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Quitman, Mississippi

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Current weather forecast for Quitman, MS

Population in 2022: 1,985 (0% urban, 100% rural).
Population change since 2000: -19.4%

Median resident age: 44.7 years
Mississippi median age: 38.9 years

Zip codes: 39355.

Estimated median household income in 2022: 36,275(∗∗itwas∗∗36,275 (it was 36,275(itwas30,469 in 2000)

Quitman: $36,275
MS: $52,719

Estimated per capita income in 2022: 28,377(∗∗itwas∗∗28,377 (it was 28,377(itwas14,789 in 2000)

Quitman city income, earnings, and wages data

Estimated median house or condo value in 2022: 117,947(∗∗itwas∗∗117,947 (it was 117,947(itwas58,400 in 2000)

Quitman: $117,947
MS: $162,500

Mean prices in 2022: all housing units: 113,303;∗∗detachedhouses:∗∗113,303; detached houses: 113,303;detachedhouses:122,412; mobile homes: $18,929

Median gross rent in 2022: $914.

March 2022 cost of living index in Quitman: 79.2 (low, U.S. average is 100)

Quitman, MS residents, houses, and apartments details

Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2022: 24.6%
(4.6% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 51.9% for Black residents)

Detailed information about poverty and poor residents in Quitman, MS

Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses

Races in Quitman detailed stats: ancestries, foreign born residents, place of birth

Crime rates in Quitman by year

Type 2020 2021 2022
Murders(per 100,000) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0)
Rapes(per 100,000) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0)
Robberies(per 100,000) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0)
Assaults(per 100,000) 0(0.0) 1(49.6) 3(154.8)
Burglaries(per 100,000) 3(143.6) 0(0.0) 3(154.8)
Thefts(per 100,000) 0(0.0) 1(49.6) 25(1,290)
Auto thefts(per 100,000) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 2(103.2)
Arson(per 100,000) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0)
City-Data.com crime index 10.1 11.9 101.7

The City-Data.com crime index weighs serious crimes and violent crimes more heavily. Higher means more crime, U.S. average is 246.1. It adjusts for the number of visitors and daily workers commuting into cities.

Click on a table row to update graph

City-data.com crime index in Quitman, MS

Crime rate in Quitman detailed stats: murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, arson

Full-time law enforcement employees in 2020, including police officers: 8 (8 officers - 7 male; 1 female).

Officers per 1,000 residents here: 3.83
Mississippi average: 2.08

Latest news from Quitman, MS collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations

Ancestries: English (11.5%), American (6.1%), Haitian (5.9%), Scottish (2.8%), Italian (2.1%), Scotch-Irish (1.7%).

Current Local Time: CST time zone

Elevation: 434 feet

Land area: 5.18 square miles.

Population density: 384 people per square mile (very low).

Quitman, Mississippi map

74 residents are foreign born (4.0% Latin America).

This city: 4.1%
Mississippi: 2.3%

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2022: $607 (0.6%)
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2022: $461 (0.4%)

Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Jackson, MS (88.9 miles , pop. 184,256).

Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: Montgomery, AL (144.6 miles , pop. 201,568).

Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: Houston, TX (425.6 miles , pop. 1,953,631).

Nearest cities:

Needham, AL (4.8 miles),

Latitude: 32.04 N**, Longitude:** 88.72 W

Area code: 601

Distribution of median household income in Quitman, MS in 2022

Distribution of house value in Quitman, MS in 2022

Quitman satellite photo by USGS

Quitman, Mississippi accommodation & food services, waste management - Economy and Business Data

Single-family new house construction building permits:

Number of permits per 10,000 Quitman, MS residents

Average permit cost in Quitman, MS

Unemployment in December 2023:

Here: 3.2%
Mississippi: 2.6%

Historical population in Quitman, MS

Historical housing units in Quitman, MS

Most common industries in Quitman, MS (%)

Both Males Females

Most common industries in 2000

Most common occupations in Quitman, MS (%)

Both Males Females

Most common occupations in 2000

Average climate in Quitman, Mississippi

Based on data reported by over 4,000 weather stations

Quitman, Mississippi average temperatures Quitman, Mississippi average precipitation Quitman, Mississippi humidity Quitman, Mississippi wind speed Quitman, Mississippi snowfall Quitman, Mississippi sunshine Quitman, Mississippi clear and cloudy days

Quitman, Mississippi environmental map by EPA

Air pollution and air quality trends (lower is better)

AQI Ozone PM2.5

Air Quality Index

Air Quality Index (AQI) level in 2022 was 49.4**. This is significantly better than average.**

Tornado activity:

Quitman-area historical tornado activity is near Mississippi state average. It is 86% greater than the overall U.S. average.

On 2/28/1987**, a** category F4 (max. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 15.4 miles away from the Quitman city center killed 6 people and injured 350 people and caused between 5,000,000∗∗and∗∗5,000,000 and 5,000,000and50,000,000 in damages.

On 5/1/1953**, a** category F4 tornado 24.6 miles away from the city center killed 2 people and injured 3 people and caused between 5000∗∗and∗∗5000 and 5000and50,000 in damages.

Earthquake activity:

Quitman-area historical earthquake activity is significantly above Mississippi state average. It is 131% greater than the overall U.S. average.

On 10/24/1997 at 08:35:17**, a magnitude** 4.9 (4.8 MB**,** 4.2 MS**,** 4.9 LG**, Depth:** 6.2 mi**, Class:** Light**, Intensity:** IV - V) earthquake occurred 106.5 miles away from the city center
On 1/18/1999 at 07:00:53**, a magnitude** 4.8 (4.8 MB**,** 4.0 LG**, Depth:** 0.6 mi) earthquake occurred 127.1 miles away from Quitman center
On 11/7/2004 at 11:20:21**, a magnitude** 4.3 (4.3 MW**, Depth:** 3.1 mi) earthquake occurred 62.3 miles away from the city center
On 6/24/1975 at 11:11:36**, a magnitude** 4.5 (4.5 MB) earthquake occurred 126.7 miles away from the city center
On 4/29/2003 at 08:59:39**, a magnitude** 4.9 (4.4 MB**,** 4.6 MW**,** 4.9 LG) earthquake occurred 246.4 miles away from the city center
On 3/25/1976 at 00:41:20**, a magnitude** 5.0 (4.9 MB**,** 5.0 LG**, Class:** Moderate**, Intensity:** VI - VII) earthquake occurred 265.1 miles away from Quitman center
Magnitude types: regional Lg-wave magnitude (LG), body-wave magnitude (MB), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)

Natural disasters:

The number of natural disasters in Clarke County (18) is near the US average (15).
Major Disasters (Presidential) Declared: 12
Emergencies Declared: 2

Causes of natural disasters: Floods: 10**, Storms:** 8**, Tornadoes:** 8**, Hurricanes:** 5**, Winds:** 3**, Heavy Rains:** 2**, Drought:** 1**, Freeze:** 1**, Tropical Storm:** 1**, Other:** 1 (Note: some incidents may be assigned to more than one category).

Quitman topographic map

Hospitals and medical centers in Quitman:

Airports located in Quitman:

Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Quitman:

Public high schools in Quitman:

See full list of schools located in Quitman

Library in Quitman:

Points of interest:

Click to draw/clear city borders

Notable locations in Quitman: Quitman City Hall (A), Quitman Volunteer Fire Department (B). Display/hide their locations on the map

Churches in Quitman include: Trinity Full Gospel Church (A), Shiloh Baptist Church (B), Sahdy Grove Church (C), Pearlie Grove Church (D), First United Methodist Church (E), First Baptist Church (F), Clarke County Baptist Center (G), Church of Christ (H), Betheny Church (I). Display/hide their locations on the map

Cemeteries: Quitman Cemetery (1), Pisgah Cemetery (2). Display/hide their locations on the map

Creek: Cedar Creek (A). Display/hide its location on the map

Park in Quitman: Archusa Creek Water Park (1). Display/hide its location on the map

Hotel: Western Motel (603 South Archusa Avenue).

Courts: Clarke County - Youth Court (103 North Archusa Avenue), Clarke County - Justice Court Clerk (103 North Archusa Avenue).

Birthplace of: Antonio McDyess - NBA player (Detroit Pistons, born: Sep 7, 1974), Oscar W. Gillespie - House Representative for the state of Texas.

Clarke County has a predicted average indoor radon screening level less than 2 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) - Low Potential

Drinking water stations with addresses in Quitman and their reported violations in the past:

EAST QUITMAN W/A (Population served: 4,098**,** Groundwater):

Past monitoring violations:

HARMONY WATER ASSOCIATION #4 (Population served: 2,608**,** Groundwater):

Past health violations:

HARMONY WATER ASSOCIATION #1 (Population served: 2,525**,** Groundwater):

Past health violations:

CITY OF QUITMAN (Population served: 2,323**,** Groundwater):

Past health violations:

HARMONY WATER ASSOCIATION #2 (Population served: 1,037**,** Groundwater):

Past health violations:

HARMONY W/A #7-N ENTERPRISE (Population served: 886**,** Groundwater):

Past monitoring violations:

Average household size:

This city: 2.4 people
Mississippi: 2.6 people

Percentage of family households:

This city: 69.3%
Whole state: 69.0%

Percentage of households with unmarried partners:

This city: 4.2%
Whole state: 5.7%

Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)

48 people in local jails and other municipal confinement facilities in 2010

People in group quarters in Quitman in 2000:

Banks with branches in Quitman (2011 data):

For population 15 years and over in Quitman:

Marital status in Quitman, MS

For population 25 years and over in Quitman:

Educational Attainment in 2022

School Enrollment by Level of School in 2022

Education Gini index (Inequality in education)

Here: 10.0
Mississippi average: 11.8

Travel time (in minutes) to work in 2022

Means of transportation to work in 2022 - Quitman

Presidential Elections Results

Graphs represent county-level data. Detailed 2008 Election Results

Political contributions by individuals in Quitman, MS

Religion statistics for Quitman, MS (based on Clarke County data)

Religions Adherents in 2010

Religions Adherents - Change between 2000 and 2010

Religion Adherents Congregations
Evangelical Protestant 9,847 57
Mainline Protestant 2,219 27
Black Protestant 617 4
Catholic - -
Other - -
None 4,049 -

Source: Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale E.Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley and Richard H.Taylor. 2012. 2010 U.S.Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center. Graphs represent county-level data

Food Environment Statistics:

**Number of grocery stores: 3

Here: 1.73 / 10,000 pop.
State: 2.08 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of convenience stores (with gas): 15

This county: 8.64 / 10,000 pop.
Mississippi: 6.36 / 10,000 pop.

**Number of full-service restaurants: 6

Clarke County: 3.46 / 10,000 pop.
State: 5.03 / 10,000 pop.

**Adult diabetes rate:

This county: 12.5%
Mississippi: 12.3%

**Adult obesity rate:

This county: 30.3%
Mississippi: 33.1%

**Low-income preschool obesity rate:

This county: 15.8%
State: 14.4%

Health and Nutrition:

**Healthy diet rate:

Quitman: 53.6%
Mississippi: 48.6%

**Average overall health of teeth and gums:

Quitman: 51.8%
Mississippi: 45.3%

**Average BMI:

Quitman: 29.1
Mississippi: 29.2

**People feeling badly about themselves:

Quitman: 17.5%
Mississippi: 20.5%

**People not drinking alcohol at all:

**Average hours sleeping at night:

This city: 6.8
Mississippi: 6.7

**Overweight people:

This city: 37.2%
State: 34.8%

**General health condition:

This city: 57.5%
Mississippi: 54.9%

**Average condition of hearing:

Quitman: 79.0%
Mississippi: 79.9%

More about Health and Nutrition of Quitman, MS Residents

Local government employment and payroll (March 2022)
Function Full-time employees Monthly full-time payroll Average yearly full-time wage Part-time employees Monthly part-time payroll
Streets and Highways 9 20,043∣20,043 20,043∣26,724 0 $0
Police - Other 7 17,643∣17,643 17,643∣30,245 0 $0
Water Supply 6 20,934∣20,934 20,934∣41,868 0 $0
Other Government Administration 6 12,025∣12,025 12,025∣24,050 0 $0
Solid Waste Management 5 8,098∣8,098 8,098∣19,435 0 $0
Parks and Recreation 2 3,448∣3,448 3,448∣20,688 0 $0
Police Protection - Officers 0 0∣∣9∣0 9 0∣∣9∣12,651
Judicial and Legal 0 0∣∣1∣0 1 0∣∣1∣409
Financial Administration 0 0∣∣5∣0 5 0∣∣5∣3,293
Totals for Government 35 82,191∣82,191 82,191∣28,180 15 $16,353

Quitman government finances - Expenditure in 2017 (per resident):

Quitman government finances - Revenue in 2017 (per resident):

Quitman government finances - Debt in 2017 (per resident):

Quitman government finances - Cash and Securities in 2017 (per resident):

Businesses in Quitman, MS
Name Count Name Count
Advance Auto Parts 1 RadioShack 1
H&R Block 1 Subway 1
Hardee's 1 U-Haul 1
La-Z-Boy 1 UPS 1
Pizza Hut 1

Strongest AM radio stations in Quitman:

Strongest FM radio stations in Quitman:

TV broadcast stations around Quitman:

Quitman fatal accident statistics for 1975 - 2021

Fatal road traffic accident statistics for 1975 - 2021

See more detailed statistics of Quitman fatal car crashes and road traffic accidents for 1975 - 2021 here

New bridges in Quitman, MS - historical statistics

See full National Bridge Inventory statistics for Quitman, MS

FCC Registered Cell Phone Towers:

3 (See the full list of FCC Registered Cell Phone Towers in Quitman)

FCC Registered Antenna Towers:

135 (See the full list of FCC Registered Antenna Towers)

FCC Registered Commercial Land Mobile Towers:

1 (See the full list of FCC Registered Commercial Land Mobile Towers in Quitman, MS)

FCC Registered Private Land Mobile Towers:

1 (See the full list of FCC Registered Private Land Mobile Towers)

FCC Registered Broadcast Land Mobile Towers:

11 (See the full list of FCC Registered Broadcast Land Mobile Towers)

FCC Registered Microwave Towers:


FCC Registered Amateur Radio Licenses:

25 (See the full list of FCC Registered Amateur Radio Licenses in Quitman)

FAA Registered Aircraft:


2002 - 2018 National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) incidents

See full National Fire Incident Reporting System statistics for Quitman, MS

Most common first names in Quitman, MS among deceased individuals
Name Count Lived (average)
John 105 75.1 years
James 88 74.3 years
Mary 73 77.1 years
William 70 74.4 years
Robert 48 67.1 years
Annie 39 81.7 years
George 38 76.1 years
Willie 36 75.4 years
Thomas 29 72.8 years
Henry 28 76.7 years
Most common last names in Quitman, MS among deceased individuals
Last name Count Lived (average)
Smith 74 77.3 years
Williams 54 75.7 years
Davis 40 71.1 years
Robinson 31 74.8 years
Ivey 29 81.6 years
Johnson 29 74.0 years
Harris 27 75.9 years
Jones 27 76.7 years
Riley 26 75.1 years
Ivy 24 73.9 years

Quitman compared to Mississippi state average:

Quitman on our top lists:

There are 4 pilots and 3 other airmen in this city.