CerebusFanGirl Site: Pictures & Wallpaper (original) (raw)

Pictures, clip art and wallpapers

For wallpapers of different Cerebus covers, sketches, etc. just click here.

Click on the thumbnail for the full size picture. All art work and Cerebus is copyrighted 2000 by Dave Sim and Gerhard.

Surprised Cerebus Fighting Cerebus Most Holy Barbarian Cerebus Debating Cerebus Dressed Up Cerebus
Cerebus Forgives, Most Holy Doesn't Original Logo Red Sophia Posey Weishaupt My Tattoo Regency Elf Barbarian Cerebus #2
Barbarian Cerebus #3 Angry Cerebus Fuzzy Sweater Cerebus Rabbi!


Here is some art that could be used in flyers to promote Cerebus.

Women Love Him! Time For A Change Campaign Cerebus Sold Here
Promo Print: A promo art print handed out at the TorontoCon in Feb 1978.

If you have any scans that you'd like to share with the rest of us, please email them to me.