-480 Oct 1848 6: 739-744 20 Oct 1848 4 481-640 Mar 1849 7: 236-240 25 Mar 1849 5 641-812 Dec 1849 7: 841-847 30 Nov 1849


MULLER, K. (Hal.) (1853)

part fase. pages dates Bot. Zeitung 2 6 1-160 Sep 1850 8: 656-660 6 Sep 1850 8: 670-675 13 Sep 1850 8: 685-687 20 Sep 1850 7,8 161-510 Jul 1851 9: 475-477 27 Jun 1851 g: 508-510 11 Jul 1851 Q: 522-526 18 Jul 1851 9: 533-536 25 Jul 1851 9,10 511-772 Sep 1851 9: 730-733 10 Oct 1851 9: 743-748 17 Oct 1851 9: 736 10 Oct 1851

Facsimile ed.: 1973, 2 vols., ISBN go-6123-255-4; with the series of articles from the Botanische Zeitung on p. 773-862. Copy: FAS. (See Taxon 22: 501, 680-682. 1973). — “Synopsis ... cognitorum with a supplement consisting of the articles published in the Botanische Zeitung vols. 6-9.”’ Amsterdam (A. Asher & Co....B.V.) 1973, 2 vols. — The publication of the Bot. Zeit. articles in this edition is a happy consequence of the publication of TL-1.

  1. Deutschlands Moose oder Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Laubmoose Deutschlands, der Schweiz, der Niederlande und Danemarks fir Anfanger sowohl wie fiir Forscher bearbeitet von Dr. Kar! Miller... Halle (G. Schwetschke’scher Verlag) 1853. Oct. (Deutschl. Moose). Publ.: Jul-Dec 1853 (p. vi: Jun 1853; published in 5 parts of 96 p. (part 5, 125 p.) but no

further details available), p. [i]-viii, [1]-512. Copzes: H, NY, US, USDA; IDC 5317. Ref.: K. M. (=author), Bot. Zeit. 11: 626-630. 2 Sep 1853 (Lief. 1-5).

  1. Das Buch der Pflanzenwelt. Botanische Reise um die Welt. Versuch einer kosmischen Botanik. Den Gebildeten aller Stande und allen Freunden der Natur gewidmet . . . Leipzig (Verlag von Otto Spamer) [1856]. 1857, 2 vols. (Buch Pfl.-Welt).

Ed. 1: 1856-1857, 2 vols. Copies: LC, LD (vol. 2), NY (vol. 1), REG, UC.

1: Dec 1856 (err. dated 1857; see Miller, Bot. Zeit. 14: 885-887. 12 Dec 1856), frontisp., p. [1]-xui, [1]-290, map, ¢ pl. h.t.

2: 1857 (ObZ 1 Jan 1858; Bonplandia 15 Dec 1857; rev. 1 Feb 1858; rd. by Flora 28 Jun- 14 Aug 1858), front., p. [1]-viu, [1 ]-208, pl.

Ed. 2: Jan-Feb 1869 (Flora 28 Jan 1869 adv., 20 Aug 1869 as “‘neu’’, Bot. Zeit. 26 Feb 1869 as “‘neu’’), one volume in two parts, p. [i-ii], front., [111]-xiv, [1 ]-284, [Abt. 2:] [1]-2, frontisp., [3]-368. Copies: B, LD, MO.

French: 1860-1862, 2 vols. ““Les merveilles du monde végétal ou voyage botanique autour du monde...” Paris (Schulz & Thuillié), Bruxelles (Auguste Schnée), translation and notes by J. B. E. and J. Husson.

1: 1860, p. [i]-vill, 1-351, 4 pl. 2: 1862, p. [1-1], [1]-284, 6 pl. Copies: BR, G, MO, NY. — Published in 40 parts (4/month).

  1. Der Pflanzenstaat oder Entwurf einer Entwickelungsgeschichte des Pflanzenreiches.

Eine allgemeine Botanik fir Laien und Naturforscher von Karl Muller von Halle ...

Leipzig (A. Forstnersche Buchhandlung (Athur Felix) 1860[-1861]. Oct. (Pflanzenstaat).

Publ.: in parts Jul 1860-Apr 1861 (Bot. Zeit. 3 Aug 1860; no further details available), frontisp., p. [11i]-xxiv, [1]-599, 2 pl. Copy: NY.

Ref.: J. G., Bull. Soc. bot. France 8: 182-186. Mai 1861.

  1. De muscorum Ceylonensium collectione scripsit Carolus Muller Hal. ... [Linnaea 1869]. Oct.

Collector: Johannes Nietner (fl. 1869). Publ.: Mai 1869, p. [1]-40. Copy: MO-Steere. — Reprinted from Linnaea 36: 1-40. Mai 1869. To be cited from journal.

  1. Musci australict praesertim brisbanici novi (Extraabdruck aus der Linnaea Bd. 37. S. 182 [for 162.] [1872]. Oct.


MULLER, K. (Hal.) (1886)

Publ.: Apr 1872, p. [1]-20. Copy: H. — Reprinted and to be cited from Linnaea 37: 143-162. 1872. See note below under Musci venezuelenses fendleriani, 1879.

  1. Musci polynesiaci praesertim Vitiani et Samoani Graeffeani (Separat-Abdruck aus

dem Journal des Museum Godeffroy) [1874]. Qu.

Collector: Eduard O[tto] Graeffe (1833-1916).

Publ.: 1874 (Flora rd. 11 Oct—10 Dec 1874), p. [1]-40. Copy: H.— Reprinted and to be cited from J. Mus. Godeffroy 3(6): 51-90. 1874.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 57: 560. 11 Dec 1874.

  1. Manipulus muscorum novorum ex America septentrionali [ex Flora, vol. 58, 1875]. Oct. Publ.: 11 & 21 Feb 1875 (in journal), p. [1]-9. Copy: H. — Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 58: 76-80. 11 Feb 1875, 89-93. 21 Feb

  2. Musci novo-granatenses nonnulli novi praesertim a cl. Gust. Wallis collecti. (Separat-

druck aus “Flora” 1875 Nr. 34 and 35). Oct.

Collector: Gustav Wallis (1830-1878).

Publ.: 1 & 11 Dec 1875 (in journal), p. [1]-18. Copy: H. — Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 58: 529-536. 1 Dec 1875, 545-555. 11 Dec 1875.

  1. Musci Africae ortentali-tropicae hildebrandtiant. (Separat-Abdruck aus Flora 1879 Nr.
  1. [1879]. Oct.

Publ.: 2t Aug 1879 (in journal), p. [1]-5. Copy: B. — Reprinted from Flora 62: 376-380. 21 Aug 1879.

  1. Musci venezuelenses fendleriani auctore Carolo Miller Hal. (Separatabdruck aus “Lin-

naea’ xlu.) Berolini 1879. Oct. (Musc. venez. fendler.).

Collector: August Fendler (1813-1883).

Publ.: 1879, p. [i] [1]-42. Copies: B, MO. — Preprinted or reprinted from Linnaea 42: 461- 480. Jul 1879,481-502. Oct 1879. — It was unusual for Linnaea in this period to provide reprints with independent pagination. This may point at prepublication; however, we have no further information on the date of publication of the reprint and in the absence of such information the paper should be cited from the journal.

  1. Prodromus bryologiae argentinicae seu musci lorentziani argentinici ... Berolini 1879-

1882, 2 parts. Oct.

Collector: Paul Giinther Lorentz (1835-1881).

r: Apr-Jul 1879 (in journal), p. [1, special t-p.], [217]-460. Reprinted (preprinted?) and to be cited from Linnaea 42: 217-288. Apr 1879, 289-384. Jun 1879, 385-460. Jul 1879.

2: Feb 1882 (in journal; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1882), p. [i, special t.p.], [1 ]-146. Reprinted and to be cited from Linnaea 43: 341-486. Feb 1882.

3: Apr-Jun 1897; also in Hedwigia 36: 84-128. 30 Apr 1897, 129-144. 25 Jun 1897; reprinted with unchanged pagination.

Copies: G(part 1), H(parts 1-3).

Facsimile ed. (of parts 1 and 2): 1973, with new t.p. followed by facsimile. Copies: MO, NY. — Reprint 1973 (Linnaeus Press) Amsterdam Holland.

Ref.: Geheeb, A., Bot. Centralbl. 10: 155-161. 1882 (part 2).

  1. Musci tschuctschici (Cassel; Separat-Abdruck, Botanisches Centralblatt 16, 1883).


Collectors: Anton & Arthur Krause (1833-?; 1851-1920).

Publ.: Oct 1883, p. [1]-17. Copy: H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Bot. Centralbl. 16: 57- 63, 91-95, 121-122. Oct 1883.

  1. Beitrdge zu einer Bryologie West-Afrikas (Separat-Abdruck aus “Flora” 1886, Nr. 32

und 33) [1886]. Oct.

Publ.: 21 Nov 1886 (in journal issue for 11 u. 21 Nov 1886), p. [1]-27. Copy: H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 69: 499-525. 11/21 Nov 1886.

Ref.: Geheeb, A., Bot. Gentralbl. 29: 226-230. 21-25 Feb 1887 (rev.).


MULLER, K. (Hal.) (1887)

  1. Sphagnorum novorum descriptio (Separat-Abdruck aus “Flora” 1887; Nr. 26 und 27.)

[1887] Oct.

Publ.: 21 Sep 1887 pom issue 11/21 Sep 1887), p. [1]-20. Copy: H. — Reprinted from Flora 70: 403-422. 11/21 Sep 1887.

Ref.: Geheeb, A., Bot. Centralbl. 35: 189-192. 1888.

  1. Musci cleistocarpict novi (Separat-Abdruck aus “Flora” 1888, Nr. 1) [1888]. Oct. Publ.: 1 Jan 1888, p. [1 ]-13. Copy: H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 71: [1]-13. 1 Jan 1888

  2. Die Mooswelt des Kilima-Ndscharo’s (Separat-Abdruck aus ‘Flora’ 1888, Nr. 27)

[1888]. Oct.

Publ.: 21 Sep 1888 (in journal), p. [1 ]-16. Copy: H. — Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 71: 403-418. 21 Sep 1888. — oes also Flora 73: 465-499. 1890.

Ref.: Geheeb, A., Bot. Centralbl. 37: 121-122. 1889.

  1. Bryologia Austro-Georgiae ... (Separat-Abdruck aus dem Werke tber die Ergebnisse

der deutschen Polar-Expeditionen, Allgemeiner Theil, Band II, II) [Berlin 1890]. Oct.

Publ.: Jan 1890 (in main work; reprint not dated; Nat. Nov. Jan 1890 as “1890”; Rev. bryol. Sep 1890), p.[1]-46. Copies: H, NY.—Reprinted from G. Neumayer, ed., in Die Internatio- nale Polarforschung 1882-1883, Die deutschen Expeditionen 2(2): 279-321. 1890 (dated 1889 in bibl. by Taschenberg).

  1. Musci nonnulli novi Guianae anglicae prope Georgetown ad cataractas “‘Marshall Falls”

fluvu Mazaruni a cl. J. Quelch collecti, ... [Genova, Tipografia Ciminago 1896]. Oct.

Collector: John Joseph Quelch (fl. 1896).

Publ.: 1896, p. [3]-11. Copy: H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Malpighia 10: 512-520. 1896.

  1. Prodromus bryologiae bolivianae ... Firenze (Stabilimento Pellas ...) 1892, 2 parts.

1: Jan 1897 (Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1897; journal issue Jan), p. [1]-48, reprinted and to be cited from Giorn. bot. ital. ser. 2. 4(1): 6-50. Jan 1897.

2: Apr 1897, p. [49]-108, id. Giorn. bot. ital. ser. 2. 4(2): [113]-172. 1897.

Copies: FI, H, NY.

Ref.: Warnstorf, C. F., Bot. Centralbl. 77: 297-298. 1897.

  1. Bryologia guatemalensis ex collectionibus Domin. Bernoulli & Cario (1866-1878) V.

Turckheim et aliorum ... Genéve (Imprimerie Romet, ...) 1897. Oct.

Publ.: early Mar 1897 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1897), p. [i], [1]-50. Copies: H, NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5(3): 171-220. Mar 1897.

  1. Symbolae ad bryologiam jamaicensem ... Geneve (Imprimerie Romet, ...) 1897. Oct.

Publ.: Jul 1897 (Nat. Nov. Jul(1,2) 1897), p. [i], [1]-21. Copies: H, NY(2).— Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5(7): [547]-567. Jul 1897.

Ref.: Warnstorf, C. F., Bot. Centralbl. 72: 201-203. 3 Nov 1897.

  1. Bryologia Serrae Itatiaiae (Minas Geraés Brasiliae) adjectis nonnullis speciebus affini-

bus regionum vicinarum (Extrait du Bulletin de Herbier Boissier. Tome VI ... 1898).


Publ.: Jan-Feb 1898 (in journal; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1898; pars 1: 1-31, pars 2: Mar(1) 1898), p. [1 ]-69. Copies: H, NY.— Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Herb. Boiss. 6(1): 18-48. Jan 1898, 6(2): 89-126. Feb 1808.

  1. Genera muscorum frondosorum. Classes schistocarporum, cleistocarporum, stegocar- porum complectentia, exceptis orthotrichaceis et pleurocarpis. Gattungen der Laubmoose in historischer und systematischer Bezichung, sowie nach ihrer geographischtn Verbrei- tung unter Beruc ksichtigung der Arten. Handschriftlicher Nachlass von Dr. Carl Miller Hal. Professor. Mit einem Vorworte von Dr. Karl Schliephacke. Leipzig (Verlag von Karl Kummer) 1901. Oct. (Genera musc. frond.).

Preface: Karl Schliephacke (1834-1913).



Publ. 28 Dec 1900-1 Jan 1go1 (Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1900 as “unter der Presse’’; Jan(1) 1901, as published; adv. Bot. Zeit. 1 Jan 1901 “soeben erschienen’’; Bot. Centralbl. 28 Dec 1900; p. vi: Dec 1900), p. [i*], G]-vi, [1]-474. Copies: B, H, U.

Ref.: Correns, Bot. Zeit. 59(2): 52-53- 1901.

A. G., J. Bot. 39: 74-76. Feb 1901. Holzinger, J. M., Bryologist 4: 28-30. 16 Apr 1901.

Mueller, Nicolaus Jacob Carl (1842-1901), German plant physiologist and morpholo- gist; Dr. phil. Heidelberg 1866; from 1866-1872 Privat-Dozent at Heidelberg; from 1872- 1go1 at the Forestry College of Minden (Hannover). (NV. J. C. Muell.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 524; BM 3: 1372; CSP 8: 466-467, 12: 526, 17:

407; Frank 3 (Anh.): 69; Herder p. 94, 116; Jackson p. 64; 72, 74, 76, 90; Kew 4: 81; LS

18574; Moebius p. 234, 287; Morren ed. 2, p. 8, ed. 10, p. 15; PR 6533-6534, 10607; Rehder

5: 599; Lucker 1: 506.

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 18: (251). rgoo (d. 12 Jan 1901); Hedwigia 4o: (21). gor (d.); Nat. Nov. 23: 106. 1901 (d.).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Record 27: 235. 1938 (dir. bot. Gard. Hann. Minden).

Linsbauer, K., Biogr. Jahrb. 7: 365-366. 1905.

Weise, W., Miindener forstliche Hefte 17: 179. 1901 (obit., d. 12 Jan 1gor).

  1. Handbuch der allgemeinen Botanik ... Heidelberg (Carl Winter’s Universitatsbuch-

handlung) 1880, 2 vols. Oct. (Handb. allg. Bot.).

1: Jan 1880 (p. viii: Nov 1879; Bot. Zeit. 2, 16 Jan 1880; J. Bot. Feb 1880; Bot. Centralbl. 29 Mar-2 Apr 1880), p. [i]-xvii, [1]-648.

2: Sep-Oct 1880 (Bot. Centralbl. 11-15 Oct 1880; J. Bot. Nov 1880; “soeben” Flora 1 Nov. 1880; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1880), p. [iJ]-xix, [1]-482.

Copies: F1, USDA. — Constitutes at the same time vols. 1 & 2 of N. J. GC. Miller, Handbuch der Botanik (alt. title).

  1. Erlauternder Text zu dem Atlas der Holzstructur dargestellt in Microphotographien ... Halle s.S. (Druck und Verlag von Wilhelm Knapp) 1888. Oct. (Erldut. Text Atlas Holz- struct.).

Text: Jun-Oct 1888 (p. v: Mai 1888; ObZ 1 Nov 1888), p. [1]-viil, [1]-110.

Atlas: Jun 1888 (Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1888), pl. 1-21 (1-20 microphot.; 21), Atlas der Holzstructur. Copy: MO.

Ref; Hanausek, T. F., Osterr. bot. Z. 38: 392-393. 1888.

Miiller, [Georg Ferdinand] Otto [““Otto”] (1837-191 7), German diatomologist; book publisher in Berlin 1862-1901; Dr. h.c. Berlin 1897. (O. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Diatoms at B (3000). — Contributed to Cryptogamae exsiccatae editae a Museo Palatino Vindobonensi.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 524; BFM 16, 1868, 1886; BJI 1: 42; BM 3:

1372; Bossert p. 277; CSP 10: 881, 12: 524, 17: 407; De Toni 1: Ixxxvili-Ixxxix, 2: Ixxxii-

Ixxxiii, 4: xli; GR p. 116; Hortus 3: 1200; IH 2: 569; Jackson p. 149, 159, 296, 297; Kew 4:

81; KR p. 515; Laségue p. 410; LS 18575, suppl. 19085-19086; Moebius p. 79, 179; NI.1427;

PR 10608; TL-1/1172.

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 34: (1). 1917; Bot. Not. 1917: 206; Magy. bot. Lap. 17: 117. 1919; Nat. Nov. 29: 320. 1907 (title professor), 39: 114-115. 1917 (d.); Nuova Notarisia 29: 124. 1918 (d. 2 Apr 1917); Osterr. bot. Z. 67: 48. 1918 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 58: 277. 1916 (d. 29 Mar 1917).

Becker, K. & E. Schumacher, S. B. Ges. naturf. Freunde Berlin ser. 2. 13(2): 144. 1973 (bibl.).

Deby, J., Bibl. microsc. microgr. Stud. 3, Diat.: 40. 1882.

Frison, Ed., Henri Ferdinand van Heurck 58, 94. 1959.

Karsten, O., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 35: (83)-(92). 1918 (portr., bibl.).



Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 23: 48. 1919 (d. 2 Apr 1917). VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. Diat. 6: 3571- 9572. 1978, 7: 4207. 1978.

COMPOSITE WORKs: (1) Mueller published Heft 62 of A. F. W. Schmidt, Adlas der Diatomaceen- Kunde (1904).

(2) O. Miiller was a member of the original committee set up to publish the A7rypt.-Fl. Mark Brandenb.

  1. Die Sculptur und die feineren Structurverhaltnisse der Diatomaceen, mit vorzugsweiser Beriicksichtigung der als Probeobjecte benutzten Species ... Abtheilung 1 ... Berlin (Greg. Ferd. Otto Miiller’s Verlag), London (Williams & Norgate 1870, 1 part. (Sculpt. Diat.). Co-author: Gustav Theodor Fritsch (1838-?).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1870 (p. [iv]: Jun 1870, p. [i-viii], pl. 1-12 (photos). Copy: B

Miller, Otto Friedrich [frederik, Friderich, Fridrich] (1730-1784), Danish botanist, zoologist, theologian and linguist; cand. jur. Coainegen 1760; private tutor to Sigismund Schulin at Frederiksdal; on 1771-1773 secretary to the Danish ministry for Norway; from 1773 financially independent by marriage and devoting himself exclusively to science; one of the editors of Flora danica. (O. F. Mill.)


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 24, 68, 117, 184, 298, 345; Barnhart 2: 525;

BM 3: 1374-1375, 7: 881; Bossert p. 277; CSP 4: 533; Dawson p. 184, 572, 625, 830; De Toni

1: Ixxxvill, 2: Ixxxii-lxxxiv; Dryander p. 364 [index]; DSB 9: 574-576 (bibl.); Frank

3(Anh.): 69; GR p. 678-679, pl. [35], cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 194, 243;

Hortus 3: 1200 (Mull., O. F.”’); IF p. 722; IH 2: 569; Jackson p. 333; Kew 4: 81; KR p. 515;

Laségue p. 532; LS 18576-18592 (bibl.); Moebius p. 68, 70, 76, 77, 82; NI (alph.);

Nordstedt p. 24; PR 6535-6537 (ed. 1: 7292-7294); Quenstedt p. 308; SBC p. 128 (“O.

Mill.”’); SO add. 1222c; Stevenson p. 1252; TL-1/933; Tucker 1: 506; Zander ed. 10, p.

695, ed. 11, p. 792.

Anker, J., Nord. Tidskr. Bok-Biblioteksvasen 28: 169-183. 1941 (M. as a book collector); Otto Friedrich Miller, Copenhagen 1943, 317 p. (Acta Hist. Sci. nat. Med. vol. 2).

Bulloch, W., Hist. bacteriol. 384. 1938.

Burkhardt, R. W., The spirit of system 116. 1977.

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 72. 1945.

Corliss, J. O., Trans. Amer. microsc. Soc. 97: 423. 1978 (portr.).

Christensen, Danske Bot. Hist 1: 135-149 (portr.), 2: 62-67. 1924 (bibl.).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 318. 1936.

Fischer-Benson, R. J. D. von im Prahl, P., Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 39. 1890.

Fries, Th. M. & J. M. Hulth, Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(7): 91-92. 1917, 1(2): 252, 260. 1908.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 268. 1977 (biogr. refs.).

Hagen, I., K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897(3): 18-20. (portr.).

Hanssen, L., Tale til Erindring om ... O. F. Miller, 1787 (n.v.).

Henriksen, K. L., Entom. Medd. 15(2): 58-67. 1922.

Hornemann, J., Nat. Tidskr. 1: 568-569. 1837.

Jourdan, A. J. L., Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 302-306. 1824 (bibl.).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979 (lich. C).

Lutjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 246(bibl.), 259 [index]. 1936.

Meisen, V., Prominent Danish Scientists 60-64. 1932.

Meusel, J. G., Lex. teut. Schriftst. 9: 424-427. 1809 (bibl.).

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 293. 1969 (bibl.).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 260. 1971.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Smit, P., Hist. Life Sciences 988. 1974.

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. diat. 6: 3571. 1978, 7: 4207. 1978 (bibl.).

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 65-67. 1880 (bibl.).

Wittrock, V. B. , Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 103. 1903.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Ilora danica, editor fasc. 10-15, 1773-1782.


MULLER, W. O. EPONYMY: Muellera Linnaeus fil. (1782, nom. cons.).

  1. Efterretning og exfaring om svampe, i saer ROr-swampens velsmagende Pilse, med

Kaaber ... Kiébenhavn (Trykt hos Nicolaus Moller) 1763. Qu. (Eflerretn. Svampe).

Orig.: 1763 (p. 6: 2 Mar 1763), p. [1]-70, pl. 1-2 (col. or uncol. copp. engr.). Copies: MO (col. pl.), NY (uncol. ple), Stevenson (uncol. pl.).

German: ““Von Schwammen’’, in Kleine Schriften aus der Naturhistorie 1: 31-98. 1782.

  1. Flora fridrichsdalina sive methodica descriptio plantarum in agro fridrichsdalensi

simulque per regnum Daniae crescentium cum characteribus genericis & specificis; nomi-

nibus trivialibus, vernaculis, pharmaceuticis; locis natalibus specialissimis, iconibus opti-

mis allegatis, ac speciebus pluribus in Dania nuper detectis ... Argentorati [Strasbourg]

(In officina libraria Joh. Godofr. Baueri) 1767. Oct. (FI. fridrichsd.).

Orig. Aug-Dec 1767 (p. [vi]: 22 Jul 1766), p. [i]-xvii, [1]-238, [1-22, index], pl. 1-2

(uncol.). Copies: FH, FI, G, H, MO, NY, USDA; IDC 5481.

Ref.: N-G, Schreiben an den Herrn H*** die Beurteilung der Flora fridrichsdalina in dem Danischen Journal betreffend 1769, 19 p. (fide PR) (Dan. Journ. 1: 379-392. 1769, fide Christensen).

Miller, Philipp Jakob (Muller, Philippe Jacques) (1832-1889), Alsatian botanist (bato- logist) at Weissenburg am Rhein (Wissembourg); from 1872 with French nationality at Nyon (Waadt). (P. J. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and Types: LAU. — For his Herbier normal des Rubus de France et d Allemagne see Miller (1860).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 2(2): 196; Barnhart 2: 527; BM 3: 1372; CSP 4: 533, 17:

408; DTS +: 203; Herder p. 342; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Muell., P. J.”); PR (alph.); Rehder 5:

600; Tucker 1: 506; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. 11, p. 792.

Favrat, L., Bull. Soc. vaud. Sci. nat. 25(101): 224-228. 1889 (biogr., b. 19 Jan 1832, d. 13 Mai 1889).

Malinvaud, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 37(bibl): 203-204. 1890.

Miller, P. J., Bull. Soc. bot. France 7: 144. 1860 (on his Herbier normal des Rubus de France et d Allemagne).

  1. Versuch einer monografischen Darstellung der gallo-germanischen Arten der Gattung Rubus

... Neustadt a.d.H. (Buchdruckerei von D. Kranzbihler jun.) 1859. Oct. (Vers. Darstell.


Publ.: 1859 (Flora 21 Jan 1860, adv.), p. [i], [1]-225. Copy: L. — Pollichia Jahresber. 16/17: 74-298. 1859.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 43: 48. 1860.

Miiller, Theodor (1894-1969), German lichenologist; war-invalid World War I; working on the lichens of the Eiffel at Klein Vernich. (Th. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Pharmakogn. Inst. Bonn; further material at B, KR, STU and at Landesstelle fr Naturschutz, Ludwigsburg.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1373; GR p. 116; IH 2: 569; Jackson p. 43; Kew 4: 81- 89: SBC p. 128 (Th. Mull.”’).

Bauer, H. J., Decheniana 122(1): 173-175. 1970 (portr., bibl.).

Kinkele, S. & S. Seybold, Jahresh. Ges. Naturk. Wurttemberg 125: 150. 1970.

Muller, Walther Otto (1833-1887), German gardener and cryptogamist at Gera (Thu- ringen). (W. O. Miill.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown; exsiccatae:

(1) Cryptogamen-Herbarium der Thiiringischen Staaten, ser. 1-5, 1868-1869 (see BSbF 16(bibl.): 144. 1869), set at E.

(2) Album der Cryptogamen-Well, ser. 1, 10 sheets, 1877.



(3) Die Cladoniaceen von Norddeutschland, nos. 1-50, Gera 1869 (see BSbF 16(bibl.): 240. 1870), set at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 525; BM 3: 1373; GF p. 117; GR p. 117; Herder

p. 259; IH 2: 569; Jackson p. 149, 294, 326; ook 82; LS 18596-18597; Rehder 5: 600; TL- 2/2264, 3806, 3900; Tucker 1: 506.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. Herb. 113. 1970 (Thiring, crypt. at E).

Holzinger, Osterr. bot. Z. 22: 405. 1872.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 38, 150. 1969.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 21: 250. 1863.

COMPOSITE WORKs: (1) Edited O. W. Thome, Flora von Deutschland 1886-1889, 4 vols. 2) With R. Schmidt (q.v.) Flora von Gera, 1857.

  1. Cryptogamen-Flora enthaltend die Abbildung und Beschreibung der vorziiglichsten

Cryptogamen Deutschlands. .. Herausgegeben von Otto Miller und G. Pabst. Gera (C. B.

Griesbach’s Verlag) 1874-1877, 3 vols. (Crypt.-F/l.).

Co-author: G. Pabst.

Vol. 1, Flechten: Jan-Mar 1874 (Hedwigia Apr 1874; ObZ 1 Apr “Bau Flora 21 Jul 1874; Bot. Zeit. 6 Mar, 1 Mai 1874), p. [i*], [i]-xxviii, pl. 7-72 (uncol. liths.).

Vol. 2, Pilze: 1875 (p. [ii]: Jul ne), p. 1-98, pl. 1-23, 74, 214.

Vol. 3, Lebermoose: ase (J. Bot. Oct 1878), p. 1-32, pl. 1-8.

Ge G, Stevenson. — ‘Nicht mehr wert als ein Neu-Ruppiner Bilderbogen” (Gottsche,

Bot. Zeit. 37: 677. 1879). Neu-Ruppin, a small provincial town in Brandenburg numbering

some 14.000 inhabitants in 1879, was in the rgth century a centre of printing, with the

‘“Bilderbogen” as precursors of the later [“‘comic’’] strips.

6527.Deulsche Schul-Flora zam Gebrauch fiir die Schule und zum Selbstunterricht ... Gera (Verlag von Th. Hofmann) 1891-1893. (Deut. Schul-Fl.).

Co-author: Friedrich Oscar Pilling (1824-1897).

Publ.: Oct 189 1-Nov 1893 (30 parts of 8 pl. each), p. [1*], [i]-viii, pl. 1-240 (col.). Copies: B, G, ortext seen. © Pilling,

Reissue: 1894 (fide Bot. Centralbl. 10 Apr 1894, again in parts).

Ref. Knuth, P. E. O. W., Bot. Centralbl. 48: 150-151. 1891.

Mueller, Wilhelm (fl. 1898), German botanist and high school teacher at Stettin. (W. Muell. Stettin).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BFM ror; BM 7: 878; Tucker 1: 506.

  1. Hora von Pommern. Nach leichtem Bestimmungsverfahren bearbeitet vom Oberlehrer

Wilh. Muller. Stettin (Verlag von Johs. Burmeister) 1898. Oct. (Fl. Pommern).

Ed. 1: Jan-Mar 1898 (Bot. Centralbl. 29 Apr 1898; Bot. Zeit. 1 Nov 1898, 1 Dec 1898; Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1898), Pp. fi]-v, [vi], [1]-351, [352, err.]. Copy: G. Wagenitz.

Ed. 2: Jul-Aug 1904 (p. iv: Jun 1901; Nat. Nov. Sep(1, 2) 1904), p. [i*-iii*], [i]-iv, [1]-367, [368, err.]. Copy: B. — Stettin (Johs. Burméister’s Buchhandlung). Oct.

Ed. 3: Mai-Jun 1911 (Bot. Centralbl. 20 Jun 1911), p. [i]-vii, [viii], 1-376. Copies: B, USDA. — Stettin (id.). Oct.

Ref.: Ascherson & Graebner, Bot. Centralbl. 78: 138-141. 1898 (critical review:

durchaus verfehlt und nahezu wertlos ...’’).


Minch, Ernst (1876-1946), German forest botanist and phytopathologist; Dr. phil. Munchen 1909; at the Miinchen Forestry Institute 1904-1914; at the Berlin Biological Institute for Agriculture and Forestry 1914-1921; Professor of forestry botany at the Forestry College of Tharandt 1921-1933; at the Staatswirtschaftliche Fakultat Miinchen 1933-1946. (Miinch).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 526; Hirsch p. 206-207; LS 37233-37239, suppl. 19206-19214; Moebius p. 255, 269; Stevenson p. 1252.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 70: 152. 1921 (app. Tharandt); 83: 79. 1934 (app. Miinchen). Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 237. 1938.

Huber, B., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68a: 135-140. 1956 (portr., bibl.).

Miinchhausen, Otto, Freiherr von (1716-1774), German “Landdrost”’ (sheriff) at Han- nover and Schwolbern where he created a large Landschaftspark. (Miinchh.).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at LINN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 23, 24, 187, 345; Backer p. 384; Barnhart 2:

526; Bossert p. 277; Frank 3(Anh.): 69; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Muenchh.”’); IH 2: 570; Kew 4:

82; Moebius p. 96, 395; PR 6540-6541 (ed. 1: 7305-7306); Rehder 5: 600; SO 569; Tucker r:

506; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. 11, p. 793.

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige 78, 158, 166. 1969.

Fries, Th. M., BrefSkrifv. Linné 1(2): 290. 1908, 1(4): 191. 1910, 1(5): 136. 1911, 1(6): 178, Tot. 1O4s TOn2.

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(1): 140, 141, 259-263. 1916.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.): 18. 1922 (pl. LINN).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 384. 1884.

Litjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 259 [index]. 1936.

Meusel, J. G., Lex. teut. Schriftst. 9: 442-445. 1809 (bibl., b. 11 Jun 1716, d. 13 Jun 1774).

EPONYMY: Muenchhausia Linnaeus (1774, orth. var. of Munchausia Linnaeus 1770); Muenchhu- sta [sic] Heister ex Fabricius (1763); Munchausza [sic] Linnaeus (1770); Munchusia [sic] Rafinesque (1838).

  1. Der Hausvater. Erster [-Sechster] Theil. Mit Kupfern. Hannover (In Verlag Seel. Nic. Forsters und Sohns Erben Hof-Buchhandlung) 1765-1773, 6 vols. Oct. (Hausvater). 1: 1765, front., p. [i1]-xxx. [NY copy with t.p. of ed. 3, 1771].

1(z): 1765, p. [1-x], [1]-198. 1(2): 1765, p. [i-xxxui, Neujahr 1765], [199]-421. 1(3): 1765, p. [1-11], [423]-661, [662, err.], p/. 7-3 (uncol. copp.). 2: 1766 [t.p.], front., p. [1*]. 2(1): 1765, p. [1]-xxxvi [Michaelmas 1765], [xxxvu-xlvii], [1]-367. 2(3): 1766, p. [369]-832, [833-935, ind.]. GE WAS) (ijoe)), RON g (Os | PY 3(z): 1767, [i-x], p. [1]-238, p. x: Easter 1767. 3(2): 1767, p. [241]-527. 3(3): 1768, p. [529]-908, [g09-g11, err.], 7 pl. (zd.). 4: 4(1): 1769, p. [i]-xxxii, [1]-327; p. [1] is t.p. vol., dated 1769. 4(2): 1772, p. [329]-788, [ 789-808, cont.], p. 788: Easter 1772. 5:5(1): 1770, front., p. [i]-xxvi [dated Easter 1770], [1]-492, [493-494], pl. 1-2 (d.); p. [i] is t.p. vol., dated 1770. 5{2): 1779, Pp. [495]-980, [981-982], pl. 1-6 (2d.). 6: 6(1): 1773, p. [a]-xl, [1]-403, pl. 7-5 (2d.).

Copy: NY. — We have not seen 6(2), 1774.

Muenscher, Walter Leopold Conrad (1891-1963), German-born American botanist; naturalized 1899; Ph. D. Cornell University 1921; teaching botany at Cornell 1916-1954. (Muenscher).

HERBARIUM and Types: CU, CUP; further material at F, GH, NEB, NYS, US, WTC. — Exstecatae: with F. B. Wann, North American myxomycetes, fasc. 1, NOS. 1-50. 1929.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 526; BJI 2: 120; BL 1: 159, 219, 220, 310; Bossert p. 276; Hirsch p. 207; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 566; Lenley p. 301; NAF 28B(2): 347; Pennell p. 614.

Anon., Mycologia 23(3): 246. 1971; Plant Sci. Bull. 9: 8. 1963 (obit.).


Clovis, J. F., Castanea 23(1): 22-24. 1958 (portr., tribute).

Coleman, B. Br., Brittonia 17: 193-201. 1965 (biogr., b. 31 Mai 1891, bibl. portr.).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mountain Natural. 269-270. 1950.

Gaertner, E. E., Econ. Bot. 18: 2. 1964 (obit., d. 20 Mar 1963; “‘one of the best diversified economic botanists ..., ass. prof. 1923, full prof. 1937, emer. 1954).

Muenscher, W. C., The flora of Whatcom County, State of Washington, Ithaca, N. Y. 1941, 139 p., published by author.

Murrill, W. A., Hist. Found. Bot. Florida 19. 1945.

Prescott et al., North Amer. fl. ser. 2. 6: 70. 1972.

Thomas, J. H., Huntia 3: 22. 1979 (preprint 1969).

Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 828-829. 1965 (publ. on Charac.).

  1. Keys to woody plants ... Ithaca, N. Y. 1922. (Keys woody pl.).

Ed. 1: Jul 1922 (p. 3: Jul 1922), p. [1]-64, err. slip. Copzes: MO, US, USDA(2).

Ed. 2: Jul 1926 (p. 4: 1 Jul 1926), p. [1]-96. Copy: USDA. — “Second edition revised and enlarged” Ithaca, N.Y. (published by the author) 1926.

Ed. 3: Jul 1930 (p. 4: Jul 1930), frontisp., p. [1]-96. Copy: USDA. — “Third edition revised” Ithaca, N.Y. (id.) 1930.

Ed. 4: Mar 1936 (p. 4: Mar 1936), frontisp., p. [1]-105, Copy: NY.

Ed. 5: Jun 1946 (p. ii, gives dates of eds. 1-5), p. [i-iv], [1]-108. Copy: US. — “Fifth edition, revised.’ Ithaca, N.Y. (Comstock Publishing Co. inc.) 1946.

Ed.: 6: Mai 1950 (p. [ii]), p. [1-iv], [1 ]-108. Copies: BR, US (second printing Dec 1955, third Oct 1957, fourth Jun 1959, fifth Nov 1960, sixth Dec 1962).

  1. Aeys lo spring plants ... Ithaca, N.Y. 1928. (Keys spring pl.).

Co-author: Loren Clifford Petry (1887-?).

Ed. 1: 1928, p. [1]-30. Copy: USDA.

Ed. 2: 1932, p. [1]-34. Copy: USDA. — “Second edition, revised published by W. C. Muenscher Ithaca, N.Y. 1932”.

Ed. 3: 1937, p- [1]-34. Copy: USDA. — “Third edition, revised published by W. C. Muenscher Ithaca, N.Y. 1937.”

  1. Weeds... New York (The Macmillan Company) 1935. Oct. (Weeds). Ed. [1]: Apr 1935 (p. [iii]), p. [1])-xxii, [1]-577. Copzes: G, MO, NY.

Ed. 2: 1955, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-560. Copies: BR, FI, G.

Ref.: Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 73: 302-303. Oct 1934 (sic).

6533- Poisonous plants of the United States... New York (The Macmillan Company) 1939. (Porson. pl.).

Publ.: 1 Feb 1939, p. [i]-xvui, [1 ]-266. Copzes: MO, US.

Ref.: Hastings, G. T., Torreya 39: 116-117. 16 Aug 1939.

  1. Lhe flora of Whatcom County. State of Washington vascular plants... Ithaca, New York

(published by the author) 1941. (Fl. Whatcom).

Publ.: Jan-Mar 1941 (pref. 1 Dec 1940; rev. Madrono 15 Apr 1941), p. [1]-134 [135-139, index]. Copy: PH.

Ref.: Constance, L., Madrono 6(2): 59-60. 1941.

Miinster, Georg Graf zu (1776-1844), German financial administrator and palaeontolo- gist at Bayreuth. (G. Miinster).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 23: 27-29; Andrews p. 305; Barnhart 2: 526 (b. 17 Feb

1776); BM 3: 1373, 7: 878; CSP 4: 545-546, 8: 472; Frank 3(Anh.): 69; Quenstedt p. 308 (b.

17 Feb 1776); PR (ed. 1: 7307); TL-2/1: 719, 2084.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1845: 219 (d. 23 Dec 1844); Bot. Zeit. 3: 119. 1845; Flora 28: 64. 1844 (d. 23 Dec 1844).

Breure, A. S. H. & J. G. de Bruijn, eds., Leven werken J. G. S. van Breda 21, 159, 214, 224. 1979:



Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19: 458. 1846 (d. 23 Dec 1844). Zittel, K. A. von, Hist geol. palaeontol. 553 [index]. 1901.

COMPOSITE WORKS: See G. A. Goldfuss, Petref. Germ. 1826-1844, TL-2/2084. EPONYMyY: Muensterca Sternberg (1833).

  1. Betrdge zur Petrefacten-Kunde ... Bayreuth (im Verlag der Buchner’schen Buchhand-

lung) 1839-1846, 7 Hefte. Qu. (Beitr. Petref.-Runde).

t(ed. 1): 1839, p. fi-viii], [1 ]-124. pl. 1-78, [19].

r(ed. 2): 1843 (p. v: Mar 1843), p. [i-vii], [1]-120, pl. 7, 1a, 2, 3, 3a, 4, 4a, 5, 5a, 6, 6a, 7-18


: 1839, p. [1-11], [1 ]-88, pl. 1-29.

: 1840, p. [i-tv], [1]-132, pl. 1-2, 3/4, 5-20 (uncol.).

: 1841, p. [i-v], [1]-152, pl. 1-16.

: 1842, p. [1]-1v, [1]-131, pl. 1-75.

: 1843, p. [i-ii], [1]-100, pl. 1-74.

: 1846, p. [1]-1v, [1, cont.], [1]-66, pl. 7-9, frontisp. portr. author. Published by Rudolf

Wilhelm Dunker (1809-1885).

Copies: MICH (1(ed. 2) & 5-7), PH, Teyler. — Miinster was editor and, in part, author; other collaborators were August Heinrich Jac. von Althaus (1791-?), Ernst Friedrich Germar (1786-1853), Heinrich Robert Goppert (1800-1884), Christian Erich Hermann von Meyer (1801-1869), Carl Theodor Ernst von Siebold (1804-1885), Franz Unger (1800-1870), Heinrich Ludolf Wissmann (1815-?).

ND AW G bo

Minter, Johann Andreas Heinrich August Julius (1815-1885), German botanist; Dr. med. Berlin 1841; physician at the Charité, Berlin 1845-1848; habil. Berlin 1848; from 1849 (extra ord.), 1851 (ordinary); later professor of botany and zoology at Greifswald; Geh. Regierungsrath 1884; published mainly on plant physiology (Minter).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 475; Backer p. 383; Barnhart 2: 526; BM 3: 1373;

Bossert p. 278; CSP 4: 547, 8: 472, 10: 882-883, 12: 526, 17: 413; Frank 3(Anh.): 69; Herder

p. 467; Kew 4: 83; Langman p. 530; LS 18646-18650; Moebius p. 199, 287; Morren ed. 2, p.

7, ed. 10, p. 13; PR 6542-6546 (ed. 1: 7308-7309); Rehder 5: 600; Tucker 1: 506; Urban-

[Sem (Dy Bont.

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 49. 1858 (Leopoldina cogn. Meyen I); Bot. Centralbl. 21: 159 (Geheimrath), 223 (d.). 1885; Bot. Jahrb. 6(Beibl. 12): 1. 1885; Bot. Not. 1886: 39 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 43: 127. 1885; Osterr. bot. Z. 1: 315. 1851 (app. Greifswald), 18: 170. 1868 (honors), 35: 111. 1885 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 27: lvi. 1886 (d. 2 Feb 1885).

Becker, K. & E. Schumacher, S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin ser. 2. 13(2): 144. 1973.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 365. 1864.

Lucante, A., Rev. bot. Bull. mens. Soc. franc. Bot. 4: 332. 1886.

Magnus, P., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 3: viil-xi. 1885 (obit.), Leopoldina 22: 139-140. 1885 (obit.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 27: xxili-xxvi. 1886 (obit., b. 14 Nov 1815, d. 2 Feb 1885).

Miller, R. H. W., & R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traugott Kutzing 90, 289. 1960.

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 575. 1892.

EPONYMY: Muenteria Walpers (1846); Muenterca B. C. Seemann (1865). Muhlenberg, Rev. Gotthilf Henry Ernest (1753-1815) (Muhlenberg), American bota- nist, native of Pennsylvania; educated in Germany (1763-1770), Lutheran clergyman at

Lancaster, Pa. 1780-1815. (MuAl.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: PH; a separate collection; duplicates B, LIV, M, MO. Ferns at B- Willdenow. See also Mears 1978.

NAME: We follow Merrill and Hu (1949) in accepting Muhlenberg as the correct orthogra-



phy. M’s father adopted the anglicized form Henry Melchior Muhlenberg for the original Heinrich Melchior Miihlenberg. His son invariably used the anglicized form; all letters seen by Merrill and Hu are signed merely as H. Muhlenberg.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 156, 4: 533; Backer p. 382; Barnhart 2: 523; BB p. 223: BM 3: 1364; Bossert p. 276; CSP 4: 503; DAB; Desmond p. 454; Dryander 3: 185; Frank 3(Anh.): 68; GR p. Be pl. [43], cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 225, 276; rnc. 1200 (‘““Muhlenb.’’); Jackson p. 584; Kew 4: 75; Langman p. 528; Laségue p. 319; Lenley p. 301; LS 18408- 18410; ME 1: 214, 3: 629 [index]; Pennell p. 614; PH 129, 364; PR

6503-6504 (ed. 1: 7261-7262); Rehder 5: 595; SBC p. 127 (““Muhl.”); SO add. 8oef, add.

802g; SK 1: cciii; Stevenson p. 1252; SY p. 45; TL-1/g00-go1, 1245; TL-2/g10, 1234, 3826,

see index; Tucker 1: 503, 506-507; Urban-Berl. p. 377, 415; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. 11, p.


Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1384. 1870.

Anon., J. Bot. 19: 286. 1881.

Barnhart, J. H., Torreya g: 249. 1909; Mem. Torrey bot. Club 16: 297. 1921 (corr. Schweinitz-Torrey); Bartonia 16: 31. 1934 (corr. Schweinitz).

Beck, H. H., Castanea 3(4): 41-53. 1938 (portr.); Pap. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. 32: 99-107. 1928.

Burk, W. R., Bibl. N. Amer. Phall. 131. 1980.

Britton, E. G., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 25: 519-520. 1898 (on M’s mosses).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 435. 1880 (herb. PH).

Crowley, W. R., Morton Arbor. Quart. 12: 44-45. 1976.

Darlington, W., Reliq. Baldwinianae 179, 466. 1843 (corresp.).

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 70-71. 1954 (corr. with J. E. Smith).

Ewan, J., 7n F. Pursh, Fl. Amer. sept. facs. repr. 1979, intr. p. 22-23.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 41, 89, go. 1969.

Ewan, J. et N., John Banister 8, 143. 1970.

Gambold, Mrs., Amer. J. Sci. 3: 245. 1819 (note on mss.).

Goode, G. B., Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1897 (U.S. natl. Mus. 2): 417-418. 1gor.

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nutall 472 [index]. 1967.

Grays )elee Pore Asa Gray 2: 685. 1893.

Groff, H. Ke Bartonia 23: 47. 1945 (no specimens left at Lancaster, Pa. ye

Hewhbereer, J. W. G., Bot. Philadelphia 92-97, 449. 1899 (portr.).

Eleller Aer Aes Muhlenbergia 4(5): 70-73. 1908.

Hitchcock, A. S. & A. Chase, Man. grass. U.S. 987. 1951 (epon.).

Hitchcock, C. L., Bartonia 14: 27-52. 1932 (grasses of M.).

Hudspeth, K., Mentzelia 2: 16-17. 1976 (on the journal Muhlenbergia).

Humphrey, H. B., Makers of North American Botany 185-186. 1961.

Kendig, J. W., Bartonia 46: 45-48. 1979 (portr., Quercus Muhlenbergit).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 14. 1979 (lich. PH).

Lawrence, G. H. M., Huntia 1: 164. 1964 (letters at HU).

Maisch, J. M., Pharmaceutische Rundschau 4: 119-129. Jun 1886, (repr. New York, 36 p.), see also Pop. Sci. Monthly 45(5): 689-698. 1884 and in W. J. Youmans, ed., Pioneers of Science in America 58-70. 1896.

Mears, J. A., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 122(3): 155-174. 1978 (sources of M’s herbarium; extensive info. on herb. at PH).

Merrill, E. D. and Hu, S. Y., Bartonia 25: 1-66. 1949 (bibl., review of publ., unlisted binomials).

Pennell, Bartonia 21: 40-42. 1942; Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 94: 138-139. 1950.

Porter, T. C., Proc. Pennsylv.-German Soc. 6: 3-6. 1896 (portr.).

Rafinesque, C. S., Amer. monthly Mag. 2: 143-144. Dec 1817.

Redfield, J. H., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 8: 80-81. 1881 (herb. at PH, rd. 1816).

Reichmann, F., The Muhlenberg family 1-43. 1943.

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 352 [index], 1940; John Torrey 14, 27, 37, 119. 1942.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 6. 1977.

Sargent, C. S., Silva 2: 56: 1891.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Schuyler, A. E., Morris Arbor. Bull. 24(2): 28-34. 1973 (portr.).



Scribner, F. L. and Merrill, E. D., Circ. U.S. Dept. Agr. (Div. Agrost.) 27: 1-6. 4 Dec 1900 (on M’s grasses).

Smith, C. Earle, Bartonia 28: 5-10, 28. 1957; Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 106: 443-460. 1962 (portr.).

Stafleu, F. A., zn Daniels and Stafleu, Taxon 21: 658. 1972 (portr.).

Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev. 43: 292. 1977.

Stuckey, R. L., Taxon 20: 444. 1971.

Wallace, Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 92: 108-110. 1948, 93: 119-126. 1949; The Muhlenbergs of Pennsylvania 46, 308-319. (n.v.).

Wherry, E. A., Amer. Fern. J. 36: 54-58. 1946.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 199. 1905.

Youmans, W. J., Pioneers of science in America 58-70. 1896.

HANDWRITING: Bartonia 28: pl. 6. 1957; Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 106(5): 444, 449, 450. 1962, 122(3): 164 (fig. 5), 166 (fig. 7, bottom).

EPONYMY (genus): MuhAlenbergia Schreber (1789); (journal): Muhlenbergia, a journal of botany. Los Gatos, Cal. Vol. 1-9. 1900-1915.

  1. Catalogus plantarum Americae septentrionalis, hucusque cognitarum indigenarum et

cicurum: or, a catalogue of the hitherto known native and naturalized plants of North

America, arranged according to the sexual system of Linnaeus ... Lancaster (printed by

William Hamilton) 1813. Oct. (in fours). (Cat. pl. Amer. sept.).

Ed. 1: late Sep or early Oct 1813 (TL-1), p. [i]-1v, [1]-112. Copies: G, MO, NY, US, USDA; IDC 6088.

Ed. 2: 1818 (deposited 27 Feb 1818), p. [i]-1v, [1 ]-122. Copres: G, H, MO, NY, US— “‘Second edition, corrected and enlarged,” (published by Solomon W. Conrad, ...) Oct. (in fours). i

“There is much confusion in entries as between the original edition of 1813 and the second

one of 1818, a peculiarly high percentage of entries in “Index kewensis”’ being to the second

edition rather than to the original one of 1813” (Merrill & Hu, 1949). — For a “reduction”

of the genera to A.L.de Jussieu’s system see Corréa da Serra, Reduct. gen. cat. pl. Amer. 1815,


  1. Descriptio uberior graminum et plantarum calamariarum Americae septentrionalis indigenarum et cicurum . .. Philadelphiae (Impensis Solomon W. Conrad, ...) 1817. Oct. (in fours). (Descr. gram.).

Publ.: Jul-Nov 1817 (p. 1: Jul 1816; see Merrill and Hu 1949), p. [1*-1*], [i]-u1, [1]-295. Copies: FI, H, L, M, MO, NY, US(2), USDA. — See Rafinesque (1817) for a review and Merrill and Hu (1949) for an extensive commentary.

Ref.: Rafinesque, C. S., Am. monthly Mag. crit. Rev. 2: 143-144. Dec 1817.

Lubrecht, H., Early Amer. bot. Works 1967 (no. 100).

  1. Uber die nordamerikanischen Weiden, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue Schr. 4 (no. 14): 233-242. 1803. Co-author: Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765-1812). Publ.: after 3 Mai 1803, probably late 1803 or early 1604. Ref.: Konig, C. et J. Sims, Ann. Bot. 2: 62-69. 1806. Fernald, M. L., Rhodora 48: 13-14. 1946.

Muir, John (1838-1914), Scottish-born American conservationist, botanist and explorer of California and Alaska. (7. Muir).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at MO. — Note: The entry in IH 2: 567 is a combination of collections by John Muir of California (1838-1914) and Dr. John Muir of South Africa (1874-1947, also born in Scotland; Dr. med. Edinburgh 1896; to S. Africa 1896, see e.g. E. C. Nelson, J. S. Afr. Bot. 44(2): 187-200. 1978). For Thomas Muir (1833- 1926) who collected for F. von Mueller see e.g. Desmond, p. 455.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 526; BL 1: 132, 310; BM 3: 1374; Bossert p. 276;



CSP 8: 454, 10: 884, 17: 415; DAB (by Wm. F. Bade) 13: 314-317; Desmond p. 455; IH 2:

567; Plesch p. 344; Rehder 5: 601; Tucker 1: 507.

Anderson, M. B., Amer. Mus. J. 15(3): 117-121. 1915 (obit., portr.).

Anon., Who was who 1897-1916: 512; Mazama 2(2): 92-93. 1901 (obit., portr.).

Badé, W. F., Science ser. 2. 4.1: 353-354. 1915 (obit.); The life and letters of John Muir, Boston a New York 1924, 2 vols., Mich., ix, 399 and 454 p. (portr.; b. 21 Apr 1838, d. 24 Dec 1914).

Ewan, J., in Cent. nat. sci. 56. 1955

Grinell, F., Entomol. News 26: 95-96. 1915.

Hulten, ie Bot. Not. 1940: 304 (Alaskan itin.).

Iltis, H. H., Wisconsin Academy Review, Spring 1975, 5 p. (portr.)

Muir, J., West of the Rocky Mountains, New York 1888, reprint Philadelphia ca. 1976; The cruise of the Corwin. Journal of the Arctic expedition of 1881 in search of DeLong and the Jeannette. Edited by W. F. Badé, Boston 1917, xxxi, 238 p; The story of my boyhood and youth, with a foreword of Vernon Carstensen, Madison 1965, xviii, 227 p.; Rambles of a botanist among the plants and climates of California. Los Angeles, Calif. 1974, 43 p- (portr., introd. by William F. Kimes on p. 11-193).

Nelson, E. C., J. S. Afr. Bot. 44(2): 187-200. 1978 (corr. Muir/Matilda C. Knowles).

Norman, C., John Muir, father of our national parks. New York, 1957, 191 p.

Rodgers, A. D., Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 333 [index]. 1944.

Sprague, R., Mycologia 50: 827. 1959 (epon.).

Strother, J., Worlds work 17: 11355-11358. 1909 (“Three days with John Muir’).

Sutton, S. B., Charles Sprague Sargent 378 [index]. 1970.

Teale, E. W., The wilderness world of John Muir, with an introduction and interpretive comments. Boston 1954, XX, 332 p.

Note: For further biographical references see Joseph, B. & C. W. Squires, eds., Biography

index 1: 682. 1949, 2: 702-703. 1953, 3: 683. 1956, 4: 599. 1960, 5: 522. 1962, 6: 422. 1965, 8:

485-486. 1971.

EPONYMY: Muirella R. Sprague (1959). — The John Muir Memorial Park and Muir’s Lake, Wisconsin, U.S.A. — Muiria C. A. Gardner (1933) is named after “Sir Thomas Muir of Warungu, Morden [Australia], who accompanied me on the two occasions when this plant was collected.” Muiria N. E. Brown (1927) was named after a John Muir (and his daughter Hortense Muir) who was still alive in 1927 and who sent living material of the plant concerned to the author.

POSTAGE STAMPS: U.S.A. 5 c. (1964) yv. 760.

  1. The crurse of the Corwin journal of the Arctic expedition of 1881 in search of De Long and the Jeannette ... edited by William Frederic Bade. Boston and New York (Houghton Mifflin Company ...) 1917. Oct. (Cruise Corwin).

Publ.: Nov 1917, p. [i]-xxxui, [1]-279. Copy: MICH.

Reprint: s.d. p. [i]-xxxu, [1]-303, [304]. Copy: NY.

Mulder, Nicolaas “Claas” (1796-1867), Dutch botanist; Dr. med. Leiden 1818; practi- cing physician at Makkum 1818-1822; professor of botany, chemistry and pharmacy at the Bearer Athenaeum 1822-1841; protean of chemistry at Groningen 1841-1852, id. natural history 1852-1866. (Mulder).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Aa 12(2): 1118; Barnhart 2: 527; BL 2: 440, 694; BM 3:

1374, 7: 880; Bossert p. 277; CSP 4: 503-504, 8: 454; Herder p. 73, 146, 392; JW 1: 451, 2:

197, 3: 363, 4: 399, 5: 297 (q.v. for many local refs.); Oudemans 2(2): 245; PR 6548 (ed. 1:

7313); Rehder 5: 601.

Anon., Alg. Konst. Letterbode 1822(1): 258, (2): 241, 1841(1): 322, (2): 20, 1851(1): 385.

Breure, A.S.H. & J. G. de Bruijn, eds., Leven werken J. G. S. van Breda 59, 160, 270, 292, 309, 361. 1979.

Ermerins, J. W., Jaarb. Kon. Akad. Wet., Amsterdam 1867: 1-21 (éloge, bibl., b. 6 Oct 1796, d. 4 Mai 1867).



EPONYMY: Muldera Miquel (1839) is dedicated to Gerrit Jan Mulder (1802-1868), Dutch scientist; professor of chemistry at Utrecht (1840-1868).

  1. Nicolai Mulder, leovardia-frisii, medicinae in Acad. Lugd. bat. candidati, Elenchus

plantarum, quae prope urbem Leidam nascuntur; in certamine literario civium academia-

rum belgicarum, die viii mensis februarii a. mdcccxvii, ex sententia ordinis disciplinarum

mathematicarum et physicarum Academiae Lugduno-batavae, praemio ornatus. Lugduni

batavorum (apud S. et J. Luchtmans, academiae typographos) 1818. Qu. (Elench. pl.).

Publ.: 1818, p. [i], [1]-127. Copies: KNAW, NY. — We have seen no copy with an 1817 imprint.

Muller [before 1937: Mueller], Cornelius Herman (1909-x), American ecologist and botanist at the University of Texas and later at Santa Barbara; A.M. Univ. Texas 1933; specialist on Quercus (C’. Mull.).

HERBARIUM and types: UCSD; for duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 527; BL 1: 216, 310; IH 2: 566; Langman p. 530-531; Roon p. 81.

Knobloch, I. W., The plant collectors of Northern Mexico 46. 1979.

McVaugh, R., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 9: 284. 1972 (Mexican itin.).

Muller, (Pierre) Felix (Miiller) (1818-1896), Belgian botanist. (Ff. Mull.). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 36, 694; BM 3: 1374, 4: 1578; Jackson p. 272; Morren ed. 10, p. 44; PR 6508; Rehder 5: 602. Anon., Nat. Nov. 18: 462. 1896 (d. 3 Sep 1896).

EPONYMY: Mulleripollis S. K. Baksi & V. Deb (1976) is dedicated to Jan Muller (1g21-x), contemporary palynologist; Mulleroxylon V. M. Page (1970) isnamed after Siemon Muller, contemporary palaeobotanist at Stanford University.

  1. Flore analytique du centre de la Belgique par Louis Piré ... et Félix Muller ... Bruxelles

(Comptoir universel d’imprimerie et de librairie, Victor Devaux et Cie., . . .) 1866. Oct. (Fl.

centre Belgique).

Semor author: Louis Alexandre Henri Joseph Piré (1827-1887).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1866 (p. vii: 11 Jun 1866), p. [i]-x, [ 1-2, err.], [1]-299, [300, err.]. Copies: G, INE

Munby, Giles (1813-1876), British botanist; studied at Edinburgh and in Paris (under Adrien de Jussieu); in Algeria 1839-1861. (Munby).

HERBARIUM and types: K, YRK (Brit.). For duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 528; BB p. 224; BM 3: 1376; Bossert p. 277; CSP

4: 542, 8: 470, 12: 527; Desmond p. 455-456; DNB 39: 289; Herder p. 218; Hortus 3: 1200

(“Munby’’); IH 2: 570; Jackson p. 347, 348, 585; Kew 4: 89; Laségue p. 314; PR 6550-6551

(ed. 1: 7316); Rehder 5: 602; Tucker 1: 507.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1877: 60 (d. 12 Apr 1876); Bot. Zeit. 34: 687. 1876; Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1894: 194 (portr. at K); Bull. Soc. bot. France 23(bibl.): 46, 96. 1876; J. Bot. 14: 160. 1876; Trans. bot. Soc. Edinb. 13: 12-14. 1879.

Babington, C. C., Mem. Journ. Bot. Corr. 12. 1897.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (coll.).

Cosson, E., Comp. Fl. atl. 1: 73-74. 1881 (says resided at Oran until 1861).

Cosson, E. et Durieu, Expl. Sci. Algérie, Botanique 2: xxxviil-xxxix. 1868.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (coll. E).

Hooker, J. D., Gard. Chron. ser. 2. 5: 539. 1876, ser. 2. 6: 260-262. 1876 (portr.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go1: 48 (herb. K, 4356 specimens).



Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 70. 1957 (herb. YRK).

Milner, J. D., Cat. portr. Kew 86. 1906.

Maire, R., Progr. connaiss. bot. Algérie 24, 83-84, 120, 121-122. 1931.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977 (material at FI).

Trimen, H., J. Bot. 14: 160. 1876.

White, A. & B. L. Sloane, The Stapelieae ed. 1. 24, 56. 1933, ed. 2. 1: 99, 231. 1937. Wilkinson, H. J., Ann. Rep. Yorkshire philos. Soc. 1906: 70-71. 1907 (brief biogr.). Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 81, pl. 146. 1905 (portr.).

EPONYMY: Munbya Boissier (1849); Munbya Pomel (1860).

  1. Flora del Algérie ou catalogue des plantes indigénes de royaume d’Alger, accompagné

des descriptions de quelques espéces nouvelles ou peu connues, par G. Munby, colon

d’Alger... Paris (J.-B. Bailliére, .. .), Alger (Bastide, . . .), Montpellier (Ls Castel, .. .) 1847.

Oct. (Fl. Algérie).

Orig. issue: Jan-Mai 1847 (p. viii: Dec 1846; Bot. Zeit. Jun 1849), p. [1]-xvi, [1]-120, pl. 1-6 (all uncol. liths. by auct.). Copies: G, MO, US, USDA; IDC 6197. — Also reissued with a cover provided with a sticker Paris (Victor Masson, ...) 1847.

Re-issue: Jun 1847, cover, p. 1-4 prosp. Expl. Sci. Alg., [i]-xvi, [1]-120, pl. 1-6, 1 (id.). Copies: G(2), L, USDA. — ‘‘Deuxiéme tirage, accompagnée de 7 planches’’, Paris (Victor Masson) Juin 1847. The reissue differs only because of a new cover and the addition of a prospectus on the Expl. Sci. Alg.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 7: 409-410, 424-430. Jun 1849.

6543- Calalogus plantarum in Algeria sponte nascentium Oran (Ex typis Ad. Perrier, ...) 1859.

Oct. (in fours). (Cat. pl. Algeria).

Ed. 1: Jan 1859 (BSbF rd. 28 Jan 1859; Flora 28 Jun 1859; p. i: 30 Dec 1858), p. [i*], [i]-11, [1]-35, [1, suppl.]. Copies: G(2).

Ed. 2: Sep-Dec 1866 (p. iv: Aug 1866; Bot. Zeit. 25 Jan 1867; J. Bot. Mar 1867; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1867; Flora 11 Apr 1868), p. [i]-iv, [1]-42. Copies: G(2), NY, US, USDA. — Londini (apud Taylor et Francis) 1866. Oct. (in fours).

Ed. 2, reissue(?): 1878 (fide Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1879).

Mundkur, Bhalchendra Bhavanishankar (1896-1952), Indian botanist; Ph. D. lowa State 1930; mycologist with the Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research, Pusa, later deputy plant protection adviser, ministry of agriculture, India; ultimately at Poona. (Mundk.).

HERBARIUM and Types: BLAT; other material at C, IARI, IMI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 528; Hawksworth p. 184; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362; LS suppl. 19245-19246; Stevenson p. 1252.

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 378. 1971.

Anon., Taxon 1: 83. 1952.

Mehta, P. R., Indian Phytopath. 5: 1-7. 1953 (portr., bibl., b. 26 Jun 1896, d. 13 Dec 1952). Thirumalachar, Mycologia 36: 594. 1944 (epon.).

Vasudeva, R. S., Indian Phytopath. 28: 159-163. 1979 (biogr.).

EPONYMY: Mundkurella Thirumalachar (1944).

  1. Scientific Monograph no. 12. The Imperial Council of Scientific Research Fungi of

India Supplement i... Delhi (manager of publications) 1938. Oct. (Fungi India Suppl.).

Publ.: 1938, p. [i-v], [1]-54. Copies: FH, NY, Stevenson. — Supplement to Butler, E. J. and Bisby, G.R., Fungi of India.

Munro, Sir William (1818-1880), British botanist in the Indian colonial army; collected in Barbados (1870-1875), Crimea and India (Munro).

HERBARIUM and TyPeEs: K; further material at DD, E, GRA and OXF. Correspondence and mss. also at K.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Backer p. 384; BB p. 224; BM 3: 1378; Bossert p. 278; Bret.

p. 814; Clokie p. 216; GSP 4: 545, 8: 471, 12: 527; Dawson p. 625; Desmond p. 456; DNB 39:

313; Herder p. 276; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Munro’’); IH 2: 571; Jackson p. 451; Kew 4: 90; MW

p- 339; Plesch p. 344; PR 6555; Rehder 5: 602; SO 3467; Tucker 1: 507; Zander ed. 10, p.

G95, eds 11, p. 793:

Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 199. 1967.

Anon., Amer. J. Sci. ser. 2. 49: 123. 1870; Bot. Centralbl. 1/2: 159. 1880 (herb. and mss. to K); Bot. Gaz. 7: 52. 1882; Bot. Not. 1881: 39 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 38: 240. 1880; Gard. Chron. ser. 2. 13: 169, 208. 1880; J. Bot. 18: 96. 1880; Nat. Nov. 2: 62. 1880 (d. 29 Jan 1880); Trans. bot. Soc. Edinb. 14: 158-159. 1883.

Burkill, I. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 55, 64, 121, 147. 1965.

Hedge, I. C. and J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970.

Hitchcock, A. S. & A. Chase, Man. Grass. U.S. 987. 1951 (epon.).

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 556 [index]. rg18.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go1: 48 (coll.).

Stewart, R. R., Pakistan J. Forestry 17: 352. 1967 (coll. India 1834-1848; in Kashmir

1847). Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 91. 1902.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Gramineae, in W. H. Harvey, Gen. S. Afr. pl. ed. 2. 427-458. 1868. (2) Gramineae and Cyperaceae in B. C. Seemann (q.v.), The botany of H. M.S. Herald, 1852-


EPONYMY: Monroa J. Torrey (1857); Munroa Hackel (1887, orth. var.); Munronia R. Wight (1838). Munroidendron Sherff (1952) commemorates George C. Munro, plant collector in the Hawauan Islands, especially Lanai from 1914 onward.

6545- Hortus agrensis or catalogue of all plants found wild or cultivated in the neighbour-

hood of Agra and the surrounding country ... Agra (printed by E. H. Longden at the

Orphan Press) 1844. Fol. (Hort. agrens.).

Ref.: 1844, p. [1]-36. Copy: B-S. — Berlin copy stamped “Received Southampton 16 May 1845”.

  1. A monograph of the Bambusaceae [London 1868]. Qu.

Publ.: 5 Mar-11 Apr 1868 (read 15 Nov 1866; journal fasc. publ.: 5 Mar-11 Apr 1868), p. [1]-157, pl. 1-6. Copies: NY, US. — Reprints provided with a top line “From the Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. xxvi” 1.e. p. [1]-157, pl. 7-6 1868.

Ref.: Raphael, S., Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 2: 76. 1970 (date journal).

Munson, Thomas Volmney (1843-1913), American grape breeder at Denison, Texas (Munson).

HERBARIUM and Types: US (p.p. with C. L. Hopkins) duplicates F, MO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: IH 2: 571. Correll, D. S. & M. C. Johnston, Man. vasc. pl. Texas 1784. 1970.

6546a. Classification and generic synopsis of the wild grapes of North America ... Washington

(Government Printing Office) 1890. (Class. grapes N. Amer.).

Publ.: 1890, p. [1 ]-14. Copy: US. — U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Pomology, Bulletin no. 3.

Munting, Abraham (1626-1683), Dutch botanist, professor of medicine at Groningen, 1658-1683. (Munting).

HERBARIUM and TyPES: Some material at OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Aa 12(2): 1158, 1160; Backer p. 384; BM 3: 1379, 7: 884; Clokie p. 216; Dryander 3: 61, 67, 264, 269, 606; GF p. 69; Herder p. 467; HU 360, 363, 396, 404; IH 2: 571; Jackson p. 30, 122, 199; JW 1: 446, 2: 197, 3: 364, 5: 247; Kew 4: 90-91;



Langman p. 532-533; Moebius p. 252, 405; NI 1428-1430; NNBW 6: 1043; Oudemans

2(2): 228-299: Plesch p. 345; PR 6556-6559 (ed. 1: 7320-7324); Rehder 5: 602; Tucker 1:


Acleean GC. H., Hortus muntingioram. Groningen, Djakarta 1953, 106 p.; In en om een botanische tuin 193 [index] 1976.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(4): 223. 1910.

J., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 307-308. 1824 (b. 19 Jun 1626, d. 31 Jan 1683, bibl.).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 260-262. 1884.

Mensing, Oratio in obitam Abrahami Munting, 7m Phytographia curiosa 1702.

EPONYMY: Muntingia Linnaeus (1753).

Note: We regret to have to leave the books of this author out of account for reasons of space; their impact onLinnaean and post-Linnaean botany was relatively small notwithstanding their great historical value.

Munz, Philip Alexander (1892-1974), American botanist in Southern California, long- time director of the Santa Ana Botanic Garden; Dr. phil. Cornell 1917; professor of botany at Pomona College 1917-1944; id. Cornell University 1944-1946; botanist and director of the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden from 1946 (Munz).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: POM, RSA; for duplicates see IH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 530; BL 1: 158, 310; BM 7: 884; Bossert p. 278;

Hirsch p. 207; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Munz”’); IF suppl. 4: 333; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 571-572;

Langman p. 533; Lenley p. 301; MW suppl. p. 240; NAF ser. 2. 2: 166, 5: 249; NW p. 53;

Pennell p. 615; PH 150, 209, 226, 939; Roon p. 81; Tl-2/1: 781; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. 11,

Pp: 793-

Anon., Madrono 8: 208. 1946; Taxon 1: 63. 1952 (herb. at RSA), 23(4): 688. 1974.

Cantelow, Leaflets western Bot. 8: 96. 1957.

Carlquist, Sh., Plant Sci. Bull. 14(2): 1-2. 1968, Fremontia 2(2): 20-21. 1974 (portr.); Aliso 8(3): 211-220. 1975 (bibl., portr.).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mountain Natural. 270. 1950.

Ewan, J. et al., Leafl. W. Bot. 7: 76. 1953.

Knobloch, I. W., The plant collectors of Northern Mexico 46. 1979.

Munz, P. A., California spring wildflowers, Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1961, 122 p.; California desert wildflowers. Univ. California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles 1962, 122 p.: California Mountain wildflowers, Univ. California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles 1963, 122 p.; Shore wildflowers of California, Oregon and Washington, Univ. of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1964, 122 p.; and D. D. Keck, A California flora, Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, 1959, 1681 p.; supplement (by Munz), ib. 1968, 224 p. (publ. 16 Dec 1968).

Reveal, J. L., im Cronquist, A. et al., Intermountain flora 1: 67, 71. 1972.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 73. 1955.

Thomas, J. H., Huntia 3: 39. 1969 (preprint), 1979.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Onagraceae, NAF ser. 2. 5: 1-231. 28 Dec 1965. (2) Contributed chapters on Onagraceae to various composite works; for a list see Carlquist (1975, Aliso).

EPONYMY: Munzothamnus Raven (1963).

  1. A manual of Southern California botany ... Claremont Colleges, Scripps Publishing Fund

Claremont, California April 5, 1935. J. C. Stacey. inc. Distributor San Francisco, Califor-

nia. (Man. S. Calif. bot.).

Publ.: 5 Apr 1935, p- [i]-xxxix, [1]-642. Copies: NY, US, USDA. — Superseded by A flora of Southern California, Univ. C Alia Press, Pecan: Los Angeles, London 1974, noe p-

Ref.: Hastings, G. T., Torreya 35(3): 70-71. 26 Jun 1935.

Murbeck, Svante Samuel (1859-1946), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Lund 1891; lecturer


MURBECK (1897)

in botany at Lund 1891-1892; curator at Riksmuseum Stockholm 1892-1893, teacher at Alnarps agricultural College 1897-1902; professor of botany at Lund 1902-1924; discove- red parthenogenesis in Alchemilla; botanical explorer of the Mediterranean, specialist on Verbascum. (Murb.).

HERBARIUM and types: LD. For further collections see IH. Exsiccatae: (1) Violae Sueciae exsiccatae, fasc. 1-2, Lund 1886-1892, 30 and 30 nos. (with L. M. Neuman and L. J. Wahlstedt); (2) Plantae selectae e flora Africae borealis, Lund, 1907, 59 nos.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: AG 2(2): 483; Backer p. 384; Barnhart 2: 530; BJI 2: 121; BL 1: 46, 61, 310; BM 2: 1379, 7: 884-885; Bossert p. 278; Clokie p. 216; CSP 17: 426; DA Sie 203-204; Hegi 6(1): 17; Hirsch p. 207; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Murb.”); IF p. 722; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 572; Kew 4: 92-93; Kleppa p. 328 [index]; KR p. 507-511; MW p. 339, suppl. p. 242; Rehder 5: 603; SO 2908; Tucker 1: 508; Urban-Berl. p. 377; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. 11, p.

TOB ie:

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 15(Beibl. 33): ro. 1892; Generalregister Bot. Not. 1839-1938, p. 54-55; 109, 133, 183. 1939; Hedwigia 66: 119. 1926; Osterr. bot. Z. 41: 396. 1891 (lecturer Lund).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 50: 317-318. 1892 (on Pantocsek’s review of Murbeck’s Beitr. 1891).

Dahlgren, K. V. O., in R. E. Fries, Short hist. bot. Sweden go. 1950.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 49-50. 1950.

Hakansson, A., Bot. Not. 1946(4): 543-556. (portr., bibl.); Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68A (2): 187-188. 1955 (portr.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (coll. E).

Hjelmqvist, H., Bot. Not. 1958: 15-16, 19, 32 (important embryologist).

Kneucker, A., Allg. Bot. Z. 2: 172. 1896 (trip to Algeria and Tunisia).

Lindquist, B., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 4.0: 453-456. 1946 (portr.).

Maire, R., Progr. connaiss. bot. Algérie 153-154. 1931.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 62, pl. 7. 1903, 3(3): 45, pl. 105. 1905 (portr.).

Wulff, E. V., Intr. hist. plant geogr. 59, 136. 1943.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Violae, in Saelan, Th., et al., Herb. Mus. fenn. ed. 2, 1, 1889. FESTSCHRIET: Bot. Not. 1939(4): front., p. [i-iv], 467-838. (80th birthday, 20 Oct 1939). eEponymy: Murbeckia Urban & Ekman (1930); Murbeckiella Rothmaler (1939).

  1. Beitrége zur Kenntniss der Flora von Siidbosnien und der Hercegowina. Akademische

Abhandlung mit Genehmigung der philosophischen Fakultat der Universitat zu Lund zur

Erlangung der Doctorwiirde Montag 25 Maj 1891 u. Vorm. in Horsale nr. vi. offentlich

vorgelegt von Svante Murbeck, ... Lund (Berlingska Boktryckeri- och Stilgjuteri-

Aktiebolaget) Qu. (Beztr. Fl. Siidbosnien).

Publ.: 1-25 Mai 1891, p. [i], [1]-182. Copy: US. — Lunds Universitets Arskrift vol. 27.

Commercial issue: 1891, p. [i], [1 ]-182. Copy: MO. —“‘Beitrage ... Akademische Abhandlung von Svante Murbeck. Aus Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, tom. xxvii.” Lund (id.) 1891. Published in two parts, 1: p. 1-112, Apr 1891 (fide ObZ 41: 211-212. 1891) and 2: p. 113- 182. Mai 1891 (fide ObZ 41: 239. 1891).

Ref.: Pantocsek, J., Bot. Centralbl. Beih. 2(1): 40-45. 1892.

  1. Contributions ala connaissance de la flore du nord-ouest de Afrique et plus spécialement de la

Tunisie... Lund (1-4: Impr. E. Mulstrém; ser. 2(1-2): impr. Hakan Ohlsson) 1897-1905, 6

parts. Qu. (Contr. fl. nord-ouest Afrique).

Publ.: a series of papers published in Lunds Universitets Arsskrift (LUA) with independent pagination.

1: late 1897 (ObZ Nov 1897; Bot. Centralbl. 20 Jan 1898; Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1898; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jan 1898; J. Bot. 1898), p. [i*], [1]-vi, [1]-126, pl. 1-6. (LUA afd. 2.33(12)).

2: Nov-Dec 1898 (p. 41: 9 Nov 1898; Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1899; Bot. Zeit. 16 Mar 1899; Flora 20 Mai 1899), p. [i], [1]-41, pl. 7-9. (LUA id. 34(7)).

3: Nov-Dec 1899 (p. 30: 7 Nov 1899), p. [i], [1]-30, [1-2], pl. ro-r2 (LUA id. 35(3)).


MURBECK (1900)

4: Jan-Jun 1900 ( P. 3 2 Jan 1900; Flora 30 Jun 1900; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1900), p. [a], [1 ]- 34; [1-4], pl. 13 (LUA 36(1)).—3 and 4 also issued under a single cover ““1899-1900”’. Deuxiéme série, 1: Dee 1905 (p. 40: 1 Dec 1905; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1905), p. [1]-40, pl. 1-7 (LUA nf. afd. 2.1(4)). Id. 2: 23-31 Dec 1905, (t.p. 1905; p. 83: 23 Dec 1905), p. [1], [43]-83, pl. 6-20 (LUA rd. 2(1)). Copies: L, MO, USDA. Ref.: W. P. H. [Hiern], J. Bot. 36: 204-206. 1898. Buchenau, F., Bot. Zeit. 58(2): ror. 1900.

  1. Parthenogenetische Embryobildung in der Gattung Alchemilla ... Lund (E. Malmstroms

Buchdruckerei) 1901. Qu.

Publ.: shortly after 11 Feb 1go1 (date of printing), p. [1], [ 43-46, a pl.], pl. 1-6 (uncol.). Copy: PH. — Issued and to be cited as Lunds Hae Nee 36(2), 7, 1901.

Preliminary publ.: Bot. Not. 1897: 273-277 (‘om vegetativ embryobildnig .. me

Ref.: Strassburger, E. A., Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 41: 88-164. 1904.

  1. Ueber das Verhalten des Pollenschlauches bet Alchemilla arvensis (L.) Scop. und das Wesen

der Chalazogamie ... Lund (E. Malmstréms Buchdruckerei) 1901. Qu.

Publ.: shortly after 11 Feb 1901 (date of printing), p. [i], [1]-18, [19-20, e pl.], pl. 1-2 (uncol.). Copy: PH. — Issued and to be cited as Lunds Univ. Arsskr. 36(2),O. TQamE Solms-Laubach, H., Bot. Zeit. 59(2): 135. 1901 (rev.).

  1. Ueber Anomalien im Baue des Nucellus und des Embryosackes be: parthenogenetischen

Arten der Gattung Alchemilla ... Lund (E. Malmstroms Buchdruckerei) 1902. Qu.

Publ.: shortly after 27 Feb 1902 (date of printing), p. [i], [1]-10, [11, expl. pl.], 7 p/. (uncol.). Copy: PH. — Issued and to be cited as Lunds Univ. Ane 38(2 ORC Oe.

6553- Ueber die Embryologie von Ruppia rostellata Koch ... Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt &

Soner) 1902. Qu.

Publ.: shortly after 21 Oct 1902 (date of printing), p. [1]-21, pl. 7-3 (uncol.). Copy: BR. — Issued and to be cited as K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 36(5).

  1. Die Vesicarius-Gruppe der Gattung Rumex ... Mit zwei Tafeln. Lund (Hakan Ohlssons

Buchdrukerei). 1907. Qu. (Vesicarius-Gruppe Rumex).

Publ.: 23 Mai sou dstabuted at meeting see p. [2]; p. [1]: 11 Mai 1907; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1908), p. [1 ]-30, [1], pl. 1-2. Copies: G, MO, INVa= Beer Universitets Arsskrift N.F. Afd.

2.2(4). 1907.

  1. <ur Morphologie und Systematik der Gattung Alchemilla ... Lund (C. W. K. Gleerup),

Leipzig (Otto Harrassowitz). [1915]. Qu.

Publ.: shortly after 30 Apr 1915 (date of printing), p. [1 ]-17. Copies: H, PH. — Issued and to be cited as Lunds Univ. Arsskr. ser. 2. afd. 2. 11(8), 1915. See also Bot. Not. 1915: 92-96.

  1. Contributions a la connaissance de la flore du Maroc... Lund (C. W. K. Gleerup), Leipzig

(Otto Harrassowitz) [1922-1923]. Qu. (Contr. fl. Maroc).

1: 1922 (mss. presented 12 Apr. 1922), p. [1]-76, pl. -12. — Lunds Universitets Arsskrift n-f. Avd. 2. 18(3).

2: 1923 (mss. presented 14 Feb 1923), p. [1]-68, pl. 7-7. Ibid. 19(1).

6557- Monographie der Gattung Celsia... Lund (C. W. K. Gleerup), Leipzig (Otto Harrasso-

witz) [1926]. Oct. (Monogr. Celsia).

Publ.: 1926 (t.p. 1925; submitted 14 Oct 1925; p. [1, cont.]: printed 25 Feb 1926), p. [1]- 273, [1, cont.], pl. 1-16. Copy: NY.

  1. Monographie der Gattung Verbascum ... Lund (Hakan Ohlssons Buchdruckerei) 1933. Oct. (Monogr. Verbascum). Publ.: 1933, p. [1]- 630, pl. 1-31 (photos). Copies: B, FI, G, H, MICH, MO. — Lunds Univ. Arsskr. ser. 2. afd. 2. 29(2). Nati 1936 (p. vl 12 Apr 1936; H copy rd. 23 Nov 1936), p. [1]-45, [46], pl. 1-8 (photos). Copies: H, MO. — Lunds Univ. ae ser. 2, avd 2, 991)



Murchison, Roderick Impey (1792-1871), British palaeontologist; director of the Bri- tish geological survey. (Murch.).

HERBARIUM and typeEs: Unknown. Palaeobotanical material at BM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: Andrews p. 305-306; BM 3: 1379-1380, 7: 885; CSP 4: 548-

553, 8: 472-473, 12: 527, 17: 426; DNB 3: 317; Herder p. 55; ME 2: 343; PH 567; Quenstedt

p. 306; Rehder 5: 603.

Allibone, S. A., Grit. Dict. Engl. lit. 1387. 1870.

Anon., Geol. Mag. 8: 481-490. 1871 (portr., bibl.) (from the Times); Quart. J. Geol. Soc., London 28: 37. 1872 (Murchison Geological Fund).

Breure, A. S. H. & J. G. de Bruijn, eds., Leven werken J. G. S. van Breda 407, 417. 1979.

Clarke, J. M., James Hall of Albany 562 [index]. 1923.

Geikie, Arch., Life of Sir Roderick I. Murchison, London 1875, reprint 1971.

Gilbert, E. W. & A. Goudie, Geogr. J. 137: 505-511. 1971 (bibl., portr.).

Goppert, H. R., Nova Acta Leop. 27: 441. 1860 (epon.).

Helmersen, G. v., Bull. Acad. Imp. St. Pétersb. 17: 295-307. 1872.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 557 [index]. 1918.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.- lit. Handw.- Buch 2: 240. 1863, 3: 950. 1898 (b. 19 Feb 1792, d. 29 Oct 1871).

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 553 [index]. rgor.

NOTE: For Murchison’s famous The Silurian system (1839) (later editions as “‘Siluria’’) see e.g. BM 3: 1380, Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 294-295 and e.g. J. D. Dana, Amer. J. Sci. ser. 3. 39: 167-180. 1890 (Sedgwick and Murchison), and J. C. Thackray, Trans. Woolhope Natural. Field Cl. 42: 186-193. 1979 (n.v.).

EPONYMY: Murchisonites H. R. Goppert (1860).

Murillo, Adolfo (1840-1899), Chilean botanist and physician; professor of gynecology at the University of Santiago (Murillo).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 1: 245, 310; BM 3: 1380; CSP 17: 427; Rehder 5: 603; Tucker 1: 508.

Anon., Anal. Soc. ci. Argentina 48(5): 353-355. 1899 (obit., portr., d. 14 Nov 1899). Reiche, K., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Chile 36-37. 1907 (Veg. Erde 8).

  1. Plantes médicinales du Chili ... Exposition universelle de Paris 1889 section chilienne.

Oct. (Pl. méd. Chilt).

Publ.: Aug-Dec 1889 (p. x: Jul 1888; Bot. Zeit. 29 Jan 1890; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1890; J. Bot. Sep 1890), p. [iii]-xii, [1]-234. Copees: NY, USDA. — Imprint on p. [iv]: A. Roger y F.

Chernoviz, Imprimerie Lagny.

Murith, Laurent Joseph (1742-1818), Swiss clergyman and botanist in Wallis (Valais), “chanoine regulier du St. Bernard, prieur de Martigni.”’ ordained 1766, curate at Liddes 1778, prior of Martigny 1791. (Murith).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: Unknown. Some material at NA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 68; Backer p. 385; Barnhart 2: 530; BM 3: 1380; Hegi 4(2): 1010, 6(2): 1266; Hortus 3: 1200 (d. 1816) (““Murith’’); Jackson p. 345; Kew 4: 93; PR 6563 (ed.) 1: 7328); Rehder 5: 603.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (herbarium probably lost).

Chiovenda, E., Nuovo Giorn. bot. Ital. 31: 307. 1924.

Meyer, F. G. & Elsasser, S., Taxon 22(4): 390. 1973.

Tessier, P. G., Notice sur le chanoine L.-J. Murith. St. Maurice 1862, 14 p. (biogr.).

EPONYMY: Bulletin de la Société Murithienne, vols. 1-x, 1868-x.



  1. Le guide du botaniste qui voyage dans le Valais, avec un catalogue des plantes de ce

pays et de ses environs, auquel on a joint les lieux de naissance et l’époque de la fleuraison

pour chaque espéce. Par M. Murith, ... Lausanne (Chez Henri Vincent, ...) 1810. Qu.

(Guide bot.).

Quarto ed. 1810, p. [i]-viii, [1 ]-107, [108, add.], [1, err.]. Copies: FI, G, NY.

Duod. ed.: 1810, p. [i*-iii*], [i]-xii, [1 ]-151. Copy: G. — “Le guide de botaniste qui voyage dans le Valais, par Mr. Murith, ... Lausanne (Chez Henri Vincent) 1810. Duod.

Murphy, Edmund (1828-1866), Irish horticulturist and botanist; professor of horticultu- re, Queen’s College, York 1849. (Murphy).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 531; BB p. 224; BM 3: 1380; CSP 4: 554; Desmond p. 456; Jackson p. 196; Kew 4: 94; PR 6564 (ed. 1: 7329).

Anon., Ann. Rep. Proc. Belfast Nat. Club ser. 2. 6: 627. 1913; Gard. Chron. 1921(2): 196. Lett, H. W., Irish Natural. 22: 32. 1913.

Praeger, R. L., Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 7: cxxxv. 1901; Botanist in Ireland 78. 1934.

  1. A treatise on the agricultural grasses ... Dublin (William Curry, Jun. & Company, ...)

  2. 18-mo. (Treat. agric. grass.).

Orig. issue: 1844 (p. viii Aug 1844), p. [i]-x, [xi-xu], [13]-84, 72 pl. (uncol.). Copy: USDA. — BM 32: 1382 reports coloured plates.

Other issue: 1846, p. [i]-x, [xi-xii], [13]-84. Copy: National Library of Scotland (no plates reported; inf. J. Edmonston). — Dublin (James McGlashan, ...), London (William S. Orr & Co.).

Murr, Josef (1864-1932), Austrian botanist and high school teacher at Hall (1888-1890), Innsbruck (1890-1891), Marburg (1891-1894). Linz (1894-1897), Trient (1897-1906), Feldkirch (1906-1919), ultimately at Innsbruck. (Murr).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at B, BREG, C, E, GB, IBF, LE, OXF, PAE.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 818, 12(2): 724; Barnhart 2: 531; BFM 828, 830,

836, 1269, 1270, 3210; BJI 2: 121; BL 2: 404, 694; BM 3: 1381; Clokie p. 216; CSP 12: 528,

17: 428-429; DTS 1: 204-209 (bibl.!), 6(4): 171-181 (id.); GR p. 456; Hegi 4(3): 1453, 5(4):

2322, 6(2): 1292; IH 1(ed. 6): 62, 2: 573; Kew 4: 94; LS suppl. 19311-19316; MW p. 340; NI

(alph.); Quenstedt p. 306; Rehder 5: 603; Saccardo 2: 77.

Anon., Achivio bot., Forli 8: 352. 1932 (d. 4 Jan 1932; obit.); Bot. Centralbl. 48: xviii, 63. 1891 (app. Marburg), 71: 384. 1897 (id. Trient); Nat. Nov. 19: 548. 1897 (app. Trient); Osterr. bot. Z. 41: 360. 1891 (app. Marburg), 47: 415. 1897 (app. Trient), 57: 335. 1906 (app. Feldkirch); 81: 80. 1932 (d.).

G. D., Studi trent. Sci. nat. 13: 57-60. 1932 (obit., portr., b. 6 Jun 1864).

Gerstlauer, L., Mitt. bayer. Bot. Ges. 4(12): 205. 1932.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (coll. in Kneucker, Carices exs.).

Janchen, E., Cat. fl. austr. 1: 15, 23, 29, 44-49. 1956 (bibl.).

Murr, J., Neue Ubers. Farn. Bl.- Pfl. Vorarlberg 1/2: xix. 1923 (retired 1919).

Poll, J., Heimat, Vorarlb. Monatsh. 13: 46-48. 1932 (n.v.).

Schwimmer, J., Allemania 1931: 240-243 (n.v.).

Vines, S. H., Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. 1931: 629-630 (d. 4 Dec 1931, err.).

Walde, K., Innsbrucker Nachr. Nr. 4, 1932 (n.v.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Composilae, with K. H. Zahn & J. Poelt, in Reichenbach, Icon. fl. Germ. Helv. 19(2): [1]-341, pl. 1-308. 1904-1911.

  1. Die Pflanzenwellt in der griechischen Mythologie ... Innsbruck (Verlag der Wagner’schen

Universitats-Buchhandlung) 1890. Oct. (Pfl.-Welt griech. Mythol.).

Publ.: Apr-Jun 1890 (Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1890; Bot. Zeit. 27 Jun 1890; ObZ Jun 18g0; J. Bot. Sep 1890), p. [i]-viii, [1 ]-323, [324, Nachtr.]. Copy: MO.



  1. Neue Uebersicht iiber die Farn- und Bliitenpflanzen von Vorarlberg und Liechtenstein mit

Hervorhebung der geobotanischen Verhaltnisse und mit Beriicksichtigung der Nachbarge-

biete ... Bregenz (Kommissionsverlag: Buchhandlung F. Unterberger, Feldkirch ...)

1923-1926, 3 parts (in 4). Oct. (New. Ubers. Bl.-Pfl. Vorarlberg).

1: Jan-Apr 1923 (Nat. Nov. Mai 1923), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-144, [1-4], pl. [7-5] & [1-6].

2: 1923 (Nat. Nov. Nov 1923), [xxv]-xxxul, [145]-288, pl. [7-2] & 7-17.

3 (1): 1924, p. [xxxiii]-xl, [289]-400, pl. [1-2], 20-28.

3(2): Jan-Mai 1926 (Kneucker 25 Mai 1926; US rd. 20 Nov 1926; p. xliv: 10 Nov 1925), p. [xli]-xlvu, [401 ]-507, pl. [1-4].

Copies: FI, H, US. — Published as Sonderschriften herausgegeben von der naturwissen-

schaftlichen Kommission des Vorarlberger Landesmuseums nos. 1-3.

Murray, Alexander (1798?-1838), Scottish physician and botanist at Aberdeen. (Al. Murray).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 531; BB p. 224-225; BL 2: 293, 694; BM 3: 1381; CSP 4: 554, 10: 891, 12: 528; Jackson p. 246; Kew 4: 94; PR 6565 (ed. 1: 7331); Rehder 5: 603; TL-2/1: 843; Tucker 1: 508.

Anon., Flora 22: 95. 1839; Mag. nat. Hist. 2: 160. 1838.

Fletcher, H. R., R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 96. 1970.

  1. The northern flora; or, a description of the wild plants belonging to the North and East

of Scotland with an account of their places of growth and properties ... parti. Edinburgh

(Adam & Charles Black), Aberdeen (A. Brown & Co. and G. Clark and Son), London

(Smith, Elder & Co.) 1836. Oct. + (North. Fl.).

Authors of appendices: Francis Adams (1796-1861, p. i-iv) and James Farquharson (1761- 1843, p. V-xiv). ;

Publ.: Sep 1836 (p. xvii: 10 Aug 1836, ... just appeared, Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. 1 Oct 1836), p. [i]-xvil, [1 ]-150, [iii]-xiv, facsimile of letter by Linnaeus, [xv]-xvi, index. Copies:


Murray, Andrew (1812-1878), Scottish entomologist and botanist; trained to be a lawyer and practicing at Edinburgh until 1860; from 1861-1864 assistant-secretary to the Royal Horticultural Society in London. (Andr. Murray).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at E from California (probably collected by his brother William Murray (fl. 1860)).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: AG 1: 211; Backer p. 385; Barnhart 2: 531; BBp. 225; BM 3:

1381, 7: 886; Bossert p. 278; CSP 4: 554-556, 8: 475-476, 10: 891, 12: 529; Desmond p. 457;

DNB 39: 349; Herder p. 55, 293, 381; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Murr., A.””); IH 2: 573; Jackson p.

585, 10, 45, 88; Kew 4: 94; Langman p. 534; ME 3: 484, 486; Morren ed. 10, p. 24; MW p.

340; NI (alph.); PH 1; PR 6566; Rehder 5: 603; ‘Tucker 1: 508; Zander ed. 10, p. 695-696,

CURIS Pe 793"

Anon., Ann. Rep. Entom. Soc. Ontario 1878: 24-25 (obit.); Bot. Not. 1879: 31; Bull. Soc. bot. France 25 (bibl: 43. 1878 (d.); Ganad. Entomologist 10: 32-35. 1878 (obit., b. 19 Feb 1812, d. ro Jan 1878); Entom. Mon. Mag. 14: 215-216. 1878 (obit.); Gard. Chron. 1878(1): 86-87; The Garden 19 Jan 1878; J. R. Hort. Soc. 1879: 46-48 (obit.); Proc. Entom. Soc. London 1877: xxxix. 1878; Trans. bot. Soc. Edinb. 13: 379. 1879.

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 73. 1935 (biogr., refs.).

Fletcher, H. R., Story R. Hort. Soc. 550 [index]. 1969.

Gilbert, P., Gomp. biogr. lit. deceased entomol. 269. 1977.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (Californian mat. 1860).

Hinds, W., The Garden 19 Jan 1878 (obit.).

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 88, 100. 557.

J. R. J., Hardwicke’s Science Gossip 14: 50-51. 1878 (obit.).

Lange, E. F., Oregon hist. Quart. 68(2): 111-124. 1977 (on Jeffrey’s Oregon expedition and details on pamphlets).



Marseul, S. de, ed., L’Abeille 21: 106-107. 1883 (bibl.). Trimen, H., J. Bot. 16: 63-64. 1878.

  1. Botanical expedition to Oregon ... Edinburgh 1849-1859, 11 pamphlets. (Bot. Exped.


Collector: John Jeffrey (1826-1854), see TL-2/2: 434 for further details.

1: 1849 (minutes of meeting 22 Nov 1849), 1 p., entitled ‘Minute of meeting of gentlemen interested in the promotion of the arboriculture and horticulture of Scotland.” Signed by J. H. Balfour, chairman.

: 10 Noy 1850 (p. [1] so dated), p. [1]-2. “Botanical expedition to Oregon” signed by Andrew Murray. .

3: 1851 (minute meeting 29 Sep 1851), p. [1]-3. “Botanical ...” signed by J. H. Balfour.

f: 4 Sep 1852 (p. [1] so dated), p. [1]-4. “Botanical ...” signed by Andrew Murray.




5: 5 Oct 1852 (id.), p. [1]- [4]. “Botanical ... signed by Andrew Murray.

6: 16 Apr 1853 (id.), p. [1]-3. “Botanical ...”’ unsigned; notes by John Jeffrey.

7: 18 Jun 1853 (id.), p. [1-2]. “Botanical ...” signed by Andrew Murray.

8: 1853 (undated), p. [i], [1]-2, pl. [1-5]. “Botanical ...” signed by Andrew Murray.

g: 24 Mar 1854 (so dated on p. [1]), p. [1],[1]-2. “Botanical .. .” signed by Andrew Murray. 10: 10 Jan 1857 (p. 2), p. [1]-2. “Oregon Botanical Association” signed by Andrew Murray. 11: 30 Mai 1859, p. [1]. “Oregon Botanical Association’’, signed by Andrew Murray. Copy: USDA.

  1. The pines and firs of Japan... London (printed by Bradbury & Evans, ...) 1863. Oct.

(Pines firs Japan).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1863 (p. 4: Sep 1863; ‘““Neu’’, Flora 7 Mai 1864), p. [1]-123, [124]. Copies: MO, NY. — “Reprinted (with additions and corrections) from the Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society (1862).” (Proc. Hort. Soc. 2: 265-292. Apr, 347-357. Mai, 409-432. 1 Jul, 496-512. 1 Aug, 633-652. Sep, 719-725. 1 Nov 1862.

Ref.: Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 10: 443-444. Jan 1864.

Murray, George Robert Milne (1858-1911), British cryptogamist; pupil of de Bary; assistant (1676-1895) and keeper of the Department of Botany of BM(NH) 1895-1905; naturalist on the West Indian Eclipse Expedition of 1886; scientific director, National Antarctic Expedition “Discovery” 1go1 (organisation only). (G. Murray).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 532; BB p. 225; BM 3: 1381-1382, 7: 886; Bossert p. 279; CSP 10: 891, 17: 429-430; Desmond p. 457; De Toni 1: Ixxxix, 2: Ixxxiv, 4: xl; DNB suppl. 2.2: 667; DSB 9: 587-588 (bibl.); GR p. 407-408; Herder p. 116; IH 2: 573;

Kelly p. 156; Kew 4: 95; Lenley p. 302; LS 18676-18688, suppl. 19319; Moebius p. 79; NI

(alph.); Tl-2/1: 1210.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 7: 112. 1897 (F. R. S.); Bot. Jahrb. 21 (Beibl. 52): 16. 1895; Bot. Not. 1912: 95 (b. 11 Nov 1858, d. 16 Dec 1g11); Gard. Chron. 1911(2): 466; J. Bot. 50: 32. 1912; Nat. Nov. 27: 506. 1905 (retirement), 34: 74. 1912 (d. 16 Dec 1911); Nature 56: 56. 1897 (bibl.), 88: 287. 1911 (obit.); Who was who 1897-1916: 516.

Bayliss, R. A., Trans. bot. Soc. Edinbrugh 42(3): 279-286. 1975 (portr., bibl.).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 50: 32, 73-75. 1912 (portr.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 48 (some mat. at K).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

L. F. & W. C., Proc. Roy. Soc. B 86: xxi-xxiii. 1913.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 114, 135. 1898, 3: g1. 1902.

EPONYMY: Murracystis Haeckel (1890); Murrayella Kofoid (1907); Murrayella K. J. F. Schmitz (1893).

  1. A handbook of cryptogamic botany by Alfred W. Bennett, ... and.George Murray, ... London (Longmans, Green, and Co.), New York (id.) 1889. Oct. (Handb. crypt. bol.). Co-author: Alfred William Bennett (1833-1902).



Publ.: Jan-Mar 1889 (p. vi: Dec 1888; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1889; Bot. Gaz. Aug 1889; J. Bot. Apr 1889), p. [i]-vili, [1]-473. Copy: NY.

Ref.: Myles, P. W., J. Bot. 27: 277-286. Sep 1889.

Moebius, M., Bot. Centralbl. 40: 135-138. 1889 (q.v. for M’s terminology).

  1. Catalogue of the marine algae of the West Indian region ... London (Dulau & Co.) 1889.

Oct. (in fours).

Publ.: Jul 1888-Oct 1889 (in journal; Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1890; J. Bot. Dec 1889), p. [1], [1]- 46, pl. 284, 288, uncol. liths. by R. Morgan. Copies: B, FH, MO. — Originally published and to be cited from J. Bot. 1888/89 as follows: 26: 193-196, Jul 1888, 237-243. Aug 1888, 303-307. Oct 1888, 331-338, pl. 284. Nov 1888, 358-363. Dec 1888, 27: 237-242. Aug 1889, 257-262. Sep 1889, 298-305. Oct 1889.

  1. Phycological memoirs being researches made in the Botanical Department of the British Museum. Edited by George Murray ... London (Dulau and Co, ...) 1892-1895, 3 parts. Qu. (Phycol. mem.).

r: Apr 1892 (cover), p. [i]-viii, [1]-28, pl. 7-8 (partly col. liths. by Berjeau and Highley). 2: Mai 1893 (cover), p. 29-69, [70], pl. 9-16, id.

3: Apr 1895 (cover), p. 71-98, pl. 17-20, id. Copies: B, NY, US.

  1. An introduction to the study of seaweeds . .. London (Macmillan and Co.), New York (id.)

  2. Oct. (Intr. stud. seaweeds).

Publ.: 1895 (Bot. Centralbl. 23 Oct 1895; J. Bot. Dec 1895; Bot. Gaz. Dec 1895; Hedwigia Jan-Feb 1896; Bot. Zeit. 16 Feb 1896), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-271, pl. 1-6 with text (col.). Copies: NY, US, USDA.

Ref.: Johnson, T., J. Bot. 33: 380-382. Dec 1895.

Mobius, M., Bot. Centralbl. 67: 387-388. 1896.

Murray, Johan Andreas (Anders) (1740-1791), Swedish botanist; pupil of Linnaeus 1756-1760; studied at Gottingen 1760-1763; Dr. med. ib. 1763; professor of medicine and botany at Gottingen 1764 (ordin. 1769)-1791. (7. A. Murray).

HERBARIUM and types: Murray’s herbarium was first in the hands of the Linnean Society but sold at auction on 10 Nov 1863 and split up. A set of 4000 specimens is at K; 167 specimens are at LINN; further material at B, BM, E, G and H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 23: 80-81; AG 1: 211; Backer p. 385; Barnhart 2: 532; BM 3: 1382, 7: 886; Bossert p. 279; Bret. p. 274; CSP 8: 476; Dawson p. 17, 112, 252, 523, 626-628; Dryander p. 365 [index]; Frank 3(Anh.): 69; GR p. 475; Hegi 5(1): 54; Henrey 2: 132: Herder p. 186; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Murr., J.””); IH 2: 574; Jackson p. 111; JW 4: 399; KR p. 511-513; Langman p. 534; Laségue p. 37, 323; Moebius p. 416; MW p. 340; PR 6567- 6576 (ed. 1: 7336-7345); Rehder 5: 603; RS p. 121; SBC p. 128 (“Murr.”); SO 450, 556, 573, 583, 589a, 608, 686-689, add. 2605a; TL-1/373, 714 (ed. 13, 14, 15), 902-903, 964, 1039; TL-2/1823, 3235, 3249, 3387, 3493; see Bergius, P. J.; Tucker 1: 509; Urban-Berl. p. 377; Zander ed. 10, p. 695, ed. 11, p. 793.

Anon., Proc. Linn. Soc. 149: 81-82. 1937.

Dandy, J. E., Regn. veg. 51: 16, 17. 1967 (generic names).

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige, Uppsala 267, 272, 292, 324. 19609.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(2): 322. 1908, 1(6): 181. 1912.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 227. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. GOET 1769-1791). Goerke, H., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 49: 65-73. 1966 (Linnaeus and J. A. Murray); Med. ’ Hist. J. 2: 3-12. 1967; Taxon 25(1): 15-19. 1976 (Linnaeus and the Murray family). Hedge, I. C., Taxon 7: 145-146. 1958 (material at E).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (possibly few specimens in

herb. Giseke).

Hirsch, Aug., Allg. deut. Biogr. [ADB] 23: 80-81. 1886 (b. 27 Jan 1740, d. 22 Mai 1791).

J. M. Hulth, Bref. Skrifv. Linné 2(1): 48, 137, 139, 140, 261, 311. 1916.

J., Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 309-310. 1824 (bibl.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 48 (4000 specimens at K).

Lefebvre, E. & J. G. de Bruijn, Martinus van Marum 6: 36, 128, 227. 1976.



Linnaeus, C. (J. G. Koenig ex), Mant. 2: 554, 563. 1777 (epon.).

Meusel, J. G., Lexik. teut. Schriftst. 9: 463-469. 1809 (bibl.).

O., Dict. Sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 309-310. 1824.

Peter, A., Festschr. Kon. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen 371-372. 1901.

Reynolds, G. W., Aloes S. Afr. g2. 1950 (Aloe in Syst. veg. 1790).

Savage, S., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 149: 81-82. 1937 (167 specimens at LINN, 11 of them from Clifford’s garden).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Scheutz, N. J. W., Bot. Not. 1863: 70.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 145-146, 250. 1971; 7 Daniels, G. S. and F. A. Stafleu, Taxon 25(1): 16. 1976 (portr.).

Wein, Sv. Linné- Siillsk. Arsskr. 14: 72-84. 1931 (F. Ehrhart and Murray).

Wikstrom, J. E., Consp. lit. Suec. 201-203. 1831.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 145-146. 1905.

COMPOSITE WORKs: (1) Editor Medizinisch-praktische Bibliothek (1774-1781).

(2) Editor of Carolia Linné ... Systema vegetabilium ... editio decima tertia, Gottingen Gotha 1774. N. B. the new taxa in this work must be attributed to Linnaeus; Murray was simply editor. ““Editio decima tertia accessionibus et emendationibus novissimis manu perillustris auctoris [i.e. Linnaeus] scriptis adornata a Joanne Andrea Murray ...” See TL-2/4844a. (3) Translator, Kalm, P., Rezse n. Amer. vol. 3, 1764, See ‘les lease

EPONYMY: Murraea J. G. Koenig ex Linnaeus (1771, orth. rej.); Murraya J. G. Koenig ex Linnaeus, corr. Murray (1774, nom. et orth. cons.).

  1. Enumeratio vocabulorum quorundam quibus antiqui linguae latinae auctores in re herbaria usi sunt. Viro summe venerabili, parenti optumo [sic] Andreae Murray ... pio animo dedicata a filio nono augusto diem, qui ei natalis est, gratulaturo Joanne Andrea Murray ... Holmiae [Stockholm] (typis Petri Georg. Nystrom) 1756. Qu. (Enum. vocab.). Publ.: g Aug 1756, p. [1]-11. Copy: NY.

  2. Commentatio de Arbuto Uva Ursi jungitur invitatio ad orationem qua munus professoris medici indulgentissime sibi extra ordinem concessum sollemniter d. xxxi decembr. mdccl- xiii aditurus est Joannes Andreas Murray ... Gottingae [Gottingen] (Typis Pockwitzii et Barmeieri) [1764]. Qu. (Comm. Arb. Uva Urst).

Publ.: 31 Dec 164, p. [i], [1]-66. Copies: Edinburgh Univ. Libr., M, WU.

  1. lo. Andreae Murray D. ... Prodromus designationis stirpium gotlingensium cum figuris

aeneis. Gottingae [Gottingen] (Impensis Jo. Chr. Dieterich) 1770. Oct. (Prodr. stirp. gott.).

Publ.: 1770, p. [i-xvi], [1]-252, [1-2, err.], 2 pl. (col. or uncol. copper engr. Kaltenhofer). Copies: FI, G, L, M, MO, NY, USDA.

  1. Vindiciae nominum trivialium stirpibus a Linneo equ. impertitorum. Sectio prior | poste-

rior] pro aditu aliquot doctissimorum commilitonum ad doctoris medici honores significan-

do exarata ab ordinis medici decano Jo. Andrea Murray D. ... Gottingae [Gottingen]

(typis Joannis Christiani Dieterich) 1782, 2 parts. Qu. (Vindic. nom. triv.).

Pars 1: 1782, p. [1]-24; pars 2: 1782 (p. 23: 23 Dec 1782), p. [1]-23. Copies: FI, MO.

Reprinted: Murray, J. A., Opuscula 2: 293-332. 1786 and in Gilibert, Syst. pl. Europ. 5: xlvii- Ixxv. 1786.

  1. Caroli a Linné equitis Systema vegetabilium secundum classes ordines genera species

cum characteribus et differentiis. Editio decima quarta praecedente longe auctior et correctior

curante Jo. Andrea Murray ... Gottingae (Typis et impensis Jo. Christ. Dieterich) 1784.

Oct. (Syst. veg. ed. 14).

Publ.: Mai-Jun 1784 (see TL-1; has priority over Thunberg, FV. japon.), p. [i]-xx, [1]-987, [988-1004, index]. Copies: BR, FI, G, KNAW, MO, U, US(3), USDA; IDC 2249. -SO 583. For an index see below. For further editions based on Murray’s ed. 14 see SO 508, 603, 604-608.

German ed.: 1786, by X. J. Lippert, see TL-2/4864.

Italian ed.: 1789, by J. Scannagatta, q.v.



  1. Index plantarum, quae continentur in Linnaeani systematis editione novissima decima quarta. Viennae Austriae (typis et sumptibus Christiani Friederici Wappler) 1785. Qu. (Index pl.).

Compiler of index: Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817), see e.g. PR ed. 1 no. 4831. Publ.: 1785, p. [1]-167, [168, err.]. Copies: M, USDA. — SO 584.

  1. J. Andreae Murray... Opusculain quibus commentationes varias tam medicas quam

ad rem naturalem spectantes retractavit emendavit auxit ... Gottingae [G6ttingen] (apud

Jo. Christ. Dieterich) 1785-1786, 2 vols. Oct. (Opuscula).

1: 1785, p. [1]-xxii, [1]-392, 2 pl.

2: 1786, (J. d. Méd. Sep 1786), p. [i]-vi, [1]-500, 3 pl.

Copies: Niedersachs. Staats- Univ.-Bibl. Gottingen (inf. G. Wagenitz; plates of vol. 3 wanting); USDA.

Ref.: PR ed. 1, no. 7344.

  1. Carolia Linné equitis Systema vegetabilium secundum classes, ordines, genera, species,

cum characteribus et differentiis. Edztzo decima quinta, praecedente longe correctior curante

Jo. Andrea Murray, ... Parisiis (e typographia Didot Junioris prostat apud J. F. P.

Déterville, ...) 1798. Oct. (Syst. veg. ed. 15).

Publ.: 1798, p. [1]-16, [1]-821, [822, err.]. Copies: BR, FI, G, MO, USDA. — SO 608. A reprint of ed. 14.

Ref.: PR ed. 1, no. 6009.

Murray, Rev. Richard Paget (1842-1908), British clergyman and botanist; ordained 1868; curate of Plymstock, Beckenham and Baltonsborough (1868-1882, in succession); vicar of Shapwick (Dorset; 1883-1908); botanized in Ireland, Portugal and Canary Is. (R. P. Murray).

HERBARIUM and types: BM; the main set of his Canary Islands plants at K, dup!. BEL, E. Distributed a set of Britesh Rubi (with E. E. Linton, q.v.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BB p. 225; BL 2: 264, 694; BM 3: 1383, 7: 888; Bossert p.

279; Clokie p. 216; CSP 8: 476, 10: 892, 17: 431-432; Desmond p. 458; Hortus 3: 1200

(“Murr., R. P.”’); IH 2: 574; Kew 4: 96; Rehder 5: 603; Tucker 1: 509; Urban-Berl. p. 377.

Anon., J. Bot. 46: 400. 1908.

Druce, G. C., Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. 1908: 346-347. 1909 (b. 26 Dec 1842, d. 29 Oct 1908).

Hackney, P., Irish Natural. J. 17(7): 232. 1972 (pl. BEL).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (Canary Isl. 1890-1900 at E

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 70. 1957 (herb.). Marshall, E. S., J. Bot. 47: 1-2. 1909 (portr.). Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) rt: 170. 1904. White, J. W., Fl. Bristol. 97. 1912.

HANDWRITING: J. Bot. 47: frontisp. portr. 1909.

  1. The flora of Somerset ... Taunton (published for the Society by Barnicott and Pearce, ..) 1896. Qu. (Fl. Somerset).

Publ.: in journal in four parts 1893-1896, as a consolidated reprint 1896 (p. iv: Dec 1895), p. [1*], frontisp., [1]-lxi, [1]-437, [418a]-418d. Copies: G, MO, NY, USDA. — Published previously in Proc. Somersetshire Arch. nat. Hist. Soc. 39: 1893 (p. 1-96) (J. Bot. 1894); 40: 1894 (p. 97-240); 41: 1895 (p. 241-437); 42: 1896 (p. [i]-lxi, [418a]-418d [addenda]); pagination in journal was already that of flora, independent of regular pagination of journal issues.

Murray, Stewart (1789?-1858), Scottish botanist, superintendent of the Glasgow botanic Garden. ($. Murray).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 532; BB p. 225-226; Desmond p. 458; Jackson p. 411; Kew 4: 96; PR 6580 (ed. 1: 7346). Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 79-80. 1967.

  1. Companion to the Glasgow botanic garden, or popular notices of some of the more

remarkable plants contained in it... Glasgow (published and sold by John Smith & Son),

London (by Longman, ...), Edinburgh (by A. Constable & Co.) s.d. Duod. (Comp. Glasgow

bot. gard.).

Ed. 1: 1810 (undated; fide PR), map, p. [1]-116. Copy: G. — Dedication on flyleaf signed by S. Murray. The book is anonymous.

Ed. 2: 1849 (n.v.).

Murrill, William Alphonso (1869-1957), American mycologist; M. A. Randolph Ma- con Coll. 1891; Dr. phil. Cornell Univ. 1900; ass. curator New York Bot. Garden 1905, ass. director 1908, supervisor publ. instr. 1919; retired to Gainesville, Florida 1924. (Murrill).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: NY ( + 14.000). For duplicates see IH. Distributed sets of Polypora- ceae of North America. Murrill’s series of 13 papers on “The Polyporaceae of North America” appeared in the Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29-32, 1902-1905 (detailed list e.g. NAF 9: 443- 444).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 532; BJI 2: 121; BL 1: 173, 219, 310; BM 3: 1383-1384, 7: 888; Bossert p. 279; CSP 17: 432; Hawksworth p. 184; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Murrill’’); IH r(ed. 6): 362, 2: 574; Kelly p. 156-159, 255 (bibl.); Kew 4: 96-97;

Langman p. 534; Lenley p. 302; LS 18691-18718, 37255-37286, suppl. 19330-19494; MW

p. 340; NAF 9: 443-444; Pennell p. 645; PH 98, 209; Rehder 5: 604; ee 2913; Stevenson p.

1252; TL-2/1: 781; Tucker 1: 509; Urban-Berl. p. 279.

iAiaswrentlt G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 379. 1971.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 75: 159. 1898 (assistant Cornell); Bot. Jahrb. 26(Beibl. 61): 4. 1899; J. New York Bot. Gard. 16: 152-153. 1915 (publication of 5 works on Polypores and Boletes); Mycologia 22: photogr. opp. p. 48. 1930, 58: 457-458. 1956 (portr.); Mycologia Index vols. 1-24, frontisp. 1934; New York Herald Tribune 27 Dec 1957; Who is who in America 26: 1987. 1950 (detailed info. on functions).

Barnhart, J. H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 12: 138. 1911.

Burk, W. R., Bibl. N. Amer. Phall. 131-137. 1980.

Hesler, L. R., Biogr. Sketches N. Amer. mycol. 1975, mss.

Lloyd, C. G., Syn. sect. Apus gen. Polyporus frontisp. 1915.

McVaugh, R., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 9: 285. 1972 (itin. Mexico 1910).

Murrill, W. A., Billy the boy naturalist, the true story of a naturalist’s boyhood in Virginia just after the civil war. New York 1918, xii, 252 p. (see Torreya 18: 229-230. 1918); Three oe Crusoes, their life and adventures on an island in the West Indies, New York 1918,

iv, 218 p.; The natural history of Staunton, Virginia, New York 1919, xiii, 216, 3 pl. (all feat autobiogr. elements); Autobiography, s.l.n.d. [1945], 165 p.; Historic foundations of botany in Tigtde (and America), Gainesville, Fla., 1945; Pore fungi, Gainesville, Florida 1946, 110 p., 75 pl.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 73. 1955.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 25-26. 1977; Garden J. New York Bot. Gard. 8: 75-79. 1958 (portr.).

Weber, G. F., Mycologia 53: 543-557. 1961 (portr., bibl.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Editor of Mycologia 1909-1924.

(2) Editor of Journal New York Bot. Garden 1906-1908.

(3) NAF, Polyporaceae, in 9(1): 1-72. 19 Dec 1907, 9(2): 73-131. 12 Mar 1908; Boletaceae, in 9(3): 133-161. 3 Feb 1910; Agaricaceae, in 9(3): 163-172. 3 Feb 1910, 9(4): 237-249, 286-296, 30 Apr 1915, 9(5): 297-374. 7 Jun 1916, 9(6): 375-426. 10 Oct 1916, 10(1): 1-76. 28 Jul 1914, 10(2): 77-144. 26 Apr 1917, 10(3): 145-226. 25 Jun 1917, 10(4): 227. 29 Nov 1924. (4) Autobasidiomyceles, in N. L. Britton, The Bahama flora 637-645. 26 Jun 1920.

  1. The Polyporaceae of North America ... (Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club ...) 1902-1906, 13 parts. Oct.



Publ.: A series of papers published in the Bull. Torrey bot. Club, reprinted with special covers but original pagination in the series Contr. New York Bot. Gard. To be cited from Bull. Torrey bot. Club.

No. Bulletin date Contr. NYBG I 29: 599-608 Oct 1902 29 2 30: 109-120 =. 28 Feb 1903 32 3 30: 225-232 Apr 1903 35 4 30: 296-301 Mai 1903 38 5 30: 423-434 Aug 1903 41 6 31: 29-44 Jan 1904 49 7 31: 325-348 Jun 1904 52 8 31: 415-428 Aug 1904 56 9 31: 593-610 Nov 1904 60

10 BRS SSR 1905 65

II 32: 353-371 Jul 1905 69

12 32: 469-493 1905 70

18 32: 633-656 1906 74

Copies: FH, Stevenson. Ref.: Barnhart, J. H., North Amer. fl. 9(6): 443-444. 916.

  1. Northern Polypores ... New York (published by the author) 1914. Oct. (North.


Publ.: 8 Dec 1914 (fide inscr. Murrill in NY copy; p. iv: 13 Oct 1914), p. [i]-iv, 1-64, [1, adv.]. Copies: FH, MO, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA.

Ref.: Seaver, F. J., Torreya 15(1): 33-34. 25 Jan 1915.

  1. American Boletes ... New York (published by the author) 1914. Oct. (Amer. Bolet.).

Publ.: 8 Dec 1914 (inscription by Murrill in NY copy; date also in adv.; p. ii: 15 Oct 1914), p. [i]-v, 1-40. Copies: FH, MO, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA.

Ref.: Seaver, F. J., Torreya 15: 34. 25 Jan 1915.

  1. Southern Polypores ... New York (published by the author) 1915. Oct. (South. Polypor.). Publ.: 30 Jan 1915 (statement Murrillin FH and NY copies; FH rd. 10 Feb 1915; date also in adv.), p. [iJ-iv, 1-66. Copies: FH, MO, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA.

  2. Western Polypores... New York (published by the author) 1915. Oct. (West. Polypor.). Publ.: 25 Mar 1915 (contrary to statement in adv.; fide Murrill himselfin NY copy; FH rd. 2

Apr 1915), p. [iJ-iv, 1-36, [1, adv.]. Copzes: FH, MO, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA. Ref.: Anon., Mycologia 7: 155, 295. 15 Jun 1915 (date).

  1. Tropical Polypores ... New York (published by the author) 1915. Oct. ( Trop. Polypor.).

Publ.: 15 Jun 1915 (fide inscription by Murrill in NY copy; not Apr 1915 as stated in adv.), p. [iJ-iv, [1]-113. Copies: FH, MO, NY, Stevenson, US, USDA.

Facsimile reprint: 1973, p. [1-2], [iJ-iv, [1]-113. Copy: FAS. — Bibhotheca mycologica Band 40, 3301 Lehre (Verlag von J. Cramer). 1973, ISBN 3-7682-0914-8.

  1. Edible and poisonous mushrooms a descriptive handbook to accompany the author’s colored chart of edible and poisonous mushrooms... New York (published by the author)
  2. Oct. (Edible porson. mushrooms).

Publ.: 26 Jun 1916 (FH rd. Sep 1916), p. [i]-1i, 1-76. Copres: FH, MO, NY(2), US, USDA. Ref.: Anon., Torreya 16: 186. 22 Aug 1916 (date); Mycologia 8: 224. 15 Jul 1916 (id.).

  1. Murrill’s and Saccardo’s names of Polypores compared ... New York (published by the

author) 1918. 16-mo. (Murr. G Sacc. nam. Polypor.).

Publ.: Mar 1918 (fide NY copy), p. [1], 1-31, [32, adv.]. Copy: NY.— Murrill had 71 genera where Saccardo had 20.

Ref.: Olive, E. W., Torreya 18: 122-123. 1918.



Muschler, Reinhold “Reno” Conrad (1883-1957), German botanist and poet; Dr. phil. Berlin 1908; in Egypt for health reasons 1902-1904; from 1908-1913 at the Botanical Museum, Berlin; from then on active as poet and novelist. (Muschl.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at K, MO, WAG.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 532; BJI 2: 121; BL 1: 30, 32, 41, 310; BM 7:

888; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Muschl.’’); TH 2: 575; Kew 4: 97; MW p. 340; TL-2/1: 1589; Zep-

Tim p. 87-88 (b. 9 Aug 1882, d. 10 Dec 1957).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 79. 1978.

Dreyer, E. A., in R. CG. Muschler, Ein deutscher Weg 1933, p. 9-19 (M. als geistige Pers6nlichkeit), (portr., handwriting, bibl. on p. 273-279).

Moore, S. M., J. Bot. 52: 89. 1914 (epon.).

Muschler, R., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 49: 66-146. 1908 (Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Flora von “‘el-Thor’’); (with falsifications, see Schweinfurth 1915).

Papenfuss, G. F., Israel J. Bot. 17: 107. 1968 (ref. to publ. on Egyptian algae).

Pleschke, H. M., Der die Menschen liebt. Leben und Werk des Dichters Reinhold Conrad Muschler. 1957 (fide Zep-Tim).

Schweinfurth, G., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 56: 170-175, 206. 1915.

VanLandinghan,, S. L., Cat. Diat. 7: 4208. 1978.

note: Muschler had to leave B in September 1913 because of falsifications. See e.g. G. Schweinfurth, Dr. Reno Muschlers Falschungen, Ver. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 56: 170-175, 206. 1915 and Engler, A. et al., Bot. Jahrb. 53: 366-375. 1915 (corrections of Muschler’s diagnoses). A law-suit against M. was dismissed because M. was said to have been in a situation of ‘‘krankhafter Storung der Geistestatigkeit.”” — Further insight into the appa- rently somewhat unstable character of Muschler is provided by himself in his “Ein deutscher Weg” (ed. Dreyer 1933), with e.g. ““Mein Weg zu Adolf Hitler’, p. 23-29.

COMPOSITE WORKS: with E. Gilg: Phanerogamen ... Leipzig (Quelle und Meyer) 1909, 172 p., publ. Aug-Sep 1909, in the series ““Wissenschaft und Bildung”’.

EPONYMY: Muschleria S. M. Moore (1914).

  1. Systematische und pflanzengeographische Gliederung der afrikanischen Senecio-Arten (Teil i-

vil). Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwiirde genehmigt von der philoso-

phischen Fakultat der Friedrich-Wilhelms- Universitat zu Berlin ... 1908. Oct. (Syst. Glied.

afr. Senecio).

Publ.: 23 Sep 1908 (or a few days earlier; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1908), p. [1-111], [1]-38, [1, vita]. Copy: G. —*“Tag der Promotion 23. September 1908” on cover. Full paper published in Bot. Jahrb. 43(1,2): [1]-74. 23 Feb 1909.

  1. A manual flora of Egypt by Dr. Reno Muschler ... with a preface by prof. Paul

Ascherson and prof. Georg Schweinfurth ... Berlin (R. Friedlaender & Sohn, ...) 1912, 2

vols. Oct. (Man. fl. Egypt).

Preface: Paul Friedrich August Ascherson (1834-1913), Georg August Schweinfurth (1836- 1925).

r: Sep-Oct 1912 (p. ix, xii: Jun 1912; ObZ Nov 1912; Bot. Centralbl. 15 Oct 1912; J. Bot. Dec 1912), p. [1]-xii, [1 ]-672.

2: Jan-Aug 1912 (Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1911; J. Bot. Dec 1912), p. [i], 673-1312.

Copies: FI, G, L, MO, US(2), USDA. — Supplementary records: see Simpson, N. D., Bull. Techn. Sci. Serv. Min. Agr. Egypt 93, 1930, 59 p.

Facsimile ed.: Lehre (J. Cramer) 1970, Historial naturalis classica 77, ISBN 3-7682-0678-5.

Ref.: S. M., J. Bot. 50: 378-379. Dec 1912. Diels, L., Bot. Jahrb. 49: 27-28. 28 Mar 1913.

Mussche, Jean Henri (1765-1834), Belgian botanist; curator of the botanical garden at Gent. (Mussche).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: Unknown.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Backer p. 386; Barnhart 2: 533; BM 3: 1387; Bossert p. 279; Jackson p. 418; Herder p. 151; Kew 4: 98-99; PR 6581-6582 (ed. 1: 7347-7348); Rehder 5: 604; RS p. 121; TL-1/904; Tucker 1: 509.

Crépin, F., Guide bot. Belgique 474-475. 1871; Biogr. natl. Belgique 15: 376-377. 1899. Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, in R. J. Forbes, ed., Martinus van Marum 3: 144. 1971. Thiery, L. M., Bij dé 150 verjaring van de plantentuin der Universiteit te Gent 29. 1947

(portr.). Van Hulthem, C., Quelques souvenirs autour d’un tombeau. Notice consacrée a rappeler la mémoire et les services de Jean Henri Mussche, ... Gand 1935, 26 p., reprinted from

Messager des Sciences et des Arts 1835(4) (biogr., b. 20 Jun 1765, d. 24 Dec 1835). ePonyMy: Musschia Dumortier (1822).

  1. Catalogue des plantes du jardin botanique de la ville de Gand ... A Gand [Gent] (de Imprimerie de P. F. de Goesin-Verhaeghe, ...) [1810]. Oct. (Cat. pl. jard. Gand). Publ.: 9 Oct 1810 (see copy at G), p. [i-n], [1]-49. Copy: G.

  2. Hortus gandavensis ou tableau général de toutes les plantes exotiques et indigénes, cultivées dans le jardin botanique de la ville de Gand, avec l’indication des lieux ou elles croissent spontanément, et en particulier celles qui habitent la province de la Flandre orientale; de leur durée et qualité, et des lieux de leur conservation, ou maniére abrégée de les cultiver; rédigé selon le systéme de Linnée; précédé d’une notice historique sur Porigine, les progrés et situation actuelle du jardin . .. Gand [Gent] (Chez P. F. de Goesin-Verhaeghe ... et chez l’auteur) 1817. Oct. (in fours). (Hort. gand.).

Publ.: Jun 1817 (t.p.; Ned. Staats Cour. rd. 23-28 Jun 1817), p. [i-vi], [1]-14, 1 pl. (ancol.

lith. G. Massaux), [1-2, abbr.], [1]-164. Copzes: BR, G(2), MO, NY.

Musset, Charles Raymond (1826-1892), French botanist at Toulouse; from 1878-1883 lecturer, 1883-1892 professor of botany at the Faculté des Sciences, Grenoble. (Musset).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 533; CSP 4: 562, 8: 477, 10: 893, 12: 530, 17: 434-435; De Toni 1: Ixxxix; Jackson p. 80, 105; LS 18722; Morren ed. 10, p. 63; PR 6583- 6584; Rehder 5: 602.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 52: 143. 1892 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 16(Beibl. 37): 21. 1892; Bot. Not. 1893: 39; Bull. Soc. bot. France 25 (bibl.): 42. 1878 (“Chargé du cours de botanique’’); Osterr. bot. Z. 42: 396. 1892 (d.).

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 133. 1907, 35: 45. 1910.

  1. Thése pour le doctorat és sciences naturelles présentée a la Faculté des sciences de Bordeaux par M. Ch. Musset. Nowvelles recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur les Oscillaires. Soutenue le 5 juin 1862 devant la Commission d’examen ... Toulouse (Typographie de Bonnal & Gibrac, ...) 1862. Qu. (Nouv. rech. Oscill.).

Publ.: 5 Jun 1862, p. [1]-28, z pl., [1, expl. pl.]. Copy: NY.

Ref. Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 9: 475-477. Feb 1862.

Mutel, (Pierre) Auguste (Victor) (1795-1847), French botanist and soldier, sometime military administrator at Le Havre. (Mutel).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and proGRaAPHy: AG 3: 649; Barnhart 2: 533; BL 2: 144, 694; BM 3: 1387; CSP 4: 563, 8: 477; DTS 1: 209; Frank 3(Anh.): 69; Herder p. 175, 288; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘“Mutel’”); IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: 575; Jackson p. 138, 274, 283; Kew 4: 99; Lasegue p. 422, 504; PFC 1: xlviii-xlix; PR 6586-6590 (ed. 1: 7352-7356); Rehder 5: 604; SO add. 839, 840, add. 842h; TL-1/905; Tucker 1: 509; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 793 (b. 29 Oct 1795, d. 1 Apr 1847).

Anon., Bot. Not. 1849: 88 (d. 1 Apr 1847); Flora 31: 87-88. 1848 (d. 1 Apr 1847). Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (herb.).



Cosson, E., Comp. fl. atl. 1: 74. 1881.

Cosson, E. et Durieu, Exp. Sci. Algérie, Bot. 2: xxxix. 1868.

Kirschleger, F., Fl. Alsace 2: xxii. 1857.

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 40, 132. 1907.

Maire, R., Progr. connaiss. bot. Algérie 20. 1931.

Rydén, S., Sv. Linné-Sallsk. Arsskr. 35: 31-38. 1952 (on M. and Linnaeus and Hans Krets). Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977.

  1. lore du Dauphiné ou description succincte des plantes croissant naturellement en Dauphiné ou cultivés pour usage de Phomme et des animaux, précédée d’un précis de botanique, de l’analyse des genres et de leur tableau d’aprés le systéme de Linnée; .. Grenoble (Chez Prudhomme, ...), Paris (Chez Treuttel et Wurtz, ...) 1830, 2 vols. Duod. (in sixes). (LV. Dauphine). Ed. 1: Copies: FI, G, M, MO, USDA.

1: 1830 (p. ix: 1 Mai 1830), p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xi, [xui, cont.], [1]-148, pl. 7-4 (uncol. liths.).

2: 1830, p. [i-iv], [1]-544. Ed. 2: “entiérement refondue”’, Grenoble (Prudhomme, ...) s.d. Copies: G, USDA.

1: 1848 (p. vii: 1 Sep 1848), p. [1]-vul, [vii, abbr.], [1]-768.

2: 1849 (Bot. Zeit. 5 Oct 1849), p. [i-iv], [1]-[140]. — “par Ate B¥*”

6595- Flore francaise destinée aux herborisations, ou description des plantes croissant naturellement en France, ou cultivées pour l’usage de homme et des animaux, avec lanalyse des genres et leur tableau d’aprés le systeme de Linné; ornée de planches représentant les charactéres de 550 espeéces critiques; ... Paris (chez F. G. Levrault, ...) Strasbourg (méme maison, ...) 1834-1838. Duod. (in sixes), 4 vols., atlas. (Fl. frang.). 1: 1834, p. [i]-x, [xi-xi], [1]-524. 1835, p- [i-vi], [1]-452. : Jul 1836, p. [1-iv], [1]-410. 4: Mar 1837, p. [1-1], [1 ]-218, [219-220], [1]-81, [1]-8r. 5: Lable générale: Mai 1838, [1]-189, [190, err. ]. Allas: 1835-1837 (part 1, 25 pl., 21 Mar 1835; . 2, 18 pl., 26 Mar 1836; 3, 25 pl., 1 Oct 1836; 4, 24 pl., 12 Aug 1837; suppl. 3 pl., 17 Nov 1838, dates BF, p. [i], pl. 1-92, 56 bis, suppl. 1-3. Copy: USDA. Rickett, H. W., North Amer. fl. 28B(2): 347. 1945.

Go Ny

  1. Premier mémoire sur les Orchidées, ... Paris (J. B. Bailliére, ...) 1838.

Publ.: 1838, p. [1-11], [1]-16, pl. 2-4 (uncol.; auct.). Copies: FI, G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mém. Soc. roy. centr. Agr. Sci. Arts Dépt. Nord 1835-1836: [77]-92. 1837 (without the plates; copy of journal at BR).

  1. Mémoire sur plusieurs Orchidées nouvelles ou peu connues, avec des observations sur les

caracteres génériques; ... Paris (Librairie J. B. Bailliére, ...) 1842. Qu. (Mém. Orchid.).

Publ.: 1842, p. [i], [1]-61, pl. 7-5 (uncol.). Copy: NY. — Reprinted from Mem. Soc. Hist. nat. Strasbourg no. 3(1): 1840 [? issued 1842].

Mutis y Bosio, Jose Célestino Bruno (1732-1808), Spanish physician and botanist at Madrid; went to New Granada in 1750, discovered Cinchona; director of the Expediciin botdnica and its flora; founder of the first astronomical observatory in South America; subsequently professor of mathematics at Santa-fé de Bogota; founder of a botanic garden and ultimately clergyman at Santa Fé. (Muti).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: MA; further sets of Colombian material at BM, COL, F, G, K, LINN, MEDEL, NY, P, S, SBT, ST, UPS, US. Manuscripts and plant illustrations at Madrid (6849) and LINN; a manuscript on quinine is at BM(NH) (see BM 3: 1387).

NoTE: A publication of the coloured plates of Colombian plants was started in Madrid in 1954, edited by S. Rivas-Goday and E. Perez-Arbelaez, to be completed in 51 volumes, under the title Flora de la Real Expedicién botdnica del Nuevo Reino de Granada (1760-1817). So far published vols. 1, 7, 8, 27, 44, 1954-1969. — For letters and diary see Hernandéz de Alba (1947-1949 and 1957-1958).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocraPHy: AG 6(2): 705; Backer p. 386; Barnhart 2: 533; Blunt p. 168- 169; BM 3: 1387, 7: 891; Bossert p. 279; Colmeiro 1: clxxxix-cxc; Dawson p. 535, 544, 641, 709; Dryander 2: 78, 3: 331, 332, 5: 91; DSB 15: 429-430 (b. 6 Apr 1732, d. 11 Sep 1808);

Frank 3(Anh.): 69-70; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Mutis”’); TH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: 575; Kew 4: 99; KR p.

513; Laségue p. 347, 470, 505; PR (alph.) (ed. 1: 7358-7359); Rehder 5: 604; SO 2533,

2556; TL-2/1061, 3141, see index; Tucker 1: 509; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 793.

Anon., Appleton Cycl. Amer. biogr. 4: 472. 1888; Recuerdo de la Exposicion retrospectiva de Historia natural., celebrada en el Jardin Botanico de Madrid ‘en Julio de 1929 publicado con ocasién del bicentenario del nacimiento de D. José Celestino Mutis Madrid 1932 [Comision de estudios retrospectivos de historia natural de la Academia de Ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales. |

Bateman, A. D., Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. 9(43): xvii-xxvi. 1961 (the influence of M. on Colombian national culture).

Bolivar, I., ed., Recuerdo de la exposicion retrospectiva de historia natural, Madrid 1932, iv, 72 p. (portr.).

Candolie, Alph. de, Phytographie 436, 1880. (coll. MA).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. Souvenirs. 220. 1862.

Colmeiro, M., Bot. Penins. Hisp.-lusit. 171-172. 1858.

Coats, A. M., The plant hunters 362, 368. 1969.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(3): 33, 34, 42, 45, 81. 1909, 1(6): 88. 1912.

Gomez, L. D., Rev. Acad. Colomb. Ci. exact. fis. nat. 9(36-37): 485-486. 1956 (portr.; la tumba del Sabio Mutis).

Gredilla, A. F., Biografia de José ... Mutis, Madrid 1911, 713 p. (portr.).

Hagen, W. W. von, J. New York Bot. Gard. 49: 177-184, 210-218. 1948 (“the immortal botanist’).

Hernandéz de Alba, G., (ed.), Archivo epistolar del sabio naturalista José Celestino Mutis, vols. 1-4, Bogota 1947-1975. (1-2 repr. 1968), ssiv & 522, 346, 432, 334 p.; Diario de observaciones de José Celestino Mutis (1760-1790). Bogota, 2 vols., 1957-1958 (portr.), i XXX, 4O5 p:, 2: Ml, 715 p.

Hulth, J. M. & Uggla, A. H., Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(2): 196, 198. 1943.

Humboldt, A. v. & A. J. A. Bonpland, Pl. aequinoct. 1: frontisp. portr. Mutis. 1808.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134(suppl.): 18. 1922 (pl. LINN).

Jaramillo-Arango, J., J. Linn. Soc. London 53: pl. 21. 1949 (in a critical review “of the basic facts in the history of Cinchona’’); Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. exact. fis. nat. 9(33-34): 14-31. 1953 (M. and the 18th century Spanish New World exped.).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 467. 1864.

Keefe, R. F., Biologist 48: 53-54. 1966.

Killip, E. P., Estudio, Santander 3: 58-66. 1933 (identification of M. specimens).

Margadant, W. D., in G. H. M. Lawrence, Adanson 1: 334. 1963 (letters at HU).

Mendoza, D., Expedicién botanica de José Celestino Mutis ... memorias ineditas de Francisco José de Caldas, Madrid 1909, p. 289 [index].

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 73. 1946 (1948) (epon.).

Munoz Medina, D. J., Hist. desarr. bot. Espana 16-17. 1969.

Perez Arbelaez, E., ed., Libro conmemorativo del segundo centenario de don José... Mutis y Bosio 1732-1932. Bogota 1932 (1933), 272 p- (portr.); Ci. interamer. 8(1): 11-14. 1967 (M. and the “real expedicion botanica’’.).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 248. 1863.

Smith, J. E., Rees Cycl. 24(alph.). 1813.

Steele, A. R., Flowers for the king 370 [index]. 1964.

Umana, GC. T., Rev. Acad. Colomb. Ci. exact. fis. nat. 11(42): xxxvu-xli. 1960 (Humboldt y la escuela de Mutis).

Verdoorn, F., Fl. pl. sci. Latin America xxvi. 1945.

Vezga, F., La expedicion botanica, Bogota 1936, p. 203-212.

HANDWRITING: Hernandez de Alba, G., Diario de observaciones de Jose Celestino Mutis 1: Opp: P- 2/3- 1957:

EPONYMY: Mutisa Cothenius (1790, orth. var.); Mutisia Linneaus fil. (1782).

POSTAGE STAMPS: Colombia 25 c. (1947) yv. 415 (left figure).



Mygind, Franz (Frands von (1710-1789), Austrian imperial counsel (“‘Hofrat’’) at the ministry of commerce; friend of N. J. von Jacquin. (Mpgind).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: material at C, E, LINN and OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 282; Barnhart 2: 534; BM 3: 1387, 7: 891; Clokie

p. 216; Frank 3(Anh.): 70; TH 2: 576; Kew 4: 100; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 604; Saccardo 2:

76; SO 2542.

Flatt, C. de, Francisci a Mygind, Observationes critico-botanicae seu epistolae ad Lin- naeum scriptae, in Verh. Bot. Zool. Ges. Wien 47: 473-494, 582-609.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(6): 71. 1912.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (coll. in herb. Giseke).

Heufler, L. von, Franz von Mygind, der Freund Jacquin’s. Wien 1870, 46 p. (Abh. k.k. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 20: 879-924. 1870), (main biography), rev.: ObZ 21: 87-88. 1871.

Hornemann, J., Naturh. Tidskr. 1: 564. 1837.

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 134(suppl.): 18. 1922 (pl. LINN).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 193. 1971.

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 60. 1881.

EPONYMY: Myginda N. J. Jacquin (1760); W. J. Hooker et Arnott (1838, orth. var.).

Myrin, Claés Gustaf (1803-1835), Swedish botanist and agricultural economist at Uppsala. (Myrin).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: S; musci also at H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 534; BL 2: 549, 694; BM 3: 1388, 7: 892; CSP 4: 564; Frank 3(Anh.): 70; GR p. 495; IH 2: 576; Kew 4: 100-101; Kleppa p. 263; KR p. 515- 516; NAF ser. 2. 3: 40; PR 6591-6592 (ed. 1: 7362-7365); Rehder 5: 604; SBC p. 128 (“Myr.”); SO 3449.

Anon., Flora 18: 478-480. 1835 (d. 22 Mar 1835).

Lowegren, I., Naturalikabinett Sverige 45, 213, 237. 1952.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Scheutz, Bot. Not. 1863: 70.

EPONYMY: Myrinia W. P. Schimper (1860, nom. cons.) Note: The derivation of Myrinia Lilja (1840, nom. rej.) could not be determined but very likely also commemorates Myrin.

  1. Corollarium florae upsaliensis quod venia ampl. fac. philos. upsal. pp. Claud. Gust.

Myrin ... et Joh. Jac. Svartengren ... in audit. Gustav. die xvi Octobr. mdcccxxxiii

h.a.m.s. Upsaliae (excudebant regiae Academiae typographi) [1833]. Oct. (Coroll. fl.


Publ.: A series of 8 theses written by Myrin. Later published in a commercial issue without thesis t.p.’s.

1: 16 Oct 1833, p. [i], [1]-16. Defendant: Joh. Jac. Svartengren.

2: 23 Oct 1833, p. [1-111], 17-32. Def.: Jacobus Sjostedt.

3: 27 Nov 1833, p. [i-iv], 33-48. Def.: Carolus Otto Forslind.

4: 7 Dec 1833, p. [i-iv], 49-64. Def.: Nicol. Gust. Wennerstrém.

5: 14 Dec 1833, p. [i-tii], 65-80. Def.: Paulus Augustus Martin.

6: 23 Apr 1834, p. [i-iii], 81-96. Def.: Otto Askenstedt.

7: 4 Jun 1834, p. [i], 97-112. Def.: Joh. Chr. Lind.

8: 11 Jun 1834, p. [i], 113-123, [124] err.

Vol. t.p. and reprint of p. 5-6: 1834, p. [i], 5-6. For general title see below. — Copy of diss. 1-6, 8: USDA, of diss. 7: LD.

Trade ed.: 1834, p. [i], [1]-123, [ 124, err.]. Copies: G, MO, NY. —‘‘Corollarium florae upsaliensis. Dissertationibus academici annorum mdcccxxxiii et mdcccxxxiv editum.” Upsaliae (excudebant Palmblad & C.) Gryphiae (apud E. Mauritium) 1834. Oct.

Nabelek, Frantisek (1884-1965), Moravian botanist; studied at Vienna University under R. v. Wettstein (1902-1907); Dr. phil. Wien 1907; from 1908-1920 high school



teacher at Lipnika (Leipnik); visited Near East (1909-1911); from 1921-1928 id. at Brno, from 1925-1934 lecturer, from 1934-1939 professor of botany at Masaryk University, Brno; from 1939-1950 professor of botany and head of the Botanical Institute of Comenius University, Bratislava. (Nabélek).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 534; BJI 2: 121; Bossert p. 280; Futak-Domin p.

410; Hirsch p. 208; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 101; Klastersky p. 132; LS suppl. 19517-19521.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 58: 495. Dec 1908 (app. professor at the Bohemian “‘Landesoberreal- schule” at Leipnik, Moravia); 74: 288. 1925 (app. Brinn).

Blakelock, R. A. & E. R. Guest, Fl. Iraq 1: 109, 115. 1966 (itin.).

Fedtschenko, B. A., Bot. Zhurn. 30: 38. 1945.

Harbetova-Uhrova, A., Preslia 36. 311-312. 1964 (80th birthday; portr., biogr. note)., 38: 218. 1966 (d. 10 Jun 1965).

Janchen, E., Richard Wettstein 186. 1933.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 15: 16. 1909 (app. Leipnik).

Majovsky, J., Taxon 15: 82. 1966, Acta Fac. Rer. Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 14: 3-5. 1967 (obit., b. 3 Mai 1884, port.).

Michalko, J., Biologia, Bratislava 21(5): 387-388. 1966 (obit., portr.).

Roshevitz, Zlaki 254. 1937 (epon.).

EPoNYMY: Nabelekia Roshevitz (1937).

  1. Iter turcico-persicum ... Brno (Vlastnim nakladem vydava prirodovédecka fakulta) 1923-1929, 4 parts. Oct. (lter turc.-pers.).

Publ.: in Publ. Fac. Sci. Univ. Masaryk. Copy: G. — Types at BRA.

T: 1923, p. [1]-144, pl. 1-76. Publ. [Cis] 35.

2: 1925, p. [1]-57, [58], pl. 1-72. Publ. 52.

3: 1926, p. [1]-75, pl. 1-7. Publ. 70.

3: 1929, p. [1]-47, [48], pl. 2-4. Publ. 105.

Ref.: Krause, K., Bot. Jahrb. 59: 75. 1 Aug 1924 (fasc. 1).

Naccari, Fortunato Luigi (1793-1860), Italian botanist; high school teacher at the seminary of Chioggia; later university librarian at Padova (Naccart).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. Naccari may have left his herbarium to PAD but it has not been retraced (Saccardo).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 534; BL 2: 415, 694; BM 3: 1388; Bossert p. 280; Cesati p. 273-279, Saggio p. 53-54; CSP 4: 564, 8: 478, 12: 531; De Toni 1: Ixxxix-xc; DTS 1: 387; GR p. 536; Herder p. 179, 253; Jackson p. 323; Krempelh. 1: 154, 506; PR 6593-6595, add. (ed. 1: 7366-7367); Rehder 5: 605; Saccardo 1: 116, 2: 77, cron. p. xxvii; Tucker 1: 509.

Endlicher, S. L., Gen. 6. 1836 (epon.).

Miiller, R. H. W. & Zaunick, R., Friedr. Traug. Kiitzing 148, 244, 290. 1960.

Nardo, G. D., Comm. Fauna Fl. Gea Veneto 1: 73-84. 1869. (biogr., bibl.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 164. 1903.

EPONYMY: Naccaria Endlicher (1836) probably commemorates him.

  1. Flora veneta o descrizione delle piante che nascono nella provincia di Venezia disposta

secondo il sistema linneano e colla indicazione al metodo di Jussieu modificato dal De-

Candolle arricchita di osservazioni medico-economiche di Fortunato Luigi Naccari ...

Venezia (Presso Leone Bonvecchiato editore libraio .. .) 1826-1828, 6 vols. Qu. (FI. venet.). 1: 1826, p. [1]-127; 2: 1826 (Flora rev. 7 Oct 1827), p. [1]-135; 3: 1827, p. [1]-170; 4: 1827, p. [1]-150; 5: 1828 (Flora 28 Aug 1828), p. [1]-142; 6: 1828, p. [1]-133, [134: printed Aug 1828]. Copies: FI, G; IDC 889. — Aggiunte alla flora Veneta publ. 1824, Opusc. Sci. N. Coll., Bologna 1824: 133*-156; reprinted Bologna (Tipografia Bortolotti & Felcini ...) 1824, p. [1]-26. Copy: FT.



  1. Algologia adriatica del cavaliere Fortunato Luigi Naccari ... Bologna (Stamperia Cardinali e Frulli) 1828. Qu. (Algol. adriat.). Publ.: 1828, p. [1]-97. Copies: FH, FI, G, NY; IDC 6384.

Nachtigal, Gustav Hermann (1834-1885), German collector and explorer of Africa; military physician; from 1861 in Algeria, from 1863 in Tunisia; travelling in northern Africa 1868-1875; from 1882-1884 German consul at Tunis; first colonizer of Togo and Cameroon (1884-1885); died at sea when returning to Germany. (Nachtigal).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B (main part no longer extant).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 23: 193-199 (F. Ratzel); Barnhart 2: 534; BM 3: 1388; CSP 8: 478, 10: 896, 17: 441; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 101; Rehder 5: 605; Tucker 1: 510; Urban-Berl. p. 163, 194, 377.

Anon., Brockhaus’ Conversations-Lexikon 12: 40-41. 1885; Nat. Nov. 7: 128. 1885 (d.).

Ascherson, P., in E. Durand & C. Baratte, Fl. Libyc. prodr. xxii. 1910.

Embacher, F., Lexik. Reis. 215. 1882.

Giglioli, E., Archivio Antropol. Etnol. 15: 259-262. 1885 (obit.).

Giisfeldt, P., Leopoldina 22: 97-101, 120-123. 1886 (obit., b. 23 Feb 1834, d. 20 Apr 1885), in part taken from Giissfeldt et al., Trauerfeier fiir Gustav Nachtigal, in Verh. Ges. Erdk. Berlin 12: 347-365. 1885.

Letouzey, R., Fl. Cameroun 7: 9-10. 1968.

Neumayer, G., Mitt. geogr. Ges. Hamburg 1885/86(3): 251-257. 1887 (éloge).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 953. 1898.

Reiss, Verh. berlin. Ges. Erdk. 12: 347-365. 1885 (obit.).

Wichmann, H., Petermanns Mitt. aus Justus Perthes, Geogr. Anstalt 31: 224-225, 429. 1885.

Wickens, G. E., Veroff. Ubersee-Mus. Bremen, C. 1: 212-216. 1977.

Wolkenhauer, W., Geogr. Jahrb. 12: 380-381. 1888.

Note: Nachtigal’s major travelogue, Sahara und Sudan, Ergebnisse sechsjahriger Reisen in Afrika (3 vols., Berlin 1879-1889), contains in vol. 3(edited by E. Groddeck) a botanical chapter by P. Ascherson (p. 537-548). Nachtigal’s collections were enumerated by Ascher- son in Rohlfs, Kufra, 1881, Abth. 2(7).

Nadeaud, Jean (1834-1898), French physician (naval surgeon), botanist, explorer of the Southern Pacific. (Nadeaud).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: P, PC (via E. Drake); further material at B, BM (via Bescherelle), E, F, FH, G, G-DC, H, NY, S. — Bescherelle distributed Nadeaud; Mousses de Tahiti (see Sayre


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: BL 1: 129, 310; Bossert p. 280; CSP 17: 441; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Nadeaud’’); Herder p. 229; IF p. 722; Jackson p. 405; Rehder 1: 510, 2: 228, 857; SBC p. 128 (“Nad.”); Urban-Berl. p. 309; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 793.

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 27 (beibl. 64): 19. 1900; Nat. Nov. 21: 327. 1899 (d. 20 Nov 1898 in Tahiti); Osterr. bot. Z. 48: 75. 1898 (E. Bescherelle published a series of Tahitian mosses coll. by Nadeaud); 49: 198. 1899 (d.); Rev. bryol. 26(2): 40. 1899.

Bescherelle, E., Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 7.20: 1-62. 1895; Bull. Soc. bot. France 45: 1-98. 1898; J. Bot., Paris 12: 136-150. 1898, Bull. Sci. bot. France 48: 11-17. 1g01 (on N’s collections).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (251 sp. G-DC).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (coll.E).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 104. 1899 (d.).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144:142. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.; note on ‘‘on the botany of Tahiti’); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 224-225. 1947 (bibl.).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 373-374. 1975 (collections); Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

EPONYMY: Nadeaudia Bescherelle (1898).



NOTE: The anonymous “On the botany of Tahiti” (Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 6(app.): Ixvi-lxxx. 1874) found among the papers of William Swainson (1789-1855), is attributed to Nadeaud by Rehder (1: 510). Merrill (1947) supposes it to be a partial translation of the Plantes usuelles des Tahitiens (1864).

  1. Plantes usuelles des Tahitiens,... Montpellier (Jean Martel ainé, imprimeur ...) 1864. Oct. (Pl. usuel. Tahit.). Publ.: 1864, p. [1]-52. Copy: G. — Apparently published independently.

  2. Enumeration des plantes indigenes de Lile de Tahiti recueillies et classées par le docteur J. Nadeaud ... Paris (F. Savy, ...) 1873. Oct. (Enum. pl. Tahiti).

Publ.: Jan-Jul 1873 (p. v: 2 Mai 1872), p. [i*], [i]-v, [7]-86. Copzs: G, L, NY.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 20(bibl.): 26-27. Aug. 1873.

Nadvornik, Joseph (Josef) (1906-1977); Czechoslovak lichenologist and high school teacher (from 1925-1966) at Uzhgorod, Hlinsko and Praha. (Nddv.).

HERBARIUM and Types: BRA (lichen herbarium, 11.000). Exszccatae: (1) Caliceae exsiccatae, dec. 1-5, nos. 1-54, Praha 1935-1951. Sets at BM, FH, H, M, UPS, W; (2) Lichenes exsiccati, nos. 1-30, Praha 1954-1959, set at UPS; (3) Physciaceae exsiccati, dec. 1-3, nos. 1-33, Praha 1943-1945. Set at FH, M, UPS, UPSV.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: GR p. 665-666, pl. [25], cat. p. 68; IH 2: (in press); SBC p.


Anon., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 10: 111, 117. 1937, 19: [10-11 I. 1950, 21: 195. 1952, 25: 406.

_ 1956; Taxon 25: 506. 1977.

Cernohorsky, Zd., Preslia 50: 189-191. 1978 (portr., obit., bibl., b. 13 Feb 1906, d. 8 Jul 1977); Int. Lichenol. Newsl. 10(2): 9. 1977.

Gyelnik, V. K., Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung., Bot. 31: 56. 1938.

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isles 1568-1975. 125. 1977.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 150-151. 1969.

Nageli, Carl Wilhelm [von], [Naegeli] (1817-1891), Swiss-born botanist; Dr. phil. Zirich 1840; Dr. med. h.c. Freiburg 1854; habil. 1842; professor of botany at Zurich 1848- 1859; at Freiburg i.Br. 1852-1855; at the ETH Zurich 1855-1857; at Munchen 1857-1891. (Nag.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Algae herbarium at M (r. 1933, via herb. F. J. E. Correns), other material at BM, CGE, DBN, E, G, HBG, L (herb. Kutzing), M (Lich. rd 1892), MANCH, MJG, ZT. Hieracia e.g. at BM and G; see also A. Peter, Hieracia naegeliana.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 5: 752, 12(1): 248; Ainsworth p. 21, 117, 121, 274, 301, 325, 345; Barnhart 2: 534; BJI 1: 42; BM 3: 1388-1389, 7: 892; Bossert p. 280; Cesati p. 280- 282, Saggio p. 54; Collander hist. p. 64, 65; CSP 4: 565-566, 8: 479, 10: 896-897, 12: 531, 17: 443; De Toni 1: xc, 2: lxxxiv; DSB 9: 600-602 (bibl.); DTS 1: 209-210; Frank 3(Anh.): 70; GR p. 633, cat. p. 68; Hegi 6(2): 1225; Herder p. 468; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 70, 71, 75, 76, 83, 92, 156, 166, 172, 220; Kew 4: 102; KR 1: 242, 256, 2: 310, 3: 99; Krempelh. 2: 310; LS 18749-18764; Moebius p. 454 [index]; Morren ed. 2, p. 9, ed. 10, p. 18; NAF ser. 2. 6: 70, 8: 48; Nordstedt p. 24, suppl. p. 12; PR 1947, 1948, 4775, 6597- 6609, 8227 (ed. 1: 7369-7371); Rehder 1: 34, 245, 5: 605-606; SBC p. 128; TL-2/see indexes; Tucker 1: 510.

Anon., Almanach K. bayer. Akad. Wiss. 1884: 271-277 (bibl.); Almanach K.K. Akad. Wiss. Wien 41: 187-189. 1891 (obit.); Bonplandia 3: 176. 1855 (to ETH-Zurich), 5: 172. 1857 (to Miinchen), 8: 126. 1860, 10: 213. 1862.; Bot. Centralbl. 5: 224. 1881 (foreign member Soc. r. Bot. Belg.) 46: 368. 1891 (d.), 49: 384. 1892 (Nageli-memorial), 50: 178. 1892 (Algae herb. presented to C. Cramer); Bot. Gaz. 16(8): 242. 1891: Bot. Jahrb. 14 (Beibl. 31): 17. 1891; Bot. Nat. 1892. 47; Bot. Zeit. 49: 352. 1891; Bot. Zeit. 50: 235. 8 Apr



1892 (algae herb. donated to C. Cramer at Zurich. We do not know wether this is indeed the same “herbarium” as that which came to M via F. J. E. Correns); Leopoldina 27: 108-109. 1891; Nat. Nov. 3: 95. 1881 (F.R.S.), 11: 243. 1889 (retires from professorship); Osterr. bot. W. 2: 375. 1852 (to Freiburg) 5: 149. 1855 (to ETH-Ziirich); Osterr. bot. Z. 11: 413. 1861 (fate Beitr. wiss. Bot. uncertain; financial difficulties); 28: 38. 1878 (Ritter des Maximilian-Ordens); 41: 219. 1891 (d.).

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 150. 1888 (Hierac. naegel. at W).

Bergdolt, E., Karl von Goebel ed. 2. 261 [index]. 1941.

Briquet, J., Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 352-354. 1940 (biogr., bibl., epon.).

Brunchorst, J., Naturen 15: 327-329. 1891.

Bureau, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 38 (bibl.): 94-95. 1891 (obit.)

Correns, C., Gregor Mendels Briefe an Carl Nageli 1866-1873. Leipzig 1905, 79 p.

Cramer, C., Neue Zurcher Zeit. 16 Mai 1891 (funeral oration).

Cramer, C. E., Verh. Schweiz. naturf. Ges. 74 (1890/91): 184-188. 1892 (obit.); “Leben und Wirken von Carl Wilhelm von Nageli, Zurich, 1896, viii, 91. (main biogr., bibl., portr., evaluation of scientific work); review by Maurizio, Bot. Centralbl. Beih. 6(6): 401-403. 1896.

De Wildeman, E., Notarisia 6: 1268-1275. 1891 (obit., bibl.).

Engler, A., Int. Monatschr. Wiss. Kunst Techn. 12: 63-83. 1917.

Errera, L., Bull. GC. R. Séances Soc. Bot. Belg. 30(2): 148-152. 1891 (obit.; e. g. on his theory of intussusception and ideoplasma).

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 234. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. Miinchen 1857-1891).

Glass, B. et al., Forerunners of Darwin 162, 289, 324, 331, 343, 352. 1968.

Goebel, K., Gedachnisrede auf Karl von Nageli ... 21 Marz 1893, Miinchen 1893, 19 p.

Harvey-Gibson, R. J. Outlines hist. bot. 273 [index]. 1914.

H. B., J. R. microsc. Soc. 1891(2): 675-676 (obit., based on a notice in the Miinch. Med. Wochenschr. ).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970. (coll. 1837 at E).

Heine, H., Gesch. Mikroskopie 1: 291-297. s.d. [ca. 1960] (portr., evaluation).

Ikeno, S., Bot. Mag. Tokyo 6: 203-206. 1892 (obit., Japan).

Iltis, H., Life of Mendel ed. 2. 330 [index]. 1966.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 48 (pl. K).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 374-375, 447-448, 458. 1884.

Kohut, A., Flora 95: 108-149. 1905 (Naegeli and M. J. Schleiden in the years 1841-1844; 11 Nageli letters e.g. on genesis Z. wiss. Bot.).

Koster, J. T., Taxon 18: 555. 1969 (location algae).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 312 [index]. 1973; Hoppea 37: 148. 1978 (b. 27 Mar 1817, d. 18 Mai 1891).

Miler, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traug. Kiitzing 17, 19, 290. 1960.

Nageli, C., Verh. bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 14: 155-157. 1872 (request addressed to collectors of Hieracium).

Oehlkers, F., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68: (2)-(3). 1955 (N. at Freiburg).

Peter, A., Bot. Centralbl. 19: 185. 1884 (announcement of Hieracia naegeliana ed. A. Peter, 300 forms; accompanies Naegeli & Peter, Hieracia Mittel-Europ.).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 953-953. 1808.

Prantl, K., Hedwigia 31: 1-11. 1892 (bibl., portr.).

Renner, O., Ber. bayer. bot. Ges. 35: 106-108. 1962.

Roberts, H. F., Plant hybrid. before Mendel 183-204. 1965.

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 67, 191, 194, 324, 338, 354, 453. 1892.

Schiiepp, O., Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel 44: 223-274. 1933 (Nageli’s work on the developmen- tal biology of leaves).

Schwendener, S., Ber. deut. Bot. Ges. 9: (26)-(42). 1891 (portr. bibl.)

Scott, D. H., J. Bot. 29: 366-370. 1891; Nature 44: 580-583. 1891 (obit.; evaluation Z. wiss. Bot.), see also Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci. 26: 376-381. 1891.

Stafleu, F. A., Regn. veg. 71: 339. 1970.

Taton, R., ed., Science 19th cent. 608 [index]. 1965.

Vines, S. H., Proc. Roy. Soc. 51: xxvii-xxxvi. 1892.

Veer, P. H. W. A. M., Leven en werk van Hugo de Vries 182. 1969 (portr.)

Voit, V.,S. B. bayer. Akad. Wiss., Miinchen 22: 196-198. 1893 (obit.; “wir wissen und wir werden wissen’’).


NAGELI (1849)

Weiss, J. E., Ber. bayer. bot. Ges. 1891: 79-84. (obit., portr., bibl.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 137. 1903, 3(3): xxii-xxill 146. pl. 75. 1903 (portr.).

Wulff, E. V., Intr. hist. pl. geogr. 26, 46. 1943.

Wunschmann, E., Carl Wilhelm von Naegeli, Wiss. Beil. Progr. Charlottenschule, Berlin, Ostern 1893, Berlin, 31 p. (biogr., bibl.; discussion of e.g. systematic work and of N’s attitude towards Darwin’s ideas).

Zander, A., Deut. med. Wochenschr. 17(28): 879-880. 1891 (obit., repr. p. [1-7]).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Dispositio specierum generis Cirsti... Appendix zu G. D. J. Koch, Syn. fi. Germ. ed. 2.3: 987-1012. 1845.

(2) Exnlectung, to E. Widmer, Die europdischen Arten der Gattung Primula, Miinchen & Leipzig, 1891.

FESTSCHRIFT: Festschrift zur Feier des fiinfzigjahrigen Doctor-Jubilaums Herrn Prof. Dr. Karl Wilhelm von Nageli in Munchen und Herrn Geheimrath Prof. Dr. Albert von Kolliker in Wurzburg gewidmet von der Universitat, dem Eidg. Polytechnicum, der Thierarzneischule in Zurich, Zurich (Albert Miiller’s Verlag) 1891, 3, 211 p. (Copies: Edinburgh Univ. Libr. and PH).

EPONYMY: Naegelia L. Rabenhorst (1844); Naegelia Regel (1847); Naegeliellia Correns (1893). Note: The derivations for Naegelia P. F. Reinsch (1878) and Naegelia Zollinger et Moritzi (1846) were not given by the authors. Naegeliella Schroeter (1893) is a substitute name for NVaegelia P. F. Reinsch.

  1. Die Cirsien der Schweiz... Neuchatel (in der Buchdruckerei von O. Petitpierre) 1840.

Qu. (Cirs. Schweiz).

Publ.: 1840, p. [i]-vini, [1]-166, [1-2], pl. 1, ra, 2-8 (col.; auct.). Copies: G, NY. — Preprinted from Neue Denkschr. allg. Schweiz. Ges. Naturwiss. 5(1): [i]-viii, [1 ]-166, pl. 2-8 (uncol., auct.) 1841. The plates were coloured only in the preprints; plates 1 and 1a are also present only in the preprint. Copies without imprint, evidently taken from the journal are more common: e.g. at L, NY, WU.

  1. <erlschrift fir wissenschafiliche Botamk von M. J. Schleiden und Carl Nageli... Zurich (Druck von Orrell, Fissli und Comp.) 1844-1846, 4 Hefte. Oct. ¢ (Z. wiss. Bot.). Co-editor: Matthias Jacob Schleiden (1804-1881); Authorship: all papers are by Nageli (see Kohut 1905; Scott 1891). Publ.: vol. 1, Hefte 1-4 only. Copy: BR. 1(z): 1844, p. [1-iv], [1]-188, pl. 1-4 (uncol.). (2): 1845, p. [iJ-iv, [1]-210, pl. r-4 (id.). (3/4): 1846, p. [i]-vu, [vili, err.], [1 ]-219, pl. 1-8 (id.).

  2. Die neuern Algensysteme und Versuch zur Begriindung eines eigenen Systems der Algen und Florideen ... Ziirich (In Kommission bei Friedrich Schulthess.) 1847. Qu. (Neu. Algensyst.).

Publ.: Aug-Sep 1847 (Flora 21 Sep 1847, “so eben’”’), p. [i], [1]-275, pl. 1-10 (uncol.). Copies: B, BR, FH, G, US. — Also published as Neue Denkschr. allg. schweiz. Ges. Naturwiss. 9, 1847.

Facsimile ed.: 1970, p. [i*, 1970 t.p.], [i], [1]-275, pl. 1-0 (id.). Copy: FAS. — Reprint Vaals (A. Asher & Co. N.V.) 1970, ISBN go0-6123-204-x.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 6: 768-770. 3 Nov 1848.

Furnrohr, A. E., Flora 30: 610-623. 14 Oct 1848 (rev.). Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 20: 371. 1971.

  1. Galiungen einzelliger Algen physiologisch und systematisch bearbeitet ... Ziirich (bei

Friedrich Schulthess) 1849. Qu. (Gatt. einzell. Alg.).

Publ.: 1849 (Flora rd. Jul 1849), p. [i]-viii, [1]-139, pl. 1-8 (2 issues: col. and partly col.).Copies: FH (2), G.— Also issued as Neue Denkschr. allg. schweiz. Ges. Naturwiss. vol. 10, 1849 (copies at B, NY and US without imprint are taken from journal; plates uncoloured).

Ref.: Furnrohr, A. E., Flora 32: 593-608. 14 Oct 1849.


NAGELI (1849)

Jessen, K., Bot. Zeit. 7: 739-743, 752-757, 769-771, 786-789, 800-803, 819-823, 833-836. Oct-Nov 1849.

  1. Systematische Uebersicht der Erscheinungen im Pflanzenreich akademischer Vortrag gehal- ten den 14 Marz 1853 mit erlauternden Anmerkungen von Carl Nageli. Freiburg im Breisgau (Friesrich Wagner’sche Buchhandlung) 1853. Qu. (Syst. Uebers. Erschein. Pflan- zenr.). Publ.: Dec 1853 or Jan 1854 (Flora rd. 1 Jan-14 Feb 1854; Bot. Zeit. 17 Feb 1854 “‘so eben”), p. [i, iti], [1]-68. Copzes: G, KNAW. Ref.: Anon., Flora 37: 294-297. 21 Mai 1854. Itzigsohn, H., Bot. Zeit. 12: 419-420. 16 Jun 1854.

  2. Pflanzenphysiologische Untersuchungen von Carl Nageli und Carl Cramer... Zurich (bei

Friedrich Schulthess) 1855-1857, 4 Hefte, 2 vols. Qu. + (Pfl.-physiol. Unters.).

Co-author: Carl Eduard Cramer (1831-1901).

1 (1): Dec 1855 or Jan-Jul 1856 (p. v: Dec 1855; “ist erschienen”’ Flora 14 Aug 1856; id. Bot. Zeit. 15 Aug 1856; Flora rd. Sep-Oct 1856), p. [i-vi], [1]-120, pl. 1-10, 35-38 (by Nageli). (2): Jul 1858 (p. mi: Apr 1858; “so eben” Bonplandia 15 Jul 1858; Flora 7 Sep 1858), p. [ii*-i1i*], [i]-x, [1]-623, [624, err.], pl. 11-26 (by Nageli); “Die Starkekorner ...” alt. title. (3): Dec 1855 or Jan-Jul 1856 (see 1(1)), p. [i-v], [1]-“32” [= 39], pl. 27-34 (partly col.); by Carl Cramer. _ (4): 1857 (p.iv: Apr 1857), p. [1]-iv, [1]-39, [40], pl. 39-47 (uncol.), author: Carl Eduard Cramer (1831-1901).

Copies: BR, FH.

  1. Beitrége zur wissenschaftlichen Botank von Carl Nageli, ... Erstes [-Viertes] Heft ... Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann) 1858-1868, 4 Hefte. + (Beztr. wiss. Bot.).

1: 1858, p. [i]-vi, [1]-156, pl. 7-79 (uncol. liths.).

2: 1860 (ObZ 1 Aug 1860), p. [i]-iv, [1]-92, pl. 1-8 (col. liths.).

3: 1863, p. [i]-1v, [1]-198, pl. 2-17 (1-7 uncol., 8-z1 col. liths.).

4: 1868, p. [i]-1v, [1]-202, pl. 1-23 (1-27 uncol., 22-23 col.).

Copy: G. — For a preprint from Heft 4 see below, no. 6612.

  1. Botanische Mittheilungen ... Miinchen (Druck von F. Straub) 1863-1881, 3 vols. Oct.

(Bot. Mitth.).

Publ.: Reprints of papers previously published in Sitzungsber. kon. bayer. Akad. Wiss., Miichen 1861-1881 (see CSP for list). Copy: G.

: 1863, p. [i-iv], [1]-466, pl. 7-2 (partly col.), 7-2 (uncol.), 7-2 (id.).

: 1866, p. [i-iv], [1]-501, pl. 7-7 (uncol.).

3: 1881, p. [1-11], [1]-543, 7 pl. (uncol.).

ho oS

  1. Dickenwachstum des Stengels und Anordnung der Gefassstrange bez den Sapindaceen ...

Munchen (Druck von J. G. Weiss, ...) 1864. Oct. (Dickenwachst. Steng. Sapind.).

Publ.: 30 Mai 1864 (Flora rd. 1 Mai— 16 Jun 1864), p. [1-11], [1]-72, pl. 7-70 (uncol.). Copy: NY. — Also included in Beitr. wiss. Bot. Heft 4, 1868. — Was dedicated to C. F. P. von Martius on the occasion of the 50th. anniversary of his doctor’s promotion on 30 Mar 1864 and most likely published on that occasion.

  1. Enistehung und Begriff der naturhistorischen Art. Rede in der Offentlichen Sitzung der K.

Akademie der Wissenschaften am 28. Marz 1865 zur Feier ihres einhundert und sechsten

Stiftungstages gehalten von Carl Nageli, ... Miinchen (Im Verlage der konigl. Akademie)

  1. Qu. (Entsteh. naturhist. Art).

Publ.: 1865, p. [1]-53. Copy: G. — Flora (49: 116. 17 Jan 1866) mentions the receipt of a second edition (id. ObZ 1 Apr 1866).

  1. Das Mikroskop. Theorie und Anwendung desselben . . . Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engelman) 1865-1867. Oct.

Co-author: Simon Schwendener (1829-1919).

Ed. 1: in two parts, 1865-1867. Copies: B, MICH, NY.



Erster Theil: Jan-Feb 1865 (Hedwigia Mar 1865 p. [1]-iv, [1]-252. Zweiter Theil: Jan 1867 (Bot. Zeit. 25 Jan 1867), p. [ii]-1x, [x, err.], [253]-654. Ed. 2: 1-5 Jan 1877 (“‘neu” Bot. Zeit. 5 Jan 1877; Hedwigia Feb 1876, p. [1]-xi, [1]-679. Copies: B, G, MICH, NY. — Zweite verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig (id.) 1877. Oct. English ed.: 1887, p. [i]-xi, [1]-382. Copy: NY. — “The microscope in theory and practice. Translated from the German ...’’ London (Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., ...) 1887. Oct. Ref.: W. O. H., Hedwigia 4(3): 46-48. Mar 1865 (rev.).

  1. Die niederen Pilze in ihren Beziehungen zu den Infectionskrankheiten und der Ge- sundheitspflege von Carl v. Nageli, ... Munchen (Druck und Verlag von R. Oldenbourg)
  2. Oct. (Nied. Pilze).

Publ.: 1877 (J. Bot. Nov 1887; Bot. Zeit. tg Oct 1877), p. [i]-xxxii, [1]-285. Copzes: B, NY. Reissue 1882: n.v. (Bot. Centralbl. 3-7 Jul 1882).

Russian translation: Moskva 1879 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1879), by W. Sokoloff & K. Smirnoff,


  1. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Pilze aus dem Pflanzenphysiologischen Institut in Mun-

chen... Miinchen und Leipzig (Druck und Verlag von R. Oldenbourg) 1882. Oct. (Unters.

nied. Pilze).

Co-author (p. 140-285): Hans Buchner (1850-?).

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1882 (Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1882; Bot. Zeit. 28 Jul 1882; J. Bot. Aug 1882), p. [i- ii], [1]-285. Copies: B, BR, G, NY.

Ref.: N.L., Bot. Zeit. 40: 497. 1882.

  1. Mechanisch-phystologische Theorie der Abstammungslehre ... Munchen und Leipzig (Druck und Verlag von R. Oldenbourg) 1884. Oct. (Mech.-physiol. Theorie Abst.-Lehre). Publ.: 1884, p. [1]-x1, [1]-822. Copy: FI.

  2. Die Hieracien Mittel-Europas ... von C. v. Nageli und A. Peter. Munchen (Druck und

Verlag von R. Oldenbourg) 1885-1889, 2 vols. Oct. (Hierac. Mitt.-Eur.).

Co-author: Gustav Albert Peter (1853-1937).

1: Jan-Feb 1885 (Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1885; Bot. Zeit. 27 Feb 1885; Bot. Centralbl. 9-13 Mar 1885; J. Bot. Mar 1885; Flora rd. 11-21 Mai 1885), p. [i]-x1, [1]-931, [932, exsicc.]. — subtitle “‘Monographische Bearbeitung der Piloselloiden ...”

2: 1886-1889, in 3 parts, subtitle: ““Monographische Bearbeitung der Archieracien ...” (1): Mar 1886 (Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1886; Bot. Centralbl. 5-9 Apr 1886; Bot. Zeit. 30 Apr 1886), p. [1]-84.

(2): Aug 1886 (rd. Genéve 27 Sep 1886; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1886; Bot. Zeit. 29 Oct 1886; Flora 11 Sep 1886), p. [85]-240. (3): Aug 1889 (rd. id. Aug 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 4 Sep 1889; Bot. Zeit. 27 Sep 1889; Nat. Nov. Sep (1) 1889), p. [241]-340. Copies: BR, FI, G, L, M(3), NY. Ref.: Anon., J. Bot. 23: 221-223. Jul 1885 (vol. 1). Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 6(Lit.): 94-97. 1885. Focke, Bot. Zeit. 43: 442-447. 10 Jul 1885. Freyn, J. F., Bot. Gentralbl. 27: 11-12. 28 Jun-2 Jul 1885 (2.1), 28: 362-363. 20-24 Dec 1886 (2.2). Hackel, E., Osterr. bot. Z. 35: 179-181. 1885, 36: 424-425. 1886. Roth, E., Bot. Centralbl. 22: 266-269. 25-29 Mai 1885(1), Bot. Jahrb. 8(Lit.): 8-9, 73-77. 1886.

Nageli, Otto (1871-1938), Swiss botanist and physician; habil. int. med. Zurich 1900; professor of medicine at Tubingen 1912-1918; id. at Zurich 1918 (from 1921 as ord. prof.). (O. Nag.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 535; BEM 1006, 1007, 1271; BJI 2: 122; BL 2: 582, 583, 591, 694; BM 3: 1389; Hirsch p. 209; Kew 4: 102; Rehder 1: 438.



Riibel, E., Gesch. naturf. Ges. Ziirich 101-102. 1947 (portr.; was haematologist: “Blut- Naegeli’’).

Schmid, H. & G. Kummer, Mitt. naturf. Ges. Schaffhausen 24: 185-210. 1938 (obit.).

  1. Die Flora des Kantons Ziirich .. . Ztirich (1: Verlag von Albert Raustein, 2: no imprint)

1905-1912, 2 parts. Oct. (Fl. Luirich).

Co-author vol. 1: Albert Thellung (1881-1928).

1: Nov-Dec 1905 (ObZ. Nov-Dec 1905; Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1906; Bot. Zeit. 1 Apr 1906), p. [i-ii], [1 ]-82.

2:27 Jan 1912 (t.p.), p. [1]-61.

Copy: G. ~ Vol. 1 reprinted from Vierteljahrsschr. naturf. Ges. Zurich 50: 225-305; vol. 2

from Ber. Ziircher bot. Ges. 11: 1-61. 1912. Contains bibliography and Pteridophyta by

Martin Albert Rikli (1868-1951); Nageli acted simply as editor. Vol. 1 deals with the

‘“Ruderal- und Adventivflora.”

Ref.: Diels, L., Bot. Jahrb. 38(Lit.): 51-52. 1907.

Naezén, Daniel Eric (1752-1808), Swedish physician and botanist; studied with Lin- naeus fil.; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1779; Dr. med. ib. 1783; regional physician for the Umea district from 1782-1808. (Naezén).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at H. Insect types at Naturh. Riksmuseet, Stockholm.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 535; BM 3: 1389, 7: 893; CSP 4: 565; IH 2: (in

press); Kew 4: 102; KR p. 519; PR 6609 (ed. 1: 7372); RS p. 116; SO 1317; TL-1/771;

Tucker 1: 510. ;

Lowegren, Y., Naturaliekabinett Sverige 324, 359. 1952 (insect coll. at K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. in Stockholm).

  1. Dissertatio botanica, illustrans Nova graminum genera, quam cons. exper. fac. med.

Ups. praeside, viro nobilissimo, Carolo 4 Linné [fil.] ... publico examini subjicit stip.

victor. Daniel Ericus Naezén, Vestrogothus, ... in audit. Gustav. majori die xxi decembr.

mdcclxxix. Upsaliae (Apud Johan Edman, ...) [1779]. Qu. (Nov. gram. gen.).

Promotor (not author): Carl von Linné, filius (1741-1783).

Publ.: 21 Dec 1779 (GGA 17 Mar 1781), p. [1]-37, 1 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: G, HU, NY, USDA. — We follow Krok (KR) and accept Naezén as the author of this dissertation. — S© 1917.

Reprinted: in Linnaeus, C., Amoen. acad., Schreber ed. 10(app.): 1-40. 1790.

Nairne, Alexander Kyd (ff. 1880s), British botanist; clergyman in the Bombay Civil Service (NVairne).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Bombay material at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 536; CSP 17: 446; Desmond p. 459; IH 2: in press; Kew 4: 104; Rehder 1: 470, 475; Tucker 1: 510. Jackson, B. J., Bull misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 48 (pl.K) (“Nairn’’).

  1. The flowering plants of Western India by the rev. Alexander Kyd Nairne... London (W. H. Allen & Co., Limited ...), Bombay (The Education Society’s Press, Byculla) [1894]. Oct. (Fl. pl. W. India).

Publ.: 1 Jan-14 Mar 1894 (p. x: Jan 1894; Bot. Centralbl. 14 Mar 1894; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1894; J. Bot. Apr 1894; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jul 1894), p. [i]-xlvii, [1]-401. Copies: G, MO, USDA. — ‘The scientific portion of the work shows only too plainly that the author has not mastered his subject, and is therefore an inadequate guide” (Britten 1894).

Ref.: Anon. [Britten, J.], J. Bot. 32: 122-124. Apr 1894.

Rehder, A., Bradley bibl. 1: 475. 1g1t.

Nakai, Takenoshin [Takenosin] (1882-1952), Japanese botanist; Ph. D. Tokyo Univ. 1907; Dr. Sci. Tokyo 1914; from 1908-1947 assistant, lecturer (1917), assistant professor

(1922) and professor of botany (1927) at the University of Tokyo; from 1943-1945 director


NAKAI (1915)

of the Buitenzorg (now Bogor) Botanical Gardens in occupied Java; from 1947 director of the National Science Museum. (Nakaz).

HERBARIUM and types: TI; further material at A and P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 536; BJI 2: 122; BM 3: 1389, 7: 893; Bossert p.

281; Hirsch p. 209; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Nakai’’); IF suppl. 2: 38, 3: 216, 4: 333-3345 MEL (ed:

6): 362, 2: (in press); Kew 4: 104-105; Langman p. 535; MW p. 341-348, suppl. p. 244-250;

NI 1431, 1431 n; SK 1: 379, 5: cevi; SO 3523; TL-1/731, 735, 906-907; Tucker 1: 510;

Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 793-794.

Anon., Hedwigia 71: (108). 1931 (app. prof. bot. Tokyo); Taxon 2: 35. 1935; Osterr. bot. Z. 79: 380. 1930 (app. Tokyo).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 295. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. Univ. Tokyo from 1930).

Hara, H., Bot. Mag., Tokyo 66: 775-776. 1953 (portr., add. bibl.; main hibl. in Festschrift).

Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. fl. pl. 4: 211-212. 1926.

Nakai, T., Bull. Acad. géogr. Bot. 20(253-254): 227-228. rgro (““Apergu sur la flore de Corée’’).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977 (no bryol. herb.).

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 10: 352. 1953.

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 2: 189. 1927.

FESTSCHRIFT: 1943 [in Japanese:] A list of professor Nakai’s papers, with indices to names of plants and taxa published as new to science by him. [Latin:] Ordines, familiae, tribi, genera, sectiones, species, varietates, formae et combinationes novae a prof. Nakai, Takenoshin adhuc ut novis edita. Appendix questiones charactericum naturalium plantarum vel extrac- tus ex praelectionibus pro alumnis botanicis universitatis imperialis Tokyoensis per annus 1926-1941. Tokyo 1943, cover, p. [i*-iv*, incl. portr.], [i]-viii, [1]-256, [1]-4, err. Copy: US.

EPONYMY: Wakaiomyces Kobayasi (1939).

note: We cannot do justice here to the immense productivity of Nakai. For an extensive bibliography see MW and MW suppl. and the Festschrift.

  1. Flora koreana ... [Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo]

1909-1911, 2 parts, Oct. (Fl. kor.).

Pars prima: 8 Feb 1909 (fide cover journal; Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1909), p. [1, err.], [1 ]-304, [1]- ii, pl. 1-15. J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 26(1), 1909.

Pars secunda: 28 Dec 1911 (cover; Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1912), errata slip, [1]-573, pl. 1-20 with fexialionvol gi) TO.

Copies: BR, FI, G, H, MO. — Usually cited as a book but strictly speaking to be cited from the

journal because there is no separate book issue.

  1. Flora sylvatica koreana ... [1-6:|] Published by the government of Chosen, [8-12:] Published by the government of Chosen, Seoul, Corea, [13-15:] Published by the Forestal Experiment Station ... Seoul, [16-21:] id. Keijyo, Japan. 1915-1936. Oct. (FI. sylv. kor.). Publ.: In 22 parts for a detailed description of which see MW p. 343-344.

1915, p- [i-ili], [1]-23, pl. 1-15 with text. 1915, p- [i-v], 1-41, pl. 1-25, id. 1917, p- [itil], 1-55, pl. 1-26, id. 1916, p. [i-v], 1-29, pl. 1-16, id. 1916, p. [i-v], 1-45, pl. 1-27, id. 1916, p. [i-v], 1-63, pl. 1-29, id. 1918, p. [i-v], 1-80, pl. 1-36, id. 1919, p. [i-v], 1-64, pl. 1-26, id. Sep 1920, p. [i-vii], 1-36, pl. 1-75, id. Mar 1921, p. [i-v], 1-61, pl. 1-27, id. 1921, p. [i-vii], 1-92, [1, note], pl. 1-47, id.


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NAKAI (1915)

12: Mar 1922, p. [i-viii], 1-63, [64], pl. 1-17.

13: 925, p. [i-v], [1]-46, pl. 1-13, 1d.

14: 923, p- [i-v], [1]-2, [1]-133, pl. 1-29, id.

15: le p. [i-v], 1-75, pl. 1-24, id.

16: Sep 1927, p. [i-xiii], 1-92, pl. 1-22, id.

17: Dec 1928, p. [1- eal, 1-94, pl. 1-22, id.

18: Jan 1930, p. [i*-viii*], [i]-[iti], 1-218, pl. 1-52, id.

19: Mar 1932, p. [i-xi], 1-131, pl. 1-47, id.

20: Dec 1933, err. slip, [i-xi], 1-127, pl. 1-25, id. Bre 1936, p. [i-xi], 1-163, pl. 1-71.

22: Dec 1939, p. [i-xi], 1-106, pl. 1-78, id.

Copies: G, L, US, USDA. Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 58(Lit.): 38-40. 1923, 57(Lit.): 22-23. 1922, 58(Lit.): 29-30, 107-108. 1922/23.

  1. Report on the vegetation of the island Ooryongto or Dagelet Island, Corea ... Published by the government of Chosen, Seoul, Corea 1919. (Rep. veg. Ooryongto). Publ.: 1919, p. [i-vii], [1 ]-87, [1], 2 6/., map. Copy: US.

  2. Tenlamen systematis Caprifoliacearum japonicarum, in Journal of the College of Science,

Imperial University of Tokyo 42(2), 3: Mar 1921. Tokyo (Published by the University).

  1. Oct.

Publ. 31 Mar 1921, p. [1]-139, J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 42(2): 1-139. 1921. Copies: BR, G.—To be cited from journal.

Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 57(Lit.): 68-69. 1922.

  1. Trees and shrubs indigenous in Japan proper. Vol. i... Seibido Shoten, Nihombashi.

Tokyo Dec 1922. + (Trees shrubs Japan).

Publ.: vol. 1, Dec 1922, p. [i], [1]-[3], [1]-5, [1]-511, [1]-28. Copy: G. - Annotation by Nakai in copy at BM(NH) “‘only three copies of this work exist in Europe and one in the United States of America; the remainder, except those already sold in Japan, having been destroyed in the earthquake in Japan on September 1, 1923.” Vol. 2: was never published.

Revised and enlarged ed. (‘‘vol. 1’): 25 Apr 1927, p. [i], [1]-48, [1]-714, [1]-58, err. slip. Copies: B, G, MICH. — Tokyo (Sheibido Shoten, ...) 1927. Revised by Takenoshin Nakai and Genichii Koidzumi. Vols. 2 and 3, announced in vol 1. as “‘under press” do not seem to have been published.

Ref.: Nakai, T., Bot. Mag. Tokyo 38: 25-35, 37-48. 1924; see also MW p. 345.

  1. Report of the first scientific expedition to Manchoukuo under the leadership of Shigeyasu Tokunago June October 1933. Section iv. Part 1[-iv]. [Botany]. 1934-1936. (Rep. Exped. Manchoukuo sect. w).

Part 1: Nov 1934, p. [1-iv], 1-71, pl. 1-20 with text. ““Plantae novae jeholenses 1” by T. Nakai and Masao Kitagawa (1909-x).

Part 2: Jul 1935, p. [i-iv], 1-187, pl. 1-29 with text. “‘Contributio ad cognitionem Florae manshuricae’ by 'T. Nakai, Masaji Honda (1897-x) and Masao Kitagawa.

Part 3: Mar 1936, p. [i-iti], 1-55. ““Mycomycetes of Jehol’”’ by Yoskikadzu Emoto, and “An ecological study of the vegetation in the province of Jehol, Manchoukuo” by Motto Takahasi (publ. Aug 1936).

Part 4: Aug 1936, p. [i-iv], 1-108, pl. 1-2 with text. “Index florae jeholensis ...” by T. Nakai, M. Honda, Y. Satake and M. Kitagawa.

Copy: BR.

  1. Lconographia plantarum Asiae orientalis ... edited by Takenoshin Nakai, ... Tokyo aes Shoten) 1935-1952, 5 vols. (Iconogr. pl. As. ortent.). 1): Jul 1935, p. [i-vii], 1-18, pl. 1-9 (uncol.). a : Apr 1936, p. [i-v], 19-44, pl. 10-79. (3): Sep 1936, p. [i-v], 45-60, pl. 20-27. (4): Dec 1936, p. [i-v], 61-82, pl. 28-36.



: Apr 1937, p- [i-v], 83-114, pl. 37-47.

: Jun 1937, p. [i-v], 115-139, pl. 48-55.

: Nov 1937, p. [i-v], 141-168, pl. 56-63.

: Mai 1938, p. [i-v], 169-192, pl. 64-70.

: Jan 1939, p. [i-v], 193-211, pl. 71-78, [i-iv].

: Jul 1939, p. [i-v], 213-228, pl. 79-84, [1-11].

: Jan 1940, p. [1-11], 229-262, pl. 85-93, [1-11].

: Aug 1940, p. [1i-ili], 263-299, pl. 94-102, [1-1]. : Mar 1941, p. [i-v], 301-336, [i-11], pl. 103-172. : Oct 1941, p. [1-111], 337-384, pl. 113-122, [1-11]. : Dec 1942, p. [i-v], 385-410, pl. 123-731, [1-11]. : Nov 1949, p. [i-vi], 411-449, [450], pl. 132-137, [1-11]. : Oct 1950, p. [i-vi], 450-475, pl. 138-147.

: Mar 1952, p. [i-iv], 476-499, pl. 148-155.

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Copies: BR, G, USDA. — See NI 1431 for artists.

  1. Nova flora japonica vel descriptiones et systema nova omnium plantarum in Imperio Japonico sponte nascentium ... Tokyo & Osaka (The Sanseido Co., Ltd.) 1938-1951, 10 parts. (Nov. fl. jap.).

Co-editor. Masazi Honda (1897-x).

[1]: Juncaceae, by Yoshisake Satake, 1938, p. [i-vii], [1]-103.

[2]: Hymenogastrineae et Phallineae, by Yosio Kobayasi, p. [i-1x], [1]-90, 3 pl.

[3]: Saxifragaceae, 1938, p. [i-iv], [1]-152.

[4]: Polypodiaceae, by Hirosi It6, 1938, p. [1-11], [1]-143, pl. 1-35.

5: Parmeliales, by Masami Sato, 1939, p. [i-xii], [1]-87, pl. 7.

6: Ertocaulaceae, by Yosisuki Satake, 1941, p. [i-vii], [1]-88, [1]-2, 2 charts.

[7]: Cladoniales, by Masami Sato, 1941 p. [i-vi], [1]-105.

[8]: Myxomycetes, by Yoshikadzu Emotu, 1942, p. [i-vui], [1]-2, [1]-2, [1]-238.

[9]: Ardistaceae, by Takenoshin Nakai, Jan 1943, p. [1i-vi], [1]-170.

[10]: Hypericaceae, by Yojiro Kimura, 1951, p. [i-v], [1]-[4], [1]-273, err. slip.

Copies: BR, FI, G.

Nam, Vincenzo (1855-?), Italian physician and botanist; Dr. med. Univ. Torino. (Nam). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 537; BJI 2: 363, 694; Kew 4: 106; Saccardo 2: Chvillier, F., Boisiera 5: 66. 1941 (b. 25 Nov 1855).

  1. Alassio and its flora ... Alassio (printed by Joseph Ottino) 1892. Oct. (Alassio fi.). Publ.: 1892 (p. vii: 1 Mai 1892), p. [i-vii], [1]-160, [1-5]. Copy: G.

  2. Cav. Dott. Vincenzo Nam Flora di Alassio e dintorni. Con speciale riguardo alle

proprieta medicinali delle piante. Alassio (Arti Grafiche Fratelli Pozzi) 1933-xi. Oct. (F1.


Publ.: 1933 (p. vii: 30 Mar 1933; Nat. Nov. Oct 1934), p. [1]-xx, [1, h.t.], [1]-376, err. slip, map. Copy: G.— The xi in the date on the t.p. refers to the year of the Mussolini calendar; not to November.

Nannfeldt, John [earlier Johan] Axel [Frithiof] (1904-x), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil.Uppsala 1932; from 1939-1970 director of the Botanical Museum at Uppsala. (Nannf.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: UPS.- Further material at C, E, GB, H, NY, W.— For exsiccatae see S. Lundell.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 538; BEM 3079; BJI 2: 122; BL 2: 477, 694; BM 7:894; Bossert p. 281; GR p. 495; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Nannf.”’); IH 1(ed. 2): 123, 2: (in press);



Kew p. 106-107; Kleppa p. 328; LS suppl. 19604-19606; MW p. 350, suppl. p. 252; Stevenson p. 1252; TL-2/2364; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 794.

Anon., Generalregister Bot. Not. 1839-1938. 56. 1939.

Cavillier, F., Boissiera 5: 66. 1941.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 50, 64, 72. 1950.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (pl.E).

Jorgensen, C. A. et al., Biol. Skr. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 9(4):166. 1958.

Stafleu, F. A., Regn. veg. 5: 2. 1954 (portr.).

FESTSCHRIEFT: Svensk botanisk Tidskrift 58(1), 1964 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Campanulaceae, in H. Smith, Plantae sinenses, Act. hort. Gothob. 5: 13-

32, pl. 3-14. 1929. . (2) Campanulaceae, in H. Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. sin. 7: 1067-1081. 1936.

EPONYMY: Ja/nea R. P. Korf (1960); Jafneadelphus Rifai (1968); Nannfeldtia Petrak (1947); Nannfeldtiella Eckblad (1968).

  1. Studien iiber die Morphologie und Systematik der nicht-lichenisterten noperculaten Discomyceten.

Inaugural-Dissertation von J. A. Nannfeldt. Uppsala (Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-

A.-B.) 1932. Oct. (Stud. nicht-lich. inoperc. Discomyc.).

Thesis issue: 1932 (p. 12: 18 Jan 1932; submitted 5 Feb 1932), p. [1-ii], [1]-368, pl. 1-20. Copies: NY, USDA. — Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. ser. 4., vol. 8, no. 2.

Commercial issue: 1932 (Nat. Nov. Sep 1932), p. [1]-368, pl. 1-20. Copies: G, MICH, NY, Stevenson. — As thesis issue but without the thesis t.p.

  1. Taxonomical and plant-geographical studies in the Poa laxa group a contribution to the

history of the North European mountain floras ... Uppsala (A.-B. Lundequistska Bokhan-

deln ...) [1935]. Oct. (Tax. stud. Poa laxa).

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1935 (p. 5: Nov 1935; BR rd. 16 Jan 1936), p. [1]-113, pl. 1-4. Copies: BR, G. —Symb. bot. Upsal. vol. 5. ‘

Nannizzi, Arturo (1877-1961), Italian botanist; lecturer in mycology at the University of Siena; from 1935 also director of the Siena botanical garden. (Vann.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 173, 327, 345; Barnhart 2: 538; BL 1: 41, 310, 2: 385, 400, 403, 694; Hawksworth p. 284; IH 2: (in press); LS 37325, suppl. 19607-19633; MW p. 350; Rehder 1: 64, 227; Saccardo 1: 116; Stevenson p. 1252.

Ciferri, R., Taxon 1(8): 127. 1952.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 289. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. from 1935). Stockdale, P. M., Sabouraudia 1: 45. 1961 (epon.).

Tassi, F., Bull. Lab. Orto bot., Siena, 7: 45, 47-48. 1905 (b. 29 Oct 1877).

EPONYMY: Nannizzia P. M. Stockdale (1961).

NoTE: Main work (outside our period): J parassiti delle piante officinale, Roma 1941, p. [i]- xxv, [1]-544. Copy: FTI.

  1. Le piante coltivate ed utili della Libia. Siena (Premiata tipografia cooperativa) 1913.

(Piante Libia).

Publ.: 1913 (p. v: Jan 1913), p. [i]-viii, [1]-192. Copzes: FI, L.

  1. Reperlorio sistematico det miceti dell’ uomo e degli animali. Siena (S.A. Poligrafica Meini)

1934 (a.xil.). (Repert. mic. uomo).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1934 (p. vi: Jul 1934), p. [iti]-xii, [1]-557. Copies: FI, Stevenson. — Gino Pollacci, ed., ‘Trattado di micopatologia umana, vol. 4.

Nardo, Giovanni Domenico (Giandomenico) (1802-1877), Italian botanist; Dr. med.



Padua; practicing physician and director of the orphanage at Venetia and director of the cholera hospital at S. Alviso. (Nardo).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Museo civico di storia naturale, Venetia (algae).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 538; BM 3: 1392-1393; Bossert p. 281; Cesati p.

284-293, Saggio p. 54-55; CSP 4: 569-571, 8: 481, 10: 898-899, 12: 532; De Toni 1: xc; Frank

3(Anh.): 70; Kew 4: 109; LS 18773; PR 6612 (ed. 1: 7380); Saccardo 1: 116, 2: 77, 156-157.

Anon., Ber. senckenb. naturf. Ges. 1877-78: 10. 1878; Bonplandia 3: 33. 1855 (Head physician of the central orphanage and practicing physician at Venice; cogn. Leopoldi- na: Penada).

Behn, W. F. G., Leopoldina 14: 17. 1878.

Gray, S. F., Nat. arr. Brit. pl. 1: 694. 1821 (epon.).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

Miller, R. H. W. and R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traug. Kitzing 102, 290. 1960.

Pirona, G. A., Atti Ist. Veneto Sci. Lett. Arti 4: 785-850. 1878 (biogr., b. 4 Mar 1802, d. 7 Apr 1877, bibl.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 164. 1903.

EPONYMyY: Nardoa O. Kuntze (1903), orth. var. of Nardia 8S. F. Gray (1821, ““Nardius’’, orth. reg.), corr. Carrington (1870, nom. et orth. cons.). Note: Nardoa Zanardina (1844) is very likely also named for this author. Narda Vellozo (1825) was named “in memoriam Antonii Nardi operum Hernandesii Collectoris.”’

  1. Considerazioni general sulle alghe loro caratteri, classificazione composizione chimica e applicazioni alla medicina, all’arti, all’agricoltura ec. seguite da brevi cenni storici sui progressi dell’algologia e da due articoli riguardanti la formazione degli algari vivi e secchi, ec. e da un’ appendice sulle Alighe lette al veneto ateneo il giorno 3 agosta 1835 da Gio. Domenico D.r Nardo... Venezia (dai tipi di Giuseppe Antonelli...) 1835. Oct. (in fours). (Consid. alg.).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1835 (read 3 Aug 1835), p. [3]-46, [1, index]. Copzes: FH, G.— Title on cover:

“Delle alghe e dei loro usi nell’agricoltura, nella medicina e nelli arti.”

Nascher, Friedrich Wilhelm (1702-1764), fictitious German botanist, stated to have resided in Havana and to have travelled in South America. (Nascher).

NOTE: One of the fictitious botanists listed by Barnhart (J. New York Bot. Gard. 20: 176-

    1. from Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American biography (4: 478-479. 1888). Some

of the equally fictitious book-titles are: ‘“‘Neueste Geschichte und Beschreibung des Brod-

baums”’ 1758 (n.b. the bread-fruit tree was first introduced into tropical America in 1793),

“Flora cubana”’ 2 vols., Leipzig 1758.

Conde, J. A., Historia de la botanica en Cuba 52. 1958 (accepts “Freidrich W. Nascher”’ as having existed and cites his Flora cubana).

Nash, George Valentine (1864-1921), American botanist and horticulturist; at the New York Botanical Garden from its initiation as collector (1896), curator of plantations (1899) and head gardener (1900); collected extensively in Florida and the West Indies. (Nash).

HERBARIUM and Typgs: NY (over 11.000); further material in many herbaria (large sets at K, MICH and US). — Exstccatae: Plants of Florida, for details see e.g. Stevenson (1971). Sets at BPI, F, FH, MTMG, ND, NY, RSA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 538; Blunt p. 257, 258; BM 3: 1393, 7: 895; Bossert p. 282; CSP 17: 451; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Nash’’); IH 2: (in press); Langman p. 535; Lenley p. 365; LS 37327, suppl. 19674; MW p. 350-351; NW p. 53; Pennell p. 615; PH 164, 450, 937; Rehder 5: 607; TL-2/779, 781; Tucker 1: 511; Urban-Berl. p. 279, 289, 377, 378; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 794.

Anon., Bot. Soc. Amer., Publ. 82: 105-106. 1922 (obit. notice); Torreya 21: 104, 1921, 22:

  1. 1922. Barnhart, J. H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 26: 149 (footnote) 1925.



Britton, N. L., J. New York Bot. Gard. 22: 145-147, pl. 267. 1921 (obit., portr., b. 6 Mai 1864, d. 15 Jul 1921).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (dupl.E).

House, H. D., N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 328: 26. 1942 (bibl.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 48 (dupl.K).

McKeen Cattell, J., ed., Amer. men sci. ed.2: 500. 1910.

Mains, F. B., 7n Donnelly, W. A. et al., Univ. Mich., Encycl. Survey 1454. 1956 (set in Parke Davis herb.).

Millspaugh, C. F., Field Mus. Publ., Bot. 2(3): 142. 1906 (on Bahama coll.).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 73. 1946 (1948) (eponomy).

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 19. 1945.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 73-74. 1955.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 374. 1975.

Stevenson, J., Beih. Nova Hedw. 36: 254-255. 1971 (exsicc.).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 5:9. 1906.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) editor, with J. H. Barnhart, of Addisonia vol. 1 (1916)-6(1921).

(2) NAF, Podostemonaceae, 22: 3-6. 22 May 1905, 535. 30 Dec 1918; Butomaceae 17: 63-64. 30 Jun 1909; Poaceae (pars) 17: 77-98. 30 Jun 1909, Tropaeolaceae 25: 89-91. 3 Jun 1910, Poaceae (pars) 17: 99-196. 18 Sep 1912, 197-198. 20 Dec 1915.

EPONYMY: Nashia Millspaugh (1906).

  1. North American plants, collected in Central Peninsular Florida, by George V. Nash. [s.l.]. 1894-1895. (NV. Amer. pl.).

1694: 1894 (USDA rd. 31 Dec 1895), p. [1-4]. Copy: USDA.

1895: 1895, p. [1-4]. Copy: USDA. — “North American plants, collected in Florida, ...


Nathorst, Alfred Gabriel (1850-1921), Swedish palaeobotanist; Dr. phil. Lund 1874; lecturer at Lund 1874-1879; with the Swedish geological survey 1879-1884; from 1885- 1917 professor and director of the palaeobotanical division of the Naturhistoriska Museum.


HERBARIUM and TyPEs: (incl. fossil coll.): S and S-PA; other material at C, CGE, FI, GB, LD, LY. — Nathorst’s correspondence is at the Library of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 306-307; Barnhart 2: 539; BJI 2: 42, 2: 122-123;

BL 2: 458, 513, 694; BM 3: 1394-1396, 7: 896-897; Bossert p. 282; Collander hist. p. 86, 87,

94; CSP 8: 482, 10: go0-gol, 12: 532-533, 17: 456-458; DSB 9: 617-618; Frank 3(Anh.): 70;

Herder p. 468; IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 188, 498; Kew 4: 111; Kleppa p. 328; KR p. 519-

530 (main bibl.); Lenley p. 306; LS 37327; Morren ed. 10, p. 103; PH 132; Quenstedt p.

309; Rehder 5: 607; SO 885, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1082, 1083, 1387a, 1410, 1411, 2924; Tucker

1: 511; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 794.

Andersson, G., Ymer, Stockholm 41: 47-55. 1921 (obit.).

Andrews, H. N., The fossil hunters 129, 133, 266-270. 1980.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 11: 34. 1882 (exp. Spitzbergen), 21: 31. 1885 (director palaeobot., Riksmus.); 41: 191. 1890 (corr. memb. Danz. naturf. Ges.); Bot. Jahrb. 6 (Beibl.12): 2. 1885; Bot. Not. 1871: 15(to Spitsb.), 1883: 115; 1884: 138, 1897: 44, 1898: 167 (polar exp.), 1912: 148 (Wahlberg medal); 1917: 304 (retirement), 1921: 21 (obit.). 1931: 160 (monument); Generalregister Bot. Not. 1839-1938. 56-57, 110. 1939; Geol. Magaz. 57: 481. 1920 (d.); Nat. Nov. 22: 245. 1900 (memb. Akad. Berlin), 30: 362 1908 (F.M.L.S), 34: 653. 1912 (memb. Akad. Munchen), 43: 27. 1921 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 63: 123. 1922 (d. 20 Jan 1921).

Bergdolt, E., Karl von Goebel ed.2. 261 [index]. 1941.

Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 1: 493, 784, 828. 1926. 2: 373. 1924, 514. 1925.

Forsstrand, G., Ymer, Stockholm 41: 56-66. 1921 (obit.).

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sv. 47, 65-66, 75. 1950.

Glass, B. et al., Forerunners of Darwin 242. 1968.



Halle, T. G., Fauna och Flora 16: 33-40. 1921 (portr. obit., b. 7 Nov 1850); Geol. Foren. Forhandl. 43 (3-4): 241-311. 1921 (main biogr., evaluation, bibl.).

Hjelmquist, H., Bot. Not. 1958: 12.

Holmboe, J., Naturen 45: 33-40. 1921 (portr.).

Jackson, B. D., Proc. Linn. Soc. 133: 50-51. 1921 (obit.).

Kurck, C., Bot. Not. 1933: 37, 39-40, 42 (portr.).

Lundblad, B., Fauna och Flora 64: 269-274. 1969 (portr.).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 248, 208, fig. 131. 1973 (portr.).

Nathorst, A. G., Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1908: 711-743 (Carl von Linné as a geologist).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 957-958. 1898, 4(2): 1056-1058. 1904, 6(3): 1828-1829. 1938.

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Lib. Publ. 5: 33. 1907.

Seward, A. C., Bot. Gaz. 71: 462-465. 1921 (portr. obit.), Nature 107: 112-113. 1921, Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 77: Ixv-Ixvi. 1921.

Wille, N., Overs. Vid. Selsk. Mé¢ter, Kristiania 1922: 98-103. 1923.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 62-63, pl. 8. 1903 (portr.), 3(3): Ixxii-lxxiii, 46, 208. 1903.

Wulff, E. V., Intr. hist. pl. geogr. 20, 21, 23. 1943.

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 150, 392, 439, 447. 1901.

EPONYMY: Nathorstia O. Heer (1880); Nathorstia A. C. Seward (1894). Note: The etymology for Nathorstiana Richter (1909) and the related genus Nathorstianella M. F. Glaessner et V.R. Rao (1955) could not be determined.

  1. Bidrag till Sveriges fossila Flora... Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Séner, ...) 1876-1878,

2 parts. Qu. (Bidr. Sver. foss. fi.).

Part [1]: 1876 (mss. presented 10 Feb 1875), p. [1]-82, pl. 1-16 (by A. W. Westergren). Copies: BR, US. — Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 14(3).

Part II: 1878 (mss. presented 28 Mai 1878), p. [1]-53, [1-2], pl. 7-8 with text. Copies: BR, US(2).—Sv. Vet.-Akad. Hand]. 16(7). Floran vid Hégands och Helsingborg. Also publ. as Sv. geol. Undersokn. C, nr. 29 (Copy: USGS).

German (part 1): Jan-Feb 1878 (Bot. Zeit. 1 Mar 1878; J. Bot. Apr 1878), p. [i-v], [1]-34, pl. 1-16. Copy: USGS. — Bettrdge zur fossilen Flora Schwedens ... See also Verh. geol. Reichsanst. Wien 1876: 95-101 (abstract).

  1. Sveriges geologiska undersokning. Om florani Skanes kolforande bildningar ... 1. Floran vid Bjuf. Stockholm (P.S. Nortstedt & Soner, ...) 1878-1886, 3 parts. Qu. (Fl. Skdnes kolfor. bildn.).

1: 1878, p. [1]-52, pl. z-10, Afh. Sv. geol. unders. C, no. 27.

2: 1879, p. [53]-82, pl. 17-78, id. C, no. 33.

3: 1886 (Bot. Jahrb. 29 Aug 1887), p. [83]-131, pl. 19-26, id. C, no. 85.

Copy: USGS. — For part II, Floran vid Héganis ... see above Bidr. Sv. foss. fl., part IT.

  1. Contributions a la flore fossile du Japan ... Stockholm (Kongl. Boktryckeriet ...) 1883.

Qu. (Contr. fl. foss. Japan).

Publ.: 1883 (mss. presented 7 Jun 1882), p. [1]-92, pl. 1-16 (uncol. by W. E. Behm). Copies: BR, G, USGS. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 20(2). For follow-up publ. see KR p. 522, no. 26.

Swedish: Bidrag till Japans fossila flora, in Vega-exp. vet. iakt. 2: 119-225, pl. 4-19. 1882, publ. Jan-Feb 1883. (reprint copy: USGS).

Ref.: Saporta, A. de, Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 6. 15: 149-167. 1883.

Nathorst, A. G., Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 6. 15: 337-241. 1883. Ettingshausen, C. v., Sitz.-Ber. Acad., Wiss., Wien 88(1): 851-864. 1883. Nathorst, A. G., Sv. Vet.-Akad. Bih. 9(18); 18 p. (reply to Ettingshausen). Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 4: 463-466. 28 Aug 1883.

  1. Nya bidrag till kinnedomen om Spetsbergens karludxter, och dess vaxtgeografiska forhallan-

den... Stockholm (Kongl. Boktryckeriet ...) 1883. Qu. (Nya bidr. Speish. kdrlvdxt.).

Publ.: 1883 (t.p.; mss. submitted 10 Jan 1883; Bot. Zeit. 29 Aug 1884; Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1884), p. [1]-88, 2 maps. Copies: BR, G. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 20(6). — N’s first



essays on this subject were published in Bot. Not. 1871: 105-177, Bot. Jahrb. 4: 432-448, 616. 1883.

  1. Ucber die Reste eines Brotfruchtbaums, Artocarpus Dicksoni n.sp., aus den Genoma-

nen Kreideablagerungen Gronlands ... Stockholm (Kongl. Boktryckeriet, P. A. Norstedt

& Séner) 1890. Qu. (Artocarpus Dicksoni).

Publ.: Mar-Mai 1890 (mss. presented 12 Feb 1890; Bot. Zeit. 27 Jun 1890), p. [1]-10, pl. r. Copies: BR, US.

  1. <ur paldozoischen Flora der arktuschen zone enthaltend die auf Spitzbergen, auf der Baren-Insel und auf Novaja-Zemlja von den schwedischen Expeditionen entdeckten pa- laozoischen Pflanzen ... Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt & S6éner) 1894. Qu. (Paldoz. fl. arkt. zone).

Publ.: 1894 (mss. presented 7 Jun 1893; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jul 1894), p. [1]-80, [1], pl. 1-16 (uncol., C. Hedelin). Copies: BR, G, US. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 26(4). — German abstract in Jahrb. geol. Reichsanst., Wien 44: 87-98. 1894.

Re-issue: 1914, in Foss. fl. Polarldnder, vol. 1 (first paper). Copy: G. (with follow-up “Nachtra-

ae ge”).

  1. <ur mesozoischen Flora Spitzbergens gegrindet auf die Sammlungen der schwedischen

Expeditionen ... Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt & Soner) 1897. Qu.

(Mesoz. Fl. Spitzberg.).

Publ.: Jul-Sep 1897 (mss. presented 9 Jun 1897; Bot. Zeit. 16 Oct 1897), p. [1]-77, pl. 1-6 (uncol., A. Ekblom) with text. Copzes: BR, G, U, US, USGS. —K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Hand. 30(1). — Nachtragliche Bemerkungen, in K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Ofvers. 54: 383-387. 1897.

Re-issue: 1914, in Foss. Fl. Polarlénder, vol. 1 (second paper). Copy: G.

  1. <ur oberdevonischen Flora der Baren-Insel ... Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P. A.

Norstedt & S6ner) 1902. Qu. (Oberdevon. Fl. Baren-Ins.). ;

Publ.: Sep 1902 (mss. presented 4 Jun 1902; p. 60: 26 Aug 1902, printed), p. [1]-60, pl. 1-14 (uncol.; Th. Ekblom). Copies: BR, G, US. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Hand. 36(3).

Re-issue: 1914, in Foss. Fl. Polarlénder vol. 1 (third paper). Copy: G.

  1. Beitréige zur Kenntnis einiger mesozoischen Cycadophyten . .. Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryck-

eriet. P. A. Norstedt & Soner) 1902. Qu. (Beztr. mesoz. Cycadoph.).

Publ.: Oct-Nov 1902 (mss. presented 10 Sep 1902; Bot. Zeit. 1 Dec 1902), p. [1]-28, pl. 1-3 (uncol., C. Hedelin & Th. Ekblom). Copy: US. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 36(4). Solms-Laubach, H., Bot. Zeit. 60(2): 360-361. 1902.

  1. Svenska véxtnamn ... Stockholm (1: Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt & Séner; 2-

5: Arkiv for Botanik) 1903-1904, 5 parts. Oct. (Sv. vdxtnamn).

Publ.: in five parts. Copies: BR, G, H, U.

I: 1903 (printed 10 Feb 1903), p. [1]-72. Copy: U. — Bihang K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Hand. 28(III, 9).— Erratum in Bot. Not. 1903: 98; popular account “Lat oss behalla vara svenska vaxtnamn,” Stockholm 1905, 30 p., n.v. — History.

2: Dec 1903-Jan 1904 (printed 23 Dec 1903; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1904), Ark. Bot. 1: [497]- 513. — History, biol.

3: 11-29 Feb 1904 (p. [108]: printed 11 Feb 1904; Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1904), Ark. Bot. 2(1): [1]-179, [180]. — List standard vernacular names.

4: Apr-Mai 1904 (p. 12: 8 Apr 1904; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1904), Ark. Bot. 2(8): [1]-12. — Linnaeus’ position.

5: Jun 1904 (p. 31: 31 Mai 1904; Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1904), Ark. Bot. 2(g): [1]-31.—Annot. list of names in early lit.

See KR p. 527 for a list of reviews and criticisms. N. contributed also a list of vernacular

names to Krok & Almquist, Sv. fl. Skolor 1, ed. 9, 1903.

Revised ed. of part 3: Mar-Jul 1905 (p. iv: Mar 1905; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1905), p. [i]-iv, [1]- 112. Copies: NY, USDA. —“‘Svenska vdéxtnamn forteckning pa Sveriges viktigaste karlvaxter med svenska namn pa arter, slakten, familier och klasser ...’’ ny reviderad upplaga. Stockholm (P. A. Norstedt & Soéners Forlag), s.d. Oct.



  1. Paldobotanische Mitterlungen ... Uppsala & Stockholm (Almqvist & Wiksells

Boktryckeri-A.-B.) 1907-1912. Qu. (Paldobot. Mitt.).

Publ.. A series of 11 papers published as issues of K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. (KSVH). Copy: US(2).

1 & 2: 1907 (p. 20: printed 5 Jul 1907; Bot. Jahrb. 3 Mar 1908), p. [1]-20, pl. 7-3.-KSVH 42(5).

3: 1908 (mss. presented 11 Mar 1908; US rd. 30 Nov 1908; Bot. Zeit. 1 Dec 1908), [1]-14, pl. 1-2. - KSVH 43(3).

4-6: 1908 (mss. presented 27 Mai 1908; US rd. 30 Nov 1908), p. [1]-32, pl. 1-4. - KSVH 43 (6).

7: Dec 1908 or early 1909 (mss. presented 2 Dec 1908; t.p. 1908; US rd. 23 Sep 1909), p. [1]- 20, pl. 1-3. - KSVH 43(8).

8: Nov-Dec 1909 or early 1910 (mss. presented 10 Nov 1909; t.p. 1909; US rd. 5 Mai 1910), p. [1]-37, pl. 1-8. - KSVH 45(4)-

g: 1911 (mss. presented 22 Feb 1911; US rd. 6 Jan 1912), p. [1]-33, pl. 1-6. -KSVH 46(4).

10: 1911 (mss. presented 26 Apr 1911; US rd. 6 Jan 1912), p. [1]-11, pl. 27. - KSVH 46(8).

11: 1912 (mss. presented 6 Dec 1911; t.p. 1912; WSird 1 Decor). ps (laa) 2a KSVH 48(2).

Ref.: Solms, Bot. Zeit. 66(2): 371-372. 1908.

  1. Zur fossilen Flora der Polarlander ... Erster Teil enthaltend: ... Stockholm (Kungl.

Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt & Soner) 1914. Qu. (Foss. fl. Polarland.).

Publ.; 1914, a reissue of nos. 6643, 6644, 6645 with a (4) Nachtraége zur Paliiozoischen Flora Spitzbergens. Copy: G.

Preface: p. [i-iii], (1): [1]-80, [81] pl. 7-765 (2): [1]-77, [1], pl. 1-6; (3): [1]-60, pl. 1-14 and (4): [i-iii], [1]-110, pl. 1-15.

Zweiter Teil, 1. Lief: Oct-Dec 1920 (p. 45: printed 27 Sep 1920; Nat. Nov. Feb 1921), p. [1- iv], [1]-45, 6 pl. Copy: Geol. Bureau Heerlen. — Zur Kulmflora Spitzbergens, Stockholm (id.) 1920. Qu. (Kulmfl. Spitzb.).

Nattras, Roland Marshall (1895-x), British plant pathology; Univ. Lond. B.Sc. 1921 (Nattras).

HERBARIUM and Types: IMI; Kenyan material also in EA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 539; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 115; LS suppl. 19675-19686; Stevenson p. 1252.

  1. Department of Agriculture Cyprus. A first list of Cyprus fungi ... Nicosia (the

Government of Cyprus) 1937. (Cyprus fung.).

Publ.; Dec 1937 (p. vi: USDA rd. 17 Feb 1938), p. [iii]-xvi, [1]-87, pl. 1-15 (uncol.). Copies: BR, USDA.

Ref.: Dearness, J., Mycologia 30: 354-355. 1 Jun 1938 (rev.).

Naudin, Charles Victor (1815-1899), French botanist and horticulturist; Dr. sci. Paris 1842; botanist at the Muséum d’Histoire naturelle 1845 (aide-naturaliste 1854); owner ofa private experimental garden at Collioure 1869-1878; from 1878 director of the botanical garden of the Villa Thuret at Antibes; early plant hybridiser. (Naudin).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: material at A, G, K, P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 390; Barnhart 2: 539; BM 3: 1402; Bossert p. 282; Bret. p. 931; CSP 4: 575-576, 8: 483, 10: 901, 17: 459; DSB 9: 618-619 (bibl.); Frank 3(Anh.): 70; Hegi 5(2): 1463; Herder p. 235, 328, 339; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘““Naud.”’); IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 136; Kew 4: 116; Langman p. 535-536; Lasegue p. 102, 296; Lenley p. 306, 464; LS 18785-18786, 37329; Moebius p. 55, 343, 359; Morren ed. 2, p. 18, ed. 10, p. 55> 59; MW p. 351-352, suppl. p. 253; NI 1434-1435; Plesch p. 346; PR 6616-6617 (ed. 1: 7387); Rehder 5: 609-610; RS p. 121; TL-1/273; TL-2/1339, 1975, 2625; Wucker 1: 511- 512; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 794.

André, E., Revue hortic. 71: 177-180. 1899 (portr., obit.).



Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 78: 224. 1899 (d.); Bot. Gaz. 27: 416. 1899; Bot. Not. 1900: 47; Bull. Soc. bot. France 25(bibl.): 42. 1878, 46: 119, 127-128. 1899; Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun 12: 114-129. 1899 (portr.); Gard. Chron. 1882: 183 (portr.); Genetics 6: ix-x. 1921 (portr., obit.); Leopoldina 35: 137. 1899 (d.); Rev. bryol. 26(3): 55. 1899.

Berthelot, A., Rev. sci. (Revue rose) ser.4. 15: I-12. 1901 (biogr.).

Blaringham, L., Progr. Rei bot. 4(1): 27-108. 1913 (on N’s notion of species and hybrids).

Bornet, E., C. R. Acad. Sci. 128: 753-758. 1899 (obit.), Rev. gén. bot. 11: 161-167. 1899 (obit.)

Bureau, E., Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 5: 200-202. 1899 (obit.).

Burtt Davy, J., Erythea 7: 77-78. 1899 (obit.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (Melast. at P and L).

Cavillier, F., Boisiera 5: 66-67. 1941.

Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 2: 305. 1924, 407, 544. 1925.

Cosson, E., Comp. fl. atl. 1: 74-75. 1881.

Cosson, E. & Durieu de Maisonneuve, Exp. sci. Alg., Bot. 2: xi, xxxix. 1868.

Dolezal, H., Friedrich Welwitsch 171, 186. 1974.

Drouét, Proc.-Verb., Mém. Acad. Sci. Dijon 7: xvii-xviii. 1901 (obit.)

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 194. 1938 (dir. Villa Thuret 1878-1899).

Guillaumin, A., Les fleurs des Jardins xxxi-xxxu, pl.ro. 1929.

Hall, N., Botanists of the Eucalypts 100. 1978.

Henriques, J., Bol. Soc. Broter. 16: 223-224. 1899 (obit.).

I. H. B., Nature 60: 58-59. 1899 (obit.).

Iltis, H., Life of Mendel ed.2.122-126, 202, 283. 1966.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 48 (23 Cucurb. at K).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 104. 1899 (d.).

Krumbiegel, 1. , Gregor Mendel 140. 1967.

Leroy, J. F., Act. Congr. int. Hist. Sci. 11,5: 64-69. 1968 (Naudin, Spencer, Darwin).

Lokidor, J. Bot., Paris 13: xxx1x-xl. 1899 (obit.).

Magenin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 32: 131. 1907, 35: 42. 1907.

Maire, R., Progr. Connaiss. bot. Algérie 87. 1931.

Marza, V. D. & N. Cerchez, J. Agric. trop. Bot. app. 14: 369-401. 1967 (“a pioneer of

contemporary biology’; general evaluation; further references to critical analyses on


Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. pl. 4: 212. 1926; B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 142. 1937;

Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 225-226. 1947.

Naudin, C. V., Notice sur les travaux de M. Ch. Naudin, 15 p. Paris s.d.

Olby, R. C., Origins of Mendelism 62-66. 1966.

Renault, B., Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun 12: 114-129. 1899, repr. 17 p. (portr., obit.).

Roberts, H. F., Plant hybrid. before Mendel 129-136. 1965.

Rodgers, A. D., Liberty Hyde Bailey 28, 83-84, 280. 1949.

Sahut, F., Charles Naudin, notice nécrologique et biographique, Montpellier (chez lauteur) 1899, 16 p. (biogr., portr., b. 14 Aug 1815, d. 19 Mai 1899).

Van Tieghem, P., C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 129: 1059-1060. 1899.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 115-116. 1903, 3(3): 109. 1905.

EPONYMyY: Naudinia Decaisne ex B. C. Seemann (1866); Naudinia Planchon et Lindley (1853, nom. cons.); Naudinia A. Richard (1846, nom.rej.); Naudiniella Krasser (1893).

  1. Thése pour le doctorat és-sciences naturelles, presentée a la Faculté des Sciences de Paris, le 14 aout 1842; par Charles Naudin, . - [title on p. [3]: Eludes sur la végétation des Solanaeces, la disposition de leurs feuilles et leurs inflorescences, ] Paris (Imprimerie de Pierre Baudouin, ...) 1842. Qu. (Etud. Solan.).

Publ.: 14 Aug 1842 (Flora rd. before 28 Dec 1842), p. [1]-35, [36], 7 pl. Copy: NY.

  1. Melastomacearum quae in musaeo parisiensi continentur monographicae descriptionis et

secundum affinitates distributionis tentamen auctore Carolo Naudin excerptum e collecta-

neis quae inscribuntur Annales des Sciences naturelles (tom. xii-xvili). Parisiis (apud

Victor Masson, ...) 1849-1853. Oct. (Melast. monogr. descr.).

Publ.: Oct 1849-Oct 1852, p. [i], [1]-718, [719-720, ind.], 27 pl. (uncol., auct.). Copies: BR, G, US, Wurdack. — Consolidated reprint of a series of papers in Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 3:



Ann. journal reprint date (journal) 12(10) 196-284 1-89 Oct 1849 13(1) 25-39 go-104 Jan 1850 13(3) 126-159 105-138 Mar 1850 13(5) 273-303 139-169 Mai 1850 13(6) 347-362 170-185 Jun 1850 14(1) 53-76 186-209 Jul 1850 14(2 118-165 210-257 Aug 1850 15(1) 43-79 258-294 Jan 1850 15(4 276-345 295-364 Apr 1850 16(2) 83-246 365-528 Aug 1850 17(5 305-382 529-606 Mai 1851 18(2 86-154. 607-676 Aug 1852 18(5 257-294 677-714 Oct 1852 index ~ 715-[720] 1853

  1. Revue des Cucurbitacées cultivées au Muséum, en 1859, par M. Ch. Naudin [extrait des

Annales des Sciences naturelles, ...] 1859. Oct.

Publ.: Aug-Sep 1859, p. [1]-86, pl. 8-10 (uncol., Alf. Riocreux). Copy: G. — Reprinted from Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 4. 12: 79-128. Aug 1859, 129-164. Sep 1859. To be cited from journal.

  1. Espéces et vartétés nouvelles de Cucurbitacées cultivees au Muséum d’ Histoire naturelle, en 1860 et 1861, par M. Ch. Naudin, .,. [Extrait des Annales des Sciences naturelles, ... | [1862]. Oct.

Publ.: Aug-Sep 1862, p. [1]-46, pl. 1-5 (uncol., Alf. Riocreux). Copy: G. — Reprinted from

Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 4. 16: 154-192. Aug 1862, 193-199. Sep 1862. To be cited from journal.

Naumann, Einar Christian Leonard (1891-1934), Swedish limnologist and algologist; Dr. phil. Lund 1917; lecturer (1917) and professor (1919) of limnology at Lund; one of the founders, with A. Thienemann, of the Soc. int. Limnol. (Vawmann).

HERBARIUM and Types: Limnological Institute, University of Lund.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 539; BJI 2: 123; BM 7: go1-902; Bossert p. 282;

Hirsch p. 210; Kew 4: 116; KR p. 531-535 (main bibl.); Moebius p. 378.

Anon., Generalregister Bot. Not. 1839-1938. 57-58. 1939; Hedwigia 75: (71). 1935 (d.); Osterr. Bot. Z. 83: 318. 1934 (d.).

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 78. 1950.

Gislén, T., Rivista biol. 18, 1935, 16 p. (fide Hedwigia 76: (89). 1936).

Hjelmquist, H., Bot. Not. 1958: 26.

Kolkwitz, R., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 53: (39)-(51)- 1935 (portr.; bibl. by T.. Gislén, b. 13 Aug 1891, d. 22 Sep 1934).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555. 1969 (herb.).

Lundquist, G., Medd. Lunds Univ. Geogr. Inst. 103: 198-202. 1934 (obit., n.v.).

Wallengren, H., K. Fysiol. Sellsk. Férh., Lund 4: A5*-53*. 1935 (n.v.).

Warburg, Bot. Jahrb. 13: 452. 1891 (epon.).

EPONYMy: Naumannia Warburg (1891) is dedicated to F. C. Naumann (1841-1902), physi- cian and plant collector on the voyage of the “Gazelle”.

Naumburg, Samuel Johann (1768-1799), German botanist; professor of botany at Erfurt (Naumb.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1404; CSP 4: 579; Dryander 3: 389; PR 6619-6620 (ed. 1: 7389-7390); Rehder 1: 84.


NAUMBURG EPONYMY: Naumburgia Moench (1802).

  1. Dissertatio inauguralis botanica sistens delineationes Veronicae chamaedryos, Dianthi carthusianorum, Lumii [sic] maculati et purpurei, Arabis alpinae, Violae grandiflorae, Zanichelliae palustris ac Polymorphi tremelloidis. Quam praeside D. Joanne Friderico Weissenborn, ... pro gradu doctoris summisque in medicina et chirurgia honoribus ac privilegiis rite capessendes a.d. i. Augusti mdcclxxxxii h.l.c. publice defendet auctor Johannes Samuelis Naumburg. Erfordensis. Erfordiae [Erfurt] (litteris I. C. Goerling .. .) [1792]. Oct. (Delin. Veronic. chamaedr.).

Publ.: 1 Aug 1792, p. [i]-viii, [9]-35, [36]. Copy: G.

Naumov, Nikolai Alexandrovic (1888-1959), Russian mycologist; Dr. phil. St. Peters- burg 1910; later at the Jaczevski Institute of mycology of Leningrad. (Naumov).

HERBARIUM and types: At the All-Union Institute of Plant Protection, Yachevsky Labora- tory, Leningrad (part), Department of Botany of Leningrad State University (major part); LE (minor part) (inf. S. Lipschitz).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 540; BM 7: 909; Bossert p. 282; Hawksworth p. 184; Hirsch p. 210; IH 2(in press); Kew 4: 116; MW p. 352, suppl. p. 253; Stevenson p. 1252.

Chochrjkov, M. K., Bot. Zhurn. 44: 1770-1778. 1959 (obit., bibl.).

Dobrozrakova, Bolezni Rast. 16: 197. 1928 (epon.).

Shetler, S. G., The Komarov Bot. Institute, portr. facing p. 59. 1967.

EPONYMY: Naumovia Dobrozrakova (1928); Naumoviella Novotelnova (1950); Neonaumovia S. R. Schwarzman (1959). Note: Naumovela Kravtzev (1955) probably also honors this author. Naumovaspora J. Jansonius (1962) honors S. N. Naumova, an early Russian palynologist.

  1. Opredelitel’ Mukorovykh (Mucorales) ... Moskva, Leningrad (... Akademia Nauk

SSSR) 1935. Oct. (Mucorales).

Publ.: 23 Jun 1935, p. [1]-136, [1-2], 1 pl. Copy: USDA. — Second edition of Tablitsy dlia opredielniia pred stavitelei Mucoraceae, 60 p., 1915 (n.v.). For a French translation see below.

  1. Clés des mucorinées (Mucorales) par N. A. Naumov ... Traduit sur la 2° édition russe

avec des notes additionelles de l’auteur par S. Buchet. .. [et] 1. Mouravier... préfacede M.

le professeur Pierre Allorge ... Paris (Paul Lechevalier ...) 1939. Oct. (Clés mucor.).

Publ.: Feb-Apr 1939 (p. xl: printing completed 12 Jan 1939; Nat. Nov. Mai 1939; Bot. Jahrb. 18 Aug 1939), p. [1-11], [1]-137, [i]-xxxvi, [xxxvii-xli]. Copies: BR, G, Stevenson, USDA. — A French translation of no. 6656.

Ref.: Ulbrich, E., Bot. Jahrb. 70(Lit.): 31-32. 18 Aug 1939.

Navarro de Andrade, Edmundo (1881-1941), Brazilian entomologist, botanist and forester at Sao Paulo. (E. Navarro).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 1: 242, 310; BM 7: go3; IH 2: (in press).

Anon., O Biologico 7(12): 354-355. 1941 (obit., portr.); Revista entom. Rio de J. 12: 681. 1941.

Borgmeier, T., Revista entom. Rio de J. 13: 182-188. 1942 (biogr., b. 2 Jan 1881; portr.).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 271-272. 1977.

  1. Les bois indigenes de Sao Paulo. Contribution al étude de la flore forestiére de l’état de S. Paulo ... Sao Paulo 1916. (Bois indig. Sao Paulo).

Co-author: Octavio Vecchi (fl. 1916).

Publ.: 1916, p. [i*], [i]-v, 1-376. Copy: USDA.

Nave, Johann (1831-1864), Bohemian financial administrator and botanist; educated at



Briinn (Brno), studied in Vienna with Unger 1850-1854; from 1854-1864 again in Brunn as civil servant in the regional finance department. (Nave).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BRNU; further material W, WRSL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 540; BM 3: 1404; CSP 4: 579-580; De Toni 1:

xc, 2: xxxiv; DTS 1: 387; Jackson p. 218; Kelly p. 160, Kew 4: 117; Klastersky p. 132; KR p.

535; LS 18804- 18806; Nordstedt p. 24; PR 6621; WU 20: 106-107.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 23: 34-35. 1865, Flora 48: 155. 1865; Osterr. bot. J. 14: 394. 1864 (d. 18 Nov 1864), 15: 89. 1865 (b. 16 Sep 1831)

Heufler, L., Osterr. bot. Z. 14: 402-403. 1864 (on his Vorarb. Krypt.-Fl. Mahren).

Iltis, H., Verh. Naturf. Ver. Brinn 50: 306-307, photogr. 1912.

  1. Anleitung zum Einsammeln, Prapariren und Untersuchen der Pflanzen, mit besonderer

Ricksicht aufdie Kryptogamen. Im Anschluss an den Elementarcursus der Kryptogamen-

kunde von Conrector W. O. Helmert und Dr. L. Rabenhorst. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr.

L. Rabenhorst, nebst 9 in den Text gedruckten Holzschnitten ... Dresden (H. Burdach)

  1. Oct. (Anlect. Einsamm.).

Preface: Gottlob Ludwig Rabenhorst (1806-1881).

Publ.: Apr 1864 (““nachstens” Hedwigia Jan 1864; soeben ib. Apr 1864), 1-94. (n.v.).

English ed.: 1869, p. [iti]-xii, [1]-203, pl. 1-26 (uncol.). Copies: B, PH. — “A handy-book to the collection and preparation of freshwater and marine algae, diatoms, desmids, fungi, lichens, mosses and other of the lower cryptogamia with instructions for the formation of a herbarium by Johann Nave translated and edited by the Rev. W. W. Spicer, M. A. ...” London (Robert Hardwicke, ...) 1869. Oct. (William Webb Spicer, 1820-1876). (Handy-book coll.).

English ed. |2]: 1882 (Bot. Zeit. 28 Apr 1882), n.v

English ed. [3]: 1884 (Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1884; Bot. Zeit. 25 Jul 1884), p. [in]-xu, [1]-203, pl. 1-26. Copy: PH. — Reissued 1896, idem. Copy: PH.

English ed. [4]: 1905 (Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1905), 214 p. “Collector's handbook of Algae, ...” London 1905.

Swedish ed.: 1869, p. [i]-viii, [ix-xii], [1 ]-99. Copres: H, LD. — ““Anvisning till vaxternas insamling

. Svensk bearbetning af Alfred Falck [Carl Martin Alfred Immanuel Falck, 1844-

1871]...” Stockholm (I. Haegegstréms boktr.) 1869. Oct. —See KR p. 535. (Anvisn. vdxt. imsaml.).

Ref.: Anon., Hedwigia 3(10): 148-151. 1864. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 22: 287-288. 1864.

Naveau, [Georges] Raymond [Léonard] (1889-1932), Belgian bryologist; director of the botanic garden and of the natural history museum at Antwerp; teacher at the Belvers agricultural college. (Naveau).

HERBARIUM and types: AWH/[?]; further material at BM, BR, H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 540; Bossert p. 283; Hirsch p. 210; IH 2: (in

press); LS suppl. 19710-19713; MW p. 352; SBC p.128.

Anon., Hedwigia 73: (198). 1933 (d. 11 Nov 1932).

Dixon, R. N., J. Bot. 71: 49-50. 1933.

Evens, F. M. J. G., Gesch. algol. Belgie 186. 1944.

Guillermond, A., Bull. Soc. bot. France 79: 785. 1933 (d.).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 142. 1937 (on his Mousses crit., Rev. bryol. 2(1): 38-40. 1928); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 226. 1947.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Vandendries, R., Bull. Soc. r. Bot. Belg. 65: 77-80. 1933 (obit., portr. bibl.).

  1. Musci bequaerti (Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique ...) 1927. Oct.

Collector: Joseph Charles Corneille Bequaert (1886-?).

Publ.: 1927, reprint with special cover but original pagination from Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg.

60(1): 11-56. 1927. Copies: FH, H.


NAVEAU Ref.: Anon., Rev. bryol. ser. 2.1(1): 64. 5 Mar 1928.

Naves, Andrés (1839-1910), Spanish Augustinian friar; collected in the Philippine Islands (Ndves).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Original collections destroyed; some material at MA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Backer p. 390; Barnhart 2: 540; BM 3: 1404; Hortus 3: 1200

(Naves); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 117; Rehder 5: xxvi; SK 1: 381; TL-1/362; TL-2/553,

1766, see also M. J. Berkeley; Tucker 1: 512; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 794.

Merrill, E. D., Species blancoanae 14-21. 1918, Enum. Philipp. pl.4: 212. 1926 (on Novissima Appendix).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 73. 1947 (1948).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Editor (and co-author of Noviss. App.) of Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, q.v- (TL-2/553). For a review of the Noviss App. see for instance Peter, Bot. Centralbl. 18: 175- 176. 1884.

Nawaschin, Sergius Gawrilowitsch [Navashin, Sergei, Gavrilovich] (1857-1930), Russian botanist (cytologist); lecturer at St. Petersburg 1888-1894; from 1894-1915 direc- tor of the botanical garden at Kiew; from 1915-1923 at Tiflis; from 1923 at Moscow as head of the Timiriazev Inst., from 1929 at the Cytological Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences, Detskoje Selo nr. Leningrad. (Nawaschin).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LE, incl. material from Java; some Russian mosses at B.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 540; BJI 2: 123; BM 3: 1404; Bossert p. 282;

CSP 17: 461-462; DSB ro: 1-2; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 117; LS 18807-18813, 37343;

Morren ed. 10, p. 98; Rehder 5: 610; SBC p. 128; SK 1: 381; Stevenson p. 1252; Tucker 1:

512; Urban-Berl. p. 309.

Anon., Acta Horti Univ. Jurjew 9: 216-241. 1908 (25 yrs doctor); Bot. Jahrb. 19(Beibl. 48): 24. 1894; Nature 127: 65. 1931 (d.); Nat. Nov. 30: 637. 1908 (foreign memb. Akad. Minchen) 38: 120. 1916 (to Tiflis); Osterr. bot. Z. 45: 39, 159. 1895 (appointed at Kiew), 80: 80. 1931 (d.).

Chiarugi, A., Nuovo Giorn. bot. Ital. ser. 2. 39(1): 148-149. 1932 (obit., b. 2/14 Dec 1857, d. 10 Dec 1930).

Dibrova, L. S., Ukr. Bot. Zhurn. 31: 532. 1974.

Finn, W., Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR 1931: 881-901 (portr.).

Gates, R. R., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 143: 188-191. 1931 (obit., was F.M.L.S.).

Kholodi, M. G. et al., im Bot. sady vuziv URSR. 3-44. 1974 (fide Kew Record).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 1(5): 112. 1895.

Lewitsky, G. A., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 49: (149)-(163). 1931 (biogr., portr., bibl.).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 119, 270. 1973.

Navashin, M. S. and H. N. Gerassimova Navashina, Bot. Zhurn. 53: 1677-1678. 1968 (portr., on the 7oth ann. of N’s discovery of the double fertilization in angiosperms on 5 Sep 1898).

Nawaschin, S. G., J. Soc. bot. Russie 13: 7-18. 1928 (in Russian; autobiogr., n.v.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Tsitsin, N. V. et al., Byull. Glavn. Bot. Sada, Moscow 809: 3-10. 1973 (fide Kew Record).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 1: 29. 1935 (portr.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 189, pl. 122. 1905 (portr.).

Neal, Adam (//. 1770's), British gardener to J. Blackburne at Warrington. (A. Neal). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1404; Desmond p. 460 Neale); Dryander 3: 99; Henrey 2: 274, 643, 3: 96; Jackson p. 415; PR 6622 (ed. 1: 7393); Rehder 1: 53, 5: 610; Tucker 1: 512.

Johnson, G. W., Hist. Engl. gardening 238. 1829.



  1. A catalogue of the plants in the garden of John Blackburne, Esq. at Oxford, Lancashire. Alphabetically arranged according to the Linnaean system. By Adam Neal, Gardener. Warrington (printed by William Eyres) 1779. Oct. (in fours). (Cat. gard. Blackburne). Publ.: 1779 (p. ui: 1 Feb 1779), p. [i-iv], [1]-72. Copy: BR. —Henrey 1162 cites copies at BM- Bloomsbury and OXF. — See also R. Weston, Suppl. English Fl. 99-114. 1780.

Neal, Marie Catherine (1889-1965), American botanist; B. A. Smith Coll. 1912; M. Sc. Yale 1925; from 1920 at B. P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu; after 1930 in charge of the herbarium. (M. Neal).

HERBARIUM and Types: BISH; further material at BH, NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 541; BL 1: 110, 310; BM 7: 904; Bossert p. 283;

IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 120; Plesch p. 346; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 794.

Bryan, E. H., Newsletter Hawaii. bot. Soc. 4(4): 19-21. 1965; Bull. Torrey bot. Club 93: 199-200 1966 (obit., bibl., b. 7 Dec 1889, d. 6 Mar 1965).

Degener, O. & J., Taxon 14: 250-254. 1965 (bibl.); Fl. hawaii. book 7: D(Neal) [1-2]. 1968 (portr., biogr.).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 144. 1969.

Merrill. E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 142. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. U.S. natl. ler. 90(1): 226, 194.7.

Steenis, C. G.G. J. v., Fl. males. Bull. 20: 1290. 1965, 21: 1378. 1966 (d.).

  1. In Honolulu gardens by Marie C. Neal. Legends by Berta Metzger ... Honolulu,

Hawaii (Published by the [Bernice P. Bishop] Museum) 1928. Oct. (Honolulu gard.).

Ed. 1: Dec 1928, p. [i*], i-iv, [3]-327, pl. 1-27. Copy: NY. — Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Special ule:

Ed. 2: Mar 1929, p. [i*-11*], i-1v, [1]-336, pl. 1-27. Copies: MO, NY, USDA. — Idem.

Expanded version: In gardens of Hawaii, 1948, p. [i-ii], [1]-805. Copies: NY, RSC, USDA. — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication 40. — second edition: 1965, p. [i]-xix, 1-924. Idem 50. Copies: FAS, NY, RSC, US (see Taxon 15: 39-40. 1966).

  1. Hawaiian marine algae ... Honolulu, Hawaii (Published by the [Bernice P. Bishop] Museum) 1930. Oct. (Haw. mar. alg.). Publ.: 1930, p. [i], [1]-84. Copy: FH. — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bull. 67.

Nealley, Greenleaf Cilley (1846-1896), American botanist; in Burlington, Iowa 1863- 1882; with Texas A & M 1882-1883, in Houston 1886-1891; at San Antonio and San Diego, Texas 1892-1896; collected grasses for USDA (WNealley).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: US; further material at F, L, MSC, NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 541; BM 3: 1404; Bossert p. 283; CSP 17: 463;

IH 2: (in press); Pennell p. 615; Rehder 5: 610; Urban-Berl. p. 378.

Coulter, J. M., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 1: 29-65. 1890 (pl. Nealley coll. Texas 1887-1889).

Geiser, S. W., Field & Laboratory 16: 41-46. 1947 (portr.; biogr. details).

Hitchcock, A. S. & A. Chase, Man. Grass. U.S. 987-988. 1951.

McVaugh, R., Field & Laboratory 14: 70-88. 1946 (on N’s travels, localities and colls. 1887-1892 based on about 275 letters by N. to G. Vasey).

Moldenke, H. N., List coll. Verbenac., Suppl. 18. 1947. (coll.).

  1. Report of an investigation of the grasses of the arid districts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, in 1887. Washington (Government Printing Office) 1888. Oct. (Invest. grass. Texas).

Co-authors: Samuel Mills Tracy (1847-1920); George Vasey (1822-1893).

Publ.: 1888 (transmittal 20 Jan 1888), p. [1]-61, pl. 1-30 (uncol.). Copy: USDA. — Text by

Neally on p. [30]-47.

Necker, Noel Joseph de (1730-1793), French-born botanist and historiographer; later “kurpfalzischer Botaniker” in Mannheim (Neck.).


NECKER HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. Some mosses perhaps in B-Bridel (fide Sayre 1977).

NAME and NATIONALITY: Necker was born in Lille on 25 Dec 1730 and baptised Natalis Martinus Joseph, in French Noél Martin Joseph; see MD p. 11 and E. Leclair Bull. Soc. Etudes Prov. Gambrai 10: 184-189. 1897.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: ADB 23: 368-376; AG 5(1): 781; Ainsworth p. 32, 65, 312,

345; BM 3: 1406, 7: 905; Bossert p. 283; Dryander 3: 27, 33, 48, 145, 156, 221, 224, 311;

Frank 3(Anh.): 70;GR P- 290-291, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Hegi 7: 559; Herder

p. 468; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Neck.”’); IF suppl. 1: 132; Jackson p. 152; Kew; 4: 121; ; Krempelh.

1:37, 466, 472, 509, 572, 603, 612, 2: 39, 44-48; LS 18817-18822, 37347; MD p. 1; Moebius

p- 97; NAF 28B(2): 348; NI 1436; PR 6632-6638, 10288 (ed. 1: 7404); Rehder 5: 6cr: ;RSp.

121; SBC p. 128; SO 148, 474, 650da, 655a, 694; TL-1/908-911; Tucker 1: 519; Zoe ed.

10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 794.

Bullock, A. A., Taxon 8: 46-48. 1959 (N’s names of species naturales to be rejected). Dandy, J. E. and Ross, R., Taxon 7: 261-262. 1958 (proposal not to treat the names of N’s species naturales as names of genera). See also J. E. Dandy, Regn. veg. 51: 17. 1967.

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige 326, 329. 1969.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(3): 26. 1909.

Greene, E. L., Pittonia 4: 103-107. 1900, Leaflets bot. Obs. 1: 50-53. 1904.

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(1): 141, 268, 269. 1916.

J., Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 320. 1824.

Lawrence, G. H. M., Huntia 1: 164. 1964 (letters).

Litjeharms, W.J., Gesch. Mykol. 246, 259 [index]. 1936.

Mansfeld, R., Taxon 7: 155-156. 1958 (proposed to treat Necker’s generic taxa termed natural species as validly published).

Margadant, W. D., 7x Lawrence, G. H. M., ed., Adanson 1: 301, 334. 1963.

M. B., L’auteur justifieé ou examen de la récension faite par les journalistes de la Bibliothe- que universelle allemande au sujet de la physiologie de M. de Necker. Mannheim (De Pimprimerie de la cour) 1798, 30 p. (copy at M; possibly written by Necker himself).

Meusel, J. G., Lex. teut. Schriftst. 10: 30-31. 1810 (bibl.).

Necker, N. J. de, Liste des écrits, in Philosophie zoologique 1-16. 1790; Phytologie philoso- phique 11-16. 1790.

Oligschlager, F. W., Flora 16(1): 340. 1833.

Proskauer, J., Taxon 7: 124. 1958, 8: 19. 1959.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977 (mosses in B. Bridel?).

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 12: 74-75. 1963; Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 273. 1971; see also in Daniels, G. S. and F. A. Stafleu, Taxon 22(1): 56. 1973 (portr.).

Stafleu, F. A. et al., eds., Int. code bot. nom., ed. Leningrad 1978, art. 20.4(b) (The unitary designations of N’s species naturales not to be treated as generic names).

Willmott, A. J. Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1955: 92; Syn. prop. Brit. Bot. 77-80. 1935 (Necker’s names of “species naturales”’ to be rejected).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 137. 1903, 3(3): 146. 1905.

EPONYMY: WNeckerta Scopoli (1777, nom. rej.), Neckera J. Hedwig (1801, nom. cons.) and Neckeria J. ¥. Gmelin (1791, nom. rej.) very likely commemorate Necker. Note: The following genera were derived from Neckera J. Hedwig: Metaneckera W. C. Steere (1967); Neckeradel- phus Lazarenko (1941); Neckeradelphus W. C. Steere (1941) and Neckeropsis Reichardt (1870). Neckia Korthals (1848) was named in honor of Jacob van Neck (1564-1638) Dutch admiral who was one of the first to travel to Southeast Asia. Dicneckeria Vellozo (1825) is dedicated “tin memoriam D. Dicnecker’’, whose identity could not be established.

  1. Natalis Josephi de Necker Deliciae gallo-belgicae silvestres, seu tractatus generalis plantarum gallo-belgicarum ad genera relatarum, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, pharmaceuticis, locis natalibus, proprietatibus virtualibus ex observatione, chemiae legibus, auctoribus praeclaris cum animadversionibus secundum principia linnae- ana ... Argentorati [Strasbourg] (Venditur apud Jacob. Francisc. Leroux. Bibliop. Ex prelo Jonae Lorenzii, typographi) 1768. Oct. (Delic. gallo-belg.).

Publ.: 1768, p. [i|-xxiv , [1]-288, [i], [289]-568, index sign. Nn,-Rr,, 2 pl. (uncol.), in 2 vols.

with consecutive pagination. Copies: G, M; IDC 5145.


NECKER (1790) Reissue: 1773, p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-288, [1], [289]-568, index as in orig. ed., 2 pl. (id.). Copies: BR, FI

Note: Unlike those in the Elementa, the generic names published in the Deliczae must be taken into account for botanical nomenclature. A certain number of them are pre-linnaean names taken up here for the first time, others are orthographic variants of names previously and validly published by other authors. In general these variants are of no importance. Necker used here also Linnaean binomials as specific names.

  1. N. J. de Necker ... Methodus muscorum per classes, ordines, genera ac species cum

synonymis, nominibus trivialibus, locis natalibus, observationibus digestorum, aeneisque

figuris illustratorum ... Mannhemii [Mannheim] (ex Typograph. Academ. Elect. Scient.)

  1. Oct. (Meth. musc.).

Publ.: 1771 (p. xiv: 2 Jan 1771; Jenaische Z. gel. S. 26 Aug 1771), p. [i]-xvii, [1]-296, 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: BR, FH, FI, G, H; IDC 588.

  1. Nat. Jos. de Necker ... Phystologia muscorum per examen analyticum de corporibus

variis naturalibus inter se collatis continuitatem proximamve animalis cum vegetabili

concatenationem indicatibus. Manhemii [ Mannheim] (Impensis C. F. Schwan, .. .) 1774.

(Physiol. musc.).

Publ.: 1774 (pref.: 3 Jan 174)» p. [i-viii], [1]-343, 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: BR, G, H, MO-Steere, NY, USDA

  1. Traité sur la mycitologie ou discours historique sur les champignons en général, das

lequel on démontre leur véritable origine & leur génération; d’ot dépendent les effets

pernicieux & funestes de ceux que l’on mange, avec les moyens de les éviter. Opuscule avec

figures par Natalis Joseph de Necker, ... a Mannheim (Chez Mathias Fontaine, . . .) 1783.

Oct. ( Traité mycitol.).

Publ.: 1783 (p. [x]: 30 Mai 1783), p. [i-x], [1]-133, [134-136, expl. pl., 137, err.], 7 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copies: BR, FH, G, MO, NY, Stevenson(2).

  1. Willemetia. Nouveau genre de plantes, créé par M. de Necker, premier botaniste de

s.a.s. l’Electeur palatin de Manheim: son historiographe, &c. [s.d.].

Publ.: date unknown, p. [1]-7. Copy: G. — The greater part (p. 4-7) of the text of this pamphlet is by Remi Willemet (1735-1807) but the text on p. 1-3 (Willemetia hieracioi- des) must be ascribed to “Necker in Willemet’’. Publication must have taken place between 1777 and 1790. Dryander 3: 308 mentions a flate in addition to the text for

p. 1-3.

  1. Nat. Jos. de Necker, .. . Elementa botanica genera genuina, species naturales omnium

vegetabilium detectorum eorumque characteres diagnosticos ac peculiares exhibentia,

secundum systema omologium seu naturale, evulgata. Cum tabulis separatis tomus primus

[-tertius] Neowedae ad Rhenum [Neuwied] (apud Societatem Typographicam) 1790, 3

vols. (Elem. bot.).

Orig. issue: Apr(?) 1790 (For date see ST p. 74-75). Copies: BR, G(2), M, MO, US; IDG 244. 1: [i], [ii, frontisp. portr. author], [v]-xxxu, [1 ]-3809.

2: [i, ii-iv], [1 ]-460.

3: [i, ili-iv], [1]-456, [457, err.], pl. t-x (as x2), xi-xui2, xai[bis], xiv, xtv[ bis], xv-xl, xli[ bos], xlii-xlv, xlo[ bis], xlo[bis a], lit, la bis], lia, lia bis], lv, hv[ bis] ( in all 63 pl.). (uncol. copp.).

Paris issue: 1790. Copy: MO. — “‘... tomus primus [-tertius]. Parisiis (apud Bossange et Soc. Bibliopol., Rue des Noyers, no. 33. Typis Societatis Typographicae Neowedensis) 1790, 3 vols. — Collation MO copy as above but lacking the plates.

Neuwied| Strassburg iussue: 1791 (1: p. x: Jan 1791; GGA 13 Oct 1791). Copy: USDA. — “Nat. Jos. de Necker, ... Elementa botanica ... evulgata. Tribus voluminibus divisa, cum 63 tabulis aeri incisis, volumine separato collectis. Accedit Corollarium ad philos. botan. Linnaei spectans; cum Phytozoologia philosophica lingua gallica conscripta. Tomus i [-i11]. Neowedae ad Rhenum apud Societatem typographicam. Prostat Argentorati [Strass- burg] apud Amand Koenig 1791.” Oct. — For the separate issues of the Corollarium and the Phytozool. philos. see below.

I: portr., p. [ili, t.p.]-x, [xi]-xxxu, [1]-389.


NECKER (1790)

2: [i], [1]-460.

i. “i oe. Corollarium p. [i], [1]-29. [30-31, note]; Phytozool. philos.: [1], [1]-78, [1, err. |; Plates: i-xi, xi[ bis], xti-xli, xli[ bis], xlit-xlv, [xlvbis, ter], xlvi-li, la bis), lia, laa[ bis], liv-liv [bis] (uncol. copp.).

Editio secunda: 1808. Copy: MO. — “Nat. Jos. de Necker, ... Elementa botanica ... evulgata. Cum tabulis separatis. Tomus primus [-tertius]. Editio secunda. Moguntiae [Mainz] 1808. Apud F. Kupferberg.”’ Oct.

r: [i]-xxxu, [1]-389.

2: [i-i], [1 ]-460.

3: [i-ili], [1]-456, pl. t-xd, xe[ bes], xe2-xi2, xtaa[ bos], xtv-xli, xle[ bes], xlu-xlv, xlo[ bis], xlvi-lit, lii{ bis}, lit, lat bis], av (uncol. copp.).

Note: The original edition was published at the same time as the Corollariwm and the Phylozoologie philosophique. The three publications were sold together but were also obtaina- ble separately. The nomenclatural status of Necker’s species naturales (in fact genera) is dealt with by ICBN Art. 20.4(b). Since Necker designated this category as “species,” the monomial names (which are in many cases the generic names of previous authors) are to be regarded as unitary designations of species and hence to be regarded as not validly published. For taxonomic purposes Necker’s categories have the following equivalents, however: proles = species, species naturalis = genus, species composita = family or order, genus genuinus = Classis. — For a discussion on the status of these name of “species naturales”’ see Mansfeld 1958, Proskauer (1958, 1959), Bullock 1959, Dandy and Ross 1958, ST p. 74-75 and Willmott (1935). — For a critical and enlightening commentary see the review of the 1791 ‘edition’ in GGA 1791: 1644. 13 Oct.

Note: J. E. Dandy prepared a list of Necker’s names as used in his Elementa with their present nomenclatural equivalents. Copies of this typescript are in various libraries (BM, US, FAS). The compilers of the Jndex nominum genericorum (plantarum) (1979) made ample use of this list which was made available to them for this purpose by its author.

  1. Nat. Jos. de Necker, ... Corollarium ad Philos. botanicam Linnaei spectans, generis,

speciei naturalis &c., vegetabilium omnium detectorum; fructuum diversorum aliarumque

fructificationis partium definitiones expletas, continens, cum tabulis separatis. Neowedae

ad Rhenum (apud Societatem Typographycam [sic]) 1790. Oct. (Corollarium).

Orig. ed.: Apr(?) 1790 (see Elem. bot.), p. [1]-29, [30-31]. Copies: BR, MO, US; IDC 6092.

Neuwied/ Strassburg ed.: 1790, p. [1]-29, [30-31]. Copy: G. — ““Neowedae ad Rhenum, apud Societatem Typographicam) et Argentorati [Strassburg] (apud Amand. Konig, Biblio- polam). 1790. Oct. — Also included in USDA copy of Elem. bot. 1791 ed.

Note: Some of the copies of the Corollarium are accompanied by the 63 plates of the Elementa.

  1. Phytozoologie philosophique, dans laquelle on démontre comment le nombre des genres & des espéces, concernant les animaux & les végétaux, a été limité & fixe par la nature; avec les moyens de donner l’histoire la plus complette & la plus parfaite de ces corps organisés différens, selon la découverte du systéme naturel, par Noel Joseph de Necker, ... A Neuwied sur le Rhin, (chez la Société typographique), et a Strasbourg )chez Amand Konig, Libraire) 1790. Oct. (Phytozool. philos.).

Publ.: Apr(?) 1790 (see Elem. bot), frontisp. portr. author, p. [i-iv], [1]-16, [1]-78, [1, errata]. Copies: G, M, MO; IDC 245. — The set of pages [1]-16 (with a bibliography of Necker on p. 11-16) may also occur in the Elem. bot. The Elementa botanica plates are bound with the G copy of the Phytozoologie.

Nectoux, Hipolyte (Hippolyte) (17..-18..), French botanist who accompanied Napoleon to Egypt. (Nectoux). .

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Egyptian material at MPU (main set), K and FI. It is possible that the Nectoux who collected in the Dominican Republic and Haiti in 1788 (material at MPU; further material at B, E, FI and P) is identical with Hypolyte Nectoux.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 542; BM 3: 1406; Dryander 3: 613; IH 2: (in

press); PR 6639 (ed. 1: 7413); Rehder 2: 342; Tucker 1: 512; Urban-Berl. p. 378. MacPhail, I., Cat. Redout. 66(no.33). 1963.



Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977. Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 91-92. 1902 (West India Nectoux identical with H. Nectoux?). Vallot, Bull. Soc. bot. France 29: 185. 1882.

EPpoNyMy: Nectouxia Kunth (1818); Netouxia G. Don (1838, orth. var.).

  1. Voyage dans la Haute Egypte, au dessus des cataractes; avec des observations sur les

diverses espéces de séné qui sont répandues dans le commerce . . . A Paris (Chez Garnery, . . .

Madame Nyon, ... de Imprimerie de Didot Jeune) 1808. Qu. (in twos). (Voy. Haute


Publ.: 1808, p. [i*-iv*], [i]-xii, [1]-22, [1, err.], pl. 1-4 (3 by H. J. Redoute, 7 by Poy Redouté; col. stipple engr.). Copy: G.

Née, Isidore Charles Sigismond (1784-1837), fictitious botanist said to have explored South America.

NOTE: One of the fictitious botanists appearing in Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography (4: 486. 1888). Barnhart (J. New York Bot. Gard. 20: 177. 1919) points out that the name is obviously compounded from those of Carl Sigismund Kunth (1788-1850) and Louis Née; the author is stated to have published a Flora mexicana (2 vols., Paris 1827) and various treatises on mexican hieroglyphs.

Née, Luis (17..-18..), French botanist, later naturalized Spaniard; on the Malaspina expedition in La Descubierta and La Atrevida, 1789-1794 (Véé).

HERBARIUM and types: MA (10.000); duplicates e.g. in B, C, DS, F, FI, KIEL, MPU and NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocraPHy: AG 5(1): 188; Barnhart 2: 542; Colmeiro 1: cxc; Colmeiro penins. p. 48-49, 183; CSP 4: 582-583; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Née’’); IH 2: (in press); Langman p. 537; Laségue p. 348, 451, 505; PR alph.; Rehder 5: 611; SK 1: 382, XXVill, 5: cccvul, 8: Ixvii; Urban-Berl. p. 309; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 794.

Brewer, W. H., in S. Watson, Botany Calif. 2:553. 1880.

Cavanilles, A. J., Icon. 5: 1-111. 1799.

Granel de Solignac, L. & L. Bertrand, Naturalia Monsp. 18: 276. 1967 (pl. MPU). Hall, N., Botanists of the Eucalypts 100-101. 1978.

Herrera, F. L., Estud. Fl. Cuzco 8. 1930.

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 297.

Kiithnel, Thad. Haenke 275. index. 1960.

Liebmann, F., Mexicos Bregner 155. 1848.

Merrill, E. D., Enum. Philipp. Pl. 4: 212. 1926 (bibl.).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 73. 1946 (1948).

Reiche, K., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Chile 6. 1907 (Veg. Erde 8).

Safford, W. E., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 9: 27-28. 1905 (Fl. Guam).

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 304. 1942.

Schultes, J. A., Flora 8(1), Beil. 1: 34. 1825.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3:92. 1902.

Weberbauer, A., Pfl.-Welt peruan. Anden 4-5. 1911 (Veg. Erde 12).

Willkomm, M., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Iber. Halbins 6. 1896 (Veg. Erde 1).

EPONYMY: Neea Ruiz et Pavon (1794); Neeaea Poeppig et Endlicher (1838, orth. var.); Neeama Rafinesque (1814, orth. var.).

Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel (1776-1858), German nature- philosopher, physician and botanist; Dr. med. Giessen, 1800; physician at Sickershausen 1802; president of the ‘““Leopoldina” 1818-1858; professor of botany at Erlangen (1818- 1819), Bonn (1819-1830) and Breslau (1831-1851), formally dismissed 1851. (Nees).

HERBARIUM and types: Nees’ herbarium which numbered some 80.000 sheets was split up



before his death. The ‘‘Glumaceae”’ (Graminae, Cyperaceae, Restionaceae, Juncaceae) including practically all his types of the Synopsis glumacearum were acquired by B (9559 specimens, now destroyed) in 1855. A number of Nees’ Cyperaceae, however, are in the Lindley herbarium at CGE. The fungi, lichens and hepaticae are at STR. Most of the Musci were also at B (some preserved in herb. Bridel). A set of 2718 specimens was acquired by LE followed by a further set in 1857/8. Other lots are at M (phanerogams) and CGE (grasses, Cyperac. Acanth.), and GZU (Acanth., Bombac., Buettner., Laurac., Piperac., Solanac.); L (bryoph., myxophyta, fungi), E (bryoph., fungi), HBG (grasses), GE (some grasses), PC (hepat.), S (hepat.), W (hepat.), G (bryoph.); further material at BM, BR, K, PGC, PR, TAES, UPS, and WRSL. Some private papers are in the municipal archives of Wroclaw (formerly Breslau).

Note: The splitting up of Nees’ herbarium and the sale of his library became necessary because Nees lost his professorship at Breslau in January 1851..The official reason given for the dismissal was moral turpitude and social misbehaviour (“‘Beamte welche sich... durch wiedertrachtige Auffthrung verachtlich machen, sollen ihres Amtes entzetzt werden” Preuss. allg. Landrath 363(20)I1). This referred to the circumstance that Nees, who had obtained a separation but no divorce from his second wife, had lived eleven years in a free relationship with his third companion. The underlying reason, however, for this belated and at the time unusual puritanism, must be sought in Nees’ public attitude during the 1848-1851 disturbances at Breslau university and especially his activity in the so-called christ-katholische Bewegung, led by Johannes Ronge and Johann Cserski, a religious element in the 1848 movement of spiritual and material emancipation of the lesser privileged. See Wunschmann (in ADB), Winkler (1921) and Proskauer (in DSB) for reviews of these turbulent affairs.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: ADB 23: 368-376; AG 2(1): 113-114, 2(2): 458; Ainsworth

p- 345 [index]; Backer p. 391; Barnhart 2: 542; BM 3: 1407-1408; Bossert p. 283; CSP 4:

583-585, 12: 534; DSB ro: 11-14 (bibl.; many sec. refs.!); De Toni 1: xc-xci; DTS 1: 211;

Frank 3(Anh.): 70-71; GR p. 34, pl. [15], cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184, 196; Hegi 5(1): 51;

Herder p. 468; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Nees’’)’ IF p. 722-723; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (an press);

Jackson p. 586 [index]; Kew 4: 122-123; KR 1: 204, 456, 467, 531, 552, 612, 2: 614;

Langman p. 537; Laségue p. 184, 320, 328; Lenley p. 464; LS 18827-18838a; Maiwald p.

88, 152, 197, 202; MD p. 186-189; ME 3: 427; Moebius p. 454 [index]; MW p. 352; NI

1437-1440; PR 6642-6659, 10769 (ed. 1: 7416-7437); Rehder 5: 611; RS p. 121; SBCp. 128;

Stevenson p. 1252; [L-1/422, 798, 912-917, 1401, see Steudel, E.G.; TL-2/see indexes vol. 1

and 2; Tucker 1: 513; Urban-Berl. p. 27, 289, 309-378; Zander ed. 10, p. 696, ed. 11, p. 794.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 9: 736. 1851, 10: 235-237, 387-390, 661. 1852, 12: 462-464. 1854 (herb. for sale), 16: 88. 1858 (death); Brockhaus’ Conversations-Lexikon ed. 13. 12: 121. 1885; Bull. Soc. bot. France 4: 1071. 1858; Flora 34: 559-560. 1851, 35: 347-352. 1852 (on sale herb.); Flora 41: 176. 1858 (death); Osterr. bot. W. 1: 85. 1851 (dismissal 29 Jan 1851), 349 (sale herb. libr.), 2: 128 (sale herb.), Osterr. bot. Z. 8: 165. 1858 (b. 14 Feb 1776, d. 16 Mar 1858).

Arechavaleta, J., Fl. Uruguaya 2: xxvill-xxix. 1902.

Bley, L. F., Arch. d. Pharm. g1(1): 81-112. 1845 (biogr. & bibl. of the two brothers Nees).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 79. 1978.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (coll.).

Carus, C. G. & Martius, C. F. P. von, Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen, 1939, p. 171 [index].

Fitting, H., Decheniana 105/106: pl. 1, 1952 (N. at Bonn; Naturphilosophie; portr.).

Gilbert, P., Gomp. biogr. lit. deceased entomol. 272. 1977.

Gray, J. L., Letters Asa Gray 44, 130, 223, 716. 1893.

Grummann, V., Decheniana 119: 131-140. 1968 (letters from H. C. Funck to Nees).

Hasskarl, J. K., Allg. Sach-Namenregister Flora 165-168. 1851 (more than 300 items).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index Coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (ex herb. at E).

Helm, J., Kulturpflanze 14: 353. 1966.

Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 55: 261. 1893 (2718 sp. rd. 1853; further material rd. 1856/57.).

Hoppe, D., Flora 1: 132, 411-412. 1818 (app. Erlangen).

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 1: 466, 2: 278, 286. 1918.



J., Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 322. 1824.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1gor: 48 (54 sp. rd. 1826).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 486 [index]. 1884.

Kieser, D. G., Nova Acta Leop. 27: Ixxxv-xcvil, 1860. (biogr.).

Kuhn, D., Acta hist. Leop. 9: 69-72. 1975 (corr. with J. F. Cotta on a popular science journal).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979.

Lawrence, G. H. M., Huntia 1: 164. 1964 (letters at HU).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 63, 163, 169, 226, 252, 281, 295. 1973.

Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30: 227. 1947 (Pacific items).

Miller, R. H. W. & Zaunick, R., Friedr. Traug. Ktitzing 290. 1960 (on letter N. to Kutzing).

Nees v. Esenbeck, C. G., Flora 2: 8-10, 405-408. 1819 (letter on his work at Bonn); i Hofferichter, T. & I. Kampe, eds., Fur freies religidses Leben. Materialien zur Geschich- te und Fortbildung der freien Gemeinden, insbesondere der freien Katholischen. 2: 93- 101. 1849. (important autobiographical account on the development of his religious and philosophical ideas); Erklarung, [ Breslau, post Feb. 1851], 1 p. pamphlet, copy at G (on the reasons for his dismissal from the Breslau professorship; translated by W. J. Hooker in J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 28-29. 1852 (follow-up of a first short “Erklarung’’, also r p., Breslau (Feb 1851); Bittgesuch des Professors Nees von Esenbeck zu Breslau, ... als Vorwort zu dem Katalog seiner am 1. Marz 1852 und an den folgenden Tagen freiwillig in Breslau zu verauctionirenden Bibliothek und Herbarien. Breslau, 1851, 4 p. (includes desc. of herbarium); Vorrede, in Breslauer Biicher-Auktion, den 1. Marz 1852. Catalo- gus bibliothecae Chr. Godefr. Nees ab Esenbeck, Breslau 1852 (n.v., cited by M. Winkler); Anzeige des verkauflichen Herbariums von Nees von Esenbeck. Breslau 1 Feb 1852, 6 p., reprinted from Flora 23: 347-352. 14 Jun 1852; Bonplandia 1: 24-26 (social status), 83 (no pension), 171-172 (herb.), 186 (Prague medal), 251 (herb.). 1853.

Nowack, K. G., Schles. Schriftst.-Lex. 1: 99-112. 1836 (biogr., detailed bibl.).

Palmer, J. T., Nova Hedwigia 15: 150. 1968.

Raab, H., Schweiz. Z. Pilzk. 49: 154. 1971 (on N’s 1816 System).

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 353 [index]. 1940.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 171 [index]. 1942.

Seemann, B. & W. E. G., editors, Bonplandia 2: 161-162. 1854 (sale herb.), 3: 14 (Glumaceae to B), 29 (cogn. Leopoldina: Aristoteles) 1855, 5: 10-12. 1857 (account contr. to support Nees); 6: 114 (letter A. v. Humboldt on Nees in Schles. Zeit.), 145-152. 1858 (by M. Elsner; obit., last letter, documents, testimonies); 8: 60-62 (oration Hoffe- richter), 82-83 (Gedachtnissfeier), 143 (Nees’ hepat. in Lehmann’s herb. for sale), 145- 147 (polemics), 246-247 (id.). 1860.

Shetler, C. F., Komarov. bot. Inst. 57. 1967.

Stafleu, F. A., The great Prodromus 29. 1966; Regn. veg. 71: 319, 327, 339. 1970 (on N. in Miquel-Schlechtendal corr.).

Stearn, W. T., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 4: 68-69. 1962 (on Weihe & Nees, Rubi germ., treated under Weihe q.v.).

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. v., Fl. males. Bull. 3: 644. 1959 (on Gen. Sp. Aster. 1832).

Stern, L., Zur Geschichte und wissenschaftlichen Leistung der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher “Leopoldina’’. Berlin 1952, p. 57, 59, 78 (casual reference; the forty years of Nees’ presidency are barely mentioned; the history of the Leopoldina 1818-1858 seems to have been decided mainly by Marx and Engels, judging from his treatment).

Tyrrell-Glynn, W. & M. L. Levyns, FI. afric. 52. 1963.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 192. 1916 (biogr. refs.).

Uschmann, G., Leopoldina (Reihe 3) 22: 173-188 [seen only in proof stage, prob. date of publ. 1980] (portr., modern assessment).

Winkler, H., Naturw. Wochenschr. 36: 337-346. 1g2t (N. as scientist and human being, further biogr. refs.) , 7 Schlesische Lebensbilder 2: 203-207. 1926.

Zaunick, R., Nova Acta Leopoldina ser. 2. 15: 41-42. 1952 (mentions a mss. biography to be published; this plan did not materialize, inf. W. Berg, Halle).

Zuchold, E. A., Jahresber. naturf. Ges. Halle 5: 42-43. 1853 (add. bibl. items).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Syst. Uebers. Pfl., in Wied, M., Reise Nord-America 2: 229-454. 1841.



(2) Acanthaceae, in D.C., Prod., 11: 46-521, 720-732. 25 Nov 1847. Crit. rev. G. Bentham, in W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. g: 75-78. 1857.

(3) Editor of Robert Brown, Vermischte botanische Schriften, Nurnberg 1825-1835, TL-2/833. (4) Editor of Nova Acta Leopoldina 1818-1858.

(5) Cyperaceae and Gramineae, in Meyen, F. J. F., Obs. bot. 53-124, 135-208. 1843.

(6) Cyperaceae, in Mart. Fl. bras. 2(1): 1-212, pl. 1-30. 1 Apr 1842, Acanthaceae, ib. g: 1-164, pl. 1-31. 1 Jun 1847.

(7) Editor of Junghuhn, F., Reis. Java, 1845, TL-2/3451.

(8) Hepaticae, in Mart., Fl. bras. 1: 295-390. 1833.

(g) Rubi germanici, 1822-1827, with A. Weihe, q.v.

(10) Hepaticae javanicae, 1824, by C. G. R. Reinwardt (q.v.), G. L. Blume and C. G. Nees von Esenbeck.

(11) Preface to J. C. Fuhlrott, Juss. @ D. C. Pfl.-Syst. 1829, TL-2/1917.

(12) Gottsche, C. M., J. B. G. Lindenberg et C. G. Nees von Esenbeck, Syn. hepat. 1841 [- 1847], TL-2/2097.

(13) Hepaticae, in Mart., Fl. bras. enum. pl.1(1): 295-390. Mai-Dec 1833; Agrostologia brasilien- sts, nid. 2(1), Mar-Jun 1829. TL-2/5528.

(14) Restiaceae-Gramineae, in C. Lehmann, PI. Preiss. 2: 56-108. 26-28 Nov 1846 (reprint s.l.n.d. p. [1]-53. Copy: FI.

HANDWRITING: Hoppea 34(2): 418-419 (no. 8). 1976; Candollea 32: 189-190. 1977.

EPONYMY: LEsenbeckia S. E. Bridel (1827); Esenbeckia Kunth (1825); Indoneestella Sreemadha- ven (1968); Neesenbeckia Levyns (194.7); Neesiella Schiffner (1893); Neeszella Sreemadhaven (1967); Neestochloa Pilger (1940); Neesiocyphus Grolle (1964). Note: Esembeckia J. Barbosa Rodrigues (1883) is probably an orth. var. of Esenbeckia Kunth. The author of Neeszella Kirschstein (1935) and Myconeesia Kirschstein (1936) did not indicate for which Nees von Esenbeck the genera were named.

  1. Die Algen des siissen Wassers nach ihren Entwicklungsstufen dargestellt von Dr. C. G. Nees von Esenbeck. Bamberg (bey C. F. Kunz) 1814. Oct. (Alg. siiss. Wass.). Publ.: 1814 (p. iv: 18 Jun 1814), p. [1*], [i]-1v, [1]-48, [1, err.]. Copies: BR, FH.

  2. Das System der Pilze und Schwdémme. Ein Versuch von Dr. C. G. Nees von Esenbeck, ... Mit 44 nach der Natur ausgemalten Kupfertafeln, uns einige Tabellen. Wurzburg (in der Stahelschen Buchhandlung). 1816[-1817]. Qu. (Syst. Pilze).

Orig. ed.: 1816-1817, p. [i-ii; tp. 1816], engr. t.p. (also dated 1816), [iii]-xxxviii [as “xxxvi’’], [1-2], [1]-329, [330-331, err.], pl. 1-28, 29a, 29b, 30-36, 36b, 37-44 (handcol. copp. by J. Sturm. Copies: BR, USDA. — Appeared in three parts of which the contents are not known to us. Sheet 42 was at any rate published in 1817. Part 1 of text and plates became available between 20 Mar 1816 (preface) and 12 Mai 1816, when Nees sent a copy to Goethe (see Schmid no. 1616). Part 3 of the plates contained fl. 28-44.

1617 ed.: 1817 (printed and engr. t.p. ’s dated 1817, text on t.p. “mit sechsundvierzig...’’), p. [i]-xxxviil, [1-2], [1 ]-334, [: ‘234”"], [1, ui], 1-86, [1, err.], pl. 1-28, 29a, 29b, 30-36, 36b, 37- 44. Copies: G, H, Stevenson, US; IDC 6093. — “Mit sechsundvierzig Kupfertafeln und einigen Tabellen. Wurzburg (id.) 1817. Qu.—‘The Stevenson copy has an undated cover of the “‘Dritte und letzte Lieferung”’ for the plates, indicating that it contained pl. “xxvill-xlvi [sic, for xliv].”

Ref.: Schmid, G., Goethe und die Naturwissenschaften 1940, no. 1616.

Junk, W., Rara 1: 43. 1900-1913.

  1. Uber die bartmiindigen Enzianarten (Gentianae fauce barbata) von Dr. Nees von

Esenbeck. [Nova Acta Leopoldina, 1817] Qu.

Publ.: Oct 1817 (Goethe rd. a copy from the author on 11 Oct 1817), Nova Acta Leop. 9: [141]-179, 1817 [volume dated 1818]. To be cited from journal.

Ref.: Schmid, G., Goethe und die Naturwissenschaften 1940, no. 1682.

  1. Synopsis specierum generis Asterum herbacearum; praemissis nonnullis de asteribus in genere, eorum structura et evolutione naturali exercitatio, qua praelectiones suas, die 4.

calendas maji inchoandas, indicit et simul monographiam asterum herbaceorum mox


NEES (1820)

edendam commendat Chr. Godofred. Nees von Esenbeck ... Erlangae, 1818. Qu. (Syn.

Aster. herb.).

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1818 (see t.p.; Flora rd. 2 Jul 1818; Isis Sep 1818; Jahrb. Gewachsk. Mai 1819), p. [1]-32. Copies: G(2), PH, WU.

Ref.: Hoppe, D. H., Flora 2: 209-216. 14 Apr 1819 (rev.).

  1. De plantis nonnullis e mycetordearum regno tum nuper detectis, tum minus cognitis

commentatio prior doctoris Nees ab Esenbeck et Friderici Nees fratrum. Adjectae sunt

tabulae ii. aeneae pictae. [Erlangae 1818]. Qu.

Co-author: Theodor Friedrich Ludwig Nees von Esenbeck (1787-1837).

Publ.: 1818 (in journal; reprint presented to Regensb. bot. Ges. 2 Jul 1818) , p. [ 1 ]-36, pl. 1-2 (copp. I. Sturm): Copies: FH, G.— Reprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 9: [227]-262, pl. 5-6. 1818. To be cited from journal.

  1. Handbuch der Botanik. Von Dr. C. G. Nees von Esenbeck ... Nurnberg (bei Johann Leonhard Schrag) 1820-1821, 2 vols. Oct. (Handb. Bot.).

1: 1820 (Flora rev. 7 Dec 1820), p. [ii*], [i]-xxx, [1]-725, 1 chart.

2: 1821 (p. 691: Mar 1821), p. [ii*], [i]-vi, [1]-691.

Copy: G. —p. [1i*] alternative t.p. “Handbuch der Naturgeschichte zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesun- gen von Dr. G. H. Schubert. Vierter Theil”. Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert 1780-1860). — This handbook, dealing extensively with plant morphology from the highly speculative points of view of the ‘“Naturphilosophie” was dedicated to Goethe and contained an early elaboration of the poet’s ““Metamorphosenlehre.”’ Nees’ Handbook was severely criticised later, when experimental and observational botany gained the upper hand, by M. J. Schleiden in his “‘Schellings und Hegels Verhaltniss zur Wissenschaft,” Leipzig 1844 (see e.g. Fitting 1952).

Ref.: X., Flora 3: 703-714. 7 Dec 1820 (rev. dated Sep 1820, has the first 30 sheets, i.e. 480

pays Nees v. Esenbeck, CG. G., Flora 4: 257-264. 7 Mai 1821 (reply to review by J. B. Wilbrand in Jenaer allg. Litt. Z., Int. Bl. 1821(17): 136).

  1. Horae physicae berolinenses collectae ex symbolis virorum doctorum H. Linku, C. Asm.

Rudolphi et W.Fr. Klugii, professorum berolinensium, C. G. Neesii ab Esenbeck, profes-

soris bonnensis, Fr. Ottonis, Horti botanici regii berolinensis inspectoris, Adalb. a Chamis-

so, philosophiae doctoris, Fr. Hornschuchi, botanices demonstratoris Gryphici, D. a.

Schlechtendal, medicinae doctoris, et C. G. Ehrenbergii, medicinae doctoris. Edi curavit

Dr. Christianus Godof. Nees ab Esenbeck. Cum tabulis aeneis xxvii. Bonnae [Bonn]

(sumtibus Adolphi Marcus) 1820. Fol. (Horae phys, berol.).

Publ.: 1-8 Feb 1820 (fide Nees in Flora 3: 236. 21 Apr 1820), p. [i-xii], [1]-123, [125-128, indexes, err.], pl. 1-27 (copp., nos. 1, 11-13 17-20 col., 5, 6, 15, 27 partly col., others uncol.; artists C. G. Ehrenberg, I. Sturm, F. Guimpel, C. Miller). Copzes: BR, FI, H, Teyler; IDC 60094.

Authors and papers: [1]-7, pl. 1, by Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link (1767-1851) (de Algis aquat.). [g9]-14, pl. 2, by Karl Asmund Rudolphi (1771-1832) (Adnot. helminth.). [15]-26, pl. 3-4, by Johann Christoph Friedrich Klug (1775-1856) (Proscopza, insect.). [27]-38, by Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Otto (1743-1814) (Pl. rar. hort. Berol.). [39-54], pl. 5-11, by C. G. Nees von Esenbeck (Syil. obs. bot.). [55 ]-68, pl. 12-13, by Christian Friedrich Hornschuch (1793-1850) (Musci frond. exot.). [69]-76, pl. 14-16, by Ludolf Adelbert von Chamisso (1781-1838) (Pl. Romanyoff.). [77]-104, pl. 17-20, by Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795-1876) (Fung: Romanyoff.). [105]-110, pl. 27, by Diederich Friedrich Ludwig von Schlechtendal (1794-1866) (Cym-


[r11]-116, pl. 22-26, by C. G. Nees von Esenbeck (PI. canar.). [117]-123, pl. 27, by C. G. Ehrenberg (Coenogon.).

Ref.: Anon., Flora 4: 509-522. 7 Sep 1821.

  1. Hornschuchia, novum plantarum brasiliensium genus ... Ratisbonae [Regensburg] (Typis viduae Christ. E. Brenck [1882]. Qu. Publ.: 1822, (fide Pfeiffer, Nom.), p. [1]-8, 2 pl. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from


NEES (1820)

Denkschr. K. baier. bot. Ges. 2(1): 159-164. pl. 11-72. 1822. The genus was previously published in Flora 4: 302. 21 Mai 1821.

  1. Bryologia germanica, oder Beschreibung der in Deutschland und in der Schweiz wachsenden Laubmoose, ... Niirnberg (1: bey Jacob Sturm; 2(z): bei Friedrich Fleischer; 2(2): bei Jacob Sturm/und Leipzig bei Friedrich Fleischer). 1823-1831, 2 vols. (in 3). Oct. (Bryol. germ.). Co-authors: Christian Friedrich Hornschuch (1793-1850), Jacob Sturm (1771-1848). 1:14 Feb-15 Apr 1823 (p. v*: 14 Feb 1823; see further MD p. 189), p. [i*-xvi* ], [i]-cliii, [1]- 206, pl. 1-12 (handcol. copp. J. Sturm). 2(1): 1827 (about Apr; Flora 21 Jun 1827), p. [i-vi] or [1], [1]-182, pl. 13-24 (id.). (2): Jul-Oct 1831, p. [1]-208, pl. 25-43 (id.). Copies: B, BR, FI, G, H, MO-Steere, NY, USDA. — For a full collation and discussion see MD 188-189. Ref.: Anon., Flora 2: 107-111, 156-160. 1819. (announcement). Hornschuch, C. F., Flora 4: 634-635. 1821 (announcement). Firnrohr, A. E., Flora 13(2) Erg.-Bl. 18-35. Jul-Dec 1830 (rev. 2(1)).

  2. De Cinnamomo disputatio, qua hortum medicum bonnensem, feliciter instructum, rite

inauguraturi res eius viris, rei herbariae studiosis, commendant C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck, . . .

et Th.Fr. Ludov. Nees ab Esenbeck, ... fratres, horto medico bonnensi praepositi. Gum

tabulis septem iconographicis. Bonnae [Bonn] 1823. Qu. (Cinnam. disp.).

Co-author: Theodor Friedrich Ludwig Nees von Esenbeck (1787-1837).

Publ.: 1823 (p. vii*: cat. Jan 1823; rev. Flora 14 Nov 1823), p. [i*-vui*], [i]-vi, [vii-viii], [1]-74, [1-2], engr. map., pl. 7-6 (uncol.; T. Wild). Copy: G. — Amoenitates botanicae bonnensis. Fasciculus 1.

  1. Die unterirdischen Rhizomorphen, ein leuachtender Lebensprocess; ... Bonn (Gedruckt

bei C. F. Tormann) 1823. Qu. (Unterird. Rhizomorph.).

Junior authors: Gottlieb Wilhelm Bischoff (1797-1854), Theodor Friedrich Ludwig Nees von Esenbeck (1787-1837), Johann Jacob Noeggerath (1788-1877).

Publ.: 1823, p. [1]-110, pl. 63. Copy: MICH. — Preprinted or reprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 11: 603-712. 1823.

  1. Plantarum, in horto medico bonnensi nutritarum, icones selectae. Manip. i. edi curaverunt et

illustraverunt Dr. C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck, et Dr. Th. Fr. L. Nees ab Esenbeck, fratres,

horto prefecti. Cum Guil. Sinning, hortulani universitatis, animadversionibus, ad cultu-

ram harum plantarum spectantibus. Bonnae [Bonn], 1824. Qu. (Pl. hort. bonn. icon.).

Co-authors: Theodor Friedrich Ludwig Nees von Esenbeck (1787-1837), Wilhelm Sinning (fl. 1824).

Publ.: 1824, (prob. Aug. 1824; Nees sent a copy to Blume in that month, fide letter at G), p. [1,111], [1 ]-13, pl. 1-6 (col. liths., A. C. F. Henry, T. Wild). Copies: G, GRON, MO, USDA. — Amoenitates botanicae bonnenses. Fasciculus ii. All published. — Continued by the co- authors as Sammlung schinbliihender Gewdichse 1824-1831, see under W. Sinning.

  1. Christiani Godofredi Neesii ab Esenbeck, ... ad socios cuiusque gradus et ordinis

litterae, quibus supremi protectoratus, a Frederico Guilelmo iii ... die xix. maii a.

mdcccxxvil. clementissime recepti, prospera auspicia et laeta rerum academicarum incre-

menta indicantur simulque Fidericia et Zollernia, nova plantarum genera, regi ac supremo protectori sociorum academiae, Maximiliani, Principis Wiedensis, Caroli Philippi de

Martius, professoris monacensis, et ipsius praesidis opera dicata, descriptionibus et figuris

illustrantur [Bonn 1827]. Fol. (Frederica & Zollernia).

Co-author: Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794-1868).

Publ.: 5-19 Mai 1827 (t.p.; p. 4: 5 Mai 1827), p. [1] 12, pl. A-D (handcol. liths.). Copy: G. — Special preprint in folio of text later published in Nova Acta Leop. 13, 1827; in journal: p. [i]-vi, Fredericia (by Martius): [vii]-xii, pl. A-B, Zollernia (by Nees): [xiii]-xviii, pl. C-D.

Reprint: 1827, p. [1]-18, pl. A-D (uncol.). Copies: HH, NY. — Ordinary reprint from journal

in quarto, with uncol. pl. 6687. Enumeratio plantarum cryptogamicarum Javae et insularum adiacentium, quas a Blumeo


NEES (1836)

et Reinwardtio collectas describi edique curavit Christ. Godofr. Nees Ab Esenbeck profes-

sor vratislaviensis. Fasciculus prior, hepaticas complectens, ab editore illustratas. Vratisla-

viae [Breslau] (Sumtibus Grassii, Barthii et Soc.) 1830. Oct. | (Enum. pl. crypt. Jav.).

Publ.: 15 Sep-31 Dec 1830 (p. viii: idibus Sep 1830; Flora rd. Sep-Dec 1830; N. moved to Breslau in the course of 1830 to take up his professorship) p. [i]-viil, [1 ]-86. Copies: FH, G, H, USDA. — Berichtigungen, in Linnaea 6: 602-623. Jul-Dec 1831.

Ref.: Anon., Literaturber. Allg. bot. Zeit. 1(5): 65-67. Feb-Mai. 1831.

  1. Genera et species Asterearum. Recensuit, descriptionibus et animadversionibus illustra- vit, synonyma emendavit Christianus Godofredus Nees ab Esenbeck, ... Vratislaviae [Breslau] (sumtibus I. D. Griison) 1832. Oct. (Gen. sp. Aster.).

Orig. ed.: Jul-Dec 1832 (prospectus 1; p. 8: 1 Jul 1832; prospectus 2 dated 1 Sep 1839; p. xiv: Cal. Jan 1832; rd. Regensb. bot. Ges. 9 Jan 1833), p. [i]-xiv, [1]-309, [310, err.], prosp. 1: [1-8], prosp. 2: [1]-8, chart. Copy: G.—The subscription was opened 28 Jan 18149 (sic), see Flora 2: 64. 1819 and 14 (Int. Bl. 4): 1-11. 1831.

Re-issue: Jan-Apr 1833, p. [i]-xiv, [1]-309, [310, err.], chart. Copies: BR, L, PH, US; IDC 763. — Norimbergae [Nurnberg] (sumtibus Leonardi Schrag) 1833. Oct.

Note on date: Vhe book is cited by Lindley, Bot. Reg. t. 1500. Jun 1832. In view of the relation

between Lindley and Nees this may be a prepublication reference. Most reviews known to

us are to the 1833 re-issue: GGA 18 Dec 1834; Beck 30 Apr 1833, Guillemin (Arch. bot. 2:

468-472) 25 Nov 1833. Link (1833) refers to the 1832 ed.

Ref.: Link, J. H. F., Jahrb. wiss. Kritik 1833(1): 307-311. Feb. 1833.

Greene, E. L., Pittonia 2: 52. 1896.

Roa, Flora Lit: Ber. 33170-173: 7 Oct 1633;

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 94. 1942 (no. 158). Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. v., Fl. males. Bull. 14: 644. 1959.

  1. Naturgeschichte der europdischen Lebermoose mit besonderer Beziehung auf Schlesien und

die Oertlichkeiten des Riesengebirgs von Dr. Christian Gottfried Nees von Esenbeck, ...

[1-2:] Berlin (bei August Riicker), [3-4:] Breslau (bei Grass, Barth und Comp.) 1833-1838,

4 vols. Oct. (1-2) and Duod. (3, 4). (Naturgesch. eur. Leberm.).

1: 15 Sep — 15 Dec 1833 (p. xii: 15 Sep 1833; Lit. Ber. Fl. 28 Dec 1833), p. [ii]-xx, [1]-347, [348, err.], 1 chart (Carl Weiz).

2: Feb-Mar 1836 (Hinrichs 12-16 Mar 1836; Funck had a copy by 16 Apr), p. [ii]-xu, [1]- 499.

3: Apr 1838 (see TL-1), p. [ii-v], [1]-593, [594].

4: Sep 1838 (see TL-1), p. [ii]-Ixxii, [1]-539, [540, err.], 7 pl. (uncol. lith.).

Copies: B, BR, FI, G, H, MO-Steere, Patricia Geissler; IDC 7119. — Alt. title: Erznnerungen aus dem Riesengebirge.

Ref.: Grummann, V., Decheniana 119: 138. 1958. Rrr., Lit. Ber. Flora 4: 97-109. 28 Mai 1834 (rev.), 6: 122-124. 21 Nov 1836 (rev. vol. 2),

8: 143-144. 28 Nov 1838, 8: 145. 7 Dec 1838 (rev. vols. 3,4).

  1. Viro perillustri, doctissimo, celeberrimo, Christophoro Guilelmo Hufeland ... Col- legae gratissimo, semisaecularem lauream die xxiv Julii a. mdcccxxxili solemniter celebran- dam congratulatur Academia caesarea leopoldino-carolina naturae curiosorum. Annexa est plantarum laurinum secundum affinitates naturales expositio, ab Academiae praeside proposita, qua comprehenditur Hufelandiae Laurini generis novi laureato seni consecrati illustratio. Cum tabula aeri insculpta. Vratislaviae [Breslau] 1833. Qu. (Hufeland. ill.).

Publ.: shortly before or on 24 Jul 1833, p. [1]-25, 2 pl. (uncol. liths. Carl Weitz). Copres: FTI,


  1. Jungermanniearum herbari Montagneani species exposuerunt C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck et

C. Montagne. [Extrait des Annales des sciences naturelles janvier 1836]. Oct.

Co-author: Jean Pierre Francois Camille Montagne (1784-1866).

Publ.: Jan 1836, p. [1]-21, pl. 1-2 (uncol. liths., Montagne). Copres: BR, H, MO-Steere. — Reprinted from Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 2. 5: 52-72. Jan 1836. To be cited from journal.

  1. Systema laurinarum. Exposuit Christianus Godofredus Nees ab Esenbeck, Dr. ... Berolini [Berlin] (sumtibus Veitii et soclorum) 1836. Oct. (Syst. laur.).


NEES (1836)

Publ.: 30 Oct-5 Nov 1836 (Hinrichs; TL-1; Lit. Ber. Flora 28 Nov 1836), p. [i]-vui, [1-2], [1]-720, 2 charts. Copies: FI, G, L, M, USDA.

  1. Viro illustrissimo, Carolo Alberto Christophoro Henrico libero baroni de Kamptz,

augustissimi et potentissimi regis Borussiae . .. , diem xxiv. Martti, quo primus ad rempubli-

ca accessit, nunc semisaecularem, ea qua par est reverentia congratulatur et novam genus

arborum myrtacearum Aampiziae cognomine a se ornatum, offert Christianus Godofredus

Nees ab Esenbeck, ... cum tabulis duabus. Vratislaviae ad Viadrum [Breslau on the Oder]

(Ex officina typographica Barthiana) 1840 Fol. (Kamptziae).

Festschrift: 24 Mar 1840, p. [1]-12, pl. 1-2 (uncol. liths., Carl Weitz). Copies: B-S, MO, NY.

Reprint or preprint from journal: 1841, p. [i]-x, pl. 1-2 (uncol. liths.). Copies: G, NY. — De Kamptzia novo myrtacearum genere s.l.n.d.

Journal publ.: Nova Acta Leop. 18, suppl. 1: ix-xviu, pl. 1-2. 1841, with Adnotatio ad dissertationem de Kamptzia on p. xlv-xlvi (dated 1 Jan 1841). 1841.

  1. Christiani Godofredi Nees ab Esenbeck, ... ad Socios cuiusque gradus et ordinis litterae, quibus supremi protectoratus, a Friderico Guilelmo iv. Borussiae rege augustissi- mo, potentissimo, pridie kalendas octobres a. mdcccxl clementissime recepti prospera auspicia indicatur. Adjecta est Lepidagathidis, genere ex acanthacearum ordine, illustratio monogra- phica. Vratislaviae ad Viadrum [Breslau on Oder] (ex officina Grassii, Barthii et sociorum)

  2. Qu. (Lepidagath. illustr. monogr.). Publ.: 15 Jan-15 Mar 1841 (p. 4: kal. Jan 1841, PAW 11 Mar 1841), p. [1]-40. Copies: FI, G, NY, WU. — Preprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 19, suppl. 2: [xvii]-lvi. 1841 (volume distributed only Apr 1843, see letter Nees to Miquel, 8 Mai 1843).

  3. Cyperaceae. eo C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck. (Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat.

Cur. vol. xix. suppl.) [1841]. Qu. (Cyperaceae).

Publ.: 1841, p. [i], [1 ]-80. Copy: G. — Preprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 19, suppl. 1: 53-132. 1843. (contains F. J. F. Meyen, Beztr. Botantk).

  1. Gramineae. Recensuit C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck. (Acta Acad. Gaes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. vol. xix. supp.) [1841]. (Gramineae). Publ.: 1841, p. [1]-76. Copy: US. — Preprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 19, suppl. 1: 135-208. 1843 (contains F. J. F. Meyen, Beztr. Botanik). Ref.: Trinius, C. B. et F. J. Ruprecht, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersbourg ser. 6, sci. nat. 5(1):

  2. 1842 (preprint of Gramina agrostidea ii1) (cites the Nees preprint).

  3. Florae Africae australioris illustrationes monographicae. Scripsit C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck . I. Gramineae. Glogaviae [Glogau, Glogéw] (sumtibus Prausnitzianis) 1841. Oct. (Fl.

Afr. austral. ill.).

Publ.: 13-19 Jun 1841 (Hinrichs), p. [1]-xx, [1]-490, [1, err.]. Copzes: FI, L, US, IDC 246.

Re-issue: Jul-Dec 1853 (p. viii: idib. Jun 1853), p. [i]-xx, [1]-490, [1, err.]. Copies: BR, M, PH, US; IDC 447. — Agrostographia capensis . .. denuo impressa. Halae [Halle] (sumtibus H. W. Schmidtianis) 1853. Oct. — Unchanged reprint.

Ref.: Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 14: 644. 1960. Anon., Lit. Ber. Flora 12: 79-80. 14 Sep 1812, 81-86. 14 Oct 1842.

Nees von Esenbeck, Theodor Friedrich Ludwig (1787-1837), German botanist; pharmaceutical assistant at Basel 1811-1816, at Hanau 1816-1817; inspector of the Leiden botanical garden 1817-1819; Dr. phil. Erlangen 1818; garden inspector and lecturer at Bonn University 1819; professor of pharmacy ib. (1822 extraord., 1827 ord.), co-director of the botanic garden 1833; brother of C. G. Nees von Esenbeck. (7. Nees).

HERBARIUM and types: BHU (originally in the herbarium of the Naturf. Ges. Rhein. Westfalen; see Wirtgen 1907; this herbarium was later transferred to B but ended up in BHU). Some other material at B, BR and JE.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: ADB 23: 376-380; Backer p. 391; Barnhart 2: 542; BM 3: 1408; Bossert p. 283; CSP 4: 585-586, 8: 486, 12:534; DU 216; Frank 3(Anh.): 71; GR p. 35, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 468 [index]; IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 115, 162,


NEES, T. (1820)

294; JW 3: 364; Kelly, p. 160-161; Kew 4: 123-124; Krempelh. 1: 118, 267, 580; Langman

P- 537; LS 18839-18852; MD p. 190-191; Moebius p. 97, 98, 138, 428; MW p. 352-353; NI

1441-1445; Plesch p. 347; PR 6660-6666 (ed. 1: 7438-7446); Quenstedt p. 310; Rehder 5:

611; Sotheby 567; Stevenson p. 1252; TL-1/918-920; TL-2/624, 1731, 2652, see indexes;

Tucker 1: 513-514; Zander ed. 10, p. 696-697, ed. 11, p. 794.

Anon., Arch. d. Pharm. 8: 209-210. 1858 (ex. Berl. Zeit.) (obit.); Brockhaus’ Conversations-Lexikon ed. 13. 12: 121. 1885; Flora 21: 15-16, 504. 1838 (d. 12 Dec 1837, sale herb., libr.).

Bley, L. F., Arch. d. Pharm. g1(1): 81-112. 1848 (biogr. of the two brothers Nees).

Blume, C. L., Bijdr. 118. 20 Aug 1825 (epon.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (coll.).

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souvenirs 384. 1867.

Carus, C. G. & Martius, C. F. P. von, Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen 1939, p. 128.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 413. 1884.

Junk, W., Rara 1: 44. 1900-1913.

Marquart, C., Jahresb. bot. Ver. Mittel. Niederrhein. 2: 122-141. 1839 (biogr., bibl., b. 26 Jul 1787, d. 16 Apr 1838).

Milner, J. D., Cat. portr. Kew 86-87. 1906.

Nees, Th., Flora 3: 73-75. 7 Feb 1820 (from Leiden to Bonn); 3: 604-605. 1820 (Nees has not adopted the “‘von Esenbeck”’ but see 3: 702, 750. 1820!).

Oligschlager, F. W., Flora 16(1): 347. 1833.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 264-265. 1863.

Reess, M., Pflege Bot. Franken 24, 25. 1884.

Veendorp, H. & L. G. M. Baas-Becking, Hortus acad.-lugd. bot. 1587-1937, p. 136, 178. 1938.

Wirtgen, F., S.B. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. 1907(1): E 47- E 58. 1908 (on herb.).

Zuchold, E. A oe Weghe naturf. Ver. Halle 5: 43-44. 1853.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Weihe, MM Ee Wolters js We Funke Ps WrSe: di le Neesiye Esenbeck, Plantae oe oder Sammiling pavemelice Pilamzen : _. 1823- 1833, see under Weihe, M. F.

(2) Funck, H. C. & T. F. L. Nees v. Esenbeck, Bryophyta, Lichenes, in J. Sturm, Deutschl. Fl. Abt. 2.Heft. 17, 1819 (76 pl. w.t.).

(3) Dichonema Fr. Nees in litt., in E. Fries, Syst. orb. veg. 303. 1825.

(4) Fungi, in K. B. Presl, Relig. haenk. 1, 1825, q.v.

(5) Contributed text to Bolton, Gesch. merckw. Pilze 4, 1820, see TL-2/624.

(6) with W. Sinning (q.v.), Sammlung schénbliihender Gewdichse 1824-1831.

HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 191-192. 1977.

EPONYMY: Lsenbeckia Blume (1825); Neesza Blume (1835, nom. cons.); Neesia K. P. J. Sprengel (1818, nom. rej.). Note: The author of Neeszella Kirschstein (1935) and Myconeesia Kirsch- stein (1936) did not indicate for which Nees von Esenbeck the genera were named.

  1. De muscorum propagatione commentatio quam amplissimi ordinis philosophici in

universitate Friderico-Alexandrina Erlangensi consensu gratiose impetratis die xvi. octo-

bris doctoris philosophiae et ll. aa. magistri honoribus edidit Theodorus Ludovicus Nees,

.. Erlangae 1818. Qu. (Musc. prop.).

Thesis issue: 16 Oct 1818, p. [i]-vi, [7]-26, [1, expl. pl.], 7 pl. (col. copp.). Copy: G.

Trade issue: 1820, p. [i]-vi, [7]-26, [1, expl. pl.], 7 pl. (id.). Copzes: FH, H. — “De muscorum propagatione commentatio. Cum tabula aenea picta.”” Bonnae (apud Adolphum Mar- cum) 1820. Qu.

  1. Radix plantarum mycetordearum scripsit et figura aeri incisa illustravit Theodorus

Fridericus Ludovicus Nees ab Esenbeck ... cum tabula aeri incisa. Bonnae. (sumptibus

Adolphi Marcus) 1820. Qu. (Rad. pl. mycet.).

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1820 (Flora 21 Apr 1820, as of 1819), p. [i]-vi, [1-2], [1]-19, 7 pl. (uncol.). Copies: BR, FH, FI, G, NY.

  1. Ueber die Gattungen Calicanthus, Meratia, Punica, und ihre Stelle in dem natiirlichen


NEES, T. (1823)

System von Dr. Fr. Nees v. Esenbeck, M. d. A. d. N. (Mit 2 Kupfertafeln) [Bonnae 1823].


Publ.: 1823, p. [1]-14, pl. 10-11 (col.; T. Wild). Copies: FI, G. — Reprinted or preprinted from Nova Acta Leop. 11: 103-116, pl. 10-11. 1823. In the absence of definitive proof of preprinting to be cited from journal.

670x. Handbuch der medicinisch-pharmaceutischen Botanik. Nach den natiirlichen Familien des Gewachsreiches bearbeitet von Dr. Fr. Ludw. Nees v. Esenbeck und Dr. Carl Heinrich Ebermaier ... Diisseldorf (bei Arnz & Comp.) 1830-1832, 3 vols. Oct. (Handb. med.-pharm. Bot.).

Co-author; Carl Heinrich Ebermaier (1802-1870).

1: Apr 1830), (p. viii: Sep 1829; Flora 13 Beil. 1:35. Apr 1830), p. [i]-viii, [1]-391, [392, ext. |i

2: 1831 (Dec 1830 fide adv. Arnz), p. [i, 11], [393]-894, [1-4, err.].

3: Mai 1832 (p. viii: Apr 1832; Lit. Ber. Flora Mai 1832), p. [1]-viii, [1]-602.

Copies: G, USDA.

  1. Plantarum nonnullarum mycetoidearum, in horto bonnensi observatarum evolutio, iconi- bus et descriptionibus illustrata. Scripsit Dr. Th. Fr. Lud. Nees ab Esenbeck, A. C.N.C.S. Cum tabulis iv. pictis. (Academiae trad. a. 1821., nunc denuo recogn.) (Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Eur. vol. xvi, p. 1.) [Vratislaviae et Bonnae 1832]. Qu.

Publ.: 1832 (Regensb. bot. Ges. rd. 9 Jan 1833), p. [1]-12, pl. 5-7, 7B (col. pl. by T. Wild). Copies: BR, FH, G. — Reprinted from Nova Leopoldina 16(1): [89]-100, pl. 5-7, 7B (idem). — Even though it is likely (1n view of the editor’s practice to do so for his authors) that the reprints are actually preprints, we have no indication that this was indeed the case. We must therefore accept the year of publication of the journal volume as the year of publication of this paper.

  1. Das System der Pilze. Durch Beschreibungen und Abbildungen erlautert von Dr. Th.

Friedrich Ludw. Nees von Esenbeck und A. Henry [2: von Dr. Th. Bail]. Erste [zweite]

Abtheilung ... Bonn (Verlag des lithographischen Instituts der Rheinischen Friedrich-

Wilhelms- Universitat und der Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Academie der Naturforscher

von Henry und Cohen) 1837-1858, 2 parts. Duod. (in sixes). (Syst. Pilze).

Co-author of vol. 1: Aimé Constant Fidéle Henry (1801-1875). Author of vol. 2: Carl Adolph Emo Theodor Bail (1833-1922).

1: 1 Mar-4 Apr 1837 (Flora rd. 4 Apr 1837, adv. 21 Feb 1836; Hinrichs 9-15 Apr 1837; “eben erschienen”’ N., in letter to Miquel, 11 Apr 1837), p. [i*-iv*], [i]-vi, [i]-vi, [1]-74, pl. 1-12 (1, uncol.; 2-72 col. liths.).

2: Jan-Feb 1858 (Flora 7 Mar 1858; p. iv: Oct 1857), p. [i]-iv, [1]-110, [1, Nachtr. ], pl. 13-28 (173 uncol., 14-38 col. liths.).

Copies: BR, FH, Stevenson, USDA.

  1. Genera plantarum florae germanicae iconibus et descriptionibus illustrata ... Bonnae

(sumtibus Henry & Cohen) [1833-]1835-1860. Oct. 31 fasc. (Gen. fl. germ.).

Authors: Th. Nees, fasc. 1-16 (nos. 1-320).

Frodolin Carl Leopold Spenner (1798-1841), fasc. 17-21 (nos. 321-420).

Aloys Putterlick (1810-1845), fasc. 22-24 (nos. 421-480).

Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher (1804-1849) co-author with Putterlick of 22-24.

Carl Wilhelm Bischof (1825-?), fasc. 26 (nos. 501-520).

Johann Xaver Robert Caspary (1818-1887), fasc. 27 (nos. 521-540).

Adalbert Carl Friedrich Hellwig Conrad Schnizlein (1814-1868), fasc. 25, 28, 31 (nos. 481-500, 541-560, 601-620).

Dietrich Brandis (1824-1907), fasc. 29, 30 (nos. 561-600).

Publ.: 620 [NI: 622] pl. in 31 parts with an average of 20 plates. The plates were to be bound in systematic order in accordance with a new numbering introduced in the Conspecti provided with the title pages and other preface matter for six volumes. These six volumes are made up of fascicles 1-22 with some additions (6 pl.) from fascicles 23-24. From fascicle 23-31 no attempt was made to prescribe a binding which would differ from the original order of issue. Our information is obviously incomplete. The only copy bound in the order of issue and with the nos 1-24 (undated!) in original covers seen by us is at NY,



which has a second set bound in the prescribed systematic order. Other copies (seen: B, BR, G, MICH, MO, US) show various mixtures of binding.

[z]: Dicotyledones 1, Monochlam., 1835, p. [i]-iv, [1-2], 80 pl. (new nos. 1-80 in conspec-


[2]: Monocotyledones 1, Gramineae, 1843, [i-iv], 94 pl. (new nos. 1-94 in conspectus). [3]: Monocotyledones 2, Cyp., Helob., Coron., 1843, p. [i-iv], 64 pl. (new nos. 1-64 in


[4]: Monocotyledones 3, fam. seq., 1845, p- [i-iv], 52 pl. (mew nos. 1-52 in conspectus). 5: Dicotyledones 2, Gamopetalae 1, 1845, p. [i-iv], 65 pl. (new nos. 1-65 in conspectus). 6: Dicotyledones 3, Gamopetalae 2, 1843, p. [i-iv], 73 pl. (mew nos. 1-73 in conspectus).

author fasc. plates dates contents

Nees I I-20 Mai 1833 ‘Pinus to Populus

3 2 21-40 Typha to Tamus

a 3 41-60 Dec 1834 Myrica to Osyris

i 4 61-60 Dec 1834. Narthecium to Asphodelus i 5 81-101 Feb 1835 Orchis to Crocus

M 6 102-121 Jun 1835 Asphodeline to Butomus By 7 122-141 Sep 1835 Thesium to Iilecebrum

A 8 142-161 Dec 1835 Thelygonum to Alchemilla $5 9 162-183 Feb 1836 Cyperus to Vignea

“ 10 184-200 Jul 1836 Caulinia to Ophirus

53 Il 201-220 Sep 1836 Oryza to Beckmannia

5 12 221-240 Feb 1837 Primula to Pinguicula

13 241-260 Mai 1837 ~—Gastridium to Lagurus

4 14 261-280 1837 Chrysopogon to Zea

as 15 281-300 Jul 1837 Erianthus to Triodia

A 16 301-320 Dec 1837 Plantago to Celsia Spenner 17 321-340 1839 Heliotropium to Alkanna ss 18 341-360 Salvia to Phlomis

o Ri 401-420 1840 [?] Lonicera to Verbena Putterlick

and Endl. 22 421-440 1843 Arundo to Asteriscus

es 23 441-460 1844 Vitex to Ambrosia

us 24 461-460 1845 Nicotiana to Maruta Schnizlein 25 481-500 1849 Adoxa to Cornus Bischoff 26 5OI-520 1849 Hydrocotyle to Cnidium Caspary 27 521-540 1853 Myagrum to Glaucium Schnizlein 28 541-560 1854 Hedera to Cynanchum Brandis 29 ~=—-561-580 1856 Spartium to Ornithopus 3 30 581-600 1859 Hedysarum to Ribes Schnizlein 31 601-620 1860 Dianthus to Leucanthemum

First announcement (by Nees and publishers Henry et Cohen): Flora 15(2) Int. Bl. 10-12. 1832 (dated Mai 1832); fasc. 1 presented to Regensb. bot. Ges. 8 Mai 1833 (fl. 1-20), Flora 16: 302. 1833, reviewed 3: 166-170. 1833. Not all fascicles were announced by Flora: the dates for parts 1-24, as far as cited below stem from notices in Flora or from dated preface pages.

Neger, Franz Wilhelm (1868-1923), German forest botanist and mycologist; Dr. phil. Miinchen 1892; high school teacher at Weihenstephan 1892-1893; with the Chilean boundary commission 1893-1897; curator of the herbarium at Munchen 1894-1902; professor of botany at the forestry college of Eisenach 1902-1905, id. at Tharandt nr. Dresden 1905-1920; director of the botanical institute and botanical garden of the Tech- nisch Hochschule, Dresden 1920-1923. (Neger).

HERBARIUM and Types: Uredinae at B, BR, BRU and QC; bryophytes at S, lichens at L,



phanerogams at L, M (r. 1902, 1200, orig.?) and W. — See Sydow, H. et P., Uredineen, fasc. 23a for Uredineae austro-americanae by Neger. The latter also published a series of Forstschdédli- che Pilze, Lief. 1-7, 1916-1920, nos. I-175.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 542; BFM 2608, 3147; BJI 1: 42, 2: 123; BM 3: 1409; Bossert p. 283; CSP 17: 468; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Neger’’); IH ed. 2: (in press); Kelly p. 161; Kew 4: 124; KR p. 535; LS 18853-18876, 37351-37373, LS suppl. 19731-19757; Moebius p. 364; Rehder 2: 26, 5: 612; Stevenson p. 1252; Tucker 1: 514; Urban-Berl. p. 279, 309, 378.

Fe Bor. Centralbl. 96: 640. 1904 (appointment Tharandt); Bot. Jahrb. 31 (Beibl. 70); 28. 1902, 37 (Beibl. 84): 4. 1906; 89: 175. 1902 (habil. Munchen; to Eisenach 1 Apr 1902); Bot. Not. 1923: 383 (d.); Nat. Nov. 24: 143 (habil. Miinchen), 187 (to Eisenach) 1902. 26: 663. 1904 (app. Tharandt, succeeding Fr. Nobbe). 27: 81, 123. 1905 (rd.). 42: 201. 1920 (app. Dresden, succeeding Drude) 45: 120. 1923 (d.); Hedwigia 41: (143). 1902 (app. Eisenach), 44: (92). 1905. (app. Tharandt), 63: (98). 1922 (app. Dresden); Mycol. Centralbl. 4: 319. 1914 (journey Amani planned for Aug 1914); Osterr. bot. Z. 70: 63. 1921 (app. Dresden), 72: 376. 1923 (d. 6 Mai 1923).

Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 2: 518. 1925.

Drude, O., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 41: (84)-(92). 1924 (obit., bibl., b. 2 Jun 1868, d. 6 Mai 1923).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 8: 72. 1902 (habil. Miinchen; to Eisenach), 10: 40. 1905 (Tharandt), 28 (29): 56 (112). 1925 (d.).

Muench, E., Bot. Archiv 9: 1-3. 1925 (obit.; “ein von gluhendem Ehrgeiz getragenes, wohl allzurastloses ... Vor- und Aufwarts dringen’’).

Reiche, K., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Chile 30, 36-37, 41. 1907 (Veg. Erde 8).

Sachse, Tharandter forstl. Jahrb. 76(4): 173-192. 1925 (n.v.).

Schwede, R., S.B. Abh. Isis 1922/23: vui-xili. 1924 (n.v.).

Tobler, F., Deut. biogr. Jahrb. 5: 282-285, 436. 1930 (biogr.; student of Goebel).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Uredineae et Ustilagineae fuegianae a P. Dusén collectae, in Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Exped. Magellanslandern 1895-1897, 3(3): 59-64. 1899, also in K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forhandl. 1899(7).

(2) In: Aryptogamenflora Brandenburg:

(a) Aspergillaceae, 7(1): 75-88. 15 Aug 1905.

(b) Erysiphaceae,7(1): 96-135. 15 Aug 1905.

(c) Perisportaceae, 7(1): 136-146. 15 Aug 1905.

(d) Microthyriaceae, 7(1): 146-150. 15 Aug 1905.

EPONYMY: Mikronegeria P. Dietel (1899), Negeriella Hennings (1897).

  1. Introduccion a la flora de los alrededores de Concepcion. — Santiago de Chile (Imprenta

Cervantes ...) 1897. Oct.

Publ.: 1897, p. [1]-45, [1, index]. Copy: NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Anal. Univ. Santiago de Chile 98: 209-251. 1897; ‘““Autoreferat”’ Bot. Centralbl. 74: 141-143. 1898.

  1. Sammlung Goschen. Die Nadelhélzer (Koniferen) und ubrigen Gymnospermen ...

Leipzig (G. J. Géschen’sche Verlagshandlung) 1907. Oct. (Nadelhélzer).

Ed. 1: Oct-Nov 1907 (ObZ Oct 1907: rd. NY 12 Dec 1907; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1907), p. [1]- 185, [186-189, maps]. Copies: B, NY. — Sammlung Goschen 355).

Ed. 2: 1919 (Nat. Nov. Oct 1919), p. [1]-156, 5 charts, 4 maps. Copy: B. — Zweite, verbesserte Auflage. Berlin und Leipzig (Vereinigung wissenschaftlicher Verleger Walter de Gruy- ter & Co.) 1919. Oct.

Ed. 3: 1927, 158 p., Berlin 1927, rev. by E. Minch [1876-?], n.v.

Ed. 4: 1952, p- [1]-140. Copy: BR.—Sammlung Géschen Band 355. Die Nadelhilzer .. . Vierte Auflage, durchgesehen und erganzt von Dr. Bruno Huber [1899-x], ... Berlin (Walter de Gruyter & Co. ...) 1952. Oct.

Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 40(Lit.): 118. 3 Mar 1908 (ed. 1), 56(Lit.): 27-28. 18 Feb 1921 (ed. 2).

  1. Sammlung Goschen. Die Laubhélzer kurzgefasste Beschreibung der in Mitteleuropa



einheimischen Baume und Straucher, sowie der wichtigeren in Garten gezogenen Laub-

holzpflanzen . .. Berlin und Leipzig (G. J. Géschen ’sche Verlagshandlung ...) 1914. Oct.


Ed. [1]: Mar-Apr 1914 (Bot. Centralbl. 21 Apr 1914; ObZ Mai 1914), p. [1]-160. Copy: B.

Ed. 2: 1931, p. [1]-160. Copy: B. — Zweite Auflage, durchgesehen und erganzt von Dr. E. Miinch [Ernst Minch, 1876-? |... Berlin & Leipzig (Walter de Gruyter & Co... .) 1931. Oct.

Ed. 3: 1950, p. [1]-143, 7 charts. Copies: BR, FI, USDA. — Dritte durchgesehene Auflage, herausgegeben von Dr. B. Huber ... Berlin (Walter de Gruyter & Co.) 1950. Oct.

Neger, Johannes (fl. 1871), German botanist at Nurnberg. (7. Neger). HERBARIUM and TyPeEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1409; Jackson p. 294; PR 10609; Rehder 1: 386, 532.

  1. Excursionsflora Deutschlands. Analytische Tabellen zum méglichst leichten und siche- ren Bestimmen aller in Deutschland, Deutsch-Oesterreich und der Schweiz wildwachsen- den und haufiger cultivirten phanerogamischen und kryptogamischen Gefasspflanzen ... Niirnberg (Verlag der Fr. Korn’schen Buchhandlung) 1871. Oct. (Excurs.-Fl. Deutschl.).

Publ.: Nov 1871 (p. vii: Aug 1871; “erschienen”’; Flora 9 Dec 1871; Bot. Zeit. 15 Dec 1871),

p. [i]-xliv, [1]-441. Copy: M.

Negri, Giovanni (1877-1960), Italian botanist, Dr. phil. Torino 1925; assistant at the Istituto botanico Torino 1903-1924, at Cagliari 1925; from 1925-1947 professor of botany and director of the Istituto botanico, Firenze. (G. Negrt).

HERBARIUM and types: FI; further material in FT, H, TO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 542; BL 2: 335, 353, 375> 379» 695; BM 3: 1409; Bossert p. 283; CSP 17: 470; Hirsch p. 211; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Kew 4: 124; LS suppl. 19759; NI 1446; Rehder 2: 738; SBC p. 128. Cavillier, F., Boissiera 5: 67. 1941. Chiovenda, E., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 31: 308. 1924. Francini Corti, E., Accad. naz. Lincei, Rendic. Sci. fis. ser. 8. 32(5): 761-777. 1962 (obit., b. 22 Aug 1877), Webbia 15(1): 1-5. 1970 (introduction to memorial volume Webbia). Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 269 (Cagliari), 272 (Firenze). 1938 (dir. bot. gard.).

Messeri, A., Nuovo Giorn. bot. ital. 67: 612-640. 1960 (obit., bibl., portr., b. 22 Aug 1877, d. 16 Sep 1960).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Schmid, E., Webbia 25(1): 47-51. 1970. (in memoriam).

Zangheri, P., Arch. bot. biogeogr. ital. 36: 247-256. 1960 (obit., d. 16 Sep 1960).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (with J. Pitard), Musci, in Pitard, J. and L. Proust, Les Tles Canaries, 4.15- 463. Jan-Mar 1909; preceded by Contribution a l'étude des Muscineées des Iles Canaries, Bull. Soc. bot. France, Mém. 7. 54: 1-28. 1907.

HANDWRITING: Webbia 25(1): 3. 1970.

EPONYMY: Joannegria Chiovenda (1913); Negria Chiovenda (1912); Negripteris Pichi Sermol- li (1946). Note: Negria F. v. Mueller (1871) honors Christophorus Negri, an Italian geographer.

  1. Erbario figurato illustrazione e descrizione delle piante usuali con speciale riguardo

alle piante medicinale ... Milano (Ulrich Hoepli, ...) 1904. Oct. (Erb. fig.).

Ed. 1: 1904 (Bot. Centralbl. 25 Oct 1904), p. [i]-xiii, [1]-262, pl. 1-80 (col.). Copy: FI (pl. lacking).

Ed. 2: Nov-Dec 1923 (p. viii: 1 Nov 1923), p. [iJ-xi, [1]-286, pl. 1-86 (col.). Copy: NY.

Ed. 3: 1943, p. [iti]-xx, [1]-459, [1, err], [h.t.], pl. 1-80 (col.). Copies: FI, LC.


NEGRI Ed. 4: 1948, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-459, [1, h.t.], pl. 7-80 (col.), [1, imprint], Copzes: BR, FI, NY.

  1. La vegetazione della collina di Torino ... Torino (Carlo Clausen ...) 1905. Qu. Publ.: 1905, p. [1]-76. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mem. Accad. r. Sci. Torino ser. 2. 55: 113-188. 1905.

  2. Sulla flora briologica della peninsola Sorrentina ...'Torino (Carlo Clausen...) 1906. Oct. Publ.: 1906 (after 25 Mar, date of presentation), p. [1]-22. Copies: FI, H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Atti r. Accad. Sci. Toro 41: 559-578. 1906.

  3. La vegatazione delle colline di Crea ... Torino (Carlo Clausen ...) 1906. Qu. Publ.: 1906, p. [1]-51. Copy: FI. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Torino ser. 2. 56: 387-437. 1906.

  4. Contributo alla briologia delle Isole Tremitt ... Torino (Carlo Clausen ...) 1908. Oct. Publ.: 1908 (after 14 Jul, date of presentation mss), p. [1 ]-23. Copies: FI, H.— Reprinted and to be cited from Atti r. Accad. Sci. Torino 43: 1014-1034. 1908.

  5. Allante dei principali fungh commestibili e velenosi ... Unione (Tipografico-editrice Torinese ...) 1908. Oct. (Al. princ. fung.). Publ.: 1908, p. [i]-xxxv, [1 ]-106, 63 col. pl. Copy: FI.

  6. Lo stato attuale delle conoscenze sulla vegetazione dell’ Italia e proposte per la costituzione di

un comitato permanente “pro flora italica” per la regolare sua esplorazione. Relazione e

programma... Roma (Tipografia nazionale ditta G. Bertero & C.) 1909. Oct. (Stato conosc.

veg. Italia).

Publ.: 1909, p. [1]-107, [1, ind.]. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Atti Soc. ital. progr. sci. 2, Firenze, Oct 1908.

Co-authors: Augusto Béguinot (1875-1940), Adriano Fiori (1865-1950), Achille Italo Forti (1878-1937), Renato Pampanini (1875-1949), Alessandro Trotter (1874-?), Lino Vac- cari (1873-1951), Giuseppe Zodda (1877-1968).

  1. Estratto dal volume 1° dell’opera J Ruwenzort relazioni scientifiche ... Musci .

Milano (Ulrico Hoepli ...) [1909]. (Ruzwenzort, Muscz).

Publ.: Jan-Sep 1909 (Hedwigia 6 Oct 1909), p. [1]-26, pl. 1-2. Copies: FI, H. — Issued with independent pagination as part of L. A. di Savoia, Il Ruwenzori, 1: 487-510. pl. 1-2. 1909.

  1. Etiopia. Appunti di una escursione botanica nell’ Etiopia meridionale (Marzo-Agosto 1909) ... Roma (Tipografia nazionale di G. Bertero e c.) 1913. (App. esc. bot. Etiopia). Publ.: Feb 1913, p. [1]-176, [177]. Copy: FIT. — Issued as Monogr. Rapp. col. 4, 1913.

  2. La vegetazione di Monte Bracco (Saluzzo) ... Roma (Tip. della R. Accad. nazionale dei

Lincei ...) 1920. Qu.

Publ.: 1920, p. [1]-103, chart. Copy: FI.— Reprinted and to be cited from Mem. Soc. ital. Sci. ser. 3. 21: 97-197, chart.

Neill, Patrick (1776-1851), Scottish publisher and botanist at Edinburgh; founder and longtime secretary of the Caledonian Horticultural Society and Wernerian Society. (Neill).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: E (““presumably”, Hedge & Lamond 1970), DBN, algae in herb. Greville at E; letters at K and LINN (J. E. Smith corr.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 3: 429, 6(1): 8; Backer p. 391; Barnhart 2: 543; BB p.

227; BM 3: 1409, 7: 907; CSP 4: 587-588, 12: 535; Dawson p. 632; Desmond p. 461; DNB 4o:

178-179; GR p. 408; Hawksworth p. 125; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Neill’’); TH 2: (in press); Kew 4:

125; PR ed. 1: 7448; Quenstedt p. 310; Rehder 5: 612; SO 2655; Tucker 1: 514.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1407. 1870.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 9: 798-799. 1851, 10: 64.7. 1852; Flora 34: 771. 1851 (d. 3 Sep 1851); Gard. Chron. 1851: 567, 663-664 (obit.); Osterr. bot. Z. 1: 387. 1851 (d. 3 Sep 1851).



Balfour, I. B., Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 3: 94-96. 1904.

Brewster, D., J. Bot. 1: 96. 1863 (on Neill medal).

Brotherston, P. P., Gard. Chron. ser.3. 73: 320-321. 1923 (centenary publ. ‘‘ Tour” [name consistently err. Niell]).

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 71. 1934.

Fletcher, H. R., R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 71, 72, 74, 79, 81, 84, 85, 99, 138, 144. 1970.

Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index Coll. Edinb. herb. 113. 1970 (Dr. Neill, herb. 3-4000 species, said to be presumably Patrick Neill).

Nelson, E. C., Glasra 4: 57. 1980 (coll. ex. E at DBN).

Newton, L., Phycol. Bull. 1: 17. 1952.

Spence, M., Flora orcad. xlv-xlvii. 1914.

Veendorp, H. & L. G. M. Baas Becking, Hortus acad. Lugd.-bat. 112, 132, 136, 137. 1938.

Wallace, R. H., Gard. Chron. 1902: 297-298.

EPONYMY: JVeillia D. Don (1825).

  1. Journal of a horticultural tour through some parts of Flanders, Holland and the North of France, in the autumn of 1817. By a deputation of the Caledonian Horticultural Society. Edinburgh (printed for Bell & Bradfate), London (... Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown) 1823. Oct. (Journ. hort. tour).

Publ.: 1823 (p. x: 2 Dec 1822), p. [i]-xv, [1]-574, [1, err.], pl. 7-5, [5a] (uncol.). Copy: NY.

Neilreich, August (1803-1871), Austrian botanist; in various positions with Vienna law courts from 1828-1856, ultimately as Civilgerichtsrath; from 1857 (retirement because of tuberculosis) devoting himself entirely to botany; Dr. phil. h.c. Wien 1865. (JVeilr.).

HERBARIUM and Types: W; further material at BR and FI. — Library also at W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG I: 231, 4: 297, 5(2): 419, 12(2): 735; BFM 919, 920, 921;

BM 3: 1410; Bossert p. 284; CSP 4: 588, 8: 487, 12: 535; DTS 1: 211; Frank 3(Anh.): 71;

Futak-Domin p. 414; Hegi 6(1): 18, 205, 6(2): 1294; Herder p. 167, 192; Hortus 3: 1200

(“Neilr.”’); 1H 2: (in press); Jackson p. 118, 263, 264; Kanitz p. 146 (no. 235); Kew 4: 126;

Langman p. 538; Maiwald p. 155; PR 6667-6671 (ed. 1: 7449); Rehder 5: 612; Saccardo 2:

126; TL-1/921; TL-2/2270, 3503, see Kanitz, A; Tucker 1: 514; WU 20: 143-146.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1872: 26 (d.); Flora 54: 198, 238. 1871; J. Bot. 9: 288. 1871; Osterr. bot. Z. 11: 24. 1861 (member Leopoldina), 17: 28. 1867, 21: 181-182. 1871 (obit., died of tuberculosis, herb. to W, library to Zool.-bot. Ges.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brand. 12: xlvii. 1870 (d. 1 Jun 1871).

Ascherson, P. F. A., Bot. Zeit. 29: 476-478. 14 Jul 1871.

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 28, 29, 150. 1888 (herb. at W); i K. Fritsch et al., Bot. Anst. Wiens 64, 74. 1894 (herb. W); Veg.-Verh. Illyr. Lander 4, 11, 39. 1901 (Veg. Erde 4).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (herb. at W).

Hayek, A., Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 72: (70)-(75). 1922.

Kanitz, A., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 13: 149-165. 1871 (obit., b. 12 Dec 1803, d. 1 Jun 1871).

K6chel, L. von, Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 21: 1313-1344. 1872 (biogr., portr., bibl.; contains N’s autobiographical notes continuing the account of Reissek).

Neilreich, A., Verh. zool. bot. Ver. Wien 5: 23-76. 1855 (Gesch. Bot. Nieder-Oesterreich).

Pax, F., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Karpathen 1: 22, 29, 39, 46, 50. 1898 (Veg. Erde 2(1)).

Reissek, S., Osterr. bot. Z. 9: 1-8. 1859 (biogr., portr.).

Seemann, W. E. G., & B., eds., Bonplandia 3: 93, 113-114, 138-140, 173-174. 1855 (Gesch. Bot. Nieder-Osterr.), 7: 22. 1 Feb 1859 (Flora von Niederésterreich complete; available 5 Jan 1859 at zool.-bot. Ges.), 9: 46. 1861 (Leopoldina, cognomen: Clusius).

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. pl. Polsk. 15, 108. 1925.’

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 84. 1903, 3(3): 69. pl. 124. 1905. (portr.).

EPONYMY: WNezlrezcha B. Kotule (1883); Nezlreichia Fenzl (1850); Nezlretchina O. Kuntze (1891).

POSTAGE STAMPS: Austria 2 s. (1971) yv. 1193.



  1. Flora von Wien. Eine Aufzahlung der in den Umgebungen Wiens wild wachsenden oder im Grossen gebauten Gefasspflanzen, nebst einer pflanzengeografischen Uebersicht _.. Wien (Fr. Beck’s Universitats-Buchhandlung) 1846-1851, 2 parts. Oct. (Fl. Wien). Main vol.: Mai-Jun 1846 (p. vi: 1 Mai 1846; rd. by Flora Jun 1846, by Hinrichs 30-31 Jul 1846), p. [i*], [i]-xcii, [1]-706. Copies: FI, G, USDA. ‘3 Nachtraege: 1-6 Aug 1851 (p. iv: 9 Jul 1851; rd. by Zool. Bot. Ver. Wien 6 Aug 1851; ObZ 14 Aug 1851), p. [i]-iv, [1]-339. Copies: G, MO, USDA. —“‘Nachtraege zur Flora von Wien nach einem erweiterten Gebiete mit Einziehung der benachbarten Alpen und der Leithage- gend, nebst einer pflanzengeographischen Uebersicht.” Wien (id.) 1851. Oct. (Nachtr. Fl. Wien). Neue billige Ausgabe: 1868, 1: [i]-xcii, [1]-706, 2: [i]-iv, [1]-339. Copies: B, FI, H.—“... Neue billige Ausgabe.”” Wien (Friedrich Beck’s Verlags-Buchhandlung) 1868, 2 parts. Oct. Ref.: Neilreich, A., Verh. zool. bot. Ver. Wien 5: 57. 1855 (Nachtr. written 1850). Schlechtendal, D. F. L. v., Bot. Zeit. 4: 589-590. 21 Aug 1846, 18: 114-116. 6 Feb 1852. Sauter, A. E., Flora 30: 70-80. 1847, 35: 450-464. 7 Aug 1852.

  2. Flora von Nieder-Oesterreich. Eine Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der im Erzherzog-

thume Oesterreich unter der Enns wild wachsenden oder in Grossem gebauten Gefass-

pflanzen, nebst einer pflanzengeografischen Schilderung dieses Landes ... Wien (Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold’s Sohn) [1857-]1859, 2 parts. Qu. (Fl. Nied.-Oesterr.).

1(1): Nov 1857, p. [1]-128 (1. Lieferung; ObZ 19 Nov 1857; see copy Regensburg).

(2): 1858, p. [1*-11*], [1]-cxxxul, [1], 129-444, in three Lieferungen, 2: early 1858, 3/4 Apr 1858 (ObZ). 2: 1858-1859, p. [1], 445-1010 (in five Lieferungen) of which 5/6 Sep 1858 and 7-9 Dec 1858 or in the first days of 1859 (ObZ 1 Jan 1859, Zool. bot. Ges. by 5 Jan 1859).

Copies: B, BR, FI, H, MO, Regensburg, USDA.

Nachtrége: Aug 1866 (p. viii: 6 Dec 1865; KNAW rd. Mar 1867; ObZ 1 Sep 1866 (rev.); Flora rd. 8 Apr 1867), p. [i*-11*], [1]-viu, [1 ]-104. Copies: B, G, MO, Regensburg, USDA. —‘*Nachtrége zur Flora... Wien (Im Inlande besorgt durch W. Braumiiller, ...) 1866. Qu. (Nachtr. Fl. Nieder-Oesterr.).

Kweier Nachtrag: 1869 (mss. submitted 3 Feb 1869; Bot. Zeit. 24 Sep 1869), p. [i], [1]-54- Copy: G. — Reprinted from Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien [245]-298. 1869. To be cited from journal.

Further addenda: see Halacsy, E. v., Nachtr. Fl. Nieder-Oesterr. 1882, TL-2/2270.

Ref.: Sauter, A. E., Flora 43: 662-671. 14 Nov 1860.

Ascherson, P. F. A., Bot. Zeit. 26: 281-286. 24 Apr 1868; 27: 649-652. 24 Sep 1869.

  1. Nachtrage zu Maly’s Enumeratio plantarum phanerogamicarum imperit austriact univers ...

Wien (Im Inlande besorgt durch W. Braumiiller ...) 1861. Qu. (Nachtr. Maly Enum. pl.).

Publ.: Aug-Dec 1861 (mss. submitted 3 Jul 1861; Flora rd. Mar-Mai 1862), p. [i], [1]-348. Copies: B, FI, H, Regensburg, KNAW, NY, US, USDA. — For Maly’s original work see TL-2/53209.

  1. Aufzdhlung der in Ungarn und Slavonien bisher beobachteten Gefdsspflanzen nebst einer pflanzengeographischen Uebersicht ... Wien (Wilhelm Braumiuller ...) 1866-1870. Qu. (Aufz. Ungarn Slavon. Gefasspfl.) . Orig.: Oct-Nov 1865 (t.p. 1866 but see Flora 48: 576. 29 Nov 1865 and Bot. Zeit. 1 Dec 1865), p. [iJ-vin, [1, h.t.], [1]-113, [i]-xvi, [1]-389, [390]. Nachtr.: Jan-Apr 1870 (p. v: 28 Dec 1869; Flora 28 Apr 1870), p. [i]-xi, [1]-111. — “Aufzahlung ... Nachtrage und Verbesserungen. Wien (id.) 1870. Qu. Copies: BR, FI, G, H, Regensburg, USDA. — According to a note in Osterr. bot. Zeit. 24: 8. 1874 Neilreich sent a copy of the Aufzdhlung to Kanitz on 5 Sep 1865; this might possibly be an error for 1866. Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 13(Bibl.): 115-116. 23 Jun 1866. Ascherson, P. F. A., Bot. Zeit 23: 364-368. 1 Dec 1865 (rev.), 28: 691-696. 28 Oct 1870.

  2. Diagnosen der in Ungarn und Slavonien bisher beobachteten Gefasspflanzen welche in Koch’s Synopsis nicht enthalten sind ... Wien (Im Inlande besorgt durch W. Braumiiller .. .)

  3. Qu. (Diagn. Ungarn Slavon. Gefasspfl.).

Publ.: 1867 (p. vi: 6 Feb 1867; Flora 5 Nov 1867), p. [i*-ii*], [i]-vi, [1], [1 ]-153- Copies: BR,



FI, G, H, MO, Regensburg, USDA. — Published as a Bezlage to Verh. zool. bot. Ver. Wien, 17, 1867. For Koch’s Synopsis see TL-2/3804.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 14(bibl.): 203-204. 1868. Ascherson, P. F. A., Bot. Zeit. 26: 281-286. 24 Apr 1868.

  1. Die Vegetationsverhdltnisse von Croatien ... Wien (Im Inlande besorgt durch W. Brau-

muller ...) 1868-1869. Qu. (Veg.-Verh. Croatien).

Orig.: Mai-Sep 1868 (p. vii: 1 Apr 1868; Flora 15 Oct 1868), p. [i]-vu, [1]-xli, [1 ]-288. Copies: BR, FI, G, H, MO(2), USDA.

Nachtr.: Oct-Dec 1869 (mss. submitted 6 Oct 1869; Flora 22 Feb 1870), p. [i], [1 ]-66. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Verh. zool. bot. Ver., Wien 19(Abh.): 765-830. 1869. — Reprint with t.p.: ““Nachtrdge zu den Vegetationsverhdltnissen von Croatien veranlasst durch die Flora Croatica von Schlosser und Vukotinovic ... Wien (id.) 1869. (Nachtr. Veg.-Verh. Croa- tien).

Ref.: A. Z., Flora 51: 405-411. 15 Oct 1868.

Ascherson, P. F. A., Bot. Zeit. 26: 867-870. 11 Dec 1868. Anon., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 16(bibl.): 84-86. 1869.

  1. Uber Schott’s Analecta botanica ... (Aus dem lviii. Bde. d. Sitzb. d.k. Akad. d. Wiss. I.

Abth. Dec.-Heft. Jahrg. 1868) 1868. Oct.

Publ.: Dec 1868 (but possibly only early 1869), p. [1]-23. Copres: G, H. — Reprinted from Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 58(1): 552-574. 1868. —N.B. mss presented in the session of 17 Dec 1868. — To be cited from journal. — Study of Schott’s new taxa on the basis of the type specimens in his herb. (at that time with Haynald, now BP). — Heinrich Wilhelm Schott (1794-1865), see TL-1/1177-1181.

  1. Kritische Zusammenstellung der in Osterreich-Ungarn bisher beobachteten Arten, Formen und Bastarte der Gattung Hieracium ... (Aus dem Ixiii der Sitzb. der k. Akad. der Wissensch. 1. Abth. Mai-Heft. Jahrg. 1871) 1871. Oct. (A7it. Zusammenst. Art. Mieracium).

Publ.: Mai 1871 or somewhat later (Mai issue of journal reports on Mai meetings; not necessarily published same month; Bot. Zeit. 10 Nov 1871), p. [1]-77. Copzes: G, NY. — Reprinted from Sitz. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 63(1): 424-500. 1871. To be cited from journal.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 20(bibl.): 109-110. Dec 1873.

Uechtritz, R. F. C. von, Bot. Zeit. 30: 161-167, 176-183, 188-196. Mar 1872.

Nel, Gert Cornelius (1885-1950), South African botanist; Dr. phil. Berlin 1914 (under Engler); professor of botany at Stellenbosch, South Africa 1921-1950. (Vel).

HERBARIUM and types: STE and STE-U; further material at PRE.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 657; Barnhart 2: 543; BJI 2: 123; Hirsch p. 211;

Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Nel’’); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 126; Plesch p. 347; Zander ed. 10, p. 697,

eden, p. 794.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 79. 1978.

Exell, A. W. & G. H. Hayes, Kirkia 6(1): 98. 1967 (Fl. zambes. mat. at PRE).

Herre, H., Genera Mesembr. 50-51, 1971 (portr.).

Jordaan, P. G., inG. C. Nel, The Gibbaeum Handbook 14-19. 1953 (portr., biogr., b. 6 Apr 1885, d. 16 Feb 1950).

Pinllips, Be P:, S: Atr. J. Sci. 27: 62. 1930.

Schwantes, Moll. deut. Gartn-Zeit. 43: 92. 1928 (epon.).

Tyrrell-Glynn, W. & M. L. Levyns, FI. afric. 52. 1963.

White, A. & B. L. Sloane, The Stapelieae 99, 154, 157. 1933, ed. 2. 19 [index]. 1937.

EPONYMy: Nelia Schwantes (1928).

  1. Lithops plantae succulentae, rarissimae, in terra obscuratae, e familia Aizoaceae, ex Africa australi, G. C. Nel botanices professor apud Universitatem Stellenbossiensem [1946]. (Lithops).

Publ.: Jun-Dec 1946 (p. [2]: Jun 1946), p. [i-xii], [1]-178, pl. 1-43. Copy: NY.


Nelmes, Ernest (1895-1959), British botanist; associated with Kew as gardener, herba- rium assistant and librarian from 1921-1958; specialist on Carex. (Nelmes).

HERBARIUM and types: K; further material at BH and NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 543; Bossert p. 284; Desmond p. 461; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 127; Langman p. 538; Lenley p. 307.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 79. 1978.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 79. 1957 (herb. at K).

Marshall, H. S., J. Kew Guild 1959: 709 (portr., d. 5 Feb 1959).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 74. 1946 (1948).

Riddelsdell, Fl. Gloucestershire clx. 1948.

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 8: 108. 1959.

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 14: 618. 1959 (d.).

Vanderveken, P., Bull. Jard. bot. Etat 25: 143. 1955 (epon.).

EPONYMyY: WVelmesia Van der Veken (1955).

Nelson, Aven (1859-1952), American botanist, plant collector and educator at the University of Wyoming, as professor of biology from 1887; founder of the Rocky Mountain herbarium (RM); Dr. phil. Denver 1904; president of the University of Wyoming 1917- 1922. (A. Nels.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: RM; duplicates in many herbaria. Nelson issued various irregular sets of Plants from the Rocky Mountain Herbarium, see e.g. Stevenson (1971).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 544; BJI 1: 162, 164, 223, 310; BM 3: 1410, 7:

908; Bossert p. 284; CSP 17: 478; GR p. 234-235; Hirsch p. 211; Hortus 3: 1200 (“A.

Nels.’’); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 127-128; Langman p. 538; Lenley p. 307; LS 18882, 37374,

suppl. 19779-19780; NAF 28B(2): 348, ser. 2. 5: 250; NW p. 53; Pennell p. 615;. PH 203,

239, 444; Plesch p. 347; Rehder 5: 612; Stevenson p. 1252; TL-2/1253; Tucker 1: 514;

Urban-Berl. p. 279, 309, 378; Zander ed. 10, p. 697, ed. 11. p. 795.

Anon., Amer. men Sci. ed. 1: 232. 1906, ed. 2: 342, 1910, ed. 3: 502. 1921, ed. 5: 818. 1933, ed. 6: 1036. 1938, ed. 7: 1292. 1944, ed. 8: 1804, 1949; Laramie Republican 16 Jun 1904 (Dr. h.c. Denver; portr.; copies: MO, FAS); Science 115: 643. 1952 (d.); Who’s who in America 1906-1907: 1299.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 271. 1950.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970 (large set).

Hitchcock, A. S. & A. Chase, Man. grasses U.S. 988. 1951 (epon.)

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 293, 343.

Kalmbach, K., The green Thumb, Bull. Colo. For. Host. 1(5): 10-12. 1944 (portr.).

Morrill, J. L., Univ. Wyoming Publ. 11(1): 1944.

Nelson, A., List of most of the papers, books and published addresses of Aven Nelson to Feb 15, 1912. Laramie, Wyoming, 1912, 8 p.

Nelson, R. A., Univ. Wyoming Publ. 11(1): 2-8. 1944 (portr.).

Porter, C. L., Taxon 1: 99. 1952.

Reeder, J. R., Taxon 25: 240. 1976 (portr., biogr. not., b. 24 Mar 1859, d. 31 Mar 1952).

Reifschneider, O., Biogr. Nevada Bot. 1844-1963: 94-95. 1964 (portr.).

Reveal, J., in A. Cronquist et al., Intermountain Flora 1: 60, 61. 1972.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 74. 1955.

Rodgers, A. D., Liberty Hyde Bailey 123-424, 485. 1949.

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Libr. Publ. 6: 41-42. 1907.

Stevenson, J., Beih. Nova Hedw. 36: 257-259. 1971 (exsicc.)

COMPOSITE WORKS: Vew manual of botany of the Central Rocky Mountains (vascular plants). New York ... [1909], with John Merle Coulter (1851-1928), publ.: 22 Dec 1909, see TL-2/1253 (second ed. of J. M. Coulter, Man. bot. Rocky Mt. 1885, TL-2/1253).

FESTSCHRIFT: University of Wyoming Publications vol. 11, 1944; on p. 1-8 a foreword by J. L. Morrill and a biographical sketch by Ruth Ashton Nelson with portr.



  1. University of Wyoming. Agricultural College Department. Wyoming Experimental Station, Laramie, Wyoming. Bulletin no. 28. May, 1896. First report on the flora of Wyoming. By the botanist ... [Laramie, Wyo. 1896]. Oct. (Furst rep. fl. Wyoming).

Publ.: Mai 1896 (t.p.; Coville rd. his copy 24 Jun 1896; USDA rd. 4 Sep 1896; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1896), p. [43]-218. Copies: BR, G, McVaugh, NY, US — Aven Nelson was “‘the botanist” at the Wyoming Experimental Station. ‘This reprint from the Bull. Wyo. Exp. Sta. 28 was published with a special cover carrying the title “First report ...”

  1. University of Wyoming. Agricultural College Department. Wyoming Experimental Station, Laramie, Wyoming. Bulletin no. 40. January, 1899. The trees of Wyoming and how to know them. By Aven Nelson ... [Laramie, Wyo. 1899]. Oct. (Trees Wyoming).

Publ.: Jan 1899, p. [55]-110, pl. 1-21. Copy: USDA.

  1. The cryptogams of Wyoming. A preliminary report upon those species which have been secured to date in the botanical survey of the state ... published as part of the tenth Annual report of the Wyoming Experimental Station ... Laramie, Wyoming 1goo. (Crypt. Wyo- ming).

Publ.: 1900, p. [1]-38. Copy: FH.

  1. University of Wyoming. Agriculture College Department. Wyoming Experimental Station, Laramie, Wyoming. Bulletin no. 46. January 1go1. The bromegrasses of Wyoming... [Laramie, Wyoming 1901]. Oct. (Brome-grass. Wyoming).

Publ.: Jan 1901, p. [1]-21, 7 pl. Copy: FH.

  1. Twentieth century text-books. An analytical key to some of the common flowering plants of the Rocky Mountain Region... New York (D. Appleton and Company) 1902. Oct. (Anal. key pl. Rocky Mt.).

Publ.: Jun 1902 (p. [iv]), p. [i]-vui, [1]-94. Copy: USDA. é

  1. Contributions to our knowledge of the flora of the Rocky Mountains. A collection of papers

published in various journals 1898-1904 by Aven Nelson. Submitted to the Faculty of the

College of Liberal Arts of the University of Denver, in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, May 1904.

Publ.: 1904, p. [i-iv], [1-328, page numbers in index; in text inserted in writing], [1-6, index]. Copy: MO. — p. [1-328] are an assemblage of 36 reprints with unchanged pagination.

  1. Spring flora of the Intermountain States ... Boston, New York, Chicago, London (Ginn

and Company) [1912]. Oct. (Spring fl. Interm. States).

Publ.: 1912 (after 15 Feb 1912, bibl. “in press”; Nat. Nov. Aug(r) 1912), p. [i]-xv, [1]-204. Copies: G, MO, USDA.

Nelson, David (x-1789), British gardener, collector and explorer on the voyage of the “Resolution” and the “Discovery” 1776-1780 (Capt. Cook’s third voyage); from 1780- 1787 gardener at Kew; on the “Bounty” 1787-1789; escaped with Bligh from the mutiny but died on Timor. (D. WNels.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM.— Some Hawaiian material also at MO; further material at E.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Backer p. 391; Barnhart 2: 544; BB p. 227; Bret. p. 152;

Dawson p. 450, 526, 632, 799, 825, 870, 885; Desmond p. 461; IH 2: (in press); SK 1: 382-

383 (itin.), 5: cccvii, 8: Ixviii; TL-2/see J. Cook.

Anderson, A. W., The coming of the flowers 143-149. 1950.

Anon., Gard. Chron. 1881(2): 267.

Bailey, F. P., Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 8(2): 18. 1891.

Beaglehole, J. E., ed., The journal of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. 3(1- 2), Voyage Resolution and Discovery, University Press, Cambridge, 1967, p.1616 index.

Blake, S. T., Austral. J. Bot. 1: 188. 1953 (Eucalyptus L’>Heér. based on Nelson specimen).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 54: 351-352. 1916. (plants coll. by N. at BM); J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 45: 48. 1920. (on Erica sexfaria Dryander).



Brown, R., Prodr. 480-481. 1810.

Ewan, J., in F. Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. facs. ed. 1979, intr. p. 22-23.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 4. 1969.

Gilmour, J. S. L. et al., in facsimile reprint L’Héritier, C. L., Sert. angl. Ixxx, Ixxxvii (see also p. 18, 30). 1963.

Glenn, R., The botanical explorers of New Zealand 175. 1950.

Hall, N., Bot. Eucalypts ror. 1978.

Hedge, J. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970 (pl. third voyage Cook at E).

Hooker, J. D., Fl. Tasman. 113. 1843.

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 290, 296. (Alaska).

Lee, I. (Mrs. C. B. Marriott), Early explorers in Australia 76-77. 1925.

Lemmon, K., Golden age plant hunters 79-106. 1968.

L’Héritier, C. L., Sert. angl. 18. 1789 (Establishes genus Eucalyptus on a Nelson specimen).

Maiden, J. H., Sir Joseph Banks 52, 124, 125. 1909; Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 1909: 23-04, J. Proc. R. Soc. N. S. W. 55: 165. 1921.

McCaughey, V., Haw. For. Agr. 15: 390, 392, 394. 1918.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(MH) 1: 170. 1904 (pl. BM).

Norton, J., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 25: 767. 1gor.

Smith, A. C., Fl. vitiens. nova 1: 36. 1979 (d. 20 Jun 1789).

Smith, E., Life Joseph Banks 126, 129, 130, 132, 134. 1911.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 232. 1971.

Stearn, W. T., Early bot. expl. Australia 12. 1960.

St. John, H., Pacific Science 30(1): 1-44, 1976 (p. 1-5, account of N’s botanizing in Hawaii; on p. 7-44 new species of Hawaiian plants collected by N. in 1779).

Thistleton peace W. T., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1891: 297.

Whitley, G. P., J. Proc. TR. Austral. hist. Soc. 19: 296. 1934.

Wilson, E. H., Plant hunting 142, 181, 183, 184, 204. 1927.

EPONYMY: Nelsonia R. Brown (1810).

Nelson, Edward Milles (1851-1938), British microscopist and diatomologist. (£. M. Nels.).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 544; CSP 10: 907, 17: 478-480 (main bibl.!); Desmond p. 461; De Toni 1: xci, 2: Ixxvu, Ixxxiv-lxxxv, 4: xli-xlii; Kew 4: 128.

Anon.,J. Bot. 76. 280. 1938.

Hewlett, R. T., Nature 142: 385-386. 1938 (obit., d. 20 Jul 1938).

VanLandingham, S. L., Cat. diat. 7: 4208. 1978.

Nelson, Edward William (1855-1934), American naturalist; explorer of Alaska, the Arctic and Mexico; with the USDA 1890-1929; Dr. phil. l.c. George Washington Univ. 1920. (E. W. Nels.).

HERBARIUM and types: US; duplicates in A, F, G, GH, K, NY, US.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 544; BM 3: 1410, 7: 908; CSP ro: 907, 17: 480-

481; Hirsch p. 211; IH 2: (in press); Langman p. 538; NW p. 53.

Anon., Amer. men Sci. ed.1:232. 1906; J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 24(7): 327-328. 1974 (obit.); Natl. Cycl. Amer. Biogr. 26: 434-435. 1937 (portr., biogr.).

Cantelow, E. D. & H. C., Leaflets W. Bot. 8(5): 96. 1957 (b. 8 Mai 1855, d. 19 Mai 1934).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. naturalists 271-272. 1950; in Cent. sci. San Francisco 56. 1955.

Friedmann, H., Dict. Amer. bot., 21: 571-572. 1944 (b. 8 Mai 1855, d. 19 Mai 1934; biogr.).

Goldman, E. A., The Auk 52: 135-148, pl. 7. 1935 (biogr., portr.); Smithson. misc. Coll. 115: 1-xill, 1-476. 1951 (on exploration of Mexico and Guatamala 1892-1906 by Nelson and Goldman; itin.; localities).

Hultén, E., Bot. Not. 1940: 303. (Alaska).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 48 (pl.K).



Knobloch, I. W., Pl. coll. N. Mexico 47. 1979.

McVaugh, R., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 9: 285-286. 1972 (itin. Mexico).

Moldenke, H.N., Plant Life 2: 74. 1946 (1948).

Morton, C. V. & R. E. Schultes, Anal. Inst. Biol. Mexico. 13: 47-51. 1942 (coll. localities in Oaxaca).

Robinson, H. & Brettell, R. D., Phytologia 27(1): 54, 1973 (Nelsonianthus).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 375. 1975-

EPONYMY: /Velsonzanthus H. E. Robinson et R. D. Brettell (1973); Neonelsonia Coulter et Rose (1895). The derivation of Nelsonzella Cookson et Eisenack (1960) is not given by the authors.

Nelson, Elias Emanuel (1876-?), Swedish-born American botanist; pupil of Aven Nelson at Laramie, Wyoming; scientific aid USDA 1900; assistant in horticulture Univ. Wyoming IQOI-1905; superintendent experimental farm Bend, Oregon 1905. (E. E. Nels.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: RM; further material at GH, GRO, MO, MSC, NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 544; BL 2: 223, 310; BM 3: 1410; Hortus 3: 1200 (eee Nels»); NA 2: (Gn press); KR p. 536; Vucker 1: 514.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 272. 1950.

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Libr. Bull. 5: 44-45. 1907.

  1. Revision of the Western North American Phloxes ... presented as a thesis for the master’s

degree in the botanical department of the graduate school of the University of Wyoming

and published as a part of the ninth report of the Wyoming Agriculture College. Issued

June 1, 1899. Laramie, Wyoming. 1899. Oct. (Revis. W. N. Amer. Phlox.).

Publ.: t Jun 1899 (TBC 22 Sep 1899; Bot. Centralbl. 5 Jul 1899; Bot. Zeit. 16 Aug 1899), p. [1 ]-35, [36, index]. Copies: US, USDA.

  1. A revision of certain species of plants of the genus Antennaria ... Washington (Government

Printing Office) 1901. Oct.

Publ.: 4 Jan 1901, (in journal), reprinted with special t.p. [1] and original pagination from Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 23: 697-713. 1901. Copy: NY.

  1. University of Wyoming ... Wyoming Experiment Station, Laramie, Wyoming. Bulletin no. 54. July, 1902. The shrubs of Wyoming ... [Laramie, Wyo., 1902]. (Shrubs Wyoming).

Publ.: Jul 1902, p. [1-1], [1]-4.7, 5 pl. Copy: MO.

Nelson, John (“‘Senilis’’) (//. 1860), British arboriculturist of Lymington, Hants. (7. Nels.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

NAME: Used the pseudonym “‘Johannes Senilis”’.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: BB p. 227; BM 3: 1410; Desmond p. 461; Hortus 3: 1200

(‘J. Nels.”’); Jackson p. 140; Kew 4: 128; Langman p. 538; PR 8615 (Senilis); Rehder 3:

289; Tucker 1: 514; Zander ed. 11, p. 795.

  1. Pinaceae: being a handbook of the firs and pines. By Senilis. London (published for

the author by Hatchard and Co., ...) 1866. Oct. (Pinaceae).

Publ.: 1866 (p. viii: Jan 1866; Gard. Chron. 9 Jun 1866), p. [i]-xix, [1 ]-223. Copies: NY (2), USDA. — (‘‘a work of no scientific worth, but unfortunately quoted in DC. Prod. and Bentham and Hooker, Genera Plantarum” — Jackson).

Nemec, Bohumil Rehor (1873-1966), Bohemian (Czechoslovakian) botanist; Dr. phil.

Praha 1896; mycologist and physiologist; professor of plant anatomy and physiology at the

Charles University at Praha from 1904. (Vémec).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 545; BFM 2394, 3338; BM 3: 1410-1411, 7: 909;

Bossert p. 284; CSP 17: 481; GR p. 671; Futak-Domin p. 417-419; Hirsch p. 211; Kew 4:

128; Langman p. 538; Lenley p. 307; LS 18883, 37375-37376, suppl. 19789-19816;

Maiwald p. 70, 72, 82, 248, 281; Moebius p. 454 [index]; Tucker 1: 514.

Anon., Bot. Gentralbl. 80: 192. 1899 (lecturer plant phys. anat. Praha), 86: 192. rgo1 (dir. plant phys. inst.), 93: 32. 1903 (prof. plant. anat. phys.); Bot. Jahrb. 31: 29. 1902, 34: 40. 1904 (err. J. Nemec); Nat. Nov. 23; 317. 1901 (Dir. plant phys. inst. Praha), 25: 438. 1903 (e.0. prof.), 29: 551. 1907 (ord. prof.); Osterr. bot. Z. 51: 319. 1901 (dir. pl. phys. inst. Praha), 53: 311. 1903 (extra-ord. prof.), 57: 447. 1907 (ord. prof.); Preslia 2: 5-12. 1923 (biogr., portr., bibl.; for continuations see Iljin 1932, Novak 1961, Pilat 1966); 9: 93. 1930 (address list).

Bilokin, I. P., Ukr. bot. Zhurn. 23(6): 94-97. 1966 (obit.).

Cernohorsky, Zd., Plant Sci. Bull 12(3): 9-10. 1966 (obit.).

Cutinova, L., Déj. Ved. Techn. 7: 176-178. 1974 (n.v., fide Kew Record; letters by V.I. Vernadsky to N.)

Domin, K., Véda prirodni 14: 33-35. 1933 (60th birthday).

Harvey-Gibson, R. J., Outlines hist. bot. 244, 246. 1914.

Havel, V., Folia microbiol. 11: 325-327. 1966 (obit., portr., b. 12 Mar 1873, d. 7 Apr 1966).

Hruby, K., Preslia 35: 97-100. 1963 (tribute, go-th birthday).

Ijin, V. S., Preslia 11: 3-10. 1932 (biogr., bibl., 1923-1932).

Kloz, J. et al., Biol. pl., Praha 15: 1-19. 1973 (portr., biogr., souvenirs, quotations, biogr. refs.; centenary of birth).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 184. 1899 (lecturer), 9: 156. 1903 (extra-ord. prof.), 13: 216. 1907 (ord. prof.).

Koital, O., Zpravy Cesk. bot. spolecn. ésav 2: 133. 1967 (obit.).

Luxova, M., Biolégia, Bratislava 28(4): 225-226. 1973 (portr.; centenary of birth).

Maresquelle, H. J., Marcellia 33(3): 193-196. 1966 (obit., cecidiol., bibl., portr.).

Novak, F. A., Preslia 33: 322-331. 1961 (60-th birthday,; bibl. by B. Pacltova 1922-1961).

Pastyrik, L., Biologia, Bratislava 21(6): 401-403. 1966 (obit., portr.).

Pilat, A., Geska Mykol. 7: 49-51. 1953 (biogr. notice, bibl., portr.), 20: 133-134. 1966 (obit.), Sydowia 20: 9-20. 1966 (obit., portr., bibl.); 17(2): 57. 1963 (portr.); Bot. Zhurn. 52: 424-433. 1967 (bibl., portr.).

Prat, S., Preslia 25: 94-95. 1953 (tribute, 60-th birthday).

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 83. 1966.

EPONYMY: Nemcia C. Domin (1923). Note: Nemecomyces Pilat (1933) commemorates T. Némec, director of the institute of plant anatomy and physiology at the Caroline University in Prague.

Némejce, Frantisek (1901-1976), Bohemian (Czechoslovakian) palaeobotanist; Dr. phil. Praha 1924; assistant (1924) later (1939) director of the geological-palaeontological department of the Natural History Museum, Prague; extraord. (1929), later (1948) ordinary professor at the Charles University. (F'. Némejc).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrloGRaPHy: Andrews p. 308; BM 7: gog; Futak-Domin p. 419; Kew 4: 129.

Andrews, H. N., The fossil hunters 307-308. 1980.

Barthel, M., Palaont. Abh., B. 2: 733. 1968 (epon.).

Cernohorsky, Zd., Preslia 49: 95-96. 1977 (obit., b. 12 Jun 1904, d. 7 Mar 1976). Knobloch, E., Palaeontographica B. 156: 1-11. 1976 (obit., portr., bibl.).

Novak, F. A., Preslia 33: 322-331. 1961 (60-th birthday; portr.; bibl. by B. Pacltova). Pacltova, B., Preslia 43: 279-281. 1971 (portr.).

Purkynova, E. & A. HluStik, Acta Mus. Siles., ser. A. 25(2): 190-192. 1976 (obit., portr.).

EPONYMY: Nemejcipollis B. Pacltova (1968); Nemejcisporites R. Potonié et G. Kremp (1955); Nemejcopteris M. Barthel (1968).

  1. Ceska Akademic véd a uméni v praze. Trida ii. Palaeontographica Bohemiae nr. xii.



Dr. F. Némejc. Revise karbonské a permské kvéteny sttedoceskych panvi uhelnych ... v Praze

[Praha] (Nakladem Ceské Akademic véd a Uméni) 1928. Qu. (Revis. karb. perm. kvét.).

Publ.: 1928 (mss. submitted 27 Jan 1928), p. [1]-40, English version: [41]-82, pl. 1-10. Copy: USGS. — English title (p. 41): “‘A revision of the carboniferous and permian flora of the coal-districts in Central Bohemia ...”

Nemoto, Kwanji (1860-1936), Japanese botanist. (Nemoto).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown. — For type specimens at TO see his list in Nat. Sci. & Mus. 5(5): 15-14 [sic]. 1934.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 545; BM 7; 909; Bossert p. 284; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Nemoto”); IF suppl. 4: 334; Kew 4: 129; MW p. 353, suppl. p. 256.

  1. Nippon-shokubutsu-soran-hoi (Flora of Japan supplement). The enumeration of all the

plants phanerogams and higher cryptogams indigenous to, introduced into and cultivated

in the empire of Japan Kabafuto, Hokkaido, Honshiu, Shikoku, Kiushiu, Riukiu, and

Taiwan with the description of every plant published after the second edition ... Tokyo

(Shunyodo Shoten ...) 1936. Oct. (Fl. Japan, Suppl.).

Publ.: 1936, p. [i*-viii*], i-iv, [1]-1436, [1]-2. Copy: USDA. — Supplement to Makino, T. and Nemoto, K., Nippon-Shokubutsu-soran (Flora of Japan) ... ed. 2, 1931.

Nendtvich, Carl Maximilian von Cserkut (Karoli Miksa) (1811-1892), Hungarian botanist, Dr. med. Budapest 1836; connected from 1839(?) with the Joseps-Industrieschule (later: the Budapest Polytechnic) from 1850 as professor; also connected with Budapest University. (NVendtv.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: probably at BP.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiocRAPHy: AG 5(2): 187; Barnhart 2: 545; BM 3: 1411; CSP 12: 536;

Kanitz no. 173; PR 6673 (ed. 1: 7453); Rehder 1: 445.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 13: 52-53. 1863.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 268. 1863; 3: 961. 1898 (b. 31 Dec 1811, d.5 Jul 1892).

  1. Dissertatio inauguralis historico-naturalis exhibens Exumerationem plantarum in terri- torio quinque ecclesiensi sponte crescentium praemisso tractatu generali de natura geognostica montium, deque situ climate et vegetatione ejusdem regionis quam consensu . . . conscripsit Carolus Max. Nendtvich, hungarus quinque-ecclesiensis. Theses adnexae publice defende- tur in palatio universitatis [pestiensi] minore die [ ] Januarii 1836. Budae (typis regiae Scient. universitatis Hungariae) [1836]. Oct. (in fours). (Enum. pl. terr. quing. eccles.).

Publ.: Jan 1836, p. [i]-viii, [1]-38. Copy: MO. — The “territorio quinque-ecclesiensi” refers

to Pécs (German Funfkirchen).

Nervander, Johan Hugo Emmerik (1827-1909), Swedish-born botanist; studied in Helsinki, fil. mag. 1853; high school teacher in Viborg 1857-1901. (Nerv.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 545; BM 3: 1412; IH 2: (in press); KR p. 536 (b. 22 Apr 1827, d. 17 Apr 1909); Morren ed. 10, p. 100; Saelan p. 340.

  1. Bidrag till Finlands bryologt. Akademisk afhandling, hvilken med den vidtberomda fysisk-mathematiska fakultetens vid Kejserl. Alexanders Universitetet i Finland samtycke och under inseende af William Nylander, ... for licentiatgrad til offentlig granskning utgifves af Johan Hugo Emmerik Nervander, . . . i historisk-filologiska larosalen den 2 Mars 1859, p.v.t-f.m. Helsingfors (J. C. Frenckell & Son) 1859. Oct. (Bidr. Finl. bryol.).

Publ.: 2 Mar 1859, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-95. Copzes: H(2), MO-Steere, NY.

Nessel, Hermann (1877-1949), German botanist and gardener; originally assistant at the



Institute for Plant Physiology of Berlin University; subsequently in charge of the University of Giessen Botanical Garden; specialist on Lycopodiaceae. (Nessel).

HERBARIUM and Types: BONN (5500 pteridophyta; extant), HBG.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 545; 1H 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Kew 4: 129;

LS suppl. 19823; MW p. 353, suppl. p. 256.

Herter, W. G. F., Revista sudamer. bot. 10(1): 30. 1951 (d. 29 Aug 1949; obit.).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 143. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 227-228. 1947 (pacific bibl.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Lycopodiaceae, in Flora brasilica 2(2) (fasc. 11), 1955, 131 p. (Taxon 5: 148. 1956).

  1. Die Bérlappgewdchse (Lycopodiaceae) Eine beschreibende Zusammenstellung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Varietaten und Formen ... Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1939. Oct. (Barlappgewdchse.).

Publ.: 1939 (Nat. Nov. Nov 1939), frontisp., p. [ii]-viu, [1]-404. Copies: BR, FI, G, U, USDA. — “His bibliography and nomenclature are almost unbelievably careless and inaccurate. His keys are badly put together ...”’ (Weatherby 1941).

Ref.: Weatherby, C. A., Fern J. 31(4): 148-149. 1941.

Schmidt, O. C., Hedwigia 80: (71)-(72). 1942 ( “*... unbefriedigende[n] Zusammenfas-


Nestler, Chrétien Géofroy [Christian Géofroy] (1778-1832), Alsatian botanist of Ger- man origin; studied with L. C. Richard at Paris; army pharmacist 1806-1810; from 1813 assistant to Villars; professor of botany and pharmacy at Strasbourg 1817-1832. (Nestl.).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: MPU (crypt.; through Roumeguére); further material at BP, E, E- GL, FI, G-DC, KIEL, PC. —See Mougeot for the Stzrpes cryptogamae vogeso-rhenanae (15 fasc., index, Bruyéres 1810-1860).

NAME: Margadant (MD p. 191) checked the christian names (Chrétien Géofroy, sic) in the Archives of the Département du Bas-Rhin at Strasbourg. The names are usually given in German (Christian Gottfried).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIlOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 780, 12(1): 212; Barnhart 2: 545; BM 3: 1412; CSP 4: 590; DTS 1: 212; Frank 3(Anh.): 71; GR p. 291, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Hegi 4(2): 865, 5(2): 1348, 6(2): 1222; Herder p. 156, 342; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Nestl.””); IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 141; Kew 4: 129; Langman p. 539; Laségue p. 289; MD p. 191; Moebius p. 282; Nordstedt p. 35; PR 6674-6676 (ed. 1: 7434-7436); Rehder 1: 45, 5: 613; RS p. 121; SBC p. 128; Stevenson p. 1252; TL-1/922; TL-2/see J. E. Duby; Tucker 1: 514; Urban-Berl. p. 262, 309; Zander ed. 10, p. 697; ed. 11, p. 795.

Anon., Ann. Chém. Phys. Paris 52: 221. 1833; Flora 15: 671. 1832 (d. 2 Oct 1832). Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souvenirs 139. 1862.

Dilg, P. & W. Ig, Deut. Apoth.-Zeit. 118: 251. 1978 (member Regensb. bot. Ges.).

Fée, A., Discours sur la tombe de Nestler. Strasbourg 1832 (n.v.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970 (pl. E and E-GL). Kirschleger, F., Fl. Alsace 2: Ixv-Ixviii. 1857.

Roumequére, C., Rev. mycol. 11: 17-34. 1889 (corr. with J. B. Mougeot).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 32. 1977 (material at FI).

EPONYMY: Nestlera K. P. J. Sprengel (1818).

  1. Monographia de Potentilla praemissis nonnullis observationibus circa, familiam rosa-

cearum, auctore C. G. Nestler, ... Parisiis et Argentorati [Paris, Strasbourg] (apud

Treuttel et Wurtz, typis Didot Jun...) 1816. Qu. (Monogr. Potentilla).

Publ.: Jun 1816, p. [i*], [i]-iv, 5-80, chart, pl. 1, rbis, 2-11 (uncol.; L. C. Richard, Poiteau, de Straus). Copies: BR, FI, G, H, L, MICH, MO, USDA; IDC 5482.



Thesis issue: Jun 1816, p. [i]-iv, 5-91, pl. 1, rbis, 2-8. Copies: HU, P (Bibl. Centr.), — “Commentatio botanico-medica de Potentilla, necnon de plantis huicce generi affinibus et in usum medicum tractis, quam pro gradu doctoris medicinae rite obtinendo inclytae Facultatis medicae Parisiensis examini submittit et die sexto mensis junii tueri conabitur, C. G. Nestler ...” Parisiis (ex typis Didot junioris, ...) 1816. Qu. — We have no information indicating that the regular issue (Monogr. Potentilla) was either earlier or later than the thesis issue (defended on 6 Jun 1816; published on that day or possibly earlier?).

  1. Index plantarum quae in horto academ. argentinensi anno 1817 viguerunt. Argentorati [Strasbourg] (typis F. G. Levrault, ...) 1818. Oct. (in fours). (Index hort. argent.).

Publ.: 1818 (p. [iv]: 1 Jan 1818), p. [i-iv], [1]-23. Copy: G.

Supplementum: 1819, 8 p. (see Flora 2: 70. 7 Feb 1819).

Netto, Ladislau de Souza Mello e (1837-?), Brazilian botanist; director of the botanical section of the Rio de Janeiro National Museum 1866-1875; director of the entire museum

from 1875-1893. (Netto). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: R; further material at BR and GH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1412-1413; CSP 4: 591, 8: 488, 10: g10, 12: 536, 17:

488; Herder p. 225; IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 373; Kew 4: 131; PR 6677-6680; Rehder 5:

613; Tucker 1: 515.

Anon., Arch. Antropologia 24: 355. 1894; Arch. Mus nac. Rio de Janeiro 22: 40-46. 1919; Rodriguesia 2(8): 66. 1937.

Baillon, H., Adansonia 6: 238. Mai 1866 (epon.).

Garraux, A. L., Bibl. brésil. 207-208. 1898 (bibl.).

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 1: 94, 169. 1971.

Sampaio, A. J., Arch. Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro 22: 40-42, 44, 47. 1919.

Stafleu, F. A., Acta bot. neerl. 2(2): 214. 1953.

Teschauer, C., Os naturalistas viajantes ... no Brasil 400-405. 1.d.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 69-70. 1906 (biogr., itin.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: Editor, Archivos [Arquivos] Museu nacional do Rio de Janeiro 1-7, 1876- 1887.

EPONYMY: JVettoa Baillon (1866).

  1. Additions ala flore du Brésil, ... (partie botanique du rapport sur la vallée du haut San-

Francisco.) Continuation. (Extrait des Annales des Sciences naturelles 5° série, t.v., 2.

Cahier) [1865]. Oct. 5

Publ.: 1865, p. [1]-8, pl. 7-9. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Ann. Sci. nat. ser. 5. 5: 80-87. 1866. To be cited from journal. — The first part of the Addztzons was published in Ann. Sci. nat.

ser. 5. 3: 377-379. 1865.

  1. Additions a la flore brésilienne. /tinéraire botanique dans la province de Minas Geraes

accompagné d’un apercu sur les principales régions parcourues et de considérations sur

Phabitation, importance, etc., de chaque plante remarquable ... partie botanique du

rapport sur le bassin du haut San Francisco. Paris (Imprimerie Simon Ragon et Compag-

nie...) 1866. Oct.

Publ.: Sep-Oct 1866 (read to Soc. bot. France 22 Jun 1866), p. [1-11], [1]-42. Copzes: FI, G. — Reprinted from Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 5. 5: 158-201. 1866. To be cited from journal.

  1. Apontamentos relativos d botanica applicada no Brasil ... Rio de Janeiro (Typographia universal de Laemmert ...) 1871. Oct. (Apont. bot. appl. Brasil).

Publ.: 1871, p. [iJ-v, [1]-78. Copy: NY.

  1. Apercu sur la théorie de [évolution par le Dr. Ladislau Netto ... Rio de Janeiro (Imprimerie du “Messager du Brésil”’ .. .) 1883. Oct. (Apergu théor. évol.).

Publ.: 1883 (p. iv: 2 Mai 1883), p. [i]-iv, [1]-22. Copy: G.



  1. Le Muséum national de Rio-de- Janeiro et son influence sur les sciences naturelles au Brésil ... Paris (Librairie Ch. Delagrave ...) 1889. Oct. (Mus. natl. Rio de Janeiro). Publ.: 1889, p. [i]-vi, [1]-87. Copy: FI.

Neuberger, Joseph (1854-1924), German botanist; studied at Freiburg im Breisgau 1874-1878; high school teacher at Heidelberg 1878-1881 and 1884-1890; id. at Donau- eschingen 1881-1884; id. at Freiburg i.Br. 1890-1919. (Neuberger).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BFM 1912; BJI 1: 124; Kew 4: 131; Rehder 2: 106; Tucker

I: 515.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 28/29: 56(112). 1925 (d.).

Oltmanns, F., Mitt. bad. Landesver. Naturk. Freiburg 1: 337-339. 1925. (obit., b. g Apr 1854, d. 13 Oct 1924).

  1. Flora von Freiburg im Breisgau. (Sidl. Schwarzwald, Rheinebene, Kaiserstuhl) ...

Freiburg im Breisgau (Herdersche Verlagsbuchhandlung ...) 1898. Oct. (Fl. Frezburg).

Ed. 1: Mar-Mai 1808 (p. iv: Mar 1898; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1898; Bot. Centralbl. 23 Jun 1898), p. [i]-xxiii, [1 ]-266. Copy: G.

Ed. 2: Mar-Mai 1903 (p. v: late Feb 1903; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1903; Allg. bot. Z. 15 Jul 1903; Bot. Zeit. 20 Jul 1903), p. [1]-xxii, [1-2], [1]-274. Copy: B.

Ed. 3/4: 1912 (p. iv: Feb 1912; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1912; Allg. bot. Z. 30 Nov 1912), p. [i]- xxiv, [1]-319. Copies: B, BR, G, M.

Ref.: Buchenau, F. G. P., Bot. Zeit. 56(2): 171-172. 1 Jun 1898. Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 4: 149-150. 1898 (rev. ed. 1), 9: 134. 1903 (ed. 2), 18: 144.

1912 (ed. 3/4).

6753- Schulflora von Baden bearbeitet von Joseph Neuberger, ... Freiburg im Breisgau

(Herdersche Verlagshandlung ...) 1905. Oct. (Schulfl. Baden).

Ed. 1: Mar-Apr 1905 (p. [v]: Mar 1905; Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1905), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-278. Copies: B, M.

Ed. 2: Jan 1910 (t.p. 1910; p.: Nov rgog; Allg. bot. Z. 15 Feb 1g10; Bot. Zeit. 16 Feb 1910; Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1910).

Ed. 3/4: 1914 (p. vi: Apr 1914), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-278. Copy: B.

Ed. 5/6: 1919 (preface: Apr 1919; Nat. Nov. Nov 1919), n.v.

Ed. 7/8: 1925 (p. v: Mar 1925; Allg. bot. Z. 20 Dec 1925), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-278. Copy: G. — Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder & Co. ...) 1925. — Pref. by Friedrich Oltmanns (b. 1860), who edited this edition after N’s death on 13 Oct 1924.

Ref.: Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 11: 71-72. 1905 (rev. ed. 1), 16: 28-29. 1910 (ed. 2), 21: 41.

1915 (ed. 3. 4), 28/29: 47(103). 1925 (ed. 7/8). Wangerin, W., Bot. Centralbl. 99: 442. 31 Oct 1905 (rev.).

Neubner, Jacob Eduard (1855-?), German lichenologist; Dr. phil. Leipzig 1883; high school teacher at Plaven/Vogtland from 1882. (Neubner).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: CSP ro: g10; GR p. 117; LS 18913-18914.

  1. Beitrége zur Kenntnis der Calicieen. Inaugural-Dissertation der hohen philosophischen

Facultat der Universitat Leipzig zur Erlangung der Doctorwiirde vorgelegt von Eduard

Neubner ... Regensburg (F. H. Neubauer’sche Buchdruckerei (F. Huber)). 1883. Oct.

(Beitr. Calicieen).

Publ.: Sep 1883 (as thesis; Bot. Centralbl. 1-5 Oct 1883; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1883; Bot. Zeit. 26 Oct 1883), p. [i-ii], [1]-21, [1, vita], pl. 7-8. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Flora 66: 291-301. 1 Jul 1883, 307-317. 11 Jul 1883.

Neuman, Julius John (/. 1914), American botanist with the Wisconsin geological and natural history survey. (7. Newman).


NEUMANN HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 546; BM 7: 911; Kelly p. 161; Kew 4: 132; LS suppl. 19925.

  1. The Polyporaceae of Wisconsin ... Madison, Wis. (published by the State) 1914. Oct.

(Polypor. Wisconsin).

Ong. ed.: 1914 (Mycologia 15 Jun 1915; Nat. Nov. Jul 1915), p. [i, iii], [1]-206, pl. 1-25. Copies: FH, Stevenson. — Wisc. Geol. nat. Hist. Survey, Bull. 33, Sci. ser. no. 10.

Reprint: 1971, p. [i-iti], [1]-156, [158-164, expl. pl.], pl. 1-25. Copies: FAS, G, NY. — Bibliotheca mycologica Band 32, 3301 Lehre (Verlag von J. Cramer ...) 1971, ISBN 3- 7682-0704-8.

Neuman, Leopold Martin (1852-1922), Swedish botanist, Dr. phil. Lund 1881; teacher at Sundsvall high school 1883; rector at Ystad high school 1889-1918; at Osterhalm, Stockholm 1904. (Neuman).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LD; other material C, E-GL, GB, MANCH. Exsiccatae: Violae Sueciae exsiccatae quas ediderunt L. M. Neuman, L. J. Wahlstedt, S.S. Murbeck, fasc. 1-2, Lund 1886, 1893 (nos. 1-60). Sets at B, C, GOET, H, K, LD, MANCH, MPU, P, S.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 478; Backer p. 657; Barnhart 2: 546; BL 2: 451,

513, 540, 541, 695; BM 3: 1415; CSP ro: 911, 17: 492; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Neuman’’); IH

1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Kew 4: 132; Kleppa p. 222, 243, 285; KR p. 536-539; Morren ed.

10, p. 107; Rehder 5: 615; TL-2/2426; Tucker 1: 515; Urban-Berl. p. 378; Zander ed. 10, p.

697, ed. 11, p. 795.

A. D., Osterr. bot. Z. 38: 38-39. 1888 (rev. fasc. 1, Violae), 44: 79. 1894 (fasc. 2); Bot. Not. 1922: 108-109 (obit., b. 11 Sep 1852, d. 17 Feb 1922).

Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 2: 515. 1925.

Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970.

Kurck, C., Bot. Not. 1933: 43-44 (Skane botanist).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 63-64. pl. 12. 1903 (portr.).

EPONYMY: Neumannia Brongniart (1841) and Newmanma A. Richard (1845) were named in honor of the French gardener J. H. F. Neumann (1800-1858).

  1. Sveriges flora (fanerogamerna) utgifven af L. M. Neuman ... med bitrade af Fr.

Ahlfvengren. Lund (C. W. K. Gleerups Forlag) [1901]. Oct. (Sver. fi.).

Collaborator: Fredrik Elias Ahlfvengren (1862-1921).

Publ.: Mar-Apr 1901 (p. u: 4 Mar 1901; Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1901), p. [i]-xxxvi, [1]-832. Copies: BR, G, H, USDA.

Ref.: Grevillius, A. Y., Bot. Centralbl. 88: 387-388. 23 Dec 1901 (rev.).

  1. Herbarium suecicum forteckning ofver Sveriges fanerogamer i enlighet med Sveriges flora. Utgifven af L. M. Neuman ... med bitrade af Fr. Ahlfvengren ... Lund (C. W. K. Gleerups Forlag) [1901]. Oct. (Herb. suec.)

Collaborator: Fredrik Elias AhlIfvengren (1862-1921).

Publ.: 1901 (Nat. Nov. Oct(r1) 1901), p. [i], [1]-71. Copies: G, H.

  1. Bidrag till kéinnedomen af floran pa Sveriges Syd-Vestkunst, omfattande trakten mellan

Halmstad och Engelholm [Goteborg, (D. F. Bonniers boktr.) 1884]. Oct.

Publ.: Jul-Nov 1884 (p. [4]: Jun 1884; Bot. Zeit. 30 Jan 1885; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1884; Bot. Centralbl. 1-5 Dec 1884), p. [1 ]-56. Copy: B. — Issued, and to be cited as Goteb. Vet. Vitt. Samh. Hand. ser. 2, haft 19, 1884. i

Neumann, Ferdinand (//. 1844), German horticulturist at Erfurt. (Ff. Neumann).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Herder p. 286; PR ed. 1: 7461-7462.



  1. Die Familie der Amaryllideen mit den Synonymen der einzelnen Species ... Weissensee (Druck und Verlag von G. F. Grossmann) 1844. Oct. (Fam. Amaryll.). Publ.: 1844, p. [i], [1]-180. Copies: B, FI, MO.

Neumayer, Georg Balthasar von (1862-1909), German naturalist; director of the Hamburg naval observatory 1876-1903. (Neumayer).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Some material at WU [?].

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 547; BJI 1: 43; BM 3: 1416; CSP 4: 596, 8: 491,

10: 912, 12: 537, 17: 496-497; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 132; MW p. 354; SBC p. 128.

Anon., Biogr. Jahrb. 14: 66*-67* (many refs. to obituaries; b. 21 Jun 1826, d. 25 Mai 1909).

Becker, K. & E. Schumacher, S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin ser. 2. 13(2): 145. 1973 (bibl.).

Gunther, S., in Festschrift 80. Geburtstages Neumayer, Bad Durkheim, p. [i]-xxi. 1906.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 964-965. 1898, 4(2): 1068-1069. 1904, 5(2): goo. 1926 (bibr.).

Reichenbach, H. G. L., Deut. Bot. Herb.-Buch (Nom.) 205. 1841 (epon.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

EPONYMY: Neumayera H. G. L. Reichenbach (1841) is very likely named for our author although Reichenbach does not give the derivation of the name.

  1. Die internationale Polarforschung 1882-1883. Die Deutschen Expeditionen und ihre Ergeb-

nisse. Band ii. Beschreibende Naturwissenschaften in einzelnen Abhandlungen, herausge-

geben im Auftrage der Deutschen Polar-Kommission von deren Vorsitzenden Dr. G.

Neumayer ... Berlin (Verlag von A. Asher & Co.) 1890. Oct. (Int. Polarforsch., Deut.


Publ.: Vol. 1, Geschichtlicher Theil 1891; vol. 2, Beschreibende Naturwissenschaften, Jan- Mai 18g, p. [i]-vil, [1]-576. Copy: NY. — Contains botanical contributions by H. Ambronn, G. Winter, B. Stein, A. Engler, Will, K. A. F. W. Miller, Jean Miiller Argov., K. Prantl, P. F. Reinsch, C. M. Gottsche. See under these authors (for A-G see supplement).

Ref.: Taubert, P. H. W., Bot. Jarhb. 12: 17-23. 24 Jun 1890.

  1. Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf

die Bediirfnisse der kaiserlichen Marine verfasst von P. Ascherson. ... A. Griesebach [sic],

... G. Schweinfurth, ... und herausgegeben von Dr. G. Neumayer, ... Berlin (Verlag von

Robert Oppenheim) 1875. Oct. (Anl. wiss. Beobacht. Reisen).

Authors of botanical articles: Paul Friedrich August Ascherson (1834-1913) (Geogr. Verbr. Seegraser); August Heinrich Rudolph Grisebach (1814-1879) (Pflanzengeographie); Georg August Schweinfurth (1836-1925) (Samm. Conserv. Phanerog.).

Ed. 1: 1875 (p. vi: 9 Dec 1874), p. [i]-viii, [1 ]-696, 3 maps. Copies: B, NY.

Ed. 2: 1888, 2 vols., in 21 Lieferungen, n.v. In addition to the three botanical papers as listed above: L. Wittmack, Landwirthschafiliche Kulturpflanzen; see rev. Bot. Centralbl. 39: 326- 330. 1889.

Ed. 3: Mai-Jun 1906 (Herb. Boiss. 22 Oct 1906; p. xi: Spring 1906), 2 vols. (botany in vol. 2.). Copies: G, MICH, NY. — Dritte véllig umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage in zwei Banden,... Hannover (Dr. Max Janecke, ...) 1906. Oct.

1: [i]-xxiv, [1]-842, map, [1, err. ].

2: [i]-xv, [1]-880; Ascherson, Seegraser on p. 389-413, Wittmack [Marx Carl Ludewig 1839-1929], Landw. Kulturpflanzen p. 271-320, Grisebach [revised by Carl Georg Oscar Drude 1852-1933] Pflanzengeographie p. 321-388, Schweinfurth, Pflanzen héhe- rer Ordnung p. 414-437.

Neureuter, Franz (/l. 1910), German botanist; high school teacher at Heiligenstadt. (Neureuter).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 547; BFM 446.



  1. Illustrierte Flora des Evchsfeldes em Pflanzen-Bestimmungsbuch fiir den Gebrauch in

der Schule und auf Spaziergangen mit uber 700 Einzelbildern in 200 Abbildungen ...

Heiligenstadt (Eichsfeld) (Druck und Verlag von F. W. Cordier) 1gto. Oct. (Ill. Fi.


Ed. r: Jul-Aug 1910 (p. 5: Easter 1910; Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1910; Bot. Zeit. 1 Dec 1910), p. [1 ]- 245, [1, cont.], fig.z-200. Copies: B, MO.

Ed. 2: 1922 (Nat. Nov. Oct 1922), p. [1]-255, [256]. Copy: G. Wagenitz. — Heiligenstadt (Eichsfeld) (id.) 1922.

Neuweiler, Ernst (1875-?), Swiss botanist and palaeontologist; Dr. phil. Ziirich r1gor (Neuwerler).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Bryophytes: BM (via Schimper).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 547; BFM 2971, 2972, 2973; BJI 2: 124; BL 2: 563-564, 695, BM 7: g11; Kew 4: 132; LS 18926, suppl. 19927-19933; Nordstedt suppl. p. 12; Tucker 1: 515.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

  1. Bertrage zur henntnis schweizerischer Torfmoore (mit 2 Tafeln). Inaugural-Dissertation

zur Erlangung der Doktorwiirde vorgelegt der hohen philosophischen Fakultat, ii. Sektion

der Universitat Zurich ... Ztirich (Zurcher und Furrer) 1901. Oct. (Beitr. schweiz. Torf-


Publ.: 1901 (ObZ Mar 1901; Bot. Centralbl. 3 Apr 1901; Bot. Jahrb. 30(Lit.): 64. 19 Nov 1901; Nat. Nov. Sep rgor), p. [1]-61, [62, cont.], pl. 1-2 (uncol.) Copy: NY. — Reprinted or preprinted from Vierteljahrsschr. naturf. Ges. Ziirich 46: 35-93. pl. 3-4. 1901.

  1. Die prahistorischen Pflanzenreste Mitteleuropas mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der schweizerischen Funde.. . Zurich (Verlag von Albert Raustein...) 1905. Oct. (Prahist. Pfl.- Reste Mitt.-Eur.).

Publ.: Feb-Mar 1905 (ObZ Feb-Mar 1905; Bot. Zeit. 16 Apr 1905; Bot. Jahrb. 36(Lit.): rr. 13 Jun 1905), p. [i-11], [1]-110, [1, cont.; 1-2 Nachtr.]. Copzes: G, USDA. — Reprinted from Vierteljahrsschr. naturf. Ges. Zurich 50: 23-134. 1905, also as 6. Heft of C. Schréter, ed., Bot. Exkurs. pfl.-geogr. Stud. Schweiz. — See also Neuweiler, Vierteljahrsschr. naturf. Ges. Ztirich 55: 156-202. 1910 (prehistoric woods in Switzerland) and further Nachtrdge |.c. 80: 98-122. 1935, 91: 122-136. 1946.

Newberry, John Strong (1822-1892), American botanist and palaeontologist; trained as a physician at Western Reserve College and Cleveland Medical College (M.D. 1848); in Paris 1849-1850; practicing medicine in Cleveland 1851-1855; surgeon and geologist on various transcontinental exploring expeditions into the American West; professor of Geolo- gy at Columbia College 1866-1892; LL.D.h.c. Columbia 1867; chief geologist to the Geological Survey of Ohio 1869-1872. (Newd.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: US; further material in F, K and NY (Ives exp.). Palaeobotanical material at NY (incl. leaf collection; largest set), and US (inf. K. Niklas). Some fossils are also in the Ohio State Geological Museum, Columbus, Ohio. — NY has a mss. Plants of Summit Co., Ohio (inf, R. Stuckey, P. K. Holmgren).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 308-309; Barnhart 2: 548; BJI 1: 43; BM 3: 1426-1427; Bossert p. 285; CSP 4: 597-598, 8: 492-493, 10: 915-916, 12: 537, 17: 502-503; De Toni 2: Ixxxv; Herder p. 225; Hortus 3: 1200 (““Newb.”’); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 136; Lenley p. 313-314; Langman p. 539; ME 1: 214, 3: 630; Merrill p. 480, 541, 707; Morren ed. 10, p. 127; Pennell p. 544; PH p. 506 [index]; Quenstedt p. 312; Rehder 5: 617; TL-1/139; TL-2/516, see Hollick, CG. A.; Tucker 1: 517-518.

EPoNYMyY: Newberrya Torrey (1864).

NOTE: It is not possible to give here even an approximately complete list of the publications on and by Newberry. Reference is made to the biography by N. L. Britton (1893), to the



study by Waller (1943), as well as to CSP 17: 502 and to White (1909) for bibliographical


A. G., Nature 47: 276-277. 1893 (obit.).

Andrews, H. N., The fossil hunters 192-196. 1980.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl.53: 128, 272. 1893 (d.); Bot. Not. 1893: 39; Engin. mining J. 17 Dec 1892 (portr.); J. New York Bot. Gard. 2: 151. 1go1 (coll. of fossil plants was begun by Newberry at Columbia, transferred to NY on 3 Mai 1901), 3: 27. 1902, 9: 214-216. 1908; Nat. Nov. 15: 51. 1893 (d.).

Armstrong, C., Ohio Natural. 1(8): 36-37. 1901.

Barnhart, J. H., Mem. Torrey bot. Club 17: 16-17. 1918 (on N. as president of the Torrey bot. Club).

Benjamin, M., Sci. Amer. 31 Dec. 1892 (portr.).

Brewer, W. H., in Watson, S., Bot. Calif? 2: 557. 1880 (coll. Calif.).

Britton, N. L., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 20(3): 89-94. 1893 (obit., b. 22 Dec 1822, d. 7 Dec 1892, bibl., epon.).

Brown, A. & Britton, N. L., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 20(2): 71. 1893 (resolution).

Clarke, J. M., James Hall of Albany 562 [index]. 1923.

Darrah, W. C., in F. Verdoorn, PI. pl. sci. Lat Amer. 181, 183. 1945.

Dawson, J. W., Canad. Rec. Sci. 5: 340-343. 1893 (obit., followed by reprint of obit. by A. G. in Nature.).

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 272. 1950; 7m Century Progr. nat. sci. 56. 1955.

Ewan, J. et al., Leafl. W. Bot. 7(3): 48. 1953; Short hist. Bot. U.S. 103, 105, 106. 1969.

Fairchild, H. L., The scientific alliance of New York, Proc. second joint meeting; Trans. New York Acad. Sci. 13: 7-23. 1893 (general biogr.).

H. E. H., in H. A. Kelly, Gycl. Amer. med. Biogr. 2: 214-215. s.d.

Hollick, A., Monogr. U.S. Geol. Survey 26: 15-20. 1895 (preface to posth. publ. of Fl. Amboy Clays).

Hughes, K. W., Bibl. Oregon bot. 20. 1940 (bibl.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew r1gor: 49 (pl. K).

Kemp, J. F., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 4: 393-406. 1892 (portr., bibl.) (reprint at USGS with mss. annotations by Arthur Hollick); Contr. Geol. Dept. Columbia Coll. 6 (School of Mines Quarterly Jan 1893): 93-113. 1893 (portr., bibl. prepared by N. himself with additions); The scientific alliance of New York, Proc. second joint meeting 23-37. 1893. (bibl.; letters).

Knobloch, I. W., Pl. coll. N. Mexico 47. 1979.

Le Roy Fairchild, H., Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 12: 152-186. 1893 (memoir, biogr., portr., bibl.).

Newberry, J. S., zm Knight and Parson, Business directory of the city of Cleveland, Ohio 1853; p. 17-36 (“Cleveland, past, present and future,” showing N’s involvement in the then rapidly expanding city of Cleveland).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 966. 1898, 4(2): 1069. 1904.

Pumpelly, R. 28: 295-296, 394-398. 1893 (obit.).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 74. 1955.

Rodgers, A. D., John Torrey 346 [index]. 1942; Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 333 [index]. 1944.

Rusby, H. H., Torreya 6: 108. 1906.

Schofield, E. K., Brittonia 30: 404. 1978 (Ive’s Colorado Exped. pl. at NY).

Stevenson, J. J., Amer. Geologist 12: 1-15. Jul 1893.

Thomas, J. H., Huntia 3: 15. 1969.

Waller, A. E., Ohio State archaeol. hist. Quart. 1943: 324-346 (“the breadth of vision of Dr. John Strong Newberry” also as reprint).

Ward, Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Survey 5: 381-382. 1885.

White, C. A., Biogr. mem. Natl. Acad. Sci. 6: 1-24. 1909 (biogr., portr., bibl. 212 nos.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 180. 1903.

  1. Catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns of Ohio ... Columbus (Richard Nevens,

printer) 1860. Oct. (Cat. pl. Ohio).

Publ.; 1860, p. [1]-41. Copies: FH, NY(2), US, USDA. — Reprinted from the Ohio Agricultural Report for 1859, p. 135-273. 1860.

Ref.: Kellerman, W. A., in Geol. Ohio pl. 62. 1895 (on relation J. H. Klippart/Newberry).



  1. Descriptions of the fossil plants collected by Mr. George Gibbs, ... by Dr. J. S. Newberry...

Cambridge (Printed by H. O. Houghton) 1863. Qu.

Collector: George Gibbs (1815-1873), American geologist.

Publ.: 1863, p. [1]-19. Copy: USGS. — Reprinted from Boston J. nat. Hist. 7(4): 506-524. 1862 (1863). To be cited from journal.

  1. Notes on the later extinct floras of North America, with descriptions of some new species of fossil plants from the Cretaceous and Tertiary Strata [Ann. Lyc. nat. Hist. Apr 1868]. Oct. Publ.: Apr 1868, Ann. Lye. nat. Hist. 9: 1-76. Apr 1868. Copy: USGS.

  2. Hood and fiber plants of the North American Indians ... New York (D. Appleton and

Company) 1887. Oct.

Publ.: Nov 1887, p. [1]-16. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Pop. Sci. Mo. 32(1): 31-46. Nov 1887.

  1. Fossil fishes and fossil plants of the Triassic rocks of New Jersey and the Connecticut

Valley ... Washington (Government Printing Office) 1888. Oct. (Foss. fish. pl. Triassic).

Publ.: 1888 (TBC 1 Aug 1889), p. [i]-xiv, 1-152, pl. 1-26. Copy: USGS. — Issued as Monogr. U.S. Geol. Survey vol. 14, 1888. The USGS copy is accompanied by an advertisement (p. i-v) dated 1 Mar 1889.

  1. The flora of the Amboy Clays by John Strong Newberry a posthumous work edited by Arthur Hollick. Washington (Government Printing Office) 1895. Oct. (Fl. Amboy Clays). Editor: Arthur Hollick (1875-1933), American geologist.

Publ.: 1896 (t.p. 1895, but publ. 1896 fide F. H. Knowlton 1897), p. [1]-260, pl. 1-58. Copies: U, USGS. — Issued as Monogr. U.S. Geol. Survey vol. 26, 1895. An advertising pamphlet accompanying the USGS copy (p. i-vi) is dated Dec 1895.

Ref.: Knowlton, F. H., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24(2): 94-96. 28 Feb 1897 (rev.).

  1. The later extinct floras of North America by John Strong Newberry a posthumous work

edited by Arthur Hollick. Washington (Government Printing Office) 1898. Oct. (Later

extinct fl. N. America).

Editor: Arthur Hollick (1857-1933), American geologist.

Publ.: 1898 (TBC 22 Dec 1899), p. [i]-xvil, [1]-295, pl. 1-58. Copy: USGS. — Issued as Monogr. U.S. Geol. Surv. vol. 35, 1808.

Newbould, William Williamson (1819-1886), British botanist and clergyman; BA Cantab 1842; Curate Bluntisham, Hunts, 1845; id. Camberton, Cambr. 1846; later living at Turnham Green and Kew. (Newbould).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM, CGE, E, MANCH, OXF; mss. at BM; letters at OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 553; Barnhart 2: 548; BB p. 227-228; BL 2: 225, 234, 695; BM 3: 1427; Bossert p. 285; Clokie p. 217; GSP 8: 493, 17: 504; Desmond p. 462- 463; DNB 40: 315-316; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 136-137.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 26: 208. 1886; Bot. Gaz. 11(6): 158. 1886; Bot. Jahrb. 7(Beibl. 15): 3. 1886; Gard. Chron. ser. 2. 25: 569. 1886 (obit.); Leopoldina 22: 113. 1886 (d. 16 Apr 1886); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1883/86: 145-146. 1886 (obit.; b. 20 Jan 1819); Trans. bot. Soc. Edinb. 17: 15-16. 1889 (obit.).

Ardagh, J., North Western Natural. 22: 223-225. 1947 (N. and his manuscripts).

Babington, C. C., J. Bot. 24: 159-160. 1886; Mem. journ. bot. corr. 473-474. 1897.

Bagnall, J., E., & W. Hillhouse, Midl. Natural. 9: 160-163. 1886 (personal reminiscences).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 24: 161-174. 1886 (“it would hardly be possible to name a living British botanist to whom Mr. Newbould had not in some way been helpful ...’’).

Dong, J. G., Fl. Hertfordshire 15. 1967.

Druce, G. C., Fl. Berkshire clxxiv-clxxvi. 1897.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970 (pl. E.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 70. 1957 (Brit. pl. BM, OXF); Hist. fl. Middlesex 23. 1975.

Moore, S., Fl. Cheshire xciii. 1899.

Pearsall, W. H., Fl. Survey 53. 1931.



Watson, H. C., Topogr. Bot. ed. 2 551-552. 1883. Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 81. 1905.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Editor, with J. G. Baker, of H. C. Watson, Topogr. bot., ed. 2, 1883. EPONYMY: WVewbouldia Seemann ex L. E. Bureau (1864).

Newcombe, Frederick Charles (1858-1927), American botanist (plant physiologist); Dr. phil. Leipzig 1893; Instructor of botany (from 1905 full professor of botany) at the University of Michigan 1890-1923; in retirement at Honolulu 1923-1927. (F. C. Newcombe).

HERBARIUM and types: No specimens at MICH (info. R. McVaugh).

note: Not to be confused with the English-born Canadian botanist Charles Frederick Newcombe (1851-1924).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 548; Bossert p. 285; CSP 17: 505-506; Hirsch p.

213; Kelly p. 161; Lenley p. 314; LS 18928; Moebius p. 316; NW p. 54; Rehder 1: 134.

Anon., Amer. Men Sci. 233. 1906; Honolulu Star Bulletin, 3 Oct 1927 (no.62); Jahrb. wiss. Bot. 56: 822. 1915 (Schiiler Pfeffers); Nat. Nov. 25: 321. 1903 (president Michigan Acad. Sci., Detroit), 27: 427. 1905 (prof. bot. Ann Arbor).

Bartlett, H. H., Proc. Mich. Acad. Sci. 1928: 78-80.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 206. 1896.

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 186-188. 1961.

Pollock, J. B. & H. H. Bartlett, Amer. J. Bot. 15(1): . 1-5. 1928 (obit., bibl., portr.; 8 Mai 1858, d. 1 Oct 1927; introduction to memorial volume; the portrait is a reproduction of a painting by Leon Makielski, at Univ. Mich.).

Voss, E. G., Contr. Univ. Mich. herb. 13: 73. 1978.

COMPOSITE WORKS: First editor-in-chief American Journal of Botany vols. 1-4, 1914-1917. MEMORIAL VOLUME: Amer. J. Bot., volume 15, for 1928.

Newhall, Charles Stedman (1842-1935), American clergyman and dendrologist; BA. Amherst 1869, MA 1892; studied at Union Theological Seminary; filled various pastorates; ultimately superintendent of the forest reserves of Northern California. (Newh.).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material in ILL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 548; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 137; Lenley p. 314; Rehder 5: 618; Tucker 1: 518.

Anon., Who’s who in America 1899-1900: 523. 1900 (b. 4 Oct 1842).

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 206. 1896.

  1. The trees of northeastern America illustrations from original sketches by Charles S.

Newhall with an introductory note by Nath. L. Britton, ... New York, London (G. P.

Putnam’s Sons...) 1890. Oct. ( Trees n.e. Amer.).

Ed. 1: Aug-Oct 1890 (p. xiv: 12 Mai 1890; USDA rd. 29 Oct 1890; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1890; TBC g Dec 1890), p. [i]-xiv, [1]-250. Copy: USDA.

Re-issue: 1891 (ObZ Sep 1891; Bot. Centralbl. 26 Aug 1891; USDA rd. copy 30 Aug 1892), p. [i]-xiv, [1]-250. Copy: USDA.

Re-issue: 1900, p. [i]-xiv, [1]-250. Copy: US. — ‘Eleventh impression”.

Re-issue: 1904, in combined reissue as below (see below), n.v.

Re-issue: 1911, in combined reissue of the trees and the shrubs, p. [1i*, adv.], [i]-xiv, [1]-250 [= trees, 14th impression], [i]-xii, 13-249 [= shrubs, sixth impression]. Copies: G, US.

Ref.: B. D. H., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 17: 330-331. 1890.

  1. The leaf-collector’s hand-book and herbarium an aid in the preservation and in the classification of specimen of the trees of northeastern America... New York & London (G. P. Putnam’s Sons) 1892. Oct. (Leaf-coll. handb.).


Ed. [1]: 1892, p. [i]-xv, [1]-216. Copy: NY. Ed. 2: 1808, p. [i]-xv, [1], pl. 1-126. [i-vi, index]. Copy: MO.

  1. The shrubs of northeastern America by Charles S. Newhall... New York, London (G. P.

Putnam’s Sons) 1893. Oct. (Shrubs n.e. Amer.).

Publ.: 1893 (Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1893;USDA rd. 27 Jul 1893), p. [i*-1*], [i]-xll, 13-249, [errata slip]. Copies: G, US, USDA.

Fourth impression: 1899, p. [i]-xii, 13-249. Copy: US.

Re-issue: 1911, in combined volume, see above, Trees n.e. America.

  1. The vines of northeastern America fully illustrated from original sketches by Charles S.

Newhall ... New York, London (G. P. Putnam’s Sons ...) 1897. Oct. (Vines n.e. America).

Publ.: 1897 (Bot. Zeit. 1 Oct 1897; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1897), p. [i*-11*], [1]-xxx, 1-207. Copy: USDA.

Newman, Edward (1801-1876), British printer, editor, pteridologist and entomologist; prolific author (Newm.).

HERBARIUM and Types: BM (herbarium and drawings); correspondence with William Wilson (1799-1871) at NY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 549; BB p. 228; BM 3: 1427-1428; Bossert p.

285; CSP 4: 600-604, 8: 494; Desmond p. 463; DNB 4o: 338; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Newm.”); Jia

p. 723, suppl. 1: 132; IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 231, 239, 247; Kew 4: 138; Lenley p. 314;

PR 6686-6687 (ed. 1: 7470-7471); Rehder 1: 220, 2: 663; SO 3453-3454; Zander ed. 10, p.

Gg7, ed. 11, Pp: 795-

Allen, D. E., Victorian fern craze 82 [index, many entries]. 1969.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 33. 1855 (cogn. Leopoldina: Latreille), 6: 49. 1858; Bot. Not. 1877: 60 (d. 12 Jun 1876); Bull. Soc. bot. France 23 (bibl.): 46. 1876 (d.); Entom. mon. Mag. 13: 45-46. 1876 (b. 13 Mai 1801, d. 12 Jun 1876); Entomologist 9: v-xxix. 1876 (obit., portr., b. 13 Mai 1801); Gard. Chron. ser. 2. 5: 823. 1876 (obit.); Trans. Proc. Bot. Soc., Edinburgh 13: 14-16. 1879; Zoologist 1876: ii-xxu.

Bagnall, J. E., Fl. Warwickshire 500. 1891.

Benedict, R. C., Amer. Fern J. 21: 144-145. 1931 (on Hist. brit. ferns).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 14: 223-224. 1876.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entomol. 274. 1977.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 70: 1957 (ferns at BM).

Moore, S., Fl. Cheshire Ixxxvi. 1899.

Newman, E., The letters of Rusticus, 1849, vili, 163 p.

Pearsall, W. H., Fl. Surrey 52. 1931.

Praeger, R. L., Bot. Ireland 78. 1934.

Saunders, S. S., Trans. (Proc.) entom. Soc. London 1876: xli-xlin (obit.).

COMPOSITE works: Editor of the Phytologist, 1841-1856, vols. 1-5 (vols. 1 and 2(1) with George Luxford, 1807-1854); of the Zoologist 1843-1876; of the Entomologist, vol. 1, 1840, and 2-9, 1864-1876 (from 1840-1864, merged with the Coologist).

  1. A history of british ferns ... London (John van Voorst, . . .) 1840. Qu. (Hist. brit. ferns).

Ed. [1]: 1-5 Feb 1840 (Geol. Soc. London rd. 5 Feb 1840), p. [i]-xxxiv, [xxxv-xxxvi], [1]- 104, err. slip. Copies: B-S, FI, USDA.

Ed. [2]: 1844, p- [1]-xxxii, [1]-424. Copies: BR, FH, MO, US, USDA; IDC 5303. — “A history of british ferns, and allied plants by ...” London (id.) 1844. Oct. — Actually a different book.

Ed. [3]: Feb-Mar 1854, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-344. Copies: BR, G, MO, UC.—“‘A history of british ferns

by ...” London (id.) 1854. Qu.

Ed. 4: 1865 (J. Bot. Sep 1865), p. [1]-196, pl. 1-6. Copy: NY. — School edition, London (id.) Sd Oct.

Ed. 5: Jun 1875 (J. Bot. Jul 1875), p. [1]-198, [1-13, expl. pl.], pl. 1-6, [1]. Copees: BR, HU, MO. — “A history of british ferns by ... Fifth or people’s edition. With plates and glossary; also directions for drying ferns; and full instructions when to find, how to distinguish, and



how to cultivate every british fern.”” London (W. Swan Sonnenschein & Allen, ...) s.d. Oct.

Ed. 6: Mar 1880 (J. Bot. Apr 1880), (n.v.).

Ed. [5 =7]: Apr 1882 (Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1882; Bot. Not. 30 Jun 1882), (n.v.).

Ref.: N.L., Bot. Zeit. 40: 433. 30 Jun 1882 (rev. ed. 5 = 7).

  1. Synoptical table of the british ferns [Appendix to the Phytologist for 1851] Qu. (Syn. tabl. brit. ferns). Publ.: Dec 1851 (cover), p. [i]-xxxil. Copy: NY.

Newman, Francis William (c. 1796-1859), Australian botanist; superintendent botani- cal garden, Hobart from 1845. (/. Newm.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 549; Desmond p. 463; Jackson p. 453; Rehder 12/69:

Anon., Rep. R. Soc. Tasmania 1859: 22. 1860 (d.).

Maiden, J. H., Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1909: 16.

Somerville, J., Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1943: 203 (residence Hobart).

Wilson, J. Arnold Arb. 3: 52. 1922.

  1. Catalogue of plants in the Royal Society's gardens, Queens Park, Hobart Town. Mr. F. W. Newman, curator. [Hobart 1857]. (Cat. gard. Hobart Town). Publ.: 1857, p. [1]-24. Copy: USDA.

Newton, Isaac (1840-1906), British-Portuguese businessman and bryologist at Porto, Portugal. (J. Newton).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: : PO; further material at B (through Geheeb), COI, H and L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 1; CSP 17: 510; GR p. 769; IH 2: (in press);

Morren ed. 10, p. 93; TL-2/see Le Monnier, L. G.

Anon., Broteria I: 194. 1902, 3: 310. 1904 (address list).

Geheeb, A., Rev. bryol. 6(5): 73. 1879.

Miller, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedr. Traug. Kiitzing 22, 258, 290. 1960.

Sampaio, J., Subsidios para a historia da botanica em Portugal, I. O colector Isaac Newton. Portr. 1947, 77 p., Broteria 52(4): 145-192. 1946, 53 (1,2): 23-51. 1947. (portr., bio-bibliography, b. 7 Jun 1840, d. 9 Apr 1906; original and important study).

Willkomm, M., Grundz. Pfl. — Verbr. Iber. Halbins. 20 1896. (Veg. Erde 1).

EPONYMY: WVewtonia Baillon (1888) honors Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), English mathe- matician, philosopher and scientist; Newtonia O. Hoffmann (1892 & 1894) was named in honor of Francis Newton (1864-1909), British-born Portuguese plant collector in West Africa.

Newton, James (1639-1718), British physician and botanist; acquainted with J. Ray and J. Commelijn. (7. Newton).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 1; BB p. 228; BM 3: 1429; Clokie p. 217; DNB 40: 393 (incorrect); Dryander 3: 36, 68, 550; Henrey 2: 731 [index], 3: nos. 1163-1166; Jackson p. 29, 32, 586; Kew 4: 139; Langman p. 539; NI 1447; PR 6688-6689 (ed. 1: 7472); Rehder 1: 288, 291; TL-2/see A. Buddle; Tucker 1: 518.

Dandy, J. E., Sloane Herb. 170-172. 1958.

Gunther, R. W. T., Further corresp. John Ray 323 [index]. 1928.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 70. 1957; Hist. fl. Middlesex 15. 1975.

Morison, R., Pl. hist. univ. Oxon. 3: 202, 232, 237, 628, 647. 1699.

Raven, C. E., John Ray 218, 259. 1942, ed. 2. 492 [index]. 1950.


NICHOLLS HANDWRITING: Dandy, J. E., The Sloane herbarium facs. no. 23. 1958.

  1. A compleat herbal of the late James Newton, M. D. containing the prints and the

English names of several thousand trees, plants, shrubs, flowers, exotics, &c . All curiously

engraved on copper-plates. London (printed by E. Cave at St. John’s Gate; and sold by Mr.

Watson, ...) 1752. (Compl. herbal).

Ed. 1: 1752, posthumously, by the author’s son; p/. r= portr. of author as frontisp., p. [i- xix], pl. 2-176 (uncol. copp.). Copies: L, USDA. — Further copies et BM-Bloomsb., BM and Roy. Hort. Soc. (fide Henrey).

Ed. 2: 1798, p. [i-xvii], pl. 1-176 (incl. frontisp. portr. author). Copy: G. — A simple re-issue. — “... exotics, &c. Many of which are not to be found in the herbals of either Gerard, Johnson or Parkinson. Curiously engraved on 176 copper-plates. A new editon.” London (printed for Lackington, Allen, & Co. ...) 1798.

Ed. 6: 1802, p. [i-xvii], pl. 1-176 (id.). Copies: BM-Bloomsb., BM (fide Henrey).

New ed.: 1805, p. [i-xvi], pl. 1-176 (id.). Copy: BR.— London (Printed by J. D. Dewick, . . . for Lackington, Allen and Co. ... 1805.

A new herbal: 1808, 257 p., n.v.

The second and third “‘editons” are simple re-issues of the pre-linnaean original and are

therefore not to be taken into consideration for purposes of nomenclature. For further

details see Henrey.

Newton, Lily (née Batten), British botanist, married William Charles Frank Newton 1925; Ph. D. Bristol 1925. (L. Newton).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 1; BM 7: 921; GR p. 408; Kew 4: 139; Plesch p. 348.

  1. A handbook of the british seaweeds ... London (‘The Trustees of the British Museum . . .)

  2. Oct. (Handb. brit. seaweeds).

Publ.: Dec 1931 (p. iti: Nov 1931; J. Bot. Mai 1932; Torreya Jan 1932; MOrd. 27 Mai 1932; Nat. Nov. Jan 1932), p. [i]-xiii, 1-478. Copies: G, MO, NY, US.

Ref.: Cotton, A. D., J. Bot. 70: 145-147. 1932.

Howe M. A., Torreya 32: 73-74. 1932.

Neygenfind, Friedrich Wilhelm (/. 1821), German physician and botanist at Schmie- deberg in Liegnitz. (Neygenf:).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 1; BM 3: 1429; Morren ed. 10, p. 186; PR 6690

(ed. 1: 7474-7475); Rehder 1: 224, 376. Oborny, A., Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 21(2)-10. 1882.

  1. Enchiridium botancum continens plantas indigenas cui adjungitur in fine calendarium

botanicum ... Misenae [Meissen] (Impensis Fr. W. Goedsche) 1821. Oct. (Ench. bot.).

Publ.: 1821, p. [ii]-x, [xi-xii], [1]-532, 7 pl. Copies: B, G, MO. — Second t.p.: ‘‘Botanisches Taschenbuch, welches die in Schlesien einheimischen Pflanzen enthalt. Nebst einem Pflanzenkalender und einer Ansicht des Riesengebirges ...’’ PR, ed. 1, states that the “Kalender der schlesischen Flora” was reprinted from the Enchir. bot. and distributed separately, dated 1822.

Nicholls, William Henrey (1885-1951), Australian bookbinder, orchidologist, propaga- tor and gardener at the Footscray (Melbourne) municipal gardens. (Nicholls).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Nicholls’’); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 141. Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 19: 639-640. 1970.



Willis, J. H., Vict. Natural. 66: 104. 1949, 67: 241-242. 1951 (obit., portr., b. 23 Jul 1885, d. 10 Mar 1951).

note: N. contributed nearly a hundred orchidological papers to the Victortan Naturalist and other journals. He started an iconography of Australian orchids in 1923. Publication of his Orchids of Australia (in 20 parts of 24 plates each) was started at Melbourne in 1951 but the book ran only to four such parts (1951-1958) and was then discontinued for lack of sales. The full set of 476 water-colours was published on 26 November 1969 in a single volume Orchids of Australia (see Stafleu 1970 and HR).

Nichols, George Elwood (1882-1939), American bryologist and ecologist; Dr. phil. Yale 1909; with Yale from 1904 as assistant, instructor (1909), ass. professor (1915), assoc. professor (1924), Eaton professor of botany 1926-1939. (Nichols).

HERBARIUM and Types: YU: much material also at MICH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIioGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 2; BM 7: 922; Bossert p. 286; GR p. 235; Hirsch p. 213; IH 2: (in press); Lenley p. 314; LS suppl. 20010; NAF ser. 2. 3: 40, 6: 70; NW p. 54; Pennell p. 615; PH 186, 450; SBC p. 128; Urban-Berl. p. 309.

Anon., Amer. Men Sci. ed. 3: 506. 1921, ed. 5: 824. 1933 (A. B. Yale 1904; Ph. D. 1909, asst. Sheffield sci. School Yale 1904-1909); Bryologist 42: 85. 1939.

Crum, E., The Bryologist, index to vols. 1-60, p. 141. 1959.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U. S. 16, 17, 93, 125. 1969.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 356. 1938 (dir. Marsh bot. gard., Yale Univ., from 1927).

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 188-189. 1961 (b. 12 Apr 1882; biogr. notice).

LaRue, G. R., et al., Univ. Mich. Senate Rec. 4: 186-189. 1941.

Lutz, H. J., Amer. J. Sci. 237: 609-610. 1939 (b. 12 Apr 1882, d. 20 Jun 1939; obit.)

Nichols, G. E., Ann. Rept. Smiths. Inst. 1918: 221-234 (suitability of Sphagnum for surgical dressings; World War I research), see also his ““war work for bryologists” and “surgical Spagnum” in Bryologist 21: 53-56, 81-84. 1918 and J. New York Bot Gard. 19: 203-220. 1918.

Polunin, N., J. Ecol. 30(1): 202-205. 1942 (appreciation).

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 74-75. 1955.

Rouleau, E., Rhodora, index vols. 1-50, p. 369. 1953.

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 83-84. 1966.

Steere, W. C., Bryologist 42: 137-142. 1939 (obit., portr., bibl.); Chron. bot. 6(7): 164. 1940 (obit.; taught summer courses at Univ. Mich. Biol. Station 1920-1938; Bot. Rev. 43: 287, 292, 330-332. 1977 (personal recollections).

Verdoorn, F., Ann. bryol. 12: vili. 1939.

  1. The bryophytes of Connecticut ... Hartford (printed for the State Geological and

Natural History Survey) 1908. Oct. (Bryoph. Connecticut).

Co-Author: Alexander William Evans (1868-1959).

Publ.: 1908, p. [i]-203. Copies: FI, MICH, MO-Steere, NY. — State of Connecticut Publ. Doc. 47, State Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Bull. 11: 1-203. 1908.

Additons: “Notes on Connecticut mosses,”’ Rhodora 12: 146-154. 1910, 13: 40-46. 1911, 14: 45-52. 1912, 15: 3-13. 1913.

Ref.: Howe, M. A., Torreya 9: 36-37. 22 Feb 1909. Grout, A. J., Bryologist 12: 36-37. 3 Mar 1909.

Nicholson, George (1847-1908), British gardener at Kew 1873-1886, curator id. 1886- 1901; Veitch medal R. H. S. 1894. (G. Nichols.).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: ABD; in part also at WIR (in herb. J. Carey); other material at A, BM, CGE, E, E-GL, K; LIV, OXF, P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 343; Backer p. 395; Barnhart 3: 2; BB p. 229; BL 2: 269, 695; BM 3: 1430; Bossert p. 286; Clokie p. 217; CSP 10: 521, 12: 538, 17: 515-516; DNB

suppl. 2. 3: 12-13; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Nichols.’’); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 142; Langman p.



540; Lenley p. 314; Morren ed. 10, p. 70; MW p. 354-355; Plesch p. 348; Rehder 5: 618-619;

Tucker 1: 518; Zander ed. 10, p. 697, ed. 11, p. 795-

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 88: 127. rgo1 (retirement); Bot. Jahrb. 7 (Beibl. 15): 2. 1886; Bot. Not. 1908: 294 (b. 7 Dec 1847, d. 20 Sep 1908); Gard. Chron. 44: 239. 1908 (obit., portr.); Garden 48: xi. 1895 (portr.), 51: 748. 1898, 72: 487. 1908 (portr.); Gard. Mag. 50: 323 (portr.), 324(obit.). 1907; J. Bot. 46: 336. 1908; J. Hort. Home Farmer 60: 322. 1908 (portr., obit.); J. Kew Guild Dec 1908: 428, 1909 (obit., portr. facing p. 428); Nat. Nov. 23: 539. 1901 (retirement), 30: 561. 1908 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 51: 447. 1901 (retirement from Kew for health reasons), 59: 127. 1909 (d.); Torreya 8: 273. 1908; [Ed.], La Tribune horticole 3: 635-636. 1908 (obit., portr.).

Bell, G., Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 1908: 344-345 (obit.).

Bowles, E. A., J. Hort. Soc. 34: ecxvili, ccxix. 1909 (d., portr.).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 34: 81-82. 1896 (portr.), 46: 337-339. 1908 (portr.).

Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970 (cultivated pl. of S. Afr. origin at E).

Hemsley, W. B., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1908: 422-427 (obit., bibl.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 49. (pl. K.).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 71. 1957 (herb. ABD).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 15: 16. 1909 (d. 20 Sep 1908).

Nelmes, E., & Cuthbertson, Curtis’s Bot. Mag. Dedic. 1827-1927, p. 302-304. 1932 (portr.).

Nicholson, G., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1894: 37-66 (report visit U. S.).

Pearsall, W. H., Fl. Surrey 54. 1931.

Sutton, S. B., Charles Sprague Sargent 209, 231. 1970.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 96. 1903.

NoTE:; The anonymous Hand-list of trees and shrubs, (excluding Coniferae), grown in the Kew arboretum, London, 2 parts 1894, 1896; and its second edition, vii, 804 p., London 1902, published by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, were compiled by George Nicholson.

eponyMy: Neonicholsonia Dammer (1901); Nicholsoniella O. Kuntze (1891).

  1. The illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopaedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists. Edited by George Nicholson, ... London (L. Upcott Gill, ...) 1884-1887, 4 vols. Qu. (ill. dict. gard.).

Publ.: See vol. 4, p. 249-250 for list of dates of publication of the 44 parts; published between Mar 1884 and Oct 1887. Copies: G, US.— Fungi by James William Helenus Trail (1851- 1919).

r: [i-vi], [vii-viii], [1]-544, 6 col. pl., (A-£).

2: fi]-vi, [vil-viii], [1]-544, 6 col. pl., (F-O).

3: [il-vi, [vii-viti], [1]-537, 4 col. pl., (P-S).

4: [il-vi, [vi-viii], [1]-608, 8 col. pl., (T-Z, and supplement).

Century supplement [2]: 1900-1901, p. [i]-vi, [vii], [1]-747, [748]. — With the assistance of 10 named and a number of unnamed “other specialists.” Published in two parts: [1]-vi, [vii], 1-376, 4 pl. 1900 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1900) and [i]-vi, [vii], 377-747; [748], 4 el. 19Ol.

  1. Dictionnaire pratique d horticulture et de jardinage illustré de plus de 4.000 figures dans le texte et de 80 planches chromolithographiées hors texte comprenant: la description succincte des plantes connues et cultivées dans les jardins de Europe; la culture potagére, _..etc., etc. Par G. Nicholson ... traduit, mis a jour et adapte a notre climat, a nos usages, etc., etc. par S. Mottet . . .avec la collaboration de Vilmorin-Andrieux et Cie [.] G. Alluard, E. André, G. Bellar, G. Legros, etc. ... Paris (Octave Doin ... Librairie agricole ... Vilmorin-Andrieux et Cie) 1892-1899, 5 vols. (Dict. prat. hort.).

Translator. Séraphin Joseph Mottet (1861-1930).

Orig. ed.: in 80 parts, the contents of which are not fully known to us. Copies: BR, FI.

r: [i*-tii*], [i]-vi, [3]-759, pl. 1-14 (A-Composées).

2: fi-iii], [i]-767, pl. 15-32 (Composées-Ixora).

3: [i-iv], [1]-744, pl. 32-47 Jaborandi-Penninerve).

4: [i-iv], [1]-3, [4], [1]-755, pl. 48-63 (Pénaeacées-Serratula).



5: [i-ili], [1]-802, [1, err.], pl. 64-80 (Serre-Zygostyles). Nouveau tirage: actually a facsimile ed., 5 vols., as above, 1938-1939. Paris (Librairie des Sciences, G. Doin & Cie.) Copy: G.

Nicholson, Henry Alleyne (1844-1899), Scottish palaeobotanist; Dr. phil. Gottingen 1862; M. D. Edinburgh 1869; professor of natural history Toronto 1871, Durham 1874, St. Andrews 1875, Aberdeen 1882. (H. Nichols.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 309; Barnhart 3: 2; BB p. 229; BM 3: 1431, 7:

923; CSP 8: 502-503, 10: 921-923, 17: 516; Desmond p. 465; Jackson p. 178; Kew 4: 142;

KR p. 539; Morren ed. 10, p. 78; Nickles p. 782-784; Quenstedt p. 313.

Ami, H. M., Ottawa Natural. 12(10): 204. 1899 (obit., b. 11 Sep 1844, d. 19 Jan 18g9).

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 78: 288. 1899 (d.); Leopoldina 35: 77. 1899 (d.); Zoologist 3: 95. 1899 (obit., from Nature).

Hinde, G. J., Geol. Magaz. ser.2, dec.4.6: 138-144. 1899 (obit., portr.).

J. E. M., Yearb. Roy. Soc. London 75: 189-193. 1905 (obit.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 104. 1899 (d.).

R. L., Nature 59: 298-299. 1899 (obit.).

Whitaker, W., Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 55: lxiv-lxvii. 1899 (obit.).

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 366, 375, 380. 1go1.

EPONYMY: WNicholsonia K. B. Kordé (1973).

Nicholson, William Alexander (1858-1935), British bank clerk, botanist, secretary and editor of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists Society 1891-1912. (W. A. Nichols.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 3; BL 2: 258, 695; BM 7: 928; CSP 17: 516;

Desmond p. 465; LS suppl. 20012; MW p. 355; Tucker 1: 778.

Geldart, A. M., ed., Trans. Norfolk Norwich Natural. Soc. 14(1): 110-111, pl. 16. 1936 (obit., portr., d. 28 Mai 1935).

Hawksworth, D. L., & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 1568-1975, p. 26. 1977.

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 71. 1957 (herb. NWH).

  1. A flora of Norfolk with papers on climate, soils, physiography and plant distribution,

by members of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society ... London (West, Newman

& Co. ...) 1914. (Fl. Norfolk).

Publ.: Mar-Apr 1914, p. [i]-vii, [1]-214, 2 maps. Copy: E (inf. J. Edmondson). — See BL 2: 258-259 for supplementary publications.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 51: 200. Jun 1913 (in prep.), 52: 108-109. Apr 1914 (rev.).

Nicholson, William Edward (1866-1945), British lawyer and bryologist at Lewes, Sussex. (W. E. Nichols.).

HERBARIUM and typEs: CGE (with diary). — Other material at DBN, E, FH (Hepat.), K. (Bryoph.) and OXF (Bryoph.). Letters at CGE.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 3; Clokie p. 217; Desmond p. 465; Kew 4: 142;

Lenley p. 314; SBC p. 128, TL-2/2364.

Allen, D. E., Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist., Newsletter 3: 9. 1929 (letters and mss. at CGE).

Anon., The Times 19 Feb 1945 (fide Desmond).

Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. Herb. 114. 1933 (6570,E).

Richards, P. W., Nature 155: 507. 1945 (d. 13 Feb 1945); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 156: 68- 69. 1945, Brit. Bryol. Soc., Rep. 4(5): 313-314. 1916; Rev. bryol. lichénol. 15: 120-122. 1946 (portr., bibl.).

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 84. 1966.



Verdoorn, F., Chron. Bot. 1: 23. 1935 (b. 24 Mar 1866; same day as C. Mez). Wallace, C. E., Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. 13(3): 233. 1948 (d.).

COMPOSITE worKs: Hepaticae, in H. Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. sin. 5: 7-15, 21-35, 57- 1930. HANDWRITING: Rev. bryol. lichénol. 15: pl. 4. 1946.

Nicklés, Napoléon (x-1878), French Alsatian pharmacist and botanist at Benfelden. (Nickles).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: BL 2: 128, 695; BM 3: 1431; CSP 4: 615, 8: 505, 12: 538;

Kew 4: 143; Langman p. 540; Morren ed. 10, 432; PR (ed. 1: 7483); Rehder 1: 387; Tucker

I: 518-519.

Anon., Flora 61: 95. 1878.

Dilg, P. & W. Ig, Deut. Apoth. Zeit. 118(7): 251. 1978 (d. 1878, member Regensb. bot. Ges.).

Holden, W., Bibl. Contr. Lloyd Libr. 5:231. 1912.

6785a. Notice sur les Gladiolus de France et d Allemagne, [Strasbourg 1840]. Qu. (Not. Gladio-


Publ.: 1840 (Flora rd. 1 Jun-30 Nov 1840), p. [1]-5, 6, 7 col. pl. Copies: FI, WU. — Reprinted from Mém. Soc. Mus. Hist. nat. Strasbourg 3: p. [1]-5. 6, pl. 1840.

Nicolai, Ernst August (1800-1874), German botanist and practicing physician at Arn- stadt (nr. Erfurt, Thuringen) (Nicolaz).

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 3; PR 6692; Rehder 1: 379; Zander ed. 10, p. 607,60. 11, p. 795.

  1. Verzerchniss der Pflanzen die in der Umgebung von Arnstadt wildwachsen, nebst Angabe ihres

Standortes und Blithezeit... Arnstadt (Mirus’sche Buchhandlung) 1836. Duod. (in sixes).

(Verz. Pfl. Arnstadt).

Ed. [1]: 1836 (p. iv: Apr 1836), p. [1i]-iv, [1]-74. Copy: B-S (complete photocopy: FAS).

Ed. 2: 1872 (Bot. Zeit. 23 Aug 1872, “‘neu’’), p. [i-iv], [1]-87. Copy: Niedersachs. Staats- Univ. Bibl. Goettingen. — “‘Verzeichniss der in der Umgegend von Arnstadt wildwach- senden und wichtig kultivirten pflanzen ...”’ Arnstadt (Druck und Verlag von Emil Frotscher) 1872. Inf. G. Wagenitz.

Nicolas, [Léon Marie Joseph] Gustave (1879-1955), French biologist, mainly working on physiology, genetics, mycology, and bryology; Dr. phil. Paris 1g09; in academic functions in Algeria (1910-1919) and Nancy (1919-1920); professor of general botany at Toulouse (1920-1927), id. of applied botany 1927-1945. (Nicolas).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 2; BL 1: 20, 310; Kew 4: 143; Langman p. 540;

LS suppl. 20023-20065; SBC p. 128; Stevenson p. 1252.

Astre, G., Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse tor: 181. 1966.

Ducros, Mer., Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse ser. 13. 8: 57-58. 1956 (obit.).

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 214. 1938 (Gabriel [sic] Nicolas, dir. Jard. bot. Ville Toulouse 1927).

Chalaud, G., Ann, Ec. natl. sup. Agron., Toulouse, 3: 61-85. 1953 (biogr., evaluation, d. 2 Feb 1955, bibl. of 327 nos.); Rev. bryol. lichénol. 24 (1-2): 148-251. 1955 (bryol. bibl.).

Combes, R., C. R. Séances Acad. Sci., Paris 240(10): 1033-1035. 1955 (obit.).

Morquer, R., Mém. Soc. bot. France 35(= 102 of Bull.): 79-94. 1955 (obit., portr., bibl.).

Schuster, R. M., Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 1: 84. 1966.


NICOLAS Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 1: 127. 1935.

EPoNYMY: /Vicolasia [sic] S. M. Moore (1900) was named for Nicholas E. Brown (1849- 1934), q.V-

Nicolson, (Pére) (1734-ca. 1790), Dominican priest in Paris who lived about four years on Santo Domingo. (WNicols.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 395; Barnhart 3: 4; BM 3: 1433; Dryander 1: 163; Candolle, A. P. de, Prodr. 2: 325. Nov 1825.

Kew 4: 1435 Laségue p. 489, 505; PR 6695 (ed. 1: 7493); Rehder 1: 334; Tucker 1: 519. Poiret, J. L. M., Enc. méth., Bot. 8: 741-742. 1808.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 1 16-1 17. 1898 (on Essaz; Original material unknown).

EPONYMY: WNVicolsonia A. P. de Candolle (1825).

  1. Essai sur U histoire naturelle de Visle de Saint- Domingue, avec des figures en taille-douce. A Paris (Chez Gobreau, ...) 1776. Oct. (Ess. hast. nat. S. Domingue). Publ.: 1776 (privilége dated 19 Aug 1775), frontisp., p. [i]-xxx1, [1]-374, [1-2, privilege], pl. 1-10 (uncol. Copp. Moithey Vaidné sculp.). Copies: G, MO. — Author’s name given in ‘“‘approbation”’ on p. 374; see also Dryander 1: 163.

Nicolucci, Giustiniano (1818-1904), Italian anthropologist, physician, ethnologist, and botanist at the University of Napies. (Nzcoluccz).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1433; Cesati p. 56, 294-295, saggio p. 55-56; CSP 4:

620, 8: 505-506, 10: 924-925, 17: 523; De Toni 1: xci, 2: Ixxxvi; PR 6696 (ed. 1: 7494);

Quenstedt p. 314; Saccardo 1: 117, 2: 78.

Geremicca, M., Bull. Orto bot. Napoli 3: 74. 1923 (b. 12 Mar 1819 [sic], cf. Scinti 1922; brief notice).

Scinti, M., Atti Accad. Pontaniana 52: 224-247. 1922 (biogr., bibl., b. 12 Mar 1818, d. 16

Jun 1904).

  1. De quibusdam algis aquae dulcis auctore J. Nicolucci. Neapoli (typis Sebeti) 1843. Oct. (Alg. aquae dulc.). Publ.: 1843, p. [1]-22. Copy: G.

Nicotra, Leopoldo (1846-1940), Italian physician and botanist, professor of botany and curator of the botanical garden of Sassari 1892-1900; professor of botany at Messina 1900- 1911; at Cagliari 1911-1914. (Nicotra).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at B, DS, F, FI, GE, LY, MS, PAL, PI, SASSA, SS.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 629; Barnhart 3: 4; BJI 1: 43; BL 2: 391, 394, 695; BM

3: 1433, 7: 924; Bossert p. 286; CSP 10: 925, 12: 538, 17: 523-524; De Toni 1:xa, 2: Ixxxvi;

Herder p. 432; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 144; Langman p. 540; Morren ed. 10, p. 84; Rehder

5: 619; Saccardo 1: 117; SBC p. 128; Tucker 1: 519.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 82: 399. 1900 (to Messina).

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 269. (dir. bot. gard. Cagliari, Sardinia, 1911- 1914), 274 (id. Messina 1909), 288 (id. Sassari 1892).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 6: 172. 1900 (from Sassari to Messina).

Lusina, G., Annali di Bot. 25: 164. 1958 (bibl. Lazio).

  1. Euphorbiae messanenses [Messina (ex typis Nicotra e Comp.) 1873]. (Euphorb. messan.).

Publ.: 1876 (2; p. 3: 19 Dec 1873; Bot. Zeit. 24 Nov 1876), p. [1]-3. Copy: G Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 23(bibl.): 133. 1876.



678ga. Prodromus florae messanensis plantas exhibens phanerogamas sponte virentes juxta methodum naturalem digestas auctore Leopoldo Nicotra Med. Doct. ... Messanae [ Mes- sina] (typis Ribera) 1878-1883[-1884], 3 fasc. Oct. (Prodr. fl. messan.). Publ.: in three fascicles, 1878-1883. Copies; FI, G, MO. — For further literature see BL 2: 394.

1: 1878 (p. 10: 21 Mai [1878]; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1878), p. [1]-64.

2: 1883 (Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1883; Bot. Centralbl. 10-14 Dec 1883), p. 65-256.

3: Jan-Feb 1884 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1884; Bot. Zeit. 25 Apr 1884), p. 257-460, [1-6,

index]. (Date fide Bot. Zeit. 25 Apr 1884 and Bot. Jahrb. 6(Lit.): 141. 31 Jul 1885).

Ref.: Penzig, O., Bot. Centralbl. 20: 78-79. 1884 (rev.).

N.L., Bot. Zeit. 38: 208. 1880.

  1. Note d agrostografia estratto dagli Atti della R. Accademia Peloritana anno iv. Messi-

na (tipografia d’ Amico) 1883. (Not. agrostogr.).

Issue[1]: 1883 (t.p.), p. [1]-44. Copies: FI, G. — Reprinted from Atti Accad. Pelorit. 4, 1883 (n.v.).

Issue[2|: 1884 (t.p.), p. [1]-44. Copy: G. — “Note d’agrostografia. Messina” (id.) 1884.

Ref.: Hackel, E., Bot. Centralbl. 18: 237-239. 19-23 Mai 1884 (critical review).

  1. Schedulae speciographiche riferentesi alla flora Siciliana [Naturalista siciliana. Messina

1886-1891 ].

Publ.: A series of nine essays published in the Naturalista siciliano (N.S.) and reprinted with independent pagination. To be cited from journal. Copy of reprint: G.

1: 1886, p. [1]-5, N.S. 5: 81-85. 1 Jan 1886.

2: 1887, p. [1]-3, N.S. 6: 10-13. 1 Oct 1886.

3: 1887, p. [1]-3, N.S. 6: 197-200. 1 Jul 1887.

4: 1888, p. [1], N.S. 7: 80. 1 Dec 1888.

5: 1888, p. [1]-4, N.S. 7: 189-192. 1 Mai 1888.

6: 1890, p. [1]-4, N.S. 9: 95-99. 1 Jan 1890.

7: 1890, p. [1]-3, N.S. 9: 124-127. 1 Feb 1890.

8: 1890, p. [1]-7, N.S. 9: 286-292. 1 Sep 1890.

g: 1891, p. [1]-13, N.S. ro: 19-24. 1 Oct, 65-71. Nov-Dec 1891.

  1. Comentario diagnostico [Acireale 1891-1895]. Oct.

Publ.: 1891-1895 (in journal), p. [1 ]-143. Copy: MO. — Reprinted from Atti Rendic. Accad. Sci., Acireale 2: 85-108. 1891, 3: 131-156. 1891, 4: 173-208. 1893, 5: 26-46. 1894, 6: 51- 89. 1895 under the title ““Contributo al comentario diagnostico delle piante vascolari siciliane’’. To be cited from journal.

  1. Contribuzione alla biologia fiorale del genere “Euphorbia” {Messina (Tipografia dell’

epoca, ...) 1893]. Oct. (Contr. biol. fior. Euphorbia).

Publ.: 1893 (date on p. 2 cover), p. [1]-61. Copzes: B-S, MO — Preprinted from A. Borzi, Contr. Biol. veg. 1, 1894.

  1. Syllabus florae siculae seu vascularium plantarum Siciliam sponte incolentium enume-

ratio ex gravioribus notitiis hactenus congestis imprimis deprompta auctore Leopoldo

Nicotra [Acireale 1896 ]. Oct.

Publ.: 1896 (in journal), p. [i]-lxvi. Copzes: FI, MO. — Reprinted and to be cited from Atti Rendic. Accad. Sci., Acireale 7: 73 [=reprint p. v]-140. 1896.

Addenda: Nicotra, L. & Campana, G., Malpighia 22: 3-14, 537-549. 1908. See BL 2: 391 for further literature.

  1. Le fumariacee italiane, saggio d’una continuazione della Flora italiana di Filippo

Parlatore per Leopoldo Nicotra. Firenze (Stabilimento tipografico fiorentino ...) 1897.

Oct. (Fumar. ital.).

Publ.: 1897 (Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1898; Bot. Centralbl. 5 Jan 1898; Allg. bot. Z. 15 Jan 1898; Bot. Zeit. 1 Feb 1898), p. [1]-78. Copies: FI, G.

Ref:: Britten, J., J. Bot. 36: 66-67. Feb 1898.

  1. Altri ragguali sulle Fumarie italiane [Accad. Dafnica Sci. in Acireale, 1905]. Oct. (Aléri ragg. Fumar.).



Publ.: Oct 1905 (p. 12), p. [1]-12. Copy: G. — Reprinted or preprinted from Accad. Dafnica Sci., Acireale, Atti ser. 2. 1, 1905.

  1. Sistema fondamentale della botanica. Esposto per servire ai corsi d’istruzione superiore . . . Messina (Libraria editrice Ant. Trimarchi ...) 1908. Oct. (Szst. fond. bot.). Publ.: Jan-Feb 1908 (Nat. Nov. Mar(2) 1908), p. [i]-viii, [1]-319, [1, err.], 2 pl.

Niebuhr, Carsten (1733-1815), Holstein-born Danish botanist; studied in Gottingen 1757-1761; with Forsskal on a Danish expedition to Arabia 1761-1763, India, Persia and Turkey 1763-1767; in Copenhagen until 1778; subsequently administrator at Ditmarsken, ultimately at Melsdorf. (Niebuhr).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: The plants on the Expedition to Arabia were collected by Forsskal (q.v.) and are at C.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 395; Barnhart 3: 4; BM 3: 1433; Bossert p. 286;

CSP 4: 620; DSB 10: 117; Herder p. 55; KR p. 539; Laségue p. 426; NI (alph.); PR (ed. 1:

7496); Rehder 5: 619; TL-1/370-371; TL-2/1819-1820; Tucker 1: 519.

Blatter, E., Rec. bot. Surv. India 8: 460-461. 1933.

Christensen, C., Naturforskeren Pehr Forsskal 121-122, 145-146, 162-163. 1918 (letters N. to Forsskal.); Danske bot. hist. 1: 120, 122, 152. 1924, 2: g1-92. 1924.

Embacher, F., Lexikon Reisen 217. 1882.

Fischer- Peraea R. J. D. von, m P. Prahl, Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holst. 2: 39-40. 1890.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(2): 270. 1908.

Hansen, T., Det lykkelige Arabien, en dansk ekspedition 1761-1767. Gyldendal, Kj¢bn- havn 1962, re-issued 1976, 381 p.

Hornemann, J., Nat. Tidskr. 1: 573-574. 1837.

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(1): 427 [index]. 1916.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 300. 1884.

Niebuhr, B. G., Kieler Blatter 3: 1-86. 1816 (fide Spjeldnaes in DSB); Beschreibung von Arabien, Kopenhagen 1772 (for translations of and additional travelogues by N. see BM 3: 1433); Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien, Kopenhagen 1774-1778, Hamburg 1837, 3 vols., reprint with introduction by D. Alene, Graz 1968, ISBN 3-201-00201-1; Resceee one von Arabien, Kopenhagen 1772, reprint with introduction by D. Henze, Graz, 1969, ISBN 3-201-00200-3.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 286-287. 1863 (b. 17 Mar 1733, d. 26 Apr 1815).

Poiret, J. L. M., Enc. méth., Bot. 8: 742. 1808.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 151. 1971.

Warming, E., Bot. Tidskr. 12: 73. 1880.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 103. 1903.

composiTE works: Niebuhr edited P. Forsskal’s Flora aegyptiaco-arabica (TL-2/1819) and Icones rerum naturalium (TL-2/1820).

EPONYMY: JViebuhria A. P. de Candolle (1824), Nzebuhria Necker ex J. Britton (1901) and Niebuhria Scopoli (1777) were probably all named for this author.

Niedenzu, Franz Josef (1857-1937), German botanist; Dr. phil. Breslau 1889; assistant at the Botanical Garden, Breslau 1886-1889; id. Berlin-Dahlem 1889-1892; professor of mathematics and natural history at the Braunsberg (E. Prussia) Lyceum Hosianum 1892- 1926; Geh. Regierungsrat 1913. (Nied.).

HERBARIUM and Types: B.— Duplicates at NY (reference collection, incl. fragments of types).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 395; Barnhart 3: 4; BFM 8; BJI 1: 43, 2: 124; BM 3: 1433-1434, 7: 924-925; Bossert p. 286; CSP 17: 524; Hirsch p. 214; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Niedenzu’”’); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 144; Langman p. 540-541; LS 18936; MW p. 355; Rehder 5: 619; TL-2/1711, 1713, 1949; Tucker 1: 519; Zander ed. 10, p. 697, ed. 11, p. 7953 Zep.-Tim. p. 88.



André, H., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 56: (200)-(202). 1938 (obit., portr., bibl., b. 29 Nov 1857, d. 30 Sep 1937).

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 50: 95. 1892 (app. Braunsberg); Bot. Jahrb. 11 (Beibl. 25): 1889, 14 (Beibl. 32): 69. 1892, 15 (Beibl. 35): 16. 1892; Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 78: 157. 1938 (d.).

Herzog, Th., Pfl.-Welt Boliv. Anden 18. 1923 (Veg. Erde 15).

Merrill, E. D., J. New York Bot. Gard. 36: 198. 1935 (Niedenzu reference collection of Malpighiaceae received; 673 nos. taken from historical coll., types! Important set for interpretation of N’s taxa).

Taubert, P. H. W., Bot. Centralbl. 52: 230-233. 1892 (see on p. 233, publ. 8 Nov 1892, publication of Antunesia Niedenzu replacing Newtonia Niedenzu Jun 1892), 63: 328-329. 1895 (rev. Lief. 113, E. P. with Elatinac., Frankeniac.).

Verdoorn, F’., Chron. bot. 4(2): 172. 1938.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Malpigiaceae in Engler, A., Pflanzenreich, 91: 1-246. 28 Feb 1928, 93: 247-572. 19 Mar 1928, 94: 572-870. 27 Nov 1928 (rev. H. A. Gleason, Torreya 30: 101-102. 1930).

(2) Schmidlin, E., Anleztung zum Botanisieren, ed. 5 by Franz Niedenzu. Berlin 1913, see


(3) EP, Nat. Pfl. Fam.:

(a) Bruniaceae, 3(2A): 131-136. Mar 1801.

(b) Platanaceae, 3(2A): 137-140. Mar 1891.

(c) Malpighiaceae, 3(4): 41-48. Dec 1888, 49-64. Jun 1891, 65-74. Aug 1891, 352. 13 Mar 1894, 353. 22 Mai 1894, suppl. im Nachtr. 2-4: 205-207. Oct 1897, Erganzungsheft 1: 34. 8 Oct 1900.

) Elatinacae, 3(6): 277-283. 19 Feb 1895.

e) Frankeniaceae, 3(6): 283-288. 19 Feb 1895, 289. 14 Mai 1895.

Blattiaceae, 3(7): 16-21. Jun 18092.

) Lecythidaceae, 3(7): 26-41. Jun 1802.

) Editor, Garcke, Fl. N. Mitt.-Deutschland eds. 20-22, 1908-1921, see TL-2/19409.

) EP, Nat. Pfl.-Fam. ed. 2

) Elatinaceae, 21: 270-276. 1925.

) Tamaricaceae, 21: 282-289. 1925.

(d ( ( ( ( ( ( (

EPONYMY: JViedenzua Pax (1894).

note: Niedenzu was a longtime professor at the Braunsberg Lyceum Hosianum, a roman catholic college for theology and philosophy, educating clergymen for E. Prussia. The college went back to a seminary founded 1579 by bishop Stanislaus Hosius. Niedenzu founded its botanical garden in 1893 and was Rector of this Lyceum (later Staatliche Akademie zu Braunsberg) 1902-1905, 1920-1923, and retired in 1926.

  1. Handbuch fiir botanische Bestimmungsiibungen ... Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engel-

mann) 1895. Oct. (Handb. bot. Best.-Ubung.).

Publ.: Apr 1895 (p. vi: Apr 1895; Nat. Nov. Mai(1) 1895; ObZ Mai 1895; Bot. Centralbl. 14 Jun 1895; Hedwigia 19 Jun 1895; Flora 15 Jul 1895), p. [i]-vi, [vu, abbr.], [1]-351. Copies: BR, G, MO.

Ref.: Harms, H. A. T., Bot. Centralbl. 63: 78-80. 9 Jul 1895 (rev.).

  1. Index lectionum in Lyceo regio hosiano brunsbergensi per hiemem a die xv. octobris anni mdccclxxxxv instituendarum. Insunt: i. Dissertatio ‘De genere Tamarice,’ autore F. Niedenzu ... Brunsbergae [Braunsberg] (Typis heyneanis (R. Siltmann)). 1895. Qu. (Gen. Tamar.).

Publ.: 1 Jul-15 Oct 1895 (preceding beginning winter semester; Bot. Zeit. 16 Mar 1896), p. [1]-11; on p. [12]-32: 11. Hortus hostanus Bericht tiber die Griindung des Kgl. botanischen Gartens am Lyceum Hosianum. Von F. Niedenzu; on p. 33-34: index lectionum. Copies: G.

Ref.: E. Roth, Bot. Centralbl. 64: 389-391. 11 Dec 1895.

  1. Index lectionum in Lyceo regio hosiano brunsbergensi per aestatem a die xv. aprilis



anni mdccclxxxxvii instituendarum. Praecedit Prof. Dr. Franc. Niedenzu dissertatio: De

genere Byrsonima (pars prior). Brunsbergae [Braunsberg] (Typis heynensis (G. Rieben-

sahm)) 1897. Qu. (Byrsonima).

Pars prior: 1 Jan-31 Mar 1897 (preceding summer semester; Bot. Centralbl. 31 Mar 1897; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1897), p. [1]-8, on p. 9-12: index lectionum. Copies: G, US, USDA.

Pars posterior: 20 Jun 1901, p. [1]-45. Copies: BR, FI, G, NY, US, USDA. — Arb. bot. Inst. Kel. Luc. hosian. Braunsberg 1: 1-45; p. 46-48 (hist. pl. in hort. hos.) (Byrsonima 2).

  1. Index lectionum in Lyceo regio hosiano brunsbergensi per hiemem a die xv. octobris anni mdccclxxxxviii usque ad diem xv. martii anni mdcccic instituendarum. Praecedit Prof. F. Niedenzu dissertatio: De genere Bunchosia. Brunsbergae [Braunsberg] (Typis hey- neanis (G. Riebensahm)) 1898. Qu. (Bunchosia).

Publ.: 1 Jul-15 Aug 1898 (preceding winter term; US rd. 26 Aug 1898; Bot. Centralbl. 24 Aug 1898; J. Bot. Sep 1898; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1898; Bot. Zeit. 1 Oct 1898; TBC 7 Nov 1898), p. [1]-17; on p. 18-19; index lectionem. Copies: BR, FI, G, USDA.

Ref.: E. G. B., J. Bot. 33: 356-357. Sep 1808.

Roth, E., Bot. Centralbl. 81: 116. 1900 (rev.).

  1. Index lectionum in Lyceo regio hosiano brunsbergensi per aestatem a die xv. aprilis anni mdcccic instituendarum. Praecedit Prof. F. Niedenzu dissertatio: De genere Malpighia. Brunsbergae [Braunsberg] (Typis heyneanis (G. Riebensahm)). 1899. Qu. (Malpighia). Publ.: 1 Jan-27 Mar 1899 (before summer term; Bot. Centralbl. 29 Mar 1899; ObZ Feb- Mar 1899; Bot. Zeit. 16 Apr 1899; J. Bot. Aug 1899; TBC 15 Mai 1899), p. [1]-19, followed by index lectionum on p. 20-22. Copies: BR, G, US, USDA. Ref.: E. G. B., J. Bot. 37: 363-364. 1899. Roth, E., Bot. Centralbl. 79: 170. 1899.

  2. Index lectionum in Lyceo regio hosiano brunsbergensi per hiemem a die xv. octobris anni mdcccic usque ad diem xv. martii anni mdcccc instituendarum. Praecedit Prof. F. Niedenzu dissertatio: De genere Stigmatophyllo. Brunsbergae [Braunsberg] (Typis heyneanis (G. Riebensahm)). 1899. Qu. (Stegmatoph.).

Pars prior: 1-15 Sep 1899 (preceding winter term; ObZ Sep 1899; Bot. Centralbl. 20 Sep 1899; Bot. Zeit. 16 Dec 1899; TBC 16 Oct 1899), p. [1]-13, followed by index lectionum on p. 14-16. Copies: FI, G, USDA.

Pars postervor: 1 Jan-15 Mar 1900 (preceding summer term; Bot. Centralbl. 21 Mar 1900), p. [1 ]-32, followed by index lectionum p. 33-34. Copies: BR, G — “‘Index ... per aestatem a die xv. aprilis anni mdcccc instituendarum. Praecedit Prof. F. Niedenzu dissertatio: de genere Stigmatophyllo. (Pars posterior). Ib.(id.) tg00. Qu. (Stigmatoph. 2).

Ref.: Roth, E., Bot. Centralbl. 83: 163-164. 1goo.

  1. Index lectionum in Lyceo regio hosiano brunsbergensi per hiemem a die xy.

octrobris anni mdcccc usque ad diem xv. martii anni mdcccci instituendarum. Praecedit

Prof. F. Niedenzu dissertatio: de genere Banisterra (pars prior) Brunsbergiae [Braunsberg]

(Typis heyneanis (G. Riebensahm)). 1900. Qu. (Banisteria).

Pars prior: Jul 1900 (preceding winter term; Bot. Centralbl. 1 Aug 1900; Bot. Jahrb. 4 Sep 1900; Bot. Zeit. 16 Sep 1900), p. [1 ]-132, followed by index lectionum p. 33-34. Copy: G.

Pars posterior: 1 Jan 1901 (preceding summer term; Bot. Centralbl. 13 Mar 1go1; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1901), p. [11 ]-25. Copy: G. — In “Index ... aestatem a die xv. aprilis anni mdcccci instituendarum. Praecedunt: ... 2. Prof. Dr. Franc. Niedenzu dissertatio: de genere Banisteria. (pars posterior.) ib. (id.). Qu. (Banisterta 2).

Ref.: Roth, E., Bot. Centralbl. 87: 19-23. 1901 (rev.).

  1. Arbeiten aus dem botanischen Institut des Kgl. Lyceum hosianum in Braunsberg, Ostpreussen. II. De genere Heteropteryge. Autore Franc. Niedenzu. Braunsberg (Heyne’s Buchdruckerei (G. Reibensahm)). 20 Juni 1903. Qu. (Heteropt.).

Publ.: 20 Jun 1903 (t.p.; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1904), p. [1]-56. Copies: BR(2), G, USDA.

  1. Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen am Koéniglichem Lyceum hosianum zu Braunsberg im Winter-Semester 1906/7. Inhalt: i. De genere Hiraea. Autore F. Niedenzu. ii... Braunsberg

(Heyne’s Buchdruckerei (G. Riebensahm)). Jul 1906. Qu. (Hiraea).


NIEDERLEIN Publ.: Jul 1906, p. [1]-17, school business 18-19. Copies: BR, G, USDA.

  1. Arbeiten aus dem botanischen Institut des Kgl. Lyceum hosianum in Braunsberg, Ostpreussen. iii. De genere Mascagnia. Autore Franc. Niedenzu. Braunsberg (Druck der Ermlandischen Zeitungs- u. Verlagsdruckerei (C. Skowronski)). 1908. Qu. (Mascagnia). Publ.: 1 Nov 1908 (typ.; Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1909), p. [1]-29. Copies: BR, G, US, USDA. Ref.: Peter, Bot. Zeit. 67(2): 94. 1 Apr 1909.

  2. Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen am kéniglichen Lyceum hosianum zu Braunsberg im

Winter-Semester 1909/10. Inhalt: i. De genere Tetrapteryge. Autore F. Niedenzu. i. ...

Braunsberg (Heynes Buchdruckerei (G. Riebensahm)). Juli 1909. Qu. ( Tetrapi.).

Publ.: Jul 1909 (t.p.; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1909), p. [1]-56, school matters 57-59. Copies: BR, G, USDA

Ref.: Peter, Bot. Zeit. 76(2): 231-232. 1 Sep 1909.

  1. Arbeiten aus dem botanischen Institut des Kgl. Lyceum hosianum in Braunsberg,

Ostpreussen. iv. Malpighiaceae americanae i. Autore Franc. Niedenzu. Braunsberg (Druck

von Heynes Buchdruckerei (G. Reibensahm)). 1 Apr 1912. Qu. (Malpigh. amer.).

iegteApr 1912, p. [1 ]-34.

2: Jul 1912, p. [1 ]-62, school matters 63-65. — Verz. Vorles. K. Acad. Braunsberg 1912/13. (Malp. amer. 2).

3: 1 Aug 1914, p. [1]-61, Arbeiten ... v. Malpighiaceae americanae iii... ib.(id.) 1 Aug 1914. Qu. (Malp. amer. 3).

Copies: BR, G, USDA.

  1. Arbeiten aus dem botanischen Institut der Kgl. Akademie (vorm. Kgl. Lyceum

hosianum) in Braunsberg, Ostpreussen. vi. Malpighiaceae palaeotropicae. Autore Franc.

Niedenzu. Braunsberg (Druck von Heynes Buchdruckerei (G. Riebensahm).) 1913. Qu.

(Malpigh. palaeotrop.).

Pars 1: 5 Aug 1913 (t.p., p. [1]-63. Copies: BR, G, USDA.

Pars 2: 1 Jan-15 Apr 1924, p. [1]-19, school matters 20-24. Copies: BR, G. — Verz. Vorl. Akad. Braunsberg 1924... Malpighiaceae palacotropicae ii, Braunsberg 1924. Oct.

  1. Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen an der Konig]. Akademie zu Braunsberg im Winter-

Halbjahr 1918/19. Mit einer Abhandlung von Professor Dr. Niedenzu: Die Anatomie der

Laubblitter der amerikanischen Malpighiaceae. Braunsberg (Druck der Ermlandischen

Zeitungs- und Verlagsdruckerei) 1918. Oct. (Anat. Laubbl. amer. Malp.).

Publ.: 1 Jul-15 Oct 1918, p. [1]-23, school matters p. 24-26. Copies: BR, G.

Idem, paliotrop. Malp.: 1 Jan-15 Apr 1922, p. [1]-10, school matters 11-15. Copies: BR, G. (Anat. Laubbl. paldotrop. Malp.).

  1. Arbeiten aus dem botanischen Institut der Akademie (vorm. Kgl. Lyceum hosia- num) in Braunsberg, Ostpreussen. vii. De genere Acridocarpo. Autore Franc. Niedenzu. Braunsberg. (Druck von Heynes Buchdruckerei (G. Riebensahm)). 1921. Qu. (Acrido- carp.).

Publ.: 25 Dec 1921, p. [1]-20. Copies: BR(2), G, USDA.

  1. Arbeiten aus dem botanischen Institut der Staatlichen Akademie (vorm. Kgl. Lyceum hosianum) in Braunsberg, Ostpreussen. viii. F. Niedenzu: i. Verzeichnis der Malpighiaceen Sammlungen, 1. Teil. ii. Malpightaceae novae. Braunsberg (Druck von Heynes Buchdruckerei (G. Riebensahm)). 1926. Qu. (Malpigh. nov.).

Publ.: 30 Jul 1926, p. [1]-64. Copres: G, USDA.

Niederlein, Gustavo (1858-1924), German botanist who travelled and collected in Brazil and Argentina 1879-1886. (Niederl.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material mainly at B, BA and CORD, further specimens at E, NY, PH, SI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 4; BJI 1: 43; BL 1: 147, 232, 235, 236, 310; BM



2: 1434, 7:925; CSP 10: 925; Kew 4: 144; Langman p. 541; PH 186; Rehder 5: 620; Tucker

1: 519: Urban-Berl. p. 379.

Anon., Hedwigia 65 (Beibl.): 95. 1925 (d. 7 Feb 1924).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970.

Hicken, C. M., Darwiniana 1: 179-181. 1924 (obit.).

Hieronymus, G. H. E. W., Bol. Acad. nac. Ci. 3: 218. 1879 (epon.).

Niederlein, G., Reiseberichte iiber die erste deutsche-argentinische coloniale Landpri- fungsexpedition in das untergegangene stidamerikanische Reich der Vater Jesu. Berlin

1883, 91 p., see also M. Mobius, Bot. Centralbl. 22: 141-146. 1885. EPpoNYMy: Niederleinia Hieronymus (1879).

  1. Ministére des Colonies — Office colonial. Ressources végétales des Colomes frangaises

représentées dans les collections de l’““Office colonial” du Ministére des Colonies (Ancienne

exposition permanente des colonies augmentée des produits provenant de l’exposition

Universelle de Paris en 1900) rétablies, classées et remanicées d’aprés Index kewensis et

Engler et Prantl ‘“‘Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien” ... Paris (Imprimerie Paul Dupont

..) 1902. Qu. (Ressourc. vég. colon. frang.).

Publ.: Jan-Sep 1902 (p. [iti]: 11 Mai 1902; ObZ Jul 1902; NY copy rd Aug 1902; Bot. Zeit. 1 Oct 1902; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1902), p. [i*-ii*], map, [iii*], [i]-xvi, 1-160. Copies: FI, G, USDA.

Niel, Pierre Eugéne (1836-1905), French banker, philanthropist and amateur botanist at Rouen. (Niel).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown. — Contributed specimens to C. Roumeguére, Fungi exstccati praecipue gallici (e.g. to cent. 60-69).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 4; BL 2: 147, 695; GSP 17: 525-526; GR p. 342;

Kelly p. 161; LS 18937-18945 (see also errata), 37404-37411; Rehder 2: 279; Tucker 1: 520.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1906: 45 (d.); Bull. Acad. int. Géogr. bot. 9: 12. 1900, I1: 9. 1902, 13: 9. 1904, 15: xiii. 1905 (d.); Bull. Soc. bot. France 52: 369. 1905 (d.).

Canonville-Desbys, Trav. Acad. Sci. Belles-Lettres, Rouen 1904/05: 393-403. 1905 (obit., bibl.)

Gadeau de Kerville, H., Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat., Rouen ser.5. 1905: 471-485. 1906.

Letacq, A. L., Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat., Rouen ser.5. 42: 124-125. 1907 (biogr., b. 26 Oct 1836, d. 17 Mai 1905; further biogr. refs.); Inv. pl. crypt. vasc. Orne 264-265. 1906.

  1. Catalogue des plantes phanérogames vasculaires et cryptogames semi-vasculaires croissant

spontanément dans le département de I’ Eure, par Eugeéne Niel, ... Rouen (Ch. Métérie, A.

Lestringant, ...) Paris (Librairie ... Jacques Lechevalier, ...) Evreux (Bardel, ...) 1889.


Publ.: Jun 1889 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 28 Aug 1889; BSbF 12 Jul 1889; J. Bot. Sep 1889; Bot. Zeit. 27 Sep 1889), p. [1]-138. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat. Rouen ser. 3. 24: 225-346. 1888 (sem.2) (i.e. 1889). To be cited from journal. See BL 2: 147 for further literature.

Nielsen, Peter (1829-1897), Danish botanist, school master at @rslev 1859-1888; in charge of the state experiments in plant culture 1877-1898; government consulting agricul- turist from 1885. (P. Nielsen).

HERBARIUM and types: C; further material at DBN, L and MANCH. Exsiccatsammlung af Characeer navnlig fra Danmark, nos. 1-63, after 1868, sets at B, C, FH, LD, UPS. (publ. after 1868).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 4; BL 2: 56, 695; Bossert p. 286; CSP 8: 506, 10: 925-926; Frank 3(Anh.): 71; IH 2: (in press); LS 18948-18950; Morren ed. 10, p. 49; Rehder 5: 620; Stevenson p. 1252; Urban-Berl. p. 272.

Candolle, A. P. de, Phytographie 436. 1880 (coll. C).

Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 1: 44.9, 711-717, 737-740, 2: 412-416. 1926. (bibl., various



necrologies); Danske bot. litt. 1880-1911: 46-47. 1913, 1912-1939: 2. 1940 (biogr. ref., b. 28 Jul 1829, d. 30 Sep 1897, portr.).

Lind, J., Danish fungi herbarium E. Rostrup 35. 1913.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 90. 1969.

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 221-223. 1881.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 103. 1903.

Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 789. 1965.

EPONYMY: WVielsenta H. Sydow (1921).

Nienburg, Karl Ortgies Wilhelm (1882-1932), German botanist; Dr. phil. Berlin 1907; 1907-1920 in Berlin; curator at the Helgoland biological station 1921; from 1923 professor of botany at Kiel University. (Nzenbd.).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some Fucus at B.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BJI 2: 124; BM 7: 926; Bossert p. 287; GR p. 117-118, pi.

[20]; Hirsch p. 214; 1H 2: (in press); Kew 4: 145; LS 37415, suppl. 20079-20085; Moebius p.

Opeutiaits, 335: DiL-o/see Kuckuck, Ei} HYP:

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 50: 1. 1932 (d. 1 Jan 1932); Osterr. bot. Z. 72: 123. 1923 (app. Kiel), 81: 160. 1932 (d.). ~

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schl.-Holst. 318 [index]. 1936 (bibl.).

Hoffmann, C., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 51: (231)-(245). 1933 (biogr., bibl., portr., b. 1 Sep 1882, d. 1 Jan 1932).

COMPOSITE works: See P. Kuckuck; Nienburg edited K’s Fragmente einer Monographie der Phaeosporeen (1929).

EPONYMY: WVenburgia Kylin (1935).

  1. Pilze und Flechten von Dr. Wilhelm Nienburg ... Leipzig und Berlin (Verlag und

Druck von B. G. Teubner) 1921. Oct. (Pilze Flecht.).

Publ.: 1921 (p. [3]: 1 Mar 1920; ObZ Nov-Dec 1921; Nat. Nov. Dec 1921), p. [1]-120. Copies: BR, FH. — Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, 675. Band, Pflanzenkunde.

Ref.: Engler, A., Bot. Jahrb. 57(Lit.): 72. Sep 1922.

  1. Anatomie der Flechten ... Berlin (Verlag von Gebrider Borntraeger ...) 1926. Oct.

(Anat. Flecht.).

Publ.: Aug-Dec 1926 (pref.: Jul 1926; Nat. Nov. Jan 1927), p. [i-iv], [1]-137. Copy: FH. — Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie, ed. K. Lindsbauer, 11. Abt. |. Teil: Thallophyten, Band vi. (Lief. 17).

Niessen, Joseph (1864-?), German botanist; high school teacher in the German Rhein- land. (Niessen).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. — Published, with Anders Yngve Grevillius (1864-?) sets of galls: Zoocecidea et Cecidiozoa imprimis provinciae rhenanae, Sammlung von Tiergallen und Gallentieren insbesondere aus dem Rheinlande, Céln, 1906-1908, 1910, 1912, 6 Lieferun- gen of 25 nos. each. Set at S. (see KR p. 246).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 5; BFM 3211; KR p. 246; LS 18951, 37416.

note: Niessen published ‘670 Pflanzenetiketten. Mit praktischen Rathschlagen zur Anlage eines Herbariums.”’ A. Mettman, Frickenhaus (4 p., 21 perforated lvs.), 1894, 1895, 1906,

1907, 1909.

  1. Fiihrer in die Pilzkunde. Eine Beschreibung der in der Rheinprovinz und den angren- zenden Gebieten am haufigsten vorkommenden essbaren und giftigen Pilze oder Schwam- me. Fiir Schul und Haus, bearbeitet von Jos. Niessen, ... Mit einer Einleitung von Dr. Karl Ruland, ... Diisseldorf (Druck und Verlag von L. Schwann) 1890. Oct. (Fiihr. Pilzk.).



Publ.: 1890 (Bot. Centralbl. 5 Nov 1890; ObZ Nov 1890; Bot. Zeit. 28 Nov 1890; Bot. Jahrb.

7 Jul 1891), p. [1]-64, pl. 1-16 (col.). Copy: B Ref.: Mobius, M., Bot. Centralbl. 46: 227-228. 1891.

Niessl von Mayendorf, Gustav (1839-1919), Austrian naturalist and botanist; 1857- 1865 geometrist at Wien; from 1865- 1906 professor of geodesy and astronomy at the University of Brno (Briinn); from 1906 again in Wien. (Niess/).

HERBARIUM and types: Main original collections at M (Austrian coll., incl. fungi) and BRNU: further material at A, B, C, CUP, E, F, G, H, MW, U (musci), WRSL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 4: 722, 12(1): 277; Backer p. 396; Barnhart 3: 5; BM 3:

1435; Bossert P: 287; CSP 4: 623, 8: 507-508, 10: 926-927, 12: 538, 17: 528; DTS 1: 212;

Frank 3( Anh.): 71; GR p. 436, cat. p. 68; Hawksworth p. 184; Herder p. 243, 270; IH 2: Ga

press) - Jackson p. 163-164, 172; Kanitz no. 249; Kelly p. 161; Kew 4: 145; Klastersky p. 135;

Krempelh. 1: 571; LS 18952-18988; Rehder 3: 677; Sievencon 1252; Urban-Berl. p. 280,


Anon., Hedwigia 63(Beibl.): 97. 1921 (d. 1 Sep 1g1Q).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970.

Hohnel, F. von, Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 36: 468. 30 Jan 1919 (epon.).

Iltis, H., Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 50: 300-301, photogr. 1912 (the photograph shows N. with J. Nave, A. Makowsky and J. Kalmus); Life of Mendel ed. 2. 330 [index]. 1966.

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61: 50. 1886.

Oborny, A., Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 21(2): 17, 23, 24. 1882 (bibl.).

Poetsch, J. S. & K. B. Schiedermayr, Syst. Aufz. samenl. Pfl. xv-xvi. 1872.

Pogeendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 971-972. 1898 (b. 26 Jan 1839, 4(2): 1074- 1075. 1904, 5(2 ): g06. 1926 (d. 1 Sep 1919), 6(3): 1856. 1938 (bibl.).

Spegazzini, C., Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 9 (in tabula). 1880 (epon.).

EPONYMY: WViesslella Spegazzini (1880); Niesslella F. von Hohnel (1919); Nesslia Auerswald (1869).

  1. Vorarbeiten zu einer Kryptogamenflora von Médhren und Osterr. Schlesien. ti. Pilze und Myxomyceten. (Erste Folge) Bearbeitet von G. v. Niessl ... Briinn (Aus Georg Gastl’s Buchdruckerei ...) 1865. Oct.

Publ.: 1865 (p. 136: specimen collected 1 Mai 1865; ObZ 1 Nov 1865), p. [1]-136, pl. 2 (uncol.). Copies: FH, H. — Reprinted from Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 3: 60 [=reprint p. 3-193. 1865. To be cited from journal. Niessl published a third part ““Hohere Sporen- pflanzen” ib. 4: 34-37; 42-52. 1865. The first part of this series has not been traced by us.

Ref.: Hoffmann, Bot. Zeit. 24: 71-72. 2 Mar 1866.

  1. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Pilze. Beschreibung neuer und wenig bekannter Pilze ...

Briinn (Druck von W. Burkart. — Verlag des Vereines.) 1872. Oct.

Publ.: 1872 (Hedwigia rev. Aug 1873), p. [1]-67, pl. 3-7 (uncol.). Copies: FH, FI, H, NY. — Reprinted from Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 10: 153 [=p. 3 reprint]-217, pl. 3-7. 1872. To be cited from journal.

Ref.: Bary, A. de, Bot. Zeit. 30: 801-802. 8 Nov 1872.

  1. Nolizen tiber neue und kritische Pyrenomyceten ... Brinn (Druck von W. Burkartin Brinn.

— Verlag des Vereines.) 1876. Oct.

Publ.: Jan-Aug 1876 (Bot. Zeit. 20 Oct 1876; Hedwigia Sep 1876), p. [1]-58, pl. 4 (uncol.). Copies: FH, H, NY.— Reprinted from Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 14: 156 a 3 reprint]- 218, pl. 4. To be cited from journal.

Niethammer, Anneliese (1901-x), German microbiologist and biological technologist;

Dr. rer. nat. Praha 1925; from 1926-1932 assistant at the Technical University of Praha;

habil. id. 1928, professor’s title 1941; from 1948 professor at the Technical University of

Stuttgart. (Nzethammer).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 5; BFM 2731, 2938; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4:

145; LS suppl. 20088-20093; Moebius p. 454; Plesch p. 348.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 1858-1859, 1938, 7a(3): 429. 1959 (b. 11 Mai 1901, Berlin-Charlottenburg).

  1. Die mikroskopisehen Boden-Pilze ihr Leben, ihre Verbreitung sowie ihre oeconomische

und pathogene Bedeutung. ..’s Gravenhage (Uitgeverij Dr. W. Junk) 1937. Oct. (Mzkrosk.


Publ.: Aug-Dec 1937 (p. [ii]: Jul 1937; Nat. Nov. Mar 1938), [i]-vi, [1]-193, pl. 1-6. Copies: BR, FH, USDA.

Nieuwland, Julius [Aloysius] Arthur, C. S$. C. (1878-1936), Belgian-born American botanist, chemist and roman catholic priest; studied at Notre Dame and Catholic Universi- ty (Washington), (Dr. phil. 1904); ordained 1903 (congr. Holy Cross), Dr. Sci. Notre Dame 1911; teaching at that University from 1904-1920. (Nzeuwl.).

HERBARIUM and types: ND (Nieuwland herbarium); further material at MO, MT, NY, US.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 5; Bossert p. 287; Hawksworth p. 184; Hortus 3:

1200 (““Nieuwl.’’); IF suppl. 1: 84, 2: 38; 1H 2: (in press); Kew 4: 146; Langman p. 541; LS

37422-37425, suppl. 20094; MW p. 356; NW p. 54; Penneil p. 615; PH 450, 567; SBC p.

128; SO 496b; Tucker 1: 520; Zander ed. 10, p. 697, ed. 11, p. 795.

Anon., Amer. men sci. ed.2: 346. 1910, ed.3: 508. 1921, ed.5: 827. 1933; Amer. Midl. Natural. 17(4): u-x. 1936 (bibl., portr.); Fern J. 26(3): 110. 29 Oct 1936.

Calcott, W.S. & M. W. Lyon, Julius Arthur Nieuwland priest, botanist. Two addresses . . . Notre Dame, Ind. 1937.

Crovello, T. J., Amer. Mid]. Natural. 100(2): 257-260. 1978 (portr., vol. dedicated to N on centenary of his birth; b. 14 Feb, d. 11 Jun 1934).

Deam, C. C., Fl. Indiana 9, 1118. rgto.

Just, T., Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 55: 147-153. 1945 (hist. biol. ND).

Keefe, Biologist 48(3/4): 59. 1966.

Lyon, M. W., Jr., Science ser.2. 84: 78. 1936 (obit.).

McIntosh, R. P., Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 71: 235-238. 1962 (on Greene-Nieuwland herb. at NI).

Markle, M. S., Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 76: 148. 1967.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 6(3): 1859-1860. 1938.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Sylvester, H., Biologist 28(1): 27-33. 1936 (reprint of article in Jan 1932 issue of ““Colum- bia’’).

Further biogr. refs. see B. Joseph, ed., Biogr. Index 2: 721. 1953, 3: 702. 1956, 4: 616. 1960, 9:

  1. 1974, 33(2): 49. 1979, 33(4): 58. 1979.

NAME: Aloysius was a name taken at confirmation but never used by N; Julius was his baptismal name; Arthur his preferred name (see Barnhart 3: 5). — C. S. C. stands for Congregation of the Holy Cross.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Founded the American Midland Naturalist and was editor of vols. 1 [‘“Midland Naturalist’’], 2 [Amer. Mid]. Natural. ]-15, 1909-1934.

MEMORIAL VOLUME: Amer. Midl. Natural. ro0(2), Oct 1978.

Nilson, Birger (from 1909 Kajanus, Birger) (1882-1931), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Lund 1913. (Nilson).

HERBARIUM and Types: LD; further material at E and WA. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 6; BJI 2: 87; BM 3: 1437, 7: 547 (Kajanus);

Bossert p. 203 (Kajanus, b. 20 Nov 1882, d. 5 Aug 1931); GR p. 476-477; IH 2: (in press); KR p. 334-336 (sub Kajanus); LS 18993-18995, 37429-37430; Moebius p. 111.


NILSON Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970 (dupl.E).

EPONYMY: Vilsonia [sic] A. T. Brongniart (1825) honors Sven Nilsson (1787-1883), Swedish zoologist and paleontologist, as well as the following based upon Nilsonia; Nilssona J. Morris (1841, orth. var.); Nilssoniocladus T. Kimura et S. Sekido (1975) and Nilssoniopteris A. G. Nathorst (1909).

  1. Die Flechtenvegetation des Sarekgebirges ... Stockholm (C. E. Fritzes ...), Berlin (R.

Friedlander & Sohn) 1907. Oct. (Flechtenveg. Sarekgeb.).

Publ.: 1907 (p. 70: printed 20 Feb 1907; Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1907), p. [1]-70, pl. 1-9. Copies: FH, G, H, Stevenson. — Issued as part 1 of Hamberg, A., ed., Naturw. Unters. Sarekgeb. Schwedisch-Lappland, 3. Botanik, Lief. 1, p. [1]-70, pl. 1-9. 1907.

Nilsson, Gunnar Bror Fritiof (from 1932: Nilsson-Degelius, G. B. F., from 1933 Degelius, G. B. F.) (1903-x), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1935; physiologist and lichenologist at the plant physiological institute of Uppsala University. (G. Nilsson, Degel.).

HERBARIUM and tyPeEs: UPSV; further material at C, GB and W. —Specimens later labelled Degelius.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 1: 434, 3: 6; BJI 2: 124; BL 2: 522, 552, 695; BM 7: 928; GR p. 472-473; IH 2: 156; LS suppl. 20106-20111; Roon p. 32-33; TL-2/Degelius. Anon., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 5: 155-157. 1933; Generalregister Bot. Not. 60. 1939. Gyelnik, V. K., Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. natl. Hung. Bot. 31: 54. 1938. (lichens private).

Nilsson, Lars Albert (called himself Albert) (1860-1906), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1888; curator of the Brazilian collections at S 1889-1890; lecturer at the Stockholm Skogsinstitut (forestry institute) 1890-1906. (A. Nilsson).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: Types of Xyridaceae at S; some fungi at C.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 6; BJI 1: 43; BM 3: 1437, 7: 928; Bossert p. 287; CSP 17: 538; Kew 4: 148; Langman p. 541; KR p. 540-541; LS 18996; Quenstedt p. 315; Rehder 5: 621; Tucker 1: 520.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1888: 46 (lecturer Uppsala), 1890: 157 (rd. Stockholm), 1906: 93 (obit., b. & Aug 1860, d. 5 Mar 1906); Nat. Nov. 10: 104. 1888 (lecturer Uppsala); 28: 254, 304 1906 (d.).

Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 2: 477, 516. 1925.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 73. 1950.

Hesselman, H., Skogsvardsforeningens Tidskr. 1907: 97-100 (portr., bibl.); Sv. bot. Tidskr. 1: 116-119. 1907 (obit., bibl., portr.)

H. M., Forh. Geol. Foren. Stockholm 28: 178-180. 1906 (obit.).

Palmén, J. A., Medd. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 32: 146. 1906 (obit. not.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 64. pl.r4. 1903 (err. ‘““Nilson’’) (portr.).

  1. Studien iiber die Xyridacen ... Stockholm (Kungl. Boktryckeriet P. A. Norstedt &

Soner) 1892. Qu. (Stud. Xyrid.).

Publ.: 1892 (t.p.; mss. submitted 11 Nov 1891; LC rd. 28 Oct 1893; Bot. Zeit. 1 Aug 1893), p. [1]-75, pl. 1-6 (uncol., by A. Ekblom). Copies: BR, G, US. — K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Hand. 24(14), 1892.

Nilsson, Nils Hjalmar (1856-1925), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Lund 1886; lecturer

(1886) and professor (1902) of botany at Lund; from 1889 connected with Svalév experi-

ment station. (NV. Nilsson).

HERBARIUM and types: LD and UPS; further material at B, BM, BP, C, CORD, GB, GE, L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 4: 754; BM 3: 1437, 7: 928; CSP 10: 930, 17: 538;

Herder p. 11; 1H 2: (in press); Kew 4: 149; KR p. 541-542; Morren éd. 10, p. 105; Rehder 2:

652; Saelan p. 562; SO 3111; TL-2/2426; Tucker 1: 520.



Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 26: 320. 1886 (lecturer Lund); Bot. Jahrb. 7 (Beibl.15): 3. 1886; Bot. Not. 1883: 30 (trip Spain), 1886: 40 (lecturer Lund); Hedwigia 66(2): (119). 1926 (d. 15 Apr 1925).

Hasslow, O. J., Bot. Not. 1933: 53, 58, 59» 65, 69, 71, 76, 77, 82 (excursions Lund Bot. Soc.).

Miintzing, A., in R. E. Fries, Short hist. bot. Sweden 105. 1950.

Witte, H., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 20(1): 72-76. 1926 (obit., bibl., portr., b. 29 Jan 1856, d. 25 Apr 1925; notes on his improvement program of oats).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 64. 1903, 3(3): 47. pl. 114. 1905.

COMPOSITE works: Contributed to Hartman, C. J., Handb. Skand. fl., ed. 12 (by T.O.B.N. Krok), 1889.

Ninck, André (1872-1950), French amateur bryologist and palaeontologist; studied at the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris; later Inspecteur-général des Ponts-et-Chaussées. (Nanck).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 6; IH 2: (in press). Anon., Bull. Acad. int. Géogr. bot. 12: 553. 1903, 13: 13. 1904, 19: 13. 1909. Gaume, R., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 19(3-4): 144. 1950.

Nisbet, John (1853-1914), Scottish forestry botanist; in the Indian Forestry Service (1875), conservator of forests Burma (1895-1900); professor of forestry at West of Scotland Agricultural College (1908-1912). (Nisbet).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: BB p. 230; BL 2: 296, 696; BM 3: 1438; CSP 10: 931, 17: 5405

IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 150; LS 37435; Rehder 5: 621; Tucker 1: 520-521.

Anon., Gard. Chron. 57: 50. 1915 (obit.); Indian Forester 1915: 9596, 134-136; Who was who 1897-1916: 527.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgot: 49 (pl.K).

6825 British forest trees and their sylvicultural characteristics and treatment ... London,

New York (Macmillan and Co.) 1893. Oct. (Bret. forest trees).

Publ.: Jan-Mai 1893 (p. xiv: 8 Dec 1892; Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1893; Bot. Centralbl. 28 Jun 1893; Bot. Zeit. 1 Oct 1893; J. Bot. Aug 1893), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-352. Copies: BR, MO.

Ref.: Boulger, G. S., J. Bot. 31: 253-254. Aug 1893.

Nissole, Guillaume [Nissolle] (1647-1735), French botanist and physician at Montpel- lier. (Nessole).

HERBARIUM and Types: BM-SL; perhaps also at OXF (not found by Clokie). BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiocraPny: AG 6(2): 982; Barnhart 3: 7; Bossert p. 287; Clokie p. 218; Dryander 3: 34, 241, 301, 325; Frank 3(Anh.): 72; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 151; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 621; Tucker 1: 521.

Dandy, J. E., The Sloane herbarium 172. 1958.

Flahault, C., Univ. Montpellier, Inst. Bot. 35. 1890.

Jacquin, N. J., Enum. pl. Carib. 7, 27. 1760 (epon.).

Stafleu, F. A., Intr. Jussieu Gen. Pl. xlii, 1964; Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 267. 1971. HANDWRITING: Dandy, J. E., The Sloane herbarium 1958, facsimile no. 86.

EponyMy: Nissolia N. J. Jacquin (1760, nom. cons.), Nissolia P. Miller (1754, nom. rej.) and Nissolius Medikus (1787, nom. rej.) were probably named for Nissole.

Nitsche, Walter (1883-?), German agricultural botanist at Breslau (Wroclaw). (Nétsche).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Nitsche”); Kew 4: 151; MW p. 357; Tucker 1: 521.

  1. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Gattung Daphne. Inaugural-Dissertation welche nebst den beigefiigten Thesen mit Genehmigung der hohen philosophischen Fakultat der Konigli- chen Universitat Breslau zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doktorwiirde am Montag, den 24. Juni 1907, vormittags 12 Uhr in der Aula Leopoldina der Universitat offentlich verteidigen wird Walter Nitsche, assistent an der agrikultur-botanischen Versuchs- und Samenkontroll-Station ... Breslau (Druck von Adolf Stengel, ...) 1907. Oct. (Bevér. Daphne).

Publ.: 24 Jun 1907, p. [i-iii], [1]-34, [1-2, curr. vitae]. Copy: G.

Nitschke, Theodor Rudolf Joseph (1834-1883), German mycologist; Dr. phil. Breslau 1858; habil. Miinster 1860; from 1867 professor of botany at the University of Munster. (Nitschke).

HERBARIUM and Types: B (extant); further material at B. DAOM, H, MICH, MSTR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: ADB 23: 707; Barnhart 3: 8; BM 3: 1438; Bossert p. 288;

CSP 4: 626, 8: 509, 12: 539; Frank 3(Anh.): 72; GR p. 35, cat. p. 69; Hawksworth p. 184,

196; Herder p. 244; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 172, 297; Kew 4: 151; LS

1g011-19014; Morren ed. 2, p. 8; PR 6703-6706; SBC p. 128; Stevenson p. 1252.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 16: 127. 1883 (d. 30 Aug 1883); Bot. Gaz. 9(2): 30. 1884; Bot. Not. 1884: 39(d.); Bot. Zeit. 41: 741. 1883; Flora 66: 450. 1883; Osterr. bot. Z. 33: 379. 1883 (d.); Rev. de Bot. 2: 310. 1884 (d.)

Gerhardt, E. & B. Hein, Willdenowia 9: 313-329. 1979 (nom. types N. in fungi herb. B).

Kanitz, A., Magy. Noven. Lap. 7: 158-159. 1883 (obit., bibl.).

Landois, H., Jahresber. Westfal. Prov.-Ver. Wiss. Kunst 12: xxxv-xxxix. 1884 (portr.).

Lahm, G., Jahresber. Westfal. Prov.-Ver. Wiss. Kunst 13: 84. 1885.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979 (lich. at MSTR?).

Lloyd, F. E., Carniv. pl. 351 [index] 1942.

Pax, F., Schlesiens Pflanzenwelt 12. 1915.

HANDWRITING: Jahresber. Westf. Prov.-Ver. Wiss. Kunst 12; frontisp., portr. with written text. 1884; Willdenowia 9(2): 329. 1979.

EPONYMY: Acanthonitschkea Spegazzini (1908); Nitschkia Otth ex P. A. Karsten (1873); Nitschkiopsis J. A. Mannfeldt et R. Santesson (1975).

  1. Pyrenomycetes germanici. Die Kernpilze Deutschlands bearbeitet von Dr. Th. Nitschke, ... Erster Band. Breslau (Verlag von Eduard Trewendt) 1867-1870, 2 Lief. Oct. (Pyrenomyc. germ.).

Lief. 1: Jan 1867 (cover p. i; p. ii: g Nov 1866; rev. Bot. Zeit. 25 Jan 1867), cover p. [i-ii], p. [1 ]-160.

Lief. 2: Jan 1870 (t.p.; Hedwigia Dec 1869 “‘so-eben’’; Bot. Zeit. Jan 1870; Flora 3 Mar 1870), p. 161-320. (Fuckel referred to Diaporthe in Symb. myc. 1869, possibly pre- publication info.).

Copies: BR, G, FH, NY, Stevenson. — For types at B (extant) see Gerhardt & Hein (1979).

Ref.: De Bary, A., Bot. Zeit. 25: 28. 25 Jan 1867, 28: 78. 4 Feb 1870.

Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 14(bibl.): 151. 1867, 18(bibl.): 162. 1872. Heufler, L., Osterr. bot. Z. 17: 187-190. 1867, 20: 58-59. 1870 (rev.).

Nitzsch, Christian Ludwig (1782-1837), German zoologist and algologist; from 1815 professor of natural history at Halle. (N2tzsch).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 8; BM 3: 1438; De Toni 1: xci, 2: lxxxvi; Herder p. 253; Jackson p. 158; Kew 4: 151; Moebius p. 77; Nordstedt p. 24; PR ed. 1: 7511. Hess,W., ADB 23: 718. 1886 (b. 3 Sep 1782, d. 16 Aug 1837; bibl.).



Miiller, R. H. W. & R. Zaunick, Friedrich Traugott Kiitzing 76, 78, 83, 84, 97, 290. 1960. VanLandingham, S., Cat. Diat. 6: 3573. 1978, 7: 4208. 1978.

EpONYMY: Witzschia Hassall (1845, nom cons.); Nitzschiella Rabenhorst (1864); Netzschiopsidea J. Griiss (1928); Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo (1900).

  1. Beitrag zur Infusorienkunde oder Naturbeschreibung der Zerkarien und Bazillarien, ...

Halle (bei Johann Christian Hendel) 1817. Oct. (Beitr. Infusorienk.).

Publ.: 1817 (p. viii: Nov 1816), p. [iii]-viii, [1]-128, pl. 1-6 (partly col. copp., auct.). Copies: FH, NY, PH. — Issued as Neue Schr. naturf. Ges. Halle 3(1). 1817.

Niven, [David] James (1774-1826), Scottish gardener at Edinburgh and Syon House, Middlesex; collected in South Africa 1798-1812. (Niven).

HERBARIUM and Typss: Main collection at BM; duplicates in DBN, FI, MANCH, MO, PH, SAM. — Mss. on Erica at K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 536; Barnhart 3: 8; BB p. 230; IH 2:(in press); Kew 4: 151; Las€gue p. 447.

Britten, J., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 45: 45. 1920.

Brown, R., Trans. Linn. Soc. 10: 46, 134. 1810.

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 260-261. 1969.

Garside, S., J. S. Afr. Bot. 8: 217. 1942, 26: 12. 1960.

Mears, J. A., Taxon 25: 327-328. 1976 (131 specimens at PH).

Miller, H. S., Taxon 19: 534. 1970.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 170. 1904.

EponyMy: Nivenia R. Brown (1810); Nivenia Ventenat (1808.)

Noack, Martin (1888-1927), German botanist at the Biologische Reichsanstalt, Berlin- Dahlem. (Noack).

HERBARIUM and TYPES: Some material at C.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 8; BFM 1156; Hirsch p. 215; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 152; LS suppl. 20161. Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 33: 64(288). 1928 (d. 14 Feb 1927).

  1. Uber die seltenen nordischen Pflanzen in den Alpen eine florengeschichtliche Studie.

Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doktorwirde vorgelegt der

Philosophischen Fakultat ii der Universitat Zurich ... Berlin 1922. Oct. (Nord. Pfl. Alp.).

Publ.: 1922 (Nat. Nov. Dec 1924; ObZ Oct 1922-Feb 1923), p. [i]-vi, [1]-280, [1, vita]. Copies: BR, G, NY. — Mitt. Bot. Mus. Zurich xcv.

Ref.: Mattfeld, J., Bot. Jahrb. 58(Lit.): go. 1923.

Nocca, Domenico (1758-1841), Italian clergyman (ordinis praedicat.) and botanist; professor of botany and director of the botanic garden at Pavia. (occa).

HERBARIUM and types: PAD and PAV; further material at BASSA. name: Nocca sometimes used the pseudonym Colombano Giardiniere.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 9; BL 2: 369, 696; BM 3: 1439; CSP 4: 631; Dryander 3: 4, 12, 39, 110; GR p. 536; Hegi 4(1): 132; Herder p. 155, 179; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘“Nocca’’); IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 21, 320, 436; Kew 4: 153-154; Krempelh. 1: 506, 571; Laségue p. 342; LS 19051-19054; NI 1448; PR 6708-6724 (ed. 1: 7514-7544); Rehder 5: 622; Saccardo 1: 118, 2: 78, cron. p. xxvlii; SO 773, add. 802k; Tucker 1: 521.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 33. 1855 (cogn. Leopoldina: Philagrius).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 280. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. Pavia 1788

(acting), 1796-1826.).



Pollaci, G., Atti Ist. bot. G. Briosi, Pavia ser.4. 8: iii-v. 1936 (biogr., bibl., b. 2 Oct 1758, d. 22 Jun 1841).

Pritzel, G., Linnaea 19: 459. 1846.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Voigt, A., Bot. Inst. Hamb. 16. 1897.

Hoppe, D. H., Flora 3(1). Beil. 1/2: 18-19. 1820 (bibl.).

HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 193-194. 1977.

EPONYMY: Nocca Cavanilles (1795); Noccaea Moench (1802); Noccaea Willdenow (1803, orth. var. of Nocca Cavanilles).

  1. Dominici Nocca .. . in botanices commendationem oratio. Sermone italico ab ipso habita, in Mantuano scientiarum & artium theatro. Decimo nono calendus januarias, anni mdcexci. Turici [Torino] 1793. Oct. (Bot. comm. orat.).

Publ.: 1793, p- [i], [1]-32- Copy: B-S. — Photocopy: FAS.

  1. Ticinensis horti academict plantae selectae quas descriptionibus illustravit, observationi-

bus auxit, coloribus ad naturam prope reddidit Dominicus Nocca. Fasciculus primus.

Ticini [Pavia] (ex Typographia haered. Petri Galeatii ...) 1800. Fol. (icin. hort. pl.).

Publ.: 1800, p. [i-v], 1-52, [1, err.], pl. 2-6 (uncol. or col. copp. auct.). Copies: FI (col. pl.),G (uncol. pl.).

  1. Istituzioni di botanica practica a comodo di quelli, che si applicano alle scienze mediche

... [Pavia] (per gli Eredi di Pietro Galeazzi ...) 1801. Oct. (Ist. bot. prat.).

Publ.: 1801, p. [1]-372, [1]. Copy: NY. — For a later version see below, 1808, Inst. [sic]. bot. prat.

  1. Elementi di botanicd di Domenico Nocca ... Pavia (per gli Eredi di Pietro Galeazzi).

  2. Oct. (Elem. bot.).

Ed. 1: 1801, p. [1]-189, pl. 1-5 (uncol. copp. auct.). Copy: B-S.

Ed. 2: 1805, p. [1]-173, pl. 1-5 (uncol. copp. auct.). Copy: G. — “Elementi di botanica . .. seconda edizione corretta ed accresciuta. Con varie tavole, che illustrano il sistema linneano, disegnate dall’ autore. In Pavia 1805. Per gli Eredi di Pietro Galeazzi.”” Oct.

  1. Synopsis plantarum horti botanict ticinensis anno mdcccii. Papiae [ Pavia] (ex Thypogra- fia [sic] Bolzani) [1893]. Oct. (in fours). (Syn. pl. hort. tecin.).

Publ.: 1803, p. [1-11], [1]-45. Copy: NY.

Appendix: 1804 (presumably; p. 6 dated 16 Dec 1803), p. [1]-16. Copy: NY. — “Ad hort

botanici ticinensis synopsim prior appendix.” s.|.n.d.

  1. Synonimia plantarum horti botanici ticinensis auctore Dominico Nocca ... Papiae [Pavia] (apud Haeredes Petri Galeatii) 1804. Oct. (Synon. pl.). Publ.: 1804 (available at Easter Fair 1805), p. [1]-115, [1, err.]. Copzes: FI, G, NY.

  2. Elementi di botanica criptogamica di Domenico Nocca ... parte prima. In Pavia (per gli Eredi di Pietro Galeazzi) 1805. Oct. ¢ (Elem. bot. cript.). Publ.: 1805, p. [1]-40, pl. 1-4 (uncol. copp.). Copies: MO-Steere, Stevenson.

  3. Dominici Nocca ... Epistolae ad multos viros doctos datae. Accedunt eiusdem inscriptiones variae. Ticini [Pavia] (ex Typographia Haered. Petri Galeatii) 1805. Oct. (Epistolae).

Publ.: 1805, p. [i-iv], [1]-124, [1]. Copy: G.

  1. Jnstiluzioni di botanica pratica applicabili alla medicina, alla fisiologia, all’ economia ed alle arti die Domenico Nocca ... Pavia (Presso Giovanni Capelli) 1808-1809, 3 vols. (Inst. bot. prat.).

1: 1808, p. [i]-x, 1-407, [408, err. ].

2: 1809, p. [i]-iv, 1-420.

3: 1809, p. [i-iv], 1-343, [344, err.].


NOCCA Copies: B-S, FI (vols. 2, 3), G, M; IDC 920. — See also above Ist. bot. prat. 1801.

  1. Illustratio usus et nominis plantarum quae in Juli Caesaris commentariis indigitantur

auctore Dominico Nocca ... Ticini [Pavia] (ex Typographia Bolzani) 1812. Qu.

Publ.: 1812, p. [1]-28. Copies: FI, G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Giorn. fis. 5: 209-216, 376-394. 1812 (journal publ. n.v.).

  1. Termini botanico-cryptogamici illustrati nec non eorumdem applicatio ad selectiora plantarum pharmaceuticarum et florae ticinensis genera et species auctore Dominico Nocca ... Ticini [Pavia] (ex typographia J. Joannis Capelli) 1812. Oct. (Term. bot.-crypt.). Orig. ed.: 1812, p. [i*-ii*], [i]-xv, 3-188, [i-xxini], pl. 1-4 (uncol. copp.). Copy: Stevenson. 1614 ed.: 1814, p. [i]-xxiii, 3-188, i-xv, [xvi, err.], pl. 1-4 (id.). Copres: G, USDA. — “ Termini botanici cryptogamici ad normam recentiorum definiti nec non exemplis e classe vigesima- quarta systema linneani desumptis iconibusque ducentis et duodevicenis illustrati auc- tore Dominco Nocca ... Papiae [Pavia] mdccexiv. Ex typografia J. Joannis Capelli.”

Oct. -

  1. Onomatologia secu nomenclatura plantarum quae in horto medico ticinensi coluntur anno mdccexiii. Additur synonimia nonnullarum stirpium ad errores qua in commentatio- nibus, qua in coemtionibus distinendos accommoda. Papiae [Pavia] (ex Typographia Bolzani) [1813]. Oct. (Onomatologia).

Publ.: 1813, p. [i-iv], [1]-76, [1-2, index, 3, err.]. Copy: G.

  1. Flora ticinensis seu enumeratio plantarum quas in peregrinationibus multiplicibus

plures per annos solertissime in Papiensi agro peractis observarunt, et collegerunt Domini-

cus Nocca et Joannes Baptista Balbis ... Adduntur regionis ichnographia, plantarum vel

novarum vel minus cognitarum icones, stationes, inflorescentiae tempora, nonnullarum

stirpium officinalium virtutes medicae recentiorum experientia natae.. . Ticini | Pavia] (ex

Typographia Joannis Jacobi Capelli) 1816-1821, 2 vols. Qu. (FI. tacin.).

Co-author. Giovanni-Batista Balbis (1765-1831).

1: 1816, p. [i-iii], [1 ]-9, [1-14], i-cxxxix, 1-409, [410-413, expl. pl., 414, err.], pl. r-zo (uncol. copp.), I map.

2: 1821, p. [i*-ii*], i-xvi, [1]-393, omissa et addenda in tomo primo: 1-39, pl. 11-19, 19[b15], 20-27 id.).

Copies: FI, G, USDA.

Ref.: NI 1448.

  1. Historia atque ichnographia hortt botanict licinensis auctore Dominico Nocca ... Ticini regii [Pavia] (ex typographia Fusi et Soc. success. Galeatii) 1818. Qu. (Hist. hort. bot. ticin.). Publ.: 1818, p. [i-viii], 1-114, [1, err.; 2, bibl. Nocca], 2 maps. Copies: FI, G.

  2. Se Virgilio ha veramente descritto il limone o Citrus Medica de’ botanici nel libro secondo delle Georgiche coi versi Media fert tristes succos ... Dissertazione recitata nella grand’ aula della Universita da Domenico Nocca ... 1819. Qu. (Virgil. limone).

Publ.: 1819, p. [1]-20. Copy: FI.

  1. Clavis rem herbariam addiscendi absque praeceptore seu enchiridion ad excursiones botanicas in agro ticinensi. Ticini regii [Pavia] (ex Typ. Fusi et Socii success. Galeatii) 1823, 2 vols. Oct. (Clav. rem herb.).

Pars prima: 1823, p. [i-vi], [1]-157-

Pars altera: 1823, p. [i-iv], 1-272, [1-2, err.].

Copy: NY.

6845a. Flora farmaceutica o descrizioni delle piante indigene od esotiche, che sono prescritte in medicina, siguendo la farmacopea austriaca, e l’apparatus medicaminum del sig. Murray, coll’ aggiunta della Spiegazione d’alcuni termini usati dal chiarissimo signor Sprengel nel suo systema vegetabilium, e di cinque tavole che rappresentano con facilita’ le classi linneane ... Pavia (dalla Tipografia Bizzoni) 1826, 2 vols. Oct. (Fl. farm.).

1: 1826, p. [i]-vili, 1-317.

2: 1826, p. [i]-iv, 1-192, pl. 1-5 (uncol. copp. auct.). Copy: G.



Noé, Friedrich Wilhelm (18..-1858), German botanist and pharmacist in Fiume (1831- 1844); director of the botanical garden in Constantinople; participated in the boundary Commission of Turkey and Persia. (Noé).

HERBARIUM and Types: Plants from the Near East and the Balkan Peninsula in many herbaria; important set at G; plants from Dalmatia in PAD, GOET and OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: AG 2(1): 380; Backer p. 397; Barnhart 3: 9; Clokie p. 218;

CSP 4: 631; De Toni 2: Ixxxvi; DTS 1: 212-213; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Noé’’); IH 2: (in press);

Kanitz no. 141; Laségue p. 105, 296, 314; PR (alph.); Saccardo 1: 118, 2: 78; Urban-Berl. p.

267, 379; Zander ed. 10, p. 697, ed. 11 p. 795.

Anon., Bonplandia 9g: 60. 1861 (d.; published Herbarium Noéanum [irregular set exicc.].).

Beck, G., Veg.-Verh. Illyr. Land. 39. 1901 (Veg. Erde 4)).

Blakelock, R. A. & E. R. Guest, Fl. Iraq 1: 109, 115. 1966.

Boissier, E., Fl. Orient. 1: xvi, xx, xxiv. 1867.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 437. 1880 (pl. NCY, LE (1000), GOET, LZ).

Dilg, P. & W. Ilg, Deut. Apoth. Zeit. 118: 251. 1978 (member Regensb. bot. Ges. 1833).

Hooker, J. D., in W. J. Hooker, London J. Bot. 6: 50-51. 1847.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1g01.: 49 (pl. K, via Hohenacker).

Gjonovic, Enum. auct. fl. Dalmat. 9. 1905.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 114. 1970 (pl. E; recorded as received 1871).

Herder, F. v., Bot. Gentralbl. 55: 266. 1893 (pl. E).

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Chr. Steven 74. 1971.

Maire, R., Progr. Conn. bot. Algérie 100. 1931.

Noé, F. W., Bot. Zeit. 1: 902. 1843, 3: 576. 1845 (coll.), 11: 733-735. 1853 (list pl. coll. 1849- 1852), 19: 188-261. 1861 (coll.); Flora 16(r) Int. Bl. 17-18. 1823, 23(2) Int. BI. 16. 1840, 26: 560. 1845, 26: 540, 588, 656, 755-756. 1843, 28: 560. 1845, 31: 118-129, 752. 1848, 36: 648. 1853 (sale coll.)

Steinberg, C. R., Webbia 32(1): 11, 33. 1977.

EPONYMY: Noaea Moquin-Tandon (1849); Noea Boissier et Balansa (1859, orth. var.). Note: Noeopteris Janssen (1940) commemorates A. C. Noé (1873-1939) who was a paleobotanist at the University of Chicago.

Noeggerath [Noggerath], Johann Jacob (1788-1877), German botanist, geologist and palaeobotanist; professor of mineralogy and mining at the Rhein. Friedr.-Wilh.-Univ., Bonn. and at the agricultural college of Poppelsdorf; director of the natural history museum of Bonn. (Noegg.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 9; BM 3: 1440; CSP 4: 633-637, 10: 934; Frank 3(Anh.): 72; Herder p. 468; Kew 4: 154; LS 2: 19055; PR 6726-6727 (ed. 1: 7546-7547); Quenstedt p. 317.

Anon., Bonplandia 3: 33. 1855, 7: 55. 1859 (cogn. Leopoldina Knorrius I; functions).

Bauerband et al., Leopoldina 13: 176. 1877 (call for memorial).

Carus, C. G. & Martius, C. F. P. von, Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen 33, 133, 144. 1939 (ed. G. Schmid).

Dechen, H. v., Leopoldina 13: 147-154. 1877 (obit., from K6ln. Zeit. 271, 29 Sep 1877; b. 10 Oct 1788, d. 13 Sep 1877); Verh. naturh. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. 34: 79-97. 1877 (obit., portr.).

Kutscher, F., Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk. 104: 24-28. 1979.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 292-294. 1863, 3: 975. 1898 (bibl.).

EPONYMY: Noeggerathia Sternberg (1821); Noeggerathiaestrobus O. Feistmantel (1871); Noeg- gerathianthus C. E. Weiss (1871); Noeggerathiopsidozonaletes A. A. Ljuber ex R. Potonié (1958); Noeggerathiopsis O. Feistmantel (1879); Noeggerathiostrobus Nemejc (1928, orth. var. of Noegge- rathiaestrobus O. Feistmantel). Note: Noeggerathiopsidozonotriletes A. A. Ljuber (1955) 1s probably also based on the name of this author.



Noehden, Heinrich Adolph [August] (1775-1804), German botanist at Gottingen. (Noehd.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown; no material at GOET (inf. G. Wagenitz).

NOTE: Noehden’s brother Georg Heinrich (G. Noehden) (1770-1826), also born in Gottin- gen, settled in England 1793, L.L.D. Cantab. 1796, wrote on Citrus (Trans. Hort. Soc. London 3: 1-19. 1822) and contributed to Sowerby and Smith, English botany.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BB p. 230 (err. ““Hans Adolphus’); CSP 4: 632; Desmond p.

467 (err. ““Hans Adolphus’’); GR, cat. p. 69; Hawksworth p. 185; Krempelh. 1: 547, 2: 5513

LS 2: 19056 PR 6728-6729 (ed. 1: 7548-7549); SBC p. 128.

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 71. 1934.

Konig et Sims, Ann. Bot. 2: 206. 1804.

Noehden, H. A., in Schrader, J. Bot. 1800(1): 225-267, English translation J. Bot. 40: 319- 325. 1902. (““Fliuchtige Bemerkungen ...’’). (on his visits to England 1799-1800).

  1. Specimen inaugurale botanicum in quo de argumentis contra Hedwigit theoriam de generatione muscorum quaedam disserit Henricus Adolphus Noehden M. D. Gottingensis .. . Gottingae [Gottingen] (typis Joannis Georgii Rosenbuschil) 1797. Qu. (Argum. contra Hedw. theor.).

Publ.: 1797, p. [i-11], [1]-36. Copies: FH (2), FI, NY.

Noel, Charles William Francis, 3rd earl of Gainsborough (1850-1926), British landowner and botanist. (C.. Noel).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 253, 696; Desmond p. 467; Kew 4: 154; TL-2/3058. Horwood, A. R., & C. W. F. Noel, Fl. Leicestershire cclxxix-cclxxxi, 687. 1933 (portr.).

COMPOSITE works: With A. R. Horwood (q.v.) Fl. Lewestershire, TL-2/3058.

Noél, Paul (fi. 1910), French mycologist and phytopathologist; director of the regional laboratory of agricultural entomology of the dept. Seine-Inférieure. (P. Noél).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: LS 37447-37448, suppl. 20178-20185; Rehder 5: 622. Grin, W. et al., Neu. Jahrb. Geol. 147: 300. 1974 (epon.).

EpoNYMY: Noellithina Griin et Zweili (1974) and probably also Noélites Caratini (1963) honor D. Noél, a present-day French (?) micropaleontologist.

  1. Les champignons comestibles du Nord de la France. Guide pratique de l'amateur indiquant la maniére de distinguer les bon champignons des mauvais et la maniére de les faire cuire. Dessins et aquarelles de J. Girieud. Rouen (imprimerie J. Girieud .. .) 1910. 16- mo. (Champ. comest.).

Publ.: 1910 (Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1911), p. [i-vii], [1]-151, pl. 1-8 (col.). Copy: BR.

Noeldeke, Johann Ludwig Carl (Karl) (1815-1898), German botanist and magistrate at Goslar 1852; at Nienburg 1857; from 1865 counsel of the court of appeals at Celle; Dr. jur. 1852. (Noeld.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BREM; other material at F, GOET and HAN.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 9; BFM 25; BJI 1: 43; BM 3: 1440; CSP 8: 512, 12: 539; De Toni 1: xci, 2: Ixxxvi; GR p. 48; IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 302; LS 19063; Morren ed. 10, p. 10; PR 10610; Quenstedt p. 486; Rehder 5: 622; Tucker 1: 521. Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 25(Beibl.60): 54. 1898; Bot. Not. 1899: 48 (b. 11 Mai 1815, d. 22 Apr



1898); Osterr. bot. Z. 48: 279. 1898 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 40: cxlvi. 1898 (d.).

Ascherson, P., Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 40: vi-vii. 1898 (obit.).

Buchenau, F., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 16: (37)-(43). 1898 (obit., bibl.), Abh. naturw. Ver. Bremen 16(2): 228-233. 1899 (id.).

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. v., in Prahl, P., Krit. Fl. Schlesw.-Holst. 2: 40. 1890.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 4: 136. 1898 (id.).

  1. Flora cellensis. Verzeichniss der in der Umgegend von Celle wildwachsenden Gefass- pflanzen, Moose und Flechten. . . Celle (Schulze’sche Buchhandlung) 1871. Oct. (Fi. cell.). Publ.: 1871 (p. viii: Mai 1871), p. [1]-viil, [1]-96. Copy: B.

  2. /lora goetlingensis. Verzeichniss der in den Furstenthtimern Gottingen und Gruben- hagen (mit Ausschluss des Harzes) und den nachst angrenzenden Gebieten vorkommen- den wildwachsenden phanerogamischen und kryptogamischen Gefasspflanzen ... Celle (Capaun-Karlowa’sche Buchhandlung, E. Spangenberg) 1886. Oct. (Fl. Goett.). Publ.: Nov 1885 (p. vii: Sep 1885; Bot. Centralbl. 7-11 Dec 1885; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1885; Bot. Zeit. 25Dec 1885; t.p. 1886), p. [i]-ix, [x, abbr.], [1]-125, [126, err.]. Copy: B. Ref.: Schumann, Bot. Zeit. 44: 678-679. 1 Oct 1866. Roth, E., Bot. Centralbl. 25: 239-240. 1886 (rev.).

  3. Flora des Fiirstentums Liineburg, des Herzogtums Lauenburg und der freien Stadt Hamburg (ausschlieslich des Amtes Ritzebtittel) ... Celle (Verlag der Capaun- Karlowa’schen Buchhandlung E. Spangenberg) [1888-]1890. Oct. (Fl. Liineburg). Publ.: in six parts, 1889-1890. Copies: B (2, of which one in orig. covers), G, M. Lief. 1: Sep 1888 (Nat. Nov. Sep (1,2) 1888; Bot. Centralbl. 17-21 Sep 1888; Bot. Zeit. 28 Sep 1888; cover 1889), p. [1]-64. Lief. 2: Jan 1889 (Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 5 Feb 1889; Bot. Zeit. 29 Mar 1889), p. 65-128. Lief. 3/4: Jun 1889 (Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 24 Jul 1889; Bot. Zeit. 30 Aug 1889), p. 129-256. Lief. 5: Sep 1889 (Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 3 Oct 1889; Bot. Zeit. 28 Mar 1890), p. 257-320. Lief. 6: Mar 1890 (p. iv: Dec 1889; Bot. Centralbl. 12 Mar 1890; Bot. Zeit. 28 Mar 1890; Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1890), p. [i]-iv, [v-vi], 321-412. Ref.: Taubert, P. H. W., Bot. Jahrb. 12(Lit.): 10-11. 24 Jun 18go. Buchenau, F., Bot. Zeit. 47: 801-802. 6 Dec 1889 (rev. Lief. 1-5), 48: 395-396. 20 Jun 1890 (Lief. 6). Knuth, P., Bot. Centrabl. 45: 283-287. 1891. Kornhuber, A., Osterr. bot. Z. 39: 69-70. 1889.

Nordlinger, Herman [von] (1818-1897), German forestry botanist; studied at Tubingen 1838-1840; studied forestry in Hohenheim 1841, Bebenhausen 1841-1842, Stuttgart 1842 and Nancy 1842-1843; professor of forestry at Grand-Jouan, Loire-inf. 1843-1845, at Hohenheim 1845-1852; after 1855 at Hohenheim and Tubingen as administrator and professor. (Nérdl.)

HERBARIUM and TypEs: Unknown. — N published Querschnitte von Holzarten, 11 vols., Stuttgart 1856-1888, 1100 plates (actually sections of wood) in boxes. Set at HH. (See e.g. C. Sanio, Bot. Centralbl. 39: 153-159. 1889, abstract vol. 11).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 10; BM 3: 1440; CSP 4: 640; Herder p. 381, 392,

432; Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘Noerdl.”’); Jackson p. 207, 299; Kew 4: 154; LS 2: 19060; Moebius p.

398; Morren ed. 10, p. 21; NI 1449; PR 6730-6731; Ratzeburg p. 379-380; Rehder 5: 622-

623; Tucker 1: 521.

Anon., Bot. Centrabl. 69: 416. 1897 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 23 (Beibl. 57): 60. 1897 (d.); Bot. Not. 1898: 45 (d.); Nat. Nov. 19: 107. 1897 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 47: 191. 1897 (d.); Zentralbl. ges. Forstwesen 23: 137-145. 1897 (obit., bibl., portr., b. 13 Aug 1818; buried 22 Jan 1897).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 276. 1977.



Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 3: 88. 1897 (d.). L., Oesterr. Forst- Jagd-Zeit. 15: 100, 101. 1897 (portr.; d. 19 Jan 1897). Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-Lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 294. 1863.

  1. Deutsche Forstbotanik oder forstlichbotanische Beschreibung aller deutschen Waldhol- zer sowie der haufigeren oder interessanteren Baume und Straucher unserer Garten und Parkanlagen. Fiir Forstleute, Physiologen und Botaniker. Mit mehreren 100 Holzschnitten gestochen von Allgaier & Siegle nach Zeichnungen von E. Sis... Stuttgart (Verlag der J. G. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung) 1874-1876, 2 vols. Oct. (Deut. Forstbot.).

1: Sep-Oct 1874 (p. iv: Aug 1874, “‘soeben” Bot. Zeit. 30 Oct 1874), p. [i]-xi, [1]-372.

2: 1876 (‘‘so eben”’ Bot. Zeit. Jul 1875, sic! advertisement; t.p. 1876), p. [i]-xiv, [1]-490.

Copy: USDA. — Illustrations by E. Sis.

Noll, Fritz (1858-1908), German botanist; Dr. phil. Heidelberg 1883 (with Pfitzer), assistant Heidelberg 1882-1886; assistant with J. Sachs at Wurzburg 1887-1889; assistant and lecturer with Strasburger at Bonn 1889-1894; lecturer and professor (1897, 1898) of botany at the agriculture college of Poppelsdorf 1894-1908; professor of botany at Halle 1907-1908; prominent plant physiologist. (Voll).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

note: Not te be confused with [his father?] the Frankfurt naturalist (mainly zoologist) Friedrich Carl Noll 1832-1893 who published e.g. a short treatise on plants from the Rhine valley, and, the treatment of Das Pflanzenreich in Schilling, Grundriss Naturgeschichte der dret Reiche, ed. 14, 1884, 287 p. (Ausgabe A, Linn. Syst.) and 314 p. Ausg. B, nat. Syst.), ed. 15,


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 10; BM 3: 1441; CSP 17: 554-555; De Toni 1: xci, 4: xlii; Kew 4: 155; Moebius p. 454 [index]; Morren ed. 10, p. 25; NI (alph.); Rehder 5: . 624; Tucker 1: 522.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 32: 255. 1887 (habil. Wurzburg), 40: 40, 304. 1889 (lecturer Bonn), 69: 416. 1897 (extra ord. prof.), 74: 96. 1898 (ord. prof. bot. Poppelsdorf), 105: 160. 1907 (to Halle), 108: 160. 1908 (d.); Bot. Jahrb. 23 (Beibl. 57): 60. 1897, 25 (Beibl. 60): 55, 40 (Beibl. 92): 46. 1908, 43 (Beibl. 98): 57. 1909; Nat. Nov. 11: 535. 1889 (habil. Bonn), 19: 55. 1897 (Titularprofessor”), 20: 241. 1897 (regular professor), 29: 385. 1907 (to Halle), 30: 389. 1908 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 39: 420. 1889 (appointment Bonn [not as professor but as Privatdozent or lecturer]; 58: 327. 1908 (d.); Torreya 8(8): 207. 1908.

Fitting, H., Decheniana 105/106: 13. 1952.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Record 27: 228. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. Halle 1907-1908).

Karsten, G., S. B. Niederrhein. Ges. Nat.-Heilk. 1909: 1-6 (n.v.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 3: 88. 1897 (extraord. prof. bot. Bonn), 4: 104. 1898 (reg. prof. bot.), 13: 160. 1907 (app. Halle), 14: 164. 1908 (d.).

Koernicke, M., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 26a: (77)-(94). 1909 (biogr., portr., bibl., b. 27 Aug 1858, d. 20 Jun 1908).

Maedefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 157, 207, 211. 1973.

Meissner, Bot. Zeit. 55(2): 193-196. 1897 (Sinnesleben Pfl.).

Overbeck, F., Decheniana 105/106: 13, 25, pl. 7. 1952 (portr.).

Roth, E., Biogr. Jahrb. 13: 185-186. 1910 (b. 27 Aug 1858, d. 20 Jun 1908, biogr., follows Koernicke).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Strasburger, E., Noll, F., Schenck, H. und Schimper, A. F. W. Lehrbuch der Botanik fiir Hochschulen or Bonner Lehrbuch, ed. 1, 1894. (The famous Vierménnerbuch, still going strong (ed. 31, 1978); see under Strasburger. Noll was co-editor until his death in 1908 (he wrote the chapters on plant physiology).

  1. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Veronica-Bliithe ... Frankfurt a.M. (in Commission bei

Moritz Diesterweg) 1883. Qu.

Publ.: 1883 (t.p. reprint; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1883; Bot. Zeit. 30 Nov 1883), p. [1], [1]-24, pl. 1- 3(uncol.). Copy: BR.— Reprinted and to be cited from Abh. Senckenb. naturf. Ges. 13 (2): 223-246. 1883.


NOLL, H. R. Noll, Henry R. (fl. 1852), American botanist (H. Noll). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: US (350).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: IH 2: (in press); ‘Tucker 1: 522. Wycoff, E., Bibl. Contr. Lloyd Libr. 9: 393. 1913.

  1. Flora of Pennsylvania, and botanist’s pocket manual, comprising a glossary of botani-

cal terms, analytical tables, and the natural orders, illustrated by a flora of Pennsylvania,

which embraces descriptions of more than nine-tenths of the indigenous flowering plants of

the northern United States... Philadelphia (Lippincott, Grambo, and Company) Lewis-

burg (O. N. Worden, print.) 1851. Duod. (in sixes). (Fl. Pennsylvania).

Publ.: 1851 (p. iv: Mar 1851), p. [1]-xil, 109-120 [identical with those pages in the 1852 Bot. Class-book], xxv-lvi, [1]-466. Copy: LC. — For the greater part reissued 1852 as Bot. Class- book.

  1. The botanical class-book and flora of Pennsylvania, designed for seminaries of learning and private classes. in two parts. Part i. — Structural and physiological botany. Part ii. — Systematic botany. Comprising a brief sketch of the Linnaean and natural systems of botany; a glossary of technical terms; analytical tables, and the natural orders, illustrated by a flora of Pennsylvania, ... Lewisburg, Pa. (O. N. Worden, printer) 1852. Duod. (in sixes). (Bot. class-book).

Publ.: 1852 (p. iv: Jan 1851), p. [i]-vi, [7]-158, flora: [1]-452. Copies: LC, US

Nolte, Ernst Ferdinand (1791-1875), German botanist; Dr. med. Géttingen 1817; in Denmark with Hornemann 1824-1826; professor of botany at Kiel University from 1826- 1873; Dr. h.c. Kiel 1867. (Nolte).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: KIEL (destroyed); in part also at BM; other material at B, C, FI, HAL, KIEL, M“W, WRSL. Exszccatae: see Hansen, L., Herbarium der Schleswig-Holstein- Lauenburgischen Flora, 1823-1862, identifications by Nolte. - Manuscripts at KIEL, see Prahl (1895). Further manuscripts and letters to e.g. Hornemann (213), Schouw (45), J. Vahl (12), J. Lange (3) are at C. — Library dispersed.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: AG 1: 299; BM 3: 1441; Frank 3 (Anh.): 72; Herder p. 186, 284; Jackson p. 305; Kew 4: 155; MD p. 192; Morren ed. 2, p. 7; PR 6734-6735 (ed. 1: 7562- 7563); Rehder 5: 624; TL-2/see Fliiggé, J., see Hansen, L.; Urban-Berl. p.267.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1876: 29 (d. 15 Feb 1875 [probably incorrect]); Bot. Zeit. 33: 128, 312. 1875 (death; herb. for sale); Flora 58: 96, 192. 1875 (id.); Bull. Soc. bot. France 22 (bibl.): 108. 1875; J. Bot. 13: 128. 1875; Osterr. bot. Z. 17: 407. 1867 (Dr. h.c. Kiel), 25: 141. 1875 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenb. 17: lvi. 1875 (d.).

Ascherson, P., Fl. Provinz Brandenb. 1: 10. 1864.

Boll, E., Fl. Meklenburg 159. 1860.

Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 1: 212, 238-239. 1924, 2: 193. 1924 (bibl., b. 24 Dec 1791, d. 13 Feb 1875; provides references to reviews in Dansk. Litt. Tid. not seen by us), Danske bot. litt. 1912. 1939: 2. 1940.

Christiansen, W., Heimat 38: 21. 1928 (manuscripts).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schriftum Schl.-Holst. 318 [index]. 1936.

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. v., im Prahl, P., Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 40-43. 1890 (extensive details).

Horneman, J., Nat. Tidskr. 1: 587-588. 1837.

Hittig, C. & W. Christiansen, Heimat 35: 25-30. 1925 (portr.).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 370. 1884.

Lindemann, E. V., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61(1): 50. 1886.

Pax, F., Bot. Jahrb. 8 (Lit.): 174-175. 1887 (N’s types at KIEL).

Prahl, P., Schr. naturw. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. 10(2): 153-155. 1895 (used Nolte’s herb. for moss fl. of Schlesw.-Holst.).

Schellenberg, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 38(2): 389-398. 1921 (on p. 390, 395 Nolte’s mosses mentioned).

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 80, 171. 1942.



Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 33. 1977.

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 122. 1880.

Wuschmann, E., ADB 23: 760-762. 1886 (detailed biogr.; d. 13 Feb 1875; herb. of Schlesw.- Holst. to Kiel; other material went to England (BM) and the U.S.(?); library also dispersed).

EPONYMY: Woltea H. G. L. Reichenbach (1828); Nolta Bentham et J. D. Hooker (1862, orth. var.); Noltia [sic] Thonning (1828).

  1. Botanische Bemerkungen tiber Stratiotes und Sagittaria ... Kopenhagen [Kj¢benhavn] (Gedruckt bei Hartwig Friderich Popp) 1825. Oct. (in fours). (Bot. Bemerk. Stratiotes). Publ.: 1825, p. [i-iv], [1]-44, pl. 1-2 (uncol. copp. J. T. Bayer). Copies: FI, G, NY.

  2. Novitiae florae holsaticae sive supplementum alterum Primitiarum florae holsaticae G.

H. Weberi auctore Ernesto Fernando Nolte, M.D. ... Kilonii [Kiel] (prostat in Libraria

academica) 1826. Oct. (Novrt. fl. holsat.).

Publ.: 1826 (p. xxiv: Jun 1826; Linnaea Jan 1827), p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-82. Copzes: B, G, H, MO, NY. — For the Primitiae florae holsaticae see TL-1/1410-1411, under F. H. Wiggers and TL- 2, under F. H. Wiggers and G. H. Weber. — ‘The Novztiae were issued in Kiel but printed in Kj¢benhayn: p. 82: ““Hafniae ex officina Hartv. Frid. Popp.”

Nonne, Johann Philipp (1729-1772), German botanist at Erfurt. (Vonne). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 398; BM 3: 1441; Dryander 3: 160, 396, 400; Frank 3(Anh.): 72; Hegi 5(3): 2205; Kew 4: 156; LS 37464; PR 6737-6738 (ed. 1: 7564- 7566); Rehder 5: 624; SA 1: 263; TL-1/923; TL-2/1738.

Meusel, J. G., Lex. deut. Schrifst. 10: 126. 1810 (bibl., b. 7 Feb 1729, d. 14 Mar 1772). Zuchold, E. A., Jahresb. nat. Ver. Halle 5: 44. 1853.

EpoNymy: JVonea [sic] Medikus (1789) was probably named for him. Nonnea H. G. L. Reichenbach (1831, orth. var.).

  1. Joan. Phil. Nonne ... Flora in territorio erfordensi indigena. Erfordiae [Erfurt] (literis

Henr. Rud. Nonnii, ...) 1763. Oct. (Fl. terr. erford.).

Publ.: 1763 (Fabricius, Enum. ed. 2; Sep-Dec 1763 cites Nonne), p. [1]-336, [i]-xxx. Copies: B-S; IDC 6096. — Copy offered by Junk, Cat. 214, 1979, no. 230.

  1. Index plantarum quas in agro erfurtenst sponte provenientes olim D. Joh. Philipp Nonne

deinde D. Joh. Jacob Planer collegerunt. Gothae (apud Carol. Gulielm. Ettingerum) 1788.

Oct. (Index pl. agr. erfurt.).

Co-author: Johann Jacob Planer (1743-1789).

Publ.: t Jan-5 Feb 1788 (Manitz), p. [i-iv], [1]-284, [1, err.]. Copies: B, G, HU, NY. Actually a follow-up by Planer of Nonne’s Flora of 1763.

Nordenskidld, [Nils] Adolph Erik [von] (1832-1901), Finnish-born Swedish explorer, geographer and geologist; e.g. leader of the Vega-Expedition (1878-1880) which discover- ed the Northeastern passage around N. Asia (Nordenskiéld).

HERBARIUM and Types: The plants on the Vega-Expedition were mostly collected by the other members of the Vega party (Sven Berggren, 1837-1917; Frans Reinhold Kjellmann, 1846-1907). Some bryophytes collected by N are at H; other material is at K; his plant fossils are at S-PA. The manuscripts and letters are at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, some letters in Helsinki University Library.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1442-1443 (q.v. e.g. for travelogues and geological publications), 7: 933; Kleppa p. 290; Nordstedt p. 24; Saelan p. 343-344; TL-2/3695, see F. R. Kjellmann.

Andrews, H. N., The fossil hunters 264-266. 1980.



Anon., Hedwigia 40(6): (204). 1go1 (d. 13 Aug 1gor).

Borodin, J., Trav. Mus. bot. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 4: 83-84, 203. 1908.

Elfving, F., Acta Fauna FI. fenn. 50: 223. 1921.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 277. 1977.

Hakli, E. et al., A. E. Nordenskidld, Catalogue of an exhibition held at Helsinki City Hall, 23 Aug-17 Oct 1979; see also Mickwitz & Miekkavaara, 1979.

Hamberg, A., Centralbl. Mineral. Geol. Palacont. 1903: 161-175, 193-210. (biogr., b. 18 Nov 1832, Helsingfors).

Hulth, J. M., Ymer 22: 277-303. 1902 (bibl., list of biographies, q.v. for much further information).

Jaatinen, S., Nordenskiéld-samfundets Tidskrift 39: 5-15. 1979 (100 yrs Vega; portr.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 49.

Kish, G., Geogr. J. 134: 487-505, pl. 5, 6. 1968. (lecture and discussion; portr.).

Mickwitz, A. M. & L. Miekkavaara, The A. E. Nordenskidld collection in the Helsinki University Library, annotated catalogue of maps made up to 1800. Vol. 1, atlases A-J, Helsinki, Stockholm, 1979, with an introduction by E. Hakh on Nordenskidld, p. ix- XXVIIl.

Nathorst, A. G., Bot. Centralbl. 28: 173-178. 1886 (reviews the botany of N’s Den andra Dicksonska Expeditionen till Grénland 1883, 547 p., 1885); Ymer 22: 141-206 (on N as polar explorer), 207-224 (on N as geologist). 1902.

Palmén, J. A., Fennia 19(4): 1-16. 1902.

Sjogren, Hj., Geol. For. Stockholm Forh. 34: 45-100. 1912 (bibl.).

Taton, R. et al., Science in the 19th century 556. 1965.

Wieselgren, H., Ymer 22: 109-139. 1902 (biogr., portr.).

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeontol. 150, 233. 1901.

HANDWRITING: Ymer 22: 140. 1902. MEMORIAL PUBLICATION: Ymer 22(2): 1, 109-303, folded map. 1902.

  1. Den andra Dicksonska expeditionen till Gronland dess inre isoken och dess ost-kust utford ar 1883 under befal af A. E. Nordenskidld. Stockholm (F. & G. Beijers Forlag) [1885]. Oct. (Andr. Dicks. exped.).

Publ.: 1885, p. [i]-xi, [1]-546, 5 maps. Copy: FI.— Botany on p. 183-184, 191-192, 195, 264- 266, 272-274, 278-284, 286-289 (by A. Nathorst), 293, 329, 330-332, 342, 344, 346, 359- 360, 424-425 (by A. Berlin) (rev. see Nathorst 1886).

Note: Nordenskiéld’s main description of the Vega Expedition, Vega fard kring Asien och Europa, Stockholm 1880-1881, 2 vols, also contains many botanical notes; for a list see Saelan p. 343. For bibl. details see Hulth 1902.

Nordhagen, Rolf (1894-1979), Norwegian botanist, especially geobotanist; Dr. phil. Oslo 1922; assistant at the Oslo botanic garden 1915-1920; at Oslo university 1920-1925; professor of botany Bergen 1925-1946; idem at Oslo 1946-1964. (Nordh.).

HERBARIUM and Types: BG and O; further material at C.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 12; BFM 3: 14.44; BJI 2: 125; BL 2: 696 [index]; BM 7: 935; Bossert p. 289; Collander p. 372; GR p. 718; Hirsch p. 216; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 157; Kleppa p. 328 [index]; KR p. 547; MW p. 358.

Baadsnes, C., Blyttia 34: 1-21. 1976 (extensive bibl.).

Faegri, K., Bergens Mus. Arsber. 1945/46: 9-10. 1910 (portr.); Rolf Nordhagen, Minnetale i det Norsk Videnskaps-Akademi, Saertrykk av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademis Arbok 1979, 9 p. (portr.).

Gager, C.S., Brookl. Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 312. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. Bergen from 1925).

Holmboe, J., Norsk biogr. Leks. 10: 201-203. 1949.

Sunding, P., Blyttia 37: 43-44. 1979, Taxon 29(1): 170. 1980 (b. 21 Oct 1884, d. 8 Mar


  1. Die Vegetation und Flora des Sylenegebietes eine pflanzensoziologische Monographie . . . Oslo (i Kommisjon hos Jacob Dybwad) 1927. Oct., 2 vols. (Veg. Fl. Sylenegeb.).



1: Nov 1927 (p. 3: Dec 1926; Nat. New. Dec 1928; Bot. Not 5 Dec 1927), map, p. [1-11], [1]- 277, fig. 1-130.

2: 1928 p. [i]-ix, 273-612, fig. 131-232.

Copies: BR, H, PH. — Also issued with t.p. “Die Vegetation und Flora des Sylenegebietes. I.

Die Vegetation ...” Oslo (id.) 1928. — Norske Vid.-Akad. Skr., Mat. nat. 1927(1).

Ref.: Markeraf, F., Bot. Jahrb. 63: 75-76. 1930.

  1. Studien tiber die skandinavischen Rassen des Papaver radicatum Rottb. sowie einige mit

denselben verwechselte neue Arten vorlaufige Mitteilung ... [Bergens Museums hel


Publ.: 1932 (printed 1931; publ. 1932 fide Baadsnes), p. [1]-50, pl. 1-5. Copies: G. H. — Berg. Mus. Arb. Naturv. Rekke 2, 1931 and to be cited as such.

  1. Studien iiber die monotypische Gattung Calluna Salisb. I, [11]. Ein Beitrag zur Bicornes- Forschung ... [Bergens Museums Arbok 1937, 1938]. Oct.

1: 1937 p. [1]-55, pl. 1-3. To be cited as Berg. Mus. Arb. Naturv. Rekke 4, 1937.

2: 1937 (J. Bot. Oct 1937; t-p. 1938, p. [1]-70. Idem 1, 1938 (1940), but preprinted 1937. Copies: G, H.

Ref.: Turrill, W. B., J. Bot. 75: 300-301. Oct 1937.

  1. Norsk flora med kort omtale av innf¢rte treslag, pryd- og nytteplanter ... Oslo 1940-

1970, 2 vols. Oct. (Norsk fl.).

Tekstbind: 1940 (p. i: 1 Jun 1940), p. [1*-11*], [1]-xxiu, [1 ]-766.

Illustrasjonsbind (1, 2): 1944 (p. 4: Oct 1943; part 2: 1948?), p. [1]-380, [v]-xxinl, figs. 1-507 (by Miranda Bddtker).

Idem (3): 1970 p. 381-638, figs. 302-772. Copy: G.

Ref.: Love, A., Taxon 20: 175. 28 Feb 1971.

Nordmann, Alexander | Davidovic] von (1803-1866), Finnish botanist; Dr. phil. Turku 1827; high school teacher and director of the botanic garden at Odessa; professor of natural history (1849) and of zoology (1852) in Helsinki. (Nordm.).

HERBARIUM and Types: LE; further important sets at GOET, H and MW.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 1: 192; Backer p. 398; Barnhart 3: 12; BM 3: 1445; Collander hist. p. 20-22, 35, 104, 114; CSP 4: 640-641, 8: 515, 17: 559; Frank 3(Anh.): 72; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 414; Las€gue p. 34.1, 422, 503; LS 19080-19081; PR (alph.); Quenstedt p. 316; Rehder 5: 624; Saelan p. 346-347; TR 953-955; Urban-Berl. P- 379:

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 49. 1858 (cogn. Leopoldina: Rudolphi II); Flora 50: 15-16. 1867; Osterr. bot. W. 1: 160. 1851 (resigns directorship Odessa botanical garden; returns to Helsinki.

Brandt, J. F., Verh. Russ.-k. mineral. Ges. St. Petersburg ser. 2. 6: 73-80. 1871 (critical remarks on Eichwald’s (1870) version of Rhytina borealis, a sirenological quarrel).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 37, 1880 (coll. LE).

Carus, C. G., Leopoldina 5: 137. 1866 (d. 25 Jun 1866).

Caneeates M. M., Amer. Mid]. Natural. 33(1): 74. 1965.

Eichwald, E. v. Verh Russ.-k. mineral. Ges. St. Petersburg ser. 2. 5: 193-277. 1870 (b. 24 Mai 1803 at Ruotsinsalvui, an island off the Finnish coast; biogr., itin.).

Elfving, F., Acta Fauna Fl. fenn. 50: 224, 1921 (portr.).

Fischer, F. E. L., Bull. Cl. phys. Acad. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg 1: 355, 357- 1843.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 193. 1938 (dir. Helsinki bot. gard. 1849- 1857, 1863-1865).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 277. 1977.

Herder, F. v., Bot. Centralbl. 58: 258, 261, 266, 388. 1894 (1930 pl. from Odessa at LE plus further Russian material).

Hjelt, O. E. A., Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. g: 1-40. 1871 (biogr., bibl., d. 25 Jun 1866).

Hooker, J. D., ix W. J. Hooker, London J. Bot. 6: 48. 1847.

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Christian Steven 75. 1971.

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61(1): 37-92. 1886.



Nordmann, A., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 38(1): 101-161. 1865 (biography of C. Steven containing info. on their correspondence and travelling together).

Radde, G., Grundz. Pfl.-Verbr. Kaukasus 4, 16. 1899 (Veg. Erde 3).

Wittrock, A. v., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 108. 1903.

Zittel, K. A. von, Hist. geol. palaeont. 422. 1go1.

EPONYMyY: JVordmannia Fischer et C. A. Meyer (1843); Nordmannia Ledebour ex Nordmann (1837).

Nordstedt, Carl Fredrik Otto [“‘Otto’’] (1838-1924), Swedish phycologist of indepen- dent means; med. fil. kand. Lund 1861; amanuensis at the Lund botanical institute 1878- 1886; curator at id. 1886-1909; Dr. phil. h.c. Lund 1881; Prof. id. 1903. (Nordst.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: LD; important collections also at S; further material at B, BP, BR, C, F, FI, GB, H (Bryoph.), L, LD, MANCH, MPU, MW, PI, 8, WELT, WRSL. — Exsiccatae: (1) with Lars Johan Wahlstedt (1836-1917): Characeae scandinaviae exisiccatae fasc. 1-3, nos. 1-120, 1871-1874, sets at B, BM, C, CGE, FH, H, K, L, LD, LE, MPU, NY, O, OXF, S, W. (Bot. Not. 1871: 37, 1872: 29, 1874: 42; see Sayre 1969). (2) with Wittrock, V. B., (q.v.) and G. Lagerheim, Algae aquae dulcis exsiccatae, fasc. 1-35, 1877-1903.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 2: 513, 553, 696; BM 3: 1446, 7: 936; Bossert p. 289;

Cesati, saggio p. 56-57; Clokie p. 218; CSP 8: 515-516, 10: 938, 12: 540-541, 17: 559-560; De

Toni 1: xci-xcill, 4: xlii, lx; DTS 1: 213, xxii; Herder p. 469; 1H 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press);

Jackson p. 335; Kew 4: 158; Kleppa p. 328 [index]; KR p. 547-552 (main bibl.); Lenley p.

315; LS 2: 19082; Morren ed. 2, p. 31, ed. 10, p. 105; MW p. 358; NAF 11(1) 91, ser. 2. 3: 40,

6: 71, 8: 49; Nordstedt p. 24-25, suppl. p. 12; PR 6740; Rehder 5: 624-625; Saccardo 1: 118:

SO 223, 2787a, 3505, 3515; TL-2/202, 717, 1705, see Elfving, F. E. V., Gomont, M. A.,

Hauck, F.; TR 955; Urban-Berl. p. 267, 272, 280.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1871: 15 (trip Skane), 1885: 31 (trip Gr. Brit.), 1913: 1 (portr.), 1921: 292 (retires as editor; thanks), 1923: 64 (congratulations 85th birthday); Generalreg. Bot. Not. 1839-1938, p. 62-63. 1939 (bibl.); Hedwigia 65 (Beibl.): 95. 1925; J. Bot. 62: 150. 1924; Osterr. bot. Z. 73: 160. 1924 (d.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 437. 1880 (coll.).

Christensen, C., Danske bot. hist. 2: 513. 1925 (bibl.).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schl.-Holst. C 18. 1936.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 58. 1950.

Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedw. 35: 362. 1975 (diat. at LD).

Gertz, O., Bot. Not. 1924: 97-125, Revue algol. 2: 72-80, pl. 1. 1925 (obit., bibl., portr.; last algologist trained by G. G. Agardh), Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 43: (60)-(64). 1926 (grandson of Ulrica Charlotta Linnaeus, daughter of Samuel L.); Bot. Not. 1938: 14-38.

Groves, J. & Milde, E., J. Bot. 62: 289-291. 1924.

Hasslow, O. J., Bot. Not. 1933: 27-33. (N. and Characeae).

Hintze, N. O., Bot. Not. 1933: 24-26 (Otto Nordstedt’s donation).

Hjelmquist, H., Bot. Not. 1958: 10-12 (botany at Lund).

Holmboe, J., Naturen 1921(1): 8-11. (portr.).

Jackson, B. D., Nature 113: 576. 1924 (b. 20 Jan 1838, d. 6 Feb 1924; descended from Samuel Linnaeus, Carl’s brother); Proc. Linn. Soc. London 136: 55-57. 1924 (FMLS 2 Mai 1895).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 26/27: 56. 1925 (d. 6 Feb 1924).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 555. 1969.

Ljungstrom, E., Bot. Not. 1933: 8-11, 46 (N. and Lund bot. Soc.), 1938: 223-234 (centenary birth).

Nilsson-Leissner, Bot. Not. 1933: 58, 59, 62, 66 (bot. Excurs.).

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Libr. Publ. 5: 28. 1907.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 90. 1969; Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Simmons, H. G., Bot. Not. 1938: 1-13 (personal memoirs, portr.).

Tedin, O., Bot. Not. 1933: 71, 76 (plant exchange).

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 117. 1898.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 65. pl. 9, 1903 (portr.), 3(3): 47, pl. 105. 1905 (portr.).


NORDSTEDT Wood, R. D., Monogr. Charac. 1: 799, 830-831. 1965 (bibl. Charac.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Editor Botaniska Notiser 1871-1921 (Heft 6).

(2) Desmidiaceae, in E. Warming, Symb. fl. bras. 5: 195-234, pl. 2-4. 1 Jun 1870.

(3) Characeae, in Oeder, Fl. danic. 17 (fasc. 49): 12-14, pl. 2927-2930 (see under Oeder).

(4) Editor, A. Braun, Fragm. monogr. Charac. 1882, TL-2/717 (Nordstedt added certain entries; these are marked by brackets; the Clavis synoptica Characearum is also by N. — “‘Autoreferat’” Nordstedt, Bot. Centralbl. 13: 41-46. 1883.

(5) Collaborator, E. Askenasy, Algen, in A. Engler, Forschungsr. Gazelle, Sep 1888, p. [1]-58 (Conjugatae, Characeae), see TL-2/1705; (extensive review by Ludwig (Greiz), Bot. Centralbl. 37: 112-121. 18809, first announcement 35: 377. 17-21 Sep 1888).

MEMORIAL ISSUE: The Jubileumsskrift of Botaniska Notiser 1933 (Hafte 1-3) was dedicated to the memory of Nordstedt; and it contains four papers on Nordstedt (Simmons, Gertz, Hintze, Hasslow).

EPONYMY: Wordstedtia Borzi (1892).

  1. Bidrag till kdnnedomen om sydligare Norges Desmidiéer ... Beskrifning 6fver en ny art af slagtet Spirogyra ... Lund (Berlingska Boktrykeriet) 1873. Qu. (Bidr. Norg. Desmid.). Publ.: 11 Aug 1873 (t.p. reprint; J. Bot. Mar 1874 “published” September, 1873), p. [1], [1]- "51, 2fl., [Beskr. ... Spirogyra:] [1]-2. Copies: BR, FH, H.— Preprinted or reprinted from Lunds Univ. Arsskr. 9(10): 1873. Ref.: Archer, W., J. Bot. 12: 89-95, 124. 1874.

  2. De algis aquae dulcis et de Characeis ex insulis sandvicensibus a Sv. Berggren 1875 reportatis ... Lundae [Lund] (typis excudit F. Berling reg. acad. typographus) 1878. Qu. (Alg. ag. dulc. Sandvic.).

Collector: Sven Berggren (1837-1917).

Publ.: On or shortly before 3 Oct 1878 (publ. on occasion of centenary Lund physiogr. Sallsk.: Hedwigia Nov 1878), p. [i], [1]-24, pl. 7-2 (with text; uncol. liths. auct.). Copies: BR, FH, H, NY. — Preprinted or reprinted from Minneskr. Lund, Fysiogr. Sallsk. 3 Oct 1878, no. 7.

  1. De algis et characeis ... Lundae [Lund] (Typis Berlingianis) 1880. Qu. (Alg. charac.).

1-2: as above, 15 Nov 1880 (t.p. reprint), p. [1]-20, pl. 1. Copies: BR, FH, NY.— Preprinted or reprinted from Lunds Univ. Arsskr. 16: [1]-20. 1880.

3-6: 1889 (Bot. Zeit. 29 Nov 1889; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1889), p. [4], [1]-41, pl. 1 (uncol.). Idem 25: 1-41, pl. 1. 1889. Copies: BR, H, NY.

  1. Fresh-water algae collected by Dr: S. Berggren in New <ealand and Australia ...

Stockholm (Kongl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt & Soner) 1888. Qu. (Fresh-water alg. New


Collector: Sven Berggren (1837-1917).

Publ.: 1888 (mss. submitted 8 Jun 1887; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1888), p. [1]-98, pl. 1-7 (uncol.). Copies: B, H, MO, NY, US. —K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. 22(8). 1888.

  1. Australasian Characeae described and figured by Otto Nordstedt. Part 1. Lund

. (Berlingska Boktryckeri- och Stilgjuteri-Aktiebolaget.) 1891. 7 (Australas. Charac.).

Publ.: Dec 1891 (ObZ Jan 1892; Bot. Centralbl. 26 Jan 1892; J. Bot. Apr 1892; Bot. Zeit. 26 Feb 18092; Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1892; “so eben” Bot. Zeit. 29 Jan 1892), p. [i-1v], pl. 1-10 with text. Copies: G, H, NY, US, USDA. —See also Nordstedt, Proc. R. Soc. Victoria ser. 2. 31: 1-6. Dec 1918 (synopsis). — “Autoreferat’’: Nordstedt, O., Bot. Centralbl. 49: 311-312. 9 Mar 1802.

Ref.: Migula, W., Bot. Zeit 50: 547-548. 29 Aug 1892.

Morot, L., J. Bot., Bull. Bibl. 6(2): vi-vil. 16 Jan 1892 (rev.).

  1. Index Desmidiacearum citationibus locupletissimus atque bibliographia auctore Gar: O. Nordstedt ... Lundae (Typis Berlingianis), Berolini (Fratres Borntraeger) 1896. Qu. (Index Desmid.).



Publ.: 14 Nov 1896 (t.p.; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1896; Bot. Zeit. 1 Jan 1897; Bot. Gaz. 24 Mar 1887; J. Bot. Mar 1897), p. [i], [1]-310. Some copies without the Lund imprint. Suppl.: 30 Mar 1908 (t.p.; Bot. Zeit. 1 Aug 1908), p. [1], [1]-149. Copies: B(2), BR, G, H, KNAW, NY, UC, US, USDA; IDC 6385. Ref.: West, G. S., J. Bot. 35: 105-106. 1897. Karsten, Bot. Zeit. 55(2): 141-142. 1897.

  1. Motion au Congrés international de botanique. ‘Troisiéme session. Bruxelles 1g10. [Lund

(Berlingska Boktryckeriet) 1909]. (Motion Congr. int. bot.).

Publ.: 1909, p. [1 ]-2. Copy: FAS. — Proposal to accept as starting points for the nomenclature of Desmidiaceae: Ralfs 1848, and for Oedogoniaceae: Hirn 1900 (as now incorporated in ICBN 13.1(g).).

  1. Firteckning dfver Skandinaviens véxter utgifven af Lunds botaniska FGérening. 3. Alger.

(Tryckt som manuskript). Lund (C. W. K. Gleerup) 1912. Oct. (Fért. Skand. vdxt., Alger).

Publ.: 1912, p. [t]-77, [78, err.]. Copies: FAS, LD. — Note by O. Almborn: Manuscript delivered by N. to Lund botanical Society on 13 Apr 1912 (minutes council society); 1000 copies were ordered to be printed (id. 27 Apr 1912). Tryckt som manuskript (“‘printed as manuscript’) means that the author did not definitely accept the nomencla- ture used. This would mean that new combinations and changes of rank are not validly published. [This would also explain the fact that Nordstedt’s name is not mentioned in the publication itself, F. A. S.]. Copies of the book were still available from the Botanical Museum, Lund Dec 1979.

  1. Prima loca plantarum suecicarum forsta litteraturuppgift om de i Sverige funna vilda

eller fovildade karlvaxterna ... Lund (Berlingska Boktryckeriet) 1920. Oct. (Prima loca pl.


Publ.: 7 Dec 1920 (as supplement to Bot. Not. 1920), p. [i]-iv. 1-95. Copies: BR, MO, NY. — Addenda, Bot. Not. 1921: 282.

Norén, Carl Otto Gustaf (1876-1914), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1907; high school teacher in Stockholm (1g1o), Karlskrona (1911), and Vanersborg (1914). (Norén).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 13; Kew 4: 158; KR p. 554.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1902: 158 (Fries stipendium), 1903: 268 (field work with Kylin), 1914: 160 (d.); Hedwigia 56(1): (79). 1915 (d.).

Dahlgren, K. V. O., mR. E. Fries, Short hist. bot. Sweden 85. 1950.

Sylven, N., Sv. bot. Tidskr. 9(4): 479-481. 1915 (obit., portr.; called “Cloto”’, b. 15 Mar 1876, d. 29 Aug 1914).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 47. 1905.

  1. <ur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Juniperus communis. Akademische Abhandlung welche zur Erlangung der Doktorwiuirde mit Erlaubnis der mathematisch-naturwissenschaft- lichen Sektion der philosphischen Fakultat zu Uppsala am Mittwoch den 27. Marz 1907 um 10 Uhr vormittags im botanischen Horsaal 6ffentlich verteidigt wird von C. O. Norén lic. phil. Uppsala (Akademiska Boktryckeriet Edv. Berling.) 1907. Oct. (Entw.-Gesch. Juniperus communis).

Publ.: {1-] 27 Mar 1907, p. [i], [1]-64, pl. 1-4 (uncol., auct.). Copies: H, NY. — Arsskr.

Uppsala Univ. 1907. Preliminary publication in Ark. Bot. 3(11). 1904.

Ref.: Karsten, Bot. Zeit. 66(2): 73-75. 16 Feb 1908.

Norlindh, Nils Tycho (1906-x), Swedish botanist at the Botanical Museum, Lund, (Norl.).

HERBARIUM and types: LD; further types in B, BOL, COI, EA, K, PRE, S; further specimens in BOL, BM, E, GH, MT, PRE, S, SRGH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BL 1: 55, 310; Bossert p. 289; Hortus 3: 1200 (“‘Norl.”’); IH

Ji Jie)


1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Kew 4: 159; MW suppl. p. 261; Roon p. 83; Zander ed. 10, p.

697, ed. 11, p. 795.

Anon., Forum bot. 12(3): 5. 1974.; Generalreg. Bot. Not. 63-64. 1939.

Exell, A. W. & G. A. Hayes, Kirkia 6(1): 98. 1967.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 45-46. 1950.

Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 35: 362. 1975.

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970 (coll. E).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 556. 1969.

Norlindh, T., Studies in the Calenduleae 1, 1943 (432 p.), and 2, Bot. Not. 1946: 471-506 (major publ.; falling outside our period).

Wornardt, W. W., Int. direct. diat. 34. 1968.

FESTSCHRIFT: Botaniska Notiser 119(2), 119 (portr., signature).

Norman, George (1824-1882), British diatomologist and entomologist in Yorkshire. (G.


HERBARIUM and types: AWH and BM (155 slides); letters in Walker-Arnott corr. at BM. Newton (1952) reports that an algal herbarium at the Hull Museum was destroyed in World War II.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 13; BB p. 231; BM 3: 1447; CSP 4: 643, 8: 517,

10: 939, 13: 541; Desmond p. 467; De Toni r: xciii, 2: Ixxxvi; IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 254

Kew 4: 159.

Anon., Entom. mon. Mag. 19: 96. 1882 (obit., b. 1 Jan 1824, d. 5 Jul 1882).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 277. 1977.

Lowe, R. T., Manual Fl. Madeira 2: 70, 87. 1872 (epon.).

Sheppard, T. ““T.S.”, Trans. Hull. sci. Field Natural. Club 1: 105-112. 1900, 2: 14. 1902; Naturalist, London, 1903: 307-308.

VanLandingham, S., Cat. diat. 6: 3573. 1978, 7: 4209. 1978.

EPONYMY: Normania Lowe (1872) is dedicated to Commander F. M. Norman R. N. (1833-?) who made many valuable botanical discoveries in Madeira.

  1. List of diatomaceae occurring in the neighbourhood of Hull {Hull (J. W. Leng, printer, .. .)

1860]. Oct.

Publ.: 1860 (in journal), p. [1]-23. Copy: UC (inf. R. Schmid). — Reprinted and to be cited from Trans. microsc. Soc. 8: 59-71, 156-168. 1860.

Norman, Johannes Musaeus (1823-1903), Norwegian botanist; med. cand. Oslo 1847; lecturer (universitets-stipendiat) at Oslo 1849-1850, 1855-1859; from 1860-1876 forester in Troms and Finnmark. (Norm.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: TROM; further material in BG, BM, C, DUKE, GB, H, MICH, O, UPS, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 4: 240; Barnhart 3: 13; BL 2: 448, 451, 453, 461, 696;

BM 3: 1447; Bossert p. 289; CSP 4: 643, 8: 517, 10: 939, 17: 561; DTS 1: 213; Frank 3

(Anh.): 72; GR p. 714, pl. [36], cat. p. 69; Hawksworth p. 185; Herder p. 117, 195, 259; [H

2: (in press); Jackson p. 70, 334; Kew 4: 159-160; Kleppa p. 329 [index]; KR p. 555-556;

Krempelh. 1: 457, 468, 564, 567, 2: 213, 3: 203; LS 19084-19103, 37465-37466; Morren ed.

10, p. 108; PR 6741-6743; Rehder 5: 62; SBC p. 128; TR 956.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1903: 34 (b. 26 Oct 1823, d. 15 Jan 1903); Generalreg. Bot. Not. 1839- 1938, p. 64. 1939.

Dorfler, J., Botaniker-Adressbuch 108. 1896.

Holmboe, J., Naturen 47: 257-277. 1923, Norsk biogr. leks. 10: 222-225. 1949.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979 (location lichens).

Wille, N., Nord. Tidskr. 1903: 282-290.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 170. pl. 16. 1903 (portr.), 3(3): 184. pl. 175. 1905 (portr.).



  1. Conalus praemissus redactionis novae generum nonnullorum lichenum ... Christianiae [Oslo]

  2. Oct. (Conat. praem. gen. lich.).

Publ.: 1852 (t.p. reprint), p. [i], [1]-40, pl. 1-2 (uncol., auct.). Copres: G, H. — Preprinted from Nytt Mag. Naturvid. 7(3): 213-252. 1853. For a further publ. see Conyject. aff. Heterolich. 1872 (or 1871), below.

  1. Index supplementarius locorum natalium specialium plantarum nonnullarum vascula- rium in provincia arctica norvegiae sponte nascentium, ... Nidarosiae [Trondhjem] (Typis expressit J. C. Manglie) 1864. Oct. (Index suppl.).

Publ.: 1864 (p. 58: Jul 1864; t.p. reprint 1864), p. [1], [1]-58. Copzes: BR (no imprint), FI, H, NY (as above). Preprinted or reprinted from K. Norske Vid.-Selsk., Trondhjem 5: 1-58. 1868 (1864?).

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 24: 126. 1866 (rev.).

  1. Specialia loca natalia plantarum nonnullarum vascularium & characearum & liche-

num in agro arctico Norvegiae confiniisque sponte nascentium ... (Exemplar ex vol. v.

scriptorum Societatis Regiae scientiarum Norvegicae Separatim typis descriptum.) 1868.

Oct. (Special. loc. natal.).

Publ.: Mai 1868 (t.p.), p. [1]-138, [139, err.], z pl. (col.). Copies: BR, FI, H, NY (without imprint). — Preprinted or reprinted from K. Norske Vid.-Selsk. Trondhjem 5: 213 (= repr. p. 3)-378( = 138), 1 pl. (id.). 1868.

  1. Conjectura de affinitate mutua Heterolichenum, ab J. M. Norman 1852 proposita, nunc modo graphico plenius exhibita cum mutationibus, nexu arctiore formarum & indole sporarum praecipue ducibus [Trondhjem] (Trykt hos Lie & Sundt) 1872 [1871]. (Comect. affin. Heterolich.).

Publ.: 1871 or 1872 (signature 1871; Heft cover 1872, p. 16: Mar 1891), p. [1]-16, [1, err.], chart. Copies: G, H. — Preprinted or reprinted from K. Norske Vid.-Selsk. Skr. 7(1): 1-16. 1872. — Follow-up of Conat. praem. gen lich. (1852).

  1. NVolationes summatim conceptae observationum florae arcticae Norvegiae mandatu &

sumptibus civitatis Norvegicae posteriore tempore effectarum, addita correctione latitudi-

nis geographicae terminorum polarium prius indicatorum a J. M. Norman 1880 (mense

Septembro) ... Christianiae (Sumptibus Alb. Gammermeyer) 1881. Oct. (Not. fl. arct.


Publ.: 1881 (t.p. also: mense Septembro 1880; however: Bot. Centralbl. 6-10 Mar 1882; Nat. Nov. Mar (2) 1882), p. [1]-84. Copzes: G, H. — Preprinted or reprinted from Arch. Math. Naturvid. 5(4): 436-517. 1881.

  1. Vderligere Bidrag til kundskaben om karplanternes udbredning i det Nordenfjeldske

Norge s¢ndenfor Polarkredsen ... Kristiania (Det Mallingski Bogtrykkeri) 1883. Oct.

Publ.: 1883, p. [i], [1]-180. Copies: H, MO. — Reprinted from Arch. Math. Naturvid. 8: r- 186. 1883 (to be cited from journal).

  1. Florae arcticae Norvegiae species & formae nonnullae novae v. minus cognitae planta-

rum vascularium ... Christiania (I commission hos Jacob Dybwad ...) 1893. Oct. (FI. arct.

Norv. sp.).

Publ.: 1893 (Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1893; Bot. Zeit. 1 Mai 1894), p. [1]-59. Copies: BR, G. — Christiania Vid.-Selsk. Forh. 1893(16).

  1. Norges arktiske flora... Kristiania (1(1): Oskar Andersens Bogtrykkeri, 1(2), 2(1,2):1i kommission hos H. Aschehoug & Co.) 1894-1gor, 2 vols. Oct. (Norg. arkt. fl.). 1(1): 1894 (p. i: 7 Mar 1894; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1895; Allg. bot. Z. 15 Dec 1895), p. [1,111], 1]-760, map. (2): 1900, p. [i*-11*], [i]-vili, 761-1487. 2(1): Jan-Jun 1895 (Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1895; Allg. bot. Z. 15 Dec 1895), p. [i]-viii, [1]-442. (2): 1901 (Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1902; Bot. Centralbl. 20 Aug 1902), p. [i], [443]-623, [i]-viil. Copies: BR (vol. 1), KNAW (compl.), H, US (compl.).—A note in vol. 1(1) mentions that sheets 1-41 were printed 1887-1892 but that the entire printing was lost in fire except for two copies which were with the author. This was not effective publication.



Ref.: Bennett, A., Bot. 34: 234-235. Mai 1893. Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 1(12): 237-238. 1895.

Norona, Francisco (Noronha, Francois; also err. Fernando) (ca. 1748-1788), Spanish physician and botanist who travelled to the Philippines and Java 1786-1787. (Norofa).

HERBARIUM and types: G, P. — For Norona’s drawings, Icones plantarum javantcarum, at the Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, W. Berlin; see SK and Steenis-Kruseman (1977); for the set at BM see Britten (1903). Most detailed account of collections and literature: SK 1: 387-3809.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiocRaPHy: Backer p. 398; BM 3: 1447; Collander p. 374-375; Dryander

3: 181; Frank 3(Anh.): 72; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Norona”); IH 2: (in press); Laségue p. 189-

190, 302, 504; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 625; Saelan p. 348-352; SK 1: 387-389, xxxii, 8: Ixxii;

TL-2/2463; Tucker 1: 522.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 41: 282-285. 1903 (on Icones plantarum javanicarum).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 437. 1880 (Madagascar pl. with Delessert [now G], mss. at Paris Acad. Sci. fide Laségue).

Du Petit-Thouars, Gen. nov. Madag. 8. 1806 (epon.).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Record 27(3): 315. 1938 (Norofiamonumentin Manila).

Hasskarl, J. K., Tijdschr. nat. Gesch. Physiol. 11(1): 209-228. 1844 (TL2/2463).

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit, eds., Blumea 25(1): 6, 58. 1979.

Norofia, F., Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. Wet. 5(4): 1-28, 1790; ed.2. 5: 64-86. 1827 (Relatio plantarum javanensium .. .).

Poisson, H., Bull. Acad. malgache ser.2. 35: 13-16. 1957 (1958) (on genus WVoronha).

Sirks, M. J., Ind. natuurond. 79. 1915.

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 26: 1996. 1972.

Steenis, C. C. G. J. van, and M. J. van Steenis-Kruseman, Regn. veg. 71: 353-380. 1970 (revised evaluation generic names).

Steenis-Kruseman M. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 26: 1996. 1972; 30: 2784. 1977 (copy Icones plantarum javanicarum at B-S).

Woodward, B. B., in G. Murray, Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 45. 1904 (111 water-colour drawings).

EponyMy: Noronhaea Post et O. Kuntze (1903, orth. var.); Noronhia Stadtmann ex Du Petit- Thouars (1806).

Norrlin, Johan Petter [Peter] (1842-1917), Finnish botanist; Dr. phil. Helsinki 1879, lecturer (1871) and professor (1879) of botany at Helsinki University until 1903; in Algeria 1877-1878; taxonomist (Hzeracium; lichens) and phytogeographer (“father of Finnish phytogeography”’). (Norvl.).

HERBARIUM and Types: H. — Exsiccatae (see Collander p. 644-645 and Sayre (1969)):

(1) Herbarium pilosellarum fenniae, fasc. 1-2, nos. 1-200, 1884-1894, sets at B, H, P, WRSL. (2) Mieracia exsiccata, fasc. 1-13, 1888-1912. Set at H.

(3) With William Nylander (1822-1899), Herbarium lichenum fenniae, fasc. 1-9, NOS. 1-450, 1875-1882, sets at B, BM, C, FH, FR, G, H, HSI, LD, LE, M, MOD, MTMG, O, PG, 5, TUR, W, WU. - Continued by K. Linkola (1888-1942) and Edvard Vainio (1858-1929), nos. 451-807, 1924, see under Vainio.

Manuscripts: 134 letters to Nylander at H; further mss. also at H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 14; BJI 2: 125; BL 2: 74, 75; 95, 96, 696; BM 3: 1447, 7: 937; Bossert p. 289; Collander p. 374-375 (further biogr. refs), 644-645 (exsicc.), hist. p. 156 (ind.); CSP 8: 517, 10: 939, 17: 563; GR p. 611, pl. [gr], cat. p. 69; Hawksworth p. 185; Herder p. 469; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 329; KR p. 556; LS 19104- 19108, suppl. 20219; Morren ed. 10, p. 97; Saelan p. 348-352, 576-577; SBC p. 128; TR 957- 963; Urban-Berl. p. 289, 379. Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 1/2: 32. 1880 (app. Helsinki); Bot. Not. 1871: 104 (travel), 1877: 159 (stipendium for travel), 1880: 29 (extraord. prof. bot. Dec. 1879), 1917: 35 (b. 6 Sep 1842, d. 17 Jan 1917); Generalreg. Bot. Not. 1839-1938 p. I10-I1T. 1939.



Cajander, A. K., Meddel. Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 44: 212-215. 1918 (on German translations); Acta forest. fenn. 23(1): 1-58 (memorial address; bibl. on p. 59-61).

Elfving, F., Acta Fauna Fl . fenn. 50: 224. 1921.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 193. 1938 (dir. Helsinki bot. gard. 1889- 1892).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979.

Maire, R., Progr. conn. bot. Algérie 176. 1931.

Minks, A., Bot. Centralbl. 12: 68-79. 2-6 Oct 1882 (rev. fasc. 5-9 of Herb. lich. fenn.).

Palmén, J. A., Medd. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 43: 199-206. 1917 (obit., portr.).

Sayre, G.,Mem. New York bot. Gard. 19(1): (5). 1969 (exsicc.); Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Sydow, H., Ann. Mycol. 21: 344. 1923 (epon.).

Vainio, E. A., Act. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 49(2): 185, 256, 258, 1921.

Wittrock, V. B., Acti Horti Berg. 3(3): 94, pl. 179 1905 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKs: Contributed Suomen Keltanot [Hieracia of Finland] to A. J. Mela, Suomen koulokasvio 1895, p. 501-572, (reprint with orig. pagination received by H. Lindberg 10 Oct. 1895). Copy: H. Also: zd. in Mela, Suomen kasvio ed. 5, p. 594-746. 1906, also reprinted with special t.p. Helsinki 1906, p. [1]-154 (see Collander p. 374, nos. 68a-c), Copy reprint: H.

MEMORIAL PUBLICATION: Acta forestalia fennica 23, 1923 (portr., biogr. account by A. K. Cajander (p. 1-58) bibl. (p. 59-61), German translations of some of N’s publications, p. 1-

BAB. NoTE: Many data for this treatment were kindly provided by P. Isoviita.

EPONYMY: WNeonorrlinia H. Sydow (1923); Norrlinia Theissen et H. Sydow (1918); Norrlinia Vainio (1921).

  1. Bidrag till Sydéstra T avastlands flora . .. Helsingfors (Theodor Sederholms boktryckeri)

  2. Oct. (Bidr. Sydést. Tavastl. fl.).

Publ.: 1870 (t.p. preprint), p. 73-196. Copies: H, USDA. — Preprinted from Not. SAllsk. Fauna FI. fenn. Forh. 11: 75-196. 1 Jan-11 Feb 1871 (inf. P. Isoviita). German transla- tion of introductory matter: Acta forest. fenn. 23. 15-52. 1923. See also BL 2: g5.

  1. Om Onega-Karelens vegetation och Finlands jemte Skandinaviens naturhistoriska grans i Oster. Akademisk Afhandling, som med tillstand af den vidtber6mda Filosofiska Fakulte- ten vid Kejserliga Alexanders-Universitetet i Finland till offentlig granskning framstalles af J. P. Norrlin, ... uti hist. filologiska auditorium den 13 Maj 1871 p.v.t.f.m. Helsingfors (J. C. Frenckell & Son) 1871. Oct. (Onega-Karel. veget.).

Publ.: 13 Mai 1871, p. [1]-132. Copies: B, H.— Preprinted from Not. Sallsk. Fauna FI. fenn.

Forh. 11: 1-132. 1871. Introduction to Fl. Karl. oneg. 1871, see below.

German translation: Acta forest. fenn. 23: 53-162. 1923, also as reprint with orig.pagination

Helsingfors (J. CG. Fenckell & Sohn, ...) [1923]. Copy: H.

  1. Notiser ur Sallskapets fro Fauna et Flora fennica forhandlingar xii [sic, for xiii].
  2. Flora Kareliae onegensis ... Helsingfors (Theodor Sederholms boktryckeri) 1871. Oct. (Fl. Karel. oneg.).

Part I: 1871, p. [1]-183. Copies: B, H. — Preprinted from Not. Sallsk. Fauna FI. fenn. Férh. 13: 1-183. 2-13 Mai 1874 (journal presented at Society meeting).

Part IT (Lichenes): 1876, p. [1]-46. Copies: B, H.— Preprinted or reprinted from Medd. Sallsk, Fauna Fl. fenn. 1: 1-46. 1876 (t.p., volume probably publ. 3 Feb-3 Mar 1877 (Society’s meeting) ).

Copies: B, H. — “Reprints” without imprint are taken directly from the journal issues.

  1. Notiser ur Sallskapets pro Fauna et Flora fennica forhandlingar xiii. 1873. Berdttelset

anledning af en till Torned Lappmark verkstalld naturalhistorisk resa, ... Helsingfors (Theodor

Sederholms boktryckeri) 1873. Oct. (Berdtt. Torned Lappmark resa).

Publ.: 1 Apr-26 Nov 1873 (p. 313: cites Bot. Not. 1 Apr 1873; Bot. Not. 26 Nov 1873), p. [249]-348. Copy: H. — Preprinted or reprinted with special title-page [249] from Not. Sallsk. Fauna Fl. fenn. Forh. 13. 1873.



  1. Symbolae ad floram ladogensi-karelicam [Medd. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 2, 1878]. Oct.

Publ.: 2 Mar-6 Apr 1878 (in journal; journal presented at meeting of 6 Apr and not on that of 2 Mar; Meddel. Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 13 Mai 1878: published), p. [1]-33. Copy: H. — Reprinted and to be cited from the journal 2: 1-33. 1878.

  1. Adnotationes de Pilosellis fennicis i. Anteckningar éfver Finlands Pilosellae ... Helsing-

fors (J. Simelii Arfvingars tryckeri) 1884. Oct. (Anteckn. Finl. Pilosell.).

Publ.: Jan-Mai 1884 (BSbF 27 Jun 1884; Bot. Centralbl. 21-25 Jul 1884), p. [1]-176. Copies: G, H. — Accompanied by 100 specimens. — Also issued as Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 2(4). 1884 (complete volume, 7 issues, publ. after 7 Nov 1885).

Ref.: Focke, W. O., Bot. Zeit. 43: 442-447. 1885 (rev.).

  1. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora fennica T. iii, nr. 4. Bedrag till Hieracium-Floran i

Skandinaviska halfons mellersta delar ... Helsingfors (J. Simelii Artfvingars Boktryckeri

Aktiebolag) 1888. Oct. (Bidr. Mierac.-F/.).

Publ.: circa 3 Nov 1888 (orig. minutes of Society), p. [1 ]-117. Copy: H.— Issued with separate wrapper as reprint or preprint as well as in complete volume of the Acia.

  1. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora fennica, xii, n:o 4. Pilosellae boreales praecipue

florae fennicae novae ... Heisingforsiae 1895. Oct. (Prlosell. bor.).

Publ.: shortly before 5 Oct 1895 (copy of complete volume of Acta, 4 nos., then presented to Society), p. [1]-83. Copy: H. — Issued separately and in complete volume of the Acta.

  1. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora fennica, 26, n:o 7, 1904. Nya nordiska Hieracia .. .

Helsingfors 1904-1912, 2 parts. Oct. (Nya nord. Mierac.).

1: 1904 (complete journal volume, g nos., publ. by 5 Dec 1904), p. [1]-124. Issued separately as well as in complete volume of Acta.

2: 1912 (in or after Mai 1912, see p. 4), p. [1]-127. Issued separately and as Acta vol. 36, no. Aig ON,

Copy: H.

Northrop, Alice Belle (née Rich; Alice R(ich) Northrop) (1864-1922), American bota- nist; wife (from 188g) of John Isaiah Northrop (1861-1891); tutor in botany at Normal College, New York 1885-1889. (Northr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: F; other material in A, B, G, GH, K, NY, US. — Exsiccatae: Bahama plants (1890), sets at B, G.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 14; BL 1: 144, 224, 310; GR p. 235; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Northr.”); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 162; Lenley p. 315; LS 19109; Urban-Berl. p. 267, 379.

Barnhart, J. H., J. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 39. 1922 (b. 6 Mar 1864).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1go1: 49 (470 sp. K).

Millspaugh, C. F., Field Mus. Bot. 2(3): 142. 1906.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 75. 1955.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 91. 1969.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 93. 1902, 5: 9. 1904.

  1. Flora of New Providence and Andros (Bahama Islands) ... [Mem. Torrey bot. Club

12(1)] tgo02. Oct.

Publ.: 10 Dec 1902 (p. 1: Nat. Nov. Feb(2) 1903), map, p. [1]-98, pl. 1-79. Copies: B, BR, G, US. — Published as Mem. Torrey bot. Club 12(1), 1902, and to be cited as such. — Reprinted in H. F. Osborn, A naturalist in the Bahamas: John I. Northrop. 1910, p. 119- 211.—For a further note on John Northrop see e.g. Hollick, A., Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 11(g). 1891, 4 p. and J. H. Barnhart, J. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 39. 1922.

Norton, John Bitting Smith (1872-1966), American botanist, mycologist, pathologist and horticulturalist; B.S. and M.S. Kansas State College of Agriculture (now Kansas State University), Manhattan (1896, 1900) under the direction of A. S. Hitchcock, assistant professor at Kansas State (1894-1896); botanical assistant, Missouri Botanical Garden



(1896-1901): professor of botany, Maryland Agricultural College (now University of Maryland), College Park (1901-1942); professor emeritus (1942-1966). (orton).

HERBARIUM and Types: KSC (1896-1901), MO (1896-1901), MARY (1901-1946); further material, especially Poaceae, at US, general material at US-DC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 14, Bossert p. 289; CSP 17: 565; Hirsch p. 216;

Hortus 3: 1200 (‘‘J. B.S. Norton’’); [IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Kelly p. 161; Kew 4: 162;

Langman p. 543; LS 19110-19116, 19113 err., 37468-37482, suppl. 20223-20234; NW p.

54; Pennell p. 615; Rehder 5: 625; Stevenson p. 1252; Tucker 1: 523.

Anon., Amer. men. sci. 235. 1906.

Barkley, F. M., Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 68(3): 363-383. 1965 (on Grass investigation trip of 1898; transcript of mss at KSU; by Jesse Baker Norton).

Barnhart, J. H., North Amer. fl. 7: 1080. 1940.

COMPOSITE WORKs: with Albert Spear Hitchcock (1865-1935), Third record on Kansas weeds, Exp. Sta. Kansas State Agric. Coll., Manhattan. Bull. 57. Jun 1896, 37 p., 27 pl. Rev.: F. Niedenzu, Bot. Centralbl. Beih. 7(5): 353-355. 18098.

NOTE: (1): Not to be confused with Jesse Baker Norton (x-1938), who studied also at Kansas State University, but who was later employed (ca. 1901-02) by USDA and by the Pedigreed Seed Company in Hartsville, S.C. (see Barkley (1965)).

(2). The greater part of the treatment of J. B.S. Norton was kindly provided by J. L. Reveal.

  1. North American species of Euphorbia, section Tithymalus by J. B. S. Norton. (Printed in advance from the eleventh Annual Report of the Missouri botanical garden) issued July 10,
  2. [St. Louis, Mo] 1899. Oct. (NM. Amer. Euphorbia).

Publ.: 10 Jul 1899 (cover reprints and p. 1, repr.), p. [1]-60, pl. 17-52 (uncol.). Copies: G, MARY, NY, US. Preprinted from Ann. Rep. Missouri bot. Gard. 1900: 85-144; title in journal: “A revision of the American species of Euphorbia of the section Tithymalus occurring north of Mexico.” — “TI wish to congratulate you on your paper on Euphorbia. It is the best Master’s Thesis that has been presented since I have been here.” A. S. Hitchcock, letter to Norton, 18 Jul 1899 (MARY).

  1. Seven thousand dahlias in cultivation. College Park, Maryland (published by the author)

  2. Oct. (7000 dahlias cult.). Publ.: 1924, p. [t]-291 (printed on one side only). Copy: MARY.

  3. 1925 dahlia ratings. Hyattsville, Maryland (published by the author) 1925. Oct. (1925 dahlia ratings).

Publ.: 1925, p. [1]-20 (plus 11 unnumbered pages of advertising). Copy: MARY.

  1. 1926 dahlia ratings. Hyattsville, Maryland (published by the author) 1926. Oct. (1926 dahlia ratings).

Publ.: 12 May 1926 (as stamped on inside front cover), p. [1]-48. Copy: MARY.

  1. Favorite dahlias of 1928; the first choice varieties of leading dahlia specialists. Hyattsville, Maryland (published by the author) 1929. Oct. (Dahlias of 1928). Publ.: 1929, p. [1 ]-66. Copy: MARY.

  2. Bulletin no. 323. Maryland grasses ... The University of Maryland Agricultural

Experiment Station College Park, Maryland September, 1930.

Publ.: Sep 1930, p. [i-ii], 251-326. Copy: NY. — To be cited from the Bull. Univ. Maryland Exp. Sta.

  1. A catalog of the vascular plants of Maryland. College Park, Maryland (Univ. Maryland

Agr. Exp. Sta.) 1946. Oct. (Cat. vase. Pl. Maryland). ;

Co-author: Russell Guy Brown (1905-x), forward by William Beck Kemp (1890-1976).

Publ.: Mar 1946, p. [1]-50. Copy: MARY — (Reprinted with a special cover and forwarded by the Director of the Experiment Station), Castanea 11: 1-50. 1946.



Notcutt, William Lowndes (1819-1868), British pharmacist and botanist at Fareham, Kettering and Cheltenham. (WNotcutt).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: mainly at MANCH; another first set at CLE; mosses at BM; further material at CGE, LIV, NWH, and OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 15; BB p. 231; Bl. 2: 244, 260, 696; BM 3: 1452;

Clokie p. 218; CSP 4: 646; Desmond p. 468; De Toni 1: xciii, 2: Ixxxvi; Jackson p. 237;

Rehder 5: 626.

Druce, G. C., Fl. Northamptonshire cxvii. 1930.

Greenwood, E. F., Proc. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isl. 7(2): 171. 1968 (b. 19 Apr 1819, d. 15 Sep 1868; pl. at LIV).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 71. 1957 (herb.).

Notcutt, W. L., Phytologist 1843: 500-508.

Riddelsdell, H. J., et al., Fl. Gloucesterhire cxxviii. 1948.

Watson, H. C., Topogr. bot. ed. 2. 552. 1883.

  1. A handbook of British plants, designed especially for schools, science-classes and excur-

sionists, ... London (Longman, Green, & Co., ...), Cheltenham (Norman and Sons, .. .)

[1865]. (Handb. Brit. pl.).

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1865 (p. ii: Mai 1865; J. Bot. Jul 1865 “Just published’’), p. [i*], [i]-i1, [1]- 213, [214, colo.]. Copy: National Library of Scotland; inf. J. Edmondson.

Ref.: Seemann, B., J. Bot. 3: 262. Aug 1865.

6gor. A handbook of the microscope and microscopic objects with descriptive lists of upwards of 1780 objects and full directions for obtaining, preparing and viewing them. With twelve plates, including figures of sixty-one objects ... London (Edward Lumley, .. .) 1859. Duod. (Handb. microsc.).

Publ.: 1859 (p. iv: Dec 1858), p. [i]-1x. [1]-152, pl. 1-12 (col. liths.). Copy: PH.

Noter, Raphael de (1857-1936), Algeria-born French horticulturist. (Voter). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 15; BM 3: 1452; CSP 17: 566; Kew 4: 162; Langman p. 543-544; Morren ed. 10, p. 113; MW p. 359; Plesch p. 349-350; Rehder 5: 626; Tucker 1: 523.

Anon., Revue hortic. 108: 105. 1936 (d.).

  1. Les orangers citronniers, cédratiers et autres aurantiacées a fruits comestibles leur

culture dans la région méditerranéenne et dans le Nord par Raphaél de Noter ... avec la

collaboration de MM. Chouvet, Ch. Riviére et F. Sahut ... Paris (Octave Doin ...

Librairie agricole ...) 1896. 18-mo. (Orangers).

Collaborators: Chouvet pére; Charles Marie Riviere (1843-?); Félix Sahut (1835-1904).

Publ.: Feb-Jul 1896 (p. ix: 25 Jan 1891; Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1896; Bot. Zeit. 1 Aug 1896), p. [1]- ix, [1 ]-202. Copy: L.

  1. Les Eucalyptus culture-exploitation industrie propriétés médicinales ... Paris (Augu-

stin Challamel, ...) 1912. Oct. (Eucalyptus).

Publ.: 1912 (Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1912; ObZ Jun-Jul 1912), p. [i, iii], [1]-119, [1, cont.]. Copy: L. — in: Bibliotheque d’agriculture tropicale.

  1. Légumes et fruits des cing parties du monde... Paris (Gauthier-Villars & Cie., ...) 1923, 2 vols. Oct. (Légum. fruits monde).

1: 1923, p. [i]-vi, [1]-225, [1, cont.].

2: 1923, p. [i-1v], [1]-136, [1, cont. ].

Copy: USDA.

Not¢, Andreas (1865-1948), Norwegian botanist; high school teacher at Troms¢ (1888- 1909), Levanger (1909-1920) and Bod@ (from 1920): (Noéd ).


NOTO HERBARIUM and TyPEs: TROM; further material at C, E, GB, H, MANCH, TRH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 15; BL 2: 452, 462, 697; BM 7: 941; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 163; Kleppa p. 329 [index].

Benum, P., Blyttia 7: 25-28. 1949 (obit., bibl., b. 18 Jan 1865, d. 21 Aug 1948).

Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970 (pl. E).

Holmboe, J., Norsk biogr. leks. 10: 243-244. 1949.

  1. Florula tromsdensis. Editio nova ... Troms¢ (Troms¢postens Bogtr.) 1gor.

Publ.: Shortly after 23 Mar 1901 (p. 113), p. [i, reprint title page], [113]-180. Copy: TROM. — Reprinted and to be cited from Troms¢ Mus. Aarsh. 23: 113-180. 1901 (Information kindly supplied by Harald Mehus). — The “Ed. nova” refers to J. M. Norman, Florula troms¢ensis, Troms¢ Mus. Aarsh. 15: 157-173. 1893.

Nott, Charles Palmer (//. 1896-1900), American botanist; educated at Brown University; assistant at University of California, Berkeley, 1896-1904, afterwards farmer. (Nott).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Californian algae at GMS and US (types).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 15; CSP 17: 566; De Toni 4: xlu; IH 1(ed. 6):

362, 2: (in press).

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 68: 32. 1896 (assistant Univ. Calif., Berkeley); Bot. Jahrb. 22 (Beibl. 55): 12. 1896.

Ewan, J. et al., Leafl. w. Bot. 7: 73. 1953.

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 556. 1969.

  1. Nitophylla of California description and distribution ... San Francisco (published by

the Academy) 1900. Oct. (Nitoph. Calif).

Publ.: 3 Aug 1900 (t.p.), p. [1], [1 ]-62, pl. 1-9. Copies: NY, US. — Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. Bot. 2(1), 1goo.

Noulet, Jean Baptiste (1802-1890), French anthropologist and botanist; Dr. med. Toulouse 1826; director of the Musée d’histoire naturelle and the Jardin des plantes de Toulouse and professor at the Ecole de médecine et de pharmacie. (Noulet).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 656; Barnhart 3: 15; BL 2: 154, 696; BM 3: 1453; CSP

4: 647, 8: 519, 10: 941, 12: 542, 17: 567; 1H 2: (in press); Jackson p. 278; Kew 4: 163-164; LS

19140-19142; Morren ed. 10, p. 69; NI 1456; PR 6764-6766 (ed. 1: 7571-7573); Quenstedt

p. 317; Rehder 5: 627; Stevenson 1252; Tucker 1: 524.

Anon., Rev. de bot. 8: 310. 1890 (obit., d. 26 Mai 1890).

Astre, G. , Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse 101: 181. 1966.

Cartailhac, E., L’anthropologie 1: 512. 1890 (obit.).

Cartailhac, E. et al., Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse ser. 11. 6: 421-483. 1918 (biogr., N as a botanist by Leclerc du Sablon, b. 1 Mai 1802, d. 24 Mai 1890, bibl.).

Endlicher, S. L., Gen. 1407. 1841 (epon.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 109. pl. 147. 1905 (portr.).

EPONYMY: JVouletia Endlicher (1841) probably commemorates him.

  1. Hore du bassin sous-pyrénéen, ou description des plantes qui croissent naturellement

dans cette circonscription géologique, avec l’indication spéciale des espéces qui se trouvent

aux environs de Toulouse... Toulouse (J.-B. Paya, imprimeur-libraire,. . .) 1837. Oct. (Fi.

bass. sous-pyrén.).

Orig.: 1837 (p. xv: Jul 1837; Flora rd. 28 Aug 1838), p. [i]-lxvii, [Ixviii], [1]-753, [754]. Copies: BR, FI, G(2), USDA.

Additions et corrections: 1846 (p. iv: 25 Mar 1846), p. [i]-iv, [1]-43. Copzes: BR, G(2). — “Additions et corrections a la Flore du bassin sous-pyrénéen, .. .”” Toulouse (Imprimerie de Bonnal et Gibrac, ...) 1846. Oct.



  1. Trazté des champignons comestibles, suspects et vénéneux, qui croissent dans le bassin

sous-pyrénéen, ... Toulouse (Chez J.-B. Paya ...), Paris (id.) 1838. Oct. ( Trazté champ.).

Co-author: A. Dassier.

Publ.: 1838, p. [i]-xxx, [1 chart], [1]-258, [259-261], pl. 1-4, bis, 5-42 (col.). Copies: FH, Stevenson. — The FH copy has an incomplete set of plates but contains several proofs (uncol.) and original drawings.

  1. Flore analytique de Toulouse et de ses environs, ... Toulouse (Librairie centrale, .. .)

  2. Duod. (Fl. anal. Toulouse).

Ed. 1: Jan 1855 (p. xiii: 5 Jan 1855; Soc. bot. France rd. 9 Feb 1855). Copies: B, NY, p. [i]- xvii, [xviil, err.], [1]-370.

Ed. 2: 1861 (p. xii: 1 Oct 1860), p. [i]-xv, [1]-368. Copzes: BR, G. — Deuxiéme édition. Toulouse (Delboy, libraire-éditeur, ...) 1861. Duod.

Ed. 3: 1884, p. [i]-xvi, [1]-376. Copies: G, USDA. — Troisiéme édition. Toulouse (Edouard Privat, libraire-éditeur ...) 1884. Duod.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 795-796. 1856 (post 1 Feb).

Novak, Frantisek Antonin (1892-1964), Czechoslovak botanist at the Charles Universi- ty of Praha, specialist on the phanerogamic flora of C. Europe and the Balkan Peninsula.

(Novak). HERBARIUM and typEs: PRC; other material at PR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 5(2): 451; Barnhart 3: 15; BJI 2: 125; BM 7: 941-942; Bossert p. 290; Futak-Domin p. 426-431; GR p. 671; Hirsch p. 216; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Novak’’); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 164-165; Kla8tersky p. 136 (q.v. for further biogr. refs.); Langman p. 544; Roon p. 83.

Anon., Preslia 9: 94. 1930 (address list).

KlaStersky, I., Preslia 34: 335-347. 1962 (7oth birthday; tribute; portr. bibl.).

Klika, J., Preslia 24: 216-217. 1952 (both birthday, tribute).

Stary, F., Preslia 45: 183-185. 1973 (additional bibl. 1965-1972).

  1. Nase priroda v obrazech ... Rostliny... v Praze [Praha] (Vesmir, ...) 1937-1941, 2 vols. (Rostliny).

Artist: Karel Svolinsky.

1: 1941, p. [1], col. pl. 1-158, p. [i]-xiv.

2: 1937, p. [1-2], col. pl. 1-115, p. [i]-xix.

Copy: FI.

Novak, Josef (1846-1917), Czech botanist and high school teacher at Némecky Brod (Deutschbrod, Havlickav Brod) 1874-1886, later at Jicin (Jitschin). (7. Novdk).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 15; BM 3: 1454; CSP 17; 567; Futak-Domin p.

431; GR p. 666, cat. p. 69; Jackson p. 505; Klastersky p. 136-137; LS 19144-19145, suppl.

20240-20242; Maiwald p. 232.

Anon., Preslia 48(2): 188. 1876 (b. to Jun 1846, d. 17 Sep 1917).

Burgerstein, J., Osterr. bot. Z. 36: 97, 129, 130. 1886 (publ. in school programs); 63: 217, 219. 1913.

  1. Die Flechten der Umgebung von Deutschbrod nebst einem Verzeichnis der uberhaupt in

Bohmen entdeckten Arten ... Prag (In Commission bei Fr. Rivnac) 1893. Oct.

Publ.: 1893 (Bot. Zeit. 16 Nov 1893; Nat. Nov. Nov(1) 1893; ObZ Nov 1893), p. [1]-65 [66, index]. Copy: G. — Arch. naturwiss. Landesdurchforsch. Bohmen 7(1) (Bot.). 1893. — Preliminary publications in Programm Realobergymnasiums Deutschbrod 1878, 1884 (n.v.).

Nowell, John (1802-1867), British handloom weaver and bryologist at Todmorden, Yorkshire. (Nowell).


NOWELL HERBARIUM and TypPEs: TOD (not traced); further material at E, MANCH and OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 15; BB p. 231; BL 2: 275, 696; BM 3: 1454;

Clokie p. 218; Desmond p. 469 (q.v. for biogr. refs.); De ‘Toni 1: xciii, 2 Ixxxvii; IH 2: (in

press); Kew 4: 167; Moebius p. 105; Rehder 5: 628; TL-2/262; Tucker 1: 524.

Crump, W. B., & C. Crossland, The flora ofine parish of Halifax Ix-Ixi. 1904 (d. 28 Oct 1867; mentions obit. in The Manchester Guardian 5 Nov 1867).

Dallman A. A. and M. H. Wood, Trans. Liverpool bot. Soc. 1: 83, 231. 1909.

Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970 (bryo. E).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 71. 1957 (herb. formerly at TOD).

Scott, L. I., The Naturalist 879: 155-156. 1961.

Shaw, G. A., The Naturalist 924; 5-6. 1973.

COMPOSITE WORKS: The mosses of the county, in J. G. Baker and J. Nowell, Suppl. fl. Yorkshire, see TL-2/262 under H. Baines.

EPONYMY: JVowellia Mitten (1870). Note: Nowellia F. L. Stevens (1924) was named in honor of W. Nowell, a researcher on fungi in Trinidad.

Niiesch, Emil (1877-1959), Swiss high school teacher and mycologist at St. Gallen, Dr. phil. h.c. Ztirich 1942. (Niiesch).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Kelly p. 161; Kew 4: 167; LS 19151, suppl. 20292-20331. Alder, Schweiz. Z. Pilzk. 37(2): 20-21. 1959 (obit., portr., d. 20 Jan 1959). Saxer, F., Ber. Tatigk. St. Gall. naturw. Ges. 76: 79-82. 1959 (obit., portr., bibl.,).

  1. Die braunsporigen Normalblatterpilze (Phaeosporae der Agariceae) der Kantone St.

Gallen und Appenzell. Fundverzeichnis mit kritischen Bemerkungen zur Artkennzeich-

nung... St. Gallen (Druck der Buchdruckerei Zollikofer & Cie.) 1918. Oct.

Publ.: 1918, cover (with above title), p. 177-322. Copy: Stevenson. — Reprinted from Jahrb. St. Gall. Naturwiss. Ges. 55: 177-322. 1918. To be cited from the journal.

  1. Die hausbewohnenden Hymenomyceten der Stadt St. Gallen. 83 Pilzarten Bau, Lebenswei-

se, Bedeutung als Holzzerstorer und Bekampfung . . . St. Gallen (Fehr’sche Buchhandlung)

  1. Oct. (Hausbewohn. Hymenomyc.).

Publ.: 1919 (p. iv: 1 Aug 1919), frontisp. (col.), p. [i]-v, [1]-204. Copies: G, Stevenson.

Extract: “Die gefahrlichsten holzzerstérenden Pilze der Héuser Bau, Merkmale, Lebensweise, Holzzersetzung und Bekampfung ...” St. Gallen (id.) 1919. Oct., frontisp. (col.), p. [i]- v, [1]-90. Copy: Stevenson.

  1. Die Rohrlinge (Pilzgattung Boletus) Bestimmungsschliissel und Beschreibung aller Rohrlinge Mitteleuropas ... Frauenfeld (Verlag von Huber & Co.) 1920. Oct. (Réhrlinge). Publ.: 1920 (p. [iii]: 1 Aug 1920), p. [i-iii], [1]-43. Copies: BR, FH, Stevenson.

  2. Die Milchlinge (Pilzgattung Lactarius). Bestimmungsschliissel und Beschreibung der Milchlinge Mitteleuropas. . . St. Gallen (Selbstverlag des Verfassers) [1921]. (Milchlinge). Publ.: 1921 (p. [3]: 1 Mai 1921), p. [1]-50. Copy: BR.

  3. Die weisssporigen Hygrophoreen (Pilzgattungen Limacium, Hygrophorus, Nyctalis).

Bestimmungsschliissel und Beschreibung der weisssporigen Hygrophoreen Mitteleuropas . Heilbronn a. Neckar (Druck und Verlag von Carl Rembold) [1922]. Oct. (Weissspor.

Eiyaropiior. Nie

Publ.: 1922 (p. [3]: Jan 1922; Nat. Nov. Dec 1922), p. [1]-66. Copy: BR.

  1. Die Ritlerlinge Monographie der Agariceen-Gattung Tricholoma mit Bestimmungs-

schlussel ... Heilbronn a. Neckar (Carl Rembold A. G. ...) 1923. Oct. (Ritterlinge).

Publ.: 1923 (p. 3: Easter 1923; Nat. Nov. Nov 1923; ObZ Nov-Dec 1923; FH copy rd. 1 Mai 1924), p. [1]-188. Copies: BR, FH, G, Stevenson. — The BR copy has 1 i.



  1. Die Trichterlinge Monographie der Agariceen-Gattung Clifocybe mit Bestimmungs-

schliissel .. . St. Gallen (Druck und Verlag: F. Schwald, . . .) 1926. Oct. ( T7zchterl. Clitocybe).

Publ.: 1926 (p. 4: Spring 1936; Nat. Nov. Mai 1927), p. [1]-279, & col. pl. Copies: FH, Stevenson.

Nuttall, Lawrence William (1857-1933), American mine-owner, botanist and plant collector at Nuttallburg, Fayette County, West Virginia; in San Diego from 1927. (L. Nutt.).

HERBARIUM and typEs: PAC, WVA; other material BPI, CUP, F, MICH, NY, SD.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 17; BL 1: 168, 221, 311; BM 7: 944; Bossert p. 290; CSP 17: 576; GR p. 235; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 169; Lenley p. 316; Pennell p. 615; Rehder 5: 628; Stevenson p. 1253.

Boone, W., Hist. bot. W. Virginia 194 [index]. 1865.

Core, E. L., Castanea 17: 157-164. 1952 (biogr., portr., b. 17 Sep 1857, d. 16 Oct 1933).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Millspaugh, C. F. & L. W. Nuttall, Flora of Santa Catalina Island, Jan 1923, Field Mus. Bot. 5, see under Millspaugh.

(2) Millspaugh, C. F. & L. W. Nuttall, Flora of West Virginia, Field Columbia Mus. Bot. 1(2) 69-276. Jan 1806.

Nuttall, Thomas (1786-1859), British naturalist; pioneer scientific explorer of the United States 1808-1841, at Philadelphia 1808-1810, to St. Louis and up the Missouri 1810-1812, in England 1812-1815, mainly Philadelphia 1815-1818, to the U.S. Southwest 1818-1820, at Philadelphia 1820-1822, at Cambridge, Mass. 1823-1834, to the Far West and around Cape Horn 1834-1836, at Philadelphia 1836-1842; in England from 1841 except for a visit to Philadelphia 1847-1848. (Nuit.).

HERBARIUM and Types: The Nuttall herbarium (5.750 species, acquired 1860) is at BM. However it would appear that up to the publication of the “Genera... in 1818 he kept few or no specimens for himself, presenting a complete series of his plants to the Academy of Natural Sciences (PH) so that there repose his early types” (Pennell 1936). Further Nuttall specimens are found in CGE, DUKE, DWG, E, F, FI, G, GH, K, LIV, MANCH, MO, NNGOXE.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: AG 1: 403, 3: 219, 6(2): 117; Backer p. 400; Barnhart 3: 17;

BB p. 231-232; BM 3: 1456, 7: 944; Bossert p. 290; CSP 4: 650-651, 8: 521, 12: 543, 17: 5765

DAB 13: 596-597; Desmond p. 469; DNB 41: 276-277; DSB 10: 163-165. 1974 (bibl.); Frank

3(Anh.): 72; GR p. 278, cat. p. 69; Herder p. 117, 141, 225; Hortus 3: 1200 (“Nutt.”); 1H

1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 68, 354, 360; Kew 4: 169; Krempelh. 3: 82, 211;

Langman p. 545; Laségue p. 331, 346, 349, 464, 505; Lenley p. 465; LS 19154-19155; ME1:

215-216, 3: 632 [index], 737; MW p. 359; NAF 28B(2): 348-349, ser. 2. 2: 167, 5: 250; NI

1458; Pennell p. 615; PH p. 507 [index]; PR 6772-6774 (ed. 1: 7580-7584); RS p. 121; SK 1:

ccv; Stevenson p. 1253; TL-1/377, 842, 925-931; TL-2/325, 910, 3560, see E. M. Durand;

Tucker 1: 524-525; Urban-Berl. p. 379; Zander ed. 10, p. 697, ed. 11, p. 795-

Subject index to refs.: Bibliographical notes: Graustein (1967), Harshberger (1899), Lubrecht

(1967), Merrill (1937, 1947), Reveal & Spevak (1967), Smith & Thieret (1959), Stuckey

(1968: many secundary refs.); BM, CSP, DSB, Jackson, Kew, Krempelh., ME, MW, NAF,

Pritzel, TL-1, TL-2; Biographies: Anon. (1898), Barnhart (1926, 1928), Beidleman (1960),

Chichester (1895), Dallman (1909), Graustein 1867 (main biography), Leonard (1889),

Powers (1925), Small (1923), Smith (1957), Stone (1934); AG, BB, DAB, DNB, Desmond,

GR, ME, SK, Zander; Collections: Candolle (1880), Gordon (1943), Hedge (1970), Jackson

(1gor), Miller (1970), Muray (1904), Pennell (1936, 1950), Piper (1906), Schofield (1978),

Steinberg (1977), Stuckey (1967); 1H, Lasegue, LS, Pennell, Urban-Berl.; Diary: Graustein

(1952); Evaluation: Graustein 1967; Smith & Thieret (1959).

Geographical localities (journeys): Arkansas: Beidleman (1956), Palmer (1927); California: Bremer (1880), Coville (1899), Eastwood (1939), Ewan (1955),Jepson (1934); Delaware: Tatnall (1940); Harvard: Gager (1936), Sutton (1970) Towa: Pammel (1921); Michigan: Voss 1978 (see also Old Northwest); Ohio valley: Stuckey (1966); Old Northwest (Great



Lakes region): Graustein (1952), Stuckey (1967); Oregon: Hughes (1940); Philadelphia: Harshberger (1899); Red River: Geiser (1956); St. Louis: Spaulding (1909); San Francisco: Thomas (1969); West Virginia: Boone (1965);

Journeys: see Geographical and Overland journeys. Horticulture: Hedrick (1950). Mycology:

Rogers (1977). Nomenclature: Fernald (1913, 1942, 1944), Little (1943). Obctuaries: Booth

(1861), Durand (1860), Thieret (1959). Ornithology: Allen, E. G. (1951). Overland journeys:

Jepson 1934, McKelvey (1955).

Persons (relation with): Audubon: Graustein (1952), Baldwin, W.: Darlington (1843), Barton: Graustein (1961). Bartram: Earnest (1940). Fernow: Rodgers (1951). Gray, Asa: Dupree (1952), Gray (1893), Lambert: Graustein (1954). Lisa, Manuel: Graustein (1956), Picke- ring: Rhodora (1918). Pursh: Graustein (1956), Sargent: Sutton (1970), Schweinitz: Barn- hart (1921), Shear (1921), Sudlivant: Rodgers (1940), Torrey: Barnhart (1921), Rodgers (1942), Shear (1921).

Popular accounts: Coats (1969), Humphrey (1961), Meehan (1860), Schuyler (1973), You-

mans (1896). Portraits: Anon. (1898), Milner (1906), Naudin (1859), Pennell (1936),

Spaulding (1g09), Stafleu (1973), Wittrock (1903, 1905).

Publications (see also bibliographical notes): Arkansas flora: Foster (1944). Fraser’s cat.: Britten (1891, 1899), Cronquist (1956), Greene (1890), Reveal (1968). Genera: Ewan (1971), Hooker (1825), Kuntze (1898), Rafinesque (1819), Stuckey (1966).

Taxa: Cacti: Mitich (1977). Cirsium: Ownbey (1952). Rhododendron (Indian): Ludlow (1972). Thlaspi: Stuckey (1967).

Alden, R. H. and J. D. Ifft, Occ. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci. 20: 42-46. 1943.

Allen, E. G., Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. ser. 2. 41(3): 536, 565. 1951 (ornithol.).

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1445. 1870.

Anon., Bonplandia 8: 34. 1860 (d.); Bull. Soc. bot. France 6: 759. 1860; Natl. cycl. Amer. biogr. 8: 374. 1898 (portr., biogr.); Osterr. bot. Z. 10: 16. 1860 (d.).

Barnhart, J. H., Torreya 9: 248-249. 1909; J. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 182. 1909, 24: 111- II2. 1923, 27: 199. 1926 (biogr. note), 29: 2. 1928 (id.); Mem. Torrey bot. Club 16: 297. 1g21 (N. in Schweinitz-Torrey corr.); Bartonia 10: 31-32. 1935.

Beidleman, R. G., Arkansas hist. Quart. 15: 249-259. 1956 (1818-1820 Arkansas journey); Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 104(1): 86-100. 1960 (biogr. sidelights; life mask; various episodes discussed on basis of original sources); Horticulture 45: 36-37, 45. 1967.

Boone, W., Hist. bot. W. Virginia 4, 5, 7, 8, 42. 1965.

Booth, T. J., Settle Chronicle and North Ribblesdale Advertiser, Jan-Feb 1861, reprinted in: Pennell (1938); see also Thieret and Smith 1959 (early English obituary).

Brewer, W. H., zn S. Watson, Bot. Calif. 2: 555. 1880.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 29: 32. 1891; 37: 481-487. 1899 (Fraser’s catalogues).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 437. 1880 (herb. BM, other mat. K, PH).

Chichester, H. M., Dict. natl. Biogr. 41: 277-278. 1895.

Coats, A. M., Plant hunters 165, 293, 295-304, 309, 316. 1969 (popular).

Coville, F. V., Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 13: 109-121. 1899 (N. in Calif.).

Cronquist, A., Leafl. w. Bot. 17: 17-31 (nomencl. notes on Nuttall species).

Cronquist, A., et al., Rhodora 58: 23-24. 1956 (names in Fraser’s catalogue 1813 validly publ.).

Crosswhite, F. S., Bot. Expl. N. Amer. to 1810, p. 14. 1965.

Dallman, A. A. & M. H. Wood, Trans. Liverpool Bot. Soc. 1: 84-85. 1909 (biogr. details; bibl.).

Darlington, W., Reliq. Baldw. 184, 185, 196, 206, 277, 282, 289, 292, 307, 308, 313. 1843 (N. and W. Baldwin).

Dupree, A. H., Rhodora 54: 293-303. 1952 (N’s controversy with Asa Gray).

Durand, W., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 7: 297-315. 1860 (also reprinted: Memoir of the late Thomas Nuttall, Philadelphia 1860, 20 p.).

Earnest, E., John and William Bartram 165-166. 1940.

Eastwood, A., Quart. Calif. hist. Soc. 18(4): 341-342. 1939 (N. in Calif.).

Eifert, V. S., Tall trees and far horizons. New York 1965, p. 101-122.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 273. 1950; Rhodora 54: 232-236. 1952 (review of J. E. Graustein’s Nuttall’s travels into the Old Northwest, 1952; unsolved questions); in Cent. progr. nat. sci. 56. 1955 (further references); in J. F. Leroy, ed., Bot. frang. Amér. nord. 37-1957; Nuttall’s Genera in American botany, in Nuttall, T.,Gen. N. Amer. pl., facsimile



ed., New York 1971, p. ix-xxxvill. (important study); 7 R. W. Long & O. Lakela, FI. trop. Florida 4-5. 1971; 7 F. Pursh, Fl. Amer. sept. facs. repr. 1979, intr. p. 23.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 6, 7, 37, 38, 40,.47. 1969.

Fernald, M. L., Rhodora 15: 14-18. 1913 (on N’s sassafras), Proc. amer. philos. Soc. 86: 65- 67. 1942, Rhodeora 46: 491-493. 1944 (Monarda russeliana).

Foster, R. C., Rhodora 46: 156-157. 1944 (date publ. “‘Arkansas flora’”’ of 1835/36).

Gager, C.S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27(3): 369. 1938 curator bot. gard. Harvard 1825 [sic ]-1834).

Geiser, S. W., Field & Laboratory 24(2): 43-56. 1956 (trip to the Red River, 1819, itin., journals).

Gordon, Bartonia 22: 8. 1943 (Arkansas material at DWC).

Graustein, J. E., Chron. bot. 14(1/2), 1952, 88 p. (N’s travels into the old Northwest; diary of 1810); Sci. Mon. 74: 84-90. 1952 (Audubon and N); Rhodora 56: 253-257. 1954 (N. in 1815 as described in a letter to A. R. Lambert); 58: 20-22. 1956 (N’s quarrel with Pursh on Bartonia); Bull. Missouri hist. Soc. 12(3): 219, 252. 1956 (N. and Manuel Lisa, fur trade entrepreneur on the Missouri river; meeting 1810); Pennsylv. Mag. Hist. Biogr. 85: 437-438. 1961 (B. S. Barton sponsored Nuttall in 1810); Thomas Nuttall, naturalist, exploration in America 1808-1841. Cambridge, Mass. 1967, xiv, 481 p. (main biogra- phy).

Gray, J. L., Letters Asa Gray 92, 282, 326. 1893; 7n W. J. Hooker, Lond. J. Bot. 1: 13. 1842.

Greene, E. L., Pittonia 2: 114-119. 1890 (repr. Fraser’s cat. on p. 116-119).

Harshberger, J. W., Bot. Philadelphia 151-159. 1899 (biogr., bibl.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970 (some USA pl. in E).

Hedrick, W. P., Hist. hortic. America 355, 402, 405-408, 422, 423. 1950 (N. and horticultu- re).

Hemenway, A. F., Quart. Oregon hist. Soc. 5: 209-211. 1904.

Hooker, W. J., Amer. J. Sci. 9: 276-279. 1825 (account of N’s Genera); Lond. J. Bot. 1: 637. LOAQ) 75 271. LOAG.

Hughes, K. W., Contr. bibl. Oregon bot., Oregon State Coll. 12-13. 1940 (1834 journey Oregon with bibl.).

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 190-192. 1961 (superficial biogr. sketch; see also Ewan, J., Rhodora 64: 189. 1962).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 49 (coll. K); J. Bot. 60: 57. 1921.

Jepson, W. L., Madrofio 2(17): 143-147. 1934 (on N’s overland journey of 1834).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 466. 1864.

Jones, G. N., Little Gardens, Seattle 8: 6-25. 1937 (fide Stuckey).

Kuntze, O., Rev. gen. 3(2): 160. 1898 (on Genera).

Leonard, W. E., Bull. Minnesota Acad. Sci. 3(1): 30-31. 1889 (brief biogr. sketch).

Leroy, J. F. et al., Bot. frang. Amér. Nord 37, 54, 66, 67, 139. 1957.

Little, E. L., Jr., Amer. midl. Natural. 29: 493-508. 1943 (on Carya Nutt.).

Lubrecht, H., Early Amer. bot. works nos. 103-106. 1967.

Ludlow, F., Trans. bot. Soc. Edinburgh 41(3): 351-363. 1972 (on the localities of Indian Rhododendron described by Nuttall in 1853 from specimens coll. by his nephew T. J. Booth).

McKelvey, S. D., Bot. expl. Trans-Mississippi West 139-149, 164-187, 586-626, 731-752. 155

Mears, J. A., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 122(3): 155, 156. 1978.

Meehan, T., ed., Gard. Monthly 2: 21-23. 1860 (or by C. Pickering?).

Merrill, E. D., Bishop Museum Bull. 144: 143-144. 1937 (Polynesian bibl.); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 229. 1947 (Pacific Isl. bibl.).

Miller, H. S., Taxon 19: 534. 1970 (Lambert’s set of Nuttall material now at PH).

Milner, J. D., Gat. portr. Kew 88. 1906.

Mitich, L. W. & L. Benson, Cact. Succ. J. 49(1): 3-8. 1977 (N. and the cacti of North Dakota; portr.).

Murray, G., Hist. Coll. Brit. Mus. (N.H.) 1: 171. 1904 (herb., 5.750 sp.).

Naudin, C., Fl. Serres 14: 52-55. 1859 (portr., resembles Walter Scott).

Ownbey, G., Rhodora 54: 27-35. 1952 (N’s species of Czrsium).

Palmer, E. J., J. Arnold Arb. 8: 24-55. 1927 (N’s trail through Arkansas).

Pammel, L. H., Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 31: 49. 1924 (geol. work Iowa 1921).

Pease, A. S., Rhodora 20: 39. 1918 (N. & Pickering in White Mts.).



Pennell, F. W., Bartonia 18: 1-51. 1936 (travels and scientific coll., portr.); 19: 50-54. 1938 (obituary by T. J. Booth in Settle Chronicle; 21: 44. 1942 (early coll. at PH); Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 94: 145-147. 1950.

Piper, C. V., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 11: 14-15. 1906 (on Washington coll.).

Powers, W. H., Science 62: 389-391. 1925 (biogr.).

Rafinesque, C. R., Amer. mon. Mag. crit. Rev. 4(3): 184-196. Jan 1819. (copy: KU) (rev. Genera).

Reveal, J. L., Great Britain Natural. 27: 102-117. 1967; Rhodora 70: 25-54. 1968 (on Fraser’s cat.); Nuttall, in A. Cronquist et al., Intermount. FI. 1: 43-45. 1972.

Reveal, J. L. & V.S. Spevak, Taxon 16: 407-414. 1967 (dates of two 1848 papers by N. on W. Gambel’s plants; list of names).

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 103, 106, 114, 147, 230. 1940; John Torrey 346 [index]. 1942; Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 334 [index]. 1944; Bernard Eduard Fernow 19, 48. 1951.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. mycol. N. Amer. 10. 1977.

Schofield, E. K., Brittonia 30(3): 404. 1978. (material at NY).

Schuyler, A. E., Morris Arb. Bull. 24(2): 32. 1973 (popular).

Shear, C. L. & N. E. Stevens, Mem. Torrey bot. Cl. 16: 119-300. 1921 (Schweinitz-Torrey corr.).

Shinners, L. H., Rhodora 57: 290-293. 1955, 58: 281-289. 1956 (Fraser’s cat.).

Short, C. W., in W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. 3: 108-110. 1841 (contr. to knowledge W. Amer. dlants).

Small, J. K., J. New York Bot. Gard. 24: 105-114. 1923 (with footnote Barnhart p. 111- 112).

Smith, C. E. Jr., Bartonia 28: 10-14. 1957.

Smith, C. E. Jr. & J. W. Thieret, Leafl. w. Bot. 9(3): 33-42. 1959 (evaluation and bibliography).

Spaulding, P., Pop. Sci. Mon. 74(1): 52-57. 1909 (portr.; stay St. Louis).

Stafleu, F. A., 2 Daniels, G. S. and F. A. Stafleu, Taxon 22: 92. 1973 (portr., refs., b. 5 Jan 1786, d. 15 Sep 1859).

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 33. 1977 (material at FI).

Stone, W., Dict. amer. Biogr. 13: 596-597. 1934.

Stuckey, R. L., Castanea 31(3): 187-198. 1966 (1816 Ohio Valley coll. descr. in Genera 1818); Michigan Bot. 6: 81-94. 1967 (“lost plants of N’s 1810 exp. in the “Old Northwest” [Great Lakes region].); Rhodora 69: 460-465. 1967 ( Thlaspz); 70: 429-438. 1908 (rev. of Graustein’s Nuttall; bibl. of publications about N. and his botanical work. [valuable source for secondary references].

Sutton, S. B., Charles Sprague Sargent 42, 85, 144, 153, 281. 1970 (relation with Sargent and Harvard).

Taton, R., ed., Science in the nineteenth century 363, 385. 1965.

Tatnall, R. R., Bartonia 20: 1-6. 1938-1939 (1940) (N’s coll. in S. Delaware).

Thieret, J. W., & C. E. Smith, Bartonia 29: 10. 1959 (on obituary in Settle Chronicle, see Pennell, 1937).

Thomas, J. H., Contr. Dudley Herb. 5(6): 159. 1961 (N at San Francisco); Huntia 3: 13. 1969.

Torrey, J. & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: ix-x. 1838.

Voss, E. G., Botanical beachcombers and explorers, Univ. Mich. Herb. 13: 3-5, 10-12, 29, 40-41, 73. 1978 (N in Mich.).

Wittrock, V. B., in Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 180. 1903; 3(3): 199. 1905 (on portr.).

Youmans, W. J., ed., Pioneers of Science in America 205-214. 1896 (repr. from Pop. Sci. Monthly).

Further secondary literature on Nuttall is reported in Joseph, B. & C. W. Squires, eds., Biography index 2: 727. 1953, 3: 708. 1956, 5: 542. 1962, 6: 439. 1965, 7: 498. 1968, and Sep 1976-Aug 1977: 199. 1978, Sep 1977-Aug 1978: 216. 1978; 33(2): 50. 1979.

HANDWRITING: Bartonia 28: pl. 6. 1957; Webbia 32(1): 30. 1977; in Nuttall, T., Gen. N. Amer. pl. facs. ed. 1971, p. xxxviii; Candollea 32: 195-196. 1977. i

EpONYMY: Nultallae Rafinesque (1818, orth. var.); Nuttallia Barton (1822); Nuttallia Rafines-


NUTTALL (1827)

que (1817); Nuttallia K. P. J. Sprengel (1820); Nuttallia Torrey (1828); Nuttallia Torrey et A. Gray ex W. J. Hooker et Arnott (1838).

  1. A catalogue of new and interesting plants collected in Upper Louisiana and principally on the

River Missouri, North America, for sale at Messrs. Fraser’s nursery for curious American

plants, Sloane, Square, King’s Road, Chelsea, [London 1813]. Fol. (Cat. pl. Upper Louisia-


Publ.: 1813, n.v.; IDC 6097; for authorship see Graustein (1967) and ME 3: 372-373. — Often quoted by Nuttall in his Genera (see Shinners and Cronquist). See also Greene and Britten for critical notes. Britten reprinted also some other catalogues. Others attributed to John Fraser (1750-1811), q.v.

Ref:: Greene, E. L., Pittonia 2: 114-119. 1890.

Britten, J., J. Bot. 37: 481-487. 1899, 43: 329-331. 1905. Shinners, L., Rhodora 57: 290-293. 1955, 58: 281-289. 1956. Cronquist, A., et al., Rhodora 58: 23-24. 1956, 59: 100. 1957. Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 82, 337. 1967.

  1. Observations on the genus Eriogonum, and the natural order Polygoneae of Jussieu . . . [J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia] 1817. Publ.: in J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1(2): 24-31. Jun 1817, 1(3): 33-37. Jul 1817.

  2. Description of Collinsia, a new genus of plants ... [J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia]

  3. Publ.: Dec 1817 (ME 2: 146), in J. Acad. nat. Sci. 1(8): 189-192, 7 pl.

  4. The genera of North American plants, and catalogue of the species, to the year 1817... Philadelphia (printed for the author by D. Heart) 1818, 2 vols. Duod. (in sixes). (Gen. N. Amer. pl.).

Publ.: 14 Jul 1818 (Graustein 1967), p. 120, 122). Copies: BR, FAS, MO, NY, US(2), USDA(2); IDC 5070. — The asterisk denotes names of species of genera proposed by the author.

r: [ij-vi, [1]-312, p. vii dated 27 Mai 1818.

2: [1]-254, index: [1]-10, err.: [1-4].

Facsimile ed.: 1971, 2 vols. as above but vol. 1 with p. [1]-xxxvili, with an introduction by J. Ewan on p. ix-xxxvii. Copy: FAS. — Hafner Publishing Company, New York 1971, 2 vols., Classica botanica americana vol. 7. Facsimile based on copy FAS. —See Taxon 21: 522. 1972, Bot. Jahrb. 93(Lit.): 11-12. 1973.

  1. A journal of travels into the Arkansa Territory, during the year 1819. With occasional observations on the manners of the aborigines. Illustrated by a map and other engravings ... Philadelphia (printed and published by Thos. H. Palmer) 1821. Qu. (7. trav. Arkansa Terr.). Ben aie 1821 (p. ii: 2 Nov 1821), map, p. [i]-xil, [9]-296, 5 pl. (uncol. copp.). Copres: NY, USDA. Reprint: in R. G. Thwaites, Early western travels 1748-1846, 13, 1905, 336 p. Copy: MICH. — Cleveland (Ohio) (The Arthur H. Clark Company) 1905. Reprint (2): 1980, edited by Savoie Lottinville (1g06-x), University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma; The American exploration ... vol. 66, xxvili, 361 p. Copy: FAS. Ref.: Beidleman, R. G., Arkansas hist. Quart. 15: 249-259. 1956. Ewan, J., Southw. Louisiana J. 7: 19. 1967.

  2. An introduction to systematic and physiological botany ... Boston (Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkens, and Richardson and Lord), Cambridge (Hilliard and Brown) 1827. Duod. (in sixes). (Intr. bot.).

Ed. 1: 1827, p. [i]-xi, [1]-360, pl. 1-12 (uncol. liths. Whitfield). Copzes: MO, US, USDA. — Two issues: (a) imprint Boston/Cambridge (e.g. US), (b) id. Cambridge/Boston (e.g. MO).

Ed. 2: 1830, p. [i]-xi, [1]-363, pl. 1-12 (id.). Copies: MO, US, USDA. — Second edition, with additions. Cambridge (published by Hilliard and Brown, ...) 1830. Duod. (in sixes).

Ref.: Anon., Amer. J. Sci. 8(1): 99-106. 1827.


NUTTALL (1825)

  1. Description of two new genera of the natural order Cruciferae ... [J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia] 1825. Publ.: Nov 1825 (ME 2: 143), J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia 5: 132-135.

  2. A catalogue of a collection of plants made chiefly in the valleys of the Rocky Mountains or

Northern Andes, towards the sources of Columbia River, by Mr. Nathaniel B. Wyeth, and

described by T. Nuttall [J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia] 1834. Qu.

Collector: Nathaniel Jarvis Wyeth (1802-1856).

Publ.: 28 Oct 1834 (ME 2: 144, 156), zn J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia 7(1): 5-60, pl. 1-8 (uncol. liths.). Copy: NY.

  1. A description of some of the rarer or little known plants indigenous to the United States, from the dried specimens in the herbarium of the Academy [J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia] 1834.

Qu. Publ.: 28 Oct 1834 (ME 2: 156), J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia 7(1): 61-115, pl. 9-12.

  1. Collections towards a flora of the Territory of Arkansas ... [Trans. Amer. philos. Soc.,

Philadelphia] 1835-1841. Qu.

[7]: Jan 1835, Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. n.s. 5: 139-160 (rd. London, Geol. Soc., 1 Feb 1835).

[2]: late 1835, id. 5: 161-184 (rd. London Geol. Soc., 16 Jun 1836).

[3]: early 1836, id. 5: 185-203 (rd. London Geol. Soc., 16 Jun 1836).

Copies: G, MO, USDA.

  1. Descriptions of new species and genera of plants in the natural order of the Compositae,

collected in a tour across the continent to the Pacific, a residence in Oregon, and a visit to

the Sandwich Islands and Upper California, during the years 1834 and 1835 [Trans. Amer.

philos. Soc.] 1840-1841.

1: Oct-Dec, in Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. n.s. 7: 283-356 (rd. London Geol. Soc. 12 Mai 1841).

2:2 Apr 1841, imid. 7: 357-453 (rd. London Geol. Soc. 10 Jul 1841; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 2 Jun 1841).

Ref.: Greene, E. L., Erythea 3: 177-178. 1895.

  1. The North American Sylva; or, a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in the work of F. Andrew Michaux, and containing all the forest trees discovered in the Rocky Mountains, the Territory of Oregon, down to the shores of the Pacific and into the confines of California, as well as in various parts of the United States. Illustrated by 122 fine plates. By Thomas Nuttall, ... in three volumes. Vol. I. [II,II1.] being the fourth [fifth, sixth] volume of Michaux and Nuttall’s North American Sylva. Philadelphia [1: J. Dobson, ...; 2: Townsend Ward...; 3: Smith & Wistar, ... ] 1842, 1846, 1849. Qu. (N. Amer. Sylv.). Original work: see F. A. Michaux and T. Nuttall, North American Sylva, under F. A. Michaux, nos. 5962, 5964-5966. Orig. edition: 1842-1849. Copies: NY (vol. 3), USDA (vols. 1-3). 1(z):med. 1842 (see Smith and Thieret 1959), p. [1]-56 (with 19 of the plates listed under ii((2)) ic (2): Jul-Dec 1842, [i]-xii, 57-136, pl. 1-5, 561s, 6-10, 1obis, 11-29, 32-40 (col. liths. G. West). — Smith and Thieret found no evidence supporting the suggestion found in several sources, that 1(2) appeared in 1843. 2: 1846, p. [i-11], [1]-123, pl. 41-80 (col. liths. J. T. French). 3: 1849, p. [i-t1], [1]-148, pl. 81-127 (col. liths. G. Worley). Re-issue: 1849, 3 vols. Copy: MO. —“‘... 122 fine plates ...’’ Philadelphia (Smith & Wistar)
  2. Qu. 1: 1849, p. [1]-xii, [1]-136, pl. 1-5, 5 bis, 6-10, 1obis, 11-29, 32-40 (id.). 2: 1849, p. [i-1i], [1]-123, pl. 41-80 (id.) (pl. 65 as “66” and v.v.). 3: 1849, p. [i-1i], [1]-148, [149-152, index], pl. 81-121 (id.). Re-issue: 1852, mentioned by Smith and Thieret; not seen by us. Re-issue: 1853, 3 vols. Copy: MO — “‘... 121 fine plates...” Philadelphia (Robert P. Smith, 7.) £853. Ou:



7: 1853, p. [i]-xu, [1]-136, pl. 1-5, 5 bis, 6-10, robis, 11-29, 32-40 (id.). 2: 1853, p. [1-1], [1]-123, pl. 41-80 (id.). 3: 1853, p. [1], [1]-148, [149-152, index], pl. 87-121.

Re-issue: 1855, mentioned by Smith and Thieret; not seen by us.

Two volume edition [1]: 1857. Copres: MICH, MO, NY.—“‘... illustrated by 121 colored plates ... Three volumes in two. Vol. I [II]. Being the fourth [in II also “‘fourth’’] volume of Michaux and Nuttall’s North American Sylva. Philadelphia (published by D. Rice and eaN Harty [185 72 Oct:

1: 1857, p. [1]-207, pl. 1-5, 5 bis, 6-10, robis, 11-29, 32-60. 2: 1857, p. [1]-215, pl. 61-64, 66( =65), 66-r2r.

Re-issue [2]: 1859. Copies: G, MICH, NY, USDA (no plates). — Philadelphia (published by D. Rice & A. N. Hart, ...) 1859. Oct.

1: 1859, p. [1[-207, pl. 1-5, 5b1s, 6-10, 1obis, 11-29, 32-60. 2: 1859, p. [1]-215, pl. 61-64, 66, 66-121.

Re-issue [3]: 1865. Copies: MO, US, USDA. — Philadelphia (published by Rice, Rutter & come.) 1865. Oct.

1: 1865, p. [1]-207, pl. 1-5, 5 bis, 6-10, robis, 11-29, 32-60. 2: 1965, p. [1]-215, pl. 61-64, 66, 66-127.

Re-issue [4]: 1865, or later. Copies: NY (2).— Philadelphia (Wm. Rutter & Co., ...) s.d. Oct. 1: [1]-207, pl. 1-5, 561s, 6-10, robis, 11-29, 32-60.

2: [1]-215, pl. 61-64, 66, 66-727.

  1. Description and notices of new or rare plants in the natural orders Lobeliaceae, Campanu-

laceae, Vaccineae, collected in a journey over the continent of North America, and during a

visit to the Sandwich Islands, and Upper California. [Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. ser. 2. 8.

1842]. Qu.

Publ.: 15 Dec 1842 (Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 1: 227; fide Barnhart), Trans. Amer. philos. Soc. ser. 2. 8: 251-272. 1842.

  1. Descriptions of plants collected by Mr. William Gambel in the Rocky Mountains and

Upper California ... [Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad’a]. Feb 1848. Oct.

First ed.: in Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia 4: 7-26. 21 Mar-4 Apr 1849; reprinted with independent pagination, p. [1]-20. Copzes: PH, US (incompl.). — Authorization to print the paper was given in the session of 29 Feb 1848; it is unlikely that the reprint came out earlier than the Proceedings.

Second ed.: in J. Acad. Sci. Philadelphia ser. 2. 1(2): 148-189. 1-8 Aug 1848. Copy: G. — “Description of plants collected by William Gambel, M. D. [degree awarded Mar 1848], in the Rocky Mountains and Upper California.

Ref.: Reveal, J. L. and Spevak, V. $., Taxon 16: 407-408. 1967.

  1. Descriptions of and observations on some species of Rhododendron, collected in Assam and

Bootan by Thomas J. Booth; ... [J. Bot. Kew Garden Misc. 5, 1853]. Oct.

Collector: Thomas Jonas Booth (1829-?), nephew of T. Nuttall.

Publ.: Dec 1853 (in journal), p. [1]-15. Copies: NY, PH. — Reprinted (neither imprint nor statement of origin given) from W. J. Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 353-367. Dec 1853. See Ludlow 1972 (on localities).

Nyarady, Erasmus Julius (1881-1966), Roumanian (Transylvanian) botanist; studied at Budapest; from 1922 at Cluj. (Vpdr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: CL; also in CLA, CLCB; further material at A, BP, DBN, E, GB, GH, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 12(3): 7o1; BJI 2: 126; GR p. 780; Hortus 3: 1200

(“Nyar., E.’’); 1H 2: (in press); Kew 4: 169; Roon p. 84.

Anon., Contr. bot. Univ. Cluj 2(3), 1966, 1 p. (portr., obit., b. 7 Apr 1881, d. 10 Jun 1966); Natura, Biol., Romania 18(5): 91-92. 1966 (obit.); Taxon 15: 332. 1966.

Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970 (pl. E ex CL).

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. fl. Polsk. rog-110. 1925 (bibl.).

Vaczy, C., Taxon 16: 425-430. 1967 (bibl.).



COMPOSITE WoRKs: Editor and in part author of the Flora RPR | Republic Socraliste Romana}, vols. 1-11, 1952-1966.

note: Nyarady’s first publication came out in 1903 (Pedag. Lapok 3: 74-77. 1903), his last in 1966 (Cyperaceae, Flora RPR (in collaboration) 11: 613-848. 1966).

  1. Studiu preliminar asupra unor speci de Alyssum din secfia Odontarrhena/Vorstudium iiber einige Arten der Sektion Odontarrhena der Gattung Alyssum . . . Cluj (‘Tip. “Ardea- lul”) 1927-1929. Oct.

Publ.: 1 Sep 1929, p- [1]-218, pl. 1-10 with text, [1, err.]. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to cited from Bulet. Grad. bot. Muzeul. bot. Univ. Cluj 7(1-2): 3-51 (reprint p. 1-51). 15 Jan 1928; 7(3-4): 65-160 (reprint p. 52-146). 28 Nov 1928; 8(2-4): 152-156 (reprint p. 147- 150). 26 Mar 1929; 9(1-2): 1-68 (reprint p. 151-218). 1 Sep 1929.

Nygaard, Gunnar (1903-x), Danish algologist and limnologist; cand. mag. 1929; high school teacher at S@nderborg (1935), Ordrup (1954), Frederiksborg (1952). (Nygaard).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: C, HIL (Diat.).


Christensen, C., Danske bot. Litt. 1912-1939, p. 242. 1940 (portr., bibl.). Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedw. 35: 362. 1975.

Hansen, A., Dansk bot. Ark. 21(1): 43-44. 1963 (portr., b. 12 Oct 1903). Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 536. 1969 (coll. private).

VanLandingham, S., Cat. Diat. 7: 4209. 1978.

FESTSCHRIET: Berg, K., ed., Hydrobiologia 24(1-3): 1-453. 30 Sep 1964 (portr., bibl.). Nylander, Andreas Edvinus (1831-1890), Finnish botanist. (A. WVy/.). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: H; other material at LD.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 17; CSP 4: 651; GR. cat. p. 69; Herder p. 259; PR (alph.); Saelan p. 354; TR p. 964-966.

Elfving, F., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 50: 224. 1921.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979 (coll. H).

  1. Furteckning dfver Sallskapets pro fauna et flora fennica samlingar I. ... Helsingfors (J.

Simelii arfvingar) 1852. Oct. + (Férteckn. Sdllsk. Saml.).

Authorship: anonymous, but botanical part by A. E. Nylander and Anders Herman Chyde- nius (1833-1896), fide Saelan p. 354, Elfving (1921) p. 80; the zoological part by A. H. Chydenius, fide Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 24: 198. 1909.

Publ.: 5 Jun-22 Oct 18592, p. [i]-v, [7]-68. Copies: H(2). — Distributed to the subscribers of Litteraturbladet (ca. 300 copies); remaining 300 copies left to Soc. F.F.J. — Not conti- nued, but see W. Nylander & Saelan, Herb. mus. fenn. 1859, ed. 2, 1889-1894, see below. — All information by P. Isoviita.

Nylander, Fredrik (1820-1880), Finnish botanist and physician; Dr. phil. Helsinki 1844; M. D. Helsinki 1853; from 1865 town surgeon of Oulu; brother of William Nylander. (F. Nyl.).

HERBARIUM and types: H; further material at C and E.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: AG 3: 725, 726; Barnhart 3: 18; BM 3: 1457; CSP 4: 651;

DSB to: 165; IF p. 723; Herder p. 279; Jackson p. 328; Kew 4: 171; KR p. 558-559; PR

6775-6776 (ed. 1: 7585); Saelan p. 354-355; Stevenson p. 1253; TR 967-970; Tucker 1: 525.

A. Osw. K., Kan sallinen Elamakerrasto, Porvoo 4: 251. 1927.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 5: 30. 1881 (b. 9 Sep 1820, d. 2 Oct 1880); Bot. Zeit. 39: 86. 1886; Nat. Nov. 3: 23. 1881 (d. 2 Oct 1880); Osterr. bot. Z. 31: 66. 1881 (d.).

Elfving, F., Acta Soc. Fauna FI. fenn. 50: 224. 1921.



Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970 (pl. from Lappland 1844 in Fellmann, Pl. arct.; at E). S-z, N. J., Bot. Not. 1880: 199 (obit.).

  1. Spicilegium plantarum fennicarum, quod venia amplissimi philosophorum ordinis ad Alxandream [sic] in Fennia universitatem, p.p. Fredericus Nylander, ... in auditorio philosoph. die xxxi maji mdcccxliii. h.a.m.s. Centuria prima. Helsingforsiae [Helsinki] (ex officina typographica Frenckelliana) [1843]. Oct. (Spic. pl. fenn.).

Cent. 1: 31 Mai 1843, p. [1,1], [1]-31.

Cent. altera: 12 Jun 1844, p. [i], [1]-38.

Cent. tertiae fasciculus primus: 14 Nov 1846, p. [i-ii], [1]-16.

Copies: NY (1,2), UC (inf. R. Schmid).

Ref.: Bot. Zeit. 2: 545-546. 1844 (rev.).

  1. Eriophort monographia auctore Fredrico Nylander Helsingforsiae [Helsinki] (ex offici-

na typographica A. W. Grondahl) 1852. Qu.

Publ.: 1852, p. [1]-23. Copies: B-S, MICH, MO. — Reprinted and to be cited from Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. 3(1): 1-23. 1852.

Nylander, William (1822-1899), Finnish lichenologist; M. D. Helsinki 1847; to Paris at the Muséum d’Histoire naturelle (1848); first professor of botany at the University of Helsinki 1857-1863; from 1863-1899 again in Paris. (Ny/.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: H (51.000 lichens); library, notebooks and miscellaneous papers also at H. Many types also at BM, PC and S. Correspondence at Helsinki University Library. — Exsiccatae (see also Sayre 1969):

(1) Herbarium lichenum parisiensium, fasc. 1-3, nos. 1-150, Paris 1855-1857, sets at BM, C, E, FH, G, H, PC, S, W (20 sets issued). Fasc. 3 issued Dec 1857 (T. Ahti).

(2) Lichenes mont-dorienses, fasc. 1-3, nos. 1-111, Paris 1856, sets at DUKE, E, H.

(3) Lichenes pyrenaeorum ortentalium, nos. 1-78, sets at BM, FH, H, KIEL, MSTR.

(4) with N. I. Fellman, Lichenes arctict collecti aestate 1863 in Lapponia orientali, nos. 1-224, Helsinki 1865.

(5) See J. P. Norrlin for Herbarium lichenum fenniae.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 726; Ainsworth p. 97, 305; Barnhart 3: 18; BL 2: 63, 70, 84, 697; BM 3: 1457-1458, 7: 945; Bossert p. 290; Collander p. 380, hist. p. 156 [index]; CSP 4: 651-653, 8: 521-522, 10: 943-944, 17: 576-577; De Toni 1: xciii, 2: Ixxxvii; DSB ro: 165-166; DTS 1: 214; Frank 3(Anh.): 72; GR p. 611, pl. [4], cat. p. 69; Hawksworth p. 185, 196; Herder p. 469; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 160-161, 290, 329, 332, 338,

349, 351, 360, 395, 402; Kelly p. 161-162, 255; Kew 4: 171-172; KR p. 559-560; Krempelh.

I: 457, 408-604, 2: 311, 315, 414-417, 659, 3: 203-229; Lenley p. 316; LS 19158-19389,

37489-37490; Moebius p. 109, 110; Morren ed. 10, p. 36; MW p. 359; PFC 1: xlix; PR 6777-

6784; Saccardo 1: 118, 2: 78; Saelan p. 355-379, 577 (bibl.); SBC p. 128; Stevenson p. 1253;

TL-2/253, 1853, 1897, 2456, 3109, 3112, see N. I. Fellmann, see Kihlman, A. O.; TR 971-

1033; Tucker 1: 525; Urban-Berl. p. 272.

A., in J. Morot, J. Bot. Bull. bibl. 13(5): li-li. 1899.

Ahti, T., Introduction to William Nylander’s collected lichenological papers 1 (in press), (biogr., bibl., descr. herbarium.) (The manuscript of this introduction was available to us for the preparation of our treatment of Nylander).

Ainsworth, G. C., Dict. fungi ed. 6. 409. 1971.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1852: 144 (visit Uppsala), 1857: 190 (app. Helsinki), 1878: 163-164 (N’s herb. and library to H in return for an annuity), 1899: 122 (b. 3 Jan 1822, d. 29 Mar 1899); Bot. Gaz. 27(6): 496. 1899; Bot. Jahrb. 27(Beibl.64): 1923. 1900; Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 719. 1856; Generalreg. Bot. Not. 1839-1938, p. 64, 111, 133. 1939; Nat. Nov. 21: 327. 1899 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 49: 198(d.), 237. 1899 (herb., libr. to H).

Arnold, F., Ber. bayer. bot. Ges. 7: 1-6. 1900.

Boistel, A., Rev. bryol. 26(3): 54. 1899; Rev. gen. bot. 11: 218-237. 1899; Bryologist 70(2): 306. 1967.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 437. 1880 (coll.).

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 75. 1935.



Crombie, J. M., Grevillea 6: 41-48. 1877 (on N’s ideas on gonidia; partial translation); Grevillea 2(22): 145-152. 1874 (on algo-lichen hypothesis).

De Wildeman, E., Bull. Soc. belg. Microsc. 25: 18-19. 1899.

Elfving, F., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 50: 53-58, 224, passim. 1921.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Record 27(3): 193. 1938 (dir. Helsinki bot. gard. 1857- 1863).

Gasilicn. Frére, Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 54: xvii, xxill-xxix. 1899 (bibl.).

Grilli, C., Bull. Soc. bot. ital. 1899: 110-102. 1899.

Gyelnik, V. K., Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. natl. Hung., Bot. 31: 56. 1938 (coll.).

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 126-128. 1977.

Hedge, I. C., & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970 (Herb. lich. paris. at E).

Henriques, J., Bol. Soc. brot. 16: 224. 1899 (d.), 17: 1-6. 1900 (obit., portr.).

Hue, A. M., Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris ser. 3. 4: 213-217. 1890 (bibl.); Bull. Soc. bot. France 46: 153-166. 1899 (bibl., portr.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 5: 104. 1899 (d.).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979 (coll.).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 146, 169, 281. 1973.

Merrill, E. D., Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 144. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. natl. Herb. US 30(1): 229-230. 1947 (Pacif. isl. bibl.).

Mitchell, M. E., Bibl. Irish lichenol. 48-51. 1971 (bibl.).

Mougeot, M., Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 343-344. 1855, 683-687. 1856; 4: 258-261. 1857 (on Herb. lich. paris.).

Norrlin, J. P., Minnesord 6fver Professor William Nylander, Helsingfors 1913, 43 p., also as Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. 44: 1-43. 1913. (biogr., bibl.).

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Libr. Publ. 5: 35. 1907.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York bot. Gard. 19(1): 151-152. 1969; Bryologist 80: 514. 1977.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 33. 1977 (coll. at FI).

Taton, R., ed. Science in the nineteenth century 384. 1965.

Urban, E., Symb. ant. 1: 117-118. 1898.

Weddell, H. A., Grevillea 2(24): 182-185. 1878 (polemic).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Bot. 3(2): 116. 1903, 3(3): xlii, 109, pl. 77. 1905.

NOTE: (1) For a review of the exotic lichens described by Nylander, see A. M. Hue, Lich. exot. 1892, see TL-2/3112.

(2) For a recent introduction by T. Ahti to N’s life and works, with annotated bibliography and a description of his herbarium see vol. 1 of William Nylander’s collected lichenological papers (see below TL-2/6979) in press. The manuscript of Dr. Ahti’s introduction and bibliography were kindly made available to us for the preparation of the present treatment.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Lichenes, in J. Triana & J. E. Planchon, Prodr. fl. novo-granat. 2: 1- 148 (Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 4. 19: 286-382. 1863, 20: 221-279) 1865; add. p. 533-586 (ib. ser. 5: 7: 301-354) 1867.

(2) editor, with E. Bescherelle, of E. Fournier, Mexic. pl., pars prima, Cryptogamia, 1872, see TL-2/1835.

Gy EPONYMY: Nylandera P. Heriot (1890); Nylanderaria O. Kuntze (1891); Nylanderiella Hue (1914); Nylanderopsis V. Gyelnik (1935).

  1. Observationes adhuc nonullae ad synopsin lichenenum holmiensium, auctore W. Nylander.

Holmiae [Stockholm] (impressit Joh. Beckman) 1853. Oct.

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1853 (in journal), p. [1]-8. Copies: BR, G, NY. — Reprinted from Bot. Not. 1853: 92-99. To be cited from journal.

  1. Collectanea lichenologica in Gallia meridionali et pyrenaeis, ... Holmiae [Stockholm]

(Johannes Beckmann) 1853. Oct.

Publ.: Oct-Nov 1853 (in journal; Bot. Zeit. 26 Aug 1853; not yet publ.), p. [1]-16. Copies: BR, FH, G, NY. — Reprinted from Bot. Not. 1853: 151-165. To be cited from journal.

  1. Essai dune nowvelle classification des lichens [Mém. Soc. Sci. nat. Cherbourg] 1854. Oct. Publ.: Jan-Mar 1854 (before 21 Apr 1854 see Flora below), p. 5-16. Copies: FH(2), FI, G,



NY, Stevenson. — Reprinted from Mém. Soc. Sci. nat. Cherbourg 2: 5-16. 1854. To be cited from journal. See also Flora 37: 230-237. 21 Apr 1854, Bot. Not. Mai-Jun 1854: 81- 88.

Second mémoire: ib. 3: [161]-202. Jun 1855. Copies: NY, Stevenson. See also Bot. Not. 1855: 129-154.

  1. Monographia Calicieorum. Specimen academicum qoud venia amplissimi ordinis

physico-mathematici ad imperialem Alexandraeam in Fennia Universitatem publice exa-

mini subjicit William Nylander, ... in auditorio historico philologico die 30 maji 1857

h.a.m.s. [Helsinki] (Ex officina Typographica Frenckellian.) [1857]. Oct. (Monogr. Calic.).

Publ.: 30 Mai 1857 (t-p.; copy sent to Arnold 16 Jul 1857), p. [i], [1]-34. Copies: FH, FI, G, NY, Stevenson.

  1. Prodromus lichenographiae Galliae et Algeriae, quem conscripsit William Nylander, Dr.

M. ... Burdigalae [Bordeaux] (ex typis Th. Lafargue, bibliopolae, ...) 1857. Oct.

Publ.: 1 Sep 1857 (t-p. journal issue; BSbF rev. 8 Nov 1857, publ. by 27 Jun 1857 (see 4: 701); on 11 Aug 1857 not yet finished, fide letter N. to Mougeot; 2 copies of reprint mailed by N. to Mougeot on 31 Oct 1857 (T. Ahti)), p. fi-ii], [1]-221. Copies: FH, FT, Stevenson. — Reprinted from Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 21 (4/5): [249]-467. 1 Sep 1857. To be cited from journal.

Reprint: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. vol. 6 (from journal issue) (also separately), ISBN 3-7682-0343-3.

Ref.: Mougeot, Bull. Soc. bot. France 4: 916-924. 1858.

  1. Enumération générale des lichens, avec Vindication sommaire de leur distribution géo-

graphique, ... Cherbourg (Bedelfontaine et Syffert, ...) 1858. Oct. (Enum. gén. lich.).

[7]: 24-30 Mar 1858 (copy presented to Soc. bot. France 9 Apr 1858; Flora rd. 28 Mar-7 Apr 1858; journal rd. id. 8 Nov 1858; not yet printed 16 Mar 1858; printed but not yet forwarded 24. Mar 1858; 30 Mar 1858 copy sent from Paris to Mougeot, letters N to M (inf. T. Ahti), p. [i, iii], [85]-146, preprinted from Mém. Soc. imp. Sci. nat. Cherbourg 5: [85 ]-146. 1858.

[2]: Jan-Jul 1858 (journal rd. Soc. bot. France 8 Nov 1858; Flora rd. Aug-Sep 1858), p. [332]-339, reprinted from idem, p. 332-339.

Copies of reprints with above title and containing both parts: FH, G, NY, Regensburg,

Stevenson. — To be cited from journal.

Ref.: Anon., Flora 41: 208. 1858, 41: 578. 1858.

  1. Expositio synoptica pyrenocarpeorum .. . Andecavis [Andegavis, Angers] (Ex typis Cos-

nier et Lachnése, ...) 1858. Oct. (Expos. syn. pyrenocarp.).

Publ.: 1-14 Aug 1858 (23 Jun 1858 not yet publ., 3 Aug 1858 copy sent, 14 Aug 1858 6 copies sent to Mougeot, letters N to M (inf. T. Ahti)), p. [1]-88. Copies: FH, FI, NY, Stevenson, USDA. — Preprinted or reprinted from Mém. Soc. Acad. Maine-et-Loire 4: 5-88.1858.

  1. Synopsis methodica lichenum omnium hucusque cognitorum praemissa introductione lingue gallica tractata ... Parisiis (ex typis L. Martinet, ...) 1858-1869. Oct. (Syn. meth. lich.).

1(z): 8-14 Aug 1858 (p. 86: Jun 1858; Flora 21 Jul 1858 “‘soeben”’; “Anfang Juli” in letter to Arnold 5 Jun 1858; however: 8 Aug 1858, to be published in 3-4 days; 14 Aug 1858, 20 copies sent to Mougeot fide letters N to M (inf. T. Ahti), p. [1-11], [1]-140.

r(2): Apr 1860 (letter to Arnold 30 Jun 1860: ‘‘vor zwei Monaten”’; publ. by Jun 1860, BSbF 7: 2. 1860), p. [i], 141-430, [1]-1v, pl. 1-8 (col. liths. auct.); a t-p. ““Tomus primus cum viii tabulis aeri incisis et coloratis” Parisiis (id.) 1858-1860 was issued with this second part (see e.g. reprint [2]).

2(1): 1869 (Saelan p. 359; Norrlin (1913), p- 37-38), p- [1]-64, Lt, err.], pl. 1 [=9); all published. Plate 1 publ. 1888?

Copies: B-S, BR, FH, FI, G, MICH, NY(3), Stevenson, USDA; IDC 6224.

Index nominum: 1907 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1907), p- [i], [1]-37- Copies: FH, NY, USDA. — “< Index nominum omnium receptorum atque synonymorum nec non iconum quae Nylan- deri Synopsis lichenum complectitur auctore Prof. Dr. G. Lindau [Gustav Lindau 1866- 1923] (Verlag von W. Junk, ...) 1907. Oct., see TL-2/4557-



Reprint [1]: 1902, Paris (Hermann), fide Rev. bryol. 29(3): 72. 1902, Bot. Centralbl. 10 Feb 1903.

Facsimile reprint [2]: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. vol. 5, 1967 (with Index. nom.).

Ref.: Anon. [Mougeot?], Bull. Soc. bot. France 7: 50-55. 1860 (1(1,2)).

  1. Herbarium musei fennici. Forteckning Ofver Finska Musei vaxt samling, utgifven af Sallskapet pro fauna et flora fennica och uppgjord af W. Nylander och Th. Saelan. Med en karta. Helsingfors [Helsinki] (Finska Litteratur — Sallskapets Tryckeri) 1859. Oct. (in fours). (Herb. mus. fenn.). Co-author: Anders Thiodolf Saelan (1834-1921). Publ.: Jun 1859 (Elfving (1921); copy presented to Soc. bot. France before 22 Jul 1859; Flora rd. 28 Apr-7 Jul 1859), p. [1]-118, map. Copzes: BR, G, FI. Ed. 2, vol. 1, Plantae vasculares, xix, 156 p. 1889, by A. O. Kihlman, publ. Mar-13 Mai 1889. Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 6: 430-431. 1859. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 17: 268-269. 5 Aug 1859.

  2. Analyses mycologicae scripsit William Nylander. (Aftryck ur Sallskapets pro Fauna et

Flora fennica Notiser, Ny Serie, 1 Haftet.) Helsingfors (Finska Litteratur-Sallskapets

Tryckeri) 1859. Oct.

Publ.: 1859 (Flora rd. 7-28 Sep 1859), p. [119]-126. Copy: FH. — Reprint with special cover (with above text) from Not. Sallsk. Fauna FI. fenn. Forh. 4: 119-126. 1859, also issued as Bidr. Finl. Naturk. 3: 119-126. 1859.

  1. Lichenes scandinaviae sive prodromus lichenographiae scandinaviae . . . Helsingforsiae

[Helsinki] (ex typis Simelii Haeredum) 1861. Qu. (Lich. scand.).

Publ.: Jun-Jul 1861 (p. 14:27 Oct 1860; BSbF Aug 1861; 31 Mai 1861 still in proof, letter to Arnold; “‘printemps 1861” letter to Stizenberger, 30 Mar 1864 (T. Ahti)), p. [i], [1]-312, pl. 1 (col. lith.). Copies: BR, FI, NY, Stevenson; IDC 478. — Also issued as Not. Sallsk. Fauna Fl. fenn. Forh. 5: 1-312, pl. 7. 1861.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. vol. 5 (journal issue); also separately ISBN 3-7682-0459-6.

Ref: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 19: 383. 20 Dec. 1861.

  1. Lichenographiae novo-gralensis prodromus ... Helsingforsiae (e Typis Societatis Littera-

turae fennicae) 1863. Qu. (Lichenogr. novo-grat. prodr.).

Publ.: 1863 (after 19 Jan 1863, date of presentation mss.), p. [1]-g0, pl. 1-2 (partly col., auct.). Copy: H.— Alternative title on cover: “*Prodromus florae novo-granatensis auctoribus J. Triana et J. E. Planchon. Lichenes redegit William Nylander.” Preprinted or reprinted from Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 7: [415]-504, pl. 1-2. 1863. — See below for the final edition in Triana & Planchon. — The Helsinki copy of this rare reprint belonged to W. Nylander and was copiously annotated by him.

  1. Prodromus florae novo-granatensis. Lichenes redegit William Nylander. Parisiis (e typis E.

Martinet ...) 1864. Oct. [title on cover]. (Prodr. fl. novo-granat., Lich.).

Publ.: 1864 (date on cover), p. [1]-148, pl. 1-2 (partly col., auct.); additamentum [dated 1867] p. [533]-586. Copy: H (Nylander’s copy: copiously annotated). Reprinted and partly preprinted from (1) Ann, Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 4. 19(5): 286-320 late 1863 or Jan-Feb 1864, (6): 321-382. late 1863 or Jan-Feb 1864;

(2) ib. ser. 4. 20(4): 228-256. med. 1864, (5): 257-281. med. 1864; (3) ib. ser. 5. 7(5): 301-320, (6): 321-354. 1867. Editors of the Prodromus: J. Triana & J. E. Planchon, q.v.

  1. Lichenes in Aegyplo a cel. Ehrenberg collecti [Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 1864]. Oct.

Collector: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795-1876).

Publ.: 1864 (Flora rd. 12 Jul-31 Aug 1874), p. [1]-8. Copies: BR, FH, G.—Reprinted and to be cited from Acta Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 5: 59-66. 1864.

  1. Addenda nova ad lichenographiam europaeam [Flora, Regensburg, 1865-1887]. Oct. Publ.: A series of 48 papers published in Flora. Several instalments were also reprinted;



however, references should always be to Flora. A systematically arranged reprint was published by A. Hue, also treated in this paragraph. For partial reprints e.g. in Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. and Grevillea, see Saelan.

number Flora date orig. 48: 601-606 28 Dec 1865 cont.,1 40 84-87 24 Feb 1866 2 369-374 22 Sep 1866 3 417-421 15 Oct 1866 4 50: 177-180 26 Apr 1867 5 326-330 17 Jul 1867 6 369-374 17 Aug 1867 7 5: 161-165 6 Mai 1868 8 342-348 30 Aug 1868 9 473-478 8 Nov 1868 10 52: 81-85 10 Mar 1869 et 293-298 1 Jul 1869 12 409-413 25 Sep 1869 13 53: 33-38 22 Feb 1870 14 55: 353-365 11 Aug 1872 15 502 7-29 11 Jan 1873 16 289-300 1 Jul 1873 17 57: 6-16 1 Jan 1874 18 305-318 11 Jul 1874 19 58: 6-15 1 Jan 1875 20 102-106 1 Mar 1875 QI 297-303 1 Jul 1875 22 358-364 11 Aug 1875 23 440-448 1 Oct 1875 24 59: 231-239 21 Mai 1876 25 305-311 11 Jul 1876 26 571-578 21 Dec 1876 D5 60: 220-224, 225- 233 t1 Mai, 21 Mai 1877 28 457-463 11 Oct 1877 29 562-568 21 Dec 1877 30 61: 241-249 1 Jun 1878 31 62: 201-207, 220- 224 1 Mai, 11 Mai 1879 32 353-362 11 Aug 1879 33 63: 10-15 1 Jan 1880 34 387-394 1 Sep 1880 35 64: 2-8 1 Jan 1881 36 177-189 21 Apr 1881 37 449-459 11 Oct 1881 38 5290-541 1 Dec 1881 39 65: 451-458 11 Oct 1882 40 66: 97-109 1 Mar 1883 41 531-538 1 Dec 1883 42 67: 387-393 21 Jul 1884 43 68: 39-47 21 Jan 1885 44 295-301 21 Mai 1885 45 G97) ig7-102 1 Mar 1886 46 461-466 11 Oct 1886 47 70: 129-136 21 Mar 1887

Systematically arranged reprint: Hue, A., Addenda nova ad lichenographiam europaeam exposuit in Flora ratisbonensi Dr. W. Nylander in ordine vero systematico disposuit A. Hue... Paris



(Lechevallier, ...), Berlin (R. Friedlander et Sohn), Auch (Imprimerie et Lithographie G. Foix, ...) 1886[-1888]. Oct.

Publ.: The reprint, in book form, was published in two parts, but consisted of the slightly changed and amended text of three papers in the Rev. gén. Bot. The reprint consists of: Pars prior: Dec 1886, p. [1]-126, and pars posterior: 1888, p. [127]-371. The concordance with the journal publication is as follows:

Reprint Revue gén. Bot.

3-48 4: 339-384. Jan-Jul 1886 48-173 5: 5-125. Jul-Sep 1886 173 [sic]-371 6: 5-192(7). 1887 or 1888.

Copies: FH, L, NY, Stevenson; see TL-2/3109 (data corrected). Ref.: Malinvaud, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 35 (bibl.): 149-150. Jul-Dec 1888 (rev.).

  1. Prodromi lichenographiae supplementum. Lichenes Lapponiae orientalis ... Helsing-

forsiae (ex typis Simelii haeredum) 1866. Oct. (Lich. Lapp. orvent.).

Publ.: Jun 1866 (t.p. reprint; Bot. Zeit. 26 Apr 1867), p. [i, iii], [103]-192, 1 map. Copies: BR, G(2), Stevenson. — Preprinted from Not. Sallsk. Fauna FI. fenn. Forh. 8: 103-192, 1 map, publ. 1882; see also Saelan p. 368.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. papers 5 (journal publ. dated 1882); also separately ISBN 3-7682-0429-4.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 14: 127-128. 1867.

Ahti, T., Int. Lichenol. Newsl. 6(1): 8. 1972 (preprint 1866).

  1. Synopsis lichenum Novae Caledoniae ... Caen (Typ. F. Le Blanc-Hardel, Libraire .. .)

  2. Oct. (Syn. lich. Nov. Caled.).

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1868 (t.p. reprint; Flora rd. 18 Jan-10 Mar 1868; BSbF post 7 Feb 1868; Bot. Zeit. 1 Mai 1868), p. [i-ii], [1]-101. Copies: FI, G. — Preprinted or reprinted from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie ser. 2. 2: 39-148. (for Feb 1867) 1868. — Types at PC.

6955- Conspectus synoplticus sticteorum ... Caen (F. Le Blanc-Hardel, imprimeur-libraire .. .)

  1. Oct.

Publ.: Jan-Jun 1868 (Bot. Zeit. 3 Jul 1868), p. [1]-10. Copzes: BR, G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie ser. 2. 2: 498-505. 1868.

  1. Vote sur les lichens de Port-Natal ... Gaen (Typ. de F. Le Blanc-Hardel, imprimeur-

libraire ...) 1868. Oct. (Not. lich. Port-Natal).

Publ.: 1868 (t.p. preprint; Flora rd. 21 Jan 1869), p. [1]-15. Copzes: FH, G. — Preprinted from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie ser. 2. 3: 4-15 . 1869.

  1. Observationes circa Pezizas fenniae. Scripsit W. Nylander. (Synopsis Pezizarum et Ascobolorum Fenniae ... Akad. afh. af P. A. Karsten. Helsingfors 1861). [Helsinki 1868]. Oct. (Observ. Peziz. fenn.).

Publ.: Sep 1868 (see Stizenberger), p. [1]-97, pl. 1-2 (uncol. liths., auct.). Copies: FH, NY. — Preprinted from Not. Sallsk. Fauna FI. fenn. Férh. 10: 1-97, 403-404, 2 pl. 1869 (for Mai 1868).

Ref.: Stizenberger, E., Bot. Zeit. 27: g9-102. 5 Feb 1869.

  1. Lichenes angolenses welwitschiani ... Caen (Imprimerie de F. Le Blanc-Hardel,

libraire ...) 1869. Oct.

Collector: Friedrich Martin Josef Welwitsch (1806-1872).

Publ.: early 1869 (reprint; journal late 1868 or early 1869; repr. Flora rd. 10 Sep-10 Oct 1869), p. [1]-16. Copies: BR, FH, G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie ser. 2. 2: 508-521. 1868 (or early 1869?).

  1. Enumération des lichens récoltés par M. Husnot aux Antilles frangaises ... Gaen (Typ. F. Le

Blanc-Hardel, libraire ...) 1869. Oct. Collector: Pierre Tranquille Husnot (1840-1929).



Publ.: 1869 (Bot. Zeit. 14 Jan 1870), p. [1]-24. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie ser. 2. 3: 259-280. 1869. Ref.: Stizenberger, E., Bot. Zeit. 28: 29-30. 1870.

  1. Recognitio monographica Ramalinarum ... Caen (Imprimerie de F. Le Blanc-Hardel,

libraire ...) 1870. Octs

Publ.: 1870 (still unpublished 14 Apr 1870, letter to Arnold), p. [1]-82. Copies: FH, G; IDC 1552. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie ser. 2. 4: 101 (= p. 3)-180 (=82). 1870.

  1. Observata lichenologica in Pyrenaeis orientalibus ... Gaen (Typographie de F. Le Blanc-

Hardel, libraire ...) 1873.

Publ.: Aug 1873 (S.O. Lindberg rd copy from Nylander 30 Aug 1873), p. [1]-75. Copies: FI, G.—Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie ser. 2. 7: 256-328. 1873. Text published previously (and hence to be cited from) Flora 55: 424-431. 21 Sep, 545-554. 11 Dec 1872, 56: 65-75. 11 Feb 1873, 193-208. 1 Mai 1873.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 20(bibl.): 225-226. 1874.

  1. Lichenes insularum Andaman ... Caen (Typ. de F. Le Blanc-Hardel, libraire ...) 1874.


Publ.: 1874 (t.p. reprint) p. [1]-23. Copies: FH, G. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie ser. 2. 7: 162-182. 1873 (or 1874?). To be cited from journal.

  1. Lichens rapportés de Pile Campbell par M. Filhol, .. . [ Paris, Inst. de France, C. R. hebd. 1876]. Qu. , Publ.: Jul 1876 (p. 4: 3 Jul 1876), p. [1]-4. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from C. R. hebd. Inst. France 83: 87-90. Jul 1876. To be cited from journal.

  2. Lichenes du nord du Portugal (Extr. do Bol. da Soc. Brot., vi, 1888) Oct. (Lich. n.


Publ.: 1888, p. [1]-53. Copy: see Coll. pap. Preprinted or reprinted from Bol. Soc. Broter. 6: 198-249. 1888.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 7-59. (repaginated).

  1. Enumeratio lichenum Freti Behring... Caen (Henri Delesques, Imprimeur-libraire . . .)

  2. Oct.

Publ.: Jan-Jun 1888 (t.p. reprint; p. 4: 1 Sep 1887; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1888; Flora Jul 1888), p. [1]-89. Copies: BR, FH, G, NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie ser. 4. 1: 198-286. 1887 (1888). The FH copy has a sticker on the cover “Paris, Paul Klincksieck ...’’ — See also N’s Lichenes novi e Freto Behringii, published in Flora 67: 211-223. 21 Apr 1884, 68: 439-446. 21 Aug, 601-604. 1 Dec 1885.

Ref.: Stizenberger, E., Flora 71: 338. 1888.

  1. Lichenes Fuegiae et Patagoniae ... Paris (Imprimerie A. Héloin & E. Charles...) 1888.

Oct. (Lich. Fueg. Patag.).

Publ.: Jan-Jun 1888 (p. [2]: 1 Nov 1887, Flora Jul 1888; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1888), p. [1]-36. Copies: BR, FH, G(2), NY(2), Stevenson; IDC 5390.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 65-100.

  1. Lichenes Novae Xelandiae ... Parisiis (e typis Paul. Schmidt) 1888. Oct. (Lich. Nov. Eas

ae Sep-Dec 1888 or early 1889 (p. 6: 1 Sep 1888; Bot. Zeit. 26 Jul 1889; Flora 15 Mai 1889; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1889), p. [i-ii], [1]-156, pl. 1. Copies: BR, FH, G, NY, Stevenson; IDC 1003.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 101-269. — Also separately as ISBN 3- 7682-0508-8.

Ref.: Stizenberger, E., Flora 72: 147-148, 366-367. 1889.

  1. Lichenes nonnulli ex Insula Principis .. . (Extr. do Bol. da Soc. Brot. v, 1888, pag. 221), Oct.



Publ.: 1888 (BSbF rd. 9 Nov 1888), p. [1]-4. Copies: BR, FH. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bol. Soc. Brot. 5: 221-224. 1888. Reprint: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 3-6 (repaginated issue).

  1. La malice des lichens ... [Paris. — E. Mauchassat, ...s.d.] Oct. (Malice lich.).

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1888 (p. 4: 5 Jan 1888; Nat. Nov. Jun(3) 1888; Flora rd. 21 Feb-21 Mar 1888), p. [1]-4. Copies: BR, FH.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 61-64.

  1. Lichenes insularum guineensium (San Thomé, do Principe, das Cabras) . ... Parisiis (e

typis Paul. Schmidt) 1889. Oct. (Lich. ins. guin.).

Publ.: Jan-Sep 1889 (p. 6: 1 Jun 1889; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1889), p. [i], [1]-54. Copies: BR, FH, G(2), NY(2).

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 261-316.

  1. Lichenes Japoniae ... Parisiis (e typis Paul. Schmidt) 1890. Oct. (Lich. ap.).

Publ.: Jun-Oct 1890 (p. 12: 1 Jun 1890; ObZ rd Nov 1890; J. Bot. 1891; Stizenb. rd. Nov 1890; Bot. Zeit. 27 Feb 1891; Nat. Nov. Jan(1) 1891), p. [i, 11] [1]-122. Copies: BR, FH, NY(2); IDC 564.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 317-440; also separately ISBN 3/7682- 0505-3.

Ref.: Stizenberger, E., Flora 74: 114. 16 Jan 1891 (rev. dated Nov 1890).

Zahlbruckner, A., Bot. Centralbl. 47: 119-121. 1891 (rev.).

  1. Sertum lichenaeae tropicae e Labuan et Singapore ... accedunt observationes. Parisiis

(E typis Paul. Schmidt) 1891. Oct. (Sert. lich. trop.).

Publ.: Jun-Aug 1891 (p. [3]: 1 Jun 1891; Bot. Zeit. 27 Nov 1891; Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1891; Bot. Centralbl. 16 Sep 1891), p. [1]-48. Copzes: BR, FH, G, NY(2); IDC 563. — Some of the theoretical considerations on the nature of the gonidia translated, with comments, by J. M. Crombie, Grevillea 6: 41-48. 1877.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 547-594.

  1. Lichenes Pyrenaeorum orientalium observatis novis (Amélie-les-Bains, Forga-Réal, Co- stabonne La Massane, Collioure) ... Parisiis (e typis Paul. Schmidt) 1891. Oct. (Lich. Pyren. orzent.).

Publ.: Dec 1891 (‘‘an der Neige ... 18917’, Stizenberger 1892; Bot. Zeit. 27 Mai 1892; Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1892; BF 28 Jan 1892), p. [i-ii], [1]-103. Copzes: BR, FH (2), G, NY(2), Stevenson; IDC 1281.-— A follow-up of the Odbservata lichenologica ... 1873 (TL-2/6961).

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 440-545; also separately as ISBN 3-7682- 0507-x.

Ref.: Stizenberger, E., Flora 75: 302-303. 23 Mar 1802 (rev.).

Minks, A., Bot. Centralbl. 53: 43-45. 1893.

  1. Contribuigao para o estudo da flora cryptogama dos Agores (Extr. do Bol. da Soc. Brot. vol.

xl, 1895) Oct.

Publ.: 1895, p. [1]-9. Copy: FH. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bol. Soc. Broter. 12: 97- 105. 1895.

Fascimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 595-603.

  1. Les lichens des environs de Paris... Paris (Typographie Paul Schmidt) 1896. Oct. (Lich.

env. Paris).

Publ.: 1-7 Nov 1896 (Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1896; 7 Nov 1896 pres. to Soc. F. F. f.; Bot. Centralbl. 17 Nov 1896), p. [i-iv], [1]-142. Copies: B, BR, FH, G, NY, Stevenson.

Supplément: Mar-Mai 1897 (p. 2: 30 Mar 1897; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1897; Bot. Centralbl. 22 Sep 1897), [1]-20. Copies: B, BR, FH, FI, G, NY, Stevenson.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 605-748, 749-768; also separately ISBN . 3-7682-0506-1.

  1. Enumération des lichens de Vile Annobon ... Paris (Typographie Paul Schmidt) 1896. Oct. (Enum. lich. Annobon).



Publ.: 1 Apr-15 Jun 1896 (Bot. Centralbl. 17 Jun 1896; Bot. Zeit. 16 Aug 1896; Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1896), p, [1]-8. Copzes: BR, FH, G(2), NY. Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 769-778.

  1. Les lichens des tiles Azores... Bordeaux (J. Durand, imprimeur de la Société linnéenne

ee) rog3. Oct.

Publ.: 1898 (Nat. Nov. Aug(2) 1898), p. [1]-9. Copies: BR, FH, FI, NY. — Reprinted from Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux ser. 6. 53: 1-7. 1898. To be cited from journal.

Facsimile repr.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 781-788.

  1. Lichenes ceylonenses et additamentum ad lichenes Japoniae . . . Helsingforsiae [Helsin-

ki[ (ex officina typographica Societatis litterariae fennicae) 1900. Qu. (Lich. ceyl.).

Publ.: 1900 (submitted 18 Sep 1899), p. [1]-33. Copy: BR. — Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. 26(10), 1900.

Facsimile rep.: 1967, in Nylander, W., Coll. pap. 4: 789-821.

  1. William Nylander’s Collected lichenological papers edited and prefaced by Teuvo Ahti volume iv [v, vi] Reprint ... Lehre (Verlag von J. Cramer) 1967, 3 vols. Oct. (Coll. pap.). 4: Lichenological papers 1888-1900, p. [i-ii], [1]-821.

5: Synopsis methodica lichenum .. . p. [i-ii], facs. Syn. meth. lich. 1858-1869 and Lindau, G., Index nom. 1907.

6: Prodr. lichenogr. Gall. Alg. 1857, Lich. scand. 1861, Lich. Lapp. Orient. 1882.

Copy: FAS. — Vol. 1, Introduction and Lichenological papers 1852-1863, as announced for 1979. This volume contains a biography, bibliography and a description of N’s herba- rium by T. Ahti. Vol. 2 will contain the lichenological papers 1863-1868 and Addenda Nova ad lichenographiam europaeam (1865-1887), vol. 3: Lichenological papers 1868- 1887.

Ref.: Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 16: 209, 443. 20 Oct 1967.

Nyman, Carl Fredrik (1820-1893), Swedish botanist; med. fil. kand. Uppsala 1840; curator (“‘amanuens’’) at the botanical dept. of Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum 1855-1889.


HERBARIUM and TyYPEs: 9; duplicates in many herbaria. — The original herbarium was small (acquired at Sw. Cr. 500, fide KR); B. Nordenstam informs us that the collection consists of occasional specimens only. — 30 Letters to S. O. Lindberg at University Library Helsinki.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 18; BJI 2: 514, 696; BM 3: 1455, 7: 945; Bossert

p. 290; Clokie p. 218; Collander hist. p. 104; Colmeiro 1: cxci; CSP 4: 653, 17:577; De Toni

1: xcill; DTS 1: 214-215; Frank 3(Anh.): 72; Herder p. 169; Hortus 3: 1201 (““Nym.”’); IH 2:

(in press); Jackson p. 43, 226, 336; Kew 4: 172; KR p. 560-562; Lenley p. 3; Morren ed. a, p.

31, ed. 10, p. 102; PR 6786-6789 (ed. 1: 7587); Rehder 5: 629; Saccardo 1: 118-119, 2: 78-

79, cron. xxvii; SK 1: ecv; TL-1/932, 1182; Tucker 1: 525; Urban-Berl. p. 289, 309, 379;

Zander ed. 10, p. 697, ed. 11, p. 795.

Anon., Bot. Gaz. 18: 368. 1893; Bot. Jahrb. 17 (Beibl. 41): 52. 1893; Bot. Not. 1845: 61 (journey Sicily) 1853: 175 (back in Sweden after a year in Vienna); 1893: 136 (b. 14 Aug 1820, d. 26 Apr 1893); Leopoldina 29: 109-110. 1893 (d.); Generalreg. Bot. Not. 1839- 1938, p. 64-65, 111. 1939; Osterr. bot. Z. 43: 268. 1893 (d.); Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 35: Ixxvili, 1894 (d.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970.

Magnus, P., Verh. bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenb. 35: xxx-xxxi. 1894 (obit.).

Kuntze, O., Rev. gen. pl. 2: 701. 1891 (epon.).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 171. 1904.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 375. 1975.

Simonkai, L., Enum. fl. transsilv. xxvi. 1886.

Stearn, W. T., J. Bot. 76: 113-114. 1938.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 65, pl. rz. 1903(portr.), 3(3): 47. 1905.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Contributed, with Th. Kotschy, to H. Schott, Analecta botanica (1854) q.v.



EPONYMY: Vymania K. M. Schumann (1905); Vymanina O. Kuntze (1891). Note: Nymania S. O. Lindberg (1868) probably commemorates C. F. Nyman; the derivation of Nymanomyces Hennings (1899) could not be determined.

  1. Synopsis plantarum bicornium europaearum auct. C. F. Nyman [Stockholm (excudebat J.

Beckmann) 1820]. Oct.

Publ.: Aug-Sep 1851 (in journal), p. [1]-20. Copzes: G, H. — Reprinted, and to be cited from Bot. Not. 1851: 129-148.

  1. Sylloge florae Europaeae seu plantarum vascularium Europae indigenarum enumeratio

adjectis synonymis gravioribus et indicata singularum distributione geographica . . . Oere-

broae (sumptu et typis N. M. Lindh) 1854-1855. Oct. (Spll. fl. Eur.).

Publ.: 1855 (in parts 1854-1855?, p. iv: 17 Oct 1854), p. [i]-xxiul, [xxiv], [1]-441, [442, err.]. Copies: G(2), H, MO, US, USDA; IDC 649.

Supplementum Sylloges florae Europaeae: 1865 (Flora 21 Oct 1865; Bot. Zeit. 24 Nov 1865), p. [i]-vi, [1]-78. Copies: id. - Oerebroae (id.) 1865. Oct.

Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 2: 703. 1856. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. v., Bot. Zeit. 14: 41-43. 18 Jan 1856, 23: 358-359. 24 Nov 1865.

  1. Svensk fanerogam-flora for skol-ungdom. Urarbetad med han syn till den k. matem. naturh. laroboks-kommissionens betankande...Orebro (Arb. Bahlin) 1873. Oct. (Sv. fan.- fi.). Publ.: 1873 p. [i]-l, [1]-342, [1, err.]. Copzes: H, NY.

  2. Utkast till svenska vaxternas naturhistoria eller Sveriges fanerogamer skildrade i korthet med deras vaxstallen och udbredning m.m., deras egenskaper, anvandning och historia iallmanhet...Orebro ([1:] N. M. Lindh, [2]: Abr. Bohlin) 1867-1868, 2 vols. Oct. (Sver. fan.).

1 (forra delen): 1867 (p. vi: Sep 1867; Flora 30 Sep 1868), p. [i-vi], [1]-431.

2 (sednare delen): 1868, p. [1-111], [1]-566. Copzes: G, NY, USDA.

  1. Conspectus florae europaeae, seu enumeratio methodica plantarum phanerogamarum Europae indigenarum, indicatio distributionis geographicae singularum etc. ... Orebro Sueciae (typis Officinae Bohlinianae) 1878-1890, 4 parts and 2 suppl. Oct. (Consp. fl. eur.). 1: Sep 1878, p. [i], [1]-240.

2: Oct 1879, p. [i-v], 241-492 (part), [1, err. between 256/257].

3: prob. Jul 1881 (Bot. Centralbl. 25-27 Jul 1881), p. [i], 493-677; 493 part reprinted.

4: Oct 1882, p. 677-858, [1, note]; 677 printed twice.

Suppl. 1: Mai 1884, p. [i], 859-1046 (but preliminary publ. p. [1]-21. 1883, see below and p. fi], [1]-166. 1884).

Suppl. 2(1): 1-15 Dec 1889 (Bot. Centralbl. 17 Dec 1889), p. [i, ii], [1 ]-224.

Suppl. 2(2): Jul 1890, p. 255-404.

Copies: G, H, M, MO, US(2); IDC 5574. — For dates see e.g. Stearn (1938).

Additamenta: Dec 1885 (t.p. 1886; p. 3: Nov 1885; TL-1), p. [1]-46. Copies: M, MO, US. — “Additamenta ad Conspectum florae Europaeae editum a cl. C. F. Nyman. Beitrage zu C. F. Nyman’s Conspectus florae Europaeae von Dr. E. Roth [Ernst Carl Ferdinand Roth 1857-1918] Berlin (Handel- & Spener’sche Buchhandlung (F. Weidling.)) 1886. Oct. (Add. Consp. fl. Eur.).

Ref.: Trimen, H., J. Bot. 16: 347-350. 1878, 17: 348-349. 1879, 19: 255. 1881.

Roth, E., Bot. Jahrb. 7(Lit.): 74-75. 1886; Bot. Centralbl. 43: 45-46. 1890.

R, W. M., J. Bot. 20: 24-27. 1882.

B, A., J. Bot. 20: 371-375. 1882.

Nyman, C. F., Bot. Not. 1886: 72-75, Bot. Centralbl. 26: 358-360. 1886 (note on Add. Consp. fl. Eur.), 45: 239-240. 1891.

Freyn, J. F., Bot. Centralbl. 7: 266-268. 1881, 12: 340-341. 1882.

  1. Acotyledoneae vasculares et Characeae Europae ... e Conspectus florae Europaeae supple- mento i seorsim impr. Orebro (Sueciae) (typis Officinae Bohlinianae) 1883. Oct. (Acoé. Charac. Eur.).

Publ.: 1883 (Bot. Zeit. 31 Oct 1884; Nat. Nov. Sep(1) 1884, p. [1]-21. Copies: G, US.—Isa



preprint of the first 21 p. of the Consp. fl. eur. suppl. 1. The second part of this supplement appeared with the pagination [i], [1 ]-166; subsequently the two were combined in Mai 1884 and repaginated [i], 859-1046.

Ref.: Freyn, J. F., Bot. Centralbl. 20: 138-139. 1884.

Nyman, Erik Olof August (1866-1900), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1896; travelled in Java and New Guinea, 1897-1900. (E. Nym.).

HERBARIUM and Types: UPS. — For Indonesian collections see SK 1 and Sayre (1975).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 401; Barnhart 3: 18; BM 3: 1459; Bossert p. 290;

CSP 17: 577; GR p. 496; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 172; KR p. 562; Lenley p. 316; LS 19190;

Quenstedt p. 318; Rehder 5: 629; SBC p. 128; SK 1: 390-391, 5: ccevili; Urban-Berl. p. 280,


Anon., Bot. Not. 1893: 215 (stip. journey Norway); 1896 : 203 (Regnell stip. journey Java); Bot. Not. 1899: 173 (journey New Guinea); Nat. Nov. 22: 419. 1900 (d., of malaria); Generalreg. Bot. Not. 1839. 1938, p.65. 1939; Osterr. bot. Z. 50: 419. 1900 (d.).

Crépin, F., Guide bot. Belg. 238, 239, 475. 1879.

E. S., Geol. Foren. Forh. 22(202) (6): 511-512. 1900 (obit.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970 (pl.E).

Mejeune, Acs S.) HlSpa 1575 2801.

Nordstedt, C. F. O. ed., Bot. Not. 1900: 189-190 (obit., b. 13 Oct 1866, d. 29 Jul, in Munchen, on the way home from the East Indies, of malaria; Vegastipendiat Java, New Guinea 1897-1899).

Nyman, E. O. A., Bot. Not. 1g00: 177-122, 181-184 (Java).

Schumann, K. and Lauterbach, K., Fl. deut. Schutzgeb., Nachtr. 24, 25. 1905 (text from Bot. Not.).

Verdoorn, F., Asiatische Jubileae 83. 1934.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 93. 1902.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 51, 208. pl.z1z. 1905 (portr.).

  1. Om byggnaden och utvecklingen af Oedipodium Griffithianum (Dicks.) Schwaegr. Akademisk afhandling, som med tillstand af vidtber6mda filosofiska fakultetens i Upsala matematiskt-naturvetenskapliga sektion for vinnande af filosofisk doktorsgrad till offentlig granskning framstalles af Erik Nyman... & botaniska larosalen onsdagen den 27 Maj 1896 kl. 10 f:m. Upsala (Akademiska boktryckeriet Edv. Berling) 1896. Oct. (Oedipodium Griffi- thianum).

Publ.: 1-27 Mai 1896 (Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1896), p. [i], [1]-36, pl. r-2 (uncol.). Copies: H, NY,


Nyst, [Henri Joseph] Pierre (1780-1846), Dutch-(Maastricht) born Belgian botanist; director of the botanical garden in Bruxelles; later curator of malacology at the Bruxelles Mus. hist. nat. (Vyst).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BR (800 specimens from Guadeloupe and Martinique, coll. by ?).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 18; BM 3: 1459; IH 2: (in press); PR 6790 (ed.

1: 7588-7589); Quenstedt p. 318; Rehder 5: 6209.

Crépin, F., Guide bot. Belg. 238-239. 1878 (b. 18 Jan 1780, d. 1 Mai 1846); Biogr. natl. Belg. 16: 40-41. 1901.

Lawalrée, A., Zoo, Oct 1970, p. [4].

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 3: 93. 1902.

  1. Catalogue des plantes cultivées dans le jardin botanique de la ville de Bruxelles ... A Bruxelles (Chez Bols-Wittouck, imprimeur, ...) 1826. Oct. (in fours). (Cat. ard. bot. Bruxelles). Publ.: 1826, p. [i]-iv, [1]-91. Copy: G.

Oakes, William (1799-1848), American lawyer and botanist; Harvard College BA 1820;

practicing law at Ipswich, Mass. 1824-1827; from then on devoting himself to natural history. (Oakes).



HERBARIUM and types: BSN, now at GH (most complete set), duplicates in B, C, CGE, DBN, G-DC, GRA, L, LY, LZ, MANCH, MASS, MO, OXF, PH, U.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 18; Bossert p. 291; Clokie p. 218; CSP 4: 655;

GR p. 194; Hawksworth p. 185; Hortus 3: 1201 (“Oakes’’); IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 172;

Lenley p. 465; ME 1: 216, 3: 632; Pennell p. 615; PH 364; PR (alph.); Rehder 5: 629; SBC p.

128; TL- 2/see E. M. Durand; Tucker 1: 525; Urban-Berl. p. 379; Zander ed. 10, p. 697, ed.

II, p. 795.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 7: 272. 1849; Flora 32: 223. 1849 (d.); Hovey’s Mag. Hort. 14: 430-431. 1848 (d. 31 Jul 1848, by drowning).

Barnhart, J. H., Mem. Torrey bot. Club 16(3); 297. 1921.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 437. 1880 (coll.).

Day, M., Rhodora 3: 71, 259. 1901 (plants left by him were made into sets and sold; most complete set to BSN).

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 92, 115. 1969.

Graustein, J. E., Thomas Nuttall 474 [index]. 1967.

Gray, A., Amer. J. Sci. ser. 2. 7: 138-142. 1849, 8: 293. 1849 (sets of New England plants for sale).

Hovey, C. M., ed., Mag. Hort. Bot., Boston, 14: 430-431. 1848 (obit., bibl.).

Robinson, J., Bull. Essex Inst. 12: go-g1. 1880 (biogr. not.).

Rodgers, A. D., William Starling Sullivant 136, 157, 161, 173, 190, 224, 226-227. 1940, John Torrey 88, 109, 208, 268. 1942.

Tuckerman, E., London J. Bot. 1: 445. 1842.

Wheatland, H., Proc. Essex Inst. 2: 26. 1862 (b. 1 Jul 1799, d. 31 Jul 1848).

HANDWRITING: Bartonia 28: pl. 6. 1967.

EPONYMy: Oakesia Tuckerman (1842); Oakesta S. Watson (1879); Oakesiella J. K. Small (1903).

  1. Notice of some rare plants of New England, with descriptions of some new species. By

William Oakes, Ipswich, Mass. [C. M. Hovey, ed., Mag. Hort. Bot., Boston vol. 7, no. 5.

Mai 1841]. Oct.

Publ.: Mai 1841 (in journal), p. [1]-8. Copy: NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Mag. Hort. Bot., Boston 7(5): 178-186. 1841.

  1. Catalogue of Vermont plants ... as published in Thompson’s history of Vermont.

{Burlington 1842]. Qu. (Cat. Vermont pl.).

Publ.: 1842, p. [1]-35, [36]. Copies: NY, USDA. — Reprinted from Zadock Thompson, Natural history of Vermont, Burlington 1842 (n.v.), reissue ib. 1853, map, p. [i-iv], [1]- 224; [1]-63, [64-66, app.]. Copy: US. — Botany on p. 173-221.

Obermeyer [Obermeijer], Anna Amelia, later Mrs. Antonie Mauve (1907-x), South African botanist at the National Herbarium, Pretoria. (Oberm.)

HERBARIUM and Types: NH and PRE; further material in BM, F, K, SRGH.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BJI 2: 127; BL 1: 23, 59, 311; Bossert p. 291; Hortus 3: 1201 ({O@berm:*) et 2: Gn ne Kew 4: 173; Zander ed. 10, p. 697, 698, ed. 11. p. 795. Anon., Flow. pl. Afr. 42(3-4): [2p.]. 1973 (portr.).

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 80. 1978.

Codd, i. E., Forum Bot. 10(g): 79-80. 1872 (retirement).

Exell, A. W., & G. A. Hayes, Kirkia 6(1): 98. 1967.

White, A., The Stapelieae 1: 131. 1937 (portr.).

White, F., C. R. AETFAT 4: 199. 1962 (coll. N. Rhodesia).

THEsIS: A revision of the South African species of Barleria, Ann. Transvaal Mus. 16(2): [123]-180, pl. 1-2, maps 1-3. Aug 1933; see also J. Bot. 72: 275-278. Oct 1934.

Obermeyer, W. (//. 1908), German mycologist. (W. Oberm.).



HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Kelly p. 162; LS 19394, 37494-37495, suppl. 20351-20353.

  1. Pilz-Biichlein. Unsere wichtigsten essbaren Pilze in Wort und Bild ... Stuttgart

(Verlag von K. G. Lutz) 1898. Oct. (Pilz-Biichl.).

Orig. ed. [I]: Apr-Mai 1898 (p. 6: 29 Mar 1898; Nat. Nov. Jun(1) 1898; Bot. Centralbl. 15 Jun 1898), p. [2]-160, pl. 1-25 (col.). Copy: B. — Alternative title [p. 2:] “Schriften des deutschen Lehrer-Vereins fir Naturkunde ... IV. Bandchen ...”

Pilz-Biichlein IT: Aug-Dec 1899 (p. 6: 31 Jul 1899; p. [2]-208, pl. 1-25 (col.). Copy: B.

Ed. 2 of land II: n.v.

Ed. 3, I: 1917 (p. 6: Fall 1916; AbZ 15 Dec 1917, p. [1]-160, pl. 1-25. Copy: NY.

Ed. 3, II: 1917 (p. 6: Summer 1917, AbZ 15 Dec 1917, p. [3]-104, pl. 1-25 (col.). Copy: NY.

  1. Unsere wichtigsten Pilze in Wort und Bild... Stuttgart (Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung

W. Keller & Co.) [1g09]. Oct. (Wicht. Pilze).

Publ.: 1909 (Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1909), p. [1]-36, pl. 1-4, 5/6, 7-9, 1/2535 4/5, 7/8, 9/10, 11,1, 2/3; 4/5, 6, 7, 8/9, ro/1z1, 12/13, 14/15 (col.). Copies: MICH, Stevenson. — Obermeyer also published three separate large-size “Pilztafeln’’, in colour, with text, in Jan-Mar 1go9.

Oborny, Adolf (1840-1924), Moravian botanist; studied at the technical college of Briinn (Brno); assistant at the Staatsrealschule 1866; teachers examination Wien (1870; “‘sup- plent” (1870) and teacher (1871) at the Landesrealschule in Znaim; director of the Landesoberrealschule in Leipnik 1898-1907; retired at Znaim 1907-1924. (Oborny).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: MZ. — Other material at A, BRNM, BRNU, C, E, GB, IBF, L, MANCH, PR, PRC, W(800), WRSL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 6(1): 148; Backer p. 658; Barnhart 3: 19; BFM no. 691;

CSP 4: 656, 8: 524, 10: 946, 17: 582; DTS 6(4): 72; Futak-Domin p. 436-437; GR cat. p. 671;

Hegi 4(2): 1028, 6(2): 1241; Jackson p. 270; Kew 4: 173; Klastersky p. 138; Morren (ed. 10)

p. 36; Rehder 5: 630; Tucker 1: 526.

Anon., Osterr. bot. Z. 37: 73. 1887 (Bezirks-Schulinspector Znaimer Stadtschulbezirk), 40: 140. 1890 (800 Morav. pl. at W); 73: 160. 1924 (d. 26 Apr 1924).

Burgerstein, A., Osterr. bot. Z. 36: 131. 1886 (lists “Verzeichnis der in der Umgebung von Znaim im Sommersemester 1870/71 gesammelten und beobachteten Pflanzen, Znaim, Progr. Oberrealschule 1871-1872, 54 p.), 63: 219. 1913 (Beitr. Potentzlla).

Hruby, Joh., Verh. naturf. Ver. Briinn 59: xxvii-xxx. 1925 (obit., bibl., b. 17 Jun 1840, d. 27 Apr 1924).

Iltis, H., Life of Mendel ed. 2. 87, 111. 1966.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 26/27: 56. 1925 (d. 26 Apr 1924). Podpéra, J. Prirody 17(5), 1924 (n.v.).

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. fl. Polsk. 110. 1925 (bibl.).

Wettstein, R. v., Osterr. bot. Z. 49: 96. 1899 (pl. at PRC).

  1. Mlora von Mahren und osterr. Schlesien enthaltend die wildwachsenden, verwilderten

und haufig angebauten Gefasspflanzen ... herausgegeben vom naturforschenden Vereine

in Briinn. Briinn (Druck von W. Burkart. — Verlag des Vereines) 1886. Oct. (Fl. Mahren).

1: 1882 or Jan-Jun 1883 (p. 6: 9 Nov 1881; Bot. Centralbl. 2-6 Jul 1883; Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1883; J. Bot. Aug 1883; Bot. Zeit. 27 Jul 1883), p. [1]-268, z Verh. naturf. Ver. Brinn 21(2). 1882 (1883). Re-issue part 1: 1885, p. [3]-268. Copy: BR. — Briinn (id.). 1885. Oct.

2: 1884 (Nat. Nov. Oct(3) 1884; Bot. Centralbl. 17-21 Nov 1884), p. [i], 269-636, in idem 22(2), 1884 (as ““supplement”’, with Flora pagination).

3: 1885 (Bot. Zeit. 26 Mar 1886; Nat. Nov. Feb(1) 1886; Bot. Centralbl. 1-5 Feb 1886), p. [i], 637-888, zn idem 23(2). 1885 (id.).

4: 1886 (Bot. Zeit. 27 Apr 1888: Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1887), p. [i], 889-1258, [1, err.], [i]- xxxix, 7b. 24(2): 1885 (publ. 1886), in idem 24(2). 1886 (id.).

Copies: B, BR, G, MO. — Preceded by Die Flora des Znaimer Kreises, Verh. naturf. Ver. Brinn 17: [i], [105]-304. 1879 (publ. 1879, p. 107 dated Dec 1878; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jan 1880; Nat.



Nov. Nov(1) 1879). Copy reprint: G. — Bot. Zeit. 31 Oct 1890 and Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 18go mention a re-issue Briinn (C. Winiker) 1890, Oct., 2 vols. See also A. Burgerstein (1886). Ref.: Beck, G., Osterr. bot. Z. 33: 374. 1883, 35: 31. 1885, 36: 1886, 37: 141. 1887 (rev.). Freyn, J. F., Bot. Centralbl. 15: 267-270. 1883, 23: 46-47. 1885, 27: 221-222. 1886, 30: 317-318. 1887.

O’Brien, Charlotte Grace (1845-1909), Irish botanist of Foynes, Limerick. (C. O’brien). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: BB p. 232; BL 2: 244, 248, 697; Desmond p. 470; Kew 4: 173.

  1. Wild flowers of the Undercliff, Isle of Wight . .. London (published for the authors by L. Reeve & Co., ...) 1881. Oct. (Wild fl. Undercliff).

Co-author: C. Parkinson.

Publ.: 1881, p. [i]-vi[vii], [1]-143, pl. 7-8 (col.). Copy: USDA.

Ochoterena, Isaac (1885-1950), Mexican botanist, director of the botanical section of the Direccion Estud. Biol. Mex. from 1915. (Ochot.).

HERBARIUM and Types: MEXU. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 20; Hortus 3: 1201 (““Ochot.’’); IH 2: (in press).

  1. Las cactdceas de México ... Mexico (Editorial ““Cultura’”’) 1922. Qu. (Cact. México). Publ.: 1923 (colo.: printing finished 13 Feb 1923; t.p. dated 1922), p. [1, blank], [3]-179, [1, colo.], 2 pl. Copies: G, MICH.

Ochse, Jacob Jonas (1891-1970), Dutch agriculturist and specialist on diet and tropical horticulture; in the former Dutch East Indies 1914-1946, mainly as governmental horticul- turist; from 1946 professor of applied tropical and economic botany at the University of Miami. (Ochse).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BO (see SK). Library at Fairchild trop. Gard.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: BL 1: 106, 310; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 175; Langman p.

548; MW p. 360; NI 1459; Plesch p. 350; SK 1: 391, xxxi, 8: Ixxii.

Anon., Fl. males. Bull. 25: 1877. 1971.

Dijkman, M. J., Bull. Fairchild trop. Gard. 1970 (Jul): (6), (12). (obit., b. 5 Jul 1892, d. 21 Apr 1970), Economic Bot. 24(4): 492, 493. 1970 (obit.) .

Honig, J., Natuurw. Tijdschr. Ned. Indie 102(6): 97-98. 1946 (portr., obit., bibl.).

Jacobs, M., Fl. males. Bull. 31: 2972. 1978.

Steenis, C. G. G. J., Fl. males. Bull. 25: 1877. 1971 (d.).

  1. /ndische vruchten ... (Batavia, Djakarta] (Volkslectuur-Weltevreden) 1927. Oct. (Ind.

vrucht. )

Publ.: 1927 (p. iii: 1 Oct 1926), p. [i*-ii*], i-viii, [1]-330, 3 pl. (col.). Copies: B, NY, U; IDC 8124.

  1. /ndische groenten (met inbegrip van aardyruchten en kruiderijen) ... overzicht der in- en uitheemsche gewassen, welke in Insulinde tot groente en toespijs dienen ... Batavia (Uitgave: Departement van Landbouw, ... Buitenzorg) 1931. Oct. (Ind. groent.). Collaborator: Reinier Cornelis Bakhuizen van den Brink [Sr.] (1881-1945).

Publ.: 1931 (p. vii: Jan 1931), front., p. [i]-xxxv, [1]-1001, [1002-1004, err.]. Copy: G.

  1. Vruchten en vruchtenteelt in Nederlandsch-Oost-Indié ... Batavia [Djakarta] (Uitgave G. Kolff & co.) 1931. Oct. (Vrucht. Ned. O. Ind.).

Publ.: 1931 (p. [iii]: Feb 1931), p. [i]-xv, 1-181, pl. 1-53, 54/55, 56-57 (col.). Copy: G (pl. 30




  1. Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies (edible tubers, bulbs, rhizomes and spices included) Survey of the indigenous and foreign plants serving as pot-herbs and side-dishes ... The Hague [’s Gravenhage, Den Haag] (Martinus Nijhoff) [1931]. (Veg. Dutch E. Ind.). Collaborator: Reinier Cornelius Bakhuizen van den Brink [Sr.] (1881-1945).

Ong. ed.: 1931 (p. x: Mar 1931), frontisp., p. [i]-xxxvi, [1]-1005, [1006, err.]. Copies: B, BR, MICH, MO, NY. = English translation of Ind. groenten (1931).

Facsimile reprint: 1977, p. [i*-viti* ], [1]-xxxvi, [1 ]-1005, [ 1006, err. ], [list: 1-10]. Copies: FAS, U.—ISBN 90-6123-272-4. Amsterdam (A. Asher & Co.), with a new introduction and a list of corrected scientific names by Reinier Cornelius Bakhuizen van den Brink, Junior (1g11-x), see Taxon 27: 115. 1978.— The reprint contains also a biographical note and a list of publications.

  1. Fruits and fruitculiure in the Dutch East Indies ... English edition of Vruchten en

Vruchtenteelt in Nederlandsch-Oost-Indié. Batavia [Djakarta] (G. Kolff & Co.), The

Hague [’s Gravenhage, Den Haag] (Martinus Nijhoff...) 1931. Oct. (Fruits fructcult.).

Collaborator: Reinier Cornelius Bakhuizen van den Brink [Sr.] (1881-1945).

Publ.: 1931 (p. i: Mar 1931), p. [i]-xv, 1-180, pl. 1-53, 54/55,50-57 (col.). Copies: BR, MICH. — English translation of Vrucht. Ned. O. Ind. (1931).

Ref.: Plesch p. 350.

Ochsner-Christen, Fritz (1899-x), Swiss bryologist and geobotanist at Muri, Aargau; Dr. phil. Zurich 1926; later high school teacher in Winterthur and Muri, Aargau. (Ochsner).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: ZT (temporarily still privately owned).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 20; GR p. 643-644; IH 2: (in press); Roon p. 84. Anon., Rev. bryol. lichénol. 16: 92. 1947, 21: 301. 1952, 25: 202. 1956, 34: 378. 1966, 36: 786. 1970.

ooo. Studien iiber die Epiphyten-Vegetation der Schweiz von der Eidgenossischen ‘Technischen

Hochschule in Ziirich zur Erlangung der Wurde eines Doktors der Naturwissenschaften

genehmigte Promotionsarbeit [Nr. 472]... St. Gallen (Druck der Buchdruckerei Zolliko-

fer & Cie.) 1927. Oct. (Stud. Epiph.-Veg. Schweiz).

Publ.: 1927 (t.p.; Rev. bryol. 15 Oct 1928. Nat. Nov. Apr 1929), p. [1-11], [1 ]-108. Copy: MO. — Preprinted from Jahrb. St. Gall. naturw. Ges. 63(2): 1-108. 1928.

O’Connor, Patrick (1889-1969), Irish botanist; Ph. D. Dublin 1929; keeper, natural history division, National Museum of Ireland (1929). (O’Connor).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: DBN (mycol.); some further material at C.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 20; BL 2: 281, 697; Desmond p. 470; IH 2: (in press), Kew 4: 175. Praeger, R. L., Some Irish naturalists 137. 1949.

O’Donell, Carlos Alberto (1912-1954), Argentine botanist; Dr. pharm. Buenos Aires 1937; at the Instituto Miguel Lillo Tucuman, 1938-1954. (O’Don.).

HERBARIUM and types: LIL. — Further material at C, E, GB, HLU, GH, MO, NY, US.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHy: Barnhart 3: 21; Hortus 3: 1201 (“O’Don.”’); IH 2: (in

press); Kew 4: 175-176; Langman p. 548.

Anon., Taxon 3: 134. 1954.

Barkley, F. A., Brittonia 8: 115-120. 1955 (obit., portr., bibl., chronology).

Descole, H. R., Ceiba 4(3): 195-196. 1954 (obit., b. 11 Oct 1912, d. 14 Feb 1954), Bol. Soc. arg. Bot. 5(3): 160-165. 1954 (obit., portr., bibl.)

Lourteig, A., Lilloa 29: 9-18. 1959 (biogr., d. 14 Feb 1954).

Oeder, George Christian [von Oldenburg] (1728-1791), German botanist; Dr. med. Gottingen 1749; to Denmark 1752; royal professor of botany at Kj@benhavn 1754-1770;



various times in Norway between 1755-1760; from 1773 in Oldenburg as regional governor (Landvogt); ennobled 1788. (Oed.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: ADB 24: 147-149; AG 1: 343; Backer p. 404-405; Barnhart 3: 21; BL 2: 478, 697; BM 3: 1462; Bossert p. 291; De Toni 1: xcii; Dryander : 11, 20, 152, 220; DU 218; Frank 3(Anh.): 72-73; GF p. 69; GR p. 35, pl. [15], cat. p. 69; Hawksworth p.

185; Hegi 5(1): 541, 6(1): 1273; Herder p. 469; Hortus 3: 1201 (“Oed.”); HU 594; IH 2: (in

press); Jackson p. 333; Kew 4: 176; Krempelh. 1: 34, 514, 572, 2: 5) 5305 Laségue p. 532; LS

19405-19407, 37498; NI 2249; Plesch p. 351; PR 6798-6802 (ed. 1: 7599-7604); Rehder 5:

630-631; RS p. 121; SA 1: 263; SBC p. 128; SO 67, 287, add. 650dd; Sotheby 574; Stevenson

p. 1253; TL-1/933; TL-2/2285, see J. W. Hornemann, J. M. C. Lange; Tucker 1: 526;

Zander ed. 10, p. 698.

Anker, J., Libri, Copenhagen 1 (4): 334-350. 195! (early hist. Fl. dan.; portr., b. 3 Feb 1728, d. 28 Jun 1791), Centaurus 1: 242-265. 1951 (on O’s botanical journey in Europe 1754- 1755):

Baer, W. & H. W. Lack, Pflanzen auf Porzellan 47-48. 1979 (on Flora Danica-Service, manufactured 1790-1802).

Christensen, C., Den Danske Bot. Hist. 1: 69-83. 1924 (biogr., portr., major study), 2: 45- 48. 1924 (main bot. bibl.).

Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst. 318 [index] 1936.

Cuvier, F., Dict. Sci. nat. 61: 196. 1843.

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. von, zm Prahl, P., Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holstein 2: 44-45. 1890.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(3): 341. 1909, 1(5): 121, 176. 1911, 1(6): 71, 115, 120, 127. 1912.

Haase, C., Oldenburger Jahrb. 64(1): 1-58. 1965 (on Oeder’s Oldenburg period).

Hagen, I., Norges bryologi i det 18de arhundrede 13-18. 1897. (portr.).

Halem, von, Andenken an Oeder. Altona, 1793, 168 p. (portr.).

Hall, H. C. van, ed., Epistolae ineditae Caroli Linnaei, Groningen 1830.

Hornemann, J., Nat. Tidskr. 1: 568. 1837.

Hulth, J. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(1): roo, 104, 257, 259. 1916, 2(2): 13, 14, 182, 183, 236, 237- 1943.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 309, 370. 1884.

Lange, J. M. C., Nomenclator ‘“‘Florae Danicae’”’, Hauniae, Lipsiae 1887, vill, 355 p., see TL-2/4180.

Lind, J., Danish fungi herb. E. Rostrup 12-14. 1913 (portr.).

Meusel, J. G., Lex. teut. schriftst. 10: 152-156. 1810 (bibl., biogr. notes).

Rostrup, E., Bricka Dansk biogr. Lex. 19: 346-349. 1905 (n.v., LS 37498).

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Libr. Publ. 5: 15. 1907.

Stafleu, F. A., in Daniels, G. S. and Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 22: 164. 1973 (portr.).

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 60-62. 1880 (bibl.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 103. 1903, 3(3): 89, 146. 1905.

HANDWRITING: Libri 1(4): 347. 1951, Centaurus 1: 262-263. 1950.

EPONYMY: Oedera Crantz (1768, nom. rej.); Oedera Linnaeus (1771, nom. cons.); Oederia A. P. de Candolle (1838, orth. var.).

yoor. {Flora danica| Icones plantarum sponte nascentium in regnis Daniae et Norvegiae, in

ducatibus Slesvici et Holsaticae, et in comitatibus Oldenburgi et Delmenhorstiae; ad

illustrandum opus de iisdem plantis, regio jussu exarandum, Florae danicae nomine inscriptum. K¢benhavn, [1761-]1764-1883. 17 vols., Fol. (Fl. dan.).

Publ.: 17 volumes in 51 fascicles (+ 3 suppl. fasc.) of 60 plates (per fascicle) with corresponding text. Generally cited as Flora danica. Copies: BR, FI, MICH, MO, NY; IDC 692. The analysis below is based on the NY copy. — Copies exist with coloured and with uncoloured engravings.

Authorship (editors): Georg Christian Oeder (O) (1728-1791),

Otto Fridrich Miller (M) (1730-1784), Martin Vahl (V) (1749-1804),


Jens Wilken Hornemann (H) (1770-1841), joachim Frederik Schouw (Sch) (1789-1852), Jens Lorenz Moestue Vahl (JV) (1796-1854),

Frederik Michael Liebmann (Li) (1813-1856), Johannes Jupetus Smith Steenskrup (St) (1813-1897), Johan Martin Christian Lange (La) (1818-1898).


Commentaries and indexes: Oeder, G. C., Nomenclator botanicus inserviens Florae danicae.

Kjg@benhavn 1769.

Horneman, J., Nomenclatura Florae Danicae emendata, 1827. Lindberg, S. O., Revisio critica iconum in opere Flora Danica Muscos illustrantium,


Lange, J. M. C., Nomenclator “‘Florae Danicae,” 1887, TL-2/4189. Christensen, C., Den Danske Botaniks Historie 2: 558-560. 1926. Anker, J., Libri (Copenhagen) 1: 334-350. 1951 (early history).





ct ot



date pages plates TiO es [|

Oly eet) 02 1-60 1763 = J |-12 61-120 1764 + ([1]-10 121-180 1766 [i]

1765 [1]-10 181-240 1766 ~=—[1]-10 241-300 1767 + [1]-10 301-360 ye) tl

1768 = [1]-10 301-420 1769 ~©‘[1]-10 421-480 wo (alse) 481-540 ig Se

gy = |e} 541-600 1775 + ([1]-8 601-660 waa tls) 661-720 1782 [|

Weft |=8 721-780 1780 ~—- [1-8 781-840 1782 = [1]-6 841-00 1792 [iJ

n7o7 — [rl-8 gor-g6o 1790 [i]-10 61-1020 792 |[1]-8 1021-1060 1799 Li]

1794 ([1]-8 1081-1140 1797 ~+©([r]-8 1141-1200 1799 ~=s: [1-8 1201-1260 MOREON) a(t]

1806 = [1]-10 1261-1320 1808 [1]-8 1321-1360 1810 [1]-6 1381-1440 1e20) © [i]

1813 ~— [1]-8 1441-1500 1816 —_[1]-10 1501-1500 TOUS, may le otal 1561-1620 1823 ~— [a]

181g [i ]-12 1621-1660 1821 = [1]-13 1681-1740 1823 = [1 ]-13 1741-1800 1828 [i]

1825 = [1]-15 1801-1860 1827, [|-22 1861-1920

editors publ.


Apr-Mai 1762 Apr-Mai 1763 Jan-Feb 1764


Vol. fasc. date pages plates editors publ. 53 1829 _[1]-14 1921-1980 H 12 Ep, 1834 [iJ H 34 1830 ~—s [1 ]-14 1981-2040 M 35 1832 = [1]-12 2041-2100 H 36 1834 ~=[1]-12 2101-2160 H 13 t.p. 1840 [i] H a7 1836 —s[1]-11 2161-2220 H 38 1839 [1 ]-13 2221-2280 H 39 1840 + [1]-16,[1] 2281-2340 H 14 t.p. 1849 _ [i Li 40 1843 ~=—[1]-18 2341-2400 Sch., JV 41 1845 [1]-17 2401-2460 Li 2 1849 = [1]-16 2461-2520 Li 15 t.p. 1861 [i] Li, La 43 1852 = [1]-16 2521-2580 Li 44 1858 = [1]-21 2581-2640 St, La 45 1861 = [1]-19 2641-2700 La 16 t.p. 1871 [i] La 46 1867 ~=[1]-20 2701-2760 La 47 1869 ~— [1 ]-23 2761-2820 La 48 1e70 % vir|-26 2821-2880 La Jan-Aug 1871 17 t.p. 1883 [i] La 49 i377) [alat7 2881-2940 La 50 1880 = [1]-17 2941-3000 La 51 1883 [1]-15 3001-3060 Le

Alternative title: Aftegninger paa de Planter, som vore vildt i Kongerigerne Danmark og Norge, i Hertogdommene Slesvig og Holsteen, og i Grevskaberne Oldenborg og Delmen- horst, til at oplyse det under Titel Flora danica paa kongelig Befaling foranstaltete Verk over disse Planter, udgivne af bemeldte Verks Forfatter Georg Christian Oeder, ... Kig¢benhavn (Trykt hos hans Kongl. Majests. Hof-Bogtrykker Nicolaus Mller).

The BR copy has danish title pages for vols. 1-14 and part 15(1), latin t.p.’s asin heading for vols. 15-17, of which vol. 15 is a 1913 re-issue, typis Bianco Luno.

The MICH and NY copies have the latin title pages. Variation between copies occurs with respect to the danish and latin texts. The copy at FI has German, Danish and Latin text. Supplement: see below, no 7008.

7oo2. Einieitung zu der Krduterkenntnss ... Kopenhagen (Verlegts Frantz Christian Mum-

mes Wittwe, und gedruckt bey Nicolaus Moller) 1764-1766, 2 vols. Oct. (Einleit. Krduterk.).

1: 1764 (p. [iv]: 9 Feb 1764), p. [i-x], [1]-163, [164, err. ].

2: 1766, p. [i-iv], [165]-434, [435-436, err.], pl. 1-14 (uncol. copp.).

Copies: MICH, MO, NY, USDA. — Half-title: Flora danica. Erster Band. — For Latin and Danish translations see below.

  1. Elementa botanicae, ... Hafniae [Kj¢benhavn] (Typis fratrum Philibert. Prostat apud

viduam Franc. Christ. Mumme) 1764-1766. 2 parts. Oct. (Elem. bot.).

1: 1764 (p. iv: g Feb 1764), p. [i]-vi, [1]-141, [142].

2: 1766, p. [i-iv], [143]-382, pl. 1-14 (uncol. copp.).

Copies: B, FI, G, NY, USDA. — Latin version of Eznl. Krdauterkennin., see above. The B and G copies have a different imprint: Hafniae (Typis fratrum Philibert [without the “‘Prostat

eu ee 704/766:

  1. Indledning til Plante-Laeren ... oversat af Niels Henric Tyrholm... Kig¢benhavn (trykt hos Nicolaus Méller) 1764-1766. Oct. (Indl. Pl.-Laer.).

1: 1764 (p. [iv]: 9 Feb 1764), p. [i-viii], [1]-142.

2: 1766, p. [i-iv], [143]-402, pl. r-14 (uncol. copp.).

Copies: C, H, LD (inf. O. Almborn). — Christensen (1924) p. 47, no. roc.



  1. Nomenclator botanicus, continens plantarum in terris danicis sponte nascentium nomi- na vernacula in linguis gallica, anglica, germanica, suecica, danica, cum nomenclatore synonymico-linnaeano, & pharmaceutico-linnaeano. Hafniae [Kj¢benhavn] (sumptibus Heineck & Faber. Typis Cl. Philibert) 1769. Oct. (in fours). (Nom. bot.). Publ.: 1769, p. [i-iv], [1]-231. Copies: FI, MICH, NY, USDA; IDC 801.

  2. Enumeratio plantarum florae danicae, id est sponte nascentium in regnis Daniae Norve- giae; ducatibus Slesvici et Holsatiae; comitatibus Oldenburgi et Delmenhorstiae ... Haf- niae [Kj¢bnhavn] (sumptibus Heineck & Faber. Typis Cl. Philibert) 1770. Oct. (Enum. fl. dan.).

Publ.: 1770 (p. [iv]: Jan 1770), p. [i-iv], [1]-112. Copies: H, NY, USDA.

  1. Verzeichniss zur der Flora danica gehorigen, in den Konigreichen Dannemark und

Norwegen, in den Herzogthtimern Schlesswig und Holstein, und in den Graffschaften

Oldenburg und Delmenhorst wildwachsenden Kraiiter, ... Kopenhagen (Gedruckt bey

Nicolaus Moller, ...) 1770. Oct. (Verz. Fl. dan.).

Publ.: 1770 (p. [iv]: 2 Apr 1770), p. [i-iv], [1]-137. Copy: NY.

Other issue: 1770 (p. [iv]: 2 Apr 1770), p. [i-iv], [1]-137. Copy: G. — ‘‘Flora danica der Verzeichniss der in den K6nigreichen ... Krauter, ... Kopenhagen (Verlegts Heineck und Faber. Gedruckt bey Nicolaus Moller ...) 1770. Oct.

  1. Icones plantarum sponte nascentium in regnis Sueciae et Norvegiae, Supplementum

operis, Hlorae danicae nomine inscripti, editum a F. M. Liebmann & Joh. Lange. Volumen

primum (unicum) continens fasciculos i.1i.ii1. seu tabulas i-clxxx. Hauniae (typis Louis

Klein) [1853-]1874. Fol. (FV. dan. suppl.).

Authors: Frederik Michael Liebman (1813-1886) (fasc. 1), Johan Martin Christian Lange (1818-1898) (fasc. 2-3; co-author fasc. 1). :

Voisip 1874, p. (il:

Fasc. 1: 1853 (p. 16: 20 Oct 1853), p. [1]-16, pl. 1-60.

Fasc. 2: 1865 (p. 18: 31 Mar 1865), p. [1]-18, pl. 67-720.

Fasc. 3: 1874 (p. 16: 1 Mar 1874) p. [1]-16, pl. 121-180. Copies: BR, NY.

See also: F. M. Liebman (TL-2/4517).

Oehninger, Carl Johannes (//. 1908), German publisher and botanist. (Oehninger). HERBARIUM and types: Unknown. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Kew 4: 176.

  1. Die Alpenflora. 130 Abbildungen in Farbenkunstdruck auf 24 ‘Tafeln. Mit besonderer

Berucksichtigung der Ost-alpen. Nach der Natur gemalt von Baron Fritz Hauser. Heraus-

gegeben, mit Einleitung und begleitendem Text versehen von C. J. Ochninger ... Graz

(Selbstverlag von C. J. Oehninger) 1908. (Alpenflora).

Ed. [1]: 1908, (Bot. Centralbl. 4 Aug 1908), p. [i-ii], [1 ]-79, p. 7-24. Copy: Landesbibliothek Graz (inf. D. Ernet).

Ed. 5: 1922, p. [1]-49, [50], pl. 1-24. Copy: G. — “‘Fiinfte, vollstandige umgearbeitete Auflage”. Reichenhall (Verlag von C. J. Oechninger) 1922.

oro. Ailas der Alpenflora. 600 Abbildungen in Dreifarbdruck auf too Tafeln nach der

Natur gemalt von Franz Fischer (Salzburg) und Fritz Hauser (Wien) herausgegeben von

C. J. Oehninger. Munster i.W. (C. J. Oehninger Verlag), Graz (Leuschner & Lubensky’s

Universitatsbuchhdlg.) [1924-1926]. Oct. (Adl. Alpenfl.).

Orig. ed.: 1924-1926, in 7 parts (1: Jan 1924, 7 Mai 1926, with 14 or 15 pl. each), p. [1]-112, pl. 1-100 (col.). Copies: G, MICH.

Reissue: 1937, p. [1]-112, pl. 1-100. Copies: BR, G, NY.

Oelhafen von Schoellenbach, Carl Christoph (1709-1783), German botanist and royal forestry agent (Wald-Amtmann) at Nurnberg. (Oelhafen).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1463, 7: 949, 8: 1448; Dryander 3: 205; Herder p. 381; Jackson p. 206; LS 19410; NI 1461; PR 6803 (ed. 1: 7607); Rehder 5: 631; TL-2/1544- 1546; Tucker 1: 526.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 27. 1884.

Junk, W., Rara 1: 16. 1900-1913.

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 41. 1892.

7or1. Carl Christoph Oelhafens von Schéllenbach, . . . Abbeldung der wilden Baume, Stauden und Buschgewachse, welche nicht nur mit Farben nach der Natur vorgestellet, sondern auch nach ihrer wahren Beschaffenheit, nach dem Stand ihrer Blatter, nach ihren mannli- chen und weiblichen Bliiten, Frichten und Saamen, nach ihrem Wachsthum und Alter, das sie gewohnlich erreichen, nach ihrer Erziehung und Pflege, die sie erfordern, kurz und griindlich beschrieben sind... Verlegt und mit den in Kupfer gestochenen und illuminirten

Abbildungen versehen von Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt, . .. in Nurnberg 1767-1804, 3

parts. Qu. (Abbild. Baume).

Author of part 3: Johann Wolf (1765-1824).

1: 1773, p. [1]-82, pl. 1-34 (hand colored copper engr. by Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt).

2: 1767 (p. [iv]: 4 Jun 1767), p. [i-iv], [1]-132, pl. 1-73 (id.).

: 1804, p. [1 ]-66, pl. 1-37.

Copies: B(1), BM (as above), MO (1; 2 incompl.), NY. — The copies are all different; the above analysis is of the copy at BM (courtesy Ph. Edwards). The copy at HH (see Tucker 1: 526) is again different.

French transl.: 1775, p. [1]-80, pl. 1-34. Copy: G.— Vol. 1 only. Traité des arbres, arbrisseaux et arbustes de nos foréts, . . . traduit de l’ Allemand par Godefroi Benistant ... A Nuremberg [Nurnberg] (Chez Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt, ...) 1775. Qu.

Selection: Baume des deutschen Waldes, ed. Hans Wegener, Leipzig 1935, 32 pl.


Orsted, Anders Sandé ((rsted, Oersted) (1816-1872), Danish botanist and zoologist; Dr. phil. K¢benhavn 1854; high school teacher at K¢benhavn 1839-1844, travelled in Central America 1845-1848; lecturer, later professor of botany at the University of K¢benhayn 1851-1862. (Orst.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: C; American bryophytes in BM; other material at B, BM, F, FH, GH, K, L, MO, NY, 8, US, W. Manuscripts also at C; library dispersed by auction.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 120, 317, 345; Barnhart 3: 22; BM 3: 1478;

Bossert p. 292; CSP 4: 696-697, 8: 537, 10: 949-950; De Toni 1: xciiil, 2: Ixxxvii; Frank

3(Anh.): 73; GR p. 685; Hawksworth p. 185; Herder p. 469; Hortus 3: 1201 (“Qrst.”’); IH 1

(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 23, gI, 102, 108, 142, 146, 148, 165, 166, 333, 338, 367;

Kelly p. 163; Kew 4: 176-177; KR p. 793; Krempelh. 3: 204; Langman p. 549-550; LS

19411-19426; MW p. 360; NI 1462-1464; Nordstedt p. 25; PR 6805-6815 (ed. 1: 7610-

7611); Rehder 5: 631; RS p. 121; Stevenson p. 1253; TL-2/443-444, 4182; Tucker 1: 526-

527; Urban-Berl. p. 272, 309, 379; Zander ed. 10, p. 698, ed. 11, p. 796.

Anon., Bonplandia 1(4): 35. 1853; 3: 319-320. 1855 (publ.); Bot. Not. 1871: 69 (lecturer), 197 (journey Germany), 1872: 64 (lecturer), 126 (d.); Bot. Not. 1874: 31; Bull. Soc. bot. France 19 (bibl.): 95. 1872; J. Bot. 10: 320. 1872; Osterr. bot. Z. 22: 340. 1872 (d.).

Brown, R., in Thomson, W., Trans. bot. Soc. Edinb. 11: 426-435. 1872 (obit., bibl., b. 21 Jun 1816, d. 3 Sep 1872).

Candolle, Alph. de., Phytographie 437. 1880 (coll.).

Christensen, C., Den Danske Bot. Hist. 1: 289, 303, 307, 314, 316, 319, 322, 342, 355, 377- 420, (portr. on 399), 516, 526, 533, 534, 596, 646. 1924-1926, 2: 232-244, 270, 531. 1924- 1925 (bibl.).

Durand, Th. & H. Pittier, Mém. Soc. r. Bot. Belg. 30(1): 13-41. 1891 (on O’s expl. of Costa Rica)

Eggers, H., in Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 118-119. 1898. (on her Skildring af Naturen paa Jamaica, 1863).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 50 (Mexican pl.K.).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 406, 467. 1864.

Kiaerskou, H., Bot. Tidsskr. 23: 46-47. 1900 (b. 21 Jun 1816, d. 3 Sep 1872).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 556. 1969.



Lind, J., Danish fungi herb. E. Rostrup 17-18. 1913 (portr.). Millspaugh, C. F., Publ. Field Mus. 68, Bot. 1: 454. 1902.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM (NH) 1: 171. 1904 (Costa Rican mosses, BM). Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 365-366. 1975.

Pedersen, M., Bot. Centralbl. 85: 343. rgor (d.).

Poulsen, Bot. Zeit. 6: 875-881. 1848 (on O’s C. Amer. journey). Reichenbach, H. G., Bot. Zeit. 10: 932. 1852 (epon.).

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Libr. Publ. 5: 37. 1907.

Stearn, W. T., J. Arnold Arb. 46: 268. 1965 (coll. used by Grisebach). Trevisan, V. B. A., Saggio monogr. algh. coccot. 108. 1848.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 118-119. 1898; 3(1): 93-94. 1902.

Verdoorn, F., Pl. pl. sci. Lat. Amer. xxvi. 1945.

Warming, E., Bot. Tidsskr. 12: 162-171. 1881 (biogr. note, epon., bibl.). Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): go-91. pl. 177. 1905 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: See F. M. Liebmann, Chénes del’ Amérique tropicale, posthumously publ. by O.

EPONYMY: Oerstedella H. G. Reichenbach (1852); Oerstedina Wiehler (1977). Note: The derivation of Oerstedtia V. B. A. Trevisan (1848) could not be determined.

7or2. Planterigets Naturhistorie, en almeenfattelig Fremstilling af de vigtigste Planter i deres Forhold til Menneskene og Jorden, naermest udarbeidet til Brug ved Underviisning i Realskoler og til Selvstudium af A. S. Orsted, cand. philos. Kjgbenhavn (Trykt paa Boghandler H. C. Kleins Forlag, 1 Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri ...) 1839. Oct. (Planter. Naturhist.).

Publ.: 1839, p. [1]-xvi, [1]-384, pl. 1-34. Copies: MO, NY.

  1. Beretning om en Excursion til Trindelen, en Alluvialdannelse i Odensefjord ...

Kjgbenhavn (Trykt hos J. G. Salomon) 1842. Oct.

Publ.: 1842, p. [1]-20, pl. 7. Copy: NY.—Naturh. Tidskr., K¢benhavn, ser. 1. 3(4): 552-569. 1842. To be cited from journal.

  1. De regionibus marinis. Elementa topographiae historiconaturalis freti Oresund. Dis- sertatio inauguralis, quam ad honores magistri artium rite capessendos scripsit et die xxix mensis aprilis respondente ornatissimo E. Petit. Chir. mil. publice defendere studebit A. S. Orsted. Phil. cand. Hauniae [K¢benhavn] (typis excussit J. C. Scharling) 1844. Oct. (Reg. mar.).

Publ.: 29 Apr 1844 (t.p.), p. [i-x], [1]-88, [1-2, expl. pl., err.], pl. 7-2. Copies: FI, MO, NY. Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 3: 385-389. 6 Jun 1845 (extensive German


  1. Centralamerikas Rubiaceer. (Bestemmelser og Bekrivelser mestendeels af G. Bentham.)

Ved A. S. Orsted ... [K@benhavn 1852]. Oct.

Identifications: mainly by George Bentham (1800-1884).

Publ.: Jun-Dec 1852 or 1853(?) (mss. submitted 12 Mai 1852; journal issue dated 1852; dated 1853 by Christensen 1925 p. 234), p. [1]-39. Copy: G. — Reprinted from Vid. Meddel. naturh. For. Kjobenhavn 1852(2-4): 23-61. To be cited from journal.

  1. Mexicos og Centralamerikas Acanthaceer ... KjObenhavn (Bianco Lunos Boktrykkeri)

  2. Oct.

Publ.: 1855, p. [i], [1]-69, pl. 3-5 (liths., C. Thornam). Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Vid. Medd. naturh. For. 1854: 113-181.

yor7. (Af Naturhist. Foren. Vindensk. Meddelelser.) Plantae novae centroamericanae ... [K¢benhayn 1856-1857], 3 parts.

I: 1856, p. [1]-6. Reprinted and to be cited from Vid. Meddel. Naturh. For. 1856: 27-32. IT: 1856, idem p. 33-43.

IIT: 1857, p. [1]-12. — Idem 1857: 187-198.

Copies: G(3), US (1, 2).


ORSTED (1857)

7o18. Af Naturhist. Foren. Vidensk. Meddelelser, 1857) Centralamerikas Lobeltaceer ...

[K@benhavn 1857].

Co-author: Jules Emile Planchon (1823-1888).

Publ.: 1857, p. [1 ]-6. Copy: G.— Reprinted and to be cited from Vid. Meddel. Naturhist. For. 1857; 152-157.

701g. Centralamericas Gesneraceer, et systematisk, plantegeographisk bidrag til Centralame-

ricas Flora... Kjébenhavn (Trykt i Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri ved F. S. Muhle) 1858. Qu.

(Centralamer. Gesner.).

Publ.: 1858 (NY copy rd by Torrey 20 Mai 1859), p. [i], [1]-78, pl. 1/2, 3-11 (by Augusta Thornam), map. Copies: G, MO, NY; IDC 6162. — Preprinted from K. Danske Vidensk. Skr. ser. 5. 5(1): 75-152, 77 pl. map. 1859.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 18: 99-100. 1860.

yo20. (Af Naturhist. Foren. Vidensk. Meddelelser 1858) Palmae centroamericanae ...

[K¢benhavn 1859] Oct. (Palmae centroamer.).

Publ.: Jan-Mai 1859 (NY copy rd. by G. H. Post 20 Mai 1859; Bot. Zeit. 1860), p. [1]-54. Copies: G, MO, NY, US. — Reprinted and to be cited from Vid. Meddel. naturh. For. Kjobenhavn 1858: 1-54. 1859.

yo21. Viburni generis adumbratio ... Hafniae [K¢benhavn] (typis Bianco Luno) 1861. Oct.

(Viburn. adumbr.).

Publ.: Jan-Jul 1861 (Bot. Zeit. 16 Aug 1861), p. [1]-39, pl. 6-7 (uncol., Augusta Thornam). Copies: G, U. — Preprinted or reprinted from Vid. Meddel. naturh. For. Kjobenhavn 1860: 267-305, pl. 6-7. 1861. Extensive summary by “‘J. G.” in Bull. Soc. bot. France 8: 482-490. 1861. Journal article entitled: “Til belysning af Slaegten Viburnum.”; the Latin title appears on the cover of the reprint.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 19: 238-239. 16 Aug 1861.

yo22. (Af Naturhist. Foren. Vidensk. Meddelelser 1861) Myrsinaceae centroamericanae et

mexicanae ... [K¢@benhavn] Oct. (Myrsin. centroamer.).

Publ.: 1862, p. [1]-26, pl. 2-2 (uncol. Chr. Thornam). Copies: G, MO, US. — Preprinted or reprinted from Vidensk. Meddel. naturh. For. Kjobenhavn 1861: 117-142, pl. 1-2. 1862.

  1. Erindringsord til Forelaesninger over de naturlige Familier naermest med hensyn til laege- planter ... Kj@benhavn (Forlagt af den Gyldendalske Boghandling (F. Hegel) ...) 1862. Oct. (Erindringsord).

Publ.: 1862, p. [1-11], [1]-24.7, [248]. Copy: MO.

  1. L’ Amérique centrale. Recherches sur sa flore et sa géographie physique. Résultats d’un

voyage dans les états de Costa Rica et de Nicaragua exécuté pendant les années 1846-1848

par A. S. Qrsted ... Premiére livraison. Copenhague [K¢benhavn] (Imprimerie de Bianco

Luno par F. 8. Muhle) 1863. Fol. ¢ (Amér. centr.).

Publ.: Dec 1863 (p. vi: 1 Jul 1863, BSbF 10 Jan 1864; Bot. Zeit. 15 Jan 1864; Flora 29 Feb 1864; J. Bot. Dec 1864), p. [i-vi], [1]-18, map, tab. phys. 7, tab. physiogn. z-2, pl. 1-78 (C. Thornam, nos. 3, 12, 13, 15, 16 partly col.), err. slip. Copies: B, BR, FI, G, MICH, MO, INS

Ref.: Seemann, B., J. Bot. 3: 162-163. 1865.

Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 10: 444-445. 1864. Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 24: 288-289. 1866.

  1. Om sygdomme hos Planterne, som foraarsages af Snyltesvampe, navnlig om Rust og Brand, og om Midlerne til deres Forebyggelse. Fire Ahhandlinger, ... Kj@benhavn (J. H. Schubothes Boghandling. Thieles Bogtrykkeri) 1863. Oct. (Sygd. Plant.).

Publ.: 1863 (p. [iv]: 11 Oct 1863), p. [i-vi], [1]-146, [1, err.], pl. 1-3 (partly col.). Copy: NY. — On p. 125-143 a reprint of J. C. la Cour, Sygdommene i Kornet, with a postscript by C. on p. 145-146, see Christensen, C. (1925) p. 263, no. I.

Swedish transl.: 1865 (p. vi: Apr 1865), p. [i]-vili, [1]-109, pl. 1-3. Copies: FH, MO, NY. — Translated by Carl Hartman, see KR p. 793, no. 5. “‘Om vdxtsjukdomar, som orsakas af parasitsvampar, ...” Orebro (N. M. Lindh) 1865. Oct.


ORSTED (1873)

  1. Frilands-traevaexten 1 Danmark. Veiledning til Kundskab om de Traeer og Buske, som

kunne dyrkes i Friland i Danmark ... Kjobenhavn (Th. Linds Forlag. Trykt hos J. H.

Schultz.) 1864. Oct. + (Frilands-traevaext.).

Forste Hefte: 1864, p. [i], [1 ]-96; Andet Hefte: 1867, p. 97-240. — Copies: B, NY. — Salix by N. J. Andersson.

  1. lagttagelser, anstillede i l¢bet af vinteren 1863-64, som have ledet til opdagelsen af de hidtil ukjendte Befrugtningsorganer hos Bladsvampene ... KjObenhaven (Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri ved F. S. Muhle) 1865. Oct. Publ.: 1865 (presented Jan 1865; Hedwigia Sep 1865), p. [1]-15, 2 pl. (uncol.). Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Overs. Vidensk. Selsk. Férh. 1865: 11-23, 2 pl. To be cited from journal. Ref.: Anon., Bull. Soc. bot. France 12(bibl.): 228-232. 12 Nov 1865. Bary, A. de, Hedwigia 4: 134-135. 1865.

  2. Nouvelles observations sur un champignon parasite, dont les générations alternantes habi-

tent sur deux plantes hospitaliéres différentes . .. Copenhague (Imprimerie de Bianco Luno

par F.S. Muhle) 1866. Oct.

Publ.: 1866, p. [1]-16, pl. 3/4 (uncol.). Copies: FH, H. French summary ofa paper published in Danish in Overs. Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. 1866: 185-196, pl. 3/4. 1866. To be cited from Danish original in journal.

  1. Lévsporeplanterne. En morfologisk og systematisk udsigt over denne plantegruppe ...

Kj¢benhavn (P. G. Philipsens Forlag. Thieles Bogtrykkeri) 1867-1871. Oct. (Léusporepl.).

Part. 1: 1867, p. [1]-48.

Part 2: 1871, p. [i*-iv*], [i]-lvi, 49-104, [i]-xxix.

Copies: C, LD. — For Swedish ( Balsporvdxterna, 1872) and German (Syst. Pilze, 1873) versions see below. — The first part was possibly issued with the title “Sporeplanterne’’, however, we have seen no such t.p. (inf. O. Almborn).

  1. Recherches sur la classification des Chénes . .. Gopenhague (Imprimerie de Bianco Luno. —

F.S. Muhle) 1867. Oct. (Rech. Chénes).

Publ.: 1867 (Soc. bot. France rd. after 27 Apr 1867; Caspary rd his copy (now NY) on 13 Jan 1868), p. [1]-11, Danish text: [1]-80, pl. 1-2 (uncol.). Copies: G. H, NY, USDA. — Preprinted or reprinted from Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1866: 11-96, 2 pl. with French summary. 1867. A more detailed french extract came out as ““Apergu sur la classification des chénes — Chénes de Amérique 1-21. 1868” (fide Christensen, no. 73b), see also below under Chénes de l’Amérique tropicale (1868).

Ref.: H.S., Bot. Zeit. 26: 345-351. 22 Mai 1868.

  1. Bidrag til Kundskab om Egefamilien i Nutid og Fortid ... Kj@benhavn (Bianco Lunos

Bogtrykkeri ved F. S. Muhle) 1871. Qu. (Bzdr. Egefam.).

Publ.: 1871 (t.p.), but 1872 (back cover), p. [1]-208, pl. 1-8 (by Christ. Thornam), 1 map. Copies: B, L, MICH, NY. — Preprinted from K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. ser. 5. Skr. 9(B): [331 ]-538, pl. 1-8. 1873, of which p. 335-538 have a french summary: Etudes préliminaires sur les Cupuliféres de ? €poque actuelle. . . also reprinted, 1873, with special cover and p. [1,

i], 335-538, pl. 1-8, map. (Copy: G).

  1. Balsporvéxterna. En morfologisk och systematisk 6fversigt 6fver denna vaxtgrupp af

A.S. Orsted ... 6fversatt af Johan Hulting . .. Stockholm (Iwar Haeggstréms Boktrykkeri)

  1. Oct. (Balsporvdxterna).

Translation: Johan Hulting (1842-?).

Ed. 1: 1872, p. [i-iv], [1]-191, [192, err.], err. slip. Copzes: C, H, LD (inf. O. Almborn). — Swedish translation of Ldéusporeplanterne, 1867.

Ed. 2: 1905, p. [1]-81. Copies: LD, NY. — Andra, fullstandigt omarbetade upplagan ... Stockholm (Beijers Bokforlags-aktiebolag) [1905].

  1. Praecursores florae centroamericanae. Fragmentum posthumum, ... Hauniae [K¢-

benhavn] (apud Th. Lind. Typis Bianco Luno.] Oct. (Praecurs. fl. centroamer.).

Publ.: 1873, p. [1,11], [1]-99. Copies: Stevenson, US, USDA. — See Christensen no. 105.—A note in Bull. Soc. bot. France (22(bibl.): 153-154. 1875) mentions a first commercial


ORSTED (1873)

distribution of loose sheets of p. 1-96, “now [1875] brought up to g9.”’ These sheets were mentioned in Bull. 19(séances): 248. 1873. Ref. G. K., Bot. Zeit. 32: 365. 5 Jun 1864.

  1. A. S. Oersted’s System der Pilze. Lichenen und Algen. Aus dem Danischen. Deutsche vermehrte Ausgabe von A. Grisebach und J. Reinke. Mit 93 Figuren in Holzschnitt. Leipzig (Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann) 1873. Oct. (Syst. Pilze).

Translation by: August Heinrich Rudolph Grisebach (1814-1879), Johannes Reinke (1849- 1931).

Publ.: Jan-Apr 1873 (p. vi: 29 Sep 1872; Bot. Zeit. 25 Apr 1873), p. [i]-viii, [1]-194. Copies: FH, MICH, NY, Stevenson, USDA. For Danish original see above: Ldusporeplanterne (1867), (Swedish) Balsporvdxterna (1872).

Ref.: Anon., Bot. Zeit. 31: 272. 1873.

Oertel, C. Gustav (1833-1908), German botanist and high school teacher at Gehofen (nr. Artern). (Oertel).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: HAL (Werner 1955); contributed to Sydow, Mycotheca germanica; further material at B, E, IBF, OXF and WAG.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 22; Kelly p. 163; SBC p. 128. Anon., Bot. Not. 190g: 100 (d.); Hedwigia 48(3): (141). 1909 (d.). Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 115. 1970. Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 514. 1977 (bryoph. at HAL?).

Werner, K., Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg 4: 776. 1955 (herb. at HAL).

COMPOSITE woRKs: Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Aryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. II. Auflage-Erster Band: Pilze von Dr. G. Winter. Register der I. Abtheilung. (Lieferung 1-13). Bearbeitet von G. Oertel, Custos am Landwirtschaftlichen Institut der Universitat Halle... Leipzig (Verlag von Eduard Kummer) 1885. Oct., p. [1- li], [1]-63. Copy: USDA.

@strup, Ernst Vilhelm (1845-1917), Danish algologist. (@strup). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: C.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 22; BJI 2: 126; CSP 17: 596; De Toni 4: xlii; IH

2: (in press); Kew 4: 177; MW p. 360.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1917: 271 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 30: 692. 1872; Flora 55: 464. 1872; Nuova Notarisia 29: 124. 1918 (d.).

Christensen, C., Den Danske Bot. Hist. 1: 798, 813-814, 825. 1926 (portr.); Danske bot. Litt. 1880-1911: 162-163. 1913, 1912-1939. 42. 1940 (bibl.). (b. 24 Sep 1845, d. 16 Apr IQI7).

Fischer-Benzon, R. J. D. von, im Prahl, P., Krit. Fl. Schleswig-Holst. 2: 45. 1890.

Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedw. 35: 363. 1975.

Hemsley, W. B., Biol. centr.-amer. 4: 130. 1887.

Hustedt, F., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 53: 16. 1935.

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 556. 1969.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 373. 1975.

VanLandingham, S., Cat. diat. 6: 3573-3574. 1978; 7: 4209-4210. 1978.

Wornardt, W. W., Int. direct. diat. 35. 1968.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Warming, E., ed., Botany of the Faerées: (a) Freshwater diatoms, in 1: 260-290. 20 Apr 1901.

(b) Diatoms from the marine algae of the Faerées, in 2: 533-558. Mar 1903.

(2) Kolderup-Rosenvinge, J. L. A. & Warming, E., eds., The botany of Iceland: (a) Marine diatoms from the Coasts of Iceland, in 1(2). 1918.

(b) Fresh-water diatoms from Iceland, in 2(1)(5). 1918, p. [1]-98, pl. 1-5.

EPONYMY: Oestrupia Heiden ex Hustedt (1935).



  1. Danske Diatoméer ... Kjgbenhavn (C. A. Reitzels Boghandel ...) 1910. Oct. (Dan.

Diatom.). :

Publ.: 1910 (ObZ rd. Oct 1910; Bot. Centralbl. 14 Mar 1911), p. [i]-xiii, [1, h.t.], [1]-323, pl. 1-5 with text. Copies: FH, H; IDC 6440.

Oettel, Karl Christian (1742-1819), German botanist. (Oettel). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: GLM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 22; CSP 4: 660; Futak-Domin p. 437; Hegi 6(1): 484; Herder p. 186; IH 2: (in press); PR 6817 (ed. 1: 7616); Rehder 5: 632.

  1. Systematisches Verzeichnis der in der Oberlausiz wild wachsenden Pflanzen ... Gorliz (bei C. G. Anton) 1799. Oct. (Syst. Verz. Oberlausiz Pf.). Publ.: 1799 (p. [8]: Mar 1799), p. [1]-88. Copies: G, USDA.

Offner, Jules (1873-1957), French botanist at Grenoble; Lic. sci. nat. (Lyc. Ghampollion) 1895, Dr. méd. Grenoble 1901; in various functions at the University of Grenoble 1895- 1937; mainly specialized as mycologist, toxicologist, pharmacologist. (Offner).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 22; BL 2: 112, 144, 168, 199, 697; CSP 17: 598;

Kelly p. 162-163; Kew 4: 178; LS 19434-19435, suppl. 20410-20416; TL-2/4397.

Le Brun, P., Bull. Soc. bot. France Mém. 1956-1957: 89-99. 1958 (obit., bibl., b. 19 Nov 1873, d. 2 Aug 1957, portr.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Preface and supplement to E. Perrier de la Bathie, Catalogue raisonné des plantes vasculatres de Savoie 1917-1928, q.v.

Ogata, Masasuke (1883-1944), Japanese botanist. (Ogata).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Plants from Java in the herbarium of Takeda Medicine Industrial Co., Jyus6, Osaka.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 23; IF suppl. 3: 216, 4: 334-335; IH 2: (in press); MW p. 360, suppl. p. 263; NI 1465; SK 1: 392, 5: cccviil.

7937- Icones filicum Faponiae ... Tokyo (Sansyusha) 1928-1940, 8 vols. (Icon. fil. Fap.). : 1928 (Nat. Nov. Jun 1929), p. [i], [1-7 jap.], [1ii-1v], pl. 7-50 with text, [1]-3, 5.

: 1929 (Nat. Nov. Aug 1930), p. [i, ili-iv], err. sheet for vol. 1, pl. 51-z00 (id.), [1-3]. : 1930 (Nat. Nov. Dec 1930), p. [i, iii-iv], pl. ror-150 (id.), [1-5].

: 1931 (Nat. Nov. Aug 1931), p. [i, ii-iv], pl. 151-200 (id.), [1-3].

: 1933 (Nat. Nov. Aug 1933), p. [i, ui-iv], pl. 201-250 (id.), [1-3].

: 1935 (Nat. Nov. Jul 1935), p. [i, iti-iv], pl. 251-300 (id.), [1-4].

: 1936, (Nat. Nov. Dec 1936), p. [i, iii-iv], pl. 301-350 (id.), pl. [7]-3, [7].

: 1940, p. [i-iv], pl. 351-400, [1]-3.

abies: MO, NY, USDA (1-7).


Ogden, Eugene Cecil (1905-x), American botanist; Dr. phil. Univ. Maine 1938; in various functions at the University of Maine 1938-1952; from 1952 State Botanist of New York. (Ogden).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at GH, MAINE, NYS, and US (Mexico). BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 23; BL 1: 185, 311; Bossert p. 292; GR p. 235; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 178; Langman p. 550; Roon p. 84; TL-2/1743.

' Knobloch, I. W., Pl. coll. N. Mexico 48-49. 1979 (b. 3 Jan 1905; Mex. coll. and itin.).

  1. The herbaceous flowering plants (exclusive of grasses and sedges) growing without



cultivation in the vicinity of Orono, Maine ... Orono, Maine (printed at the University Press) 1935. (Herb. fl. pl.). Publ.: Feb 1935, p. [1]-77. Copy: US. —- The Maine Bulletin 37(8), 1935.

Ohlendorff, J. H. (x-1857), German gardener at Hamburg. (Oflend.). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 24; Hortus 3: 1201 (“Ohlend.”’); Kew 4: 179; Rehder 1: 47, 5: 632; Tucker 1: 528.

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 15: 608. 28 Aug 1857; Flora 4(1): 125. 1821.

Voigt, A., Bot. Inst. Hamburg 25, 34. 1897.

EPONYMY: Ohlendorffia J. G. C. Lehmann ex Schlechtendal (1837) is very likely named for him but the author of the generic name gives no derivation.

  1. Verzeichniss der im Freien ausdauernden Baume, Gestréuche und Staudengewdchse, so wie der Hauspflanzen, welche in Hamburgischen botanischen Garten abgegeben werden k6nnen. Hamburg (Gedruckt bey J. A. Meissner, .. .) 1828. Qu. (Verz. Baume Gestrduche Staudengew.). Publ.: 1828, p. [1]-107. Copy: NY. — The name of the author is given on p. 107.

Ohlert, [Otto Ludwig] Arnold (1816-1875), German lichenologist and ““Regierungs- und Schulrath” at Danzig. (Ohlert).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Originally at Konigsberg (now Kaliningrad), destroyed; some material still at MW.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 24; CSP 4: 665, 8: 527; GR cat. p. 69;

Hawksworth p. 185; Herder p. 259; Jackson p. 160; Kelly p. 163; Kew 4: 179; LS 19442-

19447; PR 6818, 16612; SBC p. 128.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 437. 1880 (types KBG).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979 [cites Kaliningrad for coll. lichens but our information is that all old Konigsberg material was destroyed].

Szymkiewicz, D., Bibl. fl. Polsk. 47. 1925.

  1. Verzeichniss preussischer Flechten, ... | Konigsberg (Druck der Universitats- Buch- und

Steindruckerei von E. J. Dalkowski) 1863]. Qu.

Publ.: 1863, p. [1]-29. Copy: G. — Reprinted and to be cited from Schr. K. phys.-6kon. Ges. KG6nigsberg 4: 6-34. 1863.

  1. <usammenstellung der Lichenen der Provinz Preussen ... Konigsberg (Druck der

Universitats-Buch- und Steindruckerei von E. J. Dalkowski) [1870]. Qu.

Publ.: Oct-Dec 1870 or Jan-Feb 1871 (t.p. journal; p. 51: 25 Sep 1870; Flora 21 Mar 1871; ObZ 1 Jun 1871; Bot. Zeit. 16 Jun 1871; Hedwigia Apr 1871), p. [i], [1]-51. Copy: B. — Reprinted and to be cited from Schr. k. phys.-6kon. Ges. 11: 1-51. 1870.

Ohwi, Jisaburo (1905-1977), Japanese botanist; Ph.D. Kyoto Univ. 1930; lecturer at Kyoto 1936-1943; at Buitenzorg 1943-1945; from 1946 at the Science Museum, Tokyo. (Ohwt).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: until 1945 KYO, afterwards TO; other material at B, BH, BO, GB, E,, LE, MO, NY, TNS, UPS; US:

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 24; Bossert p. 292; Hortus 3: 1201 (“Ohwi’’); IF suppl. 3: 216, 4: 335; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 180-181; MW p. 361-362, suppl. p. 265-267; Roon p. 84; SK 1: 392; Zander ed. 10, p. 698, ed. 11, p. 796.

Anon., Taxon 7: 118. 1958; 27: 143. 1978.

Iwatsuki, K., Malay. Nat. J. 30: 617. 1978.

Kitamura, S., Acta phytotax. geobot. 28: 92-97. 1977 (biogr.).

Markgraf, F., Bot. Jahrb. 85(Lit.): 18. 1966 (Fl. Japan rev.).



Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 230. 1947 (bibl.).

Meyer, F. G., and Walker, E. H., Taxon 4: 198. 1955 (announcement Flora of Japan). Satake, Y., J. Jap. Bot. 52(7): 229-230. 1977 (obit., portr.).

Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 15: 115-116. 1966 (on his Flora of Japan of 1953).

Okamura, Kintaré (1867-1935), Japanese algologist. (Okam.).

HERBARIUM and typEs: Algae at Imperial Fisheries Institute, Tokyo. Exsiccatae: Algae Japonicae exsiccatae, fasc. 1-2, nos. 1-100, 1899-1903, sets at AHFH, B, BM, BR, C, FH, HBG, K, L, LD, LE, M, MANCH, MICH, NY, PC, UPS, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrocraPuy: Barnhart 3: 25; Bossert p. 293; CSP 17: 604-605; De Toni 4:

xviii, xlii-xliii; Hirsch p. 218; TH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 181-182; MW p. 363-365 (main bibl.),

suppl. p. 269; NI 1466-1467; Urban-Berl. p. 267.

Anon., Hedwigia 75(2): (166). 1936 (d. 21 Aug 1935).

Koster, J., Taxon 18: 556. 1969 (coll.).

Merrill, E. D., B.P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 144-145. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. natl. Herb. U.S. 30(1): 230-231. 1947 (Pacific bibl.).

Miyaké, K., Science ser. 2 13: 738. 1901.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 171. 1904 (algae jap.).

Okamura, K., Bot. Centralbl. 93: 301-303. 1903 (fasc. 2 publ. Jul 1903; list).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 91. 1969.

VanLandingham, S., Cat. diat. 6: 3574. 1978; 7: 4210. 1978.

EPoNYMY: Okamurina A. D. Zinova (1972), Okamurina A. D. Zinova (1976). 7042. Icones of Japanese algae... Tokyo, Japan (Kazamashobo .. .) 1907-1942, 7 vols. (Icon. Jap. alg.).

1: t Mai 1907 — 15 Mar 1909 (in ten parts; for precise dates see list facing t.p.), p- [u*-i1*],

Dow Go bo Lol fe) i] a (or — to} Ei op) 1 on © A

Xo) NO So) —S =s (Sb, mi so) Ir-—l =I 1 f=

Sy) Lal 1 on

1 N fo) oO >

~ OH re) ' to S £ i-—| Lal — 1 Key) hI _

' iS)

1902. Ref.: Mobius, M., Bot. Gentralbl. 86: 5-6. 1901 (rev. 1(1)).

  1. Nippon kaisé shi [Algal flora of Japan]. Tokyo 1936. Oct. Publ.: 1936 (Nat. Nov. Aug 1936), p. [i], portr., [1]-11, [1]-6, [i], [1]-964, [1]-11. Copy: US — Reprinted 1956.

Okamura, Shitai (1877-1947), Japanese bryologist. (5. Okam.). HERBARIUM and Types: NICH; other material at FH and H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 25; BM 7: 952; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2 (in press); Lenley p. 316; MW p. 365-366; SBC p. 128.

Brotherus, V. F., Ofv. Férh. Finska Vet.-Soc. 49: 2. 1906.

Sayre, G., Bryologist 80: 515. 1977.

EPONYMyY: Okamuraea V. F. Brotherus (1906).

  1. Contributiones novae ad floram bryophytonjaponicam . . . ‘Tokyo ( published by the Universi- ty ...) 1915-1916, 2 parts. (Contr. bryoph. jap.).

1: 31 Mar 1915, p. [1]-51, pl. 1-24 with text. — J. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, vol. a6, ants 7: 2: 25 Jul 1916, p. [1]-100. — Ib. vol. 38, art. 4.

Copies: BR, H.



Oken, Lorenz (until 1802: Okenfuss) (1779-1851), German naturalist, physician, philoso- pher and philologist; Dr. med. Freiburg i.B. 1804; at Jena university 1807-1819; at Miinchen 1827-1832, at Ziirich from 1832; main proponent of the German “Naturphiloso- phie”’ and longtime editor of Isis. (Oken).

HERBARIUM and TYPEs: Some material at BP.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 261; BM 3: 1466; Bossert p. 293; CSP 4: 667-

668, 17: 605; Frank 3(Anh.): 73; GR p. 36, cat. p. 69; Herder p. 22, 30, 94; Hortus 3: 1201

(‘““Oken”); Jackson p. 17, 37; Krempelh. 1: 100, 467, 2: 9, 172; LS 19450; MD 193-195;

Moebius p. 52, 54, 150; PR 6820 (ed. 1: 7617-7619); Quenstedt p. 319; Rehder 5: 632;

Zander ed. 10, p. 698, ed. 11, p. 796.

Anon., Bonplandia 2: 205, 267. 1854 (cogn. Leopoldina: Hercules [sic], b. 1 Aug 1779, d. 11 Aug 1851); Bot. Zeit. 9: 648. 1851; 11: 344. 1853 (sale library); Flora 34: 574. 1851 (d.), 36: 240. 1853 (sale library); Osterr. bot. W. 1: 283. 1851 (d.).

Braiuning-Oktavio, H., Ber. naturf. Ges. Freiburg 48: 5-64. 1958 (Oken und Gottingen).

Brockhaus, Conversations-Lexikon ed. 13. 12: 404. 1885.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. souvenirs 375, 376. 1862.

Carus, C. G. und C. F. P. von Martius , Eine Altersfreundschaft in Briefen 15, 123, 125, 132, 1940.

Ecker, A., Lorenz Oken, a biographical sketch. London, 1883, xxiv, 183 p. (portr.) (translation from the German by Alfred Tulk); Lorenz Oken. Eine biographische Skizze. Stuttgart 1880; Tagebl. Ges. deut. Naturf. Aerzte 52. Versamml., 4: 45-46, 106- 123. 1879.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit deceased entomol. 280. 1977.

Glass, B. et al., Forerunners of Darwin 301, 382. 1968.

Iltis, H., Life of Mendel ed.2. 106, 177, 183. 1966.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 415, 420. 1884.

Lange, A., ADB 24: 216-226. 1887 (extensive biogr.).

Magdefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 66. 1973.

Martius, C. F. P. von, Akad. Denkreden 322-325. 1866.

Maurer, F., Jena Z. Naturw. 64: 531-550. 1930 (portr.).

Merrill, E. D., J. Arnold Arb. 31: 264-287. 1950 (unlisted technical plant names in Oken, Allg. Naturgesch. fur alle Stande 1839-1841, q.v.).

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 301. 1969 (q.v. for further biogr. refs.).

Nordenskiold, E., Hist. biol. 287-289. 1935.

Pfannenstiel, M. & E. Th. Nauck, Ber. naturf. Ges. Freiburg 41(1): 7-118. 1951 (Oken und Freiburg; extensive secondary bibl.).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 319. 1863 (b. 1 Aug 1779, d. 11 Aug 1851).

Ratzeburg, J. T. C., Forstwiss. Schriftst. Lex. 380-383. 1872 (reprints obit. Streubel, Voss. Zeit. 1851, 195, Beilage 1).

Sachs, J. v., Hist. botanique 179. 1892.

Sachse, C. Tr., Allg. deut. naturh. Zeit. 2: 463-464. 1847 (obit.).

Sarton, G., Isis 44(3): 233-234. 1953 (“Why Isis’’).

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 171. 1942.

Smit, P., Scientiar. Hist. 6: 66-88. 1964; 8: 87-93. 1966; zn Querner, H. & H. Schipperges. Wege der Naturforschung 1822-1972, p. 101-124. 1972; 10: 100-105. 1968.

Taton, R., ed., Science in the nineteenth century 349, 4.29, 550. 1965.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 137. 1903, 3(3): 146, 213. 1905.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Founder and editor of Jsis, oder Encyclopadische Zeitung von Oken. Jahrg. 1817-1847, 32 vols.

EPONYMY: Ockea F. C. Dietrich (1815 & 1819); Okenia Schlechtendal et Chamisso (1830).

  1. Okens Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte ... Zweyter Theil. Botanik ... Jena (bey August

Schmid) 1825-1826, 2 parts. Oct. + (Lehrb. Naturgesch.).

Publ.: in three volumes (vol. 1 Mineralogie, vol. 3 Zoologie see MD) of which vol. 2 on Botany, to be published in two Abtheilungen of which the first remained: unpublished. The Zweite Abtheilung came out in two parts. For bibliographic details see MD.



2(2.1): Jan-Sep 1925, p. [i]-xv, [xvi], [1]-1077, [1078, err.].—““Zweyter Abtheilung erste Halfte. Mark- und Stamm-Pflanzen.” 2(2.2): 1826, p. [i]-xv, [xvi], [1]-1428, [1429-1430]. Copy: G.

  1. Esquisse du systéme d’ anatomie de physiologie et histoire naturelle, par Oken. A. Paris (Chez Béchet Jeune, ...) 1821. Oct. (Esq. syst. anat.). Publ.: Oct 1821 (t.p.), p. [i], [1]-62. Copies: G, MICH.

  2. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fir alle Stande ... Zweyter Band oder Botanik erster Band.

‘Stuttgart (Hoffmann’sche Verlags-Buchhandlung) 1839. Oct. (Allg. Naturgesch.).

Botanik erster Band: 1839, p. [i*], [iJ-iv, [3]-386.

Botanik zweyten Bandes erste Abtheilung: 1841, p. [1]-702 Mark- und Schaftpflanzen. — Is vol. 3(1) of Allg. Naturgesch.

Botanik zweyten Bandes zweyte Abtheilung: 1841, [i], [703]-1448. —Stamm- und Bliithenpflan- zen. — Is vol. 3(2) of Allg. Naturgesch.

Botanik zweyten Bandes dritte Abtheilung: 1841, p. [i], [1449]-2135; [2136], chart. 2137-2142, [i]-xxx, [1]-44. — Fruchtpflanzen. — Is vol. 3(3) of Allg. Naturgeschichte.

Copies: MICH, NY. — For atlas see below Abd. Allg. Naturgesch. — for an extensive discussion of the nomenclatural importance of this often overlooked work see Merrill (1950) with citation of unlisted names with synonymy.

  1. Abbildungen zu Oken’s allgemeiner Naturgeschichte fiir alle Stande. Stuttgart (Hoffman-

’sche Verlags-Buchhandlung) 1843. Fol. (Abb. Oken allg. Naturgesch.).

Publ.: 1843; the botanical part has pl. 1-22 with 48 p. explanation. Copies: G, MO.-—In all 164 pl. of which 130 col.

Oldenland, Henrik Bernard (x-1699), Danish physician and botanist; studied under Paul Hermann at Leiden and went to the Cape around 1695; superintendent of the Dutch East Indian Company’s Garden at Cape Town.

HERBARIUM and TypPEs: Oldenland’s herbarium seems to have consisted originally of 13 or 14 folio volumes of plants accompanied by descriptions. The herbarium was evidently disposed of in parts by Oldenland’s widow. The most important part came ultimately in the hands of the Burman family and was given on loan to Linnaeus by Nicolaus Laurens Burman. Linnaeus based many of his Plantae rariores africanae (1760) on these plants. This part of the Oldenland collections is now at G. Another part was acquired by Sir Hans Sloane and is now at BM. Linnaeus received duplicates from Burman, hence the presence of some Oldenland specimens in LINN. The Thunberg herbarium (at UPS) also contains Oldenland specimens from the Cape. It is probable that Thunberg received these from the Burmans. Some Oldenland material is also at B-WIL and OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 405; Barnhart 3: 26;Clokie p. 219; Frank 3(Anh.):

73; Laségue p. 66; TL-2/931, see J. and N. L. Burman; Urban-Berl. p. 379.

Britten, J., J. Linn. Soc. 45: 34-35- 1920.

Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. bot. 80. 1978.

Dandy, J. E., The Sloane herbarium 173. 1958.

Fries, Th. M., Bref Skrifv. Linné 1(6): 217. 443.

Hermann, P., Parad. bat. 25, 26, 60, 153, 172. 1698.

Herre, H., Gen. Mesembryanthem. 39. 1971.

Hornemann, J., Nat. Tidskr. 1: 562-563. 1837.

Hulth, J. M. & A. H. Uggla, Bref Skrifv. Linné 2(2): 296 [index]. 1943.

Jackson, B. D., Index to the Linnean herbarium 16. 1912; Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.): 19. 1922.

Karsten, M. C., The Old Company’s Garden 180 [index]. 1951.

Linnaeus, C., Fl. cap. 4. 1759.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 171. 1904 (hort. sicc. cap.).

Plumier, C., Nov. pl. amer. gen. 42. 1703.

Smith, J. E., Rees Cyclopaedia 25: Oldenlandia. 1813.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 169. 1971.

Thunberg, C. P., Voyages 1: 31. 1796.



Valentijn, T., Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien 5(2): 22-29. 1726 (descr. herb. and garden of O.). White, A. & B. L. Sloane, The Stapelieae 175, 176, 1933, ed.2. 1119, 1120. 1937.

HANDWRITING: J. E. Dandy, The Sloane herbarium 246, Handwriting sample no. 96. 1958.

Oldham, Thomas (1816-1878), British geologist, paleontologist and botanist; B. A. Dublin 1836; director of the Irish Geological Survey (1840-1850), of the Indian Geological Survey 1850-1876. (Oldham).

HERBARIUM and TYPEs: material at CAL and K.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 310; Barnhart 3: 27; BB p. 233; BM 3: 1467;

CSP 4: 672, 8: 528, 10: 953, 12: 545 17: 607; Desmond p. 471; DNB 42: 111-112; IH 2: (in

press); Jackson p. 290; Quenstedt p. 319.

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 49. 1858 (cogn. Leopoldina: Aubert); Geol. Mag. dec. 2. 5(8): 382- 384. 1878 (b. Mai 1816, d. 17 Jul 1878).

Burkill, I. H., Chapt. hist. bot. India 71, 119, 197. 1965.

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 3: 985. 1898 (bibl.).

Sorby, H. C., Proc. Geol. Soc. London 35: 46-48. 1879 (d. 20 Jul 1878).

EPONYMY: Oldhamia E. Forbes (1848).

  1. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Palaeontologica indica. Being figures and descriptions or the organic remains procured during the progress of the Geological Survey of India ... 2.1. The fossil flora of the Rajmahal series, Rajmahal Hills, Bengal; ... Calcutta (printed for the government of India sold by Thacker, Spink & Co.,...) 1862. Qu. (Foss. fl. Rajmahal ser.).

Co-author: John Morris: (1810-1886).

Publ.: 1862 (p. ii: Mar 1862), p. [1, iii], [1 ]-52, p/., with text, 7-34 (liths. H. L. Frazer). Copy:


Olin, Johan Henric (1769-1824), Swedish botanist; Dr. phil. Uppsala 1794, Dr. med. ib. 1797; amanuensis at the Uppsala bot. museum, later regional physician in Vaxjo distr., professor’s title 1812. (Olin).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 27; Hortus 3: 1201 (“Olin”); KR p. 564; PR 6826 (ed. 1: 7629-7630); Rehder 5: 633.

Lowegren, Y., Naturaliekabinett 1 Sverige 223, 359. 1952 (had a herbarium).

Scheutz, N. J. W., Bot. Not. 1863: 70.

EPONYMyY: Olinia Thunberg (1800, nom. cons.).

  1. Plantae svecanae, annonae imprimis difficultate urgente, victui humano inservientes,

quarum partem primam venia exper. facult. med. Upsal. publico examini subjiciunt

Johannes Henricus Olin, med. et philos. doctor. et Johannes Ericus Ulfsberg, Stockhol-

miensis. In audit. Gust. maj. d. 6 decembris 1797. h.a.m.s. Upsaliae [Uppsala] (Litteris

Johan. Fredr. Edman, ...) [1797]. Qu. (PI. svec.).

Part 1: 6 Dec 1797, p. [i], [1]-18.

Part 2: 12 Mai 1798, p. [i-iv], [19]-30.—“‘... partem secundam... et Samuel Rogberg, .. . in audit. Gust. maj. d. xii maji mdccxccviii. Horis Consuetis.” Upsaliae (id.) [1798].

Copies: G, NY.

  1. Dissertatito de Arnica, quam consensu exper. facult. med. Ups. proponunt Johannes Henr. Olin, ... & Johannes Fredericus Ladau, nobilis. Smolandi. In audit. Gust. maj. d. 30 octob. 1799. H.A.M.S. Upsaliae [Uppsala] (Litteris Joh. Fred. Edman, ...) [1799]. Qu. (Diss. Arnica).

Publ.: 30 Oct 1799, p. [i], [1]-34. Copy: G.


OLIVER Oliva, Leonardo (1805-1873), Mexican botanist and pharmacologist. (Oliva). HERBARIUM and TypEs: Unknown; circa 100 specimens from Mexico in P.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 27; CSP 12: 546, 17: 608; IH 2: (in press);

Langman p. 551; Rehder 5: 633.

Leon, N., Bibl. bot.-mexic. 201. 1895.

McVaugh, R., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. g: 287-288. 1972 (coll.).

Oliva, L., La Naturaleza (5): 88-90, 5 (8): 127-133. 1882 (Florula del Departamento de Jalisco escrito en el afio de 1859, por el Sr. Dr. Leonardo Dugés).

EPONYMY: Olivaea Schultz-Bip. ex Bentham (1872).

Olive, Edgar William (1870-1971), American botanist; Dr. phil. Harvard 1904; instruc- tor in phanerogamic botany Wabash 1893-1895; high school teacher at Frankfort, Ind. 1895-1896, botanist at Harvard 1897-1903; at Madison, Wisc. 1904-1907; at State Agricul- tural College S. Dakota 1907-1912; curator of the Brooklyn botanical garden 1912-1920. (Olzve).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at CUP, L, SDC, TEX.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Bossert p. 293; CSP 17: 608; Kelly p. 163; Kew 4: 183; LS 19452-19457, 37509-37516, suppl. 20472-20482; NAF 7: 1080; Pennell p. 615; Stevenson p. 1253.

Anon., Amer. men. sci. 1906: 238; Nat. Nov. 34: 437. 1912 (app. Brooklyn bot. gard.); Osterr. bot. Z. 57: 367. 1907 (app. S. Dakota); Old Wabash winter 1971, p. 8 (portr., d. 3 Jan 1971); Wabash Bull. Aug 1966, p. 19.

Robinson, B. L., zx Development of Harvard Univ. 341. 1930.

EPONYMY: Olivea Arthur (1917). Note: Oliveontia Donk (1958) is named for the present-day American mycologist, Lindsay Olive (1917-x).

  1. Monograph of the Acrasieae ... Boston (printed) for the [Boston] Society [of Natural

History] from the Gurdon Saltonstall Fund. August 1902.

Publ.: Aug 1902 (Nat. Nov. Oct(1) 1902), cover [with above text], p. [451]-513, [1, expl. pl.], pl. 5-8 with text. Copy: NY. — Reprint with special cover and to be cited from Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. 30(6): 451-513, pl. 5-6.

Oliver, Daniel (1830-1916), British botanist; assistant at the Kew herbarium 1858-1864, keeper 1860-1890; professor of botany at University College, London, 1861-1888. (Oliver).

HERBARIUM and Types: K; further material at BM, CGE, GRA, LIV and OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 407; Barnhart 3: 27; BB p. 233; BJ1 1: 43; BL 1: 21, 27, 63, 100, 244, 311; BM 3: 1468, 7: 953; Bossert p. 293; Bret. p. 816; Clokie p. 219; CSP 4: 674-675, 8: 528, 10: 953-954, 12: 546, 17: 608-609; Desmond p. 471-472; Frank 3(Anh.): 73; Herder p. 469; Hortus 3: 1201 (D. Oliver); Jackson p. 51, 53, 65, 66, 346, 384, 413; Kew 4: 184; Langman p. 551; Moebius p. 88, 143, 144, 329, 330, 331, 381; Morren (ed. 2): 23, (ed. 10): 70, 71; MW p. 366-370, suppl. p. 271; NI 1468-1469; PR 6827-6830; Rehder 5: 633; RS p. 121; TL-2/3006, see index vol. 2; Tucker 1: 528; Zander ed. 10, p. 698, ed. 11, p. 796. Allan, M., The Hookers of Kew 212-213, 233, 241, 248. 1967. Anon., Bot Centralbl. 43: 128. 1890 (retirement); Bot. Not. 1917: 96 (d.); Bull. misc. Inf. Kew 1893: 188-189 (Linn. gold medal); 1917: 31-36 (obit., bibl.); Gard. Chron. 30 Dec 1916; J. Bot. 32: 32. 1894 (portrait by J. W. Forster to be placed at Kew); 68: 224. 1930 (on an exhibition of O’s drawings); Magy. bot. Lap. 15: 312. 1916; Nat. Nov. 12: 305. 1890 (retirement) 39: 114. 1917 (d. 23 Dec 1917; incorrect); Nature 98: 331. 1916; Osterr. bot. Z. 67: 47. 1918 (d. 21 Dec 1916). Britten, J., J. Bot. 28: 216-217. 1890, 55: 89-95, 143. 1917 (portr.; important because of Britten’s personal recollections, not in the least with respect to himself); 65: 238. 1927 (on his professorship at University College).



Bullock, A. A., Bibl. S. Afr. Bot. 81. 1978.

Dolezal, H., Friedrich Welwitsch 243 [index]. 1974.

Druce, G. C., Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isl. Rep. 4(5): 466-467. 1917 (obit.).

Harvey-Gibson, R. J., Outlines hist. bot. 249, 251. 1914.

Hemsley, W. B., J. Kew Guild 1898 (Mai): front. and 1 p. text; Proc. R. Soc. B go: 11-15. 1917 (portr.).

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 557-558 [index]. 1918.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgot: 29 (pl. from Isére, Dauphiné), 50 (Europ. pl.); Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 129: 53-57. 1917 (obit., b. 6 Feb 1830, d. 21 Dec 1916).

Kent, D. H., Brit. herb. 71. 1957 (Brit. pl. at BM(Hieracium)).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 23: 32. 1917 (d. 16 Dec 1916, incorrect).

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop. Mus. Bull. 144: 145. 1937 (Polynes. bibl.); Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 231. 1947; Chron. bot. 14: 179, 188, 261, 265, 289, 342. 1954 (botany Cook’s voyages).

Milner, J. D., Cat. portr. Kew 88. 1906.

Nelmes, E. & Cuthbertson, Bot. Mag. Dedications 159-160. 1931 (portr.).

Oliver, D., Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1892/1893: 19-20. 1894 (reply after having rd. gold medal Linn. Soc. Lond.; medal presented by Stewart).

Praeger, R. L., Proc. R. Irish Acad. 7: cxxxvi. 1901; Bot. Ireland 78. i934; Some Irish natural. 138. 1949.

Schinz, H., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 34: (100)-(106). 1917 (bibl.).

Stewart, J. Bot. 31: 190-191. 1893 (gold medal Linn. Soc.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Editor of Hooker’s Jcones plantarum plates 1926-2425, vols. 20(2)-25(1), 1890-1895.

(2) Flora of Somali-land, in F. L. James, The unknown horn of Africa p. 317-324, London 1888 (see Roth, E., Bot. Jahrb. 11(Lit.): 29. 2 Apr 1889).

(3) Co-editor, The natural History Review [second series], vols. 1-5, 1861-1865.

(4) Editor and in part author of Flora of tropical Africa, vols. 1-3, 1868-1877; see below under

no. 7055.

NOTE: Oliver was the author of the generic name Actznotinus which was the piece de résistance of one of the few colorful entries in the pre-Leningrad Code, namely the former article 70: “A name is to be rejected if it is based on a type consisting of two or more entirely discordant elements, .. .”’ Oliver identified several of A. Henry’s plants from China and described them in the Icones plantarum. One specimen had “‘leaves like those of an Aesculus and terminal clusters of flowers of the ordinary Viburnum structure” (Hemsley 1917). Oliver described the plant as a new genus Actinotinus. Somewhat later a similar specimen consisting of “discor- dant elements” was found in the same collection and Oliver, Hemsley and Brown discover- ed a fraud. In Hemsley’s words of 1917 “‘it flashed accross Oliver’s brain that John Chinaman had deceived him ...” and it was found that “‘the inflorescence of a Viburnum [had] been inserted into the terminal bud of an Aesculus by a native chinese collector” (Int. Rules. but Nom. ed. 3, 1935, Art. 64). Hemsley in relating this story adds “but I do know that the same Chinaman tried the same trick with Mr. E. H. Wilson, was detected and mulcted of three weeks’ wages.” Colonial mentality in a terminal bud.

When presented with the Linnean Society’s Gold Medal in 1893, Oliver, “in a characte- ristically modest reply ... deprecated the honour ...’’ because he was “almost absolutely destitute of the great hankering after research which characterized modern science” (Britten 1917) (See Oliver 1894 for correct wording).

EPONYMY: Oliverella Van Tieghem (1895); Oliveriana H. G. Reichenbach (1876); Olwwerodoxa O. Kuntze (1891). Note: Oliveranthus J. N. Rose (1905) and Oliverella J. N. Rose (1903) were named for George W. Oliver (1857-1923) a horticulturist with the National Botanical Garden in Washington, D. C. and the United States Department of Agriculture.

  1. Ihe natural order Aurantiaceae, with a synopsis of the Indian species ... [Supple-

ment to the Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London] [1861]. Oct.


Publ.: 24 Mai 1861 (A. T. Gage, Hist. Linn. Soc. Lond. 121. 1978; BSbF Feb 1862), p. [1]- 44. Copy: USDA. — J. Proc. Linn. Soc. London 5(2): 1-44. 1861.



  1. Lessons in elementary botany. The part on systematic botany based upon material left in

manuscript by the late Professor Henslow . . . by Daniel Oliver, ... London and Cambridge

(Macmillan and Co.) 1864. Oct. (Lessons elem. bot.).

Syst. bot., author: John Stevens Henslow (1796-1861).

Ed. 1: Jan-Jun 1863 (p. viii: Sep 1863; Amer. J. Sci. Jul 1864; Flora 31 Aug 1864), p. [i]-vii, [1]-317. Copies: G, MICH, NY.

Ed. 2: 1869, n.v., reprinted 1870, 1871, 1872 [p. [i]-vili, [1]-327. Copy: NY], 1873, with changes: 1874 (copy: FI), 1876.

Ed. 3: 1878, n.v., reprinted 1880, 1881, 1883, corrected 1886, 1888, 1891; with many corrections: 1895 [p. [1]-viii, [1 ]-304. Copy: NY].

Ref.: Gray, A., Amer. J. Sci. ser. 2. 38: 124-126. Jul 1864.

  1. Hlora of tropical Africa, by D. Oliver, assisted by other botanists... London (L. Reeve

and Co., ... [4-9: Lovell Reeve & Co., ...]) 1868-1937, 10 vols. (Fl. trop. Afr.).

Publ.: ten volumes, of wich 1-3 edited by Oliver. For dates and contents see the Chronological account and list of Systematic treatments below. Later editors: William Turner Thiselton Dyer (1843-1928), vols. 4-6(1), 7-8; David Prain (1857-1944), vols. 6(2), 9; Arthur William Hill (1875-1941), vol. 10(1). For the interruption of publication between 1877 and 1896 see J. Bot. 34: 407-408. 1896.

1: Oct 1868, [1*]-14*, [i]-xl, [1]-479 (BSbF Dec 1868; J. Bot. Nov 1868).

2: Aug 1871, [1]-viii, [1]-613 (J. Bot. Sep 1871).

3: Oct 1877, [i]-vili, [1]-544 (publ. Oct 1877, see J. Bot. 16: 30. 1878).

4: Jul 1902-Jun 1906, [i]-vi, [vil-ix], [1]-647, [i]-x, [1]-596.

5: Sep 1899-Dec 1900, [1 ]-10[‘‘x’’, sic], [1]-546.

6: Mar 1909-Nov 1917, [1]-xiul, [1 ]-1094, [1095], [i]-xvu, [1]-371.

7: Dec 1896-Sep 1898, [i]-xvi, [i]-iv, [1 ]-595.

6: Jun 1901-Mar 1902, [1]-xi, [1]-548.

g: 1 Jul 1917-1 Jan 1934, [i]-vi, [1]-1132.

ro: 21 Mai 1937, [1]-192.

Copies: B, BR, FI, G, H, MICH, MO, NY; IDC 272.

Chronological account

Volume Section Part Pagination Date Author(s) Taxon I [1 ]-4 Oct 1868 Oliver, D. Dicotyledons- Summary 4-11 Oct 1868 Ranunculaceae II-13 Dilleniaceae 13-39 Anonaceae 40-50 Menispermaceae 50-51 Berberidaceae 51-53 Nymphaeaceae 53-55 Papaveraceae 55-73 Cruciferae 73-101 Capparidaceae 101-102 Moringaceae 102-104 Resedaceae 104-111 Violarieae 112-123 Bixineae 123-124 Pittosporeae 125-136 Polygaleae 136-137 Frankeniaceae 137-147 Caryophyllaceae 147-150 Portulaceae 150-151 Tamariscineae 151-154 Elatineae 154-162 Hypericineae 162-169 Guttiferae I 169-172 Oct 1868 Oliver, D. Ternstroemiaceae 172-175 Dipterocarpeae I 175-214 Oct 1868 Masters, M. T. Malvaceae 214-239 Sterculiaceae 240-268 Tiliaceae I 268-275 Oct 1868 Oliver, D. Lineae 275-276 Humiriaceae 276-282 Malpighiaceae



Volume Section Part Pagination Date Author(s) Taxon Rn EE

282-289 Zygophylleae 289-303 Geraniaceae 303-308 Rutaceae 308-315 Simarubeae 315-322 Ochnaceae 322-329 Burseraceae 329-338 Meliaceae 338-344 Chailletiaceae 345-359 Olacineae 359 Ilicineae 359-377 Celastraceae I 377-385 Oct 1868 Hemsley, W. B. Rhamneae I 385-416 Oct 1868 Baker, J. G. Ampelideae 416-435 Sapindaceae I 435-450 Oct 1868 Oliver, D. Anacardiaceae I 451-463 Oct 1868 Baker, J. G. Connaraceae I 465-479 Oct 1868 Anon Index Gen./Spp. 2 [1 ]-258 Aug 1871 Baker, J. G. Leguminosac- Papilionaceae 2 258-321 Aug 1871 Oliver, D. Leguminosae- Caesalpinieae 321-364 Leguminosae-Mimoseae 364-382 Rosaceae 382-385 Saxifragaceae 2 385-401 Aug 1871 Britten, J. Crassulaceae 2 401-403 Aug 1871 Oliver, D. Droseraceae 403-404 Hamamelideae 404-406 Halorageae 406-413 Rhizophoraceae 2 413-436 Aug 1871 Lawson, ? Combretaceae 4360-439 Myrtaceae 2 439-464 Aug 1871 Hooker, J. D. Melastomaceae 2 464-486 Aug 1871 Hiern, W. P. Lythraceae 2 486-491 Aug 1871 Oliver, D. Onagrarieae 2 492-500 Aug 1871 Masters, M. T. Samydaceae 500-501 Loaseae 501-503 Turneraceae 503-520 Passifloreae 2 521-569 Aug 1871 Hooker, J. D. Cucurbitaceae 569-580 Hooker, J. D. Begoniaceae 2 580-581 Aug 1871 Oliver, D. Cactaceae 581-596 Ficoideae 2 597-613 Aug 1871 Anon Index-Gen/Spp. 3 [1]-27 Oct 1877 Hiern, W. P. Umbelliferae 27-33 Araliaceae 33-247 Rubiaceae 248-249 Valerianeae 349-253 Dipsaceae 3 253-461 Oct 1877 Oliver, D. & W. P. Hiern Compositae 3 461-462 Oct 1877 Hiern, W. P. Goodenovieae 3 463-482 Oct 1877 Hemsley, W. B. Campanulaceae 3 482-485 Oct 1877 Oliver, D. Ericaceae 485-487 Plumbagineae 487-491 Primulaceae 3 491-497 Oct 1877 Baker, J. G. Myrsineae 497-509 Sapotaccac 3 507-525 Oct 1877 Hiern, W. P. Ebenaceae 3 527-544 Oct 1877 Anon Index 4 I I {1 ]-21 Jul 1g02 Baker, J. G. Oleaceae 21-24. Salvadoraceae 4 I I 24-192 Jul 1902 Stapf, O. Apocynaceae 4 I 2 193-231 Dec 1902 Apocynaceae 4 I 2 231-384 Dec 1902 Brown, N. E. Asclepiadeae 4 I 3 485-503 Mar 1903 Brown, N. E. Asclepiadeae 4 I 3 503-544. Mar 1903 Baker, J. C. Loganiaceae 4 I 3 544-576 Mar 1903 Baker, J. G. & N. E. Brown Gentianeae 4 I 4 577-587 Nov 1904 Gentianeae 4 I 4 [588]589- Nov 1904 Thiselton-Dyer, W. T. Addenda 62 4 I 4 629-646 Nov 1904 Anon Index Gen/Spp. 647 Errata


Volume Section Part

4 2 I 4 2 I 4 2 I

2 4 2 2 4 2 2

3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 5 I

2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 3 5 3 6 I I 6 I I 6 I I 6 I I 6 I I 6 I I 6 I I 6 I I

2 6 I 2 6 I 2 6 I 2

3 6 I 3 6 I 3 6 I 3



6 6 I 6 6 2 I

Pagination Date

[1]-5 Dec 1905 5-62 Dec 1905 62-192 Dec 1905 193-206 Feb 1906 207-261 Feb 1906 261-384 Feb 1906 385-462 Jun 1906 462-468 Jun 1906 468-499 499-512 Jun 1906 512-538 Jun 1906 538-570 Jun 1906 [571]572- Jun 1906 575 [576] Jun 1906 577-596 [11]-192 Sep 1899 193-262 Jun 1g00 262-263 Jun 1900 264-272 273-332 Jun 1900 332-384 Jun 1900 385-502 Dec 1900 502-505 (506]507- Dec 1g00 526 527-545 Dec 1900 545-546 [1]-9 Mar 1909 9-14 14-75 Mar 1909 76-94 94-98 98-120 Mar 1909 120-130 130-134 Mar 1909 134-143 143-156 156-167 Mar 1909 167-171 Mar 1909 171-188 Mar 1909 189-192 Mar 1909 193 Dec 1910 193-211 Dec 1910 212-255 Dec 1910 255-384 Dec 1910 385-411 Oct 1911 411-434 Oct 1911 434-440 Oct 1911 441-576 Oct 1911 577-768 Mar 1912 769-960 Oct 1912 g61-1020 =©6©Apr 1913 1021-1059 Apr 1913 1061-1094 [1095] [1]-14 Mar 1916 14-15 16-17


Baker, J.G. & N. E. Brown

Baker, J. G.

Baker, J. G. & A. B. Rendle

Wright, C. H. Hemsley, W. B. & S. A. Skan

Stapf, O.

Baker, J.G. & C. B. Clarke

Sprague, T. A.

Stapf, O.

Thistelton-Dyer, W. T.


Burkill, I. H. & C. B. Clarke

Rolfe, R. A. Baker, J. G. &

O. Stapf Baker, J. G.

Thiselton-Dyer, W. T.


Baker, J. G. & C. H. Wright

Baker, J. G. & C. B. Clarke

Baker, J. G. & C. H. Wright

Baker, J. G. & C. H. Wright

Stapf, O. Baker, J. G. & C. H. Wright Stapf, O. Sprague, T. A.

Baker, J. G. &

C. H. Wright Pearson, H. H. W. Sprague, T. A.

Baker, J. G. &

A. W. Hill Hemsley, W. B. Brown, N. E.,

J. Hutchinson, &

D. Prain

Anon Addenda

Rendle, A. B.



Hydrophyllaceae Boragineae

Convolvulaceae Convolvulaceae Solanaceae

Scrophulariaceae Scophulariaceae Orobanchaceae Lentibularicae

Gesneraceae Bignoniaceae Pedalineae Addenda

Errata Index to Gen/Spp

Acanthaceae Acanthaceae Myoporineae Selagineae

Verbenaceae Labiatae Labiatae Plantagineae Addenda

Index Gen/Spp. Errata

Nytagineae Illecebraceae

Amarantaceae Chenopodiaceae Phytolaccaceae

Polygonaceae Podostemaceae

Cytinaceae Aristolochiaceae Piperaceae Myristacaceae

Monimiaceae Laurineae Hernandiaceae Hernandiaceae

Proteaceae Thymelaeaceae Loranthaceae Loranthaceae

Santalaceae Balanophoreae

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae

Index to Gen/Spp.

Errata Ulmaceae Barbeyaceae Cannabinaccac









Section Part ee



wn NO




Nn N

NN &



193-240 240-306 307-314 315-316 316-326 326-327 328-333 333-338 338-344 344-354 [355]356- 359 | {361 ]362- 371

12-192 193-292 293-331 331-336 337-376 376-384 385-413 413 414-421 421-568 [569]570-

578 578 579-595 595 [r]-6






97-127 127-133 133-137 137-192 193-200 200-206 206-214 215-230 230-264 264-266 266-384 385-524 525 526-527 529-547 547-548 [1]-192 193-384 385-576 577-768 769-944

945-1100 I1OI-1132



Mar 1916

Mov 1917 Nov 1917 Nov 1917 Novy 1917 Nov 1917

Nov 1917

Nov 1917 Nov 1917

Dec 1897

Dec 1897 Apr 1898 Apr 1898

Apr 1898 Sept 1898

Sept 1898

Jun rgor

Jun 1go1 Jun 1go1

Jun rgor Jun 1go1

Jun 1go1 Sep 1901

Sep 1901 Sep rgo1 Sep rgor

Sep rgo1 Mar 1902 Mar 1902 Mar 1902

1 Jul 1917 29 Jan 1919 24 Jan 1919 5 Aug 1920 12 Aug 1930

1 Jan 1934

1 Jan 1934 21 May 1937


Hutchinson, J. & A. B. Rendle

Rendle, A. B.

Hutchinson, J. Wright, C. H. Skan, S. A.

Pearson, H. H. W.

Stapf, O.

Prain, D. Anon

Wright, C. H. Rolfe, R. A.

Baker, J. G.

Baker, J. G.


Brown, N. E.

Clarke, C. B. Brown, N. E.

Baker, J. G. Wright, C. H.

Brown, N. E.

Wright, C. H. Bennett, A. Brown, N. E. Clarke, C. B. Brown, N. E.


Stapf, O.

Stapf, O. & C. E. Hubbard

Anon Hubbard, C. E.


Moraceae Moraceae Urticaceae Myricaceae Casuarineae Salicineac Ceratophylleae Gnetaceae Pinaceae Taxaceae Cycadaceae Addenda

Index to Gen/Spp.

Erratum Hydrocharideae Burmanniaceae Orchideae Orchideae Scitamineae Haemodoraceae Irideae Amaryllideae Amaryllideae Taccaceae Dioscoreaceae Liliaceae Addenda

Corrections Index Gen/Spp. Errata Pontederiaceae Xyrideae Commelinaceae Rapateaceae Flagellarieae Juncaceae Palmae Pandaneae Typhaceae Aroideae Aroideae Lemnaceae Alismaceae Naiadaceae Eriocauleae Restiaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae

Mayaceae (in Addenda)


Index Gen/Spp. Errata Gramineae Gramineae Gramineae Gramineae

Gramineae Gramineae Index Gen/Spp. Gramineae

Systematic treatments


Taxon Author(s) Volume Section Part Pagination Date Acanthaceae Burkill, 1. H. &

C. B. Clarke 5 I [1]2-192 Sep 1899 Acanthaceae Burkill, I. H. &

C. B. Clarke 5 2 193-262 Jun 1900 Alismaceae Wright, C. H. 8 2 206-214 Sep 1901 Amarantaceae Baker, J. G. &

Amaryllideae Baker, J. G. 7 2 376-384. Apr 1898 Amaryllideae Baker, J. G. 7 3 385-413 Sep 1898 Ampelideae Baker, J. G. I 385-416 1868 Anacardiaceae Oliver, D. I 435-450 1868 Anonaceae Oliver, D. I 13-39 1868 Apocynaceae Stapf, O. 4 I I 24-192 Jul 1902 Acocynaceae Stapf, O. 4 I 2 193-231 Dec 1902 Araliaceae Hiern, W. P. 3 27-33 1877 Aristolochiaceae Baker, J. G. &

C. H. Wright 6 I I 134-143 Mar 1909 Aroideae Brown, N. E. 8 I 137-192 Jun 1go1 Aroideae Brown, N. E. 8 2 193-200 Sep 1go1 Asclepiadeae Brown, N. E. 4 I 2 231-384 Dec 1902 Asclepiadeae Brown, N. E. 4 I 3 385-503 Mar 1903 Balanophoreae Hemsley, W. B. 6 I 3 434-440 Oct 1911 Barbeyaceae Rendle, A. B. 6 2 I 14-15 Mar 1916 Begoniaceae Hooker, J. D. 2 569-580 1871 Berberidaceae Oliver, D. I 50-51 1868 Bignoniaceae Sprague, T. A. 4 2 3 512-538 Jun 1g06 Bixincae Oliver, D. I 112-123 1868 Boragineae Baker, J. G. 4 2 I 5-62 Dec 1905 Burmanniaceae Wright, C. H. 7 I 10-12 Dec 1897 Burseraceae Oliver, D. I 322-399 1868 Cactaceae Oliver, D. 2 580-581 1871 Campanulaceae Hemsley, W. B. 3 463-482 1877 Cannabinaceae Rendle, A. B. 6 2 I 16-17 Mar 1916 Capparidaceae Oliver, D. I 73-101 1868 Caryophyllaceae Oliver, D. I 137-147 1868 Casuarineae Wright, C. H. 6 2 2 315-316 Nov 1917 Celastraceae Oliver, D. I 359-377 1868 Ceratophylleae Skan, S. A. 6 2 2 326-327 Nov 1917 Chailletiaceae Oliver, D. I 338-344 1868 Chenopodiaceae Baker, J. G. &

C. B. Clarke 6 I I 76-94. Mar 1909 Combretaceae Lawson, 2 413-436 1871 Commelinaceae Clarke, C. B. 8 I 25-88 Jun 1go1r Compositae Oliver, D. &

W. P. Hiern 3 253-461 1877 Connaraceae Baker, J. G. I 451-463 1868 Convolvulaceae Baker, J. G. &

A. B. Rendle 4 2 I 62-192 Dec 1905 Convolvulaceae Baker, J. G. &

A. B. Rendle 4 2 2 193-206 Feb 1906 Crassulaceae Britten, J. 2 385-401 1871 Cruciferae Oliver, D. I 55-73 1868 Cucurbitaceae Hooker, J. D. 2 521-569 1871 Cycadaceae Prain, D. 6 2 2 344-354 Nov 1917 Cyperaceae Clarke, C. B. 8 2 266-384 Sep 1go1 Cyperaceae Clarke, C. B. 8 3 385-524 Mar 1902 Cytinaceae Baker, J. G. &

C. H. Wright 6 I I 130-134 Mar 1909 Dicotyledons-Summary Oliver, D. I [1 ]2-4 1868 Dilleniaceae Oliver, D. I I-13 1868 Dioscoreaceae Baker, J. G. 7 3 414-421 Sep 1898 Dipsaceae Hiern, W. P. 3 249-253 1877 Dipterocarpeae Oliver, D. I 172-175 1868 Droseraceae Oliver, D. 2 401-403 1871 Ebenaceae Hiern, W. P. 3 509-525 1877 Elatineae Oliver, D. I 151-154 1868 Ericaceae Oliver, D. 3 482-485 1877 Eriocauleae Brown, N. E. 8 2 230-264 Sep 1901 Euphorbiaccae Brown, N. E.,

J. Hutchinson, &

D. Prain 6 I 3 441-576 Oct 1911



Taxon Author(s) Volume Section Part Pagination Date Euphorbiaceae Brown, N. E.,

J. Hutchinson &

6 4 577-768 Mar 1912

Euphorbiaceae Brown, N. E.,

J. Hutchinson &

D. Prain 6 5 769-960 Oct 1912 Euphorbiaceae Brown, N. E.,

J. Hutchinson


D. Prain 6 6 g61-1020 =Apr 1913 Ficoideae Oliver, D. 2 581-596 1871 Flagellaricae Brown, N. E. 8 I 90-91 Jun 1go1 Frankeniaceae Oliver, D. I 136-137 1868 Centianeae Baker, J. G. &

N. E. Brown 4 3 544-576 Mar 1903 Gentianeae Baker, J. G. &

N. E. Brown 4 4 577-587 Nov 1904 Geraniaceae Oliver, D. I 289-303 1868 i Gesneraceae Baker, J. G. &

C. B. Clarke 4 3 499-512 Jun 1906 Gnetaceae Pearson, H. H. W. 6 2 328-333 Nov 1917 Goodenovieae Hiern, W. P. R 461-462 1877 Gramineae Stapf, O. 9 I [1]2-192 1 Jul 1917 Gramineae Stapf, O. 9 2 193-384 29 Jan 1919 Gramineae Stapf, O. 9 3 385-576 24 Jan 1919 Gramineae Stapf, O. 9 4 577-768 5 Aug 1920 Gramineae Stapf, O. &

C. E. Hubbard 9 5 769-944 12 Aug 1930 Gramineae Stapf, O. &

C. E. Hubbard 9 6 945-1100 1 Jan 1934 Gramineae Hubbard, C. E. ) I [1]2-192 21 May 1937 Guttiferae Oliver, D. I 162-169 1868 Haemodoraceae Baker, J. G. 7 2 331-336 Apr 1898 Halorageae Oliver, D. 2 404-406 1871 Hamamelideae Oliver, D. 2 403-404. 1871 Hernandiaceae Sprague, T. A. 6 I 189-192 Mar 1909 Hernandiaceae Sprague, T. A. 6 2 193 Dec 1910 Humiriaceae Oliver, D. I 275-276 1868 Hydrocharideae Wright, C. H. 7 I [1[-10 Dec 1897 Hydrophyllaceae Baker, J. G. &

N. E. Brown 4 I [1]2-5 Dec 1905 Hypericineae Oliver, D. I 154-162 1868 Ilicineae Oliver, D. I 359 1868 Illecebraceae Baker, J.C. &

C. H. Wright 6 I 9-14 Mar 1909 Irideae Baker, J. G. 7 2 337-376 Apr 1898 Juncaceae Baker, J. G. 8 I 91-97 Jun 1go1 Labiatae Baker, J. G. 5 2 332-384 Jun 1900 Labiatae Baker, J. G. 5 3 385-502 Dec 1900 Laurineae Stapf, O. 6 I 171-188 Mar 1909 Leguminosae-Caesalpinieae Oliver, D. 2 258-321 1871 Leguminosae-Mimoseae Oliver, D. 2 321-364. 1871 Leguminosae-Papilionaceae Baker, J. G. 2 [1]2-258 1871 Lemnaceae Brown, N. E. 8 2 200-206 Sep 1901 Lentibularieae Stapf, O. 4 3 468-499 Jun 1906 Liliaceae Baker, J. G. 7 B 421-568 Sep 1898 Lineae Oliver, D. I 268-275 1868 Loaseae Masters, M. T. 2 500-501 1871 Loganiaceae Baker, J. G. 4 3 503-544 Mar 1903 Loranthaceae Sprague, T. A. 6 2 255-384. Dec 1910 Loranthaceae Sprague, T. A. 6 3 385-411 Oct 1911 Lythraceae Hiern, W. P. 2 464-486 1871 Malpighiaceae Oliver, D. I 276-282 1868 Malvaceae Masters, M. T. I 175-214 1868 Mayaceae (in Addenda) Brown, N. E. 8 3 525 Mar 1902 Melastomaceae Hooker, J. D. 2 439-464 1871 Meliaceae Oliver, D. I 329-338 1868 Menispermaccae Oliver, D. I 40-50 1868 Monimiaceae Baker, J. G. &

C. H. Wright 6 I 167-171 Mar 1909 Moraceae Hutchinson, J. &

A. B. Rendle 6 I 17-192 Mar 1916 Moraceae Hutchinson, J. &

A. B. Rendle 6 2 193-240 Nov 1917



Moringaceae Myoporineae Myricaceae Myristacaceae Myrsineae Myrtaceae Naiadaceae Nyctagineae

Nymphaeaceae Ochnaceae Olacineae Oleaceae Onagrarieae Orchideae Orchideae Orobanchaceae Palmae Pandaneae Papaveraceae Passifloreae Pedalineae Phytolaccaceae

Pinaceae Piperaceae

Pittosporeae Plantagineae Plumbagineae Podostemaceae

Polygaleae Polygonaceae

Pontederiaceae Portulaceae Primulaceae Proteaceae

Ranunculaceae Rapateaceae Resedaceae Restiaceae Rhamneae Rhizophoraceae Rosaceae Rubiaceae Rutaceae Salicineae Salvadoraceae Samydaceae Santalaceae

Sapindaceae Sapotaceae Saxifragaceae Scitamineae Scrophulariaceae


Selagineae Simarubeae Solanaceae Sterculiaceae Taccaceae Tamariscineae Taxaceae Ternstroemiaceae Thymelaeaceae Tiliaceae Turneraceae Typhaceae


Oliver, D. Rolfe, R. A. Hutchinson, J. Stapf, O. Baker, J. G. Lawson, Bennett, A. Baker, J. G. & C. H. Wright Oliver, D. Oliver, D. Oliver, D. Baker, J. G. Oliver, D. Rolfe, R. A. Rolfe, R. A. Stapf, O. Wright, C. H. Wright, C. H. Oliver, D. Master, M. T. Stapf, O. Baker, J. G. & C. B. Clarke Stapf, O. Baker, J.G. & C. H. Wright Oliver, D. Baker, J. G. Oliver, D. Baker, J. G. & C. H. Wright Oliver, D. Baker, J. G. & C. H. Wright Brown, N. E. Oliver, D. Oliver, D. Baker, J. G. & C. H. Wright Oliver, D. Brown, N. E. Oliver, D. Brown, N. E. Hemsley, W. B. Oliver, D. Oliver, D. Hiern, W. P. Oliver, D. Skan, S. A. Baker, J. G. Masters, M. T. Baker, J.G. & A. W. Hill Baker, J. G. Baker, J. G. Oliver, D. Baker, J. G. Hemsley, W. B. & S. A. Skan Hemsley, W. B. & S. A. Skan Rolfe, R. A. Oliver, D. Wright, C. B. Masters, M. T. Baker, J. G. Oliver, D. Stapf, O. Oliver, D.

Pearson, H. H. W.

Masters, M. T. Masters, M. T. Brown, N. E.

Volume Section Part



ee OD) oon









Pagination Date

IOI-102 262-263 307-314 156-167 491-497 436-439 215-230

[1]2-9 51-53 315-322 345-359 {1 ]2-21 486-491 12-192 193-292 462-468 97-127 127-133 53505 503-520 538-570

94-98 333-338

143-156 123-124 SIH) 485-487

120-130 125-136

98-120 [1 ]2-6

147-150 487-491

193-211 4-11 88-89 102-104 264-266 377-385 406-413 364-382 33-247 303-308 316-326 21-24 492-500

411-434 416-435 497-509 382-385 293-331


385-462 264-272 308-315 207-261 214-239 413

150-151 338-344 169-172 212-255 240-268 501-503 133-137


Jun 1900 Nov 1917 Mar 1909 1877 1871

Sep 1go1

Mar 1909 1868 1868 1868

Jul 1g02 1871 Dec 1897 Apr 1898 Jun 1906 Jun rgo1r Jun 1gor 1868 1871

Jun 1906

Mar 1909 Nov 1917

Mar 1909 1868 Dec 1900


Mar 1909 1868

Mar 1909 Jun rgor 1868 1877

Dec 1910 1868

Jun gor 1868

Sep 1go1 1868 1871 1871 1877 1868 Nov 1917 Jul rg02 1871

Oct 1911 1868 1877 1871 Apr 1898

Feb 1906

Jun 1906 Jun 1900 1868 Feb 1g06 1868 Sep 1898 1868 Nov 1917 1868 Dec 1910 1868 1871 Jun 1go1



Taxon Author(s) Volume Section Part Pagination Date Ulmaceae Rendle, A. B. 6 2 [1 ]2-14 Mar 1916 Umbelliferae Hiern, W. P. 3 [1]2-27 1877 Urticaceae Rendle, A. B. 6 2 240-306 Nov 1917 Valerianeae Hiern, W. P. 3 248-249 1871 Verbenaceae Baker, J. G. &

O. Stapf 5 273-332 Jun 1900 Violarieae Oliver, D. I 104-111 1868 Xyrideae Brown, N. E. 8 6-25 Jun 1go1 Zygophylleae Oliver, D. I 282-289 1868

  1. First book of Indian botany ... London (Macmillan & Co.) 1869. Oct. (First book Ind.


Ed. 1: Nov 1869 (p. vii: Aug 1869; J. Bot. Dec 1869; Flora 31 Mar 1870), p. [i]-xi, [1]-393. Copies: MO, NY.

Ed. 2: 1881, n.v., reprinted 1889, p. [i]-xi, [1]-397. Copy: B; id. 1899, p. [i]-x1, [1]-397. Copy: B; id. 1907, p. [i]-xi, [1]-397. Copy: NY.

7057- The botany of the Speke and Grant expedition, an enumeration of the plants collected during the journey of the late captain J. H. Speke and captain (now Lieut.-Col.) J. A. Grant from Zanzibar to Egypt. The determinations and descriptions by Professor Oliver and others connected with the Herbarium, Royal Gardens, Kew; with an introductory preface, alphabetical list of native names, and notes by Colonel Grant. [Trans. Linn. Soc. London 1873-1875]. Qu.

Authors: James Augustus Grant (1827-1892), introduction and notes (also collector together with Capt. J. H. Speke), Daniel Oliver (Dicotyledones and Glumiferae), John Gilbert Baker (1834-1920) (Petaloideae and Filices).

Publ.: in three parts in Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 29, and to be cited from the journal.

1: Mai 1873 (t.p. 1872, but see p. 11* of volume), p. [1, 11], map, [1 ]-69, p/. 7-37 (uncol., W. Hi Fitch).

: Aug 1873, p. 69[bis]-104, pl. 38-72.

3: Sep 1875, p. 1-103[bis], 104[bis], 105-190, pl. 73-136. Copy: MO.


  1. Illustrations of the principal natural orders of the vegetable kingdom. Prepared for the science

and art department of the council of education ... the plates by Mr. W. H. Fitch, ...

London (Chapman and Hall...) 1874. Qu. (oblong). (Il. veg. kingd.).

Publ.: Mai 1874 (J. Bot. Jun 1874), p. [i-vui], 1-152, [1-2, index], pl. 1-109 (col. liths.). Copies: B, BR, G, US. — Uncoloured copies exist.

Re-issue: 1893 (p. iii: Sep 1893; ObZ Nov 1893; Bot. Zeit. 16 Mar & 1 Aug 1894; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1893), p. [i-viii], [1]-117, [1-2, ind.], pl. 1-109 (col. liths.). Copies: MO, NY. — London (id.). 1893. Qu.

Oliver, Francis Wall (1864-1951), British ecologist and palaeobotanist; lecturer in (1888) and professor (1890-1929) at University College, London; professor of botany at Cairo University 1929-1935; son of Daniel Oliver. (F. Oliver).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Egyptian material at CAI; some French material at C.

BIOGRAPHY and BIBLIOGRAPHY: AG 5(1): 185; Andrews p. 310; Barnhart 3: 27; BJI 2: 126;

BL 2: 260, 697; BM 3: 1469, 7: 953-954; Bossert p. 293; CSP 17: 609; DNB 1951-1960: 779-

780; Hirsch p. 219; Kew 4: 184-185; Langman p. 551; LS 19460; MW p. 370; Rehder 5: 634;

SK 1: cix; TL-2/3600.

Andrews, H. N., The fossil hunters 85, 99, 139, 158-166. 1980.

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68: 105. 1955 (d.); Bot. Centralbl. 36: 32. 1888 (app. Univ. Coll.); Bot. Jahrb. 10 (Beibl. 23): 1. 1889; Gard. Chron. 1925 (1): 388 (portr., obit.); Nat. Nov. 27: 248, 374. 1905 (F. R.S.; prof. bot. Univ. Coll.); The Times 18 Sep 1851 (fide Desmond).

Arber, A., Nature 168: 809-811. 1951 (obit., b. 10 Mai 1864, d. 14 Sep 1951).

Britten, J., J. Bot. 65: 238-239. 1927.



Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 129. 1977.

Huxley, L., Life letters J. D. Hooker 2: 180, 181, 279. 1912.

Oliver, F. W., Proc. Linn. Soc. 1924/25: 59-61 (gold medal Linn. Soc., addresses).

Salisbury, E. J., Obit. Notices Fellows R. Soc. 8: 229-240. 1952-53 (biogr., portr., bibl., b. 10 Mai 1864, d. 14 Sep 1951).

COMPOSITE Works: Translated A. Kerner’s Pflanzenleben, see TL-2/3600, Nat. hist. pl. EPONYMY: Oliveria A. Nayal (1935).

  1. Makers of British botany a collection of biographies by living botanists edited by EaWwe

Oliver. Cambridge (at the University Press) 1913. Oct.

Publ.: Dec 1912 (p. [v]: Oct 1912; ObZ Dec 1912; J. Bot. Feb 1913; Nat. Nov. Mar(1) 1913), frontisp. portr. J. H. Balfour, p. [i-viii], [1]-332, pl. 1-26. Copies: BR, USDA.

Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 51: 63-66. Feb 1913.

Oliver, Walter Reginald Brook (1883-1957), New Zealand ornithologist, malacologist and botanist; Dr. sci. Univ. New Zealand 1933; from 1920 with the Dominion Museum, Wellington, from 1928-1947 as director. (W. Oliver).

HERBARIUM and types: WELT; other material at AK, B, BM, CHR, K, MEL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Andrews p. 310; Barnhart 3: 28; BL 1: 77, 81, 83, 102, 103;

Bossert p. 293; GR p. 777; Hirsch p. 219; Hortus 3: 1201 (““W. Oliver’); IH 2: (in press);

Kew 4: 186; LS 20483; TL-2/1095.

Anon., Taxon 26: 159. 1977 (plants at CHR).

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 280. 1977.

Merrill, E. D., B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 144: 145. 1937; Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 231. 1947.

Salmon, J. T., Proc. R. Soc. New Zealand 85: Ix-Ixiv. 1958 (portr., bibl., d. 16 Mai 1957).

COMPOSITE works: Edited F. F. Cheeseman, Man. New Xealand Fl. ed. 2, 1925.

  1. From Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, volume xlii, 1909. Vegetation of the

Kermadec Islands ... Wellington (John Mackay, ...) 1910.

Publ.: 1 Jun 1910 (in journal; we have no information that the reprint was earlier), p. [i], [118]-175, pl. 12-23. Copy: NY. — Reprint with special t.p.; to be cited from Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 42: [118]-175, pl. 12-23. 1910.

  1. The vegetation and flora of Lord Howe’s Island [ Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 49, 191 File

Oct. (Veg. Lord Howe’s Isl.).

Publ.: 6 Jul 1917 (separately; fide note in journal publ.), Trans Proc. New Zeal. Inst. 49: 94-161, article viii issued separately 6 Jul 1917, in issue of Transactions 20 Dec 1917.

  1. The genus Coprosma ... Honolulu, Hawaii (Published by the [Bernice P. Bishop] ~ Museum) 1935. Oct. (Coprosma). Publ.: 6 Mai 1935 (p. ii*), [i*-ii*], 1-ii, [3]-207, pl. 1-59. Copy: USDA.

Olivi, Giuseppe (1769-1795), Italian zoologist at Padua (Oli).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Museo Civico Storia naturale, Venetia (algae).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 28; BM 3: 1469; Bossert p. 293; Cesati p. 57, 298-304; CSP 4: 675; Dryander 3: 346, 415; Moebius p. 334; PR 6831 (ed. 1: 7632); RS p. Ten Saccando 12 01Q,,22 70.

Camerano, L., Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. r. Univ. Torino 20: 1-6. 1905.

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 302. 1969 (b. 19 Mar 1769, d. 25 Aug 1795).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 322. 1858.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 164. 1903, 3(3): 179- 1905.



EPONYMY: Olivia Bertoloni (1810). Note: Olivia Montagne (1846) and Olwia S. F. Gray

(1821) may also commemorate him.

  1. Zoologia adriatica ossia catalogo ragionato degli animali del Golfo e delle Lagune di

Venezia; preceduto da una dissertazione sulla storia fisica e naturale del Golfo; e accompag-

nato da memorie, ed osservazioni di fisica storia naturale ed economia ... Bassano, 1792.

(Zool. adriat.).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1792 (dedication 30 Aug 1792), p- [i*-ix*], [i]-xxxii, [1-6], [1-334], pl. 1-9. Copies: Edinburgh University Library, FI, PH.

Olivier, [Joseph] Ernest (1844-1914), French administrator, zoologist and botanist; grandson of G. A. Olivier; travelled frequently in Algeria; newspaper publisher at Moulins; later ‘“‘maire’’ of Chemilly. (EZ. Olivier).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 28; BL 2: 116, 117, 697; BM 3: 1469; Kelly p.

163; Kew 4: 186; PFC 1: xlix; Rehder 5: 634; Tucker 1: 529.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1914: 143 (d.); Monde des Plantes 7: 74. 1898; Osterr. bot. Z. 64: 208. 1914 (d. 26 Jan 1914).

Berthoumieu, C. et al., Rev. sci. Bourbonnais 27: 1-14. 1914. (various éloges; b. 6 Jan 1844, d. 26 Jan 1914, portr.).

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 75. 1945.

Cosson, E., Comp. fl. atl. 1:75. 1881.

Dangeard, P. A., Bull. Soc. bot. France 61: 61. 1914 (obit.).

Gilbert, E., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 281. 1977 (further biogr. refs.).

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 20: 64. 1914 (d.).

Pic, M., Ann. Soc. entom. France 83(4): 443-457. 1914 (portr., obit., b. 6 Jan 1844, d. 26 Jan 1914, bibl.).

COMPOSITE works: Founder and editor of the Revue scientifique du Bourbonnais, 1-26, 1888- 1913.

  1. Flore populaire de Allier. Noms vulgaires et patois des plantes indigénes & cultivées

usités dans ce département... Moulins (Imprimerie Etienne...) 1886. Qu. (FI. pop. Allier).

Publ.: Nov 1886 (see p. [2]: journal issue so dated; p. [2]: preface Aug 1886; BSbF rd before 10 Dec 1886; Nat. Nov. Dec(2) 1886), p. [i, [1 ]-43. Copy: USDA. — Reprinted from Ann. Soc. Hort. Allier 8(3): [149]-166, [167]. Nov 1886.

Olivier, Guillaume Antoine (1756-1814), French zoologist and botanist; practiced medicine until 1792; travelled in the Orient 1792-1798; afterwards working mainly on entomology. (G. Olivier).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material from the French Near East expedition of 1792-1798 at B, FI, G-DG, H, L, P (with Jean Guillaume Bruguiére (1756-1814) ).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 3: 457, 6(2): 38; Backer p. 407; Barnhart 3: 28; BM 3: 1469-1470; Bossert p. 293; CSP 4: 675, 12: 546, 17: 611; De Toni 1: xciv; Dryander 3: 431, 616, 624; Frank 3 (Anh.): 73; Herder p.55; Hortus 3: 1201 (‘Olivier’); Laségue p. 578 [index]; LS 19464; PR 6832; Ratzeburg p. 389-390; Rehder 5: 634; TL-1/290; Tucker 1: 529; Urban-Berl. p. 380; Zander ed. 10, p. 698, ed. 11, p. 796.

Blakelock, R. A., & E. R. Guest, Fl. Iraq 1: 109, 115. 1966.

Burckhardt, R. W., The spirit of system 284 [index]. 1977.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 438. 1880 (coll. P, G, DC).

Carpenter, M. M., Amer. Midl. Natural. 33(1): 74. 1945.

Cuvier, F., Dict. Sci. nat., portr. 1845.

Dow, R. P., Bull. Brooklyn entom. Soc. 8: 9, 10, 39. 1913.

Essig, E. O., Hist. entomol. 719-721. 1931.

Fedschenko, B. A., Bot. Zhurn. 30: 39. 1945.

Gilbert, P., Comp. biogr. lit. deceased entom. 280-281. 1977 (q.v. for further biogr. refs.).



Guillaumin, A., Les fleurs des Jardins xxxvin, pl. 13. 1929 (portr.).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 556. 1969 (coll.).

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Chr. Steven 75. 1971.

Lachmann, Rev. Sci. Bourbonnais 1954/5: 13-14. 1956 (on Cyclamen linearifolium).

Lacroix, A., Fig. savants 3: 79, 4: 57. 1938.

Magnin, A., Bull. Soc. bot. Lyon 31: 37. 1906; 32: 112, 1907; 35: 21. IQIO.

Moreau de la Sarthe, Dict. sci. méd., Biogr. méd. 6: 337-338. 1824.

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 302. 1969 (b. 19 Jan 1756, d. 1 Oct (11 Aug?) 1814).

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. dipterol. 1: 187-188. 1971 (b. 19 Jan 1756, d. 11 Aug 1814; on O. as an entomologist).

Poiret, J. L. M., Enc. méth., Bot. 8: 742-744. 1808.

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 32(1): 33. 1977.

EPONYMy: Oliveria [sic] Ventenat (1801).

  1. Voyage dans l’ empire Othoman, L’Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premiéres années de la République; . .. a Paris (chez H. Agasse, imprimeur- libraire, ...) 1801-1807, 3 vols., atlas. (Voy. emp. Othoman). Quarto edition: copies: National Library Scotland, Teyler, USDA.

1: “An 9” (23 Sep 1800-17 Sep 1801), p. [i]-xii, [xiii-xiv], [1]-432, [1, err.].

2: 1804, p. [1*-11*], [1]-ii, [1 ]-466, [1, err. ].

3: 1807, p. [i*-11*], [1]-viii, [1 ]-566, [1, err.].

Atlas: “An 9” (23 Sep 1800-17 Sep 1801) (date t.p.):

1: [i]-vii, pl. 1-17 (plants, on pl. 12-15, by P. J. Redoute).

2: [i]-vu, pl. 16-33 (plants on pl. 32).

3: [i]-viil, pl. 34-50 (plants on pl. 43-47, by P. A. Poiteau (43) and P. J. F. Turpin (44-47). Octavo ed.: Copy: FI.

ee ATEO! (See AOE) ap: |i|=x52. 1t|=3O2si [15 elnell:

ee NM Oye (le JOR | Ee ya bin ead

3: “An 12” (24 Sep 1803-17 Sep 1804), p. [i]-1v, [1]-359, [1, err.].

4: “An 12” (id.), p. [1]-456, [1, err.].

5: 1807, p. [i]-xv, [1]-485, [1, err.].

GGO;7, 21 (i|=5 22. [Ie ents.

Allas: as in Quarto edition. English translation: 1801, vols. 1 and 2 combined, p. [i]-xiii, [xiv], xv-xxill, [xxiv], [1 ]-252

and Atlas (contents not noted). Copy: National Library of Scotland. — Travels in the

Othoman empire, Egypt, and Persia, ... London printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees,

..) 1801. Qu.

Olivier, Henri Jacques Frangois (1849-1923), French clergyman and lichenologist; ord. 1874; stationed at Bazoches-en-Houlme, Autheuil, Bivillers; from 1892 retired at Bazoches. (fH. Olivier).

| HERBARIUM and Types: Ecole secondaire St. Francois-de-sales, Alencon; other important sets at AWH, NTM and PC. Exiccatae: L’ Herbier des lichens del’ Orne et du Calvados, fasc. 1-9, nos. 1-450, Autheuil 1880-1884, sets at DUKE, LG, M, MPU, NTM, PC, TL, UPS, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: BM 3: 1470, 7: 954; GR p. 291, cat. p. 69; Hawksworth p. 185; Herder p. 260; IH 2: (in press); Kelly p. 163; Kew 4: 186; KR 564; Morren ed. 10, p. 59; SBC p. 128.

Anon., Nat. Nov. 2: 39. Feb(2). 1880 (Herb. lich. Orne fasc. 1: publ. Jan-Feb 1880).

Hawksworth, D. L. & M. R. D. Seaward, Lichenol. Brit. Isl. 129. 1977.

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979 (lich. PC).

Letacq, A. L., Inv. pl. crypt. vasc. Orne 267-268. 1906; Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat. Rouen ser. 5- 42: 127-128. 1907. (b. 5 Jan 1849; ord. 6 Jun 1874).

Minks, A. et al., notices and rev. of Herb. lich. Orne; Bot. Centralbl. 3/4: 1022-1023. 16-20 Aug 1880 (fasc. 1), 1599. 6-17 Dec 1880 (fasc. 3), 7: 157. 1-5 Aug 1881 (fasc. 4), 11: 107. 17-21 Jul 1882 (fasc. 5), 12: 317. 20-24 Nov 1882 (fasc. 6).

Mitchell, M. E., Bibl. Irish lichenol. 51-52. 1971.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 152-153. 1969.



  1. Tableaux analytiques et dichotomiques de tous les genres et espéces de lichens décrits dans le Lichenographia scandinavica de Th. M. Fries... Autheuil (Orne) (chez auteur) 1881. Qu. ( Tabl. Lichenogr. scand.).

Publ. 1881 (Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1881; Bot. Zeit. 29 Jul 1881; Bot. Centralbl. 20-24 Jun 1881), p. [1]-40. Copies: G, MO; IDC 7097.— For T. C. E. Fries, Lichenographia scandinavica, 187 1- 1874, see TL-2/1902.

Ref.: N.L., Bot. Zeit. 39: 488. 1881.

  1. Flore analytique des lichens de ’ Orne et départements circonvoisins précédée d’un

traité élémentaire de lichénographie avec vingt-deux figures lithographiées ... Autheuil

(Orne) (chez auteur) [1882]-1884, 2 parts. Oct. (Fl. lich. Orne).

1: Mar-Apr 1882 (p. 4: Mar 1882; Bot. Zeit. 26 Mai 1882; Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1882), p. [1]- 120, [121, add.], 7 pl., [123, expl. pl.]. Imprint as above.

2: Jan-Mar (Nat. Nov. Apr(1) 1884), p. [125]-312, 7 pl. Imprint: En vente: A Autheuil (Orne), (chez l’auteur), Paris (F. Savy, ...), Berlin (Friedlander et Sohn ...) 1884.

Copies: FH, Stevenson; IDC 1574.

Published in parts with continuous pagination as supplements to the Revue de botanique as


Volt Wipant yaudate pages of Fl. lich. Orne I I Jul 1882 1-32 2 Aug 1882 33-48 3 Sep 1882 49-56 4 Oct 1882 57-72 6 Dec 1882 73-80 7 Jan 1883 81-96 5 Feb 1883 97-104 9 Mar 1883 105-112 10 Apr 1883 113-124 2 13 Jul 1883 125-140 [?126] 15/17 Sep 1883 ~=—-127-158 18/19 Jan 1884 159-174 21 Mar 1884 175-206 22 Apr 1884 207-238 23 Mar 1884 239-270 24 Jun 1884 271-286 25 Jul 1884 287-312 [?].

  1. Etude sur les Cladonia de la flore francaise ... Auch (impr. et lith. G. Foix), Autheuil

(Orne) (chez Pauteur) 1886. Oct.

Publ.: Jan-Feb 1886 (in journal Bot. Zeit. 29 Oct 1886; Nat. Nov. Apr(2) 1886), p. [i, i], [1]-46. Copy: FH.— Reprinted and to be cited from Rev. de Bot. 4(42/43): [213]-252. Jan 1886, 4(44): 253-258, [259, err.]. Feb 1886.

  1. Elude sur les Pertusaria de la flore francaise ... Toulouse (imprimerie Vialelle et Ce,
  1. Lagoa Oct

Publ.: Jan 1890 (in journal p. [1]-16. Copy FH. — Reprinted from Rev. de Bot. 8: 9-24. Jan 1890.

7o70. Etude sur les principaux Parmelia, Parmeluopsis Physcia et Xanthoria de la flore frangaise

... a Bazoches-en-Houlme (Orne) (chez l’auteur) 1894. Oct.

Publ.: Feb-Mai 1894 (in journal; Rev. bryol. Jul 1894; Nat. Nov. Jan 1895), p. [1], [51]-99. Copy: FH. — Reprinted with special cover and t.p. from Rev. de Bot. 12(134): 49-64. Feb 1894, 12(135): 65-80. Mar 1894. 12(136): 81-96. Apr 1894, 12 (137): 97-99. Mai 1894.

  1. Exposé systématique et description des lichens de Youest et du nord-ouest de la France

(Normandie, Bretagne, Anjou, Maine, Vendée.) ... Bazoches-au-Houlme (Orne) (chez

Pauteur) Paris (Paul Klincksieck) 1897-1903, 2 vols. and suppl. Oct. (Exposé syst. lich.).



1: Jan-Jun 1897 (Bot. Zeit. 1 Jul 1897; Nat. Nov. Sep(2) 1897). p. [1*-111*], [i]-xxxiv, [1]- Bes lit, enn: ||:

Supplément au premier volume: Jul-Oct 1go0o (printer’s date Jun 1900; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1900; ObZ Oct 1900; Bot. Centralbl. 31 Oct 1900), p. [1]-32.

2(1): Jan-Jun 1900 (p. 80, printer’s date Jan 1900; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1900; Bot. Zeit. 16 Aug 1900; ObZ Mai-Jun 1900; Bot. Centralbl. 30 Mai 1900), [1]-80.

2(2): Jan-Apr 1901 (p. 171, printer’s date Nov 1900; Nat. Nov. Mai(2) rgor; Bot. Centralbl. rr Apr 1901), p. 80[bis], 81-171.

2(3): Jan-Jun 1902 (p. 269, no printer’s date; Bot. Zeit. 16 Oct 1902; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1902), p- 173-269.

2(4): Mai-Jun 1903 (p. 426, printer’s date Mai 1903; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1903), p. 271-426.

Copies: BR, FH, NY, Stevenson.

qo71a. Les principaux parasites de nos lichens frangais ... Bazoches-au-Houlme (Orne) (chez

Pauteur) [1905]-1906. Oct.

Publ.: Nov-Dec 1906 (reprint; p. 97 printer’s mark Nov. 1906; Nat. Nov. Jan(2) 1907), p. [1 ]-97. Copy: FH. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Acad. int. Géogr. bot. 14: 206- 220. Aug 1905 (= reprint p. 1-20), 273-284. Oct 1905; 15: 206-220. Mar 1906, 187-200. Sep 1906, 253-264. Dec 1906, 17: 123-127. Apr 1907, 162-167. Aug 1907, 232-240. Oct 1907.

Premier supplément: 1907 (Nat. Nov. Mai(2) 1908), p. [1]-24. Copy: FH. — “Premier supple- ment” ... Bazoches-au-Houlme (Orne) (chez Pauteur), Paris (Paul Klincksieck ...) 1907.

  1. Lichens d Europe €numération, stations & distribution géographique avec clef dicho-

tomique des genres & des espéces ... Cherbourg (Imprimerie Emile Le Maout) 1907-1909,

2 parts. (Lich. Eur.).

1: 1907, p. [i, ui], [1]-198. — Preprinted or reprinted from Mém. Soc. Sci. nat. math. Cherbourg 36: [77]-274. 1907.

2: 1909, p. [1, m1], [1]-172. Id. 37: [2Q]-200. rg09.

Copies: NY, Stevenson.

  1. Les Opegrapha de la flore d’Europe. Etude synoptique, descriptive et géographique ... Bazoches-en-Houlme (chez l’auteur), Paris (L. Lhomme, éditeur ...) 1914. Oct. (Opegrapha).

Publ.: 1914, [1]-24. Copy: W. L. Culberson.

Olmsted, Frederick Law (1822-1903), American horticulturist and landscape architect; designed Central Park, Manhattan; superintendent Central Park 1857-1895. (Olmsted).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

‘BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 28; Blunt p. 294; BM 7: 954; Kew 4: 187;

Rehder 5: 634; Tucker 1: 529.

Allibone, S. A., Crit. dict. Engl. lit. 1456-1457. 1870.

Anon., Harper’s Weekly 34: 753-754. 1890; Time, December 21, 1972.

Barlow, E. and N. Alex, Frederick Law Olmsted’s New York, New York, Washington, London, s.d. 174 p. text with illustrative portfolio.

Deane, B., Garden 3(3): 16-21. 1979.

Fein, A., Landscape into cityscape. Frederick Law Olmsted’s plans for a greater New York City. Ithaca, New York 1967, xi, 490 p. (portr.).

Geiser, S. W., Field & Lab. 27: 165. 1959; Natural. Frontier 279, 294, index 1948.

Hedrick, W. P., Hist. hortic. America, New York 125, 259-260, 337, 363. 1950.

McLaughlin, C. C. & C. E. Beveridge (eds.) The papers of Frederick Law Olmsted, vol. 1., The formative years, Baltimore and London, 1977, xx, 423 p.

Olmsted, F. L., The cotton Kingdom, a selection. Indianapolis, New York (extracts from 1861 edition, with editor’s intr.).

Olmsted, F. L., Jr., & T. Kimball, Frederick Law Olmsted, Landscape architect 1822- 1903. New York & London 1922, xv, 131 p., ed. 2, 2 vols in one, New York 1970, xii, 575

p. (portr.).



Orange, H. J., Longwood Program Seminars 5: 72. 1973.

Reed, H. H., Garden J. 23 (4): 98-103. 1973 (portr.; some thoughts on Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux who planned the great gardens of New York).

Sutton, S. B., Charles Sprague Sargent 378 [index]. 1970.

  1. Standardized plant names a catalogue of approved scientific and common names of plants in American commerce. Salem, Mass. (American joint Committee on horticultural nomenclature) 1923. (Stand. pl. nam.).

Co-authors: Frederick Vernon Coville (1867-1937), Harlan Page Kelsey (1872-?).

Publ.: 1923 (J. Bot. Sep 1923 “early publ. announced”’), p. [i]-xvi, 1-546. Copy: MICH. Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 62: 310-312. Oct 1924.

Olney, Stephen Thayer (1812-1878), American botanist at Brown University, Providen- ce, RI; specialist on algae and Carex. (Olney).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BRY (herbarium Olneyanum); other material at BUF, E, F, GH, K, MANCH, MSC, NY, NYS, US, WELC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 28; Bossert p. 294; De Toni 1: xciv, 2: Ixxxvii;

GR p. 235; Herder p. 253, 279; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 365; Kew 4: 187;

Lenley p. 465; LS 19492; ME 1: 216, 2: 407, 408, 3: 737; NAF ser. 2. 6: 71; Nordstedt suppl.

p. 12; Pennell p. 615; PH 364; Rehder 5: 634; Tucker 1: 530.

Anon., Bot. Gaz. 5: 132. 1880 (Olney professorship at BRY); J. Bot. 11: 320. Oct 1878; Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci. 14: 367-368. 1879 (d. 27 Jul 1878).

Bailey, W. W., Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 7: 116-117. 1880 (herb. left to BRY).

Day, M., Rhodora 3: 259. 1901.

Ewan, J. et al., Short hist. bot. U.S. 92. 1969.

Gray, A., Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts ser. 2. 5: 328. 1855.

Humphrey, H. B., Makers N. Amer. bot. 192-193. 1961 (b. 15 Feb 1812, d. 27 Jul 1878).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgor: 50 (Carex, K).

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 556. 1969.

McVaugh, R., Edward Palmer 62. 1956.

Rodgers, A. D., John Torrey 203, 263, 268, 291. 1942; Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 4, 27, 41, 49, 56, 159. 1944.

Sargent, C. S., Silva 3: 47. 1892 (note).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 376. 1975.

VanLandingham, S., Cat. diat. 7: 4211. 1978.

HANDWRITING: Bartonia 28: pl. 6. 1967. EPONYMY: Olneya A. Gray (1855).

  1. Catalogue of plants, collected by the botanical department of Providence Franklin Society, especially in Rhode-Island, in 1844... Providence (printed by Knowles and Vose)
  2. (Cat. pl. Rhode Isl.).

Publ.: 1845, p. [1]-8. Copies: MO, NY (A. Gray’s copy).

  1. Khode Island plants, or additions and emendations to the Catalogue of Plants publis-

hed by the Providence Franklin Society in March, 1845 (Proc. Providence Franklin Society

1846-1847). Qu.

1: Apr 1846, p. [1]-24, Proc. Providence Franklin Soc. 1(1): 1-24. Apr 1846. To be cited from journal.

2: Apr 1847, p. [25]-42, id. 1(2): [25]-42. Apr 1847.

Copies: FH, USDA.

  1. Algae rhodiaceae. A list of Rhode Island Algae, collected and prepared by Stephen T. Olney, in the years 1846-1848, now distributed from his own hérbarium. Providence, R.I. [Hammond, Angel & Co., Printers] 1871. (Alg. rhod.).

Publ.: Dec 1871 (p. [3]: 1 Dec 1871; J. Bot. Feb 1872), p. [1]-13. Copies: FH, NY, USDA.



Olsson, Peter (1833-1906), Swedish botanist of Varmland, Dr. phil. Uppsala 1866; high school teacher at Norrképing 1864-1902. (P. Olsson, Varml.).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 29; KR p. 564-565; Morren ed. 10, p. 106; PR


Anon., Bot. Not. 1906: 304 (b. 26 Sep 1833, d. 25 Nov 1906).

Olsen, S., Bot. Not. 1949: 269-276 (comments on A. Braun. Fragm. monogr. Charac., TL- 2/717).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Bergiani 3(2): 65. 1903.

  1. Om de svenska arterna af slégtet Equisetum. Akademisk Afhandling, som med tillstand af vidtber6émda filosofiska fakulteten i Upsala for filosofiska gradens erhallande kommer att offentligen forsvaras af Peter Olsson ... pa storre Gustavianska larosalen den 14 Februari 1866 p.v.t.£m. Upsala (Edquist & Berglund) 1866. Oct. (Sv. Equisetum).

Publ.: 14, Feb 1866, p. [i], [1]-37. Copies: H, NY.

Olsson, Peter [Petter] (1838-1923), Swedish botanist and zoologist born in Skane; Dr. phil. Lund 1865; lecturer at Lund 1867-1869; high school teacher at Ostersund 1869-1905. (P. Olsson, Skane).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at BR, C, E, GB, IBF, PC (some of this material may also be of P. Olsson, Varml.).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 29; BJI 2: 43; BL 2: 527, 697; Bossert p. 294; CSP 8: 530, 10: 955; 17: 614; KR p. 565; Rehder 5: 634; Tucker 1: 530.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1923: 159 (b. 11 Dec 1838, d. r2 Jan 1923).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 48. 1905.

  1. Om de jemtlandska fjdlludxternas utbredning inom Sverige af Peter Olsson [p. 60: Aftryck ur Ostersunds hégre almanna laroverks progr. 1890. Ostersund 1890 tryckt 4 Jamtlandpos- tens boktryckeri]. Qu. (emtl. fjalludxt. utbredn.).

Publ.: 1890, p. [1]-60. Copies: H, MO.

Olsson-Seffer, Pehr Hjalmar (until 1903: P. H. Olsson) (1873-1911), Finnish botanist; high school teacher in Finland 1895-1899; travelled in Australia and Polynesia 1900-1902; migrated to the United States 1903; Dr. phil. Stanford 1904; professor at the San Francisco veterinary college 1905-1906; director of La Zacual Botanical station in Mexico 1906-1911; professor of botany at Mexican University; killed by Mexican revolutionaries 1911. (Olsson-

Sefer) . HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHy: Barnhart 3: 29; BJI 2: 127; BL 2: 67, 697; Bossert p. 294;

Collander p. 386-387; CSP 17: 614; Kew 4: 187; KR p. 564; Langman p. 552; Rehder 5:

634; Saelan p. 381-383; SO 2851.

Anon., Amer. men sci. 1906: 239. (b. 14 Sep 1873); Bot. Not. 1911: 134 (d.); Nat. Nov. 33: 232. 1911 (app. Mexico); Torreya 11: 123. 1911 (death in Mexico).

Elfving, F., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. 50: 224. 1921.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 17: 96 (prof. bot. Mexic. Univ.), 128 (killed in railroad accident). 1911.

Michieli, A. A., Boll. Soc. geogr. Ital. ser. 5. 2: 545-547- 1913 (obit.).

Thomas, J. H., Contr. Dudley Herb. 5(6): 159. 196r.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 199. pl.149. 1905 (portr.).

  1. Genesis and development of sand formations on marine coasts ... the sand strand flora of marine coasts... Rock Island, Ill. (Augustana Book Concern, printers) 1910. Oct. (Geneses sand format.).

Publ.: 1910, p. [1]-183. Copy: FI.



Oltmanns, Friedrich (1860-1945), German algologist; studied at Jena under Strasbur- ger; Dr. phil. Strassburg 1884 under de Bary; assistant to Goebel at Rostock 1885-1892; professor of pharmacognosy, later of botany and pharmacology, at Freiburg i. Br. from 1892. (Oltm.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. Some material at BREM and ROST.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 29; BFM no. 1923; BJI 2: 127; BM 7: 955; Bossert p. 294; CSP 17: 615-616; De Toni 4: xliii; Hirsch p. 219; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 188; LS 19495-19497; Moebius p. 454 [index]; Nordstedt suppl. pl. 12.

Anon., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 48: 224-226. 1930 (address 7oth birthday); Bot. Centralbl. 28: 380. 1886 (habil. Rostock); 48: 303. 1891 (e.0. prof. bot. Rostock); 53: 271. 1893 (ord. prof. pharmacogn. Freiburg); 59: 223. 1894 (e.o. prof. bot. Freiburg); 92: 112. 1903 (ord. prof. Freiburg); Bot. Jahrb. 14 (Beibl. 32): 69. 1892, 14 (Beibl. 36): 42; 17 (Beibl. 40): 32, 19 (Beibl. 48): 24. 1891; 32 (Beibl. 73): 5. 1893; Nat. Nov. 13: 473. 1891 (app. e.o. prof. Rostock), 15: 90. 1893 (to Freiburg); 25: 73. 1903 (ord. prof.), 30: 616. 1908 (retires as ed. Bot. Zeit.; Osterr. bot. Z. 42: 35, 72. 1892 (e.0. prof. Rostock), 43: 112. 1893 (app. Freiburg i.B.); 44: 404. 1894 (e.0. prof. bot.), 57: 487. 1907 (dir. bot. gard. Freiburg).

Bergdolt, E., Karl von Goebel ed.2. 261 [index]. 1941.

Fritsch, F. E., Nature 162: 287-288. 1948.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 226. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. “‘1907? [correct ]- LOan ae

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 9: 20. 1903 (ord. prof. bot.); 13: 176. 1966 (as of 1 Oct 1907 dir. bot. gard.); 19: 64. 1913 (Geh. Hofrat).

Maedefrau, K., Gesch. Bot. 282. 1973.

Oelhkers, F., Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 68: (3)-(5). 1955 (O at Freiburg); 68a: 245-248. 1955 (portr., bibl.).

Oltmanns, Fr., Die Geschichte der Pflanzenwelt Badens, Freiburg 1912, 41 p. (address as rector univ.).

Schiller, J., Arch. Protistenk. 53: 105. 1925 (epon.)

COMPOSITE woRKs: (1) G. Karsten & Oltmans, F., Lehrbuch der Pharmakognosie ed. 2. 1909 (see G. Karsten). (2) Co-editor ed. 1 and 2 of Handwoérterbuch der Naturwissenschaften, 1912-1915, 1931-X.

EPONYMY: Oltmannsia J. Schiller (1925); Oltmannsiella Zimmermann (1930).

  1. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fucaceen . . . Cassel (Verlag von Theodor Fischer) 1889. Qu. (Beitr. Fucac.). Publ.: Aug 1889 (Bot. Centralbl. 20 Aug 1889; Bot. Zeit. 30 Aug 1889; Nat. Nov. Aug(2)

MO. - Bibliotheca botanica Heft 14(vol. 3).

  1. Morphologie und Biologie der Algen ... Jena (Verlag von Gustav Fischer) 1904-1905, 2 vols. Oct. (Morph. Biol. Alg.). Ed. 1: 2 vols. 1904-1905. Copies: BR, FI, NY, USDA. r: Aug-Sep 1904 (p. iv: 15 Jul 1904; ObZ Aug-Sep 1904; Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1904; J. Bot. Dec 1904; Bot. Zeit. 1 Dec 1904; Bot. Centralbl. 15 Nov 1904), p. [i]-vi, [1]-733- 2: Aug-Oct 1905 (p. [iii]: Jul 1905; ObZ Oct 1905; Bot. Zeit. 16 Dec 1905; Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1905; J. Bot. Mar 1906), p. [i]-vi, [1]-443, pl. 1-3. Ed. 2: 3, vols., 1922-1923. Copies: BR, FI, NY, USDA. — Zweite umgearbeitete Auflage. Jena (id.) Oct. 1: 1922 (Nat. Nov. Mai 1922), p. [i]-vi, [1]-459. 2: 1922 (Nat. Nov. Nov 1922), p. [i]-iv, [1]-439. 3: 1923 (nat. Nov. Nov 1923; ObZ Nov-Dec 1923), p. [i]-vii, [1]-558. Facsimile ed.: 1974, 3 vols., Amsterdam (A. Asher & Co.), ISBN go-6123-285-6; with additional 1974 t.p.’s. Copy: FAS. — See Taxon 24: 529. 1975. Ref.: Gepp, E. S., J. Bot. 42: 388-390. Dec 1904. Bower, F. O., J. Bot. 44: 106-108. Mar 1906. Kuckuck, E. H. P., Bot. Zeit. 62(2): 353-356. 1 Dec 1904, 64(2): 113-118. 16 Apr 1906.



Pilger, R., Bot. Jahrb. 38(Lit.): 10-11. 1906. Ernst, A., Bot. Jahrb. 34(Lit.): 53-54. 1905, Bot. Centralbl. 98: 175-180. 1905 (reviews Morph. Biol. Alg.).

Omang, Simen Oscar Fredrik (1867-1953), Norwegian botanist; specialist on Hvera- cium. (Omang).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: O; further material at BM, C, GB, H.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 29; BJI 2: 127; BL 2: 50, 457, 697; BM 7: 955; CSP 17: 616; Hirsch p. 219; Kew 4: 188; Kleppa p. 8, 329 [index].

Anon., Bot. Not. 1902: 158 (stipend), 1904: 138 (id.).

Holmboe, J., Norsk biogr. Leks. 10: 484-485. 1949.

Stérmer, P., Blyttia 12: 153-157. 1954 (obit., portr., bibl., b. 23 Mai 1867; Hieraciwm libr. and herb. to O in 1926).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 184. 1905.

  1. Hardangeromraadets Hieraciumflora [Bergens Museums Aarbok 1921-22. Naturvidens- kabelig raekke nr. 7]. 1923. Oct. Publ.: 1923, p. [1]-216. Copy: MO. — To be cited from Berg. Mus. Aarb. 1921-22(2): 1-216.

  2. Die Hieraciumflora im Talgebiete Gudbrandsdalen ... Kristiania (in Kommission bei Jacob Dybwad) 1924-1927, 2 parts (Hieraciumfl. Gudbrandsdalen).

1: 1924, p. [1]-214; issued as Skr. Vid.-Selsk. Kristiania ser. 1, 1924 1(2).

2: 1927 (printed 30 Jun 1927), p. [1]-140; id. ser. 1, 1927 2(4).

Copy: PH.

O'Meara, Eugene (c. 1815-1880), Irish clergyman and botanist (diatomologist) at Dublin; M. A. Dublin 1858. (O’ Meara).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: BM (Diatoms).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 30; BB p. 233; CSP 4: 684, 8: 530-531, 10: 956; Desmond p. 472; De Toni 1: xciv-xcv, 2: Ixxxvii-xc, cxxv (bibl.); Frank 3(Anh.): 29; IH 2: (in press); Herder p. 231; Kew 4: 188; Kleppa p. 91.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 1/2: 383. 1880; Bot. Nat. 1881: 39 (d.); J. Bot. 8: 208. 1870; 18: 128. 1880; Nature 21: 423. 1880 (obit.); Nat. Nov. 2: 80. 1880 (d. 20 Jan 1880).

Deby, J., Bibl. microsc. microgr. stud. 3, Diat. 42-43. 1882.

Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedw. 35: 362. 1975.

Koster, J. Th., Taxon 18: 556. 1969.

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 172. 1904 (coll. diat. 1882).

Newton, Phycol. Bull. 1: 17. 1952.

Prescott, G. W., Contr. bibl. anarct. alg. 235. 1979.

VanLandingham, S., Cat. Diat. 6: 3574-3575. 19785 7: 4211-4212. 1978.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 96. pl. 35. 1903.

Wornardt, W. W., Int. direct. diat. 34. 1968.

Oort, Arend Joan Petrus (1903-x), Dutch mycologist; Dr. phil. Utrecht 1930; from 1929-1933 at the Laboratory for plant physiology, Wageningen; 1933-1949 scientist at the Laboratory of mycology, id; 1948-1968 prof. of phytopathology and director of the Laboratory of plant physiology of the Agricultural University of Wageningen; Dr. h.c. Gent 1963. (Oort).


BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 128, 345; Backer p. 408; Barnhart 3: 31; 1H 2: (in press); Kew 4: 189-190; LS 20500-20501.



Bergdolt, E., Karl von Goebel ed. 2. 200, 202. 1941.

Dekker, J. &. H. de Fluiter, et al., Neth. J. Plant Pathol. 75: 1-26. 1969 (portr., biogr., bibl., list of theses).

Kerling, L. C. P. & J. G. ten Houten, Neth. J. Plant Path., 75(1-2) 1969: 9-18. (research).

Oort, A. J. P., Curriculum vitae and list of publications, mss. 1968 (copy FAS).

Zadoks, J. C. & J. Dekker, Neth. J. Plant Path., 75(1-2) 1969: 22-26 (O as a teacher).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Polygalaceae, in A. A. Pulle, ed., Fl. Surin. 2(1): 406-425. Nov 1939. FESTSCHRIFT: Netherlands Journal of plant Pathology 75 (1/2). 1969.

  1. De Nederlandsche mycenas ... Wageningen (H. Veenman & Zonen) 1928. Oct. (Nederl.

mycenas) .

Publ.: Maart 1928 (cover preprint), cover, p. [184]-255. Copy: FAS. — Preprinted from Meded. Nederl. mycol. Ver. 16/17.

  1. Die Sexualitét von Coprinus fimetarius. Proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de wis- en natuurkunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, op gezag van den rector magnificus. Dr. A. A. Pulle ... volgens besluit van den senaat der Universiteit te verdedigen tegen de bedenkingen van de faculteit der Wis- en natuurkunde op Maandag 19 Mei 1930, des namiddags te 4 uur... Amsterdam (N.V. Drukkerij en Uitgeverij J. H. de Bassy) 1930. Oct. (Sex. Coprinus fimetarius).

Publ.: 19 Mai 1930, p. [i]-vinl, [85]-148, pl. 4-6. Copy: FH. — Main text preprinted from Rec.

Trav. bot. Neérl. 37: [85]-148. 1930.

Ooststroom, Simon Jan van (1906-x), Dutch botanist; Dr. phil. Utrecht 1934; assistant at the Botanical Museum Utrecht 1927-1934; from 1934 in various functions at the Riksherbarium, Leiden (Ooststr.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: L; some further material at BO and C.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 663; Barnhart 3: 31; BFM no. 1419; BJI 2: 127;

BL 1: 104, 311, 2: 423, 424, 425, 426, 697; Bossert p. 294; Hortus 3: 1206 (Van Ooststr.); JW

2: 198; Kew 4: 190-191; Langman p. 758-759; MW p. 512; Roon p. 84; SK 1: exlvii, 5:

ececvil, 8: xxii; TL-2/2727, 2733.

Anon., Fl. males. Bull. 6: 158. 1950 (Buitenzorg stipend.; to Java), 7: 191. 1950 (id.), 10: 354. 1953 (app. lecturer Leiden univ.); Taxon 1: 67. 1952, 5: 2. 1956 (portr. in group taken at Noordwijk, Netherlands).

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit, et al., Blumea 25: 18, 19, 24, 117. 1979.

Maas Geesteranus, R. A., Gorteria 5: 97-115. 1971 (portr., extensive bibliography by L. Vogelenzang).

Ooststroom S. J. van, Taxon 1: 24-25. 1951 (on Flora neerlandica, 1948-x).

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Blumea 19: 1-2. 1971 (biogr., portr.).

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Blumea 25: 48. 1979.

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Editor and in part author of H. Heukels, Gevll. schoofl. Nederl. eds. 13- 18, 1949-1975. see TL-2/2727; idem of H. Heukels en W. H. Wachter, Bekn. schoolfl. Nederl. eds. 6-x, 194.7-x, TL-2/2723.

(2) Maun editor: Flora Neerlandica, vols. 1-4, 1948-1975.

(3) Sentor editor: Gorteria 1-7, 1961-1974.

(4) Convolvulaceae, in A. A. Pulle, Fl. Surinam 4: 66-102. Mai 1932, 468-471. Mar 1937.

HANDWRITING: Flora malesiana ser. 1. 1: cli. 1950.

FESTSCHRIFT: Blumea 19(1), 1971; Gorteria 5(7/10), 1971.

  1. A monograph of the genus Evolvulus proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de wis- en natuurkunde aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht, op gezag van den rector- . magnificus Dr. C. W. Star Busmann, hoogleeraar in de faculteit der rechtsgeleerdheid,

volgens besluit van den Senaat der Universiteit tegen de bedenkingen van de faculteit der



wis- en natuurkunde te verdedigen op Maandag 18 Juni 1934, des namiddags te drie uur... Kemink en Zoon N.V. — Over den Dom — Utrecht 1934. Oct. (Monogr. Evolvulus).

Thesis issue: 18 Jun 1934, p- [i-ix], [1]-267, [1-2, theses, loose]. Copies: FAS, U, US.

Serial issue. Meded. Bot. Mus. Herb. Utrecht 14: [i, iti], [1]-267. 1934.

Opatowski, Heinrich (1812-?), German physician and botanist in Saalfeld; Dr. med. Berlin 1838. (H. Opai.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: BM 3: 1472; Herder p. 339; Kew 4: 191; PR 6837, corr. (ed. 1: 7637); Rehder 5: 635.

  1. De Memecyleis ordine naturali a Decandolle constituto. Dissertatio inauguralis historico-naturalis quam consensu et auctoritate gratiosi medicorum ordinis in Universita- te literaria Friderica Guilelma ad summos in medicina et chirurgia honores rite impetran- dos die xxvii. m. februarii a. mdcccxxxviii. h.l.q.s. publice defendet auctor Henricus Opatowski Salfeldanus ... Berolini (Typis Nietackianis) [1838]. Oct. (De Memecyl.). Publ.: 27 Feb 1838, p. [1]-28, [1-3, vita, 4, theses]. Copzes: FT, G, WU.

Opatowski, Wilhelm (1810-1838), German physician and botanist at Saarfeld; Dr. med. Berlin 1836. (Opat.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: BM 3: 1472; CSP 685; Hawksworth p. 185; Kew 4: 191; LS 19512; PR 6838 (ed. 1: 7638); Stevenson p. 1253.

  1. Commentatio historico-naturalis de familia fungorum boletoideorum. Dissertatio inauguralis, quam consensu et auctoritate gratiose medicorum ordinis in Universitate literaria Frideri- ca Guilelma, at summi in medicina et chirurgia honores rite sibi concedantur, die xxx m. januarii a. mdcccxxxvi. h.|.q.s. publice defendet auctor Guilielmus Opatowski saalfeldanus _.. Berolini (Typis Schadeanis) [1836]. (Comm. fam. bolet.).

Publ.: 30 Jan 1836, p. [i-iv], [1]-34, [1-2, vita], pl. 7 (col.). Copies: Stevenson.

Opiz, Philipp Maximilian (1787-1858), Czech self-taught botanist and administrator; “Cameral Beamter” in Czaslau, 1805, in Pardubitz 1807, “Kanzelist” [civil servant] in Praha 1814, ultimately “k.k. Gameral-Forstconcipist.” (Opiz).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: PR (+ 35.000); much material also at PRC and PRM. — Opiz published many sets of exsiccatae under various titles; for a brief description see Klastersky (1958, p. 25-26) and Maiwald (1901, p. 63-64). Inall he published 126 centuries of plants in an unknown number of sets. Main series: Flora cryptogamica Bohemiae-Boheims cryptogamische Gewichse 1818-1819, fasc. 1-8, nos. 1-200; between 1841 and 1851 Opiz published through his Pflanzen-Tauschanstalt (with the company “Kronberger & Rivnac” in Praha) e.g. Herbarium florae cryptogamiae universalis, 1841-1846 (3 centuries), Herbarium florae germanicae, 1841-1850 (6 centuries), Herbarium florae austriacae 1842-1851 (24 centuries), Herbarium florae bohemicae 1842-1850 (23 centuries).

The Pflanzen-Tauschanstalt was the first plant exchange association, started in 1817; it ultimately counted over goo collectors in many countries. The enterprise was bought by E. Purkyné in 1859 and continued on a more modest scale. The remainder of these collections came to PR in 1945. For the texts and lists accompanying the collections Opiz published the periodical Naturalientausch, 12 Hetfte (1823-1828). An important set of Opiz plants was acquired by PR already during Opiz’ lifetime.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: AG 5(1): 659, 6(1): 740; Barnhart 3: 31; BFM no. 2326; BM 3: 14.72; Bossert p. 294; Clokie p. 219; CSP 4: 685; DSB xxii, 6(4): 182; Futak-Domin p. 438- 446 (main bibl.); GR p. 666, cat. p. 69; Hawksworth p. 185, 196; Hegi 4(2): 848; Herder p. 191, 192, 238; Hortus 3: 1201; IF p. 723, suppl. 1: 132; IH 1 (ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 264; Kew 4: 191; Klastersky p. 138; Langman p. 553; LS 19516-19550; Maiwald



p. 129-138, 281; MD p. 195; PR 6839-6845 (ed. 1: 7640-7644); Rehder 5: 635; SBC p. 128; Stevenson p. 1253; TL-1/934; TL-2/434, 436-437, 1221, 2375; see Kablikova, J.; Tucker 1: 530; Zander ed. 11, p. 796 (d. 20 Mai 1858).

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 18: 328. 1860 (on O’s herbarium); Flora 41: 471-472. 1858; Osterr. bot. Z. 8: 233-234. 1858 (obit.); Prager Zeit., reprinted in Bonplandia 6: 272-273. 1858 (obit., b. 5 Jun 1787, d. 19/20 Mai 1858).

Beck, G., in K. Fritsch et al., Bot. Anst. Wiens 74, 77. 1894 (material at W).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 438. 1880 (herb. PR).

Déséglise, A., Menthae opizianae. Observations sur 51 types authentiques d’Opiz et accompagnées de descriptions avec extrait du Lotos. Deuxiéme mémoire, Lyon, Genéve, Bale, 1882, i, 34 p. (Bull. Soc. Etud. sci. Angers 1881), Troisiéme mémoire, Gand 1882, 17 p. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 21(2). 1882).

Dworsky, F., Lotos 8: 152-158. 1858 (obit., d. 20 Mai 1858).

Heufler, L., Bonplandia 5: 184-185. 1857 (descr. Naturalientausch 1-12, 1823-1828).

Holub, J. & Pouzar, Z., Fol. geobot. phytotax. 2: 397-428. 1967 (analysis generic names Seznam).

Klastersky, I., und Mitarbeiter, Philipp Maximilian Opiz und seine Bedeutung fiir die Pflanzentaxonomie, Praha 1958, 272 p. (main modern study, q.v. also for further literature).

Kihnel, Thad. Haenke 32, 76, 152. 1960.

Maiwald, P. V., Die opizische Periode in der floristischen Erforschung Bohmens, Braunau 1go1, i Jahresber. Stifts-Obergymn. Braunau, Bohmen 1901, 102, 2 p. (detailed information on Opiz’ life, publications and collections; portr., bibl., b. 5 Jun 1787).

Matouschek, F., Verh. k.k. bot. Ver. Wien 1g00: 276-286 (on FI. crypt. Boémiae, 8 Hefte 1818).

Pouzar, Z., Preslia 36: 337-342. 1964 (notes on generic names published by Opiz).

Sayre, G., Mem. New Bot. Gard. 19(1): 38. 1969.

Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 16: 183-184. 1858.

Skalicky, V., Zpravy Cesk. bot. Spol. CSAV 2(1): 1-38. 1967 (on O’s Botanische Topogra- phie Boheims), 6(2): 151-154. 1971 (mss. on flora of Praha) (fide Kew Record), 8: 79-84. 1973 (this mss. was a preliminary text for the periodical ““Naturalientausch’’).

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Blumea 25(1): 45. 1979.

Svreek, M., in KlaStersky, I. et al., Philipp Maximilian Opiz 73-100. 1958 (Catalogus fungorum, quos Ph. M. Opiz descripsit ... , study of O’s taxa of fungi listing types).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) See Berchtold, F., Oekon. Techn. Fl. Bohm. 1(2)-3(2), 1836-1843, TL- 2/434, 436 and 437. We have now seen a copy of TL-2/436, at FI: “Dze Rubiaceen Boheims. Mit Einschluss der Farberrothe. (Rubia tinctorum L.). Monographisch bearbeitet in okonomisch-technischer Hinsicht von F. Grafen von Berchtold, in botanischer von P. M. Opzi, ...” Prag (Gedruckt bei Th. Thabor, ...) 1838, p. [1]-99.

TAUSCHANSTALT: Apart from his serial Naturalientausch (12 Hefte, 1823-1828) Opiz publis-

hed information on his plant exchange society in the journals /sts and Flora. For those in

Flora see: 1: 530-531. 1818; 2: 427. 1819; 5:47, 171, 624, 635-636, 749-751, Beil. 3: 108, 4: 57-

  1. 1822; 6: 624. 1823; 7: 188-190, 753-759 (E. G. Hornung). 1824; 8(2) Beil. 4: 51-52. 1825;

11: 494-495. 1828; 12: 746. 1829, Erg. Bl. 109-113. 1829; 14(2), Int. Bl. 1: 6-8. 1831; 15(1),

Int. Bl. 45-48. 1832 (history; numbers); 17(2), Int. Bl. 13-15. 1834; 18(1), Beibl. 111-112.

1835; 19 (1), Int. Bl. 21(=25)-24(= 28); 20(1), Int. Bl. 11-14. 1837; 22(1), Int. Bl. 44-48.

1839; 23(2), Int. Bl. 8-15. 14 Oct 1840; 30: 311-312. 1847; 31: 255-256. 1848; 38: 510-512,

557-560. 1855; 39: 446-448. 1856; 40: 94-96. 1857.

HANDWRITING See KaStersky et al. (1958), p. 19, 37.

EPONYMY: Opizia K. B. Pres! (1830).

  1. Deulschlands cryplogamische Gewéichse nach ihren natiirlichen Standorten geordnet von

Phil. Maxim. Opiz, ... Ein Anhang zur Flora Deutschlands von Joh. Christ. ROhling. Prag

(Bey Aloys Krammer, . ee) LOwy. Oct. (Deutschl. crypt. Gew.).

Publ.: 29 Sep 1816 (p. 4: 20 Apr 1816; t.p. 1817, but see SY p. 52 for precise aa p. [1]-166. Copy: G. — We have seen no copy with an 1816 t.p. date.



Leipzig issue: 1817 (Regensb. bot. Ges. rd. 5 Feb 1818), p. [1]-166. Copy: Stevenson. — Leipzig (bey Johann Ambrosias Barth) 1817.

  1. Boheims phanerogamische und cryptogamische Gewdchse. V erzeichnet von Philipp Maximi- lian Opiz. Nebst Angabe ihrer gebrauchlichsten Provinzialnamen, ihres Vorkommens, ihrer Verbreitung, Anfiihrung der Fundorte der Seltenern, nebst ihren Findern und Andeutung des landesiiblichen Gebrauchs, ihres Nutzens und ihrer Schadlichkeit. Prag (Bei Carl Wilhelm Enders) 1823. Oct. (Boh. phan. crypt. Gew.).

Publ.: 1823 (p. 168: 8 Feb 1823; Flora rev. 14 Nov 1823), p. [1]-168. Copies: FH, G, H; IDC 5200. — On p. 163-168 a list of exsiccatae (“Erstes Verzeichniss”’). Nachtrage by Opiz in Flora 7(1) Beil. 1: 81-86. Jan-Jun 1824, 8 Beil. 4: 52-59. 1825, 12(2): 114-122. 1829, 15: 653-656. 1832, 18(2) Beibl. 107-112. 1835.

  1. Naturalientausch von Philipp Maximilian Opiz, Nro. 1-10. [11]. Prag (In Commission

bei Carl Wilhelm Enders) 1823, 1825, und 1825, [1826]. Oct. (in fours). (Naturalientausch).

Publ.: nos. 1-10 combined, 1825 p. [i-ii], [1]-290, no. 11; 1826 (t.p.), p. 291-546 (and, in copy BR: 163-166). Copy: BR. — Originally published as follows:

1.Erstes Verzeichniss: in Opiz, Boh. phan. crypt. Gew. 163-168. 4 Feb 1823.

  1. Kweytes id.: [1-8]. 11 Mar 1823.

  2. Drittes id.: [1-8]. 9 Jul 1823 (1-3 combined with the title Naturalientausch).

4.Viertes id.: 21-28. 4 Sep 1823.

  1. Piinftes id.: 29-36. 3 Dec 1823.

  2. Sechstes id.: 37-52. 29 Jan 1824.

  3. Siebentes id.: 53-68. g Mar 1824 (sic not 14 Mar).

  4. Achtes id.: 69-100. 14 Mai 1824.

g. Naturalentausch no. 9: 101-164. 14 Mar 1825.

  1. Naturalientausch no. 10: 165-290. 25 Mar 1825.

  2. Naturalientausch no. 11: 291-546. Prag (C. W. Enders) 1886 [-19 Apr 1827].

[12]. Bewtrage zur Naturgeschichte als Fortsetzung des Naturalientausches No. 12: 547-722. Prag (C. W. Enders) 1828[-1830]; IDC 1071.

_ Copies: Only a few copies of the original separate issues are known (see Maiwald 1901, p. 52- 57); Maiwald provides lists of novelties and notices. Preliminary text: see Skalick¥ (1973).

  1. Seznam rostlin kvéteny Ceské sepsal Filip Max. Opiz. Spisi musejnich Cislo xliv. v. Praze

[in Praha] (v Kommissi u Fr. Riunace) 1852. Duod. (Seznam).

Publ.: Jul-Dec 1852 (Flora rd. 14 Jun-21Jul 1853; ObW 10 Jun 1852: “demnachst er- scheint’’), p. [i1-viii], [1 ]-216. Copies: G, H, MICH; IDC 535. —p. [ii]: “Mala Encyklope- die nauk. Nakladem Ceského museum. Dil x.”’ — For a nomenclatural analysis of the generic names of phanerogams see Holub & Pouzar (1967). Title: “‘a [latin-bohemian] catalogue of Czech flowering plants’.

Oppenheimer, Hillel [Heinz] Reinhard (1900-x), Israeli botanist; studied at Vienna with Hans Molisch; Dr. phil. 1922; with the Spaeth nurseries nr. Berlin 1924-1925; to Palestine 1925; associated with the Aaronsohn family 1926-1931; from 1931-1933 with the Department of botany of Hebrew University; from 1933-1942 physiologist and citricultu- rist at the Agricultural Research Station, Rehovot; from i942 Head of the Division of Citriculture, Hebrew Univ., Rehovot, later professor of horticulture (1952) and plant

physiology (1957). (Oppenheimer).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. Reichert, I., Bull. Res. Counc. Israel 8D: i-vi. 1960 (portr., biogr., bibl.).

  1. Reliquiae aarensohnianae ... 1. Florula transtordanica révision critique des plantes récoltées et partiellement déterminées par Aaron Aaronsohn au cours des expéditions (1904-1908) en Transjordanie et dans le Wadi el-’ Araba par H. R. Oppenheimer avec des journaux de voyages d’Aaron Aaronsohn une préface par R. Chodat, divers documents et



une notice biographique d’ Alex Aaronsohn ... Genéve (Imprimerie Jent S. A.) 1931. Oct.

(Florul. transiord.).

Collector: Aaron Aaronsohn (1876-1919).

Publ.: 15 Mar 1931, map, p. [i-iv], [1]-284. Copy: US. — Reprinted from Bull. Soc. bot. Genéve 22: 126-409 (= repr. p. 284). 1930, publ. 15 Mar 1931.

Continuation: Bull. Soc. bot. Genéve 31, 1940 (publ. 1941), p. [i-iv], map, [1]-432, 12 pl. (with M. Evenari). Also published in book form in a Hebrew edition.

Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines d’ (1802-1857), French traveller, palaeontologist and zoologist; travelled in South America 1826-1834; from then on in Paris as a private scientist; from 1856 as professor of paleontology at the Muséum d Histoire naturelle. (A. D. @ Orb.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: partly P, partly G; some further material at W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Backer p. 410; BM 3: 1473-1475; CSP 4: 687-690, 10: 960;

DSB ro: 221-222; Hortus 3: 1201; IH 2: (in press); Jackson p. 371; Kew 4: 191; Laségue p.

315, 453, 504; NI 1471; PR 2377, 6844-6845; Quenstedt p. 321; Rehder 5: 635; RS p. 121;

TL-1/884, 936; TL-2/see index vol. 2; Urban-Berl. p. 309; Zander ed. 10, p. 698, ed. 11, p.


Anon., (presidential address), Quart. J. Geol. Soc. 14: Ixxiti-lxxix. 1858 (obit.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 438. 1880 (coll.).

Endlicher, S. L., Gen. 257. 1837 (epon.).

Fischer, P., Bull. Soc. géol. France ser.3. 6: 434-453. 1878 (biogr., bibl.).

Glass, B. et al., Forerunners of Darwin 386, 389. 1968.

Heron-Allen, E., J. R. microsc. Soc. 1917: 1-105 (biogr., work on Foraminifera, portr.).

Kiuhnel, Thadd. Haenke 63, 85, 179. 1960.

La Rocque, A., Sterkiana 24: 1-6, 59. 1966 (portr.).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 74. 1946 (1948).

Monty, C. L. V., J. Paleontol. 42(3): 689-701. 1968 (on d’O’s concepts of stage and zone in stratigraphy).

Papavero, N., Essays hist. neotrop. Dipterol. 1: 136-144, 170, 180, 193. 1971.

Portlock, Quart. J. Geol. Soc. 14: Ixxiii-lxxix. 1858 (obit.).

Reiche, K., Grunz. Pfl.-Verbr. Chile 9-10. 1907 (Veg. Erde 8, 1907).

Sherborn, C. D. & Woodward, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser.7. 7: 388. 1901.

Sherborn, C. D. & F. J. Griffin, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser.10. 13: 130-135. 1934. (dates Voyage).

Taton, R., ed., Science 19th cent. 330-331, 343-345. 1965.

Urban, I., Fl. bras. 1(1): 72-74. 1906 (biogr. notes; itin.; b. 6 Sep 1802, d. 30 Jun 1857).

Viaud-Grand-Marais, A., Bull. Soc. bot. France 8: 702-703. 1863.

Weberbauer, A., Pfl.-Welt. peruan. Anden 8-9. 1g11 (Veg. Erde 12).

Zittel, K. A. von, Gesch. Geol. Palaont. 297, 441, 669-670, 692, 696, 705-706, 777, 796, 800, 611. 1858; Hist. geol. palaeontol. 553. 1901.

EPONYMY: Orbignia Steudel (1841, orth. var. of Orbigyna Bertero); Orbignia C. F. P. Martius (1844, orth. var. of Orbignya C. F. P. Martius ex Endlicher); Orbignya Bertero (1829, nom. rej.); Orbignya C. F. P. Martius ex Endlicher (1837, nom. cons.).

  1. Voyage dans I’ Amerique méridionale (le Brésil, la République orientale de l Uruguay, la

République Argentine, la Patagonie, la République du Chili, la République de Bolivia, la

République de Pérou), exécuté pendant les années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831,

1832 et 1833 par Alcide d’Orbigny, ... tome septiéme. 1° et 2° partie: Cryptogamie [3.°

partie: Palmiers] Paris (chez P. Bertrand, ...) Strasbourg (chez V. Levrault, ...) 1834[-

1847]. Qu. (Voy. Amér. mér.).

Publ.: For parts 1 and 2, Cryptogamie, see C. Montagne, TL-2/6237, published 1834-1840 (“1839"’). For part 3, Palmiers, see C. F. P. von Martius, TL-2/5540, published 1842- 1847. Volume 8 of the Voyage, atlas, contains in (1) botanique: 12 pl. accompanying 7(1), in botanique (2) 3 pl. accompanying 7(2) and 32 pl. accompanying 7(3).

Orbigny, [{Alcide] Charles Victor Dessalines d’ (1806-1876), French cryptogamist and encyclopedist. (C. d’Orb.).



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 31; BM 3: 1473, 7: 957; CSP 4: 690, 17: 625;

Jackson p. 12; Kew 4: 191; Langman p. 553; PR 6846; TL-1/935.

Anon., Grand Larousse encycl. 7: 980. 1963.

Fournier, E., Bull. Soc. bot. France 14 (bibl.): 191-192. 1867 (new ed. Dict. univ. Hist. nat.).

Iredale, J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 1: 33-34. 1937.

Musgrave, A., Bibl., Austral. entomol. 247. 1932 (n.v.).

Orbigny, C. d’, Mem. Mus. Hist. nat. 6: 163-203. 1820 (Sur les plantes marines des cétes du golfe de Gascogne).

Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 2: 330-331. 1863, 3: 989. 1898 (b. 2 Dec 1806, d. 15 Feb 1879).

Sherborn, C. D. & T.S. Palmer, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser.7. 3: 350-352. 1899. (dates of Dict. unw. Hist. nat.).

  1. Dictionnaire universel d histoire naturelle resumant et complétant tous les faits présentés par les Encyclopédies, les anciens dictionnaires scientifiques, les oeuvres complétes de Buffon, et les meilleurs traités spéciaux sur les diverses branches des sciences naturelles; — donnant la description des étres et des divers phénoménes de la nature, |’étymologie et la définition des noms scientifiques, les principales applications des corps organiques et inorganiques a l’agriculture, a la médecine, aux arts industriels, etc.; ouvrage utile aux médecins, aux pharmaciens, aux agriculteurs, aux industriels, et généralement a tous les hommes désireux de s’initier aux merveilles de la nature: par Monsieurs Arago, ... dirigé par M. Charles d’Orbigny, et enrichi d’un magnifique atlas de planches gravées sur acier représentant plus de 1200 sujets ... Paris (Au Bureau principal des éditeurs ...)

[1840]1841-1849. 16 vols., 13 text, 3 atlas, bound in 15). Oct. (from vol. 4.on in fours). (Dzct.

univ. hist. nat.).

Orig. ed.: The 16 volumes were published in 12 parts each. The contents of the parts (48, 56 or 64 p.) are still unknown and so are most of the dates of publication of the parts. Iredale (1937) gives some dates of parts, but the information is incomplete. Since the work contains descriptions of several new taxa, further information is desired. Volume 1 was ready by 18 Dec 1841, 2 by 30 Jul 1842, 3 by 1 Jul 1843, 5 by 29 Mar 1845, 8 by 6 Feb 1847, 9 by 17 Jul 1847, 11 by 9 Sep 1848, 12 by 7 Jul 1849 (BF). Botanical authors: Louis Alphonse de Brébisson [Bréb.], Adolphe Brongniart [Ad. B.], Joseph Decaisne [J.D.], Pierre Etienne Simon Duchartre [P.D.], Antoine Guillemin [Gn.], Adrien de Jussieu [Ad. Juss.], Charles Lemaire [C. L.], Joseph Henri Léveillé [Lév.], Camille Montagne [C. M.], Achille Richard [A. R.], Eduard Spach [Sp.].

: 1841, p. [1*-iv*], [i]-ccxl, [1]-649, [1, err.].

: 1842, p. [i-iv], [1]-795, [1, err.].

: 1843 (t-p.), p- [-tv], [1]-744.

: 1844, p. [1-iv], [1]-768.

: 1845, p. [i-iv], [1]-792.

: 1846, p. [1-1v], [1]-808.

: 1846 (t.p.), p. [i-iv], [1]-766.

9: 1847 (t.p.), p. lieiv], [1]-776.

10: 1847, p. [1i-iv], [1]-760.

11: 1848, p. [i-iv], [1]-816.

12: 1848, p. [1i-iv], [1]-816.

13: 1849, p. [1-iv], [1]-384.

Atlas 1: 1849, p. [1, mi], [1 ]-17, [18-19], plates all zoological, see list in text.

Allas 2: 1849, p. [1, 111], [1]-22, idem.

Atlas 3: 1849, p. [i-iii], [1 ]-17, plates [Zool.: 1, 3, 5, 1, 23, 5] botany: Crypt. 7, 8, 16, Monocot.: 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 17, 19; Dicot.: 1-8, 10-12, 14-27, 29-30, 33, 36-38.

Copies: MO, NY, U (series of bot. plates possibly incomplete) See Wheldon & Wesley, Cat. 131: no. 40. 1974 for a copy with the 286 plates in original slipcases.

Ed. 2: 1867-1869, 14 vols. Copy: NY. — ““Deuxiéme édition revue, considérablement aug-

mentée et enrichie d’un magnifique atlas de plus de 300 planches gravées et colorices.”

Paris (au Bureau principal de l’éditeur) Oct.




1: 1867, p. [i*-iv*], [i]-vi, [vii-viii], [1]-694, [1, err.]. 2: 1867, p. [i-iv], [1 ]-808.

3: 1867, p. [i-iv], [1]-752.

4: 1867, p. [i-iv], [1]-768.

5: 1867, p. [i-iv], ]1]-816.

6: 1868, p. [i-iv], [1]-804.

7: 1868, p. [i-iv], [1]-792-

8: 1868, p. [i-iv], [1 ]-807.

g: [1868 or 1869], [i-iv], [1]-784. ro: 1869, p. [i-iv], [1]-784.

11: 1869, p. [i-iv], [1]-784.

12: 1869, p. [i-iv], [1]-752-

13: 1869, p. [i-iv], [1]-716.

14: 1869, p. [i-iv], [1]-604.

Re-issues: See Sherborn and Palmer (1899) and Iredale (1937) for re-issues. There was no reprint with changed type, except for volume 1. Sets with various t.p. dates are encountered, e.g. with (almost) all volumes dated 1849 and 1861. A “Nouvelle edition, revue, considérablement augmentée et enrichi d’un atlas de 340 planches graves sur acier et coloriées 4 la main” Paris (Abel Pilon et Cie, éditeurs ...) is undated (copy: USDA).

  1. Essai sur les plantes marines des cétes du golfe de Gascogne, et particuliérement sur celles du

départment de la Charente-inferieure [Paris 1820]. Qu.

Publ.: 1820, p. [1]-40, 1 chart. Copy: FI. - Reprinted and to be cited from Mém. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris 6: 163-203. 1820.

Orcutt, Charles Russell (1864-1929), American San Diego based naturalist and collec- tor working on the floras of Southern California, Mexico, Jamaica and Haiti. (Orcutt).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: DS; bryophytes: UBC-DS (also FH, CANM); duplicates in many herbaria. (see Sayre 1975).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1475, 2297; Bossert p. 295; CSP 12: 548, 17: 625-626; GR p. 236; Hortus 3: 1201 (“Orcutt”); IH 1 (ed. 6): 362) 2: (im press) ime we7 mee Langman p. 553-555; Lenley p. 318; NW p. 54; Pennell p. 615; PH p. 508 [index]; Rehder 5: 636; Tucker 1: 531; Zander ed. 10, p. 698, ed. 11, p. 796.

Anon., Amer. men sci. ed. 2. 352. 1910, ed. 3. 517. 1921.

Du Shane, H., The Baja California travels of Charles Russel Orcutt, Los Angeles, Calif. (Dawson’s Book Shop) 1971, 75 p.

Hitchcock, A. S. & A. Chase, Man. grass. U.S. 988. 1951 (epon.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. Inf. Kew rgot: 50.

Jaeger, E. C., Source-book biol. names terms ed. 3. 318. 1966.

Jepson, W. R., Madrofnio-1: 273-274. 1929.

Knobloch, I. W., Pl. coll. N. Mexico 49-51. 1979 (b. 27 Apr 1864, d. 24 Aug. 1929, colls., itin.).

McVaugh, R., Edward Palmer 63-64. 1956; Contr. Mich. Herb. 9: 288. 1972. (Mexican collections and itineraries).

Mains, E. B., in W. A. Donnelly et al., The University of Michigan 1454. 1956 (coll. MICH).

Moldenke, H. N., Plant Life 2: 74. 1946 (1948).

Murray, G., Hist. coll. BM(NH) 1: 172. 1904 (pl. BM).

Osborn, H., Fragm. entom. hist. 117, 299. 1937.

Rodgers, A. D., Amer. bot. 1873-1892, p. 156, 203-204, 207, 234, 294-295. 1944.

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(3): 376. 1975 (colls.); Bryologist 80: 515. 1977 (culls. )

Steere, W. C., Bot. Rev. 43: 292. 1977.

Thomas, J. H., Huntia, 3: 37. 1969.

Wiggins, I. L., Fl. Baja California 42. 1980.


ORCUTT COMPOSITE WORKS: editor The West American Scientist, vols. 1-21, 1885-1919. EPONYMY: Orcuttia Vasey (1886).

  1. Southern and lower California flora. C. R. Orcutt, San Diego, California, U.S.A. [1883].

(S. Calzf. fi.). Publ.: Sep 1883 (fide annot. on copies), p. [1 ]-4. Copies: NY, USDA. — List of plants for sale.

  1. Hlora of Southern and Lower Califorma. A check-list of the flowering plants and ferns, . . . San Diego, California, U.S.A. 1885. (Fl. S. Calif.).

Publ.: Jan 1885 (TBC Feb-Mar 1885), cover (with above title), p. [1 ]-13. Copies: McVaugh, MICH, NY(2).

  1. California trees and flowers. Descriptions of the wild flowers, ornamental trees and shrubs, ferns, lilies and Cacti, with other information. Illustrated ... San Diego, California (The Orcutt Seed and Plant Company, ...) 1891. (Calif. trees shrubs).

Publ.: 1891, cover [with above title], [1]-32, [1-2, price list]. Copy: NY.

  1. Review of the Cactaceae ... San Diego, California, U.S.A. 1897-1902, 3 ‘““volumes’’.

(Rev. Cact.). an CH) an Sul V8O7,. [0 |-9 0 West Amer. Sci. (2): 31Jan 1899, p. [32]-56 1183): 1-8. 3): Apr 1899, p. 57-72 r1(. .): 9-16. 4): Apr 1900, p. [73]-80 11(87): 17-24. 2 (5): Jul rgoo, p. [81]-84 11(Q1): 57-60. 6): Aug rgoo, p. [85]-88 nv. 7): Jan 1902, col. [89]-94 n.v. Geo). Aug 1902.;col. 1-20 13(116): 1-20. g): Sep 1902, col. 21-36 13(117): 21-36. (10): Oct 1902, col. 37-52 13(118): 37-52. (11): Nov 1902, col. 53-68 3(119): 53-68.

Copy: USDA (incomplete). Ref.: Britten, J., J. Bot. 36: 71, 144. 1898 (“‘execrably printed on wretched paper, abounds in misprints ... we have seldom seen a more unprepossessing publication.’’).

  1. Botany of Southern Califorma a check Jist of the flowering plants, ferns, marine algae,

etc., known to occur in San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles

counties, California, and north Baja California, with notes, and descriptions of many

species ... San Diego, California. gor. Oct. (Bot. S. Calif.).

Publ.: 1901 (Bot. Zeit. 16 Oct 1901; Nat. Nov. Jun(2) 1901), p. [i-ti], col. [41/42]-171/172. Copies: NY, US, USDA. — Reprinted from W. Amer. Sci. 11: 41/42-171/172. 1901, as follows:

columns West Amer. Sci. columns West Amer. Sci. 41-64 11(93), Sep 1900 97-104, ee Jan 1901 65-80 Sas Oct 1900 105-110 11(98), Feb rgor 81-88 11(95), Nov 1900 111-142 11(99), Mar rgo1 89-96 11(96), Dec 1900 143-172 11(100), Apr 1901.

  1. American plants ... San Diego, California 1907-1912, 3 vols. Oct. (Amer. pi.). 1(1): Jan 1907, col. 1/2-31/32.

(2): [Jan] 1907, col. 33/34-63/64.

(3): Jan] 1907, col. 65/66-95/96.

(4): Feb 1907, col 97/98-127/128.

(5): Mar 1907, col. 129/130-159/160.

(6): Apr 1907, col. 161/162-191/192.

(7): [n.v.], col. 193/194-223/224.



(8/9): [n.v.], col. 225/226-287/288. (10): Jul 1908, col. 289/290-319/320. (11): Aug 1908, col. 321/322-351/352. (12): Sep 1908, col. 353/354-383/384, frontisp., p. [i, volume title]. 2: 1909, frontisp., p. [i-vi], col. 385/386-787/788, 7 pl. 3: 1910, p. [i-v], pl. 12-39, col. 789/790-1075/1076. Copies: MICH, MO, USDA.

Ordoyno, Thomas (//. 1790s-1810s), British nurseryman and seedsman of Newark-on- Trent. (Ordoyno).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 32; BB p. 233; BL 2: 262, 698; BM 3: 1476; Desmond p. 473; Jackson p. 258; Kew 4: 192; PR 6847 (ed. 1: 7648); Rehder 5: 636; SO add. 786b; Tucker 1: 531.

  1. Flora nollinghamiensis, or a systematic arrangement of the plants growing naturally in the county of Nottingham; with their Linnaen [sic] and English names, generic and specific characters in Latin and English, places of growth, and time of flowering. By Thomas Ordoyno, ... Newark (printed for the author by S. and J. Ridge ... And sold by B. Crosby, and Co. ... London) 1807. Oct. (FU. nottingh.).

Publ.: 1907 (p. [2]: 5 Aug 1907), [i*], [1]-7, [i]-v, [vi, err.], [1]-344. Copy: USDA.

Ordway, John Morse (1823-1909), American chemist and botanist; A. M. Dartmouth 1847, later at Tulane University, New Orleans. (Ordway).

HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 32; CSP 4: 691-602, 8: 535, 10: 960; ME 2: 55. Poggendorff, J. C., Biogr.-lit. Handw.-Buch 5(2): 923. 1926 (b. 1823, d. 4 Jul 1909), (see also vols. 3 and 4).

  1. Analytical key to the natural orders of the vegetable kingdom. Printed for the use of students in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Boston (W. J. Schofield, printers ...) 1881. (Anal. key nat. ord.).

Publ.: 1881, p. [1]-94. Copies: FH, NY. — Author’s name given on cover.

Ormezzano, Quentin Jean Baptiste (1854-1912), French botanist and building con- tractor at Autun. (Ormezzano).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: A teratological collection (and other material?) at AUT.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 32: BL 2: 196, 698; Tucker 1: 531.

Anon., Rev. sci. Bourbon. 25: 101-102. 1912 (obit.).

Chateau, E., Soc. Hist. nat. Autun, Bull. 26: 15-21. 1913 (obit., b. 15 Sep 1854, d. 15 Aug IQI2).

  1. Florule raisonnée du Brionnais par MM. Q, Ormezzano & E. Chateau avec la colla-

boration de M. le Dr. X. Gillot, Autun (Imprimerie et librairie Dejussieu) 1908. Oct.

Co-author: Emile Chateau (fl. 1906); collaborator: Francois Xavier Gillot (1842-1910).

Publ.: 1906-1908 (in journal; reprint 1908; Nat. Nov. Oct(1,2) 1908), p. [i-ii], [1]-213, map. Copy: NY. — Reprinted and to be cited from Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Avene 19: [221 ]- 322, map. 1906, 20: 49-114. 1907, 21: 53-90. 1908.

Orphanides, Theodoros Georgios (1817-1886), Greek botanist and poet; studied in Paris; from 1848 professor of botany in Athens. (Orph.).

HERBARIUM and Types: ATHU; also material at ACA and HUTH and a large set at WU. —

Exsiccatae: Flora graeca exsiccata, cent. 1-8, 1853-1862, sets in many herbaria. See Heldreich (1877) for a catalogue of O’s Leguminosae.



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BiloGRAPHY: AG 3: 211; Barnhart 3: 32; BM 3: 1478; Bossert p. 295;

Clokie p. 219; CSP 12: 540, 17: 631; Herder p. 281, 363; Hortus 3: 1201 (“Orph.”’); IH 1

(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Jackson p. 313, 431; Kew 4: 194; Morren ed. 10, p. 25; PR 6850;

Rehder 5: 637; TL-2/2597; Urban-Berl. p. 380; Zander ed. 10, p. 698, ed. 11, p. 796.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 28: 31. 1886 (d. 17 Aug 1886); Bot. Jahrb. 8 (Beibl. 17): 1. 1886; Bot. Gaz. 11(12):342. 1886; Bot. Not. 1887: 47 (d. 17 Aug 1886); Bot. Zeit. 44: 803. 1886.

Beek, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 150. 1888 (pl. W).

Boissier, E., Fl. Orient. 1: xiv-xv, xvi. 1867.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 438. 1880.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 254. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. Athens 1849-1882).

Heldreich, Th, v., Gatalogus systematicus herbarii Orphanidis, Florentiae 1877, see TL- 2/2597. (Cat. Leguminosae); T. G. Orphanides os botanikos skiagrafia, s.l.n.d., 15 p. (portr.; copy at DS).

Hooker, W. J., J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 253-254. 1851 (prospectus Fl. graeca exs.).

Jackson, B. D., Bull misc. Inf. Kew 1901: 50 (1421 pl. K).

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 364. 1864.

Kanitz, A., Magy. novén. Lap. 10: 169. 1886 (d.).

Lindemann, E. v., Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou 61(1): 51. 1886.

Murray, G., Hist. Coll. BM(NH) 1: 172. 1904 (1042 sp. BM).

Orphanides, Th., Bonplandia 1: 231. 1853 (Fl. graeca exs. to be distr. through Hohen- acker).

Steinberg, C. H., Webbia 34: 61. 1979 (impt. coll. at FI).

EPONYMY: Orphanidesia Boissiera et Balansa (1875); Orphanidesites R. Gaspary (1880).

  1. Prospectus flora graeca exsiccata. Collection de plantes rares et intéressantes de la Gréce ... Athénes (Imprimerie de C. Nicolaides philadelphien) 1850. (Prosp. fl. Graeca exs.). Publ.: 1850 (p. 6: 15 Sep 1850), p. [1]-16. Copy: G.

Ortega, Casimiro Gomez [de] (1740-1818), Spanish botanist; director of the Madrid botanical Garden 1771-1801. (Ort.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: MA; other material at BM, E (in herb. Giseke), H., and P-HAL. | NOTE ON NAME: Often alphabetized as Gomez Ortega, G. [de].

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 62, 3: 33; BM 3: 1479; Colmeiro 1: clxxvi-

clxxviii, penins. p. 125, 166-169; Dawson p. 641-642; Dryander 3: 22, 27, 33, 146, 286, 481;

Frank 3(Anh.): 73; Herder p. 77, 94, 141; Hortus 3: 1201 (““Ort.”’); Jackson p. 446; Kew 4:

195-196; Langman p. 321; NAF ser. 2. 2: 158; NI 1472-1473; Plesch p. 352; PR 6851-6859

(ed. 1: 7652-7660); Rehder 5: 637; RS p. 85; SO 450, 587, 588, 589, 689; Sotheby no. 576;

TL-1/937-938, 1017; TL-2/see A. v. Haller; Tucker 1: 531; Zander ed. 10, p. 698; ed. 11, p.


Anon., Encicl. univ. illustr., Barcelona, 26: 559-560. 1925.

Dandy, J. E., Regn. veg. 51: 17, passim. 1967 (on O’s generic names of 1773).

Dawson, W. R., Smith papers 72. 1934.

Harvey, J. H., Garden Hist. 2(3): 22-26. 1974 (b. 1741, d. 1810); 3(2): 22. 1975 (correction: b. 4 Mar 1740, d. 30 Aug 1818; cites paper by Roldan y Guerrero at 15th Int. Congr. Hist. Med., Madrid 1956).

Kukkonen, I., Herb. of Chr. Steven 76. 1971.

Leon, N., Bibl. bot.-mexic. 204. 1895.

Munoz Medina, D. J., Hist. desarr. bot. Espana 11. 1969.

Murray, G., Hist. coll, BM(NH) 1: 172. 1904 (pl. sent to Banks, 1777).

Rothmaler, W., Rep. Spec. nov. 49: 54-56. 1940 (on Tabulae botanicae).

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 290. 1971.

Steele, A. R., Flowers for the King 366 [index; many entries! ]. 1964.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 119-120. 1898.

COMPOSITE WORKs: Quer y Martinez, J., Mlora espavola, continuacion ... ordenada ... y publicada ... por C. G. de Ortega, vols. 5 & 6, Madrid 1784, see under Quer.



EPoNyMy: Ortega Linnaeus (1753), corr. Ortegia Linnaeus (1754); Ortegaea Post et O. Kuntze (1903, orth. var.). Note: Ortegocactus E. J. Alexander (1961) honors the Ortega family of San José Lachiguiri, Mexico.

  1. Casimiri Gomezii Ortegae, ... Tabulae botanicae, in quibus classes, sectiones, et

genera plantarum in Institutionibus Tournefortianis tradita synoptice exhibentur, in usum

praelectionum botanicarum. Matriti [Madrid] (apud Joachimum Ibarra, ...) 1773. Qu.

(Tab. bot.).

Publ.: 1773, p- [1]-39. Copy: FI. — Ortega validated some Tournefortian names hitherto not taken up by any other author. See Rothmaler (1940) for a list of notes and new combinations.

Later edition: Tablas botdnicas, 1783, see below.

  1. Historia natural de la Malagueta, o pimienta de tavasco, y noticia de los usos, virtudes y exéncion [sic] de derechos de esta saludable y gustosa especia, con la lamina de su arbol... Madrid (por D. Joachin [sic] Ibarra impresor de Camara de S$.M.) 1780. Qu. (Hist. nat. Malagueta).

Publ.: 1780, frontisp., [i], 1-34. Copy: PH.

yx10. Tablas botdnicas, en que se explican sumariamente las clases, secciones y géneros de

plantes que trae Tournefort en sus Instituciones: 4 que se anaden en cada género los

nombres Espanoles de muchas especies de vegetables, y la explicacion de algunas voces facultativas. Para el uso de varias lecciones y herborizaciones botanicas . .. en Madrid (enla

Imprenta real) 1783. Oct. (Tabl. bot.).

Publ.: 1783, p. {1-xvi], [1 ]-167, [36 unnumbered p.]. Copies: National Library of Scotland (inf. J. Edmonston), HU (inf. R. Kiger).— A much enlarged Spanish version of the 1773 Tab. bot. (see above). The UH copy has also a Latin t.p., Tabulae botanicae, ... Matriti (ex Typographia Regia) 1783.

  1. Curso elemental de botdnica, tedrico y practico, dispuesto para la ensefiaza del Real Jardin botanico de Madrid ... en Madrid (en la Imprenta Real) 1785. (Curso elem. bot.). Co-author (ed. 1): Antonio Paula y Verdera (x-1793). Ed. 1: 1785 (J. libr. 15 Apr 1786). Copy: WU (inf. W. Gutermann).

Parte tedrica: p. [i*-xii*], [i]-xiv, [1]-226.

Parte prdactica: p. {i*-1v*], [i]-xl, 1-184.

Ed. 2: 1795. Copies: FI, HU, NY, USDA. — Segunda edicion corregida, aumentada é ilustrada con laminas... En Madrid (en la Imprenta de la viuda é hijo de Marin) 1795. Qu.

Parte téorica: engr. t.p., p. [i-xvi], 1-256, pl. 7-9 (uncol. copp.). Parte practica: p. [i]-xliv, [1]-240, 7 pl. (id., syst. sex.).

Italian translation see below, Corso elementare teorico di botanico.

Mexican ed. (of ed. 1): mentioned by TR (6858): ‘“‘por D. Felipe de Zuniga y Ontiveros 1788.” Qu. ix, 108 p.

  1. Corso elementare teorico di botanico.ed introduzione alla parte pratica per l’amma-

estramento che si fa nel r. Giardino di Madrid ... traduzione dalla Spagnuola, Parma

(dalla Reale Stamperia) 1888. Oct. (Corso elem. bot.).

Translation by: Giambattista Gualteri.

Ed. 1: 1788, p. [i*-x11*], i-xxx, 1-328, i-xxix, 2 charts. Copies: BR, MICH, PH.

Ed. 2: An I. Repub. Ital. (1796-1797; Cispadane republic founded Oct 1796), p. [1]-xxxviil, 1-242, i-xxvill. Copy: FI. — Nuova edizione reveduta, e corretta. Brescia (dalla Tipografia dipartimentale).

  1. Caroli Linnaei, botanicorum principis, Philosophia botanica, annotationibus, expla-

nationibus, supplementis aucta cura, et opera Casimiri Gomez Ortega ... accedunt J.

Andr. Murray nomina trivialia. Matriti (ex typogr. viduae, et filii Petri Marin.) 1792. Oct.

(Philos. bot.).

Publ.: 1792, p. [i*], i-viii, [1 ]-4.26, rz pl. (pl. rr on p. 307). Copy: NY. — Heavily annotated and amended version of Linnaeus, C., Philosophia botanica (1751). See SO 450 and also TL-2/4760 under no. 12.



  1. Casimiri Gomezii Ortegae novarum, aut rariorum plantarum horti reg. botan. matrit.

descriptionum decades, cum nonnullarum iconibus ... Superiorum permisso. Matriti [Ma-

drid] (ex typographia Ibarriana) 1797-1800. Qu. (Nov. pl. descr. dec.).

1-4: 1797, p. [i-vili], [1]-51, pl. 1-6 (uncol. copp. by Is. Galvez).

5-6: 1798, p- [i-iv], 53-80, pl. 7-10 (preface: pridie Idus maj.).

7-8: 1798, p. [i-iv], 81-108, pl. 11-73.

g-10: 1800, p. [i], 109-138, pl. 14-18.

Copies: MICH, NY, USDA(1-4); IDC 5531; General t.p. (copies: NY, PH): Casimiri Gomezii Ortegae, ... novarum ... iconibus. Centuria I. Superiorum permissu Matriri mdccc. Ex typographia mariniana.

Ortega, Jesus Gonzalez (1876-1936), Mexican botanist. (J. Gonz. Ort.).

HERBARIUM and Types: Material at C, CAS, DS, E, F, G, ISC, K, LAU, M, MEXU, MIN, MO, NY, PH, POM, US.

NAME: Properly alphabetized as Gonzalez Ortega, O.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 2: 64 (b. 3 Mar 1876, d. 11 Jun 1936), 3: 33; BL 1: 152, 311; Langman p. 325-326. Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 116. 1970.

  1. Flora indigena de Sinaloa ... Mazatlan, Sin. (Imprenta de la Escuela preparatoria)

Publ.: 1929, p. [1-26]. Copy: MICH. — Langman (p. 325) states that this publication and the two catalogues (see below) were originally published in the Boletin de Pro-Cultura Regional S.C.C. 1(1), 1929 unpaged, continued in nos. 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15 to Dec 1930 and 33-37. (copy: MICH). Our data are incomplete; the publication merits further research.

  1. Catdlogo alfabético de los nombres vulgares de las plantas de Sinaloa con su sinonimia botanica. Mazatlan, Sin. (Imprenta de la Escuela preparatoria) 1929. (Cat. alf. pl. Sinaloa). Publ.: 1929, p. [1]-17-. Copies: McVaugh, MICH.

  2. Catdlogo sistemdtico de las plantas de Sinaloa. Mazatlan, Sin. (Imprenta de la Escuela preparatoria) 1929. (Cad. szst. pl. Sinaloa). Publ.: 1929, p. [1]-50. Copies: McVaugh, MICH.

Ortloff, Fr. (x-1896), German bryologist at Coburg. (Ortloff). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: JE. BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 33; BM 3: 1479; IH 2: (in press).

  1. Die Stammblitter von Sphagnum, microphotographisch nach der Natur aufgenommen

und herausgegeben von Dr. Fr. Ortloffin Coburg, in 66 Lichtdruckbildern der Dietz’schen

Hofbuchdruckerei daselbst. Coburg (im Selbstverlag des Herausgebers) 1891. Oct.

(Stammblatt. Sphagnum).

Publ.: Dec 1891 (p. [v]: Nov 1891; Bot. Centralbl. 48: 28. 7 Oct 1891, rev. 17 Feb 1892; Bot. Zeit. 30 Oct 1891 sic: announcements; Nat. Nov. Jul(2) 1892), p. [i-vili], pl. 1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4-110, 11b, 12-274, 27b, 26a, 28b, 28¢, 29-320, 32s 33-374, 370, 38a, 38b, 38¢, 39-464, 46, 47, 46a, 48b, 49-54 (photos). Copies: NY, PH. — Identifications by C. Warnstorf.

Ref.. Warnstorf, C., Hedwigia 31 (1/2): 75-77. 1892. (in literature received Apr-Dec 1891);

Bot. Centralbl. 49: 207-208. 17 Feb 1892.

Ortmann, Anton (1801-1861), German-Bohemian botanist and pharmacist at Ellbogen and Carlsbad; 1857-1861 burgomaster of Ellbogen. (Ant. Ortmann).

HERBARIUM and rypEs: PR; some further material at MW.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 33; BM 3: 1479; CSP 4: 701-702; Futak-Domin



p. 447; GR p. 456; Klastersky p. 139; Maiwald p. 136, 148, 167, 168, 187; PR 6862-6864;

Rehder 5: 637; Tucker 1: 531. b

Anon., Bot. Zeit. 20: 96. 1862; Lotos 11: 240. 1861 (d.); Osterr. bot. Z. 12: 52. 1862 (d. 25 Novy 1861).

Dilg, P. & W. Ig, Deut. Apoth. Zeit. 118(7): 251. 1978 (member Regensb. bot. Ges.).

Opiz, P. M., Flora 17: 592. 1834 (epon.).

EPONYMY: Orimannia Opiz (1834).

NoTE: We failed to locate a copy of his “Die Flora Karlsbads und seiner Umgegend”’ Stuttgart 1838. A copy was received by the Regensb. bot. Ges. on 1 Oct 1838 (Flora 21: 771. 1838).

Ortmann, Arnold Edward (1863-1927), German-born American invertebrate zoologist and botanist; student of E. Haeckel; Dr. phil. Jena 1886; assistant in botany Jena and Kiel 1882-1886; in palaeontology at Strassburg 1886-1887; at the Zoological Museum, Strass- burg 1887-1894; curator invertebrate palaeontology Princeton 1894-1903; idem Carnegie Museum Pittsburgh 1903-1925, also professor of physical Bost apy: Pittsburgh 1910- 1925, id. of zoology 1925-1927. (Arn. Ortmann).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 33 (b. 8 Aug 1863, d. 3 Jun 1927); BJI 1: 43;

Cattell, J. M. & R. Brimhall, eds., Amer. men. Sci. ed. 3. 240. 1921.

Holland, W. J., Science ser. 2. 65: 19. 1927, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 17: 207-209. 1927 (obit., b. 8 Apr 1863, Magdeburg, Prussia, d. 3 Jan 1927; naturalized citizen U.S.A. between 1894-1903; portr.).

Jennings, O. E., Trillia 9: 92-93. 1930 (refers to biogr. in Pittsburgh Legal Journal 74: 793- 814. 20 Nov 1926).

  1. Beitriige zur Kenntniss unterirdischer Stengelgebilde. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlan- gung der Doctorwurde der philosophischen Facultat der Universitat Jena... Jena (Druck von Julius Hossfeld) 1886. Oct. (Beztr. Kenntn. Stengelgeb.).

Publ.: 1886 (Bot. Zeit. 29 Oct 1886; Bot. Jahrb. 24 Jun 1887), p. [1]-40. Copy: MO.

Orton, Clayton Roberts (1885-1955), American botanist; MS Purdue Univ. 1915; at Vermont Exp. Sta. 1909-1910; Wisconsin Exp. Sta. 1910, Indiana Exp. Sta. 1911-1912, Pennsylvania State College 1913-1927; West Virginia University 1929-1955. (Orton).

HERBARIUM and Types: PUR; further material at PAC and WVA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 33; BM 7: 959; Hawksworth p. 185; Hirsch p. 220; IH 1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Kelly p. 164; Kew 4: 196; Lenley p. 318; LS suppl. 20537-20559; NAF 7: 1080; Pennell p. 615; Stevenson p. 1253; TL-2/781.

Boone, W., Hist. bot. W. Virginia 115, 156, 162, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169. 1965. Garwood, E. J., Geol. Mag. dec. 6. 1: 265. 1914 (epon.).

Leach, J. G. and F. D. Kern, Phytopathology 46: 243. 1956 (obit., portr., b. 1 Apr 1885, d.

17 Jun 1955). Murmill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 36. 1945.

COMPOSITE WORKS: Collaborator with J. C. Arthur, The plant rusts 1929.

EPONYMY: Orlonella E. J. Garwood (1914) is named for the English village of Orton. Orton, William Allen (1877-1930), American plant pathologist; M. Sc: Univ. Vermont 1898; from 1899-1930 with USDA, from 1907-1924 pathologist in charge of the office of cotton, truck and forage crop disease investigations; from 1924-1930 also scientific director of the Tropical plant research Foundation. (W. Orton).




| BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 34 (b. 28 Feb 1877, d. 7 Jan 1920); TH 2: (in

press); Lenley p. 318; Rehder 5: 637; Tucker 1: 531.

Anon., Bot. Jahrb. 27, Beibl. 64: 21. 1go0 (asst. dir. Veg. Physiol., USDA); The Official Record, Washington, D.C. 16 Jan 1930 (obit., portr., d. 7 Jan 1930); Phytopathology ar: 575- 1931; Science ser. 2. 71: 61. 1930.

Ewan, J. et al., Short. hist. bot. U.S. 87, 170. 1969 (err. d. 1920).

Gilbert, W. W., Science ser. 2. 71: 89-91. 1930 (b. 28 Feb 1877, d. 7 Jan 1930; obit.).

Jones, L. R., Phytopathology 21: 1-11. 1931 (obit., portr., bibl.).

McKeen Cattel, J., ed., Amer. men. Sci. ed. 2. 353. 1906.

Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 36. 1945.

Rodgers, A. D., Liberty Hyde Bailey 500 [index]. 1949.

Russel, W., Rev. bot. appl. Agric. trop. 11: 396. 1931 (n.v.).

Stevenson, J. A., Taxon 4: 183. 1955 (fungi BPI).

  1. A partial list of the parasitic fungi of Vermont... from the Eleventh Annual Report of the

Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, 1897-1898. Reprinted by the Botanical De-

partment of the University of Vermont. September, 1898. Oct.

Publ.: Sep 1898, p. [1]-21. Copy: US. — Reprinted with independent pagination from Rep. Vermont Exp. Station 2: 202-219. 1898 which may have come out before the reprint.

Osbeck, Pehr (1723-1805), Swedish clergyman and botanist; chaplain with the Svenska Ostindiska Kompaniet, on the ‘Prins Carl” to the East, 1750-1752; ultimately village clergyman in Halland; Dr. theol. 1778. (Osbeck).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: S (in part), SBT (id.); material from the Prins Carl voyage (1750- 1852) at C, E (herb. Giseke), H, LINN, LD, S, UPS. See Hansen & Fox Maule (1973).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Backer p. 412; Barnhart 3: 33, BM 3: 1480; Bossert p. 295;

Bret. p. 58; Colmeiro 1: exci; CSP 4: 706; Dryander 3: 239-240, 303, 352, 625, 637; Frank

3(Anh. ): 73; Hegi 5(2): 795; Hortus 3: 1201 (““Osbeck’’); Kew 4: 197; KR p. 565-566 (b. 9

Mai 1723, d. 23 Dec 1805); Laségue p. 357, 359, 434, 503; Lenley p. 318; [S‘19578-19579;

MW p. 370-371; PR 6865 (ed. 1: 7664); Rehder 5: 637; SK 1: 395, 5: cccviii-cccix, 8: Lxxiii;

SO 872, 3599-3604; TL-2/see Alstromer, C., Bergius, P. J.; Tucker 1: 532; Zander ed. 10, p.

698, ed. 11, p. 796.

Anon., Bot. Not. 1845: 104 (ref. to entry Biogr. lex. Sv. man, vol.10).

Bernardi, L., Mus. Genéve 198: 11. 1979.

Blunt, W., The compleat natural. 185. 1971.

Bretschneider, E., Early European researchers into the flora of China 88-115. 1881 (list of 319 Chinese pl. known to L., incl. those coll. by Osbeck).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 438. 1880 (coll. S).

Dandy, J. E., Regn. Veg. 51: 17. 1967 (generic names in Dagbok).

Eriksson, G., Bot. hist. Sverige 243, 270, 293, 296, 300, 325. 1969.

Fox Maule, A. & C. Hansen, Sv. Linnésallsk. Arsskr. 1972-74: 75-145. 1978. (corr. Linnaeus-Osbeck 1750-1753, mentioning i.a. plant collected by O in China and used for S]o5 Lele

Fries, Th. M., Brefskrifv. Linné 1(2): 172, 193, 208, 210, 345. 1908; 1(4): 137, 209, 252, 319. IQ1O,; 1(5): 10, 175, 198. 1911; 1(7): 35. 1917.

Fries, R. E., Short hist. bot. Sweden 28. 1950.

Hansen, C., Taxon 21(5/6): 653-657. 1972 (Osbeckia).

Hansen, C. & A. Fox Maule, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 67: 189-212. pl. 1-6. 1973 (O’s collections and L’s Species plantarum; for text of letters see Fox Maule & Hansen 1978).

Hulth, J. M., Bref skrifv. Linné 1(8): 166, 167, 171, 172. 1922.

Jackson, B. D., Index to the Linnean herbarium 16. 1912; Proc. Linn. Soc. 134 (suppl.): 19. 1922.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 300, 469. 1884.

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Chr. Steven 76. 1971.

Lowegren, Y., Naturalienkabinett i Sverige 359-360. 1952 (on his insect coll.).

Makino, T., J. Jap. Bot. 6(11): pl. 1929 (reproduction of pl.2 of vol.1 of the Voy. China, i Tae

Merrill, E. D., Amer. J. Bot. 3: 571-588. 1916 (on O’s Dagbok).



Naudin, C. V., Ann. Sci. nat. Bot. ser. 3. 14: 118. 1850 (epon.).

Nissen, C., Zool. Buchill. 303-304. 1969.

Peterson, B., Medd. Goteb. bot. Tradgard 18: 15-23. 1949.

Peterson, G. & B., Varbergs Museum arsbok 1967: 1-22. (account of Osbeck’s trip to Halland-Bohuslan; portr.).

Roberts, W., Gard. Chron. ser.3. 23: 241. 1898 (Osbeck’s ““China’’).

Scheutz, Bot. Not. 1863: 71.

Stafleu, F. A., Linnaeus and the Linnaeans 149. 1971; zn Daniels, G. S. & Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 25: 232. 1 Jun 1976 (portr.).

HANDWRITING: Medd. Goteb. bot. Tradgard 18: 16. 1919; Varbergs Museum Arsbok 1967: 5; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 67: pl. 6. 1973.

EPONYMY: Osbecka Cothenius (1790, orth. var.); Osbeckia Linnaeus (1753); Osbekia K. P. J. Sprengel (1825, orth. var.); Osbeckiastrum Naudin (1850).

  1. Daghok dfwer en Ostindisk resa aren 1750, 1751, 1752. Med anmarkningar uti natur-

kunnigheten, frammande folkslags sprak, seder, hushallning m.m.... lamte 12 tabeller och

afledne skepps-predikanten Toréns Bref. Stockholm (trycks hos Lor. Ludv. Grefing, .. .)

  1. Oct. (Dagb. Ostind. resa).

Publ.: 1757 (p- vill: 25 Apr 1757), p. [i-vili], [1 ]-376, [p. 1-16, index], p/. 1-12 (uncol. copp.). Copies: NY; IDC 247. — Contains also a text on a trip to Suratte by Olof Torén (1723- 1753). For translations see below (see also SO 3599-3604). For generic names see Dandy


  1. Herrn Peter Osbeck ... Reise nach Ostindien und China. Nebst D. Toreens Briefe nach

Suratte und C. G. Ekebergs Nachricht von der Landwirthschaft der Chineser. Aus dem

Schwedischen tibersetzt von J. G. Georgi... Rostock (Verlegts Johann Christian Koppe)

  1. Oct. (Reise Ostindien).

Translator: Johan Gottlieb Georgi (1729-1802).

Publ.: 1765 (p. xvili: 25 Sep 1764), p. [1*-vi*], [1]-xxiv, [xxv-xxvil], [1]-552, [index 1-26], pl. 1-13 (uncol. copp.). Copy: NY. — The editor, J. C. D. Schreber, mentions in the preface that it contains various new corrigenda and addenda by Osbeck.

  1. A voyage to China and the East Indies, by Peter Osbeck, ... together with a voyage to

Suratte, by Olof Toreen, ... and an account of the Chinese husbandry by captain Charles

Gustavus Eckeberg. Translated from the German by John Reinhold Forster, ... to which

are added a faunula and flora sinensis ... London (printed for Benjamin White, ...) 1771.

Oct. (Voy. China).

Translator: Johann Reinhold Forster (1729-1798).

T1771 (p. vi, Dec 1770)3 ps || x =a g by plan?

21770, Pe (dll, i- 3077s (1-3 enGlexce een tele

Copies: MICH, MO, NY. — The translation is based on the German version of 1765; it is referred to in Index Kewensis as ‘“‘Osbeck iter.’ For the original publication of new names see the Swedish original of 1757.

Osborn, Henry Stafford (1823-1894), American Presbyterian clergyman, college profes- sor and orientalist; ord. 1846; pastor at Hanover, Va. 1846-1849, Richmond, Va. 1849- 1853, Liberty, Va. 1853-1858, Salem, Va. 1858-1859, Belvidere, N. J. 1859-1866; professor of mining and metallurgy Lafayette Coll. 1866-1870; at Oxford, Ohio 1870-1871; prof. at Miami Univ. 1871-1873; later pastor at Millville, Ohio; Dr. LL. D. h.c. Lafayette 1865. (H. Osborn.).

HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 34; BM 3: 1481; Jackson p. 394; Kew 4: 1973 Tucker 1: 532.

Anon., Natl. cycl. Amer. biogr. 11: 495. 1901 (b. 17 Aug 1823).

  1. Plants of the Holy Land with their fruits and flowers. Beautifully illustrated by original



drawings, colored from nature... Philadelphia (J. B. Lippincott & Co.) 1861. Qu. (Pl. Holy Land). Publ.: 1861, p. [1]-174, map. Copy: MO. — Very popular account.

Osborn, Theodore George Bentley (1887-1973), British botanist, MSc. Manchester 1911, D. Sc. ib. 1920; lecturer Manchester 1908-1912; professor of botany Adelaide 1912- 1927; id. Sydney 1928-1937; id. Oxford 1937-1953; returned to Adelaide 1953. (7. Osborn).

HERBARIUM and typgEs: OXF.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BrioGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 34; BJI 2: 127; BL 1: 71, 72, 311; BM 7: 960;

Clokie p. 219-220; Desmond p. 473; Kew 4; 197; LS 37558-37559, suppl. 20582-20595.

Anon., Nature 139: 746. 1937 (app. Oxford); 171: 373. 1953 (retirement); 244: 377. 1973 (obit.); S. Austral. Natural. 48: 9. 1973 (obit.); The Times 6 Jun 1973.

Robertson, R. N. & C. M. Eardley, Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia 97: 316-320. 1973 (obit., bibl., portr., b. 2 Oct 1887, d. 3 Jun 1973).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 4: portr. opp. 72. 1938.

EPONYMY: Osbornia F. v. Mueller (1862) honors J. W. Osborne, a chemist who invented a new method of photo-lithography.

Oskamp, Dirk Leonard (1768-?), Dutch botanist and physician at Utrecht. (Oskamp). HERBARIUM and Types: Unknown.

name: Name and year of birth taken from the Utrecht municipal archives by Lucie Vos. “Diedericus” and ‘“Theodoricus” are later latinized versions of the baptismal name Dirk (not: Diederick).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BroGRAPHY: BM 3: 1482; Dryander 3: 25; JW 4: 400, 5: 247; Kew 4: 198; PR 4871, 4874, 6867-6868, 10678 (ed. 1: 7667-7669); Rehder 5: 637; SO 754; TL-2/3926; Tucker 1: 532.

Anon., Allg. Konst. Letter-Bode 3: 167-168. 1795.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: See J. C. Kraus, Afbeeldingen der Artseny-Gewassen, 1796-1800, 6 vols., text of vol. 1 by Oskamp.

EPONYMY: Oskampia Moench (1794); Oskampia Rafinesque (1838). Note: The derivation of Oskampia Baillon (1890) was not given by the author.

  1. Specimen botanico-physicum inaugurale, exhibens nonnulla, plantarum fabricam, et oeconomiam spectantia, quod, auspice deo ter optimo maximo, ex auctoritate Rectoris magnifici Guilielmi Laurentii Brown, ... nec non amplissimi senatus academici consensu, & nobilissime ordinis philosophici decreto, pro gradu doctoratus et magisteril summisque in philosophia, & artibus liberalibus honoribus, & privilegiis, rite, ac legitime consequendis ad disceptandum proposcuit Didericus Leonardus Oskamp, rheno-trajectinus. Ad. diem iii. Novembris mdcclxxxix h.l.q.s. Trajecti ad Rhenum [Utrecht] (ex officina Abrahami a Paddenburg, academiae typographi) 1789. Qu. (Spec. bot.-phys.).

Publ.: 3 Nov 1789, p. [i-viii], [1]-70, [1-7], [1, err.]. Copres: INNA:

  1. Theodorici Leonhardi Oskamp ... Tabulae plantarum terminologiae, adjecta systematis Linnaei explicatione, nec non praecipuos vegetabilium characteres eruendi methodi bre- vissima. Lugduni batavorum [Leiden] (apud A. et J. Honkoop) 1793. Fol. ( Tab. pl. termin.). Publ.: 1793, p- [1]-8, 6 charts. Copies: U, USDA.

Osten, Cornelius (1863-1936), German botanist and business man in Uruguay; Dr. phil. h.c. Gottingen 1934. (Osten).

HERBARIUM and Types: GOET (especially Compositae) and MVM; other material in B, BAEC, CORD, E, G, KL, NY,'S, Sl US; Z-



BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 35; BJI 2: 127; BL 1: 259, 311; CSP 17: 644; IH

1(ed. 6): 362, 2: (in press); Kew 4: 199; Urban-Berl. p. 380.

Arechavaleta, J., Fl. Uruguaya 2: xli. 1903 (note).

Legrand, D., Rev. Arg. 3: 260-262. 1936 (obit., portr., bibl., b. 11 Feb 1863, d. 6 Sep 1936), Physis 12: 184-187. 1936 (id.).

Verdoorn, F., Chron. bot. 3: 330-331. 1937 (obit., portr.).

FESTSCHRIFT: Ostenia, coleccion de trabajos botanicos dedicados a Don Cornelio Osten en ocasion del lxx aniversario de su nacimiento. Montevideo 11 de febrero de 1933, 364 p., portr.

  1. Plantae uruguayenses ... [Anales Mus. Nac. Montevideo 1925-1929]. Oct. f.

Co-author: Wilhelm Gustav Franz Herter (1884-1958).

Publ.: in Anales Mus. Nac. Montevideo ser. 2. 1: 325-404, pl. 25-29. 1925 [reprinted Montevideo 1925, cover, p. [1]-80, [1, index], pl. 25-28. Copy: USDA.], 2: 103-127. 1925, 301-319. 1927, 3: 43-56. 1929. To be cited from journal.

Osten-Saken, Baron Friedrich von der (I'edor Romanovic) (1832-?), German botanist in Russia. (Osten-Saken).

HERBARIUM and Types: LE (name on labels spelled Osten-Saken (not: Sacken) by collector himself).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Bret. p. 580; Lipschitz, Fontes 2190; Herder p. 211; MW supp. p. 273; PR 6869; Rehder 5: 638; TR 1222; Tucker 1: 532.

Borodin, J., Trav. Mus. bot. Akad. Sci. St. Petersburg 4: 87. 1908.

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 438. 1880 (coll. LE).

  1. Sertum tianschanicum. Botanische Ergebnisse einer Reise im mittleren Tian-Schan ...

St. Pétersbourg (... Académie impériale des sciences ...) 1869. Qu. (Sert. tianschan.).

Co-author: Franz Joseph Ruprecht (1814-1870).

Publ.: Jun-Nov 1869 (submitted 6 Mai 1869; Bot. Zeit. 4 Feb 1870; Flora 27 Dec 1869; BSbF Apr-Mai 1870), p. [1-11], [1]-74. Copy: G.— Published as Mém. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb. ser.

7, 14(4).

Ostenfeld, Carl Emil Hansen (1873-1931), Danish botanist; Ph.D. Kj¢benhavn 1906; inspector of the Botanical Museum from 1900-1918; professor of botany, at the Veterinary College, 1918-1923, and director of the Botanical Garden of Kj@benhavn 1923-1931. (Ostenf.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: C; other material in B, CANB, DBN, E, GB, GH, ICEL, K, L, LE, MO, OXF.

NAME: Papers until 1897 signed C. Ostenfeld Hansen or C. Ostenfeld-Hansen.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BloGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 36; BJI 2: 127-128; BL 1: 77, 136, 155, 156, 227, 311, 2: 47, 48, 54, 57, 324, 457, 477, 688; BM 3: 1482, 7: 961-962; Bossert p. 296; Clokie p. 220; CSP 17: 645-646; De Toni 4: xliv; Hirsch p. 221; Hortus 3: 1201 (‘“Ostenf.”); Kew 4: 199-201; Kleppa p. 329 [index]; KR p. 566; Langman p. 558; Lenley p. 319; LS 19587, 37564; MW p. 372-373, suppl. p. 273; Nordstedt suppl. p. 412, NW p 54: Plesch p. 352: SK 5: ccclx: Stevenson p. 1253; Tucker 1: 532; Zander ed. 10, p. 698, ed. 11, p. 796.

Anon., Bot. Centralbl. 72: 192. 1897 (name change from Ostenfeld-Hansen to Ostenfeld); 83: 176. 1900 (app. Copenhagen); Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl. Rep. 1931: 631 (obit.); Bot. Not. 1903: 34. 1933: 53 (d.); Nature 127. 456. 1931 (d.); Generalreg. Bot. Not. 1839- 1938, p. 111-112. 1939; Osterr. bot. Z. 48: 38. 1898 (name change); 50: 347. 1900 (inspector Copenhagen); 72: 376. 1923 (succeeds Raunkiaer); 80: 80. 1931 (d.).

Christensen, C., Den Danske Bot. Litt. 1880-1911: 186-193. 1913 (bibl.) Den Danske Bot. Hist. 1: 759, 760, 767, 774, 807-813, 818, 821, 824, 825, 828, 831, 835, 843-845, 861. 1926; Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 49: (164)-(168). 1931 (b. 3 Aug 1873, d. 16 Jan 1931, obit., portr.); Danske Bot. Litt. 1912-1939: 54-62. 1940.



Christiansen, W. & W., Bot. Schrifttum Schlesw.-Holst 318. 1936.

Cupp, E. E., Mar. plankton diatoms W. Coast N. Amer. 1943.

Druce, G. C., Bot. Soc. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isl., Rep. 9(5): 631. 1932 (obit., notice).

Fryxell, G. A., Beih. Nova Hedw. 35: 362. 1975.

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 190. 1938 (dir. bot. gard. C 1923-1931).

Gran, H. H., Cons. int. Explor. Mer, J. Cons. 6(2): 171-173. 1931 (portr.).

Hasslow, O. J., Bot. Not. 1933: 53 (portr.).

Hedge, I. C. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 116. 1970.

Lind, J., Danish fungi herb. E. Rostrup 36. 1913.

Nelson, E. C., & Scannell, M. J. P., Glasra 2: 1-24. 1978 (O’s Western Australia plants at DBN).

Olrik, G., Beretn. Bot. Haves virksomh. 1972-1974: 81-82. 1974.

Paulsen, O., Bot. Tidsskr. 41: 269-282. 1931 (obit., portr.) 45: 263. 1940 (portr.).

Rendle, A. B., J. Bot. 69: 79-80. 1931.

Rydberg, P. A., Augustana Coll. Libr. Publ. 5: 47. 1907.

VanLandinghan,, S., Cat. diatom. 6: 3575-3576. 1978, 7: 4212. 1978.

Weatherby, C. A., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 70: 565-566. 1936.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 103-104, pl. 19. 1903 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Contributed to E. Warming, Botany of the Faerées:

(a) Geography and topography e.a. 1: 6-119. 15 Feb 1901.

(b) Phytoplankton, 2: 558-612. 25 Feb 1903.

(c) Additions and corrections of the list of the Phanerogamae, 3: 835-863. 13 Nov 1907.

(d) The land-vegetation of the Faerées, 3: 867-1026. 3 Feb 1908 (rev. A. Bennett, J. Bot. 46: 131-134. Apr 1908).

(2) Editor of Danish ed. of C. A. M. Lindman, Bilder ur Nordens flora, 3 vols., 1901-1907, see

under Lindman.

(3) Sven Hedin, Southern Tibet 6(3), Botany: 27-100. 1922, A list of flowering plants from

Inner Asia by C. H. Ostenfeld and O. Paulsen.

(4) Co-author, L. Marret et al., [cones florae alpinae plantarum 1911-1924, see sub Marret.

EPONYMY: Ostenfeldiella Ferdinandsen et Winge (1914).

  1. Flora arctica containing descriptions of the flowering plants and ferns, found in the arctic regions, with their distribution in these countries, illustrated by numerous figures in the text, edited by C. H. Ostenfeld, ... parti. Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae and Monoco- tyledones, by O. Gelert and C. H. Ostenfeld ... Copenhagen (Det Nordiske Forlag .. .)
  2. Oct. (Fl. arct.). Co-author: Otto Christian Laurits Gelert (1862-1899). Publ.: 28 Jun 1902 (p. il), p. [i]-xi, [1]-134, [1-2, err.]. Copies: MO, NY. Ref.: Bennett, A., J. Bot. 40: 368. rgo2.

Solms, Bot. Zeit. 60(2): 299-300. 1 Oct 1902.

  1. Plantevaexten paa Faergerne med saerlig hensyntagen til blomsterplanterne ... K¢benhavn og Kristiania (Gyldendalske Boghandel-Nordisk Forlag ...) 1906. Oct. (P/.- vaext. Faergerne).

Publ.: 20 Nov-31 Dec 1906 (p. ii), p. [i-iv], [1]-140, [1, theses]. Copy: NY.

  1. Flowering plants and ferns from north-western Greenland collected during the Jubilee expedition 1920-22 and some remarks on the phytogeography of North-Greenland ... K¢benhavn (Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri) 1925. Oct. (FI. pl. n.w. Greenland).

Publ.: 1925, p. [1]-42. Copy: USDA. — Reprinted from Medd. Grgnland 68, 1925.

  1. The flora of Greenland and its origin... K@benhavn (... Andr. Fred. H¢st & Sdn, .. .)

  2. Oct. (Fl. Greenland).

Publ.: 22 Nov-31 Dec 1926 (see p. 71), p. [1]-71. Copy: MO. — Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Biol. Medd. 6(3).

  1. The species of the genus Larix and their geographical distribution ... K¢benhavn (... Andr. Fred. H¢st Sdn, ...) 1930. Oct. (Sp. Larix).



Co-author: Carl Syrach-Larsen (1898-x). Publ.: 30 Jun-31 Dec 1930 (see p. [107]), p. [1]-106, [107, cont.]. Copy: US. — Kgl. Danske Vidensk, Selsk. Biol. Medd. 9(2), 1930.

  1. The flora of Iceland and the Faeroes ... Copenhagen (Levin & Munksgaard ...) 1934.

Oct. (Fl. Iceland).

Co-author: Johannes Gr@ntved (1882-1956).

Publ.: Feb-Mai 1934 (p. vi: Jan 1934; J. Bot. Nov 1934; Nat. Nov. Jul. 1934; copy MO rd. 20 Feb 1935 p. [i]-xxiv, [1]-195, 2 maps. Copies: G, MICH, MO, NY, USDA.

Osterhout, George Everett (1858-1937), American lumberman and amateur botanist; collected in Colorado between 1893 and 1930. (Osterh.).

HERBARIUM and tyPEs: RM; further material at BUT, DS, E, GH, ISC, MO, NMC, NY, POM.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 36; CSP 17: 646; Hortus 3: 1201 (““Osterh.’’); IH 2: (in press); Moebius p. 93; NAF 28B(2): 349; Pennell p. 615; Rehder 5: 638. Allison, E. M., Univ. Colo. Stud. 6: 68. 1908 (bibl.).

Anon., Torreya 37: 71. 1937, 38: 48. 1938; Science ser. 2. 86: 553-557. 1937-

Hedge, I. CG. & J. M. Lamond, Index coll. Edinb. herb. 116. 1970.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mount. Natural. 275. 1950.

Kneucker, A., Allg. Bot. Z. 2: 172. 1896.

Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 75-76. 1955.

Wille, in Engler & Prantl., Nat. Pflanzenfam. Nachtr. 1(2): 91. 1g09.

eEpoNYMy: The derivation of Osterhoutta Gardner ex Wille (1909) could not be determined.

Otero Janez, José Idilio (1893-x), Porto-Rican botanist; librarian and botanical biblio- grapher at the Insular Exp. Sta., Porto-Rico. (Otero).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at A, BUT, DS, F, MICH, MO, NH, U.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 36; BL 1: 230, 311; 1H 2: (in press); Kew 4: 202; MW p. 373. Merrill, E. D., Contr. U.S. natl. Herb. 30(1): 232. 1947.

  1. Catdlogo de los nombres vulgares y cientificos de algunas plantas puertorriquenas ... San

Juan, P.R. (Negociado de Materiales, Imprenta, Y Transporto) 1931. (Cat. pl. puertorr.).

Co-author: Rafael Andres Toro Toro (1897-x).

Ed. 1: 1931, p. [1 ]-248. Copies: MICH, MO, US. — Bol. 37 of Estacion experimental insular, Rio Piedras, P.R.

Ed. 2: 1946 (p. [2]), p. [1]-281. Copy: US. — Segunda edicion por José I. Otero, Rafael A. Toro y Lydia Pagan de Otero.

Otis, Charles Herbert (1886-1979), American botanist and curator of the botanical garden of and lecturer at the University of Michigan (1910-1913); Ph. D. ib. 1913; instructor and later professor of botany at Cornell (1913-1915); Univ. New Hampshire 1915-1916; Western Reserve Univ. (1916-1927) Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison (1927- 1930); Bowling Green State, Ohio (1930-1956). (Otis).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIoGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 36; BL 1: 189, 217, 311; Bossert p. 296; Hirsch p.

221; LS suppl. 20681; Tucker 1: 532.

Anon., Hedwigia 58(1): (88). 1916 (to Cornell).

Gager, C. S., Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 27: 377. 1938 (curator Nichols Arb., Ann Arbor, 1910-1912, acting director 1912-1913, preceding H. A. Gleason).

  1. University of Michigan. Botanical garden and Arboretum. Michigan trees a hand-



book of the native and most important introduced species ... Ann Arbor (Published by the

Regents) 1913. 16-mo. (Michigan trees).

Ed. 1: Mar 1913 (date Bull.) frontisp., p. [i]-xxxu, [1]-246. Copzes: MO, NY, USDA. — Mich. Univ. Bull. 14, 1913.

id. 2: V.

Ed. 3: Sep 1915, frontisp., p. [i]-xxxui, [1]-246. Copzes: MICH, NY. — Ib. 17(10).

Ed. 4: n.v.

Ed. 5: n.v.

Ed. 6: 4 Aug 1923, frontisp., p. [1]-xxxui, [1]-247. Copy: MICH. — Ib. 25(5).

Ed. 7: n.v.

Ed. 8: 1926, frontisp., p. [i]-xxxii, [1 ]-247. Copies: MICH, NY.

Ed. [9]: 1931, frontisp., p. [1]-362. Copres: MICH, USDA. — This edition was reprinted several times e.g. 1961, 1972.

Ott, Johann (fl. 1851), Bohemian physician and botanist at Praha. (Ott).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown. — Possibly some material in the Muhlenberg herb. at PH but not located (Mears, 1978).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1484; Futak-Domin p. 453; Herder p. 192; Jackson p- 264; PR 6870; Rehder 5: 638. Mears, J. A., Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. 122: 169. 1978 (material at PH not located).

  1. Catalog der Flora Boéhmens nach weiland Professor Friedrich Ignaz ‘Tausch’s Herba- rium Florae Bohemicae, ... Prag [Praha](Druck der k.k. Hofbuchdruckerei von Gottlieb Haase Sohne) 1851. Qu. (Cat. fl. Bohm.).

Publ.: 1851, p. [i-1v], 1-60. Copy: FI.

  1. Fundorte der Flora Béhmens nach weiland Professor Friedrich Ignaz Tausch’s Herba-

rium florae Bohemicae, ... Prag [Praha].(Druck der k.k. Hofbuchdruckerei von Gottlieb

Haase Sohne). 1851. Qu. (Fundorte Fl. Bohm.).

Ed. 1: 1851 (p. 4: 1 Mar 1851; Bot. Zeit. 26 Nov 1852 “‘so eben” [sic] p. [1]-48. Copy: FI.

Ed. 2: 1859, p. [1]-48. Copy: NY. — ““Fundorte der Flora Bohmens nach weiland Friedrich Ignaz Tausch’s Herbarium florae bohemicae, alphabetisch geordnet von Johann Ott, ... zweite Ausgabe. Prag (Verlag von H. Dominicus) 1859. Qu.

Ref.: J., Bot. Zeit. 11: 157-160. 4 Mar 1853.

Otth, [Carl] Adolph (1803-1839), Swiss physician and naturalist; pupil of A.-P. de Candolle; collaborator of Seringe; physician at Bern, travelling widely; died of the plague while in Jerusalem. (Otth).

HERBARIUM and types: G-DC. — The “Herbarium Otth” at BERN, mainly mycological, was brought together by Adolph Otth’s brother Gustav (1806-1874).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 37; BM 3: 1484-1485; CSP 4: 712; Hortus 3:

1201; PR (alph.); TL-2/999.

Briquet, J., Bull. Soc. bot. Suisse 50a: 358-359. 1940 (biogr.).

Brunner, Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges. 24: 204-210. 1839 (obit., b. 2 Apr 1803, d. 16 Mai 1839).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 438. 1880.

Candolle, A. P. de, Mém. Souvenirs 332, 386. 1862.

Fischer, E., Mitt. naturf. Ges. Bern 1908: 91-122. 1909 (biogr. of O’s brother Gustav with some details on family), 1914(2): 13, 17, 27.

Pritzel, G. A., Linnaea 19(3): 459. 1846.

Stafleu, F. A., The great Prodromus 29. 1966.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Candolle, A. P. de, Prodr. Silene in 1: 367-385. med. Jan 1924.

EPONYMyY: Otthia Nitschke ex Fuckel (1870); Otthiella (P. A. Saccardo) P. A. Saccardo et D. Saccardo (1905).



Otto, Bernhard Christian (1745-1835), German botanist; Dr. med. 1789, professor of medicine at Frankfurt a. Oder. (B. Otto).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 37; BM 3: 1485; Bossert p. 296; Dryander 3: 482, 646, 652; Kew 4: 202; PR 6872-6875 (ed. 1: 7675-7678); Rehder 5: 638.

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(2): 137. 1903.

Zuchold, E. A., Jahresb. nat. Ver. Halle 5: 45. 1853.

  1. De Phellandri aquatic charactere botanico et usu medico. Praeside Bernhardo Chris- tiano Otto ... illustris facultatis medicae consensu pro gradu doctoris a.d. xvi. Septembris mdcexciii. Publice disseret Johannes Philippus Schwan, ... Traiecti ad Viadrum [Frank- furt a. Oder] (litteris Apitzianis)[1793].(De Phellandri aquat.).

Publ.: 16 Sep 1793, p. [1]-28. Copy: Edinburgh University library (inf. J. Edmonson).

Otto, [Christoph] Friedrich (1783-1856), German botanist and gardener; at the Berlin botanical garden 1801-1843; director of the Schoneberg horticultural school 1823-1843. (Otto).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B (orig. 15.000; mainly destroyed with general herbarium in 1943), duplicates e.g. at GOET and LIV.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BM 3: 1485; DU 185; Frank 3(Anh.): 73; Hortus 3: 1201

(“Otto’’); Kew 4: 202; Laségue p. 334; NI (alph.); PR (alph.) (ed. 1: 7681-7682); Rehder 5:

638-640; TL-1/711-713, 976; TL-2/2215, see Dietrich, A. G., Guimpel, F., Klotzsch, J. F.;

Tucker 1: 532-533; Urban-Berl. p. 380; Zander ed. 10, p. 698-699, ed. 11, p. 796; Zep.-Tim.

p. 69 (b. 4 Dee 1773, err for 1739).

Anon. [prob. F. L. Dietrich], Allg. Gart.-Zeit. 24: 289-291. 1856 (obit., list society memberships); Bonplandia 4: 305. 1856 (d. 7 Sep 1856); Bot. Not. 1858: 13 (d.); Bot. Zeit. 14: 696. 1856; Bull. Soc. bot. France 3: 527. 1856; Monatschr. Pomol. prakt. Obstbau 2: 408. 1856; Osterr. bot. W. 6: 335. 1856 (d.).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 438. 1880 (coll. B).

Hall, N., Botanists of the Eucalypts 102. 1978.

Jessen, K. F. W., Bot. Gegenw. Vorz. 377, 394. 1884.

Kukkonen, I., Herb. Chr. Steven 76. 1971.

Otto, K. F. E. (as -n-), Hamb. Gart.-Bl.-Zeit. 12: 470-473. 1856, also in Flora 39: 652-655. 1856, extract in Bonplandia 4: 338-339. 1856 (obit., bibl., b. 4 Dec 1783, d. 7 Sep 1856).

Regel, E., Gartenflora 6: 64, 160. 1857 (obit.).

Schmid, G., Chamisso als Naturforscher 171 [index]. 1942.

Stearn, W. T., J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. 1: 105-107. 1937 (on Link, Klotzsch and Otto, Ic. pl. hort. bot. berol.); Cactus J. 8: 39-46 1939 (on Pfeiffer & Otto’s Abbild. Beschr. Cact.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Link, J. H. F., Klotzsch, F. et Otto, C. F., Zcones plantarum rariorum horti regit bot. berol. 1841-1844, see under Link.

) Pfeiffer, L. und F. Otto, Abbildung und Beschreibung bliihender Cacteen. 1. Band, Cassel 1843, see under Pfeiffer.

In C. G. Nees, Horae phys. berol. 27-38. 1820 (Plantae rartores ...).

with Albert Dietrich, editor of Allgemeine Gartencething, Berlin, vols. 1-24, 1833-1856. IDC 7362).

Link, J. H. F. et Otto, C. F., [cones plantarum seleotertim horti regu berolinensis, 1820-1828, see under Link.

(6) Link, J. H. F. et Otto, C. F. , cones plantarum rariorum horti regit botanic berolinensis, 1828- 1831, see under Link.


Se Go


HANDWRITING: Candollea 32: 199-200. 1977. EPONYMY: Oltoa Kunth (1821); Ottoa J. A. Schultes et J. H. Schultes (1827, orth. var. of

Ottona K. P. J. Sprengel); Ottonia K. P. J. Sprengel (1820). Note: Ottochloa Dandy (1931) commemorates Otto Stapf, q. v.; Oltokaria R. Zeiller (1902) was named for Ottokar



Feistmantel (1848-1891), a paleobotanist; Ottonosia W. H. Twenhofel (1919) was named for the town of Otto, Kansas, U.S. A.; the derivation of Ottonza Schiller (1925) was not given by the author.

Otto, [Carl Friedrich] Eduard (1812-1885), German botanist and horticulturist at Hamburg; son of C. F. Otto; collected in Cuba, North America and Venezuela 1838-1841; curator of the Hamburg botanical garden 1844-1866; later commercial nurseryman at Altona. (Ed. Otto).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: B (mainly destroyed); further material at BR, K, W.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: CSP 8: 541; Langman p. 558; Morren ed. 2, p. 12; MW p.

273, suppl. p. 273; PR (ed. 1: 7679-7680); Rehder 5: 640-641; TL-2/4333-4334.

Anon., Belg. hort. 17: 244. Aug-Sep 1867; J. Bot. 6: 94. 1868.

Beck, G., Bot. Centralbl. 34: 150. 1888 (478 C. Amer. pl. at W).

Conde, J. A., Hist. bot. Cuba 288-289. 1958 (b. 2 Jan 1812, d. 11 Sep 1885; in Cuba Jan-Sep 1838).

Goeze, E., Hamb. Garten-Blumenzeit. 41: 472-477. 1885 (portr., b. 2 Jan 1812, d. 11 Sep 1885).

H. O., in Moller’s Deut. Gartn., Zeit. 8: 115-118. 1884.

Hooker, J. D., nr W. J. Hooker, London J. Bot. 5: 525. 1846.

Pittier, H., Manual pl. usuales Venezuela 4. 1926.

Seemann, B., Bonplandia 1: 260-261. 1853.

Urban, I., Symb. ant. 1: 120. 1898, 3: 94-95. 1902 (in West Indies, C. and N. Amer. 1838- 1841; itin.).

Voigt, A., Bot. Inst. Hamburg 34, 35, 38, 40. 1897.

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Editor Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung vols. 4(7)-39(12), Jul 1848- Dec 1883, (title of vols. 1-8, 1845-1851, Neue allgemeine Deutsche Garten- und Blumenzeitung, editor vols. 1-4(6), 1845-1848, R. Mettler).

  1. Reiseerinnerungen an Cuba, Nord- und Stidamerica 1838-1841 von Eduard Otto ... Berlin (Verlag der Nauckschen Buchhandlung) 1843. Duod. (Rezseerinn. Cuba).

Publ.: Sep-Dec 1843 (p. iv: Sep 1843), p. [i]-viil, [1 ]-326, [1-2, err.]. Copy: MICH.

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 1: 757-760. 3 Nov 1843.

  1. Verzeichniss von Gewdchshaus-Pflanzen, Stauden-Gewachsen, Baumen und Gestrau- chen, welche im Hamburgischen Garten abgegeben werden konnen. Hamburg (Gedruckt bei Th. G. Meissner, E. Hohen Senats Buchdrucker) s.d. [1861]. Qu. (Verz. Gewdchsh.-Pfl.). Publ.: 1861 (p. 2: Mar 1861), p. [1]-67. Copy: HBG.

Otto, Ernst von (1799-1863), German botanist; landowner at Possendorf nr. Dresden 1826-1856; ultimately at Dresden. (Ernst Otto).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Andrews p. 310; Barnhart 3: 37; BM 3: 1485, 7: 963; CSP 4: 712-713; Jackson p. 185. Drechsler, A., S. B. naturw. Ges. Isis. 1864 (1-3): 8-9 (obit., b. 16 Dec 1799, d. 26 Dec 1863).

  1. Additamente zur Flora des Quadergebirges in der Gegend um Dresden und Dippoldiswal-

de, enthaltend meist noch nicht oder wenig bekannte fossile Pflanzen ... Dippoldiswalde

(Verlag von Carl Zehne) [1852-1860] Fol. (Add. fl. Quadergeb.).

Heft 1: 1852 (p. [iv]: Feb 1852; ObW 30 Jun 1853), p. [i-iv], [1]-27, [28-29], pl. 1-7 (uncol. liths.).

Heft 2: Mar 1854 (p. vi: Oct 1853; Bot. Zeit. 7 Apr 1854; ObW 8 Jun 1854), p. [i]-vi, vii-x, [1]-53, pl. 1-9 (id.).

Heft 3: 1860, n.v.

Copies: MICH (1), NY (1-2), PH (2), USGS (1-2).

Ref.: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von, Bot. Zeit. 12: 346-347. 1854.


OTTO, J..G. Otto, Johann Gottfried (1761-1832), German botanist; Dr. med. Jena 1784. (J. Otto). HERBARIUM and types: Unknown.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 37; Herder p. 244; Kelly p. 164; LS 19617; NAF 9: 444; PR 6876 (ed. 1: 7684); Rehder 3: 701; Stevenson p. 1253. Zuchold, E. A., Jahresber. Nat. Ver. Halle 5: 45. 1853.

  1. Versuch einer auf die Ordnung und den Stand der Lamellen gegriindeten Anordnung und Beschreibung der Agaricorum, von J. G. Otto. Leipzig (bey Gerh. Fleischer dem Jiingern) 1816. Oct. (Vers. Anordn. Agaric.).

Publ.: 1816 (p. xvi: late Nov 1815), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-106, [1-5, index; 6, err.]. Copies: FH, NY.

Oudemans, Corneille Antoine Jean Abram (1825-1906), Dutch physician and bota- nist; Dr. med. Leiden 1847; practicing physician and lecturer at the Rotterdam medical school 1848-1859; professor of medicine and botany at the Amsterdam Athenaeum 1859- 1877; professor of botany and pharmacognosy at Amsterdam University 1877-1896; general secretary of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences 1879-1895; in retirement at Arnhem from 1896. (Oudem.).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: GRO; fungi on permanent loan to L from 1969. Exsiccatae:

(a) Herbarium Nederlandsche planten, fasc. 1-27, nos. 1-1350, 1867-1896; sets at BR, GRO, L, LG, U (see Oudemans 1871) (14 sets distr. of nos. 1-12 by 1871).

(b) Fungi neerlandict exsiccatt, cent. 1-3, nos. 1-300, 1875-1879, sets at B (extant), BM, BR, FH, GRO, K, L, LG, PAD, U, WRSL. — Accompanied by printed matter: “Fungi neerlandici exsiccati a C. A. J. A. Oudemans collecti Centuria [in ink: i, ii, iii]. Amsteloda-

mi 1875 [2: in ink: 1877; 3 id.: 1879), 7: [i], [1]-4, 2: [4], [1]-4, 3: [i], [1]-4. Copy: BR.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Ainsworth p. 227, 282, 323, 326; Backer p. 414; Barnhart 3: 38; BFM 3089; BJI 1: 43; BL 2: 426, 430, 434, 698; BM 3: 1486, 7: 964; Bossert p. 291; CSP 4: 715, 8: 543-544, 10: 970-971, 12: 552, 17:657; De Toni 1: xcv, 4: xliv; DSB 10: 253-254; GR Pp. 703-704, cat. p. 69; Hawksworth p. 185, 197; Herder p. 469; Hortus 3: 1201; Jackson p. 147, 324, 489, 500; JW 1: 447, 451, 2: 198, 3: 364, 5: 247; Kelly p. 164, 255; Kew 4: 202-203; LS 19624-19687, suppl. 20701-20704; NNBW 1: 1396-1397; Moebius p. 249, 416; Morren

ed. 2, p. 28, ed. 10, p. go; MW p. 373; NI 1475-1477; Nordstedt p. 25; Oudemans 2(2): 257;

PR 6879-6887; Rehder 5: 642; SK 1: 396; SO 2776; Stevenson p. 1253; TL-2/679, 4288;

Tucker 1: 533; Urban-Berl. p. 280; Zander ed. 10, p. 699, ed. 11, p. 797.

Andreas, H., In en om een botanische tuin, Hortus Groningianus 158. 1976.

Anon., Bonplandia 6: 49. 1858 (cogn. Leopoldina: Moldenhawer); Bot. Centralbl. 65: 400. 1896 (retirement) 102: 288. 1906 (d.); Bot. Not. 1907: 20; Bonplandia 8: 15. 1860 (to Amsterdam); Bull. Soc. bot. France 24(bibl.): 237. 1878; Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg 48: lv. 1907 (d.; O. member from 1882).

Candolle, Alph. de, Phytographie 438. 1880 (pl. BR, L).

Hogrell, B., Bot. Not. 1887: 207.

Jackson, B. D., Bull. misc. inf. Kew 1901: 50 (Fungi neerl. exs.).

Kalkman, C. & P. Smit, eds., Blumea 25: 83. 1979.

Kneucker, A., Allg. bot. Z. 2(4): 76. 1896; 12: 168. 1906 (d.).

Laundon, J. R., Lichenologist 11: 15. 1979 (lich. at L).

Lotsy, J. P., Nieuw Ned. biogr. woordenb. 1, 1896.

Moll, J. W., Jaarb. Kon. Akad. Wet. 1909: (57)-(105). 1910 (biogr., bibl. of 171 items) (see also Verslag Verg. 29 Sep 1906, Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. 174-177. 1906), Ber. deut. bot. Ges. 26a: (12)-(33). 1908 (biogr., bibl. of 115 items); Herb. Hort. bot. Groningen 19, 26, B27 a7 ie (herbs):

Miller, R. H. W. & Zaunick, R., Friedr. Traug. Kiitzing 244, 290. 1960.

Oudemans, C. A. J. A., Bonplandia 10: 77. 1862 (contravention priority rule in name change; refers to 9: 338-339. 1861).

Sayre, G., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19(1): 39. 1969. (Herb. Nederl. pl.).

Sirks, M. J., Ind. Natuurond. 168. 1915.



Stafleu, F. A., Taxon 18: 355. 1969 (fungi to L); Regn. veg. 71: 316, 339. 1970.

Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, Blumea 25(1): 42, 48. 1979 (coll. L).

Suringar, W. F. R., Eigen Haard 21: 773-775. 1895 (biogr., portr.; 70th birthday).

Taton, R., ed., Science in the rgth century 457. 1965.

Theissen, J. S., Gedenkb. Athenaeum en Univ. Amsterdam 1: 649-650. 1932. (biogr. b. 7 Dec 1825, d. 29 Aug 1906).

Wachter, W. H., Ned. kruidk. Arch. 55: 49, 55. 1947 (on the Oudemans period (1867-1881) of the Ned. bot. Ver.).

Wittrock, V. B., Acta Horti Berg. 3(3): 168, pl. 144. 1905 (portr.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: Prodromus florae batavae. Volumen ii. Pars iv. (Fungz), 1866, p. [i]-x, [1]- 1g1 (p. v: Aug 1866) by Oudemans and Gérard Daniel Westendorp (Dutch-born Belgian medical officer at Dendermonde; 1813-1868) see also TL-2/679 (co-author err. as ‘“‘Wer- kendorp’’). Copy: BR. — Copy presented by the author to KNAW Dec 1866.

EPONYMY: Oudemansia Miquel (1854); Oudemansia Spegazzini (1880); Oudemansiella Spegaz- zini (1881); Oudesmansiella Earle (1909, orth. var.).

  1. Aantekeningen op het systematisch- en pharmacognostisch-botanische gedeelte der Pharmacopoea neerlandica ... Rotterdam (bij den boekverkoper Otto Petri) 1854-1856. Oct. (Aantek. Pharmac. neerl.).

Ed. 1: 1854-1856 (in parts; part 1 early Oct 1854), p. [i*], [1]-xi, [1-3 of which [2] as “‘vi’’], [i]-xxvul, [1 ]-661, [1]-31, pl. A-<, AA-F fF, 1-2. Copy: NY.— The author’s annotated copy is at GRO.

Ed. 2: 1880 (Nat. Nov. Oct(2) 1880), p. [i-vi], [1]-663, [664, err.], 5 maps. Copy: U.

Ref.: Berg, O., Bot. Zeit. 15: 225-228, 238-242, 255-262, 271-278. 1857.

  1. Inwidingsrede over de plantkunde, beschouwd in hare trapswijze ontwikkeling, van de vroegste tijden tot op heden. Uitgesproken ter aanvaarding van het hoogleeraarsambt in de genees- en kruidkunde aan het Athenaeum illustre te Amsterdam, den 21 November 1859, door C. A. J. A. Oudemans. Utrecht (C. van den Post Jr.), Amsterdam (C. G. van der Post)
  2. Oct. (Inwidingsrede plantk.).

Publ.: 21 Nov 1859 (KNAW rd. Dec 1859), p. [1]-46. Copy: U.

  1. De flora van Nederland ten behoeve van het algemeen beschreven, ... Haarlem (A. C. Kruseman) 1859-1862, 3 vols. Oct. (Fl. Nederl.).

Ed. 1: 1859-1862, in parts the contents of which are not yet known to us. Copies: KNAW, US,

USDA. — The plates are usually bound separately.

r: Jan-Oct 1859 (p. xi: Sep 1858; in six parts: Jan, Mar, Apr, Jul-Sep, Oct, Oct 1859; Oudemans sent a copy of part 1 to KNAW on 26 Jan 1859), p. [1]-xxiil, [1 ]-4.72, pl. 1- 18 (col.). Alternative t.p.: “De natuurlijke historie van Nederland. De flora van Nederland.”

2: Feb 1860-Jan 1861 (in 5 parts: Feb, Apr, Jul-Sep 1860, Jan, Jan 1861), p. [i]-xxi, [1]- 453, pl. 19-34, 344, 35-59-

3: Mai 1861-Feb 1862 (in 5 parts: Mai, Mai 1861, Feb, Feb, Feb 1862), p. [1]-xxxiui, [xxxiv], [1]-416, pl. 60-97.

Re-issue: 1869. Copies: FI, U (plates lacking). — ‘‘Natuurlijke historie van Nederland. De flora ...”” Amsterdam (G. L. Funke) 1869. Oct. r: [i, wij, [1]-472, [xmi]-xxin, pl. 1-77. 2: [i, ui], [1]-453, [ix]-xxi, p. 16-34, 34a, 35-58. 3: (1, mi], [1]-416, [1x]-xxini, [xxiv, err.], pl. 59-91.

Ed. 2: 1871-1874, in parts. Copies: KNAW, MO, USDA. — ‘““Tweede en vermeerderde druk.”” Amsterdam (G. L. Funke). 1: Jan 1871-1872 (p. vili: Mar 1872; parts 1-3 Jan-Mar 1871), p. [1i]-xix, [1]-496. 2: 1873, p. [i]-xvin, [1]-576, [1, err.]. 3: 1874 (cover: 1872, t.p.: 1874), p. [i]-xxxix, [xl, err.], [1]-724. Atlas: pl. 1-34, 344, 35-91 (col.).



Historical review: De ontwikkeling onzer kennis aangaande de flora van Nederland uit de bronnen geschetst en kritisch toegelicht, Ned. kruidk. Arch. ser. 2. 2: 214-277, 279-391. 1877, 3: I- 75, 325-398. 1878-1881. Contains a chronological bibliography of works on the flora of the Netherlands, 1554-1873. — Reprinted Amsterdam (Meesters) 1979, I.S.B.N. go- 7O119-24-2 (not yet seen when closing mss TL-2/3).

  1. Annolationes criticae in Cupuliferas nonnullas javanicas ... Amstelodami [Amsterdam]

(apud C. G. van der Post) 1865. Qu. (Annot. crit. Cupulif.).

Publ.: 1865 (J. Bot. Feb 1866; Flora 29 Nov 1865), p. [i], [1]-24, pl. 7-12 (uncol.; M. Miechielsen). Copies: BR, FI. — Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. vol. 11, 1865. Preliminary publ.: Versl. Med. Kon. Akad. Wet., afd. Nat. 12: 203-208. Mai 1861 (see also Bonplan- dia 9: 338-339. 15 Nov 1861).

  1. Neerlands plantentuin. Afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen van sierplanten voor tuin en kamer ... onder redactie van Dr. C. A. J. A. Oudemans, ... en onder vaste medewerking van de heeren: C. Glijm, ... J. B. Groenewegen, ... J. H. Krelage, ... en H. Witte, ... Groningen (J. B. Wolters) 1865-1867. Qu. (Neerl. pl.-tuin). Publ.: A monthly journal (12 parts/volume) with many contributions by its chief editor, Oudemans, especially in vols. 1 and 2. Copy: MO (with vol. 3 in orig. covers). 1: (12 parts): 1865, p. [i-vili], [1 ]-158, [159-162], pl. r-18 with text (col.; by A. J. Wendel). 2: (id.): 1866, p. [i-x], pl. 17-361d., p. [1]-133. 3: (id.): 1867, p. [i-vii], pl. 37-54 1d., p. 1-156.

  2. Beredeneerde catalogus van de eerste twaalf afleveringen van het “Herbarium van

Nederlandsche Planten” verzameld en uitgegeven door C. A. J. A. Oudemans [Nederl.

Kruidk. Archief 1871]. Oct.

Publ.: Oct 1871 (KNAW: Oct 1871; Ned. Staatscourant Dec 1871), p. [1]-48. Copies: G, U. — Reprinted and to be cited from Ned. kruidk. Arch. ser. 2. 1: [50]-97. 1870 or 1871.

  1. Contributions a la flore mycologique des Pays-Bas i-xx par C. A. J. A. Qudemans. Reprint
  2. Vaduz (J. Cramer (in der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft FL-9490 Vaduz)). 1977. Oct. (Contr. fl. mycol. Pays-Bas).

Publ.: 1977, a facsimile reprint ofa series of 20 papers originally published in the Wederlandsch kruidkundig Archief (NKA) 1872-1904 under various titles. The journal contributions were also reprinted with separate pagination.

Facsimile reprint: 1977, ISBN 3-7682-1107-x, p. 5-1057, [1058-1060]. Copy: FAS (see Taxon 26: 468. 1977. — Bibliotheca mycologica 54.

Titles: 1: Bydrage over emge zeldzame of twijfelachtige phanerogamen en van nieuw ontdekte champignons voor de flora van Nederland. 2-10: Aanwinsten voor de flora mycologica van Nederland. 11-20: Contributions a la flore mycologique des Pays-Bas.

Contrib. NKA Reprints vol. ser. vol. part pages dates pages

I 6 2 I 2 164-184, 4pl. Mar 1873 [1]-30, pl. 3-6

2 6 2 I 3 252-267, 6 pl. Apr-Jun 1873 [1]-16, pl. 8-13 3 6 2 I 4 312-318, 1 pl. Jan-Oct 1874

4 J 2 2 I 34-42 late 1875 [1]-9

5 7 2 2 2, 97-106, 2pl. Jan-Mai 1876 [1]-10, pl. 3-4

6 7 2 2 3 176-188 Jan-Apr 1877 [1]-13

7 8 2 3 I 142-161 Jan-Jun 1878 [1]-20

8 8 2 Bi 2 236-257 Jan-Jun 1879 = [1]-22 glr0 9 2 4 3 203-278, 2pl. Jan-Apr 1885 [1]-76, pl. 4-6 II 9 2 4 4 502-562, 1 pl. Jan-Oct 1886 [1]-62, pl. 9 12 10 2 5 2 142-176, 7 pl. Apr-Jun 1888 [1]-35, pl. 5 13 10 2 5 3 454-519, 2pl. Jul-Sep 1889 _ [1]-67, pl. 8-9 14 II 2 6 I 1-65, 1 pl. Jan-Mai 1892 [1]-65, pl. 7 15 II 2 6 3 279-208 Jan-Jul 1894‘ [1]-20


Contrib. NKA Reprints volo “ser, “vol: part pages dates pages

16 12 3 1t 3/4 430-636, 3p1. 1899 [1]-107, [108], pl. 4-6

17 13 Geer aaa Nate 170-353, 2 pl. 1900 [170]-353, pl- 1-2

18 13 3 2 3 633-781, 3 pl. Sep-Oct 1902 [633]-781, pl. 3-5

19 13 3 2 4 851-928, 4 pl. Dec 1903 [851 ]-928, pl. 6-9

20 iG, 3 2 Suppl. 1077-1133, 3 pl. 1904 [1077 ]-1132, [1], pl. 11-13

Copies reprints: BR, FH, Stevenson, USDA. — Sets rarely complete.

Part 9 was previously published in Versl. Ned. Kon. Akad. Wet., Amsterdam, ser. 2. 18: [360]-390. 1883, reprint: p. [1]-31, 1883 (Amsterdam (Johannes Miller). Copies: BR, NY. — (Bot. Zeit. 28 Dec 1883).

  1. Contributions mycologiques, ... (extrait des Archives néerlandaises, t. xi). [1876]. Oct.

Publ.: Apr-Mai 1876 (Hedwigia Sep 1876; Bot. Zeit. 13 Oct 1876; BSbF Mai-Jun 1876), p. [1]-53- Copies: G, FH, NY. — Arch. néerl. Sci. exact. nat. 11: 341-393. 1876. To be cited from journal. — Also published in Dutch, in Versl. Med. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. ser. 2. 10: 76-128. 1876.

  1. Révision des champignons trouvés jusqu’a ce jour dans les Pays-Bas ... (Extrait des

Archives néerlandaises ...) 1879-1880, 2 parts. Oct.

1: Nov 1879 (Nat. Nov. Dec(1) 1879; Bot. Zeit. 5 Dec 1879), p. [1]-111. Copies: FH, NY. — Reprinted from Arch. néerl. Sci. exact. nat. 14: 209-319. 1879. To be cited from journal.

2: 1880 (Hedwigia Dec 1880; BSbF Apr-Jun 1881), p. [1]-48. Copies: BR, NY. — Reprinted from id. 15: 359-406. 1880.

7153- Afbeeldingen en beschriyjvingen der voornaamste handelsplanten. 36 gekleurde afbeeldingen

geteekend door Heinrich Gross met een inleidend woord van Dr. Ahles... Vrij vertaald en

hier en daar met enige aanteekeningen vermeerderd door Dr. C. A. J. A. Oudemans ...

Amsterdam (Tj. van Holkema) 1883 [1882]. Qu. (Afb. beschr. handelspl.).

Authorship: plates drawn by Heinrich Gross; intr. by Wilhelm Elias von Ahles (1829-1900); text freely translated and amended by Oudemans.

Publ.: Oct-Nov 1882 (Bot. Zeit. 19 Dec 1882; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1882; Ned. Staatscour. publ. 2 Jan 1883), p. [1]-48, pl. 7-36 (col.). Copy: MO.

  1. Revisio perisportacearum in regno batavorum hucusque detectarum ... Amsterdam

(Johannes Miller) 1883. Oct. (Revis. perispor.).

Publ.: late 1883 (Hedwigia Jan 1884; Nat. Nov. Jul(1) 1884; Grevillea Mar 1884), p. [1]-15. Copy: FH. — Preprinted (with double pagination) from Versl. Med. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. ser. 2. 19: [349]-363. 1884.

  1. Revisio pyrenomycetum in regno batavorum hucusque detectorum ... Amsterdam

(Johannes Muller) 1884. Oct. (Revs. pyrenomyc.).

Publ.: Mar-Jul 1884 (p. [2]: 23 Feb 1884; Grevillea Sep 1884), cover, p. [1]-2, [1]-184, pl. 7- 14 (uncol. liths.). Copies: BR, FH(2), KNAW(2), NY, Stevenson, U(2), USDA. — The first 62 pages were also published in Versl. Med. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. ser. 2. 20: 1-62. 1884. The extended reprint was not commercially available but widely distributed as a- gift to many contemporaries. One of the KNAW copies is interleaved and has many notes by the author.

  1. Contributions a la flore mycologique de Nowaja Semlja ... Amsterdam (Johannes Miller)

  2. Oct. (Contr. fl. mycol. Nov. Seml.).

Publ.: 1885 (Hedwigia Jan-Feb 1886; Grevillea Mar 1886), p. [1]-17, pl. 1-3. Copies: FH, NY. — Preprinted from Versl. Med. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. ser. 3. 2: 146-162. 1886.

7157- Observations sur quelques Sphéropsidées qui croissent sur les feuilles des espéces européen- nes de Dianthus ... Amsterdam (Johannes Miller) 1890. Oct.



Publ.: Jan-Mai 1890 (Hedwigia Nov-Dec 1890; Grevillea Jun 1890), p. [1]-12, 1 pl. Copies: BR, FH, FI, NY. — Reprinted with special cover and double pagination from Versl. Med. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. ser. 3. 7: [97]-108, 7 pl. (uncol.). 1890. To be cited from


  1. Micromycétes nouveaux ... Amsterdam (Johannes Miller) 1890. Oct.

Publ.: Jan-Mai 1890 (Bot. Zeit. 27 Jun 1890), p. [1]-16, pl. 1-2. Copies: BR, FH, NY(2), U.— Reprinted with special cover and double pagination from Versl. Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. ser. 3. 7: [312]-327. 1890. To be cited from journal.

  1. Révision des champignons tant supérieurs qu’inférieurs trouvés jusqu’a ce jour dans les

Pays-Bas ... Amsterdam (Johannes Miiller) 1892-1897, 2 vols. Oct. (Révis. champ. Pays-Bas).

1: Nov-Dec 1892 or Jan-Jun 1893 (a loose errata slip mentions a collection made Aug 1892; cover of Verhandelingen has ‘‘1893”’ but regular t.p. 1892; Nat. Nov. Aug(1) 1893; Hedwigia rd. Jun-Jul 1893; Bot. Zeit. 1 Sep 1893; Bot. Jahrb. 7 Nov 1893), cover (1893), p. [1]-638. Copies: BR, FH, KNAW, MICH, Stevenson. — Issued as Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. sect. 2, vol. 2. — Farlow’s copy was sent to him by the author in 1893.

2: Mar 1897 (t.p.; Hedwigia Mai-Jun 1897), p. [i*-iii*], [i]-xvi, [(1)]-(14), 1-491, [1]-6, 1- xxi, pl. -14 (uncol., A. J. Wendel). Copies: BR, FH, KNAW, MICH, Stevenson (rd. by B. P. Gallway 16 Oct 1897). Issued as 2d. sect. 2, vol. 2(2).

Ref.: Fischer, Bot. Zeit. 52(2): 59. 1894 (rev.).

  1. Notice sur quelques champignons nouveaux ... [Amsterdam (Koninklijke Akademie van

Wetenschappen)] 1896. Oct. (Not. champ. nouwv.).

Publ.: 9 Dec 1896 (t.p. preprint), p. [1]-10. Copy: FH. — Preprinted from Versl. Gew. Verg. Wis. Nat. Afd. Kon. Akad. Wet. 5: 224-233. 1897.

  1. Obervations mycologiques ... Amsterdam (Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap-

pen) 1897. Oct. (Observ. mycol.).

Publ.: 7 Jul 1897 (t-p. preprint; Bot. Centralbl. 28 Jul 1897), p. [1]-7. Copy: FH. — Preprinted from Versl. Gew. Verg. Wis. Nat. Kon. Akad. Wet. 6: [86]-92. 1898.

  1. Verklaring van de beteekenis der geslachtsnamen van de phanerogamen en vaatcryptoga- men behoorende tot de flora van Nederland ... Amsterdam (C. A. J. van Dishoeck) 1899. Oct.

Publ.: 1899 (p. iii: 24 Aug 1899), p. [i*, ii*], [i]-iii, [1 ]-95. Copy: MO. — Bibliotheek voor

natuurlijke historie, 2.

  1. Contributions to the knowledge of some undescribed or imperfectly known fungi ... Amsterdam

(Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen) 1900-1901, 4 parts. (Contr. undescr. fung.).

1: 28 Aug 1900 (cover preprint), cover, p. 1-17, pl. 1-3 (uncol.). Copy: NY.—Preprinted from Proc. Kon. Akad. Wet. 3(1): 140-156, pl. 1-3. 1gOlI.

2-4: Sep-Dec 1900, in id. 3(1): 230-403. 1901. Species in part publ. previously in Hedwigia 1900(5): 163-164.

Dutch summaries in Versl. gew. Verg. Afd. Wis- Nat. Kon. Akad. Wet. 9: 140, 290, 347, 380.


  1. Beitrége zur Pilzflora der Niederlande ... Cassel (Druck von Gebr. Gotthelft, Kgl.

Hofbuchdruckerei) 1902). Oct.

Publ.: 1902, p. [1]-19. Copy: FH. — Reprinted from Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 11(8): 523-541. 1902. To be cited from journal. — Previous communications with the same title published in Hedwigia 27: [175]-188. 1898 and [313]-320. 1898 (Reprints with unchanged

pagination exist). ?

  1. Prodrome d'une flore mycologique obtenue par la culture sur gélatine préparée de la terre

humeuse du Spanderswoud, prés de Bussum, ... [Archives néerlandaises des Sciences

exactes et naturelles 1902]. Oct.

Co-author: Cornelis Johan Koning (1863-?).

Publ.: Oct-Nov 1902 (p. 4: 3 Oct 1901; NY copy signed by author 24 Nov 1902; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1902), p. [1]-33, pl. 1-30 (partly col.; by C. J. Koning). Copies: BR, FH, NY, U.—



Reprinted from Arch. néerl. Sci. exact. nat. ser. 2.7: [266]-298. 1902. To be cited from journal.

  1. Catalogue raisonné des champignons des Pays-Bas ... Amsterdam (Johannes Muller)

  2. Oct. (Cat. champ. Pays-Bas).

Publ.: Jun 1905 (cover so dated; t.p. date: 1904; p. 6: Mai 1904), p. [1-11], [1]-558, [1, err.]. Copies: BR, FH, MICH, NY, Stevenson, U.— Verh. Kon. Akad. Wet. sect. 2, 11.

  1. Enumeratio systematica fungorum ... Hagae Comitum [’s Gravenhage; the Hague]

(apud. Martinum Nijhoff) 1919-1924, 5 vols. Oct. (Enum. syst. fung.).

Publ.: Posthumously published by Jan Willem Moll (1851-1933) with the help of R. de Boer, Laurens Vuyck (1862-1931), and J. J. Paerels. The second title page has a more restrictive title: “Enumeratio ... fungorum in omnium herbarum europaearum organis diversis hucusque observatorum mentione facta fontium litterariorum diagnoses eorum figurasque proferentium nec non praecipiorum eorum synonymorum numerorumque collectionum plurium venalium species enumeratas illustrantium ...” Copies: FAS, MICH, MO, NY, U, USDA; IDC 5276.

1: Jul-Sep 1919 (p. xv: Jul 1918; circa Nov 1919, prospectus; Nat. Nov. Oct 1919; ObZ 1 Oct 1919), p. [i]-cxxvi, [1]-1230.

2: 1920 (Nat. Nov. Feb 1921; ObZ Mai-Jun 1921), p. [i]-xix, [1]-1069.

3: 1921 (J. Bot. Mai 1922; Nat. Nov. Mar 1922; ObZ Nov-Dec 1921), p. [i]-xvi, [1]-1313.

4: 1923 (J. Bot. Jun 1923; Nat. Nov. Mai 1923), p. [i]-xui, [1]-1231, [1232, err.].

5: Jan-Feb 1925 (Nat. Nov. Mar, Jul 1925; ObZ Jan-Feb 1925), p. [i]-vii, [1]-998, [1].

Over, William Henry (1866-?), American botanist; curator of the Museum of the University of South Dakota at Vermillion. (Over).

HERBARIUM and tTyPEs: Material at C, DBN, DS, RM, SMU, US (large set), WTL.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BioGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 38; BL 1: 214, 311; IH 2: (in press); Pennell p. 615.

  1. Trees and shrubs of South Dakota ... Vermillion (University of South Dakota) 1923.

(Trees shrubs S. Dakota).

Publ.: Jan 1923, p. [1]-13. Copy: USDA. — Bull. Univ. S. Dakota ser. 23, no. 2; S. Dakota Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Circ. 11.

  1. Flora of South Dakota an illustrated check-list of flowering plants, shrubs and trees of South Dakota... Vermillion (published by the University of South Dakota) 1932. (FV. S. Dakota).

Publ.: Jun 1932 (cover), frontisp., p. [1]-161. Copies: McVaugh, MICH, USDA.

Overeem [-de Haas], Casper van (1893-1927), Dutch mycologist; Ph. D. Zurich 1920; at Buitenzorg (Bogor) 1921-1927 as mycological assistant at the Herbarium bogoriense. (Overeem).

HERBARIUM and TypEs: BO (see under Boedijn); a set of lichens at W(82); collections in liquid at AMD (coming from the ““Mycological Museum” at Weesp nr. Amsterdam).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 38; BM 7: 964; GR p. 704; Hawksworth p. 186;

JW 1: 447, 3: 364, 4: 400; Kew 4: 204; LS suppl. 20706-20732; Stevenson p. 1253, 1261; TL-

2/see Boedijn.

Danser, B. H., Bull. Jard. bot. Buitenzorg ser.3. 9: 1-7 pl.r. 1927. (obit., bibl., b. 1 Oct 1893, d. 27 Feb 1927; portr.); De tropische Natuur 16: 57-58. 1928 (portr., obit.).

Lutjeharms, W. J., Gesch. Mykol. 247. 1936.

COMPOSITE WorRKs: Fungi (““Zwammen”’) in K. Heyne, Nuit. Pl. Ned. Ind. ed. 2. 1: 39-89. 1927.

  1. [cones fungorum malayensium Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Malayischen Pilze



_.. Wien (Im Selbstverlag des mykologischen Museums in Weesp (Holland)) 1923-1926, 16 Hefte. (con. fung. malay.).

Co-editor (and author Heft 8): Josef Karl Weese (1888-1962);

Co-author. Marie Beatrice Schwarz (1898-x) (Heft 16), (all other Hefte by v. Overeem



(Clavariac.): 1923 (p. [1]: Mai 1923), cover, p. [1-4], pl. 7 (col. liths.). (id.): 1923, cover, p. [1-2], pl. 2.

(id.): 1923, cover, p. [1-4], pl. 3.

(id.): 1923, cover, p. [1-2], pl. 4.

Polyporac.): 1924, cover, p. 1-5, pl. 5.

Coprinac.); 1924, cover, p. 1-3, [4], pl. 6, 6a.

‘Polyporac.): 1924, cover, p. 1-2, [3], pl. 7.

‘Hypocreac.): 1924 (ObZ Oct-Dec 1924), cover, p. 1-4, pl. 8.

9 (Humariac.): 1925, cover, p. 1-2, pl. 9.

10 (Cercosporac.): 1925, cover, p. 1-4, pl. 10.

11 (Xplariac.): 1925, cover, p. 1-4, pl. 11.

12 (Polyporac.): 1925 (Nat. Nov. Oct 1925), cover, p. 1-6, pl. 12.

13 (Dermateac.): 1926, cover, p. 1-2, [3], pl. 13.

14-15 (Mycenac.): 1926 (Nat. Nov. Oct 1926), cover, p. 1-3, [4], pl. 14-15. 16 (Oidiac.): 1926 (Nat. Nov. Nov 1926), cover, p. 1-3, [4], pl. 16, 16a.


DO #W Go


Copies: NY, Stevenson, U, USDA. Bethefte, Heft 1: 1925, cover, p. 1-11, pl. 1-2 (uncol.), H. H. Karny: Schwarzkafer (Tenebrio- nidae) aus Holzschwammen.

Overholts, Lee Oras (1890-1946), American mycologist; A.B. Miami Univ. 1912; Ph.D. St. Louis 1915; instructor in botany at Pennsylvania State College 1915-1917; professor of botany at id. 1917-1946. (Overh.).

HERBARIUM and tTypPEs: PAC (50.000 fungi; some vasc. pl.); other material at BPI, CUP, COLO, MICH, MO, NY, PAC, TRTC.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 38; Bossert p. 296; Hawksworth p. 185; Hirsch p. 222; IH 2: (in press); Kelly p. 165, 255; Kew 4: 204; Lenley p. 39; LS suppl. 20733-20760; NW p. 54; Pennell p. 615; PH 209, 450; Stevenson p. 1253; TL-2/781.

Ewan, J., Rocky Mt. natural. 275-276. 1950.

Fergus, C. L., Mycologia 47: 140-144. 1955 (an index to L.O. O’s mycological notes). Hesler, L. R., Progr. Sketches N. Amer. Mycol. mss. 1975.

Kern, F. D., Mycologia 40: 1-5. 1948 (obit., bibl., portr., b. 23 Jun 1890, d. 10 Nov 1946). Murrill, W. A., Hist. found. bot. Florida 32. 1915.

Rickett, H. W., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 76. 1955.

Rogers, D. P., Brief hist. Mycol. N. Amer. 28. 1977.

Rogerson, C. T., Mycologia Index 100g. 1968 (lists e.g. his Mycological notes).

Shope, P. F., Mycologia 21: 295-296. 1929 (Colorado coll.).

Verdoorn, F., Biologia 1(2): 7. 1947 (d.).

COMPOSITE WoRKs: (1) Pholiota, Hypodendrum in NAF 10(4): 261-276. 29 Nov 1924, 10(5): 277-281. 21 Nov 1932 (see also his Monograph of the genus Pholiota, Ann. Missouri bot. Gard. 14: 87-210, pl. 6-24. Apr 1927. ;

(2) Hymenomycetes,in C. E. Chardon and R. A. Toro, Mycological explorations of Venezuela 304-316. Oct 1934 (Monogr. Univ. Puerto Rico B 2).

NOTE: Overholts’ main treatise of N. American Polyporaceae was published posthumously by Josiah L. Lowe, 1953: The Polyporaceae of the United States, Alaska and Canada, Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Press ...) 1953, xiv, 466 p., 132 pl., portrait of author.

Overholts was a prolific author; reprints were made and widely distributed of many of his. publications; all these reprints carry original pagination and dates. The precise dates of publication of his numerous papers in Mycologia (e.g. the Mycological notes; for index see C. L. Fergus 1955) will be found in C. T. Rogerson, Mycologia index (1968).



  1. The Polyporaceae of the middle-western United States ... [Washington University Studies |

  2. Oct.

Publ.: Jul 1915, Washington University Studies 3(1) (1): [3]-98, pl. 7-8 (uncol. phot.). Copies: FH, MICH, NY. ~— To be cited from journal.

  1. The Polyporaceae of Pennsylvania. The genus Polyporus... State College, Pennsylvania

(The Pennsylvania State College) 1933. (Polypor. Pennsylvania).

Publ.: Sep 1933, p. [1]-28. Copies: MICH, NY. — Technical Bulletin 298, School of Agriculture and Experiment Station. State College, Pennsylvania.

Owen, Maria Louisa (née Tallant) (1825-1913), American botanist at Springfield, Mass. (Owen).

HERBARIUM and types: Springfield Botanical Club, Springfield, Mass. (fide Day 1go1r).

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 39; BL 1: 187, 311; CSP 17: 663; IH 2: (in press); Tucker 1: 534.

Day, M., Rhodora 3: 259. 1901 (herb.).

Deane, Walter, Rhodora 36: 153-160. 1914 (obit., portr., b. 13 Feb 1825, d. 8 Jun 1913).

EPONYMY: Owenza F. v. Mueller (1857) is dedicated to Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892), English naturalist and paleontologist.

  1. A catalogue of plants growing without cultivation in the County of Nantucket, Mass. ...

Northampton, Mass. (Gazette Printing Company) 1888. Qu. (Cat. pl. Nantucket).

Publ.: Jul-Aug 1888 (p. x: 1 Jul 1888; TBC 1 Sep 1888; Bot. Gaz. Oct 1888; Nat. Nov. Nov(2) 1888), p. [i]-x, [11 ]-87. Copies: US, USDA.

Oye, Paul Herman Gustave van (1886-1969), Belgian zoologist, hydrobiologist and botanist at Gent; Dr. phil. Gent 1911, MD. Gent 1924; at the Tasikmalaya fisheries station (Java) 1918-1922; professor of zoology at the State University of Gent 1926-1956; president of Dodonaea 1937-1969; specialist on Desmidiaceae and history of botany. (Oye).

HERBARIUM and TyPEs: GENT; further material at BM, BO.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: BJI 2: 128; BL 2: 33, 698; Hirsch p. 222; Kew 4: 207; Roon

p- 84; SK 1: 397, 8: Ixxi.

Anon., Dodonaea 13: 11-23. 1946 (tribute).

Evens, F., Hydrobiologia 35: i11-xxvil. 1970 (obit., bibl., portr., b. 24 Aug 1886, d. 11 Oct 1969); Rev. algol. 10: 211-215. 1971 (obit., portr.).

Gillis, J. and M. de Ridder, Dodonaea 38: 7-38. 1970 (obit., portr., bibl.).

Oye, P. van Dodonaea 25: 20-27. 1934 (bibl.); Gesch. ontw. hydrobiol. Belgie 69-73. 1967 (portr., bibl.).

Poppe, Naturwet. Tijdschr. 10: 187-191. 1928.

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van, Fl. males. Bull. 25: 1877. 1971.

Vaas, K. F., Vakbl. Biol. 50: 66-67. 1970 (obit.).

COMPOSITE WORKS: (1) Editor of Brologisch Faarboek, Dodonaea 1927-1969. (2) Founder and first editor of Hydrobiologia.

FESTSCHRIFT: Brologisch faarboek Dodonaea vol. 13, 1946.

EPONYMY: Oyemonas Skvortzov et Noda (1969).

Oyster, John Houck (1849-after 1904), American botanist at Paola, Kansas. (Oyster). HERBARIUM and TyPEs: Material at CAS, E, F, FI, LIVU, MICH, P, PENN, US.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIOGRAPHY: Barnhart 3: 39; BM 3: 1494; CSP 17: 661; IH 2: (in press); Kew 4: 207; NW p. 54; Pennell p. 615; Rehder 5: 643; TL-2/2132; Tucker 1: 534.



Knobloch, I. W., Pl. coll. N. Mexico 52. 1979 (b. 12 Apr 1849). Oyster, J. H., letter to J. H. Barnhart 5 Sep 1904 (b. 12 Apr 1849). Rickett, H. W., Index Bull. Torrey bot. Club 76. 1955.

  1. Catalogue of the phaenogamous and vascular cryplogamous plants of North America, (exclusive of Mexico), by Dr. J. H. Oyster, ... Paola, Kansas (Miami Republican Power Print) 1885. Oct. (Cat. pl. N. Amer.).

Ed. 1: Nov-Dec 1885 (see TBC 12: 117. Nov 1885, and pref. ed. 2), p. [i-i1], [1]-112. Copies: McVaugh, US(2), USDA. — List of names without descriptions. Major part of original stock destroyed by fire.

Ed. 2: 1888 (p. [iii]: 1 Jan 1887 [for 1888 sic]), p. [1-111], [1]-125. Copies: MICH (3), MO, US, USDA. — ‘Second edition. Catalogue of North American Plants, by Dr. J. H. Oyster, Paola, Kansas, U.S.A. Price $ 1.25. 1888.”


Index to Titles

Each book treated in the foregoing text has been assigned a number printed in bold face; these are given in this index at the end of each entry. Because both short titles (the first significant words of the full title) and abbreviations of short titles are given, this index includes both. The initial definite and indefinite articles are omitted from titles. The unabbreviated short titles are alphabetized word by word, but the abbreviated ones are treated as if they are single words with the omission of punctuation and spaces. Ifa title is mentioned under two book numbers, both are given in this index.

Since the same title, at least in its short form, may have been used by two or more authors, each entry includes the name of the author in the form recommended at the end of the first paragraph of the section treating him and his books.

Titles of exsiccatae are included, printed in italics, and titles of journals taken from the surname of botanists are printed in capital letters. Both kinds of entry include, in parentheses, the surname of the person concerned preceded by the initial of his first name with the word “‘see”’ in italics. In addition there are two, less frequently encountered kinds of references which should be identified and explained: (1) It sometimes happens that in the treatment of one book by author “‘A”’, the title ofa book by author ““B”’ is mentioned; this situation is indicated in the title-index by parenthetical- ly instructing the user to “‘see’”’ the number assigned to ‘“‘A’s” book: (2) Similarly, a book by author “‘B” may be mentioned under author “A” in paragraphs other than those describing his books; this is indicated by the index-notation “‘see author A”’.

We have attempted to eliminate inconsistencies in the abbreviations used in the first volume; so, if there are differences between abbreviations in volume one and three, those used herein may be considered the standard.

Aantekeningen op het systematisch- en pharmacognostisch-botanische gedeelte der Pharmacopoea neerlandica (Ou- dem.) 7144

Aantek. Pharmac. neerl. (Oudem.) 7144

Aanwinsten voor de flora mycologica van Nederland (Oudem.) 7150

Abbild. Baume (Oelhafen) 7011

Abbild. Pfl. (Mill.) 6060

Abbildung der wilden Baume (Oelhafen) 7O11

Abbildungen (Link) 4694

Abbildungen der Pflanzen (Mill.) 6060

Abbildungen neuer und seltener Gewachse (Link) 4699

Abbildungen zu Oken’s allgemeiner Natur- geschichte (Oken) 7048

Abbildung und Beschreibung bluihender Cacteen (see F. Otto)

auserlesener | Gewachse

Abbildung und Beschreibung seltener Ge- waechse (J. Martyn) 5563

Abb. Oken allg. Naturgesch. (Oken) 7048

Abdrucke lebendiger Krauter (E. Mart.) 5552

Abietinae (Link) 4706

Abridgement of the gardeners dictionary, fifth edition (Mill.) 6057

Abridgement of the gardeners dictionary, sixth edition ( Mill.) 6058

Abh. Begatt. Pfl. (T. Hoppe) 3039

Acc. Brit. Hierac. (W. R. Linton) 4861

Account of the British Hieracia (W. R. Lin- ton) 4861

Acot. Charac. Eur. (Nym.) 6985

Acotyledoneae vasculares et Characeae Europae (Nym.) 6985

Acridocarp. (Nied.) 6812

Acrostichum (L.) 4736

Add. Consp. fl. Eur. (Nym.) 6984



Addenda nova ad lichenographiam euro- paeam (Nyl.) 6952

Add. Fl. Quadergeb. (Ernst Otto) 7142

Add. fungi vine Australia (McAlpine) 5145

Addisonia (see G. Nash)

Additamenta ad Conspectum florae Euro- paeae (Nym.) 6984

Additamente zur Flora des Quadergebirges (Ernst Otto) 7142

Addit. fl. Ireland (More) 6292

Additions a la flore du Brésil (Netto) 6747

Additions and corrections to the check-list of Manitoba plants (see C. Lowe)

Additions to the fungi on the vine in Austra- lia (McAlpine) 5145

Ad florae Asiae orientalis cognitionem me- liorem fragmenta (Maxim.) 5731

Adic. fl. Galicia (Merino) 5846

Adiciones a la flora de Galicia (Merino) 5846

Adnot. Asclep. austroamer. (Malme) 5312

Adnotationes bryologicae (Lindb.) 4580

Adnotationes de nonnullis Asclepiadaceis austroamericanis (Malme) 5312

Adnotationes de Spiraeaceis (Maxim.) 5 )

Adnot. helminth. (see 6680)

Adnot. Spiraeac. (Maxim.) 5732

Afb. beschr. handelspl. (Oudem.) 7153

Afbeeldingen der Artseny-gewassen (see D. Oskamp)

Afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen der voor- naamste handelsplanten (Oudem.) 7153

Afbeeldingen van zeldzame gewassen (Meerb.) 5784

Afb. zeldz. gew. (Meerb.) 5784

Afrikaanse Vijge-boomen (Miq.) 6104

Afr. Vijge-boom (Miq.) 6104

Agave americana (G. Manetti) 5336

Agg. fl. bologn. (Mattei) 5681

Aggiunte alle flora bolognese (Matsum.) 5681

Aggiunte al Saggio Algologia (Mazza) 5761

Agrostographia capensis (Nees) 6697

Agrostologia brasiliensis (see 5528, see C. Nees von Esenbeck)

Akad. Denkred. (Mart.) 5550

Akademische Denkreden (Mart.) 5550

Alassio and its flora (Nam) 6630

Alassio fl. (Nam) 6630

Album de la flora médico-farmaceutica (V. Martin) 5497

Album der Cryptogamen-Welt (see W. Miller)

Album fl. méd.-farm. (V. Martin) 5497

Alc. gen. lich. (A. Massal.) 5596

Alcuni generi di licheni (A. Massal.) 5596

Algae aquae dulcis exsiccatae (see C. Nordstedt)

Algae aquae dulcis exsiccatae (see A. Lofgren)

Algae brasilienses (G. Martens) 5485


Algae hibernicae (see W. McCalla)

Algae Japonicae exsiccatae (see K. Okamura)

Algae maderenses (see G. Mandon)

Algae marinae siccatae (see G. von Martens)

Algae of Commonwealth Bay (A. Lucas) 5953

Algae rhodiaceae (Olney) 7077

Algal flora of Japan (Okam.) 7043

Ale. aq. dulc. Sandvic. (Nordst.) 6865

Alg. aquae dulc. (Nicolucci) 6788

Alg. charac. (Nordst.) 6866

Alg. cianofic. cantabr. (Miranda) 6126

Alg. Commonwealth Bay (A. Lucas) 5053

Algen des stissen Wassers (Nees) 6674

Alghe italiane e dalmatiche (Menegh.) 5823

Alghe mediterranee italiane (Menegh.) 5822

Algis aquae dulcis ex insulis Sandvicensibus (Nordst.) 6865

Algis et characeis (Nordst.) 6866

Alg. ital. dalmat. (Menegh.) 5823

Alg. medit. ital. (Menegh.) 5822

Algol. adriat. (Naccari) 6601

Algologia adriatica (Naccari) 6601

Alg. rhod. (Olney) 7077

Alg. stiss. Wass. (Nees) 6674

Algues (A. Moug.) 6372

Algues de France (see C. Manoury)

Algues de France (see A. Mougeot)

Algues de [ Ouest de la France (see J. Lloyd)

Algues des eaux douces de France (see A. Mou- geot)

Algues frangaises (see A. Mougeot)

Algues utiles (CG. Mangenot) 5344

Alg. util. (CG. Mangenot) 5344

Allgemeine Gartenzeitung (see F. Otto)

Allgemeine Naturgeschichte (Oken) 7047

Allgemeine Pilzkunde (Migula) 5992

Allgemeines Gartner-Lexicon (Mill.) 6049

Allg. Gartn. Lexic. (Mill.) 6049

Allg. Naturgesch. (Oken) 7047

Allg. Pilzk. (Migula) 5992

Alpenblumen (H. Mull.) 6437

Alpenflora (Oehninger) 7009

Alphabetisches Worterbuch (see A. Muel- ler)

Als Naturforscher in Indien (Molisch) 6208

Altagypt. Baume (C. Moldenke) 6198

Altri ragg. Fumar. (Nicotra) 6796

Altri ragguali sulle Fumarie italiane (Nico- tra) 6796

Alyssum minutum (C. A. Mey.) 5904

Amansia jungermannoides (G. Martens) 5481

Amer. Bolet. (Murrill) 6583

Ameér. centr. (Orst.) 7024

American Boletes (Murrill) 6583

American gardeners Calendar M’ Mahon)

(see B.

American Journal of Botany (see F. C. New- combe)

American medicinal plants (Millsp.) 6067

American Midland Naturalist (see J. Nieuwland)

American plants (Orcutt) 7103

Amerikanischen Spezies der Gattung Xyris L., Euxyris (Malme) 5315

Amérique centrale (Orst.) 7024

Amer. med. pl. (Millsp.) 6067

Amer. pl. (Orcutt) 7103

Amer. Xyris (Malme) 5315

Amoen. acad. (L.) 4753

Amoen. acad., Camper ed. (L.) 4752 )


Amoen. acad., Gilibert ed. (L.) 4756

Amoen. acad., Schreb. ed. (L.) 4753, 4754

Amoenitates academicae (L.) 4753, 4754

Amoenitates academici (L.) 4752, 4756

Amphoridium (A. Massal.) 5592

Anacardi (Moretti) 6308

Anacharis canadensis (Marie-Vict.) 5413

Anacharis Alsinastrum (W. Marsh.) 5461

Anal. bot. ind. (Miq.) 6105

Anal. draw. Austral. moss. (F. v. Muell.) 64.01

Analecta australiensia (Mull.-Arg.) 6477

Analecta botanica (see C. Nyman)

Analecta botanica indica (Miq.) 6105

Anal. key pl. Rocky Mt. (A. Nels.) 6733

Anal. key nat. ord. (Ordway) 7105

Anal. Tab. (Heer) 2538

Analyse des plantes qui croissent spontané- ment aux environs de Lyon et sur le Pilat (see CG. Madenis)

Analyse des plantes vasculaires du Lyon- nais (see C. Madenis)

Analyses mycologicae (Nyl.) 6947

Analytical drawings of Australian mosses (F. v. Muell.) 6401

Analytical key to some of the common flo- wering plants of the Rocky Mountain Region (A. Nels.) 6733

Analytical key to the natural orders of the vegetable kingdom (Ordway) 7105

Anandria (L.) 4735

Anat. feuille musc. (F. Morin) 6321

Anat. Flecht. (Nienb.) 6817

Anat. Laubbl. amer. Malp. (Nied.) 6811

Anat. Laubbl. palaotrop. Malp. (Nied.) 6811

Anatomie comparée et expérimentale de la feuille des muscinées (F. Morin) 6321

Anatomie der Asco- und Basidiomyceten (see H. Lohwag)

Anatomie der Flechten (Nienb.) 6817

Anatomie der Laubblatter der amerikani- schen Malpighiaceae (Nied.) 6811

Anatomie der Laubmoose (see W. Lorch)

Anatomisch-physiologische Notizen (Merckl.) 5840


Anatomy of the dicotyledons (see C. Met- calfe)

Anatomy of the monocotyledons (see C. Metcalfe)

An den Grenzen des Mittelmeergebietes. Pflanzengeographie von Mittelalbanien (Markgr.) 5426

Andra Dicksonska expeditonen till Gron- land (Nordenskidld) 6859

Andr. Dicks. exped. (Nordenskidld) 6859

Angiopteris (Mett.) 5884

Animadversiones de Hypno (Lindb.) 4583

Animady. Hypn. eleg. (Lindb.) 4583

Animalita delle diatomee (Menegh.) 5825

Animalita diatom. (Menegh.) 5825

Animal nature of the Diatomeae (Me- negh.) 5825

An incomplete list of additions to Lowe’s List of Manitoba plants (see C. Lowe)

Anlage Flechtenapothec. (Lindau) 4546

Anl. Best. Gatt. Pfl. (Maly) 5328

Anleit. Eimsamm. (Nave) 6659

Anleit. med. Krauterk. (G. Licht.) 4501

Anleitung zum Botanisieren (see F. Nieden- zu)

Anleitung zum Einsammeln (Nave) 6659

Anleitung zur Bestimmung der Gattungen der in Deutschland wildwachsenden Pflanzen (Maly) 5328

Anleitung zur medicinischen Krauterkun- de (G. Licht.) 4501

Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobach- tungen auf Reisen (Neumayer) 6761

Anl. wiss. Beobacht. Reisen (Neumayer) 6761

Annalen der Naturgeschichte (Link) 4689

Annales botanices systematicae (see K. Mueller berol.)

Annales de Botanique et d’ Horticulture (see C. Morren)

Annales d’Horticulture belge et étrangére (see C. Morren)

Annales musei botanici lugduno-batavi (Miq.) 6117

Ann. mus. lugd.-bat. (Miq.) 6117

Ann. Naturgesch. (Link) 4689

Annotationes criticae in Cupuliferas (Ou- dem.) 7147

Annotationes quaedam de familia Elaeo- carpeacearum (K. Muell. berol.) 6489

Annot. crit. Cupulif. (Oudem.) 7147

Annot. Elaeocarp. (K. Muell. berol.) 6489

Anteckn. Finl. Pilosell. (Norrl.) 6888

Anteckningar 6fver Finlands Pilosellae (Norrl.) 6888

Anvisning till vaxternas insamling (Nave) 6659

Anvisn. vaxt. insaml. (Nave) 6659

Anw. Pfl. abzudrucken (E. Mart.) 5552




Apercu lich. (Mont.) 6249

Apercu morphologique de la famille des lichens (Mont.) 6249

Apercu sur la classification des Chénes de l’ Amérique (Orst.) 7030

Apercu sur la théorie de l’évolution (Netto) 6750

Apercu théor. évol. (Netto) 6750

Aphor. bot. (Ludw.) 5062

Aphorismi botanici (Ludw.) 5062

Apocynaceae of South America (Miers) 5983

Apocyn. S. Amer. (Miers) 5983

Apontamentos relativos 4 botanica appli- cada no Brasil (Netto) 6749

Apont. bot. appl. Brasil (Netto) 6749

Appendix containing a catalogue of medici- nal plants (Lindl.) 4649

Appendix to the civil and political history of Chili (Molina) 6206

Appendix to the gardeners dictionary (Mill.) 6039a

Appendix to the Species plantarum of Carl Linnaeus (L.) 4769

App. esc. bot. Etiopia (G. Negri) 6717

App. gard. dict. (Mill.) 6039a

Appunti di una escursione botanica nell’ Etiopia meridionale (G. Negri) 6717

Appunti statist. epaticol. ital. (C. Massal.) 5631

Appunti statistici sull’ epaticologia italica (C. Massal.) 5631

Aramaeische Pflanzennamen (I. Low) 4945

Aram. Pfl.-Namen (I. Low) 4945

Arboret. svec. (L.) 4804

Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum (Loud.) 5028

Arboretum svecicum (L.) 4804

Arbor. frutic. brit. (Loud.) 5028

Arbres et arbrisseaux d’Europe et leurs insectes (Macquart) 5203

Arbr. Europe insect. (Macquart) 5203.

Arbust. amer. (Marsh.) 5457

Arbustrum americanum (Marsh.) 5457

Archives de la flore jurassienne (see A. Magnin)

Archiv fur die systematische Naturge- schichte (see D. Mohr)

Archivos Museu nacional do Rio de Janeiro (see L. Netto)

Argum. contra Hedw. Theor. 6846

Argumentis contra Hedwigii theoriam de generatione muscorum (Noehd.) 6846

Arthoniae et Arthothelii (Miull.-Arg.) 6472

Artocarpus Dicksoni (Nath.) 6642

Art. Saprolegn. (Lindst.) 4686

Asclep. argent. (Malme) 5317

Asclepiadaceae argentinae (Malme)




Asclepiadaceae paraguayenses (Malme) 5304

Asclepiadaceae paranenses (Malme) 5309

Asclepiadaceen des Regnell’schen Herbars (Malme) 5302

Asclep. paraguay. (Malme) 5304

Asclep. paran. (Malme) 5309

Asclep. Regnell. Herb. (Malme) 5302

As Compostas de Portugal (Mariz) 5424

Ascomycetes and fungi imperfecti (Lind) 4543

Ascomyc. fung. imperf. (Lind) 4543

Aspergillus (Mosseray) 6359

Assoziationsbegriff (Ludi) 5075

Astragali italiani (Martelli) 54.73

Astrag. ital. (Martelli) 5473

Atl. Alpenfl. (Ochninger) 7010

Atlante dei principali funghi (G. Negri) 6714

Atlas der Alpenflora (Oehninger) 7010

Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde (see O. Mul- ler)

Atlas der Holzstructur (N. J. C. Muell.) 6521

Atlas der officinellen Pflanzen (Lincke) 4541

Atlas des plantes de France (Masclef) 5579

Atlas des plantes médicinales et vénéneuses de France (Masclef) 5580

Atlas Jap. veg. (Miyoshi) 6142

Atlas of Japanese vegetation (M1yoshi) 6142

Atlas pl. France (Masclef) 5579

Atlas pl. méd. (Masclef) 5580

Atl. prince. fung. (G. Negri) 6714

Através da Bahia (see 5516)

Auct. bot. (L.) 4800

Auctores botanici (L.) 4800

Auctuarium (Maund) 5714

Auftrocknen der Pflanzen (Luedersd.) 5074.

Auftrockn. Pfl. (Luedersd.) 5074

Aufzahlung der in Ungarn und Slavonien bisher beobachteten Gefasspflanzen (Neilr.) 6723

Aufzahlung der um Simbach am Inn wild-

wachsenden Phancree aa (Loher) 4947

Aufz. Ungarn Slavon. Gekisspil (Neilr.) 6723

Aurantiaceae (Oliver) 7053 Aus den Waldungen Japan’s (Mayr) 5753 Ausland. Arzney-Pfl. (J.G. Mann) 5357 Auslandischen Arzney-Pflanzen (J.G Mann) 5357 Australas. antarct. exped., Diatoms (A. Mann) 5350 . Australas. Charac. (Nordst.)-6868 - Australasian antarctic expedition, Diatoms (A. Mann) 5350 . Australian Characeae (Nordst.) 6868

Australian mosses (Mitt.) 6139

Australian vegetation (F. v. Muell.) 6402

Austral. moss. (Mitt.) 6139

Austral. veg. (F. v. Muell.) 6402

Auswahl merkwirdiger Pflanzen (Mart.) 5529

Auswahl von aussertropischen Pflanzen (F. v. Muell.) 6406

Ausw. merkw. Pfl. (Mart.) 5529

Autumn flowers and fruits (Macbr.) 5151

Bacillariaceen der Regensburger Gewasser (An. Mayer) 5744

Bacill. Regensb. Gewass. (An. Mayer) 5744

Barlappgewachse (Nessel) 6744

Baume des deutschen Waldes (Oelhafen) 7011

Bahama flora (see C. Millspaugh)

Bahama flora (see W. Murrill)

Bahama plants (see A. Northrop)

Balsporvaxterna (Orst.) 7032

Banane (Mildbr.) 6010

Banisteria (Nied.) 6804

Banisteria 2 (Nied.) 6804

Bases de la classification dans le genre Rus- sula (Maire) 5269

Bau Form. Pollenkorn. (Mohl) 6185

Bauhinien von Matto Grosso (Malme) Hayes)

Bauhin. Matto Grosso (Malme) 5313

Bau Nat. Charen (Mart.) 5512

Bayerns Laubm. (Molendo) 6204

Bayerns Laubmoose (Molendo) 6204

Beautiful leaved plants (E. J. Lowe) 5042

Beaut. leaved pl. (E. J. Lowe) 5042

Befrucht. Bl. (H. Mull.) 6436

Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten (H. Mull.) 6436

Begoniac. (Klotzsch) 3739

Beitrage zu einer Bryologie West-Afrikas (K. Mill. hal.) 6509

Beitrage zur Anatomie der Artocarpeen (Ad. Mey.) 5896

Beitrage zur Anatomie holziger und succu- lenter Compositen (Joh. Mull.) 6481

Beitrage zur Anatomie und Biologie der Laubmoose (Lorch) 4978

Beitrage zur Biologie der Flechtenflora des Hainbergs (Lotsy) 5014

Beitrage zur Biologie der niederen Pflanzen (see K. Magdefrau)

Beitrage zur Biologie und Geographie der Laubmoose, Moosstudien (see L. Molen- do)

Beitrage zur Biologie und Geographie der Laubmoose (Lorentz) 4986

Beitrage zur Botanik (Mett.) 5879

Beitrage zur Botanik gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde (Meyen) 5895

Beitrage zur chorographischen Kenntniss


des Flussgebiets der Innerste (G. Mey.)


Beitrage zur Diatomeenflora Bayerns (An. Mayer) 5745

Beitrage zur Flora des Komitates Bars (Moesz) 6179

Beitrage zur fossilen Flora Schwedens (Nath.) 6638

Beitrage zur genaueren Kenntniss der Hul- senfriichte (E. Loehr) 4922

Beitrage zur Geschichte der Herba Origani cretici (C. Marquart) 5440

Beitrage zur Gramineenflora Stiidamerikas (Lindm.) 4666

Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Algenvegeta- tion von Griechenland (Miliarakis) 6026

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Calicieen (Neubner) 6754

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Equiseten (Mil- de) 6012

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Flora West- und Ostpreussens (Luerss.) 5083

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Flora von Std- bosnien (Murb.) 6548

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fucaceen (Oltm.) 7081

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Daph- ne (Nitsche) 6826

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Ery- throxylon (Mart.) 5539

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Najas L. (Magnus) 5234

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Pilze (Niessl) 6820

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Podostemaceen (Matthiesen) 5687

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Rhizocarpeen (Mett.) 5878

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der sidamerikani- schen Arten der Gattung Pterocaulon (Malme) 5305

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Utricularien (see P. von Luetzelburg)

Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Baues und Le- bens der Flechten (Minks) 6082

Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger mesozoi- schen Cycadophyten (Nath.) 6646

Beitrage zur Kenntniss schweizerischer Torfmoore (Neuweiler) 6763

Beitrage zur Kenntniss unterirdischer Sten- gelgebilde (Arn. Ortmann) 7119

Beitrage zur Kenntniss von Vegetation und Flora der kanarischen Inseln (Linding.) 4634

Beitrage zur Kultur exotischer Gewachse (Med.) 5781

Beitrage zur Moosflora des Gouvernements Pleskau (Malta) 5322

Beitrage zur Moosflora des Harzes (Loeske)




Beitrage zur Palmenflora Sitidamerikas (Lindm.) 4667

Beitrage zur Petrefacten-Kunde (G. Min- ster) 6535

Beitrage zur Pflanzenkunde des Russischen Reiches (C. A. Mey.) 5909

Beitrage zur Pilzflora der Niederlande (Ou- dem.) 7164

Beitrage zur sch6nen Gartenkunst (Me- dik.) 5768

Beitrage zur Stictaceen-Flora Feuerlands und Patagoniens (Malme) 5301

Beitrage zur Ubersicht der Kurhessischen Flora (Meurer) 5892

Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Ranunculaceen (Alb. Mey.) 5897

Beitrage zur wissenschaftlichen Botanik (Nag.) 6610

Beitrage zur Xyridaceen-Flora Sudameri- kas (Malme) 5303

Beitr. Agaveen (Mart.) 5547

Beitrag zu einer Phanerogamenflora von Freistadt (see J. Mik)

Beitrag zur Flora brasiliens (Mart.) 5518

Beitrag zur Flora Brasiliens (Maxim. Wied)


Beitrag zur Flora von Lippstadt (H. Mull.) 6435

Beitrag zur Infusorienkunde (Nitzsch) 6828

Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Flechten von Ko- lumbien (Lindau) 4562

Beitrag zur Kenntniss der nattirlichen Fa- milie der Amarantaceen (Mart.) 5525

Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Taccaceen (H. Limpr.) 4536

Beitrag zur Natur und Literar-Geschichte der Agaveen (Mart.) 5547

Beitrag zur Pilz-Flora von Franken (Mag- nus) 5237

Beitr. Algenveg. Griechenl. (Miliarakis) 6026

Beitr. Amarantac. (Mart.) 5525

Beitr. Anat. Artocarp. (Ad. Mey.) 5896

Beitr. Anat. Compos. (Joh. Mill.) 6481

Beitr. Anat. Ranunce. (Alb. Mey.) 5897

Beitr. Bau. Flecht. (Minks) 6082

Beitr. Biol. Laubm. (Lorentz) 4986

Beitr. Bot. (Mett.) 5879

Beitr. Calicieen (Neubner) 6754

Beitr. chorogr. Kennt. Innerste (G. Mey.) 5931

Beitr. Daphne (Nitsche) 6826

Beitr. Erythroxylon (Mart.) 5539

Beitr. Fl. Bars (Moesz) 6179

Beitr. Fl. bras. (Mart.) 5518

Beitr. Flechtenfl. Hainbergs (Lotsy) 5014

Beitr. Fl. Lippstadt (H. Mill.) 6435

Beitr. Fl. Russl. (C. A. Mey.) 5917

Beitr. Fl. Siidbosnien (Murb.) 6548

Beitr. Fl. West-Ostpreuss. (Luerss.) 5083


Beitr. Fucac. (Oltm.) 7081

Beitr. Gartenk. (Medik.) 5768

Beitr. Gram.-Fl. Siidamer. (Lindm.) 4666

Beitr. Hulsenfr. (E. Loehr) 4922

Beitr. Infusorienk. (Nitzsch) 6828

Beitr. Kenntn. Equiset. (Milde) 6012

Beitr. Kenntn. Najas (Magnus) 5234

Beitr. Kenntn. Stengelgeb. (Arn. Ort- mann) 7119

Beitr. Kult. exot. Gew. (Med.) 5781

Beitr. Kurhess. Fl. (Meurer) 5892

Beitr. mesoz. Cycadoph. (Nath.) 6646

Beitr. Moosfl. Pleskau (Malta) 5322

Beitr. Oedogon. (Hirn) 2790

Beitr. Palmenfl. Siidamer. (Lindm.) 4667

Beitr. Petref.-Kunde (G. Minster) 6535

Beitr. PAl.-K. Russ. Reiches (C. A. Mey.) 5909

Beitr. Podostem. (Matthiesen) 5687

Beitr. Schweiz. Torfmoore (Neuweiler) 6763

Beitr. 5301

Beitr. sidamer. Pterocaulon (Malme) 5305

Beitr. Taccac. (H. Limpr.) 4536

Beitr. Veg. kanar. Ins. (Linding.) 4634

Beitr. wiss. Bot. (Nag.) 6610

Beitr. Xyrid.-Fl. Sidamer. (Malme) 5303

Bekn. schoolfl. Nederl. (see S. van Oost- stroom)

Belgique horticole (see GC. Morren)

Bemaerkninger over Vegetationen Brasi- lien (P. W. Lund) 5100

Bemaerkn. Veget. Brasilien (P. W. Lund) 5100

Bemerk. Bestimm. Gewachsh. (Mart.) 5545

Bemerk. Hymenobrychis (C. A. Mey.) 5902

Bemerk. Polygon. (C. A. Mey.) 5903

Bemerkungen tiber die Gattungen der Daphnaceen (C. A. Mey.) 5906

Bemerkungen tber die heutige Systematik der Pilze (Lindau) 4550

Bemerkungen tiber die wissenschaftliche Bestimmung und die Leistungen unserer Gewachshauser (Mart.) 5545

Bemerkungen tiber einige Hymenobrychis- Arten (C. A. Mey.) 5902

Bemerkungen zu Dr. G. Lagerheim’s Ab- handlung Uredineae herbarii Eliae Fries (Magnus) 5239

Beobachtungen an dem Prothallium der Farrnkrauter (Merckl.) 5839

Beob. Prothall. Farrnkr. (Merckl.) 5839

Berattelse i anledning af en till Tornea Lappmark verkstalld naturalhistorisk re- sa (Norrl.) 6886

Beratt. Tornea Lappmark resa (Norrl.) 6886

Beredeneerde catalogus (Oudem.) 7149

Stictac.-Fl. Feuerlands (Malme)

Beretning om en Excursion till Trindelen (Orst.) 7013

Beschouw. delfst. (Miq.) 6110

Beschouwingen over de delfstoffen (Miq.) 6110

Beschr. Baume Ver. Staat. (Marsh.) 5457

Beschreibung der in Mahren und Schlesien vorkommenden Schwamme (F. Mar- quardt) 5441

Beschreibung der Lander zwischen den Flussen Terek und Kur (M.-Bieb.) 5451

Beschreibung der wildwachsenden Baume und Staudengewachse in den Vereinig- ten Staaten (Marsh.) 5457

Beschreibung einiger neuen (Mart.) 5532

Beschreibung eines neuentdeckten Pilzes (Libosch.) 44.98

Beschreibung seltener Pflanzen (J. Mar- tyn) 5563

Beschr. Mahr. Schles. Schwamme (F. Mar- quardt) 5441

Beschr. Nopaleen (Mart.) 5532

Beschr. Pilz. (Libosch.) 4498

Betrachtungen tiber die. Urformen der nie- dern Organismen (Maerkl.) 5216

Betracht. Urform. nied. Organ. (Maerkl.) 5216

Betula (L.) 4724

Betula nana (L.) 4724

Beytrage zur Naturgeschichte (Link) 4690

Beytrage zur Pflanzen-Anatomie (Med.) 5780

Beytrage zur Philosophie der Naturge- schichte (Link) 4690

Beytr. Naturgesch. (Link) 4690

Beytr. Pfl.-Anat. (Med.) 5780

Bibl. Amer. nat. hist. (Meisel) 5802

Bibl. bot. (Haller) 2313

Bibl. bot. (L.) 4710, 4711

Bibl. bot. litor. austriac. (Marches.) 5398

Bibl. bot. suec. (see C. Lindman)

Bibl. East. Asiat. bot. (Merr.) 5871

Bibl. enum. Born. pl. (Merr.) 5862

Bibliografia botanica del litorale austriaco (Marches.) 5398

Bibliographia genetica (see J. Lotsy)

Bibliographic enumeration of Bornean plants (Merr.) 5862

Bibliography of American natural history (Meisel) 5802

Bibliography of Eastern Asiatic botany (Merr.) 5871

Bibliography of Polynesian botany (Merr.) 5864

Bibliotheca botanica (L.) 4711

Bibliotheca botanica (L.) (see 4710)

Bibliotheca botanica (see C. Luerssen)

Bibl. Polynes. bot. (Merr.) 5864

Bidrag Tarax. Karel. (Markl.) 5431



Bidrag til Kundskab om _ Egefamilien (Orst.) 7031

Bidrag till Bornholms fossila flora. Pterido- fyter (H. Moller) 6157

Bidrag till Finlands bryologi (Nerv.) 6743

Bidrag till Hieracium-Floran (Norrl.) 6889

Bidrag till kinnedomen af de skandinaviska arterna af slagtet Draba (Lindblom) 4614a

Bidrag till kannedomen af floran pa Sveri- ges (Neuman) 6758

Bidrag till kannedomen om Blekinges moss- flora (Medelius) 5764

Bidrag till kannedomen om sydligare Nor- ges Desmidiéer (Nordst.) 6864

Bidrag till kannedomen om Taraxacum- Floran i Karelia ladogensis (Markl.) jaoH

Bidrag till mossornas synonymi (Lindb.) 4576

Bidrag till nordens mossflora (Lindb.) 4608

Bidrag till nordens mossflora (see 4590)

Bidrag till Sveriges fossila flora (Nath.) 6638

Bidrag till Syd6stra Tavastlands flora (Norrl.) 6883

Bidr. Bornh. foss. fl., Gymnosp. (H. Moller) 6158

Bidr. Bornh. foss. fl. Pterid. (H. Moller) 6157

Bidr. Egefam. (Orst.) 7031

Bidr. Finl. bryol. (Nerv.) 6743

Bidr. Hierac.-Fl. (Norrl.) 6889

Bidr. moss. synon. (Lindb.) 4576

Bidr. Norg. Desmid. (Nordst.) 6864

Bidr. skand. Draba (Lindblom) 4614a

Bidr. Sver. foss. fl. (Nath.) 6638

Bidr. Sydost. Tavastl. fl. (Norrl.) 6883

Bijdrage over enige nieuw ontdekte cham- pignons voor de flora van Nederland (Oudem.) 7150

Bijdrage tot de flora cryptogamica van Ne- derland (Molk.) 6212

Bijdr. fl. crypt. Nederland (Molk.) 6212

Bilder ur Nordens Flora (see C. Lindman, C. Ostenfeld)

Bilder ur vaxtverlden (see A. Mela)

Billeder af Nordens Flora (see A. Mentz)

Biografia degli apoteci della Lachnea thele- boloides (Morini) 6324

Biologisch Jaarboek (see P. van Oye)

Bladmossornas locklésa former (Lindb.) 4581

Boheims phanerogamische und cryptoga- mische Gewachse (Opiz) 7091

Boh. phan. crypt. Gew. (Opiz) 7091

Bonn Fl. (Martersteck) 5489

Bonnischer Flora (Martersteck) 5489

Bios indigénes de Sao Paulo (E. Navarro) 6658



Bois indig. Sao Paulo (E. Navarro) 6658

BotsstERA (see B. Hochreutiner)

Boletus subtomentosus (C. Martin) 5493

‘Boletus subtomentosus”’ de la région gene- voise (C. Martin) 5493

Bonner Lehrbuch (see F. Noll)

Bornholms fossila flora, Gymnospermer (H. Moller) 6158

Bosquejo organografico y fisiologico de la classe de los hongos (Mont.) 6241

Botanical cabinet (Lodd.) 4914

Botanical cabinet (see G. Loddiges)

Botanical class-book (H. Noll) 6854

Botanical dictionary (Milne) 6075

Botanical expedition to Oregon (Andr. Murray) 6565

Botanical exploration of the trans- Mississippi West 1790-1850 (see S. Mc- Kelvey)

Botanical features of North American de- serts (MacDougal) 5165

Botanical pen-portraits (J. Moll) 6218

Botanical terminology (G. N. Lloyd) 4901

Botanic annual (Mudie) 6391

Botanic Garden (Maund) 5712

Botanico italiano (Moretti) 6303

Botanicorum rossicorum biographo-bibliographicum 4866

Botanicum monspeliense (Magnol) 5230

Botanik (see K. Miller)

Botanik fiir Damen (Maly) 5331

Botanique cryptogamique pharmacomédi- cale (Marchand) 5386

Botanische Bemerkungen tuber Stratiotes und Sagittaria (Nolte) 6855

Botanische Beobachtungen des Jahres 1782 (Medik.) 5769

Botanische Beobachtungen des Jahres 1783 (Medik.) 5770

Botanische Erlatiterungen zu Strabons Geographie (E. Mey.) 5928

Botanische Mittheilungen (Nag.) 6611

Botanische Reisen in den Hochgebirgen Chinas (see A. von Lingelsheim)

Botanische Reisen in den Hochgebirgen Chinas und Ost-Tibets (H. Limpr.) 4537

Botanischer Fuhrer zur Flora von Koln (M. Loehr) 4926

Botanisches Archiv (see C. Mez)

Botanisches Centralblatt (see J. Lotsy)

Botanisches Echo (see C. Mez)

Botanisches Excursionsbuch (G. Lorinser) 5009

Botanisches ‘Taschenbuch (Neygenf.) 6781

Botanisches Taschenbuch auf das Jahr 1807 (see D. Mohr)

Botanisches Worterbuch Ambodik) 5723

Botanische Zeitung (see H. von Mohl)


(Lipsch. )



Botanischpraktische Lustgartnerey (Lue- der) 5072

Botanisch-prosodisches Worterbuch (J. B. Mull.) 6479

Botaniska Notiser (see A. Lindblom)

Botaniska Notiser (see C. Nordstedt)

Botaniska resa till Satakunta (Malmgren) 5321

Botanist (Maund) 5713

Botaniste en Malaisie (Massart) 5649

Botanist’s manual (R. Morris) 6351

Bot. ann. (Mudie) 6391

Botany for ladies (J. W. Loud.) 5024

Botany of H. M.S. Herald (see W. Munro)

Botany of Iceland (see E. Mstrup)

Botany of Socotra (see J. Mueller Argo- viensis )

Botany of Southern California (Orcutt) 7102

Botany of the FaerGes (see E. Mstrup)

Botany of the Faeroes (see C. Ostenfeld)

Botany of the Speke and Grant expedition (Oliver) 7057

Bot. Bemerk. Stratiotes (Nolte) 6855

Bot. Beob. 1782 (Medik.) 5769

Bot. Beob. 1783 (Medik.) 5770

Bot. cab. (Lodd.) 4914

Bot. class-book (H. Noll) 6854

Bot. comm. orat. (Nocca) 6830

Bot. crypt. pharm.-méd. (Marchand) 5386

Bot. Damen (Maly) 5331

Bot. dict. (Milne) 6075

Bot. Erforsch. Bayern (Mart.) 5543

Bot. Erlaut. Strab. (E. Mey.) 5928

Bot. Excurs.-Buch (G. Lorinser) 5009

Bot. Exped. Oregon (Andr. Murray) 6565

Bot. Fuhr. Koln (M. Loehr) 4926

Bot. Gard. (Maund) 5712

Bot. Herald (see F. Miquel)

Bot. Herald., Hepaticae of Panama (see W. Mitten)

Bot. Ladies (J.W. Loud.) 5024

Bot. man. (R. Morris) 6351

Bot. Mitth. (Nag.) 6611

Bot. monsp. (Magnol) 5230

Bot. N. Amer. deserts (MacDougal) 5165

Bot. pen-portr. (J. Moll) 6218

Bot.-prakt. Lustgartn. (Lueder) 5072

Bot.-prosod. Worterb. (J. B. Mull.) 6479

Bot. Reis. Chin. (H. Limpr.) 4537

Bot. resa Satakunta (Malmgren) 5321

Bot. ross. lex. (Lipsch.) 4866

Botrychiorum monographia (Milde) 6024

Bot. 8. Calif. (Orcutt) 7102

Bot. termin. (G. N. Lloyd) 4901

Bot. Voy. Herald (see J. Miers)

Bot. Worterb. (Maxim.-Ambodik) 5723

Brand- u. Rostpilze (Migula) 5998

Bras. Cyclanth. (Lindm.) 46638

Bras. Pilzbl. (A. Moller) 6152

Brasilische Pilzblumen (A. Moller) 6152

Braschiae pl. (N. Martelli) 5469

Braschiae plantae (N. Martelli) 5469

Braunsporigen Normalblatterpilze (Nutiesch) 6912

Breviarum plantarum ducatas slesvicensis austro-occidentalis (F. v. Muell.) 6395

Brief notice of the floral regions of Mississip- pi (E. N. Lowe) 5045

Brief remarks on nomenclature in biomor- phic science (F. v. Muell.) 6429

Briofite e 1 licheni (Minio) 6081a

Brit. ferns (T. Moore) 6277, 6278

Brit. forest trees (Nisbet) 6825

Brit. fung. (Massee) 5655, 5661

Brit. fung.-fl. (Massee) 5657

British ferns (T. Moore) 6277, 6278

British forest trees (Nisbet) 6825

British fungi (Massee) 5655, 5661

British fungus-flora (Massee) 5657

British Hawkweeds (E. Linton) 4856

British naturalist (see R. Mudie)

British Rubt, in dried specimens (see .. Linton)

British species of Utricularia (E. Linton) 4857

British wild flowers (T. Moore) 6280

Brittonia (see E. Merrill)

Brit. wild fl. (T. Moore) 6280

Brome-grass. Wyoming (A. Nels.) 6732

Brome-grasses of Wyoming (A. Nels.) 6732

Bromel. herb. regnell. (Lindm.) 4663

Bromeliaceae herbarii regnelliani (Lindm.) 4663

Brotéria (see A. Luisier)

Bryaceae Scandinaviae exsiccatae (see S. Lind- berg)

Bryol. germ. (Nees) 6682

Bryol. Nachlassherb. Stolz (Matousch.) 5671

Bryol. Notizb. (Lorentz) 4988

Bryologia Austro-Georgiae (K..Mull. hal.) 6513

Bryologia Austro-Georgiae (see K. Muller hal.)

Bryologia germanica (Nees) 6682

Bryologia guatemalensis (K. Mull. hal.) 6516

Bryologia Serrae Itatiaiae (K. Mull. hal.) 6518

Bryologia silesiaca (Milde) 6025

Bryologisches Nachlassherbar des Frie- drich Stolz (Matousch.) 5671

Bryologische Reisebilder aus den Alpen (Molendo) 6203

Bryologisches aus der Umgebung Leipzigs (Monk.) 6171

Bryologisches Notizbuch (Lorentz) 4988

Bryol. siles. (Milde) 6025

Bryoph. Connecticut (Nichols) 6782

Bryophytes of Connecticut (Nichols) 6782


Bryotheca baltica (see J. Mikutowicz)

Bryotheca europaea (see S. Lindberg)

Bryotheca lusitanica (see A. Luisier)

Bryotheca silestaca (see K. Limpricht)

Bryotheca silesiaca (see C. Milde)

Buch der Pflanzenwelt (K. Mull. hal.) 6498

Burmannien der ersten Regnell’schen Ex- pedition (Malme) 5296

Burmann. Regnell. Exped. (Malme) 5296

Bush friends Tasmania (Meredith) 5842

Buxbaumia (L.) 4792

Byrsonima (Nied.) 6800

Byrsonima 2 (Nied.) 6800

Buchozia (L’Hér.) 4491

Buch Pfl.-Welt (K. Mull. hal.) 6498

Bulletin de la société Murithienne (see L. Murith)

Bulletin des sciences physiques et naturelles en Néerlande (see F. Miquel)

Bulletin of the Lloyd library of botany (see C. Lloyd)

Bulletin of the Torrey botanical Club (see E. Morris)

Bunchosia (Nied.) 6801

Burmah (F. Mason) 5584

Cacao (Mitscherl.) 6133

Cacao Chocolade (Mitscherl.) 6134

Cacao und die Chocolade (Mitscherl.) 6134

Cactaceas de México (Ochot.) 6994

Cact. México (Ochot.) 6994.

Calceolarium (P. Lundell) 5104

Calcutta Journal of Natural History (see J. M Clelland)

Calendarium florae (L.) 4787

Calend. fl. (L.) 4787

Calendrier de Flore (see C. Lortet)

Caliceae exsiccatae (see J. Nadvornik)

California trees and flowers (Orcutt) 7100

Californie (Monnet) 6226

Calif. trees shrubs (Orcutt) 7100

Calques fl. Mexique (see J. Mocino)

Cambr. Brit. fl. (Moss) 6358

Cambridge British flora (Moss) 6358

Canadian lichens (see J. Macoun)

Carta obs. bot. (Lorente) 4985

Carta sobre las Observaciones botanicas (Lorente) 4985

Casuarinearum caulis foliique evolutione et structura (E. Loew) 4943

Cat. Afr. pl. Welwitsch (see A. Lister)

Cat. alf. pl. Sinaloa (J. Gonz. Ort.) 7116

Cat. alg. eau douce (Manguin) 5347

Catalog der Flora Bohmens (Ott) 7137

Catalogo alfabético de las plantas de Sina- loa (J. Gonz. Ort.) 7116

Catalogo alfabetico de nombres vulgares y cientificos de plantas que existen en Me- xico (Martinez) 5501



Catalogo delle specie vegetabili (Malacar- ne) 5287a

Catalogo de los nombres de algunas plantas puertorriquenas (Otero) 7135

Catalogo de nombres vulgares y cientificos de plantas mexicanas (Martinez) 5501, 5504

Catalogo descritivo de briologia portugué- sa (Mach.) 5176

Catalog of the vascular plants of Maryland (Norton) 6899

Catalogo regionato dei funghi ipogei (Mat- tir.) 5706

Catalogo sistematico de las plantas de Sina- loa (J. Gonz. Ort.) 7117

Catalogue alphabétique des arbres et ar- brissaux (Marsh.) 5457

Catalogue de mon herbier de Champi- gnons (see V. Mouton)

Catalogue de plantes rares (Lubbers) 5051

Catalogue des algues d’eau douce (Man- guin) 5347

Catalogue dés Broméliacées (E. Morr.) 6344

Catalogue des collections de bois indigénes (W. Macarthur) 5149

Catalogue des collections de bois indigénes (see CG. Moore)

Catalogue descriptif des lichens de la Nor- mandie (Malbr.) 5290

Catalogue descriptif des lichens du départe- ment de la Sarthe (Mong.) 6224

Catalogue des diatom. (Habirshaw) 2228

Catalogue des espéces omises dans la Flore du Hainaut (Marissal) 5419

Catalogue des hépatiques du Jura (Meyl.) 5938

Catalogue des mousses du Jura (Meyl.) D939

Catalogue des phanérogames de Tournay (Marissal) 5418 ;

Catalogue des plantes cellulaires et vascu- laires de la Seine-infériéure (Malbr.) 5289

Catalogue des plantes cultivées dans le jar- din botanique de Bruxelles (Nyst) 6987

Catalogue des plantes dans le jardin de M. van Marum (Marum) 5573

Catalogue des plantes de Romorantin (E. Martin) 5495

Catalogue des plantes de serres (Linden) 4627

Catalogue des plantes du jardin botanique de la ville de Gand (Mussche) 6591

Catalogue des plantes du jardin botanique établi a Besancon (J. F. N. Morel) 6295

Catalogue des plantes du jardin médical de Paris (Marthe) 5490

Catalogue des plantes exotiques (Linden) 4623


Catalogue des plantes nouvelles (Linden) 4627

Catalogue des plantes phanérogames ... des Deux-Sévres (see P. Maillard)

Catalogue des plantes phanérogames vas- culaires de Eure (Niel) 6815

Catalogue des plantes qui croissent autour de Dinan (Mabille) 5142

Catalogue des plantes qui croissent naturel- lement dans le département de la Cote- d’Or (A. Lorey) 5005

Catalogue des plantes vasculaires en Corse (Marsilly) 5465

Catalogue des plantes vasculaires qui crois- sent naturellement aux environs de Ge- néve (see 5838)

Catalogue et prix courant pour 1869 (Lin- den) 4623

Catalogue général (Linden) 4627

Catalogue illustre (Linden) 4627

Catalogue illustré des plantes de serres (Linden) 4627

Catalogue of a collection of plants made chiefly in the valleys of the Rocky Moun- tains (Nutt.) 6926

Catalogue of British fossils (J. Morris) 6349

Catalogue of Canadian plants (Macoun) HLL)

Catalogue of Canadian plants, Musci (Ma- coun) 5201

Catalogue of flowering plants and ferns, growing wild in the Isle of Wight (see 6291)

Catalogue of Japanese plants (Makino) 5284

Catalogue of new and interesting plants collected in Upper Louisiana (Nutt.) 6919

Catalogue of North American genera of plants (see 4644)

Catalogue of North American Plants (Oy- ster) 7174

Catalogue of plants (Lodd.) 4913

Catalogue of plants and seeds (Lodd.) 4912

Catalogue of plants growing without culti- vation in the County of Nantucket (Owen) 7173

Catalogue of plants in Rhode-Island (Ol- ney) 7075

Catalogue of plants in the botanic garden, Cape Town (McGibb.) 5171

Catalogue of plants in the Royal Society’s gardens, Hobart Town (F. Newm.) 6778

Catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns of Dublin and Wicklow (D. Moore) 6273

Catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns of Ohio (Newb.) 6765

Catalogue of the flowering plants of Aber- deen (P. MacGillivray) 5172

Catalogue of the indigenous and exotic plants growing in Ceylon (Moon) 6264

Catalogue of the marine algae of the West Indian region (G. Murray) 6568

Catalogue of the most interesting forest trees (D. Morris) 6347

Catalogue of the phaenogamous and cryp- togamous plants (Macoun) 5198

Catalogue of the phaenogamous and vascu- lar cryptogamous plants of North Ameri- ca (Oyster) 7174

Catalogue of the phaenogamous plants of the United States (H. Mann) 5353

Catalogue of the plants found in Ireland (J. Mackay) 5182

Catalogue of the plants in the garden of John Blackburne (A. Neal) 6661

Catalogue of the plants of Suffolk County (E. S. Mill.) 6031

Catalogue of Vermont plants (Oakes) 6989

Catalogue of Yorkshire fungi (F. Mason) 5585

Catalogue raisonné des champignons des Pays-Bas (Oudem.) 7166

Catalogue raisonné des plantes de la Haute Ariége (Marcailhou) 5375

Catalogue raisonné des plantes vasculaires de Savoie (see J. Offmer)

Catalogue raisonné des plantes vasculaires des iles Baléares (Mares) 5403

Catalogue raisonné des plantes vasculaires du Pas-de-Calais (Masclef) 5578

Catalogues généraux (Linden) 4623

Catalogue spécial des Azalea, Camellia, Rhododendrum (Linden) 4627

Catalogue spécial et prix-courant des orchi- dées exotiques (Linden) 4627

Catalogue systématique des Basidiomyceé- tes de la Suisse romande (C. Martin) Bia at

Catalogus horti botanici amstelodamensis (Migq.) 6112

Catalogus horti botanici Cantabrigiensis (Martyn) 5566

Catalogus musei botanici lugduno-batavi (Migq.) 6124

Catalogus plantarum (Mill.) 6036

Catalogus plantarum Americae septentrio- nalis (Muhl.) 6536

Catalogus plantarum caesarei regu horti prope Modiciam (G. Manetti) 5338

Catalogus plantarum horti botanici Haf- niensis (Moerch) 6173

Catalogus plantarum horti caesarei floren- tini (P. Mich.) 5975

Catalogus plantarum in Algeria sponte nas- centium (Munby) 6543

Catalogus plantarum officinalium ( Mill.) 6037

Catalogus plantarum omnium (J. G. Mi- kan) 6007

Catalogus plantarum phanerogamicarum


grudentinensis et gedanensis (Menge) 5828

Cat. alp. arbr. (Marsh.) 5457

Cat. Basidiomyc. Suisse rom. (C. Martin) 5494

Cat. Brit. foss. (J. Morris) 6349

Cat. Bromél. (E. Morr.) 6344

Cat. Canad. pl. (Macoun) 5199

Cat. Canad. pl., Musci (Macoun) 5201

Cat. champ. Pays-Bas (Oudem.) 7166

Cat. coll. bois. indig. (W. Macarthur) 5149

Cat. descr. briol. port. (Mach.) 5176

Cat. esp. omises Fl. Hainaut (Marissal) BLN

Cat. Fl. Bohm. (Ott) 7137

Cat. forest trees (D. Morris) 6347

Cat. fungh. ipogei (Mattir.) 5706

Cat. gard. Blackburne (A. Neal) 6661

Cat. gard. Hobart Town (F. Newm.) 6778

Cat. hort. amstelod. (Miq.) 6112

Cat. hort. bot. Gantabrig. (Martyn) 5566

Cat. hort. florent. (P. Mich.) 5975

Cat. hort. Hafn. (Moerch) 6173

Cat. Jap. pl. (Makino) 5284

Cat. jard. bot. Bruxelles (Nyst) 6987

Cat. lich. Normandie (Malbr.) 5290

Cat. Mouss. Jura (Meyl.) 5939

Cat. mus. bot. lugd.-bat. (Miq.) 6124

Cat. nombr. pl. Mexico (Martinez) 5501

Cat. nombr. vulg. pl. mexic. (Martinez) Hoa

Cat. phaen. pl. U.S. (H. Mann) 5353

Cat. phan. Tournay (Marissal) 5418

Cat. pl. (Lodd.) 4913

Cat. pl. (Mill.) 6036

Cat. pl. Aberdeen (P. MacGillivray) 5172

Cat. pl. Algeria (Munby) 6543

Cat. pl. Amer. sept. (Muhl.) 6536

Cat. pl. bot. gard. Gape (McGibb.) 5171

Cat. pl. Canada (Macoun) 5198

Cat. pl. Ceylon (Moon) 6264

Cat. pl. Cdote-d’Or (A. Lorey) 5005

Cat. pl. Dinan (Mabille) 5142

Cat. pl. exot. (Linden) 4623

Cat. pl. grudent. gedan. (Menge) 5828

Cat. pl. Haute Ariége (Marcailhou) 5375

Cat. pl. hort. Modic. (G. Manetti) 5338

Cat. pl. indig. Holl. (see 4809)

Cat. pl. Ireland (J. Mackay) 5182

Cat. pl. jard. Besangon (J. F. N. Morel) 6295

Cat. pl. jard. Gand (Mussche) 6591

Cat. pl. jard. Marum (Marum) 5573

Cat. pl. jard. méd. Paris. (Marthe) 5490

Cat. pl. Maroc. (see R. Maire)

Cat. pl. N. Amer. (Oyster) 7174

Cat. pl. Nantucket (Owen) 7173

Cat. pl. off. (Mill.) 6037

Cat. pl. Ohio (Newb.) 6765

Cat. pl. omn. (J. G. Mikan) 6007



Cat. pl. Pas-de-Calais (Masclef) 5578

Cat. pl. puertorr. (Otero) 7135

Cat. pl. rar. (Lubbers) 5051

Cat. pl. Rhode Isl. (Olney) 7075

Cat. pl. Romorantin (E. Martin) 5495

Cat. pl. seeds (Lodd.) 4912

Cat. pl. Seine-inf. (Malbr.) 5289

Cat. pl. Suffolk Co. (E. S. Mill.) 6031

Cat. pl. Talbot Oban distr. (see S. Moore)

Cat. pl. Upper Louisiana (Nutt.) 6919

Cat. pl. vase. Baléares (Marés) 5403

Cat. pl. vasc. Corse (Marsilly) 5465

Cat. sist. pl. Sinaloa (J. Gonz. Ort.) 7117

Cat. S. Niger. pl. (see S. Moore)

Cat. sp. veg. (Malacarne) 5287a

Cat. Vermont pl. (Oakes) 6989

Cat. Yorkshire fung. (F. Mason) 5585

Ceanothus (see H. McMinn)

Cenni di geografia e paleontologia botanica (Manganotti) 5342

Cenni geogr. paleont. bot. (Manganotti) 5342

Cenni organogr. alg. (Menegh.) 5821

Cenni sulla organografia e fisiologia delle alghe (Menegh.) 5821

Census cat. Brit. hepat. (Macvicar) 5210

Census N.S.W. pl. (Maiden) 5265

Census of New South Wales fresh-water algae (Maiden) 5265

Census of New South Wales plants (Mai- den) 5265

Census of the gencra of plants indigenous to Australia (F. v. Muell.) 6426

Census of the plants of New South Wales (C. Moore) 6266

Census of the plants of Tasmania (F. v. Muell.) 6417

Census pl. N.S.W. (C. Moore) 6266

Cent. orchid. pl. (see J. Lyons)

Gentspl Ge) a7en

Cent. pl. II (L.) 4788

Cent. pl. cell. (Mont.) 6232

Cent. pl. Ross. merid. (M.-Bieb.) 5453

Centralamer. Gesner. (Orst.) 7019

Centralamericas Gesneraceer (Orst.) 7019

Centralamerikas Lobeliaceer (Orst.) 7018

Centralamerikas Rubiaceer (Orst.) 7015

Centuria I. plantarum (L.) 4781

Centuria II. plantarum (L.) 4788

Centuria plantarum rariorum Rossiae me- ridionalis (M.-Bieb.) 5453

Centurie i-ix de plantes cellulaires (Mont.) 6232

Century of botanical endeavor in South Australia (see J. Maiden)

Cerebella (Mattir.) 5696

Cerviana (Minuart) 6085a

Chaeroph. bulb. (Londes) 4970

Chaerophyllo bulboso (Londes) 4970

Chaetochloa (see E. Merrill)


Chamaceceros fertilis (Milde) 6014

Champ. Charente-Inf. (Mousnier) 6379

Champ. comest. (P. Noél) 6847

Champignons (Maubl.) 5709

Champignons (Moyen) 6388

Champignons comestibles (P. Noél) 6847

Champignons dans le département de la Charente-Inferieure (Mousnier) 6379

Charac. Deutschl. (Migula) 5986

Characeae scandinaviae exsiccale (see C. Nord- stedt)

Characeae exsiccatae (see E. Migula)

Characeen Deutschlands (Migula) 5986

Characées genevoises (Mull.-Arg.) 6451

Characteres distinctivi (see 4644)

Chard. nanc. (Hussenot) 3158

Check list Canad. pl. (Macoun) 5200

Check list of Canadian plants (Macoun) 5200

Chénes Amer. trop. (Liebm.) 4519

Chénes de ?Amérique tropicale (Liebm.)


Chénes de l’Amérique tropicale (see A. Or- sted)

Chenop. monogr. enum. (Mogq.) 6285

Chenopodearum monographica enumera- tio (Moq.) 6285

Chinchona New Granada (Markham) 5428

Chinchona species of New Granada (Mark- ham) 5428

Chinensia Lagerstromiana (L.) 4780 Chinese plant names (F. N. Meyer) 5796 Chin. Lagerstr. (L.) 4780

Chin. pl. names (F. N. Meyer) 5796

Chloris han. (G. Mey.) 5933

Chloris hanoverana (G. Mey.) 5933

Chlorosaccus (A. Luther) 5112

Choix de plantes exotiques rares ou nouvel-

_les (see M. Mercier)

Choix de plantes rares ou nouvelles, culti- vées et dessinées dans le jardin botanique de Buitenzorg (Miq.) 6118

Choix des plantes remarquables (Mart.) 5529

Choix pl. Buitenzorg (Miq.) 6118

Cimelia phys. (J. F. Mill.) 6033

Cimelia physica (J. F. Mill.) 6033

Cinnam. disp. (Nees) 6683

Cinnamomo disputatio (Nees) 6683

Cirsien der Schweiz (Nag.) 6604

Cirsiis ruthenicis (C. A. Mey.) 5915

Cirs. ruthen. (CG. A. Mey.) 5915

Cirs. Schweiz (Nag.) 6604.

Civ. nat. hist. Jamaica (see 4806)

XIX cl. Gen. Pl. (Meese) 5788

Cladoniaceen von Norddeutschland (see W. Mil- ler)

Claret de la Tourrette (Magnin) 5225

Classes plantarum (L.) 4720

XIX classe van de Genera Plantarum (Meese) 5788

Class. grapes N. Amer. (Munson) 6546a

Classification and generic synopsis of the wild grapes of North America (Munson) 6546a

Classifications et des méthodes en botani- que (Marchand) 5379

Classif. méth. bot. (Marchand) 5379

Class. pl. (L.) 4720

Clavis analytica ordinum (see 4644)

Clavis rem herbariam (Nocca) 6845

Clavis synoptica Characearum (see C. Nordstedt)

Clav. rem herb. (Nocca) 6845

Clematis (T. Moore) 6281

Clés des mucorinées (Naumov) 6657

Clés mucor. (Naumov.) 6657

Clusia (see CG. Morren)

Coenogon. (see 6680)

Coll. bot. (Lindl.) 4637

Collectanea botanica (Lindl.) 4637

Collectanea lichenologica (Nyl.) 6939

Collected lichenological papers (Nyl.) 6979

Collection towards a flora of the Territory of Arkansas (Nutt.) 6928

Collector’s handbook of Algae (Nave) 6659

Collezioni di Giorgio Everardo Rumpf (Martelli) 5475

Coll. pap. (Nyl.) 6979

Coll. Rumpf (Martelli) 5475

Colocynthide (Molk.) 6209

Coloniae plantarum in Svecia (Liljebl.) Ate)

Coloniis plantarum (L.) 4635

Colon. pl. (L.) 4835

Colon. pl. Svecia (Liljebl.) 4530

Comentario diagnostico (Nicotra) 6792

Comm. Arb. Uva Ursi (J. A. Murray) 6572

Commentarii phytographici (Miq.) 6091

Commentariorum de plantis Africae aus- tralioris (E. Mey.) 5925

Commentary on Loureiro’s “‘Flora cochin- chinensis” (Merr.) 5869

Commentatio botanico-medica de Poten- tilla (Nestl.) 6745

Commentatio de Arbuto Uva Ursi (J. A. Murray) 6572

Commentatio de organorum in vegetabili- bus ortu et metamorphosi (Miq.) 6086

Commentatio de vero Pipere cubeba (Miq.) 6091

Commentatio historico-naturalis de familia fungorum boletoideorum (Opat.) 7089

Comm. fam. bolet. (Opat.) 7089

Comm. FI. cochinch. (Merr.) 5869

Comm. organ. veg. (Miq.) 6086

Comm. phytogr. (Miq.) 6091

Common wild fl. (Macbr.) 5151

Common wild flowers (Macbr.) 5151


Comm. pl. Afr. austr. (E. Mey.) 5925

Comm, syst. bot. (H. C. Hall) 2282

Companion to the Glasgow botanic garden (S. Murray) 6580

Compendio de la historia geografica, natu- ral y civil del reyno de Chile (Molina) 6206

Compendio della relazione intorno all’erba Orobanche (P. Mich.) 5973

Compendio della storia geografica, natura- le (Molina) 6205

Compendium generalogium (see 4494)

Comp. Glasgow bot. gard. (S. Murray) 6580

Comp. hist. nat. Chile (Molina) 6206

Compilation of the Volvae of the United States (C. G. Lloyd) 4885

Compil. Volvae U.S. (C. G. Lloyd) 4885

Compleat herbal (see J. Martyn)

Compl. herbal (J. Newton) 6779

Compositae paranaenses dusenianae (Mal- me) 5316

Compositen der ersten Regnell’schen Expe- dition (Malme) 5300

Compos. paran. dusen. (Malme) 5316

Compos. Regnell. Exped. (Malme) 5300

Comp. storia Chile (Molina) 6205

Conat. praem. gen. lich. (Norm.) 6875

Conatus praemissus redactionis novae ge- nerum nonnullorum lichenum (Norm.) 6875

Concise notices of the indigenous grasses of Ireland (D. Moore) 6268

Conject. affin. Heterolich. (see 6875)

Conject. affin. Heterolich. (Norm.) 6878

Conjectura de affinitate mutua Heteroli- chenum (Norm.) 6878

Consid. alg. (Nardo) 6636

Considérations générales sur la famille des Mousses (Mont.) 6250

Considérations générales sur la végétation spontanée du Departement des Vosges (Moug.) 6374

Considérations succinctes sur la tribu des Laminariées (Mont.) 6239

Considérations sur la fleur des cruciferes (Mogq.) 6287

Considerazioni generali sulle alghe (Nar- do) 6636

Consid. vég. Vosges (Moug.) 6374

Consp. alg. bras. (G. Martens) 5484

Consp. algol. Eugan. (Menegh.) 5820

Conspectus algarum brasiliae (G. Martens) 5484

Conspectus algologiae Euganeae (Me- negh.) 5820

Conspectus _ florae Mendonga)

Conspectus florae europaeae (Nym.) 6984

Conspectus florae fennicae (see K. Linkola)

angolensis (see F.



Conspectus florae tertiariae orbis primaevi (A. Massal.) 5588

Conspectus generum Chenopodiacearum (see 6285)

Conspectus hymenomycetum (N. Lund) 5098

Conspectus regni vegetabilis (Mart.) 5534

Consp. fl. eur. (Nym.) 6984

Consp. fl. fennic. (Hjelt) 2826

Consp. fl. tert. (A. Massal.) 5588

Consp. hymenomyc. (N. Lund) 5098

Consp. lich. Nov.-Zeland. (Miull.-Arg.) 64.70

Consp. regn. veg. (Mart.) 5534

Conspectus synopticus sticteorum (Nyl.) 6955

Conspectus systematicus lichenum Novae Zelandiae (Miull.-Arg.) 6470

Continuatio altera selectarum ex amoeni- tatibus academicis Caroli Linnaei disser- tationum (L.) 4755

Continuatio selectarum ex amoenitates academicis Caroli Linnaei dissertatio- num (L.) 4755

Contr. algol. (Loefgr.) 4917

Contr. arb. Argent. (Lillo) 4531

‘ontr. biol. fior. Euphorbia (Nicotra) 6793

Contr. bot. (Miers) 5982

Contr. bryoph. jap. (S. Okam.) 7044

Contr. Canad. bot. (J. M. Macoun) 5195

Contr. Cybele hibern. (D. Moore) 6270

Contr. cytol. Musc. (Motte) 6365

Contr. étud. Palmiers Indoch. (Magalon)

paul., Oedogoniaceae

5221 Contr. fl. crypt. As. (Lindb.) 4595 Contr. fl. foss. Japan (Nath.) 6640 Contr. fl. Galicia (Merino) 5844

Contr. fl. Maroc (Murb.) 6556

Contr. fl. Mentone (Mogegr:) 6182

Contr. mycol. Nov. Seml. (Oudem.) 7156

Contr. fl. Pirin. centr. (Llenas) 4883

Contr. fl. Sicilia (Lojac.) 4964.

Contribucion a la flora de Galicia (Merino) 5844

Contribucion al conocimiento de los arbo- les de Argentina (Lillo) 4531

Contribucion al estudio de la flore del Piri- neo central (Llenas) 4883

Contribugoes para a algologia paulista fa- milia Oedogoniaceae (Loefgr.) 4917

Contribuicao para o estudo da flora crypto- gama dos Acores (Nyl.) 6974

Contributi alla flora di Sicilia (Lojac.) 4964.

Contributio ad cognitionem Florae man- shuricae (Nakai) 6627

Contributio ad floram cryptogamam Asiae boreali-orientalis (Lindb.) 4595

5 18k


etl Contr. fl. Guadeloupe (Mazé) 5760





Contribution a la connaissance cytologique des Muscinées (Motte) 6365

Contribution a la connaissance de la liché- nologie espagnole (Maheu) 5255

Contribution a la flore mycologique Suisse (C. Martin) 5492

Contribution a la flore de la Guadeloupe (Mazé) 5760

Contribution a Pétude botanique des bas- sins lacustres (see 5227)

Contribution a l'étude de la flore du Tibesti (Maire) 5274

Contribution a étude des champignons du Canton de Neuchatel (Mayor) 5749

Contribution a l’étude des Palmiers de P’Indochine frangaise (Magalon) 5221

Contribution a l’étude du genre Cora (Mattir.) 5690

Contributiones novae ad floram bryophy- ton japonicam (S. Okam.) 7044

Contributions a la connaissance de la flore du Maroc (Murb.) 6556

Contributions a la connaissance de la flore du nord-ouest de lAfrique ‘Tunisie

Mutrb.) 6549

Contributions a la flore du Paraguay (M.

Mich.) 5970

Contributions a la flore fossile du Japan

Nath.) 6640

Contributions a la flore mycologique de

Nowaja Semlja (Oudem.) 7156

Contributions a la flore mycologique des Pays-Bas (Oudem.) 7150

Contributions a létude de la flore de P Afrique du Nord (Maire) 5270

Contributions a l'étude phytosociologique de la Corse (Litard.) 4878

Contributions de l'Institut d’ Oka (see P. Louis-Marie)

Contributions du Laboratoire de Botani- que de Université de Montréal (see F. Marie-Victorin)

Contributions mycologiques (Oudem.) 7151

Contributions to a Cybele hibernica (see A. More)

Contributions to botany (Miers) 5982

Contributions to Canadian botany (J. M. Macoun) 5195

Contributions to New Zealand botany (Linds.) 4684

Contributions to our knowledge of the flora of the Rocky Mountains (A. Nels.) 6734.

Contributions to Paleontology (S. Mill.) 6o62a

Contributions to the flora of Mentone (Moger.) 6182

Contributions to the knowledge of some undescribed or imperfectly known fungi (Oudem.) 7163

Contributions to the natural history of La- buan (Motley) 6361

Contributions to the phytography of Tas- mania (F. v. Muell.) 6411

Contributions to the phytography of the New Hebrides (F. v. Muell.) 6407

Contributions towards a Cybele hibernica (D. Moore) 6270

Contribution II to the coastal and plain flora of Yucatan (Millsp.) 6069

Contribution to the flora of Yucatan (Millsp.) 6069

Contributo al comentaria diagnostico delle piante vascolari siciliane (Nicotra) 6792

Contributo alla briologia delle Isole Tremi- ti (G. Negri) 6713

Contributo alla micologia ipogea della Ve- nezia subalpina (Mattir.) 5704

Contribuzione alla flora del Modenese (A. Mori) 6314

Contribuzione alla micologia veronese (C. Massal.) 5633

Contribuzione alla biologia fiorale del ge- nere “Euphorbia” (Nicotra) 6793

Contribuzione alla conoscenza dell’ algolo- gia romana (Martel) 5467

Contribuzioni all’ algologia italiana (Mar- tel) 5468

Contribuzioni allo studio del genere Cora (Mattir.) 5690

Contr. lichénol. espagn. (Maheu) 5255

Contr. micol. ipog. Venezia (Mattir.) 5704

Contr. fl. mycol. Pays-Bas (Oudem.) 7150

Contr. fl. nord-ouest Afrique (Murb.) 6549

Contr. micol. veronese (C. Massal.) 5633

Contr. nat. hist. Lambay County (see D. McArdle)

Contr. nat. hist. Labuan (Motley) 6361

Contr. New Zealand bot. (Linds.) 4684

Contr. phytogr. New Hebrides (F. v. Muell.) 6407

Contr. phytogr. Tasmania (F. v. Muell.) 6411

Contr. phytosoc. Corse (Litard.) 4878

Contr. undescr. fung. (Oudem.) 7163

Coprosma (W. Oliver) 7062

Coriaria (Maxim.) 5733

Cornus (L’Her.) 4493

Cornus-Arten (C. A. Mey.) 5910

Corollarium (L.) 4716

Corollarium (Neck.) 6671

Corollarium (see 6670)

Corollarium de Gunnera (L.) 4834

Corollarium florae upsaliensis (Myrin) 6598

Coroll. fl. upsal. (Myrin) 6598

Corr. bot. (E. Morr.) 6345

Correspondance botanique (E. Morr.)

6345 Corso elem. bot. (Ort.) 7112


Corso elementare teorico di botanico (Ort.) FAT linye fal 12

Cortice peruviano (L.) 4796

Cort. peruv. (L.) 4796

Cotyledon hispanica (Minuart) 6085b

Coup-d oeil bot. (Mouton-Font.) 6385

Coup-d’oeil sur la botanique (Mouton- Font.) 6385

Criptogamia 6 plantas celulares (Mont.) 6242

Crit. Bemerk. (Med.) 5778

Crit. bot. (L.) 4718

Critica botanica (L.) 4710, 4.718

Criticial revision of the genus Eucalyptus (Maiden) 5261

Critisché Bemerkungen (Med.) 5778

Crit. revis. Eucalyptus (Maiden) 5261

Cruise Corwin (J. Muir) 6539

Cruise of the Corwin (J. Muir) 6539

Crypt. bras. (Mont.) 6238

Crypt.-Fl. (W.O. Mill.) 6526

Crypt. guyan. (Mont.) 6255

Crypt. jap. (Matsum.) 5675

Crypt. nilgher. (Mont.) 6244

Cryptogamae brasilienses (Mont.) 6238

Cryptogamae japonicae (Matsum.) 5675

Cryptogamae japonicae iconibus illustra- tae (see M. Miyoshi)

Cryptogamae nilgherienses (Mont.) 6244

Cryptogamen-Flora (W.O. Mull.) 6526

Cryptogamen-Herbarium der Thiiringischen Staaten (see W. Miller)

Cryptogames algériennes (Mont.) 6236

Cryptogames de Belgique (see ¥. Marchal)

Cryptogamia guyanensis (Mont.) 6255

Cryptogamic flora of Ottawa (Macoun) 5202

Cryptogamie (Mont.) 6246

Cryptogams of Wyoming (A. Nels.) 6731

Crypt. Wyoming (A. Nels.) 6731

Cui bono (L.) 4766

Cultivated plants (Moldenke) 6200

Cultivo del Eucalyptus en los Estados Uni- dos (McClat.) 5161

Cult. pl. (Moldenke) 6200

Curiositate naturali (L.) 4744

Curso elem. bot. (Ort.) 7111

Curso elemental de botanica (Ort.) 7111

Cycadaceae quaedam americanae (Miq.) 6108

Cycad. amer. (Miq.) 6108

Cycadeis loddigesianis (Miq.) 6095

Cycadeoidea micromela (Lign.) 4524

Cymboria (see 6680)

Cyperaceae (Nees) 6695

Cyperaceae novae (C. A. Mey.) 5900

Cyperac. nov. (C. A. Mey.) 5900

Cyperaceen der Flora Russlands (Meinsh.) 5801

Cyprus fung. (Nattras) 6650



Dagbok 6fwer en Ostindisk resa (Osbeck) 7121

apt Ostind. resa (Osbeck) 7121

1925 dahlia ratings (Norton) 6895

1926 dahlia ratings (Norton) 6896

7000 dahlias cult. (Norton) 6894

Dahlstedtia (Malme) 5311

Damasc. de plantis (E. Mey.) 5927

Damasceni de plantis (E. Mey.) 5927

Dan. Diatom. (Qstrup) 7035

Dan. fung. (Lind) 4542

Danish fungi (Lind) 4542

Danske Diatoméer (Qstrup) 7035

Danske Graess. (Mentz) 5829

Danske Graesser (Mentz) 5829

Dates fl. Stavanger (A. Moe) 6143

Dates of flowering for native and garden plants at Stavanger (A. Moe) 6143

De algis aquae dulcis ex insulis Sandvicensi- bus (Nordst.) 6865

De Algis aquat. (see 6680)

De algis et characeis (Nordst.) 6866

De argumentis contra Hedwigii theoriam de generatione muscorum (Noehd.) 6846

De Cacao (Mitscherl.) 6133

Decas plantarum rariorum horti upsa- liensis (L. fil.) 4852

De Casuarin. caul. (E. Loew) 4943

De Casuarinearum caulis foliique evolutio- ne et structura (E. Loew) 4943

Decem plantarum genera (L.) 4723

De Chaerophyllo bulboso (Londes) 4970

De Cinnamomo disputatio (Nees) 6683

De Cirsiis ruthenicis (C.A. Mey).

De Colocynth. (Molk.) 6209

De Colocynthide (Molk.) 6209

De Coriaria, Ilice et Monochasmate (Ma- xim.) 5733 ak ep

Dec. pl. horti upsal. (L. fil.) 4852

De Cycadeis loddigesianis (Miq.) 6095

De Desmidiaceis (P. Lundell) 5103

De Erythraeis svecanis (Melén) 5814

Def. gen. pl. ed. 2 (Ludw.) 5066

Def. gen. pl. ed. 3 (Ludw.) 5067

Defin. Austral. pl. (F. v. Muell.) 6396

Definition of a new tree from East Australia (F. v. Muell.) 6420

Definitiones generum plantarum (Ludw.) 5066, 5067

Definitiones plantarum (Ludw.) 5060

Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants (F. v. Muell.)

Definitions of some new Australian plants (F. v. Muell.) 6421

Definitions of some new Australian plants (F. v. Muell.) 6423

Defin. pl. (Ludw.) 5060

De Fuci vesic. (Mart.) 5513

De Fuci vesiculosi (Mart.) 5513

De generatione muscorum (Malthé) 5325

De genere Acridocarpo (Nied.) 6812

De genere Banisteria (Nied.) 6804

De genere Bunchosia (Nied.) 6801

De genere Byrsonima (Nied.) 6800

De genere Heteropteryge (Nied.) 6805

De genere Hiraea (Nied.) 6806

De genere Malpighia (Nied.) 6802

De genere Mascagnia (Nied.) 6807

De genere Stigmatophyllo (Nied.) 6803

De genere Tamarice (Nied.) 6799

De genere Tetrapteryge (Nied.) 6808

De Houttuynia atque Saurureis (E. Mey.) 5922

De Kamptzia novo myrtacearum genere (Nees) 6693

De Lavandula (see C. von Linné, fil.)

Delect. opusc. (C.F. Ludw.) 5058

Delectus florae et faunae brasiliensis (J. C. Mikan) 6006

Delectus opusculorum (C.F. Ludw.) 5058

De Ledo (L.) 4849

De Ledo palustri (L.) 4849

Del. fl. faun. bras. (J. CG. Mikan) 6006

Delic. gallo-belg. (Neck.) 6665

Delic. nat. (L.) 4844

Deliciae gallo-belgicae (Neck.) 6665

Deliciae naturae (L.) 4844

Delineatio plantae (L.) 4799

Delineationes Veronicae (Naumb.) 6655

Delin. pl. (L.) 4799

Delin. Veronic. chamaedr. (Naumb.) 6655

Dell Agave americana (G. Manetti) 5336

Della Robbia (Mariti) 5421

Della specie di Aloe (G. Manetti) 5337

De lorganisation des Burséracées (Mar- chand) 5380

De Vorganisation et du mode de reproduc- tion des Caulerpées (Mont.) 6235

De Maro (L.) 4838, 4846

De Memecyl. (H. Opat.) 7088

De Memecyleis (H. Opat.) 7088

De minuendis plantarum — generibus (Ludw.) 5061

De minuendis (Ludw.) 5064.

Demonstr. pl. (L.) 4772

Demonstrationes plantarum (L.) 4772

De muscorum propagatione (T. Nees) 6698

Dendrologia (J. Mitch. Stanst.) 6130

De nonnullis Collemaceis (A. Massal.) 5608

De norske busk- og bladlaver (Lynge) 5119

De norske Fodervaexter (N. Moe) 6144

De orchideis in territorio vindobonensi crescentibus (Mayrhofer) 5758

De Palmarum structura (see H. von Mohl)

De palmis archipelagi indici (Miq.) 6122 ©

De Papilionaceis (see 6306)

De part. pl. (Mauksch) 5710


plantarum — speciebus

De partibus plantarum (Mauksch) 5710 De Phellandri aquat. (B. Otto) 7139

De Phellandri aquatici (B. Otto) 7139

De plantarum munimentis (C. F. Ludw.)


De plantis labradoricis libri tres (E. Mey.) 5923

De plantis nonullis antediluvianis (Mart.) D0L9

De plantis nonnullis e mycetoidearum re- eno (Nees) 6678

De Plantis zoophytis et lithophytis (Marat- ti) 5373

De Primulis italicis (Moretti) 6304

De quibusdam algia aquae dulcis (Nicoluc- c1) 6788

De quibusdam plantis Italiae (Moretti) 6300

De Raphania (L.) 4819

Derby arbor. (Loud.) 5031

Derby arboretum (Loud.) 5031

De regionibus marinis (Orst.) 7014

De Salvinia (Mett.) 5877

Descr. cat. Natal contr. (R. Mann) 5358

Descr. cat. rar. pl. (Milne) 6077

Descr. fl. exist. (Maratti) 5370

Descr. Fuchi foss. (A. Massal.) 5612

Descr. Gram. (Muhl.) 6537

Descripcion de plantas nuevas (Lillo) 4532

Descriptio de vera florum existentia (Ma- ratti) 5370

Description and illustrations of the Myo- porinous plants of Australia (F. v. Muell.) 6431

Description and notices of new or rare plants (Nutt.) 6931

Description des plantes fossiles des calcaires marneux de Ronzon (Marion) 5416

Description of a new Phalloid (Morg.) 6311

Description of Collinsia (Nutt.) 6921

Description of some of the rarer or little known plants indigenous to the United States (Nutt.) 6927

Description of two new genera of the Cruci- ferae (Nutt.) 6925

Descriptions of and observations on some species of Rhododendron (Nutt.) 6933

Descriptions of new species and genera of

the Compositae (Nutt.) 6929

Descriptions of plants collected by Mr. Wil- liam Gambel (Nutt.) 6932

Descriptions of some new species of musci from New Zealand (Mitt.) 6136

Descriptions of the fossil plants collected by Mr. George Gibbs (Newb.) 6766

Descriptio uberior graminum (Muhl.) 6537

Descriptive catalogue of rare and curious plants (Milne) 6077

Descriptive catalogue of the Natal contri- bution (R. Mann) 5358


Descriptive notes on Papuan plants (F. v. Muell.) 6409

Descrizione di alcuni Fuchi fossili (A. Mas- sal.) 5612

Descrizione di alcuni licheni nuovi (A. Massal.) 5615

Descr. lich. nuovi (A. Massal.) 5615

Descr. Myopor. pl. Australia (F. v. Muell.) 6431

Descr. notes Papuan Pl. (F. v. Muell.) 6409

Descr. Phalloid (Morg.) 6311

Descr. pl. foss. Ronzon (Marion) 5416

Désert et le monde sauvage (A. Mangin) 5345

Désert monde sauv. (A. Mangin) 5345

Desert world (A. Mangin) 5345

Desmidiac. (P. Lundell) 5103

Desmidiaceis (P. Lundell) 5103

Desmidiazeen (Migula) 5995

De _ speciebus Timmiae (Lindb.) 4579

De sporarum Equisetorum germinatione (Milde) 6011

De structura caudicis filicum arborearum (Mohl) 6184

De Thamniola genere (A. Massal.) 5609

De Tortulis et ceteris Trichostomeis euro- paeis (Lindb.) 4578

Deut. Forstbot. (Nordl.) 6851

Deut. Pfl.-Nam. (W. Meigen) 5794

Deutsche Forstbotanik (Nordl.) 6851

Deutschen Expeditionen Lichenes (Mull.- Arg.) 64.64

Deutschen Pflanzennamen (W. Meigen)


Deutschen Volksnamen der Pflanzen (see E. Meyer)

Deutsche Schul-Flora (W. O. Mull.) 6527

Deutschlands cryptogamische Gewachse (Opiz) 7090

Deutschlands Flora (Lincke) 4541

Deutschlands Flora (J. Mayr) 5756

Deutschlands Flora (Meigen) 5793

Deutschlands Flora (see F. Mertens)

Deutschlands gefahrlichste Giftpflanzen (J. G. Mann) 5356

Deutschlands Moose (K. Mull. hal.) 64.97

Deutschlands Pflanzengattungen und Ar- ten (Lincke) 4541

Deutschlands verbreitetste Pilze (Losecke) 4931

Deutschlands wildwachsende Pflanzen (J. G. Mann) 5355

Deutschl. Arzney-Pfl. (J. G. Mann) 5355

Deutschl. crypt. Gew. (Opiz) 7090

Deutschl. Fl. (Lincke) 4541

Deutschl. Fl. (J. Mayr) 5756

Deutschl. Fl. (Meigen) 5793

Deutschl. Fl. (see T. Nees von Esenbeck)

Deutschl. Giftpfl. (J. G. Mann) 5356




Deutschl. Moose (K. Mill. hal.) 6497

Deutschl. Pilze (Lésecke) 4931

De vegetatione plantarum (Ludw.) 5059

De Vegetatione Scaniae dissertatio (Meur- ling) 5893

De viribus plantarum cultura mutatis (Ludw.) 5069

Diagnosen der in Ungarn und Slavonien bisher beobachteten Gefasspflanzen (Neilr.) 6724

Diagnoses breves plantarum (Maxim.) 5725

Diagnoses lichenum socotrensium no- vorum (Miill.-Arg.) 6452

Diagnoses phycologicae (Mont.) 6253

Diagnoses plantarum novarum asiatica- rum (Maxim.) 5730

Diagnoses plantarum novarum japoniae et mandshuriae (Maxim.) 5725

Diagn. pl. nov. asiat. (Maxim.) 5730

Diagn. pl. nov. jap. (Maxim.) 5725

Diagn. Ungarn Slavon. Gefasspfl. (Neilr.) 6724

Diatomaceae of the Hull district (Mills) 6065

Diatomaceen-Praparate (J. D. Moller) 6160

Diatom.-Prap. (J. D. Méller) 6160

Diatoms from the marine algae of the Fa- roes (see E. Mstrup)

Dickenwachs. Steng. Sapind. (Nag.) 6612

Dickenwachstum des Stengels bei den Sa- pindaceen (Nag.) 6612

Dict. bot. (see C. Manoury)

Dict. common names pl. (Marloth) 5436

Dict. Engl. pl. names (W. Mill.) 6063

Dictionary of English names of plants (W. Mill.) 6063 ;

Dictionary of the common names of plants (Marloth) 5436

Dictionary of the plant names of the Philip- pine Islands (Merr.) 5854

Dictionnaire des jardiniers (Mill.) 6051

Dictionnaire des jardiniers, Nouvelle édi- tion (Mill.) 6052

Dictionnaire des termes techniques de bota- nique (Mouton-Font.) 6382

Dictionnaire pratique dhorticulture (G. Nichols.) 6784

Dictionnaire pratique d’horticulture et de jardinage (see S. Mottet)

Dictionnaire universel d’histoire naturelle (C. d’Orb.) 7096

Dict. jard. (Mill.) 6051

Dict. jard., nouv. éd. (Mill.) 6052

Dict. pl. names Philipp. (Merr.) 5854

Dict. prat. hort. (G. Nichols.) 6784

Dict. sci. méd. (see Loiseleur-Deslong- champs)



Dict, scifi: mata. Gee champs)

Dict. Sci. nat. (see C. de Mirbel)

Dict. term. bot. (Mouton-Font.) 6382

Dict. univ. hist. nat. (C. d’Orb.) 7096

Di due funghi mangerecci dei contorni di Roma (Mauri) 5718

Die Eichen der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika (F. Michx.) 5961

Die Natur (see K. Miller hal.)

Dieterichs Pflanzenreich (see 4829)

Die Tyrrhenis (Major) 5278

Digitalium monographia (Lindl.) 4638

Digital. monogr. (Lindl.) 4638

Diluc. fitol. (Maratti) 5371

Dilucidazione fitologica (Maratti) 5371

Dirina (A. Massal.) 5589

Disc. bibl. Philipp. fl. pl. (Merr.) 5865

Disc. fl. natl. Belg. (C. Morr.) 6343

Discours sur les fleurs nationales de Belgi- que (C. Morr.) 6343

Discussion and bibliography of Philippine flowering plants (Merr.) 5865

Diss. Arnica (Olin) 7051

Diss. bot. (Link) 4691

Dissertatio botanica sistens Splachnum (Montin) 6262

Dissertatio brevis de principiis botani- corum (Mitch.) 6129

Dissertatio de Arnica (Olin) 7051

Dissertatio de plantis, in suecorum me- moriam nominatis (see E. Lidbeck)

Dissertatio de usu Linnaeae medico (see J. Lundmark)

Dissertatio fungos regni vegetabili vindi- cans (Lidb.) 4508

Dissertationes botanicae (Link) 4691

Diss. fung. (Lidb.) 4508

Dispositio specierum generis Cirsii (see C. Nagel1)

Disquisitio geographico-botanica de plan- tarum regni-batavi distributione (Miq.) 6089

Disq. pl. bat. distr. (Miq.) 6089

Distr. geogr. fl. osserv. (Manganotti) 5343

Distr. hepat. Scotland (Macvicar) 5211

Distribution of hepaticae in Scotland (Macvicar) 5211

Dodonaea (see C. Morren)

Dodonaea (see P. Oye)

Dombey (Hamy) 2353

Drugs and medicines of North America (C. G. Lloyd) 4884

Drugs med. N. Amer. (C. G. Lloyd) 4884

Due funghi mangerecci dei contorni di Ro- ma (Mauri) 5718

Due nuove specie di Muscari (Marches.)


Bs) Dufourea & Dactylina (Lynge) 5130 Dulcamara (L.) 4839

Early Natural. (Miall) 5951

Early naturalists (Miall) 5951

Echinocactus oxygonus (Link) 4701

Ecl. pl. rar. (J. Jacq.) 3236

Ecological study of the vegetation Jehol (see 6627)

Ectypa veg. (Ludw.) 5068

Ectypa vegetabilium (Ludw.) 5068

Edible and poisonous mushrooms (Murrill) 6587

Edible poison. mushrooms (Murrill) 6587

Educational collections of Australian plants (see F. von Mueller)

Edwards’s Botanical Register (see J. Lind- ley)

Eerste beginselen der planten (Meese) 5789

Efterretning og erfaring om svampe (O. F. Mull.) 6523

Efterretn. Svampe (O. F. Mull.) 6523

Eichen der Vereinigten Staaten van Nor- damerika (F. Michx.) 5961

Eingew. Pfl. Ungarns (Moesz) 6178

Einheim. Giftgew. (J. GC. Mayer) 5746

Einheimische Giftgewachse (J. C. Mayer) 5746

Einige Bemerkungen tber den Bau der Cruciferen (C. A. Mey.) 5905

Einige Bemerkungen ueber die naturliche Familie der Polygonaceae (C. A. Mey.) 9993

Einige eingewanderte und eingeschleppte Pflanzen Ungarns (Moesz) 6178

Einige neue Arten und Formen bei den Laub- und Lebermoosen (Limpr.) 4539

Einige neue Brasilianische Cyclanthaceen (Lindm.) 4668

Einige neue Laubmoose (Limpr.) 4538

Einleit. Krauterk. (Oed.) 7002

Einleit. Pflanzenk. (Moench) 6169

Einleitung in das natirliche System der Bo- tanik (Lindl.) 4644

Einleitung zu der Krauterkenntniss (Oed.) 7002

Einleitung zur Pflanzenkunde (Moench) 6169

Elem. bot. (Lindl.) 4654

Elem. bot. (Neck.) 6670

Elem. bot. (Nocca) 6833

Elem. bot. (Oed.) 7003

Elem. bot. cript. (Nocca) 6836

Elém. bot. indoch. (Magalon) 5220

Elém. bot. méd. (Mog.) 6289

Elementa botanica (Neck.) 6670

Elementa botanicae (Oed.) 7003

Elementa philosophiae botanicae (Link) 4696

Elemente der Morphologie (see T. Liebe)

Elementi di botanica (Nocca) 6833

Elementi di botanica criptogamica (Nocca) 6836


Eléments de botanique (see W. MacGilliv- ray)

Eléments de botanique indochinoise (Ma- galon) 5220

Eléments de botanique médicale (Moq.) 6289

Eléments de tératologie végétale (Moq.) 6286

Elements of botany (Lindl.) 4642, 4654

Elements of botany (L.) 4760

Elem. philos. bot. (Link) 4696

Elém. térat. vég. (Mogq.) 6286

Elench. pl. (Mulder) 6540

Elench. pl. Boruss. (E. Mey.) 5924

Elenchus animalium per sueciam observa- torum (L.) 4726

Elenchus plantarum (Mulder) 6540

Elenchus plantarum Borussiae indigena- rum (E. Mey.) 5924

Elenc. musch. (Lisa) 4869

Elenco dei muschi (Lisa) 4869

Elenco delle piante spontanee nel territorio di Vicenza (Marzari-Pencati) 5574

Elenco di piante del Principato Ultra (Mi- lani) 6007b

Elenco piante Ultra (Milani) 6007b

Elenc. pl. Vicenza (Marzari-Pencati) 5574

Elucidation of some plants mentioned in Dr. Francis Hamilton’s account of the kingdom of Nepal (Madden) 5214

Ench. bot. (Lipp) 4863

Ench. bot. (Neygenf.) 6781

Encheiridion botanikon (Lipp) 4863

Enchiridium botanicum (Neygenf.) 6781

Encycl. gard. (Loud.) 5025

Encyclographie du régne végétal (see J. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps)

Encyclopaedia of gardening (Loud.) 5025

Encyclopaedia of plants (Loud.) 5026

Encyclopaedia of trees and shrubs (Loud. ) 5032

Encyclopadie des Gartenwesens (Loud.) 5925

Encycl. pl. (Loud.) 5026

Encycl. trees shrubs (Loud.) 5032

Engl. Gartenb. (Mill.) 6048

Englische Gartenbuch (Mill.) 6048

En liten profbit pa namnforbistring (Lindb.) 4585

Ensaig d’una flora liquenica de Catalunya (Llenas) 4882

Ensaig fl. lig. Catal. (Llenas) 4882

Entomologist (see E. Newman)

Entsteh. naturhist. Art (Nag.) 6613 Entstehung und Begriff der naturhistori- schen Art (Nag.) 6613 Entw.-Gesch. — Juniperus

(Norén) 6873 Entwickelung, Metamorphose und Fort- pflanzung der Flechten (G. Mey.) 5932




Entwickelungsgeschichte der Veronica- Blithe (Noll) 6852

Entwickelungsgeschichte und Systematik der Saprolegnieen (Maurizio) 5719

Entwicklungsgeschichte des Juniperus communis (Norén) 6873

Enum. arbres (Lavall.) 4249

Enumeragao das substancias brazileiras (Manso) 5365

Enumeracion de los generos y especies de plantas (Martinet) 5500

Enumeratio der Flora von Deutschland (M. Loehr) 4925

Enumeratio lichenum Freti (Nyl.) 6965

Enumeration de quelques lichens de Nou- méa (Miill.-Arg.) 6455

Enumération des lichens de l’ile Annobon (Nyl.) 6976

Enumeration des lichens récoltés par M. Husnot aux Antilles frangaises (Nyl.)

_ 6959

Enumeration des lichens valaisans (Mull.- Arg.) 6450

Enumération des mousses et des hépatiques recueillies par M. Leprieur (Mont.) 6229

Enumération des plantes indigénes de Vile de Tahiti (Nadeaud) 6603

Enumération des substances des Térébin- thacées (Marchand) 5384

Enumerationem plantarum in territorio

_ quinque ecclesiensi (Nendtv.) 6742

Enumération générale des lichens (Ny].)

_ 6943

Enumeration méthodique des mycophytes (Marchand) 5389

Enumeration of Hainan plants (Merr.) 5866 ; f

Enumeration of Hawaiian plants (H. Mann) 5352

Enumeration of micro-lichens parasitic on other lichens (Linds.) 4685

Enumeration of Philippine flowering plants (Merr.) 5863

Enumeration of Philippine Leguminosae (Merr.) 5858

Enumeration of plants collected in Sumatra (Merr.) 5868

Enumeration of plants hitherto known from Corea (T. Mori) 6315

Enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. Thomas Morong in Paraguay (Morong) 6340

Enumeration of the plants collected by M. E. Penard in Colorado (Miill.-Arg.) 6474

Enumeratio plantarum cryptogamicarum Javae (Nees) 6687

Enumeratio plantarum florae danicae

(Oed.) 7006



Enumeratio plantarum horti regi beroli- nensis altera (Link) 4695

Enumeratio plantarum indigenarum Has- siae (Moench) 6165

Enumeratio plantarum in Fennoscandia (H. Lindb.) 4566

Enumeratio plantarum in insula Formosa sponte crescentium (Matsum.) 5678

Enumeratio plantarum in Mongolia lecta- rum (Maxim.) 5736

Enumeratio plantarum phanerogamica- rum imperii austriaci universi (Maly) 5329

Enumeratio plantarum quas in Australasia collegit L. Preiss. Leguminosae (Meisn.) 5807

Enumeratio stirpium in Silesia crescentium (Mattuschka) 5708

Enumeratio synoptica plantarum phanero- gamicarum ab Henrico Galeotti collec- tarum (M. Martens) 5488

Enumeratio systematica fungorum (Ou- dem.) 7167

Enumeratio vocabulorum (J. A. Murray) 6571

Enumerazione delle “Pandanaceae’ (Mar- telli) 5477

Enumerazione delle piante fossili miocene (A. Massal.) 5594

Enum. fl. dan. (Oed.) 7006

Enum. Fl. Deutschland (M. Loehr) 4925

Enum. gén. lich. (Nyl.) 6943

Enum. gén. sp. pl. (Martinet) 5500

Enum. Hainan pl. (Merr.) 5866

Enum. Haw. pl. (H. Mann.) 5352

Enum. hort. berol. alt. (Link) 4695

Enum. lich. Annobon (Nyl.) 6976

Enum. lich. valais (Miull.-Arg.) 6450

Enum. méth. mycophyt. (Marchand) 5389

Enum. micro-lich. (Linds.) 4685

Enum. mousses Leprieur (Mont.) 6229

Enum. Pandan. (Martelli) 5477

Enum. Philipp. fl. pl. (Merr.) 5863

Enum. piante foss. mioc. (A. Massal.) 5594

Enum. pl. austriac. (Maly) 5329

Enum. pl. Corea (T. Mori) 6315

Enum. pl. crypt. Jav. (Nees) 6687

Enum. pl. Fennoscandia (H. Lindb.) 4566

Enum. pl. Formosa (Matsum.) 5678

Enum. pl. Guatem. (see M. Micheli)

Enum. pl. Hass. (Moench) 6165

Enum. pl. Mongolia (Maxim.) 5736

Enum. pl. Sumatra (Merr.) 5868

Enum. pl. Tahiti (Nadeaud) 6603

Enum. pl. terr. quing. eccles. (Nendtyv.) C/A ee

Enum. stirp. Silesia (Mattuschka) 5708

Enum. subst. braz. (Manso) 5365

Enum. subst. Térébinth, (Marchand) 5384

Enum. syst. fung. (Oudem.) 7167

Enum. vocab. (J. A. Murray) 6571

Epat. erb. critt. ital. (C. Massal.) 5641

Epatiche della Terra del Fuoco (C. Mas- sal.) 5629

Epatiche dell’erbario crittogamico italiano (C. Massal.) 5641

Epatiche rare e critiche (C. Massal.) 5626

Epat. rar. crit. (C. Massal.) 5626

Epat. Terra del Fuoco (C. Massal.) 5620

Epipterygium (Lindb.) 4575

Epistola de novo fungorum entophytorum genere (Miq.) 6097

Epistola de sexu muscorum detecto (C. F. Ludw.) 5056

Epistolae (Nocca) 6837

Equisétinées du Québec (Marie-Vict.)


Equis. Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5409

Erables du Japan (Miq.) 6120

Erbario figurato (G. Negri) 6709

Erb. fig. (G. Negri) 6709

Erica (L.) 4838

Erindringsord (Orst.) 7023

Erindringsord til Forelaesninger over de naturlige Familier (Orst.) 7023

Erinnerungen (E. Mart.) 5554

Erinnerungen aus dem _ Riesengebirge (Nees) 6689

Erinnerungen aus meinem neunzigjarigen Leben (E. Mart.) 5554

Eriocauleae (Mart.) 5533

Eriophori monographia (I. Nyl.) 6937

Erlduternder Text zu dem Atlas der Holz- structur (N. J. GC. Muell.) 6521

Erlaut. Text Atlas Holzstruct. (N. J. G. Muell.) 6521

Erste Anlage zur Flora .. Mey.) 5931

Erstes Verzeichniss Pilze (Magnus) 5235

Erst. Verz. Pilze (Magnus) 5235

Erysipheen Tirols (Magnus) 5240

Erythraeis svecanis (Melén) 5814

Eryth. svec. (Melén) 5814

Esame comparativo di alcuni generi di li- cheni (A. Massal.) 5622

Esame compar. gen. lich. (A. Massal.) 5622

Espéces et variétés nouvelles de Gucurbita- cées (Naudin) 6654

Esq. géogr. bot. Belgique (Massart) 5652

Esq. org. phys. champ. (Mont.) 6241

Esq. régne vég. (Marquis) 5444

Esq. syst. anat. (Oken) 7046

Esquisse de la géographie botanique de la Belgique (Massart) 5652

Esquisse du régne végétal (Marquis) 5444

Esquisse du systéme d’anatomie (Oken) 7046

Esquisse organographique et physiologique sur la classe des champignons (Mont.) 6241

. Hannover (G.


Essai alg. Guadeloupe (Mazé) 5759

Essai de classification des algues de la Gua- deloupe (Mazé) 5759

Essai dédoubl. (Mogq.) 6283

Essai de géographie botanique (Massart) 5651

Essai d’organographie de la famille des he- patiques (Mont.) 6248

Essai d’une flore de ile de Zante (Margot) ba05

Essai d’une flore du nouveau grés rouge des Vosges (A. Moug.) 6370

Essai d’une nouvelle classification des li- chens (Nyl.) 6940

Essai fl. grés rouge Vosges (A. Moug.) 6370

Essai fl. Zante (Margot) 5405

Essai hist. Gentian. (Marquis) 5443

Essai hist. nat. Chili (Molina) 6206

Essai monographique sur les Hieracium (Monnier) 6227

Essais divers servant d’introduction au ca- talogue de l’exposition des produits de la colonie de Victoria (see F. McCoy)

Essai sur la végétation de l’archipel des Fe- rde (Martins) 5506

Essai sur les dédoublemens (Mogq.) 6283

Essai sur les plantes marines des cétes du golfe de Gascogne (C. d’Orb.) 7097

Essai sur [histoire naturelle de Saint- Domingue (Nicols.) 6787

Essai sur histoire naturelle du Chili (Moli- na) 6206

Essai sur Phistoire naturelle et médical des Gentianes (Marquis) 5443

Essbaren und giftigen Pilze (Migula) 6000

Essbaren und schadlichen Schwamme (see A. Mueller)

Essbaren und schadlichen Schwamme (F. Marquardt) 5442

Essb. gift. Pilze (Migula) 6000

Essb. schadl. schwamme (F. Marquardt) 5442

Ess. géogr. bot. (Massart) 5651

Ess. hist. nat. S. Domingue (Nicols.) 6787

Ess. monogr. Hieracium (Monnier) 6227

Estud. bot. Nordéste (Luetzelb.) 5090

Estudo botanico do Nordéste (Luetzelb.) 5090

Etablissement de botanique et d’horti- culture de J. Linden (Linden) 4620a

Etabl. Linden, prix-courant (Linden) 4620a

Etud. diatom. (Manoury) 5360

Etude des plantes vasculaires récoltees en Gréce (Maire) 5268

Etudes d’anatomie (see C. Morren)

Etudes floristiques sur la région du lac Saint-Jean (Marie-Vict.) 5408

Etudes préliminaires sur les Cupuliferes (Orst.) 7031



Etudes sur la flore et la végétation du Saha- ra central (Maire) 5272

Etudes sur la flore et la végétation du Tibe- sti (Maire) 5274

Etudes sur la végétation des Solanacées (Naudin) 6651

Etudes sur la végétation et la flore du Grand Atlas (Maire) 5271

Etudes sur le parasitisme des Urédinées (Maresq.) 5404

Etude sur les Cladonia (H. Olivier) 7068

Etude sur les diatomacées (Manoury) 5360

Etude sur les Pertusaria (H. Olivier) 7069

Etude sur les principaux Parmelia, Parme- liopsis Physcia et Xanthoria (H. Olivier) 7070

Etudes sur les végétaux fossiles du Trieu de Leval (Marty) 5561

Etudes sur l’organisation et la distribution géographique des Plombaginacées (Maury) 5720

Etude synthétique sur le genre Tricholoma (L. Maire) 5266

Etud. fl. Grand Atlas (Maire) 5271

Etud. fl. lac Saint-Jean (Marie-Vict.) 5408

Etud. fl. vég. Sahara (Maire) 5272

Etud. organis. Plombagin. (Maury) 5720

Etud. paras. Urédin. (Maresq.) 5404

Etud. pl. vasc. Gréce (Maire) 5268

Etud. Solan. (Naudin) 6651

Etud. Tricholoma (L. Maire) 5266

Etud. vég. foss. Trieu de Leval (Marty) 5561

Eucal. U.S. (McClat.) 5161

Eucalyptographia (F. v. Muell.) 6414

Eucalypts cultivated in the United States (McClat.) 5161

Eucalyptus (Noter) 6903

Euphorbia (L.) 4.764

Euphorbiaceae novae Lorentz Arg.) 6444

Euphorbiacearum species novae (Miill.- Arg.) 6442

Euphorbiae messanenses (Nicotra) 6789

Euphorb. messan. (Nicotra) 6789

Eur. Cereal. (Metzg.) 5887

Eur. fung. fl. (Massee) 5658

Eur. hvitmoss. (Lindb.) 4604.

Europaischen Arten der Gattung Primula (see Nageli)

Europaische Cerealien (Metzg.) 5887

Europas och Nord Amerikas hvitmosser (Lindb.) 4604

European fungus flora (Massee) 5658

Europeiska Trichostomeae (Lindb.) 4578

Eur. Trichostom. (Lindb.) 4578

Evol. Bastard. (Lotsy) 5022

Evolutie-leer (Lotsy) 5018

Evolutie-vraagstuk (Lotsy) 5021



Evolution (Lotsy) 5019

Evolution by means of hybridization (Lot-

_ Sy) 5019

Evolution du régne végétal (see A. Marion)

Evolution im Lichte der Bastardierung (Lotsy) 5022

Examen epicriseos (L.) 4726

Excurs.-Fl. Deutschl. (J. Neger) 6708

Excurs. Fl. Marburg (Lorch) 4977

Excursionsfl. Oesterreich (see 5009)

Excurs.-Fl. Oldenburg (Aug. Mey.) 5898

Excursion botanique dans les montagnes du Bourbonnais (Migout) 5985

Excursionsflora des Grossherzogthums Ol- denburg (Aug. Mey.) 5898

Excursionsflora Deutschlands (J. Neger) 6708

Excursions-Flora Marburg (Lorch) 4977

Ex herbario Regnelliano (Malme) 5298

Exkurs.-Fl. Deutschland (Migula) 5990

Exkurs.-Fl. Mahren (Merker) 5847

Exkurs.-Fl. Tubingen (Ad.T. Mayer) 5743

Exkursionsflora der Universitat Tubingen (Ad. T. Mayer) 5743

Exkursionsflora fiir Mahren u. Oster- reichisch-Schlesien (Merker) 5847

Exkursionsflora von Deutschland (Migula) 599°

Exkursionsflora von Stidwiirttemberg und Hohenzollern (Ad. T. Mayer) 5743

Exotic flora (see J. Lindley)

Expedicion al Rio Negro, (Lorentz) 4997

Expédition du Talisman (Milne-Edw.) 6080

Exped. Rio Negro, Bot. (Lorentz) 4997

Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana (Marcy) 5402

Explor. Red. River Louisiana (Marcy) 5402

Exposé systématique et description des li- chens (H. Olivier) 7071

Exposé syst. lich. (H. Olivier) 7071

Expositio synoptica pyrenocarpeorum (Nyl.) 6944

Expos. syn. pyrenocarp. (Nyl.) 6944

Exsiccata austro-africana (see H. Marloth)

Exsiccata de la flore du Valais et des Alpes le- manmennes (see L. Marret)

Exsiccat-sammlung af Characeer navnlig fra Danmark (see P. Nielsen)


Fam. Amaryll. (F. Neumann) 6759

Familie der Amaryllideen (F. Neumann) 6759

Famille des Solanacées (Milne-Edw.) 6079

Fam. Solan. (Milne-Edw.) 6079

Fanerogamer fran Novaja Semlja (see A. Lundstrém)

Farlowia (see D. Linder)

Farngatt. (Mett.) 5881

Farnpflanzen (Luerss.) 5082

Fasciculus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam (1. Lyons) 5137

Fasc. pl. Cantabr. (1. Lyons) 5137

Fauna e flora degli afidi di Calabria (Macch.) 5158

Favorite dahlias of 1928 (Norton) 6897

Ferns (E. J. Lowe) 5040

Ferns and fern-like plants of Patagonia (Macloskie) 5190

Ferns Engl. Lake Country (W. J. Linton) 4859

Ferns Gr. Brit. (T. Moore) 6275

Ferns Natal (M’Ken) 5186

Ferns of Great Britain (see J. Lindley)

Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland (T. Moore) 6275

Ferns of Natal (M’Ken) 5186

Ferns of the English Lake Country (W. J. Linton) 4859

Fertilisation of flowers (H. Mill.) 6436

Ficus (L.) 4728

Fieldb. Illionois A. (W. MacDougall) 5167

Field book Amer. trees (F. S. Mathews)

Field book Amer. wild fl. (F. S. Mathews) 5665

Field book of American trees and shrubs (F. S. Mathews) 5666

Field book of American wild flowers (F. S. Mathews) 5665

Fieldbook of Ilinois wild flowers (W. Mac- Dougall) 5167

Field botanist’s companion (T. Moore) 6279

Field bot. comp. (T. Moore) 6279

Fifty plates of greenhouse plants (Moriar- ty) 6316

Fig. champ. (Lucand) 5052

Fig. pl. Gard. dict. (Mill.) 6059

Figures of plants in the Gardeners dictiona- ry (Mill.) 6059

Figures peintes de champignons (Lucand)


Fil. Eur. (Milde) 6021

Fil. graeff. (Luerss.) 5076

Fil. hort. bot. Lips. (Mett.) 5882

Filices Europae (Milde) 6021

Filices graeffeanae (Luerss.) 5076

Filices horti botanici lipsiensis (Mett.) 5882 Filices lechlerianae (Mett.) 5880

Filices Novae Caledoniae (Mett.) 5883 Filicinées du Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5407 Filicum species (Link) 4705

Fil. lechl. (Mett.) 5880

Filosofija botaniki (L.) 4760

Fil. Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5407

Fil. spec. (Link) 4705

First book Ind. bot. (Oliver) 7056

First book of Indian botany (Oliver) 7056


First list of Cyprus fungi (Nattras) 6650

First rep. fl. Wyoming (A. Nels.) 6729

First report on the flora of Wyoming (A. Nels.) 6729

Fl. Aargau (Luscher) 5087

Fl. Afr. austral. ill. (Nees) 6697

Fl. aker. (L.) 4837

Fl. Alassio (Nam) 6631

Fl. Algeria (W. Mathews) 5667

Fl. Algérie (Munby) 6542

Fl. Allier (Migout) 5984

Fl. alp. (L.) 4786

Fl. alp. (Mattir.) 5691

Fl. alp. viv. (Mattir.) 5692

Fl. Amboy Clays (Newb.) 6770

Fl. anal. Suisse (Morthier) 6352

Fl. anal. Toulouse (Noulet) 6909

Fl. angl. (L.) 4776

Fl. As. orient. fragm. (Maxim.) 5731

Fl. arct. (Ostenf.) 7129

Fl. arct. Norv. sp. (Norm.) 6881

Fl. As. med. (Lipsky) 4868a

Fl. As. orient. fragm. (Maxim.) 5731

Fl. austro-higo. (Mayebara) 5740

Fl. Bagshot distr. (Monckton) 6222

Fl. barbad. (Maycock) 5739

Fl. bass. sous-pyrén. (Noulet) 6907

Fl. bat. (see W. Lutjeharms)

Fl. batava (see F. Miquel)

FL. belg. (L.) 4809

Fl. belg. sept. (see F. Miquel)

Fl. berg. Land. (J. P. Mull.) 6488

Fl. Bernsteins (see F. Menge)

Fl. Bexar (Metz) 5886

Fl. bogos. (Martelli) 5470

Fl. bor.-amer. (Michx.) 5958

Fl. bot. dames (Loisel.) 4956

Fl. Bournemouth (E. Linton) 4858

Fl. bras. (Mart.) 5538

Fl. bras. (see M. Masters, C. Mez, C. Meis- ner, M. Micheli, C. Milde, F. Miquel, J. Mueller Argoviensis, K. Miller, C. Nees von Esenbeck)

Fl. bras. enum. pl. (Mart.) 5528

Fl. bras. enum. pl. (see C. Nees von Esen- beck)

Fl. Bretagne (Lieg.) 4520

Fl. Brit. India (see M. Masters)

Fl. Brinn. Kr. (Makowsky) 5287

Fl. cap. (L.) 4803

Fl. cap. (see M. Masters)

Fl. caprar. (Moris) 6330

Fl. Caucasi (Lipsky) 4867

Fl. cell. (Noeld.) 6848

Fl. centre Belgique (F. Mull.) 6541

Fl. cherson. (Lindem.) 4620

Fl. Chil. (see J. Montagne)

Fl. Coblenz (M. Loehr) 4923

Fl. cochinch. (Lour.) 5038

Fl. conspic. (R. Morris) 6351a



Fl. Cote d’Azur (Marret) 5450

Fl. Céte-d’Or (A. Lorey) 5006

Fl. crypt. erlang. (Mart.) 5511

Fl. dan. (Oed.) 7001

Fl. dan. (see C. Nordstedt)

Fl. dan. suppl. (Oed.) 7008

Fl. Dauphiné (Mutel) 6594.

Fl. Derbyshire (W. R. Linton) 4860

Fl. Deutschl. (Maly) 5330

Fl. Deutschl. (W. Medicus) 5766

Fl. Devon (W. K. Martin) 5496

Fl. Dorsetshire (Mansel) 5361

Flechten (Lindau) 4561

Flechten (Migula) 6001

Flechten der ersten Regnell’schen Expedi- tion (Malme) 5297

Flechten der Umgebung von Deutschland (J. Novak) 6911

Flechten Europas (see J. Mueller Argoviensis)

Flechtenvegetation des Sarekgebirges (Nil- son) 6823

Flechtenvegetation und Flechtenflora Danzig (Mattick) 5688

Flechtenveg. Sarekgeb. (Nilson) 6823

Flecht. Regnell. Exped. (Malme) 5297

Fl. environs Spa (see M. Libert)

Fl. Erie (J. Mill.) 6034

Fleurs de la Cote d’Azur (Marret) 5450

Fl. farm. (Nocca) 6845a

Fl. fenn. (Lénnroth) 4927

Fl. Fichtelgeb. (J. Mey.) 5937

Fl. Filip. (see A. Naves)

Fl. forest. (A. Mathieu) 5668

Fl. fosse monte Colle (A. Massal.) 5614

Fl. Fraipont (M. Michel) 5968

Fl. frang. (Mutel) 6595

Fl. Freiburg (Neuberger) 6752

Fl. fridrichsd. (O. F. Mill.) 6524

Fl. fris. (Meese) 5787

Fl. hibern. (J. Mackay) 5183 Fl. Hohenzoll. (Lorch) 4929

Fl. Hokkaido (Miyabe) 6141

FL. Iceland (Ostenf.) 7134

FI. ill. Nord Chine (Liou) 4862 Fl. ingr. (Meinsh.) 5800

Fl. ital. (see A. Mori)

Fl. jamaic. (L.) 4806

Fl. Jamaica (Macfady.) 5170 Fl. Jamaica (see S. Moore)

Fl. jap. (see F. Miquel)

Fl. Japan (Makino) 5285

Fl. Japan Suppl. (Nemoto) 6741 Fl. Juden (I. Low) 4946

Fl. Karel. oneg. (Norrl.) 6885 Fl. kor. (Nakai) 6622

Fl. lacustre Sicilia (Lopriore) 4975 Fl. Lamao (Merr.) 5857

Fl apps (away aes

Fl. laurent. (Marie-Vict.) 5415 F]. Leicestershire (Mott) 6364 Fl. Leicestershire (see C. Noel) Fl. leid. (Molk.) 6210

Fl. lich. Orne (H. Olivier) 7067 Fl. Loire-Inf. (J. Lloyd) 4902 Fl. Luneburg (Noeld.) 6850

Fl. Lussino (Marches.) 5397

Fl. Madeira (Menezes) 5827

Fl. Mahren (Oborny) 6992

Fl. Manila (Merr.) 5859 F].-man. Québec (Louis-Marie) 5034 Fl. med. (Lindl.) 4652

Fl. mexic. (Malzine) 5334

Fl. Miami Valley (Morg.) 6309 Fl. monsp. (L.) 4789

Fl. Montpellier (H. Loret) 5001 Fl. mouss. Suisse (Meyl.) 5940 Fl. mycol. Gentinnes (Limm.) 4535 Fl. nant. (Moisan) 6196

Fl. fuld. (Liebl.) 4511 Fl. Nederl. (Oudem.) 7146

Fl. Galicia (Merino) 5845 Fl. Ned. Ind. (Miq.) 6111

Fl. gall. (Loisel.) 4948 Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste biyv. (Miq.) 6113

Fl. gén. Belgique (Mathieu) 5669 Fl. Neu-Vorpommern (T. Marsson) 54.66 Fl. gén. France (Loisel.) 4959 Fl. Nied.-Oesterr. (Neilr.) 6721

Fl. gen. Indochine (see G. Malme) Fl. N. Mitt.-Deutschland (see R. Mansfeld) Fl. gén. Indochine (see U. Martelli) Fl. N. Mitt.-Deutschland (see F. Niedenzu) Fl. gelro-zutph. (see 4809) Fl. Nordw. Thtringen (L. Moller) 6162 Fl. Guernsey (Marquand) 5439 Fl. Norfolk (W. A. Nichols.) 6785

Fl. Gliickstadt (Meins) 5798 Fl. Normandie (see P. Moriére)

Fl. goett. (Noeld.) 6849 Fl. nottingh. (Ordoyno) 7104

Fl. goett. spec. (Link) 4688 Fl. nov. zeland. (see W. Mitten)

Fl. Greenland (Ostenf.) 7132 Fl. N. Territory (see J. Maiden)

Fl. Hannover (Mejer) 5812 Fl. N.-Thuiringen (Lutze) 5113

Fl. Hannover (G. Mey.) 5935 Fl. odor. (Mott) 6362

Fl. Hannover, angew. Theil (G. Mey.) FI. oecon. (L.) 4743

Fl. Olmuitz (Mik) 6005

Flora aegyptiaco-arabica (see C. Niebuhr) Flora aker6ensis (L.) 4837

Flora alpina (L.) 4786

Flora alpina (Mattir.) 5691

5934 Fl. hanov. excurs. (G. Mey.) 5936 Fl. Harlem. (Loosjes) 4974 Fl. Harrow (Melvill) 5817 Fl. henneberg. (Metsch) 5876


Flora alpina (vivente) (Mattir.) 5692

Flora altaica (see C. von Meyer)

Flora and Pomona (McIntosh) 5179

Flora anglica (L.) 4776

Flora arctica (Ostenf.) 7129

Flora Asiae mediae (Lipsky) 4868a

Flora australiensis (see F. von Mueller)

Flora barbadensis (Maycock) 5739

Flora belgica (L.) 4809

Flora boreali-americana (Michx.) 5958

Flora brasilica (see H. Nessel)

Flora brasiliensis (Mart.) 5538

Flora brasiliensis (see E. Marchal)

Flora brasiliensis seu enumeratio planta- rum (Mart.) 5528

Flora briologica della peninsola Sorrentina (G. Negri) 6611

Flora burmanica (F. Mason) 5583

Flora capensis (L.) 4803

Flora Caucasi (Lipsky) 4867

Flora cellensis (Noeld.) 6848

Flora chersonensis (Lindem.) 4620

Flora cochinchinensis (Lour.) 5038

Flora conspicua (R. Morris) 6351a

Flora cryptogamica Boémiae (see J. Maly)

Flora cryptogamica Bohemiae-Boheims cryptoga- mische Gewdchse (see P. Opiz)

Flora cryptogamica erlangensis (Mart.) Don

Flora cubana (see F. Nascher)

Flora danica (see F. Liebmann)

Flora danica (see O. F. Miller)

Flora danica (Oed.) 7001

Flora Danica supplementum (see F. Lieb- mann)

Flora de Filipinas (see 4881)

Flora de la provincia de Tucuman Grami- neas (Lillo) 4533

Flora de la Real Expedicion botanica del Nuevo Reino de Granada (see J. Mutis y Bosio)

Flora delVisola di Lussino (Marches.) 5397

Flora der Bluthenpflanzen des bergischen Landes (J. P. Mill.) 6488

Flora der Juden (I. Low) 4946

Flora der Schweiz (Moritzi) 6338

Flora der Umgegend von Gliickstadt (Meins) 5798

Flora des Brunner Kreises (Makowsky) 5287

Flora descriptiva é illustrada de Galicia (Merino) 5845

Flora des Fichtelgebirges (J. Mey.) 5937

Flora des Furstentums Ltineburg (Noeld.) 6850

Flora des Hohenzollers (Lorch) 4929

Flora des Kantons Aargau (Luscher) 5087

Flora des Kantons Solothurn (Luscher) 5085

Flora des Kantons Zurich (O. Nag.) 6619

INDEX TO TITLES Flora des Konigreichs Hannover (G. Mey.)

Flora des Konigreichs Hannover, ange- wandter Theil (G. Mey.) 5934

Flora des Znaimer Kreises (see 6997)

Flora de’ terreni terziari di Novale (A. Massal.) 5613

Flora di Alassio (Nam) 6631

Flora di Parenzo (Marches.) 5396

Flora di Trieste (Marches.) 5399

Flora der Umgebung von Olmiutz (Mik) 6005

Flora do Archipelago da Madeira (Mene- zes) 5827

Florae Africae australioris illustrationes monographicae (Nees) 6697

Florae arcticae Norvegiae species (Norm.) 6881

Florae goettingensis specimen (Link) 4688

Florae Romanae prodromus (Mauri) 5717

Flora espanola (see C. Ortega)

Flora exsiccata austro-hungarica (see C. de Marchesetti)

Flora exsiccata Bavarica (see An. Mayer)

Flora farmaceutica (Nocca) 6845a

Flora fennica (Lonnroth) 4927

Flora fossile del monte Colle (A. Massal.) 5614.

Flora fridrichsdalina (O. F. Mull.) 6524

Flora frisica (Meese) 5787

Flora fuldensis (Liebl.) 4511

Flora gallica (Loisel.) 4948

Flora graeca (see J. Lindley)

Flora graeca exsiccata (see 1. Orphanides)

Flora goettingensis (Noeld.) 6849

Flora hanoverana excursoria (G. 5936

Flora harlemica (Loosjes) 4974

Flora hennebergica (Metsch) 5876

Flora hibernica (J. Mackay) 5183

Flora Indiae batavae, supplementum pri- mum (Miq.) 6113

Flora indigena de Sinaloa (J. Gonz. Ort.) EUS,

Flora ingrica (Meinsh.) 5800

Flora in territorio erfordensi indigena (Nonne) 6857

Flora jamaicensis (L.) 4806

Flora Kareliae onegensis (Norrl.) 6885

Flora Karlsbad (see A. Ortmann)

Flora koreana (Nakai) 6622

Floral register (Maund) 5715

Flora lacustre della Sicilia (Lopriore) 4975

Flora lapponica (L.) 4717

Flora lapponica herbarium (see CQ. Linnaeus)

Flora leidensis (Molk.) 6210

Floral Magazine (see IT. Moore)

Flora medica (Lindl.) 4652

Flora mexicana (see J. Mocino)

Flora mexicana (see I. Née)




Flora miquelonensis (see J. Cardot)

Flora monacensis (see J. Mayrhoffer)

Flora monspeliensis (L.) 4789

Flora Neerlandica (see S. van Ooststroom)

Floran i Skanes kolforande bildninger (Nath.) 6639

Flora nottinghamiensis (Ordoyno) 7104

Floran vid Hégenaés och Helsingborg (Nath.) 6638

Flora odorata (Mott) 6362

Flora oeconomica (L.) 4743

Flora of Algeria (W. Mathews) 5667

Flora of Bexar county (Metz) 5886

Flora of Bournemouth (E. Linton) 4858

Flora of Canada (J. M. Macoun) 5197

Flora of Cheshire (see S. Moore)

Flora of Derbyshire (W. R. Linton) 4860

Flora of Devon (W. K. Martin) 5496

Flora of Dorsetshire (Mansel) 5361

Flora of Dumfriesshire (see J. M’Andrew)

Flora of East Tropical Africa (see E. Milne- Redhead)

Flora of Erie County (J. Mill.) 6034

Flora of Greenland and its origin (Ostenf.) 7132

Flora of Guernsey (Marquand) 5439

Flora of Harrow (Melvill) 5817

Flora of Hokkaido and Saghalien (Miyabe) 6141

Flora of Iceland (Linds.) 4683

Flora of Iceland and the Faeroes (Ostenf.) TESS

Flora of Jamaica (Macfady.) 5170

Flora of Japan (Makino) 5285

Flora of Japan supplement (Nemoto) 6741

Flora of Kent (see E. Marshall)

Flora of Leicestershire (Mott) 6364

Flora of Manila (Merr.) 5859

Flora of New Providence and Andros (Northr.) 6892

Flora of New Zealand (see L. Moore)

Flora of Norfolk (W. A. Nichols.) 6785

Flora of Pasadena (McClat.) 5159

Flora of Peru (Macbr.) 5152

Flora of Peru (see R. McVaugh

Flora of Pennsylvania (H. Noll) 6853

Flora of Reigate (Luxf.) 5115

Flora of Richmond (Merriman) 5873

Flora of Santa Catalina Island (Millsp.) 6074

Flora of Santa Catalina Island tall)

Flora of Somali-Land (see D. Oliver)

Flora of Somerset (R.P. Murray) 6579

Flora of South Africa (Marloth) 5435

Flora of South Dakota (Over) 7169

Flora of Southern and Lower California (Orcutt) 7099

Flora of Southern California (Moxl.) 6387

Flora of Southern California (see 6547)

see L. Nut-


Flora of Suriname (see F. Markgraf, H. Moldenke, A. Oort, S. van Oostroom)

Flora of the Amboy Clays (Newb.) 6770

Flora of the Bagshot district (Monckton) 6222

Flora of the East Riding of Yorkshire (see J. Marshall)

Flora of the Hawaiian islands (H. Mann) Dae

Flora of the Island of St. Croix (Millsp.) 6071

Flora of the Lamao forest service (Merr.) 5857

Flora of the Marshes of California (see H. Mason)

Flora of the Miami Valley, Ohio (Morg.) 6309

Flora of the Thames valley drift (Monck- ton) 6223

Flora of the West Riding (Miall) 5950

Flora of tropical Africa (Oliver) 7055

Flora of tropical Africa (see D. Oliver)

Flora of West Virginia (Millsp.) 6070

Flora of West Virginia (Millsp.) 6068

Flora of West Virginia (see L. Nuttall)

Flora of Whatcom County (Muenscher) 6534

Flora 6fver Sveriges odlade vexter (Lilja) 4526

Flora over Skandinaviens busk- och bladla- var (Magnusson) 5247

Flora palaestina (L.) 4785

Flora paroeciae Brankyrka (Lundeq.) 5106

Flora patagonia (Macloskie) 5190

Flora paulista (Loefgr.) 4916

Fl. pl. ferns N.S.W. (Maiden) 5258

Flora posoniensis (Lumn.) 5095

Flora prussica (Loesel) 4933

Flora prussica (Lorek) 4983

Flora Republicii Socialiste Romania (see E. Nyarady)

Flora romana (Maratti) 5374

Flora rustica (Martyn) 5570

Flora salvagicae tentamen (R. Lowe) 5050

Flora sardoa (Moris) 6329

Flora segusina (Mattir.) 5701

Flora selecta (Magnier) 5223

Flora selecta exsiccata (see CG. Magnier)

Flora scotica (Lightf.) 4522

Flora sicula (Lojac.) 4968

Flora silesiaca (Muttuschka) 5707

Flora styriaca (Maly) 5327

Flora svecica (L.) 4731

Flora sylvatica koreana (Nakai) 6623

Flora tangutica (Maxim.) 5735

Flora taurico-caucasica (M.-Bieb.) 5452

Flora tertiaria italica (Mesch.) 5874

Flora terziaria delle Prealpi venete (Molon) 6220

Flora texana exsiccata (see ¥. Lindheimer)

Flora ticinensis (Nocca) 6842

Flora URSS (see S. Lipschitz)

Flora van Nederland (Oudem.) 7146

Flora van Nederlandsch Indié (Miq.) 6111

Flora van Nederlandsch Indié, Eerste bi- voegsel (Miq.) 6113

Flora veneta (G. Martens) 5479

Flora veneta (Naccari) 6600

Flora veneta (Moric.) 6317

Flora von Coblenz (M. Loehr) 4923

Flora von Deutschland (Lincke) 4541

Flora von Deutschland (Maly) 5330

Flora von Deutschland (W. Medicus) 5766

Flora von Deutschland (see E. Missbach)

Flora von Deutschland (see W. Muller)

Flora von Deutschland, Kryptogamen- Flora (Migula) 5988

Flora von Deutschland, Kryptogamen- Flora (Migula) 5991

Flora von Freiburg im Breisgau (Neuber- ger) 6752

Flora von Gera (see W. Miller)

Flora von Hannover (Mejer) 5812

Flora von Mahren (Oborny) 6992

Flora von Neu-Vorpommern (T. Marsson) 5466

Flora von Nieder-Oesterreich (Neilr.) 6721

Flora von Nord-Thiringen (Lutze) 5113

Flora von Nordwest-Thtringen (L. Mol- ler) 6162

Flora von Osterreich (Lincke) 4541

Flora von Pommern (W. Muell. Stettin) 6528

Flora von Queensland (Luerss.) 5078

Flora von Schaffhausen (J. Meister) 5811

Flora von Steiermark (Maly) 5333

Flora von Thiringen (L. Moller) 6164

Flora von Tubingen (Ad T. Mayer) 5742

Flora von Weimar (A. Lorey) 5004

Flora von Wesel (W. Meigen) 5795

Flora von Wien (Neilr.) 6720

Flora von Wirtemberg (G. Martens) 5480

Flora von Wiirtemberg und Hohenzollern (G. Martens) 5480

Flora waldeccensis et itterensis (J.B. Mull.) 6480

Flora weltenburgensis (J. Mayrhofer) 5757

Flora zeylanica (L.) 4740

Flore analytique de la Suisse (Morthier) 6352

Flore analytique de Toulouse (Noulet) 6909

Flore analytique du centre de la Belgique (F. Mull.) 6541

Flore de Bretagne (Liég.) 4520

Flore de Fraipont (M. Michel) 5968

Flore de la botanique des dames (Loisel.) 4.956

_ Flore de la Céte-d’Or (A. Lorey) 5006

Flore de Algérie (Munby) 6542


Flore de la Loire-Inférieure (J. Lloyd) 4902

Flore de ’Ouest de la France (J. Lloyd) 4904

Flore de ’Ouest de la France. Herborisa- tions (J. Lloyd) 4905

Flore de Madagascar (see H. Moldenke)

Flore de Montpellier (H. Loret) 5001

Flore des environs de St. Petersbourg et de Moscou (Libosch.) 44.99

Flore des hépatiques de Belgique (Man- sion) 5364.

Flore des lichens de POrne (H. Olivier) 7067

Flore des mousses de la Suisse (Meyl.) 5940

Flore des serres et des jardins de l’ Europe (see F. Miquel)

Flore des Vosges, Moug.) 6371

Flore du bassin sous-pyrénéen (Noulet) 6907

Flore du Dauphiné (Mutel) 6594

Flore du département de l’Allier (Migout) 5984

Flore du département des Deux-Sévres (see P. Maillard)

Flore du Temiscouata (Marie-Vict.) 54.06

Flore forestiére (A. Mathieu) 5668

Flore frangaise (Mutel) 6595

Flore génerale de la France (Loisel.) 4959

Flore illustrée du Nord de la Chine (Liou) 4862

Flore laurentienne (Marie-Vict.) 5415

Flore-manuel de la province de Québec (Louis-Marie) 5034

Flore mexicaine (Malzine) 5334

Flore mycologique de Gentinnes (Limm.)

Champignons (A.

Flore nantaise (Moisan) 6196

Flore phanérogamique des Bouches-du- Rhone (Marnac) 5437

Flore pharaonique (V. Loret) 5003

Flore populaire del’ Allier (E. Olivier) 7064

Flore portugaise (see J. Link)

Flore souterraine de France (Maheu) 5253

Florist (see R. Hogg)

Florist and Pomologist (see T. Moore)

Florist’s journal (see R. Mudie)

Florula austro-higoensis (Mayebara) 5740

Florula bogosensis (Martelli) 5470

Florula boliviensis. Cryptogames de la Boli- via (Mont.) 6237

Florula caprariae (Moris) 6330

Florula del Gampo Marzio (Marches.)


Florula Elisabethgradensis (Lindem.) 4618

Florula gorgonea (Mont.) 6260

Florula ochotensis phaenogama (see C. von Meyer)

Florula provinciae Tambov (C. A. Mey.) 5908



Florula provinciae Wiatka (C. A. Mey.) 5914

Florula 7094,

Florula troms¢ensis (Not¢) 6905

Florule du Tarn (Martrin-Donos) 5560

Florul. Elisabethgr. (Lindem.) 4618

Florule raisonnée du Brionnais (Ormezza- no) 7106

Florul. Tambov (C. A. Mey.) 5909

Florul. Tambov, Nachtr. (CG. A. Mey.) 5999

Florul. Tambov, Zweiter Nachtr. (C. A. Mey.) 5909

Florul. transiord. (Oppenheimer) 7094

Florul. Wiatka (C. A. Mey.) 5909

Fl. Ostseeprov. (see Em. von Lindemann)

Fl. Ouest France (J. Lloyd) 4904

Fl. Ouest France, Herbor. (J. Lloyd) 4905

Flowering plants and ferns from north- western Greenland (Ostenf.) 7131

Flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales (Maiden) 5258

Flowering plants of Western India (Nairne) 6621

Fl. palaest. (L.) 4785

Fl. paroec. Brankyrka (Lundeq.) 5106

Fl. Paul. (Loefgr.) 4916

Fl. Pennsylvania (H. Noll) 6853

Fl. Peru (see M. Mathias)

Fl. Peru (Macbr.) 5152

Fl. phan. Bouches-du-Rhone (Marnac)

transiordanica (Oppenheimer)

0437 Fl. pl. ferns N.S.W. (Maiden) 5258 Fl. pl. n.w. Greenland (Ostenf.) 7131 Fl. pl. W. India (Nairne) 6621 Fl. Pommern (W. Muell. Stettin) 6528 Fl. Pomona (McIntosh) 5179 Fl. pop. Allier (E. Olivier) 7064 Fl. poson. (Lumn.) 5095 Fl. Prov. Preussen (see E. Meyer) Fl. pruss. (Loesel) 4933 Fl. pruss. (Lorek) 4983 Fl. Queensland (Luerss.) 5078 Fl. reg. (Maund) 5715 Fl. Reigate (Luxf.) 5115 Fl. Richmond (Merriman) 5873 Fl. rom. (Maratti) 5374 Fl. ross. (see E. Meyer) Fl. rust. (Martyn) 5570 Fl. S. Afr. (Marloth) 5435 Fl. salvag. tent. (R. Lowe) 5050 Fl. Santa Catalina (Millsp.) 6074 Fl. sardoa (Moris) 6329 Fl. S. Calif. (Orcutt) 7099 FI. S. Calif. (Moxl.) 6387 Fl. Schaffhausen (J. Meister) 5811 Fl. Schweiz (Moritzi) 6338 Fl. scot. (Lightf.) 4522 Fl. S. Dakota (Over) 7169


Fl. Senftenb. Braunk.-Ablag. 5832

FL. sicul. (Lojac.) 4968

Fl. siles. (Mattuschka) 5707

Fl. Skand. busk- bladlavar (Magnusson) 9247

Fl. Skanes kolf6r. bildn. (Nath.) 6639

Fl. Solothurn (Ltischer) 5085

Fl. Somerset (R. P. Murray) 6579

Fl. souterr. France (Maheu) 5253

Fl. Southeast. U.S. (see E. Morris)

Fl. Steiermark (Maly) 5333

Fl. St. Petersbourg (Libosch.) 4499

Fl. styr. (Maly) 5327

Pibsuccr (Ey 7e0

Fl. Sv. odl. vext. (Lilja) 4526

Fl. sylv. kor. (Nakai) 6623

Fl. Tambov. (C. A. Mey.) 5908

Fl. tangut. (Maxim.) 5735

Fl. Tasm. (see W. Mitten)

Fl. taur.-caucas. (M.-Bieb.) 5452

Fl. terr. erford. (Nonne) 6857

Fl. terr. Novale (A. Massal.) 5613

Fl. tert. ital. (Mesch.) 5874

Fl. tert. Prealpi Ven. (Molon) 6220

Fl. Thames valley drift (Monckton) 6223

Fl. Thuringen (L. Moller) 6164

Fl. ticin. (Nocca) 6842

Fl. Trieste (Marches.) 5399

Fl. trop. Afr. (see M. Masters)

Fl. trop. Afr. (Oliver) 7055

Fl. Tubingen (Ad. T. Mayer) 5742

Fl. Tucuman, Gram. (Lillo) 4533

Fl. URSS (see I. Linczevski)

Fl.-vaext. Faergerne (Ostenf.) 7130

Fl. venet. (Moric.) 6317

Fl. venet. (Naccari) 6600

Fl. vit. (see W. Mitten)

Fl. Vosges, Champ. (A. Moug.) 6371

Fl. waldecc. (J. B. Mull.) 6480

Fl. Watchung (Moldenke) 6199

Fl. Weimar (A. Lorey) 5004

Fl. weltenb. (J. Mayrhofer) 5757

Fl. Wesel (W. Meigen) 5795

Fl. West Riding (Miall) 5950

Fl. Whatcom (Muenscher) 6534

Fl. Wiatka (C. A. Mey.) 5914

Fl. Wien (Neilr.) 6720

Fl. Wurtemberg (G. Martens) 5480

Fl. Zurich (O. Nag.) 6619

Fl. zeyl. (L.) 4740

Forteckning 6fver mosser (Lindb.) 4584

Forteckning 6fver Sallskapets pro fauna et flora fennica samlingar I (A. Nyl.) 6935

Férteckning 6fver Skandinaviens vaxter, Alger (Nordst.) 6871

Forteckning 6fver Skandinaviens vaxter, Mossor (H. Moller) 6159

Forteckning Over Skandinaviens vaxter, Lavar (Magnusson) 5251


Forteckn. Sallsk. Saml. (A. Nyl.) 6935

Forteckn. Skand. vaxt., Lavar (Magnus- son) 5251

Forteckn. Skand. vaxt. Moss. (H. Méller) 6159

Folia cryptogamica (see 1. Gyorffy)

Folia orchidacea (Lindl.) 4658

Fol. orchid. (Lindl.) 4658

Food and fiber plants of the North Ameri- |

can Indians (Newb.) 6768

Forest fl. N.S.W. (Maiden) 5260

Forest flora of New South Wales (Maiden) 5260

Forest tree diseases (E. Meinecke) 5797

Formentwicklungsgesetz im Pflanzenreiche (Michelis) 5977

Formentw. Pflanzenr. (Michelis) 5977

Formosan trees (Kaneh.) 3500

Forschungsr. Gazelle (see J. Mueller Argo- viensis, K. Miiller hal., C. Nordstedt)

Fors. Islandsk Naturhist. (N. Mohr) 6195

Forsdg til en Islandsk Naturhistorie (N. Mohr) 6195

Forstschddliche Pilze (see ¥. Neger)

Foss. ferns Ravenhead (Marrat) 5448

Foss. Fische, Krebse Pfl. (Marck) 5401

Foss. fish. pl. Triassic (Newb.) 6769

Foss. fl. Gr. Brit. (Lindl.) 4645

Foss. fl. Polarland. (Nath.) 6649

Foss. fl. Rajmahal ser. (Oldham) 7049

Fossiele planten van het krijt in het hertog- dom Limburg (Miq.) 6109

Fossile Fische, Krebse und _ Pflanzen (Marck) 5401

Fossilen Flora der Polarlander (Nath.) 6649

Fossilen Pflanzenreste im Diluvium der Umegebung von Kamenz (Morgenroth) 6313

Fossile Pflanzen der Glossopteris-Flora (Lundqvist) 5108

Fossil ferns in the Ravenhead collection (Marrat) 5448

Fossil fishes and fossil plants of the Triassic rocks (Newb.) 6769

Fossil flora of the Rajmahal series (Old- ham) 7049

Fossil flora of Great Britain (Lindl.) 4645

Fossil flora of West Virginia (Millsp.) 6073

Foss. Pfl. Glossopt.-Fl. (Lundqvist) 5108

Foss. Pfl.-Reste Kamenz (Morgenroth) 6313

Fougéres (Maron) 5438

Four new genera of Hawaiian plants (H. Mann) 5354

Fraga vesca (L.) 4841

Fragm. (F. v. Muell.) 6397

Fragments de philosophie botanique (Mar-

quis) 5445 Fragmenta florae Philippinae (see CG. Mez)


Fragmenta monographiae generis Scorzo- nera (Lipsch.) 4865

Fragmenta phytographiae Australiae (F. v. Muell.) 6397

Fragmente einer Monographie der Phaeo- sporeen (see K. Nienburg)

Fragmentos de algunas plantas de Filipinas (Llanos) 4881

Fragm. monogr. Charac. (see C. Nordstedt)

Fragm. monogr. Scorzonera (Lipsch.) 4865

Fragm. philos. bot. (Marquis) 5445

Fragm. pl. Filip. (Llanos) 4881

Frammenti lichenografici (A. Massal.) 5606

Framm. lichenogr. (A. Massal.) 5606

Fraxinellae (Mart.) 5517

Fremdlandische Wald- und Parkbaume fiir Europa (Mayr) 5754

Fremdland. Wald- Parkbaume (Mayr)


Fr. escul. (L.) 4820

Fresh-water algae in New Zealand and Au- stralia (Nordst.) 6867

Presh-water alg. New Zealand (Nordst.) 6867

Freshwater diatoms (see E. Qstrup)

Fresh-water diatoms from Iceland (see E. strup)

Fridericia Zollernia (Nees) 6686

Fridericia et Zollernia (Nees) 6686

Frilands-traevaext. (Orst.) 7026

Frilands-traevaexten i Danmark (Orst.) 7026

Fruchte der Taraxacum-Arten Finnlands (H. Lindb.) 4573

Fruchte Taraxacum Finl. (H. Lindb.) 4573

Fructus esculenti (L.) 4820

Fruits (Mott) 6363

Fruits and fruitculture (Ochse) 6999

Fruits fruitcult. (Ochse) 6999

Fruits of all countries (Mott) 6363

Frutetum svecicum (L.) 4797

Frut. svec. (L.) 4797

Fuchsia (see C. Morren

Fuci vesiculosi (Mart.) 5513

Fuhrer fiir Pilzfreunde (Michael) 5952

Fuhrer in die Pilzkunde (Niessen) 6818

Fuhr. Pilzfr. (Michael) 5952

Fuhr. Pilzk. (Niessen) 6818

Funf neue Flechten (Mull.-Arg.) 6441

Fumariacee italiane (Nicotra) 6795

Fumar. ital. (Nicotra) 6795

Fund. agrost. (L.) 4830

Fundamenta et termini botanici (Maerter) Au)

Fundamenta agrostographiae (L.) 4830

Fundamenta botanica (L.) 4710, 4718, 4720, 4760, 4798, 4799

Fundamentos botanicos de Carlos Linneo




Fundamentos botanicos (L.) 4710

Fundamentum fructificationis (L.) 4816

Fund. bot. (L.) 4710

Fund. bot., Madrid (L.) 4710

Fund. bot., Mexico (L.) 4710

Fund. fruct. (L.) 4816

Fundorte der Flora Bohmens (Ott) 7138

Fundorte Fl. Bohm. (Ott) 7138

Fund. term. bot. (Maerter) 5219

Fung. carrar. hist. (Marsili) 5462

Fung. catal. (Maire) 5273

Fung. exs. suec. (S. Lundell) 5105

Fung. fl. Yorkshire (Massee) 5659

ie foss. iconogr. (Mesch.) 5875

Fungh. Ferrara (C. Massal.) 5638

Funghi della provincia di Ferrara (C. Mas- sal.) 5638

Funghi ipogei italiani (Mattir.) 5698

Fungi australiani (see F. von Mueller)

Fungi carrariensis historia (Marsili) 5462

Fungi catalaunici (Maire) 5273

Fungi exsiccati praecipue gallict (see P. Niel)

Fungi exsiccati suecici (S. Lundell) 5105

Fungi exsiccali suecict praesertum upsaluenses (see S. Lundell)

Fungi hungaricae I (Moesz) 6180

Fungi hungarici (see G. Linhart)

Fungi maroccani (Maire) 5275

Fungi neerlandici exsiccati (see CG. GC. Oude- mans)

Fungi India Suppl. (Mundk.) 6544

Fungi of India Supplement i (Mundk.) 6544

Fungi of Nova Scotia (A. Mackay) 5181

Fungi Romanyoff (see 6680)

Fungi selecti exsiccati (see V. Mouton)

Fungi selecti exsiccati europaer (see V. Lit- schauer)

Fungi suecici (see E. Ljungstrom)

Fungi tirolenses exsiccati (see V. Litschauer)

Fung. marocc. (Maire) 5275

Fung. melit. (L.) 4784

Fung. Nova Scotia (A. Mackay) 5181

Fungorum fossilium iconographia (Mesch.) 5875

Fungus Flora of Yorkshire (Massee) 5659

Fungus melitensis (L.) 4784

Galle napol. (Licopoli) 4505

Galle nella flora di alcune province napoli- tane (Licopoli) 4505

Gard. dict. (Mill.) 6038

Gard. dict. abr. Ses ) 6053

Gard. dict. abr. ed. 2 (Mill.) 6054 Gard. dict. abr. 5 3 (Mill.) 6055 Gard. dict. abr. ed. 4 (Mill.) 6056 Gard. dict. abr. ed. 5 (Mill.) 6057 Gard. dict. abr. ed. 6 (Mill.) 6058

Gard. dict. ed. 2 (Mill.) 6039 Gard. dict. ed. 3 (Mill.) 6039b


Gard. dict. ed. 3, vol. 2 (Mill.) 6040

Gard. dict. ed. 4 (Mill.) 6041 Gard. dict. ed. 5 (Mill.) 6042 Gard. dict. ed. 6 (Muill.) 6043 Gard. dict. ed. 7 (Mill.) 6044. Gard. dict. ed. 8 (Mill.) 6045

Gard. dict. ed. 9 (Mill.) 6046

Garden Companion and Florists’ Guide (see T. Moore)

Gardener’s and _ botanist’s (Mill.) 6046

Gardeners and florists dictionary (Mill.) 6035

Gardeners Chronicle (see J. Lindley)

Gardeners Chronicle (see M. Masters)

Gardeners dictionary (Mill.) 6038

Gardeners dictionary, Abridg’d (Mill.) 6053

Gardeners dictionary, Abridg’d, edition (Mill.) 6054

Gardeners dictionary abridged, third edi- tion (Mill.) 6055

Gardeners dictionary abridged, fourth edi- tion (Mill.) 6056

Gardeners dictionary, (Mill.) 6045

Gardener’s dictionary, fifth edition (Mill.)



eighth edition

6042 Gardeners. dictionary, fourth edition (Mill.) 6041 Gardeners dictionary, second edition (Mill.) 6039 Gardeners dictionary, seventh edition

(Mill.) 6044

Gardeners dictionary, sixth edition (Mill.) 6043

Gardeners dictionary, third edition ( Mill.) 6039b

Gardener’s Magazine (see J. C. Loudon)

Gardeners’ Magazine of Botany (see T. Moore)

Gardener’s Monthly (see T. Meehan)

Gard. fl. dict. (Mill.) 6035

Gardens of Hawaii (M. Neal) 6662

Gartenbohnen (G. Martens) 5482

Gatt. einzell. Ale. (Nag.) 6607

Gattungen einzelliger Algen (Nag.) 6607

Gattungen Monolepis, Oligandra und Na- nophytum (C. A. Mey.) 5907

Gattung Zygodon (Malta) 5323

Gatt. Zygodon (Malta) 5323

Geastrae (C. G. Lloyd) 4887

Gefahrlichsten holzzerst6renden Pilze der Hauser (Nuesch) 6913

Gefass-Cryptogamen in Schlesien (Milde) 6015

Gefasskryptogamen Schlesiens (see CG. Milde)

Geill. fl. Belgie (Mac Leod) 5189

Geill. Schoolfl. Nederl. (see S. van Oost-


Geillustreerde flora voor Belgie (Mac Leod) 5189

Gemmae arb. (Loefl.) 4920

Gemmae arborum (L.) 4749

Gemmae arborum (Loefl.) 4920

Gen. cact. (Miq.) 6092

Geneacaena lichenum (A. Massal.) 5602

Geneac. lich. (A. Massal.) 5602

Genera and species of orchidaceous plants (Lindl.) 4643

Genera cactearum (Miq.) 6092

Genera et species Asterearum (Nees) 6688

Genera et species Palmarum (Mart.) 5520

Genera europaea hepaticarum (Lindb.) ARS) I

Genera lichenum aliquot nova (A. Massal.) 5610

General view of the writings of Linnaeus (see W. Maton)

Genera musc. frond. (K. Mill. hal.) 6519

Genera muscorum frondosorum (K. Mill. hal.) 6519

Genera of Gasteromycetes (C. G. Lloyd) 4886

Genera of North American plants (Nutt.) 6922

Genera plantarum (L.) 4714, 4723, 4725, 4.767, 4778

Genera plantarum (see 4829)

Genera plantarum ed. 5 (L.) 4817

Genera plantarum, editio novissima (L.) 4833

Genera plantarum florae germanicae (T. Nees) 6704

Generat. musc. (Malthé) 5325

Generatione muscorum (Malthé) 5325

Genere Acridocarpo (Nied.) 6812

Genere Banisteria (Nied.) 6840

Genere Bunchosia (Nied.) 6801

Genere Byrsonima (Nied.) 6800

Genere Heteropteryge (Nied.) 6805

Genere Hiraea (Nied.) 6806

Genere Malpighia (Nied.) 6802

Genere Mascagnia (Nied.) 6807

Genere Stigmatophyllo (Nied.) 6803

Genere Tamarice (Nied.) 6799

Genere Tetrapteryge (Nied.) 6808

Generi Dirina e Dirinopsis (A. Massal.) 5589

Genero Rhipsalis (Loefgr.) 4918

Genesis and development of sand forma- tions on marine coasts (Olsson-Seffer) 7080

Genesis sand format. (Olsson-Seffer) 7080

Genetica (see J. Lotsy)

Genetica sperimentale (Lopriore) 4976

Genet. sperim. (Lopriore) 4976

Gen. fl. germ. (T. Nees) 6704

Gen. Gasteromyc. (C. G. Lloyd) 4886

Gen. N. Amer. pl. (Nutt.) 6922


Gen. pl. (L.) 4714

Gen. pl. ed. 2 (L.) 4723 Gen plied: (ie) 4725 Gen. pl. ed. 4 (L.) 4767 Geno pledes (is) 4778 Gen. pl. ed. 6 (L.) 4823

Gen. pl. ed. noviss. (L.) 4833

Genre Rorippa dans le Québec (Marie- Vict.) 5412

Genre Xiphophora (Mont.) 6240

Gen. S. Afr. pl. (see W. Munro)

Gen. sp. Aster. (Nees) 6688

Gen. sp. orchid. pl. (Lindl.) 4643

Gen. Sp. Palm. (see H. von Mohl)

Gen. Tamar.’ (Nied.) 6799

Gentianaceen der zweiten Regnell’schen Reise (Malme) 5308

Gentian. Regnell. Reise (Malme) 5308

Geografia botanica de Chile (see G. Looser)

Geografische verspreiding der Ficeae (Miq.) 6116

Geographical distribution of plants in South Africa (E. Mey.) 5925

Geographical handbook of all the known ferns (K. Lyell) 5117

Geographical, natural and civil history of Chile (Molina) 6206

Geographic distribution of the Avicennia- ceae (Moldenke) 6201

Geographische Verbreitung der Schmarot- zerpflanzen (T. Liebe) 4510

Geographisch-genetische Untersuchungen uber die Gattung Minuartia (Mattf.) 5685

Geogr. distr. Avicenn. (Moldenke) 6201

Geogr.-genet. Unters. Minuartia (Mattf.) 5085

Geogr. handb. ferns (K. Lyell) 5117

Geogr. nat. hist. Chile (Molina) 6206

Geogr. pl. Svec. (Lindblom) 4614

Geogr. Verbr. Schmarotzerpfl. (T. Liebe) 4510

Geogr. Verh. Lorbeergew. (Meisn.) 5808

Geogr. verspr. Ficeae (Miq.) 6116

Geoglossaceae (C. G. Lloyd) 4896

Geologische und mineralogische Bemer- kungen (Link) 4690

Geraniologia (L’Hér.) 4494

Gesammelte _ lichenologische (Mull.-Arg.) 6478

Gesammelte Nachrichten tiber den Macas- sarischen Giftbaum (E. Mart.) 5553

Gesch. amer. Eichen (Michx.) 5957

Gesch. Bot. (Med.) 5777

Gesch. Bot. (E. Mey.) 5929

Gesch. Bot. (Moebius) 6149

Gesch. Bot. Bohmen (Maiwald) 5277

Geschichte der amerikanischen Eichen

(Michx.) 5957 Geschichte der. Botanik (Moebius) 6149




Geschichte der Botanik (E. Mey.) 5929 Geschichte der Botanik in B6hmen (Mai- wald) 5277 Geschichte der

(Med.) 5777 Geschichte der Mykologie (Liitjeh.) 5088 Gesch. merckw. Pilze (see T. Nees von Esen-

beck) Gesch. Mykol. (Liitjeh.) 5088 Ges. lichenol. Schr. (Miull.-Arg.) 64.78 Ges. Nachr. Macass. Giftbaum (E. Mart.)

5553 Getreidearten und Wiesengraser (Metzg.)

5889 Getreideart. Wiesengras. (Metzg.) 5889 Gewachse Sibiriens (Middend.) 5978 Gita ad un banco di coralli a Gedda (Mar-

ches.) 5393 Gita al gran Sasso d'Italia (Marches.) 5390 Gli ipogei di Sardegna e di Sicilia (Mattir.)

5697 Gorteria (see S. van Ooststroom) Gramineae (Nees) 6696 Grand dictionnaire des jardiniers (Mill.)

6050 Grand dict. jard. (Mill.) 6050 Graphideae cubenses (see J. Mueller Argo-

viensis) Graphideae Eckfeldtianae

6473 Graphideae feeanae (Miill.-Arg.) 6456 Graphid. feean. (Miull.-Arg.) 6456 Grevillea (see G. Massee)

Groot en algermeen kruidkundig, hoveniers,

en bloemisten woordenboek ( Mill.) 6047 Groot kruidk. woordenb. ( Mill.) 6047 Grossbritanniens Conferven (see D. Mohr) Griinalgen (Migula) 5996 Grundlehren der Krauterkunde (Link)

4696 Grundlinien zu einer vergleichenden Ana-

tomie der Laubmoose (Lorentz) 4994 Grundr. Flecht. (Mont.) 6249 Grundriss der Krauterkunde (see 4700) Grundriss der Krauterkunde (see J. Link) Grundriss der Pflanzengeographie

(Meyen) 5894 Grundriss der Pharmakognosie (T. Mart.)

Botanik unserer Zeiten


5559 Grundriss der speciellen Botanik (see T. Lie- be) Grundr. Pfl.-Geogr. (Meyen) 5894 Grundr. Pharmakogn. (T. Mart.) 5556 Grundz. Bot. (Luerss.) 5079 Grundzige der Anatomie und Physiologie der vegetabilischen Zelle (Mohl) 6188 Grundztige der Botanik (Luerss.) 5079 Guide bot. (Murith) 6560 Guide Brit. mycetozoa (List.) 4874 Guide du botaniste (Murith) 6560


Guide to the British mycetozoa (List.) 4874.

Guide to the British mycetozoa (see G. Li- ster)

Guide to the trees (Lounsb.) 5036

Guide to the wild flowers (Lounsb.) 5035

Guide trees (Lounsb.) 5036

Guide wild fl. (Lounsb.) 5035

Gyalectazeen der ersten Regnell’schen Ex- pedition (Malme) 5320

Gyalect. Regnell. Exped. (Malme) 5320

Gymnospermes du Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5410

Gymnosp. Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5410

Gynandr. Situs (Medik.) 5774

Haandb. Christian. phan. fl. (N. Lund) 5999

Haandbog i Christianias phanerogame flora (N. Lund) 5099

Halifax Naturalist (see C. Moss)

Halki (Major) 5279

Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung (see E. Otto)

Handb. allg. Bot. (N. J. C. Muell.) 6520

Handb. Bot. (Nees) 6679

Handb. bot. Best.-Ubung. (Nied.) 6798

Handb. bot. gard. Dublin (D. Moore) 6269

Handb. bot. Lit. (Miltitz) 6080

Handb. Brit. pl. (Notcutt) 6900

Handb. brit. seaweeds (L. Newton) 6780

Handb. City Dublin (see D. McArdle)

Handb. crypt. bot. (G. Murray) 6567

Handb. fl. N.S.W. (C. Moore) 6267

Handb. Gewachsk. (Mossler) 6175

Handb. Gewachsk. ed. 2 (Mossler) 6176

Handb. Gewachsk. ed. 3 (Moéssler) 6177

Handb. med.-pharm. Bot. (T. Nees) 6701

Handb. microsc. (Notcutt) 6901

Handb. New Zealand FI. (see W. Mitten)

Handboek der Plantbeschrijving (J. Moll) 6214

Hand-book for the botanic gardens of the Royal Dublin Society (D. Moore) 6269

Handbook of British plants (Notcutt) 6900

Handbook of Coniferae (see G. Lister)

Handbook of cryptogamic botany (G. Murray) 6567

Handbook of the british seaweeds (L. New- ton) 6780

Handbook of the flora of New South Wales (C. Moore) 6267

Handbook of the microscope (Notcutt) 6gor

Handb. Pfl.-Anat. (see W. Lorch)

Handb. Pflanzenk. (Merrem) 5850

Handb. Pl.-beschr. (J. Moll) 6214

Handb. Skand. fl. (see A. Lundstrém)

Handb. Skand. fl. (see N. Nilsson)

Handb. syst. Bot. (Luerss.) 5080

Handbuch (Link) 4700

Handbuch der allgemeinen Botanik (N. J. C. Muell. 6520

Handbuch der Bliithenbiologie (see 6436)

Handbuch der Botanik (Nees) 6679

Handbuch der Botanik (see H. Miller)

Handbuch der botanischen Literatur (Mil- titz) 6080

Handbuch der Gewachskunde (Moéssler) 6175

Handbuch der Gewachskunde, zweite Auf- lage (Mossler) 6176

Handbuch der Gewachskunde, dritte Auf- lage (Mossler) 6177

Handbuch der medicinisch- pharmaceutischen Botanik (T. Nees) G7om=

Handbuch der Naturgeschichte (Nees) 6679

Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie (see H. Lohwag)

Handbuch der Pflanzenkunde (Merrem) 5850

Handbuch der systematischen Botanik (Luerss.) 5080

Handbuch fur botanische Bestimmungs- ubungen (Nied.) 6798

Handbuch fiir Pilzfreunde (Michael) 5952

Hand-list of trees and shrubs (see G. Nichol- son)

Handworterbuch der Naturwissenschaften (see F. Oltmanns)

Handy-book coll. (Nave) 6659

Handy-book to the collection and prepara- tion of freshwater and marine algae, dia- toms, desmids, fungi, lichens, mosses

(Nave) 6659

Hardangeromraadets Hieraciumflora (Omang) 7083 Hausbewohnenden Hymenomyceten

(Nuesch) 6913 Hausbewohn. Hymenomyc. (Ntiesch) 6913 Hausschwamm (Mez) 5948 Hausschwammforschungen (see A. Moller) Hausvater (Munchh.) 6529 Hawaiian marine algae (M. Neal) 6663 Hawaii Nei (Menzies) 5833 Haw. mar. alg. (M. Neal) 6663 Hefesammlung (Lodder) 4911 Hepat. brit. (McIvor) 5180 Hepaticae britannicae (Mclvor) 5180 Hepaticae britannicae (see W. Mclvor) Hepaticae collected in Southern Patagonia (see 5190) Hepaticae europaeae (see S. Lindberg) Hepaticae europaeae exsicc. (see K. Muller) Hepaticae in Hibernia (Lindb.) 4597 Hepaticae in provincia Schen-si (C. Mas- sal.) 5637 Hepaticae italiae venetae exciccatae (see GC. Mas- salongo)


Hepaticae javanicae (see C. Nees von Esen- beck)

Hepaticae of Moidart (Macvicar) 5208

Hepaticae of Panama (see W. Mitten)

Hepaticae scandinavicae exsiccata (see S. Lind- berg)

Hepaticologia veneta (C. Massal.) 5627

Hepaticologiens utveckling fran aldsta tider till och med Linné (Lindb.) 4598

Hepaticol. utveckl. (Lindb.) 4598

Hepaticol. ven. (C. Massal.) 5627

Hepatics and lichens of Liverpool (Marrat) 5447

Hépatiques de la Suisse (Meyl.) 5941

Hépatiques de Madere (see G. Mandon)

Hepat. lich. Liverpool (Marrat) 5447

Hepat. Moidart (Macvicar) 5208

Hepat. Schen-si (C. Massal.) 5637

Hépat. Suisse (Meyl.) 5941

Herbaceous flowering plants (Ogden) 7038

Herb.-amat. fl. (Loisel.) 4958

Herb. amb. (L.) 4777

Herbarium amboinense (L.) 4777

Herbarium austro-africanum (see P. MacO-

wan) Herbarium corsicum (see P. Mabille) Herbarium der Schleswig-Holstein-

Lauenburgischen Flora (see E. Nolte) Herbarium florae austriacae (see P. Opiz) Herbarium florae bohemicae (see P. Opiz) Herbarium florae brasiliensis (Mart.) 5535 Herbarium florae cryptogamiae universalis (see P.


Herbarium florae germanicae (see P. Opiz)

Herbarium florae Ingricae (see K. Meinshau- sen)

Herbarium fiir Schuler (see J. Mik)

Herbarium horti botanici imperialis petro-

politani (Lipsky) 4868 Herbarium lichenum fenniae (see J. Norrlin) Herbarium lichenum fenniae (see W. Nylander) Herbarium lichenum parisiensium (see W. Ny-


Herbarium musei fennici (Nyl.) 6946

Herbarium musei fennici (see S. Murbeck)

Herbarium Nederlandsche planten (see G. Oude- mans)

Herbarium pilosellarum fenniae (see J. Norrlin)

Herbarium ruborum scandinaviae (see C. Linde- berg) -

Herbarium suecicum (Neuman) 6757

Herbarium van den Hortus botanicus der

Rijks Universiteit te Groningen (J. Moll)

6217 Herbationes upsalienses (L.) 4773 Herbat. Upsal. (L.) 4773 Herb. fl. bras. (Mart.) 5535 Herb. fl. Jura (Michalet) 5955 Herb. fl. pl. (Ogden) 7038 Herb. gén. amat. (Loisel.) 4958



Herb. gén. amat. (Loisel.) 4952

Herb. gén. amat. ser. 2 (Loisel.) 4962

Herb. Groningen (J. Moll) 6217

Herb. hort. bot. petrop. (Lipsky) 4868

Herbier de la flore du Jura (Michalet) 5955

Herbier de la Lozére (H. Loret) 4999

Herbier de Amateur de fleurs (Loisel.) 4.958

Herbier des lichens de Orne et du Calvados (see H. Olivier)

Herbier des plantes critiques du Jura (see E. Michalet)

Herbier géneral de amateur (Loisel.) 4952

Herbier général de amateur, deuxiéme sé- rie (Loisel.) 4962

Herbier normal des Rubus de d Allemagne (see P. Miller)

Herb. Lozére (H. Loret) 4999

Herb. Miinchen ( Mart.) 5542

Herb. mus. fenn. (Nyl.) 6946

Herborisation aux environs de Chamonix (Meyran) 5944

Herborisations cryptogamiques chand) 5385

Herborisations dans le département de Maine et Loire (Merlet) 5849

Herborisations dans le midi de la France (Martrin-Donos) 5558

Herborisations dans les d’Hauteville (Méhu) 5790

Herbor. Maine et Loire (Merlet) 5849

Herbor. midi France (Martrin-Donos) 5558

Herb. Regnellkk (Malme) 5298

Herb. suec. (Neuman) 6757

Herb. viv. (Hoffm.) 2896

Het xix classe van de Genera Plantarum (Meese) 5788

Heteropt. (Nied.) 6805

Mieracia exsiccata (see J. Norrlin)

EMeracia Naegeliana (see G. Mendel)

Hieracia scandinavica exsiccata (see CG. Linde- berg)

Hieracien Mittel-Europas (Nag.) 6618

Hieraciumfl. Gudbrandsdalen (Omang) 7084

Hieraciumflora im Talgebiete Gudbrands- dalen (Omang) 7084

Hierac. Mitt.-Eur. (Nag.) 6618

Hiraea (Nied.) 6806

Higher fungi of the Chicago region (Mof- fatt) 6181

High. fung. Chicago (Moffatt) 6181

Hilfsb. Sammeln Ascomyc. (Lindau) 4552

Hilfsb. Sammeln nied. Krypt. (Lindau)

France et



4554 Hilfsb. Sammeln paras. Pilze (Lindau) do! Hilfsbuch fur das Sammeln der Ascomyce- ten (Lindau) 4552


Hilfsbuch fiir des Sammeln parasitischer Pilze (Lindau) 4551

Hilfsbuch fiir das Sammeln und Praparie- ren der niederen Kryptogamen (Lin- dau) 4554

Hist. arbr. forest. (F. Michx.) 5961

Hist. bot. pract. (Morandi) 6290

Hist. brit. ferns (Newm.) 6776

Hist. Cédre Liban (Loisel.) 4961

Hist. chénes Amér. (Michx.) 5957

Hist. fis. Cuba, Hist. nat. (see J. Montagne)

Hist. hort. bot. ticin. (Nocca) 6843

Hist. nat. Iles Canaries (see J. Montagne)

Hist. nat. Jura, Bot. (Michalet) 5956

Hist. nat. Malagueta (Ort.) 7109

Hist. nat. palm. (Mart.) 5520

Hist. nat. pl. (Mirb.) 6127

Hist. nat. vég. (see C. de Mirbel)

Histoire de l’ancien groupe des Térébintha- cées (Marchand) 5382

Histoire des arbres forestiers de l’ Amérique septentrionale (F. Michx.) 5961

Histoire des chénes de l’ Amérique (Michx.) SSB)

Histoire des principales variétés et espéces de vignes d’origine américaine (Mil- lard.) 6030a

Histoire du Cédre du Liban (Loisel.) 4961

Histoire naturelle des plantes (Mirb.) 6127

Histoire naturelle du Jura, Botanique (Mi- chalet) 5956

Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de Pile de Cuba Botanique. Plantes cellulai- res (Mont.) 6242

Historia botanica practica (Morandi) 6290

Historia natural de la Malagueta (Ort.) F209

Historia naturalis itinerum N.M. Prze- walskii (Maxim.) 5735

Historia plantarum alsaticarum (Mappus) 5369

Historia plantarum circa Cayenne sponte crescentium (see E. Mortier)

Historia plantarum rariorum (J. Martyn) 5563

Historia naturalis palmarum (Mart.) 5520

History of british ferns (Newm.) 6776

History of Sumatra (Marsden) 5454

Hist. phys. Cuba, Bot., Pl. Cell. (Mont.) 6242

Hist. pl. alsat. (Mappus) 5369

Hist. pl. rar. (J. Martyn) 5563

Hist. Sumatra (Marsden) 5454

Hist. Térébinth. (Marchand) 5382

Hist. vignes amér. (Millard.) 6030a

Hoh. Sporenpfi. Deutschl. (Milde) 6019

Hoheren Sporenpflanzen Deutschland’s (Milde) 6019

Honolulu gard. (M. Neal) 6662

Honolulu gardens (M. Neal) 6662

Holzgewachse in Nord- u. Mittel- Deutschland (L. Méller) 6163

Holzgew. N.M. Deutschl. (L. Moller) 6163

Holzpflanzen der Siidlausitz (B. Lorenz) 4998

Holzpfl. Stidlausitz (B. Lorenz) 4998

Homer. fl. (Mig.) 6087

Homerische flora (Miq.) 6087

Horae phys. berol. (Nees) 6680

Horae physicae berolinenses (Nees) 6680

Horae physicae berolinenses (see F. Otto)

Hornschuchia (Nees) 6681

Houttuynia (E. Mey.) 5922

Hort. acad. (L.) 4779

Hort. agren. (Munro) 6545

Hort. berol. (Link) 4697

Hort. bles. (Morison) 6332

Hort. bot. monac. (Mart.) 5524

Hort. brit. (Loud.) 5027

Hort. cliff. (L.) 4719

Hort. culin. (L.) 4824

Hort. gand. (Mussche) 6592

Horticultura academica (L.) 4779

Hort. jamaic. (Lunan) 5096

Hort. kew. (see C. von Linné)

Hort. lign. londin. (Loud.) 5029

Hort. reg. monac. (Mart.) 5530

Hort. reg. monsp. (Magnol) 5232

Hort. upsal. (L.) 4733

Hort. upsal. (L.) 4746

Hortus agrensis (Munro) 6545

Hortus Amstelodamensis (Miq.) 6103

Hortus botanicus R. Academiae mona- censis (Mart.) 5524

Hortus britannicus (Loud.) 5027

Hortus britannicus (see J. W. Loudon)

Hortus cantabrigiensis (see J. Lindley)

Hortus cliffortianus (L.) 4719

Hortus culinaris (L.) 4824

Hortus gandavensis (Mussche) 6592

Hortus jamaicensis (Lunan) 5096

Hortus lignosus londinensis (Loud.) 5029

Hort. linden. (Linden) 4624

Hortus lindenianus (Linden) 4624

Hortus regius blesensis (Morison) 6332

Hortus regius botanicus berolinensis (Link) 4697

Hortus regius monacensis (Mart.) 5530

Hortus regius monspeliensis (Magnol) 5232

Hortus romanus (see N. Martelli)

Hortus siccus (L.) 4732

Hortus upsaliensis (L.) 4746

Hortus upsaliensis (L.) 4733

Houttuynia atque Saurureis (E. Mey.) 9922

Hufelandiae illustratio (Nees) 6690

Hufeland. ill. (Nees) 6690

Hydnorum pileatorum in Suecia nascen- tium (Lindblad) 4610

Hydrobiologia (see P. van Oye)


Hymenopappus (L’ Her.) 4490

Hymenophyllaceae (Mett.) 5885

Hypericum (L.) 4851

Hypericum (see C. von Linné, fil.)

Hypodermearum Galliae ortentalts ( see R. Mai- re)

Iagttagelser (Orst.) 7027

I. C. Martindale’s desiderata (I. C. Martin- dale) 5499

Icones animalium et plantarum (J. F. Mill.) 6032

Icones filicum Japoniae (Ogata) 7037

Icones florae alpinae plantarum (Marret) 5449

Icones florae alpinae plantarum (see C. Ostenfeld)

Icones florae japonicae (Makino) 5282

Icones fungorum malayensium (Overeem) 7170

Icones novae (see 6482)

Icones novae (J. S. Muell.) 6484

Icones novae (see 6482)

Icones of Japanese algae (Okam.) 7042

Icones of the essential forest trees of Hokkai- do (Miyabe) 6140

Icones plantarum (Liebm.) 4517

Icones plantarum (see 6482)

Icones plantarum (see D. Oliver)

Icones plantarum cryptogamicarum (Mart.) 5526

Icones plantarum in Flora cubana descrip- tarum (Mont.) 6242

Icones plantarum javanicarum (see F. Norona)

Icones plantarum koisikavenses (Matsum.) 5679

Icones plantarum originales (E. Mart.) 595?

Icones plantarum rariorum (Link) 4699, 4704

Icones plantarum rariorum horti regii bo- tanici berolinensis (see F. Otto)

Icones plantarum selectarum (Link) 4694

Icones plantarum selectarum horti regii be- rolinensis (see F. Otto)

Icones plantarum ... supplementum ope- ris, Florae Danicae (see F. Licebmann) Icones rerum naturalium (see C. Niebuhr) Icones selectae plantarum cryptogamica-

rum (Mart.) 5526 Icones stirpium (Lobel) 4909 Icon. fil. Jap. (Ogata) 7037 Icon. fl. alp. (Marret) 5449 Icon. fl. Germ. Helv. (see J. Murr) Icon. fl. jap. (Makino) 5282 Icon. forest trees Hokkaido (Miyabe) 6140 Icon. fung. malay. (Overeem) 7170 Icon. Jap. alg. (Okam.) 7042 Icon. nov. (J. S. Muell.) 6484



Iconographia bryologica universalis (Loes- ke) 4941

Iconographia bryologica universalis (see L. Loeske)

Iconographia plantarum Asiae orientalis (Nakai) 6628

Iconographie zoophytologique (Michelin) 5976

Iconography of Australian salsolaceous plants (F. v. Muell.) 6433

Iconography of Australian species of Aca- cia (F. v. Muell.) 6432

Iconography of candolleaceous plants (F. v. Muell.) 6434

Iconogr. Austral. Acacia (F. v. Muell.) 6432

Iconogr. Austral. salsolac. pl. (F. v. Muell.) 6433

Iconogr. candolleac. pl. (F. v. Muell.) 6434

Iconogr. pl. As. orient. (Nakai) 6628

Iconogr. zoophyt. (Michelin) 5976

Icon. pl. (Liebm.) 4517

Icon. pl. Helv. (Haller) 2317

Icon. pl. select. (Link) 4694

Icon. pl. rar. (Link) 4699, 4704

Icon. pl. crypt. (Mart.) 5526

Icon. pl. crypt. (see 6184)

Icon. pl. Koisik. (Matsum.) 5679

Icones selectae | anatomico-botanicae (Link) 4703

Icon. select. anat.-bot. (Link) 4703

Icon. select. fung. (see A. Maublanc)

Icon. stirp. (Lobel) 4909

Iles Canaries (see G. Negri)

Iles Canaries flore de Archipel (see 4634)

Ill. Gyphella endoph. (Mattir.) 5694

Ill. dict. gard. (see S. Mottet)

Ill. dict. gard. (G. Nichols.) 6783

Ill. Fl. Eichsf. (Neureuter) 6762

Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. (see W. Ludi)

Ill. geol. Sussex (Mantell) 5366

Ill. key Amer. Trifolium (McDermott) 5162

Ill. monogr. Brit. Hierac. (see G. Lister)

Ill. N.S.W. pl. (Maiden) 5262

Ill. piperac. (Miq.) 6101

Ill. rar. stirp. (Moris) 6327a

Ill. S. Amer. pl. (Miers) 5981

Ill. sex. syst. Linnaeus (J. S. Muell.) 6483

Ill. skol- exkurs.-fl. (Lindm.) 4672

Ill. sp. Tuberac. (Mattir.) 5695

Ill. syst. sex. Linnaeani (J. S. Muell.) 6485

Ill. syst. sex. Linnaei (J. S. Muell.) 6482, 6486 ;

Illustrated dictionary of gardening (G. Ni- chols.) 6783

Illustrated key to the North American spe- cies of Trifolium (McDermott) 5162

Illustrated manual of California shrubs (McMinn) 5194


Illustrated manual of Pacific Coast trees (McMinn) 5193

Illustrationes piperacearum (Miq.) 6101

Illustrationes rariorum stirpium horti bota- nici r. univ. taur. (Moris) 6327a

Illustration horticole (see J. Linden, L. Lin- den)

Illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus (J. S. Muell.) 6483

Illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus (see 6482)

Illustration of the termini botanici of Lin- naeus (J. S. Muell.) 6483

Illustrations de la flore de l’Archipel indien (Miq.) 6125

Illustrations of New South Wales plants (Maiden) 5262

Illustrations of orchidaceous plants (see J. Lindley)

Illustrations of South American plants (Miers) 5981

Illustrations of the geology of Sussex (Man- tell) 5366

Illustrations of the marine algae of Japan (Okam.) 7042

Illustrations of the present state and future prospects of the Colony of New South Wales (see 44.95)

Illustrations of the principal natural orders of the vegetable kingdom (Oliver) 7058

Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnaeani (J. S. Muell.) 6485

Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnaei (J. S. Muell.) 6482, 6486

Illustratio usus et nominis plantarum (Noc- ca) 6839

Illustrazione delle Cyphella endophila Ce- sati (Mattir.) 5694

Illustrazione di tre nuove specie di Tubera- cee italiane (Mattir.) 5695

Illustrerad skol- och exkursionsflora (Lindm.) 4672

Illustrierte Flora des Eichsfeldes (Neureu- ter) 6762

Ill. veg. kingd. (Oliver) 7058

In botanices commendationem oratio (Nocca) 6830

Increm. bot. (L.) 4771

Incrementa botanices (L.) 4771

Ind. alph. (Moug.) 6373

Ind. bibl. hort. belg. (E. Morr.) 6346

Ind. bot. mat. med. (Monti) 6261

Indeln. Ort-Riket (L.) 4768

Indelning i Ort-Riket (L.) 4768

Index abecedarius (L.) 4769

Index alphabeticus (Moug.) 6373

Index alphabeticus generum botanicarum (A. Licht.) 4500

Index alphabeticus generum, specierum et synonymorum in ... Fries systemate

mycologico ... enumeratorum (see A. Lindblom)

Index auctorum et librorum a Linnaeo (L.) 4.759

Index bibliographique de Vhortus belgicus (E. Morr.) 6346

Index Botrychiorum (Milde) 6023

Index Desmid. (Nordst.) 6869

Index Desmidiacearum (Nordst.) 6869

Index Diatom. (Mills) 6066

Index Equisetorum omnium (Milde) 6018

Index fil. (T. Moore) 6276

Index filicum (T. Moore) 6276

Index florae jeholensis (Nakai) 6627

Index gen. bot. (A. Licht.) 4500

Index hort. argent. (Nestl.) 6746

Index nominum genericorum (plantarum) (see 6670)

Index nominum Nylanderi Synopsis liche- num (Lindau) 4557

Index nominum Nylanderi Synopsis liche- num (Nyl.) 6945

Index Nyl. syn. lich. (Lindau) 4557

Index of the mycological writings of C. G. Lloyd (C. G. Lloyd) 4885a

Index periectus ad Caroli Linnaei Species plantarum (F. v. Muell.) 6418

Index perfectus Species plantarum (L.) 4.769

Index pl. (J. A. Murray) 6576

Index pl. agr. erfurt. (Nonne) 6858

Index plantarum (J. A. Murray) 6576

Index plantarum horti electorali Manhe- miensis (Medik.) 5767

Index plantarum in horto medico Edinbur- gensi (L.) 4710

Index plantarum japonicarum (Matsum.) 5677

Index plantarum quae in horto academ. argentinensi (Nestl.) 6746

Index plantarum quas in agro erfurtensi sponte provenientes (Nonne) 6858

Index pl. hort. Manhem. (Medik.) 5767

Index pl. jap. (Matsum.) 5677

Ind. rafin. (Merr.) 5872

Index rafinesquianus (Merr.) 5872

Index regni vegetabilis (see 4829)

Index specierum et varietatum lichenum (Lynge) 5120

Index Sp. pl. (F. v. Muell.) 6418

Index sp. var. lich. (Lynge) 5120

Index suppl. (Norm.) 6876

Index supplementarius (Norm.) 6876

Index to the genera and species of the Dia- tomaceae (Mills) 6066

Ind. groent. (Ochse) 6996

Indices botanici et materiae medicae (Monti) 6261

Indices nominum trivialium Species plan-

tarum (L.) 4769


Indig. bot. (Milne) 6078

Indigenous botany (Milne) 6078

Indig. grass. Ireland (D. Moore) 6268

Indische groenten (Ochse) 6996

Indische vruchten (Ochse) 6995

Indledning til Plante-Laeren (Oed.) 7004

Indl. Pl.-Laer. (Oed.) 7004

Ind. pl. hort. Edinb. (L.) 4710

Ind. vrucht. (Ochse) 6995

In geographicam plantarum intra Sveciam distributionem adnotata (Lindblom) 4614

Inleiding tot de kruidkunde (Martyn) 5572

Inst. Bot. (Milne) 6076

Inst. bot. prat. (Nocca) 6838

Institutes of botany (Milne) 6076

Institutiones historico-physicae regni vege- tabilis (Ludw.) 5065

Instituzione di botanica pratica (Nocca) 6838

Inst. regn. veg. (Ludw.) 5065

Instructio peregr. (L.) 4801

Instructio peregrinatoris (L.) 4801

International address book of botanists (see E. Merrill)

Internationale Polarforschung, Die Deutschen Expeditionen (Neumayer) 6760

Interpretation of Rumphius’s Herbarium amboinense (Merr.) 5860

Interpr. Herb. amboin. (Merr.) 5860

Intorno alla flora veronensis (Moretti) 6301

Int. Polarforsch., Deut. Exped. mayer) 6760

Intr. bot. (J. Lee) 4289

Intr. bot. (L.) 4760

Intr. bot. (Lindl.) 4646


Intr. bot. (Martyn) 5572

Intr. bot. (F. v. Muell.) 6412

Intr. bot. (Nutt.) 6924

Intr. Diatom. (Mills) 6064

Intr. nat. syst. bot. (Lindl.) 4644

Introduccion a la flora de los alrededores de Concepcion (Neger) 6705

Introduction a la botanique (Martyn) 5572

Introduction to botany (Lindl.) 4644, 4646

Introduction to botany (F. v. Muell.) 6412

Introduction to physiological and systema- tical botany (see W. MacGillivray)

Introduction to systematic and physiologi- cal botany (Nutt.) 6924

Introduction to the natural system of bota- ny (Lindl.) 4644

Introduction to the study of seaweeds (G. Murray) 6570

Introduction to the study of the Diatoma- ceae (Mills) 6064

Introduzione alla storia naturale delle Ma- donie (Mina-Palumbo) 6080a



Intr. storia nat. Madonie (Mina-Palumbo) 6080a

Intr. stud. seaweeds (G. Murray) 6570

Invest. grass. Texas (Neally) 6664

Invloed van celdeeling en celstrekking op den groei (see J. Moll)

Inwijdingsrede over de plantkunde (Ou- dem.) 7145

Inwijdingsrede plantk. (Oudem.) 7145

Isis (see L. Oken)

Isole eolie (Lojac.) 4963

Ist. bot. prat. (Nocca) 6832

Istituzioni di botanica pratica (Nocca) 6832

Iter austro-hung. (H. Lindb.) 4568

Iter austro-hungaricum (H. Lindb.) 4568

Iter Chin. (L.) 4836

Iter hispan. (Loefl.) 4921

Iter hispanicum (Loefl.) 4921

Iter in Chinam (L.) 4836

Iter lapponicum (see C. Linnaeus)

Iter persico-turcicum, Fungi (Magnus) 5238

Iter tirolense (see H. Lojka)

Iter turc.-pers. (Nabélek) 6599

Iter turcico-persicum (Nabélek) 6599

Intinera mediterranea (H. Lindb.) 4572

Itinéraire botanique dans la province de Minas Geraes (Netto) 6748

Itin. medit. (H. Lindb.) 4572

Jaczewskia (Mattir.) 5702

Jahrbucher der Gewachskunde (see J. Link)

Jard. Crest (M. Mich.) 5971

Jardin des plantes de Montpellier (Martins) 5597

Jardin du Crest (M. Mich.) 5971

Jard. pl. Montpellier (Martins) 5507

J. bot. néerl. (Mig.) 6115

Jemtlandska fjallvaxternas utbredning (P. Olsson, Skane) 7079

Jemtl. ffallvaxt. utbredn. (P. Olsson, Ska- ne) 7079

J. exped. trop. Australia (T. Mitch.) 6132

Joseph Banks (Maiden) 5263

Jour. Austral. Alps (Lhotsky) 4495

Journal de botanique (see L. Morot)

Journal de botanique néerlandaise (Miq.) 6115

Journal New York Bot. Garden (see W. Murrill)

Journal ofa horticultural tour (Neill) 6719

Journal of an expedition into the interior of tropical Australia (T. Mitch.) 6132

Journal of botany (see S. Moore)

Journal of Japanese Botany (see T. Makino)

Journal of travels into the Arkansa Terri- tory (Nutt.) 6923

Journey from Sydney to the Australian Alps (Lhotsky) 4495


Journ. hort. tour. (Neill) 6719

J. trav. Arkansa Terr. (Nutt.) 6923

Junci generis monographiae specimen (E. Mey.) 5918

Junc. monogr. spec. (E. Mey.) 5918

Jungermanniearum herbarii Montagneani (Nees) 6691

Jungermanniearum herbarii Montagneani species (Mont.) 6230

Jungermann. Montagn. (Mont.) 6230

Juss. & D. C. Pfl.-Syst. (see G. Nees von Esenbeck)

Kakile (L’Heér.) 4488

Kakile, cum animadversionibus in Bunia- dem, Myagrum et Crambem (L’Her.) 4488

Kalocsa vidékének névénytenyészete (Me- nyh.) 5831

Kal. vid. novén. (Menyh.) 5831

Kamptzia (Nees) 6693

Kamptzia novo myrtacearum genere (Nees) 6693

Kapland (Marloth) 5434

Karpathos (see C. Major)

Kennz. Holzart. Forstkr. (Moser) 6356 ~

Key bot. (Lindl.) 4649

Key Brit. hepat. (Macvicar) 5209

Keys spring pl. (Muenscher) 6531

Keys to spring plants (Muenscher) 6531

Key to British hepaticae (Macvicar) 5209

Key to structural ... Botany (Lindl.) 4642

Key to structural, physiological and syste- matic botany (Lindl.) 4649

Key to the system of Victorian plants (F. v. Muell.) 6430

Keys to woody plants (Muenscher) 6530

Keys woody pl. (Muenscher) 6530

Key Vict. pl. (F. v. Muell.) 6430

Kieselalg. Asien (F. Meister) 5810

Kieselalgen aus Asien (F. Meister) 5810

Kieselalgen der Schweiz (F. Meister) 5809

Kieselalg. Schweiz (F. Meister) 5809

Kleine Beitrage zur nahern Kenntniss der Flora Russlands (C. A. Mey.) 5917

Konigliche Herbarium zu Miinchen (Mart.) 5542

Konigliche Wasserlilie (Loescher) 4930

Krit. Bemerk. Spreng. (Link) 4693

Kritische Bemerkungen und Zusatze zu Kurt Sprengel’s Werk (Link) 4693

Kritische Zusammenstellung der in Osterreich-Ungarn bisher beobachteten Arten, Formen und Bastarte der Gat- tung Hieracium (Neilr.) 6727

Kritisk granskning af mossorna uti Dillenii Historia muscorum (Lindb.) 4605

Krit. Zusammenst. Art. Hieracium (Neilr.) 6727

Kruisingstheorie (Lotsy) 5017

Kruydtb. (Lobel) 4908

Kruydtboeck (Lobel) 4908

Krypt. Berg. Land (Lorch) 4979

Krypt.-Fl. Anf. (Lindau) 4558

Krypt.-Fl. Brandenburg (see M. von Min- den)

Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Alg. (Migula) 5991

Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Flecht. (Migula) 6003

Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Moose (Migula) 5988

Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Pilze (Migula) 5993

Krypt.-Fl. Mark Brandenb. (see O. Miiller)

Kryptogamae (Cryptogamae) Germaniae, Aus- triae et Helvetiae exsiccatae (see E. Migula)

Kryptogamen (Moebius) 6147

Kryptogamen des Bergischen Landes (Lorch) 4979

Kryptogamenflora Brandenburg (see F. Neger)

Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg (see A. Moller)

Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg (see G. Lindau)

Kryptogamenflora fur Anfanger (Lindau) 4558

Kryptogamen Sachsens under der angraénzenden Gegenden (see ¥. Miiller)

Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Al- gen. |. (Migula) 5991

Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Farnpflanzen (Luerss.) 5062

Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Flechten. (Migula) 6003

Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Moose (Migula) 5988

Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland,

Osterreich und der Schweiz (see 6172)

Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Pil- ze. (Migula) 5993

Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien (see K. Limpricht)

Kulmflora Spitzbergens (Nath.) 6649

Kulmfl. Spitzb. (Nath.) 6649

Kult. Nostoc-Gonid. (Linkola) 4708

Kulturen mot Nostoc-Gonidien (Linkola) 4708

Kulturversuche mit finnischen Rostpilzen (Lindr.) 4676

Lachesis lapponica (see CG. Linnaeus)

Ladies’ flower-gard. (J. W. Loud.) 5023

Laestadia (Magnus) 5236

Lagoa Santa (see A. Lofgren)

L’Amérique centrale (Orst.) 7024

Landwirthschaftliche Pflanzenkunde (Metzg.) 5890

Landw. Pfl.-K. (Metzg.) 5890

Lang. bot. (Martyn) 5571

Language of botany (Martyn) 5571

Lapponian lichen names (Lynge) 5122


Later extinct fl. N. America (Newb.) 6771

Later extinct floras of North America (Newb.) 6771

Laubm. N.-Deutschl. (G. Liitzow) 5091

Laubmoose Nord-Deutschlands (G. Lut- ZOW) 5091

Laubmoose Oberfrankens (see L. Molendo)

Lauraceae americanae (Mez) 5946

Laurac. amer. (Mez) 5946

Lavandula (Lundmark) 5107

Lawson’s Pinetum (see M. Masters)

Lawson’s Pinetum (see J. Lindley)

Leaf-coll. handb. (Newh.) 6773

Lebensgeschichte der Bliitenpflanzen Mittel-Europas (see E. Loew)

Leberm. Eur. (K. Mull. frib.) 6494

Lebermoose (K. Mill. frib.) 6493

Lat oss behalla vara svenska vaxtnamn (Nath.) 6647

La Tourrette (Magnin) 5225

Laubholzer (Neger) 6707

Laubm. Deutschl. (Limpr.) 4540

Laubm. Eur. (Monk.) 6172

Laubm. Eur. (Loeske) 4941

Laubmoose (Migula) 6002

Laubmoose (Lorch) 4981

Laubmoose Deutschlands (see H. Lim-


Laubmoose Deutschlands (see K. Lim- pricht)

Laubmoose Deutschlands, Oéesterreichs

und der Schweiz (Limpr.) 4540 Laubmoose Europas (Loeske) 4941 Laubmoose Europas (Monk.) 6172 Laubm. N.-Deutschl. (G. Lutzow) 5091 Laubmoose Nord-Deutschlands (G. Lut-

zow) 5091 Laubmoose Oberfrankens (see L. Molendo) Lauraceae americanae (Mez) 5946 Laurac. amer. (Mez) 5946 Lavandula (see C. von Linné, fil.) Lavandula (Lundmark) 5107 Lawson’s Pinetum (see M. Masters) Lawson’s Pinetum (see J. Lindley) Leaf-coll. handb. (Newh.) 6773 Lebensgeschichte der Bliitenpflanzen

Mittel-Europas (see E. Loew)

Leberm. Eur. (K. Mill. frib.) 6494 Lebermoose (K. Mill. frib.) 6493 Lebermoose der Umgegend von Metten

(see M. Lickleder)

Lebermoose Europas (K. Mill. frib.) 6494 Lebermoose und Torfmoose (Migula) 6004 Leberm. Torfm. (Migula) 6004

Lecidea bolcana (A. Massal.) 5586 Lecidea Hookeri (A. Massal.) 5599

Lect. fl. Australia (F. v. Muell.) 6425 Lecture on the flora of Australia (F. v.

Muell.) 6425 Ledo palustri (L.) 4849



Leerb. artsenijgew. (Miq.) 6090

Leerboek der artsenijgewassen (Miq.) 6090

Leerboek tot de kennis der artsenijgewassen (Miq.) 6090

Leer der plantkunde (L.) 4799

Legum. austro-amer. (Lindm.) 4664

Légumes et fruits des cing parties du monde (Noter) 6904

Légum. fruits monde (Noter) 6904

Leguminosae austro-americanae (Lindm.) 4664

Leguminosae langlasseanae (M. Mich.) 5972

Légum. langlass. (M. Mich.) 5972

Lehrb. Naturgesch. (Oken) 7045

Lehrb. nied. Krypt. (F. Ludw.) 5070

Lehrbuch der Botanik fiir Hochschulen (see F. Noll)

Lehrbuch der Mineralogie (see J. Mein- ecke)

Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte 7945

Lehrbuch der niedern Kryptogamen (F. Ludw.) 5070

Lehrbuch der Pharmakognosie (see F. Olt- manns)

Lepidagathidis, genere ex acanthacearum ordine, illustratio monographica (Nees) 6694

Lepidagath. illustr. monogr. (Nees) 6694

Les Eucalyptus (Noter) 6903

Les fougéres (Maron) 5438

Les Iles Canaries (see G. Negri)

Les orangers (Noter) 6902

Lessons elem. bot. (Oliver) 7054

Lessons in elementary botany (Oliver) 7954

Lettre a Méthérie (Med.) 5775

Lettre de M. Medicus ... a M. de la Me- thérie (Med.) 5775

Lett. elem. bot. (Martyn) 5568

Lettres élementaires (Martyn) 5568

Letters on the elements of botany (Martyn) 5568

Lexicon botanicum (Martinov) 5505

Lich. Bohemia (W. Mann) 5359

Lich. capens. (A. Massal.) 5624

Lich. ceyl. (Nyl.) 6978

Lichenes angolenses (Nyl.) 6958

Lichenes arctici collecti aestate 1863 in Lapponia orventali (see W. Nylander)

Lichenes austroamericani ex herbario Regnelliano (see G. Malme)

Lichenes capenses (A. Massal.) 5624

Lichenes ceylonenses (Nyl.) 6978

Lichenes du nord du Portugal (Nyl.) 6964

Lichenes eckfeldtiani (Miull.-Arg.) 6471

Lichenes epiphylli novae (Miill.-Arg.) 6463

Lichenes exsiccati (see G. Merrill)

Lichenes exsiccati (see J. Nadvornik)



Lichenes Finschiani (Miull.-Arg.) 6446

Lichenes Fuegiae et Patagoniae (Nyl.) 6966

Lichenes in Aegypto a cel. Ehrenberg col- lecti (Nyl.) 6951

Lichenes insularum Andaman (Nyl.) 6962

Lichenes insularum guineensium (Nyl.) 6970

Lichenes ttalici exsiccati (see A. Massalongo)

Lichenes Japoniae (Nyl.) 6971

Lichenes japonici (Miull.-Arg.) 6448

Lichenes javanici (Mont.) 6259

Lichenes knightiani (Miull.-Arg) 6466

Lichenes Lapponiae orientalis (Nyl.) 6953

Lichenes mont-dorwenses (see W. Nylander)

Lichenes montevidenses (Miull.-Arg.) 6458

Lichenes neo-caledonici (Miill.-Arg.) 6467

Lichenes nonnulli ex Insula_ Principis (Nyl.) 6968

Lichenes Novae Zelandiae (Nyl.) 6967

Lichenes paraguayenses (Miull.-Arg.) 6460

Lichenes portoricenses (Mull.-Arg.) 6461

Lichenes pyrenaeorum ortentalium (see W. Ny- lander)

Lichenes Pyrenaeorum orientalium (Nyl.) 6973

Lichenes rarvores venett (see A. Massalongo)

Lichenes rosstae exsiccatt (see K. Mereschkows- ki)

Lichenes scandinaviae (Nyl.) 6948

Lichenes select scandinavici exsiccatt (see A. Ma- gnusson)

Lichenes suecict exsiccati (see G. Malme)

Lichenes ticinenses exsiccati rartores vel novi (see K. Mereschkowski)

Lichenes wilsoniani (Miull.-Arg.) 6468

Lichenes zambesici (Mull.-Arg.) 6469

Lichenographiae novo-gratensis prodro- mus (Nyl.) 6949

Lichenogr. novo-grat. prodr. (Nyl.) 6949

Lichenologische Beitrage (Miull.-Arg.) 6443

Lichenologische Untersuchungen (Lin- dau) 4548

Lichenol. Unters. (Lindau) 4548

Lichenotheca regni hungarici exsiccati (see H. Lojka)

Lichenotheca universalis (see H. Lojka)

Lichens (Moreau) 6294

Lichens de la Normandie (see A. Malbranche)

Lichens de l’est de la Corse (Maheu) 5256

Lichens de Pouest de la Corse (Maheu)

9254 Lichens de Madeére (see G. Mandon) Lichens de Palestine (Miull.-Arg.) 6453 Lichens des environs de Paris (Nyl.) 6975 Lichens des iles Azores (Nyl.) 6977 Lichens des Pyrenées (see H. Muehlenbeck) Lichens d’Europe (H. Olivier) 7072 Lichens Franz Josef Land (Lynge) 5126 Lichens Fr. Jos. Land (Lynge) 5126

Lichens from Jan Mayen (Lynge) 5134

Lichens from North East Greenland (Lyn- ge) 5129

Lichens from Novaya Zemlya (Lynge)


Lichens from South East Greenland, 1931 (Lynge) 5127

Lichens form Southeast Greenland, Scho- lander (Lynge) 5131

Lichens from the West and North Coasts of Spitsbergen (Lynge) 5133

Lichens from West Greenland (Lynge) 5132

Lichens neo-granadins (Mull.-Arg.) 6449

Lichens rapportés de l’ile Campbell (Nyl.) 6963 ©

Lichens S. E. Greenland, 1931 (Lynge) 5127

Lichenum britannicorum (see W. Mudd)

Lichenum generis Usnea (Motyka) 6369

Lichenum in Bohemia observatorum dispo- sitio (W. Mann) 5359

Lich. env. Paris (Nyl.) 6975

Lich. est Corse (Maheu) 5256

Lich. Eur. (H. Olivier) 7072

Lich. Fueg. Patag. (Nyl.) 6966

Lich. ins. Guin. (Nyl.) 6970

Lich. Jan. Mayen (Lynge) 5134

Lich. Jap. (Nyl.) 6971

Lich. jav. (Mont.) 6259

Lich. Lapp. orient. (Nyl.) 6953, 6979

Lich. N. E. Greenland (Lynge) 5129

Lich. Nov. Zel. (Nyl.) 6967

Lich. Nov. Zemlya (Lynge) 5125

Lich. ouest Corse (Maheu) 5254

Lich. parag. (Miill.-Arg.) 6460

Lich. n. Portugal (Nyl.) 6964

Lich. Pyren. orient. (Nyl.) 6973

Lich. scand. (Nyl.) 6948, 6979

Lich. S. E. Greenland, Scholander (Lynge) 5131

Lich. Spitsbergen (Lynge) 5133

Lich. W. Greenland (Lynge) 5132

Lich. zambes. (Mull.-Arg.) 6469

Lign. Quassiae (L.) 4821

Lignum Quassiae (L.) 4821

Lign. colubr. (L.) 4748

Lignum colubrinum (L.) 4748

Lijst hoogere zwammen (Meulenhoff) 5891

Lijst van in Nederland gevonden hoogere zwammen (Meulenhoff) 5891

Lilac (McKelv.) 5184

Liliiflores du Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5411

Liliifl. Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5411

Litioa (see M. Lillo)

LinpBErcIA (see S. Lindberg)

LinpEntA (see J. Linden)

Lindenia (Linden) 4628

Lindenia (see L. Linden)

LinnaEa (see C. Linnaeus)


Linné Pflanzensystem (L.) 4799

List Bombay grasses (Lisboa) 4871

List draw. fung. (E. Morris) 6348

List fl. pl. Dumfriesshire (M’Andrew) 5148

List Missouri fung. (Maneval) 5341

List of Bombay grasses (Lisboa) 4871

List of diatomaceae occurring in the neigh- bourhood of Hull (G. Norm.) 6874

List of Missouri fungi (Maneval) 5341

List of plants collected in Bermuda (A. H. Moore) 6265

List of plants found in Nikko (Matsum.) 5674

List of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta in Northeastern North America (Morong) 6342

List of the flowering plants, ferns, club mos- ses, mosses and liverworts of Manitoba (see C. Lowe)

List of the flowering plants of Dumfriesshire (M’ Andrew) 5148

List of the mosses of the Riding (see J. Mars- hall)

List of the observed flora of Watchung (Moldenke) 6199

List of the plants of the Labrador Peninsula (J. M. Macoun) 5196

List of the water-color drawings of fungi (G. Morris) 6348

List pl. Bermuda (A. H. Moore) 6265

List pl. Labrador Penins. (J. M. Macoun) 5196

List pl. Nikko (Matsum.) 5674

List Pter. Sperm. N. E. North America (Morong) 6342

Lista de plantas que han sido observades en Chile (see G. Looser)

Liste des Ascomycetes (see V. Mouton)

Liste générale des champignons exosporés (see A. Mougeot)

Lithops (Nel) 6728

Living flora of West Virginia (Millsp.) 6073

Lioypia (see C. Lloyd)

Lobelia (see C. Morren)

Losetta (see M. de L’Obel)

Lofmossornas utbredning 6159a

Lévsporepl. (Orst.) 7029

Lévsporeplanterne (Orst.) 7029

Lofmoss. utbr. (H. Moller) 6159a

LotsyA (see J. Lotsy)

Loudon’s Encyclopaedia of plants (Loud.) 5026

Loudon’s Encyclopadie der (Loud.) 5026

Louichea (L’ Her.) 4486

Lupovictana (see P. Louis-Marie)

Lychnophora (Mart.) 5514

Lycoperdaceae of Australia (C. G. Lloyd) 4888

(H. Moller)




Lycoperd. Australia (C. G. Lloyd) 4888 Lyhkainen kasvioppi ja kasvio (Meéla) 5813 Lyonta (see H. Lyon)

Macellum olit. (L.) 4810

Macellum olitorum (L.) 4810

Magazine of natural history (see J. C. Lou- don)

Magnolias (Millais) 6027

Makers of British botany (IF. Oliver) 7059

Makino’s new illustrated flora of Japan (see T. Makino)

Malice des lichens (Nyl.) 6969

Malice lich. eke ) 6969

Malpigh. amer. 2 (Nied.) 6809

Malpigh. amer. 3 (Nied.) 6809

~ Malpigh. amer. (Nied.) 6809

Malphighia (Nied.) 6802

Malpighiaceae americanae (Nied.) 6809

Malpighiaceae palaeotropicae (Nied.) 6810

Malpighiaceae palaeotropicae ii (Nied.) 6810

Malpighiaceae novae (Nied.) 6813

Malpigh. noy. (Nied.) 6813

Malpigh. palaeotrop. (Nied.) 6810

Malvenfam. (Medik.) 5772

Man. acclim. (F. v. Muell.) 6406

Man. bot. (W. MacGillivray) 5174

Man. bot. Rocky Mt. (see A. Nelson)

Man. Brit. bot. (Macreight) 5205

Man. Brit. lich. (Mudd) 6389

Man. Calif. shrubs (McMinn) 5194

Man. fam. nat. phan. (Loefgr.) 4919

Man. fl. Egypt (Muschl.) 6590

Man. fl. Jackson County (Mackenz.) 5187

Man. fl. Madeira (R. Lowe) 5049

Man. fl. Nippon (Makino) 5286

Man. geol. India (Medlicott) 5782

Man. grasses N. S. W. (Maiden) 5259

Manipulus muscorum (Lindb.) 4590

Manipulus muscorum novorum (K. Mill. hal.) 6503

Man. new. Zealand FI. (see W. Oliver)

Man. Pacif. Coast trees (McMinn) 5193

Man. pl. usuell. (Loisel.) 4954

Man. S. Calif. a (Munz) 6547

Mantissa (L.) 4769

Mantissa plantarum (L.) 4817, 4831

Mantissa plantarum horti botanici canta- brigiensis (Martyn) 5567

Mant. pl. (L.) 4831

Mant. pl. hort. cantabrig. (Martyn) 5567

Manual das familias naturaes phaneroga- mas (Loefgr.) 4919

Manual of botany (W. MacGillivray) 5174

Manual of British botany (Macreight) 5205

Manual of British lichens (Mudd) 6389

Manual of British lichens (see A. Maingay)

Manual of Bryology (see J. Motte)


Manual flora of Egypt (Muschl.) 6590

Manual flora of Madeira (R. Lowe) 5049

Manual of Southern California botany (Munz) 6547

Manual of the flora of Jackson County Mis- sourl (Mackenz.) 5187

Manual of the flora of Nippon (Makino) 5286

Manual of the geology of India (Medlicott) 5782

Manual of the grasses of New South Wales (Maiden) 5259

Manuel de lacclimateur (F. v. Muell.) 64.06

Manuel des jeunes botanistes (see C. Made- nis)

Manuel des plantes usuelles indigénes (Loi- sel.) 4954

Manuel du botaniste herborisant (see C. Madenis)

Manuel économique des plantes (L.) 4743

Manuel économique des plantes (see 4828)

Mappas botanicos do Nordéste do Brasil (Luetzelb.) 5089

Mappas bot. Nordéste (Luetzelb.) 5089

‘““Marchantiaceae”’ della flora europea (C. Massal.) 5645

Mar. diatoms Philipp. (A. Mann) 5349

Marine diatoms from the Coasts of Iceland (see E. Mstrup)

Marine diatoms of the Philippine Islands (A. Mann) 5349

Martii Schedulae de Leguminosis in Brasi- lia observatis (see C. von Martius)

Martindale’s desid. (I. C. Martindale) 0209

Maryland grasses (Norton) 6898

Mascagnia (Nied.) 6807

Materia medica (L.) 4.751

Materiali per una monografia delle Pilobo- lee (Morini) 6326

Matériaux pour lhistoire des Menthes (Malinv.) 5292

Materjaly do flory porostow slaska (Moty- ka) 6368

Mat. fl. amaz. (Huber) 3105

Mat. fl. porost. slaska (Motyka) 6368

Mat. hist. Menth. (Malinyv.) 5292

Mat. med. (L.) 4751

McILvainEA (see C. McIlvaine)

Mechanisch-Physiologische ‘Theorie der Abstammungslehre (Nag.) 6617

Mech.-physiol. Theorie —Abst.-Lehre (Nag.) 6617

Medals creat. (Mantell) 5367

Medals of creation (Mantell) 5367

Medical and oeconomical botany (Lind1.) 4657

Medicinalflora (K. A. E. Mull.) 64.95

Medicinal plants (Millsp.) 6067

Medicinal plants of Alabama (C. Mohr) 6191

Medicinisch-pharmaceutische (Luerss.) 5080

Medizinisch-praktische Bibliothek (see J.


Med. oecon. bot. (Lindl.) 4657

Med. pl. Alabama (C. Mohr) 6191

Meenan’s Monruty (see T. Meehan)

Meeresalgen (Migula) 5999

Meeresalgen und Armleuchter-Gewachse

(Migula) 5999

Mélanges biologiques (see 5728)

Melast. monogr. descr. (Naudin) 6652

Melastomacearum monographicae desc-

riptionis (Naudin) 6652

Melocactus & Echinocactus (Link) 4698

Mém. Ana de Osorio (Markham) 5429

Mém. Collémac. (Millard.) 6029

Mem. crypt. (Lib.) 4496

Memecyleis (H. Opat.) 7088

Mem. foug. Mexique (M. Martens) 5486

Mém. lichénogr. (Fée) 1755

Mem. lichenogr. (A. Massal.) 5598

Mém. naturalis. arbr. forest. (F. Michx.) 5960

Mémoire pour servir a l’histoire des Collé- macées (Millard.) 6029

Mémoires sur des cryptogames (Lib.) 4496

Mémoire sur la famille des Polygalacées (see C. Moquin- Tandon)

Mémoire sur la naturalisation des arbres forestiers (F. Michx.) 5960

Mémoire sur le genre Halimocnemis


(Mogq.) 6284 Mémoire sur le genre Pilobole (Mont.) 6231

Mémoire sur les fougéres du Mexique (M. Martens) 5486

Mémoire sur le Zelkoua (F. Michx.) 5963

Mémoire sur plusieurs Orchidées (Mutel) 6597

Memoir of the Lady Ana de Osorio (Mark- ham) 5429

Mem. Orchid. (Mutel) 6597

Memorie lichenografiche (A. Massal.) 5598

Mem. Pilobole (Mont.) 6231

Mesozoischen Flora Spitzbergens (Nath.)


Meth. musc. (Neck.) 6666

Methodus (Moench) 6167

Methodus muscorum (Neck.) 6666

Methodus sexualis (L.) 4715

Meth. sex. (L.) 4715

Mexic. Begon. (Liebm.) 4516

Mexic. bregn. (Liebm.) 4512

Mexic. Halver. (Liebm.) 4513

Mexic. Juncac. (Liebm.) 4514

Mexic. neldeagt. pl. (Liebm.) 4515

Mexicos bregner (Liebm.) 4512


Mexicos halvgraes (Liebm.) 4513

Mexicos Juncaceer (Liebm.) 4514

Mexicos og Centralamerikas Acanthaceer (Orst.) 7016

Mexicos og Central-Americas Begonier (Liebm.) 4516

Mexic. pl. (see W. Nylander)

Mexikos og Central-Americas neldeagtige planter (Liebm.) 4515

Miangas (H. J. Lam) 4133

Michauxia (L’ Her.) 4489

Michigan trees (Otis) 7136

Microgonidium (Minks) 6083

Micromycétes nouveaux (Oudem.) 7158

Micromycetes of Svalbard (Lind) 4544

Micromycetes rariores (see J. Lindroth)

Micromyc. Svalbard (Lind) 4544

Microscope in theory and practice (Nag.)


Midland Naturalist (see J. Nieuwland)

Mikrographie des Holzes (J. Moll) 6216

Mikrogr. Holz. (J. Moll) 6216

Mikrosk. Boden-Pilze (Niethammer) 6822

Mikroskop (Nag.) 6614

Mikroskopischen Boden-Pilze (Nietham- mer) 6822

Mikroskopisches Praktikum fiir systemati- sche Botanik (Moebius) 6148

Mikr. Prakt. syst. Bot. (Moebius) 6148

Milchlinge (Niiesch) 6915

Mildews, rusts and smuts (Massee) 5662

Minnesota plant life (MacMill.) 5192

Minnesota pl. life (MacMill.) 5192

Minuendis plantarum generibus (Ludw.)


Minuendis plantarum speciebus (Ludw.)


Minuend. pl. gen. (Ludw.) 5061

Minuend pl. sp. (Ludw.) 5064

Miscellanea lichenologica (A. Maassal.)


Misc. lichenol. (A. Massal.) 5611

Mission scientifique du Gap Horn (see C.


Mission scientifique du Cap Horn. Lichens (Miul.-Arg.) 6462

Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich. (Miull.-Arg.) 6462

Mittelrhein. Fl. (Melsheimer) 5816

Mittelrheinische Flora (Melsheimer) 5816

Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete

der Botanik (see C. Luerssen)

Moller’s Deutsche Gartner-Zeitung (see L.


Monocot. Sardoae (Martelli) 5474

Monocotyledones Sardoae (Martelli) 5474

Monogr. Abietin. Japan. Reich. (Mayr)

Di D2 Monogr. Abrothallus (Linds.) 4682 Monogr. Acarospora (Magnusson) 5248



Monografia dei licheni blasteniospori (A. Massal.) 5600

Monografia dei trifogli di Sicilia (Lojac.) 4966

Monografia del genere Silphidium (A. Massal.) 5617

Monografia della Vicia faba (Mattei) 5683

Monografia delle Dombeyacee fossili (A. Massal.) 5601

Monograph of the British Gastromycetes (Massee) 5653

Monograph of the genus Crocus (Maw) 5721

Mpnoecank of the Myxogastres (Massee) 5656

Monograph of the Norwegian Physciaceae (Lynge) 5121

Monograph of the Scandinavian species Acarospora (Magnusson) 5243

Monograph on the genus Acarospora (Ma- gnusson) 5248

Monographia Aquifoliacearum 4936

Monographia Calicieorum (Nyl.) 6941

Monographia Cycadearum (Miq.) 6094

Monographia de Potentilla (Nestl.) 6745

Monographiae generis Polygoni prodro-

mus (Meisn.) 5804.

Monographia Equisetorum (Milde) 6020

Monographia generis Melocacti (Miq.)


Monographia generis Osmundae (Milde)


Monographia hepaticarum generis Plagio- chilae (Lindenb.) 4632

Monographia Lactariorum Sueciae (Lind- blad) 4611

Monographia Metzgeriae (Lindb.) 4599

Monographia nostochinearum italicarum (Menegh.) 5824

Monographia praecursoria Peltolepidis, Sauteriae et Cleveae (Lindb.) 4603

Monographie botanico-horticole du genere

Eremurus (Mottet) 6366

Monographie de la famille des Résédacées

(Miull.-Arg.) 6439

Monographie der Abietineen des Japani-

schen Reiches (Mayr) 5752

Monographie der deutschen Ophioglossa-

ceen (Milde) 6013

Monographie der europdischen Grimmia- ceen (Loeske) 4942

Monographie der Gattung Celsia (Murb.) 6557

Monographie der Gattung Verbascum (Murb.) 6558

Monographie der Lebermoosgattung Sca- pania Dum. (K. Mill. frib.) 6492

Monographie der Petrefacten der Aache- ner Kreideformation (Jos. Muell.) 6487



Monographie der Riccieen (Lindenb.) 4631

Monographie des Isoeteae (Motelay) 6360

Monographie des plantes fossiles du grés bigarré de la chaine des Vosges (see A. Mougeot)

Monographie (Mont.) 6233

Monographie du genre Primevére (Mottet) 6367

Monographie du genre Rosier (Lindl.) 4636

Monographies botaniques de 74 lacs juras- siens (Magnin) 5228

Monographische Bearbeitung der Archie- racien (Nag.) 6618

Monographische Bearbeitung der Pilosel-

loiden (Nag.) 6618

Monograph of British Cladoniae (see W. Mudd)

Monograph of British Cladoniae (Mudd)


Monograph of the Acrasieae (Olive) 7052

Monograph of the Bambusaceae (Munro) 6546

Monograph of the genus Abrothallus (Linds.) 4682

Monograph of the

(Ooststr.) 7087

Monograph of the genus Pholiota (see L.


Monograph of the genus Taphrina (see A.


Monograph of the mycetozoa (List.) 4873

Monograph of the Thelephoreae (Massee)


Monogr. Aquifol. (Loes.) 4936

Monogr. bot. lacs. jurass. (Magnin) 5228

Monogr. Brit. Cladon. (Mudd) 6390

Monogr. Brit. Gastromyc. (Massee) 5653

Monogr. Calic. (Nyl.) 6941

Monogr. Celsia (Murb.) 6557

Monogr. Crocus (Maw) 5721

Monogr. Cycad. (Miq.) 6094

Monogr. deut. Ophiogloss. (Milde) 6013

Monogr. Dombeyac. foss. (A. Massal.) 5601

Monogr. Equiset. (Milde) 6020

Monogr. eur. Grimmiac. (Loeske) 4942

Monogr. Evolvulus (Ooststr.) 7087

Monogr. Lactar. Suec. (Lindblad) 4611

Monogr. lich. blasteniosp. (A. Massal.)


Monogr. Melocacti (Miq.) 6093

Monogr. Metzger. (Lindb.) 4599

Monogr. mycetozoa (List.) 4873

Monogr. Myxogastr. (Massee) 5656

Monogr. Norw. Physciac. (Lynge) 5121

Monogr. nostoch. ital. (Menegh.) 5824

Monogr. Osmund. (Milde) 6022

Monogr. Peltolep. (Lindb.) 4603

du genre Conomitrium

genus Evolvulus

Monogr. Petref. Aachen. Kreidef. (Jos. Muell.) 6487

Monogr. Phan. (see C. Metz)

Monogr. Phan. (see M. Micheli)

Monogr. Polyg. (Meisn.) 5804

Monogr. Potentilla (Nestl.) 6745 Monogr. Primevére (Mottet) 6367 Monogr. Résédac. (Miill.-Arg.) 6439 Monogr., Restiaceae (see M. Masters) Monogr. Ricc. (Lindenb.) 4631

Monogr. Scand. Acarospora (Magnusson) 5243

Monogr. Scapania (K. Mill. frib.) 6492 Monogr. Silphidium (A. Massal.) 5617 Monogr. trifogli Sicilia (Lojac.) 4966 Monogr. Verbascum (Murb.) 6558 Monogr. Vicia faba (Mattei) 5683

Moose Ehrenberg (Lorentz) 4992

Moosfl. Harz. (Loeske) 4938

Moosfl. Metten (Lickl.) 4502

Moosflora der Umgegend von Metten (Lickl.) 4502

Moosflora der Zillertaler Alpen (Loeske)

4939 Moosflora der Feldberggebietes (K. Mull. frib.) 6490 Moosflora des Harzes (Loeske) 4938 Moosstudien (Lorentz) 4987 Moos-Studien aus den Allgauer Alpen (Molendo) 6202 Mooswelt des Kilima-Ndscharo’s (K. Mull. hal.) 6512 Morf. legum. Medicago (Lojac.) 4969 Morfologia dei legumi del genere ‘Medica- go’ (Lojac.) 4969 Moro (L.) 4838, 4846 Morph. Betracht. Sporang. (Mohl) 6186 Morph. Biol. Alg. (Oltm.) 7082 Morphologie und Biologie der Algen (Oltm.) 7082 Morphologie und Systematik der Gattung Alchemilla (Murb.) 6555 Morphologische Betrachtungen uber das Sporangium der mit Gefassen versehe- nen Cryptogamen (Mohl) 6186 Morphologischer Grundriss der Familie der Flechten (Mont.) 6249 Morphologischer Grundriss der Familie der Flechten (see K. Miller hal.) Morphologische Studien tiber die Familie der Lauraceen (Mez) 5945 Morphologische und anatomische Studien tiber Cordieae (Mez) 5947 Morph. Stud.-Cordieae (Mez) 5947 Morph. Stud. Laurac. (Mez) 5945 Moscosoa (see R. Moscoso Puello) Moss. Dillen. hist. musc. (Lindb.) 4605 Mosses and lichens (N. Marsh.) 5459 Moss Exchange Club. Census catalogue of British hepatics (Macvicar) 5210


Moss. lich. (N. Marsh.) 5459

Mosses of Buddle’s ‘Hortus siccus’ (Lindb.)


Mosses of Ireland (D. Moore) 6271

Moss. Ireland (D. Moore) 6271

Moss-studier pa Kolmoren (Mosén) 6355

Moss-stud. Kolmoren (Mosén) 6355

Mossvegetationen i Storlien (Medelius)


Motion Congr. int. bot. (Nordst.) 6870

Motion au Congrés international de bota- nique (Nordst.) 6870

Motion présentée au Congrés international de Botanique de Vienne (Malinv.) 5294

Mousses de Madére (Luis.) 5093

Mousses de Madére (see G. Mandon)

Mousses de Tahiti (see J. Nadeaud)

Mouss. Madere (Luis.) 5093

Mucorales (Naumov) 6656

MuEtteria (see F. von Mueller)

MuHLENBERGIA (see G. Muhlenberg)

Murr. & Sacc. nam. Polypor. (Murrill)


Murrill’s and Saccardo’s names of Poly-

pores compared (Murrill) 6588

Musa cliff. (L.) 4712

Musa cliffortiana (L.) 4712

Muse. as. bor. (Lindb.) 4609

Muse. austr.-amer. (Mitt.) 6137

Muse. frond. archip. ind. (see J. Molken-


Musc. hepat. Liverpool (Marrat) 5446

Musc. Huy (Mansion) 5363

Musci (Mitt.) 6138

Musci Africae orientali-tropicae hilde-

brandtiani (K. Mull. hal.) 6505

Musci and hepaticae found within twelve

miles of Liverpool and Southport (Mar-

rat) 5446

Musci asiae borealis (Lindb.) 4609

Musci australici (K. Mull. hal.) 6501

Musci austro-americani (Mitt.) 6137

Musci bequaerti (Naveau) 6660

Musci cleistocarpici novi (K. Mull. hal.) 6511

Musci europaei exsiccati (see H. Muller)

Musci exot. (Hook.) 2990

Musci Fenniae exsiccati (see S. Lindberg)

Musci frond. exot. (see 6680)

Musci Indiae orientalis (Mitt.) 6135

Muse. Ind. orient. (Mitt.) 6135

Muscinées de Huy & des environs (Man-

sion) 5363

Muscinées du Département de la Sarthe

(see E. Monguillon)

Musci nonnulli novi Guianae anglicae (K.

Mull. hal.) 6514

Musci nonnulli scand. (Lindb.) 4602

Musci nonnulli scandinavici (Lindb.) 4602

Musci novi scandinavici (Lindb.) 4588



Musci novo-granatenses (K. Mill. hal.) 6504

Musci polynesiaci (K. Mill. hal.) 6502

Musci salmanticenses (Luis.) 5092

Muse. salmant. (Luis.) 5092

Musci scandinavici (Lindb.) 4601

Musci sveciae exsiccati (see S. Lindgren)

Musci tschuctschici (K. Mill. hal.) 6508

Musci venezuelenses fendleriani (K. Mull. hal.) 6506

Muscorum Ceylonensium (K. Mill. Hal.) 6500

Muse. prop. (T. Nees) 6698

Muse. scand. (Lindb.) 4601

Musc. venez. fendler. (K. Mull. hal.) 6506

Muséum national de Rio-de Janeiro (Net- to) 6751

Mushrooms (W. MacDougall) 5166

Mus. natl. Rio de Janeiro (Netto) 6751

Mutants and hybrids of the Oenotheras (MacDougal) 5163

Mutants hybrids Oenoth. (MacDougal) 5163

Mutations, variations, and relationships of the Oenotheras (MacDougal) 5164

Mutations variations Oenoth. (MacDou- gal) 5164

Mycetozoa (G. List,) 4877

Mycol. not. (C. G. Lloyd) 4885a

Mycologia (see W. Murrill)

Mycological explorations of Venuzuela (see L. Overholts)

Mycological notes (C. G. Lloyd) 4885a

Mycological notes (see L. OVerholts)

Mycologic flora of the Miami Vally, Ohio (Morg.) 6310

Mycomycetes of Jehol (see 6627)

Mycotheca boreali-africana (see R. Maire)

Mycotheca fennica (see J. Lindroth)

Mycotheca generalis ( see G. Moesz)

Mycotheca germanica (see C. Oertel)

Mykologische Mitteilungen (Lindr.) 4673

Mykol. Unters. (see M. von Minden)

Myrsinaceae centroamericanae (Orst.)


Myrsin. centroamer. (Orst.) 7022

Myths mycol. (C. G. Lloyd) 4899

Myths of mycology (C. G. Lloyd) 4899

Myxomycetes (T. Macbr.) 5155

Myxomycetes (see G. Martin)

Myxomycetes of Eastern lowa (T. Macbr.) 9153

Myxomycetes of the Miami Valley (Morg.) 6312

Nach der Naturverfertigte Abdrick der Gewachse (Ludw.) 5068

Nachtrage zu den Vegetationsverhaltnis- sen von Croatien (Neilr.) 6725

Nachtrage zu Maly’s Enumeratio planta-


rum phanerogamicarum imperil austria- ci universi (Neilr.) 6722 Nachtrage zu Maly’s Enumeratio planta- rum phanerogamicarum imperii austria- ci (see 5329) Nachtrage zur Flora (Neilr.) 6721 Nachtraege zur Flora von Wien (see A. Neilreich) Nachtrage zur Palaozoischen Flora Spitz- bergens (Nath.) 6649 Nachtrage zu seiner im Jahre 1838 erschie- nenen Flora styriaca (Maly) 5327 Nachtrag, Die Pilze (Magnus) 5242 Nachtrag zur Flora des Kantons Solothurn (Lischer) 5086 Nachtr. Fl. Nieder-Oesterr. (Neilr.) 6721 Nachtr. Fl. Solothurn (Liischer) 5086 Nachtr. Fl. Wien (see A. Neilreich) Nachtr. Maly Enum. (see 5329) Nachtr. Maly Enum. pl. (Neilr.) 6722 Nachtr. Pilze (Magnus) 5242 Nadelholzer (Neger) 6706 Nagra ord om slagtet Draba (Lindblom) 4614a Naiadaceae of North America (Morong) 6341 Namen der offizinellen Pflanzen (see A. Mueller) N. Amer. Caric. (Mackenz.) 5188 N. Amer. Euphorbia (Norton) 6893 N. Amer. geol. palaeont. (S. Mill.) 6062b N. Amer. pl. (Nash) 6637 N. Amer. Slime-moulds (T. Macbr.) 5154 N. Amer. Spartina (Merr.) 5853 N. Amer. sylv. (Nutt.) 6930 N. Amer. sylv. (F. Michx.) 5962, 5964, 5965, 5966 Namnlista over Svenska vaxtnam (Lyttkens) 5141 Namnlista Sv. vaxtnam (Lyttkens) 5141 Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea (see W. Mitten) Natal (see R. Mann) Natal; a history and description of the colo- ny (see M. M’Ken) Nat. capab. Victoria (F. v. Muell.) 6410 Nat. ferns (E. J. Lowe) 5044 Nat. hist. Azores (see W. Mitten) Nat. hist. brit. grass. (E. J. Lowe) 5041 Nat. Hist. Dee Side (W. MacGillivray)

5175 Nat. hist. ferns (E. J. Lowe) 5043 Nat. hist. pl. (see F. Oliver) Nat. hist. tea (Lettsom) 4450 Native fl. ferns U. S. (Meehan) 5783 Native fl. N.S. W. (Maiden) 5264 Native flora of New South Wales (Maiden) 5264 Native flowers and ferns of the United Sta- tes (Meehan) 5783

Native plants of Victoria (F. v. Muell.) 6413

Nat. pl. Victoria (F. v. Muell.) 6413

Nat. prod. Burmah (F. Mason) 5582

Nattirlichen Pflanzenfamilien (see G. Lin- dau, L. Loesener, P. Magnus, G. Malme, F. Markeraf, J. Mattfeld, H. Melchior, E. Migula, G. Mildbraed, E. Miller, K. Muller, . Niedenzu)

Natur (see Miller hal.)

Natural capabilities of the colony of Vic-

toria (F. v. Muell.) 6410

Natural history of british grasses (E. J. Lo-

we) 5041

Natural history of Dee side and Braemar

(W. MacGillivray) 5175

Natural history of new and rare ferns (E. J.

Lowe) 5043

Natural History Review (see D. Oliver)

Naturalientausch (Opiz) 7092

Naturalientausch (P. Opiz)

Natural order Aurantiaceae (Oliver) 7053

Natural productions of Burmah (I. Mason)


Natural system of botany (Lindl.) 4644

Naturf. Indien (Molisch) 6208

Naturgesch. eur. Leberm. (Nees) 6689

Naturgeschichte der europdischen Leber-

moose (Nees) 6689

Naturhistorische Briefe iber Oestreich (see

K. Moll)

Naturhistorische Reise durch einen Theil

Schwedens (see D. Mohr)

Naturverfertigte Abdriick der Gewachse

(Ludw.) 5068

Neagenea lichenum (A. Massal.) 5603

Neagen. lich. (A. Massal.) 5603

Nebenst. Beschaeft. Pflanzenk. (G. Mey.)


Nebenstunden meiner Beschaeftigungen im Gebiete der Pflanzenkunde (G. Mey.) 5O a

Necessitatem promovendae historiae natu-

ralis in Rossia (L.) 4827

Necess. prom. hist. nat. Rossia (L.) 4827

Nectaria florum (L.) 4815

ect. fl. (L.) 4815

ederlandsche mycenas (Oort) 7085

Jederlandsch kruidkundig Archief (see J.


Neerlands plantentuin (Oudem.) 7148

Neerl. pl.-tuin. (Oudem.) 7148

Neu. Algensyst. (Nag.) 6606

Neue allgemeine Deutsche Garten- und

Blumenzeitung (see E. Otto)

Neue Compositen (Klatt) 3711

Neuere wilde Baumz. (C. F. Ludw.) 5057

Neuere wilde Baumzucht (C. F. Ludw.)


Neuern Algensysteme (Nag.) 6606



Neues illustriertes Krauterbuch (Marzell) 5575

Neueste Anweisung, Pflanzen nach dem Leben abzudrucken (E. Mart.) 5552 Neueste Geschichte und Beschreibung des Brodbaums (see F. Nascher)

Neue Uebersicht iiber die Farn- und Blu- tenpflanzen von Vorarlberg und Liech- tenstein (Murr) 6563

Neu. ill. Krauterb. (Marzell) 5575

Neu. Ubers. BI.-Pfl. Vorarlberg (Murr) 6563

New fungus names proposed by C. G. Lloyd (see C. Lloyd)

New manual of botany of the Central Rocky Mountains (see A. Nelson)

New or noteworthy Philippine Plants (Merr.) 5855

New or otherwise interesting Lecanora species (Magnusson) 5249

New palm from Queensland (IF. v. Muell.) 6422

ew Philipp. pl. (Merr.) 5855

ew Selaginellas (Maxon) 5737

New Selaginellas from the Western United States (Maxon) 5737

New vegetable fossils of Victoria (F. v. Muell.) 6404

Nidulariaceae (C. G. Lloyd) 4890

iederen Pilze (Nag.) 6615

ied. Pilze (Nag.) 6615

icuwe bijdragen tot de kennis der Cyca- deen (Miq.) 6123

iger fl. (see J. Miers)

iger fl. (see F. Miquel)

iger fl. (Hook.) 3012

ippon kaiso shi (Okam.) 7043

ippon shokubutsumeii (Matsum.) 5673 itoph. Calif. (Nott) 6906

itophylla of California (Nott) 6906

Nix. pl. (Lindl.) 4647

Nixus plantarum (Lindl.) 4642, 4647

N. Nederl. gift. gew. (Miq.) 6088

Nom. bot. (Oed.) 7005

Nom. bot. (L.) 4807

Nomenclator botanicus (L.) 4817 Nomenclator botanicus (Oed.) 7005 Nomenclator botanicus (see 4829) Nomenclator botanicus stirpium marchiae brandenburgicae (Liders) 5073 Nomenclatorem botanicum (L.) 4807 Nomenclator extemporaneus rerum natu- ralium (L.) 4808

Nomencl. bot. brandenb. (Luders) 5073 Nomencl. extemp. rer. nat. (L.) 4808 Nomencl. icon. Cannel. (Lukmanoff) 5094. Nom que doit porter la famille naturelle des Anserines (Moq.) 6288

Noms de genre (Meyran) 5943

Nonnullis Collemaceis (A. Massal.)



ZZ, Z,



Noord-Nederlandsche vergiftige gewassen (Miq.) 6088

Nord. Alchemilla (H. Lindb.) 4571

Nordamer. Baume (Medik.) 5776a

Nordeuropaischen Formen von Scirpus paluster (H. Lindb.) 4567

Nordeurop. Scirpus pal. (H. Lindb.) 4567

Nordische Moose (see 4575)

Nordischen Alchemilla vulgaris-Formen (H. Lindb.) 4571

Nord. Pfl. Alp. (Noack) 6829

Norg. arkt. fl. (Norm.) 6882

Norges arktiske flora (Norm.) 6882

orske busk- bladlaver (Lynge) 5119

orske busk- og bladlaver (Lynge) 5119

Norske Fodervaext. (N. Moe) 6144

Norkse Fodervaexter (N. Moe) 6144

Norsk fl. (Nordh.) 6863

Norsk flora (Nordh.) 6863

Norsk flora (see J. Lid)

Norsk og Svensk flora (see J. Lid)

North American Cariceae (Mackenz.)


North American Flora (see K. Mackenzie, R. McVaugh, G. Malme, G. Martin, V. Matthews, W. Maxon, H. Moldenke, P. Munz, W. Murrill, G. Nash

North American geology and palaeontolo- gy (S. Mill.) 6062b

North American myxomycetes (see W. Muen- scher)

North American plants (Nash) 6637

North American Slime-moulds (T.

Macbr.) 5154

North American species of Euphorbia

(Norton) 6893

North American

(Merr.) 5853

North American sylva (F. Michx.) 5962,

5964, 5966

North American sylva (Nutt.) 6930

Northern flora (Al. Murray) 6564

Northern Polypores (Murrill) 6582

North. Fl. (Al. Murray) 6564




species of Spartina

orth. Polypor. (Murrill) 6582 Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemlya, Botany (Lynge) 5124

Not. Agrostogr. (Nicotra) 6790

Not. Allibertia (Marion) 5417

Nota sulla Lecidea bolcana di Ciro Pollini (A. Massal.) 5586

Notationes observationum florae arcticae Norvegiae (Norm.) 6879

Not. Bartram oak (I. C. Martindale) 5498 Not. Boschia (Mont.) 6257

Not. Brit. fung. (see J. Montagne)



Not. champ. nouv. (Oudem.) 7160 Jot. chénes (Malherbe) 5291a Note Clianthus punic. (Lindl.) 4648 Note d’agrostografia (Nicotra) 6790


Note micologiche (Morini) 6325

Noterelle bot. (Mattei) 5680

Noterelle botaniche (Mattei) 5680

Notes by a naturalist on the “Challenger” (H. Moseley) 6354.

Notes fl. ouest France (J. Lloyd) 4903

Notes natural. Challenger (H. Moseley) 6354

Notes on Connecticut mosses (see 6782)

Notes on Mycetozoa (List.) 4875

Notes on some Leguminous plants (F. v. Muell.) 6424

Notes on the Bartram oak (I. C. Martinda- le) 5498

Notes on the later extinct floras of North America (Newb.) 6767

Notes pour servir la flore de l’ouest de la France (J. Lloyd) 4903

Note sur |’Allibertia intermedia (Marion)


Note sur le Boschia (Mont.) 6257

Note sur le nouveau genre Mazzantia

(Mont.) 6256

Note sur les lichens de Port-Natal (Nyl.)


Note sur les Onagrariées du Brésil (M. Mich.) 5969

Note sur quelques herborisations (Moriére) 6319

Note sur une liliacée de la (Moriere) 6320

Note upon Clianthus puniceus (Lindl.) 4648

Not. fl. arct. Norv. (Norm.) 6879

Not. fl. France (Loisel.) 4950

Not. giard. sempl. Padova (Marsili) 5464

Not. Gladiolus (Nicklés) 6785a

Not. Hédérac. (El. Marchal) 5377

Not. herb. Musée Arras (Masclef) 5577

Not. herbor. (Moriére) 6319

Notice hépat. (Mérat) 5836

Notice of some rare plants of New England (Oakes) 6988

Notice of Victoria regia, a new nymphaea- ceaous plant (Lindl.) 4650

Notice palm. Carnauba (Macedo) 5169

Notice sur la nature des lichens (Miull.- Arg.) 6447

Notice sur le palmier Carnauba (Macedo) 5169

Notice sur les Gladiolus de France et

d’Allemagne (Nicklés) 6785a

Notice sur les Hédéracées (El. Marchal)


Notice sur les plantes a ajouter a la flore de

France (Loisel.) 4950

Notice sur les plantes cryptogames (Mont.) 6228

Notice sur les plantes des familles des Vacci-

niées (M. Martens) 5487

Notice sur les treiziéme et quatorziéme cen- turies des Stirpes cryptogamae (Moug.) 6375

Notice sur ’herbier du Musée de la ville d’Arras (Masclef) 5577

Notice sur quelques champignons nou- veaux (Oudem.) 7160

Notice sur quelques espéces de chénes

(Malherbe) 5291a

Notice sur quelques nouvelles espéces de

plantes indigénes de Amérique septen-

trionale (M. Martens) 5485a

Notice sur quelques plantes du Jura (Mi-

chalet) 5954

Notice sur une hépatique, regardée comme Vindividu male du Marchantia conica (Mérat) 5836

Not. ined. (Marsili) 5463

Notizen iiber neue und kritische Pyrenomy- ceten (Niessl) 6821

Notizia sopra diverse piante da aggiungersi alla flora vicentina (Moretti) 6298

Notizie del publico giardino de ’semplici di Padova (Marsili) 54.64.

Notizie inedite scritte da Giovanni Marsili (Marsili) 54.63

Not. lich. Port-Natal (Nyl.) 6956

Not. Onagr. Brésil (M. Mich.) 5969

Not. Stirp. crypt. (Moug.) 6375

Nouveau genre de la famille des hépatiques (Mont.) 6245

Nouveau voyage dans l’empire de flore (Loisel.) 4953

Nouveau voyage dans l’empire de flora (see

A. Marquis)

Nouvel herbier de l’amateur (Loisel.) 4960

Nouvelle flore des environs de Paris (Me-

rat) 5834

Nouvelle flore francaise (Magne) 5222

Nouvelle flore médicale (Meérat) 5834

Nouvelle notice sur les plantes a ajouter ala flore de France (Loisel.) 4.957

Nouvelles observations sur un champignon parasite (Orst.) 7028

Nouvelles recherches anatomiques et phy-

siologiques sur les Oscillaires (Musset)


Nouv. fl. (Layens) 4257

Nouv. fl. env. Paris (Mérat) 5834

Nouv. fl. frang. (Magne) 5222

Nouv. herb. amat. (Loisel.) 4960

Nouy. not. fl. France (Loisel.) 4957

Nouv. rech. Oscill. (Musset) 6593

Nouv. voy. emp. fl. (Loisel.) 4953

Nova Acta Leopoldina (see C. Nees von Esenbeck)

Novae de speciebus Timmiae observationes

(Lindb.) 4579 Novae plantarum species (C. A. Mey.)



Novae vel rariores species dicotyledoneae (Mig.) 6105

Nova flora japonica (Nakai) 6629

Nova genera et species plantarum (Mart.) Hoey)

Nova genera plantarum (see J. de Loureiro) Nova genera plantarum zeylanicarum (L.) 4740

Nova generum Polygamiae classificatio (Lorente) 4984

Nova gen. Polygam. (Lorente) 4984

Nova graminum genera (see C. von Linne, fil.)

Nova plantarum genera (L.) 4740, 4741, 4.761

Nova plantarum genera (P. Mich.) 5974 Nova pl. gen. I (L.) 4741

Nova pl. gen. II (L.) 4761

Novarum, aut rariorum plantarum deca- des (Ort.) 7114

Nova stirpium adversaria (Lobel) 4907 Nov. caract. pl. (Magnol) 5233

Nov. fl. jap. (Nakai) 6629

Nov. gen. sp. pl. (Mart.) 5519

Nov. gram. gen. (Naezén) 6620

Noviss. App. (see A. Naves)

Novitae florae Sueciae (see A. Lindblom) Novitates florae mycologicae veronensis (C. Massal.) 5640

Novit. fl. holsat. (Nolte) 6856

Novit. fl. mycol. veron. (C. Massal.)5640 Novit. fl. scand. (Lindeb.) 4616

Novitiae florae holsaticae (Nolte) 6856 Novitiae florae maderensis (R. Lowe) 5048 Novitiae florae scandinavicae (Lindeb.) 4616

Novorum plantarum mexicanarum gene- rum decas (Liebm.) 4518

Nov. pl. descr. dec. (Ort.) 7114

Nov. pl. gen. (P. Mich.) 5974

Nov. pl. mexic. (Liebm.) 4518

Nov. pl. sp. (GC. A. Mey.) 5899

Nov. stirp. advers. (Lobel) 4907

Novus caracter plantarum (Magnol) 5233 Nuova contribuzione alla micologia vero- nese (C.. Massal.) 5635

Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. (see C. van Overeem) Nya bidrag till kannedomen om Spetsber- gens karlvaxter (Nath.) 6641

Nya bidr. Spetsb. karlvaxt. (Nath.) 6641 Nya mossor (Lindb.) 4591

Nya nord. Hierac. (Norrl.) 6891

Nya nordiska Hieracia (Norrl.) 6891

Nya Tarax. (Markl.) 5432

Nya Taraxaca (Markl.) 5432

Nylanderi Synopsis lichenum index (Lin- dau) 4557

Nytt. bidr. Taraxacum Finland (H. Lindb.) 4570 Nytt bidrag till

kannedomen of



Taraxacum-formerna Finland = (H. Lindb.) 4570

Nytt Magasin for Botanik (see J. Lid)

Nytt Magasin for Naturvidenskapene (see J. Lid)

Nytt slagte Epipterygium (Lindb.) 4575

Oberdevon. FI. Baren-Ins. (Nath.) 6645

Oberdevonischen Flora der Baren-Insel (Nath.) 6645

Obere Taésstal (Hegi) 2568

Obs. bot. (see F. Miquel)

Obs. bot. (see CG. Nees von Esenbeck)

Obs. crit. pl. suec. (K. Lénnroth) 4928

Observata lichenologica in Pyrenaeis orien- talibus (Nyl.) 6961

Observationes adhuc nonnullae ad synop- sin lichenum holmiensium (Nyl.) 6938

Observationes botanicae (D. Mohr) 6194

Observationes botanicas (Meyen) 5895

Observationes circa Pezizas fenniae (Nyl.) 6957

Observationes criticae plantas suecicas il- lustrantes (K. Loénnroth) 4928

Observationes de formis praesertim euro- paeis Polytrichoidearum (Lindb.) 4587

Observationes de Mniaceis europaeis (Lindb.) 4586 |

Observationes de Piperaceis et Melastoma- ceis (Miq.) 6091

Observationes in materiam medicam (L.) 4842

Observationes in methodum plantarum sexualem (Ludw.) 5063

Observations critiques sommaires sur plu-

sieurs plantes montpelliéraines (H. Loret) 5000

Observations mycologiques (Oudem.) 7161

Observations on Himalayan Coniferae (Madden) 5213

Observations on new vegetable fossils of the auriferous drifts (F. v. Muell.) 6408

Observations on the genus Eriogonum (Nutt.) 6920

Observations on the germination of the Fi- lices (J. Macvicar) 5207

Observations on the structure of fruits and seeds (Lindl.) 4635

Observations relative chiefly to the natural history of the Western Counties of England (Maton) 5670

Observations sur la flore du Jura (Magnin) 5227

Observations sur la flore du Plateau central (Meyran) 5942

Observations sur le Dracaena goldieana (Marion) 5416a

Observations sur le genre des Renouées (Meisn.) 5803


Observations sur quelques cruciféres (Mon- nard) 6225

Observations sur quelques Sphéropsidées (Oudem.) 7157

Observ. bot. (Meyen) 5895

Observ. bot. (D. Mohr) 6194

Observ. Dracaena gold. (Marion) 5416a

Observed flora of Watchung (Moldenke) 6199

Observ. fl. Jura (Magnin) 5227

Observ. mycol. (Oudem.) 7161

Observ. nat. hist. W. Counties (Maton) 5670

Observ. Peziz. fenn. (Nyl.) 6957

Observ. Renouées (Meisn.) 5803

Observ. veg. foss. (F. v. Muell.) 6408

Obs. germin. Fil. (J. Macvicar) 5207

Obs. mat. med. (L.) 4842

Obs. meth. pl. sex. (Ludw.) 5063

Obs. struct. fruits (Lindl.) 4635

Odeporico (Mariti) 5420

Oedipodium Griffithianum 6986

Ofversigt af Skandinaviens Draber (Lind- blom) 4614a

Oekon. Fl. Wetterau (see B. Meyer)

Oekon. Techn. Fl. Bohm. (see P. Opiz)

Oland. Gothl. Resa (L.) 4737

Olandska och Gothlandska Resa (L.) 4737

Oenothera Lamarckiana (Lotsy) 5020

O genero Rhipsalis (Loefgr.) 4918

Om _bladmossornas _ locklosa (Lindb.) 4581

Om de europeiska Trichostomeae (Lindb.) 4578

Om de jemtlandska fjallvaxternas utbred- ning (P. Olsson, Skane) 7079

Om de svenska arterna afslagtet Equisetum (P. Olsson, Varml.) 7078

Om ett nytt slagte, Epipterygium (Lindb.)

(E. Nym.)


Om floran i Skanes kolforande bildninger (Nath.) 6639

Om Onega-Karelens vegetation (Norrl.) 6684.

Om papilionacéer med resupinerade blom- mor (Malme) 5310

Om parasitsvamparna (Lovén) 5039

Om Pohlia pulchella (H. Lindb.) 4563

Om Svenska ogras (Lyttkens) 5139

Om sygdomme hos Planterne (Orst.) 7025

Om vaxtsjukdomar (Orst.) 7025

Om vegetativ embryobildning (see 6550)

Onderwijsingen over planten (Ludw.) 5065

Onderwijs. pl. (Ludw.) 5065

On Dufourea and Dactylina (Lynge) 5130

Onega-Karelens vegetation (Norrl.) 6684

Onega-Karel. veget. (Norrl.) 6884

One thousand American fungi (Mcllv.)



Onomatologia (Nocca) 6841

On Sasa (Makino) 5283

On saxicolous species of the genus Lecidea (Magnusson) 5250

On the animal nature of the Diatomeae (Menegh.) 5825

On the Apocynaceae of South America (Miers) 5983

On the fossil ferns in the Ravenhead collec- tion (Marrat) 5448

On the geographical distribution of plants in South Africa (E. Mey.) 5925

On the hepatics and lichens of Liverpool (Marrat) 5447

On the musci and hepaticae found within twelve miles of Liverpool and Southport (Marrat) 5446

On the palms of Western Tropical Africa (see G. Mann)

Ontwikkeling onzer kennis aangaande de flora van Nederland (see 7146)

Opegrapha (H. Olivier) 7073

Opera varia (L.) 4721

Opera var. (L.) 4798

Ophrys insectifera (Moger.) 6183

Opizische Periode in der floristischen Erfor- schung (Maiwald) 5276

Opobalsamum (L.) 4825

Opobalsamum declaratum (L.) 4825

Opuscula (J. A. Murray) 6577

Orangers (Noter) 6902

Oratio de necessitate peregrinationum (L.) 4726

Oratio de regno vegetabili (Miq.) 6100

Oratio de telluris habitabilis incremento (L.) 4727, 4760

Oratio peregrinat. (L.) 4726

Oratio regn. veg. (Miq.) 6100

Oratio tell. habit. (L.) 4727

Orch. album (T. Moore) 6282

Orch. exot. (L. Linden) 4629

Orchidaceae lindenianae (Lindl.) 4656

Orchidaceae lindenianae (see J. Linden)

Orchid album (T. Moore) 6282

Orchideae (Lodd.) 4915

Orchideae lindenianae (see J. Linden)

Orchidearum sceletos (Lindl.) 4637

Orchidearum sceletos (Lindl.) 4640

Orchideen (see R. Maatsch.)

Orchidées exotiques (L. Linden) 4629

Orchideis in territorio vindobonensi cres- centibus (Mayrhofer) 5758

Orchid. linden. (Lindl.) 4656

Orchids (Miner) 6081

Orchid. scelet. (Lindl.) 4640

Orchid. vindob. (Mayrhofer) 5758

Organes males du genre Targionia (Mont.)

6234 Organisation des Burséracées (Marchand)



Organisation et mode de réproduction des Caulerpées (Mont.) 6235

Organis. Bursérac. (Marchand) 5380

Organographie der Gewachse (see C. Meis- ner)

Original-Photographien — stidbrasilischer Phalloideen (A. Moller) 6154

Osserv. crit. epat. De Notaris (C. Massal.) 5632

Osserv. ipog. Cirenaica (Mattir.) 5705

Osservazioni critiche sulle specie e varieta di epatiche italiane create dal De Notaris (C. Massal.) 5632

Osservazioni sopra diverse specie di piante indigene dell’ Italia (Moretti) 6299

Osservazioni sopra due ipogei della Cire- naica (Mattir.) 5705

_ Osservazioni sopra i due ultimi fasciculi di

licheni (A. Massal.) 5595 Ostenia (see C. Osten) Ostindische Rohwaarensammlung (T.

Mart.) 5557 Ostind. Rohwaarensamml.

(T. Mart.) Soy)

Ostind. Thymel. (Meisn.) 5806

Our native ferns (E. J. Lowe) 5044

Outl. bot. (Locke) 4910

Outline of the first principles of botany

Lindl.) 4642

Outlines of botany (Locke) 4910

Outlines of the geography of plants

Meyen) 5894

Outl. princ. bot. (Lindl.) 4642

Over de Afrikaansche Vijge-boomen

Mig.) 6104

Over de geografische verspreiding der Fi- ceae (Miq.) 6116

Over Oenothera Lamarckiana 5020

Oxypetali species novae (Malme) 5306

Oxypet. sp. nov. (Malme) 5306


Palaobiologie der Pflanzen (Magd.) 5215 Paladobiol. Pfl. (Magd.) 5215

Palaobotanische Mi£tteilungen (Nath.) 6648

Palaobot. Mitt. (Nath.) 6648

Paleodendrologikon rossicum (Merckl.)


Palaeodendr. ross. (Merckl.) 5841

Palaoz. fl. arkt. zone (Nath.) 6643

Palaozoischen Flora der arktischen Zone (Nath.) 6643

Paléontologie de Vile de Sardaigne (Me- negh.) 5826

Palmae centroamer. (Orst.) 7020

Palmae centroamericanae (Orst.) 7020

Palm. archip. ind. (Miq.) 6122

Palmarum familia (Mart.) 5521

Palmarum structura (see H. van Mohl)



Palmetum orbignianum ( Mart.) 5540

Palmis archipelagi indici (Miq.) 6122

Palms of Western Tropical Africa (see G. Mann)

Palm tree (Moody) 6163

Pandanus (Martelli) 54.76

Pandora et flora rybyensis (L.) 4840

Pandora fl. ryby. (L.) 4840

Pan svec. (L.) 4750

Pan svecicus (L.) 4.750

Papilionacéer med resupinerade blommor

(Malme) 5310

Papilionaceis (see 6306)

Papil. resup. blomm. (Malme) 5310

Parassiti delle piante officinale (see A. Nannizzi)

Parasitsvamparna (Lovén) 5039

Pareys illustr. Gartenbaulexikon (see R. Maatsch)

Parthenogenetische Embryobildung in der Gattung Alchemilla (Murb.) 6550

Partial list of the parasitic fungi of Vermont (W. Orton) 7120

Partibus plantarum (Mauksch) 5710

Particolarita della Flora d’ Isola (Marches.) 53on

Passeggiata alle Alpi Carniche (Marches.) D392

Passiflora (L.) 4734

Patagonian and Fuegian mosses (see 5190)

Paxt. fl. gard. (Lindl.) 4659

Paxton’s fl. gard., revis. (Lindl.) 4661

Paxton’s flower garden (Lindi.) 4659

Paxton’s Flower Garden Revised (Lindl.) 4661

Peloria (L.) 4729

Peruv. bark (Markham) 5430

Peruvian bark (Markham) 5430

Pescatorea (Linden) 4622

Petite fl. Beyrouth (Mouterde) 6380

Petite flore des environs de Beyrouth (Mou- terde) 6380

Petref. Germ. (see G. Munster)

Pflanzen aus Albanien (Marker.) 5425

Pflanzenbiologische Studien (Lundstr.) 5III

Pflanzen der Pharmacopoea germanica (Luerss.) 5081

Pflanzen der Schweiz (Moritzi) 6335

Pflanzen-Gattungen (Med.) 5776

Pflanzengeographie von Albanien (Marker.) 5426

Pflanzengesellschaften des Lauterbrunnen- tales (Ludi) 5075

Pflanzen Graubiindens (Moritzi) 6336

Pflanzengruppe der Farne (Luerss.) 5077

Pflanzenkunde (Ltiben) 5071

Pflanzenleben (see F. Oliver)

Pflanzennamen der deutschen Flora (A. Martin) 5491


Pflanzenphilosophie im Auszuge (L.) 4760

Pflanzenphysiologische Untersuchungen (Nag.) 6609

Pflanzenreich (see H. Limpricht, A. von Lingelsheim, J. Macfarlane, C. Mez, G. Mildbraed, F. Niedenzu)

Pflanzenreich, Grundriss Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche (see F. Noll)

Pflanzenstaat (K. Mull. hal.) 6499

Pflanzensystem (Lippert) 4864

Pflanzen-T auschanstalt (see P. Opiz)

Pflanzen-Teratologie (Mast.) 5664.

Pflanzen und Thiere des tropischen Ameri- ca (Mart.) 5516, 5531

Pflanzenwelt (see J. Mueller Argoviensis)

Pflanzenwelt der Gewasser (Migula) 5989

Pflanzenwelt in der griechischen Mytholo- gie (Murr) 6562

Pflanzenw. Ostafr. (see G. Lindau)

Pfl.-biol. Stud. (Lundstr.) 5111

Pfl.-Gatt. (Med.) 5776

Pfl. Ges. Lauterbrunnental. (Ludi) 5075

Pfl. Graubiindens (Moritzi) 6336

Pfl.-Gr. Farne (Luerss.) 5077

Pfl. Namen deut. Fl. (A. Martin) 5491

Pfl, Pharmac. germ. (Luerss.) 5081

Pfl.-physiol. Unters. (Nag.) 6609

Pfl. Schweiz (Moritzi) 6335

Pfl. Thiere trop. Amer. (Mart.) 5531

Pfl.-Welt Gewass. (Migula) 5989

Pfl.-Welt griech. Mythol. (Murr.) 6562

Phalloids Australas. (C. G. Lloyd) 4891

Phalloids of Australasia (C. G. Lloyd) 4891

Phanerogamae et pteridophytae japonicae iconibus illustratae (Makino) 5281

Phanerogamen (see R. Muschler)

Phanerogamen von Nowaja-Semlja (see A. Lundstrom)

Phanerogamischen Pflanzen des Fursten- thums Libeck (Lienau) 4521

Phan. Pfl. Libeck (Lienau) 4521

Phan. pter. jap. icon. (Makino) 5281

Phellandri aquatici (B. Otto) 7139

Philippine Journal of Science (see E. Mer- rill)

Philos. bot. (L.) 4760

Philos. Bot. (Medik.) 5773

Philos. bot. (Ort.) 7113

Philos. bot. nov. (Link) 4692

Philosophia botanica (L.) 4710, 4.760

Philosophia botanica (Ort.) 7113

Philosophiae botanicae (Link) 4692

Philosophie botanique (L.) 4760

Philosophische Botanik (Medik.) 5773

Photogr. Phalloid. (A. Moller) 6154

Phyceae hispanicae (Mont.) 6254

Phyc. hisp. (Mont.) 6254

Phycol. mem. (G. Murray) 6569

Phycological memoirs (G. Murray) 6569

Phycologie (Mont.) 6251

Phycomyc. & Ascomyc. (A. Moller) 6155

Phycomyceten und Ascomyceten (A. Mol- ler) 6155

Phykologie (Mont.) 6251

Physciaceae exsiccati (see J. Nadvornik)

Physiognomie des Pflanzenreiches in Brasi- lien (Mart.) 5522

Physiogn. Pflanzenr. Bras. (Mart.) 5522

Physiol. musc. (Neck.) 6667

Phytoalimurgia pedem. (Mattir.) 5703

Phytoalimurgia pedemontana (Mattir.)


Phytography (J. Moll) 6219

Phytography as a fine art (J. Moll) 6219

Phytologia (see H. Moldenke)

Phytologist (see G. Luxford)

Phytologist (see E. Newman)

Phytoplanct. Antarct. (L. Mangin) 5346

Phytoplancton de l’Antarctique (L. Man- gin) 5346

Phytozoologia philosofica (see 6670)

Phytozoologie philosophique (Neck.) 6672

Phytozool. philos. (Neck.) 6672

Pianta malpigh. (Moris) 6331

Piante coltivate ed utili della Libia (Nann.) 6634

Piante fossili di Zovencedo (A. Massal.) 5618

Piante foss. tert. Vicent. (A. Massal.) 5587

Piant. foss. Zovencedo (A. Massal.) 5618

Piante Libia (Nann.) 6634

Piante orto bot. Pisa (Longo) 4972

Piante piu notevoli del r. orto botanico di Pisa (Longo) 4972

Piccola fl. Cagliari (Marcialis) 5400

Piccola flora spontanea dintorni di Cagliari (Marcialis) 5400

Pict. atlas foss. remains (Mantell) 5368

Pictorial atlas of fossil remains (Mantell) 5368

Pilosellae boreales (Norrl.) 6890

Pilosell. bor. (Norrl.) 6890

Pilz-Buchl. (W. Oberm.) 6990

Pilz-Buchlein (W. Oberm.) 6990

Pilze (Lindau) 4559

Pilze Deutschlands, Fungi imperfecti, erste Halfte (Lindau) 4553

Pilze Deutschlands, Fungi imperfecti, zwei- te Halfte (Lindau) 4555

Pilze Deutschl., Fung. imperf. (Lindau)


Pilze Flecht. (Nienb.) 6816

Pilze und Flechten (Nienb.) 6816

Pilzgarten einiger stidamerikanischer Ameisen (A. Moller) 6151

Pilzgart. sidamer. Ameis. (A. Moller) 6151

Pinaceae (J. Nels.) 6739

Pines and firs of Japan (Andr. Murray) 6566

Pines firs Japan (Andr. Murray) 6566


Pl. Alstromeria (L.) 4814

Plankt. Lake Winnebago (Marsh) 5455

Plankton of the Lake Winnebago and Green Lake (Marsh) 5455

Planta Alstromeria (L.) 4814

Planta Aphyteia (L.) 4850

Planta cimicifuga (L.) 4845

Plantae americanae (Loefl.) 4921

Plantae americanae rariores descriptae et iconibus illustratae (see 6318)

Plantae cantabrigienses (Martyn) 5565

Plantae chilenses (Moris) 6328

Plantae chinenses Potaninianae (Maxim.)

Plantae columbianae (Linden) 4625

Plantae cryptogamicae quas in Arduenna (see M. Libert)

Plantae cryptogamicae quas in Arduenna collegit (Lib.) 4497

Plantae elmerianae borneenses (Merr.) 5867

Plantae erythraeae (Mattei) 5684

Plantae esculentae patriae (L.) 4763

Plantae finlandiae exsiccatae (see H. Lindberg)

Plantae fossiles novae (A. Massal.) 5597

Plantae galliae septentrionalis et belgu (see C.


Plantae hybridae (L.) 4762

Plantae Indiae batavae orientales (see F.


Plantae in itinere brasiliensi annis 1817-

1820 a Car. Frid. Phil. Martio descriptae

see CG. von Martius)

Plantae italicae selectae (see M. Lojacono- Pojero)

Plantae japonenses novae (Makino) 5280

Plantae Junghuhnianae (Miq.) 6107

Plantae Junghuhnianae (see J. Molken- boer, J. Montagne)

Plantae lindheimerianae (see F. Lindhei- mer)

Plantae lithuanae (List) 4872

Plantae Lorentzianae (see P. Lorentz)

Plantae Marlothianae (see H. Marloth)

Plantae martino-burserianae (L.) 4732

Plantae nonnullae horti botanici Helsing- forsiensis (Lindb.) 4592

Plantae novae centroamericanae (Orst.) JOU]

Plantae novae hispaniae (see J. Mocifo)

Plantae novae jeholenses i (Nakai) 6627

Plantae officinales (see T. Nees von Esen- beck)

Plantae preissianae (see C. Meisner, E. Meyer, F. Miquel, C. Nees von Esen- beck)

Plantae rariores africanae (L.) 4811

Plantae rariores camschatcenses (L.) 4759

Plantae rariores vivis coloribus depictae

(Meerb.) 5785



Plantae selectae e flora Africae borealis (see S. Murbeck)

Plantae selectarum icones pictae (Meerb.) 5786

Plantae selerianae (Loes.) 4935

Plantae siculae rariores exsiccatae (see M. Lojacono-Pojero)

Plantae sinenses (see J. Nannfeldt)

Plantae surinamenses (L.) 4848

Plantae svecanae (Olin) 7050

Plantae tinctoriae (L.) 4802

Plantae uruguayenses (Osten) 7127

Plantae Yucatanae (Millsp.) 6072

Plantarum historiae universalis (Morison) 6334

Plantarum horti (Mart.) 5510

Plantarum in horto medico bonnensi nutri- tarum icones selectae (Nees) 6685

Plantarum jamaicensium pugillus 4805

Plantarum munimentis (C. F. Ludw.) 5055

Plantarum nonnullarum mycetoidearum (T. Nees) 6702

Plantarum rariorum horti upsaliensis (L. fil.) 4853

Plantarum Romuleae, et Saturniae (Ma- ratti) 5372

Plantarum rudimenta (Meese) 5789

Plantarum seu stirpium historia (Lobel) 4907

Plantarum seu stirpium icones (Lobel) 4909

Plantarum surinamensium primum (E. Mey.) 5921

Plantarum umbelliferarum (see 6334)

Plantarum umbelliferarum distributio no- va (Morison) 6333

Plantarum vascularium genera (Meisn.) 5805

Plantarum vascularium in regione Maeleri orientali-boreali synopsis (Lindeb.) 4615

Plantas in Borussia sponte nascentes (Loe- sel) 4932

Plantas mas utiles que existen en la Repu- blica Mexicana (Martinez) 5502

Plantas medicinales de México (Martinez) 5593

Plantas officinales (L.) 4774

Plantas utiles de la flora mexicana (Marti- nezZ) 5502 ;

Plantas utiles de Mexico (Martinez) 5502

Pl. antediluv. (Mart.) 5515

Planterigets Naturhistorie (Orst.) 7012

Planter. Naturhist. (Orst.) 7012

Plantes a feuillage coloré (E. J. Lowe) 5042

Plantes critiques du département du Tarn (Martrin-Donos) 5559

Plantes herbacées d’ Europe et leurs insectes (Macquart) 5204

academici erlangensis




Plantes médicinales du Chili (Murillo)


Plantes nouvelles d’Amérique (Moric.) 6318

Plantes nouvelles pour le Gard (H. Loret) 5002

Plantes observées aux environs de la ville du Mans (Maulny) 5711

Plantes usuelles des Tahitiens (Nadeaud) 6602

Plantevaexten paa Faerderne (Ostenf.)


Plantis labradoricis libri tres (E. Mey.) 5923

Plantis nonnullis antediluvianis (Mart.) afd

Plantis nonnullis e mycetoidearum regno (Nees) 6678 Plantis zoophytis et lithophytis (Maratti)


Plant life of Alabama (C. Mohr) 6193

Plant names (A. Lyons) 5136

Plant rusts (see E. Mains)

Plant rusts (see C. Orton)

Plants from the Rocky Mountain Herbarium (see A. Nelson)

Plants indigenous around Sharks Bay (F. v. Muell.) 64.28

Plants indigenous to the colony of Victoria (F. v. Muell.) 6399

Plants of Florida (see G. Nash)

Plants of Lantau Island (McClure) 5161a

Plants of Mississippi (E. N. Lowe) 5045

Plants of North-Western Australia (F. v. Muell.) 6419

Plants of the Holy Land (H. Osborn) 7124

Plants of Yellowstone National Park (W. MacDougall) 5168

Pl. Avhyteia (L.) 4850

Pl. Borussia (Loesel) 4932

Pl. camsch. (L.) 4759

Pl. canar. (see 6680)

Pl. cantabrig. (Martyn) 5565

Pl. chil. (Moris) 6328

Pl. cimicif. (L.) 4845

Pl. columb. (Linden) 4625

Pl. crit. Tarn. (Martrin-Donos) 5559

Pl. crypt. Arduenna (Lib.) 4497

Pl. elmer. born. (Merr.) 5867

Pl. erythr. (Mattei) 5684

Pl. esc. patr. (L.) 4763

Pl. foss. nov. (A. Massal.) 5597

Pl. herb. Europe insect. (Macquart) 5204

Pl. hist. univ. (Morison) 6334.

Pl. Holy Land (H. Osborn) 7124

Pl. hort. bonn. icon. (Nees) 6685

Pl. hort. erlang. (Mart.) 5510

Pl. horti bot. Helsingf. (Lindb.) 4592

Pl. hybr. (L.) 4762

Pl. icon. (Lobel) 4909

Pl. jamaic. pug. (L.) 4805

Pl. jungh. (Miq.) 6107

Pl. labrador. (E. Mey.) 5923

Pl. life Alabama (C. Mohr) 6193

Pl. lithuan. (List) 4872

Pl. Maeler. syn. (Lindeb.) 4615

Pl. Mans (Maulny) 5711

Pl. mart.-burser. (L.) 4732

Pl. méd. Chili (Murillo) 6559

Pl. med. México (Martinez) 5503

Pl. Mississippi (E. N. Lowe) 5045

Pl. munim. (C. F. Ludw.) 5055

Pl. nam. (A. Lyons) 5136

Pl. nouv. Amér. (Moric.) 6318

Pl. nouv. Gard. (H. Loret) 5002

Pl. N. W. Australia (F. v. Muell.) 6419

Pl. off. (L.) 4774

Pl. rar. afr. (L.) 4811

Pl. rar. depict. (Meerb.) 5785

Pl. rar. hort. Berol. (see 6680)

Pl. rar. hort. upsal. (L. fil.) 4853

Pl. Romanyoff (see 6680)

Pl. Romul. Saturn. (Maratti) 5372

Pl. rudim. (Meese) 5789

Pl. seler. (Loes.) 4935

Pl. select. icon. pict. (Meerb.) 5786

Pl. Sharks Bay (F. v. Muell.) 6428

Pl. stirp. hist. (Lobel) 4907

Pl. surin. (L.) 4848

Pl. surin. coroll. (Mey.) 5921

Pl. svec. (Olin) 7050

Pl. tinct. (L.) 4802

Pl. Tinn. (see G. Mettenius)

Pl. umbell. (Morison) 6333

Pl. usuel. Tahit. (Nadeaud) 6602

Pl. util. Mexic. (Martinez) 5502

Pl. vasc. gen. (Meisn.) 5805

Pl. Victoria (F. v. Muell.) 6399

Pl. Yellowstone Natl. Park (W. MacDou- gall) 5168

Pl. zooph. lithophyt. (Maratti) 5373

Pohlia (H. Lindb.) 4563

Pohlia pulchella (H. Lindb.) 4563

Poisonous plants (Muenscher) 6533

Poison. pl. (Muenscher) 6533

Polygonum foliosum (H. Lindb.) 4565

Polynesian botanical bibliography 1773- 1935 (Merr.) 5870

Polynes. bot. bibl. (Merr.) 5870

Polyporaceae of New York State (J. Lowe) 5046

Polyporaceae of North America (Murrill) 6581

eee of North America (see W. Murrill)

Polyporaceae of Pennsylvania (Overh.)


Ee acces of the middle-western United States (Overh.) 7171

Polyporaceae of the Unites States, Alaska and Canada (see L. Overholts)


Polyporaceae of Wisconsin (J. Neuman) 6755

Polypor. N. Y. (J. Lowe) 5046

Polypor. Pennsyvania (Overh.) 7172

Polypor. Wisconsin (J. Neuman) 6755

Polytrichaceen (Lorch) 4980

Pom. francon. (J. P. Mayer) 5748

Pomological Magazine (see J. Lindley)

Pomona franconica (J. P. Mayer) 5748

Pop. guide. obs. nat. (Mudie) 6392

Praeludia botanica (Morison) 6332

Praktisches Pilz-Taschenbuch (Migula)


Prakt. Pilz-Taschenb. (Migula) 5994

Précis des principes élémentaires de l'étude de la botanique (A. Lorey) 5006

Prelim. cat. fl. W. Virginia (Millsp.) 6068

Preliminary catalogue of the flora of West Virginia (Millsp.) 6068

Preliminary list of the plants growing without cultivation in Alabama (C. Mohr) 6090

Prel. list. ferns seed pl. Oklahoma (see E. Little)

Prelim. list pl. Alabama (C. Mohr) 6090

Prelud. fl. columb. (Linden) 4621

Preludia florae columbianae (Linden) 4621

Prémices d’anatomie (see C. Morren)

Pop. hist. brit. ferns (T. Moore) 6274

Pop. hist. brit. lich. (Linds.) 4681

Popular guide to the observation of nature (Mudie) 6392

Popular history of british lichens (Linds.) 4681

Popular history of the British ferns (T. Moore) 6274

Practical treatise on the management of orchidaceous plants (J. Lyons) 5138

Praecurs. fl. centroamer. (Orst.) 7033

Praecursores florae centroamericanae (Orst.) 7033

Prahistorischen Pflanzenreste Mitteleuro- pas (Neuweiler) 6764

Prahist. Pfl.-Reste Mitt.-Eur. (Neuweiler) 6764

Premier mémoire sur les Orchidées (Mutel) 6596

Prenunciae bahamienses (Millsp.) 6072a

Preussens Pflanzengattungen (E. Mey.)

5926 Preuss. Exped. Ost-As., Tange (G. Mar-

tens) 5483 Preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien. Die Tange. (G. Martens) 5483 Preuss. Pfl.-Gatt. (E. Mey.) 5926 Prima contribuzione allo studio della flora ipogea del Portogallo (Mattir.) 5699 Primae lineae horti privati (Mohring) 6150 Prima loca plantarum sueciarum (Nordst.)




Prima loca pl. suec. (Nordst.) 6872

Prim. faun. fl. Mader. (R. Lowe) 5047

Prim. fl. amur. (Maxim.) 5724

Prim. fl. costaric., Lich. (Miill.-Arg.) 64.65

Prim. fl. esseq. (G. Mey.) 5930

Primitiae faunae et florae Maderae (R. Lo- we) 5047

Primitiae florae amurensis (Maxim.) 5724

Primitiae florae costaricensis (see E. Mar- chal, M. Micheli)

Primitiae florae costaricensis (Miill.-Arg.) 6465

Primitiae florae essequeboensis (G. Mey.) 5930

Primitiae florae holsaticae (Nolte) 6856

Prim. lin. hort. priv. (Méhring) 6150

Primulis italicis (Moretti) 6304

Primul. ital. (Moretti) 6304

Princ. classif. lich. (Mull.-Arg.) 6440

Principal timber trees (F. v. Muell.) 6405

Principaux arbres et arbustes (Mouill.) 6377

Principaux parasites de nos lichens frangais (H. Olivier) 7071a

Principes de classification des (Mull.-Arg.) 6440

Prodr. (see J. Mueller Argoviensis)

Prodr. (see C. Meisner)

Prodr. (see F. Miquel)

Prodr. (see C. Nees von Esenbeck)

Prodr. (see A. Otth)

Prodr. fl. bryol. Surinam. (Molk.) 6213

Prodr. fl. cherson. (Lindem.) 4619

Prodr. fl. dan. (L.) 4791

Prodr. fl. messan. (Nicotra) 6789a

Prodr. fl. mosq. (H. Mart.) 5555

Prod. fl. nitr. (J. A. Knapp) 3748

Prodr. fl. novo-granat. (see W. Nylander)

Prodr. Fl. novogranat. (see G. Mettenius)

Prodr. fl. Valtellinese (Massara) 5648

Prodr. gen. phyc. (Mont.) 6243

Prodr. hist. bot. Lyonn. (Magnin) 5229

Prodr. hist. pl. (Magnol) 5231

Prodr. lichenogr. Gall. Alg. (Nyl.) 6979

Prodrome de la flore corse (see R. de Litar- diére)

Prodrome d’une flore mycologique (Ou- dem.) 7165

Prodrome d’une histoire des botanistes lyonnais (Magnin) 5229

Prodrome d’une réponse (Malinv.) 5293

Prodomo della Flora Valtellinese (Massa- ra) 5648

Prodromo di una monografia delle specie del genere Morus (Moretti) 6307

Prodromus (see C. Meisner, F. Miquel, C. Moquin-Tandon, J. Mueller Argo- viensis, C. Nees von Esenbeck, A. Otth)

Prodromus bryologiae argentinicae (K. Mill. hal.) 6507

... Lichenes



Prodromus bryologiae bolivianae (K. Mull. hal.) 6515

Prodromus designationis stirpium gotting- ensium (J. A. Murray) 6573

Prodromus florae batavae (see J. Molken- boer)

Prodromus florae batavae (See C. Oude- mans)

Prodromus florae brasilicae (see E. Mortier)

Prodromus florae bryologicae surinamensis (Molk.) 6213

Prodromus florae chersonensis (Lindem.) 4619

Prodromus florae danicae (L.) 4791

Prodromus florae messanensis (Nicotra) 6789a

Prodromus florae mosquensis (H. Mart.)

5ODD Prodromus florae novo-granatensis, Liche-

nes (see 6949)

Prodromus florae novo-granatensis. Liche- nes (Nyl.) 6950

Prodromus florae osiliensis (Lucé) 5054a

Prodromus florae tsingtauensis (Loes.) Ane

Prodromus generum, specierumque phy- cearum novarum (Mont.) 6243

Prodromus historiae generalis plantarum (Magnol) 5231

Prodromus lichenographiae Galliae et Al- geriae (Nyl.) 6942

Prodromus of the Palaeontology of Victoria (McCoy) 5161b

Prodromus systematis Cycadearum (Miq.) 6114

Prodr. 5161b

Prodr. pl. Ind. occid. (W. Ham.) 2340

Prodr. stirp. gott. (J. A. Murray) 6573

Prodr. syst. Cycad. (Miq.) 6114

Progressus rei botanicae (see J. Lotsy)

Prolepsi pl. (L.) 4822

Prolepsi plantarum (L.) 4822

Prolepsis pl. (L.) 4812

Prolepsis plantarum (L.) 4812

Prolusio florae japonicae (Miq.) 6119

Prolus. fl. jap. (Miq.) 6119

Promenades botaniques (see C. Lortet)

Proscopia (see 6680)

Prosp. coll. A. Massal. (A. Massal.) 5623

Prospectus flora graeca exsiccata (Orph.) Poi

Prospectus Stirpes novae (L’Heér.) 4485

Prospetto analitico della epaticologia itali- ca (C. Massal.) 5646

Prospetto delle collezioni di storia naturale del Prof. Dr. Abramo Massalongo (A. Massal.) 5623

Prosp. fl. Graeca exs. (Orph.) 7107

Prosp. Stirp. nov. (L’Heér.) 4485

palaeontol. Victoria (McCoy)

Prothallium male des cryptogames vascu- laires (Millard.) 6030

Prothall. male (Millard.) 6030

Protobasidiomyceten (A. Moller) 6153

Protrophie (Minks) 6085

Psyche (see B. Mann)

Pteridophyta of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands (Maxon) 5738

Pteridophytes of Minnesota (Lyon) 5135

Pteridoph. Minnesota (Lyon) 5135

Pteridophyt. Porto Rico (Maxon) 5738

Pugillus algarum yemensium (Mont.) 6252

Pyrenocarpeae feeanae (Miull.-Arg.) 6459

Pyrenocarp. feean. (Miull.-Arg.) 6459

Pyrenocarpeae Queenslandiae (Miull.- Arg.) 6476

Pyrenomycetes germanici (Nitschke) 6827

Pyrenomyc. germ. (Nitschke) 6827

Quarterly Journal of microscopical Science (see H. Moseley) Querschnitte von Holzarten (see H. Nordlinger)

Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und _ der Schweiz (see 4540; B. Lynge, A. Magnus- son, C. Oertel)

Radix plantarum mycetoidearum (T. Nees) 6699

Rad. pl. mycet. (T. Nees) 6699

Radulum (C. G. Lloyd) 4898

Ramalinen der ersten Regnell’schen Expe- dition (Malme) 5319

Ramal. Regnell. Exped. (Malme) 5319

Ranken Cucurb. (E. G. O. Miill.) 6394

Ranken der Cucurbitaceen (E. G. O. Mill.) 6394

Raphania (L.) 4819

Rapport sur quelques cultures de Papave- racées (J. Moll) 6215

Rapp. Papaver. (J. Moll) 6215

Rariora Norvegiae (L.) 4834

Rar. Norveg. (L.) 4834

Ratio plantas in sedecim classes disponendi (Liljebl.) 4529

Rat. pl. dispon. (Liljebl.) 4529

Recent additions to the Flora of Ireland (More) 6292

Rech. anat. Calycanth. (Lign.) 4523

Rech. anat. Marchantia (Mirb.) 6128

Rech. Chénes (Orst.) 7030

Rech. Coffea arabica (Marchand) 5378

Rech. cytol. tax. Basidiomyc. (Maire) 5267

Rech. dével. Mucéd. (Matr.) 5672

Rech. empl. pl. France (Loisel.) 4955

Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur le Marchantia polymorpha (Mirb.) 6128

Recherches cytologiques et taxonomiques sur les Basiodiomycétes (Maire) 5267


Recherches et observations sur l’emploi de plusieurs plantes de Frances (Loisel.) 4955

Recherches organographiques et organogé- niques sur le Coffea arabica (Marchand) 5378

Recherches sur la classification des Chénes (Orst.) 7030

Recherches sur la fecondation et la germi- nation du Preissia commutata (L. Lortet) 5010

Recherches sur la géographie botanique du Lyonnais (Magnin) 5224

Recherches sur ’anatomie comparée des Calycanthées (Lign.) 4523

Recherches sur la reproduction des Mu- corinées (Moreau) 6293

Recherches sur le développement de quel- ques Mucédinéen (Matr.) 5672

Recherches sur les Narcisses (Loisel.) 4.951

Recherches sur les plantes de la Corse (Ma- bille) 5143

Recherches sur les principales espéces de Fagopyrum (E. Miége) 5979

Recherches sur Porganisation des Burséra- cées (Marchand) 5380

Rech. Fagopyrum (E. Miége) 5979

Rech. géogr. bot. Lyonnais (Magnin) 5224

Rech. Narcisses (Loisel.) 4951

Rech. pl. Corse (Mabille) 5143

Rech. Preissia (L. Lortet) 5010

Rech. repr. mucor. (Moreau) 6293

Recognitio monographica Ramalinarum (Nyl.) 6960

Records of Australian botanists (see J. Mai- den)

Records of Australian botanists, first sup- plement (see J. Maiden)

Records of Australian botanists, second supplement (see J. Maiden)

Records of Queensland botanists (see J. Maiden)

Records of Tasmanian botanists (see J. Mai- den)

Records of the earlier Frensch botanists as regards Australian plants (see J. Maiden)

Records of Victorian botanists (see J. Mai- den)

Records of Western Australian botanists (see J. Maiden)

Recuerd. bot. Tenerife (Masf.) 5581

Recuerdos botanicos de Tenerife (Masf.) 5581

Reden Naturf. (Mart.) 5536

Reden und Vortrage tiber Gegenstande aus dem Gebiete der Naturforschung (Mart.) 5536

Reduct. gen. cat. pl. Amer. (see 4644)

Reduct. gen. cat. pl. Amer. (see 6536)

Réflex. espéce (Moritzi) 6337



Réflexions sur l’espéce en histoire naturelle (Moritzi) 6337

Reformatio botanices (L.) 4818

Reform. bot. (L.) 4818

Regionibus marinis (Orst.) 7014

Reg. mar. (Orst.) 7014

Regnell. Cyper. (Lindm.) 4669

Regnellian Cyperaceae (Lindm.) 4669

Regnellidium (Lindm.) 4670

Regnum vegetabile (X. Manetti) 5340

Regn. veg. (X. Manetti) 5340

Reise Bras. (Mart.) 5516

Reiseerinn. Cuba (Ed. Otto) 7140

Reiseerinnerungen an Cuba (Ed. Otto) 7140

Reise in Brasilien (Mart.) 5516

Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Siberiens (Middend.) 5978

Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens (see C. von Meyer)

Reise nach Ostindien und China (Osbeck) 7122

Reise nach den spanischen Landern in Eu- ropa und America (Loefl.) 4921

Reise nach Venedig (G. Martens) 5479

Reise n. Amer. (see J. Murray)

Reisen in Ost Afrika (see P. Lorentz)

Reise Nord-America (see C. Nees von Esen- beck)

Reise Novara (see C. Milde)

Reise Novara (see G. Mettenius)

Reise Ostindien (Osbeck) 7122

Reise Sibir. (Middend.) 5978

Reise Venedig (G. Martens) 5479

Reisestudien auf Tenerife (Linding.) 4633

Reisestud. Tenerife (Linding.) 4633

Reis. Java (see C. Nees von Esenbeck)

Relazione dell’erba Orobanche (P. Mich.)


Relaz. Orobanche (P. Mich.) 5973

Reliquiae haenkeanae (see E. Meyer)

Reliquiae haenkeanae (see T. Nees von Esenbeck)

Reliquiae Libertianae (see M. Libert)

Reliquiae Mailleanae (see A. Maille)

Reliquae Mailleanae (see ¥. Mérat)

Reliquiae Morisianae (Moris) 6329

Reliquiae mycologicae libertianae (see M. Libert)

Remarks on the management of Orchida- ceous plants (J. Lyons) 5138

Rem. manag. Orchid. pl. (J. Lyons) 5138

Rep. bot. Madison (Linney) 4855

Rep. Canad. arct. exped., vasc. pl. (J. M. Macoun) 5197a

Rep. diatoms Albatross (A. Mann) 5348

Repert. Epaticol. ital. (C. Massal.) 5630

Repert. mic. uomo (Nann.) 6635

Repertorio della Epaticologia italica (C. Massal.) 5630


Repertorio sistematico dei miceti dell’ uomo (Nann.) 6635

Rep. Exped. Manchoukuo sect. iv (Nakai) 6627

Rep. Exped. Novaya Zemlya, Acarospora (Magnusson) 5245

Rep. Exped. Novaya Zemlya, Bot. (Lynge) 5124

Rep. forest W. Australia (F. v. Muell.) 6515

Rep. Irish Hepat. (D. Moore) 6272

Replik auf Dr. Baillon’s Nouvelles observa- tions (Miull.-Arg.) 6445

Rep. new pl. (Lindl.) 4639

Report of an investigation of the grasses of the arid districts of Texas (Neally) 6664

Report of the Canadian arctic expedition, Botany, Vascular plants (J. M. Macoun) SME

Report of the first scientific expedition to Manchoukuo (Nakai) 6627

Report of the scientific results of the Norwe- gian expedition to Novaya Zemlya, Aca- rospora (Magnusson) 5245

Report on Irish Hepaticae (D. Moore) 6272

Report on the botany of Madison (Linney) 4855

Report on the diatoms of the Albatross Voyages (A. Mann) 5348

Report on the forest resources of Western Australia (F. v. Muell.) 6415

Report on the plants collected during Mr. Babbage’s expedition (F. v. Muell.) 6398

Report on the vegetation of the island Ooryongto (Nakai) 6624

Reports of the Princeton University Expe- ditions to Patagonia, Botany (Maclos- kie) 5190

Report upon the new or rare plants (Lind1.) 4639

Rep. pl. Babbage’s Exped. (F. v. Muell.) 6398

Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia, Bo- tany (Macloskie) 5190

Rep. veg. Ooryongto (Nakai) 6624

Ressources végétales des Colonies Frangaises (Niederl.) 6814

Ressourc. vég. colon. frang. (Niederl.) 6814

Résultats scientifiques du Congrés interna- tional de Botanique (see J. Lotsy)

Results of a biological survey of the San Francisco mountain region (Merriam) 5852

Resumptio genetica (see J. Lotsy)

Rev. Amer. Celastr.-I (C. Lundell) 5102

Rév. Anacardiac. (Marchand) 5381

Rey. Blancos FI. Filip. (Merr.) 5856

Rev. Cact. (Orcutt) 7101

Rev. fl. paris. (Mérat) 5837

Rév. Hédérac. amér. (El. Marchal) 5376

Rév. hyménomyc. France (see A. Mau- blanc)

Review of the Cactaceae (Orcutt) 7101 ,

Review of the identifications of the species described in Blaneos Flora de Filipinas (Merr.) 5856

Review of the nearctic Viburnum (see W. McAtee)

Revis. champ. Pays-Bas (Oudem.) 7159

Revis. crit. hepat. Argentina (C. Massal.) 5647

Revis. crit. icon. (Lindb.) 4593

Revised list of the ferns of Natal (M’Ken) 5186

Revise karbonské a permské kvéteny (Né- mejc) 6740

Revis. gen. pl. (Kuntze) 4021

Revis. Hydrag. Asiae orient. (Maxim.) M2

Revisio abietinarum horti regii botanici be- rolinensis (see 4.706)

Revisio Alni specierum japonicarum (Mat- sum.) 5676

Revisio critica Casuarinarum (Miq.) 6102

Revisio critica hepaticarum in Argentina (C. Massal.) 5647

Revisio critica iconum (Lindb.) 4593

Revisio Hydrangeearum Asiae orientalis (Maxim.) 5727

Revisio lichenum (Miull.-Arg.) 6454

Revisio lichenum féeanorum (Miull.-Arg.) 6457

Révision des champignons (Oudem.) 7152

Révision des champignons Pays-Bas (Ou- dem.) 7159

Révision des Hédéracées ameéricaines (El. Marchal) 5376

Révision du groupe des Anacardiacées (Marchand) 5381

Revision of certain species of plants of the genus Antennaria (E. E. Nels.) 6737

Revision of Flora Patagonica (Macloskie) 5190

Revision of the American Celastraceae-I (C. Lundell) 5102

Revision of the American species of Eu- phorbia of the section Tithymalus (Nor- ton) 6893

Revision of the genus Rhizocarpon (Lynge) 5128

Revision of the South African species of Barleria (see A. Obermeyer)

Revision of the Western North American Phloxes (E. E. Nels.) 6736

Revisio perisporiacearum (Oudem.) 7154

Revisio pyrenomycetum (Oudem.) 7155

Revis. karb. perm. kvet. (Nemejc) 6740

Revis. perispor. (Oudem.) 7154

Revis. Pyrenom. (Oudem.) 71558



Revis. W. N. Amer. Phlox (E. E. Nels.) 6736

Rev. list ferns Natal (M’Ken) 5186

Rev. pl. Seine-inf. (Malbr.) 5288

Rev. Rhizocarpon (Lynge) 5128

Revis. W.N. Amer. Phlox. (E.E. Nels.) 6738

Revue de la flore parisienne (Mérat) 5837

Revue des Cucurbitacées (Naudin) 6653

Revue des plantes critiques ou nouvelles de la Seine-inférieure {Malbr.)

Revue d’Oka (See P. Louis-Marie)

Revue scientifique du Bourbonnais (See E. Olivier)

Rhabarbarum (L.) 4765

Rhamneae _orientali-asiaticae 5726

Rhamzn. orient.-asiat. (Maxim.) 5726

Rhipsalis (Loefgr.) 4918

Rhode Island plants (Olney) 7076

Rhododendr. As. orient. (Maxim.) 5728

Rhododendreae Asiae orientalis (Maxim.) 5728

Rhododendrons (Millais) 6028

Ric. auton. lich. crost. (A. Massal.) 5591

Ricciaceae della flora italica (C. Massal.) 5644

Ricerche sull’ autonomia dei licheni crosto- si (A. Massal.) 5591

Rinoclina (Malme) 5297

Ritterlinge (Ntesch) 6917

Riv. Androsace (Martelli) 5472

Rivista critica delle specie e varieta italiane del genere Statice (Martelli) 5471

Rivista monografica del genere Androsace (Martelli) 5472

Riv. sp. ital. Statice (Martelli) 5471

Robbia (Mariti) 5421

Rohrlinge (Nutiesch) 6914

Romanarum plantarum centuria decima- tertia (Mauri) 5717

Roman. pl. cent. xii (Mauri) 5717

Rorippa Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5412

Rosarum monographia (Lindl.) 4636

Ros. monogr. (Lindl.) 4636

Rostliny (Novak) 6910

Rubiaceen Boheims (see P. Opiz)

Rubi genev. (Mercier) 5838

Rubi genevenses (Mercier) 5838

Rubi germanici (see C. Nees von Esenbeck)

Rudolph-Stephanie-See (see K. Miller hal.)

Rusts Australia (McAlpine) 5146

Rusts of Australia (McAlpine) 5146

Ruwenzori, Musci (G. Negri) 6716

Ryssl. Hattsvamp. (P. Karst.) 3535


Sagg. algol. ocean. (Mazza) 5761 Sage. fotogr. piante foss. (A. Massal.) 5620 Saggio di algologia oceanica (Mazza) 5761



Saggio fotografico di alcuni piante fossili (A. Massal.) 5620

Saggio sulla storia naturale del Chili (Moli- na) 6206

Sag. stor. nat. Chili (Molina) 6206

Sahara und Sudan (see G. Nachtigal)

Salton Sea (see D. MacDougal)

Salvinia (Mett.) 5877

Sammlung schénblihender Gewachse (see 6685)

Sammlung schénblihender Gewachse (see T. Nees von Esenbeck)

Samos (see C. Major)

Sandea et Myriorrhynchus 4606/7

Sandusky fl. (E. Moseley) 6353

Sandusky flora (E. Moseley) 6353

Sapindacearum fossilium monographia (A. Massal.) 5593

Sapind. foss. monogr. (A. Massal.) 5593

Sasa (Makino) 5283

Saxicolous species of the genus Lecidea (Magnusson) 5250

S. Calif. fl. (Orcutt) 7098

Schedae ad herbarium florae (Litv.) 4879

Sched. crit. (A. Massal.) 5605

Sched. herb. fl. ross. (Litv.) 4879

Sched. lich. ticin. (Mereschk.) 5843

Schedulae ad lichenes ticinenses exsiccatos (Mereschk.) 5843

Schedulae criticae (A. Massal.) 5605

Schedulae speciographiche (Nicotra) 6791

Schlesien’s Laub- und Lebermoose (see K. Limpricht)

Schleswig-Holsternische algae aquaticae (see D. Mohr)

Schulbotanik fiir Hannover (see L. Mejer)

Schulfl. Baden (Neuberger) 6753

Schulflora von Baden (Neuberger) 6753

Schwarz. Abdr. Regensb. Pfl. (J. Mayr)




Schwarze Abdriicke der um Regensburg wildwachsenden officinellen Pflanzen (J. Mayr) 5755

Scillae maritimae monographia (Moretti) 6305

Scill. mar. monogr. (Moretti) 6305

Scrin. fl. select. (Magnier) 5223

Scrinia florae selectae (Magnier) 5223

Scrinia fl. select. (see C. Magnier)

Sculpt. Diat. (O. Mill.) 6522

Sculptur der Diatomaceen (O. Mill.) 6522

Sea-mosses (A. Herv.) 2608

Seaweeds of South Australia (A. Lucas) 5954

Seaweeds S. Australia (A. Lucas) 5054.

Seconda contribuzione allo studio della flora ipogea del Portogallo (Mattir.)



Second systematic census (F. v. Muell.) 6427

Second volume of the gardeners dictionary (Mill.) 6040

Seedless plants of Southern California (McClat.) 5160

Seg. contr. arb. Argent. (Lillo) 4534

Segunda contribucion al conocimiento de los arboles de la Argentina (Lillo) 4534

Sel. amoen. acad. (L.) 4755

Sel. amoen. acad., cont. (L.) 4755

Selectae ex amoenitatibus academicis Ca- roli Linnaei, Dissertationes (L.) 4.755

Select extra-tropical plants (F. v. Muell.) 6406

Select pl. (F. v. Muell.) 6406

Select plants (F. v. Muell.) 6406

Semina musc. (L.) 4758

Semina muscorum (L.) 4.758

Sert. angl. (L’Heér.) 4492

Sert. exot. (Miq.) 6096

Serie imperfecta de las plantas aragonesas (Loscos) 5012

Ser. imperf. pl. aragon. (Loscos) 5012

Series inconfecta plantarum Aragoniae (Loscos) 5011

Ser. inconf. pl. Aragon. (Loscos) 5011

Sert. lich. trop. (Nyl.) 6972

Sert. orchid. (Lindl.) 4651

Sert. petrop. (see C. A. von Meyer)

Sert. tianschan. (Osten-Saken) 7128

Sertum anglicum (L’ Her.) 4492

Sertum australiense (Mull.-Arg.) 64.75

Sertum exoticum (Migq.) 6096

Sertum lichenaeae tropicae (Nyl.) 6972

Sertum orchidaceum (Lindl.) 4651

Sertum patagonicum, cryptogames de la Patagonie (Mont.) 6237

Sertum tianschanicum (Osten-Saken) 7128

Sessualita nelle Ustilaginee (Morini) 6323

Sets of British Mreracia (see K. Linton)

Sets of British willows (see E. Linton)

Seven thousand dahlias in cultivation (Norton) 6894

Se Virgilio ha veramente descritto il imone (Nocca) 6844

Sex. Coprinus fimetarius (Oort) 7086

Sexualitaét von Coprinus fimetarius (Oort) 7086

Seznam (Opiz) 7093

Seznam rostlin kvéteny Ceské (Opiz) 7093

Short fl. Formosa (Masam.) 5576

Short flora of Formosa (Masam.) 5576

Shrubs n.e. Amer. (Newh.) 6774

Shrubs of northeastern America (Newh.) 6774.

Shrubs of Wyoming (E. E. Nels.) 6738

Shrubs Wyoming (E. E. Nels.) 6738

Silurian system (see R. Murchison)

Sinopse das bridfitas de Portugal (Mach.)


Sinossi delle epatiche europee (Lindenb.) 4630

Sir Joseph Banks (Maiden) 5263

Sistema fondamentale della botanica (Ni- cotra) 6797

Sistematica delle ombrellifere 4.967

Sistemazione delle Puccinie (Morini) 6322

Sist. fond. bot. (Nicotra) 6797

Sist. ombrell. (Lojac.) 4967

Skand. Hierac. (Lindeb.) 4617

Skand. fjellvaxt. blomn. (Lindm.) 4662

Skandinaviens_ fjellvaxternas blomning (Lindm.) 4662

Skandinaviens Hieracier (Lindeb.) 4617

Skand. vaxt., Alger (Nordst.) 6871

Skanes fl. (Lilja) 4525

Skanes flora (Lilja) 4525

Sketch for. W. Africa (Moloney) 6221

Sketch hist. Distr. Columbia (McAtee) 5150

Sketch of the forestry of West Africa (Molo- ney) 6221

Sketch of the natural history of the District of Columbia (McAtee) 5150

Sketch of the vegetation of the Swan river colony (Lindl.) 4653

Sketch veg. Swan R. (Lindl.) 4653

Skizzen zur Organographie und Physiolo- gie der Classe der Schwamme (Mont.) 6241

Slovar rodovich imen rasténii (Martinov) 9305

Smuts Australia (McAlpine) 5147

Smuts of Australia (McAlpine) 5147

Sobre las algas y cianoficeas del cantabrico (Miranda) 6126

Soemmeringia (Mart.) 5527

Some of my bush friends in Tasmania (Me- redith) 5842

Somn. pl. (L.) 4783

Somnus plantarum (L.) 4783

Sopra la distribuzione geografia delle faune e delle flore osservazioni (Manganotti) 5343

Sopra le piante fossili dei terreni terziari (A. Massal.) 5587

Sopra tre licheni della Nuova Zelanda (A. Massal.) 5625

Sopra una nuova 0 rara specie di pianta malpighiacea (Moris) 6331

Southern and lower California flora (Or- cutt) 7098

Southern Polypores (Murrill) 6584

Southern Tibet (see C. Ostenfeld)

Southern wild flowers and trees (Lounsb.) 5937

South. Polypor. (Murrill) 6584

South. wild fl. (Lounsb.) 5037



Spadiciflores du Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5414

Spadicifl. Québec (Marie-Vict.) 5414

Spaltalgen (Migula) 5997

Spalt-Schleimpilze (Lindau) 4560

Spalt- und Schleimpilze (Lindau) 4560

Sp. blancoan. (Merr.) 5861

Spec. bot.-phys. (Oskamp 7125

Specialia loca natalia (Norm.) 6877

Special loc. natal. (Norm.) 6877

Speciebus Timmiae observationes (Lindb.)


Specie di Aloe (G. Manetti) 5337

Specie italiane dei genere Acolea (C. Mas- sal.) 5643

Specie italiane del genere Calypogeia (C. Massal.) 5642

Specie italiane del genere Jungermannia (C. Massal.) 5634, 5636

Specie italiane del genere Scapania (C. Massal.) 5639

Speciebus Timmiae observationes (Lindb.) 4579

Species blancoanae (Merr.) 5861

Species hepathicarum (Lindenb.) 4632

Species of the genus Larix (Ostenf.) 7133

Species plantarum (L.) 4769, 4817, 4826

Species plantarum (see J. Link)

Species plantarum ed. 2 (L.) 4823.

Specimen academicum tentamen Biozoo- geniae generalis (see C. Morren)

Specimen botanico-physicum (Oskamp) Tea

Specimen materiae medicae brasiliensis (Mart.) 5523

Spec. mat. med. bras. (Mart.) 5523

Spezie italiane del genere ‘“‘Cephalozia” (C. Massal.) 5641a

Sphagna from Novaya Zemlya (Lid) 4506

Sphagna Nov. Zemlya (Lid) 4506

Sphagnorum novorum descriptio (K. Mull. hal.) 6510

Sp. hepat. (Lindenb.) 4632

Spicilegium (X. Manetti) 5339

Spicilegium plantarum fennicarum (F. Nyl.) 6936

Spic. pl. fenn. (F. Nyl.) 6936

Spigelia (L.) 4795

Spigelia anthelmia (L.) 4795

Sp. ital. Jungermannia (C. Massal.) 5634, 5636

Spitzberg au Sahara (Martins) 5508

Splachnum (Montin) 6262

Splachnum (L.) 4757

Sp. Larix (Ostenf.) 7133

Sponsalia plantarum (L.) 4710, 4738, 4760, 4798

Spons. pl. (L.) 4738

Sporarum Equisetorum (Milde) 6011




Laubm. (H. Mill.-

Sporenvorkeime Thurg.) 6438

Sporenvorkeime und Zweigvorkeime der Laubmoose (H. Mill.-Thurg.) 6438

Spor. Equiset. germin. (Milde) 6011

Sporodictyon (A. Massal.) 5590

Sp. pl. (L.) 4817

Sp. pl. ed. 2 (L.) 4817

Sp. pl. ed. 3 (L.) 4826

Spridda anteckningar rérande de skandi- naviska mossorna (Lindb.) 4.594.

Spring and early summer wild flowers (Macbr.) 5151

Spring fl. Interm. States (A. Nels.)

Spring flora of the Intermountain States (A. Nels.) 6735

Spring wild flowers (Macbr.) 5151

Stamme des Gewachsreiches (Lindl.) 4647

Stammblatter von Sphagnum (Ortloff) 7118

Stammblatt. Sphagnum (Ortloff) 7118

Standardized plant names (Olmsted) 7074

Standorte Gefasspfl. Aargau (Muhlberg) 6393

Standorte und Trivialnamen der Gefass- pflanzen des Aargau’s (Mihlberg) 6393

Stand. pl. nam. (Olmsted) 7074

Stapeliae novae (Masson) 5663

Stapel. nov. (Masson) 5663

Stat. pl. (L.) 4775

Stationes plantarum (L.) 4775

Stato attuale delle conoscenze sulla vegeta- zione dell’ Italia (G. Negri) 6715

Stato conosc. veg. Italia (C. Negri) 6715

St. Helena (Melliss) 5815

Stictazeen der ersten Regnell’schen Expe- dition (Malme) 5318

Stictaz. Regnell. Exped. (Malme) 5318

Stigmatoph. (Nied.) 6803

Stimatoph. 2 (Nied.) 6803

Stirp. advers. (Lobel) 4906

Stirp. agri rotnov. (Lindblom) 4613

Stirpes agri rotnoviensis (Lindblom) 4613

Stirpes cryptogamae vogeso-rhenanae (see J. Mougeot)

Stirpes cryptogamae vogeso-rhenanae (see C. Nestler)

Stirpes novae aut minus cognitae (L’Hér.) 4484

Stirpes quaedam borneenses (Miq.) 6105

Stirpes Sardoae novae (Moris) 6329

Stirpes surinamenses selectae (Miq.) 6106

Stirpes vogeso-rhenanae (see J. Mougeot)

Strp. ill. (Lobel) 4909

Stirpium adversaria nova (Lobel) 4906

Stirpium historiae pemptades sex (see M. de L’Obel)

Stirpium illustrationes (Lobel) 4909

Stirpium sardoarum elenchus (Moris) 6327

Stirp. nov. (L’Heér.) 4484


Stirp. sard. elench. (Moris) 6327

Stip. Stereums (C.G. Lloyd) 4894

Stirp. surinam. select. (Miq.) 6106

Storia naturale dei vegetabili (see CG. De Mirbel)

Storia naturale dell’ Mola di Corsica (see G. Maratti)

Stor. nat. pl. critt. vesuv. (Licopoli) 4503

Storia naturale delle piante crittogame che vesuviane (Licopoli) 4503

Structura caudicis filicum arborearum (Mohl) 6184

Structure et la fructification des genres Cte- nodus, Delisea et Lenormandia (Mont.) 6247

Stud. Adoxa (Lagerberg)

Stud. Amer. grasses (see E. Merrill)

Stud. bor. Stereocaula (Magnusson) 5246

Stud. circumpol. micromyce. (Lind) 4545

Stud. danske mosers veg. (Mentz) 5830

Stud. Einfl. Kult. Fl. (Linkola) 4707

Student’s handbook of British hepatics (Macvicar) 5212

Stud. Epiph.-Veg. Schweiz (Ochsner) 7000

Stud. fl. foss. Senigall. (A. Massal.) 5619

Stud. handb. Brit. hepat. (Macvicar) 5212

Studien uber drei Moosarten (Lorentz)


Studien tber die Epiphyten-Vegetation der Schweiz (Ochsner) 7000

Studien uber den Einfluss der Kultur auf die Flora (Linkola) 4707

Studien uber die monotypische Gattung Calluna (Nordh.) 6862

Studien uber die Morphologie und Syste- matik der nicht-lichenisierten inopercu- laten Discomyceten (Nannf.) 6632

Studien tuber die skandinavischen Rassen des Papaver radicatum (Nordh.) 6861

Studien uber die Xyridaeen (A. Nilsson) 6824

Studien zur Naturgeschichte einiger Laub- moose (Lorentz) 4991

Studien zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Laubmoose (Lorentz) 4990

Studien zur vergleichenden Morphologie der Laubmoose (Loeske) 4940

Studier 6fver artbildningen inom slaktet Rubus (Lidf.) 4509

Studier ofver Slagtet Salix (Lunstr.) 5109

Studier over danske mosers recente vegeta- tion (Mentz) 5830

Studies in species of Lecanora (Magnusson) 5252

Studies in the Rivulosa-group of the genus Lecidea (Magnusson) 5244

Studies in the taxonomy and distribution of the Eastern North American species of Lobelia (McVaugh) 5206

Studies on boreal Stereocaula (Magnus- son) 5246

Studies on the genus Pythium (Matthews) 5686

Studies on the geographical distribution of arctic circumpolar — micromycetes (Lindb.) 4545

Studies on the lichen flora of Norway (Lyn- ge) 5122

Studii sulla flora fossile del Senigalliese (A. Massal.) 5619

Studiu preliminar asupra unor specii de Alyssum (Nyar.) 6934

Stud. Lecanora (Magnusson) 5252

Stud. lich. fl. Norway (Lynge) 5122

Stud. Morph. Laubm. (Loeske) 4940

Stud. nicht-lich. imoperc. Discomyc. (Nannf.) 6632

Stud. Oedogon. (Hirn) 2703

Stud. Pythium (Matthews) 5686

Stud. Rivulosa-gr. Lecidea (Magnusson) 9244

Stud. Rubus (Lidf.) 4509

Stud. Salix (Lundstr.) 5109

Stud. Xyrid. (A. Nilsson) 6824

Subsidios II. Cruciferae (Mariz) 5423

Subsidios I. Papilion. (Mariz) 5422

Subsidios para o estudo da flora portugueza II. Cruciferae (Mariz) 5423

Subsidios para o estudo da flora portugue- za. I. Papilionaceae (Mariz) 5422

Suburban gardener (Loud.) 5030

Suburb. gard. (Loud.) 5030

Succinct observations on a new genus of fossil Coniferae (F. v. Muell.) 6403

Susswasserflora (see W. Monkemeyer)

Stisswasserflora Deutschl., Osterr., Schweiz (see E. Migula)

Sugli Anacardi (Moretti) 6308

Suggestions on the maintenance of forests (F. v. Muell.) 6416

Sugg. mainten. forests (F. v. Muell.) 6416

Sui generi Dirina e Dirinopsis (A. Massal.) 5589

Sulla animalita delle diatomee (Menegh.) 5825

Sulla flora briologica della peninsola Sor- rentina (G. Negri) 6611

Sulla flora terziaria delle Prealpi Venete (Molon) 6220

Sulla Lecidea Hookeri (A. Massal.) 5599

Sulle piante fossili di Zovencedo (A. Mas- sal.) 5618

Sullo sviluppo di due nuovi Hypocreacei (Mattir.) 5693

Summa animadvers. (A. Massal.) 5595

Summa animadversionum (A. Massal.) IID

Sumatra (Miq.) 6113

Sumatra, ed. germ. (Miq.) 6113


Summer wild flowers (Macbr.) 5151

Sumpf-Wasserpfl. (Ménk.) 6170

Sumpf- und Wasserpflanzen (Monk.) 6170

Suomen kasvio (see J. Norrlin)

Suomen Keltanot (see J. Norrlin)

Suomen Koulokasvio (see J. Norrlin).

Suppl. Alpi versil. (Milani) 6007a

Suppl. Cat. hort. bot. Hafn. (Moerch) 6173

Suppl. dict. jard. (Mill.) 6061

Supplément a la _ Flore (Marie-Vict.) 5415

Supplementary list of Missouri fungi (Ma- neval) 5341

Supplément au dictionnaire des jardiniers (Mill.) 6061

Supplément et extrait des catalogues géné- raux (Linden) 4626

Supplément et extrait du Catalogue des plantes exotiques (Linden) 4623

Supplément illustré au catalogue (Linden) 4627

Supplemento alla flora delle Alpi versiliesi (Milani) 6007a

Supplement to Loudon’s Hortus britanni- cus (Loud.) 5033

Supplement to the flora of Somerset (E. Marsh.) 5456

Supplement to the (More) 6291

Supplementum ad methodum plantas (Moench) 6168

Supplementum Catalogi plantarum horti botanici Hafniensis (Moerch) 6173

Supplementum Florae danicae (Oed.) 7008

Supplementum plantarum (L.) 4817

Supplementum plantarum (L. fil.) 4854

Supplement ‘‘Weeds, poison plants and na- turalized aliens of Victoria’ (P. Morris) 6350

Suppl. FI. laurent. (Marie-Vict.) 5415

Suppl. fl. Somerset (E. Marsh.) 5456

Suppl. fl. vect. (More) 6291

Suppl. fl. Yorkshire (see J. Nowell)

Suppl. Hort. brit. (Loud.) 5033

Suppl. list Missouri fung. (Maneval) 5341

Suppl. Meth. (Moench) 6168

Suppl. pl. (L. fil.) 4854

Suppl. Weeds Victoria (P. Morris) 6350

Sur les érables du Japon (Mig.) 6120

Sur un nouveau genre de la famille des hépatiques (Mont.) 6245

Surv. Australas. Ulota (Malta) 5324

Survey of the Australasian species of Ulota (Malta) 5324

Svampbok (Lindblad) 4612

Svenska arterna af slagtet Equisetum (P. Olsson, Varml.) 7078

Svenska expeditioner till Spetsbergen och Jan Mayen (see A. Malmgren)



Flora vectensis”’



Svenska Ort-slagen (Liljebl.) 4527

Svenska agras (Lyttkens) 5139

Svenska vaxtnamn (Lyttkens) 5140

Svenska vaxtnamn (Nath.) 6647

Svensk fanerogamflora (Lindm.) 4671

Svensk fanerogam-flora (Nym.) 6982

Sv. Equisetum (P. Olsson, Varml.) 7078

Sver. fan. (Nym.) 6983

Sver. fl. (Neuman) 6756

Sveriges fanerogamer (Nym.) 6983

Sveriges flora (Neuman) 6756

Sv. fanerogamfl. (Lindm.) 4671

Sv. fan.-fl. (Nym.) 6982

Sv. flora (see A. Mentz)

Svil. Hypocreac. (Mattir.) 5693

Sviluppo di due nuovi Hypocreacei (Mat- tir.) 5693

Sv. ogras (Lyttkens) 5139

Sv. Ort-slag. (Liljebl.) 4527

Sv. vaxtnamn (Lyttkens) 5140

Sv. vaxtnamn (Nath.) 6647

Sygdomme hos Planterne (Orst.) 7025

Syed. Plant. (Orst.) 7025

Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (see H. Mel- chior)

Syllabus florae siculae (Nicotra) 6794

Syllabus plantarum fossilium (A. Massal.) 5621

Syll. fl. Eur. (Nym.) 6981

Syll. gen. sp. crypt. (Mont.) 6258

Syll. lich. ital. (Jatta) 3301

Syll. obs. bot. (see 6680)

Sylloge florae Europaeae (Nym.) 6981

Sylloge fungorum (see V. Mancini)

Sylloge fungorum (see A. Meschinelli)

Sylloge fungorum fossilium (see A. Meschi- nelli)

Sylloge generum specierumque cryptoga- marum (Mont.) 6258

Sylloge hymenomycetum (see V. Mancini)

Sylloge plantarum novarum (Miq.) 6091

Syll. pl. foss. (A. Massal.) 5621

Symb. ant. (see G. Lindau)

Symb. ant. (see L. Loesener)

Symb. bras. (see J. Mueller Argoviensis)

Symb. fl. bras. (see E. Marchal, N. Mar- chand, M. Masters, C. Meisner, C. Mez. M. Micheki, C. Nordstedt)

Symb. lich.-mycol. (Minks) 6084

Symbolae ad bryologiam jamaicensem (K. Mull. hal.) 6517

Symbolae ad floram ladogensi-karelicam (Norrl.) 6887

Symbolae ad floram surinamensem (Miq.) 6099

Symbolae antillanae (see C. Mez)

Symbolae licheno-mycologicae 6084

Symb. sin. (see J. Nannfeldt)

Symb. sin. (see W. Nicholson)



Symmicta lichenum novorum (A. Massal.) 5604

Symm. lich. nov. (A. Massal.) 5604.

Syn. Apus (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Syn. Aster. herb. (Nees) 6677

Syn. Brit. fl. (Lindl.) 4641

Syn. Charac. eur. (Migula) 5987

Syn. Cladoderris (C. G. Lloyd) 4894

Syn. Cordyceps Australas. (C. G. Lloyd) 4895

Syn. fl. foss. senogall. (A. Massal.) 5616

Syn. fl. Germ. (see C. Nageli)

Syn. fl. Helv. (see J. Monnard)

Syn. Fomes (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Syn. fung. hydnac. (Lindblad) 4610

Syn. hepat. (see J. Lindenberg)

Syn. hepat. (see C. Nees von Esenbeck)

Syn. hepat. eur. (Lindenb.) 4630

Syn. Hexagona (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Syn. junc. (E. Mey.) 5919

Syn. large Pyrenomyc. (C. G. Lloyd) 4897

Syn. Lespedez. (Maxim.) 5729

Syn. lich. Nov. Caled. (Nyl.) 6954

Syn. Luzul. (E. Mey.) 5920

Syn. meth. lich. (Nyl.) 6945, 6979

Syn. musc. frond. (K. Mill. hal.) 6496

Syn. mycol. Venet. (Mancini) 5335

Syn. Mycophyt. (Marchand) 5387

Syn. nouv. fl. Paris (Mérat) 5835

Synonimia plantarum (Nocca) 6835

Synopsis Characearum europaearum (Mi- gula) 5987

Synopsis de la nouvelle flore des environs de Paris (Mérat) 5835

Synopsis des Mycophytes (Marchand) 5387

Synopsis der Saprolegniaceeen (Lindst.) 4087

Synopsis Drabarum Scandinaviae (Lind- ~ blom) 4614a Synopsis filicum M’ Ken)

Synopsis florae fossilis senogalliensis (A. Massal.) 5616

Synopsis fungorum hydnaceorum (Lind- blad) 4610

Synopsis generis Lespedezae (Maxim.) 5729

Synopsis hepaticarum europaearum (Lin- denb.) 4630

Synopsis juncorum (E. Mey.) 5919

Synopsis lichenum Novae Caledoniae (Nyl.) 6954

Synopsis Luzularum (E. Mey.) 5920

Synopsis methodica lichenum (Nyl.) 6945, 6979

Synopsis muscorum frondosorum omnium hucusque cognitorum (K. Mull. hal.)


capensium (see M.

Synopsis mycologiae Venetae secundum matrices (Mancini) 5335

Synopsis of some genera of the large pyreno- mycetes (C. G. Lloyd) 4897

Synopsis of the British flora (Lindl.) 4641

Synopsis of the Cordyceps of Australasia (C. G. Lloyd) 4895

Synopsis of the genus Cladoderris (C. G. Lloyd) 4894

Synopsis of the genus Fomes (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Synopsis of the genus Hexagona (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Synopsis of the known phalloids (C. G. Lloyd) 4892

Synopsis of the orders, genera, and species of Mycetozoa (List.) 4876

Synopsis of the section Apus of the genus Polyporus (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Synopsis of the stipitate Polyporoids (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Synopsis of the stipitate Stereums (C. G. Lloyd) 4894

Synopsis Ovinus (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Synopsis Phycophytes (Marchand) 5388

Synopsis plantarum bicornium europaea- rum (Nym.) 6980

Synopsis plantarum diaphoricarum florae ingricae (Meinsh.) 5799

Synopsis plantarum horti botanici ticinen- sis (Nocca) 6834

Synopsis plantarum vascularium (Lindeb. ) 4615

Synopsis specierum generis Asterum herba- cearum (Nees) 6677

Synopsis Veronicarum (Moretti) 6306

Synoptical table of the british ferns (Newm.) 6777

Syn. Ovinus (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Syn. phalloids (C. G. Lloyd) 4892

Syn. Phycophyt. (Marchand) 5388

Synon. pl. (Nocca) 6835

Syn. pl. diaph. ingr. (Meinsh.) 5799

Syn. pl. hort. ticin. (Nocca) 6834

Syn. Polystictus (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Syn. Saprolegn. (Lindst.) 4687

Syn. stip. Polyporoids (C. G. Lloyd) 4893

Syn. tabl. brit. ferns (Newm.) 6777

Syn Veronic. (Moretti) 6306

Syst. arr. Austral. fungi (Mc Alpine) 5144

Syst. arr. Brit. pl. (W. MacGillivray) 5173

Syst. Beschr. Arzneigew. (Maly) 5326

Syst. Beschr. Kohlart. (Metzg.) 5888

Syst. Beschr. Osterr. Med.-Pfl. (Maly) 5332

Syst. bot. N. China (Liu) 4880

Syst. census Austral. pl. (F. v. Muell.) 6427

Systema laurinarum (Nees) 6692

Systema materiae medicae vegetabilis

(Mart.) 554! Systema naturae (L.) 4709, 4721, 4722,


4739, 4742, 4745, 4829, 4832.

Systema naturae epitomen (L.) 4843

Systema piperacearum (Miq.) 6098

Systema plantarum Europae (L.) 4760

Systematic arrangement of Australian fun- gi (McAlpine) 5144

Systematic arrangement of British plants (W. MacGillivray) 5173

Systematic botany North China (Liu) 4880

Systematic census of Australian plants (F. v. Muell.) 6427

Systematische Beschreibung der gebrauch- lichsten in Deutschland wildwachsenden oder kultivirten Arzneigewachse (Maly) 5326

Systematische Beschreibung der in Oster- reich wildwachsenden und kultivirten Medicinal-Pflanzen (Maly) 5332

Systematische Beschreibung der kultivirten Kohlarten (Metzg.) 5888

Systematisches Verzeichniss 6339

Systematisches Verzeichniss der an den Ufern des Rheins wild wachsenden Pflanzen (Meigen) 5791

Systematisches Verzeichnis der in der Oberlausiz wild wachsenden Pflanzen (Oettel) 7036

Systematische Uebersicht der Erscheinun- gen im Pflanzenreich (Nag.) 6608

Systematische und pflanzengeographische Gliederung der afrikanischen Senecio- Arten (Muschl.) 6589

Systema vegetabilium (L.) 4709, 4769

Systema vegetabilium (see 4864)

Systema vegetabilium editio decima quarta (J. A. Murray) 6575

Systema vegetabilium editio decima quinta (J. A. Murray) 6578

Systema vegetabilium, editio decima tertia (L.) 4844a

Systema vegetabilium editio decima tertia (see J. Murray)

Systembildung und Phylogenie der Gat- tung Cladonia (Mattick) 5689

System der Pilze (T. Nees) 6703

System der Pilze (Orst.) 7034

System der Pilze und Schwamme (Nees) 6675

Systéme des plantes (Mouton-Font.) 6383, 6384

System of vegetables (L.) 4799, 4844a

Syst. Glied. afr. Senecio (Muschl.) 6589

Syst. laur. (Nees) 6692

Syst. mat. med. bras. (Mart.) 5541

Syst. nat. (L.) 4709

Syst. nat. ed. 2 (L.) 4721

Syst. nat. ed. 3 (L.) 4722

Syst. nat. ed. 4 (L.) 4730

4747, 4799; 47945




Syst. nat. ed. 5 (L.) 4742 Syst. nat. ed. 6 (L.) 4745 Syst. nat. ed. 7 (L.) 4747 Syst. nat. ed. g (L.) 4790 Syst. nat. ed. ro (L.) 4794 Syst. nat. ed. 12 (L.) 4829 Syst. nat. ed. 13 (L.) 4832

Syst. nat. ed. [8], regn. veg. (L.) 4768

Syst. nat. epitom. (L.) 4843

Syst. nat. epitom. (see 4829)

Syst. orb. (see T. Nees von Esenbeck)

Syst. Pilze (T. Nees) 6703

Syst. Pilze (Orst.) 7034

Syst. Pilze (Nees) 6675

Syst. piperac. (Miq.) 6098

Syst. pl. (Mouton-Font.) 6383, 6384

Syst. pl. Europ. (see 4920)

Syst. Uebers. Erschein. Pflanzenr. (Nag.) 6608

Syst. Uebers. Pfl. (see C. Nees von Esen- beck) :

Syst. veg. ed. 13 (L.) 4844a

Syst. veg. ed. 14 (J. A. Murray) 6575

Syst. veg. ed. 15 (J. A. Murray) 6578

Syst. Verz. (Moritzi) 6339

Syst. Verz. (see F. Miquel)

Syst. Verz. Oberlausiz Pfl. (Oettel) 7036

Syst. Verz. Ufern Rheins Pfl. (Meigen)


Tablas botanicas (Ort.) 7108, 7110

Tab. bot. (Ort.) 7108, 7110

Tabl. concord. genres (Mouton-Font.) 6386

Tabl. dendrol. (J. M. Morel) 6296

Tableau dendrologique (J. M. Morel) 6296

Tableau des provinces situées sur la cote occidentale de la Mer caspienne (M.- Bieb.) 5451

Tableau des systémes de (Mouton-Font.) 6381

Tableaux de concordance des genres d’un Pinax des plantes européennes (Mouton- Font.) 6386

Tableaux Lichenographia scandinavica (H. Olivier) 7066

Tabl. Lichenogr. Scand. (H. Olivier) 7066

Tabl. prov. Mer casp. (M.-Bieb.) 5451

Tabl. syst. bot. (Mouton-Font.) 6381

Tab. pl. termin. (Oskamp) 7126

Tabulae botanicae (Ort.) 7108, 7110

Tabulae plantarum terminologiae (Os- kamp) 7126

Tal om jordenes tillvaxt (L.) 4727

Tal om planteringar (Lindb.) 4507

Tal planter. (Linb.) 4507

Taraxacum Finland (H. Lindb.) 4569

Taraxacum-Flora Estlands (Markl.) 5433

Taraxacum-former fran Finland (H. Lindb.) 4569



Tarax.-Fl. Estl. (Markl.) 5433

Taschenb. Bot. (Mossler) 6174

Taschenb. teut. Fl. (Herold) 2689

Taschenb. Fl. Deutschl. (G. Lorinser) 5008

Taschenb. Fl. Trier (M. Loehr) 4924

Taschenbuch der Botanik (Mossler) 6174

Taschenbuch der Flora Deutschlands und der Schweiz (G. Lorinser) 5008

Taschenbuch der Flora von Trier (M. Loehr) 4924

Taschenworterbuch der botanischen Kunst- ausdricke fiir Gartner (see W. Monke- meyer).

Taxon (see A. Meyer-Abich)

Taxonomical and plant-geographical stu- dies in the Poa laxa group (Nannf.) 6633

Tax. stud. Poa laxa (Nannf.) 6633

Tegenwoordige standpunt der evolutieleer (Lotsy) 5018

Tenasserim (F. Mason) 5583a

Tentamen florae homericae (Miq.) 6087

Tentamen florae Ussuriensis (see R. Maak)

Tentamen historiae lichenum (Luyk.) 5116

Tentamen hydrophytologiae danicae (Lyngb.) 5118 Tentamen in_ historiam plantarum

Theophrasti (Moldenh.) 6197

Tentamen monographiae trifoliorum (Lo- Jac.) 4965

Tentamen systematis Caprifoliacearum ja- ponicarum (Nakai) 6625

Tentativo diretto ad illustrare la sinonimia delle specie del genere Saxifraga (Moret- ti) 6302

Tent. fl. lutchu (see J. Matsumura)

Tent. hist. lich. (Luyk.) 5116

Tent. hist. pl. Theophr. (Moldenh.) 6197

Tent. hydrophytol. dan. (Lyngb.) 5118

Tent. monogr. trifol. (Lojac.) 4965

Térébinthacées (Marchand) 5383

Term. bot. (L.) 4813

Term. bot.-crypt. (Nocca) 6840

Termini botanici (L.) 4799, 4813

Termini botanico-cryptogamici (Nocca) 6840

Tetrapt. (Nied.) 6808

Text-book fung. (Massee) 5660

Text-book of fungi (Massee) 5660

Thamniola genere (A. Massal.) 5609

Theodora speciosa (Medik.) 5771

Thesaurus (Lindau) 4556

Thesaurus (see E. Meyer)

Thesaurus litteraturae mycologicae et li- chenologicae (Lindau) 4556

Third record on Kansas weeds (see J. Nor- ton)

Thirty-eight plates (Martyn) 5569

Thousand Amer. fungi (MclIlv.) 5178

Three exped. Australia (T. Mitch.) 6131

Three expeditions into the interior of ea- stern Australia (T. Mitch.) 6131 Thymelaearum, Palmarum, Pandanea- rum, Graminearum, Cycadearum et Fi- licum Species seleetae (Miq.) 6105 Ticinensis horti academici plantae selectae (Nocca) 6831 Ticin. hort. pl. (Nocca) 6831 Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Siisswassers (see E. Migula) Tijdschrift voor de wis- en natuurkundige wetenschappen (see F. Miquel) Til belysning af Slaegten Viburnum (Orst.) 7021 Timber pines of the Southern United States (C. Mohr) 6192 Timber pines south. U.S. (C. Mohr) 6192 Timmiae observ. (Lindb.) 4579 Tironcin. bot. edinb. (L.) 4710 Tirocinium botanicum edinburgense (L.) sei) Topographische Nachrichten von der Insel Oesel (Lucé) 5054a Topogr. bot. (see W. Newbould) Topogr. Nachr. Oesel (Lucé) 5054a Torf-Leberm. (Lorch) 4982 Torfmossornas byggnad (Lind.) 4574 Torfmossornas byggnad, utbreding och systematiska uppstallning (see 4604) Torf- und Lebermoose (Lorch) 4982 Tortulis et ceteris Trichostomeis europaeis (Lindb.) 4578 Tournefort’s history of plants (J. Martyn) 5564 Tourn. hist. pl. (J. Martyn) 5564 Tourrette (Magnin) 5225 Traeer buske Danm. Skove (B. Moller) 6156 Traeer og buske i Danmarks Skove (B. Médller) 6156 Traité arbr. arbriss. (Mouill.) 6378 Traité arbr. arbust. (see C. de Mirbel) Traité arbr. arbust. (see J. Loiseleur- Deslongchamps) Traité champ. (L. Morel) 6297 Traité champ. (Noulet) 6908 Traité Citronier (Michel) 5967 . Traité des arbres & arbrisseaux (Mouill.) 6378 Traité des arbres, arbrisseaux et arbustes de nos foréts (Oelhafen) 7011 Traité des champignons (L. Morel) 6297 Traité du Citronier (Michel) 5967 Traité du mycitol. (Neck.) 6668 Traité sur la mycitologie (Neck.) 6668 Transmutatione frumentorum (L.) 4793 Transmut. frument. (L.) 4793 Tratado de plantas de Aragon (Loscos) DO Trat. pl. Aragon (Loscos) 5013


Trav. Chile (Miers) 5980

Travels (Markham) 5427

Travels in Chile and La Plata (Miers) 5980

Travels in Peru and India (Markham) D477],

Travels in the Othoman empire (G. Oli- vier) 7065

Travels through Louisiana (Loefl.) 4921

Travels to the westward of the Allegany mountains (F. Michx.) 5959

Treas. bot. (Lindb.) 4660

Treasury of botany (Lindb.) 4660

Treat. agric. grass. (Murphy) 6561

Treatise on the agricultural grasses (Mur- phy) 6561

Trees and shrubs (Loud.) 5032

Trees and shrubs indigenous in Japan (Na- kai) 6626

Trees and shrubs of South Dakota (Over) 7168

Trees and shrubs of the Rocky Mountain region (Longyear) 4973

Trees and the shrubs (Newh.) 6772

Trees Illinois (R. B. Mill.) 6062

Trees in Kansas (Mohler) 6189

Trees Kansas (Mohler) 6189

Trees n.e. Amer. (Newh.) 6772

Trees of Illinois (R. B. Mill.) 6062

Trees of northeastern America (Newh.) 6772

Trees of Trinidad and Tobago (R. Marsh.) 5460

Trees Wyoming (A. Nels.) 6730

Trees of Wyoming (A. Nels.) 6730

Trees Rocky Mt. (Longyear) 4973

Trees shrubs Japan (Nakai) 6626

Trees shrubs $8. Dakota (Over) 7168

Trees Trinidad Tobago (R. Marsh.) 5460

Tre lich. Nuov. Zelanda (A. Massal.) 5625

Trichterl. Clitocybe (Nuesch) 6918

Trichterlinge Clitocybe (Ntiesch) 6918

Tritic. def. (Mazzuc.) 5763

Triticorum definitiones (Mazzuc.) 5763

Troisiéme voyage de J. Linden (Linden) 4625

Tropical Polypores (Murrill) 6586

Trop. Polypor. (Murrill) 6586

Truffe (Mouill.) 6376

Truffe eur. (Malengon) 5291

Truffes européennes (Malengon) 5291

Tuburcinia (Lindr.) 4678

Two memoirs on the ferns flowering plants, and land shells of Madeira and Porto Santo (R. Lowe) 5047

Tylostomeae (C. G. Lloyd) 4889

Types Amer. grasses (Hitchc.) 2601

Tyrrhenis (Major) 5278

Uber die bartmiindigen Enzianarten

(Nees) 6676



Ueber die botanische Erforschung des K6- nigreiches Bayern ( Mart.) 5543

Ueber die Embryologie von Ruppia rostel- lata (Murb.) 6553

Uber die Flora’ der Braunkohlen-Ablagerungen 5832

Ueber die Gattungen Calicanthus, Mera- tia, Punica (T. Nees) 6700

Ueber die Gattungen Melocactus und Echinocactus (Link) 4698

Uber die Gattung Tuburcinia (Lindr.) 4678

Ueber die geografischen Verhaltnisse der Lorbeergewachse (Meisn.) 5808

Uber die Hymenophyllaceae (Mett.) 5885

Ueber die in altaégyptischen Texten er- wahnten Baume (C. Moldenke) 6198

Ueber die Lebenskrafte (Link) 4690

Ueber insectenbewohnende Pilze (Lindau) 4549

Ueber die Leiter der Natur (Link) 4690

Uber die Natur der Schachtelhalme (G. Mey.) 5934

Uber neue, seltene und vermeinte Ustilagi- neen (Lindr.) 4680

Ueber nordamerikanische Baume und Straucher (Med.) 5776a

Senftenberger (Menzel)

Uber die nordamerikanischen Weiden (Muhl.) 6538 Ueber die Ostindischen Thymelaen

(Meisn.) 5806

Ueber die Pflanzen-Namen in der Tupi- Sprache (Mart.) 5548

Uber die seltenen nordischen Pflanzen in den Alpen (Noack) 6829

Uber die Zimmtrosen (C. A. Mey.) 5913

Ueber einige Arten aus der Familie der Saprolegniaceae (Lindst.) 4686

Ueber einige aus kinstlicher Befruchtung gewonnen Hieracium-Bastarde (Men- del) 5819

Uber einige Cornus-Arten (C. A. Mey.) 5910

Uber einige Farngattungen (Mett.) 5881

Ueber einige kiinstliche Geschlechter aus der Malven-Familie (Medik.) 5772

Ueber Ophrys insectifera (Moger.) 6183

Uber Schott’s Analecta botanica (Neilr.) 6726

Uebersicht tiber die schlesische Laubmoos- Flora (Milde) 6017

Uebers. schles. Laubm.-Fl. (Milde) 6017

Ueber zwei kritische Hyphomyceten (E. Loew) 4944

Umbelliferen der zweiten Regnell’schen Reise (Malme) 5307

Umbelliferen-Uredineen (Lindr.) 4674

Umbell. Regnell. Reise (Malme) 5307

Umbell.-Ured. (Lindr.) 4674


Uniachter Acacien-Baum (Med.) 5779

Unacht. Acacien-Baum (Med.) 5779

Una gita al Gran Sasso d'Italia (Marches.) 5390

Una passeggiata alle Alpi Carniche (Mar- ches.) 5392

Unsere wichtigsten Pilze in Wort und Bild (W. Oberm.) 6991

Unterirdischen Rhizomorphen 6684

Unterird. Rhizomorph. (Nees) 6684

Unters. Morph. Anat. Eryng. (Moebius) 6146

Unters. nied. Pilze (Nag.) 6616

Untersuchungen tuber die Morphologie und Anatomie der monokotylen- ahnlichen Eryngien (Moebius) 6146

Untersuchungen tiber niedere Pilze (Nag.) 6616

Uppstallning af familjen Funariaceae (Lindb.) 4582

Ured. fenn. (Lindb.) 4677

Uredineae austro-americanae (see F. Neger)

Uredineae et Ustilagineae fuegianae a P. Dusén collectae (see F. Neger)

Uredineae finnicae (Lindr.) 4677

Uredineae novae (Lindr.) 4672a

Uredineae veronenses (C. Massal.) 5628

Ured. nov. (Lindr.) 4672a

Ured. veron. (C. Massal.) 5628

Usef. nat. pl. Australia (Maiden) 5257

Usef. pl. Bombay (Lisboa) 4870

Useful native plants of Australia (Maiden) 5257

Useful plants of the Bombay presidency (Lisboa) 4870

Usnea (Motyka) 6369

Ustilagineen Finnlands (Lindb.) 4679

Ustil. Finnl. (Lindr.) 4679

Usum muse. (L.) 4828

Utkast Eur. bladmoss. (Lindb.) 4600

Utkast Sv. fl. (Liljebl.) 4528

Utkast til en Svensk flora (Liljebl.) 4528

Utkast till en naturlig gruppering af Euro- pas bladmossor (Lindb.) 4600

Utkast till vaxt-geografien (Meyden) 5894

Utredning af de skandinaviska Seligeriae (Lindb.) 4577

Utredning af Skandinaviens Porellaformer (Lindb.) 4589

Utredn. Skand. Porella (Lindb.) 4589


Vaxtsjukdomar (Orst.) 7025

Vegas fard kring Asien och Europa (see A. Nordenskidld)

Vasc. pl. Nov. Zemlya (Lynge) 5123

Vascular plants from Novaya Zemlya (Lynge) 5123

Veg. Chatham-Isl. (F. v. Muell .) 6400

Veg. Dutch E. Ind. (Ochse) 6998

Vegetable kingdom (Lindl.) 4655

Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies (Och- se) 6998

Vegetable teratology (Mast.) 5664

Vegetagao no Rio Grande do Sul (Lindm.) 4665

Vegetacion del Nordeste de Entre-Rios (Lorentz) 4996

Vegetacion de México (M. Martens) 5486

Vegetali alimentari spontanei (Mattir.) ype)

Vegetation and flora of Lord Howe’s Island (W. Oliver) 7061

Végétation de la region lyonnaise (Ma- gnin) 5226

Vegetation der Umgebung von Kalocsa (Menyh.) 5931

Végétation du Spitzberg (Martins) 5509

Vegetationen i Rio Grande do Sul (Lindm.) 4665

Vegetatione plantarum (Ludw.) 5059

Vegetatione Scaniae dissertatio (Meurling) 5893

Vegetation Nordthtiringens (Lutze) 5114

Vegetation of Petén (C. Lundell) 5101

Vegetation of the Chatham-Islands (F. v. Muell.) 6400

Vegetation of the Kermadec Islands (W. Oliver) 7060

Vegetation of the Peak district (Moss) 6357

Vegetation of Western Patagonia (see 5190)

Vegetations-Verhaltnisse der Argentini- schen Republik (Lorentz) 4995

Vegetationsverhaltnisse von (Neilr.) 6725

Vegetation und Flora des Sylenegebietes (Nordh.) 6860

Vegetativ embryobildning (see 6550)

Végétaux fossiles de Normandie (Lign.)


Vegetazione della collina di Torino (G. Ne- gri) 6710

Vegetazione delle colline di Crea (G. Ne- gri) 6712

Vegetazione di Monte Bracco (G. Negri) 6718

Veg. FI. Sylenegeb. (Nordh.) 6860

Vég. foss. Normandie (Lign.) 4524

Veg. Kalocsa (Menyh.) 5931

Veg. kingd. (Lindl.) 4655

Veg. Nordeste (Lorentz) 4996

Veg. Nordthiir (Lutze) 5114

Veg. Peak distr. (Moss) 6357

Veg. Petén (C. Lundell) 5101

Veg. pl. mar. (Ludw.) 5059

' Vég. rég. lyonn. (Magnin) 5226

Veg. Rio Grande do Sul (Lindm.) 4665

Veg. Scan. (Meurling) 5893

Vég. Spitzberg (Martins) 5509




Veg. teratol. (Mast.) 5664

Veg.-Verh. Argent. (Lorentz) 4995

Veg.-Verh. Croatien (Neilr.) 6725

Veiledn. Dyrkn. glac. Pl. (N. Moe) 6145

Veiledning till Dyrkning af glaciale, alpins- ke og arctiske Planter (N. Moe) 6145

Verbreitung der Palmen in der alten Welt (Mart.) 5537

Verbreitung der Schlesischen Laubmoose (Milde) 6016

Verbr. Palm. (Mart.) 5537

Verbr. Schles. Laubm. (Milde) 6016

Vergleichende Anatomie des Holzes der Ebenaceen (Molisch) 6207

Vergleichende Arealkunde (see Meusel)

Vergleichende Chorologie der zentraleuro- paischen Flora (see Meusel)

Vergleichende Untersuchungen tber den Bau des Holzes der Compositen, Caprifo- liaceen und Rubiaceen (P. Michael)

5953 Vergl. Unters. Holz. Compos. (P. Michael)


Verheerungen der Innerste (G. Mey.) 5931

Verklaring van de beteekenis der geslachts- namen (Oudem.) 7162

Vermischte botanische Schriften (see E. Meyer)

Vermischte botanische Schriften (see C. Nees von Esenbeck)

Vermischte Schriften botanischen Inhalts (Mohl) 6187

Verm. Schr. (Mohl) 6187

Vernatio arb. (L.) 4770

Vernatio arborum (L.) 4770

Vers. Anordn. Agaric. (J. Otto) 7143

Vers. Comm. Pfl. Marcegr. (Mart.) 5546

Vers. Darstell. Rubus (P. J. Miill.) 6525

Vers. Fl. Ufer Niederrheins (Meigen) 5792

Vers. Monogr. Ephedra (C. A. Mey) 5911

Vers. Monogr. Sennesbl. (C. Mart.) 5551

Vers. Monogr. Stachelbeer. (H. Maurer) 5716

Vers. Naturgesch. Chili (Molina) 6206

Vers. Stammesgesch. Pilzr. (Mez) 5949

Versuch Anordnung Agaricorum (J. Otto) 7143

Versuch einer Flora der Ufer des Nieder- rheins (Meigen) 5792

Versuch einer monografischen Darstellung der Gattung Rubus (P. J. Mill.) 6525

Versuch einer Monographie der Gattung Ephedra (C. A. Mey.) 5912

Versuch einer Monographie der Gattung Ephedra (C. A. Mey.) 5911

Versuch einer Monographie der Sennes- blatter (C. Mart.) 5551

Versuch einer Monographie der Stachel- beeren (H. Maurer) 5716



Versuch einer Naturgeschichte von Chili (Molina) 6206

Versuch einer Stammesgeschichte des Pilz- reiches (Mez) 5949

Versuch eines Commentars tiber die Pflan- zen in den Werken von Marcgrav und Piso uber Brasilien, Kryptogamen (Mart.) 5546

Versuch tiber die Metamorphose der Pflan- zen (see E. Meyer)

Versuche iiber Pflanzenhybriden (Mendel) 5818

Verz. ausland. Baume (Moench) 6166

Verz. Baume Gestrauche Staudengew. (Ohlend.) 7039

Verz. Causasus Pfl. (C. A. Mey.) 5909, 5916

Verzeichniss auslandischer Stauden (Moench) 6166

Verzeichniss der aus Finland bekannten Ramularia-Arten (Lindr.) 4675

Verzeichniss der Europaischen Laubmoose (Lorentz) 4989

Verzeichnis der Farn- und Bliitenpflanzen des Deutschen Reiches (Mansf.) 5362

Verzeichniss der Gefasspflanzen von Schaffhausen (Merklein) 5848

Verzeichniss der Gefasspflanzen von Zofin- gen (Luscher) 5084

Verzeichniss der im Freien ausdauernden Baume, Gestrauche und Staudenge- wachse (Ohlend.) 7039

Verzeichniss der in den Lichtdrucktafeln Mollerscher | Diatomaceen-Praparate enthaltenen Arten (J. D. Méller) 6161

Verzeichniss der Kolenati in dem mittlern Theile des Causasus, gesammelten Pflan- zen (C. A. Mey.) 5916

Verzeichniss der Ostreichischen Baume (Maerter) 5218

Verzeichniss der 6streichischen Gewachse (Maerter) 5217

Verzeichniss der Pflanzen des Caspischen Meeres (C. A. Mey.) 5901

Verzeichniss der Pflanzen die in der Umge- bung von Arnstadt wildwachsen (Nico- lai) 6786

Verzeichniss preussischer Flechten (Oh- lert) 7040

Verzeichnis der um G6ttingen wildwach- senden Pflanzen (Londes) 4971

Verzeichniss von Gewachshaus-Pflanzen (Ed. Otto) 7141

Verzeichniss zu der Flora danica (Oed.) 7007

Verz. Eur. Laubm. (Lorentz) 4989

Verz. Fl. dan. (Oed.) 7007

Verz. Gefasspfl. Schaffhausen (Merklein) 5848

Verz. Gefasspfl. Zofingen (Liischer) 5084

Baume und


Verz. Gewachsh.-Pfl. (Ed. Otto) 7141

Verz. Gott. Pfl. (Londes) 4971

Verz. Lichtdrucktaf. Diat.-Prap. (J. D. Moller) 6161

Verz. dstreich. Baume (Maerter) 5218

Verz. Ostreich. Gew. (Maerter) 5217

Verz. Pfl. (G. Krauss) 3925

Verz. Pfl. Arnstadt (Nicolai) 6786

Verz. Pfl. Gasp. Meer. (C. A. Mey.) 5901

Verz. Pfl. Deut. Reich. (Mansf.) 5362

Verz. Saisang-nor Pfl. (see C. von Meyer)

Vesicarius-Gruppe der Gattung Rumex (Murb.) 6554

Vesicarius-Gruppe Rumex (Murb.) 6554

Viagg. bot. Gargano (Licopoli) 4504

Viaggio bot. Alp. Giulie (Mazzuc.) 5762

Viaggio botanico al Gargano (Licopoli) 4504

Viaggio botanico all’ Alpi Giulie (Mazzuc.) 5762

Viburn. adumbr. (Orst.) 7021

Viburni generis adumbratio (Orst.) 7021

Victoria regia (Lindl.) 4650

Viermannerbuch (see F. Noll)

Vindiciae nominum trivialium (J. A. Mur- ray) 6574

Vindic. nom. triv. (J. A. Murray) 6574

Vines n.e. America (Newh.) 6775

Vines of northeastern America (Newh.) 6775

Violae Sueciae exsiccatae (see S. Murbeck)

Violae Sueciae exsiccatae (see L. Neuman)

Viola ipecacuanha (L.) 4847

Vires pl. (L.) 4739

Vires plantarum (L.) 4739

Virgilia (L’Heér.) 4487

Virgil. limone (Nocca) 6844

Viribus plantarium cultura (Ludw.) 5069

Virid. florent. (X. Manetti) 5339

Viridarium (Moriarty) 6316

Viridarium florentinum (X. Manetti) 5339

Viridiarum cliffortianum (L.) 4719

Vir. pl. cult. (Ludw.) 5069

Vochysiaceen Matto Grossos (Malme) Bare

Vochysiac. Matto Grossos (Malme) 5314

Vollstandiges Pflanzensystem (Merrem) 5851

Vollst. Pfl.-Syst. (Merrem) 5851

Von Spitzbergen zur Sahara (Martins) 5508

Vorarbeiten zu einer Kryptogamenflora von Mahren und Osterr. Schlesien. ii. Pilze und Myxomyceten (Niessl) 6819

Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Gattung Fraxinus (see A. von Lingels- heim)

Vorlaufiges Verzeichniss Landwirtschaft-


lich oder gartnerisch kultivierter Pflan- zenarten (see R. Mansfeld)

Vorles. Desz.-Theor. (Lotsy) 5015

Vorlesungen tuber Deszendenztheorien (Lotsy) 5015

Vorschlage zur Nomenklatur der parasiti- schen Pilze (Magnus) 5241

Vorstudien zu einer Monographie der Aquifoliaceen (Loes.) 4934

Vorstudien zu einer Pilzflora Westfalens (Lindau) 4547

Vorstud. Monogr. Aquifol. (Loes.) 4934

Vorstud. Pilzfl. Westfal. (Lindau) 4547

Vortrage uber botanische Stammesge- schichte (Lotsy) 5016

Vortrage tber die Florenreiche (Mart.) 5549

Vortr. bot. Stammesgesch. (Lotsy) 5016

Vortr. Florenreiche (Mart.) 5549

Vorz. essb. Schwamme (J. C. Mayer) 5747

Vorziigliche einheimische essbare Schwamme (J. C. Mayer) 5747

Voyage a louest des monts Alléghanys (F. Michx.) 5959

Voyage botanique au Sahara (Massart) 5650

Voyage botanique le long des cotes septen- trionales de la Norvége (Martins) 5506

Voyage dans la Haute Egypte (Nectoux) 6673

Voyage dans l’Amerique méridionale (A. D. d’Orb.) 7095

Voyage dans |’Amérique méridionale, Bo- tanique (Mont.) 6237

Voyage dans l’Amérique méridionale. Pal- miers (Mart.) 5540

Voyage dans empire Othoman (G. Ohi- vier) 7065

Voyage d’exploration scientifique en Co- lombie (Mayor) 5750

Voyage d’exploration scientifique en Co- lombie (see 4562)

Voyage to China and the East Indies (Os- beck) 7123

Voy. Amérique mér. 7(3) Palmiers (Mart. ) 5949

Voy. Amér. mér. (A. D. d’Orb.) 7095

Voy. Amér. mérid., Bot. (Mont.) 6237

Voy. Bonite Bot. (see J. Montagne)

Voy. bot. cotes Norvége (Martins) 5506

Voy. China (Osbeck) 7123 ~

Voy. emp. Othoman (G. Olivier) 7065

Voy. explor. Colombie (Mayor) 5750

Voy. Haute Egypte (Nectoux) 6673

Voy. Indes Or. (see J. Montagne)

Voy. Madera Jamaica (see 4806)

Voy. ouest Alléghanys (F. Michx.) 5959

Voy. Pole Sud. PI. cell. (see J. Montagne)

Voy. Scandinavie Recherche (Martine)



Vruchten en vruchtenteelt in Nederlandsch-Oost-Indié (Ochse) 6997 Vrucht. Ned. O. Ind. (Ochse) 6997

Wald. Nordamer. (Mayr) 5751

Waldungen von Nordamerika aoe

Waldung. Jap. (Mayr) 5753

Webbia (see U. Martelli)

Weeds (Muenscher) 6532

Weeds, poison plants and naturalized aliens of Victoria (see 6350)

Weeweis. bot. Gart. Miinchen (Mart.) 5544

Weeweiser fiir die Besucher des k. botani- schen Gartens in Munchen ( Mart.) 5544

Weiden Now. Zeml. (Lundstr.) 5110

Weiden Nowaja Semljas (Lundstr.) 5110

Weissspor. Hygrophor. (Niiesch) 6916

Weisssporigen Hygrophoreen (Nuesch) 6916

Wesentlichen Kennzeichen der deutschen und nordamerikanischen Holzarten und Forstkrauter (Moser) 6356

West American Scientist (see C. Orcutt)

Westfalens Laubmoose (see H. Miller)

Western Polypores (Murrill) 6585

West. Polypor. (Murrill) 6585

Wichtigsten Schwamme (F’. Lorinser) 5007

Wicht. Pilze (W. Oberm.) 6991

Wicht. Schwamme (F. Lorinser) 5007

Wild flowers of the Undercliff (C. O’Brien) 6993

Wild flowers of Western Canada (W. C. McCalla) 5156

Wild fl. Undercliff (C. O’Brien) 6993

Wild fl. W. Canada (W. C. McCalla) 5156

Willemetia (Neck.) 6669

Wilmington fl. (McCarthy) 5157

Wilmington flora (McCarthy) 5157

Wimmerbey-florans phanerogamer Lund) 5097

Wimmerbey-fl. phan. (A. Lund) 5097

Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, Botanik (Mildbr.) 6008

Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der zweiten deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, Botanik (Mildbr.) 6009

Wiss. erg. deut. Zentr. -Afr. Exped., Bot. (Mildbr.) 6008

Wiss. Erg. zweit. deut. Zentr.-Afr. Exped., Bot. (Mildbr.) 6009

Withering’s British plants (W. MacGilliy- ray) 5173

Worterbuch der deutschen Pflanzennamen (see H. Marzell)


Xylaria (C. G. Lloyd) 4900 Xylaria notes (C. G. Lloyd) 4900



Xyridaceae brasilienses (Malme) 5299

Xyridaceen der ersten Regnell’schen Expe- dition (Malme) 5295

Xyridaceen Regnell. Exped. (Malme) 5295

Xyrid. bras. (Malme) 5299

Xyris L, Untergattung Nematopus (Mal- me) 5315a

Xyris Nematopus (Malme) 5315a

Yderligere Bidrag til karplanternes ud- bredning (Norm.) 6880

Yeasts (see J. Lodder)

Young Lady’s book of botany (see J. W. Loudon)

Yuccas of the Southwestern United States (McKelv.) 5185

Yuccas Southw. U.S. (McKelv.) 5185

Zahlenverh. Frukt.-Org. Pfl. (Meinecke) S197

Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Botanik (Nag.) 6605

Zimmtrosen (C. A. Mey.) 5913

Zoocecidea et Cecidiozoa imprimis provinciae rhe- nanae (see J. Niessen)

Zool. adriat. (Olivi) 7063

Zoologia adriatica (Olivi) 7063

Zoologist (see E. Newman)

Zoophycos (A. Massal.) 5607


Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Juniperus communis (Norén) 6873

Zur Flora prussica (Lorek) 4983

Zur Flora von Queensland (Luerss.) 5078

Zur fossilen Flora der Polarlander (Nath.) 6649

Zur Geschichte der Mykologie (Litjeh.) 5088

Zur Kulmflora Spitzbergens (Nath.) 6649

Zur mesozoischen Flora Spitzbergens (Nath.) 6644

Zur Moosflora der Zillertaler Alpen (Loes- ke) 4939

Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Gat- tung Alchemilla (Murb.) 6555

Zur oberdevonischen Flora der Baren-Insel (Nath.) 6645

Zur palaozoischen Flora der arktischen zo- ne (Nath.) 6643

Zusammenstellung der Lebermoose aus dem Reichslande Elsass-Lothringen (K. Mull. frib.) 6491

Zusammenstellung der Lichenen der Pro- vinz Preussen (Ohlert) 7041

Zwei Hyphomyc. (E. Loew) 4944

Zwei Pflanzengeogr. Dokum. (see E. Meyer)

Z. wiss. Bot. (Nag.) 6605

Index to Names

This index contains the names of authors, collectors, botanical explorers, patrons of botanists, botanical artists, and other collaborators, as well as personal surnames that have been immortalized in names of genera. Also included are abbreviations listed for author names. The names of ships that carried early exploring expeditions to remote parts of the world are included in this index too, because the user may only remember that much of the subsequent reports of the trip. There are, however, a number of explanat- ions and cautions: (1) the abbreviations ofauthor names are included in the index when they are really abbreviations, i.e. some letters have been dropped Such abbreviations are alphabetized as if they were complete words, including one or more initials, with the omission of punctuation and spaces. In this index the initial follows the abbreviation even though the suggested abbreviation in the text is preceded by the initial; (2) diacritical marks have been deleted in this index except for the German Umlaut, whereas the gis alphabetized as oe; (3) names beginning with “M”’, “Mc’’, or “Mac” are treated as if spelled ‘‘Mac”’ in combination with the rest of the name as one word (Macdonald); (4) similarly, double names whether hyphenated or not, names beginning with “Da’’, “De”, “Des”, “Do”, “Du”, “La”, “Le” etc. are alphabetized as if they were one word under the first letter of the first word (‘“‘Candolle” for “de Candolle” is one of several exceptions where established usage does not conform to this convention). If there is chance of confusion in locating such names, the index lists also the last part of the names under the appropriate letter (the user can find “de Candolle” in both the “d” and ‘“‘c” part of the index). Hyphenated double names are not, however, cross-referenced under the last part; (5) for purposes of the index, “‘van’’, “‘von’’, “‘y”’, “zu” are ignored; (6) names of authors of publications cited in the biography/bibliography sections are omitted from the index; (7) “Aiton, W.72” refers to that part of the text just preceding the treatment of book number 72, as well as to the book itself. “Aiton, W.83” means there is a reference to Aiton, W. in the information concerning book 83, which is by an author other than Aiton, W. ‘“‘Aiton, W. see Banks” indicates mention of Aiton, W. in the author-paragraphs under “‘Banks”’; (8) an author’s name with the notation “‘alph.” indicates a person, who is included in the text for one or more reasons, but who did not publish itrems treated in this guide (Abich, H., alph.); (9) the notation “‘v”’ is used to connect the abbreviation ofa personal name with the name in full to explain the meaning of the suggested abbreviation. It is also used as a means of cross-referencing double names, maiden names of female bota- nists who have published under both names, and for anyone, who has used more than one name for his publications; (10) references to Linnaeus occur so frequently that they are usually omitted, except the primary references to Linnaeus in this volume.

Finally, because an index to all the volumes will be published after the last volume has been issued, the present index (as well as the index to titles) has to be viewed asa temporary but, hopefully, a useful guide to the contents of this volume.



For authors between L’Héritier and Oyster see also the indexes in vols. 1 and 2. References in previous volumes are not repeated here.

Aaronsohn, A. 7094; see Oppenheimer, H.R.

Acanthonitschkea see Nitschke, T.R.J.

Acharius, E. 4528, 4850, 6456

Acrel, J.G. see Lundmark, J.D.

Adams, F.6564

Adanson, M. 6129; see Meyer, E.H.F.

Afzelius, A. 4.530

Afzelius, A.A. 4530

Afzelius, J. 4851

Agardh, C.A. 4613

Agardh, J.G. see Lindley, J.

Aenethler, M.G. 4710, 4742

Agueros, P. Gonzalez de v. Gonzalez de Agueros, P.

Ahles, W.E. von 7153

Ahlfvengren, F.E. 6756, 6757

Ahmuellerella see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Ahti, T. 6979; see Nylander, W.

Aiton, W. see L’Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Aiton, W.T. see Linné, C. von, filius

Akerman, A. 4784, 4852


Albertson, H.G. v. Baggley, H.G.

Alexandre, Frére 5415

Alexopoulous, C.J. see Martin, G.W.

Alioth, F.S. see Micheli, M.

Allan, H.H. see Moore, L.B.

Allorge, P. 6657

Almborn, O. see Massalongo, A.B.

Almguist, S.O.1. 6647

Alston, C. 4710

Alstromer, C. see Linnaeus, C., Montin, L.J.

Althaus, A.H.J. von 6535

Amann, J. 5940

Amann, N.N. 4786

Ambodik, M.N. v. Maximowicz-Ambodik, N.

Ambronn, H. 6760

Anderson, H.C. 5458

Anderson, J.A. 5458

Anderson, W.R. see McVaugh, R.

Andersson, G.O. v. Malme, G.O.A.

Andersson, N.J. 7026

Andrade, E. Navarro de v. Navarro de An- drade, E.

André, E.F. 64.49

Andres, H. 4558

Anker, J. 7001

Anzi, M. see Massalongo, A.B.

Apometzgeria see Metzger, J.

Aqualinderella see Linder, D.H.

Aquamortierella see Mortier, E.L.

Arcy W. Thompson, D’ ». D’Arcy W.



Arduino, P. 5762

Arechavaleta y Balpardo, J. 6458

Argenta V. Martin dev. Martin de Argenta

Argomuellera see Mueller Argoviensis, J.

Argoviensis, J. Mueller v. Mueller Argo- viensis, J.

Arnaud, d’ v. d’Arnaud

Arnell, H.W. 4609

Arquimbau, R. Masferrer y v. Masferrer y Arquimbau, R.

Arthur, J.C. see Mains, E.B., Orton, C.R.

Asberg, M. 4737

Ascherson, P.F.A. 4938, 5293, 6590, 6761; see Nachtigal, G.H.

Asensi, V.A. Lorente y v. Lorente y Asensi, V.A.

Askenasy, E. see Nordstedt, C.F.O.

Askenstedt, O. 6598

Aspelin, E. 4.743

Asso, I. de 4921

Asterolibertia see Libert, M.A.

Aubriet, C. 44.94

Audas, J.W. 6350

Audubon, J.L.L. see Nuttall, T.

Austen, R. 6415

Austrometzgeria see Metzger, J.

Austromuellera see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Ayméric, A.L.M. Marcailhou d’ v. Mar- cailhou d’Aymeric, A.L.M.

Azevedo de Menezes, C. v. Menezes, C.A. de

Badier, de see L’Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Back, A. 4730, 4840

Baehni, C. 5152

Baenitz, C. see Limpricht, K.G.

Baez, J.R. 4996

Baggley, H.G. 5168

Bahamonde, N. de la Cruz y v. Cruz y Bahamonde, N. de la

Bail, C.A.E.T. 6703

Bailey, L.H. 6342

Baillon, H.E. 6445; see Manoury, C.A.

Baines, H. see Nowell, J.

Baines, T. 4661

Baker, J.G. 5438, 7055, 7057; see Newbould W.W., Nowell, J.

Bakhuizen van den Brink, R.C. [Sr.] 6996, 6998, 6999

Bakhuizen van den Brink, R.C. [Jr.] 6998

Balansa, B. 6460, 64.67

Balbis, G.B. 6842; see Lortet, C.

Baldwin, W. see Nuttall, T.

Balfour, F.R.S. see Menzies, A.

Balfour, 1.B. 6452; see Mueller Argoviensis,

Balfour, J.H. 7059

Balpardo, J. Arechavaleta y v. Arechavale- ta y Balpardo, J.

Balthasaria see Melchior, H.

Bangham, C.M. 5868

‘Banister, J. see Linnaeus, C.

Banks, J. 4494, 5263; see L’Heritier de Bru- telle, C.L., Lindsay, W.L., Masson, F., Miller, J.F.

Barao do Castello de Paiva 5050

Barbey, W. 5279, 6453; see Major, C.I.J.

Barbey-Boissier, W. v. Barbey, W.

Barbezat 6318

Barck, H. 4770

Barnes, J.M. 4859

Barr, J.R. see Mathias, M.E.

Barrandon, A. 5001

Barrier, T. 4659

Bartels, A. 5508

Bartholomew, A. 5161b

Bartlett, H.H. see McVaugh, R.

Barton, B.S. see Nuttall, T.

Barton, W.P.C. see Nuttall, T.

Bartram, J. 6059; see Li, H.L., Marshall, H., Nuttall, T.

Bartram, W. see Nuttall, T.

Bary, H.A. de see Millardet, P.M.A.

Bastin, J. 5454

Bathie, E. Perrier de la v. Perrier de la Bathie, E.

Batten, L. v. Newton, L.

Baudin, N. see Michaux, A.

Bauer, F.A. 4638

Bauer F.L. 4637, 4638, 6006, 6094

Baxter, W.H. 5027, 5033

Bayer, J.T. 4519, 6855

Beadle, C.D. 5037

Beauverd, G. 5449

Beauvois, A.M.F.J. Palisot de v. Palisot de Beauvois, A.M.F.J.

Beccari, O. 5470, 5698; see Martelli, U.

Becker, L. 6397, 6399

Beckmann, J. 4843

Béguinot, A. 6715

Behm, W.E. 6640

Beilschmied, C.T. 4644, 4647

Bélanger, C.P. see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Belcher, E. see Lyall, D.

Bengtsson 4842

Ben Honain, I. v. Honain, I. ben

Benistant, G. 7011

Bennett, A. 7055

Bennett, A.W. 6567

Bentham, G. 6107, 6132, 7015; see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Bentham, J. see Martyn, T.

Bequaert, J.C.C. 6660

Berchtold, F. see Opiz, P.M.

Berg, K. see Nygaard, G.

Berger, A.M. 4787


Bergeron, B. 5970

Berggren, S. 6867; see Nordenskidld, A.E.

Bergius, P.J. 4758

Bergqvist, C. 4762

Berjeau 6569

Berkeley, M.J. 5047; see J.P.F.C., Moore, D.

Berkenhout, J. 4813

Berlandier, J.L. see Moricand, M.E.

Berlin, A.H. 4828

Bernal, F. Loscos y v. Loscos y Bernal, F.

Bernardi, L. 5152

Bernigeroth, J.M. 4747, 4760

Berry, M.C. de 4952

Bertero, C. see Looser, G.

Berthelot, S. see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Bertrand, C.E. see Lignier, E.A.O.

Berzelius, B. 4807

Bescherelle, E. see Mandon, G., Massalon- go, C.B., Montagne, J.P.F.C., Nadeaud, J., Nylander, W.

Bessa, P. 4952, 5961, 5966

Betche, E. 5265, 6267

Bieb. v. Marschall von Bieberstein, F.A.

Bieberstein, F.A. Marschall von v. Mar- schall von Bieberstein, F.A.

Buebersteinia see Marschall von Bieberstein, PAS

Bisby, G.R. 6544

Bischof, C.W. 6704

Bischoff, G.W. 6684

Bisluederitzia see Lueder, F.H.H.

Biuur, J. 4771

Biwald, L:G. 4755

Bizio-Pazienti 5611

Blackburne, J. see Neal, A.

Blakely, W.F. 5261

Blanche, E.L. 5289

Blanchet, J.S. see Moricand, M.E.

Blanco, F.M. 5856, 5861; see Naves, A.

Blandford, W.T. 5782

Blécourt, A.S. de 5088

Bligh see Nelson, D.

Bloch, J. 6337

Blom, C.M. 4821

Blouin, A. v. Alexandre, Frére

Blume, C.L. see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Boberg, A. 4726

Boccone, P. see Maratti, G.F.

Bddtker, M. 6863

Boehmer, G.R. 5067

Boer, R. de 7167

Boerman, A. 4739

Bosemann, F.A. 4931

Bolelia see L’Obel, M. de

Bolle, C.A. 6260

Bolton, J. see Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Bolus, H. 5925; see Mac Owan, P.

Bonar, L. see Morse, E.E.

Bonelli, G. see Martelli, N.




Bongard, A.G.H. see Meyer, C.A. von

Bonnier, G.E.M. 5579, 6226

Booth, T,J. 6933

Borkhausen, M.B. 6486

Bornmiiller, J.F.N. 5238

Borntraeger, Gebr. see Lindau, G.

Borszcezow, E.G. 5978

Borszczow, G.G. 5909, 5978

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M. 6245

Bosch, R.B. van den 6107, 6259; see Mol- kenboer, J.H.

Bose, E.G. 5055

Botta, P.E. see Mirbel, C.F.B. de

Boulaye, G.E. Merlet de la v. Merlet de la Boulaye, G.E.

Bounty see Nelson, D.

Bourne, G.C. 6354.

Boys, T. 4914

Bradbury, H. 6275, 6277

Braithwaite, R. 4579

BRAMBLE see MacGillivray, J.

Brandis, D. 6704

Brandis, J.D. 6206

Branston, R. 5025, 5026, 5028

Branston, R.E. 5026

Braun, A.C.H. 6397; see Mettenius, G.H., Nordstedt, C.F.O., Olsson, R.

Braun, C. see Mettenius, G.H.

Braunfels, C.S. see Lindheimer, F.J.

Brause, G.G.W. 4558, 4982

Brebisson, L.A. de 7096; see Moriére, P.G.

Breda, J.G.S. van 4760

Brefeld, J.O. see Moller, F.A.G.J.

Bremekamp, C.E.B. see Meyer-Abich, A.

Bremer, P. 4783

Bridel-Brideri, S.E. see Lindberg, S.O.

Brigham, W.T. 53543 see Mann, H. Jr.

Brink, Bakhuizen van den v. Bakhuizen van den Brink

Briquet, J.I. 5970; see Litardiére, R. de

Britten, J. 4776, 7055

Britton, N.L. 5035, 5036, 6342; see Merrill, E.D., Murrill, W.A.

Brock, J.P. 4613

Bromfield, W.A. 6291

Brongniart, A. 4962, 6094, 7096

Brooks, H. see M’Ken, M.J., Mann, R.J.

Brotherus, V.F. 5323; see Merrill, E.D., Moller, H.A., Miller, K. (Halle)

Browallius, J. 4717, 4718, 4726

Brown, N.E. 7055; see Nicolas, G.

Brown, R. see Lightfoot, J., Meyer, E.H.F., Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Brown, R.G. 6899

Browne, P. 4805, 4806

Bruguiére, J.G. see Olivier, G.A.

Brunelli, G. 6081a

Brutelle, C.L. L’ Héritier de v. L’ Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Bruyn, A.J. de 6107


Bruyn, J.G. de see Marum, M. van Bryomanginia see Mangin, L.A. Buchanan, J. 5186

Buchberger, J. 6006

Buchet, S. 6657

Buchner, H. 6616

Buchoz, P.J. 4743

Buddle, A. 4596

Buffon, G.L.L. de 6127

Bunge, A.A. von see Ledebour, C.A. von Burgersdijk, L.A,J. 6107

Burkill, 1.H. 7055

Burman, J. 4803; see Linnaeus, C. Burman, N.L. see Oldenland, H.B. Burser, J. 4732; see Linnaeus, C. Burton, M.G. see Miller, P.

Buse, L.H. 6107

Bush, B.F. 5187

Butler, E.J. 6544

Buttle, J. see Lyall, D.

Cajander, A.K. 5813

Caldesi, L. 5698

Calkins, W.W. 6473

Cambage, R.H. 5261

Campana, G. 6794.

Campbell, F. v. Martin, F.

Campbell, F.A. 64.07

Campbell, W.S. 5259

Campbellia see Martin, G.W.

Camper, P. 4.752

Campos Porto, P. 4952

Candolle, Alph. de see Masters, M.T.,

Candolle, A.C.P. de 5070

Candolle, A.L.P.P. de see Masters, M.T. Mez, C.C.

Candolle, A.P. de 4494, 4925, 6439, 6600, 7088; see L’Héritier de Brutelle, C.L., Margot, H., Meisner, C.F., Mercier, M.P., Mocino, J.M., Moquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A., Moricand, M.E., Moritzi, A., Otth, A.

Carestia, A. 5698

Carlomohria see Mohr, C.T.

Carrington, B. 5950

Carruthers, W. 5170

Carter, T. 6364

Caruel, T. see Mori, A.

Carus, C.G. see Martius, C.F.P. von

Cash, E.K. see Lloyd, C.G.

Casparea see Melchior, H.

Caspareopsis see Melchior, H.

Caspary, J.X.R. 6704

Castello de Paiva, Barao do v. Barao do Castello de Paiva

Cattley, G. v. Cattley, W.

Cattley, W. 4638

Cavanilles, A.J. 4985

Cave, M.E.S. see Marion, A.F.

Celestino, J. 5428

Celsius, A. 4727

Cepelka, F. see Mikan, J.C.

Cesati, V. 5698

Chalk, L. see Metcalfe, C.R.

CHALLENGER 6354; See Moseley, H.N.

Chamisso, L.A. von 6680

Charcot, J. 5346

Chardon, C.E. see Overholts, L.O.

Charles Xth 4952

Charton, C. 6374

Chase, M.A. 6072

Chateau, E. 7106

Cuatuam see Menzies, A.

Chazal, A. 5540

Chazelles, L.M. de 6051, 6052, 6061

Cheeseman, T.F. see Oliver, W.R.B.

Chenon, L.J. 4761

Chinchona v. 5428

Chipp, T.F. see Merrill, E.D.

Chodat, R.H. 5970, 7094

Chouvet 6902

Christensen, C.F.A. 7001

Christian, J.M. 7008

Chun, C. 5434

Churchill, D.M. see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Chydenius, A.H. 6935

Ciferri, R. 4556

Cinchona 5428

Clark, W. 63514

Clarke, A 5585

Clarke, C.B. 7055

Claus, C. 5909

Cleophanes see Link, J.H.F.

Clerbois, P. 5363

Clerck, C.A. 4808

Cleve, P.T. see Moller, J.D.

Clifford, G. 4719; see Linnaeus, C.

Clotte, M.J.P. Mouton-Fontenille de la v. Mouton-Fontenille de la Clotte, M.J.P.

Cogniaux, C.A. 4625, 4629

Cohn, F.J. 6394; see Limpricht, K.G.

Coker, W.C. see Matthews, V.D.

Coleman, W.H. 6364

Colgan, N. 6270

Colletomanginia see Mangin, L.A.

Colliander, J.G. 4795

Commelijn, J. 4809; see Newton, J.

Commelin, J. v. Commelijn, J.

Commerson, P. see Limminghe, A.M.A. de

Commines de Marsilly, L.J.A. dev. Marsil- ly, L.J.A. de Commines de

Conde, J.A. 6241

Constance, L. 5152; see Mathias, M.E.

Constans, L. 4659

Cooke, E.W. 4914

Cooke, G. 4914

Cooke, M.C. 6397; see Limminghe A.M.A. de

Cooke, W.I. 4914

Cool, C. 5891


Cooper, C.W. 6364

Cooper, E.F. 6364

Coppet, E. Mercier de v. Mercier de Cop- pet, E.

Corbiére, L. see Mouret, M.

Corréa da Serra, J.F. 6536

Correll, D.S. 5152

Correns, F.J.E. see Nageli, C.W.

Correvon, H. 5449

Corwin 6539

Cosson, E. St.C. see Maille, A.

Coulon see L’Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Coulter, J.M. 6342; see Nelson, A.

Cour, J.C. la 7025

Coville, F.V. 6342, 7074

Cowley, A. 4522

Coxen see Lhotsky, J.

Cramer, C.E. 660g

Cramer, J.C. 4710, 4760

Creutzberg, H.C. 5188

Crombie, J.M. 6972

Crooke, J.J. see Meisner, C.F.

Crossland, C. 5659

Cruz y Bahamonde, N. de la 6206

Cserkut, Nendtvich C.M. von v. Nendtvich C.M. von Cserkut

Cserski, J. see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Cuboni, J, see Mancini, V.

Culman, P.F. 5940

Curtis, J. 4636, 4637

Curtis, M.A. see Michener, E.

Curtis, W. 6316

Cusin, L.A. 5790

Cuvier, G.-F. see Mirbel, C.F.B. de

Cyclomarsonina see Marsson, T.F.

Dahlberg, C.G. 4648

Dahlberg, N.E. 4782

Dahlgren, J.A.E. 4838, 4846

Dalberg, C.G. v. Dahlberg, C.G.

Daléchamps, J. see Molina, G.I.

Dalla Torre K.W. von 5242

Dallimore, A. see Lister, G.

Damasceni, N. 5927

Dammer, U.C.L. 5664

Dandy, J.E. 4831, 6027, 6670

D’Arcy W. Thompson v. Thompson, D’Arcy W.

Darelius, J.A. 4748

D’ Arnaud 6252

Darnell-Smith 5261

Darwin, C.R. 6436; see Linnaeus, C.

Darwin, E. 4844a

Da Silva, P. v. Silva, P. de

Da Silva, Manso A.L.P. v. Manso A.L.P. da Silva

Da Silva, Rondon E.C.M. ». E.C.M. da Silva

Dassaw, C.M. v. Dassow, C.M.

Dassow, C.M. 4740, 4741




Davenport, W.H. 5345

Davey, F.H. 1315

Davidson, A. 6387

Davies, O.B. see Maiden, J.H.

D’Ayméric, A.L.M. Marcailhou v. Mar- cailhou d’Ayméric, A.L.M.

De Agueros, P. de Gonzalez v. Gonzalez de Agueros, P.

De Andrade, E. Navarro v. Navarro de Andrade, E.

De Argenta, V. Martin v. Martin de Argen- ta, V.

De Asso, I. v. Asso, I, de

De Badier v. Badier, de

De Bary, H.A. v. Bary, H.A. de

De Beauvois, A.M.F.J. Palisot v. Palisot de Beauvois, A.M.F.J.

Debeaux, J.O. see Mabille, P.

De Berry, M.C. v. Berry, M.C. de

De Blécourt, A.S. v. Blécourt, A.S. de

De Boer, R. v. Boer, R. de

De Brébisson, L.A. v. Brébisson, L.A. de

De Brutelle, C.L. L’Héritier v. L’Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

De Bruyn v. Bruyn, de

Deby, J.M. 6064

Decaisne, J. 4962, 7096

De Candolle, v. Candolle, de

De Chazelles, L.M. v. Chazelles, L.M. de

De Commines de Marsilly, L.J.A. v. Marsil- ly, L.J.A. de Commines de

De Coppet, E. Mercier v. Mercier de Cop- pet, E.

De Ercilla, A. v. Ercilla, A. de

Degelius, G.B.F. v. Nilsson, G.B.F.

Degen, A. von 5449; see Limpricht, K.G.

De Gorter; D. v. Gorter, D. de

De Jussieu, v. Jussieu, de

De Kamptz, C.A.C.H. v. Kamptz, C.A.C.H. de

De Keroack v. Marie-Victorin, Frere

De la Bathie, E. Perrier v. Perrier de la Bathie, E.

De la Boulaye, G.E. Merlet v. Merlet de la Boulaye, G.E.

De la Clotte, M.J.P. Mouton-Fontenille v. Mouton-Fontenille de la Clotte, M.J.P.

De la Cruz y Bahamonde, N. v. Cruz y Bahamonde, N. de la

De la Marmora, A.F. v. Marmora, A.F. de la

De la Maza y Jimenez, M. Gomez v. Gomez de la Maza y Jimenez, M.

De la Méthérie, M. v. Méthérie, M. de la

Delano, 8.A. v. McKelvey, S.A.

De la Roche, D. v. Roche, D. de la

Delarue, J. 5540

Delarue fils 5976

De la Sagra, R. v. Sagra, R. de la

De La Tourette, C. v. Tourette, C. de la


De Launay, J.C.M. Mordant v. Mordant de Launay, J.C.M.

De Layens, G. v. Layens, G. de

Delessert, B. 6098; see Mueller Argoviensis,


De Limminghe, A.M.A. v. Limminghe, A.M.A. de

De Litardiére, R. v. Litardiére, R. de

De L’Obel, M. v. L’Obel, M. de

De Loureiro, J. v. Loureiro, J. de

De Lukmanoff, A. v. Lukmanoff, A. de

De Macedo, A. v. Macedo, A. de

De Marchesetti, C. v. Marchesetti, C. de

De Mariz, J. v. Mariz, J. de

De Marsilly, L.J.A. de Commines v. Marsil-

ly, L.J.A. de Gommines de

De Martius, v. Martius, von

De Martrin-Donos, J.V. v. Martrin-Donos,


De Mirbel, C.F.B. v. Mirbel, C.F.B. de

De Mollinedo, F. v. Mollinedo, F. de

De Necker, N.J. v. Necker, N.J. de

Denina, A. 6328

De Noronha, C.C. v. Noronha, C.C. de

De Notaris, G. v. 5632, 6330

De Noter, R. v. Noter, R. de

De Osorio, A. v. Osorio, A. de

De Otero, R.A. Toro y Lydia Pagan v. Toro y Lydia Pagan de Otero, R.A.

De Paiva, Barao do Castello v. Barao do Castello de Paiva

De Parseval-Grandmaison, J. v. Parseval- Grandmaison, J. de

De Paula Maly, F. v. Maly, F. de P.

De Pronville, M. v. Pronville, M. de

Der Osten-Saken, F. von v. Osten-Saken, F’. von der

De Saint-Hilaire, A.F.C.P. v. Saint Hilaire, ALE.C.P. de

De Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M. Bory v. Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M.

De Saporta, L.C.J.G. v. Saporta, L.C.J.G. de

De Schweinitz, L.D. v. Schweinitz, L.D. de

De Séve, J.E. a) Seve, Jp E-de

De Seynes, J. v. Seynes, J. de

Deslongchamps, J.L.A. Loiseleur v. Loise- leur Deslongchamps, J.L.A.

Desmaziéres, J.B.H. see Lindberg, S.O.

Des Moulins, J. v. Moulins, J. des

De Souza Mello e, Netto, L. v. Netto, L. de Souza Mello e

De Stefani, C. v. Stefani, C. de

De Tollenaere, F. v. Tollenaere, F. de

De Tommasini, M.G.S. v. Tommasini, M.G.S. de

De Toni, G.B. see Massalongo, A.B.

De Tournefort, J.P. v. Tournefort, J.P. de

De Vaumartoise, F.V. Mérat v. Mérat de Vaumartoise, F.V.

Deville. L. 4960, 4.962

De Visiani, F. v. Visiani, R. de

De Vos, A. v. Vos, A. de

De Vries, H. v. Vries, H. de

De Vriese, W.H. v. Viriese, W.H. de

De Wever, C.A. v. Wever, C.A. de

Diddens, H.A. 4911

Diels, F.L.E. see Markgraf, F., Merrill, E.D.

Dietrich, A. 4769, 5078; see Luerssen, Otto, i.

Dietrich, D.N.F. 5026

Dillenius, J.J. 4605; see Lindberg, S.O., Lin- naeus, C.

Dillwyn, L.L. 6361

Di Massa Ducale, G. v. Massa Ducale, G. di

Di Savoia, L.A. v. Savoia, L.A. di

Discovery see Menzies, A., Nelson, D.

Do Castello de Paiva, Bardo v. Barao do Castello de Paiva

Dodoens, R. see L’Obel, M. de

Dombey, J. see :L’ Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Don, G. 5026, 5027

Donn, J. see Lindley, J.

Donnell Smith, J. see Micheli, M.

Donos, J.V. de Martrin v. Martrin-Donos, EVece

D’Orbigny, A.D. v. Orbigny, A.D. d’

Dozy, F. 6107, 6212, 6213; see Molkenboer,


Drake, E. see Nadeaud, J.

Drake, 8.A. 4651

Drapiez, P.A.J. 4958

Drude, C.G.O. 6761; see Mattick, W.F.

Drummond, J. 4653

Dryander, J.C. 4508; see L’Héritier de Bru- telle, C.L., Montin, L.J.

Duby, J-E. 6339; see Motelay, L.

Ducale, G. di Massa v. Massa Ducale, G. di

Duchartre, P.E.S. 7096

Duhamel du Monceau, H.L. 5967; see Mir- bel, C.F.B. de

du Monceau, H.L. Duhamel v. Duhamel du Monceau, H.L.

Dumont, P. 5006

Dumont d’Urville, J.S.C. 6243; see Mon- tagne, J.P.F.C.

Dumortier, B.C.J. 5418; see Mortier, E.L.

Dupray, L. see Mougeot, J.A.

Durand, H. 6359

Durand, T.A. see Marchal, El., Micheli, M.

Duret, L. 5005, 5006

D’Urville, J.S.C. Dumont 2. d’Urville, J.S.C.

Dusén, P.K.H. 5190, 5309; see Neger, F.W.

Dyer, W.T.T. v. Thiselton Dyer, W.T.


Eberlein 5935 Ebermaier, C.H. 6701


Eckardt, T. see Markgraf, F.

Eckfeldt, J.W. 6471, 6473

Ecklon, C.F. 5925

Edgar, E. see Moore, L.B.

Edmundmasonia see Mason, H.L.

Edwall, G. 4916

Edwards, S.T. see Lindley, J.

Edwin, G. 5152

Eems, J. van 6047

Eggers, H.F.A. von 6461

Ehrenberg, C.G. 4992, 6680, 6951

Ehret, G.D. 4714, 4719, 4723, 4778, 6059

Ehrhart, F. 4854

Ehrmann, J.C. 5369

Ekblom, A. 4666, 6644, 6824

Ekblom, T. 6645, 6646

Elfving, F. 4599

Elmer, A.D.E. 5867

Elmgren, G. 4805

Elmgren, J. 4813

Elmerrillia see Merrill, E.D.

Emoto, Y. 6627, 6629

Endlicher, S.L. 5538, 6704

Engel, H. 4709

Engel-Ledebour, M.S.J. 4709

Engelmann, H. see Lindheimer, F.J.

Engler, H.G.A. 6760; see Loesener, L.E.T., Mansfeld, R., Markeraf, F., Marloth, H.W.R. Mattfeld, J., Melchior, H., Mildbraed, G.W.J., Muschler, R.C.

Ercilla, A. de 6206

Ernestia see Meyer, E.H.F.

Ernestimeyera see Meyer, E.H.F.

Errera, L.A. see Massart, J.

Eschweiler, F.G. 5528

Esenbeck, Nees ab v. Nees ab Esenbeck

Esenbeckia see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Esenbeckia see Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Evans, A.W. 5190

-Evenari, M. 7094

Ewan, J.A. 5457, 6922 Ewart, A.J. 6350, 6399; see Maiden, J.H.

Fadyenia see Macfadyen, J.

Falck, C.M.A.I. 6659

Falck, J.P. 4814

Falck, R. see Minden, M.D. von

Falkner 6206

Farini, D.A. see Mirbel, C.F.B. de

Farquharson, J. 6564

Faustus, Dr. 4644

Fawcett, B. 5040, 5041; see Moore S. Le Marchant

Fée, A.L.A. 4709, 6456, 6457, 6459

Feistmantel, O. see Otto, F.

Fellman, N.I. see Nylander, W.

Fendler, A. 6506

Fenzl, E. see Mettenius, G.H., Milde, Coa):

Ferber, J.J. 4822



Fernandez, M. Llenas y v. Llenas y Fernan- dez, M.

Fernow see Nuttall, T.

Ferri, M.G. 4665

Ferry, R. 6371

Feuilleaubois, M. 5052

Field, M. see Marshall, H.

Fiet, A. 6215

Finch, J.E.M. 6364

Finsch, F.H.O. 6446

Fiori, A. 6715

Fischer, E. 5241

Fischer, Fr. 7010

Fischer, F.E.L. von see Meyer, C.A. von

Fitch, J.N. 6282

Fitch, W.H. 7058

Flamini, G.S.G. 5619

Fleischer, J.G. see Lindemann, Em. von

Fleischer, M. 4941; see Loeske, L.

Flemming, J.G. 5055

Fliche, P.-H.M.T.A. 5668

Flotow, J.C.G.U. 5895

FLY see MacGillivray, J.

Flyggare, J. 4835

Focke, H.C. 6213

Fontenille de la Clotte, M.J.P. Mouton z. Mouton-Fontenille de la Clotte, M.J.P.

Forbes, R.J. see Marum, M. van

Fornander, A.N. 4773

Forquignon, J.B.L. 6371

Forsander, J. 5893

Forskal, P. v. Forsskal, P.

Forslind, C.O. 6598

Forsskal, P. 4825; see Niebuhr, C.

Forster, J.R. 4921, 7123

Forsyth Major, C.I. v. Major, C.1.F.

Forti, A.I. 6715

Fothergill, J. see Marshall, H.

Foucaud, J. 4904

Fournier, E.P.N. see Nylander, W.

Fournier, L. 5438

Fraser, J. 6919

Frazer, H.L. 7049

Fredbarj, T. 4739

Frédol, A. see Moquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A.

Frére Marc v. Marc, F.

Freret, L. 4493, 4494

Frey, W. see Magdefrau, K.

Friedrich zu Mecklenburg, A. 6008, 6009

Fries, E.M. 4528, 4610, 4615, 4928, 5098, 5105, 5239, 6456; see Lindblom, A.E., Lund, N., Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Fries, I.C-E. see Olivier, H.J.F.

Fries, T.M. see Olivier, H.J.F.

Fritsch, G.T. 6522

Froine, A. see Luxford, G.

Fryer, A. see Morgan, R.

Firnrohr, A.E. 5545

Fuhlrott, J.C. see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.


Fuhrmann, O. 5750

Funck, H.C. see Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L. Funck, N. see Linden, J.J.

Funke, P.W. see Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L. F.v.M. v. Mueller, F.J.H. von

Gadeceau, E.J.A. 4904

Gahn, H. 4830

Gahn, N. 4774

Gaudichaud-Beaupré, C. see Montagne, TPG;

Galeotti, H.G. 5486-5488

Gambel, W. 6932

Gane, J. 4757, 6262

Garcke, C.A.F. see Mansfeld, R.

Garnery see L’Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Gasparrini, G. see Licopoli, G.

Gaudin, J.F.A.P. see Monnard, J.P.

Gay, C. 6225; see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

GAZELLE see Naumann, E.C.L., Nordstedt, CHO!

Gedner, C. 4766

Geesteranus, R.A. Maas v. Maas Geestera- nus, R.A.

Gelert; OCA 7129

Gellerstedt, J.D. 5106

Georgi, J.G. 7122

Gerard, J. 6779

Germar, E.F. 6535; see Meinecke, J.L.G.

Gessner, J. 4710, 4726

Ghiesbrecht, A.B. see Linden, J.J.

Giardiniere, C. see Nocca, D.

Gibbs, G. 6766

Gibson, D.N. 5152

Gilg, E.F. see Muschler, R.C.

Gilibert, J.E. 4756; see Lortet, C.

Gillet, A. 5254, 5255, 5256

Gillet, C.C. 5222

Gillot, F.X. 7106

Ginestra, S. v. Gresalvi, S.

Giraldi, G. 5637

Giseke, P.D. 4813; see Ortega, C.G.

Glaziou, A.F.M. 5299

Gleditsch, J.G. 4760; see Mayer, J.C.A.

Gobelius 4909

Goddard 6093

Godman, F. du Cane see Mitten, W.

Godron, D.A. 5465

Goeppert, H.R. 6535; see Menge, F.A., Mil- de, C.A.J.

Goethe, J.W. 5920; see Martius, C.F.P. von, Meyer, E.H.F.

Goeze, E. 6406

Goldfuss, G.A. see Minster, G.

Goldmann, I. 5895

Goméz de la Maza y Jimenez, M. see Maze, jaitley

Gomez Ortega, G. de v. Ortega, C.G.

Gonzalez de Agueros, P. 6206

Gonzalez Ortega, O. v. Ortega, J.G.

Gordon, A. 6078

Gorter, D. de 4809, 4974

Gothlandus, G.H. 4839

Gottsche, C.M. 4632, 5895, 6397, 6760; see Lindenberg, J.B.W., Nees von Esenbeck, CHE SIDE

Gottsched, J. 4932, 4933

Goullon, le 5004

Graberg, J.M. 4816

Gradstein, $.R. 5212

Graeffe, E.O. 5076, 6502

Graf, B. 6164

Grainger, J. 5585

Grant, J.A. 7057

Gray, A. 5958, 6119; see Lindheimer, F.J., Mann, H. Jr., Nuttall, T.

Green, M.L. 4718

Gregory, A.C. see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Grenier, J.C.M. 5465, 5956

Gresalvi, S. see Maratti, G.F.

Grevillius, A.Y. see Niessen, J.

Griffiths, M. 4522

Grisebach, A.H.R. 5895, 6761, 7034; see Lorentz, P.G.

Groenewegen, J.C. 6112

Gr@ntved, J. 7134

Gronovius, J.F. 4790; see Linnaeus, C.

Gross, H. 7153

Grufberg, I.O. 4776

Gruvel, M. 6206

Guillemin, A. 7096

Guimaraes, A.L. Machado v. Machado Guimaraes, A.L.

Guimpel, F. 4694, 4699, 6680

Gyorffy, I. 4941

Haartman, J.J. 4762, 4768

Haas, M. 4694

Haas, P. 4694

Haberlandt, G. see Melchior, H.

Hackel, E. 978, 1592, 1835

Halacsy, E. von 6721

Hale Jr., M.E. see Mason, H.L.

Halenius, J.P. 4759

Haliday, A. 5739

Hall, B.M. 4815

Hall, H.C. van see Miquel, F.A.W.

Hall, R.M. 4814

Haller, A. von see Linnaeus, C.

Hallman, J.G. 4734, 4736

FHlallomuellera see Muller, K. (Halle)

Halsey, A. 4644

Hamilton, F. 5214

Hammarbya see Linnaeus, C.

Hampe, G.E.L. 6397; see Lichtenstein, A.A.G., Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Hanbury, F.J. see Lister, G.; Marshall, E.S.

Hanbury, M.J.S. 4857

Handel-Mazetti, H. see Flohwag, H., Nannfeldt, J.A., Nicholson, W.E.


Hansen Ostenfeld, C.E. ». C.E.H.

Hardin, S. see Lindblom, A.E.

Hariot, P.A. 6462

Harrar, E.S. 6067

Hart, M. 4637

Hartman, C. 7025

Hartman, C.J. see Lundstrom, A.N., Nils- son, N.H.

Hartman, J.J. 4617

Hartog, J. 4803

Harvey, W.H. see Munro, W.

Hasler, Mrs. G.L. v. Mathias, M.E.

Hasselquist, F. 4.739

Hasskarl, J.K. 6107

Hassler, E. 5304

Hausen 4592

Hauser, F’. 7009, 7010

Hawksworth, D.L. 5974

Hayata, B. 5678

Hayek, A. von 5449

Haynald, S.F.L. 6726

Hazslinzky von Hazlin, F.A. von see Lojka, lel,

Heath, J.P. 4914

Heath, P. 4914

Hebenstreit, J.E. see Ludwig, C.G.

Hedelin, C. 6646

Hedenberg, A. 4775

Hedin, S.A. 4841; see Motelay, L., Osten- feld, C.E.H.

Hedwig, J. 6846

Hegardt, C. 4728

Heiligtag, J.B. 4736

Heister, L. see Linnaeus, C.

Hellenius, C.N. 4851; see Linné, C. von, filius

Heller, D. see Low, I.

Heller, J.L. 4769

Heller, K.B. 6005

Hemsley, W.B. 5815, 7055

Henfrey, A. 5825

Hennig, B. 5952

Hennings, P.C. see Lindau, G.

Henry, A.C.F. 6088, 6685, 6703

Henslow, J.S. 5713, 7054

HERALD see Macgillivray, J.

Herincq, B. 5972

Hering, K. 5972

Heriteria see L’ Heritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Héritier de Brutelle, C.L. L’ v. L.Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Heritiera see L’ Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Hermann, P. 4740, 4803; see Linnaeus, C., Oldenland, H.B.

Herminier, L’ v. L’ Herminier

Herminiera see L’ Herminier, F.

Hernandez, J. see Molina, G.I.

Herter, W.G.F. 7127

Herzog, T. 6494




Hesperomannia see Mann, H. Jr.

Hesselgren, N.L. 4750

Hessen, D. 4933

Hétier, F. 5227

Heukels, H. see Ooststroom, S.J. van

Heyland, J.C. 5006, 5405, 6318, 6329, 6331; see Mercier, M.P.

Heyne, K. see Overeem, C. van

Hicksbeachia 6423

Hiern, W.P. 4769, 7055

Hieronymus, G. see Lindau, G.

Hierseman, K.W. 5538

Higgins, H.H. 5448

Highley 6569

Hill, A.W. 4.718, 7055

Hillhouse, A.L. 5962

Hillier, J.M. 6221

Hind, W.M. 5817

Hintzmann, E. 6488

Hiorth, J. 4763

Hitchcock, A.S. see Norton, J.B.S.

Hitler, A. see Muschler, R.C.

Hochstetter, C.F. see Lichtenstein, A.G.G.

Hochstetter, W. 4930

Hodge, T. see McIlvaine, C.

Hohnel, F.X.R. von see Litschauer, V.

Hohnel, L. von see Miller, K. (Halle)

Hojen; J:Gs 4772

Hoel, A. 5129, 5134

Hoffmann, C. see Mela, A.J.

Hoffmann, C.F. 5457

Hoffmannsegg, J.C. von see Link, J.H.F.

Hofmeister, F. see Millardet, P.M.A.

Hohenacker, R.F. 5880; see Lichtenstein, ALG:G.

Holler, A. see Molendo, L.

Hollick, A. 6770, 6771

Holm, H.T. 5197a

Holm, J.T. 4791

Holm, $.M. 6195

Holmboe, J. see Moe, A.

Honain, I. ben 5927

Honda, M. 6627, 6629

Hooker, J.D. 7055; see Mann, G., Mitten, Ww

Hooker, W. 4637

Hooker, W.J. 4637, 5438, 5981, 6132; see Menzies, A., Miers, J., Miquel, F.A.W., Mitchell, T.L., Motley, J., Mueller, F.J.H. von

Hope, J. 4829

Hopkins, C.L. see Munson, T.V.

Hoppe, D.H. see Martius, E.W.

Hornborg, B. 4793

Hornborg, J.G. 4845

Hornemann, J.W. 7001; see Nolte, E.F.

Horner, K.M. v. Lyell, K.M.

Hornschuch, C.F. 6680, 6681, 6682

Hort, A. 4718

Horwood, A.R. see Noel, C.W.F.


Hosius, S. see Niedenzu, F.J.

Houstoun, W. 6059; see Miller, P.

How, G. 4909

Howard, J.E. 5428

Howard, W. 5042

Hoyer, C.A.H. 5892

Huber, B. 6706, 6707

Hue, A.M. 6443, 6952; see Nylander, W. Hufeland, C.G. 6690

Humbert, H. see Moldenke, H.N. Hunnybun, E.W. 6358

Hurka, H. see Magdefrau, K.

Husnot, P.T. 6959

Husson, J. 64.98

Husson, J.B.E. 6498

Hutchinson, J. 7055

Huth, G.L. 6048

Hutton, W. 4645

Huysum, J. van 5563, 6036; see Martyn, J.

I.M.M. v. Marshall, Mrs . R.C.

Indoneesiella see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Isoviita, P. see Lindberg, H., Lindberg, S.O., Lindroth, J.1.

It6, H. 6629

Ito, T. see Matsumura, J.

Jack, J.B. 6490

Jackman, G. 6281

Jackson, A.B. see Lister, G.

Jacquin, N.J. von 4498, 4826, 4864, 6576; see Maerter, F.J., Mygind, F. von

Jaczewskia 5702

Jager, E. see Meusel, H.

Jafnea see Nannfeldt, J.A.

Jafneadelphus see Nannfeldt, J.A.

Jahandiez, E. see Maire, R.C.J.E., Mouret, M.

Jahn, E. see Minden, M.D. von

James, F.L. see Oliver, D.

Jameson, H.G. 5212

Janssonius, H.H. 6216, 6218

Janzen, P. 4941

Jaussin, L.A. see Maratti, G.F.

Jeanbernat, E.M.J. 5560

Jeanneau, V. see Moreau, F.

Jeffrey, J. 6565

Jetis, R.E. see Little, E-LL., je

Jenison, W. von 5887

Jerlin, P. 4810

Jessen, K.F.W. see Meyer, E.H.F.

Jessen, P.H. 5798

Jimenez, M. Goméz de la Maza y v. Goméz de la Maza y Jimenez, M.

Jorlin, E. 4802

Joffrin, L. 4636

Johnson, C. 5825

Johnson, 'T. 6779

Johnston, M. 5894

Jolyclerc, N.M.T. 6127

Jordan, A. see Lortet, L.C.

Joseph, D. 6206

Junghuhn, F.W. see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Junk, W. 4769

Juslenius, A.D. 4781

Jussieu, A. de 7096; see Munby, G.

Jussieu, A.H.L. de 4962

Jussieu, A.L. de 5006, 6536

Kamp, F.A. 6013

Kalén, M.V. 4615

Kalm, P. see Murray, J.A.

Kaltenhofer 6573

Kamptz, C.A.C.H. de 6693

Kanimia see Mikan, J.G.

Kanitz, A. 6119; see Mettenius, G.H.

Karamyschew, A. von 4827

Karny, H.H. 7170

Karsten, G.K.W. 5428; see Oltmanns, F.

Karsten, P.A. 5321, 6957

Kearney, T.H. 6342

Kelsey, H.P. 7074

Kemmler, C.A. 5480

Kemp, W.B. 6899

Kennedy, G. v. Molloy, G.

Kerbert, C. 6210

Kern, F.D. see Mains, E.B.

Kerner, A. see Oliver, F.W.

Kerner, J.S. von 5957

Keroack, de v. Marie-Victorin, Frére

Kersten, O. see Lorentz, P.G.

Kickman, J.C. see Mathias, M.E.

Kihlman, A.O. 6946

Kimura, Y. 6629

Kindberg, N.C. 5199, 5201; see Macoun, J.

Kirchner, O. see Loew, E.

Kirouac, J.L.C. v. Marie-Victorin, Frére

Kitagawa, M. 6627

Kitaibel, P. see Mauksch, J.D.T.

Kitsen, G. 5572

Kittel, B.M. 5328

Kjellman, A. 4613

Kjellman, F.R. see Lundstrém, A.N., Nor- denskidld, A.E.

Kjellborg, J.F. 5106

Klase, L.M. 4724

Klinge, J.C. 5801

Klippart, J.H. 6765

Klotzsch, J.F. 4704, 5895; see Otto, F.

Klug, J.C.F. 6680

Knoop, J.H. 5065

Knuth, P.E.O.W. 6436

Kobayasi, Y. 6629

Koch, F.O. 6010

Koch, W.D.J. 4925, 5328, 6724; see Mer- tens, F.K., Nageli, C.W.

Kolpin, A.B. 4921

Kohl, F.G. see Monkemeyer, W.

Koidzumi, G. 6626


Kolderup-Rosenvinge, J.L.A. see Dnstrup, EV.

Kolkwitz, R. see Lindau, G., Minden, M.D. von

Komaroy, V.L. 5801

Koning, C.J. 7165

Konrad, P. see Maublanc, A.

Kooiman, H.N. 5022

Koorders, S.H. 6216

Kops, J. see Liitjeharms, W.J., Miquel, F.A.W.

Korshinsky, S.I. 4879

Kotschy, T. see Nyman, C.F.

Kouwels, A.J. 6125

Kralik, J.L. see Maille, A.

Kraus, J.C. see Oskamp, D.L.

Krause, A. 6508

Krause, E.H.L. see Missbach, E.R.

Kreger-van Ry, N.J.W. see Lodder, J.

Krempelhuber, A. von 6397

Krok, T.O.B.N. 6647; see Lindman, C.A.M., Nilsson, N.H.

Kuckuck, P. see Nienburg, K.O.W.

Kudo, Y. 6140, 6141

Kitzing, F.T. 5825; see Meneghini, G.G.A., Nageli, C.W.

Kunth, C.S. 4644

Kuntze, O. 5293; see Lloyd, C.G.

Kunze, G. see Mettenius, G.H.

Kurtz, F. see Marthe, F.

L. v. Linnaeus, C.

La Bathie, E. Perrier de v. Perrier de la Bathie, E.

La Boulaye, G.E. Merlet de v. Merlet de la Boulaye, G.E.

Lacaita, C.C. 5721

Lackstrom, E.F. see Lindberg, S.O.

La Clotte, M.J.P. Mouton-Fontenille de v. Mouton-Fontenille de la Clotte, M.J.P.

Lacoste, C.M. van der Sande v. Sande La- coste, C.M. van der

La Cour, J.C. v. Cour, J.C. la

La Cruz y Bahamonde, N. de v. Cruz y Bahamonde, N. de la

Ladau, J.F. 7051

Lagerheim, G. 5239; see Nordstedt, C.F.O.

Lagerstrom, M. 4780

Lalonde, L. v. Louis-Marie, Pére

Lam, H.J. see Meyer-Abich, A.

Lamarck, J.B.A.P.M. de 6196; see Mirbel, C.F.B. de

La Marmora, A.F. de v. Marmora, A.F. de la

La Maza y Jimenez, M. Goméz de v. Go- méz de la Maza y Jimenez, M.

Lambert, A.B. 5959; see Masson, F.

Lambert, A.N. see Nuttall, T.

Lambert, B. 5959

La Méthérie, M. de v. Méthérie, M. de la



Lampert, K. 5994

samson-Scribner, F. 634.2; see Merrill, E.D.

ancake, R. 6059

ang, A. 6337

ange, J.J. 4722

ange, J.M.C. 4517, 7001; see Liebmann, F.M., Nolte, E.F.

vangeron, M. 5561

vangius, J.J. 4794

Langlassé, E. 5972

Lanjouw, J. see Meyer-Abich, A.

Lankester, E. 5175

Lanza, D. 5684

La Roche, D. de v. Roche, D. de la

La Sagra, R. de v. Sagra, R. de la

Lasch, W.G. see Lindblom, A.E.

Last, C.C.A. 6111

La Tourette, C. de v. Tourette, C. de la

Lattuada, A. 6304

Laubenburg, K.E. 4979

Launay, J.C.M. Mordant de v. Mordant, de Launay, J.C.M.

Laurence, B. 4637

Laurent, B. 5746, 5747

Laurent, J.C.M. 6087

Lawson 7055

Layens, G. de 5579:

Lebour, G.A. 4645

Lechler, W. 5880

Lecomte, H. see Martelli, U.

Ledebour, C.F. von see Meyer, C.A. von, Meyer, E.H.F.

Lee, J. 4760, 4813

Lefevre, L. 5189

Le Goullon v. Goullon, le

Lehmann, D. 6093

Lehmann, J.G.C. see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Lehman, J.G.C. 5807; see Meisner, C.F., Meyer, E.H.F., Miquel, F.A.W.

Lejeune, A.L.S. see Libert, M.A.

Lejolis, A.F. 5293

Lemaire, C. 4962, 7096

Le Marchant, S. Moore v. Moore, S. Le Marchant

Le Moine, W. 4825

Lemstrom, K.S. 4600

Lepage, H. 6374

Leprieur, F.R. 6229, 6255

Lessing, C.F. 4735

Levan, W. 4616

Léveillé, A.A.H. see Maire, L.

Léveillé, J.H. 6339, 7096

Levier, E. 5293

Lézermes, M. 5457

L. fil. v. Linne, C. von, filius

L’ Her. v. L Heéritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Lheritiera see 1” Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

L’ Heéritier de Brutelle, C.L. 4484-4494

L’Herminier, F. alph.



L’Herminier, F.L. see L’ Herminier, F.

Lhotsky, J. 4495

Lhotskya see Lhotsky, J.

Lhotzky, J. v. Lhotsky, J.

Li, H.L. alph.

Lib. v. Libert, M.A.

Libert, M.A. 4496-4497

Libertella see Libert, M.A.

Libertia see Libert, M.A.

Libertiella see Libert, M.A.

Libertina see Libert, M.A.

Libosch. v. Liboschitz, J.

Liboschitz, J. 4498-4499

Licht., A. v. Lichtenstein, A.G.G.

Licht., G. v. Lichtenstein, G.R.

Lichtenstein, A.G.G. 4500

Lichtenstein, G.R. 4501

Lichtenstein, M.H.K. A.G.G.

Lichtensteinia see Lichtenstein, A.G.G.

Lickl. v. Lickleder, M.

Lickleder, M. 4502

Licopoli, G. 4503-4505

icy elie seeleiel eaite

Lid, J. 4506

Lidb. v. Lidbeck, E.G.

Lidbeck, A. see Lidbeck, E.G.

Lidbeck, E.G. 4507-4508

Lidbeckia see Lidbeck, E.G.

Lidf. v. Lidforss, B.

Lidforss, B. 4509

Liebe, K.L.T. alph.; see Liebe, T-

Liebe, T. 4570

Liebl. v. Lieblein, F.K.

Lieblein, F.K. 4577

Liebm. v. Liebmann, F.M.

Liebmann, F.M. 4572- 4519, 7001, 7008; see Orsted, A.S.

Liebmannia see Liebmann, F.M.

Liedberg, W. 1879

Liég. v. Liégard, A.

Liegard, A. 4520

Lienau, W. 4521

Lightf. v. Lightfoot, J.

Lightfoot, J. 4522

Lightfootia see Lightfoot, J.

Lign. v. Lignier, E.A.O.

Lignier, E.A.O. 4523-4524

Ligmiera see Lignier, E.A.O.

Lilja, N. 4525-4526

Liljebl. v. Liljeblad, S.

Liljeblad, S. 4527-4530

Lillo, M. 4531-4534

Lilloa see Lillo, M. E

Limm. v. Limminghe, A.M.A. de

Limminghe, A.M.A. de 4535; see Mathieu, C.M.J.

Limonet, C. 5006

Limpr. v. Limpricht, K.G.

Limpr. H. v. Limpricht, H.W.

see Lichtenstein,

Limpricht, H.W. 4536-4537, 4540; see Lin- gelsheim, A. von

Limpricht, K.G. 4538-4540, 6172; see Lim- pricht, H.W.

Limprichtia see Limpricht, K.G.

Lincke, J.R. 4541

Linczevski, I.A. alph.

Lind, J.C. 6598

Lind, J.W.A. 4542-4545

Lindau, G. 4546-4562, 4981, 4982, 6945

Lindauea see Lindau, G.

Lindauella see Lindau, G.

Lindauomyces see Lindau, G.

Lindauopsis see Lindau, G.

Lindavia see Lindau, G.

Lindb. v. Lindberg, $.O.

Lindb., G. v. Lindberg, G.A.

Lindb., H. v. Lindberg, H.

Lindberg, G.A. alph.

Lindberg, H. 4563-4573

Lindberg, $.O. 4574-4609, 7001; see Lind- berg, G.A., Lindberg, H., Maximowicz, C

Lindbergella see Lindberg, H.

Lindbergia see Lindberg, H., Lindberg, S.O.

Lindblad, M.A. 4670-4672

Lindbladia see Lindblad, M.A.

Lindblom, A.E. 4673-4614a

Lindbloma see Lindblom, A.E.

Lindeb. v. Lindeberg, C.J.

Lindeberg, C.J. 4615-4617, 5895

Lindem. v. Lindemann, E.E. von

Lindem. Em. v. Lindemann, Em. von

Lindemann, E.E. von 4678-4620

Lindemann, Em. von alph.; see Lindemann, BES

Linden, A.C.J. see Linden, J.J.

Linden, C.L. 4628; see Linden, J.J.

Linden, J.J. 46200-4628, 4656; see Linden, L.

Linden, L. 4629, 4627; see Linden, J.J.

Lindenb. v. Lindenberg, J.B.W.

Lindenberg, J.B.W. 4630-4632

Lindenia see Linden, J.J.

Lindeniopiper see Linden, J.J.

Linder, D.H. alph.

Lindera see Linder, D.H.

Linderia see Linder, D.H.

Linderiella see Linder, D.H.

Linderina see Linder, D.H.

Linderomyces see Linder, D.H.

Lindgr. v. Lindgren, S.J.

Lindgren, S.J. alph.

Lindh. v. Lindheimer, F.J.

Lindheimer, F.J. alph.

Lindheimera see Lindheimer, F.J.

Linding. v. Lindinger, K.H.L.

Lindinger, K.H.L. 4633-4634

Lindl. v. Lindley, J.

Lindley, J. 4635-4661, 4915, 6131, 6132, 6275; see Mitchell, T.L.


Lindleya see Lindley, J.

Lindleyara see Lindley, J.

Lindleycladus see Lindley, J.

Lindleyella see Lindley, J.

Lindm. v. Lindman, C.A.M.

Lindman, C.A.M. 4662-4672; see Ostenfeld, CEL

Lindmamia see Lindman, C.A.M.

Lindr. v. Lindroth, J.1.

Lindra see Linder, D.H.

Lindroth, J.1. 4672a-4680

Lindrothia see Lindroth, J.1.

Linds. v. Lindsay, W.L.

Lindsaea see Lindsay, W.L.

Lindsaenium see Lindsay, W.L.

Lindsay, J. see Lindsay, W.L.

Lindsay, W.L. 4681-4685

Lindsay, W.R. see Lindsay, W.L.

Lindsayella see Lindsay, W.L.

Lindsaymum see Lindsay W.L.

Lindsayoides see Lindsay, W.L.

Lindst. v. Lindstedt, K.

Lindstedt, K. 4686-4687

Lindwall, J. 4842

Ling, Y. 4862

Lingelsh. v. Lingelsheim, A. von

Lingelsheim, A. von alph.

Lingelsheimia see Lingelsheim, A. von

Linh. v. Linhart, G.

Linhart, G. alph.

Linhartia see Linhart, G.

Link, J.H.F. 4688-4706, 4769, 6680; see Otto, 18

Linkia see Link, J.H.F.

Linkiella see Link, J.H.F.

Linkola, K. 4707-4708; see Norrlin, J.P.

Linnaea see Linnaeus, C.

Linnaeopsis see Linnaeus, C.

Linnaeus, C. 4709-4851, 4864

Linnaeus, C., fil. 5107

Linnaeus fil. see Linnaeus, C.

Linnaeus filius v. Linné, Carl von, filius

Linné, Carl von, filius 4852-4854, 5107; see Linnaeus, C.

Linney, W.M. 4855

Linsbauer, K. 6817; see Lohwag, H., Lorch, W.

Linton, A. see Linton, E.F.

Linton, E. v. Linton, E.F.

Linton, E.E. see Murray, R.P.

Linton, E.F. 4856-4858; see Linton, W.R.

Linton, W.J. 4859

Linton, W.R. 4860-48617; see Linton, E.F.

Lintonia see Linton, E.F.

Liou, T.N. 4662

Liouamonas see Liou, T.N.

Lipp, F.J. 4663

Lippay, G. see Lipp, F.J.

Lippay, J. see Lipp, F.J.

Lippaya see Lipp, F.J.



Lippert, X.J. 4864, 6575

Lippi, A. see Lipp, F.J.

Lippia see Lipp, F.J.

Lippius see Lipp, F.J.

Lippmaa, T. alph.

Lippomuellera see Miller, H.L.H. Lipsch. v. Lipschitz, S.J. Lipschitz, S.J. 4865-4866 Lipsky, V.I. 4867-4868a

Lipskya see Lipsky, V.I. Lipskyella see Lipsky, V.1.

Liro, J.F. v. Lindroth, J.I.

Liroa see Lindroth, J.1.

Lisa, D. 4869

Lisa, M. 6329, 6330; see Nuttall, T. Lisaea see Lisa, D.

Lisboa, J.C. 4870-4871 f Lisea see Lisa, D.

Lisiella see Lisa, D.

Fast. vy Teister, Ac

List, F.L. 4872

List, G. v. Laster, G.

Lister, A. 4873-4876

Lister, G. 4877, 4873, 4874, 4876 Lister, J. see Lister, A.

Lister, J.J. see Lister, A.

Lister, W.H. see Lister, A. Listerella see Lister, A.

Listia see List, F.L.

Litard. v. Litardiére, R. de Litardiére, R. de 4878

Litsch. v. Litschauer, V. Litschauer, V. alph. Litschauerella see Litschauer, V. Litschaueria see Litschauer, V. Little, E:L., Jr. alph.

Litv. v. Litvinov, D.I.

Litvinov, D.I. 4879

Litwinov, D.I. v. Litvinov, D.1I. Liu, J.C. 4880

Lin, @.S. seein; Jie:

Liuiana see Liu, J.C.

Ljung, J.E.L. 6118

Ljungstr. v. Ljungstrom, E.L. Ljungstrom, E.L. alph.

Llano, G.A. alph.

Llanoa see Llano, G.A. Llanolichen see Llano, G.A. Llanomyces see Llano, G.A. Llanos, A. 4887, 5861

Llanosia see Llanos, A.

Llenas y Fernandez, M. 4882-4883 Llhwyd, E. v. Lloyd, E.

Lloyd, C.G. 4884-4900; see Morgan, A.P.

Lloyd, E. see Lloyd, G.N.

Lloyd, F.E. see Lloyd, C.G. Lloyd, G.N. ggor

Lloyd, J. 4902-4905

Lloyd, J.U. 4884; see Lloyd, C.G. Lloyd, J.W. see Lloyd, C.G.


Lloyd, N.A. see Lloyd, C.G. Lloydella see Lloyd, C.G. Lloydellopsis see Lloyd, C.G. Lloydia see Lloyd, C.G., Lloyd, G.N. Lloydiella see Lloyd, C.G.

Lloydina see Lloyd, C.G.

Lluyd, E. v. Lloyd, E.

Lobarz. v. Lobarzewski, H.S. von Lobarzewski, H.S. von alph. Lobb, T. alph. see Lobb, W. Lobb, W. alph.

Lobbia see Lobb, W.

L’Obel, M. de 4906-4909

Lobel, M. de v. L’Obel, M. de Lobelia see L’Obel, M. de Lobeliaepollenites see L’Obel, M. de Lobelius, M. de v. L’Obel, M. de Locke, J. 4910

Lodd. v. Loddiges, C.L.

Lodd., G. v. Loddiges, G.

Lodder, J. 4911

Lodderomyces see Lodder, J.

Loddiges, C.L. 4912-4915; see Loddiges, G.

Loddiges, G. alph., 4914 Loddiges, J. 4914

Loddiges, W. 4914 Loddigesia see Loddiges, C.L. Loefgr. v. Lofgren, A. Lofgren, A. 4916-4919, 4665 Loefgrenia see Lofgren, A. Loefgrenianthus see Lofgren, A. Loefl. v. Lofling, P.

Lofling, P. 4920-4921, 4749 Loeflingia see LOfling, P. Loehr, E. von 4922

Loehr, M.J. 4923-2926 Lonnegren, A.V. alph. Lénnrot, E. 4927

Lonnroth, K.J. 4928

Lorch, P.J. 4929

Loescher, E. 4930

Lésecke, A.G. von 49317 Loesel, J. 4932-4933 Loesel, J., fil. 4932

Loeselia see Loesel, J. Loeselius, J. v. Loesel, J. Loesener, E. 4936

Loesener, L.E.T. 4934-4937 Loesenera see Loesener, L.E.T. Loeseneriella see Loesener, L.E.T. Loeske, L. 4936-4942 Loeskeobryum see Loeske, L. Loeskypnum see Loeske, L.

Loew, E. 4943-4944 Love, D. see Lowe, C.

Low, I. 4945-4946

Loewia see Loew, E.

Loher, A. 4947

Lohwag, H. alph.

Lohwag, K. see Lohwag, H.

Lohwagia see Lohwag, H.

Loisel, v. Loiseleur Deslongchamps, J.L.A.

Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, J.L.A. 4948- 4962, 5967, see Marquis, A.L.

Loiseleuria see Loiseleur-Deslongchamps A elawAY:

Lovtl. v. Loitlesberger, K.

Loitlesberger, K. alph.

Lojac. v. Lojacono-Pojero, M.

Lojacono-Pojero, M. 4963-4969

Lojaconoa see Lojacono-Pojero, M.

Lojka, H. alph.

Lojkama see Lojka, H.

Londes, F.W. 4970-4971

Londesia see Londes, F.W.

Long, W.H. alph.

Longchampia see Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, pelieae

Longia see Long, W.H.

Longo, B. 4972; see Long, W.H.

Longoa see Long, W.H., Longo, B.

Longyear, B.O. 4973

Lonic. v. Lonitzer, A.

Lonicera see Lonitzer, A.

Lonicerapollis see Lonitzer, A.

Lonicerus, A. v. Lonitzer, A.

Lonitzer, A. Alph.

Loo, A. 4800

Looser, G. alph.

Loosjes, A. 4974

Lopriore, G. 4975-4976

Lorch, W. 4977-4982, 4558

Lorek, C.G. 4983

Lorentea see Lorente y Asensi, V.A.

Lorente y Asensi, V.A. 4984-4985

Lorentz, P.G. 4986-4997

Lorentzia see Lorentz, P.G.

Lorentziella see Lorentz, P.G.

Lorenz, A. alph.

Lorenz, B. 4998

Lorenz, P.G. 6444, 6507; see Molendo, L.

Lorenzanea see Lorenz, A.

Lorenzochloa see Lorenz, A.

Loret, H. 4999-5002

Loret, V. 5003

Loretia see Loret, H.

Lorey, A. 5004

Lorey, F.N. 5005-5006

Loreya see Lorey, F.N.

Lorinser, F.W. 5007, 5008, 5009

Lorinser, G. 5008-5009; see Lorinser, F.W.

Lorinsera see Lorinser, G.

Lorinseria see Lorinser, G.

Lortet, C. alph.; see Lortet, L.C.

ontet, J.P. see Lortet, G-

Lortet, L.C. 5070; see Lortet, C.

Lortet, P. see Lortet, C.

Lortetia see Lortet, C.

Loscos y Bernal, F. 5011-5013

Lotsy, J.P. 5014-5022


Lotsya see Lotsy, J.P.

Lotze, M. 5620

Loud. v. Loudon, J.C.

Loud., F.W. v. Loudon, J.W. Loudon, J.C. 5025-5033; see Loudon, J.W. Loudon, J.W. 5023-5024, 5025, 5026, 5033 Loudonia see Loudon, J.C.

Louis, L. 6371

Louis- Marie, Pere 5034

Louis Napoléon see Mirbel, C.F.B. de Lounsb. v. Lounsberry, A. Lounsberry, A. 5035-5037

Lour. v. Loureiro, J. de

Loureira see Loureiro, J. de Loureiro, J. de 5038, 5869

Lousley, J.E. alph.

Loven, F.A. 5039

Low, H. see Lowe, R.T.

Lowe, C.W. alph.

Lowe, E.J. 5040-5044

Lowe, E.N. 5045

Lowe, J.L. 5046; see Overholts, L.O. Lowe, R.T. 5047-5050

Lowea see Lowe, R.T.

Loweporus see Lowe, J.L.

Lowia see Lowe, R.T.

Lubbers, L. 50517

Tueae, AED. alph:

Lucaea see Lucae, A.F.T.

Lucand, J.L. 5052

Lucas, A.H.S. 5053-5054

Lucé, J.W.L. von 5054a

Ludlow, F. alph.

Ludoviciana see Louis-Marie, Pére Ludw. v. Ludwig, C.G.

Ludw., C.A. v. Ludwig, C.A. Ludw., C.F. v. Ludwig, C.F.

Ludw., F. v. Ludwig, F.

Ludw., R. v. Ludwig, R.A.B.S. Ludwig, A. see Ludwig, C.G. Ludwig, C.A. alph.

Ludwig, C.F. 5055-5058

Ludwig, C.G. 5059-5069

Ludwig, F. 5070; see Lindau, G. Ludwig, R.A.B.S. alph.

Ludwigia see Ludwig, C.G. Ludwigiantha see Ludwig, C.G. Ludwigiella see Ludwig, C.G. Ludwigomyces see Ludwig, C.G. Luben, A.H.P. 50717

Luddemann, G. 4622

Lueder, F.H.H. 5072

Liideritz, Adolf see Lueder, F.H.H. Lideritz, August see Lueder, F.H.H. Luederitzia see Lueder, F.H.H. Liders, F.W.A. 5073

Luedersd. v. Luedersdorff, F.W. Luedersdorff, F.W. 5074

Ludi, W. 5075

Luerss. v. Luerssen, C.



Luerssen, C. 5076-5083

Luerssenia see Luerssen, C.

Luerssenidendron see Luerssen, C.

Luscher, H. 5064-5087

Liitjeh. v. Litjeharms, WJ.

Liitjeharms, W.J. 5088

Liitke, F. see Mertens, K.H.

Liitkem. v. Lutkemiuller, J.

Liitkemiiller, J. alph.

Luetzelb. v. Luetzelburg, P. von

Luetzelburg, P. von 5089-5090

Luetzelburgia see Luetzelburg, P. von

Liitzow, C.F.W. see Litzow, G.

Liitzow, G. 5091

Luisier, A. 5092-5093

Luisierella see Luisier, A.

Lukmanoff, A. de 5094

Lumn. v. Lumnitzer, I.

Lumnitzer, I. 5095

Lumnitzer, S. v. Lumnitzer, I.

Lumnitzera see Lumnitzer, I.

Lumnitzeroxylon see Lumunitzer, I.

Lunan, J. 5096

Lunanea see Lunan, J.

Lunania see Lunan, J.

Lund, A.A.W. 5097

Lund, J.W.G. see Lund, P.W.

Lund, N. 5096-5099

Lund, N.T. see Lund, P.W.

Lund, P.W. 5700

Lundell, C.L. 5101-5102

Lundell, P.M. 5703-5104

Lundell, S. 5105; see Nannfeldt, J.A.

Lundellia see Lundell, C.L.

Lundellianthus see Lundell, C.L.

Lundeq. v. Lundequist, N.W.

Lundequist, N.W. 5706

Lundia see Lund, P.W.

Lundiella see Lund, P.W.

Lundmark, J.D. 5707; see Linné, C. von filius

Lundstr. v. Lundstrom, A.N.

Lundqvist, A.G. v. Lundqvist, G.

Lundqvist, G. 5108

Lundstrom, A.N. 5109-5111

Lunell, J. alph.

Lunellia see Lunell, J.

Lunzer, A. 5783

Luther, A.F. 5772

Lutz, L.C. see Lutze, G.

Lutze, G. 5113-5114

Lutzia see Lutze, G.

Luut, C.J. 4837

Luxf. v. Luxford, G.

Luxford, G. 5115

Luyk. v. Luyken, J.A.

Luyken, J.A. 5716

Luykenia see Luyken, J.A.

Lyall, D. alph.

Lyallia see Lyall, D.


Lydia Pagan de Otero, R.A. Toroy v. Toro y Lydia Pagan de Otero, R.A.

Lydon, A.F. 5040-5043

Lyell, C. 4636; see Lyell, K.M.

Lyell, K.M. 5117

Lyman, G.R. alph.

Lyngb. v. Lyngbye, H.C.

Lyngbya see Lyngbye, H.C.

Lyngbye, H.C. 5118

Lyngbyea see Lyngbye, H.C.

Lyngbyella see Lyngbye, H.C.

Lyngbyites see Lyngbye, H.C.

Lyngbyopsis see Lyngbye, H.C.

Lynge, B.A. 5119-5134

Lyon, H.L. 5135

Lyonella see Lyon, H.L.

Lyonia see Lyon, H.L.

Lyons, A.B. 5136

Lyons, I. 5137

Lyons, J.C. 5138

Lyonsta see Lyons, I.

Lyonsiaephyllum see Lyons, I.

Lyttkens, A. 5139-5141.

Maack, K. v. Maack, R.

Maack, R. alph.

Maackia see Maack, R.

Maak, K. v. Maack, R.

Maak, R. v. Maack, R.

Maas Geesteranus, R.A. alph.

Maatsch, R.F.T. alph.

Mabille, J.P. v. Mabille, P.

Mabille, P. 5142-5143, 5465.

Macadam, R.K. 5178.

McAlpine, D. 5144-5147

Macalpinia see McAlpine, D.

Macalpinomyces see McAlpine, D.

M’Andrew, J. 5148.

McArdle, D. alph.

Macarthur, W. 5149; see Moore, C.

Macarthuria see Macarthur, W.

McAtee, W.L. 5250

Macbr. v. Macbride, J.F.

Macbr., J. v. Macbride, J.

Macbr., T. v. Macbride, T.H.

Macbride, J. alph.

Macbride, J.F. 5151-5152

Macbride, M.P. 5153

Macbride, T.H. 51753-5155; see Martin, G.W.

Macbridea see Macbride, J.

Macbrideina see Macbride, J.F.

Macbridella see Macbride, T.H.

Macbrideola see Macbride, T.H.

McCalla, W. alph.

McCalla, W.C. 5156

McCarthy, M.G. 5757

MacCaughey, V. alph.

Macch. v. Macchiati, L.

Macchiati, L. 5758

McClat. v. McClatchie, A.J. McClatchie, A.J. 5159-5167 M Clell. v. M’Clelland, J. McClellan, G.B. 5402 M°’Clelland, J. alph. Macclellandia see M’ Clelland, J. McClint. v. McClintock, E.M. McClintock, E.M. alph. McClure, F.A. 57674 McCormick, R. alph. McCoy, F. 51676 Maccoya see McCoy, F. McDermott, L.F. 5762 MacDougal, D.T. 5163-5165 Macdougalia see MacDougal, D.T. MacDougall, T.B. alph. McDougall, W.B. 5166-5168 Macedo, A. de 5169 MacElwee, A. alph. Macfady. v. Macfadyen, J. Macfadyen, J. 5770 Macfadyena see Macfadyen, J. Macfarl. v. Macfarlane, J.M. Macfarlane, J.M. alph. McGibb. v. McGibbon, J. McGibbon, J. 5777 MacGillivray, J. alph. MacGillivray, P.H. 5172 MacGillivray, W. 5173-5175; see MacGilli- vray, J., MacGillivray, P.H. McGinty, N.J. see Lloyd, C.G. Machado Guimaraes, A.L. 5176-5177 Mello. v. Mclilvaine, C. Mellvaine, C. 5778 Macilvainea see Mclivaine, C. MclInteer, B.B. alph. McIntosh, C. 5179 Maclvor, R.W.E. 6416 Mclvor, W.G. 5780 Mackaia see Mackay, J.T. Mackay, A.H. 5787 Mackay, J.T. 5162-5183 Mackaya see Mackay, J.T. McKelv. v. McKelvey, S.A. McKelvey, Mrs. C.W. v. McKelvey, S.A. McKelvey, S.A. 5184-5185 McKen, J. v. M’Ken, M.J. M’Ken, M.J. 5786 Mackenia see M’Ken, M.J. Mackenz. v. Mackenzie, K.K. Mackenzie, K.K. 5187-5186 Mac Kerc, J. v. M’Ken, M.J. Mac Leod, J. 5769 Macloskie, G. 5190 M’ Mahon, B. alph. MacMill. v. MacMillan, C. MacMillan, C. 5791-5192 Macmillanina see MacMillan, C. McMinn, H.E. 5193-5194 McNab, J. see McNab, W.R.


McNab, W. see McNab, W.R.

McNab, W.R. alph.

Macoun, J. 5198-5202; see Macoun, J.M.

Macoun, J.M. 5195-51974, 5199

Macounastrum see Macoun, J.

MacOwan, P. alph.

Macowania see MacOwan, P.

Macowaniella see MacOwan, P.

Macowamnites see MacOwan, P.

Macquart, J. 5203-5204

Macreight, D.C. 5205

Macreightia see Macreight, D.C.

McVaugh, R. 5206, 5152

Macvaughia see McVaugh, R.

Macvaughiella see McVaugh, R.

Macvicar, J.G. 5207

Macvicar, $.M. 5208-5212

Macvicaria see Macvicar, S.M.

Madden, E. 5213-5214

Madenis, C.B. alph.

Magd. v. Magdefrau, K.

Magdefrau, K. 5215, 5516; see Lorentz, P.G.

Maehara, R. v. Mayebara, K.

Markl. v. Maerklin, G.F.

Maerklin, G.F. 5276

Maerter, F.J. 5277-5219

Magalon, M. 5220-5221

Magne, J.H. 5222

Magnier, C. 522

Magnin, A. 5224-5229

Magnina see Magnin, A.

Magnol, A. 5233

Magnol, P. 5230-5233, 4789, 5507

Magnolia see Magnol, P.

Magnus, P.W. 5234-5242

Magnusia see Magnus, P.W.

Magnusiella see Magnus, P.W.

Magnusina see Magnus P.W.

Magnusiomyces see Magnus, P.W.

Magnusson, A.H. 5243-5252

Magnussoniolichen see Magnusson, A.H.

Magnussoniomyces see Magnusson, A.H.

Magocsy-Dietz, A. v. Magocsy-Dietz, S.

Magocsy-Dietz, S. alph.

Maguire, B. alph.

Maguirea see Maguire, B.

Maguireanthus see Maguire, B.

Maguireocharis see Maguire, B.

Maguireothamnus see Maguire, B.

Maheu, J.M.A. 5253-5256

Mahevia see Maheu, J.M.A.

Mahonia see M’ Mahon, B.

Maiden, J.H. 5257-5265

Maidenia see Maiden, J.J.

Maillard, L. see Maillard, P.N.

Maillard, P.N. alph.

Maillardia see Maillard, P.N.

Maille, A. alph.; see Mérat de Vaumartoise, PAVE

Maillea see Maille, A.



Maingay, A.C. alph.

Maingaya see Maingay, A.C. Maino, E. 5193

Mains, E.B. alph.

Mainsia see Mains, E.B.

Maire, E.E. see Maire, L. Maire, L. 5266

Maire, R.C.J.E. 5267-5275 Maireella see Maire, R.C.J.E Maireina see Maire, L.

Mairella see Maire, L.

Maireola see Maire, R.C.J.E. Maireomyces see Maire, R.C.J.E. Mairetis see Maire, R.C.J.E. Maiwald, V.F. 5276-5277 Major, C.I.P. 5276-5279 Makhes, M. 5034

Makino, T. 5280-5286, 6741 Makinoa see Makino, T. Makinoella see Makino, T. Makowsky, A. 5287

Malacarne, C.G. 5267a

Malbr. v. Malbranche, A.F. Malbranche, A.F. 5268-5290 Malbranchea see Malbranche, A.F. Malcuit, G. see Litardiére, R. de Malencon, G.J.L. 5297 Malenconia see Malengon, G.J.L. Malherbe, A. 52914

Malinv. v. Malinvaud, L.J.E. Malinvaud, L.J.E. 5292-5294, one Malinvaudia see Malinvaud, L.J.E Malme, G.O.A. 5295-5320, 4665 © Malmea see Malme, G.O.A. Malmella see Malme, G.O.A. Malmeomyces see Malme, G.O.A. Malmeren, A.J. 5327 Malmgrenia see Malmgren, A.J. Malmia see Malme, G.O.A. Malta, N. 5322-5924

Malte, M.O. alph.

Malthe, G.F. 5325

Maly, C. v. Maly, J.K.

Maly, F. de P. see Maly, J.K. Maly, J.K. 5326-5333, 6722 Malya see Maly, J.K.

Malzine, O. de P.A.H.R. de 5334 Man, E.H. 5637

Mancini, V. 5335

Mandon, G. alph.

Mandonia see Mandon, G. Mandoniella see Mandon, G. Manetti, G. 5336-5338

Manetti, S. v. Manetti, X. Manetti, X. 4339-45340

Manettia see Manetti, X. Maneval, W.E. 5341 Manganotti, A. 5342-5343 Mangenot, C. 5344

Mangenot, G.M. see Mangenot, C.


Mangenotia see Mangenot, C. Mangin, A. 5345

Mangin, L.A. 5346 Manginella see Mangin, L.A. Manginia see Mangin, L.A. Manginula see Mangin, L.A. Manginulopsis see Mangin, L.A. Manguin, E.E. 5347

Mann, A. 5348-5350

Mann, B.P. alph., 5353 Mann, E.R. see Mann, H. Jr Mann, G. alph.

Mann, H. Jr. 5351-5354 Mann, H. Sr. see Mann, H. Jr.

Mann, J.G. 5355-5357

Mann, R.J. 5358; see M’Ken, M.]J. Mann, W.B. 5359

Mannia see Mann, G., Mann, W.B. Manniella see Mann, G. Manniophyton see Mann, G. Manoury, C.A. 5360; see Mougeot, J.A. Mansel-Pleydell, J.C. 5367

Mansf. v. Mansfeld, R.

Mansfeld, R. 5362

Mansion, A. 5363-5364

Manso, A.L.P. da Silva 5365 Mansoa see Manso, A.L.P. da Silva Mantell, G.A. 5366-5368

Mantellia see Mantell, G.A.

Mappa see Mappus, M.

Mappia see Mappus, M.

Mappus, M. 5369

Maratti, G.F. 5370-5374

Marattia see Maratti, G.F. Marattiopsis see Maratti, G.F. Marattiotheca see Maratti, G.F. Marattisporites see Maratti, G.F. Marattites see Maratti, G.F.

Mare, F. alph.

Marcailhou d’Aymeéric, A.L.M. 5375 Marcailhou-d’Aymeric, H. 5375 Marcan, A. see Marc, F.

Marcania see Marc, F.

Marcgr. v. Marcgrave, G. Marceraf, G. v. Marcgrave, G. Marcgrave, G. alph.

Marcegravia see Marcerave, G. Marceravius, G. v. Marcgrave, G.

Marchal, E.J.J. alph.; see Marchal, El. Marae see Marchal, El. Marchaliella see Marchal, El. Marchand, N.L. 5378-5389

Marchant, S. Moore, Le v. Moore, 8. Le

Marchant Marches. v. Marchesetti, C. de Marchesetti, C. de 5390-5399 Marchesettia see Marchesetti, C. de Marcialis, E. 5400 Marck, W. von der 5401

Marchal, El. "5376-537; see Marchal, E.J.J.

Marcy, R.B. 5402"

Marés, P. 5403

Maresia see Marés, P.

Maresq. v. Maresquelle, H.J. Maresquelle, H.J. 5404 Marggraf, G. v. Marcgrave L.G Margot, H. 5405

Margotia see Margot, H. Mare-Vict. v. Marie-Victorin, Frére Marie-Victorin, Frére 5406-5415 Marion, A.F. 5416-5417 Marionella see Marion, A.F. Marissal, F.V. 5478-5419 Marissal, F.D. 5419

Marissal, V.J. v. Marissal, F.V. Mariti, G. 5420-5421

Mariz, J. de 5422-5424

Markgr. v. Markgraf, F. Markeraf, F. 5425-5426 Markham, C.R. 5427-5430 Markhamia see Markham, C.R. Markl. v. Marklund, G.G. Marklund, G.G. 5431-5433 Marloth, H.W.R. 5434-5436 Marlothia see Marloth, H.W.R. Marlothiella see Marloth, H.W.R. Marlothistella see Marloth, H.W.R. Marmora, A.F. de la 5826 Marnac, E. 5437

Marogna, N. see Maron, C. Maron, C. 5438

Maronea see Maron, C. Maronella see Maron, C. Maroneomyces see Maron, C. Marquand, E.D. 5439 Marquart, C.L. 5440 Marquart, F’. 5441-5442 Marquartia see Marquart, C.L. Marquery, F’. see Maire, R.C.J.E. Marquis, A.L. 5443-5445, 4948 Marquisia see Marquis, A.L. Marrat, F.P. 5446-5448

Marschall von Bieberstein, F.A. 5451-5453 Marsden, W. 5454

Marsdenia see Marsden, W. Marsden-Jones, E.M. alph.

Marsh, C.D. 5455

Marsh. v. Marshall, H.

Marsh., E. v. Marshall, E.S. Marsh., Ff. v. Marshall, J.J.

Marsh., N.v. Marshall, N.L. Marsh., R. v. Marshall, R.C. Marsh., W. v. Marshall, W. Marshall, C.N.L. v. Marshall, N.L. Marshall, E.S. 5456

Marshall, H. 5457

Marshall, J.J. alph.

Marshall, M. see Marshall, H. Marshall, N.L. 5458-5459

Marret, L. 5449-5450; see Ostenfeld, C.E.H.


Marshall, R.C. 5460

Marshall, Mrs. R.C. 5460 Marshall, W. 5467

Marshall, W.T. see Marshall, H. Marshalifieldia see Marshall, H. Marshallia see Marshall, H. Marshallocereus see Marshall, H. Marsigli, L.F. see Marsili, G. Marsilaea see Marsili, G.

Marsilea see Marsili, G.

Marsili, G. 5462-5464

Marsilidium see Marsili, G. Marsilly, L.J.A. de Commines de 5465 Marsson, K.M. v. Marsson, M. Marsson, M. alph.

Marsson, T.F. 5466; see Marsson, M. Marssonia see Marsson, T.F. Marssoniella see Marsson, M., Marsson, T.F. Marssonina see Marsson, T.F.

Mart. v. Martius, C.F.P. von Mart., C. v. Martius, C.F.P.S. Mart., E. v. Martius, E.W.

Mart., H. v. Martius, H. von Mart., T. v. Martius, T.W.C. Martel, E. 5467-5468

Martella see Martelli, N.

Martelli, N. 5469

Martelli, U. 5470-5477, 6329 Martellia see Martelli, U. Martellius, N. v. Martelli, N. Martens, E.K. von 5478

Martens, E. see Martens, E.K. von Martens, F. see Martens, G.M. von Martens, G.M. von 5479-5485 Martens, L. von see Martens, E.K. von Martens, M. 54850-5468; see Martens, E. K.von

Martens, P.E. see Martens, M. Martensella see Martens, M. Martensia see Martens, G.M. von Martensiomyces see Martens, M. Martersteck, J.C. 5489

Marthe, F. 5490

Marthea see Marthe, F.

Marthella see Marthe, F.

Martia see Martius, C.F.P. von Martiella see Martius, C.F.P. von Martin, A. 5491

Martin, A.R. 4792

Martin, C.E. 5492-5494

Martin, E. 5495

Martin, F. see Martin, G.W. Martin, G.W. alph., 5155 Martin, J. see Martin, G.W. Martin, L.F. see Martin, G.W. Martin, P.A. 6598

Martin, R. 4732

Martin, W. alph.

Martin, W.K. 5496

Martindale, I.C. 5498-5499



Martindale, J.A. alph.

Martindalia see Martindale, I.C.

Martin de Argenta, V. 5497

Martinella see Martin, G.W.

Martinet, J.B.H. 5500

Martinez, J. Quer y v. Quer y Martinez, J.

Martinez, M. 5501-5504

Martini, E. see Martin, G.W.

Martinia see Martin, G.W.

Martininia see Martin, G.W.

Martinoy, I. 5505

Martins, C.F. 5506-5509

Martinsia see Martins, C.F.

Martiodendron see Martius, C.F.P . von

Martius, C.F.P. von 5510-5550, 5722, 5958, 6112, 6184, 6686, 7095; see Martius, E.W., Martius, T.W., Milde, C.A.J., Mi- quel, F.A.W., Mohl, H. von

Martius, C.F.P.S. 5557

Martius, E.W. 5552-5554

Martius, H. von 5555

Martius, K.F.P.S. v. Martius, C.F.P.S.

Martius, T.W.C. 5556-5557; see Martius, CoE PSS:

Martiusella see Martius, C.F.P. von

Martiusia see Martius, C.F.P. von

Martrin-Donos, J.V. 5558-5560

Marty, P. 5567

Martyia see Marty, P.

Martyn, J. 5562-5564; see Martyn, T.

Martyn, T. 5565-5572, 6046, 6059

Martynia see Martyn, J.

Marum, M. van 4573

Marumia see Marum, M. van

Marzari-Pencati, G. 5574

Marzaria see Marzari-Pencati, G.

Marzell, H. 5575

Masam. v. Masamune, G.

Masamune, G. 5576

Masclef, A. 5577-5580

Masf. v. Masferrer y Arquimbau, R.

Masferrer y Arquimbau, R. 45567

Mason, E.W. see Mason, H.L.

Mason, F’. 5562-5584

Mason, F.A. 5585

Mason, H.L. alph.

Masonhalea see Mason, H.L.

Masonia see Mason, H.L.

Masoniella see Mason, H.L.

Masoniomyces see Mason, H.L.

Masonophycus see Mason, H.L.

Massa Ducale, G. di 5371; see Maratti, G.F.

Massal., A. v. Massalongo, A.B.

Massal., C. v. Massalongo, C.B.

Massalongia see Massalongo, A.B.

Massalongiella see Massalongo, C.B.

Massalongina see Massalongo, C.B.

Massalongo, A.B. 5586-5625; see Massalon- go, C.B.

Massalongo, C.B. 5626-5647


Massalongoa see Massalongo, C.B. Massalongomyces see Massalongo, A.B. Massara, G.F. 5648

Massaria see Massara, G.F. Massariella see Massara, G.F. Massariellops see Massara, G.F. Massarina see Massara, G.F. Massarinula see Massara, G.F. Massariola see Massara, G.F. Massariopsis see Massara, G.F. Massariothea see Massara, G.F. Massariovalsa see Massara, G.F. Massart, J. 5649-5652

Massartia see Massart, J. Massartina see Massart, J. Massaux, G. 6592

Massee, G.E. 5653-5662 Massee, I. 5661-5662

Masseea see Massee, G.E. Masseeella see Massee, G.E. Masseeola see Massee, G.E. Masson, F. 5663

Massonia see Masson, F.

Mast. v. Masters, M.T. Masters, J.W. see Masters, M.T. Masters, M.T. 5664, 5732, 7055 Mastersia see Masters, M.T Mastersiella see Masters, M.T. Mathews, F.S. 5665-5666 Mathews, W. 5667

Mathias, M.E. alph., 5152 Mathiasella see Mathias, M.E. Mathieu, A.A. 5668

Mathieu, C.M.J. 5669 Mathieu, L. see Mathieu, C.M.J. Mathieua see Mathieu, C.M.J. Maton, W.G. 5670

Matonia see Maton, W.G. Matoniella see Maton, W.G. Matonidium see Maton, W.G. Matonisporites see Maton, W.G. Matousch. v. Matouschek, F. Matouschek, F. 5677

Matr. v. Matruchot, L. Matruchot, A.L.P. v. Matruchot, L. Matruchot, L. 5672

Matruchotia see Matruchot, L. Matruchotiella see Matruchot, L. Matsum. v. Matsumura, J. Matsumura, J. 5673-5679 Matsumuraea see Matsumura, J. Matsumurella see Matsumura, J. Matsumuria see Matsumura, J. Mattei, G.E. 5680-5684

Matteia see Mattei, G.E.

Mattf. v. Mattfeld, J.

Mattfeld, J. 5685

Mattfeldanthus see Mattfeld, J. Mattfeldia see Mattfeld, J. Matthews, V.D. 5666

Matthiesen, F. 5687

Matthiola see Mattioli, P.A.G.

Matthiolus, P.A. v. Mattioli, P.A.G.

Mattick, W.F’. 5688-5689

Mattickiolichen see Mattick, W.F.

Mattickiomyces see Mattick, W.F.

Mattioli, P.A.G. alph.

Mattir. v. Mattirolo, O.

Mattirolella see Mattirolo, O.

Mattrolia see Mattirolo, O.

Mattirolo, O. 5690-5706, 6320; see Morini F

Mattirolomyces see Mattirolo, O.

Mattuschka, H.G. von 5707-5708

Mattuschkaea see Mattuschka, H.G. von

Mattuschkia see Mattuschka, H.G. von

Matuda, E. alph.

Matudacalamus see Matuda, E.

Matudaea see Matuda, E.

Matudanthus see Matuda E.

Matudina see Matuda, E.

Matzenko, A.E. 3857

Maubert 4622

Maubl. v. Maublanc, A.

Maublanc, A. 5709

Maublancia see Maublanc, A.

Maublancomyces see Maublanc, A.

Mauksch, J.D.T. 5710

Maulny, L.J.C. 5771

Maund, B. 5712-5715

Maund, J. see Maund, B.

Maundia see Maund, B.

Mauray, P.J.B. 5970

Maurer, H.L. 57/6

Maurer, H.L. v. Maurer, H.

Mauri, E. 5717-5718

Maurinia see Mauri, E.

Mauria see Mauri, E.

Maurizio, A. 5719

Maury, P.J.B. 5720, 5970

Maurya see Maury, P.J.B.

Mauve, Mrs. A. v. Obermeyer, A.A.

Maw, G. 5721

Maxim. v. Maximowicz, C.J.

Maxim.-Ambodik v. Maximowicz-Ambodik, N. Maximilian A.P. zu Wied-Neuwied 5722, 5518; see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D. Maximilian Joseph I 5516; see Maximilian A.P. zu Wied-Neuwied

Maximiliana see Maximilian A.P. zu Wied- Neuwied

Maximilianea see Maximilian A.P. zu Wied- Neuwied

Maximowasia see Maximowicz, C.J.

Maximowicz, C.I. v. Maximowicz, C.J.

Maximowicz, C.J. 5724-5736, 5909, 6119, 6120

Maximowicz-Ambodik, N. 5723

Maximowiczia see Maximowicz, C.J.


Maxim. Wied v. Maximilian A.P. zu Wied- Neuwied

Maxon, W.R. 5737-5738

Maxonia see Maxon, W.R.

Maxwellia see Masters, M.T.

Maycock, J.D. 5739

Maycockia see Maycock, J.D.

Mayebara, K. 5740

Mayendorf, G. Niessl von v. Niessl von

Mayendorf, G.

Mayer, Ad.T. 5742-5743

Mayer, An. 5744-5845

Mayer, J. alph.

Mayer, 7. prag. v. Mayer, J.

Mayer, J.C.A. 5746-5747

Mayer, J.P. 5748

Mayor, E. 5749-5750

Mayr, H. 5751-5754

Mayr, J. 9755-5756

Mayrh. v. Mayrhoffer, J.N.

Mayrhofer, I.N. v. Mayrhoffer, J.N.

Mayrhofer, J. v. Mayrhofer, P.J.

Mayrhofer, K. 5758

Mayrhofer, P.J. 5757

Mayrhoffer; J.N. alph.

Mazaea see Mazé, H.P.

Maza y Jimenez, M. Goméz de la v. Goméz

de la Maza y Jimenez, M.

Mazé H.P. 5759-5760

Mazell, P. 4522

Mazza, A. 5761

Mazzaella see Mazza, A.

Mazzuc. v. Mazzucato, G.

Mazzucato, G. 5762-5763

Mead, S.B. alph.

Mecklenburg, A. Friedrich zu v. Friedrich zu Mecklenburg, A.

Medelius, S.O. 5764-5765

Medicus, F.C. v. Medikus, F.K.

Medicus, W. 5766

Medicusia see Medikus, F.K.

Medik. v. Medikus, F.K.

Medikus, F.K. 5767-5761; see Linnaeus, C.

Medlicott, H.B. 5782

Medlicottipites see Medlicott, H.B.

Meehan, T. 5783

Meehania see Meehan, T.

Meehaniopsis see Meehan, T.

Meerb. v. Meerburgh, N.

Meerburgh, N. 5784-5786

Meerburgia see Meerburgh, N.

Meese, D. 5787-5789

Meesia see Meese, D.

Méhu, M.A.A. 5790

Meigen, J.W. 5791-5793

Meigen, W. 5794-5795

Meyer, F.N. 5796

Meinecke, E.P.M. 5797

Meinecke, J.L.G. 5797a

Meineckia see Meinecke, J.L.G.


Meins, C. 5798

Meinsh. v. Meinshausen, K.F.

Meinshausen, K.F. 5799-5601

Meisel, M. 5602

Meisn. v. Meisner, C.F.

Meisner, C.F. 5803-5608

Metsneria see Meisner, C.F.

Meissner, C.F. v. Meisner, C.F.

Meissner, M. see Martens, E. von

Meissner, W. see Meisner, C.F.

Meissneria see Meisner, C.F.

Meister, F. 5809-5870

Meister, J. 5877

Mejer, K.I. v. Meyer, K.I.

Mejer, L. 5872

Mejerella see Mejer, L.

Mela, A.J. 5813; see Norrlin, J.B.

Melchior, H. alph. 4558

Melchiora see Melchior, H.

Melchioria see Melchior, H.

Melén, E.G. 5814

Melhus, I.E. alph.

Melliss, J.C. 5875

Mello e, Netto L. de Souza v. Netto, L. de Souza Mello e

Melsheimer, M. 5876

Melvill, J.C. 5877

Melville, R. alph.

Memminger, E.R. alph.

Mendel, G.J. 5878-5619

Mendonga, F. de A. alph.

Menegazzi, L. 5607

Menegh. v. Meneghini, G.G.A.

Meneghini, G.G.A. 5620-5626

Meneghinia see Meneghini, G.G.A.

Meneghiniella see Meneghini, G.G.A.

Menezes, C.A. de 5827.

Menezesia see Menezes, C.A. de Menge, F.A. 5628

Mengea see Menge, F.A.

Mennega, A.M.W. alph.

Mennega, E.A. see Mennega, A.M.W.

Mentz, A. 5829-5830

Menyh. v. Menyharth, L.

Menyharth, L. 5837, 6469

Menzel, P.J. 5832

Menzies, A. 5833

Menziesia see Menzies, A.

Meérat, F.V. see Mérat de Vaumartoise, BN.

Merat, J. see Mérat de Vaumartoise, F.V.

Meérat, L.G. see Mérat de Vaumartoise, EN.

Merat de Vaumartoise, F.V. 5834-5837

Meratia see Mérat, de Vaumartoise, F.V.

Mercier, M.P. alph.

Merciera see Mercier, M.P.

Mercier de Coppet, E. 5838

Merckl. v. Mercklin, C.E.

Mercklin, C.E. 5839-5841


Mercklinea see Mercklin, C.E. Meredith, L.A. 5842

Meredithea see Meredith, L.A. Mérejkovski, C.S. v. Mereschkowski, K.S. Mereschk. v. Mereschkowski, K.S. Mereschkowski, K.S. 5843 Mereschkowskiella see Mereschkowski, K.S. Merino y Roman, B. 5844-5846 Merker, G. 5847

Merklein, F. 5848

Merleta see Merlet de la Boulaye, G.E. Merlet de la Boulaye, G.E. 5849 Merrem, B. 5850-5851

Merremia see Merrem, B. Merriam, C. H. 5852

Merrill, E.D. 5853-5872

Merrill, G.K. alph.

Merrill, M.A. v. Chase, M.A. Merrillanthus see Merrill, E.D. Merrillia see Merrill, E.D. Merrilliobryum see Merrill, E.D. Merrilliodendron see Merrill, E.D. Merrilliopanax see Merrill, E.D. Merrilliopeltis see Merrill, E.D. Merrillosphaera see Merrill, E.D. Merriman, P.R. 5873

Mert. v. Mertens, F.K.

Mert., K. v. Mertens, K.H. Mertens, C.H. v. Mertens, K.H. Mertens, F.K. alph.; see Mertens, K.H. Mertens, K.H. alph.

Mertensia see Mertens, F.K. Mertensides see Mertens, F.K. Mesch. v. Meschinelli, A. Meschinelli, A. 5874-5875 Meschinelli, L. v. Meschinelli, A. Metaneckera see Necker, N.J. de Metasequova see Miki, S. Metcalfe, C.R. alph.

Metcalfia see Metcalfe, C.R. Méthérie, M. de la 5775

Metsch, J.C. 5876

Met. v. Mettenius, G.H. Mettenius, G.H. 5877-5885 Metteniusa see Mettenius, G.H. Mettler, R. see Otto, E. Mettman, A. see Niessen, J. Metz, M.C. 5866

Meizg. v. Metzger, J.

Metzger, G. see Metzger, J. Metzger, J. 5887-5890

Metzgeria see Metzger, J. Metzgerites see Metzger, J. Metzgeriopsis see Metzger, J. Meizl. v. Metzler, J.A.

Metzler, H. v. Metzler, J.A. Metzler, J.A. alph.

Metzlerella see Metzler, J. A. Metzlerta see Metzler, J. A. Meulenhoff, J.S. 5891

Meunier, A.F. alph.

Meurer, FF. alph.; see Meurer, Pfarrer

Meurer, Pfarrer 5892

Meurling, P. 5893

Meusel, H. alph.

Mexia, Y.E.J. alph.

Mexvanthus see Mexia, Y.E.J.

Mey.-Abich v. Meyer-Abich, A.

Mey., Ad. v. Meyer, Ad.

Mey., Alb. v. Meyer, Alb.

Mey., Aug. v. Meyer, Aug.

Mey., B. v. Meyer, B.

Mey., C.A. v. Meyer, C.A. von

Mey., E. v. Meyer, E.H.F.

Mey., G. v. Meyer, G.F.W.

Mey., 7. v. Meyer, J.C.

Meyen, F.J.F’. 5894-5895, 6695, 6696; see Mi- quel, F.A.W., Nees von Esenbeck, (CCAD,

Meyenza see Meyen, F.J.F.

Meyenites see Meyen, F.J.F.

Meyer, Ad. 5896

Meyer, Alb. 5897

Meyer, Aug. 5898

Meyer, B. alph.

Meyer, C.A. von 5899-5917, 5978

Meyer,-C.E.H. von 6535

Meyer, E.H.F. 5918-5929; see Meyer, C.A. von

Meyer, F.A. see Miller, F.A.

Meyer, F.A.A. see Meyer, E.H.F.

Meyer, F.N. v. Meyer, F.N.

Meyer, F.W. 5935

Meyer, G. see Meyer, E.H.F.

Meyer, G.F.W. 4930-5936; see Meyer,

Meyer, H.H.J. see Meyer, E.H.F.

Meyer, J. see Meyer, E.H.F.

Meyer, J.C. 5937

Meyer, J.D. 5563

Meyer, K.A. v. Meyer, C.A. von

Meyer, K.I. see Mejer, L.

Meyera see Meyer, E.H.F.

Meyer-Abich, A. alph.

Meyerafra see Meyer, E.H.F.

Meyeria see Meyer, C.A. von, Meyer, G.F.W; Meyer, E.H.F.

Meyeriella see Mejer, L.

Meyerophytum see Meyer, E.H.F.

Meyl. v. Meylan, C.

Meylan, C. 5936-5941

Meyland, W. see Meylan, C.

Meyran, O. 5942-5944

Mez, C.C. 5945-5949 Mezia see Mez, C.C.

Meziella see Mez, C.C. Mezilaurus see Mez, C.C. Meziothamnus see Mez, C.C. Mezobromelia see Mez, C.C. Mezochloa see Mez, C.C.


Miall, L.C. 5950-5951

Mich., M.v. Micheli, M.

Mich., P. v. Micheli, P.A.

Michael, E. 5952

Michael, P.O. 5953

Michaelsarsia see Michael, E.

Michalet, E. 5954-5956

Michalet, L.E. v. Michalet, E.

Michaux, A. 5957-5958; see Michaux, F.A.

Michaux, A.M. see Michaux, F.A.

Michaux, F.A. 5959-5966, 5957, 6930

Michauxia see Michaux, A.

Michel,'E. 5967

Michel, M.J. 5968

Micheletti, L. alph.

Micheli, M. 5969-5972

Micheli, P.A. 5973-5975

Michelia see Micheli, P.A.

Micheliella see Micheli, M.

Michelilloa see Lillo, M.

Michelin, J.L.H. 5976

Michelin, L. 5976

Micheliopsis see Micheli, P.A.

Michelis, F.B.F. 5977

Michelson, A. see Michel, M.J.

Michelsonia see Michel, M.J.

Michener, E. alph.

Michenera see Michener, E.

Michiel, A. see Micheli, P.A.

Michot, N.L. alph.

Michx. v. Michaux, A.

Michx., F. v. Michaux, F.A.

Middend. v. Middendorff, A.T. von

Middendorf, A.F. v. Middendorff, A.T. von

Middendorff, A.T. von 5978; see Meyer,

C.A. von

Middendorfia see Middendorff, A.T. von

Miechielsen, M. 7147

Mieége, E. 5979

Miégeville, J. alph.

Miers, J. 5980-5983

Miersia see Miers, J.

Mersiella see Miers, J.

Muersiophyton see Miers, J.

Mig. v. Migula, E.F.A.W.

Migout, A. 5984-5965

Migula, E.F.A.W. 5986-6004

Mik, J. 6005

Mikan, J.C. 6006; see Mikan, J.G.

Mikan, J.G. 6007

Mikania see Mikan, J.G.

Mikaniopsis see Mikan, J.G.

Miki, S. alph.

Mikut. v. Mikutowicz, J.M.

Mikutowicz, J.M. alph.

Milani, G.B. 6007a-6007b

Mildbraed, G.W.J. 6008-6010

Mildbraedia see Mildbraed, G.W.J.

Mildbraediochloa see Mildbraed, G.W.].



Mildbraediodendron see Mildbraed, G.W.J. Milde, C.A.J. 6011-6025 Mildea see Milde, C.A.J. Mildeella see Milde, C.A.J. Mildella see Milde, C.A.J. Miliarakis, S. 6026 Militzer, M. alph.

Mill. v. Miller, P.

Mill., E.S. v. Miller, E.S. Mill., 7. v. Miller, J.

Mill., 7.F. v. Miller, J.F. Mill., R.B. v. Miller, R.B. Mill., S. v. Miller, S.A. Mill., W. v. Miller, W. Millais, J.G. 6027-6028 Millardet, P.M.A. 6029-6030a Miller, A.E. 6034

Miller, E.S. 6037

Miller, H. see Miller, P. Miller, J. 6034

Miller, J. v. Miller, J.S. Miller, J.F. 6032-6033 Miller, J.H. see Miller, P. Miller, P. 6035-6061

Miller, R.B. 6062

Miller, S.A. 6062a-6062b Miller, W. 6063, 4914 Millerburtonia see Miller, P. Milleria see Miller, E.S., Miller, P. Mills, F.W. 6064-6066 Millsp. v. Millspaugh, C.F.

Millspaugh, C.F. 6067-6074, 5178; see Nut-

tall, L.W. Millspaughia see Millspaugh, C.F. Milne, C. 6075-6076 Milnea see Milne, C. Milne-Edw. v. Milne-Edwards, A. Milne-Edwards, A. 6079-6060 Milne-Redh. v. Milne-Redhead, E.W.B.H. Milne-Redhead, E.W.B.H. alph. Milne-Redhead, H.

E.W.B.H. Miltitz, F.J.F.X. von 6060a Miltitzia see Miltitz, F.J.F.X. von Mina-Palumbo, F. 60806 Minden, M. D. von alph. Mindeniella see Minden, M.D. von Miner, E.L. see Miner, H.S. Miner, H.S. 6081 Minerisporites see Miner, H.S. Muinio, M. 608ra Minks, A. 6082-6065 Minksia see Minks, A. Minuart, J. 6085a-6085b Minuartia see Minuart, J. Mig. v. Miquel, F.A.W.

Miquel, F.A.W. 6066-6725, 6259; see Lind- ley, J.. Martius, C.F.P. von, Molken-

boer, J.H., Montagne, J.P.F.C. Miquelia see Miquel, F.A.W.


see Milne-Redhead,

Miquelina see Miquel, F.A.W. Miquelites see Miquel, F.A.W. Miranda, G.F. 6726; see Martinez, M. Mirandaceltis see Miranda, G.F. Mirande, M.L. see Miranda, G.F. Mirandea see Miranda, G.F.

Mirandia see Miranda, G.F.

Mirandina see Miranda, G.F.

Mirbel, C.F.B. de 6127-6728

Mirbelia see Mirbel, C.F .B. de Mirbellites see Mirbel, C.F.B. de Missbach, E.R. alph.

Mitch. v. Mitchell, J.

Mitch., T. v. Mitchell, T.L.

Mitch. Stanst., J. v. Mitchell, J. Mitchell, J. 6729-6730

Mitchell, T.L. 67317-6132

Mutchella see Mitchell, J.

Mitscherl. v. Mitscherlich, G.A. Mitscherlich, A. see Mitscherlich, G.A. Mitscherlich, E.A. see Mitscherlich, G.A. Mitscherlich, G.A. 6733-6134 Mitscherlich, K.G. see Mitscherlich, G.A. Mitscherlichia see Mitscherlich, G.A. Mitt. v. Mitten, W.

Mittag-Leffler 4598

Mitten, W. 6735-6139; see Motley, J. Mittenia see Mitten, W. Mittenothamnium see Mitten, W. Mutthyridium see Mitten, W.

Mix, A.J. alph.

Mixia see Mix, A.J.

Miyabe, K. 6740-6147

Miuyabea see Miyabe, K.

Miyabella see Miyabe, K.

Miyoshi, M. 6742, 5675

Miyoshia see Miyoshi, M.

Miyoshiella see Miyoshi, M.

Moc. v. Mocino, J.M.

Mocinna see Mocino, J.M.

Mocino, J.M. alph.

Moe, A. 6743

Moe, N.G. 6144-6145

Moebius, M.A.J. 6146-6149

Mohring, P.H.G. 6750

Moehringella see Mohring, P.H.G. Moehringia see Mohring, P.H.G. Maller, B.C. 6156

Moller, F.A.G.J. 6751-6155; see Lindau, G. Moller, H.A. 6757-61594, 5323 Moller, J.D. 6760-6761

Moller, L.H.F. 6762-6164

Moller, V.I. von see Moller, F.A.G.J. Moelleria see Moller, J.D., Moller, F.A.G.J. Moelleriella see Moller, F.A.G.J. Moellerina see Moller, F.A.G.J. Moelleroclavus see Moller, F.A.G.J. Moellerodiscus see Moller, F.A.G.J. Moench, C. 6765-6169

Moenchia see Moench, C.

Mink, v. Monkemeyer, W. Monkemeyer, W. 6770-6772, 4938, 4941 Moenkemeyera see Monkemeyer, W. Moerch, O.J.N. 6773

Morner, C.T. alph.

Mossler, J.C. 6774-6177

Moesslera see Mossler, J.C.

Moesz, G. 6178-6180

Moeszia see Moesz, G.

Moesziella see Moesz, G. Moesziomyces see Moesz, G. Moeszopeltis see Moesz, G.

Moffatt, W.S. 6787

Moggr. v. Moggridge, J.T. Moggridge, J.T. 6782-6183

Mohl, H. von 6784-6788, 5520, 5526 Mohlana see Mohl, H.

Mohler, J.C. von 6789

Mohlites see Mohl, H. von

Mohr, C.T. 6790-6793

Mohr, D.M.H. 6794

Mohr, K.T. v. Mohr, C.T.

Mohr, N. 6795

Mohria see Mohr, D.M.H., Mohr, C.T. Mohriordites see Mohr, D.M.H. Morhriopsis see Mohr, D.M.H. Mohrodendron see Mohr, C.T. Moine, W. Le v. Le Moine, W. Moisan, C.A. 6796

Moithey 6787

Moldenh. v. Moldenhawer, J.J.P. Moldenhauera see Moldenhawer, J.J.P. Moldenhawer, J.J.P. 6797

Moldenhawera see Moldenhawer, J.J.P.

Moldenke, H.N. 6799-6201 Moldenkea see Moldenke, H.N. Molendo, L. 6202-6204, 4987 Molendoa see Molendo, L.

Molina see Molina, G.I.

Molina, G.I. 6205-6206 Molinadendron see Molina, G.1I. Molinaea see Molina, G.1. Molinaeus, J. v. Moulins, J. des Molineri, I.B. see Molina, G.I. Molineria see Molina, G.I. Molineriella see Molina, G.1. Molinia see Molina, G.I. Moliniopsis see Molina, G.I. Molisch, H. 6207-6208

Molk. v. Molkenboer, J.H. Molkenboer, J.H. 6209-6213, 6107 Molkenboeria see Molkenboer, J.H. Moll, J.W. 6274-6219, 7167

Moll, K. v. Moll, K.M.E. von Moll, K.E. see Moll, K.M.E. von Moll, K.M.E. von alph.

Moll, L.B. von see Moll, K.M.E. von Moller, A.F. see Moll, K.M.E. von

Moldenhawer, P. see Moldenhawer, J.J.P.

Moldenke, C.E. 6798; see Moldenke, H.N.


Mollera see Moll, K.M.E. von

Molleriella see Moll, K.M.E. von

Mollia see Moll, K.M.E. von

Molliard, M. see Moll, K.M.E. von

Molliardia see Moll, K.M.E. von

Mollinedia see Moll, K.M.E. von

Mollinedo, F. de see Moll, K.M.E. von

Molloy, G. see Moll, K.M.E. von

Molloya see Moll, K.M.E. von

Molon, F. 6220

Moloney, C.A. 6227

Molongum see Molon, F.

Monceau, H.L. Duhamel du v. Duhamel

du Monceau, H.L.

Monckton, H.W. 6222-6223

Mong. v. Monguillon, E.L.H.

Monguillon, E.L.H. 6224

Monnard, J.P. 6225

Monnet, P.L. 6226

Monnier 4725

Monnier, A. 6227

Monod, T. 5274

Monroa see Munro, W.

Monroe, C.E. alph.

Mont. v. Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montagnaea see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montagne, J.P.F.C. 6228-6260, 6107,6691, 7095, 7096; see Millardet, P.M.A., Miul- ler, K. (Halle)

Montagnea see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montagnella see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montagnellina see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montagnina see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montagnites see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montagnula see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montajia, L. see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montandon, F.J. alph.

Montano see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Montanoa see Montagne, J.P.F.C.

Monti, G. see Monti, G.L.

Monti, G.L. 6267

Montia see Monti, G.L.

Montiastrum see Monti, G.L.

Montin, J. L. 6262, 4757; see Linnaeus, C.

Montini, G. see Montin, L. J.

Montinia see Montin, L.J.

Montiopsis see Monti, G.L.

Montira see Monti, G.L.

Montrouz. v. Montrouzier, X.

Montrouzier, X. alph.

Moody, S. 6263.

Moon, A. 6264

Moonia see Moon, A.

Moore, A.H. 6265

Moore, C. 6266-6267, 5149; see Moore, D.

Moore, D. 6268-6273; see Moore, C., Moore,


Moore, F.W. see Moore, D.

Moore, G. v. Moore, G.T.

Moore, G.T. alph.



Moore, J.W. alph.

Moore, L.B. alph.

Moore, L.R. see Moore, J.W. Moore, R.T. see Moore, J.W. Moore, S. v. Moore, S. Le Marchant Moore, S. Le Marchant alph. Moore, T. 6274-6282, 4660.

Moorea see Moore, D.

Mooreisporites see Moore, J.W. Moorella see Moore, J.W.

Mooria see Moore, C.

Mog. v. Moquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A. Mogquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A. 6283-6289

Moquinia see Moquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A. Mogquiniella see Moquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A.

Moranda see Morandi, G. Morandi, G. 6290

Mordant de Launay, J.C.M. 4952 More, A.G. 6291, 6292a, 6270 Moreau, F. 6293-6294

Morel see Morel, J.F.N. Morel, J. see Morel, J.F.N. Morel, J.F.N. 6295

Morel, J.M. 6296

Morel, L.F. 6297

Morelia see Morel, J.F.N. Morelodendron see Morel, J.F.N. Morelos, J. see Morel, J.F.N. Morelosia see Morel, J.F.N. Morelot, S. see Morel, J.F.N. Morelotia see Morel, J.¥.N. Moretti, G. 6298-6308 Morettia see Moretti, G.

Morg. v. Morgan, A.P. Morgan, A.P. 6309-6312 Morgan, R. alph., 6568 Morganella see Morgan, A.P. Morgenroth, E. 6373 Morghen, R. see Metzger, J. Mori, A. 6374

Mori, T. 6315

Moriarty, H.M. 6316

Moric. v. Moricand, M.E. Moricand, M.E. 6317-6318 Moricandia see Moricand, M.E. Morier, J.J. see Moriére, P.G. Moriere, J. v. Moriére, P.G. Moriére, P.G. 6319-6320 Moriera see Moriére, P.G. Morterina see Morieére, P.G. Morin, F.M.M. 6327

Morin, L. see Morin, F.M.M. Mornna see Morin, F.M.M. Morini, F’. 6322-6326

Moris, G.G. 6327-6331, 5474 Morisea see Moris, G.G. Morisia see Moris, G.G. Morisina see Moris, G.G. Morison, R. 6332-6334.


Morinia see Morin, F.M.M., Morini, F.

Mortsonia see Morison, R.

Moritz, J.W.K. alph.

Moritzi, A. 6335-6339

Moritzia see Moritz, J.W.K., Moritzi, A. Morong, T. 6340-6342

Morongia see Morong, T.

Morot, L.R.M.F. alph.

Morr., C. v. Morren, C.F.A.

Morr., E. v. Morren, C.J.E. Morren, C.F.A. 6343, see Morren, GAB Morren, C.J.E. 6344-6346, 5334; see Malzi- ne, O. de P.A.H.R. de

Morrenia see Morren, C.F.A. Morrill, J.L. see Nelson, A.

Morris, D. 6347

Morris, E.F. see Morris, J.

Morris, E.L. alph.

Morris, G.E. 6348

Morris, J. 6349, 7049

Morris, P.F. 6350

Morris, R. 6351-63514

Morrisia see Morris, J.

Morrsiella see Morris,J. Morrisographium see Morris, J. Morrison, A. alph.

Morrison, R. 6075

Mortsonia see Morison, R.

Morse, A.P. 6348

Morse, E.E. alph.

Mortensen, H. alph.

Mortensen, M.L. alph.

Mortensen, O.T.J. see Mortensen, M.L. Mortensenia see Mortensen, M.L. Morthier, P. 6352

Morthiera see Morthier, P.

Mortier, E.L. alph.

Mortierella see Mortier, E.L. Morton, C.V. alph.

Morton, F. von alph.

Mortoniella see Morton, C.V. Mortoniodendron see Morton, C.V. Mortoniopteris see Morton, C.V. Moruzi, C. alph.

Moscosoa see Moscoso Puella, R.M. Moscoso Puello, R.M. alph. Moseley, E.L. 6353

Moseley, H.N. 6354

Moseleya see Moseley, H.N. Mosén, C.W.H. 6355

Moseniella see Mosén, C.W.H. Mosenodendron see Mosén, C.W.H. Mosenthin, F. see Mosén, C.H.W. Mosenthin, M. see Mosén, C.W.H. Mosenthinia see Mosén, C.W.H. Moser, H.C. 6356

Moses 4522

Moss, C.E. 6357-6358

Moss, E.H. alph.

Mosseray, R. 6349

Mossia see Moss, C.E.

Motelay, L. 6360

Motley, J. 6361

Mott, F.T. 6362-6364

Motte, J. 6365

Mottet, S.J. 6366-6367, 6784

Mottini, P. 6306

Motyka, J. 6368-6369

Moug. v. Mougeot, J.B.

Moug., A. v. Mougeot, J.A.

Mougeot, J.A. 6370-6372, 6374; see Mouge- ot, J.B., Manoury, C.A.

Mougeot, J.B. 6373-6375; see Loiseleur De- slongchamps, J.L.A., Mougeot, J.A., Muehlenbeck, H.G., Nestler, C.G.

Mougeotella see Mougeot, J.B.

Mougeotia see Mougeot, J.B.

Mougeotiella see Mougeot, J.B.

Mougeotiopsis see Mougeot, J.B.

Mouill., v. Mouillefert, P.

Mouillefert, P. 6376-6378

Moulins, C.R.A. des see Motelay, L.

Moulins, J. des see Molina, G.I.

Mounce, I. alph.

Mouraviev, I. 6657

Mouret, M. alph.

Mouretia see Mouret, M.

Mousnier, J. 6379

Mouterde, P. 6380

Mouton, V. alph.

Mouton-Font. v. Mouton-Fontenille de la Clotte, M.J.P.

Mouton-Fontenille de la Clotte, M.J.P.


Moutoniella see Mouton, V.

Mower, K. v. Mereschkowski, K.S.

Moxl. v. Moxley, G.L.

Moxley, G.L. 6387

Moyen, J. 6388

Moyer, LS. alph.

Mozinna see Mocino, J.M.

Mudd, W. 6389-6390; see Maingay, A.C.

Mudd, W.A. v. Mudd, W.

Mudie, R. 6391-6392

Miuhlberg, F. 6393

Muehlbergella see Mihlberg, F.

Miuhlenbach, V. alph.

Muehlenbeck, H.G. alph.

Muehlenbeckia see Muehlenbeck, H.G.

Muhlenberg v. Muhlenberg

Muell., A. v. Mueller, A.

Miill. Arg. v. Mueller Argoviensis, J.

Miill., E.G.O. v. Miller, E.G.O.

Muell., F. von v. Mueller, F.J.H. von

Miill., F.A. v. Miller, F.A.

Miill., Fritz v. Miller, Fritz

Miill, H. v. Miller, H.L.H.

Miill. F.B. v. Mueller, J.B.

Miill., Joh. v. Miller, Joh.

Muell., Jos. v. Mueller, J.M.

Miill., F.P. v. Miller, J.P.


Muell., 7.S. v. Mueller, J.S.

Miill., K.A.E. v. Miller, K.A.E.

Muell., N.7.C. v. Mueller, N.J.C.

Miill., O. v. Miller, O.

Miill., O.F. v. Miller, O.F.

Malls P. 7: 0. Nialler; P.y-

Miill., Th. v. Miller, T.

Miill., W.O. v. Miller, W.O.

Muell. berol., K. v. Mueller, Karl (berol.)

Miill. frib., K. v. Muller, Karl (Freiburg)

Mill. hal., K. v. Miller, Karl (Halle)

Muell. Stettin, W. v. Mueller, W.

Miill.- Thurg., H. v. Miller, H. (Thurgau)

Mueller, Ant. alph., 5442

Mueller, A.H. see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Mueller, C. v. Mueller, Karl (berol.).

Miller, C.A.E. v. Miiller, K.A.E.

Mueller, C.H. v. Muller, C.H.

Miller, E.G.O. 6394

Muller, Emil see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Miller, F.A. alph.

Miller, Félix v. Muller, F.

Mueller, F.J.H. von 6395-6434, 4769

Miller, Friedr. (1852-1925) see Miller, 1 AN

Miller, Friedr. (“‘Fred.”’) see Miiller, F.A.

Miller, Fritz alph.; see Muller, H.L.H.

Miller, Fritz (Blumenau) see Miller, F.A.

Miller, G.F.O. v. Miller, O.

Miller, H.L.H. 6435-6437

Miller, H. (Thurgau) 6438

Mueller, J. (Argoviensis) v. Mueller Argo-

viensis, J.

Mueller, J.B. 6479-6480

Miller, J.F.T. v. Miller, Fritz

Miiller, J.K.[C.JA.F.W. v Miller, Karl


Mueller, J.M. 6487

Miller, Joh. 6487

Miller J.P. 6468

Mueller, J.S. 6482-6486, 6044, 6059; see Mil-

hee, Jal

Miller, K.A.E. 6495

Mueller, Karl (berol.) 6469

Miller, Karl (Freiburg) 6490-6494

Miller, Karl (Halle) 6496-6519, 6249, 6251,

6680, 6760; see Lorentz, P.G.

Miller, Karl (Ulm) see Miiller, Karl (Freiburg)

Miller, N. see Lortet, C.

Mueller, N.J.C. 6520-6527

Miiller, O. 6522; see Lindau, G., Moller,


Miller, O.F. 6523-6524, 7001

Miller, P.F. v. Muller, F.

Miller, P.J. 6525

Miller, T. alph.

Mueller, W. 6528

Miller, W.O. 6526-6527

Mueller Argoviensis, J. 6439-6478, 6760



Miiller von Lippstadt, H. v. Miller, H.L.H.

Muellera see Miller, O.F.

Muelleramra see Miller, Fritz

Muelleranthus see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muellerargia see Mueller Argoviensis, J.

Muellerella see Mueller Argoviensis, J., Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muellerellomyces see Mueller Argoviensis J.

Muellerena see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muelleria see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muelleriella see Mueller, F.J.H. von, Miller, Karl! (Halle)

Muellerina see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muelleriopsis see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muellerites see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muellerobryum see Miller, Karl (Halle)

Muelleromyces see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muellerothamnus see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Minch, E. alph., 6706-6707

Miinchh. v. Minchhausen, O. von

Minchhausen, O. von 6529

Muenchhausia see Miinchhausen, O. von

Muenchhusia see Minchhausen, O. von

Muenscher, W.L.C. 6530-6534

Minster, G. 6535

Muensteria see Minster, G.

Minter, J.A.H.A.J. alph.

Muenteria see Minter, J.A.H.A.J. Muhlenberg, G.H.E. 6536-6538; see Mars- hall, H. Muhlenberg,


Muhlenbergia see Muhlenberg, G.H.E.

Muir, F.B. see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muir, H. see Muir, J.

Murr, J. 6539

Muir, T. see Muir, J.

Muir, T.B. see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Muirella see Muir, J.

Muiria see Murr, J.

Mulder, G.J. see Miquel, F.A.W., Mulder, N.C.

Mulder, N.C. 6540

Muldera see Mulder, N.C.

Mull., F. v. Muller, F.

Muller, C.H. alph.

Muller, F. 6547

Muller, J. see Muller, F.

Muller, P.F. v. Muller, F.

Muller, S. see Muller, F.

Mulleripollis see Muller, F.

Mulleroxylon see Muller, F.

Munby, G. 6542-6543

Munbya see Munby, G.

Munchausia see Miinchhausen, O. von

Munchusia see Miinchhausen, O. von

Mundkur, B.B. 6544

Mundkurella see Mundkur, B.B.

Munro, G.C. see Munro, W.

Munro, W. 6545-6546

H.M. see Muhlenberg,


Munroa see Munro, W.

Munroidendron see Munro, W.

Munronia see Munro, W.

Munson, T.V. 6546a

Muntendam, A.M. see Marum, M. van

Munting, A. alph.

Muntingia see Munting, A.

Munz, P.A. 6547

Munzothamnus see Munz, P.A.

Murb. v. Murbeck, S.S.

Murbeck, 8.8. 6548-6558; see Neuman, L.M.

Murbeckia see Murbeck, S8.S.

Murbeckiella see Murbeck, S.S.

Murch. v. Murchison, R.1.

Murchison, R.I. alph.; see Morris, J.

Murchisonites see Murchison, R.1I.

Murillo, A. 6559

Murith, L.J. 6560

Murphy, E. 6567

Murr, J. 6562-6563

Murracystis see Murray, G.R.M.

Murraea see Murray, J.A.

Murray, Al. 6564

Murray, Andr. 6565-6566

Murray, G.R.M. 6567-6570

Murray, J.A. 6571-6578, 48444, 4864, 7113; see Linnaeus, C.

Murray, R.P. 6579; see Linton, E.F., Linton, W.R.

Murray, S. 6560

Murray, W. see Murray, A.

Murraya see Murray, J.A.

Murrayella see Murray, G.R.M.

Murrill, W.A. 6581-6568

Muschl. v. Muschler, R.C.

Muschler, R.C. 6589-6590

Muschleria see Muschler, R.C.

Mussche, J.H. 6597-6592

Musschia see Mussche, J.H.

Musset, C.R. 6593

Mutel, A. 6594-6597

Mutel, P.A.V. v. Mutel, A.

Mutisa see Mutis y Bosio, J.C.B.

Mutis y Bosio, J.C.B. alph.; see Linnaeus, C., Linné, C., filius

Myconeesia see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D., Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Mygind, F. von alph.

Myginda see Mygind, F. von

Mygindus see Mygind, F. von

Myrin, C.G. 6598

Myrinia see Myrin, C.G.

Myxolibertella see Libert M.A.

Nabélek, F. 6599 Nabelekia see Nabélek, F. Naccari, F.L. 6600-6607 Naccaria see Naccari, F.L* Nachtigal, G.H. alph. Nadeaud, J. 6602-6603

Nadeaudia see Nadeaud, J.

Néddv. v. Nadvornik, J.

Nadvornik, J. alph.

Nag. v. Nageli, C.W. von

Nag. O. v. Nageli, O.

Nageli, C.W. von 6604-6678

Nageli, O. 6679

Naegelia see Nageli, C.W. von

Naegeliella see Nageli, C.W. von

Naezén, D.E. 6620; see Linné, C. von, filius

Nairne, A.K. 6627

Nakai, T. 6622-6629, 4778

Nakaiomyces see Nakai, T.

Nam, V. 6630-6631

Nann. v. Nannizzi, A.

Nannf. v. Nannfeldt, J.A.

Nannfeldt, J.A. 6632-6633, 5105; see Lun- dell, S.

Nannfeldtia see Nannfeldt, J.A.

Nannfeldtiella see Nannfeldt, J.A.

Nannizzi, A. 6634-6635

Nannizzia see Nannizzi, A.

Napoléon, Louis v. Louis Napoléon

Napp, R. 4995

Narda see Nardo, G.D.

Nardi, A. see Nardo, G.D.

Nardwus see Nardo, G.D.

Nardo, G.D. 6636

Nardoa see Nardo, G.D.

Nares, G.S. see Mitten, W.

Nascher, F.W. alph.

Nash, G.V. 6637

Nashia see Nash, G.V.

Nath. v. Nathorst, A.G.

Nathorst, A.G. 6638-6649, 6859

Nathhorst, T.E. 4789

Nathorstia see Nathorst, A.G.

Nathorstiana see Nathorst, A.G.

Nathorstianella see Nathorst, A.G.

Natterer see Mikan, J.C.

Nattras, R.M. 6650

Naucleér, 8S. 4733, 4746

Naudin, C.V. 6651-6654, 5042

Naudinia see Naudin, C.V.

Naudiniella see Naudin, C.V.

Naumann, E.C.L. alph.

Naumann, F.C. see Naumann, E.C.L.

Naumannia see Naumann, E.C.L.

Naumb. v. Naumburg, S.J.

Naumburg, S.J. 6655

Naumburgia see Naumburg, S.J.

Naumov, N.A. 6656-6657

Naumova, S.N. see Naumov, N.A.

Naumovaspora see Naumov, N.A.

Naumovela see Naumov, N.A.

Naumovia see Naumov, N.A.

Naumoviella see Naumov, N.A.

Navarro de Andrade, E. 6658

Navashin, S.G. v. Nawaschin, S.G.

Nave, J. 6659


Naveau, G.R.L. v. Naveau, R.

Naveau, R. 6660

Naves, A. alph.

Nawaschin, S.G. alph.

Neal, A. 6667

Neal, M.C. 6662-6663

Nealley, G.C. 6664

Neck., v. Necker, N.J. de

Neck, J. van see Necker, N.J. de

Necker, N.J. de 6665-6672

Neckera see Necker, N.J. de

Neckeradelphus see Necker, N.J. de

Neckerza see Necker, N.J. de

Neckeropsis see Necker, N.J. de

Neckia see Necker, N.J. de

Nectoux, H. 6673

Nectouxia see Nectoux, H.

Née, I.C.S. alph.

Née, L. alph.

Neea see Née, L.

Neeaea see Née, L.

Neeania see Née, L.

Nees v. Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Nees, T. v. Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D. 6674-6697, 4647, 5517, 5518, 5528, 5722, 5895, 6230; see Lindenberg, J.B.W., Lindley, JE Ottowks

Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L. 6698-6704, 6683- 6685

Neesenbeckia see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Neesia see Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Neesiella see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D., Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Neesiochloa see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Neestocyphus see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Neger, F.W. 6705-6707

Neger, J. 6708

Negerwella see Neger, F.W.

Negri, C. see Negri, G.

Negri, G. 6709-6718

Negria see Negri, G.

Negripteris see Negri, G.

Neill, P. 6779

Neillia see Neill, P.

Neilr. v. Neilreich, A.

Neilreich, A. 6720-6727, 5329

Neilreicha see Neilreich, A.

Neilreichia see Neilreich, A.

Neilreichina see Neilreich, A.

Neisser, G. 6394

Nel, G.C. 6728

Nelia see Nel, G.C.

Nelin, C.N. v. Linnaeus, C.

Nelle, A. v. Dietrich, A.

Nelmes, E. alph.

Nelmesia see Nelmes, E.

Nels., A. v. Nelson, A.

Nels., D. v. Nelson, D.

Nels., EE. v. Nelson, E.E.



Nels., E.M. v. Nelson, E.M.

Nels., E.W. v. Nelson, E.W.

Nels., J. v. Nelson, J.

Nelson, A. 6729-6735, see Macbride, J.F., Nelson, E.E.

Nelson, D. alph.

Nelson, E.E. 6736-6738

Nelson, E.M. alph.

Nelson, E.W. alph.

Nelson, J. 6739

Nelson, R.A. see Nelson, A.

Nelsonia see Nelson, D.

Nelsonianthus see Nelson, E.W.

Nelsoniella see Nelson, E.W.

Nemcia see Némec, B.R.

Némec, B.R. alph.

Némec, T. see Némec, B.R.

Nemecomyces see Nemec, B.R.

Némeje, F. 6740

Nemejcipollis see Némeje, F.

Nemejcisporites see Némejc, F.

Nemejcopteris see Némejc, F.

Nemoto, K. 6747, 5284, 5285

Nendtv. v. Nendtvich, C.M. von Cserkut

Nendtvich, C.M. von Cserkut 6742

Nendtvich, K.M. von Cserkut v.Nendtvich, C.M. von Cserkut

Neolindbergia see Lindberg, S.O.

Neolindenia see Linden, J.J.

Neolindleya see Lindley, J.

Neolindleyella see Lindley, J.

Neolloydia see Lloyd, C.G.

Neoluederitzia see Lueder, F.H.H.

Neomacfadya see Macfadyen, J.

Neomacouma see Macoun, J.

Neomandonia see Mandon, G.

Neomartinella see Martin, G.W.

Neomezia see Mez, C.C.

Neomichelia see Micheli, P.A.

Neomillspaugha see Millspaugh, C.F.

Neomirandea see Miranda, G.F.

Neomolinia see Molina, G.I.

Neomoorea see Moore, D.

Neomortonia see Morton, C.V.

Neomuellera see Mueller Argoviensis, J.

Neonaumovia see Naumoy, N.A.

Neonelsonia see Nelson, E.W.

Neonicholsonia see Nicholson, G.

Neonorrlinia see Norrlin, J.P.

Neowedia see Maximilian A.P. zu Wied- Neuwied

Nerv. v. Nervander, J.H.E.

Nervander, J.H.E. 6743

Nessel, H. 6744

Nestl. v. Nestler, C.G.

Nestler, C.G. 6745-6746, 6373; Mougeot,


Nestlera see Nestler, C.G. Netto, L. de Souza Mello e 6747-6751 Nettoa see Netto, L. de Souza Mello e


Netouxia see Nectoux, H.

Neuberger, J. 6752-6753

Neubner, J.E. 6754

Neuman, 7. v. Neuman, J.J.

Neuman, J.J. 6755

Neuman, L.M. 6756-6758; see Murbeck, S.S.

Neumann, F. 6759

Neumann, J.H.F. see Neuman, L.M.

Neumannia see Neuman, L.M.

Neumayer, G.B. von 6760-6767, 6464, 6513;

see Miller, Karl (Halle)

Neumayera see Neumayer, G.B. von

Neureuter, F. 6762

Neuweiler, E. 6763-6764

Neuwied, M.A.P. zu Wied- v. Maximilian A.P. zu Wied- Neuwied

Neuwiedia see Maximilian A.P. zu Wied- Neuwied

Newb. v. Newberry, J.S.

Newberry, J.S. 6765-6771

Newberrya see Newberry, J.S.

Newbould, W.W. alph.

Newbouldia see Newbould, W.W.

Newcombe, C.F. see Newcombe, F.C.

Newcombe, F.C. alph.

Newh. v. Newhall, C.S.

Newhall, C.S. 6772-6775

Newm. v. Newman, E.

Newm., F. v. Newman, F.W.

Newman, E. 6776-6777; see Luxford, G.

Newman, F.W. 6778

Newton, F. see Newton, I.

Newton, I. alph.

Newton, J. 6779

Newton, L. 6760

Newtonia see Newton, I.

Neygenf. v. Neygenfind, F.W.

Neygenfind, F.W. 6787

Nicholas, W.N. 5868

Nicholls, W.H. alph.

Nichols., G. v. Nicholson, G.

Nichols, G.E. 6782

Nichols., H. v. Nicholson, H.A.

Nichols., W.A. see Nicholson, W.A.

Nichols., W.E. v. Nicholson, W.E.

Nicholson, G. 6783-6784; see Mottet, S.J.

Nicholson, H.A. alph.

Nicholson, W.A. 6785

Nicholson, W.E. alph.

Nicholsonia see Nicholson, H.A.

Nicholsoniella see Nicholson, G.

Nicklés, N. 6785a

Nicolai, E.A. 6786

Nicolas, G. alph.

Nicolas, L.M.J.G. v. Nicolas, G.

Nicolasia see Nicolas, G.

Nicols. v. Nicolson, Pére

Nicolson, Pere 6787

Nicolsonia see Nicolson, Pére

Nicolucci, G. 6788

Nicotra, L. 6789-6797

Niebuhr, C. alph.

Nied. v. Niedenzu, F.J.

Niebuhria see Niebuhr, C. Niedenzu, FJ. 6798-5873 Niedenzua see Niedenzu, F.J. Niederl. v. Niederlein, G. Niederlein, G. 6814, 4997 Niederleinia see Niederlein, G.

Niel, P.E. 6875

Nielsen, P. alph.

Nielsenia see Nielsen, P.

Nienb. v. Nienburg, K.O.W. Nienburg, K.O.W. 6816-6817 Nienburgia see Nienburg, K.O.W. Niessen, J. 6876

Niessl. v. Niessl von Mayendorf, G. Niess] von Mayendorf, G. 6819-6821

Niesslella see Niess| von Mayendorf, G. Niesslia see Niess! von Mayendorf, G.

Niethammer, A. 6822

Nietner, J. 6500

Nietzel see Montin, L.J. Nieuwl. v. Nieuwland, J.A. Nieuwland, A. v. Nieuwland, J.A. Nieuwland, J.A. alph.

Nilson, B. 6823

Nilsonia see Nilson, B.

Nilsson, A. v. Nilsson, L.A. Nilsson, G. Degel. v. Nilsson, G.B.F. Nilsson, G.B.F. alph.

Nilsson, L.A. 6624

Nilsson, N.H. alph.

Nilsson, S. see Nilson, B. Nilssonia see Nilson, B. Nilssoniocladus see Nilson, B. Nilssontopteris see Nilson, B. Ninck, A. alph.

Nisbet, J. 6625

Nissen, K. 5122

Nissole, G. alph.

Nissolia see Nissole, G.

Nissolius see Nissole, G. Nitsche, W. 6626

Nitschke, T.R.J. 6627 Nitschkia see Nitschke T.R.J. Nitschkiopsis see Nitschke, T.R.J. Nitzsch, C.L. 6828

Nitzschia see Nitzsch, C.L. Nitzschiella see Nitzsch, C.L. Nitzschiopsidea see Nitzsch, C.L. Niven, J. alph.

Niven, J.C. 5712

Nivenia see Niven, J.

Noack, M. 6629

Noaea see Noé, F.W.

Nocca, D. 6830-68454

Nocca see Nocca, D.

Noccaea see Nocca, D.

Nodder, F.P. 5569, 557°


Noea see Noé, F.W.

Noé, A.C. see Noé, F.W.

Noé, F.W. alph.

Noegg. v. Noeggerath, J.J.

Noeggerath, J.J. alph., 6684

Noeggerathia see Noeggerath, J.J. Noeggerathiaestrobus see Noeggerath, J.J. Noeggerathianthus see Noeggerath, J.J. Noeggerathiopsidozonaletes see Noeggerath,

Noeggerathiopsidozonotriletes see Noeggerath,

Noeggerathiopsis see Noeggerath, J.J.

Noeggerathiostrobus see Noeggerath, J.J.

Noehd. v. Noehden, H.A.

Noehden, G.H. see Noehden, H.A.

Noehden, H.A. 6846

Noel, C.W.F. alph.

Noél, D. see Noél, P.

Noél, P. 6647

Noeld. v. Noeldeke, J.L.C.

Noeldeke, J.L.C. 6648-6850

Noélites see Noél, P.

Noellithina see Noél, P.

Noeopteris see Noé, F.W.

Nordl. v. Nordlinger, H. von

Nordlinger, H. von 6651

Noll, F. 6852

Noll, F.C. see Noll, F.

Noll, H.R. 6853-6854

Nolte, E.F. 6855-6856

Noltea see Nolte, E.F.

Noltia see Nolte, E.F.

Nonne, J.P. 6857-6658

Nonnea see Nonne, J.P.

Noorden, J. van 5572

Nordblad, E.A. 4801

Nordenskidld, A.E. 6859

Nordenskidld, N.A.E. von v. Nordenskiold,


Nordh. v. Nordhagen, R.

Nordhagen, R. 6860-6863

Nordm. v. Nordmann, A. D. von

Nordmann, A.D. von alph.

Nordmannia see Nordmann, A. D. von

Nordst. v. Nordstedt, C.F.O.

Nordstedt, C.F.O. 6864-6872; see Lofgren, ae

Nordstedt, O. v. Nordstedt, C.F.O.

Nordstedtia see Nordstedt, C.F.O.

Norén, C.O.G. 6873

Norl. v. Norlindh, N.T.

Norlindh, N.T. alph.

Norm. v. Norman, J.M.

Norm., G. v. Norman, G.

Norman, F.M. see Norman, G.

Norman, G. 6874

Norman, J.M. 6875-6882, 6905

Normania see Norman, G.

Noronha, C.C. de 5050



Noronha, F. v. Norona, F. Oakesia see Oakes, W.

Noronhaea see Norona, F. Oakesiella see Oakes, W.

Noronhia see Norona, F. Obel, M. de L’ v. L’Obel, M. de Norona, F. alph. Oberm. v. Obermeyer, A.A.

Norrl. v. Norrlin, J.P. Oberm., W. v. Obermeyer, W.

Norrlin, J.P. 6883-6891; see Nylander, W. Obermeyer, A. A. v. Obermeyer, A.A. Norrlinia see Norrlin, J.P. Obermeyer, A.A. alph.

Northr. v. Northrop, A.B. Obermeyer, W. 6990-6991

Northrop, A.B. 6892 Oberwinkler, F. see Magdefrau, K. ‘Northrop, A.R. v. Northrop, A.B. Oborny, A. 6992

Northrop, J.1. see Northrop, A.B. O’ Brien, C. v. O’Brien, C.G.

Norton, J.B. see Norton, J.B.S. O’Brien, C.G. 6993

Norton, J.B.S. 6893-6899 Ochot. v. Ochoterena, I.

Notaris, G. de v. De Notaris, G. Ochoterena, I. 6994

Notcutt, W.L. 6900-6901 Ochse, J.J. 6995-6999

Noter, R. de 6902-6904 Ochsner-Christen, F. 7000

Nothojafnea see Nannfeldt, J.A. Ockea see Oken, L.

Not@, A. 6905 O’Connor, P. alph.

Nott, C.P. 6906 Odhelius, J.L. 4780

Noulet, J.B. 6907-6909 O’ Don. v. O’Donell, C.A.-

Nouletia see Noulet, J.B. O’Donell, C.A. alph.

Novak, F.A. 6970 Oed. v. Oeder von Oldenburg, G.C. Novak, J. 6917 Oeder von Oldenburg, G.C. 7001-7008; see Nowell, J. alph. Nordstedt, C.F.O.

Nowellia see Nowell, J. Oedera see Oeder von Oldenburg, G.C. Niesch, E. 6912-6978 Oederia see Oeder von Oldenburg, G.C. _ Nutt. v. Nuttall, T. Oehninger, C.J. 7009-7010

Nutt., L. v. Nuttall, L.W. Oelhafen von Schoellenbach, C.C. 7orz Nuttall, L.W. alph. 6070, 6074 Orst. v. Orsted, A.S.

Nuttall, T. 6979-6933, 5964 Orsted, A.S. 7012-7034, 4513, 4519 Nuttallae see Nuttall, T. Oerstedella see Orsted, A.S.

Nuttallia see Nuttall, T. Oerstedina see Orsted, A.S.

Nydr, v. Nyarady, E.J. Oerstedtia see Orsted, A.S.

Nyarady, E.J. 6934 Oertel, C.G. alph.

Nygaard, G. alph. QMstrup, E.V. 7035

Nyl. v. Nylander, W. Oestrupia see Dstrup, E.V.

Nyl., A. v. Nylander, A.E. Oettel, K.C. 7036

Nyl., F. v. Nylander, F. Offner, J. alph.

Nylander, A. E. 6935 Ogata, M. 7037

Nylander, F. 6936-6937 Ogden, E.C. 7038

Nylander, W. 6938-6979, 4557, 5321, 5978, | Ohlend. v. Ohlendorff, J.H. 6935; see Lindau, G., Lindberg, $.O., | Ohlendorff, J.H. 7039 Lojka, H., Malbranche, A.F., Mann,G., — OAlendorffia see Ohlendorff, J.H. Mougeot, J.A., Mueller Argoviensis, J., Ohlert, A. 7040-7041

Norrlin, J.P., Nylander, F. Ohlert, O.L.A. v. Ohlert, A. Nylandera see Nylander, W. Ohwi, J. alph. Noylanderaria see Nylander, W. Okam. v. Okamura, K. Nylanderiella see Nylander, W. Okam., S. v. Okamura, S. Nylanderopsis see Nylander, W. © Okamura, K. 7042-7043 Nym. v. Nyman, C.F. Okamura, S. 7044 Nym., E. v. Nyman, E.O.A. Okamuraea see Okamura, S. Nyman, C.F. 6980-6985 Okamurina see Okamura, K. Nyman, E.O.A. 6986 Oken, L. 7045- 7048; see Liebe, K.L.T. Nymania see Nyman, C.F. Okenfuss, L. v Oken, L. Nymanina see Nyman, C.F. Okenza see Oken, L. Nymanomyces see Nyman, C.F. Oldenland, H.B. alph., 4803 Nyst. fi.) P22: Nyst, P. Oldham, T. 7049 Nyst, P. 6987 Oldhamia see Oldham, T.

Olin, J.H. 7050-7051

Oakes, W. 6988-6989 Olinia see Olin, J.H.


Oliva, L. alph.

Olivaea see Oliva, L.

Olive, E.W. 7052

Olive, L. see Olive, E.W. Olivea see Olive, E.W. Oliveonia see Olive, E.W. Oliver, D. 7053-7058; see Oliver, F.W. Oliver, F.W. 7059

Oliver, G.W. see Oliver, D. Oliver, M. see Mann, G. Oliver, W.R.B. 7060-7062 Oliveranthus see Oliver, D. Olwerella see Oliver, D. Olwerta see Oliver, F.W., Oliver, G.A._ Oliwerzana see Oliver, D. Oliverodoxa see Oliver, D. Olivi, G. 7063

Olivia see Olivi, G.

Olivier, E. 7064

Olivier, G.A. 7065

Olivier, H.J.F. 7066-7073 Olivier, J.E. v. Olivier, E. Olmsted, F.L. 7074

Olney, 8.T. 7075-7077 Olneya see Olney, S.T.

Olsson, P. (1833-1906) 7078; see Olsson, P.

(1838-1923) Olsson, P. (1838-1923) 707g Olsson, P. Skane v. Olsson, P. (1838-1923) Olsson, P. Varml. v. Olsson, P. (1833-1906) Olsson-Seffer, P.H. 7080 ~ Oltm. v. Oltmanns, F. Oltmanns, F. 7081-7082, 6753 Oltmannsia see Oltmanns, F. Oltmannsiella see Oltmanns, F. Omang, S.O.F. 7083-7064 O’Meara, E. alph. Oort, A.J.P. 7085-7086 Ooststr. v. Ooststroom, S.J. van Ooststroom, S.J. van 7087 Opat. v. Opatowski, W. Opat., H. v. Opatowski, H. Opatowski, H. 7088 Opatowski, W. 7089

Opiz, P.M. 7090-7093, 5276; see Maly, J.K.

Opizia see Opiz, P.M. Oppenheimer, H.R. 7094

Orb., A.D. d@ v. Orbigny, A.D. @’ Orb., C. d@ v. Orbigny, C.V.D. d’ Orbignia see Orbigny, A.D. d’

Orbigny, A.C.V.D. d’ v. Orbigny, C.V.D. d’

Orbigny, A.D. d’ 7095 5540, 6237 Orbigny, C.V.D. d’ 7096-7097 Orbignya see Orbigny, A.D. @’ Orcutt, C.R. 7098-7103

Orcuttia see Orcutt, C.R. Ordoyno, T. 7104

Ordway, J.M. 7105

Ormezzano, Q,.J.B. 7106


Orph. v. Orphanides, T.G.

Orphanides, T.G. 7107

Orphanidesia see Orphanides, T.G.

Orphanidesites see Orphanides, T.G.

Ort. v. Ortega, C.G. de

Ort., J. Gonz. v. Ortega, J.G.

Ortega see Ortega, C.G. de

Ortega, A.G. 4710

Ortega, C.G. de 7108-7114, 4760

Ortega, J.G. 7115-7117

Ortegaea see Ortega, C.G. de

Ortegia see Ortega, C.G. de

Ortegocactus see Ortega, C.G. de

Ortloff, F. 7778

Ortmann, Ant. alph.

Ortmann, A.E. 7119

Ortmann, Ant. v. Ortmann, Ant.

Ortmann, Arn. v. Ortmann, A.E.

Ortmannia see Ortmann, Ant.

Orton, C.R. alph.

Orton, W.A. 7720

Ortonella see Orton, C.R.

Osbeck, P. 7121-7123, 4769

Osbecka see Osbeck, P.

Osbeckia see Osbeck, P.

Osbeckiastrum see Osbeck, P.

Osbekia see Osbeck, P.

Osborn, H.F. 6892

Osborn, H.S. 7124

Osborn, T.G.B. alph.

Osborne, J.W. see Osborn, T.G.B.

Osbornia see Osborn, T.G.B

Oskamp, D.L. 7725-7126

Oskampia see Oskamp, D.L.

Osorio, A. de 5428, 5429

Osten, C. 7127

Ostenf. v. Ostenfeld, C.E.H.

Ostenfeld, C.E.H. 7129-7134; see Menten, A.

Ostenfeld-Hansen, C. v. Ostenfeld, C.E.H.

Ostenfeldiella see Ostenfeld, C.E.H.

Osten-Saken, F. von der 7128

Osterh. v. Osterhout, G.E.

Osterhout, G.E. alph.

Osterhoutia see Osterhout, G.E.

Otero, R.A. Toro y Lydia Pagan de v. Toro y Lydia Pagan de Otero, R.A.

Otero Janez, J.1. 7735

Otis, C.H. 7736

Ott, J. 7137-7138

Otth, A. alph.

Otth, C.A. v. Otth., A.

Otth, G. see Otth, A.

Otthia see Otth, A.

Otthiella see Otth, A.

Otto, B.C. 7739

Otto, C.F. v. Otto, F.

Otto, C.F.E. v. Otto, E.

Otto, E. von 7140-7142

Otto, Ed. v. Otto, E.

Otto, F. alph., 4694, 4698, 4699, 4701, 4704



Otto, 7. v. Otto, J.G.

Otto, J.F.W. 6680

Otto, J.G. 7143

Ottoa see Otto, F.

Ottochloa see Otto, F.

Ottokaria see Otto, F.

Ottonia see Otto, F.

Ottonosia see Otto, F.

Oudart, P. 5540

Oudem. v. Oudemans, C.A.J.A.

Oudemans, C.A.J.A. 7144-7167

Oudemansia see Oudemans, C.A.J.A.

Oudemansiella see Oudemans, C.A.J.A.

Over, W.H. 7168-7769

Overeem, C. van 7170

Overeem-de Haas, C. van v. Overeem, C. van

Overh. v. Overholts, L.O.

Overholts, L.O. 7771-7172

Ovsiannikov 5909

Owen, M.L. 7173

Owen, R. see Owen, M.L.

Owenia see Owen, M.L.

Oye, P.H.G. van alph., 5189

Oyemonas see Oye, P.H.G. van

Oyster, J.H. 7774

Pabst, G. 6526

Paerels, J.J. 7167

Pagan de Otero, R.A. Toro y Lydia v. Toro y Lydia Pagan de Otero, R.A.

Paiva, Barao do Castello de v. Barao do Castello de Paiva

Palacky, J. 6111

Palaeolyngbya see Lyngbye, H.C.

Palau y Verdéra, A. 4760

Palisot de Beauvois, A.M.F.J. 5775

Palmstruch, J.W. see Lindman, C.A.M.

Pampanini, R. 6715

Pansner, L. von 5716

Panzer, G.W.F. 5563

Paramansoa see Manso, A.L.P. da Silva

Paramichelia see Micheli, P.A.

Pardo y Sastron, J. 5011

Parkinson, C. 6993

Parkinson, J. 4909, 6779

Parlatore, F. see Mori, A.

Parodi, L.R. see Lorenz, A.

Parry, W.E. see McCormick, R.

Parseval-Grandmaison, J. de see Montag- Ne jab sk.

Pascher, A. see Monkemeyer, W.

Pasquale, G.A. 4504

Patze, C. see Meyer, E.H.F.

Paul, H. see Marzell, H.

Paula Maly, F. de v. Maly, F. de P.

Paula Schrank, F. von v. Schrank, F. von P.

Paula y Verdera, A. 7111

Paulomagnusia see Magnus, P.W.

Pavon, J. see Moricand, M.E.


Paxton, J. 4659, 4661

Pearson, H.H.W. 7055

Pena, P. 4906, 4907; see L’Obel, M. de

Penard, E. 6474

Pencati, G. Marzari v. Marzari-Pencati, G.

Pennant, T. 4522

Pérard, A.J.C. 5985

Perez-Arbelaez, E. see Mutis y Bosio, J. C.B.

Perkins, J. see Mez, C.C.

Pernotin, B. 4494

Perrier de la Bathie, E. see Offer, J.

Perrottet, G.S. 6244

Persoon, C.H. 4500

Pescatore, J.P. 4622

Petelot, P.A. 5220

Peter, G.A. 6618; see Mendel, G.J., Nageli, C.W.

Petersen, J.C. 4796

Petit, E. 7or4

Petit, P. 5759

Petitmengin, M.G.C. 5268

Petiver, J. see Micheli, P.A.

Petrak, F. see Moesz, G.

Petri, A. 5474

Petry, P. 6488

Petterson, J. 4613

Petunnikow, A. 5908

Pfeffer W. see Miyoshi, M.

Pfeiffer, J. 4784

Pfeiffer, L. see Otto, F.

Pfitzer, E.H.H. see Noll, F.

Pfund, J.D.C. 6241

Philip, R.H. 6065

Pickering, C. see Nuttall, T.

Pijp, W. 6215

Pilger, R.K.F. 4558; see Luetzelburg, P. von

Pilling, F.O. 6527

Piré, L.A.H.J. 6541

Piso, G. see Marcerave, G.

Pitard, J. 4634; see Negri, G.

Pittier, H.F. see Marchal, El., Micheli, M.

Planchon, J.E. 4621, 4622, 4625, 6949, 6950, 7018; see Linden J.J., Mettenius, G.H., Nylander, W.

Planer, J.J. 6858

Plantyn 4909

Pleydell, J.C. Mansel, v. Mansel-Pleydell, Ee:

Podpera, J. 4941

Poelt, J. see Murr, J.

Pohl, J.B.E. see Mikan, J.C.

Poiret, J.L.M. see Moquin-Tandon, CEB

Poiteau, P.A. 4952, 4959, 6745, 7065

Pojero, M. Lojacono v. Lojacono-Pojero,

Pollacci, G. 6635

Pontin, D.D. 4804

Porter, T.H. 6342

Porto, P. Gampos v. Campos Porto, P.

Potanin, G.N. 5735

Potonié, H. see Miller, K.A.E.

Prain, D. 7055

Prantl, K. A.E. 6760

Presl, K.B. see Meyer, E.H.F.; Nees van Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Pringsheim,N. see Miller, K.A.E.

Printz, J. 4811


Pritzel, G.A. see Meyer, E.H.F

Pronville, M. de 4636

Proskauer, J.M. 6494

Protolindsaya see Lindsay, W.L.

Protomarattia see Maratti, G.F.

Proust, J. see Negri, G.

Proust, L. 4634; see Negri, G.

Przewalski, N.M. 5735, 5736

Pseudomarsdenia see Marsden, W.

Pseudoernestia see Meyer, E.H.F.

Pseudo-nitzschia see Nitzsch, C.L.

Puel, T. see Maille, A.

Puello, R.M. Moscoso v. Moscoso Puello R.M.

Pulle, A.A. 7086; see Markgraf, F., Molden- ke, H.N., Oostroom, S.J. van, Oort, A.J.P.

Pulteney, R. see Maton, W.G.

Purfoot 4906, 4908

Purkyné, E. see Opiz, P.M.

Pursh F.T. see Nuttall, T.

Putterlick, A. 6704

Quelch, J.J. 6514

Quélet, L. 6371

Quelle, E. 4938

Quer y Martinez, J. see Ortega, C.G. Quesné, F.A. 4760

Rabenhorst, G.L. 4540, 4553, 4555, 5082, 5986, 5987, 6172, 6493, 6494, 6659; see Oertel, C.G.

Radlkofer, L.A.T. see Mez , C.C.

Radnitzky, K. see Martius, C.F.P. von

Rafinesque-Schmalz, C.S. 5872

Raineri, R. see Mattirolo, O.

Ralph, T.S. 6399

Ramira, J. 4710

Ramirez 5486

Rassat, F. 5836

RATTLESNAKE See MacGillivray, J.

Rauwenhoff, N.W.P. 6118

Ravenscroft, E.J. see Lindley, J., Masters, Mal

Ray, J. 6059, 6060, 6075; see Newton, J.

Rebello 4914

Redouté, A. 5961

Redouté, H.J. 4493, 4494, 5957, 5961, 6673

Redouté, J.P. v Redouté, P.J.

Redouté, P.J. 4484, 4487, 4493, 4494, 4952, 5957, 5958, 5961, 5966, 6673, 7065


Reenen, G.B.A. van 5212

Reftelius, J.M. 4818

Regel, E.A. von see Meyer, C.A. von

Regnell, A.F. 4670, 5295-5298, 5300, 5302, 5307, 5308, 5318-5320; see Lindberg, G.A., Mosén, C.W.H.

Reichard, J.J. 4769

Reiche, K. see Looser, G.

Reichenbach, H.G. 4629; see Murr, Le

Reichenbach, H.G.L. 6080, 6176, 6177

Reid, H.A. 5159

Reimers, H. 6494

Reinke, H. 7034

Reinsch, P.F. 6760

Reinwardt, C.G.R. see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Rellimia see Miller, P.

Rendle, A.B. 7055; see Moore, S. Le Marchant

Rensselaer, M. Van v. Van Rensselaer, M.


Reuter, G.F. 5405, 5838

Reveliére, E. 5465; see Mabille, P.

Reynier, A. 5437

Rich, A.B. v. Northrop, A.B.

Richard, A. 7096

Richard, C. see Lortet, C.

Richard, L.C.M. 4635, 5958, 6745; see Mi- chaux A.

Richardson, J. see Mitchell, T.L.

Riche, A. 5961

Rickett, H.W. 5188

Ricksecker, A.E. 6071

Ricksecker, L.A. 6071

Rieger, M. 5752

Rikh, M.A. 6619

Rinomia see Morini, F.

Rivas-Goday, S. see Mutis y Bosio, J.C.B.

Riviere, C.M. 6902

Rivinus, A.Q, see Ludwig, C.G.

Robertson 4522

Robinson, G.H. 5145

Robinson, J.F. see Marshall, J.J.

Roche, D. de la 5849

Rocke, T. 6118

Rohling, J.C. 7090; see Mertens, F.K.

Roll, J. see Meurer, F.F.

Rothig, C.W. 4694, 4698, 4699

Rodigas, E. 4628; see Linden, L.

Roffavier, G. see Lortet, L.C.

Rogberg, S. 7050

Rogers, W.M. 4858; see Linton, E.F., Lin- ton, W.R.

Rohrhofer, J. see Mik, J.

Rohweder, O. see Markeraf, F.

Rolfe, R.A. 4628, 7055

Roman, B. Merino y v. Merino y Roman, B.

Romell, L. 4612

Rondelet, G. 4907; see L’ Obel, M. de, Mo- lina, G.I.



Rondon, E.C.M. da Silva see Luetzelburg, P. von

Ronge, J. see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Rose, H. 4760

Rosenthal, C.F. 4809

Rosenvinge, J.L.A.K. see Ostrup, E.V.

Rositto, A.M. see Molina, G.I.

Ross, J.C. see McCormick, R.

Rossi-Bottione, A. 6328

Rostrup, F.G.E. 4542

Roth, E.C.F. 6984

Roth, F. 6192

Rothman, G. 4819

Rothschild, J. 5042

Rouleau, E. 5415

Roumeguére, C. 5052, 6372; see Mougeot, J.A., Mouton, V.

Rousseau , H. 5580

Rousseau, J.J. 5568

Roussel, A.V. 6236

Rowan, M.E. 5035-5037

Royen, A. van 6047

Rudberg, D. 4729

Rudolphi, K.A. 6680

Rumphius, G.E. 4777, 5475, 5860, 6111

Ruppersberg see Moench, C.

Ruprecht, F.J. 5909, 5978, 7128

Ryan, M.E. v. Rowan, M.E.

Rydén, S. 4921

Sabbatti, C. see Martelli, N.

Sabatti, L. see Martelli, N.

Saccardo, P.A. 5698, 6588; see Mancini, V., Meschinelli, A.

Sachs, J. see Millardet, P.M.A., Noll, F.

Saelan, A.T. 4927, 6935, 6946; see Mur- beck, S.S.

Sagra, R. de la 6241, 6242

Sahut, F. 6902

Saint-Hilaire, A.F.C.P. de Moquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A.

Saint-Lager, J.B. 5790

Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M. Bory de v. Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M.

Salberg, J. 4820

Sandeberg, H. 4612

Sande Lacoste, C.M. van der 6107

Sandmark, C.G. 4806

Santesson, R. see Malme, G.O.A.

Saporta, L.C.J.G. de see Marion, A.F.

Sargent C.S. see Nuttall, T.

Sarntheim, L. van 5242

Sars, M. see Michael, E.

Sartory, A. see Maire, L.

Sastron, J. Pardo y v Pardo y Sastron, J.

Satake, Y. 6627, 6629

Sat6, M. 6629

Satory J.A. 6006

Sauzé, J.C. see Maillard, P.N.

Savi, G. 4630

6238; see


Savoia, L.A. di 6716

Saxesen 5935

Scannagatta 6575

Schaerer, L.E. 6339

Schauer, J.C. 5895

Schell, C.M. 6093

Schenck, H. see Noll, F.

Schenk, A. see Miller, H.L.H.

Scheuchzer, J.J. see Micheli, P.A.

Schiek, H.A. 5892

Schiffmer, V.F. see Miller, Karl (Freiburg)

Schilling, S. see Noll, F. -

Schimper, A.F.W. 5434, 6151-6153, 6155; see Noll, F.

Schimper, F.A.W. 6152, 6153

Schimper, W.P. 6373; see Mougeot, J.A., Mougeot, J.B., Muehlenbeck, H.G.

Schlechtendal, D.F.L. von 6680; see Milde, C.A,J.

Schlechter, R. see Mansfeld, R.

Schleiden, M.J. 6605, 6679; see Liebe, er

Schliephacke, K. 6519; see Miller, K. (Halle)

Schlim, L.J. see Linden, J.J.

Schlosser, J.C. 6306

Schmidlin, E. see Niedenzu, F.J.

Schmidt, 5483

Schmidt, A.F.W. see Miller, O.

Schmidt, C.F.W. 4703, 4704

Schmidt, F. 5937

Schmidt, O.C. 4554

Schmidt, R. see Miller, W.O.

Schnizlein, A.C.F.H.C. 6704

Schoellenbach, C.C. Oelhafen von v. Oel- hafen von Schoellenbach, C.C.

Schonfeld, F. 6397, 6399-6401

Scholander, P.F. 5129

Schomburgk, R.H. 4650

Schott, A. see Mikan, J.C.

Schott, H. 6726; see Nyman, C.F.

Schoute, J.C. 6219

Schouw, F. 7001; see Liebmann, F.M., Nol- te, E.F.

Schrader, A.H. see Link, J.H.F.

Schramm, A. 5759 see Mazé, H.P.

Schrank, F. von P. 5530; see Mayrhoffer, J.N., Moll, K.M.E. von

Schreber, J.C.D. von 4754, 5554, 7122

Schroter, C. 6764

Schubert, G.H. 6679

Schubler, G. 5480

Schulz, R. 5952

Schumacher, F.H. 5194

Schumann, A. 5935

Schwaegrichen, C.F. 4769

Schwarz, M.B. 7170

Schwarze, F. 3498

Schweinfurth, G.A. 6452, 6590, 6761; see Muschler, R.C.

Schweinitz, L.D. de 4644; see Michener, E., Nuttall, T.

Schwendener, S. 6614; see Lindau, G.

Scortechini, B. see Lowe, R.T.

Scully, R.W. 6270

Sebastiani, A. 5717

Seemann, B.C. see Miers, J., Miquel, F.A.W., Mitten, W., Munro, W.

Seidel, F. see Mikan, J.C.

Seler, C. 4935

Seler, G.E. 4935

SENIAVIN see Mertens, K.H.

Senilis, J. v. Nelson, J.

Senni, L. 5684

Seringe, N.C. see Mercier, M.P.

Sernander, R. 5252; see Magnusson, A.H.

Sessé, M. see Mocino, J.M.

Seton, E.T. see Macoun, J.

Seve, J.E. de 6127

Seynes, J. de 6388

Shaw, G. 6033

Shepherd, H.W. 5193

Shepherd, R. 6408

Sherard, W. see Micheli, P.A.

Shull, G.H. 5163, 5164

Siebold, C.T.E. von 6535

Siebold, P.F. von see Miquel, F.A.W.

Siegesbeck, J.G. 4726, 4735

Sillén, O.L. see Lindgren, S.J.

Silva, P. da 5516

Silva Manso, A.L.P. da v. Manso, A.L.P. da Silva

Silva, Rondon E.C.M. da v. Rondon E.C.M. da Silva

Simming, T. 5321

Sinkora, D.M. see Mueller, F.J.H. von

Sinning, W. 6685; see Nees von Esenbeck, is) al

Sinolimprichiza see Limpricht, H.W.

Sinolloydia see Lloyd, C.G.

Sinomerrillia see Merrill, E.D.

Sintenis, P.E.E. 6461

Sirmuellera see Mueller, F'.J.H. von

Sjostedt, J. 6598

Sjostrand, C. 4592

Skan, S.A. 7055

Skottsberg, C.J.F. 5190

Skuja, H. 5323

Sloane, H. 4806; see Linnaeus, C., Miller, P., Oldenland, H.B.

Small, J.K. 5163, 6342; see Morris, E.L.

Smeathmann, H. see L’ Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Smirnoff, K. 6615

Smith, E.A. 6190, 6193; see Mohr, C.T.

Smith, G. 4522

Smith, H. see Nannfeldt, J.A.

Smith, J. 5438

Smith, J.E. 4717; see L’Héritier de Brutelle, C.L., Linné, C. von, filius


Smith, J.J. 5966

Smith Steenstrup, J.J. 7001

Smyth, R.B. 6403

Sdderberg, D.H. 4840

Séderberg, O. 4744

Soemmering, S.T. 5527

Sokoloff, W. 6615

Solander, D.C. see Lightfoot, J., Linnaeus, Ch.

Sonder, W.O. 6397

Sonnini, C.S. 6127

Sontag 5935

Sorauer, P. see Lindau, G.

Souza Mello e, Netto L. de v. Netto L. de Souza Mello e

Soweby G!B. 5047

Sowerby, J. 4494, 4522

Sowerby, J.C.D. 5026

Spach, E. 4962; see Mirbel, C.F.B. de

Sparrman, A. 4836

Spegazzini, C. 5629

Speke, J.H. 7057

Spenceria see Moore, S. Le Marchant

Spenner, F.C.L. 6704

Spicer, W.W. 6659

Spix, J.B. von 5516, 5531

Splitgerber, F.L. 6213

Spongia, G.F. 5820

Sprengel, 4693 K. see Link, J.H.F.

Sprengel, K.P.J. 4693, 4760; see Link, J.H.F., Martius, C.F.P. von

Sprengel, W. 4693

Spring, A. 6107

Spruce, R. see Massee, G.E.

Squinabol, X. 5874

Staats, F. 6394

Staes, G. 5189

Stafleu, F.A. see Meyer-Abich, A.

Stapf, O. 7055

Star Busmann, C.W. 7087

Stearn, W.T. 4714, 4737; 4769, 4778; 4831, 6056, 6167

Steenis, C.G.G.J. van see Merrill, E.D.

Steenis-Kruseman, M.J. van see Marum, M. van

Steere, W.C. see Miller, Karl (Halle)

Stefani, C. de see Major, C.I.F.

Stehli, G. 5996

Stein, B. 6760

Stephani, F. see Lindenberg, J.B.W.

Stevenson, J.A. see Lloyd, C.G.

Stewart, I. v. Mounce, I.

Stickman, O. 4777

Stolz, F. 5671

Strand, B.J. 4785

Strandell B. see Linnaeus, C.

Strasburger, E. see Noll, F.

Stratt, J. 5031

Straus, de 6745

Strumpff, C.K. 4767



Sturm, J. 5511, 6675, 6680, 6682; see Miss- bach, E.R.

Sus, E. 6851

Suitram v. Martius, C.F.P. von

Sullivant, W.S. see Nuttall, T.

Sulpke, C.G. 6088

Suringar, W.F.R. 6125

Suzaki, C. 6140

Svanbeck, A. 4530

Svartengren, J.J. 6598

Svedelius, N.E. 5252

Svolinsky, K. 6910

Swainson, W. see Nadeaud, J.

Swartz, O.P. 4528; see L’Héritier de Brutel- le, C.L., Linné, C. von, filius

Sydow, H. see Neger, F.W.

Sydow, P. 4556; see Migula, E.F.A.W., Ne- ger, F.W.

Syrach-Larsen, C. 7133

Takahasi, M. 6627

Tallant, M.L. v. Owen, M.L.

Tanaka, K. 5286

Tandon, B. see Moquin-Tandon, QUHEBA:

Tandon, C.H.B.A. Moquin 2. Moquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A.

Tandon, R.N. see Moquin-Tandon, Gon BAe

Tandonella see Moquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A.

Tandonia see Moquin- Tandon, C.H.B.A.

Tanjé, P. 4823

Tannodia see Moquin-Tandon, C.H.B.A.

Tardieu, A. 4948

Targioni-Tozzetti, G. 5475, 5974, 5975:

Targioni-Tozzetti, O. 5974

Tausch, F.I. 7138

Taylor, N. 5665

Taylor, S. 4494

Taylor, T. 5183

Tengborg, J.C. 4824

Teresa Christina (of Brazil) 4952

Tettelbach, M. 5935

Thedenius, K.F. see Lindgren, S.J.

Thellung, A. 6619

Theobald, W. 5584

Theriot, I. see Monguillon, E.L.H.

THETIs see Martens, E. von

Thienemann, A. see Naumann, E.C.L.

Thiselton Dyer, W.T. 7055

Thome, O.W. 5988, 5991, 5993, 6003; see Miller, W.O.

Thompson, D’Arcy W. 6436

Thompson, Z. 6989

Thornam, A. 7019, 7021

Thornam, C. 4519, 7022

Thunberg, C.P. 5814, 6575; see Melén, E.G., Oldenland, H.B.

Thwaites, R.G. 6923

Tigerstrom, C.J. 4613


Timm, R. 4941

Tobler, F. see Mattick, W.F.

Tokunago, S. 6627

Tollenaere, F. de 4622

Tommasini, M.G.S. de 5397

Toni, G.B. de v. De Toni, G.B.

Tonning, H. 4834

Torén, O. 7121

Torner, E. 4788

Toro y Lydia Pagan de Otero, R.A. 7135; see Overholts, L.O.

Torre, K.W. v. Dalla v. Dalla Torre, K.W. v.

Torrey, J. 4644, 5402; see Nuttall, T.

Tourette, C. de la 5225

Tournay, R. 4620a

Tournefort, J.P. de 5564, 6056, 6059, 6060, 6075, 7108; see Martyn, J., Morin,

Tovey, J.R. 6350

Tozzetti, G.T. v. Targioni-Tozzetti, G.

Tracy, S.M. 6664

Trail, J.W.H. 6783

Trap, P.W.M. 6212

Trattner, J.T. von 4826

Trautvetter, E.R. von 5978; see Meyer, C.A. von

Treub, M. see Melchior, H.

Triana, J.J. 6949, 6950; see Mettenius, G.H., Nylander, W.

Trimen, H. 4596; see Moore, Marchant

Trinius, C.B. 4499

Troll, W. see Meusel, H.

Trotter, A. 6715

Turgot, E.F. see L’Héritier de Brutelle, C.L.

Turpin, P.J.F. 7065

Turrill, W.B. see Marsden-Jones, E.M.

Tursén, Z. 4735

Twamley, L.A. v. Meredith, L.A.

S. Le

Uilkens, J.A. 6110

Ulbrich, E. 4558

Ule, W. see Miller, Karl (Halle)

Ulfsberg, J.E. 7050

Ullmark, H. 4812

Underwood, L.M. see Maxon, W.R.

Unger, F.J.A.N. 5520, 6535; see Nave, J.

Urban, I. 5538; see Lindau, G., Loesener, eli, Ian vile, (OuC.

Urban, M. see Marthe, F.

Urville, J.S.C. Dumont d’ 2. DUrville;J-S:C:


Vaccari, L. 6715

Vahl, J.L.M. 7001; see Nolte, E.F. Vail, A.M. 5163, 5164


Valeton, T. 6216

Vancouver, G. 5833; see Menzies, A.

Van Oye, P.H.G. v. Oye, P.H.G. van

Van Rensselaer, M. see McMinn, H.E.

Vasey, G. 6664

Vaumartoise, F.V. Mérat de v. Mérat de Vaumartoise

Vaysiere 6252

Veesenmeyer, G. 5909

VEGA 6859; see Lundstrom, A.N., Nordens- kidld, A.E.

Veitch & Son see Lobb, T., Lobb, W.

Vendryés, A. 6360

Venturi, S. 4531

Verdeéra, A. Palau y v. Palau y Verdéra, A.

Verdoorn, F. 5929; see Merrill, E.D., Mot- te;-)-

Verhelst, 5769, 5776

Ver Huell, Q.M.R. 6093, 6094, 6096, 6101, 6104, 6106, 6108, 6111, 6113, 6125

Verschaffelt, A. 4620a, 4626; see Linden,

Vestergren, T. see Lindroth, J.I.

Victorinia see Marie-Victorin, Frére

Vieillard, E. 5883

Vigineix, G. 5403

Villaret, Mrs. A. 4936

Vilmorin-Andrieux see Mottet, S.J.

Virgander, D.M. 4797

Virgilius 6844

Visiani, R. de 5613

Vogel, J.R.T. 5440, 5895

Vos, A. de 6346

Vries, H. de see Masters, M.T., Meyer, F.N.

Vriese, W.H. de 6094, 6095, 6107, 6111, 6132; see Miquel, F.A.W.

Vuyck, L. 7167

Wachter, W.H. see Ooststroom, S.J. van

Wade, W. 5957

Wannman, C.H. 4803

Wagner, R. 6188

Wahlbom, J.G. 4738

Wahlstedt, L.J. see Migula, E.F.A.W., Murbeck, S.S., Neuman, L.M., Nord- stedt, C.F.O.

Wainio, E.A. see Norrlin, J.P.

Waldheim, A.A.F. von 6446

Walker, E.H. 5871

Walker, R. 5566; see Martyn, T.

Wallich, N. 4516, 5554

Wallis, G. 6504

Wallman, J.H. 4528

Walpers, W.G. 5895; see Mueller, Karl (berol.).

Wandelaar, J. 4719

Wann, F.B. see Muenscher, W.L.C.

Warming, E. see Lofgren, A., Lund, P.W., Marchal, El., Marchand, N.L., Masters, M.T., Mez, C.C., Micheli, M., Mueller Argoviensis, J., Nordstedt, C.F.O., Ostenfeld, C.E.H., Dstrup, E.V.


Warner, R. 6282

Warnstorf, C.F. see Lindau, G.

Warnstorf, J. 4938

Warren, J.B.L. see Moore, S. Le Marchant

Watson, H.C. see Newbould, W.W.

Wawra von Fernsee, H. 5624

Webb, J.W. v. Loudon, J.W.

Webb, P.B. 6254, 6287; see Montagne, a) folenl aC.

Weber, F. see Mohr, D.M.H.

Weber, G.H. 6856

Weddell, H.A. 6257

Weese, J.K. 7170

Wegener, H. 7or1

Weigel, T.O. see Martius, C.F.P. von

Weihe, A. see Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D.

Weihe, M.F. see Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Weinert, E. see Meusel, H.

Weiss, F.W. 6485

Weitz, C. 6693

Welten, M. see Liidi, W.

Welwitsch, F.M.J. 6958

Wenckebach, W. see Miquel, F.A.W.

Wendel, A.J. 7148, 7159

Weniger, H.L. 5791, 5792

Wendland, H. see Mann, G.

Wendt, W. see Meyen, F.J.F.

Wennerstrom, N.G. 6598

Werkendorp v. Westendorp

Westendorp, G.D. see Oudemans, C.A.J.A.

Westergren, A.W. 6638

Westman, J. 4727

Weston, R. see Miller, J.F.

Westring, J.P. 4849

Wettstein, R. von see Lohwag, H., Nabélek, F.

Wever, C.A. de see Liitjeharms, W.J.

Wheelock, W.E. 6342

White, A.D. see Mann, H. Jr.

White, C.D. 6073

Wickman, D. 4847

Widmer, E. see Nageli, C.W.

Wied-Neuwied, M.A.P. zu v. Maximilian A.P. zu Wied-Neuwied

Wieland, J.F. 6393

Wiggers, F.H. 6856

Wiik, FJ. 4598

Wilbrand, J.B. 4644

Wild, T. 6685

Will, S. 6760

Willdenow, C.L. 4500, 4695, 4700, 4760, 4769, 5038, 5958, 6538; see Link, J.H.F., Marschall von Bieberstein, F.A.

Willemet, R. 6669

Williams, B.S. 6282

Willkomm, H.M. 5or1

Wilmott, A.J. 6358

Wilson, E.H. 6027

Wilson, F.R.M. 6468

Wilson, W. see Montagne, J.P.F.C.



Wilson, W. (1799-1871) see Newman, E.

Wilson, W.F. 5833

Wiman, J. 4764

Winter, G. 6760; see Oertel, C.G.

Wissmann, H.L. 6535

Withering, W. 5173

Wittmack, M.C.L. 6761; see Maurizio, A.

Wittrock, V.B. see Lofgren, A., Nordstedt, CEO:

Wockowitz, E. 4938

Wolf, J. 7or1

Wolf, P. 5516

Wollrath, J.G. 4779

Wolter, J.W. see Nees von Esenbeck, T.F.L.

Wood, T.F. 5157 Wooster, D. 5026, 5033

Wright, C. 6472; see Mueller Argoviensis, J.

Wright, C.H. 7055


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Wyeth, N.J. 6926

Yatabe, R. 5673 Young, H.W. 6031

Zacharias, O. see Migula, E.F.A.W.

Zahlbruckner, A. see Lojka, H., Massalon- go, A.B.

Zahn, K.H. see Murr, J.

Zeyher, C.L.P. 5925

Ziegenspeck, H. see Mez, C.C.

Ziervogel, 8S. 4.765

Zodda, G. 6715

Zoller, H. see Liidi, W.

Zollinger, H. 6339; see Lucae, A.F.T., Mi- quel, F.A.W., Moritzi, A.

Zouche, E. see L’Obel, M. de

Zuccarini, J.G. 5519; see Miquel, F.A.W.


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