Sharmila Bousa Green Party candidate - Bristol North West general election 2017 (original) (raw)
Sharmila Bousa, Green Party candidate for Bristol North West in the general election 2017
Age: 39
Where do you live? Westbury-on-Trym
How long have you lived there? 3 years
Where did you live previously? Bishopston, Bristol.
What do you do for a living? Full time mother and run two businesses (wellbeing and eco styling)
Political career: I only joined the Green party 3 years ago. I was fed up with seeing politicians braying at each other on TV and in parliament and when I saw Caroline Lucas speak so graciously about her time as an MP (at Bristol Festival of ideas) I signed up the next day. I believe that climate change is the biggest challenge facing ours and future generations and none of the other parties seemed to be taking enough action.
I first got politically active when I was at University in Nottingham in the late 90s and tuition fees came in. I worked with the NUS and went on marches and wrote letters to my MP (no response sadly).
In Bristol North West I joined the local campaign to ensure Stoke Lodge was given village green status. I also stood in the local council elections in 2016 for the Green Party in Henleaze and Westbury-on-Trym.
However, I’ve fundraised for War on Want, Greenpeace and Amnesty International and signed numerous petitions for Acorn and Shelter regarding rental regulation and renters’ rights. I campaigned for a fairer voting system in the UK referendum on Alternative Vote (AV) by handing out leaflets in Cornwall (although I want total reform to PR), I’ve been on marches to support refugees, against War in Iraq and pro-choice. I was the Funding and Development manager of an Arts Therapies charity in Bath and NE Somerset and worked at Bath RUH on their Arts and Wellbeing programme.
The Green Party are true rebels, the only party who truly push from the left with really tangible policies which represent my views on green energy, social equality, housing, renationalisation, Trident, nuclear power, NHS, mental health, education - the list goes on. I feel like they really care about society as a whole and that their approach is fresh and forward looking while the other parties are stuck in the past. The Green Party looks at long term solutions not vote catching short-termism.
What other interests do you have? I love being in the ‘great outdoors’, the freedom of wild swimming, the discipline and dedication of triathlon and have just discovered the joys of trapeze. I enjoy listening to live music, the arts, ethical fashion and styling. I really value all of these and they instil in me the very best practices for excellent mental health and wellbeing.
Why do you want to be elected as an MP? Right now the world seems a pretty scary place to many people. And what makes it worse is the feeling we all have that events are completely out of our control. I get that politics is off-putting and that some people think that voting sometimes seems pointless and that it’s not always easy to tell one politician from the next.
I want to help change that, to make society a better kinder place, to bring the environment and sustainability to the forefront of all policy making. I want to represent the people I live amongst and make their voice heard in Parliament. The world needs change, our politics needs to move on, we need a bigger, brighter and bolder future.
Why do you think you would be a success at the job? I am passionate, honest and open to new opinions and ideas. I am a good listener and negotiator and I get stuff done. I am persistent when I need to be and am willing to stand up and make difficult decisions.
What would your main aims be during your term of office? To bring a second referendum to the people of the UK on Europe so we have the final say in what happens. To have Bristol lead the way by creating innovative and sustainable social housing projects, to reduce child poverty locally and nationally and ensure that no one has to rely on foodbanks, to campaign for electoral reform, to drastically increase investment in green engineering and energy and give renters the rights they so desperately need.
What would you like to say to the voters? I love this creative, vibrant and rebellious city. I'm not a career politician and instead bring to voters a wealth of real life successes and struggles, which will help me listen to, care about and represent the people of Bristol NW.
Old politics gave us the financial crash and ever rising house prices that threaten the security of today’s children and students. It gave us one the most expensive education systems in Europe and took the most efficient health system in the world and put it on the brink of collapse. It gave us Brexit. But one thing remains the same: that hope will always triumph over fear. My offer to you is clear, I will:
- campaign tirelessly both for electoral reform and for a second referendum on Europe.
- fight to stop our NHS being privatised.
- work to abolish University tuition fees and bring back maintenance grants.
- speak out to stop cuts to education, welfare, adult and family services.
- push for a clamp down on tax avoidance and an increase in corporation tax
- campaign to scrap Trident.
- reform and protect the rights of renters
And of course I want to help Bristol lead the way on climate change by attracting investment in green energy development, by building affordable and sustainable housing projects, and by taking rigorous steps to reduce air pollution and improve public transport systems.
The Green Party knows that extraordinary times require an extraordinary response.
Because politics doesn’t end when you put a cross on a ballot paper. It happens every day and everyone is a part of it, I see it in the amazing actions within the communities of Bristol NW. That is what the Green Party is about: working together, standing together, and changing the world together.