Book Errata - Typos and More (original) (raw)

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B o o k E r r a t a

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It all started with Under the Volcano...

... a wonderful book. Beautifully written and able to transport the reader to another world, another time, another life. Yet the author's spell kept being broken.


Because of the incredible disservice that the publishing house has given to its customers (and the author)! So many careless typographical errors appeared in that novel that we began keeping count of those we've spotted in each of the books that we've read since.

STOP THE PRESSES! (or, better yet, restart them)

Your voice has been heard. has been contacted by HarperCollins the publisher of the very book that prompted the creation of this web site to alert us to the fact that they have published a re-proofed edition. Our review of the re-proof is here.

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