Index Nominum Genericorum (ING), Botany, Smithsonian Institution (original) (raw)

List of Collaborators Contributing to ING

The contributing collaborator's number is listed in parentheses at the end of each entry. After the publication of the supplement to ING in 1986, we decided to add the number of the collaborator responsible for a major correction to the original entry as well. For an entry contributed by collaborator 8 and updated by collaborator 104, the collaborator would be listed as "(8/104)."

1. C. E. B. Bremekamp, The Netherlands. Acanthaceae

2. P. C. Silva, U.S.A. Algae

3. W. Rothmaler, Germany. European phanerogams

4. R. C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Jr., The Netherlands. Malesian phanerogams

5. P. A. Florschütz, The Netherlands. Musci

6. G. F. Papenfuss, U.S.A. Algae

7. W. T. Stearn, Great Britain. Martyniaceae, Myristicaceae

8. J. Taylor, U.S.A. Musci

9. R. E. G. Pichi-Sermolli, Italy. Pteridophyta

10. J. J. Swart, The Netherlands. Miscellaneous phanerogams

11. F. A. Stafleu, The Netherlands. Nomina conservanda et rejicienda; Linnaean names (1753 only)

12. C. E. B. Bonner, Switzerland. Bryophyta

13. H. Hara, Japan. Japanese phanerogams

14. L. B. Smith, U.S.A. Bromeliaceae

15. P. W. Leenhouts, The Netherlands. Burseraceae

16. J. A. Schuurman, The Netherlands. Crassulaceae, Saxifragaceae

17. R. D. Wood, U.S.A. Characeae

18. L. M. Irvine née Newton, Great Britain. Ceramiaceae

19. H. N. Andrews, Jr., U.S.A. Miscellaneous fossils

20. J. W. Thieret, U.S.A. Scrophulariaceae

21. J. F. M. Cannon, Great Britain. Umbelliferae

22. M. H. Hommersand, U.S.A. Rhodophyceae

23. No names entered with this number

24. R. F. Scagel, Canada. Rhodophyceae

25. I. A. Abbott, U.S.A. Rhodophyceae

26. H. K. Phinney, U.S.A. Chlorophyceae

27. H. B. S. Womersley, Australia. Phaeophyceae

28. P. van Royen, The Netherlands. Podostemaceae

29. A. R. Pinto da Silva, Portugal. Portuguese phanerogams

30. A. A. Bullock, Great Britain. Miscellaneous phanerogams

31. C. R. Florin, Sweden. Gymnospermae

32. M. A. Donk, The Netherlands. Fungi

33. H. O. Sleumer, The Netherlands. Asiatic Proteaceae, Ericaceae and Flacourtiaceae

34. Commonwealth Mycological 1nstitute, Kew, Surrey, Great Britain (collective number). Fungi Imperfecti

35. L. E. Egerod, Denmark. Chlorophyceae

36. S. R. Sparling, U.S.A. Rhodophyceae

37. Y. Yamada, Japan. Sargassaceae

38. J. T. Koster, The Netherlands. Cyanophyceae

39. R. McVaugh, U.S.A. South American Lecythidaceae and Myrtaceae

40. L. C. Wheeler, U.S.A. Euphorbiaceae

41. No names entered with this number

42. G. J. Hollenberg, U.S.A. Phaeophyceae

43. R. E. Norris, U.S.A. Rhodophyceae

44. F. E. Hewitt, South Africa. Rhodophyceae

45. F. Nemejc, Czechoslovakia & A. Chrtkova Zertová, Czechoslovakia. Fossils, from Czech publications

46. F. Stockmans, Belgium. Fossils, from Belgian publications

47. A. W. Exell, Great Britain. Combretaceae

48. J. R. Stein, Canada. Chlorophyceae

49. F. R. Fosberg, U.S.A. Psilotaceae, Rubiaceae

50. No names entered with this number

51. H. E. Moore, Jr., U.S.A. Palmae

52. D. D. Keck, U.S.A. Compositae

53. A. J. Cronquist, U.S.A. Compositae

54. A. Pochmann, Germany. Cryptophyta, Euglenophyta

55. R. S. Cowan, U.S.A. Leguminosae (Tropical America); miscellaneous Fungi

56. H. L. Skuja, Sweden. Rhodophyceae

57. C. A. Arnold, U.S.A. Fossils (New World)

58. C. L. Holm, Sweden. Pyrenomycetes; fossil Fungi

59. W. Punt, The Netherlands. Miscellaneous phanerogams

60. N. T. Burbidge, Australia. Australian Compositae and Leguminosae

61. R. C. Starr, U.S.A. Chlorophyceae

62. P. S. Green, Great Britain. Oleaceae

63. H. E. Luther, Finland. Xanthophyceae

64. V. S. Summerhayes, Great Britain. Orchidaceae

65. M. C. H. Blackler, Great Britain. Phaeophyceae

66. F. A. McClure, U.S.A. Bambusoideae

67. No names entered with this number

68. G. W. Prescott, U.S.A. Chlorophyceae

69. No names entered with this number

70. W. D. Margadant, The Netherlands. Musci

71. R. C. Foster, U.S.A. Iridaceae

72. N. Y. Sandwith, Great Britain. Bignoniaceae

73. J. R. Swallen, U.S.A. Gramineae

74. D. H. Nicolson, U.S.A. Araceae

75. ING Staff, Washington, U.S.A. (collective number, see ING 1979, Vol. 1: viii). Miscellaneous groups

76. J. J. Wurdack, U.S.A. Melastomataceae

77. J. Cuatrecasas, U.S.A. Miscellaneous phanerogams

78. J. E. Dandy, Great Britain. Miscellaneous phanerogams

79. R. C. Rollins, U.S.A. Cruciferae

80. J. A. Leussink, The Netherlands. Miscellaneous groups

81. S. H. Mamay, U.S.A. Fossils

82. V. S. Spevak, U.S.A. Miscellaneous groups

83. G. F. Laundon, New Zealand, Uredinales

84. K. Kilpper, Germany. Fossils

85. R. M. King, U.S.A. & H. E. Robinson, U.S.A. Compositae

86. C. R. Gunn, U.S.A. Leguminosae

87. A. A. Fedorov, U.S.S.R. Miscellaneous phanerogams

88. V. E. Rudd, U.S.A. Leguminosae

89. Texts prepared by ING Staff, Washington and checked by G. W. Martin, U.S.A. (See ING 1979, vol. 1: xvii, xx). Myxomycetes

90. Texts prepared by ING Staff, Washington and checked by F.-E. Eckblad, Norway. (See ING 1979, vol. 1: xvii, xx). Discomycetes

91. K. G. Mukerji, India. Mucoraceae

92. R. Ross, Great Britain. Bacillariophyceae

93. C. E. Hubbard, Great Britain. Gramineae

94. J. A. Stevenson, U.S.A. Ustilaginales

95. L. Jonsell, Sweden. Erysiphales

96. C. T. Rogerson, U.S.A. Hypocreales

97. C. V. Morton, U.S.A. Gesneriaceae

98. H. Manitz, Germany. Convolvulaceae

99. H. E. Robinson, U.S.A. Miscellaneous groups

100. Texts prepared by F. A. Stafleu, on the basis of a manuscript of R. Santesson, Sweden. Interpretations and errors to be attributed to Stafleu. Lichenes

101. No names entered with this number

102. I. L. Conners, Canada. Fungi

103. A. M. Blazer, U.S.A. Fossils

104. G. Zijlstra, The Netherlands. Fossils; Bryophyta; miscellaneous phanerogams

105. D. Myers, U.S.A. Fungi

106. T. Gilliam, U.S.A. Fungi

107. A. Traverse, U.S.A. Sporae Dispersae

108. No names entered with this number

109. C. Reed, U.S.A. Miscellaneous groups

110. E. R. Farr, U.S.A. Fungi; Lichenes; miscellaneous groups

111. L. A. Garay, U.S.A. Orchidaceae

112. S. G. Zhilin, U.S.S.R. Fossils, from Russian publications

113. M. R. Crosby, U.S.A. Musci

114. J. Hafellner, Austria. Lichenes

115. A. B. Doweld, Russia. Cacti, Fossils

116. K. N. Gandhi, USA. Miscellaneous phanerogams