Article Archives: Goldeneagle's Vocabulary (original) (raw)
“G”gahès = my mother (NTD)
gahètët = my aunt (NTD)
gahèti = aunt (voc.) (NTD)
gata = I want (NTD)
gata kànjihëla = I want to use the restroom (NTD)
gata lapèmkwësi = I want to be useful (NTD)
gatungòm = I am sleepy (NTD)
gatupwi = I am hungry (NTD)
gatusëmwi = I am thirsty (NTD)
gësi = I am hot (NTD)
gëtëmaktunhe = I talk humbly (NTD)
gwèxsi = I am apprehensive (NTD)
gwis = my son (NTD)
gwitët = son (voc.) (NTD)
“H” hàch = ‘question marker’ (NTD)
hàch, hèch = QUESTION part
hàkhàkopëlìsh = a pear (NTD)
hàkhàkòpëlish = pear n: hàkhàkopëlìshakw= pear tree
hàkhàkw = bottle (NTD)
hatapi = bow (to shoot with) (NTD)
hàtëmòpil = automobile n
hatës = sinew (NTD)
Hè = Hello! (or) Hi! (CL & NTD)
hè = hello part
hèch, hàch = QUESTION part
hèmpës = dress (or) shirt; pl: hèmpsà= dresses (or) shirts (CL)
hèmpës = dress, shirt (< Dutch) n inan: pl hèmpsa;
lënuwì hèmpsës; lënuwahèmpës= a man’s shirt
hèmpsikàon = tent (lit. cloth house) n
hënil- = to kill vt anim: hnil = kill him (imper sing), nihëla
(< n-nëhil-a-w) = I killed him, wënhilëla= he killed him
hìkpète = it boiled dry (NTD)
hilusës = old man; pl: hilusësàk = old men (CL)
hilùsës = old man n anim: pl hilusësàk
hinutët = Wren (NTD)
hipaha = exclamation used when having a really good time (NTD)
hìtukw = (< hitëkw) tree n anim: pl hìtkuk(< hitëkw-àk)
-hm = EMPTY MORPHEME suf: nëmitsìhëna(< n-mitsi-hm-na)
we are eating; këmitsìhëmo (< k-mitsi-hm-wa) you (pl)
are eating; required between stems and plural suffixes in the
AI paradigm and TA direct paradigm, always subject to phonological modification
hmukw = blood (NTD)
hmukw = blood n: këmùkëm = your blood;mùkëm = his blood;
hmukwìnaw, hmukwìnën = cardinal bird (lit. bloody one)
hmukwinùnd = Cardinal (NTD)
hmuwingwës = blackberry (NTD)
hmuwìnkwës = blackberry n anim: pl hmuwìnkwsàk;
hmuwinkwsì pay = blackberry pie
hnakay = myself (NTD)
hòpèxkw = worm n anim: pl hopèxkok
hopënis = potato; pl: hopënisàk= potatoes (CL)
hòpënis = 1: potato; 2: testicle n anim: pl hopënìsàk
hòtëmil = oatmeal n
hòkès = bark of tree n: hòkèsikàon= bark house
hùkòn = pot-hook (NTD)
hukwèyunk = high part
hunt = supposedly part: àhpu hunt skìxkwe = supposedly there
was a girl (used esp. in narratives to let listeners know the speaker
did not actually witness the events described)
hus = bucket (NTD)
hus = bucket n anim: pl hùsàk; mpi hus= water bucket
hwìkat = leg (NTD)
“M”machi- = go home vi: màchi (imper sg); machìtàm= Let’s go
home; machiàne = when I go home; machiàne= when you go
home; ntëluwe màchi = I said: go home; ntëlùkw màchi = he told me: go home;
na mochinèyo = then they went home ( < w-machi-ne-waw)
machi = Go home!; machikw = You all go home!; machitàm= Let’s go home (CL)
mah = here take it (CL)
mah- = to take something vb: mah = take it (imper sg)
mah = PAST part: wèski mah pe = he came a while ago
mah! shè wàn = Here! Here he is (CL)
mahchi- = bad vi: mahchìkwi = it’s bad, it’s no good; mahchinàkwsu = he looks bad
mahchikpi = paw-paw (a fruit) (NTD)
mahchìkpi = 1: paw-paw; 2: banana n: mahchìkpiakw= paw-paw tree, banana tree
mahchikwi = it is no good (CL)
mahchipukòt = it tastes bad (CL)
mahëlàm- = to buy vt: nëmàhëlàmën=
I (will) buy it; nëmahëlào nehënaònkès= I bought a horse
mahtëtunhe = he/she talks bad, is complaining or fussing (CL)
malàxkwsit = bean; pl malàxkwsita = beans (CL & NTD)
malàxkwsit = bean n inan: pl malàxkwsìta; malàxkwsìtke = he is dancing the bean dance
mamal- = striped vi: mamàle = it is striped;mamàlsu = he is striped
mamèthakemu = Dove (the bird) (NTD)
manitu = make (or) construct (CL)
manunksi- = to be angry vi: nëmanùnksi= I am angry
màshku = Creek (Indian) n anim: pl màshkùòk
màstël = mustard (greens or condiment) (NTD)
mata chich neyo = I don’t see him/her any more (CL)
màxke = it is red in color; màxksu = he/she is red in color (CL & NTD)
màxk- = red vi: màxke = it is red; màxksu = he, she is red; màxksit=
one who is red; màxkahsën = brick (lit: red stone);màxkahsënikàon =
brick house; màxkchùlëns = cardinal (lit: red bird)
màxkchëphìk = beet n (red beet)
màxkw = bear n anim: pl màxkòk
màxkw = bear (CL & NTD)
may = to start up, go to do something pre v:
may ntùnëm mehëmìchink = he went looking for food
mayawtunhe = he/she is talking sensible (CL)
mayày, mayày ta = indeed, very much so part: mayày kshëlànde = it’s a very hot day
mayay ta = very much so (CL)
mèchi = now, ready part
mehëmìchink = food n inan: may ntùnëm mehëmìchink
= he went looking for food
mëhw- = to eat vt anim: nëmùhò àpëlìsh = I ate an apple ( < n-mëhw-a-w);
na mòhòn = then he ate him (e.g., a rabbit) (< w-mëhw-a-n(e)) : SEE ALSO mits-, michi-
mèkis = sheep n anim
mëlëk = Blue Goose (NTD)
mëlì = pus n
mèli këlëshmësh = Merry Christmas (CL)
mëlingweahpòn = corn-in-the-milk-stage bread (NTD)
mëlingwèm = corn-in-the-milk-stage corn (NTD)
mëlukwehun = pillow; pl mëlukwehuna = pillows (CL)
mèmhalàmunt = storekeeper, merchant, trader n anim
mèmhalamuntikàon = shop, store, trading post n inam: pl mèmhalamuntikàona
mëne- = to drink vi: nëmënè = I am drinking;
kèku hèch kàta mënè = what do you want to drink?
mënihi = Give me a drink! (NTD)
mènkwe = Seneca n: anim: pl menkwèyok
mënùkòn = a rainbow (NTD)
mënùtès = bag, billfold, purse, handbag n
mësa = older sister (voc.) (NTD)
mësakw = log (or) beam; pl mësako = logs (or) beams (CL)
mëshake = Sit down! (on the ground) (NTD)
mèxèlkàtas = centipede n inan: pl mèxèlkàtasa
mexkalaniyat = Red-Tailed Hawk (NTD)
mèxkeyàksit = Indian n anim: pl mexkeyoksìchik(lit: red one) : awènhàke
michëwakàn = food (CL)
michi- = to eat vt usu inan: michìtàm ahpòn=
let’s eat bread; mìchu salàpòn = he, she is eating frybread;
na mwichinèyo = then they ate it ( < w-michi-ne-waw) : SEE ALSO mitsi-, mëhw-
mikwën = feather (NTD)
mìkwën = feather n anim: pl mìkwënàk
mikum- = to remind vt: këmikùmi = you reminded me
mil në- - - (inan.) = give him/her the - - - (CL)
mil = give him (NTD)
mil- = to give (to someone) vt: mìli = give me (imper sg);
mìli mòni = give me money; mil = give him, her (imper sg);
këmìlël = I give you; nëmìla= I give him; këmìli = you give me; këmìla= you give him
mili = give me; milinèn = give us (CL & NTD)
mili në- - - (inan.) = give me the - - - (CL)
mimëns = child; pl mimënsàk = children (CL & NTD)
mìmëns = child n anim: pl minëmsàk; mimëntët = baby pl: mimëntëtàk
mimëntët = baby; pl mimëntëtàk= babies (CL & NTD)
min = currant n inan
mingahseamàlsi = you feel better (NTD)
-mis = older sister, including female cousins older than the
speaker n anim: nëmìs = my older sister;këmìs = your older
sister; mwìsa = his, her older sister; nëmìsëna= our (1 pl) older
sister; këmìsëna = our (2 + 1) older sister;këmìsëwa =
your (pl) older sister; mwisëwòo = their older sister
mitkëm = pole (NTD)
mitkòk = corn cob (NTD)
mitsi- = to eat vi: mìtsi (imper sg); mitsìti= eat, little one
(imper sg); mitsìtàm = let’s eat; nëmìsi= I eat, am eating :SEE ALSO michi-, mëhw-
mitsi = Eat!; mitsikw = You all eat! (or) you people eat; mitsitàm= Let’s eat! (CL & NTD)
mixpuwe = down feather (NTD)
mòchipwis = vulture, buzzard (NTD)
mòni = money n: nulhàtu mòni= I have (some) money; ku nulhatù mòni
= I have no money, I don’t have any money
mònkis = monkey n anim: monkis-inàkwsu =
he looks like a monkey; monkis-imàkwsu = he smells like a monkey
monsi = Munsee (NTD)
mpalsi = I am sick (CL)
mpëntàm = I hear (or) understand (something) (CL)
mpi = water (CL)
mpi = water n inan: mpi hus = water bucket
mpiànàxkwim = waterlily rood, roots n
mpisum = medicine (CL)
mpùl = bull n anim: mpùlxëm = bulldog
munhake = woodchuck; groundhog (NTD)
munskw- = to mow vi: mùnskwe = he is cutting grass, he is mowing hay
mus = elk (CL)
mus = elk n anim: musixèkën = elk hair
mushhakòt = the sky is clear (NTD)
muwihële = Prairie Chicken (NTD)
mùxul = canoe, boat (NTD)
muxwès = insect (NTD)
mùxwès = insect n anim
muxumsa = grandfather (voc.), great-uncle (voc.) (NTD)
mwekane = dog; pl mwekaneyok = dogs (CL)
mwèkane = dog n anim: pl mwekanèyok; mwekanètët=
puppy pl mwekanètëtàk; mwekaneinàkwsu=
he looks like a dog; mwekaneimàkwsu = he smells like a dog
mwìmim = wild cherry n: mwimënshi = wild cherry tree
“N”n- = I (FIRST PERSON) pre: nëmìtsi = I am eating
na - - - (ani.) = that - - - (CL)
na = that (anim) (NTD)
-na (n) = PLURALIZER FOR FIRST PERSON suf: mitsìhëna=
we (excl) are eating; këmilawënànàk= we (incl) give (it) to them
na = then part: na wënèyòn tahkoxa= then he saw a turtle; na
yùkwe xahèli wiyùs nulhatùhëna = now we have lots of meat (lit: the now)
na = that, the det, anim: na tëme kahtùpu= the wolf was hungry: SEE ALSO nàn
nahënëm = racoon (CL)
nàhënëm = racoon n anim: nahënëmkan= racoon dance; nahënëmka =
I am dancing the racoon dance; nahënëmke =
she is dancing the racoon dance; nahënëmkàhëna=
we dance the raccoon dance; nahënëmkatìhëna= we dance the raccoon dance together
nal = go get him/her (CL)
nal- = get (someone) vt: nal = go get him, her (imper)
nalhùtin = go-get-‘em dance n: lit: going after each other
nàmès = fish (CL & NTD)
nàmès = fish n anim: pl nàmèsàk
nàn = that one (animate) (NTD)
nàn = that pron, anim: awèn hèch nàn= who is that? : SEE ALSO na
naol- (< nawal-) = follow vt: naòla = follow him (imper); naòli = follow me (imper)
nat- = get (something) vt: nàti = go get it (imper); natëmài =
go get it for me (imper); nàti mpi = go get water
nati = go get it (CL)
natuna- = to hunt (for something) vt: natunàok= I hunt them
nàtunëm- = to look for (something) v: nàtùnëmën=
I look for it; may ntùnëm mehëmìchink = he went to look for food
naxa = three (CL & NTD)
naxà = three part: naxà chëmàmsàk= three rabbits
-naxans = older brother, also any male cousin older than the speakern anim: naxàns
= my older brother, cousin; xònsa = his older brother, cousin (< w-axans-a)
naxans = my older brother (NTD)
naxisëmës = my younger brother; my younger sister (NTD)
-naxìsëmës = younger sibling including cousin of either sex
younger than the speaker n anim: naxìsëmës= my younger sibling, cousin; knaxìsëmës
= your younger sibling, cousin
naxapxki = three hundred (CL)
naxk = hand n inan: naxk = my hand (< n-naxk), knaxk=
your hand; noxk = his hand (< w-naxk)
naxkilëla- = to stop vi: naxkilëlàtàm= lets stop
nchu = my friend (man to man) (CL)
në = that, the det, inan: në wìkëwam= the house
në- - - (inan.) = that - - - (CL)
në = that (inan.); nèki = those (anim.);nèl = those (inan.) (NTD)
nehënaonkès = horse; pl nehënaonkèsàk= horses (CL)
nehënaònkès = horse n anim: pl nehënaonkèsàk; nehënaonkètët
= colt; nehënaonkèsinàkwsu = he looks like a horse; nehënaonkèsimàkwsu =
he smells like a horse;
nehënaonkèsitàkwsu = he sounds like a horse
neìnxke = forty part
nek, nèki = these, those det/pron, anim: nèk awènik =
those people; nèki chulënsàk = those birds; awèn hèch nèk = who are those?
nèka = he, she (THIRD PERSON) pron: nèka mìsu =
he (or she) is eating (presence of pronoun emphasizes the
grammatical subject, which is an obligatory part of the verb)
nekào, nèkàmò = they (THIRD PERSON PLURAL)pron: nèkàmò mitsùwàk =
they are eating (presence of pronoun emphasizes the grammatical subject,
which is an obligatory part of the verb)
nèl = these, those det/pron, inan: nèl ahsëna=
these stones; kèku hèch nèl = what are those?
nem- = to see vt inam: nèmën = I see it;nèmëna = I see those
nëmaxkamën = I found it; nëmaxkao= I found him/her (CL)
nëmis = my older sister (NTD)
nëmuxumës = my grandfather; my great-uncle (NTD)
nën = that pron, inan: kèku hèch nën = what is that?
neòpxki = four hundred (CL)
nëpe = yes, let’s (lit: me too) part
nèpe = me too (CL)
new- = to see vt anim: nèyo = I see him/her;nèyukw = he/she sees me; nèwkuk
= they see me; knèwël = I see you; xu làpi knèwël = I’ll see you again
nèwa = four part: nèwën = four times
newa = four (CL & NTD)
newa këlak = it is four o’clock (CL)
nëwikwihëla = I am tired (NTD)
nèwiyal = New Year (CL)
nèwiyal = New Year (< English) n inan
neyo = I see him/her; neyook =
I see them; neyùkw = he/she saw me (CL & NTD)
ni = I (FIRST PERSON) pron: ni nëmìtsi=
I am eating (presence of pronoun emphasizes the grammatical subject,
which is an obligatory part of the verb)
ni (or) n- = I (or) my (CL & NTD)
-nichan = child, daughter, niece n anim: nìchan =
my daughter, niece; knìchan = your child, daughter
nichan = my daughter; my child; nich
antët = daughter (voc.) (NTD)
nichus = my friend (woman speaking of woman) (NTD)
nilùna = we (SPEAKER AND OTHER) pro: nilùna nëmitsìhëna = we (excl)
are eating (presence of pronoun emphasizes the grammatical subject,
which is an obligatory part of the verb)
nima- = to take a lunch or provisions vi: nìma= I take a lunch, provisions; knìma hèch =
did you take a lunch, provisions?
ninkëminakw- = to look cute vi: ninkëminàlwsu= he, she looks cute
nìpën = summer n: nipënì = in the summer; nìshi nìpëne = two summers ago
nipën = Summer (CL)
nìpënës = gnat n anim
nisha = two (CL & NTD)
nìsha = two part: nìshën = two times, twice; nìsha xkwèyok = two women; nishàpxki
= two hundred; nishkàhëna = we danced together, we danced two together; nishuxwèhëna
= we two walked together
nishapxki = two hundred (CL)
nishash = seven (CL & NTD)
nìshash = seven part: nìshash txën= seven times; nìshash txìnxke = seventy part
nishinxke = twenty (CL & NTD)
nishìnxke = twenty part
nisk- = to be dirty vi: nìske = it is dirty; niskinàkwsu = he/she looks dirty; niskhìlus
= a dirty old man; nisktùnhe = he is talking dirty
niskëlan = it is drizzling rain (CL & NTD)
nitis = my friend (used only by a man speaking of his male friend) (NTD)
nkàski alënixsi = I can speak Lenape (CL)
nkata- - - = I want to- - - (do something) (CL)
nkata kawi = I want to sleep (CL)
nkata utènink a = I want to go to town (CL)
nkatala- - - (ani.) = I want him/her- - - (CL)
nkatatàmën = I want that (or) it (CL)
nkati kawi = I almost fell asleep (CL)
nkatunkòm = I am sleepy (CL)
nkatupwi = I am hungry (CL)
nkatusëmwi = I am thirsty (CL)
nkësi = I am hot (CL)
nkishëwësi = I am warm (CL)
nkispwi = I am full (CL)
nkwëchi = I tried (CL)
nlëmatahpi = I sat down (CL)
nonin = I forgot (CL)
nshielìntàm = I am sad (CL)
nshilìntàm = I am married (CL)
nta = I go, I went (or) I am going (CL)
ntàch = I will go (CL)
ntakohchi = I am cold (CL)
ntèpipwi = I have eaten enough (CL)
ntiasi- graze vi: ntiàsu = he (an animal) grazes (< nëtiasi-w)
nuchchëmamëse- = to hunt rabbits vi: nuchchëmàmsèch= I will go rabbit hunting
nuchkwe- = to be of no use v: nùchkwe = it’s no use**; nuchkwèha**
= I killed him for nothing; nuchkwèma =
I blamed him for something he didn’t do; knuchkwewtùnhe=
you talk nonsense; nuchkwewtùnhe = he talks nonsense
ntunaw = look for him/her; ntunëm = look for it (CL)
nuhàm = my grandmother; my great-aunt; nuhëma= grandmother; great-aunt (voc.) (NTD)
nulamàlsi = I am fine (CL & NTD)
nulanake = I made a bed (or) I fixed a place to sleep (CL)
nulelìntàm = I am glad (CL)
nulhàn- = to be lazy vi: nùlhàn= I am lazy; nulhàntuwamàlsi
= I feel lazy; nulhàntuwàkàn = laziness; nulhàntës= lazy one pl: nulhànsak, nulhàntàk
nulhànt = I feel lazy (CL)
nulhatènami = I am happy (CL)
nunakàn = milk (CL)
nunakàn = milk; a woman’s breast (NTD)
nusamëluli = I ate too much (CL)
nutxanikwe- = to hunt squirrels vi: pilàychëch nutxanikwe
= a boy went squirrel hunting
nuwaha = I know him/her; nuwatun = I know it (CL)
nuwi = Come here!; nuwi, këntkatàm = Come! Let’s dance; nuwikw =
You all come here!; nuwiti = Come here little one! (CL)
nuwi = Come here! (mostly used for children) (NTD)
nuwi- = come here (used with children) vi: nùwi, nùwi ta (imper), nuwìti
= come here, little one
nux = my father (NTD)
nuxa = father (voc.) (NTD)
nuxati = Father Dear (speaking to) (or) Dear Father (CL & NTD)
nuxtët = my uncle (father’s brother) (NTD)
nuxwis = my grandchild (boy or girl), my grand-nephew; my grand-niece (NTD)
nuxwisxàm = my child’s pet (NTD)
nuxwiti = grandchild; grand-nephew; grand-niece (voc.) (NTD)
“O”òhshixay = nest (NTD)
òhundàm = Great-Horned Owl(NTD)
òk = and (CL & NTD)
òk = and conj: (between verbs): kahtùpu òk may ntùnëm mehëmìchink
= he was hungry and he went to look for food: (between nouns): èmhònës òk opënchùtët
= a spoon and a little white dish
òkche- = to have a crooked shape vi: òkche= it has a crooked shape
òkèksëne = he/she is not wearing any socks (CL)
òkhatim = mulberry, mulberries (NTD)
òkhàtim = mulberry, mulberries n: òkhatimënshi= mulberry tree
òkwës = fox (CL & NTD)
òkwës = fox n anim: pl òlwsàk
ònkum = shake hands with him/her; ònkum na pilaechëch
= shake hands with that boy; ònkumi = shake my hand (CL)
ònkum- = to shake hands vt: ònkùmi
( – with me, imper); ònkum ( – with him/her, imper)
òl = egg; òla = eggs (NTD)
òòl = egg; pl òòla= eggs (CL)
òòl = egg n inan: pl òòla
òngùndëwakàn = a blessing (NTD)
òp-, op- = white vi: òpe = it is white; òpsu =he, she is white; òpèk
= that which is white; opèke = those which are white; òpìnkwe =
he has a white face; òpikàon = a white house; òpkàte=
he has a white leg; òhòpkàte = he has white legs;òpchàle = he has a white nose
òpalanie = bald eagle (CL & NTD)
opanu = Iroquois (NTD)
òpe = it is white in color; òpsu = he/she is white in color (CL)
òpsko = corn shucks (NTD)
òpàskw = corn husk n inan: pl òpsko
òpsuwihële = domestic goose
òpsuwìhële = goose n anim: pl òpsuwihëlèyok
òske- = to be thin vi inan: òskèe= it is thin: SEE ALSO aluki-
òsòmi = certainly (CL)
òtaès = flower (NTD)
owiyalahsu = whirlwind (NTD)
òxe = it is light (such as daylight, not used for weight) (NTD
“P”paènt = cup; pl: paènta = cups (CL)
pahsì = half part
pàhkakwënèt = moose (flat horn) (CL)
pàhkàkwënèt, pàhkàkënèt= moose n anim
pahkàntahikàn = drum stick (CL)
pahkàsun = marrow (NTD)
pahsùkwi = Stand up! (from sitting); pahsùkwikw= You all stand up! (CL & NTD)
pahsukwi- = to stand up from sitting position vi: pahsùkwi(imper sg); pahsùkwik (imper pl)
pàk- = to be flat vi: it is flat; pàkchal= a flat nose; pàkchàle = he has a flat nose
pàkawënikàn = dumpling; pl: pàkawënikàna= dumplings (CL & NTD)
pàkaonìkàna = dumplings n inan: tipàsii pàkawënikàna = chicken dumplings
pàke = it is flat (CL)
pàkim = cranberry n
pakim = cranberry, cranberries (NTD)
palenàxk = five (CL & NTD)
palènàxk = five part: palènàxk txën = five times; palènàxk lënuwàk= five men
palènàxk txìnxke = fifty part
palenàxk txapxki = five hundred (CL)
palia = Go Away! (NTD)
palsu = he/she is sick (CL)
pan’kuk = pancake (NTD)
pànkuk = pancake (< Dutch) n inan: pl: pankùka
panshpèkw = cantaloupe, muskmelon (NTD)
pànshpèkw = cantaloupe n
papaxès = Red-Headed Woodpecker (NTD)
pasahpòn = bread, yeast bread (or) bun (CL & NTD)
pàxkëlan = it is briefly stopped raining (CL)
pè = give it here! (CL)
pè- = to hand something over vi: pè = give it here (imper sg)
pè- = to wait vt: npèha = I wait for him, npètun = I wait for it; npèhùkw
= he waits for me; npèhàok = I wait for them; npèhkuk= they wait for me
pè = he comes, he arrives (NTD)
pèhëw- = to wait vi: pèhëwe na lënu = the man is waiting
pè hàch awèn = Is someone coming? (CL)
pèhpastèk = rice (CL & NTD)
pèhpàstèk = rice n
pëlanshëman = French (CL)
pëlànshëman = Frenchman ( < English) n anim; pl: pëlanshëmànàk
pële = Turkey clan (CL)
pëlëchis = pants (CL)
pëlëchis = pants, trousers n
pëlènikw = flying squirrel n anim: pl: pëlènìkok
pëmhwi = he takes a dust bath (speaking of birds) (NTD)
pëmi = lard, grease (of any type) (NTD)
pëmì = grease n inan
pëmska- = to walk vi: npëmska = I walk, am walking; kpëmska =
you walk; pëmëske = he, she walks; (< pëm
ëska-w);npëmskàhëna = we walk; pëmëskèyok= they walk
pëna- = to look vt anim: pënà = look (imper);pënài =
look at me (imper); pënòw = look at him, her (imper)
pënam- = to look vt inam: npënamën= I look at it
pëchi- = enter, go in vi: pënchi = get in (imper sg)
(e.g., something with a small opening such as a cave or teepee)
pënji = he enters something through a small opening (such as a cave or tipi) (NTD)
pèpël = pepper (CL & NTD)
pèpël = pepper n
pèpètëlan = it is raining now and then (CL)
pèphòksing = popcorn (NTD)
pëphòkwe = Ruffed Grouse (NTD)
pèshkunk = nine (CL)
pèshkunk = nine part: pèshkunk txën = nine times
pèshkunk txìnxke = ninety part
pèshkung = nine (NTD)
pèthakhòn = it is thundering (NTD)
pèthakhùwe = mythological Thunder Being n anim: pl: pethakhuwèyok
phwit = Oh, Phooey! (CL)
p’hwit = phooey part: _expression indicating the
speaker does not think much of what someone has said
piitàkw = step-mother (NTD)
pikàkës = Peafowl (NTD)
pil- = to be clean (physically or ceremonially) vi: npìlsi=
I am clean; pìlsu = he is clean; pìlët= it is clean; pilinàkwsu = he, she looks clean
pilaechëch = boy; pl: pilaechëchàk=
boys (CL & NTD); pilaychështët = little boy (NTD)
pilàychëch = boy n anim: pl: pilaychëchàk; pilaychi (voc)
pilkësh = peach (NTD)
pìlkësh = peach n: pilkëshakw= peach tree
pime- = to be crooked vi: pìme = it is crooked
pisim = sweet corn (NTD)
pishkw = Nighthawk (Bullbat) (NTD)
pipisilùnkòn = bat n anim: pisilùnkòn
pisilùnkòn = bat n anim: pipisilùnkòn
piskèke = tonight part: piskèke xu nkàwi =
I will sleep tonight; piskèke ku nkawì = I won’t sleep tonight
pitaòksën = overshoe; pl: pitaòksëna= overshoes (CL)
pitaopòn = pie (NTD)
pitukëna = milkweed (edible**);pl: pitukènaok**= milkweeds (CL & NTD)
pitùkëna = milkweed n anim: pl: pitukënàok
pòkhilus = broken down old man (CL); extremely old and disabled man (NTD)
pòkhìlus = a feeble old man n anim
pòkxawësh = extremely old and disabled woman (NTD)
pòm = ham, thigh (CL & NTD)
pùhëm, pùhwëm = white-flour corn n
puhënëma = he/she is drumming (CL)
puhënikàn = drum (CL)
pùhënik- = to drum vi: puhënìke=
he drums; n: puhënìkàn = a drum; pèpuhënìkès= drummer
puhwèm = white flour corn (NTD)
pùkuwànku = Turtle Clan (CL)
pukwès = mouse (NTD)
pùkwès = rat n anim: pl: pukwèsàk; pukwètët
= mouse pl: pukwètëtàk (lit: little rat)
puni- = to leave along vt: punìtu = leave it alone; punìhi =
leave me alone; punìw = leave him, her alone; punìmi= quit talking about me
punkw = dust (or) ashes (CL)
pùnkwës = mosquito n anim
pupukwësh = Bobwhite; Quail (NTD)
push = scat (to scare a cat) (CL)
push = scat part: _expression used to chase a cat away
pushis = cat; pl: pushisàk = cats (CL & NTD)
pùshis = cat n anim: pl: pushìsàk; pushìtët = kitten; pl: pushitëtàk
pusi- = get in (a vehicle) v: pùsi (imper sg);pùsikw (imper pl)
putël = butter (CL & NTD)
pùtël = butter n
putëlëpèxing = cream (NTD)
puxò = exclamation when smelling something bad (NTD)
puxò tamwe = exclamation when smelling something very bad (NTD)
pxashikàn = dried meat (NTD)
pxisktèahpòn = bean bread n inan
pxiskteyo = skinned corn (NTD)
“X”xah- = to be ugly vi: xahinàkwsu = he, she looks ugly
xahèli = much, a lot part: xahèli wiyùs nulhatùhëna = we have a lot of meat
xalahpùtis = spider n anim: pl: xalahputìsàk
xalahputis = spider (CL)
xàm- = to feed (someone) vt: xàm = feed him (imper); xàmi =
feed me (imper sg); xàmikw = feed me (imper pl)
xami = Feed me!; xamikw = You all feed me! (CL & NTD)
xanikw = squirrel; pl: xanikok = squirrels (CL & NTD)
xànikw = squirrel n anim: pl: xanìkok; xanikwì kshìtay = squirrel soup
xansa = older brother (voc.) (NTD)
xansun (or) kèhkawink = bed (CL)
xànsun = bed n inan: pl: xansùna; xansùnink= on the bed
xaphùkwe = mole n anim: pl: xaphukwèyok
xash = eight (CL & NTD)
xash = eight part: xash txën = eight times
xash txìnxke = eighty part
xàskwim = corn n
xàskwim = corn (CL & NTD)
xawshisës = old woman (NTD)
xawshìsës = old woman n anim
xawskwe- = to be grassy, grass covered vi: xawskwèe= it is grassy
xaxakw = Sycamore tree (NTD)
xëlèti- = to be greedy vi: xëlètie= he is greedy
xès = skin, hide n anim: pl: xèsàk
xìmin = persimmon n inan: pl: ximìna; ximinùnshi= persimmon tree
ximin = persimmon (NTD)
xinkw- = big, large (usually of a singular object) vi: xìnkwe=
it is big; xìnkwsu = he is big; xinkwsùwàk=
they are big; xinkwinàkwsu = he, she looks big; xìnkwi chìkënëm =
a big turkey; xìnkwi chëmàmsàk =
big rabbits; xinkòlëpay = buck deer : amànk-(of plural objects)
xinkwchëmàmës = jack rabbit n anim: pl: xinkwchëmàmsàk
xinkwëlëpay = buck deer (CL)
xìnxke = thirty part
xitkw- = to be deep vi: xìtkwe = it is deep
xkàn = bone n inan: pl: xkàna; òpxkàn= white bone
xkànàkhàkw = gourd n
xkànësàk = lamb’s quarter (edible plant, used in plural form) n anim
xkuk = snake (CL)
xkuk = snake n anim: pl: xkùkàk
xkwe = woman; pl: xkweyok = women (CL & NTD)
xkwe = woman n anim: pl: xkwëyok (< xkwew-àk);xkwewì hèmpës =
a woman’s dress; xkwèxëm = female animal; xkwèhële= female fowl
xkwechëch = girl; pl: xkwechëchàk = girls (CL & NTD); xkwech
ështët = little girl (NTD)
xkwehële = female bird (NTD)
xkwën = liver (NTD)
xu = will, FUTURE part: xu nëwìxëni yu kèku = I will cook this thing
xu = ‘future marker’ (used to show the future tense, like “shall” or “will” in English) (NTD)
xu làpi knewël = I will see you again (CL)
xunìti = soon, pretty soon part
xuniti = pretty soon (or) little while (CL)
xùw- = to be old vi: xùwe = it is old;xùwsu =
he is old; xùwi awèn = an old person; kikèxëm= an old animal
“Y” yoh (or) yuh = alright (or) okay (CL)
yu = this, the det inan: she yu wëski kèku= here (is) this new thing
yu- - - (inan.) = this - - - (CL)
yu = this (inan.) (NTD)
yu tàli = here, this place part: yu tàli= this place; shè yu = here it is
yuki = these (anim.) (NTD)
yuli = these (inan.) (NTD)
yuh (or) yoh = alright (or) okay (CL)
yuh = 1: all right, okay part 2: you’re welcome (usual reply to wanëshi - thank you) part
yuh = Yes! (reply to a question or statement which can be answered
by English ‘okay’ or ‘alright’) (NTD)
yuhël- = get away vi: yùhëli (imper sg); yùhëlikw (imper pl)
yuho = Yes! (emphatic “yuh”) (NTD)
yukwe = now (CL & NTD)
yùkwe = now part: yùkwe ènta alàpàèkw =
now on this morning; ku kahtupwì yùkwe =
now he is not hungry ( < katupw-i-wi); na yùkwe xahèli wiyùs nulhatùhëna =
now we have lots of meat (lit: then now)
yushè = here part: yushè ènta xkwithakamìka = here on this earth
“Z” zhimwi = I flee (NTD)
zhis = my uncle (used only for mother’s brother) (NTD)
zit = my foot (NTD)
zùkwis = my mother-in-law (NTD)