Discovery Art Fair Berlin · The Fair for Contemporary Art Berlin (original) (raw)

BERLINER LISTE · The Discovery Art Fair

Along with the Berlin Art Week, the last BERLINER LISTE took place in the unique Postbahnhof Berlin in September 2017. For the 14th time, the oldest and most modern art fair in the capital presented a broad spectrum of emerging contemporary art.

As soon as a new date for our Berlin art fair will be determined, we will inform you here immediately.

Distinguished by affordable prices, this Discovery Art Fair grants a multifaceted offer to art lovers, young and established collectors, first-time buyers and the curious. From large-scale pieces to miniature editions in pocket-size format, the visitors will enjoy an abundance of classical paintings, drawings, sculptures, graphic prints, mixed-media pieces, installations, kinetic objects, light art, video art, and performance. The exhibition extends its focus into the fields of photography and urban art, disciplines brimming with innovative works that are today represented by many renowned galleries around the world.

Visitors of the BERLINER LISTE will be granted an opportunity to enter a dialogue with international artists in a relaxed, communicative atmosphere and to acquire original art for their own walls.

In the previous edition of the fair, there were 90 galleries, project rooms, and artists from 34 countries and five continents taking part. Just like the German capital, BERLINER LISTE is international: every second exhibitor comes from a country other than Germany. Over 10,000 visitors have answered our invitation to attend, search and purchase unique artworks at affordable prices.

As the oldest art fair in Berlin, BERLINER LISTE presents a singular display of contemporary art for all of those who appreciate original artworks and possess a wish to build a collection or to learn more about the latest trends in the art market.

In addition to the classical gallery programs, we provide the art scene with a platform, searching for new models of marketing presentation. Coming into direct contact with temporary pop-up galleries, art agents, producers and artists, the visitors will enter an atmosphere coated in art enthusiasm and most of all, filled with good, fresh, authentic art.

The quality of the pieces on show is as important to us as their diversity. A great variety of styles and subjects displayed at the BERLINER LISTE promises a special experience for all, including artists, visitors, and art dealers. Moreover, our art fair will serve as the meeting point with artists who produce affordable, but highly creative, distinguished and excellent work.

BERLINER LISTE. The name stands for an “unplugged” version of an art presentation, unburdened with academic or museum filters. This is the fair that rejects the comfortable and the boring and enters a new spectrum of adventure, taking a wild ride on the contemporary art slide. With all the risks involved, our event will give you all the more chances: this is something we can all look forward to!


The quality of an artistic work can not only be derived from its price. Often, young artists, who are not yet established, create extraordinary compositions. The 13th Berlin list presents this works by emerging international artists at affordable prices.

Der Kunsthandel, September 2016

Here, art is sold at moderate prices and a place for experiments is available to emerging artists.

Kulturnews, September 2016

The organizers proofed to have the right flair to put on a show inviting artists and galleries The focus is clearly on European art, but there are also pieces from Taipei or Los Angeles.

Sleaze Magazin, September 2016

Berliner Liste unites galleries and individual artists under one roof, giving them a wonderful opportunity to exhibit their art and share their visions.

artprice, September 2016

What distinguishes this fair is the diversity of the art shown; and the continued collaboration with curator Peter Funken not only sucessfully maintains a leitmotiv for the art, but it keeps the Liste’s presentation-footing true to the unique aesthetics of both local Berlin, German, and international art.{…} Discovery truly is the name of the game.

EXBERLINER, 18.9.2015

Moderate Preise und aufstrebende junge Künstler machen die Berliner Liste, die zeitgleich zur Berlin Art Week stattfindet, zu einer Entdeckungstour für zeitgenössische Kunst.

kunnst, Herbst 2015

Hier bekommen auch weniger etablierte Künstler die Gelegenheit, eine breite Käuferschicht zu finden. Die Chancen für den Kunden, ein Werk zu finden, das eine Preissteigerung erfährt, stehen dabei ebenfalls gut.

Zeitkunst, 9/2015

Das Besondere an dieser zeitgenössischen Kunst-Schau ist neben dem Entdeckerpotenzial die Bezahlbarkeit der Kunst. Die Arbeiten dürfen einen Preis von 7500 Euro nicht überschreiten. Damit ist der auf dem Kunstmarkt wachsenden Spekulation zumindest im Berliner Kraftwerk ein Riegel vorgeschoben.

Südkurier, 23.9.2015

Die Berliner Liste steht für Kunst, die das Schöne, das Beunruhigende und Gefahrvolle unserer Zeit zum Thema hat und macht, und dies in aktuellen Ausdruckssprachen der Gegenwart und an einem ungemein attraktiven Ort.

Zeitkunst, September 2014

Inzwischen entwickelte sich die Messe zur wichtigsten Berliner Plattform für aufstrebende Galerien mit junger Kunst, und dies obwohl sie aus unerklärlichen Gründen nach wie vor auf das Vermarktungsnetz der offiziellen Berlin Art Week verzichten muss.

kunnst, September 2014

Die Berliner Liste richtet sich an Entdeckernaturen und jene, die ihren Augen trauen, ihren eigenen Geschmack haben oder dabei sind, ihre Kunstvorlieben zu entdecken.

Der Hauptstadtbrief, September 2014

Neu ist eine kleine “Editions Section” mit Auflagenkunst. Ansonsten gibt es Malerei, Zeichnung, Fotografie, wenige Skulpturen, kaum Video – und wie immer einiges zu entdecken (…).

Der Tagesspiegel, 18.9.2014

Die Berliner Liste im Postbahnhof am Ostbahnhof bietet Raum für 112 Galerien, Projekträume und Künstler. Sie hat es auch diesmal nicht ins offizielle Programm geschafft, obwohl mit Peter Funken 2013 ein verdienter Kurator angetreten ist, um die älteste Messe der Stadt aufzufrischen.

Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten, 19.9.2014

Auf der als Newcomer-Messe gehandelten BERLINER LISTE gibt es auch diesmal im fast schon familiären Galerieambiente auf zwei Floors wieder viel Neues zu entdecken. Die Künstler und Projekträume stellen sich hier noch höchst selbst vor.

The main art fair (at Berlin Art Week) is followed by a bunch of satellite events, some focused on underrepresented, but internationally acclaimed urban artists, and other on emerging creatives from German and international scene. Being the latter of the two, Berliner Liste is an independent art fair widely respected as a happening populated with exhibitors and fresh names, organized this year for the 11th time.

(La Berliner Liste) surprend cette année par une programmation de haut niveau, avec des découvertes enthousiasmantes malgré quelques stands d’artistes toujours un peu décevants. Berlin Poche vous livre sa sélection.

Berlin Poche

Berliner Liste celebra hasta mañana su XI edición, apostando por el arte emergente, en un intento de dar visibilidad a estos artistas y ofrecer la posibilidad, a coleccionistas y gente interesada, de iniciarse en el coleccionismo a precios más asequibles.