(original) (raw)

Reception of the Kyoto Prize November 10th 2021

Medal and certificate of the prize Japanese Style

Suite des ateliers Où atterrir

Retour sur les récits d'enquêtes
Saint Junien janvier 2021

Opening Critical Zones


May 2020

Virtual Opening of the Show

Moving Earths Nanterre

Nanterre Les Amandiers

Décembre 2019

"Moving Earths" lecture-performance

Consortium Où atterrir?

Mégisserie Saint-Junien

Février 2020

Launching of the 'Where to Land" workshop

On the difficulty of seeing the Earth

"Inside" a lecture-performance
3rd attractor

The 4 curators

Opening of Reset Modernity!
on the stage set of Powers of Ten

Le joli mois de mai

Théâtre des négociations

27-31 mai 2015

La négociation dans la salle transformable des Amandiers

Anthropocene Monument

Octobre 2014
Les Abattoirs
Adam Lowe

Banquet for the reception of the Holberg Prize

Bergen Hakkon Hall
5th of June 2013

News & Logs

Bruno Latour is one of the leading figures in Social Sciences today, but his contributions are also widely recognised in the arts. His theories ‘...

Posted: June 2, 2022

In a highly detailed interview, renowned French philosopher and political scientist Bruno Latour sets out his thoughts on the climate crisis as well...

Posted: June 2, 2022

Never let a good crisis go to waste Published in an edited version with a silly title on the 25th of December 2021 There is a moment when a never-...

Posted: December 26, 2021

Après le prix Holberg en 2013, BL reçoit le très prestigieux prix Kyoto donné par une fondation japonaise. Il a ét...

Posted: June 22, 2021

The Critical Zones show is open again for visitors, after having been accessible only through digital means, until January 2021 at ZKM Karlsruhe....

Posted: June 3, 2021

“How to remain Human in the Wrong Space? A comment on a dialog by Carl Schmitt” Critical Inquiry Vol 47 Summer 2021 pp. 699-718. To...

Posted: June 3, 2021

The streaming can be accessed by Cartier's site on facebook When I first entered Sarah Sze’s New York studio space in October 2016, I...

Posted: November 5, 2020

Books & Edited Volumes

(XVIII) 2021

Date: September 2021
Publisher: Polity Press
Translator(s): Julie Rose
Language: English

After the harrowing experience of the pandemic and the lockdowns, both states and individuals have been searching for ways to exit the crisis, hoping to return as soon as possible to 'the world as it...

(C-xii) 2020

Publisher: Cini Foundation
Language: English
Accessible on line:
ISBN 9788896445228

“Do you remember the Aesopian Fable of the Belly and the Members, or the letter of Paul to the Corinthians about the Body and the Church, or The Fable of the Bees by Mandeville, or the somewhat...

(c-X) 2020


Date: May 2020
Publisher: MIT Press
Editors: Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel

You want me to land on Earth? Why? — Because you’re hanging in midair, headed for a crash. — How is it down there? — Pretty tense. — A war zone? — Close: a Critical Zone, a few kilometers thick,...