Bruiser Brody by Emerson Murray, edited by Scott Teal (original) (raw)

Acknowledgements Foreword by Stan Hansen

Contradictions, Exaggerations, and Downright Lies
Bruiser Brody: A man of many facets ... Separating the truth from the fiction ... The king of hardcore

Meet Bruiser Brody
An overview of Bruiser Brody

1 Childhood
Growing up in Warren, Michigan ... Little League football ... The Frank Goodish family ... Neighborhood football ... Love-hate relationship ... First arrest ... Football, basketball and hockey ... Football scholarships

2 Outlaws
Iowa State University ... The Tight Five ... Promise, promises ... ... Joining a fraternity ... Defending a frat brother recruit ... Money under the bed ... Caught by security in a girl's dorm ... Wayne State University ... West Texas State University ... Coach Joe Kerbel ... Redshirted with Dusty Rhodes ... Meeting "The Gypsy," his future first wife ... First meeting with Stan Hansen ... Homemade Valentine's Day card ... Bouncing at the Reveler Nightclub ... Chopping down a tree

3 Football and Wedding Bells
The Continental Football League ... First wedding: no cake, no party, no reception ... Playing football for the San Antonio Toros ... Barbells in the street ... Passing freshman English ... Peanut butter and mashed banana sandwiches ... The San Antonio Health Club ... Dirty Dan the Barbell Man ... The antique exercise machine ... Confrontation with the owner of the Toros ... Sports writer for the San Antonio Express ... Traded to the Monterrey Golden Aztecs ... Beer for breakfast ... Potatoes in the manhole ... The gay waiters ... Traded to the Odessa Rufneks ... Writing for the Midland Reporter-Telegram ... The Washington Redskins training camp ... Frank charms Marie's divorce lawyer ... Furniture in the swimming pool ... Introduction to steroids

4 Jimmy Hoffa
Ivan Putski convinces Frank to try pro wrestling ... Second meeting with Stan Hansen ... "The fan in the seats" ... Frank Goodish makes his debut in Dallas ... Fritz von Erich takes a shine to Frank Goodish ... World Class Wrestling ... Frank goes to Louisiana ... Mixed tag team match ... Goodish and Hansen form a tag team ... Killer Karl Kox and tuna fish ... Bill Watts' opinion of Frank Goodish ... Frank and Bobby Jaggers at Waffle House ... Goodish's push is crushed by Art Nelson ... Repackaged ... The King of the American Hippies ... Frank loses a shoe ... Drinking Rhodes and Murdoch under the table ... Trapped in an apartment for three days (with two girls) ... Killer Kowalski makes a phone call to New York

5 Good Cop, Bad Cop
Frank Goodish goes to New York and the WWWF ... Bruiser Brody makes his debut ... Wrestling Bruno Sammartino ... First confrontation with Jose Gonzales ... Verbal dispute with Gorilla Monsoon ... Playboy Gary Hart, Brody's booking agent ... Making a name for himself in Texas ... Good cop, bad cop ... A trip to Australia and meeting his second wife

6 The Intelligent Monster
Becoming a big star in Japan ... Unbeatable ... Training with Mark Lewin

7 King Kong vs. The Bruiser
Bruiser Brody becomes King Kong Brody ... Wrestling Dick the Bruiser ... Jealousy rears its ugly head ... Never make a comeback on King Kong Brody ... Brody and Miss Bunny ... Behind the scenes of the Bruiser-Brody lockerroom fight ... Back to Texas

8 New Attitude
Unwarranted confrontation with Pat O'Connor ... Fired by Paul Boesch ... First match against Abdullah the Butcher ... Harley Race warning to Nick Bockwinkel goes unheeded ... No assigned seats on the bus! ... Teaming with Jimmy Snuka and Stan Hansen ... Fritz von Erich's kids kill the San Antonio territory ... The origin of Jim Duggan's 2x4 ... Joe Blanchard gets swindled ... Brody begins controlling his own destiny ... Gary Hart's overview of Brody's worth to the business ... Bruiser Brody vs Ric Flair ... Brody's sport coat ... Brody and the wheelchair ... Brody's commitment to fundraisers and charities ... The birthday party ... The National Wrestling Alliance address book ... Promoters are the enemy!

9 Killer Heels
Wrestling for Sam Muchnick in St. Louis ... Harley Race's compares Brody and Dick Murdoch ... Brody as NWA world champion according to Harley Race ... Brody's partnership with Larry Matysik ... Brody and Hansen wrestle (briefly) in the Carolinas ... The Missing Link

10 Puerto Rico
Brody's first tour of Puerto Rico ... Carlos Colon comments on Brody ... Major riots in Trinidad ... Brody's relationship with Victor Quinones ... Fighting for your money in Puerto Rico ... Brody pays back Bob Geigel for a bad payoff ... Brody gives advice to Kamala ... Brody shoots with Ric Flair, then they wrestle for an hour ... The death of David von Erich ... David von Erich's funeral

11 Red River Jack
Working in the AWA for Verne Gagne ... Vader's first three opponents ... Brody "breaks" Vader's leg ... Brody shoots with Verne Gagne ... Brody's opinion of promoters ... Beating Verne Gagne to the punch ... Brody jumps to New Japan ... Brody and Killer Brooks refuse to do the job ... Brody whacks Yatsu and Choshu with his chain ... Tim Brooks' first-hand account of the incident ... One Man Gang ... Brody and Mark Lewin kill the San Antonio territory ... Bruiser Brody vs Antonio Inoki ... Brody stands up for Jimmy Snuka ... New booker for WCCW ... Confronation with Tony Atlas ... Texas Red makes his debut against Bruiser Brody ... The true origin of the Undertaker ... Behind the scenes of the Brody-Lex Luger incident ... Lex Luger tells his side of the story ... Jim Crockett panics ... Red River Jack, personal friend of Bruiser Brody ... Brody returns to All Japan ... Brody wrestles Stan Hansen, his tag team partner

12 The Wildman from the Sudan
Bruiser Brody vs Abdullah the Butcher ... Abdullahs' memories of his first encounter with Brody ... Brody versus Abdullah in a cage! ... Brody-Abdullah win-loss record

13 The Rebel
Bruiser Brody, as seen by those who knew him best

14 If Heaven Ain't A Lot Like Dixie
Bruiser Brody's last tour of Puerto Rico ... Bruiser Brody versus the Angel of Death ... Carlos Colon verbally attacks Brody ... A comprehensive listing of events leading up to Brody's death ... Brody and Jose Gonzales as a tag team ... Gonzales invites Brody to talk in the shower stall ... The scream! ... Tony Atlas protects Brody and warns Colon to stay away ... The chest wound ... The long wait for help ... What happened in the hospital ... Bruiser Brody dies in the hospital ... Lies and subterfuge ... Mass exodus from Puerto Rico ... The trial � more lies and subterfuge

15 Coroner's Report

16 Replay
Incidents that took place following Brody's death ... Atsushi Onita and the stabbing angle

17 Legacy
Final thoughts on Bruiser Brody
