Parkersburg, West Virginia (WV 26105) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders (original) (raw)

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Parkersburg, WV map

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Current weather forecast for Parkersburg, WV

Population in 2022: 29,193 (100% urban, 0% rural).
Population change since 2000: -11.8%

Median resident age: 42.1 years
West Virginia median age: 42.9 years

Zip codes: 26105.

Estimated median household income in 2022: 45,343(∗∗itwas∗∗45,343 (it was 45,343(itwas26,990 in 2000)

Parkersburg: $45,343
WV: $54,329

Estimated per capita income in 2022: 28,225(∗∗itwas∗∗28,225 (it was 28,225(itwas16,106 in 2000)

Parkersburg city income, earnings, and wages data

Estimated median house or condo value in 2022: 105,163(∗∗itwas∗∗105,163 (it was 105,163(itwas63,900 in 2000)

Parkersburg: $105,163
WV: $155,100

Mean prices in 2022: all housing units: 129,860;∗∗detachedhouses:∗∗129,860; detached houses: 129,860;detachedhouses:130,415; townhouses or other attached units: 146,221;∗∗in2−unitstructures:∗∗146,221; in 2-unit structures: 146,221;in2unitstructures:18,188; mobile homes: $47,615

Median gross rent in 2022: $741.

March 2022 cost of living index in Parkersburg: 90.5 (less than average, U.S. average is 100)

Parkersburg, WV residents, houses, and apartments details

Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2022: 22.9%
(21.5% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 43.1% for Black residents, 50.8% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 100.0% for Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander residents, 41.1% for two or more races residents)

Detailed information about poverty and poor residents in Parkersburg, WV

Business Profiles

Profiles of local businesses

Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses

Races in Parkersburg detailed stats: ancestries, foreign born residents, place of birth

Crime rates in Parkersburg by year

Type 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Murders(per 100,000) 3(9.5) 1(3.2) 0(0.0) 1(3.2) 0(0.0) 1(3.2) 2(6.5) 4(12.9) 4(13.1) 3(10.0) 1(3.4) 2(6.9) 1(3.5) 5(17.1)
Rapes(per 100,000) 18(57.3) 15(47.6) 25(79.3) 17(53.9) 22(70.5) 14(45.0) 14(45.3) 27(87.3) 31(101.7) 23(76.8) 20(67.8) 29(99.7) 26(90.3) 26(89.1)
Robberies(per 100,000) 21(66.8) 19(60.3) 24(76.1) 22(69.7) 12(38.5) 6(19.3) 10(32.4) 19(61.5) 13(42.7) 17(56.8) 14(47.5) 23(79.0) 16(55.6) 9(30.8)
Assaults(per 100,000) 58(184.6) 177(562.0) 209(662.8) 103(326.4) 95(304.4) 68(218.4) 48(155.4) 157(507.9) 183(600.5) 142(474.4) 74(251.0) 52(178.7) 88(305.6) 89(304.9)
Burglaries(per 100,000) 268(853.0) 203(644.6) 309(980.0) 428(1,356) 347(1,112) 260(835.0) 322(1,043) 372(1,203) 419(1,375) 574(1,918) 343(1,163) 265(910.8) 155(538.3) 110(376.8)
Thefts(per 100,000) 892(2,839) 699(2,220) 896(2,842) 1,203(3,812) 988(3,166) 758(2,434) 678(2,195) 924(2,989) 912(2,993) 1,150(3,842) 1,011(3,429) 911(3,131) 884(3,070) 825(2,826)
Auto thefts(per 100,000) 60(191.0) 38(120.7) 47(149.1) 67(212.3) 57(182.7) 53(170.2) 64(207.2) 79(255.6) 116(380.6) 161(537.9) 103(349.4) 93(319.6) 104(361.2) 76(260.4)
Arson(per 100,000) 13(41.4) 17(54.0) 17(53.9) 26(82.4) 26(83.3) 13(41.7) 10(32.4) 6(19.4) 14(45.9) 22(73.5) 12(40.7) 34(116.9) 31(107.7) 23(78.8) crime index 310.4 318.5 413.0 400.0 347.9 261.3 267.4 440.0 486.9 524.4 372.1 367.5 346.4 336.0

The crime index weighs serious crimes and violent crimes more heavily. Higher means more crime, U.S. average is 246.1. It adjusts for the number of visitors and daily workers commuting into cities.

Click on a table row to update graph crime index in Parkersburg, WV

Crime rate in Parkersburg detailed stats: murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, arson

Full-time law enforcement employees in 2021, including police officers: 79 (67 officers - 66 male; 1 female).

Officers per 1,000 residents here: 2.33
West Virginia average: 1.95

Latest news from Parkersburg, WV collected exclusively by from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations

Ancestries: American (25.0%), English (14.4%), Irish (11.5%), German (10.6%), European (3.1%), Scotch-Irish (2.8%).

Current Local Time: EST time zone

Incorporated on 02/11/1911

Elevation: 649 feet

Land area: 11.8 square miles.

Population density: 2,470 people per square mile (low).

Parkersburg, West Virginia map

416 residents are foreign born

This city: 1.4%
West Virginia: 1.6%

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2022: $989 (0.9%)
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2022: $657 (0.7%)

Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Charleston, WV (63.6 miles , pop. 53,421).

Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: Columbus, OH (92.0 miles , pop. 711,470).

Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: Philadelphia, PA (344.4 miles , pop. 1,517,550).

Nearest cities:

Latitude: 39.27 N**, Longitude:** 81.54 W

Daytime population change due to commuting: +9,694 (+33.0%)
Workers who live and work in this city: 7,790 (63.3%)

Area code: 304

Distribution of median household income in Parkersburg, WV in 2022

Distribution of house value in Parkersburg, WV in 2022

Parkersburg satellite photo by USGS

Parkersburg, West Virginia accommodation & food services, waste management - Economy and Business Data

Single-family new house construction building permits:

Number of permits per 10,000 Parkersburg, WV residents

Average permit cost in Parkersburg, WV

Unemployment in December 2023:

Here: 4.4%
West Virginia: 4.0%

Unemployment by year

Historical population in Parkersburg, WV

Historical housing units in Parkersburg, WV

Most common industries in Parkersburg, WV (%)

Both Males Females

Most common industries in 2000

Most common occupations in Parkersburg, WV (%)

Both Males Females

Most common occupations in 2000

Average climate in Parkersburg, West Virginia

Based on data reported by over 4,000 weather stations

Parkersburg, West Virginia average temperatures Parkersburg, West Virginia average precipitation Parkersburg, West Virginia humidity Parkersburg, West Virginia wind speed Parkersburg, West Virginia snowfall Parkersburg, West Virginia sunshine Parkersburg, West Virginia clear and cloudy days

Parkersburg, West Virginia environmental map by EPA

Air pollution and air quality trends (lower is better)

AQI SO2 Ozone PM2.5

Air Quality Index

Air Quality Index (AQI) level in 2023 was 64.0**. This is about average.**

Particulate Matter Level

Tornado activity:

Parkersburg-area historical tornado activity is slightly above West Virginia state average. It is 59% smaller than the overall U.S. average.

On 4/23/1968**, a** category F5 (max. wind speeds 261-318 mph) tornado 46.9 miles away from the Parkersburg city center killed 7 people and injured 93 people and caused between 500,000∗∗and∗∗500,000 and 500,000and5,000,000 in damages.

On 7/10/2003**, a** category F2 (max. wind speeds 113-157 mph) tornado 3.1 miles away from the city center caused $2 million in damages.

Earthquake activity:

Parkersburg-area historical earthquake activity is significantly above West Virginia state average. It is 19% smaller than the overall U.S. average.

On 8/23/2011 at 17:51:04**, a magnitude** 5.8 (5.8 MW**, Depth:** 3.7 mi**, Class:** Moderate**, Intensity:** VI - VII) earthquake occurred 216.3 miles away from the city center
On 7/27/1980 at 18:52:21**, a magnitude** 5.2 (5.1 MB**,** 4.7 MS**,** 5.0 UK**,** 5.2 UK) earthquake occurred 148.9 miles away from Parkersburg center
On 9/25/1998 at 19:52:52**, a magnitude** 5.2 (4.8 MB**,** 4.3 MS**,** 5.2 LG**,** 4.5 MW**, Depth:** 3.1 mi) earthquake occurred 165.3 miles away from the city center
On 1/31/1986 at 16:46:43**, a magnitude** 5.0 (5.0 MB) earthquake occurred 162.8 miles away from the city center
On 8/9/2020 at 12:07:37**, a magnitude** 5.1 (5.1 MW**, Depth:** 4.7 mi) earthquake occurred 194.6 miles away from Parkersburg center
On 9/7/1988 at 02:28:09**, a magnitude** 4.6 (4.5 MB**,** 4.6 LG**, Class:** Light**, Intensity:** IV - V) earthquake occurred 148.1 miles away from Parkersburg center
Magnitude types: regional Lg-wave magnitude (LG), body-wave magnitude (MB), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)

Natural disasters:

The number of natural disasters in Wood County (15) is near the US average (15).
Major Disasters (Presidential) Declared: 10
Emergencies Declared: 4

Causes of natural disasters: Floods: 8**, Storms:** 7**, Landslides:** 4**, Mudslides:** 3**, Hurricanes:** 2**, Winds:** 2**, Winter Storms:** 2**, Blizzard:** 1**, Snowfall:** 1**, Tornado:** 1**, Other:** 1 (Note: some incidents may be assigned to more than one category).

Parkersburg topographic map

Hospitals in Parkersburg:

Home Health Centers in Parkersburg:

Nursing Homes in Parkersburg:

Airports**,** heliports and other landing facilities located in Parkersburg:

Colleges/Universities in Parkersburg:

Other colleges/universities with over 2000 students near Parkersburg:

Public high schools in Parkersburg:

Private high school in Parkersburg:

Biggest public elementary/middle schools in Parkersburg:

Private elementary/middle schools in Parkersburg:

See full list of schools located in Parkersburg

Library in Parkersburg:

User-submitted facts and corrections:

Points of interest:

Click to draw/clear city borders

Notable locations in Parkersburg: Parkersburg Industrial Park (A), Parkersburg Fire Department Station 1 (B), Parkersburg Fire Department Station 2 (C), Parkersburg Fire Department Station 3 (D), MJS Enterprises Limited Doing Business as Saint Josephs Ambulance Service (E), Parkersburg Fire Department Station 4 (F), South Parkersburg Branch Library (G), Henry Logan Childrens Home (H), Camden - Clark Ambulance Service (I), Parkersburg and Wood County Library (J), Parkersburg City Hall (K), Parkersburg Medical Park (L), Wood County Courthouse (M), Wood County Jail (N), West Virginia Division of Forestry Wood County Field Office (O), Parkersburg Fire Department Station 5 (P), Parkersburg Fire Department Station 6 (Q), Sixth Street Railroad Bridge (R), Carnegie Library (S). Display/hide their locations on the map

Shopping Centers: Southgate Shopping Center (1), Station Square Shopping Center (2), Emerson Plaza Shopping Center (3), Gihon Village Shopping Center (4), Park Shopping Center (5). Display/hide their locations on the map

Churches in Parkersburg include: Lightner Memorial Missionary United Methodist Church (A), Apostolic Gospel Temple (B), Apostolic Hour of Faith Church (C), Baptist Temple (D), Beechwood Heights Church of Christ (E), Beechwood Presbyterian Church (F), Bethany United Methodist Church (G), Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (H), Bible Baptist Church (I). Display/hide their locations on the map

Cemeteries: Wright Cemetery (1), Woodyard Cemetery (2), Independent Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery (3), Foley Cemetery (4), Dils Cemetery (5), Catholic Cemetery (6), Parkersburg Memorial Gardens (7). Display/hide their locations on the map

Streams, rivers, and creeks: Pond Run (A), Holmes Run (B), Berry Run (C), Worthington Creek (D). Display/hide their locations on the map

Parks in Parkersburg include: Avery Street Historic District (1), Julia-Ann Square Historic District (2), Murphy Park (3), Nemesis Park (4). Display/hide their locations on the map

Tourist attractions: Oil Gas & Industrial Historical Associates Inc (Museums; 119 3rd Street) (1), Sumnerites Museum & Community Center (1016 Avery Street) (2), Keltic Sun Travel (Tourism Consultants; Route 7 Box 47) (3), Literacy Volunteers (Cultural Attractions- Events- & Facilities; 3100 Emerson Avenue) (4), Fun 4 U (Amusement & Theme Parks; 205 Grand Central Mall) (5), Wood County Visitors & Convention Bureau (350 7th Street) (6). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map

Hotels: Knights Inn (3407 7th Avenue) (1), Blennerhassett Clarion Hotel (Fourth And Market Street) (2), Knights Inn Parkersburg WV (3604 7th Street) (3), Holiday Inn of Parkersburg (225 Holiday Hills Drive) (4), Log Cabin - Club- Motel (1600 Pike Street) (5), Red Roof Inn Parkersburg- Wv (3714 E 7th St # 176) (6), Best Western Inn Parkersburg (I-77 US50 East) (7), Amerihost Inn (401 37th Street) (8), Amerihost Inn-Parkersburgur (401 37th Street) (9). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map

Courts: Wood County - Family Court Judges- Annette L Fantasia- Jonathan W Sum (208 Avery Street) (1), Federal Bureau Of Investigation (425 Juliana Street) (2), Wood County - Family Court Judges- 911 -Emergency Services (911 Core Road) (3), United States Government - Federal Bureau Of Investigation- If No Answer Call Pittsburg (425 Juliana) (4). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map

Birthplace of: Greasy Neale - Football player and coach**,** Morgan Spurlock - Independent documentary film director**,** Bill Robinson (jazz singer) - Jazz singer**,** Deron Williams - NBA player (Utah Jazz, born: Jun 26, 1984), Edwin Catmull - Computer scientist**,** Felix Stump - Admiral**,** Gibby Welch - Football player**,** Jay Wolfe - Politician**,** John Jay Jackson, Jr. - Federal judge**,** Leon Claire Metz - Columnist.

Wood County has a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) - Moderate Potential

Drinking water stations with addresses in Parkersburg and their reported violations in the past:

VIENNA (Address: 1411-15TH AVENUE , Population served: 12,507**,** Groundwater):

Past monitoring violations:

UNION WILLIAMS P S D (Address: 1118 LAKEVIEW DRIVE , Population served: 6,847**,** Groundwater):

Past health violations:

BLENNERHASSETT ISLAND STATE PARK (Address: 349 WATSON ROAD , Population served: 200**,** Groundwater):

Past monitoring violations:

Drinking water stations with addresses in Parkersburg that have no violations reported:

Average household size:

This city: 2.2 people
West Virginia: 2.4 people

Percentage of family households:

This city: 58.6%
Whole state: 65.8%

Percentage of households with unmarried partners:

This city: 8.1%
Whole state: 6.6%

Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)

People in group quarters in Parkersburg in 2010:

People in group quarters in Parkersburg in 2000:

Banks with most branches in Parkersburg (2011 data):

For population 15 years and over in Parkersburg:

Marital status in Parkersburg, WV

For population 25 years and over in Parkersburg:

Educational Attainment in 2022

School Enrollment by Level of School in 2022

Education Gini index (Inequality in education)

Here: 10.3
West Virginia average: 11.1

Travel time (in minutes) to work in 2022

Means of transportation to work in 2022 - Parkersburg

Presidential Elections Results

Graphs represent county-level data. Detailed 2008 Election Results

Political contributions by individuals in Parkersburg, WV

Religion statistics for Parkersburg, WV (based on Wood County data)

Religions Adherents in 2010

Religions Adherents - Change between 2000 and 2010

Religion Adherents Congregations
Mainline Protestant 20,360 95
Evangelical Protestant 13,623 79
Catholic 4,444 4
Other 1,068 5
Black Protestant 24 1
None 47,437 -

Source: Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale E.Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley and Richard H.Taylor. 2012. 2010 U.S.Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center. Graphs represent county-level data

Food Environment Statistics:

**Number of grocery stores: 15

Here: 1.74 / 10,000 pop.
West Virginia: 2.41 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of supercenters and club stores: 3

This county: 0.35 / 10,000 pop.
West Virginia: 0.28 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of convenience stores (no gas): 8

Wood County: 0.93 / 10,000 pop.
State: 1.09 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of convenience stores (with gas): 45

Wood County: 5.23 / 10,000 pop.
State: 5.38 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of full-service restaurants: 58

This county: 6.74 / 10,000 pop.
West Virginia: 6.22 / 10,000 pop.

**Adult diabetes rate:

Wood County: 11.9%
West Virginia: 12.2%

**Adult obesity rate:

Wood County: 29.3%
West Virginia: 31.1%

**Low-income preschool obesity rate:

Wood County: 15.3%
West Virginia: 13.1%

Health and Nutrition:

**Healthy diet rate:

This city: 52.6%
West Virginia: 51.8%

**Average overall health of teeth and gums:

This city: 51.4%
West Virginia: 49.7%

**Average BMI:

This city: 28.5
West Virginia: 28.6

**People feeling badly about themselves:

This city: 21.2%
West Virginia: 20.4%

**People not drinking alcohol at all:

**Average hours sleeping at night:

This city: 6.9
West Virginia: 6.9

**Overweight people:

Here: 35.5%
West Virginia: 34.8%

**General health condition:

Parkersburg: 58.7%
West Virginia: 58.4%

**Average condition of hearing:

Parkersburg: 78.6%
West Virginia: 78.6%

More about Health and Nutrition of Parkersburg, WV Residents

Local government employment and payroll (March 2022)
Function Full-time employees Monthly full-time payroll Average yearly full-time wage Part-time employees Monthly part-time payroll
Police Protection - Officers 66 313,428∣313,428 313,428∣56,987 0 $0
Firefighters 55 236,780∣236,780 236,780∣51,661 0 $0
Sewerage 48 205,694∣205,694 205,694∣51,424 1 $598
Water Supply 32 136,397∣136,397 136,397∣51,149 0 $0
Solid Waste Management 31 95,245∣95,245 95,245∣36,869 0 $0
Financial Administration 27 91,023∣91,023 91,023∣40,455 0 $0
Streets and Highways 27 89,307∣89,307 89,307∣39,692 27 $24,111
Other and Unallocable 14 42,986∣42,986 42,986∣36,845 0 $0
Police - Other 11 36,168∣36,168 36,168∣39,456 18 $10,401
Parks and Recreation 11 31,270∣31,270 31,270∣34,113 0 $0
Housing and Community Development (Local) 6 23,697∣23,697 23,697∣47,394 0 $0
Other Government Administration 3 13,520∣13,520 13,520∣54,080 10 $6,384
Fire - Other 2 7,750∣7,750 7,750∣46,500 0 $0
Judicial and Legal 2 6,397∣6,397 6,397∣38,382 3 $9,885
Totals for Government 335 1,329,662∣1,329,662 1,329,662∣47,630 59 $51,378

Parkersburg government finances - Expenditure in 2021 (per resident):

Parkersburg government finances - Revenue in 2021 (per resident):

Parkersburg government finances - Debt in 2021 (per resident):

Parkersburg government finances - Cash and Securities in 2021 (per resident):

Businesses in Parkersburg, WV
Name Count Name Count
7-Eleven 6 Lowe's 1
AT&T 2 MasterBrand Cabinets 7
Ace Hardware 1 McDonald's 2
Advance Auto Parts 3 New Balance 2
Arby's 1 Nike 2
AutoZone 2 Nissan 1
Bath & Body Works 1 Office Depot 1
Blockbuster 1 Olive Garden 1
Burger King 4 Pac Sun 1
CVS 4 Papa John's Pizza 2
Catherines 1 Payless 1
Comfort Inn 1 Penske 2
Curves 1 Pizza Hut 2
Dairy Queen 2 Quiznos 1
Deb 1 RadioShack 1
Domino's Pizza 1 Red Lobster 1
DressBarn 1 Red Roof Inn 1
Dressbarn 1 Rite Aid 3
FedEx 8 Ryder Rental & Truck Leasing 1
Ford 1 SONIC Drive-In 1
GNC 3 Sears 3
GameStop 1 Subaru 1
H&R Block 2 Subway 7
Hardee's 3 T.J.Maxx 1
Hollister Co. 1 Taco Bell 1
Honda 1 Tim Hortons 2
Hyundai 1 Travelodge 1
Jones New York 1 True Value 1
KFC 2 U-Haul 3
Kmart 1 UPS 16
Knights Inn 1 Value City Furniture 1
Kohl's 1 Verizon Wireless 4
Kroger 2 Victoria's Secret 1
La-Z-Boy 2 Volkswagen 1
Lane Bryant 1 Walmart 1
Lane Furniture 2 Wendy's 3
Little Caesars Pizza 2 YMCA 1
Long John Silver's 1

Browse common businesses in Parkersburg, WV

Strongest AM radio stations in Parkersburg:

Strongest FM radio stations in Parkersburg:

TV broadcast stations around Parkersburg:

Fatal accident count

See more detailed statistics of Parkersburg fatal car crashes and road traffic accidents for 1975 - 2021 here

New bridges in Parkersburg, WV - historical statistics

See full National Bridge Inventory statistics for Parkersburg, WV

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 86 81,253∣124∣81,253 124 81,253∣124∣76,314 257 91,654∣60∣91,654 60 91,654∣60∣41,686 4 503,785∣78∣503,785 78 503,785∣78∣63,822 3 $44,170
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 5 83,594∣7∣83,594 7 83,594∣7∣64,664 18 86,843∣1∣86,843 1 86,843∣1∣132,860 0 0∣5∣0 5 0∣5∣44,980 0 $0
APPLICATIONS DENIED 11 70,248∣29∣70,248 29 70,248∣29∣53,444 132 86,680∣28∣86,680 28 86,680∣28∣28,049 2 828,170∣15∣828,170 15 828,170∣15∣44,653 3 $34,523
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 7 89,993∣20∣89,993 20 89,993∣20∣71,718 84 93,287∣6∣93,287 6 93,287∣6∣53,423 0 0∣4∣0 4 0∣4∣59,428 2 $22,445
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 8 93,425∣1∣93,425 1 93,425∣1∣66,380 0 0∣1∣0 1 0∣1∣51,460 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2008_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 81 81,906∣174∣81,906 174 81,906∣174∣82,432 231 89,388∣50∣89,388 50 89,388∣50∣36,592 6 767,347∣94∣767,347 94 767,347∣94∣61,761 7 $53,217
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 0 0∣5∣0 5 0∣5∣163,452 18 84,803∣2∣84,803 2 84,803∣2∣55,430 1 177,270∣4∣177,270 4 177,270∣4∣39,178 1 $23,900
APPLICATIONS DENIED 13 66,075∣35∣66,075 35 66,075∣35∣51,621 205 78,302∣63∣78,302 63 78,302∣63∣35,409 0 0∣22∣0 22 0∣22∣51,650 6 $55,867
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 9 74,623∣16∣74,623 16 74,623∣16∣73,496 84 90,406∣5∣90,406 5 90,406∣5∣49,918 0 0∣9∣0 9 0∣9∣82,177 0 $0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 2 80,000∣3∣80,000 3 80,000∣3∣81,310 9 86,346∣0∣86,346 0 86,346∣0∣0 0 0∣1∣0 1 0∣1∣80,000 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2007_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 61 79,103∣262∣79,103 262 79,103∣262∣73,951 286 75,502∣96∣75,502 96 75,502∣96∣27,257 5 836,482∣118∣836,482 118 836,482∣118∣59,525 9 $44,026
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 3 67,000∣26∣67,000 26 67,000∣26∣60,171 51 68,803∣6∣68,803 6 68,803∣6∣50,803 0 0∣8∣0 8 0∣8∣48,424 4 $44,305
APPLICATIONS DENIED 6 66,340∣67∣66,340 67 66,340∣67∣50,159 271 75,368∣85∣75,368 85 75,368∣85∣36,331 1 402,000∣28∣402,000 28 402,000∣28∣67,385 24 $47,500
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 2 112,605∣25∣112,605 25 112,605∣25∣71,255 90 88,283∣18∣88,283 18 88,283∣18∣47,942 0 0∣10∣0 10 0∣10∣72,141 2 $65,030
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 6 60,325∣6∣60,325 6 60,325∣6∣54,668 16 84,078∣1∣84,078 1 84,078∣1∣69,750 0 0∣2∣0 2 0∣2∣30,580 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2006_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 60 83,532∣313∣83,532 313 83,532∣313∣69,598 303 68,901∣113∣68,901 113 68,901∣113∣28,168 6 297,105∣132∣297,105 132 297,105∣132∣62,792 10 $65,825
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 2 59,520∣38∣59,520 38 59,520∣38∣60,389 44 74,075∣12∣74,075 12 74,075∣12∣27,681 0 0∣8∣0 8 0∣8∣74,699 3 $73,903
APPLICATIONS DENIED 11 82,977∣75∣82,977 75 82,977∣75∣60,860 321 74,225∣107∣74,225 107 74,225∣107∣49,243 0 0∣36∣0 36 0∣36∣55,655 17 $58,227
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 3 65,277∣31∣65,277 31 65,277∣31∣64,680 134 75,416∣15∣75,416 15 75,416∣15∣45,655 1 81,000∣8∣81,000 8 81,000∣8∣54,114 2 $52,200
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 49,000∣9∣49,000 9 49,000∣9∣65,560 23 87,594∣2∣87,594 2 87,594∣2∣52,635 0 0∣2∣0 2 0∣2∣38,040 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2005_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 60 74,556∣317∣74,556 317 74,556∣317∣66,754 382 67,481∣110∣67,481 110 67,481∣110∣27,338 4 200,278∣133∣200,278 133 200,278∣133∣49,934 10 $42,079
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 10 71,410∣46∣71,410 46 71,410∣46∣65,082 73 67,244∣13∣67,244 13 67,244∣13∣54,261 0 0∣12∣0 12 0∣12∣93,636 9 $50,068
APPLICATIONS DENIED 8 59,950∣82∣59,950 82 59,950∣82∣59,557 318 73,045∣114∣73,045 114 73,045∣114∣29,669 2 737,500∣31∣737,500 31 737,500∣31∣46,528 20 $42,626
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 2 89,720∣25∣89,720 25 89,720∣25∣83,950 147 84,020∣27∣84,020 27 84,020∣27∣41,356 0 0∣8∣0 8 0∣8∣81,859 3 $58,397
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 3 58,123∣6∣58,123 6 58,123∣6∣54,360 28 81,548∣2∣81,548 2 81,548∣2∣48,235 0 0∣3∣0 3 0∣3∣55,997 1 $46,070
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2004_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D) G) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 58 74,397∣322∣74,397 322 74,397∣322∣75,160 420 69,083∣119∣69,083 119 69,083∣119∣25,963 5 466,592∣148∣466,592 148 466,592∣148∣50,417 9 $45,399
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 5 58,196∣44∣58,196 44 58,196∣44∣70,213 104 63,279∣4∣63,279 4 63,279∣4∣50,132 0 0∣21∣0 21 0∣21∣50,946 5 $31,926
APPLICATIONS DENIED 5 79,216∣66∣79,216 66 79,216∣66∣51,155 280 66,347∣96∣66,347 96 66,347∣96∣27,601 0 0∣23∣0 23 0∣23∣47,837 23 $36,160
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 5 61,648∣25∣61,648 25 61,648∣25∣67,648 149 79,582∣13∣79,582 13 79,582∣13∣42,350 0 0∣7∣0 7 0∣7∣66,333 2 $56,540
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣8∣0 8 0∣8∣45,308 16 75,724∣7∣75,724 7 75,724∣7∣32,944 0 0∣3∣0 3 0∣3∣77,487 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2003_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 61 75,916∣319∣75,916 319 75,916∣319∣66,702 641 69,622∣78∣69,622 78 69,622∣78∣22,045 7 780,530∣138∣780,530 138 780,530∣138∣49,402
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 8 62,095∣29∣62,095 29 62,095∣29∣66,208 107 68,781∣8∣68,781 8 68,781∣8∣25,418 0 0∣10∣0 10 0∣10∣60,502
APPLICATIONS DENIED 13 60,180∣66∣60,180 66 60,180∣66∣53,329 317 64,260∣49∣64,260 49 64,260∣49∣13,917 0 0∣29∣0 29 0∣29∣52,265
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 5 63,782∣42∣63,782 42 63,782∣42∣59,238 180 68,506∣4∣68,506 4 68,506∣4∣10,650 0 0∣18∣0 18 0∣18∣41,676
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 46,600∣5∣46,600 5 46,600∣5∣78,668 35 102,859∣2∣102,859 2 102,859∣2∣16,500 0 0∣3∣0 3 0∣3∣30,203
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2002_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 61 73,174∣242∣73,174 242 73,174∣242∣69,638 571 66,725∣104∣66,725 104 66,725∣104∣17,151 4 141,060∣86∣141,060 86 141,060∣86∣54,625
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 0 0∣36∣0 36 0∣36∣61,272 102 68,046∣7∣68,046 7 68,046∣7∣16,101 0 0∣18∣0 18 0∣18∣49,810
APPLICATIONS DENIED 11 54,313∣84∣54,313 84 54,313∣84∣48,925 264 69,683∣42∣69,683 42 69,683∣42∣10,739 0 0∣23∣0 23 0∣23∣35,792
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 7 56,186∣32∣56,186 32 56,186∣32∣67,415 147 71,892∣14∣71,892 14 71,892∣14∣17,124 0 0∣9∣0 9 0∣9∣59,681
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 2 74,845∣10∣74,845 10 74,845∣10∣95,349 44 64,903∣2∣64,903 2 64,903∣2∣8,665 0 0∣6∣0 6 0∣6∣57,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2001_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 57 63,262∣252∣63,262 252 63,262∣252∣63,505 554 65,842∣90∣65,842 90 65,842∣90∣15,450 5 452,116∣88∣452,116 88 452,116∣88∣53,885
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 5 63,516∣27∣63,516 27 63,516∣27∣68,693 75 57,156∣3∣57,156 3 57,156∣3∣6,737 2 83,500∣6∣83,500 6 83,500∣6∣52,390
APPLICATIONS DENIED 8 61,910∣107∣61,910 107 61,910∣107∣49,731 313 51,128∣56∣51,128 56 51,128∣56∣11,404 0 0∣27∣0 27 0∣27∣43,855
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 4 67,520∣28∣67,520 28 67,520∣28∣60,736 161 61,291∣7∣61,291 7 61,291∣7∣7,937 0 0∣8∣0 8 0∣8∣45,620
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 117,210∣3∣117,210 3 117,210∣3∣44,950 35 66,884∣2∣66,884 2 66,884∣2∣16,155 0 0∣2∣0 2 0∣2∣30,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2000_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 60 59,958∣268∣59,958 268 59,958∣268∣60,485 307 51,475∣105∣51,475 105 51,475∣105∣14,474 2 137,485∣98∣137,485 98 137,485∣98∣40,794
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 2 58,155∣48∣58,155 48 58,155∣48∣54,739 91 50,256∣12∣50,256 12 50,256∣12∣20,698 0 0∣12∣0 12 0∣12∣45,424
APPLICATIONS DENIED 10 53,356∣168∣53,356 168 53,356∣168∣37,007 319 49,883∣68∣49,883 68 49,883∣68∣14,474 0 0∣30∣0 30 0∣30∣35,725
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 11 59,241∣29∣59,241 29 59,241∣29∣60,206 177 45,444∣11∣45,444 11 45,444∣11∣47,695 0 0∣5∣0 5 0∣5∣36,424
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 26,830∣2∣26,830 2 26,830∣2∣42,000 38 56,251∣2∣56,251 2 56,251∣2∣14,120 0 0∣1∣0 1 0∣1∣80,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 1999_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) FHA, FSA/RHS & VAHome Purchase Loans B) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans C) Refinancings D) Home Improvement Loans E) Loans on Dwellings For 5+ Families F) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A B C & D)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 61 56,730∣319∣56,730 319 56,730∣319∣57,046 549 55,710∣126∣55,710 126 55,710∣126∣16,859 7 1,212,289∣133∣1,212,289 133 1,212,289∣133∣47,662
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 2 32,000∣39∣32,000 39 32,000∣39∣47,875 158 49,512∣12∣49,512 12 49,512∣12∣15,354 0 0∣17∣0 17 0∣17∣37,578
APPLICATIONS DENIED 8 53,061∣131∣53,061 131 53,061∣131∣38,328 259 48,300∣41∣48,300 41 48,300∣41∣11,337 0 0∣35∣0 35 0∣35∣32,552
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 10 45,927∣30∣45,927 30 45,927∣30∣51,233 190 44,113∣12∣44,113 12 44,113∣12∣14,732 0 0∣9∣0 9 0∣9∣54,146
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 34,120∣3∣34,120 3 34,120∣3∣35,523 25 42,848∣3∣42,848 3 42,848∣3∣22,030 0 0∣3∣0 3 0∣3∣34,560

Detailed mortgage data for all 14 tracts in Parkersburg, WV

Private Mortgage Insurance Companies Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009_(Based on 4 full and 5 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 17 92,457∣9∣92,457 9 92,457∣9∣138,606 1 $38,000
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 5 136,874∣3∣136,874 3 136,874∣3∣79,203 1 $226,440
APPLICATIONS DENIED 5 84,896∣1∣84,896 1 84,896∣1∣225,900 0 $0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 0 0∣1∣0 1 0∣1∣93,000 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2008_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 36 83,593∣23∣83,593 23 83,593∣23∣119,089 3 $50,263
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 12 65,525∣10∣65,525 10 65,525∣10∣103,548 0 $0
APPLICATIONS DENIED 2 63,365∣0∣63,365 0 63,365∣0∣0 1 $29,370
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 $0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 45,500∣0∣45,500 0 45,500∣0∣0 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2007_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 99 75,531∣21∣75,531 21 75,531∣21∣102,343 17 $63,485
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 14 69,495∣6∣69,495 6 69,495∣6∣113,653 2 $47,925
APPLICATIONS DENIED 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 $0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 1 185,970∣1∣185,970 1 185,970∣1∣42,620 1 $139,900
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2006_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 87 69,586∣26∣69,586 26 69,586∣26∣82,623 11 $55,065
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 14 119,991∣4∣119,991 4 119,991∣4∣101,740 0 $0
APPLICATIONS DENIED 6 66,687∣0∣66,687 0 66,687∣0∣0 1 $45,000
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 2 64,000∣2∣64,000 2 64,000∣2∣78,525 1 $41,000
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2005_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) D) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 114 69,768∣26∣69,768 26 69,768∣26∣84,740 23 54,024∣0∣54,024 0 54,024∣0∣0
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 8 73,239∣9∣73,239 9 73,239∣9∣76,020 2 74,500∣1∣74,500 1 74,500∣1∣39,080
APPLICATIONS DENIED 1 83,910∣0∣83,910 0 83,910∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 2 21,800∣2∣21,800 2 21,800∣2∣81,270 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣1∣0 1 0∣1∣84,490 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2004_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B) D) Loans On ManufacturedHome Dwelling (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 111 74,746∣37∣74,746 37 74,746∣37∣81,084 16 56,292∣0∣56,292 0 56,292∣0∣0
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 16 66,117∣19∣66,117 19 66,117∣19∣78,905 3 68,337∣1∣68,337 1 68,337∣1∣55,760
APPLICATIONS DENIED 3 51,053∣1∣51,053 1 51,053∣1∣38,000 2 62,080∣0∣62,080 0 62,080∣0∣0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 4 61,690∣1∣61,690 1 61,690∣1∣65,000 3 65,660∣0∣65,660 0 65,660∣0∣0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0 0 0∣0∣0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2003_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 98 67,675∣62∣67,675 62 67,675∣62∣83,000 5 $62,342
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 11 70,787∣14∣70,787 14 70,787∣14∣89,942 2 $36,535
APPLICATIONS DENIED 1 19,000∣2∣19,000 2 19,000∣2∣78,345 1 $19,000
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 1 41,030∣10∣41,030 10 41,030∣10∣86,920 2 $45,875
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 51,000∣0∣51,000 0 51,000∣0∣0 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2002_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 77 79,683∣59∣79,683 59 79,683∣59∣82,118 8 $55,559
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 15 62,701∣17∣62,701 17 62,701∣17∣88,443 5 $58,104
APPLICATIONS DENIED 6 50,808∣1∣50,808 1 50,808∣1∣62,450 1 $27,640
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 7 79,351∣5∣79,351 5 79,351∣5∣67,960 3 $92,677
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 1 86,290∣0∣86,290 0 86,290∣0∣0 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2001_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 90 69,032∣59∣69,032 59 69,032∣59∣83,077 6 $46,900
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 12 66,460∣14∣66,460 14 66,460∣14∣86,729 3 $40,667
APPLICATIONS DENIED 6 55,592∣3∣55,592 3 55,592∣3∣81,943 1 $38,000
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 0 0∣3∣0 3 0∣3∣51,657 2 $30,865
Aggregated Statistics For Year 2000_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 76 62,135∣15∣62,135 15 62,135∣15∣67,315 4 $41,675
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 5 49,068∣5∣49,068 5 49,068∣5∣79,604 2 $43,500
APPLICATIONS DENIED 1 303,280∣1∣303,280 1 303,280∣1∣17,710 0 $0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 3 72,057∣0∣72,057 0 72,057∣0∣0 0 $0
FILES CLOSED FOR INCOMPLETENESS 0 0∣1∣0 1 0∣1∣64,000 0 $0
Aggregated Statistics For Year 1999_(Based on 7 full and 7 partial tracts)_
A) ConventionalHome Purchase Loans B) Refinancings C) Non-occupant Loans on < 5 Family Dwellings (A & B)
Number Average Value Number Average Value Number Average Value
LOANS ORIGINATED 76 62,730∣38∣62,730 38 62,730∣38∣59,124 8 $32,979
APPLICATIONS APPROVED, NOT ACCEPTED 2 91,500∣5∣91,500 5 91,500∣5∣97,574 0 $0
APPLICATIONS DENIED 3 43,917∣2∣43,917 2 43,917∣2∣65,495 0 $0
APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN 4 74,928∣0∣74,928 0 74,928∣0∣0 0 $0

Conventional Home Purchase Loans in Parkersburg, WV

Conventional Home Purchase Loans in Parkersburg, WV - Value

2003 - 2018 National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) incidents

See full National Fire Incident Reporting System statistics for Parkersburg, WV

Fire-safe hotels and motels in Parkersburg, West Virginia:

Most common first names in Parkersburg, WV among deceased individuals
Name Count Lived (average)
William 632 74.9 years
Mary 581 79.1 years
Charles 514 74.6 years
James 509 72.3 years
John 475 74.2 years
Robert 436 71.0 years
George 255 77.8 years
Helen 254 79.7 years
Ruth 223 78.8 years
Margaret 191 79.6 years
Most common last names in Parkersburg, WV among deceased individuals
Last name Count Lived (average)
Smith 365 76.6 years
Davis 203 75.9 years
Miller 178 74.3 years
Wilson 173 77.9 years
Williams 142 72.3 years
Brown 139 78.5 years
Johnson 135 76.0 years
Moore 131 76.4 years
Jones 118 74.0 years
Deem 112 77.3 years

Parkersburg compared to West Virginia state average:

Parkersburg on our top lists:

There are 22 pilots and 17 other airmen in this city.

Top Patent Applicants

Top Patent Applicants

Heidi Elizabeth Burch (10) Steven A. Mestemacher (6) Satish Kumar Gaggar (5) Robert H. Wildi (4) Bernard F. Ball, Sr. (3) Brendan O'Keefe (2) Erik D. Grimm (2) Larry Allen Divins (2) Shripathy Vilasagar (2) Cameron Youngstrom (2)

Total of 66 patent applications in 2008-2024.