"Beckham is going to Hollywood to be a part-time actor" says Real Madrid President Calderon (original) (raw)

  1. Celta


Some very harsh words for Beckham...who by all standards has been an exemplary teammate (see Phil Ball's article on soccernet.com for more on that)

Anyway, the gist of what Calderon is saying is that it was a good decision by the board of Real Madrid not to renew his contract (which seems contradictory to prior information that Beckham had a 2 year extension on the table from RM).

More insulting (good thing Beckham doesn't speak Spanish, lol) is that Calderon says the proof of it being a good decision not to re-sign him was that even though Beckham was available on a free transfer, no other clubs wanted to sign him. I might be mistaken here -- but didn't both Milan clubs and several clubs in England express serious interest in signing him (Bolton & Newcastle come to mind)?

I though that as a RM fan, that I would like Calderon as president, but he's coming off more and more unprofessional all the time. Meanwhile, Beckham lauded RM and the support he received during his press conference with MLS.

So who's the class act now? 2. Celta

FWIW, Alexi has his own article on AS.com today:

Basically Lalas says that the team expects Beckham in the summer and not before, and no moves have been made to bring him in sooner.

He also notes that Beckham was brought in for what he can do on the field...and good on Lalas....he says that people who think that the MLS is a golden retirement aren't familiar with the quality of soccer in the United States. 3. FlashMan

Jan 6, 2000
Nat'l Team:
United States

As McMahon put it on Fox Soccer Report last night, RM has been the biggest manipulator of the player market for years, showing few scruples and spending more money than God on just about all of their signings. Now MLS has upstaged them in one fell swoop and they're cryin' into the night.

Did anyone ever accuse RM of having class in the first place? Not for a while anyway...

Their drama queen Italian coach doesn't help matters. 4. Ghost

It's time for someone with MLS to fight back. They're now trying to devalue the property. Someone needs to fire a shot across the bow. 5. Jabinho

Same story basically but in English:


I find this quote interesting... If as he states, no technical team in the world wanted him, I guess he's saying Real Madrid is not a technical team since they say they offered him a the option to renew his contract..;) And I believe he had also started three of the last four matches for RM before the deal with LA.. 6. > Why? The more Real Madrid talk to the stupider they sound. Their statements are getting more and more outlandish all the time. They'll loose whatever little public support they had soon enough. It doesn't help them when you have the coach of Barcelona in essence saying that benching Becks for having a contract with another club already is petty and not in the best interest of the club. Larsson is an example.

MLS already got Beckham. We don't need to be getting into a fight with a huge club like RM. We just need to sit back and grin and take the high road. 7. alffy

Actually, i can't think of anything MLS could do that would have any effect here. Calderon and Madrid already are showing a complete lack of class, so I see no reason for MLS to drop to their level.

Barcelona's Rijkaard has already said Madrid is acting the fool (no surprise there, though), and I think what would really put the icing on the cake is for someone at Newcastle or Milan to simply inform the press they were persuing Beckham.

That would make Calderon the fool and the liar. 8. CescMate


At first I though media reports were exaggerating the rift but these reports confirm all the suspicions. Capello looks to have chucked his toys out of the pram. He doesn't seem to like the fact that Beckham has left them and confounded everyone by managing to walk away with the largest contact in sports history.

What can they expect though? A player has to do what's in their best interests. Real have never compromised their position for Beckham. He wasn't getting played and entered the final six months of his contract without signing.

It's bad publicity for the club and is only serving to tarnish their reputations. After Beckham's work effort, loyalty and commercial aspect it doesn't seem a fitting way to end the relationship.

To call him an "average Hollywood star" smacks of jealousy and my guess is that he will get even more love from his fans over here. Beckham up to this point has conducted himself well and left Madrid to look like fools, IMHO. 9. metros11

Sep 11, 1999
Highlands of NJ
New York Red Bulls
Nat'l Team:
United States

Real Madrid is crying foul because they are losing the biggest money maker the club has ever seen. Even if at this point his play is not up to RM standards, they understand how much money they stand to lose by letting him go. Madrid has never made as much money as they did selling Beckham merchandise world wide. Losing cash flow means lesser salaries for others or smaller transfers for the club, and Calderon is starting to feel the heat. 10. Ghost

Because I'm tired of them attempting to devalue our asset. Uncle Phil's fortune makes this guy look like a cab driver, and he should make him feel like one, if he keeps this up. 11. ScottyB10

Real Madrid is just like the yankees. If the guy performs and wins TITLES, he's a saint and they love him (ex. Derek Jeter), if the guy performs but the team doesn't win anything, they treat him like s***, yet the players still love him... 12. mdewals

LOL!!! Dutch site reports he didnt only talk trash about Beckham but also about the rest of the players and the fans!!!!
what a stupid IDIOT!! 13. Jabinho

I would expect that if there is any "retaliation", the source will likely be Lalas.. 14. Winston Smith

Well believe it or not but Becks does hablo Espanyol. Although the whole part time actor thing is a bit of a joke to anyone who's heard him speak.

To be honest this just shows what classless arseholes the RM board are. There were plenty of clubs who were ready to bid for him, but they never had a chance to enter formal talks because, firstly, RM said they wanted to keep him, and secondly, when that came to nothing he signed up with the Gals immediately. 15. Jabinho

Beyond that he speaks some Spanish, the story is translated in the English speaking press all over the world already..

Beckham has stated often he is not interested in acting and that it has no appeal to him.. All we have to go on in that matter is the assumptions of others that he wants to act.. He has never said he wants to.. 16. Winston Smith

Beckham wants to promote the game, on that he's genuine. NASL comparisons are inevitable but ill judged. All signs, with ESPN purchasing the broadcasting rights to the league, Eric Wynalda becoming the highest paid commentator, the success of the World Cup and now Beckham's signing point to a breakthrough year.

MLS is now, at least for the short term, getting far more international press than it could've dreamed of this time last year. I'm not saying soccer's made it in the US, or even that it's going to last, but it's made a footprint. 17. Mattbro

That seemed weird to me too, but from the article it's clear that by "technical team" he means Real's management. As I understand it, he's saying that no other club's management wanted Beckham either. 18. rokstedy

So what if he becomes a part-time actor? Methinks this'll play out like it did with Shaquille O'Neal: Make a few movies and realize you aren't that great and then concentrate on playing.

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