Scarlet Darter - British Dragonfly Society (original) (raw)

Species Group Dragonflies
Scientific Name Crocothemis erythraea
Status & Distribution First recorded in 1995. Rare migrant; most records from the south of England.
Habitat Found near shallow, still waters such as small pools, rice paddies and drainage channels.
Flight Period Scarlet Darter
Adult Identification Length: 33-44mm Flat, broad body. Pale pterostigma (wing spots). Eyes are blue on the bottom. Orange colouration at base of hind wing. Male: vividly bright scarlet body, head, legs and leading wing veins. Females: yellow-brown body, head and legs. Conspicuous pale antehumeral stripes on the back of the thorax.
Similar Species May be mistaken with other Darters. Can be distinguished by: Broad, flat body. Male: body, head and legs bright red. Female:yellow legs and pale antehumeral stripes on the thorax.