AnnHyb (original) (raw)

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AnnHyb is a tool for working with and managing nucleotide sequences in multiple formats.
The features include sequence viewer, sequence editor, sequence annotation, format conversion, oligonucleotides alignment, restriction analysis, pattern searching, retrieval from servers, multi-alignment viewer, consensus determination, etc.

AnnHyb is free software, and is released under the GNU General Public License.

AnnHyb runs under Microsoft-Windows (NT4, 2000, XP, Vista, Win7 and Win10)

A light version of AnnHyb for Linux and Mac OS is available at PyAnnHyb

If you find it useful, please send me a nice postcard

AnnHyb is NO MORE developed. The last version is 4.946
The AnnHyb's history is available.

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