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Consolidated Energy Consultants Ltd (CECL) is one of the top rated major consultants group providing comprehensive technical services to the field of Renewable Energy Sources mainly Wind Energy. CECL has been actively associated with domain of Wind Power generation via activities such as wind resource assessment to planning and implementation of Wind Power Projects. It has been the most trusted organisation with a vast experience of over 30 years with an equally huge contribution to this domain across 450+ projects. CECL has been working closely with the government also to take forward the Wind Power generation through advisories and policy formulation.

Our Services

As one of the prime Wind Energy consultants in India, CECL offers a wide range of Wind Energy services. This includes: Site Identification, Wind Resource Assessment, Micro-siting, Energy estimation, Validation, Feasibility studies, Detailed Project Report preparation, Design and Engineering, etc. CECL also provides services of Due diligence, procurement and contracting, Project management, Monitoring etc.

Our Assignments

CECL has worked for a large variety of clients which include International Agencies, Government agencies - both Central and State, Public Sector Undertakings, Financial Institutions, Private Companies. IPPs and WEG Manufacturers.

Green Field Sites Identified For Future Growth

Our Clients

CECL has worked for a large variety of clients which include

International Agencies, Government agencies - both Central and State, Public Sector Undertakings, Financial Institutions, Private Companies. IPPS and WEG Manufacturers.


Since the time the Micro-siting and Energy Yield Assessment Report was prepared by CECL for our Wind Power Project, we have completed almost one year of operation and are pleased to note that the actual generation at site is very much close to the estimated generation in the report. Despite a big difference in the height of Met-masts where data is collected and the hub height of the proposed WEGs, the estimation was done with much precision and accuracy.

We appreciate the sincere efforts and would like to thank each and every one of your team members involved in the preparation of our report.

MSPL Limited

The assignment was successfully and satisfactorily completed.

Asian Development Bank

We are pleased to put on record that the assignment was successfully executed by the CECL within schedule to our satisfaction.

DLF Ltd.

We would like to place on record the appreciation for the commendable work done by the staff of CECL and professional way the management has organised all the activities related to the assignment. This has resulted in timely and successful completion of the assignment.

Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd.

We are appreciative of the commendable work done in a professionally dignified way by the personnel of CECL

Suzlon Energy Ltd.

Your engineers provided commendable services with their supervision during the work of construction, erection and commissioning of the project. All aspects were taken care of properly.


Our Initiatives