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1."Neijiaquan" is said to have been created by Zhang Sanfeng, Taoist hermit from Wudang Mountains, was a style famous in 17th century and recorded by Huang Baijia (1634-?, student of Wang Zhengnan, Neijiaquan expert) in his "Neijia Boxing Method". The style, although very rare, is still practiced mainly in Sichuan province.

**2.**Styles that are based on Neigong (Internal Skill) methods which stress importance of Intent (Yi) and breathing in practice as well as relaxation. The result of practice is "not in over-developed muscles, but in strong and comfortable internal organs" (Zhang Naiqi: "Scientific Internal Boxing", 1936)

**3.**Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and Baguazhang are often referred to as "sister arts" as they share similar principles and stress importance of "Neigong"; they are also often classified into "Wudang cathegory" because of their legendary roots in Taoist temples in Wudang Mountains and because the teachers of these three styles taught within "Wudang Department" in Central Martial Arts Academy set up in Nanjing in 1928

**4.**Neijia as styles based on Peng Jin


The above the definitions of "Neijia" are not exclusive.