Netherlands 5 Gulden 1973 - Holland (original) (raw)

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Netherlands 5 Gulden 1973
Item Code: NL-95
Front: Engraved 1653 portrait of Dutch writer, poet and playwright Joost van den Vondel (1587–1679) executed by Dutch Govert Teuniszoon Flick. Back: Stylized design of a theatre in Amsterdam. Watermark: Pen in an inkwell and a scroll. Main colour: Green. Artist: Robert Deodaat Emile "Ootje" Oxenaar (1929–2017). Signatures: Jelle Zijlstra (President, 1967–1981); Charles T. de Bijll Nachenius (Secretaris, 1972–1995). Issuer: De Nederlandsche Bank. Date of signature: 28 March 1973. Date of Issue: 14 June 1976. Withdrawn: Between 1 November 1994 and 1 May 1995. Legal tender: No. Redeemable until 1 May 2025. Total issue: Unknown. Material: Cotton paper. Printing method: Intaglio (raised print). Printer: Johan Enschede en Zonen, The Netherlands (JEZ). Collector value: €12 in 2022 (VF).
Dutch Banknote Gallery
This picture is for reference only. It may not be exactly the same image as the one for sale in the Price List or in our Store, and its serial numbers, signatures, dates etc. may vary, or this may be our Museum's Gallery item (some gallery items may not be available for sale).
Dimensions: 135 x 76 mm
Texts: De Nederlandsche Bank. Vijf Gulden. NLG. Five Guilders. Vier en een florijn. Amsterdam, 28 Maart 1973. Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 208. Hij die muntspeci�n of munt- of bankbiljetten namaakt of vervalst, met het oogmerk om die muntspeci�n of munt- of bankbiljetten als echt en onvervalst uit te geven of te doen uitgeven, wordt gestraft met gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste negen jaren. Auteursrecht de Nederlandsche Bank N.V. Hy schenckt nu zuur, nu zoet.
Holland Banknote Gallery | Nederland Banknotes For Sale
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