Scientology Marriage Officers Approved in South Africa (original) (raw)

TEL: 012 314-8646

FAX: 012 321-5110

31 March 2000 REF: 13/1/5/4/1

Mr P Sondergaard

Director of External Affairs

Church of Scientology in South Africa

P.O. Box 1924



Dear Mr Sondergaard

Your request dated 24 February 2000, and all subsequent correspondence in the above regard, has reference.

I now have pleasure in informing you that the Constitution of your organisation has been approved. The relevant study material for submission to the prospective marriage officers will be mailed to you in due course. They will be expected to write a test on the contents of the Marriage Act and the relevant procedures at the offices indicated on your application.

The approval of your organisation’s marriage formulas will also be submitted to the Minister for his approval. Although this is only a formality it is quite a time consuming task and you will be informed of the outcome in due course.

Should you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to call me at the above telephone number.

Yours faithfully



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