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Term Translation of Term / Title
abandonment هجر ترك
abbot رئيس الدير
abhidharma Tib: chos mngon-pa Pali: abhidhamma أبيدارما
Abhisambodhikaya أبيسامبوديكايا
abiding nature Tib: gnas-lugs The lasting, enduring nature of all phenomena; the voidness of all phenomena.
abiding traits
Able One Tib: thub-pa Skt: muni An epithet of a Buddha - one who has been able to reach the goal of enlightenment and is able to benefit all beings as much as is possible.
Able Sage
Abrahamic religions
absence of existing in impossible extreme ways
absence, absolute
absence, bare
absolute absence The absence of something impossible; the absence of something that has never existed and never can exist. الغياب التام الانعدام التام غياب شيء مستحيل؛ انعدام الشيء الذي لم ولن يوجد أبدًا.
absolute nullification The refutation of the possibility that something could exist.
absorbed concentration Tib: ting-nge-'dzin Skt: samadhi Perfect concentration fully absorbed or sunk into an object of focus. التركيز الاستغراقي تركيز كامل واستيعاب تام، أو الانغماس في الشيء محل التركيز.
absorbed on voidness
absorbed setting Tib: mnyam-par ‘jog-pa The last one out of the nine stages of settling the mind into a state of shamatha. Here, we are able effortlessly to maintain concentration, free of any interruptions, throughout the entire session. This is the attainment of absorbed concentration.
absorption on voidness, clear light
absorption, total
abstraction, nonstatic
abstraction, static
absurd conclusion Tib: thal-'gyur Skt: prasanga
access clear light mental activity Through advanced meditation practices of the anuttarayoga tantra complete stage, to reach the clear light level of mind -- in the sense of stopping the grosser levels of mind so that the mind operates only on the underlying clear light lev ... (more)
access rigpa Through special methods used by a dzogchen master in a personal interaction with a fully prepared dzogchen practitioner, the practitioner reaching the rigpa (pure awareness) level of mind -- in the sense of making the exclusive focus of at ... (more)