Ben Nutland Liberal Democrat candidate - Bristol South general election 2017 (original) (raw)
Mr Ben Nutland, Liberal Democrat candidate for Bristol South
Age: 25
Where do you live? Yate
How long have you lived there? 25 Years
Where did you live previously? Bristol
What do you do for a living? Company Director
Political career:
What other interests do you have? Football, Rugby, Listening to Music and spending time with my family.
Why do you want to be elected as an MP? I want to be elected as a Member of Parliament because I believe the people of Bristol South deserve better. For too long the area has been held back – it needs to be represented by a candidate and party who will look at the issues and act upon them and not take the electorate for granted.
Currently our country is going through a massive upheaval due to Brexit and I believe that the people I will represent if elected will be hit hardest by this Government. I want to become an MP not only to represent the ideas of my party and bring about change but also to represent the values and concerns of Bristol South.
To be elected as an MP is a massive honour. The people who elect you are not only the people you pass in the street or speak to at a bus stop but also your colleagues, friends and family. I believe that public service can still be a noble vocation, although whoever is elected in our city, our region and our country will need to work hard to restore that nobility and trust. I aim to do just that.
Why do you think you would be a success at the job? I believe I have the right skill set to do the job well from day one. I was born in Bristol and know the area and its people well. With my background in business, the not-for-profit sector and my work within the Liberal Democrats the skills I have developed will stand me in good stead to work for the people of Bristol South and bring about the much needed change they deserve.
What would your main aims be during your term of office? My main aims would be to give Bristol South excellent representation in Westminster, to work with local groups to bring change where they believe it is needed and to work with major employers and independents to bring jobs and skills training to the area.
What would you like to say to voters? I believe that Bristol South needs change. For far too long it has been held back by successive governments whether Conservative or Labour. I promise to work for you - for every vote that I cast in Parliament I will ask myself “How will this affect the people of Bristol South?”
Bristol is a wonderful city; we are seeing increasing investment into our businesses and property. However, areas such as Hartcliffe, Withywood and Filwood, less than 10 minutes from our city centre, seem to lack attention whether by private investment or Government. These areas deserve better and I will work with local representatives to help bring about the improvements needed.
In Bedminster we have seen the amazing transformation of Ashton Gate to a world class venue, though we still see the same problems of traffic congestion. If elected to Parliament I will use my position to advocate the reopening of Ashton Gate Station to relieve the congestion this area experiences and the issues of parking on match days.
In areas such as Knowle and Southville we are seeing housing and rent prices soar and little action to address the issue, I believe that this constituency needs a plan of action to address the issue of property prices and the building of new housing which is both sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Many people will tell you that this election is about giving Theresa May a strong mandate in her negotiations with the EU. I do not believe this is the case; instead, I believe that this election has been called to crush any remaining resistance to her plans for our country. Whether you voted to Leave or Remain in the European Union I’m sure you can agree with me that a Government without checks and balances is both dangerous and unwise.
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