CDC - NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards -

Cesium hydroxide (original) (raw)

Synonyms & Trade Names

Cesium hydrate, Cesium hydroxide dimer

DOT ID & Guide

2682 157
2681 154(solution)

Physical Description

Colorless or yellowish, crystalline solid. [Note: Hygroscopic (i.e., absorbs moisture from the air).]

Incompatibilities & Reactivities

Water, acids, CO2, metals (e.g., Al, Pb, Sn, Zn), oxygen [Note: CsOH is a strong base, causing the generation of considerable heat in contact with water or moisture.]

Exposure Routes

inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact


irritation eyes, skin, upper respiratory system; eye, skin burns

Target Organs

Eyes, skin, respiratory system

Personal Protection/Sanitation

(See protection codes)
**Skin:**Prevent skin contact
**Eyes:**Prevent eye contact
**Wash skin:**When contaminated
**Remove:**When wet or contaminated
**Provide:**Eyewash, Quick drench

First Aid

(See procedures)
**Eye:**Irrigate immediately
**Skin:**Water flush immediately
**Breathing:**Respiratory support
**Swallow:**Medical attention immediately

Respirator Recommendations