The Majority Text Compared to the Received Text (original) (raw)

Here I give in English all translatable differences between the Hodges-Farstad "Majority Text" and the editon of the Received text compiled by F.H.A. Scrivener (representing the readings followed in the King James version). For each item I also indicate which other editors have preferred the "Majority Text" reading over the Received Text. See this page for an explanation of the abbreviations. —M.D.M.

Mat Title. Omit "The Gospel" before "According to". Am T WH N NA HF.

Mat Title. Omit "Saint" before "Matthew". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 3:8. Read "fruit" instead of "fruits". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 3:11. Omit "and [with] fire" after "Holy Ghost". HF.

Mat 4:10. Add "behind me" after "hence". G Lt W HF.

Mat 4:18. Omit "Jesus" and render 'he saw'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 5:27. Omit "by them of old time" after "said". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 5:47. Read "friends" instead of "brethren". HF.

Mat 6:18. Omit "openly" after "reward thee". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 7:2. Omit "again" after "measured to you". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 7:14. Read "How" instead of "Because". C G L Tr NA HF.

Mat 8:5. Read "he" instead of "Jesus". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 8:8. Read "speak with a word" instead of "speak the word". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 8:15. Read "unto him" instead of "unto them". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 8:23. Add "the" before "a ship" and render 'the ship'. S B E G T W N NA HF.

Mat 8:25. Omit "his" and render 'the disciples came'. G A W HF.

Mat 9:4. Read "seeing" instead of "knowing". S B E G T A W WHm NA HF.

Mat 9:5. Add "Thy" before "sins". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 9:5. Omit "thee" after "forgiven". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 9:36. Read "were harassed" instead of "fainted". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 10:8. Omit "raise the dead" after "cleanse the lepers". HF.

Mat 10:25. Read "have surnamed" instead of "have called". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 11:16. Read "others" instead of "fellows". T Tr WH N NA HF.

Mat 12:6. Read "[something] greater" (neuter, but which may also be rendered as in ERV 'one greater') instead of "[one] greater" (masculine). L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 12:8. Omit "even" after "Lord". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 12:21. Omit "in" and render 'on his name'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 12:32. Read "in the present world" instead of "in this world". HF.

Mat 12:35. Omit "of the heart" after "good treasure". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 13:2. Add "the" before "a ship" and render 'the ship'. S B E G W HF.

Mat 13:14. Omit "upon" (KJV 'in') and render 'unto them is fulfilled' or 'in them is fulfilled'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 13:15. Read "shall heal" instead of "should heal". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Mat 13:24. Read "sowing" instead of "which sowed". S B E G W HF.

Mat 14:22. Omit "his" and render 'the disciples'. G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 14:22. Add "the" before "ship" and render 'the ship'. S B E G L T A W WHm N NA HF.

Mat 15:4. Omit "thy" before "father". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 15:39. Read "he went up into the ship" instead of "he entered into the ship" (KJV 'took ship'). G Tr A W HF.

Mat 18:6. Read "to his neck" instead of "upon his neck" (KJV 'about his neck'). A HF.

Mat 18:19. Add "verily" after "Again". Tr A WHt Nt NAt HF.

Mat 18:28. Read "if anything" instead of "that". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 18:29. Omit "all" after "pay thee". Lm T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 19:9. Read "not for fornication" instead of "except [it be] for fornication". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 19:19. Omit "thy" before "father" and render 'Honour father and mother'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 20:15. Add "or" before "Is it not lawful". S B E G T At W NAt HF.

Mat 20:21. Read "thy left" instead of "the left". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 20:22. Read "or to be baptised" instead of "and to be baptised". HF.

Mat 20:26. Read "shall be" instead of "let him be". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Mat 21:1. Read "Bethsphage" instead of "Bethphage". HF.

Mat 21:3. Read "he sendeth" instead of "he will send". G HF.

Mat 21:7. Read "he sat" instead of "they set [him]". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 21:14. Transpose "blind and the lame" to "lame and the blind". HF.

Mat 21:30. Read "other" instead of "second". G T A W NA HF.

Mat 22:7. Read "And" instead of "But" at beginning of verse. W HF.

Mat 22:7. Add "that" before "the king" and render 'that king'. HF.

Mat 23:13. Transpose "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in [yourselves], neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in" to after verse 14. S W HF.

Mat 23:14. Transpose "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation" to before verse 13. S W HF.

Mat 23:21. Read "dwelt" instead of "dwelleth". G Tr A W WHm HF.

Mat 23:25. Read "unrighteousness" instead of "excess". G W HF.

Mat 24:17. Read "the things" instead of "anything". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 24:20. Omit "on" before "the sabbath". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 24:27. Omit "also" after "so shall". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 25:44. Omit "him" after "answer". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mat 26:26. Read "gave thanks" instead of "blessed [it]". HF.

Mat 26:33. Add "yet" before "will I never". HF.

Mat 26:35. Add "but" before "likewise". W HF.

Mat 26:38. Add "Jesus" and render 'Jesus saith'. W HF.

Mat 26:39. Read "he went towards [them] a little" instead of "he went a little farther". T Tr WHm HF.

Mat 26:52. Read "die" instead of "perish". HF.

Mat 26:70. Add "them" before "all". G HF.

Mat 27:35. Omit "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots" after "casting lots". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Mat 27:41. Add "and Pharisees" after "elders". HF.

Mat 27:42. Add "on" before "him". T Tr W WH N NA HF.

Mat 27:46. Read "lima" instead of "lama". HF.

Mat 28:19. Omit "therefore" after "Go ye". G Lm T Trm A HF.

Mark Title. Omit "The Gospel" before "According to". T WH N NA HF.

Mark Title. Omit "Saint" before "Mark". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 1:3. Repunctuate "crying in the wilderness, Prepare" to "crying, In the wilderness prepare". Tr HF.

Mark 1:16. Add "([that is], Simon's)" after "his". HF.

Mark 2:9. Read "Thy" instead of "thee" and render 'Thy sins have been forgiven' instead of '[Thy] sins have been forgiven thee' (KJV 'be forgiven'). G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 2:26. Omit "the" before "high priest" and render 'when Abiathar [was] high priest'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 3:32. Add "and thy sisters" after "brethren". L T At W N NAt HF.

Mark 4:4. Omit "of the air" after "fowls". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 4:9. Omit "unto them" after "said". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 5:11. Read "the mountain" instead of "the mountains". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 5:38. Omit "and" after "tumult". S B E HF.

Mark 6:2. Omit "that" before "even such mighty works" and render 'given to this one? and such mighty works'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 6:15. Omit "or" after "a prophet". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 6:33. Omit "the people" and render 'they saw' or '[many] saw'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 6:44. Omit "about" before "five thousand". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 7:3. Read "wash [their] hands with the fist" (perhaps render 'diligently') instead of "wash [their] hands oft". S B E G L Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 8:3. Read "come from afar" instead of "came from afar". E W HF.

Mark 8:13. Omit "the" before "ship" and render 'a ship'. L Tr W HF.

Mark 8:24. Add "for I behold [them]" before "as trees". S E L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 8:25. Read "saw again every" instead of "saw every". HF.

Mark 8:31. Add "[of] the" before "scribes". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 8:34. Read "follow" instead of "come". G T Tr A W NA HF.

Mark 9:7. Omit "saying" before "This is my". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 9:40. Read "against you is on your" instead of "against us is on our". S G L HF.

Mark 10:2. Omit "the" before "Pharisees". G L Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 10:14. Omit "and" before "forbid them not". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 10:16. Read "blesseth them" instead of "blessed them". L W HF.

Mark 10:25. Read "to enter through the eye" instead of "to go through the eye". S HF.

Mark 10:28. Omit "Then" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 10:29. Add "sake" after "gospel's". G Lt T Tr A W WHt N NA HF.

Mark 10:33. Omit "unto the" before "scribes". L HF.

Mark 11:1. Read "Bethsphage" instead of "Bethphage". HF.

Mark 11:3. Read "he sendeth" instead of "he will send". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 11:4. Omit "the" before "colt" and render 'a colt'. G L Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 11:32. Omit "if" and render 'But shall we say'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 12:20. Omit "Now" before "there were seven". S G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Mark 12:23. Omit "therefore" after "In the resurrection". T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Mark 12:28. Read "commandment of all [things]" (neuter) instead of "commandment of all [commandments]" (feminine). G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 12:29. Read "the first [commandment] of all [things] of the commandments" instead of "the first of all the commandments". HF.

Mark 12:32. Omit "God" after "there is one" and render 'he is one'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 12:36. Read "The Lord saith" instead of "The Lord said". G Tr HF.

Mark 13:9. Read "stand" instead of "be brought". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 13:32. Read "or [that] hour" instead of "and [that] hour". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 13:37. Read "the things I say" instead of "what I say". S B E G W HF.

Mark 14:9. Add "And" before "Verily". Lt T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Mark 14:30. Add "thou" after "I say unto thee, that". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 14:35. Read "he went towards [them]" instead of "he went forward". Tr WHm HF.

Mark 14:43. Add "being" before "one of the twelve". S B E G At W HF.

Mark 14:45. Add "to him" after "saith". HF.

Mark 14:51. Read "followed" instead of "was following" (KJV 'followed'). W HF.

Mark 14:69. Add "the" and render 'the maid'. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 15:3. Omit "but he answered nothing" at end of verse. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 15:24. Read "they part" instead of "they parted". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 15:31. Omit "And" (unexpressed in KJV) at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 15:32. Add "him" after "believe". L HF.

Mark 15:34. Read "lima" instead of "lama". HF.

Mark 15:40. Add "also" (ERV 'both') before "Mary Magdalene". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Mark 16:1. Omit "the [mother]" before "of James". HF.

Mark 16:8. Omit "quickly" after "they went out". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke Title. Omit "The Gospel" before "According to". Am T WH N NA HF.

Luke Title. Omit "Saint" before "Luke". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 1:26. Read "by God" instead of "from God". S B E G L W HF.

Luke 1:35. Omit "of thee" after "born". S E G Lm T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 2:21. Read "him" instead of "the child". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 2:22. Read "their purification" instead of "her purification". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 3:2. Read "priest" instead of "priests". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 3:19. Omit "Philip's" and render 'his brother's wife'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 3:33. Add "which was [the son] of Joram" after "Aram". HF.

Luke 4:8. Omit "for" before "it is written". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 4:9. Omit "the" before "Son" and render 'God's Son' or 'a son of God'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 5:19. Omit "by" before "what [way]". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 5:30. Add "the" before "publicans". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 5:36. Omit "the piece" before "that was [taken] out". HF.

Luke 6:7. Omit "him" after "watched". L T Tr A W HF.

Luke 6:9. Read "kill" instead of "destroy". G W HF.

Luke 6:10. Read "unto him" instead of "unto the man". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 6:10. Omit "so" after "did". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 6:16. Omit "and" before "Judas [the brother] of James". S B E G W HF.

Luke 6:26. Omit "unto you" after "Woe". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 6:26. Omit "all" before "men". G HF.

Luke 6:28. Omit "and" before "pray". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 6:37. Add "and" before "Judge" at beginning of verse. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 7:11. Read "the next thing" instead of "the day after". Tr WHt NA HF.

Luke 7:31. Omit "And the Lord said" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 8:3. Read "unto them" instead of "unto him". T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Luke 8:8. Read "into good ground" instead of "on good ground". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 8:31. Read "he besought" instead of "they besought". S B E G W HF.

Luke 8:34. Omit "went and" before "told". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 8:51. Transpose "James and John" to "John and James". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 9:1. Omit "his disciples" and render 'the twelve'. G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 9:23. Omit "daily" after "take up his cross". L HF.

Luke 10:6. Omit "the" and render 'a son'. S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 10:12. Omit "But" at beginning of verse. G Lm Tr A W WH NA HF.

Luke 10:20. Omit "rather" before "rejoice, because". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 10:22. Add "and having turned to the disciples he said" at beginning of verse. S L T At W HF.

Luke 11:6. Omit "of mine" after "friend". HF.

Luke 11:8. Read "as much" instead of "as many". HF.

Luke 11:26. Read "come" instead of "enter in". HF.

Luke 11:33. Read "cellar" instead of "secret place". E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 11:49. Read "drive out" instead of "persecute". S B E G L T Trt At W HF.

Luke 11:54. Omit "and" after "laying wait for him". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 12:13. Transpose "one of the company said unto him" to "one said to him from the company". S B E G L Tr A W HF.

Luke 12:56. Transpose "of the sky and of the earth" to "of the earth and of the sky". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 13:15. Read "Ye hypocrites" instead of "Thou hypocrite". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 13:20. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. W HF.

Luke 13:29. Omit "from" before "the north". Lm T Trm Am HF.

Luke 13:35. Omit "verily" before "I say". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 14:5. Read "a son" instead of "an ass". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 14:15. Read "dinner" instead of "bread". HF.

Luke 16:25. Add "here" after "now". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 17:4. Omit "to thee" after "turn again". G HF.

Luke 17:6. Read "ye have" instead of "ye had". T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Luke 17:9. Omit "him" after "commanded". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 17:24. Omit "also" before "the Son of man be". G Lm T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 17:34. Omit "the" before "one shall be taken". G L T Tr A W HF.

Luke 17:35. Omit "the" before "one". S Trm W HF.

Luke 17:36. Omit "Two [men] shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left" (the entire verse). S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 18:9. Omit "also" (unexpressed in KJV) after "he spake". Lm HF.

Luke 18:11. Transpose "standing thus by himself was praying" (KJV 'stood and prayed thus with himself') to "standing by himself thus was praying". S B E G L A W WHm NA HF.

Luke 18:14. Add "indeed" before "than the other". G T W HF.

Luke 19:23. Omit "the" and render 'a bank'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 19:29. Read "Bethsphage" instead of "Bethphage". HF.

Luke 20:1. Read "priests" instead of "chief priests". T A HF.

Luke 20:5. Omit "then" after "Why". Lm T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Luke 20:9. Omit "certain" before "man". G L T Tr A W WH N NAm HF.

Luke 20:19. Omit "the people" after "they feared". HF.

Luke 20:31. Omit "and" after "also" and so render 'also left' instead of 'also. And they left'. S B G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 20:35. Read "are accounted" instead of "shall be accounted". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 21:16. Transpose "brethren, and kinfolks, and friends" to "kinfolks, and friends, and brethren". HF.

Luke 21:36. Omit "these" before "things". HF.

Luke 22:17. Omit "the" before "cup" and render 'a cup'. S B E G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 22:30. Read "and ye shall sit on thrones" instead of "and (may) sit on thrones". G L T Tr W WHm NA HF.

Luke 22:36. Read "he shall sell his garment, and buy one" instead of "let him sell his garment, and buy one". HF.

Luke 22:42. Read "willing to remove" instead of "willing, remove". S B E G T A W HF.

Luke 22:45. Omit "his" and render 'the disciples'. S B G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 22:66. Omit "both" (KJV 'and') before "the chief priests". HF.

Luke 23:25. Omit "unto them" after "released". G Lm T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Luke 23:42. Read "in" instead of "into". S B E G L T Tr A W WHm HF.

Luke 23:46. Read "I will commend" instead of "I commend". S B E G HF.

Luke 23:54. Omit "and" before "the sabbath". HF.

Luke 23:55. Omit "also" after "the women". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John Title. Omit "The Gospel" before "According to". T WH N NA HF.

John Title. Omit "Saint" before "John". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 1:28. Read "Bethany" instead of "Bethabara". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 1:29. Omit "John" and render 'he seeth'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 1:39. Omit "for" before "it was about". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 1:42. Omit "And" before "when Jesus". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 1:43. Omit "Jesus" and render 'he would go'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 1:43. Add "Jesus" before "findeth". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 2:17. Read "shall eat" instead of "hath eaten". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 2:22. Omit "unto them" after "said this". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 3:2. Read "came to him" instead of "came to Jesus". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 3:25. Read "a Jew" instead of "the Jews". G L T Tr A W WHt N NA HF.

John 3:28. Omit "me" after "bear". HF.

John 4:3. Omit "again" after "departed". HF.

John 4:30. Omit "Then" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 4:31. Omit "his" and render 'the disciples'. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 5:1. Add "the" before "feast" and render 'the feast'. T HF.

John 6:15. Omit "again" after "he departed". HF.

John 6:24. Omit "also" before "took shipping". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 6:39. Read "raise him up" instead of "raise it up". HF.

John 6:45. Read "heareth" instead of "hath heard". HF.

John 6:70. Omit "Jesus" and render 'He answered'. HF.

John 7:3. Add "thy" and render 'thy works that thou doest'. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 7:12. Omit "but" (unexpressed in KJV) before "others said". G T W WHm NAm HF.

John 7:16. Add "therefore" after "Jesus". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 7:29. Omit "But" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 7:33. Omit "unto them" after "said Jesus". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 7:41. Omit "But" after "This is the Christ". T HF.

John 7:50. Read "him" instead of "Jesus". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 7:52. Read "hath arisen" instead of "ariseth". S B E G W HF.

John 8:1. Read "And" instead of "But" (unexpressed in KJV) at beginning of verse. HF.

John 8:2. Add "very" before "early". HF.

John 8:2. Add "Jesus" and render 'Jesus came'. HF.

John 8:4. Read "we found this [woman]" instead of "this woman was taken". HF.

John 8:4. Read "adulterating herself" instead of "suffering adultery" (KJV 'in adultery'). HF.

John 8:5. Read "in our law commanded" instead of "in the law commanded us". HF.

John 8:5. Read "to stone such" instead of "that such should be stoned". W WH NA HF.

John 8:5. Add "concerning her" after "sayest thou". W WHm HF.

John 8:6. Read "an accusation against him" instead of "to accuse him". HF.

John 8:7. Read "he looked up" instead of "he lifted up himself". HF.

John 8:9. Omit "being convicted by [their own] conscience" before "went out". WH NA HF.

John 8:9. Read "the woman being" instead of "the woman standing". W WH NA HF.

John 8:10. Read "he saw her and he said" instead of "and saw none but the woman, he said". HF.

John 8:10. Omit "unto her" after "he said". HF.

John 8:10. Omit "those" before "thine accusers". HF.

John 8:11. Add "from henceforth" before "sin no more". WH NA HF.

John 8:42. Add "Therefore" before "Jesus said". S B E W HF.

John 8:54. Read "our God" instead of "your God". T Tr A W WHm NA HF.

John 9:20. Add "But" at beginning of verse. HF.

John 9:28. Read "They reviled" instead of "Then they reviled". G L T A W HF.

John 9:36. Add "And" before "Who". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 10:8. Omit "before me" after "came". T NAm HF.

John 10:16. Read "one flock" instead of "one fold". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 11:19. Read "came to those [women] around Martha and Mary" instead of "came to Martha and Mary". S B E G T W HF.

John 12:26. Add "and" before "if any man serve me, him will [my] Father honour". S B E W HF.

John 13:25. Add "thus" after "lying" and render 'lying, as he was, on'. T Trt A W WH N NA HF.

John 13:31. Omit "Therefore" before "when". S G W HF.

John 14:22. Add "and" after "Lord". G T At W NAt HF.

John 14:23. Read "word" instead of "words". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 14:30. Omit "this" and render 'the world'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 16:3. Omit "unto you" after "will they do". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 16:15. Read "he taketh" instead of "he shall take". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 16:33. Read "ye have tribulation" instead of "ye shall have tribulation". S G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 17:2. Read "he shall give" instead of "he should give". A WH HF.

John 17:11. Read "which" instead of "whom" and render 'keep them in thy name which thou hast given me'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 17:20. Read "believe" instead of "shall believe". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

John 18:2. Add "also" after "Jesus". HF.

John 18:15. Add "the" before "another" and render 'the other disciple'. S B E G W Trt At HF.

John 18:24. Omit "Now" (ERV 'Therefore') before "Annas". S G Trm W HF.

John 18:25. Add "therefore" after "he denied [it]". HF.

John 19:6. Add "him" after "Crucify [him], crucify". G L W HF.

John 19:17. Add "the place" before "of a skull". HF.

John 19:28. Read "seeing" instead of "knowing". HF.

John 19:38. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. HF.

John 20:29. Omit "Thomas" after "saith unto him". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 2:7. Omit "all" before "amazed". L Trm A WH NA HF.

Acts 2:38. Read "upon the name" instead of "in the name". S B E G T A W NA HF.

Acts 3:13. Add "indeed" after "ye". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 3:20. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Acts 3:20. Read "was appointed beforehand" instead of "before was preached" and render 'send Christ Jesus, who was appointed beforehand for you' or 'send him who was appointed beforehand for you Christ, [even] Jesus'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 3:22. Read "our God" instead of "your God". T HF.

Acts 3:24. Read "announced these days" instead of "foretold of these days". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 4:2. Read "of the dead" instead of "from the dead". HF.

Acts 5:23. Omit "without" after "standing". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 5:25. Omit "saying" after "told them". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 5:38. Omit "this" before "counsel" and render 'the counsel'. HF.

Acts 5:41. Read "the name of Jesus" instead of "his name". HF.

Acts 6:13. Omit "this" and render 'the holy place'. G L T Tr A W WHm NAm HF.

Acts 7:14. Omit "his" before "kindred". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Acts 7:20. Omit "his" before "father's". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 7:22. Omit "in" before "deeds". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Acts 7:37. Read "our God" instead of "your God". HF.

Acts 7:37. Omit "him shall ye hear" after "like unto me". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Acts 7:39. Read "heart" instead of "hearts". HF.

Acts 7:44. Add "he who" after "appointed" and render 'he appointed who spake'. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 7:58. Omit "their" before "clothes". HF.

Acts 8:10. Omit "all" after "they". HF.

Acts 8:16. Read "Christ Jesus" instead of "Lord Jesus". HF.

Acts 8:28. Add "and" after "chariot" and render 'in his chariot, and he was reading'. S B E G L Trt A WH NA HF.

Acts 8:37. Omit "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God" (the entire verse). G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Acts 9:5. Omit "[it is] hard for thee to kick against the pricks" at end of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 9:6. Omit "And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord [said] unto him" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 9:6. Add "but" before "Arise". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 9:15. Omit "the" before "Gentiles". S B E G T Tr A W WHm NA HF.

Acts 9:17. Omit "[even] Jesus" after "the Lord". HF.

Acts 9:18. Omit "forthwith" after "received sight". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Acts 9:28. Omit "and going out" after "coming in". HF.

Acts 9:35. Read "Assaron" instead of "Saron". HF.

Acts 9:38. Omit "two men" after "sent unto him". HF.

Acts 10:6. Omit "he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do" at end of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 10:19. Omit "three" before "men". T A WHm HF.

Acts 10:20. Read "But arise" instead of "Arise therefore". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 10:21. Omit "which were sent unto him from Cornelius" after "the men". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 10:39. Add "also" after "whom". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 12:25. Read "to Jerusalem" instead of "from Jerusalem". WHt NA HF.

Acts 13:2. Omit "both" (unexpressed in KJV) before "Barnabas". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 13:17. Omit "of Israel" after "this people". G HF.

Acts 13:23. Read "brought unto Israel" instead of "raised unto Israel". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 13:23. Read "salvation" instead of "a saviour, Jesus". HF.

Acts 13:24. Omit "all the people of" before "Israel". HF.

Acts 13:41. Omit "a work" before "which ye shall". HF.

Acts 13:43. Omit "to them" after "speaking". HF.

Acts 14:3. Omit "and" before "granted" and render 'granting signs'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 14:17. Read "gave you" instead of "gave us". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Acts 15:11. Omit "Christ" after "Jesus". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 15:34. Omit "Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still" (the entire verse). L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 16:12. Read "in the same city" instead of "in that city". HF.

Acts 16:37. Omit "us" after "fetch". HF.

Acts 17:5. Omit "moved with envy" before "took". G HF.

Acts 17:18. Add "also" after "Then" at beginning of verse. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 17:18. Omit "unto them" after "he preached". T Tr Am WH N NA HF.

Acts 17:25. Read "in every [respect]" instead of "and all things". S HF.

Acts 17:26. Read "appointed" instead of "before appointed". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 17:27. Read "and yet he is" instead of "though he be". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Acts 17:30. Omit "this" before "ignorance". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 19:20. Read "of the Lord" instead of "of God". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 19:40. Add "not" after "we may" and render 'no cause [for it]: and, concerning it, we shall not be able to give an account'. T Tr At WH N NAt HF.

Acts 20:5. Read "having gone thither" instead of "having gone before" (KJV 'going before'). Tr WHt HF.

Acts 20:8. Read "we were" instead of "they were". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 20:13. Read "we went thither" instead of "we went before". Tr WHm HF.

Acts 20:21. Omit "Christ" after "Jesus". L Trm A WHt NA HF.

Acts 20:28. Add "of the Lord and" before "of God". HF.

Acts 20:34. Omit "Yea" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 21:8. Read "they came" instead of "we came". S B HF.

Acts 21:11. Transpose "hands and feet" to "feet and hands". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 21:20. Read "saying" instead of "and said". L HF.

Acts 21:29. Omit "before" after "seen". HF.

Acts 22:12. Add "in Damascus" after "dwelt [there]". HF.

Acts 22:25. Read "he bound" instead of "they bound". S E HF.

Acts 23:29. Omit "but" before "to have nothing" and render 'having nothing'. HF.

Acts 24:6. Omit "and would have judged according to our law" after "whom we took". L T Tr Am WH N NA HF.

Acts 24:7. Omit "But the chief captain Lysias came [upon us], and with great violence took [him] away out of our hands" (the entire verse). L T Tr Am WH N NA HF.

Acts 24:8. Omit "commanding his accusers to come unto thee" at beginning of verse. L T Tr Am WH N NA HF.

Acts 24:9. Read "joined in the charge" instead of "assented". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 24:13. Add "[against] me" after "prove". S HF.

Acts 24:16. Read "having" instead of "to have". HF.

Acts 24:20. Omit "if" and render 'what evil doing they have found'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 24:24. Omit "his" before "wife" and render 'the wife'. G A HF.

Acts 24:25. Read "was terrified" instead of "trembled". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 25:5. Omit "amiss" (KJV 'wickedness') after "any" and render 'anything in'. S W HF.

Acts 25:13. Read "and saluted" (aorist participle) instead of "to salute" (future participle). T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Acts 25:14. Read "he had been there" instead of "they had been there". HF.

Acts 26:6. Omit "our" and render 'the fathers'. S B E G HF.

Acts 26:7. Omit "the" before "Jews". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 26:17. Omit "now" before "I send". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Acts 26:20. Read "shewing" instead of "(I) shewed". S B HF.

Rom Title. Omit "the Apostle" before "to the Romans". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom Title. Omit "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle" before "to the Romans". T A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 2:5. Add "and" after "revelation". HF.

Rom 6:1. Read "Do we continue" instead of "Shall we continue". HF.

Rom 6:3. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 6:11. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 6:23. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 7:6. Read "we having died [to that]" instead of "that being dead". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 7:23. Add "in" before "to the law of sin" and render 'in the law of sin'. T Tr At WHt N NA HF.

Rom 8:11. Read "because of his Spirit that dwelleth in you" instead of "by his Spirit, that dwelleth in you". S G L Tr A W WHm HF.

Rom 9:5. Repunctuate "Christ [came], who is over all, God blessed forever" to "Christ [came], who is blessed God over all for ever". S B E G Tr A W NA HF.

Rom 11:19. Omit "The" before "branches". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 13:9. Omit "thou shalt not bear false witness" after "not steal". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 14:2. Omit "For" at beginning of verse. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 14:6. Add "and" before "He that eateth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 14:9. Read "lived" instead of "revived". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 14:23. Transpose "Now to him that is of power ... Amen" from 16:25-27 to the end of chapter 14. G HF.

Rom 15:4. Add "through" before "comfort". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 15:7. Read "received you" instead of "received us". G L T Tr A W WHm NA HF.

Rom 15:8. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". HF.

Rom 15:14. Read "others" instead of "one another". HF.

Rom 16:3. Read "Prisca" instead of "Priscilla". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 16:20. Omit "Amen" at end of verse. S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rom 16:25. Transpose verses 25-27 to the end of chapter 14. G HF.

Rom 16:27. Add "to whom" after "Jesus Christ" and render 'through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory' instead of '[be] glory through Jesus Christ'. S E G L T Tr A W WHt N NA HF.

Rom Sub. Omit "Written to the Romans from Corinthus, [and sent] by Phebe servant of the church at Cenchrea". G L T W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor Title. Omit "of Paul the Apostle" before "to the Corinthians". S L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor Title. Read "to the Corinthians 1" instead of "The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 1:4. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 1:29. Read "in God's presence" instead of "in his presence". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 5:7. Omit "therefore" after "Purge out". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 5:13. Re-accent "judgeth" to "shall judge". G L T NA HF.

1 Cor 6:7. Omit "among" before "you" and render 'a fault with you'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 6:10. Transpose "nor thieves nor covetous" to "nor covetous nor thieves". HF.

1 Cor 6:16. Omit "Or" (KJV 'What?') at beginning of verse. NAm HF.

1 Cor 7:34. Add "also" after "divided is" (KJV 'There is difference between'). L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 7:39. Add "also" after "but if". HF.

1 Cor 7:39. Omit "her" before "husband be dead". HF.

1 Cor 10:30. Omit "For" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 11:15. Omit "her" after "given". Am NAm HF.

1 Cor 11:18. Omit "the" before "church" and render 'in assembly'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 11:27. Read "or drink" instead of "and drink". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 11:27. Add "of the Lord" after "unworthily". HF.

1 Cor 12:2. Add "when" before "ye were Gentiles" and render 'when ye were Gentiles, ye were carried'. Lt T Tr A WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 12:25. Read "schisms" instead of "schism". T HF.

1 Cor 13:9. Read "But" instead of "For" at beginning of verse. HF.

1 Cor 14:33. Repunctuate "peace, as in all churches of the saints. (34) Let your women" to "peace. (34) As in all churches of the saints, let your women". G L T WHm NA HF.

1 Cor 15:32. Repunctuate "advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat" to "advantageth it me? if the dead rise not, let us eat". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 15:39. Omit "[kind of] flesh" before "of men". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor 15:49. Read "let us also bear" instead of "we shall also bear". L T Tr WHt N HF.

1 Cor 16:22. Repunctuate "Maran-atha" (Aramaic for 'Our Lord has come') to "Marana-tha" ('Our Lord comes' or 'Our Lord, come!'). NA HF.

1 Cor 16:23. Omit "our" and render 'the Lord'. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Cor Sub. Omit "The first [epistle] to the Corinthians was written from Philippi by Stephanas, and Fortunatus, and Achaicus, and Timotheus". G L T Tr W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor Title. Omit "of Paul the Apostle" before "to the Corinthians". S L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor Title. Read "To the Corinthians 2" instead of "The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor 1:6. Read "for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer (7) (and our hope of you is stedfast); or whether we be comforted, [it is] for your consolation and salvation. Knowing". L Tr A W HF.

2 Cor 1:11. Read "on your behalf" instead of "on our behalf". HF.

2 Cor 2:17. Read "others" instead of "many". HF.

2 Cor 3:1. Read "if not, need we" instead of "or need we". S E W HF.

2 Cor 3:3. Read "tables [that are] hearts of flesh" instead of "fleshy tables of the heart". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

2 Cor 3:14. Repunctuate to "the same veil at the reading of the old testament remains not unveiled, for [it] is done away in Christ" (render 'remains not lifted'). WH HF.

2 Cor 6:15. Read "Beliar" instead of "Belial". S G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor 7:12. Read "your care for us" instead of "our care for you". S L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor 7:13. Read "comforted: and in your comfort exceedingly" instead of "comforted in your comfort: yea, and exceedingly". HF.

2 Cor 7:16. Omit "therefore" after "rejoice". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor 8:4. Omit "that we would receive" and render 'beseeching us with much intreaty in regard of this grace and the fellowship in the ministering to the saints'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor 8:19. Read "our ready mind" instead of "your ready mind". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor 8:24. Omit "and" after "shew ye to them". B G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor 10:10. Read "saith he" instead of "say they". S G T Tr A W WHt N NA HF.

2 Cor 11:31. Omit "our" and render 'the Lord'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor 13:4. Omit "also" before "are weak". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Cor Sub. Omit "The second [epistle] to the Corinthians was written from Philippi, [a city] of Macedonia, by Titus and Lucas". G L T W WH N NA HF.

Gal Title. Omit "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle" before "to the Galatians". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Gal 2:16. Transpose "believed in Jesus Christ" to "believed in Christ Jesus". S B E G L T Tr A W WHt N NA HF.

Gal 3:14. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". S B E G L T A W WHm NA HF.

Gal 4:15. Read "What" instead of "Where" at beginning of verse. S B E G HF.

Gal 4:24. Omit "the" before "two covenants". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Gal 5:6. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Gal 6:13. Read "who have been circumcised" instead of "who are being circumcised" (KJV 'who are circumcised'). L WHm HF.

Gal Sub. Omit "Unto the Galatians written from Rome". G L T W WH N NA HF.

Eph Title. Omit "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle" before "to the Ephesians". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Eph 1:10. Omit "both" before "which are in heaven". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Eph 1:18. Read "heart" instead of "understanding". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Eph 2:21. Omit "the" before "building" and render 'all [the] building' or 'every building'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Eph 3:1. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". S B E G L Tr W WH NA HF.

Eph 3:9. Read "dispensation" instead of "fellowship". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Eph 4:6. Read "in us all" instead of "in you all". G W HF.

Eph 4:32. Read "forgiven us" instead of "forgiven you". L WHm HF.

Eph Sub. Omit "Written from Rome unto the Ephesians by Tychicus". G L T W WH N NA HF.

Phil Title. Omit "of Paul the Apostle" before "to the Philippians". S L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Phil Title. Omit "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle" before "to the Philippians". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Phil 1:6. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". L T Tr A W WHm NA HF.

Phil 1:23. Read "But" instead of "For" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Phil 2:21. Transpose "Jesus Christ's" to "Christ Jesus'". S B E T WHt N HF.

Phil 3:3. Read "worship by the Spirit of God" instead of "worship God in the spirit". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Phil 4:3. Read "Yea" instead of "And" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Phil 4:23. Omit "our" and render 'the Lord'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Phil Sub. Omit "It was written to the Philippians from Rome by Epaphroditus". G L T W WH N NA HF.

Col Title. Omit "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle" before "to the Colossians". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 1:6. Add "and growing" after "fruit". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 1:14. Omit "through his blood" after "redemption". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 1:24. Omit "who" and render 'Now I rejoice' instead of 'who now rejoice'. S E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 1:24. Omit "my" before "sufferings" and render 'the sufferings'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 2:13. Add "you, [I say]," before "hath he quickened". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 2:13. Read "forgiven us" instead of "forgiven you". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 2:20. Omit "Wherefore" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 3:12. Read "of mercy" instead of "of mercies". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 3:20. Read "in the Lord" instead of "unto the Lord". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col 4:10. Read "of Barnabas" instead of "to Barnabas". S E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Col Sub. Omit "Written from Rome to the Colossians by Tychicus and Onesimus". G L T W WH N NA HF.

1 Th Title. Read "To the Thessalonians 1" instead of "The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Th 1:8. Add "in" before "Achaia". L T NAt HF.

1 Th 2:2. Omit "even" after "but" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Th 2:12. Read "calleth" instead of "hath called". S B E G L T Tr A W WHt N NA HF.

1 Th 2:16. Read "but the wrath" instead of "for the wrath". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Th 2:19. Omit "Christ" after "Jesus". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

1 Th 4:8. Read "unto you" instead of "unto us". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Th 4:13. Read "we would" instead of "I would". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Th 5:21. Add "But" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WHt N NA HF.

1 Th Sub. Omit "The first [epistle] unto the Thessalonians was written from Athens". G L T W WH N NA HF.

2 Th Title. Read "to the Thessalonians 2" instead of "The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Th 1:10. Read "them that believed" instead of "them that believe". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Th 1:12. Omit "Christ" after "name of our Lord Jesus". Lm T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Th 3:6. Read "they received" instead of "he received". G A T W WHm NA HF.

2 Th Sub. Omit "The second [epistle] to the Thessalonians was written from Athens". G L T W WH N NA HF.

1 Tim Title. Read "To Timothy 1" instead of "The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Tim 1:2. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Tim 1:4. Read "a dispensation of God" instead of "godly edifying". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Tim 5:4. Omit "good and" before "acceptable". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Tim 5:21. Read "advocacy" instead of "partiality". L HF.

1 Tim 6:5. Read "constant quarrellings" (KJVm 'gallings one of another') instead of "perverse disputings". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Tim 6:12. Omit "also" before "called". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Tim Sub. Omit "The first to Timothy was written from Laodicea, which is the chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana". G L T W WH N NA HF.

2 Tim Title. Read "To Timothy 2" instead of "The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Tim 1:1. Transpose "apostle of Jesus Christ" to "apostle of Christ Jesus". T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Tim 1:18. Omit "unto me" after "ministered". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Tim 2:19. Read "name of [the] Lord" instead of "name of Christ". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Tim Sub. Omit "The second [epistle] unto Timotheus, ordained the first bishop of the church of the Ephesians, was written from Rome, when Paul was brought before Nero the second time". G L T W WH N NA HF.

Titus Title. Omit "The Epistle of Paul" before "to Titus". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Titus 2:8. Read "say of us" instead of "say of you". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Titus Sub. Omit "It was written to Titus, ordained the first bishop of the church of the Cretians, from Nieopolis of Macedonia". G L T W WH N NA HF.

Phile Title. Omit "The Epistle of Paul" before "to Philemon". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Phile 1:1. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Phile 1:6. Read "in us" instead of "in you". G L Tr A W WHt NA HF.

Phile 1:7. Read "great thankfulness" instead of "great joy". S B HF.

Phile Sub. Omit "Written from Rome to Philemon, by Onesimus a servant". G L T W WH N NA HF.

Heb Title. Omit "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle" before "to the Hebrews". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb 1:2. Read "at the end of these days" instead of "in these last days". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb 2:7. Omit "and didst set him over the works of thy hands" at end of verse. G Lm T Trm A WHm NA HF.

Heb 3:1. Transpose "Christ Jesus" to "Jesus Christ". HF.

Heb 4:2. Read "they not being united in faith with them that heard" instead of "(it) not being mixed with faith in them that heard". C L Tr A W WHt NA HF.

Heb 4:15. Read "taught by trial" instead of "tempted". S HF.

Heb 6:3. Read "let us do" instead of "will we do". HF.

Heb 8:5. Read "[that] thou shalt make" instead of "[that] thou make". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb 8:11. Read "fellow citizen" instead of "neighbour". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb 9:28. Add "also" after "so" at beginning of verse. B G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb 10:1. Read "they can never" instead of "(it) can never". L Tr WHt HF.

Heb 10:34. Omit "in" before "yourselves" and render 'knowing that ye have for yourselves'. G A W HF.

Heb 11:13. Omit "and were persuaded of [them]" before "and embraced [them]". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb 11:26. Read "treasures of Egypt" instead of "treasures in Egypt". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb 12:7. Read "Ye endure for chastening" instead of "If ye endure chastening". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Heb 12:20. Omit "or thrust through with a dart" after "stoned". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb 12:24. Read "a better thing" instead of "better things". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb 12:28. Read "we serve" instead of "we may serve". HF.

Heb 13:5. Read "nor do I forsake thee" instead of "nor (will I) forsake thee". T A HF.

Heb 13:9. Read "carried away" instead of "carried about". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Heb Sub. Omit "Written to the Hebrews from Italy by Timothy". G L T W WH N NA HF.

James Title. Omit "The General Epistle" before "of James". WH HF.

James 2:5. Omit "this" and render 'of the world'. HF.

James 2:13. Omit "and" before "mercy rejoiceth against judgment". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

James 2:18. Read "shew me thy faith by" instead of "shew me thy faith without". S E HF.

James 2:19. Read "God is one" instead of "there is one God". S B E G L T Tr A W WHm NA HF.

James 3:14. Read "heart" instead of "hearts". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

James 4:2. Omit "yet" before "ye have not, because ye ask not". G L Tr A WH NA HF.

James 4:7. Add "But" before "Resist the devil". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

James 4:12. Add "the" before "lawgiver" and render 'One [only] is the lawgiver'. S B E G L T Tr A W WHm NAt HF.

James 4:12. Add "but" before "who art thou". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

James 4:13. Read "and to morrow" instead of "or to morrow". S G A W HF.

James 4:13. Read "we may go" instead of "we will go". S G HF.

James 4:13. Read "(we may) continue" instead of "we will continue". S G Tr HF.

James 4:13. Read "(we may) buy and sell" instead of "we will buy and sell". S G HF.

James 4:13. Read "(we may) get gain" instead of "we will get gain". S G HF.

James 4:14. Read "it shall be a vapour" instead of "it is a vapour". HF.

James 4:14. Add "even" before "vanisheth". HF.

James 4:15. Read "and should we live, we also may do this" instead of "we shall live, and do this". S G HF.

James 5:9. Read "ye be judged" instead of "ye be condemned". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

James 5:11. Omit "the Lord" before "is very pitiful" and render 'he is very pitiful'. HF.

James 5:12. Read "fall into hypocrisy" instead of "fall under condemnation". S HF.

1 Pet Title. Read "Of Peter 1" instead of "The First Epistle General of Peter". L T A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 1:7. Add "unto" before "glory". HF.

1 Pet 1:12. Read "but unto you" instead of "but unto us". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 2:6. Read "because" instead of "Wherefore also" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 2:13. Add "therefore" before "Submit". S B E G W HF.

1 Pet 2:21. Omit "even" before "hereunto". S E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 2:21. Read "leaving you" instead of "leaving us". B�1565� E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 3:1. Read "shall be won" instead of "may be won". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 3:18. Read "bring you" instead of "bring us". WH NA HF.

1 Pet 3:20. Omit "once" before "the longsuffering of God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 3:21. Read "which in a like figure, [even] baptism, doth also now save" instead of "the like figure whereunto, [even] baptism, doth also now save". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 4:3. Read "suffice you" instead of "suffice us". HF.

1 Pet 4:11. Read "as God giveth" instead of "which God giveth". HF.

1 Pet 5:8. Omit "because" before "your adversary". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 5:10. Read "called you" instead of "called us". B L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 5:10. Read "shall stablish" instead of "(may he) stablish". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 5:10. Read "shall strengthen" instead of "(may he) strengthen". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 Pet 5:10. Read "shall settle [you]" instead of "(may he) settle [you]". G T A W HF.

2 Pet Title. Read "Of Peter 2" instead of "The Second Epistle General of Peter". L T A W WH N NA HF.

2 Pet 1:1. Read "Simeon Peter" instead of "Simon Peter". S B E G T Tr A W WHm NA HF.

2 Pet 1:1. Read "righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus" instead of "righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Pet 1:4. Transpose "exceeding great and precious" to "precious and exceeding great". T WH N NA HF.

2 Pet 2:2. Read "lascivious ways" instead of "pernicious ways". C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Pet 2:3. Read "shall not slumber" instead of "slumbereth not". HF.

2 Pet 2:9. Read "temptation" instead of "temptations". S B E G L Tr A W WH NA HF.

2 Pet 2:12. Add "also" before "shall utterly perish". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Pet 3:2. Read "commandment by your apostles" instead of "commandment of us the apostles". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 Pet 3:7. Read "by his word" instead of "by the same word". S G Tr A W HF.

1 John Title. Read "Of John 1" instead of "The First Epistle General of John". L T A W WH N NA HF.

1 John 1:4. Read "our joy" instead of "your joy". S L T Tr A WHt N NA HF.

1 John 2:23. Omit "[but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also" after "hath not the Father". S E HF.

1 John 3:1. Read "knoweth you not" instead of "knoweth us not". HF.

1 John 3:18. Add "the" before "tongue". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 John 3:20. Add "that" before "God" and render 'him, that if our heart condemn us, that [also] God is greater'. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 John 3:23. Omit "us" after "he gave". HF.

1 John 4:2. Read "is known" instead of "know ye". HF.

1 John 4:16. Add "abideth" after "him". Lt T A WHt N NA HF.

1 John 5:4. Read "your faith" instead of "our faith". HF.

1 John 5:7. Omit "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one" at end of verse. Er�1516� Er�1519� G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 John 5:8. Omit "And there are three that bear witness in earth" at beginning of verse. Er�1516� Er�1519� G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

1 John 5:10. Read "in him" instead of "in himself". T Tr A WH N HF.

2 John Title. Read "Of John 2". L T A W WH N NA HF.

2 John 1:3. Read "Grace shall be with" instead of "(may) Grace be with". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

2 John 1:3. Read "with us" instead of "with you". S T Tr A WH N NA HF.

3 John Title. Read "Of John 3". L T A W WH N NA HF.

3 John 1:7. Read "the Name's sake" instead of "his name's sake". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

3 John 1:11. Omit "but" before "he that doeth evil". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Jude Title. Omit "The General Epistle" before "of Jude". T A WH N NA HF.

Jude 1:12. Omit "you" after "feast with". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Jude 1:12. Read "carried along" instead of "carried about". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Jude 1:19. Omit "themselves" after "separate" and render 'make separations'. S L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Jude 1:24. Read "keep them" instead of "keep you". S A HF.

Rev Title. Omit "Saint" before "John". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev Title. Omit "the Divine" after "John". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev Title. Omit "of Saint John the Divine" after "The Revelation". G HF.

Rev 1:2. Omit "and" before "of all things". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:4. Add "God" before "him which is". HF.

Rev 1:5. Read "loveth" instead of "loved". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:6. Read "a kingdom, priests" instead of "kings and priests". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:8. Omit "the beginning and the ending" after "Omega". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:8. Add "God" after "the Lord". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:9. Omit "also" after "who". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:9. Omit "in the" before "kingdom". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:9. Add "in" after "patience" and render 'patience in Jesus'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:9. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus" (first occurrence). W HF.

Rev 1:11. Omit "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and" after "saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:11. Omit "which are in Asia" after "churches". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:12. Add "there" before "I turned". HF.

Rev 1:17. Omit "unto me" after "saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:18. Transpose "of hell and of death" to "of death and of hell". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:19. Add "therefore" after "write". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 1:20. Omit "which thou sawest" before "are the seven churches". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:1. Read "in Ephesus" instead of "of Ephesus". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:3. Transpose "hast borne, and hast patience" to "hast patience, and hast borne". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:3. Omit "and" before "for my name's sake". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:3. Read "and didst not weary" instead of "hast laboured, and hast not fainted". G W HF.

Rev 2:7. Omit "the midst of" before "the paradise". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:7. Add "my" before "God". G At W WHm HF.

Rev 2:10. Add "indeed" before "shall cast". At W HF.

Rev 2:13. Omit "even" before "in those days". T Trm Am HF.

Rev 2:14. Add "both" before "to eat". HF.

Rev 2:15. Omit "the" before "Nicolaitanes". L Trm A W WH NAm HF.

Rev 2:15. Read "in like manner" instead of "which thing I hate". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:16. Add "therefore" after "Repent". G L Tr At W WH NA HF.

Rev 2:17. Omit "to eat of" before "the hidden manna". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:19. Transpose "charity, and service, and faith" to "charity, and faith, and service". G L T A WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:19. Omit "and" before "the last" and render 'and that thy last works are more than the first'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:20. Omit "a few things" and render 'I have [this] against thee, that'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:20. Add "thy" before "that woman" and render 'thy wife'. G L At W WHm HF.

Rev 2:20. Read "and she teacheth and seduceth" instead of "to teach and to seduce". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:21. Read "to repent, and she willeth not to repent of her fornication" instead of "to repent of her fornication; and she repented not". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:22. Read "her deeds" instead of "their deeds". G L T Tr A W WHt N NA HF.

Rev 2:24. Omit "and" before "unto the rest". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:24. Omit "and" before "which have not known". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 2:24. Read "I put" instead of "I will put". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 3:1. Read "and thou livest" instead of "that thou livest". HF.

Rev 3:2. Read "keep" instead of "strengthen". HF.

Rev 3:2. Read "were ready to be cast away" instead of "are ready to die". HF.

Rev 3:2. Add "my" before "God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 3:4. Add "But" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 3:4. Omit "even" before "in Sardis". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 3:7. Read "no man shall shut" instead of "no man shutteth". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 3:7. Read "except he that openeth" instead of "and shutteth". HF.

Rev 3:7. Read "no man shall open" instead of "no man openeth". T Tr A W HF.

Rev 3:8. Read "which no man can shut" instead of "and no man can shut it". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 3:11. Omit "Behold" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 3:14. Read "in Laodicea" instead of "of the Laodiceans". C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 3:16. Transpose "cold nor hot" to "hot nor cold". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 3:17. Add "the" before "miserable". G L At WHm HF.

Rev 3:18. Read "and eyesalve, that thou mayest anoint thine eyes" instead of "and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve". HF.

Rev 3:20. Add "both" before "come in". T At W WHm NAt HF.

Rev 4:1. Read "one saying" (masculine) instead of "which said" (feminine, as 'voice'). G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:2. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:3. Omit "And he that sat was" and render 'in appearance [it was] like a jasper'. HF.

Rev 4:3. Read "likewise [it had] the appearance of emeralds" instead of "in sight like unto an emerald". HF.

Rev 4:4. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. HF.

Rev 4:4. Omit "I saw" after "upon the seats". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:4. Omit "they had" before "on their heads". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:5. Transpose "thunderings and voices" to "voices and thunderings". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:5. Add "his" and render 'burning before his throne'. At HF.

Rev 4:6. Add "as it were" before "a sea of glass". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:7. Omit "as" after "a face". G Am W HF.

Rev 4:7. Read "of a man" instead of "a man". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:7. Omit "beast" after "fourth". HF.

Rev 4:8. Omit "of them" after "each". HF.

Rev 4:8. Read "are full" instead of "[were] full". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:8. Add "holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy" after "Holy, holy, holy". HF.

Rev 4:10. Read "shall worship him" instead of "worship him". B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:10. Read "shall cast their crowns" instead of "cast their crowns". B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:11. Read "our Lord" instead of "O Lord". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:11. Add "and our God" after "Lord". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 4:11. Add "and our God, the Holy One" after "Lord". HF.

Rev 4:11. Read "they were" instead of "they are". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:1. Read "within and without" instead of "within and on the backside". HF.

Rev 5:3. Add "above" after "heaven". HF.

Rev 5:4. Omit "and to read" after "to open". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:5. Read "who openeth" instead of "to open". HF.

Rev 5:5. Omit "to loose" before "the seven seals". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:6. Omit "and" after "beheld". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:6. Omit "lo" before "in the midst of the throne". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:6. Read "being sent forth" instead of "which have been sent forth" (KJV 'sent forth'). W HF.

Rev 5:7. Omit "the book" and render 'took [it]'. L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:8. Read "a harp" instead of "harps". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:10. Read "made them" instead of "made us". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:10. Read "they shall reign" instead of "we shall reign". G T NA HF.

Rev 5:11. Add "as it were" after "I heard". T Tr At WHm HF.

Rev 5:13. Omit "such as" before "are in the sea". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:13. Add "Amen" at end of verse. HF.

Rev 5:14. Add "the" before "Amen". W HF.

Rev 5:14. Omit "four [and] twenty" before "elders". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 5:14. Omit "him that liveth for ever and ever" after "worshipped". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 6:1. Read "I saw that" instead of "I saw when". HF.

Rev 6:1. Add "seven" before "seals". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 6:2. Omit "And I saw" at beginning of verse. HF.

Rev 6:3. Omit "and see" after "Come". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 6:4. Read "horse of fire" instead of "horse [that was] red". HF.

Rev 6:4. Omit "and" after "earth". HF.

Rev 6:5. Omit "And I beheld" before "and lo". HF.

Rev 6:7. Omit "the voice of" before "the fourth beast". G Trm W HF.

Rev 6:8. Omit "And I looked" at beginning of verse. HF.

Rev 6:8. Omit "with" after "followed". HF.

Rev 6:8. Read "given unto him" instead of "given unto them". C G HF.

Rev 6:9. Add "of the Lamb" after "testimony". HF.

Rev 6:11. Read "a white robe was given" instead of "white robes were given". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 6:11. Read "given unto them" instead of "given unto every one of them". G W HF.

Rev 6:11. Omit "little" before "season". G HF.

Rev 6:11. Add "and" after "brethren" and render 'and those that should be killed'. HF.

Rev 6:11. Read "should have fulfilled [their course]" instead of "should be fulfilled". G T Tr A WHm HF.

Rev 6:12. Omit "lo" before "there was a great earthquake". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 6:12. Add "whole" before "moon". B G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 6:13. Read "casting" instead of "casteth". T HF.

Rev 6:14. Read "the heaven, rolled together, departed as a scroll" instead of "the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together". WHm HF.

Rev 6:15. Transpose "the rich men, and the chief captains" to "the chief captains, and the rich men". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 6:15. Read "the strong" instead of "the mighty men". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 6:15. Omit "every" before "free man". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 7:1. Read "this" instead of "these things". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 7:5. Omit "[were] sealed" after "Reuben" and after "Gad". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 7:6. Omit "[were] sealed" 3 times. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 7:7. Omit "[were] sealed" 3 times. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 7:8. Omit "[were] sealed" after "Zabulon" and after "Joseph". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 7:10. Read "they cry" instead of "cried". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 7:11. Add "his" and render 'fell before his throne'. HF.

Rev 7:14. Add "my" before "Sir" and render 'my Lord'. G Lt T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 7:17. Read "feedeth them, and leadeth them" instead of "shall feed them, and shall lead them". HF.

Rev 7:17. Read "fountains of waters of life" instead of "living fountains of waters". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 8:3. Read "over the altar" instead of "at the altar". T Tr A WHt N NA HF.

Rev 8:5. Transpose "voices and thunderings and lightnings" to "thunderings and voices and lightnings". T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 8:7. Omit "angel" after "first". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 8:7. Add "and the third part of the earth was burnt up" after "earth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 8:8. Omit "with fire" after "burning". HF.

Rev 8:9. Omit "which were" before "in the sea". HF.

Rev 8:13. Read "eagle" instead of "angel". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 9:2. Read "a burning furnace" instead of "a great furnace". HF.

Rev 9:4. Omit "only" before "those men". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 9:7. Read "golden crowns" instead of "crowns like gold". HF.

Rev 9:10. Read "and stings; and in their tails they have power to hurt" instead of "and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt". HF.

Rev 9:11. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 9:14. Read "One saying" (masculine) instead of "Saying" (feminine, as 'voice'). L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 9:15. Add "for the" before "a day" and render 'for the day'. HF.

Rev 9:16. Read "horse" instead of "horsemen". HF.

Rev 9:16. Omit "two" and render 'an hundred'. HF.

Rev 9:16. Omit "and" before "I heard". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 9:18. Read "From" instead of "By" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 9:18. Add "plagues" after "three". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 9:19. Read "the power of the horses" instead of "their power". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 9:20. Omit "yet" before "repented not". G W WHt HF.

Rev 10:1. Omit "another" before "mighty angel". HF.

Rev 10:1. Add "the" before "rainbow" and render 'the rainbow'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 10:2. Read "a book" instead of "a little book". HF.

Rev 10:4. Omit "their voices" after "when the seven thunders had uttered". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 10:4. Omit "unto me" after "a voice from heaven saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 10:5. Add "right" before "hand". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 10:7. Add "even [then]" before "the mystery". S E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 10:7. Read "was finished" instead of "should be finished". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 10:9. Read "told him to give" instead of "said unto him, Give". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 10:10. Read "the book" instead of "the little book". HF.

Rev 10:11. Read "they say" instead of "he said". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 10:11. Add "before" after "peoples, and". T HF.

Rev 11:1. Omit "and the angel stood" before "saying" (ERV renders 'and one said'). S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:4. Read "Lord" instead of "God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:8. Read "dead body" instead of "dead bodies". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:8. Read "their Lord" instead of "our Lord". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:9. Read "see" instead of "shall see". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:9. Read "see their dead body" instead of "see their dead bodies". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:9. Read "a grave" instead of "graves". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:10. Read "rejoice" instead of "shall rejoice". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:10. Read "shall give" instead of "shall send". HF.

Rev 11:12. Read "I heard" instead of "they heard". HF.

Rev 11:13. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. HF.

Rev 11:13. Read "day" instead of "hour". HF.

Rev 11:15. Read "The kingdom of this world is" instead of "The kingdoms of this world are". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:16. Add "the throne of" after "which sat before". HF.

Rev 11:17. Omit "and art to come" after "and wast". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 11:19. Read "the testament of the Lord" instead of "his testament". G HF.

Rev 11:19. Omit "and an earthquake" after "thunderings". HF.

Rev 12:3. Read "dragon of fire" instead of "red dragon". HF.

Rev 12:5. Add "unto" after "God and". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 12:6. Add "there" before "a place". G T A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 12:7. Read "with" instead of "against". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 12:8. Read "he prevailed" instead of "(they) prevailed". G WHt NA HF.

Rev 12:8. Read "a place for him" instead of "their place". HF.

Rev 12:10. Read "cast out" instead of "cast down". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 12:12. Omit "the inhabiters of" and render 'Woe to the earth and to the sea'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 12:14. Read "that she might be nourished" instead of "where she is nourished". HF.

Rev 12:17. Omit "Christ" after "Jesus". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:1. Transpose "seven heads and ten horns" to "ten horns and seven heads". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:1. Read "names" instead of "the name". C G L T Tr W WHt N NAt HF.

Rev 13:3. Omit "I saw" before "one of his heads". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:4. Read "which had given the power" instead of "which gave power". HF.

Rev 13:5. Read "blasphemy" instead of "blasphemies". HF.

Rev 13:5. Add "war" after "continue" and render 'to make war'. C E HF.

Rev 13:6. Omit "and" before "them that dwell" and render '[even] them that dwell'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:7. Add "and people" after "kindreds". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:8. Read "[all] of whom have not been written the name" instead of "whose names are not written". G W HF.

Rev 13:8. Add "which was" before "slain". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:10. Read "If any man" instead of "He that". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:10. Read "If any man hath captivity [in store], he goeth" instead of "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity". HF.

Rev 13:10. Omit "killeth" and omit "with the sword" (second occurrence) and render 'he that [is found] with the sword must be killed'. HF.

Rev 13:13. Read "even fire that should come down" instead of "so that he maketh fire come down". G W HF.

Rev 13:14. Add "of mine" after "deceiveth them". HF.

Rev 13:14. Read "had a wound, and did live, by the sword" instead of "had the wound by a sword, and did live". HF.

Rev 13:16. Read "that they should give them a mark" instead of "that he should give them a mark" (KJV 'to receive a mark'). G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:16. Read "marks" instead of "a mark". HF.

Rev 13:16. Read "forehead" instead of "foreheads". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:17. Omit "or" before "the name of the beast". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 13:18. Omit "and" before "his number". HF.

Rev 14:1. Read "the Lamb" instead of "a Lamb". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:1. Add "a number" before "an hundred". HF.

Rev 14:1. Add "his name and" before "his Father's name". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:2. Read "the voice which I heard [was] as [the voice] of harpers" instead of "I heard the voice of harpers". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:3. Omit "as it were" before "a new song". G T Trm Am NAm HF.

Rev 14:4. Add "by Jesus" after "redeemed". HF.

Rev 14:5. Read "falsehood" instead of "guile". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:5. Omit "before the throne of God" after "they are without fault". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:6. Omit "another" before "angel". Am HF.

Rev 14:6. Read "sit" instead of "dwell". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:7. Read "the Lord" instead of "God". HF.

Rev 14:8. Add "a second" after "another". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:8. Omit "is fallen" after "is fallen". Am HF.

Rev 14:8. Omit "city" and render 'Babylon the great'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:8. Omit "because" before "she made". HF.

Rev 14:9. Add "another" before "the third angel". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:12. Omit "here [are]" before "they that keep". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:13. Omit "unto me" after "saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:15. Omit "for thee" after "the time is come". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 14:18. Read "the grape of the earth" instead of "her grapes". HF.

Rev 15:2. Omit "over his mark [and]" before "over the number". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 15:3. Read "nations" instead of "saints". C G L T Tr A W WHm NA HF.

Rev 15:4. Omit "nations" after "all". HF.

Rev 15:5. Omit "behold" before "the temple". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 15:6. Omit "of the temple" after "came out". HF.

Rev 15:6. Add "those" before "having the seven plagues". G L T Tr At W WHt N NAt HF.

Rev 15:6. Add "who were" before "clothed". HF.

Rev 15:6. Omit "and" before "white". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:1. Add "seven" before "vials". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:3. Omit "living" before "soul". HF.

Rev 16:4. Omit "angel" after "third". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:4. Read "it became blood" (or 'there came blood') instead of "they became blood". S B E G T Tr A W WHt N NA HF.

Rev 16:5. Omit "O Lord" after "righteous". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:5. Read "holy" instead of "and shalt be". L Tr A W WHm HF.

Rev 16:6. Omit "for" before "they are worthy". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:7. Omit "another out of" and render 'I heard the altar say'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:8. Omit "angel" after "fourth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:9. Add "men" before "blasphemed". HF.

Rev 16:10. Omit "angel" after "fifth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:12. Omit "angel" after "sixth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:13. Read "as" instead of "like". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:14. Omit "of the earth and" after "kings". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:16. Read "Magedon" instead of "Armageddon". HF.

Rev 16:17. Omit "angel" after "seventh". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:17. Read "upon the air" instead of "into the air". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 16:18. Transpose "voices, and thunders, and lightnings" to "lightnings, and thunders, and voices". HF.

Rev 16:18. Omit "there was" before "a great earthquake". HF.

Rev 16:21. Read "this plague" instead of "the plague thereof". HF.

Rev 17:1. Omit "unto me" after "saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 17:1. Add "the" before "many". S B E G At W HF.

Rev 17:4. Read "unclean things" instead of "filthiness". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 17:4. Read "the fornication of the earth" instead of "her fornication". HF.

Rev 17:6. Omit "and" after "saints". HF.

Rev 17:8. Read "[they] whose name hath not been written" instead of "whose names were not written". L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 17:8. Read "when they behold that the beast was, and" instead of "when they behold the beast that was, and". HF.

Rev 17:8. Read "and shall be present" instead of "and yet is". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 17:9. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 17:10. Omit "and" before "one is". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 17:11. Read "this is the eighth" instead of "he is the eighth". Tr HF.

Rev 17:13. Read "give" instead of "shall give". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 17:16. Read "and the beast" instead of "upon the beast". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 17:16. Add "shall make her" before "naked". HF.

Rev 18:1. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 18:2. Read "with a mighty voice" instead of "mightily with a strong voice". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 18:2. Omit "is fallen" after "is fallen". Tr Am HF.

Rev 18:5. Add "her" and render 'remembered her [for] her iniquities'. HF.

Rev 18:6. Omit "you" after "she rewarded". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 18:6. Read "double the double as also she [did], even according to her works" instead of "double unto her double according to her works". HF.

Rev 18:6. Add "her" and render 'her cup'. HF.

Rev 18:8. Omit "and" before "mourning". HF.

Rev 18:8. Read "judged" instead of "judgeth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 18:9. Omit "her" after "bewail". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 18:13. Transpose "beasts and sheep" to "sheep and beasts". HF.

Rev 18:14. Read "goodly are destroyed" instead of "goodly are departed". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 18:15. Add "both" before "weeping". HF.

Rev 18:17. Read "every one that saileth to [any] place" instead of "all the company in ships". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 18:19. Add "and" before "saying". HF.

Rev 18:20. Read "[ye] saints and [ye] apostles" instead of "[ye] holy apostles". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 18:23. Omit "for" before "thy merchants". HF.

Rev 18:24. Read "bloods" instead of "blood". G T W HF.

Rev 19:1. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:1. Add "as it were" after "I heard". E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:1. Omit "and honour" after "glory". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:1. Transpose "glory" and "power". HF.

Rev 19:1. Read "belong to our God" instead of "unto the Lord our God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:2. Read "did throughly corrupt" instead of "did corrupt". HF.

Rev 19:3. Read "a second one said" instead of "again they said". HF.

Rev 19:5. Read "from the throne" instead of "out of the throne". L Tr A W WH NA HF.

Rev 19:5. Omit "both" before "small". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:6. Add "our" before "God". G T Tr W WHt N NAt HF.

Rev 19:8. Transpose "clean and white" to "white and clean". G HF.

Rev 19:12. Omit "as" before "a flame of fire". T Tr Am WHt N NAm HF.

Rev 19:12. Add "names written and" before "a name written". At HF.

Rev 19:14. Omit "and" after "white" and render 'clean white fine linen'. G L T A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:15. Add "two edged" before "sword". HF.

Rev 19:15. Omit "and" after "fierceness" and render 'fierceness of the wrath'. G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:17. Omit "and" after "Come". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:17. Read "great supper of God" instead of "supper of the great God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:18. Add "both" before "free" and render without italics. C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 19:18. Add "and" before "both small". W HF.

Rev 20:2. Add "which deceiveth the whole world" after "Satan". HF.

Rev 20:3. Omit "him" after "shut" and render 'and shut [it], and sealed [it] over him'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 20:3. Omit "and" before "after that". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 20:4. Add "the" before "thousand" and render 'the thousand years'. S B E G HF.

Rev 20:5. Read "And" instead of "But" at beginning of verse. Tr WHm HF.

Rev 20:5. Read "lived not" instead of "lived not again". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 20:7. Read "after the thousand years" instead of "when the thousand years are expired". HF.

Rev 20:10. Add "both" before "the beast". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 20:12. Transpose "small and great" to "the great and the small". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 20:12. Read "before the throne" instead of "before God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 20:12. Read "they opened the books" instead of "the books were opened". HF.

Rev 20:13. Read "his works" instead of "their works". HF.

Rev 20:14. Add "[even] the lake of fire" after "the second death". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:2. Omit "I John" and render 'And I saw'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:3. Read "his people" instead of "his peoples" (KJV 'his people'). G W WHm HF.

Rev 21:3. Omit "[and be] their God" at end of verse. T Tr WHt N NAm HF.

Rev 21:4. Omit "God" and render 'he shall wipe away'. G T Tr Am W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:4. Add "from them" after "wipe away". HF.

Rev 21:5. Omit "unto me" after "And he said". L T Trm Am W WHt N NA HF.

Rev 21:5. Transpose "true and faithful" to "faithful and true". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:5. Add "[words] of God" at end of verse. HF.

Rev 21:6. Read "I am become" instead of "It is done. I". Am HF.

Rev 21:6. Omit "am" before "Alpha". T Am WH N NAm HF.

Rev 21:6. Add "and" before "the beginning". HF.

Rev 21:7. Read "to him I will give" instead of "shall inherit". HF.

Rev 21:7. Read "these things" instead of "all things". C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:8. Add "and sinners" after "unbelieving". W HF.

Rev 21:9. Omit "unto me" after "there came". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:9. Transpose "the bride, the Lamb's wife" to "the wife, the Lamb's bride". HF.

Rev 21:10. Omit "great" before "city" and render 'the holy city, Jerusalem'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:11. Omit "and" before "her light". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:12. Omit "and" before "had" and render 'having'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:12. Add "the names" after "which are". L Trt At NAt HF.

Rev 21:13. Add "and" before "on the north" and before "on the south". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:14. Read "on them twelve names" instead of "in them the names". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:15. Add "a measure" before "a golden reed". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:16. Omit "is as large" after "length". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:16. Add "[and] twelve" after "twelve thousand". HF.

Rev 21:17. Omit "he measured" before "the wall". HF.

Rev 21:19. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. L T A WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:23. Read "to shine: for the glory itself of God" instead of "to shine in it: for the glory of God". HF.

Rev 21:24. Omit "of them which are saved" after "nations". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:24. Read "by the light" instead of "in the light". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:24. Read "the glory and honour of the nations" instead of "their glory and honour". HF.

Rev 21:26. Add "that they may enter in" at end of verse. HF.

Rev 21:27. Read "common" instead of "that defileth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 21:27. Read "he that worketh" instead of "[whatsoever] worketh". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:1. Omit "pure" before "river". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:5. Omit "there" after "night". HF.

Rev 22:5. Omit "of the sun" after "neither light". W HF.

Rev 22:5. Read "shall give them light" instead of "giveth them light". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:6. Read "spirits of the prophets" instead of "holy prophets". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:7. Add "And" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:8. Transpose "saw these things, and heard [them]" to "heard and saw these things". G L Tr A W WH NA HF.

Rev 22:8. Add "when I had" before "seen". HF.

Rev 22:9. Omit "for" before "I am". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:11. Read "let him be made filthy" instead of "let him be filthy". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:11. Read "let him do righteousness" instead of "let him be righteous". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:12. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:13. Transpose "the beginning and the end, the first and the last" to "the first and the last, the beginning and the end". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:15. Omit "For" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:16. Read "the bright, the morning star" instead of "the bright and morning star". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:17. Omit "And" before "whosoever will, let him take". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:18. Omit "For" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:18. Read "them" instead of "these things". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:18. Read "may God add" instead of "God shall add". HF.

Rev 22:19. Read "may God take away" instead of "God shall take away". HF.

Rev 22:19. Read "from the tree of life" instead of "out of the book of life". C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:19. Omit "and [from]" before "the things which are written". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:21. Omit "our" and render 'the Lord'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF.

Rev 22:21. Read "with all the saints" instead of "with you all". G W HF.