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What is erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Once the breach was known by the name of impotence. Today, the term is rarely used, is deprecated, and having the convictions subtext.

Erectile dysfunction appears in different forms:

Erectile Dysfunction

How common is erectile dysfunction

Many men experience problems with erection. Some of these problems are not expressed and do not occur frequently, and some expressed clearly and frequently recur.

one in ten men aged 18 to 40 years are experiencing erectile dysfunction

every second man aged between 40 and 70 years experience erectile dysfunction

These are the statistics from doctors. A lot of medicines and products (dietary Supplements) for the treatment of ED is bought without a prescription or consult a doctor of this statistic impossible to calculate.

There are two main types of erectile dysfunction:

primary – an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse never occurred,

secondary – previously, the patient had normal erection, but nowadays 25% of the time or more often erection not sufficient to perform sexual intercourse.

Erectile dysfunction is one of the main indicators of men's health. In Russia, the prevalence of this disease is somewhat broader, andnbsp,compared to other industrialized countries, because in Russia high level of a traumatism, alcoholism, tobacco Smoking. An important factor in the development of ED, are also the stress that leads to depression, feelings of sadness, reduced libido. The incidence of ED in smokers are 15-20% higher than non-smokers.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is most often caused by organic causes. The reasons can also be psychogenic or mixed (a combination of organic and psychogenic causes).

Psychogenic erectile dysfunction often occurs in men at a young age, they are more prone to stress at work, depression, conflicts in the family.

The risk of erectile dysfunction also increases with excessive alcohol consumption, Smoking and overweight.

Causes of erectile dysfunction (Russia):

Erectile Dysfunction

This statistic reflects the fact that in Russia, men are much more prone to stress, which directly influences their sexual health.

Psychogenic form is divided into two types: generalized and situationally dependent.

Generalized form is the result of a primary deficiency of sexual desire, decrease in sexual desire (associated with aging), permanent depression libido.

Situation form can be associated:

Diseases and medications that can cause erectile dysfunction

Diseases that commonly cause erectile dysfunction:

Erectile Dysfunction

Medications that can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction:

The symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

The reasons for the development of erectile dysfunction can be different, but the symptoms of this disease manifests itself is always the same. Upon detection of the first symptoms should seek help from a specialist, often the symptoms of erectile dysfunction are also markers of other diseases.

Common symptoms of erectile dysfunction:

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction

Prevention of erectile dysfunction.

So the erection was stable, and sexual health is preserved for many years and no problems should: