Make and browse Freedom of Information (FOI) requests (original) (raw)
Printed from on January 15, 2025 07:14
Get answers from EU Institutions is an online platform for citizens to send access to documents requests directly to EU institutions.
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DG Trade contacts with industry lobbyists about EU-US trade negotiation...
Commissioners' Expenses 2012 and 2013
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“ allowed us to obtain documents showing the extent to which the defence industry, the European Commission and the European Defence Agency had been engaging with each other” – Interview with Bram Vranken
Bram Vranken is a researcher and campaigner with the Belgian peace organisation Vredesactie. He works on topics related to arms lobbying in the European Union and the international arms trade. Alej...
“Freedom of information is absolutely fundamental to our democratic rights, to our ability to hold decision makers to account, to know what’s going on” – Interview with Vicky Cann
Vicky is a campaigner for Corporate Europe Observatory, a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and lobby groups in E...
“The most interesting requests I’ve done were those focused on how the EU was deporting what they considered illegal immigrants in Europe” – Interview with Adrián Blanco
Adrián Blanco Ramos is a graphics reporter at The Washington Post. He previously worked as a data journalist at El Confidencial, focusing on data visualization, data analysis and investigative journa...
“My requests have helped me obtain documents about the militarisation and externalisation of European borders” – Interview with Mark Akkerman
Mark is a researcher at Stop Wapenhandel (Dutch campaign against arms trade), who has in recent years focused, in cooperation with the Transnational Institute (TNI) on the militarisation and external...