BIBLIOTHECA (original) (raw)

By presenting an unfamiliar translation in an unfamiliar format, Bibliotheca delivers an experience that is especially revelatory … Both the design and the translation frame the ancient in a way similar to how a museum might, balancing accessibility with awe.

J. Mark Bertrand

The translation, slightly modified from the revered American Standard Version (which traces back to the King James Version of 1611) invites even hyper-familiar Bible readers into a new experience: one that can disorient, in the best of ways, allowing them to hear the Bible afresh and anew.

Brent A. Strawn, Ph.D.

Consulting Scholar for Bibliotheca
D. Moody Smith Distinguished Professor of Old Testament,
Duke University

[T]he reader receives a beautiful re-setting of the classic English version, helpfully revised, Americanized, and now refreshed once again ... Bibliotheca indeed achieves what so many nineteenth-century commentators sought to bring about: it makes the Bible “readable.” That reading, moreover, feels fuller.

Richard H. Gibson, Ph.D.

From “Religion and the Arts,” Vol. 26, 2022
Associate Professor of English,
Wheaton College

Finished Isaiah yesterday! Best read-through of that book I have ever had — and it's one of my favorite books of the Bible. Simply superb reading experience from all angles … it just sings to me … The updated ASV communicates the message clearly to me and is easy for me to read.

Mandy M.

Bibliotheca reader

While many modern translations…claim a high degree of literalness…[t]he ALV more consistently provides a truly literal rendering of the Greek and Hebrew source text.

Adam B.

Bibliotheca reader

This began as a design project, and it is certainly magnificent in that regard alone. But the greatest feat here is the exquisitely poetic new translation.

Matt S.

Bibliotheca reader