Cherona biography, discography, songs, lyrics, remixes and more! (original) (raw)

Cherona is a bubblegum dance-pop group from Germany. The group was cast by the children's television station Super RTL, and is made up of members Vicky, David, Milla and Enrico. Their music is very similar in style to Banaroo and BeFour, and they are created by the same people. Cherona are also known for their modern covers of bubblegum dance songs, including's "Dragonfly" and "Golden Sky", and Passion Fruit's "Rigga-Ding-Dong-Song".

Cherona's debut single "Ching Chang Chong" was released on April 24, 2009, and peaked at number #36 in the German Top 100. Their album "Sound Of Cherona" was released a few months later, and a second single "Rigga-Ding-Dong-Song" followed. Production was done by Elephant Music, who previously produced Passion Fruit in 2000. Cherona hasn't had any releases since 2009, suggesting that the group disbanded sometime around 2010.


The members of Cherona were:

History / Name Origin

A screenshot of the official Cherona Website ( as it appeared in 2009.

The following information was translated from Cherona's official Web site which is in German.

The group Cherona was formed for the children's television station Super RTL. The aim was to find a group of young people to form a new children's pop group for a new TV show, chronicling the success of the group. Talentscouts entered Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands and searched through over 850 young artists and dancers to find the lucky four. Enrico, Vicky, Milla and David were the most impressive. They are now Cherona.

The name "Cherona" originated at the final casting, primarily to Enrico who arrived with an art fur around his neck, a knatsch pink shedding attire and multicoloured decoration. People thought he looked like a Cherokee Indian. The members decided "Cherokee" was a bit too out there, and it was David's idea to call the band "Cherona". He reminded of the fact that one must be able to cry the name of the band - "Cheeeeronaaaaaa!" And so the name stuck.

Cherona are the protagonists of the successful TV series “Cherona - The Star Diary”. The success story starts live in the program of SUPER RTL on 20 April at 16.10 o'clock. Cherona is similar to BeFour in which the two groups were both created for the purpose of a TV show.

Member Biographies

Below is some information about each of the members, as translated from their official Web site (which is in German).


Birthday: 24th July 1986

Nickname: Keinen

Resident: Berlin

Hair colour: Blonde

Eye colour: Blue

Height: 179cm

Special signs: The only thing that occurs to me is on the face I have some birthmarks … and some freckles. Most can be removed, but I find that special.

Hobbies: - Play evenings with friends, together computer play, maps, Monopoly and together cook

- I cook / cheek in general with pleasure for other (for itself it does no fun

- Drawing, dancing and singing, whenever I can

- DVDs lend (has seen up to now already hundreds of films and to see all films of this world to me carried out once *haha *)

My purposes: My motto is: Every person should make the world with his life a little better. And this is also my purpose. With him what I can serve, a little to change the world. And if I may exercise an occupation with which I can realize my dream, is already after the purpose!

Quirks: - A bad habit has to me to leave empty yoghurt mugs, don't know why (laugh)

- I mix now and again English words in my usage, because I like the English language totally and to me some words on English faster occur than in German

- As soon as music runs I must join in the singing. It goes for the people in my surroundings on the mind that I can do always the text from all by heart. Even if the song is 10 years old. Such a thing stores my brain after 3x monitor and forgets never again it. I find it fantastically :-)

- For it I was always badly in mathematics and could never notice to me formulae or figures.

- I believe I sometimes talk too much and too fast! (some say, in any case). But I find it importantly to inform itself and to communicate and will have to say probably always a lot. PS: By the way, I write I also believe again too much, ha-ha.

- I believe I sometimes talk even in the sleep. Because I only sleep anyhow, indeed, it gets nobody. But my sister has told to me that I have often acted earlier.

Favourite bands: Destiny's Child (3 powerful voices, 3 sexy girls, what one wants more?!) one will find rose pride, MIA, clover (what concerns German texts unbeatable for me), ABBA (the music in 100 years still good), Tokyo hotel (All the same whether I to me with it friends or enemies does *haha*. I like the tape less for the music ..., however, the boys are incredibly successful - the Beatles of 2000-and for it get them my respect) Evanescence (bissl sombre music, but I found for some time very well), The Cranberries (mega great voice of the front woman), The Corrs (a little bit in Irish, a lot of violin, nicely to the Chillen, fantastically)

Favourite songs: The most difficult question here, because I have no certain music taste. Gives so many good songs which I like. It are topical this:

James Morrison feat. Nelly Furtado – Broken of string

Lily to All – The Fear

Beyoncé – Lost of yo' mind

Beyoncé - forecastle up

Leona Lewis – Forgive me

here a few songs which I can always hear:

Leona Lewis – Bleeding Love;

Timberland, Justin T. and Nelly F . – Give it 2 me

Destiny's Child – Loose micron breath

Rihanna – Umbrella / Please do not stop the music

Amy Mc Donald – This is the life

Beyoncé – Irreplaceable

Amy Winehouse – forecastle to Black

Lady Gaga – Precisely dance

Fedde le grandee – Put your hands up

4 Non blond - What's up

Sinéad O'Connor – Nothing compares to you

The Verve – Bitterly sweet symphony

Tracy Chapman – Almost car

MC Solaar – La barks et le bad boy

What I hate: - Prejudices and stereotypes, things like „ typically man, typically woman “ or statistics which want to teach the "average" to one.

- I find it bad if one is put on the basis of qualities or outward appearances in a drawer or has other towards prejudices.

- Every person is unique, varied and can every now and then unexpectedly and one should take the time from himself always to get to know somebody, before one generally judges.

- Envy, jealousy, pessimism, uncertainty and unpunctuality

- To know that almost everything what tastes tasty thickly does:)

- Mushrooms in all variations

- If people get pointlessly drunk and become aggressive (alcohol, drugs)

- The people who watch the whole day fiercely and are rottenly on it

Favourite films: I like horror films very much. (The Saw row or Halloween), Mr. And Mrs. Smith, Cracked – Girl interrupted, Wanted, (one notices I is Angelina Jolie fan), KeinOhrHasen (Till Schweiger), the stranger in you (Jodie Foster), Flightplan (Jodie Foster)

Fav TV Shows: Desperate Housewives (made good, multi-layered and exciting series); the Simpsons (with it I have grown up), Spongebob (for my age unusual, but one also must sometimes child his *haha *)

Favourite food: I love sushi and eat with pleasure Chinese food. Otherwise there are simply too many tasty things in this world! What I like not at all: Döner

Wishes: - Mit Cherona my biggest wish has gone, actually, already to fulfilment. To spend every day with music, dancing and people whom I can maintain, the biggest is for me in the life!

- Of course successfully and so well it goes be in him what I do and that I am always ready to give my best.

- The fact that it to my family and the people whom I love and me surround always goes well.

- The fact that my both grandmas would still live, I lack them very much.

- The fact that the people live more "with each other", instead of so often "mutually".

- To respect others and to accept as well as they are is more important than everything always only to "tolerate".

What I like: - As the people were a world championship in Germany to the football. So much cohesion would be also quite great without football.

- People observe in the subway. Nowhere one experiences, otherwise, so different person on narrow space, there one has the life directly before the nose.

- A nice bubble bath - best of all with music and candles. Then one gets out me no more of the tub! :-)

- If it is raining really really go out into the streets and become wet if take shelter other somewhere.

- Smells: Fresh ground Kaffe which lies smell of fireworks of the New Year's Eves over the streets, a wood after rain or freshly washed bedclothes.

- Bread with cheese and raspberry jam on it

- friendly services (in the cash or in the restaurant)

- das lustige Gefühl nach einem Kinofilm als habe man selbst mitgespielt

- Menschen, die viel lachen und positive Energie ausstrahlen

- jemandem in die Augen sehen und genau wissen was er denkt

- zu wissen, dass man von jemandem gemocht/geliebt wird, so wie man ist

- durch Lieder an Momente erinnert zu werden bis man weinen oder lachen muss

- die Gewissheit, dass die schönsten Dinge im Leben mit Geld nicht zu kaufen sind.

Whom I would get to know with pleasure: Get to know every day with pleasure new people who must not be famous, because it also brings always a piece of experience same.

However, I would hit, nevertheless, with pleasure sometimes:

- To say Angelina Jolie around her: Forget Brad Pitt and take me!:-)

- To say Celine Dion around her what has you for a great personality!

- To say the new president of America (Obama) around him that I believe in him and hope that he moves what in the world positively.

- Anke Engelke because you are so changeable and bring me every time to the laughter.

- Beyoncé Knowles because fell me her live appearances every time, she is incredibly strongly, wonderfully and an unbelievable inspiration.

- Zac Efron and the High School musical Jungs and girl because dance sing, act exactly my world is!

- And Amy Winehouse. Their voice is unique in this world. Finger away from the drugs, so that we still have long what of you!

Favourite town: Was able to say up to now in only to few around this, but I like cities like Berlin! I might with pleasure sometimes to New York.

Favorite place: I am on the move with pleasure to see over and over again the new. Otherwise, however, anyway my bed. Sleep is luxury and it nothing gives nicer than the comfortable bed at home where one can stay and feel fine.

Favourite instrument: Violin (because it soulful as well as can be sounding like rock) I myself has had sometimes guitars lessons.

Favourite animal: Have there no certain darling. My dog maybe :-) likes Otherwise I exotic animals which there in Germany is not as for example to parrots

In my childhood I had from sea pigs about fish and birds everything in our garden! Cats are also amusing beings because one can educate you not really. It is exciting over and over again! I myself have a Golden retriever which calls Dexter!


Birthday: 12th August 1991

Nickname: Vicky

Resident: Gevelsberg (Deutschland)

Hair colour: Deep brown

Eye colour: Brown

Height: 1.59 m

Hobbies: Sing, dancing, shopping, phoning

Quirks: curiously, a lot talk

My purposes: will do a successful singer or an education in the actress

Favourite bands: Evanescence, PCD und viele mehr

Favourite songs: Britney Spears “Stronger”, Rihanna “Cry”/”Umbrella”, Jessica Simpson “Irresistible”, Celine Dion “My Heart Will Go On”

What I hate: cold weather

Favourite films: Titanic, Honey, Raise your Voice

Fav TV Shows: GZSZ

Favourite food: Noodles

Wishes: Be happy and healthy

What I like: With my friends hit and have a lot of fun, laugh a lot

Whom I would get to know with pleasure: Leonardo DiCaprio, Celine Dion

Favourite town: Berlin

Favorite place: Griechenland

Favourite instrument: Guitar

Favourite animal: Monkey


Birthday: 1st December 1983

Nickname: Milla

Resident: Berlin

Hair colour: Deep brown

Eye colour: Brown

Height: 170 cm

Myspace URL:

Hobbies: Music (hear, sing, play, do, dance), traveling, sport float (different kinds)

Quirks: I know of none, this can be judged by others better.

My purposes: 100% of achievement in that what I do; to join in in an action film like Tomb Raider or agent 007

Favourite bands: U2, Gosti iz Budushchego, The Pussycat Dolls

Favourite songs: Chervona Ruta, Hurt, If I ain’t got you, Listen

What I hate: Egoism, laziness, indifference, war, drugs

Favourite films: Honey, Troya, Titanic, the date doctor

Fav TV Shows: Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, Wildfire, Desperate Housewives

Favourite food: That of my mummy

Wishes: The fact that that for what I have planned goes to fulfilment. To find my regulation and to fulfil

What I like: To others to do a joy, to do presents. The sun, beach and sea

Whom I would get to know with pleasure: Bono, Victoria Beckham

Favourite town: Berlin

Favorite place: At home

Favourite instrument: Piano

Favourite animal: Dog


Birthday: 2nd November 1987

Nickname: Enno, Coco, Schoko or Rico

Resident: Hannover, Münster

Hair colour: Chestnut

Eye colour: Chestnut

Height: 1,80m

Special signs: My hair! If they are long again and my laughter …

Myspace URL:

Hobbies: Dancing, singing, to actors, shopping, food, times / drawing (even if I can do it net soooo)

Quirks: Morning muzzle (except if the sun appears) If I hunger has I am mostly also crusty. To dance mostly, where I am

My purposes: To realize my dreams: Job, career and family

Favourite bands: Pussycat Dolls, Monrose, Jackson Five, Harlem gospel song Singing uvm … I does not fix me there really to a volume or direction.

Favourite songs: Oh Happy Day

What I hate: Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, racism, lies, coffee, food of the day before

Favourite films: Sister Act 1-2, Die Farbe Lila, Dreamgirls, Schindlers Liste

Fav TV Shows: Charmed, Lady Kracher

Favourite food: Frying pan cakes, waffles, Maccheroni with scampi, Calamaris, buttermilk soup and Döner

Wishes: The fact that my dreams go to fulfilment, start once for Germany with the Grand Prix, with Britney take up a song, and a wellness hotel in Ghana, yes!

What I like: Food, shopping, people and apartments, vacation, hard for my purpose works

Whom I would get to know with pleasure: Whoopie Goldberg (there she resembles of my Mom), Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake

Favourite town: I love New York

Favorite place: Münster (however, must live I there net more)

Favourite instrument: However, piano (only unfortunately, it cannot play still comes …)

Favourite animal: Zebra, lion, dogs

After Cherona

Cherona assumably disbanded around 2009/2010. In November 2009, Vicky Chassioti made her solo debut with the stage name Vicky Chase covering the Banaroo song "Coming Home for Christmas". The single was released on 20 November 2009 through Na klar! Records. Her first album, Stop Talking, was released on 4 June 2010.

Since early 2011 to 2021, Milla Rock sung in the Ukrainian-Canadian rock band Zapovid from Toronto. Zapovid has played at numerous events and festivals in Canada and United States with bands like Mad Heads XL, Los Colorados, Horpyna, Kozak System, and Mandry.

Biography edited by: Mitch

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