Situationist International Anthology -- Table of Contents (original) (raw)

Revised and Expanded Edition




Formulary for a New Urbanism(Chtcheglov, 1953)
Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography (Debord, 1955)
Proposals for Rationally Improving the City of Paris(Lettrist International, 1955)
A User’s Guide to Détournement (Debord & Wolman, 1956)
The Alba Platform (Lettrist International, 1956)
Notes on the Formation of an Imaginist Bauhaus (Jorn, 1957)
Report on the Construction of Situations (Debord, 1957)


#1 (1958)The Sound and the Fury
Preliminary Problems in Constructing a Situation
Theses on Cultural Revolution (Debord)
The Situationists and Automation (Jorn)
No Useless Leniency (Bernstein)*
Action in Belgium Against the International Assembly of Art Critics

#2 (1958)Theory of the Dérive (Debord)

#3 (1959)Détournement as Negation and Prelude
Situationist Theses on Traffic (Debord)
Another City for Another Life (Constant)

#4 (1960) The Use of Free TimeGangland and Philosophy (Kotányi)

#5 (1960)The Adventure
The Fourth SI Conference in London*

#6 (1961)Instructions for an Insurrection
Basic Program of the Bureau of Unitary Urbanism (Kotányi & Vaneigem)
Perspectives for Conscious Changes in Everyday Life (Debord)

#7 (1962)Geopolitics of Hibernation
The Bad Days Will End
The Fifth SI Conference in Göteborg*
Basic Banalities (part 1) (Vaneigem)

#8 (1963)Ideologies, Classes, and the Domination of Nature
The Avant-Garde of Presence*
The Counter-Situationist Campaign in Various Countries*
All the King’s Men
Basic Banalities (part 2) (Vaneigem)
Anti-Public Relations Notice

#9 (1964)Now, the SI
Response to a Questionnaire from the Center for Socio-Experimental Art

#10 (1966)Address to Revolutionaries of Algeria and of All Countries
The Decline and Fall of the Spectacle-Commodity Economy[Watts riot]
The Class Struggles in Algeria
Contribution to a Councilist Program in Spain
Some Theoretical Topics That Need To Be Dealt With (Vaneigem)
Captive Words: Preface to a Situationist Dictionary(Khayati)
The Role of Godard
The Ideology of Dialogue
Interview with an Imbecile
The Algeria of Daniel Guérin, Libertarian
Domenach versus Alienation*

#11 (1967)The Explosion Point of Ideology in China
Two Local Wars [Vietnam and Arab-Israel]
Our Goals and Methods in the Strasbourg Scandal
The Situationists and the New Forms of Action Against Politics and Art (Viénet)
Aiming for Practical Truth (Vaneigem)
Setting Straight Some Popular Misconceptions About Revolutions in the Underdeveloped Countries (Khayati)
Minimum Definition of Revolutionary Organizations
Three Postscripts to the Previous Issue

#12 (1969)The Beginning of an Era [May 1968 revolt in France]
Reform and Counterreform in the Bureaucratic Bloc[Prague Spring]
How Not To Understand Situationist Books
Preliminaries on Councils and Councilist Organization(Riesel)
Notice to the Civilized Concerning Generalized Self-Management(Vaneigem)
The Conquest of Space in the Time of Power (Rothe)
The Latest Exclusions
The Elite and the Backward*
Cinema and Revolution
The Organization Question for the SI (Debord)


Preliminaries Toward Defining a Unitary Revolutionary Program (Canjuers & Debord, 1960)
For a Revolutionary Judgment of Art (Debord, 1961)
Theses on the Paris Commune (Debord, Kotányi, Vaneigem, 1962)
The Situationists and the New Forms of Action in Politics and Art(Debord, 1963)
On the Poverty of Student Life (1966)
In Short (1965 & 1969)


[Watch Out for Manipulators! Watch Out for Bureaucrats!](May68docs.htm#Watch Out for Manipulators!)
[Slogans To Be Spread Now by Every Means](May68docs.htm#Slogans To Be Spread Now)
[Report on the Occupation of the Sorbonne](May68docs.htm#Report on the Occupation of the Sorbonne)
[For the Power of the Workers Councils](May68docs.htm#For the Power of the Workers Councils)
Address to All Workers


[Provisional Statutes of the SI](internal.htm#Provisional Statutes) (1969)
[Provisional Theses for the Discussion of New Theoretico-Practical Orientations in the SI](internal.htm#Provisional Theses) (Salvadori, 1970)*
[Remarks on the SI Today](internal.htm#Remarks on the SI Today) (Debord, 1970)*
Declaration (Debord, Riesel, Viénet, 1970)
[Untitled Text](internal.htm#Untitled Text) (Debord, 1971)*


Bibliography (continually updated)
The Blind Men and the Elephant(Selected Opinions on the Situationists)
Index to Debord’s_The Society of the Spectacle_
Index to Vaneigem’s_The Revolution of Everyday Life_
Index to the Situationist International Anthology (merged here with the Index to the entire BPS website)

* Excerpts.

The Situationist International Anthology, edited and translated from the French by Ken Knabb, was originally published by the Bureau of Public Secrets in 1981 (2nd printing 1989, 3rd printing 1995). A revised and expanded edition was published in 2006. A revised and updated version of that edition was published in 2024 byPM Press.

Texts of related interest at this website:
Writings on Art and Architecture (Jorn, 1954-1958)
The Society of the Spectacle (Debord, 1967; new annotated translation: PM Press, 2024)
Guy Debord’s Films(1952-1978)
The Power of Negative Thinking (Chasse, 1968)
Total Self-Management (Vaneigem, 1974)