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Blade Runner 2 News 04 Nov 2011 Not much of an update, but Scott tells Speakeasy at WSJ that the new film is "liable to be a sequel", that he thinks he's "close to finding a writer that might be able to help me deliver" adding "we’re quite a long way in, actually". And confirms no original cast being used. Also comments on the original BR. So nothing substantive, but he's been very busy with Prometheus (now wrapped) and TV series Prophets of Science, which premieres next week. Hopefully he'll now be able to move more focus onto BR2 and we'll get some more interesting news being released. 24 Sep 2011 Next rumour is for who might be writer of the actual screenplay. Twitch Film quotes 'sources' that think "Scott Burns - writer of Contagion and The Bourne Ultimatum - has been identified as the top choice to write the picture by both Scott himself, his producers at Alcon and the project's backers at Warner Brothers and that all parties are now involved in active talks to make it happen." Scott Z. Burns is pretty busy with The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo, but would definitely make an interesting choice for BR2. 10 Sep 2011 Angelina Jolie outside Ridley Scott's officeCould Angelina Jolie be the star of the Blade Runner 2 movie? She was spotted leaving a meeting with Ridley Scott on Thursday clutching what could be a script or... Don't want to jump to conclusions, of course, but... Pics: The Sun, OK! THE BR2 NEWS PAGE Blade Runner in the News 06 Nov 2011 6th November - listen to Edge Radio (Hobart, Tasmania) as Joseph O'Brien and two co-hosts will be airing a BR special including interviews with Syd Mead and Morgan Paull. TIME: 10pm Australian EST. My calculations say that this Sunday that is 11am GMT and 6am in New York. 02 Nov 2011 The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick is finally published this month. Pamela Jackson and Jonathan Lethem sifted through piles of unpublished PKD writings to come up with "Dick's lifelong exploration into the nature of reality". "The Exegesis is a great and calamitous sequence of arguments with the universe: poignant, terrifying, ludicrous, and brilliant," says Lethem. "It's the sort of book associated with legends and madmen, but Dick wasn't a legend and he wasn't mad. He lived among us, and was a genius." See BW for more details on an interactive app tie-in. 02 Nov 2011 Curiosity: Harrison Ford makes Japanese commercial for PS3 game Uncharted 3. SodaHead has both the actual 30-second commercial plus a 7 minute version of 69-y-o HF playing. 30 Oct 2011 Terry Rawlings (Blade Runner editor), receives the top recognition of Festival Honors at the eDIT 14 Filmmakers Festival in Frankfurt. His work also includes Chariots of Fire and Alien. According to The Hollywood Reporter, The tribute to Rawlings began with video messages from directors�Hugh Hudson�(Chariots of Fire) and�Ridley Scott�(Blade Runner). "Without you,�_Chariots_�wouldn’t have be the film it was," Hudson said. "Editing is an original thing, and you are an original." 26 Oct 2011 Ridley Scott made this post-apocalyptic Ad in 1986. Called "The Deficit Trials: 2017 A.D.", it makes me wonder if they could guess then how bad things would become.... 25 Oct 2011 Boing Boing "Android Dreams: Time-lapse Tokyo Homage to Blade Runner". Samuel Cockedey has created a timelapse video of Tokyo (mostly Shinjuku) as a tribute to Blade Runner and of course used Vangelis BR music for background track. Shot over a year, it is well worth your time. Check Samuel's site for more of his work. 24 Oct 2011 Premiering on Nov 9th on Science Channel in the US, (but no doubt soon available to everyone else), is Prophets of Science Fiction - an eight part series hosted by Sir Ridley Scott. That's right, I said HOSTED. From this Press Release, it looks like some interesting people will be looking at the work and inspirational influence on the Real World of Mary Shelley, H.G. Wells, Philip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Jules Verne, Robert Heinlein and George Lucas. An absolute must-see! 18 Oct 2011 Gizmodo highlighted another site - imagine you could buy an official Lego kit to make a Blade Runner Spinner? If a User-submitted design on Lego Cuusoo gets 10,000 votes, it might just happen. Here is the first Spinner design on the site. 18 Oct 2011 For many a year, Dubai has been on our list of cities that resemble BR LA2019. Gizmodo has some new pics that show why. 12 Oct 2011 If you happen to be going to New York Comic-Con this week, look out for the "Tokyo Blade Runner" final after-party, Oct 16, 9pm at Le Poisson Rouge. Hosted by Dances of Vice, includes concerts by Blush Response and Eva & Her Virgins as well as the Renee Masoomian Latex Fashion Show. "Dress Code: Neon Geisha, Renegade Replicant, Mechanical Doll, Retro Glamour, Femmebot Fatale, Electroglam, Gothic Renaissance, New Romantic, Blitz Kid, Cyberpunk, Electric Witch, Blade Runner Realness…" FB Event link Update: 16Oct11: Well that happened. Some photos: metromix, wetcircuit. 12 Oct 2011 Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid's Tale amongst numerous and varied other novels and perhaps known to you particularly for those dystopian speculative fiction futures, is interviewed in The Atlantic about, "Sci-Fi, Religion, and Her Love of 'Blade Runner'". Her latest book is a non-fiction exploration of Science Fiction: In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination. Atwood draws on her lifelong knowledge and experience of Science Fiction to consider how it might show us the way to a better future. The interview covers "the importance of defining science fiction, the risks of trying to build an ideal society, and the relationship between science fiction and religion". 11 Oct 2011 London's Victoria & Albert Museum has a new exhibition - "Postmodernism: Style and Subversion 1970-1990." With this, the museum explores, "What does postmodernism mean, and where did it come from?" Reviewed in Bloomberg, BR fans may be interested to note the clips of Blade Runner present in the exhibition, plus the strains of Vangelis wafting around. Do read the museum's article about the substance of the exhibition and visit if you can. 11 Oct 2011 Next February, The Visual Effects Society will award Douglas Trumbull the Georges M�li�s Award, which honors individuals who have "pioneered a significant and lasting contribution to the art and/or science of the visual effects industry by way of artistry, innovation and groundbreaking work". He created that light sequence in 2001, worked on Close Encounters, was key in FX on Blade Runner and directed Silent Running and Brainstorm. Current work includes a long sequence depicting the beginning of the Universe in Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life (now on DVD). 10 Oct 2011 Kees van Dijkhuizen has been making video compilations for a while and is currently doing a year of monthly Director profiles. The 9th installment is [The Films of] Ridley Scott. He manages to take Ridley's 19 films and in 3 minutes gives a small but tasty flavour of them. Highlighted (and viewable) in an article at /Film, you can delve into more depth at Kees's site. 10 Oct 2011 Even if he hadn't said, just listening to his music belies the Blade Runner influence. But Kuedo, (aka Jamie Teasdale), does say - in a Guardian interview - how he snuck down at five when his parents put on Blade Runner and its immediate impact on him. In debut solo album Severant, there is much else as well. 06 Oct 2011 Britain in a Day project launched: "A programme capturing life in Britain in a 24-hour period is to be launched as part of the BBC's�Cultural Olympiad." The time capsule of life in Britain on 12 Nov 2011 will be put together in conjunction with Sir Ridley Scott and Scott Free. Ridley says, "Our aim for this new project is to get everyone behind the lens and give us a window onto one day in Britain." 04 Oct 2011 Another new TV show that will probably interest you is a SyFy production based on the short story turned into a film: The Adjustment Bureau. (Another paranoid SF fantasy that originated from the pen of Philip K. Dick.) 03 Oct 2011 If you know your BR background, you know the French Heavy Metal comic was an influence on BR, so be excited about TV series Metal Hurlant Chronicles, now with Rutger Hauer joining the cast. Other cast announced are Scott Adkins, Michael Jai White, Joe Flanigan and James Marsters, all of whom you've probably seen in other SF. Two 12-ep seasons are being filmed, to be shown on TV next year. Trailer 1. Trailer 2. 28 Sep 2011 The jackets and coats you might be wearing in 2019 ... or today, if you want! DVICE shows two fashion vids for ACRONYM (directed by Ken-Tonio Yamamoto) with "Blade Runner-esque" clothes and style. 28 Sep 2011 Indiewire highlights "New Teaser Trailer For “Soul Man” (The “Blade Runner” Meets Blaxploitation Animated Project)" - a rather curious thing. Watched the trailer, but still cannot decide yet what I think about this film. 22 Sep 2011 Future Earth, robots used for labour in Space, but outlawed on Earth, detective on the job - yes, it is the plot for The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov, now to be made into a movie. It is a murder mystery and the victim is the 'Spacer' ambassador trying to get Earth's anti-robot laws relaxed. An advanced human-looking Spacer robot gets to assist solving the case. But this is being made by 20th Century Fox who made lots of money off I, Robot even though it was not a great film, so don't get over-excited. 22 Sep 2011 Milan Fashion Week has opened and "Gucci celebrates 90 years with nod to Blade Runner" according to The Independent. Looking at the Fall RTW collection at Gucci's site, I can definitely see Rachael shopping there! 21 Sep 2011 Syd Mead, "Visual Futurist" for Blade Runner, talks to NPR about designing the future in movies ("Syd Mead, Still Designing The Future After 50 Years"). Notably how technologies from near-future movies are coming true around us. (5 minute audio interview) 15 Sep 2011 "The enduring appeal of Blade Runner" is a piece at Fotorater that summarizes how 'pain' - of story and of creation turned BR into a classic Science Fiction Film. 14 Sep 2011 Good Douglas Trumbull interview at Little White Lies. The "special effects legend" talks about his career, including a few interesting details about his BR experience, including how he came to be involved. 12 Sep 2011 Not sure if you want to know, but "Babe Runner - Trailer for the Blade Runner porn parody - SFW" 11 Sep 2011 According to hardwareheaven, Hard Reset is another game with "the aesthetic and characteristics of a Blade Runner style city." 11 Sep 2011 In Fashion Week, someone WILL make a Blade Runner reference about something. Stylebistro steps up... 07 Sep 2011 If you need a break from playing the Cyberpunk Deus Ex: Human Revolution, why not slip in a DVD of your fave Cyberpunk movie to keep the mood going? has the obvious list. 07 Sep 2011 WhatCulture! picks their Top 10 Best and Worst movie adaptations. Of course we know where BR falls - though as noted, it is not strictly faithful to the source. As always, I recommend you read the book, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick, which is a different, but still compelling experience. 02 Sep 2011 John Digweed (UK electronic dance music meister) talks to Miami New Times. Would you be surprised to learn that the BR soundrack is his favourite? No, me neither. 31 Aug 2011 io9 reports on a Blade Runner "Behind the scenes" film from 1982 made for the convention circuit. Great film ... but it IS on Disc 4 of both the 4 and 5 disc Collector's Editions of Blade Runner. Original article video deleted, but can still be found on Vimeo or YouTube if you haven't yet got your Blade Runner Final Cut Boxed Set... 30 Aug 2011 Jonathan Jacques-Belletete, art director for the Cyberpunk game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, talks to about it's creation. Notable are his thoughts on how to make the visuals, while trying to avoid reproducing the iconic Blade Runner that defines that look. For inspiration he turned to the Renaissance and fashion designers influenced by that period but creating avant-garde clothes. OLDER NEWS "Blade Runner fully and richly deserves its reputation. It is simply one of the most extraordinary films ever made." - BBC Online "The film is great on every level: the poignant screenplay about man's futile quest for immortality; Scott's tremendous direction; the incredible, futuristic sets designed by Lawrence G. Paull, Syd Mead and others; the phenomenal special effects; and the touching performances, especially from Hauer, a replicant fighting against the ebbing of his life. His swan song is one of the most touching in modern movie history." - Desson Howe (Washington Post) "Ridley Scott's science fiction classic is an absolute masterpiece" - Candid Critic Welcome to the Home of Blade Runner! Here you will find the ultimate Blade Runner FAQ, latest Blade Runner news and views. Read about Deckard, Rachael, Roy, Pris and the other BR characters. Find out about the Game. Read fan fiction and the Blade Runner Comic. Find similar movies or books about Bladerunner and much more! BR NewsHeadlinesBRmoviecom on Twitter "Ridley Scott's film remains the defining vision of futuristic science fiction." - Cinescape Online The old a.f.b-r Roll Call. Please enjoy looking around and do drop me a line if you have any corrections, changes or new stuff to add to the site or you just want to leave a comment. "A rare masterpiece in both the sci-fi and noir genres." - "Looking back, it is clear that Scott's film was years ahead of its time." - The Reel Site Click for Ray Kurzweil message to a.f.b-r Click for Ray Kurzweil message to a.f.b-r "Many films can lay claim to being influential, some are even considered landmark moments. Ridley Scott's staggering science-fiction epic Blade Runner is, however, in a league of its own. It is worlds apart from a lot of science fiction made in the last few decades." - Special Reserve Eye eye eyeClick�me! "Flaws and all, it is a minor masterpiece at the least, and anyone looking for a real science fiction film of truly serious intent should go see it." - Norman Spinrad, Starlog #64, November 1982 "It is a prophetic and emotional tale that stands as one of the most original and intelligent science fiction films ever made." - Apollo Guide Download the Blade Runner fonts from our Downloads section "Blade Runner stands as a tough, idiosyncratic, and highly original vision of the future that asks meaningful questions about the nature of being human." - TV Guide Online