Project Starshine - Student Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite (original) (raw)

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Students from Weber Middle School displaying their mirrors. Students from Weber Middle School displaying their mirrors. Weber Middle School Children in the Young Astronauts/Astronomy Club at Weber Middle School in Port Washington New York proudly display a set of mirrors destined for Starshine 4."The club members arrived at school at 7:30 AM every day to make sure the project would be completed on time. They worked diligently and followed instructions to the letter" says their science teacher, Cheryl Dodes.

Science Results From Starshine 1

On a scientific note, Dr. Judith Lean of the Naval Research Laboratory presented a paper to the Fall 2001 conference of the American Geophysical Union in San Franciso, CA on how she and her colleagues have used tracking data from our Starshine 1 mission to measure the effects of solar extreme ultraviolet radiation on satellite orbital decay. She also discussed the way in which they will use all the rest of the satellites in the Starshine series to continue to improve their orbital decay prediction codes. Anyone interested in receiving a copy of the slides that accompany her AGU paper should send an email to

Please direct your questions about any facet of the Starshine program to:

Gil Moore, Director, Project Starshine
3855 Sierra Vista Road
Monument, CO 80132
Telephone (719) 488- 0721

Video of Starshine 1 satellite's deployment from STS-96!
(1.2MB RealVideo) - (2.4MB QuickTime)

This Page Last Updated: January 16 2018