Central Bank – Umntsholi wemaswati (original) (raw)

Exchange rates

Stock Price Change % Chart (24H) Last Updated
USD/ZARZAR=X E17.10 0.39% 5 mins ago
GBP/ZARGBPZAR=X E22.85 0.75% 5 mins ago
CAD/ZARCADZAR=X E12.66 0.63% 5 mins ago
EUR/ZAREURZAR=X E19.09 0.51% 12 hours ago
CHF/ZARCHFZAR=X E20.36 0.30% 2 days ago
JPY/ZARJPYZAR=X E0.1203 1.52% 2 days ago

Exchange rates are published as indications only.

Core functions

Bank rate (%)

September 2024

Prime rate (%)

September 2024

Inflation (%)

August 2024



Have you made a formal complaint with your bank and exhausted all available redress options? Has your complaint been resolved? Still unhappy? No need to worry!
PRODUCT OFFERED BY YOUR BANK? is here for you. Read More Slide
We investigate and resolve your dispute through a fair and effective process - free of chargeRead More WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU Read More Slide
Register a complaint directly to the complaint redress department in your bank. If the complaint remains unresolved, you can then send your complaint by email: ombudsman@centralbank.org.sz, or post your letter (written in English or Siswati) to: P. O. Box 546 Mbabane, or have it hand delivered to the Central Bank of Eswatini, Mbabane. You can also call us at 2408 2274.HOW TO LODGE A COMPLAINT Read More Read More Slide
We assist anyone with an unresolved complaint with their bank; be it individuals, small businesses, associations, cooperatives. We consider most types of bank related complaints. We do not give advice about banking-related matters. We do not investigate matters which are pending in other legal forums (e.g. Court) there may be exceptions. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Read More Read More Slide
You need to tell us the product or service you are complaining about, what you think the bank has done wrong and how this has affected you. You also need to provide any relevant documentation and what you want your bank or Ombudsman office to do about it. WHAT YOU NEED TO TELL US Read More Read More phone +268 2408 2274 CENTRAL BANK OF ESWATINI OMBUDSMAN email ombudsman@centralbank.org.sz