Archaeological Fantasies (original) (raw)

Dr. Anna Goldfield and Amber Zambelli invade the Archaeological Fantasies podcast in this special cross over with The Dirt podcast. We talk Race, Racism, Movies, TV, and Mutant Frog Overlords.

The Archaeology of Giants Atlantis at Last! In Search of Aliens S01, E01 Atlantis – Episode 17 Remix – Atlantis in Sardinia with Dr. Emily Holt – Archaeological Fantasies ep 107 Mysterious Middle East Hi! I’m an archaeologist who likes games, video games, gaming, horror, the supernatural, and debunking pseudoarchaeology. Check out... Continue Reading →

Originally Posted on The Archaeology of Giants We’ve talked about Atlantis on the podcast and the blog before. We’re not here to rehash any of that, the long and short is, “So, where is Atlantis? It’s in two books called Critias and Timaeus and nowhere else.” We’re not changing our opinion, so no worries. Recently I’ve been watching... Continue Reading →

In this interesting semester is wrapping up, and I decided to change my thesis proposal with three weeks left in the semester...because reasons.That said. I do have a stock of podcasts that need tweaking before being posted. I'm going get those up soon, and thank everyone for being lenient with us. I think you'll... Continue Reading →

Today we start a brand-new collaborative project with Archaeothoughts and ArchaeoRPG which is a podcast miniseries we are calling The Hunt for Secret Mysteries. This miniseries will focus on various paranormal TV shows as we are inflicted with them. My cohost will be Bill Auchter of Archaeothoughts and for our first series, we're focusing on... Continue Reading →

The Dunmer race in ESO can be divided into two distinct cultural groups. One being the Indigenous Ashlanders and the other being the city and town dwelling Dunmer. When talking about the major foodstuffs of these groups, it’s important to keep them separate, as the city Dunmer have a great deal of Imperial influence to... Continue Reading →

I've never actually watched this show, I know, I know. So I decided to sit down and go over these. I will admit, I don't get this show at all, but it's fun to watch the big drill go 'round. Hi! I'm an archaeologist who likes games, video games, gaming, horror, the supernatural, and debunking... Continue Reading →

Today we talk with Annelise Baer about the Bro-Venture genre of adventure TV. We cover all the classics from Indiana Jones all the way to the most recent Unexplored and Unexplained. We talk about how these shows get made, and how they might evolve as TV switches to Streaming.

This episode we're figuring out how to take grid points from our ship, dream up ways to set up a grid, I wish my mom a happy birthday and clean up animal poop for profit. Also, my mom calls and I have to defend my life choices. Check out Andrew Reinhard's book ARCHAEOGAMING: An Introduction... Continue Reading →

Hello everyone! This is just a quick message about how we're navigating the whole lock-down and our content. Currently, it's not affecting our production schedule, and so I don't see a need to alter much here. I may be putting some things out directly to everyone instead of making non-members wait a week, but... Continue Reading →

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