Bled - Uradna spletna stran (original) (raw)
💙 Najbolj romantičen kraj v adventnem času postane tudi nadvse čaroben. ✨ Blejska Zimska pravljica 2024/25 vas od 29. novembra do 5. januarja vabi na: 🎵 25 koncertov na Jezerski promenadi, 🤹♀️ 7 lutkovnih in glasbenih predstav za otroke, 🎅 obisk Dedka Mraza in Božička, 🔔 eno lepših in tradicionalnih prireditev - uprizoritev Legende o potopljenem zvonu, 🧶 Krog prijateljstva, ⛸️ drsanje z razgledom in 🎄 prižig praznične okrasitve, ko bodo v obliki svetlobnih skulptur zažarele blejske legende. Celoten program blejske Zimske pravljice ➡️ Dobrodošli na čarobnem Bledu! ☺️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The most romantic place in December becomes even more magical. ✨This year’s Bled Winter Fairytale invites you to: 🎵 25 concerts along Lakeside Promenade, 🤹♀️ 7 puppet and music performances for children, 🎅 the visit of Santa Claus and Grandpa Frost, 🔔 one of the most enchanting traditions – the reenactment of the Legend of the Sunken Bell, 🧶 the Circle of Friendship, ⛸️ skating with breathtaking views, and 🎄the lighting of festive decorations, with sculptures illuminating Bled’s legends. Welcome to the magical winter in Bled! 💙 Full program of Bled’s Winter Fairytale ➡️ #winterfairytale #magicaltime #advent #winter #lakebled #bled #imagoparadisi #julijskealpe #julianalps #myway #ifeelsLOVEnia #mojaslovenija💚