Benjamin B. Ferencz | Official Website (original) (raw)

About Ben

Law. Not War.

Beginning in 1945 with his prosecution of war criminals during the Nuremberg Tribunal, the work of Benjamin Ferencz has long focused on issues of international criminal justice and world peace. A strong supporter of the International Criminal Court, Mr. Ferencz dedicated much of his inspirational life to efforts to replace the “rule of force with the rule of law.” This website is devoted to his life’s work. LAW, NOT WAR.

Ben Ferencz

A prolific thinker, writer, and advocate

“The world remains a very dangerous place. New weapons of devastating power threaten human survival directly, and, through their destabilizing effects on societies, indirectly. Many young people in many lands are ready to kill and be killed for the particular cause of their ideology or nation. Despite such obstacles, the spirit of Nuremberg lives on. It is increasingly recognized that international disputes can and must be settled without the use of armed might.”