Miklo & Lombard Biggles Comic Albums (original) (raw)
From 1990 a total of 5 Biggles Comic Albums were issued by Publisher Lefrancq Emissions, numbered 2, 7, 12, 18 and 21 in the "Collectie Avonturenstrips".
In 1995 Publisher Miklo SA started a Biggles only Comics series in French and in Dutch. By the end of 2002 17 titles were published in this series, including the five mentioned above. Apart from the real Biggles series, a couple of "Biggles vertelt over.../Biggles raconte" (Biggles tells about�) albums were included in this series. The albums in this series were numbered 1 to 15, and 17 and 18, of which titles 4, 8, 10, 12 16 were "Biggles vertelt over.../Biggles raconte" albums.
Title number 16, a fifth "Biggles vertelt over.../Biggles raconte" album was never published by Miklo, because the album was not yet finished by the time Miklo sold the series.
This album was however released by Publisher Lombard/Dargaud. This publisher took over the Biggles series in 2003 and then decided to split this series in a pure Biggles series and a "Biggles vertelt over.../Biggles raconte" series.
So from now on the following two series are being published (the Miklo series numbers are included between brackets):
1. L'Oasis Perdue (1) (Miklo 15)
2. L'Oasis Perdue (1) (2) (Miklo 18)
3. Le Bal des Spitfire (Miklo 3)
4. Squadron Biggles (Le Bal des Spitfire 2) (Miklo 6)
5. Le Cygne Jaune (Miklo 1)
6. Les Pirates du P�le Sud (Miklo 2)
7. Le Vol du Wallenstein (Miklo 5)
8. La 13e Dent de Diable (Miklo 9)
9. Le Dernier Zeppelin (Miklo 7)
10. L'Ep�e de Wotan (Miklo 11)
11. Neiges mortelles (Miklo 13)
12. Feu sur la Provence (1)
13. Feu sur la Provence (2)
Biggles raconte
1. La Bataille d'Angleterre (Miklo 4)
2. La Bataille de France (Miklo 8)
3. La Bataille des Malouines (Miklo 10)
4. Roland Garros (Miklo 12)
5. Saint-Exup�ry
6. Les Fr�res Wright
expected: 7. Charles Lindbergh
expected: 8. L'Odyssee de la Poste A�rienne
At this time Lombard/Dargaud publishes the following eleven titles. The others will follow soon. These albums are, of course, available at the I.B.A. Online Shop.
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Albums number 14 and 16 of the series by Miklo will not be reprinted by Lombard/Dargaud. Album number 14. "Biggles Alias W.E. Johns: L'Album du centenaire" is a special edition for the celebration of the Biggles Centenary in 1999. In this album 2 stories from Biggles - Air Detective and 1 from Comrades in Arms are included. In addition to these some articles about Captain Johns, Biggles and various Biggles series are included. This album is, as long as stocks last, still available with the I.B.A. Shop. In French, and in Dutch.
Finally, Album number 16 "Pilote de la R.A.F." is an omnibus edition of albums 3, 4 and 6 from the Miklo series. This album is completely sold out.
**England:**Three of these albums were also published in England, by Random House Children's books, London:
1. Biggles: Spitfire Parade
2. Biggles: The Battle of Brittain
3. Biggles: Flying detective
Publisher Miklo is still publishing two other series, namely: "Biggles pr�sente" and "Biggles h�ritage" in which, respectively, aviation art and older existing Biggles' serialised Comics are being published collected for the first time. Both series come out in French and in Dutch.
The series Biggles pr�sente:
1. Francis Berg�se - 16 avions de chasse de la IIe Guerre Mondiale
2. �ric Loutte - 18 illustrations a�ronautiques
3. Pierre Clostermann, Le "Grand Cirque" (1)
4. Pierre Clostermann, Le "Grand Cirque" (2)
5. Pierre Clostermann, Le "Grand Cirque" (3)
6. Francis Berg�se, Mes Avions de Papier
7. Christian Mathelot, Titans du Pacifique
8. Airfiles Daniel Chauvin - H�ritiers de Guynemer
9. Manuel Perales, Normandie Niemen (1)
11. Airfiles Frank Brichau - Les As de l'Aviation
As of number 6 the French "Biggles pr�sente" series differs from the Dutch "Biggles presenteert..." because number 6 of the French series, Mes Avions de Papier (by Francis Berg�se) was only published in French. Apart from the "Biggles pr�sente" series there is, only in French, another series, namely the "Biggles pr�sente HS" series. The titles in this series are hardbacks with a dust wrapper and are of larger size.
As from part 11, the series is labelled "Airflies" instead of "Biggles pr�sente". Parts 8 and 10 will still be published as part of the "Biggles pr�sente" series.
The series Biggles pr�sente HS:
1. Pierre Clostermann, Le "Grand Cirque"
2. Les Ailes du Cin�ma
The series Biggles h�ritage:
1. Biggles Contre Dr. Zanchu
2. Sabotage � Canberra
3. Le Vol du Condor
4. Biggles en danger
Of course, all these comic albums, of both Miklo and Lombard/Dargaud are available at our Online Shop.
Next to these comic album series, Publisher Miklo also publishes a new series of Dutch Biggles books.
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